: :;s ■ V'- r-'C' > ' ■ ■ aiiC!, D fey d*»£, Q-AjKSHE?, ; Sdlltton, PUBLISHED BT , i-> QUBSI- a CO,, PHiLi&BEL?H1A. •j THE MICROSCOPE AND HISTOLOGY BY SIMON HENRY GAGE, Associate Professor of Physiology and Lecturer-on Microscopical Technology in Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., U. S. A. Part I. THE MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOPICAL METHODS. Illustrated with six plates and eight figures in the text. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. PUBLISHED BY JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., IOIO CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1892. Copyright, 1892. By Simon Henry Gage All Rights Reserved. Printed by Andrus & Church, Ithaca, N. Y. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. In the use of the third edition of this work with large classes and advanced students, the absence of illustrations for the chapter on the micro-spectroscope and micro-polariscope was found to be a serious defect. To remedy the defect an addi- tional plate has been added to this edition ; and with the plate are given several spectra to elucidate the text on the one hand, and on the other to depict the ap- pearances actually seen in working with the micro-spectroscope more accurately than in Plate V. (See Plate VI and explanation opposite p. 54.) It was found also that the plan and directions for arranging serial sections (p. 78) were not satisfactory in embryological work, they have, therefore, been replaced by those which are believed to be more logical and convenient, and of more general application. The author is greatly indebted to Professor Wilder, to Instructors Hopkins and Pish for suggestions in devising the plan now offered. Besides the changes indicated above, a few minor ones were found necessary as indicated in the table of corrections and additions on the reverse of this sheet. The author would feel grateful to any person who uses this book, if he would point out any errors of statement that may be discovered, and also suggest modi- fications which would tend to increase the intelligibility, especially to beginners. Finally, as indicated on the title page, the work is now published by Messrs. James W. Queen & Co. SIxMON HENRY GAGE. May 20, 1892. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Corrections: Table, p. 6. In the last catalog of Leitz, the tube-length is given as 160 mm., and this length is said to be measured between the points a-d of the diagram (Fig. 8b.) P. 7, eighth line from the bottom : For N.A. =sin n or 1 X sin u, etc., read N.A. = » or 1 X sin u. P. 14, last two lines : For “the eye-point is nearer the eye-lens in low than in high oculars,” read, The eye-point is usually nearer the eye-lens in high than in low oculars. P. 30, § 77, second paragraph : Only part of the field will be lighted if a low power is used and a very small diaphragm is close to the object; but if the small diaphragm is cousiderably below the object, the whole field will be lighted, al- though not very satisfactorily. P. 38, paragraphs 1 and 3 : For “ Wallaston ” read Wollaston. P. 40, third paragraph : For “presbyopic” read hypermetropic. P. 48, | 121, first paragraph, next the last line : For “party” read partly. P. 54, § 128, first paragraph, second line from the end: For “emergent rays parallel ” read emergent rays approximately parallel. Pp. 55, 62 and 94 : For “ malazeit ” read monazite. P. 85, last line, also in the Bibliography : For “Klement and Regnard ” read Klement et Renard. Additions : P. 26, § 72. The Japanese paper for cleaning lenses was named by the author, “ Tens-Paper,” Feb. 27, 1892, and may be properly called by that name wherever mentioned in the book. P. 21, \ 59. In £ 59 reference is only made to the swaying of the image due to oblique light. It should be added that if the coarse or fine adjustment is imper- fect, the object may sway even when the light is axial. Swaying with central light would serve to indicate the defective mechanism. I11 Chapter IV, special attention should be called to the work of MacMunn on the Spectroscope in Medicine, and the Bibliography of works relating to the spec- troscope given in it. Add to the list of books on pp. 86-89 : Carpenter-Dallinger—The Microscope and its Revelations, by the late William B. Carpenter. Seventh edition, in which the first seven chapters have been en- tirely re-written, and the text throughout reconstructed, enlarged and revised by the Rev. W. H. Dallinger. London and Philadelphia, 1891. This work deals very satisfactorily with the higher problems relating to the mi- croscope, and is invaluable as a work of reference. Griffith and Henfrey—The Micrographic Dictionary ; a guide to the examination and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. Fourth edi- tion, by Griffith, assisted by Berkeley and Jones. London, 1883. Pelletan, J.—Manuel d’Histologie normale. Paris, 1878. Situation of the Plates : Plates I and II, opposite page I. Plate III P- 29- Plate IV, p. 36. Plate V, p. 66. Plate VI p. 54. THE MICROSCOPE AND HISTOLOGY. CONTENTS OF PART I. CHAPTER I. PAGE. 1-74. The Microscope and its Parts—Care and Use, 1-28 CHAPTER II. \\ 75-96. Interpretation of Appearances, 29-35 CHAPTER HI. 97-127. Magnification, Micrometry and Drawing, 36-53 CHAPTER IV. 128-157. The Micro-Spectroscope and Micro-Polariscope, 54-65 CHAPTER V. ?? 158-200. Slides and Cover-Glasses, Mounting, Labeling, Cataloging and Storing Microscopical Preparations ; Experiments in Micro- Chemistry, 66-85 Bibliography, 86-90 Index, 91-96 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. All of the Figures, except when otherwise indicated, are original, and were drawn by Mrs. Gage. PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Double convex lens showing the principal plane, the principal focus, and the focal distance. 2. Converging lens showing formation of a virtual image. 3. Converging lens showing formation of a real image. 4. Simple microscope with retinal image, and its projection as a virtual image. 5. Compound microscope, tracing the rays from the object to the final, virtual image. 6. Huygenian ocular or eye-piece, showing action of field-lens (Ross). 7. Huygenian ocular showing the eye-point. 9. Tripod magnifier. 10. Stand of a compound microscope with names of parts. ix. Section of stage of compound microscope showing proper position of dia- phragms. 12. Section of a low, dry objective and reflected light. 13. Section of an adjustable, immersion objective, transmitted axial and oblique light. 14. Diagram showing how to put on a cover-glass. 15. Slides showing how to enclose the lines of a micrometer or of some part of a preparation by a small ring. 16. Double eye-shade. PLATE II. PLATE III. 20-22. Sectional views of the Abbe illuminator showing various methods of illu- mination,—with parallel rays of central light, with oblique light, with con- verging rays, and for dark-ground illumination. 23. Letters mounted in stairs to show order of coming into focus. 24. Glass rod in air and in glycerin. 25. Glass rod coated with collodion to show double contour. 26. Blood corpuscles on edge, to show surface and optical sections. 27. Wollaston’s camera lucida in section, showing the overlapping fields. 28. Position of the microscope for determining magnification with Wollaston’s camera lucida ; also the necessity of a standard distance at which to measure the image. 29. Figures of the image of the stage and ocular micrometers, showing correct mu- tual arrangement of lines in determining the ocular micrometer valuation. PLATE IV. 30. Sectional view of the Abbe camera lucida with a 450 mirror and a horizontal drawing surface. 31. Geometrical figure of the preceding showing the angles made by the axial ray with the drawing surface and with the mirror. 32. Sectional view of the Abbe camera lucida with a 350 mirror, showing the nec- essary elevation of the drawing surface to avoid distortion. 33. Geometrical figure of the preceding showing angles of axial ray and of draw- ing board, and that the drawing board must be raised twice as many degrees as the mirror is depressed below 450. 34. Diagram showing arrangement of drawing board with mirror at 350 and with the microscope inclined 30° (Mrs. Gage). 35. Upper view of the prism of the camera lucida. 36. Eye-point of an ocular. 37. Quadrant with graduations to be added to the mirror of the Abbe camera lucida to determine the inclination of the mirror. PLATE V. 41. Effect of the cover-glass on the rays from the object to the objective (Ross). 42. Direction of the rays from an object through a cover-glass in a dry objective. 43. Direction of the rays with a water immersion objective. 44. Direction of the rays with a homogeneous immersion objective. (Fig. 42-44 are modified from Ellenberger). 45. Absorption spectrum of arterial and venous blood ; some of the principal Fraunhofer lines and an Angstrom scale are also shown. (From Gamgee and MacMunn). 46. Centering card. 47. Small spirit lamp used as a reagent bottle for Canada balsam, glycerin jelly, shellac cement, etc. 48. Pipette or dropper for delivering small quantities of any liquid. 49. Slide and cover-glass showing the method of irrigation. 50. Showing the method of anchoring the cover-glass previous to sealing glycerin- mounted objects. Various apparatus for the study of fibrin and the counting of blood corpus- cles. (These figures appertain to Part II). Fig. Page. 8. Triplet for the pocket (Bausch & Tomb Optical Company), 2 8a. Simple microscope with stand (R. & J. Beck), 2 8b. Figure showing parts included in tube-length by various opticians, ... 6 17. Double nose-piece or revolver (Bausch & Domb Optical Co.) 11 18. Ward’s eye-shade (Bausch & Domb Optical Co.), 27 19. Oil-globule and air-bubble, wdth oblique light, 32 38. Cover-glass measurer (Edward Bausch), 69 38a. Turn-table for sealing cover-glass, etc., (James W. Queen & Co.) 71 39. Cabinet for specimens, 80 40. Cabinet drawer, face and sectional view, 81 57. Arranging and labeling serial sections, 78 FIGURES IN THE TEXT. THE MICROSCOPE AND HISTOLOGY. CHAPTER I. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS PARTS—CARE AND USE. APPARATUS AND MATERIAL FOR THIS CHAPTER. A simple microscope ($ 2, 4) ; A compound microscope with nose-piece (Fig. 17), eye-shade (Fig. 16, 18), achromatic (§ 12), apochromatic (§ 14), dry (f 9), immersion (§10), unadjustable and adjustable objectives (§ 15, 16), Huygenian or negative ($ 20, 22), positive (§ 21) and compensation oculars (§ 23), Abbe illuminator (54), homogeneous immersion liquid (§ 10, 65-69), benzine and distilled water 64, 69). Mounted letters or figures ($ 34) ; Ground-glass and Japanese filter or bib- ulous paper ($ 34, 72) ; Mounted preparation of fly’s wing ($ 50) ; Mounted prepa- ration of Pleurasigma ($ 52, 53, 58) ; Stage or ocular micrometer with lines filled with graphite (g 52, 53, 59) ; Glass slides and cover glasses ($ 52) ; 10 per ct. solution of salicylic acid in 95 per ct. alcohol (£ 60); Preparation of stained mi- crobes (§ 67) ; Vial of equal parts olive or cotton seed oil and benzine ($ 71). Of the above, the laboratory furnishes all except the tripod magnifier, the glass slides and cover-glasses ; these must be obtained by the student. A MICROSCOPE. \ i. A Microscope is an optical apparatus with which one may obtain a clear image of a near object, the image being always larger than the object; that is, it enables the eye to see an object under a greatly increased visual angle, as if the object were brought very close to the eye without affecting the distinctness of vision. Whenever the microscope is used for observation, the eye of the observer forms an integral part of the optical combination (PI. I, Fig. 4 and 5). \ 2. A Simple Microscope.—With this an enlarged, erect image of an object may be seen. It always consists of one or more converging lenses or lens-systems (PI. I, Fig. 1, 2 and 4), and the object must be placed within the principal focus (£ 4). The simple microscope may be held in the hand or it may be mounted in some way to facilitate its use (Fig. 8a). § 3. A Compound Microscope.—This enables one to see an enlarged, inverted image. It always consists of two optical parts,—an objective, to produce an en- larged, inverted, real image of the object, and an ocular acting in general like a simple microscope to magnify this real image (PL I, Fig. 5). There is also usually present a mirror, or both a mirror and some form of condenser or illuminator for lighting the object. The stand of the microscope consists of certain mechanical arrangements for holding the optical parts and for the more satisfactory use of them (PI. II, Fig. 10). EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. In all of the figures, Virtual Images and rays traced backward or produced rays, are indicated by dotted or broken lines, real rays or paths of rays by full or un- broken lines. Fig. i. Sectional view of a double convex lens showing: (A B) the principal plane at which the refractions of the curved surfaces are most conveniently shown ; (c) Optical Center of the lens. Rays traversing this center undergo no deviation. Axis. Principal optic axis of the lens, i. J. Zentmayer, Philadelphia. 10-1214mm. 10 0 Nachet et Fils, Pans. Bdzu, Hausser et Cie, Paris. Swift & Son, London. | 18. Aperture of Objectives.—The angular aperture or angle of aperture of an objective is the angle “contained, in each case, between the most diverging of the rays issuing from the axial point of an object [i.e., a point in the object situated on the extended optic axis of the microscope], that can enter the objective and take part in the formation of an image.” (C.) * The information contained in these tables was very kindly furnished by the opticians named f Successors to Hartnack. I Successor to Tolies. 7 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. According to some other authors the angle of aperture is the angle between the extreme rays from the focal point which can be transmitted through the entire objective. This would give a somewhat greater angle than by the first method as the focal point of the objective is nearer to it than the axial point of the object (PI. I, Fig. 1, 3 and 5). In general, the angle increases with the size of the lenses forming the objective and the shortness of the equivalent focal distance ($ 7). If all objectives were dry or all water or homogeneous immersion a comparison of the angular aperture would give one a good idea of the relative number of image forming rays trans- mitted by different objectives ; but as some are dry, others water and still others homogeneous immersion, one can see at a glance (see PI. V, Fig. 42, 43, 44) that other things being equal, the dry objective (Fig. 42) receives less light than the water immersion, and the water immersion (Fig. 43) less than the homogeneous immersion (Fig. 44). In order to render comparison accurate between different kinds of objectives, Professor Abbe takes into consideration the rays actually pass- ing from the back combination of the objective to form the real image ; he thus takes into account the medium in front of the objective as well as the angular aperture. The term “numerical aperture'''' was introduced by Abbe to indicate the capacity of an optical instrument “for receiving rays from the object and transmitting them to the image, and the aperture of a microscopic objective is therefore determined by the ratio between its focal length and the diameter of the emergent pencil at the point of its emergence, that is the utilized diameter of a single-lens objective or of the back lens of a compound objective.” Numerical Aperture (abbreviated N.A.) is then the ratio of the diameter of the emergent pencil to the focal length of the lens, or as usually expressed, the factors being more readily obtainable, it is the index of refraction of the medium in front of the objective {i.e., air for dry, and water or homogeneous fluid for immersion objectives) multiplied by the sine of half the angle of aperture. The usual form- ula is N.A. = n sin u ; N.A. representing numerical aperture, n the index of refrac- tion of the substance in front of the objective, and 11 the semi-angle of aperture. For example, take three objectives each of 3 mm. equivalent focus, one being a dry, one a water immersion, and one a homogeneous immersion. Suppose that the dry objective has an angular aperture of 106°, the water immersion of 94° and the homogeneous immersion of 90°. Simply compared as to their angular aper- ture, without regard to the medium in front of the objective, it would look as if the dry objective would actually take in and transmit a wider pencil of light than either of the others. However, if the medium in front of the objective is con- sidered, that is to say, if the numerical instead of the angular apertures are com- pared, the results would be as follows ; Numerical Aperture of a dry objective of 1060, N.A. = n sin u. In the case of dry objectives the medium in front of the objective being air the index of refraction is unity, whence n—1. Half the angular aperture is ijp-0 = 53°. By consulting a table of natural sines it will be found that the sine of 530 is 0.799, whence N.A. =sin 11 or 1 X sin u or 0.799 = 0.799. With the water immersion objective in the same way N. A. —n sin u. In this case the medium in front of the objective is water, and its index of refraction is 1.33, whence 72 = 1.33. Half the angular aperture is -924-° = 47°, and by consult- ing a table of natural sines, the sine of 470 is found to be 0.731 i.e. sin u = 0.731, whence N.A. =n or 1.33 X sin u or 0.731 =0.972. Witli tlie oil immersion in the same way N. A. =n sin u ; n or the index of refrac- tion of the homogeneous fluid in front of the objective is 1.52, and the semi-angle 8 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. of aperture is -/0 = 45°. The sine of 450 is 0.707 whence N.A. = n or 1.52 X sin u or o 707 = 1.074. By comparing these numerical apertures: Dry 0.799, water 0.972, homogene- ous immersion 1.074 the same idea of the real light efficiency and image power of the different objectives is obtained, as in the graphic representations shown in PL V., Fig. 42, 43, 44. THE OCULAR. | 19. A Microscopic Ocular or Eye-Piece consists of one or more converging lenses or lens systems, the combined action of which is, like that of a simple mi- croscope, to magnify the real image formed by the objective. Depending upon the relation and action of the different lenses forming oculars, they are divided into two great groups, negative andpositive. $ 20. Negative Oculars, are those in which the real, inverted image is formed within the ocular, the lower or field-lens serving to collect the image-forming rays somewhat so that the real image is smaller than as if the field-lens were absent (PI. I, Fig. 6). As the field-lens of the ocular aids in the formation of the real image it is considered by some to form a part of the objective rather than of the ocular. The upper or eye-lens of the ocular magnifies the real image. $ 21. Positive Oculars are those in which the real, inverted image of the object- ive is formed outside the ocular, and the entire system of ocular lenses magnifies the real image like a simple microscope (PI. I, Fig. 5). Positive and negative oculars may be readily distinguished, as a positive ocular may be used as a simple microscope, while a negative ocular cannot be so used when its field glass is in the natural position toward the object. By turning the eye-lens toward the object and looking into the field-lens an image may be seen, however. Special names have also been applied to oculars, depending upon the designer, the construction, or the special use to which the ocular is to be applied. The fol- lowing are used in the anatomical department of Cornell University :—* * In works and catalogues concerning the microscope and microscopic apparatus, and in articles upon the microscope in periodicals, various forms of oculars or eye- pieces are so frequently mentioned, without explanation or definition, that it seemed -worth while to give a list, with the French and German equivalents, and a brief statement of their character. Achromatic Ocular; Fr. oculaire achromatique ; Ger. achromatisches Okular. Oculars in which chromatic aberration is wholly or nearly eliminated. Aplanatic Ocular; Fr. Oculaire aplanatique; Ger. aplauatisches Okular (see $ 13). Bi- nocular, stereoscopic Ocular; Fr. Oculaire binoculaire stereoscopique ; Ger. stere- oskopisches Doppel-Okular. An ocular consisting of two oculars about as far apart as the two eyes. These are connected with a single tube which fits a monoc- ular microscope. By an arrangement of prisms the image forming rays are divided, half being sent to each eye. The most satisfactory form was worked out by Tolies and is constructed on true stereotomic principles, both fields being equally illuminated. His ocular is also erecting. CampanVs Ocular (See Huygenian Ocular). Compound Ocular ; Fr. Oculaire composd ; Ger. 7.usammengesetztes Ok- ular. An ocular of two or more lenses, e. g., the Huygenian (see Fig. 5 and 6). Deep Ocular, see high ocular. Erecting Ocular; Fr. Oculaire redresseur; Ger. bilduinkehrendes Okular. An ocular with which an erecting prism is connected MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. 9 \ 22. Huygenian Ocular.—A negative ocular designed by Huygens for the tel- escope, but adapted also to the microscope. It is the one now most commonly employed. It consists of a field-lens or collective (Pi. I, Fig. 6), aiding the ob- jective in forming the real image, and an eye-lens which magnifies the real image. While the field-lens aids the objective in the formation of the real, inverted im- age, and increases the field of view; it also combines with the eye-lens in ren- dering the image achromatic (§ 35). § 23. Compensating Oculars.—These are oculars specially constructed for use with the apochromatic objectives. They compensate for aberrations outside the axis which could not be so readily eliminated in the objective itself. Oculars of this kind, magnifying but once or twice, are made for use with high powers, for the sake of the large field in finding objects ; they are called searching oculars ; those ordinarily used for observation are in contradistinction called working ocu- lars. Part of the compensating oculars are positive and part negative. § 24. Projection Oculars.—These are oculars especially designed for projecting a microscopic image on the screen for class demonstrations, or for photographing so that the image is erect as with the simple microscope. Such oculars are most common on dissecting microscopes. Goniometer Ocular; Fr. Oculaire a gonio- metre; Ger. Goniometer-Okular. An ocular with goniometer for measuring the angles of minute crystals. High Ocular, sometimes called a deep ocular. One that magnifies the real image considerably, i. e., io to 20 fold. Huy genian Ocu- lar, Huygens’ O., Campani’s O. ; Fr. Oculaire d’Huygens, o. de Campani; Ger. Huygens’sches Okular, Campaniches Okular, see $ 22. Kellner*s Ocular, see orthoscopic ocular. Low Ocular, also called shallow ocular. An ocular which mag- nifies the real image only moderately, i. e., 2 to 8 fold. Micrometer or micromet- ric Ocular; Fr. Oculaire inicrometrique or a micrometre ; Ger. Mikrometer-Oku- lar, see § 25. Microscopic Ocular; Fr. Oculaire microscopique ; Ger. Mikroskop- isches Okular. An ocular for the microscope instead of one for a telescope. Negative Ocular, see \ 21. Orthoscopic Oculars ; also called Kellner’s Ocular ; Fr. Oculaire orthoscopique; Ger. Kelluer’sches oder Orthoskopisches Okular. An ocular with an eye-lens like one of the combinations of an objective (PI. II, Fig. 12, 13) and a double convex field-lens. The field-lens is in the focus of the eye- lens and there is no diaphragm present. The field is large and flat. Periscopic Ocular; Fr. Oculaire periscopique ; Ger. Periskopisclies Okular. A positive ocu- lar devised by Gundlach. It consists of a double convex field-lens and a triplet eye-lens. It gives a large flat field. Positive Ocular, see § 21. Projection Ocu- lar ; Ger. Projections-Okular, see § 24. Ramsden's Ocular ; Fr. Oculaire de Rams- den ; Ger. Ramsden’sches Okular. A positive ocular devised by Ramsden. It consists of two plano-convex lenses placed close together with the convex sur- faces facing each other. Only the central part of the field is clear. Searching Ocular; Ger. Sucher-Okular, see \ 23. Shallow Ocular, see low ocular. Solid Ocular, holosteric O. ; Fr. Oculaire holostere ; Ger. Holosterisclies Okular, Voll- glass-Okular. A negative eye-piece devised by Tolies. It consists of a solid piece of glass with a moderate curvature at one end for a field-lens, and the other end with a much greater curvature for an eye-lens. For a diaphragm, a groove is cut at the proper level and filled with black pigment. It is especially excellent where a high ocular is desired. Spectral or spectroscopic Ocular; Fr. Oculaire spectroscopique ; Ger. Spectral-Okular, see Microspectroscope, Ch. IV. Working Ocular ; Ger. Arbeits-Okular, see \ 23. 10 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. with the microscope. While they are specially adapted for use with apocliromatic objectives, they may also be used with ordinary achromatic objectives of large numerical aperture. § 25. Micrometer Ocular.—This is an ocular connected with an ocular microme- ter. The micrometer may be removable, or it may be permanently.in connection with the ocular, and arranged with a spring and screw, by which it may be moved back and forth across the field. (See Ch. Ill, under Micrometry). | 26. Spectral or Spectroscopic Ocular.—(See Micro-Spectroscope, Ch. IV). DESIGNATION OF OCULARS. § 27. Equivalent Focus.—As with objectives some opticians designate the ocu- lars by their equivalent focus ($ 7). With this method the power of the ocular varies inversely with the focal length, i. e., the less the equivalent focus the greater the power, and the greater the focal length the lower the power. I 28. Numbering and Lettering.—Oculars like objectives may be numbered or lettered arbitrarily. When so designated, the smaller the number, or the earlier the letter in the alphabet, the lower the power of the ocular. | 29. Magnification or Combined Magnification and Equivalent Focus.—The compensating oculars are marked both with their equivalent focus and the amount they magnify the real image. Thus, an occular marked X4, 45 mm., indicates that the equivalent focus is 45 milimeters, and that the real image of the objective is multiplied four-fold b)' the ocular. The projection oculars are designated simply by the amount they multiply the real image of the objective. Thus for the short or 160 mm. tube-length they are, x 2, x 4 ; and for the long, or 250 mm. tube, they are x 3 and x 6. That is, the final image on the screen or the ground glass of the photographic camera wTill be 2, 3, 4, or 6 times greater than it would be if no ocular were used. COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. EXPERIMENTS §30. Putting an Objective in Position and Removing it. —Ele- vate the body of the microscope by means of the coarse adjustment (Fig. 10), so that there may be plenty of room between its lower end and the stage. Grasp the objective lightly near its lower end with two fingers of the left hand, and hold it against the nut in the lower end of the body (Fig. 10). With two fingers of the right hand take hold of milled ring near the back or upper end of the objective, and screw it into the body of the microscope. Reverse this operation for removing the objective. By following this method the danger of dropping the objective will be avoided. § 31. Putting an Ocular in Position and Removing it.—Elevate the body of the microscope with the coarse adjustment (Fig. 10), so that the objective will be 2 cm. or more from the object—grasp the ocular by the milled ring next the eye-lens (Fig. 5), and the coarse adjust- ment or the tube of the microscope and gently force the ocular into 11 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. position. In removing the ocular, reverse the operation. If the above precautions are not taken, and the oculars fit snugly, there is danger in inserting them of forcing the body of the micro- scope downward and the objective upon the object. § 32. Putting an Object under the Micro- scope.—This is so placing an object under the simple microscope, or on the stage of the com- pound microscope, that it will be in the field of view when the microscope is in focus (§ 33). With low powers, it is not difficult to get an ob- ject under the microscope. The difficulty increases, however, with the power of the microscope and the smallness of the object. It is usually necessary to move the object in various directions while look- ing into the microscope, in order to get it into the field. Time is usually saved by getting the object in the center of the field with a low objective be- fore putting the high objective in position. This is greatly facilitated by using a double nose-piece, or revolver.* § 33. Field or Field of View of a Micro- scope.—The area visible through a microscope when it is in focus. When properly lighted, and there is 110 object un- der the microscope, the field appears as a circle of light. When exam- ining an object it appears within the light circle, and by moving the ob- ject, if it is of sufficient size, different parts are brought successively into the field of view. In general, the greater the magnification of the entire microscope, whether the magnification is produced mainly by the objective, the ocular, or by increasing the tube-length, or by a combination of all three (see Ch. Ill, under magnification), the smaller is the field. The size of the field is also dependent, in part, without regard to magnification, upon the size of the opening in the ocular diaphragm. Fig. 17.—Double Nose-Piece or Revolver for Quickly Changing Two Objectives. *As specimens are sometimes very small, or some part of a large specimen shows a particular structure with special excellence, it is desirable to mark the preparation so that the minute object or the part of a large object may be found quickly and with certainty. A simple way to do this is to find the object under the microscope, and then place a minute spot of black ink at one side. After this is done, remove the slide from the stage and surround the object with a ring of shellac cement, making the ring as small as possible and not cover the object. It will then always be known that the part to be examined is within the ring (B. i, 47, C. 117). The enclosure in a ring may also be very elegantly done by the use of a marking apparatus like that of Winkel’s (B. K. & S., p. 48), making use of either a diamond point or a delicate brush dipped in shellac or other cement. 12 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. Some oculars, as the orthoscopic and periscopic, are so constructed as to eliminate the ocular diaphragm, and in consequence, although this is not the sole cause, the field is considerably increased. The exact size of the field may be read off directly by putting a stage micrometer under the microscope and noting the number of spaces required to meas- ure the diameter of the light circle. The size of the field of the microscope as projected into the field of vision of the normal human eye (2. e., the virtual image) may be de- termined by the use of the camera lucida with the drawing surface placed at the standard distance of 250 millimeters (Ch. III). FUNCTION OF AN OBJECTIVE. § 34. Put a 2-in. (50 mm.) objective on the microscope, or screw off the front combination of a 24-in. (18 mm.), and put the back-combina- tion on the microscope for a low objective. Place some printed letters or figures under the microscope, and light well. In place of an ocular, put a screen of ground glass, or a piece of Japanese or tissue paper, over the upper end of the body of the micro- scope.* Tower the body by means of the coarse adjustment (Fig. 10), until the objective is within 2-3 cm. of the object on the stage. Took at the screen on the top of the body, holding the head about as far from it as for ordinary reading, and slowly elevate the body by means of the coarse adjustment until the image of the letters appears on the screen. The image can be more clearly seen if the object is in a strong light and the screen in a moderate light, i. e., if the top of the microscope is shaded. The letters will appear as if printed on the ground glass or paper, but will be inverted (Fig. 5). If the objective is not raised sufficiently, and the head is held too near the microscope, the objective will act as a simple microscope. If the letters are erect, and appear to be down in the microscope and not on the screen, hold the head farther from it, shade the latter, and raise the body of the microscope until the letters do appear on the screen. To demonstrate that the object must be outside the principal focus with the compound microscope, remove the screen and turn the tube of the microscope directly toward the sun. Move the tube of the micro- scope with the coarse adjustment until the burning or focal point is * Ground glass may be very easily prepared by placing some fine emery between two pieces of glass, wetting it with water and then rubbing the glasses together for a few minutes. If the glass becomes too opaque, it may be rendered more trans- lucent by rubbing some oil upon it. 13 MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. found (§ 4). Measure the distance from the paper object on the stage to the objective, and it will represent approximately the principal focal distance (PI. I, Fig. 1). Replace the screen over the top of the tube, no image can be seen. Slowly raise the tube of the microscope and the image will finally appear. If the distance between the object and the objective is now taken, it will be found considerably greater than the principal focal distance (compare § 4). Aerial Image.—After seeing the real image on the ground-glass, or paper, use the Japanese paper over about half of the opening of the tube of the microscope. Hold the eye about 250 mm. from the micro- scope as before and shade the top of the tube by holding the hand be- tween it and the light, or in some other way. The real image can be seen in part as if on the paper and in part in the air. Move the paper so that the image of half a letter will be on the paper and half in the air. Another striking experiment is to have a small hole in the paper placed over the center of the tube opening, then if a printed word ex- tends entirely across the diameter of the tube its central part may be seen in the air, the lateral parts on the paper. The advantage of the paper over part of the opening is to enable one to accommodate the eyes for the right distance. If the paper is absent the eyes adjust themselves for the light circle at the back of the objective, and the aerial image appears low in the tube. Furthermore, it is more diffi- cult to see the aerial image in space than to see the image on the ground-glass or paper, for the eye must be held in the right position to receive the rays projected from the real image, while the granular sur- face of the glass and the delicate fibers of the paper reflect the rays ir- regularly, so that the image may be seen at almost any angle, as if the letters were actually printed on the paper or glass. The function of an objective, as seen from these experiments, is to form an enlarged, inverted, real image of an object, this image being formed 011 the opposite side of the objective from the object (Fig. 5). FUNCTION OF AN OCULAR. § 35. Using the same objective as for § 34, get as clear an image of the letters as possible on the Japanese paper screen. Look at the image with a simple microscope (Fig. 8 or 9) as if the image were an object. Observe that the image seen through the simple microscope is merely an enlargement of the one on the screen, and that the letters remain inverted, that is they appear as with the naked eye (§ 4). Remove the screen and observe the aerial image with the tripod. Put an A, No. 1, 2 in. or 45 mm. ocular (i. e that they would have by looking directly into the ocular. A B. The lateral rays from the microscope and their projection on the drawing surface. C D. Rays from the drawing surface to the eye. A D, A/ D7. Overlapping portion of the two fields, where both the microscopic image and the drawing surface, pencil, etc., 111a) both be seen. It is represented by the shaded part in the overlapping circles at the right. Ocular. The ocular of the microscope. P. The drawing pencil. Its point is shown in the overlapping fields. Fig. 28. Figure showing the position of the microscope, the camera lucida, and the eve, and the different sizes of the image depending upon the distance at which it is projected from the eye. (a) The size at 25 cm. ; (b) at 35 cm. ($ 104). Fig. 29. Figure showing the appearance of the lines of the stage micrometer (the coarse lines) ar.d of the ocular micrometer when using a high objective ($ 117). A. One method of measuring the spaces by putting the ocular micrometer line opposite the center of the stage micrometer line. B. Method of measuring the space of the stage micrometer by putting one line of the ocular micrometer at the inside and one at the outside of the lines of the stage micrometer (§ 117). INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. 30 (§ 31)- Light the field well and focus sharply. The image will be clear, but part of the field will be obscured by the irregular outline of the particles of lint. Move the object to make sure this appearance is not due to it. Grasp the ocular by the milled ring, just above the tube of the mi- croscope, and rotate it. The irregular object will rotate with the ocu- lar. Cloudiness or particles of dust on any part of the ocular, may be detected in this way. § 77. Dust or Cloudiness on the Objective.—Employ the same ocular and objective as before (§ 76), and the fly’s wing as object. Focus and light well, and observe carefully the appearance. Rub gly- cerin on one side of a slide near the end. Hold the clean side of this end close against the objective. The image will be obscured, and can not be made clear by focusing. Then use a clean slide, and the image may be made clear by elevating'the body slightly. The obscurity pro- duced in this way is like that caused by clouding the front-lens of the objective. Dust would make a dark patch on the image that would remain stationary while the object or ocular was moved. . If too small a diaphragm is employed, only the central part of the field will be illuminated, and around the small light circle will be seen a dark ring. § 78. Relative Position of Objects or parts of the same object.— The general rule is that objects highest up come into focus last in focus- ing up, first in focusing down. § 79. Objects Having Plane or Irregular Outlines.—As object use three printed letters mounted in stairs in Canada balsam (PI. Ill, Fig. 23, Ch. V). The first letter is placed directly upon the slide, and covered with a small piece of glass about as thick as a slide. The second letter is placed upon this and covered in like manner. The third letter is placed upon the second thick cover and covered with an ordinary cover-glass. The letters should be as near together as possi- ble, but not overlapping. Employ the same ocular and objective as above (§ 76). Lower the tube till the objective almost touches the top letter, then look into the microscope, and slowly focus up. The lowest letter will first appear, and then, as it disappears, the middle one will appear, and so on. Focus down, and the top letter will first appear, then the middle one, etc. The relative position of objects is determined exactly in this way in practical work. § 80. Transparent Objects Having Curved Outlines.—The suc- cess of these experiments will depend entirely upon the care and skill used in preparing the objects, in lighting, and in focusing. Employ a 5 mm. (-J- in.) or higher objective and a high ocular for all 31 INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. the experiments. It may be necessary to shade the object (§ 66) to get satisfactory results. When a diaphragm is used the opening should be small (§ 44). § 81. Air Bubbles.—Prepare these by placing a drop of thin mucilage on the center of a slide and beating it with a scalpel blade until the muci- lage looks milky from the inclusion of air bubbles. Put on a cover- glass (Ch. V), but do not press it down. § 82. Air Bubbles with Central Illumination.—Shade the object; and with the plane mirror, light the field wfith central light (PI. II, Fig. 13. §42). Search the preparation until an air bubble is found appearing about 1 mm. in diameter, get it into the center of the field and if the light is central the air bubble will appear with a wide, dark, circular margin and a small bright center. If the bright spot is not in the center, ad' just the mirror until it is. This is one of the simplest and surest methods of telling when the light is central or axial (§ 52). Focus both up and down, noting that in focusing up the central spot becomes very clear and the black ring very sharp. On elevating the body still more the center becomes dim, and the whole bubble loses its sharpness of outline. § 83. Air Bubbles with Oblique Illumination.—Remove the sub- stage of the microscope (Fig. 10), and all the diaphragms. Swing the mirror so that the rays may be sent very obliquely upon the object (Fig. 13, C). The bright spot will appear no longer in the center but on the side away from the mirror (Fig. 19). § 84. Oil Globules.—Prepare these by beating a small drop of clove oil with mucilage on a slide and covering as directed for air bubbles (§ 81). § 85. Oil Globules with Central Illumination.—Use the same dia- phragm and light as above (§ 82). Find an oil globule appearing about 1 111m. in diameter. If the light is central the bright spot will appear in the center as with air (§ 82). Focus up and down as with air ; and note that the bright center of the oil globule is clearest last in focusing up. § 86. Oil Globules with Oblique Illumination.—Remove the sub- stage, etc., as above, and swing the mirror to one side and light with oblique light. The bright spot will be eccentric, and will appear to be on the same side as the mirror (Fig. 19). § 87. Oil and Air Together.—Make a preparation exactly as de- scribed for air bubbles (§ 81), and add at one edge a little of the mix- ture of oil and mucilage (§ 84) ; cover and examine. 32 INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. The sub-stage need not be used in this experiment. Search the preparation until an air bubble and an oil globule, each about i mm. in diameter, are found in the same field of view. Tight first with cen- tral light, and note that in focusing up the air bubble comes into focus first and that the central spot is smaller than that of the oil globule. Then, of course, the black ring will be wider in the xair bubble than in the oil globule. Make the light oblique. The bright spot in the air bubble will move away from the mirror while that in the oil globule will move toward it. See Fig. 19.* § 88. Air and Oil by Reflected Light.—Cov- er the diaphragm or mirror so that no transmitted light (§41) can reach the preparation, using the same preparation as in (§ 87). The oil and air will appear like globes of silver on a dark ground. The part that was darkest in each will be lightest, and the bright central spot will be somewhat dark.f § 89. Distinctness of Outline.—In refraction images (§§ 61, 66) this depends on the difference between the refractive power of sc body and that of the medium which surrounds it. The oil and air were very distinct in outline as each differed greatly in refractive power from the medium which surrounded them, the oil being more refractive than the mucilage and the air less. Place a fragment of a cover-glass on a clean slide, and cover it (see Ch. V, under mounting). The outline will be very distinct with the unaided eye. Use it as object and employ the 18 mm. (ff in.) objective and high ocular. Light with central light. The fragment will be out- lined by a dark band. Put a drop of water at the edge of the cover- glass. It will run in and immerse the fragment. The outline will re- main distinct, but the dark band will be somewhat narrower. Re- move the cover-glass, wipe it dry, and wipe the fragment and slide dry also. Put a drop of 50% glycerin on the middle of the slide and mount Fig. 19.— Very Small Globule of Oil (O) and an Air-Bubble (A) Seen by Oblique Light. The A rrow Indicates the Di- rection of the Light Rays . * It should be remembered that the image in the compound microscope is in- verted (Fig. 5), hence the bright spot really moves toward the mirror for air, and away from it for oil. f It is possible to distinguish oil and air optically, as described above, only when quite high powers are used and very small bubbles are selected for observa- tion. If an 18 mm. in.) is used instead of a 3 mm. (}£ in.) objective, the ap- pearances will vary considerably from that given above for the higher power. It is well to use a low as well as a high power. Marked differences will also be seen in the appearances with objectives of small and of large aperture. 33 INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. the fragment of cover-glass in that. The dark contour will be much narrower than before. Draw a solid glass rod out to a fine thread. Mount one piece in air, and the other in 50°jo glycerin. Put a cover-glass on each. Employ the same optical arrangement as before. Examine the one in air first. There will be seen a narrow, bright band, with a wide dark band on each side. The one in glycerin will show a much wider bright central band, with the dark borders correspondingly narrow (PI. Ill, Fig. 24). If the glass rod or any other object were mounted in a medium of the same color and refractive power, it could not be distinguished from the medium.* § 90. Highly Refractive.—This expression is often used in describ- ing microscopic objects, (medulated nerve fibres for example), and means that the object will appear to be bordered by a wide, dark margin when it is viewed by transmitted light. And from the above (§ 89), it would be known that the refractive power of the object, and the medium in which it was mounted must differ considerably. § 91. Doubly Contoured.—This means that the object is bounded by two, usually parallel dark lines with a lighter band between them. In other words the object is bordered by (1) a dark line, (2) a light band, and (3) a second dark line (PI. Ill, Fig. 25). This may be demonstrated by coating a fine glass rod (§ 89) with one or more coats of collodion or celloidin and allowing it to dry, and then mounting in 50% glycerin as above (§ 89). Employ a 5 mm. (T in.) or higher objective, light with transmitted light, and it will be seen that where the glycerin touches the collodion coating there is a dark line—next this is a light band, and finally there is a second dark line where the collodion is in contact with the glass rodf (PI. Ill, Fig. 25). § 92. Optical Section.—The appearance obtained in examining transparent or nearly transparent objects with a microscope when some plane below the upper surface of the object is in focus. The upper part of the object which is out of focus obscures the image but slightly. By changing the position of the objective or object, a different plane * Some of the rods have air bubbles in them, and then there results a capillary tube when they are drawn out. It is well to draw out a glass tube into a fine thread and examine it as described. The central cavity makes the experiment much more complex. f The collodion used is a 5 per cent, solution of gun cotton in equal parts of sulphuric ether and 95 per cent, alcohol. It is well to dip the rod two or three times in the collodion and to hold it vertically while drying. The collodion will gather in drops and one will see the difference between a thick and a thin mem- branous covering (Fig. 25). INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. 34 will be in focus and a different optical section obtained. The most satisfactory optical sections are obtained with high objectives having large aperture (§ 18). Nearly all the transparent objects studied may be vie>ved in optical section. A striking example will be found in studying mammalian red blood-corpuscles on edge. The experiments with the solid glass rods (§§ 89, 91) furnish excellent and striking examples of optical sections (PI. Ill, Fig. 24-26). § 93. Currents in Liquids.—Employ the 18 mm. in.) objective, and as object put a few particles of carmine on the middle of a slide, and add a drop of water. Grind the carmine well with a scalpel blade, and then cover it. If the microscope is inclined, a current will be pro- duced in the water, and the particles of carmine will be carried along by it. Note that the particles seem to flow up instead of down, why is this (§§ 3, 34) ? Lamp-black rubbed in water containing a little mucilage answers well for this experiment. § 94. Pedesis or Brownian Movement.—Employ the same object as above, but a 5 mm. in.) or higher objective in place of the 18 mm. Make the body of the microscope vertical, so that there be no cur- rents produced. Use a small diaphragm and light the field well. Focus, and there will be seen in the field large motionless masses, and between them small masses in constant motion. This is an indefinite dancing or oscillating motion. This indefinite but continuous motion of small particles in a liquid is called Pedesis or Brownian movement. Also, but improperly, molecular movement, from the smallness of the particles. The motion is increased by adding a little gum arabic solution or a slight amount of silicate of soda or of soap ; sulphuric acid and various saline compounds retard or check the motion. One of the best objects is pumice stone ground finely. In this the movement is so active that it is difficult to follow the course of single particles. Pedesis is exhibited by all solid matter if finely enough divided and in a suitable liquid. No adequate explanation of this phenomenon has yet been offered. See Carpenter 182-183, Beale 195, Jevons in Quart. Jour. Science, new series, Vol. VIII, (1878), p. 167. Compare the pedetic motion with that of a current by slightly inclin- ing the body of the microscope. The small particles will continue their independent leaping movements while they are carried along by the current. § 95. Demonstration of Pedesis with the Polarizing Micro- scope.—The following demonstration shows conclusively that the pe- detic motion is real and not illusive. (Ranvier, p. 173). 35 INTERPRETATION OF APPEARANCES. Open the abdomen of a dead frog (an alcoholic specimen will do) ; turn the viscera to one side and observe the small whitish masses at the emergence of the spinal nerves. With fine forceps remove one of these and place it on the middle of a clean slide. Add a drop of water, or of water containing a little gum arabic. Rub the white mass around in the drop of liquid and soon the liquid will have a milky appearance. Remove the white mass, place a cover-glass on the milky liquid and seal the cover by painting a ring of castor oil all around it, half the ring being on the slide and half on the cover-glass. This is to avoid the production of currents by evaporation. Put the preparation under the miroscope and examine with first a low then a higher power (3 mm. or in.). In the field will be seen mul- titudes of crystals of carbonate of lime, the larger crystals are motion- less but the smallest ones exhibit marked pedetic movement. Use the micro-polariscope (see Ch. IV), light with great care and ex- clude all adventitious light from the microscope by shading the object (§ 66) and also by shading the eye. Focus sharply and observe the pedetic motion of the small particles, then cross the polarizer and anal- yzer, that is, turn one or the other until the field is dark. Part of the large motionless crystals will shine continuously and a part will remain dark, but the small crystals between the large ones will shine for an instant, then disappear, only to appear again the next instant. This demonstration is believed to furnish absolute proof that the pedetic movement is real and not illusory. § 96. In addition to the above experiments it is very strongly recom- mended that the student follow the advice of Beale, p. 248, and exam- ine first with a low then a higher power mounted dry, then in water, lighted with reflected light, then with transmitted light, the following : Potato, wheat, rice, and corn starch, easily obtained by scraping the potato and the grains mentioned ; bread crumbs ; portions of feather. Portions of feather accidentally present in histological preparations have been mistaken for lymphatic vessels (B. 248). Fibers of cotton, linen and silk. Textile fibers accidentally present have been consid- ered nerve fibers, etc. Human and animal hairs, especially cat hairs. These are very liable to be present in preparations made in this labora- tory. The scales of butterflies and moths, especially the common clothes moth. The dust swept from carpeted and wood floors. Tea leaves and coffee grounds. Dust found in living rooms in places not frequently dusted. In the last will be found a regular museum of ob- jects. For different appearances due to the illuminator see Nelson, in Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1891, pp. 90-105. CHAPTER III. MAGNIFICATION, MICROMETRY AND DRAWING. APPARATUS AND MATERIAL FOR THIS CHAPTER. Simple and compound microscope (Ch. I) ; Steel scale or rule divided to milli- meters and |ths ; Block for magnifier and compound microscope (§ 98, 102) ; Divi- ders ($ 98, 99, 102); Stage micrometer (§ 101) ; Wollaston’s camera lucida ($ 102, 121); Ocular micrometer (§ 112) ; Micrometer ocular ($ 114). Abbe camera lucida (U 122-127). § 97. The Magnification, Amplification or Magnifying Power of a microscope or any of its parts is the number obtained by dividing any linear dimension of the image by the corresponding linear dimen- sion of the object magnified. For example, if the image of some ob- ject is 40 mm. long, and the actual length of the object magnified is 2 mm. the magnification is 40-5-2=20. Magnification is expressed in diameters or times linear, that is but one dimension is considered. In giving the scale at which a microsco- pical or histological drawing is made, the word magnification is fre- quently indicated by the sign of multiplication thus : X 450, upon a drawing would mean that the figure or drawing is 450 times as large as the object. MAGNIFICATION OF A SIMPLE MICROSCOPI § 98. The Magnification of a Simple Microscope is the ratio between the object magnified (Fig. 4, A B), and the virtual image (Fig. 4, A(B'). To obtain the size of the image (Fig. 4, A' B'), place the tripod magnifier near the edge of a support of such a height that the distance from the upper surface of the magnifier to the table is 250 millimeters. As object, place a scale of some kind ruled in millimeters on the sup- port under the magnifier. Put some white paper on the table at the base of the support, and on the side facing the light. Close one eye, and hold the head so that the other will be near the upper surface of the lens. Focus if necessary to make the image clear (§ 4). Open the closed eye, and the image of the rule will appear as if on the paper at the base of the support. Hold the head very still, and, with dividers, get the distance between any two lines of the image. This is the so-called method of binocular or double vision in which the microscopic image is seen with one eye and the dividers with the other, the two images appearing to be fused in a single visual field. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Figures showing the use of the Abbe Camera Lucida ($$ 122-125). Fig. 30. Abbe Camera Lucida with the mirror at 450, the drawing surface hori- zontal, and the microscope vertical. Axis, Axis. Axial ray from the microscope and from the drawing surface. A B. Marginal rays of the field on the drawing surface, a b. Sectional view of the silvered surface in the lower of the triangular prisms composing the cubical prism (P). The silvered surface is shown as incomplete in the center, thus giving pas- sage to the rays from the microscope. Foot. Foot or base of the microscope. G. Smoked glass seen in section. It is placed between the mirror and the prism to reduce the light from the drawing surface. Mirror. The mirror of the camera lucida. A quadrant (Q) has been added to indicate the angle of inclination of the mirror, which in this case is 450. Ocular. Ocular of the microscope over which the prism of the camera lucida is placed. P, P. Drawing pencil and the cubical prism over the ocular. Fig. 31. Geometrical figure showing the angles made by the axial ray with the drawing surface and the mirror. A B. The drawing surface. Fig. 32. The Abbe Camera Lucida with the mirror at 350, and the position of the drawing surface to avoid distortion (g 124). Axis, Axis. Axial ray from the microscope and from the drawing surface. A B. Drawing surface raised toward the microscope 20°. Foot. The foot or base of the microscope. Mirror with quadrant (Q). The mirror is seen to be at an angle of 350. Ocular. Ocular of the microscope. P, P. Drawing pencil, and the cubical prism over the ocular. W. Wedge to support the drawing board. Fig. 33. Geometrical figure of the preceding, showing the angles made by the axial ray with the mirror and the necessary elevation of the drawing board to avoid distortion. From the equality of opposite angles, the angle of the axial ray reflect- ed at 350 must make an angle of no° with a horizontal drawing board. The board must then be elevated toward the microscope 20° in order that the axial ray may be perpendicular to it, and thus fulfill the requirements necessary to avoid distor- tion (?§ 120, 124). Fig. 34. This shows the arrangement of the drawing surface for a mirror at 350 and the microscope inclined 30° (Mrs. Gage). (§ 125). Fig. 35. Upper view of the prism of the camera lucida. A considerable portion of the face of the prism is covered, and the opening in the silvered surface appears oval. Fig. 36. Ocular, showing eye-point, E P. It is at this point both horizontally and vertically that the hole of the silvered surface should be placed (g 123). Fig. 37. Quadrant to be attached to the mirror of the Abbe Camera Lucida to indicate the angle of the mirror. As the angle is nearly always at 450, 40° or 350, only those angles are shown. 37 MAGNIFICATION AND DR A WING. MAGNIFICATION AND DRAWING. § 99. Measuring the Spread of Dividers.—This should be done on a steel scale divided to millimeters and As mm. cannot be see plainly by the unaided eye, place one arm of the dividers at a centimeter line, and then with the tripod magnifier count the number of spaces on the rule included between the points of the dividers. The magnifier simply makes it easy to count the spaces on the rule included between the points of the dividers—it does not, of course, increase the number of spaces or change their value. As the distance between any two lines of the image of the scale gives the size of the virtual image (PI. I, Fig. 4, A' B'), and as the size of the object is known, the magnification is determined by dividing the size of the image by the size of the object. Thus, suppose the distance between the two lines of the image is measured by the dividers and found on the steel scale to be 15 millimeters, and the actual size of the space between the two lines of the object is 2 millimeters, then the magnification must be i5~F2=7J2. That is, the image is 7times as long or wide as the object. In this case the image is said to be magni- fied diameters, or times linear. The magnification of any simple magnifier may be determined ex- perimentally in the way described for the tripod. MAGNIFICATION OF A COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. § ioo. The Magnification of a Compound Microscope is the ratio between the final or virtual image (PI. I, Fig 5, B A), and the object magnified (PI. I, Fig. 5, A3 B3). The determination of the magnification of a compound microscope may be made as with a simple microscope (§ 98), but this is very fa- tiguing and unsatisfactory. § 101. Stage, Object or Objective Micrometer.—For determining the magnification of a compound microscope and for the purposes of micrometry it is necessary to have a finely divided scale or rule on glass or on metal. Such a finely divided scale is called a micrometer, and for ordinary work one on glass is most convenient. The spaces between the lines should be y and millimeter, and when high powers are to be used the lines should be very fine. It is of advantage to have the coarser lines filled with graphite (plumbago), especially when low pow- ers are to be used. If one has an uncovered micrometer the lines may be very readily filled by rubbing some of the plumbago on the surface with the end of a cork, the superfluous plumbago may be removed by using a clean dry cloth or a piece of the Japanese paper. After the lines are filled and the plumbago wiped from the surface, the slide 38 MAGNIFICATION AND DRAWING. should be examined and if it is found satisfactory, i. e., if the lines are black, a cover-glass on which is a drop of warm balsam may be put over the lines to protect them. § 102. Determination of Magnification.—This is most readily ac- complished by the use of some form of camera lucida (§§ 121, 122), that of Wallastou being most convenient as it may be used for all pow- ers, and the determination of the standard distance of 250 millimeters at which to measure the image is very readily determined (PI. Ill, Fig. 27, § 104). Employ the 18 mm. (ff in.) objective and a 50 mm. (2 in., A or No. 1) ocular and stage micrometer as object. For this power the mm. spaces of the micrometer should be used as object. Focus sharply, and make the body of the microscope horizontal, by bending the flexible pillar, being careful not to bring any strain upon the fine adjustment (§ 7E Fig. 10). Put a Wallaston’s camera lucida (§ 121) in position, and turn the ocular around if necessary so that the broad flat surface may face di- rectly upward as shown in Fig. 27. Elevate the microscope by putting a block under the base, so that the perpendicular distance from the up- per surface of the camera lucida to the table is 250 mm. (§ 104). Place some white paper on the work-table beneath the camera lucida. Close one eye, and hold the head so that the other may be very close to the camera lucida. Eook directly down. The image will appear to be on the table. It may be necessary to readjust the focus after the camera lucida is in position. If there is difficulty in seeing dividers and image consult §121. Measure the image with dividers and obtain the power exactly as above (§§ 98, 99). Thus : Suppose two of the mm. spaces were taken as object, and the image is measured by the dividers, and the spread of the dividers is found on the steel rule to be 9§ millimeters. If now the object is i%ths of a millimeter and the magnified image is 9-f millimeters the magnifi- cation (which is the ratio between size of object and image) must be 9! —r- yy = 47. That is, the magnification is 47 diameters or 47 times linear. If the fractional numbers in the above example trouble the stu- dent, both may be reduced to the same denomination, thus : If the size of the image is found to be 9f mm. this number may be reduced to tenths mm. so it will be of the same denomination as the object. In 9 mm. there are 90 tenths, and in f- there are 4 tenths, then the whole length of the image is 90-f 4 = 94 tenths of a millimeter. The object is 2 tenths of a millimeter, then there must have been a magnification of 94 -r- 2 = 47 diameters in order to produce an image 94 tenths of a mil- limeter long. Put the 25 mm. (1 in. C or No. 4) ocular in place of one of 50 mm. 39 MA GNIF1CA TION AND DR A WING. Focus, and then put the camera lucida in position. Measure the size of the image with dividers and a rule as before. The power will be considerably greater than when the low ocular was used. This is be- cause the virtual image (Fig. 5, B' A'), seen with the high ocular is larger than the one seen with the low one. The real image (Fig. 5, A B), remains nearly the same, and would be just the same if positive, par-focal oculars (§§ 21, 48 note), were used. Lengthen the body of the microscope 50-60 mm. by pulling out the draw-tube. Remove the camera lucida, and focus, then replace the camera, and obtain the magnification. It will be greater than with the shorter body. This is because the real image (Fig. 5, B A) is formed farther from the objective when the body is lengthened, and being formed farther from the objective it must necessarily be larger (§ 7 and Fig. 28). § 103. Varying the Magnification of a Compound Microscope. It will be seen from the above experiments (§ 102), that independently of the distance at which the microscopic image is measured (§ 104), there are three ways of varying the power of a compound microscope. These are named below in the order of desirability. (1) By using a higher or lower objective. (2) By using a higher or lower ocular. (3) tty lengthening or shortening the tube of the microscope.* § 104. Standard Distance of 250 Millimeters at which the Vir- tual Image is Measured.—For obtaining the magnification of both the simple and the compound microscope the directions were to measure the virtual image at a distance of 250 millimeters. This is not that the image could not be seen and measured at any other distance, but be- cause some standard must be selected, and this is the most common one. The necessity for the adoption of some common standard will be seen at a glance in PI. Ill, Fig. 28, where is represented graphically the fact that the size of the virtual image depends directly on the dis- tance at which it is projected, and this size is directly proportional to the vertical distance from the apex of the triangle, of which- it forms a base. The distance of 250 millimeters has been chosen on the suppo- sition that it is the distance of most distinct vision for the normal human eye. * Amplifier.—In addition to the methods of varying the magnification given in § 103, the magnification is sometimes increased by the use of an amplifier, that is a diverging lens or combination placed between the objective and ocular and serv- ing to give the image forming rays from the objective an increased divergence. This accessory was first made effective by Tolies, who made it in the form of a small achromatic concavo-convex lens to be screwed into the lower end of the draw-tube (Pi. II, Fig. 10) and thus but a short distance above the objective. The divergence given the rays increases the size of the real image about two fold. 40 MAGNIFICATION AND DR A WING. Demonstrate the difference in magnification due to the distance at which the image is projected, by raising the microscope so that the dis- tance will be 350 millimeters, then 150 millimeters. In preparing drawings it is often of great convenience to make them at a distance somewhat less or somewhat greater than the standard. In such a case the magnification must be determined for the special dis- tance. It may be remarked further that if spectacles are not used, a near- sighted (myopic) person would obtain a somewhat greater, and a far- sighted (presbyopic) person a somewhat less magnification for the same instrument at the standard distance. This is because the eye of the observer forms an integral optical part of the microscope at the time of observation, and the equivalent focus of the myopic eye is -less than normal and that of the presbyopic eye greater (§ 7). For discussions of the magnification of the microscope, see : B., pp. 41, 355 5 C., pp. 161, 206 ; N. & S., p. 176 ; R., p. 29 ; Robin, p. 126 ; Amer. Soc. Micrs., 1884, p. 183; 1889, p. 22; Amer. Jour. Arts and Sciences, 1890, p. 50; Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1888, 1889. § 105. Table of Magnifications and of the Valuations of the Ocular Micrometer.— The following table should be filled out by each student. In usi?ig it for Micrometry and Drawing it is necessary to keep clearly in mind the exact conditions under which the determinations were made, and also the ways in which variation in magnification and the val- uation of the ocular micrometer may be produced (§§ 103, 104, 114, 116). OCULAR OCULAR 50 mm. 25 mm. \ ( ' Object- ive. Tube in. .Tube out MM. Tube in. Tube OUT MM. Ocuear Micrometer Vaeuation. TUBE IN. OUT MM. 18 mm. X X X X yi, 3 mm- X X X X X X X X Simpee Microscope. X micrometry. § 106. Micrometry is the determination of the size of objects by the aid of a microscope. MAGNIFICA TION AND DR A WING. micrometry with the simple microscope. § 107. With a simple microscope, (A) the easiest and best way is to use dividers and then the simple microscope to see when the points of the dividers exactly include the object. The spread of the dividers is then obtained as above (§ 99). This amount will be the actual size of the object, as the microscope was only used in helping to see when the divider points exactly enclosed the object, and then for reading the di- visions on the rule in getting the spread of the dividers. (B) One may put the object under the simple microscope and then as determining the power (§ 98), measure the image at the standard dis- tance. If now the size of the image so measured is divided by the magnification of the simple microscope, the quotient will give the actual size of the object. Use a fly’s wing or some other object of about that size and try to determine the width in the two ways described above. If all the work is accurately done the results will agree. MICROMETRY WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. There are several ways of varying excellence for obtaining the size of objects with the compound microscope, the method with the ocular micrometer (§§ 116, 117) being most accurate. § 108. Unit of Measure in Micrometry.—As most of the objects measured with the compound microscope are smaller than any of the originally named divisions of the meter, and the common or decimal fractions necessary to express the size are liable to be unnecessarily cumbersome, Harting, in his work on the microscope (1859), proposed the one thousandth of a millimeter mm- or 0.001 mm.) or one millionth of a meter or 0.000001 meter) as the unit. He named this unit micro-millimeter and designated it mmm. In 1869, Listing (Carl’s Repetorium fur Experimental-Phj’-sik, Bd. X, P. 5) favored the thousandth of a millimeter as unit and introduced the name Mikron or micruvi. In English it is most often written Micron, plural micra or microns, pronunciation Mic'rbn, or Ml'cron. By uni- versal consent the sign or abbreviation used to designate it is the Greek fx. Adopting this unit and sign, one would express five thousandths of a millimeter (iihjs or o.oo5ths mm.) thus, 5^.* *The term Micromillimeter ab. mmm. is very cumbersome, and besides is en- tirely inappropriate since the adoption of definite meanings for the prefixes micro and mega, meaning respectively one millionth and one million times the unit be- fore which it is placed. A micromillimeter would then mean one-millionth of a millimeter, notone-thousandtli. The term micron, has been adopted by the great microscopical societies, the international commission on weights and measures and by original investigators, and is in the opinion of the writer the best term to em- ploy. Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1888, p. 502 ; Nature, Vol. XXXVII, (1888), p. 388. 42 MAGNIFICA TION AND DR A WING. | 109. Micrometry by the use of a stage micrometer on which to mount the ob- ject.—In this method the object is mounted on a micrometer and then put under the microscope and the number of spaces covered by the object is read off directly. It is exactly like putting any large object on a rule and seeing how many spaces of the rule it covers. The defect in the method is that it is impossible to properly arrange objects on the micrometer. Unless the objects are circular in outline they are liable to be oblique in position and in every case the end or edges of the object may be in the middle of a space instead of against one of the lines, consequently the size must be estimated or guessed at rather than really measured. § no. Micrometry by dividing the size of the image by the magnifi- cation of the microscope.—For example, employ the 3 mm. objective, 25 mm. ocular, and a Necturus’ red blood-corpuscle preparation as object.* Obtain the size of the image of the long and short axes of three cor- puscles with the camera lucida and dividers exactly as in obtaining the magnification of the microscope (§ 102). Divide the size of the image in each case by the magnification and the result will be the actual size of the blood-corpuscle. Thus, suppose the image of the long axis of the corpuscle is 18 mm. and the magnification of the microscope 400 diameters (§ 97), then the actual length of this long axis of the cor- puscle is 18 mm. .045 mm. or 45 /x (§ 108). § in. Micrometry by the use of a Stage Micrometer and a Camera Lucida.—Employ the same object, objective and ocular as before. Put the camera lucida in position, and with a lead pencil make dots on the paper at the limits of the image of the blood-corpuscle. Measure the same three that were measured in §110. Remove the object, place the stage micrometer under the microscope, focus well, and draw the lines of the stage micrometer so as to include the dots representing the limits of the part of the image to be meas- ured. As the value of the spaces on the stage micrometer is known, the size of the object is determined by the number of spaces of the mi- crometer required to include it. This simply enables one to put the image of a fine rule on the image of a microscopic object. It is theoretically an excellent method, and nearly the same as measuring the spread of the dividers with a simple microscope (§§ 99, 117). OCUEAR MICROMETER. § 112. Ocular Micrometer, Eye-Piece Micrometer.—This, as the name implies, is a micrometer to be used with the ocular. It is a * As the same three blood corpuscles are to be measured in three ways, it is an advantage to put a delicate ring around a group of three or more corpuscles and make a sketch of the whole enclosed group, marking on the sketch the corpuscles measured. The different corpuscles vary considerably in size, so that accurate com- parison of different methods of measurement can only be made when the same corpuscles are measured in each of the ways. 43 MAGNIFICA TION AND DR A WING. micrometer on glass, and the lines are sufficiently coarse to be clearly seen by the ocular. The lines should be equidistant and about or anyth mm. apart and every fifth line should be longer and heavier to facili- tate counting. If the micrometer is ruled in squares (net-micrometer) it will be very convenient for many purposes. The ocular micrometer is placed in the ocular, no matter what the form of the ocular (z. e., whether positive or negative), at the level at which the real image is formed by the objective, and the image appears to be immediately upon or under the ocular micrometer and hence the number of spaces on the ocular micrometer required to measure the real image may be read off directly. This is measuring the size of the real image, however, and the actual size of the object can only be de- termined by determining the ratio between the size of the real image and the object. In other words it is necessary to get the valuatio?i of the ocular micrometer in terms of a stage micrometer. § 113. Valuation of the Ocular Micrometer.—This is the value of the divisions of the ocular micrometer for the purposes of microm- etry, and is entirely relative, depending upon the magnification of the real image formed by the objective, consequently it changes with every change in the magnification of the real image and must be specially determined for every optical combination (z'. e., objective and ocular) and for every change in the length of the tube of the microscope. That is, it is necessary to determine the ocular micrometer valuation for every condition modifying the real image of the microscope (§ 103). § 114. Obtaining the Ocular Micrometer Valuation.—As an ex- ample, employ the 25 mm. ocular and 18 mm. objective. Place the stage micrometer under the microscope for an object, and put the ocular micrometer in position, either through a slit in the ocular, or remove the eye-lens and place it upon the ocular diaphragm.* kight the field well, and look into the microscope. The lines on the ocular micrometer should be very sharply defined. If they are not, raise or lower the eye-lens to make them so ; that is, focus as with the simple magnifier. When the lines of the ocular micrometer are distinct, focus the mi- * It is a great convenience to have a micrometer ocular ($ 25) with a spring and screw to enable one to accurately place the ocular micrometer. Any negative ocu- lar may, however, be used as a micrometer ocular by placing the ocular micrometer at the level of the ocular diaphragm, that is where the real image is formed. This is very conveniently arranged for by some opticians by a slit in the side of the ocu- lar, and the ocular micrometer is mounted in some way and simply introduced through the opening in the side. When no side opening exists the mounting of the ocular may be unscrewed and the ocular micrometer, if on a cover-glass, can be laid on the upper side of the ocular diaphragm. 44 MAGNIFICA TION AND DR A WING. croscope (§§ 32, 37) for the stage micrometer. The image of the stage micrometer will appear to be directly under or upon the ocular microme- ter. Make the lines of the two micrometers parallel by rotating the ocular, or changing the position of the stage micrometer, or both if necessary, and then make any two lines of the stage micrometer coincide with any two on the ocular micrometer. To do this it may be necessary to pull out the draw-tube a greater or less distance. See how many spaces are included on each of the micrometers. Divide the value of the included space or spaces on the stage mi- crometer by the number of divisions on the ocular micrometer required to include them, and the quotient so obtained will give the valuation of the ocular micrometer in fractions of the unit of measure of the stage micrometer. For example, suppose the millimeter is taken as the unit for the stage micrometer and this unit is divided into spaces of and Txnjth millimeter. If now, with a given optical combination and tube- length, it requires 10 spaces on the ocular micrometer to include the real image of TVth millimeter on the stage micrometer, obviously one space on the ocular micrometer would include only one-tenth as much, or mm. -T-10 = Ywth mm. That is, each space on the ocular microme- ter would include T of a millimeter on the stage micrometer, or 1-^rth millimeter of length of any object under the microscope, the conditions remaining the same. Or in other words, it would require 100 spaces on the ocular micrometer to include 1 millimeter on the stage micrometer, then as before 1 space of the ocular micrometer would have a valuation of millimeter for the purposes of micrometry ; and the size of any minute object may be determined by multiplying this valuation of one space by the number of spaces required to include it. For example, suppose the fly’s wing or some part of it covered 8 spaces on the ocular micrometer, it would be known that the real size of the part measured is YFffth mm. X 8 = Youth °r 8° fx (§ 108). § 115. Varying the Ocular Micrometer Valuation.—Any change in the objective, the ocular or the tube-length of the microscope, that is to say any change in the size of the real image, produces a corre- sponding change in the ocular micrometer valuation (§ 103, 112). § 116. Micrometry with the Ocular Micrometer.—Use the 3 mm. objective and preparation of Necturus blood corpuscles as object.- Make certain that the tube of the microscope is of the same length as when determining the ocular micrometer valuation. In a word be sure that all the conditions are exactly as when the valuation was deter- mined, then put the preparation under the microscope and find the same three red corpuscles that were measured in the other ways (§§ 110, in). 45 MAGNIFICATION AND DR A WING. Count the divisions on the ocular micrometer required to enclose or measure the long and the short axis of each of the three corpuscles, then multiply the number of spaces in each case by the valuation of the ocular micrometer for this objective, tube-length and ocular, and the results will give the actual length of the axes of the corpuscles in each case. The same corpuscle is, of course, of the same actual size, when meas- ured in each of the three ways (§§ no, in, 116), so that if the meth- ods are correct and the work carefully enough done the same results should be obtained by each method. See general remarks on microm- etry (§ 117).* * There are three ways of using the ocular micrometer, or of arriving at the size of the objects measured with it: (A) By finding the value of a division of the ocular micrometer for each optical combination and tube-length used, and employing this valuation as a multiplier. This is the method given in the text and is the one most fre- quently employed. Thus, suppose with a given optical combination and tube- length it required five divisions on the ocular micrometer to include the im- age of T2ffths millimeter of the stage micrometer, then obviously one space on the ocular micrometer would include ith of T2