NLM QOID'WI 3 *v<- SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. Section, $ a—163U NLM001099493 . t ) EXAMINATION OF WATER. LEFFMANN. I BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ANALYSIS OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS. SECOND EDITION. i2mo. 120 pages. Illustrated. Net, $1.25. SANITARY RELATIONS OF THE COAL-TAR COLORS BY THEODORE WEYL. AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION. i2mo. 154 pages. Net, $1.25. P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO., Philadelphia. Examination of Water SANITARY AND TECHNIC PURPOSES. HENRY LEFFMANN, A.M., M.D., Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE WOMAN S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN THE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, AND IN THE WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. 4t£ j^r, FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AN\D ENLXkOEO^XXH^. JCV X illustration&URGZOH GENERAL'S OFFICE OCT. --0.-1899 PHILADELPHIA BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. IOI2 WALNUT STREET 1899 W^iA \ Copyright, 1899, by P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Press of Wm. F. Fell & Co., 1220-24 Sansom St., philadelphia. I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO THE MEMORY OF fll>S /l&otber, TO WHOSE WISE PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE IN MY BABYHOOD I OWE WHATEVER MERIT MY MANHOOD YEARS MAY SHOW. VI] PREFACE. In preparing the fourth edition I have not found it necessary to make many changes. No great advance in analytic methods in this field has taken place since the publication of the third edition. Some improvements in details, drawn partly from the literature of the subject, partly from my own experience, have been inserted. It is opportune, however, to call attention to the more conservative view that is now taken as to the value of bacteriologic examinations. The efforts made some years ago by bacteriologists to discredit the value of chemical analysis have failed, and it is now generally admitted that mere microbe-counting is of little use in judging of the sanitary value of water samples. The best bacteriologists are also free to admit that up to the present time the detection of pathogenic bacteria in water is so difficult a task as to be rarely accomplished. There has been so much inaccurate and even dishonest work done in this field that it is incumbent on every one who reports upon the bacteriologic examination of water samples to give in detail the method followed, in order that the data may be properly valued. ix x PREFACE. The day is probably not far distant when it will be recognised that both chemical and bacteriologic examina- tions of ordinary surface-waters are of little importance, since such waters can not be allowed for drinking purposes unless efficiently filtered. Apart from various general considerations, the investigations as to the relations of insects and other minute organisms as conveyors of disease germs must lead us to regard with suspicion any water that may receive material from the surface of the ground. H. L. 71 j Walnut Street, June, i8gg. CONTENTS. Note on Water-supply,............. ^ffe Natural History and Classification of Natural Waters. Rain Water—Surface Water—Subsoil Water—Deep Water,.................. !6_22 Analytic Operations. Sanitary Examinations: Collection and Preliminary Examination — Total Solids—Chlorin—Nitrogen in Ammonium Com- pounds and Organic Matter—Nitrogen as Nitrates —Nitrogen as Nitrites—Oxygen-consuming Power — Phosphates — Dissolved Oxygen — Poisonous Metals—Biologic Examinations,....... 23-82 Technic Examinations: General Quantitative Analysis—Spectroscopic Anal- ysis—Specific Gravity,............ 82-98 Interpretation of Results. Statement of Analysis — Sanitary Applications — Action of Water on Lead—Technic Applica- tions—Boiler Waters—Sewage Effluents—Purifi- cation of Water—Identification of Source of Water>..................99-135 Analytic Data. Factors for Calculation—Conversion Table —Rain and Subsoil Waters—Artesian Waters—City Sup- pHes,...................136-140 Index,.....................143-145 xi NOTE ON WATER-SUPPLY. The human race must have recognized at an early period the value of an abundant supply of pure and refreshing water. Pastoral communities would be obliged to guide their movements along lines that would keep them within convenient reach of streams and pools for watering cattle ; agricultural nations could only establish themselves where water was abundant. Of the two classes, the former would be much less likely to develop soil-pollution, and, accord- ingly, we find that it is with agricultural and manufac- turing centers—/'. Cobalt, . . Co 59 Scandium, . Sc 44.1 Columbium, Cb 94 Selenium, Se 79.1 Copper, Cu 63.6 Silicon, . . Si 28.4 Erbium, . E 166 Silver, . . . Ag 107.93 Fluorin, F 19 Sodium, . . Na 23-05 Gadolinum, Gd 156 Strontium, . Sr 87.6 Gallium, . Ga 70 Sulfur, . . . S 32.06 Germanium, Ge 72 Tantalum, Ta 183 Glucinum, Be 9-i Tellurium, . Te 127 Gold, . . Au 197.2 Terbium, . . Tb 160 Helium, . He 4 Thallium, Tl 204.1 Hydrogen, H 1 Thorium, . . Th 232 Indium, . In 114 Thulium, . . Tu 170 Iodin, . . I 126.9 Tin, .... Sn 118.5 Iridium, . Ir 193 Titanium, Ti 48.1 Iron, . . Fe 56 Tungsten, W 184 Lanthanum, La 138 Uranium, . . U 239-5 Lead, . . Pb 206.9 Vanadium, . V 51.2 Lithium, . Li 7 Ytterbium, . Yb 173 Magnesium, Mg 24-3 Yttrium, . . Y 89 Manganese, Mn 55 Zinc, . . . Zn 65-4 Mercury, . Hg 200.3 Zirconium, . Zr 90.6 135 136 FACTORS FOR CALCULATION. Parts per FACTORS FOR CALCULATION. 100,000 X °-7 = Grains per Imperial Gallon. 1,000,000 X °-°7 = " " " 100,000 X °-583 = " " U. S. " 1,000,000 x 0.058 = " " " " 1,000,000 X 0-°°833 = Pounds per 1000 U. S. Gal. Imp. gallon -4- 0.7 = Parts per 100,000 " " -h 0.07 = " " 1,000,000 U. S. " ~- 0.583 = " " 100,000 " " -=- 0.058 = " " 1,000,000 Parts per 100,000 divided by 2 and quotient increased one-tenth gives approximately grains per U. S. Gallon. A1203,.........X 0.530 = Al AgCl,.........X 0.248 = CI BaS04, ........X 0.589 = Ba BaS04,........X 0-411 = S04 B203..........X 0.313 = B CaO,.........X 0.714 = Ca CaO,......... X 1-78 = CaC03 CaC03.........X °-4° = Ca CI...........X 1-65 = NaCl t Fe203,.........X °-7 = Fe KC1,.........X 0.524 = K 2KCI, PtCl4.......X 0.16 = K 2KCI, PtCl4,......X 0.30 = KC1 Mg2P207,.......X 0.218 = Mg Mg2P207,.......X 0.853 = P04 Mg2P207,.......X 0.757 = MgC03 MnS,.........X 0.632 = Mn NaCl,........X 0.393 = Na N,.........X 4-42 = N03 N,..........X 3-27 = N02 N».........-X 5-84 = Ca(N03)2 N...........X 121 = NH3 NH3,.........X 0.823 = N CONVERSION TABLE. J37 CONVERSION TABLE. Parts Grains per Grains per Million. U. S. Gallon. per Imp. Gal. I O.058 O.07 2 0.116 O.14 3 O.174 0.21 4 O.232 0.28 5 O.290 0-35 6 0.348 0.42 7 O.406 0.49 8 0.464 O.56 9 0.522 0.63 IO 0.580 O.70 n O.638 0.77 u O.696 O.84 13 0-754 O.91 14 0.812 0.98 LS 0.870 O.05 16 0.928 I.12 17 0.986 1.19 18 I.044 I.26 '9 1.102 1-33 20 1.160 1.40 21 1.218 i-47 22 I.276 i-54 23 1-334 1.61 24 1.392 1.68 25 1-45° i-75 Parts per Million. 26 27 28 Grains per U. S. Gallon. I.508 I.566 1.624 29 1.682 30 1.740 31 1.798 32 1.856 33 1.914 34 1.972 35 2.030 36 2.088 37 2.146 38 2.204 39 2.262 40 2.320 41 2.378 42 2.436 43 2.494 44 2-552 45 2.610 46 2.668 47 2.726 48 2.784 49 2.842 5° 2.900 138 ANALYSES OF RAIN AND SUBSOIL WATERS. ANALYSES OF RAIN AND SUBSOIL WATERS. Milligrams per Liter. From c/5 Q J O J < h 0 H z 2 0 j X u d 1 > n Z Z < O Z < z d z < z Rain water. Subsoil water Bellefonte — collected by Prof. Wm. Frear, after long rain. Wynnewood—pool fed by underground spring. Wynnewood —well about 150 yards from above. Wynnewoo d—well polluted by farm-yard drainage; about 500 yards from pool. Pump-well in densely populated district. Highly contaminated Newly dug well in populated district. Highly contaminated. Well at Barren Hill, 130 feet deep. 5 65 60 1120 620 470 none 6.20 4.00 16.00 57.00 120.00 120.00 0.148 0.032 0.024 0.208 1.00 0.08 undt. 0.280 0.024 0.016 0.028 3.120 2.00 undt. none none none none 0.01 0.03 traces none 2-3 3-5 14.2 33-0 16.0 22.0 ANALYSES OF ARTESIAN WATERS. 139 ANALYSES OF ARTESIAN WATERS. Milligrams per Liter. Condition, . . . Reaction, . . . SiOo....... SO.J...... P04....... COa (combined), CI........ HoS..... Mil....... Fe....... Ca....... Mg, ...... Na....... K........ N by KM11O4, NasNH4> . . . N as NO., . . . N as NO3, . . . Philadelphia. CU > < in CA 73 a ■a -c 5 ■gss rt M 2 "Si C/l 5*2 O en u cu PO.S u U M Clear. Slightly turbid. Clear. Clear. Alkaline. Alkaline. Alkaline. Alkaline. 34-5° 35-oo 29.00 19.50 36-26 9.90 15.24 102.36 0.31 0.31 Trace. 0.38 110.17 54.80 108.64 50.64 91.77 108.50 172.00 554-48 Trace. 4-32 7.70 5-7° 1.05 44.28 50.00 101.42 53-57 7.98 12.60 22.27 6.48 84.13 32.46 55-83 378.63 8-54 4.10 6.28 I race. Not det. 0.048 0.015 0.148 Not det. 0.034 0.004 0.132 None. None. Trace. None. Trace. None. 1.00 None. EXAMPLES OF CITY SUPPLIES. Milligrams per Liter. City...... New York City. Brooklyn. Boston. Cincin-nati. Chicago. Little Rock,Ark. Philadel-phia. Washing-ton, D. C. Class of Water, Surface. Subsoil. Surface. Surface. Surface. Surface. Surface. Surface. Total Solids, . 75-o 64.0 47.6 156.0 140.00 136.0 283.0 120.00 126.00 Chlorin, . . . 2.8 13-5 5-1 34-8 14.00 2.3 8.2 4.00 2.8 Nitrogen as Ni-trates, . . . 0.28 16.0 0.07 °-5 0.26 Trace. 1.1 1.00 1.0 Nitrogen as Ni-trites, .... None None. 0.001 0.01 None. None. 0.001 Nitrogen as Ammonium, 0.009 0.001 0.008 0.38 0.003 0.005 0.012 0.01 0.00 Nitrogen by permanganate, 0.06 0.07 0.16 0.23 0.09 0.075 0.13 0.10 0.12 The figures are taken from official reports and do not represent averages of large numbers of analyses, but individual analyses of samples representative of the supplies. The figures for Boston water represent the Cochituate and Mystic Rivers respectively. The Little Rock supply is in the unfiltered condition ; much of the solid matter is in suspension. ADDENDUM TO PAGE 69 Dibden prepares a filtering apparatus, which he desig- nates a "micro-filter," in the following manner for the collection of minute suspended matters : A piece of com- bustion-tubing 20 to 25 centimeters long is cleaned and drawn out in the middle to a capillary tube, and broken by a file scratch at a point at which the caliber is not more than two millimeters. Each of these pieces serves for a filter. A mixture of equal parts of air-dried clay and infusorial earth is made into a smooth, stiff paste with water and spread out on a slab in a layer about two millimeters deep. One of the tubes is then held upright and the capillary end pressed down into the mass and worked around in circles, by which a plug will be formed. This is promptly warmed until dry, and then heated to redness, forming a close filter. The water to be examined is filtered in considerable amount,—one liter, for example, if there is but little sus- pended matter,—first through a hardened paper filter placed in a funnel, precautions being taken to exclude dust. The deposit is washed from the filter paper into the micro- filter by means of a jet of pure water. The whole of sus- pended matter collects on the top of the clay plug. Dib- 141 142 ADDENDUM. den measures this by noting its height. If the clay plug is blocked by the matters which pass into it, the application of a filter-pump may be needed. When the column of water in the small tube is only about a centimeter in height, the main body of the tube is cut away by means of a file scratch and the deposit loosened from the filter plug, if necessary, by the use of a platinum wire. The tube is inverted so as to bring the deposit to the open end, and then cut off close to the plug. By this means the sus- pended matter is collected in a short capillary tube open at both ends, and may be-by shaking brought upon the slide, covered with cover-glass, and examined with the mi- croscope. INDEX. A CIDS, action on lead, 117 *"*■ Actinic method for organic mat- ter, 55 Action of water on lead, 117 Aeration of water, no, 128 Agar, 66 Albuminoid ammonia, 33, 105 Alkali carbonates, determination of, 90 Alkaline permanganate, 37 Allen, action of water on lead, 118 -----, on boiler waters, 120 -----test for zinc, 60 Alum, action of, 126 -----, test for, 62 -----, use of, 127 Aluminum, determination of, 62, 81 -----, test for, 62 Ammonia, albuminoid, 39, 105 -----, free, 38 ------free water, 37 -----from rain water, 105 -----process, 33 Ammonium chlorid, standard, 37 -----molybdate, 56 Analysis, statement of, 99 Analytic operations, 23 Arsenic, detection of, 59 Artesian water, 16, 21 -----waters, composition of, 139 Atomic weights, 135 DACHMAN'S method, 41 J-> Bacillus typhosus, culture of, 80 Bacteriologic examination, 70 Barium, detection and estimation of, 58 Bicarbonates in water, 129 Biologic examinations, 64 Blarez' oxygen process, 57 Boiler mud, 121 -----water, 118 ----------, purification of, 129 Boiler water, statement of results from, 122 Boric acid estimation, 94 *ALCIUM bicarbonate, 129 '----- carbonate, action in boiler waters, 129 solubility of, 129 - compounds, removal of, 129 -, determination of, 82 - hydroxid for purifying water, 129 - sulfate in boiler water, 121 insolubility of, 121 Carbonates, action on lead, 118 -----, determination of normal, 89 Carbonic acid, action of, 21 -----------,free, determination of, 93 Cellar waters, examination of, 133 Chlorin, determination of, 32 -----, significance of, 103 Chromium, detection of, 58 City supplies, 140 Clarifying water, 25, 123 Clark's process for purifying water, 130 Collection of samples, 23 Color comparator, 43 -----, determination of, 25 -----, significance of, 100 Comparison cylinders, 43 Conversion of ratios, 136 Copper, detection of, 63 -----sulfate, standard, 64 -----zinc couple, 48 Corrosion of boilers, 119 Cribb's condenser, 36 Cultivation of microbes, 70 Culture-media, 70 DEEP water, 21, 139 Demijohn for water samples, 23 Denitrification, 21 x43 144 INDEX. Dibden's filter, 141 Distilled water, wholesomeness of, 102 Driffield, boiler mud, 121, 122 Drown, aeration, 128 ----- and Hazen, ignition of resi- due, 31 -----and Martin, nitrogen determi- nation, 43 Dupre, dissolved oxygen, 109 FERRIC sulfate, standard, 60 Ferrous ammonium sulfate, standard, 57 Filters, 125 —----, sand, 126 Filtration, 124 Fluorescein, use of, 132 Fratikland, isolation of microbes, 78 -----, nitrifying bacillus, 20 -----, purification by precipitation, 126 Fuller, G. W., culture-media, 72 GALLON, Imperial, 98 -----, U.S., 98 Gelatin culture-media, 70 HARD scale, 121 -----water, softening of, 130 Hardness, determination of, 89 -----, permanent, 89 -----, temporary, 89 Hehner's method for hardness, 89 Hydrogen sulfid, titration of, 87 MAGNESIA in boiler sludge, 121 Magnesium, determination of, 82 -----chlorid, effects of, 120 -----compounds, removal of, 131 Manganese, detection of, 61 -----, determination of, 83 Micro-filter, 141 1\J ESSLER reagent, 35 *•' Nesslerizing, 37 Nitrates, action in boilers, 120 -----, determination of, 46 -----, formation of, 20 -----, significance of, 108 Nitrification, 20 Nitrites, determination of, 44 -----, formation of, 20 -----, significance of, 107 Nitrogen in ammonium compounds, 33. 104J -----as nitrates, 44 -----as nitrites, 49 -----by permanganate, 105 -----, oxidation of, 20 -----, total organic, 43 o DOR, determination of, 28, 102 from residue, 31 -, significance of, 100 Oxygen consumed, 51 ------consuming power, 51 -----. dissolved, determination of, 57 -----------, effects of, 109 IDENTIFICATION of source of ■*■ water, 132 Imperial gallon, 98 Indol reaction, 77 Interpretation of results, 98 Iodin, centinormal, 87 Iron, action of, in purification, 128 -----, determination of, 60, 81 -----, significance of, 102 X^JELDAHL method, 43 EAD, action of water on, 116 -, determination of, 62 nitrate, standard, 63 Lime, purification of water by, 124, 130 Lithium compounds, use of, 132 -----, detection of, 95 -----, separation of, 86 PARIETTI'S solution, 79 Pasteur-Chamberlain filter, 125 Permanganate method, 33 -----standard, 52, 54 Petri dish, 76 Phenol broth, 79 -----disulfonic acid, 46 Phosphates, action on lead, 118 -----, determination of, 56 -----, significance of, 104 -----, use of, in purifying water, 131 Platinum, preservation of, 30 Potassium chromate solution, 32 -----, determination of, 85 -----iodid solution, 53 -----nitrate, standard, 46 -----permanganate, alkaline, 37 Potato culture, 72 Preliminary examination, 23 Pure water, corrosive action of, 119 Purification of boiler water, 129 -----of drinking waters, 123 INDEX. M5 DAFTER'S method, 66 *:v Rain water, 16 Ratios, conversion of, 136, 137 Reaction, 28 Residue, charring of, 31 Results, statement of, 98 River water, 16, 17, 100, 140 CALT, action on boiler waters, 120 0 Samples, collection of, 23 Sand filters, 126 Sanitary application, 100 -----examinations, 23 Scale, 120 Schuylkill River water, 17 Sedgwick's method, 67 Sewage, action of, 21 Silica, action of, in water, 117 -----, determination of, 81 Silicates, action on lead, 117 Silver nitrate, standard, 32 -----nitrite, preparation of, 50 -----test for organic matter, 55 Sludge, 121 Smart, C, nature of organic matter, 95,105 Soap solution, 91 Sodium and potassium, separation of, carbonate, solution of, 36 ---, standard, 89 -, use of, in boiler waters, 130 -----, determination of, 85 -----hydroxid solution, 57 -----nitrite, standard, 50 -----thiosulfate, 53 Solids, significance of, 101 -----, total, determination of, 29 Source of water, tracing of, 132 Specific gravity, 96 Spectroscope, 95 Spectroscopic examination, 95 Spongy iron filters, 125 Starch indicator, 53 Subsoil water, 18, no, 138 Sulfates, estimation of, 83 Sulfids, formation of, 21, 101 Sulfuretted hydrogen, determination of, 87 Surface water, composition of, 17, 18, no, 140 HpASTE, significance of, ico A Technic examinations, 81 Tidy and Frankland, standard of purity, 109 -----permanganate process, 52 TJNCONTAMINATED waters, no ^ Unit standard , 69 Urea, decomposition of, 105 . Urine in water, 105 U. S. gallon, 98 ■\7AUGHAN, typhoid fever germ, v 116 Vegetable growth in water, 66 -----matter, 31, 106 \X/ANKLYN, standards of purity, vv 106 Water-supply, note on, 13 Whipple, growth of microscopic or- ganisms, 69 -----, unit measure, 69 Williston's method, 67 VVurtz' litmus-lactose, 74 VINC, detection of, 59 J Catalogue No. 8. August, 1899. CLASSIFIED SUBJECT CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL BOOKS AND Books on Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Hygiene, Etc., Etc., PUBLISHED BY P. BLAKISTON'S Son & Co., Medical Publishers and Booksellers, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL NOTE.—The prices given in this catalogue are absolutely net, no discount will be allowed retail purchasers under any consideration. This rule has been established in order that everyone will be treated alike, a general reduction in former prices having been made to meet previous retail dis- counts. 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