Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, November 25, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS,\ No. 95. $ To carry into effect the provisions of “ an act to better provide for the sick and wounded of the army in hospitals,” approved September 27, 1862, the following Instructions are published: I. The commuted value of rations for the sick and wounded in hos- pitals, will be one dollar. Rations for hospital attendants will be com- muted at the rates heretofore fixed by Regulations. 2. Commissaries of Subsistence will transfer, for the purchase of ne- cessary supplies for the sick and wounded, to the medical officer in charge of a hospital (taking duplicate receipts therefor), such portion of the hospital fund as may be demanded on requisition. 3. Accounts current of the portion of the hospital fund thus Trans- ferred, will be rendered weekly to the Surgeon General, by the medical officer in charge of a hospital, accompanied by vouchers (numbered) for the expenditures. The fractional part of the week corresponding with the termination of a month, will be included in the fourth or last account current of the month. The following form will be adopted : Account Current op the Hospital Fund expended for the WEEK COMMENCING AND ENDING 186 . Surgeon , in charge of Hospital at , in account with Confederate States. 186 . Dr. October 1, To balance on hand, by last account current, - 55 50 k 2 To amount transferred by the Commissary, for the purchase of supplies for the subsistence or comfort of the sick and wounded, 00 555 50 Cr. Purchased: ' Voucher No. 1, By 70 qts. milk, at 10 cents, 7 00 “ “ 2, By A. B., Hospital Steward, marketing, - 175 00 “ “ 3, By HO chickens, at 25 cents, 12 50 By 12 bu. potatoes, at 75 cents, | ] 9 1 00 “ “ 4,] By 35 lbs. butter, at 30 cents, 11 10 | 50 I By 28 doz. eggs, at 25 cents, 11 7 1 00 26 50 Total purchased, - 221 0(1 Balance on hand, « 334 50 ■Hospital at ' —ll *"— 186 Surgeon in Charge. 2 4. A copy of the “ statement of the Hospital Fund” will be rendered monthly, by medical officers to the Surgeon General, according to the following form; , , jthtjO f'fTumafl aorosnßKl oy.±- TZJ.TUVL& STATEMESB6fosf-&n-pi:Ffn^feAb-f^^ni for the aiovra , . OF 186 . } ,623030 JASSf!3& -a< jcPajiTonc Tsaad oi n& mir lo sowavOTg m To balancetdue hospital month, , ■■ - , -» ifhoW thismonfii- “for the sick and wpipided,; at^l^Jiep^ljppj> 450 rations for hospital attendants, at 3(5.cents , rf m W-fROrfatlfflR iwa oaS# wi wiviwtt ‘io Wfl » k . Ilf 52.; t lias ; rw :O0r, 00 #j£ 3067 sSoh v6?JfcJi ool -9J m lo k; 10' iii Ui. as 03 ed ffiv fciofifciisiifi ici BQ-.-is&x Ck. Issued : ■' bt ''‘'‘Ofi yd ie-xit & By the following provisibns, at ©ontraBi prices: lo eSffi* Ihs.-of.pp'.-k, tii;l()Ktents par lb..r..r 690 lbs. of fresh, at 8 cents pea- lb. . 700iSfil2|£CbW. bfifloirii, ati3b: lo.’ o„in4S*0i'^rt£4l?,ffS''i¥ K fit alia rtf -X hi ov? iqso sil ! rfte dT r ■*« 100'/ 00 00 sisd b 1028* ■ 1 j) L^fl ill fcK 15 nan$r. XfTbit i & 'lit IT '*. .dine T/r;f 20 & jin rSSt 20 t'.{0 i # LiflOf' 51. 1 8$; * ta'T.;.: ■ So ;iT tf IflT > X Oft- 048f •At in iUjaKiO JC8 1 & lo ‘ UOOOi 11-w lb J2X ba»c\ 1 lo j TK*J ioiwaa iisBetrO m-ifislo >rf odf .S :a bfii o* toil SOTTiJO ot>/. ‘ “ 12, - - '4' iRimtft ttt t“'* J» 'luJbpiiH. —*“ ilsueci^a 250 -45&< i./JQO. SritiB% ud transferred, -■ 1077 31 Amount ot hospital fund, 5409 89 fr Excess of fund (over $ 5,000), to be returned to treasury; 53 . ,’iflsrjii!! ?Mf vi ,f.usd b« eoaaktf el ( , 1 4* r 89 i; a;L- ?.■$ ,TS£s»i£~'e,-.:'(' edi Bil.lancieduy tiliK’Hlontll, ; i ; *P 5000 0B Surgeon in Charge. 5. Wlieh ;sTnifl the Com- missary ofl Subsistencehaving tlft'ftfiid.te'haAaiwlfl excels in the Treasury: of the iCoai'ederataiSiaios, or other place of deposit where mone^.^g.,.l^)JaJpjfbe liable to draft as other public moneys are:— Commissaries will account for hospital funds on tjxeir Monthly }& j uloii Is - -BS WMTgTOI.? k,—- ist —■ 6., JCfies . jvvill have, 4anungemcnts . made with .the various rail compaiiicvj. an.a lines of hoars, for. the speediest practicable tmii;-:- :sii,pplies„fQi;, thfl ; ' and general transportation tickets will he furnished to accredited agents engaged in the actual ptirphase of these..:Supp]ifiSj ,up£p. the jecjuest (pf the,medical officer in charge of a hosgifah. .,~ , . ,t ( ‘ oitiers in i-iiiii-g,- ..[general In.-pit.-,ls will make requisi- ih n.f on the Medical Piyverovs for. hospital suits .(shirts, pantaloons arid drawers), for the use of the sick and wounded while in hospital, not to exeped W the number of ; which clothing shall be horntv on the returns, accounted for as other hospital property. H.,,There, will ho allowed .to. general hospital, with rations and suitable places of bulging, two Chief .Matrons, at a salary not,to exceed forty dollars.per month each, whose general ’duties shall lie to .'exercise a tin- entire domestic, economy tif the hospital; to take charge of such delicacies as majr tie provided Tor tlie sick; to ap- portipp.thein out as .required; to. sec that the food or diet is properly jife-" paredJ..,and .all, such other .duties as may Tie necessary: two'.Assistant- Matrons,r,at whose general duties shalfbe to superintend the huihdry f to take charge of the clothing of the sick and the bedding of the hospital; to see that’ they are kpnt clean and neat; and perform srickkotlK#' duties as may be necessar/? tiloH^drd for each w!|rd (estimating 100 patients for eaclf*sBos,thirty dollars per month each, whose general duties shall be to prepare the beds and bedding of their respec- tive wards; to see that they are kept clean and in order; that the food or diet for the sick is carefully prepared and furnished to them; the medi- cine administered; and that all patients requiring careful nursing are attended to; and all such other duties as may bo necessary: one Ward Master for each ward (estimating 100 patients for each ward), at a salary not to exceed twenty-five dollars per month each; and such other nurses and cooks, male or female (giving preference to females when their ser- vices may begt subserve the purpose), at a salary not to exceed twenty- five dollars per month each, as may be necessary for the proper care of the sick. These attendants to be paid monthly, on hospital muster rolls, by the Quartermaster’s Department,, and to be removed, when expedient, 'by the medical officer in charge. Other attendants, not herein provided for, necessary to the service, shall be allowed, as now provided by law. 9. If a sufficient number of nurses and ward masters, not , liable to military service, cannot be employed, and it shall become necessary to assigu to this duty soldiers in the service, then, upon the requisition of 4 the medical officer in charge of a hospital, the soldiers so assigned, who are skillful and competent, shall be permanently detailed to this duty, and shall only he removable for neglect or inattention, by the medical officer in charge. 10. Hospitals will be known and numbered as hospitals of a particular State. The sick and wounded, when not injurious to themselves, or greatly inconvenient to the service, will be sent to the hospitals repre- senting their respective States, and to private or State hospitals repre- senting the same. 11. The Quartermaster General will have arrangements made with the rail road companies to reserve seats in one or more cars, as may be ne- cessary, for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers and their atten- dants, to be transported; and until they are seated, to prevent other per- sons from entering those reserved cars; and also to require conductors of the trains to provide for the use of the sick and wounded in the reserved ears, a sufficient quantity of pure water. 12. Medical officers in charge of hospitals, will detail an attendant to accompany the sick and wounded, furloughed, discharged or transferred, to rail road depots, to see that they are cared for and provided with seats hi the reserved cars. order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General,