TEE NATIONAL BENEFACTION—$500,000! SEVEN THOUSAND PATENT LIMBS GIVEN TO THE UNITED STATES TROOPS. Brief History of the Great Work. It is proper that the mutilated men who have received Limbs on Government order, and the public, so largely interested in the subject, should now learn the true and complete history of the Nation’s magnificent benefaction, tendered to its gallant defenders, at an expense of half a million of dollars. The most erroneous impression has become general concerning its inception, progress, and results. A donation of $100,000 has been mistaken for a grand speculation ! In the year 1861, long before Congress took any steps to pro- vide Artificial Limbs for United States Soldiers and Sailors, mutilated in the great war, I recommended the measure to the President of the Sanitary Commission and the Surgeon- General. Both approved of the measure, but wrote me that they saw no way to accomplish so much good. Dr. Bellows, the distinguished head of the Sanitary Commission, warmly commended my efforts. Believing then as I now do that the Government, saved by the gallant United States troops at the enormous sacrifice of more than ten thousand human limbs, by men now living, should consider it a small part of its great duty to its muti- lated defenders, to restore, to the utmost extent possible, their comfort and usefulness, by supplying the best Artificial Limbs, I continued my efforts, and called the attention of in- fluential members of Congress to the subject. At length I 1 2 had the satisfaction of seeing a step taken in the right direc- tion. In July, 1862, the first appropriation was made by Con- gress ($15,000) for supplying “Artificial Limbs.” The matter of purchasing them was placed, with the funds, in the hands of the Surgeon-General. I addressed a communication to him, pointing out the only way in which, it appeared to me, the object sought by Congress could be accomplished. I here- with submit a few short extracts from that paper, with letters from Dr. Bellows and the Surgeon-General, viz. : Surgeon-General of the United States. Sir : Many benevolent persons of distinction, among whom are eminent surgeons of this city, Yew York and Boston, have urged upon me the importance of my addressing you in reference to supplying the mutilated heroes of the Army and Yavy with the Palmer Arm and Leg. This may be my apology for troubling you at this time. It is possible thlat you have not had an opportunity to inspect the mechanism of my Inventions; also, you may not have de- voted much thought to the subject of artificial limbs. For these reasons I beg leave to call your attention to the subject, and present you a model. The proofs of the universally-accorded superiority of my in- ventions will be found in the pamphlet I send, accompanying this letter. The only question that seems likely to arise, is in reference to the cost of the limbs. The price will necessarily depend very much on the number made. Hitherto my regular charge has been $150 per limb. For ten years I have had the patronage of the United States Military Asylum at Washington, and am not now disposed to make the necessities of my.fellow-creatures my opportunity of great gain. I will therefore make the great- est number of my Patent Limbs possible, for the amount of the appropriation, and to accomplish this end, now tender, as a gift to the mutilated, the Patent Right to use as many as 1 can make 'perfectly for the amount. I also offer my personal services free of charge, as Director of the establishment for adjusting the limbs. It is the custom to send a long array of influential names attached to a paper of this kind, and I should have followed 3 ill tlie way most usually practised, had it not been for a letter from the Rev. H. W. Bellows, D.D., President of the Sani- tary Commission, the receipt of which, a few days since, caused me to believe such a course wholly unnecessary. I extract from Dr. Bellows’ letter as follows, viz.: “Dear Sir: Your favor of the 17th instant came duly to hand. I believe there is no real doubt, and very little ques- tion among competent judges, that your Artificial Leg is the very best in the world. One of the very best surgeons in this or any country, Dr. Van Buren, so assures me; and a still more decisive authority, the public, who has so exten- sively tried the Leg, has pronounced in its favor What influence can you ask, or ought you to desire, beyond the recognized merit of your Artificial Leg, to give it currency ? Doubtless, the benevolence of every considerable town will prompt it to furnish any halt and one-legged soldiers BELONGING TO IT WITH YOUR ‘LEG,’ IF CONGRESS SHOULD FAIL TO supply them. Advertise your Leg in the largest way. Nothing else can be necessary to give it a sale quite co-extensive with its superlative merits. “ With the best will towards you and your success, “ I am, very truly yours, “H. W. Bellows. “July 20, 1862.” Of late there has been an attempt to divert the attention of surgeons and the mutilated, and as efforts may be made to se- cure the Government patronage by many incompetent persons, I would respectfully suggest the propriety of your calling a meeting of all applicants to compare specimens. Respectfully submitted by your obedient servant, B. Prank. Palmer. Philadelphia, 11th August, 1862. Surgeon-General's Office, Washington City, D. C., August 17th, 1862. Sir : The Surgeon-General desires to inform you that on the 20th instant, in New York city, he will assemble a Board, under the Presidency of Dr. Mott, to examine into the merits of the different leg and arm patents. 4 The Surgeon-General advises you to submit to the same Board your application. Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, J. Hinton, Secretary. To Dr. B. F. Palmer. To Valentine Mott, M.D., and other Surgeons. Gentlemen : In compliance with your request, and the re- quest of the Surgeon-General, I submit a proposition for supplying my Patent Artificial Limbs for the United States Troops. You request me to present a statement of prices at which I will supply the “Palmer” Limbs, also the simple “peg.” I beg that you will not entertain the idea of purchasing that barbarous prop, the peg, which 1 cannot term an artificial “limb.” The appropriation made by Congress was for the purchase of “Artificial Limbs,” and I am convinced that the Board of eminent Surgeons to whom the subject is referred will find nothing to conflict with their desire to recommend the best “limbs.” I present to you a copy of a letter addressed by me to the Surgeon-General, and will render to this Board, an account of the cost of making the limbs, and abide your decision in the whole matter. In the way proposed the cost will be reduced to the utmost limit, and competent judges will have full cognizance of the accounts. Respectfully submitted by your obedient servant, B. Frank Palmer. Philadelphia, August 27th, 1862. The Board consisted of five very eminent Surgeons, whose opinion of my Inventions, given in their own words, will be found in the short extracts from their valuable testimonials concerning the Palmer Leg, viz.: “ All concur in bearing practical testimony to its superiority.”— Valentine Mott, M.D. “I believe it to be the best in use.”— Wm. H. Van Buren, M.D. “ As perfect as any piece of human mechanism can be made.”— S. D. Gross, M.D. “It is the most satisfactory one that has come under my observation.”— J. Mason Warren, M.D. “ It exhibits great superiority, both in plan and finish.”—B. F. Bache, M.D. 5 There was no hesitation on the part of the board, in decid- ing, practically, in favor of the Palmer Limbs, but the diffi- culty arose in reference to the price. To obtain the genuine article made by myself, they thought would cost too much. They recommended the payment of $50, and that, in addition to the sum to be paid by the Government, the soldier pay the balance in case he obtained a limb, for which a higher price was required. Then commenced speculation and peculation, and it was easy to see that the soldier would be victimized in many cases, as he did not know how to select, and unscrupulous manufac- turers had the matter at their control. I immediately went to Washington, and, in a long interview with the Surgeon Gen- eral, urged a different course of action. I informed him that some makers had commenced charging the soldier a portion of the price for very inferior limbs, and insisted that it was wrong, discreditable to the Government and not just to the soldiers. In this view the Surgeon General concurred. I then proposed to make a contribution of half the price of all the limbs furnished, and thus cut short the speculation which was so actively commenced. The proposition was received with favor, and he informed me that he would at once forbid all other per- sons making any additional charge to soldiers for Legs. Thus, one great point was gained for the soldier. The great mass of soldiers sought, and still seek, my Patent Limbs. I have made them in great numbers, but at great loss. In proof of the correctness of this statement, I need only to allude to the fact, that the men who made inferior limbs demanded and obtained from Government an increase of fifty per cent. Even then the price was found so inadequate that Congress relieved all manufacturers of the tax, thus making an increase of more than one-half of what had been paid prior to August, 1864. At that time I had 400 orders on tile, and on that ac- count, great numbers of limbs subsequently made by me were paid for at $50 each. I have continued the work, and there has never been any restraint upon me in the matter of charg- ing the soldiers except that imposed by myself. Yet I have never permitted any soldier to pay anything for a leg while I have been executing this high trust. I have received $50 less than a reasonable price for every leg furnished—fully $100,000 less than I might have properly realized on so large a contract. It is a 6 gain, or saving, of $100,000 to the soldiers, and I am assured by every day’s mail that the service is well appreciated; more than one thousand men have sent me cheering assurances, or testimonials. The work has drawn encomium from the Secre- tary of War in an annual report, and a congratulatory para- graph from the President of the United States in an annual message. I now submit unquestionable proof of the correctness of the views presented to the Surgeon-General in 1862, to which I invite attention. At the present time I am receiving testi- monials from the soldiers, wearing all the various kinds of limbs, at the rate of about one thousand per month, and they are, as ten to one, in favor of the “Palmer” Limbs over the entire combination of imitations made by the government manu- facturers. „ I respectfully ask the careful attention of all persons in- terested to the following testimony : CERTIFICATE OF SURG. W. S. KING, U.S.A., LATE SUPT. U.S.A. GEN. HOSPITALS. Surgeon King was for several years Medical Director of the great central Department of Pennsylvania, and estab- lished the first large Army Hospital in Philadelphia, de- voted exclusively to the treatment of men mutilated, in 1862. He is now Medical Director of the Department of the Lakes ; Detroit, Michigan. “Office of Superintendent U.S.A. General Hospitals, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 15th, 1866. “ Having acted as Medical Director during three years of the war, it became my duty to give orders for artificial limbs to mutilated soldiers, and as Dr. B. F. PALMER’S LIMBS WERE GENERALLY PREFERRED, A LARGE MAJORITY OF THE ORDERS WERE GIVEN ON HIM to furnish the necessary limbs. So far as my knowledge extends, the limbs furnished by Dr. Palmer have given most satisfaction, and this is also the testimony of hospital stewards and non-commissioned officers on duty at the various hospitals in my charge, who have had oppor- tunities of SEEING THE MEN AFTER THEY HAD RECEIVED AND USED THE limbs furnished to them; and I have therefore no hesitation in saying that, IN MY OPINION, THEY ARE PREFERABLE TO ALL OTHERS. “Wm. S. King, Brevet-Colonel and Surgeon, U.S.A., “ Superintendent U.S.A. General Hospitals.’’ 7 Major-General Sickles. Brevoort House, New York, January 12, 1865. Sir : I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the ex- cellence of the artificial leg you made for me. I have used it long enough to convince me of the superior mechanical con- struction of the limbs you make. My intercourse with yourself has impressed me with your unwearied devotion to your patients, and the rare scientific accomplishments you bring to their relief. In placing this note at your disposal, I only perform a duty to my comrades who may, by the fortune of war, have occasion for your Services. I remain, dear sir, very respectfully, D. E. Sickles, B. Frank. Palmer, LL.D. Major-General. Major-General Bartlett. Boston, Mass., January 6, 1865. Bear Sir : I have now used the Palmer Leg (full length) for .more than two years. During most of that time I have been on active duty in the field. It has stood the severe test of campaigning, exposure to all weathers, and constant use in the saddle, admirably; far better than I expected. I have never been kept off* duty an hour by any fault in its mechanism. I willingly bear testimony to its superior merits, and express my complete satisfaction with the result of the test to which I have subjected it. I am sir, very respectfully, W. F. Bartlett, B. Frank. Palmer, LL.D. Major-General. Major-General Fessenden. Washington, December 27, 1864. Dear Sir : Having worn one of your patent legs for nearly three months, I desire to add my testimony in favor of an in- vention so beneficial to humanity. I suffered amputation of my right leg, six inches below the knee, in April, 1864. Five months later I began to wear my false leg which you made. The socket was comfortably fitted, and I have no trouble with the leg whatever. I cannot express in language m}T admira- tion and gratitude for an invention which reconciles me to the loss of a limb, and which enables me to enjoy so much com- 8 fort and happiness. It makes that which formerly appeared as one of the severest afflictions, to be in reality one of the least. My 'patent leg has been perfectly satisfactory in every way, and I do not see what fault can be found, or what improve- ment can be made. I am, very respectfully, Your ob’t servant, Francis Fessenden, B. Frank. Palmer, LL.D. Major-General. Brig.-General Macrae, TT.S.A. No. 100 East Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1, 1866. Dr. B. F. Palmer. Dear Sir : Your manufacture of artificial legs has been fully tested by me during a period of more than sixteen con- secutive years. I take pleasure in testifying, for the benefit of others, that your manufacture is very durable, simple, and excellent. The simplicity of ycfur invention is its greatest rec- ommendation, and I have not the talent to point out any change in it. Very truly yours, N. C. Macrae, U. S. A. Colonel H. D. Jarves’ Statement. December 10, 1862, 2d Lt. H. D. Jarves, 24th Mass. Vols., bought one of Palmer’s legs (left leg). May 1st, 1863, went to North Carolina, and served on Staff of 18th A. C., as Asst. Com. Musters, and Commissary of Musters, Army and Dist. of N. C. January 8th, 1864. Commissioned Major 56th Mass. Inf. Started with the regiment from Annapolis, April 21st, 1864, and went through the marches from Annapolis of the Ninth Corps, the battle of the Wilderness, and was disabled in battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, May 12th, while in command of the 56th Massachusetts. May 25th, 1864, commissioned Lieut.- Col. 56tli Mass. Inf. The Palmer Artificial Leg has been as near perfection as anything artificial can be. I have been able to walk several miles without a cane, wearing my sword. II. D. Jarves, • Late Col. Mass. Inf. 9 Colonel ¥m. W. Dudley. Richmond, Indiana, May 1st, 1866. B. Frank. Palmer, LL.D. Dear Sir : Having for the past two years been wearing one of your Artificial Legs, I desire to add my testimony to the already long list of those benefited by your admirable in- vention. I have used my limb under almost every possible circum- stance, and by the side of Selpho’s, Bly’s, and nearly all the best makers, and I have invariably found that my limb, both for practical utility and for natural appearance of outline and step, IS SUPERIOR TO ALL. Hone, except those who knew of my having lost a limb in battle, would, for a long time, believe that I wore a patent leg, so naturally and easily do I use my “ Palmer.” I shall probably order a duplicate soon, for I will wear no other make so long as I can get one of yours. I am, sir, gratefully your ob’d’t serv’t, ¥m. W. Dudley, • Colonel 19th Ind. Vols. Captain W. Henry Walcott. Port Preble, Me., Aug. 2, 1867. Dear Sir : I lost my left leg in the battle of Gettysburg. Before my recovery, I had to submit to ten operations, which, of course, did not leave me in the most favorable condition for the application of an artificial leg. Before concluding which of several legs I should select, I was waited upon by at least ten different manufacturers, including those of all the so-called “ improvements ” which have been brought out. I concluded that the Palmer Leg was at least quite as good as any of them, and I procured it. Immediately upon putting it on, I walked with great ease and naturalness. In one week, I threw aside my cane, and I now march my company on parade without cane or support of any kind, and march without fatigue. At the late party given at Fort Scannel to the Congressional Committee,! danced three times, one of the dances being a contra-dance. I allude to this to show what can be done with a Palmer Leg. Very truly yours, W. Henry Walcott, B. Frank. Palmer, LL.D. Late Captain 17th U. S. Infantry. 10 The Soldiers’ Experience, The following are certified (condensed) statements, given in the exact language of each man; and every report, made at the time of going to press, is given, concerning every manufacturer whose name appears. The average statement will, therefore, show the present standing of each. The blank was addressed to every man supplied by all the manufacturers of Artificial Limbs, requesting him to give a candid expression of his opinion, whatever it may he, derived from his own experience and from the experience of others who use the various kinds of Patent Limbs. The returns show a fair average number of cases treated by the various Government manufacturers of Limbs, and have reached a number so great, that to publish them in full would require a large volume. About one thousand cases will now be noticed—quite enough to show the real opinion of the officers and soldiers. Among the names will be found many of commissioned officers, some of high rank. The sincere thanks of the writer are tendered to all who have responded, whether they have spoken for or against the Palmer Limbs. B. F. P. TESTIMONY OF A THOUSAND SOLDIERS. “ I, the subscriber, hereby.certify that I lost a Leg while in the U. S. Service, and that I received an Artificial Leg,” &c. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Feb. 1865. I have worn it 3 years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. Timothy Elliott, Co. A, 119th Pa. Vols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Aug. 1866. I have worn it 15 mos. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. I believe a man gets a better leg on Government order than for cash. John Hillings, Co. H, 5th Pa. Vols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, July, 1867. I have worn it 15 mos. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. G. W. Keimer, Co. G, 139th N. Y. Yols. 11 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Aug., 1865. I have worn it 2 years. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s before all others as the Best. John Herron, Co. I, 4th Del. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, June, 1868. I have worn it 4£ years. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. J. A. Sullivan, Co. D, 10th Mass. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer. I have worn it 4 years. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. Robert E. Rich, Co. B, 19th Mass. Yols. I received a Leg made by Dr. Palmer, Eeb., 1865. I have worn it 3 years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. Charles S. Padgett, Co. H, 12th N. J. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Sept., 1865. I have worn it 2% years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. I will be down the middle of March next for a new leg. David Beaverson, Co. H, 187th Pa. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, April, 1863. I have worn it 5 years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. I cannot, in language, express my gratitude for this invention. G. W. Male, U. S. N. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Hudson, Oct., 1865. I have worn it 2 years. I recommend another leg. Josepa Somas, Co. B, 56th N. Y. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, June, 1865. I have worn it 2J years. I am well satisfied. No signature. Co. D, 198 Pa. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Dec., 1864. I have worn it 3 years. I am well satisfied.* I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. J. J. Edmonds, Co. D, 90th Pa. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, July, 1867. I have worn it 6 mos. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. Byron G. Kenyon, Co. H, 11th N. H. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, July, 1865. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. S. W. Place, Co. I, 1st R. I. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Mar., 1866. I have worn it 10 mos. I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. Charles Miller, Co. H, 2d Pa. Art’y. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Bly, Oct., 1864. I have worn it 3 years. I am not satisfied. It has cost me too much for repairs. H. W. Hughes, Co. I, 133d N. Y. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Selpho, Aug., 1865. I have worn it 3 months. I was not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. C. H. Stone, Co. F, 5th N. H. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Oct., 1865. I have worn it 6 mos. I am not satisfied. I recommend—I don’t know who. J. Snyder, Co. B, 4th N. Y. S. M. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, Oct., 1864. I have worn it 3J years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony. W. R. Postles, Co. A, 1st Del. Yols. I received a Leg, made by Dr. Palmer, June, 1863. I have worn it 4| years. I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the Best. I can walk as well as ever, and can also run; I am a caulker by trade, and can climb up the side of a vessel as well as any man with two good feet. C. P. Morgan, Co. B, 1st Mass. Yols. 12 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by’ ’ DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Palmer. August, 1863. 4 years. Palmer’s to be the best. H. E. Chapman, Co. A, 6th N. H. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. years. PalMer’s as the best. Jas. McCoy, Co. A, 64th Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. 2J years. Palmer’s Patent as the best. A. H. Hubbs, Co. B, 122d N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. Palmer’s as the best. S. G. Steel, Co. H, 149th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. I got the worst legs you had. J. D. Snyder, Co. G, 149th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Robert Moffatt, Co. H, 121st Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. 7 months. Palmer’s as the best. I intend soon to procure another, and shall certainly get a Palmer. E. E. Dresser, Co. A, 20th Mass. Yols. Salem Co., Sept., 1865. I have not worn it at all, as I received it. I was compelled to have a thigh added, and it was worthless. I often regret I did not procure one of yours. Robert Johnson, Co. G, 121st Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. December, 1864. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Jacob Christofferson, Co. E, 10th Y. R. C. Dr. Palmer. 1865. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. C. A. Brown, 14th N. J. Vols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1866. Worn it since. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. John Y. Spahman, 62d Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1867. 1J years. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. J. C. Heller, Co. I, 49tfe Pa. Yols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. 1 year. It was not good. Palmer’s. P. McCaffrey, Co. L, 5th N. J. Yols. Selpho. October, 1865. 15 months. Not satisfied. Palmer’s. R. McCloy, Co. A, 10th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. January, 1866. 2 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. A. Bassett, Co. H, 22d Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. December, 1865. 2 years. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. Pius D. Miller, Co. I, 87th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. January, 1863. 4 years. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. I have used the leg continually, and walked 20 miles without incon- venience. T. O’Brian, Co. D, 69th N. Y. Yols. Selpho. December, 1864. 2J years. I do not think I got so good a leg. J. Eiske, Co. H, 1st R. I. Art’y. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. Recommend Dr. Palmer. Jacob Maxim, Co. G, 18th Mass. Dr. Bly. April, 1865. 3 years. Had to be “reconstructed.” Joseph McKinney, Co. A, 151st 0. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1864. 3£ years. I am satisfied — as I can plow, cradle grain, and mow. It is full length; above knee. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. I have, by my excellent walking, gained great favor towards your artificial limb. Perhaps ere this you have received an order from Col. D. M. J , who got a leg in Pittsburg. He is heartily dis- gusted with his patent, and told me he would get one like mine. E. E. Wilson, Co. A, 110th Pa. Yols. 13 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by” DATE. WORM. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Palmer. April, 1864. Not satisfied. Charles L. Favour, Co. H, 16th Me. Yols. Jewett Co. June, 1865. 1 year. Not satisfied. It is a nuisance. J. J. Prettyman, Co. A, 11th Ya. Vols. Dr. Palmer. October, 1865. If years. Do not think it durable. E.. M. Truell, Co. E, 12th Wis. Yols. Dr. Palmer. October, 1863. years. Entirely satisfied. Palmer’s. Francis Scott, Co. K, 26th Pa. Yols. Dr. Hudson. July, 1865. 2£years. Notsatisfied. KecommendPalmer’s. The leg made by Dr. H. has nearly worn out. George Brown, Co. C, 97th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. December, 1864. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Alex. F. Nicholas, Co. G, 4th Pa. Res. Small&McM. July, 1865. 2£ years. Not satisfied. Spent twenty-five dollars. Palmer’s. L. J. Donaldson, Co. P, 20th Ohio Yols. Dr. Hudson. June, 1864. 3 months. Not satisfied. Palmer’s- John Byan, Co. H, 20th Conn. Yols. Jewett Co. July, 1865. Till September, when it broke. Not satisfied. Wm. Manning, Co. I, 20th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1865. 2 years. Am satisfied. Palmer’s. N. B. Jeremiah Brinker, of this place, says he prefers Palmer’s. He is wearing two of them. G. Yingling, Co. D, 105th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. October, 1865. 2 years. Am satisfied. Palmer’s. Samuel Breeze, Co. C, 76th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1864. years. Highly pleased. Palmer’s. T. H. Gentry, Co. F, 27th Ind. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. 6 weeks. Not satisfied. (No one.) Aaron Yoder, Co. E, 55th Pa. Yols. Jewett Co. Nov., 1865. Few months. Not satisfied. Palmer’s. The leg is entirely too heavy and clumsy. It pains my chest. Charles L. Maire, Co. K, 109th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. 26 months. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Theodore Davis, Co. E, 82d Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. August, 1865. 6 months. Not satisfied—only oe one thing —it made one good riRE. I paid $100 extra. Palmer’s. J. M. Welch, Co. B, 9th Iowa Vols. Dr. Palmer. August, 1866. Since. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. David Wilbur, Co. K, 1st Me. H. A. Dr. Hudson. May, 1864. years. Not satisfied. Palmer’s. Hugh Thompson, Co. H, 6th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1866. 1 year. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. L. F. Rolf, Co. M, 1st Me. H. A. G-. B. Jewett. August, 1865. I managed to wear it an hour at a time by sueeering much pain. I am wholly dissatisfied. It has been of no use whatever. I believe the Palmer Leg to be the best. John A. Cousens, Co. I, 1st Me. H. A. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1864. “Lateral motion.” I have not worn it to exceed six months, and that at short intervals. I have now given it up, and am wearing a peg made by myself. I was required to pay $50. I prefer Palmer’s to all others. David Parker, Co. F, 61st N. Y. Yols. 14 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by DATE. WORN. OPINION. “i RECOMMEND ” Jewett Co. Sept., 1865. I have not worn it to exceed one week. I am not satisfied. I have heard of your leg being very good. James Walsh, Co. A, 64th N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer, Dec., 1865. Palmer’s as good as any. Thomas Curren, Co. H, 2d Iowa Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1864. I was required to pay $50 extra. I have worn it 3J years. I am not satisfied. The knee-joint doesn’t work well, and the leg is too short. J. H. Welking, Co. A, 114th 111. Yols. Dr. Bly. Sept., 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied; it is too heavy—very burdensome. A. L. Mussulman, Co. D, 71st 0. Yols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. 1 year. Not satisfied. It became worth- less. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Jos. H. McClintie, Co. A, 87th Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. June, 1865. 7 months. When it was racked all out of repair, AND cost me $75. It was a miserable excuse. M. M. Boothman, Co. H, 38th 0. Yols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. 3 years. Am satisfied. Palmer’s. Alex. T. Hayes, Co. C, 110th Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. Jan., 1864. I have worn it about half of the time since I got it. I am not satisfied. I would like to try one of Palmer’s. Oliver Charlton, Co. E, 34th Ohio Vols. Dr. Hudson. April, 1864. I never wore it any of any account. Stephen D. Smith, Co. C., 7th N. H. Yols. Dr. Bly. June, 1864. Paid $50 extra. I have worn it 3| years; am not satisfied. The braces have broken five times. It has worn off two heel-cords ; one nut split before I wore it a week. David Wallace, Co. A, 10th N. Y. Cav’y. Selpho. Eeb., 1865. I have not been able to wear it. I have since procured one from Dr. H.; but, from observation, I believe Palmer’s to he the best. George H. Starr, Co. E, 11th Conn. Yols. Selpho. Nov., 1865. I have worn it hut little; a few hours at a time. I am not satisfied. I recommend the Palmer Leg. George Sheppard, Co. K, 3d Ct. Yols. Dr. Palmer. February, 1866. I recommend yours. George M. Brown, Co. A, 31st Ills. Yols. Dr. Bly. July, 1865. I paid $50 extra. I have worn it 2| years. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. George A. Park, Co. A, 81st Ohio Vols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. I wore it 1 year, and wore it out. I am not satisfied by any means. H. C. Walbridge, Co. E, 145th Pa. Vols. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. I have worn it 2 years. I am not acquainted with any other. J. S. Brannon, Co. G, 10th W. Ya. Yols. Dr. Palmer. January, 1865. 3 years. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. Louis Dugal, Co. F, 146th N. Y. Yols. Stafford. July, 1864. I have worn it 4 years (with blacksmith bills). I am not satisfied, for the limb is gone up. I recommend Palmer’s as best. George H. Smith, Co. F, 7th Wis. Yols. 15 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by.’ DATE. 'WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Bly. June, 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. I have worn it to the present time, hut am not satisfied, as it does not answer the purpose. I believe from what I hear, Palmer’s to he the best. John Shelly, Co. D, 46th Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. March, 1866. I paid $50 extra. It gives me so much pain that I have worn it but a few times. I am not satisfied. I prefer yours. John Hope, Co. H, 5th Ya. Cav’y. Dr. Bly. June, 1865. I have worn it about 4 months. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. W. M. Brown, Co. F, 91st Ohio Vols. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. I don’t think it worth the money. J. C. Brown, Co. E, 52d Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. August, 1865. Not worn it. Not satisfied. W. H. H. Weeman, 1st Me. Battery. Dr. Palmer. Feb’y, 1867. I don’t know. (No other.) Abram Bish, Co. G, 155th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1864. 4 years. I recommend it. W. W. English, Co. H, 71st Ind. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. I think it is too large for me. (No other.) John Luttman, Co. K, 203d Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1864. I was obliged to pay $50. I am satisfied, if it is the best; if not, no! J. M. Monroe, Co. G, 42d Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1867. Ever since. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Thomas Williams, Co. E, 17th N. Y. C. T. Dr. Palmer. May, 1863. 3f years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s, William H. Eenlin, Co. E, 88th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. August, 1865. 1 year. (No other.) Jackson Everett, Co. G, 142d Pa. Yols. Dr. Hudson. March, 1865. 16 months. I had to get another, because it was not durable. I shall have to get another (3d) next year, and I think I shall try the Palmer. H. Downs, Co. K, 44th N. Y. Yols. Selpho. Sept., 1865. I have worn it about 5 months. It was poor enough. It caused me to have my leg reamputated. It is not worth the iron it was made of. R. A. Clark, Co. F, 14th N. J. Yols. Dr. Hudson. July, 1865. 2 years. I did not like it. F. W. Knight, Co. E, 11th Yt. Yols. Dr. Bly. March, 1864. I was required to pay $100. Wore the leg six months. Not satisfied ; they are worthless. J. F. Richards, Co. D, 15th Ind. Yols. Dr. Bly. I was obliged to pay $50 over and above $75. I wore it 18 months. It is too heavy. Joseph Jackson, Co. F, 12th Mo. Cav’y. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. I have worn it 3 years. I am not satisfied. Has needed a good deal of repairing. I cannot recommend Bly’s. E. W. Clark, Co. F, 5th Mich. Vols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1863. I wore it, and walked a mile at a time on it. I believe the Palmer Leg to be the best, and recommend it, both from my own experience and my observation of others. A. F. Hill, Co. D, 8th Pa. Res. 16 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. ‘‘LEG MADE BY DATE. worn. opinion. “ i recommend” Dr. Bly. May, 1865. 3 months. I cannot use the leg. Palmer’s. William Pluss, Co. H, 23d Mich. Yols. G. W. JEWETT. 1865. 3 years. I am not satisfied. L. Arnold, Co. G, 143d Pa. Yols. J EWETT. August, 1865. 10 months. I can .truly say that I am not satis- fied, and that I loathe the sight of a Jewett Leg. According to all accounts, I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Arthur D. Bice, Co. B, 38th Wis. Vols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. 6 months. Could not say. C. H Stratton, Co. F, 25th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. 3 years. Palmer’s as the best. Chas. H. Day, Co. A, 32d Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1865. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. Geo. Forsyth, Co. C, 14th N. J. Vols. Selpho. July, 1865. 3 months, on and off. Wm. Welch, Co. D, 33d N. J. Yols. G. B. Jewett. May, 1866. Satisfied. Seen but few. John L. Hosford, Co. H, 7th Vt. Yols. G. B. Jewett. Aug., 1865. 2 years. I am not at all satisfied with it. 1 believe it to be the worst. It is only an incumbrance. James Hickie, Co. A, 10th Vt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Mar., 1864. 4 years. Kecommend it to all. Frank Kresge, Co. I, 81st Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. E. D. Curtis, Co. I, 1st Pa. Rifles. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 2 years. Amster Cook, Co. E, 31st Iowa Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1864. Since ; perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Jas. H. Lawrence, Co. D, 93d N.Y.Yols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1864. Leg very easy. Palmer’s. W. F. Levery, Co. I, 3d Yt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 3 years. I believe Palmer’s best. Granville Brake, Co. D, 15th W. Ya. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. 3 years. Palmer’s as the best. A. Dougherty, Co. D, 44th Ind. Yols.. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. 2 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Robt. Bennett, Jr., Co. D, 7th Md. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. Constantly. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. C. J. Burk, Co. A, 140th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1863. 3£ years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Wm. D. Lelar, Co. H, 90th Pa. Yols. B.W. Jewett. July, 1865. I have worn it when I could, since January, 1866. Am not satisfied. I can do more hard work with a leg I made myself. F. W. Isham, Co. D, 7th Wis. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1865. 2 years. I think “ it can’t be beat.” Win. W. Harris, Co. B, 186th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1856. 2| years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Geo. W. Eaton, Co. A, 6th Me. Yols. G. W. Jewett. Nov. 1864. 12 months. I was required to post ($25). I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. J. C. Brott, Co. B, 2d N. Y. H. A. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1865. Entirely satisfied. Palmer’s. H. H. Palmer, Co. B, 2d Ohio Cav’y. 17 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “ LEG MADE BY ” DATE. WORN. ' OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND ” G. B. Jewett. May, 1865. I have worn it when in order most of the time since. I have expended some $30 on it, besides my own labor (being a little ingenious myself), otherwise I should have had to dispense with it long since, and if I shall get an- other year’s wear by 'patching, I shall do well. * Wm. P. Hiller, Co. A, 2d N. Y. H. A. Dr. Hudson. July, 1864. 10 months altogether, and had work to make it hold out that long. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. E. F. Bennett, Co. B, 76th Pa. Vols. Dr. Bly. June, 1865. I was required to pay $50 in addition to the $75 furnished. I have worn it about 18 months. I believe, from general information, that Palmer’s is the best, and recommend it. The leg I have is easily broken, and subject to frequent repairing. I had not used it more than three months when the socket split from the top to the knee. The knee-spring gave out before I had it two months. I got a new spring, hut it did not last long, and, from the construc- tion, I think it hard to get a spring to stand. I came near losing my — last summer by the leg bruising the stump. I am well acquainted with H. A. C., who has your leg. It works very well, and from what I have seen and heard, I do not hesitate to recommend yours for ease and durability. Jason Powell, Co. B, 29th Iowa Yols. Dr. Hudson. June, 1864. 25 days. I cannot wear it. Pat. Turney, Co. E, 24th Mich. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1866. 1J years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Lafayette Strayer, Co. A, 210th Pa. Yols. Marks. Aug., 1865. 20 months. I have worn hut this one. C. E. M. Oliver, Co. F, 123d Ohio Vols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1866. I believe Dr. Palmer’s best. C. Nickerson, Co. K, 1st Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1863. Since; well satisfied. Palmer’s. G. M. Conger, Co. E, 17th Iowa Vols. H. St. John. June, 1865. 30 days. It was of no service to me. I be- lieve, from what I have heard, Palmer’s to be the best. G. E. Cotton, Co. M, 4th N. Y. H. A. Jewett. May, 1864. He charged me $25 extra. I wore it several times, but have not been able to make any use of it. I am not satisfied. I recommend the Palmer Leg. D. Y. L. Ostrander, Co. B, 100th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Bly. July, 1864. I was required to pay $50 extra. I would like to try one of your legs. A. Crist, Co. F, 70th N. Y. Yols. Stafford. Jan’y, 1864. 2 years, with a great deal of expense. I was not satisfied. I believe, as far as I can learn, the Palmer Leg to be best. Scott Case, Co. C, 11th Wis. Vols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1864. 3 years. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. L. Allhouse, Co. H, 63d Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. 1865. 1J years. I recommend Palmer’s. S. D. Wakefield, Co. C., 3d Me. Yols. Dr. Bly. Feb’y, 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. I wore it one year. I am not satisfied. I recommend the American (Palmer) Leg. O. H. S. Leonard, Co. B, 31st Ind. Yols. 18 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “ LBS MADE BY DATE. WORN. OPINION. “i RECOMMEND” Dr. Bly. Dec., 1864. 2 years. I am not satisfied. A. Codugan, Co. I, 116th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Peb’y, 1864. Since. I believe it to be the best. W. Spraker, Jr., Co. I, 64th H. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1863. I am perfectly satisfied. J. Cavanagh, Co. B, 12th Mass. Yols. Salem Co. Oct., 1865. I am at considerable expense to get it repaired. ($25 a year.) I believe Palmer’s to be the best. A. C. Andrews, Co. H, 32d Mass. Yols. Dr. Hudson. Oct., 1863. I am not very well satisfied, for I think it was slighted. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. E. E. Warren, Co. I, 144th N. Y. Yols. Small &McM. 6 months, but not till I got it repaired at my own expense. I am not at all satisfied; it was not worth a cent. A. S. Bloomer, Co. G, 55th Ohio Vols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. I can’t say that I am satisfied. John H. McGee, Co. L, 1st 0. L. A. Dr. Palmer. May, 1864. 1 year. Am not satisfied. E. Mob, Co. H, 24th Ind. Yols. Dr. Hudson. Dec., 1864. 3 years, and recommend the same. Geo. Sauer, Co. G, 169th H. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. 2 years. Am satisfied, and recommend it. G. W. Painter, Co. H, 139th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1864. I recommend Palmer’s. Kichd. Clearwater, Co. G, 125th Ills.Yols. Selpho. June, 1865. Part of the time since I got it. I think it might be improved. E. Skellie, Co. D, 112tli N. Y. Yols. Jewett. May, 1865. 1| years. It never fitted right. I am not satisfied. Erom what I can learn I recommend Palmer’s. J. Cavanaugh, Co. C, 7th Wis. Vols. Jewett. April, 1865. 3 years. I have not been satisfied with it. I will have a Palmer Leg. Anonymous. Dr. Palmer. July, 1867. 7 months. I am well satisfied. Palmer’s. J. W. Wion, Co. E, 3d Wis. Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. I was obliged to pay $50 more to get the leg. I have not worn it more than six months in all. I am not satisfied; it is out of repair all the time. Stephen S. Mills, Co. B, 7th Minn. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Mar., 1867. 1 week. It is out of repair. Eobt. A. Williams, Co. F, 184th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. 1865. 10 days. Hot satisfied. S. C. Myers, Co. C, 183d Pa. Yols. Dr. Hudson. Oct., 1864. Part of the time I could not wear it to my SATISFACTION. Thomas Condon, Co. K, 42d 111. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1864. Since. I would not hesitate to compete with any person in the United States walking, considering the length of stump. I recommend the Palmer Leg as the best. Chas. Lawrence, Co. E, 90th N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1867. 6 months. Entirely satisfied. Palmer’s. . Geo. Wood, Co. H, 114th Pa. Yols. 19 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by DATE. WORN. OPINION. “i RECOMMEND” Dr. Hudson. May, 1864, till Nov., 1866. I am not satisfied. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. I. T. Mossop, Co. D, 100th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1865. I believe the Palmer Leg best. Asa C. Bentley, Co. D, 93d N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1865. I recommend Palmer’s as best. Geo. P. Meader, Co. G, 29th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1866. 1 year and 7 months. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Wm. B. Campbell, Co. C, 1st Me. H. A. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Wm. A. Carter, Co. D, 148th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. Since. I am well satisfied. I believe it to be the best in use. John Leary, Co. I, 106th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. 2£ years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Adam H. Stout, Co. H, 13th Pa. Cav’y. Salem Co. April, 1865. I am perfectly satisfied. H. B. Lovering, Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav’y. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. “Ef there haint now beter leg than yours, I pity the man that make worse. I am not satsfide with the leag.” (Kecommends nobody.) Jas. T. Corrow, Co. F, 4th Del. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. 2J years. 1 believe it to be the best. Jetf. Burtner, Co. E, 103d Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1866. I believe it to be the best. H. Brown, Co. I, 50th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. Is out of order. Cannot use it. J. Heinle, Co. G, 51st Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1865. 2 years. Satisfied. Believe it best. Adam Cramer, Co. B, 55th Ohio Vols. Dr. Palmer. 1864. I believe Palmer’s to be best. S. E. Yost, Co. A, 28th Pa. Yols. Jewett Co. July, 1865. 2 years. Am not satisfied. It does not fit; never did. I recommend Palmer’s. C. W. Betterleg, Co. H, 198th Pa. Yols. Salem Co. July, 1865. “I, myself, may Be Selifish on my Chaise, But myne has give such satisfadion I am oblige tue recom- mend G. B. Jewett’s.” James Carlin, Co. F, 3d Yt. Yols. Small &McM. July, 1865. 2 months. I am not satisfied—never was with it. I have seen a great many of Palmer’s legs used, and re- commend them, at all times, and when I get another, I shall get one of them. John English, Co. D, 23d Ohio Yols. Jewett. April, 1865. I wore it 18 months. I got a blacksmith to put a copper ring around the top of my leg. I paid $20 for repairs. Levi Lackey, Co. A, 209th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 3 years. I am very well satisfied, as I can go where I please with comfort. I recommend Palmer’s as the best in use. Wilbur T. Howard, Co. I, 14th N. H. Yols. Stafford. Sept., 1864. I believe the Palmer Leg to he the most dur- able. I recommend the Palmer. E. H. Adams, Co. C, 12th Iowa Yols. 20 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by ” DATE. worn. opinion. “i recommend” Dr. Bly. Jan’y, 1865. 3 months. Was compelled to get a peg, it being always out of repair. I believe, from information re- ceived, Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend Dr. Palmer. Thos. McGuire, Co. D, 21st Ills. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1865. 2J years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. N. G. Frost, Co. G, 32d Me. Vols. Dr. Hudson. May, 1865. I am not satisfied. I can only wear it about half the time. 1 believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recom- mend his patent. J. P. Caldwell, Co. A, 115th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Bly. April, 1865. I am not satisfied, for it has to be repaired continually, and always has. J. E. White, Co. F, 160th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1864. I recommend Dr. Palmer. I should go to him, if I should ever get another. E. B. Branch, Co. D, 77th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. John D. Meekins, Co. E, 148th Pa. Yols. Jewett. Dec., 1865. I tried to wear it a year. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. H. Gibson, Co. F, 21st Mich. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1865. 2 years. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. A. 0. Wing, Co. F, 1st Me. H. A. Dr. Bly. Dec., 1864. I have not worn it all; it is no use to me. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. H. A. Souder, Co. G, 5th Mich. Cav’y. Jewett Co. Oct., 1865. 8 months. Notsatisfied. I recommend Palm- er’s as best. I am using a leg made by Marks, which I do not like, and intend to get a Palmer. Joseph C. Stevens, Co. A, 13th N. J.Yols. Jewett. July, 1865. satisfied. 2 years, and it is worn out. I was not well H. H. Nuss, Co. C, 86th Ills. Yols. Selpho. June, 1865. Palmer’s as 1 year. I am not satisfied. I recommend the best. G. W. Rice, Co. A, 4th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 3 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. W. B. Britton, Co. F, 60th Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1866. Since. Well satisfied. Palmer’s. H. G. Potter, Co. A, 74th Ind. Yols. Dr. Hudson. 1864. 2 months. Am not satisfied. E. Reiff, Co. A, 12th U. S. Inf. Jewett. Nov., 1864. Palmer’s as 1 month. I am not satisfied. I recommend the best. John B. Bathurst, Co. D, 45th Pa. Yols. Stafford. 1864. Was not satisfied, for I only wore it a year. Should try Palmer’s next. Jas. M. Runyan, Co. H., 59th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. Have worn it over 2 years. I believe Palm- er’s to be the bfest, and recommend it as such. F. H. Hoffman, Co. H, 2d Pa. H. A. Dr. Palmer. March, 1864. 4 years. Am perfectly satisfied. J. Schouton, Co. K, 95th N. Y. Yols. Lockwood. June, 1865. wear it. I am not satisfied with it at all. I cannot J. W. Rast, Co. C, 8th Ks. Yols. 21 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by” DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 3 years. Am satisfied. Palmer’s. Amasa J. Smith, Co. I, 72d N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer. 1862. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Ludwig Hanerwas. Jewett. Nov., 1864. 1 month, when it got useless. I am not satis- fied. I am wearing crutches since. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Henry Green, Co. K, 17th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1864. 3£ years. I am satisfied. Palmer’s. A. J. Pierce, Co. E, 104th N. Y. Yols, Dr. Bly. 2 years. Had it fixed four times, and it is now worn out. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Joseph Hunt, Co. K, 151st N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. 2 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Jos. E. Powell, Co. A, 6th Ks. Cav’y. Dr. Palmer. I am satisfied. Palmer’s. John Mangan, Co. F, 61st Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. Since. I am amply satisfied with your unsur- passable leg. I recommend Palmer’s. Jos. Sterrett, Co. C, 119th Pa. Yols. Stafford. July, 1864. 10 months. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Jacob Warner, Co. C, 3d Miss. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. I am satisfied it is the best limb made on Gov’t order. I recommend Palmer’s. John Kountz, Co. G, 37th 0. V. I. Dr. Palmer. March, 1864. 4 years. Satisfied. I recommend it. W. P. Durkee, Co. B, 4th Yt. Vols. Dr. Hudson-. Jan’y, 1865. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recom- mend it. B. W. Born, Co. E, 3d N. Y. L. A. Dr. Hudson. June, 1864. I recommend Palmer’s Patent to be the best. H. H. Ellis, Co. I, 16 N. Y. Yols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. Had to use crutches. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. Guy S. Kix, Co. A, 8th N. Y. H. A. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. Since. Believe Palmer’s best. A. Byington, Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cav’y. Dr. Bly. 1865. I have made it all over new, pretty near. I am not at all satisfied. I have seen a good many of the Palmer Limbs, and I believe them to be superior to any. I recommend Palmer’s. L. Swatland, Co. E, 123d Ohio Yols. Jewett Co. Aug., 1865. 4 months. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s leg to be the best, and recommend it. W. D. Parsons, Co. B, 2d Yt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. 3 years, and it will stand considerable yet. I have walked 20 miles in one day on it; have built stone fence; and in September, 1867, carried a young lady who weighed 150 lbs. about a quarter of a mile. I believe the Palmer Leg to be the best, and recommend it. I know a good many men wearing limbs made in Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia, but none of them can walk as well as I can. I must get another, and it shall be Palmer’s. John L. Dougherty, Co. M, 18th Pa. Cav’y. 22 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “LEG MADE BY5’ DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND*’ Dr. Bly. July, 1865. 6 months. Was required to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied. I believe the American (Palmer’s) Leg to be the best. John King, Co. D, 120th Ohio Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1866. Since. I am satisfied. Palmer’s. Geo. Prosser, Co. G, 27th Ind. Yols. Selpho. June, 1865. 2 years. Am perfectly satisfied. Cannot tell which is best, having tried hut one. Thos. F. Holland, Co. E, 2d R. I. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1863. 4J years. I am well satisfied. Could not get along without it. I have seen a great many other arti- ficial legs, but really think the Palmer Leg far superior. Pat. Wall, Co. A, 28th Mass. Yols. Dr. Bly. Dec., 1865. 2 years. Was required to pay $25 extra. I have worn it. It is quite liable to get out of repair. I have always heard Palmer’s well spoken of, though I never saw one. I lately obtained a Salem Leg, but have not been able to wear it. Sydney M. Southard, Co. I, 14th Yt. Yols. J EWETT. April, 1865. I am not satisfied. A. T. Shreeve, Co. A, 6th Md. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. 7 months. I can’t state which is best. Re- commend (no other). James Fellers, Co. B, 87th Pa. Yols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. 2 years. I think it a sham. Ira N. Hitchcock, Co. F, 34th Mass. Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1864. 2 years. I was required to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied. I believe yours to be the best. Recom- mend it. Geo. Demal, Co. K, 145th Pa. Yols. Dr. Hudson, Feb’y, 1864. 2 years. Am not satisfied; it is too heavy; and the foot does not, in walking, spring up enough. J. J. Morningstar, Co. D, 76th Pa. Yols. Jewett. July, 1865. 5 months. I am not satisfied, for I can’t use it. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. Jonathan Hearther, Co. A, 50th Pa.Yols. Salem Leg Co. May, 1865. 1 year, at an expense of $30 for repairs. I was not satisfied. I recommend Palmer's as best. Richard A. Ruth, Co. E, 59th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1866. Am happy to say I am perfectly satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Edwd. P. Kimberly, Co. C, 10th Vt. Yols. Stafford. April, 1864. 18 months. I was not well satisfied. I be- lieve Palmer’s to be the best. Lewis C. Stover, Co. F, 105th 111. Yols. Jewett Co. Dec., 1865. Have not worn it five minutes. It is worth- less to me. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recom- mend it. Robt. H. Powell, Co. E, 7th Wis. Yols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. 3 years. Am satisfied. Palmer’s. John Pigeon, Co. G, Pa.Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. 6 months, and then it went to pieces. Am not satisfied. I think I could make a better one myself. Michael O’Sullivan, Co. H, 2d Mich.Yols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1866. I recommend Palmer’s. Geo. Clayton, Co. I, 4th N. H. Yols. Stafford. June, 1863. 18 months. I am not satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. Israel Slater, Co. D, 75th 111. Yols. 23 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “ LEG MADE BY DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND ” Dr. Palmer. July, 1864. I am satisfied. Palmer's. Jonas McManus, Co. G, 69th Ind. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1866. Since. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Geo. W. Foulls, Co. F, 149th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. I believe it to be the best. Lewis Ramaley, Co. F, 139th Pa. Vols. Dr. Bly. June, 1865. 2 years. Was required to pay $50 extra. Am far from being satisfied. Wouldn’t have another as a gift. John A. Porter, Co. B, 76th Pa. Vols. Dr. Palmer.. April, 1864. Since. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. Chas. W. Squires, Co. B, 16th Conn. Vols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1867. Perfectly satisfied. The best. Calvin Bickford, Co. G, 14th Me. Vols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. 2 years. Perfectly satisfied. The best. Wm. Bassett, Co. E, 4th N. J. Vols. Dr. Bly. Feb’y, 1865. 6 months before it gave out. Was required to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Arthur La Fleur, Co. H, 4th Mich. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. Every day. Am very well pleased, and prefer it to any other. I recommend it as the best. Elias Foust, Co. C, 126th Ohio Vols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. I recommend it as the best. Wilbur F. Shinn, Co. I, 5th N. J. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1863. 4 years. I recommend it as the best. Greenlief Hersom, Co. G, 17th Ms. Vols. Dr. Bly. Sept., 1864. 2 years, off1 and on. Paid $50, besides order. I am not satisfied. I recommend crutches rather than Bly’s. Charles W. Struble, Co. F, 3d N. Y. Inf. Dr. Bly. June, 1864. Was obliged to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied. A. J. Cole, Co. C, 44th N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1866. Since. Am well satisfied. Palmer’s. S. F. Sanborn, Co. E, 21st Wis. Vols. Dr. Bly. July, 1865. Four hours a day, on an average. I am not satisfied. John H. Miller, Co. A, 54th Ohio Vols. Jewett Co. June, 1865. I have not worn it all, and cannot. It is good for nothing. C. Hand, Co. B, 15th N. J. Vols. Jewett Co. May, 1865. I have worn it about 11 months. I am very far from being satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Oscar A. Abbott, Co. A, 14th Conn. Vols. Salem Co. Sept., 1865. I have not worn it a whole day since I got it. I am not satisfied. J. C. Switzer, Co. A, 22d Iowa Vols. Dr. Bly. March, 1865. I have worn it about 3 weeks. I am not satis- fied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Robt. H. Vining, Co. H, 112th 111. Vols. Dr. Bly. April, 1864. Am tolerably well satisfied. Jos. H. Bishop, Co. F, 18th Ky. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1866. 18 months. Satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s. Abijah Stacey, Co. H, 12th Ks. Vols. Dr. Bly. April, 1864. I was required to pay $50 extra. I have worn it in all about 8 months. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Wm. McMullen, Co. H, 66th Ohio Vols.. 24 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “LEG MADE BY ’ DATE. WORN. OPINION. “l RECOMMEND” Dr. Bly. 1865. 1 year. I am not satisfied. I believe, from what I have seen, Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. Henry Keefer, Co. K, 74th Ind. Yols. Dr. Bly. April, 1864. 2 years. Am not satisfied. It is a poor article. Think my old lost one the best. Conrad Rhode, Co. G, 123d 0. Y. I. Dr. Hudson. August, 1864. 6 months. Am not satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. Henry Bush, Co. D, 85th Pa. Vols. Dr. Bly. Sept., 1865. I am not satisfied ; it irritates my limb, and is burst. I can’t wear it long at a time. Jacob Stout, Co. D, 101st 111. Yols. Dr. Hudson. July, 1864. Have worn it, but not with comfort. Am not satisfied, and would not recommend Hudson’s. Henry T. Day, Co. F, 12th N. H. Yols. Jewett Co. Jan’y, 1865. Was required to pay $25. Never wore it an hour. I couldn’t get it on. I am not satisfied, and recom- mend Palmer’s to be the best. Christian Detweiler, Co. B, 100th Pa.Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1865. Have worn it every day, am very much pleased, and recommend it as the best. Preston L. Bennett, Co. F, 1st Me. Cav’y. Dr. Bly. Aug., 1865. 2 years. I was required to pay $48. Am much dissatisfied with the leg. Recommend Palmer’s as the best in use. Silas W. Ficke, Co. B, 78th 0 V. I. Dr. Hudson. July, 1865. ' 6 months in all since. Am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as best. Michael 0. Lynch, Co. E, 3d N. Y. L. A. Dr. Hudson. July, 1865. I am not satisfied with it. I recommend the Palmer Leg as the best. Danl. Higgins, Batt’y G, 1st Vt. H. A. National Leg Co. July, 1865. I never was satisfied with it. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. I am acquainted with Those who have worn the Palmer Leg for years, and I have carefully ex- amined them. They are far superior to any other. H. C. Smith, Co. A, 10th Conn. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1865. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. D. P. York, Co. B, 12th Me. Yols. G. B. Jewett. Nov., 1865. I am not satisfied with any such leg as this. I had it fixed twenty or thirty times, and it has cost as much as the leg cost the Gov’t. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best, and would have had it, if they would have changed my order. I can make a better one than the Salem, Leg myself. John Shoals, Co. C, 27th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1865. Since. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. H. M. Goodspeed, Co. C, 30th Ind. Yols. Dr. Bly. March, 1865. I was required to pay $50. I have worn it a part of the time since. This leg has cost me $80 for repair. It is the onlv one I ever saw in use. D. P. Beaton, Co. M, 2d 0. Y. I. Selpho. Nov., 1866. I am not satisfied; it is out of repair every month. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. P. M. Howard, Co. L, 1st Me. H. A. 25 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by” DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Hudson. July, 1865. (Syme’s operation.) I was required to pay $50. Worn it 2£ years. I recommend Palmer’s for all leg amputations. Jos. H. Ramsdell, Co. C, 8th Me. Yols. Selpho. Jan’y, 1866. 6 months. I am not only dissatisfied, hut dis- gusted with it. 1 recommend Dr. Palmer’s as the best. James S. Leonard, Batt’y B, 1st N. J. Art’y. Dr. Palmer. April, 1864. “ It isn’t good for nothing.” M. Chas. W. Barnes, .Co. A, 95th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Bly. Aug., 1863. I was required to pay $50 additional. I re- commend no one person for the Gov’t patronage. I think a few men in the same business always add interest. (?) W. S. Poulson, Co. F, 98th 0. Y. I. Jewett Co. Sept., 1865. Wore it till Jan’y, 1867. Lafayette Losser, Co. A, 11th Yt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. 8 years I am satisfied. Recommend it. Isaiah Wood, Co. G., 94th O. V. I. Dr. Palmer. April, 1866. 2 years. I recommend it as the best. I. A. Argell, Co. D, 1st Wis. Cav’y. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. Recommend his as the best. C. R. Durham, Co. H, 1st Md. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1863. Recommend it as the best. S. J. Schafer, Co. E, 66th Ohio Vols. Dr. Bly. Oct., 1864. 2 years. I paid $50 extra. I am not satis- fied. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. Danl. L. Saeger, Co. A, 19th 0. Y. I. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. 2f years. Recommend it as the best. Jos. Walker, Co. C, 139th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1866. I do not believe (mine) to be the best you make. John McSeppey, Co. C, 20th Ind. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1863. Perfectly satisfied. I believe it to be the best, and recommend it. J. R. Whitacre, C. E, 69th Ind. Vols. G. B. Jewett. Jan’y, 1864. 2 years. Perfectly satisfied. Parker Bray, Co. G, 1st Ms. H. A. Jewett Co. Sept., 1865. The leg is good for nothing; have never worn it at all. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. R. D. Curtis, Co. K, 18th Conn. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. Since. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s. James Wilber, Co. D, 17th Pa. Cav’y. G. B. Jewett. May, 1865. 6 months. It is entirely worthless to me. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. S. S. Ormsby, Co. K, 50th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. Every day. Entirely satisfied, and recom- mend the Palmer Leg to be the best. Danl. S. Crawford, Co. A, 47th Pa. Yols. Jewett. April, 1865. 11 months. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Samuel Mayes, Co. F, 1st Pa. Cav’y. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. Constantly. I am very well satisfied. I re- commend Palmer’s best. Geo. W. Harmer, Co. G, 17th O. V. I. Dr. Palmer. Feb’y, 1865. Am so well satisfied that I would not be with- out it. Gardner P. Van Alstine, Co. E, 7th N. Y. H. A. 26 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “les made by DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ 1 RECOMMEND ” Dr. Palmer. April, 1866. 2 years. Satisfied. Palmer’s best. Stephen H. Myers, Co. E, 75th Ind. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1866. 2| years. It gives much satisfaction, and I recommend the Palmer Leg best. Cyrus Ridenour, Co. I, 7th Md. Vols. Salem Co. August, 1865. I am not satisfied. Have not worn it at all. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Addison H. Pickering, Co. F, 1st Ms. H. A. Jewett. Sept., 1864. Wore it about 1 year. I am not satisfied. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. John W. Mershon, Co. K, 6th N.Y. Art’y. Selpho. Oct., 1865. the best. Have worn it 2 years. Do not know which is Oscar H. Sears, Co. K, 6th Yt. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Mar., 1865. Have worn it since. Satisfied. James H. Dangler, Co. B, 1st N. Y. Cav’y. Richardson. Sept., 1864. 3 years. I believe any other but Mr. Rich- ardson’s Leg to be the best. Mitchel Barraba, Co. I, 12th Yt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1864. 3£ years. Perfectly satisfied, and recommend the Palmer Leg—the best in use. Sami. C. Robinson, Co. K, 12th N. H. Vols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. 3 years. Recommend it as the best. B. W. Waterhous, Co. G, 23d 0. V. I. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1865. 2J years. Recommend Palmer’s—best. Samuel Lyme, Co. C, 104th 111. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. Entirely satisfied. Palmer’s best. E. M. Woomer, Co. A, 93d Pa. Yols. Marks. Aug., 1865. 9 months. Not satisfied. It was not of any service. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. Wm, Taylor, Co. B, 106th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1865. 2 years. A. H. Cogswell, Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 3 years. Satisfied Palmer’s is the best. James Magee, Co. G, 2d R. I. Yols. Dr. Hudson. Nov., 1865. I am perfectly satisfied. H. E. Perkins, Co. C, 7th Yt. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1863. Satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s—best. Alonzo B. Adams, Co. C, 16th Me. Yols. Dr. Bly. July, 1865. $45 extra. I fied. 1 year and 4 months. Was required to pay wore it, and then threw it by. I am not satis- Albert March, Co. B, 64th N. Y. Vols. Dr. Palmer. August, 1865. person). I am not satisfied. Recommend (no other Michael Bennett, Co. B, 125th N. Y. Yols. Salem Co. August, 1865. 2 years. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. F. W. Knight, Co. E, 9th Me. Vols. Dr. Palmer. 1865. I recommend Palmer’s. Lewis W. Cashdollar, Co. C, 128th N. Y. Jewett. June, 1865. gave it away. Have never worn it. I was not satisfied, and Jno. H. McCracken, Co. A, 8th Md. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1865. 2 years. Not satisfied. S. B. Carpenter, Co. F, 11th Yt. Yols. 27 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “LEG MADE BY’ DATE. WORN. OPINION. “i RECOMMEND” Jewett Co. Dec., 1864. Never was satisfied with it; it was all “played out” a year ago. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. Philip Briody, Co. B, 4th N. Y. H. A. Dr. Bly. Dec., 1864. Was required to pay $50 extra. I wore it till June, 1865, about half the time. I am not satisfied. Hiram S. Storm, Co. C, 71st Ind. Yols. Dr. Palmer. July, 1866. It has never needed any repairing, and it is as good to-day as it was the day I received it. 1 could not be better satisfied, and recommend the Palmer Leg, by all odds, as the best. W. S. Bullock, Co. G, 89th N. Y. Yet. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. Satisfied. Palmer’s best. Patrick T. Sullivan, Co. A, 1st Ms. H. A. Dr. Hudson. May, 1865. vears. I am not satisfied. W. Trout, Co. C, 20th Mich. Yols. Dr. Hudson. March, 1865. 2 years. I recommend another. Edwin E. Gallup, Co. L, 11th Yt. Vols. Jewett Co. Aug., 1865. 2 years. I recommend the Palmer Leg as the best. P. Matteson, Co. C, 186th N. Y. Yols. Stafford. Aug., 1864. Have worn it, but I have no satisfaction; for it is neither comfortable nor durable. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. Emil Diorotf, Co. H, 127th 111. Vols. Jewett Co. Oct., 1864. I paid $25 extra, hoping to get a good leg. I have not worn it quite 2 years. 1 am not satisfied, and re- commend Palmer’s as the best. L. H. Tanner, Co. E, 5th Mich. Yols. Dr. Bly. Eeh’y, 1864. 2 years. I am not satisfied, for it is worth- less. I believe Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. William Ham, Co. G, 42d Ind. Vols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. I am satisfied, and recommend Palmer’s as the best. William Lewis, Co. C. 39th 0. V. I. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1865. 2 years. Well satisfied. Eecommend it. James P. Levitt, Co. C, 35th 111. Vols. Dr. Bly. Sept., 1865. Was required to pay $50 extra. I wore it about 3 months. I am not satisfied, for it was of no use to me, and I am not the only one who condemns his limbs. I could name several. Joseph W. Carter, Co. C, 85th 111. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1864. 3 years. I recommend Palmer’s. B. F. French, Co. H, 20th Me. Yols. Dr. Bly. Aug., 1865. 2£ years. Am not satisfied. It has cost me $31.50 for repairs. H. C. Hunt, Co. D, 22d Wis. Yols. Williams, both legs off! Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1864. 3 years. Am satisfied, and recommend them as the best. Boyd Williams, Co. I, 3d N. Y. C. H. A. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. 3 months in all. I am not satisfied. I be- lieve Dr. Palmer’s to be the best, and recommend it. Barber Aldrich, Co. A, 151st N. Y. Yols. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. I have never been able to wear it any without my crutch and cane. I am not satisfied. It is of no use to me. Jos. D. M. Bond, Co. C, 78th 111. Yols. 28 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “leg made by” DATE. WORN. OPINION. “i RECOMMEND” Dr. Bly. April, 1864. I wore it about 2 months or less, and put it away as useless. I am not satisfied. I recommend the Palmer Leg. Edson S. Withams, Co. C, 2d Wis. Vols. Dr. Bly. July, 1865. Was required to pay $45 extra. Have worn it only a small part of the time. I am not satisfied. I recom- mend Dr. Palmer’s as the best. D. L. Mason, Co. B, 38th Wis. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1866. Am satisfied. Becommend it as best. Eugene 0. Sullivan, Co. K, 18th Mo. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1865. 2£ years. I recommend Palmer’s—best. John B. Graham, Co. D, 11th Pa. Yols. Dr. Bly. Aug., 1864. Was required to pay $50 extra. I never saw any other kind. Philip Donohoe, Co. C, 99th 111. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1865. other). 18 months. Not satisfied. Becommend (no Beuben McClure, Co. L, 15th Ks. Vols. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. Have worn it since. John Washburn. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. Was required to pay $45 extra. I have not worn it; could not; am not satisfied. Henry Kane, Co. A, 24th Iowa Vols. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. 4 months. I was required to pay $47.70. I am not satisfied. I do not recommend Bly’s. Jas. Artes, Co. A, 14th Ky. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1864. 4 years. Palmer’s best. Oliver Light, Co. F, 12th B. I. Vols. J. B. Jewett. April, 1866. 20 months. I am not satisfied, for it broke in less than 2 months. I recommend yours. A. A. Davis, Co. K, 6th Wis. Yols. Dr. Bly. Dec., 1864. tied. 2 years. I paid $75 extra. I am not satis- Chas. Corbet, Co. B, 8th Wis. Yols. Dr. Hudson. May, 1864. 4 years. I believe, as far as my knowledge extends, Palmer’s to be the best. James Wauger, Co. G, 137th N. Y. Vols. B.W. Jewett. March, 1865. 2J years. I am not satisfied. J. C. York, Co. C, 94th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Hudson. June, 1863. Not satisfied. Becommend Palmer’s. John Wilson, Co. E, 56th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1864. 3 years. I like it much. Palmer’s. John M. Weld, Co. A., 24th Mass. Vols. Dr. Bly. March, 1865. Was required to pay $50 additional. I re- commend (nobody). G. P. Beed, Co. I, 104th O. V. I. Dr. Bly. Eeb’y, 1864. 2 years. It was a perfect nuisance, always getting out of order. I recommend Dr. Palmer’s. Samuel McClure, Co. H, 83d Ind. Vols. Dr. Palmer. Sept., 1865. Have worn it constantly since. I am entirely satisfied, and recommend it as the best. Oliver W. Bates, Co. M, 1st Me. H. A. Selpho. Oct., 1865. Becommend Palmer’s. L. Knapp, Co. B. 111th N. Y. Vols. G. B. Jewett. March, 1865. good. 2 years; then “went through.” It was no Francis Inghram, Co. E, 1st Me. Cav’y. 29 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “LEG MADE by” DATE. worn. opinion. “i recommend” Lockwood. March, 1865. 5 weeks. It is of no account to me at all. Sami. F. Cross, Co. D, 11th Mo. Yols. Dr. Bly. June, 1865. Was required to pay $50 additional. I am not satisfied. (No signature.) Co. E, 91st Ind. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1866. I am satisfied. Palmer’s best. Henry Myers, Co. F, 119th Pa. Yols. G. B. Jewett. Feb’y, 1865. Wore it a very short time. I am not satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. Chas. Kinney, Co. B, 31st Me. Yols. Dr. Bly. Oct., 1864. Was required to pay $50 extra. Wore it 18 months, then threw it away, and obtained one of Palmer’s, with which I am well satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s Leg as the best. Jacob Yeiser, Co. F, 10th Iowa Vols. Stafford. June, 1863. 1 month. I am very much dissatisfied with it. Robt. Rowley, Co. G, 29th Wis. Yols. Marton. May, 1865. 2 years. Was required to pay $50 extra. I am not satisfied. I recommend Palmer’s. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1865. Thos. J. Gault, Co. F, 3d Tenn. Yols. Ever since. Well satisfied. Palmer’s best. A. J. Hazelbaker, Co. G, 181st 0. Y. I. Dr. Palmer. April, 1865. I recommend Palmer’s as the best. Thos. Jess, Co. F, 125th 111. Vols. Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. Was required to pay $50 extra. Wore it 3 weeks. I am to be the best. not satisfied with it. I believe Dr. Palmer’s Joseph Welsh, Co. H, 6th Ky. Yols. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. I was required to pay $50 extra. Have worn it six months, and it is worthless. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. James McFarland, Co. D, 154th N.Y.Vols. G. B. Jewett. July, 1865. 1 am not satisfied with it. A. L. Champeau, Co. E, 11th Vt. Yols. 2 years. Satisfied. Prefer Palmer’s. B.W. Jewett. May, 1865. James Henderson, Co. A, 126th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Dec.r 1864. 3 years. Satisfied. Palmer’s the best. Jacob P. Obier. Dr. Palmer. Nov., 1865. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer’s best. John Blackburn, Co. B, 19th 111. Yols. Dr. Bly. Oct., 1865. Was required to pav $50 extra. I am not satisfied ; it bothered me all the time. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. , B. F. Williams, Co. K, 40th O. Y. I. Dr. Palmer. Feb’y, 1865. Have worn it to the present time. I am per- fectly satisfied, and recommend it as the best. Wm. Spitler, Co. A, 110th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1866. Recommend it as the best. John Rumpf, Co. B, 75th Pa. Yols. Dr. Hudson. Aug., 1865. Have worn it off and on with much pain. I am not satisfied, and believe yours (Palmer’s) to be the best.. Dr. Palmer. July, 1866. Jacob Stearley, Co. E, 10th Ya. Yols. Have never worn it yet, as my leg is sore. Elias Horting, Co. K, 93d Pa. Yols. 30 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. “ LEG MADE BY DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND” Dr. Bly. Nov., 1865. 2 years. "Was required to pay $50 extra. Am not satisfied. It has been of great trouble. F. C. Brooks, Co. D, 3d E. Tenn. Yols. Jewett Co. March, 1865. canes. I am best. One week yet, and that by the aid of two strong not satisfied, and recommend Palmer’s as the John R. Grindstaff, Co. A, 7th Va. Yols. G. B. Jewett. Sept. ,1865. Have not worn it 2 weeks since. I am not satisfied. Believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. Jeremiah Young, Co. I, 120th N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Aug., 1864. best. Perfectly satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s E. P. Mclntire, Co. K, 2d U. S. I. Dr. Hudson. 1863. 3 years. I could never wear it with satis- faction. Believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best, and recom- mend it. Chas. W. Zook, Co. E, 8th Pa. Res. Dr. Bly. May, 1865. it a part of Was required to pay $60 extra. I have worn the time. I am not satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s as the best. John J. Booth, Co. B, 12th Ya. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1867. Have worn it every day since I received it. Am satisfied. Recommend it to be the best. Hiram D. Wright, Co. D, 5th Mich. Cav’y. Dr. Bly. July, 1865. about 3 days. Was required to pay $50 extra. I wore it I am not satisfied with the limb. I believe Palmer’s to be the best. C. B. Rinard, Co. K, 4th Iowa Cav’y. Jewett. Which I could not possibly wear. I have since purchased one of yours (Palmer’s), with which I am perfectly satisfied. C. P. Battelle, Co. A, 59th Mass. Yols. Jewett. July, 1865. 18 mos. I am not satisfied. Elias B. Helen, Co. B, 4th N. J. Yols. Dr. Palmer. May, 1865. best. 18 months. Satisfied. Recommend Palmer’s Franklin Y. Miles, Co. F, 29th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Oct., 1864. Have worn it from the day I had it. I am satisfied. Believe Palmer’s to he the best in the country by all odds. Danl. A. Hatch, Co. C, 2d Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 4 years. I believe Palmer’s best. John P. Owens, Co. D, Purnell Legion of Maryland. Dr. Palmer. Fall of 1865. Believe it to be the best. J. M. Fulkiner. Dr. Palmer. July, 1865. 6 months. Could not say. C. H. Stratton, Co. F, 25th Mass. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. 3 years. Palmer’s as the best. Chas. H. Day, Co. A, 32d Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1865. I believe Dr. Palmer’s to be the best. Geo. Forsyth, Co. C, 14th N. J. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Mar., 1866. Have not been able to wear any leg yet. W. D. Bunnell, Co. G, 152d*N. Y. Yols. Dr. Palmer. 1863. 5 years. Satisfied. The best. Christian H. Rice, Co. F, 129th Pa. 31 TESTIMONY CONTINUED. 1 ‘ LEG MADE BY DATE. WORN. OPINION. “ I RECOMMEND ” Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1864. 4 years. Perfectly satisfied. Palmer. Clias. L. Babson, Co. K, 16th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. Dec., 1865. 2 years. I am satisfied with it. Palmer. Thomas Chamberlain, Co. B, 79th Pa. Yols. Dr. Palmer. June, 1866. I am well satisfied. Palmer’s. Albert Ireland, Co. B, 9th Me. Yols. Dr. Palmer. March, 1865. 3 years. I am satisfied. Palmer’s best. Matthew Gaul, Co. B, 8th Y. 11. C. Dr. Palmer. June, 1865. The socket was too small. Leonard Kunes, Co. E, 126th 0. Y. I. Dr. Palmer. Aug. 1864. years. Satisfied. Palmer’s. D. J. Cranston, Co. H. 26th Iowa Yols. Dr. Palmer. Jan’y, 1866. I have worn it over two years. I am satis- fied. I don’t think there could be a better one. B. M. Pool, 15th Ohio Yols. Legs furnished by Dr. B. Frank. Palmer, 200 March, 1868. Found SATISFACTORY, 180 Less “ 12 Not “ 8 Soldiers who Recommend the “ Palmer,” (out of the 400) 281 Recapitulation—page 11 to page 31. 400 cases. Legs furnished by Other Manufacturers, 200 March, 1868. Found SATISFACTORY, 6 Less “ 8 Not “ 186 Soldiers who recommend the limbs worn, (out of the 400) 10 The following is the request on which all of the foregoing Certified Testimony was given, viz.: “ Artificial Limbs—A Soldier’s Experience.” “ The U. S. Soldier who may receive this paper is respectfully requested to give a candid expres- sion of his opinion, whatever it may be, derived from his own experience and from the experience of others who use the various kinds of Patent Limbs.” The foregoing Certified Testimony is only the smaller portion of the amount received. The entire amount would fill more than 100 pages. A fair average is given, concerning the various manufacturers represented, as the returns show about as many persons wearing the Palmer leg as all other patents combined. I will hold myself ready to produce the soldiers’ statements in a much greater number of cases averaging the same as the above, to any respectable com- mittee of investigation. A request for a “ candid expression of opinion, whatever it may be,” was addressed to every U. S. soldier supplied with a Patent Leg, and whose address was 32 known (or supposed to be). It is ascertained that only about half of the letters reached the men, but few soldiers having a RELIABLE P. 0. ADDRESS. From 1500 to 2000 were received, however, as the replies indicate. The answers have been promptly made and to the point. Nearly all of the limbs have been made by the five manufacturers first appointed, in 1862. The returns made concerning a few others, since appointed, are of the same general import and would not change the result. They will be exhibited if requested. This synopsis of interesting facts is not the unsupported statement of an interested manufacturer, but the deliberate AND “CANDID EXPRESSION OF AN OPINION” FORMED BY 400 U. S. SOLDIERS WHO HAVE WORN ALL OF THE LIMBS IN QUESTION, AND WHO TESTIFY UPON THE HONOR OF HONORABLE MEN. NEW CERTIFICATE OF 500 SOLDIERS. “ I have read the foregoing certificates of Major-Generals D. E. Sickles, W. F. Bartlett, and Francis Fessenden, concern- ing the patent leg of Dr. B. Frank. Palmer, and fully concur in their opinion. (See pages 7 and 8.) “ I lost my leg in my country’s service, and have been sup- plied by Dr. Palmer with his best patent leg, without charge. I believe the Palmer Leg to be the best known, and recom- mend Dr. Palmer for the exclusive patronage of the Govern- ment.” (Signed by 500 soldiers.) The above certificate has been signed, and cordially ap- proved, by five hundred IT. S. Soldiers, making a solid mass of more than One Thousand certified Testimonials, all of wdiich be seen at the office of the Palmer Limbs. Additional certificates, or statements, are solicited in favor of, or against, the Palmer limbs and all others; according to the merits, or faults, of the various Patent limbs manufactured. An Illustrated book, containing much new and important matter, will shortly be published for free distribution. Names of applicants for the book will be placed on file, as received. B. F. P. 27 In the matter of me application' of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated November 4th, 1846, for Ar- tificial Legs. Before the Hon. Commis- sioner of Patents. City and County of New York, ss. Deposition of J. M. Carnociian, Professor of Surgery in the New York Medical College, and Surgeon-in-chief to the Emigrant Hospital at Ward’s Island, who being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows : I am well with the invention of B. F. Palmer’s “Artificial Leg,” which has been used by many of my patients for many years past, with the greatest success. I regard it as superior in merit to any other invention for the same purpose, and as of great importance and value to the public. 1 J. M. CARNOCHAN. Sworn to, this 13th day of September, I860, before me, Horace Andrews, Commissioner of Deeds. 28 In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated November 4th, 1846, for Ar- tificial Legs. Before the Hon. Commis- sioner of Patents. City and County of New York, ss. Erasmus D. Hudson, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles E. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows: Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and oc- cupation ? Answer. Erasmus D. Hudson ; residence, Hew York city ; occupation, Physician and Surgeon. Interrogatory 2. How are you interested in the patents of B. F. Palmer ? Answer. As assignee of a partial interest in__New Eng- land and New York; and as manager of the offices in New York, and, a portion of the time, in New England. Interrogatory 3. At what cost have the legs been manu- factured in the offices which you have superintended ? Answer. About seventy-five dollars; that is the aver- age. Interrogatory 4. Are you cognizant of the account ren- dered by Mr. Palmer in support of his application for an extension of his patent, so far as that account relates to the business which you have superintended? And if yea, is that account correct ? Answer. I am cognizant- with it, and, .to the best of my knowledge ancTbelief, it is correct. 29 Interrogatory 5. Do you know anything of the efforts made by Mr. Palmer to introduce his invention into public use ? If yea, state what was done to that end. Answer. I am familiar with his efforts, and know that they have been great, constant, and expensive, in introduc- ing his appliance to the profession and the medical schools, in printing and distributing pamphlets on the subject, in advertising, &c. lie presented models to the medical hospitals, and leading surgeons, in great numbers. He also attended exhibitions of various institutes, fairs, &c., the World’s Fair, in London, and those of most of the Mechanics’ Institutes, in this country. Interrogatory 6. Will you state what you know of the manner in which the invention has been appreciated by the Medical Faculty and by the public? Answer. It has been appreciated by the Medical Faculty in the general recommendation of it to the mutilated, in preference to all other limbs; and by the public generally, in the efforts they have made to procure these limbs for the mutilated where they themselves have been unable to pay for them ; and the general substitution of these limbs for limbs of other makers, by those who were able to make the change; and the general satisfaction and gratification of those who have worn them for years, as expressed to me personally and by correspondence, and as manifested to me by procuring duplicates. Committees of scientific men, connected with various in- stitutes of the United States, have invariably reported favorably to the superiority of this invention, and granted the highest awards. Interrogatory 7. What has been the practice of Mr. Palmer and yourself, with reference to furnishing limbs to the indigent? Answer. Invariably to furnish them, whenever they or their friends would pay the first cost of the limb; in many 30 instances, where they would pay one-lialf the first cost, and in many other instances, entirely gratuitously. Interrogatory 8. What is your opinion of the effect of the use of these limbs upon the general health of the wearer, as compared with the use of crutches ? Answer. The effect is as much more salutary as the effect of the natural leg would be over the artificial. While crutches have the effect to obstruct the circulation, by compressing the blood-vessels of the axilla, and also the nerves, producing paralysis, frequently, of the superior extremities, and deformities of the shoulders, and spinal affections and pulmonary affections, by contraction of the chest, the substitution of artificial limbs, by exercising every portion of the system, naturally results in the pro- motion of the general health ; restoring the wearer to gene- ral health, strength and usefulness. I annex to my deposition two pamphlets, marked Exhib- its Nos. 1 and 2, containing copies of certificates by sur- geons of this country and of Europe, as to the value of Mr. Palmer’s invention. ERASMUS D. HUDSON. [The following deposition is from D. Meredith Reese, A. M., M. D., LL.D., Ex Vice-President of the American Medical Association ; Fellow of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine; formerly Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, Institutes of Surgery and Medical Jurispru- dence; Editor of Cooper’s Surgical Dictionary ; Vice-Presi- dent of the American Institute, N. Y., etc.] The undersigned has been for many years familiar with the artificial limbs invented and manufactured by Dr. B. F. Palmer, of Philadelphia, and with their application to muti- lated patients. He has always preferred them to any of 31 the numerous imitations of them by other manufacturers, all of which he regards as only imitations, without any real or practical improvement. For all the purposes of dura- bility, mobility of joint, and surgical adaptation to every natural motion of the limbs, he has witnessed, in actual use, the artificial arms and legs of Dr. Palmer’s manufacture, by patients who have worn them for years, while performing the most active locomotion with comfort and without deformity, so that they have been able effectually to over- come and conceal their mutilation, by reason of the perfec- tion with which all the functions of the natural limb have been performed in the actual duties of life. The undersigned adds his professional opinion, that the invention and improvements of Dr. Palmer, in the perfect imitation of the natural limbs, and in securing both flexi- bility and strength to the joint, so that all the functions of the natural limb are performed with ease and comfort, constitute him a public benefactor, and entitled to all the rewards of his ingenuity and skill which the laws of his country have provided in such cases. And believing that he has not been adequately rewarded for his great labor and expense in bringing his invention to perfection, and making it known for the public benefit, the undersigned regards it as a professional duty to science and humanity to add, that the continued protection from trespassers upon his rights, by an extension of his Patent, would be no more than a just remuneration for the service he has rendered to the profession and the public. D. M. REESE. Sworn to before me, this 18th day of September, 1860. Horace Andrews, Com'r of Deeds. 32 In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated Nov. 4, 1846, for Artificial Legs. Before the Hon. Commis- sioner of Patents. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex, Sept. 14, 1860. Solomon D. Townsbnd, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows:— Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and occupation ? Answer. Solomon D. Townsend ; residence, Boston ; oc- cupation, surgeon and physician. Interrogatory 2. Are you acquainted with the artificial leg known as the Palmer leg? and if yea, what is your opinion of its merits? Answer. I am acquainted with it, and think it superior to all other inventions of that kind. I have seen all the modern improvements, and therefore think I am able to judge. I have had the leg applied to many patients, (double and single amputations.) I mean my own patients, with uniform success. Interrogatory 3. What is the effect of wearing one of these legs, as compared with the use of crutches, upon the health of the wearer, and his fitness for the active duties of fife ? Answer. The effect is beneficial, enabling him to per- 33 form the various duties of life with more ease and comfort; and in many cases persons have been able to follow me- chanical employments with comfort. The pressure from cruches produces, in many cases, paralysis of the muscles of the arm, and sometimes distortion of the spine. Interrogatory 4. Do you know anything of the practice of Palmer & Co. with reference to furnishing limbs for the poor? and if so, please state it fully. Answer. I do. In many cases they have been provided, at my request, at half the usual price. Interrogatory 5. What is your opinion of the value of the invention to the public ? Answer. I think it of unquestionable value, and that the public would suffer if they were deprived of it. I also think it would be a disadvantage to the public if it was made free, because its application requires the nicest me- chanical skill. The workmanship of the leg also requires to be of the nicest character. S. D. TOWNSEND. Commonwealth of Massachussetts, Middlesex, ss : September 14, 1860. Subscribed and sworn to, this fourteenth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, before me, A. W. Boardman, Justice of the Peace and Commissioner. 34 In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated Nov. 4, 1856, for Artificial Legs. Before the Hon. Commis- sioner of Patents. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex. J. Mason Warren, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows:— Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and oc- cupation ? Answer. J. Mason Warren; my residence is Boston, Mass.; occupation, surgeon and physician. I am surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Interrogatory 2. Are you acquainted with the artificial leg known as the Palmer leg ? and if yea, what is your opinion of its merits? Answer. I am fully acquainted with it, and consider it the best artificial leg that I know of. Interrogatory 3. What is the effect of wearing one of these legs, as compared with the use of crutches, upon the health of the wearer, and his fitness for the active duties of life? Answer. It is very desirable that the patient should wear an artificial leg, if possible. The whole body is more likely to be fully exercised, and there is not the danger of deformity being produced by it that there is by the use of the crutches. I have occasionally seen painful affections of 35 the upper extremities, and sometimes partial paralysis pro- duced by the use of crutches. The spine is in danger of being more or less distorted. Interrogatory 4. Bo you know anything of the practice of Palmer & Co. with reference to furnishing the limb to the poor? If so, please state it fully. Answer. I understand that they furnish their limb to the poor for half the usual price. J. MASON WARREN. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex, Sept. 15, 1860. Subscribed and sworn to, before me, A. W. Boardman, Justice of the Peace and Commissioner. In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated Nov. 4th, 1846, for Artificial Legs. Before tlie Hon. Commis- sioner of Patents. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex, September 14, 1860. Peter Hubbell, being duly sworn, doth depose and say in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbnry, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows: Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and occupation ? Answer. Peter Hubbell, my residence Charlestown, Mass., and occupation, Brick Manufacturer. Interrogatory 2. Are you acquainted with the artificial 36 leg known as the Palmer leg? and if yea, what is your experience with regard to it, and your opinion thereof? Answer. I am acquainted with it. I have worn it for twelve years. My weight is two hundred and twenty pounds. I have worn the leg with great comfort and satis- faction, and believe it to be superior to any artificial leg I have ever seen. I have seen and worn others and aban- doned them for the Palmer leg. I am on my feet a great deal, and can walk without my cane, although I use a cane in the street. I have known others, who have used this limb and they have invariably expressed satisfaction. I knew one at Medford, who lost both limbs, one above the knee, who used two of the limbs, and walked remarkably well with one cane. I knew another, and I know several who use one of the limbs, and walk so well that none but a practised eye would detect the loss of a limb. I consider that a man who has invented such an alleviation to the suffer- ings of the human race as this artificial limb, ought to be entitled to a handsome fortune. I think Mr. Palmer has been indefatigable in advertising, and in bringing this limb into notice and public use. If he has made only fifty thou- sand dollars therefrom, it is, in my judgment, an entirely inadequate remuneration. P. HUBBELL. * Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex, ss. September 14th, 1860, Subscribed and sworn to before me, A. W. Boardman, Justice of the Peace and Commissioner. 37 In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer, for an extension of his Patent, dated November 4, 1846, for Arti- ficial Legs. Before the Hon. Com- missioner of Patents. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. County of Middlesex. William H. Richardson, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows: Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and occupation ? Answer. William H. Richardson ; my residence is Mal- den, Mass.; occupation, manufacturer of artificial limbs. Interrogatory 2. How are you interested in the patent of B. F. Palmer ? Answer. I am owner of an interest in the New England States and New York, and also superintendent of the manu- facturing establishment at Boston. Interrogatory 3. At what cost have the legs been manu- factured in the office which you have superintended ? Answer. About seventy dollars, perhaps a little less. Interrogatory 4. Are you cognizant of the account rendered by Mr. Palmer in support of his application for an extension of his patent, so far as that account relates to the 38 business which you have superintended? if yea, is that account correct ? Answer. I am so cognizant; and it is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct. Interrogatory 5. Do you know anything of the efforts made by Mr. Palmer to introduce his invention into public use ? if yea, state what was done to that end. Answer. I do know that he has been indefatigable, sparing neither time, expense nor effort in introducing de- veloping and perfecting the patent. He has advertised very extensively, printed elaborate and costly pamphlets, atten- ded the various fairs throughout the country, and also the "World’s Fair in London. He has presented gratuitously great numbers of models to the various medical institutions throughout this country and Europe, and also to the most prominent physicians and surgeons in our large cities. Interrogatory 6. Will you state what you know of the manner in which the invention has been appreciated by the Medical Faculty, by patients who have used it, and by the public ? Answer. It has been received with great favor by our most prominent surgeons and physicians, as the most suc- cessful artificial leg ever known. This opinion has been certified to by them at the time of its original introduction and ever since. I have received from them, from various parts of the country, numerous letters to that effect. Our patients have invariably expressed themselves as more than satisfied with the operation of the limb. We have frequently, in cases of double amputation, applied two artificial legs, always with entire success, and to the entire satisfaction of the patient. We are applying limbs con- stantly to patients who have tried other limbs without success, and have thrown them aside for the Palmer leg. The public express their interest in the invention by liberal contributions to enable poor patients to obtain the 39 limb. Hundreds of dollars are annually subscribed for this purpose. Interrogatory 7. What has been the practice of Mr. Palmer and yourself with reference to furnishing limbs to the indigent ? Answer. It is our rule and invariable practice to fur- nish limbs to the indigent and patients who are unable to pay, at a price not exceeding the first cost of the limb, and frequently for a less amount. Interrogatory 8. What is your opinion of the effect of the use of these limbs derived from observation, upon the health of the wearer, as compared with the use of crutches? Answer. My opinion is, that the use of the limb is in- valuable to the patient, enabling him to attend to his occu- pation, calling or profession, with almost, or quite his usual ability; and the effect upon the health of the patient is of the most benficial nature. I have frequently had patients whose arms had become paralyzed from the use of crutches so much so, as to almost incapacitate them from using the hands or arms. But soon after the application of the Palmer limb, circulation was re-established, and in a brief period, the use of the hands and arms was entirely restored. Interrogatory 9. What was the effect of Mr. Palmer’s visit to the Great Exhibition in London, in 1851, upon the introduction of the leg into public use in this country. Answer. I think it one of the most important steps ever taken ; in fact, the important step towards the successful introduction of the invention into this country—giving it a name and position that it could not otherwise have attained. The high character and professional standing of the judges, who decided upon its merits at the exhibition, gave it a name and secured for it the entire confidence of the medical and surgical profession throughout the United States. As 40 an advertising measure, its effect was more valuable than all the other advertising measures ever adopted by Mr. Palmer prior to that time. Interrogatory 10. Is there a peculiar necessity for fine workmanship in this invention? and if so, from what does it arise? Answer. There is, requiring the highest order of me- chanical skill. This arises from the absolute necessity of the nice adjustment of its several parts, in order to secure the successful operation of the leg, and without which, it is absolutely impossible to realize the object of the invention. The objects to be attained in the manufacture of the limb are strength, lightness, durability and easy and noiseless motion. These can be realized only by the very best work- manship. Interrogatory 11. Are you aware of Mr. Palmer’s experiments with new machinery, and their object ? If so, please state what you know about them. Answer. I am aware of both experiments and their object, as I was, for several years a business partner with Mr. Palmer at the Philadelphia establishment. During this period Mr. Palmer was unceasing in his experiments to im- prove the limb and its methods of manufacture, and also to reduce its cost. To do this, he was constantly making and trying expensive machinery, involving large waste of time, money, tools and materials. Interrogatory 12. Are you acquainted with Mr. Palmer’s patents for additional improvements ? If so, do you use them in the construction of the limb, and what is their effect and value? Answer. I am acquainted with them, and use them in the construction of all limbs now manufactured. The effect of these improvements is such, as to secure the more perfect articulation of the joints, and the general imitation 41 of the natural movements of the limb. I regard them as indispensable. Interrogatory 13. Can you state how much Mr. Palmer has received from the sale of interests in this patent? Answer. A sum not exceeding- five thousand dollars. W. II. RICHARDSON, Jr. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex, ss. September 15th, 1860. Subscribed and sworn to before me, A. W. Boardman, Justice of the Peace and Commissioner. In the matter of the application of B. Frank. Palmer for an extension of his Patent, dated Nov. 4, 1846, for Artificial Legs. Before the Hon. Commissioner of Patents. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex. Marvin Lincoln, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, in answer to interrogatories proposed to him by Charles F. Stansbury, Esq., counsel for said Palmer, as follows:— Interrogatory 1. What is your name, residence and occupation ? Answer. Marvin Lincoln; my residence is Malden, Massachusetts, and my occupation is, foreman of the Boston establishment for the manufacture of the Palmer Limb. Interrogatory 2. What interest have you held, and what do you now hold in the Palmer patent? 42 Answer. I did hold one-third interest in the New Eng- and States, and in New York from the 15th January, 1855 to about the 1st of May, 1857. Since that time I have been employed as foreman in the Boston establishment above mentioned, having sold my interest in the patent in May, 1857. Interrogatory 8. At what cost have the legs been manufactured at the Boston establishment ? Answer. I think they have cost not less than sixty dollars, and I think more —as high as sixty-five. Interrogatory 4. Do you know anything of the efforts made by Mr. Palmer to introduce his invention into public use ? If yea, state what was done to that end. Answer. I do know considerable of the efforts made by Mr. Palmer in that behalf. In the first place, they have been mode in getting this invention before the public, at the principal fairs, everywhere. Also, by advertising in the various journals of the day, and by pamphlets very freely circulated, and giving the fullest information. Also, by models of the limb, in all its various applications, presented to medical institutions and prominent surgeons throughout the country, and by pains taken to enable them to under- stand intelligently the application, and the various applica- tions of the limb, according to their character. It is a peculiar beauty of this invention that it is particularly appli- cable to all the various forms of mutilation that may occur. Interrogatory 5. Will you state what you know of the manner in which the invention has been appreciated by the medical faculty, by patients and by the public ? Answer. The medical faculty, so far as I know, are in- variably in favor of it; and patients who have been treated here have been as universally pleased with the success of the limb, and with the manner in which they were able to pursue their previous avocations. 43 I have in my mind now a man who follows a sea-faring life, and who has a full length Palmer limb, and is a pilot on the New England coast. It is a common thing for thos3 who have a limb amputated below the knee, to con- tinue, by the aid of this limb, a sea-faring life as common sailors. Interrogatory 6. What has been the practice of the firm with reference to furnishing limbs to the indigent? Answer. It has been the practice to get the cost, if we could ; if not, and the circumstances were of such a nature that we could not, then to furnish them below cost. Interrogatory 7. Is there a peculiar necessity for fine workmanship in this invention? And if so, from what does it arise ? Answer. There is; and it arises from several causes: the first is, unless the work is done in the most complete and substantial manner, it will not stand the constant and severe wear to which the leg is subjected when in use: another cause is that there is a great variety of cases which requires a great deal of ingenuity and skill in the appli- cation of the limb, a necessary consequence of which is that none but the best, and most ingenious mechanics can be employed in the establishment. Such mechanics com- mand a high rate of compensation, and still must be educated to the business. MAKVIN LINCOLN. Bichaed Clement, being duly sworn, doth depose and a;,.: “s™ Question. What is your name re