INDIANAPOLIS, IND., OCTOBER 1894. TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION : The undersigned hereby respectfully announces, that he has equipped and opened a Private Lying-in Hospital. The usefulness and urgent need of such an institution, which affords to unfortunate women refuge, secrecy and safety in confinement, and which assures to those women having serious complications during labor the advantages of special skill and appointments, need no argument in this place. The populous State of Indiana, having no such institution, demands it, the great population of its Capital City furthers the aim of secrecy, and its easy accessability both make it a natural and desirable location. The Hospital is situated in a quiet residential part of the city. Its equipment meets all modern demands for safety and comfort. Kind, skilled and discreet nurses are in attendance. The previous experience of the undersigned as resident physician in the Lying-in Clinic and Children-Hospital in Zuerich, and the Citizens, Hospital in Basel (Switzerland) has especially prepared him for this undertaking. For further particulars apply to DR. LOUIS BURCKHARDT, Proprietor and Manager. Professor of Operative and Clinical Mid- wifery, Central College of Physicians and Surgeons. H. O. PANTZER, M. D., Consulting Physician. I’rofessor of Clinical Diseases of Women, and Surgical Pathology in the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indianapolis; Gynecologist to the City Hospital and the City Dispensary. Joseph Eastman, M. D. Edward G. Brennan, M. D. Guido Bell, M. IX Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, M. D. REFERENCES : Wm. N. VVishard, M. X). Alembert W. Bratton, M. D. Allison Maxwell, M. D. Luther L, Todd, M. D.