PROSPECTUS. THE undersigned are associated for thp purpose of giving to Students, during the session of Medical Lectures, a series of Examinations upon the various branches of Medical science. The object of these examinations'is to impress more indelibly upon the mind of the Student the information derived from Lectures—to induce a readiness in reply—and smooth, as much as possible, the path of his studies. A repetition of the many subjects embraced in a course of Medical Lectures, and the familiar explanations which the private ex-aminer is able to give of them, must greatly lighten the labor of the Student, and tend to greater perfection in his Profession. Examinations will be given on four days of the week, at such time as may best suit the convenience of the class. It is desirable that the class be formed as soon as possible,' and those desirous of availing themselves of the advantages to o o be derived JjjefitrthiS''G'otir&e of instruction, can* obtain informa- tion as lars, OX\ appljbatTpn' at tfife office. of either of the undersigned, in Sweringen’s Buildings, corner pf Fourth and Green streets. THQS. O’REILLY, M. D. JOHN KENNY, M. D. /> « * St.tLpuis, Oct. TL 1850.