TTEIBr33X^TTO3Sr READER! If you know all about this, give it to your Neighbor. An Extract from a work hy Priestley, on Respiration and the use of the Blood Page 64. Vol. 3. says that “Mr. Cigna of Turin takes it for granted, that Air which has once been.breathed is unfit for further respiration, on no other account than its being loaded with noxious vapors, which discover themselves by a fetid smell. And he takes it for granted that the elasticity of the Air is diminished by respira- tion, though he does not consider that diminuation of elasticity is the cause of its noxious quality. He therefore concludes that Air which has been breathed suffocates by means of the irritation which it occasions to the lungs, by which the bronchia and the lungs themselves are contracted, so as to resist the entrance of the Air; and therefore, that respired Air is noxious on the same account as mephitic vapors, or those of burning brimstone, that, in frequently breathing the same Air, it becomes loaded with these vapors, as to excite a convulsion in the lungs, and thereby render them unfit for transmitting the blood.” But Priestley made the discovery that common Air contained a gas, now termed ‘‘Oxygen,” which, when respired, combines with the blood, imparting vitality and causing it to circulate freely through the system. Oxygen forms only one-fifth of the atmosphere, and is consumed by combustion and respiration. These facts consid- ered should make mankind guard their health by proper VENTILATION. MIHAPCS SYSTEM Has proved all that is claimed for it. It has been thoroughly tested, in both public and private buildings. During the last four years thousands have been made healthy and happy by its use. It is now on free exhibition at the office of the where references and further information can be obtained. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. Send 1 cent stamp for Catalogue of Ventilating Appliance. P. Ml HAN, Ventilating Engineer, Kntkhwusk Job Print, 364 Atlantic Avenue. No. I Pemberton Square (Room 9,) Boston.