RULES, REGULATIONS -AND- ORDINANCES -OF THE— BOAED Or HEALTH ■OF JERSEY CITY, -ADOPTED- JANUARY 31, 1893, AND APPROVED HV THE BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS OF JERSEY CITY JANUARY .31, 1893. JERSEY CITY. Press of the Jersey City News, 80 Montgomery Street 1893. RULES. REGULATIONS -AND— ORDINANCES -OF THE- BOARD OB HEALTH -OF- JERSEY CITY, -ADOPTED— JANUARY 31, 1893, AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS OF JERSEY CITY JANUARY 31, 1893. JERSEY CITY. Press of the Jersey City News, 80 Montgomery Street 1893. BOAEID OP police commissioners John P. Feeney, President. James E. Kelly. Benjamin VanKeuren. Daniel W. Benjamin, Health Inspector Peter Hoffman, City Physician, appointed to this Board G. P. ROBINSON, Clerk. CITY PHYSICIANS: r, Frank D. Gray, M. D. 2. Jos. Wolfson, M. D. 3. Peter Hoffman, M. U. 4. John P. Henry, M. D. 5. Henry H. Brinkerhoff, Jr., M. D, 6. John R. Everitt, M. D. An Ordinance containing the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of Jersev City: Be it ordained by the Board of Health of Jersey City : ORGANIZATION. Section 1. There is hereby established a Health Department for Jersey City, the government whereof shall be vested in the three members of the Board of Police Com- missioners, the Health Inspector of the City, and one of the City Physicians, who shall be designated annually at the annual meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners, by the President thereof : that said department shall be designated and known as the Board of Health of Jersey City. Sec. 2. The Chairman of the Committee on Health of the Board ot Police Com- missioners shall be President of the Board of Health, and in case of his absence one of the members of the Board shall act as Chairman pro tem. Sec. 3. The Clerk of the Board of Police Commissioners shall act as the Clerk to the Board of Health. He shall keep a record of the proceedings of said Board, and shall publish the minutes of said proceedings. MEETINGS. Sec. 4. The Board of Health shall hold regular meetings on the last day of each and every month (except when the said day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, when the said meeting will be held on the day that the Board of Police Commissioners hold their meeting), for the transaction of business connected with the public health of the city of Jersey City. Said meeting shall be held in the meeting-room of the Board of Police Commissioners, and the hour of meeting shall be at 3 o’clock P. M. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 5. A special meeting of the Board of Health may be called at any time by the President of the Board. He shall also call a special meeting, if requested so to do, by any member of the Board. Sec. 6. There shall be appointed by the Board of Police Commissioners six (6) per- sons, to be called City Physicians : one for the First, one for the Second, one for the Third, one for the Fourth, one for the Fifth, one for the Sixth Health Districts, respectively, each of whom must be a resident of the district for which he is appointed ; but no person shall be appointed a City Physician who has not been a physician in regular practice within the limits of Jersey City for at least two (2) years next preceding such appointment. Sec. 7 It shall be the duty of each of the City Physicians to visit and render the necessary professional aid to all such indigent persons residing in the Health District, for which he has been appointed, or who shall call upon him (with a certificate from the Over- seer of the Poor) for that purpose, or of whose sickness he may be notified, and to attend all prisioners confined in any of the police station-houses situated in or adjacant to the Health District for which he has been appointed, who may require medicial treatment, on the requisition of any of the Police Commissioners, the Health Inspector or the Superinten- dent of Police, and perform such other duties as the Board of Health of Jersey City may prescribe. Sec. 8. When either of the City Physicians shall be called to attend an indigent per- son or prisoner confined in any police station-house, and shall deem it necessary to have such person removed to the City Hospital, he shall notify the Warden of the City Hospital, in writing, stating the character of the disease, and the reason why (in his opinion) such person should be admitted to the City Hospital. CITY PHYSICIAN. 4 Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of each of the City Physicians to attend the meet- ings of the Board of Health of Jersey City, and to render to said Board such information and assistance as in their judgment is necessary for the preservation and protection of the public health of said city, and any City Physician who shall fail to attend to such Board for three consecutive meetings, shall thereby forfeit such office unless excused by the Board. ' Sf.c. 10. It shall be the duty of each of the City Physicians to render to the Board of Health of Jersey City a monthly report containing the number of indigent persons and prisoners in the police station-houses attended during the month, and the nature of their disease or injury. HEALTH OFFICE Sec. 11. The office of the Board of Health shall be opened for the transaction of business of the office during the hours between 8 o’clock A. M. and 5 o’clock p. M., each week-day, except Saturday, when said office may be closed at 3 o’clock p. M. HEALTH INSPECTOR. Sec. 12. The Health Inspector shall be the Executive Officer of the Board of Health, and it shall be his duty to attend tl\e meetings of the Board of Health of Jersey City. He shall carry out and enforce all laws which have for their object the preservation of the public health, the prevention of diseases, and the abatement of nuisances. He shall also have the supervision over the Sanitary Officers, and such other agents of the Board as may from time to time be appointed. He shall also oversee the business of the office, taking good care that all the books and records of the office are safely and properly kept. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the Health Inspector, immediately upon report being made to him that any person is sick of smallpox, or any other infectious or pestilential disease which may be publicly declared by the Board of Health of Jersey City to be danger- ous to the public health, to affix to the front part of the house in which such sick person may reside a sign upon which shall be painted in large letters the words “Small-pox,” or such other disease as the case maybe (when necessary), and if, in the opinion of the physician attending such person, the case and its surroundings be of such a nature as to render the removal of such person to the hospital necessary, it shall be the duty of the. Health Inspec- tor immediately to notify the Warden of the hospital to dispatch the ambulance and proper assistants, and have such person conveyed and admitted to the hospital. Sec. 14. He shall immediately upon the removal of any person to the hospital, or upon the recovery, or in case of the death of any person who may have been sick of any contagious or pestilential disease, cause the house or apartments, with the clothing and bed- ding of such persons, to be thoroughly fumigated and cleansed; and if, in.his opinion, it is necessary for the public health that such clothing or bedding, or any part thereof, should be destroyed, he shall destroy the same or cause it to be destroyed, and shall report the same to the Board of Health of Jersey City, with an estimate of the value of the property so de- stroyed . Sec. 15. He shall, within twenty-four hours after the fumigating and cleansing of the premises occupied by any person sick of any contagious or pestilential disease, remove or cause to be removed from the house the sign indicating the nature of the disease of which such person was sick. Sec. 16. If at any time any street shall be reported to the Health Inspector as being in a filthy condition, it shall be his duty immediately to visit the same, and if, in his opinion, the immediate cleansing of said street be necessary for the public health, he shall forthwith report the same to the Street Commissioner or to the proper officer of the Board of Street and Water Commissioners. Sec. IT. If at any time any lot or lots of land shall be reported to the Health Inspec- tor as being in a condition dangerous to the public health, it shall be his duty to visit the same, and if, in hisopinion, such be the case, and can only be remedied, by draining or filling in such lot or lots of land, he shall communicate the facts, with his opinion, to the Board of Health of Jersey City for their action thereon. 5 Sec. 18. If at any time any privy, sink.Or cesspool, lot, yard, cellar or building shall be reported to the Health Inspector as being in a condition dangerous to the public health, it shall be his duty to visit the same or cause the same to be visited by any officer who may be detailed to assist him, and if he find such to be the case, it shall be his duty to prepare a notice in the form devised by the Board of Health of Jersey City, and to serve, or cause the same to be served, upon the owner or lessee, or agent for any such privy, sink, cesspool, lot, yard or building, requiring said owner, lessee or agent to remove the contents of such privy, sink, or cesspool, or to cleanse such lot, yard or building within three days after the service of such notice. He shall, at the expiration of the time allowed to such owner, lessee or agent for the removal of the contents of such privy, sink or cesspool, or the cleansing of such lot, yard or building, visit said premises, or cause the same to be visited, for the pur- pose of ascertaining if the requirements of the notice aforesaid have been complied with. Sec. 19. He shall keep a record in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose, of all notices issued by him for the abatement of any nuisances, or the cleansing of any prem- ises, or requiring compliance with any of the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of Jersey City, stating the date of the issue of such notice, the nature of its requirements, the name and residence of the person to whom said notice was directed, and the final dis- position of each case. Sec. 20. Any owner, lessee or agent of any premises, building, lot, yard, cellar, privy, sink or cesspool, who shall neglect or fail to comply with the requirements of such notice, shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 21. It shall be lawful for the members of the Board of Police Commissioners, the City Physicians, the Health Inspector, and any and all persons employed in the Health De- partment of Jersey City, to enter and upon any land, tenement, building or other prem- ises, for any of the purposes specified in these rules; and any person preventing, obstructing or resisting any officer herein before named in entering into or upon any land, tenement, building or other premises, for any of the purposes specified in these rules, or in doing any act required of such officer by these rules, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 22. Any person other than the Health Inspector, or an officer authorized by the Health Inspector, or person employed in the Health Department of Jersey City, acting under the orders of the Health Inspector, who shall remove from any house the sign placed there- on by the Health Inspector or Health Officer, indicating the existence in such house of small-pox or other infectious or pestilential disease, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 23. The Sanitary Officers shall be detailed from time to time by the Board of Police Commissioners, are subject to the orders of the Board of Health and the Health In- spector at all times, and are also required to obey instructions issued by the Board of Health of Jersey City with promptness and dispatch. Sec. 24. The Sanitary Officers shall present themselves at the Health Office at such times as shall be mentioned in orders, or as often as is required to receive orders from the Health Inspector and make reports; nor are they to consider their duties as limited to the districts to which they may have been assigned, but they are bound to leave their own dis- tricts and examine into complaints and sickness elsewhere. Whenever the Board of Health may deem it advisable thus to employ them, they may be changed about from district to district. Sec. 25. The sanitary officers shall wear, plainly exposed to view, their badge or in- signia of office, and at no time shall they attempt to enter any house, building or other premises of any citizen without their badge or insignia exposed unless otherwise directed by the Board of Health. SANITARY OFFICERS. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Sec. 26, That the terms “Board,” “this Board,” “said Board,” and, “Board of Health,” and, “this department,” shall be held to mean the Board of Health of Jersey City. 6 Sec. 27., That the word “regulations” shall be held to include “special regulations” (which later will be from time to time issued); that the word “permit” shall be construed to mean the permission in writing of this Board, issued according to its rules and regulations; that the word “street,” shall be held to include avenues, sidewalks, gutters and alleys; and the word “public place,” shall be held to include parks, piers, docks and wharves, and water and open spaces thereto adjacent, and also public yards, grounds and areas, and all open spaces between buildings and streets; the word “rubbish,” shall be held to include all the loose and decayed material and dirtlike substance that attends use and decay, or which accumulates from building, storing or cleaning; the word “garbage” shall be held to include every accumulation of animal or vegetable, or both, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation, decay and dealing in, or storage of meats, fish, fowls, birds or vegetables; and the word “dirt” shall be held to mean natural soil, earth and stone. Sec. 28. That the word “meat” whenever herein used, includes every part of any animal, and eggs, (whether mixed or not with any other substance); and the word “fish” includes every part of any animal that lives in water, or the flesh of which is not meat; and the word “vegetable” includes every article of human consumption as food, which (not being meat, or fish, or milk) is held or offered or intended for sale or consumption; and all fish and meat and vegetables found therein shall be deemed to be therein, and held for such sale or consumption as such food, unless the contrary be distinctly proved. Sec. 29. That the phrase “contagious disease” shall be held to include any disease of an infectious, contagious, or pestilential nature with which any person may be sick, affected or attacked (more espeically, however, referring to cholera, yellow-fever, small-pox, diphtheria, ship or typhus, typhoid, and scarlet fevers), and also including any new disease of any infectious, contagious or pestilential nature, and also any other disease publicly de- clared by this Board, dangerous to the public health. Sec. 80. That the word “cattle” shall be held to include all animals except birds, fowl, and fish, of which any part of the body is used as food; the word “butcher” shall be held to include whoever is engaged in the -business of keeping, driving or slaughtering any cattle or in selling any meat; the words “private market” shall include every store, cellar, stand, and place (not being part of a public market), at which the business is the buying, selling, or keeping for sale, of meat, fish or vegetables for human food. NUISANCES. Sec. 31. That nuisances are hereby defined and declared, and shall include and em- brace, (1) The placing or depositing, or allowing to remain in or upon any street or public place, or in or upon any open lot or public or private property, any dead animal or any part of the same, or any offal or garbage, or any carrion or putrid meat, or manure or compost, (stable manure used as a fertilizer, or kept in manure piles built as hereinafter directed ex- cepted) or any foul or offensive or obnoxious substances whatsoever. (2) The throwing upon, or allowing to flow from any premises upon any street or public place, open lot or pub- lic or private property, or the allowing to collect upon the surface of any premises any waste water, dirty water, slops, stable drainage, liquid filth, overflow from cesspools or privy vault; or any offensive liquid matter whatsoever. (3) Also any full, foul, or leaky privy vault or cesspool or other receptacle for filth; also any privy vault, cesspool or catch- basin which is beneath any dwelling or other building, or is attached to the foundation wall of any dwelling or other building. (4) Allowing or permitting any night-soil, garbage, or any offensive or decomposing solid or fluid matter or substance to leak or ooze, or escape from any cart or wagon, or vessel in which the same may be conveyed or carried. (5) Also the carrying or conveying through any street, any substance which has been removed from any privy vault or cesspool, unless the same shall be inclosed in air-tight receptacles, Sec. 32. That whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever building, erection, or part or cellar thereof is not provided with adequate means of ingress or egress, or is not sufficiently supported, ventilated, drained, cleaned, or lighted, and whatever renders the air, food or water unwholesome, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 33. That any imperfect trap, sink or water-closet within any house, or any other drainage appliance or fixture within any house, from which there shall arise any foul or ob- noxious gas or ordor, is hereby declared a nuisance; and any person maintaining any such 7 nuisance; or any person who shall refuse or neglect to repair or make perfect any defect in any drainage appliance or any part of the soil pipe or waist pipe, or any fixture, sink, basin, water-closet, or traps attached to said waste pipe or soil pipe, shall forfeit and pay a pen- alty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 34. All sunken lots or marsh lands, or lots below grade, where stagnant water gathers or is collected, are hereby declared nuisances. Sec. 35. The owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant of any building or premises, or any part thereof, where there shall be a nuisance, or a violation of any section of these rules and regulations, shall be jointly and severally liable therefor, and each of them may be required to abate the nuisance, or comply with the order of the Board of Health in respect to the prem- ises or the part thereof, of which such person is owner, lessee, tenant or occupant. BILLS OF HEALTH. Sec. 36. No person, officer, or Board within said city (except this Board or its proper officers, and as the regulations by this Board shall provide), shall grant, sign, or deliver any certificate or “Bill of Health”; any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Sec. 87. Every practising physican in this city (and every physican who may reside outside of this city who may have a patient in said city suffering from any of the diseases mentioned in this section), shall report in writing to the Board of Health the name of every patient, he or she, shall have affected with cholera, small-pox, (including varioloid), diptheria, yellow, ship, tyhus, typhoid, spotted, and scarlet fevers or any other contagious disease, that may be hereafter publicly declared by this Board to be dangerous to the public health, together with the precise locality where such patient may be found immediately alter such physician shall ascertain or suspect the nature of such disease; and any attending physician failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 38, Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by this Board to establish the true character of any disease which they may believe to be communicable, a medical examination of the person or persons affected by such disease may be ordered, and such examination shall be permitted by all attendants and persons; and any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 39. No principal, teacher, or superintendent of any school, and no parent or guardian of any child attending any school, shall permit any child, sick with any disease mentioned in section 37, or with any other communicable disease, or any child residing in any house in which such disease shall exist, to attend any school until such time as the attending physican certifies that it can be done without danger of communicating the disease to others, nor until the permission of this Board has been obtained; and any person or per- sons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec 40. In case contagious or communicable disease occurs in this city, the per- son affected thereby shall, at the discretion of the Health Inspector, be isolated, or they may be removed to such locality as the Health Inspector, in conjunction with the City Physicians, may order and direct; and all buildings, clothing, property and premises and vehicle which may become infected by he presence of persons affected by contagious or communicable disease, shall be disenfected or fumigated at the expense of the tenant, oc- cupant or owner thereof, and said disinfection or fumigation shall be made and performed in such manner, and with such materials and within such stated time, and under such super- visions as the Health Inspector or Board may direct; any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 41. Every keeper of any boarding-house or lodging-house, and every inn and hotel keeper in the city of Jersey City, shall, within twenty-four hours, report in writing to this Board the same particulars required of physicians by Section 37, concerning any person in his or her boarding-house, lodging-house, inn or hotel, being attacked with any 8 contagious or infectious disease; any person or persons offending against the provisions of of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 42. It shall be the duty of any person, knowing of any individual in the city of Jersey City, sick of any contagious disease, being neglected or not cared for in such manner as to avoid giving such disease to others, (and the duty of any physican hearing of any such sick person, who he has reason to think, requires the attention of the Health Department), to at once report the facts to the Health Inspector in regard to the disease, dwelling-place and condition of such sick person; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this sections shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 43. No person shall bring, or cause to be brought, into the city of Jersey City, any person infected with any contagious disease, except the same be a resident of said city, and then only on a permit granted by this Board; and no person shall bring or cause to be brought into said city any article liable to propagate a communicable disease; any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 44. No person shall within this city, without a permit from this Department, carry, remove, or cause or permit to be carried or removed, any person sick with small-pox or other contagious disease, or remove or cause to be removed, any such person from any building or vessel to any other building or vessel, or to the shore, or to or from any vehicle, or to or from the depot of any railroad in any part of the city; any person or persons offend- ing against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 45. There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person who has died of small-pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever or any con- tagious disease, but the funeral of such person shall be private; and it shall not be lawful to invite, or permit at the funeral of any person who has died of any of the above diseases, or of any contagious or pestilential disease, or at any service connected therewith, any person whose attendance is not necessary; any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 46. It shall be the duty of every undertaker having notice of the death of any per- son within the city of Jersey City of small-pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, typhod fever, ship fever asiatic cholera, measels, or any other contagious disease dan- gerous to the general health of the community, or of the bringing of the dead body of any person who has died of any such disease into such city, to give immediate notice thereof to the Department ; and no undertaker shall retain or expose or assist in the retention or exposure of the dead body of any such person, except in a coffin or casket properly sealed ; nor shall he allow any such body to be placed in any coffin or casket unless the same be immediately permanently sealed. Nor shall he assist in the public or church funeral of any such person. Nor shall any undertaker allow the coffin of any child who has died of any contagious or infectious disease to be placed inside of any coach or carriage at any funeral ; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. DRAINAGE AND PLUMBING. Sec. 47. No sewer pipe for water closets, or any other connection shall be allowed in- side any house or building without a proper and approved means of ventilating the said pipe, so as to effectually prevent sewer gas from entering the said house or building. Any person or persons, offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 48. The house drain of every dwelling, manufactory, store or building in the city of Jersey City, used or occupied or intended to be used or occupied by human beings, must be of iron or earthen pipe, with a fall of at least one-quarter inch to the foot, and where water-closets discharge into the drain must not be less than four inches in diameter. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 49. All joints in iron drain pipes, soil and waste pipes must be so filled with oakum and lead and caulked as to make them gas tight. All connections of lead with iron 9 pipes must he made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe, put into the hub of the branch of the iron pipe and caulked with lead. The lead pipe must be attached to the ferrule by a wiped 01 overcast joint. All connections of lead, waste and vent pipes shall be made by means of uiped joints. Any person or persons offending against any of tne provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 50. No drain pipe from a refrigerator shall be connected with the soil or waste pipe but shall discharge into an open and water supplied sink. No overflow pipe from a tank shall discharge into any soil or waste pipe, water closet trap, or into the drain or sewer, but it may discharge upon the roof or into an open water supplied tank. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shali forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 51. Rain-water leaders shall not be used as soil, waste or vent pipes, or be connected therewith; nor shall any soil, waste or vent pipe be used as a leader. When within the house, the leader must be of cast-iron, with leaded joints; when outside of the house and connected with the house drain, it must be trapped beneath the ground or just iuside of the wall, the trap being arranged in either case so as to prevent freezing. In every case where a leader opens near a window or light shaft it must be properly trapped at its base, The joint beween a cast-iron leader and the roof must be made gas and water tight by means of a brass ferrule and lead or copper pipe, properly connected. Any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 52. The waste or soil pipe in every tenement, lodging-house, or other dwelling in the city of Jersey City, shall be ventilated by extending the same by means of a pipe of the same size, to the height of not less than two feet above the roof of the building, or pursuant to the terms of a permit in writing from the Hoard of Health. Any person or persons of- fending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 53. Every water-closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash tray, bath and every tub or set of tubs, and hydrant waste pipe must be separately and effectively trapped, except where a sink and washtubs immediately adjoin each other, in which case the waste pipe from the tubs may be connected with the inlet side of the sink trap. Traps must be placed as near fix- tures as practicable, and in no case shall a trap be more than two (2) feet from the fixture. In no case shall the waste from a bath tub or other fixture be connected with a water-closet trap. No trap vent pipe shall be used as a waste or soil pipe. Any person or persons of- fending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 54. Basin water-closets of approved design may be constructed with the sewer. They must be so constructed as to have a proper supply of water and allow them to be flushed out clean to the bottom, and they must be so flushed out at least once every day. They must also be so constructed that the contents cannot pass into the sewer without a suf- ficient supply of water passing into the sewer at the same time. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 55. All sinks, basins and stationary tubs in every hotel, lodging, tenement, board- ing-house, or other dwelling in the city of Jersey City shall be provided with proper stench traps directly under each sink, basin or stationary tub, so connected with the waste or soil pipe, and so constructed as directed or approved by the Board of Health, and with the traps so adjusted as to prevent the escape therefrom of foul odors and gases. Any person or persons offending aginst any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 56. The soil, waste and vent pipes in an extension to any building must be ex- tended above the roof of the main building, if within thirty feet of the windows of the main building or of an adjoining building, or when so located as to cause a nuisance. The diameter of any soil pipe shall not be less than four inches. A waste pipe into which a line of kitchen sinks discharge must be not less than three inches in diameter, and when receiving the waste from five sinks or fixtures, the branch waste pipes shall be not less than one and a half inches in diameter. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 57. All waste water shall be conveyed through sufficient drains, under ground, to a common sewer, or to such reservoir, sunk under ground, as may be approved by this Board. And no person shall suffer any waste or stagnant water to remain in any cellar, vault, or upon any lot or vacant ground by him owned or occupied. Any person or persons offend- ing against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 58. Every person, when cleaning any street shall clean, and every contractor shall caused to be cleaned, the gutters and parts of the streets along which the water will run, before using any water to wash the same, and no substance that could be before scraped away shall be washed or allowed to be carried or be put into the sewer or into any receptacle therewith connected. Any person or persons offending any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. DEAD, SICK AND INJURED ANIMALS. Sec. 59. No person shall leave or throw into any place or street or public waters, nor offensively expose or bury the body (or any part thereof) of any dead or fatally sick or in- jured animal; nor shall any person keep any dead animal or any offensive meat, bird, fowl or fish in a place where the same may be dangerous to the life or detrimental to the health of any person. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 60. Any animal being in a street or public place of Jersey City, and appearing in the estimation of the Health Inspector or any officer or member of the Board of Health, in- jured or diseased past recovery for any useful purpose and not being attended and properly cared for by the owner, or not having been removed to some private premises or to some place designated by such Inspector, officer or member, within one hour after being found or left in such condition, may be deprived of life by such officer, inspector or member of the Board of Health, or as he may direct, and shall thereafter be treated as any other dead animal found in any street or place. Any person interfering wfith any officer in the dis- charge of his duty under this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 61. Any person having a dead animal or an animal past recovery, and not killed for and proper for use as meat or fish, or in any offensive condition, or sick with an in- fectious or contagious disease on his premises in said city, and every person whose animal or any in his charge or under his control in any street or place, may die or become or be in a condition past recovery, or any person who shall have knowledge of any dead animal being in any building or premises, or on any street or place within the city of Jersey City, shall report the fact to the nearest police station-house or to the office of the Board of Health, in order that the contractor for the removal of dead animals may be notified to remove the same. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. • Sec. 62. No person other than the Health Inspector or officers of this Department, or member of the Board of Police Commissioners, or the contractor for the removal of dead animals, shall in any way interfere with or remove such dead, sick or injured animal in any street or place, and no person shall skin or wound such animal in such street or public place unless to terminate its life as herein authorized, except that the owner or person having control of such may terminate the life thereof in the presence and by the consent of any per- son connected with the Board of Health of Jersey City; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 63. No dead animal shall remain in any building or in any public street or place before the removal thereof by the contractor, more than six hours in the day-time, and shall any animal die during the night the contractor shall remove the same within six hours after sunrise of the succeeding day. Any person or persons neglecting to remove said animal shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars. DRIVING OF CATTLE. Sec. 64. No cattle, with or without their calves, shall be led or driven through or along any of the stieets of Jersey City without a permit in writing from the Health Department of said city, and in strict accordance with the route, hours and conditions prescribed thereby; and no person shall lead, attempt to lead or cause to be led any cattle otherwise than singly, one person with each, nor upon any sidewalks; provided, however, that sheep may be driven on routes prescribed for them pursuant to the terms and conditions of the permits issued from time to time by the Board of Health. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and-pay a penalty of ten dollars. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. Sec. 65. The members of the police force of Jersey City, and constables of the County of Hudson, are hereby empowered and required at all times to enforce the various provisions of these rules and legulations, and the said officers shall furnish to the Health Department such assistance as may be reasonable and necessary to enforce and carry into effect the rules and regulations relating to the public health in said city; and the members of said police force and constables are hereby required to report any violation of the rules and regulations relating to the public health that may come to their knowledge to the Health Inspector Sec. 66. The inspectors of this Department, and its proper officers and agents shall make the inspections and examinations required by any law of this State, or by any ordinance, regulation or order of this Board; and the members of the police force of Jersey City are hereby required to report (in writing) any violation of these rules and regulations that may come to their knowledge to the Health Inspector. Sec. 67. If any person or persons or corporation shall violate any section of the rules and regulations that have been passed by the Board of Health of Jersey City, or that shall be passed by said Board, such person or persons or corporation shall be prosecuted for the fines, penalties stated in such sections which he or they shall have violated, by action of debt upon complaint in every case made before any district court, police justice, recorder or justice of the peace (in said city), and if any person or persons violate any of said sections for which a specific penalty has not been declared in the same, such person or persons or corporation shall be prosecuted in the manner and before the same courts, and if convicted, shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars. All action for fines, penalties or damages shall be brought in the name of the Mayor and Aldermen of Jersey City, N. J., and all fines, penalties recovered shall be paid to the Health Department of the city of Jersey City, within forty-eight hours of receipt of such fine. Sec. 68. No person shall manufacture, have, offer for saie or sell any article of food or drink which is adulterated within the meaning of “An act to prevent the adulteration of food and drugs,” approved March 25, 1881, and the supplement thereto, approved March 28, 1888, or of any Acts of the Legislature hereafter passed amendatory, supplementary or additional thereto. Any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 69. No milk or butter, nor any other food or drink which has been exposed to emanation or infection of any communicable disease, shall be brought into the city of Jersey City, or held or offered for sale in said city; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 70. No cased, blown, plaited, raised, stuffed, putrid, impure or unhealthy or unwholesome meat, fish, birds or fowls shall be held, bought, or sold, or offered for sale for human food, or held or kept in any market, public or private, or in any public place in said city. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 71. No decayed or unwholesome fruits, nuts, or vegetables, or fruits of any description, shall be brought into said city, or held, bought or sold, or offered for or exposed for sale for human food, or held or kept in any market, public or private, or in any public place or store in said city; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 72. Upon any cattle, meat, fish, birds, fowl, fruit, nuts or vegetables being found by any inspector or other officer of the Board of Health in a condition which renders the same unsafe or unwholesome for human food, it shall be the duty of said inspector or ©ffi cer to affix to said article or articles a label on which shall be written or printed the FOOD AND DRINK. 12 words, “Condemned by direction of the Beard of Health of Jersey City”; and whan anything included within the provisions of this section shall be found in numbers, quantity or bulk, it shall only be necessary for said inspector or officer to affix on such label to a conspicuous part of the box, tin, basket, compartment or other place or thing containing the same, and he shall repcit every such condemnation at the office of the Board. And no person or persons shall destroy, deface, conceal, interfere with or remove any label affixed by any inspector or officer of this Board, as aforesaid, It shall be the duty of the owner or person in charge of any matter or substances that have been condemned to immediately remove the same from any market, street or place, and convey the same to such place as may be designated by the inspector or officer, and such articles shall not be sold or offered for sale, nor in any way disposed of; and in ase the owner or person in charge shall fail or neglect or refuse to remove said articles forth- with after having been notified to do so, the same may be removed by the inspector or other officer of this Board, the owner or person in charge paying all expenses therefor; and any person or persons or corporation who shall fail to comply w ith or violate any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of tw’enty dollars. Sec. 18. Every person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any rocm, stall or place where any meat, fish, birds, fowl, fruit, nuts or vegetables, designated or held for human food, shail be stored or kept, or shall be held or offered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall or place, and its appurtenances, in a cleanly and w holesome condition ; and every person having charge or interested or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care of or in respect to the custody or sale of any meat, fish, birds, fowl, fruit, nuts or vegetables designed for human food, shall put and preserve the same in cleanly and wholesome condi- tion, and shall not allow the same or any part thereof to be poisoned, infected or rendered unsafe or unwholesome for human food ; and any person offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sic. 74. Whenever this Board shall have satisfactory evidence that any well, the water of which is used for domestic purposes, has become polluted and rendered unsafe for potable use, notice to discontinue the use of said polluted water shall be sent to the owmer, agent, or lessee or party in charge of said wrell, and at the discretion of this Board, the owner, agent, lessee or party in charge of said well may be ordered in writing, to close or fill up said well If the said order is not complied within the time therein specified, this section shall be deemed violated and this hoard may proceed to cause the said well to be closed or filled up. Every well which is used for domestic purposes shall be at least ten feet (w'hen in a clayey soil, and twenty feet w'hen in sandy soil) from every privy-vault, catch-basin, cesspool, manure vault and stable; ar.d any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. KEEPING OF ANIMALS, ETC. Sec. 75. No person or persons or corporation shall have or keep, upon any premises in the city of Jersey Gity, any cattle, sheep, goats or swine, without a permit from the Board of Health, which permit shall be renewable annually and registered in the office of the Board; and for each and every permit so granted the sum of one dollar shall be paid; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 76. No person shall keep, or allow to be kept, in any dwelling-house or part thereof, any horse, cattle, swine, goats or fowls; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 77. No person shall keep any chickens, ducks, or geese, or dogs in the city of Jersey City, without a permit from this Board, which permit shall be renewed annually, and for each and every permit so granted the sum of one dollar shall be paid; any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. LODGING-HOUSES. Sec. 78. That all lodging-houses in which beds are let for lodgers, containing two or more beds in any apartment therein for the use of lodgers, a permit in writing from this De- 13 partment shall be required, and no person in the city of Jersey City shall have, lease, let or keep any such lodging-house, or the lodgings therein, or assist in the keeping, hire, or assist in hiring, or conduct the business of any such lodging-house, or the lodgings therein, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit in writing previously obtained there- for from this Department; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. MANURE, ETC. Sec. 79 No pile or deposit of manure of any description, hops, malt, offal or garbage, nor accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substance, shall be made within the limits of said city; nor shall any person or corporation unload, discharge or put upon or along the line of any railroad except in transit, street, or highway or public place within said city, any manure, hops, malt, offal, garbage or other offensive or nauseous substance; nor shall railroad cars containing manure of any description be allowed to remain or stand on or along any railroad, street, or highway within the limits of said city; and any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 80. No manure or refuse from any stable shall be allowed to remain on any street or place near such stable, nor shall the same be transported through any of the streets of Jersey City in carts or wagons, between the hours of seven o’clock a. m. and six o’clock p. m., without a permit from this Board; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. NOXIOUS ODORS AND LIQUIDS. Sec. 81. No person shall have or permit any putrid water or other liquid or substance upon his premises or grounds, or to flow therefrom, to the predjuice of life or health, whether for use in any trade or otherwise; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 82. That no person or company being a manufacturer of gas, or engaged about the manufacture thereof, shall throw or deposit, or allow to run, or have the right of power to prevent the same, shall permit to be thrown or deposited into any public waters, river or stream, or into any sewer therewith connected, or into any street or public place, any gas, tar, or any refuse matter of or from any gas-house, works, manufactory, mains or service pipes: or permit the escape or any offensive odors, or gas from their works, mains or pipes; nor shall any such person or company permit to escape from any of their works, mains or pipes, any gas dangerous or prejudicial to life or health; or manufacture illuminating gas of such ingredients and. quality that in the process of burning it or any substance which may escape therefrom, shall be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health; or fail to use the most approved of all reasonable means for preventing the escape of odors, and any person or com- pany offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every failure to comply with the provisions of this section. Sec. 83. That no person shall boil any offal, swill, bones, or fat, save in ordinary cook- ing, nor shall the business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, fat burning, gut cleaning, nor the skinning or making of glue from any dead animals or parts thereof, nor any other occupation that is dangerous or detrimental to life or health, be hereafter established within the city of Jersey City; and no business or pursuit of the kind in this section named shall be carried on anywhere in said city, unless the same be allowed by a permit from the Board of Health of Jersey City; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every day the same is carried on without such permit. Sec. 84. No persons or persons or company shall boil, heat, dry, keep, store or manufacture any offal, swill, blood, bones, fat, tallow or lard, or any decaying animal or vegetable matter; nor shall the business of lime making, the heating, drying, storing, shipping or transporting any blood, scrap, fat, grease or offensive animal or vegetable mat- ter, or manufacturing materials for manure, be allowed or conducted in the city of Jersey City, without a special permit, from the Health Department of this city to be applied for in writing, specifying the nature and precise location of the proposed business, and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 85. That all persons engaged in the business of rendering fat, lard or animal matter, shall cause the scrap or residum to be dried or otherwise prepared as effectually to deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inoffensive, immediately after the removal thereof from the receptacles in which the rendering process may be conducted; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 86. No person or company shall hereafter erect, start, establish or maintain in the city of Jersey City, without the consent of this Board, any manufactory or place of business for boiling any varnish or oil, or for the distilling of any ardent or alcoholic spirit', or for making any lamp black, turpentine or tar, or for conducting any other business that will or does generate any unwholesome, offensive or deleterious gas, smoke, deposit or exhalation, or any business that is or would be dangerous to life, or detrimental to health; any person or persons offending against any of the piovisions of this section sha 1 forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 87. No animal or vegetable substance, nor street sweeping, manure, muck or bilt, no dirt gathered in cleaning yards, building-docks, or slips, or waste of mills or factories, nor any materials which are offensive, or tend by decay to become, or to render the athmosphere impure or unwholesome, shall be deposited or used to fill up or raise the sur- face or level of any lot, grounds, docks, wharf or pier in this city, unless pursuant to a special permit from the Board of Health of Jersey City; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 88. That all carts and vehicles for carrying any nauseous or offensive substances, boxes, tubs and receptacles in which any nauseous or offensive substance may be, or may be carried, shall be strong and tight, and the sides shall be so high above the load or contents that no part of such contents or load shall fall, leak or spill therefrom; and either the vehicle or vessel carried by it shall be so covered as to be inoffensive. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 89. 1'hat no driver of such cart or vehicle, nor any person having under- taken or being engaged about the unloading thereof, nor person engaged about cleaning or emptying, or having undertaken to empty or remove any manure, garbage, offal, or the con- tents of any vault, sink, privy, cesspool or any noxious or offensive substance, shall do or permit to be done about the same, or in connection therewith, that which shall be needlessly offensive or filthy in respect to any person, street, place, building or premises; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 90. No person or persons shall engage in the business of transporting stable manure of any kind, swill, offal, hog hair or any offensive or noxious substance, or in driving any cart of vehicle for such purposes, in the city of Jersey City, until he shall have first received a permit from the Health Department of Jersey City of such form and effect as the regulations of the Board shall provide, authorizing such person so to engage; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 91. That it shall be the duty of all owners, lessees, tenants or occupants of any and all buildings in the city of Jersey City, to keep the gutter and sidewalk in front of such buildings, free from any offensive substance, liquid or solid, or any dirt, rubbish, water or stones, or any other thing dangerous to health, life or limb; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 92. That when any lot or lots, or any part or parts of any lot or lots, or any land or part of any land, public or private, in any portion of Jersey City, shall, from any artificial, natural or other case whatsoever, become in whole or in part the repository of stagnant water or any decaying or offensive substance, liquid or solid, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners, lessee, tenant or occupant, or the agent of any such owner or owners, or of any other person having charge and control of such lot or lots, or part or parts of such lot or lots, or other premises, within three days after receiving notice in writing from this Board of the condition of such lot or lots, and asking the remedying of the same, to cause such lot or other premises herein mentioned to be filled with clay or any other inoffensive and efficient substance, so as to prevent water or other liquid substance from gathering or remaining on such ground or any part of the same, and to cause the proper drainage of the same, if it be found necessary to the keeping of the said ground in a dry and healthy state, and the preventing of any adjoining ground becoming flooded by reason of such filling. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 93. No person s' all engage in the business of transporting, in the city of Jersey City, night soil, manure, swill, offal or any offensive or noxious substances, or in driving any cart for such purpose, until he shall have first received a permit from this Department. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 94. No offal, blood, scrap, guts, gut fat or refuse of slaughter-houses shall be transported through, brought in or allowed to be brought into the city of Jersey City, with- out a permit in writing from this Department. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars Sec. 95. No person or persons shall gather, collect, accumulate, store, expose, carry or transport in any manner through the streets and public places of this city, or in or to any tenement house, cellar or house, or in any lot or yard, in said city, any bones, refuse or offensive material, without a special permit in writing from the Board of Health, in accord- ance with the conditions and subject to limitations thereof, and in such manner as not to cause offensive odors or any nuisance whatsoever. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. PRIVIES, SINKS AND CESSPOOLS. Sec. 96. No privey vault or cesspool shall hereafter be constructed in the city of Jer- sey City without a permit for that purpose first obtained from the Board of Health; nor sharl any privy vault or cesspool be constructed on any premises where there is a sewer in any street or alley on which the said premises abut, and all applications for permission to dig a privy vault or cesspool must be accompanied by a certificate from the Permit Clerk of the Board of Street and Water Commissioners stating that there is not any sewer so situated with respect to said premises. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 97. No person shall hereafter build, make or erect any privy vault or cesspool within said city, unless the same shall be constructed of well burnt brick or stone, laid in hydraulic cement, and said privy vaults or cesspools shall not be less than four or more that eight feet deep, and the sides and bottom thereof shall be at least eight inches in thickness, provided, however, that in lieu of brick or stone the bottom may be constructed of one piece of flagstone laid in cement; and said privy vaults or cesspools shall be water-tight, provided that, by permission of the Board of Health, privy vaults and cesspools may be made or constructed in such manner and of such materials as in each case the Board may ap- prove. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 98. No privy vault or cesspool shall be built or maintained within ten (10) feet of the line of any street, within three (8) feet of the party line or fence or the adjacent lot or lots, or within twenty (20) feet of the door or window of any house, or within a distance to be determined by the Board of Health of any well or cistern, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Health; and no privy vault or cesspool shall be completed, nor shall any cover be made, put on or over the same until the said privy vault or cesspool has been inspected by an officer of the Board of Health and been found to correspond to the terms of the permit and the provisions of the rules and regulations of this Board. That no privy vault shall be built or maintained upon any lot fronting upon a street or avenue through which a public sewer shall have been constructed. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 16 Sec. 99. No person shall construct or alter any water-closet or catch-basin for the pur- pose of connecting any premises with any sewer, drain or privy vault or cesspool, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining from the Board of Health a permit to do so, and such construction or alteration shall confoim to the rules and orders of the Beard of Health. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisons of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 100. No privy vault or cesspool shall be constructed without adequate provisions for the effectual and proper ventilation and cleansing thereof, nor shall any privy vault or cesspool be constructed having any pipe connected with the interior of a house or building: unless so arranged as to prevent the admission of gas into such house or building: any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section sh 11 forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 101. Whenever the use of any privy vault or cesspool is discontinued, such privy vault must be cleaned to the bottom and filled up with earth or other suit- able material, such filling to be done under the supervision of an officer of the Board of Health; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 102. Privy vaults and cesspools will be ordered cleaned whenever the contents shall be within two (2) feet of the ground surface, or whenever, from foulness or other cause, it may be deemed necessary to clean them. Sec. 103. When a notice to clean a privy vault or cesspool shall be issued by this Department, the contents of said privy vault or cesspool shall be cleaned to the bottom', any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 104. No person shall throw into or deposit in any vault, sink, privy or cess- pool, any offal, ashes, meat, fish, garbage or other substance, except that of which any such place is the appropriate receptacle; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 105. No owner, agent, tenant, lesse or occupant, or person having charge of any dwelling, tenement house, building or premises, to which any privy vault or cesspool shall appertain or be attached, shall draw off or allow to run off upon any ground, street, or place in Jersy City, the contents of any such privy vault or cesspool; any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 106. No person shall empty or attempt to empty any vault, sink, privy or cesspool in the city of Jersey City, except pursuant to a permit therefor first received from the Board of Health; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 107. No person or persons shall empty or remove, or cause, or suffer, or permit to be emptied or removed, the contents of any privy or cesspool, between the last day of May and the last day of September, in any year (except between the hours of eleven (11) o’clock in the evening and four (4) o’clock in the morning, and during the remainder of the year be- tween the hours of ten (10) o’clock in the evening and six (6) in the morning, under a pen- alty of ten dollars for each offence, except the same shall be removed and transported by means of an air-tight apparatus, or in such a manner as shall prevent entirely the escape of any noxious or offensive odors therefrom. RUBBISH, FII.TH AND DIRT. Sec. 108. Every proprietor, lessee, tenant and occupant of any oyster house, oyster saloon, or other premises where any refuse matter, offal or shell from oysters, clams, lobsters, or any shell or other fish are consumed, used or sold, or where any of the refuse matter, offal, or shells thereof accumulate, or shall expose the same, shall daily cause all such shells, offal and refuse matter to be removed therefrom to some proper place, and shall keep his house, saloon, stands and premises at all times free from unhealthy smells and accumulations; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 109. The owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of every dwelling, market, restau- rant, or other premises where refuse matter shall accumulate in the city of Jersey City, shall provide and keep on the premises suitable barrels or receptacles for receiving and holding garbage; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec, 110. It shall be the duty of every owner, agent or lessee of any and every building, or place of business within the city, within three days after the publication hereof, to pro- vide, and at all times to keep, or cause to be kept and provided within such building or place of business, a suitable and sufficient box, barrel or tub, and several thereof, if needful, for receiving and holding without leakage, all the ashes, rubbish, garbage, and liquid substances that may accumulate during the thirty-six hours from said building or place of business, and every such box, barrel or tub shall be made or lined with some suitable metal, and all ashes, garbage, rubbish and liquid substances that should be removed from such building or place of business (and none other), shall be placed therein, and no such box, barrel or tub shall re- main on any sidewalk, or in any public place longer than may be needful for the removal of the contents thereof ; and all such boxes, tubs and barrels shall be placed and kept in such position (unless kept within or upon private grounds within the sidewalk) as the Health In- spector shall direct, and no person not for the purpose authorized, shall interfere therewith, or with the contents thereof ; said contents of such boxes shall be moved at such times as may be designated by the Committee on Streets and Sewers of the Board of Street and Water Commissioners, or other board of said city having power to so designate ; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a pen- alty of ten dollars. Sec. 111. No rags, bones, scraps or refuse matter shall be brought into or be kept in any building used as a dwelling-house, or be stored or kept on any lot or lots, or in any yard or yards, or in any building within twenty feet of any dwelling-house, except on the per- mit of this Board, said Board to reserve the right of revocation for cause ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 112. It shall be the duty of the contractor for cleaning the sewers of Jersey City within twenty-four hours after being notified by the Health Inspector in writing so to do, to open, empty and cleanse any receiving or other basin of any public sewer in said city, and said contractor or contractors refusing so to do shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 113. No ship, boat, or other vessel or article, shall be taken or allowed by any person to come into or lay to, or at, or within any dock, pier, bulkhead, or slip, or be placed thereon for the purpose of the shipment or removal of any offal, garbage, rubbish, blood, or offensive animal or vegetable matter, dirt or dead animals, or for the use of any contractor about the removal of any of the foregoing substances, without a permit from this Department; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 114. No swill, lime, urine of animals, or other noxious animal nuisance, nor any stinking noxious, liquid, or other filthy matter of any kind, shall be allowed to run or flow from or out of any building, vehicle or erection upon any street or public place within the city or into the waters of the Morris Canal, Mill Creek, or any of the waters surrounding Jersey City; any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 115. No butcher’s offal or garbage, nor any dead animal, nor any putrid or stink- ing animal, or any vegetable matter shall be thrown by any person or persons, or be allowed to drop into or upon any street, place, sewer, or receiving basin, or into any of the waters surrounding Jersey City, or into any excavation, or upon any ground, or buried therein, or premises in Jersey City; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 116. No person shall allow (and it shall be the duty of every contractor and person who has ordered or procured, or who is having any of the following articles carried, or who is driving the same, to prevent) any cart or vehicle to be so fully loaded, or being in such bad condition of repair, or of such faulty construction, or being so improperly driven or managed, that any offensive liquid, or any manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt, or material thereon, shall fall upon or in any place, street or premises; and it shall be the duty of every 1 8 such person to at once replace on such vehicle and remove what has fallen; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a pena.ty of ten dollars. Sec. 117. No part of the contents of, or substance from, any sink, privy or cesspool, nor any manure, ashes, garbage, dirt or waste water shall be thrown by any person or persons, or be allowed to run or drop upon, or remain in any street or public place, nor shall the same be thrown or allowed to fall or run into any of the waters surrounding Jersey City, save through the public sewers; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. REMOVAL FROM AND UNLOADING OF VESSELS. Sec. 118. No master, charterer, owner, part owner or consignee of any vessel, or any other person shall bring to any dock, pier, wharf or building in said city, or unload at any dock, building, or pier therein, or have on storage, any skins, hides, rags, or similar articles or materials, having been brought from any foreign country or any in- fected place, or from any points south of Norfolk, Virginia, without, or otherwise than according to a written permit so to do from this Board; and no person shall sell, ex- change or in any way make any exposure of any straw, bedding, or articles, (or cart the same through any of the streets of Jersey City), that have been exposed to the contagion or in- fection of any contagious disease, or have lately been on any emigrant vessel, without first having obtained a written permit from this Board; and any person or persons offend- ing against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 119. No owner, agent, or consignee of any. vessel or cargo, and no officer of any vessel (in respect of either of which vessel or cargo a permit, according to any law ordinance or regulation, shall or should have been obtained to pass quarantine, or up to the water front of said city), shall unload or land, or cause to be unloaded or landed, such cargo, or any part thereof, in said city, without having first received the written permit of this Board so to do; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec 120. No captain, officer, consignee, owner, or other person in charge of any vessel (or having right and authority to prevent the same), shall remove or aid in re- moving from any vessel to the shore, (save as legally authorized by this Board, and into quarantine grounds or buildings only), any person sick of, or person that has been ex- posed to and is liable very soon to develop, any contagious disease, nor so remove or aid in removing any articles that have been exposed to the contagion of such disease, except in accordance with a permit of this Board, or with its special regulations; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 121. No person shall bring into this city, from any infected place, or land or take therein from any vessel lately from an infected port, or from any vessel or building in which had lately been any person sick of a contagious disease, any article or person whatsoever, nor shall any such person land or come into said city without a permit of this department; and it shall be no excuse that such person or article so offending, or the occasion of offense has passed through quarantine, or has a permit from any other source than this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 122. No owner, part owner, charterer, agent, or consignee of any vessel nor any officer or person having charge or control of the same, shall allow to be cast there- from, and no person shall cast therefrom, (when such vessel is lying at any dock, pier, or wharf in said city), into any public waters surrounding Jersey City, any straw, bed- ding, clothing, or other substance from any vessel, without a permit from this Board, except as allowed by the quarantine authorities, and any person or persons or corpora- tion offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. RAILROAD CARS Sec. 12<5. iNo railroad car or vehicle constructed for and engaged in the business of carrying passengers on any line of railroad in the city of Jersey City, and which car is propelled by horse, electric or cable power, shall be used with cushons on the seats or the backs of the seats thereof; and any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 124. Each and every car used upon any railroad in the city of Jersey City, for carrying or transportation of passengers, shall on each and every day on which it may be used for the carrying or transportation of passengers, be carefully and thoroughly washed and cleaned so that all filth and dirt are removed from the inside of said car; and any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 125. No person shall at any time carry or convey in or upon any passenger railroad car, nor shall any conductor or person in charge of any such railroad car allow to be carried or conveyed in or upon such car, except on the front platform, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding, in baskets or bundles; and any persons or per- sons neglecting or refusing to remove such objectionable, soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding when requested by the person in charge of such car shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars for each offence. Sec. 126. No straw or hay shall at any time be used or placed on the floor of any railroad car engaged or used in the business of carrying or transporting passengers within the city of Jersey City, unless the whole of such material shall be entirely fresh, clean and inoffensive in the morning of each day during which the same shall be used or placed on such railroad car, and such straw or hay, when used for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned, shall be wholly removed at least once in each day; any person or persons or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and . pay a penalty of ten dollars. SLAUGHTERING. Sec. 127. The slaughtering, killing or dressing of chickens, geese, ducks and other fowls, shall not be allowed in the city of Jersey City, except in regularly authorized places, without a permit for that purpose from this Board; and for each and every per- mit so granted the sum of ten dollars shall be paid; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dol- lars. Sec. 128. No cattle, sheep or swine shall be killed for human food while in a deceased, overheated, fevered or exhausted condition, and no calf which shall be less than four weeks old, and no pig that shall be less than five weeks old, and no lamb that shall be less than eight weeks old shall be killed for human food, or shall be kept or offered for sale, or sold, to be killed for human food within such ages, respectively; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 129. It shall be the duty of the Health Inspector, or any other officer of the Board of Health, when any cattle, sheep or swine shall be found in a deceased, feverish or exhausted condition, or when any calves, pigs or lambs shall be found wdthin the ages respectively named in the preceding section of these rules and regulations, to immediately attach to any such decased, overheated, feverish, exhausted or under-aged animal, or to the pen or stall in which any such animal or animals may be confined, a label or tag, on which shall be written or printed the words : “Quarantined by the Board of Health of Jersey City, N. J.,” and such Inspector or other officer shall immediately report such quarantine at the office of the Board, that proper .action may be taken relative thereto; and any person other than the Health Inspector or any other officer of this Board, who shall destroy, deface, conceal, interfere with or remove without permission of the Board, any label or tag so attached to any pen, stall or animal, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars; and any person or persons interfering with, hindering or preventing the Inspector or other officer of this Board, in performing the duties imposed by this section si all forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 20 Sec. 130. No person or persons shall kill, scald, pick or dress any chicken, turkey, duck, goose, or feathered animal, within the limits of any market, public or private, within the city of Jersey City, without a permit from the Board of Health; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 131. No cattle, sheep, calves, lambs, hogs or goats, shall be slaughtered, dressed or hung, or the meat or any part thereof, within the city of Jersey City, wholly or partly within any street, avenue or sidewalk, or public alley or place, except by special permit in writing of this Department; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 132. No live chickens, geese, ducks, or other fowls shall be brought into, or kept, or held, or offered for sale, or killed in any yard, area, cellar, coop, building, premises, or part thereof, or any sidewalk or other place within the built-up portion of Jersey City, without a special permit in writing from the Health Department, and subject to the con- ditions thereof; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each offense. SLAUGIITER HOUSES. Sec. 133. Every proprietor, owner or owners, occupant or occupants of every place in the city of Jersey City where cattle, chickens, geese, hogs, or fowls are slaughtered, shall obtain a permit therefor from the Board of Health of Jersey City, and shall pay for the same the sum of ten (10) dollars annually; every such permit shall be subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Health of Jersey City; any person or persons or cor- poration, acting contrary to or violating this section or any of the provisions thereof shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every violation of said section. Sec. 134. That in every slaughter-house herereafter construced or maintained within the city of Jersey City, the floors shall be paved with asphalt or some other imper- vious material, properly sloped to a well trapped and permanently grated inlet, having a direct communication with a sewer; the walls thereof shall be covered to a height of seven feet, with some smooth impervious material; the yards, apartments and pens connected therewith, shall be paved with brick or stone laid in cement or concreted or impervious material, and properly sloped to a well trapped and permanently grated inlet having a direct communication with a sewer. Every slaughter-house shall be supplied with ad- equate water supply, and such an arrangement of hose or pipes as will enable the walls, floors, and yards to be effectually washed; and every slaughter-house, and the apartments and pens connected therewith, shall be properly ventilated according to the direction, and to the satisfaction of the Board of Health; any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 135. That the owners, agents, lessees, or occupants of all slaughter-houses located within this city, are required to provide movable receptacles, with tightly fitting covers, for the purpose of receiving and conveying away blood, filth, offal and other offensive matters, and these matters must be deposited in the receptacles immediately after slaughtering, and removed with all fat, hides, skins, tripe and bones, daily, between the hours of 6 p. m. and 8 a.m. No blood or offal shall be permitted to flow into the sewer; any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each violation thereof. Sec. 136. That the owners, agents, tenants, lessees or occupants of all slaughter- houses shall thoroughly and effectually wash the walls, floors and yards thereof at least once in every twenty-four hours, and during the months of May, June, July, August and September shall distribute twice in each week not less than twenty-five pounds of chloride of lime about their premises, and shall also remove the contents of any manure pit or manure pile on the premises once in each week during said months; if any of the above requirements should not be complied with the Health Inspector or any of his officers is hereby directed to carry out the provisions of this section as to disinfecting and the removal of the contents of said manure pits or piles, at the expense i 1 the said owner, agent, tenant, lessee or occupant; any person or persons or corpor- 21 ation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a pen- ' alty of twenty dollars. Sec. 131. That no blood pit, dung pit, or privy vault shall remain or be con- structed within any slaughter-house in the city of Jersey City; any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. STABLES. Sec. 138. Every owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any stall, stable or apart- ment in which any horse or any other cattle shall be kept, or any place in which any manure or any solid or liquid discharge or excrement may collect or accumulate, shall at all times keep or cause to be kept such stalls, stables or apartments, and the drainage, yard and appurten- ances thereof, in a cleanly, healthful and wholesome condition, and no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom. In all cases where this Board shall by written notice so re- quire, all manure or excreta shall be removed from all stables and premises where it may ac- cumulate as often as once in each week; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 139. Every stable or apartment in which any horse or any other cattle shall be kept shall be provided with an underground and properly covered manure vault of sufficient capac- ity to care for all manure that may accumulate in such stable or apartment; said vaults shall not be nearer than ten (10) feet to the line of any adjoining lot, street, alley or public place without a pet mit from this Board; any person or persons offending against any of the provis- ions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 140. In the case of all premises where this board shall by written notice so require, every stable or building thereon in which any horses or cattle are kept or stabled shall be so constructed and drained that no fluid, excrement or refuse liquids, or washings from vehicles, shall flow upon or into the ground. It shall be by written notice required that all of the surface of the ground beneath such stables or buildings, and of the yard adjoining shall be covered with a concrete or other watertight covering, the material and manner of construction of said covering to be subject to the approval of said Board; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 141. No person owning, occupying or having charge of any stable or other premises shall keep or allow thereon or therein any dog or other animal which shall by noise disturb the quiet or repose of any one therein or in the vicinity; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 142. No straw, hay or other substances which has been used as bedding for animals shall be placed or dried upon any street or sidewalk, or roof of any building, nor shall any straw, hay or other substance, or the contents of any mattress or bed, be deposited or burnt, nor shall accumulations thereof be made within two hundred feet of any street or dwelling without a permit from this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 143. All manure vaults attached to stables where more than two (2) horses are kept, shall, between April and November in each year, be emptied when necessary, and such vault shall in no case be permitted to become a nuisance, and any person or persons or corporation offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. SCAVENGERS. Sec. 144. Each night scavenger and every dealer in bones, fat and animal offal or refuse whatsoever, and every person keeping or maintaining an establishment for boiling bones and fat, or for making grease or carrying on any business of a like nature within the city of Jersey City, shall make application to the Board of Health of Jersey City, for a license to carry on or keep or maintain said business, and shall pay to the said Board for said license each the sum of twenty dollars; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 22 Sec. 145. Each applicant for a license under section 144 shall present to the said Board an application in writing, verified by oath, made before some person authorized to administer the same, setting forth the place of residence of said applicant, and also stating the particular location as near as may be of said applicant’s place of abode, and also of said applicant’s place of business; which said application shall be accompanied with the amount of said license fee, and be delivered to the Health Inspector, and said Board, upon receipt of every application as aforesaid, may, in its discretion, grant the desired license, which license may be revoked at the pleasure of the Board for cause. Each license so granted shall expire one year after the date thereof. Sec. 146. Scavengers who engage in the business of removing the contents of privy vaults at night shall cause to be painted upon the wagon box of their wagons, in letters and figures, their name and number of the license, together with a lighted lamp on each side of the wagon, with plain glass fronts and sides, with the number of the license of such wagon painted with black paint on the sides and front of each of said lamps in distinct and legible figures at least two (2) inches in size, and so placed that said lamps may be distinctly seen and said number easily read; and any person or persons offending against any of the provis- ions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 147. The cleaning, emptying and removing of the contents of privy vaults and cesspools shall be done in an inoffensive manner; in no case shall the contents of any privy vault or cesspool be removed unless the same is properly disinfected before the work is com- menced, and also during the progress of the cleaning, and after the completion of the same; and any scavenger having begun any such scavenger work shall, without any interruption or delay, finish the same and shall in every instance leave the privy in as good condition upon the vault as when the work was undertaken; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 148. All carts, tanks and other vessels used for the purpose mentioned in the last section must be water tight; and the same must be thoroughly washed and disinfected im- mediately after being emptied. Such cleaning and purifying shall always take place on the dump scow, or at the river in its immediate vicinity; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 149. The Health Inspector shall, at least once a month, cause every tank, cart and other vessel that is used in the business of transporting night soil, and other noxious liquids to be carefully inspected, and if any tank, cart or vessel shall be found in a leaking condition, or from any cause unfit for use, he shall notify the owner of the same that it must go out of service until placed in good condition; and any person or persons using any such tank, cart or vessel without the permission of the Health Inspector, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 150. No privy vault or cesspool shall be cleaned, emptied or the contents removed, except by a licensed scavenger, and any person who shall be guilty of doing any scavenger work in the city of Jersey City without first having obtained a license therefor; as provided for in the rules, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 151. No cart or other vehicle used in carrying any offal, swill, manure, or the contents of any privy, vault, cesspool or sink shall without necessity therefor stand or remain nor shall a needless number gather before or near any building, place of business or other premises, where any person may be; nor shall any such cart or vehicle occupy an. unreason- able length of time in loading or unloading, or in passing along any street or through any in- habited place or ground; nor shall any such cart or vehicle, or the driver thereof, or anything thereto appertaining, be, (or by any person having a right to control the same, be allowed to be) in a condition detrimental to public health; and when not in use all such carts, vehicles, and all implements used in connection therewith, shall be stored and kept in some place where any noxious odor arising therefrom shall not be detrimental to public health, and in no case will any cart or vehicle or any implement used in connection therewith, be per- mitted to stand upon any street, alley, wharves or vacant lots, except when actually em- ployed and in use in the business of vault cleaning; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 23 THEATRES. SeCj 15L No person being the lessee, manager, conductor or owner of any theatre, shall cause or permit or allow the same or any or appurtences thereof, to be so far over- crowed, or inadequate, faulty or insufficient in respect of strength, ingress or egress, cleanli- ness, ventilation, or in any other particular, as that thereby, or by reason thereof, any avoid- able peril snail come or happen to, or be incurred or suffered by any person being properly at o, in any such theatre; any person or persons offending against any of the provisons of tnis section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. VETERINARY SURGEONS. Sec 153. Every vetinary surgeon who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal within the city of Jersey City, having the glanders, or farcy, or any contagious dis- ease, shall within twenty-four hours thereafter, report in writing to the Board of Health of said city the following facts, viz: 1st, a statement of the location of such diseased animal: 2d, the name and address of the owner thereof; 3d, the type and character of the disease; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. VACCINATION. Sec. 154. Every person being the parent or guardian, or having the care, custody or control of any minor or other individual, shall (to the extent of any means, power and authority of said parent, guardian or other person, that could properly be used or exerted for such purpose) cause and procure such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently and effectively vaccinated that such minor or individual shall not take or be liable to take the small-pox; that all persons unable to pay for such vaccination can have the same done (by making application at the office of the Board of Health) free of any charge; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 155. No person shall obstruct, delay or interfere with the proper and free use, for the purposes for which they may be and should be set apart and devoted, of any dock, pier or bulkhead, set apart for the free use of any contractor or person en- gaged in removing any offal, garbage, rubbish, dirt, dead animals, night soil or other fixe substances, or with the proper performance of such contracts; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 156. No large church bell shall be rung or tolled (when the same shall be dangerous to the life or health of any sick person, and the proper authorities have been notified of such sickness), without a permit from this Department; nor shall such bell be rung or tolled at any other time therein, to the prejudice or peril of the life or health of any human being; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars for each offence. Sec. 157. It shall be the duty of every owner, lessee or tenant of any vacant, sunken or excavated lot in the city of jersey City to keep the same at all times clean and noffensive, and to provide around the same a proper fence, so as to effectually prevent the throwing or depositing therein or thereupon any garbage or offensive thing whatso- ever, and also to prevent persons passing from falling into such excavation; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. Ammendment to Section 94. After the word guts by inserting the word fat, so as to read- No offal blood, scrap, guts, fat, gut fat, or refuse of slaughter houses shall be transported through, brought in or allowed to be brought into the city of |ersey City with- out a permit in writing from this Department; any person or persons offending against anv of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 158. No master, charterer, owner, partowner or consignee of any vessel, or any other person shall bring to any dock, pier, wharfs or building in said city, or unload at any dock, building or pier therein or have on storage, any skins, hides, rags, bones, fat or similar articles or material, without or otherwise than according to a written permit so to do from this Board ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this shall forfeit and pay penalty of twenty (20) dollars. I, Gilbert P. Robinson, Clerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, do hereby certify1 that the forgoing ammendment to section 94 of the ordinances of the said Board of' Health and section 158 of said ordinance were adopted, enacted and confirmed by said Board c- Health of Jersey City and afterwards confirmed by the Board of Police Commissioners March 1, 1893, agreeably to the provisions of the law of the State of New jersey. In witness whereof I have set my hand this 1st., day of March A. D. 1893! GILBERT P. ROBINSON, Clerk of Board of Health, Jersey City. Section 159. No person or persons, corporation, its agents or servants, shall raise the surface of any ground, street or lot, or depress or excavate the same in such manner as to cause or permit noisome odors or noxious gases to rise detrimental to life or health. Any person or persons who shall cause, allow or maintain the doing of the foregoing or any part thereof without disinfecting said ground, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars for the first offence, and a like penalty for every day’s continuance of the offence after notice to abate the same. I, Gilbert P. Robinson, Clerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, N. J., do hereby certifiy that the foregoing amendment of the code of ordinances and rules and reg- ulations of the Board of Health of Jersey City, is a true transcript of the orignal amend- ment, and is entitled to full credence and same was duly adopted and confirmed by said Board of Health of Jersey City, and afterwards confirmed by the Board of Police Com- missioners, agreeably to the provisions of the law of the State of New Jersey, entitled, “An act to establish in this State, Boards of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics, and to define their respective powers and duties," approved March 31, 1887, and various supplements thereto. Witness my hand this 16th day of January, 1894. GILBERT P. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Board of Health, of Jersey City, N. J. INDEX. Section. Page. Bills of Health 36 7 City Physicians 6 to 10 3 and 4 Contagious Diseases 37 to 46 7 and 8 Definition of Terms 26 to 30 5 and 6 Drainage and Plumbing 47 to 58 8, 9. and 10 Dead, sick and injured animals 59 to 63 10 Driving of Cattle 64 10 Enforcement of Ordinances 65 to 67 11 Food and Drink 68 to 74 11 and 12 Health Office 11 4 Health Inspector 12 to 22 4 and 5 Keeping of Animals 75 to 77 12 Lodging Houses 78 12 Meetings • 4 and 5 3 Manure, etc 79 and 80 13 Miscellaneous 155 to 157 23 Nuisances 31 to 35 6 and 7 Noxious Odors 81 to 95 13,14, and 15 Organization 1 to 3 3 Railroad Cars 123 to 126 19 Removing from and Unloading of Vessels 118 to 122 18 Rubbish, Filth and Dirt 108 to 117 16, 17, and 18 Slaughtering 127 to 132 19 and 20 Slaughter Houses 133 to 137 20 and 21 Sanitary Officers 23 to 25 5 Stables 138 to 143 21 Scavengers 144 to 151 21 and 22 Theatres 152 23 Veterinary Surgeons 153 23 Vaccination 154 23 Section 37. To strike out the words “typhoid fever,” as it was nor considered a contagious disease. I, Gilbert P. Robinson, Clerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, N. J., do hereby certify that the foregoing amendment of the code of ordinances and rules and regulations of the Board of Health of Jersey City, is a true transcript of the original amendment, and is entitled to full credence; and same was adopted and confirmed by said Board ot Health of Jersey City, and afterwards confirmed by the Board of Police Commissioners, agreeably to the provisions of the law of the State of Nev. Jersey, entitled, “An act to establish in this State Boards of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics, and to define their respective powers and duties,” approved March 31st, 1887, and various supplements thereto. Witness my hand this 20th day of March, 1896. GILBERT P. ROBINSON, Clerk of Board of Health, of Jersey City, N. J. 3. “Amendments to section 158 of the Rules, Regulations and Ordinances of the Board of Health of Jersey City, New Jersey ” Be it ordained, by the Board of Health of Jersey City, as follows:— As amendment to section 158, of the Rules, Regulations and Ordi- nances of the Board of Health of Jersey City, New Jersey, after the word “Board’ fifth line, insert “The fee for said permit shall be the sum of two dollars which shall be paid to the Board of Health of Jerse}' City, before said permit shall issue.” Passed November 29,1897. H. H. ABERNETHY, President, Board of Health of Jersey City, N. J. Attest:— G. P. ROBINSON, Clerk. 1. Gilbert P. Robinson, Clerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinances and amendments to the rules, regulations and ordinances of the Board of Health of Jersey City, New Jersey, are true transcripts of the original ordinances and amendments, and are entitled to full cre- dence. The same were adopted and passed by the Board of Health of Jersey City, agreeable to the provisions of the law of the State of New Jersey, entitled “An Act to establish in this State Boards of Health and Vitals Statistics and to define their respective powers and duties.’’Approved March 31, 1887, and various supplements thereto. GILBERT P. ROBINSON, £lerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, N. J. I, Gilbert P. Robinson, Clerk of the Board of Health of Jersey City, New jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing minted Ordinances and Rules and Regulations of the Board of lealth of Jersey City, known as the “ Sanitary Code,” from page i to 23, consisting of 15sections, is a true transcript of the pro- ceedings of the said Bf>ard of Health of Jersey City, and is a true copy of the aforesaid Ordinances and Rides and Regulations, and of the original Ordinances thereof, now in force in Jersey City, rnd of the Amendments thereto, and of the whole thereof, and that the same are now in full force, and entitled to fidl credence >s such Ordinances and Amendments, and were duly adopted, enacted and confirmed by said Board of Health of Jersey City, and afterwards confirmed b)' the Board of Police Commissioners, agreeably to the provisions of the law of the State of New Jersey, entitled, “An Act to establish in this State, Boards of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics, and define their respective powers and duties, passed and approved March 31, [887, and the various supplements thereto. In WITNESS whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of January, A. D., 1893. GILBERT P. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Board of Health, fersey City.