REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, Revised May Bth, 1889. LYNN, MASS.: J. F. McCarty & Bro., Printers, No. 44 Munroe Street, 1889. REGULATIONS OF BOARD OF HEALTH, Revised May 8, iBBg. Waste and Garbage. i. All persons are strictly forbidden throwing filth or slops of any kind into streets, backyards or alleyways. 2. All house offal, whether consisting of animal or vegetable substances, shall be placed in suitable vessels, and no ashes or other refuse matter shall be mingled there- with, and the same shall be put in some convenient place to be taken away by the city scavengers. 3. No person, except as provided in the rules of the Board of Health, shall remove or carry through any street, alleyway or public place, any swill, house dirt, offal, tilth or rubbish, the contents of any privy vault, dead animals, or waste matter of an}' kind, and no person shall cart filth, or dead animals, or any animal or vegetable sub- stances on any vacant lots or public places, or into any of the waters within or adjoin- ing the city, or cause any animal to he drowned in said waters. Any -person assist- ahetting or delivering swill or house offal to any person not authorized to collect and remove the same by this regulation shall he considered a party to the violation of this ordinance. Housekeepers are specially requested to notify the Board of Health of any neglect on the part of the col- lectors to remove the offal at least three times a week in the summer months, namely, from May to October, and twice each week in the winter months, namely, October to May; and also whenever the collectors carelessly spill or scatter offal about the premises, and are requested to aid the Board of Health in successfully carrying out this regulation. 4. No disused or abandoned well shall bo used as a receptacle for sewage, gar- bage or other house waste unless the same be first reconstructed and approved by an officer of this Board. 5- Owners or occupants of dwelling- houses, stores, or other buildings, are required to place their ashes and rubbish in barrels or other convenient vessels, in the street, opposite their premises, on or before 7 o’clock on the morning of the fol- lowing days, namely : Wd. 5, Monday. Wds. 6 and 7, Tuesday. Wd. y, Wcdn’y. Wds. 2 and j, Friday. The ash carts will pass through the wards on the days named, and remove all the ashes or other rubbish left for their collection according to the aforesaid regu- lation. N. B. Street filth, trimming of trees, vines, etc., are not included in Regulation 5, and will not be removed if placed in the streets. No team will be sent back to collect rub- bish after having passed through the streets, on account of parties neglecting to place their ashes or rubbish out on time, i. e. on or before 7 o’clock, A. M. Privy Vaults and Cesspools. 6. All privies must be provided with vaults, made of good burned brick, well laid in cement, and so built as to prevent fer- mentation of contents and the emission of foul odors. 7. All privy vaults and cesspools must be so constructed as to be conveniently approached, opened and cleaned. And it is ordered that no _-privy vault shall enter any sewer, and that no privy vault shall be within two feet of the next lot, unless the owner of said lot gives consent. 8. All privy vaults shall be cleaned at least once a year. Any privy vault not cleaned within that time shall be declared a nuisance. 9. No person, unless duly authorized by the Board of Health, shall be allowed to empty or clean, or cause to be emptied or cleaned, privy vaults or cesspools, within the city limits. 10. Whenever a privy vault or cesspool becomes full or offensive the owner or occu- pant of the land on which such privy vault or cesspool is situated shall cause the same to be emptied and cleaned within such rea- sonable time as the Board of Health may, in a notice therefor, prescribe. 11. In no case shall the drainage from a privy vault, cesspool or sink, or foul drainage from any domestic source, be per- mitted to enter any stream, brook, run or pond within the limits of the city. 12. No privy vault or cesspool shall be within six feet of a dwelling house. House Hr (linage 13. In every street provided with a common sewer, all privy vaults shall be discontinued, and the sewage from each house or building in said street shall be conducted into the common sewer. 14. All drains, drain pipes, waste pipes, soil pipes, and all pipes connected with rain water or surface water spouts and run- ning into a sewer or cesspool, must be fur- nished with a proper trap, situated outside of house or building. 15. All water-closets and sinks must be furnished with suitable traps situated as near to them as practicable. 16. Kitchen and waste sinks must be safely and securely connected with a sewer or well covered drain, and must not be per- mitted to discharge by spouts, or otherwise, upon the side of the house, or upon the surface of the ground. Decayed Vegetables; Swine; Other Animals. 17- No person shall sell, or offer for sale, or have in his possession with inten- tion of selling, any unwholesome, decayed or stale fruit or vegetables or any tainted, diseased or unwholesome meat. iB. No swine will be allowed to. be kept within the city limits, unless a permit, in writing, for the same is granted by this Board. 19. No person will be allowed to keep fowls, goats or any other animals in cellars or basements of dwelling houses. Offensive Trades. 20. No person or company shall erect or maintain, within the limits of this city, any manufactory or place of business dan- gerous to life or detrimental to health, or where unwholesome, offensive or deleterous odors, gas, smoke, deposit or exhalations are generated, without the permit of the Board of Health ; and every such establish- ment now existing shall be kept clean and wholesome in every particular, so as not to be offensive cr prejudical to life and health. Contagious Diseases; Inter- ments, etc. 21. After date all diphtheria notices shall remain upon the house for at least five days after disinfection, and scarlet fever notices shall remain upon the house for at least four weeks after being placed there. In no case shall a card be removed except by the Inspector or some other officer of the Board of Health. 22. In cases of deaths from contagious c“> diseases the bodies must not be carried in hacks, or any vehicle used for the trans- portation of passengers. 24. No interments will be permitted in the Eastern or Western Burial Grounds, without permission in writing from the Board of Health. Extract from Public Statutes, Chap. 80, Sect. 18. “ The Board of' Health of a town, shall make such regulations as it judges neces- sary for the public health and safety, -res- pecting nuisances, source of filth, and cause of sickness within its town, or on board of vessels within the harbor of such town, and respecting articles which are capable of contlining or conveying infec- tion or contagion, or of creating sickness, brought into or conveyed from its town, or into or from vessel. Whoever violates any such regulation shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars.” O M. R. DONOVAN, M. D., F. F. BRIGHAM, M. D. W. C. LAMPHIER. Board o/ Health.