HOW TO OBTAIN HOME TREATMENT. Realizing that it is not always convenient or possible for everyone to personally visit our Institute, we have formulated and adopted this system whereby those who are afflicted with any form of skin disease, scalp affection, blood disorder, nervous trouble and all afflictions of a like nature, can be successfully treated at their homes, provided the questions on the following page are freely and carefully answered. By this method we are enabled to accurately diagnose any case and pre- pare such remedies as are indicated, which if used as directed will speedily bring about the desired results. OUR FEES ARE EXTREMELY MODERATE, AND IN REACH OF EVERYONE. When only external treatment Is required, we will supply the necessary remedies, in sufllcient quantity for at least one month’s use, with full and ex- plicit directions, for $3.00 W hen both external and internal treatment Is required, we will supply the necessary remedies In sufHcient quant’.ty for at least one month’s use, with full and explicit directions, for $5.00, For unusual cases of a more serious nature and of longer standing, that require a greater amount of care and attention, and in some Instances special Instrument* and costlier medicine, we are compelled to charge a higher fee to cover the extra outlay, but in no Instance Is our'charge excessive. When in doubt as to which course of treatment is necessary and in order to save time in securing prompt medical attention, which in many instances is most essential, the smallest fee named above, or any part thereof, can be remitted when returning the question blank, and the balance will be collected on delivery of the Home Treatment. Or if preferred, return the question blank and we will make the proper diag- nosis, without charge, and advise what treatment will be required with the cost of same, and the amount can then be sent to us. Remit only by Post-Offlce Money Order, Express Money Order, Registered Letter, o«r Draft on New York or Chicago. It is not safe to send currency in letter through the malls. Any further information desired will be cheerfully furnished by ad- dressing our office nearest your home. • JOHN H. WOODBURY DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. 127 WEST 42d STREET CHICAGO, ILL., 163 STATE STREET Note —READ CAREFULLY THE LAST PAGE. WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. THE JOHN H. WOODBURY DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE is the most extensive and best equipped of the kind in this or any other country. With offices in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis, which are under the direct supervision of Dermatologist John H. Woodbury, assisted by a large staff of registered Physicians and Surgeons—specialists of the highest standing, who have at their command every scientific means known to mankind for securing health and featural perfection; and with the knowledge that naturally follows 26 years’ practi- cal experience, feel fully justified in promising the most satisfactory results in all cases that may come under their care. ALL REMEDIES are specially prepared in our laboratory to meet the re- quirements of each individual case, and our system of treatment is simple, thorough, efficient, and based upon the most modern methods of scientific research. The most careful attention is given to all patients while under Home Treatment, which in no way interferes with their daily duties. DISORDERS CURED. Eczema, saltrheum, acne, scaly eruptions, pimples, psoriasis, ring-worm, pale cheeks, sallow or dingy skin, shiny, oily, red or rough skin, moth blotches, liver spots, tan, freckles, sunburn, and all disorders of the skin and blood. Falling hair, baldness, premature grayness, loss of lustre, scurf, scales, dandruff, irritation, itching and all diseases of the hair and scalp. Sleep- lessness, irritability, loss of energy, affections of the nervous system and all dis- orders of a like nature, no matter from what cause or of how long standing, are safely and successfully treated and a permanent cure effected. FEATURES REPAIR.ED. The ill-shaped nose, mouth, lips or chin. Ears that are too large, deformed, or stand off from the head. Eyes with drooping, squinting, baggy or puffy lids. Wrinkles that cloud the complexion, destroying youth and beauty, loose skin, and all other featural imperfections and irregularities of the human face are painlessly corrected and rendered symmetrical, harmonious and expressively attractive. BLEMISHES REMOVED. Warts, moles, superfluous hair, tattoo or powder marks, scars, red nose, red veins, birth-marks and all other disfiguring blemishes of whatever nature, and no matter where located on the human face or body, are speedily, completely and painlessly removed, leaving no trace of their former exist- ence. CONSULTATION either in person or by letter is strictly confidential. All letters are enclosed in plain envelopes, and packages in which the treatment is packed are not labeled or marked with either name or sign to indicate their contents or by whom sent. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON FIRST PAGE. QUESTION BLANK. It is important that we should have a thorough knowledge of your symptoms in order to successfully treat you at home; therefore, in filling out this blank, please be careful to answer each question fully and accurately, which will enable us to properly diagnose your case and supply the necessary treatment that is indicated. Name in full Town or City County or Street State Express Office Express Co Age Weight Married or Single Children Occupation Do you exercise In what way To what extent Appetite good or bad Dyspepsia in any form Tongue coated Bad taste in morning Food cause distress Gas in stomach Bilious Constipated Heada che Dizziness Pain in heart Palpitation Heartburn Falling hair Dandruff Scalp oily Dry Nose red Pores enlarged Red veins Skin oily or dry Red or inflamed Blackheads Pimples Location Contain pus Dry Scaly Malaria in any form Feel tired and languid Feet, hands or limbs cold Perspire freely Sleep restful Irritable in any way Scrofula in family Throat or lung disease Rheumatism Inflammatory Muscular Catarrhal troubles Bowels Lungs Head Kidneys or bladder affected Pain in back or loins Urine scanty or frequent High color Sediment If male, any weakness or o:her troubles If female, any irregularities Weakness Leucorrhoea Describe fully, or as near as you can, the nature of your affection and its duration, also to what cause do you ascribe it. If there are er up! ions on the skin, state location, appearance, and, if in the form of pimples( whether scaly, dry, inflamed, itching, with secretion or pus. Also give any further information you think will aid us in determining the nature of your complaint.