American Pocket Medical Dictionary EDITED BY W. A. NEWMAN DORLAND, A.M., M.D. \\\ ASSISTANT OBSTETRICIAN TO THE HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, ETC. CONTAINING THE PRONUNCIATION AND DEFINITION OF OVER 26,000 OF THE TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND THE KINDRED SCIENCES, ALONG WITH OVER 60 EXTENSIVE TABLES PHILADELPHIA W. B. SAUNDERS 925 Walnut Street 1898 Copyright, 1898, W. B. SAUNDERS. ELECTROTYPED BY WESTCOTT & THOMSON, PHILADA. PRESS OF W. B. SAUNDERS, PHIUADA. PREFACE. This small volume is the outcome of a need for a pocket dictionary which, though handy in size, should be so full and complete as to supply the wants of the practising physician no less than those of the student of medicine. It is not the editor’s intention to attempt to take the place of the larger dictionaries indispensable to a thorough understanding of the language of medicine, hut he has striven to develop the possibilities of the pocket lexicon to a degree not heretofore attained. The chief aim has been to make the selection of words as complete as possible. To this end the larger diction- aries have been freely used, and a systematic gleaning has been made through the latest medical literature, so that the vocabulary may be said to be strictly up to date. Of necessity the definitions of terms are brief, but the en- deavor has been to make them clear, adequate, and to the point. The order of arrangement of matter is strictly alpha- betical. In cases of a phrase, consisting of a noun and qualifying adjective, the definition will usually be found under the noun, under which all the phrases containing that noun have been grouped. Besides the ordinary dictionary words it has seemed desirable to insert a considerable amount of matter in tabular form. This matter, it is believed, will prove of value to students for memorizing in preparing for exam- inations, besides serving to group correlated facts in a convenient form for quick consultation. September, 1898. INDEX TO THE TABLES PAGE Acids 11 Amputations 26 Aneurysms 31 Angles 32 Arteries 46 Bacilli 59 Bacteria 62 Baths 66 Bruits 80 Canals 85 Cells 96 Columns 116 Convolutions 121 Corpuscles 123 Diameters 144 Diplococci . 147 Diseases 149 Ducts 154 Fevers 179 Fissures 181 Foramina 184 Fossae 186 Ganglia 191 Glands 196 Hernia 211 Daws 244 Ligaments 248 Lines 250 Membranes 264 Micrococci ....... 269 Murmurs 277 Muscles 278 Nerves 304 Nuclei 320 Oils 323 Paralyses 337 Pelves 342 Plexuses 357 Points. . . . 351 Positions 335 Processes 339 Pulse 376 Rllbs 384 Reflexes 337 Regions 388 Respiration 391 Signs of Diseases ... 413 Sinuses 445 Spirilli 422 Streptococci 430 Sutures 439 Thermometers 454 Tissues 453 Tracts 462 Triangles 464 Tubercles 468 Tumors 470 Veins 483 Weights and Measures . 494 Dose Table 506 PAGE THE AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. A. A. 1. Abbreviation for anterior and anode. 2. Symbol for argon. A-. A prefix signifying “ without” or “ not.” AA, a». An abbreviation used in prescriptions and meaning “of each.” Ab. A Latin preposition meaning “ from.” Ab' aea (ah'ak-a). Manila hemp. Abae'tus ven'ter. Induced abortion. Abadie’s sign (ah-bah-deez'). Spasm of the levator palpebrse superioris, indicative of exophthalmic goiter. Abaissement (ah-bas-maw'). 1. Depression. 2. Couching. Aba'lienated (ab-a'lyen-a-ted). Mentally deranged. Aballena' tlon (ab-a-lyen-a' shun). Decay of the mental faculties. Ab'anct (ab'an-et). A girdle-like bandage. Abaptis' ton. A trephine so shaped as not to penetrate the brain. Abarthro'sis. Same as Abarticulation. Abartlc' ular. Not affecting a joint; at a distance from a Joint. Abartieula' tion. 1. Same as Diarthrosis. 2. A dislocation. Aba' sia (ah-ba' ze-ah). Inability to walk from loss of co-ordination. Aba'sie. Pertaining to or affected with abasia. Abate' ment. Decrease in severity of a pain or symptom. Abattoir (ah-bat-wah'). A slaughter-house. Abax' lal. Not situated in the axis of the body. Abba’s catgut ring**. Oval rings of catgut for intestinal anasto- mosis. A.’s condenser or illuminator, a number of non- achromatic lenses attached to a microscope for string illumina- tion. A.’s operation, lateral anastomosis of the intestine with catgut rings. A. K. method. Deodorization of sewage with alumina, blood, and charcoal. Abdo'men (ab-do'men). The portion of the body lying between the thorax and the pelvis. Pendulous a., a relaxed condition of abdominal walls. Scaphoid a., abdomen whose anterior wall is hollowed. Abdom'inal (ab-dom'in-al). Pertaining to the abdomen. Abdom'iiio-ante'rior. With the abdomen forward: said of fetus in utero. Abdominoeys'tie. Pertaining to abdomen and bladder. Abdominogen'ital nerves. The Ilio-inguinal and ilio-hypogas- tric nerves. Abdominohysteree' tomy, Abdominohyst erot' omy. Hysterectomy or hysterotomy through an abdominal incision. 5 6 AMERICAN POCKET Abdominoposte'rior. With the belly backward ; said of fetus in utero. Abdomi nos'copy. Examination or inspection of the abdomen. Abdominoscro'tal muscle. The cremaster muscle. Abdominothora'cic arch. The lower boundary of the front of the thorax. Abdominu-utcrot'omy. Same as Abdominohyslerolomy. Abdominovcs'ical pouch. Fold of peritoneum which in- cludes the urachal folds. Abdu'cens (ab-du'senz). 1. External rectus muscle of the eye. 2. Sixth cranial nerve. A. labio' rum. Same as A. oris. A. oc'uli, external rectus of eye. A. o' ris, levator anguli oris muscle. Abdu'cent (ab-du'sent). Abducting. Abduct'. To draw away from the median line. Abduc'iion. The act of abducting; the state of being abducted. Abduc'tor. A muscle which performs abduction. See Muscle Table. Ab'ernethy’s fascia. A layer of areolar tissue around external iliac artery. Aber' rant. Wandering from the normal or usual course. Abcrra'tio. Metastasis, as of the humors, milk, or menses. Aberra'tlon (ab-er-a'shun). 1. Deviation from the usual course. 2. Imperfect refraction or focalization of a lens. Chromatic a., unequal refraction of different colored rays producing a blurred image. Distautial a., blurring of vision due to distance. Men- tal a., mental unsoundness not sufficient to constitute insanity. Spherical a., imperfect focalization of a convex lens. Abevacua'tiou (ab-e-vak-u-a'shun). Incomplete evacuation. Abey'ance (ab-a'ans). A condition of suspended activity. A'bies (a'be-ez). Genus of trees, including firs, spruces, etc. Abi'eteue (ab-i'et-en). Liquid hydrocarbon, CjHio, from a species of Abies. Abiet'ic or Abietin'ic acid. Crystalline substance, C20H3002, from rosin. Ab'ietiu (ab'i-et-in). A resin, C,vtn7GOa, from Canada balsam. Ab'ietite. A sugar, C 4H803, from Abies pectinata. Abiogen'esis. Production of life from matter not alive. Ablolog'ical (ab-i-o-loj'ik-al). Having no relation to biology. Abio'sis (ah-bi-o'sis). Absence or deficiency of life. Ablr'rltant (ab-ir'it-ant). Diminishing irritation ; soothing. Ablrrita'tion. Diminished irritability ; atony. Ablacta'tion (ab-lak-ta'shun). Weaning. Ablastem' ic. Not concerned with germination. Ablate'. To remove, especially by cutting. Abla'tio ret'in*. Detachment of the retina. Abla'tion (ab-la'shun). Removal, especially by cutting. Ablcpha' ria. Total or partial absence of the eyelids. Ableph'arous (ab-lef'ar-us). Having no eyelids. Ablep'sla (ab-lep'se-ah). Lack of sight; blindness. Ab'luent. Detergent; cleansing. Ablu'tion (ab-lu'shun). A washing. Abnor'mal. Not normal; contrary to the usual structure or con- dition. Abnormal'ity. 1. The state of being abnormal. 2. A malfor- mation. Abnor'mity. Same as Abnormality. Abutment (ah-bwah-maw'). The utterance of barking sounds. Abolit'ion. Destruction of a part or suppression of a function. Aboma'sum, Aboma'sus. The fourth stomach of ruminants. Abo'rad (ab-o'rad). In an aboral direction. Abo'ral (ab-o'ral). Opposite to, or remote from, the mouth. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 7 Abort' (ab-ort'). 1. To miscarry. 2. To arrest the development of disease. 3. An aborted fetus. Abort' ieide. The killing of a fetus within the uterus. Abor'tient (ab-or'shent). Causing abortion ; abortifacient. Abort ifa'eient. Causing abortion; also, a drug so acting. Abor'tion. 1. Expulsion of a fetus before it is viable. 2. Pre- mature arrest of a morbid or a natural process. Abortion is termed aecidentnl or spontaneous, when due to accident; arti- ficial or induced, when brought on purposely; criminal, when not necessary for therapeutic reasons; embryonic, when it occurs before the fourth month; fetal, when after the fourth mouth ; habitual, when repeated in successive pregnancies; incomplete, when the placenta is retained; inevitable, when the embryo is dead or there is rupture of the ovum ; missed, when the fetus is dead, but is not expelled within two weeks; ovular, when occurring within the first three weeks. Abor' tionist. One who makes a business of producing abortions. Abor'tive. 1. Incompletely developed. 2. Abortifacient. Abor'tus. An aborted fetus; abortion. Aboneliemeut (ah-boosh-maw'). The termination of a vessel in a larger one. Abou'lia, Abonloma'nia. See Abulia, Abulomania. Abra'ehia (ab-ra'ke-ah). The condition of having no arms. AbracliiocepUa'lia. Absence of the head and arms. Abra'eliius. A monster fetus without arms. Abra'sio eor'ncae. The scraping off of corneal excrescences. Abra'sion (ab-ra'zhun). 1. A rubbing offer scraping off. 2. A spot rubbed bare of skin or mucous membrane. A'brin (a'brin). The poisonous principle of jequirity. Abrol'annm. Southernwood, a plant which is tonic vermifuge. A' brus (a'bras). A genus of plants, including jequirity, q. v. Ab'scess (ab'ses), A localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by the disintegration of tissue. Alveolar a., abscess of the gum. Chronic or Cold a., one of slow, non-inflammatory de- velopment. Embolic a., one formed in the clot of an embolus. Ischiorectal a., abscess in ischiorectal fossa. Mammary a., abscess of the breast. Metastatic a. Same as Embolic a. Pri- mary a., one formed at the seat of infection. Psoas a., one in which pus descends in sheath of psoas muscle. Residual a., one developed from the residues of former inflammations. .Scrof- ulous a., a collection of pus from tuberculous degeneration of bone or lymph-glands. Secondary a. Same as Embolic a. Stitch a., an abscess developed about a stitch or suture. The- cal a., an abscess in the sheath of a tendon. Abseis'sse. The transverse lines cutting vertical ones at right an- gles to show in a diagram the relations of two series of parts. Abscis'sion. Removal of a part or growth by cutting. Ab'sinthe. A French liqueur containing oil of wormwood. Absin'thin. Bitter crystalline principle, CaoHagO*, from worm- wood. Absin'tliism. A condition similar to alcoholism, from excessive use of absinthe. Absin'thium. Wormwood, the leaves and tops of Artemis’ia absin'thium; stomachic tonic and heart-stimulant. Absin'tbol. Oily principle, CiolleO, from oil of wormwood. Absolute alcohol. Alcohol free from water and impurities. A. agraphia. See Agraphia. A. near-point. See Near-point. A. temperature, temperature measured from the A. zero. A. zero, the lowest possible temperature, 273.7° below zero Cent. Absor'benl. 1. Sucking up; taking up by suction. 2. A lacteal or lymphatic. 3. A medicine producing absorption of diseased tissue. 8 AMERICAN POCKET Absorptiom'eter. Device for measuring the layer of liquid ab- sorbed between two glass plates; used as a hematoscope. Absorption (ab-sorp'shun). The act of taking up by suction. A. lines. Same as Fraunhofers lines. A. spectrum, a spec- trum obtained by passing light through a gas, which gas absorbs the same rays that its own spectrum consists of. Absorptive. Having the power of absorption. Abater'sent. Cleansing or detergent; also a cleansing agent. Abster'sion (ab-ster'shun). The act or process of cleansing. Abater'si vc. Same as Abstergent. Ab'stract, Abstrac' tuin. A powder made from a drug mixed with milk-sugar, and having twice the strength of the original drug. Abstraction (ab-strak'shun). 1. Concentration of mind. 2. Vene- section. Abler'initial. Passing from tendinous to muscular tissue: said of electric currents. Abu'lia (ab-u'le-ah). Lack or defect of will-power. Abn'lie (ab-u'lik). Affected with abulia. Abuloma' nia. Mental disease with loss of will-power. Aca'cia (ak-a'she-ah). 1. A genus of trees furnishing gum arable and catechu. 2. Gum arabic, a white transparent gum from bark of Aca’cia Sen'egal: demulcent and used as a vehicle. Acal'ypha (ak-al'if-ah). Genus of plants. A. frutico'sa of India and A. Ills' pida are tonic in diarrhea and dyspepsia. A. in'dica is expectorant and emetic. A. virgin'ica is diuretic and expectorant. Acamp'sia. Rigidity of part of a limb. Acan'tha. A spinous process of a vertebra. Acanthesthe'sia. A feeling as if a sharp point were pricking the body. Acan'thia lectnla'ria. The common bed-bug. Acan'thion. A point at the base of the anterior nasal spine. Acanthoceph'ala. An order of worms, including Echinorrhyn- chus. Acanthol'.vsis. Atrophy of the prickle layer of the skin. Acantlio'ma. A tumor in the prickle layer of the skin. Acantho'sis. Any disease of the prickle layer of the skin. A. nig'cleans, general pigmentation of the skin with papillary growths. Acar'dia. Congenital absence of the heart. Acardi'aciM. A fetus without a heart. Acari'asis (ak-ar-i'as-is). Same as Mange. Acar'icide (ak-ar'is-id). A medicine that destroys acari. Ac'arid, Acar' idan. A tick or mite; an acarus. Acari no'sis. Any disease caused by acari. Acaroderniati'tis. Dermatitis caused by acari. Ac'aroid resin. A yellow aromatic resin from Australia: used as digestive tonic and stimulant. Acaropho'bia. Insane dread of the itch. Ac' arns. A genus of insects including mites, ticks, etc. A cat anctt lie's i:i. hack of power to understand speech. Aeataplia'sia. Inability to speak in an orderly manner; agram- matism. Acathec'tic jaundice. Jaundice from pathogenic changes in the liver-cells, which become unable to retain their secretion. Acan' dal, Aran'date. Having no tail. A. C. C. An abbreviation for modal closure contraction. Acccl'crails nerve. See Nerves, Table, of. Acceleration. Quickening, as of the pulse or the respiration. Accelerator. That which hastens. A. nri'nse. See Muscle Table. Accentuation. Increased loudness or distinctness. Aeeesso'rius. 1. The spinal accessory nerve (A. Willis'll). 2. A muscle which assists another. Aeees'sory. Additional; supplementary; said of muscles, ducts, nerves, arteries, etc. Accip'iter. A facial bandage with tails like the claws of a hawk. Aeelimata'tion, Acelima'tion, Aeellmatiza'tlon. Pro- cess of becoming accustomed to new climate, soil, and water. Aeeommodsi'tion. Adjustment; especially, adjustment of the eye for various distances of vision. Absolute a., the accom- modation of either eye separately. Histologic a., changes in the morphology and function of cells following changed condi- tions. Negative a., adjustment of the eye for long distances by relaxation. A. phosplienes, streaks of light seen in the dark after accommodation. Positive a., adjustment of eye for short distances by contraction. Range of a., distance be- tween the nearest point of distinct vision and the farthest point. A. reflex, Argyll-Bobertson pupil. Aeeom'modative irldoplegia. See Irldoplegia. Accouchement (ah-koosh-maw'). Act of being delivered. A. foref*. forcible delivery with the hand. Aecoucbeur (ah-koo-sher'). One skilled in midwifery. Accoucheuse (ah-koo-shuz'). A midwife. Aeeremcnti'tiou. Growth by addition of similar tissue. Aeere'tlon (ak-re'slmn). Accumulation of matter to a part. Aeeu'initiator. Apparatus for accumulating and storing elec- tricity. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 9 A. C. E. mixture. An anesthetic mixture consisting of 1 part alcohol, 2 parts chloroform, and 1 part ether. Area' trie. Not originating in a nerve-center; peripheric. Aeepha'lia, Aeepli'alism. Absence of the head. Aeepli alobra'ehla. Absence of the head and arms. Aeephaloear'dia. Absence of the head and heart. Aeepbalocar'diiu. Monster without head or heart. Aeephaloehi' ria. Absence of the head and hands. Aceph'alocyst, Aeephaloeys' tis. A sterile echinococcus cyst. A. racemo'sa, a hydatid mole of the uterus. Aeephalogas'ter. A monster without head or stomach. Acephalogas' tria. Absence of the head and stomach or belly. Aeephalopo'dia. Absence of the head and feet. Aeepbal opo'dins. Monster with neither head nor feet. Aeephalora' cliia. Absence of head and spinal column. Aeepbal osto'mi a. Absence of head with presence of mouth- aperture on the upper aspect. Aeephalotbora'cia. Absence of head and thorax. Aeeph'alons (ah-sePal-us). Headless. Aeepli' alus (ah-seP al-us). A monster fetus without a head. Aeerato'sis. Deficiency in formation of horny tissue. Aeervulo'ma (as-er-vu-lo'mah). Same as Psammoma• Aeer'vuliis, Acer'vulns cer'ebri. Sandy matter about the pineal gland and other parts of the brain; brain-sand. Aces'eenee (as-es'ans). The state of being sour; sourness. Aeesto'ma. A mass of granulations. Acetab' alar. Pertaining to the acetabulum. Acetab'nlnm. Cup-shaped cavity in the innominate bone receiv- ing the head of the femur. Ac’clal (as'et-al). Diethylacetal; a colorless liquid, CgHuOg; used as a hypnotic. Acetal' ileh.vil. Normal aldehyd ; ethaldehyd. Acetani'ld. White crystalline solid, C2HSNO. Acetan'ilid. Colorless crystalline antipyretic powder, CBH4NO; called also antifebrin. Acetate (as'et-at). Any salt of acetic acid. 10 AMERICAN POCKET Acet'lc acid. The acid of vinegar, C2H402. Ac'etin (as'eLin). A glyceryl acetate, CaHr^HsOgjs. Accto-acct'lc acid. Same as Dlacetic acid. Acetom'etcr. Instrument for measuring acetic acid. Ac'ctonc (as'et-on). Colorless inflammable liquid, OjH60, or di- methyl ketone; anesthetic and anthelmintic. Acetonemia (as-et-o-ne'me-ah). Presence of acetone in the blood. Aceioni'tril. Methyl cyanid, CH3CN, a colorless acid. Acetonu'ria (as-et-o-nu're-ah). Presence of acetone in the urine. Acctophenet'ldin. Same as Phenacetin. Acetophe'none. Hypnone, C 8HBG, a pungent fluid: used as a hypnotic and antiseptic. Ac' ctonc (as'et-us). Resembling or pertaining to vinegar. Acctphcnct'idin. Same as Phenacetin. Acet-to'luid. An antipyretic, CgHnNO, resembling acetanilid. Ace'tmn (as-e'tum). 1. Vinegar. 2. A medicine prepared with vinegar. A. aromat'icuni. See Aromatic vinegar. Acet'yl peroxld. A thick liquid, (C0H30)202; powerful oxidiz- ing agent. Acet'ylene (as-et'il-en). A colorless, combustible gas, CoH2, with unpleasant odor. Acctylphenylliydra'iin. Same as Pyrodin. Acetyltan'ntn. Same as Tannigen. Actialylic'mia. Deficiency of iron in the blood. Acliei' I ia. Congenital absence of one or both lips. Achel'lous. Having no lips. Acliei'ria. Congenital absence of one or both hands. Acliil'lca. Genus of plants, of which A. millefo'Hum or yarrow is used as a bitter tonic. Acliil'lein. Active principle of Achillea. Acliil'les tendon. The cord at the hack of the heel, the tendon of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. A. t. reaction, con- traction of muscles of the calf on tapping the Achilles tendon. Acliillobnrsi'tis. Inflammation of the bursae about the Achilles tendon. Acbillodyn'ia (ak-il-o-din'e-ah). Pain in the Achilles tendon. Acliillotenot'omy, Acliillot'omy. Section of the Achilles tendon. Achlorhyd'rla. Absence of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice. Achlorop'sia. Blindness to green colors. Aebo'lia (ak-o'le-ah). Absence of bile-secretion. Acbondropla'sia, Action'droplasty. Condition in rickets marked by defective development of cartilage at the epiphyses of the long bones. Actio'rion. Genus of fungi. A. keratoph'agus produces onycho- mycosis, A. Leber' tii produces tinea tonsurans, A. Schonlei'nii pro- duces favus. Acliroacyto'sis. Excessive development of lymph-cells (color- less cells). Aclirolocytlic' mi a. Lack of hemoglobin in red corpuscles. Acliro'ma (ak-ro'mah). Absence of color. Vchroinat'lc lens. Lens for neutralizing chromatic aberration. A. spindle, spindle-shaped figure in karyokinesis. Achro'matln. The faintly staining ground-work of a cell-nucleus. Aehro'mntism. Absence of chromatic aberration. Achromatop'sia. Color-blindness. Aeh roniafo'sis. Any disease marked by deficiency of pigmen- tation. Acliroinatu'ria. Colorless state of the urine. Acliro'mla (ak-ro'me-ah). Achroma. A cliromoilcr' in i:i. Colorless state of the skin. Acliromotricli'la. Colorless condition of the hair. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Achroodex'triu. A kind of dextrin not colored by iodin. Achy'lia, Achy lo'sis. Absence of chyle. A. gas'trlca, ab- sence of ferments of the gastric juice. Achy'lotis (ak-i'lus). Deficient in chyle. Achymo'sis. Deficient formation of chyme. Acic'nlar (as-ik'u-lar). Needle-shaped. Arid (as'id). 1. Sour. 2. A compound of an electronegative ele- ment with one or more hydrogen atoms which are replaceable by electropositive atoms. Abietic a., Abietinic a., crys- talline substance, C20H3002, from rosin. Abric a., crystalline acid, C12H24N30, from jequirity. Acidic a., crystalline acid, C0H402, the acid of vinegar. Aconitic a., crystalline acid, CgHr.Of,, from Aconilum Napellus and other plants. Adipic a., crystalline acid, COHIOO4, formed by oxidizing fats with nitric acid. Agaric a., Agaricic a., acid, CiellayOs + HaO, from Polyporus officinalis: used in night sweats. Aiuido- acetic a., glycocoll. Amidobcnzoic a., acid, C7M7NO2, sometimes found in urine. Amidosuccinic a., asparagin. Angelic a., crystalline acid, CjM/io, from roots of Angelica archangellca. Anisic a., acid, C 8H803, from anise seed. An- ticyclic a., white powder with antiseptic properties. Arabic a., acid, from gum arabic. Aromatic a's., certain organic acids from resins, balsams, etc. Arsenic a.. Arsenous a. See Arsenic. Asparaginic a.. Aspartic a., crystalline acid, CjHjNfti, from beet-root, and found in the body. Anric a., gold trihydroxid, Au(OH)3. Benzoic a., white, crystalline acid, CjHgOo, from certain resins. Boracic a.. Boric a., white anti- septic powder, H3B03, from borax. Butyric a., rancid, viscid acid, C4HSOO, from butter, urine, feces, and perspiration. Caffeic a., crystalline acid, OjH804, from coffee. Cahincic a. Same as Cahincin. Camphoric a., crystalline acid, o]oHkiOi, from cam- phor : used in night sweats. Capric a., crystalline acid, CIOHOOO2, from butter. Caprylic a., fatty acid, C 8HlcOo, from butter and cocoanntoil. Carbamic a., monobasic acid, CO.NHo.OH. Car- bazotic a. Same as Picric a. Carbolic a., crystalline acid, C 6H60, from coal-tar: disinfectant and antiseptic. Carbonic a., carbon dioxid, CO,, colorless, odorless gas. Canninic a., color- ing matter, Oi7HiBOio, from buds of certain plants and cochineal insect. Cathartic a., Catliartinic a., active principle from Cassia. Cerotic a., fatty acid, C27H5402, from beeswax and Chinese wax. CUloracctic a., caustic combination of chlorln and acetic acid. Chloric a., an acid, HCIG3, known only in its compounds. Cholalica., Cholic a., crystalline acid, C04H4005, from bile. Chromic a. 1. The compound, H20r04. 2. Chro- mium trioxid, Cf03: escharotic. Chrysophanic a., yellow, crystalline acid, C15H1004, from lichen, senna, and rhubarb. Cin- namic a., compound, CglljOo, from balsams and resins: used in tuberculosis. Citric a., crystalline acid, CoIIBO7, from lemons, currants, and other fruits. Cresolsnlphnric a., acid, C 7H70.- 500.04, found in small quantities in urine. Crcsylie a. Same as Cresol. Cyanic a., acid, ONI CO, stable only at low tempera- tures. Biacetic a., acid, CjH603, found in urine in diabetes and other diseased conditions. Catty a., monobasic acid produced by oxidation of a primary alcohol, and having the general formula, CnHonOo. Formic a., colorless, pungent liquid, CH202, from secretion of ants, nettles, etc. Gallic a., crystalline acid, OfHcOj, found in nut-galls, fruit, and tea: astringent and disinfectant. Gly- cocholic a., crystalline acid, OorJl^NOoli, found in bile. Gly- ciironic a., an acid, Cr,Hn,o7, which has been found in the urine, llippnric a., crystalline acid, CoHgNOs, from urine of herbivor- ous animals. II ydriodic a., gaseous acid, HI: used in aqueous solution and in syrup as an alterative. Hydrobromic a., irri- 12 AMERICAN POCKET tating gaseous acid, HBr: used diluted in nervous conditions. Hydrochloric a., colorless gas, HCI, used in aqueous solution as an aid to digestion. Hydrocyanic a., a volatile poisonous liquid, HCN, from bitter almonds, peach leaves, cherry leaves, etc.; used diluted as a sedative. Hydrofluoric a., colorless caustic liquid, HF. Hydrosulphurlc a., stinking gas, H2S, formed during the putrefaction of albuminoid substances. Hypo- chlorous a., unstable compound, HCIO; used as disinfectant and bleaching agent. Hypophosphorous a., an acid, PH(OH)2, forming salts called hypophosphites. Indoxyl- sulphuric a., acid which combined with potassium, occurs in the urine as indican. lodic a., monobasic acid, HI03: used in dilute solution as an alterative. I0H10O3: used as a dye and as a test for acids. Salicylic a., crystalline acid, C 711003, found in various plants and made from carbolic acid: antipyretic, antirheumatic, and antiseptic. Salicylsu I phonic a., crystalline substance: used as a test for proteids. Sarcolac- tic a., acid, CsHeOs, found in muscles and blood and in urine in phosphorus poisoning. Sclerotiuic a., one of the active prin- ciples of ergot. Stearic a., wax-like acid, CiBH3OO2, from fats. Succiuic a., acid, C4H004, distilled from amber. Sulphan- ilic a., crystalline acid, CoH4(NH2)SO3H, used as a reagent. Sulphocarbolic a., compound, CoHfjSO.j: antiseptic and anti- pyretic. Sulphuric a., colorless, caustic liquid, HOSO4. Sul- phurous a., colorless liquid, H2SO-; used as oxidizing and bleaching agent, and as a lotion in diphtheria, stomatitis, etc. Tannic a., an astringent powder,- ( VtHioOy, from nut-galls : astringent and hemostatic. Tartaric a., white powder, O4HOOC, from juice of grape and other plants. Taurocholic a., crys- talline acid, C24H45N057, from the bile. Trichloracetic a., crystalline, caustic compound, lICOCI3OO. Uric a., crystalline acid, C5H4N403, found in urine and in some organs of the body. Valerianic a.. Valeric a., colorless, oily, pungent liquid, CjHioOa: used in nervous diseases. Acid'iliable. Capable of being made acid. Acidifica'tiou. The act of making acid ; conversion into an acid. Acidim'eter. Instrument for performing acidimetry. Acidim'etry. The determination of the amount of free acid in a liquid. Aeid'ity (as-id'it-e). 1. The state of being acid. 2. The combining power of a base. Acid'opbil, Acidopb'ilic (as-id'o-fll, as-id-o-fil'ik). Easily stained with acid dyes. Acidus' Icopbytc (as-id-os'te-o-fit). A sharp osteophyte. Acid'ulalcd (as-id'u-la-ted). Somewhat sour or acid. Acld'nlous (as-id'u-lus). Moderately sour. Ac'idum (as'id-um). Latin for acid. Acine'sia (as-in-e'ze-ah). See Akinesia. Aclnet'lc (as-in-et'ik). 1. Affected with acinesia. 2. Diminishing muscular power. Acln'iforin (as-in'if-orm). Grape-like. A'elnous. A'elnose (as'in-us, -os). Made up of acini. A'cinns* (as'in-us), pi. a'cini. One of the smallest lobules of a compound gland. Acleitocar'dia. Open state of the foramen ovale. Ac'me (ak' me). The critical stage or crisis of a disease. Ac' me (ak' ne). Any inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 13 A. al'bida, milium. A. artificla'lis. acne due to external irritation. A. atroph'iea. Same as A. varioliform,is. A. cllia'cla, acne of the edges of the eyelids. A. dissemlna'- ta. Same as A. vulgar'is. A. genera' I is, acne over the whole surface of the body. A. liypertropli' lea. a. rosacea with thickening of the tips and sides of the nose. A. in dura' ta. variety of a. vulgaris with chronic livid indurations. lodin a., eruption from continued use of iodids. A. kerato'sa, variety in which a horny plug takes the place of the comedo. A. wen- tas'ra, sycosis. A. papnlo'sa, acne with the formation of papules. A. picia'lis, tar-acne, a variety due to the irritation of tar or its vapor. A. rosa'eea, a chronic inflammatory stale of the nose and contiguous parts of the face in drunkards. A. scorbii'tica, a papular eruption in scurvy. A. sim'plex. Same as A. vulgaris. A. tar's!, acne of the sebaceous glands of the eyelids. A. vitriol I for'in is, variety in which pustules appear in groups about the forehead and scalp. A. vulga'ri*. common acne. Arn«'mia (ak-ne'me-ah). Atrophy of the calves. Aoo'miit (ak-o'me-ah). Baldness. Ac'onin. An alkaloid, (hfjH.pNOn, from aconitin. Ac'unite (ak'o-nit). Poisonous drug from the root and leaves of Aconi/tum Napel'lus: cardiac, sedative, antipyretic, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Aconit'ie acid. Crystalline acid, CoHcOo, from aconite and sugar- cane. Acon'itin. Deadly white alkaloid, C33H45N012, from aconite. Aconi'tnm (ak-o-ni'tum). See Aconite. Aconnre'sis (ak-on-u-re'sis). Involuntary urination. Aco'rea (ak-o're-ah). Absence of the pupil. Aeo'rla (ak-o're-ah). Insatiable appetite. Aror'nnis. A monster fetus with scarcely any trunk. Ar'orns (ak'o-rus). See Calamus. Aeon'meter, Aeoiiom'ctcr. Instrument for measuring the hearing power. Aeonopho'nia. Auscultatory percussion. Aeons'ma. The hearing of imaginary sounds. 14 Acous'tlc (ak-oos'tik or ak-kow'stik). Relating to sound or the sense of hearing. Aeons' I iron. A variety of ear-trumpet. Aeons' ties (ak-oos'tiks or ak-kow'stiks). The science of sound and hearing. Acqui' red. Obtained after birth ; not congenital. Acracon'ilin. Same as Pseudaconilln. Acral'deli.yd (ak-ral'de-hid). Same as Acrolein. Acra'nla. Partial or complete absence of the cranium. Acra' nial. Having no cranium. Acral ore'sis. Inability to urinate from atony of the bladder. Ac'rid (ak'rid). Irritating; pungent. Ac'ridin. Crystalline alkaloid, CjMIgN, from anthracene. Acrlt'ical (ak-rit'ik-al). Having no crisis. Acritoeliro' macy. Color-blindness. Aeroscstlic'sia. See Acroesthesia. Acroancsilie'sia. Anesthesia of the extremities. Acroasphyx'la. Asphyxia of the extremities; Raynaud’s phe- nomenon. AMERICAN POCKET Acroltisll' lis (ak-ro-bis-ti'tis). Inflammation of prepuce. Ae' rolilast (ak'ro-blast). The external layer of the mesoblast. AcrocepUa'lia. Pointed condition of the top of the head. Acroccplial' Ic. Marked by acrocephalia. Acrocine'sls. Excessive motility ; abnormal freedom of move- ment. Aeroeinet'lc (ak-ro-sin-et'ik). Marked by acrocinesis. Acrodyn'ia (ak-ro-din'e-ah). A disease marked by pricking pains in the palms and soles, hyperesthesia, and eruption on hands and feet. Acroestlie' sia. 1. Exaggerated sensitiveness. 2. Pain in the ex- tremities. Acro'lein. A volatile, oily liquid, C3H4O, from decomposition of glycerol. Acroraa' nia. Incurable or extreme mania, Acrouiasti' tis. Inflammation of the nipple. Acromcga' 1 ia. Acromcis'aly. A disease marked by enlarge- ment of the tissues of the face, hands, and feet. Aero'mial (ak-ro'me-al). Pertaining to the acromion. Acroinic' ria. Abnormal smallness of the extremities. Acroiuloclavic'ular. Pertaining to acromion and clavicle. Acromiohn'literal. Pertaining to the acromion and the hume- rus. A. muscle, the deltoid muscle. Acro mion. The outward extension of the spine of the scapula, forming the point of the shoulder. Acromiothora'eie. Pertaining to the acromion and the thorax. Acrom'phalus. 1. Bulging of the navel as the first stage of um- bilical hernia. 2. The center of the navel. Acronarcot'lc. Both acrid and narcotic. Acronenro'sls. Any neurosis of the extremities. Acroparal'ysis. Paralysis of the extremities. Acroparestlie' sla. 1. Paresthesia of the extremities. 2. Ex- treme paresthesia. Acropathol'ogy. Pathology of the extremities. Aerop'athy (ak-rop'ath-e). Any disease of the extremities. Acropho' Itisi. Morbid fear of being at a great height. Acroposthi't is. Inflammation of the prepuce. Acrot'ic. Pertaining to aerotism. Ac'rotism. Defect or failure of the pulse. Aery tal' deli yd (ak-rit-al'de-hid). Same as Acrolein. Actse'a. Genus of plants furnishing cohosh and cimiclfuga. Actin'ie (ak-tin'ik). Producing chemical action: said of rays of light beyond the violet of the spectrum. Ac'tin ism. The chemical property of light-rays. Actin' ograpii. A skiagraph. Actiuoiny'ces (ak-tin-o-mi'sez). A genus of fungi, of which A. bo'vis is the cause of actinomycosis. Actinomyco'sis. An infectious disease of cattle and man, char- acterized by formation of tumors in the jaws and tongue. Actinomycot' ic. Pertaining to or caused by actinomycosis. Ac'tion of arrest. Inhibition. Keflex a., involuntary action produced by a stimulus which is conveyed to the nervous system and reflected to the periphery. Ac' tive treatment. See Treatment. Ae' tol. Silver lactate, used as an antiseptic. Ac'tual cautery (ak'tshu-al). Cautery by red heat. Acu' ity. Sharpness or clearness, especially of vision. Acu' meter. An instrument for measuring hearing. Acu'minute. Sharp-pointed. Acu pres'sion, Ac'upressurc. Compression of a blood-vessel by inserted needles. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 15 Ac'upunctnre. Therapeutic insertion of needles. A'cns (a'kus). A needle, or needle-like process. Acns'ticns. The auditory nerve. Acute'. 1. Sharp. 2. Having severe symptoms and a short course. A. decubitus. See Decubitus. Acntenar'nlnm. Same as Needle-holder. Aentor'sion. Acupressure with twisting of a bleeding vessel. Aeyanop'sia. Acyanobiep'sia. Same as Blue-blindness. A eye'sis. 1. Sterility in woman. 2. Absence of pregnancy. Acys'tia (as-is'te-ah). Congenital absence of bladder. Acj stoner' via, Acystoneu'ria. Paralysis of bladder. A. I>. For L. au'ris dex’tra, right ear. Adac'rja (ad-ak're-ah). Deficiency in lacrimal secretion. Adactyl'ia. Congenital lack of fingers or toes. Adac' tyl«us (ad-ak'til-us). Lacking fingers or toes. Ad'am's apple. Same as Pomum Adami. Adanso'nin. A febrifugal alkaloid from Adanso'nia digila'la, the baobab of Africa. Adapia'lion. Adjustment of pupil to light. Addeplia'gia (ad-ef-a'je-ah). Same as Bulimia. Ad'dison's disease. Tuberculous disease of suprarenal capsules, with discoloration of skin and anemia. A.’s keloid. Same as Morphea. Addn'cens oc'uli. See Rectus interring, in Muscles, Table of. Addnet'. To draw entad, or toward a center. Afldue'tiou. Act of drawing together, or toward a median line. Adduc'tor. Any adducting muscle. Bee Muscles, Table of. Adelomor' plums. Of indefinite form. Adel'photaxy. The assumption by cells of a definite arrange- ment. Adenal'gia. Adenal'gy. Pain in a gland. Aden'drir. Without dendrons: used of cells. Adenec'tomy (ad-en-ek'to-me). Surgical removal of a gland. Adeneeto'pia. Displacement of a gland. Adeiirmphrax'is. Obstruction of the duct of a gland. Ade'nla (ad-e'ne-ah). Same as Lymphoma. Aden'ifbrm. Gland-shaped. Ad'enin. A leucomain, CSHSNS, mainly found in various glands. Adeni'tis. Inflammation of a gland. Adeniza’tion. Assumption of an abnormal gland-like appear- ance. Ad'enohlast. 1. A gland-cell, secretory or excretory. 2. Em- bryonic cell whence gland-tissue is derived. Adenoearrino'iua. A cancerous or malignant adenoma. 16 Ad'enoccle (ad'en-o-sel). A cystic, adenomatous tumor. Adenocbondro'ma. Adenoma mixed with chondroma. Ad'cnocyst. A cyst developed from rudimentary structures. Adenocysto'ma (ad-en-o-sis-to'mah). Adenoma blended with cystoma. Adenodyn'ia (ad-en-o-din'e-ah). Pain in a gland. Adenofibro'ma. Adenoma blended with fibroma. Adenography. Anatomy, physiology, histology, and pathology of glands. Ad'enoid (ad'en-oid). 1. Resembling a gland. 2. Adenoma. Adcnologradi'ti*. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Adcnol'ogy. Sum of knowledge regarding glands. Adenolympbo'ma (ad-en-o-lim-fo'mah). Adenoma of a lymph- gland. AMERICAN POCKET Adeno'ma. Tumor composed of glandular tissue. A. dcs'- trncns, a destructive variety of adenoma. A. scba'ceum, a yellowish tumor on the face, containing a mass of yellowish glands. A. sim'plex, glandular hyperplasia. Adenomala'cla. Undue softness of a gland. Adenomyo'ma. Adenoma combined with myoma. Adcnomyxo'ma. Adenoma blended with myxoma. Adenomy xosarru'ma. Myxosarcoma of a gland. Adenop'atby. Any disease of glands. Adenopharyngl'tis. Inflammation of tonsils and pharynx. Adenophlcg'mon. Phlegmonous inflammation of glands. Adenopbttaal'mia. (Inflammation of the Meibomian glands. Adcnosarco' ma. Adenoma complicated with sarcoma. Adenosclero'sis. Hardening of a gland. Adeno sis (ad-en-o'sis). Any disease of a gland. Adcnot'omy. 1. Anatomy of the glands. 2. Incision of a gland. Ad'eps (ad'eps). hard; axungia. A. anseri'nus, goose-grease. A. bcn*«iiia'tus, bonzoinated lard. A. la' use, lanolin, wool- fat. A. la'me hydro'sus, hydrous lanolin. A. ovil'lus, sheep’s suet or tallow. Ader'mia. Defect or absence of the skin. Adermogen'esis. Imperfect development of skin. Adermotro'pbia. Deficient nutrition of the skin. Adbe'sion. 1. Abnormal joining of parts to each other. 2. Band or patch by which parts abnormally cohere. Primary a., healing by first intention. Secondary a., healing by second Intention. Adhe'sive. Sticking closely. Adhe'sol. A form of surgical dressing similar to collodion. Adlan'turn. Maiden-hair fern ; a pectoral demulcent. Adlapborc'sis. Deficiency of the perspiration. Ad lapneus' tia. Defect or absence of perspiration. Adip'ic acid. A crystalline acid, CoHIOO4, from fats. Ad'ipocere (ad'ip-o-ser). A waxy substance from bodies long dead; grave-wax. Adipofibro'ma. A fibrous tumor with tatty elements. Adipog'enous (ad-ip-oj'en-us). Producing fat. Ad i po' ina (ad-ip-o' mah). Same as Lipoma. Ad' Ipose. Of a fatty nature ; fatty. Adipo'sis doloro'sa. A disease marked by painful localized fatty degenerations and various nerve-lesions. A. hepat'ica, fatty degeneration of liver. Adiposn'ria. The occurrence of fat in the urine. Adip'sla (ad-ip'se-ah). Abnormal avoidance of drinking. Adip'sons (ad-ip'sus). Quenching the thirst. Ad'iins. An entrance or opening. A. ad an'trnm, the recess which lodges the head of the malleus. A. laryn'gls, the en- trance to the larynx. Adjust'mcnt. The mechanism for raising and lowering the tube of a microscope. Ad'juvant. An auxiliary remedy. Ad lib. Abbreviation for L. ad lib' Hum, at pleasure. Adna'ta (ad-na'tah). Same as Tunica adnata. Adnen'ral. Occurring or situated at a nerve. Aduev:'a. Appendages; adjunct parts. A. oc'nli, the lacrimal glands. A. u'terl, the oviducts and ovaries. Adoles'eenee (ad-o-les'ens). Youth. Adon' id in. A poisonous glucosid from Adonis vernalis. Ado'nis verna'lls. A poisonous herb; cardiant and acrid stimulant. Ado' ral. Situated or occurring at or near the mouth. Adoseula'tion. Impregnation without penetration. Adre'ual. 1. Near the kidney. 2. A suprarenal capsule. Ad'rue (ad'ru-e). See Cyperus. Ad ns' lion. 1. Cauterization. 2. A dry, fevered state. Advance' incut (ad-vans'ment). Detachment of an eye-muscle, and reattachment at an advanced point: an operation for strabis- mus. Capsular a., attachment of capsule of Tenon in front of its normal position. Adventi'tia (ad-ven-tish'ah). Outer coat of an artery. Advent!!' ions (ad-ven-tish' ns). Acquired; not normal to a part. Adyiia'iuia (ad-l-na'me-ah). Lack of vital powers. Adynam' ie. Characterized by adynamia; asthenic. Aeby’s plane (e'bez). Plane through basion and nasion,aud per- pendicular to median plane. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 17 .Fgupbuny and other words in 7E., see Egophcmy, etc. A'erated blood (a'er-a-ted). Tlie arterial blood. Aera'tion. The purification of blood in the lungs. Aerendoear'dia. Gas or air in the heart. Aerliemocto'nia. Deatli caused by air in a blood-vessel. Ae'rial (a-e're-al). Pertaining to the air. Aerif erous (a-er-if'er-us). Conveying air. Aer'iform (a-er'if-orm). Resembling air; gaseous. Aero' bia (a-er-o'be-ali). Microphytes which require air or oxygen. Aero'ble. Unable to live without oxygen. Aero'bion. An aerobic organism. Facultative a., an organ- ism which is able to live without oxygen under some conditions, but which normally uses it. Obligate a., one which always requires oxygen to live. Aerobio'sis. Life that requires free oxygen. Aeroblot' ic. Growing only in the presence of air. Aeroeystos'copy. Examination of the bladder by means of the aero-urethroscope. Aerodermecta'sia. Subcutaneous or surgical emphysema. Aerodynam'les. Science of motion of gases. Aerohydr»p'alhy. Therapeutic use of air and water. Aerol'ogy (a-er-ol'o-ge). The science of air and its qualities. Aerom'eter (a-er-om'et-er). Instrument for estimating gaseous density. Aeronii'erobe- Any aerobic microphyte. V(“ropi‘ri(«' nla. Air or gas in the peritoneal cavity. Acroph'agj- (a-er-of'aj-e). Habitual swallowing of air. Aeroplio'bia. Morbid dread of drafts of air. A'eropliore (a'er-o-for). Device for inflating the lungs of still- born infants. A'erophyle. Microbe, or other plant, that lives upon air. Aeropletliys'mograph. Apparatus for graphically recording the expired air. A'eroscope. Instrument for testing the purity of air. Aerostat' ies. Science of air, or gases, at rest. 18 Aerotherapcu' tics, Aerotlier' ap.v. Treatment of disease by air. Aerotho'rax (a-er-o-tho'raks). Same as Pneumothorax. Aerotonom'eter. A device used in measuring the tension of the blood-gases. Aerotym'panal. Performed by the agency of the air and the tympanum. Acro-urcth'roscopc. An instrument for use in aero-ureth- roscopy. Acro-nretliros' copy. Examination of the urethra by means of the aero-urethroscope. Acrteriver'sion (a-er-ter-iv-er'shun). Surgical eversion of the coats of a bleeding artery. Aerterlver'ter (a-er-ter-iv-er'ter). An instrument used in per- forming aerteriversion. AEs-, Ait-. For words thus beginning, see Es-, Et-. Afel»'rile (af-eb'ril). Without fever. Aflfcc'tioii. Morbid condition or diseased state. AP ferent (af'er-ent). Centripetal or esodic. Afflm'ity. 1. Inherent likeness. 2. Chemical attraction. Cliemic a., the force that unites atoms of different substances. Elective a., that force by which a substance chooses to unite with one sub- stance rather than another. AP flux. Afflux' iou. Rush of blood to a part. Affu'siou. The pouring of water on the body for cooling or cleans- ing. African lethargy. Nelavan or sleeping sickness: said to be a form of filariasis. After-birth. Placenta with umbilical cord. A.-brain, the meteneephalon. A.-cataract, recurrent or secondary cataract. A.-hearing:, hearing of sounds after the stimulus has ceased. A.-image, the retention of a retinal impression after the real object has ceased to be visible. A.-pains, pains which follow the expulsion of the placenta. A.-perception, perception of after-sensations. A.-sensation, sensation which persists after cessation of the stimulus. AMERICAN POCKET Agalac'tia (ag-al-ak'she-ah). Failure or absence of milk secre- tion. Agramoßen'esis. ’Reproduction by an asexual process. Ag'ar, Ag'ar-Ag'ar. Gelatin of various seaweeds: used in making culture-media. Ag'ai’ic. A fungus or mushroom of the genus Agarieus, of which several species are medicinal. Agar' ic acid. Assart' etc* arid. An acid from Polyporus officin- alis, a fungus; used in night-sweats. Agar'icin. A poisonous principle from Agarieus albus; used in night-sweats. Agastroneu' rla. Lack of nervous tonicity in the stomach. Ag' atliin. An analgesic medicine not unlike salicylic acid. Aga' vc (ag-a've). A genus of American plants: diuretic and anti- syphilitic. Agene'sia. Lack of sexual development; impotence. Ajsenoso'mia. Imperfect development of sexual organs. Ageu'sia, Arcus'tla. Loss or lack of the sense of taste. Arrloiu' crated. Crowded into a mass. ARRlu'tinani, Agglu'tinative. 1. Acting like glue. 2. A sub- stance which promotes union of parts. Agglnlina tion. A joining together. Immediate a., healing by first intention. Mediate a., healing by formation of plastic material. Ag'grcgaie, Ag'rregaled. Huddled together. A. glands. Same as Peyer’s patches. Aglobn'lia. Decrease in the proportion of blood-corpuscles. Agios' sia. Congenital absence of the tongue. Aglnti'tion (ag-lu-tish'un). Inability to swallow. Agmatol'ogy. The sum of what Is known regarding fractures. Agr'initiate glands (ag'min-at). Same as Peyer’spatches. Ag'nail. Same as Hangnail. Agn a' llii a (ag-na' the-ah). A bsence of a jaw -bone. A jr' illu. A proprietary wool-fat preparation. Agomplii'asis. Loose state of the teeth. Ag'ouy (ag'o-ne). 1. Death-struggle. 2. Extreme suffering. Agrorapliu' bia. 1. Morbid dread of open spaces. 2. Dread of crowds of people. Agre'niia. Agree'uita. Gouty diathesis. Agram' matism. Loss of power of uttering words. Agi-apli' ia (ag-raf' e-ah). Inability to express thoughts by writing, owing to a central lesion. Absolute a., inability to form letters. Verbal a., ability to form letters, but not to write words. Agrapli'ic. Affected with, or pertaining to, agraphia. Ag' ria. An obstinate pustular eruption. Ag;' rimony. The plant Agriinonia eupaloria; astringent and tonic. Agrlppi' mis par't us. Footling presentation. Agroina' uia (ag-ro-ma'ne-ah). Insane desire for solitude. Agryp'nia (ag-rip'ne-ah). Abnormal wakefulness; insomnia. Agrypnot'ic. A drug that promotes wakefulness. A'gue (a'gu). Malarial fever. Brass-Ibnnders’ a., disease of brass-founders, with symptoms resembling intermittent fever. Brow a., intermittent neuralgia of brow. A. cake, enlarge- ment of spleen from chronic malaria. Catenating a., ague as- sociated with other diseases. A. drop, Fowler’s solution. Dumb a.. Masked a., ague without well-marked chill and with only slight periodicity. A. spleen. Same as A. cake. Ah. Symbol for Hypermetropic astigmatism. Allyp'nia. Sleeplessness; insomnia. Aielnnoplio'bia. Insane dread of pointed instruments. Ailan'thns s'laudulo'sa. A tree with tonic and anthelmintic bark and leaves. Ainlinn (In-yoon'). Tropical disease in which a little toe drops off. Ai'odin (ah-i'o-din). An extract of thyroid gland, not containing lodin. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 19 Air. The gaseous mixture which makes up the atmosphere. Com- plemcntal a., the air in excess of the tidal air which may be drawn into the lungs by forced respiration. Residual a., air that stays in the lungs after the strongest possible expiration. Supplemental a., air which may be expelled from the lungs In excess of that normally breathed out. Tidal a., air that is carried to and fro in normal respiration. A.-eell. Same as A.- vesicle. A.-douelie. injection of air into a cavity. A.-Im user, dyspnea which affects both inspiration and expiration. A.-pas- sage. any passage through which air passes in breathing. A.- pump. instrument used in producing a vacuum. A.-sac. Same as A.-resirle. A.-vesiele. any normal saccule in lung-tissue into which air is drawn in breathing. Air'ol. A green antiseptic powder; used externally. Akantbestlie'sia. and oilier words in Ak., see under Ac. Akine'sia. Loss of power of motion. A. al'gera, paralysis caused by the intense pain of muscular movement. A'la (a'lah), pi. a'he. Any wing-like process. A. mag'na, the great wing of the sphenoid bone. A. na'si, the cartilaginous flap on the outer side of either nostril. A. par' va, the lesser wing of the sphenoid. A. vespertilio'nis (“bat’s wing”), the broad ligament of the uterus. Ala'lia. Lack of power of speech not due to central lesion. 20 AMERICAN POCKET Alant-camplior. A camphor, CioH]6O, found in elecampane. Alan' tol. Oily antiseptic principle, C15H2002, from elecampane. A'lar (a'lar). 1. Pertaining to or like a wing. 2. Pertaining to the axilla. Albar'as. A skin disease with formation of white anesthetic patches on which the hair turns white. Albe'do (al-be'do). Whiteness. A. ret'fuse, edema of retina. Al' beet’s disease. Achillodynia or achillobursitis. Al' bicans. Either one of the corpora albicantia. Albidu' ria. Discharge of white or colorless urine. Al' binism. White condition of hair, skin, eyes, etc. Albi' no (al-bi' no). A person affected with albinism. Al'bolin. Oily emollient liquid used in spraying nose and throat. Albugin'ea (al-bu-jin'e-ah). The tunica albuginea. A. oe'uli. Same as Sclera. A. ova' rii, the outer layer of the ovarian stroma. A. pc'nis, the outer envelop of the corpora cavernosa. Albnglni'tts. Inflammation of the albuginea of the penis. Albu'go. White opacity of the cornea of the eye. Albu' kalin. A principle derivable from leukemic blood. Albu'mcn. The white of eggs. Albnmim' eter. Same as Albuminimetcr. Albn'min. A proteid found in nearly every animal tissue and fluid. Acid a., albumin altered by action of acid. Klood-a. Same as Serum-a. Circulating a., that found in the bodily fluids. Derived a., albumin altered by action of chemicals. Egg-a., albumin of the animal body. Floating a. Same as Circulating a. Native a., any normal albumin of the organism. Sernm-a., a. of the body, especially of the blood. "Vegetable a., that of vegetable tissues. Albn'minate. A compound of albumin with a base. Albuininatu'ria. Excess of albuminates in the urine. Albu in iii i P crons. Yielding albumin. Albuminim' eter. Instrument for discovering the proportion of albumin present. Albuminip' arous (al-bu-min-ip'ar-us). Producing albumin. Albn'minoid. I. Resembling albumin. 2. Any one of a large class of proteids. Albu'ininone. A principle from albuminoids, soluble in alcohol. Albumiuurrlie'a. Excessive excretion of albumins. Albu'minose. Same as Albumose. AI bum I uo'sis. Abnormal excess of albuminous elements. Albu'minous. Charged with or resembling albumin. Albuminurct'ic. 1. Producing albuminuria. 2. Drug which so acts. Albuiuinu'riu. Presence of albumin in the urine. A. or ado- lescence. See Cyclic n. Cardiac a., that caused by valvular disease. Cyclic a., occurrence of small quantity of albumin in the urine, especially of the young, at regular times each day. False a., mixture of albumin with the urine during its course through the urinary passages. Functional a. Same as Cyclic n. Mixed a., combined true and false a. Paroxysmal a. Same as Cyclic a. Physiologic a., albumin in normal urine without disease of the system. Simple a. Same as Cyclic a. True a., that due to excretion of some of the albuminous ele- ments of the blood with the urine. Al'Umnose. Any primary product of the digestion of a proteid ; further digestion converts the albumoses into peptones. Albnmosn' ria. Presence of an albumose in the urine. Al' cock’s canal. The sheath of obturator fascia which envelops the internal pudic nerve. Al'cohol. 1. Ethyl hydrate, CTIjOH, a liquid distilled from prod- ucts of vinous ferments. 2. Any compound of a hydrocarbon MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 21 with hydroxyl: a term further extended to various substitution products. Absolute a., a. with not over 1 per cent, of water. Amyl a., fusel oil. Ethyl a., ordinary alcohol, methyl a., wood spirit, CHtO. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary a., one formed by replacement, 1, 2, or 3 hydrogen atoms in carbinol with alkyls. Al'eoholate. A compound or a preparation containing alcohol. Aleohol'atnre (al-ko-hol'at-ur). An alcoholic tincture. Alcohol' ie. Containing or pertaining to alcohol. Al' cohol ism. Morbid effects of excess in using alcoholic drinks. Al'eoholize. 1. To treat with alcohol. 2. To transform into alco- hol. Aleoholom'eter. Instrument for finding percentage of alcohol present. Aleoholophil'ia (al-ko-hol-o-fil'e-ah). Morbid appetite for alco- holic drink. Al'dehyd. Any one of a class of partly dehydrogenated alcohols. Acetic a., COH4O, an anesthetic and antiseptic liquid. Al'der (all'der). See Alnus. Ale'cithal (al-es'ith-al). Having no distinct yolk: used of the ovum of mammals. Alem'bic. Utensil used in distilling. Alem' broth. A compound of mercuric and ammonium chlorids: antiseptic. Alep'po boll, button, or sore. Same as Oriental sore. Al'etrin. A precipitate from Aletris farinosa: diuretic. Al'etris farinosa. Star-grass; a tonic and diuretic herb. Aleiieoeyto'sis. See Aleukocytosix. Alenhe'mia. Paucity of white corpuscles in the blood. Aleuhocyto'sis. Diminished production of white corpuscles in the blood. Aleu' ronat. A vegetable albumin used for bread iu diabetes. Alexander's operation. Shortening the round ligaments for cure of uterine displacements. Alex'ia. Inability to read, due to a central lesion, musical a., inability to read music. Alex'in. A defensive proteid in the leukocytes of the body. Alexipliar'mae. Warding off the ill effects of a poison. Alexipyret'ie. Febrifuge; preventive of fevers. Al'gie (al'je). A group of plants living in the water. Algefa'eient (al-je-fa'shent). Cooling or refrigerant. Alge'sia (al-je'se-ah). Sensitiveness to pain; hyperesthesia. Algesiehronom'eter. Instrument for ascertaining the time re- quired to produce a painful impression. Algesim'eter (al-je-sim'et-er). An instrument used in measuring the degree of sensitiveness. Boas’s a., instrument for deter- mining the sensitiveness over the epigastrium. Algesthe'sis (al-jes-the'sis). A painful sensation. Al'sjld (al'jid). Chilly; cold. A. stage, period of a disease in which the temperature is low. Algogen'ic (al-go-jen'ik). 1. Causing pain. 2. Lowering the tem- perature. Algom' cter. Device used in testing the sensitiveness of a part. Algopho'bia (al-go-fo'be-ah). Morbid dread of pain. Al' gor. Chill or rigor. Al'ible. Nutritive; good for food. Al' iees fal'is-es). Spots which precede the small pox eruption. Aliena'lion (a-lyen-a'shun). Mental derangement; insanity. A'lienism (a' lyen-izm). The study or treatment of insanity. A'lienist (a'lyen-ist). One skilled in treating medical disorders. Al'lfonn (al'lf-orm). Shaped like a wing. Al'tment (al'im-ent). Food; nutritive material. 22 Alimeu'tary. Serving as food; nutritious. Aiimenta'tion. Act of giving or receiving nourishment. Rec- tal a., feeding by injection of nutriment into rectum. Alina'sal. Pertaining to either wing of the nose. Alisplie'iiolil. Pertaining to the great wing of the sphenoid. Aliz'arin. A red coloring principle, ChH804, obtained from coal- tar or from madder. Alkales' cent. Having a tendency to alkalinity. Al'kali (al'kal-1). Any one of a class of compounds which form salts with acids and soaps with fats. A. albumin, albumin which has been treated with alkalies. Caustic a., hydroxid of sodium or potassium in solid form. A. metals, potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, cesium, etc. Alkalim'eter. Instrument used in measuring the alkali con- tained in a mixture. Alkalim'etry. Measurement of alkalies present. Al' kaline (al'kal-ln). Having the reactions of an alkali. Alkalin' ity. The quality of being alkaline. Alkalinu'ria. An alkaline condition of the urine. Alkalixa'tion. Act of making alkaline. Al'kaloid. Any alkaline principle of organic origin. Animal a., alkaloid substance formed in decomposition of animal tissues. Cadaveric or Putrefactive a., a ptomain. Al' kanet. The root of Anchusa tinctoria, affording a red color. Al' kanin. Red coloring matter from alkanet. Alkap' ton. A nitrogenous principle sometimes occurring in urine. Alkaptonn' ria. Presence of alkapton in urine. Atlantia'sis. Sausage-poisoning; botulism. Allanto'ie. Pertaining to allantois. Allan' twin. Crystalline substance, C 4H6N403, from allantoic fluid and fetal urine. Allan' tois. One of the membranes enclosing the fetus, the lower part developing into the bladder, and the upper into the urachus. Allantotox' icon. The poison of decaying sausages. Allestlie'sia. Same as AHocheiria. Allia'ccous (al-e-a'shus). Resembling garlic. Al'linm. The garlic: also the genus to which garlic and onion belong. AMERICAN POCKET Alloeliei' rlsi. State in which, if stimulus is applied to one side, the patient refers the consequent sensation to the other side. Alloeliestlic'sia. Same as AHocheiria. Allola' lia. Any defect of speech of central origin. Al'lopatli, Allop'atliist. Incorrect title for a regular practi- tioner. Allop'athy, Erroneous name for the regular system of practice. Allorrhyth'mia. Irregular rhythm of the pulse. Allotox'in. A substance arising within the body which serves as a defence against toxins. AI lotriodon't i:«. 1. Transplanting of teeth from one person to another. 2. Presence of teeth in abnormal places. Allot liogniN' lia (al-ot-re-o-joos'te-ah). Perverted sense of taste. Allotriopli'agy. Craving for unnatural food ; pica. Allotrin'ria. Passage of any unusual or strange substance in urine. Allot'ropism, Allot'ropy. Existence of an element in two or more distinct forms. Allox'an. A substance, C4HoN204, derivable from uric acid. Alloxan'tin. A derivative from alloxan. Allox' in. Any one of a class of bases derived from the nuclein of cell-nuclei, and on oxidation producing uric acid. Alloy' (al-oy'). A mixture obtained by fusing metals together. All'spice. Same as Pimento,. Aliy lam’ in. A liquid derivative, from oil of mustard. Almen’s tests (abl-menz'). Three tests of urine, for blood, albu- min, and sugar. Al'momi (ah'mund). Fruit of Primus amygdala. See also Amyg- dala. Al'nuin. Resinoid from species of Alnus: tonic and resolvent. Al'nus (al'nus). Genus of trees and shrubs; alders; tonic and astringent. AI o'eli isi (al-o'ke-ah). Absence or suppression of the lochia. A'loe (al'o-e). Genus of plants which afford aloes. Al'oes (al'oz). Dried juice of various species of Aloe; cathartic. Aloet' ic (al-o-et' ik). A preparation containing aloes. Aloe'tin. Medicinal preparation of aloes. Alo'gia (al-o'je-ah). Inability to speak, due to lesion of nerve-sub- stance. Al'oin. Purgative glucosid from aloes of various kinds. Alope'eia (al-o-pe'se-ah). Baldness from disease. A. adna'la, congenital a. A. area'ta, A. eircumscrip'ta, condition in which bald patches appear on hairy regions of body. Congeni- tal a., baldness from absence of hair-bulbs. A. fnrfura'eea. baldness with hyperemia, itching, and exfoliation of scales. A. loea'lis, A. neurit'iea. that occurring at site of injury or in the course of a nerve. A. pityro'ides nniversa'lis, rapid, general loss of hair in debilitated conditions. A. sim'plex, pre- mature baldness. A. uni versa'lts, general tailing out of hairs of the body. Alovan'tiiin. Yellow substance, CISHIOOO, from Barbadoes aloes. Al'plia-lenkoeyte. Leukocyte which disintegrates during the coagulation of blood. Al'plia-naph'tol. A non-official variety of naphtol. Al'pliol. A principle, ; anodyne and antiseptic. Al'phos. A variety of psoriasis or lepra. Aljpin'ia. See Qalangal. A I*l o'nia seliola'ris. Oriental tree which yields dita bark; a tonic febrifuge. Al'stonin. Alkaloid, C,iH20N204, from alstonia. Alterant, Al'terative. Re-establishing healthy functions of the system. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 23 Al'ternate hemiplegia. See under Hemiplegia. Alternating current. See Current. Alterna'tion of generation. Reproduction in which one gen- eration is sexually developed, and the next asexually. Altlue'a oflicina'lis. The plant marshmallow ; demulcent. Al'nm. An aluminium and potassium (or ammonium) sulphate ; astringent. A.-hematoxylon, purple tissue-stain. A.-whey, whey from milk boiled with alum. Aln'men (al-u'men). L. for alum. A. exsieea'tum, dried or burnt alum. Aln'mina (al-u'min-ah). Aluminum oxid A 1203. Aln'minatcd (al-u'min-a-ted). Containing alum. Alumin'inm.- Same as Aluminum. Alnmino'ais. A lung disease of alum-workers. Aln'minoid. A white astringent antiseptic powder. Aln'niinol. A white powder; astringent and antiseptic. A in'mi num. A very light whitish metal; symbol Al. Aliim'uol. Same as Aluminol. Alyegniat’s pomp (ahl-ven-yahz'). Pump for abstracting gases from the blood. Alvc'olar. Pertaining to an alveolus. Alve'oli (al-ve'o-li). Plural of Alveolus. Alveoli'tis. Inflammation of an alveolus, as of a tooth. Alveoioden' tal. Pertaining to the teeth and their sockets. 24 Alve'olns (al-ve'o-lus), pi. .alve'oli. A little hollow ; socket of a tooth. A. of a gland, any follicle of a racemose gland. A. of lung-tissue. Same as Air-vesicle. A. of tlie stomach, any one of the honeycomb cells of the gastric mucous membrane. Al'vlne (al'vin). Pertaining to the belly. A. concretion, cal- culus in intestine. A. flux. Same as Diarrhea. Aljni'pliia (ah-lim' fe-ah). Absence or lack of lymph. Am. Symbol for Myopic astigmatism. Am'aerine-cells, Am'acrines. Branched retinal structures. Am' adou (am'ad-oo). A fungus used in surgery. Amal'pun. A compound of mercury with another metal. Aman'itin. A poisonous alkaloid from fly-agaric. Ama'ra (ani-a'rah). Bitter medicines. Am' arln. Alkaloid, Cjilli8N2, from bitter almonds. Amase'sis. Back of power to chew the food. Amas' tia. Absence of mammary glands. Amauro'sis. Blindness from disease of the optic nerve or of the retina. It may be albuminuric or due to renal disease; cere- bral or due to brain-disease; congenital, when existing from birth; diabetic, when associated with diabetes; reflex,caused by reflex action of remote irritation; labnrral, when occurring in an attack of acute gastritis; uremic, when due to uremia. Amanrot' ie. Of the nature of amaurosis. A. eat’s-eye, retinal glioma. Amaxopho' bia. Morbid dread of carriages and wagons. Ama'zia. Congenital absence of the breasts. Am' ber. A fossil resin; its volatile oil is antispasmodic and stimu- lant. AMERICAN POCKET Am' bersris. A gray substance from the sperm whale’s intes- tines; somewhat useful as a nerve-stimulant. AmhiOex' irons. Working effectively with either hand. Ambio'pia. Same as Diplopia. Amblo'si* (am-blo'sis). Abortion. Amblot'ic. 1. Producing abortion. 2. An abortifacient. Amblj a' phia (am-ble-a' fe-ah). Dulness or bluntness of the sense of touch. Amblyo'pla. Dimness of vision that cannot be relieved. A. exanop'sia, weakness of sight from long disuse. Crossed a., amblyopia of one eye with hemianesthesia of the same side. Post marital a., that due to sexual excess. Ambro'sia. A genus of plants, bitter, stimulant, and styptic. Am' balance. Wagon for the sick and wounded. Am'bnlant, Am'bnlatory. Walking. Ambits' Mat (am-bus'tshal). Pertaining to a burn. Ambus' tiou (am-bus' tshun). A burn or scald ; act of burning. Ame'ba (am-e'bah). A minute one-celled protozoan animal; also, genus (Amoeba) of such organisms; also, a phase of protozoan development. A. co'll, the ameba of dysentery. Ame'bie. Of the nature of an ameba. Ame'blelde (am-e'bis-Id). Destructive to amebtc. Ame'bold. Resembling, or having the movements of an ameba. A. movements, changes of shape peculiar to amebte. Amebu'ria, Amcebn'rla. Discharge of amebte with the urine. Ame'lia. Congenital absence of a limb or limbs. A mel' oblast. A cell of the group whence dental enamel is formed. Am'elns (arn'el-us). Fetus born with no limbs. Ame' nia (am-e' ne-ah). Absence of the menses; amenorrhea. Amenoma' nia, Amoenoma'nia. Insanity with agreeable hallucinations. Amenorrlie'a. Absence, or abnormal stoppage of, the menses. A'ment. An idiot; a person with no mind. Amen'tia (am-en'she-ah). Absence of intellect; Idiocy. Amet'ria. Congenital absence of the womb. Ametrolie'mia. Lack of uterine blood-supply. Ametrom'eter. Instrument for measuring degree of ametiopia. Ametro' pia. Imperfection in the refractive powers of the eye. Ametrop'ic. Affected with, or pertaining to, ametropia. Amianth' Inops.y. Inability to see violet tints. Amirro'bic. Not produced by microbes. Am'id (am'id). Any compound derived from ammonia by substi- tuting an acid radical for hydrogen. Am'ldin. One of the constituents of starch-granules. Amido-ace'lic add. Same as Oiycocoll. Amidobeii'zene. Same as Anilin. Amid'ogrn (am-id'o-jen). The hypothetic radical, NH2, of amids. Amidomy'elin. A derivative from brain-substance, C44H92K2- POiol also, any compound of the class to which it belongs. Amld'ulin. A soluble starch; granulose separated from its en- velop of amylocellulose. Amim'la. Loss of the power of expression by the use of signs. Am'in. Any compound formed from ammonia by replacing hydro- gen with an alcohol radical. Am'inol. An antiseptic and deodorant preparation. Amito'ais. Direct nuclear or cell division. Ami tot'le. Not occurring by karyokinesis; of the nature of ami- tosis. Ammone'mia. See Ammoniemia. Amino'nia. 1. A colorless alkaline gas, NH3. 2. Also water charged with the same, called also ammonia water; stimulant. Ammo' nlac. A fetid gurn-resin ; stimulant and expectorant. Ammonle'mla. The presence of ammonia in the blood. Ammo'niated. Combined with ammonia. Ammo' nium. The radical, NH4, of ammonia. Ammouiu'ria. Excess of ammonia in the urine. Am'monol. A combination of ammonia with acetanilid. Ain 111 of lici-' apy. Treatment by sand-bath; psammotherapy. Amne'sla (am-ne'ze-ah). Lack or loss of memory. Auditory a., word-deafness. Visual a., word-blindness. Amnc'sic. Characterized by loss of memory. A. aphasia. Same as Amnesia. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 25 Amnioclio' rial. Pertaining to amnion and chorion. Am'nion. Innermost fetal membrane, with the bag of waters. Amnlorrhe'a. Escape of amniotic waters. Am'niote (am' ne-ot). Any animal with amnion. Amniot'ir. Relating to the amnion. Amuioti'tis. Same as Amnitis. Am'niotomc (am'ne-o-tdm). Instrument for cutting fetal en- velops. Amni'tis (am-ni'tis). Inflammation of the amnion. Amoeba and words in Amir-. See Ameba, etc. Amo'mum. Genus of plants affording cardamoms. Amor' pliisiu (am-or' fizm). State of being amorphous. Amor' |>lions. Having no definite form; shapeless. Amor' |>liiis. A shapeless acardiae monster. Ampelop'sin. Tonic resinoid from Ampelopsis quinquefolia. Ampelotlicr'apy. Therapeutic use of grapes and grape-prod- ucts ; grape-cure. Am' perage. The number of amperes in use. Ampere (ahm-par'). Unit of electric current strength; current yielded by one volt of electromotive force against one ohm of resistance. Ampere'meter. Instrument for measuring amperage. Amphiar'hyochrome. A nerve-cell with peculiar staining qualities. AMERICAN POCKET Ampliiartliro'sis. A joint in which the surfaces are connected by disks of flbrocartilage, as between vertebras. Am'phiaster (am'fe-as-ler). Same as Blaster. Amphibia. A class of animals living both on land and in water, as frog, newt, etc. Ampliiblas'tnla. A blastula with unequal segments. Ampliibo'Ha. The uncertain period of a fever or disease. Amphib' uluns. Changeable; uncertain. Ampliiee'lous. Concave on either side or end. Ampliicra'ilia. Headache affecting both sides of head. Ampliiere'atin. A leucomain from muscle. Anipliiei'eat'inin. A poisonous leucomain from muscle. Ainpliieyt'nla. The ovum in its cytula stage. Amplii diarthro'sis. A joint having the nature of both gingly- mus and arthrodia, as that of the lower jaw. Ampliigastrnla. Gastruia of the human ovum at an advanced stage. Ampliihreatin. See Amphicreatin. Ampliiltreat'inin. See Amphicreatinin. Anipliixniei’o' bian. Both aerobic and anaerobic. Amphimix'ls. Union of germ nuclei in reproduction. Amphlpeptone. Antipeptone mixed with hemipeptone. Ampliis'toma bum'inis. A rare tremalode worm from human intestine. Ampliodiplo'pia. Double vision in each eye. Amphopep' tone. See A mphipeptone. Ain'pliophil, Ainpiiopli'lions (am'fo-fil,am-fof'il-us). Stain- ing with either acid or basic dyes. Ainplior'ic. Pertaining to a bottle. A. breathing, A. respi- ration, a breathing, auscultatory sound like that made by blowing across the mouth of a bottle. A. bubble, a sound like the noise of a liquid poured from a bottle; a sign of hydropneu- mothorax. Amplioropli'ony. Amphoric sound of voice. Amplioter'ic, Ampliot'erous. Affecting both red and blue litmus. Amplioterodiplo'pia. Same as Amphodiplopia. Amplification. Enlargement of visual area of a microscope. Ain'plifiee. Apparatus for increasing magnification of a micro- scope. Am'plituile. Largeness, fulness: widest range or extent. Ampul'la. Any flask-like dilatation ; the dilated end of the semi- circular canal of the ear. I/leberh ulin '* a., the fluid termina- tion of lacteals in the villi of the intestines. A. of rectum, part above the perineal flexure. A. of Vatcr, dilatation at entrance of common bile duct and pancreatic duct into duodenum. Amputation. Surgical cutting off of a limb or other part. Ac- cidental a., separation of a limb by some accident. Blood- less a., one in which there is little loss of blood, the circulation being controlled by mechanical means. Circular a., one per- formed by making a single flap, by circular incision, in a direction vertical to the long axis of the limb. Coat-sleeve a., circular a., in which the skin-flap is made very long, the end being closed by a tape. Congenital a., amputation of parts of fetus by con- stricting bands. A. in contiguity, amputation at a joint, A. in continuity, amputation of a limb elsewhere titan at a joint. Consecutive a., an amputation during or after the period of suppuration. IMelastle a., a. in whiclt bone is broken by osteo- clast and the soft tissues divided by an ecraseur. Oonblc-llap a., one in which two flaps are formed. I»ry a. See Bloodless a. Elliptical a., one in which the cut has an elliptical outline, on account of the oblique direction of the incision. Flap a., one in MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 27 which flaps are made from the soft tissues, the division being oblique. Flapless a., one in which flaps cannot be formed. Oalvano-caustic a., one in which the soft parts are divided with the galvano-cautery. Immediate a., one performed within twelve hours after the injury. Intermediary, or In- termediate a., one done during the period of reaction, and before suppuration. Intrapyretic a. Same as Intermediary a. Intra-nterine a. See Congenital a. mediate a. See Inter- mediary a. mixed a., one done by a combination of the circular and flap methods, multiple a., amputation of two or more parts at the same time. Oval a., one in which the incision con- sists of two reversed spirals. Primary a., one performed after the period of shock and before the development of inflammation. Raeket a., one in which there is a single longitudinal incision continuous below with a spiral incision on either side of the limb. Secondary a., one performed during suppuration. Sponta- neous a. See Congenital a. Subperiosteal a., one in which the cut end of the bone is covered by periosteal flaps. .Syn- chronous a. See Multiple a. Amn'sia (all-mu'se-ah). Inability to produce (motor a.) or to comprehend (sensory a.) musical sounds. Am'nssat’s operation. Left lumbar colotomy. Amyeleneepli'alus (am-i-e-len-sef'a-lus). Same as Amyenceph- alus. Amye'lia. Absence of the spinal cord. Amyelin'ic. 1. Without myelin. 2. Having no spinal cord. Amyelot'rophy (am-i-el-ot'ro-fe). Atrophy of spinal cord. Amy'el u» (am-i'el-us). Fetus with no spinal cord. Amyeneeph'alus. Fetus with neither brain nor myelon. A illy da la (am-ig'dal-ah). 1. Fruit of Amygdalus coni'iiivnix, al- mond. A. ama'ra, bitter almond ; a. dul'eis, sweet almond. 2. A tonsil. 3. A lobule of the cerebellum. Amyg'dalln (am-ig'dal-in). A principle from bitter almonds. Amyg'daline (am-ig'dal-in). Pertaining to tonsils. Amygdali'tis (am-ig-dal-i'tis). Same as Tonsillitis. Amyg'daloid fossa. A depression lodging the tonsil. A. tu- bercle, mass of gray matter at end of descending cornu of lat- eral ventricle. Amy gdal'olitli (am-ig-dal'o-lith). Calculus in a tonsil. Amygdalop'atliy. Any disease of a tonsil. Aiii.vs'dulotome. Instrument for cutting a tonsil. Amygdalot'orny. Same as Tonsillotomy. Am'ykos (am'e-kos). A Russian antiseptic fluid. Am'yl (am'il). The radical CjHn. A. nitrite, an antiseptic liquid: used as a vasodilator. Amyla'eeous. Composed of or resembling starch. Amylam'in. Poisonous base, C 5H13N, from cod-liver oil. Am'ylene (am'il-en). Poisonous hydrocarbon, CSHi0; dangerous anesthetic. A. hydrate, A. alcohol, hypnotic liquid, CrHi^O. Amyleuiza'tion. Anesthesia produced by amylene. Amyl'ie alcohol. Same as Fusel oil. Am'yliue (am'il-in). The same as Amidin. Amy'loform (am-i'lo-form). White antiseptic and deodorizing powder, a compound of starch with formaldehyd. Amylosreu'le. Producing starch. Am'yloid (am'il-oid). Starch-like ; amylaceous. Amylol'ysis. Digestive change of starch into sugar. Aiuylolyt'ic. Effecting the digestion of starch. Aniy'ioplast. A starch-forming vegetable leucoplastid. Amylop'win. One of the pancreatic ferments. Am' ylosc (am'il-6s). Any carbohydrate other than a glucose or saccharose. 28 A in.>l mu (am-i'lum). L. for starch. Amyoear'dla. Weakness of the heart-muscle. A'niyon (ah'me-on). Absence of muscular tissue. Amyosta' sia. Nervous tremor of the muscles. Amyostbc'nia. Failure of muscular strength. Amyosthen' ie. 1. Characterized by amyosthenia. 2. A medicine which diminishes muscular power. Ainyotro'phia. Atrophy of a muscle or muscles. Amyotropb'ie. Pertaining to amyotrophia. Amy'ous (am-i'us). Deficient in muscular tissue. Ana. Symbol meaning “of each.” Anab'asia (an-ab'as-is). The stage of increase in a disease. Anabat'ie. Increasing, as a. stage of fever. Anabio'sis (an-ab-i-o'sis). Restoration to consciousness. Anabol'ergy (an-ab-ol'er-je). The work done in anabolism. Anabol'le. Pertaining to constructive metabolism. A. nerves, nerves which control constructive processes. Anab'olin. Any product of a constructive process. Anab'olism. Any constructive process, or anabolic change; as- similation. Anaeamptom'eter. An instrument for measuring the reflexes. Anacar'dinm. Genus of tropical trees furnishing cashew' gum and oil. Anacid'ity (an-as-id'it-e). Abnormal lack or deficiency of acid. Anacrot'ic. Characterized by anacrotism. A. limb, up-stroke of sphygmographic record. Anac'rotism. The existence of two or more expansions of an artery in one beat. Anaeii'sis. Same as Annkusis. Anaile'nia (an-ad-e'ne-ah). Defect of glandular action. Anadicrot' Ic. Characterized by double indentation of the ascend- ing wave of the sphygmographic record. Anadip'sia (an-ad-lp'se-ah). Intense thirst. Aiiir'iiiia. See Anemia. Ana'erobe, An aero' blon (an-a'er-db, an-a-er-o'be-on). Any microbe which thrives with no access to the air. Anaerob' ic, Anaerobiot' it*. Thriving best without air. Ana'eroplasty. Exclusion of air from wounds by applying water. Anmthe'tla, et«. See Anesthesia. Anaku'sis. Deafness due to a nervous or central lesion. A'nal fa'nal). Relating to the anus. Analep'tlt*. 1. Restorative; cordial. 2. A restorative medicine. Anal'ireii (an-al'jen). A crystalline, antipyretic, and analgesic preparation, CjgHigNaC^. Analge'sia (an-al-je'ze-ah). Absence of sensibility to pain. Analgc'dc (an-al-je'sik). 1. Relieving pain. 2. Of the nature of analgesia. Analgre'sin (an-al-je'sin). Same as Antipyrin. Aiial'gia (an-al'je-ah). Painlessness. Anal'gic (an-aPjik). Same as Analgesic. Anal'gin (an-al'jin). Same as Creolin. An'alogne (an'al-og). A part resembling another in function, but not in structure. Anal'ysis (an-al'is-is). Separation into component parts. Oato* metric a., analysis of gaseous compounds. Gravimetric a., determination by weight of the quantity of the elements of a compound. Organic a., analysis of animal and vegetable tis- sues. Proximate a., determination of the simpler constit- uents of a substance. Qualitative a., determination of the nature of the constituents of a compound. Quantitative a., determination of the proportionate quantities of the constituents AMERICAN POCKET of a compound. Ultimate a., determination of the ultimate elements of a compound. Volumetric a,, quantitative anal- ysis by volume. An'alyzer. The Nicol prism in a polarimeter. An'am ulcer. Phagedena common in hot countries. Anamne'sis. The past history of any particular case of disease. Anamniot'ie. Having no amnion. Anapelrat' le. Due to excessive use or over-exercise. An'aphase (an'af-az). That phase of karyokinesis just before the formation of the daughter-stars. Ana'pliia (an-a'fe-ah). Lack or loss of the sense of touch. Anaphrodis' la. Absence or loss of sexual desire. Anaphrodis'iac. X. Repressing sexual appetite. 2. A drug that allays sexual desires. Anaplas' tic. Restoring a lost or absent part. An' aplasty. Plastic or restorative surgery. Anap' nogrraph. Device which registers the speed and pressure of the respired air-current. Anapno'ic (an-ap-no'ik). Relieving dyspnea. Anapnom'etcr. Same as Spirometer. Anapoph'ysis. An accessory vertebral process. Anar' cotin. Alkaloid of opium, said to be a valuable antiperi- odic. Anarith' mia. Inability to count, due to a central lesion. Anar'thria. Inability to pronounce distinctly. A. litera'lis, stuttering. Anasar'ca. General dropsy of the cellular tissues. Anaspa'dias. Condition in which the urethra opens upon the dorsum of the penis. Anastal'tic. Styptic; highly astringent. An'astate (an'as-tat). Any substance, or condition, characteristic of an anabolic process. Anas' tole (an-as'to-le). Retraction, as of the lips of a wound. Anaslomo'sis. 1. Communication between vessels. 2. Surgical or pathologic formation of a passage between any two normally distinct spaces. Crucial a., an arterial anastomosis in the upper part of the thigh. Intestinal a., establishment of a communi- cation between two portions of the intestine. Anastomot' ic. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, anastomosis. Anastomot'iea mag'na. A branch of the femoral artery. Anatherapen'sis. Treatment by increasing doses. Anatom' ic. Anatom' leal. Pertaining to anatomy. A. tuber- cle. Same as Dissection tubercle. Anat'omist. One who is skilled in anatomy. Anal' only (an-at'o-me). The science of the structure of organized bodies. Applied a., anatomy as applied to diagnosis and treat- ment. Comparative a., comparison of structure of different animals and plants one with another. Descriptive a., study of the individual parts of the body, dross a., that dealing with structures that can be distinguished with the naked eye. Micro- scopic or Minute a., that studied with the microscope. Mor- bid or Pathologic a., anatomy of diseased tissues. Regions! I a., study of limited portions or regions of the body. Topo- graphical a., study of parts in relation to surrounding parts. Anatricrot' ic. Causing three indentations on the ascending curve of the sphygmogram. Anatrip'tlc. A medicine applied by rubbing. Auazotn'ria. Too little urea in the urine. An' azyme. A proprietary preparation used like iodoform. An'chorage (ang'ko-raj). Surgical fixation of a displaced viscus. Anehylo-. See under Ankylo-. Ancip'itai (an-sip'it-al). Two-edged. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 29 30 Aii'eouad (ang-ko-nad). Toward the elbow or olecranon. Aiironag'ra (ang-ko-nag'rah). Gouty seizure of the elbow. Aii'ronal (ang'ko-nal). Pertaining to the elbow. Aiieone'us (ang-ko-ne'us). See Muscles, Table of. Ancylo-. See Ankylo-. An'eyroid (an'sir-oid). Anchor-shaped. Ait'da Gome'all. Tree of Brazil, which yields a purgative oil. An'dersch’s ganglion. Inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve. An'derson’s pill. Compound pill of gamboge. Androgalaetoze'mia. Secretion of milk from male breast, Andro'gynons (an-droj'in-us). Hermaphrodite; of double or doubtful sex. Androl'ogy. The science of man, or human nature. Androma'nia. Same as Nymphomania. Andronirdotox'in. Poisonous hypnotic principle from ericac- ceous plants. Aiidroplio'bia. Insane dread of the male sex. Aneo'iasin. A substance produced by bacteria not antagonistic to the true bacterial action. Anelor't rode. Positive pole of a battery. Anelectrot'onus. Lessened irritability of a nerve at the anode during the passage of electric current, Ani'l s operation (ah-nelz'). Ligation of an artery on the proxi- mal side of aneurysmal sac. A.’s probe, a fine probe for the lac- rimal passages. Ane'mia (an-e'me-ah). Deficient quantity or quality of the blood. Kssential a., idiopathic a., that due to disease of the blood or the blood-producing organs. A. lympliat' iea, Hodgkin’s disease. Miners" a., ankylostomiasis. Primary a. Same as Idiopathic a. Secondary or Symptomatic a., that due to, or symptomatic of, some distinct cause, as cancer, hemorrhage, etc. A. spirit'iea. anemia with enlarged spleen. Tunnel a., an- kylostomiasis. Anem'ie (an-em'ik). Affected with anemia. Anemom'eter. Instrument for measuring velocity of wind. Anem'one (an-em'o-ne). Genus of plants. See Pulsatilla. Anem' onin. A poisonous principle from pulsatilla. Anemop'atliy. Treatment of disease by inhalation. Anomot' ropliy. Insufficient nourishment of the blood. Aneneepha'lia. Absence of the brain. Aneneepbalobe'mia. Insufficient supply of blood to the brain. Aneneepb'alons (an-en-sef'al-us). Having no brain. Aner'gie (an-er'jik). Characterized by inactivity. A. stupor, acute dementia. An'eroid barometer. See Barometer. Anerytbrop'sia. Inability to distinguish red colors. Anestbe'sla (an-es-the'ze-ah). Loss of feeling or sensation. Itnl- bar or Central a., that due to lesion of the nerve centers. Crossed a., that occurring on one side of the body from central lesion of other side. A. doloro'sa. severe pain after the occur- rence of complete paralysis. Infiltration a., local anesthesia produced by injecting solutions beneath the skin. T.oeal a., that confined to a part of the body. Mnsenlar a., lack of muscular sense. Primary a., temporary a. occurring in the beginning of anesthesia. Anestliesint'rlor. 1. Instrument for testing degree of insensi- tiveness. 2. Device for regulating the amount of anesthetic given. Anestliet'ic. 1. Without the sense of touch. 2. A drug that pro- duces anesthesia. AMERICAN POCKET Anesthctiza'tion. Production of insensibility to pain. Ames'thetizcr. One who administers an anesthetic. Ane'thoi. A principle, C]OHI2O, from oil of fennel. Ane'thum. A genus of plants, including fennel and dill. Aneu'ria (an-u're-ah). Deficiency of nervous energy. Aii'eurysm (an'u-rizm). A sac formed by the dilatation of part of an artery, and filled with blood. Abdominal a., a. of ab- dominal aorta. A. by anastomosis, dilatation of a number of vessels forming a pulsating tumor beneath the skin. Arterio- venous a., simultaneous rupture of an artery and vein, the blood being retained in the surrounding tissue. Berard’s a., varicose a. in tissues around the vein. Cirsoid a., dilatation and tortu- ous lengthening of part of an artery. Compound a., one in which some of the coats are ruptured and others merely dilated. Dissecting; a., one in which blood is forced between the coats of an artery. False or Spurious a., one in which all the coats are ruptured and the blood is retained in surrounding tissues. Fusiform a., a spindle-shaped a. Innominate a., a. of in- nominate artery, mixed a., a compound a. Farit's a., arterio- venous a. in which the arterial dilatation communicates with two veins. Fott's a., an aneurysmal varix. Racemose a. Same as A. by anastomosis. Bodrignes's a., varicose a. in which the sac is contiguous to the artery. Sacculated a., a sac-like a. Spurious a. Same as False a. Varicose a., one formed by rupture of an aneurysm into a vein. Verminous a., one con- taining hematozoa. AneurjV mal. Pertaining to an aneurysm. Anfraetiios'ity. A cerebral sulcus. Anfract'nons (an-frakt'u-us). Convoluted ; sinuous. Augei'tis (an-ge-i'tis). Same as Angiitis. Angel' iea. Genus of aromatic plants; root tonic and stimulant. An'gel's w ing. Deformity in which both scapulae are prominent. Angiee'tasis. Dilatation of a vessel, whether from aneurysm, varix, or angioparalysis. Angii'tis (an-ge-i'tis). Inflammation of a vessel. Anglleuei'tis. See Angiotevcitis. An'gina (an'jin-ah). Any disease marked by spasmodic suffoca- tive attacks. A. acn'ta, A. sim'plex, sore throat. A. iar- yn'gca. laryngitis. A. hudovi'ri, A. Budnig'ii. purulent inflammation seated around the submaxillary gland. A. paro- tid'ea. mumps. A. pee'toris, paroxysmal thoracic pain, with suffocation and syncope, due to vasomotor spasm. Streptococ- cus a., a. due to streptococci. A. tonsilla'ris, quinsy. A. trachea'lis, croup. An'ginoid (an'jin-oid). Resembling angina. Anginopbo'bia. Morbid dread of angina pectoris. An'ginose (an'jin-os). Characterized by angina. Angioatax'ia. Irregular tension of the blood-vessels. An'gioblast (an'je-o-blast). Embryonic cell-form whence the vessels are derived. Angioeardi'lis. Inflammation of heart and great blood-vessels. Angioeav'ernous. Pertaining to or like angioma cavernosum. Angioeholi'tis. Inflammation of biliary ducts. Angiodystro'phia ova'rii. Disease of ovaries with disease of and increase in number of blood-vessels. Angioelephanti'asis. Extensive angiomatous condition of subcutaneous tissues. Angiogen'esis (an-je-o-jen'es-is). Development of the vessels. Aiigioglio'ma. A form of vascular glioma. An'giograpli (an'je-o-graf). A variety of sphygmograph. Angiog'raphy (an-je-og'raf-e). A treatise on the vessels. Angiokerato'ma. Angioma blended with keratoma of the skin. Angiolenei'tia (an-je-o-lu-si'tis). Inflammation of a lymph- vessel ; lymphangitis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 31 32 Angiolitli'ic neoplasm. One marked by mineral deposits and hyaline degeneration of the coats of the vessels. Anglol'ogy (an-je-ol'o-je). Scientific account of the vessels. Angiol.vmplii' ()«. Same as Angioleucitis. Aiigiolymiilio'ma. Tumor made up of lymph-vessels. Angio'iua. Tumor composed of blood-vessels. A. caverno'- snm. Same as Erectile tumor. A. serplgino'snm, skin dis- ease marked by minute vascular points arranged in rings on the skin. Telangiectatic a., one made up of dilated blood-ves- sels. Angiomata'eia (an'je-o-mal-a'se-ah). Softening of walls of the vessels. Angiom'atons. Of the nature of angioma. Angiom'eter (au-je-om'et-er). Instrument for measuring diam- eter and tension of blood-vessels. Angiomyo'ma. Angioma blended with myoma. Angioneuro'sis. A ngioparalysis, angiospasm, or other neurosis primarily affecting blood-vessels. Angioneurot'ic edema. Circumscribed edematous patches arising from an augioneurosis. Angi o no' ma. Ulceration of blood-vessels. Angioparal'.ysis. Paralysis of blood-vessels from vasomotor defect. Angiopar'esis. Vasomotor paresis. Angiop'atliy (an-je-op'ath-e). Any disease of the vessels. Angiorrlie.v' is. Rupture of a blood-vessel. Anglosarco'ma. Sarcoma containing many vessels. Angiosclcro'sis. Hardening of the walls of blood-vessels. AngioNiali'tis. Inflammation of a salivary duct. Angio'sis. Same as Angiopathy. An'gioMpasm. Spasmodic contraction of blood-vessels. Angiospastic. Of the nature of angiospasm. Angiosteno'sis. Narrowing of caliber of blood-vessels. Angiotelec/tasis. Dilatation of blood-vessels. Angioti'tis. Inflammation of the vessels of the ear. Angiot'omy. Dissection or anatomy of the vessels. An'gic (ang'gl). Sharp bend formed by the meeting of two borders or surfaces. Acromial a., that between head of humerus and clavicle. A. alpha, that formed by intersection of visual line with optic axis. A. of aperture, angle between two lines from the focus of a lens to the ends of its diameter. It as topic a., angle between nasobasilar line and Meissner’s horizontal. Bi- orltital a., that formed by the intersection of the axes of the orbits. Costal a., angle between the meeting ribs at the ensi- form cartilage. A. of deviation, that between a refracted ray and the incident ray prolonged. A. of elevation, that between the visual plane when moved upward or downward and its normal position. Facial a., an angle Indicating the slope of the forehead. A. of incidence, the angle atwhich a light-ray strikes a denser medium. A. of Jaw, the junction of the lower edge with the posterior edge of the lower jaw. l.onis's or Imdwlg’a a., that between manubrium and gladiolus. Optic a. Same as Visual a. A. of pubes, that between the pubic bones at the symphysis. A. of reflection, that which a reflected ray makes with a line per- pendicular to the reflecting surface. A. of refraction, that be- tween a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the refracting surface. Sternoclavicular a., that between the sternum and the clavicle. Visual a., the angle between two lines from the point of vision on the retina to the extremities of the object seen. An'glesey leg. A kind of jointed artificial leg. An' glicns «n'dor. English sweating fever; a deadly pestilential fever which several times ravaged England. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 33 Angophra'sia. A drawling and broken form of speech. Aiignil' lula sterrora'Us. A nematode intestinal parasite of hot climates. An' gula r. Having corners or angles; bent sharply. Alignin'(ion (ang-gu-la'shun). Formation of sharp obstructive bend in the intestine. Angiistn'ra. Bark of Gulipeu casparia of tropical America; it is stimulant and bitter tonic. Augusta'fin. Medicinal alkaloid, from angustura. Anha' fillia (an-ha' fe-ah). Same as Anaphia. Anlicla' (ion. Shortness of breath ; panting, or dyspnea. Anlieinato'sis. Defective blood-formation. Anhiilro'sis. Abnormal deficiency of sweat. Anhidrot'le (an-hid-rot'ik). Checking the How of sweat. Anliis'(■<•, An ills' lons. Of uniform formation ; structureless. Anbydre'iula. Lack of water in the blood. Anliy'drid (an-hi'drid). Compound derived from an acid by ab- straction of a molecule of water. Anhy'drous (an-hi'drus). Containing no water. Anian'tliinopsy. Inability to distinguish violet tints. Anld'ens (an-ld'e-us). A parasitic monster fetus consisting of a shapeless mass of Hesh. Anidro'sls. Same as Anhidrosis. An' Hid (an'il-id). Any compound formed from anilin by substi- tuting a radical for the hydrogen of NHj. An'ilin. An amin, COHSHH2, from coal-tar and indigo; poisonous and nervine. A .-rash, a skin inflammation due to anilin poison. A. stains, anilin pigments used in staining microscopic prep- arations. Anilin' ophll, Anilinopli'ilous. Staining readily with anilin dyes. An'ilisin (an'il-izm). Anilin poisoning. An'inial. A living organism having sensation and power of vol- untary movement. Anlmal'enle (an-im-al'kul). A minute animal organism. An'ime (an'im-e). A resin of various origin ; little used in medi- cine. An'imln. Substance derivable from bone-oil. An'ion. The element which in electrolysis passes to the positive pole. Anlrld'ia. Congenital absence of the iris. An'lsated (an'is-a-ted). Flavored with anise. Anisdiu'ria (an-is-ku're-ah). Enuresis. An' Ise (an'is). Fruits of Pimpinella anisvrn.; expectorant and car- minative. Anis'lc add. Antirheumatic and antiseptic substance, CgHgOs, from anethol. An'isin. Alkaloid, C22H24N003, from anise. Anisoco'ria. Inequality of the two pupils. An'isol. Phenyl-methyl ether, C 7H803. An 1 some' 1i a. Inequality bet ween pai red limbs. Anisomctro'pia. Inequality in refractive power of the two eyes. Anisometrop'ie. Having eyes which are unlike in refraction. Aniso'pia. Inequality of visual power in the two eyes. Anisosdien'le. Hot having equal power: said of muscles. Anisot' ropal. Anisotrop' le. Doubly refracting or polarizing. Ani'snm (an-j'sum). L. for anise. An' U|<■ (ang'kl). Part of leg just above the foot. A. bone, the astragalus. A. clonus. A. jerk, succession of rhythmical foot- contractions on pushing the foot. Anbylobleph'aron. Adhesion of eyelids. Anky lodii'lia. Adhesion of the lips. 34 AMERICAN POCKET Aukyloglos'sia. Same as Tongue-tie. Ankyloproc'tia (ang-kil-10-prok'she-ah). Stricture of the anus. An'kylosed (ang'kil-ozd). Affected with ankylosis. Ankylu'ais (ang-kil-o'sis). Abnormal immobility and consolida- tion of a joint. Fxtraeapsular :i.. that caused by rigidity of parts outside the joint. False or Spurious a., that caused by rigidity of surrounding parts. lutraeapsular a., that from rigidity of structures within the joint. True a., that in which the connecting material is bone. Ankylos'toma duodena'lis. A dangerous intestinal nema- tode. Ankylostoini'asis. Disease not unlike idiopathic anemia, due to presence of Ankylostoma. Ankylo'tia (ang-kil-o'she-ah). Closure of external meatus of ear. Ankyl'otoine (ang-kil'o-tdm). Knife for operating on tongue- tie. Ankylnre' lliria. Stricture of the urethra. An' kyrism. Hook-like articulation or suture. An'kyroid cavity (ang'kir-oid). The descending cornu of lateral ventricle. An'lage (ahn'lah-ge). The embryonic area in which traces of any part first appear. Annat'to (an-at'o). See Annotto. Annec'tant gyri. Gyri between parietal and occipital lobes. Annid'alin. A substance not unlike aristoi. Annul'to. A red color or stain from Bixa Orellana. An' miens (an'u-enz). Rectus capitis anticus minor muscle. An'nular. Ring-shaped. An'nulus. A ring-shaped organ or area. A. abdomina'lis, either of the openings of the inguinal canal. A. cilia'rl*. bound- ary between iris and choroid. A. mi'graus. eruption of circles spreading over the tongue. A. ova'lis. margin of the septum of the foramen ovale of fetal heart. A.tympan'lcna. Same as Tympanic bone. A. nmbil'icus, the umbilical ring. Anococcy'geal (a-no-kok-sij'e-al). Pertaining to anus and coc- cyx. An'odal closure contraction. Contraction of muscles at anode on closure of electric circuit. An'ode (an'dd). A positive electrode. Anod'mla. Lack or loss of sense of smell. Anodon'tia (an-o-don'she-ah). Absence of teeth. An' odyne (an' odin). 1. Relieving pain. 2. A medicine that eases pain. Anodyn'ia (an-o-din'e-ah). Freedom from pain. Anol'a (an-oi'ah). Idiocy. Anoni'alons (an-om'al-us). Contrary to natural or normal order. Anom'aly. Deviation from normal standard. Anonyck'ia (an-o-nik'e-ah). Absence of the nails. Anon'yinous (an-on'im-us). Innominate; unnamed. Anoop'sia (an-o-op'se-ah). An upward strabismus. Anopbf bal'in■ a. Absence of the eyes. A. cyclo'piu. rudi- mentary condition of eye-socket and orbit. Auop'sia. 1. Anoopsia. 2. Defect of vision. Anor'ckism. Congenital absence of testicles. Anor'clins. A person with no testes or with undescended testes. Anorec'tal. Pertaining to anus and rectum. Anorex'ia. Lack or loss of appetite for food. A. uervo'sa, hysteric aversion to food. Anortho'pia. TJnsymmetrical or distorted vision. Anos'mla, Anosphra'sia. Absence of the sense of smell. Anospi'nal center. Center In the cord which controls defeca- tion. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 35 Anosto' sis. Defective formation of bone. Ano'tus (an-o'tus). Fetus with no ears. Anon' cons (an-u'rus). Without a tail. Anovcs' icul. Pertaining to the anus and bladder. Anoxe'iuia. Lack of sufficient oxygen in the blood. Alt's:* (an'sah). A loop ; a handle. A. liypoglos'si, loop in the neck formed by descendens noni nerve and 2d and 3d cervical nerves. A. leiilicula'ris, tract between the crusta and lenticu- lar nucleus. Aii'serlne (an'ser-iu). Pertaining to a goose. Aula' cid (ant-as'id). Good against acidity. Aula'cidin (ant-as'id-in). Saccharate of lime. Antac'rid (ant-ak'rid). Good against acridity. Anlag'oiiisin. Opposition or contrariety, as bet ween muscles or medicines. Aniag'oiiist. A medicine or a muscle which counteracts the effects of another medicine or muscle. Antal' sic (ant-al'jik). Anodyne or analgesic. Antal'kaline (ant-al'kai-in). Neutralizing alkalinity. Anlaphrodis'lac. Abrogating the sexual impulse. Antapoplec'tic. Relieving apoplexy. Antarthrit' le (ant-ar-thrit'ik). Good against gout. Antastlien' ic (ant-as-then'ik). Restoring strength, inlasllimat' ic. Affording relief for asthma. Antatropli' ie (ant-at-rof'ik). Correcting atrophy. Antebra'cliium (an-te-bra'ke-um). The forearm. Antecnr' vat tire (an-te-ker' va-tur). A slight anteflexion. Ante flex'lon. Abnormal forward curvation. Anteloca't ion. Displacement of an organ forward. Antemet' ic (an-tem-et'ik). Tending to arrest vomiting. An'te inor'tem. L. for before death. An' te par' turn. D. for before delivery, or childbirth. Antephial'tic (ant-ef-e-al'tik). Preventing nightmare. Antepyret'ie. Done before the stage of traumatic tever. An' terograde (an'ter-o-grad). Extending or moving backward. Anlero-infe'rior. Situated in front and below. Anterolat'cral. Situated before and to one side. Anteroiue'dian. Situated in front and on the middle line. Anteropari'etal. Corresponding to the forward part of the pa- rietal bone. Anteroposle' rior. Extending from before backward. Antero«npe'rior. Situated in front and above. Antever'sion. Forward tipping or tilting of an organ. An'tlirliv (an'the-lix). Same as Antihelix. Anthelmin'tic (an-thel-min'tik). Destructive to worms. An'thciniH (an'them-is). See Chamomile. Anlhemorrha'gic. Good against hemorrhage. An'ther. The male sexual organ in plants. Anthi'acin (an-thi'ar-in). Same as Antiarin. Anflioi’i»'ina (an-tho-riz'mah). A diffuse swelling. Antliracc'mia (an-thras-e'me-ah). 1. Asphyxia, as from carbon' monoxid poisoning. 2. Presence of Sacillus anthracis in the blood. An'lliraceiie (an'thras-en). Crystalline hydrocarbon, Cl4Hio, from coal-tar. Autlira'cia (an-thra'se-ah). Diseases marked by formation of carbuncles. Aii'tlicaoin. A poisonous ptomain from cultures of anthrax. An'tliracoid (an'thrak-oid). Resembling anthrax. Antliracom'eter. Instrument for measuring carbon dioxid in the air. Antliraconecro'sls. Degeneration of tissue into a black mass. 36 AMERICAN POCKET Anthraeo'sls. Dung-disease from inhaling coal-dust. Anthraqni'nonr. Yellow substance, Ci4HBO2, from anthracene. Anthraro'bin. Yellow-white powder, C] 4H10O;j, from alizarin: used in skin-disease. An' tliox. Infectious disease of cattle, caused by Bacillus anthra- cic. It may occur in man. Malignant a. Same as Anthrax. Symptomatic a., disease of cattle in summer, marked by em- physematous, subcutaneous pustules. Anthropo'geny (an-thro-poj'en-e). Development or evolution of man. An'thropoid (an'thro-poid). Resembling a man. Antliroi»ol'ogy. The science of man. Anthropom'etry. Comparative measurement of man. Antliropopli' agy. Cannibalism. Antliropoplio'bia. Morbid dread of society. Anthroposomatol' ogy. Sum of knowledge regarding the human body. Anthropotox'in. Poison excreted by human lungs. Anthydrop'ic (ant-hi-drop'ik). Relieving dropsy. Anttiypnot'lc (ant-hip-not'ik). Hindering or preventing sleep. Anthyster'ic (ant-his-ter'ik). Relieving hysteria. Ant ial'bumate, Antlal'bnmid. A product of incomplete digestion of albumin. Antialbu'min. A constituent of albumin: gastric digestion changes it into antialbumose. Antial' bnmoMe. A digestion-product convertible into antipep- tone. Antiapoplee' tic. Affording relief to, or preventing, apoplexy. Anti'aria. Poisonous principle, C14H2005 + 2H20, from bohun upas; heart-depressant. AntiaiTbrit'ie (an-te-ar-thrit'ik). Same as AntarthrUic. Antlbaote' rial. Checking the growth of bacteria. Antibeeh'ic (an-te-bek'ik). Relieving cough ; bechic. Antlbil'loua (an-te-bil'yus). Good against bilious conditions. Antibiot'ie (an-te-bi-ot'ik). Destructive of life. Antiblennorrha'gie. Preventing or relieving gonorrhea. An'tibody. A protective body in the blood of immune animals. Antibra'ehium (an-te-bra'ke-um). The forearm. Antibro'mie. Deodorant; overcoming ill smells. Antieal'eulons. Curative of calculus. Antican'erin. Same as Cancroin. Antlcar'dinm. Pit of stomach ; scrobiculus cordis. Antica'rious (an-te-ka're-us). Preventive of caries. Antlchelrot' onus. Spasmodic inflexion of thumb. Antlchol'erin (an-te-kol'er-in). Substance fromcholerarbacillus cultures: used against cholera. Antie'ipatlng Intermittent. Ititermittent with paroxysms recurring at an earlier hour each day. Antieli'nal vertebra. Tenth or eleventh thoracic vertebra. Antieonvul'sive. Good against convulsions. Anti'ens (an-ti'kus). Anterior. Antieye' He acid (an-te-sik'lik). An antipyretic medicine. Antidiabet'ieum. Glycosolvol, a remedy for diabetes. Antidiabe'tln. A sugar for diabetics, composed of saccharin and mannite. Antidin'le (an-te-din'ik). Relieving giddiness or vertigo. Antidipb'tlierln (an-te-dif'ther-in). A derivative from cultures of diphtheria bacillus; used against diphtheria. Antldo' tal. Serving as an antidote. An'tidote (an'te-ddt). A remedy for poisoning. Antidotes are distinguished as chemical, or those that change the chemical nature of the poison ; mechanical, or those that prevent ab- sorption of the poison; and physiologic, or those that coun- teract the effects of the poison by producing other effects. Anlldyscrat'ic (an-te-dis-krat'ik). Good against a dyscrasia. Ant idyscntcr' ic. Relieving, curing, or preventing dysentery. Antiemel' ic. Preventing or arresting vomiting. Antien'zyme tan-te-en'zlm). Neutralizing an enzyme. Anliepbial'lic. Same as Antephinlfic. An' tifal. An agent that removes excess of fat. Antifeb'rile (an-te-feb'ril). Allaying or diminishing fever. Antlfeb'rln (an-te-feb'rin). Same as Acetanilid. An tiler'meal. Agent preventing fermentation. Antifermen'tatiye. Same as AntizymoHr. Anligalac'tic (an-te-gal-ak'tik). Diminishing secretion of milk.] Antilie'lix. Curved ridge opposite the helix of the ear. Antlhemicra'nin. Same as Antimigraine. Antlliidrot'lc. Same as Anhidrofic. Antlhydrop'ic. Relieving dropsical conditions. Antlhy'dropln. Diuretic substance obtained from cockroaches. Anll-icler'lc. Relieving icterus, or jaundice. Antikam'nia. Proprietary antipyretic and anodyne remedy. An'tikol. Proprietary 7 antipyretic medicine. Antilc'inie (an-te-le'mik). Curative of the plague. Anf ilep'sis. Revulsive or derivative treatment. Antiletliar'gic (an-te-leth-ar'jik). Hindering sleep. Antilitli'ic. Preventing the formation of calculus or stone. Antilo'btnm. The tragus of the ear. Anlllnet'lc (an-te-lu-et'ik). Serviceable against syphilis. Anlilys'sic. Affording relief to hydrophobia. An'tlmcre (an'te-mer). One of the segments of the body bounded by planes at right angles to the body. Ant imctr»' pin. Hypermetropia of one eye, with myopia in the other. Anf linlasmal' tc. Serviceable against miasmatic disorders. Antimicro'blc. Checking the growth of microbes. Antimi'g:ralne. Mixture of caffein, antipyrin, and sugar: used in migraine. Antimo' nial. Pertaining to, or containing, antimony. An'tiinoiiy. A crystalline metallic element with various medic- inal and poisonous salts. Aitl i my col'io (an-te-mi-kot'ik). Same as Antibacterial. Antinarcol'ic. Relieving narcotism. Antliiau'sea. Proprietary remedy for sea-sickness. Anllneplirit'ic (an-te-nef-rit'ik). Serviceable in kidney diseases. Anllner' viu. Proprietary remedy for neuralgia. Anlineural'gic (an-te-nu-ral'jik). Curative of neuralgia. Antin'lon. Frontal pole of the head. Anlinon'nin. A remedy destructive to external parasites. Anlino'sin. A substance whose solution is an external antiseptic. Anliparalyt'ic. Relieving paralytic symptoms. Antlparasil'ic. Destructive to parasites. AiiliparnNlali'lis. Inflammation of Cowper’s glands. Anlipallt'ic (an-te-path'ik). Opposite in nature. Antlp'atliy (an-tip'ath-e). Dislike or aversion. Anlipep'tonc (an-te-pep'tbn). Peptone derived from antialbu- mose by digestion. Antiperlod'ic. Serviceable against malarial or periodic recur- rences. A. tincture, Warburg’s tincture. Viiiiporlstal'sis. Peristaltic action from below upward, -'••tlperistal'tlc. Pertaining to antiperistalsis. Anlipklogris'tlc. Diminishing inflammation. ' oliplitliis' lo (an-te-tlz'ik). Checking or alleviating phthisis. Aiitiphllii'ain. A form of modified tuberculin. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 37 38 AMERICAN POCKET Antip' ilus. A proprietary depilatory. Antiplas'tic (an-te-plas'tik). Unfavorable to healing. Antipnenmotox'in. An antitoxin antagonistic to pneumo- toxin. Antip' oli' Hi si1 (af' the). Thrush, or the whitish spots that characterize it. Bednar’s a., two ulcers on hard palates of cachectic infants. Caehectlc a., aphthae beneath the tongue, with severe consti- tutional symptoms. Aplitben' x i:». Impairment of power to express articulate sounds. Aphttaon' gia (af-thon' je-ah). Aphasia due to spasm of the speech- muscles. Aph'thons (af-thus). Pertaining to, or characterized by, aphthae. Ap'leal (ap'ik-al). Of, or pertaining to, an apex. A'plol (a'pe-ol). An oil, CVHI4O4, from parsley seed ; useful in dis- orders of menstruation. A'pioliu (a'pe-o-lin). An emmenagogue, active principle of pars- ley. A'pinm. A genua of umbelliferous plants. See Cetxry and Parsley. Aplacen'tal (ah-pla-sen'tal). Having no placenta. A plan at' te. Correcting, or not affected by, spherical aberration. Apla'sla. .Defective formation or development. Apian'lie. Having no tendency to develop into new tissue. Apue'a, Apnce'a (ap-ne'ah). 1. The cessation of respiration which follows forced respiration. 2. Asphyxia. Apneiimalo'His. Collapse of the air-cells. Apneu'mia. Congenital absence of the lungs. Apoacon'illn. Same as Apaconitin. Apocliromal' ic. Same as Achromatic. Apoco'deiu. Alkaloid, CigHioNOo, derived from codein. A |io' oy iii 11 l ap-os' in-in). Alkaloid, also a precipitate, from apo- cynum ; both actively medicinal. Apo'c.yiuim can 11 alii'll inn. Canadian hemp (not to be con- founded with cannabis); anthydropic tonic and cathartic. Apo'dla. Absence of feet. Apo'lar. Having neither poles nor processes; without polarity. Apollina' ris water. An effervescent table water. Apoi'ysin (ap-ol'is-in). Aphenatidin citrate: used like phenacetin. Apomor'phiu. A powerfully emetic alkaloid, Cl-HI7NOO, from morphin. Apomy'elln. A principle from brain-substance. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 41 Ap'one (ap'ou). Anodyne preparation of various composition with capsicum as a basis. A ponenrol'ogj’. The study of aponeuroses. Aponeuro'Mg. A firm gristly membrane serving mainly as an investment for muscles and other organs. Aponcurosi'tis. Inflammation of an aponeurosis. Aponcurot'ic. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, an aponeurosis. Aponen'rotome (ap-o-nu'ro-tdm). Knife for cutting an aponeu- rosis. Aponcurot'omy. Surgical division of an aponeurosis. Apophys'cal. Of, or pertaining to, an apophysis. Apoph'ysis (ap-oPis-is). A process of a bone which has never been entirely distinct from the body of the bone. A. oflngra«- sias. the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. A. ravia'na, the gracile process of the malleus. A. of Ran, the long process of the malleus. Apoplee' tic. Pertaining to, or affected with, apoplexy. Apoplec'tiform, Apoplcc'toid. Resembling apoplexy. Apoplectig'cnons. Producing apoplexy. Ap'ople.vy (ap'o-plek-se). 1. Sudden paralysis and coma from cerebral effusion or extravasation of blood. 2. Copious extravasa- tion into any organ. Capillary a., that due to rupture of capillaries. Ingravescent a., apoplexy with progressive loss of consciousness from gradual escape of blood. Pulmonary a., escape of blood into parenchyma of lungs. Spinal a., rupture of a blood-vessel of the spinal cord. Splenic a., malignant anthrax. Apore'tin. Purgative resin from rhubarb. Apo'sia (ah-po'ze-ah). Absence of thirst. Aposit'ia (ap-o-sit'e-ah). Disgust or loathing of food. Apos'tasis. 1. An abscess. 2. An exfoliation. Aposte'ma (ap-os-te'mah). An abscess. A pus' thia (ah-pos' the-ah). Absence of the prepuce. Apos'toll’s method. Electrotherapy of diseases of women. Apoth'eearies’ weight. See Weights, Table of. Apoth'ecary. A druggist or pharmacist. In England, some apothecaries are also authorized physicians. Ap'othem, Ap'othcme. The dark aeposit which appears in decoctions or infusions exposed to the air. Apoth'efer (ap-oth'et-er). A navel string repositor. Ap' ozeme (ap'o-zem). A medicinal or medicated decoction. Appara' tus. 1. Mechanical appliances used in operations and ex- periments. 2. The complex of parts wdiich unite in any function. 3. Cystotomy or lithotomy. A. ma'jor, median lithotomy. A. mi' nor, lateral lithotomy. Clover’s a., apparatus for admin- istering ether or chloroform. Appendectomy, Appendicec'lomy. Removal of the ver- miform appendix. Appen'dices cpiplo'icjc. Peritoneal pouches containing fat and joined to the large intestine. Append!'cial, Appendlc'nlar. Pertaining to the appendix vermiformis. A. colic, acute local pain in early stage of appen- dicitis. Appendici'tis. Inflammation of appendix vermiformis. A. ohlit'erans, appendicitis marked by obliteration of the cavity of the appendix. Appen'dix. An appendage. Auricular a., forward prolonga- tion of the auricle of the heart. Ensiform a., the lowermost piece of the sternum. A vcrmifor'mis, Vermiform a., worm-shaped process of the cecum. Xiphoid a. Same as Emiform a. Appercep'tlon. Conscious perception of a sensory impression. 42 A p'petite. Desire; chiefly desire for food. Applana' tio eor'nese. Undue flatness of the cornea. Ap'ple-liend. The broad, thick skull of a dwarf. Ap'plieator. Instrument for making local applications. Apposi'tion (ap-o-zish'un). Contact of adjacent parts. Aprax'la. Insane performance of preposterous acts. Aproc'tia (ah-prok'she-ah). Absence or imperforation of the anus. A'prom, Hottentot. Artificial elongation of the nymphse. Aprosex'ia. Inability to fix the mind upon any subject. Aproso'pia. Congenital absence of the face. Apaelaphc'gia. Lack or loss of the sense of touch. Apsltlty'ria. Inability to whisper: it is usually hysteric. Apsycli'ia (ap-sik'e-ah). Lack or loss of consciousness. Aptya'lia, Apty'alism. Deficiency or absence of saliva. A'pns (a'pus). Fetus which has no feet. Apy'onin (ap-l'o-nin). A yellow antiseptic powder. Apyret'ic (ap-i-ret'ik). Without fever. Apyrex'ia. Absence or intermission of fever. A'qna (a'kwah). L. for Water. A. ammo'nite, wafer charged with ammonia; antacid and stimulant. A. ehlo'ri, water charged with chlorin; antiseptic and cleansing. A. dost il- ia' ta, distilled water. A. for'tis, nitric acid. A. labyrin'- tlil, the clear fluid in the labyrinth of the ear. A. oe'nli. aque- ous humor of eye. A. re'stia, nitrohydrochloric acid. Aqnacapsnll' tin. Same as AquoeapsuliUs. Aqnapunc'tore. Subcutaneous injection of water. Aqt'uednct (ak'we-dukt). Any canal or passage. A. of coch- lea, foramen in temporal bone for a vein from the cochlea. A. «f Fallopius, canal for facial nerve in petrous portion of tem- poral bone. A. of Sylvius, a canal which connects 3d and 4th ventricles of brain. A'qneous (a'kwe-us). Watery; prepared with water. Aqnocaps ili'tls. Serous inflammation of the iris. Ar'abie acid, Ar'abin. A carbohydrate, from gum arabic. Ar'abinose. Gum-sugar; a carbohydrate, C 5111005, from arabin. Araehni'tis. Inflammation of arachnoid membrane. Arach'noid. 1. Like a spider’s web. 2. The arachnoid mem- brane. Aracbnoidi'tis. Same as Arachnitis. Araclmopl'a. Pia and arachnoid together; the pia-arachnoid. A rreom' eter. See Areometer. Aran-Duchenne’§ disease (ah-ran-des-shenz). Same as Pro- gressive muscular atrophy. Aran'tins’g body, A.’s nodule. A tubercle on each of the six semilunar valves. A.’s ventricle, small sac in the medulla oblongata, being the lower end of fourth ventricle. Araro'ba. Tree or wood that produces Goa powder. Ar'bor vi'tse. 1. Tree-like outlines seen on median section of cerebellum. 2. Series of ridges within cervix uteri. 3. See Thuja. Arbores'cent (ar-bo-res'ent). Branching like a tree. Arboriza'tion. Branching terminus of a nerve-cell process. Arbu' tin. Diuretic glucosid, -f ILO, from uva ursi. Arcade', Flint’s. An arteriovenous arch at the base of the renal pyramids. Area'num. A secret remedy or nostrum. Ar'eate (ar'kat). Curved; bow-shaped. Aree'in (ar-se'in). Arecolin hydrobromate, an energetic myotic. Arch (artsh). A structure of bow-like or curved outline. A. of aorta. See Aorta. Aortic a’s., Branchial a’s.. a series of four cartilaginous arches of the fetus in the region of the neck. AMERICAN POCKET A’s. of Corti, series of arches made up of rods of Corti. Crural MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 43 a.. Femoral a., Poupart’s ligament. Dental a., the arch of the alveolar process of the jaw. Hemal a., arch formed by bodies of vertebra;, ribs, and sternum. Hyoid a., the second branchial arch. Neural a., arch of a vertebra enclosing the cord. Palmar a., the arch of the radial and ulnar arteries in the palm of the hand. Pharyngeal a’s. Same as Branchial a’s. Plantar a., arch formed by externa! plantar artery. A. of pubes, portion of pelvis formed by the rami of the ischia and the pubes on each side. Supra-orbital a., curved margin of frontal bone forming upper boundary of orbit. Tarsal a’s., arches of palpebral arteries around the tarsal cartilages. A. of vertebra, the portion of a vertebra enclosing the spinal foramen. Visceral a’s. Same as Branchial a’s. Zygomatic a., arch formed by malar and temporal bones. Ar'chaeocyte (ar'ke-o-sit). See Archeocyte. Archam' phiaster. Amphiaster forming polar globules. Archcbio'sis, Archegen'csis (ar-ke-bi-o'sis, ar-ke-jen'es-is). Spontaneous origin of life. Arclien'teron (ark-en'ter-on). Entodermal sac of the gastrula. Ar' cheocyt e. A wandering cell; a form of ameboid cell. Arelicpy'on “P«*ernal. acro- Transverse facial, anterior auricular, middle temporal 1 anterior and posterior temporal. p ’ Inferior thyroid, suprascapular, transversa'lis col'li. Laryngeal, tracheal, esophageal, ascending cervical. i Thy'roid, superior. Tib'ial, anterior. Tib'ial, posterior. Transversa' lis col' li. External carotid. Popliteal. Popliteal. Thyroid axis. Omohyoid, sternohyoid, sterno- thyroid, thyroid gland. Knee, leg, and ankle. Leg, ankle, foot. Muscles of neck and back. Hyoid, sternomastoid, superior laryngeal, cricothyroid. Recurrent tibial, muscular, internal and external mal- leolar, dorsalis pedis. Peroneal, muscular, nutrient, communicating, internal calcaneal, external and internal plantar. Superficial cervical, posterior scapular. Ul'nar. U'terine. Ver'tebrai. Vid'ian. __ 1 Brachial. Uterus. Subclavian. Internal maxillary. Forearm, wrist, and hand. Branch of the internal iliac. Neck, cord, cerebrum, cerebel- lum. Roof of the pharynx, Eustachian tube, tympanum. Anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent, interosseous muscular, anterior and posterior carpal, superficial palmar arch. Cervical, vaginal, azygos. Lateral spinal, muscular, posterior meningeal, anterior and posterior spinal, inferior cerebellar, basilar. Pharyngeal, Eustachian, tympanic. A TABLE OF THE ARTERIES (continued). Urethral a., gonnorrheal rheumatism. A. nrli'ica, arthritis from gout. Ar'tliritism. Gouty or rheumatic diathesis. Arlhrohacte'rium. A bacterium whicli is reproduced by sepa- , ration of joints. Artliroc' ace (ar-throk'as-e). Ulceration of a joint or joints. Ar' ttiroeele (ar'thro-sel). A joint-swelling. Artliroeliondri'tis. Inflammation of cartilages of a joint. Arthroela'sia. Breaking up of an ankylosis. Artlirode'sis. Surgical fixation of a joint. Artliro'dia. Diarthrosis which allows a gliding motion. Arthrodyn'ia. Same as Arthralgia. Arthrog' rapliy. A treatise on the joints. Arthrogrypo'sls. 1. Persistent flexure of a joint. 2. Tetanoid spasm. Tetanilla a., tetany. Arthrol'ogy. Sum of what is known regarding the joints. Artliromeniugl'tls. Same as Synovitis. Arthroneural'gia. Neuralgia of a joint. Ar'tliroi>athy. 1. Any joint-disease. 2. Effusion of fluid into joints in tabes dorsalis; called also Charcot's arthropathy. Artlirophy'ma. a joint-swelling. Ar'tliropliyte. Abnormal growth of a joint-cavity. Ar'tliroplasty. Plastic surgery of ajoint. Artliropyo'sis. Formation of pus in a joint-cavity. Artlirortieu'iuatlsm. Articular rhematism. Artliro'sls. Articulation. Ar'tlirosporc. A bacterial spore formed by fission. Ar'tlirotoiue. A stout knife for operating on joints. Arthrot'omy. Incision of a joint. Artliroty'plioid. Typhoid beginning with symptoms of acute rheumatism. Artliroxe'sis (ar-throx-e'sisj. Scraping of joints. Ar'tlad. An element of an even-numbered valency. Artie' ular. Of, or pertaining to, a joint. Artie'ulate. 1. To unite by joints ; to join. 2. United byjoints; jointed. A. speech, utterance of words and sentences. Vrt idlin' i ion. 1. Ajoint or arthrosis. 2. Enunciation of words and sentences. Confluent a., speech in which syllables are run together. Artie'ulatory. Relating to utterance. Artic'ulo mor'tis. At the point or moment of death. Artili'cial (ar-tif-ish'al). Formed by art; not natural. Aryepiglot'tic or Aryepiglottid'ean folds. Folds of mu- cous membrane extending between arytenoid cartilage and epi- glottis. Arytseno-epislottld'ens. See Muscles, Table of. Arytienoi'iicus. See Muscles. Table of'. Aryte'noid (ar-it-e'noid). Shaped like a jug or pitcher. Arytenoid'itis. Inflammation of arytenoid muscles or cartilage. As. 1. Abbreviation for Astigmatism. 2. Symbol for Arsenic. A. S. U. Aura sinistra. Asafct'ida, Asaf4. Ber'genin (ber'je-nin). A crystalline nerve-tonic from saxifrage. Ber' geron’s disease. A hysterical form of chorea. Ber'iberi. An endemic and infective form of polyneuritis, chiefly seen in Japan and India. Berlin blue. Ferric ferrocyanid, Fe.13FetC,JN3)2. Bernard’s granular layer (ber-nards'). Stratum of cells lin- ing the acini of the pancreas. Berlillonage (ber-te-yo-nahzh'). The systematic measurement and recorded description of criminals. Ber'tin’s bones. Sphenoturbinal bones. K.’s columns, cor tical substance between the pyramids of the kidney. B.’s liga- ment, the iliofemoral ligament. Besoin de respirer (ba-zwan du res-pe-ra'). The sensation which prompts the act of breathing. Bes'tiality. Sexual connection with an animal. Bes'tnelieflTs tincture. Same as Tincture ferrichloridicetherea. Be' ta (be'tab). The genus of plants to which the beet belongs. 8.- naphtol. See Naphtol. Be' taelsm. Excessive use of h sound in speaking. Beta'in (be-ta'in). An emmenagogue alkaloid, CV,HnNO». from beets. Be'tel. A masticatory prepared from the nut of Areca catechu, lime, and betel-leaf. 8.-leaf, the leaf of Piper betel; pan, or pawn. Be'tin. A precipitate from beet-root: recommended as a substitute for ergot. AMERICAN POCKET Be'tol. A compound, (’i0H70.(;7H602, useful in rheumatism and cystitis. Bet'ula. The genus which contains the birch trees. Bel'ulin. A resin, CaaHeoOs, from white-birch bark. Bc/.o'ar. A concretion of various character from the stomachs of different animals: formerly highly valued as a medicine. Bhang (bang). Same as Cannabis indlca. Bi. Symbol of bismuth. Blaster'if. Pertaining to the two asteria. Biba' sic (bi-ba'sik). Doubly basic. Bib'ulons paper. Paper having the property of absorbing moisture. Bicar'bonate. A salt containing two equivalents of carbonic acid and one of a basic substance. Bicau'dal, Bican'date. Having two tails. Bicel'lutar (bi-sel'u-lar). Made up of two cells. Biecpli'alus (bi-sef'al-us). A two-headed monster. Bi'eeps (bi'seps). Having two heads: said of a muscle of the arm and thigh. See Muscles, Table of. Bichat's canal (be-shahz'). The small subarachnoid passage which transmits the veins of Galen. B.’s fat-ball, fatty mass behind the buccinator muscle. B.’s Assure, the cleft which separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. B.'s foramen, foramen between subarachnoid space and third ventricle. B.'s tunic, the intima of blood-vessels. Blchlo' rid. A chlorid containing two equivalents of chlorin. Bicip'ital (bi-sip'it-al). Having two heads; pertaining to a biceps muscle. B, tuberosity, tuberosity beneath the neck of the radius. Eicon'cave. Having two concave surfaces. Eicon' vex. Having tw’o convex surfaces. Bieor'nute. Having two horns. Bi coro' nial. Pertaining to the two coronia. Bicus'pid, Bicus'pidate. Having two cusps or teeth. Bidet (be-da') [Fr.]. A form of sitz bath-tub. Bier' iner’s sign (her'merz). See Gerhardt's sign. Bifa'cial paralysis. See Paralysis. Bi'Ad (hi'fid). Cleft into two parts. B. spine. See Spina bifida. B. tongue, a tongue cleft lengthwise. Bifo' cal spectacles. Spectacles having a reading lens cemented below the distance lens. Bifb' rate. Having two holes or foramens. Bifur'cate (hi-fer'kflt). Forked ; divided into two like a fork. Bifurcation. Division into two branches. Big'flow's ligament. The iliofemoral ligament, B.'s sep- tn in, the calcar femorale. Bigem'ina. Bigein'inal bodies. Embryonal structures which develop into the corpora quadrigemina. B. pulse. See Pulse. Bigeni'inum (bi-jem'in-um). A bigeminal body. Bi'labe. An instrument for taking small calculi from the bladder through the urethra. Bilat'eral. Having two sides; pertaining to both sides. B. symmetry, reversed symmetry like that which characterizes paired organs. Bilat'eralism. Bilateral symmetry. Bile (bil). The substance secreted by the liver; gall. B. duet. See Duel. Bilhar'iia liseinafo'bia. A fluke or trematode sometimes found in human blood-vessels. Bilharai'asis. Bilharzio'sis. Disease due to the presence of bilharzia. Bil'iary (hil-e-a're). Pertaining to the bile. B. acids, tauro- MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 69 AMERICAN POCKET cholic and glycocholic acids. I*, colic, colic caused by gall- stones. B. diabetes. See Hanot's disease. B. duels. See Duct. Bliley"'main. A blue pigment derivable from bilirubin. Bi Ii liea' lion. The formation or secretion of bile. Bilifla' vin. A yellow pigment from biliverdin. Bill till' vita. Same as Bilirubin. Biliius'cin. A dark principle from gall-stones. Bililiu'min. A brown principle from gall-stones. Bi'ilia. A gummy substance, essentially mixture of sodium salts of the bile acids: it is the principal constituent of bile. Bill aaeu'via. Same as Cholin. Bi It tans (bil'yus). Characterized by bile. B. fever, remittent fever with vomiting of bile. B. remittent, a form of remittent fever. Bil' iousness. Malaise accompanied with seeming excess of bile. Biliplie' in. A bile coloring-matter said to be the same as bilirubin. Bilipra/sin. Green pigment from gall-stones. Bilipur'pin, Bilipur'pnrin. A purple color from biliverdin. Bilim' bin. A red bile-pigment sometimes found in the urine. Bill ver'din. A green pigment, C12H20N205, from bilirubin. ■till'rotil's mixture (bil'rot). Anesthetic mixture of 3 parts chloroform and 1 part each of ether and alcohol. Bilo' bale, Bi' lobed. Having two lobes. Bilob' ular. Having two lobules. Bi loc' ular. Having two compartments. Biman'nal. With both hands. Bimas'told. Pertaining to both mastoid processes. Bin'ary (bin'ar-e). Made up of two elements. Binau' ral. Pertaining to both ears. B. arc, the arc across the top of the head from one aural point to another. Binaiiric'ular. Pertaining to both auricles. Bin'der (bln'der). Abdominal girdle for women in childbed. Bind'web. Same as Neuroglia. Binoc'ular. Pertaining to both eyes. B. vision, normal use of both eyes. Binol'ic. Same as Binaural. Binn'clear Binn'clealc. Having two nuclei. Binn'clcolatc. Having two nucleoli. Bi' oblast. A corpuscle that has not yet become a cell. Biochem' istry. Chemistry of living organisms. Biodynam' ics. The doctrine or science of living force. Bi'ogcn (bi'o-jen). Same as Bioplasm. Bingen'esis. The origination of living beings from things already living. Biolog'ic, Biology' leal. Pertaining to biology. Binl'ogisf. A professional student of biology. Biol'ngy (bi-ol'o-je). The science of living organisms or of plant and animal life. Biolyt'ic (bi-o-lit'ik). Destructive to life. Biom'etry. Computation of probable duration of life. Bi'on (bi'on). An individual living organism. Bion'dl’s fluid. A histological stain of orange-G., methyl-green, and acid fuchsin. Bion'omy. The science of the laws of life. Biopli'agixm. Biopli'agy. The eating or absorbing of living matter. Bi'ophorc (bi'o-fdr). One of the smallest particles exhibiting vital forces. Biopliysiol' ogy. Portion of biology including organogeny, mor- phology, and physiology. Bi'»i>lasm. The more vital or essential part of protoplasm. Bloplas'mic. Pertaining to bioplasm. Bi' oplast (bi' o-plast). A living cell or bioplasrnic particle. Blor' bit a I angle. The.angle between the lines of sight. Bios'copy. Examination with respect to viability or to the ex- tinction of life. Biostat'ics. Static biology; the anatomy and physics of living bodies. Biotax'is, Bl'otaxy. 1. The selecting and arranging powers of living cells. 2. Systematic classification of organisms. Biot' ics. The science of the qualities of living organisms. Biot'omy. Vivisection. Bipalat' inoid. A gelatin capsule with two compartments. Biparasit'ic. Living parasitically upon a parasite. Biparl'etal diameter. Straight line between the two parietal eminences. Bip' arous. Producing two at a birth. Bipen'niform. Doubly feather-shaped. Biper' fin ale (bi-per' fo-rat). Twice perforated. Bipo'lar. Having two poles; pertaining to both poles. B. nerve-cells, nerve-cells with two axis-cylinder processes. Bipubiot'omy. Same as Ischiopubiotomy. Bireii. Any tree of the genus Betula. The tarry oil of B. alba (white birch) and the volatile oil of B. lenta are used in medicine. Bird*s-nest bodies. A set of peculiar cellular structures seen in epithelioma. Birefrac'tive, Birefrin'grent. Doubly refractive. Birth. Act or process of being born. 8.-mark, congenital nevus; mother’s mark. 8.-palsy, palsy from injury occurring at birth. Bisacro'mial. Pertaining to the two acromial processes. Bis'cara button. Same as Oriental sore. Bis'cuit, diabetic. A form of bran-cake for the use of diabetic patients. Bisec' tlon (bi-sek'shun). A cutting into two parts. Bisex'ual. Pertaining to both sexes; hermaphrodite. Blsfe'rious. Dicrotic; having two beats. Blsil'iac. Pertaining to the two ilia. Bis in d.. Bis in die. Twice a day. Bisischiat'ic. Pertaining to the two ischia. Bis'ltra button. Aleppo boil, or furunculus orientalls. Bis'mark brown. A brown anllin dye used in microscopy. Bis'ninth. A silvery-white metallic element; symbol Bi: its salts are much used in medicine. Bis'mnthol. An antiseptic and astringent compound containing bismuth and salicylic acid. Bismutho'sis. The absorption of bismuth and its deposits in the tissues. Bistephan' ic. Pertaining to the two stephania. Bis' tort. The plant Polygonum bistorta; root astringent. Bis' tonry. A long narrow surgical knife. Bisul'phate. An acid sulphate; one with twice the proportion of acid found in a normal sulphate. Bisvi'gnin (bis-ve'gum). A concentrated food used in the French army. Bitem'poral. Pertaining to both temples or temporal bones. Bit rochanter' ic. Pertaining to both trochanters. Bit' nobcn. An East Indian panacea containing salt, iron, and an astringent. Bit'ter almond. See Amygdala amura. B. elixir, an aromat- ized wormwood preparation. B. tincture, an aromatic tincture of gentian and centaury ; stomach drops. B. wine of iron, a solution of white wine, citrate of iron, quinin, and syrup. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 71 72 Bit'ters. Medicines for increasing the tone of the gastro-lntestinal mucous membrane. Aromatic b., medicines having the prop- erties of aromatics and simple bitters. Simple b., medicines which simply stimulate the digestive tract. Styptic b., medi- cine having styptic and astringent properties as well as those of bitters. Bit'teraweet. Same as Dulcamara. Hit ii i»eii. Any one of various natural and artificial solid or dry petroleum products. Bln'ret. A crystalline urea derivative, C200N3H5 ; used in testing for urea and proteids. Biv'alent (biv'al-ent). Having a valency of two. Bi' valve speculum. Speculum of two valves. Biveu'ter. A two-bellied muscle. See Muscles, Table of. Biven'tral. Having two bellies; digastric. Bix'in. An orange dye, Cif,H26o2, from annatto. Bizygomat'ic. Pertaining to the two zygomata. Bizzoze'ro’s corpuscles (bit-so-tsa'roz). Lymphoid cells of spleen and bone-marrow. Black. Reflecting no light or true color; of the darkest hue. B. alder. Same as Drinos. B. cancer, melanotic cancer; melan- osis. B. death, bubonic plague. B. draught, compound in- fusion of senna ; infusum sen rite compositum. B. drop, vinegar of opium. 8.-head. Same as Comedo. B. measles, measles, of severe type, with dark-hued eruption. B. lead, graphite or plumbago. B. tongue, glossophytia. B. vomit, the charac- teristic symptom of yellow fever. B. wash, lotion of calomel and lime-water for syphilis. Black'berry. Fruit of various species of Hahns. See Dublin. Black'water fever. A fatal infectious disease of tropical coun- tries, with chills, irregular fever, dyspnea, vomiting, and jaundice. Blad' der. The membranous sac which contains the urine. Atony of b., inability to pass urine from deficient muscular power-. Ca- tarrh of b., cystitis. Extrophy of b. See Extropy. Irri- table b., state of bladder marked by constant desire to urinate. Keck of b., the narrowed portion continuous with the urethra. Hcrvous b., condition with constant desire to urinate, but with- out power to do so completely. Sacculated b., bladder with pouches between the hypertrophied muscular fibers. Stammer- ing b., a bladder which acts spasmodically, causing irregular urination. 8.-worm. See Cyslicercus and Hydatid. 8.-wrack. Same as Pucus veniculosus. Blain' villc's car. Congenital deformity in which the two ears are of different shape or size. Blan' card’s pills. Pills of iodid of iron. Blandin’s glands (blan-danz'). Same as Kuhn’s glands. Blaste'ma. Rudimentary substance from which cells, tissues, and organs are formed. Bias' tid. Bias'tide. The first indication of a nucleus in a fertil- ized ovum. Blas'toccle (bias'to-sel), Blastocce'le. The cavity within a blastosphere. Blastocc' lie. Pertaining to a blastocele. Bias' tochyle (blas'to-kil). Fluid within the blastosphere, or the blastodermic vesicle. Bias'tocysl. Blastocys'tinx. The germinal vesicle. Bias'toderm. The delicate membrane which lines the zona pel - lucida of the impregnated ovum. Blastoder'mic membrane. The blastoderm. B. rim, the thickened edge of the germinal disk. B. vesicle, the sphere into which the impregnated ovum first expands. Blasto'ma. A morbid growth due to a micro-organism. AMERICAN POCKET Bias' tomere. Any cell or cell-mass of the blastoderm. Bins'tophore (bias'to-for). That part of a sperm-cell that is not converted into spermatozoa. Blastophyl'luiii. A primitive germ-layer. Bias'topore (bias'to-pdr). The small opening into the notochor- dal canal. Bias'tospherc. The ovum after it has passed the morula-stage. Bias' tnla (bias'tu-lah). The blastosphero. Bias'talar. Pertaining to a blastnla. Blast illation (blas-tu-la'shun). The formation of the blastula. Blat'tic acid. A diuretic principle from cockroaches. Blaud’s pills (bldz). Pills of ferrous carbonate. Bleach'iug ponder (Welsh'ing). Chlorinated lime: disinfec- tant. Blcar-eye. Marginal blepharitis; lippitudo. Bleb. A bulla or skin-vesicle filled with fluid. Blcc'der (ble'der). 1. One who bleeds easily. 2. One who lets blood. Blec'dcr's disease. Hemophilia; hemorrhagic diathesis. Blenuorrlia'gia, Blcnuorrhc'a. 1. Free discharge of mucus. 2. Gonorrhea. Blennorrlie'al. Same as Gonorrheal. Blennotho'rax. Mucus in the chest. Blennn'ria (blen-u're-ah). Mucus in the urine. Blcpharadcni'tis. Inflammation of the Meibomian glands. Blepli'aral. Pertaining to the eyelids. Blcph'arism (blef'ar-izm). Spasm of the eyelid. Blepliari'tls (blef-ar-i'tis). Inflammation of the eyelids. B. cilia'ris, inflammation of the hair-follicles of the eyelids. B. ■■■ar"ina'!is. inflammation of the margins of the eyelids. B. ulcero'sa, an ulcerous form of marginal blepharitis. Blepharo-adeno'ioa. Adenoma of the margins of the eyelids. Blepharo-athero' ma. Encysted tumor of an eyelid. Blepharochroinldro'sis. Discoloration of the eyelid in patches. Blcpiia rophimo' sis. Narrowing of the slit between the eye- lids. Bleph'aroplasty (blef'ar-o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of an eye- lid. Blepharople'gia (blef-ar-o-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of an eyelid. Blcpbaropto'sis. Drooping of the upper eyelid from paralysis. Blepharor'rhaphy. Surgical closure of the slit between the eyelids. Biepli' arospasm. Spasm of the orbicular muscle of the eye- lids. Blcpii' arostat. An instrument for holding the eyelids apart. Blcpharosteuo'sis. Narrowing of the palpebral slit. Blepharosyne'cilia. Growing together of the eyelids. Blepharot'omy. Surgical cutting of an eyelid. Bles'sed thistle. Same as Carduus benedictus. Blind. Not having the sense of sight. 8.-spot, the spot on the retina where the optic nerve enters. Blind' lie**. Lack or loss of sight. Blue-b., color-blindness for blue. Color-b.. inability to appreciate differences of color. It may be complete or partial. Cortical !>.. blindness due to lesion of cortical visual center. I>ay-b., vision which is better by night than by day. Mlnd-b. Same as Psychic b. N igiit-b.. defect of vision in the dark or at night. Object-!*., apraxia. Psychic b., blindness from brain-lesion. Ked-b.. blindness to red tints. Snow-b., dimness of vision due to glare of the sun upon snow. ■Sonl-b. Same as Psychic b. Word-b., inability to recognize written words as symbols of ideas. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 73 74 AMERICAN POCKET Blink' ing. The act of winking. Blis'ter. 1. Collection of serous, bloody, or watery fluid under the skin. 2. An epispastic agent. Fly-b., blister of cantharides. Flying b., a blister applied long enough to produce redness, but not vesication. Blis'tering cerate. Cantharldal cerate. B. collodion, can- tharidal collodion. B. liquid, liniment of cantharides. B. paper, paper saturated with cantharides. Blood. The fluid which circulates through the heart, arteries, and veins. 8.-easts, microscopic threads of blood in urine. 8.- cell, a blood-corpuscle. 8.-clot, a coagulum of blood. 8.- eorpnscles, red, the biconcave floating disks found in blood. 8.-corpuscle*, white, the leukocytes or ameboid protoplas- mic blood-cells. 8.-crasis, the mixture of the constituents of the blood. 8.-crystals, crystals of hematoidin in the blood. 8.-cyst. See Hematocyst. 8.-dlsk, a blood-platelet. 8.- islandw. groups of corpuscles in the mesoblast in early fetal life. 8.-plaques. Same as 8.-plaielets. 8.-plasma, the colorless fluid of the blood ; liquor sanguinis. 8.-platelets, disks found in the blood, less than half the size of the red blood-corpuscles. 8.-p«isoning, toxemia. 8.-pressure, tension on the walls of blood-vessels, derived from the blood-currents. 8.-tomor, a hematoma; also an aneurysm. 8.-vessel, an artery, vein, or sinus. Blood'less operation. Surgical operation in which the blood is expelled and kept out of the part to be operated upon. Blood'letting. Therapeutic withdrawal of blood. (Deneral b., venesection. Bocal b., cupping, leeching, or scarification. Blood'root. See Sanguinaria. Blood'shot. Congested with blood. Blood' y flux. Dysentery. B. sweat, hematidrosis. Blow' ing respiration. Same as Bruit de soufflet. Blue baby. An infant affected with cyanosis. 8.-hlindness, inability to distinguish the color blue. B. disease, cyanosis. B. edema. See Edema. B. flag, the plant Iris versicolor. 8.- gnni, the Eucalyptus globulus, an Australian tree. 8.-mass, mass of mercury. 8.-ointment, mercurial ointment. 8.-pill, blue-mass in the form of pills. 8.-stone, 8.-vltriol, sulphate of copper. Blunt'-hook. A hook used in embryotomy. Bo'as’s reagent. Resorcin, 5; sugar, 3 ; dilute alcohol, 100 parts; for testing for hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Boat' -belly. Same as Scaphoid abdomen. Boch'dalek’s ganglion. A node at junction of the anterior and middle dental nerves. Bo'flo. A genus of protozoans: endoparasitic and probably patho- genic. Bod'y (bod'e). 1. Any mass of matter. 2. The trunk. Amyla- ceous b’s. See Corpora amylacea. 8.-cavity. See Oelom. Cavernous b’s., the corpora cavernosa. Ciliary b., that part of the vascular coat of the eye including the ciliary muscle and processes. Bentate b. See Corpus dentatum. Foreign b., a body which is not normal to the place where it is found. Oenienlate b. See Corpus geniculatum. Higlimore’s b.. the mediastinum testis. Hyaloid b. Same as Vitreous b. Bavcran’s b’s., plasmodia of malaria. 8.-louse. See Pedic- ulus corporis. Malpighian b’s., small bodies in the kidney at the commencement of the urihiferous tubules. Olivary b’s., oval prominences on the sides of the anterior pyramids of the medulla oblongata. Pacchionian b’s., small eminences of arachnoid tissue under the dura mater of the brain. Pituitary b., a reddish body in a depression of the sphenoid bone. Polar b., two small bodies protruded from tbe ovum at time of impreg- nation. Restiform b., lateral column of medulla oblongata extending to cerebellum. Rosenmtiller’s b., the parova- rium. Kuprarenal b., a Hat, triangular organ on the upper side of the kidney. Vitreous b., the transparent substance contained in a hyaloid membrane between the lens and the retina. Wolffian b“s., the primitive kidney or excretory organ of the embryo. Bos'gj' swelling:* One that is soft and puffy. Ito'iinn upas. The Antiaris toxicaria, poison-tree of Java; also its deadly gum-resin. Roil. See Furuncle, Aleppo boil. Boiler-makers’ deafness. See Deafness. Rol'din. Anesthetic and hypnotic alkaloid of boldo. Bol' do. Leaves of Boldoa fraprans, a tree of Chili: tonic and seda- tive. R.. oil of, volatile oil, useful in catarrhal states. Bolilo^lii eiit. Narcotic glucosid from boldo. Rol'dus. Same as Boldo. Hole (bol). a name for various earths, formerly valued as medi- cines. Bole'tus. A genus of agarics, some of them poisonous: several were once esteemed as remedies. Bo'lus. A large pill. Alimentary b., the mass of food made ready by mastication for swallowing. Bon'due. Seeds of two species of Ouilandinn: antiperiodic and stimulant. Bone. The material of the skeleton of most vertebrate animals. (For varieties of bones, see the adjectives.) R.*earttlage. Same as Ossein. R.-eonduetion, the perception of sound through the bones of the head. R.-cyst, a cystic tumor of a bone. Bone' let. An ossicle or small bone. Bone'set. See Eupatorium perfoliatum. Bone'setter. A non-authorized person who professes skill in re- ducing fractures and luxations. Bon' net’s eapsnle. Same as Tenon's capsule. Borac'ic aeid (bo-ras'ik). See Acid. Bo'ral. Aluminum borotartrate; astringent and antiseptic. Bo'rate. Any salt of boric acid. Bo' rated. Containing borax or boric acid. Bo' rax. A refrigerant, soothing, and diuretic salt; sodium pyro- borate. 8.-earmin, a solution of borax and carmin in water: used as a stain. Borborygf'nms. The noise made by flatus in the bowels. Bo' rie aeid. See Acid. Bo' risin. Poisoning by a boron compound. Bor'neene. Valerene, readily convertible into borneol. Bor'neo camphor. A peculiar camphor from Borneo. Bor'neol. CioHigO; artificial Borneo camphor. Borobo' rax. An antiseptic preparation of borax and boric acid. Boroglyc'crid (bo-ro-glis'er-id). Antiseptic paste of boric acid and glycerin. Borogrlyc'erol (bo-ro-glis'er-ol). Liquid formed of boroglycerid and glycerin. Bo' ron. Non-metallic element, the base of borax and boric acid. Borophe'nol. Borax and carbolic acid combination; disinfectant. Borosalicyl'le aeid. An antiseptic preparation of borax and salicylic acid. Boss. A roundish eminence. Bos'selaled. Covered with bosses or knobs. Bossela' 1 lon. One of a set of small elevations or bosses. Bot. The larva of a gad-fly, often found in the stomach of a horse. Bot'alism (bot'a-lizm). Sausage-poisoning. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 75 76 Botal'lo’s . Insanity from misuse of bromids. Bromophe'nol. A liquid used to make an ointment for ery- sipelas. Bro'mnm (bro'mum). Same as Bromin. Bron'chi (brong'kl), pi. of bronchus. Bron'ehia (brong'ke-ah). The bronchial tubes smaller than the bronchi. Broil'ehial (brong'ke-al). Pertaining to the bronchia. B. fluke, distoma Kingeri. B. gland, lymphatic glands along the bron- chi. B. crises. See Crisis. B. respiration. See Respira- tion. Bronrhiarr't in. Stenosis of the bronchial tubes. Broneliiee'tasis. Dilatation of bronchia. Bron'eliiole (brong'ke-dl). A minute bronchial tube. Broneliioli'tis. Inflammation of the bronchioles. B. ein- dati'va, a form with exudation. Bronchiosteno' sis. Same as Brachiactia. Bronchi!'ic. Pertaining to bronchitis. Bronelii'tis (brong-ki'tis). Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Capillary b., inflammation of the minuter bronchial tubes. Catarrhal b., a form with profuse mucopurulent discharge. Fibrinous or Plastic b., bronchitis with expectorated casts of fibrin. Mechanic b., variety caused by inhalation of par- ticles, dust, etc. Putrid b., chronic b. with offensive sputum. Broncliocav'prnons. Both bronchial and cavernous. Bron'chocelc (brong'ko-sel). Same as Goiter. Bronchoegoph' ony. Same as Egobronchophony. Bron' cholith (bron'ko-lith). Bronchial calculus. Bronchoiuyco'sis. Bronchial disease due to microbes. Bronchop'athy (brong-kop'ath-e). Disease of the air-passages. Bronchoph'ony (brong-kof'o-ne). The sound of the voice as heard through the stethoscope applied over a healthy bronchus. Whispered b., bronchophony with the patient whispering. Itron' choplasly (brong'ko-plas-te). Plastic surgery of the tra- chea. Bronchopnenmo'nia (brong-ko-nu-mo'ne-ali). Inflammation of the lungs and bronchia; lobar pneumonia. Bronrhopnl'monary. Pertaining to the bronchi and lungs. Bronchorrha'gia. Hemorrhage from the bronchi. Bronchorrhc'si. Bronchitis with profuse expectoration. Bron' ehotonie (brong'ko-tdm). A cutting instrument used in bronchotomy. Bronehot'omy. Surgical cutting of the trachea or of a bronchus. Bronehotra'cheal. Pertaining to the bronchi or trachea. Bronchovesic' nlar. Bronchial and vesicular. Bron'chns (brong'kus). Either one of the two main branches of the trachea; the trachea itself. Bronzed skin. A symptom of Addison’s disease. 80 Brood-cell. A mother-cel] containing daughter-cells. Broom. Same as Scnparius. Brow'ache. Supra-orbital neuralgia. Brow-presentation. Presentation of brow of fetus in labor. Brown atrophy. Atrophy with brown discoloration. B. indu- ration, induration and pigmentation of lung from long-continued congestion. B. mixture, compound mixture of licorice. Brown'ian movement. Oscillatory movements seen under the microscope in fine particles suspended in a liquid. Brown-Slqnard’s disease or paralysis. Paralysis of motion on one side of the body with paralysis of sensation on the other. Brucli’s glands (brooks). Lymph-follicles of the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. B.’s membrane, inner layer of the choroid coat of the eye. Brn'cin (bru'sin). A poisonous alkaloid, C 231 from nux vomica. Brnissement (broo-ees-maw') [Fr.j. Same as Furring tremor. Bruit (broo-e'). A sound or murmur, especially an abnormal one. Aneurysmal b., blowing sound heard over an aneurysm. B. d'airain, metallic pectoral tinkling. B. de clapotcment, splashing sound heard in dilatation of the stomach. B. de era- qnement, crackling pericardial sound. B. de diable, buzzing venous murmur in anemia. B. de drapean, rustling sound heard in croup and laryngitis. B. tie froissement, a clashing sound. B. de galop, galloping sound in mitral stenosis. B. de lime, a filing cardiac murmur. B. de moulin, water-wheel sound in certain pericardial affections. Placental b., blowing sound in pregnant uterus caused by fetal circulation. B. de pot feltl, cracked-pot sound, pathognomonic of certain lung-cavities. B. de rappel, sound of a drum, due to delayed mitral murmur. B. de seie, a cardiac sawing sound. B. skodiqiie. Same as Skodaic tympany. B. de soufllct, a bellows sound of the heart. Brun'ncr’s glands. Tubuloracemose duodenal follicles. Brnuo'nianisim. The obsolete theory of J. Brown, that all dis- eases are due to excess or lack of stimulus. Brush-burn. A wound produced by friction and resembling a burn. Bryce’s test. Eevaccination as a test for vaccination. Bryo'nla. Root of Bryonia alba: very active poison, medicinal in various diseases. Bry'onin. Poisonous glucosid, a(sTf80Oio, from bryonia. Bryore'tin. A resin obtainable from bryonia. Bn'bo. Inflammatory swelling, especially of the inguinal glands. Gonorrheal b., b. developing in gonorrhea. Indolent b.. a syphilitic b. with no tendency to break down. Parotid b., parotitis. Pestilential b., b. associated with plague. Pri- mary b. See llubon d’embUe. Sympathetic b., b. due to fric- tion and injury. Syphilitic b., one due to syphilis. Venereal b., one due to venereal disease. Bnbon d’embWe. Venereal bubo without preceding symptom. Bnbon'ic. Characterized by, or pertaining to, buboes. B. plague, the oriental plague. See Plague. Bubon'ocele (bu-bon'o-sel). Incomplete inguinal hernia. Buc/cal (buk'al). Pertaining to the mouth. Buccella'tion. Arrest of hemorrhage by a lint-pad. Buccinatolabia'lis. The buccinator and orbicularis oris to- gether. Bne'cinator (buk'sin-a-tor). Flat muscle of the cheek. Buc'cula. Double chin. It u'clip (bu'ku). The leaves of Barosma, having diuretic proper- ties, and used in genito-urinary diseases. AMERICAN POCKET Buck/ bean. The plant Menyanthes trifoliata: tonic and stomachic. Buck' eye. Popular name for various species of JEsculus. Buck' horn. A fern, Osmunda regalis: popular remedy for rickets. Buck' thorn. See Khamnus; also Franguia. Bock's extension. A variety of extension for fractured leg. B.’s fascia, the superficial perineal fascia. Bnene'mia. Inflammatory disease of the leg. Bud'ding (bud'ing). See Germination. Budge’s center (budj'). Genitospinal center. Bnffy coat. Buff-colored stratum on the surface of a blood-clot. Bn'fidin. A poison obtainable from certain toads. Buhl’s disease (boolz). Jaundice of the new-born. Bu'lam boil. Ruinin'a boil. A chronic sore, endemic in West Africa, said to be caused by an insect larva. Bulb. 1. Any rounded mass. 2. The oblongata. R. of the aorta, foremost of the divisions of the primitive embryonic cardiac ves- sel. R. of corpus cavcrnosniu, enlarged muscular and proximal part of the cavernous body. Rental b., the dentinal papilla. R. of the eye, the eyeball. Gustatory b. See Taste-bulb. Hair-b., bulbous expansion of lower end of hair. Olfactory b., the bulb-like extremity of the olfactory nerve on the under surface of each anterior lobe of the cerebrum. Taste- b.’s, end organs of gustatory nerve in papillae of tongue. R. of urethra, the proximal part of the corpus spongiosum. B. of vestibule. See Jlulbus vestibuli. Bnl'bar. Pertaining to a bulb. Bnlboeaverno'sus. The accelerator urinte muscle. Bnlbo-nre'thral. Pertaining to the bulb of the urethra. Bui' bons. Kesembling a bulb. R. nerves, nerves with swollen ends in a stump. B. urethra. See Urethra. Bnl'bus arterio'sns. The bulb of the aorta. B. vestib'uli, the vulvovaginal gland. Bnlim'ia. Insatiable appetite. Bnlim'ie. Affected with bulimia. Bnl'la, A bleb, or cutaneous vesicle. Bnl'late (bul'at). Inflated; bladdery. Bull a'tion. Inflation; inflated condition. Bull-dog forceps. Strong forceps with teeth and a clasp. Bull' et probe. A probe for locating bullets. Bnl'lous (bul'us). Pertaining to a bulla. Bui' piss. A parasitic, papular skin-disease peculiar to Nicaragua. Bundle of Vieq d’Azyr. A bunch of white fibers around the base of the anterior nucleus of optic thalamus. Respiratory b., the solitary fasciculus. See Fasciculus. Bun'ion (bun'yun). A swelling of the bursa mucosa at the ball of the great toe. Bnphthal'mia, Ruphthal'mns. Enlargement of the eye; keratoglobus. Bur' daeh’s columns. Posterior and outer columns of the spinal cord. B.’s fissure, cleft between the lateral surface of the in- sula and inner surface of the operculum. Bur'dock.- Popular name of Lappa. Burette (bu-ret'). A graduated tube used in chemical work. Bur'gundy pitch. Same as Fix Jiurgundica. Burn. A lesion caused by undue heat. Burns’s amaurosis. Dimness of sight caused by sexual ex- cesses. B.’s ligament, a falciform expansion of the fascia lata. Burnt-sponge. Sponge charred and powdered: used in goiter and tuberculosis. Bur'rowing. The formation of passages or tracts containing pus. Bur'sa (ber'sah), pi. bur'see. A sac or pouch. Royer's b., bursa beneath hyoid bone. Fleisehmanu's b., the sublingual bursa. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 81 82 Olnteal b., either of three bursas beneath gluteus maximus muscle, liintrhka's b. Same as B. pharyngea. B. mneo'sa, any membranous sac which secretes synovia. B. pharyn' era, a recess in the pharynx of a fetus and young infant. Popliteal b., a b. in the popliteal space beneath the tendon of the semi- membranosus and the tendon of the inner head of the gastrocne- mius. Prepatellar b., a b. over the patella. Synovial b. Same as B. mucosa. Bur'sal. Pertaining to a bursa. Bursa' lis. The obturator internus muscle. Bur'sic acid. An astringent principle from Bursa pastoris. Bursi'tis (ber-si'tis). Inflammation of a bursa. Thorn waldt’s b., catarrhal inflammation of anterior part of median recess of nasopharynx. Bur' ton’s sign* Blue line on the gums in lead-poisoning. Bn'tane. An anesthetic hydrocarbon, C4HIO. But'ter. Oily mass procured by churning cream. B. of anti* mony, antimony trichlorid. B. of eaeao. See Cacao butter. B. of tin, stannic chlorid. B. of zinc, zinc chlorid. But' tertiy patch. Lupus erythematosus of cheeks and nose. But' terin. Artificial butter chiefly from beef-fat. But'ternut. See Jug lans. But'lock. The gluteal prominence or a lateral half of the same. But'ton anastomosis. Anastomosis between two parts with a Murphy button. But'tonholc fracture. That in which the bone has been per- forated. B. mitral, an advanced state of constriction of the mitral orifice of the heart. B. operation. See Boutonniere operation. Bntylam'in. A ptomain derivable from cod-liver oil: diuretic and sudorific; probably poisonous. Bntyl-ehlo'ral. A substance like chloral; its use is very lim- ited. Bu'tylene. A gaseous hydrocarbon, C 4H8. Bntyra' ceons. Of the consistence of butter. Bntyr'ie acid (bu-tir'ik). See Acid. Bu'tyrin. A yellowish fat, OoHjCCtllvO.,.),!, the chief constituent of butter. Bu'tyroid. Somewhat butyraceous. Bux'in. An alkaloid from boxwood. Bnx'ns semper'vlrens. The tree winch furnishes boxwood; it affords a volatile oil which has been used in medicine. Byssoeau'sis. The use of the moxa; moxibustion. Byssophthi'sis. Phthisis from inhaling dust of cotton mills. Bys'sns (bis'us). Lint or charpie. AMERICAN POCKET C, Abbreviation for carbon, congius (gallon), compound, centigrade, centimeter, clonus, closure, etc. €a. Symbol of calcium. Cabal'line aloes. Coarse aloes used by veterinarians. Caeaerom' eter (kak-a-er-om' et-er). A device for estimating the impurity of the air. Oaca'in (kak-a'in). Same as Theobromin. Cacan'thrax. Malignant anthrax. Caca'o (kak-a'o). Seeds of Theobroma cacao, whence chocolate is made. C. bntter, fixed oil or fat from cacao. Cace'mia (kah-se'me-ah). 11l state of the blood. Caeestbe'sia. Disordered sensibility. Cacliee'tic. Marked by cachexia; sickly looking. c. Cachet (kah-sha'). A wafer or capsule for medicines. Carhex'ia, Cach'exy. Depraved state of nutrition. Lym- phatic c., Hodgkin’s disease, malarial c., chronic mala- ria. Miners’ c., ankylostomiasis. Pacbydermic c., myx- edema. C. splenet'ica, spleen enlargement with anemia; often with leukemia. C. strumipri'ra or tliyrcopri' va, a disordered state which may follow removal of the thyroid body. Thyroid e., exophthalmic goiter. Caehinna'tiou (kak-in-a'shun). Excessive or hysteric laughter. Cac'odyl (kak'o-dil). Poisonous arsenical compound, As(CHB)2. Cacodyl'ic acid. Crystalline acid, (CH3)2, AsOOH, used in pso- riasis. Cacop' athy. Severe or malignant disease. Cacopho'nia. Disordered state of the voice. Cacopla'sia. Formation of diseased or abnormal tissue. Cacoplas'tic. Susceptible of imperfect organization only. Cacos'niia. Foul odor; stench. Cacoth'elin. Alkaloid, derived from brucin. Cacothym'ia. Depression of spirits with morbidly ill temper. Cacot'rophy. 111-nourished condition. Cac'ozymc (kak'o-zlm). A ferment capable of inducing a dis- ease. Cac'lin. Active principle of Cactus grandifloras. Cacti'>ia. A proprietary preparation of night-blooming cereus; said to be a heart-stimulant. Cacn'men (kak-u'men). t. The top of a plant. 2. Part of cere- bellum below the declivis. Cadav'cr (kad-av'er). A dead body or corpse. Cadaver' ic. Pertaining to the cadaver. Cadav'erin. A poisonous ptomain, CSHI4N2, from decaying meat. Cadav'crons. Having the aspect of a dead body. Cade oil (kad). A tarry oil of juniper: used in skin-diseases. Cad'ininm. A tin-like metallic element: its soluble salts are poi- sonous, with a limited use in medicine. Call 11' cons membrane. Same as Decidua. Caecal, Cjecifis, Ocum. Ciesarean operation, etc. See Cecal, Cecitis, Cecum, Cesarean operation, etc. Caf fea. Same as Coffee. Caflfe'ic acid. See Acid. Caffe'in. An alkaloid, ; diuretic, stimulant. CaCfeinism, Cafleisin. Disease induced by excessive use of coffee. Car (cone (kaffe-on). A heart-stimulant from coffee. Caffeoresor'ein. A propietary preparation containing caffein and resorcin. Cagrot ear (kah-go'). Ear with no lower lobe. Cahin'ca. Diuretic root of various species of Chiocca, found in tropical America. Callin'cic acid (kah-hin'sik). See Acid. Cais'son-disease (ka'son). Paralytic disease to which those are liable who work in subaqueous caissons. Caj'epnt, CaJ'npnt. The Melaleuca cajuputi, a tree of the Spice Islands. C. oil, stimulating volatile oil from cajuput leaves. Cake, Agne. See Ague-cake. Cal'abar bean. The seed of physostigma, which see. Calab'arin. Supposed alkaloid from Calabar bean. Cal age (kah-lahzh') [Fr.]. Fixat ion of viscera by means of pillows to relieve sea-sickness. Cal' amin. Native zinc carbonate. Cal'anins. Aromatic rhizome of Ac'orus cal'amus, or sweet flag. C. seripto'rins, the lowest angle of the fourth ventricle. Calca'ncal, Calca'nean. Pertaining to the calcaneum. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 83 84 Calcaneotib'ial. Pertaining to the calcaneum and tibia. Calcaneora' vus. Club-foot combining calcaneus and cavus. Caleaneovalgora' vim. Club-foot combining calcaneus, valgus, and cavus. Calca'iieum (kal-ka'ne-um). Tlie os calcis, orheei-bone. Calra'iieiei. Club-foot in which only the heel reaches the ground. Cal'oar. 1. A spur. 2. Hippocampus minor. C. femora'lo, the plate of strong tissue which strengthens the neck of the femur. Calea'rea (kal-ka're-ah). A calcareous homeopathic remedy of several varieties: extensively used. Caloa'reous (kal-ka're-us). Containing lime. Cal'carinc (kal'kar-in). Pertaining to the calcar. Cal'fit* (kal'sik). Pertaining to lime or to calcium. Calrico'sis (kal-sik-o'sis). Lung-disease induced by inhaling mar- ble dust. Calriticii'lion. Deposition of calcium-salts in the tissues. C'alcigfrouH tubes (kal-sij'er-us). Dentinal tubes of dentin. Calciua' tion. Expulsion of moisture by heat . €al'«inm (kal'se-um). A metal, Ca, the basis of lime, which is its oxid. C. enrbouate, chalk, CaC03. Calculous (kal'ku-lus). Of the nature of a calculus. Cal'cuius (kal'ku-lus), pi. cal'cult A stone-llke concretion in any organ. Arthritic c., a gouty concretion. Biliary c., a gall- stone. Bronchial c., calculus in an air-passage. Cutaneous c., milium. Fusible c., urinary calculus made up of phosphate of ammonium, calcium, and magnesium. Hemic c., concretion of blood coagula. Uacteal, or Mammary, c., a concretion ob- structing a lactiferous duct. Mulberry c., calculus resembling a mulberry in color and shape. Prostatic e., one in the pros- tate gland. Renal c., a calculus in the kidney. Salivary c., one in the ducts of the salivary glands. Seminal c., tartar on teeth from serum of diseased gums. Uterine c., a concretion in the substance of the uterus. Vesical c., stone in the bladder. Xantliic c., urinary calculus composed of xanthin. Calefa'cicnt (kal-e-fa'shent). Causing a sense of warmth. Calen'ilula. The marigold, C. officinalis: used in wounds, bruises, and ulcers. Calen' dulin. A principle obtained from calendula. Cal'enture. Fever of hot regions, with delirium. Calf. The back part of the leg below the knee. Cali bra'tion. Measurement of the caliber of an opening. Calibrator. A graduated cone; an instrument for performing calibration. Cal' ipers. Two-bladed instrument used in various kinds of meas- urement. Calisa'ya (kal-is-a'yah). Yellow cinchona bark. Calisthen' ics. Light exercise for attaining grace and elegance of movement. Callisec'tion. Painless vivisection. Cal'liscn’s operation. Left lumbar colotomy. Calloina'nia. Insanity in which the patient considers herself exceedingly beautiful. Calio'sai. Pertaining to the corpus callosum. Callos'ity. A circumscribed hardening and thickening of the skin. Callosomar'{final. Pertaining to the callosal and marginal convolutions. Callo'sum (kal-o'sum). Same as Corpus callosum. Callons (kal'us). Of the nature of a callus. Cal'lns. 1. Any callosity. 2. The osseous material by which union between ends of a fractured bone is effected. At first it is cartilage- like (Provisional c.), but this is afterward re-absorbed and AMERICAN POCKET replaced by the Permanent e., forming permanent union of bones. Cal' man t (kahm'ant). A calming or sedative medicine; sedative. Cal'mative (kahm'at-iv). A sedative medicine; calming. Calolae'tose. Intestinal disinfectant, consisting of a mixture of calomel, lactose, and bismuth subnitrate. Cal'omel. Mercurous chlorid ; hydrargyri chloridnm mite. Ca'lor anima'lis. The natural or normal heat of the animal body. Cal'orie (kal'o-re). See Calory. Calorifa'eient (kal-or-if-a'shent). Heat-producing: used of cer- tain food-elements. Calorlm'eter. An instrument for estimating the amount of heat disengaged. Cal' ory (kal' o-re). Amount of heat required to raise one kilogram of water one degree centigrade. Calnm'ba. Root of Jateorrhizapalmata ; tonic and stomachic. Calum'bin. A principle obtainable from calumba. Calva'rla. Calva'rlum. That part of the cranium which is above the eyes, ears, and occipital protuberance. Calvit'ies (kal-vish'e-ez). Rack or loss of hair; baldness. Calx. Rime, or calcium oxid. C. clilora'(a, chlorinated lime; disinfectant. C. snlphnra'ta, sulphurated lime; depilatory. C. vi' va, quicklime. Caly'rlform (kadis'if-orm). Goblet-shaped. Ca'lyx (ka'lix). Any one of the cup-like divisions of a renal pelvis. Cambo'gia (kam-bo'je-ah). Same as Qamboge. Cam'era. Any cavity, chamber, or ventricle. C. aqno'sa, an- terior aqueous chamber of the eye. C. cor'dis, the interior of the pericardium. C. oc'ull, space between the cornea and lens. Cam'isole (kam'is-ol) [Fr.]. Straight-jacket for restraining mani- acal patients. Cam'omile (kam'o-mll). Same as Chamomile. Cam'per's ligament. Deep perineal fascia. Cam'phene. Any one of a class of volatile oils with the formula Cnm'plioid. Pyroxylin dissolved in alcoholic solutions of cam- phor. Cam' pliol. a camphor and salol preparation. Camphopheniqne (kam-fo-fen-ek'). A compound containing camphor and phenol, for external use. Cam'plior. A concrete volatile oil, Oh)Hlgo4 ; also, any one of a series of substances called camphors. C.-iee. simple cerate nine parts, camphor one part; for toilet and slight eruptions. C.- naplil«l, two parts camphor and one of naphtol: antiseptic. Cam'phorated. Combined with camphor. C. oil, linimentum camphoris, or camphorated liniment. Camphor' ic acid. See Acid. t'ampim'rter (kam-pim'et-er). An instrument for measuring the field of vision. Can'ada balsam. Oleoresin of fir ; terebinthina canadensis. C. hemp, apocynum. C. piteli. pix canadense; resin of hemlock or Abies canadensis. Can'adol. A local anesthetic, or freezing hydrocarbon, used as a spray. Canal ikan-al'). Any passage or duct in the body. Aleock’s e.. a sheath of the obturator fascia containing the internal pudic artery. Alimentary c., the entire digestive tube from mouth to anus. Arachnoid c., a space beneath arachnoid membrane of brain, transmitting great veins of Galen. C. of ArantiiiN. the ductus venosus. Arehinephric c., the duct of the primi- MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 85 86 live kidney. Bernard's e., the accessory duct of the pancreas. Bichat's e., small subarachnoid space transmitting veins of Galen. Bulbnlar the canal of Petit. Caroticotym- panie e’s., short canals from carotid canal to tlie tympanum, transmitting branches of carotid plexus. Carotid c„ one in petrous portion of temporal bone, transmitting internal carotid artery. Cerviral c., the canal of the cervix uteri. C. of Cloquet. See Hyaloid c. Coelilear e., the spiral cavity of the cochlea. C. of Corti, triangular canal enclosed between pillars of Corti and the basilar membrane. Crural e. Same as Femoral c. C. of Cuvier, the ductus veuosus. Ueiitiual e’s., the minute canals in dentin. Facial c., the aqueduct of Fallo- pius. Femoral c., canal from femoral ring to upper part of saphenous opening. C. of Ferrein, the canal between the free edges of the eyelid when closed. C’s. of Fontana, ring-shaped series of spaces in the sclerotic in front of its attachment to the iris. C. of Gartner, the remains in the female of the main part of the Wolffian duct of the embryo. Haversian c"s., canals ramifying in the compact substance of bone and transmitting vessels and lymph to the interior. C. of Huguier, small canal in between squamous and petrous portions of temporal bone, trans- mitting chorda tympani nerve. Hunter’s c., a triangular canal in the adductor magnus of the thigh, transmitting femoral artery and vein and long saphenous nerve. Huselike's c., canal formed by union of tubercles of tympanic ring. Hyaloid e., canal running through vitreous body, transmitting hyaloid artery of fetus. Incisor «?., canal opening into the mouth by an open- ing behind the incisor teeth of upper jaw. Infra-orbital c., small canal running obliquely through floor of orbit, transmitting infra-orbital artery and nerve. Inguinal e., a canal between internal and external abdominal ring. Jacobson’s e. Same as Tympanic c. hacrimal e.. the canal lodging the lacri- mal duct. C. of I mewenberg, portion of cochlear canal above membrane of Corti. Malar c., canal in malar bone, trans- mitting branch of superior maxillary nerve. Medullary c., the cavity of a long bone, containing the marrow. Nasal e., 1. Canal in posterior part of nasal bone, transmitting nasal nerves. 2. Same as Lacrimal c. Nasopalatine e. Same as Incisor c. Neural e„ the canal in the epiblast of the embryo forming the cerebrospinal cavity. Neurenterie e., canal in embryo from medullary tube to archenteron. C. of Nncb, a tubular process of peritoneum projecting into inguinal canal of female fetus. Parturient e., canal through which child passes in childbirth. C. of Petit, a small channel surrounding the lens of the eye. Portal e., space in capsule of Glisson of liver, transmitting branches of hepatic artery, portal vein, and hepatic duct. Pterygoid c. Same as Vidian c. Pterygopalatine one in sphenoid and palate bones, transmitting vessels and nerve. C. of Rosenthal, the spiral canal of the modiolus of the ear. Sacral e., continuation of vertebral canal in the sacrum. C. of Schlcmm, circular canal surrounding eye at sclerocorneal junction. Semicircular c., long canals of the labyrinth of the ear. Spermatic c. Same as Inguinal c. Spinal c., the canal through the vertebra;, transmitting the spinal cord. Spiral c„ the canal of the cochlea enclosing the scala vestibuli, scala media, and scala tympani. Stilling’s c., the hyaloid canal. Tarsal c., the canal under the head of the abductor hallucis. Tcmporomalar c., canal in malar bone from orbital to temporal surfaces, transmitting superior maxillary bone. Tnbotympanal c., a canal of hypoblast in the embryo, forming Eustachian tube and tympanum. Tympanic c., one in petrous portion of temporal bone, transmitting Jacobson’s nerve. AMERICAN POCKET Uterine e., the entire cavity of the uterus. Vertebral e., the canal enclosed by the vertebral arches. Vidian c., one in sphenoid bone, transmitting Vidian artery and nerve. Volk- mann's c’s., canals in subperiosteal layer of bones communica- ting with Haversian canals. Vomerobasilar e., canal formed by junction of vomer and sphenoid bone. Wharton’s e., the duct of the submaxillary gland. U. of Wirsnng, the pancreatic duct. Zygomaticotemporal e. Same as Tem- poromalar c. f analic'ular. Pertaining to a canaliculus, fanatic'nlus. A small canal or channel. fana'lis. A canal or channel. C. arterio'sns, in a fetal blood- vessel which connects the pulmonary artery and the aorta. C. vcno'sns, a fetal canal which connects the umbilical vein at the liver to the ascending vena cava, t analiza'lion. The formation of canals or perforations. collate, fan'collated. Having a lattice-like structure, fancel'li. Mesh-like or lattice-like structure in bone, f an'ccllons tissue. Spongy tissue in bone, fan'cer (kan'ser). A malignant tumor made up chiefly of epi- thelial cells; carcinoma. Adenoid c., malignant cancer com- posed of cylindrical tubes lined with epithelium. C. aqnat' ieus. Same as Cancrvm oris. Black c., melanotic cancer. C.-eell. the epithelial cells of cancer. Clay-pipe e. See Smokers’ r. Colloid e., one containing colloid matter. Enccphaloid e. Same as Soft. c. C. cn enirnsse. cancer about the skin of the thorax. Epithelial c., epithelioma. Hard e., one made up chiefly of fibrous tissue. C.-juice. the milk-juice flowing from a cut cancer. Medullary e. Same as Soft, c. Melanotic c.. a pigmented cancer. Scirrhous c. Same as Hard r. Smokers' c., epithelioma of lip from irritation of a pipe. Soft e., one made up chiefly of cells. Cancera' lion. The assumption of cancerous qualities. Can'cerin (kan'ser-in). A ptomainfrom urine in cancer of uterus. Can'cerism (kan'ser-izm). Tendency to the formation of cancer; cancerous diathesis. Can'cerons (kan'ser-us). Relating to, or of the nature of, a cancer, fan'eriform (kang'krif-orm). Resembling a cancer. Can'croid (kang'kroid). 1. Cancer-like. 2. A skin-cancer of a lesser degree of malignity, f. corpuscles, the pearly bodies of epithelioma, f anem'in. Supposed alexin of cancer-poison. Can' ernm o' rls. Fetid ulceration of the mouth. U. pnden' di. Same as Noma.. Can'dlc-fish oil. Same as Eulachon oil. f and' la. Bark of Canella alba; tonic stimulant, f ane-sngar. See Sugar. fa' nine eminence. See Eminence. U. fossa. See Fossa. U. tooth. See Tooth. Uanl'ties (kan-isli'e-ez). Grayness of the hair. Can'ker. Ulceration, especially of the mouth or lips. Can'nabene liydrid. An oily hydrocarbon, Cir.Hoo, from can- nabis ; poisonous, fan' naliin. 1. A resin from Cannabis 2. A hypnotic alka- loid of Cannabis, fannab'inone. A dangerous alkaloidal resin from Cannabis. fan'nabis. Hemp ; a genus of plants. C. In'dica. an Asiatic variety of common hemp; preferred for medicinal use. C. sa- il'va. the common hemp; narcotic and antispasmodic. Can' nabism. Habitual use of hemp-derivatives as intoxicants. Cannabilet'anin. A powerful convulsant alkaloid from can- nabis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 87 88 Can' mi la. A tube for introduction into the body, often enclosing a trocar. Canquoin's paste (kang-kwah// ). Caustic paste of equal parts zinc chlorid and flour. Canta'ni’s diet (kahn-tah'nez). Exclusive meat-diet in diabetes. Can' dial. Pertaining to a canthus. Canthar' idal. Pertaining to cantbarides. Canthar'ides (kan-thar'id-ez). Blistering flies. See Ccmtharis. Canthar' idin. Crystalline active principle, from can- tharides. Canthar' idisni. Morbid effect of injudicious use of cantbarides. Can'tharis, pi. canthar' ides. A genus of beetles. C. vesiea- to'ria, the Spanish or blistering fly; vesicant, diuretic, and stimulant. Canthec'tomy (kan-thek'to-me). Surgical removal of a can- thus. Canthi'tis (kan-thi'tis). Inflammation of acanthus. Caiithol'ysis. Surgical section of a canthus and canthal liga- ment. Can' thoplasty. Operation to restore the palpebral fissure to its full length. Canthor'rhaphy (kan-thor'af-e). Suturing of acanthus. Canth'otoiny (kan-thot'o-me). Surgical slitting of either canthus. Can' thus. The angle at the junction of the eyelids. Can'tn« gal'lt. Child-crowing; laryngismus stridulus. Can'ula. Same as Cannula. CaOC. Symbol for cathodal opening contracture. Caou'tchouc (koo'tshuk). India-rubber or gum elastic: much used in dentistry and surgery. Capac' tty, vital. See Vital capacity. Cap'elet, Cap'ped hock. A swelling on the heel of a horse’s hock. Cap'dine bandage. A hood-like bandage applied to a stump. Ca'piat. An instrument for removing foreign bodies from the uterus. Capillalre (cap-il-air'). A demulcent syrup from maiden-hair fern. Cap'illar.y. 1. Pertaining to a hair; hair-like. 2. Any one of the minute vessels which conduct the blood from the arteries to the veins. Capil'licnltiire. Treatment for the restoration of the hair. Capita'tnni (kap-it-a' turn). The os magnum. Capitel'lnm. The rounded eminence on the humerus for the articulation of the radius. Capit'nlnm. A small boss on the surface of a bone. Capotemcnt (kah-pot-maw'). A splashing sound heard in dilata- tion of stomach. Cap'rcolate, Cap'reolary. Tendril-shaped, as the spermatic vessels. Cap'ric acid. See Acid. Cap'rizant. Leaping or bounding; goat-like: said of an irreg- ular pulse. Cap'roue. A clear, volatile oil, CnHwO, from oil of rue. Capi-oylam'in. A poisonous ptomaln ; hexylarnin. Capryl'ie acid. An acid from butter and other oils. Cap'sicin. Acrid resin from capsicum. Cap'sicol. Volatile oil of capsicum. Cap'sicnm. Genus of plants; cayenne, or red pepper. Capsi'tis. Same as Capsulitis. Cap'sitla. The internal capsule of (tie brain. Cap' Millar. Pertaining to a capsule. Capsiila'tlon. The enclosure of a medicine in capsules. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 89 Cap'»nle (kap'sul). 1. Same as Capsular ligament. 2. A soluble case for enclosing a dose of medicine. Atrabiliary e. Same as Suprarenale. Auditory <*., capsule of cartilage in embryo developing into external ear. Bonnet's e., posterior part of sheath of eyeball. Bowman's c. Same as Malpighian c. Car- tilage c.. cavities in matrix of cartilage, containing cartilage- cells. (Bisson's e., sheath of connective tissue inclosing hepatic artery, hepatic duct, and portal vein. Internal e.. tract of nerve-fibers internal to lenticular nucleus. C. of lens, trans- parent sac enclosing lens of eye. Malpighian e.. the globular dilatation forming commencement of a uriniferous tubule in the kidney. Muller's e. Same as Malpighian c. Nasal e.. car- tilage in embryo, developing into nose. Optie e., capsule in embryo, developing into sclerotic. Suprarenal e., small organ in front of upper part of either kidney. C. of Tenon, the fibrous sheath enveloping the eyeball. Capsuli'tis. Inflammation of a capsule, as that of the lens. Capsuloeil'iary. Pertaining to the capsule of the lens and the ciliary apparatus. Capsulolentle' ular. Pertaining to the capsule and lens. Capsulopn' pillary. Pertaining to the capsule and pupil. Cap' siilotonie. A cutting instrument for use in capsulotomy. Capsulot' only. Surgical cutting of a capsule, as that of the lens. Capta'tion (kap-t-a'shun). The first stage of hypnotism. Cap'nt [L.]. The head; any head-like object. C. oo'li. the head of the colon; the cecum. C. cor'nu, C. gelatino'sum, the expanded end of the posterior horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord. C. gallina'ginis. the verumontanum, or crista urethrae; literally, wood-cock’s head. C. medu'sae, a congested appearance of the cutaneous veins around the navel, due to portal obstruction. C. obsti'pum. wry-neck or torticollis. C. Suc- re da' nenin. a swelling on the presenting part of the head of the fetus. Caragheen' fkar-ag-en'). Irish moss. See Chandra.s. Caran'na. A resin from various tropical American trees: now little used. Car'away. The plant Carum carui; also its aromatic seed. Carbani'ie aeid. See Acid. I'ar'basns. Canvas; also, surgical gauze. C. cncbola'ta. car- bo I i zed gauze. C. iodoform:!' ta, iodoform gauze. Car'binol. Same as Methyl alcohol. Car' b» anima'lis. Animal charcoal; a deodorant and decolor- izer. C. lig'ni, charcoal; a deodorant, absorbent and disinfect- ant. Carbwhe'mia (kar-bo-he'me-ah). Incomplete oxidation of the blood. Carboliy'drate. Any compound made up of carbon in groups of six atoms, and of hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions to form water. Carbohydratii' ria. Presence of an excess of carbohydrates in the urine. Car'bol-fucli sin. Staining fluid containing carbolic acid and fuchsin. Carbol'ic acid (kar-bol'ik). See Acid. Car' hoi ism (kar'bo-lizm). Carbolic-acid poisoning. Car' bolize. To impregnate with carbolic acid. Carboln' ria. Carbolic acid in the urine. Car'bon (kar'bon). A tetrad element found in charcoal, diamond, and graphite. C. diox id. a gas, CG2, said not to he poisonous, but to cause death by suffocation. C. disulpliid. poisonous com- pound, CSo: local anesthetic. C. monoxid. a gas, CO, formed by imperfect combustion ; poisonous. 90 Carbonaplittaoi'ic acid. An antiseptic; called also oxynaph- thoic acid. Car' bonale. Any salt of carbonic acid. Carbone'iula (kar-ho-ne'me-ali). Excess of carbonic acid in the blood. Carbon'ic acid (kar-bon'ik). See Acid. Car'bonize (kar'bon-Tz). To convert into charcoal. Carbonom'etr.y. Estimation of the amount of carbon dioxid ex- haled in the breath. Carboxyhemoglo' bin. A compound of carbon monoxid and hemoglobin found in the blood after poisoning by carbon monoxid. Car'buncle (kar'bung-kl). A subcutaneous inflammation, often ending in a suppurating slough. Carbun'cnlar. Pertaining to a carbuncle. Carcasonne's ligament (kar-kah-zonz'). The triangular liga- ment of the urethra. Carcinelco'sis. A cancerous sore. Car'cinold. Resembling a cancer. Carcino' ma. Malignant tumor made up of connective tissue en- closing epithelial cells. See Cancer. Carcinom'atoux. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, cancer. Careino'sls. Development of a cancer; cancerous diathesis. Car'damom, Cardamo'miiin. Fruit of Elettaria cardamo- mum; a warm aromatic. Cardarel'lfs sign. Lateral movements of trachea, a symptom of aneurysm of aorta. Car'dia. The upper orifice of the stomach. Car'diac. Pertaining to the heart. Cardiag' ra. Pain or gout in the heart. Cardial'gia (kar-de-al'je-ah). Pain in the region of the heart, or of the cardia. Cardiamor'phia. Deformity of the heart. Car'diant. A medicine affecting the heart; used also adjectively. Cardtec'tasis (kar-de-ek' tas-is). Dilatation of the heart. Car'dln. An extract of the heart of the ox ; a heart tonic. Car'dinal (kar'din-al). Of special importance. C. points, the two nodal and two principal points, and the anterior and posterior foci of the eye. C. points of Capuron, the two iliopectineal eminences and the two sacro-iliac joints of the pelvis. C. veins, those embryonic venous trunks which form the primitive jugular veins. Car'dioccle (kar'de-o-sel). Hernial protrusion of the heart through the diaphragm. Cardiocente'sis (kar-de-o-sen-te'sis). Surgical puncture of the heart. Cardiodyn'fa. Pain in the heart or cardiac region. Car'diagram. The trace made by a cardiograph. Car'diograph. An instrument for recording the heart move- ments. Cardio-inbib' itory. Restraining the action of the heart. Oar'diollth. A cardiac concretion or calculus. Oardiomala'cia. Softening of the heart’s substance. Cardiop'athy. Any disease of the heart. Cardiopericardi'tls. Inflammation of heart and pericardium. Cardiople'gia. A paralysis of the heart. Cardiopneuniat'lc. Pertaining to the heart and breath. fardinpnea'uiograph (kar-de-o-nn'mog-raf). A machine for registering cardiopneumatic movements. Car'diMpiinrtnre. Same as Cardiocentesin. fardiopylor' ie. Pertaining to the cardia and pylorus. Cartliovas' cnlar. Pertaining to the heart and blood-vessels. Card!'Us (kar-di'tis). Inflammation of the heart. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Car'dol. An irritant oil from the cashew-nut. Ciir'tiuiis benedie'tns. The blessed thistle: now seldom used iis a remedy. Car'iea. The genus which produces the true papaw. See Papaya. Car' iein. The same as Papayin. Ca'rtcs (ka're-ez). Molecular decay of bone. Dry e. See C. sicca. C. fuiigo'sa, form of tuberculosis of bone. Necrotic c., form in which pieces of the bone lie in a suppurating cavity. C. sic'- ca, dry tubercular caries of joints and ends of bones. Cari'esiu. A medicinal preparation from carious bone. Car'inated (kar'in-a-ted). Boat-shaped. Ca'rlons (ka're-us). Affected with caries. Car'min. Red coloring derived from cochineal. Borax-e, See Borax. I'armin'ative. Soothing and calming ; relieving flatulence. Caruiin'ie acid. See Acid. Carnan'ba (kar-na-oo'bah). A South American palm, Corypha eerifera; also, its medicinal root. C. wax, a variety of wax, largely obtainable from the above tree. Car'neons columns. Same as Cblumnce carne.m. Carntfica'tiou. Change of a tissue or material into flesh. Car' nin. A leukomain, said to be somewhat poisonous. Car'nogren (kar'uo-jen). A preparation of fibrin and bone-mar- row. Ca'ro. [L.]. Flesh or muscular tissue. C. Inxu'rians, exuber- ant spongy granulations. Caro' l»a. Same as Jacaranda. Caro' bin. An alkaloid from jacaranda. Caro' ta. L. name for Carrot. Carol'id. Either one of the two main right and left arteries of the neck. Caro'tin. A llpochrome or coloring matter from carrots and tomatoes. Carpag'ra (kar-pag'rah). Pain or gout in the wrist. Carpa'in. An alkaloid from papaw : used in heart-diseases. Car'pal. Pertaining to the wrist or carpus. Carpholo'gia, Carphol'ogry (kar-fo-lo'je-ah, kar-fol' .-je). Picking at the bedclothes; floccitation: usually a sign of great exhaustion. Carpomctacar'pal. Pertaining to the carpus and metacarpus. Carpope'dal spasm. Spasm of the wrists and feet, or thumbs and toes : oftenest seen in rickety or croupy children. Carpopto'sis. Same as Wrist-drop. Car' pus. The wrist or its eight bones. Carragheen (kar-ag-en'). Irish moss. See Chondrus. Carrean (kar-o'). Enlarged, hard state of the abdomen, as in tabes mesenterica. Car'ron oil. Linseed oil and lime-water: used for burns. Tar'-sickness. The symptoms of sea-sickness induced by rail- way travel. Cars'well’s grapes. Pulmonary tubercles at the extremities of bronchioles like a bunch of grapes. Cartliam'in. The coloring-matter of safflower. Car'tilage (kar'til-aj). The gristle or white elastic substance at- tached to articular bone-surfaces and forming parts of the skel- eton. Articular e., that lining the articular surfaces of bones. Arytenoid e’s., two cartilages of the larynx. C.-eapsules, cavities in the matrix of cartilages containing cartilage-cells. C.- eells. C.-eorpnseles, those connective-tissue cells which are found in the cartilage-capsules. Costal c’s., cartilages between true ribs and the sternum. Cuneiform e.. cartilage at the side of tlie arytenepiglottidean fold. SCn«i form e., the third or lower 91 92 AMERICAN POCKET piece of the sternum. Upaelal e.. nodules of cartilage on upper edge of cartilages of the nose. Hyaline that having a gran- ular or homogeneous matrix. Jacobtwn’ii c., hyaline cartilage supporting Jacobson’s organ. Meelcel’s c., the cartilage of the first branchial arch. Palpebral e's. .See Tarsal c’s. Para- ehordal e., one of the two cartilages beside the occipital part of notochord. Beiehart's e., cartilage of the hyoid arch of the embryo, developing into styloid process, etc. Betieular e., cartilage in which the matrix consists of a network of yellow fibers. C. ofSantorlni. Same as Corniculum larynpis. Ses- amoid e’s., small cartilages in the side of the wing of the nose. Tarsal c’s. Same as Tarsus, second definition. Weitbrecht’s «•-, the fibrocartilage of the acromioclavicular joint. C. of Wris- berg, the cuneiform cartilage of the larynx. Xiphoid c. Same as Ensiform c. Y-c., Y-shaped cartilage within the ace- tabulum, joining ilium, ischium, and pubes. Yellow c. Same as Reticular c. Cartil'agin. A principle of cartilage changed by boiling into chondrin. Cartilaginlfiea'tion. Change into cartilage. Cartila'ginoid (kar-til-aj'in-oid). Resembling cartilage. Cartila'glnons (kar-til-aj'in-us). Consisting of cartilage. Cartila'go. L. for Cartilage. Ca' rum. L. for Caraway. far'nnele (kar'ung-kl). A small fleshy eminence, often abnor- mal. Uaerimal e., red eminence at inner angle of eye. Mor- gagnian e., the middle lobe of the prostate. Myrtiform c’s. See Carnnculce Urethral c., small, painful red growth on posterior lip of urinary meatus in women. Carnn'cula. L. for Caruncle. C. mammilla'ris. the ol- factory tubercle. Carun'eulse myrtifor'mes. Supposed relics of the ruptured hymen. Car'vacrol. Stimulant antiseptic oil from camphor and from various volatile oils. Car' vol. An aromatic alcohol from oil of cumin. Caryocine'sis. Same as Karyokinesis. Caryol' ysis (kar-e-ol' is-is). Same as Karyokinesis. Caryom' i tome. Same as Nuclear fibril. Caryomito'sis. Same as Karyokinesis. Caryophyl' lin. A resin or camphor from oil of cloves. Caryophyl' Ins. L. for Clove. Car'yoplaxm (kar'e-o-plazm). The plasma of a cell-nucleus. Caryorrliex'is. Rupture of the envelop of cell-nucleus. Cas'ea baric. Same as Erythrophlceum. Casca' ra a mar' ga. Honduras bark, from Plcramnin antidesma : antileutic. C. sagra'da, bark of Rhamnus purshiana: laxa- tive. Cascaril'la. Bark of Croton eleuteria: tonic, aromatic. Casearil'lin. A bitter crystalline principle from cascarilla. Casea'tion. Precipitation of casein; cheesy degeneration. Ca'sein (ka'se-in). Principal proteid of milk. Casein'ogen. A proteid whence casein is formed. Ca'sense. A digestion-product of casein. Ca'seons (ka'se-us). Cheesy ; cheese-like. Case-talcing. Collection of diagnostic, prognostic, or other mem- oranda. Cash'ew-nut. The fruit of Anacardiurn: its oil is used in leprosy. Cassa'va (kas-sah'vah). Jatropha-starch: identical, except in appearance, with tapioca. Casse'rian ganglion. Same as Gasserian ganglion. See Gan- glion. Cas'sia bark. Cassia lig'uca, A variety of cinnamon. C. buds, dried cinnamon buds from China. C. tls'tula, the purg- ing cassia : pods afford an aperient pulp. Cast. A mass of moulded plastic material produced by effusion. Casts are named according to their constituents, as Blood, epithe- lial, fatty, granular, hyaline, mucous, waxy, etc. Tube c"s., casts of renal tubes in urine of kidney-disease. Casta' nea. The leaves of C. vesca or chestnut: used in pertussis. Cas'tor oil. Purgative oil from seeds of liicinus communis. Casto'reniu. Substance like musk from the follicles of the beaver: antispasmodic stimulant. Casto'rla. Proprietary laxative preparation. Castra'tion. The removal of the testicles; orchectomy. Fe- male c., the removal of the ovaries; oophorectomy. Cas'ualty (kaz'u-al-te). An accidental or other injury ; a wound. Catabol' ic (kat-ab-ol' ik). Pertaining to catabolism. Catab'olin. A product of catabolic change. Catab' ul ism. Passage from a higher to a lower form ; retrograde metabolism. Catab'olite (kat-ab'o-IIt). Same as Calaholin. Catacrot'ic. Breaking the descending line of the sphygmograrn. Catac'rotism (kat-ak'ro-tizm). Interruption of tire line of de- scent in the sphygmograrn. Catadlcrot' ic. Twice breaking the descending line of the sphyg- mogram. Catadl'erotism. Double interruption of the descending line of the sphygmograrn. Catadid'ymus (kat-ad-id'irn-us). Joined into one, as twins, the upper parts being double. Cat'alepsy. Neurosis marked by suspensions of sensibility and voluntary motion. Catalep' tie. Pertaining to catalepsy. Catalep'tirorm (kat-al-ep'tif-orm). Resembling catalepsy. Catalep'toid. Resembling catalepsy. Catalyt'ic (kat-al-it'ik). 1. Alterative. 2. An alterative medi- cine. Catame'nia. The menstrual discharge; menstruation. Catame'nial. Pertaining to the menses. Cat'apasm. A powder to be sprinkled upon the surface. Catapka'sia. Speech-disorder in which the patient constantly repeats a word or phrase. Cataph'ora. State resembling sleep, with privation of feeling and voice. Catapbore'sis (kat-af-o-re'sis). Introduction of medicine into the system through the unbroken skin, especially by means of an electric current. Cataphor' ic. Pertaining to cataphora or to cataphoresis. Cat' aplasm. A poultice. Cataplec'tlc. Sudden and overwhelming; fulminant. Cat'aract (kat'ar-akt). Opacity of the lens of the eye. Capsu- lar c., cataract from opacity of the capsule. Cortical loss of transparency of the outer layers of the lens. Diabetic c., one associated with diabetes. Discission of c., operation of rupturing the capsule, so that the aqueous humor gains access to the lens. Extraction of c., removal of the cataractous lens by operation. Fluid c., the breaking up of an opaque lens into a milky fluid. Crccu c., a greenish reflex seen in glaucoma ; also seen when the pupil is dilated and the media are not entirely trans- parent. Hard c. See Senile c. Immature c„ only a part of the lens is cataractous. Incipient c., a cataract in its early stages, liacteal c. See Fluid c. tamcllar c.. one due to opacity of some of the layers between the cortex and nucleus, the MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 93 94 AMERICAN POCKET remaining layers being transparent. Uentieular <■., one occur- ring in the lens proper. Mature c., one in which the whole lens- substance is involved. Morgagnian c., when an over-ripe c. shrinks and leaves a nucleus floating in the dissolved outer layers. Polar e. (anterior or posterior), the opacity is confined to one pole of the lens. Pyramidal c., the opacity is at the anterior pole and is conoid, the apex extending forward. Recurrent capsular c., or Secondary c., capsular cataract, appearing after the extraction of the lens. Ripe c. See Mature c. Seuile c., the cataract of old persons. Soft c., one in which the lens- matter is soft and milky. Unripe c. Same as Immature c. Zonular c. Same as Lamellar c. Catarac' tons*. Of the nature of cataract. tala' ria. Same as Catnep. Catarrh (kat-ahr'). Inflammation of a mucous membrane with free discharge; chiefly used of the nose and pharynx and of the bladder, etc. Epidemic c., influenza. Gastric c., gastritis. Intestinal c., enteritis. Nasal c., coryza. Pulmonary c., bronchitis. Uterine c., endometritis. Vesical e., cystitis. Catar'rhal (kat-ahr'al). Of the nature of a catarrh. Cat'astate (kat'as-tat). Any one of a series of catabolic condi- tions or substances. Catastat' ic. Pertaining to a catastate. Catato'nla, Catat'ouy. Insanity passing from melancholia to mania and thence to complete mental and physical decay. Catatri erode. Producing three breaks in the descending line of the sphygmogram. Cat'echin. A crystalline principle from catechu. Cat'eehu. Astringent extract, chiefly from Acacia catechu, of the East Indies. Catechu' tc acid. Same as Catechin. Catelcctrot'onus, Increase of nerve-irritability near the cath- ode. Cat'enatingagne. See Ague. Cat'gut. Sheep’s intestine prepared for use'as a ligature. Cathar'sis (kath-ar'sls). A purgation ; a cleansing. Cathar'tic. 1. Purgative. 2. A purgative medicine. C. acid, the purgative principle of senna. Cath'eter (kath'e-ter). A tubular instrument for discharging fluids from a cavity. Roieman'a c., a double-current uterine catheter. Eustachian c., an instrument for distending the E. tube. Female c., short catheter for female bladder. C.-fever, fever following the introduction of the catheter into the urethra. Oonley’s c., a solid, curved instrument grooved on its lower aspect, for passing over a guide, through a stricture into the blad- der. M'lalou's c., a catheter of soft rubber. Sell rut lev's c., catheter of hard rubber and of varying caliber, used for di- lating laryngeal strictures. Self-retaining c., one that will hold itself within the bladder. Cath'eterism. Catlieteriza'tion. The employment or pas- sage of a catheter. Cath' odal. Pertaining to a cathode. Cath'ode. The negative electrode or pole of an electric circuit. Cathod'lc. I. Pertaining to a cathode. 2. Efferent, or centrifugal. Oat'ion (kat'e-on). An electropositive element, Cat'lin, Hat'ling. A form of amputating knife. Cat'nep, Cat'nip. The herb Ne.peta cataria: diaphoretic, car- minative. Catop'tric test. Test for cataract by light reflected from the lens. Catop'trics. The science of reflected light. Cat’s ear. A deformed ear not unlike that of a cat. Cat’s-eye pupil. A narrow, slit-like pupil. Cat’s purr. Fremissement cataire; a purring heart-sound indica- tive of a valvular disease. Cat'fie plague. Contagious typhus in cattle. Caa'da (kaw'dah). Any tail-like appendage. C. eerebel'li, vermiform process of cerebellum. C. equi na, a bundle of nerves at the distal end of the spinal canal. C. stria'ta, pos- terior part of the caudate nucleus. Can'dad (kaw'dad). Toward any cauda. Can'dal (kaw'dal). Pertaining to the tail. Cau'date (kaw'dat). Having a tail. Cauda'turn. The caudate nucleus. Caul (kawl). Part of the amnion which sometimes envelops the child’s head at birth. Cau'lifiou’er excrescence, A form of cancer of the cervix uteri. Caulopbyl'lin. A resinoid from Caulophyllwn thalictraides. Causal'gia (kaw-sal'je-ah). Neuralgia with a sense of heat. Caus'tic (kaw'stik). Burning or escharotic. C. arrows, sharp points charged with a caustic material. Imgol’s c. See LugoVs caustic. Lunar c., silver nitrate. Mitigated c., silver nitrate diluted with potassium nitrate. C. potasli, potassium hydrate. C. soda, sodium hydrate. Cau'terant (kaw'ter-ant). A caustic material or application. Cauteriasa'tlon. Application of the cautery. Cau'fery (kaw'ter-e). The application of a caustic, or burning substance or instrument. Actual e., burning by a hot iron, moxa, or lens. C. battery, a battery used in galvanocautery. Galvanic e. Same as Qalvanocautery. Potential c., cau- terization by means of an escharotic. Ca'va (ka'vah). A vena cava. Ca' val. Pertaining to a vena cava. Cav'alry bone. Rider’s bone; bony formation in the adductor magnus femoris. Car' aseope. An instrument for illuminating a cavity. Caverni'tls. Inflammation of the corpus cavernosum. Caverno'ma. Avascular tumor with sinuses. Caverno' sum. Same as Corpus cavernosum. Cav'ernous. Containing caverns or hollow spaces. Cav'itary. 1. Forming cavities. 2. Any entozoon with a body- space or alimentary canal. Cav'ity (kav'it-e). A hollow. Abdominal c., the cavity of the peritoneum. Amniotie e., the cavity of the amnion. Cotyloid e. Same as Acetabulum. Glenoid e., cavity in head of scapula for articulation with humerus. Pleuroperi- toneal c., the body-cavity or celom. Prcperitoneal e., the loose subperitoneal tissue in front of the bladder. Pulp c.. cav- ity in a tooth containing' the dental pulp. Rosenmflller’s c., depression in pharynx on either side of openings of Eustachian tube. Serous e., one of the larger lymph-spaces. Sigmoid e., either of two depressions in head of ulna for articulation with the humerus and the radius. Cavoval'gus (ka-vo-val'gus). Cavus combined with valgus. Ca'vum (ka'vum). Any hollow or cavity. C. Ret'zll. Same as Preperitoneal cavity. Ca'vus (ka'vus). See Talipes cavus. Cayenne pepper (ki-en'). Same as Capsicum. Caienave’s lupus (kahz-nahvz'). Lupus erythematosus. C.c. Cubic centimeter. C.CCL. Cathodal closure contraction. Cd. Symbol of Cadmium. Ce. Symbol of Cerium. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 95 96 Ceboeepha'lia, Ceboceph' aly. Monkey-like deformity of the head, with eyes close together and nose flat. Ceboceph'alus. A teratism marked by cebooephalia. Ce'cal (se'kal). Pertaining to the cecum. Cecec'tomy (se-sek'to-me). Surgical removal of a part of the cecum. Ce'cum (se'kum). Proximal part of large intestine. Ceci'tis (se-si'tis). Inflammation of the cecum. Cecos'tomy (se-kos'to-me). Formation of artificial anus in the cecum. Ce'dar (se'dar). See Juniper. Oil of c., oil of Juniperus Virpin- iana; used in microscopy. See also Cade, oil of. Ceil'rou (sed'ron). The Simaba cedi-on, a tree of tropical Amer- ica ; reputed to afford useful remedies. Cel'amline. Same as Chelidonium. Cela'rium <"se-la're-um). The membrane lining the celom. -ccle. An affix indicating a tumor. Cel'ery (sel'er-e). The plant Apium yraveolens; nerve-stimulant. Ce'llac (seTe-ak). Pertaining to the abdomen. C. axis. See Axis. Celiadel'phus. A double monstrosity joined at abdomen. Celial' gia (se-le-al'je-ah). Pain in the abdomen. Celiec'tomy (se-le-ek'to-me). Excision of an abdominal organ. Cclioliystcrec'tomy (se-le-o-his-ter-ek'to-me). Excision of ute- rus through an abdominal incision. Celiot' omy (se-le-ot'o-me). Same as Laparotomy. Celi'tis (se-li'tis). Any abdominal inflammation. Cell. Any one of the minute protoplasmic masses which make up organized tissue. Acid c. Same as Delomorphous c. Adelo- morphous c., transparent columnar cells lining the glands of the stomach • believed to secrete pepsinogen. Air-c., an air- vesicle. Ameboid c., a cell which is able to change its form and to move about. Apolar c., a nerve-cell without processes. ltc:«Uer-c. Same as Ooblet-c. C.-body, the portion of the cell whk.h encloses the nucleus. C.-vapsnle, a thick strong cell-wall. Central c. Same as Adelomorphous c. Ciliated c., a cell provided with cilia. C. of Corti, any one of the hair- cells in outer surface of organ of Corti. Cylindrical e., an epithelial cell of cylindrical shape. Dansrhter-c., a cell-formed by division of a mother-cell. C’s. of Deiters. 1. Cells with fine processes on the basilar membrane of the cochlea. 2. Neuroglia- cells. Delomorphous c’s., large cells in the glands of the stomach, believed to secrete the acid of the gastric juice. Demi- lune e’s., granular protoplasmic cells in mucous glands between the mucous cells and the basement membrane. C.-division. Same as Karyokinesis. Embryonal e’s.. small round cells composing embryonal tissue. Endothelial c’s., cells compos- ing endothelium. Epithelial e’s., cells composing epithelium. Fat-c’s., connective-tissue cells filled with oil. Fibcr-e., a cell elongated into a fiber. Floor-e’s., cells of the floor of the arch of Corti. Formative e’s. Same as Embryonal c’s. Ganglion- e., a large nerve-cell, especially one of those of the spinal ganglia. Oiant c., large multinucleated cell. C’s. of Oianuzzi. Same as Demilune c’s. Glia-c’s., neuroglia-c’s. 6oblet-c., an epi- thelial cell bulged out like a goblet by contained mucin. Onard- c., endothelial cells lining stomata of serous membranes. Gusta- tory c’s., taste-cells. Hair-e’s., epithelial cells with hair-like processes. Lymphoid e’s., a small connective-tissue cell with a large nucleus, llarrow-e’i., large cells characteristic of true marrow. Mastoid e’s., the mastoid sinuses. See Sinus. Mother-e., a cell that divides to form new cells. Mucous c’s., cells which secrete mucus. Myeloid c’s., myeloplaxes. AMERICAN POCKET C’.-nests, a mass of closely packed epithelial cells surrounded by a stroma of connective tissue. Yuclear c., nerve-cell con- sisting of a nucleus surrounded by a branching protoplasm. Oxynllc lialoccii(c'sis (sef-al-o-sen-te'sis). Surgical puncture of the head. a'reaii (('iwa'reau) Hertiou. Delivery of fetus by abdom- inal incision. t'eMarot'om.v. Same as Cesarean section. IV'unm, Cie'slnm. A rare metallic element: its binary com- pounds have a limited medicinal use. Ces'tode, Ces'toid (ses'tod, ses'toid). Resembling a tape-worm. Cestoi'dea (ses-toi'de-ah). An order of platyhelmians, including the tape-worms. Cela'renm (se-ta'se-um). D. for Spermaceti. Cetra'ria Islaif dim. The Iceland moss: nutritious and medi- cinal. Cev'adin (sev'a-din). An alkaloid from sabaclilla. fh»Toma'nla (ke-ro-ma'ne-ah). Mania characterized by exal- tation and cheerfulness. Clia'grew li ver (tshah'gres). A malarial fever endemic near Chagres in Colombia. l liahi'/.a (kal-a'zah). The spiral cord which connects each end of the yolk of a bird’s egg with the outer wall. Chala'zlon (ka-la'ze-on). A tumor on the eyelid, formed by the distention of a Meibomian gland. flialro'sU (kal-ko'sis). The presence of copper-deposits in tis- sue. flial' Ice-cel Is (tshal'is). Same as Goblet-cells. Chalico'sis (kal-ik-o'sis). Lung-disease from the inhalation of stony particles. ('halin'oplasty (kal-in'o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of the angle of the mouth. Chalk (chawk). Non-crystalline form of calcium carbonate. C.- stone, gouty concretion of the hands and feet. Chalyb'eate (ka-lib'e-ilt). Impregnated with iron. Chain'hers (cham'berzj. The spaces of the eye. Anterloi* c., the space between the cornea and iris. Aqueoni e., space between cornea and lens of eye. Posterior e., the space be- tween the iris and the lens. Chain'ois skin (sham'me, sham'wah). A soft leather, usually of sheepskin; used in surgery. Chani'oinile (kam'o-mll). Flower-seeds of Anthemis nohilis : a tonic refrigerant. Chan'cer, Chan'ere (sbang'ker). Primary lesion of syphilis. Hard, Hunterian, or True e„ venereal chancer followed by constitutional syphilis. Mon-infeeling. Simple, or Soft e. Same as Chancroid. Chan'eroid (shang'kroid). A soft, non-syphilitic venereal sore. Phagedenic e., chancroid with a tendency to slough. Ser- piginous e„ phagedenic c. spreading in curved lines. Chan'crons (shang'krus). Of the nature of chancer. Change of life. The menopause. Char'bon (shar'hon). Anthrax or malignant pustule. Char'coal (char'kdl). Carbon prepared by burning organic mate- rial. Charcot'-Men'mann crystals (shar-ko'noi'mahn). Crystals of spermin-phosphate. Charcot pains (shar-ko'). Rheumatism of a testicle. Charcot'-Robin crystals (shar-ko'-ro-bang'). Crystals seen on leukemic blood. Charcot’s arthropathy (shar-kdz'). Joint-effusion in locomotor ataxia. C.*s crystals. Same as Charcot-Neumann crystals. C.’s disease, multiple cerebrospinal sclerosis. Char'latan (shar'lat-an). A quack, a medicaster. Charlatanry (shar'lat-an-re). Quackery. Charles's laiv. The volume of a gas at a constant pressure varies directly with the temperature. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 101 102 Char'ley horse. Stiffness of arms and legs in baseball players. ('hsir'pic (shar'pe). Lint; also a preparation of spun linen used like lint. Char'ta (kar'tah). L. for Paper; also medicated paper. Char'tula (kar'tu-lah). Paper packet containing a dose of powder. Chassaiguae’s tubercle (shahs-san-yaks'). The carotid tu- bercle. Chaud-pisse (shod-pes'). Burning sensation during micturition. Chaiilmu'gra oil (tshawl-moo'grah). Oil from Asiatic tree Gynocardia odorata: used in syphilis and leprosy. Chanvel's operation (sho-velz'). Plastic surgery of the upper lip. ( liau slirk. Twigs and bark of Govania, dominguensis: tonic and dentifrice. Cheek-experiment. Same as Control-experiment. Cheek. Side of face below the eye. C.-bone, the malar bone. Chce'sy (che'ze). Cheese-like; caseous. Cheili'tis (ki-li'tis). Inflammation of a lip. Chei' ioplasty (ki' 10-plas-te). Plastic surgery of a lip. Cheilostomat'oplasty (ki-los-to-mat'o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of lip and mouth. Cheiromes'aly. Pseudo-acromegaly in which the swelling affects the hands, wrists, and ankles. Cheiropoin'pholyx (ki-ro-ponPfo-lix). A skin-disease with peculiar vesicles on the palms and soles. Chei' rospasm (ki'ro-spasra). Same as Writers’ cramp. Che'ken (che'ken). Leaves of Myrtus rheken: used like eucalyp- tus. Che'leue (ke'len). Proprietary local anesthetic, containing ethyl chlorid. Chelido' ilium ma'Jns. Celandine; a narcotic, expectorant, and cathartic plant. Che'lold (ke'loid). Skin-disease with growths like crab’s daws. Chelo'ne gla' bra. Balmony, a plant with tonic and aperient properties. Clii'lo'niii (ke-lo'nin). A preparation from chelone; aperient, anthelmintic. Chem' Ic, Chem' ica I. Pertaining to chemistry. Chemicoean' tery (kem-ik-o-kau' ler-e i. Cauterization by chemi- cal means. Chemiotax'is. Same as Chemotaxis. Chemise (she-meez'). A muslin dressing for use in rectal and vesical surgery. Chem' Ist (kem'Lst). An expert in chemistry. Chem'lstry (kem'is-tre). The science of the composition of mat- ter. Chemo'alM (ke-mo'sis). Edema of conjunctiva of the eye. Chemotac'tie (kem-o-tak'tik). Pertaining to Chemotaxis. Chemotax'is (kem-o-tax'is). The movement of certain cells toward or from other cells. Chemot'lc (ke-mot'ik). Pertaining to chemosis. Chemot'ropism (ke-mot'ro-pizm). Same as Chemotaxis. Chenopo'dium ambronio'idea. The plant which produces American wormseed and its oil; anthelmintic. Cher'ry. See Primus vtrpiniana. C.-lau'rel, Primus lavro- r.erasus, an old-world cherry tree ; its preparations contain hydro- cyanic acid. Chest. Same as Thorax. Chest'nut. The tree Onstanea vesc.a; the leaves are used in whooping-cough. Cheyne-Stohes' respiration (chan-stoks). Respiration in which there is a rhythmical increase and decrease in respiratory AMERICAN POCKET movements. C.-S' nystagmus, nystagmus in which the oscillations have a rhythmic increase and decrease. Chi'au turpentine (ki'an). A turpentine from Pistacia tere- binthinus. t'iii'asm (ki'azm). A crossing or decussation ; especially the cross- ing of the fibers of the optic nerve. Chiastom'eter (ki-as-tom'et-er). An instrument for ascertaining the deviation of optic axes. Chiek'en-hreast. Undue prominence of the sternum. t’hick'en-fat clot. A yellowish blood-clot. Chick' cn-pox. Same as Varicella. Chignon In ■■ go ill (shen-yong'). A nodular growth on the hair. Chigo, Chigre (tshe'go, tshe'gra). A tropical sand-flea which often burrows in the toes and feet. Chil' 111 a I ii. Inflammation and swelling of toes and feet from cold. Child' bed. The puerperal state or season. Child crowing. Same as Laryngismus stridulus. Chill. A rigor; cold stage, as of intermittent fever. Chills and fever. Intermittent fever. Chi' loplasty. See OhrUoplasty. Chimaph'ila ninbclla'ta. The plant pipsissewa ; diuretic and astringent. Chini'ncy-sweeps' cancer. Scrotal epithelioma. Chi'na (ki'nah). Same as Cinchona. Chin' -cough. Pertussis or whooping-cough. Chin'-Jerk. Reflex closure of the mouth on depressing the jaw. Chinoi'din (ke-noi'din). An amorphous alkaloidal precipitate from cinchona; antiperiodic. Chi' not (ki' nol). An antipyretic and analgesic coal-tar derivative. Chin'olin (kin'o-lin). An alkaloid, CgH-N : antipyretic and anti- septic. Chi' non (ki'noa). Same as Quin,one. Chi nofox' in (ki-no-tox'in). An artificial substance with the poisonous properties of curare. Chiunahlep'sia (ki-o-na-blep'se-ah). Snow-blindness. Chionan'thin (ki-o-nan'thin). Besinoid from Chionanthus vir- i/inica, or fringe-tree: narcotic and aperient. Chira'ta, Chiret'ta (ki-ra'tah, ki-ret'tah). The plant Swertia chirata of India: a bitter tonic. Chi r<»|>'odist (ki-rop'o-dist). One who treats corns, bunions, etc. Chirop'ody fki-rop'o-de). The art or practice of a chiropodist. Chi rur'gery (ki-rur'je-re). Same as Surfiery. Chirur'gia (ki-rur'je-ah). L. for Surgery. Chiriii-'gi<-al (ki-rur'jik-al). Same as .S'urpical. Chi'tin (ki'tin). The horny substance of the shells of crabs and lobsters, and of the shards of beetles. Chit' ■ ■ions degeneration. Amyloid degeneration. Chloas'iua (klo-az'mah). Discoloration of the skin: sometimes due to a microsporon. C. hepat'ienm, a kind following dys- pepsia; liver spots. C. uteri' nnm, chloasma occurring during pregnancy. Chlo race'tie acid. See Acid. Chloraeetixa'tion (klo-ras-set-iz-a'shun). Induction of anes- thesia by chloroform and acetic acid. Chlo'ral (klo'ral). A liquid, C2HCI3O; also, chloral hydrate. C. hydrate, hydrate of chloral; hypnotic and anodyne. I'hloralam'id (klo-ral-am'id). A hypnotic, said to be safer, but slower, than chloral hydrate. Chlwralanti|»y' riu (klo-ral-an-tip-i'rin). Same as Hypnol. Chluralearhani' id. A mildly hypnotic preparation. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 103 104 AMERICAN POCKET fit local ini'id. A compound which has been used as a chloral- hydrate substitute, f hlo'railniii (klo'ral-izm). The habitual use of chloral; also, the poisonous effect of chloral, fill o' ralizc (klo'ral-Iz). To put under the influence of chloral, f lilo'calose (klo'ral-os). A substance said to be safer and more efficient than chloral, f lilocalu'retliane (klo-ral-u'reth-an). Same as Ural. Chloram' id (klo-ram' id). Same as Chloraiamid. f lilorane'mia (klo-ra-ne'me-ah). Same as Chlorosis. f lilocau'ody ac. A proprietary anodyne. Chlo'rate (klo'rat). Any salt of chloric acid. Chloream' phur fklor-kam' for). Any chlorin and camphor com- pound : some have been used in medicine, fill ore' mia (klo-re'me-ah). Decrease of hemoglobin and red corpuscles of the blood. Chlo' ric ac' id. See Acid. flilo'cid (klo'rid). Any binary compound of chlorin. tTi lo' rin (klo'rin). A yellowish gaseous element: disinfectant and deodorizer, f lilo'ciliated (klo'rin-a-ted). Charged with chlorin. fill o' rile (klo'rit). Any salt of chlorous acid : all are disinfectants and bleaching agents, ftilocoane'iiiia (klo-ro-a-ne'me-ah). Same as Chlorosis. f lilo'cobcom (klo'ro-brdm). A hypnotic mixture of potassium bromid and chloramid. fill o' (klo'ro-dtn). A proprietary anodyne and narcotic, f lilo' colocm (klo'ro-form). A volatile liquid, CHCI3, anesthetic, soporific, and counter-irritant, f lilo' roforiiiiNin (klo' ro-form-izm). Excessive use of chloroform or ill effects thereof, flilo'rol (klo'roll. A non-official antiseptic solution, fliloro'ma (klo-ro'ma). Greenish sarcoma of the pericranium, flilo'roiiliane (klo'ro-tan). A green-yellow pigment from the retina. f lilo' ropliyl. The green coloring matter of plants. 11l lorosareo' in;i. Same as Chioroma. fliloco'sis. Green-sickness; anemia of young women about the time of puberty, flilorot'ie (klo-rot'ik). Affected with chlorosis. Vhlo'rou« acid (klo'rus). SOO Arid. f lilo'rozone (klo'ro-zbn). A yellow disinfectant fluid, flilocphe'iiol (kldr-fe'nol). A chlorin and phenol compound: antiseptic and antituberculous, f lilocsal'ol. A salol and chlorin compound, f lilo'cum (klo'rum). L. for Chlorin. f lilo'ryl. Anesthetic containing chlorids of ethyl and methyl, f iioa' n:i‘ (ko-a'ne). The posterior nares. f hoc' olate (chok' o-let). Paste from the seeds of Theohronia cacao. f lioked disk. Congested and inflamed state of the optic disk, f ho' lagogne (ko'lag-og). A medicine which promotes the dis- charge of bile, fholal'iv sic ill. See Acid. f holangi'li* (ko-lan-ji'tis). Inflammation of a bile-duct, fholecy'aiiin (ko-le-si'an-in). Same as RUicynnin. fho'lecyst, f holecys'tis. See Gnil-bladder. f liolee.vsteet a'sia (ko-le-sis-tec-ta'ze-ah). Distention of the gall- bladder. fholecys'teoiomy (ko-le-sis-tek'to-me). Excision of the gall- bladder. CholecystenteroH' tomy (ko-le-sis-ten-ter-os' to-me). Hu rgieal formation of a passage from the gall-bladder to the intestine. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. C'holeryati'Us (ko-le-sis-ti'tis). Inflammation of tlie gall-bladder. Cholecj stooolos'tomy (ko-le-sis-to-ko-los'to-me). Surgical for- mation of a passage from gall-bladder to colon. Cbolecystorolot'omy (ko-le-sis-to-ko-lot'o-me). Incision of the gall-bladder and colon. Cbolecystoduodrnoa'tomy. Formation of a communication between gall-bladder and duodenum. Cbolecystolitb' otripsy (ko-le-sis-to-lith'o-trip-se). Crushing of a gall-stone in the cholecyst. Cliolecystor' rhaphy (ko-le-sis-tor'raf-e). Suturing of the gall- bladder. Cbolecystos' tomj (ko-le-sis-tos'to-rae). Surgical formation of an opening into the cholecyst. Cholerystot/omy. Incision of the gall-bladder. Ciiolealooliodnode nos'(om.v. Surgical formation of an open- ing between the bile-duct and duodenum. Choledorlioenteros'toiny. Surgical creation of a passage from gall-duet to Intestine. Chaledorbolltb'otriitsy. Crushing of a gall-stone in the bile- duct. Üboledorhos' f omy. Formation of an opening into bile-duct. < liolcdoeliot'omy. Surgical incision of the bile-duct. Cholebe'mia (ko-le-he'me-ah). Presence of bile in the blood. Chole'lc (ko-le'ik). Pertaining to the bile. Cholelifhi'asis. The formation of gall-stones. 4'bolr lil hot' omy (ko-le-lith-ot'o-me). Surgical incision for the removal of a gall-stone. t’bolr lit bot' rll.y (ko-le-lith-ot'rit-e). Crushing of a gall-stone. t’hole' iti I a (ko-le'me-ah). Presence of bile or bile-pigment in the blood. Cbolepyr' rhin (ko-le-pir'in). Same as BUiphein. t liol'cra (kol'e-rah). A disease characterized by vomiting, purg- ing, spasms, and griping pains. Asiatic* «•., epidemic and mark- edly severe form of cholera. Cbirben-c., fatal epidemic disease of fowls, with inflammation of lymphatic glands and digestive organs. Hog-c., infectious disease of swine, with ulceration of bowels, congestion of lungs, and red patches on the skin. C. iu- fan'tiim. a summer-cholera of young children, tl a I ign:i at <■., Asiatic c. U. mor' bus, acute gastro-enteritis, with diarrhea, cramp, and vomiting. miK'trac. Same as C. morbus. red. a red pigment obtainable from cholera spirillum, tk-spl- rilluiu. the comma bacillus, the pathogenic organism of epi- demic cholera. Summer e.. cholera morbus. Uholrra'ic (kol-er-a'ik). Pertaining to cholera. t'holer'iform (ko-ler'if-orm). Resembling cholera. Chwl'erine (kol'er-in). A relatively mild form of cholera. Uholeropho'bia (kol-er-o-fo'be-ah). Morbid fear of cholera. Ciholer'yfhrin (ko-ler'ith-rin). Same as Bilirubin. Cbolrstrato'ma. Tumor containing fat-like materials. Übolrstere'mia (ko-les-ter-e'me ah). Excess of cholesterin in the blood. Übolrs'terin (ko-les'ter-in). A crystalline fat from bile, gall- stones, and nerve-tissue. Cholete'lin (ko-let-e'lin). A yellow coloring matter from biliru- bin. fholetber'apy. Use of bile as a medicine. Uholeu'ria (ko-lu're-ab). Presence of bile in urine. Cbolrvrr'din (ko-le-ver'din). The same as BUicyanin. 4'bo'lir arid (ko'lik). See Acid. 4-ho'lin (ko'lin). A poisonous ptomain, CjHjjNOo, from brain- substance, bile, etc. Uhol'olitb (kol'o-lith). A gall-stone. 105 106 Oholn'ria (ko-lu're-ab). Presence of bile in the urine, i'linn'dral (kon'dral). Pertaining to cartilage. 4'lioudi:il'si:i (kon-dral'je-ah). Pain in a cartilage. Cliondrec'tomy (kon-drek'to-me). Surgical removal of a carti- lage. Clliondriflea'lion (kon-drif-ik-a'shun). Development of carti- lage. Cilioii'ilrlii (kon'drin). A cartilage proteid. llhondri'tis (kon-dri'tis). Inflammation of a cartilage. Chon'droblast (kon'dro-blast). Cell forming cartilage. Clion' rtroclast (kon'dro-klast). A giant cell concerned in the absorption and removal of cartilage. Chondrocos' lal (kon-dro-kos'tal). Pertaining to ribs and costal cartilages. l p«|' omy. Surgical cutting operation upon the vagina. Poll's-fool. See Tussilugo. Pol iim'bin (ko-lum'bin). Active principle of calumba. Polum'bo (ko-lum'bo). Same as Calumba. Polumrl'la. Central axis of the cochlea of the ear. P, na'sl, the septum of the nose. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 115 116 AMERICAN ROCKET Col'nnin (kol'um). A supporting part. Anterior c., layer of white matter in either half of spina! cord between the anterior horn and the anterior median fissure. C. of ItniMlacb. See Postero-external c. C. of flarke, a column of gray matter to the outer and posterior side of the Central canal of the spinal cord, at the base of the posterior cornu. I»ireef cerebellar c.. a tract outside of the lateral pyramidal tract. C. of 0011. postero- median column of the spinal cord. C. of Oolvers. a mass of fibers in front of the direct cerebellar tract. Lateral c., layer of white matter in either half of the spinal cord between the pos- terior horn and nerve-roots and the anterior horn and nerve-roots, f. of Vlorgagni. folds of mucous membrane seen at the junc- tion of the rectum with the anus. Posterior e., a mass of white matter in the spinal cord on either side between the posterior horns and the posterior median fissure. Postero-external e., the outer wider portion of the posterior column of the cord. Pos- teromedian e., the middle portion of the posterior column of the cord. Posterovesieular e. See C. of Clarke. Respira- tory e., the solitary fasciculus. C. of Sertoli, an elongated cell in the seminiferous tubule supporting spermatogenic cells. C. of Spitaifea-Lissauer, a group of nerve-fibers of cord in front of and behind the posterior horns. C. of Tilrek. the anterior or direct pyramidal tract. Vesicular e., column of nerve-cells in posterior gray horn of cord. Coinin'na (ko-lum'nah). A pillar or column. C. adipo'sa. Same as Fat-column. C. Bertl'nt, cortical part of kidney sepa- rating any two pyramids. C. ear' nea, any one of the muscular projections within the ventricles of the heart. C. na'si, the sep- tum of the nose. Coinin'nae papilla'res. Same as papillares. C. va- gi'nee, rugosities within the vagina. Coinin' nar layer. The rod-and-cone layer of the retina. Col'iiiniiing (kol'um-ing). Support of the prolapsed uterus by means of tampons. Co'ma (ko'mah). Profound stupor in sickness or after severe in- jury. Alcoholic e., coma from alcoholism. Apoplectic e.. that due to apoplexy. Diabetic c., peculiar coma seen in fatal diabetes. Kussniaul’s 0., coma with acetone in urine from diabetes. XTremic e., that due to uremia. C. vigil, stupor with wakefulness, low delirium, and serai-consciousness. Co'matose (ko'mat-6s). Pertaining to, or affected with, coma. Combos'tion. Burning; rapid oxidation,with emission of heat. Com'edo (kom'e-do). 1. Disease due to the presence of come- dones. 2. Singular of comedones; a blackhead. Comedo'nes (kom-e-do'nez). Blackheads; plugs of dried sebum in the excretory duets of the skin. fo'mes (ko'mez). A companion ;an artery which accompanies a nerve-trunk. Com'ma bacillus. The spirillum of epidemic cholera. C. tract, a comma-shaped tract in the dorso-external column of the cord. Commeli'na. Any one of several plants of Mexico having styp- tic properties. Commeu'sal. An organism living on or within another, but not as a parasite ; used also adjectively. Com'minuted frac'tiirc. A crushed bone. Comminu'tion. A breaking into small fragments. Commissii' ra bre'vis. The posterior part of the inferior vermi- form process of the cerebellum. C. mag'na. Same as Corpus callosum,. C. sim'plex, a lobule on the superior cerebellar ver- miform process. Com'missure (kom'mis-ur). Tissue linking corresponding right and left parts of brain or cord. Anterior c.. a cord of white libers in front of crura of fornix. Arcuate c., the posterior optic c. Cray c.. band of gray matter joining the Jateral masses of gray matter of the spinal cord. Mcynerfs c., c. of nerve-fibers extending from floor of third ventricle-through optic tracts to sub- thalamic body, middle e., band of gray matter joining optic thalami. Optic c., the crossing of the two optic nerves. Pos- terior e., a white band joining the optic thalami posteriorly. Commotio (kom-mo'she-o). A concussion ; shock from a violent shaking. Commu'nicans. A communicating nerve. C. hypoglos'si, C. no'ni, nerves joining the cervical plexus to the descendens noni. C. perone'i, a nerve which joins the external popliteal and short saphenous nerves. C. Willis'ii, the posterior coni- mnnicans artery of the brain. Com'iniilator (kom'mu-ta-ter). A device for reversing electric currents. Compact' tissue. The hard, external portion of bone. Coin par' ati vc aiiat'omy. See Anatomy. Compatibility. Suitableness for administration with another specified medicine. Com'pensating operation. Tenotomy of an ocular muscle when its antagonist is paralyzed. Compensation. The counterbalancing of defect of structure or function. Complement'al air. See Air. Complemen'tary colors. Those which when blended pro- duce a white. Com'pie,v of symptoms. The sum of signs of any morbid condition. Complex' ns. See Muscles, Table, of. Com' plicated fracture. See Fracture. Complication (kom-ple-ka'shun). A disease or diseases con- current with another disease. Com' pos mentis. Of sound mind. Composition powder. Compound powder of bayberry. Com'pound astigmatism. See As/ir/matism. C. cathartic pills, pills of colocynth, jalap, calomel, and gamboge. C. frac- ture. See Fracture. C. microscope, one with two lenses, the eye-piece, and objective. Com'press. Folded cloth for applying pressure. Graduated c., a compress consisting of layers of gradually decreasing size. Com pres'siou (kom-presh'un). Act of pressing together: state of being pressed together. C.-atrophy. See Atrophy. C. of the brain, abnormal pressure upon the brain, as by abscess, tumor, fracture, congestion, or effusion. IHgital c., compres- sion of an artery by the fingers. C.-myclitis. See Myelitis. Com pres'sor. Instrument or muscle for compressing. See Mus- cles, Table of. Compul'sory movements. Co-ordinated movements due to injury of a nerve-center. Coua' rium (ko-na're-urn). The pineal gland. Conca'to’s disease (kon-kah'toz). Progressive inflammation of serous membranes. Con'cave (kon'kav). Having a depressed or hollow surface. Concav'ily. A depression or hollowed surface. Concavocon'cave. Concave on either side. Concarocon' vex. Having one concave and one convex side. Concentration (kon-sen-tra'shun). 1. Increase in strength by evaporation. 2. Medicine which has been strengthened by evapo- rating its non-active parts. Conception (kon-sep'shun). The fecundation of the ovum. Imperative c., a false idea dominating a person’s actions. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 117 118 AMERICAN POCKET Con'elia (kong'kah). The hollow of the external ear. C. laby- I'j n' ttii. Same as Cochlea. ConvKi'nin. .Same as Quinidin. Conebi'tis (kong-ki'tis). Inflammation of the concha. Con'choic«i>« (kong'ko-skop). A nasal speculum. Concom' itant squint. See under Strabismus. C. symp- toms. See Symptoms. Con' Crete (kon'kret). Condensed or solidified. Concre'tion. 1. Calculus. 2. Abnormal union of parts adjacent. Couchs'sion. Violent shock or jarring. C. of the brain, effect of severe head-injury. C. of the labyrinth, deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus from head-injury. C.-myelitis. See Mye- litis. Spinal c., result of shocks or blows affecting the myelon. Condensa' tion. Pathologic hardening of a part, with or without shrinkage. Condenser. 1. Device for illuminating microscopic objects. 2. Worm, or corresponding part, of apparatus for distillation. Conden'sing' ostei'tis. Same as Osteosclerosis. Con dom. A capote or sheath for the penis. Condnc'tion (kon-duk'shun). Transference of heat, sound, nerve-impulse, or electricity. Aerial c., conduction of sound- waves to the ear through the air. Acrolympanal c., conduc- tion of sound to the ear through the air and the tympanum. C.- aphania. See Aphasia. Cone-c., conduction of sound through the bones of the skull. Condncliv' ity. Capacity for conduction ; ability to convey. Conclue'tor. 1. A substance or part which possesses conductivity. 2. A guide for the surgeon’s knife. Comluran'go (kon-du-rang'go). Bark of GonolobuS condurango of Peru ; a bitter stimulant and reputed alterative. Con' clylar (kon' dil-ar). Pertaining to a condyle. Condylarthro'sis. Articulation in which a bony eminence is lodged in a joint-cavity. Con'dyle (kon'dll). Rounded eminence at articular end of bone. Condylee' tomy (con-dil-ek'to-me). Removal of a condyle. Conclyl' lon (kon-dil'e-on). Point at lateral tip of the mandibular condyle. Con'dyloid (kon'dil-oid). Resembling a condyle or knuckle. Condylo'ma (kon-dil-o'mah). Wart-like growth about the vulva or anus. C. la'turn, a wide, flat condyloma with yellowish discharge. Condylo'matous (kon-dil-o'mat-us). Of the nature of a con- dyloma. Condylot'omy (kon-dil-ot'o-me). Excision, or division, of a condyle. Con'dy’s fluid. A disinfectant solution of sodium or potassium permanganate. Cone of light. Triangular light-reflex on the membrana tym- pani. Retinal c’s., minute percipient organs near the outer- most layer of the retina. Confec' tion. A medicated sweetmeat, conserve, or electuary. Confectioners’ disease. Finger-nail disease peculiar to con- fectioners. Confine'ment (kon-fin'ment). Childbirth; the puerperal state or condition. Con' fluent. Running together; becoming merged in one. C. articulation. See Articulation. C. smallpox, smallpox in which the pustules become more or less blended. Con' formator. Instrument for determining outlines of skull. Confronta' tion (kon-frun-ta' shun). The bringing of two patients together for diagnostic purposes. Congela'tion (kon-je-la'shun). Frostbite or freezing. Congen'crons muscles (kon-jen'er-us). Those which act to- gether as one organ. Congen' ital (kon-jen'it-al). Existing at or before birth. Congested (kon-jes'ted). Hyperemic; overloaded with blood. Conges' tion (kon-jes'chun). Abnormal accumulation of blood in a part. Congestive (kon-jes'tiv). Associated with congestion. C. fever, a form of malarial fever. Con'gins (kon'je-us). L. for Gallon. Conglomerate gland. A gland made up of several lobes. Conglu' tin (kon-glu' tin). A proteid from the lupines, peas, beans, and almonds. Congln'tinant. Promoting union, as of the lips of a wound. Conglntlna'tlon. Abnormal adherence of parts to each other. Con'go-red. Red pigment, turned blue by HCI; used in the study of gastric juice. Co'ni vasenlo'si. Conical masses in globus major of epididymis. Con'leal cor'nea. See Keratoconus. Co'niin, Con'in. Liquid alkaloid of conium, CBHivN. Coni' um (ko-ni'um). Fruit of Conium maculatum, poison hem- lock : sedative and narcotic. Con'Jugal diabetes. See Diabetes. Con'jtigate deviation. Deviation of both eyes to right or left. C. diameter, sacro-pubic diameter of superior strait of pelvis. Conjugation (kon-ju-ga'shun). Reproduction by the union of one organism with another. C.-nuclens. Same as Segmenta- tion nucleus. Conjuncti'va (kon-junk-ti'vah). Delicate membrane which lines the lids and covers the eyeball. Conjunctivitis (kon-junk-tiv-i'tis). Inflammation of the con- junctiva. Catarrhal e., mild form resulting from cold or irri- tation. Croupous c., associated with the formation of a whitish- gray membrane. Diphtheric c., purulent form due to the Klebs-Ldffler bacillus. Egyptian c. See Trachoma. Follic- ular c., a form marked by round, pinkish bodies in the retro- tarsal fold. Gonorrheal c., a severe form caused by infection with gonococci. Granular e., trachoma. Phlyctenular c., one marked by small vesicles surrounded by a reddened zone. Purulent c., one characterized by a creamy discharge. Spring c.. Vernal c.. c. coming on with the spring. Conner'live tissue. The tissue which binds together and is the basis of the various parts and organs of the body. Co'noid. Cone-shaped or conical. C. ligament, inner portion of the coracoclavicular ligament. C. tubercle, eminence on lower surface of clavicle for attachment of c. ligament. Consanguin'ity. Blood-relationship; kinship. Conscn'snal motion. That excited by reflex stimulation. Conscr' vancy. The sum of hygienic and preservative legisla- tion ; care of things which restore and maintain public health. Conservative. Aiming at a preservation and repair of parts. Con'serve. A confection, electuary, or medicated sweetmeat. Consolidation. Solidification, as of a lung in pneumonia. Con'stant battery, C. cell. A galvanic battery or cell which affords a fairly constant and uniform current. C. current, un- broken or uninterrupted electric current. Con'stipatcd. Affected with constipation ; costive. Constipation. Infrequent and difficult evacuation of the feces. Constitution. The make-up or functional habit of the body. Constitutional. Affecting the whole body ; not local. Constrictor muscles. See Muscles, Table of. Construct'ive metabolism. Anabolic change or process. Consult' ant. A consulting physician or surgeon. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 119 120 Consult a't ion. A deliberation of two or more physicians with respect to the diagnosis or treatment of a particular case. Consumption. Wasting of the body ; pulmonary tuberculosis. Contact breaker. Instrument for breaking a galvanic current. Coata'gion (kon-ta'jun). Communication of disease through mediate or immediate contact. Psychic c., transfer of nervous disease by imitation. Contagios' ity. The quality of being contagious. Contagions (kon-ta'jus). Communicable by direct or indirect contact. 1 Conta'gium (kon-ta'je-um). Virusor morbific matter which may 1 spread disease. C. vitnm, a living organism that causes dis- ease. Conllgu'lty (kon-tig-u'it-e). Contact or proximity. Amputa- tion in tlie c., amputation at a joint. Solution of c., dislo- cation, luxation, or displacement. Contin'ned current. See Current. C. fever. See Fever. Continu'lty (kon-tin-u'it-e). The quality of being continuous. Amputation in the c., amputation by cutting through a bone. Solution of c., fracture, rupture, or division of a bone or other tissue. Contrac'tile. Contracting under the proper stimulus. Contraetil' ity. Ability to contract with a suitable stimulus. Contrac'tion (kon-trak'shun). A drawing together; a shorten- ing or shrinkage. Anodal, Closing or Opening c., the con- traction at the anode on closing or opening the circuit. Carpo- pedal c., a kind of tetany in infants, with flexing of the Angers, toes, elbows, and knees, and a general tendency to convulsions. Closing c., muscular contraction at the instant that the electric current is closed. Dupuytrcu's c., a contraction of palmar fascia causing flexing of the fingers. Front-tap c., contrac- tion of gastrocnemius on tapping muscles of front of leg. The foot is placed at a right angle to the leg, and the muscles of the front of the leg are tapped, the foot is extended. Hour-glass c., contraction of an organ, as the stomach or uterus, at the middle. Idiomuscular c., contraction produced by direct stimulation of the muscle. Opening c., muscular contraction produced by opening or breaking the circuit. Paradoxic c., contraction of a muscle, caused by the passive approximation of its extremities. C.-remainder, the contraction persisting in a muscle after withdrawal of the stimulus. C.-ring, the boundary between the upper and lower segments of the parturient uterus. Tonic e., tonic spasm. Contrac' ture (kon-trak'tur). Shortening and distortion ; perma- nent, as from the shrinkage of muscles, or spasmodic, as from electric or sudden stimulus. Contratndiea'tion. A condition which forbids any particular course of treatment. Contralat'eral muscle. A muscle which acts in harmony with a muscle on the other side of the body. Contreeoup' (kon-ter-koo'). Injury resulting from a blow on a remote part. Control' (kon-trol'). An experiment, or other standard, by which to test the correctness of observations. C.-animal, an animal not immune which is exposed to the effects of a virus, an immune animal being submitted to the same treatment at the same time. C.-experiiueut, any experiment made under standard condi- tions by which to lest the correctness of other observations. Contuse' (kon-tuz'). To bruise: to wound by beating. Contu'Nion (kon-tu'zhun). A bruise; the act of bruising. C.- pneumouia. pneumonia from traumatism. Co'mis (ko'nus). 1. A cone. 2. Posterior staphyloma of the AMERICAN POCKET myopic eye. C. arterlo'sns, the upper anterior angle of the right ventricle of the heart. C. medulla'ris, the lower and conical end of the spinal cord. C. term i 1 is. same as Conus medvMarls. Convales' eence. The stage of recovery following an illness. €onvallam'arin. A glucosid from convallaria: emetic, diuretic. Convalla'ria maja'lls. Lily of the valley: cardiac stimu- lant, diuretic. Couvalla'rin. A purgative glucosid from convallaria. Convergence (kon-ver'jens). The fact or point of converging. Conver' great (kon-ver'jent). Tending toward the same point. C. strabismus. See strabismus. Con'vex. Having a rounded and somewhat elevated surface. Con vexocon'cave. Same as Concavoconvex. Conrexocon'vex, Convex on each of the two faces. Conrolu'tiou (kon-vo-lu'shun). The elevated part of the brain- surface more or less marked off by fissures. Angular <».. the posterior part of a convolution between the intraparietal fissure and the horizontal limb of the Sylvian fissure. Aunevtant c., small convolutions connecting the occipital with the temporo- sphenoidal and parietal lobes. Ascending frontal c., con- volution in front of fissure of Rolando. Ascending parietal c., convolution just behind fissure of Rolando. Broca’s c., the inferior or third frontal convolution. Dentate c., a cere- bral c. in the hippocampal fissure. Fornicate c., a long con- volution on mesial surface of the brain above corpus callosum. Frontal c., the convolutions of the frontal lobe. Hippo- campal c., the part of the fornicate convolution winding around the splenium of the corpus callosum. Inframarginal c., the superior temporal c. Insular c., small convolutions composing the island of Reil. Marginal c., mesial surface of the first frontal convolution. Occipital c., the convolutions making np the occipital lobe. Paracentral c., a convolution on mesial surface of the brain, representing the junction of the upper ends of the ascending frontal and ascending parietal convo- lutions. Parietal c., the convolutions of the parietal lobe. Supramarginal c. See Angular c. Temporal c.. the convolutions of the temporal lobe. Uncinate c.. the hook-like end of the fornicate convolution. Convol'vulln. Purgative glucosid, C3iH50Oie, from jalap. Convulsion. An involuntary spasm or contraction of muscle. Kpileptiform c., convulsion marked by loss of consciousness. Hysteric c., one due to hysteria. Mimetic c., c. of facial muscles. Puerperal c.. c. just before or after childbirth. Te- tanic c., tonic convulsion without loss of consciousness. Ure- mic c., one due to retention in the blood of matters that should be eliminated by the kidney. Convnl'slve. Pertaining to a convulsion ; of the nature of a con- vulsion. U. tic, spasm of those parts of the face supplied by the seventh nerve. Coor'tllnate cramps. Same as Circus movements. Court! I ua'lion. Harmonious working together of parts and nor- mal sequence of functions. Copa'iba (ko-pa'ib-ah). Resinous and diuretic juice of various trees, as Copaifera officinalis: used in gonorrhea and catarrhal diseases. Uopio'pia (ko-pe-o'pe-ah). Eye-strain ; worn-out state of the eyes. Cop'per. A metal with poisonous salts. C. acetate, verdigris; now sparingly used, mainly in ointments. C. aceto-arsenite. Paris-green : highly poisonous. C. sulphate, blue vitriol; blue- stone : astringent, emetic. Cop'pera*. Ferrous sulphate: deodorizer, tonic, and astringent. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 121 122 Copre'mia (ko-pre'me-ah). General blood-poisoning from chronic constipation. Coprola'lia. Insane utterance of obscene words. Cop'rolitli (kop'ro-lith). Hard fecal concretion in the intestine. Copropli'agty (kop-rof'aj-e). The eating of ordure. Copros' tasis (kop-ros' tas-is). The impaction of feces in scybalous masses. Cop'Us trifolia'la. Gold thread, a plant: bitter tonic. Copula'tion (kop-u-la'shun). Sexual congress. Cor. L. for Heart. C. adlpo'siim, fatty lieart. C. liovi'- mini, “ox-heart;” greatly enlarged heart. C. liirsu' turn, C. tomento'snm. Same as Hairy heart. Coraco-acro'mial. Pertaining to acromion and coracoid pro- cess. Coracoliracliia'lis. See Muscles, Table of. Cor'acoid (kor'ak-oid). Like a crow’s beak. C. ligament extends across the coracoid notch. C. notch, a notch in upper border of the shoulder-blade. C. process, a projection from the anterior and superior edge of shoulder-blade. Cor'dial (kor'jal). A strong aromatic alcoholic liqueur. Cor' dilbrm. Heart-shaped. Corec'tonic (ko-rek'tom). Cutting instrument for iridectomy. Corectomedial' y*l». Same as Core-dialysis. Corec' tomy (ko-rek'to-me). Same as Iridectomy. Corecto'pia (kor-ek-to'pe-ah). Displacement of pupil. Coredial'ysls (ko-re-di-al'is-is). Artificial detachment of the iris from the ciliary ligament for new pupil. Corel' ysis (ko-rel' is-is). Detachment of adhesions of iris to cornea or lens. Coremorplio'sis. Creation of an artificial pupil. Coreom'eter (ko-re-om'et-er). Device for use in measuring the pupil. Coreom'etry. Measurement of the pupil. Co'reoplasty (ko're-o-plas-te). Creation of an artificial pupil. Corel'olll y (ko-ret'o-me). Same as Iridotomy. Corian'der. The Coriandrum sativum.; a plant whose fruit is aromatic and stimulant. Co'riuin (ko're-um). The true skin ; derma or cutis vera. Corn. Horny induration of skin from pressure; clavus. C. silk. See Stipmatn maydis. Cor'nea (kor'ne-ah). The transparent anterior part of the eye. Conic c. Same as Keratoplohvs. Cor neal. Pertaining to the cornea. C. corpuscles. See Cor- puscles. C. spaces, star-shaped lacunae between the laminae of the cornea. Cornei'tls (kor-ne-i'tis). Inflammation of the cornea. Corneo-iri'tis. Inflammation of the cornea and iris. Corneosele' ra. The cornea and sclera regarded as one organ. Cor'neons (kor'ne-us). Horny; horn-like. C. layer. Same as Stratum corneum. Cor'niciiliini laryn'gis. Cartilaginous nodule on the arytenoid cartilage. Cornitica'tion. The process of becoming horny. Cor'llll. L. for Horn. C. amino'nis. Same as Hippocampus major. C. cer'vi, deer’s or stag’s horn. C. cuta'nenm. C. Ii iima'mini, horny excrescence on the skin. Cor' nual. Pertaining to the horns of the spinal cord. C. myeli- tis. See Myelitis. Cor'mis. The tree Cornus florida; dogwood: root-bark is anti- periodic and tonic. Corn 11' tin (kor-nu'tin). An alkaloid of ergot. Coro'lla. A crown. C. den'tis, the crown of a tooth. C. "lan' - AMERICAN POCKET «lis, rim around proximal part of glans penis. C. radia'ta, fibers which radiate from the optic thalamus. C. Vcn'cris, zone of syphilitic sores on the forehead. Cor'onal suture. The suture between parietal and frontal bones. Cor'unary. Encircling, in the manner of a crown. Cor'oner. Officer who holds inquests over violent and sudden deaths. Cor'ouoid fossa. Hollow in the humerus which receives coro- noid process of the ulna. C. process, a process of the ulna; also one of the lower jaw. Coros'eopy (ko-ros'ko-pe). Same as Skiascopy. Cor'pora. PI. of Corpus. C. albican' lia. two small protu- berances at the base of the brain. C. amyla'cea, masses like starch in neuroglia, prostate, etc. C. oliva' ria, two oval masses behind the pyramid of the medulla. Cor'puleuey (korp'u-len-se). Undue fatness ; obesity. Cor'pus. PI. cor'pora. L. for Body. C. alie'num, a foreign body. C. annula're. Same as Pons Varolii. C. Aran'iii. Same as A rantins’ body. C. bigem'innm. Same as Optic, lobe. C. eal- lo'sum, the great commissure of the cerebrum. C. cavernu' - sum. either one of the two erectile columns of the dorsum of the penis or clitoris. C. cilia' re. Same as Ciliary body. C. den- la'le. Same as Corpus dentatum. C. denta'tum, a layer of gray substance in the white matter of the cerebellum. C. fim- bria'turn, band of white matter bordering the lateral edge of the lower cornu of the lateral ventricle. C. genleula' In in. one pair of tubercles on the lower part of the optic thalami. C. Higli- moria'nuni. Same as Mediastinum testis. C. In'teum, yel- low mass in the ovary in the place of an ovisac which has dis- charged its ovum. C. pyramitla'le, pyramid of the medulla. C. quadrigem' inum, organ made up of four oval bodies be- hind the third ventricle. C. restifor'me, either of the two col- umns of the oblongata extending to the cerebrum and the cord. C. spongin'sum, erectile rod in the lower part of the penis. C. stria'turn, a gray mass on the floor of either lateral ventricle. C. subthalani'ieum. Same as Subthalamus. C. vit'reum, the vitreous body of the eye. C. Wolflia'uuui. Same as Wolffian body. Cor'pusele (kor'pus’l). Any small mass, organ, or body. Amy- laceous e's. See Corpora amylacea. Rizzozero's e*s. See Blood-platelets. Cartilagc-e's. See Cartilage. Cnlostrum- e’s., large granular cells in colostrum. Corneal e*s.. star-shaped c’s. within the corneal spaces. C. of Donne. See Colostrum corpuscles. Genital e's., special nerve-endings in the external genitals. Gluge's e’s., granular corpuscles in diseased nervous matter. Hassal’s e's., nucleated cells in the thymus gland. Krause's e’s., round bodies constituting nerve-endings in mu- cous membrane of mouth, nose, eyes, and genitals. Rostorfer’s e's., granular bodies from the blood in syphilis. Cymph-c’s.. corpuscular matter of lymph. Malpigliian e. 1. The lymphoid nodules of the spleen. 2. The tuft of blood-vessels surrounded by the expanded portion of the uriniferous tubule of the kidney. Meissner's e's.. tactile corpuscles. Norris’s e's., colorless, transparent disks, invisible in the blood-serum. Pacinian e's.. small corpuscles in the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the fingers and toes, surrounding the termination of a sensory nerve. Pliantom e„ a decolorized red blood-corpuscle. Red blond- e's.. biconcave circular disks containing hemoglobin. The red corpuscles of man are about in. in diameter and TSjSTJ in. thick, and their number is about five millions to each cubic milli- meter of blood. Tactile e's. of Wagner, the small, oval MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 123 124 AMERICAN ROCKET bodies in the papilla.* of the skin surrounded by nerve-fibers. €’». of Vater. Same as Pacinian <■'*. White or colorless blood-c’s., flattened cells, about in. in diameter. torpns'rnlar. Pertaining to corpuscles. forree'tanl, Correc'tive. An ingredient which modifies the action of another. Cor'rigan’s disease. Incompetence of aortic valves. C’s. pulse. Same as Water-hammer pulse. forro'sion-anafomy. The removal of tissue by a corrosive process. Corro'slve (kor-ro'siv). Having a caustic and locally destructive effect. C. suhlimate. Mercuric chlorid, H9CI«: disinfectant, poisonous. Corrupt'tor snperell'ii. See Muscles, Table of. for'tex. Outer layer or bark. C. oer'ebrl, external layer of the brain, composed of gray matter. Cor'tical (kor'tik-al). Pertaining to the cortex. C. cataract, opacity in the cortex of ttie lens. C. paralysis, paralysis from lesion of cerebral cortex. Corti’s arches (kor'tez). Arches made up of Corti’s rods. C.’s canal, passage made by the arches of Corti. C.’s eel Is. hair- cells in Corti’s organ. C.’s membrane, lamina which covers Corti’s organ. C.’s rods, double row of pillars which form Corti’s arches. C.’s teeth. See Auditory teeth. C.’s tunnel. Same as Corn’s canal. Co'ryl (ko'ril). Mixture of ethyl and methyl chlorids; used as local anesthetic. Corylenr (ko-ril-er'). Apparatus for applying a spray of coryl. fory'za (ko-ri'zah). Acute nasal catarrh or cold in the head. Cosmet'ie (koz-met'ik). A substance used for improving the com- plexion. C. operation, operation for correcting an unsightly defect. (Wmoliiie (koz'mo-lin). Petrolatum or vaselin. Cos' la. L. for Rib. fos'fal (kos'tal). Pertaining to a rib. C. areh, the arcli of the ribs. C. cartilages, (cartilages which prolong the ribs ante- riorly. C. respiration. See Respiration. Cow'live. Affected with constipation; constipated. Cos' I i veness. Constipation of the bowels. Coslochon'dral. Pertaining to a rib and its cartilage. Costoclavicu'lar. Pertaining to ribs and clavicle. Cosloeor'acoid. Pertaining to ribs and coracoid process. Costoster' nal. Pertaining to a rib and to the sternum. fos'fotome (kos'to-tdm). Knife for dividing costal cartilages. Costotransverse'. Tying between the ribs and transverse pro- cesses of the vertebrae. Cost over'tebral. Pertaining to a rib and a vertebra. Co'to (ko'to). An aromatic astringent bark from Bolivia. Coto'in (ko-to'in). Active principle, . Abbreviation for diopter, for dexter (right), and for dose; and symbol for closed circuit. DaCos'ta's disease. See Disease. Daeryadenal'gia. Pain in a lacrimal gland. Dacry adeni'tis. Inflammation of a lacrimal gland. Dacryadenoscir' finis. Scirrhus of a lacrimal gland. Dac'ryagogne (dak're-ag-og). 1. Causing a flow of tears. 2. A medicine which provokes a flow of tears. Davryoadeni'tlw (dak-ro-ad-en-i'tis). Same as Dacryadenitis. Daicryobleniiorrlie'a. Mucous flow from the tear-apparatus. Dac'ryoecle (dak're-o-sel). Hernia of the lacrimal sac. Dae' rjoryst (dak're-o-sist). The tear-sac. Dacry ocystal'gia (dak-re-o-sis-tal'je-ah). Pain in the lacrimal sac. Dacry ocysti'tis. Inflammation of the dacryocyst. ]>acry ocysloblennorrhc' a. Blennorrhea of the lacrimal sac. Dacryocys' totome. Knife for cutting the lacrimal sac. Dacry wcystot'omy. Surgical puncture of the lacrimal sac. Dacryolicmorrlie'a. The discharge of bloody tears. Dac' ryolin. An albuminous substance from tears. Dae'ryolite, Dac'ryolitli. A lacrimal calculus. Dacryo'ma. 1. A lacrimal tumor. 2. Closure of a punctum lacrimale. Dac'ry on (dak're-on). The lacrimal point; the point where the lacrimal, frontal, and upper maxillary bones meet. Dac'ry ops (dak're-ops). Distention of a tear-duct. Dacryopyorrhe'a. Discharge of purulent tears. Dacryorrlic'a. Excessive morbid flow of tears. Dac'tyl (dak'til). A finger or toe; a digit. Dactyl'ion. Union of the fingers ; webbed fingers or toes. Dactyli'tis (dak-til-i'tis). Inflammation of a finger or toe. Dactylngrypo'sis. Permanent bending of the fingers. Dactylol'ojyy. Conversation by means of the fingers. Dactylol'ysls (dak-til-ol'is-is). Same as A inhum. Dsemonomania. See Demonomania. Dak' ryon, etc. See Dacryon. Dal'tonism (dawl'ton-izm). See Color-blindness. Dam, See Rubber-dam. Damal'ic acid. An acid, C 7H80, reported as occurring in urine. Dainalii'rlc acid. An acid, C7H1200, found in the urine. Damia'na (dah me-ah'nah). The leaves of three or more Mexi- can plants, alleged to be aphrodisiac. Dam'mar. A resin of many varieties used for plasters and in microscopic work. Dance, St. Vitus'. See Chorea. Dan'ce’s sign. Depression in the right iliac region in intussus- ception. Dan cing disease. See Tarantism. D. mania. See Choro- mnnia. Dan'delion. See Taraxacum. Dan' drutr. Scaly scurf from or on the scalp. Dan'dy fever (dan'de). Same as Dengue. Dapli' ue (daf'ne). See Mezereon. Daph'nin (daf'nin). Active principle, + 2HaO, from barks of species of Daphne. Darier*» disease (dar-yaz'). Same as Keratosis foUicularis. Dar'toid (dar'toid). Resembling the dartos. l>ar' tos. Tlie contractile tissue under the skin of the scrotum. Dar'tre (dar'tr). See Herpes. Dar'lron§. Pertaining to herpes; herpetic. Darwin'lan tubercle. An eminence sometimes seen on the edge of the helix of the ear. Oar' win i sm. The theory of evolution, as propounded by 0. R. Darwin. Datu'ra (da-tu'rah). A plant genus. See Stramonium. Data' ria. An alkaloid like atropin, from stramonium. Datu'rism (da-tu'rizm). Stramonium-poisoning. Dangh' tcr-eell (daw'ter). See Celt. D.-eyst. See Cyst. D.- nueleus, a new nucleus formed in kaiyokinesis by the diaster. D.-star. Same as Amphiaster. D.-wreatli, the d.-star viewed from its surface. Day-blind'ness. Partial blindness by day, with better vision at night. Deaf-iun' tism. The condition of being deaf and dumb. Deal7 ness (def'nes). The state of being deaf or dull of hearing. Base d., deafness to certain low tones. Boilermakers’ d., deafness from working among machinery, marked by inability to hear ordinary con versa! ion, while hearing is increased amidst loud noise. Cerebral d., that due to a brain-lesion. Cortical d., that due to disease of the cortical centers. Mind d. Same as Psychic (I. Paradoxical d., state in which hearing is best during a loud sound. Psychic d., inability to comprehend spoken language. Tone d., sensory amnesia. Word d. Same as Psychic d. Death. Cessation of life. Black d.. the plague. Molar d., death in mass, as gangrene or necrosis. Molecular d., death of cellular elements, as by ulceration. D.-rate, the proportion of those who die to those who survive. D. rattle, the rattling sound in the throat of a dying person. Somatic d., death of the whole body. Debil'itant. 1. Inducing weakness. 2. A remedy which allays excitement. Debove’s membrane (de-bovz'). Layer of connective-tissue cells between the epithelium and tunica propria of bronchial, vesicular, and intestinal mucous membrane. Debridement (da-bred-maw'). [Fr.] Surgical division of con- stricting bands or tissue. Dec' agram (dek' ag-ram). Ten grams or 154.34 grains. Decaleifica'tion. Removal or diminution of calcareous matter from tissues. Decal' cify. To deprive of calcium or its salts. Dec'aliter (dek'a-le-ter). Ten liters; 610.28 cubic inches. Decal' rant (de-kal' vant). Removing or destroying hair. Dec'amcter. Ten meters; 393.71 cubic inches. Decanta'tion. The pouring off a clear liquid from a sediment. Decapita'lion. Removal of the head, as of the fetus or of a bone. Deeenlra'tion. The act of removing from a center. Dcccrebra'tion. The removal of the brain in craniotomy or in vivisection. Decid'na (de-sid'u-ah). The membranous structure formed during gestation and thrown off after childbirth. D. reflex'a, that which surrounds the ovum. D. scrot'ina, that which inter- venes between the placenta and the uterine wall. D. ve' ra, that which lines the interior of the uterus. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 136 Deeiduo'ina (de-sid-u-o'mah). Intra uterine tumor derived from a retained decidua. Decid'uotis (de-sld'u-us). Falling off; caducous. D. Irrlh, the first or temporary teeth. De'cigram (des'ig-ram). One-tenth of a gram. De'ciliter (cies'il-e-ter). One-tenth of a liter; 6.1 cubic inches; about 3.4 fluidounces. De'eimeter (des'im-e-ter). One-tenth of a meter; 3.9 linear inches. Deeinor'mal. Being-of one-tenth the normal strength. Dee'linator. An instrument for holding aside a part during sur- gical operation. Decline' (de-klin'). Progressive decrease, whether of disease or of the strength or health. Deeli'vis cerebel'li. Sloping posterior surface of the superior vermis of the cerebellum. Deroc'tion. 1. The process of boiling. 2. A preparation made by boiling. Decollation. Same as Decapitation. Decollator. An instrument for removing the head of the fetus. Decoloration. The removal of color; bleaching. tlon (de-kom-po-zish'un). 1. Putrefactive decay. 2. Chemical separation into component elements or simpler com- pounds. Decompression. The removal of compressive force, as of the air. Decortica'tion. The removal of bark or cortex. Decrep'itate. To explode with a crackling noise. Decrepitation. A crackling noise, as of material thrown into a fire. Decii'liital. Pertaining to a bed-sore or to decubitus. Decn'bituft. 1. Posture in bed. 2. Act of lying down. 3. Abed- sore. D. acu' I os. bed-sore seen in connection with cerebral lesions. Decus'sate. 1. To cross in the form of an x. 2. Crossed like the letter x. Decussation. 1. The position of one part athwart another and similar part. 2. The point of crossing; chiasma. D. of tlie pyramids, the crossing of the fibers of the pyramids of the oblongata from one pyramid to the other. Deep reflex. Retiex induced by stimulation of deep parts. Defeea'tion (def-ek-a'shun). Discharge of the feces. Defen'si ve proteid. Any alexin, toxin, or phylaxin. Deferent. Conveying anything away or downward. Cf. Afferent, efferent. D. duet. Same as Van deferens. Deferen'tlal (def-er-en'shal). Pertaining to the vas deferens. Deferent i'lis. Inflammation of the deferent duct. Deferred' sliock. Same as Delayed symptoms. Deferves'cence (def-er-ves'ens). The period during which fever heat is declining to the normal standard. Deflbrlna'tion, Defibrinization. Deprival of fibrin. Deli' ning power, Deflni'tlon. The power of a lens to give a clear outline. Defin'itlve. Permanent ; not temporary ; clear and final. Deflagra'tion. Sudden, rapid combustion with slight explosion. Deflu'vium eapillo'rum. The rapid or sudden loss of the hair. Deflux'ion (de-fluk'shun). A flowing down; copious discharge or loss of any kind. Deformn'tion, Deform'ity. Distortion or malformation, con- genital or acquired. Defor'ining- arthritis, osteitis. See Arthritis, Osteitis. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 137 Defunctioualixa'tiou. The act of destroying a function. Degan'glionaie. To remove a ganglion or ganglia. Degenera'tion. Alteration of tissue from a higher to a lower form. Adipose d. See Fatty d. Albuminoid d.. Amy- loid d.. d. with the formation of an albuminous matter. As- cending; d.. degeneration of nerve-fibers progressing from the original lesion toward the brain. Barony d. Same as Amyloid d. Calcareous d., d. with the deposit of calcium carbonate. Caseous or Fliecsy d„ caseation. Colloid . center. See Center. I>. pneumonia. See Pneumonia. Degote' (de-got'). Oil of birch, used in skin-diseases. I»ellls'cenre (de-ins'ens). The formation of a fissure. Delin'manlzed virus. Vaccine virus modified by retrovaccina- tion. Dehydra'tiou. The removal of water from a substance. I>ei'lers s cells (dl'terz). 1. Specialized cells associated with the cells of Corti in the inner ear. 2. Branching cells constituting the reticulum of neuroglia. !>.'» nucleus, the external auditory nucleus. Il.'s process, any axis-cylinder process. Dejec'tiou (de-jek'shun). 1. Discharge of feces; fecal matter. 2. Depression of spirits. Delacla'tion (de-lak-ta'shun). 1. Weaning. 2. Cessation of lactation. Detainiiia'tion. The division of a blastoderm into layers. Delayed symptoms. Symptoms, as of shock, which are slow in making their appearance. Del'lit boil or sore (del' le). Same as Furunculus orientalis. Deliga'tion (del-ig-a'shnn). 1. Ligation. 2. Bandaging. Delimit a't ion. The act or process of limiting, or becoming limited ; the determination of limits. Deliquescence (del-ik-wes'ens). The act or process of becom- ing liquid by the absorption of water from the air. Deliques'ceut (del-ik-wes'ent). Having a tendency to become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air. Delir'iant, Delirifa'cient. Any medicine which produces delirium. Delir'ium (de-lir'e-um). Disordered mental state with excite- ment and illusions. Alcoholic d. Same as i>. tremens. I>. cor'dis. violent, tremulous heating of the heart. Febrile d,, delirium of fever. D. of grandeur, d. in which patient has exaggerated ideas of his importance or power. Lingual d., utterance of meaningless words and sentences. D. of nega- tion. that in which patient thinks he has lost some part of his body. D. of persecution, d. in which patient thinks he is being persecuted. Toxic d., delirium produced by poisons. 138 Traumatic d., that occurring after the shock which follows an injury. D. tre'mens, delirium from the excessive use of alco- holics. Delates'eence (del-it-es'ens). Sudden disappearance of symp- toms or of a tumor; latency of a poison or morbid agent. I>«‘l iv' or. 1. To aid in childbirth. 2. To remove, as a fetus, placenta, or lens of the eye. Dellv'ery. The act of freeing from the contents of the gravid uterus ; removal, as from the uterus. Orlomor'plious cells (de-10-mor'fus). See Cells. Del'pliinln (del'fin-in). A poisonous alkaloid from staphysagria. Del'ta for'iiicin. Same as Lyrafornicis. Del'toid (del'toid). See Muscles, Table of. I>. ligament, the internal lateral ligament of the ankle. I>. ridge, a ridge on the humerus to which the deltoid muscle is attached. De lunal'ieo iinjfuircii'do. [L.] A commission or jury for investigating the mental status of persons whose sanity is ques- tioned. Delu'sion (de-lu'zhun). An insanely erroneous belief or fancy. Delu'sional. Pertaining to a delusion. Dement'. A person who has lost his intellect. Demen'ted (de-men'ted). Deprived of reason. Deinen'tia (de-men'She-ah). Insanity characterized by more or less complete loss of intellect. Paralytic d., general paralysis of the insane. Primary d., d. independent of other forms of insanity. Secondary d., that following another kind of insan ity. Terminal d., that coming on near the end of other kinds of insanity. Dem'lbain. [Fr.] A hip-bath or sitz-bath. Dem'ilane cells. Crescentic cells, such as Gianuzzi’s crescents (D.’s of Hcidenliain). Dem'odex follienlo'rum. The pimple-mite. Demography. That branch of anthropology which deals with social statistics, including questions of health, disease, births, and mortality. Demonoma'nia. Insanity characterized by the patient’s belief that he is possessed by demons. Dem' onstrator. A practical Instructor who does not rank as a professor. Demorpbiniza'tion. The gradual withdrawal of morphin from one addicted to its misuse. Demonrs’s membrane (de-moorz'). Same as mem- brane. Demnl'cent (de-mul'sent). Soothing; bland; a soothing muci- laginous medicine. Demntixa'tion. The instruction of deaf-mutes in the utterance of speech, or in the use of sign-language. Denar' eoti*c. To deprive of narcotin or of narcotic properties. Den'drie. Pertaining to or having a dendron. Den'drlform (den'drif-orm). Tree-shaped. Den'drite (den'drit). Same as Dendrmi. Dendrlt'ie, Den'droid. Tree-like in appearance or form. Den'dron. A branching protoplasmic process from a nerve-cell. Den'gne (deng'ge). The so-called break-bone fever of hot cli- mates. Denida'lion. The supposed disintegration and removal, during menstruation, of certain epithelial elements, potentially the nidus of an embryo. Dens (denz), pi. den'tes. [D.] A tooth. Dentag'ra. 1. Tooth-ache. 2. A form of forceps or key for pull- ing teeth. Den' tal. Pertaining to teeth. D. arcb. Same as Alveolar pro- AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 139 cess. I>. engine, a machine for use in dentistry and general surgery. Den' taplione (den'taf-on). An audiphone by which sounds are rendered perceptible through the medium of the teeth, lien ta' t:i. The second cervical vertebra or axis. Den'tate (den'tal). Notched; tooth-shaped. Dcn'tes sapien'tise. [X..] Wisdom teeth. Dentic' nlate body. Same as Corpus dentatum. lien' I Hi-lee (den'tlf-ris). A tooth-powder or tooth-wash. Dentig'erous (den-tij' er-us). Containing or producing teeth. lientUa' bial. Pertaining to the teeth and lips. Dentilin'giial. Pertaining to the teeth and tongue. I>en' tin. The bone-like material which forms the body, neck, and roots of the teeth. Den'tinal (den'tiu-al). Pertaining to dentin, lientinlflca'tion. The formation of dentin. ■ientini' tis. Inflammation of the dentin, lien'tinoid. A tumor composed of dentin. lienMn-os' teoid. A tumor composed of dentin and bone. Den'list (den'list). A dental surgeon. lien' tistry. The professional care of the teeth ; dental surgery, iienti'tion (den-tish'un). 1. The process or lime of cutting the teeth. 2. The kind, number, and arrangement of the teeth, lien'(ure (den'tiir). 1. A set or partial set of artificial teeth. 2. The normal arrangement of the teeth, lienn'elealed (de-nu'kle-a-ted). Deprived of the nucleus. Denuda'tion. The stripping or laying bare of any pant; the sur- gical or pathologic removal of an integument. Denutri'tion (den-u-trish'un). Lack or failure of nutrition, lieob'strnent. A medicine which removes obstructions. De'odar. The noble tree, Cedrus deodara of the Himalaya: its turpentine is medicinal. Deod' orant. Destroying odors; a deodorizing agent. Deo'dorize (de-o'dor-iz). To deprive of odor, ttcodo'rizer (de-o'dor-i-zer). A deodorizing agent. Deonlol'ogy (de-on-tol'o-je). The science of duty; medical ethics. (ion. The removal of obstructions. Deor'soin. [L.] Downward. I>. x cr'gens, turning or directed downward. Deorsiiinduc'tlon. The downward lurningor drawing of apart, iieox'idate, licox'idizc. I>eox'ygenate, Deox'ygenize. To deprive of oxygen, beoxida'(ion. Deoxidiza'tion, Deoxjgena'iion. .The removal of oxygen. Deox'idizcr (de-ok'sid-i-zer). A deoxidizing agent. Dep'ilate (dep'll-at). To remove the hair from. Depila'tion (dep-il-a'shun). The process of removing hair. Depil'atopy. 1. Having the power of removing the hair. 2. An agent which destroys or removes the hair. Deplete' (de-plel'). To empty ;to unload ;to cause depletion. Deple'tion (de-ple'shun). The act or process of depleting; re- moval of congestion or plethora; the state of being depleted, hcpliiiiia'lion (de-plu-ma'shun). Loss of eyelashes by disease. Depolariza'tion. Destruction or loss of polarity. Depos'it (de-poz'it). 1. Sediment or dregs. 2. Extraneous inor- ganic matter collected in the tissues or in a viscus. Depraxa' tion. Change for the worse ; deterioration, ftepraved (de-pravd'). Vitiated or perverted; as a depraved appetite. Depres'sant. An agent which retards any function; an active sedative. Depressed (de-prest'). Flattened from above. 140 Depression (de-presh'un). 1. Reduction of vital or functional activity. 2. A hollow or fossa, normal, pathological, or other. Diminishing motor action. Deprcs'sor. An instrument like a spatula, for depressing a part. D. a'lae na si, the muscle which draws down the nostrils. See Muscles, Table of. I>. la'bit Inferlo'ris, the depressor muscle of the lower lip. See Muscles, Table of. I>. nerve, any nerve whose stimulation lowers the vasomotor tension. Dep' rimens or/ nil. The rectus inferior muscle. Depri'val, Depriva'(lon, Deprive'ment. Loss or absence of organs, parts, or powers. Drp'nrant. 1. Removing impurities. 2. A purifying medicine. Depnra' lion. Act or process of purifying. Dep'nrative. Same as Depurant. Oepura'tor. i. A purifying medicine. 2. An emunctory organ. Dcradel'pirns. A twin monster with one neck and head. Deradeiii'lis. Inflammation of the glands of the neck. Deradenon'ca§. Swelling of a gland of the neck. Derange'ment (de-ranj'ment). Insanity ; disorder of the reason. Der' by sit ire neck. Goiter or bronchocele. Dercnceptaal' ocele. Protrusion of brain-substance through a slit in one of the cervical vertebrte. Dereneepli'alus. A monster with no cranium, the cervical vertebite containing the relics of a brain. Ber'ic (der'ik). Pertaining to ectoderm. Oer' i vaut. 1. Derivative. 2. A derivative medicine. Deri va'lion (der-iv-a'shun). Revulsive treatment; alleged suc- tional action of the heart. Deri v'alive. Revulsive; a counterirritant. Derm. Der'ma. The skin, or true skin. Der'mad. Toward the skin ; inward. Dermag' ra (der-mag'rah). Same as Pellagra. Der'ma], Pertaining to the derm or skin. D. muscle, a muscle which acts upon the skin. Dermalax'la. Morbid softness of the skin. Dermal'gia (der-mal'je-ah). Neuralgia of the skin. Dermau'©plasty (der-man'o-plas-te). Skin-grafting. Dermapos'tasis. A skin-disease with abscess formation. Dermalag'ra (der-mat-ag'rah). Pellagra. Dermalal'gia (der-mat-al'je-ah'). Same as Bermalgia. Dermalalro'phia. Atrophy of the skin. Dermati'tis (der-mat-i'tis). Inflammation of the skin. D. con- gelalio'nis. Same as Frostbite.. D. contnsif'or'mis, ery- thema nodosum. D. exfoliati'va, inflammation of the skin, in which the epidermis is shed in scales. See Pityriasis rubra. D. gangrseno'»a. sphaceloderma; gangrenous inflammation of the skin. D. liorpollfor'iiilm. an inflammatory skin-disease of an herpetic character, the various lesions showing a tendency to group. D. medicament©'sa, a drug-eruption. D. papil- la' ris capillil'ii, a chronic skin-disease of the neck and adja- cent parts, marked by minute red papules, which occasionally suppurate, and from which hairs protrude. D. vcnena'la, that caused by the local action of irritant substances. X-ray d.. in- flammation of skin due to exposure to x-rays. Dcrmalo-an' loplasly. Grafting of skin taken from the pa- tient’s own body. See Bermatoheteroplnsty. Dcrmalocelluli'lis. Inflammation of the skin and subcutane- ous cellular tissue. Der'malocyst (der'mat-o-sist). A cyst of the skin. Dermatog'rapliy. A description or account of the skin. Dermatoliel'erwplasly. Grafting of skin from the body of an- other person or from an animal. AMERICAN ROCKET Der'maloi^h'itmid (des'moid). A hard fibrous tumor, Desmol'ogy (des-moPo-ge). Science of ligaments. Desmo'ma (des-mo'mah). Same as Fibroma. OeMinone' oplaMu. A connective-tissue neoplasm. Desmop'athy (des-mop'ath-e). Any disease of the ligaments. Dcsinot'only. The anatomy, dissection, or cutting of ligaments. Despnma' tion. Removal of froth or scum from a liquid. Desquama tion. Separation of scales or laminae from any sur- face. Detail' nate (de-tan' nat). To deprive of tannin. Deter'gent (de-ter'jent). Cleansing; a cleansing medicine or lotion. Determi na' tion. A flow, as of blood, to the head or other part. Detona' tion. Explosive combustion. Detri'tion (de-trish'un). The wearing away, as of teeth, by friction. Detri'tus. Residual debris; granular remains of a broken-down tissue. Dctrunea'tion (de-trung-ka'shun). Decollation; decapitation. Detru' sor «ri' me. Muscular coat of bladder. Dcnteiieeiili'alon. Same as Thalamencephalon. Deutero-al' bnmose. An albumose soluble in water and in saline solutions. Dentero-elas'tose. A material formed in the digestion of elastin. Denteromjo'sinose. A substance formed in digestion of myo- sin. Deuteroiiatlii'a, Deuterop' atliy. A secondary or sympa- thetic affection. Den'teroplasm. The nutritive portion of the yolk of ovum. Den'toplasm (du'to-plazm). Same as Deuteroplasm. Dentoseo' lex. Secondary scolex ; hydatid form of a tsenia. Developmental (de-vel-op-men'tal). Pertaining to develop- ment. Devia'tion (de-vc-a'shun). A turning aside, as in strabismus. Conjugate d,, deviation of both eyes to the same side. Min- imum . dcscip' inis, diabetes mellitus without polyuria or polydipsia. D. insip'idus, that which is not characterized by an increase in the sugar normally present in the urine. ■>. nielli'ln*, that which is associated with chronic glycosuria. Pancreatic d., glycosuria associated with disease of pancreas. I*liloridxin-d., that produced by administration of phloridzin. IMiospliai ic d., a variety in which there is excess of phosphates in urine. Puncture d., diabetes produced by puncturing the oblongata Diabet'ic (di-ab-et'ik). Pertaining to diabetes. D. center. See Center. ■>. ear, otitis media diabetica. I>. neuritis, multiple neuritis of diabetes. I), sugar, glucose found in the sugar of the urine of diabetes. Diabe'tide. A cutaneous manifestation of diabetes. Diabe'tin. Proprietary name for levulose for use in diabetes. IHabetom'eter. A polariscope for use in estimating the percent- age of sugar in urine. Diabolcp'tic. An insane person who believes himself beset by the devil. Diabrot'ic. 1. Ulcerative; caustic. 2. A corrosive or escharotic. Di'acclc (di'ah-sel). The third ventricle of the brain. Diacetan'iiid. A derivative of acetanilid. having similar but stronger action. Iliac'dale (di-as'et-at). A salt of diacetic acid. Biacc'tic acid. See Acid. Biace'tin (di-as-e'tin). Same as Acetidin. Iliacctn'ria (di-as-e-tu're-ah). The presence of diacetic acid in urine. BiacH'ylon, Diach'ylum. Dead-plaster. Diac'ld. Having an acidity of two. Diacla'sia, Diacla'sis. A fracture; especially one made for surgical purposes. IM'aclast (di'ak-last). An instrument used in breaking up the fetal head. Diacoelc. Diaccelia (di-a-si' le-ahi. Same as Diacele. iliac' risis (di-ak'ri-sis). 1. A disease characterized by change in the secretions. 2. A secretion or excretion. 3. Diagnosis. Diacrit'ic. Biacrit'ical. Diagnostic: pathognomonic. Hi'ad (di'ad). A bivalent element or radical. IM'aderm. Blastoderm during that stage in which it consists of ectoderm and entoderm. Diagnose', lliagnos' ticate. To make a diagnosis; to ascertain or recognize a disease. Hiaguo' *is. The art or process of determining the nature of an attack of disease. Differential d.. the distinguishing between two similar diseases by comparing their symptoms. D. by exclusion, the determination of a disease by excluding all MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 143 144 other conditions. Physical «!., the determination of disease by external examination. Disvguos'tic. Pertaining to a diagnosis; distinctive; pathogno- monic. Diagnosl I' dun, Di'apiontt. One who is expert in diagnosis. Dl'agram, A figure or outline ; especially one which illustrates a truth or principle, but does not attempt an exact representation of nature. IMag? ranimut' Ic. Of the nature of a diagram. l»i' agrapli (di'a-graph). An instrument for recording outlines, as in craniometry. Dial' ysalc (di-al' is-at). A liquid that has been dialysed. ]>i'alysc. of the pelvis. Of these the most important are: anteroposterior (of inlet), that be- tween the sacrovertebral angle and the pubic symphysis; ante- roposterior (of outlet), that between the tip of the coccyx and the subpubic ligament; conjugate, the anteroposterior d. of the inlet; diagonal conjugate, that joining the sacrover- tebral angle and the subpubic ligament: external conjugate, that joining the depression above the spine of the first sacral ver- tebra and the middle of the upper border of the pubic symphysis; true conjugate, that joining the sacrovertebral angle and the most prominent portion of the posterior aspect of pubic symphy- sis; transverse (of inlet), that joining the two most widely separated points of inlet of pelvis; transverse (of outlet), that between the ischial tuberosities. Diam'id, Diam'ide (di-am'id). A double amid. Diam'in (di-am'in). A double amin. lliapa'son. A tuning-fork : employed in diagnosis of ear-troubles. Uiapede'sis. The oozing out of blood; the passage of blood-cor- puscles through vessel-walls. Iliapen'te. An old tonic electuary, made of aristolochia, myrrh, laurel-berries, ivory, and gentian. Di'apliane (di'af-an). The investing membrane of a cell. ]>inpban«m'cter. A device for testing milk, alcohol, or urine, by means of transmitted light. Diaphan'oscope. A device for examining closed cavities by means of transmitted light. lliaphanos'copy. Examination by the diaphanoscope. lliapliemet' rlc (dl-af-e-met'rik). Pertaining to the measure- ment of tactile sensibility. Hiapliore'sis (di-af-or-e'sis). Profuse perspiration. Diaplioret/ie. 1. Causing perspiration. 2. A sudorific medicine. Ul'apliragin (di'af-ram). 1. The midriff, or septum between the thorax and abdomen. 2. Any thin septum which divides a cavity. ]>.-phenomenon, Litten’s sign. See under Sign. Diaplo-agoial'gia. Neuralgia of the diaphragm. AMERICAN POCKET Diaphragmati'tis, Diaphragrmi'tis. Inflammation of the diaphragm. Diaphragmat' ocelc (di-af-rag-mat'o-sel). Diaphragmatic her- nia. Diaphragmodyn'ia. Pain in the diaphragm. Diaph'tiieriu. Oxyquinaseptol; an antiseptic powder. Diaph'thol (di-af'thol). An antiseptic remedy, quinaseptoi. Diaph' ysis. The shaft of a long bone between the epiphyses. Diaphysi'tis. Inflammation of a dlaphysis. IM'aplex, Uiaplex'us. The choroid plexus of third ventricle. Diapoph'ysis. An upper transverse process of a vertebra. Diapyc'sis (di-ap-i-e'sis). Suppuration. Diapyet'ic (di-ap-i-et'ik). Promoting suppuration. Uiarrhe'a, Diarrhtea (di-ar-e'ah). Frequent discharge of loose alvine evacuations. Choleraic d., severe, acute diarrhea with serous stools, and accompanied by vomiting and collapse. Crit- ical d., d. occurring at the crisis of a disease or producing a crisis. Identcric d., diarrhea marked by fluid stools containing undi- gested food. II neons d., that marked by the presence of mucus in the stools. Mummer d., acute d. in children during the intense heat of summer. Diarthro'sis. A joint characterized by mobility in any direction. I>. rot at o' ria, a pivot joint. Diastal'tic. Performed reflexly through the medium of the spinal cord. Di'astasc (di'as-tas). An important ferment derivable from ger- minating seeds and from malt. Dias'tasis (di-as'tas-Is). 1. Separation of bones without fracture. 2. Fracture of a bone at the junction of an epiphysis. Diastcmatocra'nia. Longitudinal congenital fissure of the cranium. Diastcmatomyc'lia. Congenital separation of the lateral halves of the spinal cord. Diastematopye'lia. Congenital median slit of the pelvis. Dias'ter. Daughter-star; double-star figure in karyokinesis. Dias'(ole (di-as'to-le). The expansion of the heart: opposed to systole. Diastol'ic (di-as-tol'ik). Pertaining to diastole. Diastre'phia. Insanity with extreme cruelty and moral perver- sion. Diatc'la, Diate'lc (di-ah-te'lah, di-ah-te'le). The roof of the third ventricle. Diatcr'ma. Part of the floor of the third ventricle. Diather'mal (di-ath-er'mal). Permeable by heat. Diathcr'manous. Permeable by heat. Diathcr'wany, Diathermau'siS. Permeability to heat. Diath'esis. Predisposition to a disease. Aneurysmal d., con- stitutional predisposition to aneurysms. Furuncular d. See Furunculosis. Hemorrhagic d., hemophilia. Kiithic d., a tendency to lithemia. Rheumatic . of heart, increase in size of one or more of the heart- cavities from weakness or relaxation. Dilata'tor, Dila'tor. A muscle or instrument which effects a dilatation. Karnes's d., a rubber hag which is inserted into the cervix uteri and distended with water. D. ir'idis, the set of fibers which dilate the pupil. I>. na' ris. See Muscles, Table, of. I>. In' bsc. Same as Tensor palati. Oil'unit (dil'u-ent). Diluting; an agent that dilutes or renders fluid. Oiln'tion (di-lu'shun). 1. The act of attenuating by admixture of a neutral agent. 2. An attenuated substance. Dilu't iouist. One who advocates the attenuation of medicines. Dime! by lam'in. A non-toxic base, (OH3)2NH. Dime'tria (di-me'tre-ah). Double uterus. Dimor' plious. Having two distinct forms. Dl nen' ric (di-nu' rik). Having two nerve-cells. Oin'ical (dln'ik-al). Pertaining to dizziness; relieving dizziness. Oin'ner-pill. A pill to take with the meals. Oinonia'nia (di-no-ma'ne-ah). Dancing mania. Diopsim'ctcr. A device for measuring the field of vision. Diop'tec. The power of a lens with the focal length of one meter. Dioptom'eter. An instrument for testing ocular refraction. Dioptom'etry. The measurement of ocular accommodation and refraction. Diop' teal (di-op' tral). Pertaining to a diopter. Diop'trie (di-op'trik). I. Pertaining to refracted light. 2. A di- opter. Diop'trics. The science of refracted light. Diop'try (di-op'tre). Same as Diopter. Dioseo'rca villo'sa. Wild yam ; antirheumatic, antispasmodic, and diaphoretic. Diosco'rein. A medicinal resinoid from dioscorea. Diox' Id. Oxid with two oxygen atoms and one of base. Diplithe'ria (difthe're-ah). An infectious disease, characterized by the formation of false membranes, especially in the throat. Bretonnean’s d., true d. of the pharynx. Surgical or Wound d., formation of diphtheritic membrane on wounds. Dipli'tlierin (diPthe-rin). The poison generated by Bacillus diphtherial. Diplitlierit'ic (dif-ther-it'ik). Pertaining to diphtheria. Diplitberi'tis (dif-ther-i'tis). Same as Diphtheria. Diplitlicrotox'in. Toxalbumin from cultures of diphtheria bacillus. Dipblbon'gia (dif-thon'je-ah). The utterance at the same time of two vocal sounds of the same pitch. Diplacu'sis. Diplaltu'sis. The hearing of one sound as two. Diple'ffia (di-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of like parts on either side of the body. Diplobacrc'rium. A bacterium made up of two distinct cylin- ders. Diploblas'tic (dip-10-blas'tik). Having two germ-layers. Diplocoe' ens, pi. diploeoc'ci. A schizomycete made up of cocci joined in twos. D. al'bicans am'plus, non-pathogenic spe- cies from the mucus of healthy vagina. D. al' bicans tardis'- simns, non-pathogenic species resembling gonococcus. D. al'- bicans tar'dns, non-pathogenic species found in eczema. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 147 148 D. cory'ase, non-pathogenic species from nasal secretions in acute nasal catarrh. I>. fla'vus liquefa'ciens tar'dus, non-pathogenic d. from the skin in seborrhea. I>. intercel- lula'ris menlngrit/idis, pathogenic cl. from the cells of the exudate of cerebrospinal meningitis. D. lac'tens favitor'- mis, non-pathogenic species from vaginal secretions. I>. pueu- mo'nise, the pathogenic species of croupous pneumonia. I>. pyo'genes ure'je, a species found in purulent urine. I>. ro'- seus, non-pathogenic d. found in the air, and producing a pink pigment. I>. ure'ae. Same as D. pyogenes were. I>. ure'ae trifolia'tus, a species found in purulent urine. Diploeo'ria (dip-10-ko're-ah). Double pupil. Dip'lnc (dip'lo-e). Cellular bony tissue between the two tables of the skull. Diplo€t'lc, Diplo'ic. Pertaining to the diploe. Diplogen'esis. Duplication of a part. Diplomye'lia (dip-10-mi-e'le-ah). Lengthwise fissure of the spi- nal cord. l)i|il(>|dMi'nia (dip-10-fo'ne-ah). Same as Diphthongia. ]>iplo'pla (dip-lo'pe-ah). TVte seeing of single objects as double. Binocular isdi'arlaHl. A shiall doubly-refracting element found in the contractile substance of muscle. Bisease (dlz-ez'>- Deviation from a state of health. Acute d., a disease characterized by rapid onset and short course. Addi- son's d„ disease marked by bronzing of the skin, anemia, and exhaustion, from tuberculosis of suprarenal capsules. Albert’s d.. Anserine d., disease marked by emaciation of extremities, making the hands and feet resemble a goose’s. Aran-Dn- ehenne’s d„, progressive muscular atrophy. Bad’s d., small ulcerating papules of labial mucous membrane. Barlow's d., infantile scurvy. Basedow's d., exophthalmic goiter. Ba- zin's d., psoriasis of the mucous membrane of the cheek. BeS- bie’s d. 1. Same as ti. 2. Same as Bergeron's d. Bei- gel'sd. Same as Bergeron's d. Bell’s d., acute peri-encephalitis. Bergeron’s d., hysterical chorea. Bleeder’s d., hemophilia. Bine d. Same as Cyanosis. Bonillard's d., endocarditis. Bright’s d.„ kidney-disease with albuminuria. Brodie’s d., chronic synovitis producing a pulpy state of the tissues. Brown- d., paralysis of motion on one side of the body with paralysis of sensation on the other. Buhl's d., jaundice of the new-born. Chabert’s d., symptomatic anthrax. Charcot's d., multiple cerebrospinal sclerosis. Chronic d., a disease that is slow in its course. Concato’s d., malignant inflammation of serous membranes. Constitntlonal d., one in which the whole of the body or an entire system of organs is affected. Corrigan’s d.. insufficiency of the aortic valves. Cruveilhicr’s d., simple ulcer of the stomach. BaCosta’s d„, retrocedent gout; lithemia. Bancing d. See Tarnntixm. Barior's d.. skin-disease, with formation of papules which contain scab-like scales. Bever- gic's d., pityriasis rubra. Brcsslcr's d.. intermittent hemo- globinuria. Bubini’s d., electrical chorea. Bnrhenne'tt d. 1. Bulbar paralysis. 2. Electrical chorea. Bnhring’s d.. der- matitis herpetiformis. Eichstedt’s d., pityriasis versicolor. Erb's d., iodopathic muscular atrophy. Erirhsen's d., trau- matic hysteria. Fauchard’s d., alveolar pyorrhea. Fish- shin d. See Ichthyosis. Flajan's d., exophthalmic goiter. Flaxdrcsscr’s d., pneumonia from inhaling particles of flax. Focal d., a localized disease. Fothcrgill's d., facial neu- ralgia. Friedreich’s d. 1. Hereditary ataxia. 2. Same as Paramyoclonus 'multiplex. Functional d., a disease without apparent organic lesion. Oerlicr's d., disease marked by pains in neck and head, vertigo and paralysis. Blcnard’s d.,enterop- tosis. Bourand’s d., inguinal intestinal hernia. Braves’s d., exophthalmic goiter. Hall’s d.. spurious hydrocephalus. Hal- stern's d., endemic syphilis. Hammond’s d„ posthemiple- gic chorea. Hanot’s d., hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver. He- berden’s d.. rheumatic arthritis. Heubner’s d., syphilitic endocarditis. Hodgkin’s d., pseudoleukemia. Hodgson’s d.. dilatation of the first portion of the aorta. Hngnier's d., fibromyoma of the uterus. Hydroeephnloid d.. a condition resembling hydrocephalus, but with depressed fontanels, caused by severe diarrhea. Idiopathic d., one that exists without any connection with any other disease. Interenrrent d., a disease occurring during the course of another disease with which it has no connection. Kaposi's d., xeroderma pigmentosum. Krishaber’s d.. nervous disease with hyperesthesia, vertigo, and delusions of sense. Kussmaul’s d.„ acute atrophic spinal paralysis. Leber’s d.„ hereditary atrophy of the optic nerve. Legal’s d., headache in tympanic region due to inflammation. 150 AMERICAN POCKET Idttle’s . touch, exploration with a finger in one cavity and thumb in another. I>. ulceus. Same as Dihysteria. I>. vision. Same as Diplopia. Douht'ing Insanity (dowt'ing). Insanity marked by doubt or suspicion. Douche (doosh). [Fr.] A stream of water or other liquid directed against a part. Aic-d., a current of air directed against a part for therapeutic purposes. Douglas's cul-de-sac (dug'las-ez). The rectovaginal pouch. Do' ver’s ponder. Pulvis ipecacuanha* et opii. Doyere's eminence (dwah-yarz'). The papilla where a nerve- filament enters a muscle-fiber. D. P. Proper direction. Dr. Dram or drachm. D. R. Reaction of degeneration. Drachm (dram). Same as Dram. Draconti'asis. Disease produced by dracuncnlus. Dracon'tinm. The skunk-cabbage, Symylocarpus fcetulus; anti- spasmodic and nervine. Draenn'cuius. The Pilaria mrdlnmtUt, or guinea-worm. Draft, Draught (drahft). A copious liquid potion or dose. Dragee (drah-zha'). [Fr.] A sugared pill; medicated sweetmeat. Drag'on's blood. Resin of various origin : little used in medi- cine. Drain (dran). A device to promote the escape of fluids from a sore. Drain'age. The escape of purulent or sanious fluids from a sore or wound. Capill'ary d„ drainage by capillary attraction, as by wisps of hair, threads, etc. Funnel d., drainage by glass funnels. 0.-tube. a tube giving vent to peccant fluids. Dram, Drachm (dram). 1. Three scruples, or 60 grains; 6.8 grams. 2. A fluid-dram. Di ■aiu'atlsm. Dramatic behavior and speecli in insanity. Drapetoma' nia. Insane desire to wander away from home. Dras'tic (dras'lik). Violently purgative. Draught. See Draft. Drench. In veterinary medicine. Same as Draft. Di •es'sing. Application of a bandage or remedy ; also, the thing so applied. Droni'ograph (drom'o-graf). The recording hemodromometer. Drop. 1. Same iis 2. Dess correctly, a minim. Ague d.. solution of potassium arsenite. Black d., vinegar of opium. D.-enlture, a bacterial culture made in a drop of culture mate- rial. Dropped-heat pulse. An intermittent pulse. Dropped feet. Paraplegia of the anterior tibial muscles. D. hand or wrist. Same as Wrist-droy. D. lid. Same as Ptosis. Drop'per. A pipette or tube for emitting drops. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 153 154 Drop'sical (drop'sik-al). Affected with dropsy. Drop's}-. The accumulation of serous fluid in a cavity or in the tissues. D. of belly, ascites. Cardiac d., that due to heart- disease. I>. of clicst, hydrothorax. Ovarian ysmim'ia (dis-mim'e ah'). Impairment of the power of expres- sion by signs. Itysmeu' ria (dis-nu're-ah). Impairment of the nervous power. I>yso'pia, Ity sop'sia (dis-o'pe-ah, dls-op'se-ah). Defective vis- ion. liysos'iiiia. Oysosplire'sia. Impairment of the sense of smell. Oyspami'nia (dis-par-eu'ne-ah). Painful coitus. Dyspep'sia (dis-pep'she-ah). Indigestion ; difficulty of digestion. Arid d.. d. with excessive formation of acid. Atonic d., that due to deficient quantity or quality of the gastric juice, or to defec- tive action of the gastric muscles. Catarrhal d.. that due to inflammation of the stomach. Intestinal d., that due to im- perfect action of the intestinal juices. Nervous d.„ a form marked by gastric pains and by various reflex nervous phe- nomena. IJyspep'tic (dis-pep'tik). Affected with dyspepsia. llyspep' tone (dis-pep' ton). An insoluble peptone. I>ysperma'sia. Dyspcr'matisin, Oysper'mla. Impair- ment of the semen. n.ysplia'iria (dis-fa'je-ah). A difficulty in swallowing. Ilysplia'sia (dis-fa'zhe-ah). Difficulty in utterance. I>ysplio'nia (dis-fo'ne-ah). Difficulty in uttering vocalized words. Dysplio'ria (dis-fo're-ah). Disquiet; restlessness. llysphra'Mia (dis-fra'zhe-ah). Difficulty in speaking due to men- tal defect. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 157 Dyxpne'a, Oyspmr'a (disp-ne'ah). Labored or difficult breath- ing. liyspnc' it* (disp-ne'ik). Affected with dyspnea. Dysta'na. Difficulty in standing. Dystax'ia (dis tax'e-ah). Incomplete ataxia. Ilystcliol'ogy. The science of rudimentary organs. Oysthym'ia (dis-thim'e-ah). Mental distress; melancholia. I>yst«'eia (dis-to'se-ah). Difficult parturition. Eetal ys'topy. Malposition; displacement. Itystro'phia, Dys'trophy. Faulty nutrition. Ilystrophodex'trin. A starchy material said to exist in normal blood. Dysi rophoneu■'<>'sis. Defective nutrition, leading to nervous disease; nervous disease due to malnutrition. Dysn'ria. Oys'ury (dis-u're-ah, dis'u-re). Painful micturition. Ilysii' riae. One who is affected with dysuria. E. E. Abbreviation for Electromotive force and for Emmelropia. Ear (er). Organ of hearing. E.-ache, pain in the ear. E.- eongh, a reflex cough in diseases of the ear. E.-moiild. See Otomycosis. E.-trumpet, instrument devised to aid the hearing. E.-wax, cerumen. Earl h-eal i ng. See Geophagism. Kas'(oil's syrup. A syrup of quinin, iron, and strychnin phos- phate. Eb'ncr’s glands. A set of mucous glands of the tongue. EbullH'ioit (eb-ul-ish'un). The state of boiling. Ebarua'tion. Degeneration of bone into a hard and ivory-like mass. Rbur'neons (e-bur'ne-us). Like ivory. Ecaii'dale (e-kaw'dat). Tailless. Eebal'iuin. See Elaterium. Eebol' le (ek-bol'ik). Hastening labor; oxytocic. Eeeen'tric (ek-seu'trik). Away from a center; peripheral. E. atrophy, atrophy combined with dilatation. E. hyper- trophy. See Hypertrophy. E. limitation. limitation of the visual field, more marked at some points of the periphery than at others. Eeehomlro'ma. Ecehomlro'sis. Homologous chondroma; cartilaginous tumor of a cartilage. Eeehon' drotome. A knife for cutting cartilage. Eeehymo'ma. Swelling due to blood-extravasation. Eeehymo'sis (ek-im-o'sis). Extravasation of blood, or discolor- ation due to it. Eeehymot'ic. Pertaining to, or resembling, ecchymosis. Ec'crisis. The expulsion of waste-products. Ecerit'ie. A drug promoting excretion. Eccye'sis (ek-si-e'sis). Extra-uterine pregnancy. Ecdemoma'nia. Insane desire to wander. Ee'deron (ek'der-on). Epidermis; surface epithelium. Eehinococ'cus. Larval stage of Taenia echinococcus. E.-cyst. Same as Hydatid. Eeh'o, amphor'ic (ek'o). Amphoric sound which re-echoes a vocal sound. Ech' o sign. Repetition of last word of a sentence in insanity. Eehokine'sia (ek-o-kin-e'ze-ah). Involuntary imitation of move- ments seen. 158 Krlinla'lia, l>lio-»i|icccli (ek-o-la'le-ah). Insane repetition of words heard. Ecliom'at ittm. The reverse of automatism. Echophot'on,v (ek-o-fot'o ne). Association of color sensations with sounds heard. Ecla' binm (ek-la'be-um). Eversion of a lip, or of both lips. Iklaui|i'sia (ek-lamp'se-ah). Convulsive attack of peripheral origin. Infantile e., reflex convulsions in children. Puer- peral c., that occurring after or during childbirth. Uremic e., due to uremia. Eel amp' tie (ek-lamp'tik). Pertaining to, or of the nature of, ec- lampsia. Eciec' tic (ek-lek' tik). Pertaining to eclecticism. Eciec' ticisin (ek-lek'tis-izm). A school of medicine purporting to select what is best from other schools. E'coid (e'koid). The colorless framework of a red blood-cor- puscle. Econvlllonnage (a-koo-ve-on-nahzh'). The scrubbing of a sore or cavity. Ecpliyadcc'tomy. Excision of vermiform appendix. Ecpliy adt' ils. Inflammation of vermiform appendix. Ecraseur (e-krah-zer'). Instrument with a loop of chain or wire for removing parts. Ec'stasy (ek'sta-se). A state of exaltation, exhilaration, or trance. Ec'stropliy (ek'stro-fe). Same as Extrophy. Ec'tad. Outward in direction or situation ; externally. Ec' tal. Superficial; external. Ecta'sia, Ec'tasis. Expansion ; dilatation ; slight swelling. Ec' tasin. A vasomotor dilator isolated from tuberculin. Eetiit' ic. Distended or stretched. Ecten'tal. Pertaining to the ectoderm and the entoderm. Ectetli'molds. Lateral masses of the ethmoid bones. Ectliy'ma (ek-thi'mah). Eruption of pustules with hard bases and areolte. E. sy pliilit' iciim, an eruption of pustules in ter- tiary syphilis. Ectliyrco'sis. Absence of the thyroid gland. Ecti'ris (ek-ti'ris). The retinal or external portion of the iris. Ec'toblast (ek'to-blast). The ectoderm, or epiblast. Eetoear' dla. Displacement of the heart. Ectocliorol'dca. Outer layer of the choroid coat. Ectocor'nca (ek-to-kor'ne-ah). Outer layer of the cornea. Ec'toderm. The epiblast; outer primitive layer of the embryo. Ectoder'mal. Pertaining to the ectoderm. Ectocn' tad. Proceeding from without inward. Ectog'enous (ek-toj'en-us). Originating outside the body. Ectop'agns. A twin monstrosity united at the thorax. Ectopar'asite. Any external parasite, animal or vegetable. Ec toper! to nl'(is. Inflammation of external or attached side of the peritoneum. Ec'topliytc (ek'to-fit). Any vegetable ectoparasite. Ecto'pia, Ec'topy. Displacement ; abnormal situation. Ectop'ic. Displaced; not in the normal place. E. gestation, extra-uterine pregnancy. Ec'toplasm. The outer layer of the protoplasm of the cell. Ec'topy (ek'to-pe). Same as Ectopia. Ectoret'ina. Outermost layer of the retina. Ectostn'sis. Ossification beginning underneath the perichondria. Ectotoxe'mia. Toxemia produced by a substance introduced from outside the body. Ectoxo'on. Any animal ectoparasite. Ectrodactyl'ia. Congenital absence of digits. Ectrom'elus. A fetus with rudimentary arms and legs. AMERICAN POCKET Ectro' |iion, Ecli'o' pin in. Inversion, as of the edge of an eye- lid. Ectro'pionize. To put into a state of eversion ; to evert. Ec'iema (ek'ze-mah). A skin-disease, with itching, redness, and infiltration. E. erj (hcmato'sum, a mild form with reddened skin. E. ll*'*uiii. a form with painful cracks over the joints. E. hypertroph' icum, a form with permanent enlargement of the skin-papillae. E. mad' idans, E. rn' brum, a form with moist raw surfaces with red points. E. margina'tnm, a kind due to ringworm. E. papnlo' *ll m. a variety associated with itching i>apules of a deep red color. E. pustulo'sum, eczema marked by pustular eruption. E. sehorrhe' Icum. Same as Seborrhea. E. so' lure, a form due to a scalding from the sun’s rays. E. squamo'sum. a form characterized hy adherent scales of epithelium. E. vesienlo'snm, eczema marked by the pres- ence of vesicles. Eczem'atoid. Resembling eczema. Eczemato'sis. An eczematous skin-affection. Eczem'atous. Of the nature of eczema. Ede'a, The genitalia. Edei'tts (e-de-i'tis). Inflammation of the genitals. Ede'ma (e-de'mah). Swelling due to effusion into connective tis- sue. Angioneurotic e. See Angioneurotic. Blue e., puffed, bluish state of a limb in hysteric paralysis. Inflammatory e., edema due to inflammation. Malignant e., edema marked by rapid extension, quick destruction of tissue, and the formation of gas. Purulent e., fluid, purulent effusion. Eiiem'atou*. Pertaining to, or affected by, edema. E'dentate, Eden'tulons. Without teeth. Edenta'tion. A deprivation of teeth. E«leol'ogy. A treatise on the genitalia. Edeopto'sis. Genital prolapse. Ef're rent. Tending away from the center. E. nerves, those which convey impulses from the center. Efferves'cent. Bubbling; sparkling; foaming. E. powders. Same as Seidlitz powders. Effleurage (ef-flur-ahzh'). Centripetal stroking movement in massage. Etllores' cence (ef-lor-es'ens). 1. Quality of being efflorescent. 2. A form of eruption in skin-disease. Etllores'cent (ef-lor-es'ent). Becoming powdery by losing the water of crystallization. Efllii' rinm. A foul or mephitic exhalation. Eflu'sion (ef-fu'zhun). The escape of a fluid into a part; also effused material. Eges'ta (e-jes'tah). The excretions, or discharges. Egg. An ovum ; chiefly an ovum that is hatched outside the body. Eglan'dulous (e-glan'du-lus). Having no glands. Egobronelioph'ony (e-go-brong-kof'o-ne). Peculiar bleating sound ; a sign of pleuropneumonia. Egoph'ony (e-gof'o-ne). Auscultation-sound like the bleat of a goat. Egyp'tian chlorosis. Same as Ankylostomiasis. E. ophthal- mia. trachoma. Eh'renrittcr's ganglion. The jugular ganglion of the glosso- pharyngeal nerve. Ehr'lich’s solution. Solution of basic anilin dye in anilin oil and water. Eich'horst's corpuscles. Microcytes in the blood of pernicious anemia. Ei'loid tumor (i'loid). A tumor of a coiled shape. Eisan' thema. An exanthem on a mucosa. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 159 160 AMERICAN POCKET Eisod'ic (i-sod'ik). Afferent; centripetal. E jam la'f i»it. Forcible, sudden expulsion. Ejac' nlatory duel. Duct which conveys semen to the urethra. Ejec'ta (e-jek'tah). Refuse. Elseomycn' cbysis (e-le-o-ml-en'kis-is). The injection of non- irritating oil into a muscle. Elseosac'charnm. Sugar charged with a volatile oil. Ela'idin (eMa'id-in). A fat, C57H10400, from variousfixed oils. Ela'iu (e-la'in). The liquid principle of fats. Bias'tit*. Returning to its proper shape after stretching or com- pression. E. bandage, an india-rubber bandage for exerting continuous pressure. E. lamina. Same as Descemet’s membrane. E. tissue, connective tissue composed of yellow elastic fibers. Elas'ticin (e-las'tis-in). Same as Elaslin. Elasticity (e-las-tis'it-e). The quality of resuming the normal size after compression or stretching. Elas'tln. The main albuminoid of yellow elastic tissue. Elastom'eter. An instrument for determining elasticity of the tissues. Elat'erin. Purgative principle, C00H2805, from elaterium. Elate'ritim. Hydragogue cathartic from the juice of Ecbalium elaterium. El' bow. The joint of the arm and forearm. E.-Jerh, involuntary bending of elbow on striking the tendon of the biceps or triceps muscle. Elco'sis (el-ko'sis). Fetid ulceration. El'der (el'der). See Samhucus. Elecampane (cl-e-kam-pan'). The plant Inula helenium and its stimulant root. Elec'tele, Elec'trlcal. Pertaining to electricity. Electric'ity (e-lek-tris'it e). A force rendered manifest by fric- tion, chemical action, or magnetism. Earadle e. 1. Electricity produced by induction. 2. Electricity in intermittent currents. Franklinie e., static or frictional electricity. Galvanic e., that generated by chemical action. Induced c., electricity pro- duced in a body by proximity to an electrified body, magnetic e., that which is developed by means of a magnet. Static e., that which is generated by friction. ’Voltaic c. Same as Galvanic e. Elcctriaa'tion. The act of charging with electricity. Elcctr«-auc.*itl»csia. Anesthesia produced by electricity. Elcctrobiol'ogy. Science of relations of electricity to living organisms. Electrobios'copy. Electric test applied to determine whether life is extinct or not. Elcctrocau'tery. Same as Galvanocautery. Elcctroclicm'istry. Science of the relations of electricity to chemistry. Elcctrocystos' copy. Use of the electric light in cystoscopy. Elec'trodc (e-lek'trod). End-piece attached to the conducting wires of an electric battery or machine. Elect rod I ago o'* is. Diagnosis by means of electricity. Elcclrodynamom'cter. Instrument to measure the faradic current. Eicctrog'rapliy. Same as Skiagraphy. Elcc'trollacr. Instrument for reducing stricture by electricity. Elcctrol'ysis. Decomposition by means of electricity. Eleclrolyt'ic. Pertaining to electrolysis. Electromag' netism. Magnetism developed by the electric cur- rent. Elcctromassage'. Massage combined with electrization. Elcctrom'ctcr. An instrument for measuring electricity. Elcctromo'tive force. Force of a moving electric current. Elertroneg'ative. Going to the positive pole in electrolysis. Elect ropatbol' os? . Use of electricity in pathologic research. Eleclrophysiol'osjy. Observation of the effects of electricity upon the body in health. Electropositive. Going to the negative pole in electrolysis. Eleetroprogiio'siis. Prognosis by means of an electric test. Elec' t mpuii<• I ure. Electrization by means of needles thrust into the tissues. Elcc'troscope. An instrument for detecting the presence of static electricity. Ulrctroslal' ics. The science of static or frictional electricity. Electrosur'gery. The employment of electricity in surgery. ElertrotUerapou' tics, JUrrtrother'ap.y. The treatment of disease by electricity. Electrot'onu.s. The change effected in a nerve or muscle by an electric current or shock. Elec'tuary (e-lek'tu-a-re). A soft medicated confection. E. of neiina, senna prepared with cassia pulp, tamarind, coriander, and syrup. Ele'ldin (el-e'id-in). A principle in the granular layer of the skin. El'ement. An ultimate chemical constituent. El'emi. A resin of various origin: now little used. Eleop'tene. The liquid part of a volatile oil. Elephant i'asis, Elephantiasis Ara'bnm. Chronic disease marked by lymphangitis and hypertrophy of the skin. E. Grav- en' enni. true leprosy. E. telangiecto'des, elephantiasis with great increase of blood-vessels. El'epbant-leg. Same as Elephantiasis. El'e vat or. An instrument for lifting up a part. Eliniina'lion. An act of expulsion or exclusion. Elix'ir (e-lik'ser). A sweet, aromatic, excipient liquid. El'hoplasty (el'ko-plas-te). See Helkoplasty. Elm. See Ulmus. El n 11-1:1' t ion. The separation of insoluble particles by water. Elytri'tis (el-e-tri'tis). Same as KolpUis or Vayititis. El' y(rocele. See Kotpocele. El'ytroplasty. Plastic surgery of the vagina. Ely I ropto'sis. Prolapse or inversion of the vagina. Ely ti-«i-'i-liapliy. Suturing of the vaginal wall. Ely trot'omy. Incision of the vaginal walls. Emacia'tion (e-ma-se-a'shun). A wasted, lean habit of body. Emana'tion. An effluvium. Eman'Hio incn'ttinin. Retention or non-discharge of menses. Enmscnla' I ion (e-mas-ku-la'shun). Removal of the testicles. Embalm'ing (em-bahm'ing). Prevention of the natural decay of the dead body. Enibed'diiig. Fixation in a firm medium before cutting micro- scopic sections. Embola' lia. Insane use of meaningless language. Em'hole (etn'bo-le). Same as Eniboly. Embol'lc. Pertaining to embolism or an embolus. Embol'iform nucleus. One of the cerebellar nuclei. Em'holism. Obstruction of a vessel by an embolus. Air e., obstruction by an air-bubble. Fat e., obstruction by fat-globules. Infective e., that in which emboli contain bacteria or septic poison. Miliary e., embolism affecting many small blood- vessels. Embolopbra'sia. Same as Emholalia. Em' bolus. A clot or plug which obstructs a blood-vessel. Em'boly. Origination of the gastrula from invagination of the blastula. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 161 162 Embroca' (ion. A liniment or medicine for outward application. Emhrjec' tomy (em-bre-ek' to-me). Excision of an extra-uterine fetus. Em'brj'o (em'bre-o). The fetus before end of third month. Embryocar'dia, State in which the heart or its pulsation is like that of the fetus. Embry oe' tom.v. Destruction of the fetus in ulero. Eiubrjogeiicl'ic, Embrjogen'if. Pertaining to the origin of the embryo. Embrfo'geii}’. The development of the embryo. Embryog' raphy. A description of the embryo. Embry ol'ogy. Tlie science of the development of the embryo. Embry'onal, Embry on' ic. Pertaining to the embryo. Em'bryotome (em'bre-o-tom). Cutting instrument used in embryotomy. Embryot'omy. The cutting up of the fetus to effect its delivery. Embry ot'ropliy. Nourishment of the fetus. Eme'tiia, Em'esis. The act of vomiting. Emet'ic. Causing vomiting: a medicine that causes vomiting. Direct or Mechanic c.. one that acts on the nerves of the stomach. Indirect or Systemic e., one that acts through the blood. Em'etin. Alkaloid, Cl 5HL>oNOL>, derived from ipecac. Emetocatliar'tie. Both emetic and cathartic. Emetol'ogy. Sum of knowledge regarding emetics. E. tl. F. Abbreviation for Electromotive force. Emic'tion (e-mik'shun). Micturition. Eniigi a'l ion. Passage of leukocytes through the walls of capil- laries and veins. Em'inence. A projection or boss, t'aiiine e., prominence on outer side of upper jaw-bone. Collateral c., a projection in latent! ventricle of brain between posterior and middle horns. E. of Doyere. Same as Doytre’s eminence. Frontal e., either of two eminences on frontal bones above superciliary ridges. Nasal c., the prominence above the root of the nose. Parietal e., the eminence of the parietal bone. Eminen'tia (em-in-en'she-ah). L. for Eminence. E. articu- la'rls, rounded prominence on temporal bone. E. collat- era'lis, a ridge on the inferior cornu of the lateral ventricle. Em'issary veins. Veins which connect the sinuses within and the veins without the skull. Emission (e-mish'un). Discharge, especially of the semen. Emmen'agogue (em-en'ag-og). A drug that promotes the men- strual How ; used also adjeclively. Direct e., one that acts di- rectly on the organs. Indirect e., one that acts by relieving some causative condition, as anemia. Emme'nia. The menses. Eininenol'ogy. Sum of what is known about menstruation. Em'metroi>e (em'et-rop). A person with perfect vision. Emmetro'pia. Perfect visual refraction. Emmetrop' ie. Having normal vision. Em'met's operation. Trachelorrhaphy; suturing of the ute- rine neck. E'mol (e'mol). A mineral substance which softens the skin. Emol'lient. Soothing and softening ; a soothing medicine. E. cataplasm, species, or tea, a mixture of herbs for infusion or for cataplasm. Emo'tional insanity. Perversion of the emotions. Em'plilysis (em'fiis-is). A vesicular eruption. Empbrac'tic (em-frak'tik). Clogging or obstructive. Empliyse'ma. Air or gas abnormally present in the tissues. Atrophic e., senile emphysema w'ith wasting of lung-substance. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 163 Cutaneous e.. air or gas In the connective tissues under the skin. Gangrenous e., malignant edema of microbic origin. Interstitial e., gas in the connective tissue of the lung or of any other part. E. of lungs. Pulmonary e., dilatation of air-vesicles with loss of normal elasticity of lung-substance. Sub- stantial e. Same as Pulmonary e. Surgical e. Same as Aeroderrnectasin. Vesicular e., dilatation of the air-vesicles. Empir' ie. Charlatan whose skill is derived solely from experi- ence. Empir'ieism (em-peer'is-izm). Skill or knovvledge from mere experience. Kmplas'tic (em-plas'tik). A constipating medicine. Emplas'truin. L. for Plaster. Emprosthot'onos. Tetanic forward flexure of the body. Empty'sis. Pulmonary hemorrhage. Empu' sa. A genus of parasitic plants which infest insects. Empye'iua (em-pi-e'mah). Pus in a cavity, as the chest. E. necessita'tis, empyema in which the pus can make a sponta- neous escape. Pulsating e., one which transmits the heart- pulsations to the chest-wall. Empye'sis. A pustular eruption. Empy'ocele. A purulent tumor of the scrotum. Emul'gent (e-mul'jent). Draining out. E. vessels, renal blood- vessels. Emul'siu (e-mul'sin). An albuminoid ferment from bitter almonds. Emul'sion (emul'shun). An oily, resinous, or other medicine rubbed up with water and a mucilage. Emul'sum. An emulsion. Emuno'tory. Excretory or cleansing; an excretory organ. Emnmla'tion. Rectification; garbling of drugs. Enam'el. The white investment of the crown of a tooth. E. cuticle, the membrane which ensheaths each enamel rod. E, organ, organ in gums of embryo which develops into the enamel. E. rods, prismatic fibers which make up the enamel. Enan'thesis. A skin-eruption from an internal disease. En'antliropes (en'an-throps). Sources of disease originating within the body. Enarky'oeltrome. A nerve-cell with a readily staining cell- body. Enartliro'sis. Ball-and-socket joint. ' Enean'this. A minute tumor of a lacrimal caruncle. Eneapsula'lion. Act of surrounding with a capsule. Encepbalal' gia. Cephalalgia, q. v. Eneephalastlie'nia. Lack of brain power. Encepbal'ic. Of, or pertaining to, the brain. Encepb'alin. A nitrogenous glucosid from the brain. Encepliali'tis (en-sef-al-i'tis). Inflammation of the brain. Encepli' aloeele (en-sef' al-o-sel). Protrusion of the brain through the skull. Encepli'aloid. 1. Like the brain. 2. Encephaloma. E. cancer, malignant tumor of brain-like consistence. Enceplialol'ogy. A description of the encephalon. Enceplialo'ma. Encephaloid sarcoma, or cancer. Enceplialomala'cia. Softening of the brain. Euceplialomeuingi'tis. Inflammation of the brain and its meninges. Eneeplialomcnln'gocele. Protrusion of the membranes and brain-substance through the skull. Enceplialomyclop' athy. Any disease of the brain and spinal cord. Eneepli' alon. The brain ; all the cranial contents. 164 AMERICAN POCKET Encephalop'ath)1. Any disorder of the brain. Eneepliaiorrha' gia. Cerebral hemorrhage. Encephalospi' nal axis. Same as Cerebrospinal axis. Encepltalot'omy. Cutting up of fetal brain to promote delivery. Encliondro'ina. Tumor of cartilage-tissue; chondroma. Enehondrosareo' nia. Sarcoma containing cartilaginous tissue. Encliy le'm» (en-ki-le'mah). Same as Cytochylema. Enciente (on-se-ahnt'). With child ; pregnant. Eneys'ted (en-sis'ted). Enclosed in a sac or cyst. Endan'ginm (en-dan'je-um). Membrane which lines blood- vessels. Endarteri'tis. Inflammation of the arterial intlma. E. oblit'- eraiM, variety in which the lumen of the vessel becomes oblit- erated. End-artery. One which does not make part of an anastomosis. E.-bnd, E.-bulb, a form of ovoid ending of sensitive nerves in mucous membrane. E.-organ, any distal end-structure of a nerve-branch. E.-plate, discoid terminal expansion of motor nerve-branches. Endem'ic. Occurring frequently in a certain district. E. neu- ritis. See Beriberi. Endeiuo-epldem' ie. Endemic, but occasionally becoming epi- demic. Enderinat'ie, Ender'inle. Performed, or administered, by the medium of the skin. Endo-appendlei'tis. Inflammation of mucous membrane of the appendix vermiformis. Endo-arteri'tis. Same as Endarteritis. Endo-ausculta'tion. Auscultation by means of an esophageal tube introduced into the stomach. En'doblast. The cell-nucleus. Endobronchi' tis. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the bronchia. Endocar'dlae, Endoear'dial. Pertaining to the interior of the heart. Endoeardi'tis (en-do-kar-di'tis). Inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart, malignant, or Ulcerative e., rapidly fatal form with high fever and great prostration. Endoear'dium. Lining membrane of the heart. Endocervici'tis (en-do-ser-vis-i'tis). Inflammation in the canal of the cervix uteri. , Endochon'dral. Developed within cartilage. Endocho' rion. The inner chorion. Endoeolpi'tis. Inflammation of vaginal mucous membrane. Endoeranl' tis. Inflammation of endocranium ; cranial duritis. Endocra'nium. The cranial dura mater. En'doderm (en'do-derm). The hypoblast or entoderm. Endodonti'tis. Inflammation of the dentinal pulp. Endo-enteri'tis. Inflammation of the Intestinal mucosa. Eiidogastri' tis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Endogenous (en-doj'en-us). Originating within the organism. Endoglob'nlar. Within the blood-corpuscles. Endolaryn'geal. In the larynx. En'dolymph (eu'do-limf). The fluid within the inner ear. Endomastoidi'tis. Inflammation of interior of mastoid cavity and cells. Endometri'tis. Inflammation of the endometrium. Cervical e. Same as Endocervicitis. Fungous c., hypertrophy of the endometrium with bleeding granulations. Septic e., a variety originating from septic poisoning. Simple e., catarrhal inflam- mation of endometrium. Endome' trium. The mucous membrane which lines the uterus. Endomys' iuhi. Connective tissue between the fibers of a fascic- ulus of muscle. Knilonen' riimi (en-do-nu' re-um). The connective tissue amongst the fibers of a fasciculus of a nerve. Endojpar'asite (en-do-par'as-Xt). Any internal parasite. Endop' athy (en-dop'ath-e). Any endogenous disease. En doper ieardi' tin. Endocarditis blended with pericarditis. Endoperimyocardi'tls. Inflammation of the endocardium, pericardium, and myocardium. Endoperitoni'tis. Inflammation of serous lining of peritoneal cavity. Endophlebi'tis. Inflammation of the intima of a vein. En'doplast (en'do-plast). Nucleus of a cell. En doscope. Instrument for inspecting interior of a hollow organ. Endos'copy (en-dos'ko-pe). The use of the endoscope. Endosep'sis. Septicemia not of extraneous origin. Endoskel'eton. Internal bony framework. Endosmom'eter. Instrument for measurement of endosmosis. Endos'iiiose. Endosnio'sis. Inward osmosis; inward passage of liquid through a diaphragm. En'dospore. A spore formed by cell-formation. Endostei'tis, Endosti'tis. Inflammation of the endosteum. Endos' ten in (en-dos'te-um). Lining membrane of a hollow bone. Endosto' ina. A bony tumor within a bone. Endwsto'sis. The formation of an endostoma. Endotlie'lial. Pertaining to endothelium. Eitdothelio-ino'ma. Fibrous tumor arising from endothelium. Endotlielio' ma. Any endothelial tumor. Eludotlieliom.yo'ma. Leiomyoma arising from endothelium. Endotheliom.rx«'ma. Myxoma arising from endothelium. Endof lie' lin in (en-do-the'le-um). Membrane which lines a serous or other closed cavity. En'ema (en'em-ah). Acl jester or rectal injection. Enepider'mio. Applied to, or injected into, the skin. En'ergy (en'er-je). Force applicable to overcome resistance. Kinetic e., energy in action. Potential e., energy that may be put in action. Enerva' lion (en-er-va'shun). Lack of nervous energy. Engli>>!■ Mreatlng fever. See Anglicus sudor. Engorge'ment (en-goij'ment). Vascular congestion. Enoma'nia. Periodic craving for strong drink; also, delirium tremens. Enopbthal'mns. Deep-seated state of the eyes. Enosto' sis. Bony growth in the hollow of a bone. En'slform. Shaped like a sword. Ensister' imm. The lowest piece of the sternum. Ensoni'plialiiN. A double monster with bodies in part united. En'stropUe (en'stro-fe). Inversion; a turning inward. En'tad. Toward a center; inwardly. En'tal. Inner; central. Enta'sia (en-ta'se-ah). A constrictive spasm. Enteral'gia (en-ter-al'je-ah). Pain in the intestine. Enterev'tomy. Excision of a piece of intestine. Entcrcpip'locele (en-ter-ep-ip'lo-sel). Hernia of bowel and omentum. Enter'ie. Of, or pertaining to, the intestine. Enter*' tis. Inflammation of the intestine. Entero-anasto' inosis. The joining together of two parts of an intestine. Euterobro'sia. Intestinal perforation. En'teroeele (en'ter-o-sel). Intestinal hernia. Enteroehirur'gia. Intestinal surgery. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 165 166 Eiiterocholeoystol'omy. Incision of the gall-bladder and in- testine. Enteroc'lysis (en-ter-ok'lis-is). The injection of nutrient liquids into the intestine. En'teroclysm. An intestinal injection. Entcroooli'tis. Inflammation of large and small intestines. Enterocysto'ma. Cystic tumor of the intestine. Enterodyii'ia. Pain in the intestine. Entero-enteros'tomy. Formation of a passage between two parts of the intestine. Enlcro-epip'locele. Hernia of intestine and omentum. Enterogastrl'tls. Combination of enteritis and gastritis. Enlerog' rapliy. A description of the intestines. Enleroliy'drocele (en-ter-o-hi'dro-sel). Hernia with hydro- cele. En'terol. Brownish liquid, a combination of various cresols, used as intestinal antiseptic. En'tcvolttc, Eii'teroliili. Intestinal concretion or calculus. Enterolitlil'asis. The formation of enterolites. Entcrol'ogy. Sum of what is known about the intestines. Eiiteroinyoo'sis. Bacterial disease of the intestine. Eii'teron (en'ter-on). The intestine. Euterop'atliy (en-ter-op'ath-e). Any disease of the intestine. En'teropexy (en'ter-o-pek-se). Surgical fixation of tlie intestine. En' tempi as ty (en'ter-o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of intestine. Eii'teroplox. Device for joining edges of a divided intestine. En'teroplexy. Union of parts of intestine by the enteroplex. Entci’opto'sis. Prolapse of the intestine. Euteroi’rlia'gria (en-ter-or-a'je-ah). Intestinal hemorrhage. Eiitcror' rlisipliy. The stitching of a rent in the intestine. En'teroseppe (en'ter-os-kop). Instrument for inspecting the inside of the intestine. Eutcrosep'sis. Sepsis developed from the intestinal contents. En'lerospasm (en'ter-o-spazm). Intestinal colic. Entcrpstenp'sis. Narrowing or stricture of the intestine. Enteros'tomy. Formation of artificial intestinal fistula. En' terotmne (en'ter-ot-om). Instrument for cutting intestine. Enterot'omy. Surgical incision of the intestine. Eiiteroaso'ou. Any internal animal parasite. Entheoma'iiia (en-the-o-ma'ne-ah). Religious insanity. Eniliet'ic (en-thet'ik). Brought in from outside. Eu'tolilast (en'to-blast). The entoderm or hypoblast. En'looele (en'to-sel). Internal hernia. Eiitoclioroi'ilea. The inner layer of the choroid. Entacor'iioa. Descemet’s membrane. En'tocyte (en'to-sit). The cell-contents. En' toderm. The hypoblast or entoblast. Eiifo-eo'tad. From within outward. En' tpme. Cutting instrument for urethral stricture. Eiito'mion. Tip of mastoid angle of parietal bone. En'topliyte (en'to-fit). Any plant parasite within the body. Enfop'tii*. Situated or originated within the eye. Entoptos'copy. Inspection of the interior of the eye. Entoi’ei' ina. rrhc nervous or inner layer of the retina. En(os'tliolilast. The nucleus of the nucleolus. Entol' ie. Situated or generated within the ear. Entozo'on (en-to-zo'on). Any internal animal parasite. En' Irails. Bowels or intestines. Eutro'pioii, Eiiti'u'piuiii. Inversion or turning in, chiefly of an eyelid or of eyelashes. Entro'pioiiize. To correct, as an ectropion, by turning in. Emielca'tipii (e-nu-kle-a'shun). Removal from an envelop. AMERICAN POCKET Ennre'sis. Incontinence of urine. E. iioclur'na, passage of urine in bed. Eiivl'ronmcnt. External surroundings or influences. En'zyme (en'zim). Any chemical ferment formed in the body. Enzymo'sis. Fermentation induced by an enzyme. E'osin (e'o-sin). A red coloring matter from coal-tar. Eositi'opbile, Eosinoph'ilons. 1. Stainable by eosin. 2. A structure stainable by eosin. Eosinophil' ia. Accumulation of unusual number of eosinophile cells. E'osotc. Valerianate of creosote, used like creosote. Epac'tal. 1. Supernumerary. 2. Any Wormian bone. Ilprnecph'aluii. Embryonic structure whence arise the pons and cerebellum. Epen' lirma. Membrane lining a cerebral ventricle. Epciulymi'tis. Inflammation of the ependyma. Epb'cdra (ef'e-drah). Genus of plants; said to be antiluetic. Eph'etlrin. Mydriatic alkaloid from Ephedra vulgaris. Epb'cli* (ef'e-lis). A freckle. Epliem'eral. Temporary; lasting but a day. Epbiilro'sis. Profuse perspiration. E. crucii'la, bloody sweat. Ep' iblast. The outermost blastodermic layer or ectoderm: from it the nervous and epidermal tissues are derived. Epitic (ep-e-blas'tik). Pertaining to the epiblast. Eplb'oly. Differentiation of epiblast from the hypoblast. Epican'llins. A fold of skin projected over the inner canthus. Epicar' ilium. The innermost layer of the pericardium. Ep' iccle. The fourth ventricle of the brain. Epico' me. Monster with double head joined at summit. Epicon'tlyle (ep-e-kon'dil). A bony eminence above a condyle. Epicra'netts. The occipitofrontal muscle. Epicra'nitim. Structures collectively which cover the skull. Epie' i-iHis. A secondary or supplementary crisis. Eplcysli'tis. Inflammation above the bladder. Epieystot'oiny. Cystotomy by tlie suprapubic method. Ep'ieyte (ep'e-sTt). The wall or envelop of a cell. Epidcm' Ic. A disease which attacks many patients in the same region at the same time; used also adjectively. Epidcmiog'raplty. Literature of epidemic diseases. Epidcmiol'ogy. Sum of the knowledge of epidemic diseases. Epider' uial. Epider' mil-. Pertaining to the epidermis. Epidermidiliza' liou. Development of epidermic cells (strati- fied epithelium) from mucous cells (columnar epithelium). Epidermido'sis. Any epidermal disease. Epider'miii. A cerate used as a base for ointments. I'phlor' in ih. The cuticle, or outermost layer of the skin. Epidermiza'lioit (ep-e-der-miz-a'shun). Skin-grafting. Epidemiol'y sis (ep-e-der-mol'is-is). A loose state of tlie skin. E. bn) I o'.Ha. a variety with formation of deep-seated bulla;, which appear after irritation. Epidid'ymis. An oblong organ attached to the testicle. Epidldymi'lis. Inflammation of the epididymis. Epidtt'ral space. Space external to the spinal dura. Epigas'ter. Same as Hind-gut. Epigastral'gia. Pain in epigastrium. Epigas'lric. Of, or pertaining to, the epigastrium. Epigas'lrium. Abdominal surface in front of the stomach. Epigas'lritis. Double monster in which one twin is better devel- oped than the other. Epigas' Iroeele (ep-e-gas'tro-sel). Epigastric hernia. Eplgen'esls. Generation by successive formations. Epigiottiil'can. Pertaining to the epiglottis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 167 168 AMERICAN POCKET Eplglottidl'tls. Inflammation of the epiglottis. Epiglol/tis. Cartilaginous lid of the larynx. KpigloUi'tl* (ep-e-glot-ti'tis). Same as Epiglottlditis. it|>ia' natlms. Double monster in which the parasite is attached to the autosite’s jaw. Epiliy'al. A bone replaced in man by the stylohyoid ligament. Ep'Hating forceps. Nippers for pulling out hairs. Eplla'tion (ep-il-a'shun). Removal of hair; depilation. Epil'atocy. Removing hair, or an agent so doing. Ep'Hepsy (ep'il-ep-se). Nervous disease marked by seizures with convulsions and loss of consciousness. Cardiac e.. e. with pro- found disturbance of heart’s action, probably due to disease of the heart or of its nerves. Cortical e.. Focal c.. Jacksonian e, localized epileptiform spasm on one side without loss of con- sciousness. Idiopatliic c., true or typical epilepsy. Noc- turnal e., that in which the attack comes on during sleep. Frocursivc c., that in which at the beginning of the attack the patient runs swiftly. Reflex e.. a form due to peripheral irri- tation. Spinal c., clonic spasm of the legs in paraplegia. Tox- emic e.. that due to a toxic influence. Epilcp'tic. 1. Of, or pertaining to, epilepsy. 2. A patient subject to epileptic attacks. Epilep'tiform. Resembling epilepsy. Epilcptogcn'ic, Fpileptog'cnons. Giving rise to epilepsy. E. zone, superficial area, stimulation of which provokes an epi- leptic seizure. Epilcp'toid. Resembling epilepsy; epileptiform. Epimys'iuni (ep-e-mis'e-um). The fibrous sheath of a muscle; also, tlie material of such a sheath. Epincptiri'lls. Inflammation of a suprarenal capsule. Epincii' rium. The sheath of an entire nerve. Epionycli'ium. Same as Eponlchium. Epiot' ic center. The ossification-center of the mastoid part of the temporal bone. Epipas'tlc. Intended for sprinkling upon a part. Epipliciiom'cnon. An exceptional and non-essential phenome- non. Epipli'oca. Overflow of tears from obstruction of lacrimal duct. Epipliys'cal (ep-e-fiz'e-al). Pertaining to an epiphysis. Eplpliyscol'ysis. Detachment of an epiphysis. Epipli'ysis (ep-if'is-is). Portion of a bone which in early life is distinct from the shaft. E. cer'ebrl, the pineal body. Epipliysi'tis. Inflammation of the cartilage which joins infantile epiphysis to a shaft. Ep'lpliytc (ep'e-fit). An externally parasitic plant organism. Eplpi'al (ep-e-pi'al). Situated upon the pia mater. Epip'locele (ep-ip'lo-sel). Omental hernia. Epiplo'ic. Pertaining to the epiploon. E. appendages. Same as Appendices epiploiccß. Eplploi'tis (ep ip-10-i'tis). Inflammation of the epiploon. Epip' loon (ep-ip'lo-on). The great or gastrocolic omentum. Epipy'gu*. Same as Pygamelus. Eplsclc'ral. Situated over the sclera of the eye. Eplsclcrl'tis. Inflammation of the outer layers of the sclera. Episior'rhapliy. The suturing of a lacerated perineum. Episioateno'siH. A contraction of the vulvar slit. Episiot'omy. Surgical incision of the perineum. Epispa'dias. Opening of urethra on dorsum of the penis. Eplspas'tlc (ep e-spas'tik). Vesicant; blistering. Episplcni'tiN. Inflammation of the capsule of the spleen. Epistax'is. Nose-bleed ; hemorrhage from the nose. Epister' ual. Situated upon the sternum. Epister'num. The manubrium or upper piece of the sternum. Epitc'la. The thin tissue of Vieussens’s valve. Epitlie'lia. Ceils of the epithelium. Epitlic'lial. Pertaining to epithelium. E. cancer. Same as Epithelioma. Epillu-'lioiil. Resembling or like epithelium. Epitbelio'nia. Cancer composed largely of epithelial cells. Epl Hie' liu in. Cellular substance of the skin and mucous mem- brane. Ciliated e.. that which is provided with cilia. Col- umnar e., that which is made up of pillar-shaped cells. Glan- dular e.. that whose cells take part in a secretory process. Senro-e., specialized epithelium in which the nerves of spe- cial sense end. Pavement e., a variety composed of flattened cells. Pigmented e., that whose cells contain melanin or other pigment. Rod e., peculiarly striated e. of certain glands. Sqiiainmm e. is made up of flattened plate-like cells. Strati- fied e„ that in which the cells are disposed in more than one layer. Transitional e., that which is partly stratified. Epitrirli'iuni (ep e-trik'e-um). Superficial layer of the epider- mis of the fetus and embryo. Epitroeli'lea. Inner condyle of the humerus. Epizo'on. An externally parasitic animal organism. Epizobt' ie. A disease occurring epidemically among animals; used also adjectively. IIlionyeli' inm (ep-o-nik'c-um). T)ie horny embryonic membrane whence the nail is developed. Eponyni'ic. Named from some person. Epobpliorer'toniy. Surgical removal of the parovarium. Epoftpli' oron (ep-o-of'o-ron). The parovarium. Ep'soni suits. Magnesium sulphate. Epu'Ms (ep-u'lis). A fibrous tumor of the gum. malignant e., giant-celled sarcoma of jaw. Eqna'tor of a cel l. The plane at which a cell is divided. E. of tlie eye. the circle or plane which divides the eye into ante- rior and posterior halves. Equal o'rial plate. In karyokinesis, the equator of the nuclear spindle. Eqnil'ibrating operation. Tenotomy of the muscle which antagonizes a paralyzed muscle of the eye. Eqnilib'riiiin. A state of balance or equipoise. Eqnina'tioii. Inoculation with horse-pox virus. Eqnin'ia (e-kwin'e-ah). L. for Glanders. Eqiiinova'rns. A blending of pes equinus with pes varus. Eqniv'alenee (e-kwiv'al-ens). Quality of being equivalent. Eqniv'alent (e-kwiv'al-ent). 1. Of equal force, power, or value. 2. The unvarying quantity of one body which is requisite to replace a fixed weight of another body. Er., E. R. Abbreviation for external resistance. Era'sion (e-ra'zhun). Removal by abrasion or scraping. Er'bium. A rare metallic element; symbol Er. Erb's paralysis. Paralysis due to cerebral hemorrhage at birth. E.’s point, the supraclavicular point. Eree'tile tissue. Tissue that may be erected or made turges- cent. E. 1 ninor. tumor composed of erectile tissue. Erec'tioii (e-rek'shun). State of being upright and turgid. Eree'to r innseles. See Muscles, Table of. Ereefo'res pi'll. See Arrectores pilurum. Eremacau'sis. Slow oxidation and decay of organic matter. Er'ethin (er'eth-in). Poisonous principle of tuberculin. Er'elliism (er'eth-izm). Morbid excitability. Eretliis'lie. Characterized by erethism. Erg. The unit of work. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 169 170 AMERICAN POCKET Er'gograph (er'go-graf). Instrument for measuring work done in muscular action. Er'got. A fungus growing on rye : hemostatic and echo lie. Kr'goliu. 1. Commercial precipitate from ergot. 2. An alkaloid from ergot. Bonjean's c., a purified extract of ergot. Kigol' inin. Alkaloid from ergot. Er'gotism (er'go-tizm). Chronic ergot-poisoning. Er'gotimd (er'go-tizd). Diseased by the ergot-fungus. Erig'erou (e-rij'er-on). Genus of plants, fleabanes: diuretic and refrigerant. Eriodie'tj on Califor'nica. Yerba santa; useful in bronchitis. Ero'dent. A caustic drug. Erosion. Disintegration of structure: an eating away. Ero'stive (e-ro'siv). Producing erosion. Erot'ic (e-rot'ik). Pertaining to sexual appetite. Er'otism (er'o-tizm). Sexual instinct. Eroioma'nia. Insanity with intense sexual excitement. Erotopath' ia. Perverted sexual instinct. Errat'ie. Roving; wandering; also odd and eccentric. Er'rhinc (er'in). Causing sneezing and secretion from the nose. Erurlii'lioii. Belching of wind from the stomach. Erup'tion (e-rup'shun). A rash or discoloration of the skin. Bmp'live. Attended with a breaking out or rash. Erysip'elas. A febrile disease characterized by inflammation and redness of skin, mucous membranes, etc. Ambulant e.. Wan- dering c., erysipelatous process which repeatedly disappears to reappear at another point. Facial c., variety which is mainly seated on the face. Idiopathic e., that which does not follow a wound or injury. Phlegmonous e., erysipelas in which pus is formed. Surgical e.. Traumatic e., that which invades wounds. Erysipel'atous. Of the nature of erysipelas. Eryslp'eluid. A disease which simulates erysipelas. Erythe'ma (er-ith-e'mah). Redness of skin or rose rash ;of many varieties. E. annula're, a form of e. with rounded lesions, each with a raised margin. E. congest!' vum. simple e. with congestion of the skin. E. multi for'me. an acute variety with variously formed papules, tubercles, and macules. E. nodo'- suni. inflammatory form marked by tender red nodules. Symptomatic e., skin hyperemia in non-elevated patches: it may be idiopathic or truly symptomatic. E. vciiena' tiim. that which is due to a poison. Erythemat'ic, Erythcm'atous. Of the nature of erythema. Erytheinomegalal'gia. See ErytJvmomelalgia. Erytliras'ma. Skin-disease marked by patches in groin or axilla. Ei-'ythi-ite (er'ith-rit). A crystalline alcohol from various alga; and lichens. Erytli'roblast. The rudimentary red blood-corpuscle. Erythrocliloro'pia. Color-blindness in which red and green only are recognized. Erylb'rocylc (er-ith'ro-sit). A red blood-corpuscle. Ei-ythi-ocytom' eter. A device for counting red blood-corpuscles. Erytbloilcx'trin. A dextrin stained red by iodin. Erythrogran'ulose. A form of granulose stained red by iodin. Er'ythrol (er'ith-rol). Same as Erythnte. Erythroinelal'gist. Neuritis marked by burning pain and red- ness of one or more of the extremities. Erytli'rophage (er-ith'ro-iaj). A phagocyte which absorbs blood-pigments and destroys red corpuscles. Erytti'ropbilc. Erytiiropli'ilons. Easily staining red. Erylliroplilc'in. A poisonous alkaloid from casca bark. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 171 Erytliroplilee' um guineen'se. An African tree, affords casca bark : poisonous cardiant. Ery (lirop' i :i. Ery (Ii rop' sia. State In which objects appear to have a red tinge. Dr yt Ii rop' si ii. Same as Visual purple. Ery tlirox'ylln. Cocain ; also, a proprietary precipitate from coca. Erytlirox'y lon eo'ea. South American plant which affords coca leaves. Es'eliar (es'kar). Slough produced by burning or by a caustic. Eseliarot'lc (es-kar-ot'ik). Producing a slough ; caustic. Eselirola' 1 ia, .EseEirola'lia. Same as Coprolalia. Es'eulin. Glucosid from horse-chestnut bark. Kscr'irtin. An alkaloid of Calabar bean. Its'criii. Same as Physostigmin. Es'march, IN' ■■laichs hand age (es'mark). Caoutchouc bandage for use in bloodless surgery. Esod' ic (es-od'ik). Centripetal oratferent. Eso-et licnoidi't is. Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses. Esograstri'tis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Esopha' seal (e-sof-a'je-al). Pertaining to the esophagus. Esophagis'mns (e-sof-aj-is'mus). Spasm of the esophagus. Esophagi' Its (e-sof-aj-i'tis). Inflammation of the esophagus. Esopliag'oeele (e-sdf-ag'o-sel). Esophageal hernia. Esopliagumyeo'sis. Microbic disease of the esophagus. Esopliag' oseope. Speculum for seeing inside of esophagus. Esoph'agospasm. Spasm of the esophagus. Esopliagosf cno'sis. Stricture of the esophagus. Esophagos'toiuy. Creation of an artificial fistula of the esoph- agus. Esopltag'otome (e-sof-ag'ot-dm). Cutting instrument used in esophagotomy. Esopliagoi'onty. Surgical incision of the esophagus. Esoph'agus (e-sof'ag-us). Part of alimentary canal between pharynx and stomach. Esopho'ria (es-o-fo're-ah). Inward tending of the visual lines. Esosplienoidi' f is. Osteomyelitis of the sphenoid. Esoter'le (es-o-ter'ik). Arising within the organism. Esotliy' ropexy. Treatment of goiter by drawing out the thyroid gland and fixing it. Esotro'pia. Convergent strabismus, or cross-eye. Es'senoe. 1. The distinctive or individual principle of anything. 2. Mixture of alcohol with a volatile oil. Essen'tial. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, an essence. E. oil, any volatile oil of vegetable origin; an attar. E. resistance, resistance to conductivity within an electric battery. Es' ter. Any compound ether which has an acid and an alcohol radical. Estlie'siolilast. A ganglioblast; embryonic cell of a spinal ganglion. Est lies loin a' nia. Insanity with perverted moral sense. Esthesioin'ene (es-the-ze-om'en-e). Tubercular ulceration of vulva. Estliesioin' eter. An instrument for measuring tactile sensibility. Esttiesioneuro'sis. Any disease of the sensory nerves. EsHiesiopliysiol'ogy. Physiology of the perceptive faculties. Estliesod'ie. Conveying sense impressions. Estliiome'mis. Malignant disease of the skin. Est'lamler’s operation. Resection of ribs in empyema. Es'trual. Pertaining to the rutting of animals. Estrua'llon. Sexual ardor of animals at season of copulation. Es' (ruin, olnt. The remotest point at which an object is clearly seen when the eye is at rest. Farre’s tubercles (farz). Nodules on the surface of a carcino- matous liver. Par-ngbt'cd. Same as Hypermetropic. Fascia (fash'e-ah). A band or sheet of tissue investing and con- necting muscles. Anal f., the ischiorectal fascia. Burk's f„ continuation of Colles’s fascia upon the penis. Cervical f., deep, one which invests the muscles, vessels, and nerves of the neck. Cervical f., superficial, a thin lamina external to the platysma myoides. Cloquet's f., areolar tissue closing femoral ring. Colles’s f., deep layer of the superficial perineal fascia. Cremasteric f., the cremaster muscle. Cribriform f.. that part of the superficial fascia of the thigh which covers the saphen- ous opening. F. denla'la. a serrated baud under the hippo- campus minor. Infuudibuliform f.. a process of the trans- versalis fascia over the spermatic cord. Inlcreolnmnar f.. the pouch which covers the spermatic cord and testis. Isebio- reelal f.. that which covers the perineal side of the levator ani. F. la'ta, wide dense sheath of the thigh muscles. Trausver- salis f.. that fascia which lies between the transversalis muscle and the peritoneum. Fas'eial (fash'e-al). Pertaining to a fascia. Faseic'ulus (fas-ik'u-lus). A bundle or cluster. Cuneafe f.. a continuation of the dorsolateral column of spinal cord into the oblongata. Fundamental I-., a part of the anterior column extending into the oblongata. F. jrra'eilis, a continuation info the oblongata of the dorsomedian column of the spinal cord. Oli- vary f.. a fillet beneath the olivary body. Postcrolonsi- tndinal f., fibers which extend from the nuclei of the fourth and sixth nerves to the corpora quadrigemina. Pyramidal f., direct. F. of Ttirelt, a part of the anterior column of the cord extending to the pyramid. F. of Rolando, the enlarged head of the posterior cornu of gray matter in the oblongata. Solitary f., f. which connects the internal capsule and lentic- ular nucleus with parts beneath. F. subeallo'sns, a tract of long fibers beneath the callosum. F.te'res. Same as jFunicu- lus teres. F. uneifor'mis, the fibers which connect the frontal and temporosphenoid lobes. Faseiot'omy. Surgical incision or division of a fascia. Fasei'tis (fas-i'tis). Inflammation of a fascia. Fastig'inm (fas-tij'e-um). The acme ; the highest point. Fa*. The oily material that covers the connective tissue of an ani- mal. F.-eolumns. columns of adipose tissue extending from subcutaneous tissue to the hair-follicles and sweat-glands. Fatigue'disease, F. fever. Febrile attack due to over-exer- lion. F. stuff, toxic material due to tissue-disintegration after excessive fatigue. Fat'ty series. Methane and its derivatives and homologous hy- drocarbons. Fau'ees (faw'sez). The passage between throat and pharynx. Fau'eial (faw'she-al). Pertaining to the fauces. F»' vus. Skin-disease with honeycomb crusts due to a fungus. Pe. A symbol of iron. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 177 178 Febric'ula (fe-brik'u-lah). A slight or insignificant fever. Febritii'oii'iit (feb-rif-a'shent). Producing fever. FebriP ugal (feb-riPu-gal). Good against fever. Feb'rifuge (feb'rif-uj). A remedy that dispels fever. Feb'rile (feb'ril). Pertaining to fever; feverish. Feb' rinol. A proprietary antipyretic and analgesic. Fe'bris (fe'bris). L. for Fever. F. enter'iea, typhoid fever. Fe'cal, Pertaining to, or of the nature of, feces. Fee' aloid (fek'al-oid). Resembling fecal matter. Fe'ces (fe'sez). Excrement discharged from the bowels. Feeb'ner's law (fek'nerz). The sensation produced by a given stimulus varies as the logarithm of the stimulus. Fee' tila. 1. Lees or sediment. 2. Starch. Fee'ulent (fek'u-lent). Having sediment. Fecunda'tion. Fertilization; impregnation. Artificial f.. fecundation by mechanical injection of semen into uterus. Feeun'dity (fe-kun'dit-e). Fruitfulness. Feb'ling’s solution (fa'lingz). Aqueous solution of cupric sulphate with potassio-sodic tartrate and a potassic hydrate solu- tion for testing for sugar in urine. Fel bo' vis. The bile of the ox ; ox-gall. Fel'lic arid. A constituent of bile, C03H4004. Fel' on. Same as Paronychia. Fe'male. Pertaining to a woman. F. blade, the blade of a for- ceps which has a slot. F. eatbeter. See Catheter. Fein'oral (fem'o-ral). Pertaining to the thigh. Fem'oroeele. Femoral hernia. Feinorotib'ial. Pertaining to the femur and tibia. Fe'mur. The thigh bone ; also the thigh itself. Fenei'tra ova'lis. An oval opening in the inner wall of the middle ear. F. rollin'da, round opening in the inner wall of the middle ear. Fen'estrated. Pierced with one or more openings. F. mem- brane, the thickest and outermost layer of the arterial intima. Fenestra'lion. The act of perforating; condition of being pierced with openings. Fen'nel. The plant Fcc.niculum vulgare: its seeds and oil are stimulant and carminative. Fen' ugfreeU. The plant Trigonella frenum-grcecum: the seed is demulcent. Fer'ment. A substance which causes fermentation in other sub- stances with which it comes in contact. Organized f., a living plant or animal ferment, as a microbe. Unorganized f., a chemical ferment. Fennenta'tion. Physical or chemical change induced by a fer- ment. Aeetie f., the conversion of weak alcoholic solutions into acetic acid or vinegar. Alcoholic f., the formation of ethylic alcohol from carbohydrates. Ammoniacal f., formation of ammonia and carbon dioxid from urea. Butyric f., change of carbohydrates, milk, etc., into butyric acid. Caseous f., the coagulation of soluble casein under the influence of rennet fer- ment. Biastastie f., the change of starch into glucose, under the influence of ptyalin, the glycolytic ferment of the liver, etc. hadic f., the souring of milk, due to various bacilli. F.-test, test for glucose in the urine made with yeast. Viscous f., pro- duction of gummy substances, as in wine, milk, or urine, under the influence of various bacilli. Ferinente'mia. The presence of a ferment in the blood. Fermen'tum (fer-men'tum). L. for Yeast. Fern, female. See Axplenium,. Male f. See Axpidium. Ferra'lia. Medicinal iron preparations ; chalybeates. Fer' ratin. Proprietary preparation of iron from blood. AMERICAN POCKET I'er'rein's pyramids (fer'rinz). Conical masses in the cortex of kidney, each containing straight tubules surrounded by convo- luted ones. F.'s t übule, cortical portion of a uriniferous tubule. Per'rie. Containing iron in its higher valency. Ferriey'anid. A compound containing Fe2(CN)6, or ferric cyanid. Ferrieyan'ogen. A tetravalent radical, Fe(CN)c. I’errocy'anld. A compound containing Fe(CN)2, or ferrous cyanid. Perrorjan'ogen. A hexad radical, (FeC^Ng).;. Ferropy' rlu. Compound of antipyrin and ferric chlorid : used in anemia and neuralgia and as an external astringent, Ferrostyp'tin. An antiseptic and styptic iron preparation. Fer' rous. Containing iron in its lower valency. tVrru'ginous (fer-ru'jin-us). Containing iron ; chalybeate. Fer' rum. L. for Iron. Fer'ltle. Able to produce offspring; not sterile. Fertiliza'tion. Impregnation; fecundation. Fer'ula. Genus of plants. See Asafetida, Galbanum, SumbiU, Snyapenum. Fes' ter. A small superficial ulcer or sore. Festina'f ion. A gait in which the patient takes quicker and quicker steps, as in paralysis agitans. Fe'tal. Pertaining to a fetus. F. abort ion. See under Abortion. Feta'tiou. I. Development of the fetus. 2. Pregnancy. Fet'ieiile (fet'is-Id). The killing of afetus in utero. Fe'tiil. Having a rank, disagreeable smell. Fe'tor. Stench or offensive odor. Fe'tns. The unborn child after end of the third month. Fe' ver. 1. Abnormally high bodily temperature; pyrexia. 2. Disease marked by increase of temperature. As I hen i c f., one in which there is nervous depression, feeble pulse, and a clammy skin. Rilions f., one with apparent liver complications. Blacbivafer fever, dangerous tropical bilious fever. Brain f.. cerebral meningitis or cerebritis. Break bone f. See Dengue,. Catheter f., fever that may follow misuse of a catheter. Cere- brospinal f. See Meningitis, cerebrospinal. Chagrres f„ a malignant type of malarial fever. Childbed f. Same as Puer- peral fever. Continued f., one which is neither intermittent nor remittent. Damlyf. Same as Dengue. Kntorief. Sameas Typhoid fever. Eruptive f.. Exanthematous f., any fever accompanied by an eruption on the skin. Famine f. Same as Relapsing fever. Fraejt ure f., fever following fracture of a bone. Castrie f., any acute abdominal attack with gastric disturbances. Hay f.. Hay asthma, acute catarrh of conjunctiva and nasal mucous membrane, of annual recurrence. Heetie f., daily re- curring fever with profound sweating, chills, and flushed counte- nance ; associated with tuberculosis and septic poisoning. Eovv f. Same as Asthenic fever. Lung f.. croupous pneumonia. Medi- terranean f., a fever of bacterial origin in the Mediterranean region. Milk f. 1. Mild form of puerperal septicemia. 2. Fever said to attend the establishment of lactation after delivery. 3. Endemic fever said to be caused by the use of unwholesome cow’s milk. Fnerperal f.. septic poisoning occurring in child- bed. Relapsing; f., a contagious bacterial fever often associated with famine and poverty. Remittent f., a malarial fever with exacerbations and remissions, but no intermissions. Rheu- matic f., acute inflammatory rheumatism. Scarlet f. Same as Scarlatina. Septic f., one due to the entrance of septic poisons into the blood. Simple continued f., a non-con- tagious fever with neither remissions nor intermissions. Spiril- lum f. Same as Relnpsiny fever. Splenic f., true anthrax. Sthenic f., fever characterized by a full strong pulse, hot and MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 179 180 dry skin, high temperature, thirst, and active delirium. Trau- matic f„ that which follows injury or wounds. Typhoid f„ a specific eruptive communicable fever with lesions of the spleen and Peyer’s patches. Typhus f., a contagious eruptive fever with no characteristic lesions, but with great prostration. Ure- thral f., fever following the use of catheter, sound, or bougie. Yellow f., an infectious fever, chiefly of tropical America, with intense pains, jaundice, and the vomiting of blackened blood. Fe'verfew. See Matricaria. Fl'at, pi. Fi'ant. L. for let there be made. Fi'ber. An elongated thread-like structure of organic tissue. Ar- cit'orin or Arcuate f., bow-shaped fibers crossing the anterior aspect of the medulla. Axial f., the axis-cylinder of a nerve- fiber. Beale's f., a spiral nerve-fiber. Biihlmauii's f„ pecu- liar lines in carious teeth caused by bacteria. F. cell, any one of the elongated cells of which a fiber is composed, especially if still nuclear. Corti's Us., rods of Corti. Gottstein’s f’f*., nerve- fibers of auditory nerve in cochlea. Muller's Us., supporting fibers of neuroglia in retina. F's. of Bemak, non-medullated nerve-fibers. Nharpey's f’s., fibers joining together the lam- elite of bone. Tomes's Us., branching processes of odontoblasts in dentinal canals. Fi'bril, Fibril'la. A minute fiber or filament. Fibril'lar, Fib'rillary. Pertaining to, or made up of, fibrils. Fibrilla'tion. 1. Quality of being fibrillar. 2. Muscular tremor. Fi'brln (fi'brin). A whitish proteid of the blood and of serous fluids. F.-ferment, a principle believed to convert fibrinogen into fibrin. Fibrina'tioii (fib-rin-a'shun). Excess of fibrin in the blood. Fibrin'ogeu. A globulin from which fibrin is mainly derived. Fibrinoplas'iin. Same as Paraplobulin. Fibrino'sis. Condition marked by excess of fibrin in the blood. Fib'rinous (fib' rin-us). Pertaining to, or of the nature of, fibrin. Fibrlnu'ria. Discharge of fibrin in the urine. Fibro-arteno'ma. Adenoma containing fibrous tissue. Fibro-arc' olar (fl-bro-ar-e' o-lar). Both fibrous and areolar. Fi'broblast. Any cell-element from which fibers are developed. Fibroear'tilage. A cartilage containing fibrous elements. Fibroccl'lular. Partly fibrous and partly cellular. Fibrocliomlrl'tis. Inflammation of a fibrocartilage. Fi'brocyst, Fibroma that has suffered cystic degeneration. Fibroeys'tie (fi-bro-sis'tik). Partly fibrous and partly cystic. Fibroeysto'ma. Fibroma blended with cystoma. Fi'brogen. The forerunner of fibrin. Fibroglio'ma. Glioma containing fibrous elements. Fi'broirt (fi'broidj. 1. Resembling fiber, or a fibrous structure. 2. Same as Fibroma. Fibro in. White albuminoid, Ci5Ho3N3Oc, from spiders’ webs and cocoons of insects. Fibrolipo'ma. Tumor that is both fibroid and fatty. Fibro'ma. A tumor composed of connective tissue. Fibromata'sis. A tendency to develop fibromata. Fibromyi'tis. Inflammation of muscle with fibrous degeneration. Fibromyo'iua. Fibroma blended with myoma. Fibromyxo'ma. Tumor that is both fibrous and mucous. Fibroneuro'ma. A neuroma blended with fibroma. Fibroplas'tie. Giving origin to fibrous tissue. F. tumor, a variety of spindle-celled sarcoma. Fibrosarro'ma. Sarcoma blended with fibroma. Fibro'sis. Formation of fibrous tissue; fibroid degeneration. Ar- terioeapillary f. See Ar terioeapillary. Fi'brous (fl'brus). Composed of, or containing, fibers. AMERICAN POCKET I'ilt'iila. Outer bone of the leg below the knee. Pi'eus (ti' kus). L. for Fig. Field of vision. The area or space which the fixed eye can see. Pi nil nerve. See Trifacial in Nerves, Table of. F. ventricle. See Ventricle. Pis. Fruit of Ficus carica: used as a laxative and digestant. F.- wart. Same as Verruca acuminata. Pi la' eeous (Al-a'she-us). Composed of filaments. Pil' ament. A delicate fiber or thread. Pila'rla. A genus of nematode parasitic worms. F. medinen'- sis. See Guinea worms. F. san'groin Is Uoin'inis, a parasite found in the blood-vessels, lymphatics, etc. Pilari' as is. Disease due to Filar in. Pili'eie acid. A substance, from male fern. Pil'iform. Shaped like a thread. F. bougie. See, Bougie. F. papllhe, the smallest variety of papillre on the tongue. Pil'ipuneture. Insertion of wire or thread in aneurysm. Pi'li.v (fi'lix). Hale fern. Pil'let. 1. A loop-shaped bandage. 2. White band on outer side of superior cerebellar peduncles. Olivary f,, nerve-fasciculus surrounding olivary body. Pil'mogen. Solution of nitrated cellulose in acetone; used in ap- plying drugs to the skin. Pi' lopressure. Compression of a blood-vessel by a thread. Pil'ter. A device for straining liquids. F.-paper, coarse paper used in filtration. Pil'irate. A liquor which has passed through a filter. Pillra'tion. The operation of straining a liquid. Pi'lum termiiia'le. The slender inferior end of spinal cord. Pim'bria. A fringe ; especially, fringe-like end of oviduct. Pim'briatc. Fringed. F. body, the corpus fimbriatum. Pin'ger (fing'ger). Either one of the five extremities of a hand, T., deformity of finger due to constant use of Morse tele- graph key. F .-stall, a cap for an injured or sore finger. Pi rut intern'tton. See under Healing. F. nerve, the olfactory nerve. Pisli'er'» murmur. A head murmur in the systole heard in rickety children. Pisli-skiii disease. Same as Ichthyosis. F.-slime disease, septicemia from punctured wounds by fish-spines. Pis'sion (fish'un). Division of a cell into parts; segmentation. Pissip'arous. Propagated by fission. Pissn'ra. L. for Fissure. Pis'sure (fis'yur). A narrow slit or cleft. Anal f., painful lineal ulcer at margin of anus. Auricular f., a fissure in the petrous bone. F. of Biehat, transverse fissure between the fornix and upper surface of cerebellum. Brora's f., the fissure which sur- rounds the third left frontal convolution. Bnrdaeli's f.. fissure between lateral surface of insula and inner surface of operculum. Calcarine f.. Assure between the cuneate lobe and the lingual lobule on the mesial aspect of the cerebrum. Callosomavgi nal f.. Assure on the median surface of each cerebral hemisphere mid- way between the callosum and the margin of the surface. Cen- tral f., the Assure of Rolando. Clevenger’s f„ the inferior occipital Assure. liOiiKitiidinnl f.. the deep fissure between the cerebral hemispheres. Occipital f., a deep Assure between the parietal and occipital lobes of the cerebrum. Palpebral f., the slit or opening between the eyelids. Portal f., the trans- verse Assure of the liver. Precentral f., a Assure parallel to the Assure of Rolando and anterior to it. Rolando’s f., the Assure between the parietal and frontal lobes. .Sphenoidal f., a cleft in the. wings and body of sphenoid and orbital plate of from MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 181 182 tal bone for various nerves and vessels. F. of Sylvius, fissure which separates the anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum. Transverse f. ]. Fissure crossing transversely the under sur- face of the right lobe of the liver. 2. Horseshoe-shaped fissure from the descending cornu of the cerebrum on one side to that on the other. Umbilical f., the anterior part of the longitudinal fissure of the liver. Fis'iula (fis'tu-lah). A deep sinuous ulcer, often leading to an in- ternal hollow organ. Anal f., a fistula near the anus which may or may not communicate with the rectum. Blind f., one which is open at one end only. It may open upon the skin {external, blind /.) or upon a mucous surface (internal, blind /.). Branchial f., an unclosed branchial cleft. Complete f., one which opens upon the skin and upon an internal cavity. Fecal f., one which communicates with the intestine. Vesieovag'inal f., an open- ing from the bladder to the vagina. I’is' Iu I atome (Hst'u-lat-6m). Same as Myringotome. Fis'iulons. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a fistula. Fit. A convulsion ; a paroxysm ; a.sudden attack. Fixa'tion. The act of holdingor fastening in a fixed position. F.- forceps, forceps for holding a part during an operation. P. point, point for which accommodation of the eye is adjusted, and where vision is clearest. Fix' ins. Speedy killing of tissues in such a way that their normal form is preserved. Fi. Symbol of Fluor in. Flabel'lum. A set of radiating white fibers in corpus striatum. Flac'cid (flak'sid). Weak, lax, and soft. Fins'. See Calamus and Iris. Flagcl'late veil. Cell with long cilia for propulsion. Flagel'lam (fla-jel'lum). A slender lash-like cilium. Flnil-Joint. Abnormal mobility of a joint after resection. Flank. The part of the body between ribs and ilium. Flap. A mass of tissue partly detached by the knife. F. ampu- tation. See Amputation. F. extraction, removal of cataract by making a flap in the cornea. Plat-bones. Bones that have a flat shape. F.-foot, a foot with a flat sole and sunken tarsus. Flat'ness. Resonance heard on percussing a part that is abnor- mally solid. Flat'nlenee (fiat'u-lens). Excessive formation of gases in the stomach or intestine. Flat'nlent (flat'u-lent). Characterized by flatulence. Fla'tns. Gas or air in the stomach or intestine. Flax-dressers’ disease. Phthisis or pneumonia due to inhala- tion of dust in dressing flax. Flax seed. Same as Linseed. Fldr. Abbreviation of Fluidram. Flea (fle). An insect of the genus Pulex: in part parasitic. Flea'bane (fle'ban). See Errgeron. Fleam (flem). A lancet for venesection. Fleck'sis’s tract. The anterior or fundamental ground bundle of the spinal cord. Fleece oFStilllngr. The lacework of white fibers that surrounds the dentate nucleus. Fleisckmann’s bursa (flTsh'manz). The bursa sublingualis. Flesh. The muscles and other soft parts of animals. Frond f„ excessive granulation-tissue. Flex. To bend or put in a state of flexion. Flexibil'itas ee'rea. Cataleptic state in which the limbs retain the position in which they are placed. Flex'ible. Flex'ile. Readily bent without danger of breaking. AMERICAN POCKET Flex'ion (flek'shun). Act of bending; condition of being bent. Flex'or. A muscle that flexes a joint. See Muscles, Table of. Flexu'ra. L. for Flexure. Flex'lire tflek'shur). A bend or fold ; a curvation. Caudal f., bend at the aboral end of the embryo. Cephalic f., Cranial f., curve at the cephalic end of the embryo. Sigmoid f., part of colon between descending colon and rectum. Flint disease. Chalicosis. Floating alhmnin, F. proleid. See Albumin. F. ribs. See Ribs. Floeeilla'tion. Floeeita'lion. Same as Carphotogy. Floe'cnlent (flok'u-lent). Containing downy or flaky shreds. Floe'eulus. Small lobe on anterior part of under surface of each cerebellar hemisphere. Flood'ing. Copious uterine hemorrhage. Flood's ligament. One of the three glenohumeral ligaments. Floor cells. The cells of the floor of the arch of Corti. Flourens's doctrine (floo-ronz'). The opinion that the entire cerebrum takes a part in every mental process. Flow. To menstruate copiously. Plow'ers of sulphur. Sublimed sulphur. Fluctuation. A wave-like motion, as of a fluid in a cavity of the body after succussion. Fluid. A liquid or a gas. Allantoic f., the fluid contained in the allantois. Amniotie f., the liquor amnii. Cerebrospi- nal f., fluid contained in cerebral ventricles, subarachnoid spaces, and central canal of cord. Condy’s f.. disinfecting solution of sodium or potassium permanganate. F. extract, a strong liquid solution of a vegetable medicine. Labyrinthine f., the perilymph. Subarachnoid f. Same as Cerebrospinal f. Fln'idonnee. Eight fluidrams. Flu' id ram. Measure equal to 56.96 grains of distilled water. Fluke. A parasitic trematode worm. See Distoma, BUharzia. Fln'or al' bus. Same as Lencorrhen. Fluores'ceiu, Fluores'ein. A coal-tar derivative, C20H1205, used in observing motions of eye-fluids. Fluores'eenee (flu-or-es'ens). The property of certain bodies to emit a gleam when exposed to violet rays. F. screen, a plate in the fluoroscope coated with crystals of calcium tunstate. Fln'orid (flu'or-id). Any binary compound of ftuorin. Fln'orin (flu'or-in). A halogen element, not unlike chlorin. Flu'orol (fln'or-ol). Sodium fluorid, TsTaF : a germicide. Flnor'oscope (flu-or'os-kop). A device used in skiagraphy. Flux. 1. An excessive discharge. 2. Matter discharged. Alvine f., diarrhea. Bloody f., dysentery. Fly-blis'fer. A blister prepared from cantharides. Fly'ing-blister. A blister to be moved from place to place. F. M. = ft'at mistu'rn, “ make a mixture.” Fo'eal. Pertaining to a focus. F. depth, penetrating power of a lens. F. distance, distance of center of lens from its principal focus. F. lesion, a central lesion of definite limits. Fo'cus (fo'kus). 1. The point of convergence of light-rays or of sound-waves. 2. Chief center of a morbid process. Foeuie' nium. Same as Fennel. F«p| us, etc. See Fetus, etc. F. papyra'eens, a dead fetus flat- tened out by its living twin. Fo'lia. L. for Leaves. Fo'liau pro'cess. The processus gracilis of the malleus. Fol'llele (fol'ik-1). A very small excretory or secretory sac or gland. Graafian f., any one of the small spherical ovarian bodies each of which contains an ovum, llair-f.. the depres- sion from which each hair grows. Lieberknhn, f’s. of, little MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 183 184 AMERICAN ROCKET tubular pits ou the mucous membrane of the small intestine. L} iii|tli-f., an aggregation of adenoid substance; chiefly found on mucous surfaces. Sebaceous f.. a sebaceous gland of the skin. Solitary f., any discrete lymph-follicle on the mucous membrane of the intestine. Follic' ular. Of or pertaining to a follicle or follicles. F. tumor, a sebaceous cyst; a dilated sebaceous follicle. Follienli'tis, Inflammation of a follicle or follicles. F. bar'- liir, inflammation of the hair-follicles of the beard. F. decal'- vans, chronic f. of scalp, leading to cicatricial alopecia. Follic' ulose (fol-ik'u-lds). Full of follicles. Fomeiita'tion. A warm application, usually moist, Fo'mes, pi. fo'mites. A porous substance absorbing contagium. Fonta'na’s canal or spaces (fon-tah'nahz). A ring of spaces at the junction of cornea, iris, and sclera. F.’s markings, minute transverse fold seen on a divided nerve-trunk. Fon'tanel, Fontanelle (fon-tan-el'). Any one of the unossi- fled spots on the cranium of a young infant. Fontic'ulus (fon-tik'u-lus). A fontanel. Food. Anything that serves to nourish ; aliment. Foot. The terminal organ of the leg. F.-clonus, same as Ankle- clonus. F.-fungus, the fungus that produces mycetoma or madura foot. F.-plienomeuon, F.-reilex. Same as Ankle- clonus. F.-platc, plate that forms the base of the stapes. F.- pound, the energy needful to raise a pound one foot. Foot-and-mouth-disease. Contagious epizootic aphthae. Foot'ling presentation. Presentation of the feet in labor. Fora'men. A perforation or hole. Aortie f., the hindmost of the openings of the diaphragm. Arachnoid f. Same as F. of Magendie. Auditory f., external, the external meatus of auditory canal. Auditory f., internal, passage for auditory and facial nerves in petrous bone. Bichat’s f., a canal from subarachnoid space to third ventricle. Botallo's f. connects tire auricles of the fetal heart. F. cee'cum, Fecal f. 1. Foramen between the frontal bone and crista galli. 2. A canal over the root and dorsum of the tongue. 3. In the mucous mem- brane of the posterior wall of the pharynx. Condyloid f., anterior, passage in occipital bone for hypoglossal nerve. Condyloid f., posterior, a fossa behind either occipital con- dyle. Cotyloid f., passage between the margin of acetabulum and transverse ligament. Dental f., inferior, the outer aper- ture of the inferior d. canal in the ramus of the lower jaw. Esophageal f., passage for esophagus through the diaphragm. Ethmoid f., anterior, a canal formed by the ethmoid and frontal bones. Frontal f.. the supraorbital notch. Incisor f., the aperture for anterior palatine artery in t lie alveolar margin. Xnfra-orbital f., passage for infraorbital nerve and artery. Intervertebral f., anterior, passage for spinal nerves and vessels between laminae of adjacent vertebrae. Intervertebral f., posterior, space between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae. Jugular f. Same as F. lacerum posterius. F. la'cerum ante'rins. Same as Sphenoidal fissure. F. la'cerum me'dium, a cleft"in petrous bone and great wing of sphenoid for carotid artery, etc. F. la'cerum poste'rius, space made by jugular notches of the temporal and occipital bones. Magendle’s f.. orifice in the pia of the roof of fourth ventricle. F. inag'num, great orifice in occipital bone through which the brain and spinal cord are connected. Mastoid f.. small hole behind mastoid process. Medullary f., Nutrient f., passage which admits the nutrient vessels to the medullary cavity of a bone. Mental f., foramen of lower jaw for mental nerve and vessels. F, of Monro, passage from third to lateral MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 185 ventricle of brain. Nutrient f. Same as Medullary f. Obtu- rator f., the large opening between os pubis and ischium. Ol- factory foramina, many openings of the cribriform plate of ethmoid bone. Optic f., passage for optic nerve and ophthalmic artery at apex of orbit. F. ova'le. 1. Fetal opening between the heart’s auricles. 2. Aperture in great wing of sphenoid for vessels and nerves. Palatine f., anterior, an orifice in anterior part of roof of mouth for a nerve and artery. Palatine f., poste- rior, orifice in hard palate for descending palatine canal. Pa- rietal f., passage in parietal bone for vessels. Pterygopala- tine f., passage for p. vessels and nerve. Quadrate f., pas- sage for postcava in the diaphragm. P. rotiin'dnui, a round opening in great wing of sphenoid for the superior maxillary nerve. Sacral f., anterior, eight passages for anterior branches of sacral nerves. Sacral f., posterior, eight passages for poste- rior branches of sacral nerves. Saerosciatie f., great, oval space between the Innominate bone and lesser sacrosciatic liga- ment. Sacrosciatic f., smaller, space between the greater and lesser s. ligaments and innominate bone. Scarpa’s f., aper- tures in roof of mouth for nasopalatine nerve. Kommering’s f. Same as Fovea centralis. Sphenopalatine f.. space between the orbital and sphenoidal processes of palate bone. F. spilin'- sum, hole in great wing of sphenoid for middle meningeal artery. Supra-orbital f., notch of frontal bone for supraorbital vessels and nerve. Xliebesins’s foramina. Same as Venae Thebesii; also, the orifices of the same in right auricle. Thyroid f. Same as Obturator f. Vertebral f., space between body and arch of a vertebra and the spinal cord and its meninges. Vertebro-arte- rial f., foramen in transverse process of a cervical vertebra for vertebral vessels. F. of Vesalius, opening at inner side of /. ovale of the sphenoid. F. of Winslow, the aperture between the greater and lesser peritoneal cavities. Forced feeding:. The administration of food by force. F, movements. Same as Compulsory movements. For'ceps. 1. A two-pronged instrument for grasping or seizing. 2. Any forcipate organ or part. For'ci pate (for'sip-ilt). Shaped like a forceps. For'eipressure. Pressure by a forceps to check hemorrhage. Fore'arm (for'arm). The part of arm between elbow and wrist. Fore'brain (fdr'bran). Same as Prosencephalon. Fore' linger. The first or index finger. Fore'gut. Embryonic organ whence pharynx, esophagus, stom- ach, and duodenum are formed. Fore'head (for'ed). Part of face above the eyes. For'eign body. Any substance in a place where it does not belong. Foren'sic medicine. Same as Medical jurisprudence. Fore'skin. The prepuce. For'mal. A somnifacient anesthetic, CHo,(OCH;i)2. Formal'dehyd. A powerfully disinfectant gas, CIEO: formic aldehyd. F.-ca'sein, a mildly antiseptic preparation. F.-gel - atin, an antiseptic for dressing wounds. For'malin. Wood-alcohol containing 40 per cent, of formaldehyd. For'nialith. A solid preparation of formaldehyd. F’ormnm'id. The amid, CIIOfMHV). Forman'ilid. An antipyretic and local anesthetic substance, C6H;vNH(HCO). For'mate (for'milt). Any salt of formic acid. Forma'tio retieula'ris. The interlacing fibers of the anterior columns of the oblongata. For'mative cells. The embryonic cells. F. yolk, that part of the ovum whence the embryo is developed. 186 For'mlc acid. See Acid. F. aldehj d. Same as Formaldehyd. Formica' tiou. Sensation as if ants were creeping on the body. For'mln (for'min). XJrotropin. For'mol. An antiseptic solution of formic aldehyd. Formopj 'rin. Combination of autlpyrin and formaldehyd : said to be antipyretic and antiseptic. For'mula. 1. A union of symbols to express a chemical combina- tion. 2. A recipe to prepare a medicine. Form' ulary. A collection or book of recipes and formulae. For'nicate convolution. Same as Gyrus for nicatus. For'nix. A baud of white substance under the callosum extend- ing from the fimbria to the corpora mammillaria. Fort!flea' lion spectrum. Same as Teichopsia. Fossa. A pit, depression, trench, fovea, or hollow. Acetabu- lar f. See Acetabulum. Canine f., depression on external sur- face of superior maxilla. Cranial f., either one of three hollows in base of cranium for lobes of the brain. Digastric f.. groove on inner aspect of mastoid process. Digital f., a depression at base of inner surface of mastoid process. Olenoid f., fossa in the temporal bone for condyle of lower jaw. F. heiniellip'- tica, the uppermost of two recesses in fore part of vestibule. F. hemisphse' rica. one of the recesses of the anterior part of vestibule. Myaloid f. Same as Patellar f. Iliac f., exter- nal, the wide depression on outer surface of ilium. Iliac f., in- ternal, wide depression on inner surface of ilium. Ischiorecl- - I’., triangular space between rectum and tuberosity of the ischium, l.acrimal f.. in roof of orbit, lodges the lacrimal gland. F. navicula'ris. Same as Navicular fossa. F. ova'- lis, fovea in right auricle of heart; remains of fetal foramen ovale. F. patella' ris, depression in front of vitreous body which lodges the lens. Pituitary f., depression in the sphenoid which lodges the pituitary gland. F. of Kogenuiiiller. See Cavity of Eosmmilller. Sublingual f., space on inside of lower jaw which lodges the sublingual gland. Subniaxillary f., de- pression on the inner surface of inferior maxillary bone for the submaxiliary gland. Trochanteric f. Same as Digital f. Zygomatic f., cavity below and within the zygoma. Fossette' (fos-et'). 1. A small depression. 2. A small, deep, cor- neal ulcer. Foudroyant (foo-drwah-yong') Same as Fulminant. Fourcliet, Fourehette (foor-shet'). Posterior junction of labia majora. Fourth nerve. The trochlear nerve. F. ventricle, the space between the cerebellum, pons, and oblongata. Fo'vca (fo've-ah). A pit, fossa, or cup. F. centra'lis. pit in middle of macula lutea. F. liemispliie'rica, F. heiniellip'- tica. See Fossa hemisphcerica, Fossa hcmielliptica. F. phar- yngis, abnormal fossa in middle line of pharynx. F. troch- lea'ris, notch in frontal bone for the trochlea of the superior oblique muscle. Fo'veate (fo've-at). Pitted. Fow'ler’s operation. Hysterorrhaphy. F.’s solution, solu- tion of potassium arsenite: antiperiodic. Fox'glove. Same as Digitalis. Frae'fional culture. The obtaining of a micro-organism ora single species from a culture containing more than one. F. dis- tillation, separation of the component parts of a substance by distilling. Fract'ure (frakt'yur). The breaking of a bone. Itarton's f„ fracture of distal end of radius. F.-bed, a bed constructed for the use of patients with fractured bones. F.-box, a box to sup- port a broken limb. Colles’s f., fracture of lower third of AMERICAN POCKET radius. Comminuted f.. one in which the bone is crushed or splintered. Complete f., one in which the bone is entirely broken across. Complicated f., fracture with injury of adja- cent parts. Compound f., fracture with external wound lead- ing into the bone. F. by eouteeeoup, fracture of skull at a distance from the point struck. Depressed f., fracture of skull in which a fracture is depressed below the surface. Double f., fracture of a bone at two places. Dnpuytren’s f. Same as Pott’s /. F. fever. See Fever. Oreenstieh f„ fracture in which one side of a bone is broken, the other being bent. Im- pacted f., fracture in which one fragment is firmly driven into the other. 1 liter perl os teal f., greenstick fracture. Pott’s f., fracture of lower part of fibula with serious injury of the lower tibial articulation. Simple f., one in which the overlying integ- ument is intact. Smith's f., fracture of lower end of radius near its articular surface. Spiral f., one in which the hone has been twisted apart. Spool a neons f., one occurring as a result of disease of the bone or from some undiscoverable cause, and not due to violence. Trophic f., one due to a trophic disturbance, llnuuited f., one not followed by a bony reunion. Frsen' nlum. Fra;' uum. See Frenulum, Frenum. Fragil'ltas crin'ium. Brittle state of the hair. I’, os's in in. abnormal brittleness of the bones. Fraganenta'tion. A division into fragments. Frambe'sia, F famine'sia. A contagious disease of hot re- gions, marked by raspberry-like tumors; yaws. Fran'gnla. Bark of Bhamnus frangula, a species of buckthorn: purgative. Fran'gailin. A purgative extract, C20H20010, from frangula. Frank'enbanser’s ganglion (frank'en-hoi-zerz). A ganglion near the cervix uteri. Fraiik'iiicense. Same as Olibanum. Frank' 1111 glasses. Bifocal spectacles. Franklin'ie electricity. Frictional or static electricity. Frankliniza'tion. Therapeutic use of static electricity. Fra'serin. Tonic and stimulant preparation from the root of Frasera Walteri. Frann'liofer lines (frawn'ho-fer). Dark lineson solar spectrum. Freek'le (frek'kl). See Lentigo. Free*' ins microtome. A microtome for cutting frozen objects. F. mixture, a mixture for producing artificial cold. F.-point, the temperature at which any substance becomes frozen. Frem'itns. A thrill; especially one that is perceptible on palpa- tion. Friction f., thrill caused by the rubbing together of two dry surfaces. Hydatid I'., tremulous impulse felt in palpation over a hydatid cyst. Rhonclial f., vibrations produced by the passage of air through a large bronchial tube loaded with mucus. Tactile f., a thrill, as in the chest-wall, which may be felt by a person speaking. Tussive f., thrill felt on chest while par tient coughs. Vocal f., thrill caused by speaking and perceived by the ear of the auscultator. Fren'ulnm. 1. A frenum. 2. A ridge on the upper part of the valve of Vieussens. Fre'nnm (fre'num). Any part that serves as a curb or check. F. pnden'di. Same as Fourchette. Fre'tnm of Haller. A constriction between the auricles and ventricles of the fetal heart, Freund’s operation (froyndz). Same as Laparohysterectomy. Fri'able. Broken easily into small pieces. Fri'ar’s balsam. Compound tincture of benzoin. fric'tion (frik'shun). The act of rubbing. F.-mnrmur, F.- nonnd. an auscultatory rubbing sound in pleurisy. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 187 188 AMERICAN POCKET Fi-io' tionul electricity. Static or Franklinic electricity. Fried'rich's ataxia, F.'s disease (freed'rix). Same as Hereditary ataxia. F.’s sign, diastolic collapse of the cervical veins caused by an adhering pericardium. FrisforiFic. Producing coldness. F. nerve, the sympathetic, stimulation of which lowers the temperature. Frigother'apy. Treatment of disease by cold. Frog-belly. Tympanitic state of a child’s belly. F.-faee, flat- ness of the face due to intranasal disease. Frolide’s (froe'dez) reagent. A test for alkaloids; 1 part of sodium molybdate in 100 parts of sulphuric acid. From'matin'* lines (from'malmz). Black lines developed on axis-cylinders by silver nitrate. Fron’s test (fronz). Double iodid of potassium and bismuth; used in testing for alkaloids and for sugar. Fron'tad. Toward a front, or frontal aspect. Fron'tal (fron'tal). Pertaining to the forehead. F. bone, the bone of the forehead. F. sinuses, two air-cavities in the lower border of the frontal bone. Frontoma'lar. Pertaining to the frontal and malar bones. Frontomax' lllary. Pertaining to the frontal bone and the upper jaw-bone. Frontopari'etal. Pertaining to the frontal and parietal bones. Fruntotem' poral. Pertaining to frontal and temporal bones. Front-tap contraction. Contraction of gastrocnemius on tap- ping the muscles on the front of the leg. Frost-bite. Lesion produced by freezing of a part. F.-iteh, pruritus hiemalis. Fruc'tose. Levulose, or fruit-sugar. Ft. Abbreviation of L. flat, or flant, let there be made. Fnch'sin (fook'sin). Rosanilin hydrochlorid or rosanilin ace- tate ; used as a dye and as a medicine. Fuchsin'opbile, Fncbsinoph'ilons (fook-sin-of'il-us). Readily stained by fuchsin. Fn'eus cris'pus. Same as Chondrus. F. vesiculo'sus, a sea- weed with resolvent and deobstruent properties. Fu'gitive (fu'jit-iv). Wandering; also transient. Fnl'gnmting. Coming and going like a flash of lightning; used chiefly of pains. Ful'minant, Fill'minuting. Coming on suddenly with in- tense severity ; foudroyant. Fumiga'tion. Exposure to disinfecting fumes. Fum'ing (fum'ing). Smoking; emitting a visible vapor. Func'tion. The special action or office of any ogan. Fiinc'tional. Of, or pertaining to, a function. F. disease, any disease that affects the functions, but not the structure. Fun'dal (fun'dal). Of, or pertaining to, a fundus. Fund' ament. The anus and parts adjacent to it. Fun'dus. The base or part remotest from the mouth of a hollow organ. F. glands. Same as Delomorphom cells. Fun'giform papillse (fun'jif-orm). Papilla- of the tongue more red than, and next in size to, the conical papillse. Fun goid (fung'oid). Resembling a fungus. Cbiguon f., a nodular growth on the hair. Pmigos' ity. A fungoid growth or excrescence. Fun'gous. Of the nature of or like a fungus. Fun'gus. Any plant of the class to which mushrooms and moulds belong. F.-foot. Same as Madura foot. F. biemutw'des, a bleeding and vascular malignant tumor. Fu'nic (fu'nik). Pertaining to the funis. Fit nicle. Same as Funiculus. Funir’uliir (fu nik'u-lar). Of, or pertaining to, a funiculus. Funiculi'll*. Inflammation of a funiculus, or of the spermatic cord. Funie'iilus. The umbilical or spermatic cord; also, any bundle of nerve-fibers. F. eunea'tus, an extension of a posterior lat- eral column of the spinal cord into the oblongata. F. pra'cili*. an extension of the posterior median column of the cord into the oblongata. F. of Bolamlo. longitudinal prominence on each side of lower part of medulla oblongata. F. te' res, prominent column on floor of fourth ventricle on each side of median furrow. Fn'nis. A cord ; but chiefly the umbilical cord. Fiin'nel-drainage. The draining of diseased parts by glass funnels. F.-breast, condition in which the thorax is narrowed toward the abdomen. Fur. The coating of the tongue seen in various diseases. Fur'enlnm. United clavicles of a bird. Fnrfura'eeous (fur-fu-ra'sluts). Like dandruff or bran ; branny. Fur'fnrol. An oily substance, C5H702, from bran, etc. Fu'ruuele (fn'rung-kl). A boil; a painful cutaneous sore enclos- ing a core or slough. Fnrun'cular diathesis. Condition of the system that leads to the appearance of boils. Furun'eulold (fu-rung'ku-loid). Same as Furunculous. Furuueulo'sis. Diseased condition that accompanies the appear- ance of a crop of boils. Furun'culous. Of the nature of a boil. Fnruu'culns orieuta'lis. Aleppo boil, Biscara button, and other similar affections. Fns'eiu (fits'sin). A brown pigment of the retinal epithelium. Fu'sel oil (fu'sel). A poisonous oil obtained from the distillation of whiskey ; amyl alcohol. Fn'slblc (fu'zib-1). That may be melted. Fu'siform (fu'sif-orm). Spindle-shaped. Fn'sion (fu'zhun). Act of melting or state of being melted. Fnsofel'lular. Having spindle-shaped cells. Fustisa' tiou. Therapeutic treatment by beating with rods or by strokes of electrodes. Fits' tin. Yellow dye, from Venetian sumac. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 189 <»a. Chemical symbol of gallium. txaboon hark. A poisonous bark of unknown origin, trad'berry’s mixture. Mixture of quinin sulphate, iron sul- phate, nitric acid, and potassic nitrate. <>a«l'lulu. A poisonous ptomain, V-H17N.02, from fish, etc. tvad'nin (gad'u-in). A basic principle from cod-liver oil. tJa'dus mor'rhua. The cod, a fish which affords cod-liver oil. kaerlner’s duct (gart'nerz). See Gartner's duct. tiaf'sa button. A form of oriental sore or boil, fiag. Surgical device for holding the mouth open, tiait (gilt). The manner of progression in walking. Ataxie sj., the foot is raised high, and the sole strikes the ground at once and very suddenly. Cerebellar g., a staggering walk indicative of cerebellar disease. Cmv-g., a swaying walk due to knock-knee. Equine g.. a walk accomplished mainly by flexing the hip-joint, seen in peroneal paralysis. Frog-g., hopping progression resulting from infantile paralysis. Spastic pr., walk in which the legs are held together and move in a stiff manner, the toes seeming to drag and catch. Stoppage gr., one in which the toe; is strongly lifted and the heel reaches the ground first, tialae'tasrosTiie (gal-ak'tag-og). Increasing the flow of milk. t»alaete'n»ia. Presence of milk in the blood. G. 190 Oalaelidro'ais. The sweating of a milky fluid. Oalae'liii (ga-lak'tin). A basic principle found in milk. Oalae'toblast. A colostrum corpuscle in the gland acini. Oalae'toeele (gal-ak'to-sel). 1. Milk-containing tumor of the mammary gland. 2. Hydrocele filled with milky fluid. Oalacloni'etcr. Same as Lactometer. Oalaetop'atliy. The application of a milk-poultice. Oalaetoph'agous. Feeding or subsisting upon milk, tialavtoph'igouci (gal-ak-tof'ig-us). Arresting the flow of milk. Oalaetoph'lysis. Eruption of vesicles with milky contents. Oalaetopliori'tin. Inflammation of the milk-ducts. Oalaetopli'orous (gal-ak-tof'or-us). Conveying the milk. Oalaetoph'thisis. Phthisis due to overlactation. Oalaetopla' nia (gal-ak-top-la' ne-ah). Secretion of milk in some abnormal part. / Oalaetopoiet/lc. Concerned in the production of milk. Oalaetorrhe' a. Excessive flow of milk. Oalac' toscopc (gal-ak'to-skdp). Same as Lactoscope. (ialac' lose (ga-lak'tos). A sugar prepared from milk-sugar. Oalaetos'tasis (gal-ak-tos'tas-is). 1. Cessation of milk-secretion. 2. Abnormal collection of milk. Oalactother' apy. Treatment of a suckling child by dosing the mother. Oalaetu'ria (gal-ak-tu're-ah). See Chyluria. Galan'sal (gal-an'gal). Ginger-like root of Alpinia offlcinarum. Gal' ban aim. Gum-resin of Ferula Galbis'min. A proprietary iodoform-substitute. Oa'lea aponeurol'iea. The aponeurosis which connects parts of the occipitofrontal muscle. Oaten/ leal pharmacy. The old pharmacy which dealt with crude drugs only. Oa'lea’s veins. See Vena; Galeni. Oall (gawl). The bile; also, nut-gall; galia. 0.-bladder, the reservoir for bile, below the liver. 0.-duels. See Bile-ducts. 0.- stomv calculus in, or from, the gall-bladder. Oal'la. Nut-gall; astringent excrescence found on oak-trees. Oallaetwphe'none (gal-ak-to-fe'non). Yellow powder, used in skin-diseases like pyrogallol. Oal'la I. Aluminum gallate: used in astringent douches. Oal'lanol. A powder, Ci3Hno4+2H2o, containing anilin and gal- lic acid: used in skin-diseases. Oal'latc (gal'at). Any salt of gallic acid. Oal'lle acid (gal'lk). See Acid. Oal'liein (gal'is-in). Methyl gallate, Ccll<,(OH)3COOCH3, useful in conjunctivitis. OaV Hum. A rare metal: some of its salts are poisonous. Oallobro'mal. A gallic-acid and bromin preparation, C6Bro- ll) 11)00011, used as a sedative. Oal' lon. Four quarts; in the United States, 231 cubic inches. Oal' loping consumption. Phthisis which takes a rapid course. Oallotan'nie acid. The tannic acid of nut-galls. Oal'ton’s whistle (gawl'tnz). A whistle used in testing hearing. Oalvan'le battery. Apparatus for generating galvanic current. Oal'van ism. Oalvan'le electric'lty. Electricity from a chemical battery; uninterrupted electric current. Oal vanixa'lion (gal-vau-iz-a'shun). Treatment by galvanism. Oalvanoeau' tery. Cautery by a wire heated by galvanic current. Oalvanoeontraotil'ity. Contractility on galvanic stimulation. Oalvanotaradiza'tlon. Application of continuous and inter- rupted currents together. Oalvanom'eler. Instrument for measuring galvanic electricity. Oalvanopnne'lure. Puncture and galvanism conjoined. AMERICAN POCKET Galvan'oseope (gal-van'o-skop). Instrument which shows the presence of a galvanic current. Galvanosnr'gery. Surgical application of galvanism. Galranotherapen'tics, Galvanollier'apy. Treatment by- means of direct battery currents, dal van' ot benny. Heating by a galvanic battery. Galvanot'onns. Tonic response to galvanism. Oalvanot' ropism. Movements in organs of animals and plants under the influence of the electric current. Gamboge (gam-boj', gam-booj'). Purgative gum-resin of Oar- cinia Hanburvl. Gam'etc (gam'et). A conjugative cell-element. Vam'macMm. Imperfect utterances of g and k sounds. Gangliasthe'nia. Asthenia due to disease of a ganglion. Gan'gliated (gang'gle-a-tedj. Provided with ganglia. G.cord, the main trunk of sympathetic nerve-system. Gan'gliform (gang'glif-orm). Having the form of a ganglion, dang' liobiast. An embryonic cell of the spinal ganglia, danglio'ma (gang-gle-o'mali). Tumor of the lymphatic ganglia, dan'glion (gang'gle-on). 1. Any mass of gray nervous sub- stance which serves as a center of nervous influence. 2. A form of cystic tumor on an aponeurosis or a tendon. Andersch’s g. Same as Petrous g. Arnold’s g.. Auricular g.. Otic g., situated below foramen ovale, sends nerves to the tympanic muscles and tensor palati. Basal ganglia, the tbalami, cor- pora striata, corpora quadrigemina, tuber cinereum, and geniculate bodies. Bidder’s ganglia, two ganglia of the auricular sep- tum of a frog’s heart. Boclidalck’s g., swelling at junction of anterior and middle dental nerves. Cardiac g., superior, a ganglion of the superficial cardiac plexus under aortic arch. Carotid g., a ganglion in the lower part of the cavernous sinus. Carotid g., inferior, a ganglion of the lower part of the carotid canal. Carotid g., superior, one in the upper part of carotid canal. Casserian g. Same as Gasserian p. Cephalic ganglia, the ciliary, otic, sphenopalatine and submaxillary ganglia, all mainly of the trisplanchnic system. Cervical g., inferior, between transverse process of lowest cervical vertebra and the neck of the first rib. Cervical g.. Middle, or Thy- roid g., adjacent to fifth cervical vertebra. Cervical g., superior, opposite to the second and third cervical vertebra. Cervical g. of uterus, near the cervix uteri. Ciliary g., in the posterior part of the orbit. Cloquet’s g., swelling of nasopalatine nerve in anterior palatine canal. Coccygeal g., on anterior surface of tip of coccyx. Ehrcnritter’s g. See Jugular g. Gasserian g-, on larger root of fifth cranial nerve. Geniculate g., on facial nerve in aqueduct of Fallopius. Hepatic g., around the hepatic artery. G. ini'par. Same as Coccygeal g. Inferior vagal g., near the jugular foramen. Infraniaxillary g., anterior, on inferior maxillary nerve near incisor teeth, Inframaxillary g., posterior, near last molar teeth. Jugular g., Ehrcnritter’s, (1) in the upper part of the jugular foramen. Jugular g., (2) in the jugular foramen. Lenticular g. Same as Ciliary g. Un- gual g., on an anterior branch from the superior cervical gang- lion. Uidwig’s g., at right auricle of heart. Lumbar gan- glia, 4 or 5 pairs on either side behind abdominal aorta. Lymphatic g., any lymphatic gland. Mechel’s g., Sphe- nopalatine g., in the sphenomaxillary fossa. Mesenteric g., inferior, on the inferior mesenteric artery. Mesenteric g., lateral, in the superior mesenteric plexus. Mesenteric g., superior, in the superior mesenteric plexus. Vasal g. Same as Meckel’s g. Ophthalmic g.. Orbital g. Same as MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 191 192 Ciliary g. Olio g. Same as Arnold’s g. I’l'lroil* g., on glosso- pharyngeal nerve at lower border of petrous bone. I’liarviiiral g., on an anterior branch from the cavernous plexus. Phrenic g., beneath diaphragm at junction of right phrenic nerve and phrenic plexus. Prostai ie g., <«. of Muller, on the prostate gland ; connected with prostatic plexus. Pterygopalatine g. Same as Meckel's y. Remak's g„, in the heart near the precava. Renal g., around the renal artery. Ribes’s g., the alleged upper ending of the sympathetic nervous system. Sacral ganglia, 4or 6 pairs on ventral face of the sacrum. .Scarpa'* g., at junction of facial and vestibular branch of auditory nerve. Scliaeher’s g. Same as Ciliary g. Semilunar g., (1) Solar g., right and left; two ganglia near the suprarenal cap- sules. Semilunar g., (2) a small ganglion of the fifth nerve. Sphenopalatine g. Same as Meckel's g. Spinal ganglia, on posterior root of each spinal nerve. Spiral g., between plates of the spiral lamina, sending filaments to the organ of Corti. Splanchnic g. Same as Semilunar g. (Ij. Submaxil- lar,v g., above the submaxillary gland. Suprarenal g., at the junction of the great splanchnic nerves. Thoracic gan- glia, 12 pairs between transverse processes of vertebrae and head of ribs. Thyroid g., inferior. See Cervical g., middle. Thyroid g., superior. See Cervical g., superior. Tym- panic g., on the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal. Valentin’s g., at junction of the posterior and middle dental nerves. Vestibular g., in the aqueduct of Fallopius. Ven- tricular g. Same as Bidder's g. Waller’s g. Same as O. impar. W’risberg’s g. Same as Cardiac g. Gan'glioneure (gang'gle-o-nur). Any cell of a nervous ganglion. Ganglion' ie (gang-gle-on'ik). Pertaining to a ganglion. Ganglion!'tis (gang-gle-on-i'tis). Inflammation of a ganglion. Gangrene (gang'gren). Mortification or non-molecular death of a part. Diabetic g., moist gangrene in some cases of diabetes. Dry g., a hard, shrivelled, and relatively dry form from deficient blood-supply. Embolic g. follows cutting off of blood-supply by an embolism. Hospital g., contagious and fatal form in crowded hospital, attacking wounds. Moist g., a form with free offensive w'atery discharge. Sosoroinial g. Same as Hospital g. Primary g., that which does not follow a local Inflamma- tion. Pulpy g. Same as Hospital g. Secondary g.. a form which follows a local inflammation. Senile g., a form that attacks the extremities of the aged. Symmetric g., gangrene of corresponding parts on either side due to vasomotor disturb- ances. While g., gangrene from local anemia following com- plete lymphatic obstruction. Gan'grenous. Affected with gangrene. Gar'deuin. A compound, C33H30010, from resin of Gardenia lucida. Gar'gar ism (gar'gar-izm). A gargle ; a throat wash. Gar'gle (gar'gl). A throat wash. Gar' rot. A variety of tourniquet. Gartner’s duct (gart'nerz). Persistent relic of the Wolffian duct. Gas. An elastic aeriform fluid. Gas'eons (gaz'e-us). Of the nature of a gas. Gasomet' rie analysis. A nalysis by measuring the gas evolved. Gasse'rian arteries. Arteries which supply the Gasserian gan- glion. See Ganglion. Gastcrastlie' nia. Gastric ability. Gastcrliysterot'omy. Cesarean section. Gastral'gia (gas-tral'je-ah). Pain in the stomach. Gastreeta'sia, Gastrec'tasls. Dilatation of the stomach. Gastree' tomy. Excision of part of stomach. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 193 Gas'trie. Pertaining to the stomach. Gas'tricism (gas'tris-izm). Dyspepsia; indigestion; gastric dis- order. (jiaxlri'tis. Inflammation of the stomach. Atrophic g., chronic gastritis with atrophy of mucous membrane and glands. Hypertrophic g., gastritis with infiltration and enlargement of the glands. Phlegmonous g., a variety with abscesses in the stomach-walls. Polypous g., hypertrophic g. with polypus-like projections within the viscus. Pseudomembranous g., a variety in which false membrane occurs in patches within the stomach. Gastro-anastomo'sis. Formation of communication between two pouches of stomach in hour-glass contraction. Gastrohro'sis. Perforation of the stomach. Gas'trocele (gas'tro-sel). Hernia of the stomach. tiastrocne' mi nx (gas-trok-ne'me-us). See Muscles, Table of. Gastrocol'ic omentum. Same as Epiploon. Gastrocolt'tis. Inflammation of the stomach and colon. thixlrocolox'toiny. Creation of an artificial passage from the stomach to the colon. Gaslrooolot'omy. Incision of stomach and colon. Gastrocolpot'omy. Incision into the vagina through abdomen. Gastrodi'aphane (gas-tro-di'af-an). Electric light foruse ingas- trodiaphany. Gastrodiaphanos' eopy, Gastrodi aph'any. View of the interior of the stomach through its walls rendered translucent by the gastrodiaphane. Oaxlrodld'ymnx. A double monster with one abdominal cavity. Gasl roduodeni' fix. Inflammation of stomach and duodenum. Gastroduodenos'toiuy. Creation of an artificial opening be- tween the stomach and duodenum. Oaxtrodyn'ia (gas-tro-din'e-ah). Pain in the stomach. Gastro-elytrot'omy. Same as Onstrocolpotomy. Gastro-cnter'ie. Pertaining to stomach and intestines. Gastro-cnteri'tis. Inflammation of stomach and intestines. Castro-cnteros'tomy. Formation of an artificial passage from stomach to intestine. Gastro-enterot'orny. Incision of stomach and intestine. Gastro-cpiplo'ic. Pertaining to the stomach and epiploon. Gastrogastros'lomy. Same as Oastro-anastomosis. Gas'trograph. Apparatus for registering motions of stomach. Gastrohelco'sis. Ulceration of the stomach. Gaxl roliepat' Ic. Pertaining to the stomach and liver. (Jaxtrohysterec' tomy. Removal of uterus through an abdom- inal section. Gaslrohysterot'omy. Cesarean section. Gaxtro-intcx'tiual. Pertaining to stomach and intestine. Gastrojejnnos'tomy. Formation of artificial passage between stomach and jejunum. Gas'trolith (gas'tro-lith). Calculus or concretion in the stomach. Gastrolithi'asis. Formation of gastroliths. Gastrol'ogy (gas-trol'o-je). Treatise on the stomach. Gaxtrol'yxix. Operation of loosening stomach from adhesions. Gaxtrninaln'ria (gas-tro-mal-a'she-ah). Softening of the wall of the stomach. (iaxlroni'rlux. A monster with a leg on the abdomen. Gastrome'nia. Vicarious menstruation through stomach. Gastrop'athy (gas-trop'ath-e). Any disease of the stomach. Gaxtroperiodyn'la. Periodic distress in the stomach. Gaxlrophmi'ic. Pertaining to the stomach and diaphragm. Gas' troplasty. Plastic operation upon the stomach. Gastropliea'tion. The reefing and stitching of the stomach-wall. 194 AMERICAN POCKET Oaatropto' sis. Abnormal depression of stomach. Gastropylorec'tomy. Excision of pyloric part of the stomach. <«as( rorrba'gia (gas-tror-ra'je-ah). Hemorrhage from stomach. Gastror'rha|di,y (gas-tror'raf-e). The suturing of the stomach. Gastrorrhe'a (gas-tror-re'ah). Excessive secretion by stomach. Gastros'chisis (gas-tros'kis-is). Fissure in wall of abdomen. Gas'troseopc. Instrument used in stomach inspection. Gastros'eopy. Inspection of interior of stomach. ttastrnsplen'ic. Pertaining to stomach and spleen. Gastrosteno' sis. Contraction of the stomach. Gastros' tomy. Creation of artificial gastric fistula. Gastrosuccorrhc'a. Continuous secretion of gastric juice. Gas'trotome. An instrument used in gastrotomy. Gastrot'omy (gas-trot'o-me). Incision of abdomen or stomach. Gastrotubot'omy. Incision of an oviduct through the abdom- inal wall. Gastrotympani'tes. Tympanitic distention of the stomach. Gastroac'ia, Gastroxyn'sis. Periodic hyperacidity of stomach. Gas'trula (gas-tru-lah). That early embryonic stage which fol- lows the blastula. Gastrula'tloii. Passage of ovum from blastula to gastrula stage. Gatb'ering;. Popular name for abscess or swelling. Gaueber’s disease (go-shaz'). Epithelioma of the spleen. Gault lie'ria proenm' bens. Teaberry or wintergreen : its oil is antiseptic and antirheumatic. Gaul' tberin. A glucosid from the bark of the black birch. Gauze (gawz). Thin fabric used in surgery ; carbasus. Garage (gah-vahzh'). Feeding by a stomach-tube. Gawalow'shi’s test (aah-vah-lof'skiz). Test for sugar made by use of ammonium molybdate. Gelss'ler's test (gls'lerz). A delicate test for albumin in urine. Gelsswsper'iuln. Poisonous alkaloid, C19H04N202 + HoO, from Geissospermum Iveve, a tree of tropical America. Gelan'thuin. A glycerin and gelatin vehicle used in skin-dis- eases. Ge-l'atin (jel'at-in). An albuminoid from animal tissues. G.- eulture, a bacterial preparation with a basis of gelatin. G.- dlslc, a disk of medicated gelatin for eye-treatment. G.-pep- tone, a product of the digestion of gelatin. G.-sugar. Same as Olycocoll. Gelatinirerous (jel-at-in-ifer-us). Producing gelatin. Gelat'inize (jel-at'in-Iz). To convert into a jelly. Gelatino'sa. Same as Substantia gelatinosa. Gelat' inous (jel-at' in-us). Like jelly or softened gelatin. Gel'atol (jel'at-ol). Ointment-base consisting of glycerin, gel- atin, oil, and water. Ge'lose (je'lds). A carbohydrate. (VJTioO.-,, from agar. Gel o'sin. Mucilage from a Japanese alga. Gcl'scmin (jel'sem-in). A poisonous alkaloid, from gelsemium. Gelse'iuium. The root of G. semper'Virens, yellow jessamine: a powerful sedative; poisonous. Gcly's suture. See Suture. Gcmcl'lus (je-mel'lus). See Muscles, Table of . Gem'inate (jem'in-at). Paired; in twos. Gemma' tion (jem-ma'shun). Reproduction by budding. Gem'mule (jem'ul). A bud produced by gemmation. Ge'nal (je'nal). Pertaining to the cheek. Gen'era! anatomy. Same as Histology. G. paralysis, G. paresis. See Paralysis. Gen'eralize. To change from a local to a general disease. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 195 Gen'eratlng plate. That plate in an electric cell which is chemi- cally acted upon. Genera'tion (jen-er-a'shun). An act of reproduction. Alter- nate g. See Alternation of generation. Asexual g., reproduc- tion without the union of sexual elements. Sexual g., repro- duction by the union of male and female cells. Spontaneous g., the alleged development of living organisms from lifeless mat- ter; abiogenesis. Gen'eratlve (jen'er-a-tiv). Pertaining to reproduction of the species. Gener'ic (jen-er'ik). Pertaining to a genus; also, distinctive. Gene'sial, Genes'ie. Pertaining to genesis. Genesiol'ogy (jen-e-se-ol'o-je). The science of generation. Gen'esis (jen'es-is). Reproduction ; origin. Genet'ie (jen-el'ik). Pertaining to reproduction. Gen'etons (jen'ehus). Dating from fetal life. Ge' nial (je'ne-al). Of, or pertaining to, the chin. G. tubercles, four tubercles of lower jaw-bone. Genie'ulate (jen-ik'u-lat). Bent like a knee. 'burnt (gib'bus). Humped; protuberant. OlfPdlness. Same as Vertigo. Gigan'tism. Abnormal overgrowth of the body or of a part. Gigan'toblast. A very large red corpuscle. Gimheruat’s ligament (zhahm-bar-nahz'), See Ligament. Oin (jin). Alcoholic liquor distilled from malt and juniper berries. Gin-drinkers’ liver. A cirrhotic liver; cirrhosis of liver from alcoholism. fiin'ger (jin'jer). The rhizoma of Zingiber officinale, a, carmina- tive and stimulant. Gin'gerol (jin'jer-ol). The oil of ginger. Oin'gill oil (jin'jil-le). Same as Sesame oil. Gingi'va (jin-ji'vah). The gum ; fleshy structure which covers the alveolar border of the jaw. Gin'glval (jin'jiv-al). Pertaining to the gums. Ginglvi'tis (jin-jiv-i'tis). Inflammation of the gums. Ginglymo-arthro'dial. Partly ginglymoid and partly arthro- dial. Oin' glymold. Hinge-like; resembling ginglymus. Gin'glymus. A hinge-joint like that of wrist or ankle. Gin'seng (jin'seng). Root of different species of Aralia: stimu- lant and tonic. Giraldes’s organ (zhe-rahl-dez'). A vestige of the Wolllian body at the back of the testicle. Oir'dle anesthesia. Ring around the body devoid of sensation. G.-paln, painful sensation about the body. O. sensation, feeling as of a tight belt about the body. Olabel'la, OlabcPlnin. Space between the eyebrows. Olabrlflc'ins (glab-rif-is'inz). Antibodies; so-called because they render the bacteria glabrous. Gla'cial (gla'se-al). Appearing like ice ; vitreous. Gladi'olin. An alkaloid from brain-tissue. Gladi' olns. The main piece of the sternum. Glair'in (glar'in). Gelatinous mass of bacteria in water of sul- phur-springs. Glair'y (glar'e). Resembling white of an egg. Gland. Organ for separating any fluid from the blood. Absorb- ent g., any lymphatic gland. Accessory thyroid g., a small exclave of the thyroid gland. Acinous g., a gland made up of several acini. Aggregate g’s., Peyer’s patches. Agmi- nated g’s., the glands of Peyer’s patches. Albuminous g’s., certain glands of the digestive tract secreting a watery fluid. Axillary g’s., lymphatic glands, situated in the ax- illa. G. of Bartholin, a minute gland on either side of the vagina; vulvovaginal gland. Bowman’s g’s., glands in the AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 197 olfactory region of the nose. Bronchial g’s., lymph-glands at the root of a bronchus. Bruch’s al'*., lymph-follicles in conjunc- tiva of lower lid. Brunner’s g's., glands in the duodenum. Ceruminous g's., glands which secrete cerumen. Cervical g's., lymph-glands of the neck. Coccygeal g., a vascular body near tip of coccyx. Compound g., a gland made up of various pouches or acini. Conglobate g., a lymphatic gland. Cowper’s g's., two glands near bulb of corpus spongiosum. l>uctlcss g., a gland-like organ having no true duct, lino- dcnal g’s. See Brunner's g’s. Huverney’s g’s. See Bar- tholin's g's. Haversian g’s., folds on synovial surfaces re- garded as secretors of synovial fluid. Hematopoietic g’s., glands which take a part in the making of the blood, such as spleen, thyroid, and lymphatic glands. Intestinal g’s., soli- tary, isolated lymph-glands distributed in intestinal mucous membrane. Lacrimal g., the gland whose function it is to secrete the tears. liieberfeuhn’s g’s. See Crypts. g’s., racemose glands in spongy portion of urethra. liuschlta’s g. See Coccygeal g. Tymphatic g’s., ductless organs in the course of lymphatic vessels. Mammary g., the mamma; the milk-secreting organ. Meibomian g’s., sebaceous follicles between the cartilage and conjunctiva of eyelids. Moll’s g’s., small glands of the eyelid. Montgomery’s g’s., sebaceous glands in the mammary areola. Morgagni’s g’s. Same as Littrt’s g's. Muciparous g’s.. Mucous g’s., glands which secrete mucus. Pacchionian g's. See Pacchionian bodies. Parotid g., the large salivary gland in front of the ear. Peyer’s g’s., lymphatic glands, chiefly in the ileum, partly solitary and partly In patches. Pineal g. See Pineal body. Pituitary g. See Pituitary body. Prostate g. See Pros- tate. Pyloric g’s., the pepsin-secreting glands of the stomach situated near the pylorus. Racemose g. Same as Acinous g's. Rivini’s g. See Sublingual g. Salivary g., any gland that secretes saliva, as the parotid, submaxillary, or sublingual. Ser- ous g’s. Same as Albuminous g’s. Sublingual g., a salivary gland on either side under the tongue. Submaxillary g., a salivary gland on either side under the tongue. Sudor- iparous g’s.. Sweat g’s., glands of the skin which excrete sweat. Thymus g. See Thymus. Thyroid g. See Thyroid body. Tubular g’s. Same as Follicle. Tubular g., com- pound, one made up of a number of tubules with ordy one duct. Urethral g’s. See Littr&s g’s. Vaginal g., any gland of vaginal mucous membrane. Vulvovaginal g’s. See Bar- tholin’s g's. Rlan'ders. Contagious horse-disease, communicable to man. Olandilem'ma. Capsule or outer envelop of a gland. tllan'diila (glan'du-lah). A small gland. tilan'dular. Pertaining to a gland. Rlan'dule (glan'dfd). A small gland. Rlan'dulin. A therapeutic preparation of gland-tissue. Rians. L. for Gland. <». cl I to'rid is, distal end of clitoris. <3. pe'nis, head of penis. Rlase'rian artery. Branch of internal maxillary : goes to tym- panum. O. Assure. See Fissure. Rlas'sy. Hyaline; vitreous; like glass. Rlau'ber’s salt (glaw'berz). Sodium sulphate; a purgative. Blanco'ma. Excessive pressure within the eye, causing hardness of the eye and blindness. Rlaneom'atous. Of the nature of glaucoma. Rleet. Chronic gonorrheal urethritis. Rlenard’s disease (gla-nahrz'). Same as Enteroptosis. Rlenohn' meral ligaments. Sea Ligaments. 198 AMERICAN POCKET ©lo'iioid. Resembling a pit or socket. (1. cavity. See Cavity. fill'a. cells (gli'ah). See Deiters’s cells. ©li'udiu. Tough proteid from wheat gluten. ©liococ'cus. Micrococcus forming gelatinous matter. ©lio'ma.. Malignant sarcoma of a structure like neuroglia, ©liouiato'sis. Over-development of neuroglia in spinal canal, ©liwmyo'iuu. Glioma blended with myxoma. ©llMueuro'iua. Glioma with neuromatous elements. ©liosa.rco'ma. Glioma combined with sarcoma. ©lisso' niaii cirrhosis. Perihepatitis, fills'son’s capsule. See Capsule. ©lo'liiu. A proteid from hemoglobin. ©lob'ulsir (glob'u-lar). Like a globe or globule; spherical, ©lob'uic (glob'ul). A small spherical mass. ©lobulici'dsil. Destroying the blood-corpuscles. ©lob'ulin (glob'u-lin). A proteid from the lens ; any proteid of the group of which it is the type, filobulinii' ria. Presence of a globulin or globulins in the urine, ©lob'ulosc (glob'u-los). A product of the digestion of globulins, ©lo'bns (glo'bus). L. for sphere or ball. fi. byster'icus, sub- jective sensation of choking; lump in the throat. O. ma'jor. the head of the epididymis, fi. mi'nor, distal end of epididy- mis. fi. pal'lid ns. pale interior of the lenticular nucleus, fllom'crate. Crowded together in a ball, fi I oils or-'alar. Formed into a glomerulus, filouicruli'tis. Inflammation of glomeruli of kidney. Olomeniloncplirl'tis. Same as Glomerulitis. filomcr'nlns, fiioin'ernle. Any cluster of vascular tufts in Malpighian body of kidney, filmin' in (glo-no'in). Same as Nitroglycerin. filos'sal. Of, or pertaining to, the tongue, filossal'gia (glos-sal'je-ah). Pain in the tongue, filossec' tomy (glos-ek'to-me). Surgical removal of the tongue, filwssi'tls (glos-i'tis). Inflammation of the tongue, filos'swede (glos'o-sel). Swelling and protrusion of the tongue. filosso-cpisTottid'ean. Pertaining to the tongue and epiglottis, filos' sogrrapli. Apparatus for registering tongue-movements in speech. filossoliy'al. Pertaining to tongue and hyoid bone, filossol' ogy (glos-sol'o-je). 1. Sum of knowledge regarding the tongue. 2. Treatise on nomenclature, filossol' ysis (glos-ol'is-is). Paralysis of tongue, filossop'otliy (glos-sop'ath-e). Diseased state of the tongue. Olossopliaryn'gcal. Pertaining to tongue and pharynx. See also Nerves, Table of. filossopliyt'ia (glos-so-fit'e-ah). Dark and foul tongue from the presence of microphytes, filos'soplstsly (glos'o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of the tongue, ©lossople'gia (glos-so-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of tongue, filos' sospiism (glos'so-spazm). Spasm of tongue muscles. Glossol' omy. Incision or excision of the tongue, fi loss'y skin. Shining smoothness of skin from nerve-lesion, filot'tis. Aperture or chink between the vocal cords, filov'er’s suture (gluv'erz). A form of continuous surgical suture. ©lncolie'mi a. Presence of sugar in the blood, filu'eose (glu'kds). Grape-sugar, C'cHioOo, from honey, fruit, etc.: commercially prepared from maize ; found in the animal body, filu'oosid (glu'ko-sid). Any vegetable principle decomposable into glucose and another principle. ©lu'cosln. Any one of a group of bases derived from glucose by action of ammonia. © 111 VOSu ' rl». Sugar in the urine in an abnormally high proportion. due-lihe tumor. Glioma; also, colloma. <> I ti' are’s corpuscles. See Corpuscle. Glntse'ns (gloo-te'us). See Muscles, Table of. Glntaiu'ic acid. Derivative, CSH9NO4, from proteid decompo- sition. Glutain' in. A principle, CnHjoNoO;., from juices of many plants. Glutar'ic acid. Pyrotartaric acid, it exists in decom- posing pus. <>lu' teal. Pertaining to the buttocks. Gin'ten (glu'ten). Glue-like principle of various grains. Glu'tin. The viscid constituent of wheat-gluten. Glu'tinous (glu'tin-us). Adhesive; sticky. Gluti'tiN. Inflammation of glutei muscles. Gin'lnform. A gelatin and formaldehyd compound. Olu' tol. Commercial name of formalin-gelatin, used for antiseptic wou nd-dressi ng. Glyce'inia (gli-se'me-ah). Presence of glucose or sugar in the blood. Glyc'crid (glis'er-id). Glycerin compounded with an acid. Glyc'crin (glis'er-in). Syrupy liquid, C 3H803, from oils and fats. G.-Jclly, compound of glycerin and gelatin. Gly'ceritc (glis'er-it). Medicated preparation of glycerin. Glyceroplios' pliate. A combination of a base with glycerin and phosphoric acid. Gly'ceryl (glis'er-il). The radical, C3HS, of glycerin. Gly'cin, Glyco'sin (gli'sin, gli-ko'sin). Same as Glycocoll. Gly'cocoll (gli'ko-kol). Gelatin sugar; also, any substance of its group. Glycocoll'ic acid. See Acid. (lly'coKcn (gli'ko-jen). A carbohydrate, CeHioOg, from liver and other tissues. Glycogen'csis (gli-ko-jen'es-is). Production of sugar or glycogen. Glycolic'mia (gli-ko-he'me-ah). Presence of sugar in the blood. Gly'col (gli'kol). Any diatomic alcohol. Glycolyt'lc ferment. A sugar-digesting ferment. Gly'conin. Preparation of glycerin with yolk of eggs. Glycocrlie'a. Any sugary discharge from the body. Glycosol'vol (gli-ko-sol'vol). Same as AnUdiubelicum. Glycosn'ria (gli-ko-su're-ah). Same as Glucosuria. Glycosu'ric acid. Acid sometimes found in urine. Gly'cozonc (gli'ko-zon). A proprietary ozone and hydrogen per- oxid preparation. Glycnron'lc acid. See Acid. (ilycyn-lii'za (glis-ir-ri'zah). Same as Liquorice. Glyc.n'rlii'/.iii. A principle, from liquorice. Glyp'tic formula (glip'tik). A formula intended to represent actual arrangement of atoms. Gm. Abbreviation for gram. Gna'tbic index (na'thik). See Index. Gna'thiou (na'the-on). Lowest point of median line of lower jaw. Gnathi'tis (na-thi'tis). Inflammation of the jaw. Giiaf lioccpli'aliiM. Headless monster with jaws. Gna' tlioplasty (na' tho-plas-te). Plastic surgery of jaws or cheek. Go'a powder. Powder from wood of Andira araroha: it affords chrysarobin. Goat-leap pulse. Same as Qnprizant pulse. Gob' let-cells. Mucous epithelial cells of goblet-shape. Gog'glc-cyc. Abnormally protruding eye. Gog'gflcs. Spectacles with wire screens for the eye. Goi'ter, Goi'tre (goi'ter). Great enlargement of thyroid gland. See also Exophthalmic goiter. Gold. Heavy yellow metal: several of its salts are medicinal. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 199 200 AMERICAN POCKET Gold-beaters’ skin. Prepared cecum of the ox : used in surgery. Gol'den seal. See Hydrastis. Gold-thread. Same as Coptis. Goll’s column or tract (golz). See Column. Gomphi'asis. Looseness of the teeth. Gompho'sis. Articulation in which a spike of bone fits into a bony socket. Gon'ad (gon'ad). A reproductive gland. Gonag'ra (gon-ag'rah). Gouty seizure of the knee. Gouarthri'tis. Inflammation of the knee-joint. Gonarthroc'aee (gon-ar-throk'as-e). White swelling of the knee. Gonarthrot'omy. Incision into the knee-joint. Gon'ecyst, Goneeys'tis. A seminal vesicle. Goneeysti'tis. Inflammation of a gonecyst. Gonei'tis (go-ne-i'tis). Inflammation of the knee. Gonepoie'sis. The secretion of the semen. Goniom'eter. An instrument for measuring angles. Go'nioit (go'ne-on). Tip of angle of lower jaw. Gonocoe'eus. The coccus of gonorrhea, a product of Micrococcus gonorrhoea;, a schizomycete. Gonohe'mia (go-no-he'me-ah). General gonorrheal infection. Gonopcp' sin. A proprietary gonorrheal remedy. Gonorrlie'a. Contagious catarrlial inflammation of the genital mucous membrane. Gnnorrlic'al. Pertaining to gonorrhea. G. arlliriils, G. rheumatism. See Arthritis. Gon'yoccle (gon'i-o-sel). Synovitis, or tuberculous arthritis, of the knee. Goose-flesh. Same as Cutis anserina. Gor'get (gor'jet). Wide-grooved lithotomy director. Gossyp'ium (gos-sip'e-um). 1. Cotton. 2. Cotton-root bark. Gouge (gowj). An instrument for cutting bone. Gou'lord’s cerate (goo'larz). Cerate of subacetate of lead. G. extract, solution of subacetate of lead. Gout (gowt). Painful constitutional disease with joint inflammation and chalky deposits. Latent g.. Mashed g., lithemia without the typical features of gout. Misplaced g.. Retrocedent g., gout in which the arthritic symptoms have disappeared and are followed by severe constitutional disturbances. Poor man’s g., gout ascribed to hard work, exposure, ill-feeding, and excess in the use of malt liquors. Gout'y. Of the nature of, or affected by, gout. G. diathesis, predisposition to gout. Gow'ers’s tract (gow'erz-iz). Ascending anterior lateral tract of the spinal cord. Gr. Abbreviation for grain. Graaf ian vesicles or follicles (grab'fe-an). Spherical ovarian bodies each containing an ovum. Gra'eile (gras'il). Slender; delicate. G. fasciculus, G. fu- niculus. See Fasciculus gracilis. G. nucleus. Same as Nucleus gracilis. Gra'eilis (gras'il-is). See Muscles, Table of. Grada'tim. Gradually. Grad'uate (grad'u-at). 1. A measuring vessel marked by a series of lines. 2. Person who has received a college degree. Grad'uaied. Marked by a succession of lines. G. tenotomy, incomplete division of the tendon of an eye-muscle. Graft. A slip of skin or other tissue for transplantation. Grain. 1. Seed of a cereal plant. 2. Twentieth part of a scruple; or 0.065 of a gram. Gram. Metric weight, equal to 15.434 grains. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 201 Cram’s solution. One part iodin, 2of potassium iodid, 300 parts water; used as a stain. Cranato'nin. Same as Pseudopelletierin. Crana'turn. Same as Pomegranate. C ran' elier’s disease. See Splengpneumonia. Cran'dry’s corpuscles. Tactile corpuscles in birds. Gran'nlar. Made up of, or marked by, granules or grains. Cranula'tion. Formation in wounds of rounded flesh masses; also, a mass so formed. Crau'ulc. 1. A small rounded body. 2. A medicinal pellet. C. lay er. 1. One of the layers of the retina. 2. Layer next to cor- tical layer of cerebellum. Cranulo'ma. A tumor of granulation tissue. Cran'ulose. The more soluble portion of starch. Cra'num. L. for Grain. Crape cure. Treatment by eating grapes. C.-sugar. See Glucose. Crapli'ile (graf'lt). A form of carbon. Craphol'ogy (graf-ol'o-je). The study of handwriting in diag- nosis of nerve-disease. Craph'ospasm. Writers’ cramp ; spasm from overuse of hand. C railage (grah-tahzh'). Removal of granulations by friction with a stiff brush. Crave. Serious; severe. C.-wax. Same as Adipocere. Crave' do. Coryza, or nasal catarrh. Crav'el. Minor concretions in kidney or bladder. Craves’s disease (gravz). Exophthalmic goiter. Crav'id (grav'id). Pregnant; with child. Crav' idin. A substance from urine of pregnant women; kyestein. Cravimct'ric. Performed by weight and measure. Cravita'lion. Force tending to draw all bodies together. Crav'ity. Weight; tendency toward the center of the earth. Cray alropliy, or degeneration. See Atrophy. Creen-blindness. Lack of perception of green tints. C. sick- ness. See- Chlorosis. C. softening, abscess of brain with greenish pus. C. vitriol, ferrous sulphate ; copperas. Creen' slick fracture. See Fracture. Crerfotome. An instrument for cutting grafts of skin, nerve substance, etc. Cregari'na. A genus of protozoans: parasitic in invertebrates. Creg'ory’s powder. Compound powder of rhubarb with mag- nesia and ginger. Critfe des orteils (gref-da-zor-ta'e). Same as Claw-foot. Crirttth’s mixture. Compound iron mixture. Crlude'lia robus'ta. A plant; antispasmodic and used in bronchitis and asthma. Crind'ers (grind'erz). The molar teeth. Crind'ers’ A lung-disease in tool-grinders, due to dust inhalation. Crip, Crippe. Same as Influenza. Crippotox'in (grip-po-tox'in). The toxin of influenza. Cro'ecr’s iteh. Eczema of the hands, peculiar to grocers. Croin. Lower lateral part of the abdominal wall. Cross anatomy. Macroscopic anatomy of the tissues. C. appearances, appearance of a tissue as seen without the microscope. Around' -bundle. Either portion of the anterolateral tract of spinal cord. Crow' ing-pains. Neuralgic or rheumatic pains of young persons. Cru'el. A decoction of any cereal grain. Cru'mous (gru'mus). Lumpy or clotted. Cru'turn (gru'turn). See Milium. 202 AMERICAN POCKET Gry'ochrome. A nerve-cell the stainable portion of which con- sists of minute granules. Gtt. Abbreviation of Gutta, a drop. Gnachama'ca (gwah-chah-mah' kah). A South American plant, Malouetia nitida; poisonous. Gua'co (gwah'ko). The South American plant Mikania guaco: teniacidal and febrifugal. Ooai'ac (gwi'yak). Resin from Guiacum officinale: alterative;, stimulant. Ouaiar'clin (gwi-as'et-in). A derivative of guaiacol used in treating phthisis. Huai' a«•<>l (gwi'ak-ol). Oil-like substance, CjHgOs: used in phthisis. Gnai'acum wood (gwi'ak-um). Wood of G. officinale: dia- phoretic stimulant. Gna'nin (gwah'nin). Deucomain from guano and other sources. Ona'no (gwah'no). Dung of sea-fowl; useful in skin-diseases. Guara'na (gwah-rah'nah). Paste from seeds of Paullinia cupana; nerve-stimulant. Gnard-eells. See Cell. Gnbernac'nlnm les' Us. Fetal cord between epididymis and bottom of scrotum. Gnb'ler’s line (goob'lerz). Dine which connects points of origin of fifth nerve, G.’s paralysis. Same as Crossed hemiplegia. G.’s tumor, a swelling on back of wrist in lead-poisoning. Gud'den’s eom'missurc (gud'denz). Upper and inner fibers of optic tract. Same as Arcuate commissure. Gnil' Inline (gil'lo-ten). Instrument for cutting of the tonsil, etc. Gain'ea worm (gin'ne). A tropical worm, Filaria medinensis, burrowing in the human body. Gnll'et (gul'let). The esophagus ; also the pharynx. Gum. X. Mucilaginous excretion of various plants. 2. See. Gingiva. G. arable. See Acacia. Bassnra }j., gum resembling gum arabic from Persia. British s., dextrin. G. res' in, concrete vegetable juices, often medicinal. G. tragaeanth. Same as Trngacanth. G.-boil. Same as Parulis. Gum' ma. A soft gummy tumor in tertiary syphilis. Gnm'matous (gum'at-us). Of the nature of gumma. Gnm'mi. L. for the gum of plants. Gam'my (gum'e). Resembling gum or gumma. Gums. See Gingiva. Giin-cotton. See Pyroxylin. Gun-stock deformity. Deformity in which the forearm forms an angle owing to fracture of either condyle of the humerus. Gur'Jun balsam (goor' jun). Oleoresin from Dipterocarpus Uevis, a tree of Asia: used in gonorrhea and leprosy. Gns'tatory (gus'tat-o-re). Pertaining to taste. Gut. The bowel or intestine. Gut'ta. L. for Drop. G. per'eh a, concrete juice of Isonandra gutta, a tree of the East Indies. G. rosa'cea. Same as Acne rosacea. G. sere' na, amaurosis. Gutta' tim. Drop by drop. Gut'tur. L. for Throat. Gnt'tnral (gut'er-al). Pertaining to the throat. Gnttnrotet'any. Spasm of the throat with resultant stammer. Guy'on’s sign (ghe-ongz'). Ballottement of floating kidney. Gymnas'tics (jim-nas'tix). Systematic muscular exercise. Gymne'mie acid (jim-ne'mik). A principle from Gymnema palustre, a shrub of South Asia: it temporarily suspends the sense of taste. Gym'nocyte (jim' no-slt). A cell with no cell-wall. Gynan'drism (jin-an'drizm). Hermaphroditism. Gyuatre'sia (jin-at-re'zhe-ah). Imperforate condition of vagina. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 203 Oynecolog'ie, Gyneeulog'ieal. Pertaining to gynecology. Gynecol'oglst. Person skilled in gynecology. Gyneeol'ogy (jin-e-kol'o-je). Sum of knowledge of women’s diseases. Gyneeomas'tia. Large size of male mammary glands. Gynepho'bia (jin-e-fo'be-ah). Dread of, or aversion to, society of women. Gy noear'dia. See Chaulmugra. Gynoplas'lies (jin-o-plas'tix). Plastic surgery of female geni- talia. Gyp'sum (jip'sum). Plaster of Paris; calcium sulphate. Gyra'tion (ji-ra'shun). Revolving in a circle. Gyre (jlr). Same as Gyrus. Gy'ri (ji'ri). The pi. of gyrus. Gy' romele (ji' ro-mel). Flexible catheter tipped with sponge, Gyro'sa (ji-ro'sah). Gastric vertigo in which everything seems to turn round. Gy' rospasm (ji' ro-spazm). Rotatory spasm of the head. Gy'rus (ji'rus), pi. gy'ri. A convolution of the brain. G. for- nlea'ius, the gyre which makes an arch above the corpus cal- losum. H. If. Symbol of Hydrogen. Halto'na (ha-be'nah). The peduncle of the pineal gland. Haben'iila. Any frenum (a series of structures in the cochlea are especially known as habenulae). Hab'it. 1. A fixed or constant practice established by frequent repetition. 2. Predisposition ; bodily temperament. H.-chorea, II .-spasm, spasmodic movements which are frequent and seem to be involuntary. Hab' Hat. Natural abode or home of an animal or plant species. Habit' ual abortion. See under Abortion. Habroma'nia. Insanity with excessive gaiety. Hachement (ahsh-maw'). See Hacking. Hack'ins. Chopping stroke in massage. 11. cough, a short, frequent, and feeble cough. II:r-. For words thus beginning see He-. Hair. The filamentous outgrowth found mainly upon the scalp. If.-bulb, the bulbous expansion at lower end of a hair-root. H.- eell, an epithelial ceH with hair-like processes or cilia. 11.-fol- licle. a depression in the skin which contains a hair-root. 11.- papilla, a point of corium projecting into a hair-bulb. Hairy heart, A heart covered with a shaggy exudation. H. tongue, one whose papillte have a hair-like look. Halistere'sis. Deficiency of mineral salts in apart, as bone. Hal'ltus. An exhalation ; an expired breath. Hal'ler’s aeidelixir. Sulphuric acid mixture. H.’s circles, arterial and venous circles within the eye. Hall’s disease (hawlz). Spurious hydrocephalus. Hallneina'lion. A sense-perception not founded on an objective reality. Hal'lns, Hal'lux. The great toe. 11. val'sfiis. displacement of the hallux toward the other toes. 11. va'rus, displacement of hallux away from the other toes. Ha'lo srlaumato'sus. A whitish ring around the optic disk In glaucoma. Ha'logen (ha'lo-jen). Any element capable of forming haloid salts; such as chlorin, iodin, bromin, and fluorin. Ha'lo-symptoni. Seeing of colored rings around lights; a symptom of incipient glaucoma. 204 Ha'loid salt. Any binary compound formed on the type of com- mon salt. Hal'stern’s disease. Epidemic or endemic syphilis. Ham. 1. The popliteal region. 2. The hip and buttock. Ifamame'lis virginia'na. The witch-hazel: astringent, seda- tive, and tonic. Ham'mer-toe. The claw-like bending of the toe. Ham'string. Either one of the tendons which laterally hound the popliteal space. Inner li., tendons of gracilis, sartorius, and two other muscles. Outer h., tendon of biceps flexor femoris. Ham'ular. Shaped like a hook. Ham' ulus. Any hook-shaped process. Hand-elec'trode. An electrode to be held in the hand. Hang-'ingr-drop culture. A bacterial culture made by inocu- lating a drop of bouillon under a cover-glass. Hang'-nail. The splitting of epidermis at the side of a finger- nail. Hanot’s disease. Hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver with icterus. llaiilialgc'sia (haf-al-je'ze-ah). Pain on touching objects. Haphepho' l»ia (haf-ef-o'be-ah). Morbid fearof touching or being touched. Hap'loseope (hap'lo-skdp). A form of stereoscope. Hard chancre. True syphilitic chancre. Hare'lip. Congenitally cleft lip. H. suture. Same as Twitted suture. liar' lequin fetus. Child born with ichthyosis. Harmo'nia. Har'mony. Form of suture in which the articu- lating surfaces are nearly smooth. Har'rison’s groove. Groove on the thorax caused by the con- traction of the diaphragm. Harts' horn. 1. Horn of the stag. 2. Popular name of ammonia. Ha'ser’s for'mula (ha'serz). Same as Trapp’s formula. Hashish', Hasheesh'. Stalks and leaves of Cannabis indrcn. Has'ner’s valve. Membranous fold at the nasal orifice of the nasolacrimal duct. Has'sal’s corpuscles. Nucleated cells in the thymus. Hat'ter’s disease. Mercurial poisoning or lung-disease in hat- ters. Haunch-hone. The ilium. Hans'tus. L. for Draft. H. ni'ger, black draught; compound infusion of senna. Haut-mal (d-mahl). Epileptic attack in its full development. Haver'si an canals. Anastomosing canals in bony tissue. H. eanalleuli, system of minute passages connected with a h. canal. H. glands, synovial folds within the joints. Hawk. To clear the throat of mucus. Hay fever, H. asthma. Acute annually recurrent conjuncti- vitis with nasal catarrh. Hay'garth’s deformities or nodosities. Knobs on joints in arthritis deformans. Ha'atelin (ha'zel-in). Proprietary extract of witch-hazel, H. I>. Abbreviation for hearing distance. Head. That part of the organism which contains the brain and the organs of special sense. H.-drop, malarial disease of Japan, with drooping of head. H.-fold, fold of blastoderm at cephalic end of young embryo. H.-gn t. Same as Fnreput. H. kid- ney. Same as Pronephros. H.-loek, hooking together of chins in twin labor. H.-louse. Same as Pediculus capitis. Head'aehe (hed'ak). Pain in the head ; cephalalgia. Hea'ling (he'ling). The process of cure ; restoration of wounded parts. H. by first intention, union which leaves no scar. H. by second intention, union by adhesion of granulating AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 205 surfaces. H. by third intention, union by filling of wound with granulations. Health (helth). Normal condition of body and mind. Health'y pun. Same as Laudable pus. 11. ulcer, ulcer that has a tendency to heal. Hear'ing distance. Utmost distance at which a given sound can be heard. Heart (hart). Muscular viscus which maintains the circulation of the blood. H.-elot, blood-clot within the heart. Fibroid li., heart affected with fibroid degeneration. Heart'burn. Burning sensation in the esophagus ; cardialgia. Heat (bet). A form of kinetic energy communicable from one body to another, and appreciable by the thermal sense. Atomic h., the specific heat of an atom of any element. 11.-centers, centers in brain which regulate heat-production and heat-elimina- tion. F>ateutb., heat which a body may absorb without chang- ing its temperature. Molecular b., the product of the molec- ular weight of a substance' multiplied by its specific heat. Fricbly b. See Lichen tropicus. Specific b., amount of heat needed to raise the unit volume of any substance through one degree centigrade. H.-strokc, insolation ; sunstroke or thermic fever. H.-uuit. Same as Calory. Hebephre'nia. Mental disturbance at the period of puberty. Heb'erden’s asthma. Same as Angina pectoris. H,’« nodes, nodosities at sides of distal phalanges of fingers. Heb'etude (heb'et-ud). Mental dulness. Hee'tie fever. See Fever. H. flush, flush of face in wasting diseases. Hec'togram, Hee'toliter, Hee'tometer. One hundred grams, liters, or meters. Hedeo'ma pulegioi'des. American pennyroyal: emmena- gogue and stimulant. Hedge'hog crys'tals. Spiny growth of uric acid. Hed'roeele (hed'ro-sel). Anal hernia ; anal prolapse. Heel'bone. Same as Calcanewm. Heid'enbain’s demilunes (hi'den-hinz). Same as Oian- nuzzi’s crescents. H.’s rods, rod-like epithelial striations in tubules of kidney. Heis'ter’s valves (hls'terz). Folds within the neck and duct of gall-bladder. Hel'eoid (hel'koid). Bike an ulcer. Helcol'ogy (hel-kol'o-je). The science of ulcers. Hel'eoplasty (hel'ko-plas-te). Plastic surgery of ulcers. Hel'enin (hel'en-in). A principle, C,,H80, from elecampane ; also, a proprietary derivative from the same : antiseptic. Hel'icine (hel'is-in). Spiral. H. arteries, spiral arteries of the penis. Hel'ieoid (hel'ik-oid). Coiled; spiral. Helieo'sis. The formation of an ulcer. Helieotre' ma. A foramen between the scala tympani and scala vestibule Heliopbo'bia. Morbid fear of sunlight. Heliotber'apy (he-le-o-ther'ap-e). The sun-cure. He'linm (he'le-um). A gaseous element from the atmosphere. He'lix (he'lix). The margin of the external ear. Hel' lebore. Root of Helleborus niger; cathartic and emmena- gogue. Heller’s test. A test for albumin and blood in urine. Helm'holtz’s ligament. Part of anterior ligament of malleus. H.’s line. See Line. Hel'mintb. An intestinal worm or worm-like parasite. Helminth' agogue (hel-minth'ag-og). Same as Vermifuge. 206 Helminth!'asls, Helmin'thism. Morbid state due to infes- tation with worms. Helmin'title. Anthelmintic; vermifugal. Ilelminthol'ogy. Sum of knowledge of endoparasitic worms, llemaharom' eter. Instrument for ascertaining specific gravity of blood. Hcm'acliroiue. The red coloring-matter of blood. Hemachro'sis. Abnormal red coloration of blood. Hemaey'anin (hem-as-i'an-in). Same as Hematocyanin. Hemacy tom'eter. Device used in counting blood-corpuscles. He'mad (he'mad). Toward the ventral or hemal side. Heuiadronioin'eter. See Hcemodrometer. Hemadynam'etcr. Instrument for measurement of blood- pressure. Hemafa' eient. An agent producing blood, llcm'agogne (hem'a-gog). Promoting the flow of blood, lle'mal (he'mal). Pertaining to blood or blood-vessels. H. arch, arch made up of bodies of vertebrae, ribs, and sternum. H. spine, sternum and linea alba together. Hemal hn' min. Albuminate of iron ; used as a remedy. Hemangio-endotlielio'ma. A new growth of the endothe- lium of the capillary vessels. Ilemangio'ma. True angioma. HemangriosarcM'ma. Same as Angiosarcoma. Hemaplic'in (hem-af-e'in). Brown coloring-matter of blood. Hemapoie'sis (hem-ap-oi-e'sis). The formation of blood. Ilemapoiet'ie. Same as Hematopoietic. Hemapoph' ysis (hem-ap-of'is-is). A costal cartilage. Heniart liro' sis. Presence of blood in a joint-cavity. . Hemataehom' eter (hem-at-ak-om' e-ter). Instrument for meas- uring speed of blood-currents. Hematem'esis (hem-at-em'es-is). The vomiting of blood. Hematenceph' alon. Effusion of blood in the brain. Hemather' mous. Warm-blooded ; having warm blood. Hemat' ic (he-mat'ik). Pertaining to the blood. Heinatidro'sis. The excretion of bloody sweat. Hematom'eter. Device for counting blood-corpuscles. Heiua'tin. A principle from hemoglobin. Hematin'llc (hem-at-in'ik). Same as Hematic. llcmatinnm'eter. Instrument used in measuring the hemo- globin of the blood. Hcmatinn' ria. Coloration of urine by hematin. Ilemato' Itium. Any organism that lives in the blood. Hem'atoblast. Cell which develops into a red blood-corpuscle. Ilcmat'ocele (he-mat'o-sel). Effusion of blood into a cavity, as the tunica vaginalis testis. Hematccepb'aliis. Fetus born with head distended with blood. HematoeUylu'ria. Discharge of blood and chyle with the urine. Hematoeol'pus. Accumulation of blood in vagina. Hem'atoerite. Centrifuge for separating corpuscles from blood. Hematocry'al (hem-at-o-kri'al). Having cold blood. Hematoerys'tallin (hem-at-o-kris'tal-in). Same as Hemoglobin. Hematocy'anin. Blue coloring-matter of octopus blood. Hem'atoeyst (hem'at-o-sist). Effusion of blood in the bladder or in a cyst. Hem'atocyte (hem'at-o-sit). Any blood-corpuscle. Hematocy tom'eter. Same as Hematimeter. Hemat'ogen (hem-at'o-jen). A preparation of egg-albumen. Ifeinaf ogen'esis (hem-at-o-jen'es-is). The formation of blood. Hematogen'ic, Hemato'genons (hem-at-od'jen-us). 1. Pro- duced in the blood. 2. Producing blood. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 207 Hemafoglob'nlln. Same as Hemoylohulin. Hematohidro'sb. Same as Hemohidrosis. Hem'atold (hem'at-oid). Like blood; bloody. Hematoid'in. A reddish principle from blood-clots. ll(‘Hintokol' pits. See Hematocolpus. Hem'atokrit (hem'at-o-krit). See Hematocrite. If ematol'ogry. Sum of what is known regarding the blood. Hematol'ysis. Disintegration and degeneration of the blood. Hematolyt'ic. Pertaining to hematolysis. Hemato'iua. Tumor containing effused blood. If. an'rio, blood-tumor in the perichondrium of the ear. Vfeniatomediastl'iiuin. Effusion of blood in the mediastinum. Hemalom'efer. A hemometer; also, hemadynamometer. If eiuatome' tra. Accumulation of blood in the uterus. Hematomphal'ocele. Umbilical hernia containing blood. Xfeniatoinye'lia. Blood effusion in spinal cord. Hematoinyeli'tls. Acute myelitis with bloody effusion. Henialoperipar'dinm. Blood effusion in pericardium. Hematopli'agouK (hem-a-tof'ag-us). Subsisting on blood. Ifematoplill'ia (hem-at-of-il'e-ah). Same as jHemophilia. ffem'aiopliyte (hem'at-o-fit). Vegetable parasite in blood. Ilpiualoplas'tic. Concerned in the elaboration of blood. Ifemalopoie'sis. Formation of blood or blood-corpuscles. Hematopoiet'ir. Making, or regenerating, the blood. If ematopor' ptiyrin. Hematin without its iron. Ifeiuatoporpliyrlnn'ria. Presence of hematoporphyrin in urine: due to unwise use of sulphonal. Hematapo'sia (hem-a-to-po'ze-ah). Blood-drinking. Hemator' rhaphis, llrinnr'rliaelijs (hem-a-tor'ra-kis, hem- or'ra-kis). Hemorrhage into the spinal membranes, ff ematorrlie'a (hem-at-o-re'ah). Free or copious hemorrhage, ffeinataaal'pinx. Collection of blood in oviduct. Hematos'elieoeeie. Hematoma of the scrotum. Hem'atoseope (hem'at-os-kdp). Device used in examining thin layers of blood. Hematos'eopy (hem-at-os'ko-pe). The inspection of blood. ■I (‘ni:it osep' sis (hem-at-o-sep'sis). Same as Septicemia. Ilemato' sin (hem-at-o'sin). Same as Hematin. If emato'sis. The formation or aeration of the blood. Hmatospec' troscope. Spectroscope for examining the blood. Ifematospeciros'copy. Use of the hematospectroscope. llematosper' mia. Presence of blood in the semen. If emalotlier' mal. Having warm blood; hemathermous. If eniatotho' rax. Same as Hemothorax. Hematotox' ic. Pertaining to blood-poisoning. Ifematotym'paiium. Hemorrhagic exudation in the drum- cavity. Hematox'ylin (hem-at-ox'il-in). A stain from logwood, ffematox'ylon campeehia'inim. Logwood; a tree and its astringent wood. Hematozo'on (hem-at-o-zo'on). Animal that lives in the blood. Homatu'ria (hem-at-u're-ah). Discharge of bloody urine. If email'togrraph. Tracing made by an arterial blood-jet. Hemaatog'rapliy. Formation.of a hemautograph. Hemeralo'pia. 1. Same as Day-hlindness. 2. Same as Nycta- lopia. Hemiaeliromatop'sia. Color-blindness in one half, or in corre- sponding halves, of visual field. Hcmialbu'min (hem-e-al-bu'min). The same as Antialbumin. Hemialbn'mosc. A digestion product of certain jiroteids: nor- mally found in bone-marrow. If emialbiimosu'ria. Discharge of hemialbumose in urine. 208 AMERICAN POCKET Hemianalsc'aia. Analgesia on one side of the body. Hemianestbe'sia. Anesthesia of either lateral half of body. Hemiano'pia, Hemianop'sia. Blindness for one half the field of vision in one or both eyes, llemiartbro'sis (hem-e-ar-thro'sis). A spurious synchondrosis. Ilemhitax'ia. Ataxia on one side of the body, llemlafheto'sis. Athetosis of one side of the body. Hemiat'ropby. Atrophy of one side of the body. Hem'ic. Pertaining to or generated in blood. Xlemieepba'lia. Congenital absence of one lateral half of the skull. Ileinicepli'aliiM. A monster with one cerebral hemisphere. Hemtchore'a (hem-e-ko-re'ah). Chorea which affects but one side. Hemicra'nia. 1. Headache on one side of the head. 2. Absence of anterior bones of the skull. Hemtdiaphore'sis. Sweating of one side of body, ilciiiidro'sis. Same as Hematidrosls. Hemidysestbe' s*ia. Disorder of sensation affecting one half the head. Hcmieneepb' alus. Fetus without the sense-organs of the brain. Hemicp'ilepsy. Epilepsy of one side of the body. llcniiKloNsi'tis. Inflammation of one half of the tongue. Hemibypereslbe'sia. Abnormal sensitiveness of one side. Ilcmiliyper' trophy. Overgrowth of one half or side. Hemim'elns (hem-ini'el-us). Fetus with defective limbs. Hc'min (he'min). A crystalline salt of hematin. Heminenrasthc' nia. Neurasthenia exhibited in one side only. Hemio'pla (hem-e-o'pe-ah). Same as He.mianopia. Hemiop' ic (hem-e-op' ik). Affecting one eye. Xlemip'aifus (hem-ip'ag-us). Twin birth joined at the thorax. Hemiparaiiegthe'sia. Anesthesia of lower half of one side. Hemlparaple'sla (hem-e-par-ap-le'je-ah). Paralysis of the lower half of one side. Hemipar'eals. Paresis affecting one side, llcmipep'tone. One of the forms of peptone obtained from pep- sin digestion. Hemiple' gia (hem-e-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of one side of the body. Alternate li., that which affects one side of face and opposite of body. Cerebral h., that which is due to brain lesion. Fa- cial b., paralysis of one side of face, lleplicstie b. See Hephestic. Spastic h„, h. with spasms and atrophy : usually in- fantile. Spinal b., h. due to lesion of spinal cord, llemipro'tcin (hem-e-pro'te-in). Same as Anti.nlburnid. Heniisec'tion. Section of one half; also, bisection. Ilem'ispasm fhem'e-spazm). Spasm affecting only one side. Hem'ispbere (hem'is-fer). Either lateral half of cerebrum or cerebellum. Kfcmisys'tole. Systole of only one side of the heart. Hemiter'ic. Congenitally deformed, but not monstrous. Hem'loch. 1. Conium. 2. A fir-tree of the genus Tsuga. llemoee' lorn, Hsemoeee' lorn. Part of celom whence the heart is developed. Hemoebromato'sis. Staining with coloring principles of blood. Hemoebro'niogen. A derivative from hemoglobin, llemocbromoin'eter. An instrument for making color-tests of the quality of the blood. Hemocrys'tallin (hem-o-kris'tal-in). Same as Hemoglobin. Hemoey' anin. Same as Hematocyanin. Hem'ocyte (hem'o-sit). A blood-corpuscle or blood-cell. Hemocylol' ysis (hem-o-si-tol' is-is). Disintegration of the blood- corpuscles. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 209 Hemoeytom'eter (hem-o-si-tom'et-er). Same as Hematimeter. Hemocy totryp' sis. Disintegration of blood-corpuscles by reason of pressure. Hemodromom'eter. Instrument for measuring speed of the blood-current. Hemodynamom'eter. Same as Hemadynamometer. lieniotrr' runi (hem-o-fer'um). Oxyhemoglobin. Ilemwfus'ein (hem-o-fus'in). Brown coloring-matter of blood. Hemogal'lol. Medicinal preparation containing hemoglobin. Heniogen'esis (hem-o-jen'es-is). Formation of blood. Hemogen'lc. Pertaining to the production of blood. Hemoglo' bin. Coloring-matter of red blood-corpuscles. Hemoglobine'mia. Abnormal presence of hemoglobin in the plasma of the blood. Hemogrlobinom'etei’. Instrument for measuring the hemoglo- bin in the blood. Hemoglobinn' ria. Presence of hemoglobin in the urine. Epi- demic li., hemoglobinuria of young infants, with cyanosis, jaun- dice, etc. Intermittent, or Paroxysmal, li., a form with recurrent paroxysms. Toxic !»., that which is consequent upon the ingestion of various poisons. Hemoko'nise. Small refractive bodies in the blood, said to be fragments of blood-corpuscles. He'mol. Medicinal preparation of hemoglobin. Hem'olymph. 1. Blood and lymph. 2. Nutrient fluid or blood of certain invertebrates. Hemol'ysis (hem-oP is-is). Same as Hematolysis. Hemolyt'le (hem-o-lit'ik). Breaking down the blood-corpuscles. Hemomediustl' mini. Same as Hematomediastinum. Hcmom' eter. Instrument used in inspecting the blood. Hemome'tra (hem-o-me'trah). Same as Hematometra. Hemoperiear'dium. Same as Hematopericardium. Hemoperitone' mn. Blood in the peritoneal cavity. Hemophag' oeyte (hem-o-fag'os-it). A white blood-corpuscle. Hemopbil'ia (hem-o-fll'e-ah). Strong tendency to bleeding. Hemoplitlial'inia. Hemophthal'mus. Extravasation of blood inside the eye. HemopneumotUo' rax. Same as Hematopneumothorax. Hemopoie sis. Same as Hematopoiesis. Hemop'tysis (hem-op'tis-is). Spitting of blood. Hcm'orrhagc (hem'or-ej). Escape of blood from the veins. Accidental li., caused by premature detachment of placenta. Capillary li.. oozing from minute vesssels. Concealed li., hemorrhage without escape from the body. Consecutive It., that which does not directly follow an injury. Critical It., that which occurs at a crisis. Petechial ft., subcutaneous h. occur- ring in minute spots. Post-partum It., that which follows soon after labor. Primary It., that which soon follows an accident. Secondary It., that which follows an accident after a consid- erable lapse of time. Unavoidable h. follows the detachment of a placenta previa. Vicarious It., flow of blood from a part in consequence of the suppression of a discharge from another part. Hemorrltag' ic (hem-or-aj'ik). Pertaining to hemorrhage. Hemorrlte'a (hem-or-e'ah). Copious hemorrhage. Hemor'rhoid. A pile or vascular tumor of the rectal mucous membrane. Hemorrhoi'dal. Pertaining to hemorrhoids. Bemosid'erln. Preparation containing iron from the blood. Hemospa'sia (hem-os-pa'zhe-ah). Withdrawal of blood. Hemos'tasis (hem-os'tas-is). 1. The arrest of hemorrhage. 2. Stoppage of the blood-current. 210 AMERICAN POCKET Hcmoatat' ic (hem-os-tat'lk). Checking the escape of blood. Hemotachom' cter. Instrument for measuring speed of the blood-current. Hcmotbo' rax. Collection of blood in the thoracic cavity. Hemp. See Cannabis; also Apocynum. lien' bane. Same as Hyoscyamus. Hen'le’s layer. Outermost layer of inner root-sheath of hair- follicle. H.’s loop, the U-shaped loop of the uriniferous tubule of kidney. ll.’s membrane, fenestrated membrane of an artery. H.’s sbeatli. sheath which envelops an isolated nerve- fiber outside of the neurilemma. H.’s sphincter, muscular fibers around the prostatic urethra. He'nuch’s purpura. Purpura with intestinal disturbances. Hen'sen’s H.’s line. lane which passes transversely through sarcous elements. H.’s prop-cells, cylindric cells out- side the outer hair-cells in organ of Corti. He'par (he'par). L. for Liver. H. snlplin'ris, potassium sul- phld with sulphur. Hepatal'gia (hep-at-al'je-ah). Pain in the liver. Hepatec'toniy. Excision of part of liver. Hepat'ic (hep-at'ik). Pertaining to liver. H. lius. Twin monster affected with heteradelphia. Heteradc'nia. Any abnormality of gland-tissue. Hcteraden' ic. Pertaining to heteradenia. Heteradeno'ma. Any hyaline cylindroma. Hetera'lius. An extreme example of heteradelphia. Hetere'clous (het-er-e'shus). laving upon one host in one stage, or generation, and on another in the next. Heteroal'bnmose. Hemialbumose insoluble in water. Heteroau'toplasty. Plastic transfer of tissue from one part of the body to another. Heteroecpb' alus. A monster with two unequal heads. Heteroehron' ic. Irregular; occurring at abnormal times. Hclcrod'ymus. Monster with a second head on abdomen. Heteroge'neons (het-er-o-je'ne-us). Of dissimilar nature. Heterogen'esis. i. Alternation of generation. 2. Asexual gen- eration. Heterogenet'ic. 1. Pertaining to heterogenesis. 2. Notarising in the organism. Hetero-lnffee'tion. Infection by virus from outside the organism. Hetero-inocula'tion. Inoculation from any organism. Ileterol' ogous. Made up of tissue not normal to the part. Heteromor' plums. Of abnormal shape or structure. Heteron'omons. 1. Not independent. 2. Abnormal, Heteron' j mous. Reversed ; opposite in position. Heterop'agus. Fetus to which another rudimentary fetus is at- tached by the abdomen. Heterop'atliy. Abnormal or morbid sensibility to stimuli. Hctcroplia'sia. The wrong use of terms. Heteropbe'mia. The saying of one thing for another. Hcteropti«ml'gia. Ileterophoria with pain. Heteropbo'ria. Absence of parallelism between visual lines. Heteropbtbal' inos. Condition in which irides differ in color. Heteropia'sia. Replacement of normal by abnormal tissues. Heteroplastic (het-er-o-plas'tik). Pertaining to heteroplasia. Het'croplasty. Plastic surgery in which tissue is removed from a sound person. Hetcrotax'in. Abnormal position of viscera. Heterot'opy. Displacement or misplacement of parts.' pia (het-er-o-tro'pe-ah). Same as Strabismus. Heteroxan'thin. A leukomain from urine; methyl-xanthin. Henb'ner’s disease (hoib'nerz). Syphilitic endocarditis. Hexaba'sie. Having six atoms replaceable by a base. Hex'ad (hek'sad). A sexvalent element. Hexamethylenetetram' in. Same as Urotropin. Hexatom'lc (hek-sat-om'ik). Containing six replaceable atoms. Hexylam'in. Poisonous base, C6Hi3N, from yeast and cod-liver oil. Key’s ligament. Part of falciform ligament of fascia lata. Hg. Symbol of mercury. Hla'tns (hi-a'tus). A Assure or gap. 11. Fallo' pii, opening for Vidian nerve in petrous bone. Hibernation. The dormant state in which certain animals pass the winter. Hie'enp, Hie'eongh. Sharp inspiratory sound with spasm of glottis and diaphragm; singultus. Hide'-bound. Affected with scleroderma. Hidropoie'sis. The process of the formation of sweat. Hidropoiet'ie. Concerned in, or relating to, hidropoiesis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Hidrosadeni'iis. Inflammation of the sweat-glands. Hi'era. pl'cra. The powder of aloes and canella. High lithotomy. Suprapubic lithotomy. High'more's antrum. See under Antrum. H.’s body. Same as Mediastinum testis. Hit'ton's muscle. The compressor sacculi laryngis. H.’s sac. Same as Sacculus laryngeus. Hi' lum. A depression at the entrance and exit of vessels, nerves, and duct into a gland. Hind'-hrain. See Epencephalon. H.-gut, embryonic structure whence the colon is formed. 11.-hidncy, the metanephros. Hinge'-joint. Same as Ginglymus. Hip. The region on either side of the pelvis. H.-Joint, articula- tion of the innominate bone and femur. H.-joint disease. Same as Coxalgia. Hippoeam'pal convolution. See Convolution. H. fissure, fissure above the temporal lobe on mesial surface of cerebrum. Hippoeam'pus ma'jor. A curved structure on floor of the middle horn of the lateral ventricle. H. mi'nor, a white ele- vation on floor of posterior cornu of lateral ventricle. Hippoerat'ic face. See Facies Hippocratica. 11. sound, splashing succession sound. Hippomel'anin. Black pigment from tumors or marrow of melanotic horses. Hippu'ria (hip-pu're-ah). Excess of hippuric acid in urine. Hippu'ric acid. See Acid. Hip'pus (hip'us). Tremor of the iris. Hlr'sute (her'sut). Shaggy; hairy. Hirsu'ties (hur-su'she-ez) Excessive hairiness. Hlru'do (hi-ru'do). L. for Leech. His'tioid. Same as Histoid. Histoehem'istry. Chemistry of organized or living tissues. Histodial'ysis. Disintegration or breaking down of tissue. Histogen'esls (his-to-jen'es-is). Formation of tissues. Histogenet'ie (his-to-jen-et'ik). Pertainingto histogenesis. Hlstohem'atin. Any one of a group of red tissue-pigments. His' toid (his' toid). Developed from but one tissue. Histol' ogy (his-toP o-je). The science of the minute structure and composition of tissues. Normal li., science of healthy tissues. Pathological li., science of diseased tissues. Histol' ysis (his-tol'is-is). Dissolution or breaking down of tissues. His'ton. An albumose from cell-nuclei. Uiston'omy. Statement of the laws of tissue-development. HisfopUysiol'ogy. Physiology of the minute elements of tissues. Histotlier'apy. Treatment by administration of animal tissues. His'tolomc (his'to-tdm). A cutting instrument in microtomy. Histot'omy (his-tot'om-e). Dissection of tissues ; microtomy. Hls'tozyme (his'to-zim). Any enzyme which causes a fermenta- tion in a tissue. Histrion'ic spasm. See Tic, convulsive. Hi ves (hivz). 1. Urticaria. 2. Croup or laryngitis. Hi. Symbol for latent hypermetropia. Hm. Symbol for manifest hypermetropia. Hoang nan (ho-ang nahn). Chinese remedy for leprosy and syphilis; bark of Strychnos Malaccensis. Hoarse'ness. Harshness or roughness of voice. Hob-nail liver. Diver marked with nail-like masses, due to cirrhosis or passive congestion. Hoeh'singer’s sign, ludicanuria as a sign of tuberculosis. Hogd'kin's disease./ Pseudoleukemia. Hoff'man's anodyne. The compound spirit of ether. Hog-cbolcra. Contagious febrile disease of swine. 213 214 Hoi'den's line. Bee ime. Hoi' low-bach. Same an Lordosis. Holm'green's worsteds. Skeins of worsted yarn for testing color-blindness. Holoblas'lie ova. Ova of which all the yolk undergoes seg- mentation. Holoea' in. A derivative of phenetidln : used as a local anesthetic. Holoreaeliis'cliisis. Fissure of the entire spinal cord. Holos' eliisis (ho-los' kis-is). Same as Ainitosis. Holt'house’s hernia. Inguinocrural hernia. See Hernia. Hol'zin. A solution of formaldehyd in methyl alcohol. Hol'zinol. Holzin combined with menthol: used as a germicide and disinfectant. Homat' ropin (ho-mat'ro-pin). Mydriatic alkaloid from opium. Homeomor'phous (ho-me-o-mor'fus). Of like form and struct- ure. Homeop'athy. System which professes to cure by infinitesimal doses of medicines which are capable of producing symptoms like those of the disease treated. Homeopla'sia. Formation of new tissue like that adjacent to it Home'-sickness. Intense longing for home; nostalgia. Homoeen' trie rays. A conic pencil of light-rays. Homoeer'chrin. Principle obtainable from brain-substance. Homoge'neoia (ho-mo-je'ne-us). Of uniform quality. Homogen'esls, Homog'eny. Keproduction of the same proc- ess in each generation. Homogentes'ic acid. An acid from urine : of bacterial origin. Homol'ogons (ho-raol'og-us). Of similar structure or place. Hom'ologue (hom'ol og). Any homologous organ or part. Homol'ogy (ho-mol'o-je). Quality of being homologous. Homon' onions (ho mon'om-us). Under the same law. Homon'ymons (ho-mon'im-us). Of corresponding name or place. H. diplopia. See Diplopia. Homosexual' ity. Sexual perversion toward those of same sex. Homother'mal. Of uniform temperature. Homoton'ic (ho-mo-ton'lk). Of uniform course or tension. Ho'motype (ho'mo-tip). A part having reversed symmetry with its fellow. Homin'ras hark. Same as Cascara ninarga. Hon'ey-comb ringworm. Same as Favus. Honora' rlnm (hon-or-a're-um). Physician’s professional fee. Hook. Curved instrument for traction or holding. Hoop'lng-eongh. Same as Whooping-cough. Hop. See Hamulus. Horde' olnm. Sty ; inflammation of sebaceous glands of eyelid. Hor' drum. See Barley. Hore'hound. The plant Mnrrubium vulgare: sudorific, bechic, and tonic. Hor'mion. Median anterior point of spheno-occipital bones. Hor'ner's muscle. See Tensor tarsi in Muscles, Table of. Hor'ny epithelium. Trachomatous conjunctivitis. H. layer. Same as Stratum eorneum. Horop'ter. Sum of all points seen in binocular vision with the eyes fixed. Horripila'tion. Cutis anserina, or goose-flesh. Horse-pox. A disease of the horse, a modified small-pox. Horse-rad'ish. A plant, Cochlearia armorncia: root stimulant and antiscorbutic. Horse-shoe tistnla. A semicircular fistulous tract about the anus. H. kidney, union of the kidneys by the lower ends. Hos'pital. Institution for treatment of the sick. Hos' pitalism. Morbid state due to impure air in hospital. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 215 Host. Any animal or plant which supports a parasite. Hot drops. Tincture of capsicum and myrrh. H. eye, tempo- rary congestion of the eye, seen in gouty patients. Hot'tentot apron. Vehunen vul vie ; hypertrophy of nymphse or labia minora. H. deformity. See Steulopyyia. Hot' tentolism. Exaggerated form of stuttering. Honi*'-glass contraction. Contraction of the uterus which assumes an hour-glass shape. Honse-inaid-s knee. InHammation of the bursa of knee-cap. House-surgeon. .Resident surgeon of a hospital. Hons'lon's muscle (hew'stunz). The compressor venae dor- salis. H.’s valves, folds of mucous membrane in rectum. How'slilp's lacuiiiF. Depressions in bone beneath periosteum. Ut. Symbol for total hypermelropia. Hug tiler's canal (u-gwe-fiz'). See Canal,. H.’s glands, two minor vaginal glands. llu'nianized virus. Vaccine virus for human subject. Hu'literal (hu'mer-al). Of, or pertaining to, the humerus. Hniuerora'dial. Pertaining to humerus and radius. Hu' uterus (hu'mer-us). The bone between shoulder and elbow. Hu'mid gangrene. See under Gangrene. Humid' ily (hu-mid'it-e). Degree of moisture in the air. Hu'mor (yu'mor). Any fluid or semifluid of the body. Iln'moral patliolugy. Humor'all ism. Obsolete doctrine that all diseases arise from some change of the humors. Hu'mnlns. Strobiles of Hamulus lupulus, or hops; stimulant and sedative. Hu'mus (hu'mus). Dark mould of decayed vegetable tissue. Hun'ger-cure. Treatment of disease by severe fasting. Hunte'rian eltaneer. True, hard, or syphilitic chancer. Hun'ler’s canal. See Canal. Hnnya'di .la' nos (hun-yah'de yah'nosh). An aperient mineral water. Hnseltke’s canal fhoosh'kez). See Canal. Hiit'eliinsou teetli. Notched and narrow-edged teeth indicative of inherited syphilis. Hnx'liam’s tincture. Compound tincture of cinchona bark. Hnx'ley’i layer. A layer of the root-sheath of a hair-follicle within Henle’s layer. Hy'alin (hi'al-in). A principle obtainable from the products of amyloid degeneration. Hy'aline. Glassy ; pellucid. See Depenernlion. Hyalinu'ria. Discharge of hyalin in the urine. Hyali'tis. Inflammation of hyaloid membrane. Hy'aloid (hi'ai-oid). Pellucid; like glass. 11. artery, fetal branch of central artery of retina. H. fossa. See Fossa. Hyaloidi'iis (hi-al-oi-di'tis). See Hyalitis. Hy'aloplasm (hi'al-o-plazm). Fluid part of cell-protoplasm. Hy'brill. Animal or plant bred or grafted from two species. Hydan'toin. A basic substance, C3H4NOOO, from allantoin. Hy fiat'ill. Hyilat'iil cyst. A cyst formed by the larva of Ttrnin. 11. of .Morgagni, cyst-like remains of Mullerian duct attached to oviduct or testicle. Hydatid'ltbrm. Resembling a hydatid in form. Hydrace'tin. Poisonous antipyretic, QjHsNaOoCCoHaO), from coal-tar. Hydra'eid. Any hydrogen acid containing no oxygen. llydradeni'tiN. Inflammation of a lymph-gland. Hyd raeroperitone'uiu. Collection of water and pus in the peritoneal cavity. Hy'dragogue (hi'drag-og). Causing watery purgation. Hydraiu' niou. Dropsy of the amnion ; excess of amniotic fluid. 216 a' li:». Mercurial medicinal preparations. Hydrargy'rta, Hj'drar'gyrum. Same as Mercurialism. Hydrar'gyrnm, L. for Mercury. Hydrarthro'sl«, Hjdrar'lluis. Dropsical effusion Into a joint. Hydras'tin. Medicinal alkaloid; also a precipitate from Hy- drastis canadensis. Hydras' Us eanaden' sis. Golden seal; a plant with aperient, diuretic, and tonic properties. Hy'tlrate (hi'drat). 1. Compound of hydroxyl with a radical. 2. A salt or other compound which contains water. Hy'draled (hi'dra-ted). Combined with water. Hydrau'llcs (hi-draw'lix). Science of liquids in motion. Hy'drazin (hi'dra-zin). A gaseous diamin, H4N2; also, any mem- ber of a group of its substitution derivatives. Hydre'mia (hi-dre'me-ah). Excess of water in the blood. Hydrencepbal'oeele. Protrusion of brain-tissue enclosing part of a ventricle. Hydrenceph'alns (hi-dren-sef'al-us). Same as Hydrocephalus. Ily'drid. Compound of hydrogen with an element or radical. Hydriod'lc acid. See Acid. Hydro'a. Skin-disease with vesicular patches. Hydroblliru'bin. One of the bile-pigments. Hydrobro' mate. Any salt of hydrobromic acid. Hydrobro'mic arid. See Acid. Hydrocar' bon. Any compound of hydrogen and carbon. Hy'drocelc (hi'dro-sel). Collection of fluid about testicle. H. mu lie' bri.s, watery dilatation of canal of Nuck. Hydroeephal'te. Of, or pertaining to, hydrocephalus. Hydroecph'alocele. Same as Hydrencephalocele. Hydroceph'aloid. Resembling hydrocephalus. H. disease, state simulating hydrocephalus, but with depressed fontanels fol- lowing diarrhea. Hydroeepli'alus. Fluid effusion within the cranium. Ilydrochlo'rale. Any salt of hydrochloric acid. Hydroclilo'rie aeld. See Acid. Hydrocholccys'tis. Dropsical inflation of gall-bladder. Hydrocir'soecle (hi-dro sir'so-sel). Hydrocele combined with varicocele. Hydroeol'lidin. A dangerous ptomain from putrefying flesh. Hydroeo'uion (hi-dro-ko'ne-on). An atomizer or vaporizer. Hydroeyan'ic acid (hi-dro-si-an'ik). See Acid. Hy'droeyst (hi'dro-sist). Cyst with watery contents. Hydrocysto'ma. Disease characterized by small hydrocysts. Hydro-dec' trie bath. Bath in which electricity is administered through water. Hyd ro-eleetriza' lion. Treatment by hydro-electric bath. Ilydrofluor'ic acid. See Acid. Hy'drogen (hi'dro-jen). Light inflammable gaseous element; symbol H. H. acid. Same as Hydracid. H. disulphld, ill-smelling gas, II2S. 11. mono.xid. water. H. peroxid, disinfectant and cleansing liquid, HoOo. Hydrohymeni' tis. Inflammation of a serous membrane. Hydro'lein (hi-dro'le-in). Cod-liver oil emulsified with borax arid pancreatin. Hydrol'ogy (hi-drol'o-je). The study of water and its uses. Hy'drolymph. The thin blood of certain animals. Hydrol'ysis. Decomposition due to absorption of water. Hydrolyt'ie. Pertaining to hydrolysis. Hy'dromel (hi'dro-mel). Water sweetened with honey. H ydronieningi' tls. 1. Meningitis with serous effusion. 2. Des- cernetitis. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Hydromenin'goeele. Enceplialocele; also, spina bifida with protrusion of spinal meninges. Hyilrom'eter. Instrument for finding specific gravities of fluids. Ilyilromr'tra. Collection of watery fluid in the uterus. Hydrom'pKalus (hi-drom'fal-us). Watery tumor at navel. Hydromye' lia, Hyrtromyel'orelc. Formation of spaces filled with water in spinal cord of children. Hydronaph'tol. A disinfectant preparation of naphtol. Hydronepliro'sis. Collection of urine in pelvis of kidney. Hydro-oligoeythe'mia. Anemia with excess of serum. Hydropatli' ic. Of, or pertaining to, hydropathy. Hydrop'alliy (hi-drop'ath-e). Water cure; hydrotherapy. Hydropericar'dinm. Dropsy of pericardium, llydroperitone'uiu. Ascites; abdominal dropsy. Hydropti'ilous (hi-droPil-us). Absorbing water; bibulous. Hydropho' bin (hi-dro-fo'be-ah). Same as Rabies. Hydi-oplioboplio' bla. Morbid dread of hydrophobia. Hydrophllial'mia, Hydroplitliai'mus. Distention of eyeball from watery infusion. Hydrophysome'tra. Presence of gas and water in uterus. Hydrop'ic (hi-drop'ik). Affected with dropsy. Uydropnenmato' sis. Collection of fluid and gas. Hydropnenmopericar'dium. Gas and fluid in pericardium. Hydropnenmotho' rax. Same as Pneuimhydrothorax. Hy'drop* (hi'drops). L. for Dropsy. Hydroqui'nonc. An antipyretic, OoHoOo, from quinone. Hydrorlie'ostat. A rheostat in which water affords resistance. Ilydror' rtiarhis. Collection of fluid in vertebral canal. Hydrorrliaclii'tis. Hydrorrhachls with inflammation. Hydrorrhe' a (hi-dror-re'ah). A watery discharge. 11. gra- vida'rum, watery discharge from the gravid uterus, llydrosal'pinx. Dropsy of an oviduct. Hydrwiar'corele. Hydrocele and sarcocele together. Hydro'sis (hi-dro'sis). Incorrect spelling of Hidrosis. Hydrosphyg'mograpli. Sphyginograph with water for an index. Hydros tat' ic test. Floating of lungs on water as a test of live- birth. Hydrostat'ies. Science of equilibrium of fluids. Hydros it I piiu' ric acid. See Acid. Hydrosyringomye'lia. Distention of central canal of spinal cord, with formation of cavities and degeneration. Hydrotlierapeu'tics, Hydrother'apy. Treatment ot dis- ease by means of water. H ydrol tiio 11:1111 in one' mi a. Ammonium sulphid in the blood. Hydrothione'mia. Hydrogen sulphid in the blood. Hydrotliionu' ria. Hydrogen sulphid in the urine. Hydrotlio'rax (hi-dro-tho'rax). Effused fluid in pleural cavity. Hydro'tis (hi-dro'tis). Dropsy of the ear. Hydrot'omy. Dissection of parts by injections of water. Hydrotym' pan 11111. Dropsy of the tympanic cavity. Hydrova' riiim (hi-dro-va're-um). Ovarian dropsy. Hydrox'id. Any compound of hydroxyl with another radical. Hydrox'yl (hi-drox'il). The univalent radical HO. Hydroxylam'i 11 liydroclilorld. A preparation useful in skin- Hy'drozouc (hi'dro-zdn). Water charged with hydrogen peroxid. Hydra' ria (hi-dru're-ah). Same as Diabetes insipidus. Hygiene (hi-jeen'). Science of health and its preservation. Hygiea'ic (hi-je-en'ik). Pertaining to hygiene or to health. Hy'grin (hi'grin). A mydriatic base from coca leaves. Hygro ma (hi-gro'mah). A sac, cyst, or bursa filled with fluid. 11 yg 1-0111' eter. Instrument for measuring moisture of atmosphere. 218 AMERICAN POCKET Hygrorn'etry. Measurement of moisture in atmosphere. IlygroKcop'ie (hi-gro-skop'ik). Readily absorbing moisture. Hygprosto' mi a. (hi-gro-sto'me-ah). Salivation; ptyalism. Hy'men. Membranous fold which partly closes vaginal orifice. Hyineni' tis (hi-men-i'tis). Inflammation of the hymen. Hj'mcnol'ogj' (hi-men-ol'o-je). Science of the membranes. Hymen'otome. Instrument for cutting membranes. Hynbasioglos'sus. Basal part of hyoglossal muscle. Hyoeholal'ic acid. An acid from swine’s bile. Hyo-epiKlwttld'ean. Pertaining to hyoid bone and epiglottis. Hyoglos'sal. Pertaining to the hyoid and tongue. Myoslos'mus. See Muscles, Table of. Ily'oid. 1. Shaped like Greek letter v. 2. Hyoid bone. If. areli, second visceral or branchial arch. 11. bone, bone at base of tongue. Hyopharyng'eni. See Constrictor, Middle, in Muscles, Table of. Hyos'ein (hi-os'in). A nerve-depressant and mydriatic alkaloid from hyoscyamus. Hyosey'ainin. Alkaloid like atropin, from hyoscyamus. Hyosey'amns ni'ger. Henbane, a poisonous plant; narcotic, sedative, and mydriatic. Hypaeon'sia, Hypaen'sia, Hypaon'nis. Defect of hear- ing. Hypalbumino'ais. Deficiency of albumins in blood. Hypalge'sia, Hypal'gla. Diminished sensibility to pain. Hypax'ial (hip-ax'e-al). Situated ventrad to bodily axis. Hypera'eid (hi-per-as'id). Abnormally or excessively acid. Hyperacid' ity (hi-per-as-id'it-e). Excessive degree of acidity. Hyperaeu'sis. Abnormally acute sense of hearing. Hyperalbnmino'sis. Excess of albuminoids in the blood. Hyperal'gla (hi-per-al'je-ah). Abnormal sensitiveness to pain. Hyperbraeliyeephal' ie. Excessively hrachycephalic. Hypereatbar'sis. Excessive purgation. Hypereemento'sis. Excessive growth of tooth cement. Hyperelilorhyd' ria. Excess of hydrochloric acid in the gas- tric juice. Hypereh romato' sis. Excess of pigment in any part. Hypereine'sia (hi-per-sin-e'zhe-ah). Preternatural mobility. Hyperoryalsre'sta (hi-per-kri-al-je'zhe-ah). Excessive sensi- tiveness to cold. Hypereyc'sis. Same as Ruperfelation. Hyperdierot'ie. Markedly dicrotic. Hyperdistcn'iion (hi-per-dis-ten'shun). Excessive distention. Hyperdinre'sls. Excessive secretion of urine. Hyperdyna'mia. Excess of muscular action. Hype rein'esis (hi-per-em'is-is). Excessive vomiting. Hypere'mia (hi-per-e'me-ah). Excess of blood in any part of the body. Hyperencepli'alns. Monster fetus with brain exposed. Hyperepliidro'sis. Too profuse sweating. Hyperesoplio'ria. Extreme upward and inward strabismus. Hyperestlie'sia. Excessive sensitiveness of the skin. Hypereslhet'ic. Pertaining to, or affected with, hyperesthesia. Hyperexoplio'ria. Extreme upward and outward strabismus. Hyperexten'sion. Extreme or excessive extension. Hypergren'esis (hi-per-jen'es-is). Excessive development. il(>prr^mrslhr'si:i. Hypergreu'sla. Abnormal acuteness of sense of taste. Hyperglobu' lia. Excess in number of red blood-corpuscles. Hyperglyee'inia (hi-per-gli-se'me-ah), Excess ot glucose in the blood. Hyperbidro'sis (hi-per-id-ro'sis). Excessive sweating. Hjrperinose'mia, ll,viii'iiiio'sis. Excess of fibrin in the blood. Hyper In volu'lion. Too complete involution, as of the womb. Hyperkerato'sia. I. Hypertrophy of cornea. 2. Keratoglobus. 3. Hypertrophy of the stratum corneum. Hyperkinesia, Hyperkine'si*. Abnormal mobility. Hyperleukocyto'Nis. Excess in number of leukocytes. Hypermas'lia. Excessive size of mammary gland. Kypermatnre (hi-per-mat-ur'). Past the stage of maturity. Hyper'met rope (hi-per'met-rdp). A far-sighted person. Hypermetro'pin. Far-sightedness; hyperopia. Hypermyot' ropliy. Excessive development of muscular tissue. Hypernor'mal. In excess of what is normal. Hyperonyeh'ia (hi-per-o-nik'e-ah). Hypertrophy of the nails. Hy' perope (hi'per-op). Same as Itypermetrope. Hy pern'pin. Far-sightedness; focussing of parallel rays behind the retina. Absolute li., that which can be partially corrected by accommodation. A x ial h. is due to shortness of the antero- posterior axis of the eye. Facultative li. can be entirely cor- rected by accommodation. Latent h., that part of the total h. which is not corrected by accommodation. Manifest li., that which may be corrected by accommodation aided by convex lenses. Relative h., that in which vision is distinct only when excessive convergence is made. Total li., manifest and latent h. combined. Hyperorex'ia. Excessive appetite ; bulimia. Hyperos'mia, Hyperosplire'sis. Morbid sensitiveness to odors. Hyperosto'sis. Excessive growth of bony tissue. II y per pep'si a. Dyspepsia with excess of chlorids in gastric juice. llyperplio'ria. Elevation of one visual axis above the other. Hyperpla'sia. Abnormal multiplication of tissue-elements. Hyperplas'lie (hi-per-plas'tik). Pertaining to hyperplasia. Hyperpne'a (hi-perp-ne'ah). Exaggerated breathing move- ments. Hyperprax'ia. Abnormal activity ; restlessness. Hyperpselaphe'sia (hi-perp-sel-af-e'zhe-ah). Morbid tactile sensitiveness. Hyperpyret'ie (hi-per-pi-ret' ik). Affected by hyperpyrexia. Hyperpyrex' ia. Excessively high fever. Hyperres'ouanee. Exaggerated resonance. Hypersecre' lion (hi-per-sek-re'shun). Too copious secretion. Hy persthe' nia. Exalted strength or tonicity. Hyperthermalge'sia (hi-per-ther-mal-je'zhe-ah). Abnormal sensitiveness to heat. Hyperthyrolda'tion. Over-action of thyroid gland, as in ex- ophthalmic goiter. Hyperto'nla. Excessive tonicity, strength, or tension. Ilyperlriclii'aslK. Hypertrieho'sis. Excessive hairiness. Hypertroph'ie (hi-per-trof'ik). Characterized by hypertrophy. Hyper'trophy (hi-per'trof-e). Morbid enlargement of an organ or part, Compensatory h., that which results from increased functional activity due to some physical defect. Concentric h., increased thickness of the walls of an organ with no enlargement, but with diminished capacity. Exeentrle Si., hypertrophy with dilatation of cavity. False h., increase in one constituent substance only. Numeric h., that due to increased number of structural elements. Physiologic h. Same as Compensatory h. Simple h. is due to increased size of structural elements. True h. is due to increase of all component tissues. lly|.|■*o' pi a. Elevation ot one ot the visual axes. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 219 220 AMERICAN POCKET Ilyphr'mia (hi-fe'me-ah). I. Hemorrhage within the eye. 2. Same as Oligemia. Hyphidro'sis (hif-id-ro'sis). Too scanty perspiration. Hyplno'sis (hip-in-o'sis). hack of fibrin in the blood. Hyp' i>:il (hip' nal). Hypnotic preparation of antipyri n and cliloral. Hypuogeuet'ie. Causing or producing sleep. 11. spots, super- ficial areas, stimulation of which brings on sleep. Hyp'nolepsy (hip'no-lep-se). Abnormal sleepiness. Hypnol'ogy (hip-nol'o-je). Scientific view of sleep or of hypnotism. Hyp'none (hip'non). Same as Acetophenone. Ily pno'sis. The condition of abnormal sleep. Hypnot'ic. 1. Causing, or resembling, sleep. 2. Agent that in- duces sleep. Hyp' not ism. Artificially Induced state resembling sleep. Hyp' notize (hip'not-iz). To put into a condition of hypnotism. Hypo-acid' ity (hi-po-as-id'it-e). Lack or need of an acid. Hy'poblast (hi'po-blast). The Innermost layer of the primitive embryo; the endoderm. Hypoblas'tic (hi-po-blas'tik). Pertaining to the hypoblast. Hypovhlorhyd'ria. Lack of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Hypoclion'driac. 1. Situated under the lowest ribs. 2. A person affected with hypochondriasis. 11. region. Same as Hypor.hon- drium. Hypochondri'acal. Affected with hypochondriasis. Hypochondri'asis. Morbid anxiety about the health. Hypocbon'drlnm. The upper lateral region on either side next below the thorax. Hypochro'mia, Hypocbro'sis. Deficiency of color. Ily pocv lo' sis (hi-po-si-to'sis). Deficiency of blood-corpuscles. Hypodermat'ic, Hypoder'mlc (hi-po-der-mat'ik, hi-po-der'- mik). Applied beneath, or situated under, the skin. Hypodermat'omy (hi-po-der-mat' o-me). Subcutaneous incision. Hypodcrmoc' lysis. Injection of fluids into subcutaneous tissues. Hypogas'tric. Of, or pertaining to, hypogastrium. H. artery, umbilical artery of fetus. H. plexus, plexus of sympathetic nerve for pelvic viscera. 11. region. Same as Hypogastrium. Hypogas'irinni. The lower middle abdominal region. Hypogen'sia (hi-po-jew'ze-ah). Deficient sense of taste. Hypoglobu' I ia. Same as Hypocyfosis. Hypoglos'sal. Situated under the tongue. Hypoglot/ tis. Same as Ranuln. Hypog'nathus. Monster fetus with a head on lower jaw. Ily poll il■ iirme apiii. See Acid. Hypwtti'enai*. Ridge on palm along bases of fingers and ulnar margin. llyiiother'nial. Moderately warm ; deficient in heat. Hy'potliermy (hi'po-tlier-me). Abnormally low temperature. Hypoin' nia, II y pot ' onus, Hypo Cony, Diminished tension, especially intra-ocular tension. Hyiiotoxic'tty. Diminished or mitigated toxic quality. Hypo van' iiiin. A leucomain from plant and animal tissue. Hypsiceph'alns, llypKocrpli'aliis. A head having a breadth- height index exceeding 75. Hystpral'gla (his-ter-al'je-ah). Pain in the uterus. Hysierce'toniy (his-ter-ek'to-me). Surgical removal of uterus. Myste'ria. Disease, mainly of women, characterized by lack of control over emotions and acts. 11. ina'Jor. Same as Hystero- epUepsy. 11. mi' nor, hysteria with mild convulsions, in which consciousness is not lost. Hyster'ical. Pertaining to, or affected with, hysteria. Hystericoiteural'gic. Resembling neuralgia, but of hysterical origin. Hysteri'tis (his-ter-i'tis). Inflammation of womb. Hystpropat'alppsy. Hysteria with cataleptic symptoms. Hy»teriM-lei'sis. Surgical closure of os uteri. Mystero-ep' ilepsy. Severe type of hysteria with epileptiform convulsions. Hysterog'astror'rliapliy. Suture of uterus to gastric wall, •lyslrrosen'ip. Causing hysterical phenomena or symptoms. Mys'leroiti (his'ter-oid). Like or akin to hysteria, llys'terollth (his'ter-o-lith). A uterine calculus. Hysterol'ogy (his-ter-oPo-je). The study of the uterus. Hyslei om'elcr. Instrument for measuring the womb. Hysterom'etry. Measurement of uterus, or its length. Ilysteroinyo'ma. Myoma of the uterus. Hysteromyomec'tomj'. Excision of uterine myoma. Hysteroneuro'sis, Nervous disease due to uterine lesion. Hysterop' at Siy (his-ter-op'ath-e). Any uterine disease. Hysferopex'ia. Fixation of uterus to abdominal wall. Hys'teropliorp (his'ter-o-tor). A pessary for uterine support. Hystpropsyplto'sis. Mental disease from disease of uterus. Hy slproplo' sis (his-ter-op-to'sis). Prolapse of the womb. Mystcror'rltaplty. 1. The stitching of a lacerated uterus. 2. Same as Hysteropexin. Hysterorrliex'is. Rupture of the womb. Uyster'oscope. Instrument for examining womb, llyster' otome. Instrument for incising cervix uteri. Itystcrot' omy (his-ter-ot'o-me). Incision of uterus. Mystprotraphelop' rliapliy. Plastic surgery of cervix uteri. H vstrrotrapliplol' oin y. Incision of neck of uterus. Mysterotrammat' Ip. Due to traumatic hysteria. Mysterotraii'matlsm. Hysteric symptoms following trauma- tism. Hy slcrol i'is' in us. Spasm of the uterus. Hystriei'asis. II y s'lricism. 1. Morbid erection of hairs. 2. Ichthyosis hystrix. 222 MEDICAL DICTIONARY. I. Symbol of iodin. lainalol'ogy (i-am-at-oPo-je). Science of remedies. Ia( ralip' tic method. Frictional application of remedies, latralip'ties. Treatment by inunction and friction, lat'rie (i-at'rik). Pertaining to medicine or to a physician, latrochem'istry. Obsolete opinion that chemistry is the basis of all therapeutics. I'atrol (i'at-rol). Oxyindolmethylanilid; an antiseptic agent, latrol'ogy (i-at-rol'o-je). Science of medicine, latrophys'ies (i-at-ro-flz'iks). Obsolete treatment of all diseases by physical or mechanical means, latroteeh' nics. Practical application of therapeutical principles, le'ajin (ik'aj-ln). Poisonous alkaloid from African drug. Ice-bag, 1.-cap, 1.-coinpress. A poultice or bag of pounded ice to reduce the temperature. Ice'land moss (is'land). See Celraria. I. spar, transparent calcium carbonate, used in making Nicol prisms. I'ehor (i'kor). Watery fluid discharged from wounds or sores. Ichore'mia (l-kor-e'me-ah). Contamination of the blood by septic or toxic material. I'cliorous (i'kor-us). Watery and acrid pus. lehorrhe'mia (i-kor-re'me-ah). See Ichoremia. leli't bidin, Icli' thin, leh'thnlln. Three substances from eggs of fishes. lehthyoeoi'la. Isinglass; gelatin from fish-bladders, t cli' I li.valil (ik'the-oid). Fish-like; shaped-like a fish. Icli' ttiyol (ik'the-ol). A thick brownish liquid from a kind of as- phalt ; useful in skin-diseases. Ichthyo'sis (ik-the-o'sis). Disease characterized by dryness, roughness, and scaliness of the skin. I. Collieula'ris. form in which sebum and epithelium are heaped around orifices of hair- follicles. I. hys'trix, a variety with dry warty knobs. I. se- ba'cca. See Seborrhea. I. sim'plex. See Xeroderma. Ichthyot'ie. Pertaining to, or affected with, ichthyosis, lehthyotox'icnm. A poisonous principle obtainable from fish, lehthys'mns. Disease caused by eating rancid or poisonous fish. I'cing-liver. Diver covered with a white coating like icing. Ictcrepati' (Is. Hepatitis and jaundice. Icter'ic (ik-ter'ik). Pertaining to, or affected with, jaundice. Icteri'tions (ik-ter-ish'us). Of the color of jaundice. le' teroid (ik' ter-oid). Dike or resembling jaundice. Ic' terns. D. for Jaundice. I. febri'lis. See Weil’s disease. I. gra'vis, acute yellow atrophy of liver. I. nconalo'ram, jaundice of new-born children, le'tns. A stroke, blow, or sudden attack. Id. A chromosphere considered as a component of the idants. I' dant. A chromosome regarded as a factor in heredity. Idc'al paraplegia. See Paraplegia. Idea'(Son (i-de-a'shun). Clear mental presentation of an object. Iden'tieal points. The corresponding points in the retinas of the two eyes. Ideomo' (ion. Muscular action induced by a dominant idea. Ideonto'tor. Transforming mental energy into motion. Ideopliren'le insanity. See Insanity. Id'iocy (id'e-o-se). Complete imbecility. Idioglos'sia. Production of meaningless vocal sounds. Idiomns'enlar eon traction. Motion produced by non-ner- vous stimulus: it is peculiar to degenerated muscles. Ideonenro' sis. Any neurosis arising from the nerves themselves. I. Idiopath'lc (id-e-o-path'ik). Self-originated; neither sympa- thetic nor traumatic. Idiop'atby (id-e-op'ath-e). A peculiar morbid state. Id'ioplasm. Physical basis of inheritance in a germ or ovum; germ-plasm. Id'iosome. An ultimate element of living matter. Idiosyn'vrasy. A habit or peculiarity of body or mind charac- teristic of any individual. Id' iot (id'e-ot). A person without understanding. Idor'gan. A potential organ or organism not possessed of per- sonality. Id ro'sis (id-ro'sis). Same as Hidrosis. Igasn'ric acid. An acid derived from nux vomica. Igasu' riii. Compound of strychnin and brucin from nux vomica. Igna'tia (ig-na'she-ah). The bean-like seed of Strychnos ignatia: used like nux vomica. Igniextirpa' tion. Excision of an organ by cautery. Ig'nipunctnre. Therapeutic puncture with hot needles. Ig'nis (ig'nis). T. for Fire. I. sa'cer. Same as-Herpes zoster. Ignition (ig-nish'un). The act of burning or of taking fire. ll' eae passion. Same as Ileus. Ilcadel'plius. Monster fetus, double below the pelvis. Heec'tomy (il-e-ek'to-me). Surgical removal of the ileum. Ilci'tis (il-e-i'tis). Inflammation of the ileum. Hcoce'cal (il-e-o-se'kal). Pertaining to the ileum and cecum. Ilcocol'ic (il-e-o-kol'ik). Pertaining to the ileum and colon. I. valve. Same as Ileocecal valve. Ileoeoli'lls. Inflammation of ileum and colon. Hcocolos' tomy. Formation of passage bet ween ileum and colon. Ileocolot'omy. Surgical incision of the ileum and colon. lleo-ileos' tomy. Formation of passage between two parts of the ileum. Ileoproctot'omy. Formation of passage between ileum and rectum. Ilcoreclos'tomy. Same as Ileoproctostomy. Ileos'lomy. Formation of a surgical opening into the rectum. ll'enni (il'e-um). The distal portion of the small intestine ending in the cecum. ll' eiis. Severe colic due to intestinal obstruction. ll' lac. Pertaining to the ilium. Ili'acns (il-i'ak-us). I. muscle. See Muscles, Table of. Iliadel'phiis (il-e-ad-el'fus). Same as Ileadelphus. Iliocolot'oray. Surgical incision of the colon in the iliac region. Iliocos'lal muscle. See Sacrolumbalis, in Muscles, Table of. Illofem'oral. Pertaining to the ilium and femur. Iliobypogas'tric nerve. See Nerves, Table of. 1110 -in'giiinal. Pertaining to the iliac and inguinal regions. lliopso'as (il-e-o-so'as). The iliacus and psoas magnns muscles taken together. lllotib'ial band. Part of fascia lata which forms a sheath for the tensor fasciae femoris. Il'inm. 1. The flank. 2. Flat upper part of innominate bone. lllaquea'tion. Cure of ingrowing eyelash by drawing with a loop. llllc'inm ve'rnm (il-lish'e-um). Asiatic tree affording star- anise and oil of anise. lllumina'tion (il-lu-min-a'shun). The lighting up of a part, organ, or object for inspection. Axial 1., light transmitted or reflected along the axis of a microscope. Direct i., light thrown upon the object from in front. Focal i., when light is thrown upon the focus of a lens or mirror. Oblique 1., illumination from one side. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 223 224 11] ii'mi on (il-lu'zhun). A false or misinterpreted sensory image. Illu'sional. Pertaining to, or characterized by, illusions. Im'age (im'ej). A picture or conception with more or less likeness to an objective reality. Aerial i., image seen as in the air by the ophthalmoscope. After i., retinal impression continued after the image proper has ceased to be visible. IMrect i.. Erect i., picture from rays not yet focussed. False i., image formed by the deviating eye in strabismus. Inverted i.. one which is upside down. Real i., one formed where the emanating rays are collected. Virtual i. Same as Direct i. Imbeeil' Ity. Feebleness of mind; extreme dementia. Imbed'. To enclose in a fixing substance before section-cutting. Imbibl'tlon (im-bib-ish'un). The absorption of liquids. Im'brieated. Overlapping like tiles or shingles. Im'id. A monobasic acid ammonia in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced by an acid radical. Immature (im-mat-ur'). Unripe; not fully developed. Imme'diate. Direct: with nothing intervening. I. aggluti- nation. union by first intention. I. auscultation. See Auscultation. I. cause, a cause which directly originates a dis- ease. I. contagion, contagion by direct personal contact. I. union, union by first intention. liumed'icable (im-ed'ik-a-bl). Incurable. linnier' sion. 1. The plunging of a body into a liquid. 2. The use of the microscope with the object and object-glass both covered with a liquid. Immis'eible. Incapable of being mixed. Ixumobiliza'tion. The rendering of a part incapable of being moved. Immune (im-mun'). Protected against any particular disease, as by inoculation. Immu'nity (im-mu'nit-e). The condition of being immune. Actual i., that conferred by recovery from a contagious disease. Congenital 1., Natural i., that which is possessed by a per- son from birth. Passive i., that resulting from inoculation with an antitoxin or an attenuated virus. Immnniza'tion. The process of rendering a subject immune. Immnnotox'in. Any antitoxin. Impacted. Driven firmly in; closely lodged. Impae' (ion. Firm lodgement; condition of being wedged firmly. Impal' mlism. Malarial cachexia; marsh-poisoning. Im'par. Not even ; unequal; unpaired. linper'forate. Not open; abnormally closed. Impertbra'tion. Abnormal closure or atresia. Imper' meable. Not permitting a passage, as for fluids. Imper'vious. Not affording a passage; impenetrable. linpetig'enous (im-pe-tij'en-us). Pertaining to, or of the nature of, impetigo. Imped'go (im-pe-ti'go). A skin-disease characterized by isolated pustules. I. contagiosa, a contagious form of impetigo. I. lierpetifor'mis, severe disease affecting pregnant women, characterized by pustules in groups. I. sypliilit' ica, a pustular eruption in syphilis. Implanta'tion. 1. Transfer of sound teeth. 2. Skin-grafting. 3. The introduction of a solid medicine into the tissue. Hypo- dermatic i., the putting of a medicine under the skin. Paren- chymatous i., the placing of a medicine in the substance of a tumor. Xeratic i., the partial blending of an imperfect fetus with one nearly perfect. Impon'derable. Not capable of being weighed. Im'potenee, Im'potency. Want of power; chiefly of repro- ductive power. AMERICAN POCKET 8 mpregna' (ion. 1. Fertilization of the ovum. 2. Saturation. liii]ires'!«io col'ica, 1. (luodena'liii, I. pis'trica. I. rc- na'lis. Impressions on the liver, made respectively by the colon, duodenum, stomach, and kidney. Impres'slon (im-presh'un). 1. An indentation or dent. 2. An effect on the mind or senses produced by external objects. Inac'loM (in-ak'tds). A variety of optically inactive sugar. Inad'eqnacy. Inability to perform allotted function. Inaliinen'tal (in-al-im-en'tal). Not nutritious. I nani mate. Lifeless; lacking in animation. Inani'tion (in-an-ish'un). Lack of food; starvation. Inap'pelcncc (in-ap'pe-tenz). Lack of appetite or desire. liiarlir'ulalc. Not uttered like articulate speech. In artic'nlo mor'tls. At the very moment of death. I Hasslin' i table. Not susceptible of being utilized as nutriment. Incandes'cent. Glowing with heat and light. Incar'cerateil. Closely confined ; constricted. Incarceration. Abnormal retention or constriction. In' ea’a bone. The interparietal bone. In'ciclent nerve. An afferent or centripetal nerve. Incinera'tion (in-sin-er-a'shun). The act of burning to ashes. Incip'icnt (in-sip'e-ent). Commencing or beginning. Incised wound (in-slzd'). A wound made by cutting. Inci'sion (in-sizh'un). 1. A cut or wound. 2. The act of cutting. Incl'sive fin-si'siv). 1. Having the power or quality of cutting; sharp. 2. Pertaining to the incisor teeth. I. bone, the anterior or medial part of the upper jaw-bone. Inci' sor (in-si'zor). Any one of the four front teeth of either jaw. Incisu'ra. A cut; an incision or notch. I. cerebcl'li, the notch which separates the hemispheres of the cerebellum. Incis'ores of Sclimldt and Lantennann. Oblique slashes or lines on the sheath of the medullated nerve-fibers. Inclinom'etcr. Instrument for determining ocular diameter. Inclii' sion. Enclosure within something else. Incoer'clble (in-ko-er'sib-li. Uncontrollable. Incobc' rent (in-ko-he'rent). Not coherent; Incongruous. I ncom bus' ti blc. Not susceptible of being burnt. Incoinpat' ible. Mutually repellent, as medicines; not to be con- joined in the same preparation. Incom'petence. Inadequacy or Insufficiency. I. of the valves, a defect of heart-valves which causes their imper- fect closure. lucomprcs'sible. Not susceptible of being compressed. Incontinence. Inability to restrain natural discharges. Inco-ordina'tion. Lack of normal adjustment of muscular motions ; failure to work harmoniously. Incorporation, Thorough mixing of a substance with another. In'crement. Increase or augmentative growth. Incrustation. The formation of a crust; a crust or scab. Incuba'lion. The period between the implanting of an infectious disease and its manifestation. In'cubator. Apparatus for rearing prematurely-born infants. In'cnbuM (in'ku-bus). 1. Nightmare. 2. A heavy mental burden. In'cudal. Of, or pertaining to, the incus. Incudoslape'dial. Of, or pertaining to, the incus and stapes. Incu'cable. Not susceptible of being cured. In' cun. The anvil-shaped ossicle of the middle ear. Indasa'lion. Careful search, inquiry, or examination. Indcnla'tlon. A pit, dent, or depression. In'dex. 1. The first or forefinger. 2. The numerical ratio of measurement of any part in comparison with a fixed standard. Alveolar 1., degree of prominence of jaws. Cephalic i., 15 MEDICAL DICTION A RAr. 225 226 number found by multiplying cranial breadth by 100 and dividing by cranial length. Cerebral i., ratio of greatest transverse to greatest anteroposterior diameter of cranial cavity. Gnatbic 1., number expressing amount of projection of jaw. Ibv'nin. An antiseptic powder, loiloplionoclilo'ml. Parasiticide mixture of tincture of iodin, carbolic acid, chloral hydrate. lodoplic' 1101. A carbolic-acid solution of iodin. loilopy'rtu. An antiseptic compound, CIIHIIIN2O. lodotlier'apy. Use of iodin and iodids as remedies, lodolhj'ui»l. Same as Aristol. lodotby' rin. Active principle of the thyroid gland, lod'ozonc. An antiseptic preparation containing iodin and ozone, lo'dum (i-o'dum). L. for lodin. I'on (i'on). An element set free by electrolysis. I'onone (i'o-non). Odoriferous derivative of orris-root. lo'taoism (1-o'tah-sizm). Defective utterance of the i sound. Ip'eeae, Ipecac' nan. Same as Ipecacuanha. Ipeeacuan'lia. The root of Cephaelis ipecacuanha: diaphoretic, emetic, and expectorant. Ir. Abbreviation for Internal resistance. Ir' idal. Of, or pertaining to, the iris. Iridcc' tome. A cutting instrument used in iridectomy. Iridec'tomize. To excise a part of the Iris. Iridee'tomy. Excision of a slip of iris for artilicial pupil. Iridenclei'sis (ir-id-en-kli'sis). Strangulation of a slip of the iris in a corneal incision. Iridere'mia (ir-id-er-e'me-ah). Absence of the iris. Irid'esis. Formation of artificial iris. Irid'ic (i-rid'ik). Pertaining to the iris. Irid'oeele (i-rid'os-el). Hernial protrusion of a slip of the iris. Iridoelioroidi' tis. Inflammation of the iris and choroid. Irldocolobo' ma. Fissure of the iris. Iridoeyell'tis. Inflammation of the iris and ciliary organs. Irldod'esls. Formation of artificial pupil by ligating the iris. Irldodlal'ysls. 1. Same as Coredialysis. 2. Separation or loosen- ing the iris form its attachments. Iridodon'esis (i-rid-o-don'es-is). Same as Hippus. Iridople' gia (i-rid-o-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of the pupil. Accom- modative 1., failure of iris to contract or accommodate effort. Irldorrbex'is. 1. Rupture of iris. 2. A tearing away of iris. Iridoselerot'omy. Puncture of the sclerotic and of the edge of the iris. Irido'sis (i-rid-o'sis). Same as Iridodesis. Iridot'omy. Formation of artificial pupil by cutting. I'ris. 1. Pigmented membrane behind the cornea, perforated by the pupil. 2. Genus of plants with cathartic rhizome. I'risb moss. Same as Chondrus. Irit'ic (i-rit'ik). Pertaining to the iris. Iri'tis (i-ri'tis). Inflammation of the iris. Irit'omy (i-rit'om-e). Same fts Iridotomy. I' ron. A metallic element, symbol Fe : much used in medicine. Xrra'dialing. Spreading out, or diverging, as from the center. Irredu'cible (ir-red-u'sib-1). That which cannot be reduced. Irres'pirable. Not to be breathed with safety. Irriga'tion. Washing by a stream of water or other lotion. Irritabil'ity. Quality of being irritable. Faradie 1., condition in which a faradic current will produce a muscular response. Oalvanic i., state wherein a galvanic current will cause a mus- cular response. Muscular i., the normal contractile quality of muscle. Nervous i., the ability of a nerve to transmit impulses. Ir' rilable. 1. Capable of reacting to a stimulus. 2. Abnormally sensitive to stimuli. Ir'rllant. 1. Causing irritation. 2. Agent causing irritation. Irrita'tioii. 1. The act of stimulating. 2. A state of over-excita- tion and undue sensitiveness. Ir'ritattve. Pertaining to irritation; causing irritation. Isamberfs disease (e-zaw-barz'). Miliary laryngeal tuberculosis. Isetie'mia (is-ke'me-ah). Deficiency of blood-supply of a part. Isehi'ac, Isehiad'ie (is'ke-ak, is-ke-ad'ik). Same as Ischiatic. Is'cbial, Ischial'ic. Pertaining to the ischium. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 233 234 Isehidro'sis (is-kid-ro'sis). Suppression of secretion of sweat. Ist*liiobul' liar. Pertaining to ischium and bolt) of urethra. iM'hlocitvrrno'MM. See Erector penis, in Muscles, Table of. Is rliiiirelc (is'ke-o-sel). Hernia at the sacrosciatic notch. Isehioeoccyg' eus. 1. The coccygeus muscle. 2. Posterior part of tlie levator ani. Isehlofem'oral. Pertaining to the ischium and femur. Iseliiome'nia. Suppression of the menstrual flow. Iftehlonenral'gia (is-ke-o-nu-ral'je-ah). Same as Sciatica. Iseliiop'agus. A monster with two heads and bodies and united at hips. Isehiopn' |»ic. Pertaining to the ischium and pubes. Iscliiopnblot' omy. Obstetric division of the ischiopubic and horizontal branches of the os pubis. Iseliiorec'tal. Of, or pertaining to, the ischium and rectum. ■ s'eliMini (is'ke-um). The lower hind part of the innominate bone. I sell ii eel' ie (is-ku-ret'ik). Pertaining to ischuria. Iscliii' eia (is-ku're-ah). Retention or suppression of the urine. I'singlaMi (i'sin-glas). Same as IchlhyocoUa. Is' land of Reil. Isolated part of the cerebral cortex in the fissure of Sylvius. Iso-amyTam'ln. A ptomain from stale yeast. Iso-am'yleue (i-so-am'il-en). Same as Penial. Isoeliromal/ie. Of the same color throughout. Isoeh'ronous (i-sok'ro-nus). Performed in equal times. Isoco'rla (i-so-ko're-ah). Equality of pupils in the two eyes. Isodiamet'rle. Having a uniform diameter. Isodynam'ie foods (i-so-di-nam'ik). Foods which generate equal amounts of force in beat units. Iso-elce'tric (i-so-e-lek'trik). Uniformly electric throughout. I'solale. To separate from other persons, materials, or objects. Isola/tlou. Separation of persons having infectious disease. I'somee (i'so-mer). Any Isomeric substance. Isomer'le. Made up of the same elements in the same propor- tions, yet unlike. Isom'erlsm (i-som'er-izm). Quality of being isomeric. Isomet'rie. 1. Of equal dimensions. 2. Not isotonic. I. mus- cle, a muscle whose tension is altered on stimulation, its length being unchanged. Isomorphism. The quality of being isomorphous. Isomor'phous (i-so-mor'fus). Having the same form. Isonaph' 101. An antiseptic derived from naphtalene. Isonitro'so-antipy'rin. A diuretic and antipyretic compound, CnHnNjA, ■ sop'atli.r. Treatment by administering the virus which causes the disease. Isopep'sln (i-so-pep'sin). Pepsin changed by heat. Isop'ters (i-sop'terz). Curves in the field of vision, denoting equality of visual acuity. Tsotlier'mal. Having or indicating the same temperature. Isoton'ir muscle. Muscle which contracts on stimulation, its tension remaining unchanged, Isotrop'ic (i-so-trop'ik). Having asinglc and uniform refraction. Is'sue (is'u). A suppurating sore, made and keptopen by inserting an irritant substance. I. pea, a pellet of orris-root or other mate- rial used in making and maintaining an issue. Is'tsiriu (is'tar-in). A substance obtainable from brain-tissue. Isthmi'tis (ist-mi'tis). Inflammation ol’ isthmus of fauces. Isthmus (ist'mus). A narrow strip of tissue or a narrow passage connecting two larger parts. I. of Kustaeliiau tnlie. the narrowest part of the Eustachian tube. I. fati'eium, the pas- AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 235 sage between the mouth and fauces. I. of thyroid, the band or strip of tissue joining the lobes of the thyroid. Ital'ian leprosy. Same as Pellagra. I. rhinoplasty, the Taliacotian operation. Itch. A skin-disease attended with itching ; scabies. See Bakers', Barbers', Grocers', etc. Itch' ing. Pruritus; a teasing irritation of the skin. I'ter. A way or tubular passage. 1. ad infundib' ulum, the passage from the third ventricle to the infundibulum. I. a tcr'- tio alios' pliate. A salt of lactic and phosphoric acids. l,:ieto|>ro' teid (lak-to-pro'te-id). Any proteid from milk, lacto'scope. Device showing proportion of cream in milk. Lac' I ose. Milk-sugar; a sugar derived from milk. Laetosu' ria (lak-to-su're-ah). Presence of milk-sugar in urine, laclnca'rinm. Sedative drug from juice of Lactnca. Lad u' ca viro'sa. A species of lettuce which affords lactu- carium. lacliice' rin. Waxy principle from lactucarium. larn'na, A small pit, hollow, or depression. 1,, cer'ebri. the cerebral infundibulum. HowshijCs 1., any depression of bone under the periosteum. Intervillous 1., any one of the blood- MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 241 242 spaces of the placenta in which the fetal villi are found. C. mag'na, largest of the orifices of the glands of Littre. L. pharyn'gis, depression at the pharyngeal end of Eustachian tube. hacn'nar. Having, pertaining to, or resembling lacuna;. liacn'nnla. A small or minute lacuna. Ca'cus lacrima'lis. The triangular space at the inner canthus between the two eyelids. had' aiium. A resin from species of Cistus. Lady Wcb'ttter pills. Dinner pills of aloes and mastic. Cas-. For words thus beginning, see Le-. hafayetlc's mixture (lah-fah-yets'). Preparation of copaiba, cubebs, spirit of nitrous ether, and liquor potassa;. Lage'na (laj-e'nah). Part of upper extremity of scala media. Cagophthal' in us. Inability to shut the eyes. I.a Grippe. Same as Influenza. la'kj’ blood. Blood, the serum of which is charged with hemo- globin from broken-down red corpuscles. Calla'tion, Cal'ling. Babbling, semi-infantile speech. Caloneu' rosis. Speech-disorder of nervous or central origin. Calop'athy (lal-op'ath-e). Any speech-disorder. Calopho' bia. Dislike of speaking, often with extreme stuttering. Camb' da. Point of union of lamhdoid and sagittal sutures. Lamb' dacism. Inability to utter the I sound. Lamb'dold, Cambduid'al. Shaped like the Greek letter A. C. suture, suture between the parietal and occipital bones. liamel'la, pi. lamel'lce. 1. A thin scale or plate. 2. A medicated disk. Concentric lamellae, bony plates around the Haver- sian canal. Intermediate 1., any one of the plates between the concentric layers of a bone. Triangular 1., a layer joining the choroid plexuses of the third ventricle. Vitreous 1. Same as Bruch's membrane. Lamel'lar. Pertaining to, or composed of, lamellae. Cam'in. Hemostatic alkaloid from flowers of Lamium album. Lam'ina (lam'in-ah). A thin layer or plate. Bowman's I. See Bowman's membrane. L. cine'rea, layer of gray matter be- tween the callosum and optic chiasma. C. crlbro'sa. 1. The fascia which covers the saphenous opening. 2. Either one of the perforated spaces in the brain. 3. Part of sclera perforated for passage of optic nerve. L, fns'ca, the pigmentary layer of the sclera. C. pro'pria, the middle or fibrous layer of the tym- panic membrane. L. reticula'ris, the perforated hyaline membrane which covers the organ of Corti. L. spira' lis, parti- tion which divides the cochlea into the two seal®. Vitreous I. Same as Bruch's membrane. Lamina'ria digit a'la. A seaweed, used in making tents and bougies. Cain' inated. Made up of laminae or layers. Camina'tion. X. Laminar structure, or arrangement. 2. The slicing of the fetal head in embryotomy. Caminec' tomy, Camnec'tomy. Excision of posterior arch of a vertebra. Camini'tis. Inflammation of the laminae of a horse’s foot. Camp'black. Powdered carbon from combustion of oils, etc. Can'ain (lan'a-in). Purified wool-fat. Can'cct. Small pointed two-edged surgical knife. Gum 1., knife for incising the gums. Spring 1., one, the blade of which is held by a spring. Thumb 1., one witli a wide two-edged blade. Can'cinating. Tearing, darting, or sharply cutting. Canci'si's nerves (lahn-che'sez). Same as Strice longUudinales. Candon'zy-Dejc'rine atrophy (lahn-doo'ze-dezh'reu). See Atrophy. AMERICAN POCKET Landry's paralysis (lahn-drez/). Acute ascending paralysis. Land'-scurvy. Same as Purpura hcemorrhagica. Lang'lian's layer. The deep, cellular layer of chorionic villi. Lannai'ol. An iodocresol: used as a substitute for iodoform. Lan'olin. Rectified wool-fat; used externally. Lau'terniann’s incisures (lan'ter-mahnz). See Incisures. Lan'tonin. Alkaloid from a Brazilian tree: used like quinin. Lanu'go. The fine hair on the body of the fetus. Laparocliolecystoi'winy. Laparotomy with incision of the gall-bladder. Laparocolos'toiny. Colostomy by an abdominal incision. Laparoeolot'oniy. Laparotomy combined with colotomy. Lapai'weystee'iwiny. Laparotomy and removal of a cyst. Laparweystwt'wmy. Laparotomy and removal of cyst-contents. Laparw-elytrot' winy. Laparotomy and vaginal incision for re- moving fetus. Laparo-enierot'omy, Laparotomy with incision into intestine. Laparogastrot'oniy. Laparotomy with incision into stomach. Laparoliysterec'iomy. Laparotomy with excision of uterus. Laparwliysterw-wwpliwrec'twmy. Laparotomy with removal of uterus and ovaries. Laparwkysterwt' winy. Laparotomy with incision of uterus. Laparo-ilcot' omy. Laparotomy with incision of ileum. Laparwkelypiiwt'winy. Same as Laparocystotomy. Laparoniyomec' tomy, Laparoiuyot'winy. Laparotomy with removal of myoma. Laparwncphrcc'twmy. Laparotomy with removal of kidney. Laparwsalpiiigec'twiny. Laparotomy with excision of an ovi- duct. Laparws'cwpy. Instrumental abdominal exploration. Laparwsplcnec' tomy. Laparotomy with excision of a spleen. Laparwt' wmy. Surgical incision through abdominal wall. La'pis (la'pis). L. for Stone. Lap'pa. The burdock Arctium lappa: diuretic and tonic. Lard. The fat of the swine; adeps. Larda'ccin. A proteid found in amyloid degenerations. Larda'eewns (lar-da'shus). Resembling lard ; amyloid. Lark'spur. The plant Delphinium consolida: diuretic and ant- asthmatic. Larrey’s amputatiwn (lah-raz'). Double-flap amputation at shoulder-joint or hip-joint. L.’s spaces, spaces between parts of diaphragm attached to sternum and those which are attached to ribs. Laryii'gcal (lar-in'je-al). Pertaining to the larynx. Laryngee' I winy (lar-in-jek'tom-e). Excision of the larynx. Laryiigis'iinis si rid'ulus. Sudden laryngeal spasm in chil- dren, with crowing inspiration. Laryngi'tis (lar-in-ji'tis). Inflammation of the larynx. Laryn'swede. Protrusion of mucous membrane across crico- thyroid space. Laryngweenfe'sis. Surgical puncture of the larynx. Laryn'gwfissnre. Surgical splitting of thyroid cartilage. Laryn'gwgrapli. Device for recording laryngeal movements. Laryngwg' rapliy. A description of the larynx. Laryngwl'wgy. Sum of what is known regarding the larynx. Laryngwparal'ysis. Paralysis of the larynx. Larj’ngwp'athy. Any disorder of the larynx. Lai'yngwplian'twm. An artificial model of the larynx. Laryngwpkaryn'geal. Pertaining to the larynx and pharynx. Laryngwphar'ynx. The lower portion of the pharynx. Laryngwph'wny. Sound heard in auscultating the pharynx. Laryn'gwplasty. Plastic surgery of larynx. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 243 244 AMERICAN ROCKET liaryngoj»le'gia (lar-in-go-ple'je-ah). Paralysis of the larynx. Laryn'gostcope. Apparatus for inspecting the larynx. I.a»m (lar-in'go-spasm). See Laryngismus stridulus. Diary ngosteno' sis. Narrowing or stricture of larynx. Laryngostrob'oscope. Apparatus for observing the vibrations of vocal cords and other intralaryngeal phenomena. Laryngot' omy. The act of incising the larynx. Diary ngotracbei'tis. Inflammation of the larynx and trachea. Laryngotrarlieot'omy. Incision of the larynx and trachea. Lar'ynx (lar'inx). Air-passage and vocal organ between the tongue and trachea. La'ta, Latah. Form of palmus or jumping-disease, endemic in Java. La'tent (la'tent). Concealed ; not manifest. L. heat, heat which is absorbed by bodies which are not thereby rendered warmer. 1., period, period after application of a stimulus and before its result is manifest. Dial' eratl. Toward a side or lateral aspect. I,:il' eral. Pertaining to a side. L. sin uses. See Sinus. LaterU'ions (lat-er-ish'us). Like brick-dust. Latero flex' ion (lat-er-o-fl ex' shun). Flexion to either side. Luteropul'sion. Involuntary tendency to go to one side. Latcrover'sion (lat-er-o-ver'shun). Abnormal inclination to one side. Lath'yrism (lath'ir-izm). Poisoning by chick pea; lupinosis. Lai(h'nihiies col'li. See Platysma myoides, in Muscles, Table of. L. ilor'si. Hen Muscles, Table of. D.auil'able pus. Pus of a kind thought to indicate an improving condition. ' a him. An alkaloid from opium, CooHor.NO,,. Lau'tlanum (law'dan-um). Tincture of opium. LaiiKh'liii; gas. Nitrogen monoxid, NaOot anesthetic. hnuroeer' asus. Same as Cherry laurel. Lavajte (la'vaj, lah-vahj'). A washing out or irrigation. Lavaii . I u lcus. Same as Macula hitea. lime, 1. Calcium oxid; also calcium hydrate. 2. The acid fruit of Citrus acidi: refrigerant and antiscorbutic. I.i' men na'si. The boundary line between the bony and carti- laginous portions of the nasal cavity, lim'inal. Barely perceptible ; pertaining to a threshold. ■A m i I ans (lim'it-anz). Same as Membrana ItmUans. ■Aino'sis (lim-o'sis). Extreme hunger. U mother'apy. Treatment by fasting; starvation cure, liinc'tnre, lAne'tus. An electuary ; a medicine to be taken by licking. Une. A stripe, streak, or narrow mark. Abdominal I’s., lines on abdomen, indicating the boundaries of muscles. Alveoba- silar 1., from nasion to alveolar point. Alveolonasal 1., from alveolar to nasal point. Aurleulobregmatle 1., from auricular point to bregma. Axillary I’s. (anterior and poste- rior), from axilla downward. Base 1., from infra orbital ridge to external auditory meatus and to middle line of occiput. Basio- bregmatic l„ from basion to bregma. Baudelwequc’s 1., external conjugate diameter of pelvis. Biauricular 1., from one auditory meatus over vertex to the other. Blue 1., charac- teristic line on gums showing chronic lead-poisoning. Bryant’s 1., a test-line for detecting shortening of the femur. Barton’s 1. Same as Oiiajival I. damper's 1., from external auditory meatus to a point just below the nasal spine. Clapton’s 1., green line on gums in copper-poisoning. Corrigan's 1., pur- plish line on gums in copper-poisoning. Costo-artieular 1., from sternoclavicular joint to point of eleventh rib. Costo- clavicular 1., Farasterual 1., line midway from nipple- line and border of sternum. Curved I’s. of ilium (superior, middle, and inferior), three prominent lines of the ilium. Curved I’s. of occipital bones (superior and inferior), two lines on either half of outer surface of occipital bones. Bouglas's 1., curved lower edge of inner layer of aponeurosis of internal ob- lique muscle. Kliis's 1., curved line at upper border of a pleu- ritic effusion. Kmbryonie 1., primitive trace in center of germinal area. Facial 1., straight line touching the glabella and a point at lower border of face. Fraunhofer’s I’s. See Fraunhofer's lines. Oeual 1., one of Jadelot’s lines, from malar surface to nasal line. Oingival 1., a reddish streak on edge of the gum. Oublcr’s 1., line connecting apparent origin of roots of fifth nerve. Haller’s 1., the linea splendens. Helm- holtz's 1.. line perpendicular to plane of axis of rotation of eyes. Hilton's 1., white line which shows the point of junction of the skin of perineum with the anal mucosa. Holden's 1., sulcus below the inguinal fold, crossing the capsule of hip. II io- peetineal 1., ridge on ilium and pubes, showing the brim of true pelvis. Incremental I’s., lines supposed to Indicate laminar structure of dentin. Intertrochanteric l's. (ante- rior and posterior), traces on anterior and posterior surfaces of femur between the trochanters. Jadelot’s l's. See Jndelot's l’s. Mammary 1., line from one nipple to the other. Mam- millary 1., vertical line through center of nipple. Mylohy- oidean 1., a ridge on inner surface of lower jaw. Kasoba- silar 1., line through basion and nasal point. Ntllaton's 1.. from anterior superior process of ilium to most prominent part of tuberosity of ischium. Nuchal l's. (inferior, median, and supe- rior), lines on outer surface of occiput. Oblique l's., name of AMERICAN POCKET many lines, as of fibula, radius, thyroid cartilage, tibia, etc. Og- kloil's 1., line from tubercle of femur to the intercondylar notch. Paraxternal I. Same as Costoclavicular I. Pectineal 1., portion of iliopectineal line on the pubic bone. Primitive 1. Same as Primitive streak. Profile 1. Same as Camper's I. Quadrate 1., line on posterior surface of femur. Respira- tory 1., line which connects bases of up-strokes in a sphygmo- gram. Roser's 1. Same as NHaton's I. Salter's 1. Same as Incremental I. Scapular 1., vertical downward line from lower angle of scapula. Semicircular I. See Douglas's I. t. of siglil, straight line from center of pupil to object viewed. Ster- nal 1., median line of sternum. Sternomastoid 1., line from heads of sternomastoid to the mastoid process. Supra-orUital 1., line across forehead just above root of external angular proc- ess of frontal bone. Sylvian 1., line upon the head indicating direction of fissure of Sylvius. Thompson's 1., red line on gums in pulmonary tuberculosis. Trapezoid 1.. mark of at- tachment of trapezoid ligament to the clavicle. Virciioti's 1., line from root of nose to lambda. Visual 1., line from object seen through nodal point of eye to macula iutea. Zollner’s I’m., a set of lines of peculiar arrangement for purposes of an ocular test. liin'ea (lin'e-ah), pi. lin'eas. L. for Line. h. al'lia. tendinous mesial line down the front of the belly, X. albican' tes, white abdominal lines seen after pregnancy. X. as'pera, a rough longitudinal line on the back of the femur. 1., quadra' ti, a line on the femur which marks the insertion of the quadratus femoris. X. semi Inna'res, a pair of curved lines, one on either side of the linea alba. L. splen'dens, fibrous band down the anterior surface of the pia mater of the spinal cord. Lin'ear. Pertaining to, or resembling, a line. Xing's cure, X.’s system, Xing:'ism. Kinesitherapy ; move- ment cure. Ling'iia (ling'gwah). L. for Tongue. X. geograph'ica. Same as Geographical tongue. Xin'gual. Of, or pertaining to, the tongue. X. bone. Same as Hyoid bone. X. delirium, delirious utterance of meaningless words. Xingua' Ms (ling-gna'lis). See Muscles, Table of. Xin'gnla. An anterior lobule of the cerebellum. X. of sphe- noid, ridge between the body and greater wing of the sphenoid. X. Wrisber' gi, fibers joining the motor and sensory roots of the trifacial nerve. Xin'iment, Xinlmen' turn. An oily liquid preparation to be rubbed upon the skin. Xi'nin. Substance of the achromatic nuclear reticulum of the cell. Xini'(is. Inflammation of gastric cellular tissue. Xin'seed. Seeds of flax, Linum usilatissimuni: demulcent and emollient. X. oil, fixed drying oil from the same. Xint. Absorbent dressing made by picking apart woven linen ; also, a specially finished woven fabric for surgical dressing. Xin'tine. Cotton lint from which fats and oils are removed. Xi'nnm. L. for Flax, and for Linseed. Xipaeide'mia. Presence of any fatty acid in the blood. Xipaeidn' rla. Presence of any fatty acid in the urine. Xip'anin. Olive oil mixed with oleic acid ; used like cod-liver oil. Xipar'oeele. Fatty scrotal tumor; also hernia containing fatty material. Xipe'mia. Presence of fat or oil in the blood. Xip'oehrin. Pigment from retinal fat-globules. Xip' nclirnme. Any one of a special group of animal fat-pigments. Xipuiibro'ma. Lipoma with fibrous elements. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 251 252 AMERICAN POCKET Lipo'ina (11-po'mah). A fatty tumor. Lipomalo'slN. Excessive proportion of fat in tlie tissues. Lipomyxo'mu. Lipoma with myxomatous elements. Lipottiym'la. A swooning; faintness. Lip' pi up. Development of a bony lip in osteo-arthritis. Lip' pi tude. Marginal blepharitis ; blear eye. I.jpii'ria (lip-u're-ah). Presence of fat or oil in the urine. Liqnefa'cient. Changing into a liquid ; liquefying. Ijqucfar' lion. Change into a liquid form. Llquidam' bar. Genus of trees affording storax, etc. Li'quor (li'kwor). A liquid, L. am'nil, fluid contained in the amnion. 1.. t'ntnn'nil. Same as Perilymph. L. pu'ri*. the more liquid or sanious portion of pus. L. sail'gninis, the plasma, or serum, of the blood. L. Mrar'psr. Same as Kudo- lymph. Li(|' uorlre (lik'or-is). See Licorice. Lis'franc’N amputation, A form of amputation at joints. L.’s tubercle, tubercle for the scalenus anticus on the first rib. Lisp' ing, Substitution of th sound for s- and z. Ins'sauer’s zone (lls'sowrz). The area of white matter at tip of posterior cornu of gray matter of spinal cord. Lis'terlue. A proprietary antiseptic compound. Lis'terlsm. The principles and practice of antiseptic and aseptic surgery. liis'tol. Antiseptic combination of thyroid gland and iodin. Li'ter (le'ter). One thousand cubic centimeters; or 1.056 quarts wine measure. liit'eral agraphia. See under Agraphia. Lit li'agogur (lith'ag-og). Expelling calculi. Lith'arge (lith'arj). Lead protoxid. liitli'ate (lith'at). Same as Urate. LltHec'tasy. Removal of calculus by perineal incision. liittie'inia. Excess of uric acid and water in the blood. liitb'ia (lith'e-ah). Lithium oxid, LijO. Litbi'awis. Formation of calculi and concretions. Litlii'afry. The medical treatment of calculus. Lith'ic arid. Same as Uric arid. t.-a. «. Part of an organ or viscus demarkated by fissures or di- visions. Caudate 1., the tail-like process of the liver. Slen- der 1., the fourth of the five lobes on under surface of cerebellar hemisphere. Vobe'lia infia'ta. A North American herb: emetic, expecto- rant, and depressant. Vo'belin. A poisonous alkaloid from lobelia; also, a resinoid from the same. Lob' nlar. Pertaining to a lobule or to lobules. Lob' nlated. Made up of lobules. Lob'nl* (lob'ul). Any small lobe. Fusiform 1., the inferior temporo-occipital convolution. Paracentral 1., the superior connecting convolution of the ascending frontal and ascending parietal convolutions. Vobnlette dob-u-let'). A minute lobule or acinus. Vo' bus. L. for Lobe. V. canda'tns. Same as Caudate lobe. Vo'cal. Pertaining to one place or spot. V. asphyxia. Same as Raynaud's disease. 254 AMERICAN POCKET S.ocali/a'lion. The discovery of the locality of a disease or proc- ess. Cerebral 1., localization of various faculties in particular parts of the brain, lo'ealized. Not general; restricted to a limited region, lo'ctila (lo'ke-ah). Vaginal discharge which follows childbirth. 1. al'ba, whitish discharge, normal after about six days. 1. cruen'la, 1. rn'bra, sanguineous How of first week. 1. sero'sa, a serous or ichorous discharge. lock ionic'tra. The retention or non-discharge of the lochia, locliiorrlie'a. Abnormally free lochial discharge, loehlos' clirsi'*. Retention of the lochia, loclionietri'tis (10-ko-met-ri'tis). Puerperal metritis, loek'jaw. See Tetanus and Trismus. lo'eo. Various plants of the United States, poisonous to cattle, horses, and sheep, lo'coism. Disease of live-stock ascribed to poisoning by loco, locoiuo' tion. Movement from one place to another. Locoiuo'tor. Of, or pertaining to, locomotion. L. ataxia. See Ataxia. loc'ular (lok'u-lar). Containing loculi. liO'cns. L. for Place. 1. cine'reus, L. eoeru'leus, 1. ferru- gin'eus, pigmented eminence in the fourth ventricle. L. mi- no'ris resixteuhiic, spot of lessened resistance. 1. ni'ger, dark spot in the section of crus cerebri, 1. perfora' ins, ante- rior and posterior perforated spaces at base of brain through which blood vessels pass. 1,, ru'ber, the red nucleus, lieinol'ogy (le-mol'o-je). Science of contagious disease, btilll'eria (lef-le're-ah). Disease in which the diphtheria-bacillus is present without the ordinary symptoms of diphtheria. Eai filer's bacillus (lef'lerz). The microbe of diphtheria. liogoiienro'siit. Any neurosis with speech disorder, logop'atliy. Any disorder of speech of central origin, logople' gia (log-o-ple'je-ah). 1. Any paralysis of speech-organs. 2. Inability to speak, while words are remembered. liOgorrhe'a. Excessive or abnormal volubility, log' nouil. Same as He.rnnloxylnn. loi'mie (loi'mik). Pertaining to the plague, lioimol'og.r. Scientific study of the plague, loin. Part of back between thorax and pelvis, loin'bard y leprosy. Same as Pellagra. lam'd»u paste. Mixture of caustic soda and lime, longer'ity (lon-jev'it-e). Longlife, longis'siuius dor'si. See Muscles, Table of. longsigbt' ed ness. See Hypermetropla. liou'gns eol'li. See Muscles, Table, of. loop of Ilenle. Same as Henle's loop. Lordo'ma, lord o'sis. Curvation of spinal column with for- ward convexity, lordoseolio'sis. Lordosis complicated with scoliosis, lore'ta’s operation. Gastrotomy and dilatation of pylorus, lore'tin (10-re'tin). A proprietary antiseptic powder. Los'ophan. Cresol iodid, CgITT.itCTLOOTT, used in skin-diseases, los'forfer's corpuscles. See Corpuscles. lo'lion (lo'shun). A liquid preparation for bathing a part, louse. See Pediculus. lam'si ness. Infestation with lice. low'er’s tubercle. A tubercle in the right auricle of the heart, between the openings of the vena} cavse. liiwe's ring (la'vez). See Ring. lox'a bark. Pale Peruvian bark ; cinchona pallida, loxar'thron. Oblique deformity of a joint without luxation, loz'engc (loz'enj). A form of medicated troche. interval. The period between paroxysms of insanity. End' wig’s angina. See Angina Ludwigii. Eu'es. Plague; more frequently syphilis. Luet'ic. Pertaining to, or affected with, syphilis. En'gol’s caustic. One part each of iodin and potassium iodid with two parts of water. E.’s solution, the official compound solution of iodin. linniha'go (lum-ba'go). Neuralgia of the loins. Enm'bar (lum'bar). Pertaining to the loins. E. puncture. See Quincke's puncture. Eumboeoios'tomy. Colostomy by incision in the loin. Lninbncolol'omy. An incision into the colon through the loin. liiimboeos'tal. Pertaining to the loins and ribs. Eumbrica'liS. See Muscles, Table of. Enni'bricoid (lum'brik-oid). Resembling the earthworm. Eumbri'ens. 1. The earthworm. 2. Same as A scarfs. Lu'iuen. Transverse section of a tube. liuminjfcron« etbcr. The medium whose vibrations consti- tute light. I.ii i>' v-ja tv. Same as Actinomycosis. Ln'nary. Insanity ; mental disorder. Eu' n:ir raiisl ic. Silver nitrate, AnN03. Lung. Either one of the pair of thoracic organs which serve for the aeration of the blood. 1., fever. Same as Pneumonia. En'nula. The whitish crescent at root of nail. Eu'piform. 1. Resembling lupus. 2. Resembling a wen. Eu'pinin. A poisonous alkaloid ; also a glucosid from lupines. Eupino'sis. Poisoning by lupines, or chickpea; lathyrism. Eu'pulin. Yellow resinous powder from hops: sedative and stomachic. Eu' pu I us. Hops. See Humulus. Eu'pus. Tuberculosis of the skin, Disseminated follicular 1., lupus of the face with large and small papules. Erythe- matous 1., Cazenave’s 1., non-tubercular disease like lupus. 1., ex'edens, 1., vnlga'ris, true or typical tuberculous lupus. E. hypertropli'icns, 1,, veg'elans, a kind marked by forma- tion of vegetations. 1., maeulo'sus, a variety characterized by maculae. E. non-ex'edens, a variety with no ulceration. L. serpigino'sus, a variety which spreads by serpiginous growth. L. tii' in ill us, a variety with edematous infiltration. E. ver- rueo'sns, a kind with warty growths. Ensehfaa’s bursa (loosh'kaz). Same as Bursa pharyngea. E.’s gland. Same as Coccygeal gland. E.’s tonsil. See Tonsil. Eu'sus natn'rie. A freak of nature ; a teratism. Eule. Paste for covering joints of vessels. Eu'lein. Pigment from egg-yolk and corpus luteum. Enxa'tion. Same as Dislocation. Eux'ns consumption. The eating or digestion of food in ex- cess of the real needs of the body. E. heart, dilatation with hypertrophy of left ventricle. Eyean'thropy. Delusion in which patient believes himself a wolf. Eyec'tol. Preparation of piperazin ; used for lithemia and gout. Lycopo'dinm. Sporules of L. clavalum: used mainly in phar- macy ; also, a homeopathic remedy from the same. Eye. An alkaline percolate from wood-ashes ; lixivium. Ey' iug-in. The puerperal state; childbed. Eymph. The fluid taken up and discharged by the lymphatics; also, any clear watery liquid resembling the typical lymph. Ani- mal 1., vaccine lymph from an animal. E.-eell, E.-eorpus- cle, a leukocyte from lymph. E.-ehannels, E.-sinuses, open irregular spaces in and about lymphoid structures. Hu- manized 1., vaccine virus from the human subject. Inilam- MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 255 256 AMERICAN POCKET matory 1., lymph produced by inflammation, as in wounds. Koch’s I. See Tuberculin. Plastic 1., that from which em- bryonic tissue is formed, b.-scrol um. dilatation of scrotal lymphatics: seen in fllariasis. 1.-spaces, open spaces in con- nective or other tissue tilled with lymph ; especially those of the brain and meninges. Lympiiadcncc' tasis. Dilatation of a lymphatic gland. liyinpiiadeni'tis. Inflammation of lymphatic glands. tyinphadcno' ma. Same as Lymphoma. Lympiianiticc' ta§h. Dilatation of a lymphatic. Lymphangitis' raphy. Description of lymphatic organs. Tumor made up of lymphatic vessels. Lymphangi' tls. Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel. Lymphat/ic. 1. Pertaining to lymph. 2. A lymphatic vessel. L. systeim, the lymphatic glands, vessels, spaces, sinuses, and lac- teals collectively'. L. vessels, vessels that convey' lymph. Lym'phatisiu. Lymphatic temperament; slowness or sluggish habit. Lymphal i' tis. Same as Lymphanpilis. Lymphede'ma. Edema from clogging of efferent lymphatic. lymphe'mia (lim-fe'me-ah). Presence of lymphocytes in blood. Lymphiza'lion. The production of lymph. Lyin'phocyte (lira'pho-slt). A leukocyte of the iy'mph. Lymphocytlie'mla. Excess of lymph-corpuscles in the blood. Lympiioey to' sis. Same as Lymphocylhemia. bym|i’i(idci-'mi!i. Any disease of the skin lymphatics. Lymphogenous (lim-foj'en-us). Lymph-producing. Lyin'plioid. Resembling lymph ; also, adenoid. Lymphv'ma. Any tumor of lymphoid tissue. Lympborrha'gia, Lymphorrhe'a. Flow of lymph from cut or ruptured lymph-vessels. Lympliosarco'ma. Sarcoma of any lymph-organ. Lyin' pliolome. Instrument for excising adenoid growths on tonsils. Lymphot'omy. The anatomy of lymphatics. Lymphot' rophy. Attractive energy of cancer-cell for lymph. Lypema'nia. Melancholia; insanity with despondency. Lypothym'la. Morbid despondency; melancholia. Ly' ra. A triangular striated depression on lower side of fornix. Lys'atin (lys'at-in). A basic principle derivable from casein. Lys'idin. A diamin, CoHigNBo2, solvent for calculi and tophi. Ly'sin. Any bacterial product which destroys alexins. Ly'sis. Gradual abatement of a disease. Ly' sol. An antiseptic preparation of tarry oils. Ly s'sa (Us'ah). Hydrophobia, or rabies. Lys'sin. The specific hydrophobia virus. Lyte'rlan. Indicative of the approach of lysis. Mt. Abbreviation for mills, thousand; misce, mix ; minim, myopia, molar, and meter. I - Symbol for micron, or micromillimeter. MM. Abbreviation for millimeter. Abbreviation for micromillimeter. Maca co worm. Larva of South American fly, which burrows under the skin. Macal'lin. Alkaloid from bark of a tree of Yucatan; used like quinin. Hcßnr'ne.y’B point. Superficial point marking most frequent position A appendix vermiformis. M. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 257 Macdow'el's frenum. Fibers wbicii strengthen the intermus- cular septum of the arm. Mace (mas). A spice ; the aril which envelops nutmeg. Ma'ccnc (ma'sen). Essential oil, Coolli6, from nutmeg-flowers. Macera'tlon (mas-er-a'shun). The softening of a solid by soak- ing. Ma'eies (ma'she-ez). L. for Wasting. Macrobio'sis (mak-ro-bi-o'sis). Longlife; longevity. Macroeeph'alous. Having an abnormally large head. Macroceph'aly (mak-ro-sef'al-e). Excessive size of head. Macrochei'lia (mak-ro-ki'le-ah). Excessive size of lip, Macrochi'ria. Oversize of the hands. Macrococ'cus. A coccus of the largest recognized type. Mac'rocyte (mak'ro-sit). A red blood-corpuscle of largest type. Maerocythe'mia. Abnormal size of red blood-corpuscles. IHaerodaetyl'ia. Abnormal largeness of Angers. Mac'rodont (mak'ro-dont). Possessing large teeth. Macroesthe'sia. Sensation as if things were larger than they really are. Dlacroglos'.da (mak-ro-glos'se-ah). Hypertrophy of the tongue. Maeromas'tia, Macroma'zia. Oversize of the breasts. Maerom'elus. Fetus with abnormally large limbs. Mae'romere (mak'ro-mer). A large blastomere. Macron u'eleus. The larger of two paired nuclei. Mac' rophage, M acroph' agus, a large cytophagous leuko- cyte. Maeropho'tosraph. An enlarged photograph. Macrop'sia. State in which objects appear larger than they are. Macrosce'lia (mak-ro-se'le-ah). Excessive size of the legs. Macroscop'lc. Seen by the unaided eye. Macrosoma'tia, Macroso'mia. Great bodily size. Macrosto'inia. Abnormally large size of mouth. Mac'ula, pi. mac'-nice. A stain or spot. M. acus'tlca, termi- nations of acoustic nerve in utricle and saccule. M. cor'nea;, a corneal opacity. M. eribro'sa, area on wall of vestibule per- forated for passage of Hlaments of the auditory nerve. M. In' tea, the point of clearest vision at the center of retina. M. sola' ris, a freckle. Mac'ular (mak'u-lar). Characterized by macula?. Mac' ulate (mak' u-lat). Spotted or blotched. Macula' tion. The condition of being spotted. Mad. Insane; crazy. Madaro'siM (mad-ar-o'sis). Loss of eyelashes or eyebrows. Mad'der. The root of Bahia; a red dye. Madu'ra foot, M. disease. Same as Mycetoma. Magen' die's foramen (mah-zhou-dez/). See Foramen. M.’s solution, 3 per cent, aqueous solution of morphin sulphate. Magen'ta (ma-jen'tah). Fuchsin or other salt of rosanilin. Mag'istery (mad'jis-ter-e). A precipitate; any subtle or mas- terly preparation. Mag' ma. Any pulpy mass or residue. Mague'sia. Magnesium oxid, MgO : aperient and antacid. Mague'sium (mag-ne'se-um). A white metal. M. carbonate, M. eitrate, M. sulphate, medicinal salts of the same. Mag'net. Electro-, soft iron rendered temporarily magnetic by an electric current in a helix around the iron. Horse-shoe m., a magnet having the shape of a horse-shoe. M. opera- tion, removal of iron particles by the magnet. Permanent m.. one with permanent magnetic qualities. Temporary in., a substance which is magnetic during the passage of an electric current or when a fixed magnet is near it. Mag' neto-clectrie' ity. Electric current induced by a magnet. 258 AMERICAN POCKET MagnetotUer'apy. Treatment of diseases by magnets. Magnification. Apparent increase of size under microscope. Maidenhead. 1. The hymen. 2. Virginity. Ma'idisin (ma'id-izm). Pellagra; poisoning by damaged maize. Main en griffe (man-on-grif'). Same as Claw-hand. Main succulente (man suk-ku-lant'). Edema of the hands. Maize (maz). Indian corn ; Zea mays. See Zea. Make. Closure and completion of an electric circuit. Makro-. See under Macro-. Mai (mahl). Illness; disease. M. de mer (mahl-de-mar'), sea- sickness. M. dc los Pintos, contagious psoriasis in Mexico. Ma' la. 1. The cheek. 2. Malar bone. Mai'abar itch. Skin-disease of India. Mala'cia (ma-la'she-ah). Morbid softening of a part. Mal'acin. A crystalline antipyretic and analgesic ; salicyl-phene- tidin. Malaeo'ina, Malaco'sis. Same as Malacia. Malacos'teon. Softening of the bones ; osteomalacia. Malacot'oiuy. Incision of the abdominal wall. Maiady (mal'ad-e). Any disease or illness. Malaise (mal-az'). Any uneasiness or indisposition. Mai'akin. A salicylic derivative; used as antipyretic, antirheu- matic, and antineuralgic. Ma'lar (ma'lar). Pertaining to the cheek. M. bone, the cheek- bone ; mala. Mala'ria (mal-a're-ah). A febrile disease due to poisonous ema- nations from damp ground; or, more correctly, the emanations themselves. Mala'cial. Pertaining to malaria. Maiarin. A proprietary antipyretic and antineuralgic. Malassimila'tion. Defective or faulty assimilation. Ma' late (ma'lat). Any salt of malic acid. Malaxa'tion. A kneading ; kneading movement in massage. Male (mal). One of the sex that begets young; masculine. M. fern. Same as Aspidium. Mal forma'tion. A defective formation. Malgaigne's hooks (mal-ganz'). Adjustable double hooks for treating fractured patella. Mallas'mus. Glanders, or farcy. Ma'lleacid. See Acid. Malig'nancy. Tendency to react and to progress in virulence. Malig'nant. Virulent, and tending to go from bad to worse. Malin'gerer (ma-lin'jer-er). One who feigns illness. Mallea'tion. Sharp and swift muscular twitching of hands. Mal'lein (mal'le-in). Pathogenic lymph from cultures of glan- ders-bacillus. Malleo-tn'cudal. Of, or pertaining to, malleus and incus. Malle'olar (mal-le'o-lar). Pertaining to malleolus. Malle'olns, inner. Dower point of tibia. M., outer, lower end of fibula. Mal'let-flnger. Permanent flexion of a distal phalanx. M.- toe. Same as Hammer-toe. Mal'lens. 1. Mallet-shaped ossicle of middle-ear. 2. Glanders, or farcy. Malnutrition. Imperfect assimilation and nutrition. Malplg'hian bodies. Bodies at beginning of uriniferous tubules of kidney. M. capsule, a pouch-like envelop of a M. body. M. tuft, the interior capillary part of a M. body. Malposition (mal-po-zish'un). Abnormal placement, Malprac'tice (mal-prak'tis). Wrong or injurious treatment. Malpresenta'tion. Faulty fetal presentation. Malt (mawlt). Grain which has been sprouted and dried. M. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. liquor, any fermented beverage prepared from malt, as ale, beer, porter. M.-sugar. Same as Maltose. Mai' la fever (mawl' tab). Same as Mediterranean fever. Hal'led milk. A proprietary food-preparation. Mai' tine. A proprietary food-preparation of malt. Maltoilex'trin. A dextrin convertible into maltose. Mal'tol. A constituent, C6Ho03, of malt-caromel. Hal' lose. Malt-sugar, a glucose from malt or digested starch. 11 a' lii m. 1,. for Disease. 11. per'forans pe'dis, perforating ulcer of the foot. Mam'ma. The mammary gland ; the breast. Mam'inary. Pertaining to the mammary gland, mainniil'la (mam-ll'ah). See Nipple. IWam'miliary (mam'il-a-re). Like a nipple. Ham'initiated. Having nipple-like projections, mammil'liplasty. Plastic surgery of the nipple. Mammi'tis (mam-i'tis). Inflammation of the mamma, main'mose. Having unusually large mammae. Mammot'omy. Surgical incision of a mamma. Man'aea. A South American plant, Franciseea uniflora: diuretic and cathartic, man' dible (man' dib-1). The lower jaw-bone, mandlb' nlar. Pertaining to the lower jaw-bone, mandrag'ora ottieina'lis. True mandrake; a narcotic and purgative plant. mandrag'orin. A poisonous alkaloid, from man- dragora. man'drake. See Mandragora and Podophyllum. man'drin. A metal guide for a flexible catheter, mandnca'tion. The chewing ol food. Man'ganese (man'gan-es). A whitish metal; symbol Mn. m. dioxid, black oxid of manganese, MN02. M. snlpkate, a purgative and cholagogue, MnS04. mange (manj). Skin-disease of domestic animals, due to mites, ma nia (ma'ne-ah). Violent insanity with wild excitement. Al- coholic m., insanity from misuse of alcoholic stimulants, M. a potn, delirium tremens. Bell’s in., acute periencephalitis. Dancing in. Sec Choromania. Epileptic ni.. maniacal at- tack in an epileptic. Puerperal in., insanity which sometimes follows childbirth. Religions m., mama with abnormal or perverted religious impulses. Transitory m., severe frenzied mania, the attacks of which are of short duration, ma'niae. One affected with mania. mani'aeal. Affected with mania. , . man'icnre. 1. Process of caring for and embellishing the hand. 2. One who professionally cares for the hands and nails, man' ihot. See Cassava and Jatropha. man'ikin (man'lk-in). A model to illustrate anatomy, manipulation. Skilful or dextrous treatment by the hands. Manip'nlus. L. for Handful. _ man na (man'nah). Sweet concrete aperient exudation from Fraxinus ornus. Man' nite. Manna sugar, C6Hi406: used like manna. Man'nit one. A carbohydrate, C 6H1206, derived from manmte. Manom'cter. Instrument for ascertaining the pressure of liquids. Man'ual. Pertaining to, or performed by, the hands. Mann'brinm. 1. The uppermost piece of the sternum. 2. The inferior part of the malleus. Man'ns. L. for Hand. Manustnpra'tion. Masturbation; self-pollution. Karan' ta. Same as Arrowroot. Maran'tic. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, marasmus. 260 AMERICAN POCKET Marasehi' no (mah-rahs-ke'no). A liqueur containing cherries. Maras'mie. Pertaining to, or affected with, marasmus. Maras' mns. Progressive wasting, especially in young infants. Marc (mark). The refuse after the pressing of grapes or olives. Margar' ic acid. A mixture of stearic and palmitic acids. Mar'garin. A mixture of stearin and palmitin. Mar' ginal (mar'jin-al). Pertaining to a margin. Margin'oplasty. Surgical renewal of a margin or border. Mar'go (mar'go). L. for Border. Marie’s disease (mah-raz'). Same as Acromegaly. Mariotte’s law mah-re-ots'). Same as Boyle's law. M.’s spot. Same as Blind spot. Maritonu' cleus. Nucleus of the ovum after the sperm-cell has entered it. Mar'kasol (mar'kas-ol). Bismuth borophenate. Marmor' ekin. Antistreptococci u. Mar'row (mar'o). Soft material which fills most of the cavities and cancelli of bones. Spinal in., the spinal cord. Marru'bium. Same as Horehound. Mar'sliall’s fold. Same as Vestigial fold. M.’s vein, a vein of the left side of the heart. Marsli fever. Malarial or paludal fever. M. gas. Same as Methane. Marsh' mallow. Same as Althaea. Marsh’s test. A test for the presence of arsenic. Marsupial ixa' tion. Operative formation of a pouch in abdom- inal cavity in treatment of cysts or other tumors. Marsu'pia patella' ria. The alar ligaments of the knee. Mar'tial (mar'shal). Containing iron ; ferruginous. Mar'tin’s bandage. India-rubber bandage for varicose veins, etc. M.’s depilatory, calcium sulphydrate. M.’s hemo- static, agaric or punk charged with ferric chlorid. Mas'eulinc. Pertaining to the male sex ; male. Mask. Appliance for shading, protecting, or medicating the face. Masked. Hidden ; not obvious. Mas'ochism (mas'ok-izm). Sexual perversion with enjoyment of being cruelly treated. Mas'oehist (mas'o-kist). A person given to masochism. Mass. A body made up of coherent particles. Mas' sa. L. for Jfass„• chiefly a plastic mass to be made into pills. Massage (mahs-sahzh'). Systematic therapeutical friction, strok- ing, and kneading the body. Mas'seeing ball. A bail rolled on surface of body for massage. Mass'eter. See Muscles, Table of. Masseur (mas-er'). A man who performs massage. Masseuse (mas-es'). A woman who performs massage. Mas'sicot (mas'se-kot). Yellow lead monoxid, PbO. Mas'sive pneumonia. S&& Pneumonia. Massother'apy. Treatment of disease by massage. Mastal'gia (mas-tal'je-ah). Pain in mammary gland. Mast-eells. See Cells. Mas'lie. Resin of Pistacia lentiscus: stimulant and stomachic. Mastiea'tion (mas-tik-a'shun). The act of chewing. Mas'ticatory. 1. Pertaining to mastication. 2. A substance to be chewed but not swallowed. Masti'tis. Inflammation of the mammary gland. Mastodyn'ia (mas-to-din'e-ah). Pain in the mamma. Mas'toid. Nipple-shaped. M. antrum. Same as Antrum mastoideum. M. bone, the m. process of the temporal bone. M. eells. The same as M. sinuses. M. disease. Same as Mastoiditis. M. operation, drainage from without of m. cells in mastoiditis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 261 Mast oidcoccntc'sis. Paracentesis of the mastoid cells. Mastoid I'Ms. Inflammation of the mastoid antrum and cells. .11 as tome' n ia. Vicarious menstruation from the breast. Masto-occlp' Hal. Pertaining to the mastoid process and occip- ital bone. llsist ■■ rba' I ion. Self-pollution ; causation of orgasm by hand. II si' hl. Dried leaves of Ilex Paraguayensia: used like tea. Mate'ria inert'ifa. Branch of medical study which deals with drugs, their sources, preparations, and uses. illatf'rifs mor'bi. The substance, virus, or principle which causes a disease. llater'nal. Pertaining to the mother. Mati'co (mah-ti'ko). A shrub of tropical America, Piper augusti- folium : leaves stimulant and astringent. Matrica'ria cliaiuomil'la. German chamomile: mild tonic and febrifuge. Mat i-i fill si'lion. Enrollment as a student in a college. Ma' Irix. 1. Womb, or uterus. 2. Groundwork in which cells, etc., are embedded. Mat'told (mat'oid). A paranoiac, or crank. llatt'rpN.« future. Sec Suture. maturation. 1. Stage or process of becoming mature. 2. The formation of pus. Mature (ma-tur'). TUpe; fully developed. Matn'tinal (mat-u'tin-al). Pertaining to the morning. Matzoon (mat-zoon'). A drink prepared from fermented milk. Jlaxil'la. A jaw-bone; especially the upper (superior m.). In- ferior in., the lower jaw-bone, or mandible. Max'illary. Pertaining to a jaw or jaw-bone. M. bone. See Maxilla. JI. fissure, fissure on superior maxilla for m. process of the palatal bone. Max'imal. Greatest possible, allowable, or appreciable; the re- verse of minimal and of liminal. Max'iinuin. 1. Greatest possible or actual effect or quantity. 2. The acme of a disease or process. Max'well’s ring. A variety of visual ring, smaller and fainter than Lowe’s ring. May-apple. Same as Podophyllumpellatum. Me'able. Susceptible of being passed through. Mesid'ow saffron. See Colchicum. Mea'sles (me'dz). 1. A contagious eruptive fever with coryza and catarrhal symptoms. 2. Cysticercal disease of domestic ani- mals. Mea'tal (me-a'tal). Of, or pertaining to, a meatus. Meatom'eter, Device used in measuring a meatus. Meatot'omy (me-at-ot'om-e). The cutting of urinary meatus. Mca'fus (me-a'tus). D. for Passage. M. aurtito'rius, the pas- sage of the ear in two parts (internal and external). M. of the nose, either of the three passages of the nasal cavity. M. url- na'rius, the orificial part of the urethra (chiefly used of the male). Mee' ea bal' sam. See under Balaam. Meehan'ical antidote (me-kan'ik-al). See Antidote. Meehan'ics (me-kan'ix). The science of force and matter. Meehelee'tomy. Surgical removal of Meckel’s ganglion. Mechel’s cartilage. Ventral segment of the first visceral arch of embryo. M.’s diverticulum, an occasional cecal appen dage of the ileum : a relic of the vitelline duct. M.’s ganglion, the sphenopalatine ganglion. M.’s space, recess in dura which lodges the Gasserian ganglion. Mccom'ctcr. An insrument for measuring an infant. Meconar'cein. An alkaloidal mixture from opium ; narcotic. 262 Mec'onate (mek'o-nat). Any salt of meconic acid. Jlecon'ic acid (me-kon'ik). See Acid. Mec'onin. A neutral substance, CIOHIOO4, in opium. nec'onism. Opium-poisoning; the opium habit. Meco' nium. Fecal matter discharged by new-born children. Me' dia. The middle tunic of a blood- or lymph-vessel. Mc'dial (me'de-al). Pertaining to the middle. Me'dian. Situated in the middle ; mesial. M. artery, a branch of the interosseous. M. nerve. See Nerves, Table of. Medias' tinai. Of, or pertaining to, the mediastinum. Mediastini'tis. Inflammation of mediastinum. Mcdiastinopericardi'tis. Inflammation of mediastinum and pericardium. Mediasti'nnm. The median septum between the lateral cavities of the thorax. M. tes'tls, partial septum of the testicle. Me'dlate. Indirect; accomplished by means of a medium. Med' ic. Any plant of the genus Medicago, including lucerne, none- such, shamrock, etc. Med'leal. Pertaining to medicine. M. jurisprudence, the application of the principles of medicine to questions of law and justice. Medic'ament (me-dik'am-ent). A medicinal agent. Med'ieated. Imbued with a medicinal substance. Mediea'tion (med-ik-a'shun). Administration of remedies. Medlc'inal (med-is'in-al). Having healing qualities. Med'icine. 1. A drug or remedy. 2. The art of healing disease. Clinic m., study of m. at the bedside. Forensic in., F>egal m., medical jurisprudence. Clalenical m., obsolete practice on the principles of Galen. Patent m., a medicine whose manu- facture is protected by letters patent. Preventive m., that which aims at preventing disease. Proprietary in., a remedy whose formula is private property. Spagyric m., the obsolete school of Paracelsus. State m., that which deals with the public health, sanitation, etc. Medicine' rea (med-e-se-ne' re-ah). Internal gray matter of brain. Medicochirur'gieal. Pertaining to medicine and surgery. Medieole'jgal. Pertaining to medical jurisprudence. Med'tens (med'ik-us). L. for Physician. Mcdi'na worm (me-de'nah). Same as Guinea worm. Mediolat'eral lithotomy. See Lithotomy. Mediopon'tine. Pertaining to the center of the pons. Mediotar'sal. Pertaining to the center of the tarsus. Mediterranean fever. See Fever. Me' dium, pi. me' dia. Conditions and environment of the body. See also under Culture. Medul'la. L. for Marrow. M. neph'riea. the pyramids of the kidneys collectively. M. obi on ya'fa. the organ of brain directly continuous with spinal cord. M. os' slum, bone-marrow. M. spina' its, spinal cord, or myelon. Mcdul'lary. Pertaining to the marrow or to any medulla. Med'ullated nerve-fiber. Any one of the white fibers of a nerve. Medullispi' nal. Pertaining to the spinal cord. Medulli'tis. Same as Osteomyelitis; also, My Hit is. Medullixa'tion. Abnormal enlargement of marrow-spaces in cancellous bone. Megabacte' rium. A large bacterium. Mcgacephal'ic (meg-as-ef-al'ik). Having an abnormally big head. Megacoc'ens. A coccus of large si/,e. See Macrococcus. Meg' aloblasf (meg'al-o-blast). Same as Macrocyte. Megalocephal'ic. Having a large skull. AMERICAN POCKET ncgalocor'nea. Bulging of the cornea. Meg'alocyte (meg'al-o-slt). See Megaloblast. IHrgalodac' ty 1 ouk. Having very large fingers. Megalogas' tria. Abnormal size of the stomach. Megraloglos'sia (meg-al-o-glos'e-ah). Same as Macroglossia. IHegaloma'iiia (meg-al-o-ma' ne-ah). Delirium of grandeur. Megalop'sla (meg-al-op'se-ah). Same as Macropsia. Meg' aloseope. A magnifying speculum ; a large magnifying lens. Meg'aseine (meg'as-em). Having an orbital index exceeding 89. llegas' toiua intestlna'le. A pathogenic protozoan of the in- testine. Megopiitiial' iiiiin (meg-of-thal'mus). Same as Buphthalmus. Me'grim (me'grim). Same as Migraine. Meilio'uiian glands (mi-bo'me-an). See Gland. Meiocar' dia (mi-o-kar' de-ah). Contraction of the heart; systole. Meio'sls (mi-o'sis). Same as Miauls. Meiot'tc (mi-ot'ik). Same as Miotic. Meiss' tier’s corpuscles (rnis'nerz). The tactile corpuscles. M.’s ganglion, M.’s plexus, plexus of nerve-fibers in sub- mucous intestinal tissue. Mel. L. for Honey. Melas'na (mel-e'nah). Blackening of feces from blood-pigments. Melanede'ina (mel-an-e-de' mah). Same as Anthracosis. Melane'mta. Presence of black pigmentary masses in blood. Melanelio'lfa. Insanity with depression of spirits or gloomy forebodings. M. agita'ta, m. with strong motor excitement. M. atton'lta. M. stuporo'sa, motionless and silent melan- choly. M. si in' pi ex, mild form, with neither delusions nor great excitement, Melanepliid ro'sis. Discharge of black sweat. Mel'anin. A dark pigment from choroid, hair, and other dark tissues; also, from melanotic tumors. Mel'anism (mel'an-izm). Excessive pigmentation; blackening of the integuments. Melanoeareino' ina. A pigmented cancer. Mel'anoeyte. A dark-colored leukocyte. Melanoder'nia. Black discoloration of the skin. Mel'anoid. Pertaining to, or resembling, melanosis. Melano'nia. Melanotic or discolored tumor. Melanop'atliy. Excess of skin-pigmentation. Melanorrha'gla, Melanorrlie'a. Passage of feces darkened with blood-pigments. Melanosareo'ma. Sarcoma with pigmentary elements. Mclanoseliir' rims. Same as Melanoearcinoma. Melano'sis. Condition characterized by pigmentary deposits. Melanot'ie. Characterized by dark pigmentation, 'nelann'ria. The discharge of darkly-stained urine. Melas'ma (me-laz/mah). Dark pigmentation of the skin. M. Ailil iso' nil. Same as Addison's disease. Mele'na (mel-e'nah). Darkening of feces by blood-pigments. Melez'itose. A sugar from Eriancon manna, CigHajOje- Meliee'ra. Meliee'res. 1. A cyst filled with honey-like sub- stance. 2. Viscid syrupy sweating. Melis'sa ofUei na' I is. Lemon-balm, an aromatic and carmina- tive herb. Mr lit ag' ra (rael-it-ag' rah). Eczema with honey-comb crusts. Melite'mia. Excessive amount of sugar in the blood. Mel'itose. A sugar from Australian manna, CJ2H22011. Melitn'ria (mel-it-u're-ah). Same as Diabetesmellitus. Mel'llte (mel'lt). Any preparation of medicated honey. Melonia' ilia. Insane fondness for music. Melom'elns. Monstrous fetus with supernumerary limbs. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 263 264 Mcl'on-secd bodies. Small bodies in joints and tendon-sheaths. Mel'oplasty (mel'op-las-te). Plastic surgery of a cheek. Melt/ i ng-point. The temperature at which a solid melts. Membra'na. L. for Membrane. M. adventlt'ia. See Adven- titia. M. basila'ris. Same as Basilar membrane. M. clio- riocapilla'ris, innermost vascular layer of the choroid. .11. dccld'na. Same as Decidua. HI. eb'oris, investing mem- brane of the tooth-pulp, made up of relies of the odontoblasts. M. llae'eida. Same as Shrapnell’s membrane. M. granu- lo'sa, cell-layer which limits the Graafian vesicle. M. nic'ti- lans. See Nictitating membrane. M. pituito'sa. See Schnei- derian membrane. M. pro'pria. Same as Basement membrane. M. ItoiNsnr'rii. See Beissner’s membrane. M. teclo'ria. Same as Corti's membrane. M. lyin'pani, drum of the mem- branous ear. HI. vi'brans, HI. ten'sa, the tenser portion of the drum-membrane of the ear. Membrane. A thin layer of tissue which covers a surface or divides an organ. Animal m., a thin diaphragm of membrane, as of bladder, used as a dialyzer. Kascment m.. delicate layer underlying epithelium. M.-bone, a bone ossified within, or de- veloped from, a membrane. Uracil’s m., inner layer of choroid coat. Corti’s m., membrane over Corti’s organ. Costocora- eold m.. fascia between pectoralis minor and subclavius mus- cles. Cricothyroid in., membrane which connects the thy- roid and cricoid cartilages. Croupous m., false membrane of true croup, Debovc’s m., delicate layer between the epithe- lium and tunica propria of broncial, tracheal, and intestinal mu- cous membrane. Descemet’s m., posterior lining membrane of the cornea. Diphtheritic m., the peculiar false membrane characteristic of diphtheria. Drum m. See Memhrana tympani. Flaslic m., a membrane made up largely of elastic fibers. False m., membranous exudate, like that of diphtheria. Fenestrated m., the elastic inner membrane of the arterial intima. Fetal m’s., chorion, amnion, and allantois. Germi- nal m., the blastoderm. Huxley’s m., cellular membrane of root-sheath and proximal end of a hair. Hyaline m. 1, Membrane between outer root-sheath and inner fibrous layer of hair-follicle, 2. Basement membrane. Jacob’s m., the rod- and-cone layer of the retina. Krause’s m.. membrane sup- posed to separate disks of sarcous matter in muscle. Mcconic m., a layer within the fetal rectum. Medullary in. Same as Endosteum. Mucous m., membrane covered with epithelium lining canals and cavities which communicate with external air. Sfasinytli’s in., membrane covering enamel of an unworn tooth. Kiciitatinsr m., the so-called third eyelid of various animals. Obturator in., the tough membrane which closes the obturator foramen. Periodontal m., membrane which covers the cement of a tooth. Pupillary in., delicate mem- brane which closes the fetal pupil. Pyogenic in., old name for prophylactic membrane. Pyopliylactic in., fibrous mem- brane lining a pus-cavity, and tending to prevent reabsorption of injurious materials. Ruyscliian in. Same as Entochoroidea. Schneiderian in., mucous membrane which lines the nose. Serous in., the lining membrane of any one of the great splanchnic or lymph-cavities. Slirapncll’s in., the thin upper part of the membrana tympani. Synovial in., the membrane w'hich lines joint-cavities and tendon-sheaths. Tenon’s m. See Tenon’s capsule. Tliyroliyoid m.. membrane which connects thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. Tympanic m. Same as Memhrana tympani. Menibranocariilas-'inous. Pertaining to, or developed in, membrane and cartilage. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 265 Mem' branous. Of, or pertaining to, membrane. Mem' brum vlei'le. The penis. Menidro'siis, Bloody sweat replacing the menstrual discharge. Meniere's disease (men-e-arz'). Skx Disease. Menin'gcal (me-nin'je-al). Of, or pertaining to, the meninges. Menin'ges (me-nin'jez), pi. of meniux. The membranes of the brain and cord ; the dura, pia, and arachnoid. Meuiii'grism. Hysteric simulation of meningitis. Meningtt'ic. Of, or pertaining to, meningitis. M. streak, streak on skin when the nail is drawn over it in meningitis. Meningi'tis (men-in-ji'tis). Inflammation of the meninges. Cerebral m., inflammation of the membranes of the brain, acute or chronic. See Leptomeningitis, Pachymeningitis. Cere- brospinal m., epidemic inflammation of meninges of the brain and spinal cord. Otitic m., that which may complicate an attack of otitis. Septicemic m., that which is due to septic blood-poisoning. Spinal m., that which affects the membranes of spinal cord. Tubercular m. Same as Acute hydroceph- alus. Meningitoplio'bia. Condition simulating meningitis, due to dread of that disease. Menin'gooclc (me-nin'go-sel). Hernial protrusion of meninges. Meninsocerebri'tis. Inflammation of brain and meninges. Meningococ' eus. A micro-organism causing meningitis. Meiiiugo-enceplial'ocele. Protrusion of brain and meninges. Meniiigomyeli'tis. Inflammation of spinal cord and its mem- branes. Meningomyel' oeele. Protrusion of spinal cord and membranes. Meuingrorhaelilil'iau. Pertaining to spinal cord and meninges. .Hciiinso'sis. Union or attachment of bones by membrane. lleningn'ria. Presence of shreds in urine. Me'ninx (me'ninx), pi. meninges. A membrane, especially one of the brain or spinal cord. Menis' eus. 1. A cresentic interarticular fibrocartilage. 2. A con- cavo-convex (positive m.) or convexo-concave (negative m.) lens. Mcnisper'mum. The root of Menispermum canadense, or moon- seed : it is tonic. Menoce'lis (men-o-se'lis). Spotting of skin from stoppage of the menses. Meu'opausc. Period when menstruation ceases; change of life. Menopla'nia. Metastasis or aberration of menses. Menori’lia'sria, Mcnorrlic'a. Immoderate flow of menses. Meuosep'sis. Septic poisoning from retained menses. Meuos'tasis (memos'tas-is). Suppression of the menses. Men'ses (men'sez). The monthly courses of women. Mens'trnal. Pertaining to the menses. Menstrua'lion. The monthly sanguineous discharge peculiar to women. Climacteric m., time of first menstruation. Vica- rious m., menstrual flow from some part or organ other than the vagina. Men'strunm (men'stru-um). A solvent medium. Mcnsura'tion. The act or process of measuring. Meutag' ra (men-tag' rah). Same as Sycosis. Mentasropliy'ton. The fungus Microsporon mentugrophytes causing sycosis. Men'tal. 1. Pertaining to the mind. 2. Pertaining to the chin. Men'tha. I/, fur Mint. M. piperl'ta, peppermint. M. pule'- gin in. true pennyroyal. M. vir'tills, spearmint. Men'tliene (men'then). A hydrocarbon, OiplI18, from menthol. Men'tliol. A stearoptene from peppermint oil; locally anodyne. Menthoplie'nol. An antiseptic containing menthol and phenol. Men'turn (men'turn). L. for Chin. branes. 266 AMERICAN POCKET Mephit'ic (me-fit'ik). Noxious; foul; of an ill odor. ISeral'gia (me-ral'je-ah). Pain in a thigh. Hereap' tan. Any alcohol in which oxygen is replaced by sulphur. Mercler’s bar (mer-se-az'). A bar or fold at neck of bladder. Mercu'rial (mer-ku're-al). 1. Pertaining to, or containing, mer- cury. 2. A preparation containing mercury. M. palsy, paral- ysis caused by mercurial poisoning. M. rash, rash caused by local application of mercurials. Mercu'rialism. Chronic poisoning from misuse of mercury. Mcrcu'rlc chlorid. Corrosive sublimate, HgCl2: poisonous, an- tiseptic. M. ox id, a red or yellow powder, HgO. Mercnroiilohe'mol. Brown powder, containing hemol, mer- cury, and iodin; used as alterative and hematinic. Mer'curous chlorid. Calomel, Hg2Cl2; a white cholagogue purgative powder. Mer'cury. A bivalent liquid metal, symbol Hg. Mcrlat'chenje. See Miryachit. Mcrismope' dia. A genus of bacteria said to be pathogenic. Mer'ispore. A spore produced by the division of another spore. Meroblas'tic ovum. One in which only a part of the yolk undergoes segmentation. Mer'ocelc (mer'o-sel). Femoral hernia. McrorrtiacUls' chisis. Fissure of a part of the spinal cord. Merot'omy (me-rot'o-me). A cutting into segments. Mer'ycism (mer'is-izm). Rumination ; regurgitation of food from stomach and chewing it again. Mcr'ycolc. One who ruminates. Mes' ad. Toward a center or mesial line. Me'sal (me'sal). See Mesial. Mesame' bold. A cell given off from the epiblast or hypoblast to become a part of the mesoblast or mesoderm. Mesara'ic (mes-ar-a'ik). Same as Mesenteric. Mcsartcri'tis. Inflammation of the middle coat of an artery. Mcsatlcephal' ic. With a length-breadth index of 75° to 80°. Mescal buttons. Tops of Anhalonium Lewinii of Mexico : they are poisonous. Mes'calln. An alkaloid from mescal buttons. Mesencepli' alon (mes-en-sef'al-on). The corpora quadrigemina and crura cerebri together. Mesen'chyma (mes-en'kim-ah). Embryonic connective tissue. Mescuter'lc (mes-eu-ter'ik). Pertaining to the mesentery. Mcsenteri'tis. Inflammation of the mesentery. Meson'teron. The part of the body-cavity whence alimentary canal, lungs, liver, and pancreas are derived. Mes'entery (mes'en-ter-e). Fold of peritoneum which attaches the mesentery to the abdominal wall. Mc'siad (me'se-ad). Toward the middle ; mesad. Me'sial (me'se-al). Situated in the middle ; median. Me'sion (me'se-on). The plane which divides the body into right and left symmetrical halves. Mcs'merlsm (mes'mer-izm). Hypnotism, or animal magnetism. Mesoappen'dix. The peritoneal fold which connects the appen- dix to the ileum. Mesoa'i’lum (mes-o-a're-um). Same as Mesovarium. Mes'oblast. The middle layer of the primitive embryo. Mesobronclii'tis. Inflammation of middle coat of bronchia. Mesoec'enm, Mesocse'eum. Peritoneal fold which gives at- tachment to the cecum. Mesocephal'ic. 1. Pertaining to the mesocephalon. 2. Having a head of medium size. Mesoceph'alon. Same as Mesencephalon. Mesoeol'lc hernia. Hernia into a pouch of the mesocolon. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 267 Hesoeo'lon. Peritoneal process by which colon is attached, An umbilical cord adherent to the placenta. «I esogna'tliic. With a gnathic index between 98 and 103. 'lesogiia'lliioa (mes-og-na'the-on). The premaxillary bone, (me-sol'o-bus). The corpus callosum. »les' on (mes'on). Same as Mesion. Stesoneph'rlc. Pertaining to the mesonephron. M. duct. Same as Wolffian duct. Hesoneph'ron, llesoncpli'ros. Same as Wolffian body. l. Inflammation of the substance of a nerve. 2. Inflammation of the lymphatics of a nerve. -Hcsopb' ryon (mes-of re-on). Central point of the glabellum. Fold of pleura which attaches the lung, Peritoneal fold which holds in place the fetal testicle. 'lesorec' turn. The mesentery of the rectum. Hesoret'ina (mes-o-ret'in-ah). The middle layer of the retina. lles' orrli i ne. With a nasal index between 47 and 51. sles' osemc. Within an orbital index between 83 and 90. ‘*l«s'os(:i(c. Any product of metabolism which represents an in- termediate stage in the formation of another product. The middle piece or body of the sternum. 'Wesothe'limn (mes-o-the'le-um). Part of mesoblast whence the serous cavities and muscles are developed. (mes-oth'en-ar). The adductor pollicis. Peritoneal fold which holds ovary in place, (met-ab'as-is). Change of disease or of place. •*h‘tahol'ic (met-ab-ol'ik). Pertaining to metabolism, (met-ab'o-lin). A product of metabolism, Change in living organism induced by the action of cells. Constructive m. See Anabolism. Destructive m. See Catabolism. Any substance derived by metabolism, (met-ak-ar'pal). Pertaining to the metacarpus. ctacar'pus. Part of hand between the wrist and phalanges. Het'acele (met'as-el), Metacce'le (met-ah-se'le). Same as Fourth ventricle. A remedy, COCI3HO, not unlike chloral hydrate, (me-tak'is-is). Transfusion of blood, Separation of daughter-stars from each other, ter. The permanent intestinal canal of the embryo, Gastrula with cleavage differing from the stand- ard type. (met-aj-en'es-is). Alternation of generation. ®let' al. Any element marked by luster, malleability, ductility, and conductivity of electricity and heat. claibu'inln (met-al-bu'min). A proteid found in ovarian cysts, Pertaining to, or composed of, metal. M. tinfcling, a peculiar ringing auscultatory sound in pneumothorax, and over large lung-cavities. >1 rl'aiioid. 1. Any non-metallic element. 2. Any metal that has not all the characters of a typical metal. alios'copy. Observation of the effects of applying metals to the body. Treatment of disease by applying metals to the integument. ®et«mer' ic. Of, or characterized by, metamerism. 268 AMERICAN POCKET Metam'erid (met-am'er-id). A metameric substance. IWelam'erMiu. Isomerism when the component elements are identical, but the structural arrangement is not the same. JJtetamorpliop'sia. State of the eye in which objects looked at seem to be distorted. II clamor' pilosis. Change of structure or shape. Fatty m. Same as Fatty degeneration. Regressive m., Retrograde in., a degeneration ; also, a catabolic change. Viscous in., the massing of blood-plaques in thrombosis. Metanepli'ron, Metanepli' ros. The hindmost segment of the primitive embryonic kidney. Metapliosplior'ic arid. Glacial phosphoric acid, HPC3. Metapla'sia. Change of one kind of tissue into another. Metaplas' tic. Formed by metaplasia. Mctapneumon'ic. Succeeding or following pneumonia. Metapopb'ysis. Any tubercle on the superior articular processes of a vertebra. Metapyret'ic. Performed or occurring after the advent (other- wise, after the decline) of septic fever. Metas'tasis. Transfer of disease from one organ to another. Metastat'ie. Pertaining to, or due to, metastasis. M etas ter' nnm. Same as Fnsiform cart Huge. Metasyph'ills. Congenital syphilis with general degeneration, and with no appreciable local lesions. Metatarsal' gia. Pain in metatarsus. Metatarsophalan'geal. Pertaining to metatarsus and pha- langes. Metatar' sus. Part of foot between tarsus and toes. Metatb'esis. I. Artificial transfer of morbid process. 2. Replace- ment of molecular atoms by other atoms. Metencepli'alon. 1. Hind-brain; part of embryonic brain whence the pons and part of cerebellum are developed. 2. After- brain ; part of embryonic brain whence are developed the ob- longata and part of the fourth ventricle. Me' tcorism. Tympanites; gas in the abdomen or intestine. Me'ter. Measure of length, 39.371 inches. M.-angle, angle of visual axes when viewing a point one meter distant. Metliac'etln. An antipyretic and anodyne, CjHnNOs. Metli'ane. Marsh gas, CH4, from decayed organic matter. Metliemoglo'bin. Hemoglobin from decomposing blood. Metheniogloliine'inia. Methemoglobin in the blood. Metbeinogloblnn'ria. Methemoglobin in the urine. Methoma'nla. Insanity from alcoholic drinks. Mctlio'zin (meth-o'zin). Same as Antipyrin. Me'tliyl. An atom-group, CH3, from wood-spirit. M. alcohol, wood-spirit, CH3OH ; distilled from wood : sedative, narcotic, and poisonous. M. ether, colorless anesthetic gas (CH3)2O. M. oxhl, gaseous or liquid substance: strongly refrigerant. M. salicylate, artificial oil of gaultheria: found also in natural oil of wintergreen. M. violet, blue pyoktanin. Metli'ylal. Same as Formal. Metliyl'amin. Gaseous ptomain from decaying fish and from comma-bacillus cultures. MetU'ylateil spirit. Mixture of ethyl and methyl alcohols. Meth'ylen blue. Blue stain and analgesic. M. dieliloricl, an anesthetic liquid, CH2C12. Metliylgnaii'iilin, Metliyluraiu'in. A poisonous ptomain, C 2H7N3, from spoiled fish, etc. Metop'agus (me-top'ag-us). Twin fetuses united at forehead. Meto'pion (me-to'pe-on). Point in median line of forehead, between frontal eminences. Me'tra (me'trah). The womb, or uterus. Me'tre (me'ter). Same as Meter. Metrec'topy (me-trek'to-pe). Uterine displacement. Mel'ric system. System of measures and weights having the meter as a basis. See Weights and Measures, Tables of. Metri'tis. Inflammation of the womb. Met' roclyst. Device for irrigating the womb. Metroeol'poeele (met-ro-kol'po-sel). Hernia of uterus into vagina. Metroeysto'sis. Formation of cysts in the womb. Metrodyn'ia (met-ro-din'e-ah). Pain in the uterus. Metrop'athy (met-rop'ath-e). Any uterine disorder. Metroperitoiii'tls. Inflammation of uterus and peritoneum. Metropblobi'lls. Inflammation of uterine veins. Uetrorrlia'tria (met-ror-ra'je-ah). Uterine hemorrhage. Metrorrhe' a. Free or abnormal uterine discharge. Metrortbo'sis. Rectification of uterine displacement. Metrosalpingt'tis. Inflammation of womb and oviducts. Met'roscope (met'ros-kop). Instrument for examining the uterus. Metrostax'i* (met-ros-tax'is). Slow loss of blood from uterus. Met'rolome (met'ro-tdm). Same as Hysterotome. Metrot'omy (met-rot'o-me). Same as Hysterotomy. Metro-uretli' rotome (met-ro-u-reth'ro-tom). A urethrotome with a device which regulates the amount of cutting. Meynert’s commissure (rhi'nerts). Commissure from sub- thalamic body to floor of third ventricle. Mcze'reon, Meze'reuni. Diaphoretic, diuretic, and alterative bark of Daphne Mezereum. Mg. Symbol for Magnesium. Mi'asm, Mias'ma. A noxious effluvium. Miasmat'ic. Of, or pertaining to, miasm. Mi' capa'nis. L. for Bread-crumb. Micel'la. Same as Tayma. Micrenceph'alon. Abnormal smallness of brain ; cretinism. Mi'crobe (mi'krob). A vegetable micro organism. Microbe'mia (mi-kro-be'me-ah). Same as Microbiohemia. Microb' ic (mi-krob' ik). Of, or pertaining to, microbes. Microbici'dal (mi-krob-is-i'dal). Destroying microbes. Microb'icide (mi-krob' is-Id). An agent that destroys microbes. Microbici'din. A compound, C]oH7ONa, used as external anti- septic, and internally as antipyretic and antiseptic. Microbiolie'mia. Disease due to microbes in the blood. Microbiol' ogy (mi-kro-be-ol'o-je). Study of the microbes. Microbiopho'bia. A morbid dread of microbes. Mi'crobism (mi'kro-bizm). Disease due to microbes. Mi'croblast (mi'kro-blast). Same as Microcyte. Microblcpb' arism, Microblcph'ary (mi-kro-bleph'ar-e). Abnormal smallness of eyelids. Fetus with preternaturally small arms. Microccpbal' ic. Microceph'alous. Having a small head. Microccpli'alus. Idiot or fetus with very small head. Microceph'aly (mi-kro-sef'al-e), Microccpb'alism (mi-kro- sef'al-izm). Abnormal smallness of head. Microchem'istry (mi-kro-kem'is-tre). Chemical work carried on by the aid of the microscope. Mi croc'id in (mi-kros'id-in). Sodium naphtolate; an antiseptic. Micrococ'cus (mi-kro-kok'kus). A minute bacterial coccus or cell-form; generally regarded as a genus of schizomycetes. M. a'cidi lac'tici, a coccus in fresh milk, causing lactic-acid fer- mentation. M. jig'ills, a species from water, producing a rosy pigment. M. aiuylov'orus, coccus which causes apple and pear blight: produces fermentation in saccharine solutions. M. aqnat' ili*. coccus found in water. M. axcufor'iuaiM, a kind MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 269 found in diseased tissues of the horse: causes septicemia. sf. can'dicans, saprophytic coccus from air, water, etc. M. cap- illo'rum, a kind from the scalp : alters color of the hair. M. car'nens, from flowing water: produces a red pigment. 51. cli loci' mis. a coccus which produces a yellowish pigment. 51. cit' reus, found in water and in osteomyelitis. 51. comula'- tus tcn'uis, in nasal mucus. 51. couccn'triens, in water: not pathogenic. 51. cremoi'des, in water: named from its creamy pigment. 51. eya' ncus. in the air; forms a blue pigment on potato. 51. diffluens, in air, dust, and feces. M. cmlorar- dt'tidis ruga' tus, on the valvular vegetations of ulcerative endocarditis. 51. fervido'sus, in water: not pathogenic. 51. Floe'cil, from conjunctival sac. 51. fla' vus conjunct!' van from the human conjunctiva: pathogenic in rabbits. 51. fla' vus ll<(uefa'ciens. from air, water, and the air-passages. 51. fee', tidus, ill-smelling form from nasopharynx, and from rotten teeth. 51. fus'eus, from water. 51. gelatino'sus, from milk. 51. gingi'vse pyo'genes, from alveolar abscess : pathogenic. 51. bsemato'des, from hair of persons with a red sweat: also from sweat of the armpit. 51. Ilqnefa'ciens conjunct!' vas, from normal human conjunctiva. 51. licewenber'gil, from nose in ozena; pathogenic. 51. of mastitis of cow, produces mastitis in cows. 51. masto'blus, from milk of sheep with gangrenous mastitis. 51. nasa'lis, from nasopharynx : non-pathogenic. 51. nilrlf leans, from soil: changes various nitrogen compounds to nitrates. 51. of osteomyelitis, pathogenic form from osteo- myelitis. 51. Pastcn'ri, from saliva. 51. I*ftti'gei’i, from decaying flesh and potatoes. 51. plumo'sns, from water. 51. porcello' rum, from swine with hepatitis. 51. of progres- sive lymphoma of animals, found in sputa of pneumonia after measles; dangerously pathogenic. 51. pyo'genes ten'- nis, from large abscesses. 51. radia'tus, from air and water. 51. restit'nens, changes peptone into albumin. 51. Rosen- baeli'ii, from pus of abscesses. 51. rosetta'ecus, from water. 51. ro'seus, from sputum of influenza. 51. saliva'- rins sep'ticns, from sputum of puerperal septicemia. 51. tetra' genus, from sputum of phthisis and lung-cavities: pathogenic. Other forms referred to this species from smallpox, yellow fever, the stomach-contents, nasal mucus, etc. 51. nre'je, produces ammoniacal fermentation in urine. 51. urinal'bus, from urine in cystitis and pyelonephritis. 51. uri'nae al'bus, 51. nri'me fla'vus, 51. nri'nse ma jor, three forms from urine of cystitis, etc. 51. versa!/ills, found in the healthy skin and in the viscera after death from yellow fever. 51. vini- per'da, found in spoiled wine. 51. vir'idis Haves'eens, from lymph of varicella. 51. viseo'sns, from diseased wine. 51. xanthogen'iens, from yellow-fever patients. Slicrocor'nea (mi-kro-kor'ne-ah). Unusual smallness of cornea. slicroeos'niie salt. Sodium and ammonium phosphate. slierocou'loinb. The millionth part of a coulomb. Mi'croeritli. The weight of one atom of hydrogen. slicrocrys'talline. Made up of minute crystals. Mi'croeyst (mi'kro-sist). A very small cyst. sli'eroeyte (mi'kro-slt). An undersized red blood-corpuscle. Sllcroeytlie'niia, sflerocyto'sis. Condition in which the red blood-corpuscles are undersized. slierodactyl'ia. Unusual smallness of fingers or toes. sli'crodont (mi'kro-dont). Having very small teeth. slicr«glos'wf a (mi-kro-glos'e-ah). Undersize of the tongue. slierogna'tliia (mi-krog-na'the-ah). Undue smallness of jaws. Mi'erogram. The one-millionth part of a gram. Slicrog'raphy (mi-krog'raf-e). Same as fl/tcro.scopj/. AMERICAN POCKEf Microgyr'ia (mi-kro-jir'e-ah). Undersize of brain-convolutions. Microl'ogy. A treatise on microscopy. jHicroma'nia (ml-kro-ma'ne-ah). Insane belief that one’s body has been reduced in size. Uieroin'clus. Fetus with undersized limbs. Microm'eter. Instrument for measuring microscopical objects. Slierom'etry. Measurement of microscopic objects. 9Xicromil' limeter. Same as Micron. iKieromye'Ua (mi-kro-mi-e'le-ah). Abnormal smallness of spinal cord. mi'cron (mi'kron). One-millionth part of a meter. micro-or'ganisni. Any microscopic animal or plant. Micropatliol'ogy. Pathology of diseases caused by micro- organisms. mi'crophage, Micropli'agns. A phagocyte of small size. Mi'croplione. Device for rendering feeble sounds audible. Mieroplio'noscopc. A binaural stethoscope having a mem- brane in the chest-piece, this accentuates the sound. II icroplio' tograpii. 1. Same as Photomicrograph. 2. Photo- graph of microscopic size. Microplittial' in in. Abnormal smallness of the eyes. Microplithal'mns. Person with abnormally small eyes. Ml'cropliyte (mi'kro-fit). A microscopic plant. Microp'sia (mi-krop'se-ah). State in which objects seen appear to be smaller than they really are. Mic'ropns. A person with abnormally small feet. mi'cropyle (mi'kro-pil). Opening through which spermatozoon, in some animals, enters the ovum. mt'croscopc (mi'kro-skop). Instrument which magnifies minute objects for visual inspection. Binocular in., microscope to be used with both eyes together. Compound in., one that con- sists of two or more lenses or lens-systems. Simple m., out' which consists of a simple lens or of several lenses acting at once. Mi'croscopic. Microscnp'ical. Pertaining to, or visible only by aid of, the microscope. Micros'copy. Observation by means of the microscope. Mi'croseme (mi'kro-sem). Having the orbital index less than 83. Microso'mia (mi-kro-so'me-ah). Undersized state of the body. Microspec'troscope. Spectroscope and microscope combined. Micros'poron. Genus of fungi producing tinea, sycosis, etc. Microsto'mia. Undue smallness of the mouth. Micro'tia (mi-kro'she-ah). Undersize of external ear. Mi'crotome (mi'kro-tora). Instrument for making thin slips for microscopic study. Microt'omy (mi-krot'om-e). The cutting of thin sections. Mic'rovolt (mik'ro-volt). One-millionth part of a volt. Mi'crozyme. A microbe which causes fermentation. llidnri' t ion (mik-tu-rish'un). The passage of urine. Mid'brain. See under Mesencephalon. Mid'gnt (mid'gut). Embryonic structure whence the jejunum and ileum are developed. Mid'riflf (mid'rif). The diaphragm. Mid'wife (mid'wlf). A woman who delivers parturient women. Midwifery (mid-wif'er-e). Same as Obstetrics. Migraine (me-gran'). Periodic sick headache, often one-sided. Mig'ranine. A preparation of antipyrin and caffein. Migra'tion (mi-gra'shun). Change of place or of seat. Mi'grosin. Analgesic mixture of menthol and acetic ether. Miltro-. For words thus beginning, see Micro-. HiU' iilirz'H disease. Enlargement of lacrimal and salivary glands, due to replacement of tissue by lymph-cells. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 271 272 Mil'dew. A parasitic fungus of many species ; also a plant-disease caused by it. Blil'foil. Yarrow. See Achillea. 1] i lia/I’ijt (mil-e-a're-ah). 1. Prickly heat. 2. Miliary fever. Mil'iary (mil'e-a-re). Like millet-seeds. M. fever. See Fever. MU'inm. A small, white tumor beneath the epidermis. 3111 k. The fluid secretion of the mammary gland. A(Tfer-iu., the strippings or last milk taken at any one milking. Butter- m., milk or cream from which the fat has been removed. Con- densed m., milk which has been partly evaporated and sweet- ened with sugar. 31.-crust. Same as Orustea looted. ML-cure, treatment of disease by a milk-diet. 31.-cyst, a cyst which con- tains milk ; caused by stoppage of a milk-duct. 3f.-fever. See Fever. Forc-iu. 1. The first milk that is taken at any milking. 2. Same as Colostrum. M.-leg. Same as Phlegmasia dolens. 31.- sickucss, poisoning by using contaminated milk. Shim-m., milk after the cream is removed. 81.-spot. Same as Strophulus. 31.-spot*, spots of localized pericarditis. 3tt.-sugar. Same as Lactose. M.-teeth, teeth of the first set. 11 .-I■■ mor, swollen mammary gland with retention of milk. Bfilliam'pere. One-thousandth part of an ampere. Mil' ligram. One-thousandth part of a gram. Blillili'ter. One-thousandth part of a liter. 3111'limeter. One-thousandth part of a meter. MU'lon’s reagent. A mixture of mercurous and mercuric nitrates. Milos'sin. A crystalline substance from the leaves of Taxus baccata, or yew-tree. Blimet'ie, Blim'ic. Marked by simulation of another disease. 31. convulsion, chronic spasm of facial muscles. 31.-labor, spurious or false labor. Min. Abbreviation for Minim. 3lind-blindness. Blindness due to brain-lesion. 31.-cure, pre- tended cure of disease by mental influence. 3!f.-deafness, deaf- ness due to some brain-lesion. 31 in' derer’s spirit. The solution of ammonium acetate. 3f in'eral. A non-organic homogeneous substance. 31. oil. Same as Petroleum. M. pitch, a kind of bitumen. 31. water, water charged with inorganic salts. 3lincrs’ anemia. Same as Ankylostomiasis. Ms*, cachexia, Mb’, elbow, bursal swelling over olecranon in miners. 3ts’. nystagmus. See Nystagmus. 31 s*. phthisis. See Phthisis. Blin'im. One-sixtieth part of a fluidrachm. Ilin'imal dose. The least which will produce a given effect. Klin'lmum. Smallest amount or lowest limit. 3Ein'ium. Lead tetroxid, P1304 ; red lead. Bli'nor surgery. Bandaging, dressing, catheterization, etc. 3liod'ymus. Fetus with two heads joined at the occiputs. 31 io'pus. Fetal monster with two fused heads, one face being rudimentary. Blio'sis. Excessive contraction of pupil. 3fiot'ic. Causing the pupil to contract. 31 iry'acliit. A form of palmus with jumping movements and infirm will, endemic in Siberia. See Palmus and Lata. 3tisear'riage. Abortion ; premature expulsion of fetus. 3Tis'ce (mis'e). L. for Mix. 3lisscd labor. Cessation of labor-pains and retention of fetus. Blis'tletoe. A parasitic plant, Visum, album,, with nervine leaves. 3listu'ra. L. for Mixture. 31 ite. A minute insect; an acarus. 3f ilbrid'atisin. Immunity to a poison secured by giving it in increasing doses. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Mit'lgaled. Rendered more mild or less painful. .11 iry n., that in which the dead bone becomes dry. Fat-n., necrosis of fatty tissue in small white areas. Mercurial n., that which is due to mercurial poisoning. Moist n., that in which the dead bone is wet and soft. N. ustilagin'ea, dry gangrene from ergot-poisoning. Phosphorus n., in the upper jaw, from ex- posure to fumes of phosphorus. Superficial n. affects the sur- face of a bone. Syphilitic n. is caused by syphilis. Total n. affects an entire bone. Necrot'ie. Pertaining to necrosis. Neerot' omy. Dissection of a dead body ; also, excision of a seques- trum. AMERICAN POCKET Neptan'dra. See Rebreru. Nee'dle. Sharp instrument for sewing or puncturing. Aneu- rysm-n., one used in ligating blood-vessels. Cidarari-n.. one designed for operating upon the cataractous lens. Kisclssion- n., a special form of cataract n. Exploring n., one used in determining the presence of a fluid, llagedorn’.s n., a form of flat suture needle. Hypodermic n., needle-pointed tube at- tached to the barrel of a hypodermic syringe. N.-holder, an Instrument for drawing or guiding a needle. Hi .-knife, a cutting- edged needle used in operation. Need'ling. Discission or puncturing with a needle. Neg'atlve electricity. Static electricity like that produced by friction of rosin or sealing-wax. N. electrode. Si. pole. Same as Cathode. Ne'gro lethargy. Same as African lethargy. Neisse'ria. A genus of schizomycetes made up of biscuit-shaped diplococci. N. gonorrhea'se. Same as Gonococcus. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 303 N<*laton’s eath'eter. A soft rubber catheter. N.’s line, line from tuberosity of ischium to anterior superior spinous process of ilium. N.’s probe, a bullet probe with porcelain tip. See Probe. Nem'atoblast (nem'at-o-blast). Same as Spermatoblast. Nem'atode, or lem'atoid. 1. Like a thread. 2. A thread-like parasitic worm. Neoarthro'sis (ne-o-ar-thro'sis). Same as Nearthrosis. Neoforma'lion. A new growth; neoplasm. Neomem'brane (ne-o-mem'bran). A false membrane. Neona'tal. Of, or pertaining to, the new-born. Ne'oplasm. Any new and abnormal formation. Neoplas'tic. Pertaining to, or like, a neoplasm. Ne'oplasty (ne'op-las-te). Plastic replacement of lost parts. Nephral'gia (nef-ral'je-ah). Pain in a kidney. Nephral'gie crises. Paroxysmal pain of kidney-region in tabes. Nephral'oity (nef-rat'o-ne). Atony of the kidney. Ncphranx'e. Enlargement of kidney. Nephree'tomy (nef-rek'to-me). Removal of a kidney. Nephreleo'sis. Ulceration of the kidney. Sieph'ric (nePrik). Pertaining to the kidney. Nephrid'inm. Embryonic tube whence the kidney is developed. Neph'rin (nePrin). Same as Oystin. Neph' rism (neP rism). Cachexia due to kidney-disease. Nephrit'ie (nef-rit'ik). Pertaining to nephritis. Nephri'tis (nef-ri'tls). Inflammation of the kidney. Acute n., suppurative n. of short and severe course. Albuminous u., that in which albuminuria occurs. Bacterial u., that which is caused by micro-organisms. Capsular n. affects specially Bow- man’s capsules. Catarrhal u. Same as Parenchymatous n. Cheesy n., a chronic suppurative form with caseous deposits. Chronic n., any variety of relatively slow course. Croupous n. Same as Acute n. Desquamative n., acute catarrhal n. Diffuse n., one which affects both parenchyma and stroma. Fibrous n., that which specially affects the stroma. (Homer- ular n. affects specially the glomeruli. Olomernlocapsn- lar n. affects primarily the glomeruli and Bowman’s capsules. Interstitial n. Same as Fibrous n. Parenchymatous n. affects specially the parenchyma of kidney. Saturnine n., that due to chronic lead-poisoning. Scarlatinal n., an acute n. due to scarlet fever. Suppurative n., a form accompanied by abscess of kidney. Tubal, or Tubular n. affects especially the tubules. Tuberculous n., a kind due to the bacillus of tubercle. Neph'rocele (nePro-sel). Hernia of a kidney. Nephrogen'ie, Nephrog'enous. Arising in or from a kidney- Neph' rolith (nePro-lith). A renal calculus; gravel in a kidney. Nephroli Mi i'asis. Condition marked by presence of renal calculi. Nephrolithot'omy. Removal of renal calculus by cutting. Nephrol'ogy (nef-rol'o-je). Scientific study of the kidney. Heph'i-opcxy. Surgical fixation of a floating kidney. Nephropto'sis. Prolapse of a kidney. Aiepbropyell'tis. Nephritis complicated with pyelitis. Ateph ropy o'sis (nef-ro-pi-o'sis). Suppuration of a kidney. Nephror' rhaphy. Same as Nephropexy. Afeph'rostome (nePros-tdm). The internal orifice of the neph- ridium. Aephrot'omy (nef-rot'om-e). Surgical incision of a kidney. Afcphroty'phus (nef-ro-tl'fus). Typhus with renal hemorrhage. Atephro-ureterec'tomy. Excision of kidney and whole ureter. Atephroz'ymase. A ferment-like diastase found in urine. Afer'oll (ner'ol-e). Oil of orange flowers. 304 AMERICAN POCKET A TABLE OF THE NERVES. Nerve. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Abdu'cens (sixth cranial). Ar' nold’s. Motion. See Auricular. Fourth ventricle. External rectus of eye. None. Au'ditory (eighth cranial, portio mollis of seventh). Hearing. Fourth ventricle. Internal ear. Vestibular, cochlear. Auric'ular (Arnold’s). Sensation. Pneumogastric. External ear. Filaments. Auric'ular (posterior). Motion. Facial. Ketrahens aurem, occipito- frontalis. Auricular, occipital. Auricula'ris mag'nus. Sensation. Cervical plexus, sec- ond and third cer- vical. Parotid gland, face, ear. Facial, posterior mastoid. Auriculotem' poral. Sensation. Inferior maxillary. Pinna and temple. Anterior and posterior tem- poral. Buc' cal. Motion. Inferior maxillary. Cheek. Superior and inferior bucci- nator and external ptery- goid. Calca' nean, internal. Sensation. Posterior tibial. Fascia and integument of heel and sole. Car'diac (cervical and tho- racic). Motion. Pneumogastric. Heart. Branches to cardiac plex- uses. Cer'vical, 8. Motion and sensation. Cord. Trunk and upper extremi- ties. Anterior and posterior di- visions. Cervical, first (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Rectus lateralis and two anterior recti. Branches and communicat- ing to pneumogastric, hy- poglossal, sympathetic. Cervical, first (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Recti, obliqui, complexus. Branches, communicating and cutaneous filaments. MEDICAL DICTIONARY, 305 Cervical, second (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Communicating. Ascending, descending, communicating, and fila- ments. Cervical, second (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Oblique inferior, scalp, ear, complexus, splenius, tra- chelomastoid. Internal or occipitalis ma- jor, and external. Cervical, third (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Communicating. Ascending, descending, and communicating filaments. Cervical, third (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Occiput, etc., splenius, com- plexus, etc. Internal, external, and fila- ments. Cervical, fourth (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Shoulder and communicat- ing. Communicating filaments, muscular, etc. Cervicals, fifth to eighth (anterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Brachial plexus. Communicating. Cervicals, fourth to eighth (posterior division). Motion and sensation. Cord. Muscles and skin of neck. Internal and external branches. Cervicofa' cial. Motion. Facial. Lower part of face and part of neck. Buccal, supramaxillary, in- framaxillary. Chor' da lyin'pani. Motion. Facial. Tongue, etc. Filaments. Cil'iary. Sensation, motion, nu- trition. Ciliary ganglion. Eyeball. Cir'cumflex. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Teres minor and deltoid. Upper and lower. Coccyg' eal. Motion. Coccygeal plexus. Coccygeus and gluteus max. Coch' lear. Hearing. Auditory. Cochlea. Col'li, superflcia'lis. Sensation. Cervical plexus. ■ Platysma muscle and ante- rolateral parts of neck. Ascending and descending branches and filaments. Cornmu' nicans no'ni. Motion and sensation. Second cervical, third cervical. Descendens noni. Omohyoid and filaments. Commu' nicating. Motion and sensation. Cervical plexus. Spinal accessory. Branches. Commu' nicating. Sensation and motion. First and second cer- vical. Pneumogastric, hypoglos- sal, sympathetic. Three branches and fila- ments. A TABLE OF THE NERVES (continued). Nerve. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Cotun' nius. See Nasopalatine nerve. Cru'ral, anterior. Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Thigh. Middle and internal cuta- neous, long saphenous, muscular, articular. Cuta' neons. Sensation. Musculospiral. Skin of arm, radial side of One internal, two external. forearm. Cutaneous. Sensation. Ulnar. Wrist and palm. First and palmar cutaneous. Cutaneous (dorsal). Sensation. Ulnar. Little and ring fingers. Filaments and communi- cating branches. Cutaneous (external). Sensation. Second and third lum- Skin of thigh. Anterior, posterior. bar. Cutaneous (internal). Sensation. Brachial plexus. Forearm. Anterior and posterior branches and filaments. Cutaneous (lesser internal) (“ Wrisberg”). Sensation. Brachial plexus. Inner side of arm. Filaments. Communicating and fila- ments. Cutaneous (middle and in- ternal). Sensation. Anterior crural. Thigh and communicating. Den'tal (inferior). Sensation. Inferior maxillary. Teeth, muscles, gland. Mylohyoid, incisor, mental, dental. Dentals (posterior and an- Sensation. Superior maxillary. Teeth. Filaments. terior). Depres' sor. Lowers blood-pressure. Vagus. Heart. Descen'dens liypoglos'si. Motion. Cervical plexus. Oraohvoid, sternohyoid. Muscular, lingual. sternothyroid, thyrohy- oid, hyoglossus, and tongue-muscles. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 307 1 Descea'dens no'ni. / Same as Descendens j 1 ( hypoglossi. 1 Digas'trie. Motion. Facial. Posterior belly of digastric. Filaments. ! Dor'sal, 12 (anterior and posterior divisions). Motion and sensation. Cord. Muscles and skin of chest and trunk. External, internal, cuta- neous, etc. Esoph'ageal. Motion. Vagus. Muscular and mucous coats Esophageal plexus. Fa'cial (seventh cranial, portio dura). of esophagus. Motion. Fourth ventricle. Face, ear, palate, tongue. Petrosals, tympanic, chor- da tympani, posterior au- ricular, digastric, stylo- hyoid, temporofacial, cer- Fron'tal. vicofacial. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Forehead and lids. Supra-orbital, supratroch- . Gas'trie. lear. Motion. Pneumogastric. Stomach. Filaments. I Genitocru'ral. Motion and sensation. Second lumbar. Cremaster and thigh. Genital, crural, communi- Glossopharyn'geal (ninth j cranial). cating. Sensation and taste. Fourth ventricle. Tongue, middle ear. tonsils, Tympanic, carotid, pharyn- pharynx. geal, muscular, tonsillar, \ Glu'teal (superior). lingual. Motion. Sacral plexus. Glutsei, tensor vagime fem- oris. Tongue and mouth. Filaments. j Gus'tatory. Taste and sensation. Inferior maxillary. Branches and filaments. Hemorrhoi'dal. Sensation and motion. Pudic. External sphincter ani and Hepat' ic. integument adjacent. Pneumogastric. Liver. Hepatic plexus. Hirsch'feld’s. Motion. Facial. Styloglossus and palatoglos- sus. Skin around external ab- Hypogas' trie. Sensation. Iliohypogastric. Hypoglos'sal (twelfth cra- nial). dominal ring. Motion. Fourth ventricle. Hyoglossus and hyoid mus- Descendens noni, muscular, cles. thyrohyoid. 308 AMERICAN POCKET A TABLE OF THE NERVES (continued). Nebve. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Iliohypogas'tric. Motion and sensation. First lumbar. Abdominal and gluteal re- gions. Iliac, hypogastric, commu- nicating. Ilio-in'guinal. Motion and sensation. First lumbar. Inguinal region and scro- tum. Muscular, cutaneous, and commu nicating. Infra-or'bital. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Nose and lip. Palpebral, nasal, labial. Intercos'tal. Motion and sensation. Spinal cord. Muscles and integuments of thorax. Muscular, anterior, and lat- eral cutaneous. Interosseous (anterior). Motion. Median. Deep muscles of forearm. Branches and filaments. Interosseous (posterior). Motion and sensation. Musculospiral. Carpus and radial and pos- terior brachial regions. Branches and filaments. Lacri'mal. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Gland and conjunctiva. Filaments. Laryn'geal (recurrent or inferior). Motor. Pneumogastric. Larynx. Branches to all muscles ex- cept cricothyroid. Laryn'geal (superior). Sensation and motion. Pneumogastric. Larynx. External—c rlcothyroid muscle and thyroid gland. Internal—mucous mem- brane, larynx, etc. Lum'bar, 5. Mandib'ular. Motion and sensation. Same as Maxillary, inferior. Cord. Lumbar and genital tissues, etc. Anterior and post, divis- ions, lumbar plexus, etc. Masseter' ic. Motor. Inferior maxillary. Masseter muscle. Filaments. Max'illary (inferior). Sensation, motion, and taste. Trigeminus. Muscles of mastication, ear, cheek, tongue, teeth. Masseteric, auriculotempo- ral, buccal, gustatory, in- ferior dental. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 309 Max'illary (superior). Sensation. Trigeminus. 1 Cheek, face, teeth. f Orbital, sphenopalatine, dentals, infra-orbital. Me' dian. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Pronator radii teres, flex- ors, two lumbricales, fin- gers, palm, etc. Muscular, anterior interos- seous, palmar cutaneous. Mo'tor oc'uli (third cra- nial). Motion. Floor of aqueduct of Sylvius. Muscles of eye, except rec- tus ext., obliquus sup., and orbicularis palpebrarum. Filaments. Hus'cular. Motion and sensation. First and second cervi- cal. Muscles. Kectus capitis lateralis, rec- tus anterior major and minor. Mus'cular. Motion. Cervical plexus. Sternomastoid, levator an- guli scapulae, scalenus me- dius, trapezius. Branches. Mus' cular. Motion. Brachial plexus. Bongus colli, scaleni, rhom- boidei, subclavius. Branches. Mus' cular. Motion. Musculospiral. Triceps, anconeus, supina- tor longus, extensor carpi radialis longus, brachialis anticus. Internal, posterior, exter- nal. Mus' cular. Motion. Median. Superficial muscles of fore- arm. Branches and filaments. Mus' cular. Motion. Ulnar. Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor profundus digitorum. Two branches. Mus'cular. Motion. Great sciatic. Biceps, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, adductor magnus. Filaments. Mus' cular. Motion. Sacral plexus. Pyriformis, obturator inter- nus, gemelli, quadratus femoris. Filaments. Mus'cular. Motor. Anterior crural.. Pectineus and muscles of thigh. Filaments. 310 A TABLE OF THE NERVES (continued). Nerve. Function. Origin. Distribution. Branches. Musculocuta' neous. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Coracobrachial, biceps, bra- chlalis anticus, forearm. Branches, anterior and pos- terior. Muscu locuta' neous. Motion and sensation. External popliteal. Muscles of flbular side of leg, skin of dorsum of foot. Internal, external. Musculospi'ral. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Back of arm and forearm, skin of back of hand. Muscular, cutaneous, radial, posterior interosseous. Myiohy'oid. Motion. Inferior maxillary. Mylohyoid and digastric muscles. Filaments. Na'sal. Sensation. Ophthalmic. Iris, ciliary ganglion, nose. Ganglionic, ciliary, infra- trochlear. Obtura' tor. Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Obturator externus, adduc- tor, joint and skin. Anterior and posterior ar- ticulating and communi- cating. Obtura'tor (accessory). Motion and sensation. Lumbar plexus. Pectineus and hip-joint. Branches and filaments. Occipita'lis mi'nor. Oculomo'tor. CEsopha'geal. Sensation. See Motor oculi. See Esophageal. Second cervical. Occipitofrontalis, ear, etc. Communicating, auricular filaments. Olfac'tory (first cranial). Smell. Frontal lobe, optic thal- amus, Island of Reil. Schneiderian membrane of nose. Twenty branches. Ophthal' mic. Sensation. Trigeminus. Forehead, eyes, nose. Frontal, lacrimal, nasal. Op'tic (second cranial). Sight. Cortical center in oc- cipital lobe. Retina. None. Or' bitai. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Temple and cheek. Temporal and malar. Pal' atine, anterior or great. Sensation. Meckel’s ganglion. Hard palate, gums, nose. Two inferior nasal. Pal' mar cuta' neous. Sensation. Median. Thumb and palm. Outer and inner. AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 311 Pal'mar (deep). Motion. Ulnar. Little finger, dorsal and palmar interosseous, two inner lumbricales, abduc- tor pollicis, etc. Branches and filaments. Pal'mar (superficial). Sensation and motion. U) nar. Palmaris brevis, inner side of hand and little finger. Filaments and two digital branches. Pathet'icus (fourth cra- nial). Motion. Valve of Vieussens. Superior oblique of eye. None. Petro'sals. Motion. Facial. Ganglia and plexus. Great, small, external to Meckel’s ganglion, otic ganglion, and meningeal plexus, respectively. Pharyn'geal. Motion. Pneumogastric. Pharynx. Pharyngeal plexus. Phren' ic. Motion and sensation. Third, fourth, and fifth cervical. Diaphragm, pericardium, pleura, etc. Branches and filaments. Plan'tar (external). Motion and sensation. Posterior tibial. Little toe and deep muscles of foot. Superficial and deep. Plan'tar (internal). Sensation and motion. Posterior tibial. Sole of foot, adductor pol- licis, flexor brevis digi- torum, toes, etc. Cutaneous, muscular, artic- ular, digital. Pneumogas'trie (tenth cra- nial, “par vagum”). Sensation and motion. Fourth ventricle. Ear, pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs, esophagus, etc. Articular, pharyngeal, supe- rior laryngeal, recurrent laryngeal, cardiac, pul- monary, esophageal, gas- tric, hepatic. Poplite'al (external). Sensation and motion. Great sciatic. Extensors of skin of foot. Anterior tibial, musculocu- taneous. Poplite'al (internal). Motion and sensation. Great sciatic. Knee, gastrocnemius, tibia- lis, plantaris, soleus, pop- liteus, skin of foot, etc. Articular, muscular cutane- ous, external saphenous, plantar. Pu' die. Motion and sensation. Sacral plexus. Perineum, anus, genitalia. Inferior hemorrhoidal, peri- neal. cutaneous, dorsal of penis. A TABLE OF THE NERVES (continued). Nerve. Function. Obioin. Distribution. Branches. Pul'monary (anterior and posterior). Pneumogastric. Lungs. Branches to pulmonary plexuses. Ra'dial. Sensation. Musculocutaneous. Thumb and three fingers. External and internal. Sa'cral, 5. Motion and sensation. Cord. Multifidus spinse, skin, glu- teal region, etc. Filaments and sacral plex- us. Saph'enous (long or inter- nal). Sensation. Anterior crural. Knee, ankle, etc. Cutaneous, patellar, com- municating filaments. Sciat'ic (great). Motor and sensation. Sacral plexus. Skin of leg, muscles of back of thigh and muscles of leg and foot. Articular, muscular, poplit- eals. Sciat'ic (small). Sensation and motion. Sacral plexus. Perineum, back of thigh and leg, and gluteus max- imus. Muscular, cutaneous. Sphenopal'atine. Sensation. Superior maxillary. Meckel’s ganglion. Spi'nal acces'sory (elev- enth cranial). Motor. Fourth ventricle. Sternocleidomastoid, trape- zius. Branches and filaments. Splanch'nic (great). Sympathetic. Thoracic ganglia. Semilunar ganglion, renal and suprarenal plexus. Communicating and fila- ments. Splanch'nic (lesser). Sympathetic. Tenth and eleventh thoracic ganglia, great splanchnic. Celiac plexus and great splanch nic. Communicating and fila- ments. Splanch'nic (renal). Sympathetic. Last thoracic ganglion. Renal and celiac plexus. Communicating and fila- ments. Stylohy' old. Motion. Facial. Stylohyoid muscle. Filaments. Subscap' ular, 3. Motion. Brachial plexus. Subscapular, teres major, and latissimus dorsi. Filaments. 312 AMERICAN POCKET Supraclavic'ular (descend- ing). Sensation. Third and fourth cer- vical. Skin of neck, breast, and shoulder. Sternal, clavicular, acro- mial. Supramandib' ular. See Maxillary, supe- Supra-or'bital. Sensation. Frontal. Upper lid, forehead. Muscular, cutaneous, and pericranial branches. Suprascap' ular. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Scapular muscles. Branches and filaments. Supratroch'lear. Sensation. Frontal. Forehead. Muscular and skin branches. Sympathetic. A series of joined ganglia extending along the vertebral column and connected with spinal nerves. Tempo rofa'clal. Motion. Facial. Upper part of face. Temporal, malar, infra-or- bital. Temporoma' lar. Same as Orbital. Thora'cic (post, or long). Motion. Brachial plexus. Serratus magnus. Filaments. Thora'cics (ant. and ext.). Motion. Brachial plexus. Pectoralis major and minor. Branches and filaments. S Tib'ial (anterior). Motion and sensation. External popliteal. Tibialis anticus, extensor longus digitorum, pero- neus tertius, etc., joints of foot, skin of great toe, etc. Muscular, external, inter- nal. Tib'ial (posterior). Motion and sensation. Great sciatic. Tibialis posterior, flexor longus digitorum, flexor longus pollicis, skin of heel and sole, knee-joint. Plantars, muscular, cutane- ous, articular. Trigem' inns or trifacial (fifth cranial). Motion and sensation (taste). Medulla. Skin and structures of face, tongue, and teeth. Ophthalmic, superior and in- ferior maxillary divisions. Troch'lear. See Palfktieus. Tympan' ic. Motion. Facial. Stapedius and laxator tym- pani muscles. Filaments. UP nar. Motion and sensation. Brachial plexus. Muscles, etc., shoulder- and wrist-joints, and skin of little finger. Two articular, muscular, cutaneous, dorsal, supe- rior palmar, deep palmar. Va'gus. See Pneutaogastric. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Nerve. A cord-like organ which conveys impulses. [See Table of the Nerves, pp. 304-313.] Afferent n., any n. which transmits impulses from the periphery intrad. Calorific n., any n. whose stimulation increases heat. Centrifugal n., any n. which car- ries impulse to the periphery. Centripetal u., any afferent n. Cranial ■>.. any nerve arising from the brain direct. Depres- sor n., any afferent n. whose stimulation depresses a motor- center. Ktferent n. Same as Centrifugal n. Ksodie n. Same as Afferent n. Frigoritlc n., any sympathetic n. stimu- lation of which lowers temperature. Inhibitory n., one whose stimulation Inhibits or reduces the activity of an organ, mixed one which is both sensory and motor. Motor n., one which contains wholly or chiefly motor fibers. N.-cell, any cell of a nerve, nerve-center, or ganglion. N.-center, any group of cells of gray matter having a common function. N.-corpuscles, nucleated corpuscles lying between the neurilemma and medul- lary sheath. N.-ending, any terminus of a nerve, especially if peripheral. N.-tiber, any one of the fibers which make up a funiculus of n. substance. N.-grafting, replacement of a piece of defective nerve by a segment from a sound one. N.-liead, papilla or optic disk. N.-plexiu. See Plexus. N.-storm, sudden outburst of nervous disorder. N.-stretching, the stretch- ing of a nerve, chiefly to relieve pain. N.-tire. See Neurasthe- nia. N.-tumor. See Neuroma. Pressor n., any afferent n. whose irritation stimulates a vasomotor center. Secretory n., any efferent n. whose stimulation increases glandular activity. Sensory n. Same as Afferent n. Spinal n., any nerve which makes its exit from the vertebral column. Sympathetic n., any nerve of the sympathetic system. See Sympathetic. Ther- mic n. Same as Calorific n. Trisplanchnic n., a general name for the system of sympathetic nerves. Trophic n., one which regulates nutrition. Vasoconstrictor n., one whose stimulation contracts blood-vessels. Vasodilator n., one whose stimulation dilates blood-vessels. Vasomotor n., any nerve concerned in controlling the caliber of vessels. AMERICAN POCKET Ner' vi n«rv«' rum. Nerve-filaments going to nerves and nerve- sheaths. Ncr'vine (ner'vin). 1. Allaying nervous excitement. 2. A remedy for nervous disorders. Ner'vous. 1. Pertaining to a nerve or nerves. 2. Unduly excit- able. Iff. debility. Same as Neurasthenia. \. system, the brain, cord, nerves, and ganglia collectively. Iffer' vonsness (ner'vus-nes). Morbid or undue excitability. Ner' vns. li. for Nerve. Ness'ler’s reagent. Mercuric chlorid, potassium iodid, and pot- ash dissolved In water: a chemical test. Nestother'apy. The hunger-cure. Net' tie-rash. Same as Urticaria. Ncu (nu). Same as Neurilemma. Nen'mann’s disease (noi'mahnz). Pemphigus characterized by vegetation. Neu'rad. Toward the neural axis or aspect. Neuradyna'mia. Same as Neurasthenia. Neurag'mia. The tearing of a nerve-trunk from its ganglion. Neu'ral. Of, or pertaining to, nerves. N. groove. See Medul- lary groove. N. plate. See Medullai'y plate. N. spine, the spinous process of a vertebra. Neural'gia (nu-ral'je-ah). Pain in a nerve. Neural'gic (nu-ral'jik). Of, or pertaining to, neuralgia. Neural'gin. An antipyretic and anodyne remedy. Neuramebim'eter. Device used in measuring the reaction-time of nerves. Neurapopb'ysis. Structure forming either side of the neural arch. Neurasthc'nia. Depression due to exhausted nerve-energy. Cerebral n., variety characterized by mental and visual dis- turbances and other head-symptoms. <>:i*t ric n., a form marked by functional stomach-complications. Sexual u., a variety asso- ciated with disorders of the sexual function. Neuratro'phia. Impaired nutrition of nervous system. Neura.v'is. An axis-cylinder; also the cerebrospinal axis. Ncurax'on. Any axis-cylinder process. Keurec'tasis (nu-rek'tas-is). Same as Nerve-stretching. Nfcurec'tomy (nu-rek'to-me). Excision of part of a nerve. Jieurenter'ic canal. Canal of the embryo from the archenteron to the medullary tube. Sfeuri'atry. Treatment of nervous diseases. Men' ridiu. A ptomain, CsHuNo, from decaying animal matter. Neurilem'ma. The sheath of a nerve-fiber; also, the epineurium. Neurilcmmi'tin (nu-ril-em-mi'tis). Inflammation of neurilemma. Sfeuril'ity (nu-ril'it-e). Functional attributes of nerve-tissue. Neu'riu. X. An albuminous substance from nerve-tissue. 2. A deadly ptomain, (OH3)3C2H3NOH, from decayed nerve-tissue, etc. JTeu'rit, Nni'rite. Any axis-cylinder process from a nerve-cell. Neurit'ic. Of, or pertaining to, neuritis. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Xeuri'tis. Inflammation of a nerve. Aleoliulic n., that due to alcoholism. Ascending n., that which progresses centrad, or centripetally. Axial ■>., inflammation of central part of a nerve. Degenerative n. is marked by degeneration of the parenchyma. Descending n„, that which progresses centrif- ugally. Diabetic n., that which follows diabetes. Dipb- tberitic n., one of the sequels of diphtheria. Kpideiuie n. See Beriberi. Facial n.. Bell’s palsy. Interstitial n., in- flammation of the connective tissue of a nerve-trunk, heprons n. is associated with true leprosy. Lipomutuus n., that in which the nerve-fibers are destroyed and a fatty connective tissue takes their place. Lymphatic n. See Mesoneuritis. Mala- rial n., a form due to malarial poisoning. N. mi' grans, a form which ascends one nerve to a center and then descends another nerve. Multiple n. affects several nerves at once. See Poly- neuritis, Perineuritis. ]V. nodo'ia is marked by the formation of nodes on the nerves. Optic n., that of the optic nerve. Parenchymatous n. affects primarily the medullary sub- stance and axis-cylinders. Post-febrile u. mostly follows an attack of severe exanthematous disease. Pressure-n., that due to compression. Retrobulbar n. Same as Optic n. Rheu- matic n., a form associated with rheumatic symptoms. Sci- atic n. Same as Sciatica. Segmentary n. attacks segments of a nerve. Senile n. attacks the legs and feet of aged people. Sympathetic u. is that which involves an opposite nerve with- out invading the nerve-center. Tabetic n., that associated with locomotor ataxia. Toxic n., that due to some poison. Trau- matic n., that which is cased by an injury. Kcn'roblast (neu'ro-blast). An embryonic or repair-cell from which nervous tissue is formed. Keu'rocelc, Seurocce'le. Ventricles of brain and central canal of the cord taken together. Ncurochoroid i' tis. Inflammation of the choroid coat and ciliary nerves. Sen' rocytc (nu'ro-sit). A nerve-cell of any kind. INenroden'drite, Senroden' dron. Process of a nerve-cell combining features of a neuron and a dendron. Sfcurodcrmati'tis. A neurotic skin-inflammation. Ncn'rodin (nu'rod-ln). A proprietary antineuralgic remedy. nerves. 316 Neurodyn'ia (nu-rod-in'e-ah). Pain in a nerve or in nerves. Neuro-epider'mal layer. Same as Epiblast. Neuro-epithe'limn. 1. A specialized epithelium of eye and ear. 2. Epithelium of the epiblast whence the cerebrospinal axis is developed. Neuroflbro'ma. Neuroma with flbromatous elements. Neurogen'csis, Neurog'eny. Formation of nerves and ner- vous organs. Neurog'enoiis. Arising from some lesion of the nervous system. Neurog'lia (nu-rog'le-ah). The supporting structure of the ner- vous system. Neurog'liar, Neurog'lic. Of, or pertaining to, neuroglia. Neuroglio'ma. Glioma in which there are nerve-cells. N. gangliona're, glioma in which ganglion-cells are embedded. Neurog'rapliy. Treatise on, or description of, nerves. Neu'roid (nu'roid). Resembling a nerve. Neurofcer'atin. Substance of which the neuroglia is composed. Neurol'ogist (nu-rol'o-jist). An expert in neurology. Neurol'ogy (nu-rol'o-je). Scientific study of the nerves. Neurol' ysis (nu-rol'is-is). 1. Liberation of a nerve from adhe- sions. 2. Relief of tension upon a nerve obtained by stretching. 3. Exhaustion of nervous energy. Neuro'ma, Tumor made up largely of nerve-substance. Am- pntation-n., n. of a stump after amputation. Amyelinle u., one containing only non-medullated nerve-fibers. N. cu'tls, neuroma seated in the skin. Cystic n., a false n. which has be- come cystic. False n., one which does not contain genuine nerve-fiber. Oanglionatcd n.. Ganglionic n. is composed of true nerve-cells. Myelinic n. contains medullated nerve- fibers. Plexiform n. is marked by multiple nodulous enlarge- ments along the course of the cutaneous nerves. N. telan- gieeto'dcs contains an excess of blood-vessels. Nenromala'cia (nu-ro-mal-a'se-ah). Softening of the nerves. Neurom'atous (nu-rom'at-us). Of the nature of, or pertaining to, neuroma. Neu'romere (nu'ro-mer). A segment or section of the cerebro- spinal axis. Neuromime'sis. Hysteric simulation of organic disease. Nrnromna'cnlar, Pertaining to nerves and muscles. Neuromyeli'tis. Inflammation of nervous and medullary sub- stance. AMERICAN POCKET Neuromyosi'tis. Neuritis blended with myositis. Seu'ron. A nerve-cell with all its processes. Neuropural'ysis. Paralysis due to disease of a nerve or nerves. Neuropath'ic. Pertaining to a nervous disorder. Ncuropsilliol' ogy. Pathology of nerves and nerve-centers. Nenrop'athy (nu-rop'ath-e). Any nervous disorder. Neiiropho'nia. A nervous disorder marked by peculiar outcries. Neuropliysiol'ogy. Physiology of nervous system. Jfen' roplasty. Plastic surgery of a nerve or nerves. Neuropsycho'sis (nu-rop-si-ko'sis). Nervous disease complicated with mental disorder. Neuroretini'tis. Inflammation of optic nerve and retina. Neuror' rhaphy. The stitching together of a cut nerve. Neurosar'eoma. A sarcoma with neuromatous elements. Neuro'sls (nu-ro'sis). A nervous disease, especially a functional disease. Neurosltel'eton (nu-ro-skel'et-on). Same as Endoskeleton. Nenrostear'ie acid. A fatty acid, CiBHlj6o2, from brain: isom- eric with stearic acid. Neurostlie'nla. Excessive nervous power. Neu'rosuture (nu' ro-sut-yur). Same as Neurorrhaphy. Neurota'bes (nu-ro-ta'bes). Tabes due to peripheral neuritis. STeuroten'siou. Nerve-stretching; neurectasis. Jfenrot'ic (nu-rol'ik). Pertaining to, or affected by, neurosis. Neurotiza'tion. Restoration of a divided nerve. Neu'rotome (nu'ro-tdm). Needle-like knife for nerve-dissection. Senrot'omy (nu-rot'om-e). Dissection or cutting of nerves. Sen' rotrlpsy (nu' ro-trip-se). The crushing or bruising of a nerve. Seu'tral. Neither basic nor acid. Neu'tralize (nu'tral-Iz). To deprive of acid or alkaline qualities. Sru'lropliil (nu'tro-til). Stainable by neutral dyes. Xe'void. Resembling a nevus. \. elephantiasis. Same as Lymph-scrotum. Nevolipo'ma. Venous nevus associated with lipoma. Ne'vus, Nse'vus. Pigmented spot on the skin. N. ara' nous. Same as Acne rosacea. Capillary 11., one that involves the skin capillaries. Cutaneous i»., a skin nevus. N. lipomato'- des, one which contiiins a mass of fat. .V. mater'nus, con- genital angioma, mother’s mark, or birthmark. IV. pigmento' - sus, a pigmented mole. IV. vaseula'ris, an angiomatous n. or birthmark. Venous n., one composed mainly of veins. New growth. A neoplasm or neoformation. New'ton’s rings. Concentric colored rings reflected from very thin transparent surfaces. IV i. Symbol of Nickel. Nick'el. A white metal with medicinal salts. Ni'col prism. Two slabs of Iceland spar for polarizing light. Nieotian'in. A fragrant principle from tobacco. Nie'otln (nik'ot-in). Poisonous fluid base, CioHI4N2, from tobacco. Nieotin'ic arid. An acid, CCII-,NO«, from nicotin, bone oil, etc. Nie'otinism (nik'ot-in-izm). Poisoning by tobacco or by nicotin. Nie'oulin. An antitetanic drug, C3H405. Nie'tating, Nic'titating. Winking; winking rapidly. IViota'tion. Nletita'tion. The act of winking. Nl'dus (ni'dus). A nest; point of origin or focus of a morbid process. N. hlrun'dinis, the swallow’s nest; a depression in the cerebellum, between the posterior velum and uvula. Nie'meyer’s pill (ne'mi-erz). A pill of quinin, digitalis, and opium. Night'•blindness. Defect or failure of vision in the night. N.- soil, the ordure of a privy. N.-sweat, copious sweating in bed at night, as in tuberculosis. N.-terrors, a kind of nightmare in children; pavor nocturnus. Night'mare. Oppressive dreams attended with fright and sense of suffocation. Nigro'sin. Anilin black, C^H^Ng; a microscopic stain. Ninth nerve. See Glossopharyngeal in Nerves, Table of. Niphablep'sia (nif-ah-blep'se-ah). Same as Snow-blindness. Nip'pie. The conical organ which gives outlet to the milk ; mam- milla or teat. N.-line, vertical line through the nipple. Ni'sus (ni'sus). An effort, tendency, or molimen. Nit. The egg of a louse. Nl'ter. Potassium nitrate; saltpeter. Ni' irate. Any salt of nitric acid. Ni'(rated. Combined with nitric acid or niter. Ni'tre (ni'ter). Same as Niter. Nl'trieacid (ni'trik). See Acid. Ni'tril. Any combination of nitrogen with a trivalent radical. Ni'trite (ni'trlt). Any salt of nitrous acid. Nitrobacte'ria. Bacteria changing ammonia into nitrogen acids. Nitrobeu'zol. A poisonous benzol derivative, C 6H5N02, used in perfuming soap. Nitrocel' lulose. Pyroxylin or gun-cotton. MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 317 318 Xi'troform. Trinitrobenzene; an inflammable substance, CH- (NO2)3. Xi'trogeu. A colorless gas found free in the air: symbol N. Nitrog'enons (ni-trod'je-nus). Containing nitrogen. Xltrogly'cerin (ni-tro-glis'e-rin). An explosive liquid, C,3H5N3- O9: a vasodilator. Nitrohj drochlo'rie acid. See Acid. Xitrosac'cliarose (ni-tro-sak'ka-ros). A resinous explosive and a vasodilator like nitroglycerin. Xitrosal'ol. Yellow crystalline powder used in making salophen. \i'lrous acid. See Acid. oxiil. laughing-gas, N2G; an an- esthetic. Xoctambnla'tion. Sleep-walking; somnambulism. Xoctur'nal. Pertaining to the night. X. emission, involun- tary escape of semen in sleep. Xo' <1 a I points. Same as Cardinal points. Nod'ding spasm. Clonic spasm of the sternomastoid muscles; salaam convulsion. Node. A swelling, knot, or protuberance, lleberrtcn’s n.. an overgrowth of tubercle of digital phalanges in rheumatoid arthri- tis. X. of Banvier. See Ranvier's nodes. Parrot’s 11.. a syphilitic node on outer table of cranium. Schmidt's 11., the medullated interannular segment of a nerve-fiber. Xo'dose (no'dos). Having nodes or projections. Xodos'ity. 1. A node. 2. The quality of being nodose. Nod'nlar. Marked with, or resembling, nodules. Nod'nle. 1. A small node or boss. 2. Anterior segment of the in- ferior vermis of the cerebellum in fourth ventricle. Xocmatach'ograph. Device for registering time required in mental operations. Xoematachom'eter. Instrument for measuring the time re- quired in mental operation. Xo'li me tan'gcrc. Rodent ulcer; malignant ulceration. Xo'ma (no'mab). Gangrenous sore mouth. X. puden'di, X. vul' vse, ulceration of the pudenda of young children. Xo'menclature (no'men-kla-chur). System of technical terms ; terminology. Xo'nan. Recurring every ninth (eighth) day. Xon com'po§ men'th [L.]. Not of sound mind. Non-conduc' tor. Any substance that does not readily transmit electricity, light, or heat. Xonip'ara. A woman pregnant for the ninth time. Xon-med'nllated ncrve-flbcr. Gray nerve-fiber of the sym- pathetic nerves and ganglia. Xon-met'al. Any element which is not a metal. Xo'nns. L. for ninth; the hypoglossal nerve. Xon-vi'able. Not capable of living. Xo'ri. A Japanese culture-gelatin. Norm. A fixed or ideal standard. Xor'ma. A line established to define the aspects of the cranium. Xor'inal. Agreeing with the regular and established type. Xor'moblast, Xor'mocyte. A nucleated red blood-corpuscle of the ordinary size. Xorrls’s corpuscles. Decolorized blood-corpuscles. Xorwe'gtan itcli. Scabies characterized by pustules and crusts. Xosc. The special organ of the sense of smell. X.-plecc, device for attaching several objectives to a microscope. Xosc'ma (no-se'mah). Illness or disease. Xoscncepli'alns. A fetus with defective cranium and brain, XoKochthonag' raphy. Geography of endemic diseases. XoNog'eiiy (no-soj'en-e). Same as Pathogenesis. Nosog'raphy (no-sog'raf-e). A description of diseases. AMERICAN POCKET Sosol'og.r (no-sol'o-je). The scientific classification of disease. Nosiima'nia. Insane belief that one is diseased. Noton'omy. The classification of diseases. Misopar' asite. An organism found in conjunction with a disease which it is able to modify but not to produce. Xos'opheiif (nos'o-fen). A yellow antiseptic powder. \oNophn'lda (nos-o-fo'be-ah). Morbid dread of sickness. Nosopoivl'ir. Causing or producing disease. Xosotoxico'sis. Poisoning by retained bodily waste. .\