.A. REVISION OP The Sanitary Code OT THE BOARD OF HEALTH AND Vital Statistics OF THE COUNTY OF HUDSON, Approved, June 6, 1888. 1888: ALBERT DATZ, PRINTER, 34 CObES ST., JERSEY CITY. A REVISION OK THE SANITARY CODE OK THK BOARD OF HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS OF THE COUNTY OF HUDSON. The Board oe Health and Vital Statistics of the County of Hudson, by virtue of the powers conferred by law, do here- by declare that the Code of Health Ordinances of said Board, and the several supplements thereto and in force on the date hereof, be, and the same are, hereby repealed ; and the said The Board of Health and Vital Statistics of Hudson County, do hereby ordain and enact a Revised Sanitary Code, as follows : Approved, June. 6‘, 1888. 2 CODE OF HEALTH I. MEDICINES, ADULTERATIONS, POISONS, FOODS AND DRINKS. 1. That no doctor, druggist or other persons shall make, sell, put up, prepare or administer any prescription, decoction, or medicine under any deceptive or fraudulent name, direction, or pretence; nor shall any false or deceptive representation be made by any person to any other, as to the kind, quality, pur- pose, or effect of any such or other drug, medicine, decoction, drink, or other article offered or intended to be taken as food or medicine ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. 2. That no poisonous medicine, decoction, or substance shall be held for sale, or sold, except for lawful purposes and with proper motives, and by persons competent to give the proper directions and precautions as to the use thereof; nor shall any bottle, box, parcel, or receptacle thereof be delivered to any person unless the same is marked “ Poison,” nor to any person who the party delivering the same has reason to think intends it for any illegal or improper use or purpose ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. 3. That no person shall make, offer, or have for sale, or keep at any place of sale any “ poisonous, unwholesome, dele- terious, stale, inert, or adulterated drugs, medicines, or food,” or in respect thereto omit any act or thing required, or do any act forbidden by any law or health regulation of this State applicable in any part of said county; and any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 4. That no meat, fisli, birds or fowl, or vegetables, nor any milk, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome and safe for human food, nor any meat or fish that died by disease or poison shall be brought within the County of Hudson, or offered or held for sale in any public or private market, as such ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. food, anywhere in said county; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 5. That no calf, or the meat thereof, shall be-brought, held, or offered for sale, as such food, in said county, -which, at the date of its death was less than four weeks old, or if of less age, less than sixty-five pounds dressed weight. Nor shall any meagre, sickly or unwholesome fish, birds or fowl be bought, held, sold or offered for sale, as such food in said county ; and all such unwholesome substances so offered for sale, shall be liable to confiscation as this Board shall direct; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 6. That no meat, or dead animal above the size of a rabbit, shall be taken to any public or private market for food until the same shall have fully cooled (and all blood shall have ceased dripping therefrom) after its killing, nor until the en- trails, head (unless the same be skinned), hide, horns and feet, (large game, spring lambs and hog-dressed veal excepted) shall have been removed. Nor shall gut-fat, or any unwholesome or offensive matter or thing be brought to or near any such market; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 7. That no person, being the manager or keeper of any saloon, boarding-house or lodging-house, or being employed as a clerk, servant, or agent thereat, shall therein or thereat offer or have for food or drink, or to be eaten or drank, any poison- ous, deleterious or unwholesome substance, nor allow anything therein to be done or to occur prejudicial to health; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 8. That no cased, blown, plaited, raised, stuffed, putrid, impure, or unhealthy or unwholesome meat or fish, birds, or fowl, shall be held, bought or sold, or offered for sale, for human food, or held or kept in any market, public or private, or any public place in said county; and any person or persons 4 CODE OF HEALTH offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 9. That no meat, fish, fruit, vegetables or milk, or un- wholesome liquid shall knowingly be bought, sold, held, offered for sale, labeled, or any representation made in respect thereof, under a false name or quality, or as being what the same is not, as respects wholesomeness, soundness, or safety for food or drink; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 10. That every person, being the owner, lessee or occu- pant of any room, stall or place where any meat, fish or vege- tables, designed or held for human food shall be stored or kept, or shall be held or offered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall and place, and its appurtenances, in a clean and wholesome condition ; and every person having charge, or in- terested, or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care,, or in respect to the custody or sale of any meat, fish, birds, fowl or vegetables designed for human food, shall put and preserve the same in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall not allow the same, or any part thereof, to be poisoned, infected or rendered unsafe or unwholesome for human food ; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 11. That no distiller or brewer, or other person, shall manufacture, or have, or keep for sale, any liquid designed for drink or beverage for human beings, which would be, if used, dangerous or detrimental to life or health ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 12. That no butcher or dealer shall keep in any market any refrigerator or ice-box, unless the same be lined with lead or other proper metallic substance, so as to be water tight, nor unless the same be provided with a pipe of lead, zinc or cop- per leading therefrom to the nearest gutter or proper waste- pipe ; and any person or persons offending against any of the ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY;1 5 provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 13. That no person shall sell or deliver, or have for sale or otherwise, in the County of Hudson, any milk from cows or other animals, without a permit therefor, in writing, from this Board. No person shall have at any place where milk, butter or cheese is kept for sale, nor shall at any place sell or deliver, or offer or have for sale, or keep for use, nor shall any person bring or send to said county any unwholesome, skimmed, watered or adulterated milk, or milk known as “ swill milk,” or milk from cows or other animals that for the most part have been kept in stables, or that have been fed in whole or in part on swill, or milk from sick or diseased cows or other ani- mals, or any butter or cheese made from any such milk, or any unwholesome butter or cheese. Nor shall any person sell or deliver, nor have for sale, nor keep in said county, any milk of a less specific gravity than 1029 (distilled water being 1000), at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for the violation of any of the provisions of this section. 14. That the addition of water or any substance to milk, offered for sale, is hereby declared an adulteration ; any milk that is obtained from animals that are fed on distillery waste, usually called “ swill,” or upon any substance in a state of putrefaction, is hereby declared to be impure and unwhole- some ; and any person or persons offending as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every such offense ; provided, that nothing in this code contained shall be construed to prevent the sale of skimmed milk, if the person or persons selling the same shall first make known the fact that it is skimmed milk and shall sell it as such. 15. Any person or persons who shall adulterate milk, with the view of offering the same for sale or exchange, or shall keep cows for the production of milk for market, or for sale or exchange, in a crowded or unhealthy condition, or feed the same on food that produces impure, diseased or unwhole- 6 CODE OF HEALTH some milk, or who shall sell or exchange any milk as pure milk, from which the cream, or any portion thereof has been taken, except as hereinbefore provided in this code, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every such offence. 16. That all bread manufactured by the bakers of this county shall be made of good and wholesome flour or meal, and no person shall sell or offer for sale in this county any bread or cake made of poor or unwholesome flour or meal; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars for every such offense. 17. That no person shall take any ice from any polluted or unclean pond, creek, river, lake or stream in the County of Hudson with the intention of selling or using such ice, or caus- ing the same to be sold or used for drinking or eating purposes ; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 18. That no person shall throw, or allow to run or pass into1 any public reservoir,water-pipe or acqueduct, or into or upon any border or margin thereof, or excavation or stream therewith connected, any animal, vegetable or mineral substance what- ever ; nor shall any person allow the same to be done (having power or right to prevent the same); nor shall any person do or permit to be done (having right or power to prevent the same), any act or thing that will impair or imperil the purity or wholesomeness of any water or other fluid used or designed as a drink in any part of said county; nor shall any person bathe, (nor, except in the discharge of public duty, put) any part of his person into such water, nor shall any unauthorized person open any erection or unscrew any hydrant holding such water; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 19. That no person shall destroy nor in anywise injure or impair any drinking hydrant, or part thereof, in the said ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 7 county; nor shall any person interfere with the use of or en- joyment of the Avater therein, or therefrom, or interrupt the flow thereof, for, or as a drink; nor shall any person put any dirty, poisonous, medicinal, or any noxious substance into or near said Avater or hydrant Avhereby such Avater is made or may be regarded as dangerous or unwholesome as a drink; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions in this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 20. That it shall be the duty of every person, officer, department and board, having any authority and control in re- gard to any water designed for human consumption (and within the proper sphere of the duty of each thereof), to take all usual and also all reasonable measures and precautions to secure and preserve the purity and Avholesomeness of such water; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-fRe dollars. II. NUISANCES IN STREETS, LOTS, PUBLIC PLACES, AND VEHICLES, WHARVES AND VESSELS. 21. All waste or sewage water shall be conveyed through sufficient drains, underground to a common sewer or to such reservoir or Avater tight vault, or through sufficient under- ground drains into the Hackensack or Hudson rivers or Newark or New York bays. No person shall suffer any waste or stagnant Avater to remain in any cellar or upon any lot or vacant ground, by him owned or occupied; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 22. That every person, when cleaning any street, shall clean, and every contractor shall cause to be cleaned, the gut- ters and parts of the street along which the water will run, be- fore using anv water to wash the same ; and no substance that CODE OF HEALTH could be before scraped away shall be washed or allowed to be carried or be put into the sewer, or into any receptacle there- with connected; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 23. That no person shall deposit any dead animal, or ex- crements, or filth from privies, or any hay or straw, or refuse vegetables, or dirt, or rubbish of any offensive or dangerous kind or description, or any kitchen slops, manure, or street sweepings, upon any street, alleys or public or private property in this county ; provided, that manure may be placed on pri- vate property for its cultivation (night soil excepted), in such parts of the county that are not built up, and, provided, that no nuisance result therefrom; and anj person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 24. That no pile or deposit of manure, hops, malt, straw or bedding, or other offal, dirt or garbage, or any accumulation of any offensive nauseous substance, shall be made within the built-up portions of the County of Hudson, or upon any open space enclosed within any portions thereof, or upon the piers, docks or bulkheads adjacent thereto, or upon any open grounds near any such pier, wharf or bulkhead, or upon any vessel or scow other than those to be speedily removed, lying at such pier, except according to a resolution of this Board especially authorizing the same, and a permit obtained from this Board, and according to its regulations. And no person shall contrib- ute to the making of any such accumulations. Nor shall any straw, hay or other substance which has been used as bedding for animals, be placed or dried upon any street or sidewalk, or roof of any building; nor shall any such straw, liay or sub- stance be deposited, nor shall accumulation thereof be made, within two hundred feet of any street, without a permit from this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 25. That no person shall bring into the County of Hud- son, or keep therein for sale or otherwise, either for food or ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY, 9 for any other purpose or purposes any animal, dead or alive, matter, substance or tiling, which shall be, or which shall occasion a nuisance in said county, or which may or shall be dangerous or detrimental to health ; and any person or per- sons violating any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 26. That no building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing used or to be used for any purpose whatever, shall be made, used, kept, maintained or operated in the County of Hudson, if the use, keeping, maintaining or operating of such building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing shall be the occasion of any nuisance, or dangerous or detrimental to health ; and any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 27. That no person shall at any time carry or convey in or upon any passenger railroad car, nor shall any conductor or person in charge of any such railroad car allow to be carried or conveyed in or upon such car, except on the front platform, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding, in baskets or bundles ; and any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 28. That no railroad car or vehicle constructed for or engaged in the business of carrying passengers on any line of railroad in the County of Hudson, and which car is propelled by horse or electric power, and not by steam power, shall be used with cushions on the seats or the backs of the seats thereof, and shall be properly ventilated ; and any person or persons violat- ing any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a a penalty of fifty dollars. 29. That each and every car used upon any railroad in the County of Hudson, for the carrying or transportation of passengers, shall be carefully and thoroughly washed and cleaned, so that all filth and dirt are removed from the inside of said car; and any person or persons violating any of the 10 CODE OF HEALTH provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. III. EPIDEMICS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. REMOVAL FROM, AND UNLOADING OF, VESSELS. 30. That no owner, agent or consignee of any vessel or cargo, and no officer of any vessel (in respect of either of which vessel or cargo a permit, according to any law, ordinance or regulation, shall or should have been obtained to pass quaran- tine, or to come up to the water front of any city or town in the County of Hudson), shall unlade or land, or cause to be unladen or landed, such cargo, or any part thereof, in said city or town, without having first received the written permit of this Board so to do and on showing a proper quarantine per- mit ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 31. The permits shall be charged for and paid as follows: For the landing or unloading of the materials or articles men- tioned in said section at any dock, pier, wharf or building in said county, each party or company shall pay five dollars annually, and for all other permits granted under said section there shall be paid an annual fee of ten dollars, such permits, of course, to be subject to revocation at any time for cause ; and such permits shall be dated from the first day of July of each and every year and shall expire one year from date. 32. That no master, charterer, owner, part owner, or con- signee of any vessel, or any other person, shall bring to any dock, pier, wharf or building within said county, or unload at any dock, building, or pier therein, or have on storage in the built up portion of said county any skins, hides, rags, straw or bedding, or similar articles or materials, having been brought upon any vessel carrying emigrants, or from any foreign coun- try, or any infected place, or from any point south of Norfolk, ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY". Virginia, without or otherwise than according to, a written per- mit *so to do from this Board ; and no person shall sell, ex- change, or in any way make any exposure of any straw, bed- ding or articles that have been exposed to the contagion or infection of any contagious disease, or have been or are liable- to communicate such disease, or have lately been on any emigrant vessel, till after the same have been adequately cleansed or disinfected ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars ; provided, however, that said articles or materials, and articles or materials of like character may, upon the written permission of this Board, be removed for the purpose of cleansing and disinfecting the same, to such place or places only in said county as the said Board shall designate, and the place or places so designated shall be named in the permit or permission granted or to be granted as afore- said. And it is further provided, that any person or persons who shall make any such removal of any of said articles or materials, otherwise than is in this section directed, shall be- subject to and shall pay the penalty prescribed in said section. 33. That every master, owner, charterer, part owner and consignee of any vessel that shall bring any cotton into any city or town in the County of Hudson between the first day May and the first day of November of each year, shall at once report to this Board, or cause to be made, in writing, a report to this Board, of the fact of any such cotton being in a dan- gerous, infected or unsound condition, or having been exposed to any infection ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 34. That no captain, officer, consignee, owner or other person in charge of any vessel (or having right and authority to prevent the same) shall remove or aid in removing from any vessel to the shore, (save as legally authorized by this Board, and into quarantine grounds or buildings only), any person sick of, or person that has been exposed to and is liable very soon to develop, any contagious disease, nor so remove or aid 12 CODE OJf HEALTH in removing any articles that have been exposed to the con- tagion of any such disease, except in accordance with a permit of this Board, or with its special regulations ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 35. That no person shall bring into this county, frc-n any infected place or land, or take therein, from any vessel lately from any infected port, or from any vessel or building in which had lately been any person sick of a contagious disease, any article or person whatsoever, nor shall any such person land or come into said county without a permit from this Board ; and it shall be no excuse that such person or article so offending, or the occasion of offence, has passed through quarantine, or has a permit from any other source than this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 36. The keeper of any lodging house, and the owner, agent of the owner, lessee and occupant of any tenement house, and every other person having the care and management there- of, shall at all times, when required by an officer of this Board or by any officer upon whom any duty or authority is conferred by any law of this State, give him free access to such house and to every part thereof. The owner or keeper of any lodg- ing house, and the owner, agent of the owner, and the lessee of any tenement house or part thereof, shall, whenever any person in such house is sick of fever, or of any infectious, pestilential or contagious disease, and such sickness is known to such owner, keeper, agent or lessee, give immediate notice thereof to this Board, or to some officer of the same, and thereupon said Board shall cause the same to be inspected, and may, if found necessary, cause the same to be immediately cleaned or disinfected, at the expense of the owner, in such manner as they deem necessary and effectual. And all rooms or apartments occupied by any person sick of any contagious disease, shall immediately upon the death or recovery of such person, be, by the person having charge or custody of such rooms or apartments, thoroughly fumigated by ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 13 the burning of sulphur, or otherwise, in such manner as may be required by an officer or member of this Board, and all clothing, beds, bedding or infected articles used by or in caring for such sick person, shall be likewise fumigated or disin- fected, or in extreme cases, destroyed, as the said officer or member may ■ direct; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 37. That every keeper of any boarding-house or lodging- house, and every inn keeper and hotel keeper, shal1, within twenty-four hours, report, in writing, to this Board the particulars concerning any person being at any of the aforesaid houses and attacked with any contagious disease; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 38. Whenever it shall be decided by this Board that any building, or part thereof, is unfit for human habitation by reason of its being so infected with disease as to be likely to cause sickness among the occupants, and notice of such de- cision shall have been affixed conspicuously on the building, or part thereof, so decided to be unfit for human habitation, and personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in the State, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building or part thereof, for the reason to be stated therein, as aforesaid, such building or part thereof shall, with- in ten days thereafter, be vacated, or within such shorter time, not less than twenty-four hours, as in said notice may be spec- ified ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. REPORTS AS TO CONTAGIOUS ANI) INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 39. Tlial every physician shall report to this Board, in writing, every person having a contagions disease (and the state of his or her disease, and his or her place of dwelling and name, if known), which such physician has prescribed for or attended for the first time since having a contagious disease, during any part of the preceding twenty-four hours, and every 14 CODE OF HEALTH attending or practicing physician thereat must at his peril see that such report is or has been made by some attending physician, under a penalty of twenty dollars for any failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section. EXPOSURE TO DISEASE. 40. That no principal or superintendent of any school, and no parent, master or custodian of any child or minor (hav- ing the power and authority to prevent) shall permit any child or minor having scarlet fever, diphtheria, small-pox or any dangerous, infectious or contagious disease, or any child resid- ing in any house in which any such disease exists, or has recently existed, to attend any public or private school or Sunday school until this Board shall have given its permission therefor; nor in any manner to be unnecessarily exposed, or to needlessly expose any other person to the taking or to the infection of any contagious disease ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. REMOVAL OF SICK PERSONS. 41. That no person shall, without a permit from this Board, carry or remove from one building to any other, or from any vessel to the shore, any person sick of any contagious disease. Nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual sick of any contagious disease, or of the body of such person, or by any negligent act connected therewith, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by a needless exposure of himself, cause or contribute to, or promote the spread of disease from any such person, or from any dead body; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. VACCINATION. 42. That every person, being the parent or guardian, or having the care, custody, or control of any minor, or other individual, shall (to the extent of any means, power and ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 15 authority of said parent, guardian or other person, that could properly be used or exerted for such purpose) cause and pro- cure such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently, and effectively vaccinated that such minor or individual shall not take, or be liable to take, the small-pox; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. ANIMALS AND SLAITGHTEK HOUSES. 43. That no person, firm or corporation shall keep or allow to be kept in or upon any premises, grounds or place in said county, of which such person, firm or corporation shall be owner, lessee, tenant or occupant, more cows or other cattle than one on, or to each city lot or space equal thereto, not to exceed two in number, without a written permit from this Board, to be granted in the manner and according to the form prescribed, unless the same are kept in yards at the abattoir or abattoirs on the water front, as hereinafter mentioned. And every person, firm or corporation shall keep, or cause to be kept every stable, building, premises or place where any one or more cows or other cattle, horses or animals are kept or cared for, in said county, to be at all times kept in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall not allow any animals to be therein while infected with any disease contagious or pestil- ential without a special permit from this Board, to be granted for the purpose only on special application and on the recom- mendation of one of the members of the Board, or the Health Inspector thereof; and for a permit to keep cows or other cat- tle over or more than two as aforesaid, every person, firm or corporation shall pay to this Board a permit fee of one dollar annually. Every permit under this ordinance shall, however, be subject to the ordinances and rules of this Board, and may be revoked at pleasure ; and this fee shall be charged for every place where more than two cows or other cattle may be kept in said county. And it is further hereby provided and enacted 16 CODE OK HEALTH that every person, firm or corporation in said county, having, keeping or maintaining, in any way, any place or premises therein where any cow or other cattle shall be kept or shall be slaughtered, shall register, ci. cause said place to be registered at the office of this Board. And the Clerk of this Board will register the same in numerical order in a record to be kept for the purpose. Every proprietor, owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of every place in said county where cows or other cattle are slaughtered, shall obtain a permit therefor from this Board, and shall pay for the same the sum of ten (10) dollars annually. Every such permit shall be subject to the ordinances and rules aforesaid. Any person, persons or corporations, acting contrary to or violating this section, or any provision thereof, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each and everv violation of, or offence against said section. CATTLE, HORSES, ETC. 44. That no person shall allow any cattle, horse, mule, sheep, swine or goat, or any dangerous or offensive animal to run at large in said county, and no person shall, within the built up portions of said county, keep or permit to be kept any fowls, cattle, geese, swine or goat, without a permit to do so from this Board ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. That no cattle shall be kept in any place where the water, ventilation and food are not sufficient and wholesome for the preservation of their health, safe condition and wliole- someness for food ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 45. Tliat no person shall keep or cause to be kept in or upon any building, premises, grounds or place in the built up ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 17 portions of said county or adjacent thereto, any cattle, geese, goats, swine, sheep or dogs (one dog excepted) without a written permit from this Board, to be of the form and effect and to be issued upon the conditions and limitations named in the last preceding section, but the fee which may be charged for a permit under this section shall not exceed one dollar an- nually, and the fee, if any, is to be fixed when permit is issued, and no person owning, occupying, or having charge of any stable or other premises, shall keep or allow thereon or therein any dog or other animal which shall by noise disturb the quiet or repose of those or any one therein or in the vicinity, to the detriment to the life or health of any human being; and any person keeping animals contrary to, or violating this section, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offence. 46. That the keeping ancl slaughtering of all cattle, and the preparation and keeping of all meat and fish, birds and fowl, shall be in that manner which is or is generally reputed or known to be best adapted to secure and continue their safety and wholesomeness as food. The slaughtering of cattle shall not be permitted or conducted at any place in the County of Hudson without a special written permit from this Board ; unless the same shall be done in buildings located directly upon the water front, each having a capacity sufficient for the yarding and slaughtering daily of one-lialf of the entire num- ber of cattle or hogs, or small stock (all or separately, accord- ing to the particular object of each abattoir) slaughtered in this county at the time the application for the permit for such abattoir shall be made, and so constructed as to receive all stock deliverable thereat directly from cars or transports ; and to discharge therefrom all liquid refuse below low water mark, and to secure the proper care and disposition of all parts of the slaughtered animals upon the premises, or the immediate removal thereof by means of boats, under a penalty of one hundred dollars. 47. That every butcher and every person owning, leasing, or occupying any place, room, or building where any cattle SLAUGHTERING AND SLAUGHTER HOUSES. 18 CODE OF HEALTH have been or are killed or dressed, and every person being the owner, lessee, or occupant of any room or stable where any cattle may be kept, or market, public or private, and having power and authority so to do, shall cause such place, room, building, stall (and market being private), and their yards and appurtenances to be thoroughly cleansed and purified, and all offal, blood, fat, garbage, refuse and unwholesomeness or offen- sive matter to be therefrom removed, at least once in every twenty-four hours after the use thereof for any of the purposes herein referred to; and shall, also, at all times (unless some public authority prevents), keep all wood-work, have floors and counters, in any building, place or premises aforesaid, thouroughly painted or whitewashed ; and any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 48. That no cattle shall be killed for human food wdiile in an overheated, feverish or diseased condition; and all such diseased cattle in the County of Hudson, and the place where found, and their disease, shall be at once reported to this Board by the owner or custodian thereof, that the proper order may be made relative thereto, or for the removal thereof from said county ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 49. That no cattle shall be slaughtered, dressed or hung, or the meat or any part thereof, within said county, wholly or partly within any street, avenue or sidewalk, or public alley or place; nor shall any blood or dirty water, or other substance from such cattle, meat or place of killing, or the appurtenances thereof, be allowed to run, fall or to be in any such street, avenue or sidewalk, alley or place ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 50. That no building occupied wholly or partly as a slaughter-house, or any part thereof, or any building on the same lot, shall, without a special permit from this Board, be occupied for a dwelling or lodging-place; that every such ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 19 building shall at all times be kept adequately and thoroughly ventilated; that no blood shall be allowed to remain therein over night; that adequate underground connection shall be made from every such building with a public sewer, and the floor of such building on which the slaughtering is done, and the yard, shall be floored so as not to absorb blood, and so as to carry all liquid into the sewers ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. Y NOXIOUS AND OFFENSIVE TRADES AND MANU- FACTURES. 51. That no lager beer, ale, porter or other brewery, nor any slaughter-house, nor any manufactory or other establish- ment having quantities of liquid and waste substances or slops to be disposed of, shall draw off, cast off, or allow to run from said brewery, slaughter-house, manufactory or other establish- ment in the County of Hudson, any liquid substance or other matter into any private sewer, drain pipe or cesspool or other conductor, unless the same shall be so constructed and made as to be water-tight and will convey said liquid substances or other matter without leakage or escape therefrom; nor unless the said sewer, drain pipe, cesspool or other conductor be securely and properly connected with some capable and efficient sewer draining its contents into the Hudson or Hackensack rivers, so as to prevent said liquid substances or other matter from flowing in and becoming exposed on any vacant lot or lots, or ground, or other place, public or private, in said county; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 52. That no person shall permit or have any offensive water or other liquid or substance on his premises or grounds to the prejudice of life or health, whether for use in any trade or otherwise; and no establishment or place of business for 20 CODE OF HEALTH tanning, skinning or scouring, or for dressing hides or leather,, or for carrying on any offensive or noisome trade or business shall be opened, started, or established in the County of Hud- son without a permit from this Board. And every such estab- lishment shall be kept cleanly and wholesome, and be so con- ducted in every particular as not to be offensive or prejudicial to life or health ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 53. That no works for the manufactory of the substance known as poudrette, or for the conversion of night soil into any form of fertilizer or guano shall be allowed to be operated or maintained by any owner, agent, employee or other person in the County of Hudson, except by the permit of this Board, and during the time for which such permit may have been given and remained unrescinded; and any person or persons offending against this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 54. That the owners, lessees, tenants, and managers of every blacksmith or other shop, forge, coal-yard, foundry, manufactory, and premises where any business is done, or in or upon which ,an engine or boilers, are used, shall cause all ashes, cinders, rubbish, dirt and refuse to be removed to some proper place, so that the same shall not accumulate on any of the above mentioned premises, or in the appurtenances thereof, nor the same become filthy or offensive. Nor shall any smoke, cinders, dust, gas or offensive odor, be allowed to escape from any such building, place, or premises to the detriment or an- noyance of any person not being therein or thereupon engaged ; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 55. That every furnace employed in the working of en- gines by steam, or in any mill, factory, printing-house, dye- factory, iron-foundry, glass-house, distillery, brew-house, sugar- refinery, bake-house, gas-works, or in any other buildings used for the purposes of trade or manufacture, shall be so con- ORDINANCES OF HCDSON COUNTY. •structed as not to cause smoke or gas to the detriment of human life or health; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 56. That no person, company or corporation shall, within the limits of the County of Hudson, keep, have, erect or main- tain any establishment or place of business used for any of the following purposes: For tanning, skinning or scouring or dressing hides or leather, for bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, fat boiling, bone boiling, gut cleaning or the skinning or making of glue from dead animals or parts thereof; for boiling any varnish or oil, or for making any lamp-black, turpentine or tar, or for the distilling of any ardent or alco- holic spirits, or for any like business, or business that will or does generate unwholesome, offensive or deleterious gas, smoke, deposit or exhalation without and according to a written per- mit from this Board, for which there shall be paid in each case annually the sum of five dollars, and no such person or party as is named in the first part of this section shall have, erect, keep or maintain in any way a factory or place whatsoever for the making or manufacture of fertilizers from animal bones, offal or refuse, or for making guano, poudrette or other like or .similar substances, or for the carrying on or doing of any busi- ness'of like offensive or deleterious nature without and accord- ing to a written permit therefor from said Board, for which permit there shall be charged the sum of ten dollars annually. Nor shall any person or company keep or have any structure «or place for storing rags, bones or similar material, or engage in the business of transporting, carting or carrying manure, swill, offal, rubbish or garbage, or any other like noxious or offensive substance or thing for which permit and permit fees are not already provided for, excepting persons acting under the proper authorities of any city, town or township of the county without having received a permit from this Board of such form and effect as the Board may order, or the ordinances and rules thereof may provide, and for said last named permit there may be charged a fee not exceeding two dollars annually, the amount of the fee to be determined at the time of issue of 22 CODE OF HEALTH the permit. All permits under this section, as well as all other permits, may be revoked at the pleasure of this Board. And all persons applying for permits under this section shall give their names and residences, and make applications in the manner and according to the forms prescribed therefor ; and all permits shall date from the first day of July in each year. Any person, company or corporation carrying on any busi- ness, or keeping, erecting, having or maintaining any estab- lishment or place otherwise than in this section provided, or in any way acting contrary to or in violation of this section,, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offence. 57. That no substance, matter or thing, of any kind whatever, which shall be dangerous or detrimental to health, shall be permitted to exist in connection with any permitted business, or be used therein, or to exist in connection with, or be used in, any work or labor carried on or to be carried on or prosecuted in the County of Hudson, and that no nuisance shall be permitted to exist in connection with any business, or in connection with any such work or labor; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. VI. SCAYENGEBS, OFFAL DEALEBS, PB1YIES AND CESSPOOLS. SCAVENGERS. 58. No person shall engage in tlie business of a scavenger, nor shall drive any cart or wagon in the exercise of such busi- ness, (except those persons acting under some municipal au- thority) until he shall have received from this Board a license to carry on such business, and shall pay to said Board therefor the sum of twenty dollars ; and every person offending against ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. anv of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 59. Each applicant for a license as scavenger shall present to the said Board an application in writing, verified by oath, made before some person authorized to administer the same, setting forth the place of residence of said applicant, and also stating the particular location, as near as may be of said applicant’s place of abode, and also of said applicant’s place of business; which said application shall be accompanied with the amount of said license fee, and be delivered to the Clerk of said Board, and said Board, upon receipt of every application as aforesaid, may in its discretion grant the desired license, which license may be revoked at the pleasure of the Board. 60. Every scavenger license so granted shall expire one year after the date thereof, and all such licenses shall here- after be dated on the first day of July in each and every year succeeding. 61. If any applicant for a scavenger license has paid any icense fee for the same business to the town, city, township or municipality in which he carries on his said business, under any law or ordinance or municipal regulation thereof, such pay- ments must be set forth in his said application, with the par- ticulars thereof, and in such case said Board may in its dis- cretion make reasonable deduction therefor from the sum hereinbefore fixed as the license fee. 62. No scavenger license shall be granted to any person unless the applicant therefor has resided in the County of Hudson for the space of six months next preceding said appli- cation. 63. That scavengers who engage in the business of removing the contents of privy-vaults at night, shall cause to be painted upon the wagon-box of their wagons, in letters and figures, their name and number of their license, together with a lighted lamp with plain glass fronts and sides, with the num- ber of the license '6f such wagon painted with black paint on the sides and front of each of said lamps in distinct CODE OF HEALTH and legible figures at least two inches in size, and so placed that said lamps may be distinctly seen, and said number easily read; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 64. It shall be the right and duty of such night scaven- ger so licensed, when requested by any owner, agent or occu- pant of any privy within the county, to clean and remove the contents of the vault thereof, and to remove and deposit the same at such place or places as shall or may be designated by this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. PRIVIES, CESSPOOLS, ETC. 65. That no privy-vault shall be cleaned, emptied or re- moved, without a special permit from this Board, except by a licensed scavenger; and any person who shall be guilty of doing any scavenger work in the County of Hudson without first having obtained a license therefor, as provided for in this code, shall be liable to a penalty of thirty dollars for every such offense. 66. Owners, occupants or agents of privy-vaults, within the county, desiring to clean and remove the contents thereof themselves, without the aid of night scavengers, shall not be allowed to do so except upon the written permission of this Board, and then only in such manner as in said permit is di- rected ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 67. No privy-vault shall be opened between the first day of June and the fifteenth day of September, in each year, un- less the Board of Health shall be satisfied of the necessity of the same for the health or comfort of the inhabitants; and such precautions shall be used relative to the prevention of any offensive effluvia, as said Board may direct, at the expense of the owner, agent, occupant, or other person having charge ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. of the premises. Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any licensed scavenger, who shall use an odorless system of excavation, from opening and cleaning any privy-vault between the dates aforesaid ; any owner, agent, occupant, or other person or persons, who shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section, shall for- feit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each such offense. 68. Whenever in the opinion of the proper officer of this Board any privy-vault shall be offensive and need cleaning, it shall be his duty to notify the owner, agent or occupant to cleanse the same within a period named in said notice ; unless the person so notified shall comply within the time mentioned, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each such offense ; in case no owner or agent can be found in the county, such officer shall cause such offensive vault to be cleaned, and in that case the expense shall be collected as in other cases for the removal or abatement of nuisances as provided by law. 69. That whenever any vault, privy or drain becomes offensive or obstructed, the same shall be cleansed and made free, and the owner, agent, occupant or other person having charge of the land in which any vault, privy or drain is situ- ated, the state or condition of which is offensive or in violation of the provisions of this code, shall remove, cleanse, alter, amend or repair the same within such reasonable time after notice in writing to that effect given by this Board or its Health Inspector or other officer, as shall be expressed in such notice ; and any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars ; and the Health Inspector or other proper officer of this Board may, with its advice and consent, cause the same to be removed, altered, amended or repaired, as he may deem expedient, at the expense of the owner, agent or occupant, or other person as aforesaid. REMOVAL OF NIGHT SOIL. 70. Tlie cleaning, emptying and removing of the contents of privy-vaults shall he done in an inoffensive manner, and CODE OF HEALTH any scavenger having begun any such scavenger work shall,, without any interruption or delay, finish the same, and shall in every instance leave the privy in as good condition upon the vault as when the work was undertaken; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a of twenty dollars. 71, The contents of privy-vaults so removed by any scavenger shall be conveyed to such places as shall be ap- proved by this Board in tight tanks or vessels, and shall be disposed of in such manner as to cause no offense ; said tanks shall be kept clean and inoffensive when not in actual use ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 72. That no part of the contents (except substances not soluble in water) of any privy, privy-box, vault, sink or cess- pool within said county shall be removed therefrom, nor shall the same be transported through any of the streets, avenues,, alleys or other public places of said county except as the same shall be removed and transported by means of some air-tight apparatus, pneumatic or other process so as to prevent the said contents from being agitated or exposed in the open air dur- ing said process of removal or transportation, except this Board shall otherwise permit in writing; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 73. That no part of the contents of any privy, vault, sink,, cesspool, except substances other than excrements insoluble in water, or any accumulation of any offensive fluid, liquid, or semi-liquid substance or material, being in any excavation, cellar or place within the limits of the County of Hudson, shall be removed therefrom, nor shall the same be transported through any of the streets or avenues in said county, unless and except the same shall be removed and transported by means of an air-tight apparatus, or in such manner as shall prevent entirely the escape of any noxius or offensive odors therefrom, and by a permit from this Board; and any person OEDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. or persons offending against any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 74. That during prevalence of epidemics or contagious diseases all putrid and offensive matter, and all night-soil, and the contents of sinks, privies, vaults and cesspools, and all noxious substances in the built up portion of said county, shall before their removal or exposure be disinfected and rendered inoffensive by the owner, lessee or occupant of the premises where the same may be, or (in default of the same being so done) by the person or contractor who removes or is about to re- move the same ; and for all such matter so disinfected and ren- dered inoffensive, the person (not being such tenant, owner or occupant) who shall so disinfect and remove the same shall be entitled to demand and receive a compensation to be fixed by this Board, not exceeding twelve cents per cubic foot, for making such disinfection and removal, to be paid by such ten- ant, owner or occupant; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. OFFAL DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. 75. That no person shall boil any offal, swill, bones or fat in the built up portions of said county, save in ordinary cooking ; nor shall the business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, fat boiling, gut cleaning, nor the skinning or making of glue from any dead animals or parts thereof, nor any other occupation that is dangerous or detrimental to life or health, be hereafter estab- lished in said county; and no business or pursuit of the kind named in this section shall be carried on anywhere in said county, unless allowed by a permit of this Board, and said per- mit may be revoked for cause at the discretion of this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 76. That no person shall boil, manufacture, keep or store any offal, swill or bones, nor any fat, tallow or lard (except to man- 28 CODE OF HEALTH ufacture at once on the same being taken from the animal and while the same is fresh and otherwise inoffensive); nor shall the business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, gut cleaning, nor the skinning of or making of glue from any dead animal or part thereof, nor the storage or keeping of fat or grease or offensive animal matter, nor the drying and curing of hogs’ bristles, be per- mitted or conducted at any place in the County of Hudson without a special permit of this Board ; nor shall the busi- ness of rendering or boiling the fresh lard, fat or tallow afore- said, be conducted within said county without a like special permit from this Board, and such permit must be applied for in writing, specifying the nature and precise location of the proposed business, and such application will not be acted upon until the second regular meeting after such application ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 77. That all persons engaged in the business of boiling or rendering fat, lard, or animal matter, shall cause the scrap or residum to be dried or otherwise prepared as effectually to deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inoffensive, immediately after the removal thereof from the receptacles in which the rendering process may be conducted ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 78. That no fat, tallow or lard shall be melted or ren- dered except when fresh from the slaughtered animal, and taken directly from the place of slaughter in the County of Hudson, and in a condition free from sourness and taint and all other cause of offense at the time of rendering, and that all melting and rendering are to be in steam-tight vessels, the gases and odors therefrom to be destroyed by combustion or other means equally effective, and according to the best and most improved means and processes; and everything preced- ing, following and in connection with such melting and render- ing, and the premises where the same shall be conducted, must ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. be free from all offensive odor and other cause of detriment to the public health. No fat. lard or tallow shall be brought into the County of Hudson to be rendered or melted, and none is to be rendered or melted that has come from any place outside of said county, except as part of the living animal; and any per- son or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. PRIVIES AND WATER CLOSETS. 79. All and privies shall be made of brick or stone, and cement, and contain at least eighty cubic feet, and the in- side of the same shall be at least three feet distant from the line of every adjoining lot, and at the same distance from every street, lane, alley, court, square or public place, or public or private passage way ; and they shall be so constructed as to be conveniently approached, opened and cleaned. Every vault shall be made tight, so that the contents thereof cannot escape therefrom. All preparations for cleaning a vault or privy shall be made by the person entering the same, and, in case of neg- lect to make such preparations, it shall be made by the proper authority, and the expense thereof be charged to such person; any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 80. That no privy, water-closet, or urinal shall be built or allowed by any owner, agent or lessee, for the use of the resi- dents, occupants or other persons in connection with any building or buildings whatsoever, or be used by any person, unless the same be built on solid earth and over and with a water-tight and sufficient vault of brick, cement or other suit- able substance, or is properly connected, as provided for in this code, with some public sewer, under a penalty of thirty dollars. 81. That no privy, water-closet or urinal, except those properly connected with some public sewer, or built on solid ground and over and with a proper water-tight and sufficient vault where erected on property abutting on a street in which 30 CODE OF HEALTH there shall be no public sewer, shall be built or allowed by any owner, agent or lessee for the use of the residents, or other persons in connection with any building or buildings whatso- ever ; nor shall the same be used or allowed to be used by the residents, occupants, tenants or lessees of any such building or buildings, or part or parts of any such building or buildings ; nor shall any such building nor any part thereof, while so hav- ing for use such improper privy, water-closet or urinal, be let or hired by any owner or agent to any person or persons for use or occupancy; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars for each such offense. 82. That the owner of every building, on any street, avenue, alleyway, road or public place in the County of Hud- son, in which there is a proper and efficient public shall cause proper water-closets with good and sufficient traps, to prevent the entrance of sewer-gas, to be built in such building, for the use of the inhabitants thereof, and shall not build, or allow in connection with such building, any privy, vault or wrater-closet not so built and connected as aforesaid; nor shall any agent let, hire or rent, for occupation as a building or otherwise, any such building, nor shall any tenant, occupant or lessee occupy, use, or continue to occupy and use, any such building as a dwelling or otherwise, without such proper closet or closets, being in connection with such buildings and ready for use; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. VII. MANURE, COMPOST AND DECAYING SUBSTANCES. 83. That no person shall engage in the business of trans- porting manure, swill, offal, or garbage, or any offensive or noxious substance, or in driving any cart for such purpose, in the County of Hudson, (except the persons acting under the proper authorities of any city, town or township in the County of Hudson, and gardeners transporting manure for use on lands ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 31 not being in the built up portions of this County) until he shall have first received a written permit from this Board of such form and effect as the regulations of the Board shall provide, authorizing such person so to engage ; and any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 84. That no pile or deposit of manure, hops, malt, offal, or garbage, nor accumulation of any offensive or nauseous sub- stance, shall be made within the limit of said County ; nor shall any person or corporation unload, discharge or put upon or along the line of any railroad, street or highway, or public place within said county, any manure, hops, malt, offal, garbage or other offensive or nauseous substance ; nor shall cars or flats loaded with or having in or upon them any such substance or substances be allowed to remain or stand on or along any rail- road, street of highway within the limits of said county, with- in three hundred feet of any inhabited dwelling; Provided, how- ever, that truck-gardeners may place piles of compost within three hundred feet of an inhabited dwelling if no nuisance result therefrom. All manure vaults attached to stables, where more than two horses are kept, shall between April and November in each year, be emptied twice in each week, and such vault shall in no case be permitted to become a nuisance ; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 85. That every owner, lessee, tenant and occupant of any stall, stable or apartment in which any horse, cattle or swine, or any other animal shall be kept, or of any place in which manure or any liquid discharge of such animals shall collect or accumulate, within the built up portion of said county, shall cause said liquid or manure to be at once removed to some proper place, and shall at all times keep or cause to be kept such stalls, stables and apartments, and the drainage, yards and appurtenances thereof in a cleanly and wholesome con- dition, so that no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom; and, when within three hundred feet of any occu- pied dwelling house, or of any manufactoiy where more than CODE OF HEALTH five persons are employed, the removals from the stable shall not be made, nor shall the manure or refuse from the stable be allowed to remain on any street or place near such stable any time between eight o’clock a. m., and six o’clock p. m., without a permit from this Board. Every such stall, stable or apart- ment, where horses or cattle are kept, shall have a properly covered water-tight manure vault or box, which shall not be allowed to become filled, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section. 86. That no manure, garbage or other material that is liable to emit an offensive exhalation shall, in or adjacent to the built up portions of the County of Hudson, be turned or stirred (except about its removal) in such way as to be liable, by reason thereof, to increase such exhalations ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars.- 87. That no ground or material filled with offensive matter or substance, or that will emit or allow to arise through or from the same any offensive smell or deleterious exhalation, shall (adjacent to or within the built up portion of said county) be opened or turned up, or the surface thereof removed, be- tween the first day of May and the first day of October of any year, except according to permit first therefor obtained from this Board ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 88. That no cart or other vehicle for carrying any offal, swill, garbage, or rubbish, or the contents of any privy, vault, cesspool or sink, or having upon it or in anything on such cart any manure, or other nauseous or offensive sub- stance, shall, without necessity therefor, stand or remain, nor shall a needless number gather before or near any build- ing, place of business or other premises where any person may be ; nor shall any such cart or vehicle occupy an unreason- able length of time in loading or unloading, or in passing along any street or through any inhabited place or ground ; nor shall any such cart or vehicle, or the driver thereof, or anything ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 33 thereto appertaining, be (or by any person having a right to control the same, be allowed to be) in a condition needlessly filthy or offensive; and, when not in use, all such carts, vehicles and all implements used in connection therewith, shall be stored and kept in some place where no needless offence shall be given to any of the people of said county; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 89. That all carts and vehicles in the last section men- tioned, and boxes, tubs and receptacles thereon, in which any substance in said section referred to may be or is carried, shall be strong and tight, and the sides shall be so high above the load or contents that no part of such contents or load shall fall, leak or spill therefrom; and when, in the opinion of this Board, it is necessary to prevent the contents of such carts or vehicles, tubs or boxes, or receptacles from being offensive, each of such carts, tubs, boxes and receptacles shall be adequately and tightly covered, as the orders or regulations of this Board may provide or direct; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 90. That no driver of such cart or vehicle, nor any per- son engaged about the loading or unloading thereof, nor any person engaged about the cleaning or emptying, or having undertaken to empty or remove any manure, garbage, offal, or the contents of any vault, sink, privy, cesspool, or any noxious or offensive substance, shall do or permit to be done about the same, or in connection therewith, that which shall be needlessly offensive or filthy in respect to any per- son, street, place, building or premises, and all carts or vehicles shall be put in an inoffensive condition when not in use, under a penalty of twenty dollars for a failure to com- ply with any of the provisions of this section. 91. That no person shall allow (and it shall be the duty of every contractor and person who has ordered or procured, or is having any of the following articles carried, or who is driving 34 CODE OF HEALTH the same,) to prevent any cart or vehicle to be so fully loaded, or being in such bad condition of repair, or of such faulty construction, or being so improperly driven or managed, that any offensive liquid, or any manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt or material thereon, shall fall upon or in any place, street or premises; and it shall be the duty of every such person to at once replace on such vehicle and remove what has so fallen; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. VIII. ABATEMENT AND KEMOVAL OF NUISANCES. OFFENSIVE DRAINAGE, ETC. 92. No person shall suffer any slops, dirty water or other liquid of offensive smell, or otherwise nauseous or unwholesome, to flow from his or her house or premises, or throw or deposit the same, or any garbage or other offensive refuse, into or upon any street, gutter, sidewalk, alley or public ground in any city, town or township in the County of Hudson, nor shall any person place, throw or leave any nauseous, offensive or unwhole- some matter or substance in or upon any lot or lands in any city, town or township in said county; and any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifteen dollars. 93. That it shall be the duty of all owners, lessees, ten- ants or occupants of any and all buildings in the County of Hudson, to keep the gutter and sidewalk in front of such build- ings free from any offensive substance, liquid or solid, or any dirt, rubbish, water or stones, or any other thing dangerous to health, life or limb; any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifteen dollars. 94. That no owner, agent, lessees, tenant, resident occu- pant of any house, building, or part of any house or building, used as a dwelling, shall allow or shall cast off or let escape from ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY the same any waste water or other liquid substance or matter into any pipe, drain, sewer, cesspool or sink, which said pipe, drain, sewer, cesspool or sink empties its contents into or upon any vacant lot or lots, or other ground, public or private, in any of the cities, towns or townships in the County of Hudson; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars for each such offense. 95. That no butchers’ offal or garbage, nor any dead animals, nor any putrid or stinking animal or vegetable matter shall be thrown by any person, or allowed to go into any street, place, sewer or receiving basin, or into any river, or standing or running water, or excavation, nor upon the surface of any ground or premises in said county ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 96. That no swill, brine, urine of animals or other offen- sive animal substance, nor any stinking, noxious liquid or other filthy matter of any kind, shall by any person be allowed to run or fall from out of any building, vehicle or erection into or upon any street or public place, or to be taken or put therein, save as herein elsewhere provided ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall for- feit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 97. That neither the contents of any garbage or swill barrel, or other receptacle, cesspool, privy, vault, sink or water- closet, cistern, nor anything in any room, excavation, vat, building, premises, or place, shall be allowed to become a nuisance, or offensive, so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to health ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 98. That no person shall draw off, or allow to run into any ground, street or place in said county, the contents (or any part thereof) of any vault, privy, cistern, cesspool or sink ; nor shall any owner, tenant or occupant of any building to which any vault, sink, privy or cesspool shall appertain or be attach- CODE OF HEALTH ed, permit the contents, or any part thereof, to flow therefrom, or to rise within two feet of any part of the top, or said con- tents to become offensive ; nor shall any privy or other erection in this section mentioned be filled with or covered with dirt till its filthy contents shall be emptied; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 99. That every tub or other receptacle necessary in any house, sink, or privy (or placed, or allowed to stand therein, by any owner, tenant or occupant of any building, or premises), and used to contain any liquid or partially liquid substance, shall be sufficiently strong, perfectly tight, and adequately provided with a strong cover and with hoops and handles, and shall not be allowed to be filled to within four inches of any part of the top ; and shall not be allowed (or its contents) to be offensive. And the provisions of this code relative to empty- ing cesspools, and to throwing any substances therein, shall apply to said tubs and receptacles as is here repeated and applied thereto. And no person shall throw, drop, or allow to fall into the Hudson or Hackensack rivers, or any canal, or into any street or place, any substance being or hav- ing been part of the contents of any such vault, cesspool, privy, sink, tub or receptacle, or any offal ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 100. That no person shall throw into, or deposit in, any vault, sink, privy, or cesspool, or receiving basin, any offal, ashes, meat, fish or garbage, nor shall any slops or kitchen waste be permitted to run into any privy or cesspool, except the same be connected with the sewer ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. FILTH, DIRT, RUBBISH, ETC. 101. That no part of the contents of, or substances from, any sink, privy, or cesspool, nor any manure, ashes, garbage, offal, rubbish, dirt, nor any refuse or waste or thing which by its decomposition could or would become offensive to human ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. beings, or detrimental to health, or create or tend to create a nuisance, shall be by any person thrown, deposited or placed upon any street or public place, or street receiving basin, nor upon any vacant lot of land or vacant place upon the surface of any lot of land within the County of Hudson, whether such lot be enclosed or otherwise, without the written permission of this Board; nor shall any of said substances be allowed by any person to run or drop or be deposited from the premises occupied by such person, into or upon any street or public place, nor upon any vacant lot of land, or vacant place upon the surface of any lot of land in said county, nor into the Hudson or Hackensack rivers, or any canal, save through the proper underground connection; under a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 102. That no person or persons shall place or throw or cause or allow to be thrown, having power to prevent the same, on any street, sidewalk, highway, alleyway, road, or other place wherein the public have a right to be, in the County of Hudson, any bottles, broken glass or crockery ware, iron, wire, or other matter or thing dangerous to the life, limb or health of man or beast; any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifteen dollars. 103. That no lime, aslies, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers, or other substance that is liable to be blown by the wind, shall be sieved or agitated, or exposed, nor shall any mat, carpet or cloth be shaken or beaten, nor any cloth, yarn, garment or material, or substance, be scoured, cleaned or hung, nor any business be conducted over or in any street or public place, or where it, or particles therefrom, or set in motion thereby, will pass into any such street or public place, or into any occupied premises. That neither any usual nor reasonable precaution shall be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other substances from falling, to the peril of life, or dust and light material flying into any street, place or building, from any building or erection, while the same is being altered, repaired, or demolished, or otherwise, under a penalty of ten dollars. 38 CODE OF HEALTH 104. That no person shall deposit upon any street or publie place within the built up portion of the County of Hudson, or upon any paved street, any dirt or brick, or other material or dirt taken from any ground therein, or any building material, in such manner as to obstruct the free flowage along any gutter ; and any person or persons offemliug against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 105. That it shall be the duty of every owmer or owners, lessee or lessees, tenant or tenants, occupant or occupants of any lot or lots of ground in the County of Hudson, on notice in writing from this Board or its proper officer, to forthwith remove from off said lot or lots any rubbish, garbage, or other offensive matter or thing which may be upon said lot or lots ; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 106. That it shall be the duty of every owner, tenant, lessee, and occupant of any and every building or place of busi- ness in the built up portion of the County of Hudson, forth- with to provide, or cause to be provided, and all times there- after to keep, and be kept and provided, within such building or place of business, suitable and sufficient boxes, barrels or tubs for receiving and holding, without leakage and without be- ing filled to within four inches of the top thereof, all the ashes? rubbish, garbage and liquid substances, of whatever kind, that may accumulate during thirty-six hours from said building, or place of business, or the portion thereof of which such person may be the owner, tenant, lessee or occupant; and every such box, barrel and tub designed to hold ashes shall be made of or lined with some suitable metal, that a separate vessel shall be provided for ashes and rubbish, and another for garbage and liquid substances; and ashes and rubbish shall not be placed or kept in the same vessel with garbage and liquid substances ; and all ashes, rubbish, garbage or liquid substances that should be removed from such building and place of business, or from that part for which said receptacles were provided, and none other (without the proper consent) shall be placed therein, and OKDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 39 no such box, barrel or tub shall remain on any sidewalk, or in any public place longer than may be needful for the removal of the contents thereof ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 107. That all boxes or other repositories for the recep- tion and containing of garbage or ashes or other refuse, placed on any sidewalk or near to any inhabited building in the County of Hudson, shall be provided with proper covers, which shall be at all times kept securely closed ; and all such boxes or repositories shall, by the owner or owners, lessee or lessees, tenant or tenants, occupant or occupants, or the proper officer of any city or town in said county whose duty it is to remove the same, be emptied once in every thirty-six hours, between the first days of May and November in each year; any person or persons violating any of the provisions of of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 108. That the boxes, tubs and barrels mentioned in sec- tions of this code shall be placed and kept in such position (unless kept within or upon private grounds, within the side- walks) as the inspectors or agents of this Board shall provide or direct; and no person, not for that purpose authorized, shall interfere therewith or with the contents thereof; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 109. That no offal, butchers’ refuse, hotel, dining-room, boarding-house, or other house refuse, offal or slops, or any other substance or thing emitting an offensive odor or smell, from any place whatsoever shall be conveyed through any street, avenue or road in the County of Hudson, unless such substance be in tight boxes, barrels, or vessels, and effectually covered. And all wagons, or other means of transporting such substances, shall be kept cleanly and wholesome, and in such condition as not to be prejudicial to life or health; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 110. That no hotel or house swill or garbage, or offen- sive material of a liquid nature, or partly liquid nature, not 40 CODE OF HEALTH removed or required to be moved by the contractors for street cleaning, shall be transported through or along any street in the County of Hudson, except in tightly covered and bound casks and boxes, and none of the contents of such casks or boxes shall be allowed to fall, or leak or spill therefrom ; and any person or persons offending against any of e provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 111. That every proprietor, lessee, tenant and occupant of any oyster-house, oyster-saloon, or other premises where any oysters, clams, lobsters, or shell or other fish are con- sumed, used or sold, or where any of the refuse matter, offal or shells thereof accumulate, shall daily cause all such shells, offal and refuse matter to be removed therefrom to some proper place, and shall keep his house, saloon and premises at all times free from any offensive smells or accumulations ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 112. That the body or carcass of any dead animal, bird or beast, which shall have died from disease, accident or otherwise, except in the slaughtering of the same for food, shall be forthwith removed from -off any street, highway or premises, public or private, where the same may be, within twenty-four hours after the death of the same, to some proper place or repository for the same, by the proper officers, author- ities, person or persons whose duty it shall be to remove the same ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. IX. REGISTRATION OF PHYSICIANS, NURSES AND MID- WIVES. 113. No person shall, in the County of Hudson, pursue the calling, or practice the profession, of a physician, without having first presented to this Board, for inspection, the proper certificate or diploma of his graduation from some reputable ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY, school or college of medicine or surgery, or his license under the laws of this State, to practice medicine within the same, and satisfying said Board that he is the identical person named in said certificate, diploma, or license ; and on said Board’s being satisfied, writing in his own hand-writing, in a book of registry, provided for that purpose, at the office of this Board, his name, place of residence, and date and place of graduation; and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. (This ordinance is declared, subject to State Legislation as to County or State registration of physicians). 114. No person shall, in this county, practice the calling of professional nurse or midwife, without having first submitted to this Board proper credentials as to his or her ability and identity, and on said Board being satisfied, writing in his or her own hand-writing, his or her name and residence ; under a penalty of fifty dollars. X. KETURNS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. RETURN OF A BIRTH. 115. That it shall be the duty of the physician or midwife present at a birth, or if no physician or midwife was present it shall be the duty of any other person assisting or present at a birth, and if no other person be present, then it shall be the duty of the parent to transmit, within thirty days thereafter, to this Board, to be received by the Clerk thereof, a report in writing containing the following particulars :—the day of the month and year of the birth, the precise place of birth, giving ward, street or district, city, town or township, the names of both parents, the maiden name of mother, the birth place, res- idence and occupation of the parents, the sex, color and name of child, if named at time of return, the number of children of mother and how many living, also name of physician, midwife 42 CODE OF HEALTH or other person making return, and his residence; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. RETURN OF A STILL BIRTH. 116. That any physician or midwife in attendance upon the mother at the time of a still birth, or, if no physician was in attendance, or in case of his inaccessibility, then the County Physician or any member of this Board shall, within thirty-six hours, furnish to the undertaker, or to any member of the family of the deceased child applying therefor, or if no such application be made, he shall furnish in his own handwriting to this Board, to be received by the Clerk, a certificate of such still birth, which certificate shall show the precise place of birth, date, sex of child, color, names and birth place of the parents, residence of mother, age of mother, period of utero- gestation, number of previous children, number living, cause (if known) of dead birth, medical attendant, and his residence and date of return; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. RETURN OF A DEATH. 117. That in the case of any person who shall have died in Hudson County, it shall be the duty of the physician who at- tended such person during his last illness (or, if the death did not result from natural causes, or if no physician was in attend- ance during last illness, or in case of inaccessibility, then it shall be the duty of the County Physician), within thirty-six hours, to furnish in his own handwriting, to the undertaker, or to any member of the family of deceased applying therefor, or, if no such application be made, to furnish to this Board, to be received by the Clerk, a certificate of such death, which certificate shall set forth the following named items of informa- tion, touching the case :—The name, age, sex, color, nativity, occupation, last place of residence, place of death, (giving in cities and towns the name of such city or town, the ward or ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 43 district, name of street and number of house, and in townships the name of township,) duration of residence in the State, names of parents and their birth place, date of death, duration of illness, name and residence of medical attendant, and date of making certificate ; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 118. That no physician shall issue any certificate of death, under the ordinances of this Board or the laws of this State, except when he was the medical attendant on said de- ceased, for whom certificate was given during his or her last illness ; provided, said person died from natural causes; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 119. That if any physician or midwife, in case of a death or birth at which such physician or midwife was the profes- sional attendant or otherwise, shall knowingly make any false certificate or return to this Board as to the cause of such death, or any false statement in said certificate or return with regard to such birth, he or she shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. RETURN OF A MARRIAGE. 120. That every clergyman, justice of the peace, mayor or other person having or assuming authority to do so, who may solemnize a marriage in this county, and every clerk or keeper of the minutes of any religious society, before which in this county any marriage may be solemnized, shall transmit to this Board, to be received by the Clerk of such Board, a cer- tificate of every such marriage, within thirty days after the solemnization thereof, which certificate shall show the name* age, parentage, birth place, occupation and residence of the parties married, the time and place of the marriage, the con- dition of each of the parties, whether single, widowed or divorced; the names and residences of the witnesses and the signature of the clergyman officiating, or other proper person, the name of the church to which he is attached, or if not at- CODE OF HEALTH taclied to any church, then his official character, and place of residence; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. XI. REGISTRY OF VITAL STATISTICS. ETC. PERMITS AND RETURNS. 121. That if any physician, not regularly registered as aforesaid with this Board, or according to lawT, shall issue a certificate as to death, he shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 122. Any member of this Board may certify to the cause of death of any person, in any case where no physician was in attendance at the time of death ; provided, that after a careful examination he shall find that such person came to his or her death by natural causes. 123. All deaths resulting from wilful violence, or accident, or sudden deaths, the causes of which is not known, and all deaths in prisons and jails, shall be investigated by, and the cause of such death certified to, only by the County Physician- 124. That no burial or transfer permit will be granted upon a certificate signed by any physician of Hudson County > whose name is not recorded in the registry kept for the purpose at the office of this Board, or according to law. 125. That the applicant for a permit for burial in this county, or to remove a body from this county for interment elsewhere, shall, when the death has taken place in Hudson County, pay for such permit the sum of twenty-five cents. 126. That the applicant for a permit to disinter a body in Hudson County, and to re-bury either within or without the limits of said county, shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents foi such permit; except where such disinterment shall be made by ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 45 order of a court of competent jurisdiction for the purpose of criminal investigation. XII. CEMETERIES, CORPSES, INTERMENTS, ETC. 127. That no interment of the dead body of any human being or deposition thereof in any tomb, vault, or cemetery, nor other disposition thereof, shall be made within the County of Hudson, without a permit therefor granted by this Board, nor otherwise than in accordance therewith, and no sexton or other person shall assist in, or assent to, or allow any such interment, or aid or assist about preparing a grave or place of deposit for any such body where such permit has not been given authorizing the same ; provided, that in case of bodies dying in other parts of this State the same effect as to inter- ment in this county shall be given to the permit in the form prescribed of the county, city, town or township wherein death took place, as to the permit of this Board ; and it shall be the duty of every person who shall receive any such permit, to preserve and to return the same to this Board as its regulation may require ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 128. That no new bnrying-ground, cemetery, tomb, or vanlt for dead human bodies shall be estabtished, nor shall the remains of any dead body be placed in any existing burying- ground, vault, tomb or cemetery in the County of Hudson, nor any of said receptacles be opened, exposed or disturbed for the interment or removal of any corpse, except according to the terms of a permit therefor given by this Board, and every body buried in any such place shall be buried so that the top of the outside coffin shall be at least four feet, or in case of infants, three and one-half feet, below the surface of the ground, and four feet below any closely adjacent street; provided, that this shall not apply where bodies are placed in properly made pri- vate vaults ; and any person or persons offending against 46 CODE OF HEALTH any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 129. That every person who acts as a sexton or under- taker in the County of Hudson, or has charge or care of any vault, tomb, burying-ground or cemetery for the reception of the dead, or where the bodies of any human beings are depos- ited, shall cause his or her name and residence, and the nature of his or her charge and duties, to be registered with this Board, and shall, on or before the fifth day of each and every month, make return to this Board of all burial permits for the bodies and persons buried since his last return, and in such form, and specifying such particulars as the special regulations of this Board shall require; and any person or persons offend- ing against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 130. That no captain, agent or person having charge of, or attached to any ferryboat, sailing or other vessel, nor any person in charge of any car, stage or other vehicle, or public or private conveyance, shall convey or allow to be conveyed thereon, or by any means aforesaid, nor shall any person con- vey or allow to be carried or conveyed, in any manner, from or in the County of Hudson, the dead body of any human being, or any part thereof, without a permit therefor from this Board. And the proper coupon for that purpose attached to any such permit when issued, shall be preserved and returned to this Board, as its regulations may require, by the proper officer or person on such boat or vessel, and by the proper person in eharge of any train of cars or vehicle on which any such body may be carried from said county ; provided, however, that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the health officer or Board of Health of the City of New York as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Board, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in the City of New York; and, provided, that the same effect shall be given under this section to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health or proper authority of the County of Kiclimond, Long Island City, City of Brooklyn, and of Yonkers and of all cities, towns and ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 47 other places in this State having Health Boards, or issued by the New Jersey State Board of Health, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in the County of Richmond, Long Island City, Brooklyn, Yonkers, or in such cities, towns and other places in this State ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 131. That no person shall retain, expose, or allow to be retained or exposed, the dead body of any human being, to the peril or prejudice of the life or health of any person, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 132. That no person shall allow to be retained, unburied the dead body of any human being for a longer time than four days, or, where death has been caused by a contagious disease, for a longer time than twenty-four hours after the death of such person, without a permit from this Board, which permit shall specify the length of time during which such body may be retained unburied; and when death has been caused by a contagious disease the body shall be immediately thereafter dis- infected in such manner as may be directed by this Board, and enclosed in a tightly sealed coffin, (which coffin, in order to allow a subsequent disinterment of such body, must be a metallic casket, hermetically sealed) which shall not thereafter be opened, and the funeral of such person shall be strictly private, and in the removal thereof for burial or otherwise, hearses only shall be employed; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. 133. That in no case shall the body of any person who has died of small pox be placed in any public receiving vault, nor shall any grave in which any such body has been interred, be reopened at any time for the interment therein of any other body, or for any other purpose except by special permit there- to r; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. 48 CODK OF HEALTH 134. That in the removal of dead bodies, or of those vho have died from a contagious disease, hearses or covered coffin wagons only must be employed. In no case will it be per- mitted to use coaches or wagons for this purpose; and any person or persons offending against and of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 135. That in cases where it is desirable to place the corpse of a person, having died from a non-contagious disease, in a public receiving vault, the usual burial permit may be used for that purpose, and if so done, any person whose duty it shall be to make burial returns, shall so state in his return to this Board. All persons removing a corpse from such vault are required to procure a permit therefor from this Boardf which shall be furnished free of charge; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 136. No dead human body shall be permitted to remain in any receiving vault between the first of May and the first of November, longer than forty-eight hours—unless said vault shall be five feet or more in depth below the natural surface of the ground, and shall be properly constructed to prevent the escape of noxious gases; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 137. That no grave, tomb, or burial-place for dead human bodies shall be opened, exposed or disturbed, except according to the terms of a permit therefor given by this Board, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for every such offense. Permission to disinter or remove any dead body from a grave, tomb, or burial place, shall be given only between November 1 and May 1, and when such has been buried one year or more. No permit to remove the body of a person who has died from small-pox, or other contagious disease, shall be given at any time, unless said body was interred in a metallic case, hermetically sealed. ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 49 DEFINITIONS, ETC. 138. That the terms “ Board,” “ this Board ” and “ said Board,” shall be held to mean the “ Board of Health and Vital Statistics of the County of Hudson ;” that the words “ person,” “owner,” “tenant,” “lessee,” “occupant,” “contractor,” “party,” “manager,” “board” and “officer,” shall respectfully be held to apply to and include, both jointly and severally, each and all owners, part owners, tenants, lessees, occupants, managers, contractors, parties in interest, persons, officers, boards and corporations who may sustain the relations, or may be in like position of any one or more thereof referred to in any ordinance or regulation; that every order, ordinance or regulation declared applicable to the built up portion of Hud- son County shall, so far as the subject matter thereof is applicable (save as to interments), and so far as this Board has authority to make the same, be held to include and apply to the built up portions of said county ; that every word or phrase anywhere herein defined, shall be held to include the same sense wherever used; that the words “ county,” or “ this county,” or “ said county,” whenever used herein, shall be held to mean the County of Hudson ; that the word “ regulation ” shall be held to include “special regulation” (which latter will be from time to time issued, and will contain more detailed provisions than can be herein conveniently set forth) ; that the word “ permit ” shall be construed to mean the permission in writing of this Board, issued according to its by-laws, rules, regulations and sanitary code; and that every “ report ” herein required, shall be held to be a report in writing, signed by the person (and indicating his official position) who makes the same ; that the word “ light ” or “ lighted ” shall be held to refer to external light; and that all words and phrases herein defined, shall also include their usual and natural meaning, as well as herein especially given. 139. That the word “ street,” when used in the sanitary code, shall be held to include avenues, side-walks, gutters, and public alleys ; and the word “ public place ” shall be held to include parks, piers, docks, and wharves, and water and open spaces thereto adjacent; also public yards, grounds and 50 CODE OF HEALTH areas, and all open spaces between buildings and streets, and in view of such streets ; the word “ ashes *' shall be held to include cinders, coal, and everything that usually remains after fire ; the word “ rubbish ” shall be held to include such loose and decayed material and dirt-like substance that attends use or decay, or which accumulates from building, storing or clean- ing ; the word “ garbage ” shall be held to include every accumulation of both animal and vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation, decay and dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowl, birds, or vegetables ; and the word “ dirt ” shall be held to mean natural soil, earth and stone. 140. That a “ tenement house ” shall be taken to mean and include every house, building or portion thereof, which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied, as the house, home or residence of more than three families living independent of one another, and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor, so living and cooking, but having a common right in the halls, stairways, yards, water-closets or privies, or some of them. A “ lodging-house ” shall be taken to mean and include any house or building, or portion thereof, in which persons are harbored or revceived, or lodged for hire for a single night, or for less than one week at one time, or any part of which is let for any person to sleep in for any term less than a week. A “ cellar ” shall be taken to mean and include every basement or lower story of any building or house, of which one-lialf or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the street adjoining. The phrase “ boarding-house ” shall be held to include every building and every story and portion thereof, which is at any time or usually used, leased or occupied, or intended so to be, by any number of persons exceeding six, as boarders thereat. The word “ manufactory ” shall be held to include every building, and every story and portion thereof, in which any sort of labor or work is done, which calls for the continual or usual presence of several persons during several hours of the day or night, engaged about said work or labor; and the word “ saloon ” shall be ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 51 held to include every portion of any building in which the business of selling meals, liquors, drinks, or refreshments of any kind shall be conducted, and includes “ concert saloons.” 141. That the term “ theatre ” shall be held to include the building, rooms and place where any play, concert, opera, circus, trick of jugglery, show, gymnastic, or other exhibition, masquerade, public dance, drill, lecture, address, or other public or frequent gathering or amusement, are, is, or may be held, given, performed, or take place, and the approach or approaches to and appurtenances thereof. 142. That the word “ physician ” shall include dentists, and every other person who practices about the cure of the sick or injured, or who has charge of, or professionally pre- scribes for, any person sick, injured or diseased, and any per- son who pursues the business of or acts as mid-wife; that the phrase “ contagious disease ” shall be held to include all diseases of an infectious, contagious or pestilential nature (more especially, however, referring to the cholera, yellow fever, small pox, diphtheria, ship or typhus, spotted, relapsing and scarlet fevers), and also including any new disease publicly declared by this Board dangerous to the public health , and every physician in said county, shall at all times, cause his or her name, office and residence, and also his or her kind and class of practice to be registered within the Bureau of Vital Statistics, and in a manner according to the regulations pre- scribed by this Board, and the provisions of this code. 143. That the word “ meat,” whenever herein used, includes every part of any land animal and eggs (whether mixed or not with any other substance); and the word “ fish ” includes every part or any animal that lives in water, or the flesh of which is not meat; and the word “ vegetable ” includes every article of human consumption as food, which (not being meat, or fish, or milk), is held or offered, or intended for sale or consumption as food for human beings, at any place in said county; and all fish and meat found therein shall be deemed to be therein, and held for such sale or consumption as such food, unless the contrary be distinctly proved. CODE OF HEALTH 144. That the word “ cattle ” shall be held to include all animals except birds, fowl and fish, of which part of the body is used as food; the word “butcher ” shall be held to include whoever is engaged in the business of keeping, driving or slaughtering any cattle, or in selling any meat; the words “ private market ” shall include every store, cellar, stand and place (not being part of a public market), at which the business is the buying, selling or keeping for sale, of meat, fish or vegetables for human food. MISFEASANCE AND NONFEASANCE. 145. That no person shall carelessly or negligently do, or advise or contribute to the doing of any act or thing dangerous or detrimental to the health of any human being; nor shall any person knowingly do, or advise or contribute to the doing of any such act or thing (not actually authorized by law) except with justifiable motives and for adequate reasons; nor shall any person omit to do any act, or to take any precau- tion, reasonable and proper, to prevent or remove danger or detriment to the life or health of any human being ; and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. XIII. TENEMENT HOUSES, PRISONS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 146. Tliat no person shall hereafter erect, or cause to be erected, or converted to a new purpose by alteration, any building or structure which, or any part of which, shall be inadequate or defective in respect to ventilation, light, sewer- age, or any of the usual, proper or necessary provisions or precautions for the preservation of health, nor shall the builder, lessee, tenant or occupant of any such, or of any other building or structure (within the right or ability of either to remedy or prevent the same) cause or allow any matter or thing to be done in or about any such building or structure ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. dangerous or prejudicial to health ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 147. That no owner, agent or lessee of any building, or any part thereof, shall lease, or let or hire out the same, or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied as a place in which one may dwell or lodge, except when said buildings or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided and accommodated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness for which this code or any law of this State provides, or which they or either of them require any such premises to be kept, or which is required for the well being and health of the inhabitants or occupants thereof. Nor shall any such person rent, let, hire out or allow, having power to prevent the same, to be used as or for a place of sleeping or residence, any portion or apartment of any building, which apartment or portion has not at least two feet of its height and space above the level of every part of the sidewalk and curb- stone of any adjacent street, nor of which the floor is damp by reason of water from the ground or house walls, or which is impregnated or penetrated by any offensive gas, smell or exhalation prejudicial to health ; and any person offending against this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars; provided, that this section shall not prevent the leas- ing, renting or occupancy of any cellars or rooms less elevated than as aforesaid, and as part of any building rented or let, when they are not let or intended to be occupied or used by any person as a sleeping apartment, or as a principal or sole dwelling. 148. That no person, having the right and power to pre- vent the same, shall knowingly cause or permit any person to sleep or remain in any cellar, not having at least two feet of its height above the level of the adjacent sidewalk, nor in any bath-room or other room in which there is a water closet, or in anv place dangerous or prejudicial to health, by reason of a want of ventilation or drainage, or by reason of the presence of CODE OF HEALTH any poisonous, noxious or offensive substance or otherwise, under a penalty of ten dollars. 149. That no owner, lessee or keeper of any tenement- house, lodging-house, boarding-house, or manufactory, shall cause or allow the same to be overcrowded, or cause or allow so great a number of persons to dwell, be, or sleep in any such house, or any portion thereof, as thereby to cause any danger or detriment to health, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 150. That no person, being the lessee, manager, con- ductor or owner of any theatre, church, or other public build- ing, shall cause, permit or allow the same, or any part or appurtenance thereof to be so far overcrowded, or inadequate, faulty or insufficient in respect of cleanliness, ventilation, ingress or egress, or in any other particular, as that thereby, or by reason thereof, any avoidable peril shall come or happen to> or be incurred, or suffered by any person being properly at or in such building ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 151. That every person who shall be the owner, lessee, or keeper, or manager of any tenement-house, boarding-house, lodging-house or manufactory, shall provide, or cause to be provided for the accommodation thereof, and for the use of the tenants, lodgers, boarders and workers thereat, adequate privies or water-closets, which shall not be less in number than one sep- arate closet or privy for every twenty occupants of such tenement or lodging-house, and the same shall be so adequately ventilated, and shall at all times be kept in such cleanly and wholesome condition as not to be offensive, or be dangerous or detrimen- tal to health. And no offensive smell or gases, from or through any outlet or sewer, or through any such privy or water-closet, shall be allowed, by any person aforesaid, to pass into such house or any part thereof, or into other house or building ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty five dollars. ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 55 152. That every owner, lessee and tenant, and manager of any boarding-house or manufactory, shall cause every part thereof and its appurtenances to be put, and shall thereafter cause the same to be kept, in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall speedily cause every apartment thereof in which any person may sleep, dwell or work, to be adequately lighted and ventilated ; and if the same be n manufactory, shall cause every part thereof in which any person may work to be maintained at such temperature, and be provided with such accommoda- tions and safeguards as not, by any reason of the want thereof, or of anything about the condition of any such manufactory or its appurtenances, to cause unnecessary danger or detriment to the health of any person being properly therein or thereat; .and any person or persons offending against any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty- five dollars. 153. That no keeper or other officer or person having control or authority in any jail, prison or other place where any person may be kept or confined, shall needlessly or illegally cause or allow any peril or detriment to the health of any such person, by reason of too little or too much heat, or of a want of food, drink or ventilation, or from the want or neglect of any other reasonable care, protection or precaution; and any per- son or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 154. The owner, agent, occupant, or other person having the care of any tenement used as a dwelling-house, or of any other building in which there is a water-closet connected and used, shall furnish the same with a sufficient drain under ground to carry off the waste water into a public sewer; or in case the property shall be erected on lands abutting on a street in which there shall be no such sewer, then with a suitable privy, the vault of which shall be sunk under ground and built in the manner hereinafter prescribed, and of a capacity proportionate to the number of inhabitants of such tenement, or of those having occasion to use such privy, which shall in no case be less in number than one separate privy to every twenty of such inhabitants. Any such owner, agent, occupant, or other per- 56 CODE OF HEALTH son who shall neglect to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars. 155. That no house, building, or portion thereof, in the County of Hudson, shall be used, occupied, leased or rented for a tenement or lodging-house, unless the same conform in its construction and appurtenances to the requirements of this code or the ordinances of this Board ; and any person or per- sons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 156. That every tenement or lodging-house, shall have in every room which is occupied as a sleeping room, and which does not communicate directly with the external air, a ventilat- ing or transom window, having an opening or area of three square feet, which said window shall open upon a properly constructed ventilation shaft and also, if practicable, a ventilat- ing or transom window of the same opening or area communi- cating with the entry or hall of the house, or when this is, from the relative situation of the room, impracticable, such last mentioned ventilating or transom window shall communicate with an adjoining room that itself communicates with the entry or hall, and every such house or building shall have in the roof, at the top of the hall, an adequate and proper ventilation of approved form ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 157. The roof of every tenement or lodging-house shall be kept in good repair, and so as not to leak, and all rain water shall be so drained or conveyed therefrom as to prevent its dripping on the ground, or causing dampness in the walls, yard or area; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 158. That every tenement or lodging-house shall be pro- vided with good and sufficient water-closets or privies, of a construction approved by this Board, and shall have proper doors, traps, soil pans and other suitable works and arrange- OKDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 5 7 ments, so far as may be necessary to insure the efficient opera- tion thereof. Such water-closets or privies shall not be less in number than one to every twenty occupants of said house ; but water-closets or privies may be used in common by the occupants of any two or more houses, provided the access is convenient and direct, and provided the number of occupants in the houses for which they are provided shall not exceed the proportion above required for every privy or water-closet. Every such house, situated upon a lot or street in which there is a sewer, shall have the water-closets or privies furnished with a proper connection with the sewer, which connection shall be in all parts adequate for the purpose, so as to permit entirely and freely to pass whatever enters the same. Such connections with the shall be of a form approved by this Board. All such water-closets and vaults shall be pro- vided with the proper traps, and connected with the house sewer by a proper tight pipe, and shall be provided with suffi- cient water and other proper means for flushing the same ; and every owner, lessee and occupant shall take adequate measures to prevent improper substances from entering such water- closets or privies or their connections, and to secure the prompt removal of any improper substances that may enter them, so that no accumulation shall take place, and so as to prevent any exhalation therefrom offensive, dangerous or prejudica 1 to health, and so as to prevent the same from being or becoming obstructed. No cesspool shall be allowed in or under or connected with any such house, except when it is unavoidable, and in such case in shall be constructed in such situation and in such a manner as this Board may direct. It shall in all cases be water-tight, and arched or securely covered over, and no offensive smell or gases shall be allowed to escape therefrom, nor from any privy or privy vault. In all cases where a sewer exists in the street upon which the house or building stands, the yard or area shall be so connected with the same that all water, from the roof or otherwise, and all liquid filth shall pass freely into it. Where no sewer exists in the street all liquid filth and other waste water shall be drained into a properly constructed and water-tight vault or cesspool; and CODE OF HEALTH any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars for each such offense on the part of any owner, agent, occupant, or other person. 159. It shall not be lawful, without a permit from this Board, to let, or continue to let, or occupy, or suffer to be occupied, separately as a dwelling, any vault, cellar, or under- ground room whatsoever, unless the same be, in every part thereof, at least seven feet in height, measured from the floor to the ceiling thereof, nor unless the same be for at least two feet of its height above the surface of the street or ground adjoining or nearest to the same, nor unless there be outside of and adjoining the said vault, cellar or room and extending along the entire frontage thereof, and upwards from six inches below the level of the floor thereof up to the surface of the said street or ground, an open space of at least two feet and six inches wide in every part, nor unless the same be well and effectually drained by means of a drain, the uppermost part of which is one foot at least below the level of the floor of such vault, cellar or room, nor unless there is a clear space of not less than one foot below the level of the floor, except where the same is cemented, nor unless there be appurtenant to such vault, cellar, or room, the use of a water-closet or privy kept and provided as in this code required, nor unless the same have an external win- dow opening at least nine superficial feet clear of the sash frame, in which window opening there shall be fitted a frame filled in with glazed sashes, at least four and a half superficial feet of which shall be made so as to open for the purpose of ventila- tion. Provided, however, that in the case of an inner or back vault, cellar or room, let or occupied along with a front vault, cellar or room, as part of the same letting or occupation, it shall be a sufficient compliance with the provisions of this code if the front room is provided with a window, as hereinbefore provided, and if the said back vault, cellar or room is connected wfitli the front vault, or room, by a door and also by a proper ventilating or transom window, and where practicable, also onnected by a proper ventilating or transom window opening either to the external air or upon a properly constructed venti- OEDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. lation shaft. Provided, always, that in any area adjoining a vault, cellar or underground room there may be steps necessary for access to such vault, cellar or room, if the same be so placed as not to be over, across or opposite to the said external window, and so as to allow between every part of such steps and the external wall of such vault, cellar or room a clear space of six inches at least, and if the rise of said steps is open; and provided, further, that over or across any such area there may be steps necessary for access to any building above the vault, cellar or room to which such area adjoins, if the same be so placed as not to be over, across or opposite to any such exter- nal window ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 160. No vault, cellar or underground room shall be occu- pied as a place of lodging or sleeping, except in compliance with the regulations hereinbefore prescribed, and unless the same shall be approved, in wTriting, and a permit given there- for by this Board ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 161. Every tenement or lodging-house shall have the proper and suitable conveniences or receptacles for receiving garbage and other refuse matter. No tenement or lodging- house, nor any por+ion thereof, shall be used as a place of storage for any combustible article, or any article dangerous or detrimental to health ; nor shall any horse, cow, calf, swine, pig, sheep or goat be kept in said house; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 162. Every tenement or lodging-house, and every part thereof, shall be kept clean and free from any accumulation of dirt, filth, garbage or other matter in or on the same or in the yard, court, passage, area or alley connected with or belonging to the same. The owner or keeper of any lodging-house, and the owner or lessee of any tenement house, or part thereof, shall thoroughoughly cleanse all the rooms, passages, stairs, 60 CODE OF HEALTH floors, windows, doors, Avails, ceilings, privies, cesspools and drains thereof of the house, or part of the house of which he is the owner or lessee, to the satisfaction of this Board, so often as shall be required by or in accordance Avith any regula- tion or ordinance of said Board, and shall Avell and sufficiently, to the satisfaction of this Board, whitewash or paint the Avails and ceilings thereof tAvice at least in eArery year, in the months of April and October, unless the said Board shall otherwise direct; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars for each such offense. 163. It shall not be lawful hereafter to erect for, or con- vert to the purpose of a tenement or lodging-house, a build- ing on the front of any lot where there is another building on the rear of the same lot, unless there is a clear, open space exclusively belonging thereto and extending upwards from the ground of at least ten feet between said buildings, if they are one story high above the level of the ground ; if they are two stories, the distance between them shall not be less than fifteen feet; if they are three stories, the distance between them shall be twenty feet; and if they are more than three stories high the distance between them shall be twenty-five feet. At the rear of every building hereafter erected for, or con- verted to the purpose of a tenement or lodging-house, on the back part of any lot, there shall be a clear, open space of ten feet between it and any other building. But when thorough ventilation of such open spaces can be otherwise secured, said distance may be lessened or modified, in special cases, by a permit from this Board; provided, however, that in no case shall the superficial area of such tenement or lodging-house, or houses hereafter to be erected exceed a proportion of two thousand square feet for every twenty-five hundred square feet of the area of the lot on which the same be erected; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 164. In every such house, hereafter erected or converted, every habitable room, except rooms in the attic, shall be in every part not less than eight feet in height from the floor to ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. the ceiling; and every habitable room in the attic of any such building shall be at least eight feet in height from the floor to the ceiling, throughout not less than one-half the area of such room. Every such room shall have at least one window con- necting with the external air, or with a properly constructed ventilating shaft, and over the door a ventilator of perfect con- struction connecting it with a room or hall which has a connec- tion with the external air, and so arranged as to produce a cross current of air. The total area of window or windows in every room communicating with the external air shall be at least one- tenth of the superficial area of every such room ; and the top of one, at least, of such windows, shall not be less than seven feet and six inches above the floor, and the upper half, at least, shall be made so as to open the full width. Every habitable room, if it does not communicate directly with the external air, shall be provided with special means of ventilation by separate air-shafts extending to the roof, or otherwise as this Board may pre- scribe ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of thirty dollars. 165. Every such house hereafter erected or converted shall have adequate chimneys running through every floor, with an open fire-place or grate, or place for a stove, properly connected with one of said chimneys for every family and set of apartments. It shall have proper conveniences and recep- tacles for ashes and rubbish. It shall have water furnished, from public water supply, one or more places in such house, or in the yard thereof, so that the same may be adequate and reasonably convenient for the use of the occupants thereof* It shall have the floor of the cellar properly cemented, so as to be water-tight. The halls of each flo.or shall open directly to the external air, or upon a ventilating shaft, with suitable windows at both ends of the hall and shall have no room or other obstruction to ventilating at either end, unless sufficient light or ventilation is otherwise provided for said hall in a manner approved by this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 62 CODE OF HEALTH 166. That if this Board shall at any time be satisfied that any tenement, or other house or building used as a dwelling- house, is not provided with a suitable privy, vault and drain, or either of them as aforesaid, they shall give notice in writing to the owner, agent, occupant or other person having the care thereof, requiring such owner, agent, occupant or other person, within such time as they may appoint, to cause a proper and sufficient privy, vault and drain, or either of them, to be con- structed for such tenement or other building ; and in case of neglect or refusal to obey such notice, the Board of Health shall cause such privy, vault and drain, or either of them, to be made for such tenement or other building, at the expense of such owner, agent, occupant or other person ; and in case any such drain, vault or privy is constructed, as aforesaid, for the use of more than one house, then the owner, agent, occupant or other person, having charge of such house, shall be liable to pay a proportional part of such expense. 167. That the -walls or fences surrounding any court- yard shall be so constructed as to height and nature of con- struction as not to impede the free and full circulation of air within said yard ; any owner, lessee or occupant, having power to prevent or remedy the same, and failing so to do, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. XIV. SEWER CLEANING, REFUSE REMOVAL AND DUMP- ING. 168. That it shall be the duty of all boards, departments, officers and persons having power and authority so to do or require (and to the extent thereof) to cause to be used sufficient water, and other adequate means to be taken, so that whatever substances may enter any sewer shall pass speedily along and from the same, and sufficiently far into some water or proper reservoir, so that no accumulation shall take place, and no exhalations from thence proceed, dangerous or prejudi- cial to health ; and any person or persons offending against ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 63 any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 169. That it shall be the dutyof any Street Commissioner or other proper officer in authority, in any city, town or town- ship in the County of Hudson, within twenty-four hours after receiving notice, in writing, from an inspector, or the proper officer or commissioner of this Board so to do, to open, empty and cleanse any receiving or other basin of any public sewer in any such city, town or township in said county ; any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 170. That the proper officers and authorities shall, to the extent of their power and ability, cause the sewers and drain- age of all cities, towns and townships in the County of Hudson to be so well located and constructed, so adequate in size, and to be so kept in repair and cleaned, and so adequately supplied with water, and with such proper arrangements and construc- tions in every particular, that life and health shall not be need- lessly exposed, nor suffer unnecessary peril or detriment bj their neglect, nor by reason of the defects or deficiencies of any sewers or drainage, or the want thereof; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 171. That no department, board, agent, officer or employee of any city, town or township in the County of Hudson, nor any person whatsoever shall from any sewer or drain, receiving basin or manhole of any sewer or drain in any street or high- way in any city, town or township in said county, draw off or take out the contents of the same unless they or he shall have at hand and deposit therein such contents in a water-tight and securely covered vehicle or wagon, and in no case allow the same from the time of bringing the same out of said sewer, drain, receiving basin or manhole to be exposed to the air ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars. CODE OF HEALTH 172. That it shall be the duty of every person using, making, or having any drain, soil-pipe, passage or connection between any sewer (or with either the tide waters surrounding this county or the tributaries of the same), and any ground, building, erection, or place of business, and in like manner the duty of the owner and tenant of all grounds, buildings and erections, and of the parties interested in such place of business or the business thereat, and in like manner the duty of all boards, departments, officers, and persons (to the extent of the right and authority of each), to cause and require that such drain, soil-pipe, passage and connection, shall at all times be adequate for its purpose, and shall convey and allow’, freely and entirely, to pass whatever enters or should enter the same, and all such drainage into such parts of the Passaic river as adjoins any upland in this county, is liereb}r prohibited; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of forty dollars. 173. That the drivers of all carts, for the removal of any garbage, offal, rubbish or dirt from any building or shall give adequate notice to those dwelling in any street whose buildings or premises such cart is about to or should approach for the removal of any substance aforesaid ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. 174. That all occupants, so preferring, may deliver their ashes, garbage and rubbish directly to the proper carts, to be taken away at any hour of the day when said carts may be present; and said carts may take such articles from receptacles delivered at any such hour ; provided that such garbage or rubbish be not highly filthy or offensive ; and in the latter case, the same shall not be so delivered or received during the period from seven o’clock a. m. of any day till ten o’clock of the evening of the same day ; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 65 XV. FILLING SUNKEN LOTS. 175. That when any lot or lots, or any part or parts of any lot or lots, or any land or part of any land, public or pri- vate, in the built up portion of the County of Hudson, shall, from any artificial, natural, or other cause whatsoever, become in whole or in part the repository of stagnant water or any decaying or offensive substance, liquid or solid, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners, lessee, tenant, occupant, or the agent of any such owner or owners, or of any other person having the charge and control of such lot or lots, or part or parts of such lot or lots, or other premises, within five days after receiving notice, in writing, from this Board, or its proper officer, of the condition of such lot or lots, or part or parts of such lot or lots, and asking the remedy of the same, to cause such lot or lots, or part or parts of such lot or lots, to be filled with clay or any other inoffensive and efficient substance, so as to prevent water or other liquid substance from gathering or remaining on such ground or any part of the same, and to cause the proper drainage of the same, if it be found necessary to the keeping of said ground in a dry and healty state, and the preventing of any adjoining ground becoming flooded by reason of such filling; any person or persons violating against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 176. That no person shall fill, level, or raise the surface of any ground or lot in the County of Hudson, with animal or vegetable substances, filth gathered in cleaning yards or streets, or waste material from mills or factories; nor remove the surface of any ground or lot within said county if filled with such offensive matter or substance, in such manner as to cause noisome odors or noxious gases to arise ; and any person who shall cause, allow or maintain the doing of the same, with- out a special permit from this Board, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 177. That no animal or vegetable substance, nor street sweepings, muck or silt, nor dirt gathered in cleaning yards, 66 CODE OF HEALTH buildings, docks or slips, nor waste of mills or factories, nor any materials which are offensive, or tend to decay or become putrid, or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome, shall be deposited or used to fill up or raise the surface or level of any lot, grounds, dock, wharf or pier, in or adjacent to the built up portion of said county, or any ground filled for the purpose of building thereon, unless pursuant to a special permit from this Board; and any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 178. That when any tract of land, or any buildings there- on erected, shall, by reason of excavation, stoppage of natural or artificial drainage or sewerage, become covered or saturated with foul or stagnant water, or shall be otherwise dangerous to life or health, and the said premises shall, on inspection, be adjudged a nuisance by this Board, it shall be lawful for this Board to fill in, drain, or otherwise render inoffensive the said premises; and the contractor or other person filling in or otherwise making the said premises inoffensive, shall file an account of the expense therefor in the office of this Board, which said account shall be recorded in a properly indexed book by the Clerk of this Board, together with the resolution of this Board adjudicating the same to be a nuisance; a description of said premises and the names of its owner or owners (which names shall be properly indexed in said book), together with a report of the Health Inspector, that the nui- sance aforesaid has been properly abated ; and that thereupon the expense incurred as aforesaid shall become and continue a lien of record on the said premises until the same shall be paid, or may be rcovered by action at law, as this Board may direct. XYI. PLUMBING, ETC. 179. That the plumbing, drainage and ventilation of all buildings, public and private, hereafter erected in the County of Hudson, shall be executed in accordance with plans and ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY. 67 specifications previously approved by the Board of Health and Vital Statistics of the County of Hudson, and that suitable drawings and descriptions of said plumbing shall in every case be submitted to this Board for approval, and to be by said Board approved before the commencement of work. 180. Drawings and descriptions of the plumbing, drainage and ventilations of buildings erected prior to the passage of this supplement shall be placed on file with said Board. 181. Every plumber before doing any work in any build- ing shall, except in the case of the repair of leaks, file in the office of the said Board, upon blanks provided by said Board for the purpose, a notice and description of the work to be performed, and no work shall be done in any building without the approval of said Board. 182. Every building hereafter to be erected in the built up portion of Hudson County, shall be separately and inde* pendently connected with the main sewer of the street upon which said building is located. If it be impracticable to con- nect with any sewer or drain, connection in such case must be made with a properly constructed cesspool. 183. Every private house in which plumbing improve- ments are placed must have at least a f inch supply pipe from the street; two story tenements must have a § inch supply pipe. Where there are more than two tenants and less than ten tenants the building must have a | inch supply pipe, and where there are more than ten tenants in one building a 1 inch supply pipe must be provided. 184. The drain, soil, waste pipes and traps must be exposed to view, for inspection and convenience in repairing, and in no case shall these pipes and traps be so placed as to be inaccessible. 185. The drain pipe inside of any building and for five feet outside of said building shall be of iron, and where prac- icable, with a fall of at least one-half inch to the foot and caulked with molten lead and oakum, to be run horizontally CODE OF HEALTH along the cellar wall and not in the grounds, so as always to be ready to inspection, and Y branches shall be used for changes in direction of drains. 186. The drain pipe inside of the building must be sup- plied with a running trap and fresh air inlet just inside of the house, size of trap at least five inches in diameter and run to the outside of the building not close to any window. 187. Every soil and waste pipe must be of iron and extend two feet above the highest point of the roof, and must be pro- vided with a neat wire cap or strainer. 188. All connections with lead and iron waste pipes must be made with brass or composition ferrules, and tlie joint must be properly caulked with oakum and molten lead. 189. Every water closet, sink, bath tub, basin and wash tray shall be separately trapped, and the traps must be placed as near the fixture as practicable. All such fixtures are to be of cast iron or lead, and not of sheet metal. Traps must be pro- tected from syplionage by a special metallic air pipe, and shall not be less than one and one-half inches in diameter for sink basins and tub traps, and two inches in diameter for water closet traps. 190. Every safe under tubs, water closets, basins, sinks, urinals, &c., shall have a waste pipe with a proper ball trap placed on the bottom, to run to the lower part of the house or cellar, and shall not connect directly with any drain or sewer 191. No waste pipe from a refrigerator shall be directly connected with the soil or water pipe, but must empty into an open sink or other proper receptacle. 192. All water closets inside of houses and above the second story must be supplied with water from a tank or cistern, and such water shall be used for no other purpose, and in no case shall water closets be supplied with water directly from the street main, except water closets on the base- ment, which may be supplied directly from the pressure. Every privy located within eight feet of any building shall be ORDINANCES OF HUDSON COUNTY ventilated from underneath the floor, thence to the top of the building with at least 8 inch galvanized pipe with vent cap, and w7here there is a line or row of privies each one shall have a vent cap as above specified. 193. No steam exhaust shall be connected with any soil or waste pipe or drain which communicates with a public sewer, but must be condensed in a proper condensing tank before running into a sewer, and no water or other substance used for any purpose in a factory shall run into a public sewer, if be- cause of its high temperature or excessive amount it should thereby create a nuisance. 194. Water pipes exposed to frost shall be packed with some nonconducting material to prevent their freezing. 195. No privy vault or cesspool will hereafter be per- mitted in any part of the County of Hudson where water closets built in the house can be connected with a public sewer in the street, and whenever a privy vault or cesspool must necessarily be used they must be located and constructed under the direction and approval of this Board or its appropriate com- mittee, inspector, or other person or persons designated by said Board. 196. That no water closet, sink, tub, vat or other structure shall hereafter be constructed within the County of Hudson having connection with or by any sewer or underground pas- sage unless the same is provided with adequate or the best generally approved constructions and precautions for preventr ing gases and other offensive currents, substances and smells from passing up or out through such connection from such sewer or passage ; nor shall any such water-closet or privy be connected without adequate provisions for the effectual and proper ventilation and cleansing thereof. 197. Whoever violates any of the provisions specified in the different sections of Title XVI of this Code of Ordinances l relating to the subject of plumbing, and being convicted of such violation according to law, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars. 70 CODE OF HEALTH 198. In case of the conviction of any person or persons of any violation of any of the provisions of this Title XYI, relat- ing to plumbing, and in case of a further or continuous violation of the same provision in respect of the same building or structure, the said person or persons so further violating or ©ontinuing in the violation of the said provisions of this supple- ment, and thereof being convicted, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars. 199. That in all proper cases upon proper application made to the said Board, it shall be discretionary with said Board, by resolution in writing, to modify or dispense with any or all of the provisions and requirements of this Title. 200. All master and foremen plumbers, and all building contractors, carrying on or conducting business in this county, shall register or cause to be registered their names, addresses and locations of offices or places of business, in the office of this Board. And any such master or foreman, plumber or con- tractor who fails or refuses to so register, on or before the first day of August of each and every year, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars. And any such person mentioned in this section who shall continue to conduct or carry on business with- out being registered as above provided, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars. Penalties provided for in this section may be remitted by said Board upon sufficient causes being shown therefor. INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE OF HUDSON COUNTY. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Abatement of nuisances on lots, etc 178 Adulterations, etc 1—3, 9, 11, 13—16 Alcohol, distillery of, 56 Animal refuse not to be thrown on streets 95 Animal refuse not to be used in filling sunken lots 176, 177 Animals and slaughter houses 43—50 Animals, cleaning of stables for, 85 “ dead, creating nuisance 25 “ “ “ “ to be removed from streets 112. “ forbidden in tenements 161 “ keeping of, regulated 44 “ noisy 45 “ permit for, required 45 Ash barrels how kept and emptied. 106, 107 “ to have cover.'. 107 “ where to be kept 108 Ash boxes for tenements ... 165 “Ashes” defined 139> “ not to be thrown in public places 101 “ “ “ “ privy vaults 100 “ “ “ siftedinwind 103 “ and garbage to have separate barrels 106 Basins receiving, to receive no offal 100 Bedding, of animals not to be dried in streets 24 “ infected, not to be unloaded from ship 32 “ ** when to be disinfected 36 Birds, for food, to be wholesome 4- 8 Births, return of, 115’ “ still, return of, 116 Blood not to escape into street 49 “ to be cleansed from slaughter house 50 “ Board ” defined 138 “ of Health, when com. of, may certify death 122 “Boardinghouse” defined 140 “ “ food to be wholesome 7 “ “ keepers to report persons sick 37 Boiling bones, fat, etc 75—78 Bone boiling and burning 56, 75—78 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Book of lieu claims 178 Boxes, etc., for liquid swill to be water tight 110 Bread, to be w’holesome 16 Breweries, drainage of, prescribed 51 Brewers, beer of, to be wholesome 11 Building material not allowed on street, walk or gutter 104 Buildings, dangerous to passers by 103 “ drainage of, to be adequate 172 “ erected, to be sanitary 146 “ infected, vacation of, 38 “ nuisance, from, prohibited 26 “ plans of plumbing for,.to be filed 179 “ public, to be safe and sanitary 150 “ to have separate sewer connections 182 “ Built up portions of county ” defined 138 Burials, mode prescribed 128 “ permits for to be returned 129, 135 “ “ fees for 125 “ “ when not granted 124 “Butcher’* defined 144 Butcher’s meat box to be metal lined 12 “ stalls to be cleaned 10, 47 Butter, from swill-milk prohibited. 13 Calves, young, meat of ' 5—6 Cars, railroad, to be cleansed and ventilated 29 “ street, no cushions in, allowed 28 “ “ soiled clothing in, not allowed 27 Carpets 103 Carts, garbage, drivers of, to give notice 172 “ offal, cleaning of, 88,109 “ “ construction of, 89 “ “ loading and unloading of, 90,174 “ “ nothing to escape from, 91 “ Cattle ” defined 144 “ diseased, not to be killed for food 48 “ not to be slaughtered in street 49 “ Cellar ” defined 140 “ sleeping in, when allowed 148 “ “ “ prohibited 147 -Cellars for sleeping, how made 159 “ “ permits for, 160 “ no stagnant water allowed in,. 21 "Cemeteries, interments in, 127 “ return of burials in, 129 Certificate of death, when only to issue. 118 “ “ false, penalty for, 119 Cesspools, contents of not allowed in public place 101 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Cesspools, not to drain into streets 98 “ for tenements, how to be made 158 “ to be inoffensive 98 “ to receive no offal 100 “ when drainage into permissible 182, 195 Cheese, swill-milk, sale of prohibited .* 13 Children to be vaccinated 42 Chimneys, in tenements 105 Churches, to be well ventilated 150 Cleaning streets 22 Clergymen to return marriages 120 Coffins, when to be sealed and metallic 132, 137 Contagion of infe. ted articles 34 “ Contagious diseases ” defined 142 Contagious diseases 30—42 “ “ corpses from, how buried 132 1 “ report of, in tenements 36 “ “ on vessels. 35 u “ in buildings 38 “ “ to be reported by physicians 39 Contractor, duty of in cleaning streets 22 “ to file costs of abating nuisance 178 Corpses, disinfection of, . 132 u from contagious diseases, to be buried in twenty-four hours... 132 “ how removed 134 “ not to be transported without permit 130 removal from and to public vaults 132 to be buried within 4 days 135 undue keeping or exposure of, 131 “ when not to remain in vault 136 County, physician to certify deaths in prison 123 “ u when to return death 117 “ “ when to return still birth 116 Cows, keeping of, regulated 43 “ sick or diseased 13 Death certificate, when issued 118, 121 *• “ false, penalty for, 119 Deaths, how returned 117 *• natural, how certified 122 *• violent, “ ‘‘ 123 Decomposing matter prohibited in public places 101 Dirt ” defined 139 “ to be removed from tenements. 162 Disease, exposure to prohibited 40 Diseases contagious to be reported 36, 37, 39 Disinfection 36 “ of offensive matter during epidemics 74 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS- Disinterments, when allowed 137 “ permits for, 126 Distillers, spirits to be unadulterated 10 Docks, permits to unload 30—32 Dogs, noisy 45 Drainage, offensive 92—10O “ “ into rivers 99 “ of lots, remedy for stoppage of, 178 w of slaughterhouses, etc 50, 51 “ of tenements 166 mode of, prescribed 21 “ not to empty on surface 94 u proper, prescribed 172; “ surface, from tenement, where to run 158 Drain pipes in houses 184, 185 “ “ etc., must be adequate 172 “ “ traps for 186- Drugs, not to be sold under false name 1 “ poisonous, how sold, 2. “ stale, unsound, 3 Dust from ashes, carpets, etc. 103 Epidemics and contagious diseases 30—42 “ disinfection during, 74 Exposure of children to disease 40 “ of corpse forbidden 131 Fat, for rendering to be fresh 76, 78 “ not to be brought in county 78 “ offensive 6 “ rendering of, to be by best appliances 78 “ “ residuum from, to be made inoffensive 77 Fences, not to keep air from yards, etc. 167 Fertilizer factories 53 Filling sunken lots 175 “ “ “ material not to be used 176, 177 “ “ “ how enforced 178 Filth, dirt, rubbish, etc 101—112 “ “ and slops not allowed in public place 23 Fire places in tenements 165 Fish, refuse of, to be removed Ill “ for food, to be sound 4, 8, 9 Floors, damp, foul 147 “ in slaughter houses 50 Flushing sewers 168, 169 Food, false statement as to, 9 “ wholesomeness of 4, 5 “ “ “ in market 19 Foundries, etc., not to create nuisances 54 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Fowls, sickly, unsound 5, 8 Frost, protection of pipes from, 194 Fumigation and disinfection 36 Funerals, when to be private 132 Gardeners, carting manure by, 83 “ piling “ “ 84 Garbage barrels, how kept and emptied 106 “ “ to be inoffensive 97 “ “ to have covers 107 “ “ transportation of,.. .’ 109 “ “ where to be kept 108 “ “ boxes, etc., for tenements 161 “ “ carting of, 83 “ carts, driver of, to give notice 173 “ defined 139 u deposits of, 84 “ liquid, how carried. • 110 “ not to be thrown in sewers 95 “ “ u “ streets 92 “ not to escape from carts 91 “ from dwellings, how removed, 174 “ storing of prohibited 86 “ when to be removed 105 Gas, offensive, from factories 54, 55 “ “ in houses 147 “ “ in tenements 151 “ sewer, to be prevented , 168, 196 Geese and goats, not to run at large 44 Graves, depths of, prescribed 128 “ opening of, prohibited.*. 133, 137 Ground, off'ens ve, not to be stirred 87 Gutters, how cleaned 22 “ obstruction of, 104 “ to be free from rubbish 93 Hearses, only, for removing corpses 132 “ “ “ use in funerals.. 134 Horse stables, cleaning of, 84, 8"> Horses, keeping of, 44 Houses, (See Tenements, Buildings) “ not to drain on surface 94 Hydrants, not to be injured 19 “ “ “ opened 18 Ice, impure 17 Ice-box, butcher’s, to be metal-lined 12 Infants, graves of, 128 Infected buildings, how vacated 38 “ cattle INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Infected persons, removal of, from vessels 34 Jails, care of prisoners in, . 153 “ deaths in, how certified 123 Justice, to return marriages 120 Lien of expense for abating nuisance : 178 “Light” defined 138 Linen, soiled, prohibited in cars 27 Liquid, dangerous, for drink 11 “ filthy, not to run in street 96 “ refuse, from slaughterhouse.. 46 “ swill, how transported 110 “ unwholesome, not to be sold for drink 9 “ Lodging house,” defined 138 “ “ food in, to be wholesome 7 “ “ owner of, to report contagious disease in,.. 36, 37 “ “ unsanitory, not to be rented 155 Lots, drainage on, prohibited 94 “ removal of garbage from, 105 “ tenement, proportionate area of, 163 “ sunken, filling of, how effected 175—178 “ “ material for filling 176 “ vacant, nuisance on, prohibited 101 Manufactories, drainage of, 51 “ not to create nuisance. 57 “ of fertilizers when allowed 53 “ of offal, fat, bones, etc 75—78 “ privies for, 151 “ “ “ to be kept cleanly 152 “ Manufactory ” defined. 140 Manure. * 83—91 “ carting of, 83 “ piles on vessels and docks 24 “ “ when prohibited 84 “ prohibited in public places 101 “ stirring of, prohibited 86 “ vaults and boxes for, 85 Market, selling food in, 4 Markets, to be kept clean 10 “ cleaning of 47 Marriages, how returned 120 Mayor, of city to return marriages 120 “ Meat,” defined 143 “ cased, blown, plaited, etc 8 “ cooling and skinning of, 6 “ sickly, unwholesome,.. 5, 8 to be sound. 4 Medicine, not to be sold under false name 1 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Medicine, sale of poisonous, 2 “ stale, inert 3 Midwives, registration of. 114 “ return of births by 115 Milk, adulterated , 15 “ false statement as to, 9 “ saleable, defined 13 “ sale of swill or skimmed, prohibited 13 “ to be fresh 4 “ watered, skimmed or swill, 14 Misfeasance and non-feasance 145 Night-soil, disinfection of during epidemics 74 “ exposure of during removal 72, 73 “ in public places forbidden 23 “ removal of, 64, 70, 74, 90 “ use of, as manure forbidden 23 Notice, from garbage cart drivers 173 “ to clean privy vault 68, 69 “ to drain tenement 166 to fill sunken lots 175 “ to llush sewer 169 Noxious gases, from removing foul earth 176 “ substance, disinfection of, 74 “ trades, general provisions 57 “ “ regulated 52, 56 Nurses, registration of, 114 Offal, carting of, 83 “ carts.: 88 “ dealers and manufacturers 75—78 “ of butcher stalls, not to be thrown in sewer 95 “ how transported 109 “ not to escape from carts 91 “ not to be thrown in vaults 100 “ removal of. from slaughter houses 46 “ “ “ from markets, 47 Offensive matter, removal of, 72, 73 “ “ prohibited in public places 101 “ “ when removable 87 Offensive trades, how conducted 51 Officers, public, to preserve water supply. 20 “ “ to flush and cleanse sewers 168—171 Overcrowding tenements 149 “Owner,” defined 138 Oyster saloons, cleaning of, Ill Passaic River, drainage into, . 172 Permit, burial, foreign ■ 127 “ “ or transfer 124, 135 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Permit, burial, or transfer, fees for, 125 “ “ “ foreign, to be valid 130 Permit,” defined 138 “ disinterment 126, 137 “ for bonejjoiling, etc 75, 76 , “ for fertilizer factory 53 “ “ noxious trades, etc 52, 56 “ “ keeping animals 44, 45 “ “ “ cows 43 ■“ “ sleeping in cellar 160 “ “ scavengers 58, 59 “ interment, to be returned 127 “ special, to clean vault 65, 66 “ to cart manure. 83 “ “ store manure 85 ■“ “ deposit refuse, etc 101 “ “ establish cemetery 128 “ “ fill in sunken lots 175, 176 “ “ lighter manure 24 “ open grave 128, 133 “ “ remove articles for disinfection 32 “ “ u infected patient from vessel 34, 35, 41 “ “ “ offensive matter 87 “ “ sell milk 12 “ “ transfer corpses 130 “ “ unload vessel 30, 31 Physician, County, duties of, 116, 117, 123 Physician,” defined 142 Physicians, registration of, 113 “ to return birth 115 “ “ “ death 117 li “ still births 116 report of contagious disease by, 39 “ when to issue death certificate 118, 124 “ “ not to issue death certificate 121 Pipes, drain, how laid in houses 185 “ refrigerator, 191 “ soil, drain, etc., to be accessible 184 “ and waste, to be ventilated 187 “ supply, size of, 183 ,l water, to be protected from frost 195 Plumbers, regi tration of, 200 Plumbing, etc 179—200 “ connections, how jointed 188 “ for water closets 189, 190, 192 “ ordinances, penalties in, 197 * 1 further penalties 198 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Plumbing ordinances, provisions of, may be remitted 199 plans to be tiled 179—181 size of supply pipes 183 Poisons, how sold 2 Prisons, deaths in, 123 to be sanitary 153 “Private market,” defined. 144 Privies, building of. .' 79, 80, 196 *• cleansing of, 64 “ how cleansed by owners 65, 66 • “ how ventilated 192 “ improper, forbidden , 81 “ not to drain, int < streets 98 “ proportionate number 154, 158 * tenement, construction prescribed - 158 “ kk “ how enforced 166 “ to be cleaned on notice 68, 69 “ “ “ “ without nuisance 70 kk “ “ inoffensive 97, 162 u k‘ receive no offal, etc 100 “ where to be erected 81 “ when only to be cleaned 67 “Public places,” defined 139 “ kk dangerous rubbish in, 102 Quarantine permits, how fa : valid 35 Rags, s oring of, . *.. 56 Record of lien claims 178 Refrigerators, butchers,’ to be metal-lined 12 “ cleansing of, 191 Refuse, fish and oyster, to be removed Ill Registration of midwives and nurses 114 “ “ physicians 113,114 “ penally for issuing death certificate without, 121 Registry of cow stables, etc 43 “ '* plumbers — 200 “ “ physicians prescribed 124 Removal of infected persons ... ... 4) Rendei ing of fat 75—78 “ Report,” defined ....... 138 Report of infecti us disease by lodging-house keepers. 36, 37 Reservoirs, pollution of. prohibited lfi Returns of births, deaths and marriages 115—120 Return of birth 1 5 “ ,k burial permits 1^7 “ k‘ deaths “ “ marriages “ “ stillbirths - 1NDKX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Roofs, to be water tight 157 Rubbish, dangerous, in public places 102 “ Rubbish,” defined 139 “ in gutters and streets, prohibited 23, 92 “ Saloon ” defiined 140 “ food and drink of, 7 Scavengers 58—67 “ duty of, 64 k‘ where to remove night soil .. 71 “ licenses, duration of 60 “ “ deduction from fees for, 61 “ must reside in County 62 only, to clean vaults. 65 “ to clean vaults thoroughly , 70 “ to obtain license 58 “ mode of obtaining license .. 59 •* wagons to have lamps 63 “ when and how to clean vaults -. 67 Schools, infected children to be kept from, 40 Sewerage, mode of, prescribed 21 “ to be adequate 146 Sewers, cesspool to connect with, 100 “ drainage on surface prohibited 94 “ duty of officials to cleanse, 169 every building to be directly connected with, 182 “ fiushing of, 168 “ not to receive solid refuse 95 4‘ proper connections with, 172 public, use of, obligatory 82, 101 “ removal of contents 171 “ sanitary condition of, 170 “ steam exhaust not to connect w ith, 193 Sexton, to return burial permits 127, 129 Sheep, keeping, 44, 45 Shells, oyster, to be removed Ill “ permit for burning, required 75, 76 Side-walks, to be cleanly ,... 93 Sinks, etc., not to empty in street 98 ‘ to be inoffensive 97 “ to receive no offal 100 Slaughter-houses, cleansing of 47 ‘* “ drainage of, : ;... 51 Slaughtering diseased animals for food 48 11 how to be conducted 46 u in street prohibited 49 Slops, etc., removal of, 109 “ “ throwing in streets prohibited 92 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Slops, etc., throwing in vaults, etc., prohibited.. 100 Small-pox corpse not to be placed in vault 133 Smoke from factories 54, 55 Stables, cleaning of manure from, 84 “ cow, to be cleanly 43 “ drainage from, 85 Still-births, how returned 11(1 “ Street,” defined 139 Street and cleaning, mode prescribed 22 44 “ nuisance in, prohibited ...23, 24 Commissioner to cleanse sewer on notice 169 Streets, dead animals to be removed from 112 “ decomposing matter in, 101 ‘ garbage, etc., in, 93 “ making dust in, 103 “ offal carts in, 88 Swill barrels to be inoffensive 97 *4 carting of,. 83 44 not to escape into street 9(5 44 milk, 13—15 Swine, not to run at large 44 Tanks, condensing, for steam exhaust 191 44 for flushing water-closets 1C2 •4 only, to be used in removing night-soil... 1 71, 73 “ Tenement-hoRse,” defined 140 14 report of contagious disease in 36 Tenement-houses, etc 146- 167 44 44 adequate privies for 151 44 44 animals forbidden in 161 41 “ cleaning and white-washing of 162 44 “ closets in, to connect with sewer 158 “ “ compulsory drainage of, 166 “ “ height and dimensions of, 163 “ “ overcrowding, forbidden 149 “ “ privies for, how drained 154 44 “ renting, when unsanitary 155 44 “ roofs of, to be water-tight 157 “ “ rooms in, size and ventilation of, 164 44 44 ventilation of sleeping chambers 156 1 4 4 4 with what to be provided 165 4- Theatre,” defined 141 Theatres, to be safe . 150 Traps for drams, closets, etc 184, 186, 189, 19C, 196 Tubs, vats, etc., how constructed $9, 196 Urine, etc., not to escape into street 96 Vaccination of children enjoined . 42 Vats, tubs, how constructed 99 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Vaults, burial, construction prescribed 136 “ private burial, 128 “ privy, cleaning of, how notilied 68—69 44 1,4 contents of, not to be less than two feet from top 98 “ “ how and where constructed 79, 80 44 44 not to be filled with dirt until emptied 98 44 “ offal not to be thrown in 100 “ “ size of, etc 79 44 “ to be kept inoffensive.... 97 44 “ cleaning of. how notified 68, 69 “ “ when allowed 81 44 public receiving, not to receive small-pox corpses ’.... 133 “ tenement-house privy, when cleaning of allowed 67 “ when to be made 154 44 Vegetables,"' defined 143 Vegetables, false statement as to, .. 9 “ to be wholesome 4 Vehicles for removing sewer refuse 171 44 not to leak offensive matter 96 “ nuisance from, prohibited . 26 Ventilation in factories 152 44 in public buildings 150 44 of chamber in tenement prescribed 156 44 44 privies 192 44 44 rooms in tenements », .164, 165 44 44 slaughter houses 50 44 4* sleeping cellars prescribed .•. 159 “ 44 stables .....I.......'.. .... 44 44 44 tenement house closets ’...... 151 44 etc., to be adequate 146—148 Vessels, not to unload infected articles 32 44 owner of, to report infected cotton— 33 “ permits for unloading 30, 31 Vaults, burial, c nstruction, prescribed ... 136 “ private burial, 128 Vessels, removal of infected persons from, prohibited 34, 35 Wagons, coffin, when used 134 44 offal, to be clennly 109 44 for removing sewer refuse 171 44 scavengers,’ must have lamps with license number . 63 “ 44 not to be driven without permit 58 Walls, not to keep air from court-yards : 167 Water-closets, howT constructed 196 44 how supplied 192 44 in tenements, how drained 154 41 safes to be piped, etc 190 44 tenement, how constructed.... 158 INDEX. SUBJECT MATTER. SECTIONS. Water-closets, to be connected with sewer.. 82 “ to be separately trapped 189 Water, filthy, prohibited in streets 92 “ flushing sewers with, etc.. 108—170 “ sewage, how drained 21 “ stagnant, in lots and cellars 21 “ “ in sunken lots 175 “ supply for closets 192 “ “ for tenements 165 “ “ pipes, size of, 183 “ pollution of, prohibited 18, 19 “ “ purity of, enjoined 20 White-washing tenements 162 Wind, creating dust in 103 Yarding cattle for slaughter 46 Yards of houses to have free air 167 “ tenement, to be kept clean 162