MEMORANDUM FOR REPORTERS ON YELLOW FEVER. 1. Describe the location and surroundings of your place, height above sea level, etc. 2. Has Yellow Fever ever visited your place before ? 3. Was your place quarantined? If so, what was the mode of establishing or enforcing the quarantine? 4. Was there any evasion or violation of the quarantine? If so, state the facts connected with such viola, tion or evasion. 5. State the history and date of the first case of Yellow Fever in your place. 6. State how the first case contracted the disease, whether from a person sick with the disease, or from an hrfected place, or whether from fomites. If from fomites, give the place from which shipped or sent; their character, such as goods, clothing, trunks, packages, etc., and how transported, by rail, boat or private conveyance. 7. State the next cases occurring, with their dates, and the connection with the first case as respects locality or contact. 8. Mention any facts which, in your opinion, prove the disease was of local origin. 9. State the local conditions, if any, which seemed to influence the propagation or mortality of the disease, such as malaria or unsanitary conditions of any kind. 10. State the date of the last case of Yellow Fever 11. To what cause do you attribute the cessation of the epidemic? 12. Were the number of cases during the epidemic, or the mortality, influenced by temperature? 13. If you can, state the usual period of incubation of the disease. 14. Do you regard Yellow Fever contagious or non-contagious? 15. Does your experience lead you to believe that Yellow Fever poison is conveyed by the winds? 16. Mention any differences in degree of resistance to Yellow Fever poison by different races, sexes, ages or occupations. 17. Mention any increased personal susceptibilty to the disease induced by habits or condition of health. 18. Do you know of any instances where prophylactics were effective ? 19. State fully any facts which show that quarantine protected any portion of your place or any households. 20. Mention any peculiar characteristics observed in this epidemic not observed in previous epidemics. 21. What was the population of your town before the epidemic? 23. State the total number of cases of the disease; adults, males and females; children, males and females, of whites, blacks and mulattoes respectively. 22. What was the population during the epidemic? 24. State the total number of deaths; adult, males and females; children, males and females; of whites blacks and mulattoes respectively. 25. What sanitary measures were adopted in your place before the epidemic? 26. What disinfectants were used, and give your opinion of their value in preventing Yellow Fever? 27. What measures did you adopt after the appearance of the disease to check its progress, and with what result? State fully the process of disinfection in regard to localities, houses, bedding, clothing, etc. 28. Please state expenditures and losses incident to the epidemic, as follows : a. The value of time lost by those sick with disease, (one dollar per day would perhaps cover it). b. Cost of medical attendance, medicines, nursing the sick, etc. c. Cost of funerals. d. Cost of Sanitary work, including expense of quarantine e. Value of bedding, clothing, etc., destroyed. f. Loss of profits on the expenditures abroad of refugees. g. Local commercial losses by interruption of business and diversion of trade, etc.