ABSTRACT OF HEALTH LAWS GOVERNING QUARANTINE AT THE PORT OE PHILADELPHIA. CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO THE DUTIES OF OWNERS OF VESSELS, CAPTAINS AND PILOTS, ARRIVING AT SAID PORT, OR DETAINED AT THE LAZARETTO. . DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. PHILADELPHIA: CRISSY & MARKLEY, PRINTERS, GOLDSMITHS HALL, LIBRARY ST. 1860. In order to facilitate a ready compliance with the Quarantine Laws, and to prevent the plea of ignorance of those laws on the part of strangers and others arriving at the Port of Phila- delphia, the Board of Health have caused this pamphlet, con- taining an Abstract of said Laws, together with sundry Rules governing the Quarantine Station, to be published for gratuitous circulation among those persons more immediately interested. Health Office, June 1,1860. INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE. American Coal Vessels to pay no Health Fee 20 Arrivals from Delaware State—how treated 5 Articles exempt from Quarantine 10 Certificate of Health 9 Certificate of Physician after Quarantine 10 Consignees to remove Passengers 28 Duties of Lazaretto Physician 28 Duties of Quarantine Master 25 Duties of Steward 27 Duties of Bargemen 28 Examination of Vessels, Crews and Passengers 9 Further Detention—when necessary....; 11 Goods—how purified 14 Health Fees on American and Foreign Vessels 6 Health Fees on Outer Channel Visits 7 Infected Vessels to be sent back to Quarantine 17 Intercourse between infected Vessels prohibited, and boats secured 14 Not to leave without Certificate from Physician 14 Owners to pay Expenses 10 Owners or Consignees to pay expenses of the Sick 16 Outer Channel Fee—when not charged 28 Passenger Ships—how to pay, and penalty for refusing 21 4 Penalty for violation of Quarantine Laws... 8 Penalty for false answers, 12 Penalty for not presenting Certificate at Health Office.., 12 Penalty for disobeying Orders 12 Penalty for assaulting Health or Quarantine Officers 18 Penalty for harboring such persons 15 Penalty for eloping from Lazaretto, or for violating Quaran- tine Laws. 15 Penalty for disobeying Quarantine Officers 16 Penalty for landing Fish, Vegetables or Hides, without a Permit 19 Penalty for neglect to notice Board of Health of discharge of Cargo 20 Permits to visit Lazaretto 28 Period of Quarantine 8 Period of Detention 11 Pilots Quarantined may proceed to Sea 17 Pilots permitted to remain on shore, within Lazaretto bounds 18 Quarantine Master to charge for cleaning Vessels 18 Ships, when to proceed to Sea 12 Sick eloping, to be apprehended and detained 15 Sick to be removed to the Hospital 13 Vessels detained—how moored 13 Vessels to be detained for Purification 10 Vessels Quarantined—how visited 19 Vessels not to leave without Certificate from Physician 10 Vessels to be removed from port, if necessary 20 Vessels leaving Lazaretto, to give Security 21 Vessels touching at Ports in the U. S. liable to detention 13 ABSTRACTS FROM THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, &c., OF PEMA. RELATIVE TO THE QUARANTINE OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrivals from Delaware State-How Treated. Act January 27th, 1802. Digest of Health Laws. Section I.—That in future, such vessels and crews, goods and passengers, beds, bedding and apparel, as shall appear by the certifi- cate of the Board of Health, or Health Officer, or (where there is no Board of Health or Health Officer,) by that of any regular physician and three justices of the peace, at any port or district in the State of Delaware, to have been landed at least fifteen days within the said State or district, and the said crew and passengers to be in a healthy state, arid the said goods, beds, bedding and ap- parel, to be well aired and purified, and to the best of their knowledge and belief, to be free from contagion and infection, shall, upon due examination of such cer- tificate, by the resident physician or other proper officer at the Lazaretto of the port of Philadelphia, be permit- 6 ted to proceed to Philadelphia or the port or place of their destination, in the same manner as if the said land- ing, airing and purification had taken place at the said Lazaretto: Provided, That nothing hereinbefore con- tained shall prevent the proper officers at the Lazaretto aforesaid, in cases where, after any bill of health as afore- said has been granted at any port or place in the State of Delaware, any infectious or contagious disease shall exist, or be suspected to exist on board any such vessel, from directing such further quarantine or detention, cleansing, airing and purification, as in the judgment of the said officers and Bpard of Health, shall be requisite and necessary for the preservation of the people of the city and port of Philadelphia from pestilential and con- tagious diseases. Health Fees on American and Foreign Vessels. Act January 29 th, 1818. Sect. 2. All American vessels sailing under coasting documents, arriving at the port of Philadelphia, from any port or place in the United States, between the river St. Croix and the river St. Mary, shall pay one dollar for each arrival during quarantine months, and the said ves- sels, during that time, are not required to stop at the Lazaretto, but will pay the fee to the inspector of vessels. And all American vessels from any port in the United States where they may have touched or traded from a foreign port or place, shall pay the same sum as if they had arrived direct from such port or place. All American vessels arriving from any port or place in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canada, or the islands or ports adjacent the river St. Mary’s, the coast of Florida, Bay of Mexico, including New Orleans and parts adja- cent, and from thence along the Bay of Honduras and coast of Terra Firma, as far as the river Amazon, in- 7 eluding all the islands generally denominated West India, Bahamas, or Bermudas, shall pay on arrival five dollars. All American vessels arriving from any place in Europe, in the Western, Madeira, Canary, or Cape Yerd Islands, the west coast of Africa as far as latitude thirty- four degrees south, and from any place in the Mediter- ranean or straits thereof, or from any place from the river Amazon inclusive, and round the coast of Brazil, as far as latitude thirty-four degrees south, shall pay ten dollars each. And all American vessels arriving from any place be- yond latitude thirty-four degrees south, or round Cape Horn, or the Cape of Good Hope, shall pay twenty dol- lars each. And all foreign vessels arriving as aforesaid, (except prizes to American vessels,) shall pay twenty-five per cent, each, additional, unless otherwise regulated by any treaty. And prize vessels taken by foreign armed vessels shall pay twenty-five per cent, each more than is paid by Ame- rican vessels. And prize vessels taken by American vessels, shall pay, on arrival, ten dollars each. And public armed vessels and privateers shall pay sis dollars each. Fees on Cuter Channel Visits. And any vessel of the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons and upwards, arriving at the Lazaretto from any foreign port or coastwise, may come to in the outer channel, as near to the west end of the island of Little Tinicum, opposite the Lazaretto, as her draft of water, wind and weather will permit, for the purpose of re- ceiving the visit from the Lazaretto physician and Qua- rantine master. 8 And if the said vessel does not receive her visit in the inner channel, she shall pay an additional sum of five dollars, of which two dollars shall be paid to the Laza- retto physician, and one dollar to the Quarantine master, as a compensation for their extraordinary services, and two dollars shall be paid into the treasury of the Board. Period of Quarantine. Section IV. From and after the passing of this act, every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place bound to the port of Philadelphia, between the first day of June and the first day of October in every year, shall come to anchor in the river Delaware, as near the Lazaretto as the draft of water and the weather will allow, before any part of the cargo or baggage be landed, or any person who came in such ship or vessel shall leave her, or any person be permitted to go on board, and shall submit to the examination hereinafter directed. Penalties for Violation of Quarantine Laws. And if any master, commander, or pilot, shall leave his station before the said Lazaretto, or if any master or commander shall permit or suffer any part of the cargo or baggage, or any person or persons arriving in such ship or vessel from any port beyond the limits of the United States, to be landed on either shore of the Dela- ware bay, or river, or suffer any person, except the pilot, to come on board before such examination be duly had, and a certificate obtained as is hereinafter specified, the person or persons so permiting, and the person or per- sons so landed, or going on board (unless imminent danger of the loss of the vessel or lives of the crew shall render assistance necessary,) being thereof convicted, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein directed. 9 Examination of Vessels, Crews and Passengers. And it shall be the duty of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, so soon as any ship or vessel shall be anchored near the Lazaretto, between sunrise and sunset, immediately, wind and weather permitting, to go on board the same, and there thoroughly examine, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed by the Board of Health, the said ship or vessel, the crow, pas- sengers, cargo, and baggage on board the same, and to demand answers under oath or affirmation, to be admin- istered by either the said Physician or Quarantine master, * * * * touching the health of the crew and pas- sengers during the voyage, and the nature and state of the cargo. And if upon such examination it shall appear to the said Physician and Quarantine master, that the said ship or vessel came from a port or place at which no malig- nant or contagious disease prevailed at the time of her departure, that the persons on board such ship or ves- sel are free from every pestilential or contagious disease, (measles excepted,) and that the said vessel has had no malignant disease on board either during the homeward bound voyage, or during her continuance in a foreign port, and they shall see no cause to suspect that the cargo or any part thereof is infected, they shall forth- with deliver to the master or captain of such ship or vessel a certificate of the facts. Certificate of Health. And the said captain or master may, thereupon, pro- ceed according to his destination, and shall present such certificate at the Health office in Philadelphia, within twenty-four hours after his arrival and safely mooring there. 10 Vessels to be detained for Purification. But if it shall appear, upon such examination, that the ship or vessel came from a port or place at which a malignant or contagious disease prevailed, such vessel shall be detained at the Lazaretto for such time as the Board of Health shall deem necessary, not exceeding twenty days. Owners to pay Expenses. And thereupon the Board of Health shall determine and direct what measures shall be pursued to cleanse the vessel and cargo, purify the clothing and baggage, and restore the health of diseased persons on board, * * at the expense of the master, owners or con- signees of the vessel and goods. Articles exempt from Quarantine. Provided always, That wine, rum, salt, sugar, spirits, molasses, mahogany, manufactured tobacco, dye woods, preserved fruits, and such other articles as the Board of Health shall, by their general regulations specify and permit, may be conveyed immediately to the city, in lighters. Certificate of Physician after Quarantine. And at the expiration of the said time, if it shall appear to the said Physician and Quarantine master, that no person has been sick with a malignant or con- tagious disease, (measles excepted,) on board said ship or vessel, either during the voyage homeward, or during her continuance in a foreign port, nor any of the crew 11 or passengers, or other persons from on board such vessel during the performance of quarantine, and the said Physician and Quarantine master shall certify the said facts to the Board of Health, and that, in their opinion, the vessel, crew, cargo and passengers, may be safely suffered to proceed to the city, the said captain or master may proceed with the same according to his destination, whenever the Board of Health shall autho- rize the same to proceed and enter the city. Further Detention—when Necessary. But if upon examination of any vessel by the said Physician and Quarantine master, as aforesaid, or during the performance of quarantine by any vessel, it shall appear to the said Physician and Quarantine master that there has been any person sick on board the said vessel with any malignant or contagious disease, either during the voyage homeward, or during the continu- ance of the vessel in a foreign port, or during the per- formance of quarantine at the Lazaretto, (or that any person on board such vessel has been affected with such disease,) then in such case, the vessel shall be detained such farther time as the Board of Health may deem necessary. Period of Detention. And the cargo and baggage shall, unless otherwise ordered and directed by the Board of Health, be unladen and thoroughly cleansed and purified. The crew and passengers, and the cargo and baggage on board the same, shall not be suffered to enter the city before the first day of October, then next ensuing, without the permission of the Board of Health. 12 When to Proceed to Sea. Provided nevertheless, That such ship or vessel, after she shall have been thoroughly cleansed and purified, if no malignant disease appear on board, may be allowed to take in freight at the Lazaretto by means of lighters, and proceed to sea. Penalty for False Answers. And if any master or captain, or other person, on board any vessel which shall be examined agreeably to this law, shall not true answers make to all such ques- tions as the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master shall ask such person, for each and every otfence, being thereof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter provided and directed, and moreover shall be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for any term not less than one year, and not ex- ceeding live years. Penalty for not Presenting Certificate at Health Office. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, shall neglect to present his certificate at the Health office, in any case in which he is hereinbefore directed so to do, within the time directed by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed. Penalty for Disobeying Orders. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, or any other person on board the same, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, which shall be made agreeably to this act or the regulations of the Board of Health, such person, for each and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than two hundred dollars, to be reco- vered and appropriated as is hereinafter provided and directed. Vessels Touching- at Ports in the United States Liable to Detention. Section V. Any ship or vessel coming from any port or place within the United States, at which port or place the said ship or vessel had only called in or touched, upon her arrival from a foreign port or place, shall be liable and subject to all the rules, regulations and restrictions of the preceding sections of this act, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had directly arrived at the Lazaretto from a foreign port or place without having first touched at a port or place within the United States, The Sick to be Removed to the Hospital. Section XI. It shall be the duty of the Lazaretto physician, immediately on the arrival of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Lazaretto in order to be cleansed and purified, to cause the sick, if any on board, to be removed to the Lazaretto hospital. 14 Vessels detained—how moored. Section XII. It shall bo the duty of the Quaran- tine master, immediately after the arrival and examina- tion of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Lazaretto, for purification, to direct and cause such ship or vessel to be properly moored near the Lazaretto, at such distance from any vessel or vessels under quar- antine, as may prevent the communication of any infec- tious disease to or from the same. Goods—how purified. And the cargo, bedding, and clothing, or any part thereof, contained in such ship or vessel, to be landed, cleansed and purified, under the direction of the Laza- retto physician. Intercourse between infected vessels prohibited, and boats secured. . And it~shall be the particular duty of the said Quar- antine master to prevent any personal intercourse be- tween the persons on board different vessels under quar- antine, and for that purpose to take possession of and secure the boats of such vessels, from sunset to sunrise, of the succcdiug day, until their respective terms of quar- antine shall be completed, and to preserve and enforce order and obedience to this act. Hot to leave without Certificate from Physician. Section XVI. Every diseased person duly landed or sent to the Lazaretto, shall be there kept and maintained until the Lazaretto physician shall graut him or her a discharge in writing. 15 The Sick eloping, to be apprehended and detained. And if before obtaining a discharge as aforesaid, any such person shall elope or otherwise absent himself or herself from the Lazaretto, it shall be lawful for the Health officer, or any constable or other person whom he shall call to his assistance, and they are hereby enjoined and required to lend such assistance, to pursue and apprehend the person so escaping or absenting himself or herself from the Lazaretto, and there again deliver him or her, to be detained until he or she be duly dis- charged as aforesaid. And moreover, the person so eloping and absenting himself or herself shall, for each and every offence, suffer such temporary confinement in the Lazaretto, not exceeding three mouths, as the Board of Health shall ordain and award. Penalty for harboring such persons. And if any master or captain shall, knowingly, re- ceive or employ on board of his ship or vessel, or if any housekeeper or other inhabitant of this Commonwealth shall knowingly receive, harbor, or in any way entertain any person so eloping or absenting from the Lazaretto, each and every master and captain, and each and every housekeeper or inhabitant so respectively offending, shall, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a sum of two hundred dollars. Penalty for eloping from Lazaretto, or for violating Quarantine laws. And if any person arriving in and belonging to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall elope or absent himself or herself, without having 16 first obtained a discharge, signed by the Lazaretto phy- sician and Quarantine master, or if any person other than those detained at the Lazaretto, as aforesaid, shall go on board or alongside of any ship or vessel whilst under quarantine, as aforesaid, or if any person not authorized by the Board of Health, shall go within the limits of the Lazaretto, such person or persons shall per- form such quarantine as the Board of Health may direct; the person so offending, upon legal conviction of such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed. Penalty for disobeying Quarantine Officers. And if any diseased or other person arriving in or belonging to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the Lazaretto physician or Quarantine master, re- spectively, agreeably to this act, and the order and regu- lations of the Board of Health, the person so refusing or neglecting, shall, for each and every offence, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed. Owners or Consignees, &c., of Vessels to pay the Ex- penses of Sick. And the expense and charge of boarding, lodging, nursing, medicine, maintenance, and other necessaries, which shall have been provided for the diseased persons landed and sent to the Lazaretto as aforesaid, and also of burying them in case of their death, shall be paid and discharged by the importer, master or captain, owner or consignee of the ships or vessels, respectively, in which such diseased persons were respectively imported : Provided always, nevertheless, That when the diseased persons are passengers and not servants, the said expense and charges shall be repaid by them, their executors or administrators, to the captain or master, owner or con- signee, who shall pay and satisfy, or be bound to pay and satisfy, the same as aforesaid. Infected Vessels to be sent back to Quarantine. Section XVII. When any vessel shall come up to the city of Philadelphia, although the said vessel may have obtained a certificate of health from the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, if the said vessel shall appear to the Board of Health to be infected with any contagious disorder, dangerous to the community, the said board are hereby authorized to order the said vessel to the Lazaretto, there to undergo the necessary purifi- cation before being permitted to return to the city afore- said. Pilots Quarantined may Proceed to Sea, Section XIX. No pilot, bringing a ship or vessel to the Lazaretto in an apparent state of good health, shall be obliged to perform quarantine, but the Lazaretto physician shall grant such pilot a certificate permitting him to proceed to the Capes of Delaware, in order that he may prosecute bis profession, but such pilot shall not on any pretence come into the city of Philadelphia, for twenty days from the date of such certificate, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, or one year’s imprison- ment, which penalty shall be recovered and applied in the manner hereinafter directed. 18 Pilots permitted to Remain on shore within Lazaretto hounds. And any pilot bringing to the said Lazaretto a ship or vessel infected, or supposed to be infected, with any pestilential or contagious disease, may be permitted to go and remain on shore within the bounds of the Laza- retto (luring the time the ship or vessel brought thither shall be detained under quarantine : Provided always, That if the said vessel shall be infected with any such disease as aforesaid, he shall be detained and treated in the like manner as seamen or passengers so infected are herein directed to be detained and treated : And pro- vided further, That if he shall go without the bounds of the Lazaretto, he shall be liable to the same penalties as are by this act imposed on seamen or passengers es- caping therefrom. Penalty for Assaulting Health or Quarantine Officers. Section XXVIII. And if after the expiration of the quarantine, any mariner or other person who shall have complied with the regulations hereby established, shall commit any violence on the person of a member of the Board of Health, or any of the officers attached to the same, for anything done in the execution of his duty, such person shall be subject, on conviction thereof, to a fine of two hundred dollars, and shall also be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for any term not exceed- ing three years. Quarantine Master to Charge for Cleaning Vessels. Section XXX. The Quarantine master shall accom- pany the Lazaretto physician, on the arrival of vessels at the Lazaretto, and shall have them moored, and when 19 necessary, well cleansed and white-washed, for which he shall he paid in addition to his salary, by the master, owner, or consignee, and shall be allowed to charge for lime and brushes the usual prices at which such articles are retailed in the city of Philadelphia. Vessels Quarantined—how Visited. And no person shall be permitted to go on board any vessel under quarantine, except the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, unless at the request of either of them, to perform some necessary service. Penalty for Landing1 Fish, Vegetables, or Hides, without a Permit. Act April 2,1821. Supplement.—Section 111. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, no ship or vessel which shall be laden with, or have on board any vegetables, fish or hides, shall be unladen at the port of Philadelphia, until a permit shall be applied for and obtained from the Board of Health. And if any master, captain, owner or owners, con- signee or consignees, or other persons, shall presume to unlade from on board of any such ship or vessel, any vegetables, fish or hides, without first having applied for and obtained a permit from the Board of Health, every such master, captain, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other person so offending, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is directed in the act to which this is a supplement. 20 Notice to Board of Health of Discharge of Cargo, and Penalty for Neglect. Section IV. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, within forty-eight hours after the discharge of the cargo of every ship or vessel at the port of Philadelphia, it shall be the duty of the captain or master, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, and other person having the direction of the discharge of the same, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as by the act to which this is a supplement is directed, to give, or cause to be given, to the Board of Health, notice that the same cargo is discharged, and to permit and suffer the Board of Health, by themselves, or by their lawful agent, by them for that purpose appointed, to examine the condi- tion of the hold, ballast and limbers of such ship or vessel. Vessel to hs Removed from port if necessary. And if the Board of Health shall deem it for the safety and health of the city of Philadelphia, they are hereby authorized and empowered to designate a proper place to which the said ship or vessel shall be taken, and that her hold, ballast and limbers shall there be cleansed and purified, or at the expense of such captain or master, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other person having the direction of the discharge of the cargo, to send, or cause to be sent, such ship or ves- sel to a proper place, and have her hold, ballast and limbers cleansed and purified. American Coal Vessels to pay no Health Fee. Act June 11, 1832. Supplement.—Section 11. From and after the first day of July next, no health fee or half pilotage shall bo 21 charged on any American vessel engaged in the Penn- sylvania coal trade. Vessels leaving Lazaretto to give Security. Act February 3, 1848. Supplement.—Section VIII. No vessel shall be per- mitted to leave the Lazaretto, without first giving secu- rity, to be approved by the Board of Health, for the payment of all expenses of said vessel, and of passen- gers and other persons imported therein, which said vessels, their captains, owners, or consignees, are by law made liable. Passenger Ships how to pay, and Penalty for Refusing. Act March 25, 1850. Supplement.—Section IV. For the purpose of more effectual!}7 securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious dis- eases, every ship or vessel arriving from a foreign port, shall, in addition to the visitation and examination now prescribed, be visited by the Lazaretto physician before passing the Lazaretto, or the Port physician before being hauled to any wharf within the city or port of Philadelphia, and such Lazaretto physician or Port phy- sician, as the case may be, shall rigidly examine the baggage, effects and property of the passengers and crow; for which service he shall then receive and pay over to the Board of Plealth the sum of fifty cents for each and every person on board such vessel: Provided, That in advance of such visit or payment of money, and in lieu thereof, the Board of Health may take security from the master, owner, or consignee of the vessel, or importer of or agent for the passengers, conditioned for the payment of all such sums immediately on the arrival 22 of such ship or vessel at the city or port of Philadel- phia ; and if any master, pilot, owner, or consignee of such ship or vessel, or any other person, shall bring or cause to be brought, such ship or vessel from the Laza- etto, or haul, or cause her to be hauled to any wharf be- fore paying such money, or giving security as aforesaid, he or they so offending, shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the Board of Health the sum of five hun- dred dollars; to be recovered as penalties of like amount are now by law recoverable. RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, For the Government of the Lazaretto, in reference to Vessels, Crews, Passengers, Baggage, Cargo, &c. Lazaretto Physician. The Lazaretto physician is required to hold himself in readiness to visit, without delay, all vessels that come to at the Lazaretto, between sunrise and sunset, whether in the inner or outer channel. No visit is to be delayed on any con- sideration whatever, provided the wind and weather will permit it to be made without danger to the boat and its crew. Act 1818, Sec. 4th, Digest of Health Laws. On boarding a vessel, before administering to the captain the oath or affirmation required by law, he shall assemble the crew and passengers on deck, and examine personally into the state of their health ; such as may be sick to be visited below. In this manner he shall ascertain that all on board are free from sickness, and correspond in number with the cap- tain’s statement. Sec. 4th. Such vessels as upon a close examination, made in conjunction with the Quarantine master, he shall ascertain to have arrived from healthy ports, with healthy crews, to be in a perfectly clean condition, to have a sound cargo, not liable to produce infection should it be allowed to enter the city, and that no person has died on board during the voyage of any malignant, contagious or otherwise suspicious disease, he shall at once permit up, giving to the master thereof a certificate of the Sec. 4th. 24 facts, directed to the Health Officer. In every case, pre- viously to permitting a vessel to pass up, he is required to ascertain that the bilge water has been changed, by pour- ing fresh water into the pumps, and continuing to work them until nothing but pure water is discharged. No vessel whatever is to be permitted up, imtil the bilge water is rendered entirely pure. All vessels not answering to the above descrip- tion, he shall detain at the Lazaretto, and await the orders of the Board in relation to them. Sick persons, however, are to be landed without delay, ventilation of the hold, cabin, and forecastle, at once commenced, and all articles of an offensive nature taken from on board. Sec. 4th. Whenever he shall have any doubt as to the propriety of permitting up a vessel, he may de- tain her until he receives orders from the Board. Sec. 4th. All vessels coming from ports in the United States, north of Sandy hook, and which shall have for their cargoes plaster, salt, brimstone, and iron, only, and no other articles of foreign produce and manufacture, shall be allowed to proceed to the city without being subjected to a visit from the Lazaretto physican, as in the opinion of this Board these articles are not capable of containing contagion. Sec,. 2d. In conjunction with the Quarantine master, he is required to visit and inspect, daily, every vessel under quarantine, or undergoing purifi- cation. Sec. 11th. Vessels sent down from the city by order of the Board, or for purihcation, are to be pro- ceeded with in the same manner.as though they had stopped at the Lazaretto in their passage up. Sec. 17th. He is not to permit any person to pass within the bounds of the Lazaretto, or to leave the same during the quarantine season, nor any person during the same period to land at the wharf, or See. 16th. 25 United States property attached to the institution, with- out a special permit of the Board, communicated to him in writing. And should any person enter, leave or land as aforesaid, without a permit as above, he is required to communicate the fact to the Board, that the persons so offending may be dealt with according to law. The Quarantine master is required, whenever the wind and weather will permit, to visit with- out delay, in conjunction with the Lazaretto physician, all vessels which shall come to at the Laza- retto, between sunrise and sundown, whether in the outer or inner channel, to examine carefully into the condition, in regard to cleanliness, of the hold, cabin and forecastle of such vessels, to have the bilge water pumped out, and by the introduction of fresh water, to purify, completely, the run and limbers of the said ves- sels, and also to ascertain whether any part of the cargo is in a damaged or infectious condition, and to report the result of his examination to the Lazaretto physician. Quarantine Master. Sect.lth. He shall have a watch set in front, of the sta- tion during the night, and generally preserve order in and about the Lazaretto, and enforce obedience to, and prevent as far as it lies in his power, any neglect, evasion, or violation of the Health Law, or of the rules, resolutions and ordinances of the Board. Sect. 12th. He is not to permit any one to enter into, or leave the bounds of the Lazaretto or Quarantine station, or to laud at the wharf or United States property attached to the institution, on any pretext whatever, during the Quarantine season, unless by the special permission of the Board, communicated to the Lazaretto physician in writing. And if any person should enter, leave or land as aforesaid, without such permit, he is required to communicate the fact to the Board, that the person so olfcndiug may be dealt with according to law. Sect. 16th. 26 Whenever he shall find, upon examination, that any vessel stopping at the Lazaretto is in a perfectly clean condition, and no part of her cargo is in a damaged or infected state, and the Laza- retto physician shall decide that the said vessel may be permitted up, he will sign with him the permit to that effect. Sect.4th. Whenever a vessel is detained at the Laza- retto, with a sick crew, for purification or under quarantine, it will become the duty of the Quarantine master to have her properly and safely moored at such distance from the Lazaretto, and all other vessels at the station, as shall prevent the communica- tion of disease to or from the same. He shall prevent any person from going on board vessels so detained, except for the performance of some essential duty, and then only with the consent of the Lazaretto physician, and he is required to take under his charge and effectu- ally secure the boats of all such vessels detained as above, every night from sunset to sunrise. Sect. 12th. The purification of vessels detained at the Lazaretto, by ventilation, scrubbing and white washing, is to be performed under the direction and superintendence of the Quarantine master, whenever the same shall be directed by the Lazaretto physician. Sect. 30th. Whenever a vessel is detained at the Laza- retto, he is in every instance to examine into the state of the men’s clothing, and if any is found to be foul or infected, to have the same sent on shore, to be washed by the Steward. He shall in no case what- ever, charge for the lime and brushes used in cleansing vessels, more than the retail price in Philadelphia of such articles, agreeably to the positive directions of the Health Law; the Board will never countenance a de- viation from this injunction. Sect. 30th. He is required, under the orders and direc- tion of the Lazaretto physician, to have all the sick removed from on board of vessels stopping Sect. llth. 27 at the Lazaretto, also such portions of the cargo, bag- gage, and stores, as the said Physician may deem neces- sary, to be cleansed and purified: the cleansing and puri- fication of the same are also to be superintended by him. When a vessel has undergone purification, or has completed her period of quarantine, he is required to certify to the fact, in conjunction with the Lazaretto physician. He is required to visit daily, in company with the latter officer, every vessel under quarantine or undergoing purification, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of her crew, hold and cargo. Sect. 11th. He shall take charge of the letter bags of all vessels detained at the Lazaretto, and also of all letters and papers delivered to him at any time by the captain, crew, or other persons belonging to the said vessels, and de- liver them to the postmaster within the Lazaretto. So soon as a patient is discharged from or dies at the Lazaretto, the Steward shall make out and transmit forthwith to the Board, a bill against the “ owner, captain or consignee” of the vessel from which the said patient was landed, for his or her board and attendance, at the rate of seventy-five cents for each day the said patient has remained at the Laza- retto, counting the day of entrance and departure each one day; and in case of his or her death, an additional sum of three dollars for funeral expenses. Steward. Sec. 16th. He shall be allowed to furnish to the vessels and pas- sengers detained under quarantine, whatever supplies they may require, for which he shall make such charges as shall be allowed by the Lazaretto Committee, and shall furnish to the said Committee a list of the articles so supplied. Whenever a vessel is detained under quarantine, should the Quarantine master deem the same necessary, the Steward shall have the clothing of the crew and passengers well ventilated, washed, and ironed, for 28 which he shall be permitted to charge the sum of thirty-seven and a half cents per dozen: Provided al- ways, That the same cannot, in the opinion of the Qua- rantine master, be done promptly by the crew and pas- sengers themselves. Bargemen. The Bargemen shall keep watch during the night in such manner as shall be directed by the Lazaretto Com- mittee, and sound the watch-bell every half-hour, from nine o’clock in the evening until sunrise; they shall be prepared and required at any moment during the night to man the boat in case of accident or alarm on board of any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto, and pro- ceed with all possible expedition to the relief of the ship or vessel, passengers and crew. The owners or consignees of vessels from which pas- sengers have been landed at the Lazaretto, shall be notified, when the said passengers are discharged in a debilitated state, to provide some conveyance to bring them to the city. Notice to Consignees to Remove Passengers. Permits to Visit lazaretto. In all applications to visit the Lazaretto, the names of the persons on whose behalf the application is made, must be given, as well as the time at which they wish to enter, and the intended duration of their stay, and the number of persons must be stated. No permit shall be given to any person to visit the families of either of the officers of the Lazaretto, except- ing upon a request made through the said officers, and unless the application come from said families. No person shall be permitted to enter or depart from the Lazaretto whilst there is a vessel undergoing qua- rantine, or persons sick in the Hospital. Outer Channel Fee—When not Charged. No outer channel fee shall be charged on any vessel below 150 tons burthen, when the Lazaretto physician is making or about making an outside visit.