V. NO. 2 V^bb C.i>1---------Sfc^: Sjb^iOOOO TI: SPHiClALI^tb BIBLIUbBAPtf* SEb;I£S SBS No. 1988-2 Physical Fitness & Sports Medicine June 1988 1406 Selected Citations Compiled by Karen Patrias, M.L.S., Kristine Scannell, M.S.L.S., Carla H. Johnson, M.L.S., and Young Rhee, M.S.L.S. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Public Services Division 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 SERIES NOTE This is one of a series of Specialized Bibliographies prepared and distributed by the Public Services Division of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). These bibliographies are usually the result of a combination of manual and computerized searching, utilizing databases produced by NLM and others. Specialized Bibliographies are generally more selective in content than those bibliographies produced under NLM's Current Bibliographies in Medicine series. The only criterion for inclusion of a published work in a Specialized Bibliography is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the materials are not considered. Publications in this series are noncopyrighted and may be freely reproduced. A single copy may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, gummed labed to the address given below. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: The Editor Specialized Bibliography Series Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 PHYSICAL FITNESS & SPORTS MEDICINE This bibliography was prepared in conjunction with The Symposium on Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine held at the National Library of Medicine on June 9, 1988. The Symposium was jointly sponsored by the Library, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, and the National Fitness Foundation. The subjects covered in this publication reflect the themes of the Symposium, which included the history of sports and sports medicine, sports injuries, physical fitness throughout the various stages of life, and the current status of physical fitness in the United States. In gathering material, the MEDLINE, AVLINE, CATLINE, HISTLINE, and SERLINE databases of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) were searched as well as the SPORT DATABASE of the Sport Information Resource Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Because of the large volume of literature available on these subjects, with the exception of the historical material only items published in English since 1986 were selected. This bibliography is therefore extensive but not exhaustive; the exclusion of particular items is no reflection against their quality or usefulness. The purpose was to indicate to the audience the type and range of materials available and to provide a starting point for further investigation. Physical Fitness & Sports Medicine has been divided into four sections. The first section includes journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers in three areas: history and current perspectives of sports, sports medicine, and physical fitness; sports injuries, subdivided by major sports; and physical fitness, subdivided by three major age groups. Citations may appear under more than one heading. Sections II and III cover monographs, dissertations, conference proceedings, and audiovisuals in all the subject areas and have been arranged alphabetically by main entry. The final section contains an alphabetical listing of serials on the subjects of physical fitness and sports medicine currently being published as taken from NLM's SERLINE database. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Papers A History and Current Perspectives of Sports, Sports Medicine, and Physical Fitness 1 B. Sports Injuries Baseball 5 Basketball 5 Bicycling 6 Boxing 7 Football 8 Golf 11 Gymnastics 11 Hockey 11 Mountaineering 12 Running and Jogging 13 Skating 16 Skiing 17 Soccer 18 Swimming and Diving 19 Tennis 20 Track and Field 21 Volleyball 22 Weight Lifting 22 Wrestling 23 C. Physical Fitness Children and Adolescents 25 Adults and the Middle Aged 32 Aged and Aging 41 II. Monographs, Dissertations, and Conference Proceedings 45 III. Audiovisuals 51 l\. Serial Titles 57 I. Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Papers 1 A. HISTORY AND CURRENT PERSPECTIVES OF SPORTS, SPORTS MEDICINE, AND PHYSICAL FITNESS Adolescent sports medicine: medical aspects. Semin Adolesc Med 1987 Sep;3(3): 163-213 Blair SN ; Kohl HW ; Powell KE. Physical activity, physical fitness, exercise, and the public's health. Acad Pap: Am Acad Phys Educ 1986;(20):53-69 Brieger GH. The diseases of runners: a view from the eighteenth century-a commentary. Pharos 1980 Fall;43(4):29-32 Brooks CM. Adult participation in physical activities requiring moderate to high levels of energy expenditure. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Apr;15(4):118-21,124-30,132 Cahill BR. Presidential address of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. A new frontier. Am J Sports Med 1987 Nov-Dec;15(6):525-7 Carlson MJ. Critical issues in sports medicine. Ohio Med 1987 Dec;83(12):844-6 Carter JE. A tribute to Richard W. Parnell-Physique and health- in memoriam. J Sports Sci 1987 Spring;5(l):35-7 Caspersen CJ ; Christenson GM ; Pollard RA. Status of the 1990 physical fitness and exercise objectives - evidence from NHIS 1985. Public Health Rep 1986 Nov-Dec;101(6):587-92 La Cava G. Sports medicine in modern times. A short historical survey. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1973 Sep; 13:155-8 La Cava G. What medicine owes to Olympic games. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1975 Dec;15(4):227-81 Cinque C. Are Americans fit? Survey data conflict. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Nov;14(l):24 Cooper B. East meets West: new data challenges coastal cliches. Ultrasport 1987 Jun;4(6):22-3 Culpepper MI. Sports medicine and sports science: bridging the gap. Ala Med 1985 Nov;55(5):47-9, 51 Current topics in sports medicine. International Symposium of the German Federation of Sports Medicine on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Wildor Hollmann, M.D., D.h.c. Cologne, February 2,1985. Int J Sports Med 1986 Jun;7 Suppl 1:1-70 Danoek K Skiing in and through the history of medicine. Nord Medicinhist Arsb 1982:86-100 Dardik II. Olympic sports medicine: a unifying force. Clin Sports Med 1983 Mar;2(l):5-6 Daughtrey G ; Woods JB. The historical development of physical education and sport. In their: Physical education programs: organization and administration. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1971. p.3-14 Drinkwater BL. Physical activity in the adaptive process. In: Malina RM ; Eckert HM, editors. Physical activity in early and modern populations: fifty-ninth annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 11-13,1987. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers: American Academy of Physical Education, 1988. p.46-55 Edwards KS. Business body shops. How corporate fitness centers are shaping America. Ohio State Med J 1986 Feb;82(l):98-105 Eichberg H. The enclosure of the body~on the historical relativity of "health," "nature" and the environment of sport. J Contemp Hist 1986;21(1):99-121 Emerson RS. Olympics and sports medicine. NY State J Med 1980 May;80(6):992-4 Fielding LW. Sport and the terrible swift sword. Res Q 1977 Mar; 48(1):1-11 Flesch G. What sport's medicine owes to I. P. Pavlov. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1974 Sep; 14(3) :238-40 From strychnine to anabolic steroids. Hist Med (Lond) 1981; 9(l):2-3 Gartland JJ. Perspectives on sports medicine. Am J Sports Med 1983 Nov-Dec;ll(6):456-61 Halpern BC. Primary care concerns in sports medicine. Postgrad Med 1986 Feb l;79(2):279-80, 282 Haycock CE. The female athlete and sportsmedicine in the 70's. J Fla Med Assoc 1980 Apr;67(4):411-4 History of the Lachman test [letter]. Clin Orthop 1987 Mar; (216):302-3 Jackson DW. The history of sports medicine. Am J Sports Med 1984Jul-Aug;12(4):255-7 Jameson J. Trends: the new student body. The fitness ethic trickles down. Ultrasport 1987 May;4(5):20, 22 2 Jensen L. Sports medicine [interview]. Todays OR Nurse 1984 Aug;6(8):32-5 Jokl E. The evolution of sports medicine. Semin Adolesc Med 1987 Sep;3(3): 163-7 Jokl E. Medicine, science and sport. Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 1980 Jun;5(2 no 2):81-9 Jokl E. Motor functions of the human brain, a historical review. In: Vredenbregt J ; Wartenweiler J, editors. Biomechanics II. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1971. p.1-27. (Medicine and Sport, v. 6.) King JB. Sports medicine [editorial]. J R Soc Med 1986 Aug; 79(8):441-2 Leonard B ; Leonard C ; Wilson R. Zuni Diabetes Project. Public Health Rep 1986 May-Jun;101(3):282-8 Leone R. Sports medicine for nurses? Can Nurse 1984 Jun; 80(6):44-6 Levine MI. The pediatrician's role in sports medicine [editorial]. Pediatr Ann 1984 Aug;13(8):587-90; Lombardo JA. Sports medicine: who should practice it? [editorial]. Del Med J 1987 Sep;59(9):605-7 Macalister AD. What is sports medicine? NZ Med J 1986 Apr 9; 99(799):234-5 Mann GV. Sports in education. Perspect Biol Med 1987;31(1):34- 41 Maron MB ; Horvath SM. The marathon: a history and review of the literature. Med Sci Sports 1978 Summer; 10(2): 137-50 MastersonDW. The ancient Greek origins of sports medicine. Br J Sports Med 1976 Dec; 10(4): 196-202 Mathys FK The history of sports medicine. Olympic Rev 1987 Nov;(241):582-5 Mathys FK The history of sports medicine: (continuation and end). Olympic Rev 1987 Dec;(242):650-3 Mellion MB. The sports medicine content of family practice. J Fam Pract 1985 Dec;21(6):473,477-8 Miller JM. Ethical issues in college health; athletic medicine. J Am Coll Health 1986 Feb;34(4): 195-6 modern populations: fifty-ninth annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 11-13,1987. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers: American Academy of Physical Education, 1988. p.34-45 Morris AF. Sports medicine today. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1982 Jun;22(2):259-73 Morrow JR ; Crowhurst ME ; Monaghen SD ; Morava LB ; Pyfer J. A summary of the Texas Youth Fitness Study 1984. TAHPERD J 1986 Feb;54(2):ll-4 Morrow RM ; Kuebker WA. Sports dentistry: a new role. Dent SchQ1986;2(2):ll-3 Munnings F. What is sports medicine? Physician Sportsmed 1987 Jan;15(l):41 Novich MM. Early developments in sports medicine. J Med Soc NJ 1982 Apr;79(4):309-13 O'Neil FT; Hynak-Hankinson MT; Gorman J. Research and application of current topics in sports nutrition. J Am Diet Assoc 1986 Aug;86(8): 1007-15 Paul J. The health reformers: George Barker Windship and Boston's strength seekers. J Sport Hist 1983;10(3):41-57 Peltier LF. The classic. Geronimo Mercuriali (1530-1606) and the first illustrated book on sports medicine. Clin Orthop 1985 Sep;(198):21-4 Peltier LF. The lineage of sports medicine. Clin Orthop 1987 Mar;(216):4-12 Percy EC. Sports medicine: its past, present and future. Ariz Med 1983Nov;40(ll):789-92 Polisson RP. Sports medicine for the internist. Med Clin North Am 1986 Mar;70(2):469-89; Powell KE ; Spain KG ; Christenson GM ; Mollenkamp MP. The status of the 1990 objectives for physical fitness and exercise. Public Health Rep 1986 Jan-Feb;101(l):15-21 Prokop L. The struggle against doping and its history. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1970 Mar; 10:45-8 Redmond G. Historical aspects of fitness in the modern world. In: Malina RM ; Eckert HM, editors. Physical activity in early and modern populations: fifty-ninth annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 11-13,1987. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers: American Academy of Physical Education, 1988. p.22-33 Montoye HJ. How active are modern populations? In: Malina RM ; Eckert HM, editors. Physical activity in early and 3 Reindell H. A contribution to the history of the foundation of the committee for the sportmedical research in the Federal Republic of Germany. Deutsche Z Sportmed 1986 Sep;37(9): 264-5 Retsas S. Medicine and the Olympic games of antiquity. Hist Med (Lond) 1981;9(l):4-7, 20 Riddle C. L.A. health: the ultimate guide to health & fitness in Los Angeles. Rosen NB. The role of sports in rehabilitation of the handicapped. Historical. Md State Med J 1973 Feb;22:30-2 and 1973 Mar: 11-2 Ryan AJ. History of sports medicine. In: Ryan AJ ; Allman FL, editors. Sports medicine. New York: Academic Press, 1974. p. 13-29 Samples P. The team physician: no official job description. Physician Sportsmed 1988 Jan; 16(1): 169-70,173-5 Scheiderer LL. A survey of the practices of appointing and utilizing intercollegiate athletic team physicians. Athl Train 1987 Fall;22(3):211-4 Schuster RO. Podiatric sports medicine. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1987 Aug;77(8):397-8 Shaffer TE. The physician's role in sports medicine. Serving the athlete, school, and team. J Adolesc Health Care 1983 Jan; 3(4):227-30 Shephard RJ. Development of current concepts of fitness. In his: Endurance fitness. 2d. ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977. p. 11-55 Simmons K Back to school for youth fitness tests. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Sep; 14(9): 155-7,160 Simmons K The Federal Government: keeping tabs on the nation's fitness. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Jan; 15(1): 190-5 Sing RF. Sports medicine and the athlete. Mod Athl Coach 1987 Apr;25(2): 14-17 Snook GA. The father of sports medicine (Galen). Am J Sports Med 1978 May-Jun;6(3): 128-31 Snook GA. The history of sports medicine. Am J Sports Med 1984Jul-Aug;12(4):252-4 Strasser AL. Business should be cautious before jumping on health program bandwagon. Occup Health Saf 1986 Feb; 55(2):50 Stricevic MV ; Patel MR ; Okazaki T ; Swain BK Karate: historical perspective and injuries sustained in national and international tournament competitions. Am J Sports Med 1983 Sep-Oct;ll(5):320-4 Struna NL. Sport and colonial education: a cultural perspective. Res Q Exerc Sport 1981 Mar;52(l): 117-35 Symposium on special considerations in sports medicine. Orthrop Clin North Am 1983 Apr;14(2):293-471 Uminowicz G. Sport in a middle-class Utopia: Asbury Park, New Jersey, 1871-1895. J Sport Hist 19f4;ll(l):51-73 Vanek M ; Cratty BJ. A brief history of sport psychology. In their: Psychology and the superior athlete. [New York]: Macmillan, [1970]. p.7-38 Whorton JC. "Athlete's heart": the medical debate over athleticism, 1870-1920. J Sport Hist 1982;9(l):30-52 5 B. SPORTS INJURIES Baseball Duda M. Safe in softball means not sliding. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Sep; 14(9):37 Garon MW ; Merkle A ; Wright JT. Mouth protectors and oral trauma: a study of adolescent football players. J Am Dent Assoc 1986 May; 112(5):663-5 Garth WP Jr ; Leberte MA ; Cool TA. Recurrent fractures of the humerus in a baseball pitcher. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1988 Feb;70(2):305-6 Grin TR ; Nelson LB ; Jeffers JB. Eye injuries in childhood. Pediatrics 1987 Jul;80(l): 13-7 Harwood SJ ; Carroll RG. Scrotal scan in traumatic hematoma. Clin Nucl Med 1987 Jul;12(7):559-60 Itoh Y ; Wakano K; Takeda T ; Murakami T. Circulatory disturbances in the throwing hand of baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med 1987 May-Jun;15(3):264-9 Jobe FW ; Nuber G. Throwing injuries of the elbow. Clin Sports Med 1986 Oct;5(4):621-36 Jobe FW ; Stark H ; Lombardo SJ. Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1986 Oct;68(8):1158-63 Parker RD ; Berkowitz MS ; Brahms MA; Bohl WR. Hook of the hamate fractures in athletes. Am J Sports Med 1986 Nov-Dec; 14(6):517-23 Pavlovich L. Frightful trauma: eye injuries. Collegiate Baseball 1986 Mar 7;29(5): 1-2 Pavlovich L. Psychological torture: mental cobwebs must be purged before attempting comeback. Collegiate Baseball 1986 Mar21;29(6):l,10 PettroneFA. The pitching motion. In: Pettrone FA, editor. Symposium on upper extremity injuries in athletes. St. Louis, Mo.: C.V. Mosby, 1986. p.59-63 Polisner RI. Latex shields for major league baseball players. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1986 Oct;76(10):590-1 Shalin M. Bizarre player injuries are part of major league lore. Baseball Digest 1986 Feb;45(2):79-81 Sisto DJ ; Jobe FW. The operative treatment of scapulothoracic bursitis in professional pitchers. Am J Sports Med 1986 May- Jun; 14(3): 192-4 Sugawara M ; Ogino T; Minami A ; Ishii S. Digital ischemia in baseball players. Am J Sports Med 1986 Jul-Aug;14(4):329-34 Wojtys EM ; Smith PA ; Hankin FM. A cause of ulnar neuropathy in a baseball pitcher. A case report. Am J Sports Med 1986 Sep-Oct;14(5):422-4 Basketball Axe MJ ; McClain EJ. Complete involvement of the ulnar nerve secondary to an ulnar artery aneurysm: a case report. Am J Sports Med 1986 Mar-Apr; 14(2): 178-80 Bandy WD ; Shaw DK Injury profile of northeastern Ohio high school basketball officials. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Jan; 14(l):91-3, 97 Chang M ; Eifrig DE. Optic nerve avulsion. Case report. Arch Ophthalmol 1987 Mar;105(3):322-3 Colliander E ; Eriksson E ; Herkel M ; Skoeld P. Injuries in Swedish elite basketball. Orthopedics 1986 Feb;9(2):225-7 Demak R. The pain that won't go away: incessant pounding on legs and feet has caused an epidemic of stress fractures in the NBA. Sports Illus 1987 Apr 27;66(17):60-2, 64, 66, 71 Duda M. Study identifies girls' basketball injury trends. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Aug;15(8):62 Garon MW ; Merkle A ; Wright JT. Mouth protectors and oral trauma: a study of adolescent football players. J Am Dent Assoc 1986 May;112(5):663-5 High school injuries: study shows that 23% of female basketball players were injured in 1986-87. Coach Women's Basketball 1987Nov-Dec;l(2):28-9 Hjelkrem M ; Stanish WD. Synovial chondrometaplasia of the shoulder. A case report of a young athlete presenting with shoulder pain. Am J Sports Med 1988 Jan-Feb;16(l):84-6 Leach RE; Paul GR. Injury and disability in the professional athlete. Clin Orthop 1987 Aug;(221):68-76 Lehman RC ; Gregg JR ; Torg E. Iselin's disease. Am J Sports Med 1986 Nov-Dec; 14(6):494-6 6 Lombardo JA; Micheli LJ ; Bergfeld JA. Basketball player with pain over the fifth metatarsal. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Sep; 15(9):73-6 Ciastko AR. Why I have difficulty being enthusiastic about recommending that children wear helmets on bicycles [letter]. Pediatrics 1987 Mar;79(3):487-8 Nogle S. Rehabilitation of ankle sprains. Coach Women's Basketball 1988 Jan-Feb;l(3):25-7 Cohen D. Bicycle accidents [editorial]. Med J Aust 1986 Feb 3; 144(3): 114-5 Purdam C. A survey of netball and basketball injuries. Excel 1987 Mar;3(3):9-ll Shelbourne KD ; Fisher DA ; Rettig AC ; McCarroll JR. Stress fractures of the medial malleolus. Am J Sports Med 1988 Jan- Feb;16(l):60-3 Smith RW ; Reischl SF. Treatment of ankle sprains in young athletes. Am J Sports Med 1986 Nov-Dec; 14(6):465-71 Vicar AJ. Proximal interphalangeal joint dislocations without fractures. Hand Clin 1988 Feb;4(l):5-13 Weesner CL; Albohm MJ ; Ritter MA. A comparison of anterior and posterior cruciate ligament laxity between female and male basketball players. Physician Sportsmed 1986 May; 14(5): 149- 50,152-4 Yeager BA ; Schiebler ML ; Wertheim SB ; Schmidt RG ; Torg JS ; Perosio PM ; Dalinka MK MR imaging of osteoid osteoma of the talus. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1987 Sep-Oct;ll(5): 916-7 Dorsch MM ; Woodward AJ ; Somers RL. Do bicycle safety helmets reduce severity of head injury in real crashes? Accid Anal Prev 1987 Jun; 19(3): 183-90 Dreyfuss DC ; Flancbaum L; Krasna IH ; Tell B ; Trooskin SZ. Acute trans-rectus traumatic hernia. J Trauma 1986 Dec; 26(12): 1134-6 Grundill WL ; Muller R. Bicycle accident injuries. S Afr Med J 1986 Sep 27;70(7):413-4 Hannaford DR ; Moran GT; Hlavac HF. Video analysis and treatment of overuse knee injury in cycling: a limited clinical study. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1986 Oct;3(4):671-8 Hedlund R ; Lindgren U. The incidence of femoral shaft fractures in children and adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop 1986 Jan-Feb;6(l):47-50 Hiller WD ; OToole ML ; Fortess EE ; Laird RH ; Imbert PC ; Sisk TD. Medical and physiological considerations in triathlons. Am J Sports Med 1987 Mar-Apr; 15(2): 164-7 Yost JG ; Ellfeldt HJ. Basketball injuries. In: Nicholas JA ; Hershman EB, editors. The lower extremity and spine in sports medicine. St. Louis, Mo.; Toronto: Mosby, 1986. p.1440-66 Kiburz D ; Jacobs R ; Reckling F; Mason J. Bicycle accidents and injuries among adult cyclists. Am J Sports Med 1986 Sep- Oct;14(5):416-9 Bicycling Allen CE ; Borland SW. Bicycle safety [editorial]. Am J Dis Child 1987 Feb; 141(2): 136-7 Armson CJ ; Pollard CW. Child cyclist injuries: a prospective study. Med J Aust 1986 Feb 3;144(3):144-6 Belongia E ; Weiss H ; Bowman M ; Rattanassiri P. Severity and types of head trauma among adult bicycle riders. Wis Med J 1988Jan;87(l):ll-4 Bicycle crashes in the A.C.T. Pedal Power 1986 Jan-Feb;(69):10, 12 Bicycle-related injuries: data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. MMWR 1987 May 8;36(17):269-71 Kraus JF ; Fife D ; Conroy C. Incidence, severity, and outcomes of brain injuries involving bicycles. Am J Public Health 1987 Jan;77(l):76-8 Lackgren G ; Lorelius LE ; Olsen L; Wassen C. Hemobilia in childhood. J Pediatr Surg 1988 Feb;23(2): 105-8 Leads from the MMWR. Bicycle-related injuries: data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. JAMA 1987 Jun 26;257(24):3334, 3337 Lind MG ; Wollin S. Bicycle accidents. Acta Chir Scand [Suppll 1986;531:1-47 Nichols JN ; Tehranzadeh J. A review of tibial spine fractures in bicycle injury. Am J Sports Med 1987 Mar-Apr; 15(2): 172-4 O'Shea JS. Childhood accident prevention strategies. Forensic Sci Int 1986 Feb-Mar;30(2-3):99-lll Perry DJ ; MacWhannell A ; Gregory M. BMX bicycle injuries in hemophiliacs [letter]. Am J Dis Child 1987 Dec;141(12):1249 7 Roos R. Medical coverage of endurance events: part 1. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Nov;15(ll):140-6 Ruderman S. Bicycle injuries in a suburban community. NJ Med 1987 Sep;84(9):629-31 Selbst SM ; Alexander D ; Ruddy R. Bicycle-related injuries. Am J Dis Child 1987 Feb; 141(2): 140-4 Simon M. What now? When you're struck by a car, the law may be on your side if you know how to use it. Bicycling 1986 Apr; 27(4):26-30 Solomon S ; Cappa KG. Impotence and bicycling. A seldom- reported connection. Postgrad Med 1987 Jan;81(l):99-100,102 Sovio OM ; Tredwell SJ. Divergent dislocation of the elbow in a child. J Pediatr Orthop 1986 Jan-Feb;6(l):96-7 Sparnon AL ; Ford WD. Bicycle handlebar injuries in children. J Pediatr Surg 1986 Feb;21(2):118-9 Stanton PE Jr ; Brown R ; Rosenthal D ; Clark M ; Lamis PA. External iliac artery occlusion by bicycle handle injury. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1986 Nov-Dec;27(6):728-30 Vuong PN ; Camuzard P ; Schoonaert MF. Perineal nodular indurations ("accessory testicles") in cyclists. Fine needle aspiration cytologic and pathologic findings in two cases. Acta Cytol 1988 Jan-Feb;32(l):86-90 Watts CK; Jones D ; Crouch D ; Carter J ; Mew L; Moseley B. Survey of bicycling accidents in Boulder, Colorado. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Mar;14(3):99-101,104 Weiss BD. Childhood bicycle injuries. What can we do? [editorial]. Am J Dis Child 1987 Feb; 141(2): 135-6 Weiss BD. Preventing bicycle-related head injuries. NY State J Med 1987 Jun;87(6):319-20 Boxing Aoki N. Brain damage from boxing [letter]. J Neurosurg 1986 May;64(5):829-30 Aoki N. Brain damage from boxing [letter]. J Neurosurg 1987 Jan;66(l): 153-4 Bartholomew AA. Doctors and boxing contests [letter]. Med J Aust 1987 Aug 17;147(4):212 Burns RJ. Boxing and the brain. Aust NZ J Med 1986 Jun; 16(3):439-40 Carter JB ; Parke DW 2d. Unusual retinal tears in an amateur boxer. Arch Ophthalmol 1987 Aug; 105(8): 1138 Charnas L ; Pyeritz RE. Neurologic injuries in boxers. Hosp Pract [Off] 1986 May 30;21(5A):30-1, 34-9 Drew RH ; Templer DI; Schuyler BA ; Newell TG ; Cannon WG. Neuropsychological deficits in active licensed professional boxers. J Clin Psychol 1986 May;42(3):520-5 Enzenauer RW ; Enzenauer RJ. Ban military boxing. Milit Med 1987 Oct;152(10):536-7 Goldsmith MF. Physicians aim to KO boxers' injuries; focus on eyes as title bout nears [news]. JAMA 1987 Apr 3;257(13): 1697-8 Gunby P. Boxing: AIDS? [news]. JAMA 1988 Mar 18;259(11): 1613-4 Gunby P. Epidemiologic study to examine amateur boxers' potential risks [news]. JAMA 1986 May 9;255(18):2397-9 Guterman A ; Smith RW. Neurological sequelae of boxing. Sports Med 1987 May-Jun;4(3): 194-210 Jordan BD. Neurologic aspects of boxing. Arch Neurol 1987 Apr; 44(4):453-9 Jordan BD ; Campbell EA. Acute injuries among proffessional boxers in New York State: a two-year survey. Physician Sportsmed 1988 Jan;16(l):87-8;90-l Littlechild S. Brain injuries and the boxer. J Can Athl Ther Assoc 1986;13(l):13-6 Ludwig R. Making boxing safer. The Swedish model. JAMA 1986 May 9;255(18):2482 Lundberg GD. Boxing should be banned in civilized countries- round 3 [editorial]. JAMA 1986 May 9;255(18):2483-5 Lundberg GD. Brain injury in boxing. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1985 Sep;6(3): 192-8 Maguire JI; Benson WE. Retinal injury and detachment in boxers. JAMA 1986 May 9;255(18):2451-3 McLatchie G ; Brooks N ; Galbraith S ; Hutchison JS; Wilson L ; Melville I; Teasdale E. Clinical neurological examination, neuropsychology, electroencephalography and computed 8 tomographic head scanning in active amateur boxers. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1987 Jan;50(l):96-9 Morrison RG. Medical and public health aspects of boxing. JAMA 1986 May 9;255(18):2475-80 Nash HL. Boxing supporters and opponents square off. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Jul;14(7):33-4 Nash HL. Medical study on amateur boxers begins. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Apr;14(4):34,36 Noble C. Hand injuries in boxing. Am J Sports Med 1987 Jul-Aug; 15(4):342-6 O'Connor M. Boxing-brain damage. Caritas 1987 Spring;53(61): 1-2 Pearn JH. Boxing and the brain [letter]. Aust NZ J Med 1987 Feb;17(l):83 Richards PG ; Hatfield R ; Grant HC. Brain damage from boxing [letter]. J Neurosurg 1986 Nov;65(5):723 Ross RJ ; Casson IR ; Siegel O ; Cole M. Boxing injuries: neurologic, radiologic, and neuropsychologic evaluation. Clin Sports Med 1987 Jan;6(l):41-51 Andersen-Ranberg F; Hejgaard N. Ruptured semimembranosus bursa-an unusual complication following sports injury of the knee. Br J Sports Med 1986 Mar;20(l):23-4 Bass J. Quadriceps contusion common football injury. Nat Fed News 1986 Oct;4(2):33-4 Bird PJ. Getting dinged. Athl J 1987 Apr;67(9):28-9 Brzycki M. Plyometrics: a giant step backwards. Athl J 1986 Apr; 66(9):22-3 Buckley WE. Concussions in college football. A multivariate analysis. Am J Sports Med 1988 Jan-Feb;16(l):51-6 Buckley WE. Concussion injury in college football: an eight-year overview. Athl Train 1986 Fall;21(3):207-11 Coaches, others consider reasons for increase in football fatalities. Nat Fed News 1987 Nov;5(3):4-5 Collins RK Injury patterns in women's intramural flag football. Am J Sports Med 1987 May-Jun;15(3):238-42 Cowell HR. College football: to brace or not to brace [editorial]. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1987 Jan;69(l):l Ryan AJ. Intracranial injuries resulting from boxing: a review (1918-1985). Clin Sports Med 1987 Jan;6(l):31-40 Sabharwal RK; Sanchetee PC ; Sethi PK; Dhamija RM. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in boxers. J Assoc Physicians India 1987 Aug;35(8):571-3 Vines G. Boxing takes a battering. Many neurologists argue that it is time to ban boxing at both amateur and professional levels. Its defenders claim that the link between brain damage and boxing is not yet proven. New Sci 1986 Jun 19;(1513):30-1 Culpepper MI; Morrison T. High school football game injuries from four Birmingham municipal fields. Ala J Med Sci 1987 Oct;24(4):378-82 Day AL ; Friedman WA ; Indelicato PA. Observations on the treatment of lumbar disk disease in college football players. Am J Sports Med 1987 Jan-Feb;15(l):72-5 DeHaven KE ; Lintner DM. Athletic injuries: comparison by age, sport, and gender. Am J Sports Med 1986 May-Jun;14(3):218- 24 Welch MJ ; Sitler M ; Kroeten H. Boxing injuries from an instructional program. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Sep;14(9):81- 2, 85-8, 90 Dicker G ; McColl D ; Sali A. The incidence and nature of Australian Rules football injuries. Aust Fam Physician 1986 Apr; 15(4):455-6, 458-9 Football Abdenour TE ; Weir NJ. Medical assessment of the prospective student athlete. Athl Train 1986 Summer;21(2): 122-3,186 Alves WM ; Rimel RW ; Nelson WE. University of Virginia prospective study of football-induced minor head injury: status report. Clin Sports Med 1987 Jan;6(l):211-8 Duda M. Number of football deaths stabilizes. Physician Sportsmed 1988 Feb;16(2):55 Duda M. Study: most grid injuries occur in practice. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Mar; 15(3):44 Findlay D. After the final siren. Australian Rules football injuries presenting to a casualty department. Aust Fam Physician 1986 Mar;15(3):267-74 9 Garcia Gallego F; Sotillo Marti J ; Perez Blasco P. Myocardial infarction and subtotal obstruction of the anterior descending coronary artery caused by trauma in a football player. 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Med Sci Sports Exerc 1987 Apr; 19(2): 148-56 Roncarati A ; Bucciarelli J ; English D. The incidence of low back pain in runners: a descriptive study. Researchers present the results of a study to determine whether low back pain occurs as frequently in runners as it does in other sports participants. Corp Fitness Recreation 1986 Feb-Mar;5(2):33-6 Roos R. Medical coverage of endurance events: part 1. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Nov; 15(11): 140-6 Scaggs CG. Stress fracture in a young male runner taking corticosteroids. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1986 Oct;76(10): 550-1 Schepsis AA ; Leach RE. Surgical management of Achilles tendinitis. Am J Sports Med 1987 Jul-Aug; 15(4):308-15 Schuster R. Making strides: stepping into the future, we've left pain behind. Runner 1986 Jun;8(9):24 Shelbourne KD ; Fisher DA ; Rettig AC ; McCdrroll JR. Stress fractures of the medial malleolus. Am J Sports Med 1988 Jan- Feb;16(l):60-3 Sherkin K Shin splints revisited. Track Field Q Rev 1986 Fall; 86(3):46 Sherkin KJ. The heavyweight runner. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1987 Sep;77(9):517-9 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 Apr 26;40(17):35, 38-42 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 Jan 18;40:19-22 16 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 May 10;40(19): 35-9 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 May 3;40(18):27- 30 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Continuing our series of extracts. Athl Weekly 1986 Mar l;40(9):21-3 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Part 2 of "foot injuries." Athl Weekly 1986 Mar 8;40(10):33-4,39-41 Sperryn P. Running injuries. Part 3 of "foot injuries". Athl Weekly 1986 Mar 15;40(ll):28-30 Sperryn P. Running injuries: a further extract. Athl Weekly 1986 Feb l;40:16-8 Sperryn P. Running injuries: continuing the series of extracts from Dr. Peter Sperryn's book "Sport and Medicine," featuring this week the chapter on knee injuries, (part one). Athl Weekly 1986 Apr 19;40(16):51-7 Sperryn P. Running injuries: continuing the series of extracts from Dr. Peter Sperryn's book "Sport and Medicine," featuring this week the chapter on lower-leg injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 Apr 5;40(14):26-31 Sperryn P. Sports medicine: running injuries. Part 2. Fun Runner 1986 Aug-Sep;8(3):33, 35-7 Stevenson R. A rebuttal: in defense of high mileage. Calif Track Running News 1986 Apr;(113):18-9 Subotnick S. The ten most common running injuries. Track Field Q Rev 1986 Fall;86(3):43-5 Suootnick SI. The biomechanics of running injuries in elite athletes. In: Giam CK ; Teh KC, editors. Proceedings of the Second International Sports Science Conference, 11-3 Sept. 1986. Singapore: Singapore Sports Council, 1986. p.58-61 Subotnick SI. The injured athlete psychological considerations. Calif Track Running News 1986 Jul;(116):28 Sutherland IH. Idiopathic edema in the athletic woman. Singapore Med J 1986 Jun;27(3):253-5 Taunton JE ; Clement DB ; Smart GW ; McNicol KL. Non- surgical management of overuse knee injuries in runners. Can J Sport Sci 1987 Mar;12(l):ll-8 Taylor P. Muscle pulls, sprains, and tears. Running Fitnews 1986 Jun;4(6):3 Tegner Y ; Lysholm J ; Lysholm M ; Gillquist J. A performance test to monitor rehabilitation and evaluate anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Am J Sports Med 1986 Mar-Apr;14(2):156-9 Thome DA ; Datz FL. Pelvic stress fracture in female runners. Clin Nucl Med 1986 Dec;ll(12):828-9 Tunstall Pedoe DS. Medical support for marathons in the United Kingdom: the London marathon. In: Sutton JR ; Brock RM, editors. Sports medicine for the mature athlete. Indianapolis, Ind.: Benchmark Press, 1986. p.181-92 Vento JA ; Slavin JD Jr ; O'Brien JJ ; Spencer RP. Bilateral "simultaneous" femoral neck fractures following minimal stress. Clin Nucl Med 1986 Jun;ll(6):411-2 Vogel M. Do you really need orthotics? Women's Sports Fitness 1986 Oct;8(10):32-3, 59 Walker L. Women athletes with menstrual irregularity [letter]. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1987 Aug;19(4):421 Warren BL ; Jones CJ. Predicting plantar fasciitis in runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1987 Feb;19(l):71-3 Weiss RF. Bunions-hallux valgus deformity. Running Fitness 1986 Feb:3 Whieldon TJ ; Winiewicz TW. Sacroiliac dysfunction in runners. Athl Train 1986 Spring;21(l):15-9 Wischnia B. Pronation: a breakdown. Examining the runner's arch enemy. Runner's World 1987 Apr;22(4):38-40 Woodle AS. Clinical applications of biomechanics cinematography. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1986 Oct;3(4):613-22 Zoltan DJ ; Clancy WG Jr ; Keene JS. A new operative approach to snapping hip and refractory trochanteric bursitis in athletes. Am J Sports Med 1986 May-Jun;14(3):201-4 Skating Bradley JD. The very young skater. Skating 1986 Oct;63(8): 12-3 Brock RM ; Striowski CC. Injuries in elite figure skaters. Physician Sportsmed 1986 Jan;14(l):lll-5 Brown EW ; McKeag DB. Training, experience, and medical history of pairs skaters. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Apr- 15(4): 100-4,107,111-2,114 17 Davis MW. Problems involving the extensor mechanism of the knee. Skating 1986 Apr;63(4): 13-4 Facchini R ; Denti M ; Memeo A ; Marchetto M. Prevention of spine pain due to functional overloading in ice speed skaters. Ital J Sports Traumatol 1986 Jan-Mar;8(l):57-63 Glickman S. The road to recovery. Skate 1987 Spring;70(2):40-1 Jaffe R. Skating injuries: first state sports research [editorial]. Del Med J 1987 Sep;59(9):612,615 Jenkins DW. Sports sciences and figure skating. Skating 1986 July;63(7):17-8 Knapp DN ; Gutmann MC ; Rogowski BL; Foster C ; Pollock ML. Perceived vulnerability to illness and injury among Olympic speedskating candidates: effects on emotional response to training. In: Landers DM, editor. Sport and elite performers. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. p.103-11 Lamoreaux A ; Henry L. Injuries in art. Skate 1987 Spring; 70(2):32-3 Tse PY ; Shen WY ; Chan KM ; Leung PC. Roller skating-is it a dangerous sport? Br J Sports Med 1987 Sep;21(3): 125-6 Williamson DM ; Lowdon IM. Ice-skating injuries. Injury 1986 May;17(3):205-7 Skiing Brouns F; Saris WH ; Ten Hoor F. Nutrition as a factor in the prevention of injuries in recreational and competitive downhill skiing. Considerations based on the literature. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1986 Mar;26(l):85-91 Budd GM. Accidental hypothermia in skiers [editorial]. Med J Aust 1986 Apr 28;144(9):449-50 Derkash RS; Matyas JR ; Weaver JK; Oden RR; Kirk RE; Freeman JR; Cipriano FJ. Acute surgical repair of the skier's thumb. Clin Orthop 1987 Mar;(216):29-33 Ettlinger C. Rules of thumb. Skiing 1986 Oct;39(2):46 Ettlinger C. Why all the knee injuries? In the general ski population, serious knee injuries are approaching the frequency of broken legs of two decades ago. Why? And what can be done about it? Skiing 1986 Spring;38(7):70-1,78 Fairclough JA ; Mintowt-Czyz WJ. Skier's thumb-a method of prevention. 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Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Oct;25(5):383-90 SonnexT. Head injuries and football. Football Referee 1986 Feb; (6):8 Tegner Y ; Lysholm J ; Lysholm M ; Gillquist J. A performance test to monitor rehabilitation and evaluate anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Am J Sports Med 1986 Mar-Apr; 14(2): 156-9 Thomason PA ; Linson MA. Isolated dislocation of the proximal tibiofibular joint. J Trauma 1986 Feb;26(2): 192-5 Volpi P ; Melegati G. The pathogenesis and classification of footballer's pubalgia. Ital J Sports Traumatol 1986 Oct-Dec; 8(4):271-4 Ward A. Soccer: safe kicks for kids. Physician Sportsmed 1987 Aug;15(8): 150-3,156 Wertz B. How to handle injuries. Can So Ref 1986;(l):32-3 Xethalis JL ; Boiardo BA. Soccer injuries. In: Nicholas JA ; Hershman EB, editors. The lower extremity and spine in sports medicine. St. Louis, Mo.; Toronto: Mosby, 1986. p.1580-667 Swimming and Diving Becker TJ. The athletic trainer in swimming. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan;5(l):9-24 Carter RL. Prevention of springboard and platform diving injuries. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan;5(l): 185-94 Ciullo JV. Swimmer's shoulder. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan; 5(l):115-37 Counsilman J ; McAllister B. Breaking up shoulder problems. Can massaging tendinitis stricken shoulders make scar tissue and problems disappear? Swim Tech 1986 Feb-May;22(4):14-8 Counsilman JE. The role of the coach in training for swimming. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan;5(l):3-7 Cox L. Dangers of the deep. Triathlon Mag 1986 Apr;4(3): 18-9 Cramping your style. Chip Zempel on the Charley horse. Triathlete 1986Sep;(37):16,74 Dominguez RH. Water polo injuries. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan; 5(l):169-83 Donnelly WH ; Indelicato PA. The physician to a swimming team. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan;5(l):25-32 20 Foley D. Swimmer's shoulder - a different clinical approach. Excel 1987 Dec;4(2):9-ll Fowler PJ ; Regan WD. Swimming injuries of the knee, foot and ankle, elbow, and back. Clin Sports Med 1986 Jan;5(l): 139-48 Guido D. 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Failure of immobilization of the cervical spine by the halo vest. A report of five cases. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1986 Mar;68(3):326-32 ZempelC. Downtime. Triathlete 1987 Feb;(42): 14-5 Tennis Bell RH ; Hawkins RJ. Stress fracture of the distal ulna. A case report. Clin Orthop 1986 Aug;(209): 169-71 Chard MD ; Lachmann SM. Racquet sports-patterns of injury presenting to a sports injury clinic. Br J Sports Med 1987 Dec- 21(4): 150-3 21 Dulany R. Tennis strokes. In: Pettrone FA, editor. Symposium on upper extremity injuries in athletes. St. Louis, Mo.: C.V. Mosby, 1986. p.47-58 Fareed O. Healing tendon-cies. World Tennis 1986 Nov;34(6): 10-1 Giannini S ; Girolami M ; Ceccarelli F ; Di Silvestre M ; Cantagalli S. "Minor" foot conditions in tennis-players. Ital J Sports Traumatol 1986 Oct-Dec;8(4):241-51 Gregory PT. Sussex Eye Hospital sports injuries. Br J Ophthalmol 1986 Oct;70(10):748-50 Groppel JL. The utilization of proper racket sport mechanics to avoid upper extremity injury. In: Pettrone FA, editor. Symposium on upper extremity injuries in athletes. St. Louis, Mo.: C.V. Mosby, 1986. p.30-5 Jobe FW ; Nuber G. Throwing injuries of the elbow. Clin Sports Med 1986 Oct;5(4):621-36 Leach RE ; Paul GR. Injury and disability in the professional athlete. Clin Orthop 1987 Aug;(221):68-76 Lloyd CE. Words of caution: listen to your body to prevent minor ailments from becoming major injuries. World Tennis 1986 Nov;34(6):38-40 McNerney JE. Give the boot to the foot injury: some helpful hints on treating and preventing painful foot problems. World Tennis 1986 Feb;33(9):60-1 Nirschl RP. Soft-tissue injuries about the elbow. Clin Sports Med 1986 Oct;5(4):637-52 Nivschl RP. Surgery and rehabilitation of the professional athlete. In: Pettrone FA, editor. Symposium on upper extremity injuries in athletes. St. Louis, Mo.: C.V. Mosby, 1986. p.244-65 O'Leary MR; Smith MS ; Druy EM. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to axillary-subclavian vein thrombosis. Ann Emerg Med 1987 Aug;16(8):889-93 Reece LA ; Fricker PA ; Maguire KF. Injuries of elite young tennis players at the Australian Institute of Sport. Aust J Sci Med Sport 1986 Dec;18(4):ll-15 Tibone JE ; Elrod B ; Jobe FW ; Kerlan RK ; Carter VS ; Shields CL Jr; Lombardo SJ ; Yocum L. Surgical treatment of tears of the rotator cuff in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1986 Jul; 68(6):887-91 Wadler GI. Hot stuff: playing in the heat. Inside Women's Tennis 1986 Jun;10(6):9 Warren RF. Tennis elbow (epicondylitis). Epidemiology and conservative treatment. In: Pettrone FA, editor. Symposium on upper extremity injuries in athletes. St. Louis, Mo.: C.V. Mosby, 1986. p.233-43 Track and Field Baron R. Risk management: safe practices to reduce liability. Athl Dir Coach 1987 Jan;5(l): 11-12 Brody DM. Running injuries. In: Nicholas JA ; Hershman EB, editors. The lower extremity and spine in sports medicine. St. Louis, Mo.; Toronto: Mosby, 1986. p.1534-79 Creighton DS ; Olson VL. Evaluation of range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint in runners with plantar faciitis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1987 Jan;8(7):357-61 Crossman JE. Psychological and sociological factors supporting athletic injury. Coach Rev 1986 May-Jun:54-8 Ellis J. Running pains: how women differ from men. Women's Sports Fitness 1986 Jan;8(l):47 Gould M. Knee and ankle cartilage. Running Times 1986 Jan; (108): 12-3 Hardaker WT ; Moorman CT. Foot and ankle injuries in dance and athletics: similarities and differences. In: Shell CG, editor. The dancer as athlete. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. p.31-41 Horner CH ; O'Brien AA. Motorcycle racing injuries on track and road circuits in Ireland. Br J Sports Med 1986 Dec; 20(4): 157-8 Masters S ; Fricker P ; Purdam C. Stress fractures of the femoral shaft-four case studies. Br J Sports Med 1986 Mar;20(l):14-6 McKenzie DC ; Taunton JE ; Clement DB. The prevention of running injuries. 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Running injuries: continuing the series of extracts from Dr. Peter Sperryn's book "Sport and Medicine," featuring this week the chapter on knee injuries, (part one). Athl Weekly 1986 Apr 19;40(16):51-7 Sperryn P. Running injuries: continuing the series of extracts from Dr. Peter Sperryn's book "Sport and Medicine," featuring this week the chapter on lowei -leg injuries. Athl Weekly 1986 Apr 5;40(14):26-31 Stevenson R. A rebuttal: in defense of high mileage. Calif Track Running News 1986 Apr;(113): 18-9 Subotnick S. The ten most common running injuries. Track Field Q Rev 1986 Fall;86(3):43-5 Subotnick SI. The injured athlete psychological considerations. Calif Track Running News 1986 Jul;(116):28 Taylor P. Muscle pulls, sprains, and tears. Running Fitnews 1986 Jun;4(6):3 Teitz CC. First aid, immediate care, and rehabilitation of knee and ankle injuries in dancers and athletes. In: Shell CG, editor. The dancer as athlete. 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Running Mag 1987 Jan;(69):29 44 Stephens T; Craig CL ; Ferris BF. Adult physical activity in Canada: findings from the Canada Fitness Survey I. Can J Public Health 1986 Jul-Aug;77(4):285-90 Stirling DR ; Miller G ; Barker P ; Rowden G ; Meehan S ; Ralston M. Exercise: an effective strategy to activate seniors. In: McPherson BD, editor. Sport and aging. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. p.145-51 Strauzenberg SE. Sports activities in older age. Review (Berlin) 1986:11-9 Suominen H. Research problems in the relationship between physical activity and ageing. Review (Berlin) 1986:25-8 Suominen-Troyer S ; Davis KJ ; Ismail AH ; Salvendy G. Impact of physical fitness on strategy development in decision-making tasks. Percept Mot Skills 1986 Feb;62(l):71-7 Tchai BS ; Ju JS. The trend of the nutritional status of the Korean, 1969-1984. World Rev Nutr Diet 1987;51:45-73 Ungerman-deMent P ; Bemis A ; Siebens A. Exercise program for patients after cardiac surgery. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1986 Jul;67(7):463-6 The use it or lose it theory is confirmed: special report on aging and fitness. Exec Fitness Newsl 1986 Jul 19;17(15):l-3 Vega C. Nutrition for active seniors. Dance Exerc Today 1987 Sep;5(7):51-4 Weingarden AP. Dance-movement therapy with the elderly at Baycrest Centre for geriatric care. In: Berridge ME ; Ward GR, editors. International perspectives on adapted physical activity. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics, 1987. p.271-6 Weiss CR ; Jamieson NB. Affective aspects of an age-integrated water exercise program. Gerontologist 1987;27(4):430-3 Wilson BE; Raynor MH. Senior games: getting better with age. Parks Recreat 1986 Dec;21(12):36-8,59 Wyshak G ; Frisch RE; Albright NL; Albright TE; Schiff I. Lower prevalence of benign diseases of the breast and benign tumours of the reproductive system among former college athletes compared to non-athletes. Br J Cancer 1986 Nov; 54(5):841-5 Young A. Exercise and chronic disease. In: Macleod DAD, editor. Exercise: benefits, limits and adaptations. London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1987. p.20-32 II. Monographs, Dissertations, and Conference Proceedings 47 Assessing physical fitness and physical activity in population-based surveys. Edited by Thomas F. Drury. Hyattsville, Md.: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics, [1988]. (DHHS publication; no.(PHS) 88-1253) Benyo, R.; Provost, R. Feeling fit in your 40s. 1st ed. New York: Atheneum, 1986. Biochemical aspects of physical exercise. Proceedings of the International Congress on Problems on the Biochemistry of Physical Exercise and Training; October 20-24,1985; Gubbio, Italy. Edited by Gianni Benzi, Lester Packer, Noris Siliprandi. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986. 504p. Biomechanics of sport, by Christopher L. Vaughan. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1988. Bird, Anne Marie ; Cripe, Bernette K Psychology and sport behavior. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1986. 345p. Birrer, Richard B.; Brecher, David B. Common sports injuries in youngsters. Oradell, N.J.: Medical Economics Books, 1987. 148p. Borms, J.; Hebbelinck, M.; Venerando, A. editors. Women and sport: an historical, biological, physiological and sportsmedical approach. Basel: Karger, 1981. 229p. (Medicine and sport, vol. 14) Burkard, J. J. The effect of fitness, participation time, and past history of injury on the frequency of injury in intercollegiate ice hockey. [Masters Thesis, Univ. of New Brunswick, 1983]. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1986. Butt, Dorcas Susan. Psychology of sport: the behavior, motivation, personality and performance of athletes. 2nd ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987. 342p. Carr, C. J.; Jokl, E. Enhancers of Performance and Endurance: a symposium. Hillsdale, NJ.: L. Erlbaum, 1986. 388p. Cawley, L. M. Comparison of fitness levels of fifth grade boys and girls in a continuous physical education program, a one-year physical education program, and no physical education program. [Masters Thesis, Winthrop College, 1983]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Chiropractic management of sports and recreational injuries, by R.C. Schafer. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1986. 555p. Colson, John H. C.; Armour, William J. Sports injuries and their treatment. 2nd rev. ed. London: S. Paul, 1986. 240p. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Books, 1988. 314p. (Big Ten physical education body of knowledge series; vol. 16) Current research in sports biomechanics, by B. van Gheluwe, John Atha. Basel: Karger, 1987. 203p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 25) The dancer as athlete. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v.8. Edited by Caroline G. Shell. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 237p. Dornan, Peter ; Dunn, Richard. Sporting injuries: a practical guide to managing soft tissue injuries for athletes, coaches, trainers, and teachers. St. Lucia [Qld.]: University of Queensland Press, 1988. Drugs & performance in sports, by Richard H. Strauss. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1987. 221p. Eagan, M.; Pentz, D. Marketing fitness to Canadian youth. Ottawa: Fitness Canada, 1986. 50p. Engsberg, J. R. A kinematic and kinetic analysis of the talo- calcaneal joint during the support phase of running. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Iowa, 1985]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Ericson, Mats. On the biomechanics of cycling: a study of joint and muscle load during exercise on the bicycle ergometer. Stockholm, Sweden: Distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co., 1986. 43p. (Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine; Supplement; no. 16) Essentials of sports medicine, by Greg R. McLatchie. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1986. 223p. Exercise adherence: its impact on public health, by Rod K Dishman. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Books, 1988. 447p. Exercise and mental health, by William P. Morgan, Stephen E. Goldston. Washington: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1987. 196p. The exercising adult, by Robert C. Cantu. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1987. 294p. Fardy, Paul S.; Yanowitz, Frank G.; Wilson, Philip K Cardiac rehabilitation, adult fitness, and exercise testing. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1987. Female endurance athletes, by Barbara L. Drinkwater. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 166p. Fitness fits. Canadian Symposium on Youth Fitness. Ottawa: Fitness and Amateur Sport, 1986. 48p. Competitive sports for children and youth: an overview of research and issues, by Eugene W. Brown, Crystal F. Branta. Fitness for work: the medical aspects, by F.C. Edwards, R.I. McCallum, P.J. Taylor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988. 48 Foot and ankle in sport and exercise, by Roy J. Shephard, Jack E. Taunton. Basel: Karger, 1987. 198p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 23) Fox, Edward L.; Bowers, Richard W.; Foss, Merle L. The physiological basis of physical education and athletics. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders College Pub., 1988. Green, Harvey. Fit for America: health, fitness, sport, and American society. 1st ed. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986. 367p. Gregg, James R. Vision and sports: an introduction. Boston: Butterworth Publishers, 1987. 188p. Harman, S. T. A cardiovascular exercise and education program for elementary school children. [Masters Thesis, Northeastern Univ., 1984]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Health and fitness in the workplace: health education in business organizations, by Samuel H. Klarreich. New York: Praeger, 1987. The health implications of exercise and sports in the school aged child and adolescent, by Oded Bar-Or. Basel: Karger, 1986. 59p. (Pediatrician; vol. 13, no. 1) Henderson, R. W., editor. Early American sport: a checklist of books by American and foreign authors published prior to 1860, including sporting songs. 3d ed rev. Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1977. 309p. Hooke, A. P. Nature and implications of home exercise practiced by older adults. [Masters Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, 1984]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Human muscle power. Proceedings of the McMaster International Symposium; July 15-17,1984; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Edited by Norman L. Jones, Neil McCartney, Alan J. McComas. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 332p. Implementing health/fitness programs, by Robert W. Patton. Champaign, III.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 291p. The injured athlete, by Daniel N. Kulund. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippindott, 1988. Injuries to the elbow, forearm, and hand, by Frank C. McCue. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986. (Clinics in sports medicine; vol. 5, no. 4, Oct. 1986) Injuries to the spine, by Curtis W. Spencer. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986. (Clinics in sports medicine; vol. 5, no. 2, Apr. 1986). James GM. Older adult perspectives on purposes for engaging in movement activities. [Ed.D. Thesis, Univ. of Georgia, 1985]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Karpman, V. L. Cardiovascular system and physical exercise. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1987. 196p. Lawrence, R. M.; Rosenzweig, S. Going the distance. The right way to exercise for people over 40. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. 242p. Lederach, N.; Kauffman, N.; Lederach, B. Exercise as you grow older. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1986. 112p. Lockhart, A. S.; Spears, B. editors. Chronicle of American physical education; selected readings, 1855-1930. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown, [1972]. 462p. The lower extremity and spine in sports medicine, by James A. Nicholas, Elliott B. Hershman. St. Louis: Mosby, 1986. 2 v. Manual of sports surgery, by Clarence L. Shields, Clive E. Brewster. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987. 206p. Martinez, E. M. Biographical study of selected leaders in health, physical education and recreation. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama, 1970. 593p. Mayer, Tom G.; Gatchel, Robert J. Functional restoration for spinal disorders: the sports medicine approach. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1988. McArdle, William D.; Katch, Frank I.; Katch, Victor L. Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition, and human performance. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1986. 696p. McBride, C.; Lefler, K Senior shape-up: an exercise guide for the very active to the physically restricted. 1st ed. Tallahasse, Fla.: Loiry Pub. House, 1986. 130p. McCreight, G. A. Field estimation of cardiorespiratory fitness in young females, eight to eleven years of age. [Masters Thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, 1982]. Eugenr, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. The menstrual cycle and physical activity. Proceedings of the United States Olympic Committee Symposium; 1984; Colorado Springs, Colo. Edited by Jacqueline L. Puhl, C. Harmon Brown. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 164p. Miller, David K. Fitness a lifetime commitment. 3rd ed. Edina, Minn.: Burgess Pub., 1986. 273p. Modern perspectives in physical education & sport sciences. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences; 1st; 1985; Gwalior, India. New Delhi: Harnam, 1986. 288p. 49 Morgan, Lyle W. Homeopathic treatment of sports injuries. Rochester, Vt.: Healing Arts Press, 1987. Mueller, F. O.; Schindler, R. D. Annual survey of football injury research 1931-1985. [S.l.]: American Football Coaches Association, 1986. 24p. Muscular function in exercise and training. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biological Sciences in Sport; 3rd; 1986; Nice, France. Basel: Karger, 1987. 271p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 26) Newiss, J. Catalogue of the Carnegie historical collection of books on physical education, sport and recreation, and health education published before 1946.2nd ed. Leeds: City of Leeds and Carnegie College of Education Library, 1971. 93p. Nightingale, T. W. A history of physical education, sport, recreation and amusement in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the nineteenth century. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1979. 279p. Office management of sports injuries & athletic problems, by Morris B. Mellion. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, 1988. 320p. Pavlov, H.; Torg, J. S. The running athlete: roentgenograms and remedies. Chicago, 111.: Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1987. 315p. Perspectives in kinanthropometry. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v.l. Edited by James A.P. Day. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 284p. Peterson, Lars ; Renstnom, Per. Sports injuries: their prevention and treatment. English language ed. London: Dunitz, 1986. 488p. Peterson, Marilyn Shope ; Peterson, Keith. Eat to compete: a guide to sports nutrition. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1988. Physical activity & well-being, by Vern Seefeldt. Reston, Va.: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1986. 509p. Prudden, B. Bonnie Prudden's after fifty fitness guide. 1st ed. New York: Villard Books, 1986. 372p. Ralston, J. Walking for the health of it: the easy and effective exercise for people over 50. Washington, D.C.: Scott, Foresman, 1986. Resource manual for guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, by Steven N. Blair. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1988. Rikkers, R. Seniors on the move. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 240p. Rost, Richard. Athletics and the heart. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1987. 159p. Rowthorn, A. W. A history of the evolution and development of therapeutic recreation services for special populations in the United States from 1918 to 1977. Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University, 1978. 35lp. Scott, P. F. Prevention of head and neck injuries: development of a gymnastic mat testing facility. [Masters Thesis, Univ. of Waterloo, 1985]. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1986. Secretariat for Fitness in the Third Age, Canada. An annotated bibliography. 1984 update. Ottawa: The Secretariat, 1986. 44p. Secretariat for Fitness in the Third Age, Canada. An annotated bibliography. Addendum 1985. Ottawa: The Secretariat, 1987. 50p. Secretariat for Fitness in the Third Age, Canada. Moving to music: a leader's kit for third age fitness. Vanier, Ont.: The Secretariat, 1986. Shephard, Roy J. Fitness and health in industry. Basel: Karger, 1986. 316p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 21) Shephard, Roy J. Fitness of a nation: lessons from the Canada Fitness Survey. Basel: Karger, 1986. 186p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 22) Shephard, Roy J. Physical activity and aging. 2nd ed. Rockville, Md.: Aspen Publishers, 1987. 354p. Shoulder injuries, by Jeffrey E. Falkel, Timothy C. Murphy. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1988. (Sports injury management; vol. 1, no. 2, June 1988) Smith, Nathan J.; Stanitski, Carl L. Sports medicine: a practical guide. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1987. 238p. Spears, B.; Swanson, R. A. History of sport and physical activity in the United States. Edited by E. T. Smith. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1978. 402p. Sport and aging. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v. 5. Edited by Barry D. McPherson. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 278p. Sport and disabled athletes. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v.9. Edited by Claudine Sherrill. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 297p. 50 Sport and elite performers. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v. 3. Edited by Daniel M. Landers. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 194p. Sport and human genetics. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v.4. Edited by Robert M. Malina, Claude Bouchard. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 184p. Sport and politics. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v. 7. Edited by Gerald Redmond. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 214p. Sport for children and youths. Proceedings of the 1984 Oyympic Scientific Congress, v. 10. Edited by Maureen R. Weiss, Daniel Gould. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 284p. Sport science perspectives for women. Proceedings from the Women and Sports Science Conference; 1985; Colorado Springs. Edited by Jacqueline L. Puhl, C. Harmon Brown, Robert O. Voy. Champaign, III.: Human Kinetics Books, 1988. 238p. Sport, health, and nutrition. Proceedings of the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, v. 2. Edited by Frank I. Katch. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1986. 226p. Sports cardiology: exercise in health and cardiovascular disease, by R.H. Fagard, I.E. Bekaert. Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1986. 246p. Sports injuries: the unthwarted epidemic, by Paul F. Vinger, Earl F. Hoerner. 2nd ed. Littleton, Mass.: PSG Pub. Co., 1986. 433p. Sports medicine: fitness, training, injuries, by Otto Appenzeller. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1988. Sports ophthalmology, by Louis D. Pizzarello, Barrett G. Haik. Springfield, 111.: Thomas, 1987. 201p. Sports physical therapy, by Donna B. Bernhardt. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1986. 223p. (Clinics in physical therapy; vol. 10) Sports women, by Marlene Adrian. Basel: Karger, 1987. 157p. (Medicine and sport science; vol. 24) Strathclyde exercise: benefits, limits, and adaptations. Proceedings of the VIII Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Dance, Recreation, and Health; 18- 23 July 1986; Glascow. Edited by Donald A.D. Macleod and others. London: E and FN Spon, 1986. Sullivan, J. Efficacy of a modified chair test designed to assess exercise tolerance of the low-fit elderly. [Masters Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., 1985]. Eugene, Ore.: Microform Publications, 1986. Swimming, by Jerone V. Ciullo. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986. 21 lp. (Clinics in sports medicine; vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1986) Therapeutic modalities in sports medicine, by William E. Prentice. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1986. 263p. Training, by Frank I. Katch. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986. (Clinics in sports medicine; vol. 5, no. 3, July 1986) Tver, David F.; Hunt, Howard F. Encyclopedic dictionary of sports medicine. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1986. 232p. Weineck, Jurgen. Functional anatomy in sports. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986. 220p. Westcott, Wayne L. Strength fitness: physiological principles and training techniques. Expanded 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1987. 246p. Women and sports: physiology and sports medicine, by Mona M. Shagold, Gabe Mirkin. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1988. III. Audiovisuals 53 The abuse of drugs in competition [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.I.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 20) Acute knee injuries [videorecording]. Zarins, Bertram. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 5) Acute ligament and tendon injuries of the lower leg in sports [videorecording]. Leach, Robert E. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (51 min.): sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 7) Adaptation to environment [videorecording]. Bove, Alfred A.; Paolone, Al. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 10) Arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery [videorecording]. Zarins, Bertram. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 6) Asthma and sports participation [videorecording]. Rogers, Robert M. [SJ.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 21) The athletic ankle injury, protective wrapping and taping; A clinical guide to exercise prescription [videorecording]. Kassabian, Kerkor. Secaucus, N.J.: Network for Continuing Medical Education, 1986. [1 videocassette (17 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 booklet] (NCME telecourse; no. 489) Athletic nutrition [sound recording]. Teach'em, Inc. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Transcripts for Tomorrow, [1980]. [2 sound cassettes (150 min.): 1 7/8 ips] Biomechanical aspects of sports [videorecording]. Ariel, Gideon B. [S.I.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 14) The burdened shoulder, diagnosing joint pain; Pitfalls and pointers in the management of chronic headaches; The pre-sports evaluation [videorecording]. Plotz, Charles M. Secaucus, N.J.: Network for Continuing Medical Education, 1985. [1 video- cassette (16 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in] (NCME telecourse; no. 462) Cardiac rehabilitation [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.I.]: Therapeutic CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 2) Chondromalacia patella and related knee disorders [videorecording]. DeHaven, Kenneth. [S.I.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 2) A clinical guide to exercise prescription; Occupational asthma, two case histories; The athletic ankle injury, protective wrapping and taping [videorecording]. Stray-Gundersen, James. Secaucus, N.J.: Network for Continuing Medical Education, 1986. [1 videocassette (18 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 booklet] (NCME telecourse; no. 489) Common shoulder injuries in the athlete [videorecording]. Rowe, Carter R. [S.I.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1982. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 13) The dangers of unwise exercise [videorecording]. Fletcher, Gerald F. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory Medical Television Network, 1981. [1 videocassette (44 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] Drugs & exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 4) Effect of age on exercise performance [videorecording]. Bove, Alfred A.. [S.I.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 video- cassette (50 min.) : sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 8) Electrolytes and renal function during exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 5) Emergency management of athletic injuries [videorecording]. Andrews, James R. [SJ.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 10) Exercise and mental illness [videorecording]. Nathan, Robert. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 19) Exercise as therapy in children [videorecording]. Falkner, Bonita. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 18) Exercise prescription and risk factors [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 16) Fatigue and overtraining [videorecording]. Bove, Alfred A.N. [S.l.]: Therapeutic CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 9) 54 The female and exercise [videorecording]. Shangold, Mona M. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 11) Fluid, electrolyte, and kidney alterations during physical activity [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 3) Hand injuries [videorecording]. Webber, John. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1984. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 20) Head and neck injuries [videorecording]. Post, Elisabeth. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 18) Heart and circulatory function and exercise [videorecording]. Bove, Alfred A. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 7) The heart in athletes [videorecording]. Ghazzal, Ziyad ; Robinson, Paul H. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory University, 1987. [1 videocassette (30 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] Hematologic and blood chemistry changes with exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 15) Hypertension and exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 1) Internal derangement of the knee [videorecording]. Zarins, Bertram. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 12) The knee in sports medicine [videorecording]. Watts, H. David ; Warshaw, Mark. Glendale, Calif.: Audio-Video Digest Founda- tion, 1984. [1 videocassette (41 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] Knee rehabilitation: a clinical approach to sports injuries [videorecording]. Mangine, Robert E. [Pittsburgh, Pa.]: AREN, 1986. [4 videocassettes (240 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] Levin, Tedd ; Kligman, Evan W. Office assessment of physical fitness and the exercise prescription [videorecording]. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona, 1984. [1 videocassette (31 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] Management of back pain [videorecording]. Berman, Arnold T. [S.I.: s.n, 1983]. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 17) Management of eye injuries [videorecording]. Weston, Jon-Marc. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1984. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 19) Menstrual dysfunction in women athletes [videorecording]. Dale, Edwin. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory Medical Television Network, 1981. [1 videocassette (30 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] Metabolic endocrine response to exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 13) Nixon, James E. The loss of innocence [sound recording]. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Transcripts for Tomorrow, [1980]. [1 sound cassette : 1 7/8 ips] Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents [videorecording]. Affrime, Melton B. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 11) Nutrition and its relevance to exercise [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 14) Oropharyngeal injuries [videorecording]. Myers, Eugene N. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 15) The Orthopedic screening exam [videorecording]. Baker, Bruce E. [Albany, N.Y.]: S.U.N.Y., 1986. [1 videocassette (10 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] Overuse syndromes of the lower extremities [videorecording]. Leach, Robert E. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 8) Overuse syndromes of the shoulder and elbow [videorecording]. DeHaven, Kenneth. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. ♦ 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 1) Peripheral vascular changes during exercise [videorecording]. Pickering, Thomas G. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 6) The pre-sports evaluation; the burdened shoulder, diagnosing joint pain [videorecording]. Fetto, Joseph. Secaucus, N.J.: Network for Continuing Medical Education, 1985. [1 videocassette (17 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] (NCME telecourse; no. 462) 55 Principles of nutrition as related to sports medicine [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 16) Psychology of sports [videorecording]. Slap, Joseph. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 4) Pulmonary aspects of exercise [videorecording]. Freedman, Allan P. [S.l.]: Therapeutic CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 12) Radionuclide studies in sports medicine [videorecording]. Maurer, Alan H. [New York, N.Y.]: The Society of Nuclear Medicine, [1984]. [1 videocassette (32 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in. + 1 leaflet] The relationship between sexual activity and athletic performance [videorecording]. Oaks, Wilbur W. [S.l.]: Videotech Associates, 1983. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 17) Sports medicine [videorecording]. Rosenbaum, Jean. [S.l.]: Milrose Productions, 1984. [1 videocassette (26 min.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in] Stress testing [videorecording]. Lowenthal, David T. [S.l.]: Therapeutics CME Group, 1981. [1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Therapeutics through sports and exercise; program 3) Sudden death [videorecording]. Horowitz, Leonard N. [S.l.]: Sports Med. Associates, 1981. [1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in. + 1 guide] (Orthopedics and sports medicine; program 9) Sudden death in athletes [videorecording]. Micale, Paul J. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory Medical Television Network, 1985. [1 videocassette (22 min.) : sd., col. with b&w ; 3/4 in] Trauma [videorecording]. Slovis, Corey M. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory Medical Television Network, 1983. [3 videocassettes (120 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in] Valmassy, Ronald L. Lower extremity sports injuries [slide]. [New York]: Medcom, 1981. [53 slides : col. + 1 sound cassette (30 min.: 1 7/8 ips) + 1 guide] A young man with a sports injury: myocardial contusion [videorecording]. Arensberg, Daniel. Atlanta, Ga.: Emory Medical Television Network, 1983. [1 videocassette (26 min.): sd., col. with b&w; 3/4 in] IV. Serial Titles ADVANCES IN PEDIATRIC SPORT SCIENCES. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers. Biennial. (Called also: APSS) 1,1984-- ADVANCES IN SPORTS MEDICINE AND FITNESS. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers. Annual. 1987- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION PAPERS. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers for the American Academy of Physical Education. Annual. (Cover Title: The Academy Papers. Continues: American Academy of Physical Education. Meeting. Academy Papers) N17,1984- AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Birmingham, Ala.: American Journal of Sports Medicine. Bi-Monthly. (Continues: Journal of Sports Medicine. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine) 4,1976- ANNALS OF SPORTS MEDICINE. North Hollywood, Calif.: Oxfors University Press for the American Medical Joggers Association. Quarterly. 1,1982- AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT. Pennant Hills, NSW: Australian Sports Medicine Federation. Quarterly. (Continues: Australian Journal of Sports Medicine and Exercise Sciences) 16NlJun 1984- BIOLOGY OF SPORT. Warsaw: PWN Polish Scientific Publishers. Unknown frequency. 1N1,1984- BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Loughborough: British Association of Sports and Medicine. Quarterly. (Continues: Bulletin - British Association of Sports and Medicine) 4,1969- CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCES. Downsview, Ont.: University of Toronto Press. 59 Quarterly. (Continues: Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences) 12Nl,Mar 1987-- CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS MEDICINE. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Quarterly. (Called Also: CSM) lNlJan 1987- CLINICS IN SPORTS MEDICINE. Philadelphia: Saunders. Quarterly. (3Y, Vols.1-2 1982-83; Quarterly, from Vol.3 1984) lNl,Mar 1982- CURRENT THERAPY IN SPORTS MEDICINE. Toronto: B.C. Decker. Unknown frequency. 1985/86?- EXCEL. Belconnen: Australian Institute of Sport. Quarterly. (Continues: Sports Science and Medicine Quarterly) 2N4Jun 1986- EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS. Lexington, Mass.: Collamore Press. Annual. (Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine from 1978) 1,1973- EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. New York: AMS Press. Annual. 1,1985- FITNESS IN BUSINESS. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Bi-Monthly. lNl,Aug 1986- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION = INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPORTPADAGOGIK. Schrondorf: Karl Hofmann. Quarterly. (Continues: Gymnasion) 10Nl,Spring 1973- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT BIOMECHANICS. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers. Quarterly. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) lNl,Feb 1985-- 60 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY. Rome: Edizioni Luigi Pozzi. Quarterly. (Official Journal of the International Society of Sports Psychology) 1,1970- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS CARDIOLOGY. Torino: Minerva Medica. Semiannual. (Official Journal of the Italian Society of Sports Cardiology) lNlJan/Jun 1984- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Stuttgart: Thieme. Bi-Monthly. 1,1980- INTERNATIONAL SERIES ON SPORT SCIENCES. Baltimore: University Park Press. Irregular. 1,1974- ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY. Milano: Kurtis. Quarterly. Uan/Mar 1979- JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT SCIENCE RESEARCH. Lincoln, Nebr.: National Strength and Conditioning Association. 1,1987- JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY. Washington: Willaims and Wilkins. Monthly. (Formed by the union of the Bulletin of the Orthopaedic Section and the Bulletin of the Sports Medicine Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Official publication of the Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the American Physical Therapy Association. Bimonthly, 1979-May 1986; Monthly, from July 1986) 1,1979- JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. Champaign, III.: Human Kinetics Publishers. Quarterly. (Continues: Journal of Sport Psychology) 10Nl,Mar 1988- JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS. Torino: Edizioni Minerva Medica. Quarterly. 1,1961- JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES. London: E and FN Spon. Three per year. lNl,Spring 1983-- KENKO KAGAKU. Fukuoka: Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University. Annual. (Called Also: Journal of Health Science. Formed by the union of: Kyushu Daigaku Taiikugaku Kenkyu, and: Kyushu Daigaku Hoken Kanri Santa Kiyo.) l,Mar 1979- MAJALAH PERUBATAN SUKAN. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia. Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Monthly. l,Dec 1974- MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Bi-Monthly. (Continues: Medicine and Science in Sports. Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine) Spring 1980- MEDICINE AND SPORT SCIENCE. Basel: Karger. Irregular. (Continues: Medicine and Sport) 17,1984- MEDICO-SPORTIVE DAYS OF STUDY. Florence: (Held in conjunction with the 6th- International Military Aeronautical Pentathlon) 1,1954- MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY / AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Madison, Wis.: American College of Sports Medicine. Annual. 1977- NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Auckland: New Zealand Federation of Sports Medicine. Quarterly. 1,1969?- 61 NEWSLETTER / CANADIAN PODIATRIC SPORTS MEDICINE ACADEMY. Toronto: Canadian Podiatric Sports Medicine Academy. Irregular. (This title is not in the NLM Collection) lN3,Fall/Winter 1978- NEWSLETTER; PRESIDENTS COUNCIL ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS. Washington: Presidents Council on Physical Fitness. Quarterly. 5,1968- PALAESTRA. Macomb, 111.: Challenge Publications. Quarterly. (The Forum of Sport and Physical Education for the Disabled) lNl,Fall 1984- PAPERS PRESENTED AT... ANNUAL CONFERENCE - AUSTRALIAN SPORTS MEDICINE FEDERATION. Adelaide: Australian Sports Medicine Federation. Annual. (Continues: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Sports Medicine Federation, which is not in the NLM Collection) 13,1976- PHYSICAL FITNESS RESEARCH DIGEST. Washington: Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Annual. 1,1971- PHYSICAL FITNESS/SPORTS MEDICINE. Washington: U.S. Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Quarterly. 1, Winter 1978- PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE. Minneapolis, Minn.: McGraw Hill. Monthly. ljun,1973~ PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE MEDICINE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SPORTS AND ATHLETICS. Helsinki: Unknown frequency. (Proceedings for 1952 has also distinctive title: Sport Medicine) 1952- PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT. New York: AMS Press. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 1,1986- REPORT - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN. Washington: American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 1,1949- RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT. Washington: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Quarterly. (Continues: Research Quarterly) 51,Mar 1980- SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES. Helsinki: Finnish Society for Research in Sport and Physical Education. Irregular. l,Aug 1979- SNIPES JOURNAL. Patiala: Society for the National Institutes of Physical Education and Sports. Quarterly. 1,1978- SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT JOURNAL. Champaign, 111.: Human Kinetics Publishers. Quarterly. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 1,1984- SPORT BIBLIOGRAPHY UPDATE. Ottawa, Ont.: Sport Information Resource Centre. Annual. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 1983- SPORT HEALTH. Pennant Hills: Australian Sports Medicine Federation. Bi-Monthly. lNl,May-Jun 1983- SPORTS. Ottawa, Ont.: Coaching Association of Canada. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 1980- SPORTS INJURY MANAGEMENT. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Quarterly. lNl,Mar 1988- 62 SPORTS MEDICINE. Randburg: Commedica Communications. Unknown frequency. (Continues: SA Journal of Sports Medicine) 1,1986- SPORTS MEDICINE. Auckland: ADIS Press. Monthly. (Bi-monthly, Vols.1-4 1984-87; Monthly, from Vol.5 1988) lNlJan/Feb 1984- SPORTS MEDICINE BULLETIN. Madison, Wis.: American College of Sports Medicine. Qurterly. (This title is not in the NLM Collection. Continues: ACSM News.) 1975?-- SPORTS MEDICINE BULLETIN. Boston Spa: London Sports Medicine Institute and the British Library Medical Information Service. Monthly. lNl,Sep 1987- SPORTSMEDICINE DIGEST. Van Nuys, Calif.: P.M., Inc. Monthly. (This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 1,1979- SUMMARY REPORTS - NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF SPORTS. Chicago: American Medical Association Committee on the Medical Aspects of Sports. 19??-- WOMENS SPORTS AND FITNESS. Palo Alto, Calif.: Womens Sports Foundation. Monthly. (Continues: Womens Sports. This title is not in the NLM Collection.) 6N5,May 1984- YEAR BOOK OF SPORTS MEDICINE. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers. Annual. (Consists of articles reprinted from various journals) 1979- Mail Entire Order Form To: Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402-9371 The National Library of Medicine Announces Two New Subscription Titles VoLl. No.l Jat-Mar 19SI NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY I___J AIDS Bibliography * $12 per year (4 Quarterly issues) Individual issues $3 per copy List ID: AID 88 NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN MEDICINE |___I Current Bibliographies in Medicine * $26 per year (Approx. 20 Titles/yr.) Individual issues $2 per copy List ID: CBM 88 Previously published within NLM's Literature Search Series. Each issue consists of about 60 pages of recent references to journal articles and books on AIDS. A continuation of the Library's Literature Search Series, which ended in 1987. Topics will continue to be chosen for their current popular interest in distinct subject areas of biomedicine (excluding AIDS). •Subscribers receive all issues for a given calendar year without regard to the date of order. Superintendent of Documents Subscriptions Order Form Charge your order. It's easy! J M ^M y/ Please enter my subscription for the item(s) checked above. 1. 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