Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, GENERAL ORDERS, > No. 102. I Richmond, December 10, 3802. The sentence of dismissal pronounced in Special Orders, No. 4, Head Quarters of the Department of Mississippi, Sept. 4, 1862, against 2d Lieutenant W. W. Dunlop, C. S. A., and approved by Gen. Bragg, is, by direction of the President, commmfed, so as to require of Lieutenant Dunlop a written apology to his Commanding General for the disrespect exhibited in the disobedience of orders complained of, and the language employed by him on that occasion. The President is thus lenient towards Lieut. Dunlop, in consideration of his youth and inexperience, and the pledges which ho has given of amendment: but the conduct of this officer must be remarked on as both unbecoming in itself, and .calculated to degrade bis profession. Upon making the required apology, Lieutenant Dunlop will be re- stored to the service, and will report for duty to Gen. Bragg. order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.