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Including the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, Obstetric Operations, Diseases of the Puerperal State, etc. New American from 4th London Ed., with Appendix and 145 illus. 8vo, 500 pp. Price, cloth, $2.00 “ An accurate, practical, and creditable work.”—American Journal of Obstetrics. HEADLAND ON THE ACTION OF MEDICINES in the System. Sixth edition, revised. Octavo. Price, cloth, $3.00 Recommended at Yale College, Long Island College Hospital, Cleve- land Medical College, Bishop’s College, Montreal, and others. Full stock of all the Text-books. Send for complete Catalogue °’ 3' P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., Medical Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, 1012 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. [OVER.] ? QUIZ-COMPENDS. ? A NEW SERIES OF BOOKS FOR STUDENTS’ USE IN PREPARING FOR THE QUIZ-CLASS AND EXAMINATIONS. 48f These Compends are based on the most popular text-books, and the lectures of prominent professors. 4®" The Authors have had large experience as Quiz Masters and attaches of colleges, and are well acquainted with the wants of students. 4®“ They are arranged in the most approved form, thorough and concise, with illustrations whenever they can be used to advantage. 4S" Can be used by students of any college. 4®“ They contain information nowhere else collected in such a condensed, practical shape. 4®“ Size is such that they may be easily carried in the pocket, and the price is low. 4® - They will be found very serviceable to physicians, as remem- brancers. LIST OF VOLUMES. No. i. ANATOMY. By Samuel O. L. Potter, m.d. 63 Illustra- tions. Now ready. No. 2. PRACTICE, Part I. By Dan. E. Hughes, m.d., Demon- strator of Clinical Medicine, Jefferson College, Philadelphia. In October. No. 3. PRACTICE, Part II. Same author. In October. No. 4. MATERIA MEDICA. By Samuel O. L. Potter, m.d. Nearly ready. No. 5. CHEMISTRY. By G. Mason Ward, m.d., Demonstrator of Chemistry, Jefferson College, Philadelphia. In October. No. 6. PHYSIOLOGY. By A. P. Brubaker, m.d., Demonstrator of Physiology, Jefferson College, Philadelphia. Nearly ready. No. 7. SURGERY. In preparation. No. 8. OBSTETRICS. In preparation. Others in preparation. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., Publishers, PRICE, EACH, IN CLOTH, $1.25. 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 4®“ Complete stock of the latest editions of all Medical, Surgical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Books. ? QUIZ-COMPENDS ? No. 1. QUESTIONS ON Human Anatomy. BY, SAMUEL O. L. POTTER, M.A., M.D., •»♦ Author of “An Index of Comparative Therapeutics,” and of the Lea Prize ' Essay of Jefferson Medical College, on “ Dyslalia, a Study of Speech and Its Defects.” WITH SIXTY-THREE ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., 1012 Walnut Street. 1882. Copyright, 1882, By P. Blakiston, Son & Co. PREFACE. This little book contains a series of questions and answers, comprising a concise description of the bones, articulations, muscles, arteries, veins, absorbents and nerves of the human body, including the heart and brain as essential parts of the circulatory and nervous systems respectively. Intended especi- ally for the use of the medical student in preparing for the exercises of the quiz-room and for final examination, it includes the essential points of the structures named above, arranged in such a manner as to facilitate their acquirement in the shortest possible time. With this object I have omitted all superfluous description, and have confined the matter to those points which must be known in order to pass. In the general descriptions I have closely followed Gray, and have retained the Latin names so universally used by anatomists, believing that in both these respects my course would be that most acceptable to the student. For many of the special arrangements I am indebted to the lectures of Professor W. H. Pancoast, of Jefferson Medical College, and to the quizzes of Dr. Henry Morris, Assistant to the Chair of Anatomy in the same Institution. Philadelphia, 1882. S. O. L. P. TABLE OE CONTENTS. PAGE OSTEOLOGY 9 BONES OF THE HEAD 12 The Orbits 29 The Foss.® 31 The Sutures and Fontanelles 33 The Wormian Bones 33 The Hyoid Bone 33 Table of the Foramina at the Base of the Skull 34 BONES OF THE TRUNK 36 The Vertebral Column 36 The Thorax 38 The Sternum 38 The Ribs 38 THE PELVIS 4° BONES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY 43 The Shoulder 43 The Arm... 45 The Fore-arm 47 The Hand 48 BONES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY 50 The Thigh , 50 The Leg 51 The Foot S3 ARTICULATIONS 55 MUSCLES AND FASCIA 67 THE HEAD 68 THE EAR 71 THE NECK 71 THE LARYNX AND EPIGLOTTIS 75 THE BACK 76 vii VIII PAGE THE ABDOMEN 80 THE THORAX * 82 THE PERINEUM 83 THE SHOULDER AND ARM 85 THE FOREARM 87 THE HAND 9o THE HIP AND THIGH 9i THE LEG 95 THE FOOT 97 THE HEART 99 ARTERIES 102 THE CIRCLE OF WILLIS.. 106 ARTERIAL ANASTOMOSES it4 VEINS II5 ABSORBENTS tlg NERVOUS SYSTEM l2a THE BRAIN I20 THE SPINAL CORD I2g THE CRANIAL NERVES I2g THE SPINAL NERVES i32 THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE I36 CONTENTS. QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Define the term Anatomy.—Derived from the Greek dea ana, through, and Tt/xvs£v temnein, to cut, it strictly means dissection, but is technically applied to that science which treats of the structure of organized bodies. What are the divisions of Descriptive Human Anatomy ?—They are,— Osteology, the anatomy of the bones; Syndcsmology, of the joints; Myology, of the muscles; Angiology, of the vessels; Neurology, of the nerves; Splanchnology, of the internal viscera; Adenology, of the glands ; Derma- tology, of the skin ; Genesiology, of the generative organs. State the number of Bones in the adult human skeleton.—It is va- riously stated by different anatomists. Excluding the teeth, the Wormian and sesamoid bones, and the ossicles of the middle ear, the whole number would be 200; excluding also the two patellae, and the hyoid bone, would leave in the skeleton proper, 197 bones. Describe the Long Bones.—They number 90, act as supports, or levers, and are known by having a medullary canal in the centre of each, a shaft (.diaphysis), and two extremities. They are developed by osseous deposit in cartilage. Describe the Short Bones.—Numbering 30, they are found where strength is required, but limited motion. They also are developed by osseous deposit in cartilage. Describe the Flat Bones.—They number 38, protect the viscera by form- ing walls around them, and afford extensive attachment for muscles. They are developed by osseous deposit in membranes, and consists of two dense layers, separated by a cellular or cancellated osseous tissue, the diploe. What are the Irregular Bones?—They are 39 in number, and include the vertebrse, the temporal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones, and the bones of the face. 10 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Name the Bones of the Head.—They number 22, and comprise the— Cranial Bones (8)—the frontal, 2 parietal, occipital, 2 temporal, the sphenoid and the ethmoid bones. Facial Bones (14)—2 superior maxillary, 2 malar, 2 nasal, 2 lachrymal, 2 palate, and two inferior turbinated bones. Name the Bones of the Trunk.—They number 53, as follows, viz.— Vertebra (24)—7 cervical, 12 dorsal, and 5 lumbar vertebrae. Thorax (25)—7 pairs of true ribs, 3 pairs of false ribs, 2 pairs of floating ribs, and the sternum, [with the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae]. Pelvis (4)—the sacrum, the coccyx, and 2 ossa innominata; each os in- nominatum consisting of 3,—the ilium, ischium, and pubes. Name the Bones of each Upper Extremity.—They number 32, as follows:— Shoulder (2)—the clavicle and scapula. Arm (1)—the humerus. Forearm (2)—the radius and ulna. Hand (27)—8 carpal bones,—the scaphoid, semilunar, cuneiform, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, os magnum, and unciform,—5 metacarpal, and 14 phalanges. Name the Bones of each Lower Extremity.—They number 29, viz.— Thigh (1)—the femur. Leg (2)—the tibia and fibula. Foot (26)—7 tarsal bones,—the astragalus, os calcis, scaphoid, cuboid, ex- ternal middle and internal cuneiform,—5 metatarsal, 14 phalanges. Name the Unclassified Bones.—They are the— Patella (2), which are sesamoid bones, each developed in the tendon of the quadriceps extensor femoris muscle. Hyoid Bone (1)—the tongue-bone, not articulated to the skeleton. Malleus, Incus, Stapes (3 pairs)—the bones of the middle ear. Sesamoid Bones, of variable number, situated in the tendons of the gastrocne- mius and peroneus longus muscles, and in the flexor tendons of the great toe and the thumb. Wormian Bones, (ossa triqueta), sometimes found in the cranial sutures, are not constant in number or size. Name the principal Eminences on Bones.—Heads, are convex and smooth, for articulation in movable joints. Condyles, are irregularly-shaped heads. Trochanters, when for turning the bone. Tuberosities, are broad uneven prominences. Tubercles, are small tuberosities. Spines, or Spinous processes, when sharp and slender. Apophysis, is a process which has been an BONES. Epiphysis, or separated from the shaft by cartilage, but has become united thereto by ossification. What other names are given'to bony prominences ?—There are sev- eral adjectives applied to them from their fancied resemblances, such as— azygos, without a fellow ; clinoid, like a bed ; coracoid, like a crow’s beak ; coronoid, like a crown; hamular, hook-like; malleolar, like a mallet; mas- toid, like a nipple; odontoid, tooth-like; pterygoid, wing-like; rostrum, a beak; spinous, thorn-like ; styloid, pen like; squamous, scaly; vaginal, en- sheathing, etc. Name the Cavities of bones.—Articular cavities are called cotyloid, cup like; glenoid, shallow; trochlear, pulley-like; facet, if smooth; alveolar, or alveoli, when socket-like. Non-articular cavities are named fossae, sinuses, aqueducts, foramina, canals, fissures, notches, cells, grooves, depressions, etc. What is the Composition of Bone ?—Organic or animal matter, about consisting of gelatin, vessels and fat. Inorganic, or mineral, about %rds, consisting of phosphate and carbonate of calcium (62y3 per cent.), with fluoride of calcium, phosphates of magnesium, sodium, and chloride of sodium (41/5 per cent.). Heat will remove the organic matter and leave the in- organic ; dilute nitric or hydrochloric acid will remove the inorganic, and leave the organic. In old age the inorganic constituents predominate, and the bones are brittle; in youth the organic predominate, and epiphyseal disloca- tion is more common than fracture, especially in the long bones of the extremities. Describe the Structure of Bone.—Bone is composed of an outer com- pact layer, and an inner cellular or spongy structure. It is surrounded, except at the articular cartilages, by a vascular fibrous membrane, the periosteum, which receives the insertions of all tendons, ligaments, etc.; and the central cavity of long bones is lined by a similar structure, the endosteum. A transverse sec- tion of bone, examined microscopically, shows— Haversian canals, diameter inch, for the passage of vessels. Canaliculi, diameter inch, radiating from the canals, and connecting them with the lacunae. Lacunce, arranged circularly around the canals, and contain the bone-cells, appearing as irregular dark spaces. Haversian spaces, connect the canals with the medullary spaces, and divide one Haversian system from another. An Haversian system comprises an Haversian canal with its lamellae, lacunae, and canaliculi. Concentric lamella of bone tissue, around the canals. Circumferential lamella, are bone layers binding the canals together. Interstitial lamella, woven in between the concentric lamellae. 12 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. What is the Marrow of bone ? A substance consisting of fat in varying proportion and extractive matters, found in the medullary canal, the cancel- lous texture, and the large Haversian spaces. What Vessels are found in bones? Arteries, veins, and some say lymphatics. The arteries are,—the nutrient, entering at the nutrient foramen ; the articular, nourishing the cancellous structure; and the periosteal, which supply the periosteum and the compact structure. The veins emerge from the ends, the shaft, and from the nutrient foramen. Describe the process of Ossification. The site of bone is first occupied by a mucoid substance, which becomes temporary caitilage (blastema) in the second month of foetal life. The young bone-cells (osteo-blasts) are then de- posited in the cartilage at certain points, and their deposition and subsequent pressure cause the absorption of the cartilage. In most of the bones of the head and face, ossification is intra-membranous instead of intra-cartilaginous. The first bones in which ossification appears are the clavicle and inferior max- illary (5th to 7th foetal week); the last is the pisiform bone (12th year). Epiphyses ossify after birth and become united to the bone about the age of puberty, and in the inverie order to that in which their ossification began, ex- cept the lower end of the fibula, which ossifies and is joined to the shaft earlier than its upper end. THE BONES OF THE HEAD. THE FRONTAL BONE. Describe the points on its vertical portion. They are as follows,— Externally,— Frontal eminences, one on each side of the median line. Depression, marking the site of the frontal suture before obliteration. Supercilia7-y ridges, behind which are the frontal sinuses. Supraorbital notches or foramina, in the supraorbital arches, at about their inner third, for the supraorbital vessels and nerves. Nasal eminence, at lower end of the frontal depression. External angular processes, articulate with the malar bones and form the anterior part of the temporal ridges. Internal angular processes, articulate with the lachrymal bones. Nasal spine and notch, between the internal angular processes. Internally,— Groove, for superior longitudinal sinus and the falx cerebri. Frontal crest, for attachment of the falx cerebri. Foramen ccecum, for a small vein to the longitudinal sinus. Depressions and elevations, for convolutions of the brain. THE PARIETAL BONES. Between the two tables of the vertical portion in the adult are the— Frontal sinuses, two spaces at the anterior inferior part of the bone, which are lined with mucous membrane, and open into the middle meatus of the nose by means of an infundibulum for each. Describe its horizontal portion, or orbital plates. They each present the following points, viz.— Fossa, for the lachrymal gland, near the external angular process. Depression, at the nasal margin for the pulley of the superior oblique muscle. Ethmoidal notch, having the following foramina on its margin. Anterior ethmoidal foramen, for anterior ethmoidal vessels and the nasal branch of the ophthalmic nerve. Posterior ethmoidal foramen, for posterior ethmoidal vessels. Grooves, on the cranial surface, for branches of the anterior and middle meningeal arteries. Describe its articulations, development and muscles. The frontal articulates with 12 bones,—the sphenoid, ethmoid, 2 parietal, 2 nasal, 2 super- ior maxillary, 2 lachrymal and 2 malar. It is developed by 2 centres in mem- brane, one for' each lateral half. The muscles attached to it are 3 pairs,—the temporal, corrugator supercilii, and orbicularis palpebrarum. THE PARIETAL BONES. Describe their general characteristics. They are two quadrilaterally shaped bones situated at the superior and lateral regions of the cranium. The superior border of each joins the other by the sagittal suture; the anterior border joins the frontal bone by part of the coronal suture; the posterior border articulates with the occipital, forming the lambdoidal suture; the in- ferior border with the sphenoid and temporal bones. Forming the lateral walls of the skull they are named parietal, from paries, a wall. Describe the points on each Parietal bone. Externally the bone is concave and presents for examination,— Temporal ridge, continuous with the same on the frontal bone. Parietal emine7ice, the point where ossification commenced. Parietal foramen, close to the upper border, transmits a vein to the supe- rior longitudinal sinus. Is not constant. Internally, the bone is concave, and marked by— Depressions for the Pacchionian bodies, and for the cerebral convolutions. Furrows, for branches of the middle meningeal artery. Groove, for the lateral sinus, at the posterior inferior angle. Half groove, along the upper border, for the superior longitudinal sinus of the dura mater. 14 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Describe their articulations, development, and muscles. Each parie- tal bone articulates with 5 bones,—the frontal, occipital, sphenoid, temporal, and opposite parietal. It is developed from 1 centre in membrane. The only muscle attached to it is the temporal. THE OCCIPITAL BONE. Describe its general features and surfaces. It is trapezoidal in form, curved upon itself, and placed at the posterior and inferior region of the cranium. Externally its surface is convex and presents for examination the following, viz.— External occipital protuberance, and crest, for the attachment of the ligamentum nuchae. Superior and inferior curved lines, extending outwards on each side of the external occipital crest. Foramen magnum, transmitting the spinal cord and its membranes, the vertebral arteries, and the spinal accessory nerves. Condyles, 2 in number, for articulation with the atlas vertebra. Tubercles, one on each condyle, for the check ligaments. Anterior condyloid foramina, 2, for the hypoglossal nerves. Posterior condyloid foramina, 2, (often absent) for veins. ww the nasal notch of the superior maxillary and the sesamoid cartilages,—into the in- tegument at the margin of the nostril. Action, to dilate the nostril. Nerve, facial. Compressor naris,d from the superior maxillary above the incisive fossa,— into the fibro-cartilage of the nose, being continuous with its fellow and the pyramidalis nasi aponeurosis. Ac- tion, to dilate the nostril. Nerve, facial. Compressor narium minor, from the alar cartilage,—into the skin at the end of the nose. Action, to dilate the nostril. Nerve, facial. Fig. 37. 70 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Depressor alae nasi, from the incisive fossa of the superior maxillary,— into the septum and ala of the nose. Action, to contract the nostril. Nerve, facial. Levator labii superioris,/ from the lower margin of the orbit,—into the upper lip. Action, to elevate the lip. Nerve, facial. Levator anguli oris/ from the canine fossa of the superior maxillary,—into the angle of the mouth. Action, as named. Nerve, facial. Zygomaticus major/from the malar bone,—into the angle of the mouth. Action, to raise the lip outwards. Nerve, facial. Zygomaticus minor,g from the malar bone anteriorly,—into the angle of the mouth, blending with the levator labii superioris. Action, to raise the lip outwards. Nerve, facial. Levator labii (Levator menti), from the incisive fossa of the infe- rior maxillary bone,—into the integument of the lower lip. Action, as named. Nerve, facial. Depressor labii (Quadratus menti), from the external oblique line of the inferior maxillary bone,—into the lower lip. Action, as named. Nerve, facial. Depressor anguli oris« (Triangularis menti),from the external oblique line of the inferior maxillary,—into the angle of the mouth. Action, as named. Nerve, facial. Orbicularis oris/’ by accessory fibres (accessorii orbicularis superioris and in- ferioris, and naso-labialis) from the nasal septum and the superior and in- ferior maxillary borders,—into the buccinator and other adjacent muscles, forming the sphincter of the mouth. Action, to close the mouth. Nerve, facial. Buccinator,/ from the posterior alveolar processes of both the maxillary bones and the pterygo-maxillary ligament,—into the orbicularis oris. Ac- tion, to compress the cheeks. Nerves, facial, and the buccal branch of the inferior maxillary. Risorius,/hwz the fascia over the masseter muscle,—into the angle of the mouth. Action, the laughing muscle. Nerve, facial. Masseter/ from the anterior two-thirds and the inner surface of the zygoma and the malar process of the superior maxillary,—into the angle, ramus and coronoid process of the lower jaw. Action, to raise the back part of the lower jaw; a muscle of mastication. Nerve, inferior maxillary. Temporal, from the temporal fossa and temporal fascia,—into the coronoid process of the inferior maxillary. Action, to bring the incisor teeth together; the biting muscle. Nerve, inferior maxillary. MUSCLES OF THE EAR AND NECK. 71 internal pterygoid, from the pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone, and the tuberosity of the palate,—into the angle and inner surface of the ramus of the jaw, as high as the dental foramen. Action, raises and draws for- ward the lower jaw; a triturating muscle of mastication. Nerve, inferior maxillary. External pterygoid, by 2 heads, the upper from the pterygoid ridge on the greater wing of the sphenoid, the lower from the external pterygoid plate, and the tuberosities of the palate and superior maxillary bones,—into a depression in front of the condyle of the inferior maxillary, and the inter- articular fibro-cartilage. Action, to draw the jaw forwards; a triturating muscle of mastication. Nerve, inferior maxillary. Between the two heads of the external pterygoid muscle passes the internal maxillary artery. MUSCLES OF THE EAR. Tensor tympani, from the under surface of the petrous portion of the tem- poral bone, the cartilaginous Eustachian tube, and its own osseous canal,— into the handle of the malleus. Action, to draw the membrana tympani tense. Nerve, branch from otic ganglion. Laxator tympani major, from the spinous process of the sphenoid and the cartilaginous Eustachian tube,—through the Glaserian fissure to the neck of the malleus just above the processus gracilis. Action, to relax the mem- brana tympani. Nerve, tympanic branch of the facial. Laxator tympani minor, from the back of the external meatus,—passes be- tween the layers of the membrana tympani into the handle of the malleus and processus brevis. Action, to relax the membrana tympani. Consid- ered a ligament by many anatomists. Stapedius, from the interior of the pyramid,—through the orifice at its apex into the neck of the stapes. Action, to 'depress the base of the stapes. Nerve, filament from the facial. MUSCLES OF THE NECK. Platysma myoides,/hw« the clavicle, the acromion, and the fascia covering the pectoral, deltoid and trapezius muscles,—into the lower jaw, the angle of the mouth, and the cellular tissue of the face. Action, to wrinkle the skin, and depress the mouth. Nerves, facial and superficial cervical. Sterno-cleido-mastoid,11 by two heads from the sternum12 and the cla- vicle13 at its inner third,-—into the mastoid process of the temporal bone, and the superior curved line of the occipital. Action, to depress and rotate the head. Nerves, spinal accessory, and branches of the cervical plexus. QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Between the sternal and clavicular origins is a fossa, the fonticulus gutturis, which rises and falls during la- bored breathing. Sterno-hyoid ,l*from the posterior surface of the sternum and the sternal end of the clavicle,—into the body of the hyoid bone. Action, to de- press the hyoid bone. Nerve, a branch from the communicating loop between the de- scendens and com- municans noni. Sterno-thyroid,1 * from the posterior surface of the sternum and the cartilage of the 1st rib,—into the oblique line on the ala of the thyroid cartilage. Action, to depress the larynx. Nerve, a branch from the communicating loop between the descendens and communicans noni. Thyro-hyoid,16 from the oblique line on the thyroid cartilage,—into the body and greater cornu of the hyoid bone. Action, to elevate the larynx. Nerve, hypoglossal. Omo-hyoid,17 18 from the upper border of the scapula and the transverse ligament,—into the body of tha hyoid bone. It has a tendon in its centre which is bound down to the cartilage of the 1st rib by a loop of the deep cervical fascia. Action, to depress the hyoid bone, and draw it backwards. Nerve, branch from the communicating loop between the descendens and communicans noni. Digastric, by two bellies, the posterior one1 from the digastric groove of the mastoid process of the temporal bone; the anterior2 from a fossa on the inner surface of'the inferior maxillary, near its symphysis,—into a central tendon3 which perforates the stylo-hyoid muscle, and is bound down to the body of the hyoid bone by an aponeurotic loop. Action, to raise the hyoid bone and tongue. Nerves, facial, and mylo-hyoid branch of the inferior dental. Fig. 38. Stylo-hyoid,4 from the styloid process of the temporal bone near its base,— into the body of the hyoid bone. Action, to elevate and retract the hyoid bone. Nerve, facial. This muscle is perforated by the digastric. MUSCLES OF THE NECK. 73 Mylo-hyoid,5 from the mylo-hyoid ridge of the lower jaw,—into the body of the hyoid bone and a fibrous raphe in the median line running from the hyoid bone to the chin. Action, elevates the hyoid bone and draws it for- wards, also forms the floor of the mouth. Nerve, mylo-hyoid branch of inferior dental. Genio-hyoid f from the inferior genial tubercle of the inferior maxillary,— into the body of the hyoid bone. Action, same as the mylo-hyoid. Nerve, hypoglossal. Genio-hyo-glossus, from the superior genial tubercle of the inferior max- illary,—into the body of the hyoid bone, the side of the pharynx, and the whole length of the under surface of the tongue, forming a fan-like muscle. Action, to retract and protrude the tongue. Nerve, hypoglossal. Hyo-glossus8 (the basio-kerato-chondro-glossus,) from the body of the hyoid bone, its lesser cornu, and the whole length of its greater cornu,—into the side of the tongue. Action, to draw down the side of the tongue. Nerve, hypoglossal. Stylo-glossus,9 from the styloid process and the stylo-maxillary ligament,— into the side of the tongue and the hyo-glossus muscle. Action, to elevate and retract the tongue. Nerve, hypoglossal. Lingualis, lies between the hyo-glossus and the genio-hyo-glossus, from the base to the tip of the tongue, along its under surface ; some of its fibres being attached to the hyoid bone. Action, to elevate the centre of the tongue. Nerve, chorda tympani. Inferior constrictor, from the sides of the cricoid and thyroid cartilages,— into the fibrous raphe of the pharynx. Action, to contract the pharyngeal calibre. Nerves, glosso-pharyngeal, pharyngeal plexus, and external laryn- geal. Middle constrictor, from the cornua of the hyoid bone and the stylo-hyoid ligament,—into the pharyngeal raphe. Action, to constrict the pharnyx. Nerves, glosso-pharyngeal, pharyngeal plexus. Silperior constrictor, from the lower third of the margin of the internal pterygoid plate and its hamular process, the contiguous part of the palate bone, the tendon of the tensor palati, the pterygo-maxillary ligament, part of the alveolar process of the lower jaw and the side of the tongue,—into the pharyngeal raphe and the pharyngeal spine of the occipital bone. Action, to constrict the pharnyx. Nerves, glosso-pharyngeal, pharyngeal plexus. Stylo-pharyngeus,10the inner side of the base of the styloid process, —into the constrictor and palato-pharyngeus muscles, and the thyroid car- 74 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. tilage. Action, to elevate the pharynx. A7erves, glosso-pliaryngeal, pharyn- geal plexus. The former nerve crosses this muscle in passing to the tongue. Levator palati, from the under surface of the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and from the Eustachian tube,—into the posterior surface of the soft palate. Action, to elevate the soft palate. Nerve, facial, through the Vidian and petrosal. Tensor palati,from the scaphoid fossa of the sphenoid bone, and the Eusta- chian tube,—reflected around the hamular process, into the anterior surface of the soft palate, and the horizontal portion of the palate bone. Action, to tense the palate. Nei-ve, a branch from the otic ganglion. Azygos uvulae, from the posterior nasal spine of the palate bone, and from the soft palate,—into the uvula. Action, possibly to raise the uvula. Nerve, facial, through the Vidian and petrosal. This muscle is wrongly named, as it is double. Palato-glossus (anterior pillar of the fauces), from the anterior surface of the soft palate laterally,—into the side and dorsum of the tongue. Action, constrictor isthmi faucium. Nerves, palatine branches of Meckel’s ganglion. Palato-pharyngeus (posterior pillar of the fauces), from the soft palate,— into the side of the pharnyx and the posterior border of the thyroid cartilage, having joined the stylo-pharyngeus. Action, to close the posterior nares. Nerves, palatine branches from Meckel’s ganglion. Rectus capitus anti/cus major, from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae, by four slips,—into the basilar process of the occipital bone. Action, to flex the head. Nerves, sub-occipital and deep branches of cervical plexus. This muscle is a con- tinuation of the scalenus anticus. Rectus capitis antrtcus minor, from the anterior surface of the lateral mass of the atlas, and the root of its transverse process,—into the basilar process of the occipital bone. Action, to flex the head. Arerves, sub-occipital and deep branches of the cervical plexus. Rectus lateralis, from the upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas, —into the jugular process of the occipital bone. Action, to draw the head laterally. Nerve, sub-occipital. Longus colli, 3 portions,—the superior oblique, from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the 3rd 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae, into a tubercle on the anterior arch of the atlas:—inferior oblique, from the bodies of the first two or three dorsal vertebrae, into the transverse processes of the 5th and 6th cervical :—vertical portion from the bodies of the lower three cervical and upper three dorsal vertebrae, to the bodies of the 2nd, 3rd and MUSCLES OF THE LARYNX AND EPIGLOTTIS. 75 4th cervical. Action, to flex the cervical vertebrae and slightly to rotate them. Nerves, branches from the lower cervical. Scalenus antFcus,20 from a tubercle on the upper surface of the first rib,— into the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, from the 3d to the 6th inclusive. Action, to flex the neck laterally, or to raise the first rib. Nerves, branches from the lower cervical. (See Fig. 38.) Scalenus mediusfrom the upper surface of the first rib, behind the sub- clavian groove,—into the transverse processes of the lower six cervical ver- tebrae. Action, same as scalenus anticus. Nerves, branches from the lower cervical. Scalenus postFcus,21 from the outer surface of the second rib,—into the posterior tubercles on the transverse processes of the lower two or three cervical vertebrae. Action, to flex the neck laterally, or to elevate the 2nd rib. Nerves, branches from lower cervical. MUSCLES OF THE LARYNX AND EPIGLOTTIS. Crico-thyroid, from the front and side of the cricoid cartilage,—into the lower and inner borders of the thyroid cartilage. Action, to elongate and make tense the vocal chords. Nerve, superior laryngeal. Crico-arytenoideus posticus, from the cricoid cartilage posteriorly,—into the outer angle of the base of the arytenoid cartilage. Action, to rotate the arytenoid cartilages outwards and open the glottis, while keeping the vocal chords tense. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. Crico-atytenoideus lateralis, from the upper border of the cricoid cartilage laterally,—into the outer angle of the base of the arytenoid cartilage. Action, to rotate the arytenoid cartilages inwards and close the glottis. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. Thyro-arytenoideus,y9w« the receding angle of the thyroid cartilage, and the crico-thyroid membrane,—into the base and anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage. Action, to shorten and relax the vocal chords by ap- proximating the cartilages. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. Arytenoideus,/h?/« the posterior surface and outer border of one arytenoid cartilage,—into the corresponding parts of the opposite cartilage, filling up the posterior concave surface of these cartilages. Action, by approximat- ing the arytenoids, to close the back part of the glottis. Nerves, superior and recurrent laryngeal. Thyro-epiglottideus,y>w/2 the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage,—into the margin of the epiglottis and the aryteno-epiglottidean fold. Action, a depressor of the epiglo'tis. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. 76 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Aryteno-epiglottideus superior, from the apex of the arytenoid cartilage, —into the aryteno-epiglottidean folds. Action, to constrict the superior laryngeal aperture. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. Aryteno-epiglottideus inferior, from the arytenoid cartilage anteriorly,— into the sacculus laryngis and the margin of the epiglottis. Action, to com- press the sacculus laryngis. Nerve, recurrent laryngeal. MUSCLES OF THE BACK. First layer (2)—Trapezius. Latissimus dorsi. Second layer (3)—Levator anguli scapulce. Rhomboideus major, and minor. Third layer (3)—Serratusposticus superior. Serratus posticus inferior. Fourth layer (11)—in four sets, viz.— Splenius capitis et colli. External (3). Sacro-lumbalis. Musculus accessorius ad sacro-lumbalem. Cervicalis ascendens. Lumbar (i)—Erector spina. Middle (3). Longissimus dorsi. Transversalis colli. Trachelo-mastoid. Internal (4). Spinalis dorsi. Spinalis colli. Biventer cervicis. Complexus. Fifth layer (12)—six having the word spinal in them, viz.— Sem i-spinalis dorsi. Semi-spinalis colli. Multifidus spince. Rotatores spince. Supra-spinales. Inter-spinales. Inter-transversales. Rectus capitis posticus major Rectus capitis posticus minor. Obliquus capitis superior. Obliquus capitis inferior. Extensor coccygis. Trapezius,1 from the inner third of the superior curved line of the occipital bone, the ligamentum nuchae,2 the spinous processes of the last cervical and all the dorsal vertebrae, and the supra-spinous ligament,—into the outer third of the posterior border of the clavicle, the superior margin of the acromion process, the whole length of the superior border of the spine of the scapula,3 and a tubercle at its inner extremity. Action, to draw the head backwards. Nerves, spinal accessory, cervical plexus. Ligamentum nuchje, from external occipital protuberance,—to the spines of the cervical vertebrae, from the 2d to the 7th inclusive. Latissimus dorsi,4 by an aponeurosis from the spines of the six lower dor- sal and the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, the supra-spinous ligament, the crest of the ilium, and the three or four lower ribs,;—into the bicipital groove of the humerus. Action, the cursor ani muscle, drawing the arm downwards and backwards; or raising the lower ribs and drawing the trunk forwards. Nerves, the subscapular. MUSCLES OF THE BACK. 77 Levator anguli scapulae,10 by 4 slips from the transverse processes of 3 or 4 upper cervical vertebrae,—into the posterior border of the scapula. Action, as named. Nerves, branches from the 5th cervical and the cervical plexus. Fig. 39. Rhomboideus minor,11 from the ligamentum nuchae and spines of the 7th cervical and I st dorsal vertebrae,—into the smooth surface at the root of the spine of the scapula. Action, to draw the scapula backwards and upwards. Nerve, 5th cervical. Rhomboideus major,12 from, the spines of the 4 or 5 upper dorsal vertebrae and the supra-spinous ligament,—into the scapula at the root of its spine and inferior-angle, by a tendinous arch. Action, to draw the scapula up- wards and backwards. Nerve, 5th cervical. 78 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Serratus postFcus superior, from the ligamentum nuchae, and spines of the 7th cervical and 2 or 3 upper dorsal vertebrae,—into the upper borders of the 2d 3d 4th and 5th ribs, by four digitations. Action, to raise ribs in in- spiration. Nerves, external posterior branches of the cervical nerves. Serratus posti/cus inferior,16 from the spines of the last 2 dorsal and first 3 lumbar vertebrae,—into the lower borders of the 4 lower libs, by 4 digi- tations. Action, to depress these ribs in expiration. Nerves, external branches of the dorsal nerves. Splenius capitis13 et colli,14y9w» the lower half of the ligamentum nuchae, the last cervical and 6 upper dorsal spines, and the supra-spinous ligament, —the S. capitis into the mastoid process and a rough surface below the superior curved line of the occipital bone,—the S. colli into the transverse processes of the 3 or 4 upper cervical vertebrae. Action, to draw the head backwards and the neck erect. Nerves, external posterior branches of the cervical nerves. Erector spinafrom the sacro-iliac groove, and by the lumbo-sacral tendon from the sacral lumbar and 3 lower dorsal spines, the iliac crest, and the posterior eminences of the sacrum,—divides into the sacro-lumbalis2 and longissimus dorsi3 muscles. Action, to erect the spine and bend the trunk backwards. Nerves, external posterior branches of the lumbar nerves. Sacro-lumbalis, ‘l from the erector spinae,—into the angles of the 6 lower ribs. Action, as the erector spinge. Nerves, branches of the dorsal. Musculus accessorius ad sacro-lumbalem,2 from the angles of 6 lower ribs,—into the angles of 6 upper ribs. Action, as the erector spinae. Nerves, branches of the dorsal. Cervicalis ascendens,5 from the angles of 4 or 5 upper ribs,—into the transverse processes of the 4th 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae. Action, to keep the neck erect. Nerves, branches of the cervical. Longissimus dorsi,3 from the erector spinae,—into the transverse and articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae, into the tips of the transverse processes of all the dorsal vertebrae, and into from 7 to 11 ribs between their tubercles and angles. Action, as the erector spinae. Nerves, branches of the lumbar and dorsal nerves. Transversalis colli,6 from the transverse processes of the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th dorsal vertebrae,—into the transverse processes of the 5 lower cervical.9 Action, to keep the neck erect. Nerves, cervical branches. Trachelo-mastoid,7 from the transverse processes of the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th dorsal vertebrae, and the articular processes of the 3 or 4 lower cervical,— into the posterior margin of the mastoid process. Action, to steady the head. Nerves, branches of the cervical. MUSCLES OF THE BACK 79 Spinalis dorsi,from the last 2 dorsal and first 2 lumbar spines,—into all the remaining dorsal spines. Action, to erect the spinal column. Nerves, branches of the dorsal. Spinalis colli, from the 5th and 6th cervical spines, sometimes from the 1st and 2nd dorsal,—into the spine of the axis, or the 3rd and 4th cervical spines. Action, to steady the neck. Nerves, branches of the cervical. [This muscle is frequently ab- sent.] Biventer cervicis, from the transverse pro- cesses of 2 to 4 upper dorsal vertebrae,;— into the superior curved line of the occipi- tal bone. [Is but a portion of the com- plexus muscle.] Complexus,8 by 7 tendons from the tips of the transverse processes of the 7th cervical and 3 upper dorsal vertebrae, and from the articular processes of the 4th 5th and 6th cervical,—into the inner depression between the curved lines of the occipital bone. Ac- tion, to retract and rotate the head. Nerves, suboccipital, great occipital, and branches of the cervical nerves. Semispinalis dorsi,xo from the transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae, from about the 5th to the 1 ith,—into the last 2 cervical and 4 upper dorsal spines. Action, to erect the spinal column. Nerves, branches of the dorsal nerves. Semispinalis colli,11 from the transverse processes of the 4 upper dorsal vertebrae, and the articular processes of the 4 lower cervical,—into the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th cervical spines. Action, to erect the spinal column. Nerves, branches of the cervical. Multifidus spinae,16y>w«the back of the sacrum, posterior superior spine of the ilium, posterior sacro-iliac ligaments, articular processes of lumbar and cervical vertebrae, and the transverse processes of the dorsal,—into the laminae and spines of the next 4 vertebrae above. Action, to erect and rotate the spinal column. Nerves, posterior spinal branches. Fig. 40. 80 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Rotatores spinae (n ),from the transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae, from the 2d to the 12th inclusive,—each into the lamina of the next dorsal vertebra above. Action, to rotate the spinal column. Nerves, branches of the dorsal. Supra-spinales, lie on the spinous processes in the cervical region. Nerves, branches of the cervical. Inter-spinales, placed in pairs between the spines of contiguous vertebrae, 6 pairs in the cervical region, 3 in the dorsal, 4 sometimes 6 in the lumbar. Nerves, posterior spinal branches. Inter-transversales,18 placed between the transverse processes of contigu- ous vertebrae, 7 in the cervical region, 12 in the dorsal, and 4 in the lumbar. Nerves, posterior spinal branches. Rectus capitis posti'cus major,1 3 from the spine of the axis,—into the inferior curved line of the occipital bone and the surface below. Action, to rotate the head. Nerves, sub- and great occipital. Rectus capitis postPcus minor,12 from the tubercle on the posterior arch of the atlas,—into a rough surface between the foramen magnum and the inferior curved line of the occipital bone. Action, to draw the head back- wards. Nerves, sub- and great occipital. Obliquus capitis inferior,15 from the spinous process of the axis,—almost horizontally to the transverse process of the atlas. Action, to rotate the atlas and cranium. Nerves, sub- and great occipital Obliquus capitis superior,14 from the transverse process of the atlas;— upwards and inwards into the occipital bone between the curved lines. Action, draws the head backwards. Nerves, sub- and great occipital. Extensor coccygis, from the last bone of the sacrum or first of the coccyx, —into the lower part of the coccyx, posteriorly. Action, as named. Nerves, posterior sacral branches. External oblique,12 from 8 lower ribs by 8 fleshy digitations,—into the an- terior half of the outer lip of the crest of the ilium, and by a broad aponeu- rosis,1* into the ensiform cartilage, linea alba, symphysis and spine of the pubes, and the pectineal line. Its aponeurosis is continuous with that of the pectoralis major above, and below it forms Poupart’s14 and Gimbernat’s ligaments, and by the separation of its fibres, the external abdominal ring.15 Action, to compress the viscera, and flex the thorax on the pelvis and vice versa. ATerves, lower intercostal, ilio-hypogastric and ilio-inguinal. Internal oblique,18the lumbar fascia, the anterior two-thirds of the middle lip of the crest of the ilium, and the outer half of Poupart’s liga- MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN. MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN. 81 ment,—into the cartilages of 4 lower ribs; by its aponeurosis into the linea alba; and leaving an arched border20 over the spermatic cord, by the con- joined tendon19 with the transversalis into the pubic crest and the pectineal line. Its aponeurosis splits at the rectus abdominis for its upper three-fourths one layer passing in front the other behind that muscle, to unite again at the linea alba; for its lower one-fourth it passes in front of the rectus. Action and Nerves, same as the external oblique. Fic;. 41, Transversalis, from the outer one-third of Poupart’s ligament, the anterior two-thirds of the inner lip of the crest of the ilium, the cartilages of 6 lower ribs, and an aponeurosis from the spines and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae,—by its aponeurosis into the linea alba, and by the con- joined tendon19 with the internal oblique, into the pubic crest and the pectineal line. Its aponeurosis passes behind the rectus abdominis for its upper three-fourths, in front of that muscle for its lower one-fourth. 82 QUF.STIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Lumbar fascia, or vertebral aponeurosis of the transversalis, divides into 3 leaflets, the anterior and middle being attached to the apices of the trans- verse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, the posterior leaflet to the apices of their spines. The anterior and middle leaflets enclose the quadratus lum- borum muscle, the middle and posterior enclose the erector spinae. Rectus abdominis,16 by 2 tendons from the pubic crest and the ligaments covering the symphysis,—into the cartilages of the 5th 6th and 7th ribs. It lies in a sheath formed by the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and trans- versalis muscles for its upper three-fourths, and is crossed by 2 to 5 tendi- nous lines, the linea transversce. At its outer border is a similar line placed vertically, the linea semilunaris, formed by the aponeurosis of the internal oblique at its point of division. Action, to flex the thorax on the pelvis and vice versa, also to compress the abdominal viscera. Nerves, same as the external oblique. Pyramidalis, 17 lies in front of the rectus but in the same sheath, arises from the front of the pubic bone and the anterior pubic ligament,—into the linea alba, half-way to the umbilicus. Action, a tensor of the linea alba. Nerves, same as the external oblique. Quadratus lumborum,19 Fi«-40 from the ilio-lumbar ligament, adjacent 2 inches of the crest of the ilium, and transverse processes of the lower 3 lum- bar vertebrae,—into one-half of the lower border of the last rib, and the transverse processes of the last 3 lumbar vertebrae. Action, to flex the thorax laterally on the pelvis and vice versa. Nerves, anterior branches of the lumbar. MUSCLES OF THE THORAX External intercostals (11), each fro7n the outer lip of the groove in the in- ferior costal border,—into the upper border of the next rib below, directed obliquely downwards and forwards. Action, to raise and evert the ribs in inspiration. Nerves, intercostal. Internal intercostals (n), each from the inner lip of the groove in the inferior costal border,—into the upper border of the rib below, directed ob- liquely downwards and backwards. Action, at sides of thorax to depress the ribs in expiration; anteriorly they raise the costal cartilages. Nerves, intercostals. Infra-costales (10) obliquely from inner surface of one rib,—into the inner surface of the 1st 2d or 3d rib below. Action, muscles of inspiration. Nerves, intercostal. Triangularis sterni, from the inner surface of the ensiform cartilage, inner surfaces of costal cartilages of 3 or 4 lower true ribs, and lower sides of the MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM. sternum,—into the lower border and inner surfaces of the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th costal cartilages. Action, to draw down the cartilages in expiration. Nerves, intercostal. Levatores costarum17 Fis-40 (12), each from the transverse process of a dorsal vertebra,—into the upper surface of the next rib below, near its angle. Action, to raise the ribs. Nerves, intercostal. Diaphragm, from the ensiform cartilage,4 inner surfaces of 6 or 7 lower ribs, ligamenta arcuata,5 and by its crura8 10 from the bodies of the lumbar ver- tebrae, from the 2d to the 4th on the right side, the 2d and 3d on the left,—into the cen- tral or cordiform ten- don.2 3 Action, the great muscle of respi- ration and expulsion. Nerve, the phrenic. Openings of the Dia- phragm. The A or tic,11 in the middle line pos- teriorly, and behind the diaphragm; trans- mits the aorta, vena azygos major, and thoracic duct, occa- sionally the 16ft sym- pathetic nerve. The (Esophageal,12 in the muscular structure, transmits the oesophagus and the pneumogastric nerves. The opening for the vena cava13 is the highest, and has four tendinous margins. The right crus8 transmits the sympathetic and greater and lesser splanchnic nerves of that side. The left crus,10 the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves of the left side and the vena azygos minor. Descent of the Diaphragm. Its central tendon does not descend during in- spiration, being connected by the fibrous pericardium with the deep, cervical fascia. Fig. 42. Sphincter ani,4 from the tip of the coccyx and superficial fascia,—into the tendinous centre of the perineum. Action, to close the anus. ATerve, hemorrhoidal branch of the pudic. MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM. 84 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Internal sphincter, a muscular ring, half an inch broad, about an inch from the margin of the anus; is an aggregation of the involuntary circular fibres of the intestine. Fig. 43. Sphincter tertius of Hyrtl, from the sacrum, encircling the rectum about 4 inches above the anal orifice. [Demonstrated by Hyrtl, Nelaton and Vel- peau, but denied by most anatomists.] Accelerator the central tendon of the perineum and the median raphe in front,—fibres spread over the bulb, corpus spongiosum, corpus cavernosum,17 and dorsal vessels. Action, to accelerate the flow of urine, and erect the penis. Nerve, perineal branch of pudic* Erector penis,2 from the inner surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, the crus penis, and pubic ramus,—into the crus penis laterally and inferiorly. Action, to maintain erection. Nerve, perineal. Transversus perinei,3/h?;« the ascending ramus of the ischium,—into the central tendon of the perineum. Action, to draw tense the central tendon. Nerve, perineal. Levator ani,5 from the body and ramus of the pubes posteriorly, pelvic fascia, and the spine of the ischium,—into the tendinous centre of the perineum, sides of the rectum (and vagina , apex of the coccyx, and a fibrous raphe extending from the coccyx to the anus. Action, to support the lower end of the rectum and vagina and the bladder, and assist in forming the floor of the pelvis. Nerves, inferior hemorrhoidal and 4th sacral. Compressor urethrae, from the upper part of the ramus of the pubes,—into its fellow of the opposite side after encircling the membranous portion of the urethra. Action, stop-cock muscle. Nerve, perineal. MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER AND ARM. 85 Coccygeus,6 from the spine of the ischium and the lesser sacro-sciatic liga- ment, into the margin of the coccyx and the side of the last sacral segment. Action, to support the coccyx, and close the outlet of the pelvis posteriorly. Nerve, 5th sacral, anterior division. Sphincter vaginae (in the female), from the central tendon of the perineum, into the corpora cavernosa and body of the clitoris. Represents the accel- erator urinae of the male. Erector clitoridis (in the female), replaces the erector penis. MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER AND ARM. Pectoralis major, from the sternal one-half of the clavicle, by an aponeu- rosis from the front of the sternum as low as the 6th or 7th rib, the cartilages of all the true ribs, and the aponeurosis of the external oblique,—the fibres converge, cross and are inserted by a flat tendon into the external bicipital ridge of the humerus, having crossed the bicipital groove. Action, to draw the arm forwards and downwards; also to elevate the ribs in forced inspira- tion. Nerves, anterior thoracic. Pectoralis minor, from the 3rd 4th and 5th ribs, and the intercostal aponeu- rosis,—into the coracoid process of the scapula. Action, to depress the point of the shoulder, also to elevate the ribs in forced inspiration. Nerves, anterior thoracic. Subclavius, frotn the cartilage of the 1st rib,—into the under surface of the clavicle, in a groove about its middle third. Action, to draw the clavicle downwards. Nerve, a branch from the 5th and 6th cervical. Serratus magnus, by 9 digitations from the 8 upper ribs (the 2nd rib having two) and from the intercostal aponeurosis,—into the whole length of the inner margin of the posterior border of the scapula. Action, to elevate the ribs in inspiration, also to raise the point of the shoulder. In lower animals the great sling-muscle, slinging the body between the upper extremities. Nerve, posterior thoracic. Deltoid, from the outer one-third of the anterior and superior surfaces of the clavicle, the outer margin and upper surface of the acromion, and the whole lower border of the spine of the scapula,—into a prominence on the outer side of the shaft of the humerus, about its middle. Action, to raise the arm. Nerve., circumflex. Subscapularis, from the inner two-thirds of the subscapular fossa,—into the lesser tuberosity of the humerus. Action, to rotate the head of the humerus inwards. Nerves, subscapular. Supra-spinatus,y9w« the inner two-thirds of the supra-spinous fossa,—into the upper facet of the greater tuberosity of the humerus. Action, to sup- port the shoulder-joint, and to raise the arm. Nerve, supra-scapular. 86 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. Infrarspinatus, from the inner two-thirds of the infra-spinous fossa,—into the middle facet on the greater tuberosity of the humerus. Action, to rotate the humerus outwards. Nerve, supra-scapular. Teres minor, from the upper two-thirds of the dorsal surface of the axillary border of the scapula,—into the lowest facet on the greater tuberosity of the humerus, and the bone below. Action, to rotate the humerus outwards. Nerve, circumflex. Teres major, from the dorsal aspect of the inferior angle of the scapula,— into the internal bicipital ridge of the humerus. Action, to assist the latis- simus dorsi. Nerve, subscapular. Coraco-brachialis,11 from the apex of the coracoid process2 of the scapula, —into a ridge on the inner side of the shaft of the humerus, about its middle. Action, elevates the humerus forwards and inwards. Nerve, mus- culo-cutaneous, which perforates this muscle. Biceps15 (Biceps flexor cubiti). Long head8 from the upper margin of the glenoid cavity, short head12 from the apex of the coracoid process,2 in common with the coraco-brachialis,—into the back of the tuber- osity of the radius, and the fascia of the fore- arm.20 Action, to flex and supinate the fore- arm, and to make tense its fascia. Nerz’e, the musculo-cutaneous. Brachialis anti'cus,17 from the lower half of the shaft of the humerus anteriorly and later- ally, embracing the insertion of the deltoid,9— into the base of the coronoid process of the ulna.19 Action, a flexor of the forearm. Nerves, musculo-cutaneous and musculo-spiral. Triceps16 (Triceps extensor cubiti), by three heads, the outer and inner from the pos- terior surface of the shaft of the humerus, the outer above, the inner below the musculo- spiral groove ; the middle or long head from a depression below the glenoid cavity of the scapula,—into the upper end of the olecranon process of the ulna. Action, to extend the forearm. Nerve, musculo-spiral. Fig. 44. MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM. 87 Subanconeus, from the humerus above the olecranon fossa,—into the posterior ligament of the elbow-joint. Action, probably a tensor of the ligament. Nerve, musculo-spiral. MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM. Muscles of the forearm (20), arranged in groups of five and threes. (Pancoast.) Anteriorly, 5 flexors, 2 pronators, 1 tensor of palmar fascia:— Flexor carpi radiaiis. Flexor carpi ulnaris. Plexor longus pollicis. Pronator radii teres. Pronator quadratus. Palmaris longus. Flexor sublimis digitorum perforatus manis. Flexor profundus digitorum perfcrrans manis. Posteriorly (12), in 4 sets of threes:— Supinator longus. Extensor carpi radiaiis longior. Extensor carpi radiaiis brevior. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. Extensorprimi internodii pollicis. Extensor secundi internodii pollicis. Extensor indicis. Extensor communis digitorum. Extensor minimi digiti. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Anconeus. Supinator brevis. Pronator radii teres,4 by two heads, one from above the internal condyle of the humerus, the common tendon, fascia and the intermuscular septum; the other from the inner side of the coronoid process of the ulna,— into a rough ridge on the outer side of the shaft of the radius, about its middle. Action, to pronate the hand. Nave, median, which passes between the two heads of the muscle. Flexor carpi radialis,5 from the internal condyle by the common tendon, the fascia, and intermuscular septa,—into the base of the metacarpal bone of the index finger. Action, to flex the wrist. Nerve, median. Palmaris longus,6 from the same origin as the flexor carpi radialis,—into the annular ligament and the palmar fascia.9 Action, to make the palmar fascia tense. Nerve, median. Flexor carpi ulnaris,8 by two heads, one from the internal condyle by the common tendon, the other from the inner margin of the olecranon, the upper two-thirds of the posterior border of the ulna, and the intermuscular septum,—into the pisiform bone, the annular ligament, and the base of the 5th metacarpal bone. Action, to flex the wrist. Nerve, ulnar. Flexor sublimis digitorum (perforatus),7 by three heads, one from the inner condyle by the common tendon, the internal lateral ligament, and the inter- muscular septum; the 2nd from the inner side of the coronoid process; the 3rd from the oblique line of the radius,—into the lateral margins of the 88 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. second phalanges by 4 tendons which are split for the passage of the deep flexor tendons. Action, to flex the second phalanges. Nerve, median. Flexor profundus digitorum (perforans), from the upper two-thirds of the shaft of the ulna, a depression on the inner side of the coronoid process, and the interosseous membrane,—into the bases of the last phalanges, by 4 tendons which perforate the tendons of the superficial flexor. Action, to flex the phalanges. Nerves, ulnar, and anterior interosseous. Flexor longus pollicis, from the upper two-thirds of the shaft of the radius, and the interosseous membrane,—into the base of the last phalanx of the thumb, which it flexes. Nerve, anterior inter- osseous. Pronator quadratus, from the oblique line on the lower one-fourth of the ulna, and the internal body of the ulna,—into the lower one-fourth of the external border of the shaft of the radius. Action, to pronate the hand. Nerve, anterior interosseous. Supinator longus,13 from the upper two-thirds of the external condyloid ridge on the humerus, and the intermuscular septum,—into the base of the styloid process of the radius. Action, to supinate the hand. Nerve, musculo-spiral. Extensor carpi radialis longior/ from the lower one-third of the external condyloid ridge on the humerus, and the intermuscular septum,— into the base of the metacarpal bone of the index on its radial side. Action, to extend the wrist. Nerve, musculo-spiral. Extensor carpi radialis brevior,./ from the external condyle by the common tendon, the external lateral ligament, and the intermuscular septa,—into the radial side of the base of the 3rd metacarpal bone..r Ac- tion, to extend the wrist. Nerve, posterior interosseous. Fig. 45. Extensor communis from the external condyle by the com- mon tendon, the deep fascia, and the intermuscular septa,—into the 2d and 3d phalanges of all the fingers, by 3 tendons, one of which divides into two. Action, to extend the fingers. Nerve, posterior interosseous. MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM. 89 Extensor minimi digitip from the common tendon and the intermuscular septa,—into the 2d and 3d phalanges of the little finger, with the tendon derived from the common extensor. Action, as named. Nerve, posterior interosseous. Extensor carpi ulnaris,/ from the common tendon, the middle one-third of the posterior border of the ulna, and the fascia of the forearm,—into the base of the 5th metacarpal bone. Action, to extend the wrist. Nerve, posterior interosseous. from the external condyle of the humerus, posteriorly,—into the side of the ole- cranon, and upper one-third of the posterior sur- face of the shaft of the ulna. Action, to extend the forearm. Nerve, the musculo-spiral. Supinator brevis, from the external condyle of the humerus, the external lateral and orbicular liga- ments, and an oblique line on the ulna,—into the inner surface of the neck of the radius, the outer edge of its bicipital tuberosity, and the oblique line. Action, to supinate the hand. Nerve, posterior interosseous, which pierces it. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis,14 from the posterior surfaces of the shafts of the radius and ulna, and the interosseous ligament,—into the base of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. Action, to extend the thumb. Nerve, posterior interosseous. Extensor primi internodii pollicis,«from the posterior surface of the shaft of the radius and the interosseous membrane,—into the base of the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Action, to extend the thumb. Neime, posterior interosseous. Extensor secundi internodii pollicisp« from the shaft of the ulna poste- riorly and the interosseous membrane,—into the base of the last phalanx of the thumb. Action, to extend the thumb. Nerve, posterior inter- osseous. Extensor indicis, from the shaft of the ulna posteriorly and the interosseous membrane,—into the 2d and 3d phalanges of the index finger with the tendon of the common extensor. Action, to extend the index finger. Nerve, posterior interosseous. FIG. 46. 90 QUESTIONS on human anatomy. FASCIAE OF THE HAND. Anterior annular ligament, from the pisiform and unciform bones,—to the tuberosity of the scaphoid and the ridge on the trapezium. It is pierced by the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis, and beneath it pass the tendons of the superficial and deep flexors and the flexor longus pollicis, also the median nerve. It is continuous with the palmar fascia and the fascia of the forearm. Posterior annular ligament,o from the ulna, cuneiform, and pisiform bones and the palmar fascia,—to the margin of the radius and the ridges on its posterior surface. It has 6 canals for the passage of the extensor tendons, each lined by a synovial membrane. It is continuous with the fascia of the forearm. Palmar fascia, ensheathes the muscles of the hand, and divides into slips for the four fingers, each slip dividing and forming tendinous arches for the passage of the flexor tendons. MUSCLES OF THE HAND. Abductor pollicis,from the ridge of the trapezium aud annular ligament, —into the radial side of the base of the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Action, to draw the thumb from the median line. Nerve, median. Opponens pollicis, from the palmar surface of the trapezium and annular ligament,—into.the radial side of the metacarpal bone of the thumb, for its whole length. Action, as a flexor ossis metacarpi pollicis. Nerve, median. Flexor brevis pollicis,12 from the trapezium, annular ligament, trapezoid, os magnum, base of the 3rd metacarpal, and the sheath of the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis,—into both sides of the base of the 1st phalanx of the thumb, by two tendons, each of which has a sesamoid bone in it. Action, to flex the thumb. Nerves, median and ulnar. Adductor pollicis, from the whole palmar surface of the 3rd metacarpal bone,—into the ulnar side of the base of the 1st phalanx of the thumb, and the internal sesamoid bone. Action, to draw the thumb towards the me- dian line. Nerve, ulnar. Thenar eminence, or ball of the thumb, is formed by the above-named 4 mus- cles. The following first 4 form the hypo-thenar eminence. Palmaris brevis,10 from the annular ligament and palmar fascia,—into the skin on the inner border of the palm of the hand. Action, to corrugate the skin of the hand. Nerve, ulnar. Abductor minimi digiti, front the pisiform bone and the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris,—into the ulnar side of the base of the 1st phalanx of the little finger. Action, as named. Nerve, ulnar. MUSCLES OF THE HIP AND THIGH. 91 Flexor brevis minimi digiti, from the tip of the unciform process and the annular ligament,—into the base of the 1st phalanx of the little finger, with the preceding muscle. Action, as named. Nerve, ulnar. Opponens minimi digiti, from the unciform process and annular ligament, —into the whole ulnar margin of the 5th metacarpal bone. Action, a flexor of the 5th metacarpal bone. Nerve, ulnir. Lumbricales (4),from the tendons of the deep flexor,—into the expanded tendons of the common extensor, on the dorsi of the phalanges. Action, probably to flex the 1st phalanges. Nerves, median and ulnar. Dorsal interossei (4), by two heads from the adjacent sides of the metacarpal bones,—into the bases of the 1st phalanges of the index, middle and ring fingers, the middle finger having two* Action, abductors of the fingers from the median line. Nerve, ulnar. Palmar interossei (3), from the palmar surfaces of the 2nd 4th and 5th metacarpal bones,—into the bases of the 1st phalanges of the same fingers. Action, adductors of the fingers. Nerve, ulnar. MUSCLES OF THE HIP AND THIGH. Psoas magnus,11 from the bodies, transverse processes, and intervertebral substances of the last dorsal and all the lumbar vertebrae,—into the lesser trochanter of the femur, by a common tendon with the iliacus. Action, to flex and rotate the femur outwards, also to flex the trunk and pelvis on the thigh. Nerves, anterior lumbar branches. Psoas parvus, from the bodies of the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae, and the intervertebral substance,—into the ilio-pectineal eminence, and the iliac fascia. Action, when present it is a tensor of the iliac fascia. Nerves, anterior lumbar branches. lliacus,10 from the iliac fossa, inner margin of the iliac crest, ilio-lumbar ligament, base of the sacrum, anterior spinous processes of the ilium and the notch between them, and from the capsule of the hip-joint,—into the outer side of the tendon of the psoas magnus. Action, the same as the psoas magnus. Nerve, anterior crural. Fascia lata, the deep fascia of the thigh, extends from Poupart’s ligament to the prominent points around the knee-joint, and from the margin of the sacrum and coccyx around the limb to the pubic arch and pectineal line. It sends two strong intermuscular septa down to the linea aspera, and con- tains the saphenous opening, which is formed by the reflected margins of its pubic and iliac portions. Poupart's ligament is made by the knife, and is only the line of junction between the aponeurosis of the external oblique 92 muscle and the fascia lata; extending from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to the spine of the pubic bone. Tensor vaginae femoris,4 from the anterior part of the outer lip of the iliac crest, and the anterior superior spinous process,—into the fascia lata later- ally, for one-fourth down the thigh. Action, a tensor of the fascia lata. Nerve, superior gluteal. Sartorius,5 from the anterior superior spine of the ilium2 and half of the notch below it,—into the upper internal surface of the shaft of the tibia. Action, to flex and cross the legs. Nerve, anterior crural. Quadriceps extensor, includes the rectus, vastus interims and externus, and the crureus muscles. Its tendon contains the patella. Rectus femoris,6 by two tendons, the straight from the anterior inferior spine of the ilium, the reflected from a groove above the brim of the acetabulum, —into the tuberosity of the tibia by the tendon9 common to this and the next three muscles. Action, to extend the leg. Nerve, anterior crural. Vastus externus,7 from the anterior border of the great trochanter and the whole length of the linea aspera,—into the tuberosity of the tibia, by the common tendon. Vastus internus8 and Crureus, are one muscle, arising from the inner lip of the linea aspera and nearly the whole of the shaft of the femur in front and laterally from the trochanters down to within the lower one-fourth of the bone,—into the tuberosity of the tibia by the common extensor tendon. Action, to extend the leg. Nerve, anterior crural. Subcrureus, from the lower part of the femur anteriorly,—into the synovial pouch behind the patella. Action, to draw up the synovial sac. Nerve, anterior crural. Gracilis,15 from the inner margin of the rami of the pubes and ischium,—into the inner surface of the shaft of the tibia below the tuberosity. Action, to flex and adduct the leg. Nerve, obturator. Pectineus,12/r0OT the ilio-pectineal line, and the bone in front thereof, also from an expansion of Gimbernat’s ligament,—into the rough line extending Fig. 47. QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. MUSCLES OF THE HIP AND THIGH. 93 from the trochanter minor to the linea aspera. Action, to flex the thigh and rotate it outwards. Nerves, obturator, accessory obturator, and anterior crural. Adductor longus, 13 from the front of the pubes,—into the middle third of the linea aspera. Action, to adduct the thigh, and flex it. Nerve, obturator. Adductor brevis, from the descending ramus of the pubes,—into the upper part of the linea aspera. Action, to adduct and flex the thigh. Nerve, obturator. Adductor magnus, from the rami of the pubes and ischium, and the outer margin and under surface of the tuberosity of the ischium,—into the rough line leading from the great trochanter to the linea aspera, the whole length of the linea aspera, and by a tendon into the tubercle above the inner con- dyle of the femur. Action, to adduct the thigh and rotate it 'outwards. Nerves, obturator and great sciatic. This muscle is pierced by 4 aper- tures for the 3 superior perforating and the profunda arteries, and about the lower one-third of its insertion an angular interval is left therein, the lower opening of Hunter’s canal, for the passage of the femoral vessels into the popliteal space. Gluteus maximus/ from the superior curved line of the ilium, the crest behind it, the last piece of the sacrum, the side of the coccyx and the great and posterior sacro-sciatic ligaments,—into the fascia lata and the rough line leading from the great trochanter to the linea aspera. Action, to extend and abduct the thigh and rotate it out- wards, also to maintain the trunk erect. Names, inferior gluteal and a branch from the sacral plexus. Gluteus medius,« from the ilium between the su- perior and middle curved lines, the crest between them and the fascia of the part,—into the oblique line on the great trochanter. Action, its posterior fibres rotate the thigh outwards, its anterior fibres rotate it inwards. It also abducts the thigh and draws it forwards, and assists to maintain the trunk erect. Nerve, superior gluteal. Gluteus minimus,8 from the ilium between the middle and inferior curved lines, and the margin of the great sacro-sciatic notch,—into the anterior Fig. 48. QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. border of the great trochanter. Action, to rotate the thigh inwards, also to abduct and draw it forwards, and to maintain the trunk erect. Nerve, superior gluteal. Pyriformis,9 by 3 digitations from the front of the sacrum, from the margin of the great sacro-sciatic foramen and the great sacro-sciatic ligament,—into the upper border of the great trochanter,7 having passed through the great sacro-sciatic foramen. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. Nerves, branches from the sacral plexus. Obturator interims,11 from the posterior bony margin of the obturator foramen and the inner surface of the obturator membrane,—into the great tro chanter,7 passing through the lesser sacro-sciatic notch. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. Nerves, branches from the sacral plexus. Gemellus superior,10 from the outer surface of the spine of the ischium,— into the great trochanter, being blended with the tendon of the obturator internus. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. Nerves, branches from the sacral plexus. Gemellus inferior,12 from the tuberosity of the ischium,—into the tendon of the obturator internus and the great trochanter. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. Nerves, branches from the sacral plexus. Obturator externus, from the anterior inner bony margin of the obturator fora- men, and the inner two thirds of the anteiior surface of the obturator mem- brane,—into the digital fossa of the femur at the inner base of the great trochanter. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. ATerve, obturator. Quadratus femoris,1 * from the tuberosity of the ischium,—into the upper part of the linea quadrati on the trochanter major posteriorly. Action, an external rotator of the thigh. Nei-ves, branches from the sacral plexus. Biceps,16 by two heads, the long headd from the tuberosity of the ischium pos- teriorly, the short heade from the outer lip of the linea aspera, and the inter- muscular septum,—into the outer side of the head of the fibula; its tendon embracing the external lateral ligament of the knee-joint, and forming the outer hamstring, the tendons of the semi- Fig. 49. MUSCLES OF THE LEG. 95 tendinosus, semi-membranosus, gracilis and sartorius, forming the inner hamstring. Action, to flex the leg and rotate it outwards. ATerve, great sciatic. Semi-tendinosus^/from the tuberosity of the ischium by a tendon4 com- mon to it and the long head of the biceps, and from the adjacent aponeu- rosis,—into the shaft of the tibia at its upper and inner surface, its tendon curving around the inner tuberosity. Action, to flex the leg upon the thigh. Nerve, great sciatic. Semi-membranosuSrr from the tuberosity of the ischium above the origin of the above-named muscles,—into the inner tuberosity of the tibia; its tendon dividing into 3 parts, one over the popliteus muscle and another forming the posterior ligament of the knee-joint. Action, to flex the leg, and rotate it inwards. Nerve, great sciatic. External rotators of the hip-joint are 12^,—the 3 adductors, pyriformis, 2 obturators, 2 gemelli, pectineus, psoas magnus, iliacus, sartorius, and poste- rior half of the gluteus medius. Internal rotators of the hip joint are 2.]j,—the tensor vaginae femoris, gluteus minimus, and the anterior half of the gluteus medius. MUSCLES OF THE LEG. Muscles of the leg arranged in’groups of threes. (Pancoast.) Tibialis anticus. Extensor proprius pollicis. Extensor longus digitorum. Gastro cnem ius. Soleus. Tibialis posticus. Plexor longus pollicis. Flexor longus digitorum. Peroneus longus. Peroneus brevis. Peroneus tertius. Tibialis antUcus3 (flexor tarsi tibialis), from the outer tuberosity and upper two-thirds of the shaft of the tibia externally, the interosseous membrane, deep fascia, and intermuscular septum,—through the inner canal in the anterior annular ligament into the inner and plantar surface of the internal cuneiform bone, and the base of the 1st metatarsal. Action, to flex the tarsus on the leg, and elevate the inner border of the foot. Nerve, anterior tibial. Plantaris. Popliteus. Extensor proprius pollicis,5 from the middle two-fourths of the fibula anteriorly and the interosseous membrane,—through the 2d canal in the anterior annular ligament, into the base of the last phalanx of the great toe. Action, to extend that toe. Nerve, anterior tibial. Extensor longus digitorum,4 from the outer tuberosity of the tibia, the upper three-fourths of the shaft of the fibula anteriorly, interosseous mem- brane, deep fascia, and intermuscular septa,—into the 2d and 3d phalanges 96 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY of the four lesser toes, by 4 tendons which pass over the dorsum of the foot, from the outer canal in the anterior annular ligament. Action, to ex- tend the lesser toes. Nerve, anterior tibial. Peroneus tertius,6 (flexor tarsi fibularis),/>w« the outer lower one-fourth of the fibula, interosseous membrane and intermuscular septum,—into the base of the 5th metatarsal bone. This muscle is a part of the last-named, and passes through the same canal in the annular ligament. Action, to flex the tarsus. Nerve, anterior tibial. Gastrocnemius, by two heads from the condyles of the femur, and the supra-condyloid ridges,—unites with the tendon of the soleus to form the tendo Achillis, into the posterior tuberosity of the os calcis. Action, to extend the foot. Nerve,internal popliteal. Soleus, from the head and upper one-half of the shaft of the fibula posteriorly, the oblique line of the tibia, and the tendinous arch,—unites with the tendon of the gastrocnemius as the tendo Achillis (see above). Action, to extend the foot. Nerve, internal popliteal. Plantaris, from the outer bifurcation of the linea aspera, and posterior ligament of the knee-joint, by a very long, delicate tendon,—into the posterior surface of the os calcis. Action, to extend the foot. Nerve, internal popliteal. Popliteus,6 from a depression on the external condyle of the femur, and the posterior ligament of the knee-joint,—into the inner two-thirds of the tri- angular surface on the shaft of the tibia posteriorly and above the oblique line. Action, to flex the leg. Nerve, internal popliteal. Flexor longus pollicis,9/iw« the lower two-thirds of the shaft of the fibula internally, the interosseous membrane, fascia, and intermuscular septum,— through grooves in the tibia, astragalus and os calcis into the base of the last phalanx of the great toe. Action, to flex the great toe. Nerve, pos- terior tibial. Flexor longus digitorum,7 from the shaft of the tibia posteriorly and below the oblique line, and the inter-muscular septum,—passes behind the inner malleolus in a groove13 with the tibialis posticus,—into the bases of Fig. 50. FASCIAE of the foot. 97 the last phalanges of the lesser toes by 4 tendons which perforate the tendons of the flexor brevis digitorum. Action, to flex the phalanges and extend the foot. Nerve, posterior tibial. Tibialis postFcus,8 by two processes between which pass the anterior tibial vessels, from the upper one-half of shaft of the tibia posteriorly, the upper two-thirds of the shaft of the fibula internally, the interosseous membrane, deep fascia, and intermuscular septa,—passes behind the inner malleolus in a groove13 with the long flexor, into the tuberosity of the scaphoid and internal cuneiform bones. Action, to extend the tarsus, and invert the foot. Nerve, posterior tibial. Peroneus longus,10 from the head of the fibula and the upper two-thirds of its shaft externally, the deep fascia, and intermuscular septa,—passes behind the outer malleo- lus in a groove with the peroneus brevis, through a groove in the cuboid bone, to the outer side of the base of the 1st metatarsal bone. Action, to extend and evert the foot. Nerve, musculo-cutaneous. Peroneus brevis,11 from the middle one-third of the shaft of the fibula externally, and the intermuscular septa,— passes behind the external malleolus in a groove with the long peroneal, into the dorsum of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone. Action, to extend the foot. Nerve, musculo-cutaneous branch of external popliteal. Fig. si. FASCIA OF THE FOOT. Anterior annular ligament, consists of vertical and horizontal por- tions, is attached to the lower ends of the fibula and tibia, the os calcis and the plantar fascia. It contains 5 sheaths lined by synovial membranes for the tendons of the extensor muscles, that of the extensor proprius pollicis passing beneath it, as also the anterior tibial vessels and nerve. Internal annular ligament, from the inner malleolus to the os calcis, converting 3 bony grooves into canals lined by synovial membranes for the flexor tendons and the posterior tibial vessels and nerve. External annular ligament, from the outer malleolus to the os calcis, binding down the peronei tendons in one synovial sac. Plantar fascia, the densest in the body, divided into a central and two lateral portions, and attached to the inner tuberosity of the os calcis, divides into 5 processes, one for each toe, and several intermuscular septa. 98 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. MUSCLES OF THE FOOT. Extensor brevis digitorum, the only muscle on the dorsum of the foot, arises from the os calcis externally, the astragalo-calcanean and the anterior annular ligaments,—by 4 tendons, one into the 1st phalanx of the great toe, and the others into the outer sides of the long extensor tendons of the 2d, 3d and 4th toes. Action, to extend the toes. Nerve, anterior tibial. Muscles on the sole of the foot (19), by layers :— 1st Layer. Flexor brevis digitorum. Abductor pollicis. Abductor minimi digiti. 3rd Layer. Flexor brevis pollicis. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. A dductor pollicis. Transversus pedis. Pancoast’s Tri- angle, the low- est in the body. 2nd Layer. Flexor accessorius. Ltanbricales (4). 4th Layer. Interossei, 4 dorsal, j plantar. Abductor pollicis,« from the inner tuberosity of the os calcis, the internal annular ligament, plantar fascia, and intermuscular septum,—into the inner side of the base of the 1st phalanx of the great toe. Action, to abduct the great toe. Nerve, internal plantar. Flexor brevis digitorum,f from the inner tuberosity of the os calcis, the plantar fascia and intermuscular septa,—into the sides of the 2nd pha- langes of the lesser toes by 4 tendons which are perforated for the long flexor tendons. Action, to flex the lesser toes. Nerve, internal plantar. Abductor minimi from the outer tuber- osity and under surface of the os calcis, the plantar fascia and the intermuscular septum,— into the base of the 1st phalanx of the little toe with the tendon of its short flexor. Action, to abduct the little toe. Nerve, external plantar. Flexor accessorius, by two heads, from the os calcis and the calcaneo-scaphoid and long plantar ligaments,—into the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum. Action, accessory flexor of the toes. Nerve, external plantar. Lumbricales^- (4), from the long flexor tendons —into the inner side of the second phalanges of the lesser toes. Action, accessory flexors. Nerves, internal plantar to the two internal, external plantar to the others. Fig. 52. THE HEART. 99 Flexor brevis pollicis,c from the cuboid and external cuneiform bones, and the prolonged tendon of the tibialis posticus,—into both sides of the base of the ist phalanx of the great toe, by 2 portions, of which one blends with the abductor pollicis, the other with the adductor pollicis. Action, to flex the great, toe. Nem formed by a filament from both popliteal nerves, supplies the integument of the little toe and outer side of the foot. Muscular, to the tibialis posticus, flexor longus pollicis, and flexor longus digitorum. Plantar cutaneous, to the skin of the heel and inner sole of the foot. Internal plantar, to the inner plantar muscles, sole of the foot, and the plantar integument of the inner 3yz toes. External plantar, to the external plantar muscles, and the plantar integu- ment of the outer 1 )/z toes. What is the Sympathetic Nerve ? It consists of a series of ganglia sit- uated on each side of the vertebral column, connected together and to the cere- bro-spinal system by intervening cords, beginning in the ganglion of Ribes on the anterior communicating artery, and ending in the ganglion ianpar, in front of the coccyx. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. Name the Ganglia of the Sympathetic in the Cranium and its vicinity. They are 9 in number, as follows :— Ganglion of Riles, on the anterior communicating artery. Ganglion of Laumonier, on the internal carotid artery. Ciliary, or Ophthalmic ganglion, in the orbital cavity. Spheno-palatine {Meckel's) ganglion, in the spheno-maxillary fossa. Otic {Arnold's') ganglion, under the foramen ovale. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. 137 Sub-maxillary ganglion, above the sub-maxillary gland. Ganglion of Cloquet, in the incisive fossa, on the naso-palatine nerve. Ganglion of Bidder, below the foramen spinosum, on the middle meningeal artery. Ganglion of Bochdalek, on a branch between the spheno-palatine ganglion and the inferior dental nerve. Describe the Ganglia connected with the 5th Cranial nerve. There are 4 such, each having a motor, a sensory, and a sympathetic root, viz.— Ciliary, or Ophthalmic ganglion, is situated in the orbit, between the optic nerve and the external rectus muscle. Its sensory root is derived from the nasal branch of the ophthalmic, its motor root from the 3rd nerve, its sympathetic root from the cavernous plexus. Its branches are the short ciliary nerves, and are distributed to the ciliary muscle and the iris. Spheno-palatine, or Sleckeis ganglion, is a large ganglion situated in the spheno-maxillary fossa. Its sensory root is derived from the superior maxillary, its motor root from the facial by the Vidian and large petrosal, its sympathetic root from the carotid plexus, by the carotid branch of the Vidian. Its branches are the— Anterior palatine. Posterior palatine. Middle palatine. Naso-palatine. Pteryg°-palatine. Superior nasal. Otic ganglion (Arnold's), is situated on the inferior maxillary nerve, imme- diately below the foramen ovale. Its sensory root is derived from the auriculo-temporal branch of the inferior maxillary ; its motor root from the internal pterygoid branch of the same, also from the facial and glosso-pharyngeal by the small petrosal; its sympathetic root from the middle meningeal plexus. Its branches are distributed to the tensor palati and tensor tympani muscles. Submaxillary ganglion, is situated above the submaxillary gland. Its sensory root is derived from the gustatory branch of the inferior maxillary, its motor root from the facial by the chorda tympani, its sympathetic root from the facial plexus. Its branches are distributed to the submaxillary gland, its duct, and the mucous membrane of the mouth. Describe the Cervical ganglia. They are 3 in number on each side, of which the superior is the largest, communicate with each other, and are as fol- lows, viz.— Superior cervical ganglion, lies behind the carotid sheath opposite the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae. Its branches are distributed to the carotid, cavernous, and pharyngeal plexuses, and one of its internal branches is the superior cardiac nerve going to the cardiac plexus. Aliddle cervical ganglion, on the superior thyroid artery, opposite the 5th 138 QUESTIONS ON HUMAN ANATOMY. cervical vertebra, and gives off the middle cardiac nerve to the cardiac plexus, also communicating branches. Inferior cervical ganglion, on the superior intercostal artery, between the neck of the 1st rib and the transverse process of the 7th cervical vertebra. It gives off several communicating branches and the inferior cardiac nerve to the cardiac plexus. What are the other ganglia of the sympathetic ? There are on each side of the vertebral column n or 12 dorsal ganglia, 4 or 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, besides the single coccygeal ganglion impar in which terminates the double chain. Connected with the viscera are many ganglia, from which branches ramify around the arteries in plexuses named from their locations. Describe the Splanchnic nerves. They are 3 in number on each side, and are derived from branches of the six lower thoracic ganglia, as follows, viz.— Great splanchnic, from branches of the 6th to the 10th, connecting with the upper six, and passes through the posterior mediastinum, perforates the crus of the diaphragm, to the semilunar ganglion. Lesser splanchnic, from the 10th and nth, passes through the diaphragm with the great splanchnic, to the coeliac plexus. Smaller or Renal splanchnic, from the last thoracic ganglion, also perforates the diaphragm, and ends in the renal and coeliac plexuses. Describe the Solar plexus. This plexus, called also the “ abdominal brain,” is a network of nerves and ganglia, chiefly formed by the splanchnic nerves and the right pneumogastric. It lies behind the stomach, and in front of the aorta and the crura of the diaphragm, surrounding the coeliac axis and the root of the superior mesenteric artery. Its two largest ganglia are the semilunar ganglia situated in front of the crura of the diaphragm. From it are derived branches which form plexuses over most of the abdominal arteries, as follows:— Phrenic. Cceliac. Gastric. Hepatic. Splenic. Suprarenal. Renal. Spermatic. Superior mesenteric. Inferior mesenteric. Mention some other plexuses of the sympathetic system. They are very numerous; besides those already mentioned, the most important are the following Carotid and Cavernous plexuses, on the internal carotid artery. Meningeal plexus, on the middle meningeal artery. Facial plexus, surrounding the facial artery. Cardiac plexuses, the deep in front of the bifurcation of the trachea, the superficial in front of the right pulmonary artery; the first-named lies behind the arch of the aorta, the latter beneath it. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. 139 Coronary plexuses, anterior and posterior, accompanying respectively the left and right coronary arteries. Aortic plexus, on the sides and front of the aorta between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. Hypogastric plexus, on and between the common iliac arteries; supplying the viscera of the pelvic cavity. Inferior hypogastric or pelvic plexuses, two in number, one on each side of the rectum and bladder. Their branches are the— Inferior hemorrhoidal plexus. Vesical and Prostatic plexuses. Vaginal plexus. Small cavernous nerve. Large cavernous nerve. Uterine nerves. CATALOGUE No 2. OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., No. 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 4SP* Any book sent, postpaid, upon receipt of pricq Correspondence invited. 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