Adjutant and Inspector GtEneral’s Office, Richmond, November 12, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS. > No. 86. i I. The following notice of the officers and men who have been duly exchanged as prisoners of war, is published for the information of all concerned; Exchange Notice, No. 3. RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 11, 1862. 1. All Confederate officers and men who have been captured and paroled in Vir- ginia or Maryland, at any time from the beginning of hostilities to the Ist of No- vember 1862, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. 2. All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at Aikin’s landing on James river, at any time previous to the. 11th of November 1862, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. 3. All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at Vicksburg, Mis- sissippi, previous to the Ist of November 1862, and including said date, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. (Signed) ROBERT OULD, Agt. for Exchange. 11. All officers and men who have been duly exchanged as prisoners of war, will, without delay, join their respective regiments and corps. order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPER,