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VETERINARY ANATOMY AND PHY- SIOLOGY. 29 Illustrations. By Wm. It. Ballou, m.o., Pro- lessor of Equine Anatomy at New York College of Veterinary Surgeons. No. 13. WARREN. DENTAL PATHOLOGY AND DEN- TAL MEDICINE. Containing all the most noteworthy points of interest to the Dental student. Yliy G100. W. Warren, d.d.s., Clinical t hief, Pennsylvania Dental Surgery, Philadel- phia. Illustrated. No. 14. HATFIELD. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. By J>E. Marcus P. H atfikld, Professor of Diseases of Children, Chicago W Medical College. Colored Plate. Bound in Cloth. $1. Interleaved, for the Addition of Notes, .$1.25. These hooks fell upon their merits. Comparison will show them to he the most COMPREHENSIVE, USEFUL, COMPACT, STRONG, PRACTICAL, EXHAUSTIVE COMPENDS PUBLISHED. ASK FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. Gould’s New Medical Dictionary. A COMPACT, CONCISE VOCABULARY. HANDY IN SIZE. LOW IN PRICE. CONVENIENT FOR REFERENCE. AUTHORITATIVE. This is in no sense a compilation from older dictionaries. It has been made up directly from the recent medical literature! All the I latest special monographs and text-hooks have been consulted in j its preparation. Its large sale has necessitated reprinting several times, and these opportunities have been taken advantagefcf by the! addition of a large number of new words and the correction of allfj typographical errors that may have existed. Square 8vo. Halt Morocco, with Thumb Index, as above! . . . S4.25 ’ riain Dark Leather, without Thumb Index, 3.25 ] The American Journal of Medical Sciences says :— ' “One pleasing feature of ihe book is (hat the readencan almost invariably find the definition under the word he looks for. without. . being referred from one place to another, as is too commonly the case ; in medical dictionaries. The tables of the bacilli, micrococci, lemo- ; ma'ines, and ptomaines are excellent, and contain a large amount of information in a limited space. The anatomical tables arc also eon-1 cise and clear. . . . We should unhesitatingly recommend this > dictionary to our readers, feeling sure that it will prove of much 1 value to them.” P, Blakiston, Son & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. GOULD’S POCKET PRONOUNCING MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 11,000 WORDS. PUBLISHERS’ ANNOUNCEMENT. The great success of Dr. Gould’s “ New Medical Dictionary ” suggested the publication of this, smaller, volume for the pocket. It has been prepared upon th'c same practical, systematic plan as the larger book, and, like it, has been based upon the most recent medical literature. It contains about 11,000 words—nearH double the number in any other pocket medical diction ary—and as many of these words are not to be found in any other dictionary, large or small, it may from this point of viewr be considered as a supplement to them. The form and size of the volume have been selected as most practical. It is no wider than the old-shape hooks ; it is thinner; and the length of the page has permitted the addition of several thousand words. T will be found to slip readily into any pocket that will take the “ 32mos,” and, unlike them, will not feel i~u'-re-ah. Absence or deficiency of urine. A'nus, d'-nws. Extremity of the rectum. Aor'ta, d-or'-tah. The main arterial trunk. Aor'tic. d-ort'-ik. Pertaining to the aorta. Aorti'tis, d-or-tl'-tis. Inflammation of the aorta. Apanthro'pia. Morbid love of solitude; melancholy. Ap'athy. Want of passion or feeling; indifference. ApelTous, ah-pel'-us. Without skin. Apep'sia, ah-pep’-se-ah. Imperfect digestion ; dyspepsia. Ape'rient, ah-pe'-re-ent. Laxative, opening. 30 GOULD’S POCKET Aperistal'sis. Cessation or lack of peristalsis. Ap'erture, ap'-er-tur. An opening, orifice. A'pex, d'-peks. pi., apt-ices. The summit or top of anything. Apha'gia, ah-fd'-je-ah. Inability to swallow. Apha'kia, ah-fd'-ke-ah. Absence of crystalline lens of the eye. Apha'sia, ah-fa’-ze-ah. Loss of power of speech from cortical lesion. Aphe'mia, ah-fe'-me-ah. Motor aphasia ; anarthria. Apho'nia, ah-fo'-ne-ah. Loss of voice, due to peripheral lesion. Apho'ria, ah-fo'-re-ah. Sterility of the female. Aphra'sia, ah-fra'-ze-ah. Synonym for Aphasia, q. v. Aphrodis'iac, af-ro-diz’-e-ak. Stimulating the sexual passion. Aph'thae, af-the. Small, white ulcers of the mouth. Aphthong'ia. A peculiar form of aphasia due to muscular spasm. Ap'ices, ap’-i-sez, plural of apex. Summits. A'piol. The active principle of parsley ; “ parsley camphor.” Aplanat'ic, ah-plan-at'-ik. Without spherical aberration, rectilinear. Aplanat'ic Lens. A lens correcting aberration. Apla'sia, ah-pld'-se-ah. Defective development in a tissue. Aplas'tic. Structureless, formless, not plastic. Aplas'tic Lymph. Non-librinous lymph incapable of organization. Apne'a, ap-ne'-ah. Breathlessness; difficult respiration. Apneumato'sis, ap-nu-ma-fo'-sis. Non-inflation of the air vesicles. Apneu'mia, ap-nu'-me-ah. Congenital absence of the lungs. Apocen'osis, ap-G-sen'-0-sis. A discharge, flux, evacuation. Apochromat'ic Lens. A lens with high correction of spherical and chromatic aberration. Apoc'ynum, a-pos’-e-num.. Canadian Hemp. Apo'lar. Having no pole. Apo'lar Cells. Nerve cells without processes. Apollina'ris Wa'ter. German alkaline mineral water highly charged with carbonic acid. Apomor'phine, ap-d-mor'-fen. Ol;HnN02. Artificial alkaloid de- rived from morphine ; a powerful emetic. Aponeurog'raphy, ap-d-nu-rorf-ra-fe. Description of aponeuroses. Aponeurol'ogy, ap-6-nu-rol'-o-ge. Treatise on aponeuroses. Aponeuro'sis, ah-pon-u-i'G'-sis. A fibrinous expansion of a tendon. Apophrax'is, ap-O-fraks'-is. Amenorrhea, q. v. Apoph'ysis, a-pof -e-sis. A bony protuberance or outgrowth. Apoplec'tic. Pertaining to, like, or affected with, apoplexy. Apoplectig'enous. That which produces apoplexy. Ap'oplexy. Paralysis from rupture of a cerebral vessel. Apo'sia, ap-o'-se-ah. Absence of thirst. Aposit'ia, ap-u-sit’-e-ah A loathing of food. Apos'tasis. An abscess ; a bony exfoliation. Aposte'ma, a-pos-te'-mah. An abscess. Aposto'li’s Meth'od. Treatment of fibrous tumors by electricity. Apothe'ca, a-po-the’-kah. An apothecary shop. Apoth'ecary. A druggist; seller of drugs. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Apoth'ema, Or-poth'-e-mah. A brown powder formed by the evapo- ration of a vegetable infusion. Apoz'ema, a-poz'-t-mah. A decoction. Apparatus, ap-a-ra'-lus. Instruments ; organs effecting work. Appen'dages of Eye. The tutamina oculi, q. v. Appendici'tis, ap-pen-di-ci'-lis. Inflammation of the appendix ver- miformis. Appendix, plural, appen’dices. An appendage, an adjunct. Appendix Ver'miform. Worm-shaped process of the cecum. Ap'petite, ap'-e-tll. Desire for food; lust. Apposi'tion, ap-po-zish'-un. In contact. Apraxia, a-prak'-se-ah. Aphasia with loss of memory. Aproc'tia, ah-prok'-te-ah. Imperforate anus. A'pron, Hot'tentot Artificially elongated labia minora. Aprosexia, ah-prb-sek'-se-ah. Inability to fix the attention. Aproso'pia, ah-pru-so'-pe-ah. Partial or complete absence of face. Apselaphe'sia, ah-sel-a-fe'-se-ah. Paralysis of the tactile sense. Apsy'chia, ah-si'-ke-ah. Loss of consciousness. Apty'alism, a-ti'-a-lism. Deficiency of saliva. A/pus, a'-pus. Congenital absence of lower limbs, or feet. Apyrex'ia, ah-py-reks'-e-ah Without fever. A'qua, d'-kwah. Water. A'qua For'tis. Nitric acid of commerce. Aquapunc'ture. Perforation of skin by water-jets. A'qua Re'gia. Mixture of nitric and muriatic acids. A'queduct, d'-kwS-dukt. A canal. A'queduct of Fallo'pius. Canal in temporal bone for facial nerve. A'queduct of Syl'vius. Communication between third and fourth ventricles of brain. A'queous, d’-kwe-us. Watery ; pertaining to water. A'queous Ex'tract. Solid preparations of drugs made from aqueous solutions. A'queous Hu'mor. Fluid in anterior chamber of eye. Arachni'tis, ar-ak-nl'-tis. Inflammation of arachnoid membrane. Arach'noid, ar-ak’-noid. Resembling a web. Arach'noid Cav'ity. Space between arachnoid and dura mater. Arach'noid Mem'brane. Serous membrane of brain and cord. Arachnoidi'tis, See Arachnitis. Ar'bor Vi'tee. Tree-like figure in a section of the cerebellum. Arbu'tin. C04H32O14 + H20. A glucoside found in uva ursi. Arcade', ar-kdd'. Arch. Arca'num, ar-kd'-num. A secret or proprietary remedy. Arch. Term applied to various curved portions of the body. Vrchebi'osis, ar-ke-bi'-6-sis. Spontaneous generation. Archegen'esis, ar-ke-gen'-e-sis. See Archebiosis. Archespo'rium, ar-ke-spo'-re-um. The cells from which spore mother-cells are immediately derived. Ar'chetype, ar'-ke-iip. A standard type. Arch'iblast. Granular areola surrounding the germinal vesicle. Archiblas'tic. Pertaining to the archiblast. Ar'chil, ar'-kxl. A violet coloring matter. Archi'tis, ar-kx'-lis. Inflammation of the rectum. Ar'chocele, ar'-kO-seel. Hernia of the rectum. Archopto'sis, ark-op-tu'-sis. Prolapse of the rectum. Archorrhag'ia, ark-or-rqj'-e-ah. Kectal hemorrhage. Archosteno'sis, ark-os-le-no'-sis. Rectal constriction. Ar'ciform, ar’-se-form. Bow-shaped. Arcta'tion. Constriction of the lumen of a canal. Ar'cuate, ar'-ku-dt. Bent like an arch. Ar'culus, ar'-ku-his. Cradle to protect diseased parts. Ar'cus. A bow, arch, or ring. Ar'cus Denta'lis. The dental arch. Ar'cus Seni'lis. Ring of corneal opacity in the aged. Ar'dent. Burning; feverish. Ar'dent Spir'its. Alcoholic liquors. Ar'dor. Violent heat; burning. Ar'dor Uri'nae. Burning pain during micturition. A'rea, a'-re-ah. Any space with boundaries. A'rea Germinati'va. Germinating spot of embryo. A'rea Pellu'cida. Central portion of the germinating spot. Ar'ecin. C23H26N20. Organic base derived from cinchona bark. Arefac'tion. Desiccation ; the act of drying. Arena'tion. A sand-bath ; application of hot sand to the body. Are'ola. A ring-like discoloration ; colored ring around the nipple. Are'olae, a-re'-o-le. Interstices in connective tissue. Are'olar. Pertaining to the areola ; full of interstices. Are'olar Tis'sue. Connective or cellular tissue. Areom'eter. Instrument for measuring specific gravity of fluids. Argen'tum, gen., argenti. Silver, a metal used in medicine. Argen'ti Ni'tras. Lunar caustic, a valuable escharotic. Argil'la. White or potter’s clay. Ar'gol. Impure tartar of wine. Argyll-Rob'ertson Pupil. Narrow pupil insensible to light, but responding to accommodation. Argy'ria. Cutaneous staining from continued use of silver salts. Arhi'nia, ah-rl'-ne-ah. Congenital absence of the nose. Arhyth'mic, ah-rith'-mik. Without rhythm ; irregular. Ar'istol. Valuable antiseptic agent, odorless pinkish powder. Aristolo'chia, ar-is-to-lo'-ke-ah. See Serpentaria. Aristolo'chin, ar-is-to-ln'-kin. Bitter principle of serpentaria,?. r. Arm. Upper extremity from shoulder to wrist. Armamenta'rium. Doctor’s outfit of medicines or instruments. Arma'rium. See Armamentarium. Ar'mature. A bar of soft iron on poles of magnet. Armil'la. The annular ligament of the wrist. Ar'nica. A medicinal plant used as a cardiac stimulant. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Ar'nicin. C2flIl3()04. Glucoside obtained from Arnica. Ar'nold’s Nerve. Auricular branch of pneumogastric nerve. Aro'ma, ah-ro'-mah. Odor; fragrance. Aromat'ic. Spicy ; fragrant. Arrect'or Pi'li Muscles. Erector muscles of hair follicles. Arrest'. Stoppage, detention. Ar'rqw-Poi'son. See Curare. Ar'rowroot. A kind of starch obtained from the Maranta. Arse'niate, ar-se'-ne-ate. Salt of arsenious acid. Ar'senic, Arsen'icum. See Arsenium. Arsen'ium. A non-metal with a metallic lustre, used in medicine. Arte'ria, ar-te'-re-ah. An artery. The bronchial tubes. Arterializa'tion. Oxygenation of blood. Arte'riogram. See Sphygmogram. Arteriog'raphy. Description of the arteries. Arterio'lse Rec'tae. Small vessels of the renal pyramids. Arte'riole, ar-te'-re-ol. A small artery. Arte'rio-Sclero'sis. Increased connective tissue of arterial walls. Arteriot'omy. Incision or opening of an artery. Arteri'tis, ar-te-ri'-lis. Inflammation of an artery. Ar'tery. Vessel carrying blood from the heart. Arthra'gra, ar-thrag'-rah. Gout. Arthral'gia. Pain in a joint; gout; arthritis. Ar'thric. Arthritic, q. v. Arthrit'ic. Pertaining to a joint. Arthri'tis, ar-thrl'-lis. Inflammation of a joint. Arthri'tis Defor'mans. Chronic inflammation of joint with de- formity. Arthroc'ace, ar-ihrok'-a-se. Caries of a joint. Ar'throcele, ar'-thro-sel. Tumor of a joint. Arthrocla'sia, ar-thro-kld'-se-ah. Operation for breaking up an ankylosed joint. Arthrode'sis, ar-thro-de'-sis. Scraping out a joint. Arthro'dia, ar-thro'-de-ah. Joint with a gliding movement. Arthrodyn'ia, ar-thro-din'-e-ah. See Arthralgia. Arthroempy'esis, ar-thro-em-pV-e-sis. Suppuration in a joint. Arthrog'raphy. Description of the joints. Arthrol'ogy. The anatomy of the joints. Arthron'cus. Swelling or tumor of a joint. Arthrop'athy, ar-throp'-a-the. Disease of a joint. Arthropyo'sis, ar-thrO-pi-O'-sis. See Arthroempyesis. Ar'thro-rheu'matism. Articular rheumatism, q. v. Arthro'sis. Articulation or jointing; a suture. Arthrot'omy, ar-throt’-o-me. Incision into a joint. Ar'tiad. An atom having an even quantivalence. Artic'ular. Pertaining to a joint. Artic'ular Rheu'matism. Rheumatism of a joint. Artic'ulate. Divided into joints. Distinct, clear. Name. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Aorta, Abdominal. Thoracic Aorta. Two Common Iliacs. Phrenic, Celiac Axis, Superior and Inferior Mesenteric, Supra- renal, Renal, Spermatic, Lumbar, Sacra Media. Aorta, Arch. Left Ventricle of Heart. Thoracic Division. 2 Coronary, Innominate, Left Common Carotid, Left Subcla- vian. Aorta, Thoracic. Arch of Aorta. Abdominal Aorta. Pericardiac, Bronchial, Esophageal, Posterior Mediastinal, 20 Intercostals. Auricular,Posterior. 5th Br. Ext. Carotid. Back of Auricle and Scalp. Stylo-mastoid, Auricular. Axillary. Subclavian. Brachial and 7 Branches. Superior and Acromial Thoracic, Long and Alar Thoracic, Sub- scapular, Anterior and Posterior Circumflex. Brachial. Axillary. Kadial and Ulnar and 4 Branches. Superior and Inferior Profunda, Nutrient, and Anastomotica Magna. Carotid, Common. Innominate and Arch Ext and Int. Carotid. External and Internal Carotid. Carotid, External. Common Carotid. 8 Branches. Superior Thyroid, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Posterior Auric., Ascending'Pharyngeal, Temporal, Internal Maxillary. Carotid, Internal. Common Carotid. Ant. part of Brain, Eye, Forehead, and Nose. Tympanic, Arteriae Receptaculi, Anterior Meningeal, Ophthal- mic, Anterior and Middle Cerebral, Posterior Communica- ting, Anterior Choroid. Celiac Axis. Abdominal Aorta. Stomach, Liver, Spleen. Gastric, Hepatic, Splenic. Coronary, 2. Arch of Aorta. Tissues of Heart. Numerous small branches. Dorsalis Pedis. Ant. Tibial. Foot. Tarsal, Metatarsal, Dorsalis Pollicis, Communicating, Inter- osseous. TABLE OF PRINCIPAL ARTERIES. Epigastric (Deep). Ext. Iliac. Abdominal Wall. Cremasteric, Pubic, Muscular. Facial. 3d Branch Ext. Ca- rotid. Organs of Pharynx and Face. Inferior or Ascending Palatine, Tonsillar, Submaxillary, Sub- mental, Musculars, Inferior Labial, Inferior and Sup. Coronary, Lateralis Nasi, Angular. Femoral. Ext. Iliac. Generative Organs, Thigh, etc. Superficial Epigastric, Circumflex Iliac and External Pudic; Deep External Pudic, Profunda, Muscular, Anastomotiea Magna, Popliteal. Gluteal. Int. Iliac. Glutei Muscles, etc. Superficial, Deep. Iliac, Deep Circum- Ext, Iliac. Abdominal Muscles. Muscular and Anastomotic. Iliac, Common. Abdominal Aorta. Ext. and Int. Iliac. External and Internal Iliac. Iliac, External. Common Iliac. Lower Limb. Femoral Artery, Deep Epigastric, Deep Circumflex Iliac. Iliac, Internal. Common Iliac. Pelvic and Generative Or- gans,inner side of Thigh. Anterior Trunk, Posterior Trunk. Iliac, Internal, Ant. Trunk. Common Iliac. Pelvic, Generative Organs and Thigh. Superior, Middle, and Inferior Vesical, Middle Hemorrhoidal, Obturator, Interior Pudic, Sciatic, Uterine, Vaginal. Iliac, Internal, Post. Common Iliac. Muscles of Hip, etc. Ilio-lumbar, Lateral Sacral, Gluteal. Innominate. Arch of Aorta. Thyroid Body. Right Common Carotid, Right Subclavian. Lingual. 2d Branch Ext. Ca- rotid. Hyoid and adjacent mus- cles, sublingual gland, mouth, tongue. Hyoid, Dorsalis linguae, Sublingual, Ranine. Mammary, Internal. Subclavian. Structures of Thorax. Comes Nervi Phrenici, Mediastinal, Pericardiac, Sternal, Ant. Intercostal, Perforating, Musculo-phrenic, Sup. Epigastric. Maxillary, Internal. 8th Br. Ext. Carotid. Structures indicated by Names of Branches. 3 Groups: Maxillary, Pterygoid, Spheno-Maxillary. Maxillary, Internal (Maxillary Group). Ext. Carotid. Structures indicated by Names of Branches. Tympanic (Anterior), Middle Meningeal, Small Meningeal Inferior Dental. Name. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Maxillary, Internal, (PterygoidGroup). Ext. Carotid. Structures indicated by Names of Branches. Deep Temporal, Pterygoid, Masseteric, Buccal. Maxillary, Internal (Spheno-Maxillary Group). Ext. Carotid. Structures indicated by Names of Branches. Alveolar, Infraorbital, Posterior, or Descending Palatine, Vidian, Pterygo-Palatiue, Nasal, or Spheno-palatine. Mesenteric, Inferior. Abdominal Aorta. Descend. Colon, Rectum. Colica Sinistra, Sigmoid, Superior Hemorrhoidal. Mesenteric, Superi- or. Abdominal Aorta. Small Intestine, Cecum, Colon. Inferior Pancreatico-Duodenal, Vasa intestini tenuis, Ileo-Colic, Colica dextra, et Media. Obturator. Int. Iliac. Pelvis and Thigh. Iliac, Vesical, Pubic, External and Internal Pelvic. Occipital. 4th Br. Ext. Carotid. Muscles of Neck, Occiput, etc. Muscular, Sterno-mastoid, Auricular, Meningeal, Arteria prin- ceps cervicis. Ophthalmic. Int. Carotid. The Eye. Lachrymal, Supraorbital, Posterior and Anterior Ethmoidal, Palpebral, Frontal, Nasal, Muscular, Anterior, Short and Long Ciliary, Arteria Centralis Retinae. Palmar Arch, Deep. Radial and Commu- nicating of Ulna. Palm and Fingers. Radialis indicis, Palmar interosseous, Perforating, Recurrent. Palmar Arch, Super- ficial. Ulnar and Superfi- cialis Vote. Palm and Fingers. 4 Digital Branches. Pharyngeal, Ascend- ing. 6th Br. Ext. Carotid. Neck, Pharynx, Dura Ma- ter. External Pharyngeal and Meningeal Branches. Plantar, External. Post. Tibial. Sole and Toes. Posterior Perforating, Digital, etc. Popliteal. Femoral. Thigh and Knee. Superior and Inferior Muscular, Cutaneous, Articulars (Sup., Ext. and Int.), Azygos Articular, Articulars (Inf., Ext. and Int.), Anterior and Posterior Tibial. TABLE OF PRINCIPAL ARTERIES—(Continued). Profunda Femoris. Femoral. Muscles of Thigh, etc. External and Internal Circumflex, Perforating. Pudic. Int. Iliac. Generative Organs. Inferior Hemorrhoidal, Superficial and Transverse Perineal, Bulb, Corpus Cavernosum, and of Penis. Pulmonary. Right Ventricle. Lungs. Right and Left Pulmonary. Radial. Brachial. Forearm, Wrist, Hand. Radial Recurrent, Muscular, Superficialis vote, Ant. and Post. Carpal, Metacarpal, Dorsalis pollicis et Indicis, Princeps Pollicis, Radialis indicis, Perforantes, Interossese. Sciatic. Int. Iliac. Muscles back of Pelvis. Muscular, Vesical, Hemorrhoidal, Coccygeal, Inferior gluteal, Comes Nervi Ischiadici, Articular. Subclavian. Right from Innomi- nate, Left from Aorta. Neck, Thorax, Brain, Meninges, etc. Vertebral, Thyroid Axis. Suprascapular. Thyroid Axis. Muscles of Shoulder. Supra-acromial and others. Temporal. 7th Br. Ext. Carotid. Forehead, Parotid gland, Masseter, Ear. f Transverse Facial. Anterior Temporal. Posterior Anterior Facial. (Anterior Auricular. Thyroid Axis. Subclavian. Shoulder, Neck, Thorax, Spine, Cord. Inferior Thyroid, Suprascapular, Transversalis Colli. Thyroid, Inferior. Thyroid Axis. Gland, Larynx, Trachea, Esophagus., etc. Laryngeal, Tracheal and Esophageal Branches, Ascending Cervi- cal, Muscular. Thyroid, Superior. 1st Branch Ext. Ca- rotid. Omo-hyoid, Sterno-hyoid, Sterno-thyroid, Thyroid Gland. Hyoid, Superficial Descending, Superior Laryngeal, Crico- thyroid. Tibial, Anterior. Popliteal. Leg, Ankle, etc. Recurrent Tibial, Muscular, External and Internal Malleolar, Dorsalis Pedis. Name. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Tibial, Posterior. Popliteal. Leg, Heel, Foot. Peroneal, Anterior Peroneal, Muscular, Nutrient, Communi- cating, Internal Calcarean. Plantars. Transversalis Colli. Thyroid Axis. Muscles of neck and back. Superficial Cervical and Post Scapular. Ulnar. Brachial. Forearm, Wrist, and Hand. Anterior and Posterior Ulnar Kecurrent, Anterior and Pos- terior interosseous, Muscular, Anterior and Posterior Carpal, Deep or Communicating, Digital. Vertebral. Subclavian. Neck and Cerebrum. Lateral Spinal, Muscular, Posterior Meningeal, Anterior and Posterior Spinal, Posterior Inferior Cerebellar. TABLE OF PRINCIPAL ARTERIES—{Continued). MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 39 Artic'ulate Speech. Expression of ideas by spoken words. Articula'tion. A joint or arthrosis. Enunciation of spoken speech. Artic'ulo Mor'tis. In the act of dying; moment of death. Artificial. Made or imitated by art. Artificial A'nus. Opening in the abdomen to give exit to feces. Artificial Respira'tion. Aeration of the blood by artificial means. Aryte'noid, ar-i-te'-noid. Cup- or ladle-shaped. Aryte'noid Car'tilages. Cartilages of the larynx. Aryte'noid Mus'cle. A muscle of the larynx. Asafet'ida. An odorous resinous gum, a strong antispasmodic. Asaphi'a, as-a-fe'-a. Defective articulation from cleft palate, etc. Asbes'tos. A mineral of fibrous nature. Ascar'icide. Medicine fatal to ascarides. Ascaridiasis. Existence of ascarides in the bowel. As'caris, as'-ka-ris. Genus of parasitical round worms. Aschisto-dac'tylus, as-ki.s-td-dak'-li-lus. Affected with syndactylus. Ascites, as-sl'-tez. Dropsy of the abdomen. Ascle'pias, as-kle'-pe-as. Root of asclepias tuberosa ; diaphoretic. Ascococ'cus, as-ko-kok'-kus. A genus of family of Coecacees. Ascomyce'tes, as-ko-mi-se’-tes. A family of fungi. As'cospore. A spore developed within a sac-like fungus cell. Asep'sis, ah-sep'-sis. Absence of septic matter. Asep'tic. Free from septic matter. Asep'tol. CeHgSOs- A reddish, antiseptic liquid. Asit'ia, a-sish'-e-a. Loss of appetite ; loathing for food. Aspar'agin. C4II8N203. Organic principle of asparagus. Aspar'agus. Mild, diuretic root. Aspergil'lus, as-per-jil'-lus. An order of fungi. Asper'matism. Non-emission or non-secretion of semen. Asper'mous. Without seed. Asper'sion. The act of besprinkling. AsphaTtum,~as-/a2'-ftm. Mineral pitch. Asphyx'ia. Condition caused by non-oxygenation of the blood. Asphyx'ia Neonato'rum. Inability of new-born infants to respire. Aspidiosper'mine. An alkaloid from Quebracho, q. v. Aspid'ium. Male fern, a root used as vermicide. Aspira'tion. Inspiration; imbibition. Use of the aspirator. As'pirator. Instrument for withdrawing fluids from cavities. Assafet'ida. See Asafetida. Assimila'tion. The act of absorbing nutriment. Asso'ciated Movements. Coincident movements of muscles other than the leading one. As'surin. Complex substance occurring in brain tissue. Asta'sia, as-ta'-se-ah. Motor incoordination for standing. Asta'sia-Aba'sia. Combined motor-incoordination for standing and walking. Asteato'sis. Deiicient secretion of sebaceous matter. As'ter. One of the karyokinetic changes in cell-division. 40 Aster'ion. Junction of occipital, parietal, and temporal bones. Astern'al. Not connected with sternum; absence of sternum. Aster'nia, Absence of the sternum. Asthe'nia, ah-slhe'-ne-ah. Loss of strength ; adynamia. Asthen'ic. Feeble; without strength. Astheno'pia, ah-stha'-no-pe-ah. Weak or painful vision. Asth'ma, as'-mah. Paroxysmal dyspnea with oppression. Astig'matism. Visual defect usually due to unequal curvature of the corneal meridians. Astigmom'eter. Instrument for measuring astigmatism. Asto'matous, Asto'mous. Without a mouth or opening. Astrag'alus. The ankle bone. A genus of plants. Astrapho'bia. Morbid fear of thunder and lightning. Astric'tion. Constipation ; action of an astringent. Astrin'gent. Agent producing contraction of organic tissues, or arrest of discharge. Asylum. Institution for the care of the incapable and destitute. Asym'metry. Want of symmetry or proportion. Asyner'gia. Absence of coordinate action. Asyne'sia, a-si-ne'-se-ah. Stupidity ; dementia. Atac'tic, ah-lak'-tik. Irregular; atypical. At'avism. Reversion to ancestral type of structure or function. Ataxapha'sia. Inability to arrange words into sentences. Atax'ia, Atax'y. Incoordination of muscular action. Atax'ic. Pertaining to or affected with ataxy. Atelec'tasis. Non-expansion of air-cells in lungs of new-born. Atelia, a-le-le'-ah. Lack of development of a part. Athelas'mus, a-thel-as'-mus. Inability to suckle, from defect of nipple. Athero'ma, ath-e-rd’-mah. Soft encysted tumor ; fatty degenera- tion of arterial walls. Ath'etoid. Affected with athetosis. Atheto'sis. Disease in which there is inability to maintain one position of the fingers and toes. “ Post-hemiplegic chorea.” Athrep'sia, a-threp'-se-ah. Defective nutrition in children. Atlan'tal. Pertaining to the atlas. At'las. Uppermost of the cervical vertebrae. Atlodid'ymus. See Atlodymus. Atlod'ymus. Monster with two heads and one body. Atmi'atry. Same as Almidiatrica, q. v. Atmidiat'rica. Treatment of disease by vapor. At'mograph. A spirograph, q. v. Atmom'eter. Instrument to measure the exhalations. At'mosphere. The air, or gaseous mixture surrounding the earth. Atmospheric. Pertaining to the atmosphere. Ato'cia, a-tu'-se-ah. Sterility of the female. At'om. The ultimate unit of an element. Atomic. Pertaining to an atom. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 41 Atom'ic Heat. Specific heat of an atom multiplied by its atomic weight. Atom'ic The'ory. Doctrine of simple definite proportions in chem- ical combination. Atom'ic Weight. Weight of an atom as compared with that of an atom of hydrogen. At'omizer. Instrument for reducing a liquid to a spray. Aton'ic. Having a want of tone or power. At'ony, at'-5-ne. Want of tone; debility. Atopomenorrhe'a. Vicarious menstruation. Atrabil'iary. Affected with melancholy. Atre'sia, ahr-tre'-se-ah. Imperforation of an opening or canal. Atrich'ia or Atrichi'asis, ah-trik'-e-a. Baldness. A'trium. Portion of auricle of heart receiving venous blood. Atroph'ia, ah-trof'-e-ah. Wasting. See Atrophy. Atrophoder'ma. Atrophy of the skin. At'rophy, at'-ro-fe. Wasting of a part from lack of nutrition. Atropi'na, At'ropine. Ci7H23N03. Active principle of belladonna. At'ropism. Symptoms from the use of atropine. At'tar of Rose. Oil of rose. Atten'uant. Increasing the fluidity of the blood or other secretions. Atten'uated. Wasted; thinned. Attenuating Medium. Gelatinized material used in germ culture. Attenua'tion. A thinning, weakening. Attol'lens. Applied to muscles that elevate. Attraction. Tendency of particles to draw together. Attra'hens. Muscle that draws. An epispastic. Attrition, al-trish’-un. Abrasion or chafing of the skin. Atyp'ic, ah-lip'-ih. Irregular; not typical. Audiom'eter, awd-i-om'-e-ter Instrument for measuring the acute- ness of hearing. Aud'iphone. Instrument for improving the power of hearing. Audition, aw-dish'-un. The act of hearing. Aud'itory. Pertaining to the act or organs of hearing. Aud'itory A'rea. Cerebral center for hearing. Aud'itory Center. Same as Auditory Area, q. v. Aud'itory Mea'tus. Opening of the ear. Aud'itory Nerve. Portion of the seventh pair of nerves. Aud'itory Os'sicles. Small bones of the middle ear. Au'ra, o'-rah. A peculiar sensation, for example, like a rising current of air preceding an epileptic fit. Aural, o’-ral. Pertaining to the ear. Auran'tium. The orange, used mainly to flavor. Au'ric, o'-rik. Pertaining to gold. A series of gold compounds. Aur'icle, o'-rikl. The external ear; two upper cavities of heart. Auric'ular. Pertaining to the ear. Au'riform. Ear-shaped. Au'ris. The external ear. 42 Au'riscope. An instrument for examining the ear. Au'rist. A specialist in diseases of the ear. Au'rium Tin'nitus. Ringing in the ear. Au'rum, gen., auri. Gold; the chloride is used in medicine. Ausculta'tion, os-cul-ta'-shun. Method of determining the con- dition of an organ by listening to the sounds produced by it. Autoch'thonous, aw-tok'-thon-us. Primary, original. Aut'oclave, awt'-o-klav. Instrument for sterilizing by steam-heat. Autodiges'tion. Digestion of gastric walls, from disease of stomach. Autogen'esis. Spontaneous generation. Autogenet'ic. Self-produced. Autog'enous. Diseases that are self-produced. A u t o-i n fe c't i o n. Self-i n feet ion. Auto-inocula'tion. Re-inoculation by virus from the same person. Auto-!aryngos'eopy. The examination of one’s own larynx. Automatic. Not voluntary,—as an action. Autom'atism. A condition in which actions are performed without consciousness or intention. Auton'omy. Self-law; not subject to external rule. Auto-ophthalmos'copy. Examination of interior of one’s own eye. Autopep'sia. Autodigestion, q. v. Autoph'agy. Act of feeding on one’s self. Autoph'ony. In auscultation, change in the examiner’s own voice by the condition of the patient’s chest. Autophthal'moscope. Instrument to examine one’s own eve- ground. Aut'oplasty. Repairing of a wound by grafting fresh parts taken from the patient’s body. Au'topsy, auJ-top-sy. Post-mortem examination. Aut'oscope. Any instrument for self examination. Autos'copy. Self-examination. Aut'osite. That portion of a double monster nourishing the other. Autosteth'oscope. A stethoscope for self examination. Auto-toxe'mia. Self-poisoning by one’s own secretions. Auxiliary. Aiding; assisting. Auxocar'dia. Normal increase of heart-volume during diastole. A'va-Ka'va. See Kava-Kava. Ave'na Sati'va. Oat, a nutritious food. Avoirdupois', av-or-du-poizCommon English weight, 16 ounces to the pound. Avul'sion. Wrenching away of a part. Ax'ial Cur'rent. Central current in the capillaries. Axil'la. The armpit. Ax'illary. Pertaining to the axilla. Ax'illary Glands. Lymphatic glands of the axilla. Ax'illary Plex'us. Plexus of nerves in the axilla. Ax'is. Imaginary line through center of body. Second vertebra. Axun'gia, aks-un'-je-ah. Lard ; internal fat of body. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Azoosper'mia. Absence of spermatozoids. Az'ote. Nitrogen. A'zotized. Nitrogenized. Azotu'ria. Increase of urea in the urine. Az'ygos, az'-i-gos. Without a fellow, as a muscle. Az'ymous, az’-ir-mus. Unfermented, unleavened. B. Ba'by-farm. Institution for raising orphans. Bacchi'a, bak-ke'-ah. Synonym for acne rosacea, q. v. Bac'ciform, bak'-se-form. Shaped like a berry. Bac'illar, bas'-i-lar. Resembling little rods. Bacil'lum, ba-sil’-lum. A stick. A cylindrical troche. A sponge- holder. The rods in one of the retinal layers. Bacil'lus. Genus of Schizomycetes; the most important group of bacteria. See Table. Name. Habitat. Physiological Action, etc. Air. Agent of acetic for- Air. mentation of alco- hol. Agent of alcoholic fer- Air. mentation. Saprophytic. Decomposes album i- Bees dying of “ fools- bread.” See B. Butyricus. Blood of animals with noids. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. anthrax. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Agent of butylic fer- mentation. Agent of butyric fer- mentation. Ferment of albumi- Kephyr grains. Human feces and put- noids. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. refying masses Animals with sympto- matic charbon. Air or water. B. Chlorinus Saprophytic. TABLE OF BACILLI. 44 GOULD’S POCKET Name. Habitat. Physiological. Action, etc. R. Claviformis Fermented casein. Albuminoid ferment. B. Coeruleus Water. Saprophytic. B. Coli communis Intestines of man and animals. Pathogenic. B. Columbarum Diphtheritic exuda- tions in pigeons. Pathogenic. B. Comma See Spirillum C/iolerce. B. Coprogenes fetidus. Hog’s intestine. Slightly pathogenic. B. Crassus sputigenus. Saliva and coating of tongue. Pathogenic. B. Cuniculicida Blood of septicemic rabbits. Pathogenic. B. Cvanogenus Milk of cow. Saprophytic. B. of diarrhea (green) of infants Intestine of infants. Pathogenic. B. Diphtherias Diphtheritic false membrane. Pathogenic. B. Distortus B. of Dysentery, Epi- Fermenting casein. Agent of albuminoid fermentation. demic Stools and intestinal walls. Pathogenic. B. Dysodes Bread. Saprophytic. B. Edematis maligni... Earth, air, decompos- ing bodies. Pathogenic. B. Enteriditis Impure meat. Pathogenic. B. hrythrosporus Air. Saprophytic. B. Fetidus Exudation in bromi- drosis of feet. Saprophytic. B. Figurans Air. Saprophytic. B. Filiformis Fermenting Casein. Agent of albuminoid fermentation. B. Fitzianus Air. Saprophytic. B. Flavus B. Fluoreseens lique- Water. Saprophytic. faciens B. Fluorescens putri- Water and air. Saprophytic. dus Air and water. Saprophytic. Albuminoid fermen- tation. B. Geniculatus Fermenting casein. B. Hansenii Air and water. Saprophytic. B. Heminecrobiophi- lus Caseous ganglia. Pathogenic. B. Hydrophilus fuscus Air. Pathogenic. B. Ianthinus Water. Saprophytic. B. Indicus Monkey’s stomach. Pathogenic. B. Factious Air. Agent of lactic acid B. Lactis aerogenes.... fermentation. Human intestine and animals nourished with milk. Pathogenic. B. Lactis erythrogenes Milk. Saprophytic. B. Lactis viscosus Milk. Saprophytic. B. Leprae Leprous tissues. 'Pathogenic. B. Lineola See Bacterium Lineola. B. Liodermos Air. Saprophytic. B. Luteus Air. Saprophytic. TABLE OF BACILLI—(Continued). MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Name. Habitat. Physiological. | Action, etc. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. B. Mallei tients. ers. Air. B. Meranosporus B. Mesentericus fuscus B. Mesentericus ruber B. Mesentericus v u 1- Air. Air. Air and water. Putrefying animal sub- stances. Air. Putrefying liquids. Agent of putrefaction. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. B. Multipediculus B. Murisepticus B. Murisepticus pleo- and uterine leucor- rhea in puerperal septicemia. B. of choleraic diar- rhea from meat poi- Blood and body juices. B. of Gfanders B. of Hog Cholera .... Sick hog. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. valus. Agent of acetic fer- mentation. Photogenous at 25°. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Infusion of jequirity. Measly hogs. See B. of Swine-typhoid. Rhinoscleromatous tis- sue. B. of Measly Pork B. of pneumo-enteri- B. of Rhiuoscleroma.. B. Oxytocus pernicio- B. Parvus ovatus See Micrococc us parvus B. Phosphorescens B. Pneumonicus agilis Sea-water. Pneumonia of hare. See Micrococcus prodig 3. Pseudo - pneumoni- Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. B. Putrificus coli Feces. Blue pus. Pus of fetid abscess. 3. Pyogenes fetidus... k Ramosus liquefa - Air. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Does not seem to be pathogenic. i. Rosaceus metalloi- i. Salivarius septicus.. 5. Saprogenes, No. 1.. 1 Saliva. Putrefying vegetation. TABLE OF BACILLI—(Continued). 46 GOULD’S POCKET Name. Habitat. Physiological Action, etc. B. Saprogenes, No. 2.. Exudate in bromidro- Saprophytic. B. Saprogenes, No. 3.. B. Saprogenes fetidus. Gangrenous tissue. See B. fetidtis. Pathogenic. B. of Gangrenous Sep- ticemia of Frog B. of Septicemia in man Blood of frog thus af- fected. Blood. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. i. ... No pathogenic effect. B. Septicus agrigenus. B. Septicus sputigenus ing matter. Earth. See Micrococcus Pasteui B. of Splenic fever See B. Anthracis. B. of ulcerative stom- Ulcerations on tongue of calf. Pathogenic. No pathogenic action. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Pathogenic. Non-pat hogen ic. Non-pathogenic. Agent of albuminoid fermentation. . Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. Saprophytic. Ammoniacal fermen- tation of urine. B. Sulfhydrogenus B. in Swine-erysipelas B. in Swine-typhoid... Mineral water. Blood. Tissues of pigs with this disease. B. Termo sein. Rotting plant infu- sions. Organism with tuber- culosis. Organism in typhoid fever. B. Ulna ter. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. Stagnant water. Saprophytic. Agent of fermenta- tion. Pathogenic. Agent of putrefact ion. Agent of putrefaction. Appears to be innocu- ous. Sugary fluids. Diphtheria in calves. Putrefying animal sub- stances. chickens; blood of ducks. TABLE OF BACILLI—(Continued). MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Bacil'Ius, Com'ma. The bacillus of cholera. Bacil'lus, Koch’s. Bacillus of tuberculosis. Bacil'Ius, Krebs-Loff'ler, -lefler. Bacillus of diphtheria. Back'-stroke of the Heart. The diastole of the heart. Bacte'ria, bak-t.e'-re-ah. Microorganisms; microbes. See Table. TABLE OF BACTERIA. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. B. Aceti Alcoholic liquids. Saprophytic. B. iEruginosum See Mi.crococcus pyocyaneus. B. Brunneum Air. Saprophytic. See Bacillus cavicida. B. Chauvaei See Bacillus Chauvaei. B. Chlorinum See Bacillus chlorinus. B. Cholerse gallinarum See Micrococcus cholera1 Pathogenic. B. Coli commune gallinarum. Feces of infants fed on Pathogenic. B. Crassum sputige- num mother’s milk. Sputum. Pathogenic. B. Decalvans Roots of hair in alope- Saprophytic. B. Fetidum cia areata. See Bacillus fetidus. Saprophytic. B. Fluorescens lique- faciens Air and water. Saprophytic. B. Fluorescens puti- dum Air and water. Saprophytic. B. Fusiforme Sea-water. Saprophytic. B. Hyacinthi Y e 11 o w slime of dis- Pathogenic (?) B. Iantliinum eased hyacinth buds. See Bacillus Ianthinus. B. Indicum See Bacillus Indicus. Saprophytic. B. in diphtheria of calves See Bacillus vilulorum. B. in diphtheria of See Bacillus of diphthe- man via. Produces fermenta- B. Lactis aerogenes .... Feces of infants fed on mother’s milk. tion in milk. B. Lineola Well-w a t e r, stagnant Saprophytic. water. . . B. Liodermos See Bacillus liodermos. Saprophytic. B. Litoreum Sea-water. Saprophytic. B. Luteum See Bacillus luteus. Saprophytic. B. Merismopedioides.. Water. Saprophytic. B. Multipediculum ... See Bacillus mullipedi- Saprophytic. B. Navicula cuius. Putrid vegetable mat- Saprophytic. B. Neapolitanum ter. See Bacillus Neapolita- Pathogenic. B. of Davaine’s septi- cemia nus. Blood of rabbits with Pathogenic. B. of Diphtheria of pigeons septicemia. See Bacillus columba - Pathogenic. rum. 48 GOULD’S POCKET Name. Habitat. Physiological Action, etc. B. of Fowl-cholera See B. cholera galiina- Pathogenic. B. of Rhinoscleroma.. rum. See Bacillus of Rhinos- Pathogenic (?) B. of Septicemia in rabbits cleroma. See Bacillus cuniculi- Pathogenic. B. of yellow milk cida. See B. Synxanthum. Saprophytic. B. Oxytocum pernici- osum See Bacillus oxytocus Pathogenic. B. Pasteuri perniciosus. See Micrococcus Pas- Pathogenic. B. Pasteurianum teuri. Beer-wort. Saprophytic. B. Pfitlgeri Putrid fish and meat. Saprophytic. B. Phosphorescent See Bacillus phospho- B. Photometricum rescens. Saprophytic. B. Pneumoniae cru- posae Pneumonic exudation. Pathogenic. B. Pneumonicum agile Pneumonic lungs of Pathogenic. B. Prodigiosum rabbits. See Bacillus prodigio- Saprophytic. B. Pseudo - pneunioni- cum See Bacillus pseudo Pathogenic. B. Ramosum liquefa- ciens pneumonicus. See Bacillus r a m o s u s Saprophytic. B. Rosaceum metal- loides B. Rubescens liquefaciens. See Bacillus rosaceus metalloides. Water. Saprophytic. Saprophytic. B. Rubrum Boiled rice. Saprophytic. B. Saprogenes See Bacillus saprogenes, Pathogenic. B. S e p t i c u m agrige- nu m Earth. Pathogenic. B. Septicum sputige- num See Bacillus septicus Pathogenic. B. Syucyanum spuligenus. See Bacillus cyanoge- Saprophytic. B. Synxanthum nus. See B. Xanthinum. Saprophytic. B. 'L'ermo Putrefying liquids. Saprophytic. B. Ureaj See Micrococcus urea. Saprophytic. B. Yiolaceum White of egg. Saprophytic. B. Viride B. Xanthinum Yellow milk. Saprophytic. B. Zopfii See Bacillus figurans. Saprophytic. Bacte'ricide, bak-te'-ri-sld. See Germicide. Bacterid'ia. Davaine’s designation of the Bacilli. Bacterid'ium. Genus of Bacteria, according to Pavaine. TABLE OF BACTERIA—(Continued). MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 49 Bac'teroid. Similar to a rod or a bacterium. Bacteriology. The science of microorganisms. Bacte'rium. A microorganism of order of Bacteria. See Table. Bac'uliform. Rod-shaped. Bagn'io, ban'-yo. A bath-house; house for cleansing the body. Bag of Wat'ers. Fetal membranes containing the liquor amnii. Bain-marie', bCin-mah-re'. A water-bath used by chemists, etc. Ba'kers’ Itch. Eczema caused by the irritation of yeast. Ba'kers’ Salt. Smelling salts; subcarbonate of ammonia. Bal'anic. Pertaining to the glans penis or clitoridis. Balani'tis, bal-a-nl'-tis. Inflammation of the glans penis. Balanoplas'ty. Plastic surgery of the glans penis. Balanoposthi'tis, bal-a-no-pos-th/i’-tis. Same as Balanitis, q. v. Balanorrhe'a, bal-an-or-re'-ah. Purulent balanitis. Bal'anus. The glans penis or clitoridis. Balbu'ties, bal-bii'-shi-ez. Stammering ; imperfect pronunciation. Bald. Wanting hair upon the scalp. Bald'ness. Alopecia, congenital or acquired. Ball-and-Sock'et Joint. See Diarthrosis. Ballotte'ment, bal-tot’-mong. Falling back of fetus in utero when the womb is suddenly pushed upward by the finger. Balm. A soothing application or ointment. Bal'mony. A cathartic and anthelmintic drug. Balnea'tion, bal-ne-d’-shun. The act of bathing. Balneol'ogy, bal-ne-ol'-o-je. The science of baths and bathing. Balneother'apy. Treatment of disease by baths ; water-cure. Bal'neum. A bath; in chemistry, a water or sand-bath. Bal'sam. Oily, aromatic, resinous vegetable product. Balsama'tion. Act of rendering balsamic. Bal'samic. Pertaining to, or like balsam. Ban'dage. Strip of muslin or other material for binding wounds, fractures, and dislocations. Ban'dl, Ring of. Boundary between lower uterine segment and the rest of the uterus in pregnancy. Bant'ingism. Method of reducing flesh by dieting. Baptis'ia, bap-tiz'-e-ah. Wild Indigo, a laxative. Baptorrhe'a, bap-tor-re'-ah. Gonorrhea, q. v. Baptothecorrhe'a, bap-to-the-kor-re'-ah. Gonorrhea in woman. Barba'does Leg. See Elephantiasis Arubum. Bar'berry. See Berberis. Bar'ber’s Itch. See Sycosis. Bar'biers, bar'berz. Paralytic affection common in India. Baresthesiom'eter. Instrument for testing the sense of pressure. Ba'rium, bd'-re-ma. Metal of the alkaline group. Bark. The cortex of the wood of exogens. Bar'ley. Hordeum, a cereal much used as food. Baromachrom'eter, bar-5-mak-rom’-e-ter. Instrument for weigh- ing and measuring the new-born. 50 GOULD’S POCKET Barom'eter. Instrument for measuring air-pressure. Bar'oscope. Instrument denoting changes in air pressure without measuring its absolute weight. Baros'ma, bar-oz'-mah. Plant yielding buchu, q. v. Bar'ren. Sterile; incapable of producing offspring. Bartholi'ni’s Glands, bar-to-le'-nez. Vulvo-vaginal glands, q. v. Bartholini'tis, bar-to-le-nV-tis. Inflammation of Bartholini’s glands. Bar'ton’s Ban'dage. Bandage for lower jaw. Bar'ton’s Frac'ture. Fracture of lower end of radius. Baryecoi'a, bar-i-e-koi'-ya. Dullness of hearing; deafness. Baryglos'sia, bar-i-glos'-se-ah. Thick, slow utterance, baryphonia. Barypho'nia, bar-v-fo'-ne-ah. Difficulty of speech. Bary'ta, bar-e'-ta. Barium, q. v. Ba'sal. Pertaining to the base. Ba'sal Gan'glia. Ganglia at base of brain. Bascula'tion. Movement by which a retroverted uterus is replaced. Bas'cule Move'ment. Recoil of heart in systole. Base. The lower part, as of the brain. Ba'sedow’s Disease. Exophthalmic Goitre, q. v. Base'ment Membrane. Delicate membrane beneath epithelium. Bas-fond', bah-fong’. Base of bladder. Ba'sham’s Mix'ture. Mixture of iron and ammonium acetate. Basiarachni'tis, bas-e-ar-ak-rn'-tis. Inflammation at base of skull. Ba'sic. Having properties opposite to acid. Basilar. Basifa'cial. Pertaining to the face and base of the skull. Basihy'al, bas-e-hl'al. The two bones of the hyoid arch. Bas'ilar. Pertaining to the base, as of the skull. Bas'ilar Ar'tery. Artery at base of brain. Bas'ilar Mem'brane. Delicate membrane of the cochlea. Bas'ilar Pro'cess. Portion of occiput in front of great foramen. Basil'ic. Important structure or drug. Basil'ic Vein. Largest vein of the arm. Basil'icon Oint'ment. Ointment with sovereign virtues. Ba'silyst. Instrument for breaking up the fetal skull. Basi-occip'ital. Bone forming central axis of skull. Basioces'trum, baz-e-u-ses'-trum. Same as basilyst, q. v. Ba'sio-glos'sus Hyoid portion of hyo-glossus muscle. Ba'sion, ba'se-on. Middle of anterior margin of great foramen. Ba'siotribe. Instrument for crushing the fetal head. Basiot'ripsy. Operation of crushing the fetal head. Ba'sis, ba'-sis. Base, q. v. Basi-sphe'noid. Base of sphenoid bone. Bass'-deafness, bns'-def-wes. Deafness to certain bass notes. Bas'tard. An illegitimate or spurious child. Ba'syl, ba'-sil. Electro-positive constituent of a salt. Bath. Bathing place, room, or medium. Ba'tia, bah'-she-nh. A retort. Battaris'mus, bat-ta-riz’-mus. Stuttering. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 51 Bat'tery. Series of connected Leyden jars or galvanic cells. Bat'tey’s Operation. Removal of healthy ovaries to hasten the menopause. Bat'tledore Placen'ta. Placenta with marginal insertion of cord. Baw'hin Valve of, Baw-hin. Ileo-cecal valve, q. v. Baun'scheidtism, boun'-shlt-dsm. Form of acupuncture by prick- ing with needles dipped in irritating oil. Baycu'ru, ba-koo'-roo. Powerful astringent root. Bdel'lium, del'-e-um. An emmenagogue gum. Bdellom'eter, del-ion’-e-ter. An artificial leech. Beak'er, be'-ker. A wide-mouthed glass vessel. Bear'berry. The Uva Ursi plant, a diuretic. Beard. Hair on the face of adult males. Bear'ing-down. Feeling of pelvic pressure in certain diseases. Bear’s'-foot. Remedy for “ ague-cakethe leaf-cup. Beat. Pulsation of the blood in the heart and vessels. Bebee'rin, be-be’-rin. Ci8H2N03. Active principle of bebeeru bark. Bebee'ru, be-be’-roo. Bark used as a febrifuge. Be'chic, be'-kik. Cough medicine; curing cough. Bed. A couch or support for the body. Bed'-sore. Sore from constant pressure on the bed. Beef-ex'tract. Soluble fibrin of lean meat partly desiccated. Beef-tea'. Soluble extractive matter of beef. Beer. A fermented drink, usually made from barley. Bees'wax. See Cera. Belch'ing. Eructation of wind from the stomach. Belladon'na. Atropa belladonna. Poisonous plant; anodyne, anti- spasmodic, mydriatic. Belli'ni, Ducts of. Uriniferous renal tubules. Bel'lows Sound. Bruit de soufflet, q. v. Bell’s' Law. Discovery of the function of the spinal nerve-roots— anterior, motor; posterior, sensory. Bell’s Paral'ysis. Paralysis of the facial nerve. Bel'ly. The abdomen. Belt. A girdle about the waist; a zone ; band. Belt, Abdom'inal. Elastic support used in pregnancy. Beng. Name for Cannabis Indica, q. v. Benign', Benig'nant. Not malignant; mild. Benzine', Benzi'num. See Benzol. Ben'zoated. Impregnated with benzoic acid. Benzo'ic Ac'id. C7II602. Vegetable acid from benzoin. Ben'zoin. A balsamic resin, antiseptic in property. Ben'zol C6H6. Hydrocarbon derived from coal-tar. Ber'berin. Alkaloid of barberry. Ber'beris. Barberry, an astringent, tonic root. Ber'gamot, Oil of. Essential oil used as a perfume. Ber'iberi, ber'-e-ber-e. Indian microbic disease with weakness, anemia, dropsy, dyspnea, and paraplegia. 52 GOULD’S POCKET Berlin, Bones of. Two small bones often seen under sphenoid. Bestial'ity. Unnatural connection with a beast. Be'tain, be'-tahr-in. Ptomaine obtained from animal and vegetable substances, such as the beet. Beta-naph'thol, ba-toHnaf-thol. See Naphthol. Be'tel, bt'-tl. A masticatory used in the East. Be'tol. Naphthalol, q. v. Salicylic ether of naplitbol. Be'zoar, be'-zor. Intestinal concretion of herbivora. Bhang, bang. Name of Cannabis Indica, q. r. Bi. Prefix signifying “ twice ” or “ two.” Biba'sic, bi-bd'-sik. Acids having two hydrogen atoms replaceable by bases. Bib'ulous. Having the quality of absorbing water. Bicap'itate. Having two heads. Bicap'sular. Having two capsules. Bicau'date. Having two tails. Biceph'alus, bi-sef-a~lus. Having two heads. Bi'ceps, bV-seps. Two-headed ; applied to muscles. Bichat', Canal of, Be-shaiv. Small opening in the third ventricle of the brain. Bicip'ital, bi-sip'-i-tal. Pertaining to the biceps muscle. Bi-con'cave. Hollow on both surfaces. Bi-con'vex. Rounded on both surfaces. Bicus'pid. Having two cusps, points, or fangs. Bid'der’s Ganglion. Ganglion in the heart wall between the auricles and ventricles. Bi-det', be-dd'. Washing apparatus for the genitals. Bien'nial, bi-en'-e-al. Occurring every two years. Bi'fid. Cleft; divided in two; forked. Bifo'cal. With a double focus. Bifo'rate. Having two apertures or pores. Bifur'cate. Divided in two branches. Bigas'ter. Having two bellies, as a muscle. Bigeminal Bodies. The corpora quadrigemina, q. v. Bilat'eral. Having two symmetrical sides. Bile. The yellow bitter liquid secreted by the liver. Bile Pig'ments. Coloring matters of the bile. Bilhar'zia Hemato'bia. See Distoma. Biliary. Pertaining to the bile; conveying the bile. Biliary Acids. Acids formed in the liver; the glycocliolic and tauroeholic acids. Biliary Ducts. Ducts communicating with the liver. Bilia'tion. Bile secretion ; the excretion of bile. Bilicy'anin, bil-e-sV-a-nin. Blue pigment obtained from bilirubin. Biliflav'in, bil-e-flav'-in. Yellow substance produced by action of silver oxide upon biliverdin. Biliful'vin, bil-e-ful'-vin. Coloring matter of oxen’s bile. Bilifus'cin, bil-e-fus'-in. Dark bile pigment of slight importance. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 53 Bil'in. Impure mixture of glycocholate and taurochoclate of sodium, a pale-yellow gummy mass. Bil'ious, bil'-yus. Partaking of the nature of bile. Biliphe'in, bll-e-fe'-in. Impure bilirubin, q. v. Bilipra'sin, bil-e-pra'-sin. Green pigment found in gall-stones. Bilipur'pin. Purple compound obtained from biliverdin. Bilipyr'rhin, bil-e-pir'-in. Reddish bile pigment. Biliru'bin. Red coloring matter ; chief pigment of human bile. Biliver'din. Green pigment of the bile of herbivora. Bilob'ular, bl-lob'-u-lar. Having two lobes. Biloc'ular, bl-lok'-u-lar. Having two cells. Bi'manous, W-ma-nus. Having two hands. Biman'ual. Two-handed ; ambidextrous. Bi'nary, bV-na-re. Compounded of two elements. Binau'ral. Having or pertaining to two ears. Bind'er. Band worn around the abdomen after labor. Binoc'ular. Pertaining to or adapted for both eyes. Binoc'ulus. X-shaped bandage for both eyes. Bi'oblast, bl'-o-blast. A formative cell of any kind. Biodynam'ics, bl-o-di-nam'-iks. Science of the vital forces. Biogen'esis. Genesis of living beings from living beings. Re- verse of abiogenesis, q. v. Biol'ogy, bi-ol'-o-je. The science of life and living things. Biol'ysis, bl-ol'-i-sis. The destruction of life; death. Biolyt'ic. Tending to destroy life. Biom'etry, bl-om'-e-tre. The measurement of life. Bion'omy, bl-on'-o-me. The science of the laws of life. Bioph'agus, bi-of-a-gus. Feeding on living organisms, applied to insectivorous plants. Bi'oplasm, bV-6-plazm. Any living matter ; protoplasm. Bi'oplast. A mass or cell of bioplasm ; a plastidule. Bios'copy. Examination of the body to ascertain if life be extinct. Biostat'ics. Vital statistics. Bi'otaxy, bV-5-taks-e. A biological classification or system. Biot'ic, bl-ot'-ik. Pertaining to life; vital. Biot'ics. The science of vital functions and manifestations. Biot'omy. Vivisection. Biot’s Respira'tion. That occurring without variation in the size of the individual respirations, as during sleep. Bipari'etal, bv-pa-rV-e-lal. Pertaining to both parietals. Bip'arous, bip'-a-rus. Bringing forth two at a birth. Bipartite. Consisting of two portions. Bi'ped. Having two feet. Bipo'lar. Having two poles. Bipo'lar Nerve Cells. Nerve cells with two prolongations of gray matter. Bird’s-nest Cells. Cells of certain forms of epithelial cancer. Birhin'ia, bl-rin'-e-ah. Congenital double nose. 54 GOULD’S POCKET Birth. The delivery of a child ; parturition. Birth'mark. See Nevus. Bis'cara But'ton. See Furunculus Orientalis. Bische, bish. Endemic dysentery in India. Bisex'ual. Being of both sexes; hermaphroditic. Bis'kra Boil. See Furunculus Orientalis. Bis'muth. Pinkish-white crystalline metal. Bis'tort. An astringent rhizome, unofficinal. Bis'toury, bis'-too-re. Small knife used in surgery. Bit'ters. Medicine with a bitter taste. Bit'tersweet. See Dulcamara. Bitu'men, bv-tu'-men. Mineral pitch; asphalt. Biu'ret Reac'tion, bi-v'-ret Test for proteids, by adding few drops of Fehling’s Solution, and getting a violet color. Biv'alent. See Quantivalence. Biven'tral. Having two bellies, as a muscle. Black. Absence of color or light. Black Ash. A mild tonic and astringent. Black'berry. See Rubus. Black Blood. Venous blood. Black Can'cer. See Melanosis. Black Death. See Plague. Black Draught. Compound infusion of senna Black Drop. Vinegar of opium. Black Lead. Plumbago ; amorphous graphite. Black Tongue. See Glossophytia. Black Wash. Lotion of calomel in lime water. Blad'der. The membranous receptacle of the urine. Blad'der-wrack. See Fucus Vesiculosis. Blain, blan. A blister or pustule. Bland. Mild ; non-irritating. Blaste'ma, blas-fe'-mah. A synonym of protoplasm, q. v. Blas'tide, blas'-tid. The small, clear space in the segments of the ovum, the precursor of the nucleus. Blastocar'dia, blas-to-kar'-de-ah. The germinal spot of the ovum. Blas'toderm. The germinal membrane of ovum. Blastoder'mic Ves'icle. Envelope surrounding the yelk. Blas'tomere, bias’-lo-meer. One of the segments of the ovum after fecundation. Blas'topore. Point where the covering in of the germinal area is temporarily incomplete. Blas'tosphere. Hollow sphere containing the blastomeres. Blat'ta Orienta'lis. The powdered body of the cockroach. Blaud’s Pill. Pill of ferrous sulphate and potassium carbonate; a valuable chalybeate. Bleach'ing-Pow'der. A disinfectant mixture; chlorinated lime. Blear Eye. An eye with ulcerative blepharitis. Bleb. See Bulla. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 55 Bleed'ers’ Disease'. See Hemophilia. Blennadeni'tis, blen-ad-e-nl'-tis. Inflammation of mucous follicles. Blennelyt'ria, blende-lit’-re-ah. Vaginal catarrh; leucorrhea. Blennente'ria, blen-en-le'-re-ah. Mucous flow from bowels. Blennisth'mia, blen-islh'-me-ah. Pharyngeal catarrh. Blennogen'ic, Blennog'enous. Secreting mucus. Blennometri'tis, blen-no-me-tn’-tis. See Endometritis. Blennophthal'mia. Catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva. Blennop'tysis, blen-op’-te-sis. Mucous expectoration. Blennorrha'gia. Gonorrhea ; copious vaginal discharge. Blennorrhe'a, blen-6-re’-ah. Same as Blennorrhagia. Blenno'sis. A disease of a mucous membrane. Blepharadeni'tis, blef-ar-ad-e-ni'-lis. Inflammation of the Meibo- mian glands. Blephari'tis, blef-ar-l'-lis. Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Bleph'aro-adeni'tis. Same as Blepharadenitis. Blepharonco'sis. Formation of a blepharoncus. Blepharon'cus. A tumor or swelling of the eyelid. Blepharophimo'sis. Abnormal smallness of the palpebral opening. Bleph'aroplasty. Plastic operation on the eyelid. Blepharople'gia, blef-a-rO-p/e'-je-ah. See Ptosis. Blepharopto'sis, blef-a-rop-to'-sis. See Ptosis. Blepharopyorrhe'a. Purulent discharge from the eyelids. Bleph'arospasm. Spasm of orbicularis palpebrarum muscle. Bleph'arostat. Instrument for separating lids during operations. Blepharosteno'sis. Narrowing of interpalpebral opening. Bles'sed This'tle. See Carduus. Blind. Without sight. Blind'ness. Want of vision. Blind Spot. Point of entrance of optic nerve on retina. Blis'ter. Vesicle containing serum ; agent producing a bleb. Blood. Nutritive fluid circulating in the arteries and veins. Blood Casts. Abnormal microscopic bodies in urine composed of coagulated blood. Blood-cell. A blood corpuscle. Blood Cor'puscles. Solid elements of the blood; blood cells. Blood Crys'tals. Crystals of hematoidin, q. v. Blood-let'ting. Abstraction of blood by opening a vein. Blood Plas'ma. Fluid portion of blood. Blood Pois'oning. See Septicemia. Blood Plates. Pale discs found in normal blood. Blood Pres'sure. Force exerted by blood upon vessel walls. Blood'-root. See Sanguinaria. Blood'shot. Extravasated with blood, as the eye. Blood'y Flux. Dysentery, q. v. Blood'y Sweat. See Ephidrosis. Blow'pipe. Short tube used to direct a pencil of flame. Blue Disease', See Cyanopathy. 56 GOULD’S POCKET Blue Flag. See Iris. Blue Mass. A compound pill of mercury. Blue Oint'ment. Mercurial ointment. Blue Pill. Pill made from Blue Mass ; q. v. Boat'-belly. See Scaphoid Abdomen. Bod'y. The animal frame with its organs. A cadaver. Bod'y Louse. See Pediculus. Boet'tcher’s Test, bet'-cher's. Subnitrate of bismuth test for sugar. Boil. A furuncle; localized abscess of skin. Bol'do. See Boldus. Bol'dus. Stimulant and tonic plant. Bole. Fine clay, formerly used as an astringent. Bo'lus. A pill-like mass of large size. Bom'bus. Ringing or buzzing in the ears; intestinal rumbling. Bone. Hard tissue forming framework of body. Bone Ash. Calcic phosphate left after burning of bone. Bone'set. See Eupatorium. Bone Set'ter. A term applied to a quack surgeon. Bon'net’s Cap'sule. Posterior part of ocular sheath. Borac'ic Ac'id. See Boric Acid. Bo'rage. Demulcent, refrigerant, and diaphoretic plant. Bo'rate. Basic salt of boric acid. Bo'rax. + lOlLO. Sodium diborate; used as an antiseptic. Borboryg'mus, bor-bo-rig’-mus. Rumbling of intestinal flatus. Bo'ric Ac'id. H3B03. White crystals with antiseptic properties. Bo'ro-glyc'eride. Preparation of boric acid and glycerine. Bo'ron. Base of boric acid and borax ; anon-metal. Boss. Broad, flat protuberance; a hump on the back. Bot. Larva of certain flies. The thread-worm. Botal'li, Duct of. The ductus arteriosis, joining in the fetus the pulmonary artery and descending aorta. Botal'li, Fora'men of. The foramen ovale of the fetal heart. Bot'any, bot’-a-ne. The science of plants. Bothrioceph'alus La'tus. A variety of tape-worm. Bott'ger’s Test. See Boettcher's Test. Bot'tle Nose. Common name for Acne Roseola. Botulin'ic Acid. Acid of putrefying sausage. Bougie', boo-zhe'. Slender cylindrical instrument for dilating and exploring urethra and other canals. Bougie', Armed. Bougie with a piece of caustic attached. Bougie', Fil'iform. Bougie of very small size. Bou'hou, boo'-hoo. Malarial disease resembling dengue. Bou'illon, boo'-i-yong. Alimentary broth or soup ; liquid nutritive medium for culture purposes. Boulim'ia, boo-lim'-e-ah. See Bulimia. Bour'donet, boor’-do-na. Ovoid mass of lint. Bourdonne'ment. boor-don'-mong. A buzzing hoard through the stethoscope from contraction of muscular flbrillae. Boutonniere Operation, boo-lon-ne-dr'. Buttonhole operation for relief of urethral stricture. Bou'tons Terminals, boo'-tong. Enlargements of the free ends of certain sensory nerves. Bow'els. The intestines. Bow Leg. Bending outward of the lower liinh. Bow'man’s Glands. Tubular glands in olfactory region of nose. Brach'ial, brak'-e-al. Pertaining to the arm. Brach'ial Ar'tery. Continuation of the axillary artery. Brach'ial Glands. Lymphatics of the arm. Brachial'gia, brak-e-al'-je-ah. Neuralgia in the arm. Brach'ium, brak'-e-um. The arm from shoulder to elbow. Brachycephal'ic, brak-e-se-fal'-ik. Having an egg-shaped skull. Brachydac'tylous. Having abnormal shortness of fingers or toes. Brachymetro'pia, brak-e-me-tro'-pe-ah. See Myopia. Bradyar'thria, brad-e-ar'-lhre-ah. See Bradylalia. Bradycar'dia. Peculiar slowness of pulse. Bradyla'lia, brad-i-la'-le-ah. Slow and disordered utterance. Bradypep'sia, brad-e-pep'-se-ah. Slow digestion. Bradypha'sia, brad-e-fa'-ze-ah. Abnormal slowness of speech. Braid'ism. Hypnotism, q. v. Brain. Contents of the cranium, especially the cerebrum. Brain Fe'ver. See Meningitis. Brain Pan. The cranium. Brain Sand. Gritty mineral matter found in the brain. Branch. Division of the main stem, as of a blood-vessel. Bran'dy. Spirituous liquid distilled from wine. Brash. A cutaneous eruption. Acidity in the mouth. Brash, Water. See Pyrosis. Braye'ra, bra-e'-ra. Kousso, an anthelmintic. Bread. Mixture of flour and water baked. Bread'-paste. Culture medium for bacteria. Break'-bone Fe'ver. See Dengue. Breast. Upper anterior part of the body. The mamma. Breath. Air exhaled from the lungs. Breech Posi'tion. Presentation of the buttocks of the fetus. Breg'enin. Soluble, crystalline substance found in brain tissue. Breg'ma. The top of the head. The anterior fontanel. Brick-layer’s Itch. Inflammation of the hands caused by contact with lime. Brick-maker’s Ane'mia. See Anchylostomiasis. Bridge of Nose. Ridge formed by the nasal bones. 3right’s Disease. Renal disease with albuminuria. 3rim of Pel'vis. Boundary of superior strait of pelvis. 3rim'stone. See Sulphur. 3road Lig'ament. Suspensory ligament of the uterus. 3ro'mal Hy'drate. C2Br3OH. Oily fluid resembling chloral hy- drate. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 57 58 GOULD’S POCKET Bro'mide, bro'-mld. Basic salt of bromine. Bromidro'sis, bro-mi-dro’-sis. Fetid perspiration. Bro'mine, Bro'mum. Reddish-brown liquid, escharotic, violently poisonous, giving off a suffocating vapor. Bro'mism, bro'-mizm. Poisoning by bromides. Bro'moform. CHBr3. Powerful anesthetic bromide. Bron'chi, PI. of Bronchus, bron'-kl. The bronchial tubes, the bifurca- tions of the trachea. Bron'chial, brong’-ke-al. Pertaining to the bronchi. Bronchiec'tasis, brong-ke-ek'-la-sis. Dilatation of the bronchi. Bron'chiole, brong'-ke-dl. Minute bronchial tube. Bronchioli'tis, brong-kc-o-lV-tis. Inflammation of the bronchioles. Bronchi'tis, brong-kV-tis. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Bron'chocele, brong'-ko-sel. Goitre, g. v. Bronchoph'ony, brong-kof'-O-ne. Bronchial vocal resonance. Bronch'oplasty. Operation of closing tracheal fistula. Bron'cho-pneumo'nia. Inflammation of the lungs beginning in the bronchi. Bronchorrhe'a. Profuse discharge from the bronchi. Bronchot'omy. Incision of a bronchus, the larynx or trachea. Bronch'us. One of the main branches of the trachea. Bronzed Skin. Discoloration in Addison’s Disease, q. v. Brood'-cells. In cell-division, the mother-cells. Broom. See Scoparius. Brown'ian Movement. Oscillation in very fine granules suspend- ed in a liquid, observed under the microscope. Brown'ism. See Brunonian Theory. Brown Mix'ture. Compound liquorice mixture; an expectorant. Brow Presentation. Presentation of fetal brow in labor. Bru'cine, bru’-sin. CjsHgeNjO* Alkaloid of nux vomica. Bru'it, brew'-e. Abnormal sound heard in auscultation. Bru'it de Soufflet, breiv'-e-duh-soo'-fla. Bellows sound heard in en- largement of the heart Bru'it du Di'able, brew’-e-deiD-de'-ah-bl. Anemic venous hum. Bru'it, Placen'tal. See Uterine Souffle,. Brun'ner’s Glands. Granular bodies in the duodenum. Bruno'nian The'ory. Theory that all diseases are due to abnor- malism of incitability. Bryg'mus, brig'-nius. Same as Odontoprisis, q. v. Bryo'nia, bri-o'-ne-ah. A medicinal root; a hydragogue cathartic. Bryoplas'tic. Tissue growths resembling low vegetable forms. Bu'bo. Inflammation and swelling of lymphatic gland of groin. Bu'bo Parot'id. See Parotitis. Bu'bo, Pri'mary. Slight adenitis due to mechanical irritation. Bu'bo, Sympathet'ic. A non-infectious bubo. Bubonal'gia, bii-bon-al'-ge-ah. Pain in the groin. Bubon'ic, bu-bon'-ik. Pertaining to a bubo. Bubon'ocele. Hernia contained within the inguinal canal. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Bubon'ulus. Virulent lymphangitis of the dorsum of the penis. Buc'ca, buk'-ah. Hollow part of cheek ; the mouth. Buc'cal, buk'-al. Pertaining to the bucca or cheek. Buc'cinator, buk’-si-na-tor. Thin, flat muscle of the cheek. Buc'cula, huk'-il-lah. The fleshy part under the chin. Bu'chu, bu'-ku. Leaves of Barosma, used in genito-urinary disease. Buck'bean. Rhizome recommended as a vermifuge. Buck'et Fe'ver. Dengue, q. v. Buck'thorn, bukf-thom. See Frangula. Bucne'ma Tro'pica. See Elephantiasis. Bucne'mia, buk-ne'-me-ah. Disease of leg with tense swelling. Bud'ding. Form of reproduction or cell division ; gemmation. Buf'fy Coat. Coat of fibrin on upper surface of blood-clot. Bugan'tia, bu-gan'-she-ah. A chilblain. Bu'gleweed. Narcotic and astringent herb. Bu'hach, bu'-hash. Powdered flower of Pyrethrvm, an insecticide. Bulb. Expansion of a canal or vessel. Bulb of Aor'ta. Dilatation of aorta near its beginning. Bulb of the Eye. The eyeball. Bulb, Olfac'tory. Anterior enlargement of olfactory tract. Bulb of Ure'thra. Posterior portion of the spongy body. Bul'bar. Bulbous; pertaining to the medulla. Bul'bar Paral'ysis. Glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis. Bul'bi Vestib'uli. Glands of Bartholini, q. v. Bul'bus. A bulb, q. v. Bul'bus Arterio'sus. Enlargement or bulb of aorta Bulim'ia, bu-lim'-e-ah. Excessive, morbid hunger. Bul'la, bul'-ah. A large bleb or blister. Inflated portion of the bony external meatus of the ear. Bul'late, bul'-dt Blistered; inflated; vaulted. Bun'ion, bun'-yun. Swelling of a bursa of the foot. Buphthal'mos, boof-thal'-mos. See Keratoglobus. Burc'quism, berk'-kism. See Metallotherapy. Bur'dach, Columns of. See Column. Bur'dock, bir'-dok. An aperient and diuretic root. Burette', bu-ret’. Graduated tube for measuring a reagent. Burn, birn. Lesion of tissue from dry heat or flame. Burn'er, Bun'sen. Burner for mixing air with gas to secure com- plete oxidation. Bur'sa, ber'-sah. A small sac interposed between movable parts. Bur'sal, ber'-sal. Pertaining to a bursa or sac. Bursi'tis, ber-sV-lis. Inflammation of a bursa. But'ter. The fatty portion of milk ; vegetable fat having the con- sistency of butter. But'ter of An'timony. Antimonious chloride. But'ter of Caca'o. See The,obroma. But'ter of Tin. Stannic chloride. But'ter of Zinc. Zinc chloride. 60 GOULD’S POCKET But'ternut. See Juglans. But'tocks. The nates, rump, or gluteal region. But'tonbush. Tonic febrifuge and diuretic bark. But'tonhole Operation. See Boutonniere Operation. But'ton Snake'root. Diuretic and emmenagogue root. Bu'tyl Chlo'ral. See Chloral Butylicum. Butyra'ceous, buMe-ra'-se-us. Like, or containing, butter. Buty'rous, bu-ty'-rus. Same as Butyraceous. c. Caca'o, ka-kd'-ij. See Theobroma. Caca'tion, kak-a'-shun. Defecation. Cace'mia, kak-e'-me-ah. Depraved state of the blood. Caces'thesis, kak-es'-the-sis. A morbid sensation. Cachelcom'a, kak-el-kom’-ah. A malignant ulcer. Cachex'ia, kak-ex'-e-ah. Depraved condition of nutrition. Cachinna'tion, kak-in-a'-shun. Immoderate laughter. Cachou', ka-shoo'. Pill to sweeten the breath. Cacocho'lia, kak-o-ko'-le-ah. A morbid state of the bile. Cacochyl'ia, kak-6-ky'-le-ah. Depraved chylification. Cacochym'ia, kak-o-ky'-nie-ah. Bad condition of the fluids. Cacocol'pia, kak-6-kol'-pe-ah Gangrene of the vulva. Cacod'es, kak-od'-ez. Of an offensive odor. CacoC'thes, kak-o-e’-thez. Malignant ; ill-conditioned. Cacogalac'tia, kak-S-gal-ak'-te-ah. Bad condition of the milk. Cacogas'tric, kak-d-yas'-trik. Dyspeptic. Cacogen'esis. Monstrous or pathological growth. Cacoph'ony, kak-off'-o-nk. Altered state of the voice. Cacoplas'tic. Capable of but low degree of organization. Cacorrhachi'tis, kaJc~or-rak-V-Hs. Disease of the spine. Cacoso'mium, kak-G-sd'-me-um. Hospital for incurables. Cacosper'mia, kak-u-sper'-me-ah. Bad condition of the semen. Cacosphyx'ia, kak-o-sfiks’-e-ah. Abnormal state of the pulse. Cacosplanch'nia, kak-o-splank'-ne-ah.. Emaciation from indiges- tion. Cacothana'sia, kak-o-than-a'-se-ah. Painful, miserable death. Cacothym'ia, kak'-o-thy'-mc-ah. Disordered state of the mind. Cacotrich'ia, kak'-o-trik'-e-ah. Disease of the hair. Cacot'rophy. Disordered or defective nourishment. Cada'ver, kad-d'-ver. The dead body ; a corpse. Cadav'erine. Ptomaine occurring in decomposing tissues. Cadaveriza'tion. Moribund state with algidity, as in cholera. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 61 Cade, Oil of, had. Tar obtained from juniper wood. Cad'mium, kacl'-me-um. Bluish w'hite metal. Cadu'ca, ka-doo'-kah. Uterine deciduous membrane. Cadu'city, ka-du’-si-te. Senility; feebleness. Caf'fea, kaf-e-ah. Coffee, q. v. Caf'fein, kaf-e-in. C8H10N4O2, Alkaloid of coffee. Caffe'inism. Morbid state from excessive use of catfein. Cais'son Disease', ka'-son-du-ez'. Symptoms due to w orking under increased atmospheric pressure. Caj'eput, Oil of. Volatile, irritant oil used in medicine. Cal'abar Bean. See Physostigma. Calage', kal-ahzf. Method of treating sea-sickness by visceral immobilization. Cal'amus. The aromatic and bitter rhizome of C. Acorus. Cal'amus Scripto'rius, kal'-a-mm-skrip-to'-re-us. Groove on ante- rior wall of fourth ventricle. Calca'neum, kal-ka'-ne-um. The heel-bone, or os calcis. Calca'reous. Having the nature of lime. Calcifica'tion. Deposition of lime salts in the tissues. Calcig-'erous Cells, kal-sif-e-rus-sels. Cells in dentine containing earthy salts. Calcina'tion, kal-si-na'-shun. Process of expelling by heat the vol- atile elements of a substance. Cal'cis, Os. The heel-bone. Cal'cium, kal'-se-um. A metal, the basis of lime. CalculiPragous. Having the powder of dissolving calculi. Cal'culus. Stone-like concretion formed in the body. Cal'culus, Cuta'neous. Milium containing lime salts. Cal'culus, Mam'mary. Calcareous nodule in lactiferous ducts. Cal'culus, Na'sal. See Rhinolith. Cal'culus, Re'nal. Calculus formed in the kidney. Cal'culus, Ves'ical. Calculus in the bladder. Calda'rium, kal-dd'-re-um. A hot bath. Calefa'cient. Affliction causing sensation of warmth. Calen'dula, kal-en'-du-lah. The marigold; used locally. Cal'enture. Delirium of the tropics from excessive heat. Calf, kaf. Fleshy part of leg below the knee. Ca'lices of the Kid'neys. Cup-like tubes of ureter in kidneys. Cal'iper. Instrument for measuring diameters. Calisa'ya, kal-i-sa'-yah. Variety of cinchona. Calisthen'ics. System of light gymnastics. Callos'ity, kal-os'-i-te. Hardened spot on the skin. Cal'lous, kal'-us. Hard, indurated. Cal'lus, kal'-us. New bony deposit about a fracture. Cal'mative. Quieting; sedative. Cal'omel. Hg«Cl2. Mild chloride of mercury, a purgative. Calor'ic, ka-lor'-ik. Heat. Calorifa'cient. Heat-producing. GOULD’S POCKET Calorim'eter. Instrument for measuring the heat of bodies. Calum'bo. Root used as a simple bitter. Calva'ria, Calva'rium. The skull-cap. Calvit'ies, kal-vish'-e-ez. Diffused or general baldness. Calx, kalks. The heel. Lime or chalk. Ca'lyx, ka'-liks. Singular of Calices, q. v. Cambo'gia. Gamboge, a resinous gum ; drastic hydragogue cathartic. Cam'era. A chamber or vaulted structure; fifth ventricle of brain. Cam'era Cor'dis. Enveloping membrane of heart; pericardium. Cam'era Oc'uli. Chamber of the eye. Cam'omile. Flowers of a plant used as a tonic. Cam'phor. Solid, volatile oil, an antispasmodic and rubefacient. Campim'eter, kam-pim'-e-ter. See Perimeter. Camp'sis, kamp'-sis. Abnormal curving of a limb. Can'ada Bal'sam. Balsam of fir. Can'ada Snake'-root. Stimulant and carminative root. Cana'dian Hemp. An emetic and cathartic root. Can'adol. Transparent volatile liquid used as a local anesthet ic. Canal'. Tube for carrying the fluids of the body. Canal' of Cloquet', klo-kd'. Tube in the vitreous humor of the eye. Canal' of Cor'ti. Canal in the cochlea. Canal' of Coch'lea. Spiral canal of labyrinth of ear. Canal' of Fontan'a. Small canal in eye of lower animals. Canal' of Nuck. Sheath around the uterine round ligaments. Canal' of Pet'it. Space in suspensory ligament of lens.' Canal' of Schlemm. Circular canal in the sclera of the eye. Canal' of Stil'ling. Same as Canal of Cloquet, q. v. Canalic'ulus, kan-a-lVc'-u-lus. A small canal or groove. Can'cellous. Resembling lattice work. Cancel'li, kan-sel'-ll. Divisions of interior of bone. Can'cer. See Carcinoma. Can'croid, kang'-kroid. Like a cancer. An epithelioma. Can'croid Ul'cer. See Rodent Ulcer. Can'crum, kang’-krum. A rapidly progressive ulcer. Can'crum O'ris. Gangrenous ulceration of the mouth. Can'dlefish Oil. See Eulachoni Oleum. Cane Su'gar. See Sacchnrnm. Canine', ka-nW. Resembling or pertaining to a dog. Canine' Mad'ness. Hydrophobia, q. v. Canine' Teeth. The cuspid or dog teeth. Canit'ies, ka-nish'-e-ez. Grayness of the hair. Can'ker, kang'-ker. A cancerous or gangrenous sore. Can'nabis. Indian hemp; an antispasmodic and aphrodisiac. Can'nula, kan'-u-lah. Surgical tube armed with a stiletto. Can'thal kan'-thal. Pertaining to the canthus. Canthar'idal Collo'dion. Blistering solution made of cantharides. Canthar'ides. Plural of Cantharis. Canthar'idin. Ci0Hj2O4. Active principle of Cantharis, MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 63 Can'tharis. Spanish Fly ; vesicant and genital irritant. Canthi'tis, kan-thl'-tis. Inflammation of the canthus. Can'thoplasty. Plastic operation on the canthus. Canthor'raphy, kan-thor'-a-Je. Suturing of the canthus. Canthot'omy, kan-thot'-O-me. Division of the canthus. Can'thus, kan'-thus. The palpebral angle. Caout'chouc, koo'-chook. Elastic juice of a tree; India-rubber. Cap'illary. A minute blood-vessel. Like a hair. Cap'ital. Pertaining to the head. Important. Capita'tum. Large hone of carpus ; the os magnum. Capitel'lum. Rounded eminence on lower end of humerus. Capit'ulum. Bony protuberance received into a concavity. Caproylam'ine, kap-ro-il-am’-in. Ptomaine in putrefying yeast. Capryl'ic Ac'id. C8Hi602. A volatile, fatty acid. Capsel'la. Leaves of shepherd’s-purse used as a hemostatic. Cap'sicum. Cayenne pepper, an irritant and stomachic. Cap'sular Lig'ament. Ligament around a movable joint. Cap'sule, kap'sul. Membranous sac enclosing a part. Cap'sule of Glis'son. Membrane around hepatic vessels. Cap'sule, Suprare'nal. Glandular body at apex of kidney. Cap'sule of Te'non. Tunica vaginalis of eye. Capsuli'tis, kap-su-ll'-tis. Inflammation of capsule of lens of eye. Capsulot'omy. Incision of capsule of the crystalline lens. Cap'ut. The head ; chief part of an organ. Cap'ut Co'li. Head of colon ; the cecum. Cap'ut Gallinag'inis. See Verumontanum. Cap'ut Succeda'neum, suk-se-dd'-ne-um. Sero-sanguinous tumor on presenting part of fetus. Car'amel, kar'-a-mel. Anhydrous or burnt sugar. Car'away, kar'-a-wd. See Carum. Carbol'ic Acid. C6H60. Phenol, a valuable antiseptic. Car'bon. Non-metal occurring in forms of diamond, graphite, and charcoal, the latter only used in medicine. Car'bonate. Compound of carbonic acid and a base. Car'bonated. Containing or impregnated with carbonic acid. Carbone'mia. Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. Carbon'ic Acid. C02. Carbon dioxide or carbonic anhydrid, pun- gent asphyxiant gas, product of respiration. Carboniza'tion, kar-bon-i-zd'-shun. Conversion into carbon. Car'buncle, Carbun'culus, kar'-bung-kl, kar-bung'-ku-lus Large circumscribed inflammation of subcutaneous tissue. Carcino'ma, kar-se-no'-ma. Cancer; malignant tumor with pro- duction of epithelioid cells. Carcino'ma, Chim'ney-Sweep'ers’. See Epithelioma. Carcino'ma, Enceph'aloid. Soft, rapidly-growing cancer. Carcino'ma Lentic'ulare. A form of scirrhous cancer. Carcino'ma, Med'ullary. Same as C. Encephaloid. Carcino'ma Melano'des. A pigmented carcinoma. 64 GOULD’S POCKET Carcino'ma, Schir'rus. A hard variety of cancer. Carcino'sis. The production and development of cancer. Cardamo'mum. Cardamom, an aromatic fruit. Car'dia, kar'-de-ah. The heart. An orifice of the stomach. Car'diac, kar'-de-ak. Pertaining to the heart or eardia. Cardiag'ra, kar-de-ag'-rah. Gout of the heart. Cardial'gia, kar-de-al'-je-ah. Heartburn ; pain in the heart. Cardianas'trophe, kar-de-an-as'-tro-fe. Congenital dislocation of heart to right side of thorax. , Cardiatro'phia, kat'-de-a-tro-fe-ah. Atrophy of the heart. Cardiec'tasis, kar-de-ek'-ta-.ns. Dilatation of the heart. Car'dinal kar'-dir-nal. Chief or principal part. Car'dinal Veins. Primitive jugular veins. Car'diocele, kar'-de-d-sel. Hernia of the heart. Cardiocente'sis, kar-de-d-sen-te'-sis. Aspiration of heart. Cardiodyn'ia, kar-de-6-din’-e-ah. Same as Cardialgia, q. v. Cardiog'mus. Cardialgia. Aneurism of heart. Angina pectoris. Car'diogram. The curve of the cardiograph. Car'diograph. Instrument for recording the heart-motion. Cardiog'raphy, kar-de-og'-ra-fe. Description of the heart. Exami- nation with the cardiograph. Cardiol'ogy, kar-de-ol'-o-ge. Treatise on the heart. Cardiopal'mus, kar-de-C-pal'-mus. Palpitation of the heart. Cardio-pneumat'ic. Pertaining to the heart and lung. Cardio-pneumat'ic Move'ments. Movements of air in lungs from pulsation of heart. Cardio-pneu'mograph. Instrument for recording cardio-pneu- matic movements. Cardiorhex'is, kar-de-o-reks'-is. Rupture of the heart. Cardiosteno'sis, kar-de-u-ste-nd'-sis. Stenosis of heart-valves. Cardiot'omy. Dissection of the heart. Cardiot'romus, kar-de-ot'-rd-miis. Fluttering of the heart. Cardi'tis, kar-di'-tis. Inflammation of the heart. Car'duus, A tonic and astringent bitter. Ca'ries, kd'-ri-ez. Ulcerous inflammation of bone. Ca'rious, kd'-re-us. Pertaining to caries. Carmin'ative. Medicine expelling flatus. Car'mine. C17lI18O10. Coloring matter from cochineal. Carnau'ba, kar-no'-bah. Alterative root used in Brazil. Car'neous, kaiJ-ne-us. Fleshy. Carnifica'tion. A change of tissues to a fleshy consistence. Car'nin. Leucomaine obtained from meat extract. Carniv'orous. Flesh-eating. Car'nose. Resembling or pertaining to flesh. Caro'ba, ka-ro'-bah. Alterative and tonic leaves used in Brazil. Carot'ic, ka-rol'-lk. Producing sleep or stupor. Carot'id, kar-ot’-id. Great arteries of the neck. Car'pal, kar'-pal. Pertaining to the carpus or wrist. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 65 Carphol'ogy, kar-fol'-o-ge. Delirious picking at the bed-clothes. Carpozym'a, kar-pd-zy'-mah. An alcoholic ferment. Car'pus. The wrist, wrist-joint, or carpal articulation. Car'ron Oil. Linseed oil and lime water, a dressing for burns. Car'-sickness. Sea-sickness produced by railway traveling. Car'thamus. American saffron, used as a diuretic. Car'tilage. Gristle; non-vascular elastic tissue softer than bone. Car'tilage of Santori'ni. The corniculum laryngis, q.v. Car'tilage of Wris'berg. Cuneiform cartilage of larynx. Ca'rum, kd'-rum. Caraway seeds, a carminative. Car'uncle, kar'-ung-kl. Small, fleshy growth. Carun'cula, ka-run'-ku-lah. Same as Caruncle, q. v. Carun'culae, ka-rung'-ku-le. The nymph®, q. v. Carun'cula; Myrtifor'mes. Remains of the hymen after rupture, Ca'rus, ka'-rus. Last degree of coma; complete insensibility. Caryophyl'lus, kar-i-d-fil’-us. Flowers of the clove-plant, Cas'ca Bark. Bark used in intermittent fevers. Casca'ra Sagra'da. Bark of California Buckthorn. Cascaril'la, kas-ka-ril'-ah. Aromatic bitter bark. Casea'tion, kd-se-a'-shan. Transformation into a cheesy mass. Ca'sein, ka'-se-in. Chief proteid of milk. Ca'seous, ka'-se-us. Having the nature of cheese. Casser'ian Gang'lion. Ganglion of nerves in the depression in the petrous portion of temporal bone. Cassia, kas'-se-ah. Mildly laxative, tropical fruit. Casta'nea. Leaves of the chestnut, used in pertussis. Cas'tor Oil. See Ricini. Castra'tion, kas-lrd'-shun. Excision of testicles or ovaries. Casts. See Tube Casts. Catab'olism. Retrograde change in the tissues of the body. Catacau'sis. Spontaneous combustion. Catac'lasis, kat-ak'-la-sis. A fracture. Distortion of the eyelids. Cataclei'-sis, kat-a-kly'-sis. Spastic closure of the lids. Cat'aclysm, kat'-a-klizm An effusion. A sudden shock. Catacrot'ic. Elevations in down stroke of sphygmogram. Catagmat'ic, kut-ag-mat’-ik. Promoting the union of fractures. Cat'alepsy, kat'-a-lep-se. Neurosis associated with loss of will and muscular rigidity, without alteration in circulation, etc. Cat-al'ysis, kat-al'-i-sis. Chemical reaction promoted by the pres- ence of a third unaffected substance. Catame'nia, kal-a-me'-ne-ah The menses. Catapha'sia, kal-af-a'-ze-ah. Disturbance of speech in which there is a constant repetition of the same word or words. Cataph'ora, kal-af-o-rah. Lethargy associated with short lucid intervals. Cataphor'ic, kal-a-forf-ik. Having the power to produce osmosis in the direction of a galvanic current. Cataphore'sis, kal-arfo-re'-sis. Anodal diffusion of medicaments to deep-seated tissues. 66 GOULD’S POCKET Cat'aplasm, kaf'-a-plazm. A poultice. Cat'aract, kal'-cwakt. Opacity of crystalline lens. Catarrh', kat-ar'. Inflammation of a mucous membrane. Catastal'tic, kal-ostal'-tik. Astringent, styptic. Catas'tasis, kat-as'-la-sis. Constitution, state, or condition. Catat'ony, kat-at'-d-ne. See Katatonia. Cat'echu, kal'-e-chu Extract from wood and bark of certain plants, used in medicine as an astringent. Catelectrot'onus. Increased nervous irritability near the cathode. Cat'-gut. Ligatures made from intestines of sheep. Cathar'sis, kath-ad-sis. Purgation. Cathar'tic, kath-ar'-tik. A purgative medicine. Cathar'tin, kath-ar'-tin. Active principle of senna. Cath'eter, kath'-e-ter. Tube for evacuating the bladder. Cath'eterism, kalh'-e-ler-izm. The use of the catheter. Catheteriza'tion. Emptying of bladder with catheter. Cath'ode, kath'-od. See Kathode. Cathol'icon. A panacea, or universal medicine. Cat'ion, kat'-e-on. An electro-positive element. Cat'ling. Pointed, two-edged surgical knife. Cat'nep. Stimulant and tonic drug used in the household. Catop'trics, kat-op'-triks. Laws of the reflection of light. Catop'tric Test. Diagnosis of cataract by means of corneal reflec- tion of images. Cat’s' Eye. Morbid yellowish appearance of fundus of eye. Cat’s' Purr. Peculiar thrill heard in ausculting the chest. Cau'dad, kaw'-dad. Towards posterior extremity. Caud'a Equi'na. Fibrous termination of the spinal cord. Cau'dal, kaw'-dal. Pertaining to a tail. Cau'date, kaiv'-dal. Having a tail. Caul. Fetal membranes covering the head ; the omentum. Caul'iflower Excres'cence. Form of uterine cancer. Caus'tic, kaws'-tik. An escharotic. Caus'tic, Lu'nar. Silver nitrate east into sticks. Cau'tery. A substance or instrument for destroying a part. Cau'tery, Ac'tual. Heat directly applied ; the hot metal. Cau'tery, Poten'tial. A caustic chemical substance. Cav'a, kav'-ah. One of the large veins of the body. Cav'ernous, kav'-er-nus. Having hollow places. Cav'ernous Bod'ies. Corpora cavernosa of penis. Cav'ernous Breath'ing. Breathing in dilated bronchi. Cav'ernous Si'nus. Sinus on body of sphenoid. Cav'ernous Tu'mor. Angioma, q. v. Cav'ity, kav'-i-te. A hollow, as in the lung. Cay'enne Pep'per. See Capsicum. Ceboceph'alus. A cyclocephalic monster with absence of nose. Ce'cal, sl'-kal. Pertaining to the cecum. Ce'cum, se'-kum. The blind pouch at head of large intestine. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 67 Ce'ke, the'-ke. In Fiji, elephantiasis of the scrotum. Cel'andine, sel'-an-dln. See Chelidonium. Cel'ery, sel'-e-re. Common celery stalks, used as a nervine. Ce'lia, se'-le-ah. The belly. Ce'liac, se'-le-ak. Pertaining to the belly. Ce'liac Ax'is. Branch of the abdominal aorta. Ce'liac Gang'lion. Semilunar ganglion, q. v. Celiadelph'us, se-le-ah-delf-us. Double monster united at the belly. Celial'gia, se-le-al'-je-ah. Pain in the abdomen. Ce'lioscope. Instrument for examining the body cavities. Celiot'omy, se-le-ot'-o-me. Opening of anterior belly wall. Cell, sel. Small protoplasmic mass, usually nucleated. Cell-bod'y. The mass of a cell. Cell-Multiplica'tion. Cytogenesis, q. v. Cell-nu'cleus. The cytoblast; areola. Cell-The'ory. Doctrine that cell-formation is the essential bioge- netic element. Cells of Cor'ti. Hair-cells on surface of the organ of Corti. Cells of Dei'ters. See Dexters's Cells. Cell'ular, sel'-u-lar. Composed of cells. Cell'ular Tis'sue. Areolar tissue, q. v. Cell'ule, sel'-ul. Minute cell or cavity. Celluli'tis, sel-u-li'-lis. Inflammation of cellular tissue. Cell'uloid. Substance made of gun-cotton and camphor. Cell'ulose, sel’-u-los. Basis of vegetable fiber. Celo'ma, se-lo'-mah. Round superficial ulcer of cornea. Celoso'mus, sel-o-so'-mus. A monster with deformity of trunk. Celot'omy. Incisive operation for strangulated hernia. Cemen'tum, se-men'-tum. Substance in teeth, near the root. Cenesthe'sis. Sensations of the visceral organs. Ceno'sis, sen-o'-sis. An evacuation. Cenot'ica, sen-ot'-e-kah. Diseases of the fluids. Drastic agents. Cen'ter. The middle of the body. A nerve ganglion or plexus. Cen'tigrade. Having one hundred degrees. Cen'tigrade Thermom'eter. Thermom'eter with 100° as boiling point of water, and zero the freezing point. Cen'tigramme. The hundredth of a gramme, 0.15432 gr. troy. Cen'tilitre. The hundredth of a litre. Cen'timetre. The hundredth part of a metre, 0.3937 inch. Cen'trad, sen'-trad. Toward the center. Centric. Pertaining to a center. Centrifugal, sen-trif-u-gal. Receding from the center. Centrip'etal, sen-trip'-e-tal. Traveling toward the center. Centrostal'tic. Action of nervous force in spinal center. Cen'trum, sen'-trum. Center or middle part. Cen'trum Commu'ne, The solar plexus. Cephala'gra, sef-al-d'-grah. Pain in the head. Cephalal'gia, sef-al-al'-ge-ah. Pain in the head, 68 GOULD’S POCKET Cephalede'ma, sef-al-e-de'-mah. Hydrocephalus, q. v. Cephale'mia, sef-al-e'-me-ah. Abnormal llux of blood to the head. Cephalhemato'ma. Bloody tumor of the head. Cephalhy'drocele. Tumor formed by a collection of cerebro- spinal fluid under the scalp. Cephal'ic, sef-al'-ik. Pertaining to the head. Cephal'ic Vein. Vein of the shoulder. Cephal'ic Ver'sion. Turning the fetus so the head will present. Cephali'tis, sef-al-l'-tis Inflammation of the brain and membranes. Cephalodyn'ia, sef-a-lo-din'-e-ah. Pain in the head. Cephalog'raphy, sef-al-og'-ra-fe. Description of the head. Ceph'aloid, sef-a-loid. Resembling the head. Cephalol'ogy. Science of cranial measurements. Cephalo'ma, sef-al-om'-ah. A soft carcinoma. Cephalom'eter. Instrument for measuring the head. Cephalom'etry. Art of measuring the head. Cephalop'agus. Double monster with the heads united at the top. Ceph'alostat. Appliance for holding the patient’s head. Cephalot'omy, sef-a-lot'-O-me. Crushing of fetal head. Ceph'alotribe. Instrument to crush fetal head. Ceph'alotripsy, sef-a-15-tripse. Crushing of fetal head. Ce'ra, se'-rah. Wax. Cera'ceous, se-ra’-she-us. Waxy. Ce'rate, se'-rat. Composition with wax as a basis. Cerati'tis, ser-a-lV-lis. Keratitis, q. v. Ce'rato-. See Kerato-. Cer'atocele, ser'-a-td-sel. Keratocele, q. v. Cera'tum, se-ra’-tum. A cerate. Cerch'nus, serk’-nm. Noisy respiration ; hoarseness. Cercomo'nas Intestina'lis. Infusorial parasite of men. Ce'reals, se’-re-als. The grain-plants used for food. Cerebelli'tis, ser-e-bel-l'-tu. Inflammation of the cerebellum. Cerebel'lum, ser-e-bel'-um. Inferior part of the brain. Cer'ebral, ser'-e-bral. Relating to the brain. Cerebrasthe'nia, ser-e-bras-thk'-ne-ah. See Phrenasthenia. Cerebra'tion, ‘ser-e-bra'-shun. Action of the brain. Cer'ebrin, ser'-c-brin. Glucoside obtained from brain tissue. Cerebrin'acides. Substance containing cerebrose, found in brain- tissue. Cerebrin'ic Ac'id. C59Hn3N09. Acid of brain-tissue. Cerebri'tis, ser-e-brV-tis. Cerebral inflammation. Cer'ebrose, ser'-e-brdz. Sugar occurring in brain-tissue. Cer'ebrosides. Same as Cerebrinacides, q. v. Cer'ebro-spi'nal. Relating to brain and spine. Cer'ebro-spi'nal Fe'ver. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, with fever and eruption; spotted fever. Cer'ebrum, ser'-e-brmn. Chief port ion of brain. Ce'rium, se'-re-um, A rare metal. Cero'ma, se-ro'-mah. Lardaceous degeneration. Ceru'men, ser-u'-men. The wax of the ear. Cer'vical sir'-ve-kl. Pertaining to the neck. Cer'vix, sir'-viks. The neck. Cesa'rean Operation. Extraction of fetus by abdominal incision. Ce'sium, se’-ze-um. Rare alkaline metal. Cest'ode, sest'-od. An animal intestinal parasite. Ceta'ceum, se-td'-se-um. Spermaceti, q. v. Cetra'ria, se-trd'-re-ah. Iceland moss, used to make jelly. Cetra'rin. Bitter principle of Cetraria, q. v. Chala'zce, ka-la’-ze. Twisted cords binding the yolk-bag of an egg to the lining membrane. Chala'zion, ka-ld'-ze-on. A Meibomian cyst. Chalazo-nephri'tis. Granular inflammation of kidney. Chalico'sis, kal-e-ko'-sis. Lung disease due to inhalation of dust. Chal'inoplasty, kal'-e-no-plas-te. Operation to form a new frenum linguse. Chalk, chawk. Carbonate of lime; a soft white rock. Chalk'-stone. Gout-stone ; an articular deposit. Chalyb'eate, ka-lib'-e-dt. Containing iron. Cham'ber, cham'-ber. A hollow or cavity. Cham'omile, kam'-o-mil. See Anthemis. Chan'cre, shang’-ker. Primary or “ hard ” syphilitic ulcer. Chan'croid, shang'-kroid. Resembling a chancre. The “soft” chancre. Change of Life. The menopause, q. v. Char'bon, shar'-bon. Malignant pustule, or anthrax, q. v. Char'coal, chaiJ-kol. See Carbon. Char'cot-Neu'mann Crys'tals. Phosphate of spermine. Char'cot-Robin Crys'tals. Crystals in leucocythemic blood which form on standing. Char'cot’s Disease', shar'-cos. Sclerotic affection of joints. Char'pie, shar'-pe. Linen shreds for dressing wounds. Char'riere’s Guillotine. Instrument for excising tonsils. Char'ta, char'-tah. Medicated paper ; wrapper for powders. Chaulmoo'gra Oil. Oil used in skin diseases. Cheek, chek. Side of the face. Cheese-ren'net. See Ladies' Bed-straw. Cheili'tis, kil-V-tis. Inflammation of lip. f heil'oplasty, kil'-o-plas-te. Plastic operations upon lips. Chelido'nium. Celandine, a drastic cathartic. Che'loid, ke'-loid. See?fCeloid. Che'lonin, ke'-lo-nin. Concentrated extract of Balmony. Chem'istry. Science of molecular and atomic structure of bodies. Chemiotax'is. See Chemotajcis. Chemo'sis, ke-mo'-sis. Conjunctival swelling. Chemotax'is, ke-mo-laks'-is. The property of cellular attraction and repulsion. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 69 70 GOULD’S POCKET Chenopo'dium, ki-no-pd'-de.-um. American wormseed ; used as an anthelmintic. Cher'ry, cher'-e. Bark of the cherry used in medicine. Cher'ry-lau'rel. Leaves of a variety of laurel, used as a drug. Chest. The thorax. Upper portion of body. Chest'nut. See Castanea. Cheyne-Stokes Respira'tion. Form of dyspnea with rhythmical increase of respiration followed by temporary arrest. Chi'asm, kl'-azm. The optic commissure. Chick'en-pox. See Varicella. Chignon' Fun'gus, sheen-yon’. Fungoid growth on the hair. Chil'blain. Cutaneous inflammation, due to cold. Child'bed. Labor; confinement. Child'bed Fe'ver. See Puerperal Fever. Chimaph'ila, ki-maf'-i-lah. Diuretic leaves of Pipsissewa. Chi'na Grass. Silky vegetable substance, for dressing wounds. Chin'-cough. Whooping cough, q. v. Chin'-jerk. See Jaic-jerk. Chinoid'in, ki-noid'-in. Alkaloidal mixture obtained while making quinine. Chinoli'na, kin-6-le’-nah. Derivative of quinine and coal-tar. Chira'gra, kVra’-grah. Gout in the hand. Chirarthri'tis, ki-rarth-rV-tis. Articular inflammation of hand. Chiret'ta, kx-ret’-tah. Leaves used as a tonic. Chirop'odist, ki-rop'-o-dist. One who treats the feet and hands. Chirur'gia, ki-rur'-ge-ah. Surgery, q. v. Chirur'gical, kv-rud-ge-kl. Pertaining to surgery. Chit'tim Bark. See Cascara Sagrada. Chlias'ma, kli-az'-mah. A poultice. Chloas'ma, klo-az’-mah. See Tinea Versicolor. Chlo'ral. CCl3.CHO. Colorless crystalline solid, an hypnotic Chloralam'ide. Chloral formanidate used as a hypnotic. Chlo'ral Butyl'icum. Croton chloral, a feeble hypnotic. Chlo'ral Hy'drate. The hydrate of chloral. Chlo'ral-u'rethane. Ural, a hypnotic. Chlo'rate, klo’-rdt. Compound of chloric acid and a base. Chlore'mia, kld-re’-nie-ah. Blood disorder with diminution in amount of hemoglobin and red corpuscles. Chlo'ric E'ther. See Ethyl Chloride. Chlo'ride, klo'-rld. Compound of chlorine and radical. Chlo'rine, klo'-ren. Non-metallic gaseous element. Chlo'rodyne, klo’-ro-din. Proprietary anodyne remedy. Chlo'roform. CHCI3. Heavy, colorless liquid used as an anesthetic, and internally as a narcotic. Chlo'rophane, klo’-rO-fdn. Green coloring matter of retina. Chloro'ma, klo-ro’-mah. Greenish-colored tumor. Chloro'sis, klo-ru’-sis. Green-sickness of young girls. Chlo'rum, klo’-rum. See Chlorine. Cho'anae, kiV-an-e. The posterior nares. Choked Disc. See Papillitis. Chol'agogue, kul'-a-gog. Purgative of bile. Chola'lic A'cid. See Choloidinic Acid. Cholecystec'tomy. Excision of gall-bladder. Cholecystenteros'tomy. Suturing of gall-badder to intestine. Cholecystitis, kol-e-sist-l'-tis. Inflammation of gall-bladder. Cholecystot'omy. Incision of gall-bladder. Choledochi'tis, ko-led-u-kV-tis. Inflammation of gall-duct. Choled'ochus, ko-led'-u-kus. Holding bile. Chole'ic, ko-le'-ik. Pertaining to the bile. Cholelithi'asis, kol-i.-lit/1-V-a-sis. Formation of biliary calculi. Chole'mia, ko-le'-me-ah. Bile pigment in the blood. Choleme'sia, kol-e-mt’-se-ah. Vomiting of bile. Cholepyr'rhin, kol-e-pir’-rin. Biliphein, q. v. Chol'era, kol'-e-rah. Disease characterized by emesis, diarrhoea, cramps, and prostration. Chol'era, Asiat'ic. Malignant form of cholera. Chol'era Infant'um. Summer complaint of children. Chol'era Mor'bus. Sporadic cholera. Chol'erine. Besembling, or mild attack of, cholera. Choleroma'nia, kol-e-ru-ma'-ne-ah. Fear of cholera. Choleropho'bia. Same as Choleromania, q. v. Choleropho'nia, kol-e-ro-fo'-ne-ah. Aphonia of cholera. Cholesteato'ma. Encysted tumor containing cholesterine. Cholestere'mia. Presence of cholesterin in the blood. Choles'terin. Normal ingredient of nervous tissue, blood, and bile. Cholet'elin. Yellow pigment derived from bilirubin. Cho'lic, ko'-lik. Pertaining to the bile. Chol'icele, kol'-i-sel. Tumor of gall-bladder. Chol'in, kol'-in. Same as Neurine, q. v. Choloidin'ic Acid. Decomposition product of bile acids. Chol'olith, koV-o-lith. A biliary calculus. Cholorrhe'a, kol-or-re'-ah. Abnormal discharge of bile. Cholo'ses, kol-o'-sez. Affections of liver and spleen. Cholu'ria, kol-ii'-re-ah. Bile in the urine. Chondral'gia, kon-dral'-je-ah. Pain in a cartilage. Chon'drin, kon'-drin. The glucoside in cartilage. Chondri'tis, kon-dn'-tis. Inflammation of cartilage. Chon'drogen, kon'-dro-jen. The base of cartilage. Chondrogen'esis. Formation of cartilage. Chondrog'raphy. Description of cartilages. Chon'droid, kon'-droid. Resembling cartilage. Chondrol'ogy, kort-drol'-o-je. Treatise on cartilage. Chondro'ma, kon-dro'-mah. A cartilaginous tumor. Chondro'sis, kon-drd'-sis. Cartilaginous formation. Chondrot'omy. The dissection of cartilage. Chon'drus, kon'-drus. Irish moss, yielding a demulcent fluid. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 71 72 GOULD’S POCKET Cho'part’s Operation, sho'-pars. Medio-tarsal amputation of foot. Chor'da, kor’-dah. A cord, tendon, or filament. Chor'da Dorsa'lis. See Notochord. Chor'da Ten'dinse. Tendinous strings of the auricular valves. Chor'da Tym'pani. The tympanic nerve. Chordee', kor-de1. Painful, down-curved erection in gonorrhea. Chordi'tis, kord-V-tis. Inflammation of vocal cord. Chore'a. St. Vitus’s dance; involuntary muscular twitchings. Chore'a, Syd'enham’s. See Sydenham. Cho'reoid, ko'-re-oid. Pertaining or similar to chorea. Chorio-blasto'ses. Abnormal growths of the corium. Cho'rion, kd'-re-on. Outer envelope of fetus. Cho'rio-retini'tis. See Choroido-retinitis. Cho'roid, ko'-roid. Second or vascular tunic of eye. Choroidi'tis, ko-roid-V-tis. Inflammation of choroid. Choroid'o-retini'tis. Choroiditis with retinitis. Cho'roid Plex'us. Fold jo f membrane near lateral ventricles of brain. Choroma'nia. The dancing mania, an hysterical disease. Chris'tison’s For'mula. To estimate amount of solids in urine. Chro'mate, krd'-mat. Salt of chromic acid. Chromat'ic, kro-mat'-ik. Relating to or possessing color. Chromat'ic Audi'tion. Luminous sensations aroused by sound. Chro'matin. Reticulate material in nuclei of cells. Chromatodyso'pia, kro-mar-lo-dis-o'-pe-ah. Mistaking of spectral colors distant from each other. Chromatopho'bia, krd-ma-to-fo'-be-ah. Abnormal fear of color. Chromatop'sia, kro-ma-top'-se-ah. Abnormal sensations of color. Chromidro'sis, kro-minlro'-sis. Secretion of colored sweat. Chro'mium, kro'-me-uni. Hard, gray, metallic element. Chro'mophanes. Coloring matters from the retina. Chromop'sia, kro-mop'se-ah. See Chromatopsia. Chromoptom'eter, kro-mop-tom'-e-ter. Contrivance to determine extent of development of color-vision. Chron'ic, kron'-ik. Long-continued ; reverse of acute. Chron'ograph. Instrument for recording intervals of time. Chronother'mal. Relating to time and temperature. Chrysaro'bin. Substance extracted from Goa powder. Chrysophan'ic Ac'id. Same as Chrysarobin. Chthonopha'gia, thon-o-fa'-je-ah. Morbid desire for eating dirt. Chyle, kll. Milky fluid of intestinal digestion. ChyliFerous, ki-lif-e-rus. Transmitting chyle. Chylifica'tion. Chyle-formation and absorption. Chylo-pericar'dium. Effusion of chyle within the pericardium. Chylopoiet'ic, kir-lo-poi-et'-ik. Chyle-producing. Chylorrhe'a, kv-lor-re'-ah. Excessive flow of chyle. Chylu'ria, kl-lu'-re-ah. Milky urine, due to Fi.laria. Chyme, klm. Food that has undergone gastric, but not intestinal digestion. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 73 Chymifica'tion. Transformation of food into chyme. Chymo'sin, ki-mO'-sin. Pepsin, q. v. Cicatri'cial, sik-a-trish’-al. Pertaining to a cicatrix. Cicatric'ula, sik-a-lrik'-u-lah. Blastoderm of a hen’s egg. Cicatrix, si-ka'-triks. Scar or mark of a wound. Cicatrization, sik-a-tri-sd'-shun. The process of healing. Cil'ia, sll'-e-ah. The eyelashes. Hair-like process of certain cells. Cil'iary, Pertaining to the cilia. Cil'iary Arteries. Small arteries of eye. Cil'iary Bod'y. The ciliary muscle and processes. Cil'iary Gang'lion. Ganglion at apex of orbit. Cil'iary Mus'cle. Muscle of accommodation of the eye. Cil'ium, sil'-e-um. One of the eye-lashes. Cillo'sis, si-lo'-sis. Spasmodic movements of the eye-lid. Ci'mex Lectula'rius. Common bed-bug. Cimicif'uga. Black-snake root; an expectorant and tonic drug. Cincho'na, sin-k5'-nah. Bark yielding quinine, q. v. Cinchon'icine. An artificial alkaloid, isomer of cinchonine. Cinchon'idine. C20H24N2O. Alkaloid from cinchona. Cin'chonine. Alkaloid from cinchona, inferior to quinine. Cin'chonism. Systemic effects of quinine in overdose. Cineri'tious, sin-e-rish'-us. Ashy; ash-colored. Cinet'ica, sv-nel'-i-kah. Neuroses with muscular spasm. Cing'ulum, sing'-gu-lum. Waist. Herpes zoster. Fibrous bundle in the gyrus fornicatus of the brain. Cin'nabar, sin'-a-bar. HgS. Bed mercuric sulphide. Cin'namon, sin'-a-mon. Tree yielding an aromatic spice. Cioni'tis, si-on-l'-fls. Inflammation of the uvula. Cionot'omy, si-on-ot'-o-me. Excision of the uvula. Cir'cle of Diffu'sion. Imperfect image from poor focalization. Cir'cle of Wil'lis. Vascular anastomosis at base of brain. Circulation. Passage of blood through the body. Circumcis'ion, sir-kum-sizh'-on. Excision of prepuce. Circumduction. Continuous circular movement of a limb. Cir'cumflex. Surrounding, as a vessel or nerve; winding. Cir'cumscribed. Clearly defined, as an abscess. Circumval'late. Surrounded by a wall. Cirrhon'osus, si-ron'-fj-ms. Fetal disease, with yellow coloration of tissues, as the pleura, peritoneum, etc. Cirrho'sis. Thickening of connective tissue of an organ. Cir'socele, seiJ-so-sel. A varicocele, q. v. Cir'soid, ser’-soid. Resembling a varix. Cirsom'phalos, ser-som'-fa-los. Varicose condition of navel. Cirsophthal'mia, ser-sof-thal'-me-ah. Varicose ophthalmia. Cir'sotome, ser'-so-tom. Instrument for excising varicose veins. Cirsot'omy, ser-sot'-o-me. Excision of a varix. Cistern of Pequet'. See Heceptaculum Chyli. Cistern of the'ebrum. Fourth ventricle of the brain. 74 GOULD’S POCKET Cit'rate, sit'-rat. Salt of citric acid. Cit'ric Ac'id. C6II807. Acid of lemon, limes, etc. Cit'rine Oint'ment. Mercuric nitrate ointment. Clamp, klamp. Instrument for compressing vessels. Clap. Popular term for gonorrhea, q. v. Clar'ificant. Substance for clearing a solution. Clarification. Clearing of a liquid of impurities. Clarke, Columns of. See Column. Clasp'-knife Rigid'ity. Reflex spasmodic extension of leg in spastic paraplegia, ending in a “ spring.” Classifica'tion, klas-i-fi-kd'-shun. Systematic arrangement. Claus'trum, klaws'-trum. Layer of gray matter in the cerebrum. Clau'sure, klaw-'zhur. Imperforation ; atresia. Clav'iceps Purpur'ea. Fungus of ergot of rye. Clav'icle. The collar-bone, joining the sternum and scapula. Cla'vus, kla'-vus. A corn, occurring usually on the toes. Cla'vus Hyster'icus. Localized pain in head in hysteria. Claw'-hand. Condition of hand in atrophy of interosseous muscles. Cleans'ings. The lochia, q. v. Cleft Pal'ate. Congenital palatine fissure. Clei'do-cos'tal. Pertaining to ribs and clavicle. Climacteric, kli-mak’-te-rik. Critical periods in life. Climatol'ogy, kli-ma-tol'-o-je. Treatise upon climate. Climato-ther'apy. Employment of climateasa therapeutic agent. Clin'ic, klin'-ik. Bed-side instruction. Clin'ical, klin'-i-kal. Pertaining to a sick-bed or clinic. Clinodac'tylous. Having abnormal flexure of fingers or toes. Cli'noid, kW-noid. Resembling a bed. Cliseom'eter, klis-e-om'-e-ter. Instrument for measuring pelvic inclination in females. Clitoridec'tomy, kll-td-ri-dek'-lo-me. Excision of the clitoris. Clitoris, kll'-to-ris. Erectile female organ, homologue of penis. Cli'torism, kll'-to-rism. Hypertrophy of clitoris. Clitori'tis, kll-lo-rl'-tis. Inflammation of clitoris. Cloa'ca, klo-a'-kah. Opening in diseased bone. Common outlet to reetum and bladder. Clon'ic, klon'-ik. Applied to spasms with alternate relaxations. Clo'nus, klo'-nus. Reflex, irregular contractions of muscles. Clot. See Coagulum. Cloud'y Swelling. Parenchymatous degeneration of cells. Clove, kidv. See Caryophyllus. Clove-hitch. A double loop formed by two half-hitches. Clov'en Spine. See Schistorrhachis. Club'-foot. See Talipes. Club'-hand. Deformity of hand similar to that of club-foot. Clys'ter, klis'-ter. An enema or injection. Coagula'tion, kd-ag■u-ld’-sliun. A clotting. Coag'ulative Necro'sis. Form of necrosis in which there is a precipitation of fibrin in the affected part. Coag'ulum. A clot, or mass of thickened blood. Coales'cence, ko-a-les'-ens. Union of two or more parts. Coapta'tion. Adjustment of edges of fractures. Coarcta'tion. Compression of walls of a vessel. Coarse Disease. Macroscopic organic lesions. Coat, hot. Membrane covering a part; a tunic. Coat'ing of Tongue. Abnormal condition of tongue denoting digestive trouble. Co'balt. Brittle, hard, heavy metal. Co'ca, ko'-kah. See Erythroxylon. Co'caine, ko'-kah-in. C17H21N04. Alkaloid from coca; powerful local anesthetic; internally a narcotic. Coccobacte'ria. Spheroidal bacteria of putrefaction. Coc'culus Ind'icus. Berries yielding Pierotoxin, q. v. Coc'cus, kok'-us. A cell or capsule. Synonym of micrococcus. Coccyg'eal, kok-sij'-e-al. Pertaining to the coccyx. Coccygodyn'ia, kok-si-gu-din'-e-ah. Pain in the coccyx. Coc'cyx, kok'-siks. Last bone of the spinal column. Coch'ineal. Dried insects used as a coloring matter. Coch'lea, kok’-le-ah. Part of the inner ear. Cocilla'na, kd-si-ld'-nah. Emetic and purgative bark. Coc'tion, kok'-shun. Digestion. Co'deine, ko'-de-in. Ci8H2iN03 + H20. One of the alkaloids de- rived from opium. Cod'-liver Oil. See Morrhuce. Cce-. See Ce-. Coffee. Berries used as a stomachic and cerebral stimulant. Cohabita'tion, ko-hab-i-ta'-shvn. Sexual connection. Cohe'sion, ko-he'-shun. The “attraction of aggregation.” Co'hosh, Black. See Cimicifuga. Coi'tion, Co'itus. Sexual connection. Cola'tion, ku-ld'-shwn. The operation of straining. Col'chicine, kol'-cM-sin. CnIlwN05. Alkaloid of Colchicum. Col'chicum. Meadow saffron, a drastic cathartic. Cold. Coryza; catarrh of respiratory tract. Cold-blood'ed. See Poikilothermic. Colec'tomy, ko-lek'-to-me. Excision of portion of colon. Col'eocele, kol'-e-d-sel. Vaginal hernia. Col'ic, kol'-ik. Spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Col'ica Picto'num. Painter’s colic, due to lead absorption. Coli'tis, ko-W-tis. Inflammation of the colon. Col'lagen, kol'-la-jen. Substance in connective tissue yielding gelatin. Collapse'. Failure of the vital powers. Col'lar Bone. See Clavicle. Cbllat'eral. Accompanying; aiding. Col'les Frac'ture. Fracture of lower end of radius. Collic'ulus, ko-iik'-u-lits. A small eminence. Col'lidine. CgHulSr. Poisonous ptomaine from decaying glue. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 75 76 GOULD’S POCKET Colliq'uative, ko-lik'-wa-tiv. Profuse; excessive. Collo'dion. Dressing for wounds, made by dissolving gun-cotton in ether; a substitute for adhesive plaster. Col'loid. Glue-like. Non-cr ystall izable organic substance. Collo'ma, kol-d'-mah. Colloid matter in cysts. Collone'ma, kol-o-ne’-mah. A colloid tumor ; myxoma. Col'lum, kol'-um. Anterior part of neck. Colluto'rium, kol-u-to'-re-um. A mouth wash; gargle. Collyr'ium, ko-lir'-e-vm. Eye-wash. Salve for the eyes. Colobo'ma, kol-o-bo'-mah. Fissure, especially of parts of the eye. Col'ocynth, Colocynth'is. Purgative fruit. Colocynth'in. Bitter principle of colocynth. Co'lon, ko'-lon. Superior part of large intestine. Coloni'tis, kol-o-m'-tis. Colitis, q. v. Co'lor-blind'ness. Abnormalisn or deficiency of color-perception. Colostra'tion. Infantile disease due to colostrum. Colos'trum, ko-los'-trum. First milk secreted after labor. Colot'omy, kd-lot'-o-me. Incision of the colon. Colpal'gia, kol-pal'-je-ah. Pain in the vagina. Colpatre'sia, kol-pa-tre'-ze-ah. Imperforation of vagina. Colpeuryn'ter, kol-pu-rin'-ter. Rubber-bag for dilating vagina. Colpi'tis, kol-pV-lis. Inflammation of the vagina. Col'pocele, kol'-pb-sel. Tumor or hernia in the vagina. Colpoclei'sis, kol-po-kly'-sis. Operation of occluding the vagina. Colpohyperpla'sia. Cystic hyperplasia of vagina. Colpoperine'oplasty. Plastic operations on vagina and perineum. Col'poplasty, kol'-pd-plas-te. Plastic operation on vagina. Colpopto'sis, kol-pop-to'-sis. Prolapse of vagina. Colporrha'gia, kol-po-ra'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the vagina. Colpor'rhaphy, kol-por'-a-fe. Suture of the vagina. Colporrhe'a, kol-po-re'-ah. Same as Leucorrliea, q. v. Colpo'sis, kol-pO'sis. Colpitis, q. v. Colpot'omy, kol-pot'-o-me. Incision of vagina. Colt’sfoot. Demulcent and tonic leaves. Colum'bo. See Calumbo. Col'umn of Bur'dach. Postero-external column of the spinal cord. Col'umn of Clarke. Cells of neck of posterior horn of cord. Col'umn of Goll. Postero-median column of the spinal cord. Col'umn of Gow'er. The ascending antero-lateral tract of the cord. Col'umn of Turck. Pyramidal tract of the cord. Colum'na, kol-um'-nah. A column or pillar. Colum'na Bertin'i. Division between the renal pyramids. Colum'na Na'si. The nasal septum. Colum'nae Car'neae, kol-um'-ne-kar'-ne-e. Muscular projections from the cardiac ventricles. Co'ma Stu'por. Abnormally deep sleep. Co'ma Vig'il. Delirious lethargy with open eyes. Co'matose, ko'-ma-tos. In a condition of coma. Combus'tion, kom-bns'-chun. Process of oxidation. Com'edo, kom'-e-do. Black-head; worm-like mass in obstrncted sebaceous duct. Com'frey, kum'-fre. Demulcent and tonic root. Com'ma Bacil'lus. Bacillus of cholera. Comminution. Process of breaking into pieces. Com'missure. A joining or uniting together. Com'missura Mag'na. The corpus callosum of the brain. Com'missure, Op'tic. Crossing of the optic nerves. Commu'nicans. Communicating. Commu'nicans No'ni. Nerve of the neck. Com'mutator. Instrument for reversing electrical currents. Co'mose, kd'-mos. Having much hair. Com'pass Plant. See Rosin Weed. Compatible. Capable of being exhibited together. Complement'al Air. See Air. Complex'us. The totality of symptoms of a disease. Complex'us Mus'cle. Broad muscle of back of neck. Complicated Frac'ture. Fracture with injury of adjacent parts. Complica'tion. Interaction of morbid conditions. Composition. The constituents of a mixture. Compound Cathartic Pills. Powerful pills containing colocynth. Compound Fracture. Fracture of a bone with communicating wound of the skin. Compress, kom'-pres. Folded cloths for local pressure. Compress, Fen'estrated. Compress with hole for drainage. Compress'ion of Brain. Symptoms from brain pressure. Compressor. Instrument for compressing a vessel. Cona'rium, ko-nd’-re-um. The pineal gland of the brain. Con'cave, kon'-kav. Presenting a hollow incurvation. Conca'vo-con'cave. Bi-concave. Conca'vo-con'vex. One side concave, the other convex. Concentration. Afflux toward a part. Rendering stronger. Concentric, kon-sen'-trik. Having a common centre. Conception, kon-sep'-shun. Fecundation of the ovum. Con'cha, kong'-kah. The outer ear. The turbinated bone. Concoction, kon-kok'-shun. Boiling of two substances together. Concom'itant, kon-komf-e-tant. Accompanying, as symptoms. Con'crete, kon'-krel. Solidified or condensed. Concretion, kon-kre’-shun. Calculus; osseous deposit. Concu'bitus, kon-ku’-bi-tus. Copulation, q. v. Concus'sion of Brain. Shock or agitation of brain. Condensation, kon-derv-sd'-shun. Act of making denser. Con'diment, kon'-di-ment. Spice or sauce for food. Cond'om, Cun'dum. Sheath for the penis during copulation. Conduction. Transfer of force from one part to another. Conductor. Instrument directing surgical knife. Trausmittor of a force, as an electrical current. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 77 78 GOULD’S POCKET Conduran'go Bark. Alterative bark used in syphilis. Condylarthro'sis. Articulation by condyles. Con'dyle, kon'-dll. Rounded articular eminence, as in femur. Con'dyloid, kon'-di-loid. Resembling the condyle. Condylo'ma, kon-di-lo'-mah. Wart-like growth about the anus. Cone'in, k5-ne'-in. Same as Conine, q. v. Confec'tion, kon-fek'-sfiun. Sweet excipient in pharmacy. Confectioners’ Disease'. Disease of nails of confectioners, in which the nails fall off. Confine'ment, kon-fm'-nierit. Period of parturition. Con'fluent, kon'-ftu-enl. Running together, as pustules. Conformation, kon-for-ma'-shun. Natural shape, or structure. Congen'erous, kon-jen'-e-rus. Of same genus, as diseases. Congen'ital, kon-jen'-d-tal. Existing from birth ; innate. Congestion, kon-ges'-chim. Hyperemia of apart. Congestion of the lungs. Term for pneumonia, q. v. Congestive, kon-jes'-liv. Pertaining to congestion. Congestive Fe'ver. Malarial fever. Con'gius, kon'-je-us. A gallon, symbol, C. Conglomerate. Massed together. Conglu'tin. Vegetable casein, contained in almonds, etc. Conglu'tinate. Cemented; agglutinated. Con'gress, Sex'ual. Coition. Con'ical Cor'nea. See Kerato-globus. Co'nine, kd'-nin. CgH15N. Powerful alkaloid from conium. Coni'um, ko-nV-um. Hemlock; valuable antispasmodic. Co'ni Vasculo'si. Conical vessels ascending from the testes. Conjugation. A form of reproduction or cell-division. Conjuncti'va, Mucous membrane of the eye. Conjunctivitis, kon-jungk-ti-vl'-tis. Inflammation of conjunctiva. Con'nate, kon'-at. Congenital. United ; confluent. Connective Tis'sue. Binding tissue of the body. Co'noid Lig'ament. Ligament from coracoid process to clavicle. Consanguinity, kon-sang-gwin'-i-te. Blood-relationship. Consen'sual, kon-sen'-su-al. Of the nature of reflex action involv- ing sensation but not volition. Conser'vative, kon-ser'-va-tiv. Preservative and restorative. Conserve', kon-serv'. A confection, q. v. Consistence. Degree of density or hardness. Con'stant Battery. A battery yielding a constant current. Constipation, kon-sli-pa’-shun. Sluggish action of the bowels. Constitution. Composition. General temperament of the body. Constitutional Diseas'es. Inherited diseases. Those that are general or pervade the whole system. Constrictor. Contracting or compressing muscle. Constrin'gent, kon-strin'-jent. Same as astringent, q. v. Consultation. Deliberation of physicians concerning a patient. Consumption, kon-sump'-shun. Phthisis; wasting, atrophy. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 79 Conta'gion. Process of transfer of specific disease. Conta'gious, kon-ta'-jus. Having the character of contagion. Conta'gium. Septic matter or germs of specific disease. Contigu'ity, kon-ti-gu'-i-te. Actual contact. Contin'ued Fe'ver. Fever with uninterrupted course. Continuity, kon-ti-nu'-i-te. Uninterrupted connection. Continuity, Solu'tion of. Separation by fracture or cut. Contorted', kon-tor'-ted. Twisted. Contractility. Property of contracting or shortening. Contrac'tion. Decrease of volume, shortening. Con'tra-in'dicated. Forbidden by peculiarity of the disease. Con'tre-coup, kong’-tr-koo. Fracture due to counter-stroke. Control' Animal. Animal used in control experiment (q. v.) which has not been rendered immune. Control' Experiment. Experiment to serve as a standard to test the value of other experiments. Contu'sion. Bruise from a blow by a blunt body. Co'nus, ku’-nus. Posterior staphyloma of eye. Convales'cence. Period of recovery after disease. Convalla'ria majal'is. Lily of valley, a cardiac stimulant. Convergent, kon-ver'-jent. Tending to a point, as lines. Con'vex, Curved outward on external surface. Convolution. Folding upon itself of any organ, as the brain. Convul'sant, kon-vul'-sanl. Medicine causing spasms. Convul'sion. Violent involuntary contraction ; spasm ; fit. Convul'sion, Puer'peral. Eclampsia during parturition. Convul'sion, Ure'mic. Convulsion due to renal disease. Coordination. Harmonious action, as of muscles. Copai'ba, ko-pa'-bah. An oleoresin ; diuretic and expectorant. Copho'sis, ko-f5'-sis. Loss of hearing; deafness. Cop'per. Reddish-brown metal; its salts used in medicine. Cop'peras. FeS04.7H20. Ferrous sulphate; green vitriol. Cop'rolith, Ball of hardened feces in the bowel. Copros'tasis, ko-pros'-la-sis. Fecal accumulation in bowel. Cop'tis. Goldthread, a simple bitter tonic. Copulation, kop-u-la'-shun. Sexual connection ; coition. Cor'acoid, kor'-a-koid. Shaped like a crow’s beak. Cor'acoid Lig'ament. Ligament from coracoid process to acromion. Cor'acoid Pro'cess. Process of scapula. Cord, Umbil'ical. Navel string, attaching fetus to placenta. Cor'dial, kor'-dial. Aromatic spirituous stimulant. Cor'diform, kor'-di-form. Shaped like the heart. Corec'lisis, kor-ek'-lis-is. Obliteration of the pupil of the eye. Corec'tasis, ko-rek'-ta-sis. Dilatation of the pupil. Corec'tome, ko-rek'-tom. Instrument for cutting through the iris to make an artificial pupil; an iridectome. Corec'tomy, kor-ek'-lo-me. Iridectomy, q. v. Corecto'pia, kor-ek-to'-pe-ah. Anomalous position of pupil. 80 GOULD’S POCKET Coredial'ysis. Separation of iris from ciliary body. Corel'ysis, co-rel'-i-sis. Detachment of iritic adhesions to lens. Coremor'phosis, kor-e-mor'-fd-sis. See Iridectomy. Corenclei'sis, kor-en-klV-sis. See Iridencleisis. Coreom'eter. Instrument for measuring pupil. Coreon'cion, kor-e~on'-s&-dn. Double-hooked iris forceps. Cor'eplasty. Any operation for forming an artificial pupil. Coret'omy, ko-ret'-o-me. See Iridolomy. Corian'der, ko-re-an'-der. Aromatic carminative fruit. Co'rium, ko'-re-um. Deep layer of cutis; the derma. Corm, korm. Bulb-like, solid, fleshy, subterranean stem. Corn. Local epidermic induration of feet. Cor'nea, kor’-ne-ah. Transparent anterior part of eyeball. Cornei'tis, kor-ne-l’-tis. See Keratitis. Cornic'ula Laryn'gis. Small cartilaginous nodules of larynx. Corn' Smut. See Stigmata Maydis. Cor'nu, kor'-nu. Horn-shaped process. Cer'nu Ammo'nis. Hippocampus major, q. v. Cor'nu Cer'vi. Hartshorn or ammonia hydratej Cor'nus, kor'-nus. Dogwood, bitter stomachic bark. Cor'nutin, kor'-nu-tin. An active principle of ergot. Coro'na, ko-ro'-nah. A crown, as of the head. Coro'na Den'tis. Crown of a tooth. Coro'na Glan'dis. Ridge, of glans penis. Coro'na Ven'eris. Syphilitic blotches on forehead. Coro'nal, kor-o'-nal Pertaining to a crown. Coro'nal Su'ture. Suture between frontal and the parietal bones. Cor'onary, kor'-o-na-re. Encircling, as a vessel or nerve. Cor'oner. One who holds inquests on the dead by violence. Cor'onoid, kor'-O-noid. Like a crown or beak. Cor'pora, kor'-pO-rah. Rounded or ovoid bodies. Cor'pora Albican'tia. Two rounded masses of white matter form- ing the bulbs of the fornix. Cor'pora Amyla'ciae. Bodies found in nervous tissue after death. Cor'pora Aran'tii. Tubercles in center of semi-lunar valves. Cor'pora Caverno'sa. Erectile bodies of penis and clitoris. Cor'pora Genicula'ta. Two small eminences of optic thalami. Cor'pora Oliva'ria. Two oval masses in the medulla oblongata. Cor'pora Pyramida'lia. The two bundles of white matter of the medulla oblongata. Cor'pora Quadrigem'ina. The optic lobes of the brain. Cor'pora Restifor'mia. Cord-like bodies extending between the medulla and the cerebrum. Cor'pora Stria'ta. Two gray bodies in lateral ventricles of brain. Corpse, korps. Cadaver ; dead body. Cor'pulency. Obesity; largeness of body. Cor'pus, kor'-pus. A body ; the human body. Cor'pus Callo'sum. Hard substance uniting cerebral hemispheres. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 81 Cor'pus Fimbria'tum. Lateral thin edge of tenia hippocampi. Cor'pus Lute'ura. Hypertrophy of the membrana propria of the ovary after the escape of the ovule. Cor'pus Highmoria'num. Imperfect fibrous septum in testes. Cor'pus Spongio'sum. Spongy body of the penis. Cor'puscle, kor'-pm-l. Minute body. Cell. Cor'puscles of Blood. Solid particles in the blood. Cor'puscles of Krause. Spherical or ovoid nerve-endings found on various mucous and glandular surfaces. Cor'puscles, Malpig'hian. The splenic corpuscles. Cor'puscles, Pacin'ian. Small nerve-endings in the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the fingers and toes. Cor'puscles, Tac'tile, of Wag'ner. Small oval bodies found in papillae of skin, and enveloped by nerve-fibers. Corpuscula'tion. Hyperplasia of blood corpuscles. Correc'tive, ko-rek'-tiv. Substance modifying action of drugs. Correla'tion, kor-e-la’-shun. Interdependence; reciprocal relation. Cor'rigan’s Pulse. The jerking pulse of aortic regurgitation. Corrob'orant, ko-rob'-6-rant. Tonic, invigorating remedy. Corro'sion Prepara'tion. One in which the shape of vessel or cav- ity is preserved, the organ itself destroyed, and only the cast left. Corro'sive, ko-r6'-siv. Substance that eats away or destroys. Corro'sive Sub'limate. HgCl2. The bichloride of mercury ; poi- sonous, antiseptic, and alterative. Cor'rugator, kor'-u-ga'-tor. Muscle that wrinkles. Cor'tex. Bark of exogenous plant. External gray layer of brain. Cor'tical, koA-te-kal. Pertaining to the cortex. Cory'za, ko-ri'-zah. Catarrhal inflammation of the nose. Cosmet'ic, kozrwet'-ik. Remedy beautifying the skin. Cos'metic Operation. Operation for removing deformity. Cos'moline, koz'-mo-lin. Petrolatum, q. v. Cos'ta, kos'-tah. A rib. A border or side of the scapula. Cos'tal, kos'-tal. Pertaining to the ribs. Cos'tive, kos'-tiv. Aifected with constipation. Cos'totome, kos'-to-tOm. Knife for cutting through costal cartilages. Cot'ton. See Gossypium. Cot'ton-seed Oil. See Gossypium. Cot'yloid Cav'ity. See Acetabulum. Couch'-grass. See Trilicum. Couch'ing. Old operation of displacing lens into the vitreous. Cough, kawf. Sudden, violent expiratory explosion. Cou'lomb, koo’-lom. Unit of measurement of electrical quantity. Coun'ter-exten'sion. Opposing traction upon proximal extremity of fractured limb to hold ends in place. Coun'ter-irrita'tion. Superficial irritation of part of the body to produce a good effect on another diseased part. Coun'ter-o'pening. Incision of abscess opposite another opening for the purposes of drainage. 82 GOULD’S POCKET Coup-de-Soleiil, koo-duh-sn-loy'-e. Sun-stroke. Cours'es. See Menses. Court Plas'ter. Silk varnished with isinglass for surgical dressing. Couveuse', koo-u(r)z'. An incubator, q. v. Cov'er-glass. Thin glass plate over object on microscopic slide. Cow'per’s Glands. Two small glands anterior to prostate. Cow'pox. Vesicular disease of bovidce ; vaccinia. Cox'a, koks'-ah. The hip-joint; hip-bone ; femur or thigh-bone. Coxa'gra, koks-a'-grah. Pain along the sciatic nerve. Coxal'gia, koks-al'-je-ah. Pain in the hip-joint. Coxa'rius Mor'bus. Hip-joint disease, q. v. Coxarthri'tis, koks-ar-thri'-tis. Same as Coxitis, q. v. Coxe’s Hive Mix'ture. Compound syrup of squills. Coxi'tis, koks-V-tis. Inflammation of hip-joint. Crab' Louse. Louse infesting the genitals. Crachot'ement, krash-ot'-mong. Frequent spitting of saliva. Cracked-pot Sound. Percussion-note over pulmonary cavity. Cra'dle. Frame to protect from weight of bed-clothing. Cramp. Spasmodic muscular contraction with pain. Cramp, Tail'ors’. Spasmodic affection of muscles of thumb and fore- finger in tailors, from constant use. Cra'nial, kra'-ne-al. Pertaining to the cranium. Cra'niocele, kra'-ne-o-sel. Same as Encephalocele, q. v. Cra'nioclasm. Crushing fetal skull with forceps. Cra'nioclast. Instrument for crushing fetal head. Craniol'ogy. Study of crania or skulls. Craniom'eter. Instrument for measuring skulls. Craniometry, kra-ne-om'-e-tre. The measurement of skulls. Craniop'agus, krd-ne-op'-a-gics. Twins with adherent heads. Cranioplas'ty. Plastic operations on the skull. Cranios'copy. See Phrenology. Craniosto'sis. Congenital ossification of cranial sutures. Cra'niotome. Cutting instrument for use in craniotomy. Craniot'omy. Breaking up of fetal skull; excision of part of skull. Cra'nium, krd'-ne-um. The skull; bony case of brain. Crassamen'tum. The clot of the blood. Craw'-craw. See Filaria Sanguinis Hominis. Cre'asote, Creaso'tum. Oily, inflammable liquid obtained from distillation of wood tar; used in phthisis. Cre'atin. See Krealin. Creat'inin. See Kreatinin. Cremas'ter, kre-mas'-ter. Muscle which draws up the testis. Cremaster'ic Re'flex. Reflex contraction of the cremaster muscle from irritation of the skin of thigh. Crema'tion, kre-md'-shun. Burning of the dead body, garbage, etc. Cre'mor. Any thick substance formed on the surface of a liquid. Cre'nate, kre'-nat. Notched or scalloped. Crena'tion. Mulberry appearance of the red blood-corpuscles. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 83 Cre'olin. Coal-tar product deprived of carbolic acid; a non-toxic deodorizer. Crep'itant, krep'-i-tant. Crackling; applied to pneumonic rftles. Crepita'tion, Crep'itus. Grating of fractured bones. Noise of escaping flatus. Auscultatory sound in pneumonia. Crest, krest. Surmounting part of organ or process. Cre'ta, kre'-tah. Chalk, native calcium carbonate. Creta'ceous, kre-ta'-she-us. Chalky. Cre'tin, kre'-tin. A deformed idiot. See Cretinism. Cre'tinism. The condition of a cretin. Endemic disease charac- terized by goitre and deficient development of the organism. Crib'riform, krib'-re-form. Perforated like a sieve. Cri'coid, lerV-koid. Ring-like. Cri'coid Car'tilage. Ring-like cartilage of larynx. Crim'inal Malpract'ice. Unlawful production of abortion. Cri'sis, kri'-sis. Turning point in a disease. Cris'ta Acus'tica. Yellow elevation in the ampulla of the ear. Cris'ta Gal'li. Superior triangular process of ethmoid. Cris'ta Vestib'uli. Prominence in vestibule of ear. Crit'ical, krit'-v-kal. Pertaining to a crisis. Cro'cus, kru’-kus. Stigmas of saffron flowers, used as an aromatic stimulant and emmenagogue. Cross'-birth. Popular term for transverse presentation of fetus. Crossed Re'flexes. Movements of parts opposite to parts excited. Cross'-legged Progression. Method of walking in which one foot is crossed or in front of the other; due to cord lesions. Crotch'et. Pointed hook for extracting fetus after craniotomy. Cro'ton Chlo'ral. Crystalline solid resembling chloral hydrate, but made with butyl as a base. See Chloral Butylicum. Cro'ton Oil. See Tiglii Oleum. Croup, kroop. Inflammation of larynx and trachea with dyspnea and membranous deposit. Croup'ine, kroop'-en. Laryngismus stridulus, q. v. Cru'cial, krii'-she-al. Resembling a cross. Cru'cible. Chemical vessel for exposing substances to intense heat. Cru'or, kru'-or. Coagulated blood. Cru'orin, kru'-o-rin. Hemoglobin, q. v. Cru'ra, Plural of Crus, q. v. Cru'ra Cerebel'li. The peduncles of the cerebellum, q. v. Cru'ra Cer'ebri. Peduncles of cerebrum, q. v. Cru'ra of Di'aphragm. Muscular insertions of the diaphragm. Cru'ra of Pe'nis. The corpora cavernosa, q. v. Cru'ral, kru'-ral. Pertaining to the crura. Cru'ral Arch. Poupart’s ligament, q. v. Crure'us, kru-re'-tis. A large muscle of the thigh. Crus, krus. The leg ; leg-like structure. Cru'so-creat'inine. A leucomaine isolated from muscle-tissue. Crus'ta, krus'-tah. Inferior part of the crura cerebri. A crust. 84 GOULD’S POCKET Crus'ta Petro'sa. Thin layer of bone covering fang of tooth. Crus'ta Phlogis'tica. Upper yellow layer of blood-clot. Crypt, kript. Small sac or follicle; glandular cavity. Crypts of Lie'berkiihn, le'-ber-keen. Minute tubular depressions in mucous membrane of small intestines. Cryptoceph'alus. Fetal monster with small concealed head. Cryptococ'cus, kripl-o-kok'-kus. The yeast-fungus. Cryptodid'ymus. One fetus contained in another. Cryptoga'mia, kript-b-gd’-ine-ah. Order of plants with concealed sexual organs, without pistils or stamens. Cryptophthal'mos, kript-off-lhal'-mos. Congenital union of eyelids, usually with imperfect eyes. Cryptor'chid, Cryptor'chis, kript-or'-kid, kripl-or'-kis. One with undescended testes. Cryptor'chidism. Retention of testis in abdomen or inguinal canal. Crys'tallin, kris'-tal-in. Globulin of crystalline lens. Crystalline Lens. Transparent lens of eye. Crystalloid, kris'-lal-oid. Having a crystalline structure. Cu'bebs. Unripe berries of C officinalis; stimulant, diuretic. Cu'bit, Cu'bitus, ku’-bit, ku'-bv-tus. The forearm. Cu'boid Bone. Small bone of foot. Cu'ca, ku'-kah. See Erythroxylon. Cucur'bit, ku-ker'-bit. A cupping-glass. Cui-rass'Can'cer, kwe-rahs'. Breast-plate-like cancer of chest. Cul'-de-sac, kool'-de-sak. Passage without an outlet. Cul'de-sac, Doug'las’s. Pouch between rectum and uterus. Culture. Propagation of germs in suitable fluids or other media. Cune'iform Bones. Wedge-shaped bones of tarsus. Cune'us, kii-nH'-us. Wedged-shaped convolution of brain. Cunic'ulus. The burrow of an itch-insect in the skin. Cun'nus, kun'-nus. The vulva. Cu'pola, ku'-po-lah. Dome-shaped extremity of cochlear canal. Cup'ping. Blood-abstraction by means of cupping glasses. Cu'prum, ku'-prum. See Copper. Cura're, ku-rah'-re. Violently poisonous vegetable extract, paralyz- ing motor nerves ; arrow poison of South America Curette', ku-ret'. Spoon-shaped instrument for scraping. Cur'rent, kur’-ent. Passage of a liquid, electricity, etc. Curric'ulum, kur-ik’-u-lum. Course of study in a college. Cur'vature of Spine. Bending of axis of spine due to disease or defective muscular action. Cusp, kusp. The crown of a tooth. Cus'pid, Cus'pidate. Furnished with a cusp. Cuta'neous, Pertaining to the skin. Cuta'neous Respira'tion. Transpiration of gases through the skin. Cu'ticle, ku'-ti-kl. The epidermis or scarf skin. Cutic'ula, ku-tik'-u-fah. The cuticle proper; epidermis; ectoderm. Cutifica'tion, ku-ti.-ji-kd'-shun. Formation of skin. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 85 Cu'tis, ku'-tis. The derma or true skin. Cu'tis Anseri'na. See Goose Skin. Cy'anate, si'-an-at. A salt of cyanic acid. Cyanhidro'sis, si-an-hi-dro'-sis. Blue sweat. Cyan'ic Ac'id. CNHO. A compound of cyanogen and oxygen. Cy'anide. Combination of cyanogen with metallic base. Cyanoder'ma, si-a-no-der'-mah. Same as Cyanosis, q. v. Cyan'ogen. A compound radical with the structure CN. Cyanop'athy, si-an-op'-a-lhe. See Cyanosis. Cyano'sis. Blue discoloration of skin from non-oxidation of blood. Cyanot'-ic, si-an-ot’-ik. Pertaining to cyanosis. Cyan'urin, sv-an'-u-rin. Blue pigment of the urine. Cyclarthro'sis, sik-lar-thro'-sis. A circular or rotatory articulation. Cycli'tis, sy-kli'-tis. Inflammation of ciliary body. Cycloceph'alus. Monster with cyclopean eye and atrophy of nose. Cyclo'pia, si-klo’-pe-ah. See Synophthalmus. Cyclople'gia, si-klo-ple'-je-ah. Paralysis of ciliary muscle. Cy'clops, si'-klops. Congenital fusion of the two eyes. Cyclot'omy. Incision through ciliary body. Cydo'nium, si-do'-ne-um. Quince-seed, used in a mucilage. Cyesiol'ogy, sl-e-se-ol'-o-je. Science of pregnancy. Cylindro'ma. Tumor composed of cylindrical hyaline processes. Cynan'che, si-nang'-ke. Inflammatory disease of throat. Cynan'che Malig'na. Fatal form of sore throat. Cynan'che Tonsilla'ris. See Quinsy. Cynanthro'pia. Mania in which the patient believes himself a dog. Cynolys'sa, sv-no-lis'-ah. Canine madness. Cynopho'bia, sv-no-jo'-be-ah. False hydrophobia from fright follow- ing a dog-bite. Cyopho'ria, si-o-f'/-re-ah. The period of pregnancy. Cyot'rophy, si-ot'-ro-fe. Nutrition of the fetus. Cypho'sis, si-fo'-sis. See Kyphosis. Cypripe'dium. Lady’s slipper, an antispasmodic. Cyrtom'eter. Instrument for measuring chest-curves. Cyrto'sis, sir-to'-sis. Curvature of spine. Cyst, sisl. A sac containing fluid. Cystal'gia, sis-tal'-je-ah. Pain in the bladder. Cystanenceph'alus. Monster with a cystic brain. Cystatro'phia, sis-ta-tro'-fe-ah. Atrophy of the bladder. Cystec'tasy, sist-ek'-ia-se. Dilatation of the bladder. Cys'tic, sis'-iik. Pertaining to a cyst. Cys'tic Duct. Duct of gall-bladder. Cysticer'cus. A hydatid; immature form of Tenia Solium. Cystifelleot'omy. Same as Cholecyslolomy, q. v. Cyst'in, sis'-tin. Substance found in urine in small amount. Cystinu'ria, Urine containing eystin. Cystirrha'gia, sis-ti-vd'-je-ah. Vesical hemorrhage. Cystirrhe'a, sis-ti-re'-ah. Vesical catarrh. 86 GOULD’S POCKET Cyst'is, sis'-tis. See Cyst. Cysti'tis, sist-V-tis. Inflammation of bladder. Cyst'itome, sist'-i-tSm. See Cystotome. Cystobubon'ocele. Inguinal hernia involving the bladder. Cyst'ocele, sist'-o-sel. Vesical hernia. Cystodyn'ia, sist-o-din’-e-ah. Pain in the bladder. Cyst'olith, sist'-O-lith. An urinary calculus. Cystolithi'asis. Presence of a stone in the bladder. Cystolith'ic, sist'-o-lith'-ik. Relating to stone in bladder. Cysto'ma, sist-o'-mah. Tumor containing cysts. Cystome'rocele. Femoral hernia of bladder. Cyst'oplasty. Plastic operation upon the bladder. Cystople'gia, sist-o-ple'-je-ah. Paralysis of bladder. Cystopto'sis, sist-op-td'-sis. Prolapse of the vesical mucous mem- brane into the urethra. Cys'toscope. Instrument for examining interior of bladder. Cystos'copy. Examination of interior of bladder. Cystospas'tic. Pertaining to spasm of bladder. Cys'totome, sist'-o-torn. Knife used in cystotomy. Cystot'omy, sist-ot'-o-me. Incision of bladder. Cythemol'ysis, sith-e-mol'-e-sis. Dissolution of blood corpuscles. Cyti'tis, si-W-tis. Same as Dermatitis, q. v. Cy'toblast, sV-to-blasl. The cell-nucleus. Cytoblaste'ma. Germiuative liquid in which cells grow. Cy'tode, sV-tod. Simplest form of cell. Cytodifir'esis, si-lo-dl-er'-e-sis. Cell segmentation. Cytogen'esis, si-to-jen1-e-sis. Cell-formation. Cytog'eny, si-toj’-e-ne. Same as Cytogenesis, q. v. Cy'toid, sV-loid. Resembling a cell. Cytol'ogy, si-tol'-O-je. Science of cell-formation and cell-life. Cytol'ysis, sx-tol'-e-sis. Cell-disintegration. Cy'to-mito'ma. Thread-like basis of the cell-body. Cy'toplasma, sl'-lo-plaz-mah.. See Protoplasm. Cytozo'on. Mass of protoplasm in blood corpuscles and other cells. Dacryadenal'gia, dak-re-ad-e-nal'-je-ah. Pain in lachrymal gland. Dacryadeni'tis, dak-re-ad-en-i'-tis. Inflammation of lachrymal gland. Dacrygelo'sis, dak-re-je-lo'-sis. Alternate laughing and weeping. Dacryoblenorrhe'a. Mucous discharge from lachrymal sac. Dac'ryocele, dak'-re-o-seel. Cyst of the lachrymal sac. D. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 87 Dacryocystal'gia, dak-re-o-sist-al'-je-ah. Pain in lachrymal sac. Dacryocysti'tis, dak-re-d-sist-V-tis. Inflammation of lachrymal sac. Dac'ryolite, Dac'ryolith. Calculus in lachrymal apparatus. Dacryolithi'asis. Formation of lachrymal calculi. Dacryo'ma. Obstruction of puncta lachrymalia causing epiphora. Dac'ryon. Junction of frontal, lachrymal and superior maxillary bones. Dac'ryops, dak'-rb-ops. Cyst of ducts of lachrymal gland. Dacryopyorrhe'a, dak-re-d-pi-or-re'-ah. Purulent lachrymation. Dacryosoleni'tis. Inflammation of lachrymal ducts. Dac'tyl, dak'-til. A digit of the hand or foot. Dac'tylate, dak'-ti-ldt. Resembling a finger or dactyl. Dactyl'ion, dak-til'-e-on. Webbed fingers. Dactyli'tis, dak-til-i'-tis. Inflammation of finger or toe. Dalt'onism. Synonym for color-blindness, q. v. Damia'na, dam-e-a'-nah. Powerful aphrodisiac leaves. Dam'mar, dam’-ar. A gum or resin resembling copal. Dan'cing Ma'nia. See Choromania. Dan'delion, dan'-de-Fi-on. See Taraxacum. Dan'druff. A scurf on the head, coming off in small scales. Daph'ne, daf-ne. Genus of shrubs used in medicine. Dar'toid, dar'-toid. Resembling or consisting of the dartos. Dar'tos. Contractile fibrous layer beneath the skin of scrotum. Dar'tre, dar’-tr. Herpes,—name for many cutaneous diseases. Dar'winism. Theory of descent by evolution. Datu'ra, da-tu'-rah. Genus of medicinal plants. Dat'urine. Poisonous alkaloid from Stramonium, q. v. Daugh'ter-cell, daw'-ler-sel. Young cell derived from an older one. Day-Blind'ness. See Hemeralopia. Deaf, def. Without the sense of hearing. Deaf-mu'tism, def-mu'-tizm. Deafness with loss of speech. Deafness, def-nes. Condition of being deaf. Deafness Paradoxical. Deafness for speech in silence with abil- ity to hear the voice amidst other noises. Deafness Psy'chical. Deafness from destruction of the central area of the auditory centre. Death, deth. Cessation of life. Death'-rate. Annual mortality per 1000. Death'-rat'tle. Gurgling sound in throat of dying person. Debil'itant, de-bil'-i-tant. Agent allaying excitement. Debove's Mem'brane. Deep germinal layer of flattened cells in mucous membrane of trachea. Debride'ment, da-bred’-mong. Enlargement of wound or hernia in operating. Dec'agramme, dek'-a-gram. Ten grammes, or 154.32349 grains. Decalcifica'tion. Removal of calcareous matter from bone. Decal'cifying Fluid. Solution for purpose of removing earthy salts from tissues. 88 GOULD’S POCKET Dec'alitre, dek'-a-le-ter. Ten litres, or 2.641 imperial gallons. Dec'ametre, dek'-a-me-ter. Ten metres, or 32.8 feet. Decantation. Operation of removing supernatant fluid from a sediment. Decapita'tion. Division of neck of child in labor. Decid'ua, de-sid'-u-ah. Membranous envelope of ovum in utero. Decid'ua Reflex'a. Portion of decidua investing the embryo. Decid'ua Seroti'na. Part of decidua where placenta is formed. Decid'ua Ve'ra. Thickened, spongy mucous membrane of uterus. Decid'uous Teeth. Temporary or milk teeth. Dec'igramme, Dec'ilitre, Decimetre. One-tenth of a gramme, litre, and metre, respectively. Dec'inormal. Having one-tenth the strength of the normal. Decoc'tion. Preparation obtained by boiling vegetable substances. Decolla'tion, de-ko-ld'-shun. Same as Decapitation, q. v. Decomposi'tion. Putrefaction. The analysis of a body. Decortica'tion. Stripping off the bark of the plant. Decrepita'tion. Crackling or crepitation. Decu'bitus, de-ku'-bi-lm. Recumbent or horizontal position. Decu'bitus, Acute. Form of bedsore, due to cerebral lesions. Decus'sate, de-kus'-dt. To intersect, interlace. Decusso'rium. Instrument for depressing the dura mater after trephining. Dedenti'tion, de-den-tish'-on. Shedding of the teeth. Dedola'tion, ded-6-ld'shun. Cutting off obliquely. Defeca'tion, def-e-ka'-shun. Evacuation of bowels. Def'erens, def-er-enz. See Vas. Deferves'cence, de-fer-ves'-ens. Abatement or decrease of fever. Defibrina'tion. Removal of fibrin from blood or lymph. Definition. Ability of lens to give clear, distinct image. Deflagra'tor. Form of galvanic battery for producing heat. Defloration, de-flo-ra'-shun. Act of depriving of virginity. Deflux'ion, de-fluid-shun Catarrh ; downward flow of humors. Deformation, de-for-ma'-shpn. Process of disfigurement. Deform'ity, de-for’-mi-le. Physical malformation or distortion. Deform'ity, Gun'stock. Deformity from fracture of either condyle of the humerus. Degeneration. Deterioration in structure of a tissue or organ. Degeneration, Am'yloid. Starchy infiltration of tissues. Degeneration, Calca'reous. Deposit of lime salts in a part. Degeneration, Col'loid. Jelly-like disorganization of a part. Degeneration, Fatty. Conversion of an organ into oil. Degeneration, Mu'coid. Disorganization of mucus cells. Deglutition, deg-lu-lish'-on. Act or power of swallowing. Degree', de-gre'. Interval in thermometric scale. Testimonial of qualification granted by a college. Dehydration, de-M-dra'shun. Removal of constitutional water from a salt. Dei'ters’s Cells, dV-lers-selz. Nucleated cells of the neuroglia. Peculiar cells of the cochlea. Dejec'tion, de-jek'-shun. Despondency. Discharge of fecal matter. Delacta'tion, de-lak-ta'-shun. The act of weaning. Del'hi Boil. See Furunculus Orientali.-i Deliques'cence, del-e-kwes'-ens. Liquefaction by absorption ot water from the atmosphere. Delir'iant, de-lir'-e-ant. Agent causing delirium. Delir'ium, de-lir'-e-vm,. Mental aberration due to disease. Delir'ium Tre'mens. Delirium due to alcoholic poisoning. Delites'cence. Sudden ending of inflammation by resolution. Deliv'ery, de-liv'-er-e. Parturition ; child-birth. Delomorph'ous, del-O-mdrf-us. With open or conspicuous form. Delomorph'ous Cells of Rollet'.' Large, granular nucleated cells in the gastric mucous membrane. Del'phinse O'leum. Porpoise oil, a substitute for cod-liver oil. Del'phinine, del'-fin-in. Alkaloid from Staplrisagria, q. v. Del'toid. Having the shape of a delta. A muscle of the shoulder. Delu'sion, de-lu'-zhun. False judgment of objective things. Demen'tia, de-men'-she-ah. Profound mental incapacity. De'modex Folliculo'rum. Parasite infesting sebaceous glands. Demonoma'nia. Insanity in which patient thinks himself a devil. Dem'onstrator. An assistant or subordinate teacher. Demulcent. Mucilaginous substance allaying irritation. Demutiza'tion. Education of deaf-mutes to speak. Den'gue, dang'-ga. Zymotic disease with fever, pain in bones, and measly eruption, frequently fatal. Dens, denz. A tooth. Den'sity, den'-si-le. Compactness. Denta'gra, den-tag1-rah. Toothache. A tooth forceps. Den'tal, den'-tal. Pertaining to the teeth. Den'tal Arch. Arch of the alveolar process. Den'tal Pulp. Pulp of the tooth. Den'taphone. Instrument placed on teeth to aid in hearing. Denta'ta, den-td'-lah. The second cervical vertebra. Den'tate, den'-tdt. Toothed ; notched. Den'tes Sapien'tiae. Wisdom teeth ; the third molar teeth. . Den'ticle, den'-ti-kl. A small tooth or projection, Dentifica'tion. Formation of teeth; deposit of lime-salt on the enamel of the teeth. Den'tifrice, den'-li-fris. Substance for cleaning teeth. Dentig'erous, den-lij'-e-rus. Bearing or supporting teeth. Den'tine, den'-tin. Bony structure of teeth. Den'tistry, den'-tis-tre. Science of dental surgery. Denti'tion. Cutting of teeth, and the period of the same. Den'toid, den'-toid. Resembling or shaped like a tooth. Denuda'tion, den-u-dd'-shun. Laying bare or stripping. Denutri'tion, de-nu-trish'-on. Want of nutrition. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 89 90 GOULD’S POCKET Deob'struent. Aperient; agent opening passages of body. Deo'dorant, de-o'-do-rant. Agent correcting offensive odors. Deodori'zer, de-o-do-rl'-zer. A disinfectant; deodorant. Deontol'ogy, de-on-tol'-o-je. Science of duty ; ethics. Deop'pilative, de-op'-i-la-tiv. Same as Deobstruent, q. v. Deoxida'tion. Reducing from state of an oxide. Dephlegma'tion, de-fleg-md’-shun. Concentration by distillation. Depila'tion, dep-i-la'-shun. The removal or loss of liair. Depil'atory, de-pil'-a-to-re. Substance destroying liair; a cosmetic. Dep'ilous, dep'-i.-lus. Without hair. Depletion. Diminishing of a fluid of the body, as the blood. Depluma'tion. Affection of lids in which the lashes fall out. Depolarization. Destruction of polarity. Depos'it. Sediment ; collection of morhid particles in body. Depos'itive, de-poz’-i-tiv. Applied to that state of the skin where lymph is poured out and papulae arise. Depravation, dep-ra-va'-shtm. A deterioration or degeneration. Depres'sant. Agent diminishing force of cardiac impulse. Depression. Hollow or fossa. Depressed condition. Depress'or. Muscle or instrument which depresses. Depress'or, Tongue. Instrument for depressing the tongue. Dep'urant, dep’-u-rant. Removing impurities ; depurative. Depuration, dep-u-ra'-shun. Purification; cleansing process. Deradelph'us, der-a-delf-us. Double, one-headed monster. Deradenitis, der-ad-eii-V-tis. Inflammation of cervical glands. Derange'ment. Disorder of intellect; insanity. Derbyshire Neck. Goitre, q. v. Derenceph'alus, der-en-sef'-a-lus. Anencephalic monster with ar- rested development of upper vertebrae. Derivative. Having a tendency to lessen inflammation. Der'ma, der'-mah. The true skin ; the corium. Der'mal. Pertaining to the skin. Dermal'gia, der-mal'-je-ah. Neuralgia of the skin. Dermata'gra, der-mat-ag'-rah. See Pellagra. Dermatal'gia, der-mat-al'-je-ah. See Dermalgia. Dermatitis, der-mat-V-tis. Inflammation of the skin ; cytitis. Der'matoid, der'-mat-did. Resembling skin. Dermatog'raphy, der-mal-og'-ra-fe. Description of the skin. Dermatol'ogy, der-mat-ol'-d-je. Treatise on the skin. Dermatol'ysis. Loosened and pendulous condition of the skin. Dermatomyco'sis. Vegetable parasitic skin disease. Dermatoneuro'sis. Neurosis of the skin. Dermaton'osis, der-niat-on'-d-sis. Any disease of the skin. Derm atop hy'tse, der-mat-o-fi'-te. Fungous diseases of skin. Dermato'ses, der-mal-o'sez. Diseases of skin. Dermatorrhe'a. Morbidly increased secretions from the skin. Dermatot'omy, der-mat-ot'-o-me. Dissection of skin. Dermatozo'a, der-mat-o-zo'-ah. Parasitic animalcules of skin. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 91 Der'mic, der'-mik. Pertaining to the skin. Der'mis, der'-mis. Same as Derma, q. v. Dermograph'ic. Pertaining to Dermography, q. v. Dermog'raphy. Same as Dermatography, q. v. Der'moid, der'-motd. See Dermatoid. Dermop'athy. Surgical treatment of the skin. Der'mophyte, der'-mo-flt. Vegetable cutaneous parasite. Der'mo-syphilop'athy. Syphilitic skin disease. Dermot'omy, der-mot'-o-me. See Dermatotomy. Derodid'ymus, der-o-did'-e-mus. Fetal monster with two heads and but one trunk. Des'ault’s Apparatus. Bandage for the upper extremity. Des'ault’s Splint. Splint used in fracture of the thigh. Des'cemet’s Mem'brane. Posterior lining membrane of cornea. Descemeti'tis, des-em-et-i’-tis. Inflammation of Descemet’s mem- brane. Descend'ens. Having a downward movement. Descend'ens No'ni. Branch of the hypoglossal nerve. Desiccation, des-ir-ka’-shun. Process of drying. Des'iccative. Medicine having property of drying moist tissues. Desmi'tis, des-ml'-tis. Inflammation of a ligament. Desmobacte'ria. Group of filiform microbes. Desmodyn'ia, des-md-din'-e-ah. Pain in a ligament. Desmog'raphy, des-mog'-ra-fe. Description of the ligaments. Des'moid, des'-moid. Resembling a bundle. Desmol'ogy, des-mol'-o-je. Treatise on the ligaments. Desmop'athy, des-mop'-a-the. Disease of the ligaments. Desmot'omy, des-mot'-o-me. Dissection of ligaments. Despuma'tion, des-pu-ma'-shun. Formation of froth. Desquama'tion, des-kica-ma’-shun. Scaling of the cuticle. Desuda'tion, des-u-da'-shun. Profuse or morbid sweating. Deter'gent, de-ter'-jent. A cleansing agent or drug. Determination. Direction to a part or organ. Detrition, de-trish'-on. Wearing or wasting of a part. Detritus, de-tri'-lus. Waste matter from disorganization. Detru'sion, de-tru'-zhun. Act of displacing. Detru'sor. de-tru'-sor. Muscle that expels or ejects. Deu'tero-al'bumose. Product of proteid decomposition. Deuterop'athy, du-ter-op'-a-the. A secondary affection. Deuteros'toma, duster-os'-to-mah. A secondary Ijlastopore. Deutoplasm, du'-to-plazm. Secondary, nutritive plasm. Devel'opment, de-vel'-op-menl. Progression toward maturity. Deviation. A turning aside from the normal. Devitalize, de-vi'-talAz. To destroy vitality. Dewees’s Carmin'ative. A preparation containing asafetida. Dexiocard'ia. Transposition of heart to right side of thorax. Dex'trad, deks'-trad. Toward the right side. Dextral, deks'-lral. Pertaining to the right side. 92 GOULD’S POCKET Dex'trine. Soluble gummy substance obtained from starch. Dex'trose, deks'-tros. C6lli20(s. Sugar of glucose group. Diabe'tes Insip'idus. Polyuria, q. v. Diabe'tes Mel'litus. Excessive flow of sugar-containiDg urine. Diabet'ic, dl-a-bel'-ik. Pertaining to diabetes. Diabet'ic Gan'grene. Serpiginous form of gangrene occurring in the advanced stage of diabetes. Diabrot'ic, d7b-a-brot'-ik. A corrosive. Diace'tin, di-a-se'-tin. An acid liquid formed by the union of glyc- erol and two acetic-acid radicals. Diacetu'ria. Acetic acid in the urine. Diach'ylon Plaster, di-rik'-e-lon. Lead Plaster, q. v. Diacla'sia. Breaking the bone before amputation. Diac'rises, di-ak'-rises. Affections with altered secretion. Diacrisiog'raphy, dl-a-kris-e-og’-ra-fe. Anatomical description of the secretory organs. Diagnosis. Recognition of disease from its symptoms. Diagno'sis, Differen'tial. Distinguishing between diseases with similar symptoms. Diagnos'ticate. To discriminate, diagnose. Dial'ysis, di-al'-e-sis. Separation of parts in general. Loss of strength. Diapede'sis, cTi-a-pe-de'-sis. Oozing of the blood corpuscles through vessel walls without rupture. Diaphanom'eter, dl-a-fd-nom'-e-ter. Instrument for testing the transparency of spirits. Diaphanos'copy. Examination of cavities of body by electric light. Diaph'anous, dt-af-a-nus. Transmitting light. Diaph'anous Test of Death. Red color of finger edges when held toward the light, not present in death. Diaphore'sis, di-a-fo-re'-sis. Production of perspiration. Diaphoret'ic, dl-a-fo-rel'-ik. Agent producing diaphoresis. Di'aphragm, dV-a-fram. Muscular wall between thorax and abdomen. Diaphragmal'gia, dl-a-frag-mal'-je-ah. Pain in the diaphragm. Diaphragmat'ocele, dZra-frag-mat'-o-sM. Hernia of a viscus through the diaphragm. Diaphragmi'tis, dl-a-frag-ml'-Hs. Inflammation of diaphragm. Diaphragmodyn'ia, dl-a-frag-md-din'-e-ah. Pain in the diaphragm. Diaph'ysis, Shaft of long cylindrical bones. Diap'lasis, di-ap'-la-sis. Reduction, as of a dislocation or fracture. Diaplex'us, dl-a-plek'-sns. Choroid plexus of third cerebral ventricle. Diapoph'ysis, di-a-pnf-e-sis. Transverse process of a vertebra. Diapye'sis, dt-a-jn-e'-sis. Suppuration. * Diapyet'ic. Producing suppuration. A suppurative. Diarrhe'a, di-a-re'-ah. Morbidly frequent evacuation of bowels. Diarthro'sis, di-ar-thro'-sis. Freely movable articulation. Diastal'tic, di-a-stal'-tik. Synonym for reflex action. Di'astase. Nitrogenous substance in fermented grain. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 93 Dias'tasis. Separation of bones without fracture; dislocation. Diaste'ma, di-ci-ste'-mah. A space or cleft, as between teeth. Dias'ter, di-as’-ter. A change in the process of cell-division. Dias'tole, di-as’-lo-le. Period of dilatation of the heart. Diastol'ic, di-a-stol’-ik. Pertaining to the diastole. Diastol'ic Im'pulse. The back-stroke of the heart. Diastol'ic Thrill. Precordial vibration during the diastole. Diather'mal, di-a-ther'-mal. Permeable by radiant heat. Diath'esis, di-ath’-e-sis. Constitutional predisposition to disease. Di'-atom, di'-a-tom. A microscopic unicellular plant. Dia'zo Reac'tion. Urinary test for phthisis and typhoid fever with sulphanitic and hydrochloric acids. Diblast'ic. Having a double cause, as a disease. Diceph'alous, di-sef-a-lus. Double-headed. Di'chroism, dl'-kro-izm. Property of showing different colors when viewed in different directions. Dicor'yphus, di-kor’-e-fus. Monster with double vertex. Dicrot'ic, di-krot’-ik. Double-beating, as observed in certain patho- logical conditions of the pulse. Didac'tyle, di-dak'-til. Having only two fingers or toes. Didymal'gia. Pain in the testicle. Didymi'tis, did-e-nu’-tis. Orchitis, q. v. Did'ymous, did'-e-mus. Twin ; occurring in pairs. Dielec'tric. Transmitting electric effects by induction. Dienceph'alon, di-en-sef-a-lon. The inter- or middle brain. Dier'esis, dv-er’-e-sis. Solution of continuity, as an ulcer. Di'et, dV-et. Food; system of aliment. Di'etary, dV-e-td-re. Pertaining to diet. System of foods. Dietet'ic, di-e-tet’-ilc. Pertaining to diet. Dietet'ics, di-e-iet’-iks. Branch of treatment referring to diet. Diethyl'amine. A non-toxic ptomaine. Difference The'ory. Theory to explain the galvanic phenomena of living tissues. Differentia'tion. Specialization of tissues, organs, or functions. Diffrac'tion. Deflection of a ray of light on passing through a small opening. Diffuse'. Scattered or spread about. Diffusion Cir'cle. Poor image formed by incomplete focalization. Digas'tric, di-gas’-trik. Having two bellies, as a muscle. Digas'tric Mus'cle. Two bellied muscle of neck. Digen'esis, di-jen'-e-sis. Reproduction by two distinct methods. Dig'erent, A digestant. Digest', di-jest’. To prepare for assimilation, as food. Digest'ant. Ferment aiding solution of food in alimentary canal. Diges'tion, di-jes’-te-on. Conversion of food into chyme and chyle. Dig'it, dij'-it. A finger or toe. Dig'ital, dij’-i-tdl. Pertaining to the fingers or toes. Dig'ital Examina'tion. Examination with the finger. 94 Digita'lin, dij-it-a'-lin. Active principle of digitalis. Digita'lis, dij-il-n'-lis. Leaves of foxglove, a cardiac stimulant. Dig'itate, dij'-it-at. Branched like the lingers. Digna'thus, dig-nd'-lhus. Monster with two lower jaws. Dilata'tion, dil-a-ld'-shun. Expansion of vessel or organ. Dila'tor. Instrument for stretching a cavity or opening. Dil'uent, dil'-xi-ent. Agent increasing fluidity of secretions. Dime'tria, di-rne'-tre-ah. Having two wombs. Dimorph'ous, di-morf-us Existing in two forms. Din'ner Pills. Mild cathartic pills taken after meals. Diop'ter, Diop'tric. See Dioptry. Diop'trics, di-op'-triks. Branch of optics treating of refraction by transparent media. Diop'try, dl-op'-tre. Unit of refractive power of optical lenses. Diortho'sis, di-or-tho'-sis. Reduction of a fracture or dislocation. Diosco'rea. Drug used as an intestinal stimulant. Diphthe'ria, dif-the'-re-ah. Infectious depressing disease with membranous exudation in fauces, often fatal. Diphtheri'tis, dif-lher-V-tis. Same as Diphtheria, q. v. Diphtherit'ic, dif-ther-it'-ik. Pertaining to diphtheria. Diphthon'gia. Double tone of voice from disease of larynx. Diplacu'sis. Hearing of two sounds when but one is produced. Diple'gia, di-ple'-je-ah. Paralysis of corresponding parts on either side of the body. Diplobacte'ria. Bacteria consisting of two adherent cells. Diploblas'tic, dip-ld-blas'-tik. Having two germinal layers. Diplococ'cus, dip-lo-kok'-us. Cocci united by twos. Dip'loC, dip'-lo-e. Cellular bony tissue between the cranial tables. Diplogen'esis. The duplication of parts normally single. Diplo'ic, di-plo’-ik. Of or pertaining to the diploe, q. v. Diplomye'lia. Congenital doubling of spinal cord. Diplo'pia, dirpld'-pe-ah. Double vision. Dipset'ic, dip-set'-ik. Producing thirst. Dipsoma'nia. Uncontrollable desire for spirituous liquors. Dipso'sis, dip-so'-sis. Morbid thirst. Dipy'gus, dv-pi'-gus. Monster with double buttocks. Direct'or, dl-rek'-tor. Grooved instrument to direct knife. Dis. A prefix denoting two, double, or apart from. Disarticula'tion, dis-ar-tik-v-ta'-shvn. Amputation of limb at joint. Disc, disk. A circular plate or surface. The papilla. Discis'sion, di-sish’-on. Rupture of the capsule of the crystalline lens in the operation for cataract. Discoblas'tic. Undergoing discoidal segmentation of the vitellus Discrete', dis-kret'. Separate, distinct; opposed to confluent. Dis'cus Prolig'erus, dis'-kiis-prd-Uj'-e-rus. Elevated cells of the membrana granulosa of the Graafian vesicle. Discu'tient, dis-ku'-.shi-ent. Agent removing a swelling or effusion. Disdi'aclasts. Doubly refractive elements of the contractile discs of striated muscular tissue. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 95 Disease', di-zez'. Morbid condition of the body. Disinfectant, dis-in-Jek'-tanl. Agent destroying germs. Dislocation. Displacement of organs, or articular surfaces. Dis'parate Points. Non-identical points of the two retinae. Dispen'sary. Public institution where drugs and advice are given. Dispen'satory. Treatise on composition and preparation of drugs. Dis'pirem, dis'-pv-rem. Stage in the process of cell-division. Dissection. Separation by cutting of the parts of the body. Dissemination. Scattering, as of disease germs. Dissociation, di-so-she-a'-shun. Separation of parts of a compound. Dissolution, dis-o-lu’-shun. Death. Process of dissolving. Dissol'vent, diz-oV-vent. A solvent; resolvent. Dis'tad, dis’-tad. Toward the distal aspect. Distal, dis'-tal. Peripheral : away from the center. Distichi'asis, dns-ti-kV-asis. Having a double row of eyelashes. Distillation. Vaporization of liquid with subsequent condensation. Distoma, dis'-to-mah. Intestinal parasitic worm ; a fluke. Dis'trix, dis’-triks. Morbid splitting of hair-ends. Diure'sis, dl-w-re’-sis. Excessive secretion of urine. Diuret'ic, dl-u-ret'-ik. Medicine increasing the flow of urine. Di'ver’s Paral'ysis. See Caisson Disease. Divertic'ulum, dwer-1ik'-u-lum. Small cul-de-sac or pouch. Divertic'ulum, Meck'el's. A sacculation of the ileum. Divul'sion, di-vul'-shun. A rending asunder. Doch'mius Duodena'lis, dok'-me-us. See Anchylostomiasis. Doctor, dok’-tor. A licensed medical practitioner. Dog Button. See Nux Vomica. Dog'wood. See Cornus. Dolicho-ceph'alic, dol-i-kd-sef-al-ik. Long-headed. Dolichohier'ic. With a narrow sacrum. Dolichopel'lic, dol-i-kd-pel'-ik. Having a narrow pelvis. Do'lor, dd’-lor. Bodily pain or suffering. Dolorif'ic, dol-6-rif-ik. Producing pain. Don'ne’s Test. Test for pus in the urine. Don'ovan's Solution. Solution of iodide of arsenic and mercury. Dor'sad. Toward the back. Dor'sal, dor'-sal. Pertaining to the back. Dor'sum. The back ; the posterior part of an organ. Dose. Quantity of medicine exhibited at one time. Dosim'eter, do-sim'-e-ter. Apparatus for measuring minute doses. Dosim'etry, dd-sim’-e-lre. The accurate and systematic measurement of medicinal doses. Dos'sil, dos’-il. Cylindrical pledget of lint for cleansing wounds. Dothienteri'tis, doth-l-en-te-ri’-tis. Enteric or typhoid fever; in- flammation of Peyer’s patches. Doub'le Vis'ion. The seeing of a single object as if doubled. Douche, doosh Stream of water directed against a part. Doug'las, Cul-de-sac, or Pouch of. See Cul-de-sac, GOULD’S POCKET Do'ver's Pow'der. Powder containing opium and ipecac. Doyfcre, Em'inence of. Point of entrance of a motor nerve into a muscular fiber. Drachm, dram. Weight of sixty grains. Dracun'culus, drU-kun'-ktiiAus. See Guinea Worm. Dragee', dra-zhd'. Sugar-coated pill. Drag'on Root. Expectorant and diaphoretic root. Drain'age. Gradual removal of contents of suppurating cavity. Dras'tic, dras'-tik. Powerful and irritating purgative. Draught, draft. Quantity of liquid medicine taken at one time. Dres'sing. Application of bandage or other substance to a wound. Drom'ograph. Instrument for measuring velocity of blood current. Dropped'-Hand or Wrist. Form of paralysis from lead poisoning. Drop'sy. Effusion of fluid into tissues or cavities of body. Drug. Substance used as a medicine. Drum'bel'ly. See Tympanites. D rum of Ear. See Tympanum. Dry Bel'ly-ache. See Girdle Pain. Dry Ca'ries. See Onychomycosis. Dry Cup'ping. Application of cupping-glass without scarification. Dubin'i’s Disease'. The electrical chorea of Italy. Dubois'ia. Leaves resembling belladonna in action and effects. Duchenne’s' Paral'ysis. See Pseudo-hypertrophic Paralysis. Duct, dukt. Tube to convey a liquid. Duct of Bar'tholin. Duct of the sublingual gland. Duct of Ste'no. Excretory duct of parotid gland. Duct of Whar'ton. Excretory duct of sublingual gland. Duct, Vit'elline. Duct from umbilical vesicle of embryo to intestine. Duc'tus, dukt-tus. A canal or duct. Duc'tus Arterio'sus. Continuation in fetus of pulmonary artery. Dulcama'ra, dul-ka-m.d'-rah. Drug employed in skin diseases. Dumb, dum. Inability to speak. Dumb A'gue, dum-a'-gu. Malarial sickness without chill. Duode'nal, du-o-de'-nal. Pertaining to the duodenum. Duodeni'tis, du-o-den-V-lis. Inflammation of the duodenum. Duodenos'tomy, du-o-dm-os’-td-me. Formation of opening through the abdominal wall into the duodenum. Duode'num, du-b-de'-num. First part of small intestine. Du'ra Ma'ter. Outer membrane of brain and spinal cord. Dwarf. Person of stunted growth. Dy'ad, dV-ad. An atom uniting with two monad atoms. Dynam'ic, di-nam'-ik. Synonym of Sthenic, q. v. Dynam'ograph. Instrument to record muscular strength. Dynamom'eter. Instrument for measuring muscular strength. Dysacou'sis, dis-a-koo'-sis. See Hyperakusis. Dysar'thria, dis-ar'-thre-ah. Dyslalia, q. v. Dysba'sia, dis-bd'-se-ah. Difficulty of walking. Dyschre'a, dis-kre'-ah. Morbid discoloration of the skin. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 97 Dyschromatop'sia. Subnormal color perception. Dyscor'ia, dis-kor'-e-ah. Abnormality of form of the pupil. Dyscra'sia, dis-kra'-se-ah. Morbid state of the constitution. Dyse'mia, dis-e'-me-ah. Morbid state of blood from poisoning. Dys'entery. Inflammation and ulceration of intestinal mucous membrane,with bloody evacuations. Dysesthe'sia, dis-es-the'-se-ah Dullness of sensation. Dysgen'esis, dis-jen'-e-sis. Difficulty in breeding; sterility. Dyshidro'sis, Dysidro'sis. See Pompholyx. Dyskine'sia, dis-ki-ne'-se-ah. Impairment of voluntary movement. Dysla'lia, dis-ld'-le-ah. Structural defect of speech. Dyslex'ia, dis-lek'-se-ah. Ability of patient to read, but without understanding that which is read. Dysmenorrhe'a, dis-men-u-re'-ah. Painful menstruation. Dysop'sia, dis-op'-se-ah. Painful or defective vision. \ Dysorex'ia, dis-o-rek'-se-ah. Depraved or unnatural appetite. Dysos'mia, dis-oz'-me-ah. Unpleasant or fetid odor. Dysosphre'sia, di.i-os-fre'-se-ah. Imperfect sense of smell. Dyspareu'nia, dis-pa-roo'-ne-ah. Painful coitus, especially in women. Dyspep'sia, dis-pep'-se-ah. Impaired or imperfect digestion. Dysper'mia, dis-per'-ine-ah. Abnormal condition of semen. Dyspha'gia, dis-fa'-je-ah. Inability to swallow. Dyspha'sia, dis-fa'-se-ah. Disconnected speech from loss or faulty arrangement of words. Dyspho'nia, dis-fo'-ne-ah. Condition of defective voice. Dysphrasia, dis-fra'-ze-ah. Imperfect speech. Dyspne'a, disp-ne'-ah. Difficult or labored breathing. Dysta'sia, dis-ta’-se-ah. Difficulty in standing. Dysteleol'ogy. Science of useless and rudimentary organs. Dysthe'sia. Non-febrile morbid state of blood-vessels. Dysto'cia, dis-to'-se-ah. Difficult parturition. Dystro'phia, dis-lro'-fe-ah. Imperfect or faulty nourishment. Dysu'ria, Difficult or painful micturition. E. Ear, er. The organ of hearing. Ear'-ache, er'-ak. See Otalgia. Ear'-cough, er'-koff. Reflex cough from auditory disease. Ear'-trump'et. Instrument to aid in hearing. Ear'-wax, er'-waks. See Cerumen. Earth'-bath. Application of hot earth or sand to body of patient. Earth, Ful'ler’s. Clay used as an absorbent. 98 GOULD’S POCKET East'on’s Syr'up. Syrup of the ferrophosphate of quinine and strychnine. Eb'ner’s Glands. Serous glands of the tongue. Eburna'tion, eb-er-nd'-shun. Morbid change in bone by which it becomes hard and ivory-like. Ecau'date, e-kaw'-d&t. Without a tail Ec'bolic, ek-bol'-ik. Producing abortion, or promoting parturition. Ecchondro'ma, ek-on-drO'-mah. Cartilaginous tumor. Ecchondro'sis, ek-on-dru'-sis. Same as ecchondroma, q. v. Ecchymo'ma. Skin tumor caused by extravasated blood. Ecchymo'sis. Extravasation of blood into areolar tissue. Eccoprot'ic, ek-o-prot'-ik. A laxative; mild purgative. Ec'crisis, ek'-ri-sis. Expulsion of waste or disease products. Eccrit'ic, ek-rit’-ik. Medicine promoting excretion. Eccye'sis, ek-sl-t'-sis. Extra-uterine fetation. Eccylio'sis, eksil-e-o'sis. A disease or disturbance of development. Ecdem'ic, ek-dem'-ik. Disease originating at a distance. Ecdemioma'nia. Morbid desire to travel. Ec'dysis, ek'-di-sis. Moulting of skin ; desquamation. Echinococ'cus, e-kl-no-kok'-us. Hydatid species of entozoa. Echinorhyn'cus, e-kl-nb-ring'-kits. Parasitic worm in man. Echola'lia, ek-o-la'-le-ah. Aphasic repetition of others’ words. Ech'o-speech. Peculiar method of utterance in hypnotism. Eclamp'sia, ek-lamp'-se-ah. Rapid convulsive motions. Eclec'tic. Choosing, selecting. Certain class of physicians. Eclecticism. Doctrine and practice of the eclectics. E'coid, e'-koid. Term applied to decolorized red corpuscles. Econ'omy, e-kon'-d-me. The whole animal organism. Ecouvil'lonage, a-koo-ve'-yong-dj. Swabbing out of the uterus. Ec'phlysis, ek'-fli-sis. Vesicular eruption on surface of body. Eephro'nia, ek-fro'-ne-ah. Melancholy, bordering on insanity. Ecphy'ma, ek-fV-mah. Cutaneous excrescence, as a wart. Ecraseur', d'-krah-zu(h)iJ. Wire loop or chain for amputating. Ecstal'tic. Applied to nervous action from spinal center. Ec'stasy, ek'-std-se. Trance-like exalted state. Ec'tasis, ek'-id-sis. Abnormal distention of a part. Ecthy'ma, ek-thi'-mah. Non-contagious, cutaneous, pustular disease. Rc'toblast, ek'-to-blast. Outside membrane of a cell. Ectocar'dia, ek-td-kar'-de-ah. Displacement of the heart. Ec'toderm, ek1-id-derm. See Blastoderm. Ectop'agus. Monomphalic monster united laterally by thorax. Ectopar'asite, ek-td-par'-a-sit. An external or superficial parasite. Ec'tophyte, ek'-to-fit. Vegetable parasite on skin. Ecto'pia, ek-hV-pe-ah. Abnormality of position, usually congenital. Ecto'pia Cor'dis. See Ectocardia. Ecto'pia Len'tis. Dislocation of crystalline lens of eye. Ecto'pia Ves'icae. Protrusion of bladder through abdominal wall. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 99 Ectop'ic, ek-top'-ik. Pertaining to Ectopia, q. v. Ectop'ic Gesta'tion. Extra-uterine fetation. Ec'toplasm. The exterior protoplasm or sarcode of a cell. Ectos'teal. Related to or situated on the outside of a hone. Ectosto'sis. Ossifying of cartilage beginning under perichondrium. Ectozo'a, ek-ld-zd'-ah. External parasites. Ectrodactyl'ia. Congenital absence of one or more fingers or toes. Ectrom'elus. Monster with arrested development of limbs. Ectrop'ic, ek-trop'-ik. Turned out or everted. Ectro'pion, Ectro'pium. Eversion of eyelid, or endometrium. Ectrot'ic, ek-trot'-ik. Preventing development of disease. Ec'zema. Inflammation of skin with exudation of lymph. Eczem'atoid, ek-zem'-a-toid. Resembling eczema. Eczemato'ses, ek-zem-a-to'-sez. Class of skin diseases. Ede'a, e-de,'-ah. The genital organs. Edei'tis, e-de-i'-fis. Inflammation of the genitalia. Ede'ma, e-de'-mah. Accumulation of serum in the cellular tissue. Edem'atous, S-dem'-a-tus. Relating to edema. E'dentate, Edentulous, e'-den-tdt, e-den'-tu-lus. Without teeth. Edenta'tion, e-den-ta'-shun. A deprivation of teeth. Edeol'ogy, e-de-ol'-o-ge. Treatise on genital organs. Edopto'sis, e-dop-td'-sis. Prolapse of the genitals. Ed'ible, ed'-i-bl. Suitable for food. Efferent, ef-er-ent. Conveying outward from the center. Ef'fleurage, ef-flur-azh. In massage, stroking toward the center. Efflores'cence, ef-lor-es'-ens. Redness of skin; rash; exanthem. EffluVium, e-fh\'-ve-vm. Exhalation; vapor; odor. Efflux'ion, ef-fluk'-shun. Abortion during early pregnancy. Effu'sion. Extravasation of fluid into the body tissues or cavities. Eges'ta, e-jes'-tah. The discharges of the bowels. Egg. See Ovule. E'gilops, e'-gi-lops. Ulcer at inner angle of eye. Eglan'dular, e-glan'-du-lar. Having no glands. Egobronchoph'ony. Tremulous, bleating bronchial vocal sound. Egoph'ony, e-goff'-d-ne. Goat-like, bleating vocal sound. Egyptian Chloro'sis, e-jip'-shan-kld-rd'-si.s. See Anchyloslomiasis. Egyptian Ophthal'mia. See Ophthalmia, Purulent. Ehr'lich’s Meth'od. Methyl violet staining of tubercle bacilli. Eich'horst’s Cor'puscle. Microcyte in blood of pernicious anemia. Eisanthe'ma, u-an-the'-mah. Exanthein on a mucous membrane. Eisod'ic, is-od'-ik. Applied to nerves passing to spinal center. Ejacula'tion, e-jak-u-W-shun. Ejection of semen in coition. Ejec'ta, e-jek'-tah. That which is cast away. Ejec'tion, e-jetd-shun. Pi'ocess of casting out. Elaboration. Conversion of crude food into higher tissue products. Ela'in, e-ld'-i,n. Liquid principle of oils and fats. Elastic Band'age, Rubber bandage for exerting constant pressure. 100 GOULD’S POCKET Elas'tic Tis'sue. Variety of connective tissue. Elas'tin, e-las'-tin. Albuminoid substance in elastic tissue. Elat'erin, e-lal'-e-rin. C2oH2806. Active principle of Elaterium, q. v. Elate'rium. Fruit of squirting cucumber, used as a cathartic. El'bow, el'-bo. Articulation of arm and forearm. Elco'sis, el-ku-sis. Fetid ulceration. Elec'tric, Elec'trical. Having the nature of electricity. Elec'trical Cho'rea. Form of chorea in Italy characterized by sudden, shock-like movements. Electric'ity. Mode of force generated by friction, chemism, etc. Electric'ity, Franklin'ic. See Franklinic Electricity. Elec'tro, e-lck’-trd. Prefix denoting relation to electricity. Elec'tro-Cau'tery, e-lek'-lro-kaw'-te-re. Platinum wire heated by electricity and used as a cautery. Elec'tro-Therapeu'tics, e-lekf-trd-ther-a-pu'-tiks. Science of the application of electricity to therapeutics. Elec'trode, e-lek'-trCjd. Pole of the current from electric battery. Electrogen'esis, e-tck-lrb-jen'-e-sis. Production by electricity. Electrol'ysis. Dissolution of a compound body by electricity. Elec'trolyte. Compound capable of resolution by electrolysis. Elec'tro-massage'. Union of electrical treatment with massage. Electrom'eter. Instrument to determine electric intensity. Electropunctura'tion, Electropunc'ture. Use of needles as elec- trodes, in the treatment of aneurism. Electrostat'ics, e-lek-tro-sldf-iks. Science of static electricity. Electrot'onus, e-lek-trot'-o-nus. Change of condition in nerves tra- versed by an electrical current. , Elect'uary e-lek'-tu-d-re. A confection. Ele'idin, e-le'-i-din. Substance in stratum granulosum of epidermis. El'ement, el'-e-ment. An ultimate constitutent. Eleop'tene. Permanent liquid principle of volatile oils. El'ephant Leg. See Elephantiasis. Elephantiasis, el-e-fan-tV-a-sis. Chronic, edematous disease of skin with hypertrophy of cellular tissue. Elephantiasis Ar'abum. Same as Elephantiasis, q. v. Elephantiasis Graeco'rum. See Lepra. El'evator. Muscle lifting a part. Instrument used in surgery. Elimina'tion, e-lim-i-na'-shun. Excretion. Elin'guid, e-lmg'-qnid. Tongue-tied; without the power of speech. Elixa'tion, el-ik-sa'-shun. A decoction ; digestion. Elix'ir, e-lik'-ser. Sweetened, aromatic alcoholic preparation. Elm. See Ulmus. Elo'des, e-lo'-dez. Malarial fever. Elutria'tion, Z-lu-tri-d'-shun. Process of separating by washing. Elytri'tis, cl-e-trl'-tis. See Vaginitis. Ely'trocele, el-r'-lro-sel. Same as Colpocele, q. v. Ely'troplasty, el-e’-lro-plas-te. Same as Oolpoplasty, q. v. Elytropto'sis, el-e-lrop-td'-sis. Prolapse of the vagina. Elytror'rhaphy, el-i-tror'-a-fe. Suture of the vaginal wall. Elytrot'omy, el-i-lrol'-o-me. Incision of the vaginal walls. Emacia'tion, e-md-se-a'-shun. Loss of flesh; leanness. Emana'tion. Effluvium ; that which proceeds from a body. Eman'sio-men'sium. Delayed menstruation. Emascula'tion, e-mas-km-ld'-shun. Removal of testicles ; castration. Embalm'ing. Filling cadaver with preservative fluids. Embed'ding. Fixation of a tissue specimen in a firm substance be- fore making a microscopic section. Embole'mia, em-bo-le'-me-ah. Presence of emboli in blood. Embo'lia, em-bo'-le-ah. Same as Embolism, q. v. Em'bolism. Obstruction of a blood-vessel by an embolus. Em'bolus, em'-bo-lus. Blood-clot obstruct ing a vessel. Embroca'tion, emr-bro-ka'-shun. A fomentation or liniment. Em'bryo, Em'bryon. Fecundated germ in utero to fourth month. Embryocar'dia. Cardiac disease with heart-beat like a fetus. Embryoc'tony, em-brU-ok'-lo-ne. Destruction of the fetus in utero. Embryog'eny, em-bre-oj'-e-ne. The development of the embryo. Embryog'raphy, em-brk-og'-m-fe. Description of the embryo. Embryol'ogy, em-bre-ol'-u-ge. Science of embryonic evolution. Embryon'ic, em-bre-on'-ik. Pertaining to the embryo. Embryon'ic Connective Tissue. Primitive condition of con- nective tissue. Embryospas'tic. Applied to instruments for fetal extraction. Em'bryotome, em'-bre-o-lom. Instrument used in embryotomy. Embryot'omy, em-bre-ot'-o-me. Dismemberment of fetus in utero. Embry ot'rophy, em-bre-ot’-ro-fe. Nutrition of fetus. Embryul'cia, em-bre-ul'-se-ah. Forcible extraction of the fetus. Em'esis, em'-e-sis. The act of vomiting. Emet'ic, e-met’-ik. Agent causing emesis. Em'etin, em!-e-tin. Alkaloid found in ipecacuanha. Em'eto-cathar'sis. Simultaneous emesis and purgation. Emetol'ogy, Treatise on vomiting and emetics. Emic'tion, e-mik'-shun. Micturition, q. v. Emic'tory, e-mik'-lb-re. Medicine promoting the flow of urine. Em'inence, em'-i-nens. A protuberance or process. Em'inence of Doyere. See Dot/ere. Emmissa'rium. A vein of the skull carrying blood outward. Emis'sion, e-mish'-on. Ejaculation, or sending forth. Emmen'agogue, e-men'-a-gog. Agent stimulating menstrual flow. Emme'nia, e-mS'-ne-ah. The menses. EmmenoPogy, em-e-nol'-o-je. Treatise on menstruation. Emmetro'pia, em-e-frb'-pr-ah. Normal or perfect vision. Em'met’s Operation. See Trachelorrhaphy. Emol'lient, e-moV-yent. Agent that softens tissues. Emotional, e-mb'-shun-al. Characterized by emotion. Empasm', em-pazm.'. A powder to remove bad odor. Empathe'ma, Ungovernable passion. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 101 102 Em'phlysis, em'-JU-sis. A vesicular tumor or eruption. Emphrac'tic. Agent that obstructs the pores of the skin. Ephrax'is, em-frak'-sis. Obstruction. Emphy'ma, em-fl'-mah. A tumor. Emphyse'ma. Distention of tissues with air or other gases. Empir'ic. A quack or charlatan. Empir'icism, em-pir'-i-sizm. Quackery. Emplas'tic, eni-plas'-tik. A constipating medicine. Emplas'trum, ern-plas’-trum. A plaster. Emprosthot'onos. Clonic spasm bending the body forward. Emp'tysis, emp'-U-sis. Hemorrhage from the lungs. Empye'ma, em-pi-e'-mah. Pus in the pleural cavity. Empy'esis, em-pl-e'-sis. A pustulous eruption. Empy'ocele, em-pV-6-sel. A purulent scrotal tumor. Emul'gent. Draining out, applied to the renal vessels. Emul'sin, e-mul'-sin. A ferment contained in bitter almonds. Emul'sion. Milky fluid obtained by suspending oil in water. Emunc'tory, e-mungk'-to-re. An excretory duct or organ. Emun'dant, e-mun'-dant. Cleansing ; detergent. Enam'el, en-am'-el. Hard substance enveloping crown of tooth. Enanthe'ma, en-an-the'-mah. Eruption on mucous membrane. Enan'thesis. Eruption on skin from internal disease. Enantiopath'ic, c-nan-le-d-path'-ik. Palliative. Enantiop'athy, e-nan-te-op’-a-the. Allopathy, q. v. Enarthro'sis, en-ar-thro'-sis. A ball and socket joint. Encan'this. Reddish growth in the inner canthus of eye. Enceinte', ong-sant'. Pregnant; with child. Enceli'tis, en-sel-V-tis. Inflammation of the abdominal viscera. Encephalal'gia, en-sef-al-al'-je-ah. Same as Cephalalgia, q. v. Encephal'ic, en-sef-al'-ik. Pertaining to the encephalon. Enceph'alin. Nitrogenous glucoside from brain tissue. Encephali'tis, en-sef-al-l'-lis. Inflammation of the encephalon. Enceph'alocele, en-sef-al-u-sel. Hernia of the brain. Enceph'aloid, en-sef-a-loid. Resembling brain tissue. Encephalol'ogy, en-sef-a-lol'-u-je. Description of the encephalon. Encephalo'ma, en-sef-al-u’-mah. Tumor of brain. Encephalomala'cia, en-sej-al-o-ma-la’-se-ah. Softening of the brain. Enceph'alon, en-sef-al-on. The brain. Encephalop'athy, en-sef-al-op'-a-tM. Disease of the brain. Encephalorrha'gia, en-sef-al-or-rd'-je-ah. Cerebral hemorrhage. Enceph'alotome. Instrument for cutting brain tissue. Encephalot'omy, en-sef-al-ot'-o-me. Dissection of the brain. Enchondro'ma, en-kon-dro'-mah. A cartilaginous tumor. Enchyle'ma, en-ki-le'-mah. Hyaline substance of the cell nucleus. Encolpi'tis, en-kol-pV-tis. Inflammation of vaginal mucosa. Encyst'ed, en-sist'-ed. Enclosed in a cyst. End' Bulb. Terminal bulb of nerve in the skin. End' Plate. Terminal of a motor nerve in a muscular fiber GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. End' Or'gan. Terminal part of a sensory nerve-fiber. Endan'gium, end-an'-je-urn. Lining membrane of vessels. Endarteri'tis, end-ar-ter-V-lis. Inflammation of intima of artery. Endem'ic, en-dem’-ik. Peculiar to a people or nation. Endemiol'ogy, en-de-rne-dI’-o-je. Science of endemic diseases. Endermat'ic, Ender'mic. Method of applying medicine to the de- nuded dermis by rubbing. Endo-ausculta'tion. Method of auscultation by means of an esopha- geal tube passed into the stomach. End'oblast. The cell-nucleus; the internal blastema. Endocar'dial, en-do-kar'-de-al. Situated within the heart. Endocardi'tis, en-dd-kar-dV-tis. Inflammation of endocardium. Endocar'dium. Transparent lining membrane of the heart. Endocolpi'tis, en-do-kol-pt'-tis. Same as Colpitis, q. v. Endocho'rion, en-dd-kd'-re-on. The inner chorion. En'doderm, en’-dd-derm See Blastoderm. Endodonti'tis, en-dd-don-ti'-lis. Inflammation of dentinal pulp. Endoenteri'tis. Inflammation of mucous membrane of gut. Endogastri'tis. Inflammation of lining membrane of stomach. En'dolymph. Fluid in membranous labyrinth of ear. Endometri'tis, en-dd-me-trV-tis. Inflammation of endometrium. Endome'trium, en-dd-me'-Ire-tim. Lining membrane of uterus. Endomys'ium. Areolar tissue between muscular fibers. Endoneu'rium. Delicate connective tissue around nerve fibers. Endopar'asite, en-do-par’-d-nl. An internal parasite. Endopath'ic. Pertaining to rise of disease from internal causes. Endopericardi'tis. Combined endocarditis and pericarditis. Endophlebi'tis, en-dd-fle-bi’-tls. Inflammation of inner coat of vein. En'doplast. See Endoblast. En'doscope. Instrument for examining a body cavity through its natural outlet. Endos'copy. Examination of body cavities with the endoscope. Endosmom'eter. Instrument for measuring endosmosis. Endosmo'sis. Passage of two liquids through a diaphragm. Endosmot'ic, en-dos-mol'-ik. Pertaining to endosmosis. Endostei'tis, end-os-le-V-Hs. Inflammation of endosteum. Endos'teum. Vascular lining membrane of medullary cavities of bones. Endos'toma, end-os’-td-mah. Osseous tumor within a bone. Endosto'sis, end-os-ld'-sis. Formation of an endostoma. Endothelio'ma, end-d-lhe-le-O'-mah. Tumor of the endothelium. Endothe'lium. Lining membrane of vascular and serous cavities. En'ema, en'-e-mah. Rectal injection of medicine or food. Enepider'mic. Method of applying medicines to epidermis. En'ergy, en'-er-je. Power or force of the organism. En'ergy Kinet'ic. Power of a body in motion. En'ergy Potential. The possible power of a body at rest. Ener'vate, e-ner'-vdl. To weaken. 104 GOULD’S POCKET Eng'lish Sweating Fe'ver. Contagious fever of 16th century. Engompho'sis, eri-gom-fo'-sis. Same as Gomphosu, q. v. Engorge'ment, en-gorj'-ment.. Vascular congestion. Enoma'nia, e-nO-md'-ne-ah. Delirium tremens, q. v. Enophthal'mia, en-off-thal'-rne-ah. Retraction of eyeball from spasm of extrinsic eye-muscles. Enosto'sis, en-os-td'-sis. Tumor in meduMary canal of bone. En'siform Appen'dix. Sword-shaped process of sternum. Ensom'phalus. Double monstrosity with superficial union. En'strophe, en'-stro-fe. Turning inward, as of the eyelids. Enta'sia, en-ta'-se-ah. Constrictive spasm. Enteradenog'raphy. Description of intestinal glands. Enteradenol'ogy, Study of intestinal glands. Enteral'gia, en-ler-al'-je-ah. Pain in the bowels. Enterec'tomy, en-ter-ek'-lu-me. Excision of part of intestine. Enter'ic. Pertaining to the intestine. Enter'ic Fe'ver. Typhoid fever, q. v. Enter'ica. Diseases or agents affecting intestinal canal. Enteri'tis, en-ler-l'-tis. Inflammation of intestines. Enterobro'sia, en-te-ro-bru’-se-ah. Intestinal perforation. En'terocele. Hernia containing intestine only. Enteroc'lysis. Administration of enema. Entero-coli'tis. Inflammation of intestines and colon. Entero-cyst'ocele. Hernia of bladder and intestine. Enterodyn'ia, en-le-ro-din’-e-ah. Pain in the intestine. Entero-epip'locele. Hernia of omentum and intestine. Entero-gastri'tis. Inflammation of stomach and bowels. Entero-gas'trocele. Hernia of gastric and intestinal walls. Enterog'raphy, en-ter-og'-ra-fe. Description of intestines. Entero-hy'drocele. Intestinal hernia complicated with hydrocele. En'terolite, En'terolith. Stone in the intestines. Enterolithi'asis. Formation of intestinal concretions. Enterol'ogy. Science of the intestines. En'teron, en'-te-ron. The intestine or alimentary canal. Enterop'athy, en-ter-op'-a-the. Disease of the intestines. En'teroplasty. Plastic operation on intestines. Enterorrha'gia. Intestinal hemorrhage or discharge. Enteror'rhaphy, en-ter-or'-a-fe. Suture of intestine. Enterorrhe'a. Excessive mucous flow from intestines. Entero'ses. Intestinal diseases. Enterosteno'sis. Stricture of intestine. Enteros'tomy. Formation of intestinal fistula, En'terotome. Instrument for opening intestines. Enterot'omy. Intestinal dissection or incision. Entarozo'on. en-ler-u-zu'-on. Intestinal parasite. Enthelmin'tha, en-thel-min'-lhah. Intestinal worms. Enthet'ic, en-thet'-ik. Coming from without. En'toblast, en'-tu-blast. The nucleolus or germinal spot. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 105 En'tocele. Internal hernia. Morbid displacement of parts. En'tocyte, en'-to-slt. Contents of a cell. En'toderm. See Blastoderm. En'tophyte, en'-to-f'd. Internal vegetable parasite. Entop'tic, ent-op'-tik. Pertaining to internal parts of the eye. Entos'thoblast. The so-called nucleus of the nucleolus. Entot'ic, enl-ot'-ik. Pertaining to the internal ear. Entozo'on. Same as Enterozoon, q. v. En'trails, en'-tralz. The intestines. Entro'pion, Entro'pium. Inversion of margin of theeyelids. Enuclea'tion, e-nu-kle-d’-shun. A shelling-out, as a tumor. Enure'sis, en-u-re'-sis. Incontinence of urine. Environment. Aggregate of surrounding influences. En'zymes, en'-zims Unorganized, hydrolytic ferments. Eo'sin, e'-d-sin. See Fuc.hsin. Eosinoph'ilous. Staining readily with eosin. Epac'tal, e-pak'-lal. Intercalated ; supernumerary, as Wormian hones. Epen'dyma, e-pen’-di-mah. Lining membrane of the cerebral ven- tricles and spinal cord. Ependymi'tis, e-pen-di-an'-lix. Inflammation of the ependyma. Ephe'lis, e-fe'-lis. A freckle. Ephem'era, e-fem'-e-rah. Fever that lasts but a day. Ephem'era Malig'na. See Anglicus Sudor. Ephem'eral, e-fem'-e-ral. Lasting but a day. Ephial'tes, ef-i-al'-tez. See Nightmare. Ephidro'sis, ef-d-dro'sis. Abnormal sweating. Ephidro'sis Cruen'ta. Bloody sweat. Ep'iblast, ep'-i-blast. Same as Ectoderm, q. v. Epican'thus. Fold of skin from nose over the inner canthus. Epicar'dium, ep-i-kar'-de-um. Visceral layer of the pericardium. Epichro'sis, ep-e-kro'-sis. Discoloration of the skin. Ep'icome. Monster with accessory head united by the summit. Epicon'dyle. External condyle of the humerus. Epicra'nium. Structures covering the cranium. Epic'risis. Disease phenomena succeeding crisis. Epicysti'tis, ep-i-sisl-V-tis. Inflammation of tissue above bladder. Epicystot'omy. Suprapubic incision of the bladder. Ep'icyte, ep'-i-stt. Hyaline cuticle of cells. Epidem'ic. Common to many people; prevailing disease. Epidemiog'raphy, ep-i-dem-e-og'-ra-fe. Description of epidemics. Epidemipl'ogy, ep-i-dem-e-ol'-o-je. Science of epidemic diseases. Epider'mata, ep-i-der'-ma-tah. Outgrowths from the epidermis. Epider'mis, ep-i-der'-mis. Outer layer of the skin. Epidermiza'tion, ep-i-der-mi-za'-shun. Formation of epiderm. Epider'moid, Resembling epidermis. Epidermophy'ton. A parasitic fungus of skin. Epidid'ymis, ep-i-did'-i-mis. Small body lying above the testis. Epididymi'tis, ep-e-did-e-yn'-Hs. Inflammation of epididymis. Epidu'ral Space. Space around dura mater of the cord. Epigastral'gia, ep-i-gas-tral'-je-ak. Pain in the epigastrium. Epigas'tric, e.p-i-gas'-lrik. Pertaining to the epigastrium. Epigas'trium, ep-i~gas'-tre-uni. Region over the stomach Epigas'trocele, ep-h-gas'-trO-sel. Hernia in the epigastric region. Epigen'esis. Generation by new and successive formations. Epiglot'tis, ep-irglot'-is. Thin cartilaginous plate over the larynx. Epiglotti'tis, ep-e-glot-V-tis. Inflammation of the epiglottis. Epig'nathus. Acardiac monster with a parasite united to the superior maxilla. Epila'tion, ep-i-ld'-shun. Eradication of hair. Epilato'rium. Application for removing hair. Ep'ilepsy. Nervous disease with loss of consciousness and tonic and clonic convulsions. Epilep'tic, ep-v-lep'-tik. Pertaining to epilepsy. Epilep'tic Ma'nia. Insanity following an epileptic seizure. Epilep'tiform, ep-i^lep'-ti-form. Resembling epilepsy. Epileptog'enous, ep-i-lep-loj'-e-nus. Producing epilepsy. Epi'lose, e-pi'-los. Without hair ; bald. Epineu'rium, ep-i-nu'-re-um. The nerve-sheath. Epipas'tic, ep-i-pas'-tik. Sprinkled, moistened, as a plaster. Epiph'ora, e-pif-o-rah. Overflow of tears. Epiph'ysis. Process of bone attached to another by cartilage. Epiphysi'tis, e-pif-i-sl'-lis. Inflammation of an epiphysis. Ep'iphyte, ep'-e-flt. A parasite plant. Epip'locele, e-pip'-lS-sel. Hernia containing omentum only. Epiplo'ic, ep-ir-plo'-ik. Omental. Epiplois'chiocele, ep-e-plo-ds'-ke-o-sel. Ischiocele containing omen- tum. Epiploi'tis, ep-e-plo-V-tis. Inflammation of the epiploon. Epiplome'rocele, ep-e-plo-me'-ro-sel. Femoral omental hernia. Epip'loon, e-pip'-lo-on. The omentum. Epiplos'cheocele, ep-e-plos'-ke-o-sel. Scrotal omental hernia. Episcleri'tis, ep-is-kle-rl'-lis. Inflammation of the subconjunctival tissues. Episioi'tis, ep-e-si-o-i'-tis. Inflammation of the vulva. Episiorrha'gia, ep-e-si-o-ra'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the vulva. Episior'rhaphy. Plastic operation for prolapsed uterus. Episiot'omy Incision of labia to protect the perineum in labor. Epispa'dias, ep-e-spa'-de-as. Congenital opening of the urethra on the upper part of the penis. Epispas'tic, ep-e-spas'-tik. A vesicatory ; blister. Epispleni'tis. Inflammation of membrane surrounding the spleen. Epistax'is, ep-is-lak'-sis. Hemorrhage from the nose. Epister'num ep-e-sler'-num. The manubrium, q. v. Episthot'onos, ep-is-thot'-o-nos. Same as Emprostholongs, q. v. Epithelio'ma, ep-i-the-le-o’-mah. Cancerous growth of the skin. Epithe'lium, ep-i-the'-le-um. External layer of the skin. GOULD’S POCKET Epitroch'lea, ep-e-lrok'-le-ah. Internal condyle of the humerus. Epizo'on, ep-i-zu'-on. External parasite of the body. Eponych'ium, ep-6-nilJ-e-um. The epidermis adherent to the base and sides of the nail. Epos'toma, e-pos’-to-mah. An exostosis, q. v. Ep'som Salts. MgS04.7H20. Sulphate of magnesia, a purgative. Epu'lis, ep-u'-lis. Small, elastic tumor of the gums. Epulo'sis, ep-u-lo'-nis. Cicatrization. Equa'tor of Eye. Boundary of a plane perpendicular to the center of the ocular axis. Equin'ia, e-kwin'-e-ah. Glanders, q. v. Equina'tion, e-quin-a’-shun. Inoculation with horse-pox. Equivalence. Saturating power of an element as compared with that of hydrogen. Equiv'ocal Generation. Spontaneous generation. Erb’s Pal'sy. Spastic paraplegia from primary lateral sclerosis of the spinal cord. Erec'tile Tis'sue. Peculiar cellulo-vascular tissue capable of active turgescence. Erec'tion. Fullness and firmness of genital organs from congestion. Erec'tor, e-rek'-lor. A muscle that elevates a part. Erec'tor Pi'li Mus'cles. Those that cause erection of cutaneous hairs. Er'ethism. Abnormal increase of nervous irritability. Er'got. Parasitic fungus upon rye, used as oxytoxic and hemostatic. Er'gotin, ur'-got-in. Active principle of ergot. Er'gotism, ur'-gol-izm. Poisoning by ergot. Erig'eron, e-rij’-e-ron. The plant fieabane, used as a hemostatic. Eriodic'tyon. Leaves of Yerba Santa, used as an expectorant. Ero'dent, e-ro'-dent. A caustic drug. Ero'sion, e-ro'-zhun. An ulceration. Erot'ic, e-rot'-ik. Pertaining to sexual passion. Erotoma'nia, e-rG-tO-md'-ne-ah. Insanity from sexual passion. Errat'ic, e-rat'-ik. Irregular; changeable. Er'rhine, er'-in. Agent increasing nasal discharge. Eructa'tion, e-ruk-ta'-shun. Belching. Erup'tion, e-rup'-shun. A breaking out, as in skin disease. Erup'tive, e-rup'-liv. Characterized by a rash or eruption. Erysip'elas. er-i-slp'-e-las. Disease of skin with fever and inflam- mation of the derma and subcutaneous tissue. Erysipel'atous, er-v-si-pel’-a-tus. Pertaining to erysipelas. Erythe'ma, er-i-the'-mah. Superficial blush or redness of the skin. Erythem'atous, er-i-theml-a-tus. Pertaining to erythema. Erythras'ma, e-ri-lhras'-mah. Vegetable parasitic disease of skin. Eryth'roblast, er-ith'-ro-blast. See Leucocyte. Erythrochloro'pia. A form of color-blindness in which there is ability to distinguish only green and red correctly. Erythrodex'trin. Dextrin formed by action of saliva on starch. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 107 108 GOULD’S POCKET Erythrogran'ulose. Granular substance found in starch grains. Erythromelal'gia, er-i/h-rd-mel-al'-je-ah. Painful affection of ex- tremities with purplish discoloration. Erythrop'sia. Visual disorder in which all objects appear red. Erythro'sis, er-i-thro'-sis. Plethora or polvemia. Erythrox'ylon. Leaves from which cocaine is obtained. Es'char, es'-kar. Dry slough or crust of dead tissue. Escharot'ic, es-kar-ol'-ik. Substance producing an eschar. Es'culin, es'-ku-lin. Active principle of the horse-chestnut. Es'erine, es’-e-rin. Active principle of Physostigma, q. v. Esod'ic, e-sod’-ik. Pertaining to afferent nerves. Esogastri'tis. Inflammation of gastric mucous membrane. Esophag'eal, e-sof-aj'-e-al Pertaining to the esophagus. Esophagis'mus, e-sof-aj-is'-mus. Spasm of the esophagus. Esophagi'tis, esof-aj-V-tis. Inflammation of the esophagus. Esophag'oscope. Instrument for examining the esophagus. Esoph'agospasm. See Esophagismus. Esophago-steno'sis. Constriction of the esophagus. Esophagos'tomy. Formation of esophageal fistula. Esoph'agus, e-sof-a-gus. Canal from the pharynx to the stomach. Esopho'ria, es-o-fd'-re-ah. Tending of visual lines inward. Esoter'ic, es-o-ter’-ik. Arising within the organism. Esotro'pia, es-o-tru’-pe-ah. Internal deviation of the eyes. Es'sence, es'-ens. Inherent qualities of a drug. Essen'tial, es-en’-shal. Pertaining to an essence. Esthesiom'eter, es-the-se-om'-e-ter. Instrument for determining the degree of tactile sensibility. Estrua'tion, es-lru-a'-shun. Sexual excitemen Es'trum, es'-trwn. Sexual desire; orgasm. Ether. Thin, colorless, volatile fluid used as an anesthetic. E'therism, e'-ther-izm. Etherization. Etheriza'tion, e-ther-i-zd'-shun. Administration of ether. Ethmoceph'alus. Cyclocephalic monster with rudimentary nose. Eth'moid, eth'-moid. Cribriform bone of the head. Ethmyphi'tis, eth-mv-fl'-tis. See Cellulitis. Ethnog'raphy, elh-nog’-ra-fe. Description of the races of men. Ethnol'ogy, elh-nol'-ij-je. Science of the races of mankind. Ethyl'amine. Non-toxic ptomaine found in putrefying yeast. Eth'yl Chlo'ride. Anesthetic resembling chloroform in action. Etiolation, e-le-u-ld'-shun. Paleness. Etiol'ogy, e-te-ol'-o-je. Science of the causes of disease. Eucalyp'tol, u-kal-ip’-tnl. Volatile oil from eucalyptus. Eucalyptus, u-kal-ip' Antimalarial and antiseptic leaves. Eu'chymy, ii'-ki-me. Good state of the fluids of the body. Eucra'sia, u-kra'-se-ah. Good state of health. Eudiom'eter. Instrument for ascertaining the composition of air. Eu'genol. Antiseptic product from distillation of oil of cloves. Eulacho'ni O'leum. Agreeable substitute for cod-liver oil. Eu'nuch, u'-nuk. A castrated male. Euon'ymus, u-on'-e-mus. Tonic and purgative bark of wahoo. Eupato'rium, u-pa-t6'-re-um. Leaves of boneset, a diaphoretic. Eupep'sia, ib-pep'-se-ah. Normal digestion. Eupep'tic, u-pep'-(ik. Pertaining to eupepsia. Euphor'bia, u-for'-be-ah. Plant used in asthma and cardiac dyspnea. Eupho'ria, u-fb'-re-ah. The sense of health. Euplas'tic, u-plas'-tik. Highly organizable. Eupne'a, u-pne-'ah. Normal easy respiration. Eusta'chian Cath'eter. Instrument for dilating Eustachian Tube. Eusta'chian Tube. Canal from tympanum to pharynx. Eusta'chian Valve. Fold of membrane in right auricle of heart. Euthana'sia, w-than'-u-se-nh. Easy death. Euto'cia, Easy natural delivery. Eu'trophy, u'-tro-fe. Healthy nutrition. Evac'uant, e-vak'-u-ant. Agent increasing evacuation. Evacua'tion, e-vak-u-a'-shun. Defecation. Eventra'tion, e-ven-tra'-shun. Protrusion of abdominal viscera. Ever'sion of Eye'lid. Outward folding of lid, exposing conjunctiva.' Eviscera'tion, e-vis-e-ra'-shun. Removal of the viscera. Evolu'tion, ev-o-lu'-shun. Development of the organism. Evolu'tion, Sponta'neous. Unaided birth of transverse presen- tation of the fetus. Evul'sion, e-vul'-shun. Forcible tearing away of a part. Exacerba'tion, eg-zas-er-ba'-shun. Increased severity of symptoms. Exan'gia. Rupture, or morbid distention, of a blood-vessel. Exanima'tion, eg-zan-ir-ma'-shun. Unconsciousness ; death. Exan'them, Exan'thema. Eruption of the skin. Exanthem'atous, eks-an-lhem'-d-tus. Pertaining to an exanthem. Exarteri'tis, eks-ar-ter-V-tis. Inflammation of outer coat of artery. Exarticula'tion, eks-ar-tih-iu-la'-shxm. Luxation ; disarticulation. Excarna'tion. Separation of injected vessels from contiguous part. Excen'tric Pains. Radiating pains, due to spinal disease. Excip'ient, eh-sip'-i-ent. Vehicle for the administration of drugs. Excis'ion, ek-sizh'-un. Act of cutting away. Exci'tant, ek-sV-lant. Agent stimulating an organ. Excoria'tion, eks-ko-re-a’-shun. Abrasion of the epidermis. Ex'crement, eks'-kre-ment. The feces, g. v. Excrementi'tious, eks-kre-men-tish'-us. Pertaining to the feces. Excres'cence, eks-kres'-ens. Abnormal outgrowth on the body. Excre'ta, eks-kre’-tah. Natural discharges of the body. Ex'cretin, eks'-kre-tin. Substance found in human feces. Excre'tion, eks-kre'-shun. Discharge of waste product of the body ; the matter so discharged. Ex'cretory, eks'-krS-to-re. Pertaining to excretion. Exenceph'alus. Monster with brain outside of the cranium. Exentera'tion, eks-en-te-rd'-shnn. Removal of viscera in embryotomy. Exfeta'tion, eks-fe-ta'shun. Extra-uterine pregnancy. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. GOULD’S POCKET Exfoliation, eks-fo-le-d'-shun. Scaling off of dead tissue. Exhalation, eks-hd-la'-shun. Vapor, etc., given off by the body. Exhaustion, eg-zaws'-tyon. Great loss of vital power. Exhib'it, eg-zib'-il. To administer medicine. Exhil'arant, eg-xiV-cv-rant. Agent enlivening the mind. Exhumation, eks-hvr-md'-shun. Disinterment of the body. Exocardi'al, eks-6-kar'-de-al. Outside of the heart. Exocoli'tis, eks-u-ko-ll'-Hs. Inflammation of outer coat of colon. Exod'ic, eks-od'-ik. Applied to efferent nerves. Exogenet'ic, ek-sO-je-nel'-ik. Due to an external cause. Exom'phalos, eg-zom'-fa-los. Umbilical hernia. Exopath'ic. Pertaining to disease originating outside of the body. Exophotia, eks-o-fu'-re-ah. Tending of visual lines outward. Exophthal'mia, eks-off-thal'-me-ah. See Exophthalmos. Exophthalmic, eks-off-thal'-mik. Pertaining to exophthalmos. Exophthalmic Goitre. Goitre with exophthalmos and cardiac palpitation; Basedow’s disease. Exophthal'mos, eks-off-thal'-mos. Abnormal protrusion of eyeballs. Exor'mia, eks-or'-vie-ah. Papular skin eruption. Exosmo'sis, eks-os-mo'-sis. Osmosis outwards. Exosto'sis, eks-os-to'-sis. Abnormal outgrowth of bone. Exoter'ic, eks-O-ler'-ik. Same as Exopathic, q. v. Exotro'pia, eks-o-tro’-pe-ah. Outward deviation of the eyes. Expectant, Awaiting; mode of treatment. Expect'orant. Agent promoting secretion of bronchial mucus. Expectoration. Expulsion of secretions from the chest. Ex'pert, eks'-pert. One skilled in a science or art. Expiration, eks-pl-ra'-shun. Act of breathing forth. Exploration. Investigation, as in physical diagnosis. Explor'atory, eks-plor'-d-lo-re. Pertaining to exploration. Expression. A pressing out, as of the placenta. Expul'sive, eks-puls'-iv. Pertaining to extrusion of the fetus. Exsan'guine, eks-sang'-gwin. Bloodless. Exsiccation, eks-sik-a'-shun. Process of drying by heat. Ex'strophy. The turning inside out of an organ, or the absence of its outer wall. Extension. Traction upon fractured or dislocated limb. Exten'sor, eks-ten'-sor. A muscle stretching a part. Extirpation, eks-tir-pa'-shun. Thorough excision of a part. Extract, eks'•Iraki. Condensed active principle of a drug. Extraction of Cataract. Removal of cataractous lens by operation. Extractor. An instrument for extracting bullets, etc. Extractum, eks-trak'-tum. An extract. Extra'neous, eks-trd'-ne-us. Foreign. Extra- .erine, eks'-trah-v'-ter-ln. Without the uterus. Ex'tra-u terine Preg'nancy. Fetus developed outside of the uterine cavity. Extravasation. Effusion of fluid into the tissues. Extremity, eks-lrem'-i-te. A limb or termination. Extrin'sic, eks-trin'-sik. External, outward. Extrover'sion, eks-tr6-ver'-shun. See Exstrophy. Exuda'tion, eks-u-dd’-shun. Morbid oozing out of fluids. Exu'vise, eks-u'-vi-e. Slough; cast-off parts. Eye, i. The organ of vision. Eye, Ap'ple of. Formerly the eye-ball. The pupil. Eye'-ball. Globe of the eye. Eye'-brow. Hair, skin, and tissue above the eye. Eye'-glass. Lens worn in front of the eye. Eye'-ground. Fundus of the eye. Eye'-lash'es. Hair of the eyelids. Eye'-lid. Protective covering of the eyeball. Eye'-strain. The consensus of symptoms arising from the use of ametropic eyes. Eye'-teeth. Canine teeth of the upper jaw. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. F. Fabel'la, fa-bel'-lah. Sesamoid fibroeartilage in the gastrocnemius. Face, fas. Front part of the human head. Fac'et,fas'-et. Small plane articulating surface. Fa'cial, fa'-shal. Pertaining to the face. Fac'ultative. Pertaining to functional or acquired power. Fac'ultative Hypero'pia. A division of manifest hyperopia. Fac'ulty. Specific power. Corps of professors in a college. Fahr'enheit’s Thermometer. Familiar scale with the freezing point at + 32° and boiling point at + 212° Faint, feint. Condition of languor; syncope. Fal'ciform, fal’-se-form. Sickle-shaped. Fall'ing of Womb. Prolapse of the uterus. Fall'ing-sick'ness. Epilepsy, q. v. Fallo'pian Lig'ament. Round ligament of the uterus, q. v. Fallo'pian Tubes. See Oviducts. False Mem'brane. Inflammatory deposit in croup, diphtheria, etc. False Pass'age. Laceration of the urethra by the forcible intro- duction of an instrument. False Ribs. The five inferior ribs. Falx Cerebel'li. Sickle-like process between the cerebellar lobes. Falx Ce'rebri. Sickle-like process between the cerebral lobes. Fang. The socketed part of a tooth. Far'ad, far'-ad. Unit of electrical capacity. Farad'ic, fnr-ad’-ik. The induced electric current. 112 GOULD’S POCKET Far'adism. Form of electricity furnished by a faradic machine. Faradiza'tion. Stimulation of a nerve by the induced current. Farcino'ma, far-si-nO'-mah. Glanders. Far'cy,faiJ-se. Glanders; equinia, q. v. Fari'na, fa-re'-nah. Powdered fecula of grain. Farina'ceous, far-i-nd'-se-us. Having the nature of flour. Far' Point. Farthest point at which an object can be distinctly seen with the eye in repose. Far-sight'edness. Colloquial term for Hypermetropia, q. v. Fas'cia, fash'-e-ah. Fibrous membrane covering muscles, etc. Fas'cia Denta'ta. Gray substance of the dentate convolution of the cerebrum. Fas'cia La'ta. Dense fibrous aponeurosis surrounding the thigh. Fas'cicle, Fascic'ulus. Small bundle of fibers. Fat. Yellowish oily substance of adipose tissue. Fatigue' Diseases. Those caused by constant repetition of cer- tain muscular movements. Fat'ty Casts. Fat moulded in the unriniferous tubes. Fau'ces,/att/-,sez. The throat from mouth to pharynx. Fa'vus, fa'-vus. Contagious parasitic disease of skin with crusts. Febric'ula, Slight and short fever. Febriculos'ity, Feverishness. Febrifa'cient, feb-ri-fd'-se-ent. Producing fever. FebriCerous, feb-rif-er-us. Producing fever. Feb'rifuge, feb’-re-ftij. Agent that lessens fever. Fe'brile, fe'-bril. Pertaining to fever. Fe'cal ,fe'-kal. Pertaining to the feces. Fe'ces,/e'-sez. Excrement ; dung; discharge of the bowels. Fec'ula,/efc'-w-hiA Starchy part of a seed. Fec'undate, To impregnate. Fecunda'tion,fek-un-dd'-shun. Fertilization; impregnation. Fecun'dity, fe-kun'-di-te. Power of producing toung. Feed'ing. Taking of food or aliment. Feh'ling’s Solution. Sulphate of copper with neutral tartrate of potash and caustic soda, used as a sugar test in urinalysis. Fel Bo'vis. Ox-gall; bile liquid of the domestic ox. Fel'lic A'cid. Ca3H40O4. Constituent of bile. FelliFluous, fe-lif-lu-us. Flowing with gall. Fel'on, fel'-on. See Paronychia. Fe'male, fe'-mal. The sex that bears the young. Fem'oral, fem'-o-ral. Pertaining to the femur. Fem'oral Canal. See Hunter's Canal. Fem'oral Ring. Abdominal end of the femoral canal. Fem'orocele, fem'-O-ro-sel. Femoral hernia. Fe'mur, fe'-mer. The thigh bone. Fenes'tra, fe-nes'-trah. Two apertures of the ear. Fe'nestrate, fe'-nes-trat. Having apertures or openings. Fen'nel, fen'-el. Aromatic seeds used for flavoring. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 113 Fermenta'tion. Decomposition produced by living organisms. Fer'ments, fer'-inentz. Bodies exciting chemical changes in other matters, with which they are brought in contact. Ferrein', Tu'bule of. Cortical portion of uriniferous tubule. Fer'ric, fer'-ik. Pertaining to or of the nature of iron. Ferricy'-anide. Compound of a base with ferricyanogen. Ferricyan'ogen, fer-e-si-an'-d-jen. A hexad radical, (FeC6N6)2. Ferrocy'anide. Compound of a base with ferrocyanogen. Ferrocyan'ogen, fer-o-sl-an'-o-jen. A tetravalent radical, Fe(CN)6. FsTTu'ginous,fe-7-u'-ji-nus. Containing iron. F er' rum, fer'-um. iron. Fer'tile./eF-fii. Prolific; fruitful. Fes'ter,fes'-ler. To suppurate. An ulcer. Festina'tion. Peculiar mode of walking in paralysis agitans. Fe'ta\,fe'-tal. Pertaining to the fetus. Feta'tion,fe-ta'-shun. Gestation; pregnancy. Fe'ticide, fe'-ti-sld. Intentional killing of fetus in utero. Fet'id,fet'-4d. Having an offensive smell. Fe'tus. Product of conception after fourth month of gestation. Fe'ver. Rise of body temperature, with associated symptoms. Fe'verfew. Emmenagogue and anthelmintic herb. Fi'ber. Filamentary or thread-like organ or structure. Fi'bers of Tomes. Processes of odontoblasts of dental pulp. FibriFla, fl-bril'-ah. Small fiber or filament. » Fi'brillar, fl'-bril-ar. Pertaining to fibrillse. Fibrillation. Localized quivering of muscular fibers. Fi'brin. Nitrogenous proteid coagulating in exposed blood. Fibrina'tion. Act of increasing fibrin of blood. Fibrin'ogen. Proteid in blood plasma, main constituent of fibrin. Fibrinoplas'tin. See Paraglobulin. Fibrino'sis. Disease of growth characterized by excess of fibrin. Fi'broblasts. Cells that form new fibrous tissue. Fi'bro-car'tilage. Fibrous variety of cartilage. Fi'brogen,/T'-&r<>/e>» Early condition of fibrin. Fi'broid, /I'-broid. Having a fibrous structure. Fibro'ma fl-bro'-mah. Tumor of fibrous tissue. Fibro-p\as'tic,f t-bro-plas'-lik. Fiber-forming. Fibro'sis. Development of fibrous tissue in an organ. Fi'brous, fV-bms. Consisting of, or pertaining to, fibers. Fib'ula, fib'-u-lah. Small, outer bone of leg. FVcas, fl’-kun. The fig, q. v. Field of Vis'ion. Extent of indirect vision with the eye in a fixed position. Fig. A mildly laxative fruit. Fila'ceous, fir-ld'-se-us. Consisting of threads. Fil'ament, fil'-a-me/nl. Thread-like structure. Fila'ria, fl-ln’-re-ah. Genus of parasitic thread-like worms. Fila'ria Mendinen'sis. The Guinea Worm, q. v. 114 CtOTTLTVS pocket Fila'ria San'guinis Hom'inis. A nematoid parasitic worm. Fil'iform, fil'-ir-form. Thread-like. Fil'let, Ol'ivary. Fasciculus of nerve fibers around olivary body. Filo-pres'sure. Compression of a vessel by wire. Fil'ter. Strainer to separate solid particles from a fluid. Filtra'tion, fil-trd'-shun. Process of straining or filtering. Fi'lum Terminate. Terminal strands of the spinal cord. Fim'briae, fim'-bre-e. Threads or filaments ; a fringe. Fim'briated, fim'-bre-a-led. Fringed. Fing'ers, fing'-gers. The digits of the hands. First Intension. Healing of the lips of a wound by immediat union without suppuration. Fish'-skin Disease'. See Ichthyosis. Fis'sion. Reproduction by splitting into two or more equal parts. Fissip'arous, fis-sip'-arrus. Sexual generation by fission. Fis'sure, fish'-ur. A groove or cleft. Fis'sure of Bichat. The transverse fissure of the brain. Fis'sure of Rolan'do. Sulcus between the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. Fis'sure of Syl'vius. Cleft between the anterior and middle lobes of the brain ; the largest fissure of the brain. Fist. The firmly-closed or clenched hand. Fis'tula, fis'-tii-lah. Abnormal tube-like passage the body, giving fent to pus or other secretion. Fit. Convulsion; sudden paroxysm. Fixa'tion,fiks-d'-shun. A making firm or rigid. Flac'cid, Jlaks'-id. Soft; flabby; relaxed. Flag'ellate, flaj’-e-lat. Furnished with flagella. Flagel'lum,yM-jW'-jtm. Long lash-like appendage; a cilium. Flank. Posterior part of side of body between the ribs and ilium. Flap. Loose, partly detached portion of skin and soft tissues. Flat'-foot. Morbid condition of foot in which the arch is destroyed. Flat'ulence. Presence of gas in the digestive canal. FI a't us, fid'-Ins. Gas in the alimentary canal. Flax'seed, flaks'-sed. SeeLinum. Flea'bane,Jle'-bdn. See Erigeron. Fleam, flem. Lancet used in phlebotomy. Fleece of Stel'ling. Interlacing of fibers near the dentate nucleus. Flesh. Soft tissues of the body. Flesh, Proud. Too luxuriant granulation of a wound. Flex'ible, fleks'-i-bl. That which may be bent. Flex'ile, fleks’-ll. Easily bent; pliable. Flex'ion,flek'~shun. Process of bending. Flexor, fleks'-or. Muscle that bends or flexes a part. Flexu'ra, fleks-u'-rah. A bending or curve in an organ. Float'ing Ribs. Free ribs, the two lower pairs. Floccila'tion, flok-si-ld'-shun. Carphology, q. v. Floc'culence, flok'-HAens. Flakiness; containing shreds. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 115 Floc'culus, flok'-u-lus. Small lobule of the cerebellum. Flooding,flud'-ing. Copious bleeding from the womb. Floor of Pel'vis. United mass of tissue forming the inferior boundary of the pelvis. Flou'ren’s Doctrine. That the entire cerebrum participates in every psychical process. Flow,flo. Free discharge of a liquid. Fluctuation, fluk-tu-a'-shun. Wave-like motion ; oscillation. Fluores'cence, Jlu-dr-es'-ens. Power of a body to change the wave- rate (or color) of light passing through it. Flux,jiuks. Dysentery. A liquid flow or discharge. Flux'ion. Gathering of fluid in any one part. Catarrh. Fo'ca\,fo’-kal. Pertaining to the focus. Fo'cus. Principle seat of a disease. Meeting-point of reflected rays. Fold. Plication or doubling of various parts of the body. Fol'licle,fol'-irkl. A small secretory cavity, or sac. Fol'licle, Graa'fian. Small vesicular bodies in cortex of the ovary. Fol'licle, Seba'ceous. Oil sacs of the skin. Follic'ular, fol-4k'-u-lar. Containing follicles. Folliculi'tis, Inflammation of one or more follicles. Fol 1 ic'u 1 ose, fij-lik'-u-loa. Full of follicles. Fomentation. Act of applying warm liquids to the body. Fo'mes, fo'-mez. Porous substance absorbing contagium. Fo'mites, fo'-miMes. Plural of Fomes, q. v. Fons Pulsati'lis. Name for the anterior fontanelle. Fonta'na’s Spa'ces. Spaces between the processes of the pectinate ligament of the iris. Fontanelle'. Membranous space at the junction of the cranial bones in an infant, due to incomplete ossification. Fontic'ulus. Fontanelle. An issue. Food. Anything used for nourishment. Food, Plas'tic. The proteids, q. v. Foot. Organ at the extremity of the leg. Fora'men, for-af-mea. A passage or opening. Fora'men Mag'num. Large opening in the occiput. Fora'men Ova'le. Opening between the auricles of the fetal heart. Fora'men of Wins'low. Aperture between the large sac of omen- tum and the abdominal cavity. For'ceps. Pincers ; two-bladed instrument for extracting, etc. For'cipressure. Arrest of minor hemorrhage by spring forceps. Fore'-arm. Arm between the wrist and elbow. Fore'-brain. Anterior segment of the brain. Fore'-gut. Cavity in raised cephalic end of the embyro. Fore'head. Front upper part of the head above the orbits. For'eign Bod'y. Irritant substance in a wound or cavity. Foren'sic, for-en'-sik. Pertaining to a court of law. Fore'skin, The prepuce, q. v. Forma'tio Reticula'ris. Intercrossing of fibers in the medulla. 116 GOULD’S POCKET For'mative Cells. Large spherical cells beneath the hypoblast. Formica'tion. Sensation as of ants creeping over the body. For'mula, for'-mu-lah. A presented method. Concise statement of the composition of a body. For'mulary, for'-mu-ld-re. Collection of formulae. For'nix. An arched vault, especially a part of the brain. Fos'sa, fos’-ah. A depression, furrow, or sinus. Fossette'/os-e/'. Dimple; small depression. Small deep ulcer of the cornea. Fourchette,/oor-sAe<'. Fold of mucous membrane at the inferior junction of the labia majora. Fo'vea, fo'-ve-ah. A small fossa or depression. Fo'veat e,fo'-ve-dl. Pitted. Fow'ler’s Solution. Solution of potassium arsenite. Fox'-g\ove, foks'-gluv. See Digitalis. Fracture, frak'-tur. Breaking of a bone. Fragil'itas ,frarjil'-i-tas. Brittleness. Fragmentation, frag-men-ld'-shun. Subdivision into fragments. Frambe'sia, fram-be'-ze-ah. Yaws; contagious tropical cutaneous disease with raspberry-like tubercles. Fran'gula. Bark of buckthorn, used as a purgative. Franklin'ic Electric'ity. Static or frictional electricity. Freck'le,frek'-l. See Lentigo. Frem'itus, frem'-i-tus. Palpable vibration, as of the chest walls. Fren'ulum, Fre'num. Fold of membrane acting as a check. Fri'able,frV-a-bl. Easily broken or pulverized. Friction, frik'-shun. Act of rubbing. Attrition. Friction Sound. Sound produced by the rubbing of adjacent parts at the folds of the pleura. Fried'reich’s Disease'. Hereditary ataxic paraplegia Frog'-face. Distortion of the face from swelling or tumors. Frontal, fron'-tal. Pertaining to the anterior part. Frost'-bite. Injury to the skin or a part, from extreme cold. Fruit, frut. The offspring of animals or plants. Fuch'sin,fuk'-sin. Hydrochloride of rosanilin used in albuminuria. Fu'cus Vesiculo'sis. Alterative and tonic marine plant. Ful'minate. Compound of fulminic acid with a base. Fumigation. Exposure to disinfectant vapors. Function, funk'-shun. Normal or special action of a part. Functional, funk'-sliun-al. Pertaining to the function. Functional Disease'. Disturbance of the function of a part. Fun'dament, fun'-da-ment. The base. The anus. Fun'dus, /w»'-dits. The base of an organ, as the uterus. Fun'dus Glands. Microscopic tubular glands in the cardiac por- tion of the gastric mucous membrane. Fun'giform, Fun'goid. Having the form of a mushroom. Fungos'ity, fun-gos'-i-ie. A soft excrescence. Fun'gus. Mushroom. Microscopic vegetable parasite. Fun'gus Foot. See Madura Foot. Fu'nic, fu'-nik. Pertaining to the funiculus. Fu'nicle,fu'-ni-kl. Little cord of aggregated fibers, Funic'ulus, fi2-nik'-ii-lus. The spermatic or umbilical cord. Fu'nis, fu'-nis. Same as Funiculus, q. v. Fur. Morbid coating of the tongue. Furfura'ceous, fer-fu-rd'-se-us. Resembling bran. Fu'ror Uteri'nus. See Nymphomania. Fu'runcle, Furun'culus. A boil; circumscribed abscess. Furun'culus Orienta'lis. Disease of face in the Orient with cir- cumscribed ulcer on cheek or angle of mouth. Furun'culoid, Furun'culous. Pertaining to a furuncle. Fus'cin,/us'-mi. Brownish matter obtained from animal oil. Fu'sel Oil. Amylic alcohol produced during alcoholic fermentation. Fu'sible. That which can be easily fused or melted. F u'siform, fu’-se-form. Spindle-shaped. Fu'sion, fu'-zhun. Process of liquefying a solid by heat. FustigaL'X.ion, fus-te-gaf-shun. Flagellation, as in massage. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 117 G. Gad'inin. Poisonous ptomaine found in human feces. Gad'uin, gdd'-u-in. Fatty principle in cod-liver oil. Gad'us Morrhu'a, gdd'-us-mor-ru'-ah. Cod-fish. Cod-liver oil. Gaert'ner, Ducts of, gart'-ner. Remains of Wolffian bodies in certain animals. Gaf'sa But'ton. See Furunculus Orientalis. Gag. Instrument to prevent closure of the jaws. Galac'tagogue, gal-ak'-la-gog. Agent promoting the flow of milk. Galacte'tnia, gal-ak-te'-me-ah. State of blood containing milk. Galac'tia. Defective or abnormal secretion of milk. Galactidro'sis, gal-ak-ti-dro'-sis. Sweating of a milk-like fluid. Galac'tine, gal-ak'-tin. Same as lactose, q. v. Galac'tocele. Milk tumor ; cystic tumor of the female breast Galactom'eter, gal-ak-tom'-e-ter. See Lactometer. Galactoph'agous, gal-ak-tof-a-gus. Milk-eating. Galactophori'tis, gal-ak-lof-or-i'-tis. Inflammation of milk-ducts. Galactoph'orous, gal-ak-tof-o-rus. Milk-bearing. Galactoph'orus, gal-ak-tof-o-rus. An artificial nipple. Galactophthi'sis, gal-ak-lo-ly'-sis. Phthisis due to excessive lac- tation. Galactopoiet'ic, gal-ak-tS-poi-et'-ik. Same as Galactagogue, q. v. Galactopo'sia, gal-ak-ld-po'-se-ah. Milk diet; milk cure. 118 GOULD’S POCKET Galactopyre'tus, gal-ak-ld-pl-re'-tus. Milk fever. Galactorrhe'a, gal-ak-tor-e'-ah. Excessive flow of milk. Galac'toscope, gal-ak! -to-skbp. See Lactose,ope,, Galac'tose, gal-ak'-tus. CaH1206. Crystalline sugar obtained by the action of dilute acids on lactose. Galacto'sis, gal-ak-to'-sis. The secretion of milk. Galactother'apy, gal-ak-to-ther'-a-pe. Treatment of disease in suck- lings by drugs administered to the mother. Galactu'ria, gal-ak-tu'-re-ah. Same as Chyluria, q. v. Gal'banum. Expectorant, antispasmodic gum-resin. Ga'lea, ga'-le-ah. The amnion or caul. Bandage for the head. Gall, gawl. The bile. An excoriation. Gal'la, gal'-ah. Nut-gall, used in medicine as an astringent. Gall'-bladder. Pear-shaped sac in the right lobe of the liver, the reservoir for the bile. Gall'-cyst, gawl'-sist. The gall-bladder, q. v. Gall'-ducts. Ducts conveying the bile. Gal'lic, gal'-ik. Pertaining to nut-gall. Gal'lic Acid. Organic acid used as an astringent. Gallinag'inis Cap'ut. Eminence in the urethra. GaTlipot, gal'-i-pot. An apothecary’s small earthen jar. Gal'lon, gal’-on. Standard liquid measure; four quarts. Gall' Stones. Calcareous concretions in gall-bladder and its ducts. Galvan'ic, gal-van’-ik. Pertaining to galvanism. Galvan'ic Bat'tery. Series of cells with carbon and zinc plates in acid solution, used to generate electricity. Gal'vanism. Form of electricity induced by chemical reaction. Galvaniza'tion. Transmission of galvanic current through a part of the body. Galvano-caut'ery. Cautery heated by a galvanic current. Galvanom'eter. Instrument for detecting the existence and meas- uring the strength of a galvanic current. Galvanopunc'ture, gal-van-d-pungk'-tur. Electropuncture, q. v. Gamboge', gam-boj'. See Carnbogia. C-ang'liform, gang’-le-form. Formed like a ganglion. Gangli'olum, gang-ll'-o-lum. Little ganglion. Ganglio'ma, gang-le-o'-mah. Swelling of a lymphatic gland. Gang'lion, gang'-le-on. Semi-independent nervous center. Enlarged lymphatic gland. Encysted tumor on tendon or aponeurosis. Ganglioni'tis, gang-le-On-V-tis. Inflammation of a ganglion. Gangre'na O'ris, gang-gre'-nah-o'-ris. Cancruin oris, q. v. Gan'grene, gang'-gren. Mortification or death of sott tissue. Gan'grene, Dry. Death of a part from insufficient blood. Gan'grene, Hos'pital. Contagious gangrene arising in crowded conditions where there is absence of antisepsis. Gan'grene, Moist. Gangrene with abundance of serous exudation Gan'grene, Se'nile. Gangrene of extremities in the aged. Gan'grenous, gang'-gre-nus. Pertaining to gangrene. Gaps, Cra'nial. Congenital fissures of the skull. Gar'garism, Gargaris'ma, gar'-ga-rizm, gar-ga-riz'-mah. A gargle. Gar'gle, gar'-gl. Wash for the throat. To wash the throat. Gar'lic, gar'-lik. Onion-like plant, used as a tonic. Gar'rot, gar'-ot. A compressing bandage used in hemorrhage. Gas. An aeriform substance. Gas'eous, gas'-e-us. Of the nature of gas. Gasp. To catch for breath. Gasse'rian, ga-se'-i'e-an. See Casserian. Gasterasthe'nia, gas-ler-as-the’-ne-ah. Debility of the stomach. Gasterhysterot'omy. Abdomiual incision of the uterus. Gastral, gas'-tral. Pertaining to the stomach. Gastral'gia, gas-tral’-je-ah. Pain in the stomach. Gastrec'tasis, gas-(rek'-/a-sis. Dilatation of the stomach. Gastrec'tomy. Resection of the pyloric end of the stomach. Gastrelco'sis, gas-trel-ko'-sis. Ulceration of the stomach. Gas'tric, gas'-trik Pertaining to the stomach. Gas'tric Juice. Normal secretion of the stomach. Gas'tric Fe'ver. Fever with gastric derangement. Gastri'tis, gas-trV-tis. Inflammation of the stomach. Gastrobro'sis, gas-tro-brO’-sis. Peforation of the stomach. Gas'trocele, gas’-tru-sel. Hernia of the stomach. Gastrocne'mius, gas-lrok-ne'-me-us. Large muscle of calf of leg. Gastrodid'ymus. Double monster with one abdominal cavity. Gastrodyn'ia, gas-tro-din'-e-ah. Pain in the stomach. Gastro-enteri'tis. Inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Gastro-epiplo'ic. Pertaining to the stomach and omentum. Gas'trolith, gas'-tro-lith. Calcareous formation in the stomach. Gastrolithi'asis. Formation of gastroliths. Gastrol'ogy, gas-irol'-o-je. Treatise on the stomach. Gastromala'cia, gas-tro-mal-a'-se-ah. Morbid softening of stomach. Gastrom'elus, gas-trom’-e-lus. Monster with limbs on the belly. Gastrome'nia, gas-tro-me’-ne-ah. Vicarious menstruation from the stomach. Gastrop'athy, gas-trop'-a-the. Disease or disorder of the stomach. Gastroperiodyn'ia. Intense periodical pain in the stomach. Gastrorrha'gia, gas-lror-a'-je-ah. See Hematemesis. Gastror'raphy, gas-tror'-a-fe. Suture of wound of the stomach. Gastrorrhe'a. Regurgitant flow of gastric mucus from the mouth. Gas'troscope. Instrument for viewing interior of the stomach. Gastros'copy, gas-tros'-ko-pe. Inspection of the stomach cavity. Gastro'ses, gas-tru’-sez. Diseases of the stomach. Gastros'tomy, Establishment of a gastric fistula. Gas'trotome, gas'-tro-tom. Instrument to perform gastrotomy. Gastrot'omy, gas-trot'-d-me. Incision of the stomach or abdomen. Gastrox'ia. Abnormal acidity of the stomach contents. Gath'ering. An abscess ; a suppurating sore. Gaulthe'ria, gaivl-lhe'-re-ah. Leaves of wintefgreen, astringent, antipyretic, and anti rheumatic. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 119 120 GOULD’S POCKET Gauze, gawz. Thin, light cloth used in antiseptic dressings. Gavage', gav-ahzh'. Forced feeding, as of infants. Gelatifica'tion. Conversion into gelatine. Gel'atin, jel'-a-tin. Nitrogenous principle obtained by boiling cer- tain animal tissues, as cartilage, ligaments, etc. Gel'atin Cul'ture. Microorganisms grown in gelatin solution. Gelatin'iform. Resembling gelatin. Gelat'inous, jel-at'-i-nus. Resembling gelatine; jelly-like. Gel'ose, jel'-os. Culture-medium used in bacteriological studies. Gel'osine, jel'-o-sin. Mucilage from Japanese alga. Gelsem'ium ,jel-sem'~e-um. Root of yellow jasmine,an antispasmodic. Gemel'lus, jem-el'-lus. Double; in pairs. Gemel'lus Mus'cle. The gastrocnemius muscle, q. v. Gem'inate, Gem'inous. In pairs. Gemma'tion, jem-d'-shun. See Budding. Gen'erate, jen'-e-rat. To beget; produce. Generation, jen-er-d’-shun. The begetting of offspring. Race. Gener'ic, jen-eiJ-ik. Pertaining to the same genus. Gene'smX, jen-e’-se-al. Pertaining to generation. Genesiol'ogy, jerv-e-si-ol'-o-ge. The doctrine of generation. Gen'esis,jen’-e-sis. The act of begetting. Genet'ic,jen-et'-ik. Pertaining to generation. Genet'ica.,jen-et'-ik-ah. Agents affecting the sexual organs. Geni'al, jen-X'-al. Pertaining to the chin. Genic'ulate Bodies. See Corpora Geniculata. Geni'oplasty, jen-a'-o-plas-le. Operation of restoring the chin. Gen'ital, jen'-i-lal. Pertaining to the organs of generation. Genita'lia, jen-i-ta'-le-ah. The organs of generation. Gen'tian, jen'-shi-an. Bitter, tonic root of G. lutea. Ge'nu, je'-nu. The knee. Ge'nu Extror'sum. Bow-legs. Ge'nu Val'gum. Knock-knees. Ge'nu Va'rum. Same as Genu Extrorsum, q. v. Gen'uclast. Instrument for breaking adhesions of knee-joint. Gen'uflex, jen'-u-fleks. Bent at the knee. Genyantri'tis, jen-e-an-lrV-tis. Inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the maxillary antrum. Gen'yplasty, jen'-e-plas-te. Operation of restoring the cheek. Geoph'agism, je-of-a-gizm. Practice of clay-eating. Gera'nium,/er-d'-»«-jm. Cranesbill-root, an astringent. Geratol'ogy, jer-a-toi’-S-je. Treatise on old age. Ger'lach’s Net'work. Fibrous network in gray matter of cord. Ger'lier’s Disease'. Neurosis with sudden paroxysms of pain in head and neck, ptosis, vertigo, etc. Germ, jerm. Ovum; spore; undeveloped embryo. Ger'man Mea'sles. Rotheln, q. v. Germ Cell. Cell,resulting from fecundated germinal vesicle. Germ Disease'. Any disease of microbic origin. Germ Epithe'lium. Cylindrical cells on median plate of mesoblast. Germ'-force. Plastic or constructive force. Ger'micide, jer'-mi-sul. Agent destroying germs. Ger'mina 1, jcr'-m,i-nnl. Pertaining to a germ. Ger'minal A'rea. White spot on one side of vitelline membrane. Germina'tion, .jer-mi-na’-shun. Development of a seed or germ. Ger'minal Mem'brane. The blastoderm, q. v. Ger'minal Spot. The nucleolus of the ovule. Ger'minal Ves'icle. The nucleus of the ovule. Germ The'ory. Theory of the bacterial origin of disease. Geromorph'ism. Appearance of age in a young person. Gerontox'on, jer-ovrtoks'-on. See Arcus Senilis. Gesta'tion, jes-td’-shun. See Pregnancy. Gi'ant, ji'-ant. Adult of a species of unusually large size. Gi'ant Cell. Large protoplasmic mass without cell-wall. Gibbos'ity, gib-os’-i-te. A protuberance or prominence. Gib'bous, gib'-us. Bunched or bulged out. Gid'diness, gid'-e-ness. See Vertigo. Gim'bernat’s Lig'ament. Portion of external oblique muscle in- serted into the pectineal line. Gin, jin. Aromatic spirit flavored with juniper berries. Gin'ger, jin'-jer. See Zingiber. Gingi'vse, jin-ji'-ve. The gums. Gingi'val, jin-jV-val. Pertaining to the gums. Gingivi'tis, jin-jir-vi'-tis. Inflammation of the gums. Ging'lymoid, ging'-le-moid. Resembling a hinge-joint. Ging'lymus, ging'-le-mus. Hinge-joint, q.v. Gin'seng.jin'-seng. Aromatic and tonic root. Giral'des, Or'gan of. The vasa aberrantia of the Wolffian bodies. Gir'dle, geP-dl. Band to go around the body. . Gir'dle Pain. Sensation of band tied around the pelvis or a limb. Glabel'lum, gla-bel'-um. Triangular space between the eye-brows. Gladi'olin, glad-l'-o-lin. Certain alkaloid in brain tissue. Gladi'olus, glad-i’-o-las. Middle piece of the sternum. Glair'y, gldr’-e. Slimy ; albuminous. Gland. Secretory part or organ. Lymphatic ganglion. Glan'ders. Contagious disease of horses often transmitted to man. Glandilem'ma, glan-di-leni'-ah. Capsule of a gland. Glan'dular, glan'-diVlar. Pertaining to a gland. Glan'dule, glan’-dul. Small gland. Glandulos'ity, glan'-du-los'-i-te. Collection of, or full of glands. Gians, glanz. Bulbous extremity of the penis and clitoris. Glau'ber’s Salt. Sulphate of soda, Na^SO^ Glauci'na, glaw-sV-nali. Natural form of cow-pox. Glauco'ma, glaw-ku-'mah. Disease of the eye, characterized by increased intra-ocular tension. Gleet. Chronic stage of gonorrhea with muco-purulent discharge. Gle'noid, gle'-noid. Pit-like; shallow. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 121 122 GOULD’S POCKET Gli'a Cells, glU'-ah-selz. See Deiters’s Cells. Gli'adin, gli’-a-din. Viscid portion of gluten. Glio'ma, gli-o’-niah. Tumor composed of neuroglia. Gliomato'sis, gll-5-mal-0’-sis. Formation of a glioma. Glis'son’s Cap'sule. Membrane surrounding the hepatic vessels Glo'bate, glo’-bat. Spheroidal; shaped like a globe. Globe of the Eye. The eyeball. Glo'bin. One of the products of the decomposition of hemoglobin. Glob'ular, glob'-d-lar. Shaped like a globe. Glob'ule, glob’-ill. Small spherical body. Glob'ules of Donne'. See Blood-Plates. Glob'ulin, glob’-u-lin. Albuminous constituent of blood corpuscles and crystalline lens. Glob'ulins, glob'-u-linz. Class of native proteids. Glo'bus, glo'-bas. A ball or globe. Glo'bus Hyster'icus. Sensation in hysteria as of a ball in throat. Glom'erate, glom'-e-rat. Clustered; grouped. Glom'erule, Glomer'ulus. A knot or small tuft of vessels. Glono'in, glO-no'-in. Nitro-glycerin, q. v. Glos'sa, glos'-ah. The tongue. Glossa'gra, gloss-6,'-grah. Same as Glossalgia, q. v. Glos'sal, glos'-al. Pertaining to the tongue. Glossal'gia, glos-al'-je-ah. Pain in the tongue. Glossec'tomy, glos-ek'-td-me. Amputation or excision of tongue. Glossi'tis, glos-l'-tis. Inflammation of the tongue. Glos'socele, glos'-o-sel. Swollen or edematous tongue. Glossog'raphy, glos-og'-ra-fe. Description of the tongue. Glos'soid, glos'-oid. Resembling the tongue. Glossology, glos-ol'-o-je. Treatise on the tongue. Glossokysis, glos-ol'-e-sis. Paralysis of the tongue. Glossophy'tia, glos-o-fV-te-ah. Dark discoloration of the tongue from epithelial accumulation. Glossople'gia, glos-6-ple’-je-ah. Paralysis of the tongue. Glossot'omy, glos-of-o-me. Dissection or excision of the tongue. Glos'sy Skin. Term for Atrophoderma, q. v. Glot'tis. Aperture between the arytenoid cartilages of the larynx. Glucohe'mia, glv-kd-he’-me-ah. Saccharine state of the blood. Glu'cose, glu'-kos. C6I11206. Grape sugar ; sugar of fruits. Glu'coside. Body containing glucose with some organic principle. Glucosu'ria, glu-kbs-u'-re-ah. See Glycosuria. Glute'al, gliir-te'-al. Pertaining to the buttocks. Glu'ten, glu'-ten. Nitrogenous part of flour. Glute'i, glu-le'-t. Muscles of the buttocks. Glu'tin, glut-tin. Viscid constituent of wheat-gluten. Glu'tinous, glu'-tin-us. Viscid ; glue-like. Gluti'tis, glu-tl'-tis. Inflammation of the glutei muscles. Glyc'erine. C3Hr,(IIO)3. Sweetish principle of oils and fats. Glyc'erite, Glyceri'tum. Medicinal substance dissolved in gly- cerine. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 123 Gly'cin, gtl'-sin. See Glycocoll. Glycochol'ic Ac'id. C26H43N06. Acid found in bile. Gly'cocoll, gR'-ko-kol. Sugar derived from gelatin. Gly'cogen. C6H10O5. Animal starch found in blood, liver, etc. Glycogen'esis, gll-ko-jen'-e-sis. Formation of glycogen. Glycohe'mia, gli-kd-he'-me-ah. See Glucohemia. Glycorrhe'a. Discharge of saccharine fluid from the body Glycosu'ria, gli-kos-u'-re-ah. Sugar in the urine. Glycyrrhi'za, glis-i-ri'-zah. Licorice root, used as a laxative. Gnathal'gia, nath-al'-je-ah. Pain in the jaw. Gnath'ic, Pertaining to the jaw. Gnathi'tis, nath-V-tis. Inflammation of the jaw. Gnathoceph'alus, nath-o-sef-a-lus. Fetal monster with no head, but with large jaws. Gnath'oplasty, nath'-o-plas-te. Plastic operation on the jaw. Gob'let Cells. Cup-like cells in the intestinal epithelium. Gog'gles, gog'-ls. Colored spectacles to protect the eyes. Goi'tre, goi'-ter. Enlargement of the thyroid gland. Goi'tre, Exophthal'mic. See Exophthalmic. GoFden Seal. See Hydrastis. Goll, Col'umns of. See Column. Gomphi'asis, gom-fl'-d-sis. Looseness of the teeth. Gompho'sis, gom'-fo'-sis. A form of Synarthrosis, q. v. Gona'gra, gon-d'-grah. Gout of the knee. Gonarthri'tis, gon-ar-thri'-tis. Inflammation of the knee-joint. Gonarthroc'ace, White swelling of the knee. Gonarthrot'omy, gon-ar-throt'-d-me. Incision into the knee-joint. Gonecys'tic, gon-e-sis'-tik. the seminal vesicles. Gonepoiet'ic. Pertaining to secretion of semen. Gonococ'cus, gon-o-kok'-us. Specific germ of gonorrhea. Go'nion, go'-ne-on. The angle of the lower jaw. Gonorrhe'a, gon-or-e'-ah. Contagious inflammation with purulent discharge from the genitals. Gonorrhe'al Rheu'matism. Rheumatic affection of joints follow- ing gonorrhea. Gonos'cheocele, gon-os’-ke-6-sel. Swelling of testicle with semen. Gonyal'gia, gon-e-al'-je-ah. Pain in the knees. Gon'yocele, yon'-e-o-sel. White swelling of the knee. Gonyon'cus, gon-e-ong'-kus. Tumor or swelling of the knee. Goose' Skin. Prominence of skin about the hair-follicles. Gor'get. Grooved instrument used in lithotomy. Gossyp'ium. Root of the cotton plant used as an emmenagogue. Gouge. An instrument for cutting away bone or hard tissues. Gou'lard’s Ex'tract. Solution of the subacetate of lead. Gout. Disease associated with joint-inflammation, swelling, uric acid in the blood, etc. Gow'er, Col'umns of. See Column. Graafian Fol'licles or Ves'icles. Cells containing ova in ovaries. 124 GOULD’S POCKET Grac'ilis, gras'-irlis. The rectus internus femoris muscle. Grad'uate. A glass vessel marked with liquid measurements. One who has a college degree. Graft. Transplanted living tissue, as of the skin. Grain. Small pill. Seed of cereals. Smallest division of pound. Gramme. Unit of weight of metric system, 15.43 grains troy. Grana'tum. Root of pomegranate, a valuable anthelmintic. Gran'ular Lids. See Trachoma. Granula'tion. Formation of small elevations on a healing surface. Gran'ule. Small rounded grain. A spore. A small pill. Granulo'ma. Tumor consisting of granulation tissue. Gran'ulose, gran'-H-Ws. Soluble potion of starch granule. Grape Su'gar. See Glucose. Graph'ospasm, graf-o-spazm. Writer’s cramp. Gra'ting. Sound produced by friction of rough surfaces. Grattage', gra-tahzh'. Scraping ; curetting. Grave'do, grd-ve'-do. Coryza ; catarrh of upper air passages. Grav'd. Sand-like deposit in the urine. Graves’s Disease'. See Exophthalmic Goitre. Grave'-wax, grav'-waks. Adipocere, q. v. Grav'id, grav'-id. Pregnant; being with child. Grav'idin. Sediment found in the urine of pregnant women. Grav'ity, grav'-Gle. Property of possessing weight. Grav'ity, Specific. Weight of a substance compared with that of water. Gray Matter. Cortical substance of the brain. Green Sickness. See Chlorosis. Grinde'lia, grin-de'-le-ah. Leaves of G. robus/a ; antispasmodic. Grind'ers, grind'-ers. Name applied to molar teeth. Grind'ers Asth'ma. Chronic lung disease from inhalation of me- tallic dust. Grippe', grip'. See Influenza. Gro'cer’s Itch. Peculiar psoriasis or eczema of hands. Groin. Depression between the thigh and trunk. Grow'ing Pains. Neuralgic pains in limbs during youth. Gru'el, grid-el. Decoction of meal in water. Gru'mous, gru'-mus. Thick; viscid; clotted. Gru'tum, gru'-tum. See Milium. Grypo'sis, gri-pd'-sis. Inward curving of nails. Guai'acol, gwV-a-kol. Active constituent of creasote. Guai'acum, gwl'-a-kum. Oleo-resin of lignum vilce, used as a dia- phoretic, expectorant, and alterative. Gubernac'ulum Tes'tis. Fetal cord directing descent of testes. Gubler’s Tumor. Prominence over the dorsum of the carpus in wristdrop from lead poisoning. Guil'lotine, gil'-o-tln. An instrument for excision of the tonsils and laryngeal tumors. Guin'ea Worm, gin'-e-werm. A nematoid worm of the tropics, parasitic in human tissues. Gul'let, gul'-let. See Esophagus. Gum. Concreted juice of certain plants. Gum Ara'bic. See Acacia. Gum'-boil Abscess of the jaw ; parulis. Gum'ma. Gummy tumor from peculiar caseation of tertiary syphi- litic inflammatory deposit. Gums. See Gingiva. Gun Cot'ton. See Pyroxylin. Gun'stock Deform'ity. See Deformity. Gurg'ling. Sound of air passing through fluid in a cavity. Gur'jun Bal'sam. Oleo-resin similar to copaiba in its effects. Gus'tatory, gus'-ta-to-re. Pertaining to the special sense of taste. Gut. The intestine; intestinal tissue or fiber. Gut'ta Per'cha. Flexible concrete juice of a Borneo plant, used as a protective application. Gut'ta Sere'na. Synonym for Amaurosis, q. v. Gut'tur. The throat, with reference to the trachea. Gut'tural, gut’-u-ral. Pertaining to the throat. Gymna'sium. Place for systematic muscular exercise. Gymnas'tic. Pertaining to the science of preserving health. Gymnas'tics, jim-nas'-tilcs. Systematic exercise. Gymnas'tics, Swe'dish. System of exercises to restore paretic muscles. Gym'nocyte. A unicellular organism without limiting membrane. Gynan'dria, jin-an’-dre-ah. Hermaphroditism, q.v. Gynatre'sia, jin-a-tre'-ze-ah. Imperforation of the vagina. Gynecol'ogy, jin-e-kol'-O-je. A treatise on the diseases of women. Gynecomas'tia, jin-e-kO-mas'-te-ah. Excessive development of the male breasts. Gynoplas'tic, jin-o-plas'-tik. Plastic operations on female genitals. Gyp'sum, jip'-sum. Native calcium sulphate. Gyra'tion, ji-rd'-shun. Turning in a circle. Gy'ri, ji'-rl. Convolutions of brain. Spiral cavities of internal ear. Gy'rus, ji'-rus. A convolution. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 125 H. Habe'na, hd-be'-nah. A frenum. A bandage. Haben'ula, ha-ben'-u-lah. A name applied to several anatomical structures. Haben'ula tec'ta. Inner zone of basilar membrane of the cochlea. Hab'it. Disposition. Tendency to repetition. Hab'itat. Natural locality of an animal or plant. 126 GOULD’S POCKET Habitation, hab-i-ta'-shun. A dwelling-place, habitat. Habroma'nia, hab-ro-ma'-ne-ah. Gay form of insanity. Hae-. See He-. Hair. Hirsute appendage of the skin. Hair-fol'licle. A recess lodging root of hair. Hair'-salt, hdr'-sawlt. Native sulphate of magnesia. Halistere'sis. Loss of lime-salts from osteomalacia. Hal'itus, hal'-i-tus. Vapor; expired breath. Hallucination. A false perception or image. Hal'lus, Hal'lux, hal'-us, hal'-uks. The great toe. Ha'lo, ha'-Id. Brownish circle about female nipple. Ha'logen, ha'-ld-jen. Either of the elements, chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine. Halog'enous, hal-oj'-e-nus. Producing saline compounds. Ha'loid, ha'-loid. The salts of halogens. Ham. Part of the leg between the knee and hip-joint. Hamame'lis. Leaves of witch hazel, astringent and hemostatic. Ham'mer-toe, ham'-er-td. Upward bending of the second toe. Ham'strings. Tendons of posterior muscles of the thigh. Ham'ular, ham'-u-lar. Shaped like a hook. Ham'ulus, ham'-u-lus. Hook-like process of a bone. Hand. Organ of prehension in man. Hang'nail. Fragment of epidermis hanging at root of nail, attended with inflammation. Hap'loscope. A form of stereoscope. Hare'-lip. Congenital Assure of lip. Har'rison’s Groove. Depression, laterally, from xiphoid cartilage in those suffering with chronic dyspnea. Harts'horn. Ammonium hydrate. Hash'ish, hash'-ish. See Cannabis. Has'sall’s Cor'puscles. Nuclear endothelial cells in the medulla of the thymus gland. Hat'ters’ Disease. Form of constitutional mercurial poisoning. Haunch. Part of the body including hips and buttocks. Haus'tus, haws'-tus. A draught of medicine. Haut' Mai, ho'-mal. A severe form of epilepsy. Haver'sian Canal or Tube. Minute canal in bone. Haver'sian Glands. Fatty substance around joints. Hawk'ing. Raising phlegm from the throat. Hay Asth'ma, Hay Fe'ver. Microbic disease of nasal mucous membrane, with coryza, catarrhal inflammation, and lachrymation. Head. Upper part of the body, containing the braiu. Upper end of the long bone. Head'-ache, hed'-ak. Pain in the head. Head'-fold. Blastodermic fold at the cephalic end of the embryo. Head'-gut. See Fore-gut. Head'-lock'ing. Entanglement of heads of twins at time of birth. Heal'ing. Union and cicatrization of a wound. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 127 Health, helth. Normal condition of the body. Heal'thy Pus. “ Laudable” pus; that of normal healing. Hear'ing. Special sense conveying sound-impressions to the brain. Heart. Hollow muscular body, center of the circulatory system. Heart'burn. Uneasiness and burning in the cardiac region Heart'clot. Coagulation of blood in the cardiac cavity. Heat, Prick'ly. See Urticaria. Heat'-stroke. Sunstroke ; prostration from excessive heat. Hebephre'nia, he-be-fre'-ne-ah. Peculiar form of insanity incident to the age of puberty. Heb'etude, heb'-e-tud. Dullness of senses and intellect. Hec'tic, hek'-lik. Habitual. Pertaining to phthisis. Hec'tic Fe'ver. Protracted fever of phthisis. Hec'togramme, Hec'tolitre, Hec'tometre. One hundred grammes, litres, or metres, respectively. Hede'oma, he-de-O'-mah. Leaves of pennyroyal, a carminative. Hed'rocele. Hernia through ischiatic notch. Prolapse of anus. Heel, hel. Hinder part of the foot. Hel'coid, hel'-koid. Resembling an ulcer. Helcol'ogy, hel-kol'-d-je. Treatise on ulcers. Hel'coplasty, hel'-ko-plas-te. Engrafting sound skin on ulcers. Helco'sis, hel-ko'-sis. Formation of an ulcer. Hel'enin. CgHgO. Active principle of Inula, q. v. Hel'icine, hel’-i-sin. Spiral. Hel'icine Ar'teries. Spiral arteries of the penis. Hel'icoid, heA’-v-koid. Coiled like a helix. Helicotre'ma. Opening between the two seal* of the cochlea. Heliencephali'tis, hel-e-en-sef-aUV-tis. Inflammation of brain from exposure to the rays of the sun. Heliotherapy. Treatment of disease by exposure to sunlight. He'lix, he'-liks. Margin of the external ear. Hel'lebore. Cathartic and emmenagogue root of II. niger. Hel'ler’s Test. Test for blood in the urine. Helmin'thagogue, hel-min'-tha-gog. See Anthelmintic. Helminthi'asis. Condition characterized by presence of worms. Helmin'thics, hel-min'-thiks. See Anthelmintics. Hel mint hogen'esis. Same as Helminthiasis, q. v. Helminthol'ogy, hel-min-thol'-o-je. A treatise on worms. Helmin'thous, hel-min'-thus. Wormy. Helo'des, hel-b'-dez. Marsh-fever. Hemachro'in, hem-a-kro'-4n. Hematin, q. v. Hem'achrome, hem'-a-krom. Red coloring matter of blood. Hemachro'sis. Affection with abnormal red coloration of blood. Hemacy'anin, herri-a-sl,’-a-nin. Blue coloring matter of blood. Hemacytom'eter, hem-a-si-tom'-e-ter. See Hemocytometer. Hemadynamom'eter. See Hemodynamometer. Hem'agogue, hem'-a-gog. Agent increasing menstrual discharge. He'mal, h&-mal. Pertaining to the blood. 128 Hemalo'pia, hem-a-lo'-pe-ah. Effusion of blood in the eye. Hemaphe'in, hem-a-fe'-in. Brown coloring matter of blood. Hemapoie'sis, Formation of blood. Hemarthro'sis. Effusion of blood in a joint. Hemastat'ic. A remedy for arresting hemorrhage. Styptic. Hemastat'ics. The hydrostatics of the blood. Hemastheno'sis. Weakening of (he blood. Hematangion'osis, heni-al-an-je-on'-o-sns. Disease of blood-vessels. Hematem'esis, hem-al-em'-e-sis Vomiting of blood. Hematenceph'alon. Hemorrhage within the brain. Hemather'mous, hem-a-ther'-mus. Having warm blood. Hemathidro'sis, hem-at-hb-dro'-sis. Bloody sweat. Hemat'ic, hem-at'-ik. Bloody. Hemat'ica, hem-at'-ik-ah. Agents affecting the blood. Hematidro'sis, hem-at-id-ro'-sis. Same as ltemathidrosis, q. v. Hem'atin, hem'-al-in. Red coloring matter of blood. Hematin'ic, hem-al-in'ik. Agent improving blood-quality. Hematinu'ria, hem~a,t,-in-u'-rr-ld'-ne-ah. Vicarious menstruation. Menorrha'gia, men-or-d'-je-ah. Excessive menstrual flow. Menorrhe'a. Menstrual flow ; excessive menstruation. Menos'tasis, men-os'-tas-is. Suppression of the menses. Men'ses, men'-sez. Monthly flow from the womb. Men'strual, men'stru-al. Pertaining to menstruation. Menstrua'tion. Function of the female producing menstrual flow. Men'struum. men'-slru-um. A solvent. Menta'gra, men-ta'-grah. See Sycosis. Mentagroph'yton. Fungus producing mentagra. Men'tal. Pertaining to the mind. Pertaining to the chin. Men'tha Piperi'ta. Leaves of the peppermint. Men'tha Vir'idis. Leaves of spearmint, carminative. Men'thol, men'-thol. C10H2OO. Stearopten derived from oil of pep- permint ; used locally to relieve pain. Men'tum. The chin. Under jaw of a mammal. Mephit'ic, me-fil'-ik. Foul or noxious, from vapor. Mer'cier’s Bar. Posterior boundary of trigone of the bladder. Mercu'nal, mer-ku'-re-al. Pertaining to mercury. Mercu'rial Rash. Eczema from the use of mercury. Mercu'rial Pal'sy. Paralysis from mercury. Mercu'rialism. Morbid effects of long mercurial treatment. Mer'cury. Hydrargyrum; white, heavy, liquid metal. Merid'rosis, mer-id'-rd-sis. Local perspiration. Mer'oblast, mer'-o-blast. Egg containing food-yolk besides the germinal protoplasm. Me'rocele, nie’-ro-sel. Femoral or crural hernia. Merogen'esis, mer-o-jen'-es-is. Reproduction by segmentation. Mer'ycism, mer'-vs-izm. Rumination in man. Mesenceph'alon, mes-en-sef'-al-on. The mid-brain, a primary cere- j bral division. Mesenter'ic, mes-en-ter'-ik. Pertaining to the mesentery. Mesenter'itis, mes-en-ter-V-tis. Inflammation of the mesentery. Mesen'teron. Middle portion of alimentary tract in embryo. Mes'entery. Peritoneal attachment of the small intestines. Me'sial, me'-ze-al. Same as Median, q. v. Mes'merism, Animal magnetism; hypnotism. Mes'oblast, mes'-d-blast. Middle layer of the blastoderm. Mesoce cum. A process of peritoneum attached to the cecum. Mesocephal'ic, mes-o-sef-al'-ik. Having a skull of medium size or capacity. Mesoco'lon, rnes-o-kd'-lon. Mesentery of the colon. Meso'derm, mes'-o-derm. The mesoblast, q. v. Mesodmi'tis, mes-od-mi'-tis. Inflammation of the mediastinum. Mes'odont, tries'-o-dont. Having medium-sized teeth. Mesogas'tric, mes-o-gas'-trik. Pertaining to the umbilical region. Mesogas'trium, me:s-o-gas'-lre-tim. Umbilical region of abdomen. Mesome'trium, mes-o-me'-tre-um. The broad ligaments. Mesoneph'ron, mes-o-nef'-ron. The Wolffian body proper. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 167 168 Mesor'chium, mes-or'-ke-um. Fold of peritoneum holding the fetal testes before their descent. Mesorec'tum. Peritoneal fold connecting rectum with the sacrum. Mesos'celus, mes-os'-sel-us. See Perineum. Mes'ostate. Intermediate substance formed in metabolic processes. Mesoster'num, mes-o-ster'-num. See Gladiolus. Mesothe'nar. Muscle drawing thumb to the palm of the hand. Mesova'rium. Peritoneal fold connecting ovary to Wolffian body. Metabol'ic, inel-a-bol'-ik. Pertaining to metabolism. Metab'olin. Any substance produced during metabolism. Metab'olism, met-ab'-b-lizm,. Change in the intimate condition of cells, constructive or destructive. Metacar'pus, met-ah-kar'-pus. Bones of the palm of the hand. Metach'ysis, mel-ak'-es-is. Transfusion of blood. Metacon'dyle, mel-ah-kon'-dll. Last phalanx of a finger. Metacy'esis, met-ah-sl-e'-sis. Extra-uterine gestation. Metagen'esis, met-ah-jen'-e-sis. Alternate generation. Met'al. Elementary substance, malleable, ductile, and fusible. Metallother'apy. Treatment of disease by external use of metals. Metamorphop'sia, met-am-or-fop'-se-ah. Visual defect with appar- ent distortion of objects. Metamor'phosis. Transformation; structural change. Metaneph'ron. Posterior segment of the fetal renal organ. Metapla'sia, met-ah-pld’-se-ah. Conversion of one tissue into another. Metapop'hysis. Small process of the lumbar vertebra. Metas'tasis, mel-as'-ta-sis. Change in the seat of disease. Metaster'num, met-ah-ster'-num. Xiphoid cartilage; last bone of sternum. Metatar'sus, mel-ah-tar’-tus. Bones of the arch of the foot. Metath'esis, met-ath'-es-is. Transposition. Metatro'phia, mel-ah-trv'-fe-ah. Morbid process of nutrition. Metenceph'alon, Posterior portion of fetal brain. Me'teorism, me'-te-o-rizm. Gas in the abdominal cavity. Met'er. Unit of measure of the metric system, 39.37 inches. Me'ter-An'gle. Angle of visual axes, object one meter distant. Methemoglo'bin, met-he-md-glb’-bin. Modification of hemoglobin. Methemoglobine'mia. Presence of methemoglobin in the blood. Methemoglobinu'ria. Presence of methemoglobin in the urine. Methoma'nia, meth-o-ma'-ne-ah. Same as Mania a Potu, q. v. Meth'yl, melh.'-il. CII3. An organic radical. Meth'ylal, meth’-il-al. CH 2(CH30)2. Colorless fluid, pungent, bit- ter; an hypnotic and antispasmodic. Meth'ylene Dichlo'ride. CH2C12. A general anesthetic, used instead of chloroform. Metoa'rion, met-o-d’-re-on. The corpus luteum, q. v. Metop'agus. Ensomphalic monster with united foreheads. Me'tra, me'-Irak. The uterus. Metral'gia, me-tral'-jr-ah. Metrodynia, q. v. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 169 Metrane'mia, me-fran-e'-tne-ah. Uterine anemia. Me'tre, me'-ter. See Meter. Metrecto'pia, me-trek-to'-pe-ah. Displacement of the womb. Metri'tis, me-tri'-tis. Inflammation of the uterus. Metrocol'pocele. Tumor of the vagina and womb. Metrodyn'ia, me-lr6-din'-e-ah. Pain in the womb. Metromalaco'sis. Softening of the uterine tissues. Metropath'ic, me-tro-path'-ik. Pertaining to affections of womb. Metrophlebi'tis. Inflammation of the uterine veins. Metrorrhag'ia. Uterine hemorrhage between menstrual periods. Metrorrhe'a, me-tror-e'-ah. Any morbid uterine discharge. Metrorrhex'is, me-tror-eks’-is. Rupture of the womb. Met'roscope, met’-ro-skop. Instrument for examining the womb. Met'rotome, met'-ro-tbm. Instrument for incising the uterine neck. Metroto'mia, met-ro-lo'-me-ah. See Hysterotomy. Meze'reon, me-ze!-re-on. Bark used as a sialogogue. Mi'asm, Mias'ma. Noxious emanation. Floating germs. Miasmat'ic, mi-az-mat!-ik. Pertaining to miasm. Mica'tion, rrit-M'-shun. Rapid winking of the eyelids. Mi'crobe, mV-krob. A micro-organism. Micro'bic, ml-kro’-bik. Pertaining to microbes. Micro'bicida, mi-kro'-bis-ld. Agent destroying microbes. Microbiohe'mia, mi-kro-bi-o-he'-me-ah. Disease from microorgan- isms in the blood. Microbiol'ogy, ml-kro-bl-oV-d-je. Biology of microbian life. Mi'croblast, nii'-rkro-blast. Small-sized blood corpuscle. Microbleph'aron. Abnormal smallness of the eyelids. Microbra'chius, rnl-krd-brd'-ke-us. Congenital absence of arms. Microceph'alous, mi-krosef'-al-us. Having a small head. Microchem'istry, ml-kro-kem'-is-tre. Minute chemistry. Micrococ'cus, ml-kro-kok’-us. A genus of schizomycetes. TABLE OF MICROCOCCI. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. M. Albicans amplus... M. Albicans tardissi- Vaginal mucus. Does not appear to be pathogenic. mus Pus of urethral dis- charge. Does not appear to be pathogenic. M. Amylivorus Pear tree and other plants. Water. Pathogenic. M. Aquatilis Saprophytic. M. Aurantiacns Air. Saprophytic. M. of Biskra boil Blood of patients with Biskra boil. Inflammation similar to primitive infec- tion. TABLE OF MICROCOCCI.—Continued. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. M. Bombyeis Stomach and intestines Pathogenic. M. C'audicans of silkworm suffer- ing from “ flache- rie.” Air and water. Saprophytic. M. Candidus Air and water. Saprophytic. M. Cereus albus Pus. Does not seem to be M. Cereus flavus Pus. pathogenic. Does not seem to be M. Chlorinus Air. pathogenic. Saprophytic. M. Cholerae g a 11 i - nariim Blood of fowls infested Pathogenic, especially M. Cinnabareus with fowl-cholera. Air. for fowls and hares. Saprophytic. NT. Citreus conglome- ratus Blennorrhagic pus. Does not seem to be M. Coronatus Air. pathogenic. Saprophytic. M. Crepusculum Putrid masses. Saprophytic. M. Cyaneus Air. Saprophytic. M. Diffluens A ir. Saprophytic. M. Erysipelatis Serum and blood of ery- Pathogenic. M. Feridosus sipelatous plaques. Water. Pathogenic. M. Fetidus Carious teeth. Pathogenic. M. Flavus desidens.... Air. Saprophytic. M. Flavus 1 i q u e f a- ciens Air. Saprophytic. M. Flavus ta rd i- gradus Air. Saprophytic. M. Fulvus Excrement of herbi- M. Gonorrhese vorous animals. Blennorrhagic pus. Saprophytic. Pathogenic. M. Hematodes Human sweat. Saprophvtic. M. Indicus Air. Saprophytic. M. Intracellularis meningitidis Exudate of cerebro- Pathogenic. M. in Acute yellow atrophy .’ spinal meningitis. Vessels of atrophied Saprophytic (?) M. in Gangrene liver. Gangrenous masses. Saprophytic (?) M. in Hemophilia neo- natorum Blood. Saprophytic (?) M. in Measles Catarrhal exudate, Saprophytic (?) M. in Babies M. in Scarlatina skin, and blood. Spinal cord. Blood, discharges, epi- Pathogenic (?) Saprophvtic (?) M. Insectorum dermis. Digestive organs of Pathogenic. M. in Tvphus chinch-bug. Blood and lymphatics Saprophvtic (?; M. in Whooping- cough of heart. Expectoration. Saprophytic (?) TABLE OF MICROCOCCI.—Continued. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. M. Lactius faviformis. Normal vaginal mucus and pus of inflamed Bartholini’s glands Not pathogenic. M. Luteus M. of Contagio u s Air. Saprophytic. Mammitis of cows M. of Gangrenous Mammary gland and milk. Pathogenic to cows and goats. Mammitis of sheep M. of Progressive Ne- crosis of conjunc- Breast. Pathogenic. tiva of mouse M. of Progressive Sup- puration in rab- Gangrene of mouse, produced by in- oculation of putrid blood. Causes a rapid gan- grene in mice. bits Putrefied blood. Pathogenic. M. Oblongus Isolated from beer. Produces glyconic acid at expense of glu- cose. M. Ochroleucus Isolated from urine. Saprophytic. M. Parvus ovatus Isolated from pig with swine erysipelas. Pathogenic. M. Pasteuri Normal saliva and rusty sputum of pneumonia* Pathogenic. M. Perniciosus M. Pneumoniae (of Disease of gray parrot. Pathogenic (?) Friedlaender) Rusty sputum of fibri- nous pneumonia, pus of empyema, and cerebro-spinal meningitis: saliva. Pathogenic. M. Prodigiosus Air. Saprophytic. M. of Pyemia in mice M. of Pyemia in rab- Blood. Pathogenic. bits Blood. Pathogenic. M. Pyocyaneus Pus. Saprophytic. M. Pyogenes.. Pus. Pathogenic. M. Pyogenes allnis Pus. Pathogenic. M. Pyogenes aureus... Pus. Pathogenic. M. Pyogenes citreus... Pus. Pathogenic. M. Pyogenes tenuis. Pus of a closed abscess. Pathogenic. M. Pyoseptieus Non-ulcerated cancer- ous tumor. Pathogenic. M. Radiatus Water. Saprophytic. M. Rosaceus Water. Saprophytic. M. Roseus M. Salivarius pyo- Air. Saprophytic. genes Saliva. Pathogenic. M. Salivarius septicus M. of Septicemia fol- Saliva of puerperal fever. Pathogenic. lowing anthrax... M. of Septicemia in Putrid blood of an- tlirax. Pathogenic. rabbits | Blood ot putrid beet. Pathogenic. TABLE OF MICROCOCCI.—Continued. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. M. Septopyemieus M. Subflavus Saliva. Pathogenic. Vaginal mucus and 1 o c h i se. Pus of mammary abscess. Blennorrhagic pus. Pathogenic. M. Tetragenus Sputum from phthisi- cal cavities. Pathogenic. M. of Zoogleic tuber- culosis Pathogenic. M. Ureae Air; annnoniacal urine Agent of ammoniacal fermentation of urine. M. Versicolor Air. Saprophytic. M. Violaceous Air. Saprophytic. M. Viridis ilaveseens.. Lymph of pustules of varicella. Innocuous to animals. M. Viseosus Ropy wine and beer. Produces viscid fer- mentation of cer- tain liquids. M. Viticulosus Air. Saprophytic. Microcos'mic Salt, ml-kro-kos'-miksawll. phosphate, obtained from urine. Mi'crocyst, ml’-kru-sist. A small cyst. Sodio-ammonio-hvdric Mi'crocyte, mV-kru-slt. A dwarf corpuscle in anemic blood. Microcythe'mia. Abnormal smallness of blood-corpuscles. Mi'crodont, mV-kro-d5nt. Having small teeth. Microglos'sia. Abnormal smallness of the tongue. Microkine'sis. Involuntary muscular movements in infants. Microl'ogy, mi-krol’-o-je. A treatise on microscopy. Microm'elus, ml-krom'-el-us. Congenital smallness of limbs. Microm'eter. An instrument for microscopic measurement. Micromil'limeter. One millionth part of a meter. A mikron, symbol, /u.. Microor'ganism, ml- krd-or'-gan-izm. A minute living body. Micropathol'ogy. Science of the relation of bacteria to disease. Microph'agus, ml-krof-ag-us. A leucocyte, Microphthal'mus. Abnormally small eye. q. v. Mi'crophyte, mV-kro-fit. A microscopic parasitic plant. Microp'sia. Visual defect with apparent diminution of objects. Mi'croscope. An instrument to examine minute objects. Micros'copy, mv-kros'-kd-pe. Use of the microscope. Microso'mia, mi-kro-so'-me-ah. Dwarfishness. Microspo'ron. Fungus causing disease of skin and hair. Mi'crostat, mV-kru-stat. Stage and tinder of the microscope. Micros'toma, ml-kros'-lo-mah. Abnormal smallness of the mouth. Mi'crotome. Instrument for making thin sections for microscope MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 173 Microzy'ma, mi-kro-zV-mah. Microorganisms giving rise to disease. Mic'tion, mik'-xhun. Same as micturition, q. v. Micturi'tion, mik-tu-rish'-un. Act of voiding urine. Mid'riff, mid'-rif. The diaphragm, q. v. Mid'wife, mid'-unf. A female obstetrician. Mid'wifery, mid'-wif-re. Obstetrics, q. v. Migraine', me-gran'. See Megrim. Mik'ron, tnik'-ron. Same as Micromillimeter. Milia'ria, mil-e-a!-re-ah. Sudamina; a disorder of the sweat glands with obstruction of their ducts. Mil'iary, mil'-e-a-ri. Like millet-seeds. Mil'iary Fe'ver. See Miliaria. Mil'ium. Small, pearly white tumor beneath the epidermis. Milk. Secretion of the mammary glands. Milk'-fever. Fever attending the establishment of milk secretion. Milk -leg. See Phlegmasia Alba Dolens. Milk'-sickness. Peculiar endemic disease of cattle. Milk'-sugar. Sweet principle of milk ; lactose, q. v. Milk'-teeth. First or temporary teeth. Milliam'pere, One-thousandth of an ampere. Milligramme, Mil'liliter, Mil'limeter. One-thousandth part of a gramme, liter, or meter respectively. Mindere'rus, Spir'it of. A solution of ammonium acetate. Min'eral. Chemical combination containing earthy constituents. Mi'ner’s Cachex'ia. See Anchylostomiasis. Mi'ner’s El'bow. Enlargement of olecranon bursa from pressure. Min'im. About a drop; of a fluid drachm. Miscar'riage, mis-kar’-aj. See Abortion. Mistu'ra, mis-tu'-rah. A mixture. Mith'ridatism, milh'-rid-at-izm. “Poison-proof,” from gradually increased doses of toxic substances. Mitoch'ysis, mi-tok'-es-is. Cell multiplication. Mito'ma, mil-b'-mah. Thread-like basis of a cell-body. Mito'sis, mit-O'-sis. Splitting of the nucleus in cell-division. Mi'tral, mVtral. Mitre-like. Left auriculo-ventricular valve of heart. Mobility, mo-bil'-il-e. Property of being easily moved. Modi'olus, mb-di'-o-lus. Axis of the cochlea of the ear. Mogigraph'ia, mog-ig-raf'-e-ah. Inability to write. Mogila'lia, mog-il-d'-le-ah. Stammering speech. Mogipho'nia, moj-if-b'-ne-ah. Loss of the power of voice. Mohr'enheimer’s Space, Groove between the vein and artery on the deltoid muscle. Mo'lar Teeth. Back, grinding teeth. Mole, mol. Small, brown, cutaneous spot. Proliferative degeneration of the chorionic villi. Molec'ular, mb-lek’-u-lar. Pertaining to molecules. Mol'ecule, mol'-e-kul. Smallest quantity of a substance that may exist and preserve the characteristic qualities. 174 GOULD’S POCKET Mollus'cum. Chronic skin disease with pulpy tumors. Mon'ad. Ultimate atom ; unit of quanti valence of chemical elemenfs. Monas'ter, nwn-as'-ter. Stage in karyokinesis; single-star figure. Monelith'rix. Atrophy of hair with beaded appearance of latter. Monk’s'-hood. See Aconitum. Monoblep'sis, mon-o-btep'-sis. Condition in which vision is distinct only when one eye is used. Monobra'chius, mon-O-bra'-ke-us. Congenital absence of one arm. Monobro'mated, mon-O-bro'-ma-ted. Containing one bromine atom. Monocar'dian, mon-o-kar'-de-an. Having a single heart. Monoceph'alus. Double monster with but one head. Monochromatic, mon-o-kro-mat'-ik. Having but one color. Mon'ocle, mon'-o-kl. A single lens or eye-glass. Monococ'cus, monro-kokt-us. A single coccus. Monoc'ranus, mon-ok'-ran-us. Fetal monster with a single mass of brain substance. Monoc'ular, mon-ok’-ii-lar. Pertaining to one eye. Monoc'ulus, mon-ok'-u-lus. A bandage for one eye. Monodactylous, mon-o-dak'-til-us. Having hut one finger or toe. Mon'ograph, mon'-o-graf. A treatise on one subject. Monoloc'ular, mon-o-lok'-u-lar. Having one cell, as cystic tumor. Monoma'nia, mon-o-ma'-ne-ah. Insanity on one subject. Monom'phalus, monrom'-Ja-lus. Double monster with a common umbilicus. Monopar'esis, mon-o-ftar'-es-is. Paralysis of a single part of body. Monop'athy, mun-op’-a-the. Simple disease of one organ. Monopho'bia, mon-u-fo'-be-ah. Morbid dread of being left alone. Monophthal'mus, mon-off-thal'-mus. A monster with one eye. Monople'gia, mon-o-ple'-je-ah. Paralysis of a single limb. Mon'opus, mon'-o-put. Congenital absence of one lower limb. Monor'chid, mon-oiJ-kid. Having only one testicle. Monoso'ma. A monster with one body and two heads. Mon'ospasm. Spasmodic action of a single group of muscles. Monro’s' Fora'men. Opening under the arch of the fornix. Mon'sel’s Solu'tion. Solution of iron subsulphate. Mon'ster. See Monstrosity. Monstros'ity, mon-stros'-it-e. A deformed fetus. Mons Ven'eris. Eminence on the female pubis. Month'ly Cours'es. The menses, q. v. Moon'-blindness. Amblyopia from exposure of the eyes to moon- light during sleep. Mor'bid. Pertaining to disease. Morbid'ity, mor-bid'-it-e. The quality of disease. Morbific, mor-bif-ik. Causing disease. Morbil'li, mor-bil'-l. See Rubeola. Mor'bus. A disease or illness. Morgagn'i, Hyda'tid of. See Hydatid. Morgagn'i, Li'quor of. Fluid between the lens and capsule. Morgagn'i, Si'nuses of. Three small dilatations at the commence- ment of the aorta Morgue, morg. A house for temporary keeping of the bodies of those found dead. Moribund. Dying; in a dying state. Mor'ioplasty, mor'-e-o-plas-le. Same as Autoplasty, q. v. Morn'ing Sick'ness. Morning nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Morphe'a, mor-fe'-ah. Circumscribed scleroderma. Morphi'na, Mor'phine. Ci7IIi9N03. Principal narcotic alkaloid of opium. [use of morphine. Morphinism, ■mor'-fin-izm. Morbid state produced by the excessive Morphinoma'nia. A morbid desire for morphine. Morphogen'esis, mor-fo-jen'-es-is. The genesis of form. Morphol'ogy, mor-foV-o-je. Science of the form of organisms. Morphol'ysis. Loss or destruction of typical form. Morrh'use O'leum, mor'-u-e-o'-le-vm. Cod-liver oil; nutritious oil from the liver of the cod-fish, used in hypertrophic conditions. Mors, morz. Death. Mors Ni'gris, morz-nl’-gris. See Plague. Mor'tal. Perishable. Mortality. Death-rate. The state of being mortal. Mortifice'tion, mor-tif-ik-d'-shun. See Gangrene. Mor'tuary. Relating to the dead. A morgue. Mor'ula. The mulberry mass of the ovum at a certain stage of cell-segmen tat ion. Mor'van’s Disease'. Ulcerative, necrotic disease of the fingers. Mos'chus, mos'-kus. Musk; dried secretion from the prepuce of the musk-deer, an antispasmodic. Mother’s Mark. See Angioma. Mo'tile, mo'-til. Capable of spontaneous motion. Mo'tion, mo'-shun. Evacuation of the bowels. Change of place. Mo'tor, mo'-tor. Applied to muscles and nerves moving a part. Mound'ing. The rising in a lump of muscle-fibres when struck. Moun'tain Fe'ver. A form of fever peculiar to high regions. Moun'tain Sick'ness. See Marea. Mouth. Cavity at entrance of the alimentary canal. An orifice. Mox'a. A cylinder of inflammable matter used as a cautery. Moxosphy'ra. A heated hammer used for cauterizing. Mu'cedin, mu'-sed-in. A nitrogenous constituent of wheat gluten. Mucif'erous, mu-sif-er-us. Producing or secreting mucus. Mu'ciform, mu'-si-form. Resembling mucus. Mu'cigin, mu'-sij-in. Mucus-like substance found in goblet-cells. Mu'cilage, mu'-sil-dj. See Mucilago. Mucilag'inous, mu-sil-aj'-in-us. Like mucilage; ropy. Mucila'go, mu-sil-a'-go. Mucilage, a thick, viscid liquid. Mu'cin, mu'-sin. An albuminoid constituent of mucus. Muci'tis, mu-sV-tis. Inflammation of mucous membrane. Mu'cocele, mu’-ko-sel. A mucous tumor. Enlarged lachrymal sac. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 175 176 GOULD’S POCKET Mu'coid, mu'-koid. Resembling mucus or mucous tissue. Mu'cosin, niu'-ko-sin. An albuminoid substance in mucus. Mu'cous, mu'-kus. Having the nature of mucus. Mu'cus. The viscid liquid secretion of mucous membrane. Mul'berry Mass. See Morula. MUll'er’s Duct, mil'-erz-dukt. The primitive oviduct, which sub- sequently becomes converted into the Fallopian tube, etc. Mull'er’s FI u'id, mil'-erz-flu'-id. A hardening fluid containing potas- sium bichromate. Mull'er’s Ring, miV-erz-ring. The internal os uteri. Multicap'sular, mul-li-kap'-su-lar. Having many capsules. Multifeta'tion. Pregnancy with more than two fetuses. Multigrav'ida, mul-ti-grav'-id-ah. See Multipara. Multilob'ular, mul-ti-lob'-u-lar. Having many lobules. Multiloc'ular, mul-ti-lok'-n-lar. Having many cells. Multip'ara. A woman who has borne several children. Multip'arous, mul-tip'-ar-us. Pertaining to a multipara. Mul'tiple Neuri'tis. Simultaneous inflammation of many nerves. Multipo'lar, mul-ti-pO'-lar. Having more than two poles. Mummifica'tion, mum-if-ik-a'-xhtin. The desiccation of a tissue, so that it resembles a mummy in color and texture. Mumps. See Parotitis. MundiPicant, mun-dif-ik-ant. Cleansing. Mu'ral, mu'-rat. Pertaining to a wall, or to a rugous vesical calculus. Mu'rexide, mu'-reks-id. C8H8N606; the purpurate of ammonia. Muriat'ic, mu-re-at'-ik. Pertaining to sea-salt; briny. Muriat'ic Ac'id. See Hydrochloric Acid. Mur'mur. A low sound heard in auscultation. M us'cae Volitan'tes. Floating spots in the visual field. Mus'carin, C6H13N02. A poisonous ptomaine of mushrooms. Mus'cle. Organic contractile tissue, the means of animal motion. See Table of Muscles, p. 177, et seq. Mus'cle-plas'ma. The liquid expressed from fresh muscle. Mus'cle-se'rum. Liquid residue left after removal of muscle-plasma. Mus'cular, mus’-ku-lar. Pertaining to muscle. Muscula'tion, mus-kit-ld'-shun. Muscular endowment of the body. Mus'culin. Semi-solid albuminoid, chief constituent of muscle. Mus'culi Pectina'ti. Small muscular columns on the inner surface of the auricular appendix of the heart. Mus'culo-spi'ral. Large nerve winding down the arm. Musk. See Mo sc hits. Mussita'tion. Delirious muttering without articulate speech. Mus'tard. See Sinapis. Mu'tacism. An error of speech in reference to the letter rn. Mute, mut. Dumb; without the power of speech. Mutila'tion, mu-til-d'-shun. Loss of a member or organ. Myal'gia, mi-al'-je-ah. Pain in the muscles. Myasthe'nia, im-as-the'-ne-ah. Muscular debility. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Abductor minimi digiti. Pisiform bone. First phalanx little fin- ger. Ulnar. Abductor of little finger. Abductor minimi digiti. Outer tuberosity, os calcis and plantar fascia. First phalanx little toe. External plantar. Abducts little toe. Abductor pollieis. Trapezium. First phalanx of thumb. Median. Draws thumb from me- dian line. Abductor pollieis. Inner tuberos., os calcis. First phalanx great toe. Internal plantar. Abducts great toe. Accelerator urinse. Central tendon of perin- eum and median raphS. Bulb, spongy and cavern- ous part of penis. Perineal. Ejects urine. Adductor brevis. Ramus of pubes. Upper part of linea aspera of femur. Obturator. Adducts and flexes thigh. Adductor longus. Front of pubes. Middle of linea aspera of femur. Obturator. Adducts and flexes thigh. Adductor magnus. Rami of pubes and is- cbium. All linea aspera of femur. Obturator and great sciatic. Adducts thigh and rotates it outward. Adductor pollieis. Third metacarpal. First phalanx of thumb. Ulnar. Draws thumb to median line. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically). Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Adductor pollieis. Tarsal ends 3 middle metatarsal. Base of the first phalanx of the great toe. External plantar. Adducts great toe. Anconeus. Back of external condyle of humerus. Olecranon and shaft of ulna. Musculo-spiral. Extends forearm. Aryteno-epiglottideus in- ferior. Arytenoid (anteriorly). Epiglottis. Recurrent laryngeal. Compresses saccule of larynx. Aryteno-epiglottideus su- perior. Apex of arytenoid. A r y t e n o -epiglottidean folds. Recurrent laryngeal. Constricts aperture of larynx. Arytenoideus. Posterior and outer bor- der of one arytenoid. Back of other arytenoid. Superior a n d recurrent laryngeal. Closes back part of glottis. Attollens aurem. Occipito-frontalis apo- neurosis. Pinna. Branch cervical plexus. Elevates pinna. Attrahcns aurem. Lateral cranial aponeu- rosis. Helix. Facial. Advances pinna. Azygos uvulse. Posterior nasal spine of palate bone. Uvula. Facial through spheno- palatine ganglion. Raises uvula. Biceps (2 heads). 1. Long—Glenoid cavity. 2. Short—Coracoid pro- cess. Tuberosity of radius. Musculo-cutaneous. Flexes and supinates fore- arm. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Biceps (2 heads). 1. Ischial tuberosity. 2. Linea aspera. Head of fibula. Great sciatic. Flexes and rotates leg out- ward. Biventer cervicis. Transv. processes, 2-4 upper dorsal. Superior curved line of occipital. Portion of complexus. Retracts and rotates head. Bracliialis anticus. Lower half shaft of hu- merus. Coronoid process of ulna. Musculo-cutaneous, mus- culo-spiral. Flexes forearm. Buccinator. Alveolar process of max- illary bones andptery go- maxillary ligament. Orbicularis oris. Facial. Compresses cheeks. Cervicalis ascendens. Angles of 5 upper ribs. Transverse processes of 4th, 5th and 6th cervical. Branches of cervical. Keeps neck erect. Coccygeus. Ischial spine. Coccyx. Sacral. Supports coccyx, and closes pelvic outlet. Complexus. Transverse process 7th cervical and 3 upper dor- sal, and artic. processes of 4th to 6th cervical. Occipital bone. Sub-occipital, great occi- pital, and branches of cervical. Retracts and rotates head. Compressor naris. Superior maxillary. Fellow muscle. Facial. Dilates nostril. Compressor narium minor. Alar cartilage. Skin at end of nose. Facial. Dilates nostril. Compressor urethrae. Ramus of pubes. Fellow muscle. Perineal. Compresses urethra. Crico-arytenoideus later- alis. Side of cricoid. Angle and external sur- face of arytenoid. Recurrent laryngeal. Closes glottis. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Crico-arytenoideus posti- cus. Back of cricoid. Base of arytenoid. Recurrent laryngeal. Opens glottis. Crieo-thyroid. Cricoid cartilage. Thyroid cartilage (lower inner border). Superior laryngeal. Tenses vocal cords. Constrictor (inferior). Cricoid and thyroid car- tilages. Pharyngeal raphfe. Giosso-pharyngeal, p h a- ryngeal plexus and ex- ternal laryngeal. Contracts pharyngeal cali- ber. Constrictor (middle). Cornua of hyoid and stylo-hyoid ligament. Pharyngeal raphfi. Gloss o-pharyngeal and giosso-pharyngeal plex- us. Contracts pharyngeal cali- ber. Constrictor (superior). Internal pterygoid plate, pterygo-max. lig., jaw and side of tongue. Pharyngeal raph6. Gloss o-pharyngeal and pharyngeal plexus. Contracts caliber of pha- rynx. Coraco-brackialis. Coracoid process of scapu- la. Inside shaft of humerus. Musculo-cutaneous. Draws arm forward and inward. Corrugator supercilii. Superciliary ridge. Orbicularis palpebrarum. Facial. Draws eyebrow down and in. Crureus. See Vastus Interims. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Deltoid. Clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula. Shaft of humerus. Sub-scapular. Rotates humerus inward. Depressor anguli oris. External oblique line in- ferior maxillary. Angle of mouth. Facial. Depresses angle of mouth. Depressor alse nasi. Incisive fossa superior maxillary. Septum and ala of nose. Facial. Contracts nostril. Depressor labii inferioris. Ext. obi. inf. maxillary. Lower lip. Facial. Depresses lip. Diaphragm. Ensiform cart., 6 or 7 lower ribs, ligamenta arcuata, bodies of lum- bar vertebra;. Central tendon. Phrenic. Respiration and expul- sion. Digastric (anterior belly). Inner surface inf. maxil- lary, near symphysis. Hyoid bone. Inferior dental. Elevates hyoid and tongue. Digastric (posterior belly). Digastric groove of mas- toid process. Hyoid bone. Facial. Elevates hyoid and tongue. Dilator naris anterior. Alar cartilage. Border of ala. Facial. Dilates nostril. Dilator naris posterior. Nasal notch superior maxillary. Skin at margin of nostril. Facial. Dilates nostril. Dorsal interossei, 4. Sides of metacarpal. Bases of phalanges. Ulnar. Abduct fingers from me- dian line. Dorsal interossei. Sides of metatarsals. Base first phalanx of cor- responding toe. External plantar. • Abduct toes. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Erector penis. Ischial tuberosity, crus penis and pubic ramus. Crus penis. Perineal. To maintain erection. Ereetor spin*. Iliac crest, back of sa- crum, lumbar and three lower dorsal spines. Divides into sacro-lumbalis and longissimus dorsi. Extensor brevis digito- rum. Os calcis, externally. First phalanx great toe and tendons of extensor longus. Anterior tibial. Extends toes. Extensor carpi radialis brevior. External condyloid ridge of humerus. Base third metacarpal. Posterior interosseus. Extends wrist. Extensor carpi radialis longior. Lower $ external condy- loid ridge of humerus. Base second metacarpal. Musculo-spiral. Extends wrist. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Ext. condyle of humerus. Base fifth metacarpal. Posterior interosseus. Extends wrist. Extensor coccygis. Last bone of sacrum or first of coccyx. Lower part of coccyx. Sacral branches. Extends coccyx. Extensor communis digi- torum. External condyle of humerus. All second and third phalanges. Posterior interosseus. Extends fingers. Extensor indicis. Back of ulna. Second and third phal- anges index. Posterior interosseus. Extends index. TABLE OF MUSCLES (abbanged alphabetically).—Continued. Extensor longus digito- ruin. Outer tuberosity of tibia and shaft of fibula. Second aud third phal- anges of toes. Anterior tibial. Extends toes. Extensor minimi digiti. External condyle of humerus. Second and third phal- anges little finger. Posterior interosseus. Extensor of little finger. Extensor primi internodii pollieis. Back of radius. Base first phalanx of thumb. Posterior interosseus. Extends thumb. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollieis. Back of radius and ulna. Base of metacarpal of thumb. Posterior interosseus. Extends thumb. Extensor proprius pollieis. Middle of fibula. Base last phalanx great toe. Anterior tibial. Extends toe. Extensor secundi inter- 5 nodii pollieis. Back of ulna. Base last phalanx of thumb. Posterior interosseus. Extends thumb. Flexor accessorius (2 heads). 1. Inner; 2. Outer sur- face os calcis. Tendon flexor longus digit. External plantar. Accessory flexor of toes. Flexor brevis digitorum. Inner tuberosity os calcis and plantar. Second phalanges lesser toes. Internal plantar. Flexes lesser toes. Flexor brevis pollieis. Trapezium, trapezoid, os magnum, base of third metacarpal. Base first phalanx of thumb. Median and ulnar. Flexes thumb. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. Unciform bone. First phalanx of little finger. Ulnar. Flexes little finger. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. Base fifth metatarsal. Base first phalanx of little toe. External plantar. Flexes little toe. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Flexor brevis pollicis. Cuboid and external cuneiform bones. First phalanx of great toe. Internal plantar. Flexes great toe. Flexor carpi radiaiis. Internal condyle. Metacarpal bone of index. Median. Flexes wrist. Flexor carpi ulnaris (2 heads). 1. Inter, condyle. 2. Ole- cranon and ulna. 5th metacarpal, annular lig. and pisiform bone. Ulnar. Flexes wrist. Flexor longus digitorum. Shaft of tibia. Last phalanges of toes. Posterior tibial. Flexes phalanges and ex- tends toes. Flexor longus pollicis. Shaft of radius. Last phalanx of thumb. Anterior interosseus. Flexes the phalanx. Flexor longus pollicis. Lower § shaft fibula. Last phalanx of great toe. Posterior tibial. Flexes great toe. Flexor profundus digitor- um. Shaft of ulna. Last phalanges by four tendons. Ulnar and anterior in- terosseus. Flexes the phalanges. Flexor sublimis digitorum (3 heads). 1. Inner condyle. 2. Cor- onoid process. 3. Ob- lique line of radius. Second phalanges by four tendons. Median. Flexes second phalanges. Gastrocnemius (2 heads). Condyle of femur. Oscalcisbytendo-Achillis Internal popliteal. Extends foot. Gemellus inferior. Tuberosity of ischium. Great trochanter. Sacral. Ext. rotator of thigh. Gemellus superior. Ischial spine. Great trochanter. Sacral. Ext. rotator of thigh. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Genio-hyoid. Inferior genial tubercle or Body of liyoid. inferior maxiliary. Hypo-glossal. Elevates and advances hyoid. Genio-hyo-glossus. Superior genial tubercle! Ilvoid and bottom of of inferior maxillary, j tongue. Hypoglossal. Retracts and protrudes tongue. Gluteus maximus. Sup. curved iliac line and crest, sacrumand coccyx. Fascia, and femur below great trochanter. Inferior gluteal and sacral plexus. Extends, abducts, and ro- tates thigh outward. Gluteus medius. Ilium between sup. and middle curved lines. Oblique line of great tro- chanter. Superior gluteal. Rotates, abducts, and ad- vances thigh. Gluteus minimus. Ilium between middle and int. curved lines. Great trochanter. Superior gluteal. Rotates, abducts, and draws thigh forward. Gracilis. Rami of pubes and isch- ium. Tibia, upper and inner part. Obturator. Flexes and abducts leg. Hyo-glossus. Cornua of hyoid. Side of tongue. Hypoglossal. Depresses side of tongue. Iliacus. Iliac fossa, crest, base of sacrum. Lesser trochanter. Anterior crural. Flexes and rotates femur outward. Infracostals, 10. Inner surface of ribs. Inner surface of two or three ribs below. Intercostal. Inspiration. Infra-spinatus. Infra-spinous fossa. Great tuberosity of hu- merus Supra-scapular. Rotates humerus outward. Intereostals, external, 11. Outer lip of inferior cos- tal border. Superior border of ribs above. Intercostal. Raise ribs in inspiration. Name. Origin. Insertion. j Innervation. Function. Intercostals, internal, 12. Inner lip of inferior cos-Superior border of ribs Intercostal, tal border. | below. Depress ribs in expiration. Inter-spinales. Between spines of contiguous vertebrae. Inter-transversales. Between transverse processes of contiguous vertebrae. Latissimus dorsi. Spines of fi lower dorsal 'and lumbar and sacral vertebrae, crest of ileum, and 3 or 4 lower ribs. Bicipital groove of hu-|Subscapular, merits. Draws arm backward and downward. Laxator tympani. Spinous process sphenoid and tube. Neck of malleus. jFacial. Relaxes membrana tymp- ani. Levator anguli oris. Canine fossa superior maxillary. Angle of mouth. jFacial. Elevates angle of mouth. Levator anguli scapulte. Transverse processes of four upper cervical. Posterior border of sea- Fifth cervical and cervi- pula. cal plexus. Elevates upper angle of scapula. Levatores costarum, 12. Transverse processes of dorsal vertebrae. Each to the rib below. j Intercostal. Raise ribs. Levator ani. Posterior body and ramus of pubes, pelvic fascia, ischial spine. Rectum, coccyx, an dlSaeral and perineal, fibrous raphti. Supports rectum, vagina, etc. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Levator labii inferioris. Incisive fossa of inferior maxillary. Skin of lower lip. Facial. Elevates lower lip. Levator labii superioris. Lower margin of orbit. Upper lip. Facial. Elevates lip. Levator labii superioris alisque nasi. Nasal process of superior maxillary. Alar cartilage and upper lip. Facial. Elevates lip, dilates nos- tril. Levator palati. Petrous portion of tem- ple. Soft palate. Spheno-palatine ganglia (facial). Elevates soft palate. Levator palpebrse superior. Lesser wing of sphenoid. Upper tarsal cartilage. Third. Lifts upper lid. Lingualis. Under surface of tongue. Chorda tympani. Elevates center of tongue. Longissimus dorsi. Erector spinai. Transverse processes of lumbar and dorsal 7-11 ribs. Branches of lumbar and dorsal. Erects spine and bends trunk backward. Longus colli:— 1. Superior oblique por- tion. Transverse processes 3d- 5th cervical. Anterior tubercle of atlas. 2. Inferior oblique por- tion . Bodies of lst-3d dorsal. Transverse processes 5th- 6th cervical. Lower cervical. Flexes cervical vertebne. 3. Vertical portion. Bodies of 3 dorsal and 3 cervical. Bodies of 2d-4th cervical. Lumbricales, 4. Tendons of deep flexor. Tendons of common ex- tensor. Median and ulnar. Flex first phalanges. Name Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Lumbricales, 4. Tendons flexor longus. Second phalanges lesser toes. Internal and external plantar. Accessory flexors. Masseter. Zygomatic arch. Angle and ramus of jaw. Inferior maxillary. Muscle of mastication, molar teeth. Multifidus spina-. Sacrum, iliac spine, artic. proc. lumbar and cervi- cal verteb., and trans- verse proc. of dorsal. Laminae and spines next four vertebrae above. Posterior spinal branches. Erects and rotates spinal column. Musculus accessorius ad sacrolumbalem. Angles of six lower ribs Angles of six upper ribs. Branches of dorsal. Erects spine and bends trunk backward. Mylo-hyoid. Mylo-liyoid ridge of in- ferior maxillary. Body of hyoid and raph&. Inf. dental. Elevates and advances hyoid. Forms floor of mouth. Obliquus capitis, inferior. Spinous process atlas. Trans, process same. Sub. and great occipital. Rotates atlas and cranium. Obiiquus capitis, superior. Trans, process atlas. Occipital bone. Sub. and great occipital. Draws head backward. Obliquus externus. Eight lower ribs. Middle line, iliac crest Poupart’s ligament. Intercostal iliohypogas- tric, ilioinguinal. Compresses viscera and flexes thorax. Obliquus, inferior. Orbital plate superior maxillary. Sclerotic. Third. Rotates eyeball up and out. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Obliquus interims. Lumbar fascia, iliac crest, Poupart’s ligament. Four lower ribs, linea alba, pubic crest, pecti- neal line. Intercostal, iliohypogas- tric, ilioinguinal.' Compresses viscera and flexes thorax. Obliquus superior. Above optic foramen, through pulley. Sclerotic. Fourth. Rotates eyeball down and out. Obturator internus. Obturator foramen and membrane. Great trochanter. Sacral. External rotator of thigh. Obturator externus. Obturator foramen and membrane. Digital fossa, base of great trochanter. Obturator. External rotator of thigh. Occipito-frontalis. Superior curved line of occiput and angular pro- cess of frontal. Aponeurosis. Posterior auricular, small occipital, facial. Moves scalp. Facial ex- pression. Omo-hyoid. Upper border of scapula. Body of hyoid. Descendens and commu- nicans noni. Depresses and retracts hyoid. Opponens minimi digiti. Unciform bone. Fifth metacarpal. Ulnar. Flexes little finger. Opponens pollieis. Trapezium. Metacarpal of thumb. Median. Flexes thumb. Orbicularis oris. Nasal septum and canine fossa of inf. maxillary, by accessory fibers. Forms lips and sphincter of mouth. Facial. Closes mouth. Orbicularis palpebrarum. Internal margin of orbit. Outer margin of orbit. Facial. Closes eyelids. Palato-glossus. Soft palate. Side and dorsum of tongue. Spheno-palatine ganglion. Constricts the fauces. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Palato-pharyngeus. Soft palate. Thyroid cartilage and pharynx. Splieno-palatine ganglion. Closes posterior nares. Palmaris interossei. Palmar surfaces 2d, 4th and 5th metacarpals. Bases of 1st phalanges of corresponding fingers. Ulnar. Adductors of fingers. Palmaris brevis. Annular ligament and palmar fascia. Skin of palm of hand. Ulnar. Corrugates skin of palm. Palmaris longus. Internal condyle. Annular ligament and palmar fascia. Median. Tenses fascia. Pectineus. Ilio-peetineal line and pubes. Femur below lesser troch- anter. Anterior crural, obtura- tor. Flexes thigh and rotates it outward. Pectoral is major. Clavicle, sternum and costal cartilages. External bicipital ridge of humerus. Anterior thoracic. Draws arm down and for- ward. Pectoralis minor. 3d, 4th, and 5th ribs. Coracoid process. Anterior thoracic. Depresses point of shoulder. Peroneus brevis. Middle third shaft fibula, externally. Base fifth metatarsal. Musculo-cutaneous. Extends foot. Peronens longus. Head and shaft of fibula. First metatarsal great toe. Musculo-cutaneous. Extends and everts foot. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Peroneus tertius. Lower fourth of fibula. Fifth metatarsal bone. Anterior tibial. Flexus tarsus. Plantaris interossei. Shafts 3d, 4th and 5th metatarsal. Base first phalanges of same. External plantar. Adducts toes. Plantaris. Outer bifurcation of linea asperaand posterior lig- ament of knee. Os ealcis by tendo-Achil- lis. Internal popliteal. Extends foot. Platysma myoides. Clavicle, acromion and fascia. Inferior maxillary, angle of mouth, etc. Facial and superficial cervical. Wrinkles skin and de- presses mouth. Popliteus. External condyle of femur. Shaft of tibia above ob- lique line. Internal popliteal. Flexes leg. Pronator quadratus. Lower fourth of ulna. Lower % shaft of radius. Anterior interosseus. Pronates hand. Pronator radii teres. Internal condyle and coronoid process. Outer side shaft of radius. Median. Pronates hand. Psoas tnagnus. Bodies and transverse process, last dorsal and all lumbar vertebra;. Lesser trochanter. Lumbar. Flexes and rotates thigh outward, and flexes trunk on pelvis. Psoas parvus. Bodies last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra; Ilio-pectineal eminence and iliac fascia. Lumbar. Tensor of iliac fascia. Pterygoid (external). Two heads. Ext. ptery- goid plate of sphenoid. Neck of condyle. Inferior maxillary. Draws inferior maxillary forward. Pterygoid (internal). Pterygoid fossa of sphen- oid.' Inner surface of angle of jaw. Inferior maxillary. Baises and draws inferior maxillary forward. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Pyramidalis. Pubes. Linea alba. Ilio-hypogastric. Tenses linea alba. Pyramidalis nasi. Oecipito-frontalis. Compressor naris. Facial. Depresses eyebrow. Pyriformis. Front of sacrum, through great sciatic foramen. Great trochanter. Sacral. External rotator of thigh. Quadratus feraoris. Tuberosity ischium. Quadrate line of femur. Sacral. Ext. rotator of thigh. Quadratus lumborum. Crest of ilium, transverse process lower three lumbar vertebrae. Last rib, transverse pro- cess last three lumbar vertebrae. Lumbar. Flexes thorax laterally. Quadriceps extensor. Includes the rectus, vastus int. and ext., and crureus muscles. Common tendon contains the patella. Rectus abdominis. Pubic crest. Cartilages fifth to seventh ribs. Intercostal, ilio-hypogas- tric, ilio-inguinal. Compresses viscera and ilexes thorax. Rectus capitis anticus major. Transverse processes third to sixth cervical. Basilar process. Cervical plexus. Flexes head. Rectus capitis anticus minor. Transverse’ process and lateral mass of atlas. Basilar process. Cervical plexus. Flexes head. Rectus capitis posticus major. Spine of axis. Inferior curved line occi- put. Sub. and great occipital. Rotates head. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Rectus capitis posticus minor. Posterior arch atlas. Below in fcrior curved line occipital. Sub. and great occipital. Draws head backward. Rectus externus. Two heads, outer margin optic foramen. Sclerotic coat of eyeball. Sixth. Rotates eyeball outward. Rectus femoris. Anterior inferior iliac spine, brim acetabulum. Tuberosity of tibia. Anterior crural. Extends leg. Rectus inferior. Lower margin optic fora- men. Sclerotic coat of eyeball. Third. Rotates eyeball downward. Rectus interims. Inner margin optic fora- men. Sclerotic coat of eyeball. Third. Rotates eyeball inward. Rectus lateralis. Transverse process of at- las. Jugular process. Cervical plexus. Draws head laterally. Rectus superior. LTpper margin optic fora- men. Sclerotic coat of eyeball. Third. Rotates eyeball upward. Retrahens aurem. Mastoid process. Concha. Posterior-auricular. Retracts pinna. Rhomboideus major. Spines of five upper dor- sal. Root of spine of scapula. Fifth cervical. Elevates and retracts scapula. Rhomboideus minor. Spines of seventh cervical and first dorsal. Root of spine of scapula. Fifth cervical. Retracts and elevates scapula. isorius. Fascia over masseter. Angle of mouth. Facial. Draws out angle. Rotatores spinse. Transverse processes 2d to 12th dorsal. Lamina next dorsal above. Dorsal branches. Rotate spinal column. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Sacro-lumbalis. Erector spin®. Angles of six lower ribs. Branches of dorsal. Erects spine and bends trunk backward. Sartorius. Ant. sup. spine ilium. Upper int. shaft tibia. Anterior crural. Flexes and crosses legs. Scalenus anticus. Tubercle on first rib. Transverse processes third to sixth cervical. Lower cervical. Flexes neck laterally. Scalenus medius. First rib. Transverse processes six lower cervical. Lower cervical. Flexes neck laterally. Scalenus posticus. Second rib. Transverse processes three lower cervical. Lower cervical. Bends neck laterally. Semi-membranosus. Tuberosity of ischium. Inner tuberosity of tibia. Great sciatic. Flexes leg and rotates it inward. Semispinalis colli. Transverse proc. 4 upper dorsal and artic. proc. 4 lower cervical. Spines second to fifth cer- vical. Cervical branches. Erects spinal column. Semispinalis dorsi. Transverse process lower dorsal. Spines last two cervical and four upper dorsal. Branches of dorsal. Erects spinal column. Semi-tendinosus. Tuberosity of ischium. Upper and in ter surface of tibia. Great sciatic. Flexes leg on thigh. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Serratus magnus. Eight upper ribs. Inner margin post.border scapula. Posterior thoracic. Elevates ribs in inspira- tion. Serratus posticus inferior. Spines of last two dorsal and first three lumbar. Four lower ribs. Posterior branches of dor- sal. Depresses ribs in expira- tion. Serratus posticus superior. Spines of seventh cervical and two upper dorsal. Second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs. Posterior branches of cer- vical. Raises ribs in inspiration. Soleus. Shaft fibula, oblique line tibia. Os calcis by tendo-Achil- lis. Internal popliteal. Extends foot. Sphincter ani. Tip of coccyx. Tendinous center of peri- neum. Hemorrhoidal. Closes anus. Sphincter vaginse. Central tendon of peri- neum. Corpora cavernosa and clitoris. Homologue of accelerator urinte in male. Splenius capitus et coli. Half of ligamentum nuchse and spines of six upper dorsal. Into occiput and mastoid, also transverse processes of fourth upper cervical. Posterior branches of cer- vical. Retracts head and keeps neck erect. Spinalis colli. Spines of fifth and sixth cervical. Into spine of axis, or 3d and 4 cervical spines. Cervical branches. Steadies neck. Spinalis dorsi. Last two dorsal and first two lumbar spines. Remaining dorsal spines. Dorsal branches. Erects spinal column Stapedius. Interior of pyramid. Neck of stapes. Facial. Depresses base of stapes. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. Two heads, sternum and clavicle. Mastoid process. Spinal accessory and cer- vical plexus. Depresses and rotates head. Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Sterno-hyoid. Sternum and clavicle. Hyoid bone. Descending and commu- nicating branches hypo- glossal. Depresses hyoid. Sternothyroid. Sternum and cartilage of first rib. Side of thyroid cartilage. Hypoglossal. Depresses larynx. Styloglossus. Styloid process. Side of tongue. Hypoglossal. Elevates and retracts tongue. Stylohyoid. Styloid process. Body of hyoid. Facial. Draws hyoid up and back. Stylopharyngeus. Styloid process. Thyroid cartilage. Glosso-pharyngeal, and pharyngeal plexus. Elevates pharynx. Subaneoneus. Humerus above olecranon fossa. Posterior 1 i g a m e n t of elbow. Musculo-spiral. Tensor of ligament. Subelavius. Cartilage of first rib. Under surface of clavicle. 5th and 6th cervical. Draws clavicle downward. Suherureus. Anterior inferior part of femur. Synovial sac behind patella. Anterior crural. Draws sac up. Subscapular. Subscapular fossa. Lesser tuberosity of humerus. Subscapular. Rotates head of humerus inward. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabetically).—Continued. Supinator brevis. Ext. condyle humerus, oblique line of ulna. Neck of radius and its bicipital tuberosity. Posterior interosseus. Supinates hand. Supinator longus. External condyloid ridge of humerus. Styloid process of radius. Musculo-spiral. Supinates hand. Supra-spinales. Lie on spinous processes in cervical region. Supra-spinatus. Supra-spinous fossa. Great tuberosity of hum- erus. Supra-seapular. Supports shoulder joint, raises arm. Temporal. Temporal fossa and fascia. Coronoid process in- ferior maxillary. Inferior maxillary. Brings incisor teeth to- gether. Tensor palati. CD Scaphoid fossa of sphen- oid. About hamular process into soft palate. Otic ganglia. Renders palate tense. Tensor tarsi. Lachrymal bone. Tarsal cartilages. Facial. Compresses puncta and lachrymal sac. Tensor tympani. Temporal bone, Eustach- ian tube and canal. Handle of malleus. Otic ganglia. Renders tense membrana- tympani. Tensor vaginae femoris. Iliac crest and anterior sup. spinous process. Fascia lata. Superior gluteal. Tensor of fascia. Teres major. Inferior angle scapula. Internal bicipital ridge of humerus. Sub-scapular. Draws arm down and back. Teres minor. Axillary border of scap- ula. Great tuberosity of hum- erus. Circumflex. Rotates humerus outward. ... ; " ' " Name. Origin. Insertion. Innervation. Function. Thyro-arytenoideus. Thyroid and crico-thy- roid membrane. Arytenoid, inferior and anterior surface. Recurrent laryngeal. Relaxes vocal cords. Thyro-epiglottideus. Inner surface of thyroid. Epiglottis. Recurrent laryngeal. Depresses epiglottis. Thyro-hyoid. Side of thyroid cartilage. Body and greater cornu of hyoid. Hypoglossal. Elevates larynx. Tibialis anticus. Outer tuberosity and upper part of shaft of tibia. Internal cuneiform and first metatarsal. Anterior tibial. Flexes tarsus and elevates inner border of foot. Tibialis posticus. Shaft of fibula and tibia. Tuberosity scaphoid and internal cuneiform. Posterior tibial. Extends tarsus and inverts foot. Traeh elo-m asto id. Transv. proc. of 3d-6th dorsal, and artie. proc. of 3 or 4 lower cervical. Mastoid process. Branches of cervical. Steadies head. Transversal is. Poupart’s ligament, iliac crest, six lower ribs, lumbar vertebra;. Linea alba, pubic crest, pectineal line. Intercostal, ilio-hypogas- tric, ilio-inguinai. Compresses viscera and flexes thorax. Transversalis colli. Transverse processes of third to sixth dorsal. Transverse processes of five lower cervical. Cervical branches. Keeps neck erect. Transversus pedis. Head fifth metatarsal. First phalaux great toe. External plantar. Adducts great toe. TABLE OF MUSCLES (arranged alphabeticaley).—Continued. Transversus periiuei. Ramus of ischium. Central tendon. Perineal. Tensor of central tendon. Trapezius. Superior curved line of occipital, spinous pro- cesses, last cervical and all dorsal. Clavicle and spine of scapula, and achromion. Spinal accessory and cer- vical plexus. Draws head backward. Triangularis sterui. Ensiform cart., costal cart, of 3 or 4 lower true ribs, and sternum. Border of inner surfaces 2d, 3d, 4th, and oth cos- tal cartilages. Intercostal. Expiration. Triceps (3 heads). External and Internal near musculo-spiral groove, shaft of humerus; middle or long, lower margin glenoid caity. Olecranon process of ulna. Musculo-spiral. Extends forearm. Trochlearis. See Obliquus superior. Ulnaris. Lower fourth of anteriorlUnciform bone, surface of ulna. Ulnar. Flexes wrist. Uvularis. See Azygos uvulae,. Vastus externus. Ant. Border great troch- anter and linea aspera. Tuberosity of tibia. Anterior crural. Extends leg. Yastus interims and cru- reus. Inner lip linea aspera of femur. Tuberosity of tibia. Anterior crural. Extends leg. Zygomatic us major et: Malar bone, minor. 1 Angle of mouth. Facial. Elevates lip outward. 200 Myce'lium, mise'-le-um. A filament of germinating fungi-spore. Myceto'ma, mlset-o'-mah. See Madura Foot. Mycoder'ma, mi-k6-der'-mah. A species of fungus. Mycohe'mia, mi-ko-he'-me-ah. Presence of microorganisms in blood. Myco'sis, ml-ko’-sis. Presence of parasitic fungi in the body, as well as the disease caused by them. Mydri'asis, mid-rV-as-is. Abnormal dilatation of the pupil. Mydriat'ic, mid-ri-at'-ik. An agent causing mydriasis. Wtyec'topy, mi-ek'-td-pe. Abnormal displacement of a muscle. Myelal'gia, mv-el-al'-je-ah. Pain in the spinal cord. Myelano'sis, mi-el-an-d'-sis. Same as Myelalrophy, q. v. Myelap'oplexy, mi-el-ap'-d-pleks-e. Hemorrhage in the spinal cord. Myelasthe'nia, ml-el-as-the'-ne-ah. Spinal exhaustion. Myelat'rophy, mv-el-al'-ro-fe. Wasting of the spinal cord. Myelenceph'alon, ml-el-en-sef-al-on. The cerebrospinal axis. The medulla oblongata. Myeletero'sis. Any morbid alteration of the spinal marrow. My'elin. Medullary sheath of a nerve ; white substance of Schwann. Myeli'tis, mv-el-V-tis. Inflammation of the spinal cord. My'elocele, mV-el-6-sel. A variety of spina bifida. My'elocyte, mV-el-o-sit. Nucleus of cell of gray nervous matter. My'eloid, mV-el-oid. Resembling marrow ; medullary. Myelo'ma, mv-el-d'-mah. A tumor of medullary substance. Myelomala'cia. Morbid softening of the spinal cord. Myelomeningi'tis. Inflammation of the membranes of the cord. My'elon, mV-el-on. The spinal cord. Myelop'athy, mV-el-op'-a-the. Any disease of the spinal cord. My'eloplax, ml'-el-o-plaks. A giant cell of the spinal marrow. Myelosclero’sis. Sclerosis of the spinal cord. Myelo'sis, mi-el-o'sis. Formation of a medullary tumor. My'itis, mi-V-tis. Inflammation of a muscle. My'oblast, mV-o-biasl. A cell which gives rise to muscular fibers. Myocardi'tis. Inflammation of the cardiac muscular tissue. Myocar'dium, mi-o-kar'-de-um. The muscular mass of the heart. Myocom'ma, ml-u-kom'-ah. A primitive division of myoblast; a muscular segmeut or metamere. My'ocyte, ml'-oslt. A muscle cell. Myo'demia, mi-o-de'-me-ah. Fatty degeneration of muscle-tissue. Myodesop'sia, nn-d-des-op'-se-ah. See Muscat Volitantes. Myodynamom'eter.Instrument for measuring muscular strength. Myodyn'ia, mi-o-din'-e-ah. Any pain in the muscles. Myoglob'ulin. A proteid of muscle-plasma. My'ogram, mV-6-gram. Tracing of a muscle on the myograph. My'ograph, mV-d-graf. An instrument for taking tracings of mus- cular contractions. Myog'raphy, mi-og'-ra-fe. Description of the muscles. Myohem'atin. Nitrogenous coloring matter of the muscles. My'oid, mV-oid. Resembling muscular tissue. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 201 Myoide'ma, mi-oid-e'-ma/i. Same as Mounding, q. r. Myolem'ma. Thin membrane around muscle fibrils ; sarcolemma. My'olin, ml'-d-lin. A substance in the cells of muscle-tissue. Myol'ogy, mvol'-G-je. A treatise on muscles. Myo'ma, vn-n'-mah. A muscular tumor. Myomala'cia, mi-G-mal-d'-se-ah. Morbid softening of a muscle. Myomec'tomy. Removal of uterine myoma by abdominal section. My'omere, ml'-o-mer. Same as Myocomma, q. v. Myom'eter. An instrument for measuring muscle contraction. Myomot'omy. Abdominal excision of uterine flbro-myomata. Myon'osus, mi-on'-G-sus. A disease of the muscles. Myopal'mus, ml-u-pal'-mus. Twitching of muscles; subsultus tend- inum. Myoparal'ysis. Muscular paralysis. Myop'athy, ml-op’-a-the. Disease of a muscle. My'ope, mV-op. A short-sighted person. Myo'pia, ml-o'-pe-ah. Near-sightedness, visual defect from localiza- tion of the image in front of the retina. Myop'ic, nu-op'-ik. Pertaining to myopia Myorrhex'is, mi-or-eks'-is. Rupture of a muscle. Myosarco'ma, ml-o-sdr-ko'-mah. A sarcoma with muscle-tissue. My'osin, mV-5-sin. Chief proteid of muscle. Myosin'ogen, nn-o-sin'-o'jen. Proteid of muscle-plasma. Myo'sis, nn-o'-sis. Abnormal smallness of the pupil of the eye. Myosi'tis, mi-G-sl'-Hs. Inflammation of muscle-tissue. My'ospasm, mV-5-spazm. Spasmodic contraction of a muscle. Myot'ic, mi-ot'-ik. An agent causing myosis. My'otome, ml'-o-tom. A muscular segment. Instrument for cutting a muscle. Myot'omy, mi-otf-o-me. Dissection or division of muscles. Myot'onus, im-ol'-on-us. Muscular tone or tension. Myringi'tis, mir-in-gl'-tis. Inflammation of membrana tympani. Myringodec'tomy. Excision of a part of the tympanum. Myris'tica, mir-is'-lik-ah. Nutmeg, an aromatic and narcotic. Myrrh, mer. A resinous vegetable exudation, an astringent. Myr'tiform, mer'-ti-form. Shaped like a myrtle leaf. Myr'tiform Car'uncles. Remains of the hymen after rupture. Myxede'ma, miks-e-de'-mah. A disease with mucus-like dropsy. Myxo'ma, miks-G'-mah. A mucous tumor. Myxomyce'tes, Group of fungus-like organisms. Myxo-sarco'ma. Sarcoma with soft gelatinous contents. 202 GOULD’S POCKET Naboth'ian Glands. Small glands in the neck of the uterus. Nae'vus. See Ne'vus. Nail. Horny lamina covering the back of the linger and toe. Na'nism, nd'-nizm. Dwarfishness. Nanoceph'alus, na-no-sef-al-us. Having a dwarfed head. Nanocor'mia, na-no-kor'-me-ah. Condition of having small trunk. Nanom'elus, )id-nom'-el-us. A monster with small limbs. Nanoso'mia, na-nO-so'-me-ah. See Microsomia. Na'nous, nd'-nus. Dwarfed. Nape, nap. Back part of the neck ; the nucha. Naph'thalin, naf'-thal-in. CioH8. Crystalline hydrocarbon derived from coal tar, antiseptic and expectorant. Naph'thalol, na/'-thal-ol. Betol, a crystalline odorless antiseptic. Naph'thol, naf'-lhol. Same as naphtholum, q. v. Naph'tholum. Ci0H7OH. Beta-naphthol, a disinfectant coal-tar X>roduct. Nar'cein, nar'si-in. C23H29N09. An alkaloid of opium. Nar'colepsy. Sudden short spells of sleep. Narco'ma, nar-kb'-mah. Stupor from the.use of a narcotic. Nar'cose, nar'-kos. In a condition of stupor. Narco'sis, nar-ko'-sis. Anesthesia from narcotics; narcotism. Narcot'ic, nar-kot'-ik. A hypnotic allaying pain. Nar'cotin, nar'-ko-tin. C2oIIo3N07. Active principle of opium. Nar'cotism. Lethargic condition from the use of narcotics. Na'ris, nd'-ris. The nostril. Na'sal, nd'-sal. Pertaining to the nose. Na'sal Bones. Two small bones of the nose Na'sal Fos'sae, na'-sal-fos'-e. The nasal passages. Na'sion, nd’-zc-on. Median point of the naso-frontal suture. Nasi'tis, na-si'-tis. Inflammation of the nose. Nas'myth’s Mem'brane. Epithelial membrane around the enamel of the teeth in the fetus. Naso-phar'ynx. Portion of pharynx back of the posterior nares. Natal' Sore. See Funtncnlns Orienlalis. Na'tes, na'-tez. The buttocks; gluteal region of the body. Na'trium, nd'-tre-vm. See Sodium. Na'tron, na'-trun. Na,CO3.10HaO. Native sodium carbonate. Nat'ural, nat'-n-ral. Pertaining or according to nature. Nau'sea, naw'-se-ah. Sickness at the stomach; desire to vomit. Nau'seant, nau/se-anl. A substance that produces nausea. Nau'seous, nau/se-us. Producing nausea; disgusting. Na'vel, na'-vel. See Umbilicus. Na'vel-string. The umbilical cord. Navic'ular, nd-rik’-u-lar. Boat-shaped ; scaphoid. N. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 203 Navic'ular Bone. See Scaphoid. Navic'ular Fos'sa. Name given to several cavities of the body. Near'-point. See Punctum Proximum. Near-sight'edness. See Myopia. Nearthro'sis, ne-ar-thro'-sis. Abnormal articulation; false joint. Neb'ula, neb’-ii-lah. Faint, grayish opacity of the cornea. Neck, nek. Part of the body between the head and trunk. Con- stricted part of an organ. Necre'mia, ne-krt'-me-ah. Death of the blood. Necrobio'sis, ne-krd-bv-b'sis. Molecular death of a part. Necroco'mium, ne-kro-kb'-me-um. See Morgue. Necrol'ogy. A treatise on death. Tabulated mortality statistics. Ne'cropsy, ne'-krop-se. See Necroscopy. Necros'copy, ne-kros'-kb-pe. Examination of a dead body. Necro'sis, ne-kro'-sis. Death of a circumscribed piece of tissue. Necrot'ic, ne-krol'-ik. Pertaining to necrosis. Necrot'omy, ne-krof-d-me. Dissection of a dead body. Excision of necrotic bone or other tissue. Nee'dle. A small pointed instrument for puncturing, ligating, etc. Nel'aton’s Line. A line from the anterior superior spinous process to the tuber ischii. Nem'atoid. Resembling a thread. A thread-or hair-worm. Nematoi'dea. Certain parasitic intestinal worms. Neog'ala, ne-og'-al-ah. See Colostrum. Neo-mem'brane, ne-o-mem'-bran. A false membrane. Ne'oplasm, ne'-o-plazm. A new growth or tumor. Neoplas'tic, ne-b-plus’-tik. Pertaining to a neoplasm. Ne'oplasty, ne'-o-plas-le. See Autoplasty. Nephe'lium, ne-fe'-leum. See Nebula. Nephral'gia, nef-ral’-je-ah. Pain in the kidney. Nephrapos'tasis, nef-rah-pos’-tas-is. Abscess of the kidney. Nephrat'ony, nef-rat'-o-ne. Atony of the kidneys. Nephraux'e, nef-rawks'-T. Enlargement of the kiduey. Nephrec'tomy, nef-rek'-to-me. Excision of the kidney. Nephrelco'sis, nef-rel-ku'-sis. Ulceration of the kidneys. Nephrel'cus, nef-rel'-kus. An ulcer of the kidney. Neph'rine, nef-rin. Cystin, q.v. Nephrit'ic, nef-rit’-ik. Pertaining to nephritis. Nephri'tis, nef-rl'-tis. Inflammation of the kidneys. Neph'rocele, nef-ro-sel. Hernia of the kidney. Nephrog'raphy, nef-rog'-ra-fe. Description of the kidney. Neph'roid, nef'-roid. Like a kidney; kidney-shaped. Neph'rolith, nef-ro-lith. Stone in the kidney. Nephrolithi'asis. Formation of renal stone. Nephrolithot'omy. Incision of the kidney for calculus. Nephrol'ogy, nef-ro/'-o-jr. A treatise on the kidneys. Nephropyo'sis, nef-ro-pi-O'-sis. Suppuration of the kidney. Nephror'rhapby, nef-ror'-a-fe. Suture of the kidney. 204 GOULD’S POCKET DICTIONARY. Nephrot'omy, nef-rot'-d-me. Incision of the kidney. Nephrozy'mose, nef-rd-zl'-mds. A diastatio ferment in urine. Nerve. Fibrillar cord conveying stimuli to and from nerve centers. See Table of Nerves, pp. 205-217. Nerve'-cells. Irregular nucleated cells in nerve matter. Nerve-cor'puscles. Same as Nerve cells, q. v. Nerve-fi'ber. Primitive fiber, component of nerves. Nerve'-head. Synonym of Optic Disc, q. v. Nerve-stretch'ing. Mechanical elongation of nerve to relieve pain. Ner'vine, ner'-vin. An agent calming nervous excitement. Ner'vi Nervo'rum. Small nerves supplying the nerve sheaths. Ner'vous, ner'-vus. Pertaining to, or full of, nerves. Ness'ler’s Test. Test for ammonia in water. Net'tle. An astringent and diuretic root of the genus Urtica. Net'tle-rash. See Urticaria. Neuradyna'mia, mi.-rah-dl-n See Neurasthenia. Neu'ral, nu'-ral. Pertaining to nerves. Neu'ral Ax'is, nii'-ral-aks'-is. The spinal cord. Neu’ral Tube. The closed medullary groove of the epiblast. Neural'gia, nu-ral'-je-ah. Pain in a nerve. Neuranagen'esis. Renewal or regeneration of nerve tissue. Neurasthe'nia, nu-ras-lhe.'-ne-nh. Exhaustion of nerve force. Neurat'rophy, nu-rat'-rd-fe. Impaired nutrition of nervous system. Neurec'tasis, nu-reU-tas-is. See Nerve-stretching. Neurec'tomy, nii-rek'-td-vic. Excision of whole or part of a nerve. Neurecto'pia. Displacement of nerve from normal position. Neuri'atry, nu-rV-at-re. The treatment of nervous diseases. Neu'ridin, nu'-rid-in. (’5UHN2. A ptomaine of putrefaction. Neurilem'ma, ww-ril-eni'-ah. Sheath encasing a nerve. Neurilemmi'tis, nu-ril-em-V-lis. Inflammation of neurilemma. Neu'rin, nu'-rin. Albuminous basis of nerve-tissue. Neu'rine. (CH3)3.C2H3.NOH. Highly poisonous ptomaine. Neurit'ic, nu-ril'-ik. Pertaining to neuritis. Neuri'tis, nu-rV-tix. Inflammation of a nerve. Neu'rocyte, nu'-ro-sV. A nerve cell. Neurodyn'ia, nv-rd-diu'-e-ah. See Neuralgia. Neu'ro-epithe'lium. Nerve epithelium. Neurog'lia, nu-rog'-le-ah. Connective tissue of nerve substance. Neurog'raphy, nu-rog'-ra-fe. Description of the nerves. Neu'roid, nu'-roid. Resembling a nerve or nerve substance. Neuroker'atin. Substance found mainly in white matter of brain. Neurol’ogist, nii-rol'-d-jist. One versed in neurology. Neurol'ogy, nu-rol'-d-je. Science of nervous structure and function. Neuro'ma, nur-ro'-mah. A nerve tumor. A fibroma on a nerve. Neuromala'cia. Softening of nerves or nerve tissue. Neuro'matous, nv-rd'-mat-us. Having the nature of a neuroma. Neu'romere, nu'-rd-mer. A segment or division of the neuron. Neuromime'sis, nu-rd-mim-e'-sis. Hysterical mimicry of disease. Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Abduceus (sixth cranial). Motion. Fourth ventricle. External rectus of eye. None. Articular. Trophic, sensory (?) Anterior crural. Knee-joint. Capsular, synovial. Articular, 2. Trophic, sensory (?) Ulnar. Elbow-joint. Filaments. Auditory (eighth cranial, portio mollis of seventh). Hearing. Fourth ventricle. Internal ear. Vestibular, cochlear. Auricular (Arnold’s). Sensation. Pneumogastric. External ear. Filaments. Auricular (posterior). Motion. Facial Retrahens aurem, ocei- pito-frontalis. Auricular, occipital. Auricularis magnus. Sensation. Cervical plexus second and third cervical. Parotid gland, face, ear. Facial, posterior mastoid. Auriculo-temporal. Sensation. Inferior maxillary. Pinna and temple. Anterior and posterior temporal. Buccal. Sensation. (Motion ?) Inferior maxillary. Cheek. Superior and inferior buc- cinator and external pterygoid. Cardiac (cervical and thor- acic). Motion. Pneumogastric. Heart. Branches to cardiac plex- uses. TABLE OF NERVES (alphabetical). Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Cervical, 8. Motion and sensation. Cord. Trunk and upper extrem- ities. Anterior and posterior divisions. See Plexus. Cervical, first (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Rectus lateri and two an- terior recti. Branches and communi- cating to pueumogastric, hypoglossal, sympathetic. Cervical, first (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Recti,obliqui, complexus. Branches, communicating and cutaneous filaments. Cervical, second (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Communicating. Ascending, descending, communicating, and fila- ments. Cervical, second (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Oblique inferior, scalp, ear, complexus, splenius, tracheal mastoid. Internal or occipitalis ma- jor, and external. Cervical, third (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Communicating. Ascending, descending, communicating fila- ments. Cervical, third (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Occiput, etc., splenius, complexus, etc. Internal, external and filaments. Cervical, fourth (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Shoulder and communi- cating. Communicating fila- ments, muscular, etc. TABLE OF NERVES (alphabetical).—Continued. Cervieals, fifth to eighth (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Brachial plexus. Communicating. Cervieals, fourth to eighth (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Muscles and skin of neck. Internal and external branches. Cervieo-facial. Motion. Facial. Lower part face and part of neck. Buccal, supra-maxillary, mfra-maxillary. Chorda tympani. Motion. Facial. Tongue, etc. Filaments. Circumflex. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Teres minor and deltoid. Upper and lower. Colli, superficialis. Sensation. Cervical plexus. Platysma muscle and an- tero-lateral parts of neck. Ascending and descending branches and filaments. Communicans noni. Motion and sensation. Second cervical, third cervical. Deseendens noni. Omo-hyoid and filaments. Communicating. Motion and sensation. Cervical plexus. Spinal accessory. Branches. Communicating. Sensation and motion. First and second cervi- cal. Pneumogastric, hypoglos- sal, sympathetic. Three branches and fila- ments. Crural, anterior. Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Thigh. Middle and internal cu- taneous, long saphenous, muscular, articular. Cutaneous. Sensation. Musculo-spiral. Skin of arm, radial side forearm. One internal, two ex- ternal. Cutaneous. Sensation. Ulnar. Wrist and palm. First and palmar cutan- eous. Name. Function. Orioin. Distribution. Branches. Cutaneous {dorsal). Sensation. Ulnar. Little and ring fingers. Filaments and communi- cating branches. Cutaneous (external). Sensation. Second and third lumbar. Skin of thigh. Anterior, posterior. Cutaneous (internal). Sensation. Brachial plexus. Forearm. Anterior and posterior branches and filaments. Cutaneous (lesser internal) (“ Wrisberg.") Sensation. Brachial plexus. Inner side of arm. Filaments. Cutaneous (middle and in- ternal). Sensation. Motion ? Anterior crural. Thigh and communicat- ing. Communicating and fila- ments. Dentals (posterior and an- terior). Sensation. Superior maxillary. Teeth. Filaments. Dental (inferior). Sensation. Inferior maxillary. Teeth, muscles, gland. Mylo-hyoid, incisor, men- tal, dental. Digastric. Motion. Facial. Posterior belly of digas- tric. Filaments. Dorsal, 12 (anterior and'Motion and sensation, posterior division. Cord. Muscles and skin of chest External, internal, cutan- and trunk. : eous, etc. TABLE OF NERVES (alphabetical).—Continued. Esophageal. Motion. Pneumogastric. Stomach. Esophagus plexus. Facial (seventh cranial, portio dura. Motion. Fourth ventricle. Face, ear, palate, tongue. Petrosals, tympanic, chorda-tympani, poster- ior-auricular, digastric, stylo-hyoid, temporo-fa- cial, cervico-facial. Frontal. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Forehead and lids. Supra-orbital,supra-troch- lear. Gastric. Motion. Pneumogastric. Stomach. Filaments. Genito-crural. Motion and sensation. Second lumbar. Cremaster and thigh. Genital, crural, communi- cating. Glosso-pharyngeal, ninth cranial. Sensation aud taste. Fourth ventricle Tongue, middle ear, ton- sils, pharynx. Tympanic, carotid, phar- yngeal. muscular, tonsil- lar, lingual. Gluteal (superior). Motion. Sacral plexus. Glutei, tensor vaginae fem. Filaments. Gustatory. Taste and sensation. Inferior maxillary. Tongue and mouth. Branches and filaments. Hepatic. (?) Pneumogastric. Liver. Hepatic plexus. Hypoglossal, twelfth cran- ial. Motion. Fourth ventricle. Glossus and hyoid mus- cles. Bescendens noni, muscu- lar, thyro-hyoid. Ilio-hypogastrie. Motion and sensation. First lumbar. Abdominal and gluteal regions. Iliac, hypogastric, com- municating. Ilio-inguinal. Motion and sensation. First lumbar. Inguinal region and scro- tum. Muscular, cutaneous and communicating. Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Infra-orbital. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Nose and lip. Palpebral, nasal, labial. Interosseus (anterior). Motion. Median. Deep muscles of forearm. Branches and filaments. Interrosseus (posterior). Motion and sensation. Musculo-spiral. Carpus and radial, and post, brachial regions. Branches and filaments. Lachrymal. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Gland and conjunctiva. Filaments. Laryngeal (recurrent or inferior). Motor. Pneumogastric. Larynx. Branches to all muscles except crico-thyroid. Laryngeal (superior). Sensation and motion. Pneumogastric. Larynx. External —c r i c o-thyroid muscle and thy r o i d gland. Internal—mucous membrane, larynx, etc. Lumbar (5). Motion and sensation. Cord. Lumbar and genital tis- sues, etc. Anterior and posterior di- visions, lumbar, plexus, etc. Masseteric. Motor. Inferior maxillary. Masse ter muscle (and Filaments, temporal ?) Maxillary (inferior). Sensation, motion, and taste. Trigeminus. Muscles of mastication, Masseteric, auriculo-tem- ear, cheek, tongue, teeth, poral, buccal, gustatory, | inferior dental. TABLE OF NERVES (alphabetical).—Continued. Maxillary (superior). Sensation. Trigeminus. Cheek, face, teeth. Orbital, spheno-palatine, dentals, infra-orbital. Median. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Pronator radii teres, flexors, two lumbricales, lingers, palm, etc. Muscular, anterior inter- osseous, palmar cutane- ous. Motor oculi (third cranial). Motion. Floor aqueduct Sylvius. All muscles of eye. Except rectus externus, obliquus sup., and orbic. palpeb. Muscular. Motion and sensation. First and second cervical. Muscles. Bee. cap. lat., rec. anterior major et minor. Muscular. Motion. Cervical plexus. Sterno-mastoid, lev. ang. scapulae, scalenus med., trapezius. Branches. Muscular. Motion. Brachial plexus. Longus colli, scaleni, rhomboidei, subclavius. Branches. Muscular. Motion. Musculo-spiral. Triceps, anconeus, supi- nat. long., extens. carpi rad. long., brach. antic. Internal, posterior, ex- ternal. Muscular. Motion. Median. Superficial muscles of forearm. Branehas and filaments. Muscular. Motion. Ulnar. Flex. carp, ulnaris, flex, profund, digit. Two branches. Muscular. Motion. Great sciatic. Biceps, semimembrano- sus, semitendinosus, ad- ductor magnus. Filaments. Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. ■ Branches. Muscular. Motion. Sacral plexus. Pyriformis, obturator inter., gemelli, quadra- tus femoris. Filaments. Muscular. Motor. Anterior crural. Pectineus and muscles of thigh. Filaments. Musculocutaneous. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Coraco-brachial, biceps, brach. anticus, forearm. Branches, anterior and posterior. Musculo-cutaneous. Motion and sensation. External popliteal. Muscles of fibular side of leg, skin of dorsum of foot. Internal, external. Musculo-spiral. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Back of arm and forearm, skin of back of hand. Muscular, cutaneous, ra- dial, post, interosseous. Nasal. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Iris, ciliary ganglion, nose. Ganglionic, ciliary, infra- trochlear. Obturator. Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Obturator external, ad- ductor, joint and skin. Ant. and post, articulating and communicating. Obturator (accessory).; Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Pectineus and hip-joint. Branches and filaments. Occipitalis minor. Sensation. Second cervical. Occipito-frontalis, ear,etc. Communicating, auricular filaments. TABLE OF NERVES (ALPHABETICAL).—Continued. Olfactory (1st cranial). Smell. Frontal lobe, optic thal- amus island Reil. Schneiderian membrane of nose. 20 branches. Ophthalmic. Sensation. Trigeminus. Forehead, eyes, nose. Frontal, lachrymal, nasal. Optic (2d cranial). Sight. Cortical center in occipi- tal lobe. I!et ina. None. Orbital. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Temple and cheek. Temporal and malar. Palmar cutaneous. Sensation. Median. Thumb and palm. Outer and inner. Palmar (deep). Motion. Ulnar. Little finger, dorsal, and palmar interosseous, two inner lumbricales, ab- ductor pollicis, etc. Branches and filaments. Palmar (superficial). Sensation and motion. Ulnar. Palmaris brevis, inner side of hand and little finger. Filaments and two digital branches. Patheticus (4th cranial). Motion. Valve Vieussens. Superior oblique of eye. None. Petrosals. Motion. Facial. Ganglia and plexus. Great, small, external to Meckel’s ganglion, otic ganglion, and mening. plexus, respectively. Pharyngeal. Motion. Pneumogastric. Pharynx. Pharyngeal plexus, mus- cles and mucous mem- brane. - Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Phrenic. Motion and sensation. 3d, 4tli, and oth cervical. Diaphragm, pericardium pleura, etc. Branches and filaments. Plantar (external). Motion and sensation. Posterior tibiai. Little toe and deep mus- cles of foot. Superficial and deep. Plantar (internal). Sensation and motion. Posterior tibiai. Sole of foot, adductor pol- licis, flexor brevis digi- torum, toes, etc. Cutaneous, muscular, ar- ticular, digital. Pneumogastric (tenth cranial, “ Par Vagum ”). Sensation and motion. 4th ventricle. Ear, pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs, oesophagus, etc. Articular, pharyngeal, superior laryngeal, recur- rent laryngeal, cardiac, pulmonary, esophageal, gastric, hepatic Popliteal (externali. Sensation and motion. Great sciatica. Extensors of skin of foot. Anterior tibiai, musculo- cutaneous. Popliteal (internal). Motion and sensation. Great sciatica. Knee, gastrocnemius, tib- ialis. plantaris, soleus, popliteus,skin of foot,etc. Articular, muscular cutan- eous, ext. saphenous, plantar. Pulmonary (anterior and posterior). (?) Pneumogastric. Lungs. Branches to pulmonary plexuses. TABLE OF NERVES (ALPHABETICAL).—Continued. Pudic. Motion and sensation. Sacral plexus. Perineum, anus, geni- talia. Inferior hemorrhoidal perineal, cutaneous dor- sal of penis. Radial. Sensation. Musculo-cutaneous. Thumb and three fingers. External and internal. Sacral, 5. Motion and sensation. Cord. Multifidus spinse, skin, gluteal region, etc. Filaments and sacral plex- us. Saphenous (long or inter- nal). Sensation. Anterior crural. Knee, ankle, etc. Cutaneous, patellar, com- municating filaments. Sciatic (great). Motor and sensation. Sacral plexus. Skin of leg, muscles of back of thigh and those of leg and foot. Articular, muscular, pop- liteals. Sciatic (small). Sensation and motion. Sacral plexus. Perineum, back of thigh and leg, gluteus maxi- mus. Muscular, cutaneous. Spheno-palatine. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Meckel’s ganglion. See Ganglion. Spinal accessory (11th cranial). Motor. Fourth ventricle. Sterno-cleido mastoid, trapezius. Branches and filaments. Splanchnic (great). Sympathetic. Thoracic ganglia. Semilunar ganglion, renal and supra-renal plexus. Communicating and fila- ments. Splanchnic (lesser). Sympathetic. 10th and 11th thoracic ganglia, great splanchnic Celiac plexus and great splanchnic. Communicating and fila- ments. Splanchnic (renal). Sympathetic. Last thoracic ganglion. Renal and celiac plexus. Communicating and fila- ments. Name. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Stylo-hyoid. Motion. Facial. Stylo-hyoid muscle. Filaments. Subscapular, 3. Motion. Brachial plexus. Subscapular, teres major and latiss. dorsi. Filaments. Supra-clavicular (descend- ing)- Sensation. Third and fourth cervi- cal. Skin of neck, breast, and shoulder. Sternal, clavicular, acro- mial. Supra-orbital. Sensation. Frontal. Upper lid, forehead. Muscular, cutaneous, and pericranial branches. Supra-scapular. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Scapular muscles. Branches and filaments. Supra-trochlear. Sensation. Frontal. Forehead. Muscular and skin branches. Sympathetic. See Sympathetic, Ganglion, and Plexus. Temporo-facial). Motion. Facial. Upper part of face. Temporal, malar, infra- orbital. Thoracic (past, or long). Motion. Brachial plexus. Serratus magnus. Filaments. Tibial (anterior). Motion and sensation. External popliteal. Tibialis antic., extensor Muscular, external, inter- long. digit., peroneus rial, ter., etc., joints of foot,; skin of great toe, etc. TABLE OF NERVES (alphabetical).—Continued. Tibial (posterior). Motion and sensation. Great sciatica. Tibialis posterior, flexor long, digit., flexor long, pollieis, skin of heel and sole, knee-joint. Plantars, muscular, plan- tar cutaneous, articular. Thoracics (ant. and ext). Motion. * Brachial plexus. Pectoralis major et minor. Branches and filaments. Trigeminus or trifacial (5th cranial). Motion and sensation. (Taste.) Medulla. Skin and structures of face, tongue and teeth. Ophthalmic, superior and inferior max. divisions. Tympanic. Motion. Facial. Stapedius and laxator tympani muscles. Filaments. I'lnar. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Muscles, etc., shoulder and wrist joints, and skin of little Anger. Two articular, muscular, cutaneous, dorsal, super- ior palmar, deep palmar. 218 Neuromyeli'tis, nu-ro-mi-el-i'-tis. Inflammation of nerve tissue or the medullary substance. Neu'ron, nu'-ron. The cerebro-spinal axis in its entirety. Neuropath'ic, nu-ru-path'-ik. Pertaining to nervous diseases. Neuropathol'ogy, nu-ro-path-ol'-o-je. Treatise on diseases of nerves. Neurop'athy, nu-rop'-a-lhe. Any disease of the nervous system. Neuro-physiol'ogy. Physiology of the nervous system. Neuror'rhaphy, nu-ror’-a-fe. The suturing of a nerve. Neuro-retinitis. Inflammation of the optic nerve and retina. Neuro'sis, nu-ro'-sis. Nervous affection without lesion. Neurosthe'nia, nu-ro-slhe’-ne-ah. Excessive nervous power. Neurothe'le, nu-ru-fM'-le. A nervous papilla. Neurot'ic, nu-rol'-ik. Pertaining to nerves or the nervous system. Neurot'ica, nu-rot'-ik-ah. Diseases of the nervous function. Neurot'omy, nu-rot’-6-nie. Division of a nerve. Neurot'rasis, nti-rol'-ras-is. Wound of a nerve. Neu'tral. Possessing neither acid nor basic properties. Neutralize, nu'-tral-lz. To render negative or inactive. Neutralization. Process of checking the action of an agent. Neutral Mixture. Liquor potassii citratis. Ne'void, ne'-voul. Like a nevus. Ne'vose, ne'-vos. Spotted. Ne'vus. Birth-mark; a congenital cutaneous blemish. New'-born. A child immediately after birth. New-format ion. See Neoplasm. Nick'el. Hard, white, lustrous metal, used in medicine. Nico'tianin, nik-o'-she-an-in. Volatile odorous principle of tobacco. Nic'otin, nik'-6-tin. C10HUN2. Poisonous alkaloid of tobacco. Nic'otinism. Morbid effects from excessive use of tobacco. Nictitation, nik-tit-d'-shun. The act of winking. Ni'dus. A nest. A cluster. Focus of infection. Ni'dus Hirun'dinis. A deep fossa in the cerebellum. Night'-blindness. See Hemeralopia. * Night'-mare. Oppression with horror during sleep. Night'-sweat. Excessive sweating during the night. Night'-soil. Fecal matter. Night'-terrors. Excessive night-mare, especially in children. Niphablep'sia, nif-ab-lep'-se-ah. Snow blindness. Nip'ple. The conical elevation in center of the mammary areola. Nip'ple-shield. A rubber shield to protect the nipple. Nit. Popular name for the larva of a species of pediculus. Nitrate, ni’-trdt. Salt of nitric acid. Niter, nV-ter. KN03. Saltpetre; nitrate of potash. Nitric Ac'id. IIN03. Fuming and powerfully caustic acid. Nitrite, nV-trlt. Salt of nitrous acid. Nitrogen, nV-lro-jen. A colorless, non-metallic, gaseous element, the main constituent of air. Nitroglyc'erine. A yellowish, oily, toxic, explosive liquid. GOULD’S POCKET Ni'tro-muriat'ic Ac'id. Mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids. Ni'trous Ac'id. HN02. An acid produced by decomposing nitrites. Ni'trous Ox'ide. Laughing gas, an inhalant anesthetic. Noctambula'tion, nok-tam-bu-ld'-shun. Sleep-walking. Noctur'nal, nok-ter'-nal. Pertaining to the night. Noctur'nal Emis'sion. Involuntary discharge of semen during sleep; spermatorrhea. No'dal Point. Point of intersection of convergent rays of light. Node, nod. An indurated swelling on tendon or bone. Nodose', no-das'. Characterized by nodes. Nodo'sis, nd-db'-sis. The condition of having nodes. Nodos'ity, no-dos'-it-e. See Node. Nod'ule, nod’-ul. A small knob or excrescence. No'li me tan'gere, no'-le-ma-tan'-jer-e. See Rodent Ulcer. No'ma, nd'-mah. Synonym of ulcerative stomatitis. Nomenclature, no'-men-kla-tur. A system of technical names. Non Com'pos Men'tis. Of unsound mind. Nor'ma, noU-mah. Norm, model. Rule, line. Nor'mal. According to rule or type. Nor'moblast, nor'-mo-b/ast. A blood corpuscle of normal size. Nor'ris’s Invisible Cor'puscle. Colored blood disc that has lost its hemoglobin. Nose, noz. The organ of smell. Nosoco'mium, no-so-ko'-me-um. A hospital. Nosog'eny, no-soj'-en-e. Development and progress of diseases. Nosog'raphy, no-sog'-ra-fe. A description of disease. Nosol'ogy. A treatise on or classification of diseases. Nosoma'nia. A belief that one is suffering from many diseases. Noson'omy, no-son'-d-me. The classification of diseases. Nosopho'bia, no-sd-fo'-be-ah. Exaggerated fear of disease. No'sophyte, nd'-sd-j'it. A pathogenic microbe. Nosopoiet'ic, nd-sd-poi-et'-ik. Producing disease. No'sotaxy, nb'-so-taks-e. See Nosonomy. Nosot'rophy, no-sot'-rd-fe. The proper care of the sick. Nostal'gia, nos-tal'-je-ah. Homesickness. Nostoma'nia, nos-td-ma'-ne-ah. A high degree of nostalgia. Nos'trils, nos'-trilz. The nares. Nos'trum, nos'-trum. A quack medicine. No'tal, no'-tal. Dorsal; pertaining to the back. Notal'gia, nd-tal'-je-ah. Pain in the back. Notch. An indentation, as on the edge of bone. Notenceph'alocele. Tumor of the brain in a notencephalus. Notenceph'alus, ndt-en-sef-al-m. A monster with the brain pro- truding through a cleft in the back of the skull. No'tochord. The primitive back bone and spinal cord. Notomyeli'tis, no-lo-m'i-el-i'-tis. Inflammation of the spinal cord. Nox'ious, nok'-shus. Harmful; poisonous. Nubec'ula, nu-bek'-u-Iah. Cloudy matter suspended in urine. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 219 220 Nu'cha, nu'-kah. See Nape. Nuck, Canal' of. See Canal. Nu'clear, nu’-kle-ar. Pertaining to the nucleus. Nu'clear Paral'ysis. Paralysis from lesion of the nucleus. Nu'cleate, nu'-kle-dt. Having nuclei. Nu'clein, nu’-klt-in. A nitrogenous constituent of cell nuclei. Nucleoli'nus, nu-kle-d-lV-nns. The nucleus of a nucleolus. Nucle'olus A small granule in the interior of the nucleus. Nu'cleoplasm, nd’-kfe-d-plazm. See Karyoplusm. Nu'cleus. A vesicular body in the protoplasm of a cell. Nullip'ara. A woman who has not brought forth young. Num'miform, nvm’-e-form. Having the form of a coin. Num'mular. Arranged like a roll of coin. Nurse. One who takes care of the sick. Nuta'tion, nu-ta’-shun. Nodding or oscillation of the head. Nut'gall, nut'-gawl. See Galla. Nut'meg. See Myrislica. Nut'meg-liv'er. Appearance of liver from imperfect circulation. Nu'trient. A nutritious substance. Conveying nutriment. Nu'triment, nu'-tri-ment. Anything that nourishes. Nutri'tion, nu-trish'-un. Process of assimilation of food. Nu'tritive, nu'-trit-iv. Affording nutrition. Nux Vom'ica. Seed of Strychnos nuz-vomica, yielding strychnine. Nyctalo'pia, nik-tcU-o'-pe-ah. Day-blindness ; vision best at night. Nym'phse, nim’-fe. The labia minora, Nymphi'tis, nimf-V-tis. Inflammation of the labia. Nymphoma'nia. Excessive sexual desire in women. Nymphon'cus, nim-fon'-kus. Tumor of the nymph®. Nymphot'omy, nim-fot’-d-me. Ablation of the nymph*. Nystag'mus, m-stag’-mus. Oscillatory movement of the eye-balls. GOULD’S POCKET o. Oa'rium, o-d'-re-um. See Ovarium. Oa'sis, o-d'-sis. Isolated spot of healthy tissue. Obdormi'tion. Numbness of a part due to nerve pressure. Obe'lion, o-be'-le-on. The sagittal suture between parietal foramina. Obese', d-bes'. Condition of fatness. Obes'ity, d-bes'-il-e. Fatness, corpulency. Obit'uary, d-hiC-v-d-re. Pertaining to death. Death notice. Objective. Object glass of microscope. Perceptible to the senses. Oblique', ob-lek'. Slanting, as a muscle. Oblonga'ta, ob-long-gd'-tah, The medulla of the cord, MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 221 Observation, ob-zer-v&'shun. Examination of a thing. Obstetric'ian, ob-stet-rish'-an. One who practices obstetrics. Obstet'rics, ob-stet'-riks. Science of the care of women during pregnancy and child-birth. Obstipation, ob-stip-d-shun. ■ Same as Constipation, q. v. Obstruction, ob-struk'-shun. Blocking of a canal or opening. Ob'struent, ob'-strw-enl. Astringent, q. v. Obtun'dent, ob-tun'-dent. An agent relieving irritation. Obturator, ob'-tu-ra-tor. That which stops up a cavity. Obturator Fora'men. Foramen in the anterior part of the innominate bone. Occip'ital, ok-sip'-it-cil. Pertaining to the occiput. Oc'ciput, old-si-put. The back part of the head. Occlu'sion, ok-lu'-shun. Blocking up of an opening. Occult', ok-ulf. Hidden; secret. Occupation Disease. One associated with occupation of patient. Ochle'sis, ok-le'-sis. Morbid state from over-crowding of the sick. O'chre, o'-ker. Yellow-colored clay. Octa'rius, ok-ta'-re-iis. Pint; eighth part of a gallon. Oc'ular, ok'-u-lar. Pertaining to the eye. The eye-piece of a microscope. Oc'ulist, ok'-u-list. An ophthalmic surgeon. Oculomoto'rius. The third or motor ocuti nerve. O. D. Contraction of Oculus dexter, Right-eye. Odonta'gra. Pain in the teeth. Odontal'gia, o-don-tal'-je-ah. Toothache. Odonti'asis, d-don-Fi'-as-is. Cutting of the teeth. Odon'tinoid, 5-don'-tin-oid. Resembling a tooth. Odonti'tis, 6-don-tV-tvs. Inflammation of a tooth. Odon'toblast, 6-don'-t.6-b last. Columnar cell forming dentine. Odontobothri'tis. Inflammation of the alveoli. Odontodyn'ia, d-don-to-din'-e-ah. Odontalgia, q. v. Odontog'eny, 6-don-loj'-en-e. Same as Odontosis, q. v. Odontog'raphy. Descriptive anatomy of the teeth. Odon'toid, o-don'-toid. Resembling a tooth. Odon'tolith, 6-don'-io-lith. “Tartar” on the teeth. Odontol'ogy, o-don-tol'-o-je. A treatise on the teeth. Odontol'oxy. Irregularity in arrangement of the teeth. Odonto'ma, o-don-to'-mah. A tumor of dental tissue. Odontonecro'sis. Necrosis of the tissues of the teeth. Odontonosol'ogy. A treatise on diseases of teeth. Odontop'athy, o-don-top'-a-the. Diseases of the teeth. Odontopri'sis, 6-don-to-pri'-sis. Grinding of the teeth. Odonto'sis, 6-don-l6'-sis. Formation and development of teeth. Odontother'apy. Proper care and treatment of the teeth. Odontotrip'sis, 6-don-t6-trip'-six. Natural abrasion of the teeth. Odon'trypy. Perforation of a tooth to remove diseased pulp. O'dorant, o'-do-rant. Odorous. 222 Odynpha'gia, d-din-fa'-je-ah. Painful swallowing. CE-. See E-. Offic'inal, of-is'-in-al. Drugs kept in stock by a pharmacist. Ohm, dm. The unit of resistance in electricity. Oid'ium, o-id'-e-um. A parasitic fungus. Oid'ium Al'bicans. A fungus causing thrush. Oil. Liquid fatty substance. Oinoma'nia, oi-nd-md'-ne-ah. A mania for intoxicating liquors. Oint'ment. See Unguentum. Oleag'inous, d-le-aj'-in-us. Having the nature of oil. O'leate. d'-le-at. A compound of oleic acid and a base. Olec'ranal, o-lek'-ran-al. Pertaining to the olecranon. Olecranarthri'tis. Inflammation of the elbow-joint. Olec'ranoid, o-lek'-ran-oid. Kesembling the elbow. Olec'ranon. Large process forming the head of the ulna. Olefiant Gas. Ethylene; a constituent of illuminating gas. O'leic Ac'id. Compound of olein with glycerol as a base. O'leln, d'-le-in. A simple oil; liquid principle of oils and fats. Oleomargarine. Artificial butter from animal fat. O'leum, d'-le-um. See Oil. Olfac'tion, o!-fak'-shun. The sense of smell. Olfactom'eter, ol-fak-tom'-el-er. See Osmometer. Olfac'tory, ol-fak'-lo-re. Pertaining to olfaction. Olige'mia, ol-ig-e'-me-ah. See Oligohemia. Oligocho'lia, ol-ig-d-kg'-le-ah. Deficiency of bile. Oligochrome'mia, ol-ig-d-krd-me'-me-a.h. Scantiness of hemoglobin in red blood-corpuscles. Oligochy'lia, ol-ig-o-kV-le-ah. Deficiency of chyle. Oligochy'mia, ol'-ig-d-ki'-me-ah. Deficiency of chyme. Oligocythe'mia. Deficiency of red corpuscles in the blood. Oligogalac'tia. Deficiency in the secretion of milk. Oligohe'mia, ol-ig-d-he'-me-ah. Deficiency or poverty of blood. Oligoma'nia, ol-igd-md'-ne-ah. Same as monomania, q. v. Oligomenorrhe'a. Insufficiency of the menstrual flow. Oligosper'mia. Deficiency in the secretion of semen. Oligot'rophy, ol-ig-ot'-rd-fe. Deficient nourishment. Oligure'sis, ol-ig-u-re'-sis. Scantiness of urine. Oligu'ria, ol-ig-u'-re-ah. See Oliguresis. Olivary Bodies. Oval-shaped bodies in the medulla oblongata. Olopho'nia. Abnormal speech from malformation of vocal organs. Omal'gia, 6m-al'-je-ah. Neuralgia of the shoulder. Omarthri'tis, om-urth-rV-tis. Inflammation of the shoulder-joint. Omcn'tal, o-men'-tal. Pertaining to the omentum. Omenti'tis, d-men-tl'-tis. Inflammation of the omentum. Omen'tum, d-mm'-fum. Fold of peritoneum covering the viscera. Omi'tis, om-V-tis. Inflammation of the shoulder. Omniv'orous, om-niv'-d-rus. Living on all kinds of foods. Omo-hy'oid, dm-d hl'-oid. Pertaining to scapula and hyoid. An oblique cervical muscle. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 223 Omopha'gia, d-mii-fd'-je-ah. The eating of raw food. O'moplate, o'-mo-plat. The scapula. Omoto'cia, o-mo-tu'-se-ah. Premature birth ; miscarriage. Omphalelco'sis, onv-fal-el-ko'-sis. Ulceration of the umbilicus. Omphal'ic, om-fal'-ik. Pertaining to the umbilicus. Omphali'tis, om-fal-V-tis. Inflammation of the umbilicus. Omphal'ocele, om-fal'-o-sel. Umbilical hernia. Omphalon'cus, om-fal-on’-kus. Tumor or swelling at the navel. Omphalophlebi'tis, om-fal-o-fle-bV-tis. Inflammation of the um- bilical vein. Omphalorrha'gia, om-fal-or-a'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the navel. Omphalorrhe'a, om-fal-or-e’-ah. Effusion of lymph at the navel. Omphal'osite, om-fal'-o-sll. A monster that lives only while con- nected with the mother by the cord. Omphalot'omy, om-fal-ol'-G-me. Division of the umbilical cord. Om'phalus, om’-fal-us. The umbilicus. O'nanism, S'-nan-izm. Incomplete coitus. Masturbation. Oncol'ogy, on-kol'-6-je. A treatise on boils, tumors, and abscesses. Oncom'eter. An instrument for measuring the size of a tumor. Onco'sis, on-ko'-sis. Production of a tumor. Oncot'omy, on-kot'-o-me. Incision into a boil, abscess, or tumor. Oneirodyn'ia, on-l-ro-din'-e-ah. Nightmare; restlessness in sleep. Ontogen'esis, on-td-jen'-es-is. Development of an embryonic cell. Ontog'eny, on-toj'-en-e. History of individual development. Onychaux'is, on-ik-auks'-is. Hypertrophied condition of a nail. Onych'ia, on-ik'-e-ah. Chronic inflammation of matrix of a nail. Onychi'tis, on-ik-V-tis. Inflammation of soft parts about nails. Onychogrypo'sis, on-ik-o-grl-po’-sis. Thickening and curvature of the nails. On'ychoid, on'-ik-oid. Resembling a nail. Onychomyco'sis, on-ik-o-mv-ko'-sis. Parasitic disease of nails. Onychon'osus, on-ik-on'-5-sus. Any disease of the nails. Onychopho'sis, on-ik-u-fo'-sis. Growth of horny epidermis beneath the toe-nails. Onychophy'ma, on-ik-o-fl'-mah. Morbid degeneration of nails. Onychopto'sis, on-ik-op-to'-sis. Falling off of the nails. Onychostro'ma, on-ik-os-tro'-mah. Matrix of a nail. On'yx, on'-iks. Collection of pus in the corneal layers. Onyx'is, on-4ks'-is. Ingrowing of nails. O'oblast, u'-o-blast. The primordial ovule. Oode'ocele, o-o-de'-o-sel. Obturator hernia. Oog'amous, u-og'-am-us. Generated by means of an ovum. Oophoral'gia, o-o-for-al'-je-ah. Pain in the ovaries. Oophorec'tomy, 6-d-for-ek'-/6-me. Excision of an ovary. Obphori'tis, G-d-for-i'-tis. See Ovaritis. Opac'ity, G-pas'-it-e. Non-transparency. Opaque', o-pak'. Non-transparent; impervious to light. Operation, op-er-a'-shun. Surgical procedure upon the body. 224 GOULD’S POCKET Oper'culum, ii-per'-kv-lum. A lid or cover. Oph'ryon, of-re-on. The glabellum, q. v. Ophthalmat'rophy, cjf-lhal-mcti'-rd-fe. Atrophy of the eyeball. Ophthal'mia, off-thal'-me-ah. Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Ophthal'mia Neonato'rum. Purulent conjunctivitis of new-born. Ophthal'mia, Pu'rulent. Conjunctivitis with a purulent discharge. Ophthal'mic, off-thal'-mik. Pertaining to the eye. Ophthal'mic Gang'lion. Large nerve ganglion back of the orbit. Ophthalmit'ic, off-thal-mit'-ik. Pertaining to Ophthalmitis, q. r. Ophthalmi'tis, off-thal-mV-Us. Choroiditis, q. v. Ophthalmi'tis, Sympathetic. That following inflammation or injury of the fellow-eye. Ophthalmo-blennorrhe'a. Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Ophthal'mocele, off-tliaV-md-sel. Protrusion of the eyeball. Ophthalmodynia. Violent non-inflammatory pain in the eye. Ophthalmog'raphy, off-thal-mog'-ra-fe. Description of the eye. Ophthal'molith, off-thal'-mo-lith. Calculus of the eye. Ophthalmologist, off-thal-mol'-O-jist. An oculist ; one versed in diseases of the eye. Ophthalmol'ogy. Science of affections of the eye. Ophthalmomala'cia. Abnormal softness of eye tissues. Ophthalmom'eter, off-thal-mom'-et-er. Instrument to measure the eye, especially the amount of corneal curvature. Ophthal'moplasty. Plastic operations upon the eye. Ophthalmople'gia. Paralysis of the ocular muscles. Ophthalmopto'sis, off-that-mo}>-t6'-sis. Exophthalmos, q. v. Ophthalmorrha'gia, off-thal-mor-a'-je-ah. Hemorrhage of the eye. Ophthalmorrhe'a, off-thal-mor-e'-ah. Flow of blood from the eye. Ophthalmorrhex'is, off-thal-mor-eks'-is. Rupture of an eyeball. Ophthal'moscope. Instrument to examine the interior of the eye. Ophthalmos'copy. Examination of the interior of the eye. Ophthalmos'tasis. Fixation of the eye during an operation. Ophthal'mostat. Instrument for ophthalmostasis. Ophthal'motrope. Instrument to show the movements of the eye. Ophthalmox'ysis, off-thak-muks'-is-is. Scraping of the conjunctiva. Ophthalmozo'a, off-thal-mo-zo'-ah. Parasites of the eye. O'pianin, 0'-pi-an-in. Ci0ll10O6. An alkaloid of opium. O'piate, O’-pi-dt. An opium preparation ; hypnotic. Opisthot'onoid, O-pis-lhot'-on-oid, Resembling opisthotonos. Opisthot'onos, o-pis-thot'-on-os. Spasmodic rigidity of the body in which the trunk is thrown backward and arched upward. O'pium, d'-pi-um Inspissated juice of Papaver somniferum, used as a hypnotic and narcotic. Opodel'doc, op-d-del'-dok. A saponaceous camphorated liniment. Opodid'ymus, op-o-did'-e-mus. A dual monster with two faces. Oppila'tion, op-il-a'-shun, Obstruction. Constipation. Op'pilatives, op'-il-d-livs. Remedies closing the pores. Oppo'nens, op-O'-nenz. Opposing, as a muscle. Oppression, op-rexh'-on. A sense of pressure or weight. Opsoma'nia, op-so-ma'-ne-ah. Mania for a particular food. Optic, op’-tik. Pertaining to vision or its organ. Optic Disk. Entrance of the optic nerve to the retina. Optics, op'-tiks. Science of light and vision. Op'tic Thal'amus. See Thalamus. Op'tograph, op'-tu-graf. Fixation of image upon the retina, Optom'eter. Instrument for measuring refractive power of eye. O'ral, o’-ral. Pertaining to the mouth. Or'ange, or'-dnj. The fruit of species of Citrus, used as a flavor. O'ra Serra'ta, <5'-roh-ser-a'-tah Serrated border of the retina. Orbic'ular, or-bikf-diAar. Circular; spherical. Orbicula'ris, o)--bik-u-ld'-ris. Name of the circular muscles. Or'bit. Bony cavity for the eyeball. Or'bital, or'-bit-al. Pertaining to the orbit. Or'cheoplasty, oiJ-ke-6-plas-te. Plastic operation on the scrotum. Orchial'gia, or-ke-al'-je-ah. Pain in the testicle. Orchidec'tomy, or-kid-ek'-td-me. Castration of the male. Orchidon'cus, or-kid-on'-kus. Tumor of the testis. Orchidot'omy, or-kid-ot'-o-me. See Orchotomy. Or'chiocele, or'-ke-o-sel. Tumor of the testicle. Scrotal hernia. Orchiodyn'ia, or-ke-o-din'-e-ah. Sharp pain in the testicles. Orchioscir'rhus, or-ke-o-skir'-us. Hard, cancerous tumor of testis. Orchi'tis, or-kV-tis. Inflammation of the testicle. Orchot'omy, or-kol'-o-me. Excision of a testicle; castration. Or'gan. Any part of the body with special function. Or'gan of Ro'senmtiller. The Parovarium. Organ'ic, or-gan'-ik. Pertaining to or having organs. Or'ganism, or'-gan-izm. A living, organized being. Organization. Condition of an organized body. Organogen'esis. Development and growth of an organ. Organog'raphy, or-gan-og’-ra-fe. Descriptive treatise of organs. Or'gasm, or'-gazm. Crisis of the venereal passion. Oriental Boil. See Furunculus Oriental is. Or'ifice, or'-if-is. Mouth or entrance. Or'igin, or'-ij-in. Beginning or source, as of a muscle. Orina'sal, o-rin-a'-zal Pertaining to the nose and mouth. Or'piment. King’s Yellow, arsenic trisulphide. Orrhorrhe'a, or-or-re'-ah. Great flow7 of serum; a watery discharge. Or'ris Root. An aromatic and astringent root. Orthodontia. Correction of irregularities of the teeth. Orthog'nathous, orth-og'-nd thus. Straight-jawed. Orthomor'phia. Surgical correction of deformity. Orthope'dic. Pertaining to correction of deformity. Orthope'dist. One who practices orthopedic surgery. Orthopho'ria, or-lhd-fo'-re-ah. Parallelism of the visual lines. Orthopne'a. Dyspnea relieved only by upright position. Orthopraxy, or'-thO-praks-e. Mechanical treatment of deformities. MEDICAL 11ICTI0NA R V. Orthop'tic. Pertaining to normal binocular vision. Or'thoscope, or'-thd-skdp. Instrument to examine the eye through water, to neutralize corneal refraction. Orthoscop'ic, or-tho-skop'-ik. Pertaining to Orthoscopy, q. v. Orthos'copy. Examination of the eye by the orthoscope. Orthot'onos. Tetanic cramp in which the body is held straight. Ory'za, d-rl'-zah. Rice-plant. Choleraic discharges. Os. The mouth. A bone. Os'cheal, os'-ke-al. Pertaining to the scrotum. Os'cheocele, os'-ke-S-sSl. .Scrotal hernia. Os'cheolith, os’-ke-6-lith. Scrotal calculus. Oscheon'cus, os-ke-on’-kus. Swelling or tumor of the scrotum. Os'cheoplasty. Plastic operations on the scrotum. Oschi'tis, os-kV-lis. Inflammation of the scrotum. Oscilla'tion, os-il-d’-shun. A tremulous motion. Oscita'tion, os-it-d'-shun. The act of yawning or gaping. Oscula'tion, os-kH-ld'-shun. Anastomosis. The act of kissing. Os'culum, ost-ku-lum. Mouth of a small vessel. Os Mag'num. See Capilatum. Os'mic Ac'id. 0s04. Used in Microscopy to harden tissues. Osmidro'sis, os-mid-ro'-sis. See Bromidrosis. Osmodyspho'ria, os-md-d is-fd'-re-ah. Intolerance of certain odors. Osmom'eter. An instrument for testing osmosis. Osmo'sis. Diffusion of fluids through membranes. Osmot'ic, os-mo/'-ik. Pertaining to osmosis. Osphresiol'ogy, ns-fre-si-ol'-d-je. Science of odors and sense of smell. Osphyal'gia, os-fi-al'-je-ah. A pain in the loins; sciatica. Os'seln, os'-e-in. Gelatinous principle of bones. Os'seous, os'-e-tis. Bony ; resembling bone. Os'sicles, os’-ik-te. Small bones of the ear. Ossic'ula, os-ik'-u-lah. See Ossicles. Ossic'ulum, os-ik’-u-lum. A little bone. Ossiferous, os-if-er-us. Bearing or producing bone-tissue. Ossifica'tion, os-if-ik-d'-shun. Formation of bone. Ostal'gia, os-tal'-je-ah. Pain in a bone. Osteanaph'ysis. Reproduction of bone-tissue. Os'teln, os'-te-in. Same as Ossein, q. v. Ostei'tis, os-te-V-tis. Inflammation of bone. Ostem'bryon,'-hre-nn. Ossification of the fetus. Oste'mia, ost-&-me-ah. Morbid, turgescent condition of bone. Ostempye'sis, ost-em-pl-e'-sis. Abscess of bone. Osteo-an'eurysm. Aneurysm of the osseous arteries. Osteo-arthri'tis. Chronic rheumatoidal arthritis. Os'teoblast, os'-ti-d-bInst.. Germinal cell of bone. Osteocamp'sia, os-fr-d-kamp'-sr-a/i. Abnormal curvature of bone. Os'teocele. Bone-like substance in old hernial sacs. Osteocla'sia, os-te-b-kld'-se-ah. Therapeutic fracture of bones. Os'teoclast. An instrument for performing osteoclasia. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 227 Os'teocope, os'-le-G-kop. Pain in bones ; bone-ache. Osteoder'mia, os-te-o-der'-me-ah. Osseous formation in the skin. Osteodias'tasis. Separation of bone without fracture. Osteodyn'ia, os-te-o-din'-e-ah. Pain in bone. Osteogen'esis. Development and formation of bone. Osteog'eny, os-te-oj'-en-e. See Osteogenesis. Osteog'raphy, os-ib-og'-ra-fe. Descriptive anatomy of bones. Os'teoid, os'-te-oid. Having the nature of bone. Osteol'ogy, os-te-ol'-o-je. Science of structure and function of bones. Osteol'ysis, os-te-ol'-is-is. Absorption of bone. Osteo'ma, os-te-o'-mah. A bony tumor. Osteomala'cia, os-te-o-rnal-o'-se-ah. Morbid softening of bone. Osteomyelitis. Inflammation of the marrow of bone. Osteomy'elum, os-te-6-mV-el-um The marrow of bone. Osteonab'rosis, os-te-on-ab’-rd-sis. Natural absorption of bone. Osteonagen'esis, os-te-on-nj-en'-es-is. Reproduction of bone. Osteon'cus, os-te-on'-kus. Tumor of bone. Exostosis. Osteonecro'sis, os-te-o-ne-krG'-sis. Decay of bone. Osteon'osus, os-te-on'-G-sus. Disease of bone. Osteope'dion, os-te-G-pe'-de-on. See Lithopedion. Osteop'athy, os-le-op'-a-the. See Osleonosus. Osteophy'ma, os-te-o-fi'-mah. A tumor or swelling of bone. Os'teophyte, os'-te-o-fv. A bony outgrowth. Osteophy'ton, os-te-5-fV-ton. A bone-tumor. Os'teoplaque, os'-te-b-plak. A layer of bone. Os'teoplast, os’-ts-o-plast. Same as Osteoblast, q. v. Os'teoplasty, os'-te-o-plas-te. Plastic operations on bone. Osteoporo'sis. Change of compact into cancellous bone-tissue. Osteor'raphy, os-te-or'-a-fe. Bone-suture. Osteosarco'ma. Sarcomatous tumor growing from bone. Osteosclero'sis, os-te-d-skle-ro’-sis. Induration of bone. Osteosteato'rna, os-te-o-sle-at-o'-mah. Fatty tumor of bone. Os'teotome, os'-te-d-tom. A bone-saw. Osteot'omy, os-le-ot'-d-me. Incision of bone. Os'teotrite. An instrument for operating on bone. Osti'tis, os-tl’-tis. See Osteitis. Os'tium, os'-te-um. Mouth of a tubular passage. Os'toid, os'-toid. Osteoid, q. v. Os U'teri, os-u'-ter-i. Mouth of the womb. Otacous'tic, o-tah-kows'-tik. Aiding audition. Otal'gia, o-lal'-jr-ah. Earache. O'taphone, o'-tah-fon. Instrument for aiding hearing. Othelco'sis, o-lhel-ko'-sis. Ulceration of the ear. Othemato'ma. Gt-he-mah-to'-mah. Hematoma of the ear. Otiat'rics, o-ti-at'-riks. Aural therapeutics. O'tic, o'-tik. Pertaining to the ear. O'tic Gang'lion. Ganglion in oval foramen supplying the ear. Oticodin'ia, 6-ti-kG-din'-e-ah. Vertigo from ear disease. ■ 228 O'titis, G-ti'-fis. Inflammation of the ear. Otoblenorrhe'a. Catarrhal discharge from the ear. Otocatarrh', o-tG-kat-ar'. Catarrh of the ear. Otoclei'sis, G-tG-kll'-sis. Closure of the ear. Otoco'nia, G-lo-kG'-ne-ah. Otoliths, g. v. O'tocrane. Bony structure of the middle and inner ear. Otodyn'ia, u-to-din'-e-ah. Pain in the ear. Otogang'lion, G-tG-gang'-le-on. See Otic Ganglion. Otog'raphy, G-tog'-ra-fe. Descriptive anatomy of the ear. O'toliths. Granules of calcium carbonate in labyrinth of ear. Otol'ogy, G-tol'-G-je. Science of the ear and its function. Otomy'ces, G-tG-mi'-slz. Fungous growth in the ear. Otomyco'sis. Presence of fungi in the external ear. Oton'cus, o-ton'-kus. An aural tumor. Otop'athy, G-top'-a-ttw. Any disease of the ear. O'tophone, G'-tG-fGn. An ear-trumpet. Otopie'sis, <5-to-pl-ef-sis. Deafness from pressure on the labyrinth. O'toplasty, G'-iG-plas-te. Plastic surgery of the external ear. Otopyorrhe'a. Purulent discharge from the ear. Otopyo'sis, G-tG-pl-G'-sis. Discharge of pus from the ear. Otorrha'gia, G-tGr-a'-je-ah. Discharge of blood from the ear. Otorrhe'a. Discharge from the external auditory meatus. O'toscope, G'-to-skOp. An instrument for examining the ear. Otos'teal, G-tos'-te-al. Pertaining to bones of the ear. Otos'teon, G-tos'-tt-on. An ear stone or an otolith. One of the ossicles of the ear. Otot'omy, G-tot'-G-me. Dissection of the ear. Oua'baine, oo-ah'-ba-in. C30H46Ol2 + 7H20. Poisonous glucoside used as cardiac stimulant. Ou'loid, oo'-loid. Resembling a scar. Oulorrha'gia, oo-lor-a'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the gums. Ounce. Twelfth part of Troy and sixteenth of Avoirdupois pound. Ourol'ogy. A treatise on the nature and secretion of urine. Ouros'copy. Examination of urine for diagnostic purposes. Oval, G'-val. Egg-shaped ; elliptical. Oval'bumin, G-val'-bu-min. Albumin of the egg. Ovaral'gia, G-var-al.'-je-ah. Pain in an ovary. Ova'rian, O-vd'-ri-an. Pertaining to the ovaries. Ova'riocele, G-va'-rUG-sel. Tumor of the ovary. Ovariocente'sis, G-va-ri-G-sen-te'-sis. Puncture of an ovary. Ovariot'omy, G-ra-ri-ot'-G-me. Excision of an ovary. Ovari'tis, G-va-ri'-tis. Inflammation of an ovary. O'vary. The organ of generation in the female, producing the ova. Ov'en, uv'-n. An instrument for sterilization, etc. O'viducts, G'-vi-ducts. Small tubes on either side of the uterus con- veying the ova from the ovaries. The Fallopian tubes. Ovifica'tion, G-vif-ik-a'-shun. The production of ova. O'viform, G'-vi-form. Oval : egg-shaped. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 229 Ovina'tion. Inoculation with the virus of sheep-pox. Ovip'arous. d-vip'-ar-us. Bearing eggs. O'visac, o'-vi-sak. The Graafian Follicle, q. v. Ovula'tion. Maturation and escape of ovisacs. O'vule, o'-r;V. The unimpregnated ovum. O'vulum, O'vum. See Ovule. Oxal'ic Ac'id. (COOH)2. The acid of sorrel, a powerful irritant poison. Oxalu'ria, oks-al-u'-re-ah. Presence of calcium oxalate in urine. Oxida'tion, oks-id-d'-shun. Conversion into an oxide. Ox'ide, oks'-id. Any binary combination of oxygen. Oxycepha'lia. A monster with a pointed or “ sugar-loaf” head. Oxyesthe'sia, oks-e-es-the'-ze-ah. Increased acuity of sensation. Ox'ygen, oks'-e-jen. One of the gaseous elements; supporter of life and combustion ; symbol O. Oxygena'tion, oks-e-jen-d’-shun. Saturation with oxygen. Oxyhemoglo'bin, oks-e-hem-d-glo'-bin. Formal hemoglobin in which oxygen is in combination. Ox'ymel, oks'-e-mel. A mixture of honey and vinegar. Oxyn'tic, oks-in'-tik. Rendering acid. Oxyo'pia, oks-e-o'-pe-ah. Excessive acuity of vision. Oxytoc'ic, oks-e-tos'-ik. An agent promoting uterine contraction. Oxyu'ris Vermiculo'sis. Threadworm of the human rectum. Oze'na, o-ze'-nah.. A fetid nasal ulceration and discharge. O'zone, d'-zdn. 03. Allotropic form of oxygen, an antiseptic and oxidizing agent. p. Pab'ulum, pab'-u-lum Food; anything nutritive. Pacchio'ni’s Glands. Small granulations under the dura mater. Pache'mia, pak-e'-me-ah. Thickening of the blood. Pachulo'sis, pak-u-ld'-sis. See Pachylosis. Pachybleph'aron, pak-e-blef-ar-on. Thickening of the eyelids. Pachyceph'alic, pak-e-sef-al-ik. Pertaining to Pachycephaly, g. r. Pachyceph'aly, pak-e-sef-al-e. Abnormal thickness of the hones of the cranial vault. Pachyder'matocele. A tumor from cutaneous hypertrophy. Pachydermatous, pak-e-der1-mal-us. Thick-skinned. Pachyder'mia, pak-e-der'-me-ah. See Elephantiasis Arabian. Pachylo'sis, pak-e-lb’-sis. Hypertrophy of papillae of the skin. Pachymeningi'tis, pak-e-rnen-in-jV-tis. Inflammation of the dura mater of the brain or cord, 230 Paci'ni’s Cor'puscles. See Voter. Pack, pak. A moist blanket placed around the patient. Pac'quelin’s Caut'ery, pak'-ke-linz-kaw'-tar-e. A thermo-cautery. Pad. A cushion for the support of part of the body. Pae-. See Pe~. Pagenstech'er’s Oint'ment. Ointment of yellow oxide of mer- cury, for the eye. Paget’s' Disease'. Carcinoma of the nipple. Arthritis and osteitis deformans. Pain,pan. Suffering; a distressing sensation. Paint'ers’ Col'ic. See Ootiea Pictonum. Pal'ate, pal'-at. Roof of the mouth and floor of the nose. Pal'atine, pal'-at-in. Pertaining to the palate. Palati'tis, pal-at-V-tis. Inflammation of the palate. Palatoglos'sal, pal-al-O-glos'-al. Pertaining to palate and tongue. Palatogna'thus, paUat-og-na'-thus. Cleft or fissured palate. Palator'raphy, pal-at-or'-u-fe. See Staphylorrhaphy. Palatos'chisis, pal-at-cs'-kis-is. Cleft palate. Pala, pal. Wanting in color. Palindro'mia, pal-in-drh'-me-ah. Recurrence of a disease. Palingen'esis, pal-in-jen’-es-is. Re-birth, regeneration. Pal'liative, pal'-i-d-tiv. Mitigating ; relieving. Pal'lor, pal'-or. Paleness. Palm. The inner side of the hand. Pal'mar. Pertaining to the palm of the hand. Palma'ris, pal-ma'-ris. Muscles of the palm. Long muscle of arm. Pal'mature, pal'-mal-ur. Union of the fingers ; webbed fingers. Pal'miped, pal'-mip-ed. Web-footed. Pal'mitine, pal'-mit-in. Solid, crystallizable substance of fat. Palpa'tion, pal-pa'-shun. Exploration with the hand. Pal'pebra, pal'-pe-brah. The eyelid. Pal'pebral, paV-pe-bral. Pertaining to the palpebr®. Pal'pitate, pal’-pit-at. To flutter, or beat abnormally fast. Palpita'tion, pal-pit-d'-shun. Violent pulsation, as of the heart. Pal'sy, pawl'-ze. See Paralysis. Pal'udal, pal'-H-dal. Pertaining to marshes. Palus'tral, pal-us'-tral. Having the nature of marsh fever. Pampin'iform, pam-pin'-if-orm. Having the form of a tendril. Panace'a, pan-as-e'-ah. A cure-all; a quack remedy. Pana'do, pan-a'-do. Bread poultice; bread soaked in water. Pana'ris. Phlegmonous inflammation of a finger or toe. Panarthri'tis. General inflammation of the joint structures. Pan'as’s Solu'tion. A mild, antiseptic collyrium. Pan'ax, pan'-aks. Demulcent and mild purgative of China. Pan'creas. Racemose gland in the abdomen : the sweetbread. Pancreatal'gia, pan-kre-at-al'-je-ah. Pain in the pancreas. Pancreatec'tomy, pan-kre-at-ek’-lo-me. Excision of the pancreas. Pancreat'ic, pan-kre-at'-ik. Belonging to the pancreas, GOULD’S POCKET Pan'creatin, pan'-kre-at-in. A ferment from juice of the pancreas. Pancreati'tis, pan-kre-at-V-tis. Inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreat'omy, pan-kre-at'-o-me. See Pancreatotomy. Pancreaton'cus, pan-kre-at-on'-kus. Tumor of the pancreas. Pancreatot'omy, pan-kre-at-ot'-o-me. Incision of the pancreas. Pancreec'tomy, pan-kre-ek'-to-me. Excision of a part or the of the pancreas. Pandem'ic, pan-dem'-ik. A wide-spread epidemic. Pandicula'tion, pan-dik-u-la'-shun. The act of yawning. Pang. A sharp momentary pain. Pangen'esis, pan-yen'-es-is. Theory of the generation of all living forms from a primordial living matter. Panidro'sis, pan-id-rO'-sis. General perspiration. Panneuri'tis, pan-nu-ri'-lis. Same as multiple neuritis, q. v. Pannic'ulus, pan-ik'-u-lus. Small membrane. Layer of muscles, etc. Pan'nus, pan'-us. Corneal vascularization and opacity. Panopho'bia, pan-u-fO'-be-ah. See Panphobia. Panophthal'mia.pan-off-thal'-me-ah. See Panophthalmitis. Panophthalmi'tis, pan-off-thal-ml'-tis. General inflammation of the eyeball. Panoti'tis, pan-o-ti'-tis. General inflammation of the ear. Panpho'bia, pan-fo'-be-ah. Groundless fear of everything. Pansper'mia, pan-sper'-me-ah. Theory of universal dissemination of disease germs. Pansper'mism, pan-sper’-mizm. See Panspermia. Pantamorph'ic, pan-tah-morf-ik. Completely deformed. Pantanenceph'alus, pan-tan-en-sef-al-us. A brainless monster. Pantatro'phia, pan-tat-ro'-fe-ah. General atrophy. Pap'ain. Ferment from papaw milk, an excellent solvent. Papa'ver, pa-pa'-ver. The poppy. Papav'erin, pa-pav'-er-in. C21II01NO4. An alkaloid of opium. Pa'paw, pah'-paio. The fruit of Carica Papaya. Papil'la, pap-il'-ah. Small conical eminence. The optic disc. Papil'liform, pap-il'-if-orm. Shaped like a papilla. Papilli'tis, pap-il-V-tis. Inflammation of papilla of the eye. Optio neuritis; “ choked disc.” Papillo'ma. Growth of hypertrophied papilUe of the skin. Pap'pus, pap'-us. First downy beard on the cheeks and chin. Pap'ule, pap'-ill. Small elevation of the skin. Paquelin’s Cau'tery. See Pacquelin's Cautery. Par'ablast, par’-ah-blast. A nucleated layer of the yolk of ovum. Parablas'tic, par-ah-blas’-tik. Pertaining to the parablast. Parablep'sis, par-ab-lep'-sis. False vision. Parabu'lia, par-ab-u'-le-ah. Abnormal action of volition. Parabys'ma, par-ab-iz'-mah. Turgescence of a part. Paracente'sis, par-as-en-te'-sis. Tapping of a body cavity. Parachre'a, par-ak-re'-ah. Change in the color of the skin. Parachro'matin. par-ak-rO'-mat-in. That part of the nucleoplasm which during karyokinesis forms the spindle-figure. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 231 232 GOULD’S POCKET Paracine'sis, par-as-l-nl'-sw. Disease characterized by morbid movements of voluntary muscles. Paracolpi'tis. Inflammation of the structures around the vagina. Parac'rises, par-ak'-ris-ez. Diseases of the secretions. Paracu'sis, par-ak~u'-sis. Disordered hearing. 4faracu'sis Willisia'na, par-ak-u'-sis ml-is-i-d'-nah. Increase of acuteness of hearing in the midst of a noise. Paracye'sis, par-ak-si-Z'-sis. Morbid or extra-uterine pregnancy. Par'affin. White waxy hydrocarbon prepared from petroleum. Parageu'sis, par-ah-gu'-sis. Any perversion of taste. Paraglob'ulin. Native protcid from blood-serum. Paraglos'sa. Swelling or hypertrophy of the tongue. Paragompho'sis. Incomplete impaction of the fetal head. Paragraph'ia, par-ag raf-e-ah. Aphasic inability to write. Parala'lia, par-al-d'-le-ah. Disorder of articulation. Paral'bumin, par-al'-bu-min. Proteid found in ovarian cysts. Paral'dehyde. C,;1I A hypnotic of pungent unpleasant taste. Paralex'ia, par-a.l-ek'-se-ah. Aphasic inability to read. Paralge'sia. Hvpalgia. Disordered sense of pain in a part. Paral'gia, par-al'-jt-ah. Same as Paralgesia, q. r. Paral'ysis, par-al'-is-is. Loss of sensation or voluntary motion. Paral'ysis Ag'itans. Paralysis with constant tremor of muscles. Paral'ysis Fes'tinans, par al’-is-is-fes'-Hn-anz. Phase of paralysis agitans in which the patient walks as if hurried forward. Paralyt'ic, par-al-it'-ik. Pertaining to paralysis. Paramasti'tis. Inflammation of tissues about the mammae. Parame'nia, par-am-e'-ne-ah. Disordered menstruation. Parametri'tis, par-ah-me-trV-tis. Inflammation about the womb. Paramne'sia. Loss of memory of the meaning of words. Paramor'phia, par-ah-m.or’-fe-ah. Abnormality of form. Paramor'phine, par-ah-mor'-frn. See Thehaine. Paramyosin'ogen. One of the proteids of muscle-plasma. Paranephri'tis. Inflammation of the supra-renal capsules. Paranoi'a, par-ah-noi’-ah Chronic form of insanity with delusions. Parapar'esis, par-ah-par’-es-is. Partial paralysis of the lower ex- tremities. Parapha'sia, par-af-a'-ze-ah. Aphasic confusion of words. Paraph'ia, par-af'-e-ah. Abnormality of the tactile sense. Paraphimo'sis. Constriction of prepuce behind the glans penis. Parapho'nia, par-ah-f<7-ne-ah. Abnormal alteration of the voice. Paraphreni'tis, par-af-ren-V-tis. Inflammation of the diaphragm. Paraplas'ma. par-ah-plaz'-mah. A neoplasm. Malformation. Paraplas'tic, par-ah-plas’-lik. Having morbid formative powers. Paraplec'tic, par-ah-plek'-lik. Stricken with paraplegia. Paraple'gia, par-ah-ple'-je-ah. Paralysis of lower half of the body. Parap'oplexy, par-ap'-o-pleks-e. Slight form of apoplexy. Parap'sis, par-ap'-sis. Disorder of the tactile sense. Parasecre'tion, par-ah-si-kre,'-shun. Abnormality of secretion. Par'asite, par'-as-V. Organism infesting the body. An Autosite, q. r. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Parasit'ic, par-as-it'-ik. Having the nature of a parasite. Parasiticide, A substance destroying parasites. Paraspa'dia. Opening of the urethra on the side of the penis. Par'atoloid, par'-at-6-loid. Name given to the fluid used by Koch in the treatment of tuberculosis ; tuberculin. Paratrim'ma, par-ah-trim'-ah. Intertrigo; chafing. Parat/rophy, par-at'-rS-fe. Abnormal nutrition ; hypertrophy. Paraxan'thine, piar-aks-an’-thin. A leficomalne found in urine. Parec'tasis, par-ek'-tas-is. Excessive stretching of a part. Paregoric, par-e-gor'-ik. A camphorated tincture of opium. Parei'ra Bra'va, par’-i-rah-br/ih'-vah. A diuretic and laxative root from Brazil. Parenceph'alis, par-en-sef-al-ix. The cerebellum. Parencephali'tis. Inflammation of the cerebellum. Parenceph'alocele. Hernia of the cerebellum. Paren'chyma, par-en'-kirn-ah. Essential substance of an organ. Parenchymati'tis. Inflammation of the parenchyma. Parenchym'atous, par-en-kim'-at-ax. Pertaining to parenchyma. Parepithy'mia,p«r-ep-ithr-l'-me-ah. Morbid emotion. Par'esis, par'-es-is. Slight paralysis. Paresthe'sia, par-es-lke'-se-ah. A morbid or altered sensation. Paresthetic, par-es-lhet'-Uk. Pertaining to paresthesia. Paretic, par-et'-ik. Pertaiuiug to or affected with paresis. Pareu'nia, par-oo'-ne-ah. Coitus. Paridro'sis, par-id-r5'-si$. An abnormal secretion of sweat. Pari'etal, par-V-e-tal. Pertaining to a wall. Pari'etal Bones. Bones forming the cranial sides and roof. Parkinson’s Disease'. See Paralysis Agilans. Par occipital, par-ok-sip'-it-al. The mastoid apophysis. Parodyn'ia,par-u-din'-e-ah. Morbid labor; dystocia. Parodon'tides, par-d-don'-tid-ez. Tumors on the gums. Paromphal'ocele, par-om-fal'-6-sel. Hernia near the navel. Paroni'ria, par-on-l'-re-ah. Morbid dreaming. Paronychia, par-o-nik'-i-ah. Inflammation about the nail. Parooph'oron, par-d-off'-O-ron. See Parovarium. Paro'pium. An eye-shade. Parop'sis, par-op’-sis. Disorder of vision. Parorchid'ium, par-or-kid'-i-um. Misplacement of the testicle. Paros'mia, par-oz'-me-ah. Hallucinations of smell. Paros'tia, par-os'-te-ah. Defective ossification. Parosto'sis. Development of bone in an abnormal position. Parotid. Near the ear. A conglomerate gland under the ear. Parotidi'tis, Paroti'tis. Inflammation of the parotid; mumps. Parova'rium. Remains of Wolffian bodies in the broad ligament. Par'oxysm, par'-oks-izm. Period of increase or crisis of disease. A spasm or tit; a convulsion. Parthenogenesis, par-ihen-6-jen'-es-w. Successive generation without fertilization. Reproduction by a virgin. 234 GOULD’S POCKET Partu'rient, par-tu'-rv-ent. The condition of being in labor. Parturifa'cient, par-tio-rif-d'-si-enl. Promoting parturition. Parturiom'eter, par-tu-ri-om'-et-er. An instrument for measuring the expulsive force of the uterus. Parturi'tion,par-tn-rish'-un. The act of giving birth to young. Par'voline, C9H13N. A ptomaine. Paru'lis, par-u'-lis. An alveolar abscess ; a gum-boil. Paru'ria, par-u'-re-ah Disordered micturition. Par va'gum, par vd’-gum. The pneumogastric nerve. Pas'sion, pash’-un. Intense emotion. Intense sexual desire. Pas'sive, pas'-iv. Not active; submissive. Paste, past. A semi-fluid preparation. Pasteurization, pas-loor-is-a'-shun. Destruction of microbic life in a substance to prevent decomposition. Pas'til, Pastille, pas'-til. A lozenge; a sugared confection. Patch, pack. An irregular spot upon the skin. Patel'la, pat-el'-ah. A round sesamoid bone in front of the knee. Patel'lar, pat-el'-ar. Pertaining to the patella. Pathe'ma, path-i'-mah. Any morbid condition. Pathematol'ogy, path-em-at-ol'-o-je. Same as Pathology. Pathet'ic, palh-et'-ilc. The superior oblique muscle of the eye. Path'etism, path'-et-izm. Animal magnetism ; mesmerism. Path'finder. Instrument for finding passage in urethral stricture. Path'ic, path'-ik. Pertaining to disease. Pathogen'esis. Origin and development of disease. Pathogen'ic, path-o-jen'-ik. Causing disease. Pathog'eny, palh-oj'-cn-e. See Pathogenesis. Pathognomon'ic, path-og-nd-mon'-ik. Characteristic; peculiar 1o. Pathogtaphy, path-og'-ra-fe. A description of diseases. Patholog'ical, path-o-lof-ik-al. Pertaining to pathology. Pathol'ogy, path-ol'-o-je. The science of diseases. Pathol'ysis, path-ol'-is-is. Morbid dissolution of tissues. Pathoma'nia, palh-O-md'-ne-ah. Moral insanity. Pathono'mia, path-o-no'-me-ah. The study of pathological laws. Pathopho'bia, pathni-fo'-be-ah. Exaggerated dread of disease. Pathopoie'sis, palh-o-poi-e'-sis. The creation of disease. Pa'tient, pa'-shent. A sick person ; one under treatment. Papulous, pal'-u-lus. Expanded; open. Paunch, pawnch. The abdominal cavity and contents. Pave'ment Epithe'lium. Epithelium with polygonal cells. Pavil'ion, pd-vil.'-yun. The expansion of a canal. Pa'vy’s Disease'. Intermitting albuminuria, Pear'ly Bod'ies. Peculiar grains found in epithelioma. Pec'tinate Lig'ament, pek'-tin-dt-lig'-ain-ent. Connective-tissue fibers between the iris and cornea. Pectine'us. Flat muscle of the upper part of the thigh. Pec'toral, pek'-tor-al. Pertaining to the breast. Pectora'lis, pek-tor-d'-lis. Muscle of the breast. Pectoril'oquy, pek-tor-il'-o-kwe. Vocal resonance heard over pul- monary cavities and consolidated lungs. Pe'dal, pe'-dal. Pertaining to the foot. Ped'erasty, ped'-er-as-te. Unnatural intercourse with boys. Pedial'gia, ped-e-al'-je-ah. Pain in the foot. Pediat'rics, ped-e-at'-riks. Medical treatment of children. Ped'icle, ped'-ik-l. The stalk or attachment of a tumor. Pedic'ular, pe-dik!-u-lar. Pertaining to a pedicle. Pedicula'tion, pZ-dik-u-ld'-shun. The state of being lousy. Pediculo'sis, pe-dik-u-ld'-sis. Symptoms produced by lice. Pedic'ulus, pe-dik’-u-lus. An external parasitic insect; a louse. Ped'icure, ped'-ik-ur. See Chiropodist. Pedilu'vium, ped-il-u'-ve-um. A foot-bath, Pedun'cle, pe-dung'-kl. A supporting part. Pedun'cles of Cerebel'lum. The parts connecting the cerebellum with the brain above. Pedun'cles of Cere'brum. The white cords outside of the corpora albican tia. Peduncula'tion, pl-dung-kur-lSl-shun. State of being pedunculated. Peinother'apy, pi-no-ther'-ap-e. Cure of disease by starvation. Pel'age, pel'-ahj. Hairy system of the body. Pela'gia, pe-ld'-je-ah. A variety of erysipelas. Pella'gra, pel-d'-grah. An endemic erythematous disease of Italy. Pelletier'ine, pel-et-e-er'-in. C8H13NO. Active principle of pome- granate; a teniafuge. Pedicle. A thin membrane. A film on the surface of a liquid. Pel'litory, pel'-il-or-e. See Pyrethrum. Pel'vic, pel'-vik. Pertaining to the pelvis. Pelvim'eter, pel-vim'-elrer. Instrument for measuring the pelvis. Pelvim'etry, pel-vim'-et-re. Estimation of the size of the pelvis. Pelviot'omy, pel-ri-ot'-6-me. See Symphysiotomy. Pel'vis, pel'-vis. Bony basin of the trunk, formed by the innomi- nate bones and the sacrum. Pem'phigus, pem’-fig-us. Skin disease with eruption of bulla. Pendin'ski Ul'cer. See Furunculus Orienlalis. Pen'dulous Ab'domen. Relaxed condition of abdominal walls. Pen'etrating, pen'-e-trd-ting. Entering beyond the surface. Penicil'lium, pen-is-il'-i-uni. Genus of saprophytic fungi. Pe'nile, pe'-nil. Pertaining to the penis. Pe'nis, pe'-nis. The male organ of copulation. Peni'tis, pe-nl'-tis. Inflammation of the penis. Penj'deh Sore. See Furunculus Orienlalis. Pennyroy'al, pen-e-roi'-al. See Iledeoma. Peot'omy, pe-ot'-o-me. Amputation of the penis. Pe'po, pe’-pd. Pumpkin seed, used as a teniafuge. Pep'per, pep'-cr. See Piper. Pep'permint, pep'-er-mint. Oil of Mentha piperita, used as an aro- matic flavor and carminative. MEDICA L DICTION ARY. 236 Pep'sin, pep'-sin. The digestive principle of gastric juice. Pepsin'ogen, pepsin'-O-jen. Mother-substance in granules of the cells, changeable into pepsin. Pep'tic, pep'-Hk. Pertaining to digestion. Aiding digestion. Peptone. An albuminoid produced by the action of pepsin. Peptone'mia, pep-ldn-e’-me-ah. Presence of peptone in the blood. Peptonized, pep’-ton-ized. Converted into peptones. Peptonu'ria, pep-ton-u'-re-ah. Presence of peptones in the uriue. Peptotox'ine. Poisonous ptomaine found in peptones. Peraceph'alus. An acephalous monster with defective thorax. Peracute', per-alc-ut'. Extraordinarily acute or severe. Perception. The acquiring of impressions through the senses. Percolation, per-ko-ld'-shun. The process of filtration. Per'colator, per'-ho-ld-lor. A filterer. Percus'sion. Diagnosis by striking the body a sharp slight blow. Per'forans,petJ-fd-ranz. Penetrating; perforating. Perforation, per-for-d'-shun. An opening or penetration. Perforator, per'-fo-rd-tor. An instrument to open the skull. Periarteritis. Inflammation of the outer sheath of arteries. Periarthritis, per-e-arlh-rV-Us. Inflammation around joints. Periartic'ular, per-Z-ar-tik'-u-lar. Around a joint. Per'iblast, per'-ib-last. Substance around the cell-nucleus. Periblas'tic, per-ib-lns’-tik. Germinating from surface of the ovum. Periblep'sis, per-ib-lep'-sis. The wild look of delirium. Pericar'diac, per-S-kar'-di-ak. Pertaining to the pericardium. Pericardiot'omy. Incision of the pericardium. Pericarditis, per-e-kar-dl'-tis. Inflammation of the pericardium. Pericar'dium, per-e-kar’-de-um. Membranous sac around tlie heart. Perice'cal, per-S-se'-kal. Around the cecum. Pericementum. A layer of bone about the fangs of teeth. Perich'olous, per-ik'-o-lus. Having much bile. Perichondritis, per-i-kon-drV-Us. Inflammation of perichondrium. Perichon'drium, per-e-kon'-dre-um. Membrane around cartilage. Perichoroid'al, per-e-k6-roid'-al. Surrounding the choroid. Peric'lasis, per-ik-las-is. A comminuted fracture. Pericoloni'tis. Inflammation of the tissue around the colon Pericolpitis, per-e-kol-pV-tis. Inflammation of tissue about vagina. Pericon'chal, per-o-kon'-kal. Surrounding the cavity of the ear. Pericor'neal, per-t-kor'-m-al. Surrounding the cornea. Pericra'nium, per-l-krd'-ne urn. The periosteum of the skull. Pericystitis. Inflammation of the tissue about the bladder. Peridesmitis, per-e-des ml'-tis. Inflammation of peridesmium. Perides'mium, per-e-de.d-me-um.. Membrane investing a ligament. Peridias'tole. Slight interval succeeding the diastole. Peridid'ymis, per-e-did'-im-is. Serous coat investing the testes. Perididymi'tis, per-e-did-im-V-tu. Inflammation of perididymis. Periglot'tis, per-e-plot'-u. Mucous membrane of the tongue. Perihepatitis, per-e-hep-at-V-tis. Inflammation of Glisson’s capsule, q. v. GOULD’S POCKET Perilaryngi'tis. Inflammation of the tissue around the larynx. Per'ilymph, per'-e-Umf. Clear fluid in osseous labyrinth of the ear. Perimeningi'tis, per-e-men-in-gi'-tis. Inflammation of dura mater. Perim'eter, pe-rim’-el-er. Instrument for determining the visual response of different parts of the retina. The circumference. Perimetri'tis, per e-me-tn’-tis. Inflammation around the womb. Perimys'ium, per-e-mis’-i-um. Membranous sheath of muscles. Perine'al, per-in-e'-al. Pertaining to the perineum. Perine'ocele, per-in-e’-6-sel. Perineal hernia. Perine'oplasty. Plastic operation on the perineum. Perineor'rhaphy, per-in-e-or'-d-fe. Suture of the perineum. Perinephri'tis. Inflammation of the tissues around the kidneys. Perineph'rium, per-t-nef-re-um. Enveloping membrane of kidney. Perine'um. Space between the thighs from anus to genitalia. Perineu'rium, per-e-nu'-re-mii. Sheath investing nerve-fibres. Perioc'ular Space. Space between the globe of the eye and orbit. Pe'riod, pe'-ri-od. An interval of time. Periodonti'tis. Inflammation of the membrane of a tooth-socket. Perior'bital, per-e-or'-bil-al. Around the orbit. Periorbi'tis. Inflammation of the orbital periosteum. Periorchi'tis. Inflammation of the tissue around the testes. Perios'teophyte. Osseous growth upon the periosteum. Perios'teum, Nutritive membrane surrounding bones. Periostitis, per-e-os-tl'-Hs. Inflammation of periosteum. Periosto'ma, per-e-os-to'-mah. Osseous growth around bone. Periosto'sis, per-e-os-td'-sis. Inflammatory hypertrophy of bone. Periodic, per-e-o'-tik. Surrounding the ear. Peripha'cus, per-e-fa'-kus. Capsule surrounding crystalline lens. Peripheral, per-if-er-cil. Pertaining to the periphery. Periphery, per-if'-er-e. The circumference or bounding line. Per'iplasm. A delicate hyaline layer about animal cells. Peripleuri'tis,per-e-plvr-ri’-lis. Inflammation around the pleura. Periprocti'tis, per-e-prok-li'-tis. Inflammation about the anus. Periscop'ic, per-is-kop'-ik. Concavo-convex. Peristal'sis, per-is-tal’-sis. Vermicular motion of the bowels. Peristal'tic, per-is-tal’-tik. Pertaining to peristalsis. Peristaph'yline, per-is-taf-il-in. About the uvula. Peris'tole, per-is'-to-le. Same as Peristalsis. Peristo'ma, per-is-to’-mah. The margin of a mouth. Peristro'ma, per-is-tru’-mah. The villous coat of the intestines. Perisys'tole. Interval between systole and diastole. Peritendin'eum, per-e-ten-din'-e-um. The sheath of a tendon. Perit'omy, per-it’-6-me. Operation for the relief of pannus. Peritone'al, per-il-on-e’-al. Pertaining to the peritoneum. Peritone'um, per-il-on-e'-um. Serous membrane lining abdomen. Peritoni'tis, per-it-on-V-Us. Inflammation of the peritoneum. Perityphli'tis, per-it-if-H'-tis. Inflammation around the cecum. Perivas'cular, per-e-vas'-ku-lar. Surrounding a vessel. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 238 Perivasculi'tis. Inflammation of vessel-walls. Perizo'ma, per-e-zO'-mah. A girdle, as a truss. Permanent Teeth. Teeth of the second dentition. Pernic'ious, per-ntehf-us. Highly destructive; fatal. Per'nio, per'-ne-o. See Chilblain. Perobra'chius, per-o-bra'-ke-us. Malformation of the hands and arms. Peroceph'alus, per-o-sef-al-us. A monster with deformed head. Perochi'rus, per-5-ki'-rus. Deformity of a hand or foot. Perom'elus, pe-rom'-el-us. A monster with stunted limbs. Perone'al, per-o-ne'-al. Pertaining to the Peroneus, q. v. Perone'us, per-6-nP-us. The flbule. A muscle of the leg. Per'opus, per'-b-pus. Malformation of legs and feet. Pero'sis, per-o'-sis. Defective formation. Peroso'mus, per-o-so'-mus. A monster with an imperfect body. Perox'ide. An oxide with highest amount of oxygen. Perplica'tion, per-pUk-ii'-s/uin. Folding incised vessel upon itself. Perspira'tion, pcrspir-d'-shun. See Sweat. Pertus'sis. A contagious disease with convulsive cough. Peru'vian Bark, pe-ru'-vi-an-bark. See Cinchona. Pervigil'ium, per-vij-il'-einn. Same as Insomnia, q. v. Pes. A foot. Pes Anseri'nus, pes-an-ser-V-nus. Plexus of facial nerves. Pes'sary. Instrument placed in the vagina to support the uterus. Pessi'ma. Eruptive disease with hard, spongy pustules. Pest. The plague; pestilence. Pestif'erous, pes-lif-er-us. Destructive; pestilential. Pes'tilence, pes'-til-ens. Same as Pest, q. v. Pes'tilent, pes'-lil-enl. Having the nature of a pest. Pes'tle, pes'-l. An instrument for pounding with in a mortar. Pete'chia, pe-te'-ke-ah. Purple spots on the skin. Petit’s Operation,pet-ez'-op-er-a'shun. Operation for the relief of strangulated hernia. Petrifac'tion, pet-rif-ak'-slmn. Conversion into a stony substance. Petrola'tum. Soft, unctuous substance obtained from petroleum. Petro'leum. Mineral or coal oil, antiseptic and expectorant. Petro'sal, pc-tr5'-sal. Pertaining to the petrous bone. Pe'trous, pe'-trus. Resembling stone. Pey'er’s Glands, pi'-ers-glanz. Clustered glands in the ileum. Phaci'tis ,fa-si'-tis. See Phakitis. Phacomala'cia, fd-ko-nial-d'-se-ah. Soft cataract of the young. Phacosclero'sis, fa-kd-skle-ro'-sis. Hardening of crystalline lens. Phagede'na, faj-ed-e'-nah. Gangrenous ulceration. Phag'ocyA cell possessing the property of absorbing. Phagocyto'sis, fag'-b-si-txV-sis. Destruction of microbes by the action of phagocytes. Phaki'tis,fa-ki'*tis. Inflammation of the crystalline lens. Phalacro'sis, fal-ak-nl'-sis. See Baldness. Phalan'ges, fd-lan'-jez. The bones of the fingers and toes. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Pha'lanx, pi. phalanges. One of the finger or toe bones. Phallal'gia, fal-al'-je-ah. Pain in the penis. Phallan'eurysm, fal-an'-iwizni. Aneurysm of the penis. Phalli'tis, fal-V-tU. Inflammation of the penis. Phallon'cus, fal-on'-km. Any tumor or swelling of the penis. Phal'lus, /a/'-?!.?. The penis. Phan'tom,/(K'-ft(»i. An apparition. A model. Phan'tom Tu'mor. Simulated tumor. Gas in abdominal cavity. Phar'macal, far'-mak-al. Pertaining to pharmacy. Pharmaceu'tics, far-mah-su'-tiks. See Pharmacy. Pharmaceu'tist, /ar-mrtA-.s?2'-;isi. See Pharmacist. Phar'macist, far’-mah-sist. An apothecary or druggist. Pharmacogno'sis. Science of drugs and their preparation. Pharmacol'ogy. The science of the nature and action of drugs. Pharmacope'ia, far-ma-ko-pe’-yah. The standard handbook of drugs and medicinal preparations. Phar'macy,far'-ma-se. The science of drugs. A drug-store. Ph aryngal'gia , /ar-in-gaI'-je-ah. Pain in the pharynx. Pharyn'geal, far-in'-je-al. Pertaining to the pharynx. Pharyngec'tomy, far-in-jek'-td-me. Excision of part of pharynx. Pharyngis'mus, far-i.n jiz'-mus. Spasm of the pharynx. Pharyngi'tis, Inflammation of the pharynx. P h a r y n' g o c e 1 e, /a r-irty < Z. Pouching of the pharynx. Pharyngodyn'ia, far-in-rjo-din'-e-ah. Pain in the pharynx. PharyngoVogy, far-in-gol'-b-je. Treatise on the pharynx. Pharyngople'gia, far-in-gd-ple’-jc-a.h. Paralysis of the pharynx. Pharyngos'copy, farAn-gosf-ko-pe. Examination of the pharynx. Pharyn'gospasm, far-in'-go-spazm. Spasm of the pharynx. Pharyn'gotome. An instrument for pharyngotomy. Pharyngot'omy, far A n-go tf-0-me. Incision of the pharynx. Phar'ynx, far'-ingks. Musculo-membranous sac behind the mouth. Phenac'etin, fen-as’-et-in. An antipyretic phenyl compound. Phengopho'bia, fen-go-fo'-be-ah. See Photophobia. Phe'nicism, fe'-nis-izm. Synonym of Rubeola, q. v. Phe'nodin, fe'-no-din. Same as Ilematin, q. v. Phe'nol, fe'-nol. C6H5OH. Carbolic acid. Phenom'enon, fe-nom'-e-non. A symptom. Uncommon occurrence. Phen'yl,fen'-il. An organic radical found in carbolic acid. Phi'al,fV-al. See Vial,. Phimo'sis,fi-md'-sis. Stenosis of the preputial orifice. Ph\ebecrtasis, fle-bek'-tas-is. Dilatation of a vein. Phlebecto'pia,J1e-bek~td'-pe-ah. Dislocation of a vein. Phlebemphrax'is, fle-bem-fraks'-is. Plugging of a vein. Phlebis'mus, fle-biz'-onus. Turgescence of obstructed veins. Phlebi'tis,fle-bV-tis. Inflammation of a vein. Pb\e.b'ogvara, fl.e,h'-6-gram. Sphygmographie tracing of a vein. Phlebog'raphy, fleb-og'-ra-fe. Description of the veins. Phleb'olith, fleb'-ti-lilh. A vein stone; calcareous concretion in vein. 240 Phlebol'ogy, fteb-ol'-o-je. A t reatise on veins. Phleborrha'gia, Jleb-or-d'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from a vein. Phleborrhex'is, feb-or-eks'-is. Rupture of a vein. Phlebothrombo'sis, fteb-o-lhromr-bu'-sis. Thrombosis in a vein. Phlebot'omist,yife&-0<'-t;-»M'.9/. One who practices phlebotomy. Phlebot'omy, flob-ot'-o-me. Venesection ; opening of a vein. Phlegm, flem. Watery humor. Mucus from the bronchi. Phlegma'sia, fteg-ma'-se-ah. Inflammation. Phlegma'sia Al'ba Do'lens. Acute edema, especially of the leg, from venous obstruction ; milk-leg. Phlegmat'ic,Pertaining to phlegm. Slow; dull. Phleg'mon, /?eg'-wm. Suppurative inflammation of areolar tissue. Phleg'monous, fleg'-mon-us. Of the nature of a phlegmon. Phlogis'tic, Jlo-jis'-tik. Inflammatory. Phlogo'sis, flo-go'-sis. Inflammation. Phloroglu'cin, flo-rO-glu'-sin. C6H3(OII)3. A vegetable substance used for testing for hydrochloric acid. Phlycte'na, flik-te'-nah. A clear vesicle with serous contents. Phlycte'noid, flik-te'-noid. Resembling phlyetena. Phlycten'ula, flik-tenf-Ur-lah. A little blister. Phlycten'ular, flik-ten'-n-lar. Having the nature of phlyctenula. Phlyc'sis, _flik’-sis. See Phlyctenula. Phlyza'cium, flv-zti,'-se-um. A phlyetena. Phocom'elus, fo-kom'-el-ns. A monster without legs and arms but with feet and hands attached to the trunk. Phona'tion, fo-na'-shun. Emission of vocal sounds. Phon'ica, fon'-ik-ah. Diseases affecting the vocal organs. Phonop'athy Any disorder of the vocal organs. Pho'nophore,/o'-»o-/or. An auditory ossicle; small bone of ear. Phos'phate, fos'-fdt. A salt of phosphoric acid. Phosphat'ic, fos-fat’-ik, Having the nature of phosphates. Phos'phenes, fos'-pnz. Subjective light sensations from pressure on the eyeballs. Phosphorhidro'sis, fos-for-id-r&'-sis. Phosphorescent sweat. Phos'phorism. Symptoms of chronic phosphorus-poisoning. Phosphoru'ria, fos-for-fi'-re-ah. Phosphorescence of the urine. Phos'phorus, fos'-for-us. A non-metal, one of the elements in bone and nerve-tissue ; symbol, P. Phos'phorus Necro'sis, fosJ-for-ns-ne-l'r~'-sis. Necrosis of jaw- bone from phosphorus-poisoning. Phosphu'ria, fos-fu'-re-ah. Excess of phosphates in the urine. Photal'gia, fd-tal'-je-ah. Pain produced by light. Photodyspho'ria, fo-td-dis-fo'-re-ah. Same as Photophobia, q. v. Pho'togram, fo'-to-gram. Photographic representation of a micro- scopic enlargement, Photom'eter. Instrument for measuring the intensity of light. Photon'osus. Disease resulting from exposure to the glare of light, Photopho'bia,/5-<(5-/<7'-&e-aft. Dislike or dread of light, GOULD’S POCKET Pho'tophore, fo'-to-for. Instrument for the electric examination of any of the body cavities. Photop'sia, fo-top'-se-ah. A false perception of light. Photox'ylin, fo-toks'-U-in. A substance derived from wood-pulp, used as a substitute for collodion. Photu'ria, fo-tu’-rc-ah. Phosphorescence of the urine. Phrenal'gia, fren-aV-je-ah. Psychalgia, q. v. Paresis of the diaphragm. Phrene'sis,fren-e'-sis. Delirium; frenzy. Phrenet'ic, fren-el'-ik. Maniacal, delirious. Phren'ic, fren'-ik. Pertaining to the diaphragm. Phren'ica, fren'-ik-ah. Diseases or agents affecting the intellect. Phreni'tis,/rera-P-f«. Inflammation of the brain. Delirium. Phrenol'ogy, fren-ol'-o-je. Science of character-reading from cranial conformation. Phrenop'athy, fren-op'-a-the. Mental alienation or disease. Phrenople'gia, fren-o-ple'-je-ah. Sudden loss of mental power. Phren'osin. Nitrogenized cerebroside in brain-tissue. Phthiri'asis, thir-V-as is. The presence of lice on the body with the irritation produced thereby and its effects. Phthis'ical, tiz'-ik-al. Pertaining to phthisis. Phthi'sis, ft,'-sis. Pulmonary consumption. Phthi'sis Bul'bi. Progressive atrophy of the eyeball. Phygogalac'tic, fi-go-gal-ak'-tic. Agent stopping milk-secretion. Phyl'sis, fil'-sis. Same as Phlycsis, q. v. Phy'ma,f%'-mah. A suppurative tumor larger than a boil. Phy'matoid, fV-mal-oid. Resembling a tubercle. Phymato'ses, fi-mat-o’-sez. Tuberculous diseases. Phys'ic,fiz'-ik. Science of medicine. Medicine. A purge. Physical, fiz'-ik-al. Pertaining to physics or the body. Physical Examina'tion. Examination of patients’ objective symptoms. Physical Signs. Symptoms from percussion, auscultation, etc. Physi'cian, fiz-ish'-an. One who practices medicine. Phys'icist, fiz'-is-ist. A student of physics. Phys'ics, fiz’-iks. Science of inorganic matter and its forces. Phys'ics Med'ical. Physics in relation to medical science. Physiognomon'ic, fiz-i-og-no-mon'-ik. Pertaining to physiognomy. Physiog'nomy. The art of reading character by the face. Physiol'ogy, fiz-i-oV-6-je. The science of the functions of the body. PhysioPysis, fta-i-ol'-is-is. Disintegration of dead tissue. Phy'socele, fl'-so-sel. A gaseous intestinal tumor. Physome'tra, fi-so-me'-trah. Gaseous uterine enlargement. Physostig'ma,/i-so-stig’-mah. Calabar bean, a depresso-motor. Physostig'mine. Active principle of phvsostigma. Phytolac'ca. Root and fruit of poke, a motor-depressant. Phyto'sis, fi-Ui'-sis. See Impetigo. Phytozo'on, fi-td-zd’-on. A zoophyte, q. v. Pi'a Ma'ter, pl'-ah mn'-ter. Vascular membrane of brain and cord. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 241 242 Pi'an, pi'-on. See Frnmbesia. Piarrhe'mia, pi-ar-e'-me-ah. Same as IApemia, q. v. Pi'ca, pl'-kah. Depraved appetite for unnatural food. Pi'chi, pH’-sh?. Terebinthinate leaves. Pic'ric Ac'id, pik'-rik-as'-id. CeH^NOjjgC)H. Carbazotic acid, used for testing for albumin and sugar in the urine. Pic'romel, pW-rd-mel. Bitter substance in bile. Picrotox'in, pik-ro-foks'-in. Active principle of Coccwhts Indieus, an antispasmodic and parasiticide. Pie'bald Skin, pV-bald-skin. See Leucoderma. Pie'dra, pe'-drah. Disease of the hair due to micrococci. Pig'ment, pig'-ment. Organic coloring matter. Pilas'tered, pil-as'-terd. Having a fluted appearance. Pi'Ieous, pl'-!e-us. Hairy. Piles, pVz. Hemorrhoids, q. r. Pill. See Pilula. Pil'lar, pil'-ar. A supporting part or process. Pilocar'pine, pl-ld-kar'-pin. CnH)6N202. Active principle of .Tabo- randi; a powerful diaphoretic. Pilocar'pus. Leaves of P. pinnalifolins, a powerful diaphoretic. Pilocys'tic. Applied to encysted tumors containing hair and fat. Pi'lose, pl'-lus. Hairy ; covered with soft hair. Pil'ula, pil'-iirlah. A small spherical medicinal mass. Pimeli'tis, pinv-el-V-Hs. Inflammation of adipose tissue. Pimelo'ma, pim-el-o'-mnh. A fatty tumor. Pimelorrhe'a, pinir-rl-or-e'-ah. Fatty diarrhea. Seborrhea. Pimelo'sis, pim-el-d'-sw. Conversion into fat. Pimelu'ria, pim-el-u'-re-ah. Chyluria, q. v. Pimen'ta, pi-men'-tah. Unripe fruit of allspice; a condiment. Pim'ple, pim'-pl. Small pustule or blotch. Pin'eal, pin'-e-al. Shaped like a pine-cone. Pin'eal Gland. Small reddish body at the base of the brain. Pinguic'ula, pin-gwIk'-u-lah. Small, whitish, conjunctival tumor. Pin'hole Pupil. Extreme mvosis. Pink'-eye. Epidemic purulent conjunctivitis of horses. Pink'-root. See Spigelia. Pin'na, pin'-ah. External cartilaginous flap of the ear. Pint, pint. The eighth part of a gallon. Pin'ta Disease'. Parasitic disease of skin confined to the tropics. Pin'-worm. See Ascari*. Pione'mia, pl-on-P’-me-ah. Fatty blood. Pi'per, pV-per. Black pepper, a stomachic. Piper'idine, pi-per'-id-in. CsIInN. Volatile alkaloid, produced by the action of alkalis on piperine. Pip'erine, )np'-er~in. 0];Hu,NO3. An alkaloid of pepper. Pipette', pip-et'. A small graduated tube for taking up liquids. Pipsis'sewa, pip-sis'-e-wah. See ChimaphHa. Pir'ogofFs Operation, pir'-d-gofz-op-er-d'-shun. A method of am- putation at the ankle, leaving part of the os calcis. GOULD’S POCKET MEDTCAE DICTIONABY. Piscid'ia, pU-id'-e-ah. Bark of Jamaica dogwood, nerve sedative. Pis'iform Bone. A small circular bone of the carpus. Pit. A pock-mark ; an indentation. Pit of Stom'ach. Part of the abdomen just below the sternum. Pith. The marrow of bones. The spinal marrow. Pit'ting, pit’-ing. Marking with pock-marks. Pitu'ita, pit-u'-it-ah. See Phlegm. Pitu'itary, pit-u'-it-d-re. Pertaining to phlegm. Pitu'itary Bod'y. Small, reddish body in the Sella Turcica. Pitu'itary Mem'brane. Schneiderian membrane of the nose. Pityri'asis, pit-e-rV-as-is. A scaly skin disease. Pix, piks. Pitch, the resinous exudate of certain trees. Pix Liq'uida, piks-lik'-irhl-ah. Tar, an oleoresiu obtained by the destructive distillation of the pine. Place'bo, pla-se'-bo. An inert drug given to satisfy patients. Placen'ta, pld-sen'-tah. Flat, round, spongy body forming the or- gan of nutrition for the fetus; the after-birth. Placen'ta, Bat'tledore. Insertion of cord in margin of placenta. Placen'ta Pre'via. Presentation of the placenta before the fetus. Placen'tal, pla-sen'-lal. Pertaining to the placenta. Placen'tal Souffle. See Souffle, Uterine. Placenta'tion. Form and place of attachment of the placenta. Placenti'tis, pld-sen-ti'-lis. Inflammation of the placenta. Pladaro'sis, plad-ar-o'-sis. Soft tumor or wart within the eyelid. Plagioceph'alus, pla-je-o-sef-al-us. Twisted appearance of head. Plague, pldg. A contagious, malignant, epidemic disease. Plano'dia, plan-d'-de-ah. Any false or artificial passage. Plan'tar, plan'-tar. Pertaining to the sole of the foot. Plan'tar Arch. Vascular arch in the sole of the foot. Planta'ris, plan-taf-ris. Extensor muscle of the foot. Planu'ria. Discharge of urine through abnormal passages. Plas'ma, plaz'-mah. Fluid part of the blood. Plasmo'dium. Intracellular substance of ameboid cells of malaria. Plas'ter. Adhesive medicinal substance for external application. Plas'tic, plas'-tik. Capable of being moulded. Plas'tic Opera'tions. Operations restoring lost parts. Plas'ticule, Plas'tidule. A protoplasmic molecule. Plate, plat. A flat protecting process of bone. Plate Cul'ture. Culture of microbes upon gelatine and a plate. Plate'lets, Blood. Small discs in blood, light gray in color, and of uncertain function. Plat'inum, plat'-in-um. Silver-white, almost infusible metal. Platyceph'alous, ptat-e-sef-al-us. Having a broad skull. Platyco'ria, plat-ik-b'-re-ah. Undue dilatation of the pupil. Platypel'vic, plat-e-pel'-vik. Having a broad pelvis. Platypo'dia, plat-e-po'-de-ah. Flat-footedness. Platys'ma Myoi'des. Broad, flat muscle of the neck. Pled'get, pled'-jet. A small, flat compress of lint. 244 Pleomas'tia, PleomaGia. Condition of having an abnormal num- ber of mammae. Ple'onasm, pie'-6-nazm. Excess of size or number of parts. Pleonex'ia, pel-o-neks'-e-ah. Morbid selfishness or greediness. Plessim'eter, ples-ini'-et-er. See Plerimeter. Ples'sor, ples'-or. A Plexor, q. v. Pleth'ora, pleth'-or-ah. Abnormal fullness of the blood vessels. Plethor'ic, pleth-oiJ-ik. Pertaining to plethora. Full-blooded. Pleu'ra, plu’-rah. Serous membrane enveloping the lungs. Pleural'gia, plu-ral'-je-ah. Same as Pleurodynia, q. v. Pleurapos'tema, pi u-v(ij>-os’-te-Utah. Pleural abscess j empyema. Pleu'risy, Pleuri'tis, plu'-ris-e, plii-rV-tis. Inflammation of-pleura. Pieu'rocele, plu'-rbsel. Pulmonary hernia. Pneumocele, q. r. Pleurodyn'ia, plu-rb-din'-e-ah. Pain In the intercostal muscles. Pleuro-pneumo'nia. Inflammation of the pleura and lung. Pleurorrhe'a, plu-ror-e'-ah. Effusion of fluid into the pleura. Pleurothot'onos. Tetanic lateral bending of the body. Plexim'eter. Plate of ivory or rubber used in percussion of chest. Plex'or, pleks'-or. An instrument for striking upon the pleximeter. Plex'us, pleks'-us. A net-work of nerves or veins. Pli'ca, pR'-kah. A fold. A matted, filthy condition of hair. PWcate,pll'-kdt. Folded or plaited. Plum'bism, plum'-bizm. Lead-poisoning. Plum'bum, plum'-bum. Lead; soft, bluish-white metal; symbol Pb. Plum'mers’ Pills. Compound calomel pills. Pluriloc'ular, plu-ri.l-ok'-b-lar. With several loculi. Pluripar'ity. Condition of having borne several children. Pneodynam'ics, ne-d-di-nam'-iks. The philosophy of respiration. Pneom'etry, ne-om'-et-re. Measurement of the air of respiration. Pne'ophore, ne'-O-for. An instrument to aid artificial respiration. Pne'oscope, ne'-o-skop. Instrument to measure chest movements. Pneumarthro'sis, nUm-arlk-rO'-sis. Effusion of air into a joint. Pneumathe'mia, num-ath-e'-me-ah. Air in the blood-vessels. Pneumat'ic, nu-mat'-ik. Pertaining to gaseous fluids. Pneumat'ocele. Gaseous hernia of the lung or other part. Pneumatodyspne'a. Emphysematous dyspnea. Pneu'matogram, mV-mal-O-gram. Tracing of chest movements. Pneumatom'eter, nu~vtat-om'-et-er. See Spirometer. Pneumato'sis. Morbid accumulation of gas in any part of body . Pneumatotho'rax, nu-mat-o-tho'-raks. Gas or air in the pleural sac. Pneumatu'ria, nu-mat-fi'-rc-nh. Escape of gas from the urethra. Pneumec'tomy, nu-mek'-tb-me. Excision of portion oi the lung. Pneu'mocele, nii'-mdsel. See Pneumatocele. Pneumococ'cus, nv-mo-kok'-us. Any micrococcus of the lung. Pneumoconi'osis. Disease of the lung from inhalation of dust. Pneumogas'tric, nu-mb-gas'-trik. Pertaining to lungs and stomach. Pneu'mograph. Instrument for measuring chest movements. Pneumog'raphy, ntMnog'-ra-fe. Descriptive anatomy of the lungs. Pneumohemorrha'gia,rid-?)*'Wj'-'ai-or-d'-je-aA. Pulmonary apoplexy. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 245 Pneumohemotho'rax. Air and blood in the pleural sac. Pneumohydrotho'rax. Air and water in the pleural sac. Pneu'molith, nu'-md-lith. Calculus in the lungs. Pneumom'eter, nfmmom'-et-er. A spirometer, q. v. Pneumonec'tasis, niu-mon-ek’-tas-is. Emphysema of the lungs. Pneumonec'tomy, rm-rnon-ek'-io-mn. Excision of portion of lung. Pneumone'mia, nv-mon-t'-me-uh. Congestion of blood in lungs. Pneumo'nia, nu-mo’-ne-ah. Inflammation of the lungs. Pneumon'ic, nu-mon'-ik. Pertaining to the lungs. Pneumonitis, nu-mon-l'-tis. Same as Pneumonia, q. v. Pneumon'ocele, nii-mon'-o-sel. Hernia of the lung. Pneumono'sis, nu-mon-o'-sis. Any affection of the lungs. Pneumonot'omy, nu-mon-ot'-o-me. See Pneumolomy. Pneumopericar'dium, nu-mij-per-e-kar'-de-um. An effusion of air into the pericardial sac. Pneumopyotho'rax, nu-nw-pi-6-thff-raks. An accumulation of air and pus in the pleural sac. Pneumother'apy. Use of air as a therapeutic agent. Pneumotho'rax, nu-mo-thd'-raks. See Pneumatothorax. Pneumot'omy, nu-mot'-O-me. Incision of the lung. Pock, pok. A pustule of smallpox. Pock'eting, pok'-et-ing. Method of treating an ovarian pedicle by fixation at the lower end of the incision. Pock'marked. Marked with the scars of smallpox. Poda'gra, po-da'-grah. Gont of the foot. Podaigia, po-dal'-je-ah. Pain in the feet. Podal'ic, po-dal'-ik. Pertaining to the, feet. Podal'ic Ver'sion. Turning of the fetus in utero by the feet. Podarthri'tis, pod-arth-rV-tis. Gout of the feet. Podede'ma, pod-e-de'-mah. Swelling of the foot. Podelco'ma, pod-el-ko'-mah. See Madura Foot. Podenceph'alus, po-den-sef-al-us. A monster with the brain situ- ated outside of the skull. Podobromidro'sis, po-do-trom-id-ro'-sis. Bromidrosis of feet. Podophyllin, po-do-fil'-in. Active principle of May apple. Podophyl'lum, po-do-fil'-um. Root of May apple; a purgative. Poikil'oblast, poi-kil'-o-klast. An irregular-shaped blood corpuscle. Poikil'ocyte, poi-kil'-d-sll. Same as Poikiloblast. Poikilocyto'sis. Condition with irregular corpuscles of blood. Poikilother'mic. Varying in temperature with the surroundings. Pointillage, pwant-il-ahj. Massage by means of the finger tips. Poi'son, poi'-sn. A venomous or toxic agent. Poke'-root. See Phytolacca. Polioencephalitis. Inflammation of the gray matter of the cortex. Poliomyelitis. Inflammation of the gray matter of the cord. Poliomyelop'athy. Disease of the gray matter of the cord. Polioplas'ma, pol-e-o-plaz'-mah. See Protoplasm. Polio'sis, pol-e-f/sis. Grayness of the hair. 246 GOULD’S POCKET Pol'itzer’s Meth'od, pol'-itz-erz-meth'-od. Inflation of the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. Pollakiu'ria, pol-ak-i-u'-re-ah. Abnormal frequency of micturition. Pol'Iex, pol'-eks. The thumb or great toe. Pol 1 u'tion, pol-u'-shun. Masturbation. Improper coitus. Befouling. Polyad'enous, Having many glands. Polyan'dry, pol-e-an'-dre. Having more than one husband. Polye'mia, pol-e-e'-me-ah. An abnormal increase of blood. Polyesthe'sia. Morbid condition in which one touch is felt as two. Polyclin'ic, pol-e-klin'-ik. A large general hospital. Polyco'ria, pol-e-ko'-re-ah. Having more than one pupil. Polycrot'ic, pol-e-kro/'-ik. A pulse with more than two rhythms for each heart-beat. Polycye'sis,pol-e-si-e'-sis. Multiple pregnancy ; fecundity. Polycys'tic, pol-e-.ris'-tik. Containing many cysts. Polycythe'mia, pol-e-si-thc'-me-ah. Excess of red corpuscles in the blood. Polydac'tylism. Having supernumerary fingers or toes. Polydip'sia, pol-e-dip’-se-ah. Excessive thirst. Polygalac'tia, pol-c-gal-ak'-te-ah. See Galactorrhea. Polygen'esis, pol-e-jen'-es-is. Producing many offspring. Polygro'ma, pol-e-grO'-mah. Large hygroma. Po 1 y h e'm i a, pol-r-h(:'-mp-ah. See Polyemia. Polyhydram'nios. Excessive amount of amniotic liquor. Polyidro'sis, pol-e-id-ru'sis. Excessive sweating. Polymas'tia, Polyma'zia. Having many breasts. Polym'elus, pol-im'-el-ns. A monster with many limbs. Polymenorrhe'a, pol-c-men-or-e'-ah. Excessive menstrual flow. Polymorphous, pol-e-morf-ns. Having many forms. Polyneuri'tis, pol-e-mM-V-tis. See Multiple Neuritis. Polynu'cleate, pol-e-nu'-kle-dt. Having more than one nucleus. Polyo'pia,pol-e-o'-pe-ah. Multiple vision. Polyor'chis,pol-e-oiJ-kis. With more than two testes. Polypar'esis, pol-e-par'-es-is. Progressive paralysis of the insane Polypath'ic. Pertaining to many diseases in one person. Polypha'gia, pol-e-fd'-je-ah. See Bulimia. Polyphar'macy, pol-e-far'-ma-se. Giving many drugs at onetime. Polypiferous, pol-ip-if-er-us. Giving origin to a polypus. Pol'yplast, pol'-e-plast. Composed of many cells. Pol'ypoid, pol'-ip-oid. Resembling a polypus. Polyp'otome, pol-ip'-O-tom. An instrument to excise a polypus. Poly'pus, pol'-ip-us. A pedunculated tumor found in the nose, ear, rectum, etc. Polysar'cia, pol-e-sar'-se-ah. Excessive corpulency. Polysar'cous, pol-e-sar'-kus. Pertaining to polysareia. Pol'yscope. An instrument for examining the body cavities. Polys'kelus, pol-is'-kel-us. A monster with an excess of limbs. Polyso'mia, pol-e-so'-me-ah. Having more than one body. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 247 Polysper'my. Impregnation of ovum by several spermatozoa. Polytrichia, pol-e-trik'-e-ah. A large growth of hair. Polytro'phia, pol-e-tro'-fe-ah. Excessive nutrition. Polyu'ria, pol-e-u'-re-ah. Excessive secretion of urine. Pomade', po-mad'. A perfumed ointment. Poma'tum, po-rnd'-tum. Same as Pomade, q. v. Pome'granate, puni'-gran-dt. See Granatum. Pom'pholy x,pom'-fo-liks. Rare disease, with bulla; of hands and feet. Po'mum Ada'mi, po'-muin-ad-d'-ml. A prominence in front of the neck due to the thyroid cartilage; “ Adam’s apple.” Pond’s Ex'tract. Fluid extract of hamamelis. Pons, ponz. A process connecting two parts. Pons Varo'lii. White fibers connecting lateral lobes of cerebrum. Poplite'al, pop-lit-e’-al. Pertaining to the ham. Poplite'al Space. A lozenge-shape space back of the knee. Poplite'us, pop-lit-e’-us. A muscle flexing the leg. Pore, por. A small opening in the skin. Porencepha'lia, por-en-sef-d'-le-ah. Absence of brain-substance. Poro'ma, por-ij’-mah. Same as Porosis, q. v. Poro'sis, por-o'-sis. An induration from inflammation. Porot'omy, por-ot'-o-me. Incision of the meatus of the urethra. Po'rous, po’-rus. Having pores. Porri'go, por-V-go. Favus of the scalp; scald-head. Por'ro’s Operation, por’-uz-op-er-d’-shun. Removal of a pregnant uterus through an incision m the abdominal wall. Por'ta, por'-tah. The hilus of the liver. Por'tal, por'-tal. Pertaining to the portal vein. Porte-caus'tic, port-kaws'-tik. A holder for the stick of caustic. Por'tio Du'ra, por'-she-o-du'-rah. The facial nerve. Por'tio Mol'lis, por'-she-o-mol'-is. The auditory nerve. Port'-wine Mark. See Nevus. Posolog'ical, po-so-log'-ik-al. Pertaining to posology. Posol'ogy, po-sol'-o-je. The science of dosage. Post'-cava, post’-kav-ah. The vena-cava posterior. Poste'rior, pos-le'-re-or. Toward the dorsal aspect. Poster'ula, pos-ter'-it-lah. A small space at the posterior ends of the turbinated bones of the nose. Posthet'omy, pos-thet'-o-ine. See Circumcision. Posthi'tis, pos-thi’-tis. Inflammation of the prepuce. Post-mor'tem,pdst-mor'-tem. After death. Post-par'tum, post-par’-him. After parturition ; especially referred to hemorrhage. Pot'ash, pot'-ash. K2C03. Potassium carbonate. Potas'sa, po-tas’-ah. Potassium hydrate, KHO; an escharotic. Potas'sium, po-tas'-i-um. A silvery-white metal, base of potassa. Pota'to-paste. A paste made from potato for culture purposes. Po'tion, pd’-shun. A draught. Pott’s Disease', or Cur'vature. Caries of the vertebrae. Pott's Frac'ture. Fracture of the fibula with dislocation of foot. Pouch,poivc/i. A pocket-shaped cavity. Poul'tice, pol'-lis. A soft emulsion for external application. Pound, pownd. A standard weight, 5760 grains Troy. Pound'-nose. Hypertrophy of the nose. Pou'part’s Lig'ament, Lower border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. Pox, poks. A contagious, pustular, eruptive disease. Syphilis. Prac'tice, prak'-tis. Official duties of a physician. Practi'tioner, prak-tish'-on-er. A practising physician. Pre'-cava, pref-kav-ah. The vena-cava anterior. Precip'itant, pre-sip’-it-anl. An agent promoting precipitation. Precip'itate, pre-sip'-il-dl. A substance separated by precipitation. Precor'dia, pre-koiJ-de-ah. The epigastric region. Precu'neus, pre-ku'-ne-us. The quadrate lobe of the brain. Prediastol'ic, pre-dl-as-lol'-ik. Preceding the diastole of the heart. Predisposition, pre-dis-po-zis/i-'uu. A natural tendency. Prefron'tal, pri’-fron'-tal. Middle portion of the ethmoid bone. Preg'nancy, preg'-nanse. The condition of being with child. Preg'nant, preg’-nant. With child ; gravid. Pre'mature La'bor. Labor before full term, but after viability. Premo'lar, pre-ino'-lar. Situated in advance of the molar teeth. Premon'itory, pre-mon'-il-o-re. Indicating the onset of disease. Prena'tal, pre-nd'-tal. Previous to birth. Prepara'tion, prejt-ar-d'-shun. That which is compounded. Pre'puce, pre’-pus. The foreskin of the penis. Prepu'tial, pre-pu'-shal. Pertaining to the prepuce. Presbykou'sis, pres-be-kvo'-sis. Senile loss of hearing. Presbyo'pia, pres-be-d'-pe-ah. Senile failure of accommodation. Prescrip'tion, prOskrip'-shun. A formula written by a physician. Presentation of Fe'tus. The part of the fetus which presents. Prester'num, pre-ster'-num. The manubrium, q. i\ Presystol'ic, prbsis-tol'-ik. Preceding the systole. Pri'apism, prl'-ap-iznt. Painful erection of the penis. Prick'le Cells. Certain cells of the rete Malpighii of the skin. Prick'ly Heat. See Miliaria. Primip'ara, prlm-ip'-ar-ah. Woman pregnant with her first child. Primip'arous, prlm-ip'-ar-us. Pertaining to a primipara. Primor'dial, prlm~or'-de-al. Pertaining to the beginning. Prin'ciple, prin'-sip-l. Essence or primary quality of a body. Prism. A triangular glass body for decomposing the sun’s rays. Prisoptom'eter. An instrument for estimating ametropia. Pri'vates, prV-vdtz. The external genitalia. Pro'bang. A slender rod with sponge for laryngeal treatment. Probe, prdb. A small instrument for examining wounds. Pro'cess, prd'-srs. A prolongation or prominence of a part. Prociden'tia, prd-sid-en'she-ah. See Prolapsus. Procrea'tion, prd-krl-d'-shnn. Reproduction ; generation. GOULD’S POCKET Procta'gra, prok-la'-grah. Pain in the anal region. Proctal'gia, prok-tal’-je-ah. Pain in the anus or rectum. Proctatre'sia, prok-ta-tre'-se-ah. Imperforate condition of anus. Procteu'clisis, prok-tu'-klis-is. Constriction of the anus. Procteurynter, prok-lu-rin'-ter. Instrument for dilating the anus. Proctitis, prok-ti'-tis. Inflammation of the rectum. Proctocele, prok'-lo-sel. Prolapse of mucous coat of the rectum. Proctocystot'omy, prok-td-sis-tot'-o-rne. Lithotomy through rectum. Proctode'um, prok-td-de'-um. Posterior portion of digestive tract. Proctcdyn'ia, prok-to-din'-e-ah. Pain in the anus. Proctoparal'ysis, prok-td-par-al'-is-is. Paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the anus. Proc'toplasty, prok'-to-plas-te. Plastic operation upon the anus. Proctople'gia, prok-to-ple'-je-ah. See Proctoparalysis. Proctopto'ma, prok-to-to'-mah. Same as Proctocele, q. v. Proctopto'sis,prok-to-tb'-sis. Same as Proctocele, q. v. Proctor'raphy, prok-tor'-d-fe. Suture of the rectal wall. Proctorrha'gia, prok-tor-a’-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the anus. Proctorrhe'a, prok-tor-e'-ah. A morbid discharge from the anus. Proctot'omy, prok-tot'-S-me. Incision of the rectum. Pro'drome, pro'-dr6m. A forerunner or sign of a disease. Prodro'mus, pro-dro'-mus. The period of the prodromes. Proenceph'alus, pro-eti-sef'-al-tis. A monster with the brain pro- truding through a frontal fissure. Profes'sor, pro-fes'-or. A public teacher in a university or college, Proglos'sis, pro-glos'-is. The point of the tongue. Proglot'tides, pro-g/ol'-id-ez. Segments of the tapeworm. Prognosis, prog-no'sis. Prediction of course and end of disease. Prognostic, prog-nos!-tik. Pertaining to the prognosis. Prola'bium, pro-la!-be-um. The marginal edge of the lip. Prolapse', Prolap'sus. ' A falling down of a part. Prolep'sis, pro-lep'-sis. See Prognosis. Proliferation, pro-lif-er-a'-shun. Cell-genesis; reproduction. Prolific, pro-lif-ik. Fruitful; generating abundantly. Prolig'erous, prS-lij'-er-us. Pertaining to a germ. Producing young. Prom'inence, prom'-in-ens. Any conspicuous protuberance. Prom'ontory, prom'-on-to-re. An elevation or prominence. Prona'tion, pro-na'-shun. Downward turning of the palm. Pronator, pro-na'-tor. A muscle pronating a part. Proneph'ros, pro-nef-ros. The primordial kidney. Proo'tic, prd-d'-tik. Lying in front of the ear. Prophylactic,prb-fil-ak'-tik. Pertaining to prophylaxis. Prophylax'is, pro-fll-aks'-is. Prevention of disease. Proph'ysis, See Syrnblepharon. Propto'sis, pro-to'-sis. See Prolapsus. Propul'sion, pro-pul'-shun. The leaning forward of the body as if pushed, seen in certain spinal diseases. Propyl'amine, prti-pil'-aiu-in. Non-poisonous ptomaine in feces, MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 249 250 GOULD’S POCKET Prop'ylene, prop'-il-hi. C3II6. A gaseous hydrocarbon, belonging to the series of olefines. Prosec'tor, prS-sek'-lor. One who prepares subjects for a lecturer. Prosenceph'alon,pros-en-sef'-al-on. Anterior portion of the brain. Prosopal'gia, pros-d-pal'-jc-ah. See Tic Douloureux. Prosopantri'tis, pros-op-an-trV-lis. Inflammation of frontal sinus. Prosopecta'sia, pros-oj>-ek-td'-se-ah. Morbid enlargement of face. Prosoponeural'gia, pros-op-on-H-ral'-je-ah. Neuralgia of the face. Prosoposternodym'ia, pros-op-d-slern-S-dim'-e-ah. A double mon- strosity with union of the faces from forehead to sternum. Prosopoto'cia, pros-op-o-t6'-sc-ah. Labor with a face presentation. Prosothoracop'agus, pros-O-thd-rak-op'-ag-us. A double monster with fusion of the thoraces anteriorly. Prostatal'gia, pros-tat-aV-je-ah. Pain in the prostate gland. Prostatectomy. Excision of part of the prostate gland. Pros'tate Gland. Glandular body around the neck of the bladder in the male. Prostat'ic, pros-tat'-ik. Relating to the prostate. Prostatitis, pros-lal-l'-lis. Inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatorrhe'a, pros-lal-or-e'-ah. Thin, gleety discharge from the prostate gland. Prostitution, pros-tit-u'-shun. Indiscriminate sexual intercourse. Prostration, pros-lra'-shun. Extreme nervous exhaustion. Pro'tagon, pro'-tag-on. C1&)113o8N5P<);!5. A nitrogenous glucoside found in nerve tissue. Protective,pro-ick'-tiv. An antiseptic dressing for wounds. Pro'teids, prd'-tids: Albuminoid constituents of the organism. Prote'iform, pro-le'-if-nrm. Having various forms. Protein, prd'-tl-in. An artificial alkaloid, analogous to fibrin. Proth'esis, proth'-es-is. The application of an artificial part to remedy a want or defect of the body, as a wooden leg. Protoblast, pro'-id-blast. A cell without a distinct cell-wall. Protopath'ic, pro-to-path'-ik. Primary ; relating to the first lesion. Pro'tophyte, pro'-to-fil. A primary vegetable organism. Protopla'sis, prd-td-pld'sis. Primary formation of tissue Protoplasm. Primitive organic cell-matter ; germinal matter. Protoplast, pro'-lij-plast. An embryonic cell. Protoplasm. Protozo'on. A primary unicellular animal organism. Protractor. A muscle drawing forward. A surgical instrument. Protu'berance, pro-tu'-ber-ans. A projecting part. Proud'-flesh. Excessive granulations ; fungous growth. Prox'imal, Prox'imate, proks'-im-al, proles'-ini-dt. Nearest. Pru'nus Virginia'na. The hark of wild cherry, used as an expec- torant. Prurig'inous, pru-rij'-in-us. Like prurigo. Pruri'go. A chronic papular skin disease with great itching. Pruritus, pru-rV-tus. Intense itching. Prus'sic Ac'id. See Hydrocyanic Acid. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 251 Psammo'ma, sam-d'-mah. A tumor near the pineal gland. Psellis'mus, sel-iz'-mus. Stuttering; stammering. Pseudacu'sis su-dak-u’-sis. Error of hearing; false hearing. Pseudarthri'tis, sud-arth-rV-tis. An hysterical affection of a joint simulating arthritis. Pseudarthro'sis, sud-arth-rd'-sis. Condition of having a false joint . Pseudenceph'alus, sud-en-sef'-al-us. An exencephalic monster with a vascular tumor for a brain. Pseudesthe'sia. Imaginary sense of feeling in amputated parts. Pseudobacte'rium, su-dd-bak te'-re-um. Corpuscle resembling a bacterium. Pseudoblep'sis, su-do-blep'-sis Visual illusion or hallucination. Pseudocri'sis, su dd-krV-sis. Sudden remission, followed by a rise of temperature; a false crisis. Pseu'do-croup, su'-dd-kroqp. False croup ; laryngismus stridulus. Pseudo-cye'sis, su-do-si-e'-sis. False or spurious pregnancy. Pseudo-gang'lion. False ganglion ; a slight thickening of a nerve. Pseudo-hydropho'bia. Hysterical convulsions like hydrophobia. Pseudo-hypertro'phic Paral'ysis. Loss of the power of motion, accompanied by hypertrophied muscles. Pseudo-leuke'mia, su-do-lO-ke'-me-ah. See Lymphadenoma. Pseudoma'nia, su-dd-m.d'-ne-ah. Insanity in which the patient ac- cuses himself of crimes of which he is innocent. Pseudomem'brane, sw-dd-mem’-bran. A false membrane. Pseudophthi'sis, su-dop-ti'-sis. Emaciation not due to phthisis. Pseudople'gia, su-dd-plel-je-ah. False or hysterical paralysis. Pseudosclero'sis, su-dd-skle-ro'-sis. An affection with sclerotic symptoms, but without the lesions of sclerosis. Pseudos'mia, sii-dos'-me-ah. An illusive sense of smell. Psilo'sis, si-lu'-sis. Depilation. Removal of hair or flesh. Pso'as, so'-as. The loins. Muscle of the loins. Pso'as Ab'scess. See Abscess. Psod'ymus, sod'-im-us. A sysomic monster with two heads and thoraces, united below. Psoi'tis, so-l'-tis. Inflammation of the psoas muscle. Pso'ra, so'-rah. Same as Scabies, q. v. Psorelco'sis, so-rel-ko'-sis. Ulceration from scabies. Psori'asis, su-ri'-as-is. A chronic, inflammatory skin disease, with scale formation. Psoroco'mium, so-rb-kd'-me-wn. An itch hospital. Pso'rosperm, so'-rd-sperm. A vesicular parisite organism. Pso'rous, sd'-rus. Affected with the itch. Psychal'gia, si-kal’-je-ah. Painful cerebration seen in melancholia. Psychi'atry, si-ki'-at-re. Treatment of mind diseases. Psy'chic, sV-kik. Pertaining to the mind. Psy'chical, sV-kik-al. Same as Psychic, q. v. Psychogen'esis, si-ko-jen'-es-is. Development of the mind. Psychology, sVkol'-O-je. The science of mental phenomena. 252 Psychop'athy, sl-kop'-a-lhe. Disease of the mind. Psychophys'ics. Delations between stimulation and sensation. Psychophysiol'ogy, sl-ko-fiz-e-ol'-o-je. Mental physiology. Psycho'ses, sv-kb'-sbz. Diseases of the mind. Psycho'sin, si-ko'-sin. A cerebroside found in brain tissue. Psychropho'bia, si-kro-fo'-be-ah. A morbid fear of cold. Psy'chrcphore, si'-kro-for. A sound with double bore for theapplica- tion of cold to the urethra. Psydra'cium, sl-dra'-she-um. An eruption. Ptar'mic, tar'-mik. An agent producing sneezing. Pteryg'ium, ter-ij'-e-um. Chronic thickening of the conjunctiva, usually triangular and at the inner eanthus. Pter'ygoid, ler'-e-goid. Resembling a wing. Ptilo'sis, tl-lo'-sis. See Madarosis. Ptis'an, tiz'-an. Barley water; a mild medicinal drink. Pto'maines, tu’-md-ins. Putrefactive animal alkaloids. Pto'sis, tu'-sis. Drooping of the upper eyelid from paralysis. Ptyal'agogue, ti-al’-a-gog. Sialagogue, q. v. Pty'alin, tV-al-in. A peculiar ferment in saliva. Pty'alism, ti'-al-izm. Excessive secretion of saliva. Ptyal'ocele, ll-al'-O-sel. See Ranula. Pu'beral, pu’-ber-al. Pertaining to puberty. Pu'berty, pu'-ber-te. Age of capability of reproduction. Pu'bes, pu'-bez. Anterior portion of the innominate bone. Pubes'cence, pu-bes'-ens. Puberty, q. v. Pu'bic, pii'-bik. Pertaining to the pubes. Pubiot'omy,pil-be-ol'-G-me. Section through pubes to facilitate labor. Puden'da, pUrden'-dah. Plural of Pudendum, q. v. Pudenda'gra, pu-deii-da'-giah. Pain in the genitals. Syphilis. Puden'dal, pu-den'-dal. Pertaining to the pudendum. Puden'dum, pu-den'-dum. Female external genitals. Pu'dic, pu'-dik. Pertaining to the genitals. Pu'erile, pu’-er-il. Pertaining to childhood. Pu'erile Respira'tion. Childlike respiration occasionally heard in morbid conditions in adults. Puer'pera, pu-er'-per-ah. A female in labor. Puer'peral, pu-er'-per-al. Pertaining to child-bearing. Puer'peral Convulsions. Convulsions occurring in gestation or at child-birth. Puer'peral Fe'ver. Contagious, septic fever of child-bed. Puerpe'rium,pM-er-pe'-re-«»i. The puerperal state. Pullula'tion, pwl-iir-ld'-shun. A bud-like growth ; condyloma. Pulmom'eter, pul-mom'-et-er. Instrument to measure lung capacity. Pulmom'etry, pul-mom'-el-re. Determination of volume of lungs. Pul'monary, Pulmon'ic. Pertaining to the lungs. Pulmonec'tomy, pul-mon-ek'-td-m/’. See Pneumonectomy. Pulmoni'tis, pul-mon-V-tis. Inflammation of the lung. Pulp. Soft matter of certain organs. Chyme. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 253 Pulpi'tis, pulp-V-tia. Inflammation of tooth pulp. Pulsatil'la, puls-at-il'-ah. Leaves and tops of meadow anemone. Pulsa'tion, puls-a'-shun. A beating or throbbing sensation. Pulse. Expansile impulse of the arteries. Pulsim'eter, puls-im'-et-er. A sphygmometer, q. v. Pulta'ceous, pul-ta'-she-us. Pap-like; mushy ; soft. Pul'ver, Pul'vis. A powder. Pulveriza'tion, pul-ver-i-za'-shvn. Act of reducing to a powder. Pulvi'nar, pul-vl'-nar. Posterior eminence of the optic thalamus. Pump'kin Seed. See Pepo. Pnnc'ta, punk'-tah. Points. Punc'tatt, punk'-tat. Having many points; dotted. Punc'tum, A point. Punc'tum Prox'imum. The near-point of distinct vision. Punc'tum Remo'tum, The farthest point of distinct vision. Punc'ture, punk'-lur. A wound made by a pointed instrument. Pun'gent,pun'-jent. Acrid; penetrating. Pu'pil, pu'-pil. The round aperture in the iris of the eye. Pu'pil, Ar'gyll-Rob'ertson. See Argyll-Robertson. Pu'pillary, pH'-pil-a-re. Pertaining to the pupil. Pupilom'eter,pu-pil-om'-et-er. Instrument for measuring pupil. Purga'tion, per-gaf-shun. Evacuation of the bowels. Cleansing. Pur'gative, Purge. An agent producing watery evacuations. Pu'riform, pv!-re-form. Having the nature of pus. Purkin'je’s Cells. Pear-shaped cells in the cerebellar cortex. Pur'kinje’s Fig'ures. The shadows of blood-vessels on the retina. Pur'pura, per'-pu-rah. Hemorrhages into the cutis. Pur'purine, peP-pu-rin. C14TIr102(0H),i. An occasional red coloring matter of the urine. Pu'rulent, pu'-ru-lent. Having the character of pus. Pus. The fluid product of suppuration. Pus'tula Malig'na. Gangrenous focus due to bacillus anthrax. Pustula'tion, pus-tu-la’-shun. Formation of pustules. Pus'tule, pus'-tul. A small, purulent papule. Putrefac'tion, jyii-tre-faV-shvn. Organic decomposition ; decay. Putres'cence, pu-tres'-ens. The state of growing putrefaction. Pu'trescine, pu'-tres-in. A ptomaine of decomposition. Pu'trid, pu'-trid. Showing putrefaction ; rotten. Pu'trid Fe'ver. Typhus fever, q. v. Pu'trid Sore-throat'. Cynanche Maligna, q. v. Pyarthro'sis, pi-ar-thro'-sis. Suppuration of a joint. Pyeli'tis, pi-el-V-tis. Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney. Pyelom'eter, pi-el-om'-et-er. A pelvimeter, q. v. Pye'mia, pt-e'-me-ah. Septicemia with abscess formations. Pye'sis, Pyo'sis, pi-e'-sis,pi-o'-sis. The formation of pus. Pygodid'ymus. Double fetal monster united by the buttocks. Pygom'elus. Parasitic monster united in the hypogastric region. Py 'in, pi'-in. A mucus-like substance in pus. 254 GOULD’S POCKET Pilephlebi'tis, pi-le-fleb-i'-Hs. Acute inflammation of portal vein. Pylethrombo'sis, pl-le-throim-bo'-sis. Thrombosis of portal vein. Pylorec'tomy, pv-lor-ek'-td-me,. Resection of the pylorus. Pylor'ic, pu-lor'-ik. Pertaining to the pylorus. Pylor'oplasty, pl-loiJ-d-plas-te. Plastic operation upon the pylorus. Pylo'rus, pl-hV-rus. Lower orifice of the stomach. Pyocol'pocele, pi-d-koV-pd-sel. Suppurating tumor of the vagina. Pyogen'esis, pi-d-jen’-e-sis. The formation or genesis of pus. Pyogen'ic, pi-O-jeu'-ik. Developing or secreting pus. Pyohe'mia, See Pyemia. Py'oid, pi'-oid. Resembling pus. Pyok'tanin, pv-ok'-tan-in. Methyl violet, a doubtful antiseptic. Pyome'tra, pi-d-me'-trah. A collection of pus in the uterus. Pyonephro'sis,pird-nef-rd'-sis. Suppuration within the kidney. Pyopneumotho'rax, pUd-nu-md-thd'-raks. A collection of air and pus within the pleural sac. Pyopoie'sis pv-d-poi-e'-sis. See Pyogenesis. Pyorrhe'a, pi-or-e'-ah. A discharge of pus. Pyosal'pinx, pird-saV-pinks. A collection of pus in the oviduct. Pyostat'ic, jn-o-stai’-ik. An agent arresting the secretion of pus. Pyotho'rax, pl-d-thd'-raks. See Empyema. Pyoxan'those, plrd-zan’-thds. Yellow coloring matter in blue pus. Pyr'amid, pir'-am-id. Any conical eminence of an organ. Pyram'idal, pir-am'-id-al. Shaped like a pyramid. Pyramida'lis,pir-am-id-a'-lis. A muscle of the abdomen. Pyre'thrum, pi-re'-thrum. Root of pellitory, a sialogogue. Pyret'ic, pi-ret'-ik. Pertaining to fever. Pyretogen'esis, pV-ref-dgen'-es-is. Origin and progress of fever. Pyretog'raphy, pi-ref-og'-rd-fe. Description of fever. Pyretol'ogy, pl-ret-ol'-d-je. A treatise on fevers. Pyrex'ia, pi-reks'-e-ah. Elevation of temperature; fever. Pyrexia'lis, pv-reks-e-d'-lii. See Warburg's Tincture. Pyr'idin. A liquid extractive of coal tar, an antispasmodic. Pyr'iform, pir’-if-orm. Pear-shaped. Pyrocat'echin, pi-rd-kat'-e-chin. Antipyretic obtained from coal t ar. Pyr'odin, pir'-d-din. A white powder, a powerful antipyretic. Pyroma'nia. Insanity tending to actuate incendiarism. Pyrom'eter, pi-rom'-el-er. An instrument for measuring extreme degrees of heat. Pyro'sis, pi-rd'-sis. Gastric burning pain with eructations. Pyrot'ic, pi-rot'-ik. Caustic ; burning. Pyrox'ylin, pi-roks'-il-in. Gun-cotton, a derivative of cellulose. Pythogen'ic, pi-thd-jen'-ik. Pertaining to enteric fever. Pyu'ria, pi-u'-re-ah. The presence of pus in the urine. MEDICAL. DICTIONARY Q. Quack, tcwak. One who practices quackery. Quack'ery, ktrak'-er-e. Medical charlatanism. Quadran'gular, kivod-rang'-gu-lar. Having four angles. Quadra'tus, kwod-rd'-tus. Square or four-sided, as a muscle. Quad'riceps, kwod'-re-seps. A large muscle of the thigh. Quadrigem'inal Bodies. See Corpora Quadrigemina. Quadrilateral, kwod-ri-lat'-rr-al. Having four sides. Quad'ruped, kwod'-rfi-ped. A four-footed animal. Qual'itative, kwol'-it-a-tiv. Pertaining to quality. Quantitative, kwon'-tit-d-liv. Pertaining to quantity Quantiv'alence, kwon-liv'-al-ens. Chemical strength of an clement, or its combining power compared with that of hydrogen. Quarantine, kicor'-an-ten. The time or place of debarring ships, persons, etc., from infected ports or parts from entrance to a country, etc. Quartan. Intermittent fever with a paroxysm every fourth day. Quas'sia, kwos'-the-ah. Wood of a tropical tree, a bitter tonic. Quas'sin, kwos'-in. C31H4209. The active principle of quassia. Quebra'cho, ke-brah'-ko. A bitter tonic bark, an antiperiodic. Queen’s Root. See Stillingia. Quer'cus, kwer'-kus. Bark of the oak, used as an astringent. Quick'ening. First perceptible movement of the fetus in utero. QuickTime, kwik'-Rm. CaO. Oxide of calcium. Quick'silver, kwik'-sil-ver. Popular term for mercury, q. v. Quilla'ia, kwil-a'-yah. Soap bark, used as an expectorant. Quince'-seed, kwins'sed. See Cydonium. Quin'ia, kwin'-e-ah. C20H24N2O2.3H20. A white, bitter alkaloid from Cinchona, used as a tonic and antiperiodic. Quin'ic Fe'ver. An eruptive fever in a worker in quinine. Quinidi'na, Quin'idine. C20H24N20„. A derivative of quinine. Quinin'a, Quin'ine, kvfin-en’-ah, kitrin'-en. See Quinta. Qui'nine Flow'er. A tonic and antiperiodic root from the south. Quinin'ism, kwin-en'-izm. See Cinchonism. Quinoid'ine, kwin-oid'-in. See Chinoidin. Quin'one. A solid, volatile substance obtained from cinchona. Quinquinin'a, kwin-kwin-en'-ah. An Indian preparation contain- ing the alkaloids of cinchona. Quin'sy. An acute severe inflammation of the tonsils with fever. Quin'tan. An intermittent fever with paroxysm every fifth day. Quintes'sence. Concentrated active principle of any substance. Quiz, kwiz. An informal examination in a medical subject. Quotid'ian, kwot-id'-i-an. Intermittent fever with daily paroxysm. GOULD’S POCKET Rab'id, rab'-id. Affected with rabies or hydrophobia. Rab'ies, rd'-bi-Hz. An extremely fatal disease of animals, corres- ponding to hydrophobia in man. Rac'emose, ras'-e-nios. Resembling a bunch of grapes. Rachial'gia, ra-ke-al'-je-ah. Pain in the spine. Rachid'ian, ra-kid'-e-an. Pertaining to the spine. Rachil'ysis, ra-kil'-is-is. Treatment of lateral curvature of the spine by mechanical means. Rachi'tis, rd-kV-tis. See Rickets. Rach'itome, rak'-it-om. An instrument for opening the spinal canal. Ra'dial, rd'-de-al. Pertaining to the radius. Rad'ical, rad'-ik-al. A form of treatment meant to destroy a dis- ease. In chemistry, a stable molecule. Rad'icle, rad'-ik-l. A rootlet. Radi'olus, rd-dV-6-lus. A probe or sound. Ra'dius, ra'-de-us. The small bone of the forearm. Ra'dix, rd'-dix. The root. Rail'way Kid'ney. An affection of the kidney due to constant jar. Rail'way Spine. An affection of the spine due to jarring of a train. R&le, rahl. A bubbling sound heard in the bronchi in disease. Ramification, ram-if-ik-d’-shun. Branching of an organ or part. Ramollissement, rab-md-les'-mong. Softening of a part. Ra'mus, ra'-mus. Branch of an organ or bone. Ran'cid, ran'sid. Fetid or sour, as fat. Ra'nine, rd'-nin. Pertaining to the tongue, as an artery. Ran'ula, ran'-ft-lah. A cystic tumor beneath the tongue. Rape, rap. Forcible sexual intercourse with a woman. Rapha'nia, raf-d'-ne-ah. A spasmodic nervous affection of the joints due to eating wild radish. Ra'phe, rd'-fe. A seam ; suture; line. Rap'tus, rap'-tus. Any sudden attack or seizure. Rarefac'tion, rar-e-fttk'-shun. Decreasing the density of air, etc. Rasce'ta, ras-e'-tab. Transverse lines on inner side of the wrist. Rash. An exanthematous eruption on the skin. Ras'patory, ras’-pat-o-re. A rasp for trimming bone surfaces. Rats'bane, ralz'-bdn. Common name for arsenious acid. Rat'tles, rat'-tlz. See RAle. Rauce'do, raw-se'-db. Hoarseness from inflammation of larynx. Ray'naud’s Disease', rd'-noz-dis-ez'. See Sphaceloderma. Reaction, re-ak'-shun. Responsive action. Action of a reagent. Reac'tion of Degeneration. Loss of response in nerves to fara- dism and galvanism, and in muscles to faradism only. Rea'gent, re-tV-gent. Anything producing a reaction. R. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Reau'mur's Thermom'eter, re-o'-'moorz-ther-mom'-ei-er. A scale with the freezing point at zero, and boiling point- at 80°. Receiv'er, re-sev'-er. A vessel receiving products of distillation. Receptac'ulum Chy'li, re-sep-tak'-ii-lum-kV-FI. Inferior expanded portion of the thoracic duct. Rec'ipe, res'-ip-e. The caption of a prescription = It, Take. Reclina'tion, rek-lin-d'-shun. The act of lying down. Rec'rement, rekf-re-ment. Reabsorbable secretion. Recrudes'cence, rek-ru-des'-ens. Return of a disease; relapse. Rec'tal, rek'-lal. Pertaining to the rectum. Rectal'gia, rek-tal'-je-ah. Pain in the rectum. Rectified, rek'-Hf-id. Made right. Refined. Recti'tis, rek-ti’-tis. Inflammation of the rectum. Rec'tocele, rek'-to-sel. Prolapse of the rectum. Rec'toscspe, rek?-to-skop. A speculum for rectal examinations. Rectosteno'sis, rek-to-sle-nd’-sis. Stricture of the rectum. Rectot'omy, rek-tot'-d-me. Incision of the rectum. Rec'tum, rek'-tum. Lower part of the large intestine. Rectus, rek’-tus. In a straight line. Name of certain muscles. Recupera'tion, re-ku-per-a!-shtin. Convalescence ; return to health. Recurrent, re-ker'-ent. Returning at intervals. Red'-gum. An unimportant papular eruption during dentition. Redintegration, red-in-te-gra'-shun. Full restitution of a part. Reduction, re-duk'-shun. Restoration to normal situation. Separa- tion of a metal from substances combined with it. Reduplication, re-du-plik-d'-shun. Doubling of the paroxysms in certain forms of intermittent fever. Reflection, re-flek'-shun. Bending back of a ray of light, or a part. Re'flex, re'-fleks. Involuntary action from nerve stimulus. Re'flux, re'-fluks. A return flow. Refraction, re-fraid-shun. Deviation of light on passing through media of different densities. Refractom'eter. Instrument for measuring refraction of the eye. Re-fracture. Re-breaking of fractured bones after faulty union. Refrig'erant, re-frij'-er-ant. An agent having cooling properties. Refrigeration, re-frij-er-a'-shun. The act of cooling the body. Regeneration. New growth or repair of lost tissues. Reg'imen, rej'-im-en. The methodical use of food. Re'gion, re'-jun. A certain part or division of the body. Re'gional, re'-jun-al. Pertaining to a region. Reg'ular, reg'-dh-lar. According to rule. Regurgitation, re-ger-jit-d'-shvn. An eructation or throwing back. Reimplantation. A replacing, as of a tooth in its socket. Re-infection, re-irwfek'-shvn. Infection a second time. Reinoculation, rS-dn-ok-u-ld'-shun. Inoculation a second time. Reinsch’s Test. A test for arsenic with copper. Reiss'ner’s Mem'brane, ris'-nerz-rnem'-bran. A delicate mem- brane across the outer wall of the cochlea. Rejuvenescence, re-ju-ven-es’-ens. A renewal of youth. 258 Relapse'. Recurrence of a disease during convalescence. Relaps'ing Fe'ver, re-lapz'-ing-fe'-ver. A mild form of epidemic malignant remitting fever. Relax'ant, re-laks'-anl. An agent diminishing tension. Relaxation, re-laks-d'-shun. Diminution of tension. Languor. Remak’s' Gan'glion. One of the cardiac ganglia. Reme'dial, rem-e'-di-al. Having the nature of a remedy. Rem'edy, remf-ed-e. An agent used in the treatment of disease. Remis'sion, re-mish'-un. The period of abatement in fever. Remittent, re-m.W-ent. Alternately abating and returning. Remittent Fe'ver, re-mit'-en/.-fe'-ver. Malarial fever with remis- sion but without complete apyrexia. Re'nal, re'-nal. Pertaining to the kidneys. Ren'iform, ren'-if-orm. Shaped like a kidney. Ren'net, ren'-et. An infusion of the inner coat of a calf s stomach. Repel'lent, re-pel'-ent. Agent repelling morbid processes. Repletion, re-ple'-shun. The condition of being full. Replication, rep-lik-a'-shun. Refolding or duplication of a part. Reposition, re-po-zish'-un. Replacement of a part. Repos'itor, re-poz'-il-or. An instrument for replacing a part. Reproduce', re-pru-dus'. To bring forth offspring. Reproduction, re-prO-duk'shun. The begetting of young. Reproductive, rl-pro-dukf-tiv. Pertaining to reproduction. Resection, re-sek'-shun. Excision of a portion of bone, etc. Resid'ual, re-zid'-u-al. Remaining. Res'idue, res'-id-u. That which remains. Resid'uum, res-id'-u-um. The balance or remainder. Resil'ience, re-zil'-i-en.s. Healthy reaction. Res'in Plaster, rez'-in-plas'-ter. An adhesive plaster containing lead plaster with resin and wax. Res'ins, rez'-inz. Hardened inflammable vegetable exudates. Res'inous, rez'-iitr-us. Having the nature of a resin. Resolution, rez-6-lu'shini. Decomposition; analysis; absorption. Resol'vent, re-zol'-vent. That which causes solution of tissue. Res'onance, rez'-mi-aii-s. A sound heard on percussing the chest, or on ausculting the chest during speech. Resor'cin, re-sor'-sin. 06114(110)2. An odorless antiseptic and an- tipyretic, isomeric with liydroquinone. Resorption, re-sorp'-shun. Absorption of morbid deposits. Respiration. Inspiration and expiration of air by the lungs. Res'pirator, res'-pxr-d-tor. An instrument for breathing through. Respir'atory, res-plr'-a-to-re. Pertaining to respiration. Res'tiform Bod'ies. Cord-like processes of the medulla oblongata. Resuscitation. The bringing to life of an asphyxiated person. Retardation, re-lard-d'shun. Delay in expelling the fetus. Retch. To strain at vomiting. Re'te, rW-tl. A network or decussation. Re'te Malpig'hii. Layers of epithelial cells above the corium. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Re'te Muco'sum. Three lower layers of the epidermis. Retention, re-ten!-shun. Holding back ; stoppage. Retic'ular, Retic'ulated, ret-ik'-u-lar, ret-ik’-u-la-ted. Meshed. Retic'ulum, ret-dk'-u-lurn. A network. Ret'ina. Internal membrane of eye, the expansion of optic nerve. Retinac'ula of Weit'bricht. Bands of ligamentous tissue around the neck of the trochanter. Retinac'ulum, ret-in-ak'-u-tum. A band, etc., holding back apart. Ret'inal, ret'-in-al. Pertaining to the retina. Retini'tis, ret-in-l'-tis. Inflammation of the retina. Retinos'copy, ret-in-os'-ko-pe. Objective method of determining tin refraction of the eye by observing the play of reflected images. Retort', re-tort'. A vessel with a long neck used in distillation. Retrac'tile, re-trak'-lil. Capable of being drawn hack. Retrac'tion, re-trak'-shun. Shortening; drawing backward. Retrac'tor. An instrument for drawing hack the lip of a wound. Re'trahens, re'-trd-henz. Drawing back, applied to muscles. Retroces'sion, re-lro-sesh'-un. A retrograde movement. Retroclu'sion, re-tro-klu'-shun. Form of acupressure in which the pin passes first over and then under the vessel. Retrocol'lic. Pertaining to muscles at the back of the neck. Retroflex'ion, re-tro-flek'-shun. A bending or flexing backward. Ret'rograde, ret'-r5-grad. Receding or going backward. Retrooc'ular, re-lro-ok'-ft-lar. Behind the eyeball. Retropharynge'al, re-trd-far-in-je'-al. Behind the pharynx. Retropul'sion, re-tro-pul'-shun. Driving or turning back. Retrovaccina'tion. Vaccination of a cow with human virus. Retrover'sion, re-trd-ver'-shun. A turning back. Reu'nion, re-un'-yun. Joining of severed parts. Revel'lent, re-vel’-ent. Derivative; causing revulsion. Rever'sion, re-/veiJ-shun. Return to the original type. Revivification, re-viv-if-ik-d'-shun. Resuscitation. Revul'sant. An agent drawing blood from a distant part of body. Revul'sive, Same as Revelleni, q. v. Rhabdomyo'ma, rab-dd-mi-o'-mah. A rare form of myoma contain- ing striated muscular fiber. Rhachial'gia, ra-ke-al'-je-ah. Pain in the spine. Rhachiocamp'sis, ra-ke-o-kamp'-sis. Curvature of the spine. Rhachiochy'sis, rd-ke-6-kV-sis. Effusion of water in spinal canal. Rhachiocypho'sis, rd-ke-o-st-fo'-sis. Hunch of the back. Rhachiodyn'ia, rd-ke-o-din'-e-ah. Pain in the spinal cord. Rhachiomyeli'tis, rd-ke-d-ml-el-l'-tir. Myelitis, q. v. Rhachiople'gia, ra-ke-o-ple'-je-ah. Spinal paralysis. Rhachioscolio'ma, rd-ke-6-sko-le-6'-mah. Lateral curving of spine. Rhachioscolio'sis, rd-ke-d-sko-le-O'-sis. Curvature of the spine. Rha'chiotome, rd'-ke-O-tom. An instrument for rhachiotomy. Rhachiot'omy, rd-ke-of-d-me. An incision into the spine. Rha'chis, rn'-kis. The spinal column. GOULD’S POCKET Rhachis'chisis, rd-kix'-kis-ix. A cleft in the vertebral column. Rhachi'tis, rd-kV-tis. See Rickets. Rhaco'ma, rd-kd'-mah. Excoriation, chapping. Pendulous scrotum. Rhaco'sis, rd-ho’-sis. Condition of one with rhaeoma. Rha'cous, ra'-kus. Wrinkled; lacerated. Rhag'ades, Rhaga'dia, rag'-ad-ez, rag-d'-de-ah. Fissures or ulcers about the anus, etc. • *h Rham'nus Purshia'na. Caseara Sagrada, a valuable laxative. Rhat'any, rat'-an-e. Krameria root, an astringent. Rheg'ma, reg'-mah. Rupture of vessel-walls or of an abscess. Rhe'ocord, re'-o-kord.. See Rheostat. Rheom'eter, re-orn'-el-er. A galvanometer, q. v. Rhe'ophore, ri-'-d-for. Cord of electric battery connecting poles. Rhe'oscope. An instrument for testing the elect ric current. Rhe'ostat. Instrument for measuring resistance of electric current. Rhe'otome. An instrument for interrupting the Faradic current. Rhe'um, re'-um. Root of rhubarb, a purgative. Rheumarthro'sis, riim-arth-ro'-sis. Rheumatism of the joints. Rheumatal'gia, rum-al-al'-je-ah. Rheumatic pain. Rheum'atism, rum'-at-izm. A disease with fever, pain, inflamma- tion, and swelling of the joints. Rheum'atoid, rum'-at-oid. Resembling rheumatism. Rheum'atoid Arthri'tis. See Arthritis Deformans Rheumatopy'ra, riim-at-d-pi'-rah. Rheumatic fever. Rhi'nal, rV-nal. Pertaining or belonging to the nose. Rhinal'gia, ri-nal' je-ah. Pain in the nose. Rhinenceph'alon, rl-nen-sef-al-on. The olfactory lobe of the brain. Rhinenceph'alus, ri-nen-srf-at-us. See Rhinncephalns. Rhineuryn'ter, ri-nu-rin'-ter. Small elastic bag for plugging nose. Rhini'tis, rl-nV-fis. Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane. Rhino'byon, ri-nd'-bc-on. A nasal plug or tampon Rhinoceph'alus. A cyclocephalic monster with a trunk-like nose. Rhinoclei'sis, ri-no-kli'-sis. Nasal obstruction. Rhinodyn'ia, ri-no-din'-e-ah. Pain in the nose. Rhi'nolith, rV-nd-lilh. A nasal calculus ; stone in the nose. Rhinolithi'asis, ri-nd-lith-V-as-is. Formation of nasal culculi. Rhinol'ogist, rd-ml'-d-jist. A specialist in nose diseases Rhinol'ogy, rl-nol'-d-je. A treatise on diseases of the nose. Rhinonecro'sis, ri-nd-ne-krd'-sis. Necrosis of the nasal bones. Rhinopho'nia, ri-nd-fd'-ne-ah. A nasal tone in speaking. Rhinophy'ma. ri-nd-fV-mah. Tumor of the nose. Rhi'noplasty, rl'-no-plas-te. Plastic operations on the nose. Rhinopol'ypus, rl-nd-pol'-ip-us. Polypus of the nose. Rhinorrha'gia, ri-nor-d'-je-ah. See Epistaxis. Rhinorrhe'a, rl-nor-e'-ah. Mucous discharge from the nose. Rhinosclero'ma, ri-nd-skle-ro'-mah. Stony hardness of the skin and mucous membrane of the nose. Rhi'noscope, rV-nd-skdp. An instrument for examining the nose. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 261 Rhinos'copy, ri-nos'-kb-pe. Examination of the nasal fossae. Rhinostegno'sis, ri-nb-s leg-no'-sis. Nasal obstruction. Rhi'zome, rV-zom. A creeping root-stalk. Rho'dophane, ru'-do-fan. Red pigment from retina of birds. Rhodop'sin, ro-dop'-sin. Visual purple. Rhomboi'deus, rom-boi’-de-us. A muscle of the shoulder. Rhon'cus, ron'-kus. Rattling in the throat. Rhu'barb, ru'-barb. See .Rheum. Rhus Gla'bra, rus-gla'-brah. Smooth sumac fruit, an astringent. Rhus Toxicoden'dron. Leaves of the poison oak or ivy. Rhythm, rilhm. A measured movement. Rhyth'mical, rith’-mik-al. Pertaining to rhythm. Ri'bes, Gang'lion of. Sympathetic ganglion in the skull. Ribs. The bony arches of the chest. Rice, rt.v. See Oryza. Rici'ni Ol'eum. Castor oil, a mild purge. Rick'ets, rik'-ets. Inflammation of the spine. A constitutional disease of childhood, with deformities. Ri'der’s-bone. Bony formation in muscles of the legs from riding. Ri'gor, ri'-gor. Coldness ; stiffness; rigidity. Ri'gor Mortis, rV-gor-mor'-tis. Rigidity after death. Rigid'ity, rij-id'-il-e. Stiffness ; immobility. Ri'ma, rV-rnah. A fissure or furrow. Ri'mous, rl'-mus. Having cracks, clefts, or fissures. Ring'worm, ring'-werm. Circling tinea or herpes. Ri'nolite, rV-nb-Rt. See Rhinolith. Ri'olan’s Mus'cle. A portion of the orbicular muscle of eyelid. Ripe, rip. Mature; completed. Riso'rius, rl-so'-re-us. Upper portion of plalysma my aides. Ri'sus Sardon'icus. A peculiar grin in tetanus. Rivin'ian Ducts. Excretory ducts of the sublingual gland. Rob'orant, rob'-or-ant. Tonic; strengthening. Ro'bust, rO'-bust. Strong; vigorous. Rochelle' Salt, ro-shel'-saivlt. Tartrate of potash and soda. Ro'dent Ul'cer. A cancerous ulceration of skin of eyelid or nose. Rolan'do, Fis'sure of. See Fissure. Rol'ler, rol'-er. A long strip of cloth used as a bandage. Rom'berg’s Sign. Swaying with the eyes closed and the feet together, a symptom of locomotor ataxia. Rosa, rO'-zah. Arose. Rosa'cea, ru-zd'-she-ah. See Acne Rosacea. Rosan'ilin, rb-zan'-il-in. See Fuchsin. Rose-catarrh', roz-kat-ar’. See Hay Fever. Rose'mary, rbz’-ma-re. See Rosmarinus. Rosenmiiller, Bod'y of. See Parovarium. Rose'ola, rO-ze'-o-lah. A rose-colored efflorescence on the skin. Rose'-rash. See Roseola. Ro'ser Posi'tion of Head. Head dependent over end of table. 262 GOULD’S POCKET Ros'in, roz'-in. See Resin. Ros'in Weed. Compass plant, tonic, alterative, and emetic. Rosmari'nus, ros-mar-V-nus. Rosemary leaves, used in liniments. Ros'trum, ros'-lrum. A projection or ridge. Rota'tion, ro-td'-shun. Turning on the axis. Rota'tor, rS-ta'-tor. A muscle turning a part. Rot'heln, rd'-teln. See Rubella. Rott'lera, rot'-ler-ah. Glands and hairs from kamala capsules, used as an anthelmintic. Rot'ula, rol'-unlah. The patella. Rot'ular, rot'-urlar. Pertaining to the patella. Round Lig'ament. Ligament on the anterior part of the uterus. Rube'do, rd-be'-do. Any diffused redness of the skin. Rubefa'cient, ru-be-fd’-se-enl. An agent that reddens the skin. Rubel'la. Infectious fever of childhood, resembling mild measles. Rube'ola. Exanthematous contagious disease of children ; measles. Rubes'cent, rib-besf-ent. Growing red. Ru'bus, ru'-bus. Bark of blackberry, used as an astringent. Ruc'tus, ruk'-tus. Belching of wind from the stomach. Rudimen'tary, ru-dim-en'-Id-re. Undeveloped ; not formed. Rue, ru. See Rata. Ru'ga, ru'-gah. A wrinkle ; corrugation ; crease. Rugi'tus, ru-jl'-tus. See Bombus. Rugos'ity, ru-gos'-it-e. The condition of being in wrinkles. Ru'gous, ru'-gus. Wrinkled. Rumina'tion, ru-min-a'-shun. Remastication of swallowed food. Rump. The end of the backbone. The buttocks. Run. To discharge pus from a diseased part. Run'-around. See Paronychia. Ru'pia, ru'-pt-ah. A syphilitic eruption with incrusted, foul ulcers. Rup'ture, rup'-tur. Breakage or laceration of an organ. Hernia. Ru'ta, ru'-tah. The leaves of rue, an emmenagogue. Rutido'sus. Contraction or puckering of cornea just before death. s. Sabi'na, sa-bl'-nnh. The top of savine, an excellent emmenagogue. Sab'ulous, sab'-w-lus. Gritty ; sandy. Sab'urral. Pertaining to a disordered state of the stomach. Sac, sak. Cyst; pouch; bag-like tumor. Sac'cate, sak'-dt. Encysted. Saccharephidro'sis, sak-ar-ej-id-rb'-sis. Sweet perspiration. Sacchariferous, sak-ar-if-er-ns. Containing sugar. Sac'charin, sak'-ar-in. C6H4S02.C0NH. Sweet derivative of coal-tar. Saccharom'eter, sak-ar-om'-et-er. An instrument to estimate the amount of sugar in a solution. Saccharomy'ces, sak-ar-6-mV-sez. The yeast fungi. Saccharorrhe'a, sak-ar-or-e'-ah. Glycosuria, q. v. Sac'charum, sak'-ar-um. ClaHaaOtl. Cane sugar, derived from the juice of the sugar cane. Saccholac'tin, sak-o-lak'-tin. Sugar of milk. Sac'ciform, sak'-se-form. Shaped like a sac. Sac'culated, sak'-u-la-/ed. Encysted; divided into sacs. Sac'cule, Sac'culus, sak'-ul, sak'-u-lus. A small sac. Sac'cus, sak'-us. See Sac. Sa'crad, sd'-krad. Toward the sacral aspect. Sa'cral, sa'-kral. Belonging to the sacrum. Sa'cred Bark, sd'-kred-bark. See Cascara Sagrada. Sa'crum, sd'-krum. The large triangular bone above the coccyx. Sad'dle-joint, sad'-l-joint. A concavo-convex articulation. Sad'dle-nose, sad'-l-noz. A nose with deep or absent bridge. Sage, saj. See Salvia. Sage-femme', sahj-fem'. A midwife. Sag'ittal, saj'-it-al. Arrow-shaped. Sag'ittal Su'ture. The suture between the parietal bones. Sago, sa'-go. Starchy fecula from certain plants. Sa'go Spleen. Amyloid degeneration of the spleen. Saint Ag'atha’s Disease'. Mammitis, q. v. Saint An'thony’s Fire. See Erysipelas. Saint Job’s Disease'. Syphilis, q. v. Saint Vi'tus’s Dance. See Chorea. Sal. Salt. Sala'cious, sal-d'-shus. Lustful. Salac'ity, Strong venereal desire. Sal'icin, sal'-is-in. Ci3H1807. Extract from the willow. Salic'ylate, sal-is'-il-at. A salt of salicylic acid. Salicyl'ic Ac'id, sal-is-il'-ik-ax'-id.. C6H4.OII.CO«H. An organic acid made from carbolic acid, antirheumatic and antisept ic. Salig'enin, sal-ij'-en-in. A constituent of salicin. Sa'line, sd'-lin. Salty ; containing salt. Sali'va, sa-lV-vah. Secretion of the salivary glands. Sal'ivary, sal’-iv-d-re. Pertaining to the saliva. Saliva'tion, sal-iv-d'-shun. See Ptyalism. Sa'lix, sa'-liks. Bark of white widow, an antipyretic. Sal'ol, sal'-ol. Phenyl salicylate, an antipyretic and antirheumatic remedy. Salpingec'tomy, sal-pin-jek'-lo-me. Excision of a Fallopian tube. Salpingemphrax'is, sal-pin-jem-fraks'-is. Closure of an oviduct. Salpin'gian, sal-pin'-ji-an. Pertaining to a Fallopian tube, Salpingi'tis, sal-pin-ji'-tis. Inflammation of the Fallopian tube. Salpingocye'sis, sal-ping-go-st-e'-sis. Tubal pregnancy. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 263 264 Salpingor'rhaphy, sal-ping-gor’-firfe. future of Fallopian tube. Salpingostomy, sal-ping-gos'-td-me. Establishment of a fistula of the Eustachian tube. Salpingot'omy, sal-ping-got'-o-'me. Exsection of Fallopian tube. Sal'pinx, sal'-pingks. The Fallopian tube. The Eustachian tube. Salt. NaCl. Sodium chloride. Any union of a base with an acid. Salta'tion, sal-ta’-shun. Dancing; leaping. Sal'ter’s Swing. A suspended cradle for a fractured leg. Saltpe'ter, sawlt-pe’-ter. KNOs. Potassium nitrate. Salt'-rheum', sawlt'-rum'. A form of chronic eczema. Salts, sawltz. A popular name for magnesium sulphate. Salu'brious, sd-lu’-hre-us. Pertaining to health ; healthful. Sal'utary, sal’-u-td-re. Promotive of health. Salvatel'la, sal-vat-el’-ah. A small vein on the back of the hand. Salve. See Unguentinn. Sal'via, sal'-ve-ah. The leaves of garden sage, a tonic. San'ative, San'atory, san'-at-ir, san’-nl-or-e. Promoting health. Sand-bath. Hot sand for the immersion of a vessel. San'dalwood, san’-dal-wood. See Sanlalum. Sang'er’s Operation, seng’-vrz-op-er-d’-shun. Gastro-hysterotomy for removal of a living fetus. Sanguification, san-gwe-fik-a’-shun. Formation of blood from chyle. Sanguina'ria. Rhizome of blood root, an expectorant. Sanguin'arin, san-gicin'-ar-in. Active principle of sanguinaria. San'guine, san'-gwin. Bloody. Hopeful; cheerful. Sanguin'eous, san-gwiu’-e-us. Bloody. Sanguin'olent, san-gwin’-6-lent. Tinged with blood. Sa'nies, sa’-ni-ez. A thin, fetid, greenish, serous discharge. Sa'nious, sd'-ni-us. Pertaining to sanies. Sanita'rium, san-it-d'-re-um. A private hospital. San'itary, san'-it-d-re. Pertaining to health. San'ity, san'-it-e. The condition of soundness of mind. San'talum, san’-tal-um. Wood of white sandalwood, yielding an astringent oil used in gonorrhea and bronchitis. Santon'ica. Flower heads of Levant wormseed, an anthelmintic. Santonin, san’-tO-nin. Ci5H]803. The active principle of santonica. Santori'ni, Cartilages of. Eminences on the arytenoid cartilages. Santori'ni, Mus'cles of. Involuntary muscular fibers around the membranous part of the urethra. Saphe'na, saf-e'-nah. Name given to two large veins of the leg. Sap'id, sap’-id. Savory. Sa'po. Soap ; compound of a fatty acid with an alkaline base. Sapona'ceous, sap-nn-a’-shus. Having the nature of soap. Saponification, sap-on-if-ik-d’-shun. Conversion into soap. Sap'onin, sap’-d-nin. C.!oll540lg. Irritant and anesthetic glucoside. Sapph'ism, saf'-izm. Unnatural intercourse between women. Sapre'mia, sap-re'-me-ah. Septic intoxication ; blood poisoning. Sap'rine. A ptomaine in human livers after putrefaction. GOULD’S POCKET Saprogen'ic, sap-ro-jen'-ik. Pus-forming. Saprog'enous, sap-roj'-en-us. Arising in decaying matter. Sap'rophyte, sap'-ro-fit. A fungus developing in putrid matter. Saprophyt'ic, sap-ro-fit'-ik. Pertaining to saprophytes. Sapropy'ra, sap-ru-pV-rah. Malignant typhus fever. Sapros'tomous, sap-ros’-to-mus. Having a foul breath. Sarci'na, sar-A'-nah. A genus of bacteria. Sar'cine, sar'-sin. C5H4N4O. A weak base existing in beef juice. Sarci'tis, sar-sV-tis. Inflammation of muscle-tissue. Sar'cocele, sar'-ko-sel. A fleshy tumor of the testicle. Sar'code, saiJ-kdd. See Protoplasm. Sarcog'lia, sar-kog'-le-ah. Protoplasmic substance at the point of entrance of a nerve into muscular fiber. Sar'coid, saP-koid. Resembling flesh. Sarcolem'ma. A delicate membrane surrounding muscle fibers. Sarcol'ogy, sar-kol'-o-je. A treatise on the soft tissues of the body. Sarco'ma. A tumor of modified embryonic connective tissue. Sarcomato'sis, sar-ko-niab-o'-sis. Sarcomatous degeneration. Sarco'matous, sar-ko’-mal-us. Having the nature of a sarcoma. Sarcophy'ma, sar-ko-JV-mah. Same as Sarcoma, q. v. Sar'coplasm, sar'-ko-plazm. Same as Sarcoglia, q. v. Sar'coplasts, sar'-ko-plasts. Germinal cells of muscle-tissue. Sarcop'tes, sar-kop'-tez. The itch mite. Sar'cosin, sar'-ko-sin. An extractive principle occurring in blood. Sarco'sis. The condition of one affected with sarcoma. Sarcosto'sis, sar-kos-to'-sis. A bony tumor in muscle tissue. Sarcot'ic, sar-kot'-ik. Producing flesh. Sar'cous, sar'-kus. Fleshy. Sardon'ic, sar-don'-ik. See Risus Sardonicios. Sarsaparil'la, sar-sap-ar-il'-ah. A diuretic and tonic root. Sar'tian Disease'. See Furunculus Orientalis. Sarto'rius, sar-to'-re-us. A long muscle of the thigh. Sas'safras, sap-af-ras. Root bark of S. officinalis. Sat'ellite, sat'-el-it. A vein accompanying an artery. Sati'ety, sd-Ci'-et-e. Fullness beyond desire. Saturation. The condition of holding in solution all of a solid capable of being contained. Sat'urnine, sat'-er-nin (or -nin). Pertaining to lead. Gloomy. Sat'urnism, sat'-ern-izm. Lead-poisoning. Satyri'asis, sat-e-rl'-as-is. Excessive venereal desire. Sau'sage-poison, saw'-saj-poi-son. A poisonous ptomaine developed during putrefactive fermentation of sausage. Sav'ine, sav'-in. See Sabina. Sa'vory, sd'-vor-e. Having a pleasant odor or taste. Saw. A surgical instrument for the excision of bone. Sayre’s Jack'et. A plaster-of-Paris jacket to support the spine. Scab, skab. A crust formed over a wound or ulcer. Sca'bies, skd'-bi-ez. The itch, a contagious parasitic skin disease. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 266 GOULD’S POCKET Scabrit'ies, sk&-hrit/-i-ez. Abnormal thickening of the finger nails. Sca'la, skd'-lah. Ladder-like passages of the cochlea. Scald, skawld. Injury of tissue by hot liquids. Scald'head, skawld'-hed. See Favus. Scale, skal. A small lamina of detached cuticle or bone. Scale'nus, ska-le'-nus. A muscle of the neck. Scalp, skalp. Integument covering the cranium. Scal'pel, skal'-pel. A small, straight knife. Scal'prum, skal'-prum. A toothed raspatory used in trephining. Sca'ly, ska'-le. Covered with scales. Scam'mony. A resinous exudate used as a drastic cathartic. Scaphoceph'alous. Boat-shaped appearance of the cranium. Scaph'oid, skaf-oid. Boat-shaped ; hollowed out. Scaph'oid Ab'domen. Sunken appearance of the belly observed in patients with great emaciation. Scaph'oid Bone. Boat-shaped bone of the tarsus and carpus. Scap'ula, skap'-u-lah. A large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder. Scapulal'gia, skap-ur-lal'-je-ah. A pain in the shoulder blade. Scap'ular, skap'-u-lar. Pertaining to the shoulder blade. Scap'ulary, skap'-H-ld-re. A shoulder bandage. Scar, skar. See Cicatrix. Scarf-skin, skarf'-skin. The epidermis or cuticle. Scarification, skar-if-ik-d'shun. Making small incisions in a part. Scar'ificator, skar'-if-ik-a-lor. An instrument used in scarification. Scarlati'na, skar-lat-e'-nah. An epidemic, exanthematous, conta- gious disease with fever and scarlet eruption. Scarlatin'iform, Scarlat'inoid. Resembling scarlatina. Scarlat'inous, skar-lat'-in-us. Having the nature of scarlatina. Scar'let Fe'ver, skar'-let-fe'-ver. See Scarlatina. Scar'pa’s Tri'angle, skar'-paz-trl'-ang-gl. A triangular space in the upper anterior part of the thigh. Scheele’s Green. The arsenite of copper. Sche'ma, ske'-mah. A diagram or chart. SchifFs Test. Silver nitrate test for uric acid. Schindyl'esis, skin-dil'-es-is. Articulation of one bone in the clef! of another, as the rostrum of the sphenoid with the vomer. Schistoceph'alus, skis-to-sef-al-us. A monster with fissured skull Schistoproso'pia, skis-ld-proso'-pe-ah. Cleft of the face. Schistor'rhachis, skis-tor'-a-kij. The condition of cloven spine. Schistotho'rax, skis-to-tho'-raks. Fissure of the sternum. Schizomyce'tes, skiz-o-mis-se'-tez. Bacteria. Schizomyco'sis, skiz-o-mir-ko'-sis. Disease due to the growth ol Schizomycetes in the body. Schizophy'ta, skiz-6-fV-tah. Dried microbes. Schneide'rian Mem'brane. Mucous membrane of the nasal fossae Schre'ger’s Lines. Curved lines in the dentine of the teeth. Schwann, Sheath of. The neurilemma, q. v. Schwann, White Sub'stance of. Medullary sheath of nerve liber MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 267 Sciat'ic, si-at'-ik. Pertaining to the ischium. Sciat'ica, sl-at'-ih-ah. Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. Scil'la, sil'-ah. Bulb of squill, an expectorant. Scintilla'tion, sin-til-d’-shun. Visual sensation of sparks. Scir'rhoid, skir’-oid. Resembling scirrhus. Scirrhosar'ca, skir-b-sar'-kah. Hardening of flesh of the new-born Scir'rhous, skir'-us. Pertaining to scirrhus. Scir'rhus, Scir'rus, skir’-us. A hard form of cancer. Scis'sion, sis’-shun. A splitting. Scis'sor-legged Deform'ity. Twisting of legs across each other. Scis'sors, siz’-orz. A two-bladed cutting instrument. Scle'ra, skle'-rah. See Sclerotica. Sclerecta'sia, skle-rek-td'-se-ah. Scleral staphyloma, q. v. Sclerec'tomy, skle-rek'-lo-me. Excision of part of the sclera. Sclere'ma, skle-re'-mah. Same as Scleroderma. Sclerencepha'lia, skle-ren-sef-d'-le-ah. Hardening of the brain. Scleri'asis, skle-ri'-as-is. See Scleroma. Scleri'tis, skle-ri’-tis. Inflammation of the sclera. Scleroder'ma, skle-ro-der'-mah. A chronic indurated skin disease. Sclerog'enous, skle-rqj'-en-us. Becoming hard. Sciero'ma, skle-rd'-mah. Abnormal hardness of a part. Sclerome'nix, The dura mater. Scleronyx'is, skle-ron-iks'-is. Puncture of the sclerotic. Sclerophthal'mia, sklc-roff-thaV-me-ah. Same as Trachoma. Sclerosarco'ma, skle-rd-sar-ko'-mah. A hard, fleshy tumor. Sclero'sis, sk/e-ro’-sis. The sclerotic process. Sclero-skel'eton, skle-rd-skel'-et-on. A bony deposit in tendons. Sclerot'ic, skle-rot’-ik. Hard, indurated. Pertaining to the sclera. Sclerot'ica, skle-rot'-ik-ah. Firm, white membrane of eyeball. Scleroti'tis, skle-rot-i'-tis. Inflammation of the sclerotica. Scle'rotome, skle'-ro-tom. Knife used in sclerotomy. Sclerot'omy, skle-rol’-6-me. Incision of the sclerotica. Scolecol'ogy, sko-le-kol’-6-je. See Helminthology. Sco'lex, sko'-leks. An encysted worm. Scolio'ma, sko-li-o’-mah. Curvature of the spine. Scoliosiom'etry. Measurement of spinal curvature. Scolio'sis, sko-li-O'-sis. Lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliot'ic, sko-li-ot’-ik. Pertaining to scoliosis. Scoop, skoop. A spoon-shaped surgical instrument. Scopa'rius, sko-pa’-ri-us. Tops of the broom plant, a diuretic. Scopo'lein, sko-po’-le-in. An alkaloid, powerful mydriatic. Scoracra'tia, sko-rak-ra'-she-ah. Involuntary evacuation of bowels. Scorbu'tic, skor-bu'-tik. Pertaining to scorbutus. Scorbu'tus, skor-bu’-tus. See Scurvy Scoto'ma, A dark spot in the visual field. Scourge, skerj. Any severe epidemic disease. Scour'ing, skoin'-ing. Purging; diarrhea. Scriv'ener’s Pal'sy. Writers’ paralysis. 268 GOULD’S POCKET Scrobic'ulus Cor'dis, skro-bik'-u-lus-cor'-dis. Pit of the stomach. Scrof'ula, xkrof-u-lah. A constitutional condition with glandular tumors and tubercular tendency. Scrofuloder'ma, skrof-u-l6-dciJ-mah. Cutaneous scrofula. Scrofulous, xkrof'-u-lus. Affected with scrofula. Scrofulelco'sis, skrof-u-lel-ku'-sis. A scrofulous ulceration. Scrof'ulide, skrof-u-lid. Any scrofulous affection of the skin. Scrofulophy'ma, skrof-ti-lo-fi'-mah. Scrofulous skin tumors. Scro'tal, skro'-lal. Pertaining to the scrotum. Scroti'tis, skro-ll'-tis. Inflammation of the scrotum. Scro'tocele, skro'-to-sel. Scrotal hernia. Scro'tum, skro'-tum. The pouch containing the testes. Scru'ple, skru'-pl. Twenty grains, apothecaries’ weight. Scull'cap, skul'-kap. The top of the skull. - Sculte'tus, Ban'dage of. Compound bandage for compound frac- tures ; a many-tailed bandage composed of overlapping strips. Scurf, skerf. Exfoliated epidermis of the scalp. Scur'vy. Form of purpura due to deficient and improper diet. Scu'tiform, sku'-tif-orm. Having the form of a shield. Scu'tum, sku'-tum. The thyroid cartilage. Scyb'alum, sib'-al-um ; plural, sib'-al-ah. Hard, lumpy feces. Scyth'ian Disease'. Atrophy of the male genitalia. Scyti'tis, sl-a'-tis. Dermatitis, q. v. Scytoblaste'ma, si-tu-blas-te'-mah. Rudimentary skin. Scytoblaste'sis, sv-td-blas-te'-sis. Condition of scytoblastema. Seam, xem. See Suture. Sea'-sickness. Nausea produced by the motion of a vessel. Sea'-tangle. Sea-weed used for dilating the os uteri. Seba'ceous, se-bd'-she-us. Pertaining to fat or suet. Sebip'arous, se-bip'-ar-us. Producing sebaceous matter. Seborrhe'a. Abnormal secretion of the sebaceous glands. Secern'ing, se-sern'-ing. Secreting, as a gland. Secern'ent, sesern'-ent. An organ whose function is to separate: matter from the blood. Sec'ondaries. Secondary symptoms of syphilis. Sec'ondary, sek'-on-dd-re. Following a first. Sec'ondary Hem'orrhage. Hemorrhage after operation. Sec'ondary Syph'ilis. Second stage of syphilis. Sec'ond Intension. Healing with suppuration. Secre'ta, se-kre'-tah. Substances secreted by a gland. Secre'tion. Function of glands and follicles. Substance secreted. Secre'tory, se-kre'-td-re. Performing secretion. Sec'tion, sek'-shun. Division by cutting; dissection. Sec'undine, sek'-un-din. The afterbirth. Secun'dem Ar'tem, se-kun'-dem ar’-tem. According to art. Sed'ative, sed’-at-iv. Soothing. An agent allaying irritability. Sedenta'ria Os'sa. The ischia and coccyx. Sed'entary, sed'-en-td-re. Occupied in sitting. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 269 Sed'iment, sed'-im-ent. Matter settling from a liquid. Seed, sed. See Semen. Seg'ment, seg'-ment. A small piece; section; lobe. Seid'litz Pow'der, Sed’-litz-pow'-der. Aperient compound efferves- cing powder. Seiz'ure, sez'-ur. Sudden onset of a disease. Sele'ne, se-le'-ne. White spots on nails. Self-abuse', self-ab-us'. See Masturbation. Self-diges'tion, self-di-jes'-chun. See Autodigestion. Self-infec'tion. Infection of the organism from a local virus. Sel'la Turci'ca, sel'-ah-ter'-sik-ah. Pituitary fossa of sphenoid bone. Semeiog'raphy, sem-e-og'-rd-fe. Description of symptoms of disease. Semeiol'ogy, sem-e-ol'-6-je. Same as Symptomatology. Semeio'sis, Study of the symptoms of disease. Semeiot'ics, sem-e-ot'-iks. Science of symptomatology. Se'men, se'-men. Fecundating fluid of the male. Semicir'cular Canals'. Curved passages of the internal ear. Semilu'nar Bone. Half-moon-shaped bone of the carpus. Semilu'nar Car'tilages. Interarticulating cartilages of the knee. Semilu'nar Gang'lion. Large nervous ganglion of the abdominal cavity supplying the solar plexus. Semilu'nar Notch. Notch in the scapula. Semilu'nar Valves. Valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery. Semimembrano'sis, sem-e-mem-bran-o'-sis. A muscle of the thigh. Sem'inal, sem'-in-al. Pertaining to semen. Semina'tion, sem-in-d'-shun. Intromission of semen into uterus. Seminiferous, semMn-if-er-vs. Carrying semen. Semispina'lis, sem-e-spi-nd'-lis. Certain muscles of the back. Semitendino'sus, sem-e-ten-din-o'-sus. A certain muscle of thigh. Sen'ega, sen'-e-gah. An expectorant and diuretic root. Seni'lis, se-nl'-lis. Pertaining to old age. Senil'ity, se-nil'-it-e. Weakness of old age or imbecility. Sen'na, sen'-ah. Leaflets with cathartic properties. Sensa'tion, sen-sd'-shun. Corporeal feeling. Sense, sens. Perceptive faculty. Sensibil'ity, sen-si-bil'-it-e. Susceptibility of feeling. Sen'sible, sen'-sir-bl. Endowed with the sense of feeling. Sen'sitive, sen'-si-liv. Capable of feeling. Senso'rium, sen-so’-re-um. Common center of sensations. Sen'sory, sen'-sd-re. Pertaining to sensation. Sen'tient, sen'-shu-ent. Having sensation. Separato'rium. Instrument for separating pericranium from skull. Sep'sin, sep'-sin. A toxic ptomaine in decomposed blood. Sep'sis, sep'-sis In a toxic condition. Putrefaction. Septicemia. Septe'mia, Septice'mia, sep-le'-me-ah, sep-tis-e'-me-ah. Morbid con- dition from absorption of septic products. Sep'tic, sep'-lik. Relating to putrefaction. Sep'tum, sep'-tum. A dividing membrane or wall. 270 GOULD’S POCKET Sep'tum Lu'cidum. Wall between lateral ventricles of the brain. Sequel'a, se-kwel'-ah. Sequel; supervening disease. Sequestration, se-kwes-tra'-shun. The formation of a sequestrum. Sequestrectomy, sb-kwes-trek'-to-rae. Excision of sequestrum. Sequestrot'omy, se-kires-trol'-o-me. Operation for the removal of a sequestrum. Sequestrum, se-kwes'-irum. Fragment of a necrosed bone. Seral'bumin, ser-al'-bu-min. The albumin of the blood. Se'rious, se'-ri-us. Grave. Ser'olin, ser’-o-lin. Fatty constituent of the blood. Seros'ity, se-ros'-it-e. Having the quality of serous fluids. Se'rous, se'-rvs. Having the nature of serum. Serpenta'ria, ser-pen-ta’-re-ah. Virginia snake-root, a diaphoretic Serpig'inous, ser-pij'-in-us. Resembling serpigo. Serpi'go, ser-pi'-go. Ringworm. Ser'rated, ser’-d-ted. Notched like a saw. Serra'tus, ser-a'-lus. A muscle of the thorax. Serre-fine', sar-fen'. A small suture for uniting the lips of a wound. Serre-noeud'. An instrument for ligating. Se'rum, se'-rum. Fluid constituent of the blood. Serumu'ria, se-rum-u'-re-ah. See Albuminuria. Ses'amoid, ses'-am-oid. Resembling a grain. Ses'amoid Bones. Small bones developed in tendons. Ses'sile, ses'-il. Having no peduncle. Seta'ceous, se-ta'-se-us. Bristly, hairy. Se'ton. A thread passed through the skin for counter-irritation. Sex, seks. Distinctive character of male and female. Sexdig'ital, seks-dij'-il-al. With six fingers or toes. Sex'ual, seks'-u-al. Pertaining to sex. Shakes, sliaks. Popular name for ague. Shank. Popular name for the tibia or shin. Shar'pey’s Fi'bers, shar'-pez-fl'-berz. Calcified fibers bolting to- gether peripheral lamella; of bone. Sheath, sheth. Covering; investing substance. Shin. Anterior edge of the tibia. Shin'gles, shing'-glz. Herpes zoster. See Zoster. Ship'-fever. Typhus fever, q. v. Shiv'er. Shaking of the body ; tremulous motion from cold. Shock, shok. Depression from an injury or operation. Short'-sight, short'-slt. See Myopia. Shot'-gun Prescrip'tion. One with many ingredients. Shoul'der, shdl'-der. The scapulo-clavicular articulation and adja- cent parts. Show, sho. The sanguino-serous discharge from the vagina in the lirst stage of labor. The menses. Sial'aden, si-al'-ad-en. A salivary gland. Sialadeni'tis, si-al-ad-en-V-lis. Inflammation of salivary glands. Sialadenon'cus, sl-al-ad-en-on’-kus. Tumor of salivary gland. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 271 Sial'agogue, si-al'-a-gog. Agent increasing flow of saliva. Si'alin, si'-ab-i/n. Having the nature of saliva. Sialis'mus, si-al-iz'-mus. Salivation ; ptyalism. Sialogog'ic, si-al-o-goj'-ik. Increasing flow of saliva. A sialogogue. Sial'ogogue, si-al’-6-gog. A drug that produces a flow of saliva. Si'aloid, si'-al-oid. Pertaining to or resembling saliva. Si'alolith, sV-al-o-lith. A salivary calculus. Sialo-lithi'asis, si-al-o-lith-d'-as-is. Presence of salivary calculi. Sialon'cus, si-al-on'-kus. A tumor under the tongue from obstruc- tion of the salivary gland. Sialorrhe'a, si-al-or-e'-ah. Salivation. Excessive flow of saliva. Sialos'chesis, si-al-os'-ke-sis. Suppression or retention of saliva. Sib'bens. A severe Scotch form of syphilis. Sib'ilant, sib'-il-ant. Hissing, wheezing, as a rile. Sick, sik. Ill; not well. Sick-head'ache, sik-hed'-ak. Headache with nausea. Sick'ness. A diseased condition of the system. Nausea. Side, sid. Lateral half of the body. Sidero'sis, sid-er-o'-sis. Iron coloring of the tissues. Si'gault’s Operation, se'-gawltz-op-er-a'-shun. Division of the symphysis pubes to facilitate labor. Sigh, si. A prolonged deep inspiration. Sight, sit. The faculty of vision. Sig'moid, sig'-moid. Shaped like the letter S. Sigmoidos'tomy. Incision of the sigmoid flexure of the colon. Sil'ver. See Argentum. Sil'ver-fork Deformity. Displacement of the wrist in fracture of the lower end of the radius. Sim'ples, sim'-plz. Medicinal herbs. Simula'tion, sim-u-ld'-shun. Counterfeiting of disease. Sina'pis, sin-a'-pis. Mustard seeds, a stomachic. Sin'apism, sin'-ap-izm. A mustard plaster. Sincip'ital, sim-sipt-it-al. Pertaining to the sinciput. Sin'ciput, sin’-sip-ut. Fore and upper part of the head. Sin'ew, sin'-u. Ligamentous tissue; a tendon. Singul'tus, sing-gul'-tus. See Hiccough. Sin'istrad, sin'-is-trad. Toward the left. Sin'istral, sin'-is-tral. Pertaining to the left. Sin'uous, sin'-u-us. Wavy ; winding. Si'nus, si'-nus. Canal leading to an abscess. Cavity within a bone. Si'phon, si’-fun. Bent tube with unequal legs. Siphono'ma, si-fun-5'-m,ah. A peritoneal cylindroma. Sirenom'elus, si-ren-om'-el-us. Monster with extremity ending in a point, without hands or feet. Sitiol'ogy, sit-i-ol’-o-je. A treatise on dietetics. Sitiopho'bia, sit-i-o-fo'-be-ah. Same as Sitophobia, q. v. SitoKogy, si-tol’-6-je. See Sitiology. Sitopho'bia, si-to-fd'-be-ah. Insanity, with abhorrence of food. 272 Sitz'-bath. Bath in a sitting posture. Ska'tol, ska'-tol. Substance in feces, giving them their odor. Skeletol'ogy, skel-et-ol'-o-je. See Osteology. Skel'eton, skel'-el-on. Bony framework of the body. Skias'copy, ski-as'-kS-pe. See Retinoscopy. Skin. External covering of the body. Skin'-bound, skin’-bound. See Scleroderma. Skleri'asis, skle'-ri'-as-is. See Scleroderma. Sko'da’s Sign. A peculiar percussion sound in pleural effusion. Skull, skul. Bony framework of the head. Slav'ering, slav'-er-ing. Dribbling of saliva from the mouth. Sleep, slep. State of rest of body and mind. Sleep'-walking. See Somnambulism. Sleep'ing-sickness, slep'-ing-sik-nes. A peculiar disease of West Africa characterized by increasing somnolence. Slide, slid. Glass plate for microscopic specimens. Sling. Swinging bandage for a limb. Slough, slvf. Separated dead matter in an ulceration. Small'pox, smawV-poks. See Variola. Smeg'ma, smeg'-mah. Sebaceous accretions about the prepuce. Smell. The perception of odor; the olfactory faculty. Snake'-root, Black. See Cimicifuga. Snare, snar. An instrument for the excision of polypi, etc. Sneezing. A well-known involuntary reflex act. Snore, snor. To breathe with a harsh, rough noise in sleep. Snow'-blindness. Partial blindness from reflection of snow. Snuffles. A catarrhal discharge from the nose in infancy. Soap, sup. See Sapo. Sock'et, sok’-el. A hollow in a bone for another bone or organ. So'da, so'-dah. Na2C03. Normal carbonate of sodium ; soda ash. So'dium, sd'-de-um. Alkaline metal, base of salt; symbol Na. Sod'omy, sod'-o-me. Sexual connection by the anus. Scem'mering, Fora'men of, sem'-er-ing. The fovea of the eye. Scem'mering, Spot of. The macula of the eye. Soft. Not bony, cartilaginous, etc., as the soft tissues. Soft'ening. Act of becoming less firm. Soft-pal'ate. Soft posterior part of the palate. So'lar Plex'us. Plexus of nerves behind the stomach. Sola'rium, s5-l&'-re-urn. A sun-bath. Sole, sol. Plantar surface of the foot. Sole'us, sO-le'-us. Muscle of the calf. So'lium, so'-le-um. A variety of tapeworm. Sol'uble, sol'-u-bl. Capable of being dissolved. Solu'tion, so-lu'-shun. Diffusion of a solid in a liquid. Solu'tion of Continuity. Division of a tissue. Sol'vent, sol'-vent. An agent capable of dissolving substances. So'macule, so'-mak-ul. Smallest possible division of protoplasm. Somatic, so-mat'-ik. Pertaining to the body. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Somatody'mia, so-mat-o-di'-me-ah. Double fetus with united trunks. Somatol'ogy, so'-mat-ol'-o-je. The study of anatomy. So'matoplasm, so'-mat-d-plazm. The substance of the body. So'matopleure, so’-nuit-o-plur. Upper layer of the mesoblast. Somatot'omy, so-mat-ot’-o-me. The anatomy of the human body. Somatotrid'ymus, sd-mat-o-trid'-im-us. Monster with three trunks. Somnam'butism,'-bu-lizm. Sleep-walking. Somnifa'cient, som-nif-d'-shi-ent. A medicine producing sleep. Somniferous, som-nif-er-us. Producing sleep. Somnil'oquy, som-nil'-o-kwe. Talking in the sleep. Som'nolence, som'-no-lens. The condition of drowsiness. Som'nolent, som'-no-lent. Inclined to sleep. Son'itus, son’-it-us. See Tinnitus. Soot'wart. Chimney-sweep’s cancer. Sophistication, so-fis-tik-a'-shun. Adulteration of a substance. So'por, so'-por. Sleep. Soporif'erous, so-por-if-er-us. Producing sleep. Soporific, so-por-if-ik. An agent inducing sleep. So'porose, so'-por-os. Sleepy. Sorbefa'cient, sor-be-fd'-shi-ent. An agent producing absorption. Sor'des, sor'-dez. Collections about the teeth. Filth. Sore, sor. An ulcer or inflamed spot. Sore-throat', sor-throt'. Inflammation of the throat. Sor'ghum, sor'-gum. A variety of cane sugar. Souffle, soof-el. An auscultatory murmur; bruit. Souffle, U'terine. A sound heard over the uterus in pregnancy. Sound. A probe; an exploring instrument. Sozoi'odal, so-zo-d'-o-dal. CBiI2(HS03)I„.OII. Combination of sul- phur, iodine, and carbolic acid, an antiseptic. Space, spas. An enclosed or partially enclosed part of the body. Spane'mia, span-e'-me-ah. Poverty of the blood. Span'ish Fly, span’-ish-Jli. See Cantharis. Spargo'sis, spar-go’-sis. Enlargement of a part. Elephantiasis. Spar'teine, spar'-te-in. C1BH26N2. Liquid alkaloid from broom. Spasm, spasm. A convulsive muscular contraction. Spasmat'ic, Spasmodic. Pertaining to spasm. Spasmol'ogy, spaz-rnoV-d-je. A treatise on convulsions. Spasmophil'ia, spaz-mo-fil'-e-ah. The tendency to spasms. Spas'mous, spaz'-mus. Having the nature of a spasm. Spas'mus, spaz'-mus. A spasm. Spas'tic, spas'-tik. Pertaining to spasm ; rigid. Spat'ula. A flexible steel blade for spreading ointments. Spay, spa. To remove the ovaries or testicles. Spear'mint, sper'-minl. See Mentha Viridis. Specialist, spesh'-al-dst. One treating a special class of diseases. Specific. Peculiar, special. Syphilitic. Remedy of peculiar value. Specific Gravity. See Gravity. Specil'lum, spe-sil'-um. A silver, button-shaped probe. A lens. 274 GOULD’S POCKET Spec'tacles, spek'-tak-lz. Mounted optical lenses to correct ametropia. Spec'troscope. An instrument for the production of a spectrum. Spec'trum. A color band from a ray of decomposed light. SpeCulum, spek'-u-lum. An instrument for examining canals. Speech, spech. Vocal sounds conveying ideas. Spend. To ejaculate semen in coition. Sperm, Sper'ma. The semen or seed. Spermace'ti, sper-mxifo-cef-li. A fatty substance from the head of the sperm whale, used as an emollient. Spermacra'sia, sper-mak-ra’-se-ah. Weakness of the semen. Spermatemphrax'is, sper-mal-em-fraks'-is. Obstruction to the dis- charge of semen. Spermat'ic, sper-mal'-ik. Pertaining to semen. Spermat'ic Cord. Suspensory cord of the testis. Sper'matin. Odorous, mucilaginous matter in semen. Sper'matism, speiJ-mal-izm. Emission of semen. Sper'matoblast. Germinal cells of seminal tubules. Sper'matocele, sper’-mal-o-sel. Spermatic cyst of the testicle. Spermatoclem'ma. Involuntary emission of semen. Sper'matocyst, sper'-mat-O-sist. Seminal vesicle. Spermatic cyst. Spermatocysti'tis. Inflammation of seminal vesicles. Sper'matocyte, sper'-mal-o-slt. Germinal cell of spermatozoon. Spermatogem'ma, sper-mat-o-jeml-ah. A mass of spermatocytes. Spermatog'eny, sper-mal-oj'-en-e. Production of spermatozoa. Sper'matoid, speiJ-mat-oid. Resembling sperm. Spermatol'ogy, sper-mat-ol’-o-je. A treatise on seminal fluid. Spermatop'athy, sper-mat-op'-a-the. Disease of the sperm-cells. Spermatopho'bia, sper-mal-6-fo'-be-ah. Morbid fear of spermator- rhea. Sper'matophore, sper'-malr<>-for. Sheath containing spermatozoa. Spermatopoiet'ic, sper-ma 1-6-poi-eI'-ik. Production of semen. Spermatorrhe'a, Involuntary discharge of semen. Spermatos'chesis, sper-mat-os'-ke-su. Suppression of seminal fluid. Sper'matospore, spe>J-mal-6-spor. A cell of the seminal tubules. Spermato'vum, sper-rnat-o'-wum. A fecundated egg. Spermatoze'mia, .sper-maf-o-ze'-me-ah. See Spernuilorrhea. Spermatozo'id, sper-mat-6-zo'-id. A spermatozoon. Spermatozo'on. An active, fecundating seminal element. Sper'mine, sper'-min, C2H5N. Leucomalne obtained from semen. Sper'molith, sper'-mo-lith. A stone in the spermatic duct. Sphacelated, sfas'-el-a-ted. Mortified; necrosed. Sphac'elism, sfas'-el-izm. Necrosis. Inflammation of the brain. Sphaceloder'ma, sfas-el-o-der'-mah. Gangrene of the skin in spots. Sphac'eloid, sfas'-el-oid. Resembling a sphacelus. Sphac'elous, sfas'-el-us. Pertaining to sphacelus. Sphac'elus, sfas'-el-us. A necrosed mass of tissue. Sphe'nion, sfS'-ne-on. Apex of the sphenoidal angle of parietal bone. Sphenoceph'alus, sfe-na-sef-al-us. A wedge-shaped fetal head. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Sphe'noid, sfe'-noid. Cuneiform, wedge-shaped. Sphe'noid Bone. One of the small cranial bones. Sphenoi'des, sfe-noi'-dez. The sphenoid bone. Sphenotre'sia, sfe-no-tre'-se-ah. Breaking up of the basal portion of the fetal skull. Sphe'notribe, sfe'-no-trib. An instrument used in sphenotresia. Spheresthe'sia. A perverted feeling, as of contact with a ball. Spherobacte'rium, sfe-ro-bak-te’-ri-um. Micrococcus; round mi- crobe. Sphe'roid, xfe'-roid. A solid, resembling a sphere. Sphero'ma, sfe-rd'-mnh. A spherical tumor. Spherom'eter. Instrument to determine the curvature of lenses. Sphinc'ter, sfingk'-ter. A muscle constricting an orifice. Sphincteral'gia, sfingk-ter-al’-je-ah. Pain about the anus. Sphincterot'omy, sfingk-ler-ot'-o-me. Division of a sphincter. Sphin'gosin, sfing'-go-sin. A eerebroside in brain tissue. Sphyg'mic, Sphyg'mical. Pertaining to the pulse. Sphyg'mogram, sfig'-mO-gram. Tracing of a pulse wave. Sphyg'mograph, sfig'-mo-graph. An instrument for recording the pulse wave. Sphygmog'raphy, sfig-mog'-ra-fe. Description of the pulse. Sphyg'moid, sfig'-moid. Resembling the pulse. Sphygmol'ogy, sfig-mol’-6-je. The science of the pulse. Sphygmom'eter, sfig-mom'-et-er. Instrument to measure the pulse. Sphyg'moscope, sfig'-mo-skOp. See Sphygmometer. Sphygmos'copy, sfig-mos'-ko-pe. Art of tracing the pulse curve. Sphygmotech'ny, sfig-mo-tek'-ne. Art of diagnosis by means of pulse. Sphyg'mous, sfig'-mus. Having the nature of a pulse. Spi'ca, spl'-kah. A spiral surgical bandage. Spic'ula, spik'-u-lah. A small spike-shaped fragment of bone. Spige'lia, spi-je'-le-ah. Pink root, a vermifuge. Spige'lian Lobe. A lobe of the liver projecting backward. Spilo'ma, spl-lo’-mah. A vascular nevus. Spilopla'nia, spi-lo-pla'-ne-ah. Maculae of the skin. Spi'Ius, spV-lws. A mole or colored mark on the skin. Spi'na, spV-nah. The spine. Spi'na Bif'ida, spl’-nah-bif-idrah. Cleft of the spine. Spi'nal, spV-nal. Pertaining to the spine. Spi'nal Canal'. The canal of the vertebral column. Spi'nal Col'umn. The vertebral column ; the back bone. Spi'nal Cord. The’ cord of nerve-tissue in the spinal canal. Spina'lis, spl-nn'-lis. Muscle of the spine. Spi'nate, spV-nat. Armed with spines. Spin'dle-celled, spin'-dl-seld. Having fusiform cells. Spine', spin. The vertebral column. A thorn-like process of bone. Spi'nous, spV-nus. Pertaining to the spine. Spin'therism Illusory sensation of sparks before the eyes. 276 GOULD’S POCKET Spi'ral, spl'-ral. Screw-like; like a spire. Spiril'lum, spi-ril'-urn. A genus of bacteria. See Table. TABLE OF SPIRILLI. Name. Habitat. Physiological ACTION, ETC. S. Amyliferum Water. Agent of fermentation. S. Attenuatum Brackish water. Saprophytic. S. Buecale Tartar of teeth and Pyogenic (?) S. Cholerse Asiatic*... saliva. Intestinal discharges. Pathogenic. S. Concentricum Putrefied blood. Saprophytic. S. Endoparagogicum.. Trunk of old poplar. Saprophytic. S. ofFinckler and Prior Evacuations of cholera Pathogenic. S. Leucomelaneum nostras. Water. Saprophvtic. S. Metschnikowi Blood of an infectious Pathogenic. S. of Nasal Mucus disease of hens in Russia. Nasal mucus. Not pathogenic. S. Obermeieri Blood of patients with Pathogenic. S. of Relapsing Fever. S. Plicatile. relapsing fever. See S. Obermeieri. Stagnant waters. Saprophvtic. S. Rosaceum Water. Saprophvtic. S. Rosenbergii Brackish water. Saprophvtic. S. Roseum Blennorrhagic pus. Not pathogenic. S. Rubrum Septicemic mouse. Saprophvtic. S. Rufura Well water. Saprophytic. S. Rugula Stagnant water, putre- Saprophytic. S. Sanguineum fying liquids. Brackish water. Saprophytic. S. Serpens Stagnant water and Saprophytic. S. Sputigenum putrid liquids. Saliva. Pathogenic. S. Tenue Stagnant waters. Saprophytic. S. Tyrogenum Old cheese. Pathogenic. S. Undula Putrid liquids. Saprophvtic. S. Yiolaceum Water. Saprophytic. S. Volutans Stagnant water. Saprophytic. Spirit, spir'-it. A strong alcoholic solution. Spiri'tus, spir'-it-us. See Spirit. Spirobacte'rium. Bacteria in the form of spiral filaments. Spiroche'te, spl-rd-ke'-te. A genus of Schizomycetes. Spi'rograph, spV-ro-graf. Instrument for recording respirations. Spirom'eter, spi-rom'-el-er. Instrument to measure respirations. Spi'rophore. An instrument for use in artificial respiration. Spis'sated, spis'-a-ted. Thickened ; inspissated. Spit'. To eject sputum from the mouth. Spit'tle, spil'-l. Same as Sputum, q. v. Splanchnapoph'ysis, splangk-nap-off'-is-te. An outgrowth of a ver- tebra tending to enclose some viscus. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Splanchnecto'pia, splangk-nek-tO'-pe-ah. Dislocation of a viscus. Splanch'nic, Pertaining to the viscera. Splanchnog'raphy, splangk-nog'-ra-fe. Description of the viscera. Splanch'nolith, splagnk'-no-lilh. A calculus in the viscera. Splanchnol'ogy, splangk-nol’-6-je. A treatise on the viscera. Splanchnop'athy, splangk-nop'-a-lhe. Disease of the viscera. Splanch'nopleure, splangk'-no-plur. Lowest division of mesoblast. Splanchnos'copy, splangk-nos'-ko-pe. Examination of the viscera. Splanchnoskel'eton, splangk-no-skeV-el-on. The visceral skeleton. Splanchnot'omy, splangk-nol'-o-me. Dissection of the viscera. Splay'-foot, spld’-foot. Flat-foot. Spleen. Oval viscus behind the outer end of the stomach. Spleen'-pulp, splen'-pulp. The proper substance of the spleen. Splenadeno'ma, splen-ad-e-no'-mali. Hyperplasia of spleen-pulp. Splenal'gia, splen-al'-je-ah. Pain in the spleen. Splen'culus, splen'-kii-lus. A supplementary spleen. Splenec'tasis, splen-ek’-las-is. Enlargement of the spleen. Splenec'tomy, splen-ek'-to-me. Excision of the spleen. Splenec'topy, splen-ek'-lo-pe. Displacement of the spleen. Spenel'cosis, splen-el'-kv-sis. Ulceration of the spleen. Splenemphrax'is, splen-em-fraks'-is. Obstruction of the spleen. Splenet'ic, Splen'ic. Pertaining to the spleen. Spleniflca'tion, splen-df-ik-a'-shun. Conversion into splenic tissue. Spleni'tis, splen-d'-Us. Inflammation of the spleen. Sple'nius, sple'-ne-us. A muscle of the back. Spleniza'tion, splen-dz-d'-shun. Becoming like the spleen, as lungs. Splenodyn'ia, splen-O-din'-e-ah. Pain in the spleen. Splenog'raphy, splen-og'-ra-fe. Description of the spleen. Splenohe'mia, splen-o-he'-me-ah. Congestion of the spleen. Splen'oid, splen'-oid. Like the spleen. Splenol'ogy, splen-ol’-6-je. A treatise on the spleen. Spleno'ma, splen-o'-mah. A tumor of the spleen. Splenomala'cia, splen-o-nial-d'-se-ali. Softening of the spleen. Splenon'cus, splen-on'-kus. See Splenoma. Splenop'athy, splen-op’-d-lhe. Disease of the spleen. Splenot'omy, splen-ot’-o-me. Incision of the spleen. Splint. Support for the ends of a fractured bone. Splin'ter, splin'-ler. A sequestrum. A small piece of fractured bone. Split Pel'vis. Congenital fissure of the pubes. Spondylal'gia, spon-dil-al'-je-ah. Pain in the vertebrae. Spondylarthri'tis. Inflammation at the vertebral joint. Spondylarthroc'ace, spon-dil-arth-rok'-as-e. Caries of a vertebra. Spondylexarthro'sis, spon-dil-eks-arlh-rd'-sis. Luxation of vertebra. Spon'dyle, spon’-dil. A vertebra. Spondyli'tis, spon-dil-V-tis. Inflammation of a vertebra. Spondylodyn'ia, spon-dil-d-din'-e-ah. Pain in a vertebra. Spondylolisthe'sis, spon-dil-ol-ds-the'-sis. Vertebral dislocation. Spondylop'athy, spon-dil-op'-a-ihe. Disease of the vertebrae. 278 Spondylopyo'sis, spon-dil-d-pv-d'-sis. Suppuration of the vertebrae. Spondylot'omy, spon-dil-ot’-6-rne. Section of a vertebrae. Sponge, spunj. Skeleton of marine animal used in surgery. Spon'giform, spun'-je-form. Having the form of a sponge. Spongiopi'line, spun-je-6-pV-lin. Sponge and wool coated on one side with caoutchouc. Spon'gioplasm, spun'-je-d-plasm. The chromatin of a cell nucleus. Spon'giose, spun'-je-os. Full of pores. Spon'gy, spun'-jS. Porous. Spontaneous, spon-ta'-ne-us. Taking place without aid or volition. Sporadic, spor-ad'-ik. Scattered; occurring in isolated cases. Spore, spor. A detached gemma of fungi. Spor'ule, spor'-ul. A small spore. Spot'ted Fe'ver. See Cerebro-spinal fever. Spot'ted Sick'ness. See Pinta Disease. Sprain, spran. Violent straining of ligaments. Spray, spra. Liquid vaporized by a strong air current. Sprue, spru. See Aphtha;. Spur. A projecting portion. Spu'tum, spu'-tum. Expectorated matter. Squa'ma, skwd'-mah. A scale or lamina. Squamo'sal, skwd-md'-sal. See Squamous. Squa'mous, skwa’-mus. Scaby. Squill, skwil. See Scilla. Squint, skwint. See Strabismus. Stactom eter, slak-tom'-el-er. An instrument for measuring drops. Sta'dium, sld'-de-um. A stage or period, as of a disease. Staff, staf. An instrument to guide the knife in lithotomy. Stagnation, stag-nd'-shun. Cessation of motion. Stam'ina, stam'-in-ah. Vigor; inherent force. Stam'mer, slam'-er. To utter with hesitation and repetition. Stan'nic. Pertaining to tin. Stan'num, stan’-um. See Tin. Stape'dius, std-pe'-di-us. A muscle of the middle ear. Sta'pes, std’-pez. A stirrup-shaped bone of the middle ear. Staphisa'gria. Seed of stavesacre; an emetic and cathartic. Staph'yle, staf-il-e. The uvula, q. v. Staphylede'ma, staf-ib-e-de'-mah. Enlargement of the uvula. Staphyl'ion, sta-fil'-i-on. The median point of the posterior nasal spine. Staphyli'tis, staf-il-V-tis. Inflammation of the uvula. Staphyl'ium, staf-il'-i-um. The mammary nipple. Staphylococ'cus, staf-il-6-kok'-us. A class of microbes. Staphylo'ma, staf-il-d’-mah. Protrusion of the cornea or sclera. Staphylon'cus, staf-il-on'-kus. Swelling of the uvula. Staph'yloplasty, staf'-il-d-plas-le. Plastic operation on cleft palate. Staphylopto'sis, staf-il-op-td'sis. Abnormal elongation of uvula. Staphylor'raphy, staf-U-or'-d-fe. Suture of a cleft palate. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Staphylot'omy, staf-il-ot'-d-ine. Amputation of the uvula. Starch. See Amylum. Starvation, star-vd’-shun. Death from hunger. Sta'sis, sta'-sis. Stagnation of the blood current. Statistics, std-tis'-tiks. Numerical collection of facts. Stat'ure, stat’-ur. Height of any animal when standing. Staurople'gia, slaw-rd-ple'-je-ah. Crossed hemiplegia. Staves'acre, stdvz'-d-ker. See Staphisagria. Steap'sin, ste-ap’-sin. Diastatic ferment of fats. Stea.'iform, sle-ar'-if-orm. Resembling fat. Ste'arin, ste'-ar-in. White, solid, crystalline constituent of fat. Stearrhe'a, sle-ar-e'-ah. See Seborrhea. Ste'atine, ste'-at-in Same as Stearine. Steati'num, sie-al-l'-nurn. A name given to certain pharmaceutical preparations containing tallow. Steat'ocele, ste-at'-o-sel. A liparoeele, q. v. Steato'ma, ste-at-o'-mah. A sebaceous encysted tumor. Steatopath'ic. Pertaining to disease of the sebaceous glands. Steatorrhe'a, ste-at-or-e,'-ah. Increased flow of sebaceous matter. Steato'sis, ste-at-o'-sis. Fatty degeneration. Stel'lula, stel'-dAah. Plexus of veins in the renal cortex. Stenocar'dia, sle-no-kar'-de-ah. Angina pectoris, q. v. Stenocho'ria, ste-nd-ko'-re-ah. Stenosis of lachrymal passages. Ste'no’s, or Sten'son’s Duct. Duct of the parotid gland. Steno'sis, ste-no'-sis. Narrowing or constriction. Stenos'tomy, ste-nos'-id-me. Contraction of an aperture. Stenotho'rax, ste-no-tlio'-raks. Having a straight, short thorax. StercobiTin, ster-k6-bV-lin. Brown coloring matter in feces. Stercora'ceous, sler-ko-rd'-she-u$. Having the nature of feces. Stercore'mia, ster-ko-re'-me-ah. Blood-poisoning from retained feces, due to absorption of noxious alkaloids. Ster'corin, sler'-ko-rin. Fecal extractive from biliary cholesterin. Ster'cus, ster'-kus. Feces, excrement, dung. Ste'reoplasm. A solid, insoluble constituent of protoplasm. Ster'ile, ster'-il. Barren; not fertile. Steril'ity, ster-il'-it-e. The condition of being barren. Steriliza'tion, ster-il-iz-d'-shun. Destruction of germs by heat. Steriliza'tor, sler-il-iz-a'-lor. An instrument for sterilizing. Ster'nal, ster'-nal. Pertaining to the sternum. Sternal'gia, sler-nal'-je-ah. Pain in the sternum. Sterna'lis, ster-nd'-lis. A sternal, or presternal muscle occasionally seen in man. Ster'noid, ster'-noid. Resembling the sternum. Sternop'agus. A monomphalic monster united by the sternum. Ster'num, sted-num. The flat bone of the breast. Sternu'tament, sler-nu’-tmn-ent. A substance causing sneezing. Sternuta'tion, ster-nu-td'-shun. The act of sneezing. 280 Sternu'tatory, sler-nu'-td-lo-re. Provocative of sneezing. Ster'tor, ster’-tor. Sonorous breathing or snoring. Ster'torous, ster’-tor-us. Breathing with a sonorous sound. Steth'ograph, steth'-d-graf. See Pneumograph. Stethom'eter. An instrument to measure chest expansion. Steth'oscope. A tube for conveying sounds in auscultation. Sthe'nia, slhe'-ne ah. Strength; excessive force. Sthen'ic, sthen’-ik. Strong; active. Sthenopy'ra, sthen-6-pV-rah. Sthenic fever. Stib'ialism, stib’-i-al-izm. Poisoning by antimony. Stictac'ne, stik-tak'-ne. Acne with red base and black point. Stiff'-joint. See Ankylosis. Stiff'-neck. See Torticollis. Stig'ma, stig'-mah. A small red spot on the skin. Stig'mata May'dis, stig'-mat-ah-ma'-dis. See Zea Mays. Stigmatiza'tion, slig-mal-iz-d'-shun. Ecchymotic spots on the body. Stillette', stil-et'. A small, sharp-pointed instrument. Still'-born. Born lifeless. Stillicid'ium, stil-i.s-id'-i-um. The flow of liquid drop by drop. Stil'ling, Canal' of. See Canal of Cloquet. Stillin'gia, stil-in'-je-ah. A diuretic and expectoraut root. Stim'ulants. Agents increasing functional activity. Stim'ulus, stim'-w-lus. Anything exciting an organ. Stipa'tion, sli-pd'-shun. Constipation, q. r. Stir'piculture, ster'-pi-kul-tur. Breeding of special stocks. Stitch, stick. A sharp, lancinating pain. Sto'ma, sto'-mah. The mouth. Stomac'ace, sto-mok'-as-e. Canker of the mouth. Stom'ach, stum’-ak. Chief digestive organ of the body. Stomach'ic, sto-mak'-ik. Stimulant to the stomach. Stom'ach-pump. An instrument to evacuate the stomach. Stomati'tis, sto-mat-i'-tis. Inflammation of the mouth. Stomatol'ogy, sto-mat-ol'-o-je. A treatise on the mouth. Stomatonecro'sis, sld-mat-o-ne-kro'-sis. Gangrenous stomatitis. Stomatop'athy, slo-mat-op'-d-the. Diseases of the mouth. Sto'matoplasty, sto'-mal-d-plas-le. Plastic operations upon mouth. Stomatorrha'gia, sto-mat-or-a'-je-ah. Hemorrhage from the mouth. Stone, ston. See Calculus. Stool. The feces. Evacuation of the bowels. Sto'rax, sto’-raks. A solid fragrant resin. Strabis'mus. Condition of the eyes in which the visual axes do both transfix the object; squint. Strabom'eter. An instrument to measure degree of strabismus. Strabot'omy, strd-bot’-o-me. Operation to relieve strabismus. Strain, strdn. Sprain ; tension. To filter. Stramo'nium, stra-mO'-ne-um. Seeds of Jamestown weed, with same properties as Belladonna, q. v. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Strangalesthe'sia, slrung-al-es-the'-se-ah. See Zonesthesia. Strang'ulated Her'nia. Hernia so compressed as to be irreduci- ble, and to suffer from interference with the circulation. Strangula'tion, strang-gu-la'-shun. Constriction, choking. Stran'gury, stran'-gu-re. Painful urination in drops. Stra'tum, stra'-tum. A layer or lamina. Streptobacte'ria, strep-tO-bak-te'-re-ah. Bacteria in chains. Streptococ'cus, strep-to-kok'-us. Micrococci in chains. Stretch'er, strech'-er. A portable cot for carrying the sick. Stri'a, stri'-ah. A streak or line. Stri'ate, strl'-dt. Marked with furrows. Stric'ture, slrik'-tur. A contraction of a duct or tube. Strid'ulous, strid'-u-lus. Making a grating sound. Stroke, strok. A sudden and severe seizure. Stro'ma, alro'-rnah. The foundation tissue of an organ. Stron'gylus. Species of entozoou occasionally found in heart-wall. Strop han'thin, stro-fan'-thin. A toxic alkaloid from strophanthus. Strophan'thus. Seeds with properties resembling those of digitalis. Stroph'ulus, strof-u-lus. See Miliaria and Red-gum. Structure, struk'-lur. An organ. Composition of an organ. Stru'ma, stru'-mah. Scrofula; scrofulous tumor; goitre. Stru'mous, stru'-mus. Scrofulous. Strych'nia, Strych'nine. Active principle of Nux Vomica. Strych'nism. Constitutional effects of excess of strychnine. Stump. Part left after amputation. Stupe, stup. A fomentation. Stu'por, stu'-por. The condition of insensibility. Stupra'tion, Stu'prum, stu-pra'-shun, stu'-prum. Rape. Stut'ter, stut'-er. To hesitate and repeat in speaking. Stye, $Ct. See Hordeolum. Stylis'cus, sti-lis'-kus. A slender, cylindrical tent. Sty'loid, sti’-loid. Resembling a stylus. Sty'lus, sli'-lus. An instrument for writing. A sound. Stymato'sis, sfi-mat-O'-sis. Priapism with a bloody discharge. Styp'tic, stip'-tik. An astringent; hemostatic. Subacute', sub-ak-ut'. Of moderate severity. Subarach'noid, sub-ar-ak'-noid. Under the arachnoid membrane. Subcla'vian, sub-kla'-vi-an. Under the collar-bone. Subclavic'ular, sub-kla-vik'-to-lar. Pertaining to the first rib. Subcla'vius, xub-kld'-vi-us. Muscle from the first rib to the clavicle. Subcrep'itant. Approaching in character the crepitant rfl.le. Subcru'reus, sub-kru'-re-us. A small muscle beneath the crureus. Subcuta'neous, sub-ku-la'-ne-us. Under the skin. Subdu'ral, sub-du'-ral. Beneath the dura mater. Subenceph'alon, sub-en-sef'-al-on. The lower portion of the brain. Su'berin, su'-ber-in. Pulverized cork, a dressing for wounds. Subgrunda'tion, sub-grun-da'-shun. Intrusion of one part of a cranial bone beneath another. 282 GOULD’S POCKET Subinvolu'tion, Imperfect involution. Sub'ject, sub'-jekt. A body for dissection. A patient. The matter of a discourse. Subjec'tive, sub-jek'-tiv. Internal; pertaining to one’s self. Subju'gal, sub-ju'-gal. Situated below the malar bone. Sublig'amen, sub-lig'-am-en. A form of truss for hernia. Sub'limate, sub'-lim-dt. The product of sublimation. Sub'limate, Corro'sive. Bichloride of mercury, an antiseptic. Sublima'tion, sub-lim-d'-shun. Vaporization and recondensation. Sublin'gual, sub-ling'-wal. Beneath the tongue. Subluxa'tion, sub-luks-d'-shan. Partial dislocation. Submax'illary, sub-maksd -il-d-re. Beneath the lower maxilla. Submen'tal, Under the chin. Submu'cous, sub-mu?-kus. Lying beneath a mucous membrane. Suboccip'ital, sub-oksip'-it-al. Beneath the occiput. Suboper'culum, sub-o-per'-ku-lum. Part of an orbital gyre which covers the insula. Subordination, sub-or-din-a'shun. Under control. Subscap'ular, sub-akap'-u-lar. Under the shoulder-blade. Subscapula'ris, subskap-Vr-ld'-ris. Muscle on the under surface of the scapula. Subse'rous, sub-se’-rus. Beneath a serous membrane. Subsidence, sub-sl'-dens. Gradual disappearance of disease. Subsul'tus, sub-sul'-lus. Any morbid tremor or twitching. Subu'beres, sub-vl-ber-ez. Children at the breast. Succeda'neum, suk-se-dd'-ne-um. A substitute. Succeda'neum, Cap'ut. See Caput. Suc'cinum, suk'-sin-um. Amber, an antispasmodic oil. Suc'cus, suk'-us. Juice. Succus'sion, suk-ush'-on. A sound produced by shaking a thorax containing fluid. Suck, suk. To nurse from the breast. Sudam'ina, su-dam'-innah. See Miliaria. Suda'tion, su-da'-shun. The act of sweating. Sudato'rium, sib-dd-td'-ri-um. A room for giving a sweat-batb. Su'dor Ang'licus. English febrile disease of the 16th century. Sudoriferous, sii-dor-if-er-us. Carrying sweat. Sudorific, su-dor-if-ilc. An agent inducing sweating. Sudorip'arous, su-dor-ip'-ar-us. Secreting sweat. Suffoca'tion, mf-O-kd'-shun. Stoppage of respiration. Suffu'sion, suf-u'-zhun. Extravasation of blood. Su'gar, su'-gar. See Saccharum. Suggilla'tion, suj-il-d'-shun. Eechymosis ; bruise. Su'icide, su'-is-id. One who destroys himself. To kill one’s self. Sul'cated, sid'-kd-led. Grooved; furrowed. Sul'cus, sui'-kus. A furrow or groove. Sul'phate, sul'-fdl. A salt of sulphuric acid. Sul'phide, ml'-fld. Combination of sulphur with an element. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Sul'phonal (CH3)2C.(C2H5S02)2. An efficient hypnotic. Sul'phur, sul'-fer. Brimstone, a laxative and diaphoretic. Sulphu'ric Acid. H2S04. Oil of vitriol; a powerful caustic. Su'mach, su'-mak. A tree of the genus Rhus, used in medicine. Sum'bul, sum'-bul. A root used as a nerve tonic. Sum'mer Complaint'. Cholera of infants. Sun'-fever. Severe tropical fever. Sun'stroke, sun'-strdk. Heat-stroke from direct rays. Insolation. Supercil'iary, su-per-sil'-i-a-re. Pertaining to the eyebrow. Supercil'ium, su-per-sil’-i-um. The eyebrow. Superfecunda'tion. Fertilization of two ova at the same time. Superfeta'tion, su-per-fn-ta'-shun. Conception by a pregnant woman. Superficial, su-per-fish'-al. Confined to the surface. Superimpregna tion. See Superfecundation. Superinvolu'tion, sibper-in-vd-lu'-shun. Excessive involution. Supe'rior, su-pe’-ri-or. The upper of two or more parts. Superlacta'tion, su-per-lak-td'-shun. Excessive milk secretion. Superna'tant, su-per-na'-tant. Floating upon the surface of liquid. Supina'tion, su-pin-a’-shun. Turning of the palm upward. Su'pinator, su’-pin-a-tor. A muscle that supinates. Supine', sw-pln'. Lying flat or on the back. Suppository. Solid medicine for introduction in rectum or vagina. Suppression, sup-resh'-un. Concealment; retention. Suppura'tion, sup-u-ra’-shun. The formation of pus. Supraclavic'ular, su-prak-kld-vik'-u-lar. Above the clavicle. Supraor'bital, su-prah-or'-bil-al. Above the orbit. Suprare'nal, su-prah-re'-nal. Above the kidney. Suprascap'ular, siDprah-skap'-u-lar. Above the shoulder blade. Supraspi'nal, su-prah-spV-nal. Situated on the spine. Supraspinaiis, su-prah-spl-nd'-lis. One of a series of small muscles lying on the vertebral spines. Supravaginal, Above the vagina. Su'ra, su'-rah. The calf of the leg. Su'ral, su'-ral. Pertaining to the calf. Sur'dity, ser'-dil-e. See Deafness. Sur'domute, ser'-dd-mut. A deaf and dumb person. Sur'geon, ser'-jun. One who practices surgery. Sur'gery. Branch of medicine dealing with operative procedures. Sur'gical, ser'-jik-al. Pertaining to surgery. Suspen'ded Animation. Temporary cessation of vital functions. Suspen'sory, sus-pen'-so-re. Suspending. Sustentac'ulum, sus-len-tak'-iDlum. A support. Susur'rus, su-sur'-us. A soft murmur in an aneurysm, etc. Su'ture. Junction of cranial bones; seam. In surgery, a stitch. Swal'low’s-nest, swol'-oz-nest. Deep fossa of the cerebellum. Sweat, swet. The secretion of the sudoriferous glands. Sweating Fe'ver, or Sick'ness. See Sudor Anglicus. Swel’ling, swel'-ing. Tumefaction; a morbid enlargement. 284 GOULD’S POCKET Swoon, sumn. See Syncope. Syceph'alus, sl-sef-al-us. A monster with two united heads. Syco'ma, sv-ko'-mah. A warty excrescence; a condyloma. Syco'sis, sv-kH'si*. Chronic inflammation of the hair follicles. Syd'enham’s Chore'a. Ordinary chorea. Syd'enham’s Lau'danum. Wine of opium. Syl'vius, Aq'ueduct of. See aqueduct. Syl'vius, Fis'sure of. See Fissure. Symbleph'aron, siiu-blef-ar-on. Adhesion of the lid to the eyeball. Sym'elus, sim'-el-us. A monster with fused extremities. Syme’s Operation. Amputation at the ankle-joint. Sympathetic, sim-palh-et'-ik. Applied to series of ganglia in body. Sympex'is, simr-peks1 -is. A concretion in vessels of certain glands. Symphysiot'omy, sim-fiz-e-ol'-o-me. Section of symphysis pubis. Sym'physis, sim'-fis-is. Junction of bones. Sympo'dia, sim-pb'-de-ah. Monster with united lower extremities. Symp'tom, simp'-tum. Phenomenon or sign of disease. Symp'tom-com'piex. The ensemble of symptoms of a disease. Symp'tom-group'ing. Same as Symptom-complex, q. v. Symptomatic, simp-to-mat'-ik. Pertaining to a symptom. Symptomatog'raphy. Description of symptoms. Symptomatology, simp-tO-mat-ol'-O-je. A treatise on symptoms. Sym'pus, sim'-pus. See Sympodia. Synal'gia, sin-al'-je-ah. Sympathetic or associated pain. Synap'tase, sin-ap'-tas. Same as Emulsin, q. v. Synarthro'dia, Synarthro'sis. An immovable articulation. Synceph'alus, sin-sef-al-us. A double monster with fused heads. Synchondro'sis, sin-kon-dro'-sis. Union by intervening cartilage. Synchondrot'omy,~sin-kon-drotr-o-me. Division of an articulating cartilage. Section of the symphysis pubis. Syn'chronous, sin'-kro-nus. Occurring at the same time. Syn'chysis, sin'-kis-is. Abnormal fluidity of the vitreous humor. Synclo'nus, sin-klo'-nus. Any abnormal tremulous motion. Syn'cope, sin'-ko-pe. Swooning or fainting. Syndac'tylism, Syndac'tylus. Union of two or more digits. Syndec'tomy, sin-dek'-tO-me. See Peritomy. Syndel'phus, sin-del'-fits. A form of double monstrosity. Syndesmi'tis, sin-des-ml'-tis. Inflammation of ligaments. Syndesmog'raphy, sin-des-mog'-ra-fe. Description of ligaments. Syndesmol'ogy, sin-des-moV-o-je. A treatise on the ligaments. Syndesmo'sis, siiv-des-mo’-sis. Articulation by ligaments. Syndesmot'omy, sin-des-mot'-o-ine. Section of ligaments. Syne'chia, sin-e’-ki-ah. Morbid union of parts. Syn'ergy, sin’-er-je. Combined action ; cooperation. Syngen'esis, sin-jen'-es-is. Reproduction in which a male and fe- male take part. Synize'sis, sin-iz-e'-sis. Closure of the pupil. Synneuro'sis, sin-u-rd'sis. Same as Syndesmosis, q. v. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Syn'ocha, Syn'ochus, sin'-o-kah, sin'-o-kus. A continued fever. Synophthal'mus, sin-off-thal'-mus. Fusion of the orbits. Synor'chism, sin-or'-kizm. Fusion of the testes. Synos'cheos. Abnormal union of penis and scrotum. Synosteog'raphy, sin-os-te-og'-ra-fe. Description of the joints. Synosteol'ogy, sin-os-fe-ol'-d-je. A treatise on the joints. Synosteo'sis, sin-os-le-o'-sis. See Synostosis. Synosteot'omy, sin-os-te-ot'-o-me. Dissection of hones. Synosto'sis, suiros-to'-sis. Abnormal osseous union of bones. Syno'tis, sin-o'-tis. A monster with fusion of the ears. Syno'via, sin-u'-ve-ah. Lubricating fluid of a synovial membrane. Synovi'tis, sin-o-vl'-tis. Inflammation of a synovial membrane. Syn'thesis. Formation of a compound by uniting its elements. Synthet'ic, sin-thet'-ic. Pertaining to synthesis. Syn'tonin. An acid albumin formed in stomach during digestion. Synulot'ic, sin-u-lot'-ik. An agent promoting cicatrization. Syphilelco'sis, sif-il-el-ko'-sis. Ulceration due to syphilis. Syphilel'cus, sif-il-el'-kus. A syphilitic ulcer. Syphilico'ma, sif-il-ik-o'-mali. A hospital for syphilis. Syph'ilide, sif-il-id. A syphilitic skin disease. Syphilipho'bia, sif-il-if-d'-be-ah. Morbid fear of syphilis. Syph'ilis, si/'-il-is. A chronic, infectious,venereal disease,which may also be hereditary, inducing cutaneous and other lesions. Syphiliza'tion. Inoculation with the pus of chancre. Syphiloder'ma, sif-il-d-der'-mah. See Syphilide. Syphilog'eny, sif-il-og'-en-e. The generation of syphilis. Syphilog'rapher, sif-il-og'-ra-fer. One who writes on syphilis. Syphilog'raphy, sif-il-og'-rd-fe. A descriptive treatise on syphilis. Syph'iloid, sif'-il-oid. Resembling syphilis. Syphilol'epis, sif-il-ol'-ep-is. A scaly syphilitic eruption. Syphilol'ogy, sif-il-oV-o-je. A treatise on syphilis. Syphilo'ma, sif-il-d'-niah. A gummatous tumor. Syphiloma'nia, sif-il-o-ma’-ne-ah. See Syphilipho'bia. Syphilop'athy, sif-il-op'-d-t.he. Any syphilitic disease. Syphion'thus, sif-i-on'-thus. Copper-colored eruptions of syphilis. Syrig'mus, sir-ig'-mus. A hissing or tinkling sound in the ear. Syr'inge, sir'-inj. An instrument for injecting fluids. Syringi'tis, sh'-in-jV-lis. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube. Syringomye'lia, sir-ing-gu-mi-e'-le-ah. See Syringomyelus. Syringomyeli'tis, sir-ing-go-ml-el-V-tis. Inflammation coincident with syringomyelus. Syringomy'elus, sir-ing-go-mi'-el-us. Abnormal dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord. Syrin'gotome, sir-ing'-go-tijm. An instrument for incising Astute. Syringot'omy, sir-ing-gol'-o-me. Cutting open a fistula. Syr'up, Syru'pus, sir'-up, sir-u'-pus. Solution of sugar in w'ater. Sy'soma. A double monster with fused bodies but separate heads. Syspa'sia, sis-pd'-se-ah. Spasmodic inability of speech. 286 Syssarco'sis, sis-ar-ko'-sis. Muscular union of bones. Systal'tic, sis-tal'-tik. Alternately dilating and contracting. Sys'tem. Methodical arrangement of parts. The animal economy. Systematic, sis-tem-at'-ik. Methodical. Systemic, sis-tem'-ik. Pertaining to a system. Sys'tole, sis'-td-le. Contraction of the heart and arteries. Systolic, sis-tol'-ik. Pertaining to systole. Systrem'ma, sis-trem'-ah. Cramp in the muscles of the leg. GOULD’S POCKET T. T-bandage. Compound bandage resembling the letter T. Tabac'um. Dried leaves of tobacco, a powerful depressant. Tabefac'tion, tab-e-fak'-shun. Wasting; emaciation. Tabel'la, ta'-bel-ah. A troche, q. v. Ta'bes, td'-bez. Gradual, progressive emaciation. Ta'bes Dorsal'is, td-bez-dor-sal'-is. Degeneration of the posterior columns of the spinal cord ; locomotor ataxy. Tabetic, td-bet'-ik. Affected with tabes. Ta'ble, ta'-bl. A layer or plate of bone. Tab'let, tab'-let. A lozenge or troche. Taches Cerebrales, tahsh ser-e-bral. Irregular red spots on the skin in epilepsy. Tachycar'dia, tak-e-kar'-de-ah. Abnormal rapidity of the heart. Tachypne'a, tak-ip-ne'-ah. Abnormal frequency of respiration. Tac'tile, tak'-til. Pertaining to the sense of touch. Tac'tile Cor'puscles. Cutaneous end-organs of the tactile nerves. Tagliaco'tian Operation, tal-yah-kd'-she-an-op-er-d'-shun. Forma- tion of a nose by taking a flap from adjacent parts. Tail, tdl. The caudal extremity. Tail'-fold. Embryonic in-folding enclosing the hind-gut. Tal'ipes, tal’-ip-ez. Club-foot, due to the contraction of certain muscles or tendons. Tal'ipes Calca'neus. Club-foot, heel alone touching the ground. Tal'ipes Equi'nus. Club-foot, the patient walking on his toes. Tal'ipes Val'gus. Club-foot with eversion of the foot. Tal'ipes Var'us. Club-foot with inversion of the foot. Tal'pa, tal'-pah. A mole or wen. Ta'lus, td'-lus. The astragalus; the ankle. Tam'arind, tam'-ar-ind. A laxative and refrigerant fruit. Tam'pon, tani'-pon. A plug of lint or cotton, etc. Tamponade', tamr-pon-ad'. The employment of a tampon. Tanace'tum. Tansy leaves and tops, used as an emmenagogue. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 287 Tang'le-tent, lang'-gl-tenl. See Sea Tangle. Tan'nic Ac'id. See Tannin. Tan'nin, tan'-in. Strongly astringent vegetable principle. Tan'sy, lau'-se. See Tanacelum. Tape'tum, td-pe'-lum. The radiating fibers of the corpus callosum. Tape'tum Lu'cidum, td-pe'-tum-lu'-sid-um. The bright-colored reflecting layer of the choroid. ' Tape'-worm, tap'-werm. See Tenia. Tapio'ca, tap-e-o'-kah. Variety of starch, an excellent food. Tap'ping, tap'-ing. See Paracentesis. Tar. See Pix Liquida. Tar'antism, Tarantis'mus. A dancing mania. Tarax'acum. Dandelion root, a diuretic and aperient. Tardieu’s Spots, tar'-de-u(r)s-spolz. Ecchymotic stains of the lung in death from asphyxia. Tar'sal. Pertaining to the tarsus. Tar'sal Car'tilage. The tarsus of the eyelids. Tarsal'gia, tar-sal'-je-ah. Pain in the tarsus. Tarsec'tomy, lar-sek'-lo-me. Excision of the tarsal bones. Tarsi'tis, tar-si'-tis. See Blepharitis. Tarsophy'ma, tar-so-fi'-mah. Any tumor of the tarsus. Tarsor'rhaphy, tar-sor'-d-fe. An operation for lessening the size of the opening between the eyelids. Tarsot'omy, tar-sot'-o-me. Removal of the tarsal cartilages. Tar'sus, tar’sus. The instep. The cartilage of the eyelid. Tar'tar. A deposit from saliva upon the teeth. Tar'tar Emet'ic. Tartrate of antimony and potassium. Tartar'ic, tar-tar'-ik. Having the nature of tartar. Tartar'ic Ac'id. C4H606. An organic refrigerent acid. Taste, fast. The sense by which savors are perceived. Taste'-bulbs, or -ends. End organs of the gustatory nerves. Tau'rin, laiv'-rin. A substance found in bile. Taurocho'lic Ac'id. C2eIl45NS07. An acid occurring in bile. Tax'is, taks'-is. Manual reduction of a hernia. Tea, te. Leaves of Thea Chinensis, with stimulating properties. Tea'berry, te'-ber-e. See Gaultheria. Teale’s Amputa'tion. Amputation with rectangular flaps. Tears, terz. The secretion of the lachrymal gland. Teat, tet. The nipple. Technocau'sis, tek-nu-kaw'-sis. Mechanical cautery. Tecnoto'nia, tek-nu-tO'-ne-ah. Child-murder; infanticide. Teeth, teth. The organs of mastication. Teeth'ing, teth’-ing. Dentition, q. v. Tegmen'tum. A covering. Cerebral surface of the crus cerebri. Teg'ument, See Integument. Teichop'sia, fi-kop'-se-ah. Temporary amblyopia with subjective images, often an accompaniment of migraine. Teinodyn'ia, ti-no-din'-e-ah. Pain in the tendons. 288 Telangiec'tasis, tel-an-ji-ek'-las-is. Acquired dilatation of vessels. Telangio'sis, tel-an-je-o’-sis. Disease of the capillaries. Telolem'ma, tel-o-lem'-ah. Membrane covering eminence of Doy6re. Tem'perament. Individual peculiarity of physical organization Tem'perature. Intensity of heat or molecular vibration. Tem'ple. Flat, depressed portion of head bet ween the eye and ear. Tem'poral, tem’-po-ral. Pertaining to the temple. Temporiza'tion, temrpor-iz-a'-shun. The expectant form of treat- ment of disease. Tenac'ulum, ten-ak'-u-lum A hook-shaped instrument. Ten'derness, ten’-der-nes. Abnormal sensitiveness. Ten'dinous, ten'-din-us. Pertaining to a tendon. Ten'don. White, fibrous tissue, the attachment of muscles. Tenes'mus. Rectal pain with spasmodic contraction. Te'nia. A genus of intestinal worms. A ribhon-like structure. Te'niafuge, te'-ni-af-uj. An agent for expelling tenia. Te'nicide, te'-nis-ld. An agent for killing tapeworm. Ten'nysin, ten'-is-in. An alkaloid in brain tissue. Tenoni'tis, len-on-l'-tis. An inflammation of Tenon’s capsule. Ten'on’s Cap'sule. Anterior portion of the ocular sheath. Tenontog'raphy, ten-on-tog'-ra-fe. Description of tendons. Tenontol'ogy, ten-on-toV-6-je. A treatise on tendons. Ten'ophyte, ten'-o-fll. Bony growth in a tendon. Tenor'rhaphy, ten-or'-a-fe. Suturing of a tendon. Tenosto'sis, ten-os-tSf-sit. Ossification of a tendon. Ten'otome, ten'-o-lom. An instrument for tenotomy. Tenot'omy, ten-ot'-d-me. Section of a tendon. Ten'sion, ten'-shun. Strain of an organ. Ten'sor, ten'sor. A muscle making a part tense. Tent. A roll of material used to dilate a canal. Tento'rium, ten-lo'-re-um. The process of the dura mater between the cerebrum and cerebellum. Tephromyeli'tis, tef-ro-mi-el-V-tis. See Poliomyelitis. Tepida'rium, lep-id-a'-re-um. A warm bath. Teratog'eny, ler-at-oj'-en-e. The formation of monstrosities. Ter'atoid, ter'-at-oid. Resembling a monster. Teratol'ogy, ter-at-ol'-d-je. A treatise on monsters. Terato'ma, ter-at-o'-mah. A complex congenital tumor. Terato'sis, ter-at-5'sis. The condition of a monster. Ter'ebene. C10H16. Antiseptic liquid obtained from the pine. Terebin'thina, ler-e-bin'-thin-ah Oleoresin from yellow pine, stimu- lant, diuretic, and anthelmintic. Terebra'tion, ter-e-brd'-shun. The operation of trephining. Te'res, te'-rez. Round and smooth. The name of a ligament. Ter'nary, ter'-nd-re. Consisting of three parts. Ter'pine. A preparation from turpentine, used in lung diseases. Ter'tian. Intermittent paroxysm occurring every third day. Ter'tiary, ter'-she-d-re. Third in order. GOULD’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 289 Ter'tiary Syph'ilis. The third stage of syphilis. Test. A characteristic reaction. Test'es, test'-ez. Glandular bodies in scrotum that secrete semen. Tes'ticles, tes'-tik-ls. See Testes. Testi'tis, tes-ti'-tis. See Orchitis. Test'-paper. See Litmus. Test'-types. Letters of different sizes to test acuteness of vision. Tetan'ic, te-tan'-ik. Pertaining to tetanus. TetaniPla. A form of tetanic spasm affecting the fingers and toes. Tet'anin, tet’-an-in. Ptomaine of bacillus of tetanus. Tet'anoid, tet'-an-oid. Resembling tetanus. Tet'anus, let'-an-us. A disease with spasmodic and continuous con- traction of the muscles. Tet'any, tet'-an-e. See Tetanilla. Tetranop'sia, tel-ran-op'-se-ah. Contraction of the visual field limited to one quadrant. Tetrasto'ma, let-ras-to'-mah. Parasitic worm of the kidneys. Tet'ronal. A substance allied to sulphonal, a pronounced hypnotic. Tet'ter, tet'-er. A form of herpes ; ringworm ; eczema. Thalamenceph'alon, lhal-am-en-sef-al-on. Posterior portion of the anterior embryonic vesicle. Thal'amus, thal'-arrwts. Great posterior ganglion of the brain, supposed origin of the optic nerve Thal'lin. A synthetic chemical product, a powerful antipyretic. Thanatopho'bia, than-at-o-fu'-be-ah. Morbid fear of death. The'a, the-ah. See Tea. The'baine, the'-ba-in. Ci9H21N03. A powerful tetanizer obtained from opium. Thebe'sius, Fora'mina of. Numerous minute veins opening into the right cardiac auricle. The'ca, the'-kah. A sheath or investing membrane. The'cal, the'-kal. Pertaining to the theca. Theci'tis, the-sV-lis. Inflammation of a fibrous sheath. The'in, the'-in. C8H10N4O2. Active principle of tea, same as caffein. Thelal'gia, the-lal'-je-ah. Pain in the nipples. Theli'tis, the-li'-tis. Inflammation of the nipples. The'lium, thl'-le-um. A papilla. A layer of cells. The'lothism, the'-lo-thizm. Projection of the nipple. The'nal, the'-nal. Pertaining to the palm or sole. The'nar, the'-nar. The palm of the hand or sole of the foot. Theobro'mse O'leum, the-d-bro'-me-o'-/e-um. Butter of cacao, the fixed oil of chocolate seed. Theoma'nia, the-o-ma'-ne-ah. Religious mania. Therapeu'tic, ther-ap-u'-lik. Pertaining to therapeutics. Therapeu'tics, ther-ap-u'-tiks. The branch of medical science con- cerned with the application of remedies. Ther'apy, ther'-ap-e. See Therapeutics. Thermesthe'sia, therm-es-the'-se-ah. A sensation of heat. GOULD’S POCKET Thermesthesiom'eter, l/iernv-es-lhe-se-om'-et-er. An instrument for measuring the sensibility to heat. Ther'mic, ther'-mik. Pertaining to heat . Ther'mic Fe'ver. See Heatstroke. Ther'mo-cautery. A form of actual cautery in which the heat is produced by blowing benzin-vapor into heated spongy platinum. Thermogen'esis, ther-mi}-jen'-es-is. Generation of heat. Thermol'ysis, ther-mol'-is-is. Heat dissipation. Thermom'eter. An instrument for measuring intensity of heat. roN5too:woJoio:^^^^i^oiOiOio>oiai050i05a3v]^ O J—1 to CO 4* pj 4*- pt p^OOppHtOtOWpOlp^lCOpO CO 00 05 4k CO to H4 CO bo 05 *4k CO to H* CO CO “O 05 4k CO tO h-4 CO CO 05 4k CO to H-4 CO CO 05 4X CO to H-4 REAU. hmmhmpmmmhmm 4k05a»Ot0m.05C0Ot04k05CCOt0 4-05C0Ot0 4k05C0Ot045‘05C0Ot04k05C0Ot0 Fahr. l-4tOC044‘O5* 05 4* CO tO H-4 C0CC^3O54kC0tOH4 Reau. Fahr. CO 00 -4 05 CO tO COCO^lOS^COtOH-4 COCO'JOS^kCOtO-4 COCO-JOS^kCOtO*-4 COCO-IO54-C0tOh— Cent. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ►—4 tO CC 4k 05 *0 CO CO H-t0W4^05^lC0C0 Reau. Comparison op Thermometers. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 291 Thermoneuro'sis, Iher-mo-nu-ro'-sis. Pyrexia of vasomotor origin. Ther'mostat. Automatic device for regulating the temperature. Thermotax'is. Regulation of heat production and dissipation. The'sis, the'-sis. Essay of a candidate for a degree. Thigh, thi. Upper portion of the leg. Thigh'-bone, tin'-bon. The femur, the long bone of the leg. Thi'ol, the-ol. A sulphurous body resembling ichthyol. Thirst, therst. The desire for water. Thlipsenceph'alus, thlip-sen-sef-al-us. Monster with open skull. Thom'sen’s Disease'. Congenital disease with muscular rigidity. Thoracente'sis, tho-ras-en-te'-sis. Puncture of the thorax to with- draw an accumulation of fluid; paracentesis. Thorac'ic, tho-ras'-ik. Pertaining to the chest. Thorac'ic Duct. Main trunk of the lymphatic system. Thoracocente'sis, tho-rak-o-sen-le'-sis. See Thoracentesis. Thoracocyllo'sis, tho-rak-o-sil-o'-sis. Deformity of the thorax. Thoracodid'ymus. A double monster joined by the thoraces. Thoracodyn'ia, tho-rak-o-din'-e-ah. Pain in the chest. Thoracom'eter, tho-rak-om'-el-er. See Stethometer. Thoracop'agus. A double monster with fusion of the thoraces. Thora'coplasty tho-ra'-ko-plas-te. Plastic operation on thorax. Thoracos'copy, tho-rak-os'-ko-pe. Examination of the chest. Thoracosteno'sis, tho-rak-o-ste-no'-sis. Contraction of the chest. Thoracot'omy, tho-rak-ol’-o-me. Incision of the thorax. Thoradel'phus. A dual monstrosity, united above the umbilicus. Tho'rax, tho'-raks. The cavity above the abdomen ; the chest. Thorn'apple, thorn'-ap-l. See Stramonium. Thread, thred. Material used for sutures. Thread'worm, thred’-werm. See Trichocephalus. Threpsol'ogy, threp-sol’-o-je. A treatise on nutrition. Thrill, thril. A quiver or tremor; fremitus. Throat, throt. The fauces, pharynx, etc. Throb. A pulsation or beat. Throe, thro. A violent pain, as in parturition. Throm'boid, throm'-boid. Resembling a thrombus. Thrombophlebitis, throm-bo-fle-bl’-tis. Phlebitis from breaking down of a venous thrombus. Thrombo'sis, throm-bo’-sis. Formation of a thrombus. Throm'bus. Blood-clot in a vessel at the point of obstruction. Thrush. Aphthae, q. v. Thumb, thvm. The first finger or toe. Thyme, tim. The volatile oil of garden thyme. Thymelco'sis, thi-mel-ko'-sis. Ulceration of the thymus gland. Thy'mic, thV-mik. Pertaining to the thymus or to thyme. Thy'mion, IhV-me-on. A small wart in the skin. Thymi'tis, Ihi-mi'-lis. Inflammation of the thymus gland. Thy'mol, il'-mol. C10II13.OII. An organic stearopten, antiseptic. Thy'mus, thl'-mus. A glandular organ at the base of the tongue. 292 GOULD’S POCKET Thy'reocele, IhV-re-o-sel. A tumor affecting the thyroid gland. Thyreon'cus, thv-re-on'-kus. See Thyreocele. Thyreophy'ma, thw-e-o-fi'-mah. Enlargement of thyroid gland. Thy'roid, thl'-roid. Scutiform ; shield-shaped. Thy'roid Car'tilage. The largest laryngeal cartilage. Thy'roid Gland. Ductless glandular body at upper part of trachea. Thyroidec'tomy, thx-roid-ek’-to-me. Excision of the thyroid gland. Thyroidot'omy, thi-roi4- 2 1 “ 1-3 d. i rt\. 5-20 \a '\A 0.333-1.333 -1 2.000-8.000 ; ! i 2.000-8.000 | 4 000-8.000 0.066-0.200 j 0.666-1.000 j 0.200-1.000 ] 0.333-2.000 j 16.000-32.000 0.333-2.000 | 1.000-4.000 2.000-4.000 4.000-32.000'| 0.333-1.000 ! 0.333-1.333 | 0.200-0.666 1 0.066-1.333 ; 0.133-0.666 1 0.333-1.333 0.008-0.0:33 I 0.066-0.3:33 1 8.000-16.000 8.000-16.000 0.0163-0.066 0.0165-0.066 4.000-6.000 0.200-2.000 0.066-0.333 4.000-8.000 0.133-0.666 0.03(3-0.133 0.066-0.333 0.016-0.066 0.033-0.200 0.003-0.003 0.066-0.133 0.O66-1*.:; '3 0.333-0.666 2.000-0.333 0.016-0.033 0.002-0.005 0.016-0.068 0.011-0.016 0.033-0.133 0.066-0.200 0.333-1.333 rnica flo., tinct., . 1 rad., tinct., rsenios., acid g acid., liquor, 1 Lrsenit.,liquor brom., Irsenium, iodid., . et hydrarg. iod., liq., Vsafoetida, . mist., . . pilulte, . . tinct., . . Atropina snlph (see Bellad.). Aspid., ext. fl. oleores, . - Aurantium amar., ext. fl., . . - amar., tinct. dulcis. tinct. Aurum chlorid et sod.chlorid Bals. tolutan, syr., . ■ tolutan,tinct Baptis., ext. . ext. lid., tinct., . • Belladon.,abst. ext. ale., fol., ext. fi., rad., ext., . rad., ext. fid tinct., ■ ■ Atropin. sulpb Benzoin, tinct tinct. comp. Berber, ext. fid tinct., . • Berbevina, Bismuth et ammon.eit subcarb., subearb.nitr I Bold., tinct., ; Brayera, . | ext. 11., • \ infus., . j Bryon.,tinct. Brucina (see NuxVom Buchu, ext. fl infus., . ! Caffeine, . citrat., . \ Cajuput., { oleum, Calam., ext. Calc, bromid carb. precii chlorid., hvpophospl iodid., phosph. pr cip., . n 5-30 ‘ 5-30 r- rt 2-10 “ 1- 4 r. sirrn 11 2-10 rr. 5-20 x 4-8 Vo. 1-4 Vtl 30-60 j 3 1-2 gr. 15-60 5 IX- 2 “ 1- 2 “ 1- 2 gr. irsJ 3 1-2 IB 10-30 gr. 1-10 Til 2-20 “ 5-30 gr. %r 1 “ XrX rtl 3- b gr. %-X Til l- 3 “ 1-20 gr. I50-SS 3 rtl 5-30 “ 10-60 gr. 1-10 “ 1- 5 “ 10-30 “ 10-60 m. 5- 8 5 2-8 “ 2- 8 % 2-8 lit 5-30 * “ 10-60 s x-\ gr. 1- 5 “ 2-10 .111 1-5 ft. “ 15-60 gr. 5-30 “ 5-20 . “ 10-20 i. “ 10-20 . “ 1-3 6 “ 2-10 „ Calx clll°rats 0-3‘>3-2.00() eulphurata 0.333-2.000 Greta prepara 0.001-0.003 mist., 0.133-0.666 pulv. comp Calx, liq., . 0.066-0.266 syr., . . syr. lac.pho 0.003-0.006 /■ -Calend. tinct V ralumba, ext 0.133-0.666 n ' ext. fl., . 0.333-1.333 - “ I tinct., . 16.0U0-32.0U0 t i mphora, . , iqua, . . 2.000-1.000 i Biirit, . . i] Rubini tinct nonob., . . mnabis ind. 4.000-8.000 1 ext., . . 1.000-4.000 laid, . . . tinct., . . -iTuiabin tan. 6.000-8.000 anthar. tinct 4.000-8.000 apsicum, 4.000-8.000 j . . 0.0013-0.002 !, oleores.,. . 0.002-0.006 ‘’f01-- . • • , Curbo animal, 4.000-8.000 ' Purjf- ■ 0.666-2.000 «P%)(‘ir,?on bisulph 0.066-0.666 tinct., 0.133-1 333 tinct. comp. 0.333-2.000 t tarum oleum, 0.000-0.066 Pf.ryophyl.ol., 0.006-0.0.33 Caecara sag., 0.200-0.400 _ ,ext- ”•> • 0.008-0.016 Dastan. ext. fl., 0.066-0.200 Catechu, . . 0.066-1.333 . tinct. comp. °2°K cpdl,: o nfin 8 r2oq o',nil) Chinoidin. (see oSS Ch“etar' 0.066-0.666 Chiret.?’ext. fl WM &£1 SSI'S ' 1 -wws'Hisr 0.333-2.000 ti T ’ hlorodyne, . SSSSf £=?> sses St . n 0.066-0.333 “®hona,- ■ 8 1.000—4.000 • ■ 1 0.333-2.000 ®xt'n-> • • Mj nfififtl'H tinct comp., - 0.666-1..>>> , harn’R * 0.066-0.200 L “aras> • | pchonidme. j 0.133-0.666 1 suIpH' • ?r ■tchonin, > gr. 3- 6 J ta .1 2- 4 > gr. 5-60 S X- 2 o X- 2 3 “ ]_ 2 HI 15-30 gr. 3-10 HI 5-30 3 X-2 gr. 1-20 3 1-4 |1Tl 5-20 • “ 2- 5 gr- 1- 5 “ %-X ; 1- 6 j “ 15-30 Igr. 5-10 mi 1-20 gr. 2- 5 HI 5-30 1 “ 1- 5 [ “ 10-30 gr. 10-60 Til X- 1 3 1-2 “ 1- 2 ni 1- 5 “ 1- 5 “ 10-20 3 X- 2 gr. 1-30 Dl 10-60 , gr. 1- 5 111 5-10 5 X- 2 Cinchona). ?r. 5-20 111 15-30 “ 15-60 ?r. 1-15 “ 10-30 n. 2-20 5 1-2 U 10-60 “ 20-60 “ 5-10 “ 10-30 ‘ 10-20 r. 2-20 l 5-30 ‘ 5-30 10-60 1- 5 l 10-60 X- 2 X~ 2 X- 2 1-30 1-30 ; 0-200-0.40( | 0.006-0.0.3: j 0.333-1.333 8 000-16.01) 0.333-4.000 16.000-64.0t 2.000-8.000 4.000-8.000 1.000-2.000 0.200-0.666 0.333-2.000 2.000-8.000 0.066-1.333 4.000-16.00 0.333-1.333 0.133-0.333 0.066-0.333 { 0.011-0.033 0.066-0.,333 1.000-2.000 0.333-0.666 0.066-1.3,33 0.133-0.333 I 0-333-2.01)0 j 0.066-0.3.33 0.666-2.000 0.666-4.000 0.033-0.066 4.000-8.000 4.000-8.000 0.066-0.,3.33 0.066-0.333 0.666-1.333 2.000-8.000 0.066-2.000 0.666-4.000 0.066-0.333 0.333-0.666 2.000-8.000 0.333-1.333 1.000-2.000 1.000-4.000 0.066-1.000 0.666-2.000 0.133-1.333 4.000-8.000 0.666-4.000 1.333-4.000 0.333-0.666 0.666-2.000 0.666-1.333 0.133-1.333 0.333-2.000 0.333-2.000 0.666-4.000 0.066-0.3.33 „ 0.066-4.000 C 2.000-8.000 2.000-8.000 ! 2.000-8.000 1 C I c 0.066-2.000 1 C 1.066-2.000 D Cinchonin, snlph., . Chinoidiu, 0 Quinidine, sulph., 0 Quinina, . arsen., . bisulphas, hydrobrom* hydrochlors sulphas., valerianate tinct. (War burg's), Cinnamomuir oleum, . spirit, . . 1 tinct., . . pulv. arom., ext. arom. fl. Cocaina (see Codeina (see Cocculus, ex.fl tinct., . . Picrotoxin, . Colchicum rad ext., . . rad. ext. fl., sem. ext. fl., tinct., . . rad , vin., . sem., vin., . Colocynth, ext. ext. comp., Pill cath. co., Conium, abst., ext. ale., ext. fl., . . j tinct., . . Conine, . . Convallar. ex , ext. fl., . . infus., . . Copaiba, . . massa, . . mist, comp., oleum, . . resin., . . 2oriand. ol., . 2ornus, ext. fl. 2oto, tinct., . 2otoin, . . . f Dreasotum, . 1 aqua, . . >ocus, tinct., Proton chloral, g /Ubeba, . . ext. fl., . . t oleores., oleum, . . tinct., . . trochis., . ri up. acetas, . gi ammon., . < arsenit., . g sulphas, . 4 nrare, . . “ nrarine, . . “ rpriped.ex.fl. TT amiana, ext. 'gr • gr. 1-30 • “ 1-30 “ 1-30 “ 1-20 “ %- 1 “ 1-20 is “ 1-20 s “ 1-20 “ 1-20 “ 1-3 s X- l , gr. 5-20 gtt. 1- 5 111 5-30 5 X- 2 gr. 10-30 HI 1-30 Brythroxy Opium). J HI 1-3 “ 2-15 |8r- ! “ X-ix 111 2- 5 ‘‘ 10-30 “ 5-30 gr. X- 2 “ 5-10 No. 1- 3 gr- X- 2 “ 1- 5 HI 2- 5 “ 5-30 s.r; “ 2-10 111 2-10 S X- 2 11 10-60 ?r. 5-30 5 1-4 Tl 10-15 rr. 1- 5 11 2- 5 “ 10-60 “ 1-15 r. 1- 4 11 1- 3 3 1-4 ‘ 1- 2 r. 5-10 ‘ 10-60 l 5-30 ‘ 5-20 ‘ 5-20 1- 2 o. 1- 3 • %o~X %- 1 • 10® x-x j ! 0. 10-30 2-10 | 0.066-2.00O 0.066-2.000 0.066-2.000 0.066-1..333 0.011-0.066 0.066-1.333 0.066-1.333 0.066-1..333 0.066-1.333 0.066-0.200 16.000-32.000 0.333-1.133 0.066-0.33.3 0.333-2.000 2 000-8.000 0.666-2.000 0.006-2.000 Ion). 0.066-0.200 0.133-1.000 0.001-0.0015 0.033-0.100 0.133-0.333 0.066-0.3.33 0.666-2.000 0.333-1.000 0.333-2.000 0.033-0.133 0.333-0.666 0.033-0.133 0.066-0.333 0.133-0 333 0.333-2.000 0.001-0.002 0.133-0.666 0.133-0.606 16.000-64.000 0.666-4.000 0.333-2.000 4.000-16.000 0.666-1.000 0.066-0.333 0.133-0.333 0.666-4.000 0.066-1.000 0.066-0.266 0.066-0.200 4.000-16 000 4.000-8.000 0.333-0.666 0.666-4.000 0.333-2.000 0.333-1.333 0.333-1.333 4.000-8.000 0.006-0.016 0.011-0.066 0.00067 0.016-0.033 0.002-0.011 00067-0.0015 0.666-2.000 0.133-0.666 j BOSE TABLE.—Continued- HOSE TABLE.—Continued. Remedies. Dose. Apoth. Dose. Metric, j 1 Remedies. Dose. Apotii. Dose. Metric. jP REMEDIES. ’ 4 - Dose. Apoth. Dose. Metric. Remedies. Dose. 1 Apoth. Dose. | Metric. 1 Daturine (see S Digitalis, . . g abstr., . . ext., . • • ext. fl., . . infus., . . tinct., . . TL 10-60 tramoni- u rrt i-3 5 2-4 TI 5-30 0.666-4.000 | I m). 0.033-0.133 0.016-0.133 1 0.011-0.033 1 0.066-0.200 i 8.000-16.000i 0.333-2.000 ! er. iodid. syr. TI lactas, . . g oxalas, . . oxid. hvdrat. phosphas, . g pyrophosph., sulph. exsic. sulph.preeip. raler, . . 1 5-30 '• ? X-1 r. 5-10 ‘ 1- 5 “ 1- 3 0.333-2.000 .1 0.066-0.200 0.066-0 133 fl 16.000-32.000 ’ 0.333-0.666 0.066-0.333 0.033-0.133 f 0.033-0.133 Hydrarg.cyan iodid. fiav., iodid. rub., iodid. vir., massa., . oxid. rub., ■ subsulph.fiv 2 Hydrast. ex.fl • gr. <7 ;; , “ • /Z • HI 8-30 0.006037-0.00 0.011-0.066 0.0013-0.006 0.006-0.022 0.066-0.666 0.0013-0.006 0.016-0.033 0.533-2.000 ) Lavand.tinc.c j Leptandra, e ext. fl., . | Limon, oleum j Lith. benzoas bromid., 1 carb., j citras., . 0 5 X- 2 • gr. 1- 3 HI 20-60 “ 1- 5 . gr. 5-15 “ 5-20 “ 2-10 “ 2-5 2.000-8.000 0.066-0.200 1.333-4.000 0.066-0.333 0.333-1.000 0.333-1.333 0.13.3-0.666 0.133-0.333 0.001-0.002 “ 30-90 2.000-6.000 salicylas. “ 5-30 0.333-2.000 Dioscor. ex. fl.. Dover’s powd. Dracont. ex. fl. n( 15-30 see Ipecac) TIL 30-00 1.000-2.000 2.000-4.000 ! 0.011-0.016 11 et ammon. acet., mist, et am. cit., et am. sulph. % 2-3 r. 2- 5 “ 5-10 “ 5-15 64.000-96.000 A 0.133-0.3.3? 0.333-0.66 > 0.333-1.001 0.200-0.33 ( ll.333-l.00' \ j *- ext. ale., ext. fl., . . gr. 5-10 • “ 2-5 “ 1- 2 TTL 5-15 0.333-0.666 0.133-0.333 0.066-0.133 0.333-1.000 I Lobelia, acet ext. fl., . j infus., . 1 tinct., in 5-30 “ 1- 5 3 1-4 Ttl 5-30 0.33.3-2.000 0.066-0.333 4.000-16.000 0.333-2.000 rrt 5-20 0.333-1.333 |1 et am. tar., * tinct., . . “ 15-30 1.000-2.000 Lobelin, . gr- X- 1 0 033-0.066 Dubois, sulph. gr. 3 1- 2 '»M 0.00067-0.001 4.000-8.000 ; 0.001-0.005 et quin, cit., et quin. cit. liq., . . 3- o rtl 5-15 Hy o sci n., hydrobr., Hyoscyamin. gr- Too-s’b 0.00067-0.001 Lugo Vs sol Lupulin (see Magnesia, i Magnes ,boro- (see Iodi). Humulus) gr. 15-60 1.000-4.000 0.008-0.033 et mang. carb. sac., et mangan. iodid., syr. et mangan. phos. svr., et pot. tartr. quin, strych. phos. syr., et strych. cit. Feniculum, ol., Frangula,ex.fl. Galban., Galla, tinct., Gambogia, Gaultheria,ol., Gelsem., ex. fl. tinct., . . Gelsemina, - Gentiana, ext. ext. fl., . • 0.333-1.33 sulph., . “ X- 1 0.0005-0.002 Ergota, o . ext., . . . “ 10-00 0.666-4.000 0.033-0.066 ' citras., 5 2-4 8.000-16.000 “ 1X~8 rn 15-60 3 1- t 0.100-0.533 1.000-4.000 TTI 10-30 0.666-2.00 Ichthyol, . . TTI 5-10 gr. 3- 4 0.333-0.666 0.200-0.266 1 carb., 1 citras. gran. gr. 10-60 5 2-8 0.666-4.000 8.000-32.000 4.000-16.0001 3 1 ;r. 5-10 3 2 gr. 1- 3 TTI 2- 5 3 X~2X No. 1- 3 5 X-2 gr. 1- 4 TTI 3-10 “ .5-20 “ 8-15 gr. eVs’s gr. 1- 5 111 5-60 X 1-4 4.000 Ignatia, abstr. “ X- l 0.033-0.066 mist, et asat X-4 2.000-16.000 Ergotin, . . Erigeron ol.,. Eriodyct., ext. ext. fl., . . Cocaina, . . hydrochloras Eserina (see Ether fort., . spirit., . spirit, comp, spirit, nit., Ethyl bromid., Eucalyp. oleum, . . gr. 2- 8 III 5-15 gr. 2- 5 % 15-60 3 X-2 gr. Xr 2 “ X- .2 Physostig.) rn. io-60 “ 10-60 “ 5-60 3 X“ 2 111 10-60 “ 10-60 “ 5-10 3 X- 2 0.133-0.533 0.333-1.000 0.133-0.333 1.000-4.000 2.000-8.000 0.008-0.133 0.003-0.133 0.666-4.000 0.666-4.000 0.333-4.000 2.000-8.000 0.666-4.000 0.666-4.000 0.333-0.666 2.000-8.000 0333.-0.666 4.000-8.000 ,1 i ll.066-0.2IK) 1 0.133-0.333 | 2.000-10 000 < 2.000-8.000 f 0.066-0-266 0.200-0.666 0.333-1.333 0.533-1.000 0.001-0.003 1 0.066-0.333 ! 0.333-4.000 ext. fl., . . tinct., . . (Ingluvin, . . lodum.liq.eom. tinct., . . lodoformum,. * Iodol, . . . Ipecac, (exp.), (emet ),. . ext. fl., . . pulv., et opii syr., . . . tinct, etopii vin., . . . Emetin.(emet) “ X~X in. i-6 “ 2-10 gr. 10-20 Til H0 “ 1- 5 gr. 1- 3 “ X-2 “ 1 gr. 15-30 m i- 5 gr. 2-15 3 X-2 in 5-15 “ 1-60 gr. X-M 0.016-0.033 0.066-0.400 0.133-0.666 0.666-1.3.33 0.066-0.666 0.066-0.333 0.066-0.200 0.033-0.133 0.011-0.066 1.000-2.000 0.066-0.333 0.133-1.000 2.000-8.000 0.333-1.000 0.066-4.000 0.008-0.016 silic. hydrat sulphas, sulphis, . . Maltum, ext., Mangan. binox iodid. syr.,. sulph., . . Manna, . . Marrub., ex. fl Matico, ext. fl., tinct., Matricar. ex.fl. Menth. pip., ol. pip., spirit, Methylal, Moschus, . “ 1- 2 “ 1-8 gr. 5-30 5 1-2X gr. 2- 5 Til W-30 gr. 2- 5 S 1-2 5 1-2 Rl 30-60 3 X-2 Ttl 8-30 “ 1- 5 “ 1-30 “ 2- 5 gr. 2-10 4.000-8.000 4.000-32.000 0.333-2.000 4.000-10.000 0.133-0.333 0.666-2.000 0.133-0.333 32.000-64.000 4.000-8.000 2.000-4.000 2 000-8.000 0.533-2.000 0.066-0 333 0.066-2.000 0.133-0.333 0.133-0.666 0.066-0.333 tinct., . - Geranium,ex.fl Glycyrrhiz., mist.comp, pulv. comp., Gossyp., ex.fl. 2.000-4.00U (expect.), . 0.0005-0.0015 tinct., . 111 15-60 1.000-4.000 Enonymin, . Eupator. ex. fl “ X-3 HI 10-60 srr. 4- 8 0.033-0.200 0.666-4.000 0.266-0.533 Til *5-30 ! 5 1-4 1.000-2.000 4.000-16.000 ext. fl., . . Jalapa,. . . “ 1- 5 in. 5-30 gr. 10-20 0.066-0.333 0.333-2.000 0.666-1.333 Muscarina, . Mussanin.pulv Myrrh, tinct., gr. 3 1-2 TTL 10-30 0.002-0.066 32.000-64.000 0.666-2.000 “ 5-15 0.333-1.000 2.000-4.000 “ 1- 5 0.066-0.333 i Napeilina, Naphthaline, Narceine (see gr- X-X “ 2-10 0.033-0.048 “ 5-10 0.333-0.666 TTI 15-45 i 1.000-3.000 111 15-30 1.000-2.000 0.133-0.666 m 5-i5 0.333-1.000 2.000-8.000 1 pulv. comp., gr. 10-60 0.666-4.000 Opium). dialys. liq. reduct., . . Fer. acetat., tinct.,. . albuminas, amar., vin., arorn. mist, arson., . . benzoas,. bromid., bromid., syi carb. sacch. carb., masss chlorid., liq chlorid. tin citrat., . citrat., liq., citrat., vin comp., mist comp., pil., hypophos., hypoph., sy iodid., iodid., pil., iodid., sac. “ 1-15 gr. 1- 5 Ttl 10-60 gr. 10-20 ■5 14 5 x- 1 gr. %j-% “ 1- 5 “ 1- 5 . Ill 5-30 gr. 2-10 i. “ 3- 5 , rn 2-io J. “ 5-20 gr. 2- 5 111 .5-10 , 3 1-2 ., 5 X-1 No. 2- 5 gr. 5-10 r. 5 1-2 gr. 1-5 No. 1- 2 Igr. 5-10 0.066-1.000 0.066-0.333 0.666-4.000 0.666-1.333 4.000-16.000 16.000-32.000 0.003-0.011 0.066-0.333 0.066-0.333 0.333-2.000 0 133-0.666 0.200-0.333 0.133-0.666 0.333-1.333 0.133-0.333 0.333-0.666 4.000-8.000 16.000-32.001 0.333-0.666 4 000-8.000 0.066-0.333 0.333-0.666 Giauat., ex. fl Pelletierin.tan Grindel. ext.fl Guaicum, tine tinct. am., . Guarana, ex ft Gurjun, Bals. Htematox. ext Hamamel.ex.f Hedeom., ol., Ilellebor. nig., ext., . . nig., ext. fl. Hoang-Nan, tinct., . . Humulus,tine Lupulin., . . ! ext. fl., . • ! oleores.,. . ! tinct., . • Hydrang.ex.fl j Hydrarg. chlo cor., . . | chlo. mit., . 1 c. creta,. . gr. 5-20 in 10-60 “ 5-60 5-30 “ 10-30 3 1-2 gr. 5-20 rtl i-eo gr. X-5 111 5-15 gr. .3- 5 HI 1- 5 3 1-2X gr. 5-10 111 5-15 £ 2 5 /2~ * TTI 30-60 gr. iq •• %- 8 “ X-io 0.333-1.333 0.666-4.000 0.333-4.000 0.333-2.000 0.666-2.001' 4.000-8.01K’ 0.333-1.333 0.066-4.00(1 0.133-0.333 0.033-0.333 0.333-1.000 0.200-0.333 0.066-0.333 4.000-10.00" 0.333-0.666 i 0.333-1.000 0.133-0.333 1 2.000-8.000 1 2.()iK)-4.00y: 1 0.00075-0.006 1 0.011-0.533 0.033-0.666 tinct., . . Juglans., ext., Junip., ext. fl., oleum, . . spirit, . . spirit, comp., Kairina, . . Kama! a, . . ext. fl., . . Kino, . . . pulv. comp., tinct., . . Krameria, ext. ext. fl., . syr., . . . tinct., . . t Lactopeptine, g [jactucarium, ext. fl., . . t syr., . . . T vavandula, ol. spirit, . . spirit, comp., T “ 2- 5 3 x-2 gr. 5-20 Ttl 30-60 “ .5-20 3 1-3 “ 4-8 ;r. 3-30 3 1-2 rtl 30-60 r. 5-30 “ 5-15 3 X- 2 r. 5-10 n. 5-30 3 X-4 TI 5-60 r. 5-15 “ 5-15 TI 8-30 5 1-3 11 5-30 ‘ 1- 5 3 X- i l 30-60 0.133-0.333 2.000-8.000 0.333-1.333 2.000-4.000 0.333-1.333 4 000-12.000 16.000-32.000 0.200-2.000 4.000-8.000 2.000-4.000 0.333-2.000 0.333-1.000 2.000-8.000 0.333-0.666 0.333-2.000 2.000-16.000 0.333-4.000 0.333-1.000 0.333-1.000 0.533-2.000 4.000-12.000 0.333-2.000 0.066-0.333 2.000-4.000 2.000-4.000 Naregam. tine. Nicotina, . . Nitroglycerin., tabellae (a&gr. rJ0) tinct., . . Nux vom., abstr., . . ext., . . . ext. fl., . . tinct., . . Brucina, . . Strychnina and salts, Opium, . . acet., . . ext., . . . liq. comp., . Pil pulv., . . D tinct., . . tinct. camph. tinct. comp.,1 tinct. deod., vin., ... 1 TIL 15-30 u 5a"r\i nhv-&! No. 1- 2 »l X-io gr. 1- 5 “ M-X x-x TTL 1- 5 “ 5-20 ?r. Xb-X “ X- 1 tn s-15 T. M- 1 n. 5-15 To. 1- 2 r. lA- 3 TL 5-20 “ 5-75 “ 1-60 “ 5-20 ‘ 5-20 1.000-2.000 0.003-0.006 0.000335-0.0013 0.033-0.666 0.066-0.333 0.016-0.033 0.008-0.033 0.066-0.333 0.333-1.333 0.006-0.022 0.001-0.003 0.011-0.066 0.333-1.000 0.016-0.066 0.333-1.000 0.033-0.200 0.333-1.333 0.333-5.000 0.066-4.000 0.333-1.333 0.333-1.333 DOSE TABLE.—Contiweed. DOSE TABLE.—Continued. Remedies. Dose. Afoth. Dose. Metric. Remedies. Dose. Afoth. Metric. * Dose. Apoth. Dose. Metric. Remedies. Dose. Afoth. Dose. j Metric. Potas. sulphid. gr. 1-10 0.066-0.666 Senega, abstr. gr. 5-10 0.333-0.666 Succin., oleum gtt. 5-10 gr- 0.003-0.033 sulphis., ** 3-10 U.2OO-O.6OO ext. fl., . . HI 5-15 0.333-1.000 Sulphonal, gr- 5-30 0.333-2.000 5-15 0.338-1.000 tartra-boras, “ 5-15 0.333-1.000 syr., . . . 1 3 1- 2 4.000-8.000 Sulpnur, . . 10-60 0.666-4.000 ** A- 1 0.033-0.066 tartras, . . 5 1- 4 4.000-16.000 Senna, . . . gr. 5-60 0 333-4.000 Sumbul, ex. fl HI 15-60 1.000-4.000 H-A 0.011-0.033 et sod. tartr. 3 XA~ 1 16.000-32.000 confect., 5 1- 2 4.000-8.000 tinct., . . 5-30 0.333-2.000 3 1- 4 4.000-16.000 Prun. virg., HI 30-60 2.000-4.000 ext fl., . . 1- 4 4.000-16.000 Tanaeet., ol., 1- 3 0.066-0.200 Paraldehyde, ill 30-60 2.000—4.000 ext. fl.', . infus. comp.. s 1- 2 32.000-64.000 Taraxac., ext., 5-15 0.333-1.000 30-60 2.000-4.000 virg., syr., . 5 1- 4 4.000-16.000 i syr .5 1- 2 4.000-8.000 A- 2 5-30 gr. 10-15 0.666-1.000 Pulsatil. ex. fl. hi 2- 5 0.1:53-0.333 . Serpent, ext. fl. hi 10-30 0.666-2.000 HI 2- 4 8.000-16 000 Quassia, ext., gr. 1 5 0 065-0.333 * tinct., . . A~ 2 2.000-8.000 5-20 0.333-1.333 pur sacch., . . Petrolatum, . Phenacetin, . Phosphorus, . pil., . . . gr. gr. No. 15-30 5-60 1- 2 5-15 1- 2 1.000-2.000 0.333-4.000 4.000-8.000 0.333-1.000 0.0005-0.0013 ext. fl., . . tinct., . . Quebracho, ex. ext. fl., . . tinct., . . vin i;i gr. HI 5 30-60 5-60 2- 8 5-60 1- 4 1- 4 2.000-4.000 , 0.33.3-4.000 f 0.133-0.533 ‘ 0.3.33-4.000 4.000-16.000 4.000-16.000 Sinapis vol.,ol. i Sod. acetas, . 1 arsenias, arsenias, liq. benzoas, HI gr. gr- A-A 15-60 83” A 2-15 5-15 0.008-0.0165 1.000-4.000 0.001-0.006 0.133-1.000 0.333-1.000 0.333-2.000 Terpine hydr., Turpent. Chian jThalline, . . Theina(hypo.) Thymol, . . gr. 5-10 3- 5 2-15 Hr 1 A~ 2 0.333-0.666 0.200-0.333 0.133-1.000 0.011-0.066 0.033-0.133 4.000-8.000 Resorcin, . . gr- 2-10 0.13.3-0.666 bisulph.. 3-10 0.200-0.666 |Tiglium, oleum HI A~ 2 0.033-0.133 Rheum, . . 2-30 0.1:53-2.000 ** 0.333-2.000 Trimetliylam. son's, . . tinct. (Bellv. Hos.), . oleum, . . Hypophos. syr. c. fer., syr., Physostig. ext. 4.000 ext., . . . 5-15 0.333-1.000 brom., . . it 5-30 0.333-2.000 hydrochl., gr- 1- 3 0.066-0.200 ext. fl., . . HI 15-45 1.000-3.000 it 5-30 0.333-2.000 Tritic., ext.fl., 3 1- 4 4.000-16.000 W 2.000 mist., et sod. 5 2-3 1 1 3 2- 5 30-60 1- 4 1- 4 8.000-32.000 chloras, . . “ 5-20 0.333-1.333 Ustilag. ext. fl. HI 15-60 1.000-4.000 HI 3 gr- 1- 3 1- 2 0 066-0.200 4.000 4.000-8.000 0 004-0.011 Pll., . . . pil. comp., . pulv. comp., syr., . . . svr., arom., gr. 3 2.000-4.000 4.000-16.000 4.000-16.000 chloras, liq., chlorid., hypophosph. hyposulph., HI gr. 10-60 10-60 -10 5-20 0.666-4. UUO 0.666-4.000 0 333-0.666 0.333-1.333 0.333-1.000 Uvaurs.,ex. fl. Arbutinum, . tTrethane, Valerian, abst. gr- 10-60 3- 5 10-15 5-15 0.666-4.000 0.200-0.333 0.666-1.000 0.333-1.000 ext. fl., . . HI 1- 8 0.066-0.200 tinct., . . 1- 8 4.000-32.000 * liquor, . . HI 3 0.333-2.000 1 ext., . . . “ 5-10 0.333-0.666 tinct., . . 5-15 0.333-1.000 tinct. arom., ni 5 .30-75 2.000-5.000 1-2 32.000-64.000 ext. fl., . . H] 10-30 0.666-2.000 Physostigmin. 0.0005-0.001 tinct. dulc., 1- 4 4.000-16.000 >£-3 2 15 0.033-0.200 i “ 2— 5 0.133-0.333 salic, . . gr. rls-gi vin 1- 2 4.000-8.000 4 0.133-1.000 tinct., . . 5 2 2.000-8.000 sulph., . . 0.0005-0.001 Rhus HI 30-60 2.000-4.000 . salicylas, . if 5-30 0.33:3-2.000 tinct., . . HI A- 2 2.000-8.000 Eserina, . . u 0.001-0.003 tox., ext. fl., 1- 6 0.066-0.400 if 2-10 0.133-0.666 1- 5 0.066-0.333 Phvtolac. 111 5-30 0.333-2.000 tox., tinct., “ Xr 1 0.006-0.066 if 5-20 0.33.3-1.333 3-10 0.200-0.666 tinct., . . 8-60 0.5:13-4.000 Ricin., oleum, 5 1- H 4.000-32.000 if 5-20 0.333-1.333 | Veratriua, gr- Bari's 0.001-0 006 Pichi, ext., . gr- 5-10 0.333-0.666 Rosa, ext. fl., A~ 2 2.000-8.000 sulpho-carb., ** 10-30 0.666-2.000 Viburn., ex. fi. 3 A- 2 2.000-8.000 Picrotoxin(see Cocculi). syr., . . . “ 1- 2 Soinnal, . . m 30-3 2 2.000-8.000 Xanthoxy,ex.fl HI 1.5-30 1.000-2.000 Pilocarpi,ex.fl. HI 5-60 0.333-4.000 F.ubus, ext. fl.. HI 10-60 0.666-4.000 Spigelia, ext.fl. HI 15-60 1.009-4.000 | Zincum acet.. gr- A- 2 0 033-0.133 Pilocarpin hydrochl., Rumex, ex. fl., 15-60 1.000-4.000 et sen., ex. fl. 5 yz- 2 2.000-8.000 bromid., A- 2 0.033-0.133 wrA 15-45 0.001-0.033 Ruta, ext. fl.. “ 15-30 1.000-2 000 infus. comp.. 1- 3 32.000-96.000 iodid., . . A-2 0 033-0.133 711 1.000-3.000 oleum, . . 1- 5 0.066-0.333 Stiliingia, ex.fl HI 10-60 0.666-4.000 oxid., . . “ 1-10 0 066-0.666 gr. M- i 0.016-0.066 Sabina, ext. fl. “ 5-15 0.333-1.000 tinct., . . 5 A- 1 2.000-4.000 phosphide, . 0.0013-0 003 1- 8 0.066-0.533 oleum, . . “ 1- 3 0 066-0.200 Stramon.. ext., gr. H-A 0.011-0.033 I sulphas(em.) ** 10-30 0.666-2.000 HI 15-60 1.000-4.000 Salicinum, gr- 5—80 0.333-2.000 ext. fl., . . HI 1- 5 0.066-0.333 valerianas, “ 0.033-0.200 Picis liq., syr., 3 2- 4 8.000-16.000 Salol, . . . 5-15 0.333-1.000 tinct., . . 5-20 0.333-1.333 Zingih., ext. fl HI 5-30 0.333-2 000 Plumb, acetas, gr. A- 3 0.0.33-0.200 Sanguin., acet HI 10-30 0.666-2.000 Daturina, . . gr. 0.0005-0.003 oleores., gr. A- 1 0.033-0 066 iodid., . . A~A 0.016-0.033 ext. fl , . . 5-15 0.333-1.000 Stroph., tinct.. HI 5-10 0.333-0.666 svr., . . . 3 A- 2 2.000-8.000 Podophyll.abs. “ H- i 0.016-0.066 tinct., 5-60 0.833-4.000 Strophanthina gr. 0.0005-0.001 1 tinct., . . Til 15-60 1.000-4.000 ext., . . . 0.033-0.100 Sanguinarina. gr. £1 0.005-0.016 HI 5-30 0.333-2.000 Santal., ext. fl. 4.000-8.000 y-y, 0.008-0.033 oleum, . HI 5-30 0.333-2.000 Polygon., ext., HI gr- HI 1- 5 10-60 0.066-0.333 0.666-4.000 Santonica, ext. fl., . gr. HI 5-60 15-60 0.333-4.000.. 1.000-4.000' Potass, acetas. arsen., liq., 5-60 2-10 5-30 0.333-4.000 0.133-0.666 0.333-2.000 Santoninum, Sapo, . . . Sarsap., ext. fl. gr- S 1- 5 5-30 X- l 0.066-0.333 0.333-2.000 2.000-4.000 bitart., . . 5 1- 2 4 000-8.000 ext. fl. comp. A- 1 2.000-4.000 brom.. . . gr- 5-60 0.333-4.000 Sassalras.ex.fl. “ a- 2 2.000-8.000 carb., . . 2-20 0.133-1.333 oleum, . HI 1- 5 0.066-0.333 chloras.. 2-20 0.133-1.333 Soammonium, gr. .3-10 0.200-0.666 citras, . . 15-60 1.000-4.000 res., . . . 2-10 0.133-0.666 citras, liq., citras, mist.. 3 2- 4 8.000-16.000 Scilla, . . . ** 1- 3 0.066-0.200 s A- 1 16.000-32.000 acet.,. . . 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