CHARTER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE lE¥-TOHK HOSPITAL, AND THE LAWS RELATING- THERETO, WITH THE BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE INSTITUTION, AND THOSE OF THE BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. Kcvised asad Passed, ©ccember 2, 1845. JOHN R. M’GOWN, PRINTER, 128, FULTON-STREET. - NEW-YORK: 1846. Basement Story Booremenl Story Sui Basement. NORTH HOUSE MARINE HOUSE HOSPITAL Principal Story. Principal Steep, PrrncyjaZ if tory. NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. CHARTER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE NE¥-IORK HOSPITAL, AND THE LAWS RELATING THERETO, WITH THE BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE INSTITUTION, AND THOSE OF THE BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. NE W-YORK; JOHN R. M’GOWN, PRINTER, 128, PULTON-STREET. 1845, THE CHARTER. [The passages printed in italics have been repealed or altered by subsequent acts of the legisla- ture, which are reprinted after this charter.] George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting ; Whereas our loving subjects, Peter Middleton, John Jones, and Samuel Bard, of our city of New York, physicians, by their humble petition presented unto our trusty and well-beloved Cadwallader Gol- den, Esq., our Lieutenant-Governor, and then our com- mander-in-chief, of our province of New York, and the territories depending thereon in America, and read in our council for our said province, on the ninth day of March, which was in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and seventy, did, among other things, in substance, set forth, that there had been a subscription set on foot by them, for the purpose of erecting a public Hospital in our said city of New York, and that sundry public spirited persons, influenced by principles of be- nevolence, bad liberally subscribed towards the same; that from the manifest utility of such an infirmary the petitioners hoped for further contributions, and that some very considerable donations had been then already pro- mised, in case the success of the Institution should be rendered probable; but that the said monies could not be conveniently collected, or the design prosecuted with vigor, unless a corporation should be formed for that purpose; and therefore the petitioners humbly prayed our Letters Patent, forming a corporation for the pur- poses aforesaid : now we, taking into our royal consider- ation, the beneficial tendency of such an Institution with- in our said city, calculated for relieving the diseases of the indigent, and preserving the lives of many useful members of the community, are graciously pleased to grant the said humble request of our said loving sub- jects : know ye, therefore, that we, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have willed, given, Petition ot Doctors Middle' ton, Jones, 'and Bard,for a char- ter for an Hos- pital recited. Which, in con- sideration of its beneficial ten- dency, 4 is granted. granted, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, do will, give, grant, ordain, constitute, and appoint, that the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of our city of New York, in America, now and for the time being; the Rector of Trinity Church in our said city, now and for the time being ; the President of King’s College in our said city, now and for the time being; the Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in our said city, now and for the time being ; the Minister of the ancient Lutheran Church in our said city, now and for the time being; the Minister of the French Church in our said city, now and for the time being ; the Senior Minister of the Presbyterian Church in our said city, now and for the time being; the Minister of the Moravian Church, in our said city, now and for the time being ; the Minister of the German Reformed Cal- vinist Church in our said city, now and for the time be- ing ; the Minister of the New Lutheran Church in our said city, now and for the time being; the Minister of the Anabaptist Congregation in our said city, now and for the time being; the Minister of the Scotch Presby- terian Church in our said city, now and for the time be- ing; and Sir William Johnson, Baronet; John Fother- gill, of our city of London, in our kingdom of Great Britain, physician; Daniel Horsmanden, John Watts, Oliver De Lancey, Charles Ward Apthorp, Roger Mor- ris, William Smith, Hugh AYallace, Henry White, Ro- bert R. Livingston, Andrew Elliot, Archibald Kennedy, Abm. Morder, Philip Livingston, Wrm. Axtell, Jas. Du- ane, John Morin Scott, Leonard Lispenard, Simon John- son, Thos. Smith, Wm. Bayard, Walter Rutherford, Alex. Golden, John Van Cortland, Augustus Van Cortland, Wm. Livingston, Abraham Mesier, Richard Morris, John Bogert, and John Moore, all of our said city of New York, esquires ; Abraham Lott, esquire, treasurer of our said province; Peter Van Brugh Livingston, David Clarkson, Walter Franklin, Gerard William Beekman, William M’Adara, George Bowne, Nathaniel Marston, Lawrence Kortright( George Folliott, David Provoost, Cornelius Clopper, John Myer, David Van Horne, Tho- mas White, Charles M’Evers, Isaac Low, John Beek- man, Richard Sharpe, Thomas Pearsall, Joshua Dela- plane, Samuel Bowne, Isaac Sears, Samuel Broome, John Thurnam, Jacob Watson, Lewis Pintard, Gerard- us Duyckinck, James Beekman, Peter Goelet, William Ludlow, Nicholas Stuyvesant, John Harris Cruger, John Weatherhead, Theophilact Bache, Samuel Yerplanck, THE CHARTER OP THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. Members of the Corporation named. THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK. HOSPITAL. 5 John Crook, Grove Bend, John Alsop, Caspar Wistar, Isaac Rosevelt, Evert Banker, Gerardus DePeyster, Henry Rutgers the younger, Henry Haydock, Gabriel H. Ludlow, Isaac Corsa, Thomas Buchanan, Andrew Barclay, John Livingston, Augustus Van Horne, Joseph Hallett, Peter Kettletas, Jacob Le Roy, and Abraham Duryee, all of our said city of New-York, merchants; William Brownejohn, of our said city of New-York, druggist; John Leake, of our said city of New-York, mariner ; George Harrison, of our said city of New- York, brewer; Walter Du Bois, and Nicholas Jones, both of our said city of New-York, gentlemen ; and Francis Bassett, of our said city of New-York, pewter- er ; and such other persons as shall be elected and ad- mitted hereafter members of the corporation hereby erected, be and forever hereafter shall be by virtue of ’,T,,. . , , these presents, one body corporate and politic, in deed, fact, and name, by the name, style, and title of *“ The o • r 1 TT ■, 7 • 7 J xr 7 ■ boc'iety of the Hospital 'in the city oj J\cw- York in America,” and them and their successors, and by the same name, we do by these presents, really and fully make, erect, create, constitute, and declare one body po- litic and corporate, in deed, fact, and name, forever ; and will give, grant, and ordain, that they and their suc- cessors, the society of the Hospital in the city of New- York in America, by the same name, shall and may , t t n i , have perpetual succession; and shall and may, by the same name, be persons capable in the law to sue and be 13 11- ini sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answer- ed unto, defend and be defended, in all courts, and else- where, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters, and demands whatsoever, as fully and amply as any other our liege subjects of our said pro- vince of New-York, may or can sue or be sued, implead or be impleaded, defend or be defended by any lawful ways or means whatsoever. And that they and their successors, by the same name, shall forever hereafter be persons capable and able in the law to purchase, take, hold, receive, and enjoy to them and their successors, any messuages, tenements, houses, and real estate what- soever, and all other hereditaments of whatsoever na- ture, kind and quality they be in fee simple, for term of life or lives, or in any other manner howsoever. And also, any goods, chattels, and personal estate whatso- ever. Provided always, the clear yearly value of the And incorpo- rated. Style and T- itle. To have per- petual succes- sion. Capable to sue and be sued. May hold es- tates, * See Act to alter the style and title of the Hospital of the City of New-York, and to amend the Charter thereof, passed March 9th, 1810, sec. 1. p. 15. 6 THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK. HOSPITAL. come does not sterhuV‘£o00° said real estate doth not at any time exceed the sum of five thousand pounds sterling, lawful money of our king- dom of Great Britain, above all outgoings and reprises. And that they and their successors, by the same name, shall have full power and authority to give, grant, sell, lease, demise, and dispose of the same real estate and hereditaments whatsoever, for life or lives or years or forever. And also, all goods, chattels, and personal es- tate whatsoever at their will and pleasure, as they shall judge to be most beneficial and advantageous to the good and charitable ends and purposes above men- tioned ; and that it shall and may be lawful for them and their successors, forever, hereafter, to have a common seal to serve for the causes and business of them and their successors, and the same seal to change, alter, break, and make new, from time to time, at their will and pleasure. And our royal will and pleasure is, that when our said corporation, hereby erected, shall have acquired, by the aid of the legislature of our said pro- vince of New-York, by the generous donations of the benevolent or otherwise, a proper and convenient piece of ground in and near our said city of New-York, and funds sufficient, without injuring the said charity, to admit of the erecting an Hospital for the reception and relief of sick and diseased persons, that the said society do erect within our said city of New-York, an Hospital for the said purposes ; which we will shall forever hereafter be called by the name of “ The New- York Hospital.” And that it shall and may be lawful for our said corporation from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to erect for their use and convenience, any other house, houses, or buildings whatever. And for the better carrying into execution the purposes afore- said, our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant, to the society of the Hospital in the city of New-York, in America, and their successors forever, that there shall be forever hereafter belonging to our said corporation, twenty-six Governors of the said Hospital and corpora- tion, of whom there shall be taken and had one presi- dent, and one vice-president, and who shall conduct and manage the affairs and business of the said Hospital and corporation in manner as hereafter is declared and ap- pointed. And also, that there shall be forever hereafter, one or more treasurer or treasurers, and one secretary belonging to our said corporation. And for the more immediate carrying into execution our royal will and pleasure herein, we do hereby assign, constitute, and ap- The corpora- andsdl estates6 and have a seal, When ground maytdbuiidthan Hospital, which shall be York*1 Hospital'. For the more orderly govern- ment of the So- ciety there shall always be twen- Govern‘ aPresidont and viccPresident, a Treasurer or Sec^tary THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. point the aforesaid John Watts, Oliver De Lancy, Charles Ward Apthorp, Roger Morris, William Smith, Hugh Wallace, Henry White, Robert R. Livingston, White- head Hicks, Mayor of our said city of New-York, An- drew Elliot, Archibald Kennedy, Peter Van Brugh Livingston, David Clarkson, Abraham Mortier, Abraham Lott, Walter Franklin, Leonard Lispenard, Gerardus William Beekman, Philip Livingston, William M’Adam, George Bowne, William Axtell, Doctor John Fothergill, Nathaniel Marston, Lawrence Kortright, and George Folliott, to be the present Governors of the said Hospi- tal and corporation; the aforesaid John Watts to be the present president; and the aforesaid Andrew Elliottobe the present vice-president; the aforesaid Peter Van Brugh Livingston, to be the present treasurer; and the aforesaid John Moore, to be the present secretary of our corporation hereby erected. Which said governors, pre- sident, vice-president, treasurer and secretary, shall hold, possess, and enjoy their said respective offices until the third Tuesday in May, now next ensuing. And for the keeping up the succession in the said offices, our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, establish, direct, and require of and give and grant to the said society of the Hospital in the city of New-York in America, and their successors forever, that on the said third Tuesday in May now next ensu- ing, and yearly, and every year, forever thereafter on the third Tuesday in May in every year, they and their suc- cessors, shall meet at the said Hospital, or at some other convenient place in our said city of New-York, to be fixed and ascertained by some of the by-laws or regula- tions of our said corporation, and there, by the majority of such of them as shall so meet, shall by ballot, or in such other manner and form as shall be directed and es- tablished by any [of] the by-laws or regulations of our said corporation, elect and choose twenty-six of their members, to be governors of our said corporation and Hospital for the ensuing year :* and also out of the said governors so elected and chosen, shall elect and choose as aforesaid, one president, and one vice-president, of our said incorpoi ation, for the ensuing year. And also, shall then and there, elect and choose, as aforesaid, one or more of the said governors or members at large, of our said ■ corporation, to he treasurer or treasurers of our said cor- ! poration, for the ensuing year, and another of the said members to be secretary for the ensuing year. Which : First Govern- ors of the cor- poration nam- ed. President and Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary nam- ed, who are to remain in office until the third Tuesday iu May, 1772. And for keep- ing up a succes- sion, the society is to meet for the Election of new officers, the 3d Tuesday in May annual Jy to elect by bal- lot or otherwise twenty-six gov- ernors, and out of the governors cho- sen to elect a President and Vice President for the ensuing year. And out of the governors or memberschoose a treasurer. And out of the members a sec- retary. The * See Act to alter the style and title of the Society of the Hospital and amend the charter thereof, passed March 9, 1810, sect. ii. p. 15. 8 THE CHARTER OP THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL, new chosen go- vernors and of- ficers to enter immediately on their duty and remain in office one year, or till others be cho- sen in their stead. In case of the death, removal, refusal or neg- lect of officers, others to be chosen in their stead within 30 days after such contingency. To prevent un- due practices in such elections, the president or vice presi- dent, with five of the govern- ors, said governors, and other the officers aforesaid, of our said corporation, so elected, shall immediately enter upon their respective offices, and hold, exercise, and enjoy the same respectively, from the time of such elections for and during the space of one year, and until other lit per- sons shall be elected and chosen in their respective pla- ces, according to the laws and regulations aforesaid. * And in case any of the said persons hy these presents nominated and appointed to the respective offices afore- said, or who shall hereafter he elected and chosen thereto, respectively, shall die, or on any account he removed from, such offices respectively, hefore the time of their respective appointed services shall he expired, or refuse or neglect to act in and execute the office for which he or they shall he so elected and, chosen, or is or are herein nominated and appointed; then our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby direct, ordain, and require our said corpora- tion, to meet at the place for the time being appointed,for the said annual elections, and, choose other or others of the members of our said corporation, in the place and, stead of him or them so dying, removed, refusing or neglecting to act, within thirty days next after such contingency; and in this case, for the more due and orderly conducting such elections, and to prevent any undue proceedings therein, we do hereby give full power and authority to, and ordain and require, that upon every vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president, and any five of the governors of our said corporation and Hospital, for the time being ; and upon every vacancy in the office of vice- president, governor, and in any other of the offices afore- said, the president, and any five of the said governors for the time being, shall appoint the time for such election and elections, and cause public notice thereof to be given, by publishing the same in one or more of the public newspapers printed in this colony, at least seven days be- fore the day appointed for such election ; or in case it ■ shall so happen that at any time or times hereafter, there be no such newspapers printed in this colony, then by affixing up notices in writing at the least seven days be- fore the day appointed for such election, at two or more ’ of the most public places in our said city of New- York ; . hereby giving and granting that such person and per- | sons as shall be so chosen from time to time, by the ma- jority of such of the members of our said corporation as shall in such case, meet in manner hereby directed, by bal- lot, or in such other manner and form as shall be directed to give seven thJnewspapers of the day and ecMffiraiioiding the election, and the persons then chosen, to hold their offi- ces from the time of election * See Act to amend the charter of the New-York Hospital, passed March 20th, 1828, p. 16. THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. 9 by any of the by-laws or regulations of our said corpo- ration, shall have, hold,, exercise and enjoy such the office or offices to which he or they shall he so elected and, cho- sen from the time of such election until the third Tuesday in May thence next ensuing, and until other or others he legally chosen in his or their /dace or stead, as fully and, amply as the person or persons in whose place he or they shall he chosen, could or might have done hy virtue of these presents. And, we do hereby will and direct, that this method shall forever hereafter he used for filing up all vacancies in the said offices, between the annual elec- tions above directed: provided nevertheless, that as reel! in the elections last, mentioned, as in the annual elections above mentioned, no person shall he elected, to the of ice of president or vice-president, unless he then he a governor of our said corporation and, Hospital. And our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, direct, ordain, and require, that every presi- dent, vice-president, governor, treasurer and secretary of our said corporation, to be elected by virtue of these presents, shall, before they act in their respective offices, take an oath, (or if any of them shall be of the people called Quakers, or Unitas Fratrum,) an affirmation to be to them administered by the president or vice-president of our said corporation for the time being, or of the pre- ceding year, (who are hereby severally authorized to administer the same,) for the faithful and due execution of their respective offices, during their continuance in the same respectively. And further, our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and suc- cessors, ordain and appoint, and give and grant to the Society of the Hospital, in the city of New-York, in America, that the president of the said corporation for the time being, and in case of a vacancy in the said of- fice of president, or in case of his sickness or absence, the vice-president of our said corporation shall, and may from time to time, as occasion may require, summon and call together, at such days and places within our said city of New-York, as they shall respectively think pro- per, the governors of the said corporation and Hospital for the time being, giving them at the least one day’s no- tice thereof; and we do hereby require them to meet accordingly, and give, grant, and ordain, that any seven or more of the said governors of our said corporation, being so convened together, of whom the president of our said corporation for the time being, or in case of a vacancy in the said office, or the sickness or absence of the said president, the vice-president for the time being tln”J May then next 'which method of .election for cid" t"P bTil- wa>'s Pructiced- elections or at tionsTe” chosen j °r unless he be a governor- Governors and officers to take m””ourovfuith- £“,J^Js°fmance The President. °Prnc‘“ the*vice President, may summon t^mecL0™ ffivin:r at ]eagt onedays’notice. Sev*'n of the governors, of whom the Pre- ®idei?‘ or vice- President,to bo always one, uI^ake a 10 THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. shall always be one, shall forever hereafter be a legal meeting of the said corporation; and they, or the major part of them so met, shall have full power and authority to adjourn from day to day, or for any other time, as the business of our said corporation may require ; and to do, execute, transact, manage, and perform, in the name of our said corporation, all and every act and acts, thing and things whatsoever, which our said corporation are or shall, by virtue of these our Letters Patent, be autho- rized to do, act, transact, manage, and perform, in as full and ample manner as if all and every the governors and members of the said corporation were present, and ’ consenting thereto : saving and except always the elect- ing of governors, and other the offices above mentioned of our said corporation : and also, saving and except the : giving, granting, selling, or otherwise aliening any of the estate, real or personal, of our said corporation : and the leasing, demising, or disposing of any of the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, real or mixed estate of our said corporation, for any longer term or time than one year ; our royal will and pleasure being that none of the estate, real, personal, or mixed of our said corporation, be sold, or in any wise aliened, but by and with the con- currence and approbation of the majority of the whole number of the governors of our said corporation for the j time being, first obtained at some legal meeting of our said corporation; and, that none of the real or mixed estate of our said corporation, be leased, demised, or in any wise disposed of for any longer term than one year, without the like concurrence and approbation of the ma- jority of the whole number of the governors of our said corporation for the time being, first obtained as aforesaid. And further, we do hereby for us, our heirs and succes- sors, urdain and appoint, and give and grant to the So- ciety of the Hospital in the city of New-York, in America, that at any, and every such legal meeting of any seven or more of the governors of our said corpora- tion, of whom the president of our said corporation, for the time being, or in case of a vacancy in the said office, or the sickness or absence of the said presi- dent, the vice-president, for the time being, shall always be one, it shall and may be lawful for them, in writing under the common seal of our said corporation, to make, frame, constitute, establish, and ordain, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, such laws, constitutions, ordinances, regulations, and statutes, for the better gov- ernment of the officers, members, and servants of the said corporation, and of the patients from time to time admitted into the said Hospital ; for fixing and ascer- j adJoun°Wer ° corporation, except choos- and ogtherroffi- cers> and except granting lands, &c. fora longer terra than one year. „ ... Noneofthees- tate of the cor- dCiposed of but by consent of the whole'gov- emors. The governors mayga meetl"S under the seal ot the corpora- tion, make by- good govern*5 ment thereof; of its members, officers, and THE CHARTER OP THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. tabling the places of meeting of our said corporation, on the days and times of the elections above-mentioned; and for regulating the mode and manner of making such and all other the elections in our said corporation; the management and disposition of the funds and charities, and all other the business and affairs whatever of our said corporation, as they, or the major part of them, so legally met, shall judge best for the general good of the said corporation, and profitable for the more effectual promoting the charitable and beneficial designs of the said corporation ; and the same, or any of them, to al- ter, amend, or repeal from time to time, as they, or a major part of them so met as aforesaid shall judge most conducive to the benefit of the said charity ; provided such laws, constitutions, regulations, ordinances, and sta- tutes, be not repugnant to the laws of that part of our kingdom of Great-Britain called England, nor of this our province of New-York.—And we do further will and grant, that the said governors of the said corporation for the time being, or any seven or more of them so legally met and convened as aforesaid, of whom the pre- sident, or vice-president, for the time being, shall always he one, as aforesaid, shall have the full and sole power and authority for ever hereafter, by the majority of their voices from time to time, to elect, nominate, and appoint such and so many physicians and surgeons, as they shall judge necessary to attend the said Hospital, and the sick and diseased patients from time to time admitted to the benefits of the said charity; and to appoint the physi- cians and surgeons so elected, their respective powers, authorities, business, trusts, and attendances; and also to appoint an apothecary, a steward, and matron, of and for the said Hospital; and from time to time to appoint' them, the said apothecary, steward, and matron, and each of them, their respective powers, authorities, business, trusts, and attendances ; and to displace and discharge the apothecary, steward and matron, from the service of the said Hospital, and to nominate and appoint other or : others in their places and stead. And we do further, of ■ our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, 1 for us, our heirs and successors, grant and ordain, that when, and as often as any president, vice-president, gov- ’ ernor, treasurer, secretary, physician, or surgeon of the ! said corporation, shall become unfit or incapable to ex- | ecute their said offices, respectively, or shall misdemean i themselves in their said ofiices, respectively, contrary to ; any the by-laws or regulations of our said corporation, or refuse or neglect the execution thereof, and thereupon servants, and of the patients lo he admitted. The places and mode of elec- tion. The manage- ment and dispo- sition of the funds and char- ities, and all other business, for the good of tho corporation and the same a- gain repeal and amend. Such by-law* not to be repug- nant to the laws of England of this colony. The governors to appoint the number oi'phy- sicians and sur- geons to attend the patients. also an apothe- cary, a steward, and matron, and again dis- place and ap- point others itt their stead. The president, vice-president, governor,treas- urer, secretary, physician, or surgeon, inca- pable ofserving or niisdemean- ing himself. THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL, a complaint or charge in writing shall he exhibited1 against him or them, by any member of our said corpo- ration, at any legal meeting of the governors of our said corporation and Hospital, as aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful for the president or vice-president and governors, or the major-part of them, then met, or at any other legal meeting of our said corporation from time to time, and upon examination and due proof, to suspend or discharge such president, vice-president, gov- ernor, treasurer, secretary, physician, or surgeon, from their offices respectively, although the yearly or other time for their respective services, shall not he expired ; any thing before in these presents contained to the con- trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding; Provided always, that no president, vice-president, governor, phy- sician or surgeon, shall be suspended or discharged at any meeting, without the concurrence and approbation of the majority of the whole number of the governors of the said corporation, nor without having a copy of the complaint or charge against him, at least six days before such examination ; and an opportunity to be fully heard in his defence. And for the keeping up and preserving, forever hereafter, a succession of members of the said corporation, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, ordain, give, and grant,, to “ The Society of the Idospital in the city of New- York in America,” and their successors forever, that it shall and may be lawful at all time and times hereafter, forever, for any seven or more of the governors of our said corporation, for the time being, of whom we will the president, or, in case of his absence, sickness, or a vacancy in the said office of president, the vice-president of the said corporation shall always be one, being con- vened and met together, as aforesaid, so as to he a legal •p. T • O meeting ox our said corporation, as above mentioned, to elect and choose by the majority of their voices, and in such manner and form, and upon such terms and condi- tions as shall be directed, ordained, and established for that purpose, by any the said by-laws, statutes, constitu- tions or ordinances of the said corporation, and admit under the common seal of our said corporation, such and so many persons to be members of the said corpora- tion, as they shall think beneficial to the laudable designs of the said corporation. Which persons, and every of them, so from time to time elected, chosen, and admitted, shall, by virtue thereof, and of these presents, be vested with all the powers, authorities, and privileges, which any member of the said corporation is hereby invested with. And our will and pleasure further is, that the sai^ may upon com- plaint, exami- nation, anti tine proof be sus- pended. by a majority of governors. inlegaUnc may, by major- chooso new members, And under their te! admit us c=ety*t0 the6o' THE CHARTER OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. 13 •governors of tlie said corporation and Hospital, .shall "° , 1 . yearly and every year, give an account in writing, of the several sums of money by them received and expended, by virtue of these presents, or any authority hereby giv- •en ; and of the management, application, and disposition of the revenues and charities aforesaid, to the general assembly of our said province, for the time being, or to such person or persons as the said general assembly shall, from time to time, appoint to receive and audit the same accounts, when they, the governors of our said Hospital shall be thereunto required by the said general assembly of our said province. And further, we do by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Society of the Hospital, in the city of New-York in America, and their successors forever, that this our present Charter, shall be deemed, adjudged, und construed in all cases, most favorably, and for the best benefit and advantage of our said corporation, and for the promoting the good end and designs of this chari- table Institution; and that this our present grant, being entered on record, as is hereinafter expressed, shall be forever hereafter good and effectual in the law, accord- ing to our royal intent and meaning herein before declar- ed ; and without any other license, grant, or confirma- tion from us, our heirs or successors, hereafter by the said corporation to be had or obtained, notwithstanding any mis-recitals, non-recitals, not-naming, or mis-naming, or any of the aforesaid offices, franchises, privileges, immunities, or other the premises, or any of them ; and although no writ of ad quod Damnum or other writs, inquisitions, or precepts, hath been upon this occasion had, made, issued or prosecuted; any statute, act, ordi- nance, or provision, or other matter or thing to the con- trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In testimony whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the great seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed, and the same to he entered of record, in our secretary’s office for our said province of New- York, in one of the Books of Patents there remaining. Witness our right trusty and right well-beloved cousin John, Earl of Dunmore, our captain-general and Gov- ern or-in-ebief, in and over our said province of New- York, and the territories depending thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice-Admiral of the same, at our fort in our city of New-York, by and with the advice and con- sent of our council for our said province of New-York, the thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one, and of our reign the eleventh. The governors to render ac- counts to the proceedings ('1cu"rt‘jireuat<> ia favor of the So- cietJ’ tert/oTrocord shall be cffioctu- ‘a 111 law‘ ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. AN ACT for the better and more permanent support of the Hos- pital in the City of New-York. Passed March 14th, 180 G. Whereas it has become necessary, on account of the increasing number of patients in the Hospital, in the city of New-York, to enlarge the same, by erecting additions thereto, for the more con- venient accommodation of the sick and disabled, and particularly, to provide suitable apartments for the maniacs, adapted to the various forms and degrees of insanity : And whereas, the said Hos- pital is an institution of great public utility, and humanity, as well as the general interests of the state, requires that fit and adequate provision should be made for the support of such an infirmary for sick and insane persons : Therefore, the better to enable the Gov- ernors of the said Hospital, by means of a permanent fund, to maintain and improve the said Hospital, I. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New- York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, That the Treasurer of this state shall every year hereafter, until the year one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-seven, upon the warrant of the comptroller, pay to the treasurer of the Society of the Hospital in the city of New- York, in America, for the use of the said corporation, in quarter yearly payments, out of any monies in the treasury of this state not otherwise appropriated, the annual sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ; the first quarterly payment to be made on the first day of May next; which said annual sura of twelve thousand five hundred dollars, shall become chargeable upon the duties on sales at public auction or vendue in the said city of New-York. 11. And be it further enacted, That the act, entitled “ An act to continue the provision for the public Hospital, in the city of New- York,” passed the 2d March, 1805, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. HI. And be it further enacted, That the Governors of the said Hospital shall make an annual report of the state of that institution to the legislature. 15 AN ACT to alter the Style and Title of the Society of the Hos- pital in the City of New- York, in America, and to amend the Charter thereof Passed March 9th, 1810. ACTS OP THE LEGISTATURE. Whereas “ the Society of the Hospital in the city of New-York in America,” by their petition under their common seal, have re- presented to the legislature, that doubt had arisen whether the election of members under a by-law of the said corporation, exist- ing for many years past, had been made in strict conformity with the charter of the said society, and that their franchises under the said charter might thereby be rendered insecure, and have prayed that their said franchises may be confirmed to them and secured from the consequences of any mistake, or any future inaccuracy or misconstruction; and also that the legislature would be pleased to change the name and style of the said corporation, and to amend their charter in the manner hereinafter mentioned ; therefore, I. Be it enacted hy the people of the State of New-York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, That the said corporation shall for- ever hereafter be known and distinguished by the name and style of “the Society of the New-York Hospitaland by that name shall continue and be a body corporate and politic, and sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, with- out any seizure or forejudger of their franchises, liberties or privi- leges, or being thereof excluded or ousted, for or upon any pre- tence of any forfeiture or misdemeanor at any time heretofore done, committed or suffered ; and the said corporation shall and may have and enjoy all their rights, grants, franchises, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and estates whatsoever, in like manner, as if no mis- user or other cause of forfeiture had heretofore occurred ; and all the acts of said corporation shall be and hereby are confirmed and declared to be as valid to all intents and purposes as if no misuser or other cause of forfeiture had happened or been committed. 11. And he it further enacted, That hereafter the president, vice- president, treasurer and secretary of the said corporation, shall be elected by the governors of the same, and not, as heretofore, by the members of the said corporation at large. AN ACT for the further support of the New-York Hospital. Passed 23d Maxxh, 1810. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New- York, represent- ed in Senate and Assembly, That there shall be paid to the trea- surer of the New-York Hospital, for the time being, out of the monies arising from the duties on goods sold in the city of New- York, three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, for the space of ten years from the passing of this act, to be paid quarter year- ly, in fonr equal payments, and the first quarter to be paid on the first day of August next, and quarterly thereafter, for and during 16 ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. the above term of ten years : Provided always, That at any time within the period aforesaid, the legislature may repeal this act. NOTE.—The above Act was repealed by the sth section of the Act, entitled “An Act re- specting navlg.ible communications between the great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean,” passed April 15, 1817. AN ACT to enable the Society of the New-York Hospital to erect a new building for the accommodation of insane patients. Passed April 17, 1816. Whereas the Governors of the New-York Hospital have repre- sented to the Legislature, that the building heretofore erected for the accommodation of insane patients, has, by reason of their in- creased number, become wholly inadequate for the purpose for which it is intended, that they are desirous of erecting another building for the said purpose, and have purchased a very eligible site for the same, but that the funds of the institution being merely sufficient for its ordinary expenses, they are unable, without aid of the Legislature, to carry their intention into effect: And whereas, there is no other institution in the state in which such patients can be taken care of and relieved : And whereas humanity, and the interest of the state, require that fit provision should be made for the care and cure of insane persons : There- fore, Be it enacted by the people of the State of New-York, represent- ed in Senate and Assembly, That during the period mentioned in the first section of the act, entitled “An act for the better and more permanent support of the Hospital in the city of New-York,” the Treasurer of this state shall pay to the treasurer of the Socie- ty of the New-York Hospital, in quarter yearly payments, out of any monies in the treasury of this state, not otherwise appropria- ted, the annual sum of ten thousand dollars, the first quarter yearly payment to be made on the first day of May next, which said an- nual sum shall be chargeable upon the duties on sales at public auction or vendue in the said city of New-York : Provided always, that all payments heretofore directed by law, to be made out of the aforesaid duties for the support of charitable institutions in the city of New-York, shall be made previous to the payment of the sum hereby granted to the said Society of the New-York Hospital. AN ACT to amend the Charter of “the Society of the New-York Hospital.” Passed 20th March, 1828. Be it enacted by the people of the State of New- York represented ■in Senate and, Assembly, That in the event of any vacancy hap- pening in the Board of Governors of the New-York Hospital, either by death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy may be filled, until the next annual election, by the Board of Governors for the time being, any thing in the Charter of “ the Society of the New-York Hospital” to the contrary notwithstanding. BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Be it ordained by the Governors of the Society of the New- York Hospital, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the following rules and regulations be, and they are hereby established, as laws and ordinances of the said corporation; and that all other rules, and regula- tions heretofore made, be, and the same are hereby repealed. CHAPTER I. Of the Election of Governors and Officers* 1. On the third Tuesday in May, in each year, an election shall be held at the New-York Hospital, for twenty-six go- vernors of the Society of the New-York Hospital, at which election three inspectors (being members and not govern- ors,) to be appointed by the governors, at the stated meet- ing immediately preceding the election, or such of them as may attend, shall preside. But in case neither of them should attend, then the members of the Society convened, shall appoint any two of their number to act as inspectors, and preside at the said election. 2. The poll of the said election for governors shall be opened at noon, and closed at two o’clock in the afternoon, on the same day; and every member of this corporation who shall vote at the said election, shall deliver to the in- spectors a ballot containing the names of not more than twenty-six persons, as governors; and the inspectors shall deposit all the ballots so delivered to them in a box; and shall insert the names of the persons so voting as aforesaid, in a poll list, to be kept by them for that purpose. And so soon as the poll of the said election shall be closed, the in- 18 spectors shall open and count the said ballots, and shall openly declare the names of the twenty-six persons who shall be found to have been elected governors, by the great- est majority of all the votes given ; and shall deliver a cer- tificate thereof, under their hands, to the secretary, to be by him laid before the governors, at their next meeting. 3. In case the election of any of the said governors shall be declared void, such governor shall be removed from the exercise of his office. And whenever any Governor shall, for any reason, be removed, or shall die, or resign, or refuse or neglect to act in and execute the office for which he was chosen, then the governors at their next monthly meeting after it shall have been ascertained and recorded in their book of minutes that the office has become vacant, or as soon after that monthly meeting as may be convenient, shall elect by ballot another member of this corporation to fill said vacancy; but no person shall be thus elected un- less by a majority of the whole number of governors. 4. At the first meeting of the governors, after every an- nual election, there shall be chosen, by ballot, by a ma- jority of all the governors, one President, one Vice Presi- dent, one Treasurer, and one Secretary. CHAPTER 11. Of the Oath or Affirmation to he taken hj the Officers of this Corporation. 1. The president and vice-president, for the time being, and the president and vice-president, of the preceding year, shall respectively have power to administer to each of the officers mentioned in the next section, an oath or affirmation of the tenor following, viz : “I do swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and duly execute the office of of the Society of the New-York Hospital, accord- irig to the best of my ability.” 19 2. Every president, vice-president, governor, treasurer, and secretary shall take the said oath or affirmation, before he act in his office. CHAPTER 111. Of the President and Vice-President. 1. The president may call a meeting of the governors whenever he shall think necessary, and may appoint the time and place of such meeting, (provided the latter shall be in the city of New-York,) giving, at least, one day’s notice thereof. 2. The president shall preside at all meetings of the governors, and shall preserve order therein ; he shall no- minate all committees, except such as shall be chosen by ballot. 3. When the office of president shall be vacant, or when the president shall be absent, the vice-president shall suc- ceed to all his rights and duties. 4. The president and vice-president shall visit the Hos- pital and the Bloomingdale Asylum, at least once in every month, to inspect the general state of the institution, and shall report their observations thereon to the next monthly meeting of the governors. CHAPTER IV. 1. A monthly meeting of the governors shall be held in the governors’ room, at the Hospital, on the first Tuesday in every month, at half-past four o’clock in the afternoon. Of the Governors. 2. Seven governors, including the president or vice- president, shall be a quorum for transacting all business, except the election of officers, the alienating any of the real or personal estate of the corporation, or the leasing any of the real or mixed estate thereof, for a longer term than one year, or for the suspending or discharging an officer, physi- 20 clan, or surgeon, for which purposes the consent of a ma- jority of all the governors shall be necessary. 3. The governors shall annually elect, by ballot, four physicians and six surgeons to the hospital, and also a physician to have the sole care of the insane in the Bloom- ingdale Asylum, who shall receive commissions under the seal of the corporation: and every physician and sur- geon, hereafter to be elected, shall hold his office until the first stated monthly meeting of the governors, to be held after the next ensuing annual election, and until a new election shall be had. But no person shall be appointed physician or surgeon unless he shall have been nominated to that place, at a previous monthly meeting. 4. If any officer, physician, or surgeon, shall become un- fit to execute his office, or shall misdemean himself in his office, contrary to any of the by-laws of this corporation, or refuse or neglect to execute the same, the visiting commit- tee, or any member of the corporation, may exhibit against him a complaint in writing to the governors, at a legal meeting; and thereupon a notice of the said complaint shall be given to the person complained of, and a time shall be appointed (not less than six days after service of the said notice) for the person complained of to make his defence before the governors : and the governors, having examined into the truth of the complaint, and heard the defence of the party accused, if any shall be made, may, with the concurrence and approbation of a majority of the whole number of governors, upon such examination, and due proof, suspend or discharge the officer, physician, or surgeon, complained of as aforesaid. 5. At the monthly meeting in June, in each year, the governors shall appoint a superintendent, or steward, matron, assistant superintendent, chaplain, apothecary, clerh, and librari- an for the Hospital, and curator of the pathological cabinet; 21 also awarden and matron for the Bloomingdale Asylum, who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the governors ; a committee of the Bloomingdale Asylum, and also a person or persons, to be chosen by ballot, to supply the Hospital with medicines. 6. There shall also be appointed at the same meeting a committee, to be denominated the Cabinet Committee, to consist of one of the governors, one physician, and one sur- geon of the Hospital; whose duty it shall be to have the general care and superintendence of the cabinet, and to re- port to the monthly meeting of the governors, in January of each year, the general condition of the cabinet, with an ac- count of its expenses. 7. At the same monthly meeting of the governors, a com- mittee shall be appointed, to be denominated the Library Committee, to consist of three of the governors, one phy- sician, and one surgeon of the hospital, whose duty it shall be to purchase books, to take the general care and super- intendence of the library, and to report to the monthly meeting of the governors in January, in each year, a state- ment of the amount received and expended on account of the library during the year. 8. There shall be a visiting committee, to consist of three governors, to serve three months, one of them to be ap- pointed at each monthly meeting, in place of the one whose term of service shall then expire. There shall also be an inspecting committee, to consist of two governors, to serve two months, one of them to be appointed at each monthly meeting, in place of the one whose term of service shall then expire. 9. At the monthly meeting, in December, in each year, a committee shall be appointed to audit the accounts of the hospital, and to make an inventory of all the real and per- sonal estate belonging to the corporation, a schedule of all the deeds, bonds, &c., in the custody of the treasurer, and a general statement of the accounts: which inventory, schedule, and statement, shall be made up and produced by them, at the next monthly meeting, or at the one follow- ing : and another committee shall also be appointed to draft the annual report of the state of the hospital, to be laid be- fore the legislature. This draft shall be presented to the governors at their next monthly meeting, or at the one fol- lowing. One of the governors, one physician, and one sur- geon shall be appointed to prepare a table of the diseases of the patients in the Hospital during the year. 10. Every committee, whether standing or special, shall report in writing, upon every subject referred to them. 11. At each monthly meeting, the minutes of the visiting committee, of the inspecting committee, and of the Bloom- ingdale Asylum committee shall be produced, that the governors may be informed of their proceedings. 12. The governor’s room shall be kept solely for the use of the governors, and no other person shall be permitted to use it, without the permission of the visiting committee. 13. The president, vice-president, treasurer, and secre- tary shall be a committee of the sinking fund, and shall have charge of said fund, and shall report the state of the same, with their proceedings, to the monthly meeting of the governors in the month of January, in each year. CHAPTER Y. Of the election of Members. 1. Whenever a governor shall propose a person to be elected a member of this corporation, he shall be balloted for at a monthly meeting of the governors; and if there shall be a majority of the whole number of governors in his 23 favor, lie shall be duly elected: and having paid forty dollars to the treasurer, for the use of the hospital, within three months thereafter, shall be admitted a member, and receive from the secretary a certificate of such election, under the common seal; but in default of such payment, said election shall be void. The governors may, however, in any particular instance, dispense with said payment, and immediately receive the member elected. CHAPTER VI. Oj the Treasurer. 1. The treasurer shall give security, to be approved by the governors, for the faithful performance of his trust. 2. He shall have the custody of all bonds, title deeds, and other papers and documents relating to the property of the corporation. 3. He shall open an account with one of the banks in the city of New-York, in the name of this corporation ; and he shall deposit all monies, immediately upon his receiving them, in such bank. 4. He shall keep a book containing blank checks; and in drawing for money he shall use the said checks, and in- sert in the margin opposite to them respectively, their amounts and dates, and the names of the persons to whom they are payable, and on what account. 5. He shall cause a book to be kept, at the hospital, by the clerk, for the sole purpose of keeping an account with the bank; and he shall cause the clerk to enter in such book, all deposits made and checks drawn, with their amounts, dates, and the names of the persons to whom they are payable. 6. The treasurer shall, from time to time, pay the drafts 24 of the superintendent for the expenses of his department, provided the same be approved by the chairman, or some other member of the visiting committee, signified by his endorsement thereon. 7. The treasurer shall pay no other monies, without a resolution of the board of governors, or a written order from the visiting committee, or from the committee of the Bio mingdale Asylum for expenditures in their department. 8. The treasurer shall cause to be kept at the Hospital a journal and a ledger, in which shall be contained an account of receipts, an account of expenditures, an account with the bank, an account with the superintendent, and such other accounts as may be necessary. CHAPTER VII. Of the Secretary. 1 The secretary shall have the custody of the seal of the corporation. 2 He shall attend the meetings of the society and of the governors, take minutes of the proceedings of each meeting, and see that the clerk transcribes them into a book provided for that purpose. S. I mmediately after the election of governors and other officers, he shall give notice to the different persons elected. 4 On the day preceding every meeting, stated or spe- cial. he shall send notice of the time and place of such me< ig to each of the governors. 5. At every meeting he shall read the minutes of the pre- ceding meeting at length. 6. He shall cause the reports to the legislature, and the annual state of the hospital, to be regularly entered upon the minutes. 25 7. He shall furnish certificates to the members of the corporation in the manner prescribed by the by-laws. CHAPTER VIII. Of the Visiting Committee. 1. The visiting committee shall meet twice in every week, at the hospital. If any member of the committee shall be unable to attend, he shall procure some other governor to attend, in his stead. 2. They shall receive or reject applicants for admission, as in their discretion they shall think advisable, having re- gard to the existing circumstances of the hospital; but they shall admit no person, without a previous examination by one of the physicians and surgeons, or by the house-phy- sician, or house-surgeon. 3. They shall also determine whether the applicant shall be received as a pauper or pay-patient; and in the latter case, they shall agree upon the price to be paid weekly, and take such security, as they may deem requisite; but this and the last preceding article shall not apply to the admission of patients into the Bloomingdale Asylum, which is solely entrusted to the Asylum Committee. 4. They shall carefully inquire of every pauper previous to admittance, whether he arrived at this port within two years, in order, if that shall appear to be the fact, that the superintendent may apply to the consignee bonding for such passenger, for an engagement to pay his board. 5. They shall keep a book of minutes, and enter therein the names of all patients received or discharged, and of such other business as may come before them; which book must be laid before the governors, at every monthly meeting. 6. They shall give such orders and establish such regu- lations as they shall think proper, to carry into effect the objects of this institution ; provided such orders and regu- lations be not inconsistent with the charter and by-laws. 7. On every visiting day, they shall inquire of the phy- sicians and surgeons, or, in their absence, of the house- physician, or house-surgeon, whether any of the pauper patients are incurable, or in a condition to leave the hos- pital ; and shall direct all such to be discharged, so that no improper objects be permitted to remain. 8. The committee may direct the superintendent to give some relief, in money or clothes, to patients, who, from ex- treme poverty, or circumstances of peculiar distress, may need such aid at the time of their discharge. But they are to exercise great caution in affording such assistance, lest it should encourage improper or too frequent applications. 9. If any patient shall go off the premises without leave, be guilty of drunkenness, profane swearing, or otherwise misbehave, the committee ma3r, at their discretion, dis- charge him. 10. They shall take care that the patients in each ward are supplied with bibles, and such other religious books as they may think useful. 11. They shall frequently remind the superintendent and other officers of the house, of the necessity of attention, econ- omy, cleanliness and good conduct in the discharge of their several duties. 12. Whenever they may think it necessary that a spe- cial meeting of the governors should be called, they shall apply for that purpose to the president, or, in his absence, to the vice-president. 13. In case the house-physician, house-surgeons, or any of their assistants, or apothecary shall neglect any of the 27 duties prescribed to Him, or refuse to comply with any rea- sonable request of the visiting committee or superintendent, the visiting committee may suspend the offender, and re- port the case to the next monthly meeting of the gover- nors ; and the vacancy, in the mean time, shall be supplied by such person as the committee may appoint. 14. The committee shall, on each visiting day, insert in a book kept for that purpose, the times of their own attend- ance, of that of the physicians and surgeons, and of the senior and junior assistants. 15. The visiting committee shall have the charge and care of the property of the hospital, and the general superintend- ence of the buildings and other improvements belonging to this corporation, except the Bloomingdale Asylum, and it shall be their duty to see that all such repairs or alterations, as may be directed by the governors, be faithfully and economically executed. CHAPTER IX. Of the Inspecting Committee. 1. It shall be the duty of the inspecting committee to in- quire whether the by-laws and regulations of the governors relative to the management and economy of the house, are carried into effect. 2. They shall visit the wards, dead-house and grounds of the hospital at least once a week, and also the wards, rooms, other apartments and grounds of the Bloomingdale Asy- lum, at least once a month; inquire into the behavior of the superintendent, warden, matrons, and nurses, to- wards the patients ; examine particularly, whether economy be observed; and as to the cleanliness of the halls, wards, apartments, and beds; whether the floors are frequently washed, and the walls white-washed ; whether the bread 28 and other provisions are of good quality; whether the pa- tients are allowed a sufficient quantity; whether they are regularly attended by the physicians and surgeons, and whether the apothecary’s shop is kept neat and in good order. They shall also inquire whether any improvements can be made for the greater comfort of the patients. 3. They shall inquire particularly whether the wards, water closets, bathing closets and dead house are kept in good condition and are properly ventilated, so that they may be supplied with pure and wholesome air, and shall pro- hibit the patients from using the fires or stoves in their wards for culinary purposes : and also see that the grounds are kept in good order. 4. At least once in each month, they shall examine the house-physician and house-surgeons, as to the performance of their respective duties, and as to the daily attendance and behavior of the assistants intended as candidates for the offices of house-physician and house-surgeon. 5. They shall keep a book of minutes, and enter therein their proceedings and observations, relative to all the ob- jects of their appointment, which book shall be laid before the governors, at every monthly meeting; and also before the visiting committee at their semi-weekly meetings. CHAPTER X. Of the Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. 1. The consulting physicians and surgeons shall be con- sidered as counsellors, and shall be invited to attend at all capital operations in the hospital. 2. They may recommend persons to be admitted as pa- tients, in like manner as the governors. 3. Each consulting physician and surgeon, shall have 29 the privilege of introducing three of his students gratis to see the practice of the house, and to the use of the library for one year, in like manner as the physicians and surgeons of the hospital. CHAPTER XI. Of the Physicians and Surgeons. 1. The physicians and surgeons shall make such arrange- ment among themselves, that the hospital may be attended in the manner hereinafter directed. 2. One physician shall visit every medical patient who may be afflicted with an acute disease, at least once every day, and oftener if necessary; and every medical patient in the hospital, without exception, twice in every week. 3. At such visits, the attending physician shall inquire, whether his directions and prescriptions have been care- fully observed. He shall attend to the neatness and venti- lation of the wards, and give such directions on those sub- jects, as may be necessary, to the superintendent. He shall direct the house-physician to report to the superin- tendent such patients as are in a proper condition to leave the hospital. 4. Two surgeons shall constantly be in attendance on the hospital, one of whom shall have the charge of the first surgical division, consisting of all the surgical wards in the main building, also, No. 10, and part of No. 2, in the north house. The other surgeon shall have charge of the second surgical division, comprising all the surgical wards in the marine house, also No. 7, and part of No. 2, in the north house; and no change in these divisions shall be made without the sanction of the visiting committee, to be reported to the Board for their confirmation. The choice of attendance for the term, on either of these two divisions, 30 shall be settled by agreement between themselves, or by lot. They shall both visit the hospital, at least three times a week, and oftener when necessary, and every surgical patient under their care respectively, without exception, at least, once a week. At such visits, they shall attend to the ventilation and neatness of the surgical wards, and give such directions on these subjects, as may be necessary, to the superintendent, and they shall direct their respective house-surgeons, to report to him, such surgical patients as may be in a proper condition to leave the hospital. 5. The times of their attendance shall be so arranged by the physicians and surgeons, respectively, as not to inter- fere with each other, and so that the students, who attend the practice of the house, may accompany them in their visits to the patients. 6. It shall be their duty, during their respective terms of attendance, to prescribe and direct the treatment of all the patients under their care, but in case of emergency, admit- ting of no delay, the attending physician or surgeons being absent, the house-physician or house-surgeons may prescribe and report to the attending physician or surgeons at their first visit. 7. If any physician or surgeon shall be prevented from attending in his turn, he shall procure one of the other physi- cians or surgeons belonging to the hospital to attend in his stead. 8. The attending physician and surgeons shall be pre- sent at the regular meetings of the visiting committee, to confer with them on the management of the house, and to examine applicants for admission. 9. No capital operation, except in cases of immediate danger, shall be performed, without the previous approba- tion of at least two surgeons, nor without inviting all the 31 physicians and surgeons belonging to the hospital, to be present at the operation; nor shall any operation be per- formed, other than by the attending surgeons, except in cases of imminent danger, and in their absence, when the house-surgeons may act. 10. Each of the attending physicians and surgeons shall report in writing to the governors, after his tour of attend- ance is completed, the general condition of the hospital during that period; and this report shall state, whether the house-physician and the house-surgeons, and their assist- ants, and the apothecary, have discharged their respective duties, with skill and fidelity ; and whether the nurses have treated the sick with care and humanity, and shall also contain such suggestions and remarks as shall appear to him to be useful. 11. At the close of every year, a table of the diseases of the patients in the hospital, and in the Bloomingdale Asy- lum, during the year then expired, shall be made out and duly arranged, in order that the same may be published with the general account of the state of the hospital; which table shall be prepared by one of the governors, one physician, and one surgeon, to be appointed for that pur- pose by the governors. 12. In order to render the hospital, so far as may con- sist with the welfare of the patients, conducive to the ad- vancement of medical science, the physicians and surgeons may provide among themselves adequate and regular prac- tical instruction, by observations accompanying operations and prescriptions, by clinical lectures, or otherwise, to the students admitted to see the practice of the house, during the ordinary periods of lectures at the medical institutions of the city, and longer, if deemed expedient. Due notice of the time and period of such instruction shall be given, and, when announced, shall be punctually observed. 32 13. It shall be the express duty of the physician or sur- geon to guard against any examinations of patients by pu- pil£ except under his own inspection ; and against all acts calculated to alarm, or injure the patients: and in cases where any observations, in their presence might have an injurious tendency, they shall be postponed to the halls or theatre. CHAPTER XII. Of the House-Physician and House-Surgeons. 1. There shall be appointed one house-physician, and two house-surgeons, each of whom shall serve one year The term of service of each of the house-surgeons shall be equally divided between the two surgical divisions of the hospital, to the end, that each house-surgeon shall reside and serve six months in the main building, and six months in the marine department. The visiting commit- tee shall assign to the house-surgeons the division of the hospital, in which they are respectively to commence their term of service. No person shall be appointed to the office of house-physician, or of house-surgeon, until he shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, nor until he shall have laid before the governors satisfactory testimo- nials of his good moral character, and also a certificate in the following form. “We do hereby certify, that A. B. hath been a private pupil of C. D., a practising physician, (or surgeon, as the case may be,) for the space of three years, that he has passed his examination for a degree, or for a license, that we believe him to possess skill and ability to execute the office of a house-physician, (or house-surgeon as the case may be,) and that he has kept the prescribed register to 33 our satisfaction, and we do recommend him to the gover- nors for said office.” Which certificate shall be signed by at least three physicians of the hospital, if the candidate be recommended for the office of house physician, and by at least four surgeons of the hospital, if he be recommended for the office of house-surgeon. 2. The house-physician and house-surgeons shall visit their respective wards once at least every morning and evening ; and be prepared to report the state of the patients to the visiting physician and surgeons. They shall see that the medicines sent to the sick are regularly taken, and that they are administered with care and neatness, and without delay. 3. In any medical or surgical case of emergency, the house-physician and house-surgeon shall request the imme- diate attendance of the attending physician or surgeon, and if he cannot be found, of any other of the physicians or surgeons of the hospital. 4. They shall make the entries in the admission and dis- charge books, according to the prescribed forms, review and correct the cases taken and copied by the assistants, and report the same when completed, to the attending phy- sician or surgeon at his next visit. 5. They shall record all prescriptions in a book to be kept for that purpose. 6. They shall not remove patients from one ward into another, without the approbation of the superintendent. 7. It shall be their duty to report the disease, of which any patient dies, to the clerk, in order that the register may be regularly kept. 8. They shall report, in writing, to the superintendent, such patients as may, under special circumstances, have been received, during his absence, that he may lay 34 the same before the visiting committee at their next meeting. 9. Neither the house-physician nor house-surgeons shall discharge a patient; this being the exclusive duty of the superintendent. 10. They shall not be absent at the usual hours of attend- ance of the physicians and surgeons, and whenever either of them intends to go off the premises, he shall leave notice with the superintendent, and the house-physician, or house- surgeon, where he may be found; and in no case shall all of them be absent at the same time. They must be in the hospital at a seasonable hour in the evening, and never sleep out of the house. 11. They shall not engage in any other business than that of the Hospital, nor shall they practice out of the house. 12. It shall be the particular duty of the house-physician to keep the electrical and galvanic apparatus always in per- fect order, and faithfully to apply them when directed, or cause them to be so applied by his assistants. 13. The house-surgeon residing in the main building, shall have charge of all surgical instruments belonging to the house, and shall be responsible for them and for their good order. He shall keep an account of them, stating when and from whom they were received, and their pri- ces ; and shall never suffer them to be lent or used out of the house. He shall, on giving up his charge, furnish to his successor an inventory of all the instruments belonging to the house, which inventory shall be countersigned by his successor, and then exhibited to the visiting committee, under whose direction it shall be kept on file. 14. He shall keep a pass book, in which shall be entered a statement of all new instruments which shall be ordered for the use of the hospital. 35 15. It shall be the particular duty of the house-physiclan or house-surgeon, (as the case maybe medical or surgical,) to attend to the faithful application of the baths, at the tem- perature, and in the manner prescribed by the attending physician or surgeons. CHAPTER XIII. Of the Assistants to the House-Physician and House-Surgeons. 1, There shall be appointed every year, one senior, and one junior assistant, to the house-physician ; and one se- nior, and one junior assistant to each house-surgeon. The term of service of the assistants to the house-surgeons, shall be equally divided between the two surgical divisions of the hospital, so that they shall serve six months in each, and pass from one division to the other, at the same time with the house-surgeons, respectively, to whom they are assistants. Every person to be appointed a senior assist- ant, shall have walked the house one year as a junior, be- fore he shall be eligible to the office of senior assistant, so that the assistant who may be so appointed, shall walk the house two years before he shall be eligible to the office of house-physician, or house-surgeon, as the case may be, and no person shall be appointed assistant to the house-phy- sician, or to either of the house-surgeons, until he shall have laid before the governors a certificate. In the case of a candidate for the office of senior assistant, as follows ; “We do hereby certify, that A. B. hath been a private pupil of C. D., a practising physician, (or surgeon as the case may be,) for the space of three years, that he has passed his examination for a degree, or for a license, and that we believe him to be well qualified for a senior assist- ant to the house-physician, (or house-surgeon, as the case 36 may be,) and we do recommend him to the governors for said office.” And in the case of a candidate for the office of junior assistant:—“We do hereby certify, that A. B. hath been a private pupil of C. D., a practising physician, (or surgeon, as the case may be,) for two years, and has attended one complete course of lectures in college—and we do further certify, that on the day of at a meeting held at the New-York Hospital, to which all the physicians (or surgeons, as the case may be,) of the hospital were invited, and at which we were present, we did examine the said A. 8., that we believe him to be well qualified for a junior assistant to the house-physician, (or house-surgeon, as the case may be,) and we do recommend him to the governors for said office.” Which certificate for senior and junior assistants, respectively, shall in each case be signed by at least two physicians of the hospital, if the candidate be recommended for the office of assistant to the house-physician, and by at least three surgeons of the hos- pital, if recommended for assistant to a house-surgeon. 2. The assistants shall respectively attend the house- physician and house-surgeon in their morning visits to the patients, and they shall also attend at the hospital at the regular hour of the visit of the attending physician or sur- geon, and at such other times as he may direct; provided, however, that if the junior assistants shall be attending lec- tures, they may be excused by the visiting committee du- ing the hours that lectures are delivered, from attending the house-physician or house surgeon in their visits to the patients. 3. The senior assistant to the house-physician shall, un- der the direction of the attending physician, keep a register of all medical cases which occur in the hospital, in books which shall be neatly bound, and kept in the library of the hospital, making the entry therein so soon as practicable after admission. In this register shall be entered the name, age, and occupation of each patient, the probable cause and history of his disease, the remedies used before and after his admission, the name of the attending physician or sur- geon, his daily reports on the case, the termination of the disease, either in recovery, relief, or death, and such other circumstances as may tend to illustrate the case, and the nature of the disease. 4. Each of the senior assistants to the house-surgeons shall, under the directions of the surgeons attending on their respective divisions, keep a similar report of the chirurgi- cal cases, in their respective divisions, and shall record all operations therein. 5. No such medical or surgical assistant shall be eligible to the office of house-physician, or house-surgeon, unless he shall have kept the prescribed register to the satisfaction of the attending physicians and surgeons respectively, which shall be duly certified to the board of governors, by the physicians or surgeons before his election. 6. Such pupils, as intend to be candidates for the office of assistants, must attend at the hospital daily, at the same hours with the attending physician and surgeon, and must be present at all operations performed by the surgeons : but in case no such candidates, being competent, shall offer, this requisition may be dispensed with. CHAPTER XIV. Of Students admitted to see the Practice of the House. 1. Any student of medicine, upon paying to the treasurer eight dollars, shall receive a ticket entitling him to visit and see the practice of the house, and to the use of the library, for one year, subject to the regulations of the hospital. 38 2. For the use of their students, each physician and sur- geon shall be entitled annually, without charge, to three of the above described tickets. 3. No student shall be entitled to visit the Bloomingdale Asylum, without leave from the physician of the asylum, or one of the As}dum Committee. 4. No student shall be entitled to attend the hospital, ex- cept at the hours of prescription, operation, or lecture. Every student shall produce his ticket to the porter, at the gate, and shall behave with decorum and propriety. And if any student shall infringe any of the regulations of the hospital, or be guilty of profane swearing, or improper con- duct, it shall be the duty of the superintendent to report him to the visiting committee, who may give orders to ex- clude him, in future, from the hospital. And that he may be informed of the regulations to which he is subject, every student shall be furnished by the superintendent with a copy of this by-law. CHAPTER XV. Of the Apothecary. 1. The apothecary shall compound and make up all me- dicines prescribed, agreeably to the formulas from time to time directed by the physicians and surgeons of the hospi- tal. He shall deliver no medicines which are not ordered by the attending physician or surgeons, or house-physician or house-surgeons, and shall permit no medicines to be car- ried out of the house, except to patients taking their dis- charge, and under the direction of the attending physician or surgeons. He shall put up the medicines intended for each ward separately, and shall annex to them labels, con- 39 taining the names of the patients for whom they were re- spectively prescribed; and, when necessary, directions for taking them. And he shall send them to each ward by the orderly man, to be by him distributed to the patients. 2. He shall regularly attend the shop, and never be ab- sent without the superintendent’s permission. He shall keep the shop, and every thing appertaining to it, clean and in perfect order, which shall remain open from 7 o’clock in the morning till 8 o’clock in the evening, in his charge. He shall carefully observe economy in every thing relating to his department; be particularly prudent and careful in the delivery of medicines, and permit no patient to enter the shop unnecessarily. No liquid medicines shall be put up. in larger quantity than a 4 oz. phial will contain. 3. He shall ordinarily procure the medicines required for the use of the house, from the person or persons appointed by the governors to supply them; but it shall be his duty to ascertain the lowest market price of all important arti- cles, and to procure them from such sources as may be most favorable, with the assent of the visiting committee. 4, He shall cause all medicines and other articles purv chased for Ids department, to be immediately entered, by the persons of whom they were purchased, in a pass-book provided for that purpose, or in a bill of parcels, with the date, quantity, kind, and price of the articles. 5. He shall keep a daily record of meteorological obser- vations ; and shall furnish a monthly transcript thereof to the board, at their stated meetings, in order that an abstract may be entered on their minutes. 6. No person shall be appointed apothecary, unless he be twenty-one years of age, nor until he shall have produced sufficient testimonials of his good moral character, and have 40 obtained a certificate, signed by at least two physicians and two surgeons of the hospital, in the following form : “We do hereby certify, that at a meeting held at the New-York Hospital, on the day of 18 , to which all the physicians and surgeons of the said Hospi- tal were invited, and at which we were present, we did examine A. 8., and did find him competent to execute the office of apothecary of the said Hospital. And we do re- commend him to the governors for that office.” 7. The apothecary shall give a bond, in the penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and that he will not cease to per- form those duties, without giving two months’ notice of his intention to leave his employment. CHAPTER XVI. Of the Superintendent or Steward. 1. The superintendent shall be the steward of the hos- pital. He shall have the general charge thereof and of all the premises, and see that the regulations of the governors, and the directions of the visiting committee are carried into effect. 2. He shall keep in a book provided for that purpose, a regular account of all monies received and disbursed by him on behalf of the hospital, and also to contain a record of all such contracts as he may have been authorized by them to make, which book, with the vouchers, shall be laid before the visiting committee every month, for their exami- nation. 3. All amounts coming into his hands he shall deposite with the treasurer, to be by him placed to the credit of the Hospital. 41 4. Whenever money may be required for the use of the house, he shall make his draft on the treasurer for such sums as may be, from time to time, required for that pur- pose ; but such draft shall first receive the approbation of the chairman, or some other member of the visiting committee, signified by his endorsement thereon; he shall account in his statement of receipts and expenditures for all monies so received, which statement, with his vouchers, shall be laid before the visiting committee at their monthly meetings. 5. He shall purchase, under the directions of the visiting committee, fuel, provisions, and all other stores, for the use of the hospital, except medicines. 6. He shall keep under his key, all wines, spirits, sugar, molasses, unmade linen, and blanketing, and all other stores and necessaries. 7. He shall see that the outer gates are locked at a sea- sonable hour every evening. 8. He shall suffer no patient to go out of the house, with- out his special permission. 9. He shall offer to receive for safe keeping, any money belonging to patients admitted into the house. 10. He shall visit every ward at least once a day, and oftener, if necessary. 11. He shall have power to hire and dismiss all the nurses and servants employed in or about the hospital; subject, however, to such orders as the visiting committee shall think proper to give. And it shall be his duty to discharge all those who shall be guilty of profane swearing, drunkenness, bringing spirituous liquors clandestinely into the house, or other gross misconduct; nor shall any nurse leave the house without his permission. And he shall report his proceedings on all these subjects to the visiting commit- tee without delay. 42 12. He shall not permit any person whatever, excepting such of the officers and servants of the hospital enumerated in these regulations, as are entitled thereto, and the mem- bers of his own family to take their meals, or sleep in the hospital, or occupy any part of the premises, without ex- press permission of the visiting committee, entered upon their minutes, or of the board of governors ; and he shall submit to the monthly meeting of the governors a census of all persons employed in or upon the premises, their rates of wages,—and of all persons whatsoever residing in the building except the patients. 13. He shall take particular care that no wine or spirits are used in the hospital, except by the direction of the phy- sicians or surgeons, for the use of the patients. 14. He shall cause the hospital to be completely white- washed every spring and autumn ; and the walls of every ward to be white-washed four feet upwards from the floor, once in winter, and at least once in July, and in each of the two succeeding months. 15. He shall, when there is no chaplain in attendance, appoint in each ward one of the most discreet patients to read the Bible to the other patients, and he shall see that it is read conformably to the regulations respecting patients ; and when any patient is dangerously ill, he shall inquire, whether he is desirous to converse with any religious per- son ; and shall invite the person desired by the patient to attend ; and while such person is present, shall see that the other patients in the ward behave with decorum. 16. When a patient is discharged, the superintendent shall cause the name to be entered in the book provided for that purpose, mentioning the patient as cured, relieved, incura- ble,, eloped, or disorderly, with the date of such discharge. 17. On the decease of a patient, the superintendent shall 43 cause the name, and the time of the decease, of such patient to be entered in the register, the body to be conveyed, as soon as conveniently may be, to the dead-house, and there safely kept, until delivered to the hearse, or to the friends of the deceased, for interment; and he shall be particular- ly responsible for the execution of this duty. No post-mor- tem examination shall be made without the express per- mission of the superintendent. IS. If the house-physician, house-surgeon, clerk, apothe- cary, students attending the house, or other persons belong- ing to it, shall use profane language, disregard the by-laws and regulations, or otherwise misbehave, it shall be the dnty of the superintendent to report the offenders, in wri- ting, to the visiting committee. 19. When a patient dies, leaving clothes or other articles of value, the superintendent shall report the same to the visiting committee, who shall make a minute of such re- port in- their book, and give him the necessary directions. CHAPTER XVII. Of the Matron. 1. The matron shall visit all the wards in the Hospital, having female nurses, every day, and see that they are pro- perly attended by the nurses. 2. She shall oversee all the female patients and servants, and take care that the wards, apartments, beds, clothes, linen, and other things are kept clean. All the patients, nurses, and servants must be obedient and submissive to her. 3. She must lake care of all the household goods and furniture. 44 CHAPTER XVIII. Of the Assistant Superintendent. 1. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Superintendent to look especially to the condition of the marine department; and to attend to the wants and comforts of the seamen. 2. He shall distribute regularly to the nurses of the re- spective wards, all the articles of food ordered for the pa- tients ; and shall have in charge all the bedding, and linen, provided for their use. 3. He shall take charge of the clothing of deceased pa- tients, and deliver it, when applied for, to their relatives. 4. He shall assist the superintendent generally in the discharge of his duties, in such manner as he may direct. CHAPTER XIX. Of the Clerk. 1. It shall be the duty of the clerk, on the day following every meeting of the governors, to enter in their journal, a fair copy of the minutes taken by the secretary, together with such reports and other papers, as the secretary shall direct. 2. He shall furnish the chairman of every committee ap- pointed by the governors, with a copy of the minutes relat- ing to their appointment, and he shall notify every person appointed on each of the standing committees, of his ap- pointment. 3. He shall enter in the book for recording ordinances, all by-laws that may, from time to time, be passed by the governors; and such entry shall be made by him immedi- ately after the passing of said by-law. He shall also enter therein all orders enjoining special duties to be performed 45 by any of the standing committees, or by any of the offi- cers or servants of the hospital, which orders must be re- corded in a part of said book separate from the by-laws. 4. He shall transcribe for the use of the visiting commit- tee, under the direction of the secretary, such minutes of the governors, as may relate to their duties, and he shall copy all minutes of that committee on their day of meeting; and shall enter in the register, kept for that purpose, the admissions and discharges of patients, immediately after they have been received or discharged. 5. He shall keep the books of accounts, and collect all monies due from the pay-patients, in such manner as the treasurer may direct. 6. He shall, every three months, furnish the secretary with the names of such seamen as die in the hospital, to the end that they may be published. 7. He shall lay on the table, in the governor’s room, at every monthly meeting, the following books, viz: the Jour- nal or Minutes of the Governors ; the Minutes of the Visit- ing Committee ; the Minutes of the Inspecting Committee ; the Minutes of the Bloomingdale Asylum Committee; the Book of By-laws ; the Book containing the minutes of the attendance of the Visiting Committee and of the Physi- cians and Surgeons, and of the Senior and Junior Assist- ants ; the Bank Book, Journal, and Leger. CHAPTER XX. Of the Orderly Man. The visiting committee shall appoint an orderly-man, who shall assist in the apothecary’s shop, in all things ap- pertaining to that department. When not occupied in the 46 apothecary’s department, he shall perform any services for the benefit of the Hospital, required of him by the super- intendent, house-physician, and house-surgeons. CHAPTER XXI. Of the Patients. 1. No patient shall leave the house, unless by permission of the superintendent; nor play at any game of hazard within the hospital; nor introduce any spirituous liquors into the house. 2. No patient shall enter the kitchen, or any of the ser- vants’ apartments, under any pretence whatever, except order of the superintendent or matron. 3. No male patient shall go into the women’s apart- ments, or wards, nor any female patient, in those of the men. 5. When there is no chaplain in attendance to perform public worship, the superintendent, on Sunday, at ten o’clock in the morning, and at three in the afternoon, shall appoint a suitable person for each ward, to read audibly some chapters in the bible to the patients, who are to attend thereto with decency and respect; and it is also recom- mended to the patients, as often as circumstances will per- mit, to read the Holy Scriptures themselves on other days of the week. 4. No patient shall smoke tobacco in the house. 6. If any patient shall not conform to the foregoing regu- lations ; or shall use profane or indecent language, or get drunk, or behave rudely, or indecently, the superintendent shall make report thereof to the visiting committee ; who may discharge such patient; or, with the consent of a 47 governor, the superintendent may immediately discharge him. 8. No officer or servant of this institution, shall accept any gift or bequest from any patient, except with the appro- bation of the visiting committee. CHAPTER XXII. Of the Admission of Patients. 1. Any governor, physician, or surgeon of the hospital may recommend patients to be admitted, but the visiting committee may refuse or admit patients so recommended, at their discretion. 2. In any extraordinary or pressing case, where great inconvenience would result from waiting for the approba- tion of the visiting committee, any governor, physician, or surgeon of the hospital, may direct the superintendent to receive a patient immediately. And in case of sudden ac- cidents, the superintendent may receive patients without recommendation. But he must give early information of every such case to the visiting committee,who may permit the patient to remain in the house, or not, as shall appear to them discreet and proper. 3. When the patient’s case requires immediate admit- tance, the governor, physician, or surgeon recommending him, will add to his recommendation the following direc- tions : “ The superintendent is desired to receive the per- son above recommended, until the visiting committee attend.” 4. No person shall be admitted, whose case is judged to be incurable, unless there be urgent symptoms, which, in the opinion of the attending physician, or surgeon, are 48 capable of being relieved ; nor any whose case does not require the particular benefits of a hospital; nor shall any who have the small pox, or measles, or any malignant or contagious fever, be received into the house. 5. Young children shall not be received with their moth- ers, unless such children are also patients. 6. Patients unable to pay for their board and main- tenance, may be received as paupers ; but such as are able to pay for the same, in part or in whole, shall be received as pay-patients, on such terms as may be agreed on by the visiting committee, who are to take sufficient security for their performance. 7. The applicants must attend at the hospital, on Tues- day or Friday, in order to be examined by the attending physician or surgeon. Form of Recommendation. New-York, day of one thousand eight hundred I recommend to be admitted into the New-York Hospital, if shall appear to you a proper object, after having been examined by the phy- sicians or surgeons. To the visiting committee of the New-York Hospital. Form of Security for Pay-Patients. being admitted a patient in the New-York Hospital, at my request, I, A. 8., residing at No. in street, do hereby promise to provide with sufficient clothing while there; to pay to the Treasurer of the said Hospital per week for board during con- tinuance there, to cause to be removed when discharg- 49 Ed, and to pay the expense of burial, if die there. Wit- ness my hand the day of 18 8. Nothing in this chapter shall apply to the admission of insane patients. CHAPTER XXIII. Of the Library. 1. Before the librarian enter on the execution of his office, he shall give sufficient security, to be approved of by the visiting committee, in a sum not less than two hun- dred and fifty dollars, that he will indemnify this corpora- tion for any loss or damage which may be sustained by his negligence or misconduct as librarian. 2. The librarian shall keep every work in the library, plainly numbered on a label on the back, and also on the inside of every volume ; and he shall cause to be written or printed on the title page of each volume, “ The Proper- ty of the New-York Hospital.” 3. He shall keep an accurate catalogue of the books in the library, containing the title, author, size, number, and number of volumes of each work. He shall keep a book containing printed receipts; and every person who shall borrow a book from the library, shall sign a receipt for the same. 4. The librarian shall annually account for the library to the library committee, and shall at the same time report to the committee an account of all books then out of the library, to whom and when they were lent. 5. Books shall be taken from the library on such days only, as the library committee shall direct; but a gover- 50 nor, physician or surgeon of the hospital, may borrow books from the library at any time. 6. Books may be loaned from the library, only to the governors ; to the physicians and surgeons ; to their private pupils, subject to the regulations and restrictions contained in the ninth section; to the curator ; to the house-phy- sician, house-surgeon, apothecary, and other officers of the hospital; to those physicians and surgeons who may have formerly been physicians or surgeons to the establishment; to those who may have served in the Hospital, in the capa- city of house-physician or house-surgeon for six months, to the satisfaction of the governors, on the conditions and un- der the regulations directed in the ninth section ; to persons to whom the privilege has been especially granted by the governors ; and to those who shall acquire it in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding section. Every other person admitted to the use of the library, not being a stu- dent of medicine, shall pay to the treasurer five dollars, for which he shall receive a ticket expressing that he is enti- tled to the use of the library for one year. 7. Every person who shall make a donation to the libra- ry of books on medicine, surgery, or such subjects as are connected with medicine and surgery (to be approved of by the library committee,) to the amount of twenty-five dollars, or who shall pay to the treasurer the same amount in money, shall be entitled to the use of the library, under the regulations provided as to students. 8. Of voluminous collections of distinct books or papers, no person shall be allowed to have out more than one vol- ume, at one time ; nor shall any person, except a governor, physician, or surgeon of the hospital, take out more than a single volume, of any kind, at one time. 9. No student shall take out any book, without previously depositing with the librarian, a sum of money, amounting at least, to one-third more than the value of the whole work to which the volume belongs; or he may leave in lien thereof, with the librarian, an engagement signed bv some respectable, permanent resident in the city, in the following form : “ A. 8., being permitted to use the library belonging to the Society of the New York Hospital, I do hereby promise to pay to the treasurer of the said Society, all such Ones and forfeitures, as the said A. B. may become liable to, by virtue of the by-laws and ordinances of the said society relating to the library. “ Dated the day of 18 10. With respect to the following works, viz: Medical Commentaries and Annals of Medicine ; Physical Essays of Edinburgh ; Medical Observations and Inquiries of Lon- don ; all Memoirs of Medical or Philosophical Societies, Jour- nals, Repositories, Reviews, and Magazines ; and all such other works as the library committee shall direct, when a deposit is to be made, its amount shall be five dollars for one octavo volume, and ten dollars for a quarto. 11. A folio may be kept out four weeks ; a quarto, three weeks ; an octavo or duodecimo, two weeks ; and if any volume be detained longer, the person who took it out shall pay a weekly fine of twenty-five cents for every week be- yond the time above specified, until it be returned. 12. If a book shall not be returned within three months, it shall be considered as lost, and the person who took it out shall forfeit his deposit if he has made any ; and if not, then a sum equal to what the deposit would have amount- ed to, if any had been made. 52 13* If any person shall lose one or more volumes of any set of books, he may give to the library a new set equally good with the former; and shall thereupon receive the re- mainder of the broken set; but unless he immediately do this, he shall incur the forfeiture mentioned in the last fore- going section, and the imperfect set shall be retained. 14. The books marked thus* in the catalogue, shall be read in the library only, unless by the written permission of two members of the library committee, addressed to the librarian. The register of cases, or any other manuscript books, are not to be taken out of the library, without the special permission of the governors. 15. When any book is damaged, the librarian shall re- port the fact to the library committee, who shall determine the fine to be paid by the borrower. 16. Every person, who shall refuse or neglect to conform to the regulations contained in this chapter, may be refused the further use of the library, by the library, or visiting committee. 17. When any misunderstanding takes place on the sub- jects provided for in this chapter, it shall be decided by the library, or visiting committee. 18 All fines and forfeitures imposed in this chapter, are appropriated to the use oi the library. The librarian shall collect and pay them over to the library committee, to whom he shall also render an account every month, of such as have been incurred. CHAPTER XXIV, Of the Hospital Cabinet* 1. The hospital cabinet, consisting of preparations in healthy and morbid anatomy, of casts, models, delineations. 53 paintings, and prints illustrative of anatomy and other branches of medical science, shall be under the general care and superintendence of the cabinet committee, and under the immediate charge of the curator, who shall be appointed by the governors on the recommendation of the physicians and surgeons. 2. It shall be the duty of the curator to attend all the post-mortem examinations and all surgical operations in the hospital; and he shall collect, prepare, and deposit in the cabinet, all such specimens occurring in, or presented*’ to the hospital, as are thought worthy of preservation ; each with its appropriate label, and reference to the cata- logue. 3. He shall keep an analytical catalogue of all the pre- parations, and other articles in the cabinet, and shall 'here- in briefly note the most important facts so far as ascertained in relation to each specimen, with .further reference, when necessary, to the case book of the hospital. 4. He shall see that every article, belonging to the cabi- net, is kept in proper order ; and that no part of the collec- tion be at any time removed therefrom ; and shall open the cabinet for the inspection of visitors, at such times as may be determined by the cabinet committee. 5. All pathological specimens occurring in the hospital, shall be at the disposal of the cabinet committee; and no specimen worthy of a place in the cabinet, shall, or? any account, be removed from the hospital. 6. All preparations, and other articles received for de- posit in the cabinet, shall be considered the property of the hospital, but such of them as are presented, may be marked by the name of the donor, or that of the individual, by whom they were prepared or collected. 54 7. The cabinet shall at all times be accessible to the governors, to the physicians and surgeons, and to the su- perb.indent of the hospital; and shall be open toother visitors at such times only as the cabinet committee shall direct. Note. —The words “ physician” and “ surgeons, ” wherever used in these By- Laws, shall be understood as applying only to the attending physician and attend- ing surgeons of the hospital. At a Monthly Meeting of the Governors of the New-York Hospital, 2d Month, (February) 6th, 1821, Resolved, That each Nurse who shall hereafter remain in the Hospital five years, and, during that time, shall faithfully and satisfactorily perform his or her duty, shall immediately on the expiration of the said five years, be thereafter al- lowed an increase of monthly wages, equal to fifty per cent, on the amount of his car her former monthly compensation. And all such Nurses who shall hereafter remain ten years, and shall during that period, faithfully and satisfactorily perform their respective duties, shall thenceforth be paid a further additional monthly compensa- tion of thirty-three and one-third per cent, on the amount of his, or her monthly 'wage ;, for the five years immediately preceding: and furtli** ond and mortgage, at an interest of six. per cent., payable quarterly. Sundry further sums were also borrowed at different dues from the banks. The surplus of the annuity granted by the Leg- islature for this purpose, beyond what is consumed in the pa; nent of interest, has been set apart as a sinking fund to redeem this debt, and confided to the care of a committee of the Governors, styled the “ Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the New York Hospital.” This fund was invested in shares of Bank of America stock, in certificates of the New-York Life Insurance and Trust Company, and in bonds and mortgages, until it could be applied to liquidate the debt. This has at length been so far effected that the only remaining debt on the first of January, 1845, of those con- tracted either for the additional buildings in the city, or for the land and buildings at Bloomingdale, was a bond for $45,000, to neet which, when due, the commissioners then held an invested fund of $16,320, which, with the surplus of 1845, and receipts from new members during that year, will reduce the debt outstanding on January, 1846, to $lB,OOO. lu the summer of 1821, the patients were transferred from the Insane Hospital in town to the Asylum erected at Bloomingdale. The former, in 1825, after undergoing a thorough alteration was converted, as before stated, into an extremely convenient and com- fortable hospital for the accommodation of sick and disabled seamen. The affairs of the Hospital are under the management of twenty- six Governors, who meet on the first Tuesday in every month at the Hospital: their services are gratuitous. 74 Persons laboring under incurable ailments, or diseases of any kind, are not admitted into the Hospital, being regarded as fitter objects for the Alms House; and because their admission might, after a time, defeat the very purpose of the institution, which is intended as an infirmary for the reception and cure of such as re- quire medical or surgical treatment, uncommon diseases, and acci- dents, and the restraint and management requisite for lunacy. Sick women, who have young children, are not received with their children, unless the child as well as the mother, is a proper patient. Persons having the small-pox, measles, or any infections or contagious disease, are not admitted into the Hospital. Every applicant for admission must bring with him a recommen- dation from one of the Governors, or a physician or surgeon of the Hospital, except in regard to the insane, when the application must be made to the committee of the Bloomingdale Asylum. In cases of sudden accidents, patients maybe received by the superintendent without a recommendation, until the next meeting of the Visiting Committee, who decide on the propriety of the patient’s remaining in the house. A governor, physician, or surgeon, may also give a special recommendation in cases requiring the immediate admission of a patient. A Visiting Committee, consisting of three Governors, attend the Hos :lal on Tuesday and Friday in every week, at 11 o’clock in the morning, for the purpose of admitting patients, who are previously examined by one of the attending physicians or surgeons, or by the house-physician or house-surgeon. Such persons as are unable to pay for their board and maintenance are received gratuitously ; but such as are able to pay, in part or in whole, are admitted as pay- patients on such terms as may be agreed on by the Visiting Com- mittee, who take security for the performance. This committee have the general care and charge of the Hospital, receive all ap- plications or complaints, and direct all the officers and servants in the discharge of their respective duties. There is also an Inspecting Committee, consisting of two Go- vernors, who visit the Hospital at least once a week, to inquire whether the by-laws and regulations relative to the management and economy of the house are duly observed and carried into ef- fect ; and particularly to examine into the condition of the wards, the conduct of the officers, servants, and nurses, to see that the pa- tients have not been neglected, to hear their complaints, and to report them, with their observations, to the Governors at their next meeting. It is also the duty of the President and Vice-President of the Hospital to visit and inspect the houses once in every month, and to report to the Governors at the ensuing monthly meeting. There are four physicians and six surgeons who attend the Hos- pital. They are selected from the most eminent of the profession, and annually appointed by the Governors. One physician is re- quired to visit every medical patient, affected with any acute dis- ease, at least once a day, and oftener, if necessary; and every medical patient, without distinction, must be visited at least three times a week. Two surgeons must visit the Hospital, at least three times a week, and every surgical patient once a week. The physicians and surgeons perform these services gratis. The inci- dental advantages, however, of such an appointment, in regard to their profession, afford them some remuneration. There are also a house-physician and two house-surgeons, re- siding constantly in the Hospital, who are appointed for one year. They are generally young men; and the qualifications required are that they shall have attained twenty-one years of age, have been pupils of a practising physician or surgeon for three years, during which time they must have attended a complete course of medical lectures, have attended the daily practice of the Hospital for one year, have passed their examination for a degree or for a license, have been examined and recommended by the physicians and surgeons, and produce satisfactory testimonials of their good moral character. An apothecary, who resides in the house, is appointed by the Governors, and must be examined and recommended by the phy- sicians and surgeons, and produce satisfactory testimonials of his good character, before he is admitted. He has the charge of the 76 apothecary’s shop, and compounds and makes up all medicines prescribed, according to the directions of the physicians and sur- geons. The house-physician and house surgeons are required to visit the wards, at least every morning and evening, and to be pre- pared to report the state of the patients to the attending physicians and surgeons; and they must see that the medicines prescribed are sent to the patients, and duly administered. The superintendent, who is the steward of the Hospital, and the matron, are charged with the domestic management and economy of the institution, and an assistant to the superintendent aids in the management of the marine department. The ground on which the Hospital stands, is an area, about 455 feet in length, and 440 feet in breadth ; bounded in front on Broad- way, and in the rear on Church-street, northerly on Anthony-street, and southerly on Duane-street. Part of this area, fronting on Broadway, is at present owned and occupied by individuals, leaving an avenue of about 00 feet, leading from Broadway, which is plant- ed with a double row of elms. The ground belonging to the Hospital, was enclosed with a brick wall in 1801. The site of the Hospital is elevated, being considerably above the level of Church-street, and about 600 yards distant from the Hudson river. It is one of the most open and airy situations in the city ; and possesses great advantages for the enjoyment of fresh and salubrious breezes. The principal building, denominated the Hospital, is of gray stone, and in the simple Doric style. It extends in front, 124 feet, is 50 feet deep in the centre, and 86 feet deep at the wings, which project on each side. It consists of three stories above the base- ment; a third story having been added in 1803, when it became necessary to put on a new roof. The height above the ground, is about 52 feet. The basement story, which is about ten feet high, contains a larger and a smaller kitchen, a bakery, three store rooms, and two wards, fitted up for the temporary reception of cer- tain classes of cases requiring peculiar treatment. The principal 77 story is about 14 feet high. In the centre is a hall and staircase, a room for the Governors, a parlor and dining-room for the super- intendent and matron and other officers of the house, an apothe- cary’s shop, and a room for the clerk. In each story of each wing, are two wards, thirty-six feet in length, and twenty-four feet in breadth, opposite to each other, and opening into passages, ex- tending from one end of the house to the other, and communica- ting by a staircase. On the second and third floors of the centre, are rooms for the accommodation of the superintendent and matron, the house-physician, apothecary, and different officers and servants, and the library apartments; and in the third story looking to the north, is the theatre for surgical operations, fit- ted up so as to accommodate about four hundred persons. This building contains fifteen wards for the sick, thirteen of which are each thirty-six feet long and twenty-four feet broad, in which about 150 patients may be comfortably accommodated. There are about twenty other rooms, of different dimensions, besides the consulta- tion room and library, and theatre for surgical operations. During the autumn of 1829, the wing's of the Hospital were con- siderably extended, and the additional space thus gained was con- verted into nurses’ rooms, apartments for baths, and water closets ; a freer ventilation was also greatly promoted by enlarging the windows in the northern and southern extremities of the’ building, &c., for which and sundry other repairs, the sum of $7,128 was expended. The edifice is crowned with a handsome cupola, which affords a most extensive and picturesque view of the city, harbour, and ad- jacent country. There is an excellent kitchen-garden ; and the grounds are laid out in walks, planted with fruit and ornamental trees, for the benefit of convalescent patients. The building denominated the Marine Department, is also of gray stone. It is situated on the southerly side of the ground, at a short distance from the principal building, and correspond- ing with it, in its exterior appearance, and style of architecture. This building, on account of the declivity of the ground, has a 78 sub-basement, besides a basement and two principal stories. Its length is 90 feet, it is 40 feet deep in the centre, and 65 feet at the wings, which project 12 1-2 feet on each side. The sub-basement contains 10 rooms, 11 feet long, and 8 1-2 feet wide, and 9 feet high; three rooms, 16 1-2 feet long, and 11 1-2 feet wide, and a kitchen 28 1-2 feet long and 16 1-2 feet wide. There is a hall run- ning through the centre, from one end to the other, into which the doors of the rooms or cells open, opposite to the windows. All the wards and rooms, except the four largest, and those in the upper sto- ry, are arched with brick, and the walls are also brick, white-washed ; so that there is no wood, and the walls being filled with brick, the building is completely fire-proof. The basement story contains the same number ofrooms, and of the same size with those in the sub-base- ment. In each of the two principal stories, are also ten rooms, 11 feet long, and 8 1-2 feet wide, two rooms, 17 feet long, and 11 1-2 feet wide, and two rooms 24 feet long, and 17 wide, which open into a hall 11 feet wide. The height of the principal story is 14 1-2, and of the upper story 12 1-2 feet. The height of the building, from the ground, in front, is about 46 feet. It contains thirteen large and sixteen small rooms, which are appropriated to sick seamen, and in which about 125 patients can be comfortably accommodated ; besides which there are a number of adjoining apartments, for bathing-rooms, water-closets, nurses’ bedrooms, &c. Corresponding with this in its general architectural character, though differing in size and in many minor details, is the new or North Hospital, erected in 1841. It is placed on the north side of the main building, facing and parallel to the Marine Department. It is built of blue granite, and the brown Connecticut sand-stone. It is ninety-three feet by sixty-three, and three stories high, exclu- sive of the basement story. It is calculated to accommodate in the most comfortable manner, and in a great variety of rooms, ad- mitting much classification and separation, about one hundred and fifteen patients. It was erected at an expense of nearly $50,000. Besides these edifices there is a large and excellent low stone 79 building for a laundry and other pnrposes, commodious stables, and finally another stone building reaching to the street on the south-east corner of the hospital grounds, which is about fifty by thirty feet, of two stories, and fitted up for lectures, post mortem examinations,and the preparation and preservation of a Pathological Cabinet, formed from the morbid anatomy of cases occurring in the Hospital. The centre or chief edifice of the Bloomingdale Asylum is of stone, three stories high, and about 211 feet long, finished in a style plain, but neat, and contains accommodations for about two hundred patients. It is situated in one of the most healthful andbeautiful spots on the island of New-York ; commanding an extensive and variega- ted prospect. Annexed to it are now about 40 acres of land, a por- tion of which is laid out in walks and gardens. The Trustees of Columbia College having presented to the governors the plants for- merly belonging to their botanic garden, these have been placed in a proper building, and contribute to the embellishment of the place and the amusement of the patients. This large edifice, with its lofty ceilings, long corridors, and noble views, is found eminently adapted to the residence and recovery of convalescent patients, as well as those of quiet disposition and or- derly habits. It is therefore entirely devoted to the reception of these classes, and to the residence of the physician, to the library, and offices. The more violent patients, and those who from disease or personal habits might injure other patients by their association and noise, are placeddn two distinct buildings, one for male patients of this class, the other for females. These are situated at some distance to the north-east and north-west of the main building, are built of brick, and form separate and detached yards for the air and exercise of patients who could not safely be at liberty in the gardens and other grounds. With every local advantage, the governors have adopted the system of moral treatment which the legislature had in view when they provided for this Institution ; but without neglecting any of the other aids which the science of medicine can afford. The patients are arranged in classes according to the form which their particular 80 maniacal delusions have assumed—whether monomania, mania, de- mentia, idiotism, or delirium a potu; and treated in that manner which seems best adapted to dissolve their morbid associations of ideas, in restoring the power and habit of self-control; in substitu- ting agreeable reflections and sensations for those which are pain- ful and irritating, in inducing a habit of employing their judgment, which, like every other faculty, is strengthened by exercise. The means of effecting these ends must be adapted to the case of each patient, and are of course extremely various. Harsh treatment, and all needless restraint is avoided. Chains are not used; even confinement to their rooms is seldom resorted to. As much liberty as is consistent with safety, is allowed to the pa- tients j many are permitted to leave the house, and to employ them- selves in the garden, or on the farm. They are taken out to ride in a carriage kept for that purpose ; occupations of different kinds are afforded them, and they are permitted to partake of various innocent amusements; they are allowed to dine together in classes, and every thing that can appropriately contribute to their comfort is particularly attended to ; the bible is occasionally read to them, and on the Sabbath a minister of the gospel is provided for the benefit of those who are susceptible of profiting by his instruc- tions ; the foundation of a library has also been laid by donations from various friends of the Institution, and a reading room, with newspapers and magazines, is established, which is found verv salutary to those who are capable of using it. Formerly there was a consulting as well as a resident physician, who visited the Asylum twice or three times a week, or as often as was deemed necessary, but in IS3O this office was abolished, since when the control of the medical department of the Institution has been placed under the charge of the resident physician. With the view of increasing the usefulness of this Asylum, the governors of the Hospital engaged Dr. James Macdonald (who for several years had charge as resident physician of the insane pa- tients, and who had minutely studied all the establishments for the insane in this country) to visit Europe, for the purpose of examining the hospitals for lunatics, and making himself acquainted with the 81 economy, management, and mode of cure practised in the best in- stitutions of the kind there. He sailed in July, 1831, and after an absence of fifteen months, having visited the most celebrated hospi- tals for the insane in France, England, and Italy, returned and re- sumed the charge of the Bloomingdale Asylum. He continue 1 for some years after his return to act as chief officer of the Institution, and freely communicated the knowledge that he had acquired, and the result of his experience in the treatment and cure of mental dis- ease. He was succeeded in turns by others favorably known as of experience in this branch of medical science. The Institution is now under the direction of Dr. Pliny Earle, who has long devoted himself to the study of mental diseases. A warden and matron have charge of every thing that concerns the household department, with the exception of the hiring and dismissal of servants and at- tendants upon the patients, and the whole is superintended by the “ Bloomingdale Asylum Committee,” which Committee attend weekly, or oftener if necessary, at the Bloomingdale Asylum, and report monthly their proceedings to the Board of Governors. Monthly visits are also made by the President, Vice President, and the Inspecting Committee of the Hospital, who in like manner make their report on the state of the Institution at each monthly meeting of the Board of Governors. No better evidence can be afforded of the utility of this estab- lishment, and of the skill of its physicians, than the simple statisti- cal fact that from its first opening, in June, 1821, until January Ist, 1845, the number of patients received suffering under various forms of insanity, was 2875, of which 1354 were discharged cured. Of the remainder, a large proportion left the Asylum so improved or relieved as no longer to require the regular restraints of such an institution, hut sufficiently recovered to return to their friends. The benefits of such establishments as the New-York Hospital and Asylum are too obvious to every benevolent and reflecting mind, to require any detail of arrangement or explanation. Not- withstanding the provisions made for the relief of the indigent in the different counties, and the numerous charitable associa- 82 tions, public and private, which reflect so much honor on the state ; so numerous are the objects which solicit the aid of the benevolent, to mitigate their distress ; so various are the accidents of life, and so diversified the forms of human misery, that such institutions are in- dispensable in the great system of public charity. Various causes conspire to render public hospitals peculiarly necessary in a great city, the capital of a commercial, populous, and flourishing state. It is there adventurers, and persons from different countries, resort to better their fortunes, or to engage in more congenial pursuits. It is the capital which receives most of the emigrants from foreign countries, driven from their homes by poverty, misfortune, or crime ; or impelled to seek, in a distant land, a more secure enjoy- ment of political and religious freedom, or a more advantageous exercise of their various trades and professions. The immense business carried on in such a commercial and increasing city, in navi- gation, ship building, architecture, manufactures, and all the aux- iliary arts and trades, while it attracts great numbers from the neighboring states in search of employment, and the pui’suit of gain, must give rise to fiequent accidents and diseases, for which many who are destitute of friends and relations, can find no cure or relief but in a public hospital. There is another point of view in which this hospital must also be regarded as an institution of great public utility. The central po- sition of this city, in regard to other parts of the United States, and the easy and convenient access to it, at all seasons, render it an ad- mirable situation for an establishment of a school of medicine. The governors of the hospital, regarding the improvement of medi- cal science as a most important, though an incidental object, of the institutions under their care, have given, and still continue to give every advantage to its teachers and professors which can be afforded, consistent with the primary object of the institution, the relief of the diseased; and the students of medicine derive the most important aids in their studies, from attending on operations, visiting the sick, hearing clinical lectures, and having access to a large and most valuable library, carefully selected. 83 Founded and supported on the principles of the Christian re- ligion and general benevolence, without respect to any sects or dis- tinctions, political, civil, or religious, all persons, whose maladies render them fit objects for such a charity, are considered as equally entitled to the benefits of this Hospital. By this humane and useful institution, the rich and the benevo- lent have it in their power to alleviate the real and oppressive mis- ery of the poor, with the pleasing assurance, that while they are indulging the finest feelings of the heart, and fulfilling the great duty of Christianity, their charity will not be abused, nor their bounty misapplied. Indeed, when the object of this bounty, and the manner in which it is bestowed, are considered, it must be a consoling reflection, that in no other way could private or public contributions be so efficaciously and beneficially applied, or pro- duce so much real and unmixed good to the community.* * It may not be improper to inform those who may feel disposed to contribute to this Insti- tution, by will, that the following is a proper form of a devise for that purpose :—ltem: I give and bequeath to “the Society of the New-York Hospital,” the sum of eovmjoßS and officers THE SOCIETY OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL, OF A.D. 1845-6. GEORGE NEWBOLD, President. ISAAC CAROW, Vice-President. JOHN ADAMS, Treasurer. ROBERT I. MURRAY, Secretary. NAJAH TAYLOR, RICHARD M. LAWRENCE, BENJAMIN W. ROGERS, SAMUEL F. MOTT, THOMAS R. SMITH, AUGUSTUS FLEMING, JONATHAN GOODHUE, FREDERICK SHELDON, GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, JACOB HARVEY, JAMES LOVETT, JAMES I. JONES, BENJAMIN L. SWAN, WILLIAM M. HALSTED, JAMES F. DEPEYSTER, JOHN L. BUCKLEY, NATHANIEL RICHARDS, JAMES DONALDSON, JOHN A. STEVENS, DAVID S. KENNEDY, STEPHEN ALLEN, (One Vacancy.) Consulting Physician. THOMAS COCK, M. D. Attending Physicians. FRANCIS U. JOHNSTON, M, D., JOHN A. SWETT, M. D., JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D., JOHN H. GRISCOM, M. D. Consulting Surgeons. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., ALEXANDER H. STEVENS, M. D. Attending Surgeons. JOHN C. CHESEMAN, M. D., RICHARD K. HOFFMAN, M. D., J. KEARNEY RODGERS, M. D., GURDON BUCK, Jr., M. D., ALFRED C. POST, M. D., JOHN WATSON, M. D. Resident Physician. ISRAEL MOSES, M. D. Resident Surgeons. S. ALLEN PADDOCK, M. D. JOHN J. CRANE, M. D„ JOHN L. ROOME, Superintendent. LYDIA K. ROOME, Matron. HENRY D. NEAL, Assistant Superintendent. JOHN DASCY, Apothecary. ROBERT ROBERTS, Jr., Clerk. JOHN L. VANDERVOORT, Librarian. WILLIAM C. HAWLEY, Chaplain. Bloomingdale Asylum Committee. RICHARD M. LAWRENCE, JAMES I. JONES, AUGUSTUS FLEMING, STEPHEN ALLEN, JAMES LOVETT, WILLIAM M. HALSTED. PLINY EARLE, M. D., Physician to the Bloomingdale Asylum. GEORGE W. ENDICOTT, Warden. ELIZA HEWLETT, Matron. GOVERNORS THE SOCIETY OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. The following is a List of the names of the Governors from the commencement of the Institution to the first of January, 1846, with the date of their respective elections, and the length of time they continued in office. Governors. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. Charles Ward Apthorp . 1770 1784 14 years. William Axtell . - 1770 1784 14 years. John Alsop . . . 1784 1788 4 years. Gilbert Aspinwall . 1799 1809 ) Gilbert Aspinwall . . 1811 1812 >l5 years. Died in office, 1819. Gilbert Aspinwall . 1815 ) John Atkinson . . 1800 1809 9 years. John Aspinwall . . 1814 1817 3 years. John Adams . . 1818 27 years. Continues in office. Stephen Allen . . 1823 1830 ) „ . . „ Stephen Allen . . 1835 17 years. Continues in office. Gerardus William Beekman . 1770 1777 7 years. George Bowne . . 1770 1784 ) George Bowne . .1785 1797 years- William Bayard . . 1777 1784 ) Q William Bayard . . 1800 1802 $ y Robert Bowne . . 1784 34 years. Died in office, 1818. Aaron Burr . . . 1784 1792 8 years. James Beekman . . 1785 1787 2 years. Theophylact Bache . . 1785 1797 12 years. Thomas Buchanan . 1785 1800 15 years. Francis Bassett . . 1785 1787 2 years. William Backhouse . 1787 1792 5 years. Nicholas Bayard . . 1794 1 798 4 years. John Barrow . . 1795 1807 12 years. Samuel Bowne . . 1796 1797 1 year. Walter Bowne . . 1800 1805 5 years. Dr. Samuel Bard . . 1801 1802 1 year. Rev. Abraham Beach . 1801 1806 5 years. Thomas Buckley . . 1802 1842 40 years. John Bogert . . 1804 1817 13 years. John L. Bowne . . 1810 1815 5 years. Abraham Barker. . 1813 1816 3 years. Robert H. Bowne . . 1815 1827 12 years. William Bayard, jr. . 1818 1823 5 years. John L. Buckley, . . 1842 3 years. Continues in office. David Clarkson • • 1770 1777 7 years. Matthew Clarkson * 1792 1822 30 years. 86 John Campbell . . 1794 1797 3 years. John B. Coles . . 1796 1798 2 years. Isaac Collins . . 1800 1808 8 years. John T. Champlin . 1801 1811 10 years. John G. Coster . . 1801 1803 2 years. Samuel Corp . . 1801 1802 1 year. Richard Cunningham . 1812 1814 2 years. Cadwallader D. Golden . 1812 1827 15 years. Nathan Comstock . . 1818 1823 5 years. Duncan P. Campbell . 1818 1827 9 years. John Clark, jr. . . 1819 1834 15 years. Isaac Carow . . 1826 19 years. Continues in office. Robert C. Cornell . . 1832 13 years. Died in office, 1845. Governors. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. Oliver Delancey . . 1770 1784 14 years. Elias Desbrosses . . 1775 3 years. Died in office, 1778, James Duane . . 1784 1789 5 years. William Denning . 1784 1792 ) u William Denning . . 1805 1811 $ Jacob De la Montagnie . 1797 1802 5 years. Frederick De Peyster . 1809 1818 9 years. Cornelius Dubois . . 1814 1818 4 years. James F. Depeyster . . 1827 18 years. Continues in office. James Donaldson . 1843 2 years. Continues in office. Andrew Elliott . . 1770 1784 14 years. Lawrence Embree . . 1784 1796 12 years. William Edgar . . 1787 1798 11 years. Thoms Eddy . . 1793 34 years,' Died in office, 1827- William Edgar, jr. . 1819 1823 4 years. Walter Franklin . . 1770 11 years. Died in office, 1781 Dr. John Fothergill, (London) 1770 1773 3 years. George Folliott . . 1770 1784 14 years. Samuel Franklin . 1781 1794 13 years. Sampson Fleming . .1789 1792 3 years. Gabriel Furman . • 1794 1797 3 years. Thomas Franklin . 1796 1798 ) Thomas Franklin . . 1803 1829 \ John Franklin . . 1806 1808 2 years. Matthew Franklin . . 1807 1815 8 years. Moses Field • • 1817 1818 1 year. Augustus Fleming . .1837 8 years. Continues in office. Hugh Gaine . . 1790 1806 16 years. John I. Glover . . 1796 1802 6 years, Archibald Gracie. . 1802 1803 1 year. Jonathan Goodhue . . 1823 22 years. Continues in office. Whitehead Hicks - 1770 11 years. Died in office, 1781 Henry Haydock . . 1777 1794 17 years. Joseph Hallett . . 1785 1787 2 years. Abijah Hammond . . 1794 1795 1 year. Henry Haydock, jr. . 1797 1802 5 years. Valentine Hicks . . 1809 1812 3 years. 87 Governors. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. Philip Hone . . 1823 1840 17 years. James Heard . . 1829 1843 14 years. John Hone . . 1831 1 yeax-. Died in office, 1832. Jacob Harvey . . 1838 7 years. Continues in office. William M. Halsted . 1841 4 years. Continues in office. James Jauncey . . 1777 1784 7 years. Samuel Jones . . 1784 1790 ( Samuel Jones . . 1792 1794 \ S years* John Jay . . . 1787 1789 2 years. William Jauncey . 1797 1802 5 years. John Jones . . . 1799 1802 3 years. William Johnson. . 1804 1824 20 years. Peter A. Jay . . 1809 1833 24 years. Edward R. Jones . 1834 1837 3 years. James J. Jones . . 1840 5 years. Continues in office. Lawrence Kortright . . 1770 1786 16 years. Archibald Kennedy . 1770 1779 9 years. John Keese . . . 1787 1794 7 years. William Kenyon. . 1795 1797 2 years. Rev. John C. Kunzie. . 1797 1806 9 years. James Kent . . 1797 1798 ) . James Kent . . . 1827 1830 \ 4 years- John Kane . . 1806 1809 3 years. David S. Kennedy . . 1845 1 year. Continues in office. Robert R. Livingston. . 1770 6 years. Died in office, 1776. AbrahamLott . . 1770 1777 )in Abraham Lott . . 1784 1787 $iU years' Leonard Lispenard . 1770 1777 )in Leonard Lispenard . . 1784 1787 SIU years‘ Philip Livingston . 1770 1777 7 years. Peter Van Brugh Livingston 1770 1777 ) „ Peter Van Brugh Livingston 1784 1785 ) years. John Livingston . * 1777 1786 9 years. William Laight . . 1787 1803 16 years. R. R. Livingston, jr. . . 1787 1794 7 years. John Lawrence . . 1787 1794 7 years. Jonathan Little . . 1798 1803 ) „ Jonathan Little . . 1806 1826 \25 years' Died m office. Richard R. Lawrence . 1798 1799 1 year. Dr. John C. Lettsom (London) 1800 1804 4 years. Herman Le Roy . . 1803 1804 1 year. Jacob Le Roy . . 1804 1805 1 year. John B. Lawrence . . 1808 37 years. Died in office, 1845. James Lovett . . 1824 21 years. Continues in office. Edward W. Laight . . 183 J 1831 half a year. Richard M. Lawrence . 1837 8 year. Continues in office. Roger Morris . .1770 1773 ) Roger Morris . . 1777 1734 \lO yearS‘ Abraham Mortier . . 1770 1 year. Died in office, 1771. William McAdam . 1770 10 years. Died in office, 1780. Nathaniel Marston . . 1770 1772 2 years. 88 John Murray . . 1773 1775 )on tv j • m John Murray . . 1781 {3O years. Died in office, 1809. David Matthews . . 1776 1784 8 years. Charles McEvers . . 1777 1784 7 years. Robert Murray . . 1784 1787 3 years. Lindley Murray . . 1784 1785 1 year. Richard Morris . . 1784 1793 9 years. William Maxwell . . 1784 1792 8 years. AlexanderMcDougall . 1784 1787 2 years. John Murray, jr. . . 1787 32 years. Died in office, 1819. Alexander McComb . 1788 1792 4 years. William Minturn . . 1796 1802 6 years. John McVickar . . 1798 1802 4 years. Benjamin G. Minturn . 1799 1802 3 years. Robert Mott . . 1800 1802 2 years. Samuel Mansfield . . 1803 1809 6 years. Andrew Morris . . 1804 1823 19 years. John R. Murray . . 1806 1837 31 years. Samuel Mott . . 1810 1814 4 years. Peter Mesicr . . 1810 1819 9 years. Robert T. Murray . 1816 29 years. Continues in office. John McComb, jr. . . 1818 1837 19 years. Samuel F. Mott . . 1837 8 years. Continues in office. Governors. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. George Newhold . . 1808 1810 ) ~ George Newbold. . 1811 j36 years. Continues in office. Samuel Osgood . . 1792 1795 3 years. Thomas Pearsall. . 1772 1777 ) 1R Thomas Pearsall . . 1784 1795 $lO ye Daniel Phcnnix . . 1784 1787 3 years. Edmund Prior . . 1795 1803 8 years. Jotham Post . . 1795 1796 ) 9 Jotham Post . . . 1801 1802 Elijah Pell . . 1798 1799 1 year. William Post . . 1800 5 years. Died in office, 1805. John B. Provost . . 1802 1805 3 years. Henry Post, jr. . . 1803 1810 7 years. Benjamin D. Perkins . 1808 1809 ), , „ Benjamin D. Perkins . 1810 j 1 1-2 years. Died in office,lBlo. Isaac Roosevelt . . 1774 1777 ) Isaac Roosevelt . . 1784 1794 j >cars. Walter Rutherford . 1784 1788 4 years. Alexander Robertson . 17.90 1793 3 years. Cornelius Ray . . 1792 1797 5 years. Moses Rogers . . 1792 1799 7 years. Henry Rutgers . . 1794 1798 4 years. William Robinson . . 1797 1802 5 years. Herman G. Rutgers . 1801 1803 2 years. John P. Ritter . . 1806 1813 7 years. Benjamin W. Rogers . 1818 27 years. Continues in office. Nathaniel Richards . . 1827 18 years. Continues in office. 89 Governors. Elected. Resigned, Served the Institution. William Smith . , 1770 1777 )10 William Smith . . 1779 1784 $ years- William Shotwell . 1794 1795 1 year. Peter Schermerhom . . 1795 1802 7 years. Paschal N. Smith . 1799 1802 3 years. James Scott . . . 1802 1814 12 years. Jacob Sherred . . 1809 1819 10 years. Ebenezer Stevens . . 1809 14 years. Died in office, 1823. Allen Shepherd . . 1809 1810 1 year. Rev. F. C. Schaeffer . 1819 1827 8 years. Thomas R. Smith . . 1822 23 years. Continues in office. Benjamin L. Swan . 1827 18 years. Continues in office. John A. Stevens . . 1828 17 years. Continues in office. Peter G. Stuyvesant . 1833 1838 5 years. Frederick Sheldon . . 1837 8 years. Continues in office. John Thurston . . 1797 1804 7 years. Naj ah Taylor . . 1810 35 years. Continues in office. Thomas C. Taylor . 1817 1829 12 years. George Taylor . . 1827 1827 1-2 year. William Ustick . . 1777 1784 7 years. William Ustick, jr. . .1709 1802 3 years. Augustus Van Cortlandt 1777 1786 9 years. Augustus Van Horn . 1780 1785 1 K Augustus Van Horn . . 1793 1794 $ years. Richard Varick . . 1794 1795 ) q Richard Varick . , 1802 1804 $ J yeam Gulian Verplanck . 1798 1799 1 year. Wynant Van Zandt, jr, . 1806 1808 2 years. Gulian C. Verplanck . 1823 22 years. Continues in office. Hubert Van Wagenen . 1835 1837 2 years. John Watts . . 1770 1784 14 years. Hugh Wallace . . 1770 1784 14 years. Henry White . . 1770 1773 }in Henry White . . 1777 1784 \lO yearS‘ Jacob Walton . . 1773 1777 4 years. Gerard Walton . . 1789 1799 10 years. Robert Watts . . 1791 1792 1 year. James Watson . . 1792 1799 ) . James Watson . . 1801 1802 $ y years' Gilbert C. Willett . 1794 1797 3 years. William W. Woolsey . 1799 1302 ) Q William W. Woolsey . 1829 1834 $ years' Joshua Waddington . .1801 1802 1 year. Henry I. Wyckoff . 1802 1809 )1C ,3oQ Henry I. Wyckoff . . 1830 Jl6 years. Died in office, 1839. Dr. Hugh Williamson . 1814 5 years. Died in office, 1819. Ezra Weeks . . 1823 1834 11 years. Charles Wilkes . . 1827 1828 1 year. 90 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. John Watts . . 1770 1784 14 years. John Alsop . . . 1784 1788 4 years. Richard Morris . . 1788 1790 2 years. Isaac Roosevelt - . 1790 1794 4 years. Theophylact Bache . 1794 1797 3 years. Gerard Walton . . 1797 1799 2 years. Matthew Clarkson . 1799 1822 23 years. Thomas Eddy , . 1822 1827 5 years. Peter Augustus Jay . 1827 1833 6 years. George Newbold . . 1833 12 years. Continues in office. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Andrew Elliott . . 1770 1784 14 years. Abraham Lott . . 1784 1787 3 years. Richard Morris . . 1787 1788 1 year. Isaac Roosevelt . . 1788 1790 2 years. Theophylact Bache . . 1790 1794 4 years. Gerard Walton . . 1794 1797 3 years. Matthew Clarkson . . 1797 1799 2 years. Hugh Gaine . . 1799 1805 6 years. Robert Bowne . . 1805 1818 13 years. Thomas Eddy . . 1818 1822 4 years. Peter Augustus Jay . . 1822 1827 5 years. Thomas Buckley . 1827 1833 6 years. Najah Taylor . . 1833 1837 4 years. Isaac Carow . . 1837 8 years. Continues in office. TREASURERS. Peter Van Brugh Livingston 1770 1777 7 years. Henry Haydock . 1777 1792 15 years. John Murray . . 1792 1808 16 years. Thomas Eddy . . 1808 1818 10 years. John Adams . .1818 27 years. Continues in office. ASSISTANT TREASURERS. Benjamin W. Rogers . 1818 1822 4 years. } _ Robert H. Bowne . . 1822 1827 5 years. \ then abalish d. SECRETARIES. John Moore . . 1770 1784 14 years. John Murray, jr. . . 1784 1787 3 years. John Keese . . 1787 1794 7 years. Thomas Eddy . . 1794 1799 5 years. John Barrow . . 1799 1800 1 year. Thomas Eddy . . 1800 1806 6 years. Henry Post, jr. . . 1806 1807 1 year. Thomas Buckley . . 1807 1824 17 years. Robert I. Murray . 1824 21 years. Continues in office. 91 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. The following are the names of the gentlemen who have served the Institution as Physicians and Surgeons, in the order of their appointment, together with the date of their resignation or death, and their respective periods of service. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Elected. Resigned. Served the Institution. P Samuel Bard 1774 1797 23 years. P. Peter Middleton 1774 1791 17 years. P. John Jones 1774 1791 17 years. P. Malachi Treat 1774 1794 20 years. P. John Charlton 1791 1792 1 year. P. Thomas Jones 1791 1792 ? . S. Thomas Jones 1792 1795 3 7 8. Richard Bayley 1792 1805 13 years. S. James Tillary 1792 1792 1 month. S. Wright Post 1792 1821 \or j m „ , „ ~, .t, . IQot >36 years. Died m office, 1828. Cons gS. Wright Post 1821 3 J ’ S. Richard S. Kissam 1792 1796 ?90 n- a • m 1000 S. Richard 8. Kissam 1797 j29 years. Died m office, 1822, P. Samuel Nicholl 1792 1796 4 years. P. William P. Smith 1792 1796 4 years. P. J. R. B. Rodgers 1794 1807 18 years. S. Samuel Borrowe 1795 1817 22 years. S. Valentine Seaman 1796 21 years. Died in office, 1817. Pi ElihuH. Smith 1796 2 years. Died in office, 1798. p' Samuel L. Mitchill 1796 1817 21 years. P. David Hosack 1797 1806 ) p. David Hosack 1807 1826 >25 years. Died in office, 1832. Cons’g P. David Hosack 1826 ) P. William Hamersley 1798 1817 tv i • m .„„„ Cons’g P. William Hamersley 1821 331 7 1 Died 111 office’ 1833 P. Edward Miller 1806 6 years. Died in office, 1812. P- James S. Stringham 1807 10 years. Died in office, 1817. P. toL. A. Archibald Bruce 1808 1817 9 years. P- John C. Osborne 1809 8 years. Died in office, 1817. P. Benjamin Dewitt 1809 1810 1 year. S, Valentine Mott 1817 1837 Continues in office as Cons’g S. Valentine Mott 1837 years. Cons’g Surgeon. S. Alex. H. Stevens 1817 1839 ?_ Continues in office as Cons’g S. Alex. H. Stevens 1839 3 7ears‘ Cons’g Surgeon. P- John Watts 1817 1829 ?,. lim Cons’g P. John Watts 1829 \l4 -vears- Died 111 °ffice’ 1831 P- John Neilson 1817 1819 ) P. to L. A. John Neilson 1819 1829 >l3 years. C.P.toB.A. John Neilson 1829 1830*) P. to L. A. William Handy 1817 1819 2 years. P. Peter C. Tappan 1817 1824 7 years. P. Thomas Cock 1819 1834 ?0„ _ Continues in office as Cons’g P. Thomas Cock 1834 3"" >carb- Cons’g Physician, jg. too. C. Cheesman 1821 24 years. Continues in office. S. mJ- K- Rodgers 1822 23 years. Continues in office, p *amuel W. Moore 1824 1828 4 years. 92 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Elected, P. Stephen Brown 1826 P. Fr. U, Johnston 1828 P. to B. A. James Macdonald 1829 James Macdonald 1832 P. Joseph M. Smith 1829 P. John B. Beck 1832 P. to B. A. Gny C. Bayley 1830 P. Edw. Delafield 1834 S. Alfred C. Post 1836 Ss E. K. Hoffman 1836 S. John G. Adams 1837 S. Gordon Buck, jr. 1837 P. to B. A. Beuj. Ogden 1837 P. James Macdonald 1838 P. to B. A. William Wilson 1839 S. John Watson. 1839 P, John A. Sweet 1842 P. John H. Griscom 1843 P. to B. A. Pliny Earle 1844 Resigned. Served the Institution. 1832 6 years. 17 years. Continues in office. 1830 ? „ 1837 J 7 years. 16 years. Continues in office. 1843 11 years. 1832 2 years. 1838 4 years 9 years. Continues in office. 9 years. Continues in office. 1837 8 years. Continues in office. 1839 2 years. 1843 5 years. 1844 5 years. 5 years. Continues in office. 2 years. Continues in office. 1 year. Continues in office. Continues in office. NOTE.—The above abbreviations are; P. for Physician, S for Surgeon, Cons’g P. Consulting Physician, Cons’g S. Consulting Surgeon, B. A. Blooming- dale Asylum, L, A. Lunatic Asylum, 93 PATIENTS RECEIVED AND DISCHARGED. The New-York Hospital was first opened for the reception of patients in Jan - uary, 1791, at which time a number were admitted. Statement of patients admitted into and discharged from the New-York Hospi- tal, from February Ist, 1792, to December 31st, 1821, including the Insane Patients during that period. Admitted Cured. | Relieved. f 1 Discharged by request. 1 Disorderly 4’ ! eloped. Improper objects. <5 From Feb. 1, 1792 to Feb. 1 1793 236 130 18 5 8 4 23 1793 to Jan. 31, 1794 566 135 26 22 15 0 52 Jan. 31, 1794 1795 419 296 30 17 13 10 65 1795 1796 514 293, 33 17 35 5 110 1796 1797 510 314 45 9 50 3 56 1797 1798 472 296 60 12 41 0 57 1798 1799 503 349 41 12 33 0 65 * 1801 1802 974 561 146 0 98 17 105 1802 1803 956 654 88 0 65 28 106 1803 1804 876 668 46 0 43 9 88 During the year- 1804 1068 835 62 42 52 9 159 1805 1026 730 55 83 118 14 150 U it 1806 1039 674 38 110 122 7 143 a it 1807 1011 672 39 81 76 6 139 a a 1808 1115 723 58 64 63 25 123 it 1809 1067 777 45 116 51 17 109 a a 1810 1069 768 53 95 56 22 95 lt a 1811 1391 1043 42 76 68 32 149 u u 1812 1245 904 99 64 43 11 156 a 1813 1121 699 97 110 38 21 128 tt a 1814 926 586 104 74 28 20 122 *{ it 1815 1547 1026 132 133 40 16 162 << H 1816 1705 1159 65 224 58 25 163 *t a 1817 1510 1099 125 144 43 23 113 n 1818 1721 1210 132 118 56 21 148 u li 1819 1725 1319 78 130 39 38 137 u 1820 1648 1324 64 97 37 19 139 u 1821 1631 1220 111 129 22 23 166 29,591 20,464 1932 19841417 435 3228 — ■■■ Remaining, * . • • 131 * No returns appear on the minutes from 1799 to 1801, 94 Statement of Patients admitted into and discharged from the New-York Hos- pital, from January Isl, 1822, to December 31 st, 1844. Year. Admitted. Cured. Relieved. Request. Disorderly & Improper eloped. objects. 1822 1386 979 138 96 30 17 109 1923 1312 922 132 71 27 19 137 1824 1425 987 187 52 20 25 165 1825 1700 1270 122 58 18 29 182 1826 1773 1284 123 72 22 25 198 1827 1792 1333 172 68 13 26 202 1828 1805 1376 123 56 25 31 193 1829 1637 1268 84 52 31 32 167 1830 1690 1258 101 126 38 21 150 1831 1870 1381 112 139 18 29 159 1832 1763 1388 94 70 20 65 165 1833 1852 1396 108 102 30 68 146 1834 1721 1266 69 154 46 32 174 1835 1837 1431 72 101 25 14 169 1836 1987 1503 122 101 25 15 197 1837 1769 1305 140 121 15 24 191 1838 1774 1357 154 93 22 8 1839 1864 1402 146 77 29 44 169 1840 1797 1317 111 120 45 18 1841 2000 1501 84 163 40 26 193 1842 1936 1440 83 141 71 33 150 1843 1902 1239 133 215 71 44 170 1844 2191 1528 134 216 114 47 150 40,783 30,131 2,744 2,464 795 692 3,863 R ECAPITULATION. Admitted, from 1st Feb. 1792, to 31st Dec. 1821 * 29 591 “ 1st Jan. Discharged as 1822 to “ “ 1844 . . 40,783 -70,374 Cured, from 1st Feb. 1792 to 31st Doc. 1821 20,464 1st Jan. 1822 to “ 1844 30,131 Re'ieved, 1st Feb. 1792 to “ “ 1321 1,932 50,595 “ 1st Jan. 1822 to “ “ 1844 2,744 4,676 By Request, “ 1st Feb. 1792 to “ “ 1821 1,984 1st Jan. 1822 to “ “ 1844 2,464 4,448 Improper objects, “ 1st Feb. 1792 to 11 “ 1821 435 1st Jan. 1822 to “ “ 1844 692 1,127 Disorderly or eloped “ 1st Feb. 1792 to “ “ 1821 1,417 1st Jan. 1822 to “ “ 1844 795 2,212 Died, “ 1st Feb. 1792 to “ “ 1821 3,228 “ “ 1st Jan. 1822 Remaining-31st December, 1844, to “ “ 1844 3,863 7,091 70,149 225 70,374 95 In the first part of the preceding Table are included 1553 Lunatics, who were admitted into the Old Asylum, which was then a ward of the Hospital. Lunatics admitted previously to the year 1811 643 Lunatics admitted in the year 1811 . . 108 “ “ “ “ 1819 . 127 “ “ “ “ 1813 . . 105 “ “ “ “ 1814 . 104 “ “ “ “ 1815 69 “ “ “ “ 1816 . 49 “ “ “ « 1817 . 49 “ “ “ “ 1818 . 75 “ “ “ “ 1819 77 “ “ “ “ 1820 . 87 “ “ “ “ 1821, previously to 27th July, 60 — 1553 Of whom were cured, . 704 Relieved, 239 Discharged by request , 278 Were improper objects, 61 Disorderly or eloped, 65 Died, ... . 154 — 1501 And transferred to Bloomingdale Asylum, . 52 BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. Opened for the reception of Lunatics, on the 27th July, 1821. Lunatics admitted into Bloomingdale Asylum, and discharged therefrom. In the year. Admitted. . Cured. Improved. Discharged by request. Improper objects. Eloped. Died. 1821 123 19 7 9 3 0 2 1822 102 48 22 18 0 1 5 1823 131 55 13 35 0 6 5 1824 121 48 27 22 0 8 11 1825 156 71 42 63 0 0 3 1826 142 69 18 42 0 2 11 1827 134 67 26 34 0 4 9 1828 134 59 29 28 0 1 13 1829 91 49 19 19 0 1 9 1830 134 56 41 20 0 1 7 1831 151 76 17 29 4 0 19 1832 118 44 31 26 13 6 15 1833 138 58 10 15 2 3 10 1834 102 51 16 16 20 2 14 1835 138 58 11 12 0 3 13 1836 121 66 26 16 0 1 14 1837 112 50 12 32 0 2 13 1838 122 71 22 12 0 1 21 1839 113 68 32 11 0 0 14 1840 113 60 25 8 0 1 14 1841 102 55 14 12 0 1 18 1842 86 55 15 31 0 1 7 1843 85 49 23 7 0 2 14 1844 106 50 27 12 0 2 13 2,875 1,352 525 529 42 49 274 RECAPITULATION. Admitted, from 27th July, 1821, to 31st Dec. 1844 3,875 Cured, 1352 | Improved, 525 ' By request of friends, 529 , Improper objects, ...... 42 I Eloped, 49 Died, 274 Discharged, 2,771 Remaining, 31st Dec. 1844, . . . 104 2,875 96 NATIVITY OF PATIENTS. From the Ist of February, 1792, to 31st December, 1844, there have been 70,374 patients admitted into the New-York Hospital, of whom there were Natives of the United States 35,643 66 England .... 5,535 a Wales .... . 270 (( Scotland .... 1,880 (( Ireland .... .18,142 25,827 (( West Indies 924 66 Nova Scotia 338 66 The Ocean 58 66 Africa .... . 293 East Indies 309 602 66 Germany . 1,887 66 Holland .... 457 66 Prussia .... 331 2,675 66 Denmark .... 507 66 Norway . . . 359 66 Finland .... 22 66 Sweden . 1,071 1,959 66 Russia .... 82 66 Poland 83 165 France .... 1,014 66 Switzerland 74 1,088 66 Italy .... 379 66 Spain. ... . 240 66 Portugal .... 367 66 Sicily . . . . 47 66 Austria .... 42 1,075 66 Mexico • 20 Total 70,374 97 ACCOUNT OF SUPERNUMERARY SEAMEN RECEIVED INTO THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL, EXCEEDING THE NUMBER PAID FOR BY THE COLLECTOR, FUNERAL EXPENSES, ♦Walter Franklin, sen. ♦George Folliott, ♦Samuel Franklin, * Sampson Fleming, *Thomas Franklin, ♦Col. Edward Fanning, * Johnson Fairholme, ♦Thomas Fisher, ♦Henry Franklin, ♦Francis Fleming, Caleb Frost, *George Fox, ♦Thomas Franklin, jun. ♦Daniel Horsemanden, ♦Henry Haydock, ♦Joseph Hallett, *George Harrison, ♦Whitehead Hicks, * Jacob Hallett, ♦Abijah Hammond, Nathaniel Hawxhurst; ♦Henry Haydock, jun,, John Hunter, 101 “David Hosack, M. D. Benjamin Huntington, “Coold Hoyt, “Henry Hammond, Valentine Hicks, “Oliver Hicks, Philip Hone, John Haggerty, * William Hartshorn, “John Hone, “Elias Haines, “William Hill, “Samuel Hicks, “Isaac Hyer, Jacob Halsey, “William Hammersley, M.D. Alexander Eddy Hosack, M. D. James Heard, Isaac S. Hone, Jacob Harvey. “William Howard, John C. Hamilton, Silas Holmes, William M. Halsted. * Peter Kettlelas, *John Keese, “William Kenyon, “John Knox, Joseph Kettletas, “John Tabor Kemp, “Robert J. Kemble, “Isaac Kibbe, “Benjamin Kissam, “William Kelly, “John Kane, “Peter Kemble, James Kent, * Elias Kane, John A. King, Joseph Kernochan, -Henry Kneeiand, James G. King, David S. Kennedy, Morris Ketchum, Robert Kermit. * Robert R. Livingston, *Philip Livingston, * Leonard Lispenard, *William Livingston, * Abraham Lott, *Peter Van Brugh Livingston, *Jsaac Low, *William Ludlow, *Cahriel H. Ludlow, *John Livingston, sen., *Jacob Leroy, *John Leake, *Wi!liam Laight, “John Lawrence, “Dr. John C. Lettsoin, London, “John H. Livingston, D. D., “John Laboyteux, “Philip P. Livingston, Rohert P. Livingston, “Robert R. Livingston, jun., “Richard R. Lawrence, “Caleb Lawrence, “Catharine Lawrence, “Cornelius P. Low, *Thomas Leggett, LefFert LefFerts, 'Mohn Lamb, “Daniel Ludlow, “Nicholas Low, * William Lawrence, “John B. Lawrence, “Dirk LefFerts, “Herman Leroy, “Jonathan Little. “William Lovett, “John Jones, M. D. “Sir William Johnson, Baronet, “Simon Johnston, “Nicholas Jones, “James Jauncey, “Samuel Jones, “John Jay, “Charles Ingliss, “Thomas Jones, “Col. Thomas James, “John Jones, “William Jauncey, “Horace Johnston, “Amasa Jackson, William Johnson, “Peter A. Jay, Samuel Jones, jun., “Joshua Jones, Napthali Judah, *lsaac Iselin, John Jones, * Edward R. Jones, “Sylvanus F. Jenkins, “James Jenkins, John Johnston, Jeromns Johnson, James J. Jones, Edward Jones. “Archibald Kennedy, “Lawrence Kortiight. Richard M. Lawrence, •Thomas Lawrence, Mohn T. Lawrence, Gulian Ludlow, •Edward Lyde, jr., * William Leffingwell, •David R. Lambert, •Robert Lenox, * Elisha Leavenworth, Thomas H. Leggett, James Lovett, Macob Lorillard, Joseph Lloyd, Monathan H. Lawrence, Henry Laverty, Mohn G. Leake, Herman Le Roy, jr., Eleazer Lord, •General Lafayette, Cornelius W. Lawrence, David Lee, John W. Leavitt, Rufus L. Lord, Edward W. Laight, Gideon Lee, William Beach Lawrence, George N. Lawrence, Daniel Lord, James Lenox, Joseph Lawrence, Cornelius Low, Nicholas Low. Mordecai Myers, * Samuel Mansfield, * Andrew Morris, John R. Murray, James Magee, •Nathaniel G. M inturn, •Samuel Mott, •Peter J. Munro. •Peter Mesier, * James M’Vicar, Stephen B. Munn, Monas Minturn, Mohn Mason, •Samuel L. Mitchell, M. D„ Mohn B. Murray, Benjamin Marshall, •Samuel M’Coun, John M’Comb, John Mason, jun., Samuel S. W. Moore, M. D. Robert I. Murray, Samuel F. Mott, Robert B. Minturn, Edwin D. Morgan, Robert McCoskry. William Neilson, George Newbold, John Neilson, M. D. Russel H. Nevins, Adam Norrie. •Peter Middleton, M. D , * Roger Morris, •Abraham Mortier, •Abraham Mesier, * Richard Morris, Mohn Moore, '■‘William M‘Adam, ■‘Nathaniel Marston, John Myer, M‘Evers, A!e•/ander M‘ Do nga 11, ‘■ John Murray, jun , * Bindley Murray, * Wiliam Maxwell, Murray, *John Murray, * Alexander M‘Comb, Minturn, John MWickar, Benjamin G. Minturn, •Robert Mott, Mohn Marsliu, •Thomas Maule, •Mary M’Evcrs. •Samuel Osgood, •Thomas L. Ogden, •Andrew Ogden, David B. Ogden, •William Osborn, John Outhout. * David Provost, *Tliornas Pearsall, * Lewis Piutard, ‘•'’John Pell, *Dauiel Phoenix, •Joseph Pearsall, •Edmund Prior. Frederick Pigou, •Thomas Pearsall, M'rederick Philips, •Elijah Pell, * William Post , Henry Post, jun., •Benjamin Douglass Perkins, Motham Post, jun., Allison Post, 103 “Thomas C. Pearsall, “William Plyment, Nathaniel Prime, Isaac Pierson, Amos Palmer, “Gideon Pott, “Wright Post, M. D. Henry Parish, J. Philips Phoenix, “Stephen Price, Thomas W. Pearsall, Waldron B. Post, Edward Prime. George Stafford, 'Jesse Smith, *William Seton, “Edmund Seaman, “Comfort Sands, “William Shedden, * Henry Sadler, *Thomas Stoughton, “Christopher M. Slocum. John Stiles, “Ebenezer Stevens, “James R. Smith, Reuben Smith, “Peter Schermerhorn, “Pascal N. Smith, *J ames Scott, “Allen Shepherd, “Jacob Sherred, 'Jacob Schieffelin, “Gamaliel Smith, “Garrit Stephens, “Drake Seymour, “Isaac Sebring, “John Slidell, Benjamin Strong, “Robert Seaman, Jesse Scofield, Jacob Storm, Ferdinand Suydam, Stephen Storm, “James Sterling, Josiah Sturges, “Thomas H. Smith, jun., “Nathaniel Smith, Alexander H. Stevens, M. D., “Rev. Dr. John Stanford, Thomas R. Smith, OPeter Sharpe, Garrit Stomi, * Peter Skinner, Benjamin L. Swan, John A. Stevens, George Strong, Joseph S. Shotwell, Frederick Sheldon, "John Suydam, Thomas Suffern, Peter G. Stuyvesant, Peter Augustus Schermerhorn, Joseph Sampson, Jonathan Sturges, Aquilla G. Stout. “ Walter Rutherford, “Isaac Roosevelt, “Henry Rutgers, jun., “Alexander Robinson, “Cornelius Ray, “Moses Rogers, * Jacobus Roosevelt, # Elizabeth Richards, ~Henry Rutgers, John Reid, Nehemiah Rogers, “William T. Robinson, “Herman G. Rutgers, “John Peter Ritter, “Sylvester Robinson, “William H. Robinson, “John W. Russell, Benjamin W. Rogers. “Jacob Le Roy, “William Rogers, Nathaniel Richards, “Jacob Radcliffe, “George Richards, “Henry Remsen, “Philip Rhinelander, “John Rathbone, jun. “Henry Rogers, Morris Robinson, “Peter Remsen, Robert Ray, Charles H. Russell. “William Smith, “John Morris Scott, “Thomas Smith, “Richard Sharpe, “Isaac Sears, “Nicholas Stuyvesant, “Gerard Stuyvesant, “Miles Sherbrook, “Christopher Smith, ♦William Shotwell, “John Thurman, “John Thurston, “John Titus, ■“John Townsend. 104 Xajah Taylor. "Robert Troup, "Jeremiah Thompson, "Francis Thompson, Thomas C Taylor, George Taylor, jun., Samuel Take, of the city of York, Eng. Hugh K. Toler, Wilson Taylor, Joseph R. Taylor, Elihu Townsend, "Frederick A Tracy, Jonathan Thompson, "Elisha Tlbbitts, Daniel Trimble, George T. Trimble, John R. Townsend, Thomas Tilestou. " Hugh Wallace, * Henry White, "Thomas White, * Jacob Walson, "John Weatherhead, "Caspar Wistar, . Erasmus Williams, * Thomas Wooldridge, *Ri c hard W;dd ron, "William Walton, * Gerard Walton, "Isaac L. Winn, "Robert Watts. "■Gilbert C. Willett, "James Watson, "Charles Watkins, * William W. Woolsey, * Joshua Wad ding ton, "Henry I. WyckofF, "Jacob Walton, "Henry Ward, "John R. Wheaton, Eliphalet Williams, "Charles Wilkes, "Lemuel Wells, Stephen Whitney, Ezra Weeks "Oliver Wolcott, "Samuel Wood, "John G. Warrpn. "Jasper Ward, "Isaac Wright, "Samuel Ward, Thomas W. Ward, "Cornelius Williams, Isaac Wood, M. D., "John Watts, M. D. A. W. V. Worey, "Dr. Hugh Williamson, "Abijah Weston, Joseph Walker, Samuel Ward, John Ward. "William Ustick. "William Ustick, jam , "Benjamin Underhill, "Gostaphus Epsom. ♦Jacobus Van Zandt, "John Van Cortlandt, "Augustus Van Corlandt, "David Van Horne, "Samuel Verplanck, "Augustus Van Horne, "Henry Van Vleck, "Theodoras Van Wyck, "Peter Vandervoort, "James Van Varick, "Gnlian Vorplan&k, "Richard Varick, "John Van Blarcom, "Wynant Van Zandt, jun., "William Vandervoort, "John V. B. Varick. Gnlian C. Verplanck, Myndert Van Schaick, •William'L. Vandervoort, Hubert Van Wagenen- * Richard Y cites. "Lawrence Yates, Hamilton Young. "John Watts,