135JL-1907 21a-378, ’07, 1,000 (Pt CONSUMPTION IS A PREVENTABLE AND CURABLE DISEASE Information for Consumptives and Those Living with Them DIVISION OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTHWEST CORNER SIXTH AVENUE and 55th STREET NEW YORK CONSUMPTION IS CHIEFLY CAUSED BY THE FILTHY HABIT OF SPITTING Consumption is a disease of the lungs, which is taken from others, and is not simply caused by colds, although a cold may make it easier to take the disease. It is caused by very minute germs, which usually enter the body with the air breathed. The matter which consumptives cough or spit up contains these germs in great numbers—frequently millions are discharged in a single day. This matter, spit upon the floor, wall or elsewhere dries and is apt to become powdered and float in the air as dust. The dust contains the germs, and thus they enter the body with the air breathed. This dust is especially likely to be dangerous with- in doors. The breath of a consumptive, except when he is coughing or sneezing, does not contain the germs and will not produce the disease. A well person catches the disease from a consumptive only by in some way taking in the matter coughed up by the consumptive. Consumption can often be cured if its nature be recognized early and if proper means be taken for its treatment. In a majority of cases it is not a fatal disease. It is not dangerous to live with a consumptive, if the matter coughed up by him be promptly destroyed. This matter should not be spit upon the floor, carpet, stove, wall or side- walk, but always, if possible, in a cup kept for that purpose. The cup should contain water so that the matter will not dry, or better, carbolic acid in a five per cent, watery solution (six teaspoonfuls in a pint of water). This solution kills the germs. The cup should be emptied into the water closet at least twice a day, and carefully washed with boiling water. Great care should be taken by consumptives to prevent their hands, face and clothing from becoming soiled with the matter coughed up. If they do become thus soiled, they should be at once washed with soap and hot water. Men with consumption should wear no beards at all, or only closely cut mustaches. When consumptives are away from home, the matter coughed up should be received in a pocket flask made for this purpose. If cloths must be used, they should be immediately burned on returning home. If handkerchiefs be used (worthless cloths, which can be at once burned, are far better), they should be boiled at least half an hour in water by themselves before being washed. When coughing or sneezing small particles of spittle containing germs are expelled, so that consumptives should always hold a handkerchief or cloth before the mouth during these acts; otherwise the use of cloths and handkerchiefs to receive the matter coughed up should be avoided as much as possible, because it readily dries on these, and becomes separated and scattered into the air. Hence zihcn possible, the matter should be received into cups or flasks. Paper cups are better than ordinary cups, as the former with their contents may be burned after being used. A pocket flask of glass, metal, or paste- board is also a most convenient receptacle to spit in when away from home. Cheap and convenient forms of flasks and cups may be purchased at many drug stores. Patients too weak to use a cup should use moist rags, which should at once be burned. If cloths are used they should not be carried loose in the pocket but in a waterproof receptacle (tobacco pouch), which should be frequently boiled. A consumptive should never swallow his expectoration. A consumptive should have his own bed, and, if possible, his own room. The room should always have an abundance of fresh air—the window should be open day and night. The patient’s soiled wash-clothes and bed linen should be handled as little as possible when dry, but should be placed in water until ready for washing. Rooms should be cleaned daily, but in order to prevent the raising of dust, all floors must be well sprinkled before sweeping and all dusting, etc., done with damp cloths. If the matter coughed up be rendered harmless, a consumptive may frequently not only do his usual work without giving the disease to others, but may also thus improve his own condition and increase his chances of getting well. Whenever a person is thought to be suffering from consumption and has no physician, the Department of Health should be notified and a physician will call and examine the person to see if he has consumption, and then, if necessary, will give proper directions as to treatment. Rooms which have been occupied by consumptives should be thoroughly cleaned, scrubbed, and whitewashed, painted or papered before they are again occupied. Carpets, rugs, bedding, etc., from rooms which have been occupied by consumptives, should be disinfected. Such articles, if the Department of Health be notified, will be sent for, disinfected and returned to the owner free of charge, or, if he so desire, they will be destroyed. When consumptives move they should notify the Departmerit of Health. Consumptives arc warned against the many widely advertised cures, specific and special methods of treatment of consumption. No cure can he expected from any kind of medicine or method except the regularly accepted treatment, which depends upon pure air, an out of door life and nourishing food. Consumptives having an opportunity to enter a sanatorium, should do so at once. Special dispensaries have been opened at Sixth Avenue and 55th Street, Manhattan, 361 Jay Street, Brooklyn, and Third Avenue and St. Paul’s Place, The Bronx. Here cases of consumption receive advice and treatment (including medicines) free of charge. Cases may be referred thereto by physicians, charitable organizations and others. In deserving cases, milk and eggs will be supplied. Pocket sputum cups can also be obtained there, and requests may be left for nurses to visit patients at their homes. Hours: Manhattan: 10 a. m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 p. m. every week day, 8 to 9 p. m. (evening) Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Brooklyn : 2 to 4 p. m. every week day. The Bronx : 2 to 4 p. m. every week day. Persons desiring additional information or assistance should apply to the Chief of the Division of Communicable Diseases, the Department of Health, Sixth Avenue and 55th Street, New York, the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 105 E. 22d Street, the Charity Organi- zation Society, 105 E. 22d Street, or the United Hebrew Charities, 356 Second Avenue. HERMANN M. BIGGS, M. D., Medical Officer. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. THOMAS DARLINGTON, M. D„ President. 135'L—1907 Сухотамъ можна запобчи ихъ выл'Ьчити. Ao6pi рады для сух1тник1въ и для тыхъ, KTopi зъ нити тешкаю Департаментов Здоровая South West Corner 55th Street and 6th Avenue, New York. Погана навычка всюды плювати спричинюе сухоты. Сухоты суть хоробою нлуцъ (легкихъ), котора понстаене тщько съ перехолод женя, але котрои можна такожь набратись вцъ другихъ, хочь перехолпдженье творить т'1»ло для сух!тъ приступпЬйшимъ. Сухоты спричипяють дуже незпачт зародки (бак- хшг!»), Korpi звычно входять до т'Ьла тогды, коли вдыхаемо повЬтре. Слипа ктору выкаишоють ако выплювають сухггники, мЬстить въ соб’Ь Ti зародк'Ь въ великим числ'Ь Muionij такихъ зародк1въ выплювае cyxi'1'никъ н одинь день. Слипа, выплюта су- хггшкомъ па ш'длогг, ст’Ьну або деинте засыхае, перемятое ся т. норохъ, котрый 1пдтак илжвае своб1дно въ повЬтри. Порохъ сей мае въ соб'1» зородки, и такъ они вхо- дить въ тЬло зъ воздухомъ, котрый вдыхаемо. Норохъ той найболыне небезпечный въ середин'й иомешканя. В1ддыхъ сухггника, исключая коли винъ кашляв або чихае, не мае жадныхъ зародк1 и не може тому спричинити сухотъ. Здоровый челов'йкъ може тогды только набрати ся сухотъ, коли въякш небудь спос1бъ ныплюта слипа сухтшка вв!йде въ його тЬло. Сухоты можна часто тогды выл'Ьчити, коли завчасу росшзнаемо хоробу и коли возьмемо ся за властный способы до ихъ выл Ьченя . Въ бьи.шш части сухоты не суть небезпечш. Не есть небезпечно мешкати тогды зъ сухггпикомъ, коли слипу, яку вшъ выплюе мы сейчасъ защимо. Сухотникъ не може плюти на шдлогу, карпетъ, нЬчь, стЬну або тротуаръ (тайдвокъ), але все, если можливо , въ посудину або чарки умыспо для него зладжепу . Чарка новипна мЬстити воду тому , щобъ слипа не засыхала, або що лйпше пять процентову корбольоу воду (5 малыхъ лыжочоцъ на п1въ коарты ). Сей розчипъ убивая зародки . Чарку треба выиорожнити до выходка бодай два разы па день, и вы- мыти, якъ належить ся, горячою водою. Дуже па се треба уважати , щобы сухггникъ не завалявъ соби рукъ , лица або одежи выплютого сливою . Одпакожь, колибъ такъ стало ся, то треба сей часъ замыти горячою водою и мыломъ. Мущины-сухотники не повинпи носити зовс'Ьмъ бороды, але, що найбыыпе, пристриже пи вусы. Но-за домомъ сухотпики повишп илюти въиаперову флещину , умыспо задлетого зладжепу. Но до дому треба сгйчасъ тую фле- щину вразъ зо слипою спалити. Коли сухгтпигеъ уживае хустинъ до поса (л1шше, абы вшъ уживавъ непотр'Ьбныхъ шматинъ, ктори сейчасъ можна спалити), то тшжь треба oci6no пДлой швъ годины въ кипучш водЬ варити, зан'Ьмъ молена ихъ прати зъ прочимъ бЬльемъ. При кашлешо та смарканю дрШонысш частники слипы, що мЬстеить въ co6f> зародки, ул'Ьтаютъ въ и тому сухтшкъ ицчасъ кашляня або смарканя пови- ненъ трнмати хустку або шматину при устахъ; «прочемъ, хустокъ да шматинъ треба якъ наймепче уживати, бо слипа на пихт» засыхье скоро, вщдТливши ся улйтае въ воз- духъ. Тому, если се можннве, сухИннкъ понененъ плюти въ чарку або силювачку. Ilanepai чарокисуть лепш1, якъзвычайп1, бо ихъможна разомъизъ единою по ужитою спалити. Зовсемъ дешеву та выпдну чарку зъ паперу або напендеклю можпа майже вгь кождш аптице ;рстати, и тую сух1тннкъ мае уживати будучи по за домомъ. Xopi, KOTpi суть за слаба, щобы могли уживати флещину або чарку, можуть уживати мокрыхъ шмать, KOTpi сейчасъ треба спалити. Шмать не можна носити якъ пебудь въ кешенн, але треба ихъ тримати въ пепромокальпой waterproof портметце, котра треба часто вымывати въ ropaniu воде. СухНникъ пе иовиненъ неколи своей слинж доскажи. CyxiTHHK'b мусить мати свое власне ложко, а если можливо, то и свш власный нок1й. Пошй сей мусить все мати повно свежого воздуха, а вокно мае бути все отве- репе якъ день, такъ почь. Вруднои белизны сухггпика и нростиралъ , коли они cyxi, треба якъ найменче дотыкатися, але сейчасъ вложпти въ воду, а вщтак выпрати. Коли такъ вчиняпь ся слипу зовсемъ пешкодливою, сух1тникъ може не только часъ вщъ часу робити свою роботу не заражаючи другихъ, але такожь вгь той способъ поправити свое здоровля, а наветь и выздоровЬти. Коли де кто есть слабый на сухоты, то треба дати знати про се до Департаменту здоровля. То где до той особы ириоде лекарь, котрый проследить стать здоровля, та скаже, чи та особа мае сухоты, розумее ся тогды , коли она пе мае доктора , и тогде , если окажесь потреба, дасть вказшки, якъ лечити ся. ИокоЬ, въ которыхъ бувъ сухггняхъ, треба грунтовато вычистили, вычухати, вы- белити, помальовати або опанЬроватизанймъ мсжна въ пихъ замешкали. Карнеты, диваны, постель, и т. д., зъ покойвъ де бувъ сухггпикъ, треба поддати цЬлковиНй де- зипфекцш. Треба только дати знати до Департаменту Здорввля, а Департаментъ шшле самъ по Н рЬчи, ноддасть ихъ дезипфекцш та зверне ихъ властнтелеви зовс Ьмъ за дармо, або па жаданн знищить. Если сухггпикъ перепроваджуе ся, то Департаментъ о тшъ мусНь знати. Остерегаемо хорыхъ на суKiTbi, щобы неуживали богато фальшивыхъ, а часто дорогихъ средствъ и лЪкарствъ, та щобы не поддавались оголошуваннымъ ,,cneui- альнымъ методамъ лечент сухитъ. Сухотнши, що маюгь возможность вступить въ CanaropiyMb sanatorium пусть сделаютъ это якъ можно скорее. G-ш Авеню i 55 улицы, Манэтэпъ; 3G1 Джэй jay, улици, Вруклинъ и З-ift Авеню i Ст. Наулсъ Плэйсъ st. Pauls pi. Бропкс Оиещалын народт лечнйц :псталы отверены въ следующихъ мютахъ: Лечшщ эти открыты: В. МАНЭТЭН1 видъ 10 до 12 рано i видъ 2 до 4 пополудш каждый будшй день а в понедельники, среды и пятнищ видъ 8 до 9 вечера тымъ. В ПРУКЛПНТ> видъ 2 до 4 но полудне каждый будшй день. В БРОНКСгВ видъ 2 до 4 каждый будшй день. Лю;й KOTpi бы хотели довЬдатись де що бильше або хотели-бы помочи, маютъ завертатисн до Department of Health, 55 str. and G-th Ave. або до Assosiation lor improving the condition of the poor, 105 E. 22 Str. або до The Charity organisation Society, 105 East 22-nd str. або до The United Ebraw Charities 556 2nd Ave. За урядъ здоровля Германъ М. Б1ггсъ Старшш лекарь Томасъ Дарлингтонъ Председатель