THE CITY OF PROVIDENCE. SANITARY CODE. [Adopted by the Board of Aidermen, July 2,1384.] The sanitary code of the city of Providence shall consist of the following rules : 1. When any premises are situated on any street where there is a public sewer, such premises shall, if so ordered by the board of aidermen, be connected with said sewer in such manner that any or all the drainage of said premises, as directed by said board, whether water or liquid filth of any kind, shall flow into said sewer. 2. Every dwelling house, tenement house, or other building occu- pied by human beings, shall have at least one suitable water-closet,, or privy, properly ventilated and communicating directly with the' open air, to every fifteen occupants of said dwelling house, tenement house or other occupied building; occupants of two or more houses may use the same water-closet or privy, if access thereto be direct, and the above proportion of users be not exceeded. 2 3. Vaults of privies shall be sunk under ground, contain at least sixty cubic feet, and be built of brick or stone laid in cement, as fol- lows : the inside not less than three feet from the line of every adjoin- ing lot, (except by consent of the owner of said lot) ; not less than two feet from the line of every private or public passage-way, and be so constructed that no surface water can find access to them. Every such vault shall have convenient approaches for opening and clean- ing and such approaches shall be properly covered. 4. Every lodging-house, tenement-house, and dwelling-house, shall, unless connected with a public sewer, be provided with a suit- able cess-pool properly connected with the house-drain. 5. No person shall deposit or allow to be deposited in any privy- vault, cess-pool or water-closet, any ashes, swill, rubbish, refuse, or any other substance except that of which any such place is the appropriate receptacle, nor shall any surface water be allowed to run into any vault or cess-pool. 6. No person shall allow the contents of any privy-vault or cess- pool to rise within one foot of any part of the top, or to become in any way a nuisance or offensive ; and when required by the superin- tendent of health, any owner of such privy-vault or cess-pool shall disinfect the same in such manner as may be required by said super- intendent. 7. Every cess-pool shall be properly covered with stone or iron, so that the cover can be readily removed and the contents inspected. Every cess-pool shall, if required by the board of aidermen, be water- tight. No cess-pool or privy-vault shall be allowed under a side- walk or occupied building. 8. No well shall be used as a cess-pool or privy-vault, and vaults or cess-pools, the use of which is discontinued, shall be filled with earth, sand, gravel or ashes, but shall not be so filled before their contents have been removed. 3 9. Every house-drain leading into a vault, cess-pool or public sewer shall be properly trapped. 10. Every water-closet and soil-pipe shall be thoroughly flushed and proper and adequate means for such flushing shall in every case be provided. 11. Every soil-pipe and the trap of every water-closet shall be properly ventilated. 12. Every water-closet, urinal, set-bowl, tub, sink, bath or other fixture shall be provided with a suitable trap, situated as near as possible to such fixture, and so constructed and arranged as to pre- vent the escape through said fixture of any odors or gases. 13. No person shall permit any privy, urinal, water-closet or other fixture, or any drain, waste-pipe, soil-pipe or catch-basin to become a nuisance or in any way offensive ; nor shall any person allow any injurious substance to pass into any drain or waste-pipe, or allow any drain, waste-pipe or soil-pipe to become obstructed or to leak. But if such drain, waste-pipe or soil-pipe shall become obstructed or shall leak, the owner, agent, occupant or other person having the charge of the premises on which such drain, waste-pipe or soil-pipe is situated, shall find and remove such obstruction, and find and re- move such leak. If any sewer-gas or foul odor shall escape from any drain, soil-pipe, waste-pipe or any fixture into any cellar or any part of an occupied building, the owner, agent or lessee of such cellar or building shall immediately find out and remedy whatever may cause such escape. 14. Every occupied building must, when required by the board of aidermen, be provided with an adequate sub-soil drain, and the cellar walls and floor must be made impervious to moisture. 15. Pipes that must be left open to drain cellars, areas, yards or gardens must be connected with suitable catch-basins, the bottoms of 4 which shall not be less than two and one-half feet below the bottom of the outlet pipe, the diameter not less than three feet, and of a form proper for the purpose. When hotels, eating-houses, manufac- tories or business buildings of any kind, the waste water from which contains a large amount of grease or solid matter, are connected with a sewer, the catch-basins shall be made of such size and in such man- ner as shall satisfy the board of public works. No privy-vault, ma- nure-pit or carriage-wash shall be connected with a sewer except through an intervening catch-basin ; and the discharge-pipe of the vault shall be high enough above its bottom to effectually prevent anything but the liquid contents of the vault from passing into the drain. 16. Every dwelling-house, tenement-house, or other occupied building shall have an adequate supply of drinkable water at one or more accessible points. 17. Whenever, in the opinion of the superintendent of health, the use of any well or cistern is dangerous to health, the use of such well or cistern shall be discontinued, and such well or cistern shall be filled with ashes, sand or gravel, or shall have a suitable stone or iron cover cemented down. 18. Every tenement-house, dwelling-house or other building where swill or garbage shall accumulate, shall be provided with a suitable receptacle for such swill or garbage, and no ashes or other rubbish of any kind shall be placed in any such receptacle, nor shall any swill, garbage or offal be placed in any receptacle for ashes or rubbish, or deposited in any yard or vault or any other place than its proper receptacle. 19. No owner, lessee or occupant of any building or premises within the city shall deposit or allow to be deposited, or allow to remain upon or in said building or premises, any dirt, offal, decaying animal or vegetable matter, or solid or liquid filth of any kind, which, 5 in the opinion of the superintendent of health, is in any way offen- sive or a nuisance. 20. Every owner or keeper of a lodging-house, and every owner, lessee and occupant of a tenement-house or other building leased for a dwelling, shall thoroughly cleanse all and every part of such house or building, and shall also thoroughly cleanse every yard, court, pas- sage, area or alley connected with or belonging to the same, to the satisfaction of the superintendent of health, whenever in the opinion of said superintendent it shall be necessary for the health of the occupants or the public health. 21. No vault, cellar or under-ground room shall be let or occu- pied separately as a dwelling, nor in a tenement or lodging house, as a place of lodging or sleeping. A cellar shall mean any basement or lower story of any building or house of which one-half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the ground adjoining. 22. No owner or lessee of any building or any part thereof shall lease or let or hire out the same or any part thereof to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied, if said building or any part thereof shall be inadequate or defective in respect to strength, pro- tection, ventilation, light, sewerage or to any other usual, proper or necessary provision or precaution for the security of life and health, nor unless said building and every part thereof shall be in all re- spects in a condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness. 23. The board of aidermen may order the vacation of any building certified to them by the superintendent of health to be unfit for a dwelling, because infected or because in any way dangerous to the health of the occupants. A notice for such vacating must be served on the occupants of such building, and also served on the owner, agent or lessee. And such notices shall be served by any police con- stable of the city. And if the person or persons so notified, or any 6 of them, shall neglect or refuse to remove from and quit such build- ing within the time specified in the notice, the chief of police is hereby authorized and empowered forcibly to remove them, when so ordered by the board of aidermen. 24. For purposes of sanitary inspection and examination the superintendent of health and every person authorized by him shall have free access to any part of every building and premises within the city. 25. Whenever a nuisance shall exist upon or in any building or premises, the superintendent of health shall, except as may be other- wise provided, issue a notice to the owner, lessee or agent of such building or premises, to abate such nuisance within a specified time ; and such notice shall be served by any police constable of the city. If such nuisance be not abated within the specified time, the superin- tendent of health is authorized to abate such nuisance ; provided, that the cost of abating any such nuisance shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars. The city treasurer shall pay the expenses of the same, and the owner and lessee of such building or premises shall be severally liable therefor, and the same shall be recoverable from the owner or lessee by an action in the name of the city treasurer, to the use of the city of Providence, before any court of competent jurisdiction. 26. Any person violating any provision of this code wherein no penalty is herein otherwise prescribed, shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for every violation thereof, and shall be fined nor exceeding twenty dollars for each day's continuance of the said violation after the service of the notice issued upon the first complaint.