EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT SERIES 425 HEALTH AND SANITATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HAITI Effected by Exchange of Notes Signed at Washington April 7, 1942 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1945 For unie by the Superintendent of Documenta, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 5 cents DEPARTMENT OF STATE Publication 2254 The Acting Secretary of State to the President of Haiti Department of State Washington April 7, 1942 My dear Mr. President: With reference to your memorandum of April 6 Il] and to our conversation yesterday afternoon, I take pleasure in confirming that this Government is prepared to assist the Government of Haiti in the carrying out of certain health and sanitation projects. The Government of the United States, in making available a sum of approximately $350,000 to be expended for this purpose, is acting in accordance with Resolution XXX regarding health and sanitary conditions adopted by the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics in Rio de Janeiro. It is my understanding from the memorandum referred to that the Haitian Government desires this assistance in connection with the execution of certain sanitary projects such as the draining of marshy regions, the improvement of water supply, the development of facilities for adequate sewage disposal and other miscellaneous work designed primarily to protect the health of personnel who may be stationed at posts of the Coast Guard Service, the Marine railway and at the aviation field at Chancerelles. Accordingly the Government of the United States, acting through the agency of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, is disposed to send, if it is agreeable to you, a small group of experts to Haiti in order to develop a specific program in agreement with your Government, acting through officials designated by it. This group will be under the immediate direction of the Chief Medical Officer of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, and will work in the closest cooperation with the appropriate Haitian officials. The salaries and expenses of the group of experts will be paid for by the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs and will not be debited against project funds. Approval for the actual execution of the specific projects agreed upon will be given by the respective Governments or their duly appointed agents. Expenditures for such projects shall be made upon certification of the Chief Medical Officer and the appropriate Haitian official designated for the areas where projects will be executed. 1 [Not printer).l fE.A.S. 425] 2 These projects upon completion will of course become the sole property of the Republic of Haiti. Furthermore, in accordance with a request contained in your memorandum under reference, the United States Government will be prepared to facilitate such training of personnel as the two Governments deem advisable. My Government anticipates that the Haitian Government will be willing to provide, in accordance with its ability, such raw materials, services and funds as may be deemed necessary for the proper execution of the program. Believe me, my dear Mr. President, with assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration, Yours very sincerely, Sumner Welles His Excellency M. Elie Lescot, President of the Republic of Haiti. The President of Haiti to the Acting Secretary of State Washington, D. C., le 7 Avril 194.2. Mon cher Monsieur Welles, En confirmation de notre conversation d’hier après-midi, et en réponse à la communication que vous avez eu la bonté de m’adresser aujourd’hui, je désire vous exprimer mon appréciation de la décision du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d’Amérique de prévoir une somme approximative de $350.000 pour les dépenses nécessaires à l’exécution de certains projets sanitaires et d’hygiène dans la République d’Haiti, suivant les termes de la Résolution XXX, adoptée à la Troisième Réunion des Ministres des Affaires Etrangères des Républiques Américaines à Rio de Janeiro. Il m’est agréable de vous informer, mon cher Monsieur Welles, que le Gouvernement de la République d’Haiti accepte, avec joie, l’offre de votre Gouvernement d’envoyer en Haiti un groupe d’experts, afin de développer un programme spécial de sanitation et d’hygiène, en accord avec les fonctionnaires autorisés du Gouvernement Haitien, et convient aussi de mener ce projet sur le plan d’un effort coopératif, suivant les stipulations de votre lettre. De plus, le Gouvernement Haïtien, dans la mesure de ses moyens, fournira les matières premières, les fonds et services qui seront jugés nécessaires à l’exécution adéquate du programme conjoint d’hygiène et de sanitation. 3 [E.A.S. 425] Avec les assurances de ma très haute considération, je vous demande, mon cher Monsieur Welles, de croire à mes sentiments invariablement amicaux. E. Lescot Président de la République d* Haiti. Honorable Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Translation by the Department oj State of the Foregoing Note Washington, D. C., April 7, 19J+2. My dear Mr. Welles: lu confirmation of our conversation of yesterday afternoon, and in reply to the communication which you were kind enough to address to me today, I desire to express my appreciation of the decision of the Government of the United States of America to provide for a sum of approximately $350,000 for the expenses necessary for the carrying out of certain health and sanitation projects in the Republic of Haiti, in accordance with the terms of Resolution XXX adopted at the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics in Rio de Janeiro. I take pleasure in informing you, my dear Mr. Welles, that the Government of the Republic of Haiti accepts with pleasure the offer of your Government to send a group of experts to Haiti to develop a special health and sanitation program, in agreement with the author- ized officials of the Haitian Government, and also agrees to conduct this project as a cooperative effort in accordance with the stipulations of your letter. Furthermore, the Haitian Government, according to its ability, will provide the raw materials, funds, and services, which arc deemed necessary for the proper execution of the joint program of health and sanitation. With the assurances of my very high consideration, I beg you, dear Mr. Welles, to believe in my invariably friendly sentiments. E. Lescot President of the Republic of Haiti. The Honorable Sumner Welles Acting Secretary of State Department of State Washington, D.C.