THE CHARTER OF THE Rhode Island Medical Society, TOGETHER WITH THE BY-LAWS, As Amended to March 3, 1 898, AND A List of Fast Officers. THE; CHARTER OF THE Rhode Island Medical Society, TOGETHER WITH THE BY- LAWS, As Amended to March 3, 1898, AND A LIST OF PAST OFFICERS. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, PROVIDENCE : 1898. PROVIDENCE : Snow & Farnham, Printers. 1898. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, A. I). 1812. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CERTAIN PHYSICIANS AND SUR- GEONS BY THE NAME OF “THE RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY.” As the Medical Art is important to the health and happiness of society, every institution calculated to further its im- provement is entitled to public attention; and as Medical Societies, formed on liberal principles, and encouraged by the patronage of the laws, have been found conducive to this end: Section 1. Be it therefore enacted hy the Greneral Assem- bly and by the authority thereof it is enacted:: That Amos Throop, William Bowen, Pardon Bowen, Levi Wheaton, Rowland Greene, Samuel Hudson, Daniel Barms, Joseph Comstock, Niles Manchester, John Wilkinson, John M. Eddy, Thomas M. Barrows, Charles Eldredge, Jacob Fuller, Moses Mo wry, Peleg Clark, John Mackie, Jeremiah Wil- liams, William C. Bowen, Joseph B. Pettes, Walter Whea- ton, Stephen Harris, Sylvester Knight, Abraham Mason, Ezekiel Comstock, Augustus Torrey, A, Waldron, Caleb Fiske, Solomon Drown, Comfort A. Carpenter, Thomas Nelson, Thomas Warren, John W. Richmond, William G. Shaw, Cyril Carpenter, Thomas Carpenter, Gorton Jerauld, Chillingsworth Foster, Lemuel W. Briggs, John Aldrich, Eleazer Bellows, Eleazer Bellows, Jr., Jonathan Easton, Benjamin Waite Case, Enoch Hazard, David King, William 4 Turner, Edmund Thomas Waring, and Jonathan Easton, Jr., be and they are hereby formed into, constituted and made a body politic and corporate, by the name of “The Rhode Island Medical Society; ” and that they and their successors, and such other persons as shall be elected in the manner hereafter mentioned, shall be and continue a body politic and corporate by the same name forever. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That the members of said Society may, from time to time, elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, one or more Secretaries, with such other officers as they shall judge necessary and convenient; and they, the members of said Society, shall have full power and authority, from time to time, to determine and establish the names, number and duty of their several officers, and the tenure they shall respectively have in their offices. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the members of the said Society shall have a common seal, and power to break, change, or renew the same at their pleasure. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, That the said Society may sue and be sued, in all actions, real, personal, or mixed, and prosecute and defend the same unto final judgment and execution. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That the said Society shall have full power and authority to make and enact such rules and by-laws, for the better government of said Society, as are not repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States, and to annex reasonable fines and penalties to the breach of them, not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by said Society, and to their own use, by action of debt, in any court having cognizance of the same; and also to determine the number requisite to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and to establish the time, place, and manner of convening the said Society. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted, That said Society, at any stated legal meeting of the same, may, by a majority of 5 the votes of those present, elect any suitable person or per- sons to be a member or members of the said Society : Pro- vided, “ That all practicing Physicians or Surgeons, resident within this State, who shall be so elected, shall, within one year after such election, subscribe the by-laws of the said Society, or otherwise declare in writing their assent to the same, or such election shall be void; and all persons not practicing Physicians or Surgeons, or not resident within this State, who shall be so elected, may be deemed Honorary Members of the said Society ; and at any such meeting, the said Society shall have power, in like manner, to suspend or expel, for improper conduct, any member of said Society. Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That the President and members of said Society, or such officers or members as they shall specially appoint for that purpose, shall have full power and authority to examine all candidates for the prac- tice of Physic and Surgery, who shall offer themselves for examination, respecting their skill in their profession; and if, upon examination, the said candidates shall be found skilled in their profession, and fitted for the practice of it, they shall receive the approbation of the said Society, in let- ters testimonial, under the seal of said Society, signed by the President, or such other person or persons as shall be appointed for that purpose. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted, That the said Society may and shall forever be deemed capable in law, of having, holding and taking, in fee simple or any less estate, by gift, grant or devise, or otherwise, any land, tenement, or other estate, real or personal, provided that the annual income of the whole real estate, that may be given, granted or devised to or purchased by the said Societ}7-, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and the annual income on inter- est of said personal estate shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars, and the annual income or interest of the said real and personal estate, together with the fines and penalties paid to said Society or recovered by them, shall be appropriated to such purposes as are consistent with the end and design of 6 the institution of the said Society, and as the members thereof shall determine. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That a meeting for the organization of the said Society shall he held in some convenient place within this State, and that Dr. Amos Throop be and he hereby is authorized to appoint the time and place of holding the said meeting, and to give notice of the same in two or more newspapers printed in the towns of Newport and Providence. Passed February Session, A. D. 1812. AMENDMENT. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1. Section 8 of “An act to incorporate the Rhode Island Medical Society, passed by the General Assembly at its February session, A. D. 1812, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “ Section 8. And be it further enacted that the said Society may and shall forever be deemed capable in law of having, holding and taking in fee simple, or any less estate by gift, grant or devise or otherwise, any land, tenement or other estate, real or per- sonal, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. And the whole or any portion of said estate, real or personal, or the income thereof, or of any portion of the same, together with the fines and penalties paid to said Society or recovered by it, said Society may appropriate to such purposes as are consistent with the end and design of the institution of said Society, and as the members thereof shall determine.” Sec. 2. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Passed January Session, A. P. 1887. BY-LAWS. Whereas, It is granted and declared, in and by the Charter for incorporating a Medical Society in the State of Rhode Island, that the Fellows may enact such By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, relative to the affairs, concerns and property of said Society, and relative to the duties of their several officers, as they may think proper; it is therefore ordained that the following be the By-Laws and Rules of the said Society: CHAPTER I.—Of Officers and their Duties. Officers. Section 1. At the Business Meeting there shall be chosen, by ballot, a President, a First and Second Vice- President, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, a Publishing Committee of three, a Committee on the Library of five, a Committee on the Museum of three, a Committee on Necrology of three, and a Committee of Arrangements of three. President. Sec. 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society; shall call for reports of Committees; shall regulate debate ; shall state and put questions ; shall enforce observance of the By-Laws and Regulations ; shall annually appoint a member of the Board of Examiners and one Audi- tor; shall at the Annual Meeting deliver before the Society an Address ; or, in case he should find himself unable to do so, 8 shall provide a substitute ; shall arrange for the reading and discussion of papers; shall appoint delegates to other Medical Societies, and shall perform such other duties as may be as- signed to him. The President call a Special Meeting of the Society or of the Board of Censors, and shall do so whenever ten Fel- lows request it in writing. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Sec. 3. The First Vice-President, in case of the death, resignation, disability, or absence of the President, shall have and exercise all his powers ; and in the absence of those two officers, the Second Vice-President shall officiate as President. RECORDING SECRETARY Sec. 4. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of the Charter, By-Laws and Records of the Society; shall give notice of all meetings of the Society ; shall keep a record of the proceedings; shall receive and record the reports of the Censors, which shall be read at the next regular meet- ing, together with such communications as shall have been received since the last meeting; shall within thirty days after any person has been elected either a Fellow or Honorary Member, inform him thereof and transmit to him a copy of the Charter and By-Laws of the Society; shall notify the Chairmen of the several Committees of their respective mem- bership ; shall have the custody of the seal of the Society ; shall be ex-officio a member of the Publishing Committee ; shall see that each of the Fellows and Honorary Members is supplied with a copy of the Society’s publications, and also of every essay published by the Trustees of the Fiske Fund ; shall notify the secretaries of other Medical Societies of the date of the Annual Meeting of this Society, and shall at each Business Meeting make a Report to the Society, and perform such other services as may be assigned him. 9 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Sec. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall have the charge of all letters and communications transmitted to the Society; shall cause papers written in any foreign language to be translated into English; shall prepare and transmit answers to correspondents, in such language and form as the Society shall direct, and perform such other duties as may be assigned him. TREASURER. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall give such bonds as shall be satisfactory to the President and two Vice-Presidents, and the expense thereof shall be paid by the Society. He shall be, ex-officio, a member of the Committee of Arrangements. He shall receive the monies due the Society and acknowledge all bequests and donations; shall demand, and, if necessary, may sue for all fines and assessments due the Society; shall, under the direction of the Society, sell or lease any estate belonging to it, and execute the necessary papers ; shall pay no money from the treasury except by a vote of the Society, or upon an order from the President; shall at every Business Meeting present an Annual Report which shall have been sub- mitted to the Auditors previously. THE AUDITORS. Sec. 7. There shall be two Auditors, appointed by the President. There shall be an annual retirement of the Senior Auditor; and at each Business Meeting the President shall appoint, for the term of two years, a new member who has not served within a year. The Auditors shall, annually, before the Business Meeting, make a careful examination of the Treasurer’s books and vouchers ; and if they be found correct, they shall affix their signatures to his report before it is submitted to the Society at the Business Meeting. 10 BOARD OF CENSORS. Sec. 8. The Board of Censors shall be composed of the ex-Presidents of the Society; but if, by resignation or death, the number becomes less than Seven, the surviving Censors shall elect a sufficient number to fill the vacancies, subject to the approval of the President. There shall be a Meeting of the Censors on the morning of each Quarterly Meeting of the Society, one hour before the Meeting, for the transaction of such business as may come before them. They shall also meet at least seven days before the Business Meeting, Due notice of the time and place of each meeting shall be given each Censor by the Recording Secretary. Three Censors shall constitute a quorum, and the senior ex-President present shall preside, and may appoint either of the other Censors to officiate as Secretary, whose duty it shall be to make a record of all the proceedings of the Censors, and to transmit a copy of the same to the Recording Secretary. Whenever the charge of unprofessional conduct shall have been preferred against any Fellow, it shall be the duty of the Board of Censors to inquire into the same, and if the accu- sation be found true, they shall report their finding, with recommendations, at the next Quarterly Meeting, and give due notice of their intended report to the Fellow accused. It shall be the duty of the Censors to receive the applica- tion for admission of any suitable person as a Fellow of this Society; and, after duly examining the applicant’s diploma, provided it be found satisfactory, and provided they be sat- isfied that he does not profess or intend to practice any exclu- sive system of medicine, they shall refer the candidate to the Board of Examiners, and upon receipt of a favorable report of the examination shall recommend him for election. The Censors may recommend for election, without exam- ination, suitable applicants who are members of recognized medical societies, domestic or foreign, or who are graduates of foreign universities ; and also at their discretion, suitable 11 applicants who are registered under the Statute law of Rhode Island because of having passed the Examination before the State Board of Health. They shall recommend for election, without examination, suitable applicants who present written evidence that they are members in good standing of a State Society which requires qualifications for membership similar to those of this Society. It shall be the duty of the Censors, at the Quarterly Meet- ing in December, with the approval of the President, to appoint an Anniversary Chairman to preside at the next Annual Dinner. The Censors shall constitute a Nominating Committee, and shall present at the Business Meeting a list of candidates for Officers and Standing Committees for the year following the next Annual Meeting. BOAED OF EXAMINEES. Sec. 9. Examinations for admission to this Society shall be conducted by a Board of five members appointed by the President. There shall be an annual retirement of the senior mem- ber of the Board, and, at each Business Meeting, the Presi- dent shall appoint, for the term of five years, a new member who has not served on the Board within a year. The senior member by appointment shall be President of the Board. Examinations shall be held in the months of May and November in each year, at such time and place as may be convenient to the members of the Board, and shall embrace the usual branches of medical science taught in recognized medical colleges. The Board shall examine only such candidates as have been referred to them by the Board of Censors, and shall report the result of the examination to the Recording Secre- tary, for transmission to the Censors at their next meeting. 12 The Board of Examiners may, at their discretion, appoint three sub-examiners for the county of Washington and three for the county of Newport, who shall examine all candidates for admission to this Society, who reside in said counties, in the months of May and November, and shall report the result of such examinations to the Secretary of the Board of Examiners immediately. PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. Sec. 10. The Publishing Committee shall, at the begin- ning of each year, publish the Transactions of the preceding year, together with the Annual Address and other approved papers. All papers read before the Society shall be the property of the Society, and shall be referred to the Publishing Commit- tee, which may, at its discretion, permit the author to pub- lish them elsewhere. The Publishing Committee shall cause the following dis- claimer to be printed with each number of the Transactions issued, and on the title-leaf of each completed volume: The Rhode Island Medical Society, in ‘publishing papers, does not thereby endorse the theories or opinions of the writers. Committee on the Library. Sec. 11. The Committee on the Library shall have charge of the Library of the Society, and custody of all books and pamphlets published by the Society and by the Trustees of the Fiske Fund; shall appoint one of their number to act as Treasurer; shall appoint some suitable person Librarian ; shall make rules concerning the use of the Library, and shall present a Report at the Business Meeting. The Treasurer of the Committee on the Library shall receive contributions for the support of the library, shall pay out the same as the Committee may direct, and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures. 13 The Librarian shall keep a list of all additions to the Library; shall see that the Library is open for reference at such hours as the Committee may direct; shall compile the necessary catalogues and reference lists; shall take a receipt for every book loaned from the Library, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned him. Committee on the Museum. Sec. 12. The Committee on the Museum shall have charge of all anatomical and pathological specimens and prep- arations belonging or loaned to the Society; shall appoint one of their number to act as Treasurer; shall appoint some suitable person Curator, and shall present a report at the Business meeting. The Treasurer of the Committee on the Museum shall receive contributions for the support of the Museum ; shall pay out the same as the Committee may direct, and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures. The Curator shall keep a list of all additions to the Museum ; shall see that each object is labelled, and shall perforin such other duties as may be assigned him. COMMITTEE ON NECROLOGY. Sec. 18. The Committee on Necrology shall prepare for insertion in the Transactions of the Society memoirs of Fel- lows deceased during the year. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS Sec. 14. The Committee of Arrangements shall provide a suitable place, and make all necessary preparations for each meeting of the Society ; shall provide a collation for each Quarterly Meeting, and shall, with the cooperation of the Anniversary Chairman, make arrangements for the An- nual Dinner. 14 RESIGNATION, REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF OFFICERS. Sec. 15. Every officer of the Society may, for sufficient reasons, resign his office, or may be removed therefrom by order of the Society, or by the President with the approval of the Board of Censors, for neglect, inattention or censur- able conduct, in any of which cases, or on death of an officer, the President shall appoint a Fellow to the office so vacated, who shall serve until the next Business Meeting. CHAPTER ll. Fellowship. Section. 1. Applications for Fellowship shall be made to the Recording Secretary, and must be endorsed by two Fel- lows. The Secretary shall refer the applications to the Board of Censors at their next meeting. ELECTION AND QUALIFICATION. Section 2. Fellows shall be elected by ballot, by a two- thirds vote of the members present. Every person elected a Fellow of this Society, shall be notified thereof by the Record- ing Secretary, and upon signing the Constitution and By- Laws, and paying five dollars to the Treasurer, shall receive from the Recording Secretary the usual diploma. Sec. 3. Every Fellow shall annually contribute five dol- lars to the funds of the Society, and the same shall be due and payable to the Treasurer on admission to Fellowship and at each subsequent Business Meeting. Any Fellow, who, for three consecutive years, shall neglect to pay the annual assessment, shall cease to be a member until such dues shall have been paid, except under conditions named in the next section. ASSESSMENTS. non-residents . Sec. 4. Any Fellows who have removed from Rhode Island and desire to retain membership in this Society, may 15 do so upon notifying tlie Recording Secretary and Treasurer, provided dues have been paid for the year beginning March Ist, during which they removed from the State ; and pro- vided also, if they return to reside in the State, they shall pay the dues for the year beginning March Ist during which they resumed residence in the State. AGED FELLOWS. Sec. 5. Fellows having attained the age of seventy years shall, if they so request, be exempt from the payment of dues. RESIGNATION OF FELLOWS. Sec. 6. Fellows, not indebted to the Society, may at any time resign their membership, by sending a written notice of their intended resignation to the Recording Secretary, who shall announce the same at the next regular meeting of the Society and place it upon the records of said meeting. Sec. 7. No Fellow shall be expelled, except by vote of two-thirds of the Fellows present. EXPULSION. HONORARY MEMBERS. Sec. 8. Honorary Members may be elected on recom- mendation of the Board of Censors. CHAPTER Hl—Of Meetings. ANNUAL AND QUARTERLY MEETINGS. Section 1. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Medical Society, to be held in the city of Providence, on the first Thursday in June, at 10 o’clock A. M., or at an hour designated at a previous meeting, and seven days’ notice shall be given to each Fellow by the Recording Secretary. 16 Sec. 2. There shall be three Quarterly Meetings of the Society, to be held as follows : On the first Thursday of September ; on the first Thursday of December, and on the first Thursday of March, at 10 o’clock, A. M., in such town or city as the Society, at a previous meeting, shall appoint; and seven days’ notice shall be given to each Fellow by the Recording Secretary. At all meetings twenty Fellows shall constitute a quorum for transacting business. CEDE II OF EXERCISES. Sec. 3. The Quarterly Meeting in March shall be the Business Meeting of the Society, at which, after the Record- ing Secretary shall have read the records of the last Busi- ness Meeting and of the preceding Quarterly Meeting, the following order of business shall take precedence : 1. Report of the Recording Secretary. 2. Report of the Treasurer. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Report of the Board of Censors. 5. Election of Officers for the year following the next Annual Meeting. 6. Election of Fellows and Honorary Members. 7. General business, Communications, the reading and discussion of Papers, as the time may permit. The other Quarterly Meetings shall be chiefly devoted to the reading and discussion of Papers, Reports of Cases, exhib- ition of Specimens and the general advancement of medical knowledge, public health, hygiene and sanitation. Sec. 4. At the Annual Meeting the Recording Secretary shall read the records of the last Annual Meeting and of the last Business Meeting, after which the following shall be the order of exercises: 1. Statement of the Trustees of the Fiske Fund. 2. The presentation of Guests and Delegates from other societies and the recognition of Honorary Members. 17 8. Papers upon subjects indentified with the interests of the Society, by persons appointed by the President at a previous meeting. 4. The Annual Address at 12 o’clock, m. CHAPTER IV.—lnvested Funds. Invested Funds of this Society, and their income, shall be subject only to draft or order signed by the President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, except as provided for by authority of the Supreme Court, in the management of the Caleb Fiske Fund. CHAPTER V. By-laws. No By-Law shall be altered, amended or repealed, ex- cept at a meeting subsequent to one at which notice of such intention is given ; but a By-Law may be temporarily sus- pended by a two-thirds vote of the Fellows present. The Caleb Fiske Fund. This Fund, to which reference is made in the By-Laws, was bequeathed by Dr. Caleb Fiske, a Charter Member and an early President of this Society. Its original amount and purpose are shown in the following extract from his will: Item.—“l give and bequeath to the President and two Vice-Presi- dents of the Medical Society of the State of Rhode Island for the time being, and to their successors in office, the semi-annual divi- dends arising from forty shares of stock which I own in the Union Bank of Providence, the amount thereof two thousand dollars, in trust for the uses herein limited :—Use the first: nine-twelfths of said dividends shall constitute a Fund to be applied in the manner follow- ing, to wit: The said trustees, or either two of them, shall select, at every Annual Meeting of said Society, such subject or subjects for investigation as they may judge most conducive to of medical science, and give notice thereof in one of the newspapers published in Newport, undone published in Providence, for the term of six weeks, offering such premium or premiums as the annual pro- duct of said funds will justify, to be awarded and paid out by said trustees for the best treatise on the subject proposed by them for investigation, to be communicated to said trustees one month pre- vious to the next Annual Meeting of said Society. And in order that a laudable spirit of emulation may be excited and maintained, the shall not only suitably reward the authors of the fortunate productions, but also prescribe such rules for receiving the commu- nications and deciding on the merits of the several performances, as will shield the unsuccessful competitor from obloquy or reproach. Use the second:—Two-twelfths of the profits or dividends of said stock are to remunerate said trustees for their services in the execu- tion of the several trusts confided to them. Use the third:—One- twelfth of the profits of said stock is to be appropriated to printing and supplying each member of said Society with a copy of such treatise for which premiums have been awarded. It is believed, 19 however, that the copyright of the productions maybe so disposed of by said trustees as not only to furnish the members of said Society with copies gratis, but also to make some addition to the aforesaid fund ; and it is also believed that said trustees, in consideration of advantages which said Society may derive from a discreet manage- ment of said fund, will frequently, if not uniformly, render their ser- vices gratuitously, whereby a further addition may be made to said fund. If these anticipations should be realized in part or in whole, whatever sums remain unappropriated shall be added to said fund for the uses aforesaid. And ray will further is, and I hereby ordain, that the aforesaid forty shares of stock, the nominal amount whereof is two thousand dollars, shall remain registered in my name in the books of said bank, but the dividends or profits arising therefrom, shall be subject, from time to time, to the order of said trustees for the uses above limited ; but every order drawn on said bank shall express the uses to Avhich the money is to be applied. Furthermore, the said trustees shall cause their proceedings in the premises to be recorded in a book or books, from year to year, and deposited in the archives or cabinet of said Society for safe keeping, inserting therein the annual amount of said fund and the additions, if any, made there- to, the subject or subjects proposed for investigation, the amount of premiums offered, the names and places of abode of persons to whom premiums are awarded, with such other facts and remarks relative to the application of said dividends as they may judge expedient; and the proceedings, or such parts thereof as shall be audibly read before said Society at their Annual Meeting, shall also be subject to the in- spection of any member of said Society, and also be free for exami- nation by my heirs at law ; provided, nevertheless, and I do hereby order, that if the said dividends or profits arising from the aforesaid stock, or any part thereof, should at any time hereafter be used for any other purposes than those before limited, or applied in any other manner than is above directed, or if said trustees, or either two of them for the time being, shall neglect or refuse to execute the aforesaid trust in manner and form before specified, sickness and other unavoidable accidents excepted, for the terra of one year, then, in either of these cases, this bequest shall thenceforth cease and de- termine, and said stock and the dividends arising therefrom shall thenceforth descend to, and vest in my heirs-at-law. Provided, also, and I do hereby ordain, that if at any time hereafter, said Medical Society shall discontinue its anniversary meetings, authorized by its 20 charter, or in case its members (Fellows), exclusive of Honorary Members, shall decline in number, and at any time hereafter be re" duced to twenty, then and in either of those cases, this bequest shall thenceforth cease and determine, and said stock and the dividends or profits arising therefrom, shall descend to, and vest in, my heirs-at- law.” In the year 1892 the fund, with additions from income, and from their fees given by the Trustees, amounted to about eight thousand dollars. At this time, owing to the liquida- tion of the Union Bank, the Supreme Court issued the follow- ing decree: Supreme Court. Providence, Sc. William H. Palmer, Prest., et ah, vs. Eq. 3,219. Prest , Directors and Com- pany op the Union Bank et al. The above entitled cause came on to be heard on bill and answer, and, therefore, it is ordei’ed, adjudged, and decreed as follows: 1. That the bequest in the will of Caleb Fiske, in said bill set forth, concerning the distribution of premiums on subjects for inves- tigation “ most conducive to the advancement of medical science,” and for the services and expenses of printing, etc., connected there- with, is a good and valid charitable bequest, as covering said original forty shares of stock in said defendant bank, and the additional shares, proceeds of the unused income thereof, amounting in all to one hundred ninety-five shares. 2. That the limitation to the heirs-at-law of Caleb Fiske, after such charitable bequest, is void under the rule against perpetuities. 3. That the dividends in liquidation on said shares of stock be subject to the costs of this cause, including solicitors’ fees of all par- ties hereto, to be fixed by some justice of this court, and the balance, including all dividends hereafter declared in liquidation on said one 21 hundred ninety-five shares, be deposited by said defendant bailk in the participation account of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Com- pany of the City of Providence, in full discharge of all claims against said defendant bank. 4. That said deposit be made in the name of the Caleb Fiske Fund. 5. That the President and the two Vice-Presidents of the Rhode Island Medical Society, for the time being in office, are and shall be the trustees of said fund, and all accumulations thereof, by interest or receipt, from prize essays, under the provisions of said will in this behalf, with full power in the manner provided in said will, to draw the income thereof, on order as directed in said will, from time to time in their discretion, and apply the same for the distribution of premiums and payment of services and expenses in the uses and in the properties as set forth in the will of said Caleb Fiske, concerning said original shares in said defendant bank, but freed from the condi- tional limitations therein set forth, in favor of the heirs-at-law of said Caleb Fiske, and all undrawn incomes shall be added to and become part of the principal fund. And said Trust Company shall not be charged with seeing to the application of said income as drawn by said trustees. 6. That said trustees, or the trustees for the time being, of said fund, shall have leave to apply for change of investment of said fund, and any accumulations thereof, or further directions, orders and de- crees concerning the same. Entered as the decree of Court, Feb. 25, 1892. order CHARLES BLAKE, Clerk. The Chase Wiggin Fund. This Fund, amounting in 1898 to over live thousand dollars (-15,000), was created by the bequest of Dr. Chase Wiggin, for the purpose set forth in the following extract from his will: “ I give and bequeath to the Rhode Island Medical Society the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000), to be pi'oductively invested, the interest or income of which shall be used in the following manner ; One-quarter shall be added to the principal of said bequest for- ever. One-half of the remainder of said income shall be used or expended annually for the improvement and increase of the library of said Society. The remainder of said interest shall be paid each year as a premium for the best popular essay on one of the following sub- jects, namely ; The first year said essay shall treat of the nature of alcoholic or intoxicating drinks and their evil effects on the human system ; the second year said essay shall treat of tobacco and its evil effects in all its forms on those who habitually use it; the third year said premium shall be paid for the best popular essay on the use of tea and coffee as drinks, and such essay will be expected to dem- onstrate that the constant and habitual use of either is injurious. These essays shall be continued, in the same succession, continually, an essay on each of said subjects to receive a premium every third year. If, however, in the opinion of the committee appointed by said Medical Society to award said premiums, no essay on the sub- ject prescribed shall be presented which is worthy of acceptance, then the amount of said premium shall be added to the original fund, and the same subject for such premium shall be continued to the next year. But if, on the second year, said subject shall not be so treated by any essayist, as in the judgment of said committee to be entitled to a premium, the amount thereof shall be again added to the principal 23 gift, and the next fallowing year the premium shall be offered for an essay on the next subject in order as above named. It is to be hoped that these essays, while of moderate length, will be sufficiently elabo- rate to present the subjects, clearly and forcibly, and that they will be sufficiently meritorious to be desired by the newspaper press for publication throughout the country. The Society shall present copies of these essays to such newspapers as shall desire them for such purpose, that they may attain their chief object, which is to edu- cate the people and dissuade them from the use of such articles, as a luxury, as are positively injurious to health.” Former Presidents of the Rhode Island Medical Society. Amos Throop 1812-1814 William Bowen 1814-1815 Pardon Bowen 1815-1823 Caleb Fiske 1823-1824 Levi Wheaton 1824-1829 David King 1829-1834 Charles Eldredge 1834-1837 Usher Parsons 1837-1840 Richmond Brownell 1810-1843 Theophilus C. Dunn 1843-1846 Lewis L. Miller 1846-1847 Joseph Mauran 1847-1848 David King 1848-1849 S. Augustus Arnold 1849-1850 George Capron 1850—1851 Hiram Allen 1851-1852 Joseph Mauran 1852-1855 Ariel Ballou 1855-1856 Isaac Ray 1856-1858 James H. Eldredge 1858-1860 Charles W. Parsons 1860-1862 Henry E. Turner 1862-1864 Sylvanus Clapp 1864-1866 Otis Bullock 1866-1868 James W. C. Ely 1868-1870 George L. Collins 1870-1872 Lloyd Morton 1872-1874 Fenner H. Peckham 1874-1875 George W. Jenckes • 1875-1876 Edwin M. Snow 1876-1877 Charles H. Fisher.. 1877-1878 Edward T. Caswell 1878-1880 25 Charles O’Leary 1880-1882 Job Kenyon 1882-1884 Oliver C. Wiggin 1884-1886 Horace G. Miller 1886-1888 Albert Potter ] 888-1889 John W. Mitchell 1889-1891 William H. Palmer 1891-1893 Robert F. Noyes 1893-1895 Elisha P. Clarke 1895-1897 William A. Gorton 1897- Former Recording Secretaries. John Mackie 1812-1817 J. W. Richmond 1817-1821 Pardon Brownell 1821-1825 Richmond Brownell 1825-1830 S. Aug. Arnold 1830-1837 Johnson Gardner 1837-1842 Leander Utley 1842-1844 C. G. Perry 1844-1846 C. W. Parsons • • • • 1846-1849 J. W. C. Ely 1849-1852 Edwin M. Snow 1852-1855 W. O. Brown 1855-1858 J. H.Rathbun 1858-1859 Edward A. Crane 1859-1861 H. G. Stickney 1861-1862 B. Lincoln Ray 1862-1865 George PL Mason 1865-1869 Clarence T. Gardner 1869-1871 Edward M. Harris 1871-1874 Walter E. Anthony 1874-1880 V. O. Harden 1880-1881 George D. Hersey 1881-1887 William R. White 1887-1895 Frank L. Day 1895- 26 Former Corresponding Secretaries. William Turner 1812-1832 Thomas H. Webb 1832-1839 C. G. Perry 1839-1840 Hiram Allen 1840-1849 C. W. Parsons 1849-1851 Henry PL Turner 1851-1852 J. W. C. Plly 1852-1855 Edwin M. Snow 1850_1856 George P. Baker 1856-1861 E. A. Crane 1861-1864 C. W. Parsons 1864-1874 Edward M. Harris 1874-1887 George D. Hersey 1887-1897 Herbert Terry 1897- Former Treasurers. Thomas M. Barrows 1812-1830 Jacob Fuller 1830-1839 Sylvester Knight 1839-1841 H.Armington 1841-1849 Lewis W. Clifford 184 9-1850 Charles W. Fabyan 1850-1852 George P. Baker. 1852-1855 George L. Collins 1855-1862 J. W. C. Ely 1862-1865 T. K. Newhall 1865-1874 George H. Kenyon 1874-1875 F. H. Peckham, Jr 1875-1876 Timothy Newell 1876-1878 Charles H. Leonard.... 1878-1888 George L. Collins 1888-1897 F. T. Rogers 1897-