Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, October 30, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS, ? No. 80. $ I. Upon the death of a commissioned officer in the service of the Con- federate States, his immediate commanding officer will forthwith make out a certificate of the fact, stating his rank, and the command to which he belonged; when, where and from what cause he died; and if possible, when and by whom he was last paid. Upon the death of a non-commissioned officer or private in said ser- vice, the officer commanding his company at the time of his death, will in like manner forthwith make out a descriptive list, in which he will set forth when, where and by whom he was enlisted; when, where and from what cause he died; when and by whom he was last paid; whether there is any bounty or commutation for clothing due him ; and whether there are any stoppages against him; for what cause, and of what amount. These certificates and descriptive lists will be transmitted directly to the Second Auditor of the Treasury of the Confederate States. 11. Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in charge of military hospitals, or of sick and wounded officers and soldiers in private hospitals and houses, upon the death of either an officer or a soldier, will forthwith make out and forward directly to the Second Auditor of the Treasury of the Confederate States, a certificate, stating, in the case of a commis- sioned officer, his rank, and the command to which he belonged; in the cases of non-commissioned officers and privates, the company and regi- ment to which they belonged; and in all cases, when, where and from what cause they died. Should the deceased leave any effects or money, a statement, setting forth a list of the effects; the amount of the money, and in whose hands the same will remain until legally called for, will accompany said certificate. 111. Lieutenant Colonel W. Leroy Broun, on ordnance duty, is hereby detailed to supervise the examination of candidates in the army for appointments as artillery officers for ordnance duty, as authorized by act of congress, approved 16th September 1862. He will, in succession, proceed to the several head quarters of the 2 armies, under such special instructions as may be given him hereafter; and the General commanding will, on his application, associate with him any two artillery officers he may select, performing ordnance duties, who, together with himself, will constitute an Examining Board. Due notice will be given, through the Richmond Enquirer, of the time at which examinations will be held. Applications for permission to be examined, will be addressed to the General commanding each army, and will be filed with'his Chief of Ord- nance, to be laid before the Board of Examiners. IY. Ordnance Officers serving on the Staff of Commanding Generals, will not enter into contracts for, nor purchase ordnance supplies, except in case of necessity, on the authority of the General; which must be ah tached to the contract or account for purchase. The exigency requiring the purchase or contract, will also be stated. order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPER,