DEDICATION OLIVER WENDELL HOLIES HOSPITAL. TTJESDiLT, TTJUSTIE r7o?H:, 1887. FROM 3:00 P. M. TO 9:00 P. M. Irving D, Wiltrout, M, D„ founder Hon. JAMES JOHNSTON, WILLIAM JOHNSTON, ESQ., IRVING D. WILTROUT, M. D., pROPBiBTORs. HUDSON, ST. CROIX COUNTY, WISCONSIN s(je Public GorJiailvi lipViteS TavlorA Price, Printers, Hi.uls< PROGRAM ME. At SiDE P, M.j pro cession will leave cor- ner of Second and Walnut Streets and pro- ceed to grounds In the following orden Great Western Band, Hudson City Guards. Mayor and City Council, Officers of the State Medical Society, Officers and Members of the Inter-State Med- ical Society and Medical Fraternity, Public Speakers, Founder; Proprietors and Officers of Hospital, Members of the Press Committee of Arrangements, Citizens in Carriages, After a brief period devoted to inspection of buildings and grounds formal exercises will begin with— PROGRAMME. Music, - Seibert's Great Western Hand Prayer, Rev, C. A, ManAnda, D,D,, Minneapolis Presentation Address, Ur, C, H, Hnnter; Minneapolis Objects and Aims of Institution, Dr, Irvin a, P. Wlltrout Music, Dedication Address, Hon, H, A, Taylor, Hudson Poem by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, (Written far the occasion,) read by Pres, Cyrus Northrup, Minn, State University Music, At 7i3D lunch will be served in the spacious Dining Hall, to conclude with Music and Toasts,