RULES FOR THE INTERNAL GOVERNMENT OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Approved May 14, 1878. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1 878. EXILES FOR THE INTERNAL GOVERNMENT OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Approved May 14, 1878. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1878. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HOSPITAL. SUPERINTENDENT. 1. There shall be elected annually, by the Board of Managers, a Superintendent, who shall, Committee., lurre the general control-of all departments of the Hooptted, of all subordinate officers, attendants, and domestics, and the charge of the grounds, buildings, and appurtenances. 2. shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board; shall reside in the building, in apartments .te by the Board for that purpose, shall receive such compensation as may be appointed by the Board, and shall also receive board and washing free; but shall not be allowed any other emoluments, perquisites, or fees whatsoever. 3>ke shall see that there is no waste or in any depart- ment, and shall report to the BouibKui 1 Visiting OomuwTteeT'bmissions of duty, or disorderly conduct, on the part of subordinate officers and employes. shall, under the efrrermn uHdn Buand ufU'fl the Vi,dLUig*Ouni- purchase the provisions and stores, including drugs, instruments, splints, liquors, and fuel; shall have the charge thereof, and shall be responsible for their proper and economical use. He shall make monthly retur-fts-of the consumption of fuel, gas, and liquors. 5. shall keep regular accounts of all moneys received and dis- bursed by<4«^Non behalf of the Hospital, in books provided by the BQaaLrJ»ifck-a-,fißcar.d-.ef .all contracts, and shall submit the same to the Visiting Committee at each meeting. 4&ekshall, also, prepare a state- ment of such receipts and disbursements for the Board ofManagers at each moating, together with a statement of outstanding bills and a requisition for the probable amount required for the current ex- penses of the ensuing month. 6. All bills, together with the pay-rolls, shall be submitted to the Visiting Committee at its regular meetings. T.$te shall make no purchase exceeding |100, or ofan unusual nature, without the sanction of the orfthe Visiting Com- mittee- 8.0&e shall take charge of money or other valuables belonging to 4 patients, and keep a record of the same; and in case an}r patient dies, leaving money or articles of value,"Jim shall take charge of them, and shall report the same to the Yisiting Committee, who will give-JSSfc the necessary directions for the proper disposal of them. 9.3te‘ shall keep an inventory of all furniture and other property be- longing to the Hospital, and shall make a quarterly report of articles injured, destroyed, or missing, shall provide meals for the family of the Hospital, including himself, his..aamJEamilv, (if he have the Matron, Apothecary, -sßesident Medical Staff of the Hospital, at such hours as tl*e Visit- in''- Committee may direct; and meals shall not he provided at any other in case of sickness. shall provide the diet of the patients as may be directed by the Medical Staff, and for the persons enmloared jahpllJamish, such pro- visioiiAS the Gommtekee on SnppWes may direct. 12.,T6i[e shall receive all money paid for the board of patients, or from other sources, and shall pay it over to the Treasurer of the Hospital. 13.£ Me shall suspend from duty any subordinate officer or of the institution, wilfully disregarding or breaking the rules thereof, or refusing to perform his or her proper and necessary duties shall immediately report, in writing, such suspension to Committee, with the facts of the case. Except as regards the Matron, Apothecary, Curator, Resident ha.m. the right of summary dismissal, reporting the facts as in other cases o - j li.Wisi shall appoint such number of nurses and attendants on the sick as may be recommended by the Medical Staff, and approved by the i In' mum ifrfrffp. All other employes shall be appointed by hfeA^ under the direction of the Mrsrtinm CoinmiHoo. kitchpn, I‘lillnilTi nlA'wl '™*<~****^'-'*ffi-sti- urtinirr 16.SdAie shall receive all patients admitted to the Hospital, and shall see that the proper entries are made concerning them, and shall then send them to the wards designated by the attending medical officers. 1 shall have charge of the correspondence of patients, and shall communicate to their friends information of their condition or decease. shall cause the bodies of the deceased to be delivered to their friends, or, if not claimed by them, to the proper authorities. 19. JtJLe shall furnish passes to patients on the recommendation of the attending medical officer, and shall permit no patient to leave the Hos- pital without such recommendation. 20. In any case requiring the attendance of a Coroner at the Hos- pital, it shall be hs?tduty to immediately send a notice to that effect to the Coroner’s office. 5 an~Ajaiih«l He port to the Board of Managers, of all' matters pertaining to. lua. office. 22, Before leaving the Hospital,*he shall notify the jltefeeam, who shall discharge during hf&absence. 23.-‘»e shall perform such other duties connected with life, office fis may from time to time be required by lln An mi mil ml' M in iffi'i 1. There shall be annually elected by the Board of Managers a Matron, who shall hold her office during the pleasure of the Board. She shall reside in the building, in apartments designated by the Board for that purpose, and shall receive such compensation as may be appointed by the Board, and her board and washing free ; but shall not be allowed any other emoluments, perquisites, or fees whatsoever. MATRON. 2. She shall have, under the Superintendent, the general direction of all female nurses and servants, see that they perform their several duties, and report to the Superintendent all instances of inattention or neglect of duty. i 3. She shall visit all the wards in the Hospital every day, and shall be responsible for the cleanliness, neatness, and order of every part of the establishment. 4. She shall superintend the kitchen and laundry, and cause to be kept an accurate account of bedding, clothing, linen, and table and other furniture. 5. She shall have personal charge, under the Superintendent, of all hospital stores, unmade linen, blanketing, clothing, the clothing of deceased patients, and other similar properties, and shall attend to their distribution. 6. She shall not be away from the Hospital at the same time as the Superintendent, and before leaving the building shall invariably report to that officer, and again upon her return. 7. She shall perform such other duties connected with her office as may be required by the Board of Managers. APOTHECARY. 1. There shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers, on the recommendation of the Medical Staff, an Apothecary, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall reside in the building, and shall not absent himself except at such hours as may be authorized by the Visiting Committee. Before leaving the Hospital he shall inva- riably report to the Superintendent, and again on his return. He shall 6 receive such compensation as may be appointed by the Board, and his board and lodging free; but shall not be allowed any other emoluments, perquisites, or fees whatsoever. 2. He shall, under the Superintendent, have charge of all medicines and other articles pertaining to his department, shall make requisitions on the Superintendent for their purchase, and shall keep exact accounts of their quantities, qualities, and prices, and shall furnish duplicates of such accounts to the appropriate Committee of the Medical Staff. 3. He shall compound medicines and prepare all prescriptions agree- ably to the formulae from time to time directed by the Attending Medical Officers or Resident Physicians, which shall be recorded in a book, to be kept in each ward for that purpose. 4. He shall also prepare all prescriptions ordered by the medical offi- cers in charge of the various departments of the Dispensary Service. 5. He shall deliver no medicines which are not ordered by the attend- ing or resident medical officers, and which are not recorded in the pre- scription books, or properly ordered in connection with the Dispensary Service. 6. He shall report monthly in writing to the Visiting Committee a detailed statement of the operations of his department, the expenditure for drugs, and the consumption of the same. 7, He shall perform such other duties connected with his office as may from time to time be required by the Board. MEDICAL STAFF. 1, The Medical Staff shall be composed, in accordance with the reso- lution of the Board of Trustees, of the following members:— The Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine, The Professor of Surgery, The Professor of Obstetrics and of the Diseases of Women and Children, Ex-officio ; Ex-officio ; A Professor of Clinical Medicine ; Two Professors of Clinical Surgery ; A Professor of Clinical Gynaecology; A Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye; A Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Ear ; A Clinical Professor of Nervous Diseases ; A Clinical Professor of Skin Diseases ; A Professor of General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy 2. Special meetings of the Staff may be called at any time by the Board of Managers, by the President of the Medical Staff, or by the 7 Secretary of the Medical Staff at the request in writing of three of its members. 3. The members of the Medical Staff shall be present when requested by the Board of Managers, or by the Visiting Committee, to confer with them on the management of the Hospital. 4. The Medical Staff shall advise the Board of Managers, through the Visiting Committee, in all matters pertaining to the sanitary arrange- ments of the Hospital and to the health of the inmates. 5. The Medical Staff shall hold annual examinations to determine the merits and qualifications of such graduates of the Medical Depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania as may apply for the position of Resident Physician in the Hospital; and shall report, after each ex- amination, the names of the two candidates whose grade is the highest to the Board of Managers for confirmation. 6. The Medical Staff shall examine carefully into the qualifications of all applicants for the positions of Apothecary, Registrars, and Curator, and shall nominate to the Board of Managers suitable persons for these posts, whenever vacancies exist. 7. The Medical Staff shall elect semi-annually, by ballot, two of its members, to serve as a Committee on the Apothecary’s Department, •whose duty it shall be to examine frequently into the quality of the drugs and medicines furnished for the use of the Hospital, to maintain a general supervision over this department, and to report to the Medical Staff, as occasion may require. 8. The Medical Staff shall regulate the diet of the patients, as well as their hours of eating, and the modes of cooking their food. Por this purpose a regular diet table shall be prepared, which, subject to the approval of the Visiting Committee, shall be revised as occasion may require, by a Committee of the Medical Staff. 9, In all cases of death in ■which the Attending Medical Officer regards an autopsy as desirable, he shall, unless the immediate relatives raise special objections, give a written order for such examination, and shall see that it is decently performed. REGISTRARS. 1. There shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers, on the recommendation of the Medical Staff, two Registrars, to be called, respectively, the Medical and the Surgical Registrar. 2. The Registrars shall keep a record of all cases admitted to the Hospital, with a detailed history of each case. These records and histories shall be the property of the Hospital, and shall form part of its Archives. 3. At the end of each year, the Registrars shall present to the Board 8 of Managers, through the Medical Staff, a general report of all the cases admitted during the }rear, with proper classifications, and tables of all operations performed in the Hospital during the same period. 4. The Registrars shall visit the Hospital daily, after the hours of admission of patients, and shall then note the previous history and actual condition of such patients as have been received since the pre- ceding day. They shall submit these notes, eitlxer personally or through the Resident Physicians, to the Attending Medical Officers at their next visit. 5. When requested by the Attending Medical Officers, the Registrars shall take special observations, make special analyses or examinations, etc. 6. The Registrars shall select from among the students of the third year, subject to the approval of the Medical Staff, one Clinical Clerk for each ward of the Hospital. These Clinical Clerks shall keep, so that they shall always be accessible to the Registrars, ward books con- taining daily notes of the progress of all cases in their respective wards ; which notes shall be derived from the dictation of the several Attending Medical Officers, or, in their absence, of the Resident Physicians, whose visits the Clinical Clerks shall follow. The Clinical Clerks shall also be present at all autopsies of patients dying in their respective wards, and shall note, for the use of the Registrars, the post-mortem appear- ances, as dictated the officers making the examinations. 7. The Registrars shall make requisitions upon the Superintendent for such stationery and blank books as majr be needed for the proper discharge of their duties. 8. They shall perform such other duties connected with their office as may be directed by the Board of Managers or the Medical Staff. CURATOR. 1. There shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers, upon the recommendation of the Medical Staff, a Curator, who shall attend to the preparation and preservation of such specimens of morbid anatomy as may be designated any of the Attending Medical Officers or by the Professor of General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. 2. In the preservation of specimens, two categories shall be made, one of specimens undoubtedly suitable for permanent preservation in the Museum, and another of such as may, in the course of time, lose their distinctive characters and interest. These latter shall, from time to time, be examined, and from among them shall be selected such as belong to the first category, when the remainder shall be suitably dis- posed of, in order that there shall be no unnecessary accumulation of material in the pathological department. 9 3. The Curator shall label and catalogue, according to a suitable classification, the permanent specimens of the Museum. In the cata- logue the specimens shall be sufficiently described to enable them to be intelligently used in the illustration of lectures, and when any specimen has been described at length in a medical journal or other publication, its description in the catalogue shall contain a reference to such publi- cation; it shall also name the preservative solution and the strength of the same in which the specimen is contained, and the date of mounting. 4. The Curator shall be one of the assistants of the Professor of General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, and shall, with him, attend all autopsies made in the Hospital, taking notes of the post-mortem ap- pearances at his dictation, and in his absence acting as his substitute. The notes of post-mortem examinations shall be copied in a book kept for that purpose, which shall be carefully preserved, and shall be the property of the Hospital. 5. The Curator shall also make a microscopic examination in every case in which it shall be deemed desirable by the medical officer under whose care the deceased patient has been, or by the Professor of General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, and shall append the result of such examination to the record of the autopsy. 6. He shall perform such other duties connected with his office as may be directed by the Board of Managers or the Medical Staff. RESIDENT PHYSICIANS. 1. There shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers, on the recommendation of the Medical Staff, two Resident Physicians, gradu- ates of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, who shall serve for the term of one year. They shall, on receiving notice of their election, sign an obligation to serve their full term unless relieved by the Board of Managers. Each shall serve six months in the medical and six months in the surgical ward. 2. They shall reside in the Hospital, and, in addition, shall receive their board and washing free, but shall not be allowed any other per- quisites or fees. 3. They shall not be absent from the Hospital at night, nor during the day except at such hours as may be authorized by the Visiting Committee. Before leaving the Hospital they shall invariably register their names and the hour of day in a book, to be provided and kept by the Superintendent, and again upon their return. They shall under no circumstances both be absent from the building at the same time, and shall, subject to the approval of the Visiting Committee, arrange and observe a roster, specifying on which days each must remain in the House. 10 4. Leave of absence, when requested I)}' either of the Resident Physi- cians, may be granted by a majority of the Attending Medical Officers in charge of the wards in which he is on duty, who shall also appoint a substitute to serve during his absence. In cases of emergency, leave of absence for not over twelve hours may be granted by the Superin- tendent. 5. They shall visit all the patients under their charge every morning and evening, and as much oftener as may be necessary ; and, in the ab- sence of the Attending Medical Officer, shall administer to their relief, conforming to the views of such officer, and reporting their action at his next visit. 6. They shall accompany the Attending Medical Officers in their visits, report to them all new cases, and faithfully carry out their direc- tions. They shall copy all prescriptions in the ward-books kept for that purpose, and shall send them to the apothecary immediately after the visit. 7. All diet orders, liquor and extra orders for patients, must be signed either by the Attending Medical Officer or by the Resident Phy- sician or Surgeon. 8. The Resident Surgeon shall, under the Superintendent, have charge of the surgical instruments, splints, etc., and be responsible for their being kept ready and fit for immediate use. He shall in no case lend any instrument or splint belonging to the Hospital. He shall keep an inventory of the instruments, and at the expiration of his terra of ser- vice shall deliver this to his successor, certified by the signature of the Superintendent, together with the instruments. When any instrument or instruments shall require to be put in order, he shall, through the Superintendent, send the same to the instrument-maker or cutler author- ized by the Visiting Committee, making due entry of the facts of the sending and return, on a pass-book to be kept for that purpose. When new instruments, splints, etc., are required, he shall make a requisition on the Superintendent for their purchase. He shall promptly notif}7 the Attending Surgeon of the admission of any case of injury involving risk to life or limb, and shall administer such temporary relief as the urgent symptoms may demand, but shall perform no surgical operation except such as may be designated by the Attending Surgeon. He shall personally apply the necessary surgical dressings to the patients under his charge, as directed by the Attending Surgeons, and shall not dele- gate this duty to the nurses. 9. The electrical instruments shall be in the charge of the Resident Physician, subject to the same regulations and restrictions as in the case of the instruments in charge of the Resident Surgeon. 10. The Resident Physician and Surgeon shall not engage in any other business than that of the Hospital, nor shall they practice out of the 11 House. They shall have the privilege of attending all the clinical lec- tures delivered in the Hospital, and of assisting at operations, provided that their services are not at the time required by any of the Attending Medical Officers in the wards. 11. They shall keep such clinical records of the cases in their charge as may be directed by the Attending Medical Officers. 12. They shall further perform such duties connected with their office as may be directed by the Board of Managers or the Attending Medical Officers. NURSES. 1. All Nurses shall be appointed and discharged by the Superintend- ent, as above provided. 2. The Nurses shall attend faithfully to the patients under their charge, and shall obey implicitly the directions of the Attending Medical Offi- cers and Resident Physicians in regard to them. 3. The Nurses shall see that patients behave with propriety and observe all the regulations of the Hospital, and they shall report any irregularity or breach of rules to the Resident Physicians and Superin- tendent. 4. They shall see that all sick persons under their charge shall change their linen at least twice a week ; and that the soiled bed and body linen is promptly delivered to the laundry, with an inventory of the articles. 5. They shall give receipts to the Laundress or Matron for all bed linen or clothing issued to their wards, and shall be furnished with an acquittance for the same on returning the pieces to the laundry. 6. They shall carry the ward prescription book to the apothecary im- mediately after the visit of the Attending Medical Officer, and shall return for the same at the hour directed by the apothecary. 7. They shall carefully attend to the administration of all medicines, and shall return to the apothecary all vials in which medicine has been sent. 8. They shall pay strict attention to the diet ordered by the Attend- ing or Resident Physicians. 9. They shall keep a list of all money and articles of value, not in use, belonging to patients, and shall place all such property in charge of the Superintendent. 10. They shall keep an inventory of all furniture, bedding, and other articles, in their wards, and shall make a weekly return of the same to the Matron. 11. The Nurses and Assistants shall always obtain permission from the Resident Physicians and the Superintendent before leaving the Hospital. 12 12. In no case shall the Nurse and Assistant of any ward be both absent at the same time. 13. They shall perform such other duties connected with their office as may be required. ADMISSION AND DISCHARGE OF PATIENTS. 1. All cases of recent accident, occurring in the State of Pennsyl- vania, which are brought to the Hospital within twenty-four hours after their occurrence, shall be admitted at any hour of the day or night. *2. Other patients shall be admitted daily at 12 M. They must apply in person at the waiting-room, where they will be examined and admitted by the Attending Medical Officers, or the Resident Physicians. 3. An}r member of the Medical Staff may send to his own department of the Hospital an}1, patient that he may see fit, with a written order for admission, provided that there is a free bed vacant in that department. 4. There shall be posted in the office daily the number of vacant beds, both free and pay, in each department of the Hospital, for the informa- tion of the examining physicians. 5. The Resident Physicians shall fill up the proper admission-blank and bed-card within twelve hours after the admission of each patient. 6. No patient affected with smallpox shall be admitted. 7. Pay patients may be admitted to the extent of the capacity of the Hospital for that purpose, at a rate of not less than $7 per week. 8. In cases where separate apartments, or articles not usually fur- nished in the Hospital, are provided, such payment shall be paid there- for as the Visiting Committee may deem reasonable. Patients occupy- ing private rooms shall be entitled to receive the professional services of the Resident Physicians without extra charge, but shall have no claim upon the services of the Attending Medical Officers without pro- per compensation, as maybe agreed upon in each instance, unless such patients consent that their cases shall be utilized for purposes of clini- cal instruction as with patients in the general wards. No charge for medical or surgical attendance shall be made to ward-patients. 9. No patient who is not likely to recover shall be retained on the free list of the Hospital for more than three months. 10. No patient having acute venereal disease, or mania-a-potu, shall be admitted as a charity patient, but shall be charged such rates for board as the Visiting Committee may determine. 11. No patient shall be discharged from the Hospital, except by the Superintendent; nor, unless in case of misconduct, without the written order of the Attending Medical Officer.