7/'*#v~3fc53 IBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY Of MEDICINE jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w do Aavaan tvnouvn snioiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn IBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE (O Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan ivnouvn snidiqsw do Aavaan tvnouvn LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE / o Aavaan ivnouvn snoichw dO Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w do Aavaan tvnouvn LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ME 5 ihbbDTOO U"IN NLM001099475 Y OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N/ V < vaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan v**.;<•■?}'■ /'■. <";i^}. l« EXAMINATION OF WATER. LEFFMANN AND BEAM. PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES IN PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. BY Henry Leffmann and William Beam. i2mo. Illustrated. $1.00. A COMPEND OF CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC. INCLUDING URINARY ANALYSIS. BY Henry Leffmann. especially adapted to students in medicine and dentistry. Third Edition. Revised. Price $1.00. Interleaved, for taking Notes, $1.25. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO. Examination of Water SANITARY AND TECHNICAL PURPOSES. HENRY LEFFMANN, M. D., Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN THE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY AND IN THE WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE; PATHOLOGICAL CHEMIST TO THE JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL. WILLIAM BEAM, M.A., DEMONSTRATOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY ; ASSOCIATE OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS OF GREAT BRITAIN; FORMERLY CHIEF CHEMIST B. t. O. R. R. '*/ M-Q-, frJ-' SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO:, IOI2 WALNUT STREET. WAA U4 Fe203, • KC1, . Mg,P207, Mg2P207, MnS, . NaCl, . 7 = Grains per Imperial Gallon 07 = " " " " 583 = " " U. S. 058 = " " " " 00833 = Av- pounds per 1000 U. S. Gal. 7 = Parts per 100,000 07 = " " 1,000,000 583 = " " 100,000 058 = " " 1,000,000 534 = Al 2473 = CI 588 = Ba J373 = S 412 = so4 3M3 = B 7H3 = Ca .40 = Ca ■7 = Fe •524 = K .2162 = Mg .856 = P04 .632 = Mn 394 = Na. 119 Cn +. Co to i-i O no 00--I OnCm +nU m m o^O 00^1 Oni/i 4^ Co to « FARTS PER MILLION. CO JO • > I.WOjMHhhO^O'OOO OO^t On ONCn Cn 4* 4*- Co to to w ui NO Co ^J "-1 On O -£■ OONM "UHOOJ OOtO On O 4>- no Co ^J O to 4^ OnOOO 104* On 00 O to 4* On 00 O 104^ OnOOO to 4* « o ON 00 S 2 r ^ 2! f° 2 -Oo to ii i-i b NO *b 00--J --J CNCn 4^ 4* Co to to ux oo i-i 4^. -~a O Co OnnO to 4* 00 ~ 4*- -J O Co Onno NUi 00m - o 4- «-4 AINS ER GAL. MMM»Nj)klM»f)MIOjJjOIOlOMMMHNHMMM *b 00--J "-J ON OnCti 4* 4^ Co Co to to m O O NO NO 00--1 *J ON ONCn Vyi 0 4n 00 to On »« Cn NO Co ^] to O\04> OCCo --1 -Ui'0 4> 00 to OO 0 to -(*• ONOOO to 4* ONOOO to 4^ ONOOO to +. OnOOO to 4" OnOC WOjOJU(»)WOJ(rilOMt)»MNIOIOMM|OMNtOM mhh UiiojNK>«bb>bbo 00- C W fO O * H • > p 5 y -a ~ w > TABLE OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN. 121 Diudin's Table of Oxygen Dissolved by Water at Various Temperatures, extended to Give the Weight of Oxygen Per Liter. Corrected to o° C. and 760mm. Pressure. CUBIC INCHES OF MILLIGRAMS TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE OXYGEN PER GALLON OF OXYGEN FAHRENHEIT. CENTIGRADE. (7000O GRAINS). PER LITER. 41°......5-00°.....2.IOI......10.84 42 ". '. '. '. '. . 5-55.....2.074......IO-72 43......6.11.....2.048......10.57 44......6.66.....2.022......10.45 45......7.22.....1.997......10.30 46......7-77.....J-973......lo-l& 47......8-33.....»-949......IO°6 48......8.89.....1.927......9-94 49......9.44.....i-9°5......9-83 50......10.00.....1.884......9-72 51......10.55.....1 864......9-DI 52......11.11.....1844......9.51 53......11.66.....1.826......9.42 54 .....12.22.....1.808......933 55 [.....12.77.....1.791......9-24 56......13-33.....x-775......9-15 57......13.89.....1.760......9.08 58......14-44.....!-746......9-DI 59 .....15.00 ..... I-732......8.94 60......15-55.....i-7'9......8.87 61......16.11.....1.706......8.80 62 ...... 16.66.....1.695......8.74 63 [.....17.22.....1.683......8.68 64 !.....17-77.....x-674......8-64 65 .... 18.33.....I-667......8.60 66 1 1 ... . 18.89.....I-66°......8-56 67......19.44.....1-652......8.52 68......20.00.....1.644......8.48 69 ! ! ! . . . 20.55.....1.639......8-45 70......21.1 I.....1-634......8.43 The table is calculated for a barometric pressure of 760 mm., and would require corrections for variations from this, but such corrections are mostly within the limits of experimental error. I 122 ANALYSES OF RAIN AND SUBSOIL WATERS. ANALYSES OF RAIN AND SUBSOIL WATERS. PARTS PER MILLION. From. 19 "5 w "n 0 H c u c X 6 z, z Rain water. Subsoil water. Bellefonte—collected by Prof. Wm. Frear, after long rain. Wynnewood—pool fed by underground spring. Wynnewood—well about 150 yards from above. Wynnewood—well pol-luted by farm-yard drain-age ; about 500 yards from pool. Pump - well in densely populated district. Highly contaminated. Newly dug well in popu-lated district. Highly con-taminated. Well at Barren Hill, 130 feet deep. 5 65 60 1120 620 470 none 6.20 4.00 16.00 5700 120.00 120.00 0.148 0.032 0.024 0.208 1.00 0.08 undet. 0.280 0.024 0.016 0.028 3.120 2.00 undet. none none none none O.OI 0.03 traces none 2-3 3-5 14.2 33-° 16.0 22.0 RESULTS FROM SCHUYLKILL RIVER—Parts per Million. Samples taken from hydrant at 715 Walnut Street. 1888. State of Weather. Condition. Total Solids. Nitrogen by KMn04. Nitrogen as NH4. Nitrogen as NO,. Sept. 17. Continued rain. Turbid. 160 .06 .048 None. " 18. Continued rain. Muddy. 160 .09 .020 " " J9- Clear. Turbid. 140 .108 .004 Trace. " 20. " " 150 .124 None. Faint trace. " 21. " Less turbid. 150 .132 " None. " 22. " Very muddy. 180 .180 " Faint trace. " 24- " Turbid. 140 .100 " None. " 25. " Slightly turbid. 130 .092 " " " 26. '* Slightly turbid. 120 .068 .01 " 27. " Very slightly turbid. no .056 None. " *' 28. " Very slightly turbid. 105 .052 " " " 29. " Nearly clear. "5 .052 .008 " Oct. 1. " It n 140 .052 .012 " 2. » " " 125 .044. None. " " 3i <« " " 120 .080 .016 " " 4- " Clear. 120 .084 .008 " " 5- " " 120 .092 .012 6. Rain. " 120 x6o .012 " 8. • • Turbid. 150 .108 .008 " " 9- Clear. Slightly turbid. 130 .088 .008 " " 10. " Almost clear. 12s .056 .010 " " 11. Clear. US .044 .010 ANALYSES OF ARTESIAN WATERS. MILLIGRAMS PER LITER. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Indiana. •et/3 n ■B a OMI o > < •a c c 0 rt ho ■2 S N S3 •s! y?« 0 s «l U T3 i2 cert "Si 0 u 0 c s *. a '0 3 0 u a >> Condition, .... Reaction..... SiO,....... so4,...... P04)...... CO, (combined), . CI,...... H2S,...... Mn,........ Fe,....... Ca,....... Mg,....... Na,....... K,........ Nby KMii04, . . " as NH4, . . . " " X()„, . . . "" no;, . . . Clear. Alkaline. 36.00 61.80 0.24 64.91 89.21 9.80 54-57 15-27 54-13 4.14 0.032 0.248 Trace. Trace. Clear. Alkaline. 34-5° 36.26 0.31 no.17 91.77 Trace. 7.70 44.28 7.98 84.13 8.54 Not det. Not det. None. Trace. Slightly turbid. Alkaline. 35.00 9.90 0.31 54.80 108.50 5-7° 50.00 12.60 32.46 4.10 0.048 0.034 None. None. Clear. Alkaline. 24.00 25.84 Trace. 78.84 206.01 1.80 528 125.00 30.70 72 -34 Traces. 0.048 0.032 0.02 2.00 Clear. Alkaline. 29.00 15.24 Trace. 108.64 172 00 4-32 101.42 22.27 55-83 6.28 0.015 0.004 Trace. 1.00 Clear. Alkaline. 19.50 102.36 0.38 50.64 554-48 1.05 53-57 6.48 37863 Trace. 0.148 0.132 None. None. Clear. Alkaline. 4.00 4.10 4.68 25 0.86 0.012 0.044 None. None. Clear. Alkaline. 190.2 0.035 0.315 None. None. * We are indebted to Mr. Wm. Glenn, Chemist of the Baltimore Chrome Works, for this sample. ANALYSES OF WATER SUPPLIED TO CITIES. 125 Table showing the Relative Purity of the Water Supplied to Cities, from the Determinations made in June, 1881, by A. R. Leeds. Parts per million. Total solids, .... " hardness, . . . Chlorine,...... Oxygen -consuming power,...... Nitrogen by KMn041 Nitrogen in a m m o- nium compounds. . Nitrogen as nitrites. " " nitrates. 2 a. T3 0 > c 0 0 U >> e 0 0 c 0 oi c 15 0 0 85.0 115.0 I43-0 118.0 60.0 93-o 100.0 44.O 33-° 22.7 32.0 21.0 48.0 550 3-° 3-5 5-5 2-35 3'5 2.70 i-95 4.6 8.1 4-i3 9-5 17.7 6.00 7-9 •'4/ .221 .067 •344 .496 .221 .188 .008 .022 .006 ■039 .108 O.49 •°93 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 1.51 1 84 2.69 2.01 2.75 1.84 1.39 INDEX. A CIDS, action on lead, 84 •**• Actinic method for organic matter, 41 Action of water on lead, 83 Aeration of water, 81 Agar-Agar, 87 Albuminoid ammonia, 26, 72 Alkali carbonates, determination of, 61 Alkaline permanganate, 25 Allen, on boiler waters, 112 ------, lead in water, 84 ------, sulphuric acid in water, 112 ------, test for zinc, 58 Alum, action of, 102 ------, use of, 102 Aluminum, determination of, 53 ------, in scale, 91 Amido-naphthaiene, 36 Kmmonia, albuminoid, 26 ------,free, 25 ------, free water, 25 ------, from rain water, 75 ------process, 26 Ammonium chloride, standard, 25 ------molybdate, 42 ------picrate solution, 34 Analysis, statement of, 70 Analytical operations, 16 Anderson and Ogsten, purification of water, 103 Animal matter, 73 Antwerp water, purification of, 104 Artesian water, 9, 14 ------waters, composition of, 124 Arsenic, detection of, 48 ------, effect of, 73 TDACILLI, species of, 97 ■^ Bacillus typhosus, culture of, 96, • 97 Bacteria in water, 85, 97 Bacteriological examination, 85 Barium, detection and estimation of, 48 Barren Hill well, 15, 122 Barus, Carl, suspended matters in water, n Basin, platinum, 19 Bicarbonates in water, 115 Biological examinations, 85 Black's Island well, 73, 124 Blarez' oxygen process, 44 Boiler mud, 113 ------water, in ------water, points to be determined in, "3 ------------, purification of, 114 ------------, statement of results from, "4 Boric acid estimation, 64 Bottle culture, 91 ------for test solution, 23 Burner, low temperature, 20 f ALCIUM bicarbonate, 115 ^------carbonate, action in boiler waters, 113 ------------, solubility of, 115 ------compounds, removal of, 115 ------, determination of, 54 ------hydroxide for. purifying water, "5 ------sulphate, insolubility of, 113 ------sulphate, action in boiler water, 113 Carbonates, action on lead, 84 ------, determination of normal, 61 Carbon filters, 98 Carbonic acid, action of, 14 ------------, free, determination of, 63 -------------, effect on microbes, 93 Carleton-Williams, lead in water, 84 Carnelly and Frew, lead in water, 84 Caustic soda, use of, in boiler water, 115 Cellar waters, examination of, 109 Chlorine, determination of, 22 ------, significance of, 74 Chromium, detection of, 48 City supplies, 125 Clarifying water, 17, 102 Clark's process for purifying water, 115 Color comparators, 29 ------, determination of, 18 ------, significance of, 72 Comparison cylinders, 29 127 128 INDEX. Control determination, 21, 56 Conversion of ratios, 119, 120 Cooper, A. J., delicacy of tests, 53 Copper, detection of, 52 ------, effects of, 73 ------sulphate, standard, 52 Corrosion of boilers, m Crookes, Odling and Tidy, lead in water, 83. Cultivation of microbes, 86 Culture media, 86 D1 kEEP water, 14, 74, 124 Demijohn for water samples, 16 Dibdin, table of dissolved oxygen, 121 Distilled water, wholesomeness of, 73 Driffield, composition of boiler mud, 113 Drown and Martin, nitrogen determina- tion, 31 Dupre, dissolved oxygen, 47, 81 ■pERMENTATION, butyric, 25 ■*■ Ferrous ammonium sulphate, standard, 44 Ferric sulphate, standard, 50 Filter paper, 17 Filters, BischofFs, 99 -----, Pasteur-Chamberlain, 99 -----, sand, 100 -----, spongy iron, 99 Filtration, effect of, 101 Fleck's silver method, 41 Fluorescein, use of, 108 Forceps, platinum, 20 Frankland, purification by precipitation, 102 ------and Tidy, standards of purity, 80 ------nitrifying bacillus, 13 ■ ammonia, 25, 76 Frew and Carnelly, lead in water, 83 GALLON, Imperial, 70 -----, U. S , 70 Gelatin culture media, 86 ------, liquefaction of, 92 Gerardin, dissolved oxygen, 81 Gooch, method for borates, 64 ■------, method for lithium, 59 tTARDNESS, determination of, 62 ------, permanent, 62 ------, temporary, 62, 114 Hard scale, 113 ------water, sanitary relations of, 82 ------water, softening of, 115 Hehner, limit of phosphates, 73 Hehner's cylinders for color compari- son, 29 Hehner's method for hardness, 62 Heisch's test, 43 History of water, 9 Hunt, T. Sterry, water in rocks, 12 Hyatt filter, 103 Hydrogen sulphide, titratiqn of, 60 IDENTIFICATION of source of ■*■ water, 107 Imperial gallon, 70 Interpretation of results, 70 Indol reaction, 94 Iodine, centinormal, 60 Iron, action of, in purification, 104 ------compounds, solution by water, 14 ------, determination of, 50, 53 ------, significance of, 73 TZJELDAHL method, 31 ■**• Koch's culture method, ! TACMOID, use of, 19 ' Lead, action of water on, 83 Lead, determination of, 51 ------, nitrate, standard, 52 ------, significance of, 73 Leeds' actinic method, 41 ------dissolved oxygen, 81 Lime, purification of water by, 98, Lithium compounds, use of, 108 ------, detection of, 67 ------, separation of, 59 Litmus, use of, 19 Locust Point well, 15, 124 Lott, F. E., Heisch's test, 74 TUTAGNESIA in boiler sludge, 114 AVJ- Magnesium, determination of. 55 Magnesium chloride, decompositions and effects of, 114 ------compounds, removal of, 115, 116 Mallet, ammonia process, 76 Manganese, detection of, 51 ------, determination of, 55 Microbes, table of, 97 Mineral springs, 14 Mine water, 112 Miiller, lead in water, 84 TSTAPHTHYLAMINE, 36 ■*•' National filter, 103 Nesslerizing, 29 Nessler's reagent, 25 Nickel dish, 20,62 Nitric acid, diluted, 50 Nitrification, 13 Nitrates, action in boilers, 112 INDEX. 129 Nitrates, determination of, 33 ------, formation of, 13 ------, significance of, 78 Nitrites, determination of, 35 ------, formation of, 13 ------, significance of, 77 Nitrogen in ammonium compounds, 26, 3!.74 ------as nitrites, 35 ------as nitrates, 33 ------by permanganate, 75 ------, oxidation of, 13 ------, total organic, 30 f"\DOR, determination of, 18 ^ ------ from residue, 21 ------, significance of, 72 Odling, Crookes and Tidy, lead in water, 83 Organic matter, 12, 21, 71 ------------, action of, 14 ------------, oxidation of, 40 ------in water, 86 ------, precipitation of, 102 Oxygen consumed, 37 -------consuming microbes, 97 -------consuming power, 37 ------, amount of, dissolved, 121 ------, dissolved, determination of, 44 ------, dissolved, effects of, 81, 111 PARA - AMIDO - BENZENE- SUL- PHONIC acid, 36 Pasteur-Chamberlain filter, 83, 99 Permanganate method, 37 ------standard, 37, 44 Pettenkofer's method for free carbonic acid, 63 Phenacetolin, use of, 62 Phenolphthalein, use of, 19 Phosphates, action on lead, 84 ------, determination of, 42 ------, significance of, 73 ------, use of, in purifying water, 117 Phenol-sulphonic acid, 33 Plate culture, 89 Platinum, preservation of, 20 Plummet for specific gravity, 68 Poisonous metals, detection of, 47 -------------, significance of, 69 Polluted waters, characters of, 67-77 Porter's process for purifying water, 94 Potassium determination, 52 ------chromate solution, 22 ------iodide solution, 39 ------nitrate, standard, 33 Potassium permanganate, alkaline, 25 ------permanganate, decinormal, 44 Potato culture, 88 Preliminary examination, 16 Ptomaines, 12 Pure water, corrosive action of, in Purification of boiler water, 114 ------of drinking waters, 98 TD AIN water, 9, 80, 122 Ratios, conversion of, 119, 120 Reaction, 19 Residue, charring of, 21 Results, statement of, 70 River water, 9, 10, 80, 123, 125 Roll culture, 91 Q ALT, action on boiler waters, 112 ^ Samples, collection of, 16 Sand filters, 100 Sanitary application, 71 ----- examinations, 16 Scale, 112 Schuylkill River water, composition of, 10, 123 Sewage, action of, 14, 80 —----fungus, 43, 79 Silica, action of, in water, 83 ------, determination of, 53 ------in scale, 112 Silicates, action on lead, 84 Silver nitrate, standard, 22 ------------, test in Porter's process, 116 ------nitrite, preparation of, 36 ------test for organic matter, 41 Sludge, 113 Solids, total, determination of, 19 Solids, significance of, 73 Sodium and potassium, separation of, 58 ------carbonate, solution of, 25 ------------, standard, 62 ------------, use of in boiler waters, "5 ------chloride, standard, 22 ------, determination of, 58 ------hydroxide, solution, 31 ------nitrite, standard, 36 ------thiosulphate, 39 Source of water, tracing of, 107 Smart, C, nature of organic matter, 75 Subsoil waters, composition of, 12, 122 Specific gravity, 68 Spectroscope, 67 Spectroscopic examination, 67 Spongy iron filters, 99 Staining, 93 Starch indicator, 39 Sterilizer, 86 Storage, effect of, 95 Subsidence, promotion of, 17, 192 Subsoil water, 9, n, 122 Sugar test, 42 Sulphanilic acid, 36 13° INDEX. Sulphides, formation of, 14, 72 Sulphuretted hydrogen, determination of, 14, 60 Sulphuric acid, diluted, 31, 39 ------------, standard, 62 Surface water, composition of,9, io, 123 Suspended matters, 10, 11 npASTE,significance of, 72 ■*■ Technical examinations, 53 Tests for metals, delicacy of, 53 Thompson, estimation of iron, 50 Tidy's permanganate process, 38 Tidy and Frankland, standard of purity, , 79 -----, Odling and Crookes, lead in water, 83 Tri-sodium phosphate, use of, for puri- fication, 116 T JNCONTAMINATED waters, 82 ^"' Urea, decomposition of, 75 Urine in water, 75 U. S. gallon, 70 V EGETABLE matter, 21, 76 Vegetable growth in water, 81 \X7ARINGTON, R., nitrification, 13 " * Water, amount of, in rocks, 12 Wanklyn, standards of purity, 77 Wanklyn's albuminoid ammonia pro- cess, 23 -----test for manganese, 51 'INC, detection of, 48 ' -----, effect of, 72 CATALOGUE No. 7. DECEMBER, 1890. A CATALOGUE OF Books for Students. including the ? QUIZ-COMPENDS ? CONTENTS. 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Practical Therapeutics, considered with reference to Articles of the Materia Medica. Containing, also, an Index of Diseases, with a list of the Medicines applicable as Remedies. By Edward John Waring, m.d., f.r.c.p. Fourth Edition. Rewritten and Re- vised by Dudley W. Buxton, m.d., Asst. to the Prof. of Medicine at University College Hospital. " We wish a copy could be put in the hands of every Student or Practitioner in the country. In our estimation, it is the best book of the kind ever written. —N. Y. Medical Journal. No. 8. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY. NEW, REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. By John J. Reese, m.d., Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence and Toxicology in the University of Pennsyl- vania ; President of the Medical Jurisprudence Society of Phila.; 2d Edition, Revised and Enlarged. " This admirable text-book."—Amer.Jour. of Med. Sciences. " We lay this volume aside, after a careful perusal of its pages, with the profound impression that it should be in the hands of every doctor and lawyer. It fully meets the wants of all students..... He has succeeded in admirably condensing into a handy volume all the essential points."—Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic. Price of each Book, Cloth, $3,00; Leather, $3.50. 6 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. ANATOMY. Macalister's Human Anatomy. 816 Illustrations. A new Text-book for Students and Practitioners, Systematic and Topo- graphical, including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology of Man. With special reference to the requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations, 400 of which are original. Octavo. Cloth, 7.50; Leather, 8.50 Ballou's Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated. By Wm. R. Ballou, m.d., Professor of Equine Anatomy at New York College of Veterinary Surgeons. 29 graphic Illustrations. 121110. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for notes, 1.25 Holden's Anatomy. A manual of Dissection of the Human Body. Fifth Edition. Enlarged, with Marginal References and over 200 Illustrations. Octavo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Bound in Oilcloth, for the Dissecting Room, $4.50. " No student of Anatomy can take up this book without being pleased and instructed. Its Diagrams are original, striking and suggestive, giving more at a glance than pages of text description. * * * The text matches the illustrations in directness of prac- tical application and clearness of detail."—New York Medical Record. Holden's Human Osteology. Comprising a Description of the Bones, with Colored Delineations of the Attachments of the Muscles. The General and Microscopical Structure of Bone and its Development. With Lithographic Plates and Numerous Illus- trations. Seventh Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 6.00 Holden's Landmarks, Medical and Surgical. 4th ed. Clo., 1.25 Heath's Practical Anatomy. Sixth London Edition. 24 Col- ored Plates, and nearly 300 other Illustrations. Cloth, 5.00 Potter's Compend of Anatomy. Fifth Edition. Enlarged. 16 Lithographic Plates. 117 Illustrations. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 CHEMISTRY. Bartley's Medical Chemistry. Second Edition. A text-book prepared specially for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Dental Stu- dents. With 50 Illustrations, Plate of Absorption Spectra and Glossary of Chemical Terms. Revised and Enlarged. Cloth, 2.50 Trimble. Practical and Analytical Chemistry. A Course in Chemical Analysis, by Henry Trimble, Prof, of Analytical Chem- istry in the Phila. College of Pharmacy. Illustrated. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 1.50 *S"" See pages 2 to 5 for list of Students' Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 7 Chemistry:—Continued. Bloxam's Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments. Seventh Edition. Enlarged and Rewritten. 330 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Richter's Inorganic Chemistry. A text-book for Students. Third American, from Fifth German Edition. Translated by Prof. Edgar F. Smith, ph.d. 89 Wood Engravings and Colored Plate of Spectra. Cloth, 2.00 Richter's Organic Chemistry, or Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. Illustrated. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Symonds. Manual of Chemistry, for the special use of Medi- cal Students. By Bkandreth Symonds, a.m., m.d., Asst. Physician Roosevelt Hospital, Out-Patient Department; Attend- ing Physician Northwestern Dispensary, New York. nmo. Cloth, 2.00; Interleaved for Notes, 2.40 Tidy. Modern Chemistry. 2d Ed. Cloth, 5.50 Leffmann's Compend of Chemistry. Inorganic and Organic. Including Urinary Analysis. Third Edition. Revised. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Leffmann and Beam. Progressive Exercises in Practical Chemistry. i2mo. Illustrated. Cloth, 1.00 Muter. Practical and Analytical Chemistry. Second Edi- tion. Revised and Illustrated. Cloth, 2.00 Holland. The Urine, Common Poisons, and Milk Analysis, Chemical and Microscopical. For Laboratory Use. 3d Edition, Enlarged. Illustrated. Cloth, 1.00 Van Niiys. Urine Analysis. Illus. Cloth, 2.00 Wolff's Applied Medical Chemistry. By Lawrence Wolff, m.d., Dem. of Chemistry in Jefferson Medical College. Clo., 1.00 CHILDREN. Goodhart and Starr. The Diseases of Children. Second Edition. By J. F. Goodhart, m.d., Physician to the Evelina Hospital for Children; Assistant Physician to Guy's Hospital, London. Revised and Edited by Louis Starr, m.d., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Hospital of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania; Physician to the Children's Hospital, Philadelphia. Containing many Prescriptions and Formulae, conforming to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, Directions for making Artificial Human Milk, for the Artificial Digestion of Milk, etc. Illustrated. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Hatfield. Diseases of Children. By M. P. Hatfield, m.d., Professor of Diseases of Children, Chicago Medical College. Colored Plate. i2mo. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved, 1.25 Day. On Children. A Practical and Systematic Treatise. Second Edition. 8vo. 752 pages. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 4.00 1&~ See pages 14 and IS for list of ? Quiz- Compends.' 8 STUDENTS* TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. Children:— Continued. Meigs and Pepper. The Diseases of Children. Seventh Edition. 8vo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Starr. Diseases of the Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood. With chapters on the Investigation of Disease, and on the General Management of Children. By Louis Starr, m.d., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Illus. Second Edition. In Press. DENTISTRY. Fillebrown. Operative Dentistry. 330 Illus. Cloth, 2.50 Flagg's Plastics and Plastic Filling. 3d Ed. Preparing. Gorgas. Dental Medicine. A Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Third Edition. Cloth, 3.50 Harris. Principles and Practice of Dentistry. Including Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Dental Surgery and Mechanism. Twelfth Edition. Revised and enlarged by Professor Gorgas. 1028 Illustrations. Cloth, 7.00; Leather, 8.00 Richardson's Mechanical Dentistry. Fifth Edition. 569 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Sewill. Dental Surgery. 200 Illustrations. 3d Ed. Clo., 3.00 Stocken's Dental Materia Medica. Third Edition. Cloth, 2.50 Taft's Operative Dentistry. Dental Students and Practitioners. Fourth Edition. 100 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.25 ; Leather, 5.00 Talbot. Irregularities of the Teeth, and their Treatment. Illustrated. 8vo. Second Edition. Cloth, 3.00 Tomes' Dental Anatomy. Third Ed. 191 Illus. Cloth, 4.00 Tomes' Dental Surgery. 3d Edition. Revised. 292 Illus. 772 Pages. Cloth, 5.00 ■Warren. Compend of Dental Pathology and Dental Medi- cine. Illustrated. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved, 1.25 DICTIONARIES. Gould's New Medical Dictionary. Containing the Definition and Pronunciation of all words in Medicine, with many useful Tables etc. % Dark Leather, 3.25 ; J£ Mor., Thumb Index 4.25 Cleaveland's Pronouncing Pocket Medical Lexicon. 31st Edition. Giving correct Pronunciation and Definition. Very small pocket size. Cloth, red edges .75 ; pocket-book style, 1.00 Longley's Pocket Dictionary. The Student's Medical Lexicon, giving Definition and Pronunciation of all Terms used in Medi- cine, with an Appendix giving Poisons and Their Antidotes, Abbreviations used in Prescriptions, Metric Scale of Doses, etc. 241110. Cloth, 1.00; pocket-book style, 1.25 KS'See pages 2 to 5 for list of Students' Manuals, STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. EYE. Arlt. Diseases of the Eye. Including those of the Conjunc- tiva, Cornea, Sclerotic, Iris and Ciliary Body. By Prof. Von Arlt. Translated by Dr. Lyman Ware. Illus. 8vo. Cloth, 2.50 Hartridge on Refraction. 4th Ed. Cloth, 2.00 Meyer. Diseases of the Eye. A complete Manual for Stu- dents and.Physicians. 270 Illustrations and two Colored Plates. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 Fox and Gould. Compend of Diseases of the Eye and Refraction. 2d Ed. Enlarged. 71 Illus. 39 Formulae. Cloth, 1.00 ; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 ELECTRICITY. Mason's Compend of Medical and Surgical Electricity. With numerous Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 1.00 HYGIENE. Parkes' (Ed. A.) Practical Hygiene. Seventh Edition, en- larged. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50 Parkes' (L. C.) Manual of Hygiene and Public Health. i2mo. Cloth, 2.50 Wilson's Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. Sixth Edition. Revised and Illustrated. Cloth, 2.75 MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. Potter's Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Prescription Writing. Fifth Edition, revised and improved. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Biddle's Materia Medica. Eleventh Edition. By the late John B. Biddle, m.d., Professor of Materia Medica in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Revised, and rewritten, by Clement Biddle, m.d., Assist. Surgeon, U. S. N., assisted by Henry Morris, m.d. 8vo., illustrated. Cloth, 4.25; Leather, 5.00 Headland's Action of Medicines. 9th Ed. 8vo. Cloth, 3.00 Potter. Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics. Including Action of Medicines, Special Therapeutics, Pharma- cology, etc. Second Edition. Cloth, 4.00; Leather, 5.00 Starr, 'Walker and Powell. Synopsis of Physiological Action of Medicines,based upon Prof. H. C. Wood's " Materia Medica and Therapeutics." 3d Ed. Enlarged. Cloth, .75 Waring. Therapeutics. With an Index of Diseases and Remedies. 4th Edition. Revised. Cloth, 3.00: Leather, 3.50 Jt&- See pages 14 and /j for list of f Quiz- Compends f 10 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Reese. A Text-book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. By John J. Reese, m.d., Professor of Medical Juris- prudence and Toxicology in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania; President of the Medical Juris- prudence Society of Philadelphia; Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital; Corresponding Member of The New York Medico- legal Society. 2d Edition. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Woodman and Tidy's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxi- cology. Chromo-Lithographic Plates and 116 Wood engravings. Cloth, 7.50; Leather, 8.50 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. Byford. Diseases of Women. The Practice of Medicine and Surgery, as applied to the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Women. By W. H. Byford.A.M., m.d., Professor of Gynaecology in Rush Medical College and of Obstetrics in the Woman's Med- ical College etc., and Henry T. Byford, m.d., Surgeon to the Woman's Hospital of Chicago ; Gynaecologist to St. Luke's Hospital, etc. Fourth Edition. Revised, Rewritten and En- larged. With 306 Illustrations, over 100 of which are original Octavo. 832 pages. Cloth, 5.00 ; Leather, 6.00 Cazeaux and Tarnier's Midwifery. With Appendix, by Munde. The Theory and Practice of Obstetrics ; including the Diseases of Pregnancy and Parturition, Obstetrical Operations, etc. By P. Cazeaux. Remodeled and rearranged, with revi- sions and additions, by S. Tarnier, m.d., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Eighth American, from the Eighth French and First Italian Edition. Edited by Robert J. Hess, m.d., Physician to the Northern Dispensary, Philadelphia, with an appendix by Paul F. Munde, m.d., Professor of Gynaecology at the N. Y. Polyclinic. Illustrated by Chromo-Lithographs, Lithographs and other Full-page Plates, seven of which are beautifully colored' and numerous Wood Engravings. Students' Edition. One Vol.,8vo. Cloth, 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Lewers' Diseases of Women. A Practical Text-Book. 139 Illustrations. Second Edition. Cloth, 2.50 Parvin's Winckel's Diseases of Women. Second Edition. Including a Section on Diseases of the Bladder and Urethra 150 Illus. Revised. See page 3. Cloth, 3.00 ; Leather, 3.50 Morris. Compend of Gynaecology. Illustrated. Cloth, 1.00 Winckel's Obstetrics. A Text-book on Midwifery, includ- ing the Diseases of Childbed. By Dr. F. Winckel, Professor of Gynaecology, and Director of the Royal University Clinic for Women, in Munich. Authorized Translation, by J. Clifton Edgar, m.d., Lecturer on Obstetrics, University Medical Col- lege, New York, with nearly 200 handsome illustrations the majority of which are original with this work. Octavo. ' Cloth, 6.00 ; Leather, 7.00 Landis* Compend of Obstetrics. Illustrated. 4th edition enlarged. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 «*=• See pages 2 to 5for list of New Manuals. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 11 Obstetrics and Gynecology :—Continued. Galabin's Midwifery. By A. Lewis Galabin, m.d., f.r.c.p. 227 Illustrations. See page 3. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Glisan's Modern Midwifery. 2d Edition. Cloth, 3.00 Rigby's Obstetric Memoranda. 4th Edition. Cloth, .50 Meadows' Manual of Midwifery. Including the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, Obstetric Operations, Diseases of the Puerperal State, etc. 145 Illustrations. 494 pages. Cloth, 2.00 Swayne's Obstetric Aphorisms. For the use of Students commencing Midwifery Practice. 8th Ed. i2mo. Cloth, 1.25 PATHOLOGY. HISTOLOGY. BIOLOGY. Bowlby. Surgical Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, for Students. 135 Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.00 Davis' Elementary Biology. Illustrated. Cloth, 4.00 Gilliam's Essentials of Pathology. A Handbook for Students. 47 Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.0c ***The object of this book is to-unfold to the beginner the funda- mentals of pathology in a plain, practical way, and by bringing them within easy comprehension to increase his interest in the study of the subject. Gibbes' Practical Histology and Pathology. Third Edition. Enlarged. i2mo. Cloth, 1.75 Virchow's Post-Mortem Examinations. 2d Ed. Cloth, 1.00 PHYSIOLOGY. Yeo's Physiology. Fourth Edition. The most Popular Stu- dents' Book. By Gerald F. Yeo, m.d., f.r.c.s., Professor of Physiology in King's College, London. Small Octavo. 758 pages. 321 carefully printed Illustrations. With a Full Glossary and Index. See Page3. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 Brubaker's Compend of Physiology. Illustrated. Fifth Edition. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Stirling. Practical Physiology, including Chemical and Ex- perimental Physiology. 142 Illustrations. Cloth, 2.25 Kirke's Physiology. New 12th Ed. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. 502 Illustrations. Cloth, 4.00; Leather, 5.00 Landois' Human Physiology. Including Histology and Micro- scopical Anatomy, and with special reference to Practical Medi- cine. Third Edition. Translated and Edited by Prof. Stirling. 692 Illustrations. Cloth, 6.50; Leather, 7.50 " With this Text-book at his command, no student could fail in his examination."—Lancet. Sanderson's Physiological Laboratory- Being Practical Ex- ercises for the Student. 350 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, 5.00 Tyson's Cell Doctrine. Its History and Present State. Illus- trated. Second Edition. Cloth, 2.00 *S* See pages 14 and 15 for list of f Quiz-Compends t 12 STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. PRACTICE. Taylor. Practice of Medicine. A Manual.. By Frederick Taylor, m.d., Physician to, and Lecturer on Medicine at, Guy's Hospital, London ; Physician to Evelina Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, and Examiner in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of London. Cloth, 4.00 Roberts' Practice. New Revised Edition. A Handbook of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Frederick T. Roberts, m.d. ; m.r.cp., Professor of Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics in University College Hospital, London. Seventh Edition. Octavo. Cloth, 5.50 ; Sheep, 6.50 Hughes. Compend of the Practice of Medicine. 4th Edi- tion. Two parts, each, Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.23 Part i.—Continued, Eruptive and Periodical Fevers, Diseases of the Stomach, Intestines, Peritoneum, Biliary Passages, Liver, Kidneys, etc., and General Diseases, etc. Part ii.—Diseases of the Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Nervous System; Diseases of the Blood, etc. Physician's Edition. Fourth Edition. Including a Section on Skin Diseases. With Index. 1 vol. Full Morocco, Gilt, 2.50 From John A. Robinson, M.D., Assistant to Chair of Clinical Medicine, now Lecturer on Materia Medica, Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago. " Meets with my hearty approbation as a substitute for the ordinary note books almost universally used by medical students. It is concise, accurate, well arranged and lucid, . . . just the thing for students to use while studying physical diagnosis and the more practical departments of medicine." PRESCRIPTION BOOKS. Wythe's Dose and Symptom Book. Containing the Doses and Uses of all the principal Articles of the Materia Medica, etc. Seventeenth Edition. Completely Revised and Rewritten. Just Ready. 32mo. Cloth, 1.00; Pocket-book style, 1.25 Pereira's Physician's Prescription Book. Containing Lists of Terms, Phrases, Contractions and Abbreviations used in Prescriptions Explanatory Notes, Grammatical Construction of Prescriptions, etc., etc. By Professor Jonathan Pereira, m.d. Sixteenth Edition. 32mo. Cloth, 1.00; Pocket-book style, 1.25 PHARMACY. Stewart's Compend of Pharmacy. Based upon Remington's Text-Book of Pharmacy. Third Edition, Revised. With new Tables, Index, Etc. Cloth, 1.00; Interleaved for Notes, 1.25 Robinson. Latin Grammar of Pharmacy and Medicine. By H. D. Robinson, ph.d., Professor of Latin Language and Literature, University of Kansas, Lawrence. With an Intro- duction by L. E. Sayre, ph.g., Professor of Pharmacy in, and Dean of, the Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Kansas. i2mo. Cloth, 2.00 SKIN DISEASES. Anderson, (McCall) Skin Diseases. A complete Text-Book, with Colored Plates and numerous Wood Engravings. 8vo. Cloth, 4.50; Leather, 5.50 %g- See pages 2 to 5 for list of New Manuals. STUDENTS* TEXT-BOOKS AND MANUALS. 13 Skin Diseases:—Continued. Van Harlingen on Skin Diseases. A Handbook of the Dis- eases of the Skin, their Diagnosis and Treatment (arranged alpha- betically). By Arthur Van Harlingen, m.d., Clinical Lecturer on Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College ; Prof, of Diseases of the Skin in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. 2d Edition. Enlarged. With colored and other plates and illustrations. i2mo. Cloth, 2.50 Bulkley. The Skin in Health and Disease. By L. Duncan Bulkley, Physician to the N. Y. Hospital. Illus. Cloth, .50 SURGERY AND BANDAGING. Jacobson. Operations in Surgery. A Systematic Handbook for Physicians, Students and Hospital Surgeons. By W. H. A. Jacobson, B A., Oxon. f.r.c.S. Eng.; Ass't Surgeon Guy's Hos- pital ; Surgeon at Royal Hospital for Children and Women, etc. 199 Illustrations. 1006 pages. 8vo. Cloth. 5.00; Leather, 6.00 Heath's Minor Surgery, and Bandaging. Ninth Edition. 142 Illustrations. 60 Formulae and Diet Lists. Cloth, 2.00 Horwitz's Compend of Surgery, Minor „ Surgery and Bandaging, Amputations, Fractures, Dislocations, Surgical Diseases, and the Latest Antiseptic Rules, etc., with Differential Diagnosis and Treatment. By Orville Hokwitz, b.s., m.d., Demonstrator of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College. 4th edition. Enlarged and Rearrangecf. 136 Illustrations and 84 Formulae. i2mo. Cloth, 1.00 ; Interleaved for the addition of Notes, 1.25 *** The new Section on Bandaging and Surgical Dressings, con- sists of 32 Pages and 41 Illustrations. Every Bandage of any importance is figured. This, with the Section on Ligation of Arteries, forms an ample Text-book for the Surgical Laboratory. Walsham. Manual of Practical Surgery. For Students and Physicians. By Wm. J. Walsham, m.d., f.r.c.s., Asst. Surg. to, and Dem. of Practical Surg, in, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Surgeon to Metropolitan Free Hospital, London. With 236 Engravings. See Page 2. Cloth, 3.00; Leather, 3.50 URINE, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. Holland. The Urine, and Common Poisons and The Milk. Chemical and Microscopical, for Laboratory Use. Illus- trated. Third Edition. i2mo. Interleaved. Cloth, 1.00 Ralfe. Kidney Diseases and Urinary Derangements. 42 Illus- trations. i2mo. 572 Pages- Cloth, 2.75 Marshall and Smith. On the Urine. The Chemical Analysis of the Urine. By John Marshall, m.d., Chemical Laboratory, Univ. of Penna; and Prof. E. F. Smith, ph.d. Col. Plates. Cloth, 1.00 Thompson. Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Eighth London Edition. Illustrated. Cloth, 3.50 Tyson. On the Urine. A Practical Guide to the Examination of Urine. With Colored Plates and Wood Engravings. 6th Ed. Enlarged. i2mo. Cloth, 1.50 Van Niiys, Urine Analysis. Illus. Cloth, 2.00 VENEREAL DISEASES. Hill and Cooper. Student's Manual of Venereal Diseases, with Formulae. Fourth Edition. i2mo. Cloth, 1.00 49s See pages 14 and is for list of * Quiz- Compends f NEW AND REVISED EDITIONS. PQUIZ-COMPENDS? The Best Compends for Students' Use in the Quiz Class, and when Pre- paring for Examinations. Compiled in accordance with the latest teachings of promi- nent lecturers and the most popular Text-books. They form a most complete, practical and exhaustive set of manuals, containing information nowhere else col- lected in such a condensed, practical shape. Thoroughly up to the times in every respect, containing many new prescriptions and formulae, and over two hundred and fifty illustrations, many of which have been drawn and engraved specially for this series. The authors have had large experience as quiz-masters and attaches of colleges, with exceptional opportunities for noting the most recent advances and methods. Cloth, each $1.00. Interleaved for Notes, $1.25. No. 1. HUMAN ANATOMY, " Based upon Gray." Fifth Enlarged Edition, including Visceral Anatomy, formerly published separately. 16 Lithograph Plates, New Tables and 117 other Illustrations. By Samuel O. L. Potter, m.a., m.d., late A. A. Surgeon U. S. Army. Professor of Practice, Cooper Medical College, San Francisco. Nos. 2 and 3. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Fourth Edi- tion. By Daniel E. Hughes, m.d., Demonstrator of Clinical Medicine in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In two parts. Part I.—Continued, Eruptive and Periodical Fevers, Diseases of the Stomach, Intestines, Peritoneum, Biliary Passages, Liver, Kidneys, etc. (including Tests for Urine), General Diseases, etc. Part II.—Diseases of the Respiratory System (including Phy- sical Diagnosis), Circulatory System and Nervous System; Dis- eases of the Blood, etc. *#* These little books can be regarded as a full set of notes upon the Practice of Medicine, containing the Synonyms, Definitions, Causes, Symptoms, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Treatment, etc., of each disease, and including a number of prescriptions hitherto unpub- lished. No. 4. PHYSIOLOGY, including Embryology. Fifth Edition. By Albert P. Brubaker, m.d., Prof, of Physiology, Penn'a College of Dental Surgery; Demonstrator of Physiology in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Revised, Enlarged and Illustrated. No. 5. OBSTETRICS. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. By Henry G. 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