VOICE, SONG, AX I) SPEECH. Plate I] FRONTISPIECE ORIGINAL AND UNTOUCHED PORTRAIT ILLUSTRATING THE PROCESS OF PHOTOGRAPHY OP THE LARYNX (Copyright.) VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR SINGERS AND SPEAKERS; FROM THE COMBINED VIEW OF VOCAL SURGEON AND VOICE TRAINER. BY LENNOX BROWNE, F.R.C.S. Ed., SENIOR SURGEON TO THE CENTRAL THROAT AND EAR HOSPITAL, SURGEON AND AURAL SURGEON TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS ; AUTHOR OF ‘ THE THROAT AND ITS DISEASES,’ ‘ MEDICAL HINTS ON THE SINGING VOICE,’ ETC. AND EMIL BEHNKE, LECTURER ON VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY AND TEACHER OF VOICE PRODUCTION ; AUTHOR OF ‘ THE MECHANISM OF THE HUMAN VOICE,’ ETC. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS BY WOOD-ENGRAVING. AfJD PHOTOGRAPHY. NEW YORK : G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS, 27 & 29 WEST 23RD STREET. 1884. [All rights reserved.] LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. contents. PAGE List of Illustrations xi Preface.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xiii A Plea for Vocal Physiology .. .. .. .. .. i The Laws of Sound bearing upon the Voice .. .. 18—34 Definition of musical sound—Vibrations can be seen and felt —Require a medium to be perceived as sound by the ear— Reflection of sound—Echoes, 20—Vibrations may be either simple or compound, 21—Simple or pendular vibrations— Compound vibrations—Simple tones—Compound tones—• Force or loudness, 22—Pitch, 23—Partial tones, 24—Quality of tone, 26—Stringed instruments, 29—-Flute or flue-pipes— Reed instruments—Stiff reeds—Flexible reeds, 30—Clarionet, 31 Hautboy Bassoon Horn Trumpet The human voice Resonance Sympathetic resonance, 32 Tuning- forks. Speaking and Singing .. .. .. .. .. .. 35—37 Distinguishing points between the speaking and the singing voice. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Vocal Organ .. 38—82 The chest or thorax—The ribs—The midriff or diaphragm, 40 —The muscles of the chest, 41—The lungs—The pleurae, 43 —The windpipe or trachea, 44—The bronchial passages or bronchi—The mucous membrane, 45—Respiration, 45— Different methods of, 49—Its great importance in relation to voice, song, and speech, 50. The voice-box or larynx, 51—The framework, 53—The ring cartilage—The shield cartilage—The lid cartilage, 55—The pyramids, 57—The vocal ligaments, 58—The muscles of the larynx, 61—The glottis, 65—The vocal chink—Tabulation of muscles governing (1) the vocal chink, (2) the pitch of the voice, 68—The pocket ligaments, 69—The pockets of the larynx, 71—The cartilages of Santorini, 72—Folds of the larynx The vestibule of the larynx, 73—Closure of the larynx and closure of the glottis two different things, 75— The prop cartilages. CONTENTS. The resonator, 77—The pockets—The upper part of the throat, or pharynx, 78—The cavities of the nose, 79—The mouth— The hard palate, 80—The soft palate—The tonsils—The uvula, 81—Importance of soft palate in vocalisation, 82. PAGE Differences of the Larynx in Children, Women, and Men Growth from infancy to puberty—Varying dimensions in the sexes—Female larynx not simply reproduction of male. 83—86 Movements of the Larynx which can be seen or felt—in /aspiration, Aspiration, and in various vowel sounds. .. ... 86—87 The Human Voice as a Musical Instrument ~ ~ 88—94 The string theory—The flute-pipe theory—The reed theory —lnfluence of windpipe below, and of resonating portion above, on pitch of the voice, 91. Physical Causes of the Division of Voices 94—98 Differences between soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass— Speculations on the subject. The Hygienic Aspect of the Vocal Apparatus .. .. 99—135 Importance of knowledge of general laws of health to all voice-users—Division of subject. I. Hygienic aspect of management of the motor portion—Re- spiration, 102—Respiration chemically considered—Import- ance of fresh air in dwelling-houses and in buildings in which voice is publicly used, 104—Nose-breathing—Influence on voice, 105—Hygienic aspect of respirators, 106—Lungs must be filled primarily at the base, 107, then laterally—and never in health by upward elevation of collar-bone—Detri- mental influence on chest expansion from stays—Mr. Bernard Roth on the subject—Description of hygienic stays, 115 Influence of stays on obesity, 118—Experiments with spiro- meter, 120—Other influences of costume, 122—Constricting collars, tight belts, and heavy clothing—lnfluence of posture, 124—Beneficial effect of respiratory exercises on general health of persons with weak chests, 125—Influence of diges- tion on respiration—Table of vital statistics according to sex and height, 123. 11. The hygienic aspect of the vibrating element—The larynx and the vocal ligaments, 126—Most troubles in larynx may be attributed to wrong respiration—Vocal ligaments but rarely affected organically except under specific diseases of general health—Directions for avoiding laryngeal fatigue, 127. CONTENTS. 111. The hygienic aspect of management of the resonating portion of the voice, 129—Troubles in this region principally affected by disorders of secretion and digestion, but mainly attributable to faulty respiration—lmportance of physio- logical knowledge of formation of letters with regard to perfection in articulation, 129. PAGE Concluding remarks, 130—Fatigue in whatever division of vocal apparatus almost always to be attributed to defective breathing—Cases illustrative of benefit of lung gymnastics on the voice, 132. The Relations of the Throat and Ear in regard to Voice 135—139 Physical causes from local disorder of direct relation between throat and ear which may disturb power of judging one’s own voice—lndirect relation due to failure of control over laryngeal muscles to govern pitch, 137—Or auditory nerve is at fault—Comparison with sight—Distinction between the musical and non-musical ear—How to train the musical ear, 138, Experiments before the Invention of the Laryngoscope 140—145 Ferrein (1741), Kempelen (1791), Dutrochet (1806), Liskovius (1814), Savart (1825), Malgaigne (1831), Lehfeldt (1835), Magendie (1838), Joh. Mueller (1839)—Experiments on exsected larynges from the dead subject, 144—Are of value only if confirmed by investigation on the living. The Invention of the Laryngoscope .. .. .. 145—149 Bozzini (1807), Senn (1827), Babington (1827), Beaum£s O838), Liston (1840), Avery (1840), Warden (1844), Manuel Garcia (1853), Merkel on Garcia, Czermak and Tiirck. The Laryngoscope and how to use it.. .. .. 149 155 Description of mirrors—Illumination, 149—Directions, 151— Objections to its facility refuted, 152—The “ Laryngo-phan- tom,” 154—Auto-laryngoscopy—The process—A lamp for the purpose. The Teachings of the Laryngoscope .. .. .. .. 156 172 Description of various portions seen in the mirror—The way in which the object is reversed, 158—not laterally but from before backwards—The laryngeal image in gentle breathing, 160—in deep breathing, 160—and in tone production— Consideration of the movements of the vocal ligaments in tone production—The registers—Definition of a register, 163 CONTENTS. —Divisions into “lower thick,” 163—“upper thick,” 164 —“lower thin,” 167—“upper thin,” 168—“small,” 169— Explanation of the causes for differences in laryngoscopic observations in the various registers, 170. PAGE Laryngeal Photographs and their Lessons .. .. 173 —l7B Differences between them and the customary engraved view —Causes thereof—Refutation of many objections and fallacies held by non-laryngoscopic observers, 173—Differences in appearance of glottic chink in “ thick ” register and “ fal- setto.” On Voice Cultivation .. .. 179—242 1. Breathing.—Reconsideration of the best methods of filling the lungs, and the evil effects of wrong methods—Explanation of diagrams illustrative thereof, 183—Artificial hindrances to breathing, 184—Breathing exercises, x, 186—How to fill the lungs slowly, 2—How to hold the breath in the lungs, 3—• How to empty the lungs slowly, 4—To control both inspira- tion and expiration—Caution not to overfill the lungs by too deep or frequent inbreathing, 192—Also not to exhaust them before taking fresh breath, 193—Nostril-breathing habitually enjoined, 193—Mouth-breathing only occasionally necessary, 194. 2. Attack, 195—Definition—Exercises for firm and clear attack of tone, 196—Cautions against overcrowding of lungs, 197— Refutation of false theory of attack by “ Shock of Upper Glottis ”—Evidence that Dr, Wyllie’s support of this theory rests on garbled quotations, 199. 3. Resonance, 201—Examples of power to reinforce feeble sounds by resonators.—Resonance of vocal tone modified in five different directions : 1. by the pockets in the larynx ; 2. in the vestibule of the larnyx; 3, the upper throat (pharynx) ; 4. the mouth ; and 5. the nose—Opinions as to fixed or moveable position of the larnyx, 203—Consideration of the mouth as a resonant cavity, 204—Defective articulation the common fault of English singers and speakers, 205— Exercises for regulating free movements of its muscles, 206 —Control of the tongue, 207—Objections to artificial aids to its depression, 208—Exercises for control of tongue, 209— Throaty tone—Device for cure of, 210—Movements of soft palate, 211—Nasal quality, 212—Exercises for control of soft palate and avoidance of nasal tone, 214—Vowel sounds, 218—their relative pitch—Exercise on all vowels, not on one only, 220—Causes for varied “ reach ” of the voice—Directions so as to obtain it—Hints as to accurate articulation, 222. CONTENTS. PAGE Voice Cultivation ('continued.) 179—242 Flexibility, 223—Definition and explanation of the term— Exercises for its attainment. The Registers, 225—Should be equalised, not differentiated— Illustration of the registers of various voices by comparison with stringed instruments—Differences of registers considered in detail—lmportance of understanding nature and causes of physical sensations experienced by singers in use of the various registers—Exercises for developing and strength- ening the registers, 234^—Dangers of forcing registers up— The mixed voice, definition and mode of production—Fal- setto, its varieties—All remarks on voice cultivation as appli- cable to speakers as to singers, 239. Position, 240—Examples of what it should not be, and what it should be. The Daily Life of the Voice-User 243—267 Controlled by 1. Residence—2. Ablutions, 244 How to bathe— Turkish baths—Washing teeth—Cold water in the mouth versus gargling—3. Clothing, 248—Necessity for care of, to all professional voice-users—Hints as to—Description of sensible dress for ladies—4. Diet, 252—Explanation of various kinds of food and of its relation in quantity and quality to the amount of physical work of each individual—Time for meals when using the voice—Dietary aids to voice exercise—Suppers, 255—General dietary directions—The question of drinking—Tea, 258—reasons of its injurious effects on some voices—Coffee—Cocoa—Effervescing drinks —Alcohol, 26a—not to be taken before or during work, only at conclusion—5. Exercise, 261—Distaste of singers for —To be always moderate—6. Amusements, 262—What may be allowed, and which avoided-—Lastly: Habits, 263—• Smoking—Snuff-taking. The Ailments of the Voice-User 268—287 Special colour given by vocation to all general disorders—Most ailments functional and due to disturbance of general health or fault of professional exercise—Catching cold, 271—Sore throat or relaxed throat, 272—Pharyngitis, or inflamed throat, 273—Clergyman's sore throat, 274—Useless advice of rest without treatment, 275—Elongated or relaxed uvula, 275—Symptoms and treatment—Refutation of objections to snipping in appropriate cases—Enlargement of the tonsils, 278 —lts injurious effects on the voice, articulation, and respira- tion, and on senses of hearing, smell, and taste—Operation, and CONTENTS. testimony in support of its advisability—Laryngeal troubles, 281—Reasons for not considering them at length—Loss of •voice, 281—Symptoms and treatment—Cautions as to dan- gerous and patent remedies—Common head cold, 284— Nervousness, 285-—Concluding remarks, 286. PAGE On Defects of Speech: Stammering and Stuttering .. 288—303 Present position of the subject in public estimation—Brief con- sideration of vowels and consonants—Oral teaching of deaf mutes result of more perfect knowledge of physiology of speech—Distinctions between stammering and stuttering, 293—Fault of respiration the most frequent cause, 297—De- fective state of health of stutterers and stammerers—Treat- ment—Mechanical—Surgical, 299, and educational, 301— The last both mental and physical. Appendix I.—The Process of Photography of the Vocal Organs in the act of Singing .. 304—307 Appendix ll.—Copy of Letter from Dr. Wyllie on Approximation of the Pocket Ligaments in Tone Production 307—308 XI LIST OF PLATES. *** All Illustrations of this work which have been borrowed or adapted from other authorities are duly acknowledged. Those not so named are either original, or, as the result of actual dissection and experience, have been modified to such an extent as to justify claim to originality. The laryngoscopic drawings have been made by Mr. Lennox Browne, and the other figures have been drawn under our joint direction by Mr. Sherwin, of 4 Staple Inn Buildings, whose care and skill we are happy in having secured. We also gratefully recognise the painstaking intelligence with which Mr. Royle, of 2 Newman’s Row, Lincolns’ Inn, has engraved the woodcuts. Acknowledgment of obligation in the matter of the photographs is accorded in the appendix on Photography of the Larynx, page 304. PLATE PAGE I. Original and untouched Portrait illustrating the process of Photography of the Larynx. (Copyright) .. Frontispiece 11. A Reed {from Tyndall).. .. .. .. .. 30 111. Section of the Human Body .. ~ .. .. .. 39 {Adapted from Kiiss and Czermak) IV. Framework of the Chest.. .. .. .. .. .. 40 V. Chest and Lungs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 VI. The Lungs, &c. {adaptedfrom Niemeyer) .. .. .. 43 VII. Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx .. .. .. 52 VIII. Front View of the Voice-box or Larnyx .. .. .. 54 IX. Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx, showing the interior of it, the right plate of the shield having been removed ~ 57 X. Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx, showing the interior of the left half .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 XL Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx, showing the external muscles .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 62 XII. A. Glottis in Repose .. .. .. .. .. B. Glottis in Deep Breathing .. .. .. .. [65 C. Glottis in the Production of Tone ~ ~ .. I LIST OF FLA TES. PLATE PAGE XIII. View of a Section of the Voice-box or Larynx from above .. 66 XIV. Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx, showing the left Pocket and Mucous Folds .. .. .. .. .. 69 XV. View of the Voice-box or Larynx cut open from behind .. 72 XVI. The Voice-box or Larynx seen from behind .. .. .. 73 XVII. The Soft Palate 80 XVIII. Natural Waist {adaptedfrom Flower) .. .. .. no XIX, Deformed Waist [adapted from Flower) .. .. ..in XX. Natural Position of Organs in Unconfined Chest [adapted from Roth) ., .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 XXL Distorted Position of Organs in Body deformed by Stays [adaptedfrom Roth) .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 XXII. Dr Tobold’s Laryngoscope .. .. .. .. .. 150 XXIII. Dr. Foulis’s Auto-Laryngoscope .. .. .. .. 155 XXIV. Laryngeal Image showing Reversion of the Reflected Image 158 XXV. „ „ in Gentle Breathing.. .. .. .. 160 XXVI, „ „ „ Deep Breathing .. .. .. .. 160 XXVII. „ „ „ Tone Production .. .. .. .. 160 XXVIII. ,, „ “ Lower Thick” Register .. .. .. 163 XXIX. „ „ “ Upper Thick ” Register .. .. .. 164 XXX. „ „ “ Lower Thin ” Register .. .. .. 167 XXXI. „ „ “ Upper Thin ” Register (Female Larynx) 168 XXXII. „ „ “ Small ” Register (Female Larynx) .. 169 XXXIII. The Registers of the Human Voice .. .. .. .. 171 XXXIV. Repetition of the Laryngeal Images in the Various Registers 178 XXXV. Photographs of the Larynx in the Production of Different Mechanisms [Copyright) .. ., .. to face page 178 {Illustrating the varying capacity of the chest according to the method in which the lungs are inflated .. .. .. .. .. .. 183 XXXVIII. Section of the Voice-box or Larynx showing the shape of the Vocal Ligaments in the “Thick” Register [from Merkel).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 XXXIX. Section of the Voice-box or Larynx showing the shape of the Vocal Ligaments in the “Thin” Register [from Merkel) 200 XL. Photographs of the Soft Palate in the production of Different Tones [Copyright) .. .. .. .. to face page 215 PREFACE. Each of the Authors of the following pages has already contributed something towards the store of literature on the Human Voice. These contributions have had a large circulation and have so far been successful, but they have been necessarily one-sided and therefore incomplete ; for while the surgeon was unable to touch on matters musical, the teacher found himself in a similar difficulty on many points of hygiene and health. The one, after many years of experience, came to the conclusion that wrong production of voice or abuse of its function was the chief cause of most of the cases of vocal failure, and even of throat disease, occurring to professional voice-users, which came under his notice. The other had become equally convinced that the scarcity of fine voices in singers as well as in speakers, generally acknowledged to exist, was due, less to dearth of material, than to faults in its cultivation and exercise. The want of a complete work from both these points of observation had been repeatedly urged upon us, and as we had for some years been in the habit of collaborating in the treatment of patients and pupils, and had found that our experience on all points of physiology and of hygiene, of precept and of practice, in so far as we could form an opinion, was in entire concord, we agreed to write con- jointly something which should, if possible, supply the PREFACE. want indicated, and, containing the combined experience of vocal surgeon and of voice trainer, become a complete manual for all voice-users. Probably it will not be difficult for readers to identify the separate authorship of certain chapters and passages, but the work is offered as essentially a joint one ; for there is not a chapter or illustration, and hardly a paragraph, but has been the subject of frequent mutual consideration and discussion. We trust that, as a result of this intimate collaboration, our aim has been attained ; and for the same reason,-we desire to acknowledge equal responsibility for any short- comings. /jtstA^tyiryyr 36 Weymouth Street, Portland Place, W- € 35 Talgarth Road, West Kensington, W. November, 1883. Hamlet. Will you play upon this pipe ? Guildenstern. My lord, I cannot. Hamlet. . . . Govern these ventages, . . . give it breath with your mouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops. Guildenstern. But these cannot I command to any utterance of har- mony : I have not the skill. Hamlet. . . . There is much music, excellent voice, in this little oigan ; yet cannot you make it speak. Shakespeare. VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. “If any one doubts the importance of an acquaintance with the principles of physiology as a means to complete living let him look around and see how many men and women he can find in middle or later life who are thoroughly well.”—Herbert Spencer. We have only to demand application of the above pertinent question of our great modern philosopher on the subject of general physiology to the more special one, the title of which heads this chapter, to explain why it seems strange to us that there is any necessity to plead for a knowledge of vocal physiology amongst singers and speakers. Such knowledge should be universally admitted as an indispensable branch of vocal culture. The result would be twofold: first, the full beauties of the vocal organ would be developed with intelligence and ease ; and secondly, fewer voices would be ruined in the training, or be prematurely worn out, since both teachers and pupils of singing and of elocution would know better the con- struction, capabilities, and delicacy of the instrument on which they wish to play. Some have ridiculed the idea that an acquaintance with this subject is of any more use to the vocalist than is the anatomy of the hand to the pianist. But the examples 2 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. are not analogous, inasmuch as the pianist obtains his instrument ready made for him, and if he wear it out or injure it he can purchase another, while the vocalist has to form his voice, and if he wrongly use it, it may be gone for ever. A pupil on going over an exercise or piece is told by the master, “ You are singing with nasal, or throaty, or muffled quality,” as the case may be ; “ let the tone be a pure vocal one.” The master imitates the fault with exagger- ation, then (presumably) patterns correctly; but although the pupil recognises the defect he is unable to remedy it, because singing cannot be learned exclusively by imitation, any more than painting by copying the works of masters, however great. The teacher’s injunctions serve but to be- wilder the anxious student, who would be only too thank- ful to produce pure and beautiful tone did he understand the process, and were the master possessed of sufficient practical knowledge of vocal physiology to rightly instruct him in control of the individual or various muscles whose imperfect action causes the defects in question. Analogies must not, then, be sought for between the practice of a living and of a mechanical art, which latter might be applic- able to certain rules for the education of a pianist and a violinist. The true analogy is to be found in the two arts of singing and painting, whereas the likenesses and differ- ences of practice with two instruments might be illustrated by the kindred mechanical graphic arts of engraving and lithography. We wish to urge that the singing pupil should not be asked to make a copy of any master, but to produce an original with all the differences and individuali- ties thereof. But what would be said of an art student who attempted a figure subject without knowledge of anatomy so as to understand the action of the various A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 3 muscles ? Who dreams of painting costumed figures until he has mastered the mysteries of form in the nude and the consequent meaning of every fold of drapery ? Who, again, would sanction the painting of a landscape without previous knowledge of the laws of light and shade, of composition and, above all, of perspective ? And suppos- ing such were attempted, who would look at the resulting works .or give them a place on wall or in portfolio ? All teaching of laws of Art must be preliminary and not supplementary to practical teaching; for the knowledge of how nature works should be recognised as a foundation, not as a superstructure. Vocal instruction in the direction in- dicated before practice is attempted is therefore preferable, because it leads to prevention of faults of style, and indeed of diseased conditions which would otherwise, through ignorance, result. In other words, we urge that “ preven- tion is better than cure,” and we would add that when “ cure ” is effected a relapse will occur under return to predisposing and exciting causes. No serious reply is really required to those who object to scientific teaching on the ground that many of our greatest singers in the past knew nothing of these things. That may be ; but, in the first place, they would have been none the worse for such knowledge ; and in the second place, the same objection would apply to extension of scientific research and knowledge in all and every other direction. It is a question worthy of consideration whether failure or scarcity of good voices in the present may not be in a measure due to inability to transmit the gift simply because the greatest possessors in the recent past have been unable, or unwilling, to give the necessary time to teach by imitation, and have possibly also been ignorant of any other method of education. Here, 4 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. again, the analogy of painting and singing may be used in illustration of our argument. We do not advance that now and again a great genius in either art has not shone on the world who appeared to have been self- taught ; but treatises and rules must be made for the average capacity, not for the exceptional. It may be true that there is a present dearth of the finest voices, but it is undeniable that there is, in late years, a greater average excellence in the musical qualities and scientific attain- ments of singers, and also in the elocutionary qualifications of many members of parliament, clergymen, actors, and other public speakers. We deny, however, the assumption that many great artists are “ self-taught,” and Leslie, in his ‘Handbook for Young Painters,’ combats this idea with great vigour, and by ample illustration proves its fallacy. All that he says could, by mere change of the word “ painting ” into “ singing,” apply to our contention. Constable also very pertinently remarks that “ a self-taught artist is one taught by a very ignorant person.” The fact is that a genius may be said to illustrate a gift by which the possessor absorbs almost, as it were, naturally, and imitates immediately, all the fundamental essential laws of his art, and he will even originate ideas—possibly without knowledge of the laws on which they are based, but always in conformity therewith. He will not have to work with less industry, but his industry will always be rightly directed ; and the degree of facility with which teaching is absorbed, digested, and assimilated, constitutes the difference between genius and talent, and also the different grades of talent. We cannot better enforce this portion of our argu- ment than with a quotation from a recent work by Leo Kofler entitled ‘ The Old Italian School of Singing ’ (E. S. A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 5 Werner, Albany, N.Y.), a book full of valuable informa- tion, and one to be strongly recommended. He asks the question: “ How shall we account for the sentiments of a great musician and teacher like F. H. Truhn, of Berlin, who, in his pamphlet ‘About the Art of Singing,’ ex- presses himself in the following manner : 4 Mozart knew nothing of Chladni’s and Helmholtz’s researches; who, then, need to have studied physiological analysis of the vocal organs to become a singer or a teacher of singing?’ The great masters of the old Italian school were of the opposite opinion. The renowned Italian singer, composer, and musical writer, Giovanni A. Buontempi, who died before he could get a glimpse of the glorious era of the old Italian school, informs us in his ‘ History of Music,’ of which Dr. Burney gives a great many and long ab- stracts, that at his time the daily study of the physical laws that govern the singer’s tones was required of the pupils. The same is told by Arteaga of his times. J. F. Agricola, in his translation of Tosi’s important work, gives in the first chapter a description in detail of the larynx and its functions. Dr. Marx, in his noteworthy book, ‘The Art of Singing,’ in section ii., treats upon vocal physiology with such a thorough knowledge that we wonder how it was possible to achieve such scientific results thirty years before Garcia first saw the vocal ligaments in operation in a living body. The study of vocal physiology is surely a very essential duty of the singing-teacher ; without it he cannot conscientiously be a vocal trainer. Would you trust a physician of whom you know that he has not acquired the necessary knowledge of the mysteries of the human body? Why, then, would you pin your faith upon a voice-trainer who makes a boast of his ignorance of the natural laws that govern the vocal 6 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. organs ? These organs are the most delicate, vital, and complicated parts of our body. Is it reasonable, then, to say that a man can train them without knowing their natural conditions ? No rational being can decline the advice given by Agricola in his previously mentioned translation of Tosi; ‘The knowledge of the vocal organs is always very useful to the singer, and especially to the teacher, and in many cases indispensable. For even when nature has adorned a singer with the best qualities, the knowledge of physiology is necessary to prevent all damages that might be done through ignorance. But when a teacher finds natural faults and defects in a voice, how can he successfully battle with them if he is un- acquainted with the seat of the evil?’ Dr. Haertinger remarks: ‘As in all other arts and sciences man can only reach the truth and perfection by walking in those paths along which he can follow the footprints of nature, so also in voice-training. If the student of the art of singing receives no insight into the mysterious workshop of his vocal organs, then he will not only make no advance in the cultivation of his voice, but, on the contrary, will positively distort it and lose all naturalness.’ This shows the fallacy of the popular belief, that if a man or a woman is only a great singer they must necessarily be the best teachers. If they have not studied the art of training voices, the first chapter of which must con- tain the science of the natural conditions of the vocal organs, they are unfit to train others, for the same reason that the best pianist—-just because he has learned to play the piano—cannot be considered to have thus fitted himself to become a manufacturer of pianos. For this he would have to undergo considerable extra training.” A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 7 That all teachers, however empirical, realise in a certain degree that the vocal machinery is capable of being brought under control may be proved by the advice given on this subject in so-called treatises on the voice. It is amusingly varied and contradictory. Thus, singing pupils are told by different authorities: To breathe by the descent of the diaphragm; by drawing in the abdomen and raising the ribs; to swell out the sides while drawing in the abdomen as a support to the chest!— To control the expiration by means of the abdominal and the chest muscles; to control it by contraction of the ventricles of Morgagni.—To breathe through the nostrils; through the mouth; through both at the same time.—To keep the larynx fixed ; to hold it in a high position; to hold it in a low position ; to make it rise gradually; not to attempt to control it at all.—To hold the mouth, the neck, the palate, and the pharynx very stiff and tense; to hold all these parts quite loosely.—To tighten the under lip ; to depress the tongue; to practise the soft palate till it becomes as hard as a bone.—To sing with closed mouth before attacking the tone, and with a strong nasal quality m—m—maw, &c.; to say “pm” with closed mouth, letting the sound pass through the nostrils, resulting, we are assured, in a wonder-working stroke of the epiglottis. —To focus the sound ; to direct the voice towards the roof of the mouth; against the hard palate; against the upper front teeth ; into the head; to the bottom of the chest; to lean the tone against the eyes ! to sing all over the face I Well may the puzzled student ask which of all these recommendations are right and which are wrong! The teachers who give these quasi-physiological directions feel that the voices with which they have to deal are wrong in 8 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. some important respects and must be changed, and that mere imitation will not effect the change. They are, indeed, unconsciously groping for a knowledge of the mechanism of the vocal organ, which is as necessary for the proper development of a healthy voice as it is for the restoration of a lost or ruined one. But there need be no groping where science can light up the way. This is true of the speaking voice as well as of the voice in singing, the same mechanism being called into play in both cases. All public speakers, as well as singers, should receive scientific training in the mechanism and right employment of the organ of voice. It is precisely here, on the threshold of their art, that many elocutionists fail. They occupy themselves with articulation, pronunciation, intonation, modulation, emphasis, and gesture, and having but little, if any, physiological knowledge are therefore unable to form a true basis of voice-production. It is clear that a teacher of singing or of elocution who is thoroughly and practically acquainted with the anatomy and physiology of the parts over which he is to give his pupils control, and who can skilfully examine a pupil’s larynx, and direct its movements, is, other qualifications being equal, in a position to produce better results than one who is deficient in such skill. Unfortunately but little attention is paid to this funda- mental training ; and it is only when singers, and especially speakers, find their voice fail that they begin to think they have not used the organ aright, and seek for infor- mation which should have been theirs before the com- mencement of their public career, whether it be in the senate, the pulpit, the law-court, the concert-room, or the stage. A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 9 It is true that no person ever attempts to use the singing voice in public without special training of some sort; yet there are still members of parliament, clergymen, and other public speakers, who commence and continue their important work without any previous vocal discipline. “ When a man is called upon to address a large assembly for the first time in his life, he is all at once made aware that the vocal production to which he is habituated fails him utterly. He makes a variety of impromptu experi- ments in pitch and intensity, some of them ludicrous, and all unsuccessful,; and having soared to heights un- sustainable by human throat and insupportable to human ear, he drops past that mean elevation at which alone he might have poised himself securely, and plunging ‘deeper than ever plummet sounded,’ is lost in an in- comprehensible growl.” (‘ The Cultivation of the Speak- ing Voice,’ by John Hullah. London: Macmillan & Co., p. 23.) In this matter of vocal training we are in a retrogade condition ; for we find that the development of the voice was considered by the ancient Greeks a part of the proper education of every student, and essential to health. “ The discipline for the formation and improvement of the voice among the Athenians was so comprehensive that, as we are informed by Roman writers, not less than three different classes of teachers were employed for this purpose, viz., the vociferarii, phonasci, and vocales. The object of the first class seems to have been to strengthen the voice and to extend its compass ; the office of the second to improve its quality, so as to render it full, sonorous, and agreeable; while the efforts of the third, who, perhaps, were considered as the finishing masters, were directed to the proper intonation and inflection.” (‘ Philosophy of Voice and VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. Speech/ by James Hunt. London, 1858. Longman, Browne & Co., p. 350.) This training, in which all youths of respectability participated, was distinct from that of the rhetorician which followed the more scientific teaching just described. The advisability of imitating the Athenians by establish- ing classes for voice training on scientific principles is earnestly commended to those in authority in our uni- versities, and in our musical and theological colleges. A preacher is something more than a sermon-maker, he is a “ thought-creator ” and a “ thought-conveyer,” and it is his duty to convey his thoughts to his auditors in a suitable and impressive manner. But if his tone-produc- tion be faulty, rendering his voice unmusical and unsym- pathetic; if he put upon it an unnatural strain and use an unnecessary expenditure of force; or if his speech be weak and unintelligible, then his most beautiful thoughts and profoundest learning will be powerless to elevate and instruct his congregation. For himself, he will be fortunate if he escape some of the many throat troubles which are only peculiar to clergymen because they, of all voice-users of the higher grades, speak most frequently in an unnatural voice. No man who is conscious of the ability to speak effectively can undervalue the power of a pleasant voice; and no hearer of a melodious voice but will acknowledge its influence. We have, probably, all been charmed and our attention riveted by such a voice, even when the discourse was not above commonplace. The converse of this is, alas, more often met with. It is a fact that many of the greatest thinkers, scholars, and writers use in public speaking and reading a heavy, low monotone, or they rasp the ear with a high and strident pitch. Their “ thoughts A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 11 that breathe and words that burn” fall lifeless and cold, nay, even weary, and repel their listeners, who experience a sense of relief when the inharmonious voice ceases ; the speaker also being thankful that his painful struggle to be heard is over. How much the influence of the un- fortunate possessor of such a voice is nullified! If a statesman, how small must be his success in directing the fortunes of a nation! If a clergyman, painfully will he feel that his earnest endeavours avail him nothing. If a barrister, he sees judge and juryman sleeping, and to the detriment of his client he may lose his carefully prepared case. Yet in almost every instance a voice which has no inherent beauty may, by correct training, become attractive and pleasant, and obtain clearness, smoothness, and com- manding resonance. The following quotation, taken from a lecture by Cull, on ‘ Reading Aloud,’ is much to the point: “By the term a highly cultivated voice I do not mean the application of those rules of reading which are taught by elocution masters, but a cultivation of the voice on sound acoustic and physiological principles, analogous to those which are so eminently successful in cultivating the voice of song. This is not mere theory. Voices have been cultivated on such principles with great success. Weak ones have been strengthened and improved in flexibility and tone; and even those supposed to be permanently silenced by long- continued clergyman’s sore throat have been restored to public usefulness.” (‘ King’s College Lectures on Elocu- tion,’ by Charles John Plumptre. London : Triibner & Co. Appendix 11., p. 448.) It is to be hoped that the time is not far distant when there will be at our uni- versities and training colleges a chair of vocal physiology. Wealthy and benevolent persons have here a noble object 12 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. for their liberality, presenting to them an opportunity of preventing for all time much suffering, both physical and mental; and of enabling numbers of devoted and talented men to continue to the end their valuable services in the cause of the commonwealth and of religion. By fur- nishing the means of instruction, and by making obliga- tory to each student a course of practical study on the formation, management, and preservation of the voice, clergyman’s sore throat and other cognate disorders which now seriously mar the prospects and hinder the usefulness of many public speakers will be much less frequent. Clergymen and other public speakers break down with injured or ruined voice and enfeebled health, more fre- quently through simple ignorance of the true method of voice-production than from all other causes combined. For, alas ! there is a sadder phase than that already sketched. The habitual faulty use of the respiratory and vocal muscles produces congestion of the vascular supply to the mucous membrane, disorder of the secreting fol- licles, irritation of the sensory nerves of the throat and un- certainty of action of the vocal muscles, each resulting in hoarseness, and deterioration of power both to produce and to control the desired tones; so that all functional exercise occasions fatigue and nervous depression, with the addition of injury to the general health. Chronic throat disorder is thus established, which, if neglected, is obstinate of cure. Singers who occupy a middle place in art, and more frequently the clergy, seem to be peculiarly liable to these maladies; and it is painful to see them thus broken down in health, sometimes to even a vital extent, as well as in voice for want of proper knowledge as to a right use of their vocal organs. It ought not to be. Clergy- A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. men should not be sent to their high calling unprepared for the physical part of their vocation, ignorant of the mechanism and management of the wonderful instrument upon which they play in speaking. It has been our great gratification to have restored to vigour by the use of scientific vocal gymnastics, sometimes even without any medical treatment, many voices which had utterly broken down under faulty production ; but if speakers and singers would start on their public career properly prepared for the physical part of their work, no voice restoration would be required. Knowing how to produce their voice they would avoid errors which destroy that most perfectly constructed and, under fair use, most lasting of all musical instruments. Stammering and stuttering, which afflict more persons than is perhaps imagined, would be much more frequently cured than it now is if a correct knowledge of the physi- ology of the vocal apparatus were possessed by those who undertake its treatment; but this point can only be alluded to here, and will be dealt with in detail in the special section treating on this question. Many intending students of singing who read this chapter will probably ask, “How is true vocal culture to be obtained, seeing that not only is a thorough knowledge of the art of music needed, but also an intimate acquaint- ance with vocal physiology ? ” Doctors, especially those who make affections of the throat a specialty, have the requisite knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the voice; but a doctor whose time is occupied in the cure of disease cannot give attention to the vocal culture of his patients. Neither has every doctor musical knowledge and taste. Doctors are all naturally on the outlook for symptoms of disease, and the specialist, no less than the VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. generalist, seeks for the original cause in the general constitutional fault; he goes even farther, and tries to put his finger on the exact local seat of trouble, and his remedial measures are not confined to the drug or the knife, but also include correction of both general and local trouble. Yet all this has nothing to do with scientific vocal culture, for which there is a wide field outside the province of the physician, although the work runs some- what on parallel lines. Teachers are needed who have gone through a regular course of physiological and anatomical training; who have learnt the way in which all the muscles of the vocal apparatus act, so that on hearing a faulty voice they may be able to say which muscle or set of muscles requires to be brought into play, or subdued in action, as the case may be. Nor must they be unpractical and satisfy themselves with merely theoris- ing on the subject. They must also, having discovered the fault, know how to correct it; for though the phy- sician has gone far to success when he has made a correct diagnosis of disease, he will not cure his patient unless he pursues a proper remedial treatment. Above all, and before all, the scientific teacher must be able to apply his anatomical knowledge To the development of the respira- tory organs to their full capacity. It is possible that few will have a sufficient liking for physiology to study this portion of the subject in the dissecting room as well as from books, and to verify in their own and other living persons’ throats the discoveries already made. Yet but little good will be effected without this practice, especially that of laryngoscopic investigation of the vocal organs in the performance of the various functional acts; for the dead and excised larynx cannot be made to act as a living one. A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 15 An intelligent use of the laryngoscope and application of its teaching will give a greater facility in the art of voice- cultivation than has hitherto been enjoyed. Inexpert manipulators who are unable to use the laryngoscope properly, and therefore cannot produce a good tone while seeking to investigate with it, illogically come to the con- clusion that only forced and unnatural sounds can be made while using the laryngoscope, and that, in conse- quence, its teachings are unreliable. We know that a bad workman generally blames his tools instead of his own in- efficiency ; and here the fault lies solely with the operator. Doubtless there are difficulties to be overcome, but none that are insuperable, and in the proper place we shall give such detailed and plain directions as will greatly facilitate pursuance of this interesting study. Let not the earnest worker be discouraged by a fewr failures ; ultimate success is surely attainable, and the result will abundantly reward his patience and perseverance. It must, however, be understood that in thus advocating a scientific basis for the production, cultivation, and pre- servation of the voice we are not thinking of laryngoscopy alone. It is a mistake to speak of this as though it were the one and all of vocal physiology. It is, on the contrary, only a small part of it, and would avail the student but little were he not also fully acquainted with the vocal apparatus as a whole, which, as will be seen further on, comprises separate mechanisms for production, emission, and reson- ance, with many other minor factors to regulate the qualities of clearness and beauty of sound, and distinctness of utterance. The immediate origin of the voice is, it is true, in the vocal ligaments; but as the surgeon has, in the cure of all disease, whether of the throat or of any other part, to go far beyond the seat of local manifestation, VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. so the teacher and student of voice-production must not think of the voice simply as the result of the vibrations of the vocal ligaments. Such a narrow view of the subject would necessarily lead to error and failure, and men who are continually talking or writing about the action of the “vocal cords” or of the “ventricles of Morgagni,” or indeed of any other part of the mechanism, instead of viewing the instrument as a whole, do not deserve the name of scientists. The greatest attention to even the minutest details is certainly indispensable in this as in any other field of research; but details are important only in their respective places, and they should never be so magnified as to assume undue proportions, or to distort our view of the subject in its entirety. Though much of singing is due to automatic muscular action in the vocal organ, yet physiological instruction as to the best method of filling the lungs so as to set the cords in vibration, as to economy of expiration so as to produce efficient and even vocal tone, and the many facts to be hereafter de- tailed, bearing on the altogether voluntary control over the tongue, lips, and soft palate, are not only of essential service to the singer, but of great independent interest to all students of the art, and cannot fail to lead to a more intelligent exposition of their capabilities. This being agreed, we have to study the construction of all these parts in detail and as a whole, and to deduce from this study how to govern their movements. With the knowledge thus acquired, muscular efforts can be ex- plained, directed, or controlled; weakness can be changed into strength, and harshness into sweetness. It is, in short, the business of teachers .of singing and of elocution to commence where scientific investigators have left off; to acquaint themselves with the physiological and acoustic laws A PLEA FOR VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY. 17 governing the voice; and then to turn these to practical account in drilling their pupils. Such at any rate is the task that we set ourselves to accomplish in the following pages, and, indeed, we propose to go somewhat further. There can be no doubt that, as a result of the non-scientific character of much of the instruction in the art of singing and speaking, very false and ignorant ideas exist amongst voice-users as to their mode of life, and as to the ailments which affect their sanitary well-being, both general and professional. We shall endeavour, without transgressing beyond the bounds of reason, to give such information on the more prominent points of hygiene and health which affect the voice-user in his daily career as will render his work more easy, and will lead to the detection and remedy of some of his health defects. There cannot be a doubt that want of such knowledge is at the root of many a vocal failure. We shall feel ourselves happy indeed if we can supply that want. VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. Musical Sound is the result of vibrations which occur at regular intervals, and with a sufficient rapidity of succession. We can see the vibrations by watching a sounding string. Or we can demonstrate them by draw- ing a sounding tuning-fork, with a style attached to one of the prongs, over a piece of smoked glass, when the style will not produce a straight but a wavy line, reveal- ing the to-and-fro motion of the prong. But the most striking manner in which sonorous vibrations can be rendered visible consists in Chladni’s interesting experi- ments, which show that when sand is scattered over a sounding plate of glass or of metal, fastened with a clamp in the centre, the sand is driven from the vibrating parts of the surfaces and collects along the lines remaining station- ary, which are called nodal lines. By drawing a bow over the edge of such plates, and by interrupting the vibrations at various points, by pressing a finger against them, sand- figures of extreme beauty may be produced. We can also feel sonorous vibrations by gently touching with the finger a suspended sounding bell. Hang up a little piece of cork in such a manner as to make it just touch the rim of the bell and it will be thrown into motion. In order to prove that sound is the result of vibrations touch the bell heavily enough to stop the vibrations, and you also stop the tone. Strike a tuning- THE LAWS OF SOUND BEATING UPON THE VOICE. 19 fork and touch one of its prongs with the tip of your tongue, the vibrations will cause a tickling sensation so strong as to send a shock through your whole body. Or again, if the vibrating tuning-fork be held so as to touch a lightly suspended button, the latter will be violently dashed aside. These vibrations do not give rise to the sensation sound, unless they throw our hearing apparatus into similar vibrations. There is consequently a medium required to communicate them to the ear. This medium is the air-ocean by which we are surrounded on all sides, and that it really is the sound-conveying medium may be inferred from the fact that without air we do not hear. Suspend a bell connected with clockwork under the receiver of an air-pump, exhaust the receiver as perfectly as possible, and then set the clockwork going. You will see the hammer striking the bell, but no sound will be heard. As you re-admit the air gently by degrees you hear the sound, very faintly at first, but louder and louder as the air surrounding the bell becomes more and more dense; the vibrations being transmitted by the air inside the receiver to the glass, and thence to the air outside. The vibrations of the sounding body are communicated to the air, not by propelling individual particles of it through space like a shot, but by setting up to-and-fro motions which knock, so to speak, one particle against its neighbour, after which it rebounds and finally returns to its original position; just as the excursions of a pen- dulum get smaller by degrees, until at last they cease entirely. The neighbouring particle imparts the motion to another one, and also returns to its original position, and so on. Alternate condensations and rarefactions of the air 20 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. are thus produced, travelling outwards from the sounding body, each condensation together with its succeeding rarefaction being termed a sound wave. Let it be under- stood that while these waves are travelling along, the particles of which they are formed merely execute a very limited movement to and fro. It must further be observed that the sound waves do not only travel in one direction, but in every direction all around. We have therefore to think of them as hollow spheres whose diameter increases in size as they proceed on their journey. We have thus seen how a vibratory motion is com- municated to the air and transmitted through it in the form of waves. These waves, striking the drumhead 6f the ear, cause it to vibrate ; the vibrations thus set up are transmitted by the auditory nerve to the brain where they are perceived as sound. Now as sound travels in waves like light, we should expect to see it reflected like light; and that such is really the case is proved by the echo. When the sound waves strike against a wall, a cliff, or any other opposing surface, they return to us provided the reflecting surface is at right angles to a line drawn from the point where we stand. If this is not the case the echo will be sent in another direction, and it may be heard by other per- sons, but not by him who produced the original sound. The reflecting surface must also be far enough away to allow the ear to distinguish the echo from the original sound, or the two will merge into each other. If two reflecting surfaces are inclined towards each other in such a way as to throw the reflection of the same sound to and fro, the echo is repeated—in some cases, over and over again, each time, of course, less loudly, until at last it dies away altogether. There are wonderful instances of this on THE LAWS OF SOUND BEATING UPON THE VOICE. 21 record, one of the most famous being the echo between the wings of a castle not far from Milan, which repeats the report of a pistol sixty times. An illustration of the reflection of sound by curved roofs or ceilings may be found in the whispering gallery of St. Paul’s, where the faintest sound is conveyed from one side of the dome to the other, but is not heard at any intermediate point. Inconvenient secrets have been thus revealed, an instance of which has been cited by Sir John Herschel. “In one of the cathedrals in Sicily the con- fessional was so placed that the whispers of the penitents were reflected by the curved roof, and brought to a focus at a distant part of the edifice. The focus was discovered by accident, and for some time the person who discovered it took pleasure in hearing, and in bringing his friends to hear, utterances intended for the priest alone. One day it is said his own wife occupied the penitential stool, and both he and his friends were thus made acquainted with secrets which were the reverse of amusing to one of the party.” (‘ On Sound,’ by Tyndall. London : Longmans & Co., 2nd ed., p. 16.) Vibrations may be either simple or compound. Simple vibrations follow the laws of a pendulum, and are, therefore, also called pendular vibrations. An instance of compound vibrations is furnished by a string, which swings not only up and down and from side to side, but also in segments. Every form of compound vibration may be analysed into, or may be said to be composed of, simple or pendular vibrations, but no explanation of this very complicated matter can be attempted here. Simple Tones, such as the highest notes of the piano- forte, or tuning-forks mounted on suitable resonance boxes, are the result of simple vibrations. 22 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. Compound Tones are the result of compound vibrations. The ear has the power of analysing a compound tone, and of dividing it into its component parts. This amounts to saying that when we hear a compound tone “ the ear experiences the same effect as if a certain series of simple tones having definite musical pitches and very different degrees of loudness were sounded together. Of course, no such tones are really sounded, but as the mental effect is the same as if they were, it becomes convenient to speak of compound musical tone as consisting of a series of simple partial tones, and to reason upon these partial tones as if they alone existed, instead of the compound tone itself.” (‘ Pronunciation for Singers,’ by Alexander J. Ellis. London: J. Curwen & Sons, p. 8.) The Force or Loudness of a tone depends upon the amplitude or largeness of the vibrations. This is easily proved. Draw a bow smartly over a string. You will see large vibrations and hear a loud tone, and in the same proportion as the vibrations grow smaller, the tone will become fainter, until at last both will die away. Loudness also depends upon the distance at which the tone is heard; the nearer the instrument producing the tone is to the ear the greater is its force. This is a matter of every-day experience, and needs no demonstration. And lastly, loudness depends upon the density of the air in which the tone is generated. We have already had a proof of this by observing that the sound of a bell under a receiver is fainter the more the receiver is exhausted, and that it becomes louder the more air is re-admitted. In a similar manner the loudness of a tone generated in the rarefied air of a high mountain is less than that of a tone generated under otherwise identical conditions in the denser air of a valley below. It must be observed that the THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 25 loudness of a tone does not depend upon the density of the air in which it is heard, but upon that in which it is generated. Hence a cannon fired in the rarefied air of a high mountain will not be heard in the denser air of the valley; while the sound of the same cannon with the same charge when fired below will be distinctly heard above. The Pitch or height of a tone depends solely upon the rate of vibration ; the greater the number of vibrations in a given time the higher being the pitch. Fewer than sixteen vibrations per second are not perceived by the ear as a tone, but merely as a succession of separate shocks; and more than 38,000 vibrations per second altogether cease to produce a sensation of sound. The following table shows the vibrational number of a few extreme tones used in music:— Large organs CiV . i6| vibrations per second. Latest grand pianos AiV . 271 „ „ Ordinary modern pianos .... Cm . 33 „ „ Double bass. Em . 41? „ „ Pianos with usual compass . . . Alll , 3520 „ „ Pianos with exceptional compass . . CIV . 4224 „ „ Piccolo flute DIV . 4752 „ „ The lowest of these tones are too near the point at which the ear perceives sound only as a series of successive shocks; they are therefore musically imperfect, and can only be used in connection with their higher octaves. The highest tones of the above table on the other hand are shrill and unpleasant. The tones which can be used in music to best advantage have from 40 to 4000 vibrations per second, and cover a compass of seven octaves. The lowest tone of a bass voice is probably FUI with 44 24 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. vibrations per second, and the highest limit on record is that of “ Bastardella,” who is said to have sung 811B11 with 1980 vibrations per second. According to these figures the entire range of the human voice covers about five octaves and a half. Compound Tones, as we have seen before, consist of a number of partial tones. These the human ear is capable of distinguishing, and the faculty of thus analysing a tone may be greatly increased by properly directed practice. But Helmholtz has provided us with “resonators” enabling us to reinforce each of the partials separately and thereby to recognise each one of them without any difficulty. These resonators consist of hollow globes made of glass or of metal, with two openings at opposite points. One of these openings is large and has sharp edges, while the other one passes through a sort of nipple suitable for insertion in the ear. If we stop one ear and put the nipple of a resonator in the other, most of the tones produced about us will be made very dull; but if the proper tone of the resonator be sounded it will strike the ear most powerfully. A series of such resonators, tuned to different notes, will enable even musically untrained ears to distinguish faint partial tones, though accompanied by others which are very strong. Upon analysing a number of compound tones, we find the arrangement of the partials as follows : I. The prime tone by which the pitch of the compound is generally allowed to be determined. 11. A partial an octave above the prime. 111. A partial a fifth above No. 11., or a twelfth above the prime. IV. A partial a fourth above No. 111., or two octaves above the prime. THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 25 V. A partial a major third above No, IV., or two octaves and a major third above the prime. VI. A partial a minor third above No. V., or two octaves and a fifth above the prime. VII. A partial almost exactly a minor third above No. VI., or two octaves and a sub-minor seventh above the prime. VIII. A partial one tone above No. VII., or three octaves above the prime. The compound tone C would consequently be ex- pressed in musical notation thus : There are many more higher partials in some compound tones than the above eight. The low tones of a har- monium, for instance, have at least twice the number, and the tones of a good bass voice have at least twenty partials. But those mentioned above are the most important of the series. The partials occur in every compound tone in the same relative position. This does not mean that they are all present in every case ; it simply means that the order in which the series is established is unchangeable; thus a tone may contain only partials Nos. 1, 3, and 5, or Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 8, all the others being absent; but no partial can, under any circumstances, crop up out of the regular order, say between Nos. 1 and 2, or between Nos. 2 and 3, and so forth. We have so far only touched upon two properties of * Slightly below the pitch here indicated. 26 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. tone, namely loudness and pitch. We are now in a position to discuss the third, which is quality. The Quality of a tone is “ that peculiarity which distinguishes the musical tone of a violin from that of a flute, or that of a clarionet, or that of the human voice, when all these instruments produce the same note at the same pitch.” (‘ The Sensations of Tone,’ by Helmholtz. Translated by Alexander J. Ellis. London: Longmans, Green & Co., p. 17.) The quality of tone is generally described as depending upon the form of the vibrations. “This assertion which physicists hitherto based simply upon the fact of their knowing that the quality of tone could not possibly depend on the periodic time of vibration, or on its amplitude, will be strictly examined hereafter. It will be shown to be so far correct, that every different quality of tone requires a different form of vibration; but on the other hand it will also appear that different forms of vibration may correspond to the same quality of tone.” (Helmholtz, op. cit., p. 32.) If we could detach the prime tones of compounds from their upper partials we should find them, loudness and pitch being alike, undistinguishable from each other, no matter by what instrument they were produced; and it is the co-existence with the prime tone of its upper partials, their relative position and their relative degree of loudness, which make the difference between the tones produced by various instruments. That such is really the case Helm- holtz has demonstrated by experiment in the following manner: he arranged a series of tuning-forks, corre- sponding to the partials of a compound tone as described before. He kept them in constant motion by electro- magnets, and a resonator was attached to every one of them which he could open and shut at pleasure by simply THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 27 touching the digitals of a little keyboard. He was thus in a position to reinforce any or all of the tones of the tuning-forks in various degrees of loudness; and he found that he could by these means imitate, not only the quality of most musical instruments, but also that of several vowel sounds. We therefore come to the conclusion that the quality of a tone depends— 1. Upon the number of partials of which the tone consists. 2. Upon their relative position. 3. Upon their relative degree of loudness. This subject is further illustrated by the following rules : 1. “ Simple Tones have a very soft, pleasant sound, free from all roughness, but wanting in power, and dull at low pitches.” 2. “ Musical Tones, which are accompanied by a mode- rately loud series of the lower upper partial tones, up to about the sixth partial, are more harmonious and musical. Compared with simple tones they are rich and splendid, while they are at the same time perfectly sweet and soft if the higher upper partials are absent.” 3. “If only the uneven partials are present, the quality of tone is hollow, and, when a large number of such upper partials are present, nasal. When the prime tone pre- dominates, the quality of the tone is rich or full; but when the prime tone is not sufficiently superior in strength to the upper partials, the quality of the tone is poor or empty? 4. “ When partial tones higher than the sixth or seventh are very distinct, the quality of the tone is cut- ting and rough. The degree of harshness may be very different. When their force is inconsiderable the 28 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. higher upper partials do not essentially detract from the musical applicability of the compound tones; on the contrary, they are useful in giving character and expres- sion to the music.” (Helmholtz, op. cit., p. 172,.) Hitherto we have only spoken of what may be described as the inherent quality of tone. But in addition to this there are other peculiarities of which notice must be taken, namely, the various ways of beginning and of ending a tone, and those more or less noticeable accompanying noises from which no tone is absolutelv free. j Most people know that it makes a great difference to a tone whether it is attacked abruptly or gradually, with a thump or with a gentle touch. Striking the string of a piano with a felt hammer or with a stick does not produce the same tone. In a similar manner a tone is greatly affected by being allowed to die away gradually or by being stopped suddenly. Thus while the tone of a pianoforte string struck in the ordinary way is fuller and more lasting than that of a pizzicato tone on a violin, yet the latter is much more piercing and pene- trating. But the differences of attack and of release are in no case more characteristic than in the human voice, where they are noted in the form of different letters, as for instance the consonants B, D, G, P, T, and K. The accompanying noises, independently of what we have called the inherent quality, by which one tone may be distinguished from another, is illustrated in wind instru- ments by the hissing of the air striking against the sharp edge of the mouthpiece, and in string instruments by the scraping of the bow. Similar effects are produced in the human voice by pronouncing the letters F, V, S, Z, TH, R, and L. Even the vowels themselves are accompanied THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 29 by faint noises similar to those produced by whispering the same sounds. Stringed Instruments produce tone by the vibrations of the strings. The number of these vibrations within a given time depends (1) on the length, (2) on the tension, (3) on the thickness, and (4) on the density of the strings; that is to say, the shorter, the tighter, the finer, and the lighter the string, the more rapid will be the vibrations in a given time; in other words the higher will be the pitch of the tone produced. Flute or Flue Pipes produce tone by the vibrations of the elastic column of air in the tube caused by a stream of air being driven against the sharp edges of some opening. The number of these vibrations within a given time depends almost entirely upon the length of the column, and is but slightly modified by its diameter and by the nature of the mouthpiece. The shorter the column the greater the number of vibrations, and vice versa. If, therefore, we take two pipes, one half as long as the other, the short one will produce a tone an octave higher than the long one. We are all familiar with an illustration of this by the pipes of an organ; there is a separate pipe for every tone, and their length increases on a regular scale. Reed Instruments may have stiff or flexible reeds or tongues. Stiff Reeds are made of metal. They do not produce tone by any vibrations of their own, but by cutting the air which is driven past them into puffs. The pitch of these tones is regulated by the length and elasticity of the reeds. A different reed is therefore required for every new tone. Such reeds may be used free, as in the harmonium, concer- tina, accordion, &c., or they may be used in connection with 30 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. tubes, as in the organ. When this is the case the reed governs the vibrations of the column of air. If, therefore, the tone is to derive any advantage from the association of the reed with the tube, the length of the tube must be such that one of its partial tones corresponds with the vibrations of the reed. Flexible Reeds are generally made of wood and they are always associated with a tube of some kind. They produce tone by their own vibrations which, however, is overpowered and governed by the vibrations of the column of air. The pitch of these tones therefore depends chiefly upon the length of the tube, and is but little influenced by the length and elasticity of the reed. Professor Tyndall says; “ Perhaps the simplest illustra- lI.—A Reed. (From Tyndall.) tion of the action of a reed commanded by its aerial column is furnished by a common wheaten straw. At about an inch from a knot I bury my penknife in this straw, s r' (PI. II.), to a depth of about one-fourth of the straw’s diameter, and, turning the blade flat, pass it upwards towards the knot, thus raising a strip of the straw nearly an inch in length. This strip, rr\is to be our reed, and the straw itself is to be our pipe. It is now eight inches long. When blown into, it emits this decidedly musical sound. I now cut it so as to make its length six inches ; the pitch is higher ; with a length of four inches, the pitch is higher still. I make it two inches, the sound is now very shrill indeed. In all these experiments we had the same reed, which was compelled to accommodate THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 31 itself throughout to the requirements of the vibrating column of air.” (Op. cit., p. 194.) The Clarionet is an instrument of this kind in which the tone of the reed is overpowered and governed by the vibrations of the column of air ; .but the pitch in this instance also depends, to sorneVextent, upon the narrowing by the lips of the slit between the reed and its frame. C The Hautboy and the Bassoon are similar instru- ■ ments, but they have double rceds. with a slit between them through which the air ;s folded. In the Horn and Trumpet -the lips of the performer supply the double reeds. The lips are but very slightly elastic, and therefore canq&f |p)ducc tone by their own independent vibrations; but t|sey are easily set in motion by the pressure of the column of air. In the older instruments of the tones are limited to the prime tone, with its upper partials, of the tube, and the particular tone to be produced depends upon the tension of the lips and upon the power of blast. Modern horns and trumpets, &c., are perfected by the addition of keys supplying the tones which were formerly wanting. The Human Voice is also generally described as a reed instrument, a statement which requires some qualification. We shall, however, be in a better position to enter into this question after the mechanism of the vocal apparatus has been explained, and we defer until then a discussion of the subject. Resonance is caused when a sounding body communi- cates its vibrations to another body; or when, in other words, the second body is thrown into co-vibrations with the first body. The following is an illustration with which most persons are familiar. Strike a tuning-fork and it will VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. 32 produce a tone, but a very faint tone only. Now put the vibrating tuning-fork with its handle upon a table. The vibrations of the fork will be communicated to the table, that is to say, the table will be thrown into co-vibrations with the tuning-fork, with the result of greatly increasing the sound. The sound of strings in the piano, harp, violin, &c., is reinforced in a similar manner, i.e. by direct communication of the vibrations of the strings to the sounding-board or to the body of the instrument. In these cases the loudness of the resulting sound is increased because a larger body of air is set vibrating. The vibrations of a sounding body may, however, also be communicated to another body without being in con- tact with it at all. This may be distinguished as sympa- thetic resonance. The following illustrations will make the matter clear. Roll up a sheet of paper so as to form a tube six inches long, and about one inch in diameter. Strike an ordinary C tuning-fork and hold it dose to one of the ends of the tube. The tone, which was at first scarcely audible, will now be heard all over the room. We can, to some extent, shorten or lengthen the tube, and yet get resonance, but we obtain the greatest amount of rein- forcement for the sound of our high C by a column of ail six inches long. If we convert the open pipe into a closed one by putting one end of the tube upon the table, and then hold the vibrating fork over the aperture, we find the resonance produced by it very insignificant. But if we substitute for the high C tuning-fork another one producing the C an octave lower we get again a very strong reson- THE LAWS OF SOUND BEARING UPON THE VOICE. 33 ance. We here find that with a closed pipe the best resonance is produced by a tone an octave lower than is necessary for getting the best resonance with an open pipe of the same length. This is equal to saying that by opening a closed pipe we raise its pitch by an octave. Another very simple and instructive experiment in the same direction is this: Take a tall bottle with a wide neck, such as is generally used for preserving fruit; strike a high C tuning-fork, and hold it over the empty bottle. There will be no reinforcement, and the vibrating fork will produce as little sound over the bottle as away from it. Now pour water into the bottle gently, and with as little noise as possible, thereby shortening the air-column inside, and you will find the sound of the tuning-fork intensified by degrees, until at last, continuing to pour in water, the tone will, at a certain point, burst forth quite loudly. It still more water is poured in, the tone will decrease again as gradually as it was at first intensified, until at last it dies away altogether. In a similar manner jars of different height may be operated upon with tuning-forks of different pitch. Or the experiment may be altered as follows: Strike a C tuning-fork, and hold it over an ordinary tumbler; then push a piece of cardboard over the glass, reducing its aperture. The result will be a gradual reinforcement of the tone of the tuning-fork, until at a certain point it is heard quite loudly. Push the cardboard beyond this point and the tone will become gradually fainter, until it quite dies away. All these trials show that there is, for every tone, an air column of a certain size which most powerfully reinforces that tone. There is yet another illustration of sympathetic resonance 34 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. which is very interesting. If the strings of two violins are tuned exactly alike, and a string of one is bowed, the corresponding string of the other violin will also begin to vibrate, though the two instruments are not in contact with each other. “ Tuning-forks are the most difficult to set in sympa- thetic vibration. To effect this they must be fastened on sounding boxes which have been exactly tuned to their tone. If we have two such forks of exactly the same pitch, and excite one by a violin bow, the other will begin to vibrate in sympathy, even if placed at the farther end of the room, and it will continue to sound when the first is damped. The astonishing nature of such a case of sympa- thetic vibration will appear if we merely compare the heavy and powerful mass of steel set in motion, with the light yielding mass of air,* which produces effect by such small motive power that it could not stir the lightest spring which was not in tune with the fork. With such forks, the time required to set them in full swing by sympathetic action is also of sensible duration, and the slightest dis- agreement in pitch is sufficient to produce a sensible diminution in the sympathetic effect. By sticking a piece of wax to one prong of the second fork, sufficient to make it vibrate once in a second less than the first—a difference of pitch scarcely sensible to the finest ear—the sympathetic vibration will be wholly destroyed.” (Helmholtz, op. cit., P- 63-) * Steel is, bulk for bulk, about 6000 times as heavy as air. SPEAKING AND SINGING. Voice is sound originated in the larynx, and may be produced by any animal possessing that organ. Speaking is voice modified in the cavity of the mouth. The medium of conveying his thoughts, it is the attribute of man alone, raising him above all animals. Singing is a higher development of the same power, being, in fact, sustained musical speaking. It is not possible to draw a clear line between singing and speaking, as both are actions of the same organs. There must be speech in song, or it would lose all the charm attached to the distinct rendering of the words. There must also be a certain amount of song in speech, or it would soon become unbearable by its dreariness and monotony. Nevertheless, singing and speaking differ from each other, and are in some respects even antagonistic. Mr. Ellis (op. cit., p. i) distinguishes the following points ; i. “ Singing and Speaking differ in Compass.—ln singing, a good and fine quality of tone is sought to be attained at pitches varying by at least a twelfth, and some- times two octaves or even more. In speaking, an audible quality of tone is desired, but one which is not strictly musical, at pitches generally within a fifth, and only occasionally extending to an octave.” 2. “Singing is at Sustained, Speaking at Gliding 36 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. Pitch.-—In singing, a tone has to be sustained for a con- siderable time at an invariable pitch. In speaking, not only is the length of time for which any sound is sustained much less, sometimes necessarily very short indeed, but the pitch at which it is delivered is uncertain and variable, and constantly rising or falling, sometimes first rising and then falling, or first falling and then rising, for the same spoken sound.” 3. c£ Singing requires a Clear, Speaking an Impeded Passage for the Breath.—ln singing, a good quality of musical tone can only be attained by peculiar adjustments of the cavities between the larynx and the lips, which generally imply that they are unchoked or unimpeded ; and by a peculiar arrangement of the larynx itself, which implies, on the contrary, that it is so choked and impeded that the wind has to force its way through it from the lungs. In speaking, the upper cavities have to be choked and impeded in many ways more or less injurious to musical qualities of tone, and sometimes entirely destruc- tive of any musical tone whatever, allowing mere noise to pass, or actually preventing any sound at all from passing. And the larynx has occasionally to be so open that no musical sound whatever can be produced, except by a further adjustment of the lips and tongue to produce whistling, an effect not admitted in speech.” 4. “ Singing has to be Rapid and Slurred, where Speaking cannot be so.—In singing, the melody often requires the notes to be sung with great rapidity, and at other times to be slurred into each other. In any languages, as the English, where the vowels are separated by numerous consonants, this rapidity is impossible, and the slurring becomes equally impossible from the necessity of separating the musical by unmusical sounds.” SPEAKING AND SINGING. 37 The English language is generally supposed to offer greater difficulties to the singer than either Italian, Portu- guese, Spanish, French, or German. “ What a stumbling block English proves to foreigners was exemplified by Duprez, who, in the recitative in ‘ William Tell,’ used to say ‘My country and my face ’ (faith).” (‘Dramatic Singing,’ by W, H, Walshe, M.D. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., p. 77.) What beauties, on the other hand, it possesses with regard to speaking may be best seen from the following opinion of Jacob Grimm, the greatest philologist of modern times. “ The English language possesses a power which probably never stood at the command of any other nation. This singularly happy development and condition has been the result of an intimate union of two of the noblest languages, the Teutonic and the Romance; the former supplying the material ground-work, the latter the spiritual conceptions. In truth, the English language, which by no mere accident has produced and upborne the greatest and most predominant poet of modern times (I can, of course, only mean Shakespeare) may with all right be called a world language ; and, like the English people, appears destined hereafter to prevail with a sway more extensive than its present one, over all portions of the globe. For in wealth, good sense, and closeness of structure, no other of the languages at this day spoken deserves to be compared with it—not even our own German, which is torn even as we are torn, and must rid itself of its defects before it can enter into the lists as a competitor with English.” (James Hunt, op. cit., p. 226.) 38 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE VOCAL ORGAN. The Human Voice considered as a musical instrument consists of four parts:— i. The Chest or Thorax and the Lungs containing the air which is the motor element. 2. The Windpipe or Trachea, in which the air is carried up and down. 3. The Voice-box or Larynx, in which are situated the vocal ligaments forming the vibrating element. 4. The Upper Part of the Throat or Pharynx, the Mouth and the Nasal Passages forming the resonator. The Chest or Thorax is an air-tight chamber formed by the spine at the back, by twelve ribs on either side, by the breast-bone or sternum and the collar-bones or clavicles■ in front, by the root of the neck above, and by the midriff or diaphragm below. Each higher rib being a little shorter than the one below, it follows that the shape of the chest as a whole must be conical. The chest is, in other words, considerably broader below than above. The Ribs are, with the exception of the two lowest on each side, which are called the floating ribs, attached behind to the spine, and in front to the breast-bone, just as a bucket handle is fastened to the bucket; and the ribs are capable of being raised or lowered just as the bucket handle may be moved up and down. In a state of rest, lll.—Section of the Human Body. {Adaptedfrom Xiiss and Czermak.) N, Nasal passages ; H, Hard palate ; S, Soft palate. 40 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. however, they take a position slanting forwards and downwards. The Midriff or Diaphragm {see PL III.) is a large powerful muscle which, as implied by the name, serves as a partition dividing the chest from the abdomen. In a state of rest the midriff has the shape of a basin put upside down, that is to say, it arches up into the chest. It has a number of fibres extending from the centre of the lower surface downwards and outwards to the ribs, and we must particularly notice two very strong bundles called the pillars of the midriff which go from the middle of the IV.—Framework of the Chest. diaphragm to the spine. When these fibres and pillars contract, the midriff is not only considerably flattened, thereby increasing the capacity of the chest at the expense of the abdomen, it is also pulled down in its entirety, so that its action somewhat resembles that of a piston in the cylinder of a pump. But more : its outer rim is attached to the lower ribs, THE CHEST. and as these are moveable the arched-up centre of the midriff cannot possibly be directed downwards without its circular edge being elevated, thereby forcing the ribs forward and outward. It is quite clear, therefore, that the chest is, by this action of the diaphragm, enlarged in three directions, namely, in height, in depth, and in width. When the muscular fibres which have just been de- scribed relax, the midriff arches up again as before, and it is assisted in this act by the return of the stomach and of the intestines to their original position. The result of this is, of course, the reduction of the chest to its original dimensions. The Muscles of the Chest.—Each pair of ribs is united by two sets of muscles, the outer intercostals and the inner intercostals. The outer intercostals by their con- traction raise the ribs, and they are assisted by various other muscles connecting the ribs with parts of the spine above them. If these muscles relax, the ribs will, by their own weight, resume their former position, and in this they are assisted by the contraction of the inner intercostals and of other muscles connecting the ribs with that bony ring between the spinal column and the lower extremities called the pelvis. By these agencies the dimensions of the cavity of the chest from back to front and from side to side are alternately increased and diminished. We must notice in addition a set of muscles uniting the ribs with the shoulders and the shoulder-blades, enabling us to raise and to lower the upper part of the chest and the collar-bones in conjunction with the shoulders. By the action of these the height of the cavity of the chest may also be alternately increased or diminished, though only to a very limited extent. The Lungs are contained in the chest, which they fit 42 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. exactly, and of which they occupy by far the largest part, leaving but a small portion for the heart and blood-vessels. They are two separate bodies united only by means of the branches of the windpipe called the bronchi. The lungs V.—Chest and Lungs, The curved line at the bottom of the drawing indicates the Midriff or Diaphragm. are coneshaped, the pointed part being above, and the broad part below. They consist of different divisions called lobes; these are made up of sub-divisions called lobules, and these again consist of little clusters of minute THE LUNGS. 43 air-cells resembling bunches of grapes. It has been calculated that there are no less than six hundred millions of these air-cells in the lungs of a full-grown man. Between these air-cells there are, circulating in all direc- tions, the capillary vessels receiving the blood from the heart. The right lung is larger than the left, and it has Vl.—The Lungs, etc. {Adaptedfrom Niemeyer.) V, Voice-box or larynx ; W, Windpipe or trachea; R, Right lung ; L, Left lung. In the section of the left lung are indicated the ramifications of the left bronchus. three lobes, the upper, the middle, and the lower; the left lung has but two lobes, the upper and the lower. The Pleurae.—Each lung is enclosed in a double bag called the pleura. Take a bladder, expel the air from it, and double it up by putting the fist into it. The fist represents the lung, and the doubled bladder a part of the pleura; both together will give a tolerably clear idea of the whole arrangement. The outer bag forms a lining to the 44 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. walls of the chest, and the inner one serves as a covering to the lung to which it closely adheres. The lobes of the lungs are separated from each other by infoldings of the inner bag. The interior surfaces of the two bags which are thus in close contact are very smooth, and they are kept moist with a lubricating fluid which enables them to move upon each other without friction. It is the main object of the pleurae to keep the lungs in position, and to facilitate the working of the chest and of the lungs in respiration. The Windpipe or Trachea {see PI. VI.) is the tube by means of which the air is carried into and out of the lungs. It descends from the upper part of the throat, and is kept open by from 18 to 20 rings formed of gristle or cartilage. The rings are open behind where the windpipe comes into contact with the gullet or czsophagus, and the ends of the rings are united by the same fibrous membrane which unites them in front and at the sides. The windpipe is capable of being slightly prolonged or shortened, and widened or narrowed, and its interior is covered with a mucous membrane. This tube may be readily felt and handled through the skin, and it will be understood from the above description why it is that, though firm and capable of resisting injury, it possesses at the same time sufficient elasticity to yield to moderate pressure and to movements from all directions. The Bronchial Passages or Bronchi (PI. VI.)—The windpipe having, in its downward course, entered the chest, it there divides into two branches, one for each lung; these are called the bronchi. Each bronchus enters the lung, and divides shortly afterwards into two lesser ones. These again divide and subdivide, spreading out, like the roots and fibres of a tree, until at last their ramifications end in the microscopic air-cells of the lungs. RESPIRA TION. 45 The Mucous Membrane with which the windpipe is lined extends upwards through the upper part of the throat into the nasal cavities, and downwards into the smallest bronchial tubes in the lungs. It is covered with a multi- tude of mucous glands, secreting that thin glairy fluid called mucus, which keeps the membrane in a moist state. It is soft, smooth, more or less red, and protected by a layer of minute cells. These, again, are studded with innumerable, extremely fine, hair-like projections called the cilia, all pointing in an outward direction, and continually swaying backwards and forwards, thus removing out of the air-passages any excess of mucus which would otherwise accumulate in them and obstruct them. Respiration.—The function of the lungs is respiration, which may be considered from a chemical and from a mechanical point of view. The venous blood is driven from the right lobe of the heart into the capillary vessels of the lungs, which are separated from the air-cells by a skin so exceedingly fine that it does not prevent the blood receiving from the air the oxygen which it wants in exchange for the carbonic acid which it wishes to get rid of. The result of this interchange is that the dark- blue venous blood is found, on leaving the capillaries, to have been changed into bright-red arterial blood. This then passes into the left lobe of the heart whence it is pumped up the main artery through the whole system. The object of respiration, therefore, chemically con- sidered, is to bring into the blood the oxygen, without which we could not live, and to carry away the carbonic acid which, if retained, would soon poison us. The im- portance of this cannot be overrated, for life or death depends upon it, and respiration from a mechanical point 46 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. of view, as in the production of the voice, is, comparatively speaking, but a small matter. In this section we have mainly to deal with breathing mechanically considered. This subject is best studied in a pair of calf’s lungs, which may easily be obtained in any butcher’s shop under the name of lights. The calf’s lungs are very similar to those of man, and a few experiments upon them will be found more instructive than any descriptions and explanations that could possibly be given. It is, of course, necessary to make these investi- gations immediately after the animal has been killed, and before the lungs have become cold. We see that the calf’s lungs are, as in those of human beings, two separate bodies, united only by means of the windpipe and its branches. We also notice how much broader they are below than above. This point ought to be carefully verified, for reasons which will appear later on. If we press upon the lungs we find that they are elastic and yielding to the touch; also that they emit a peculiar whizzing sound. Insert a tube into the windpipe, and blow into it, when the lungs will very considerably increase in size. Tie the windpipe up with a piece of string, and the lungs will remain in this inflated condition. Remove the string, and the air previously blown into the lungs will escape again, and they will dwindle down to their original size. Observe that only that air escapes which you blew into the lungs. There was air in them before you commenced your experiment, and this remains in them. You may squeeze some of it out by pressing upon the lungs, but even after doing that a large quantity of air will remain in them. These experiments upon the calf’s lungs give us some conception of the nature of respiration which is carried on RESPIRA TION. 47 in our own bodies under very similar circumstances. If we draw a breath we inflate our lungs as we inflated the calf’s lungs by blowing into them. By holding our breath we keep our lungs inflated as we kept the calf’s lungs inflated by tying up the windpipe, and by letting our breath go we allow our lungs to dwindle down as the calf’s lungs dwindled down when we removed the string with which we had tied up the windpipe. As after this a large quantity of air remains in the calf’s lungs, so it also does in our own ; and as even with a great deal of squeezing and of pressing we cannot remove all the air out of the calf’s lungs, so we are also unable, even by making the greatest effort, to eject all the air from our own lungs. The air which cannot be ejected from the lungs by any effort is called residual air. The additional amount remaining in the lungs after an ordinary expiration is called supplemental air. The air over and above this passing into and out of the lungs in quiet breathing is called tidal air. And finally the air which may be inhaled by the deepest possible inspiration is called complementary air. We may consequently look upon the lungs as divided into zones, and we shall find that— i. In the bottom zone the air is nearly stagnant, and never pure. 2. In the middle zone it is fairly flowing, and less impure. 3. In the top zone it is continually renewed, and nearly resembles the air we inhale. Respiration, as we have thus seen, consists of two acts, inspiration and expiration. Let us now consider how these two acts are accomplished. The lungs have not the power of inflating themselves; 48 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. they are quite passive. But the chest enlarges, and the lungs are obliged to do the same, because they are pressed by the air to the chest walls, and compelled to follow their every movement, just as a stone is held to a boy’s leather “ sucker.” In other words, when the chest enlarges, the air rushes into the lungs, thereby inflating them, in order to prevent the formation of a vacuum which would other- wise be created in the pleural cavity, that is to say, between the two bags in which, as we have seen before, the lung is enclosed, and one of which adheres to the lung and the other to the chest. This constitutes aspiration. This act of Aspiration is quickly followed by the expulsion of the air. The lungs are very elastic, and they have a constant tendency to return to their original form. As soon as the contraction of the inspiratory muscles ceases, this elasticity, which till then has been opposed, re-asserts itself, and the lungs contract. The diaphragm and the chest walls follow the lungs just as the latter adhered to the former in inspiration. In addition to this there is the natural impulse of the chest walls, of the midriff, and of the walls of the abdomen, &c., to return to their original position. The air is by these acts expelled, and this constitutes garpiration. While, then, in ordinary breathing Aspiration is the result of muscular contraction, and, therefore, active, fcrpiration is the result of the elasticity of the organs which had been opposed by Aspiration, and consequently passive. But as we have the power of forced Aspiration, so we have also the power of forced ; and if we make use of this power, ceases to be passive, and also becomes the result of muscular contraction. The muscles called into play in inspiration as well as in expiration have already been described on p. 41. RESPIRA TION. 49 We have seen that the chest may be enlarged in three different ways. i. By the descent of the midriff or diaphragm. In this method the abdomen is pushed out of the way and the chest walls are gradually dilated from below upwards, but the shoulders remain unmoved. This method of chest ex- pansion is known as midriff, diaphragmatic, or abdominal breathing. i. By sideways extension of the ribs. In this method also the shoulders remain unmoved. This constitutes rib breathing, or lateral or costal breathing. 3. By raising the shoulders with the collar-bones, the shoulder-blades, and the upper part of the chest. This is collar-bone, clavicular, or scapular breathing. In taking a full, deep .inspiration, midriff and rib breath- ing take place almost together and assist each other—that is to say, the midriff contracts and flattens, and imme- diately afterwards the ribs extend sideways—with this difference, however, that in men the action of the midriff takes a larger share in the work than the ribs, while in women, on the contrary, the movement of the ribs is greater than that of the midriff. “ By way of illustrating this curious difference of breath- ing in men and women the following anecdote, which has the recommendation of being strictly true, may perhaps amuse the reader. Some time ago a troupe of ‘Female Minstrels,’ calling themselves, I believe, 4 The American Amazons,’ made a tour in this country. Their faces were blackened in the orthodox fashion, and they were in male attire, wearing tight-fitting garments of a peculiar kind. Two friends, both medical men, went to hear them (or perhaps to see them, I am not sure which), when Mr. A. remarked that two of the performers were men. Mr. B. VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. did not see it, even when the individuals were pointed out to him, and asked his friend for the reasons for his opinion. £ Why,’ said Mr. A., 41 see it by their abdominal breath- ing.’ And sure enough Mr. B. now saw it too, and there was no mistake about it; for in the two suspected indi- viduals the abdomen was evidently moving in respiration, while in all the others no movement was perceptible excepting that of their chests.” (‘ The Mechanism of the Human Voice,’ by Emil Behnke. London: J. Curwen & Sons, 3rd. ed., p. 16.) For further elucidation of this most important subject of respiration the reader is referred to the chapter bearing on its hygienic aspects, which commences at page 102, and also to the illustrations XXXVI A., 8., and C., and XXXVII A., 8., and C., printed at page 183, where this question is again considered in relation to its direct effect on voice cultivation. In the portion treating of the ailments of the voice-user, as well as in that on speech defects, it will be seen that the method of respiration has the most important bearing on the general as well as on the pro- fessional well-being of the class for whom we write. It is difficult, therefore, to exaggerate its importance on the whole teaching of this treatise. THE VOICE-BOX OR LARYNX. The Voice-box or Larynx is the central organ of the vocal apparatus, and is situated on the top of the windpipe. Its front corner or angle (PI. VII., i) may be both seen and felt in the throat, and the general position of the voice-box is thereby at once indicated. This position is not by any means a fixed one, but the larynx may, on the contrary, easily be pushed on one side. It also moves upwards and downwards in the fulfilment of various functions which will be described in another chapter. The voice-box is, roughly speaking, a short tube, three cornered above and cylindrical below. It is, moreover, larger at the top than at the bottom, and may therefore be said to resemble a funnel, the upper part of which has been bent into a triangular shape. The larynx is composed of cartilages or pieces of gristle held together by various ligamentous bands, and moved by numerous muscles. The scientific names of these pieces of gristle are chiefly derived from Greek words signifying in some cases the different objects which the cartilages were supposed to resemble, and in others their position or purpose ; while again, certain cartilages and other parts of the larynx are sometimes named after the anatomists who first described them. All these designations are more or less arbitrary, and they are calculated to increase the difficulties of the student instead of helping to remove them. We have considered this matter the more carefully, as the present work is intended for readers some of whom 52 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. may not have had a scientific education, and we have accordingly decided upon the following plan of nomen- clature, which will appeal to all classes : i. We shall, as in the preceding pages, make use of English terms, conveying to the general reader some idea of the form or nature of the part to be described. VII.—Side View of the Voice-box or Larynx, 1. Front corner or angle of the voice- box (Adam’s apple). 2. Ring (cricoid) cartilage. 3. 4. Upper border of the ring. 5, 6. Lower border of the ring. 7. Shield (thyroid) cartilage. 8, 9. Upper horns (superior cornua) of the shield. 10. Right lower horn (inferior cornu) of the shield. 11. Point where the shield moves upon the ring. 12. Ring-shield (crico-thyroid) aperture. 13. Lid (epiglottis). 14. Windpipe (trachea). • 2. These English names, when used for the first time, and in all diagrams, &c., will be followed by the scientific terms of which, in most cases, they are translations. 3. We shall also add the names which Professor Ludwig has given to the cartilages in accordance with their functions. These designations will, we believe, greatly assist the reader THE VOICE-BOX OR LARYNX. 53 in finally forming a clear conception of that marvellously beautiful little piece of mechanism now to be described. The Framework of the larynx consists of five carti- lages or pieces of gristle. 1. The Ring (cricoid) cartilage, or Foundation cartilage. 2. The Shield (thyroid) cartilage, or Tension cartilage. 3. The Lid (epiglottis), or Cover cartilage. 4 and 5. The Pyramids (arytenoid cartilages), or Position cartilages. The Ring (cricoid) cartilage (PI. VII., 2) is situated on the top of the windpipe, of which it forms the finishing part. It has the shape of a signet ring, being narrow in front and having behind a broad plate corresponding to the seal. The upper border (PI. VII., 3, 4) rises very considerably towards the back, where the ring is about four times as high as in front. The lower border (PI. VII., 5, 6) runs about parallel with the rings of the windpipe, that is to say, its general direction is horizontal; but it is often united with the top ring of the windpipe by means of extensions of various sizes which give it a more or less irregular appearance. In Plate VII. the ring cartilage is partly hidden, but it will be shown again in another illustration, and we shall then see it in its entirety. The ring forms the basis of the larynx, because the whole of that structure is, as it were, built upon it. It is for this reason that it is also called the foundation cartilage. The Shield (thyroid) cartilage (PI. VII., 7) is so called because it serves as a shield or protection to the more delicate parts of the vocal apparatus which, as we shall find later on, are concealed by it. It consists of two symmetrical plates or “ wings,” united in front by means of a narrow centre-piece at a more or less acute angle, which forms the prominence referred to just now as that 54 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. corner of the triangular funnel (PI. VII., 1) which may be both seen and felt in the throat, and which is commonly called the “ Adam’s apple.” This name has been given to it because in the opinion of the superstitious anatomists of the dark ages the prominence was caused by the sticking in the throat of the apple from the forbidden tree which Adam had eaten. VIII.—Front View of the Voice-box or Larynx. I, 2. Upper horns of the shield. 3, 4. Lower horns of the shield. 5. Tongue (hyoid) bone. 6, 7. Horns of the tongue bone. 8, 9. Bands uniting the shield with the tongue bone. io, ii. Lid. 12, 13. Plates of the shield. 14. Ring. 15. Elastic band uniting the shield with the ring. 16. Windpipe. The plates or wings of the shield have each at the back two horns—the upper and the lower. With the upper horns (PI. VIII., 1, 2) the shield cartilage is attached by means of bands (PL VIII., 8, 9) to the corresponding- projections (PI. VIII., 6, 7) of the tongue bone (PI. VIII., 5). With the lower horns (PI. VIII., 3, 4) it moves upon THE VOICE-BOX OR LARYNX. 55 the ring cartilage as upon a pair of hinges. The preceding diagram (PL VII., n), although it shows only one of the lower horns, will make this clearer still. If the shield cartilage (PI. VII., 7) were gradually drawn downward and forward, the distance between the front of the shield (PI. VII., V and the highest part of the back of the ring (PI. VII., 4) would be increased, and the space which we now see between the shield and the ring (PI. VII., 12) would get smaller and smaller, until at last it quite disappeared. Authorities differ as to whether the shield moves upon the ring, or the ring upon the shield, and some even maintain that both are moved at the same time. But it is sufficient for our purpose to know that a movement as upon a hinge takes place whereby, as just explained, the distance between the front of the shield and the highest part at the back of the ring is increased. Supposing for the moment the ring cartilage to remain stationary, and the shield cartilage to be moved upon it downward and forward, the tension of the vocal ligaments, as will be seen presently, would chiefly depend upon the lever-like action of the shield, and this cartilage therefore receives the additional appellation of the tension cartilage. The Lid (epiglottis) or cover cartilage. Reference to the section of the human body (PI. 111., p. 39) will show that the food we take has to pass over the voice-box and then through the gullet (eesophagus) into the stomach. But the larynx is open at the top, so that a contrivance is required which will close it during the act of swallowing. This is done by the lid, an elastic cartilage which allows itself to be drawn over the voice-box, thereby protecting it against any intruding foreign substances. It is a thin, pliable, leaf-shaped cartilage (PI. VIII., 10), and is attached with its tapering basis (PI. VIII., 11) to the inner side of 56 VOICE, SONG, AND SPEECH. the shield just below the point where the two plates or wings are united. The epiglottis, therefore, must not be thought of as a flat lid such as that of a box, but as a soft substance closing the aperture of the larynx with its overlapping edges and its interior cushion-like projection. Owing to these peculiarities it is also spoken of as the cover cartilage, which is a very appropriate name for it. It sometimes happens, especially if we are laughing or talking while taking our meals, that the lid does not exactly close the aperture of the voice-box, thereby allow- ing a particle of food to enter it. When such a thing happens we say the food has “ gone the wrong way,” and there is then no peace until the intruder has been got rid of, generally by a violent fit of coughing. The result of a foreign body entering the larynx is sometimes a very serious matter, and there are cases on record where small objects as a coffee-bean or a cherry-stone lodged in the voice-box have rapidly caused death. The lid is, however, not the only means of protection which the larynx possesses; there are some parts im- mediately below it which can be pressed together, thereby helping to prevent anything from getting into the voice- box. Persons have been known even to have had no lid from birth, or to have lost it by disease, and yet they never experienced any difficulty in swallowing. But “ exceptions prove the rule,” and, in spite of a few cases of this descrip- tion, the fact remains that the lid is obviously the first and most natural protector of the voice-box. We have thus far become acquainted with three cartilages out of the five. Let us now remove one plate of the shield as though cutting it off with a knife (PI. IX.), in order that we may look inside and see the remaining THE VOICE-BOX OR LARYNX. 57 two cartilages which have hitherto been hidden by it. These are : The Pyramids (arytenoid cartilages), or position carti- lages. When taken together they are supposed to resemble a