WAR DEPARTMENT Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, July 14, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 49. i All persons engaged in enrolling Conscripts, are hereby authorized and required to arrest Deserters from the Army, and to deliver them to the Commandant of the nearest Camp of Instruction, or to lodge them in the nearest jail, and to return their Names, Company and Regiment to the Adjutant and Inspector General. Jailors are requested to detain them, and will be allowed the fees and charges for the detention of prisoners, prescribed by the laws of the State in which the jail is situated. Enrolling Officers are also required to report tq the Adjutant and In- spector General the names and address of all persons absent from the Army, without leave, whether by the expiration of their leaves of ab- sence, furloughs, details or otherwise; and where this unauthorized ab- sence exceeds the time required to correspond with the War Department, the Enrolling Officer will arrest the person, and send him to the nearest Camp of Instruction, reporting the arrest to the Adjutant and Inspector General. Commandants of Camps of Instruction are required to forward De- serters and persons absent without leave, to their Regiments, and have the powers of arrest conferred upon Enrolling Officers. command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.