*#«*v •*•**»% r „ *%• ;fp - I - IMiil gwttual AT THE Coi|gregatiori?il Clhuvcl|, OOENES OF TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W., Washington, X)l if. Reed & Woodward, Printers 401 7th St. W AOULT T« Major General OLIVER O. HOWARD, LL. D., President. Wadsworth Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, and Clinical Surgery ROBERT BEYBUEI, A. M., M-D , JOSEPH TABER JOHNSON, A. M., M. D., Secretary, and Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, and Clinical Midwifery. GIDEON S. PALMER, A M.,M-D., Dean, and Professor of Physiology and Hygiene. Professor of Materia Medico, and Medical Jurisprudence, and Clinical Lecturer on CHARLES B. PURVIS, A.M., M.D., Diseases of the Chest. PHINEAS H. STRONG. A.M., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. ALEXANDER T. AUGUSTA, A. M., ID, Professor of Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy, and Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Skin. WILLIAM C. TILDEN, A.M., M.D., University Professor of Chemistry. JESPYR E. CHENEY, A.M., M.D, Demonstrator of Anatomy. B. C. BARROWS, M.D., Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye, WILLIAM H. SEAMAN, Lecturer on Botany, 14M1S ®I SlASmfli. SAMUEL C. FEISBY Pennsylvania. Thesis: Ulceration. JOSEPH R. HARMEE Pennsylvania. Thesis; Emotion. AUGUSTUS KEUHNE Prussia. Thesis : Pulmonary Consumption. CHARLES S. SHADD Pennsylvania. Thesis: Phthisis Pulmonalis. iliiiiiiiiiWiilii MUSIC. P R -A. V 3E R . MUSIC. PROF. ROBERT REY B U RN, M. I). BY MUSIC. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITERS IT V. BY MUSIC. UhMMoiii %M BY CHARLES S. SHADD, M. D. M US IC. BENEDICTION. MUSIC. Reception Pommittee ; E. C. VIDAL, Chairman. W. S. BARNES. E. F. CLARKE. P. A. LEE. S. A. SUMBY. E. T. FORD. W. E. AUGUSTA. T. S. P. MILLER. FRANK LINDSEY J. G. B. MARSHALL. JEROME BAPTISTE.