“Worth Its Weight in Gold,” Gentlemen : I have been suffering from Chronic Catarrh for eighteen years, and Hakka Cream is the only remedy I have ever found j it is worth its weight in gold. Breathing is a pleasure after using it. Clinton, Conn. Rev. E. D. SHULL. Convenient to Carry. HAKKA Easy and Agreeable to Use PRICE, 50# CATARRH, HAY FEVER iIEfID.COLDS.ETC CREAM Apply Into each Nostril A speedy and effectual cure for Influenza, Head Colds, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Headaches, Pruritus Ani, Etc. Succeeds when all other remedies fail. Bishop John P. Newman, of the M. E. Church, writes under date, November 8, 1893: “ For enclosed money send me six tubes of your excellent Hakka Cream. It is the most efficient remedy I have ever known.” “ Howard,” the popular journalist and correspondent, praises it in the highest terms. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT. Sold by Druggists, in Collapsible Tubes, at 50 cents. ASK YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. A. P. BUSH & CO., 149 Pearl Street, BOSTON. What People Say. Gentlemen : Kakka Cream has proved eminently successful with me in the local treat- ment of Influenza and Head Colds. JOHN E. KINNEY, M. D. No. 576 Warren St., Boston. Gentlemen : My family have used Hakka Cream for Head Colds during the past two years with the most gratifying results. AUGUSTUS P. CALDER. Mr. Calder is the well-known florist of No. 38 Boylston St., Boston. Gentlemen : For more than twenty years I have been troubled with Hay Fever. It com- menced August 24, and lasted until frosty weather. It was followed by a Nasal Catarrh which lasted until May or June. I received a package of Hakka Cream from a friend last July, which I used occasionally until the Hay Fever appeared in all its glory, as active as ever, then I used Hakka Cream vigorously without any regard to directions. Within ten days my Hay Fever was all gone, and has not returned, neither have I had Nasal Catarrh up to this date, Dec. 12, 1892. I use Hakka Cream once a day as a preventive. A. W. PAINE, M. D., X 43 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen : I enclose a postal note for $l.OO. Please send me two tubes of your HAKKA Cream. The sample you sent me worked like a charm and was entirely satisfactory. Respectfully yours, THOS, W. GILMER, Law clerk First Comptroller’s office, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen : I have suffered for the past year with sore nose and throat caused by Cold and Catarrh. I have used the sample of Hakka Cream sent me, and found such relief I en- close $l.OO for two tubes. Yours very truly, Mrs. J. KELLOGG, No. 340 Humboldt Ave., Brooklyn, N, Y. Gentlemen : Please send me by mail for enclosed $l.OO two tubes of your Hakka Cream. I have been greatly relieved by use of your Hakka Cream, and do not hesitate to recommend same for Head Cold ox Catarrh. Very truly. J. H. CARRUTH, Elmer, La. Gentlemen : Your Hakka Cream came to hand a few days ago, and must say am well pleased with the result. lam troubled a great deal with Neuralgia and Head Colds ;in a few hours got relief by using Hakka Cream. Yours respectfully, JOHN M. KARSCH, No. 262 West Fifty-fourth St., New York City, N. Y. Gentlemen : Enclosed find 50 cents, for which please send me one tube of HAKKA Cream. I take great pleasure in recommending it to those with Catarrhal affections. Respectfully yours, J. H. MICHAELIS, No. 629 Second St., Washington, D. C. Gentlemen : Enclosed find 50 cents in stamps, for one tube of your Hakka Cream. The sample sent to me yesterday gave me such immediate relief that I send for a tube to-day. Yours truly, J. A. VAN Hf)RN, No. 424 Miflin Ave,, Scranton, Penn. Gentlemen : Find enclosed 50 cents, for which send me one tube of Hakka Cream. My husband suffers from chronic dry Catarrh, and he thinks the Cream the pleasantest and most efficient he has ever used. Yours respectfully, L. TOWNSEND, No. 980 Sixth Ave., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen : Please send me for enclosed 50 cents, one tube of your Hakka Cream. The sample helped me more than anything else I have ever used. It cleared my head almost instantly. Three applications cured my cold of a month’s duratio... Yours truly, / CHAS. REED. Mr. Reed is the well-known artist of No. 12 West St., Boston, Mass.