KEATING’S Balsam of Horehound |y V.—208—D. _ja Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, and Hoarseness. The New Life-giving Principle contained in this Prescription is the result of long study and experience in the treatment of Diseases of the Air Passages. It is purely scientific in its composition, free from any injurious drug or chemical, and prepared only from materials of the first selection. For the past ten years it has been tested in the private practice of several well-known physicians of this city, and always with the greatest satisfaction in its results. » The honest knowledge of its virtues has led the proprietor to bring this valuable medicine publicly forward. Safe, Sure, and Reliable! It never falls to Cure! In the Management of Coughs In Children It is unrivalled! A. MOTHER’S ADVICE. If any of your children have a Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, or Sore Throat, do not neglect U. Horehound you know is good, but KEATING’S HOREHOUND is the safest, surest, nicest, and best remedy for such complaints. All Dealers in Medioiae sell It. It is a household pet ta every family. Don’t be without it. MARK THIS CASE! WlIJ.IAMSBtTB.OH, Feb. 1, 1879. Dear DOCTOR:—For the past ten months my wife has been sick. When she was first taken, the doctor who attended her told me she had inflammation of the lungs. I got tired of his way of doing business; for the oftener he came the worse she got I tried another and that another. By-and-by she became an invalid. Judge of my situation when I tell yon I have five little children, and no one to care for them during my absence bat their sick mother. Yet I had to work to keep a roof above their heads. I could no longer afford to hire a doctor, so I obtained one at the Dispensary. He too was of the same opinion; she had ths consumption. He could do nothing for her. Give her whatever she wants, and let her die easy he said. One day, a man In our shop, to whom I had been telling my trouble—tor I love my wife dearly, and she was as good a wife as any man could desire—asked me if I had ever Bsed Keating’s Horehound. No, I never had. He got me a bottle. My wife took it. It helped her right off. I felt cheered. Before the first bottle was ont she had improved a little. It took her two months to be able to resume her household duties. 8he took no other medicine, and I am willing to swear your medicine cured her. With many blessings on yon, I remain your obedient servant, JAMES MARSHALL, 116 Sooth 10th Btnet. v KEATING'S RHEUMATIC CURE. (V.—208—D.) For Rheumatism, and all Neuralgic and Nervous Pains and Affections, Enlarged, Con- tracted, and Painful Affections of the Joints and Muscles; Pains in the Back, Sides, and Chest; Quinsy, and all affections of the Throat; Pains in the Head and Face, and Atten- tions of the Spine; Spinal Irritation, Lumbago, Sciatica, White Swellings, Sprains ef all kinds, Chilblains, Bunions, &a For the above Affections, this Liniment is one of the best medicines offered to the public; and they may net assured that in this there is no humbug, as it is warranted to give more relief in these Affections than any other remedy ever used. DIRECTIONS. In all cases the affected parte should be well washed with soap and warm water, then wipe dry and apply about half a tablespoonful of the Liniment, well rubbed in with a small piece ef flannel, three or four times a day, The bottle should be aloeed Immediately after pouring out the Liniment. When there is too much pain or eorcnees to allow the part to be robbed, wet a piece of muslin with the Liniment and bind it on. - Uae the Rheumatic Cube once, and yon will never be without it ’ To increase the action of the Cure, take }i teaspoonful of Rochelle Balts three times a day.