RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD of HEALTH OP THE CITY OF FITCHBURG CONCERNING Contagious Diseases. Revised and Arranged for the Use of Teachers in the Pubeic Schools. 1894. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD of HEALTH OF THE CITY OF FITCHBURG CONCERNING Contagious Diseases. Revised and Arranged for the Use of Teachers in the Public Schools. 1894. Printed "by Blanchard & Brown, Fitchburg. PREFACE. Believing that a definite knowledge regarding the rules and regulations of the Board of Health relative to contagious diseases will be of service to all those connected in any way Avith our public schools, this little pamphlet is issued. It is the desire and aim of the Board of Health to protect as fully as possible the individual and collective interests of all school children. By means of a ready reference to what is prescribed, both by statute law and by the rules of the local Board of Health, teachers will be better able to help enforce these provisions and will be saved much trouble and annoyance in regard to any doubtful case. To properly enforce such rules the authority of the Board of Health should in every case be recognized, and certificates from them and not from physicians in general should be accepted. Clarence W. Spring, M. D., Chairman Board of Health. September I, 1894. DISEASES DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. Rui