Ux $>. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE VH Reference Division STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTION: SUPPLEMENT A bibliography, covering literature of June 1958 through July 1959 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D. C. August 20, 1959 Zw. A B H 137. Calvy, G. L. and Schumacher, L. R. Ristocetin and the staphylococcus. Observations of effects and side-effects in seventeen cases of staphylo- coccic pneumonia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 167: 1584-1586. A B 138. Cascio, G. Comportamento del tasso antistafilolisinco nel corso delle osteomieliti nei bambini. Pediatria, Nap., 1958, 66: 706-713. B 139. Cassano, A., Lucchesi, M., and Masseo, M. Su due casi di pneumo- patie stafilococciche dell' adulto trattati con novobiocina. Riforma med., 1959, 73: 122-127. A B 140. Castellanos, A., Martinez Cruz, J. A., Martinez Cruz, R. and Valladare F. Nuevos estudios sobre la infecciOn bacteriana de los ganglios linfaticos abdominales y torlcicos en la diarrea aguda infantil. Rev. cubana pediat., 1959, 31: 61-78. 46 cases. 141. Cernich, R., Piffaretti, M. L., Sivori, A., and Nieto, A. R. SSpticopio- hemia estafilocOcica. Sem. m6d., B.Air., 1959, 66: 635-637: passim. 50 cases. 142. Chabbert, Y., Berrod, J., Henoch, H. and Dumas, J. Activity anti- staphylococcique. Presse m£d., 1958, 66: 809-812. A B 143 Chartier, Y., Martin, W. J., and Kelly, P. J. Bacterial arthritis: Experiences in the treatment of 77 patients. Ann. Int. M., 1959 50° 1462 1474. A B »9 144. Chtoard, J. and Garneau, r L'entgrocolite pseudo-membraneuse. Lava med., 1959, 27: 605-621. 40 references. A B 145. Cooper, M. L. and Keller, H. M. Severe stflnhdn^on.i • * *• phnjrOT1 iufl :en1 ,. „ , »."'avi« severe stapnylococcal infections in children, the isolation of micrococcus pyogenes var n.,r^.iC ™+h * specific bacteriophage pattern. A. ^I'lT r^s^cZ^lk 95: 16. 146. DObias, G., BallO, T., and Kemenyvari, J. Die Bedeutungdes Staphy- lokokken-alpha-antitoxintiters bei den Pyodermien von sauglingen, Kindern und Erwachsenen. Zschr. Immunforsch., 1958, 116: 385-404. B Co H 147. Fisher, A. M., Trever, R. W., Curtin, J. A., Schultze, M. D., and Miller, D. F. Staphylococcal pneumonia. N. England J. M., 1958, 258: 919-928. 148. FlOrez Tascon, F. J. Patologia infecciosa actual. Rev. inform, me^d., Barcelona, 1959, 34: 259-273. 149. Geraci, J. E., Heilman, F. R., Nichols, D. R., and Wellman, W. E. Antibiotic therapy of bacterial endocarditis. Vancomycin for acute micrococcal endocartitis. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1958, 33: 172-131. A 150, -.—~ The antibiotic therapy of bacterial endocarditis. Therapeutic data on 172 patients seen from 1951 through 1957: additional observations on short-term therapy (two weeks) for penicillin-sensitive streptococcal endocarditis. Med. Clin. N. America, 1958, p. 1101-1125. A B H 151. Gibson, G. L. Erytnromycin-resistant Staphylococcus pyogenes: report of five cases. Scot. M. J., 1958, 3: 91-92. A B 152. Giusti, M. and Mori, S. La novobiocina nella terapia della meningite stafilococcia. Riv. clin. pediat., 1958, 59:177-194. 42 references. A 153. Goed, J. A. and Davis, J. W. Adult staphylococcal pneumonia. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1959, 28: 333-385: passim. 13 cases. A B 154. Gonzaga, M. and Roca, R. Estafilococias plouropulmonares na infancia. Aspectos clinico-radiolOgicoSo J. pediat., Rio, 1959, 24: 57-82. H 155. Greenberg, H. L., Schiveinburg, F., and Rutenberg, A. M. Novobiocin in the treatment of surgical infections. Antibiotics Annual, 1958-1959, p. 387-394. A H 17. Gresham, G. A. Staphylococcal pneumonia. Brit. J.-Clin. Praei., 1958, 12: 247-252. A Guichard, A., Lartee, F., and Alex, R. Septicemic a staphylocoques, agamma globulingmie et alymphocyte*mie de 1'adulte. Lyon m€d., 1959, 91: 43-52. Hammer, H. Neue Wege in der antibakteriellen Behandlung mit anti- Motikakombinationen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1958, 108: 39-30. 182 cases. A Heim, L. Die antibiotische Behandlung schwerer bakterieller Infektionen in der Kinderheilkunde. Kindergrztl. Prax., 1959, 27: 51-57. 52 cases. A B Heim, W. Die klinische Bedeutung der Staphylokokkensepsis unter besonderer Berticksiehtigung der Prophylaxe und Therapie. Arch. klin. Chir., 1957, 287: 86-94. A B Hendren, W. H. m, and Haggerty, R. J. Staphylococcic pneumonia in infancy and childhood. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 168: 6-16. A B Co H Hughes, E. S. R. Fatal complications following colectomy. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1959, 28: 202-214. H Hyun, B. H., Dawson, E. A. and Pence, R. E. Bacterial and mycotic endocarditis following cardiac surgery; report of a case. J. Thorac. Surg., 1958, 35: 298-304. H Jagdschian, V. and Fritzsche, W. Erfahrungen mit der lokalen Nebacetin- Behandlung bei Staphylokokken-und Tbe-Infekten in der Thoraxchirurgie Aerztl. Wschr., 1958, 13: 175-179. A B H Jawetz, E. Combined antibiotic therapy in serious infections caused by drug-resistant staphylococci (1956-1957). A. M. A. Arch. Int. M., 1959, lU(i: ido"—fli07» A B H 18, 166. Jellard, J. The importance of the umbilical cord as areservoir of infec- tion. Brit. J. Clin. Pract., 1959, 13: 43-46. 167. Jolly, A. Etude bact^riologique de la flore microbienne des rhino- sclgromes au Maroc. Maroc me*d., 1959, 38: 385-389. B C 168. Kanner, I. F. Restocetin in the cerebrospinal fluid during staphylo- coccal meningitis. Antibiotics Annual, 1958-1959, p. 432-435. A 169. Kashtan, H., Chiappe, G., and Scheinberg, S. R. Staphylococcus enteritis and pseudomembranous enterocolitis. A review and report of eight cases. Harper Hosp, Bull., 1958, 16: 2-11. H 170. Kersten, H. H. Intentional replacement of bacteria following antibiotic therapy. J. IowaM, Soc., 1958, 48: 240-243. A B 171. Kopf, H. Zur Behandlung der akuten und chronischen Osteomyelitis. Chirurg., 1958, 29: 70-73, 43 cases B H 172. Kuo, P-F. and Ma, Y-C. Acute osteomyelitis in infants and children. Chin. J. Surg , 1958, 6: 127-130. 41 cases. 173. La Caille, R. A. and Prigot, A. The clinical trial of streptomycin pantothenate in the treatment of soft tissue infections, Am. J. Surg., 1958, 95: 963-966. 116 cases. A B 174 Lang, W, R., Israel, S. L., and Fritz, M. A. Staphylococcal vulvo- vaginitis; a report of two cases following antibiotic therapy, Obst. Gyn., N. Y., 1958, 11: 352-354 A B Co. 175. Langeron, L., Croccel, L., and Choteau, P. Staphylococcemie mortelle post-traumatique; problems pathogenique et medico-16gal. J. sc. m6d. Lille, 1958, 76: 506-509. 176. Laurell, G., Philipson, L., and Gyllensward, A. Evaluation of the recovery of Staph, aur pyogenes from the faeces of children. Acta paediat., Upps., 1959, 4C: 44-52, (Suppl. 117) B H 19. 177. Le Brigand, H. Traitement des staphylococcies pleuro-pulmonaires du nourrison. Sem. hdp. Paris, 1958, 34: 3193-3199. H 178. McClellan, J. T. and Balows, A. Staphylococcal pseudomembranous enterocolitis. J. Kentucky State M. Ass., 1959, 57: 551-553. 179. Meade, R. H. HI. Staphylococcal bacteremia and endocarditis. Cir- culation, 1959, 19: 440-457. 42 references. A B H 180. Muriel, P. and Fournie, A. Rernarques a propos des septicemics a staphylocoque. Sem. h8p. Paris, 1958, 34: 392-399. 10 cases. A B H 181. Mian, K. A. Microbial sensitivity in management of urinary tract in- fections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 170: 935-938. B Co H 182. Morginson, W. J., Wood, D. C., and Burgess, L. Gamma-globulin therapy in chronic staphylococcic dermatoses; a comparison of serum gamma-globulin levels and serum antibacterial activity. A. M. A. Arch. Derm., 1959, 79: 305-310. B. 183. Muth, H. W. and Weyer, H. Klinische Erfahrungen mit Oleandomycin. Ther. Gegenwarto, 1958, 97: 142-144. 165 cases. A H 184. Olney, R. C. Effective treatment of resistant staphylococcic infections and serum hepatitis. J„ Am. M. Women Ass., 1959, 14: 131-133P A B 185. Paolantonio, G. Polmonite stafilococcica a riaceensioni multiple in adulto guarita con spiramicina. Gazz. med. ital., 1958, 117: 247-253. B H 186. Paule, W. and Conte, N. F. Staphyloccal septicemia: Report of a case with hyponatremia and eventual recovery through the use of multiple anti- biotics and adrenal steroids. A. M. A. Arch. Int. M., 1959, 103- 796- 7980 A B 187. Perazzo, D. L., Sarquis, J. H., and Carnovali, N. Estafilococcia pulmonar en el adulto. Prensa mgd. argent., 1958, 45: 2018-2024 B 20. Pescetti, G. and Gorgerino, F. La pneumopatia bollosa stafilococcia: pioneumatocele stafilococcio a tensione. Minerva med., Tor., 1958, 49: 2061-2070. B 189. Peter sdorf, F. R. G., Forsyth, B. R. and Bernanke, D. Staphylococcal parotitis. N. England J. M., 1958, 259: 1250-1254. B 190. Proska, J. van, Jacobson, Mo J., Drake, C. T. and Tan, T. L. Staphy- lococcus enteritis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1959, 109: 73-77. 191. Pryles, C. V. Staphylococcal pneumonia in infancy and childhood. An analysis of 24 cases. Pediatrics, 1958, 21: 609-623. B Co H 192. Putnoi, M. Anaphylaxis, a personal experience. Military M., 1959, 124: 459-460. A 193. Ramsay, A. M. Hazards of antibiotic era. Med. World, Lond., 1959, 90: 421-428. 46 references. 194. Redleaf, P. D. and Fadell, E. J. Bacteremia during parturition. Pre- vention of subacute bacterial endocarditis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 1284-1285. B 195. Schultze, G. Unusual roentgen manifestations of primary staphylococcal pneumonia in infants and young children. Am. J. Roentg., 1959, 81: 290-295. B H 196. Romansky, M. J. and Holmes, J. R. Successful short-term therapy of enterococcal and staphylococcal endocarditis with ristocetin; seven patients. Antibiotics Annual, 1957-1958, p. 187-202. A H 197. Schreck, K. M. Medical aspects in the control of hospital acquired staphyr lococcal infections. Am. J. M. Sc., 1959, 237: 151-157; passim. H 198. Schumacher, L. R., Sowell, R. C., Coates, J. R., and Calvy, G. L. Ebqserience with ristocetin in staphyloccal pneumonia; observation in 24 patients. Antibiotics Annual, 1958-1959, p. 464-471. A H 21. 199. Schwabacher, H. and Salsbury, A. J. The clinical evaluation of staphy- lococcal anti-alpha haemolysin titres in patients'sera. J. Clin. .Fain., 1958, 11: 417-420. B 200. Schweich, A. and Fierstein, J. Staphylococcal septicemia with recur- rent spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann. Int. M., 1959, 50: 819-828. 201. Shubin, H., Levinson, D. C. and Griffith, G. C. Endocarditis due to coagulase-positive staphylococcus pyogenes var. aureus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 167: 1218-1222. B 202. Silverthorne, M. C. Staphylococcal bacteremia and osteomyelitis suc- cessfully treated with novobiocin. Arch. Int. M., 1959, 103: 133-139. A B 203. Studdert, T. C. Staphylococcal spinal meningitis. Brit. M. J. 1958, 1: 1457-1459. Review. 204. Weinberg, H. Acute perforative thromboendocarditis complicating staphylococcal osteomyelitis. A. M. A. J. Dis. Child., 1959, 97: 849- 851. 205. Weisel, W. and Gorman, W. C. Acute thoracic emergencies in infants and children with staphylococcic pneumonias. Surgery, 1959, 45: 335-343. 206. Welch, H., Lewis, C. N., Weinstein, H. I., and Boeckman, B. B. Severe reactions to antibiotics; a nationwide survey. Antibiotics Annual, 1957-1958, p. 296-309. A Co H 207. Widholm, O. Serological studies on the etiology of gynaecological infecr tious diseases. Ann. chir. gyn. fenn., 1958, 47(Suppl. 81): 282=286. B 22, Hospital 208. Adams, R., Fahlman, B., Dube, E. W., Dube F. J. C. and Reod, S. Control of infections within hospitals; special reference to prevention within operating rooms. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 1557-1567. 209. Allen, H. F. Air hygiene for hospitals. I. Arrestment of airborne and dustborne staphylococci by a hospital vacuum cleaner. J. Am, M. Ass., 1959, 169: 553-559. 210. —---Air hygiene in hospitals. H. Efficiency of fibrous filters against staphylococcic droplet nuclei and bacteria-bearing dust. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 170: 261-267. 211. Altemeier, W. A. The problem of postoperative wound infection and its significance. Ann. Surg., 1958, 147: 770-774. C 212. Barber, M., and Dutton, A. A. C. Antibiotic-resistant staphylococcal outbreaks in a medical and surgical ward. Lancet, 1958, 2: 64-68. B C 213. Bass, J. A., Steinbring, W. R., Willard, C., and Felton, H. M. Epi- demiologic study of hospital outbreak of micrococcus infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 166: 731-734. . C 214. Beal, H. M. and Skauen, D. M. The cleaning of syringes. An evalua- tion of methods. Hosp. Management, 1959 87(6): 78-79: passim. 215. Biagini, R. and Rossolini, A. Studio delle variazioni del tasso di alfa antistafilolisine nel bambino, in condizioni patologiche e normalL Riv. clin. pediat., 1958, 61: 1-23. B CI 216. Blowers, R. Wound infection in operation theatres. Med. Annual, Bristol., 1958, p. 21-32. C CI 217. Brown, J. W. Hygiene and education within hospitals to prevent staphy- lococcic infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 166: 1185-1190. 23. 218. Burnett, W., McDonald, S., and Timbury, M. C. Post-operative wound infection. An investigation into the sepsis rate in a general surgical unit. Scot. M. J., 1958, 3: 392-297. B C CI 219. Caswell, H. T., Schreck, K. M., Burnett, W. E., Carrington, E« R., Learner, N., Steel, H. H., Tyson, R. R. and Wright, W. C. Bacteri- ologic and clinical experiences and the methods of control of hospital infections due to antibiotic resistant staphylococci. Surg. Gyn. Ofest., 1958, 106: 1-10. 220. Cheng, W. F. and Lui, T. Y. Incidence of antibiotic resistant staphy- lococci in children's hospital. Chinese M. J., 1958, 76: 574-580. A B 221. Calvy, G. L, Stalking the staphylococcus. A report of a continuing naval action. N. England J. M., 1958, 259: 532-534. 223. Crosby, E„ L. Prevention and control of staphylococcus infections in hospitals. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1958, 48: 1071-1074. This is a reprint of a bulletin issued by the American Hospital Association, May 21, 1958. 224. Currie, G. A. W. and Hunnisett, F. W. An infection committee that works. Hosp. Management, 1959, 88: 42-45. 225. Dalheim, L. G., Moreley, J. D. and Long, E. E. A study of staphylo- coccus aureus in Akron hospitals. Ohio State M. J., 1958, 54:1452-1455. B C CI 226. De Franco, V. J. The efficacy of erythromycin in the control and preven- tion of an endemic staphylococcal infection in a large private hospital nursery. Antibiotic M., 1958, 5: 573-577. A C 227. Dunklin, E. W. and Lester, W. Residual surface disinfection, n. The effect of orthophenylphenol treatment of the floor on bacterial contamina- tion in a recovery room. J. Infect. Dis., 1959, 104: 41-55. 228. Felton, H. M., Willard, C., and Bass, J. A. Management of outbreak of staphylococcal infection in newborn nursery and results of intensive con- trol program. South. M. J., 1959, 52: 387-392. C CI 24. 229. Forfar, J. O. and Maccabe, A. F. Masking and gowning in nurseries for the newborn infant; effect of staphylococcal carriage and infection. Brit. M. J., 1958, 1: 76-79. 230. Francois, R. Problemes spe°ciaux pose's par 1'hospitalisation des en- fants. Techn. hosp., Par., 1959, 14: 80-85. C 231. Gibson, T. Hospitals must be really clean. Canad. Hosp., 1959, 36: 56-62. 232. Gierhake, F. W. and L'Allemand, H. Post-operative Lungenkomp- likationen und Staphylokokken-Hospitalismus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1957, 287: 97-102. 233. Gillespie, W. A. Hospital cross-infection. M. J. South-West, 1958, 73: 56-67. A B C Co 234. Godfrey, M. E. and Smith, I. M. Hospital hazards of staphylococcic sepsis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 166: 1197-1201. C CI 235. Goldman, L. Pyogenic skin infections; preliminary report, an outline of some medical and nursing care technics after a control program of eighteen months. Med. Times, Manhasset, 1959, 87: 56-58. CI 236. Grtin, L. Uber ein neuartiges Mittel zur hygienischen und chirurgischen Handedesinfektion. Medizinische, 1959, 13: 595-598. B C 237. Hitchcock, C. R., Harder, H., Panuska, M., Collins, M., Helfman, L., Hoya, M., and Bascom, J. Control of surgical infections at the Minneapolis General Hospital. Surgery, 1958, 44: 492-506. B CI 238. Holland, P. D. The investigation of a ward outbreak of staphylococcus pyogenes infections. Irish J. M. Sc, 1958, 386: 92-97. B C 239. Holloway, W. J. and Scott, E. G. Staphylococcal septicemia; a review of 30 cases. Delaware State M. J., 1959, 31: 198-203. A B CI 25. 240. Hudson, P. B., Sanger, G. and Sproul, E. E. Effective system of bactericidal conditioning for hospitals. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 1549-1556. 241. Hurst, V., Grossman, M., Ingram, F. R. and Lowe, A. E. Hospital laundry and refuse chutes as source of staphylococcic cross-infection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 166: 1223-1229. B C 242. Jerram, P. An investigation into the ability of the laundry processes to kill pathogenic bacteria in soiled articles. Month. Bull. Min. Health Gr. Britain, 1958, 17: 170-176. B 243. Kelley, G. A. and Brown, R. W. Hospital air can be germ-free. Air Engineering, 1959, April: 1-4. Not in National Library of Medicine. A reprint of the article may be obtained from: Surface Combustion Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. 244. Kennan, A. L. Staphylococcal infections in obstetrical and surgical patients. Wisconsin M. J., 1959, 58: 307-309. B C CI Co 245. Kessler, A. D. and Scott, R. B. Staphylococcal infections in young in- fants. Am. J. Dis. Child, 1958, 96: 294-298. 25 references. CI 246. Kikuth, W. Hospitalismus; bacteriologisches Referat. Arch. klin. Chir., 1957, 287: 65-74. B 247. Kinmonth, J. B., Hare, R., Tracy, G. D, Thomas, C. G. A., Marsh, J. D. and Jantet, G. H. Studies of the ventilation and surgical wound infection. Brit. M. J., 1958, 2: 407-411. CI 248. Koch, M L., Lepley, D. Jr., Schroeder, C. M. and Smith, M. B. Study of staphylococcic infections occurring on a surgical service. J„ Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 99-105. CI 249. Lassanske, A. A. Chemical disinfection and sterilization in hospital practice. Hosp. Management, 1959, 87(5): 121-122: passim; and p. 122-123. 250. Letourneau, C. U. Hospital sanitation. Parti. Hosp. Management, 1959, 88: 46-47. 260 Lorenzo, A. P. and Nafria, A. F. La contaminacidn bacteriana del aire y metodos para su estudio. Med. trop., Madr., 1959, 33: 145-169. B Lowbury, E. J. L. Symposium on epidemiological risks of antibiotics. Hospital infection. Proc. R. Soc. M., 1958, 51: 807-810. A B McFadyen, J. D. A medical Pearl Harbor via staphylococcus invasion. Hosp. Management, 1959, 87(6): 112-115. B C Maurer, G. Massnahmen zur Einschrankung des Staphylokokken-Hospi- talismus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1957, 287: 80-86. 255. Menaker, G. J. Resistant staphylococcic infections: The surgical aspects. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1959, 59: 83-91. A CI 256. Moncrief, J. A. and Rivera, J. A. The problem of infection in burns by resistant micro-organisms with a note on the use of bacitracin. Ann. Surg., 1958, 147: 295-312. A CI 257. Mudd, S. Sterile technique in professional service departments. Hosp. Progress, 1958, 39: 46-47: passim. 258. Peterson, T. O. Laundry. Hospitals, 1959, 33(8): 80-81: passim. 62 references. 259. Ravenholt, O. H., Baker, E. F., Jr., Wysham, D. N., and Giedt, W. R. Eliminating blankets as an infection source. Hospitals, 1958, 32(12): 75-80. B ') 260. Rogers, D. E. Staphylococcal disease on general medical services. Am. J. Nurs., 1959, 59(6): 842-344. C CI 261. Sager, G. F. and Rosenberger, D. M. How Maine Medical Centers went all out against cross infection. Hospitals, 1958, 32(14): 38-41. 262. Shaffer, T. E. The epidemiology of staphylococcal infection. Wisconsin M. J., 1959, 58: 303-306. B C Co 263. -----Baldwin, J. N., and Wheeler, W. E. Staphylococcal infections in nurseries. Advan. Pediat., 1958, 10: 243-281. A B C CI Co 27. Shooter, R. A., Smith, M. A., Griffiths, J. D., Brown, M. E. A., Williams, R. E. O., Rippon, J. E. and Jevons, M. P. Spread of staphy- lococci in a surgical ward. Brit. M. J., 1958, 1: 607-613. C 265. Stafford, W. H. Role of the hospital team in prevention and control of staphylococcal infection. Med. Technicians Bull., 1959, 10: 93-96. B C 266. Stenderup, A., Bach, A., Thomsen Pedersen, G., and Rosendal, K. A staphylococcal epidemic in a maternity hospital. Acta path, microb. scand., 1959, 45: 95-106. B C CI 267. Swanson, A. L., Davy, M. I. and Dempster, G. Problem of the mat- tress in cross-infection. Canad. Hosp. 1959, 36: 29-41. Symposium, the University of Texas medical branch, Galveston, Texas. Staphylococcal infections. Texas J. M., 1959, 55: 335-369. 268. Felton, H. M. Hospital population most vulnerable to staphylo- coccal infection, p. 335-339. 269. Verwey, W. F. and Bass, J. A. Epidemiology of staphylococcal hospital infection, p. 339-342. 270. Boelsche, A. N. and Davis, H. Staphylococcal pyoderma and mastitis in infants and children, p. 342-344. 271. Wolma, F. and Rowe, E. B. Staphylococcal furuncles in hospi- tal personnel; control and treatment, p. 345-348. 272. Patterson, M. Control of carriers of staphylococci; specific recommendations, p. 348-352. 273. Jarvis, G. L. and Powell, L. C. Jr. Importance of antibiotic resistant staphylococcal infections to the obstetrician, p. 352- 354. 274. Haggard, M. E. and Harrison, A. W. Staphylococcal pneu- monia and empyema in infants and children, p. 354-357. 28. 275. Blocker, T. G., Jr., Lewis, S. R., Jacobson, H. S., and Grant, D. A. Bacterial contamination and infection in the severely burned patient, p. 358-360. 276. Box, I. T. and Willard, C. Y. Certain organisms in the upper respiratory tract in children; a study of Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumococcus, Beta hemolytic streptococcus and Hemophilus species, p. 360-364. 277. Nau, C. A. Environmental control of staphylococcus in a general hospital, p. 364-367. 278. Hennings, A. G. Staphylococcus as a hospital problem and its control, p. 367-369. 279. Thomas, C. G. A. Grading of coagulase-positive staphylococci in the con- trol of hospital cross-infection. J. Hyg., Lond., 1959, 57:162-173. B C 280. Timbury, M. C, Wilson, T. S., Hutchison, J. G. P., and Govan, A. D. T. A staphylococcus type-80 epidemic in a maternity hospital illustrat- ing some special features. Lancet, 1958, 2:1081-1084. B C CI 281. U. S. Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta Training program. Staphy- lococcal disease. A guide for organizing in-service training programs, (Interim report). Atlanta, Georgia, June 1959. 15 p. 282. Williams, J. R. B., Talbot, E. C. S., and Maughan, E. Hospital out- break of cross-infection due to Staphylococcus pyogenes phage type 80. Brit. M. J., 1959, 1: 1374-1378. B C CI Co 283. Williams, R. E. O. Epidemic staphylococci. Lancet 1959, 1: 190-194. 57 references. B 284. Wise, R. I., Sweeney, F. J., Jr., Haupt, G. J. and Waddell, M. A. The environmental distribution of Staphylococcus aureus in an operating suite. Ann. Surg., 1959, 149: 30-42 B &85. Wolf, H. W., Harris, M. M. and Dyer, W. R. Staphylococcus aureus in air of an operating room. J. Am. M. Ass., 1959, 169: 1983-1987. B 29. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON, D. C.