ACCOUNT of the Benevolent Institution, with A LIST of the GOVERNORS. AN ACCOUNT OF THE Benevolent Institution; WITH A LIST of the GOVERNORS ANNEXED. IN January 1780, several respectable inhabitants of London and Westminster, actuated by the generous principles of humanity, began a Subscription to support a Charity, called The Benevolent Institution, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DELIVERING POOR MARRIED WOMEN, At their own Habitations. N. B. Since the commencement of this Institulion in the year 1780. 29,253 poor married women have been delivered, and re- ceived other assistance from the Charity. THIS laudable undertaking has met with the patronage and sup- port of many of the nobility and gentry,-the countenance and encouragement of the public,-and has been made the happy mean of administering relief and comfort to many truly valuable Mothers. The present age is not more distinguished by its knowledge and refinement, than by its attention to the wants of misery, and the cries of indigence: And to the honor of the British nation be it remembered, that there is scarcely a calamity incident to human nature that has not some charity, public or private, instituted for its relief. But though to alleviate the distresses of any of our fel- low-creatures is an act becoming the man, the citizen, and the christian, yet there are persons, whose wants call for particular attention, and times when they require our tenderest care and assistance. If there be any persons in the community, who have a prior right to the notice of a charitable public, it is surely the poor,-sober,- industrious married women, and that too at a period, when they require all that the powers of art can do, to sooth, or mitigate their pains. Not only the pressing necessities of the inferior members of the community call upon those, whom Providence has blessed with affluence, but the good of the commonwealth, also puts in a pow- erful claim, that this, and similar institutions, should be counte- nanced and supported. Nothing is so likely to promote industry and population, as the encouragement of matrimony, and nothing will be more likely to encourage it, than for the lower orders of the people to see, that the rich and great are ready and willing to contribute towards their happiness and support, in so honorable a state. It is not the design of this address to attempt to recommend the Benevolent Institution by censuring or condemning other charities;- the hospitals for the reception of poor women in the hour of labour are particularly deserving of praise; yet experience convinces they can afford but a partial relief to the numerous poor, of this great metropolis, and its vicinity; for there are thousands of poor mar- ried women in these cities, who occasionally want charitable assist- ance in their distress, but, who cannot procure admission into the hospitals, if they were disposed to solicit it; and if all, who might solicit, could be admitted, yet the very circumstance of separating women Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. (3) women from their husbands and families, must be highly disagree- able and inconvenient to the parties; for not to insist upon the fact, that a poor couple have as much tenderness for each other as those in more elevated stations of life, yet the absence of a mother from her family must create great confusion and distress; for though a woman during the time of such indisposition, may not be able to do much in her family, her being on the spot to direct what should be done, will be greatly conducive to regularity and good order; and render unnecessary the superintendence of the husband, on whose labor the family depending entirely for support, not an hour of his time can be lost without an essential injury. Or should he have no family, his wife being from home, he may be induced to spend his evenings in a public house, where he may form connections which may ultimately destroy his own happiness, bereave his wife of a once affectionate husband, and rob the community of a good and useful member; while on the other hand, the husband being an eye-witness to the sorrows of his wife, all the finer feelings are awakened, she is more loved, while affection for the new-born offspring stimulates the poor artizan to fresh efforts of industry. The design, therefore, of this charity is, to afford to poor mar- ried women, at their own habitations, the assistance of midwives, regularly instructed in their business, and all necessary medicines during the time of their lying-in; and in all cases of difficulty and danger, the advice and assistance of a physician and man-midwife; which as it may be done comparatively at a small expence, the promoters of this Plan wish to recommend it, to the notice and patronage of the Public, hoping for the assistance of the liberal in the execution of a scheme calculated for the preservation of life, the relief of indigence, the honor of marriage, the encouragement of population, and as a consequence of all these, the general wel- fare of society. Any Lady or Gentleman becoming a Subscriber of one Guinea. per annum, will have a right to recommend eight pregnant women yearly, for every Guinea they subscribe, and to vote at all elections. A Subscription of ten Guineas, or upwards, at one time, con- stitutes the Subscriber a Governor for life, and entitles him to recommend eight objects every year for every ten Guineas sub- scribed. A LIST A LIST of the GOVERNORS OF THE Benevolent Institution, FOR DELIVERING Poor Married Women at their own Habitations. N. B. Those marked *** are Governors for Life, who have subscribed Twenty Pounds or upwards. Those marked ** are Governors for Life, who have subscribed Ten Guineas or upwards Those marked * are Annual Subscribers of Two Guineas or upwards. Those marked † have served the Office of Steward. Those marked ‡ have served, or are on the Committee. Those marked H. are Honorary Governors. President, His Royal Highness the DUKE of YORK. Vice Presidents, Right Hon. EARL of ESSEX. Right Hon. LORD VISCOUNT BULKELEY. Right Hon. LORD VISCOUNT HOOD. Sir JOHN SMITH, Bart. Sir CECIL WRAY, Bart. Sir JOSEPH ANDREWS, Bart. Sir RICHARD HILL, Bart. M. P. HENRY THORNTON, Esq. M. P. THOMAS JEFFERYS, Esq. Treasurer. Dr. ATKINSON, Physician, Mr. THOMAS SAMUEL LEMAGE, Secretary, N°. 12, Queen Street, Soho. Mr. WILLIAM SAMUEL LEMAGE, Assistant Secretary, and Collector, N°. 12, Queen Street, Soho, A. †*ANDREWS, Sir Joseph, Bart. Knightsbridge. Abington, Mr.John, King-street, Westminster. Abud, Mr. William, N°. 3, St. James’s-pl. Clerkenwell. †Alcock, Mr. John, N°. 30, St. Martin’s lane. Anderson, Lieut. Wilts Militia. Armstrong, Mr. Avery-row, Bond-street, Arnold, Dr. Doctors-commons. †Ashton, Mr. Matthew, near Bagnigge wells. Astle, Mr, William, N°. 23, Portpool lane. Astle, Mrs. N°. 23, Portpool-lane. Aston, Mrs Susan, N°. 9, Billiter lane, Fenchurch-str. Atkinson, Mrs. Sarah, Chancery-lane. ‡†Atkinson, Richard, M. D. N°. 26, Jermyn-street. B. †**Bulkeley, Rt. Hon. Lord Visc. Stanhope-str. May-fair. Burford, Right Hon. Lady, Digswell, Herts. Bagster, Mr. George, jun. N°. 13, Beaufort-buildings, Strand. Bailey, Mr. William, N°. 272, Holborn. †Bailie, Mr. Alexander, N°. 104, Long acre. Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth, Parliament-street, Westminster. *Banks, Miss, Soho-square. **Barker, Thomas, Esq; Lyndon, Rutlandshire. †Barrell, Mr. Henry, Scotland-yard. Barrington, Hon. Mrs. N°. 16, Cavendish square. Barton, Rev. Charles, St. Andrew’s-court, Holborn. †‡Batson, Edward David, Esq; N°. 7, Gower-street. †Beazley, Mr. Samuel, N°. 6, Duke-street, Westminster. Bellamy, Mr. John, Old Palace-yard. (6) †‡Bent, Mr. William, St. Martin’s-lane. **Bentley, Mr. John, N°. 14, City-road. Best, George, Esq; N°. 40, Duke-street, St. James’s. Biddell, Mr. Thomas, N°. 55, Drury-lane. Bigg, Mr. Edward, N°. 12, Hatton-garden, †Binks, Mr. Christopher, King-street, Covent-garden. Bittlestone, Mr. Henry, N°. 6, Broad-street, Bloomsbury. *†Blades, Mr. John, N° 5. Ludgate-hill. Boodle, Edward, Esq; N°. 41, Lower Brook-street. Bower, Mrs. S. corner of Dyer’s-buildings, Holborn, †Boys, Mr. Thomas, Great St. Ann’s-lane, Westminster. Brandling, Charles, Esq; M. P. N°. 29, Portland-place. Braune, Mrs, Elizabeth, corner of Warwick-court, Holborn. Brooke, Mrs. Frances, Bell-yard, Temple-bar. Brooks, Mr. Samuel, N°. 110, Strand. Brooks, George, Esq; Chiswick-square. Brough, William, Esq; corner of Edward-street, Riding House-lane. Browne, Mrs. Celina, N°. 122, Fetter-lane, Holborn. †‡Bunnell, Mr. Joseph, N°. 25, Bedford-street, Covent- garden. Bunn, Mr. Samuel, N°. 1, St. George’s-place, Christ- church, Surry. Burdon, Rowland, Esq; M. P. Grosvenor-square. Burdon, Mrs. Ditto. Burkitt, Mr. William, N°. 16, Princes-street, Leicester- Fields. Burridge, Mr. Edward, Market street, Newport-market. †‡Butler, Mr. William, King’s-Arms-buildings, Wood- street, Cheapside. †‡Byfield, Mr. Henry Woolsey, Charing-cross. (7) C. †Caley, John, Esq; N°. 14, Holborn-court, Gray’s-inn. Call, Miss Phillida, N°. 29, Old Burlington street. Call, Miss Louisa Anna, Ditto. †‡Capper, Mr. Benjamin, Hungerford Coffee-house, Strand. Capper, Mr. Thomas, Beaufort-buildings. Carpenter, Thomas, Esq; Almonry Office, Scotland- yard. Carr, Mr. Henry, N°. 335, Oxford-street. Cecil, Rev. Richard, N°. 5, Littie James-str. Bedford- row. Chabaud, Mr. Henry, N°. 9, Plumbtree-street. Chalk, Mr. James, N°. 1, Strand. Christian, Mr. Joseph, N°. 10, Strand. Christie, William, Esq; N°. 323, Wapping. Clarkson, Mr. William Comerford, N°. 25, Great Car- ter-lane, Doctors-commons. †Cockerell, Samuel Pepys, Esq; N°. 7, Saville-row, †Collins, Mr. James, N°. 66, Long-acre, †Cooke, William, Esq; N°. 7, Lincoln’s-inn New-square, and John-street, Bedford-row. Cooke, Mrs. Loveday, John-street, Bedford row. Combe, Mrs, Dorothy, N°. 10, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury. Corbett, Mr. William, N°. 55, Drury-lane. Cornwall, Mr. James, N°. 39, King-street, Covent- garden. Cottrell, Lady, N°. 9, Grosvenor-place, Cowling, Mr. Edward, N°. 18, Poultry. †Coxwell, Mr. Henry, N°. 199, Fleet-street. Cranage, Mr. Thomas, N°. 28, Northumberland-street, Strand. Croucher, Mrs. Sarah, Norris street, Hay-market, (8) Cuningham, Miss Mary, Vere-street, Clare-market. Curtis, Thomas, Esq. N°. 16, Great Earl-street, Black- friars-bridge. D. *Duncan, Right Hon. Lady Mary, N°. 26, Queen Ann-street, West. Dormer, Sir Clement Cottrell, Knt. Dormer, Lady Elizabeth Cottrell. Drummond, Lady Mary, Charing-cross. Davenport, Mrs. N°. 36, Gower-street, Bedford-square, Davies, Mr. James, N°. 9, Gracechurch-street. Davies, Thomas, Esq; N°. 25, City-road. Davis, David, Esq; N°. 32, King-street, Covent-garden. Daukes, Mrs. Maria, Walworth. Daw, Mrs, Mary, N°. 18, Brompton-row. Dent, Mr. N°. 19, Chandler-street, Grosvenor-square. De Symons, Lyon, Esq; N°. 15, Great Ayliffe-street, Goodman’s-fields. Dickson, Mr. John, N°. 2, Bateman's-buildings, Soho. Donne, John, Esq; N°. 53, Hatton-garden. Downer, Mr. Henry, N°. 153, Fleet-street. Downing, George, Esq; N°. 9, Lincoln’s inn, New- square. Dugdale, Mr. R. Broad-street, Carnaby market, †Dumergue, Charles, Esq; Corner of White Horse-street, Piccadilly, E. **†Essex, Rt. Hon. Earl of, N°. 25, St. James’s-place. Elgin, Rt. Hon. Countess of, Downing-street, West- minster. Englefield, Lady Katherine, Tilney-street, May- fair. (9) **Eade, Mr. George, N°. 127, Fleet-street. Earle, Joseph, Esq; N°. 92, Watling-street, Eaton, Rev. Mr. Archdeacon, Dean-street, Soho. Edwards, Mr. John, Portpool-lane. Eley, Mr. William, Clerkenwell-green. Emmet, Mrs. N°. 39, King-street, Covent-garden. Eyre, Mr. Isaac, Cockspur-street. F. **Fitzwilliam, Right Hon. Earl, Grosvenor-square. Fitzgerald, Right Hon. Lady Mary, N°. 33, Charles- street, Berkley-square. Fallofeild, William Henry, Esq; Wardrobe-office, Scot- land-yard. Fisher, Robert, Esq; N°. 14, Staining-lane, Wood-sreet, Fisher, Mr. John, N°. 87, Leather-lane, Holborn. †Flower, Mr. Edward, Chichester-rents, Chancery-lane, ‡†Folgham, Mr. John, N°. 81, Fleet-street. †Foss, Edward Smith, Esq; N°. 36, Essex-street, Strand. Foster, Rev. Henry, N°. 12, Wilderness-row, Goswell- street. Fowler, Mr. William, Princes-street, Hanover-square, Friend, Mr. Henry, N°. 12, Cumberland-street, New Road, Marylebone, Fynmore, Mrs. Lydia, Aldersgate-street. G. †**Galway, Right Hon. Lord Visc. K. B. N°. 30, Somer- set-street, Portman square. **Galway, Right Hon. Lady Viscountess, Ditto. **Gainsford, Mr. Edward, Graston-street, Soho. *Gambier, Mrs. Admiralty. Garden, John, Esq; N°. 203, Piccadilly. (10) Gibbs, Mr. James, N°. 137, New Bond-street. †Gilbert, Mr. Philip, Cockspur-street, Gill, Mr. John, N°. 199, Strand. Gilliam, Mrs. Chapel-street, Grosvenor-place. †Gitnber, William, Esq; Hampstead, or Admiralty-office, †Grant, Mr. John, N°. 75, Fleet-street. †Grant, Mr. John, Cockspur-street. **Gregory, John, Esq; Chelsea. H. **†Hood, Right Hon. Lord Visc. Greenwich, and N°. 12, Wimpole-street. †Hood, Hon. Henry. Ditto. *†Hill, Sir Richard, Bart. M. P. N°. 18, Upper Harley- street, Cavendish-square. ‡Hall, Mr. George, N°. 482, Strand, †Hall, Thomas, Esq; N°. 101, Park-street, Grosvenor- square. Hall, Richard, Esq; N°. 36, Mark-lane. †‡Hanbury, Mr. Samuel, N°. 24, King-street, Westminster. Hansler, Mrs. Elizabeth, Round-court, Strand. Hanson, Mr. John, N°. 3, Bruton-street. Harding, Mrs. Elizabeth, N°. 164, Piccadilly. †**Harman, Samuel, Esq; N°. 38, Jermyn-str. St. James’s. Hawes, William, M. D. N°. 8, Spital-square. Hawkes, Mr. Thomas, N°. 17, Piccadilly. Hawkes, Mrs. Martha, Ditto, †‡Hayward, Mr. Charles, N°. 115, St. Martin's-lane. Head, Sir John, Bart. †Henderson, John, Esq; Mitre-court, Milk-street. Hill, Mr. John, Broadway, Westminster. Hoare, Mrs. Jane, N°. 12, Ludgate-hill. *Hodfoll, Mrs. Matilda, near Catharine-street, Strand. (11) Hornsby, Mrs. N°. 26, Cornhill. †Hosier, William, Esq; Exchequer-office, Palace-yard. **Hurlbatt, Francis, Esq; N°. 9, Church-row, Newington. Hunt, Miss Anna Maria, N°. 76, South Audley-street. J. †**Jackson, George, Esq; Terrace, Kentish-town. Jackson, Henry, Esq; N°. 27, Mincing-lane. †‡Jarvis, Mr. Thomas, N°. 15, Piccadilly Jarvis, Mrs. Ann, N°. 15, Piccadilly ‡†**Jefferys, Thomas, Esq; Cockspur-street. ‡†Jenden, Mr. Edward, opposite Conduit-street, Swal- low-street. Ingram, Mrs. N°. 117, Park-street, Grosvenor-square. ‡Joyce, Mr. Joshua, Essex-street, Strand. Israel, Mrs. Maria, N°. 40, St. Mary-axe. K. Keith, Right Hon. Lord, N°. 45;, Harley-street. Kent, Mr. Thomas, St. John-square, Clerkenwell, Kesteven, Mr. James, York-street, Covent-garden L. ***Leeds, His Grace the Duke of. **Leeds, Her Grace the Duchess Dowager of, N°. 68, Lower Grosvenor-street. Lacam, Mrs. K. N°. 3. Cecil-street, Strand. Lambert, Mrs. Agnes, N°. 2, Brompton-row. Langdale, Mrs. Sarah Augusta, New Ormond-street, Queen-square, †Lemage, Mr. Charles Joseph Marmaduke, Bank. Lemage, Mr. Thomas Samuel, N°. 12, Queen-street, Soho. (12) Leroy, Mr. Thomas, N°. 106, Jermyn-street. **Long, Samuel, Esq; N°. 17, Bishopsgate street, within, **†Long, Beeston, Esq; Ditto. Lumley, Mrs. Ann, Market-street, St. James’s-market. Lyne, Mr. George, N°. 9, Cecil-street. M. ‡Mainwaring, Mr. Thomas, N°. 51, Strand Mann, Mr. Daniel, N°. 20, Warwick-court, Warwick- lane. Mann, Mr. Robert, Parliament street. Marnell, Richard, Esq; Buckingham-street, Strand. †‡Marshall, Mr. James, Newport-street. Martin, Ambrose, Esq; N°. 22, Finch-lane, Cornhill. †‡Massie, Mr. James, N°. 140, St. Martin’s-lane. †‡Mathews, Mr. James, N°. 18, Strand. Mathews, Mrs. N°. 11, Weymouth-street, Portman-square Mawley, Mrs. Ann, N°. 23, Southampton-row. **M‘Arthur, John, Esq; N°. 19, Russel-place. †Medley, George, Esq; N°. 14, Grosvenor-place. †Medley, Mr. Richard, Derby street, Westminster. Meynell, Mrs, N° 8, Charles-street, Berkley-square. Milner, Miss Eliza, N°. 14, Manchester-square. Moir, Mr. John, N°. 6, Charles-court, Strand, †Moore, Mr. William, N°. 80, Fleet-street. Morriset, Mr. James, N°. 10, Denmark-street, Soho. Moseley, Mr. John, N°. 16, New-street, Covent-garden. Munn, Mrs. Catharine, Hammersmith. ‡†Munton, Davison, Esq; N°. 2, Duke-street, York- buildings. N. Neeld, Joseph, Esq; N°. 31, Norfolk-street, Strand. Newton, Mr.Cocoa-tree, N°. 65, St. James's-street. (13) Nichols, Mr. Deputy, N°. 4, Red-lion-passage, Fleet- street. **†Noton, Mr. Benjamin, N°. 127, Fleet-street. O. **Osborne, Right Hon. Lord Francis Godolphin. Oddy, Mr. Samuel, Bear-yard, Vere-street, Clare-market. Osborne, Mrs. Elizabeth, N°. 2, Kensington-square. Overton, Henry, Esq; Loverfall, Yorkshire. Overton, Mrs. Mary, Ditto, Ovey, Mr. Richard, Tavistock-street. Owen, Mrs. Elizabeth, N°. 7, Norfolk-street. Strand. P. **Pusey, Hon. Philip, N°. 35, Grosvenor-square. †Palmer, Mr. Alexander, N°. 20. St. James’s-street. †**Parker, Mr. Thomas, N°. 174, Fleet-street. Parker, Samuel, Esq; N°. 69, Fleet-street. **Peacock, Thomas, Esq; N°. 57, Basinghall-street. Pearson, Mr. John, Golden-square. Peters, Mr. James-street, Covent garden. Phillips, Mr. Samuel, Blackfriars-road, Surry. Pilliner, Mr. Thomas, N°. 9, Dartmouth-street, West- minster. †Pitts, Mr. William, Little Wild-street, Plasket, Thomas, Esq; N°. 16, Clifford-street, Bond-str. Plimpton, Mrs. N°. 2, Wilderness-row, Goswell-street. Prevost, William, Esq; N°. 8, Red-lion-square. Puckle, Mrs. Catherine, Clapham-common. R. Russell, Rt. Hon. Lady John. Railton, Joseph Esq; N°. 10, Ely-place. (14) †Randoll, Robert, Esq; Invalid-office, Scotland yard. Reynolds, Mr. N°. 28, Kirby-street, Hatton-garden. Richards, George, Esq; N°. 66, Berner’s-street, Ox- ford-street. Richardson, Mr, William, N°, 390, Oxford-street. ‡Robinson, Mr. George, Seven-dials, †Robinson, Mr. David, N°. 10, Queen’s-buildings, Knightsbridge. Rogers, Mr. William, King-street, Westminster. Ross, Mr, Alexander, N°. 107, Great Russel-street. Rutley, Mr. John, Covent-garden, at Golden Ball. S. †**Smith, Sir John, Bart. F. R. S. and L. L. D. N°. 17, Portman-street, Portman-square. Saxton, Mr. Thomas, Queen-street, Southwark. †Sayer, James, Esq; Richmond-hill. Sayer, Mr. John, N°. 3, Arabella-row, Pimlico. Seger, Mr. Joseph, N°. 6, Denmark-street, Soho. Shackleton, Mr. John, Little Suffolk-street, Haymarket. Shaw, Mr. John, N°. 56, Bunhill-row. Shaw, Mrs. Margaret, Ditto. *Short, Miss, Upper Brook -street. †‡Shrapnell, Mr. James, Cockspur street, †Simpkin, Mr. Thomas, Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand. Skill, Mr. John, N°. 15, Strand, †Slack, Mr. Henry, South Audley-street. ‡†Smeeton, Mr. Joseph, N°. 148, Great St. Martin’s- lane. Smeeton, Mrs. Joanna, Ditto, †Smith, Mr. George, N°. 1, Lovel's-court, Paternoster- row. **Smith, Mrs. Ditto. (15) Smith, Mr, Frederick, N°. 29, Haymarket. Southgate, Miss, N°. 26, Upper Guildford-street. Spencer, Mr. Peter, N°. 19, Newton-street, Holborn. Stantial, Mrs. Eliz. Parson’s-yard, Kensington. †Stenfon, Mr. Matthew, Kensington, corner of Brown’s- buiidings. Stidston, Mr. William, N°. 137, Long Acre, †‡**Stiff, Mr. Thomas, New-street, Covent-garden. **Stiff, Mrs. Catharine, Ditto. Stone, Mrs. Maria Bella, Hoddesdon, Herts. Stones, Mr. William, N°. 7, Chandos-street, Covent- garden. Storer, Mr. Joseph, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square. †Strangeways, Mr. John, N°. 43, Great Surry-street. T. Tracy, Hon. Mrs. Hanbury, N°. 14, Cavendish-square. Tappenden, Mrs. Foster-lane, Cheapside. Tatham, Thomas, Esq; N°. 13, Mount-street. Tatham, Mrs. Elizabeth, Ditto. **Tayler, Rev. Thomas, Stockwell, Surry. *Taylor, Michael Angelo, Esq; M. P. Middle Scotland- yard. †**Thornton, Robert, Esq; M. P. N°. 6, Graston-street, Dover-street. **Thornton, Mrs. Robert, Ditto, †***Thornton, Henry, Esq; M. P. Clapham. **Thornton, Mrs. Henry, Ditto, †**Thornton, Samuel, Esq; M. P. St. James’s-square. **Thornton, Mrs, Elizabeth, Ditto. Thorpe, Mrs. Frances, N°. 12, Southampton-street, Holborn. Thwaites, Mrs. Jane, N°. 106, High Holborn. Tiffen, Mrs. Amey, N°. 5, Mount-row, Lambeth. (16) Tilt, Mr. William, N°. 142, Cheapside. **Trimbey, Mr. James, N°. 73, Queen-Erect, Cheapside. Turner, Thomas, Esq; Caugley-place, Shropshire, or Hatton-garden. V. *†Vaughan, George, Esq; Christ-church, Surry. Venn, Mrs. Katherine, Clapham. Vernon, Mr. William, Charing-cross. Virgo, Mr. Francis, Tyler’s court, Carnaby-market. W. †**Wray, Sir Cecil, Bart. Walker, John, Esq; N°. 19, Tottenham-court-road. Walls, Mr. Thomas, Christ-church, Surry, †Ward, John, Esq; N°. 16, Air-street, Piccadilly, †**Watson, Mr. James, N°. 24, Arundel-street, Strand, Wigg, Mr. Joseph, North-place, Gray’s-inn-lane. Wilding, Mr. Samuel, N°. 186, Strand. Willats, Mr. N°. 8, Fore-street. Wills, Mr. N°. 16, Newgate-street. Wilson, Mr. Joseph, N°. 33, Strand. Wood, William, Esq; Northumberland-street, Strand. Wood, Robert, Esq; N°. 4, Brompton. Wood, Jacob, Esq; N°. 65, North Side of St, Paul's- church-yard. Wrighte, Miss, corner of North Audley-street, Grosve- nor-square. Y. Yates, Mr. William, N°. 16, St. Dunstan’s-hill, Upper Thames-street. FINIS. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane.