RULES FOR SURGEON GENERAL’S CATALOG Subject headings beginning a column will be set in case 14 caps, flush in the folio line above each column; this is also done where a subject continues from a preceding column. Aside from case 14 subject headings (which are set flush, first word in capitals) and the case 13 subheadings (which are preceded by a flush 2-em half-blunt dash), all entries will be set in paragraphs, Half Kevised Statutes measure. -Hfodent overruns in subject subheadings 4 ems. Where the subject is the name of an individual, it is set in case 13 (first name in caps) indented 1 em. Use 6-point slug above and 2-point lead below flush headings and case 13 sub-headings. No lead will be used after a “See also” cross reference. Six-point annotations will be separated from regular 6-point journal entries by a 2-point lead, and the same will be used in chang- ing to 8-point author entries. In “Author” cards, where a 6-point book annotation is followed by other entries such as biographical material, make a separate para- graph of the latter: Forms no. 13 of McGrow ser. For biography see Akkade. The life of ... In nonconsecutive figures of years use: 1899-1901, 1901-3, 1915-17. Use a comma in all cases after the family name, e.g., SEATON, Edward. Separate the years of birth or death from the Christian name or initials by a comma, e.g., SEATON, Edward, 1847-1915 or SEATON, E., 1847-1915. At the end of the name, or, if there is a year, after the last num- ber use a period as in the above sample. Do not use the period if the number is merely the year of birth, e.g., Ainsworth, William, 1900-, but place a 3-em quad after the dash and before the title of the book, e.g., Ainsworth, William, 1900- Surgical theories, etc. Where this occurs with the first of joint authors, a 2-em quad will be used in place of the missing date. The latter course will also be followed where only date of death is given. A roman ampersand (&) will be used with joint authors, using a comma after Christian name of preceding author. In all 8-point entries additional editions of a publication by the same author will be run in the same paragraph as the original entry, using 57412—36 2 RULES FOR SURGEON GENERAL’S CATALOG the introductory 2-em dash (-—) and “Also” set in caps and small caps. This must not, however, be done in the case of rare old edi- tions, each of which will begin a new paragraph. Original language of book titles must remain, with or without translation, in all cases. Where an author is followed by a “joint-author” entry, a dash (2-em in 8 point and 3-em in 6 point) will be used to designate the first author in all cases, and if there be additional works by these, one dash will be used to designate both names, v Use 2-em dash for author or authors if they are exactly the same as the previous entry; otherwise repeat the names in full, including Christian name, x In author cards the complete name will be printed in the same style of type, e.g., STANLEY, Sir Henry Mforton] 1875-1922. In these the Christian names will not be abbreviated, unless the full name is unknown. If the author is an association or institution and is not preceded by a name of city or State, print it in case 13, first word all caps. No double punctuation will be used, and a bracket or parenthesis will eliminate punctuation, either before or after, except in case of abbreviations. Brackets will be used for matter supplied by the indexer, e, g., Seaton, E[dward] 1847-1915. The period is not used in abbreviations which include the last letter of the word, as Mme, Dr, Mr, etc., but otherwise the period must be used. In case there is but one portrait, plate, preliminary leaf, or chart, use: port, pi., p. 1., ch. Volume number is set in bold-face type in all cases. In journal entries the volume number will be set in case 129 fol- lowed by a colon in the same type. Where pagination in journal entries is consecutive use: 10-5, 41-6, 100-5, 120-35. Do not use accented capital letters. Do not use “Dr” with names of authors. Do not use hyphens with French Christian names or initials. Cities, States and countries forming part of a title are not abbre- viated, except U.S., and those like New York, which becomes N. York. Abbreviations are lower cased, except in English and German. Bump all single-letter abbreviations (also M.&S.J.); this applies also to 2p1., v.l, 2fig., etc. In “See” reference cards the Christian name should go in roman. Titles of journals are printed in case 13 in the main text. In subject book cards the entire name of the author (association or institution) or the title of a journal goes in caps and small caps. RULES FOR SURGEON GENERAL’S CATALOG 3 In authors’ names the prefixes de and von are placed after the Christian name. Scientific names are capitalized only when used as the Latin name of a genus, order, or species. Paragraph indentions are 1-em, except in 6-point which is 1K ems. Use S. as abbreviation for Saint in all cases. PLACE OF PUBLICATION IN JOURNAL CREDITS Each credit must have some characteristic by which the country of origin of the journal can be readily recognized; otherwise the place of publication must follow the abbreviation. Features which will make the latter procedure unnecessary are: (a) A geographical name in the credit proper, such as Am., deut., scand., fr., ital., belg., ned., sven., russ., polon., etc. In the following examples the characteristic is italicized: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Tristate M.J. J. Maine M. Ass. J. m&b fr. Arq. indoport. med. Austral. J. Dent. Bulb Soc. zoob France. Bulb U.S. Nat. Mus. (6) A,unique proper name, such as— Atti Accad. naz. Lincei (also identified by u Atti”) Arch, urob Necker. C. rend. Lab. Carlsberg. Atti Lab. Mosso (also identified by “Atti”) (c) The characteristic language of the credit.—It is assumed those having Japanese names are published in Japan; those having German names in Germany; those having Russian names, in Soviet Union; those having French names, in France; those having Spanish names, in Spain; those having English names, in the United States, etc. And thus all those published in Austria, all journals in English pub- lished elsewhere than in the United States, all Belgian journals and all Spanish journals published outside of Spain must carry the place of publication, unless excepted by a and b. If the title of a journal is readable in more than one language, or if the country of origin or the language could be recognized from only a single letter or accent, the place of publication must be given. Certain abbreviations (a) clearly show the language, while others (6), do not, as shown in the following: (a) Abh., Atti, 8011., Beitr., C. rend., Erg., Gazz., Gior., Riv., Wschr., tschr., tskr., Ztg, Zschr., Zbl., Rass. (b) Abstr., Acta, An., Ann., Arch., Bob, Bui., Bull., Cron., Fob, Gaz., J., Rev., Tr. 4 RULES FOR SURGEON GENERAL’S CATALOG Note the following examples: J. m6d. bioh, Moskva. J. mdd. chir., Par. J. mikrob., Moskva. J. obst. gyn., Par. Rev. m6d. Par., and also Puebla, Rosario, S. Paulo. The following abbreviations of geographical names will be used where the place is not a part of the title, and also in “book” entries: Afr Africa Alb Albany Amst Amsterdam Augsb Augsburg B. Air Buenos Aires Balt Baltimore Barcel Barcelona Berl Berlin Birm Birmingham Bord Bordeaux Bost Boston Bresl Breslau Brschw Braunschweig Brux Bruxelles Bucur Bucuresti Budap Budapest Calc Calcutta Cambr Cambridge Chic Chicago Cincin Cincinnati Darmst Darmstadt Detr Detroit Dresd Dresden Dubl Dublin Diisseld Diisseldorf Edinb Edinburgh Fir Firenze Frankf Frankfurt Freib Freiburg Glasg Glasgow Gott Gottingen Gravenh ’s Gravenhage Hamb Hamburg Heidelb Heidelberg Helsin Helsingfors or Hel- sinki Innsbr Innsbruck Kbh Kjpbenhavn Konigsb__ Konigsberg Lane Lancaster Lisb Lisboa Liverp Liverpool Lond___ London Los Ang Los Angeles Lpz Leipzig Madr Madrid Melb Melbourne M6x Mdxico Mod Modena Montev Montevideo Montpel Montpellier Munch Mtinchen Mixnst Munster N.Y New York • Nap Napoli Numb Niirnberg Oxf Oxford Paderb Paderborn Pal Palermo Par Paris Phila Philadelphia Pittsb Pittsburgh Portl Portland Regensb Regensburg Rio Rio de Janeiro S. Louis Saint Louis S. Franc San Francisco S. Paulo Sao Paulo Springf Springfield Stockh Stockholm Strasb Strasbourg Stuttg Stuttgart Tor Torino Tub Tubingen Upps Uppsala Utr Utrecht Venez Venezia Warsz Warszawa Wash Washington Wiesb Wiesbaden Wiirzb Wurzburg Zur Zurich