A NEW MYRINGOTOME BY T. H. SHASTID, M.D. NEW INSTRUMENTS A NEW MYRINGOTOME. T. H. Shastid, M. U., Fairfield, 111. THE accompanying illustration is that of an instru- ment which 1 have found so useful that I wish to offer it to the profession. It is a myringotome, the oper- ative extremity of which consists of three triangular blades set upon a shaft at equal intervals, and terminating in a common point. Each blade cuts on the principle of a Beer’s cataract knife. This instrument makes a triple incision—represented at the left of the figure—at a single puncture. It is of service, of course, chief!}7 in cases of inspissated or tenacious mucus or pus in the tympanum. In these cases a simple, slit-like incision is often wholly inadequate for the removal of the masses, and the triple incision produced by the instrument I offer is, as corn- spared with either a flap or an extensive incision formed by a knife, produced with less difficulty to the operator and less pain to the patient, since it is made at one single puncture. The instrument is made by Win. H. Armstrong & Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., to whom my thanks are due for skill shown in its construction. Reprinted from the Archives of Otoeogy, Yol.