1) Y-L A W S OF THE Vermont Asylum for tlie Insane, Brattleboro, Vt. BRATTLEBORO : D. LEONARD, STEAM JOB PRINTER. 1878. BY-LAWS OF THE Vermont Asylum for the Insane, Brattleboro, Vt. BRATTLEBORO: D. LEONARD, STEAM JOB PRINTER. 1878. BY-LAWS. Article I. Section i. There shall be a meeting of the Trustees at the Asylum on the second Tuesday of every month, at two o’clock, p. m., to examine into the state of the Institution, the condition and situation of the patients, the accounts of the officers, and to transact any and all other business deemed expedient when met. Article II. Sec. i. No vote shall be passed at any meeting unless there be three Trustees voting in the affirmative; provided, at a sub- sequent monthly meeting to which any matter may be adjourned, the same may be passed by a majority of those present. Article III. Sec. i. At the monthly meeting in August, which shall be the annual meeting, the following officers shall be chosen and appointed, to wit: A chairman, treasurer, secretary, and auditor of accounts ; a superintendent and physician, two assistant physi- cians, a matron, and a farmer, who shall be resident officers. The assistant physicians, matron, and farmer shall be nominated annually by the Superintendent, and appointed by the Trustees. Provided, however, in case of vacancy, or in case said officers shall not be chosen at the annual meeting, such vacancy may be filled, or such officers chosen at any subsequent monthly meeting, and the salaries of all officers shall be from time to time fixed by the Trustees. 4 Article IV, Sec. i. The chairman may at any time, and shall on the request of either Trustee, or the superintendent, call special meet- ings, giving each Trustee personal notice, or notice by secretary, and shall preside at the meetings of the board. Article V. Sec. i. The treasurer shall have charge of all deeds, and other securities and obligations belonging to the Asylum, and shall receive and hold all bequests, or trust funds of the Asylum for specific purposes, and disburse the same under the direction of the Trustees, and in accordance with their specified objects. Sec. 2. He shall also hold all policies of insurance, effected by Trustees for the preservation of the property, and shall be the the agent of the board in all matters pertaining to said trusts and insurance. Sec. 3. He shall likewise direct the deposits, and oversee the disbursements of the current funds collected by the superintendent, and shall make report annually to the board the condition of the securities and funds in his charge, and of the amount of in- surance carried, together with any suggestions relative to the same that may seem to him advisable or necessary. Article VI. Sec. i. The secretary shall have charge of the records of the Trustees ; shall attend the meetings of the board and record their proceedings therein. He shall also have charge of all papers of a historical character, and record in addition to the proceedings of the board, any other papers or statements that the Trustees may order to be so recorded. He will also under direc- tion of the chairman of the board notify the members of the meetings to be held. Article VII. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the auditor in the month of July, annually, to audit all the accounts of the officers of the institution ; take an inventory of all the property of the corpora- tion, and take an account of all claims in favor of and against the institution, so as to show its true standing on the first day of 5 August, annually. He shall also audit all bills contracted for building or other purposes outside of the current expenditures, as they fall due, and are referred to him by the superintendent or other agent of the board. Article VIII. Sec. i. The superintendent, under the direction of the Trustees, shall have the general oversight and superintendence of the Asylum in all its departments, and all the associate resident officers shall be subordinate to his authority. Sec. 2. In the discharge of his duties his first care shall be for the welfare of the patients committed to the charge of the insti- tution, and this care must be so far personal, that he shall be at all times conversant with the actual condition of each individual case, and he must be responsible for the classification of the inmates, and the general course of treatment pursued. Sec. 3. He will also be responsible for the current financial management of the Asylum, under the direction of the Trustees ; determining the number of employes in the various departments, establishing for them regulations, and so governing the expendi- tures of the several departments, that a wise economy may be practised, and as much as possible be accomplished with the resources of the institution at command. Sec. 4. He shall make up the accounts of the patients as they accrue, collect the same regularly, and pay all bills as they fall due, keeping a bank account in the name of the institution, and subject to the direction and oversight of the treasurer, where all his deposits shall be made ; and shall carefully take and preserve vouchers for all monetary transactions, for the inspection of the auditor, and shall refer all bills except for current expenditures, to the auditor before settlement of them. Sec. 5. He shall endeavor in every way to promote the effi- ciency of the stafi'of resident officers and the corps of employes, and hold each in his place to faithfulness in the performance of his duties ; and on his part carry out the designs of the institu- tion, and the views and instructions of the Trustees, upon its general management and policy. Sec. 6. All assistants and employes will be directly respon- sible to the superintendent, and subject to his regulations. 6 Sec. 7. Records of all cases admitted and treated, and of all the transactions of the Asylum shall be kept, or caused to be kept, by the superintendent, and shall be at all times subject to the in- spection of the Trustees. Sec. 8. He shall give his whole time to the interests of the establishment, engaging in no other business whereby the welfare of the asylum shall be compromised, and in case of his temporary absence shall require both his medical assistants to be on duty, unless by special leave of the Trustees, but in no case shall the Asylum be left without a medical officer. Sec. 9. He shall lay before the Trustees at each monthly meeting a statement of the number of patients received, dis- charged, or deceased during the month previous; stating the name and residence of such patients, the time of their admission and the security taken therefor, the time of their discharge or decease, and if discharged whether cured or improved or not; together with an account of all monies received and paid out, .from and to whom, and for what, which account shall be balanced so as to show the exact state of the finances each month, and on the first of August annually, these monthly statements shall be embodied in an annual report to the Trustees, which shall thus embrace the current results of each year’s operations. Article IX. Sec. 1. The duties of the assistant physicians shall be to carry out in detail the medical treatment of the inmates, as well as the plans for their exercise and recreation, and the sys- tem of amusements that may from time to time be adopted. They shall have charge of the dispensary, and of all medicines, instruments and apparatus belonging to the medical department of the Asylum, and keep the same in good order at all times. Sec. 2. For the more efficient discharge of their duties, their work and responsibilities shall be divided ; one of them (at the discretion of the superintendent) taking charge of the male, and the the other of the female wards. Besides attending to their professional duties as above defined, they shall be required to sup- port the discipline of the corps of employes, and to render to the superintendent such aid in the administrative departments, as naturally devolves upon them under the regulations governing the attendants and employes. 7 Sec. 3. Each shall keep the records in the case books of his department, in as full a manner as may be required by the super- intendent, and keep any other records that may be necessary in the prosecution of extended observations, in any line of profes- sional inquiry that may be instituted, requiring the co-operation of the medical officers. Both will be expected at all times and in every way practicable, to labor for the interests of the institu- tion, and afford to the friends of patients, and to visitors, all pro- per and requisite information relative to the inmates, and the institution. Sec. 4. They will daily, and as much oftener as may be nec- essary, report to the superintendent upon the cases under treat- ment, relative to the progress made, and concerning any occur- rence of an unusual or unexpected character, and consult with him in reference to any changes in classification or course of treat- ment, that may be indicated. Any instances of ill treatment of patients, or evidences of unsuitableness for position on the part of attendants or others employed, they will also report, and will uniformly endeavor to instruct them in the discharge of their duties, so that humane and kindly treatment may be secured to the inmates. Sec. 5. Both shall not be absent from the Asylum at the same time unless by permission of the superintendent. In the absence of the superintendent, the senior assistant physician shall act in his place, unless by other special provision of the Trustees. Their routine of daily duty shall be so far defined by the superintendent, as to insure a frequent and vigilant oversight of the patients and their attendants. Article X. Sec. 1. The matron shall look carefully to the wants of the female patients in reference to their individual needs, visit their wards daily, and bestow special attention upon the sick and feeble generally, (visiting the sick in the male wards, if so desired by the superintendent.) She shall see that suitable bed- ding is everywhere provided, and that the dining rooms, and clothing rooms of the wards are properly cared for, and that the wearing apparel of the female patients especially, is duly regis- tered and preserved, and judiciously worn ; that the dietary pre- scriptions of the medical officers are properly prepared and 8 served ; that those having care of the sick perform their duties in a kindly manner, and give such instructions to the attendants in reference to the general care of the wards, as may be necessary to secure the proper standard of cleanliness and good order. Sec. 2. She shall ascertain the wants in the way of supplies for the sewing departments and female wards, and supervise the drawing, marking and distributing of the same, under the regulations of the superintendent. Sec. 3. She shall likewise oversee and direct the work in all the domestic departments, the cooking, washing, ironing and sew- ing, and see that all are properly done, and that proper order and neatness in these departments prevail. Sec. 4. She shall exercise forethought in the making up of clothing and bedding, and see that prudence is observed in the use of materials, and that as much as possible be accomplished in each department. Sec. 5. In every way possible she will endeavor to promote the efficiency of the employes, and add to the personal comforts of the inmates, and will report to the superintendent any evidences of unfaithfulness to duty, or unkindness to patients, that may come to her knowledge. She will be expected to render con- stant service to the institution, except when allowed leave of absence by the superintendent. Article XI. Sec. 1. The farmer, under the superintendent’s direc- tion, shall take charge of the operations of the farm in detail, and have immediate direction of the persons employed for the farm service, and shall be responsible for the timely and seasonable management of the crops, the proper care of the dairy and other stock, and the teams employed in the farm work, together with the team wagons, sleds and farming utensils of every description. Sec. 2. He shall be responsible for the good order of the barns farm yards, and their appendages; the good condition of the fences ; the utilization of the sewerage and fertilizing resources of the institution ; the preparation and housing of the supply of fuel and ice, and the slaughtering of the animals which are the products of home fattening. 9 Sec. 3. He shall also attend to the performance of any other work or improvement upon the farm, garden, or Asylum prem- ises, that may be required of him. Sec. 4. He shall exercise constant care and watchfulness over the patients placed under his charge for employment, and over those having the immediate care of them ; see that work suitable for each is provided : that due discretion is exercised in the use of tools and implements for labor, and above all that they are not imposed upon in any way, but are treated with the consideration and respect properly due persons in their condition of mind, and shall carry out in every way possible the plans of the seperinten- dent for their welfare and treatment. Sec. 5. All wants in his department involving expenditure shall be referred to the superintendent ; and no purchases or sales of stock or produce be made, except by his direction. He will give his time and attention exclusively to his charge, and not absent himself from duty without the knowledge and permis- sion of the superintendent. Article XII. Sec. 1. The Trustees shall from time to time fix the price of board of patients, and no patient shall at any time be admitted for a less price than that prefixed bv the Trustees, and upon the admission of patients to the Asylum good security shall in all cases be required. Article XIII. Sec. 1. No monies shall be expended, or debts con- tracted, (except for the ordinary expenses of the establishment,) unless directed by the Trustees.