WAR DEPARTMENT, Richmond, Va. March 26, 1862. I. The following Regulations are adopted in place of Medical Regula- tions, paragraphs 2 to 6, inclusive, and General Regulations, paragraphs 1151 to 1155, inclusive, and will be obeyed accordingly: h An army corps or military department will have a medical offi- cer assigned as Medical Director, who will have the general control of the medical officers and hospital. 2. A division will have a medical officer assigned, on the recom- mendation of the Medical Director, as Chief Surgeon; or the senior medical officer of the division, on the same recommendation, will be relieved from regimental duty, and placed in general charge as Chief Surgeon of Division. 3. A brigade will be under the general medical charge of the Se- nior Surgeon of Brigade, who will not be relieved from regimental duty. 4. Medical Directors, Chief Surgeons of Divisions, and Senior Surgeons of Brigades will inspect the hospitals of their commands, and see that the Rules and Regulations are enforced, and the duties of the Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons are properly performed. ■ 5. They will examine the Case Books, Proscription and Diet Books, and ascertain the nature of diseases which may have pre- vailed, and their probable causes; recommend the best method of prevention, and also make such suggestions relative to the situation, construction and economy of the hospitals, and to the police of the camps, as may appear necessary for the benefit and comfort of tha sick, and the good of the service. 6. Senior Surgeons of Brigades will receive the monthly reports of sick and wounded (Form 1), required from the medical officers, and transmit them through the Chief Surgeon of Division to tha Medical Director. 2 7. The Medical Director will make to the Surgeon General a con- solidated monthly report of the sick and wounded, from the monthly- reports of the medical officers of the command. 8. Chief Surgeons of Divisions and Senior Surgeons of Brigades will see that the quarterly reports of sick and wounded, and monthly statements of hospital fund, required from the medical officers, are transmitted to the Surgeon General. 9. Senior Surgeons of Brigades will make to the Chief Surgeons of Divisions, and Chief Surgeons of Divisions will make to the Medical Director monthly returns of the medical officers of their commands. (Form 3.) 10. The Medical Director will make to the Surgeon General a monthly return of the medical officers of the command. 11. Medical Officers, heretofore styled Medical Directors, who do not come within the meaning of the first of the above Regulations, will he de- signated, as the case may he, in accordance with the second or third re- gulation ; and medical officers, heretofore called Brigade Surgeons, if not attached to regiments, will be assigned to regiments not provided with Burgeons. GEO, W. RANDOLPH, Secretary of War.