I r K ' / THE Sanitary Ordinances OF THE i CITY OF BROOKLYN, As in Force December 20, 1895. Z. TAYLOR EMERY, M. D., Commissioner of Health. RICHARD M. WYCKOFF, M. D., Deputy Commissioner. GEORGE E. WEST, M. D., Secretary. BROOKLYN: Eagle Book Printing Department. 1896. THE Sanitary Ordinance^ OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN, As in Force December 20, 1895, Z. TAYLOR EMBRY, M. D., Commissioner of Health. RICHARD M. WYCKOFF, M. D„ Deputy Commissioner. GEORGE E. WEST, M. D., Secretary. BROOKLYN: Eagle Book Printing Department. 1890. Code of Sanitary Ordinances, Edition of December 20, 1895. EXPLANATORY. December 20, 1895. This edition of the Sanitary Ordinances- of Brooklyn contains certain amendments of the Sanitary Code that were adopted in the year 1895; also one adopted in 1894. Section 33 appears as passed by the Com- mon Council, April 29, 1895. Section 172 was repealed and an amended Section 185, which was passed December 16, 1895, became law by the approval of the Mayor. December 19, 1895. Section 191 appears as passed by the Com- mon Council, October 14, 1895. Section 195 appears as passed by the Com- mon Council, December 3, 1894. Z. T. E. III. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Office of Counsel, 164 Montague Street. Brooklyn, N. Y , March 1, 1895. To Hon. Z. Taylor Emery, M. D., Commissioner of Health: Sir:—I have the honor to report that, pursuant to your instructions, I have pre- pared a new edition of the Sanitary Ordi- nances, together with the Rules and Regula- tions of the Department of Health. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Common Council, from March 11th, 1889 (the date of the last compilation of the ordinances), to date, were searched for amendments to the Sanitary Ordinances, by John K. Erskine, Jr., Esq.; and all such amendments have been inserted in this edition. I have com- pletely re-indexed the Code. The Rules and Regulations I have compiled from the last printed edition thereof (of 1889) and the cur- rent Minutes of the Department, after con- sultation with the Hon. R. M. Wyckoff, your deputy. * Respectfully submitted, ALEXANDER H. VAN COTT, Counsel to Department of Health. PREFACE. According to statistics furnished by the Hon. Richard M. Wyckoff, M.D., now Dep- uty Commissioner of Health of Brooklyn, and during the years 1882-3-4-5 Secretary of Department of Health, editions of the code of Sanitary Ordinances governing the city were published in the following years: Under the Metropolitan Board of Health, in 1866 and 1869. After the abolition of that board, they were published June 24, 1870 ; July 15, 1873 ; August 4, 1875 ; November 22, 1882 ; July 20, 1887 ; March' 11, 1889. The Sanitary Ordinances of Brooklyn, as they now exist, are the product of over twenty years, as will be seen by the following brief history : On the 28th day of June, 1873, the Legis- lature passed an act (L. 1873, ch. 863, p. 1290) amending the charter of the city of Brooklyn. This act reorganized the De- partment of Health of Brooklyn, and con- ferred and imposed upon it the powers and duties of the Metropolitan Board of Health. In pursuance of the act the Board of Health on July 15, 1873, adopted a “ Sanitary Code ” consisting of one hundred and seventy-six sections. On June 21st, 1875, an act was passed (L. 1875, ch. 633, p. 792) amending the act of 1873. Section 7 of the act of 1875 amends Title XII. of the act of 1873, which, as so amended, contains the following sec- tions, among others : “ Section- 1. There shall be a Department of Health which shall be known as the Board of Health of the City of Brooklyn, which shall have jurisdiction over said city.” “ Sec. 2. The management and control of said department shall be vested in a Board of V Health, to be composed of the President of the Board of Aldermen, the President of the Board of Police, and one physician who shall have been ten years in active practice and five years a resident of the city of Brooklyn immediately prior to his appointment.” “Sec. 4. Said Board of Health as thus constituted shall have the power to act as a legislative board in regard to all matters per- taining to public health and to the registra- tion of vital statistics in said city, and to make such rules and regulations and such appointments of officers and employees as it may deem necessary for the proper carrying out and enforcement of all laws, ordinances and codes that may be prescribed for its government, for the protection of the public healUi and for the proper care and registra- tion of such statistics.” “Sec. 5. The said Board of Health is here- by authorized and directed to prepare such ordinances as it shall deem to be required for the protection of the public health, and for securing the proper registration of births, marriages, deaths, and such other statistical information necessary for efficient working of the department, with penalties for their violation, which ordinances shall be by said Board submitted to the Common Council, and when approved by said Common Council shall have and possess the same power and effect as other ordinances of said city, and shall be carried out and executed by said Board of Health.” A Board of Health was duly organized pursuant to this act consisting of Hon, An- drew Otterson, M. D., its President ; Hon. Daniel Briggs, President of the Board of Police, and Hon. Daniel Reilly, acting Presi- dent of the Board of Aldermen. On the 4th day of August, 1875, this Board of Health adopted and submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval a code of Sanitary Ordinances, which was approved and adopted by the latter Board on the same day. (Proceedings of the Board of Aider- men, vol. 2, pp. 807, 900.) The Code of Sanitary Ordinances thus duly adopted was based upon the “ Sanitary Code” adopted July 15, 1873, and is the foundation of the Sanitary Ordinances of Brooklyn as they now exist. On the 4th day of June, 1880, the Legis- lature passed an act amending the charter of Brooklyn (L. 1880, ch. 545, vol. 1, p. 775), which enlarged the legislative power of the Board of Health, and contained the import- ant provision (Id., § 3). that no ordinance prepared by the Board of Health and ap- proved by the Common Council shall be amended or repealed without the approval of said Board. By Chapter 377, Laws 1880 (vol. 1, p. 557), passed May 25th, the presidents of the Boards of Police and Aldermen were legislated out of the Board of Health, which was converted into a Department of Health with a single head, designated the Commissioner of Health; and the act provided that all the powers, duties, obligations, rights and privileges of the former Board of Health should devolve upon the commissioner when duly appointed. This provision invested the Commissioner of Health with' all the legislative powers vested by the acts above referred to in the Board of Health. In the year 1886, the Ordinances of the City of Brooklyn were, pursuant to a resolu- tion of the Common Council, revised ; and on November 8th, 1886, they were, by reso- lution of the Common Council, adopted as revised ; and it was declared by the same resolution, “ that all ordinances or part of ordinances inconsistent with these ordinances a£ revised are hereby repealed/’ (Proceed- ings of the Board of Aldermen, 1886, vol. 2, p. 661). On the 21st day of February, 1887, the Hon. Andrew Otterson, M. D , Commis- sioner of Health, submitted numerous pro- posed amendments of the Sanitary Ordi- nances to the Common Council for adoption. They were referred to the Committee on Law and Public Health of the Common Council. On April 25th, 1887, the Committee made a report on the matter, which was laid on the table. On June 20th, 1887, this report was taken up, and the amendments, as therein set forth, were adopted. (Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen, 1887, vol. 1, pp. 359, 870, 1258). The portions of the Code in- cluded in these amendments were sections 40, 42, 43, 49, 52, 79, 96, 104, 161, 187 ; and the tenement sections 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173. The entire Code, as so re- vised, was then published, together with the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Health, in the form of a pocket edition, by Commissioner Otterson. On the 19th day of November, 1888, the Common Council directed the City Clerk to publish as a document of that body the Ordinances of the City of Brooklyn as re- vised in 1886, with all amendments made since such revision. Pursuant to this direc- tion, the City Clerk caused a “compilation of all ordinances in force on the first day of March, 1889,” to be made and duly reported to the Common Council ; which, on March 11th, 1889, ordered the Ordinances to be printed as a document, bound and indexed, for general distribution. This was done. The Sanitary Ordinances are comprised in Chapter IV. of this compilation. In 1888 an act was passed combining in a single act all special laws relating to the City of Brooklyn. (L. 1888, Ch. 583, p. 949). The following sections of Title XII. of this act provide for the adoption of sanitary ordinances : “ Sec. 2. Said Health Commissioner shall have power to act in a legislative capacity in regard to all matters pertaining to public health, the removal and burial of the dead, the maintenance and operating of an ambu- lance service for the speedy removal of sick and needy persons, the registration of births, marriages and deaths, and to the registra- tion of vital statistics in the said city, and to make such rules and regulations and such appointments of officers and employees as he may deem necessary for the proper carry- ing out and enforcement of all laws, ordi- nances and codes that may be prescribed for the government of said department for the protection of the public health, and for the proper care and registration of such sta- tistics.” “ Sec. 3. The said Health Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to prepare such ordinances as he shall deem to be re- quired for the protection of the public health, and for securing the proper registration of births, marriages, deaths, and such other statistical information necessary for the effi- cient working of the department, with pen- alties for their violation, which ordinances shall be by him submitted to the Common Council, and when approved by said Common Council shall have and possess the same power and effect as other ordinances of said city, and shall be carried out and executed IX. by said Health Commissioner. No ordi- nance, so prepared and approved, shall be repealed or amended without the approval of the Health Commissioner.” These sections control the adoption, amend- ment and repeal of Sanitary Ordinances in the City of Brooklyn. This present edition of the Sanitary Ordi- nances contains all amendments down to March 1st, 1895. Brooklyn, } March 1, 1895. j ALEXANDER H. VAN COTT, Counsel to Deft of Health. SANITARY ORDINANCES. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. Section 1. That the terms “board,” “this board/’ and “ said board,” shall be held to mean the “ Board of Health of the city of Brooklyn ;” that the word “ department,” wherever used herein, shall be held to mean the Board of Health of the city of Brooklyn; that the words ‘‘person,” “owner,” “ten- ant,” “lessee,” “occupant,” “contractor,” “party,” “manager,” “board” and “offi- cer,” shall respectively be held to apply to and include, both jointly and severally, each and all owners, part owners, tenants, lessees, occupants, managers, contractors, parties in interest, persons, officers, boards and corpo- rations who may sustain the relations, or may be in like position of any one or more thereof referred to in any ordinance or regulation ; that every order, ordinance or regulation de- clared applicable to the built-up portion of Brooklyn shall, so far as the subject matter thereof is applicable (save as to interments), and so far as this Board has authority to make the same, be held to include and apply to the built-up portions of said city ; that every word or phrase anywhere herein defined shall be held to include the same sense wherever used ; that the words “ city,” or “this city/' or “ said city,” whenever used herein, shall be held to mean the city of Brooklyn ; that the word “ regulation ” shall be held to include “special regulation” (which latter will be from time to time issued, and will contain more detailed provisions than can be herein conveniently set forth) ; that the word “ permit ” shall be construed to mean the permission in writing of this Board, issued according to its by-laws, rules, regula- tions and sanitary code ; and that every “ report ” herein required shall be held to be 2 a report in writing, signed by the person (and indicating his official position) who makes the same ; that the word “ light,” or “ lighted,” shall be held to refer to external light; and that all words and phrases herein de- fined, shall also include their usual and natu- ral meaning, as well as herein especially given. § 2. That the word “street,” when used in the sanitary code, shall be held to include avenues, sidewalks, gutters and public alleys; and the word “ public place ” shall be held to include parks, piers, docks, and wharves, and water and open spaces thereto adjacent; also public yards, grounds and areas and all open spaces between buildings and streets, and in view of such streets ; the word “ashes” shall be held to include cinders, coal, and everything that usually remains after fires; the word “rub- bish ” shall be held to include all the loose and decayed material and dirt-like substance that attends use or decay, or which accumu- lates from building, storing or cleaning ; the word “ garbage ” shall be held to include every accumulation of both animal and vege- table matter, liquid or otherwise, that at- tends the preparation, decay, and dealing in or storage, of meats, fish, fowl, birds or vege- tables ; and the word “dirt” shall be held to mean natural soil, earth and stone. § 3. That a “ tenement house ” shall be taken to mean and include every house, building, or portion thereof, which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied, as the house, home or residence of more than three families living independent of one another, and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor, so living and cooking, but having a common right in the halls, stair- ways, yards, water closets or privies, or some of them. A “ lodging-house ” shall be taken to mean and include any house or building, or,portion thereof, in which persons are har- bored or received, or lodged for hire for a single night, or for less than one week at one time, or any part of which is let for any per- son to sleep in for any term less than a week. A “ cellar” shall be taken to mean and in- clude every basement or lower story of any building or house of which one-half or more , of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the street adjoining. The phrase “ boarding house ” shall be held to in- clude every building and every story and portion thereof, which is at any time or usually used, leased or occupied, or intended so to be, by any number of persons, exceed- ing ten, as boarders thereat. The word “ manufactory ” shall be held to include every building, and every story and portion thereof, in which any sort of labor or work is done, which calls for the continual or usual presence of several persons during several hours of the day or night, engaged about said work or labor; and the word “ saloon” shall be held to include every por- tion of any building in which the business of selling meals, liquors, drinks or refreshments of any kind, shall be conducted, and includes “ concert saloons.” § 4. That the term “ theatre” shall be held to include the building, rooms and place where any play, concert, opera, circus, trick of jugglery, show, gymnastic or other exhibition, masquerade, public dance, drill, lecture, address, or other public or frequent gathering for amusement are, is, or may be held, given, performed or take place, and the approach or approaches to and appurtenances thereof. § 5. That the word “ physician ” shall in- clude dentists and every other person who 4 practices about the cure of the sick or injured, or who has charge of, or professionally pre- scribes for, any person sick, injured or dis- eased, and any person who pursues the busi ness of or acts as midwife ; that the phrase “ contagious disease ” shall be held to include all persons sick, affected or attacked by a disease of an infectious, contagious or pesti- lential nature (more especially, however, re- ferring to the cholera, yellow-fever, small- pox, diphtheria, ship or typhus, typhoid, spotted, relapsing and scarlet fevers), and also including any new disease of an infec- tious, contagious or pestilential nature, and also any other disease publicly declared by this Board dangerous to the public health ; and every physician in said city shall at all times cause his or her name, office and resi- dence, and also his or her kind and class of practice, to be registered within the Bureau of Vital Statistics, and in a manner accord- ing to the regulations prescribed by this Board. § 6. That the word “ meat ” whenever herein used includes every part of any land- animal and eggs (whether mixed or not with any other substance) ; and the word “ fish ” includes every part of any animal that lives in water, or the flesh of which is not meat ; and the word “ vegetable ” includes every article of human consumption as food, which (not being meat, or fish or milk) is held or offered, or intended for sale or consumption as food for human beings, at any place in said city ; and all fish and meat found there- in shall be deemed to be therein, and held for such sale or consumption as such food, unless the contrary be distinctly proved. § 7. That the word “ cattle ” shall be held to include all animals except birds, fowl, and fish, of which part of the body is used as 5 food ; the word “ butcher ” shall beheld to include whoever is engaged in the business of keeping, driving or slaughtering any cat- tle, or m selling any meat ; the words “ pri- vate market ” shall include every store, cellar, stand and place (not being part of a public market) at which the business is the buying, selling or keeping for sale, of meat, fish or vegetables for human food. MISFEASANCE AND NONFEASANCE. § 8. That no person shall carelessly or negligently do, or advise, or contribute to the doing, of any act or thing dangerous or detrimental to the health of any human be- ing ; nor shall any person knowingly do, or advise, or contribute to the doing, of any such act or thing (not actually authorized by law) except with justifiable motives and for adequate reasons ; nor shall any person omit to do any act, or to take any precaution, reasonable and proper, to prevent or remove danger or detriment to the life or health of any human being. OBEDIENCE TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. § 9. That every contractor in these ordi- nances referred to, and every person who has contracted, or undertakes, or is bound to do or is engaged in doing, any one of those things, in respect of which these ordinances contain provisions or regulations, shall com- ply with these ordinances, to the extent that any contract, obligation or duty requires or permits ; and no direction of any contractors or persons shall excuse him for non-compli- ance with any of said ordinances. § 10. That every person shall observe and obey each and every special regulation, and every order of this Board that is or may be made for carrying into elfect any of the ordi- 6 nances or powers hereinbefore or hereinafter contained, or contained in any law of this State, or otherwise, whether issued directly by the Board, or promulgated by any bureau charged therewith, as if the same had been herein inserted at length. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. §11. That the Inspectors of this Depart- ment, and its proper officers and agents, shall make the inspections and examinations re- quired by law ; 'that the Board of Police of the city of Brooklyn do execute, and cause to be executed, all the orders of this Board when so specially ordered ; and all persons are hereby forbidden to interfere with or ob- struct such inspection, examination or execu- tion. § 12. That, except as herein specially or otherwise provided, or as may be hereafter provided, or as is otherwise made necessary by the laws of the State, the Board of Police of the Police Department shall, through its proper officers and men, and as near as may be according to its existing regulations, or amendments to be made thereto, on advice with this Board, and subject to the super- vision of this Board, carry into effect and exercise the sanitary powers heretofore exer- cised by the Board of Police ; and that said Board of Police shall keep this Department regularly advised of its action in that behalf, and shall conform to these and all future ordinances, and to all special regulations of this Board. BILLS OF HEALTH. § 13. That no person, officer or board within said city (except this Board or its proper officers, or proper officers of any bureau of this Department, and as the regu- lations of this Board shall provide) shall grant, sign or deliver any certificate or “bill of health.” MEDICINES, ADULTERATIONS AND POISONS. § 14. That no doctor, druggist or other person shall make, sell, put up, prepare or administer, any prescription, decoction or medicine under any deceptive or fraudulent name, direction or pretence; nor shall any false or deceptive representation be made by any person to any other as to the kind, qual- ity, purpose, or effect, of any such or other drug, medicine, decoction, drink or other article offered or intended to be taken as food or medicine. § 15. That no poisonous medicine, decoc- tion or substance shall be held for sale or sold, except for lawful purposes and with proper motives, and by persons competent to give the proper directions and precautions as to the use thereof ; nor shall any bottle, box, parcel or receptacle thereof be delivered to any person unless the same is marked “poi- son,” nor to any person whom the nartv de- li’ t 8 turo which, or any part of> which, shall'be inadequate or defective in respect to venti- lation, light, sewerage or any of the usual, proper or necessary provisions or precautions for the preservation of health, nor shall the builder, lessee, tenant or occupant of any such, or of any other building or structure (within the right or ability of either to rem- edy or prevent the same), cause or allow any matter or thing to be or to be done in or about any such building or structure danger- ous or prejudicial to health. § 18. That no owner, agent, or lessee of any building, or any part thereof, shall lease or let, or hire out the same, or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied as a place in which any one may dwell or lodge, except when said buildings or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided and accommodated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness for which this code or any law of this State provides, or in which they or either of^liem ' 'or )r § 19. That no person having the right and power to prevent the same, shall knowingly cause or permit any person to sleep or remain in any cellar, or in any place dangerous or prejudicial to health, by reason of a want of ventilation or drainage, or by reason of the presence of any poisonous, noxious or of- fensive substance or otherwise. § 20. That no owner, lessee or keeper of any tenement house, lodging-house, boarding house or manufactory shall cause or allow the same to be overcrowded, or cause or allow so great a number of persons to dwell, be or sleep in any such house, or any portion there- of, as thereby to cause any danger or detri- ment to health. C. , UpHU. lui — boarders, and workers thereat, adequate privies or water-closets, and the same shall be so adequately ventilated, and shall at all times be kept in such cleanly and wholesome outlet or sewer, or through any such privy or water-closet, shall be allowed, by any person aforesaid, to pass into such house or any part thereof, or into any other house or building. § 23. That every owner, lessee and tenant, and manager of any boarding-house or manu- factory, shall cause every part thereof and its appurtenances to be put, and shall there- after cause the same to be kept in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall speedily cause every department thereof in which any person may sleep, dwell or work, to be ade- quately lighted and ventilated ; and if the same be a manufactory, shall cause every part thereof in which any person may work to be maintained at such temperature, and § 25. That every person when cleaning any street, shall clean, and every contractor shall cause to be cleaned, the gutters and parts of the streets along which the water 11 will run before using any water to wash the same ; and no substance that could be before scraped away shall be washed or allowed to be carried or be put into the sewer, or into any receptacle therewith connected. § 26. That it shall be the duty of every person using, making or having any drain, soil pipe or passage to connect with any sewer (or with either the East river and any canal), and any ground, building, erection or place of business, and in like manner the duty of the owner and tenant of all grounds, buildings and erections, and of the parties interested in such place of business, or the business thereat, and in like manner the duty of all boards, departments, officers and persons (to the extent of the right and authority of each), to cause and require that such drain, soil-pipe, passage and connection shall at all times be adequate for its purpose, and such as shall convey and allow freely and entirely to pass whatever enters or should enter the same. § 27. That it shall be the duty of all boards, departments, officers and persons having power and authority so to do or re- quire (and to the extent thereof), to cause to be used sufficient water and other adequate means to be taken so that whatever sub- stances may enter any sewer shall pass speed- ily along and from the same, and sufficiently far into some water or proper reservoir, so that no accumulations shall take place, and no exhalations from thence proceed, dan- gerous or prejudicial to health. § 28. That the proper officers and authori- ties shall, to the extent of their power and ability, cause the sewers and drainage of said city to be so well located and constructed, so adequate in size, and to be so kept in repair and cleaned, and so adequately supplied with 12 water, and with such proper arrangements and constructions in every particular, that life and health shall not be needlessly ex- posed, or suffer unnecessary peril or detri- ment by their neglect, or by reason of the de- fects or deficiencies of any sewers or drainage, or the want thereof. § 29. That no meat, fish, birds or fowl, or vegetables, nor any milk, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome and safe for human food, nor any meat or fish, that died by disease or accident, shall be brought within said city, or offered or held for sale in any public or private market, as such food anywhere in said city. § 30. That no calf, pig or lamb, or the meat thereof, shall be brought, held or offered for sale, as such food, in said city, which, at the date of its death (being a calf), was less than four weeks old ; or (being a pig), was, when killed, less than five weeks old ; or (being a lamb), was, when killed, less than eight weeks old. Nor shall any meagre, sickly or unwholesome fish, birds or fowl be bought, held, sold or offered for sale, as sucl food, in said city. § 31. “ That no cattle shall be killed fo: human food while in an overheated, feverisl or diseased condition ; and all such diseased cattle in the city of Brooklyn, and the place where found and their disease, shall at once be reported to the Department of Health by the owner or custodian thereof, and it shall be the duty of every veterinary surgeon, own- er or person having the charge, care or cus- tody of any horse, ass, mule, colt, ox, milch cow, calf, sheep or goat or any other animal affected with glanders or farcy, pleuro-pneu- monia, tuberculosis or other disease infec- FOOD AND DRINK. - i,cmcu mapping tnereiromj aicer its killing, nor until the entrails, head (un- less the same be skinned), hide, horns and feet shall have been removed. Nor shall gut-fat, or any unwholesome or offensive matter or thing be brought to or near any such market. § 33. That no person shall, in the built-up portion of the City of Brooklyn, or adjacent thereto, sell or have for sale, in or from any vehicle, or in any street or public place, without a permit from the Depart- ment of Health, any fish from which all parts which are not usually cooked for food have not been removod. [Passed by Common Council, April 29, 1895. Became an Ordinance May 14, 1895.] § 34. That no decayed or unwholesome vegetables shall knowingly be brought into said city to be consumed or offered for sale for human food, nor shall any such articles be kept or stored therein. § 35. That no person, being the manager or keeper of any saloon, boarding house, or lodging-house, or being employed as a clerk, servant or agent thereat, shall therein or thereat offer or have for food or drink, or to be eaten or drank, any poisonous, deleterious or unwholesome substance, nor allow any- thing therein to be done or to occur prejudi- cial to health. § 37, That no meat, fish, vegetables or milk, or unwholesome liquid, shall knowingly be bought, sold, held, offered for sale, labeled, or any representation made in re- spect thereof under a false name or quality, or as being what the same is not, as respects wholesomeness, soundness or safety for food or drink. § 38. That every person being the owner, lessee, or occupant of any room, stall, or place where any meat, fish or vegetables, de- signed or held for human food, shall be stored or kept, or shall be held or offered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall and place, and its appurtenances, in a clean and whole- some condition ; and every person having charge, or interested, or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care or in respect to the custody, or sale of any meat, fish, birds, fowl or vegetables designed for human food, shall put and preserve the same in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall not allow the same, or any part thereof, to be poisoned, infected or rendered unsafe or un- wholesome for human food. § 39. That no butcher or dealer shall keep in any market any refrigerator or ice box, unless the same shall be lined with lead or therefrom to the nearest gutter or proper waste pipe. § 40. That it shall be the duty of every person knowing of any fish, milk, meat, fowl, birds or vegetables being bought, sold or of- fered or held for sale as food for human beings, or being in any market, public or pri- vate, in said city, and not being sound, healthy or wholesome for such food, to forth- with report such facts and the particulars relating thereto, to this Department or to one of its officers or inspectors. § 41. That no person shall, without con- sent of this Board, bring into said city for use as a drink for human beings, or offer or have for sale in said city, as such drink, any poisonous or deleterious liquid. § 42. That upon any cattle, milk, meat, birds, fowl, fish or vegetables being found by any Inspector or other officer of this Depart- ment, in a condition which is in his opinion unwholesome and unfit for use as human food, or in a condition, or of a weight or quality in this code condemned or forbidden, he is empowered, authorized and directed to immediately condemn the same and cause it to be removed to the offal or garbage dock for destruction, and report his action to the Department without delay. § 43. That no person shall sell or give to any other person, or permit such other per- son to get' (having the right and ability to prevent the same) any drink, food or dress, when such first-named person may have rea- son to think or believe that such drink, food or dress may cause danger or detriment to life. § 44. That no distiller, or brewer, or other person, shall manufacture, or have or keep for sale, any liquid designed for drink or 16 beverage for human beings which would be, if used, dangerous or detrimental to life or health. § 45. That no person shall sell or deliver, or have for sale or otherwise, in the city of Brooklyn, any milk from cows or other ani- mals, without a permit therefor, in writing, from this Board. No person shall have at any place where milk, butter or cheese is kept for sale, nor shall at any place sell, or deliver, or offer, or have for sale, or keep for use, nor shall any person bring or send to said city any unwholesome, skimmed, water- ed or adulterated milk, or milk known as “swill milk,” or milk from cows or other animals that for the most part have been kept in stables, or that have been fed in whole or in part on swill, or milk from sick or diseased cows or other animals, or any butter or cheese made from any such milk, or any unwholesome butter or cheese. Nor shall any person sell or deliver, nor have for sale, nor keep in said city, any milk of a less specific gravity than 1,029 (distilled water being 1,000), at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. § 46. That no person shall throw or al- low to run or pass into any public reservoir, water-pipe, or aqueduct, or into or upon any border or margin thereof, or excavation or steam therewith connected, any animal, veg- etable or mineral substance whatever; nor shall any person allow the same to be done (having power or right to prevent the same); nor shall any person do or permit to be done (having right or power to prevent the same), any act or thing that will impair or imperil the purity or wholesomeness of any water or other fluid used or designed as a drink in part of said city; nor shall any person bathe nor (except in the discharge of public duty) anywise injure or impair any drinking hyd- rant, or part thereof, in the said city ; nor shall any person interfere with the use of or enjoyment of the water therein, or there- from, or interrupt the flow thereof, or as a drink; nor shall any person put any dirty, poisonous, medicinal or any noxious sub- stance into or near said water or hydrant whereby such water is made or may be re- garded as dangerous or unwholesome as a drink. CATTLE, HORSES, ETC. § 49. That no cattle, sheep, horse, goat, goose or mule, or any dangerous or offensive animal, shall be allowed by any owner, or by any person having charge of, or who shall have charge of the same, to go at large in any street or public place in the city of Brooklyn. ~~v § 50. That no person shall allow any pig, swine or goat to run at large in said city, and no person shall, within the limits of said city, keep or permit to be kept, any pig, swine or goat, without a permit to do so from this Board. § 51. That no cattle shall be kept in any place of which the water, ventilation and food are not sufficient and wholesome for the preservation of their health, safe condition and wholesomeness of food. § 52. That no person shall keep or allow to be kept in any building or any premises, or on grounds of which he may be the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant, more cows or other cattle than at the rate of fifteen to an acre, or on an average, one to a city lot (in or npar t.Vifi built nr» nm+inno with- on 4- An'] And no permit shall be granted for the slaughtering, of cattle, within the district bounded by Newtown Creek, Metropolitan avenue, Grand street, Bushwick, Flushing and Washington avonues and the East River, after the lsk'May of May, 187f); and no § 58. That no building occupied wholly or partly as a slaughter-house, or any part thereof, or any building on the same lot, shall, without a special permit from this Board, to be occupied for a dwelling or lodg- ing place : that every such building shall at § 59. That neither the business of slaugh- tering cattle, nor the keeping of any slaugh- ter-house, nor the yarding of cattle, shall be begun or undertaken at any new or additional place within the city of Brooklyn, except pursuant to a permit from this Board ; nor shall any person or corporation keep any slaughter-hor or yard, or any cattle there- in, hereafh , without a permit from this Board. § 60. That no person shall kill or dress any animal or meat in any market, nor have, or permit to escape therein, or within one hundred feet thereof, any poisonous, noxious, or offensive substance. § 61. That no person shall become or con- tinue, or engage as, or in the business of a butcher, at or in any public or private mar- ket or stand in the city of Brooklyn, without a permit therefor from this Board. § 62. That every butcher and milk dealer, and their agents, shall allow the parties au- thorized by this Board, to freely and fully inspect their cattle and meats, fish and vege- tables, held, offered, or intended for sale, and will be expected to answer all reasonable and proper questions asked by such persons relative to the condition thereof, and of the places where such articles may be. § 63. That no offal or butchers’ refuse Jllg Ui ll/l OW1U V/i MlAJLjr UUil y lliuai^ birds, fowl or vegetables, shall, without a permit from this Board, expose the same upon any portion of any street or sidewalk, or public place in the city of Brooklyn. § G5. That no person, being owner, lessee or tenant of any house or building, shall allow any water or other liquid to run from or out of his building or ground upon or across any sidewalk or curbstone, and if such substance is allowed by this Board to pass upon any street it must reach the same by a passage, to be kept at all times adequate and in repair by such person, under such flag- stone or through such curbstone ; and no such water or other liquid, or ice therefrom, shall be allowed to gather or remain on the upper surface of such curb, flagstone or pass- age ; nor shall such person allow any accu- mulation of such water or liquid, or the ice therefrom, upon any street or place, but shall, at all times, cause the same to be re- moved, or to pass along the gutter or some proper passage to one of the rivers, or into a sewer. § G6. That every owner, lessee, tenant and occupant of any building or lot in the built up portions of the city of Brooklyn, shall, within two hours after the fall of any snow exceeding one inch in depth, and within two hours after the forming of any ice on the 23 sidewalk or in the gutter, in front of or against the side of any such building or lot, , remove or cause the same to be removed, from such sidewalk and gutter, or in case of great difficulty in removing such ice, that every such person do sprinkle or cause to be sprinkled thereon sand or ashes, so that trav- eling thereon shall not be perilous; but that where said snow falls or ice forms between the hours of eight o’clock of the evening and daylight in the morning, this ordinance will be complied with by removing or sprinkling the same with sand or ashes within two hours after the sunrise succeeding the fall of such snow or the formation of such ice. § 67. That no keeper of any public pound in the city of Brooklyn shall allow the same, or any animal therein, by reason of any want of care, food, ventilation or cleanliness, or otherwise, to be or become dangerous or det- rimental to human health. DOGS, ETC. § 68. That no person shall take, or call any dog into or allow any dog to go into any street or public place in the city of Brooklyn unless such dog is properly and securely muzzled ; and any police officer finding any dog in any street or public place in violation of this ordinance shall immediately kill such dog. § 69. That every animal which is mad, or has the hydrophobia, or shows symptoms thereof, shall by the person owning the same, or having the possession, charge or control thereof, be at once killed ; and every animal that has been exposed to such disease, shall be at once confined in some secure place for such length of time as to show that such ex- posure has not given such animal said dis- ease and so as to avoid all danger to life or 24 health. And the dead body of any animal that died of such disease shall be at once, by such person, buried not less than three feet under ground, at some place not within one thousand feet of any residence. OFFENSIVE ODORS AND LIQUID. § 70. That no person shall permit or have any offensive water or other liquid or sub- stance on his premises or grounds to the prejudice to life or health, whether for use in any trade or otherwise ; and no establish- ment or place of business for tanning, skin- ning, or scouring, or for dressing hides or leather, or for carrying on any offensive or noisome trade or business, shall hereafter be opened, started or established in the city of Brooklyn without a permit from this Board. And every such establishment now existing shall be kept cleanly and wholesome, and be so conducted in every particular as not to be offensive or prejudicial to life or health. § 71. That no person or company being a manufacturer of gas, or engaged about the manufacture thereof, shall throw or deposit or allow to run, or having the right or power to prevent the same, shall permit to be thrown or deposited in any public waters, river or stream, or into any sewer therewith connected, or into any street or public place, any gas-tar, or any refuse matter of or from any gashouse, works or manufactory ; nor shall any such person or company allow any substance or odor to escape from such house, works or manufactory, or make any gas of such ingredients or quality that any sub- stance shall escape therefrom, or be formed in the process of burning any gas, which shall be offensive or dangerous, or prejudicial to life or health. Nor shall any such person or company fail to use the most approved, or all reasonable means, for preventing the es- cape of odors. § 72. That no water-closet, sink, tub, vat or other structure shall hereafter be con- i structed within the city of Brooklyn having connection with, or by, any sewer or under- ground passage, unless the same is provided with adequate or the best generally approved constructions and precautions for preventing gases and other offensive currents, substances and smells from passing up or out through such connection from such sewer or passage; nor shall any such water-closet or privy be constructed without adequate provisions for fVip pflWtna.1 and nroner ventilation and gerous or detrimental to life or health, be here- after established within said city; and no busi- ness or pursuit of the kind in this section named shall be carried on anywhere in said city, unless the same shall be allowed by a permit of this Board. nor shall the busi- ness of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, gut cleaning, nor the skinning of or making of glue from any dead animal, or part thereof, 26 nor the storage or keeping of scrap, fat or grease, or offensive animal matter, be per- mitted or conducted at any place in the city of Brooklyn ; nor shall any business herein- before mentioned be couducted at any place in the city of Brooklyn without a special permit from this Board ; nor shall the busi- ness of boiling or rendering the fresh lard fat, or tallow aforesaid, be conducted within said city, without a like special permit from this Board ; and such permit must be applied for in writing, specifying the nature and precise location of the proposed business, and such application will not be acted upon until the second regular meeting, two weeks after such application. § <6. .1 hat no person shall hereafter erect, start or establish in said city, without the consent of this Board, any manufactory or place of business for boiling any varnish or oil, or for the distilling of any ardent or alcoholic spirits, or for making any lamp- mat is or w v or detrimental to health. § 77. That no animal or vegetable sub- stance nor street sweepings, muck or silt, nor dirt gathered in cleaning yards, buildings, Pages 27-28 missing 3 83. That no person shall draw off, or Jlow to run into any ground, street, or place of said city, the contents (or any part there- of) of any vault, privy, cistern, cess pool or sink ; nor shall any owner, tenant or occu- pant of any building to which any vault, sink, privy or cess-pool shall appertain, or be attached, permit the contents, or any part thereof, to flow therefrom, or to rise within two feet of any part of the top, or said con- tents to become offensive; nor shall any privy, or other erection in this section men- tioned, be filled with, or covered with dirt, till its filthy contents shall be emptied. § 84. That no person shall throw into, or deposit in any vault, sink, privy, or cess-pool, any offal, ashes, meat, fish, garbage or other substance, except that of which any such place is the appropriate receptacle ; nor shall any slops or kitchen waste be permitted to run into any privy or cess-pool, except the same be connected with the sewer. § 85. That neither the contents of any such tub, or of any receptacle, cess pool, privy, vault, sink, or water closet, cistern, nor anything in any room, excavation, build- ing, premises, or place, shall be allowed to become a nuisance, or offensive, so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to health. § 86. That every tub or other receptacle \y\/ixuciius; i/U ut; uueiieivc. -rt.xiu une provusum.. of this code relative to emptying cess pools, and to throwing any substance therein, shall apply to said tubs and receptacles as if here repeated and applied thereto. And no person shall throw, drop, or allow to fall into the East River, any canal, or into any street or place, any substance being, or having been part of, the contents of any such vault, cess-pool, privy, sink, tub or receptacle, or any offal. § 87. That no person shall deposit upon any street or public place within the gene- rally built-up portion of the city of Brooklyn, or upon any paved street, any dirt or brick or other material or dirt taken from any ground therein, in such manner as to ob- struct the free flowage along any gutter. § 88. That it shall be the duty of every owner, tenant, lessee, and occupant of any and every building or place of business in the generally built-up portions of the city of Brooklyn, forthwith to provide, or cause to be provided, and at all times thereafter to keep and be kept provided within such build- ing or place of business, suitable and suffi- cient boxes, barrels or tubs for receiving and holding, without leakage, and without being filled to within four inches of the top there- of, all the ashes, rubbish, garbage and liquid substances, of whatever kind, that may 31 accumulate during thirty-six hours, from said building or place of business, or the portion thereef of which such person may be the owner, tenant, lessee, or occupant; and every such box, barrel and tub designed to hold ashes shall be made of or lined with some suitable metal. That a separate vessel shall be provided for ashes and rubbish, and another for garbage and liquid substances; and ashes and rubbish shall not be placed or kept in the same vessel with garbage and liquid substances ; and all ashes, rubbish, garbage and liquid substances that should be removed from such building and place of business, or from that part for which said receptacles were provided, and none other (without the proper consent) shall be placed therein, and no such box, barrel or tub, shall remain on any side- walk, or in any public place, longer than may be needful for the removal of the contents thereof. § 89. That such boxes, tubs and barrels shall be placed and kept in such position (unless kept within or upon private grounds, within the sidewalks) as the inspectors or agents of this Board shall provide or direct; and no person, not for that purpose author- ized, shall interfere therewith or with the contents thereof. § 90. That all occupants, so preferring, may deliver their ashes, garbage and rubbish directly to the proper carts, to be taken away at any hour of the day when said carts may be present; and said carts may take such articles from receptacles delivered at any such hour; provided that such garbage or rubbish be not highly filthy or offensive ; and in the latter case, the same shall not be so delivered or received during the period from seven o’clock a. m. of any day until ten o’clock of the evening of the same day. 32 [As amended February 5, 1894.] § 91. That no lime, ashes, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers or other substance that is in a similar manner liable to be blown by the wind, shall be sieved, or agitated, or exposed, nor shall any mat, carpet or cloth be shaken or beaten, nor any cloth, yarn, garment or material, or substance, be scoured, cleaned or hung, nor any business be conducted over or in any street or public place, or where it, or particles therefrom, or set in motion thereby, will pass into any such street or public place, or into any occupied premises, nor shall any carpet or rug exceed- ing ten feet square be beaten in any private yard within one hundred feet of any dwell- ing house. That neither any usual nor any reasonable precaution shall be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other substances from falling, to the peril of life, or dust and light material flying into any street, place or building, from any building or erection, while the same is being altered, repaired or demolished, or otherwise. § 92. That every owner, lessee, tenant and occupant of any stall, stable or apartment, in which any horse, cattle or swine, or any other animal shall be kept, or of any place in which manure or any liquid discharge of such animals shall collect or accumulate, within the built-up portion of said city shall cause said liquid or manure to be at Oxice removed to some proper place, and shall at all times keep or cause to be kept such stalls, stables and apartments, and the drainage, yard and appurtenances thereof in a cleanly and whole- some condition, so that no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom ;£jand when within three hundred feet of any occu- pied dwelling house, or of any manufactory where more than five persons are employed, 33 the removals from the stable shall not be made, nor shall the manure or refuse from the stable be/allowed to remain on any street or place near such stable, any time between eight o’clock a. m. and six o’clock p. m., without a permit from this Board! Every such stall, stable, or apartment where horses or cattle are kept, shall have a properly cov- ered water-tight manure vault or box, which shall not be allowed to become filled. [But the Sanitary Superintendent is authorized to to issue permits, to be regularly reported to this Board, regulating such removal within said hoursT] § 93. That no person shall empty, or at- tempt to empty, any vault, sink, privy, or cess-pool in the city of Brooklyn, except pur- suant to a permit therefor first received from this Board. § 94. That no part of the contents of any privy, vault, sink, cess-pool, except substances other than excrements insoluble in water, or any accumulation of any offensive fluid, liquid, or semi-liquid substance or material, being in any excavation, cellar or place, within the limits of the city of Brooklyn, shall be removed therefrom, nor shall the same be transported through any of the streets or avenues of said city, unless and except the same shall be removed and trans- ported by means of an air-tight apparatus, or in such a manner as shall prevent entirely the escape of any noxious 'or offensive odors therefrom, and by a permit from this Board. § 95. That the drivers of all carts for the removal of any garbage, offal, rubbish, or dirt from any building or premises, shall give adequate notice to those dwelling in any street whose buildings or premises such cart is about to or should approach for the re- moval of any substance aforesaid. 34 § 96. That no person shall engage in the business of a scavenger, or of transporting manure, swill, ashes, offal, rubbish or garb- age, or any offensive or noxious substance, or in driving any cart for such purpose in the city of Brooklyn (except the persons acting under the Street Cleaning Commissioners, or of the contractors for cleaning the streets, and as this Department may provide), until he shall have first received a permit from this Department of such form and effect as the regulations of the Department shall pro- vide, authorizing such person so to engage. “That no individual or corporation shall bring, cart or carry, or in any manner con- vey into the city of Brooklyn, any offal, but- cher’s refuse, bones, hocks, pates, or any kind of animal scraps. Nor shall oyster or other fish shells be carted, brought or con- veyed into the city of Brooklyn except pursu- ant to a permit therefor first received from the Department of Health.” [As amended May 29th, 1893.] § 97. That every cart and other vehicle hereafter constructed for or engaged about any business, or intended to be loaded with any matter or substance, in the last section mentioned, shall be constructed according to this code, and to the regulations and orders of the Board of Health. § 98. That no cart or other vehicle for carrying any offal, swill, garbage or rubbish, or the contents of any privy, vault, cess-pool or sink, or having upon it or in anything on such cart any manure, or other nauseous or offensive substance, shall, without necessity therefor, stand or remain, nor shall a needless number gather before or near any building, place of business or other premises where any person may be ; nor shall any cart or vehicle occupy an unreasonable length of time in loading or unloading, or in passing along any street, or through any inhabited place or ground ; nor shall any such cart or vehicle, or the driver thereof, or anything thereto appertaining, be (or by any person having a right to control the same, be allowed to be) in a condition needlessly filthy or offensive ; and when not in use, all such carts, vehicles and all implements used in connection therewith, shall be stored and kept in some place where no needless offence shall be given to any of the people of said city. § 99. That all carts and vehicles in the last section mentioned, and boxes, tubs and receptacles thereon, in which any substance in said section referred to may be or be car- ried, shall be strong and tight, and the sides shall be so high above the load or contents that no part of such contents or load shall fall, leak or spill therefrom ; and that when, in the opinion of this Board, it is necessary to prevent the contents of such carts or vehicles, tubs or boxes, or receptacles from being offensive, each of such carts, tubs and boxes and receptacles shall be adequately and tightly covered, as the orders or regulations of this Board may provide or direct. § 100. That no driver of such cart or ve- hicle, nor any person having undertaken or being engaged about the loading or unload- ing thereof, nor any person or persons en- gaged about the cleaning or emptying, or having undertaken to empty or remove any manure, garbage, offal, or the contents of any vault, sink, privy, cess-pool, or any noxious or offensive substance, shall do or permit to be done about the same, or in connection there- with, that which shall be needlessly offens- ive or filthy in respect to any person, street, place, building, or premises, and all carts or 35 vehicles shall be thoroughly disinfected and put in an inoffensive condition when not in use. § 101. That no person shall allow (and it shall be the duty of every contractor and person who has ordered or procured, or is having any of the following articles carried, or who is driving the same, to prevent) any cart or vehicle to be so fully loaded, or being in such bad condition of repair, or of such faulty construction, or being so improperly driven or managed, that any offensive liquid, or any manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt, or material thereon, shall fall upon or in any place, street, or premises ; and it shall be the duty of every such person to at once re- place on such vehicle and remove what has so fallen. § 102. That all putrid and offensive mat- ter, and all night soil and the contents of sinks, privies, vaults and cess-pools, and all noxious substances in said city, shall, before their removal or exposure, be disinfected and rendered inoffensive, by the owner, les- see or occupant of the premises where the same may be (or in default of the same be- ing so done) by the person or contractor who removes or is about to remove the same. § 103. That neither the owner, tenant, nor occupant of any building or premises, in the built-up portions of the city of Brook- lyn, shall employ, cause or permit any part of the contents of any vault, privy, sink, or cess-pool (being thereon, and of which he has control) to be removed, unless according to a permit or the regulations of the said Board. I § 104. That no pile or deposit of manure, *offal, dirt or garbage, or any accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substance, shall be made within the built-up portions of the city of Brooklyn, or upon any open space 37 enclosed within any portions thereof, or upon the piers, docks or bulkheads adjacent thereto, or upon any open grounds near (or upon any vessel or scow other than those to be speedily, and according to the duty of OumiliiHiuu i/jitueoi ut; intiut;, v\mnu _ hundred feet of any street, without a per- mit from this Department^ § 105.frhat no pile or deposit of manure, offal, or garbage, nor accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substance, shall be made within the limit of said city ; § 106. That no manure, garbage, or other material that is liable to emit an offensive 38 exhalation, shall, in or adjacent to the built- up portions of the city of Brooklyn, be turned or stirred (except about its removal), in such way as to be liable, by reason thereof, to in- crease such exhalations. § 108. That no hotel or house swill or garbage, or offensive material of a liquid nature, or partly liquid nature, not removed or required to be moved by the contractors for street cleaning, shall be transported through or along any street in the city of . excent in tightly covered and any person not being therein or thereupon engaged. 39 § f 10. That every furnace employed in the working of engines by steam, or in any mill, factory, printing house, dye-factory, iron-foundry, glass-house, distillery, brew- house, sugar refinery, bake-house, gas-works, or in any other buildings used for the pur- pose of trade, or manufacture, shall be so constructed as to consume or burn the smoke arising therefrom, unless a permit to the contrary be obtained from this Board. § 111. That no vault, privy, sink, cistern or cess-pool shall hereafter be made or rebuilt in the city of Brooklyn, except in accordance with the regulations of this Board ; and no privy shall be built within two feet of the line of any lot. DISEASED ANIMALS. § 112. That no diseased or.sickly horse, cattle, swine, sheep, dog or cat, or other ani- inals, nor any that have been exposed to any disease that is contagious among such ani- mals, shall be brought into the city of Brooklyn. § 113. That no person shall keep, retain, or allow or employ to be kept or retained, at any place within or adjacent to the built-up portions of the city of Brooklyn, any horse, ass or colt having the disease known as glan- ders or farcy. DEAD, SICK AND INJURED ANIMALS. § 114. That no person shall leave in or throw into any place or street, or public water, or offensively expose or bury the body (or any part thereof) of any dead or fatally sick or injured animal; nor shall any person keep any dead animal, or any offensive meat, bird, fowl or fish in a place where the same may be dangerous to the life or detrimental to the health of any person. 40 § 115. That any animal, being in any street or public jfiace, within or adjacent to the built up portions of Brooklyn city, and appearing in the estimation of any officer or inspector of this Board (and of two discreet citizens, called by such officer, or inspector to view the same in his presence) injured or diseased past recovery for any useful pur- pose, and not being attended and properly cared for by the owner, or some proper per- son to have charge thereof for the owner ; or not having been removed to some private premises, or to some place designated by such officer or inspector within one hour after being found or left in such condition, may be deprived of life by such officer or in- spector, or as he may direct, and shall there- after, unless at once removed by the owner or proper person, be treated as any other animal found on a street or place. § 116. That any person having a dead ani- mal, or an animal past recovery, and not killed for and proper for use as meat or fish, or in an offensive condition, or sick with an infectious or contagious disease, on his prem- ises in said city, and every person whose ani- mal, or any animal in his charge, or under his control, in any street or place, may die or become, or be in a condition past recovery, shall at once remove or cause the removal of such animal, dead or alive, to some proper place; and when such place may be desig- nated by this Board, to the place so desig- nated. § 117. That every person having within his possession or control, or upon any prem- ises occupied or owned by him, any dead ani- mal not proper for food and liable to become noxious and detrimental to health, shall at once give notice thereof to the officer in charge of the nearest police station, and such officer shall at once cause notice thereof to be given to this Board. 41 § 118. That no person other than the in- spectors or officers of this Board, or the Board of Police, or persons thereto author- ized, shall in any way interfere with such dead, sick or injured animal in any street or place, and no person shall skin or wound such animal iir such street or public place, unless to terminate its life as herein author- ized, except that the owner or person having control of such animal may terminate the life thereof in the presence and by the con- sent of a policeman, or an inspector or officer of this Board. § 119. That no person shall obstruct, de- lay or interfere with the proper and free use, for the purposes for which they may be and should beset apart and devoted, of any dock, pier or bulkhead, set apart for the use of any contractor or person engaged in removing any offal, garbage, rubbish, dirt, dead ani- mal, night soil, or other like substances, or with the proper performance of such con- tracts. § 120. That it shall be the duty of every contractor and person (his agents and em- ployees) who has contracted or undertaken to remove any diseased or dead animal, offal, rubbish, garbage, dirt, street sweepings, night soil, or other filthy, offensive or nox- ious substances, or is engaged about any such removal, or in loading or unloading of any such substance, to do the same with dispatch, and in every particular in a manner as clean- ly and little offensive, and with as little dan- ger and prejudice to life and health as pos- sible. § 121. That no street sweepings or other noxious material shall lay piled up, or par- tially raked together, in any street or place before the removal thereof, more than a reasonable time, nor for more than four hours in the daytime, under any circum- stances. § 122. That no ship, boat or other vessel or article shall be taken or allowed by any person to come into or lay to or at or within any dock, pier, bulkhead, or slip (or to be placed thereon), set apart or appropriated for the use or purpose of the shipment or re- moval of any offal, garbage, rubbish, dirt, or dead animals, or for the use of any con- tractor about the removal of any of the fore- going substances, without a permit from this Board. REPORTS AS TO CONTAGIOUS AND IN- FECTIOUS DISEASES. § 123. That every physician shall report to the Sanitary Bureau, in writing, every person having a contagious disease (and the state of his or her disease, and his or her place of dwelling and name, if known) which such physician has prescribed for or attended for the first time since having a contagious dis- ease, during any part of the preceding twenty- four hours ; but not more than two reports shall be required in one week concerning the same person ; but every attending or practic- ing physician thereat, must, at his peril, see that such report is or has been made by some attending physician. § 124. That it shall be the duty of each and every practicing physician in the city of Brooklyn to report, in writing, to the Board of Health, the death of any of his patients who shall have died in said city, of conta- gious or infectious diseases, within twenty- four hours thereafter, and to state in such report the specific name and type of such disease. § 125. That every keeper of any boarding house or lodging house, and every inn keeper and hotel keeper, shall, within twenty-four hours, report, in writing, to the Sanitary Bureau, the same particulars in the last section required of any physician concerning any person being at any of the aforesaid houses and hotels, and attacked with any con- tagious disease. § 126. That the Commissioners, Mana- gers, Principals, or other proper head officers of each and every public or private institu- tion in said city shall twice in each week report, in writing (or cause such report by some proper and competent person to be made twice in each week) to the Sanitary Bureau, and state therein the name, if known, and condition and disease, of any and every person being thereat, and sick of any contagious disease. Nor shall commissioners, manager, princi- cipal or other proper head of such public or private institution, nor any of the em- ployees thereof, nor any person whatever in said city, burn or permit to be burned within the built up portion of said city, nor within one-half mile of any building therein, any rags, bedding or any other substances what- ever, which have been used in the treatment of any person suffering from any disease or submitting to any surgical operation. § 127. That the master, chief officer and consignee, or one of them, of every vessel, not being in quarantine, or within quaran- tine limits, but being within one-fourth of a mile of any dock, wharf, pier or building, of said city, shall daily report to the Sanitary 44 Bureau, or cause to be reported, in writing, the particulars, and shall therein state the name, disease and condition of any person being in or on such vessel, and sick of any contagious disease. § 128. That it shall be the duty of every person knowing of any individual in said city sick of any contagious disease (where such person shall have reason to regard such individual as neglected or not properly cared for, and to avoid giving said disease to others)., and the duty of every physician hearing of any such sick person, who he shall have reason to think requires the attention of this Board, to at once report the facts to the Sanitary Bureau, in regard to the disease, condition and dwelling place, or position of such sick person. § 129. That the keepers, lessees, tenants and owners of every boarding-house and lodging house, shall within six hours after the fact shall come to his or her or their knowledge, notify the Sanitary Bureau, in writing, of the fact of any seafaring man or person, lately from any vessel, being taken sick at such house, and shall, in such notice, state wfiere such sick person may be found, and from what vessel, and when he came, to the best of the knowledge of the person or persons giving such notice. § 130. That every master and chief officer of any vessel, and every physician of, or who practiced on, any vessel which shall arrive at any dock or wharf in the city of Brooklyn, from any other port, shall at once report to this Board any facts connected with any person or thing on said vessel, or that came thereon, which he has reason to think may endanger the public health of this city ; and he shall report the facts as to any person 45 being or having been sick thereon of a con- tagious disease, and as to their being, or having been during the voyage or since her arrival, any infected person or articles thereon. § 131. That every master, charterer, owner, part-owner and consignee of any vessel, or of the cargo thereof which shall be in the water of said city, unless detained in quarantine, shall at once give, or cause to be given, to the Sanitary Superintendent, writ- . ten notice of any infected article or person, and of every person sick of a contagious disease, being or having within ten days been on board said vessel; and also of each and every fact and thing relative to said ves- sel, sick person or cargo, or to the crew of such vessel, which any of the first mentioned persons shall have reason to think may be useful for this Board to know, or be or become dangerous or prejudicial to life or health in said city. REMOVAL FROM AND UNLOADING OF VESSELS. § 132. That every master, owner, charter- er, part owner and consignee of any vessel that shall bring any cotton into the city of Brooklyn between the first day of May and the first day of November of each year, shall at once report to this Board, or cause to be made, in writing, a report to this Board, of the fact of any such cotton being in a dan- gerous, infected, or unsound condition or having been exposed to any infection. § 133. That no master, charterer, owner, part owner, or consignee of any vessel, or any other person, shall bring to any dock, pier, wharf or building within one thousand feet thereof, in said city, or unload at any dock, building or pier therein, or have on 46 storage in the built-up portion of said city, any skins, hides, rags or similar articles or materials, having been brought from any foreign country, or any infected place, or from any point south of Norfolk, Virginia, without or otherwise than according to, a written permit so to do, from this Board ; and no person shall sell, exchange, or in any way make any exposure of any straw, bedding or articles that have been exposed to the con- tagion or infection of any contagious disease, or have been or are liable to communicate such disease, or have lately been on any emi- grant vessel, till after the same have been adequately cleansed or disinfected. § 134. That no owner, agent or consignee of any vessel or cargo, and no officer of any vessel (in respect of either of which vessel or cargo, a permit, according to any law, ordin- ance or regulation, shall or should have been obtained to pass quarantine, or to come up to the water-front of the city of Brooklyn), shall unlade or land, or cause to be unladen or landed, such cargo, or any part thereof, in said city, without having first received the written permit of this Board so to do. § 135. That no captain, officer, consignee, owner or other person in charge of any vessel (or having right and authority to prevent the same) shall remove or aid in removing from any vessel to the shore (save as legally author- ized by this Board, and into quarantine grounds or building only) any person sick of, or person that has been exposed to and is liable very soon to develop, any contagious disease, nor so remove or aid in removing any articles that have been exposed to the contagion of any such disease, except in accordance with a permit of this Board, or with its special regulations. 47 § 136. That no master, charterer, con- signee, or other person, shall order, bring or allow (having power and authority to pre- vent) any vessel or person, or article therefom from any infected port, nor any vessel, or person, or article therefrom liable to quaran- tine, according to the ninth section of the three hundred and fifty-eighth chapter of the laws of 1863 (or under any other laws, and whether such quarantine has been made or suffered, or not), to come or be brought to any point nearer than three hundred yards of any dock or pier, or to any building in said city, without or otherwise than accord- ing to a permit of this Board. Nor shall any vessel, or person or thing therein or there- from, having been in quarantine, come or be brought within the last named distance of any last named place, without the permit or assent of this Board. § 137. That no person shall bring into this city, from any infected place, or land, or take therein, from any vessel lately from any infected port, or from any vessel or building in which had lately been any person sick of a contagious disease, any article or person whatsoever, nor shall any such person land or come into such city without a permit of this Board ; and it shall be no excuse that such person or article so offending, or the occasion of offense, has passed through quarantine, or has a permit from any other source than this Board. § 138. That no owner, part owner, char- terer, agent or consignee of any vessel, or any other officer or person having charge or control of the same, shall allow to be cast therefrom, and no person shall cast there- from, into any public waters of the city of Brooklyn, any straw, bedding, clothing, or 48 other substance, from any incoming vessel, from any foreign port, or port south of Cape Henlopen, without a permit from this Board, except as allowed by the quarantine authori- ties. HEALTH OFFICER. § 139. That the Health Officer of the port of New York, his assistants and deputies, shall at all times keep this Board informed, by weekly written reports, of the number of vessels in quarantine, of the number of per- sons sick in the floating or other hospitals thereat, and of the diseases with which they are severally afflicted ; he and they shall also receive into the floating hospital all cases of yellow fever found in this city and the port aforesaid ; he or they shall not send or allow to return to the vicinity of said city, without the permit of the Sanitary Superintendent, any person, vessel or article which this Board has ordered to quarantine. REMOVAL OF SICK PERSONS. § 140. That no person shall, within the built-up portions of the city, without a per- mit from this Board, carry or remove from one building to another, or from any vessel to the shore, any person sick of any conta- gious disease. Nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual sick of any conta- gious disease, or of the body of such person, or by any negligent act connected therewith, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by a needless exposure of himself, cause or contribute to or promote the spread of dis- ease from any such person, or from any dead body. VACCINATION. § 141. That every person, being the par- ent or guardian, or having the care, custody or control of any minor, or other individual, 49 I shall (to the extent of any means, power and authority of said parent, guardian, or other person, that could properly be used or ex- erted for such purpose) cause and procure such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently and effectively vaccinated, that such minor or individual shall not take, or be liable to take, the smallpox. § 142. That no principal or superintend- ent of any school, and no parent, master or custodian of any child or minor (having the power and authority to prevent), shall per- mit any child or minor having scarlet fever, diphtheria, small pox or any dangerous, in- fectious or contagious disease, or any child residing in any house in which any such dis- ease exists or has recently existed, to attend any public or private school until the Board of Health shall have given its permission therefor, nor in any manner to be unneces- sarily exposed, or to needlessly expose any other person to the taking or to the infection of any contagious disease. DEAD BODIES—INTERMENTS—SEXTONS. § 143. That no interment of the dead body of any human being, or deposition thereof in any tomb, vault or cemetery, shall be made within the city of Brooklyn, without a permit therefor granted by this Board, nor otherwise than in accordance therewith, and no sexton or other person shall assist in, or assent to, or allow any such interment, or aid or assist about preparing any grave or place of deposit for any such body, for which such permit has not been given authorizing the same. And it shall be the duty of every person who shall receive any such permit to preserve and to return the same to this Board, as its regulations may require. § 144. That no new burying ground, cemetery, tomb, or vault, for dead human bodies shall be established, nor shall the re- mains of any dead body be placed in any ex- isting burying ground, vault, tomb, or ceme- tery, in the city of Brooklyn, nor any of said receptacles be opened, exposed or disturbed, except, according to the terms of a permit therefor given by this Board ; and every body buried in any such place shall be buried to a depth of six feet below the surface of the ground and four feet below any closely ad- jacent street. § 145. That every person who acts as a sexton or undertaker in the city of Brooklyn, or has charge or care of any vault, tomb, burying ground or cemetery for the reception of the dead, or where the bodies of any human beings are deposited, shall cause his or her name and residence, and the nature of his or her charge and duties, to be registered with this Board. § 146. That every sexton and other person having charge of any burying ground, ceme- tery, tomb or vault, in the city of Brooklyn, shall, before twelve o’clock of Monday of each week, make return to this Board of the bodies and persons buried since their last re- turn, and in such form, and specifying such particulars, as the special regulations of this Board shall require. § 147. That no captain, agent, or person having charge of, or attached to, any ferry- boat, sailing or other vessel, nor any person in charge of any car, stage or other vehicle, or public or private conveyance, shall convey or allow to be conveyed thereon, or by any means aforesaid, nor shall any person con- vey or allow to be carried or conveyed, in any manner, from or in the city of Brooklyn, 50 the dead body of any human being, or any part thereof, without a permit therefor from this Board. And the proper coupon for that purpose attached to any such permit, when issued, shall be preserved and returned to this Board, as its regulations may require, by the proper officer or person on such boat or vessel, and bv the proper person in charge of any train of cars or vehicle on which any such body may be carried from said city ; provided, however, that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the Health Officer, or Board of Health of the city of New York, as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Board, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in the city of New York ; and provided that the same effect shall be given under this sec- tion to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health and of Vital Statistics of Richmond County, as to a burial permit from this Department, when the death of a person named in the permit shall have oc- curred in Richmond County ; and provided that the same effect shall be given under this section to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health or Health officer of Long Island City, as to a burial or transit permit, issued from this Board, when the death of the person named in the per- mit shall have occurred in Long Island City ; and provided that the same effect shall be given under this section to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health or Health Officer of Morrisania, as to a burial or transit permit issued by this Board, when the death of the person named in the per- mit shall have occurred in Morrisania. § 148. That no person shall retain, ex- posed, or allow to be retained, or exposed, 52 the dead body of any human being, to the peril or prejudice of the life or health of any person. § 149. That it shall be the duty of every person who has discovered or seen the body of a dead human being, or any part thereof (if there is reason for such person to think that the fact of the death, or the place of such body, or part thereof, is not publicly known), to immediately communicate to this Board the fact of such discovery of such body, the place where, and time when the same was discovered or seen, and where the same is or may be found, and any facts known by which said body may be identified, or the cause of death be ascertained. § 150. That no person shall allow to be retained unburied the dead body of any hu- man being for a longer time than four days, or where death has been caused by a con- tagious disease, for a longer time than twen ty-four hours after death of such person, without a permit from this Board, which per- mit shall specify the length of time during which such body may be retained unburied, and when death has been caused by a con- tagious disease, the body shall be immedi- ately thereafter disinfected in such manner as may be directed by the Board of Health, and enclosed in a tightly sealed coffin, which shall not thereafter be opened, and the funeral of such person shall be strictly pri- vate ; and in removal thereof for burial or otherwise, hearses only shall be employed. CORONERS. § 151. It shall be the duty of every Cor- oner, within forty-eight hours after having held an inquest upon any dead body, to file a certificate with the Board of Health con- taining the date of said inquest, and, so far as can be ascertained, the name and age of the deceased ; where said dead body was found ; the occupation of said deceased, when living ; the length of time said de- ceased had resided in the city of Brooklyn ; and where, previous to death ; and also the verdict of the jurors upon such inquest; said certificate to be signed by the Coroner hold- ing such inquest. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. § 153. That it shall be the duty oi every person mentioned in the last section, or re- quired to make or keep any such register, to present to this Board a copy of such register, signed by such person, or a written state- ment, by him signed, of all the facts in said register required to be entered, within five days after the birth or marriage, and within 54 thirty-six hours after the death of any person to whom such registry may or should relate, which shall thereupon be placed on file with this Board. § 154. That every clerk, officer and person within said city, required by the one hundred and fifty-second chapter of the laws of 1847, or by the three hundred and eightieth chap ter of the laws of 1864, to make or preserve an entry, registry, record or certificate as to births, deaths or marriages, shall sonri ui tue parents of any child born in said district (and if there be no parent alive that has made such report, then of the next of kin of such child born, and of every person present at such birth, within five days after such birth or death, to report to said Board in writing, so far as known, the date, ward and street number of said birth, and the sex and color of such child born, and the names of the parents, and the age, color, nativity, last occupation, and cause of death, of such deceased person, and the ward and street, and place of such person’s death, and last residence.” RAILROAD CARS. § 15G. That each and every car used upon any railroad in the city of Brooklyn for the carrying or transportation of passengers shall, on each and every day on which it may be used for the carrying or transportation of passengers, be carefully and thoroughly washed and cleaned, so that all filth and dirt are removed from the inside of said car. § 157. That no person shall at any time carry or convey in, or upon, any passenger railroad car, nor shall any conductor or per- son in charge of any such railroad car, allow to be carried or conveyed in or upon such car except on the front platform, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding in baskets or bundles. TENEMENT HOUSES. § 158. No house, building, or portion thereof, in the city of Brooklyn shall be used, occupied, leased or rented for a tenement or lodging house, unless the same conforms in its construction and appurtenances to the requirements of this code of ordinances ; and if occupied by more than one family on a floor, and if the halls do not open at one end directly to the external air with suitable win- dows without a room or other obstruction at that end, it shall not be used, occupied, leased or rented unless it is made to conform to the requirements of said Department of Health for light, ventilation, plumbing and drainage, or subject to the conditions of a 56 permit, in writing, from said Department of Health. § 159 Every house, building, or portion thereof, in the city of Brooklyn, designed to be used, occupied, leased or rented, or which is used, occupied, leased or rented for a tene- ment or lodging house, shall have in every room which is occupied as a sleeping room and which does not communicate with the external air, a ventilating or transom win- dow, having an opening or area of not less than three square feet over the door leading into and connecting with a room which does communicate directly with the external air, or in the partition between said rooms ; or in case there is no adjacent room communi- cating directly with the external air, there shall be a ventilating or transom window having the same opening or area, communi- cating with the entry or hall, and, when practicable, both such ventilating or transom windows shall be provided. In case the room cannot be provided with windows as herein required, such room shall not be further used as a sleeping room. Every such house or building shall have in the roof, at the top of the hall, a ventilator with a clear opening or area to the external air of not less than one square foot, and more if required by the Department of Health. § 160. The roof of every such house shall be kept in good repair and so as not to leak ; and all rain water shall be conducted into the street sewer, if a sewer exists in the street; if there is no sewer in the street, it shall be so drained or conveyed therefrom as not to cause dampness in the walls, yard or area. The roof water and all surface water shall be conducted into the street gutter by a pas- sage beneath the sidewalk, which shall be 57 covered by a permanent cover, but so arranged as to permit access to remove ob- structions or impurities in such manner as shall be approved by the Department of , Health. § 161. Every such building shall be pro- vided with good and sufficient water closets or privies of a construction approved by the Department of Health, and shall have proper doors, traps, soil-pans and other suitable works and arrangements, so far as may be necessary to insure the efficient operation thereof. Such water closets or privies shall not be less in number than one to every fif- teen occupants of said house; but water closets or privies may be used in common by the occupants of any two or more houses, provided the access is convenient and direct, and provided the number of occupants in the houses for which they are provided shall not exceed the proportion above required for every privy or water closet. Every such house situated upon a lot or street in which there is a sewer, shall have the water closets or privies furnished with a proper connection with the sewer, which connection shall be in all parts adequate for the purpose, as to per- l+irplv Anri frpplv to nass whatever 58 enter them so that no accumulation shall take place, and so as to prevent any exhala- tion therefrom, offensive, dangerous or pre- judicial to health, and so as to prevent the same from being or becoming obstructed. No cess-pool shall be allowed in or under or connected with any such house, except when it is unavoidable, and in such case it shall be constructed in such situation and in such manner as the Department of Health may direct. It shall in all cases be water-tight and arched or securely covered over, and no offensive smell or gases shall be allowed to escape therefrom, or from any privy or privy vault. In all cases where a sewer exists in the street upon which the house or building stands, the yard or area shall be so connected with the same that all water, from the roof or otherwise, and all liquid filth shall pass freely into it. Where no sewer exists in the street, the yard or area shall be so graded that all water from the roof or otherwise, and all filth shall flow freely from it and all parts of it into the street gutter, by a passage be- neath the sidewalk, which shall be covered by a permanent cover, but so arranged as to permit access to remove obstructions or im- purities. Pages 59-60 missing 61 partment of Health his name and address, and also a description of the property, by street number or otherwise, as the case may be, in such manner as will enable the De- partment of Health easily to find the same, and also the number of apartments in each house, the number of rooms in each apart- ment, the number of persons occupying each apartment, and the trades or occupations carried on therein. All notices and orders of the Department of Health in relation to a tenement or lodg- ing house shall be served by posting in some conspicuous place, in or on the house, a copy of the notice or order, such length of time before the time for doing the thing in rela- tion to which said notice or order was issued, as the Department of Health may direct. It shall be the duty of the Department of Health to cause a copy of every such notice or order to be mailed, addressed to the per- son who had filed with the Department of Health his name and address, as provided for in this section. The posting of a copy of "■■n order or notice, and the mailing of a 62 ever any person in such house is sick of fever, or of any infectious, pestilential or contagious disease, and such sickness is known to such owner, keeper, agent or lessee, give immediate notice thereof to the Department of Health, or to some officer of the same, and thereupon said Department shall cause the same to be inspected, and may, if found necessary, cause the same to be immediately cleaned or disinfected at the expense of the owner, in such manner as they may deem necessary and effectual. And all rooms or apartments occupied by any person sick of any contagious disease, shall, immediately upon the death or recovery of such persons, be, by the person having charge or custody of such rooms or apart- ments, thoroughly fumigated by the burning of sulphur or otherwise, in such manner as may be required by the Department of Health; and all clothing, beds, bedding or infected articles used by or in caring for such sick person, shall be likewise fumigated or dis- infected, or in extreme cases destroyed, as the Department of Health may direct. § 168. No house hereafter erected shall be used as a tenement house or lodging house, and no house heretofore erected and not now used for such purpose shall be converted into, used or leased for a tenement or lodging house, unless in addition to the requirements hereinbefore contained, it conforms to re- quirements contained in the following sec- tions. § 169. It shall not be lawful hereafter to erect for or convert to the purpose of a tene- ment or lodging house a building on any lot where there is another building on the same lot, or to build or to erect any building on any lot whereon there is already a tenement or lodging house, unless there is a clear open space, exclusively belonging thereto and ex- tending upwards from the ground of at least ten feet between said buildings, if they are one story high above the level of the ground, if they are two stories high, the distance between them shall not be less than fifteen feet, if they are three stories high, the dis- tance between shall not be less than twenty feet, and if they are more than three stories high, the distance between them shall not be less than twenty-five feet. At the rear of every building hereafter erected for, or converted to the purpose of a tenement or lodging house, on any lot, there shall be a clear open space of ten feet between it and the rear line of the lot. But when thorough ventilation of such open spaces can be otherwise secured, said distances may be ement or lodging house shall oe eniargeu ui altered or its lot be diminished so that it shall occupy more than sixty-five per centum of the said lot, and in the same proportion if the lot be greater or less in size than twenty- five feet by one hundred feet, 'except in the case of corner lots where ninety per centum may be occupied by the building, but this provision may be modified in special cases by a permit from the Department of Health. § 170. In every such house hereafter erec- ted or converted, every habitable room, ex- cept rooms in the attic, shall be in every part not less than eight feet in height from the floor to the ceiling, and every habitable room in the attic of any such building shall be at least eight feet in height from the floor to the ceiling, throughout not less than one- half the area of such room. Every living or sleeping room shall have at least one window communicating with the external air. The total area of window or windows in every living or sleeping room shall be at least one- tenth of the superficial area of every such room, and the top of one at least of such windows shall not be less than seven feet and six inches above the floor, and the upper half at least shall be made so as to open the full width. Every living or sleeping room of a less area than one hundred superficial feet, if it does not communicate directly with the external air, shall be provided with means of ventilation by an air shaft extending to the roof and open at the top or otherwise as the Department of Health may prescribe. § 171. Every such house hereafter erected or converted shall have adequate chimneys running through every floor with an open fire place or grate, or place for a stove prop- erly connected with one of said chimneys for every family and set of apartments. It shall have proper conveniences and receptacles for ashes and garbage. It shall have Ridgewood water furnished in sufficient quantities at one or more places on each floor occupied or intended to be occupied by one or more fam- ilies, so that the same may be adequately and reasonably convenient for the use of the oc- cupant thereof; and all tenement houses shall be provided with a like supply of water by the owners thereof whenever they shall be directed so to do by the Department of Health. Every tenement house shall have the floor of the cellar properly cemented, so as to be water-tight; and when the house is located over filled-in ground or clay soil or ground on which the water lies, the cellar floor shall be covered with concrete laid over not less than three inches thick, of small broken stone so as to effectually prevent dampness. It shall be the duty of the Department of Health to see that the cellars of all tenement houses are so made or altered as to comply with this section before July 1, 1888. Every such house hereafter erected or con- verted shall have the halls on each floor at one end open directly to the external air with suitable windows, and shall have no room or other obstruction at that end, unless sufficient light or ventilation is otherwise provided for in said halls in a manner ap- proved by the Department of Health. Whenever it shall be certified to the De- partment of Health by any inspector or officer thereof that any tenement house or 66 room therein is so overcrowded that there shall be afforded less than six hundred cubic feet of air to each occupant of such building or room, the said department shall issue an order requiring the number of occupants of such building or room to be reduced, so that the inmates thereof shall not exceed one per- son to each six hundred cubic feet of air space in each building or room. Wherever there shall be more than eight families living in any tenement house in which the owner thereof does not reside, there shall be a jan- itor, housekeeper or some other responsible parson who shall reside in the said house and have charge of the same if the Department of Health shall so require. A tenement house, within the meaning of these ordinances, shall be taken to mean and include every house, building or portion thereof which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied or is occupied as the home or residence of three families or more living independently of one another and doing their own cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor, so living and cooking, but having a common right in the halls, stairways, yards, water closets or privies, or some of them. A lodging house shall be taken to mean and include any house or building or portion thereof in which per- sons are harbored or received or lodged for hire for a single night or for less than a week at one time, or any part of which is let for any person to sleep in for any term less than a week. A cellar shall be taken to mean and include every basement or lower story of any building or house of which one- half or more of the height from the door to the ceiling is below the level of the street ad- joining. § 172. [Repealed by Common Council December 16, 1895. See § 185, as amended by Common Council December 16, 1895, which became an ordinance December 19, 1895.] § 173. The Commissioner of Health shall appoint an examining board of practical plumbers to decide upon the competency of any person to practice the art of plumbing in the city of Brooklyn, said committee to consist of five (5) members, to be appointed as follows : Two (2) from the Master Plumb- ers’ Association ; two (2) from the Journey- men Plumbers’ Union ; one (1) from the staff of plumbers then in the Department of Health which one shall be selected by the Commissioner. This Board shall serve during the pleasure of the Commissioner and without compensa- a: - mi.TJ rv. oil vmvii u uj. Axoaxtn. GENERAL SUBJECTS. § 174. That no master or teacher, or man- ager of or in any school, public or private, or of or in any Sunday-school or gymnasium, nor the officers or managers thereof, nor of- ficers or managers, or persons having charge worship, school-house, school-room, or place 08 of practice or exercise, or relative to any- thing appurtenant thereto, as that by reason of such neglect or omission the health of any person shall suffer or inqur any avoidable peril or detriment. § 175. That no person shall take, carry, expose, or place (or induce any other person so to do) in or upon any street or public place, any substance, animal or thing, which shall imperil the health of any person who is or may properly be in such street or place. § 176. That no person owning or occupy- ing or having charge of any stable or other premises, shall keep or allow thereon or therein any dog or other animal which shall by noise disturb the quiet or repose of those or any one therein or in the vicinity, to the detriment of the life or health of any human hfiins\ § 178. That no privy vault, cistern, cess- pool or other excavation to be used for the reception of liquid waste, drainage, excre- ment or sewage, shall be built, erected or constructed in connection with any building, or upon any premises situated upon or adjoin- ing any sewered street, avenue or place. AH vaults not constructed in accordance with existing ordinances, shall be at once emptied of their contents, disinfected and filled with clean earth or ashes. All — J-U „ „ e 1 tained outside of premises except in cases where such location shall be condemned by the Department of Health and the Common Council. No privy vault, cistern or cess-pool shall be constructed or used upon any unsewered street, unless the said vault, cistern or cess- nool shall be made and kept water-tight in a manner and form approved by the Depart- ment of Health. § 180. That every agent, or other person having the charge, control or management, or who collects or receives the rents of any lands, premises or other property, in the city of Brooklyn, shall disclose the name or names of the owner or owners of such land, premises or property, or the name or names of the person or persons for whom such agent or other person is acting to this Board, upon application being made therefor by any in- spector, agent or officer of this Board. § 182. That no building, vehicle, struc- ture, receptacle or thing used or to be used for any purpose whatever, shall be made, used, kept, maintained or operated in the city of Brooklyn, if the use, keeping, main- taining or operating of such building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing, shall be the occasion of any nuisance, or dangerous o~ detrimental to health. § 184. That every person shall obey the or- dinances, rules, regulations and orders of this Board, made or to be made in pursuance of the act of the Legislature of the State of New ork, under which these ordinances are adopted. § 185. I hat any person who omits, neg- lects or refuses to comply with, or who resists 71 any of the provisions of the foregoing or- dinances, or who refuses or neglects to obey any of the rules, orders, or sanitary regula- tions of the Board of Health of the city of Brooklyn, or who omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists any order or special regulation of the said Board of Health of the city of Brooklyn, shall, upon convic- tion of such otfence, be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, nor less than ten dollars, and may, in default of payment of such fine, be sentenced to imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding ten days. [Passed by Common Council, De- cember 16, 1895 ; became an Ordinance De- cember 19, 1895.] § 186. The ambulances of the Department of Health, while engaged in going for or in carrying sick or wounded persons to or from the hospitals, shall have the right of way in the streets of the city, as against any person, carriage or incumbrance put, driven or being in said streets, and no person shall obstruct said ambulances while so engaged if there shall be an opportunity to get out of the way of the same, under a penalty of ten dollars, for each offense. It shall be the duty of the police to enforce the provisions of this sec- tion. § 187. That no person or persons or cor- poration, shall hereafter erect, conduct or maintain within the limits of the city of Brooklyn, any hospital or other institution having the care of sick or diseased persons, without first obtaining a written permit from the Health Department of said city. § 188. That no person shall make, pre- pare, deliver or issue any false certificate, statement or report of a birth, marriage or death, or any such certificate, statement or report, which is not in accordance with the facts of the birth, marriage or death; all certificates, statements and reports of births, marriages and deaths, shall be signed by the person purporting to make the same, and no person shall sign or forge the name of an- other to any such certificate, statement or report. § 189. That no person engaged in buying, selling or storing skins, hides, rags, bones or similar articles, or who has become possessed by purchase or otherwise of skins, hides, rags, bones or similar articles, for the purpose of selling the same, shall store or keep any of said above mentioned articles within the limits of the city of Brooklyn, without first obtaining a written permit so to do from the Commissioner of Health of said city, the terms and conditions of which permit shall be strictly complied with by the person ob- taining the same. § 190. That poisonous materials shall not be used for coloring, preserving or preparing foods or drinks, and foods or drinks so colored, preserved or prepared, shall not be sold or held for sale. The term poisonous materials here used, shall be held to include all those substances or preparations which contain antimony, arsenic, barium (excepting barium sulphate), lead, cadmium, chromium (excepting pure chromic oxide), copper, mer- cury, zinc, tin, gambogia, picric acid or any other poisonous material. § 191. Searches and transcripts of the records of births, marriages and deaths shall be made by an officer or clerk of the Depart- ment, upon application therefor, for the fol- lowing fees : For searching the records the fees shall be fifty cents for each year to which the 73 search shall extend, provided that no charge shall be made when adequate vouchers are presented to this Department to prove that the information for which the search is re- quested is needed for United States pension purposes. In all cases in which a successful search shall be made one official transcript of the record shall, if desired, be furnished to the applicant free of charge. For duplicate transcripts a fee of twenty-five cents each shall be charged. An account of the fees collected shall be kept by the Secretary, who shall, each month, report to the Commissioner the amount and deposit the same in the City Treasury. [Passed by Common Council, October 14, 1895. Became an Ordinance October 29, 1895.] § 192. Any person who shall obtain a per- mit of any kind from the Department of Health by means of a false or untruthful statement, shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for each and every offense. § 193. All persons, organizations, or in- stitutions who shall erect, conduct or main- tain, within the limits of the city of Brook- lyn, any maternity hospital or lying-in-insti- tution. or any place where females may be cared for during or after confinement, or any institution, house or place wherein children under the age of twelve years are received, boarded or kept, shall obtain a permit so to do from the Department of Health of the city of Brooklyn, and, in addition to any and all other records required by law, shall keep a correct register of the name and age of all children under three years old who are 74 given out, adopted, or indentured from such place to any one, together with the correct name and residence of the person or persons so adopting, indenturing, or taking such child or children, and the keeper or any other person in charge of said hospital, in- stitution, house or place, shall cause a correct copy of the aforesaid register to be sent to the Board of Health of said city within forty eight hours of said adopting, indenturing, or taking of such child or children. [Passed by Common Council, July 6, 1891.] § 194. It shall not be lawful for any per- son or persons to construct or cause to be con- structed in the city of Brooklyn any build- ings of any class whatsoever, which is to be connected with a sewer, unless the person or persons causing such a building to be con structed shall first have presented to the Commissioner of the Department of Health of the city of Brooklyn, a plan showing the proposed connection of the plumbing work or fixtures therein contained with the main drain extending to the sewer, and procured his approval thereof. The said Commissioner of Health shall in all cases prescribe the point at which the system of plumbing in any such building shall meet the main drain connecting such system with the sewer. The Commissioner of the Department of Buildings shall not approve any plans for the erection of any such building in the city of Brooklyn pursuant to Section IV., of Title XIV., of Chapter 583 of laws of 1888, unless said plan of the main drain and its connec- tions in and from said building to the sewer in the street shall have been first approved by the Department of Health. Any person or persons infringing the provisions of this 75 ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of fifty dollars. [Passed by Common Council, July 10, 1893. § 195. That no street railway operating on the streets of the city of Brooklyn run open cars at any time when the temperature shall be lower than sixty degrees Fahrenheit. [Passed by Common Council, December 3, 1894 ; became an Ordinance December 18, 1894. Sec. 40, of Article VII. of Chapter III. That no person or persons shall erect or maintain within the city of Brooklyn, any building, shed or other structure in which is or shall be carried on the manufacture of asphaltum, unless such building, shed or other structure shall first have been inspected and approved by the Department of Health. And the manufacture of asphaltum shall not be permitted or conducted at any place within the city of Brooklyn without a special written permit from the Department of Health. Any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance or either of such provisions, shall be subject to a penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars for each and every such offence. Passed by Common Council, February 11, 1889, and known, as Section 40 of Article VII. of Chapter III. of the General Ordinances. INDEX. Adulterated— Section. Page. Drugs, food, medicine . 16 7 Agents— Of department; duties 11 6 Inspections; interference with prohibited 63 21 Owner’s name ; must disclose to Health De- partment 180 70 Air— External; definition 1 1 Halls ; tenement and lodging-house 171 65 Rooms, tenement and lodging-house; con- nection with outside 170 64 Animals— At large ; must not be allowed 49 17 Dead, throwing into streets, etc., prohibited.. 82 29 Dead, injured, sick ; leaving in streets or pub- lic waters prohibited 114 39 Dead or past recovery; must be removed by owner as directed by Health Department.. .116 40 Dead and liable to become obnoxious; must be reported to Health Department 117 40 Dead, injured, sick; interference with by other than Health Department officers, police or owner, prohibited 118 41 Diseased; prohibited in cow stables 52 18 Exposed to hydrophobia; must be isolated- dying of; must be buried 69 23 Diseased; bringing into city prohibited 112 39 Diseased or fatally injured; Health Depart- ment inspector may direct killing of in streets 115 40 Glanders or farcy; employing animals with. prohibited 113 39 Lodging and tenement house; keeping in or on premises, prohibited 164 59 Mad; must be killed at once— 69 23 Markets; killing or dressing in prohibited 60 21 Noisy or nuisance; prohibited in stables, etc.. 176 68 Pates; must be removed 32 13 Pounds; care of in 67 23 Poultry 32-36-64 13-22 Rabbits, above size of 32 13 Roosters 176 68 Straw, etc., for bedding; drying in streets without permit, prohibited 104 36 Trotters; must be removed 32 13 Yarding ; permit required 53 19 Ambulances— Obstructing forbidden 186 71 Amusements— Boisterous, dangerous or nuisance, prohibited 179 70 Ashes— Section. Page. Definition 2 2 Blacksmith-shop, coal yard, manufactory; re- moval of from 109 38 Business of removal; permit required 96 33 Drivers of carts must notify of their approach 95 33 Garbage to be kept separate from 88 30 On sidewalk 88 30 Occupants may deliver directly to carts, if it is not filthy, etc 90 31 Receptacles required for 88 30 Receptacles for, to be placed as directed by Health Department Inspectors 89 31 Sieving, etc.; prohibited in exposed places. 91 32 Tenement and lodging-house; ashes, garbage. 171 65 Throwing into privy, etc., prohibited 83 29 Bathing— In waters used by public prohibited 46 16 Bedding— Disinfection or destruction of 166 61 Institutions not to burn, or other substance .. 126 43 Straw, hay, etc., for animals; drying in streets without permit prohibited 104 36 Bell— Ringing; permit required 177 69 Bills of Health 13 6 Birds— Preparation and keeping 55 19 Births— Certificates to be signed; false, prohibited; forgery of 188 72 Registration by clergyman, magistrate, etc., required 152-3 53 Registration under laws 1847,1864 154 64 Blacksmith-shop— Ashes, cinders, dirt, refuse, rubbish; removal of from 109 38 Blood— Not allowed to run in streets 57 20 Board— Definition 1 1 Boarding-house— Definition 3 2 Cleanliness and ventilation required in 23 10 Contagious disease; keeper to report 125 43 Overcrowding prohibited 20 9 Sailor sick of contagious disease; to be re- ported by keeper of 129 44 Bodies— Human; prompt burial required 150 62 Boisterous— Amusements, business ; prohibited 179 70 Bones— Boiling, grinding, etc. ; prohibited without permit.. 73-4 25 Selling or storing without permit prohibited.. 189 72 Bottles— Section. Page, “ Poisonous ” to be marked on 15 7 Brewers— Not to sell dangerous drinks 44 15 Builders— Duties of 17 7 Buildings— Amusements and business boisterous, danger- ous or nuisance ; prohibited in 179 70 Drains ; connection of main with sewer, ap- proval 194 75 Light to be adequate 17 7 Noxious matter must not run from into streets, etc 81 28 Occupation prohibited, unless lighted, venti- lated, etc., and adequate 18 8 Plans for must be filed 194 75 Precautions concerning 17 7 Precautions in construction and tearing down 91 32 Roofs ; repair, drainage of 160 66 Things prejudicial to health in, prohibited.... 17 7 Sewerage of to be adequate 17 7 Sidewalk ; space required above level of 18 8 Tenement and lodging house ; use as and con- version into 168 63 Unfit for habitation may be closed 167 62 Ventilation to be adequate 17 7 Water from must not flow upon streets or sidewalks 65 22 Built-up Portion— Definition 1 1 Bulkheads— Of garbage and night soil contractors ; ob- struction of prohibited 119 41 Burial— Bodies, human ; permit required for 143 49 Bodies must be six feet below surface 144 50 Graves ; opening without permit prohibited.. 143 49 Permits to be returned to Health Department. 143 49 Prompt required 150 52 Sextons, cemetery keepers, etc., must report weekly to Health Department 146 50 Burying Ground— New ; permit for required 144 50 Business — Boisterous or dangerous ; prohibited 179 70 Butchers— Definition 7 4 To keep market places for killing or dressing cattle clean 56 20 Inspection of cattle, meats, etc., by Health Department; must allow 62 21 Offal, refuse, carrying through streets 63 21 Permits must obtain from Health Department 61 21 Shops to be kept clean 38 14 Butter, unwholesome 45 16 Calves must be of certain age 30 12 80 Canals— Section. Page. Pollution of with filth, dirt, rubbish, etc., pro- hibited 80 28 Cargo discharge permit 134 46 Carpets— Beating regulated 91 32 Cars— Clothing, etc., soiled and dirty, carrying on prohibited 157 65 Loaded with garbage, manure, offal, not to stand in streets 105 37 Railroad; must be cleaned daily 156 55 Carts— Air-tight apparatus required for carrying con- tents of privy, vault, cess-pool 94 33 Scavengers’; construction of 97 34 Scavengers’; not to stand, etc.; unloading of ; to be kept clean; storage of 98 34 Scavengers, etc. ; construction of regulated ; covers for receptacles may be ordered by Department of Health 99 34 Scavengers, etc.; to be disinfected 100 35 Scavengers, etc.; overloading; careless driv- ing; prohibited. Must be kept in repair 101 36 Cattle— Definition 7 4 Allowing at large prohibited 49 I7 Butchers must allow inspection of by Health Department 62 21 Carrying while bound prohibited 54 19 Diseased must be reported to Department of Health 31 12 Driving regulated 49 17 Farcy, glanders, pleuro-pneumonia, tubercu- losis 31 12 Hanging in streets prohibited 57 20 Killing of for food prohibited, if diseased 31 12 To be kept in wholesome and safe place 51 18 Permit required for unloading 49 17 Slaughtering, etc., regulated . .*. 54 19 Places for killing or dressing must be kept clean 56 20 Stables must be kept clean .... 56 20 Stables ; removal of offal and refuse from ; painting and whitewashing ... 56 20 Yard not to be kept in, etc., without permit... 59 21 Cattle-Driving— Restricted to certain hours and route 49 17 Cellars— Definition 3 2 Dwelling in prohibited 162 68 Cement floors 171 65 Definition; tenement and lodging house 171 65 Lease of allowed 18 8 Sleeping in prohibited 19 9 “ “ 163 59 Cement Floors— Cellars..,.. 171 65 Cemetery— Section. Page. Burials in, six feet below surface 144 60 Keeper must register his name at Health De- partment ... 145 50 Keeper must report burials to Health Depart- ment weekly 146 50 Certificates— Birth, death, marriage, to be signed ; false prohibited ; forgery of name 188 72 Cess-pools— Building of regulated Ill 39 Construction ; streets sewered, prohibited on.. 178 C9 Contents of not allowed to flow into street, etc., nor become offensive ; emptying and filling up of 83 29 Contents, in what transported 94 33 Contents to be disinfected before removal 102 36 Emptying ; permit required 93 38 Emptying and cleaning prohibited, except ac- cording to regulations or permit 103 36 Not to become nuisance 85 29 Tenement house 161 57 Water tight, must be 178 69 Cheese, unwholesome 45 16 Chickens— Sale of, prohibited when 36 13 Chief Officers— Contagious diseases, and infected persons or articles on vessels ; to report 130 44 Children— Lying-in hospitals; given, adopted, etc., from ; names must he registered 193 74 Vaccination of 141 48 Chimneys— Tenement and lodging house 171 65 Churches— Cleanliness, heating, ventilation 174 68 Cinders— Blacksmith shop, coal yard, manufactory, re- moval of from ; not allowed to escape, etc.. 109 88 Cisterns— Building of, regulated Ill 39 Construction ; streets, sewered, prohibited on. 178 69 City— Definition 1 1 Cleanliness— Required in boarding houses 23 10 Cattle stables ; required in 56 20 Churches 174 68 Food, and places for sale of food, required... 38 14 Manufactories 23 10 Privy, water closet 72 25 Railroad cars 156 55 Sewers 27 11 Slaughtering or dressing cattle, places for 56 20 Stables 92 32 Tenement houses 22-3 9-10 Theatres 21 9 82 Clergymen— Section. Page. Marriages, births, deaths ; must keep register of 152-3 63 Clothing— Infected 166 61 Soiled and dirty on cars, prohibited 157 55 Tenement and lodging houses; disinfection and destruction 166 61 Coal Yard — Ashes, cinders, dirt, refuse, rubbish ; removal of from 109 38 Combustibles— Lodging and tenement houses; storing In pro- hibited 164 59 Concert Saloon— Definition.. * 3 2 Condemning— Of unwholesome food to be reported to Health Department 42 15 Contagion— And infection on board vessel and cargo to be reported 131 45 Buildings, vessels exposed to; articles exposed to in, not to be taken from without permit. .137 47 Contagious Disease— Boarding house keeper to report 125 43 Body of deceased, prompt burial required 150 52 Children having, not to attend school, etc 142 49 Glanders, farcy 31,113 12,39 Houses where; children not to attend school.. 142 49 Definition 5 3 Lodging house keeper to report 125 43 Head officers of public and private institutions to report 126 43 Inn and hotel keepers to report 125 43 Infected persons or articles on vessels to be reported 130 44 On board vessels within quarter of mile of any dock, and not quarantined, to be reported .. 127 43 Physicians to report, death from 124 42 Duty of every person to report 128 44 Physicians required to report 123 42 Sailor sick of, to be reported by keeper of boarding house, etc 129 44 Tenement and lodging houses, immediate re- port of 166 61 Contractors— Compliance with ordinances required 9 5 Dead animals; must remove promptly 120 41 Definition of 1 1 Employees not excused, etc 9 5 Garbage, night soil, etc.; bulkheads, docks and piers assigned to, obstructing prohibited 119 41 Contractor— Street cleaning, how 25 10 Garbage, and others, to work with care and discretion 120 41 Coroner— Section. Page. To report details of inquest to Health Depart- ment 151 52 Cotton Cargo— Dangerous, infected, etc.; report of 133 45 Cows — * Diseased animals not allowed in stables with.. 52 18 Keeping at rate of more than 15 to acre, or 1 to city lot without permit, prohibited 52 18 Lodging and tenement houses; keeping in or on premises prohibited 164 59 Stables to be kept clean 52 18 • Stables; construction, ventilation 51 18 Damp Floors 18 8 Dangerous— ( 181 70 Things which are; prohibited. ■< 182 70 % I 183 71 Dead Animals 116,117, 119 40, 41 Removal of 116 40 Report of 117 40 Dead Body— Burial; permit required 143 49 Discovery of ; to be reported 149 62 Disinterment; without permit, prohibited 144 50 Exposure of; prohibited 148 61 Interment; prompt, 4 days; disinfection 150 52 Transportation of; without permit, prohibited 147 50 Death— Certificates to be signed ; false, prohibited ; forgery of 188 72 Contagious disease; physicians to report 124 42 Coroner to report inquest to Health Depart- ment 151 52 Infectious disease: physicians to report 124 42 Next of kin, etc., to report 155 54 Registration of in Health Department 152-153 53 Registration of under laws 1847, 1864 154 54 Deceptions— Prohibited as to drinks, food, medicines 14 7 Deposit— Deleterious, from manufacturing, prohibited. 76 26 Detrimental to Health— Acts prohibited 8,181 5, 70 Dirt— Definition 2 1 Blacksmith shop, coal yard, manufactories; removal of from 109 38 Deposits on streets, or vacant lots, or in river, prohibited 80 28 Piles prohibited, except by permit 104 36 Diphtheria— Definition 5 8 Diseased— Animals; bringing into city prohibited 112 39 84 Disinfection— Section. Page. Bedding 166 01 Contents of privy, vault, sink, cess-pool; be- fore removal, required 102 86 Tenement and lodging-houses ; clothing, etc., in 166 61 Distillers— Not to sell dangerous drinks 44 15 Permits; must have 76 26 Docks— Filling up with offensive matter, prohibited.. 77 26 Garbage and night soil contractors; obstruc- tion of prohibited 119 41 Garbage; not to be used otherwise without permit 122 42 Rags, skins, hides from foreign ports; landing on without permit prohibited 133 45 Vessel; contagious disease within one-quarter mile of, to be reported 127 43 Vessel from infected port or quarantine; bring- ing near without permit, prohibited 136 47 Dogs— Mad ; must be killed at once 69 23 Muzzles required in streets; unmuzzled, police to kill 68 23 Noisy or nuisance; keeping prohibited 176 68 Drainage— Drains; construction of regulated 26 11 Slaughter-houses 58 20 Stables 92 82 Dress— Unwholesome, etc.; not to be given or sold... 43 15 Drinks— Dangerous ; distillers and brewers must not sell 44 15 Deceptions prohibited 14 In jails 24 10 Poisonous in saloons, tenement houses, etc.; prohibited 35 18 Poisonous liquids not to be brought into city for .* 41 15 Poisonous materials in, prohibited ; fine for.. 190 73 Unwholesome not to be given or sold 48 15 Drivers of ash carts to give notice of approach... 95 83 Drugs— Adulterated, poisonous, unwholesome 10 7 Dust— Factories, not allowed to escape from 109 38 Dwelling— Cellars not to be used as 162 58 Slaughter-house not to be occupied as 58 20 Water closets must be provided in 22 9 East River— Pollution of with filth, dirt, rubbish, etc., pro- hibited 80, 86 28, 29 Enforcement of Ordinances 11 6 85 Examinations— Section. Page. Interference with prohibited 11 6 Examining Board— Plumbers, Commissioners may appoint; duties 178 67 Exposure, to disease from dead body 148 61 Sick persons, removal so as to cause 140 48 Schoolchildren M2 49 Exhalation— Dangerous, from business, prohibited 76 26 External Air— , Definition •. 1 1 Factories— Dust, etc., not allowed to escape from 109 38 Manufactories—See Smoke; must consume 110 39 Fame Statements— Permits; obtaining on; penalty 192 74 False Representation— Sale under, of fish, liquid, meat, milk, vege- tables 37 14 Farcy— In cattle 81 12 Animals having, employing prohibited 113 39 Fees— Transcripts of records of births, deaths, mar- riages 191 78 Feet— Of cattle to be removed 32 13 Filling up— Docks, lots, piers and wharves with offensive material, prohibited 77 26 Privy vaults 83, 178 29, 69 Filth — From cess-pools, privies, deposit on street or lot, prohibited 80 28 Filling cess-pool until removed 83 29 How to be transported 94 33 Fat— Boiling without permit, prohibited 73-4 25 Rendering regulated 79 27 Scrap from 75 26 Fireplaces— Tenement and lodging houses; ashes and garbage 171 66 Fish— Cleaning before sale required 33 13 Definition 6 4 Preparation and keeping 55 19 Presumed kept for food 6 4 Privy, etc., throwing into, prohibited 84 29 Sale of, unwholesome for food, prohibited 30 12 Sale of, under false representations 37 14 Streets or sidewalks ; sale of on, without per- mit, prohibited. 64 22 Unfit for food 29 12 86 Flats— Section. Page. Loaded with garbage, manure, offal, not to stand in streets 105 87 Floor— Cellars, cement 171 65 Damp 18 8 Flying— Dangerous, etc., articles must be prevented from, in street 91 32 Food— Adulterated, poisonous, unwholesome 14, 16 7 False representations as to 37 14 Fish and meat, presumed kept for food 6 4 Fish, fowl, lamb, pig, veal, not to be sold for. 30 12 Fish, meat, milk, vegetables, unfit for 29 12 In jails 24 10 Places for sale of, to be kept clean 38 14 Must be kept clean 38 14 Poisonous, etc., in saloons, tenement houses, etc., prohibited 35 13 Poisonous materials in prohibited ; fine for... 190 73 Sale of unwholesome, etc., to be reported to the Health Department 40 15 Unwholesome, not to be given or sold 43 15 Unwholesome, to be condemned and reported 42 15 Forgery— Of name to certificates of birth, death, mar- riage prohibited 188 72 Fowl — Preparation and keeping 54 19 Sale of for food prohibited 30 12 Streets or sidewalks ; sale of on, without per- mit, forbidden 64 22 Fumigation 166 61 Funerals— Church bells, ringing at 177 69 Hearses only to be used at .. 150 52 Private, must be when disease contagious 150 62 Furnaces— For steam engines; must consume smoke, un- less by permit... 110 39 Garbage— Ashes to be kept separate from; on sidewalks 88 14 Business of removing requires permit 96 33 Collecting carts to be kept clean 98 34 Contractor to work with care and discretion.. 120 41 Definition 2 2 Docks, bulkheads and piers assigned to con- tractors, obstruction of prohibited 119 41 Drivers of carts must notify of their approach 95 38 Hotels and houses, removal of from 108 38 Lots, not to be put on 80 28 Piles prohibited, except by permit 104 36 Piling or unloading in streets prohibited; carts or flats loaded with, not to stand in streets . 105 37 Privy, etc., throwing into prohibited 84 29 Section. Page. Receptacles for to be placed as directed by Health Department inspectors 89 31 Receptacles required for 88 30 Removal must be done inoffensively 100 35 Tenement and lodging house 171 05 Tenement house, receptacles for, in 164 59 Throwing into streets or sewers prohibited ... 82 29 Turning and stirring prohibited 106 37 Gas— Deleterious from distilling, etc., prohibited... 76 26 Factories, not allowed to escape from 109 38 Offensive 18 8 Public waters ; refuse in ; manufacture regu- lated 71 24 Geese— Allowing at large, prohibited 49 17 Ol.ANDERS— Animals having, employing prohibited 113 39 In cattle 31 12 Glue— Making without permit, prohibited 73-4 25 Goats— Allowing at large, prohibited 49 17 Permits required tor keeping 50 18 Grave— Preparing without permit, prohibited 143 49 Ground— Filled with offensive matter, turning forbid- den 78 27 Gut— Cleaning without permit, prohibited 73-4 25 Gut FAT- Prohibited in market 32 13 Gutters— Tenement house yards, etc. ; drainage of into. 161 57 Obstruction of prohibited 87 30 Habitation— Building unfit for, may be closed 167 62 Halls— Tenement and lodging house, ventilation 171 65 Hanging cattle, meat, etc., in street, prohib- ited 57 20 Hay— Animals’ bedding ; drying in streets without permit prohibited 104 36 Heads— To be removed from cattle 32 13 Head Officers— Of public and private institutions to report contagious diseases 126 43 Health— Things prejudicial to, in buildings, prohibited, 17 7 Things dangerous to, prohibited 8, 181 / 5, 70 182 > 70 1831 71 Department ordinances must be obeyed 184 71 School children, teachers, etc.; duties 174 68 Streets, imperiling in, prohibited 175 68 88 Health Officer— Section. Page. Dead bodies, transportation permits 147 50 Port of New York, to report disease in floating hospital 139 48 Heat— In jails 24 10 Hides— To be removed from cattle 32 13 From foreign ports, landing without permit, prohibited, etc 133 45 Tanning, permit required 70 24 Selling or storing without permit, prohibited.. 189 72 Horns— To be removed from cattle 32 13 Horses— Allowing at large, prohibited 49 17 Farcy or glanders 113 39 Lodging and tenement houses, keeping in or on premises, prohibited 164 59 Noisy or nuisance, keeping prohibited 176 68 Hospitals— Conducting, permit required 187 72 Floating ; Health Officer of Port to report dis- ease in ; yellow fever to be received into 139 48 Lying-in, permit for, required ; children given out or adopted from, names to be registered 193 74 Hotels— Garbage and swill, removal of from 108 38 Keeper ; contagious disease, to report 125 43 Houses— Garbage and swill, removal of from 108 38 Human Bodies— Interment, permit required for 143 49 Hydrants— Destruction of ; pollution and obstruction of water in, prohibited 48 17 Hydrophobia— Animals exposed to, must be isolated ; dying of, must be buried 69 23 Ice Boxes— Lining, drainage, etc., of 39 14 Ice— Owner, lessee, tenant must remove 65, 66 22 Infected— Articles from vessels, etc., bringing to dock or pier without permit, prohibited 136 47 Infected Persons— * Masters of vessels to report ; and contagious disease, or infected articles on vessel 130 44 Infection— Ports infected, vessels from, bringing near piers without permit, prohibited 136 47 Vessel, persons and articles to be reported 130-1 44, 45 Infectious Diseases— Section. Page. Children having, not to attend school ; houses where, children not to attend school 142 49 Physicians to report death from . 124 42 Tenement and lodging house, immediate re- port of 166 61 Inn— Keeper, contagious disease, to report 123 43 Inspection— Cattle, meats, etc. ; butchers must allow, by Health Department 62 21 Interference with prohibited 11 6 Inspector— Animals diseased, or fatally injured, Health Department inspector may direct killing in street 115 40 Of Health Department; ashes, garbage, rub- bish receptacles, to be placed as directed by 89 31 Duties of ii- 6 Interference— With inspections and examinations prohibited 11 6 Interment— Human bodies, permit required for 143 49 Contagious disease, in cases of 150 52 Promptness required 150 52 Institutions— Contagious disease, head officer of public and private, to report 126 43 Burning rags, bedding, or other substance prohibited 126 43 Jails— Care, drink, food and heat in 24 10 Janitor— Tenement and lodging-houses, when required. 171 64 Killing— Cattle for food, prohibited 31 12 Kitchen Waste— Privy, etc. ; throwing into, prohibited 84 29 Lamb— Sale of for food, prohibited ■. 30 12 Lard— Boiling without permit prohibited 71 25 Rendering regulated 79 27 Leather Dressing— Permits for 70 24 Lessee— Contagious disease ; sailors sick of, to be re- ported by lessees of boarding and lodging- houses 129 44 Definition 1 1 Duties of 17 7 Garbage and ash receptacles ; to provide 88 ,10 Ice and snow ; must remove 66 22 Stable ; to remove manure, etc 92 32 Tenement and lodging bouses; to keep clean as required by Health Department; to re- port street number and character of occu- pancy 165 60 89 90 Lessee—Continued. Section. Page. Tenement and lodging-house ; violation of or- dinance, liable before tenant 172 67 Tenement house ; to keep water closets unob- structed 161 57 Light— Of buildings to be adequate 17 7 Building without, not to be occupied 18 8 Definition 1 1 Lighted— Definition 1 1 Lime— Keeping in place exposed to wind, prohibited. 91 82 Liquid— Filthy ; transportation 94 32 Manure ; not to escape from carts 101 36 Offensive on premises, prohibited 70 24 Poisonous, etc., must not be brought into city for drink 41 15 Sale under false representations 37 14 Liquor— Deleterious, not to be made 44 15 Lodging House— Building ; use as, or conversion into 168 63 Cellar floor cemented 171 65 Chimneys and fireplaces; ashes, garbage 171 65 Contagious disease; keeper to report 125 43 Contagious, infectious and pestilential disease; immediate report of 166 61 Construction must be according to regulations 158 55 Cows, horses, etc.; keeping in or on premises prohibited 164 59 Definition 3 2 Definition of. 171 65 Garbage and refuse ; receptacles in 164 59 Halls open to air 171 65 Health officials to have access to 166 61 Janitor for, when required 171 65 Lot; space required at rear 169 63 Overcrowding prohibited 171 65 Rain-water to be carried off 160 56 Rooms; size and ventilation 170 64 Sailor sick of contagious disease to be report- ed by keeper of 129 44 To be kept clean as required by Health Depart- ment ; number and nature of occupancy to be reported 165 60 Water; Ridgewood 171 65 Whitewashing 165 60 Ventilation of 159 56 Violation of ordinances as to; punishment... 172 67 IpNG Island City— Dead bodies; transportation permits 147 50 Lots— Vacant; deposit of filth, dirt, garbage, etc., on prohibited 80 28 Tenement and lodging house ; space required at rear 169 63 Lots—Continued. Section. Page. Filling up with dirt or offensive matter pro- hibited 77 -26 Cows ; keeping more than one to city lot pro- hibited 52 18 Lying-in— Hospitals ; permit required ; children given, adopted, etc.,from,names.must be registered 193 74 Magistrate— Marriages; must keep register of and report. .152-3 53 Manager— Definition 1 1 Institutions; not to burn rags, bedding or other substances 126 43 Manufactories— Ashes, cinders, dirt, refuse, rubbish ; removal of from ; smoke, cinders, gas, etc., not al- lowed to escape from 109 38 Cleanliness required in; safety required; venti- lation of 23 10 Definition 3 2 Overcrowding prohibited 20 9 Water-closets and accommodations in 22 9 Manufacture— Asphaltum; permit for, ordinances, Ch. HI., Art. VUI., Sec. 40 75 Gas; regulated 71 24 Manure— Business of removing; permit required 96 33 Permits for removal of 92 32 Piles prohibited, except by permit 104 38 Piling or unloading in streets prohibited; cars or flats loaded with, not to stand in streets; vaults, emptying 105 37 Turning of, prohibited 106 37 Vaults 92, 105 32, 37 Markets— Animals; killing or dressing in, prohibited.. . 60 21 Gut fat or unwholesome thing, not to be taken to 32 13 Places, etc., for slaughtering or dressing cat- tle; butchers must keep clean 56 20 Taking meat to, prohibited 32 13 Private 7 4 Poisonous substances in, prohibited 60 21 Marriages— Certificates'to be signed; false, prohibited; forgery of 188 72 Registration of in Health Department 152-3 53 Registration under laws 1847, 1864 154, 164 54, 59 Masters— Bedding and articles exposed to contagion ; must not cast into East River 138 47 Contagious disease and persons or articles on vessels; to report.... 127, 130, 131 43, 44, 45 Removal of sick without permit, prohibited... 135 46 School; duties regarding health 174 68 Unloading without permit, prohibited 133,134, 136 45, 46, 47 92 Mats— Section. Page. Beating regulated 91 32 Meat— Definition 6 4 Head, hide, horns and feet to be removed. .. 32 13 Hanging in street, prohibited 57 20 Preparation and keeping 54 19 Presumed kept for 6 4 Privy, etc.; throwing into, prohibited 84 29 Sale of under false representation 37 14 Streets or sidewalks; sale of on, without per- mit, forbidden 84 22 Meat— Taking to market unless cool, etc., prohibited. 32 13 Unfit for food 29 12 Unwholesome, unhealthy, cased, blown, plaited, etc., sale prohibited 36 13 Unsound must be reported and condemned.40, 42 15 Butchers must allow inspection of by Health Department 62 21 Medicines— Adulterated ; poisonous ; unwholesome .... 16 7 Deceptions prohibited 14 7 Poisonous ; sale of 15 7 Midwife— Definition 5 3 Register; must keep, of births, deaths, etc ... 152 53 Milk— Adulterated, etc., sale prohibited; permit 45 16 Dealers must allow inspection of stock 62 21 Sale of under false representations 37 14 Unfit for food 29 12 Misfeasance— Definition 8 5 Morrisania— Dead bodies ; transportation permits 147 50 Mules— Allowing at large, prohibited 49 17 Newtown Creek— Slaughtering in vicinity of, prohibited 65 19 Night Soil— Apparatus for conveying 94 33 Bulkheads, docks and piers assigned to con- tractors, obstruction of prohibited 119 41 Disinfection required before removal 102 70 Removal, permit necessary 96 33 Removal, price regulated 102 36 Removal, interference with forbidden 119 41 Receptacles for 86, 94 29, 33 Throwing in East River 80, 86 28, 29 Noises— Amusements 179 68 Animals in stables... 176 68 Business 179 70 Noisome Trades— Permit required for 70 24 93 Nonfeasance— Section. Page. Definition 8 5 Notice— Building unfit for habitation, notice of closing 167 62 Tenement and lodging houses, service of 165 60 Noxious Matter— Vehicles ; not allowed to run or drop from 81 28 Nuisance— Business, things in constituting, prohibited... 182 70 Privy, vault, cess-pool, sink, etc., not to become 85 29 ( 181 70 Things constituting, prohibited -< 182 70 , ( 183 71 Obstructing— Ambulances, forbidden 186 71 Street gutters 87 30 Occupant— Definition 1 1 Duties of 17 7 Garbage and ash receptacles ; to provide 88 30 Privy ; not to have emptied and cleaned ex- cept according to regulations and permit... 103 36 Privy, vault, cess-pool, sink ; duties as to 83 29 Stable ; to remove manure, etc 92 32 Tenement house ; to keep water closets unob- structed 161 57 Odors— From bone boiling, etc 75 26 Offal— Boiling without permit, prohibited 73-4 25 Business of removing ; permit required 96 33 Butchers, carrying through streets 63 21 Cattle stables ; removal from required 56 20 Oyster houses and saloons ; removal of from. 107 38 Piles not allowed except according to permit.. 104 36 Privy, vault, cess-pool, sink; throwing into pro- hibited 84 29 Throwing, etc., on streets or in sewers, pro- hibited 82 29 Tubs, etc., of vaults ; throwing into prohib- ited 86 29 Piling or unloading,in streets prohibited: cars or flats loaded with, not to stand in streets.. 105 37 Offensive Gas 18 8 Offensive— Animal or vegetable matter ; throwing into street, etc., prohibited 82 29 Ground or material filled with matter; turning up prohibited, without permit 78 27 Liquids ; substances, etc., prohibited 70 24 Materials ; dumping on lots prohibited 77, 80 26, 28 Odors from water closets and privies 72 25 Pursuits, permits for 70, 74, 76 24, 25, 26 Substances must not run from vehicles 81 28 Transportation of matter 81, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 28, 33, 34, 35, 36 94 Officers— Section. Page. Duties H Oil refineries, permits for 76 26 Omission to act 8 5 Orders of Department of Health— Police Department to execute 11 8 Orders— Health Department must be obeyed 184 71 Violation of health ; prosecution, punishment 185 71 Ordinances— Health; must be obeyed .*. 184 71 Tenement and lodging-house ; violation, pun- ishment ; owner, lessee, tenant, order of liability » 172 67 Overcrowding— Boarding house,manufactory, tenement house, theatre, prohibited 20 9 Tenement and lodging-houses, prohibited 171 65 Owner— Agent must disclose name to Health Depart- ment 190 73 Contagious disease ; sailor sick of, to be re- ported by, of boarding and lodging-houses. .129 44 Definition 1 1 Garbage and ash receptacles ; to provide 88 30 Ice and snow to be removed by ... 66 22 Privy, vault, cess-pool, sink ; duties as to 83 29 Privy, etc. ; not to have emptied except ac- cording to regulations or permit 103 36 Stable ; to remove manure, etc 92 32 Tenement and lodging ; to keep clean, as re- quired by Health Department; to report street number and character of occupancy. 165 60 Tenement and lodging-house; violation of ordinance, primarily liable 172 67 Tenement and lodging-house ; to keep water unobstructed 161 57 Oyster Houses— Shells and offal to be removed from 107 38 Parents— Vaccination of children ; must procure 141 18 Party— Definition 1 1 Pates— Must be removed 32 13 Penalty— Permits ; obtaining on false statements 192 74 Violation ; ordinances, orders, rules, regula- tions 185 71 Permit— Animals' bedding not to be dried in street without 104 86 Articles in vessels or buildings, removable from, prohibited, without, etc 137 47 Asphaltum ; for making 194 75 Bell-ringing ; required for 177 69 95 Permit—Continued. Section. Page. Body, where death from contagious disease, prompt burial, unless granted 150 52 Boiling, etc., of bones, fat, tallow, lard, shells, guts, glue, etc., required; how applied for... 73-4 25 Burial ground; required for 144 50 Burial without, prohibited ; to be returned to Health Department 143 49 Butchers must obtain from Health Depart- ment 61 21 Cargo not to be discharged without 134 46 Casting articles from vessels from foreign ports, etc., without, prohibited 138 47 Cattle, killing sick 52 18 Cattle, pigs, swine, required for unloading 49 17 Cattle permit for yarding required 59 21 Cellars, dwelling or sleeping in 162, 163 58,59 Contagious disease ; removal of persons sick of, and persons and articles exposed to, pro- hibited, without, etc 135 46 Cows, keeping more than one on city lot 52 18 Dead bodies; transportation of; coupons to be returned to Health Department 147 60 Dead bodies, transportation of ; permits of Health Officer, Richmond county, Long Isl- and City and Morrisania, honoring of 147 50 Definition 1 1 Dirt, garbage, offal; piles prohibited, except according to 104 36 Emptying vaults, privies, cess-pools, sinks, etc 98 33 False statements, obtaining on; penalty 192 74 Garbage, etc., docks, piers, etc., not to be used otherwise, without 122 42 Goats, pigs, swine, keeping 50 18 Grounds, turning up 78 27 Hospitals, required for conducting 187 72 Lots, filling with sweepings 77 26 Lying-in hospital 193 74 Manure; removal during certain hours 92 32 Milk, for selling 45 16 Persons sick with contagious disease, removal without, prohibited 140 48 Privy, etc., must be cleaned and emptied pur- suant to 103 36 Privy vaults, constructing 72 25 Privy vaults, removing contents 94 33 Quarantine ordered by Health Department not to be raised 139 48 Removing ashes, garbage, manure, offal, rub- bish, swill; business requires permit 96 33 Selling or storing bones, hides, rags, skins, without permit, prohibited 189 72 Skins, hides, rags from foreign port, landing without, prohibited 133 45 Smoke, furnaces not burning 110 39 Slaughtering, required for 55 19 Slaughtering at new or additional places re- quired 59 21 Special, required for dwelling in slaughter- house 58 20 96 Permit—Continued. Section. Page. Streets, sidewalks ; sale of birds, fish, fowl, meat, vegetables, etc., without, forbidden ..64 22 Tanning and noisome trades, required for 70 24 Tenement house, plumbing : 158 55 Tenement and lodging house, lot, space re- quired in 169 63 Vessels and buildings exposed to contagion ; removal of persons and articles from, with- out permit, prohibited 137 47 Vessels, casting articles from, etc 138 47 Vessels from infected ports and quarantine; articles not to be brought, etc., without, etc. 136 47 Vessel from infected port or quarantine; bring- ing near dock or pier without, prohibited 136 47 Yarding animals'; necessary .. .. 53 19 Person— Contagious disease; duty of every person to report 128 44 . Definition 1 1 Physicians— Births, deaths ; to keep register of 152 53 Births, deaths ; must report 153-54 I 53 155 f 54 Contagious diseases ; must report 123 42 “ “ death from 124 42 “ “ on vessel 130 44 Definition 5 3 Infectious disease, death from ; to report 124 42 Registration of 5 3 Piers— Filling up with offensive matter, prohibited... 77 26 Of garbage and night soil contractors; ob- struction of, prohibited 119 41 For garbage, etc.; not to be used otherwise without permit 122 42 Vessel from infected port or quarantine; bring- ing near without permit, prohibited 136 47 Vessel within quarter mile of ; contagious dis- ease must be reported 127 43 igs— Permit required for keeping 50 18 “ “ unloading 49 17 Sale of for food, prohibited 30 12 Pleuro-Pneumonia— In cattle 31 12 Plumbers— Examining Board; Commissioner may ap- point ; duties 173 67 “ Poison”— To be marked on bottles, etc 15 7 Poisonous— Materials in drinks or food, prohibited ; fine for 190 73 Drugs ; food ; medicine 16 7 Liquids must not be brought into city for drink 41 15 Substances ; markets forbidden in 60 21 Medicines, etc., sale of 16 7 97 Police— Section. Page. Ambulances ; to prevent obstructing 186 71 Unmuzzled dogs ; must kill 68 23 Police Department— To execute orders of Department of Health. .11 6 To report action to Health Department 12 6 Sanitary powers of 12 6 Pollution— Of public waters prohibited 46 16 Of water in hydrants prohibited 48 17 Poultry 32, 36, 64 13, 22 Pounds— Animals in, care of 67 23 Prisons— Care ; drink ; food ; heat in 24 10 Private Market— Definition 7 4 Privies— Ashes, garbage, offal, not to be thrown into.. 84 29 Building of, regulated Ill 39 Contents not allowed to run or drop into or upon street or vacant lot 80 28 Contents must be disinfected before being re- moved 102 36 Contents, in what transported 94 33 Contents of, not allowed to flow into ground, streets, etc., nor to become offensive ; emp- tying and filling up 83 29 Contents to be disinfected before removal 102 36 Drainage of house, not to receive 81 29 Emptying, cleaning ; prohibited except ac- cording to regulations or permit 100, 103 35, 36 Emptying ; permit required 93 33 In tenement houses 22 9 Tenement house 161 57 Line, not be within two feet of Ill 39 Not to become nuisance 85 29 Throwing contents of into East River 88 29 Top, not to fill within two feet of 83 29 Ventilation and cleanliness of 72 25 Privy Vaults— Construction, as approved by Department 161 57 Construction ; streets, sewered, prohibited on ; filling, when required 178 69 Contents not allowed to rise within two feet of top 83 29 Emptying, permit required for 93, 103 33, 36 Removal, contents, odorless apparatus 94 33 Sewer ; must be connected with 177 69 Water tight; must be 177 69 Prosecution — Violation of ordinances, orders, rules, regula- tions 172, 185 67, 71 Public Place— Definition 2 2 Vehicles; swill, brine, urine, etc., not allowed to run or drop from into 81 28 Pupils— Section. Page. School; health, safety; teacher’s duty 174 68 Quarantine — Articles not to be taken from vessel passed through, without permit : 137 47 Contagious disease on board vessels within quarter mile of any dock and not quarantined, to be reported .127 43 Vessels from, bringing near without permit, prohibited 136 47 Vessels from, officers must report weekly 139 48 Vessels from, return to the city, prohibited... 139 48 Rags— From foreign ports, landing prohibited with- out permit 133 45 Institutions not to burn, or other substance... 126 43 Institutions, public and private, not to burn, bedding or other substance 126 43 Selling or storing without permit, prohibited.. 189 72 Railroad— Cars must be cleaned daily 156 65 Rain-Water— Lodging house, tenement house; to be carried off from .. .160 66 R ECEPT ACLES— For night soil 86 29 Records— Births, deaths, marriages, transcripts; fees for 191 73 Refrig erators— Lining and drainage of 89 14 Refuse— Blacksmith shop, coal yard, manufactories; removal of from 109 38 Butchers; carrying through streets 63 21 Cattle stables; removal from required 66 20 Tenement house ; receptacles for, in 164 59 Registration— Births, deaths, marriages in Health Depart- ment 152-3 63 Births, deaths, marriages under laws 1847,1864 154 54 Lying-in hospitals ; children given, adopted, etc., from; names to be registered 193 74 Of names by physicians 5 3 Registry— Sextons and cemetery keepers, in Health De- partment 145 go Regulation— Definition 1 1 (Special) of Board or Bureau, must be obeyed. 10 5 Health Department, must be obeyed 184 71 Privy, etc., must be emptied and cleaned ac- cording to 103 36 Special; definition. 1 1 Tenement and lodging house ; construction must be according to 158 55 Violation of sanitary ; prosecution, punish- ment 185 7i Report— Section. Page. Of animals dead and liable to income obnox- ious required to Health Department 117 40 Burial; sextons, cemetery keepers, etc., must report weekly 146 60 Contagious disease; boardinghouse keepers to 125 43 Contagious disease; duty of every person to.. 128 44 Contagious disease ; head officers of public and private institutions to 126 43 Contagious disease; inn and hotel keepers to.. 125 43 Contagious disease; lodging house keepers to. 125 43 Contagious disease; physicans required to .. 123 42 Contagious, etc., diseases in tenement and lodging houses 166 61 Contagious disease; vessels not in quarantine must report in writing 127 43 Contagious disease ; sailor sick of, boarding and lodging house keeper, etc., to report— 129 44 Contagious disease and infection, vessel, mas- ter, etc., to report 130-1 44, 45 Coroner must make, of inquest to Health De- partment 151 52 Death from contagious disease : physicians to 124 42 Death; next of kin, etc., must report 155 54 Definition 1 1 To- Department of Health, of condemnation of unwholesome food 42 15 Discovery of dead body 149 52 Of diseased cattle to Health Department re- quired 31 12 To Health Department of sale of unwholesome food, required 40 15 Health Officer of Port of N. Y., to report dis- ease m floating hospital 139 48 Infectious disease, death from ; physicians to report 124 42 Persons knowing of pollution of East River or canals, or street or vacant lot, to report to Health Department 80 28 Tenement and lodging house ; street number and nature of occupancy to be reported 165 60 Residuum— Of bone boiling, etc. ; to be removed 75 26 Richmond County— Dead bodies ; transportation permits 147 50 Roofs— Repair of, drainage from 160 66 Rooms— Tenement and lodging house ; ventilation 170 64 Roosters 176 68 Rubbish— Blacksmith shop, coal yard, manufactory; removal of from 109 38 Definition 2 2 Deposit on streets or vacant lots, prohibited.. 80 28 Receptacles for; to be placed as directed by Health Department Inspectors .. 89 81 Receptacles for ; separate from garbage 88 30 Removing ; business of, requires permit 96 83 100 Rugs— Section. Page. Beating regulated 91 32 Rules— Health Department, must be obeyed 184 71 Safety— Required in manufactories 28 10 Saloon— Definition 3 2 Poisonous drink and food prohibited in..'. 35 13 Shells and offal to be removed from 107 88 Sanitary Code— Tenement and lodging houses must be con- structed according to , 158 65 Scavengers— Carts ; construction of regulated ; covers for receptacles may be ordered by Department of Health 99 35 Carts, etc., to be disinfected 100 35 Carts of ; how constructed 97 84 Carts; overloading, careless driving, pro- hibited ; must be kept in repair 101 86 Carts of, not to stand, etc. ; unloading of ; to be kept clean; storage of 98 34 Must have permit 93, 96 38 Schools— Buildings to be safe, clean, etc 174 68 Children from houses where contagious or in- fectious diseases, not to attend without per- mission, etc 142 49 Children having contagious and infectious diseases, not to attend 142 49 Teachers, etc.; duties regarding health 174 68 Sewers— Connections 26 11 Drains of buildings to be connected with, as prescribed by Health Commissioner 194 76 Location and construction of city sewers 28 11 Offensive matter not to be thrown or run into. 82 29 Streets having privy vaults, cisterns, cess- pools, etc., prohibited on 178 69 Tenement house; connection 161 57 To be kept clean 27 11 Water closets must be connected 178 69 Water closet, vat, privy, sink, etc 72 25 Sewerage— Of buildings to be adequate 17 7 Sewer Gas— In tenement houses 22 9 Sextons— Burials ; report of weekly to Health Depart- ment required 146 50 Registry of, in Health Department, required.. 145 50 Shells— BurniDg, without permit, prohibited 73, 74 25 Oyster houses and saloons ; removal of from. 107 38 Ship— Definition 5 3 Sidewalks— Section. Page. Ash and garbage receptacles on 88 30 Birds, fish, fowl, meat, vegetables ; display or sale of on, without permit, forbidden 64 23 Ice on ; must be kept clean 65 22 Liquid not to run across 65 22 Snow, removal from.. . 60 22 Space above, required in building 18 8 Water from buildings not to flow on 65, 160 22, 56 Sinks— Building of, regulated Ill 89 Contents of, in what transported 94 23 Contents to be disinfected before removal 102 36 Emptying; permit required 93 83 Emptying and eleauing prohibited, except ac- cording to regulations or permit 103 86 Not to become nuisance 85 29 Sewer connections ; ventilation ; cleanliness . 72 25 Skins— From foreign ports, not to be landed, etc., without permit 133 45 Selling or storing without permit, prohibited.. 189 72 Slaughter-House— Drainage 58 20 Occupation for dwelling without special per- mit prohibited 58 20 Ventilation 58 20 Slaughtering— Of cattle, regulated 54 19 Newtown Creek, prohibited in vicinity of 55 19 Permit for, required 55 19 At new or additional places < permit required. 59 21 Permit for, required 59 21 Streets ; prohibited in 57 20 Sleeping— In cellars, prohibited 19 9 Slops— Privy, etc.; throwing into, prohibited 84 29 Smallpox— Definition 5 3 Smoke— Factories : not allowed to escape from 109 38 From manufacturing business, prohibited 76 26 Furnaces for steam engines must consume, unless by permit 110 89 Snow— Owner, lessee and tenant must remove 66 22 Stables— Animals, noisy or nuisance, prohibited in 176 68 For cattle; must be kept clean 56 20 Cattle ; painting and whitewashing 56 20 Cow; cleanliness required 52 18 Cow ; diseased animals prohibited in 52 18 Drainage and cleaning 92 32 Manure ; removal from ; permits for, during certain hours ; not to be dumped on lots.... 92 32 102 Storage— Section. Page. Bones, hides, rags, skins, etc.; without per- mit prohibited 189 72 Combustibles in lodging and tenement houses forbidden 164 59 Fat, scrap, grease, offensive animal matter, without permit, prohibited 74 25 Straw— Animals’ bedding; drying in streets pro- hibited without permit 104 36 Streets— Animals’ bedding ; drying in, without permit, prohibited 104 36 Animals, dead, injured or sick, leaving in, prohibited.. 114 39 Animal diseased or fatally injured, Health De- partment inspector may direct killing in street 115 40 Ashes, dirt, dust, etc., not allowed to blow into 91 32 Blood not allowed to run in 57 20 Butchers’ offal and refuse ; carrying through. 63 21 Cleaning of 25 10 Definition 2 2 Deposit on, of filth from privies, etc., manure, dirt, rubbish, refuse, offal, prohibited 80 28 Dogs in, must be muzzled ; police to kill un- muzzled 68 23 Garbage, manure, offal, piling in streets pro- hibited ; care and flats loaded with, not to stand in streets 105 37 Health ; imperiling in 175 68 Manure from not to be dumped on lots 77, 80 26, 28 Privy, cess-pool, vault, sink ; contents not to flow onto 83 29 Sale on, without permit, of birds, fish, fowl, meat, vegetables, forbidden 64 22 Sewered ; cess pools, cisterns, privy vaults, etc., prohibited on 178 69 Slaughtering in, prohibited 57 20 Surface ; burials in cemeteries must be four feet below 144 50 Sweepings, etc., piles of, not to lie in 121 42 Throwing offensive matter into, prohibited 82 29 Vehicles; swill, brine, urine, etc., not allowed to run or drop from into 81 28 Water from buildiugs flowing on, prohibited.65, 160 22, 56 Sweepings, etc.— Piles of, not to lie in streets 121 42 Swine— Permit required for unloading 49 17 Permit to keep, required 50 18 Swill— Boiling without permit, prohibited 73-4 25 Hotels and houses; removal of from 108 38 Removing; business of, requires permit 96 33 Streets; must not remain on 81 28 Tallow— Section. Page. Boiling without permit, prohibited 74 25 Rendering regulated 79 27 Tanning— Permit for, required 70 24 Teachers — Schools; duties regarding health 174 68 Tenants— Contagious disease; sailor sick of, to he re- ported by tenants of boarding and lodging houses j29 44 Definition 1 1 Duties of 17 7 Ice and snow; must remove 66 22 Privy, vault, cess-pool, sink ; not to allow con- tents to flow in street, or become nuisance.. 83 29 Privy, etc.; not to have emptied and cleaned, except according to regulation or permit 103 36 Stable; to remove manure, etc 92 32 Tenement and lodging house; ordinance viola- tion, liable after lessee 172 67 Tenement House— Building; conversion into; uses 168 63 Cellar floors, cemented 171 65 Cess-pools, sewer connections, traps, water- closets, w'ater sufficient to flush; accumula- tions in, prohibited; cess-pools in, prohibited. 161 57 Chimneys and fireplaces ; ashes, garbage 171 65 Cleanliness and ventilation in, required 23 10 Construction of, regulated 158 65 Contagious, infectious and pestilential disease in, immediate report of 166 61 Cows, horses, etc. ; keeping in or on premises, prohibited 164 59 Definition 2 2 Definition of 65 Disinfection ; clothing, etc., in, infected, dis- infection of ; destruction of 166 61 Garbage, refuse and receptacles for 164 59 Halls, to open to external air 171 65 Health officials to have access to 166 61 Janitor for, when required 171 65 Lot; space required at rear 169 63 Open space between houses 169 61 Overcrowding prohibited 20 9 " 171 65 Owner’s name must be posted conspicuously on 165 60 Poisonous food and drink prohibited in 35 13 Privies and water closets in ; sewer gases in ; cleanliness required 22 9 Rain-water to be carried off 160 56 Roofs, repair of 160 56 Rooms ; size and ventilation 170 64 Sick persons in, to be reported in 166 61 Storing combustibles in, forbidden : 164 59 To be kept clean, as required by Health De- partment ; street number and nature of oc- cupancy to be reported ; notices as to, ser- vice of 165 60 Tenement House— Con tin ued. Section. Page. Ventilation of 159 56 Violation of ordinances as to ; punishment... 172 67 Water closets in 22. 161 9, 57 Water ; Ridgewood 171 65 Whitewashing 165 60 Yard, animals not to be kept in 164 59 Yard, etc.; drainage into gutter 161 57 Theatre— Cleanliness and ventilation required 21 9 Definition 4 3 Transcripts— Records of births, deaths, marriages ; fees for 191 73 Traps— Tenement house 161 57 Trotters— Must be removed 32 13 Tuberculosis— In cattle 31 12 Tubs— For filth ; construction of ; not to be filled to within four inches of top ; contents not run, etc., into street or river 86 29 Turkeys— Sale of, prohibited, when 36 13 Typhoid— Definition 5 3 Typhus— Definition 5 3 Underground Rooms— Sleeping in, prohibited 163 59 Und ertakers— Registration in Health Department 145 50 Unhealthy Meat— Sale prohibited., 36 13 Unwholesome^- Dress ; drink; food; gift or sale of, prohibited 43 15 Drugs ; food ; medicine 16 7 Food must be condemned and reported to De- partment of Health 42 15 Liquid, sale of, prohibited 37 14 Meat; sale of, prohibited 36 14 Vaccination— Parents and guardians of children to procure. 14l 48 Vault— Contents; in what transported 94 33 Contents to be disinfected before removal 103 36 Emptying ; permit required 93 33 Emptying and cleaning prohibited, except according to regulations of Health Depart- ment, or permit .. 103 36 Not to become nuisance 85 29 Building of, regulated 72, 111 25, 39 Contents of ; not allowed to flow, etc., on streets nor become offensive ; emptying and filling up 83 29 Dwelling in, prohibited 162 58 Sleeping in, prohibited 163 59 105 Veal— Section. Page. Sale of for food, prohibited, when 30 12 Vegetables— Decayed, sale prohibited 34 13 Definition 6 4 Unfit for food 29 12 Sale of on streets or sikewalk without permit, forbidden 64 22 Sale under false representations 37 14 Vehicles— Swill, brine, urine, etc., not allowed to run or drop from, upon street, etc 31 28 Dangerous or nuisance 182 70 Ventilation— Of boarding houses 23 10 Of buildings, to be adequate 17 7 Building without, not to be occupied 18 8 Lodging house; tenement house 159 56 Of manufactories • 23 10 Privy; water closet 72 25 Rooms; tenement and lodging house 170 64 Slaughter-houses 58 20 Of tenement houses 23 10 Required in theatres 21 9 Vessels— Contagious disease on board within quarter mile of any dock, and not*qua.rantined, to be reported 127 43 Contagious disease, and infected persons or articles on vessels to be reported 130 44 Contagion and infection on board vessel and cargo to be reported 131 45 From infected port or quarantine, bringing to dock or pier without permit, prohibited 136 47 From ports south of Cape Henlopen or foreign ports; permit to cast articles from required. 138 47 Wagons 1®2 '0 Water— From building, flowing on streets and side- walks, prohibited 65 22 Offensive, prohibited on premises 70 24 Used by public, pollution of, prohibited; bath- ing in, prohibited 46 16 Used by public, to be kept clean 47 17 Public ; gas, refuse in 71 24 Tenement house; sufficient to flush closets.... 161 57 Tenement and lodging house 171 65 Public ; animals dead, injured, sick, leaving in, prohibited 114 39 Water Closets— Construction; sewer connection,when required 178 69 Not to become nuisance 85 29 In tenement houses 21 Tenement house 161 5. Ventilation and cleanliness ; sewer connec- tions 72 25 Whitewashing— Lodging and tenement houses 165 60 106 Wharf— Section. Page. Vessel within quarter mile of, contagious dis- ease must be reported 127 Filling up with offensive matter, prohibited .. 77 20 Windows— Tenement and lodging house ; area of, in 170 64 Yard— Cattle; permit necessary 53, 59 19, 21 Tenement house; drainage into gutter 161 Yarding— Of animals, permit required 53 19 Tenement house, animals in premises. 164 59 Yellow Fever— Definition 5