LIST OF PERIODICALS PRESENT IN AND WANTED KOU THE LIBRARY OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNITED STATES AlttlV, '• WASHINGTON, JANUARY 'lO, TS7-L * • [EXTRACT FKOM CATALOGUE. | iv1- \ \ '^ - G'\ A IV.—PERIODICALS. |_For convenience of reference, and as a contribution to the bibliography of the subject, the titles of all medical journals known to the compiler are included, those of which the Library has no specimen being printed in small type. For American medical journals this list is nearly com- plete ; for foreign journals it is not so, although probably all important journals are included. As opportunity offers, those of which the titles are'in small type will be added to the Library. ] BRITISH AMERICA. BRITISH AMERICA. British-American (The) Journal, devoted to the advancement of the medical and physical sciences in the British-American provinces. Edited by Archibald Hall. Monthly, v. 1-3, 1860-62. 8°. Montreal, J. Lovell. [Completed.] " British-American (The) Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Edited by A. Hall and R. L. Macdonnell. Monthly, v. 1-5, April, 1845, to April, 1850. 4°. New series v. 6-7, 1850-52. 8°. Montreal, J. C. Beclat, 1845-50; W. Salter Sf Co, 1850-52. [Want IToilO, mi. (yAf *» V ^ > American (The) Chemist. A monthly jour- nal of theoretical, analytical, and technical chemistry. A continuation of the Am. re- print of the Chemical News, London. Ed- ited by G. C. Chandler, v. 1-4 to date, July, i £70-73. 4°. New York, C. F. S.W.H. Chandler. [Current, v. 3 edited by C. P. and W. H. Chandler ; published by H. C. Lea, Philadelphia. ] American (The) Dental Review. Edited by A. M. Leslie. Quarterly. Nos. 1, 2,4, v. 1, 1858; v. 2, 1859; v, 3,1860; No. 1, v. 4, 1863. 8°. St. Louis. American (The) Druggists' Circular and Chemical Gazette. A practical journal of chemistry, as applied to pharmacy, arts and sciences; and general business organ for druggists, chemists and apothecaries, and all branches connected with the drug business. Henry Bridgman, editor and proprietor. Monthly. v. 1-17, January, 1857-73. Folio. New York. | Current. Editorial change : v. 2, L. V. Newton be- came editor and proprietor, v. 10, "American" dropped from title.] American (The) Eclectic Medical Register. For the year commencing Jan. 1, 1368. Editor, Robert S. Newton. [With a portrait , of W. Byrd Powell.] 176 pp. 6°. New ) York, Trow <$• Smith, 1868. American (The) Eclectic Medical Review. Edited by R. S. Newton and E. Freeman. Monthly, v. 1-8, June, 1866, to Sept., 1872. «°. Xcio York, J. F. Trow Sf Co. >P. A. Morrow added as editor in No. 7, v. 3 ; v. 4, ^Freeman dropped ; v. 5, J. M. F. Browne added ; v. 6, Browne dropped and A. Wilder added ; v. 7, E. S. McClellan added, v. 1-2, 2 v. annually ; subse- quently 1 v. annually, v. 8 contains 3 Nos., July, Aug., and Sept., 1872. In Jan., 1873, a new series commenced as The New York Medical Re- view.] American (The) Gas - Light Journal and Chemical Repertory, devoted to the interests of illumination, heating, ventilation, sanitary improvement, domestic economy, and general science. Edited by M. L. Callender <5b Co. Semi-monthly. v. 10-13, July 2, 1868, to Dec. 16, 1870. Folio. New York. [Want Nos. 7, 15, v. 10 ; Nos. 1, 7-8, v. 11; Nos. 5,12, v. 12. See MINING AND PETROLEUM STANDARD and American Gas-Light Journal for v. 9 and preceding. J American (The) Homoeopathic Observer. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of homoeopathic physicians. Edited by Edwin A. Lodge, v. 1-6, Jan., 1864, to Dec, 1869. S°. Detroit, Mich. [See American (The) Observer for v. 7, etc.] American (The) Homoeopathic Review. Ed- ited by R. C. Perkins and H. M. Smith. Monthly, v. 1-6, Oct., 1358-66. 8°. New York, J. T. S. Smith Sf Son. [Completed. Want Nos. 1-2, v. 4. Editorial changes : No. 12, v. 1, Perkins dropped; v. 3, P. P. Wells and C. Dunham added.] American (The) Homceopathist. A monthly journal of health and rational medicine. Conducted by Charles Cropper, v. 1-4, July, 1864-68. 8°. Cincinnati. [Completed. Editorial changes: v. 3 by James G. Hunt; v. 4 by E.B.Thomas.] American (The) Journal of Dental Science. Edited by Chapin A. Harris and Eleazar Parmly. Publishing committee, E. Parmly, E. Baker, and S. Brown. Monthly, v. 1-10, June, 1839, to July, 1850. 8°. New York, G. Adlard. [w°"» f-1, ti'i Til ntirrn >T" Q. v. 8. v. | be- came quarterly, published under the auspices of the American Society of Dental Surgeons, and called American Journal and Library ok Dental Science, v. 5, etc., published in Balti- more, Armstrong & Berry, 1844-50. Editorial changes : v. 3, Parmly dropped, S. Brown and L. Mackall added ; v. 4, Mackall dropped, E. Maynard added ; v. 5, Brown dropped, A. Westcott added ; v. 7, Maynard dropped, E. J. Dunning added ; v. 8, Dunning dropped, Win. H. Dwinelle added.] -----The same. 2d series. Edited by C. A. Harris. Quarterly, v. 1-10, 1850-60. 8°. Baltimore, Armstrong Sf Berry. [Editorial changes: v. 2, A. A. Blandy added ; v. 4, A. S. Piggott added ; v. 6, Blandy dropped. After death of Prof. Harris, in I860, suspended until May, 1867-1 -----The same. 3d series. Edited by A. S. Piggott and F. J. S. Gorgas. Monthly, v. 1-7 to date, May, 1867-73. 8°. Ballimnrc, Snowden Sf Cowman. [Current. Editorial change : v. 3, Piggott dropped. ] American (The) Journal of Homceopathia. Edited by John F. Gray and A, Gerald Hull. Bi-monthly. Commenced Feb., 1835. 8°. New York, Moore ff Payne. American (The) Journal of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. A monthly, devoted to the publication of the materia medica, a collec- tion of clinical cases, characteristics, and periscope of the medical sciences. Edited by C. Hering and H. N. Martin, v. 1-4, Sept., 18G7, to Aug., 1871. 8°. Philadelphia, A. J. Tafel. [See American (The) Journal of Homceopathic Materia Medica and Record of Medical Science for v. 5, etc. v. 2 and all subsequent pub- lished by the Hahnemann Medical College of Phila- delphia. Editorial change : v. 4, Martin dropped. J American Journal of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Record of Medical Science. A monthly devoted to the general interests of homoeopathy. Edited by A. R. Thomas, \Av~ 230 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. American Journal, etc.—oontinued. New series, v. 5-7 to date, Sept, 1871-73. 8°. Philadelphia, J. M. Sloddart Sf Co. [Current. See American (The) Journal of Ho- meopathic Materia Medica for 1st series, i. e., v. 1-4.J American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by an association of homoeopathic physicians. Bi-monthly. No. 1, Aug., 1838; No. 4, March, 1839. 8G Philadelphia, W. L. J. Kiderlen Sr Co. American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by S. R. Kirby and R. A. Snow. Is- sued on alternate Saturdays, v. 1, April 25, 1846, to April 17, 1847; Nos. 1-11, 13-24, v. 2, 1847-48 ; Nos. 3, 6, v. 3, 1848-49 ; Nos. 1, 2, 4, 8-9, v.4, 1849-50; No. 3, v. 5, 1850- 51 ; v. 6, 1851-52; v. 7, 1852-53; Nos. 2-4, v. 8, 1853-54; No. 1, v. 9, 1854. 8°. New York, I. J. Oliver. [No. 1, v. 1, title, The New York Journal of Ho- mceopathy. v. 2 published on 1st and 3d Satur- days of each month, v. 3 monthly, v. 3, Kirby sole editor.] American (The) Journal of Indigenous Ma- teria Medica and Repertory of Medical Sci- ence. Conducted by B. Keith. Monthly. Nos. I, 2, v. 1, Nov. and Dec, 1850. 8°. New York, B. Keith Sr Co. American (The) Journal of Insanity. Edit- ed by the medical officers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum. Quarterly, v. 1-29, July, 1844-73. 8°. Utica. [Current. v. 1-17 and v. 20 congressional library deposit. ] American Journal and Library of Dental Science. See American (The) Journal of Dental Science, v. 3. American (The) Journal of Materia Medica. (Homoeopathic.) Edited by G. E. Shipman. Nos. 1-4, Oct., 1860, to April, 1861. 8°. Chicago. [Completed.] American (The) Journal of Medical Reform. For the people and the profession. Edited by J. D. Friend and H. M. Sweet. Monthly. 8°. New York. [Commenced 185$.] American (The) Journal of the Medical Sci- ences. Quarterly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-26, lr;27, to Dec, 1840. New series, v. 1-66, Jan., 1841-73. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea Sr Blanchard. [Current. Edited by Isaac Hays. A continuation of The Philadelphia Jouknal of the Medi- cal and Physical Sciences. sJuly, 1829, The American Medical Recorder merged in this journal. Bctffli, Tim Noniii Awhih<;an M«M- co.CHHHmqieAt, 4te«ew -men^A1 te Uiin i2 ^G 242 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Hygienic (The) Monitor; a monthly journal for invalids on therapeutics. Edited by A. G.Hall. Nos. 1-3, v.l, Jan. to March, 1859. 87 Boston. Hygienic (The) Teacher and Water-cure Journal, etc. Sec Water-cure (The) Jour- nal, 1862, v. 34. Illinois (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by J. V. Z. Blaney. Monthly, v. 1-2, April, 1844, to March, 1816. 8°. Chicago, Ellis Sr Fergus. [Want Nos. 6, 8, 12, v. 1, Sept., Nov., 1844, and March, 1845. See Illinois (The) and Indiana Medical and Surgical Journal for continua- tion.] Illinois (The) and Indiana Medical and Surgi- cal Journal. Edited by J. V. Z. Blaney, D. Brainard, W. B. Herrick, and John Evans. Bi-monthly. New series, v. 1-2, April, 1846, to April, 1848. 8°. Chicago and Indianapolis, Ellis Sr Fergus. [SeeIllinois (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal for first series. See Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal for continua- tion.] Independent (The) Botanic Advocate. Pub- lished by the Connecticut Botanic Medical Society. Isaac J. Sperry, editor. Monthly. Nos. 1-2, 4-12, v.2, July, 1810, to June, 1841. Royal 8°. Hartford, Conn. INDEPENDENT Medical Gazette. Edited by A. Paige. Boston. [No. 1 was dated Dec. 6, 1851.] Indiana (The) Journal of Medicine. Edited by Thad. M. Stevens, W. B. Fletcher, and GuidoBell. Monthly, v. 1-4 to date, May, 1870-73. 8°. Indianapolis. [Current. Editorial changes: v. 2, Fletcher dropped, C. E. Wright added ; v. 3, Stevens sole editor. J Indiana (The) Journal of Medicine and Sur- gery. Edited by J. Jackson and T. W. Forshee. Monthly. No. 1, v. 1, July, 1855. 6°. Madison, 1855. Indiana (The) Medical Journal; a quarterly record of the medical sciences of the south and west. Edited by W. H. Byford and Hugh Ronalds. No. 1, v. 1, June, 1854. 64 pp. 8°. Evansville, Enquirer office. [Completed. Running title of first signature is The Evansville Medical Journal, etc.] Indiana (The) Scalpel. Devoted to hygiene and rational medicine, etc Edited by G. O. Glavis. New series, No. 1, v. 2, Jan., 1860. 8°. Princeton. Indian's Arcana. Boston, Inhalation Advertiser. Newark, N. J. Iowa (The) Medical Journal. Conducted by the faculty of the medical department of the Iowa University. Monthly, v. 1, Aug., 1853, to July, 1854. Bi-monthly, v. 2-4, y jvv /A^.^c. yf/ '-^Ct Iowa (The) Medical Journal—continued. Oct., 1851. to June, 1858; v. 5, Nov., 1867, to April, 1869. 5 v. 8°. Keokuk. [Completed, v. 3 edited by D. L. M'Gugin and J. R.Allen; v. 4 edited by J. C. Hughes and W. R. Marsh ; v. 5 edited by J. C. Hughes. A-nnntinimtUmf' -]f Tin; Wr"iTr»» 'Mbmho CiiuumGir.u. f*>**r- Journal of the Anthropological Institute New York. Sec Transactions. Journal (A) of Education and of Physiologi- cal and Medical Reform. Edited by A. Curtis. Monthly, v. 1, Jan. to Dec , 1866. 228 pp 8°. Cincinnati, A. Moore. [Completed.] Journal (The) of Foreign Medical Science and Literature. Being a continuation of the "Eclectic Repertory." Conducted by S. Emlen, jr., and Wm. Price. Quarterly, v. 1-4, Jan., I82J, to Oct., 1871. SG JPhUa-_ delphia, E. Liltell. ,., [Completed.] k ■''"***"/ Journal (The) of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania ; devoted to the me- chanic arts, manufactures, general science, and the recording of American and other patented inventions. Edited by Thomas P. Jones. Monthly. 2 v. annually. New series, v. 1-26, Jan., 1828, to Dec. 1S40. 3d series, v. 1-66, Jan., 1841-73. 87 Philadelphia. [Current. Editorial changes : v. 15-18, 3d series, by committee on publications; v. 19-52, by John P. 1^, Prazer ; v. 53-60, by Henry Morton ; v. 61, W. H. ' »^K, Wahl added ; v. 63, etc., W. H. Wahl sole editor. See Franklin (The) Journal, etc., for 1st series, , x/s 1826-27.] D\j Journal (The) of the Gynaecological Society / of Boston. A monthly journal devoted to ^ the advancement of the knowledge of the » j diseases of women. Edited by Winslow ^\ Lewis, H. R. Storer, and Geo. H. Bixby. 2 ^ v. annually. v. 1-5, 1869, to Dec, 1871. \ ^7' 8°. Boston, J. Campbell. I ^ \ [Completed.] j ^* ■> Journal (The) of Health. Conducted by an '^\^ • association of physicians. ^ Semi-monthly, i t «0 . v. \-\, Sept. 9, 1829, to Aug., 183*." 8°.' 1* (j Philadelphia, S. C. Atkinson. y \i , ^*- [Completed. ] Journal of Health. Conducted by the phy- sicians of the Cincinnati Dispensary and Vaccine Institution. Edited by Vattier, Stuart, and Warder. Monthly. New series, No. 2, v. J, Aug., 1814. 8°. Cincinnati, J. Ernst. JOURNAL of Health. Newark, N. J. Journal of Health of the Metropolitan Med- ical College. Edited by H. M. Sweet, Geo. / L UNITED STATES. 243 UNITED STATES. Journal of Health, etc.—continued. Newby, and H. P. Herdman. Monthly. Nos. 1-6, 9, v. 1,1859-60. 8°. New York, G. Gross. Journal (The) of Health and Monthly Mis- cellany. Edited by W. M. Cornell, v. 1-3, Jan., 1646, to Dec, 1848. 8C. Boston. [Completed, v. 2, July to Dec, published semi- monthly. In v. 2, the words " Monthly Miscella- ny" dropped and "Practical Educator" added. See Guardian (The) of Health, Boston, 1868, etc.] Journal (The) of Health and Practical Edu- cator. See Journal (The) of Health and Monthly Miscellany, v. 2. Journal (The) of Homceopathic Clinics. [This is title-page and back of v. 1-4 of The Ameri- can Journal of Homceopathic Materia Med- ica. | Journal of Human Science. Edited by W. B. Powell and J. W. Smith. Monthly. Nos. 1, 3-4, v. 1, Jan., Oct., Nov., 1860. 87 Cincinnati, Ohio, and St. Louis, Missouri. Journal (The) of Materia Medica. See Jour- nal (The) of Materia Medica and Pharma- ceutic Formulary, v. 2, etc. Journal (The) of Materia Medica and Phar- maceutic Formulary. Conducted by Joseph Bates, A. Hutchins, and H. A. Tilden. Monthly, v. for 1858 complete. New series, v. 1-12,1859-73. 8°. New Lebanon, N. 17, Tilden Sr Co. [Current. Want Nos. 2-12, v. 4, 1862. Suspended from Dec, 1862, to Jau., 1866. The words " and Pharmaceutic Formulary " dropped in v. 2. v. 1, new series, Hutchins dropped.] -----The same. Supplements to, containing a brief summary of the action and uses of the principal articles of the materia medica ; together with the analyses of the principal mineral waters of Europe and the United States. 2d and 3d ed. 8°. New Lebanon, N. Y., Tilden Sf Co., 1868-70. Journal (The) of Medical Reform for the People and the Profession. Edited by Wm. H. Cook. Monthly, v. 3-4 ; Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, v. for 1856; No. 1, v. 5; 1854-57. 87 New York. [v. 5 edited by J. D. Friend. See American (The) Journal of Medical Reform.] Journal (The) of the Medical Society of Maine. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1831. 8°. Hal- lowell, Glazier, Masters Sf Co. [Completed.] Journal of Organic and Medical Chemistry, Edited by Wm. Elmer, A. D. Hendrickson, and B. Brown Williams. Monthly. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, July, 1852, Jan. and Feb., 1853. 8°. New York, B. B. Williams. ^ ^U. JOURNAL of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Committee of publication, Samuel Jackson, Henry £ _ Troth, Solomon Temple, Ellis H. Yarnall, and Daniel B. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia. [Four preliminary numbers were issued at irregular interva's in 1825, 1826, and 1827. | Journal of the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy. Edited by Benjamin Ellis, assisted by a publishing committee consisting of D. B. Smith, Chas. Ellis, S. P. Griffitts, jr., and Geo. B. Wood. Quarterly, v. 1-6, April, 1829, to Jan., 1835. 6°. Philadelphia, pub. lished by the college. . [See American (The) Journal of Pharmacy for "2, "3 , / o -» / all after v. 6. April^-iSae-, death of B. Ellis, and --. Robert E. Griffith became editor.] Journal (A) of the Practice of Medicine, Sur- gery, and Pharmacy, in the military hospi- tals of France. Published by order of the king. Reviewed and digested by M. de Home, under the inspection of the Royal Society. Translated from the French by Jo- seph Browne. No. 1, v. 1. 120 pp. 8°. New York, J. M'Lcan Sf Co. [ 1783 or 1790 ?] Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthro- py. Published annually under the direction of "The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons," instituted 1787. pet.,1815, to Jan., 1870. 8°. Phil- ' adelphia, J. B. Chandler. [Incomplete.] "*™-* JOURNAL of Progressive Medicine. Buffalo, N. Y. Journal (The) of Progressive Medicino [Is another name for Nos. 1, 3, v. 10, of THE ECLEC- TIC Medical Journal of Pennsylvania, by John Buchanan, Jan. and May, 1872.] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine. See Quarterly ( The) Journal of Psycho- logical Medicine, v. 4-6. Journal (The) of Rational Medicine. Edited by C. H. Cleaveland. Monthly, v. 1-3, 1860-62. 8°. Cincinnati, P. C. Browne. [Completed. A continuation of THE COLLEGE JOUR- NAL of Medical Science.] Journal (The) of Science and the Arts. Ed- ited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Quarterly, v. 2,1816-17. Am.jeprmt. 8°. New York, J. Eastiunn fr^*-.- cA-1 ) »*- /"^*-0 Journal (The) of Social Science : containing the Transactions of the American Associa- tion. Nos. 1-5. In 2 v. 8°. New York. Leypoldl &r Holt, and Amer, Soc'l Scie. Ass'n, 1869-73. JOURNAL de la Scciele medicale de la Nouvelle-Orle- ans. New Orleans. [Commenced Jan., 1839; ceased about 1841.] Journal and Transactions of the Maryland College of Pharmacy. Edited by William 244 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Journal and Transactions, etc.—continued. S. Thompson. Quarterly. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, June, Sept., and Dec, 1858. New series, v. 1-2, March, 1859, to April, 1862. 8°. Bal- timore, published by authority of the college. [Completed.] Kansas City (The) Medical Journal. Edit- ed by A. P. Lankford. Bi-monthly, v. 1-3 to date, Feb., 1871-73. 8°. Kansas City, Mo., published by the Medical Journal Asso- ciation. [Current. Editorial changes: No. 3, v. 1, Lankford dropped and E. W. Sehauffler added.] Kansas City (The) Medical and Surgical Re- view. G. M. B. Maughs and T. S. Case, edit- ors and publishers. Bi-monthly, v. 1, Jan. to Dec, 1860. 8°. Kansas City, Mo. Kentucky (The) Medical Recorder, 1853-54. See Transylvania (The) Medical Journal, v. 3, ru^Af (La^rAt^Oy /PTI-.TV. Laws (The) of Life. Edited by Miss Harriet N. Austin and Jas. C. Jackson. Monthly. v. 3,11-16 to date, 1860,1868-73. 4°. Dans- villc, N. Y., M. W. Simmons Sf Co. [Current. Want No. 4, v. 13, April, 1870. v. 15 changed to 8°. In v. 13, " and Woman's Health Journal" added to title, v. 16, title, Laws of Life and Journal of Health. Editorial changes : v. 11, Jas. H. Jackson added; v. 12, Mrs. Fanny B. Johnson added ; v. 13, Mrs. Katy J. Jackson added.]. Laws (The) of Life and Journal of Health. See Laws (The) of Life, v. 16. Laws (The) of Life and Woman's Health Journal. See Laws (Tho) of Life, v. 13. Leavenworth' (The) Medical Herald. A monthly mirror of the medical sciences. Ed- ited by C. A. Logan and T. Sinks, v. 1-7 to date, June, 18T7-73. 8°. Leavenworth. [Current, v. 4, title, The Leavenworth Medical Herald and Journal of Pharmacy, v. 6-7, title, The Medical Herald, edited by T. Sinks. Editorial changes: v. 4, Logan dropped and J. W. Brock and Robert J. Brown added.] Laavenwortli (The) Medical Herald and Journal of Pharmacy. Sec Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald, v. 4. Lens (The). A quarterly journal of micros- copy, and the allied natural sciences. With the transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Edited by S. A. Briggs. v. 1, Oct., 1871, No.l. 56 pp., 1 pi. 8G Chicago, the State Microscopical Society of Illinois, 1871. [No more published.] Lens (The). A quarterly journal of micros- copy and the allied natural sciences ; with the transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Edited by S. A. Briggs. E. H. Sargent, C. Adams, O. S. Westcott, Lens (The)—continued. publishing committee, v. 1-2, Jan., 1872-&*^ 73. 8°. Chicago, State Microscopical Soci- ety of Illinois. ^ -. Library (The) of Health and Teacher on tho Human Constitution. Edited by Wm. A. Alcott. Monthly. Nos. 1-5, 7-3, 11, v. 1, 1837 ; Nos. 1,6, 8, 10, v. 3, 1839 ; Nos. 1-6, 9, 12, v. 4,1840; Nos. 1-2, 4-12, v. 5,1811 ; Nos. 1-6, 8-12, v. 6,1842. New series, title, The Teacher of Health and the Laws of the Human Constitution. Nos. 2-5, 7,_ 10, 12, v. 1, 1843. No. 12, Dec. 1843, the last pub- lished. 12°. Boston, G. W. Light. [A continuation of The Moral Reformer and Teacher on the Human Constitution. 1 London (The) Lancet. A journal of British and foreign medical, surgical, and chemical science, literature, and news. Edited by Thomas Wakley and J. Henry Bennett. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-31, July, 1848, to Dec, 1863. 1 v. annually, v. 1-10 to date, Jan., 1864-73. Am. reprint. Royal 8°. New York, Stringer Sr Townsend, Sf W. C. Herald. [Current.] -----The same. v. 1-2, 1842-43; v. 1-2, 1843-44, from Nov. 19, 1842, to Sept. 21, 1844. Weekly. Commencing with No. 1003, English ed. 8°. Wilson Sf Co., New York. Louisiana (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. [Title of periodical projected by W. M. Carpenter and J. Harrison, New Orleans, 1845. Before any No. was issued, consolidated with The New Or- leans Medical Journal, forming The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal See New Orleans (The) Medical Journal, v 2-20. j Louisville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Luusford P. Yandell, Henry Miller, and Theodore S. Bell. Quar- terly. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan., April, 1833. 8°. Louisville, Prentice, S.- Weissingcr. [Completed. Jan., 1840, revived and consolidated with The Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, forming The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery.] Louisville (The) Medical Gazette. Edited by L. J. Frazee. Semi-monthly. Nos. 1-7, v. l,Jan. 1 to April 1, 1859. 8°. Louisville. [No. 1 incomplete.] Louisville (The) Medical Journal. Edited by Thos. W. Colescott. Monthly. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, Feb. to July, 1860. 87 Louisville, J. R. Timberlakc. [ Completed. 1 Louisville (The) Review. A bi-monthly jour- nal of practical medicine and surgery. Ed- 245 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Louisville (The) Review—continued. ited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Bi-monthly, v. 1 of 4 Nos., May to Nov., 1856. 8°. Louisville, Hull Sf Brother. [Completed. In Sept., 1856, Drs. Gross and Rich- ardson accepted appointments in medical schools in Philadelphia, and the Review was published in Philadelphia in Nov., 1856. In Jan., 1857, united with The Medical Examiner, forming The North American Medico-Chirurgical Re- view.] Madison (The) Homoeopathist. Edited by Drs. Bowen and Giles. Monthly. 8°. [Commenced Jan., 1854.] Magnet (The). Devoted to the investigation of human physiology; embracing vitality, pathetism, psychology, phrenopathy, phren- ology, neurology, physiognomy, and magne- tism. Edited by La Roy Sutherland. Monthly, v. 1-2, No. 1, v. 3, 1842-41. Royal 8°. Neio York. [No. 7, etc., v. 2, edited by P. P. Good.] Magnetic (The) and Cold Water Cure. Monthly. No. 1, v. 1, June, 1846. Roches- ter, N. Y., Boston. Mass., H. Halsted Sf T. K. Taylor. Maine (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Conducted by W. R. Richardson and R. W. Cummings. Monthly. Nos. 1-11, v. 1,1853- 59. 8C. Portland, Sanborn >N Medical (The) Repository of Original Essays and Intelligence relative to Physic, Surgery, Chemistry and Natural History. See Med- ical (The) Repository, v. 16. Medical (The) Repository and Review of American Publications on Medicine, etc. I See Medical (The) Repository, v. 4. Medical (The) Review and Analectic Journal. Edited by John Eberle and Geo. McClellan. Quarterly, v. 1-3, June, 1824, to Aug., 1826. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Sherman. [Completed.] Medical (The) and Scientific Circular and Col- lege Register. Monthly. Nos. 1-4, 6, v. 1, 1871. 8°. New York, W. Baldwin <$• Co. 'Medical (The) and Surgical Monthly, Mem- phis, Tennessee. Edited by F. A. Ramsey, D. D. Sanders, E. M. Willett, and Wm. H. White. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, March to Aug., 1866. SG Memphis, Bulletin printing and publish- ing house. [Completed.] Medical (The) and Surgical Pioneer. A monthly record of medicine and surgery. Edited by J. Keller. Nos. 1-2, v. 3, Nov. and Dec, 1836. 87 Kansas City, Mo. Medical (The") and Surgical Register. Con- sisting chiefly of cases in the New Yoik Hos- pital. Edited by John Watts, jr., Valentino Mott, and Alex. H. Stevens, v. 1, 1818-20. 8°. New York, Collins Sf Co. Medical (The) and Surgical Repertory. Sie Semi-Monthly (The) Medical and Surgical Repertory. Medical (The) and Surgical Reporter. Edited by S. W. Butler. Monthly, v. 9-11, Jan., 1856, to Sept., 1853. SG Burlington, N. J. [v. 11, published at Philadelphia, contained 9 Nos., and W. B. Atkinson added as editor. See New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter for v. 1-8.] ----- A weekly journal. Edited by S. W. Butler and R. J. Levis. 2 v. annually, v. 1-29 to date, Oct. 1, 1858-73. 6°. Philadel- phia. [Current. Editorial changes : v. 7, L. C. Butler ad- ded ; v. 8, L. C. Butler dropped; v. 9, Levis dropped; v. 16, D. G. Brinton added.] MEDICAL Teacher, etc. Medical (The) Times. A semi-monthly jour- nal of medical and surgical science. Edited by James H. Hutchinson and J. Tyson, v. 1-4 to date, Oct., 1-^70-73. Royal 8°. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co. [Current. v./-\. title, The Philadelphia Med:- cal Ti.mks. Weekly.] Medical (The) Union. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Edited by E. Guernsey and others, v. 1, Jan., J-73, to date. 8°. New York, C. T. Hurlburt. [Current.] Medical (The) World. A journal of univer- sal medical science. Edited by J. V. C. Smith and E. S. Smith. Weekly, v. 1; Nos. 1-15, v. 2, Sept. 21, 1856, to Oct., 1857. 4T Boston, Damrell Sr Moore and G. Cool- idge. Medical (The) World. A monthly journal of American and foreign medical, physiological, surgical, and chemical literature, criticism, and news. Edited by Reuben A. Vance. v.l, July, 1871,to June, 1372. 480 pp. A. Neio York, IV. Baldwin Sr Co. [Completed. Editorial change: Vance's name dropped in No. 8 ; no editor's name given.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review and Jour- nal of Medical Science. Conducted by asso- ciated physicians and surgeons, and superin- tended by James Johnson. Quarterly. Ana- lytical series, v. 1-4; new series, v. 1-17, i-i c> u/y /Zs- 248 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review—cont'd. June 1, 1820, to Oct. 1,1617. 8°. London republished in New York, J. 12 Seaman and R. Sf G. S. Wood. (7yvw - (K' / . ^ [In Jan., 1848, consolidated with The British and Foreign Medical Review, forming The Brit- ish and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Re- view or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery.] Memphis (The) Journal of Medicine ; devoted to the advancement of reformed medicine. Edited by T. C. Gayle. Monthly, v. 1, 1853; Nos. 1,10,12, v. 2, 1854. 8°. Mem- phis. [R. H. Harrison added as editor in v. 2.] Memphis (The) Medical Journal of the Pro- gressive Medical and Physical Sciences. Ed- ited byH. J. Hulce. Monthly. No. 1, v. 1, Oct., 1851. 8°. Memphis, McClanahan Sf Hutton. Memphis (The) Medical Recorder. Published bi-monthly by the Memphis Medical College. Edited by A. P. Merrill and C. T. Quintard. v. 1-6, July, 1852-58. 8°. Mcpohis. [Want V"- 1., " \ T"JrGh'"G 1T" 'f^G Nos. 4, 6, v. 6. Editorial changes: v. 4, (juintaid dropped; v. 6, edited by D. F. Wright.] Mesmeric (The) Magazine or Journal of Ani- mal Magnetism. By R. H. Collyer. Monthly. No. 1, v. 1, July, 1812, 8°. Boston, Saz- ton Sf Pierce. Michigan (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by John Ellis and S. B. Thayer. Monthly. Commenced Nov., 1848. No. 7. v. 1, May, 1849; Nos. 6,9, v. 2, Aug., 1852, and June, 1854. 8°. Detroit. Michigan (The) Journal of Homoeopathy ; devoted to medical and surgical science. Published quarterly by the faculty of the Detroit Homoeopathic College. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, July, 1872, to April, 1873. 8°. Detroit. [No. 2, etc., E. It. Ellis, editor and publisher.] Michigan (The) University Medical Journal, conducted by the faculty of the medical de- partment. Monthly, v. 1-3, March, 1870, to Feb., 1873. 8°. Ann Arbor, R. A. Beale. [Completed.] Middle States (The) Medical Reformer and Journal of Health; for the people and the profession. Palemon John and J. S. Pretty- man, editors. Monthly. No. 2, v. 3, May, 1856. 8°. Milhille, Pa. {printed at the Bloomsburg " Star'" office). [In 18">8. continued as The Eclectic Medical Journal of Philadelphia. ] MILITARY Tract (The) Medical Reporter. L. S. Lam- bert, editor; C. A. Lambert, asst. editor. Monthly. 8°. Galesburg, III. [Prospectus dated Aug., 1871.J Mining and Tetroleum Standard and American Gas-Light Journal. Devoted to mining, pe- troleum, gas, water-supply, and scientific subjects generally. Semi-monthly. Bryant, Callender & Co., editors and proprietors. v. 8-9, July 2, 1866, to June 16, 1868. Folio New York. [Want Nos. 1-14, 20, v. 8 ; No. 12, v. 9. See Ameri- can (The) Gas-Light Journal and Chemical Repertory for v. 10, etc.] Miscellanies on Homoeopathy. Edited by an association of homoeopathic physicians. v. for 1839. 216 pp. 8°. Philadelphia,!!'. L. J. Kiderlen cf Co. [Is a reprint of the American Journal of Homoeopathy.] Missouri (The) Dental Journal. A monthly record of medical science, devoted to the specialty of dentistry. Edited by Judd. v. 1-5, Jan., 1869-73. 8°. Louis, Levison S~ Blythe. [Current.] Missouri (The) Medical and Surgical nal. Edited by R. F. Stevens. Monthly. J C&G il, 1816; Nos. . ^\ fe>. Homer Saint 4 A Jour- j \-o' £ \v> Nos. 9-12, v. 1, Jan. to Apri 1-5, 7-9, 11-12, v. 2, 1816-47 ; Nos. 1-2, v, 4, May and June, 1848. 8°. St. Louis. [Editorial changes : No. 9, v. 1, by J. N. McDowe and Thos. Barbour; No. 1, v. 2, l)y T. Barbour No. 1, v. 4, by Barbour and A. J. Coons.] Monthly (The) Homoeopathic Independent. Edited by A. P. Skeels and five others. Nos. 6, 7, 9, v. 1, Dec, 1868, Jan. and March, 1869. 8°. St. Louis, J. Conzelman. Monthly (The) Journal of Foreign Medicine. Edited by Squire Littell, jr. 2 v. annually, v. 1-3, Jan., 1828, to June, 1829. 8°. Philadelphia, E. Littell, [Completed.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Literature, and American Medical Students' Gazette. Edited by E. Bartlett. No. I, v. 1, Jan., 1832. 8°. Boston, Carter Sf Hendce. Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine, contain- ing selections from European journals, the transactions of learned societies, etc., and em- bracing a concise analysis of the medical journals of the United States. Conducted by an association of physicians. 2 v. an- nually, v. 1-1, Jan., 1823, to Dec, 1824 ; No. V2, v. 6, Dec, 1825. 8°. Hartford, Conn., Huntington Sf Hopkins. LNo. 12, v. 6, last published.] Monthly (The) Medical News. See Semi- monthly (The) Medical News, v. 2-3. Monthly (The) Medical Reprint. A repro- duction of the most valuable articles pub- lished in eight leading British medical jour- ^. UNITED STATES. 249 UNITED STATES. Monthly (The) Medical Reprint—contiuued. nals. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, July to Nov., 1863' Royal 8 . New York, J. Hillycr. [Completed.] Monthly (The) Mirror. Devoted to free thought in medicine, science, and general literature. Edited by Robert A. Gunn. v. 1, June, 1873, to date. 8°. New York, B. tol2Z, - <^A %^ A Monthly (The) Monitor and People's Health Journal. Conducted by Calvin M. Fitch and JohnW. Sykes. No. 1, v. 1, Sept., 1858. 8 . Pittsburgh, Pa. Monthly (The) Stethoscope and Medical Re- porter. G. A. Wilson and R. A. Lewis, editors and proprietors, v. 1-2, Jan., 1856, to May, 1857. 8°. Richmond, Va. [Completed. 5 Nos. in v. 2.] Moral (The) Reformer and Teacher on the Human Constitution. Win. A. Alcott, editor. Monthly, v. 1-2, Jan., 1835, to Dec, 1836. 8°. Boston, Light S~ Horton. [See Library (The) of Health, etc., for continua- tion. J Nashville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by W. K. Bowling and Paul F. Eve. Bi-monthly, v. 1-21, Feb., 1851, to Nov., 1861. New series, v. 1-12, July, 1866-73. 8-. Nashville, Tcnn. [Current, v. 2 became monthly, 2 v. annually; v. 3-5, new series, 1 v. annually. Nothing between Nov., 1861, and July, 1866. Editorial changes : v. 14, Eve dropped and It. C. Foster and Geo. S. Blackie added; v. 1, new series, edited by W. K. Bowling, P. F.Eve, Jos. Jones, andG. S. Blackie; v. 3, new series. Eve, Jones, and Blackie dropped ; v. 5, new series, W. T. Briggs and W. L. Nichols added ; v.6, new series, Paul F. Eve added.] Nashville (The) Medical Record. Sec Nash- ville (The) Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science, v. 2. Nashville (The) Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science. Edited by D. F, Wright, R. O. Currey, John H. CaUesder, and Thos. L. Maddiu. v. 1-2; Nos V^. 3, Sept., 1858, to N*v.,1860. 87 Nashville, A. A. Silt. .^cO . , ..l [[Uumplott*. v. 2 called The Nashville Medical ff*ecT,¥*-+-<° i KecORD. Editorial changes : v. 2, Currey dropped; v. 3, Wright dropped and J. J. Abernatny added. 1 National (The) Independent. Edited by W. Y. Leader and Wm. Paine. Weekly. Nos. 4-7, v. 4,1872. Folio. Philadelphia, C. H. Leader Sr Co. National (The) Medical Journal. Edited by C. C. Cox. Quarterly, v. 1 ; Nos. 1-10, v. 2, April, 1870, to Feb., 1872. 8°. Wash- ington, D. C, Judd Sf Detweiler. [Completed, v. 2 became monthly, and edited by S. C. Busey and Win. Le».J 32* Nation's (The) Journal of Health. Published by Dr. S. Van Meter & Co. Monthly. No. 181, v. 28, new series, 1873. 4 pp. Folio. Charleston, III. [An advertisement.] Nature's Arcana. Devoted to medical reform, science, art, literature, and general intelli- gence. Bi-monthly, v. 17-18, 1872-73. Folio. Boston. [Current.] Nelson's American Lancet. See Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine, v. 7, etc. Nelson's Northern Lancet and American Jour- nal of Medical Jurisprudence. See Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medj- cine, v. 4-6. ""'~—'*^^-v. New England (The) Botanic, Medical and Surgical Journal. C. Newton, editor and proprietor. Semi-monthly, v. 1-5, 1847- 51. 8°. Worcester, Mass. [Want No. 22, v. 1, Nov. 16, 1847. v. 4 became monthly. A continuation of The New England Medical Eclectic and Guide to Health. See Worcester (The) Journal of Medicine for v. 6, etc.] New England (The) Eclectic Medical Jour- nal ; a monthly journal devoted to the inter- ests of progessive medicine. Edited by Eli G. Jones (Union Village, Vt,) No. 1, v. J, May, 1872. 4 pp. Folio. Auburn, Me., S. York. New England (The) Eclectic Medical Joui- nal. Devoted to the interests of progressive medicine. Eli Grellet Jones, editor and pro- prietor. Monthly. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1873. 87 Enfield Centre, N. H. New England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, and the Collateral Branches of Science. Conducted by a number of phy- sicians. Quarterly, v. 1-16, 1812-27. 8°. Boston, Bradford Sf Read. [v. 16, title, The New England Medical Review and Journal. Conducted by Walter Cbanning and John Ware. v. 1, Wells r ^d hospital Gazette f Nos. v.l; Nos. 1,#'4,6, 9, 11,12, v. , ', to Sept., 1853. 8°. New Or- / /; J2 A V \ 1 jr A y u A A^ y" V- V* (& Ab 2>A "X^Yf- Ag i-r 7 ■u- •v UNITED STATES. 251 UNITED STATES. New Remedies. A quarterly retrospect of therapeutics, pharmacy, and allied subjects. Edited by Horatio C. Wood, jr. v. 1-3 to date, July, 1871-7^. 8°. New York, W. Wood Sf Co. [Current, v. 3, no editor named.] New York (The) Dental Journal. Edited by Frank H. Norton and G. H. Perine. Quarterly, v. 1-5, 1858-64. 87 New York. [v. 1 in 2 Nos. No. 3, v. 3, Perine dropped ; v. 4, W. B. Roberts added.] New York (The) Dental Recorder. Devoted to the theory and practice of surgical, medi- cal, and mechanical dentistry. Edited by C. C. Allen. Monthly, v. 2-10, Oct., 1847- 56. 8°. New York, Grossman $■ Son. [Want v. 1; Nos. 1-10, 12, v. 6; Nos. 3, 5, 8. 11-12, v. 7 ; Nos. 1, 4-9, 11-12, v. 8; Nos. 1, 4, 6-12, v. 9; Nos. 2-12, v. 10. v. 9-10, Chas. IW. Ballard editor.] New York (The) Dissector. A quarterly journal of medicine, surgery, magnetism, mesmerism, and the collateral sciences, with the mysteries and fallacies of the faculty. Edited by Henry Hall Sherwood. Nos. 1, 3, v. 1, 1844; No. l,v.2,1845 ; Nos, 2, 4, ". 3, 1846 f v. 4,1847. 8°. New York. New York (The) Eclectic Medical and Sur- gical Journal. Adapted to popular and pro- fessional reading. Edited by S. H. Potter. Monthly, v. 1-4, July, 1849, to Dec, 1852. 8°. Syracuse [and v. 2-4, Rochester]. [v. 3 contains 6 Nos., July to Dec, 1851. v. 4, title, The Eclectic Journal of Medicine. See Union (The) Journal of Medicine for v. 5. v. 2 edited by Wm. W. Hadley ; v. 4, by L. Reu- ben and L. C. Dolley.] New York (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. See American (The) Journal of Homoeopa- thy by Kirby &, Snow, v. I, No. 1. New York (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Under the auspices of " The New York Homoeopathic Medical College." Carle and Grener, publishers. Monthly, v. 1, March, 1873, to date. 87 New York. [Current.] New York (The) Journal of Medicine. See New York (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences, 3d series, v. 1. New York (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Edited by Samuel Forry. Bi-monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1- 10, July, 1843, to June, 1848. New series, v. 1-16, July, 1848, to June, 1856. 3d series, v 1-8, July, 1856, to June, I860. 34 v. 8°. iYeic York. | Editorial changes : 1st serie came editor; new series, v. 4, C. A. Lee be- 1, S. S. Purple be- New York (The) Journal, etc.—continued. came editor; v. 10, Stephen Smith added; 3d series, v. 1, H. D. Bulkley added ; v. 3, Purple and Bulkley dropped, v. 1, 3d series, the words, " and the Collateral Sciences " dropped from the title-page. See American (The) Medical Timi'3 for continuation.] New York (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Quarterly. 2 v. annually, v. 1- 4, July, 1839, to June 30, 1841. 87 New York, G. Adlard. [Completed.] New York (The) Journal of Pharmacy. Published by authority of the College of Pharmacy of the city of New York. Edited by Benjamin W. McCready. Monthly. No. 4, v. 1, April, 1852 ; Nos. 1, 10-12, v. 2,1853 ; No. 6, v. 3, 1854. 87 New York, J. W. Harrison. New York (The) Lancet. Edited by James Alexander Houston. Weekly. 2 v. annuallj'. v. 1-2; No. 1, v. 3, Jan., 1842,.to Jan. 7, 1843. 6°. New York, J. G. Bennett. [Want Nos. 2-4 of v. 3.] New York (The) Lancet: a family medical journal. Edited by N. R. C. Rowe. Semi- montnly. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan. 3,17, 18C6. 4G New York. New York (The) Magnet. See Magnet '(The), v.2,No.7,etc New York ( The ) Medical Gazette. Pub lished by Uriah Turner. Weekly. 2 v. an- nually, v. 1-2, July 14, 1841, to July 6, 1842. 8°. New York. [Completed.] » lArr"- r\sQ -$2 V. New York (The) Medical Gazette and nal of Health. Edited by D. Meredith Reese. Weekly, v. 1-12, July 6, 1850, to May, 1861. v. 1-3, 4C ; v. 4, etc., 8°. New York, S. S. /■ :7< V UNITED STATES. 252 UNITED STATES. New York (The) Medical Intelligencer, or Eclectic Gazette. Edited by D. S. Meikle- ham. Bi-weekly. No. 1, v. 1, Aug. 27,1845. 4°. New York. New York (The) Medical Journal. Con- ducted by D. L. M. Peixotto, J. R. Rhine- lander, and John Jas. Graves. Quarterly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-2, Nov., 1830, to Aug., 1831. New York, E. B. Clayton. [Completed. Editorial change : v. 2, N. R. Smith added.] New York (The) Medical Journal. A monthly record of medicine and the collat- eral sciences. Edited by Wm. A. Hammond. 2 v. annually, v. 1-18, April, 1865-73. 8°. New York, Miller S- Mattheics. [Current, v. 10-12 contain but 5 Nos. each, in order to commence v. 13 in Jan., 1871. Editorial changes : v. 5, Edward S. Dunster added ; v. 9, Hammond dropped; v. 14, edited byW. T. Lusk and J. B. Hunter.] New YORK (The) Medical Magazine. Edited by Valen- tine Mott and H^ J^. Onderdonk. Annually. New ¥ork- 1hy ITl/G'-V^CV^ [Commenced 1814.] / V 'V '^ New York (The) Medical and Pathological Journal. Edited by Wm. W. Hadley. Monthly. Nos. 1-11, v. 1,1858-59. b-. New York. New York (The) Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Half-yearly, v. 1-3, 1809-11. 8°. New York, T. Sf J. Swords. [Congressional library deposit.] £•"]'■'■ tvV * New York (The) Medical and Physical Jour- nal. Edited by J. W. Francis, J. Dyckman, and J. B. Beck. Quarterly, v. 1-9, Jan., 1822, to Jan., 1830. 8°. New York, E. r Bliss 8f E. White. Q$- x.i\jt * [Wnn1 ITi A. " ■'i r>-t | 1J'~ Editorial changes: v. 2, Dyckman dropped ; v. 5, Francis dropped, D. L. M. Peixotto and John Bell added ; v. 6, Bell dropped; v. 7, J. A. Smith, T. R. Beck, A. H. Stevens, and J. M. Smith added ; v. 8, by D. L. M. Peixotto; v. 1-7, congressional library deposit.] New York (The) Medical Press. A weekly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collat- eral sciences. Edited by J. L. Kiernan and W. O'Meagher. v. 1-3, Jan., 1859, to June 30, 1860. Royal 8°. New York. [Completed.] New York ■(?£}*& Medical Review. A new series of The American Eclectic Medical Re- view. Edited by E. S. McClellan. Monthly. v. 1, Jan., 1873, to date. 8°. New York. [Current.] New York (The) Medical and Surgical Re- porter. Edited by Clarkson T. Collins. Bi- weekly, v. 1, Oct. 18,1845, to Oct. 10, 1846; Nos. 1-9,14-15, 18, v. 2, Jan. 2 to May 8, 1847. o°. New York, Piercy Sr Reed. ' [v. 2 became weekly. Edited by Wm. R. Wagstaff.] New York (The) Medical Times. Edited by J. G. Adams. Monthly, v. 1-5, Oct. 1, 1851, to Sept., 1856. 8°. New York, Baker, God- win Sr Co. [Editorial change : v. 2, H. D. Bulkley, editor. Merged in The New York Journal of Medi- cine. ] New York (The) Medico-Chirurgical Bulle- tin. Edited by George Bushe. Monthly. v. 1-2, May, 1831, to April, 1832. 8°. New York, Ludwig Sf Tolfree. [Completed.] New York (The) Monthly Chronicle of Medi- cine and Surgery. Conducted by an associa- tion o£ physicians. NoSi4,7, v. 1, July, 1824,7^4*^1823.8°. New York. New York (The) Monthly Review of Medical Science and Buffalo Medical Journal. [Is running title of Nos. 1-13, v. 15, of The Buffalo Medical Journal.] New York (The) Register of Medicine and Pharmacy. Edited by C. D. Griswold. Semi- monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-2, Oct. 1 1850, to Sept. 15, 1851. 8°. New York. [Completed.] Ne-1" YORKER medicinis.he Monatsschrift. Edited by Drs. Herzka, Kracko-W'izer, andvonRulii. [i. jah.i Feb. 1852 bis Jan. 1853.] 8°. New York. Nordamericanische, deutsch' mediiinische Zeitschrift fur praktische Heilkunde. Her- ausgegeben von W. Meisburger. Zwei- monatlich. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1865. 8°. Buf- falo, N. Y. [Completed.] Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fur Na- tur- und Heilkunde. Redigirt von W. Keller und H. Tiedemann (in Philadelphia) und Herzka (in New York). Monthly, v. %-Sr JttttOgggfr, 1^» 1> 8°. Philadelphia, F. W. Christern. North American Archives of Medical and Surgical Science. Edited by E. Geddings. Monthly. 2 v. annually. v. 1-2, Oct., 1834, to Sept., 1835. 8°. Baltimore, Cary, Hart 8f Co. [Completed. A continuation of The Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal and Re- view.] North American (The) Homoeopathic Jour- nal. A quarterly magazine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. Conducted by C. Hering, E. E. Marcy, and J. W. Metcalf. v. 1-18; new series, v. 1-2. 8°. Neio York, W. Radde, 1851-72. Au > , A- [Suspended from Nov., 1853, to Aug., 1856. After /■ Nov., 1861, The United States Journal ok Homceopathy merged in this journal, v. 2, etc., title, The North American Journal of Ho- moeopathy. Editorial changes : v. 4, Hering and Metcalf dropped, J. C. Peters, Wm. H. Holcombe, and H. C. Preston added; v. 8, Marcy and Preston £tf>w; C*v^C<^i i A A A A UNITED STATES. 253 UNITED STATES. O^ North American (The), etc.—continued. dropped, F. G-. Snelling and 7 others added ; v. 9' J. C. Peterson added; v. 10, bv 3.T. Alley and 21 others ; v. 12, by R. E. W. Adams and 20 others; v. 17, by F. W. Hunt and 32 others ; v. 1, new series, by F. W. Hunt and S. Lilienthal.] North American (The) Journal of Homoeo- pathy. See North American (The) Horn ceopathic Journal, v. 2, etc. North American (The) Medical Reporter. Edited by W. Elmer. Quarterly, v. 1, Oct., 1858, to Nov., 1859. Boliovcd to U all pub- • lished. 8°. New York, W. A. Toicnstnd Sr Co. [No. 2, Louis Elsberg added as editor.] North American Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Conducted by H. L. Hodge, F. Bache, C. D. Meigs, B. H. Coates, and R. La Roche. Quarterly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-12, Jan., 1826, to "Oct., 1831. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Dubsoa. [Completed, v. 5 and all subsequent published by the Kappa Lambda Association of the United- States.] North American (The) Medico-Chirurgical Review. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Bi-monthly, v. 1-5, Jan., 1857-61. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Pippin- cott Sr Co. [Formed by consolidation of The Medical Ex- /Aaminer, Philadelphia, with The Louisville Re- viEy/^Jtfargod-iaJHE-AMEUiCAN Jouunal or Tfig3fi?DICAL S€«WCK&4~ North Carolina (The) Medical Journal. See Medical (The) Journal of North Carolina. Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine. Edited by F. J. D'Avignon and H.Nelson. Monthly. 2 v. annually. Nos- 2-5, v. 2, Dec, 1850, to March, 1851 ; Nos. 2-6, v. 3, May to Sept., 1851 ; v. 4-10, Oct., 1851, to March, 1855; Nos. 1-5,7-8, 11-20, 22,23,25, v. 12, Dec. 10, 1855, to May 26, 1856. 8°. Plattsburgh, N. Y. [No. 5 ended v. 2. v. 4-6, title, Nelson's North- ern Lancet and American Journal of Medi- cal Jurisprudence ; Horace Nelson, editor and proprietor, v. 7, etc., title, Nelson's American Lancet, a monthly journal of practical medicine, and Alfred Nelson added as editor, v. 12, weekly.] Northern (The) Ohio Medical and Scientific Examiner. Edited by A. W. Oliver, John Gilman, John Wheeler, C. D. Williams, and W. B. Waterman. Monthly. Nos. 1-9, v. ], Feb., 1848, to April 15, 1849. 8°. Cleve- land. [No. 4. title, The Ohio Medical Examiner; and published at Columbus.] Northwestern (The) Journal of Homceo- pathia. Edited by G. E. Shipman. Monthly. Nos. 9-10, v. 2, June and July, 1850 ; Nos. 3-6, v. 4, Dec, 1851, to March, 1852. 8 . Chicago. Northwestern (The) Journal of Homoeopathy : a quarterly magazine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. Edited by an association of homoeopathic physicians. ["Called a new series of The Northwestern Journal of Homceopathia (Shipman's), but was an entirely different affair. Only one number was issued, 174 pp., dated Jan., 1858; cover says 'May.' and was"really issued in August or September."] Northwestern (The) Medical Intelligencer. Ch go and Indianapolis. [Bi-monthly of 16 pp., 8°. Commenced April. 1851. This was a part of The Northwestern Meih- cal and Surgical Journal ; published in April, June, etc., 1851, alternating with the bi-monthly journal.] Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by Wm. B. Herrick and John Evans. Bi-monthly, v. 5-14, May, 1818-57. 87 Chicago and Indianapolis, J. W. Duzan. | See Illinois (The) Medical and .Surgical Jour- nal for v. 1-2. See Illinois (Thk) and Indiana Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 1-2, for v. 3-4. /S'eeCHICAGO (THE) MEDICAL JOURNAL, V. 1, for v. 15. v. 9 became monthly. v. 10 contains 8 Nos., May to Dec, 1853. v. 6-7 edited by J. Ev- ans and E. Gr. Meek ; v. 8, Meek dropped ; v. 9, by W. B. Herrick and H. A. Johnson ; v. 11, Herrick dropped and N. .S. Davis added; v. 13, Johnson dropped; v. 14, W. H. Byford added.] Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. A medical monthly devoted to the interests of the northwest. Edited by Alex ander J. Stone, v. 1-4 teiate, June, 1870 U>J n-^ W. 8°. St. Paul, Minn. G'nvl | Qmmmt:. { v. 2 contains 11 Nos.; nothing in June, / 1872; v. 3 begins July, 1872, and edited by H. C. Hand and H. H. Kimball. ] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland, including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Edited by J. H. Aveling and A. Wiltshire. With an Am. supplement, edited by William F. Jenks. Monthly, v. 1, April, 1873, to date. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea. Occidental (The) ; a monthly journal of pop- ular homoeopathy. Edited by G. S. Walker and T. G. Comstock. Nos. 1,3-5, v. 1, July to Nov., 1869. 8°. St. Louis, J. V. Hogan. Official (The) Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Weekly. 2 v. annually. Il- lustrated, v. 1-4 to date, Jan. 3, 1872-73. Index volume for year 1872. Royal 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office. Oglethorpe (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Edited by H. L. Byrd, H. Steele, and V. H. Taliaferro. Bi-monthly. v. 1-3, April, 1858-61. 8°. Savannah, Ga., J. M. Cooper S- Co. -^( ' ' £■ - ' * [W*ai-No.55( v.3.^Editorial changes: v. 2, Steele and Taliaferro dropped, Wm. Hanser added ; v. 3, Hauser dropped, J. C. C. Blackburn added.] CO* 254 UNITED STATES. IGNITED STATES. fa-'HMrw Ohio (The) Medical Examiner. See Northern (The) Ohio Medical and Scientific Examiner, v. 1, No. 4. Ohio (The) Medical Gazette. See Medical (The) Counsellor. Ohio (The) Medical Repository. Edited by James M. Mason. Monthly. Nos. 2, 4-5, v. 1, Oct., 1835, to Jan., 1836. 8J. Cincin- nati, Kendall Sr Henry. Ohio (The) Medical Repository of Original and Selected Essays and Intelligence. Edited by Guy W. Wright. Semi-monthly, v. 1, April 1, 1826, to April 18, 1827. 96 pp. Fo- \ ( lio. AincinwiiyW^Hill. V [Completed. Me^ed in The Western Medical AND PHYSICAL JOURNAL.] Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by John Butterfield. Bi-monthly. v. 1-16, Sept., 1818, to Nov., 1864. 8°. Co- lumbus, J. H. Riley Sf Co. [Completed. Editorial changes: v. 2, edited by S. H. Smith; v. 3, by R. L. Howard ; v. 7, by John Dawson; v. 8, R. Gundry added; v. 9, Gundry dropped ; v. 10, J. W. Hamilton added; v. 14, S. M. Smith, S. Loving, T. G. Wormley, and Francis Carter added ; v. 15, Hamilton dropped.] Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. [Homoeopathic] Edited by T. P. Wilson. Bi-monthly. v. 1-7, Jan.. 1867-73. 8°. Cleveland, Beckwith Sf Co. [Current. Editorial changes : v. 4, H. H. Baxter added; v. 6, Baxter dropped, J. D. Buck and H. F. Biggar added.] Opal (The). A monthly periodical of the state lunatic asylum, devoted to usefulness. Edited by the patients, v. 1-10, Jan., 1851- 60. v. 1, 4° ; v.2-10, 8°. Utica, N. Y., printed and published at the asylum. [Want Nos. 1,5-6, v. 1. No. 3, v. 10, Nov., I860, last published.] Opium Eating, its consequences and cure. Devoted to the cause of humanity, by Prof. D. Meeker. Quarterly. No. 1, v. 1, March 1, 1872; No. 1, v. 2, April, 1873. Folio. Laporte, Indiana, H. Druliner Sf Co. . [An advertisement.] Oregon (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter, Edited by E. R. Fiske and H. Carpenter; as- sociate editors, medical faculty of Willamette University. Monthly, v. I ; Nos. 1-3, v. 2, Nov., 1869, to Oct., 1871. 8°. Salem, pub- lished by the Willamette University. [v. 2 became quarterly, and E. Y. Chase added to ed itorial staff. No. 3, v. 2, Fiske became sole pro prietor.] Oregon (The) Physio-Medical Journal. Ed ited and published by J. C. Sheldon. Bi monthly, v. 1-2, July, 1866, to Dec, 186" 8°. Salem. Announced to be continued as The Pacific Phy sio - Medical and Surgical Journal. Prob ably never issued.1 Pacific ( The ) Journal of Health. See Woman's (The) Pacific Coast Journal,v. 3. \ -i. - Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. V Edited and published by John B. Trask and David Wooster. Monthly. v. 1-9, Jan., /&J&, 25G UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Photographic Mosaics. An annual record of photographic progress. Edited by M. C. Lea and E. L. Wilson, v. for years 1867, 1869-71, 1873. 12°. Philadelphia, Bcner- man Sf Wilson. Photographic (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. A bi-monthly illustration of inter- esting cases, accompanied by notes. Edited by F. F. Maury and L. A. Duhring. v. 1-2, Oct., 1870-72. 3°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott S~ Co. [Completed.] Photographic (The) World. Edited by Ed- ward L. Wilson. Monthly, v. 1-2, Jan., 1871V72. Royal 8°. Philadelphia, Bencr- man Sf Wilson. Phrenological (The) Journal and Packard's Monthly. See American (The) Phreno- logical Journal and Miscellany, old series, v. 50. Physician (The) and Pharmaceutist. Edited by G.J. Fisher. Quarterly, v. J-5, Aug., 1868, to Feb., 1873. 4°. New York, Reed, Carnrick Sr Co. [Editorial changes : v. 2 edited by E. H. M. Sell; v. 3 edited by G. Treskatis; v. 4, J. Creuse added. v. 4-5, title, The Physician and Pharmacist.] Physician (The) and Pharmacist. See Phy- sician (The) and Pharmaceutist, v. 4-5. Physician (The) and Surgeon. Published under the auspices of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Monthly. v.l, Sept., 1872, to Dec, 1873. 4°. Balti- more. [Current. No. 1, v. 2, title, The Baltimore Phy- sician and Surgeon.] Physician's (The) Annual for 1872. A com- London. 2 v. annually, v. to June, 1873. Am. ed. Kelly, Pict Sf Co. [Completed.] PRATICIEN (Le) homocopathique. boche. Monthly. New Orleans. [Commenced Nov., 1857.J Probe (The). An inquiry plete calendar for the city and county pracy ^VSJ-^^ / [r. 2 ends abruptly with page 440.] f .5 \ List of works published in, making in all 7 v. Velpeau'g surgery. 912 pp. Bell on the nerves. 230 pp. The Dublin dissector. 314 pp. Lawrence on the eye. 582 pp. Mackintosh on pathology and practice of physic. 744 pp. B!uudel's obstetricy. 520 pp. New views of the process of defecation, etc., by Jas. O'Beirne. 112 pp. H. Mayo on injuries and diseases of the rectum. 61 pp. A. Blake on delirium tremens. 24 pp. Brodie on diseases of the joints. 131 pp. A. P. W. Philip on influence of minute doses of mer- cury. CO pp. A. Turnbull ou external application of veratria. 46 pp. . Dictionary of practical medicine. 1-512 pp.^-tT *-r- Lectures on clinical surgery by Baron Dupuytren. Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surge- ry, being a half-yearly journal, containing a retrospective view of every discovery and practical improvement in the medical sci- ences. Edited by W. and J. Braithwaite. 35 v. 8°. New York, IV. A. Townsend, 1840-73. [Current. Uniform Am. ed.J 33* Revista medico-quirurgicay dentistica de los sres. Wilson y Gonzala. Quarterly. Nos. 1-3, v. 1,1863. 87 iYcto York and Havana. Rhode Island (The) Medical Reformer. A family journal for the promotion of health and longevity. Edited by B. Franklin Clark. Semi-monthly, v. 1, 1843. 8G Providence. Richmond (The) Medical Journal. Edited by E. S. Gaillard and W. S. McChesney. Month- ly. 2 v. annually. v. 1-5, Jan., 1866, to June, 1863. 8-'. Richmond, Va. [See. Richmond (The) and Louisville Medical Journal for v. 6, etc.] Richmond (The) and Louisville Medical Jour- nal. E. S. Gaillard, editor and proprietor, Monthly. 2 v. annually. v. 6-16, immm 1868-73. 8°. Louisville, Ky. [Current. See RICHMOND (THE) MEDICAL JOUR NAL for v. 1-5.] Rush-light (The), by Peter Porcupine. Nos. 1-5, Feb. 15, 1800, to April 30, 1800. pp. 1-258. 8°. [The first two numbers, "New York, published by William Cobbelt."] Saint Joseph (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, a bi-monthly journal, devoted to the advancement of practical medicine and sur- gery, under the auspices and supervision of the members of the Saint Joseph Medical Society. Editorial committee : J. H. Crane, O. B. Knode, G. C. Catlett. Nos. 4-5, v. 1, March, May, 1859 ; Nos. 2, 4-5, v. 2, Nov., 1859, Mar., May, 1860 ; Nos. 1-3, v. 3, Sept , ,'860, to Jan., 1861. 8G St. Joseph, Mo., F. M. Posegate Sf Co. [Editorial changes : v. 2, ed. com., W. I. Heddens, J. A. Chambers, J. B. Scearce. v. 3, G. C. Catlett, J. B. Snelson, editors and proprietors.] Saint Louis (The) Dental Journal. Pub- lished monthly by the Saint Louis Odontolog- ical Society. Edited by J.Payne. Nos. 1- 2, v. 1,1868. 8°. St. Louis. Saint Louis (The) Magnet: designed to illus- trate the philosophy of human nature. T. J. M'Nair & J. F. Slafter, editors and proprie- tors. Monthly. Nos. 1, 4-7, v. 1, May to Nov., 1845. 8°. St. Louis. Saint Louis (The) Medical Reporter. A semi- Gl, monthly record of medicine and surgery. Edited by J. S. B. Alleyne and O. F. Potter. v. 1 - 4, March, 1866, to June, 1869. 8°. Saint Louis, P. M. Pinckard. [No. 4, v. 4, last published; then merged in TheHum- boldt Medical Archives. Editorial changes : v. 3, Alleyne dropped ; v. 4 edited by W. M. Mc- Pheeters and G. M. B, Maughs. Congressional li- brary deposit.] Saint Louis (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by M. L. Linton, W. M. 258 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Saint Louis (The) Medical, etc.—continued. McPheeters, and V. J. Fourgeaud. Month- ly. No. 12, v. 2, April, 1815 ; v. 3-19,1845- 61. 87 St. Louis. [Want title-page and index, v. 4 ; Nos. 2-3, 6, v. 6; v. 7 entire (all between April, 1819, and Jan., 1850) ; No. 5, v. 19, Sept. and Oct., 1861. v.5, etc., bi- monthly. Editorial change*! : v. 5, Fourgeaud dropped ; v. 6, J. S. Moore and Jos. N. McDowell added ; v. 7, McDowell dropped and J. B. Johnson added; v. 11, W. M. McPheeters sole editor ; v.12, M. L. Linton, J. S. Moore, and E. Deming added ; v. 13, Deming dropped, J.R.Allen added; v. 14, Moore and Allen dropped. Suspended from Nov., 1861, uutil Jan., 1864. See new series.] —^---New series. Edited by M. L. Linton . i i,ud F. White. Bi-monthly, v. 1-10, Jan., "^'l 864-73. 8°. St. Louis, T. W.Ustick. (jA [Current, v. 9-10, monthly. Editorial changes : v. A 3, J. W. Clemens and G. Baumgarten added ; v. 4, / White dropped; v. 5, Clemens dropped ; v. 9 edited by Wm. S. Edgar and H. Z. Gill.] Saint Louis (The) Probe. Edited by A. J. Coons and J. R. Atkinson. Monthly, v.l, Jan. 15 to Dec. 15,1850. 8P. St. Louis, T. W. Ustick. [Dec. No. last published. Want Nos. 1, 5-6, 9-10.] San Francisco (The) Medical Journal. De- voted to medicine, surgery, science, litera- ture and news. William H. Miller, editor and proprietor. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 185^, 8°. San Francisco, D. J. Williamson. [No more published] San Francisco (The) Medical Press. Edited by E. S. Cooper. Quarterly, v. 1-5, Jan., 1860, to Jan., 1865. 87 San Francisco, Towne Sr Bacon. [Completed, v. 4 commenced April, 1863. Editorial changes: v. 3, Cooper dropped, L. C. Lane added ; v. 5, by H. Gibbons and R. B. Cole. April, 1665, consolidated with The Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal,forming ThePacieic Medi- cal and Surgical Journal and Press.] Sanitarian (The). A monthly journal. A. N. Bell, M. D., editor, v. ], April, 1873, to date. 8°. New Yo-k and. Chicago, A. S. Barnes Sf Co, [Current.] Sanitary (The) Commission Bulletin. Semi- monthly. Nos. 1-40, v. 1 ; that is, v. 1-3, Nov. 1, 1863, to Aug. 1, 1865. 1280 pp. b°. New York, 1863, to Oct. 1, 1864 ; Phila- delphia, Oct. 15, 1864-65. [Completed.] Sanitary (The) Reporter. Published by the United States Sanitary Commission. Semi- monthly, v. 1-2, May 15, 1863, to May 15, 1865. 4°. Louisville, Ky. [Want Nos. 13, 19, 23, v. 1 ; Nos. 13-15; also, 18 (Feb. 1, 1865), v. 2.] Savannah (The) Journal of Medicine. Ed- ited by J. S. Sullivan, J. Harriss, and R. D. Arnold. Bi-monthly, v. 1-3; new series, Savannah (The) Journal, etc.—continued. v.5,1858-61 and 1866. 8G Savannah, Ga., G. N. Nichols. [Editorial changes: v. 2, Sullivan dropped; v. 3, J. S. Wilson added ; v. 5, new series, edited by J. Harriss, J. B. Read, and J. G. Thomas.] Scalpel (The). See Eclectic (The) Scalpel. Scalpel (The). A journal of health adapted to popular and professional reading and the exposure of quackery. Edited by Edward H. Dixon. Quarterly, v. 1-12, Jan., 1849- 61. '8°. New York__________ [Completed, v. 5y(title, The Scalpel, an entirely original quarterly expositor of the laws of health, and abuses of medicine and domestic life.] Science (The) of Health. A new monthly devoted to the restoration and preservation of health on hygienic principles, etc. 2 v. annually, v. 1-3, July, 1872-73. 8°. New York, S. R. Wells. [Current] Scientific (The) American. An illustrated journal of art, science and mechanics. Pub- lished weekly by Munn & Co. v. 14, Sept. 11, 1858, to June 25, 1859. New series, 2 v. annually, v. 1-29, July 2, 1859-73. Folio. New York. [Current.] Scientific Tracts and Family Lyceum. Con. ducted by Jerome C. Smith. Semi-monthly. v. 1, new series, March 1, 1834, to Nov. 15, 1835. 324 pp. 8°. Boston, Allen Sr Tick- nor. Scott's Journal of Health. Edited by C. Winfield Scott, jr. Monthly. Providence, R. I. [Commenced in 1872. An advertiwement. J Scott's Journal of Medical Information for the People. Edited by J. Walter Scott. Quar- terly. No. ],v. 1, Jau , 1870. 8°. New York. Semi-monthly (The) Medical News. Edited by S. M. Bemiss and J. W. Benson, v. 1- 3, 1859-60. 8°. Louisville, Ky. [Completed, v. 2-3, title, The Monthly Medical News. 2 v. annually. Editorial change : v. 3, Bemiss dropped.] Semi-monthly (The) Medical and Surgical Repertory. Devoted to the science of medi- cine and its kindred branches. Edited by E. F. and J. J. Knott. Nqs. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. 1, 15, Feb. 15,1871. 8°. Griffin, Ga., S. B. Burr. Similibus (The). A paper published by the managers of the fair for the benefit of the Homoeopathic Surgical Hospital. Edited by Mrs. Carroll Dunham and Mrs. Henry D. Paine. 10 Nos. and supplement, April 13-24 1872. 4°. New York. [Completed.] 259 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. Smith and Powell's Journal of Human Science. [Is title on oover of No. 1, v.l, of Journalof Human Science, by W. B. Powell and J. W. Smith.] Southern (The) Botanic Journal. Devoted to the dissemination and support of the Thomsonian system of medical practice. Edited by D. F. Nardin. Bi-weekly, v. 1- 2, Nos. 1-18, 2d, 22, v. 3, Feb. 4, 1837-41. 8°. Charleston, S.C., C.A. Hall. [First 10 Nos. of v. 3 published at Augusta, Ga. ; No. 11 and all subsequent published at Forsyth, Ga. Editorial changes : v. 2, J. L. Wood added ; v. 3, by Wm. II. Fonerden.] Southern (The) Botanic Journal. Edited by Win. H. Fonerden. Semi-monthly. New series, Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Feb. 2, 1846, etc. 8°. Forsyth, Ga. Southern (The) Botanico-Medical College Journal. Edited by L. Bankston, H. Quin, and T.J. Hand. Monthly. Nos. 1-5, v.l, Dec. 1, 1842-43. Forsyth Ga. [Editorial changes : No. 4, Quin dropped and I. M. Comings added. ] Southern (The) Botanico-Medical Journal. Devoted to the principles and practice of medicine, as originated by Dr. Saml. Thom- son. Edited by II. Lee. Semi-monthly. v. 1 ; No. 1, v. 2, Jan. 1,1841 -42. A. For- syth, Ga., A. Brooks. [v. 2, title, The Southern Botanico-Medical College Journal, published monthly.! Southern (The) Botanico-Medical Reformer. Edited by M. S. Thomson. Quarterly, v. 1-2; Nos. 1-3, v. 3, March, 1849, to Nov., 1851. 8°. Macon, Ga. [v. 2-3, monthly, v. 3 edited by J. T. Coxe.] Southern (The) Dental Examiner. Edited by J. P. H. Brown and Geo. S. Fouke. Monthly, v. 1 ; Nos. 1-6, v. 2, May, 1860, to Dec, 1861. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., Brown Sf Happe. [Completed.] Southern (The) Druggist. Published monthly for gratuitous distribution. By Jesse R. Jones. No. 2, v. 1, May, 1870 Folio. Crystal Sj/rings, Miss. Southern (The) Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Conducted by John W. King, Wm. P. Jones, R. O. Currey, B. Wood, F. A. Ramsey, T. A. Atchison, R. L. Scruggs. Bi-monthly. v. 1-6, Jan., 1853-57. 8°. Nashville, Term., J. F. Morgan. [Completed, v. 3 and all subsequent published at Knoxville, Teun., by J. G. B. Kiusloe. v. 4 became monthly, in 2 v. annually. Editorial changes : v. 2, Scruggs dropped ; v. 3, Ramsey and Atchison dropped ; v. 4, Wood dropped, F. A. Ramsey and T. A. Atchison added ; v. 5. R. O. Currey sole ed- itor.] Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by E. D. Fenner, D. W. Brickell, C. Beard, W. S. Mitchell, A.W. Perry, and Jos. Holt. Quarterly, v. 1-2, May, 1866, to Nov., 1867. 8 T New Orleans, Bouvain Sr Lewis. [No. 3, v. 2, last published; then, Jan., 1868, con- solidated with The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The New Orleans Journal of Medicine. See New Orleans (The) Medical Journal, v. 21-23. Editorial changes : E. D. Fenner died May 4, 1866; D. P. Fenner add- ed in v. 2.] Southern (The) Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy. Edited by J. Lawrence Smith and S. D. Sinkler. Bi-monthly, v. 1-2, Jan., 1846, to Dec, 1847. 87 Charleston, Burges Sr James. [Editorial changes : v. 2 edited by P. C. Gaillard and H. W. De Saussure. See Charleston (The) Med- ical Journal and Review for v. 3, etc.] Southern (The) Medical Record. See Geor- gia (The) Medical Companion, v. 3. Southern (The) Medical Reformer. Edited by II. M.Price. Monthly. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan., 1845, etc. 8°. Forsyth, Ga. Southern (The) Medical Reformer. Edited byH. M.Price. Monthly, v. 1, 1847-48. 8°. Petersburg, Va. Southern (The) Medical Reformer and Re- view. Edited by J. T. Coxe, L. Bankston, and J. Kost. Monthly, v. 2-10, 1852-60. 8 . Macon, Ga., B. F. Griffin. [Want Nos. 1,5, 8-10, v. 2 ; v. 3 entire ; Nos. 2,8, v. 4 ; Nos. 7, 10, v. 5 ; Nos. 6, 9-11, v. 9 ; Nos. 1-8,10- 12, v. 10. 9 Nos. in v. 6. Editorial changes : v. 5, Kost and Bankston dropped, I. L. Loomis added ; v. 6 edited by L. Bankston and O. A. Lochrane ; v. 7 edited by I. N. Comings ; v. 9, Comings dropped, J. T. Coxe added.] Southern (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Edited by Milton Antony and Joseph A.Eve. Monthly, v. 1-2, June, 1836, to July, 1838. New series, v. 1-17, 1845-61. 3d series, Nos. 1-4, v. 1, July, 1866, to March, 1867. 3°. Augusta, Ga.,.P. C.Guieu. a* s [Want v. 3, 1st series, 1830 j new series. No. 1, v. 3 ; Nos. 1-4, v. 6 ; No. 1, v. 8 ; No. 1, v. 9 ; Nos. 11-12, v. 17. Editorial changes : v. 2, Antony sole editor; new series, v. 1-2, by Paul F. Eve and I. P. Garvin ; v. 3, Garvin dropped; v. 10 edited by L. A. Du- gas; v. 12, H. Rossignol added ; v. 13 edited by Henry F. and Robert Campbell ; v. 1, 3d series, edited by Joseph Jones, L. A. Dugas, W. H. Doughty, and De Saussure Ford.] Southwestern (The) Homoeopathic Journal and Review. Conducted by John T. Tem- ple. Monthly. No. 1, v. 3, Aug., 1849. 3-. St. Louis. Southwestern (The) Medical Advocate. Ed- ited by James Conquest Cross. Monthly. Nos. 1-5, v.l, July to Nov., 1847. 8°. Mem- phis, Tenn., D. O, Dooley, 260 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. r Stethoscope (The). See Stethoscope (The) and Virginia Medical Gazette, v. 4-5. Stethoscope (The) and Medical Reporter, 1856-57. See Monthly (The) Stethoscope, etc. Stethoscope (The) and Virginia Medical Ga- zette. A monthly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences, v. 1-5, Jan.,1851, to Dec, 1855. 8°. Richmond, Ritchies Sf Dunnavant. [v. 4, the words "and Virginia Medical Gazette" dropped, and it became the property and organ of the Medical Society of Virginia, and edited by T. P. Atkinson, R. W. Haxall, J. Bolton, R. A. Lewis, A. T. B. Merritt, G. A. Wilson, and Edward G. Higginbotham. No. 6, v. 5, it ceased to be the property of the Medical Society of Vir- ginia, and was edited by G. A. Wilson and R. A. Lewis. Jan., 1856, united with The Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The Virginia Medical Journal. See Virginia (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 6- 13. J Stockton's Dental Intelligencer. Monthly. v. 2-3, Nov. 1,1845, to Oct., 1847. 8°. Phil- adelphia. [Want Nos. 4, 8,10,12, v. 2 ; Nos. 2-10, 12, v. 3.J Summary of Medical Science. Edited by Walter S. Wells. Semi-annually. Part 1, April, 1861. 8°. New York, C. T. Evans. [Believed to be all published.] Syracuse (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Edited by S. H. Potter. Monthly. 4th series, v. 1 (v. 6, whole series), Feb. to Dec, 1854; No. 2, v. 2 (v. 7, whole series). 8°. Syracuse, N. Y. [See American (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 7, No. 3, for No. 3, v. 2. See UNION (The) Journal of Medicine, 1853, for 3d series. 1 Teacher (The) of Health and the Laws of the Human Constitution. See Library (The) of Health and Teacher on the Human Con- stitution, new series, 1843. Texas (The) Medical Journal. See Galves- ton (The) Medical Journal, v. 3, No. 1. Texas (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal devoted to medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Edited by J. D. Rankin. v. 1, Jan., 1873, to date. 8°. Galveston, Kay Sf M'Kenna. [Current ] Theriaki. A magazine devoted to the inter- ests of opium eaters. Quarterly. Nos. 1-2, v.l, July, Oct., 1872. 8°. Laporte, Indiana. Thomsonian (The) Botanic Watchman. Edited by Dr. John Thomson. Monthly. Superroyal 8°. Albany, N. Y. [Commenced in Jan., 1834.] lo^ r c (" Thomsonian (The) Manual, iMi. *•> •> " ^ * Thomsonian fThe) Messenger. Edited and published by O. B. Lyman. Monthly, v. 1-2, July, 1841, to June, 1843. Royal 8°. Noricich, Conn, Thomsonian (The) Recorder , or impartial advocate of botanic medicine And the princi- ples which govern the Thomsonian practice. Edited by Thos. Hersey. Bi-weekly, v. 2, Oct. 12,1833, to Sept. 27, 1834 ; v. 4, Oct. 10, 1835, to Sept. 26, 1836 ; v. 6-8,10,13,17-37, 1837-73. 8°. Columbus, Ohio, Jarvis, PH. t $ Co., 1833-40; Cincinnati, 1841-73. . [Current. Want Nos. 1, 3-12, v. 23; v. 25. v.fc-17, title, The Botanico-Medical Recorder, etc. v. 18, etc., title, The Physio-Medical Record- er, v. 6-19 edited by A. Curtis ; v. 20, Wm. H. Cook editor and proprietor, v. 18, etc., monthly. See Physiologico-Medical (The) Recorder and Surgical Journal, v. 17, Jan., 1849; also, Physo-Medical (The) Recorder and Surgi- cal Journal, v. 18,1850; and, also, Physo-Med- ical (The) and Surgical Journal, v. 20, 1852, etc.] Thomsonian1 (The) Spy. 1841. Transylvania ( The ) Journal of Medicine and the Associate Sciences. Edited by John Esten Cooke and Charles W. Short. Quar- terly, v. 1-12, Feb., 1828-39. 8°. Lex- ington, Ky., J. IV. Palmer. [Want No. 2, v. 10, April to June, 1837; pp. 201 to 250 of No. 1, v. 11, Jan. to March, 1838. v. 5-» edited by L. P. Yandell : v. 10, by Robert Peter; v. 11, by the medical faculty of Transylvania Univer- sity ; v. 12, by T. D. Mitchell. No. 1, v. 12, last published. ] Transylvania (The) Medical Journal. Ed- ited by Ethelbert L. Dudley, under the su- pervision of the Transylvania Faculty of Medicine. Bi-monthly, v. 1-2, June, 1849, to June, 1851. New series, v. 1-3, Aug. 1, 1851, to JOg;*.1854. 8°. Lexington, Ky.; Louisville, 1850-54. [Want Nos. 11-12, v. 3, new series (KENTUCKY Med ICAL Recorder), v. 1, new series, semi-month- ly ; v. 2-3, monthly, v. 3, new series, title, The Kentucky Medical Recorder, v. 2 (1st se- ries) by Dudley, under the supervision of the fac- ulties of the Kentucky School of Medicine nnd the Transylvania University. No. 2, v. 2, H. M. Bullitt added as editor ; No. 1, v. 1, new series, B. I. Raphael added ; v. 2, new series, by L. J. Fra- zee ; v. 3, new series, by H. M. Bullitt and R. J. Breckinridge.] Union (The) Journal of Medicine. Edited by Levi Reuben and S. H. Potter. Monthly. (See New York (The) Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal, 1849-52, for v. 1-4,1849- 52.) Nos. 1, 3-5, 7, v. 5, Jan. to July, 1853. 8°. Syracuse, N. Y. [No. 7 edited by L. Reuben, published at New York. See Syracuse (The) Medical and Surgical Journal for v. 6. Formed by consolidation of The New York Eclectic Medical and Sur- gical Journal with The American Journal of Medicine.] w . Union (L') medicale de la Louisiane. Re- vue mensuelle. Editeurs-reMacteurs Charles Delery et Edouard Martin. Nos. 7, 12, v. 1, July 12, Dec. 12, 1852. 8G Nouvelle-Or- lians. [No. 12, v. 1, last published.] V *>')\ / f ^ ^ N^y^ r An ■w UNITED STATES. 261 UNITED STATES. United States (The) Army and Navy Jour- nal, and Gazette of the Regular and Volun- teer Forces, v. 1-11, Aug. 29,1863-73. Fo- lio. New York. fy-egjcttj [Current.] / United States (The) Commercial and Sta- tistical Register. Edited by Samuel Hazard. v. 1-5, July, 1839, to Jan., 1842. 4°. Phil- adelphia, W. Geddcs. United States (The) Journal of Homoeop- athy. Quarterly, v. 1-2, Feb., 1860, to Nov., 1861. 8°. New York, C. T. Hurlburt. [Completed. After Nov., 1861, consolidated with The North-American Journal of Homeop- athy.] United States (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Conducted by a number of respect- able physicians in various parts of the Unit- ed States. Monthly. Nos. t-28, Aug., 1834, to Nov., 1836. 8°. New York, J. Webster. [Completed.] United States (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. A quarterly magazine of the ho- moeopathic practice of medicine and of med- ical science in general. Edited by Geo. E. Shipman. v. 1-9, to date, Oct., 1865-73. 8°. Chicago. [Currant, v. 6 edited by A. E. Small, R. Ludlam, W. Danforth ; v. 7, R. N. Foster added, v. 1-5, congressional library deposit.] United States Sanitary Commission Bul- letin. See Sanitary Commission Bulletin. United States Service Magazine, v. 1-5, Jan., 1864, to June, 1866. 8°. New York, C. B. Richardson. [Completed.] University (The) Journal of Health : a com- mon-sense medical magazine for the profes- sion and the people. Edited by J. Walter Scott. Monthly. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1866. 8T New York. University (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. [Is running title of The Philadelphia Universi- ty Journal of Medicine and Surgery.] University (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal of Philadelphia. Published monthly by Jos. S. Longshore, I. Lukens and Chas. Mur- phy. (Organ of the Penn Medical Univer- sity of Philadelphia.) Nos. 4-5, v. 1, Oct., Nov., 1864. 8°. Philadelphia. [No. 5, v. 1, last published; then consolidated with The Eclectic Medical Journal of Phila- delphia, forming The Eclectic and Univer- sity Medical and Surgical Journal of Philadelphia, being v. 8 of The Eclectic Medical Journal of Philadelphia.] Vaccine (The) Inquirer; or miscellaneous collections relative to vaccination. By a so- Vaccine (The) Inquirer—continued. ciety of physicians. "Monthly." No. 1, Feb., 182-2; No. 4, May, 182-2; No. 5, May, 1824. 12°. Baltimore. [No. 5 edited by Gideon B. Smith.] Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Mag- azine. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-9, Jan., 1869-73. Royal 8°. NewYork. [Current, v. 1, Jan. to Dec, 1869.] Ventilator (The). A quarterly devoted to heating and ventilation. Published by the " Bennett Hot Air Furnace Co." Nos. 1-2, v.l, June, Sept., 1872. Cincinnati. Vermont Medical Journal. J. M. Currier, editor and publisher. Bi-monthly. No? 1^2-, v. 1, Jan., 1874. -§6-pp. 8°. Burlington. [Cwrfent.] A v ^Vv^^^^C ^^^-/jf Vicksburg (The) New Era. A journal ot dental and miscellaneous intelligence. Ed- ited by W. S. Young. Monthly. No. 11, v. 1, July, 1869. Vicksburg, Miss., J.D. Miles. Virginia (The) Clinical Record. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collat- eral sciences. Edited by J. S. Dorsey Cul- len. v. 1-3 to date, April, 1871-73. 8°. Richmond, M. IV. Hazlewood. [Current.] Virginia (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Edited by George A. Otis and Howell L. Thomas. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-16, April, 1853, to May, 1861. 8°. Rich- mond. [Completed, v. 6-13, title, The Virginia Medi- cal Journal, v. 14-16, title, The Maryland and Virginia Medical Journal. Editorial changes: v. 2, Thomas dropped and J. B. McCaw added; v. 3, J. F. Peebles added; v. 6-13, by Mc- Caw and Otis ; v. 14-15, by McCaw and W. Chew Van Bibber ; v. 16, W. A. Hammond added, v. 16, 5 Nos. only.] Virginia (The) Medical Journal, 1856-59. [Formed by union of The Stethoscope with The Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal.] See Virginia (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 6-13. Vulcanite (The). A quarterly journal de- voted to the science of mechanical dentistry. Edited by B. W. Franklin, v. 1-2, Nov., I860, to Feb., 1862. 8°. New York, Am. Hard Rubber Co. Water Cure (The) Journal. Galesburg, III. Water Cure (The) Journal. Edited by Joel Shew. Semi-monthly, v. 1-3, 1845-47. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 4-56, July, 1847-73. 8°. fv. 11-34. 4°"? New York, Fowler Sf Wells,! 1845-62 ; R. T. Trail S- Co., 1863-64 ; Wood Sr Holbrook, 1865-73. [Current. Want Nob. 1. 6, v. 5, now «firipg, Jan Western (The) Medical News—continued. Jan., 1850. 8°. Cincinnati, W. M. N>iu- dain. [v. 1, etc., new series, title, The Western Medical News and Cancer Journal.] Western (The) Medical News and Cancer Journal, 1853. See Western (The) Medi. cal News, v. 1, etc., new series. Western (The) Medical and Physical Jour- nal. Original and eclectic. Edited by Dan- it-1 Drake and Guy W. Wright. Monthly. v. I, April, 1827, to March, 1823. 720 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Hatch Sr Nichols. -----The same. Edited by Guy W. Wright, assisted by a number of able physicians, sur" geons, and naturalists of Western America. Monthly. No. 1, v. 2, May, 1828. 68 pp. 8°. Cincinnati. [No. 1, v. 2, believed to be the last published. In April, 1828, The Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences was com- menced by Daniel Drake, and was subsequently represented and regarded as a continuation of The Western Medical and Physical Journal, the v. for April, 1828, to March, 1329, being reckoned v. 2 of the periodical.] Western (The) Medical Reformer. A monthly journal of medical and chirurgical science. Edited and published by the medical pro- fessors of Worthington College, v. 1-7, Jan., 1836, to Aug., 1818. In 3 v. 87 Worthing- ton, Ohio. [Suspended for 5 years and 5 months after v. 3. v. 4 published at Cincinnati, v. 7, title, The West- ern Medical Reformer and Eclectic Med- ical JOURNAL, edited by Jos. R. Buchanan and T.V.Morrow. See Eclectic (Thk) Medical >* Journal for v. 8-33.] Western (The) Medical Reformer and Eclec- tic fti»di(«l Journal. Sec Western (The) Medical Reformer, v. 7. Western (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal. Edited by J. F. Sanford and S. G'. Armor. Monthly, v. 1-2, Sept., 1850, to Sept, 1853. 8°. Keokuk, Iowa. [Wtint Nni 1. 1| " h l«o0,j. NoM.-?-8T-T.-grr852. Suspended from Nov., 1851, to July, 1852. Nos. 5. etc., v. 2, Sanford sole editor. 4et4«WJ (TlHt) «JtoPM>Ati Jopwnal for CMUiirn»tw»tt4-^ Western (The) Quarterly Journal of Practi- cal Medicine. Edited by John Eberle, as- sisted by A. G. Smith, J. Moorhead, J. Locke, I. Cobb, and J. T. Shot well. No. 1, v. 1, June, 1837. 8°. Cincinnati, J. A. James <$• Co. [No more published.] Western (The) Quarterly Reporter of Medi- cal, Surgical, and Natural Science. Edited by John D. Godmau. v. 1-2, 1822-23. 87 Cincinnati, J. P. Foote. [No. 2, v. 2, last published.] Western (The) Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by H, M, Harvey, H. A. By J. B.^ L^ Western (The) Retrospect, etc.—continued. Lewis, and W. M. Newell. Monthly, v. 1, Jan. to Dec, 1872. 87 Evansville, Indiana. [Completed. ] V/estern (The) and Southern Medical Re- corder. Edited by James Conquest Cross. Monthly. v. 1, Nov., 1641, to Oct., 1842; Nos. 1-4, v. 2, Jan. to April, 1843. 8°. Lex ington, Ky., W. R. Hervey. ^ 7&<^ Wheatley's Journal of Health. By Wheatley. 4 pp. Folio. [An advertisement.] Wilson's Herald of Health and Atlanta Bus- iness Review. Edited by Jno. Stainback Wilson, M. D. Quarterly, v. 1, May, 1873, to date. 8°. Atlanta, Ga. [Current. After No. 3, v.l, monthly. No. 3, v.l, title, Wilson's Herald of Health and Farm and Household Help.] Wilson's Herald of Health and Farm and Household Help. See Wilson's Herald of Health and Atlanta Business Review, v. 1, No. 3. Woman's Pacific Coast Journal. In the in- terest of women and children. Mrs. Carrie F. Young, editor and proprietor. Monthly. v. 1-3, May, 1870-72. 4 7 San Francisco. [v. 2 in 7 Nos. v. 3, title, The Pacific Journal of Health ; devoted to health, temperance, litera- ture, and labor, edited by C. F. and W.J. Young. Jan., 1873, merged in The Science of Health, New York.] Wood's Addenda to the Medico-Chirurgical Review; being a quarterly retrospect of American practical medicine and surgery. v. 1-2, July, 1847, to April, 1819. 8°.. New York, R. Sf G. S. Wood. [Completed. | Worcester (The) Journal of Medicine. C. Newton, editor and proprietor. Monthly, v. 7-11, Jan., 1852, to Dec, 1856. 8°. Worces- ter, Mags. [Editorial changes : C. Newton died Aug. 9, 1853 ; succeeded by H. G. Newton ; v. 9-10, F. H. Kelley , editor ; v. 11, R. O. Williams and A. J. Howe added. See The New England Medical Eclectic and Guide to Health, v. 1,1846, and The New En- gland Botanic Medical and Surgical Jour- nal, v. 1-5, 1847-51, for v. 1-6. In Jan., 1857, merged in THE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL Science, Cincinnati.] Zeitschrift, Nordamericanische, deutsch' me- dizinische, fur praktische Heilkunde. See Nordamericanische, etc. MEXICO. Observador (El) medico; revista cientifica de la Asociacion medica " Pedro Escobedo." Monthly. Nos. 1-14, 16-24, v.l, Nov. 1, 1-00, to Jan. 15, 1872 ; Nos. 1, 3-11, v. 2, Feb. 1 to Dec. 1, 1872. Folio. City of Mexico. QJ" £ Quarterly Magazine. [Is title of The West India Quarterly Maga- zine, v. 2.] Jamaica (The) Physical Journal. Edited by James Paul and Wm. Arnold. v. 1, Jan. to June 7, 1834. 392 pp. 8°. Kingston. Jamaica (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicine, Sci- ence and Arts. Edited by H. Croskery. [Commenced about I860.] JoURNALdes officiersde sant6 de Saint Domingue. 8°. [Commenced about 1792. J Repertorio medico - habanero. Director, J. N. Gutierrez. Redactores, L. Costales, C. Lanuza, M. S. Chamorro, M. V. Miranda. Semi-monthly. 2d series, Nos. 9-12, Jan. 1 to Feb. 16, 1843; 3d series, Nos. 2, 4-6,8,11, March 16 to Aug. 1,1843 ; 4th series, Nos. 1- 4, Sept. to Oct 15, 1843. 4°. Habana. Repertorio medico-habanero y Boletin cien- tifico. Redactado por Manuel V. Miranda y Justino V. Castro. Semi-monthly. Nos. 1- 7,9-15,v.2, Nov. 1, 1843, to June 1,1844; No. 1-6, v. 3, July 1 to Sept. 15, 1844. 8°. Habana. West India (The) Quarterly Magazine (Med- ical, etc) Edited by Hugh Croskery. v.l, Aug. 31,1861, to May 31, 1862. 544 pp. 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, A.De Cordova Sr Neph. [v. 2, title to be Croskery's West India Quar- terly Magazine.] SOUTH AMERICA. Anales de la Sociedad de farmacia de Lima. [By J. G. Zuleta and others.] Monthly. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Sept. to Nov., 1872. 4°. Lima. CRITERIO (El) medico. [1870.] Gaceta medica de Lima. Organo oflcial de la Sociedad de medicina. Director y redac- tor en jefe, Antonio Sanchez Almodovar. Re- dactores, Jose' Mariano Macedo, Francisco Rosas, Jose Casimiro Ulloa, Manuel N. Cor- pancho, Mariano Arosemena Quesada. Semi- monthly. Nos. 1-274, Aug. 15,1856, to June 15, 1868. Folio. Lima. [Want Nos.l, Aug. 15, 1856, f, /, ir7, f, \f>f\E, 33, 31, 37, 58, 88-90, June 15, I860.] r ' ' Homeopatia (La). Publicacion mensual del Instituto homeopatico de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. Focion Mantilla, editor. No. 5, anon. Dec, 1870. 8 . Bogota. Revista medica fluminense. Rio de Janeiro, 1835-41. TRIIiUNA (La). Peri6dico homeopatico quincenal de Barranquilla. Barranquilla, U. S. of Colombia, 1870. ALGERIA. See FRANCE. AUSTRALIA. See GREAT BRITAIN. AUSTRIA. See GERMANY. BELGIUM. Abeille (La). Revue mfidicale etscieutifique, par le docteur Ad. Lequime. [1834.] Annales et bulletin de la Society de medecine de Gand. See Transactions : Belgium. Gand. Annales du Conseil central de salubrite publique do Bruxelles, par Dieudonne. 8°. [1841.] Annales du Conseil de salubrite publique dTxclles. 8°. Bruxelles [1846-49, etc.] Annales du Conseil de salubrite publique de la pro- vince de Li6ge. [Commenced in 1844.] Annales de l'electricite m61ieale. Revue internationale de l'61ectricit6, du galvanisme, de l'electro-puncture, du magnetisme et de l'hydrologie appliques h la m6decine et a la chirurgie, publico par H. Van Holsbeek. v. 11-12, April, 1870, to March, 1872. In 1 v. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1870-72. [Monthly.] Annales de gynecologic et de pgiiatrque, par Martin Schoenfeld. Bruxelles [1841, etc.] ANNALES de literature m6dicale 6trangere. R6dig6es par J. F. Kluyskeus. 15 v. 8°. Gand, an Xlllj(18l2)7 [Monthly.] ^ Annales de medecine beige etetrangere, par MM. E. Lequime et J. I^uiette. Bruxelles [1837-53, etc. ] Annales de medecine v§t§rinaire. Bruxelles [1847- 63, etc.] Annales de medecine de Willebroeck. Anoers [1841- 53, etc.] Annales medicales de la Flandre occidentale. [1847- 58, etc.] Annales de l'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles, publiees, aux frais do 1'eTat, par A. Quetelet. v. 13. 436 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Bruxelles, M. Hayez, 1861. Annales d'obstetrique, des maladies des femmes et des enfants. Annales d'oculistique. Publiees par Florent Cunier. v. 1-66,1838-71. 8°. Bruxelles. [Also, "Tables g6n§rales dress6es par le dr. Warlo- raont," v. 1-30, 1838-53; v. 31-40, 1854-58. v. 31, 1854, "continuees par MM. les docteurs Fallot, J. Bosch, Hairion, Van Roosbroeck, Warlomont, r6- dacteur-g6rant."] Annales d'oculistique et de gynecologie. Publie'es par Florent Cunier et M. Schoen- feld. v. ], Aug. 1, 1838, to Sept. ], 1839. (241ivraisons.) 1 v. 4°. Charleroi, imp. de A. Dcghistellc. [Completed.] Annales de la Soci6t6 de medecine d'Anvers. [1838- 64.] BELGIUM. 265 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. ^ X \ Y' Annales de la Societe de m§decine de Liege. | Is47, etc. J Annales de la Society de medecine pratique de la Flandre orientate, eTablie a Termonde. Annales de la Societe m6dico-chirurgicale de Bruges. (M. le dr. Beghim.) 16e-24e ann6e. 2d series, v. 3-11, 1855-63 ; Nos. 1- 5, v, 12 ; No. 1, v. 13, Jan., 1865. 8 . Bru- ges, Vanhee-Wante. IV^ant No. 2, v. 11, Feb., 1863.] Annales de la Societe meiico-chirui7eul<- de Li6ge. [1862, etc.] Annales de la Societe des sciences me licales et natu- relles de Malines. [1841, etc.] Annales de la Societe des sciences naturelles de Bruges. [1840, etc.] Annales des universites de Belgique. See Transactions : Belgium. Brussels. Annuaire de l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. See Transactions : Belgium. Brussels. Archives beiges de medecine militaire, etc. See Archives de medecine militaire, etc. Archives de la medecine bolge, par J.-E. Lequime. Bruxelles [1840-48, etc.] Archives de m6deciue militaire: journal des sciences medicales, pharmaceutiques, et v6teTinaire.s. A. Mi'.ynne, redacteur. v. 1- 22,1848-58. 87 Bruxelles, Pi. Lclonget cic. [v. 3,1849, title, Archives reloks de mkdecine militaire, etc. 2 v. annually. In 18 v.] Archives mddicales beiges, organe du corps sanitaire de l'armce, des prisons et do Tad- ministration des chemius de for de l'ctat. Sciences m6dico-chirurgicales, pharmaceu- tiques et v6t6rinaires. 2d series, v. 1-7, Jan., 1865, to June, 1867 80. Bruxelles, C. Lelong. [2 v. annually.] Bulletin de l'Acadeinie royale do medecine de Belgique. v. 14-16, annces 1851-57 ; 2e se- rie, v. 1-2, 2 supplement, 3, annces 18,57- 60 ; avec table alphabetize des maticres et des auteurs coutenues dans les v. 1-16, le sc- rie, 1841-57; redigce parle dr. J.-R. Mariuus. , 8 v. 8°. Bruxelles, J.-B. Ih: Mori in: Bulletin mfedical beige. [1835.1 Bulletins de TAcadcmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Sec Transactions: Belgium. Brussels. Compte-rendu de l'Academie royale de me- decine de Belgique. See Transactions : Belgium. Brussels. Encyclographie des sciences medicales. 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th series. 42 v. 4°. Jan., 1838, to Dec, 1Q44. ,°,1* Encyclographie (Nouvelle) des sciences me- dicales. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and llth series. 27 v. 8°. Jan., 1816, to June, 1850. Bruxelles et Londres, Dulan el cie. et N. J. GrSgoir. GAZETTE medicale beige. [1841-49.] JOURNAL des connaissances medicales pratiques et de pharmacologic. Bruxelles [1838-41, etc.] ■JOlUrrrtLjln la Snnifrt-^dlHT-ffl?;nnr""1 win.linn-WT^-aatuJ -~fell«s-de-Bfuacllcg. —[4896 61, etc]------*-------~.\ MEMOIRES de l'Academie de medecine de Belgique. 4°. [1848-63, etc.] NOUVELLISTE (Le) medical beige. [1818.] OBSERVATEUR (L'). Journal des connaissances m6di- cales, par A. Haessebroucq et A. Fredericq. Cour- trai [1851-53, etc.] Presse (La) medicale beige. Redaction : J. Geens. 7e-12e annees. Dec. 31, 1854, to Dec. 16, I860. 4°. Bruxelles, C. Lelong. [Weekly.] Progres medical. [181'J.| Sant£ (La). Journal d'hygiene publique et privee. [1849-58, etc.] Scalpel (Le). [1848-63, etc.] CHINA. See GREAT BRITAIN. DENMARK. See SWEDEN. FRANCE AND ALGERIA. A.b3ille (L') mddicale. Revue des joumaux ct des ouvrages do mclecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie, des sciences physiques et na- turelles; travaux acadcmiques; repertoire complet de thdrapeutique, d'hygiene, d'ob- stetrique, de medecine 16gale, de toxicologic, art vcteTinaire, bibliographie. Bedigee par dr. Comet, v. 1-30, Jan , 1841-73. l-^ v. 4°. Paris. A, y A V y AAAJ * A [Current. Monthly. monthly; v. 9, Oct. 15 became weekly. ed by A. Bossu. v hebdomadaire, etc. ,-. 5, Oct., 184s, became seini- 1852, became tri-monthly ; v. Editorial change : v. 14 edit- 15, sub-title, Revue clinique v. 24, " accompagnee de la ruche scientitique, revue mensuelle des science uppliquees El Tindustrie et aux aits."] Aheii.LE (L ) mfedicale, on journal analytique de me- decine et de sciences accessoires, [etc.] Redacteur en chef, M. Jules Hatin. 4°. Paris, 1830. [Continuation of Journal analytique, etc.] ANALYSTE (L') et journal m6iico-chirurgical du Var et des Alpes. Redigg par J. M. D'Audibert-Caille. 8°. Brignoles. [v. 1, Jan., June, 1825 -? Monthly. .See JOURNAL MEDICO-CHIKURGICAL 1)U VAR.] Annales de l'anatomie et de la physiologie patholo- giques. Publiees par J. B. Pigne. 8°. Paris, 1842-43. [Monthly, in ' livraisons," of which there were at least 81] Annales de chimie, ou recueil de mdmoires concernant la chimie et les aits qui en de- pendent, par MM. de Morveau, Lavoisier, [etc] v. 1-96, 1700-1-15. ,-°. Paris. 26G FKANCE AND ALGEKIA. FKANCE AND ALGEKIA. Annales de chimie, etc.—continued. [Suspended from 1793 to 1797.] Tables g<5- nerales raisonnees des matieres contenues dans v. 1-30, 31-60. 2 v. [The whole bound in50v. 87] *a#=»«F*i!^ri-7.~ [Want index for v. 61-96, Paris, 1821. Continued as the following.] Annales de chimie et de physique, par MM. Gay Lussac, Arago, [etc.] v. 1-75, 1816- 40 ; 3d series, v. 1-69, 1841-63 ; 4th series, v. 1-30, 1864-73. 8°. In 147 v. [Current. A continuation of the preceding.] -----The same. Tables g^ndrales raisonn' FRANCE AND ALGERIA. 267 FKANCT7 AND ALGERIA. Annee m6dicale et scientifique—continued. eu lieu devant les socieTes savantes. Par MM. Cavalier, Jacquemet, Alph. Jaumes et Pe"cholier. Suivie d'un repertoire de theGa. peutique medicale et chirurgicale. 6e annee 341,25 pp. 8°. Montpellier', Boehm et fits; Paris, P. Asselin, 1869. Annuaire de litteVature medicale eTrangere. Resume des travaux de medecine pratique les plus remarquables publics a l'etranger pendant l'anu6es 1856-60, traduits de l'an- glais, de l'allemand, etc., par M. L. Noirot. le-5eannee. 5v. 12°. Paris,!', Masson, 1857-61. Annuaire medico-chirurgical des hOpitaux et hospices civils de Paris, v. 1. 636 pp. 4°. Paris, Crochard, 1819. Annuaire medico-chirurgicale, ou repertoire generale de clinique se composant de notes, d'analyses ou d'extraits de tout ce que les journaux de me'decine, francais et Strangers, renferment d'intdressant sous le rapport pra- tique ; contenant un resume des travaux de l'lnstitut et de l'Academie royale de mede- cine et des notices necrologiques sur les mddecins francais et etrangcrs marquants, morts dans l'ain6e 1832. Par Ch. J. F, Carron du Villards. 7e annde. viii, 664 pp. 8°. Paris, D'Hippolyte Tilliard, 1833. [Commenced in 1826 ; 1832 was the last.] Annuaire militaire de l'empire francais pour l'ann6e 1862. Publie, sur les documents com- muniques, par le ministere de la guerre. 1208 pp. 12°. Paris, Berger-Lerrault et fits, 1862. Annuaire pharmaceutique, fonde par O. Re- veil et L. Parise/^ ou expose analytique des travaux de pharmacie, physique, histoire naturelle, m6dicale, therapeutique, hygiene, toxicologic, pharmacie et chimie legales, eaux inineTales, interests professionnels. Par C. Menu, lie annee, 1873. xvi, 336 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils. Annuaire special du corps desante de l'arm6e de terre. Etabli sur les documents du minis- tere de la guerre. 1867-72. 5 v. 4°. Paris, V. Rozier. Annuaire de therapeutique, de matiere medi- cale, de pharmacie etde toxicologic de 1841- 72. 12°. 31 v. in 20. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1841-72. ARCHIVES de l'art des accouchemens. [Par J. P. Schweighauser.] 2 v. [2 parts in each v.] 8°. Strasbourg, an IX-X (1801-2). Archives gdn6rales de medecine. Par une societe de medecins. 1st series, v. 1-30, 1823- Archives generales de medecine—continued. 32 ; 2d series, v. 1-15,1833-37 ; 3d series, v. 1-15, 1838-42; 4th series, v. 1-32, 1843-52: 5th series, v. 1-20, 1853-62 : 6th series, v. 1-22,1863-73. 134 v. ST Paris, Bechet et Megneret, et Asselin. [Current. Monthly; 3 v. annually. 5th and 6th series, 2 v. annually, v. 1, 2d series, sub-title, "Journal complementaire dea sciences medicales." v. 25, 4th series, "publie par le dr./Paige Delorme." v. 5, 5th series, no sub-title, "publie par MM. E. Follin et Ch. Lasegue." v. 10, 6th series, Lasdgue sole editor ; v. 11, 6th series, Duplay added.] Archives et journal de la m6decine homoeopathique. Publics par une societfi de mfedecins de Paris. [6 v. 8°. 1834-37.] Archives de medecine navale. Recueil fonde par P. De Chasseloup-Laubat; publie sous la surveillance de l'inspection generale du service de sante. Directeur de la redaction, A. Le Roy De Mericourt. vv»-20, 1866-73. 16 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils. [Current. Commenced Jan., 1864. Monthly. 2 v. annually. ] Archives medicales de Stra>bourg. Publi6es par une socieig de midecins. [Monthly. March, 1835, to Feb., 1837.] 4 v. 8°. Archives d'ophthalmologie, comprenant les travaux les plus importants sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, la pathologie, l'hygiene et la therapeutique de l'appareil de la vision par M. A. Jamain. Nos. 1-4, 7-9, v. 1, July, 1853, to March, 1854. 80. Paris, G. Bail- Here. [Monthly.] Archives de physiologie normale et patholo- gique, par Brown-Sequard, Charcot et Vul- ' pian. v. l-5,Jii§^-73. 87 Paris, V. Mas- son. A C)2-(s-2rm*-1-4' '" [Current. :Wimt v. % 1869, ami Nus-.:1, i);*.-fl, 1070.J Archives de physiologie, de therapeutique et d'hygiene, sous la direction de M. Bouchar- dat. 2 v. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere. CONTENTS. No. 1, Jan.. 1854. M6moire sur la digitaline et la di- gitale, par E. Homolle et Quevenne. 376 pp. No. 2, Oct., 1854. Memoire sur Taction physiologique et th6rapeutique des ferrugineux par T. A. Que- venne. 358 pp. Art (L') dentaire. Revue mensuellede lachi- rurgie et de la prothese dentaires par MM. Fowler et Preterre, dentistes americaines a Paris. Nos. 1-5, 12, v. 1; No. 2, v. 2, Jan., 1857, to Feb., 1858. 8°. Paris. Art (L') medical: journal de mSdecine generale et de m6decine pratique. 8°. [Monthly.] Paris, 1855 — 1 Ascl^piade (L'). Journal de medecine, chirurgic et pharmacie. [Monthly.] Jan., 1823-25 ■+? 8°. Mar- seille. Asmodee. Revue des journaux, ouvrages de medecine, chimie, pharmacie et sciences accessoires. [June, 1845, to Aug., 1 = 15. 15 livraisons. Monthly.] 4°. Paris. /X (^ / '"- 2 -/? f\ jbttt /?£ u 268 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. FRANCE AND ALGERIA; Bibliographic de la France. Journal gene- ral de l'imprimerie et de la librairie. Publie sur les documents fournis par le ministere de l'interieur. 8 . Paris, 1872-73. [Current. Weekly. 1872 is 61st year, 2d series. 1 BlBI.lOTHfcQ.UE mCdicale, ou recueil piiriodique d'ex- traits des meilleurs ouvrages de mfidecine et de chi- rurgie, par une societfi des mi'deeins. 78 v. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1803-22. [Monthly. Continued as NouveLLE BIBLIOTHKQUE .MEDICALE, augment6e d'uu recueil de medecine vuterinaire, etc., Paris, 1823-29. .25 v. 8°.] Bordeaux (Le) medical. Comite de redac- tion : A. Demons, C.-S. Douaud, J. Pen ens, P. Vergely. Paraissant le 1 r et le 15e de cha- que mois. Annies 1-2. Jan. 15, 1^72-73. 4°. Bordeaux. [Current. After No. 8, v. 1, April 15, 1872, issued every Sunday.J Bulletin de l'Academie royale de medecine. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletin chirurgical : examen des m6thodes et opera- tions chirurgicales. Recueil mensuel, r6dig6 et publie par le docteur Lanfeier. 8°. Paris, 1839-40. BULLETIN clinique, suivi d'une revue analytique des sciences mfidicales. Publie par MM. Piorry, L'H6ri- tier, Fossone, [etc. May, 1835, to April, 1837. Month- ly.] 2v. 8°. Paris. Bulletin general de therapeutique medicale \et chirurgicale. Recueil pratique publie par J. E. M. Miguel, v. 1-85, July 15, 1831-73. 8°. Paris, chez M. le re'dacteur, etc. [Current, v. 1-2, 2d ect.\Debout became editor in v. 34 ; Briehetau, in v. 68. v. 1-42 in 21 v. 2 v. annually. ] -----Tables generales et alphabetiques des matieres [of v. 1-72]. 6 parts in 1 v. 8°. Paris, 1839-68. /Bulletin de la medecine et de la pharmacie militaires. Recueil de tous les documents officiels relatifs a la medecine et a la pharma- cie militaires, etc., paraissant une fois par mois. V. Rozier, directeur-gerant. Nos. 1-71, Nov. 15, 1852-60; Nos. 123,132-155, Feb., 1867, Jan., 1868, to Dec, 1869 ; Nos. 170- 200, Jan., 1371-73. 8°. Paris, Cosseet J. Dumaine. [Current.] Bulletin medical du Nord. Publie par la Socie- te centrale ue medecine du departement du Nord. II. Folet, secretaire-general. Nos. 1- 10, v. 13, Jan. to Oct., 1873. 8°. Li\le, imp. de Lefehvre-Ducroca. [Current. Monthly.] BULLETIN medical du Nord de la France. 8v. 8°. Lille, 1845-53. [From No. 2, "publie par le Cercle m§dical de Lille." From No. 4, "par la Societe centrale de m6decine du departement du Nord."] Bulletin medical et pharmacologique de Montpellier. Dec. 1, 1850, to April 20, 1851. 15 Nos. 4°. Mont- pellier. [Three times a month. Editor, F. Lutrand.] Bulletin medical de Bordeaux. 4 v., 4°; 10 v., b°. Bordeaux, 1833-47. [ Weekly. From 1837-41 called BULLETIN DU Mini.] Bulletin de I'Observatoire mcteorologique de Montsouris. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geolo- gie. 2e section du Bulletin universel des sciences et de l'industrie. Publie sous la di- rection de M. le baron de Ferussac. v. 1-27. 8°. Paris, 1824-31. [v. 7, etc., edited by MM. Delafosse, Raspail, Lesson, and Luroth. v. 13, sub-title, "2e section du Bulletin universel, publife sous les auspices de monseigneur le dauphin par la Soci6t6 pour la propagation des counaissances scientifiques et industrielles, et sous la direction de F6russac."J Bulletin de la Societe algerienne de climato- logie, sciences physiques et naturelles. Dr. Bertherand, secretaire-general. lOe annee, 1873. Nos. 1-3. 181 pp. 8°. Alger. [Current.] Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris. [Fonde 4 juin 1857.] Publie par A. Wurtz et F. Le Blanc, secretaires de la societe. Nos. 1-6 for 1861 ; Nos. 1-6 for 1862. Nouv. serie, par Ch. Barreswil [and 14 others], v. l-12,6th-llth year, 1864-69. 8°. Paris, L. Hackette et cie. [New series, monthly; 2 v. annually. See REPER- TOIRE DE CHIMIE l'UUE, etc.] Bulletin de la Societe geographique, etc Sec Transactions: France. Paris. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletin de la Societe imperiale de chirurgie de Paris. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletin de la Societe medicale de l'Yonne, fondee le 21 aoiit 1844. See Transactions : France. Auxcrre. Bulletin des travaux de la Societe de phar- macie de Bordeaux. See Transactions : France. Bordeaux. Bulletins et memoires de la Societe medicale des hopitaux de Paris. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletins de la Societe anatomique de Paris. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletins de la Societe d'anthropologie de Pa- ris. See Transactions : France. Paris. Bulletins de la Societe zoologique d'accli- matation. See Transactions : France. Paris. |W° :// FRANCE AND ALGERIA. 269 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. ^v V v/ Censeur (Le) medical. Journal de litterature, de phi- losophic et de bibliographic mgdicales francjaises et etranggres. [Jan. to June, 1834.] 8°. Paris. [Monthly. Reprinted as Censeur medical : me- moires de pratique, etc., Paris, 1834. 8°.] Clinique (La) : journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques. RSdigg par le doctenr Hubert Rodrigues., le-3e annees. [Dec. 1. 1841. to Nov.l, 1844. j Folio. Montpellier. [Semi-weekly. In 2d year the title became La CI.I- nique de Montpellier, continued as Journal DE LA CLINIQUE DE MONTPELLIER.] Clinique (La) des hopitaux des enfants, et revue retro- spective mgdico-chirurgicale et hygiSnique. Publiee et redigee par le docteur Vanier, du Havre. [le-6e annee, 1841-46 + >] 5 v. 8°. Paris. [Monthly. Suspended during 1843.] Clinique (La) des hopitaux et de la ville, paraissant les mardi, jeudi et samedi. 4°. Paris, 1827^-29. [Continued from Aug. 5, 1829, as a UE^eeklv, with .the sub-title changed to "Annates de medecine 7~- ^^miiverselle, etc," Paris, 1829-30. 4°.J >* Comptes-rendus "hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. See Transac- tions : France. Paris. Comptes-rendus des seances et memoires de la Societe de biologie. See Transactions : France. Paris. CONGRis (Le) medical: journal de medecine et d'opthal- mologie. Jan. to Sept., 1840. 4°. Paris. [Monthly. By Lagogney-Saint-Joseph.] COURRIER (Le) medical: journal deg journaux de me- decine. 5v. 4°. Paris, 1852-56+ ? [Monthly; then bi-monthly.] Douze (Les) mois de l'Ecole anticesarienne. Ouvrage pe>iodique publie par le citoyen Sacombe. 8°. Paris, an VI (1797). [Monthly; there were 4 numbers.] IScho (L') de la litterature mgdicale franchise et 6trau- gere [etc.] Paris, 1840-41. [By Henroz and Raciborski. Quarterly.. Probably only Nos. 1 and 2 issued.] £cho (L') medical, ou precis de tous les ouvrages peri- odiques relatifs aux sciences m6dicales [etc. By J. F. Sacombe. Monthly. March, 1817, toFeb., 1819.] 8°. Paris, Chevalier. fioHO (L') medical: journalhebdomadaire etencyclopS- dique des sciences medicales, par le docteur Armand. 4°. 185— ECHO (L1) du Val-de-Grace, paraissant tousles diman- ches. 6 v. Folio. Paris, 1848-50. [Tri-monthly. April 2, 1848, to April 26, 1850. In 1849 called L'ECHO, JOURNAL DES MEDECTNS MILITAIRES.] EcLECTIQUE (L') journal de medecine hippocratique. Redig6 par M. Pon'gens et M. Julia de Fontenelle, (le-2e annee, 1829-30.) 3 v. 8°. Paris, Compere. ENCYCLOGRAPHIE mfidicale, ou resume analytique et complet de tous les journaux de medecine et de pharmacie publi6s en France, [etc.] Publie par A. Lartigue. (le-.> annee, avril 25 1842-46.) 9 v. 8°. Paris. [Monthly.] Ephemerides medicales, ou sommaire historique de la m6decine g6n6rale, militaire et compared. [Edited by M. Chavassieu d'Audibert.] v. 1, July to Dec, 1811. 8°. Paris. I Ephemerides medicales de Montpellier. 9 v. 8~. Montpellier, 1826-28. [Monthly. Continued as MEMORIAL DES HOPITAUX du Midi.] Ephemerides pourservir a l'histoire de toutes les par- ties de l'art de gaerir, par MM. Lassug et Pelletan. v. 1. 8°. Paris, 1790. [Commenced March 1, 1790.] Epidaure (L'). Journal des offieiers de sante mili- taires. 8°. Metz, IViUersheim. [Monthly. 1835+ >.} Escui.ape (L'). Journal des specialities medico-chirur- gicales. Publie' par une soci6t6 de m6decins et de ehirurgiens. Folio. Paris. [Chief editor, S. Fuenuri. 3 times a month. June 1,1839, to June 13, 1841. le-3e ann6e. Gazkttk des medecins praticiens united with it in 1840, and formed the sub-title.] EsSAI de medecine theorique et pratique. Ouvrage pgriodique par P. Brion et d'Yvoiry. 83. Geneve et Lyon, 1784. [From Callisen.] Essais de medecine. Ouvrage periodique, par Waton et Gu^-in. 8°. Paris, 1798. [From Callisen. J Examinateur (L') medical. Redige par MM. Am. De- chambre et Aug. Meicier. (June 27, 1841, to July 15, 1843.) 4 v. 4°. Paris. Experience (L'): journal de medecine et de chirurgie, publie par MM. Dezeimeris et Lit- tle, v. 1-14, Nov. 5, 18:57, to Oct. 31, 1844. Royal 8°. Paris. [Completed, v. 1-2 issued 6 times each month, v. 3, etc., weekly. Editorial changes : v. 2, Littre dropped ; v. 4, by Drs. Henroz and Raciborski; v. 8, Henroz sole editor. ] Feuilles hebdomadaires sur la medecine, la chirurgia la pharmacie et les sciences qui y ont rapport, ou journal propre & constater l'etat et les progres de la science dans l'6cole de Montpellier. Par-une societe de m6decins & Montpellier. 8°. Montpellier, Martel afoe, 1791. [Weekly. Continued as Journal d'instruction SUR TOUTES LES PARTIES DE L'ART DE GUERIR.] France medicale. Journal des ecoles et des hopitaux, paraissant le lundi et le vendredi. Nov. 4, 1836, to March 4, 1837. Folio. Paris. France (La) medicale et pharmaceutique. [Edited by > F. Roubaud.] 4°. Paris, [1854 + ?] Gaceta midica de ambos mundos, clinica de los hos- pitales de Paris [etc.], porel dr. D. Juan Vicente, v 2-4. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1850-52. [Continuation of Periodico de cienctas medicas. Continued as the following.] Gaceta mfedica del "Correo d'Ultramar," etc. 5e-6e ann§e. 8°. Paris, 1853-54. Gazette d'fipidaure, ou recueil de nouvelles de mede- cine, [etc.] Par Barben-Dubourg. 83. [Published at Paris 1761-63. Semi-weekly. At least 4 v. issued.] Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie : bulletin de l'enseignement medi- cal. Publie sous les auspices du minist&re de l'instruction publique. Redacteur en chef, A. Dechambre. v. 3-10,1856-63; 2d series, v. 1-10, 1801-73. 4°. Paris, V. Masson. [Current.] 270 l'KANCK AND ALGERIA. FRANCE AND ALGERIA. (ivZETTE hebdomadaire de sante. [Jan. to March, 1823. 12 Nos. at least.] 8°. Lyon, Millon. Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires. (La Lancette francaise.) See Lancette (La) francaise. Gazette des malades. Collection de la oct. 1823 a sept. 1825, ou No. 1 a 89. 4°. Paris, Oct. 1825. Gazette des mcdecins-praticiens. Publiee par M. ledr. Amedee Latour. le-2e annee. 4C and folio. Paris, 1839-40. [Completed. Jan. 10, 1839, to July 30, 1840. 1st year in 4°, three times a month. 2d year in folio, semi-weekly. United withL'EscULAPE.] Gazette medicale de l'Algerie. Directeur- fondateur, le dr. A. Bertherand. Annees 1- 2, 1856-57. Nos. 1-10, Jan. to Oct., 1873. 4°. Alger. [Current. Monthly. ] Gazette medicale de Bordeaux. Recueil scientifique du sud-ouest. Paraissant les 5 et 20 de chaque mois. Redacteur en chef, le dr. Armand De Fleury. v. 1-2, Aug. 20, 1872-73. 8°. Bordeaux. [Current, v. 1 in 9 Nos., Aug. 20 to Dec. 20, 1872. v. 2 begins Jan. 5, 1873.] Gazette mddicale de Dijon et de la Bourgogne. Pu- bliee par le docteur Ripault. lr avril 1843 eL lr mars 1844. 8°. Dijon. Gazette medicalede Lyon. Fondee et publiee par M. Barrier. 4°. Lyon, C. Lamj, 1849 [Semi-monthly; went beyond 1868.]1-Gv ^ 5V. Gazette medicale de Montpellier. Folioandl0. Muni pellier, 1840-56 + . [At first semi-monthly; then three times a month then monthly. Changed to 4° on 1st Feb., 1843 Edited by Vialhe and Chrestien.] Gazette medicale de Paris GAZETTE de saut6. Contenant les nouvelles decoit- vertes, [etc.] le-56e annfie, juillet 1773 a dec. 1829. 4°. Paris. [Weekly. The subtitle changed several times Ed- ited in succession by J. J. Gardane, Paulet, Pinel, Marie de Saint-Ursin, de Montggre, Pillieu, Miguel, and Jules Guerin. Continued as Gazette MEDI- CALE de Paris.] Gazette (Nonvelle) de sante. Par une societe de medecins. M. Parent-Auber, redacteur. Nov. 29, 1846, to April 25, 1847. Folio. Paris. [Weekly, 22 Nos. In No. 18, the word is dropped from the title. ] Nouvelle Gazette (La nouvelle) de santg, journal des mede- cins, chirurgiens et principaux pharmaciens de la France et de l'6tranger. Folio. Paris, 1847. [Nos. 1-2, Sept., 1847, were probably all that were published.] Gazette scientifique et speeialement medicale du de- partement de Seine-et-Oise, [etc.] 8°. Versailles, 1833. [Monthly.] GUEPES medicales. Jan. to March, 1841. 18°. Paris, A. Gardembas. [Mpnthly. No more issued.] Guide (Le) de la sant6: journal d'hyg'eae [etc.] No. 2, May, 1845. 8°. Paris. [No. 1 was La Santk. No more published.] HYGIE : recueil de medecine, d'hygifine [etc.] Sept., 1823-28 + . 8°. Paris. [Monthly. Continued in 4° to April, 1831, when it joined the Gazette des manages.] ITYGIli (L') de la Correze. Journal de medecine et . d'agriculture pratiques [etc.] Aug. 5 to Dec. 9,1844. 5V_ Ytr\*stJ... Folio. Brivcs, Lacoste-Dupont. [19 Nos. Weekly.] INDICATEUR (L') medical, ou journal general dan- nonces de medecine, de chirurgie [etc.] Sous la direc- tion de M. Aim6 Grimaud. 8°. Paris, 1823-24. [Weekly. In 1824, the sub-title was "ou recueil encyclopedique de medecine." Continued as Le PROPAGATEUR DES SCIENCES MEDICALES.] Dirigee par Jules Guerin. 2d series, v. 11, 13, 1843,1845 ; 3d | Indicateur (L') medical, recueil destine d. porter a la series, v. I, 184G,-v. 3-0, 1848-51, v. 10, 18^, v. 12-13, 18.-.7-5G v. 21-26, 1866-71 ; 4th series, v. 1-2, 1872-73. 18 v. 4°. Paris. [Current. Weekly. A continuation of Gazette de sante. Clinique des hopitaux united with it in 1831. Want Ha. S', ad-motioh, iaiy-4, mm. I Gazette medicale de Strasbourg.' Redacteur en chef, E. Eissen. Ann6es 15-19, 1855-59. 4 v. 4°. Strasbourg, Derivaux. [Began Jan. 5, 1841. At first semi-monthly; then monthly.] r Gazette m6dicale de Toulouse. Par MM. Guitard, Giscaro. 5 v. 8C. Toulouse, Bonnal et Gibrac, 1851-55. GAZETTE medico-chirurgicale, paraissant tous les same- dig. 4°. Paris, 1846. [29 Nos., Jan. 3 to July 18. Editor, Tavignot.] Gazette medico-chirurgicale de Toulouse. Publiee par le dr. A. Labeda. 5e annee, 1873. 1 v. 4°. Toulouse, Armaing. [Current. Began Feb. 23, 1807; 3 times a month.] counaissance du corps medical tout entler, [etc.] 8°. Paris, Rouzier. * [Probably only part 1, Aug., 1852, published.] Institut (L') mSdical; journal scientifique et litteraire. Folio." Paris, 1839. [Bazin chief editor. July 15, Nov. 20, 1839+ ?] Investigateur (L'). See Journal de l'lu- stitut historique. JOURNAL d'accouchements, ou recueil p6riodique d'ob- Bervations sur les accouchements, maladies des fem- mes [etc. ] Par Pierre-fitienne Morlanne. Monthly. 8°. Met:, ans XII, XIII. Journal (Allgemeiues) fur medicinische und chirurgische Kenntnisse. Herausgegeben von A. Trousseau, J. Lebaudy und H. Gouraud. Nos. 1-4, Jan. to April, 1834. 112 pp., 4 pi. Royal 8°. Paris und Niirnherg, Heidelof # Campe. I 2\^j ) Iv ^, j f\-n^ [Monthly.] /• -.^rfvyv Journal analytique de medecine et des sci- ences accessoires, contenant l'analyse exacte 271 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. FRANCE AND ALGERIA. Journal analytique, etc.—continued. de tous les journaux qui paraissent chaque mois a Paris, etc. Par une societe de mede- cins et de savans. Nos. 3-4, 8-10, Dec, 18-27, Jan., May to July, 1828. 8°. Paris. [Monthly. Continued after Dec., 1829. as L'ABEILLE MEDICALE OU JOURNAL ANALYTIQUE, etc.] Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de l'homme et des animaux. v. 1-8, 1864-72. 7 v. 8°. Pa- ris, G. Bailliere. [Current, v. 6 and 7 in 1 v.] JOURNAL debibliographie medicale. Par une soc!et6 de medecins. 1806-19. Journal de chimie medicale, de pharmacie, de toxicologic, et revue des nouvelles scientifi- ques nationales et etrangeres. Publie sous la direction de M. A. Chevallier. 3d series, Nos. 1-3,5-12, v. 9,1853 ; 4th series, v. 1-6, Jan., 1855, to Dec, 1860; 47th year, 1873. 8°. Paris, LabS. lit. Fur j£ D 8'G Paris. Par M. Malgaigne 4 v. 8 . Paris, Du- [Current. Monthly.] Journal de chirurgie. 1-4, 1791-92, in2v. Journal de chirurgie. le-4e annee, 1843-46 pont et cie. [In 1847 united with "JOURNAL de medecine, re- dacteur M. Bea/," to form "Revue medico-chi RURGICALE DE PARIS."] Journal clinique . . . sur les difformites dont le corp humain est susceptible [etc.] Par C. A. MaisonabeJ le-3e annee, juillet 1825-29. 10 Nos. 8°. Paris. [Quarterly.] JOURNAL clinique des hopitaux de Lyon, et recueil de m6decine et de chirurgie pratiques. Publi6 par J Gensoul . . . et A. Dupasquier. (Jan., 1830, to May, 1832.) 3v. 8°. Lyon. [Monthly.] JOURNAL (La) clinique de Montpellier. Redig§ par Hu bert Rodrigues. 4°. Montpellier, imprimerie de J - Martel aine, 1845-47. [Continuation of La CLINIQUE.] Journal compiementaire du dictiouuaire des sciences medicales. v. 1-44, 1818-32. 22 v. 8°. Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke. [v. 37,1830, title, Journal complementaike des SCIENCES MEDICALES. Recueil encyclopedique de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, conte- nant la clinique medico-chirurgicale des hopitaux de Paris, avec un extrait de tous les journaux de medecine qui paraissent en France et a l'etranger.] JOURNAL des connaissances m6dicales pratiques. Pu- blie par MM. A. Tavernier et J. P Beande. le serie, le-14e anuee, 1833-47, 14 v.; 2e serie, 1847-68. 8". Paris. [Monthly. Commenced Aug., 1833.] Journal des connaissances medico-chirurgicales. Pu- blie par MM. Armand Trousseau, Jacques Lebaudy, Henri Gouraud. (Sept., 1833, to Jan., 1852.) 35 v. 8°. Paris. [With Atlas du---. 3 v., folio, and Table ggnErale alphabfetique (1843). (<■-'. Continued Journal des connaissances, etc.—continued. with change of sub-title Revue de tb6rapeutique medico-chirurgicale [etc.], par le dr. A. Martin Lau- zer. 8°. Paris, 1853-6fe *-} ■ -- JOURNAL des dScouvertes et des travaux pratiques im- portants en medecine, chirurgie [etc.] 4°. ParU, [Monthly. Jan. to Dec, 1843. Editor, F. E. Plisson.] Journal de l'edairage au gaz. Du service des eaux et de la salubrite publique. Fonde en 1851. Annees 20-21,1*727:!. 4°. Pa- 'ris. [Current. Semi-monthly.] JOURNAL general des hopitaux civils et militaires de Paris, des departemeuts et de l'etranger, ou recueil de medecine et de chirurgie cliniques [etc.] 15 aout 1828 a 24 avril 1829. 2 v. Folio, Tari*. [Paraissant tous les jours. J Journal general de m6deciue, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou recueil periodique de la Societe de medecine de Paris. Redige par Sedillot jeune (Jean), v. 15-61. 47 v. 8°. Paris, Croullebois, an XI (1802)-1818. [Continuation of Recueil periodique de la So ciete DE medecine, etc., completing series 1. Ended in 1830, and was continued as Transac- tions medicales.] -----Table analytique et raisonnee des ma- tieres. v. 1-3 [fromv. 1 to v. 61], par Joseph Bourgcs. 3 v. in 2. ■-'7 Paris, 1803, 1812, J £18. 'Journal hebdomadaire de medecine. Par MM, Andral, Blandin, Bouilland [etc.] Oct. 4, 1828, to Sept., 1830. 8 v. [Continued as the following.] Journal universel et hebdomadaire de mede- cine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institu- tions medicales. 13 v. ^1830-33. [Continued as the following.] '' " * Journal hebdomadaire des progres des sci- ences et institutions m6dicales. 1834-36. 12 v. In all 33 v. 8°. Paris, 182^-30 [Continued as L.v presse medicale. | Journal de l'lnstitut historique*. 19 v. in 10. 8°. Paris, P. Baudoin, 1834-47. JOURNAL du medecin praticien, ou recueil des connais- sances iudispensables pour le traitement des mala- dies. Par une societe composfie de professeurs, de medecins et de chirurgiens des hopitaux de Pari*. 8°. Paris, 1833-34. [At lea^t 8 Nos. published.] Journal de m6decine. 4 v. a'J. Paris, P. Dupont, 1843-46. [Editor, M. Bead; 3d year, M. Trousseau. In 1847 merged with JOURNAL DE CHIRURGIE to form Revue medico-chirurgicale de Paris.] JOURNAL de medecine, ou observations des plus fa- ineux medecins, chirurgiens et anatomistes de l'Eu- rope, tir6es des journaux des pays Etrangeres, et des memoires particnliers envoy6s & M. l'ubbfe de La Roque. 12°. Paris, Lambert et Cusson. ! Monthly. At least 6 .Nos. were published, Jan. to /V ■■. C 272 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. FRANCE AND ALGERIA Journal de medecine, etc.—continued. June, 1683. Continued, with La Roque s name dropped from title-page, April, Oct., 1686, and per- haps more. A reprint of the last three months was issued at Paris in 1687 with the title, " Supplement du volume des journaux de mgdecine de 1'annee 1686, ou nouvelles conjectures sur les organs des sens" [etc.], par le S. B. [Brunet]. 12°.] Journal de medecine de Bordeaux. Publie par MM. Azam [et al.] Redacteur en chef, M. Costes. 2d series, 8th year, Nos. 4-5, April, May, 1863. 8°. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou. [Monthly. 1 Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. July, 1754-93. 95 v. 12°. Paris. [Monthly, v. 1-7 were published as Recueil peri- odique D'OBSERVATIONS DE MfiDECINE, CHI- RURGIE [etc.] Of these, v. 1-3 are reprinted with title, JOURNAL DE MEDECINE [etc.] 2d ed. Pa- ris, 1783. Edited to Oct., 1755, by Bernard N. Bertrand and Grasse ; then to June, 1762, by C. A. Vandermonde ; then to June, 1776, by A. Roux; to Sept., 1776, by Caille ; to Dec, 1790, by Duman- gin and Bacher ; to end, by Bacher and J. J. Le roux.] -----Table indicative des matieres, et table des auteurs pour les 65 premier volumes du' Journal de medecine, par M. J. J. Le Roux des Tillets. 4°. Paris, 1788. -----Par les citoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer. 40 v. 12° and 8°. Paris, 1801-17. [With prospectus. Continuation of the preceding. v. 1-8, 12° ; v. 9-40, 8°. Continued by the follow- ing-] Journal (Nouveau) de m6decine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Redige par MM. Bedard, Chomel, B7. Cloquet [etc.] Jan., 1818, to Dec, 1822. 15 v. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding. Completed.] Journal de medecine, de chirurgie, et de phar- macie militaires. Redige, sous le surveillance de MM. les inspecteurs generaux du service de sante, par Biron et Fournier. Publie par ordre de s. exc. le ministre secretaire d'etat au departemeut de la guerre, v. 1-2, March, 1815-16. 2 v. 8. Paris, C. L. F. Panc- koncke. [v. 3, etc., title, Recueil de m^moires de mede- cine, DE CHIRURGIE, etc.] Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques a 1'usage des medecins praticiens. Par Lu- cas-Championniere. v. 1-44. Table analy- tique des vingt premiers volumes (le serie). 2.v. 46 v. in all. 87 Paris, 1830-73. [Current, v. 1, 2d ed. 2d series, commenced in 1850, v. 21. v. 28, H. Chaillou redacteur en chef.] Journal de mfedecine et de chirurgie de Toulouse. 1st series, 1837-48, 12 v.; 2d series, 1849-55, 7 v.; 3d se- ries, 1856-67. 8°. Toulouse. [Monthly. Title of 2d series has "de pharmacie" added. 1 JOURNAL de medecine critique et de bibliographie medicale, par M. Pougens. No. 1, Jan., 1843. 8°. Montpellier. [N'o more issued.! Journal de medecine du d6partement de la Meurthe. R6dig6 par une soci6t6 de medecins. Jan., 1825-26. 8°. Nancy. [Monthly.] JOURNAL de m6decine de Lyon. Publi6 par la Societe dem6decine. le se>ie, juillet 1841 a dec. 1846,11 v.; 2es6rie, jan. 1847 ad6c. 1848, 4 v. 15 v. 8°. Lynn. [Monthly.] JOURNAL de m6decine mentale. Redacteur, M. Dela- siauve. 8°. Paris, 1861-66 +? Journal de medecine militaire. Publie par ordre du roi. Fait et redige par M. De Home. v. 1-7, 1782-88. 8°. Paris. JOURNAL de medecine de Montpellier. Redig6 par J. M. Audibert-Caille. 8D. Montpellier, jan. 1823—1 [ kt least 2 Nos., Jan. and April, published.] JOURNAL de medecine pratique, ou de tout ce qui pent servir a la conservation de la sant6 [etc.l 1806-8, 4° [3 times a month] ; 1809-19, 8° [monthly]. Paris. [United with Journal de bibliographie medi- cale.] ftURNAL de m§decine pratique, ou recueil des travaux de la Soci6t§ royale de m6decine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1829-38. [Continued as the following.] IURNAL de la Societ§ royale de medecine de Bor deaux. 8°. Bordeaux, 1839-42. [Continued as the following.] ^JOURNAL de mfidecine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1843—G> JOURNAL medical de la Gironde. R6dige par une so- Ci6t6 de medecins et de pharmaciens. 8°. Bordeaux. [Monthly. 1824-26.] JOURNAL medico-chirurgical du d6partement du Var, . . . Redige par J. M. Audibert-Caille. Jan. to June, 1824-f-? 12 Nos. Semi-monthly. 4:>. Brignoles. [See L'ANALYSTE.] Journal militaire officiel. 8°. Paris, J. Du- maine, 1872-73. [Current.J JOURNAL des nouvelles deeouvertes. See Nouvelles (Les) deeouvertes, etc. Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, par MM. Boullay, Bussy [etc.], contenant les tra- vaux de la Societe de pharmacie de Paris, une revue m6dicale, par dr. Vigla, et une re- vue des travaux chimiques publies a l'etran- ger, par J. Nickles. 51st year, 4th series, v. 1-2,1865. 8°. Paris, V.Masson it fils. [Monthly. 2 v. annually.* JOURNAL de physiologie experimentale, par F. Magen- J die. 11 v. 8°. Paris, 1821-31. ( Journal de la physiologie de rhomme et des animaux. Par E. Brown-Sequard. v. 1-6, 1858-63. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils. Journal des progres des sciences et institu- tions medicales en Europe, en Amerique, etc.....Par une association de medecins. < Bi-monthly, v. is-4£ in 8 v. 8°. Paris, ^ Villeret et cie., 1827-29. [Bimonthly. Continued to 1830. 4-*T-wtfji*mgTl + >l^ 2. 8°. Paris, Buisson. [Semi-monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 3 also contains pp. 4l-5i8, and v. 4 contains pp. £!M36, of B1BLIO- GRAI'HIE PHYSIQUE et medicinale, marked No. 1, v. 3, and No. 1, v. 4.] MKRCURE savant. [A continuation of " Les nouvelles deeouvertes" inli3, of which at least 2 Nos. (Jan. and Feb.) were published at Amsterdam in 1684 by de Blegny, under the name of Gauthier.] Moniteur (Le) des hOpitaux: journal de3 progrfis de la mfideeine et de la chirurgie pratiques. R§dig6 par H. de Castelnau. 4°. Paris, 1852 — ? [Three times a week. Commenced Dec. 21, 1852.] Monitkur d'hygiene et de salubritfi de France. 6°. Pat is, 1857. [No. 1, March 1, 1837.] Moniteur (Le) scientifique: journal des sciences pures et appliquees. Fonde et dirige par le dr. Quesneville. 1st series, v. 1-4, 1857-63; 2d series, v. 1-4, 1864-69; 3d series, v. 2-3, 1872-73. 8G Paris. [Current. Monthly.] [ 'A' >■'/??/, Montpellier medical: journal mensuel de me- decine. RedigeparMM. Berard, Lordat [and 12 others]. 9e annee, v. 16-17, Jan. to Dec, 1866; ]6e ann6e, v. 30-31, Jan. to Dec, 1873. 8°. Montpellier, Boehm et fils. [Current. 2 v. annually.] Mouvement (Le) medical, journal de l'enseignement m6dical, pharmaceutique et vfi'firinaire, paraissant tous les dimanches. 8°. Paris, 1862—1 Nouvelle bibliotheque medicale, 2e serie. Nouvelles (Les) d6couvertes sur toutes les parties de la medecine. Recueillies, en ann6e 1679, par N. D. B. [Nicolas de Blegoy]. 12°. Paris, L. D'Houry, 1679. [Continued as Le temple d'Esculape, ou le d6- positaire des nouvelles dfecouvertes qui se font jour- nellement dans toutes les parties de la m6. Paris. [Semi-monthly.] PROPAGATF.UR (Le) des sciences medicales ou recueil encyclop6dique de mfedecine, de chirurgie et de phar- macie [etc. J Oct., 1824, to 1«26 -f ? 8°. Paris. [Monthly. A continuation of L'INDICATEUR .MEDI- CAL.] Recueil de medecine veterinaire. (Nouvelle bibliotheque m6dicale, 2e 6erie.) v. 1-8, 1824-31; 2e serie, v. 1-12, 1832-43 ; 3e se- rie, v. 1-10, 1844-53 ; 4e serie, v. 1-10, 1854- 63; 5e serie, v. 1, 9-10, 1864, 1872-73. 43 v. 8°. Paris, Gabon et cie. [Current. Want v. 4, 1827. v. 2, 1825, " publi6 par M. Royer-Collardet M. dirardfils." v. 3, title, Re- cueil DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE ET COMPAREK. V. 1, 2d series, title, RECUKIL DE MEDECINE VETE- RINAIRE PRATIQUE. v. 2, 2d series, sub-title, ' journal consacr6 a la mfidecine, a la chirurgie v6t6- rioaires, a I'hygieae, d. I'616ve, au commerce des animaux doraextiques, et a l'analyse des ouvrages et journaux v6t6rinaires, publi6 par Bernard [and 8 others"J. v. 10, 3d series, sub-title, 'Journalcon- sac)6 &. l'etude et aux progrds de la mfedeciue v6t6- rinaire et des sciences qui s'y rattachent, par H. Bouley r6dacteur-en-chef, et Reynal."] Recueil de memoires de m6decine, de chirur- gie et de pharmacie militaires ; faisant suite au journal qui paraissait sous le meme titre. Redige sous la surveillance du conseil de sante. Par Biron et Fournier. Publie par ordre de s. exc. le ministre secretaire d'etat au depariement de la guerre. v. 3-61, July, 1817-45; 2d series, v.1-23, 1846-58; 3d se- ries, v. 1-29, 1859-73. Ill v. 8°. Paris, C.L.F. Panckoucke. [Current. Set JOURNAL DE MEDECINE, DE CHIRUR- GIE ET DE PHARMACIE MILITAIRES for V. 1-2, 1815-10. v. 21, 41, and 61 are indexes to v. 1-20, 22-40. and 42-60. v. 23, 2d series, is index to v. 1-22, 2d series.] Recueil de memoires et observations sur l'hy- giene et la medecine veterinaires militaires. Redige sous la surveillance de la commission d'hygiene, et publie par ordre du ministre Recueil de memoires, etc—continued. secretaire d'6tat au departement de la guerre. v. 1-14, 1847-63. 8°. Paris, J. Dumaine. Recueil d'observations de medecine des hopi- taux militaires. Fait et redige par M. Ri- chard de Hautesierck. 2 v. 4°. Paris, de Vimprimerie royale, 1766-72. Recueil periodique de litterature medicale 6trangere, ou supplement au Recueil pe- riodique de la Societe de medecine de Paris. v. 1-2. 2 v. *°. Paris, Croullebois, an VII. Recueil p6riodique d'observations de mfidecine. \%°. Paris, 1754-57. [See Journal de mEdecine, chirurgie, pharma- cie, etc., for continuation.] Recueil periodique de la Societe de sante do Paris. Oct., 1796-1802. 14 v. 87 Pa- ris, Croullebois. [v. 1, 2d ed. v. 2, SociEtE de mEdecine etc. Con- tinued as Journal genekal de chirurgie et de pharmacie ou recueil, etc.] Repertoire de chimie pure et appliquee. Compte-rendu des progres de la chimie pure en France et a l'etranger par Ad. Wurtz avec la collaboration de Friedel [and 6 others]. Nos. 1-4, 7-13, v. 1, Oct., 1858, to Oct., 1859 ; v. 3-5, 1861-63. 8°. Paris, Dezobry, E. Magdaleine et cie. [Monthly. Want Nos. 5-6, 14, etc., v. 1 ; v. 2 entire. After 1863 a new series commenced as BULLETIN DE LA SOClETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS, etc.] Repertoire de chimie pure et appliqu6. Compte-rendu des applications de la chimie en France et a l'etranger par Ch. Barreswil, avec la collaboration de MM. Koechlin, H. Mangon [and 7 others]. Nos. 1-4, 6-13, v. 1, Oct., 1858, to Oct., 1859 ; v. 3-5, 1861-63. 8°. Paris, Dezobry, E. Magdaleine et cie. [Monthly. Want Nos. 5,14, etc., v. 1 ; v. 2 entire. After 1863 a new series commenced as BULLETIN DE LA SOClETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS, etc.] REPERTOIRE g6n6ral d'anatomie et de physiologie pa- thologiques et de clinique chirurgicale, ou recueil de memoires et d'observations sur la chirurgie [etc.J 8 v. 47 Paris, 1826-29. [Quarterly. For the years 1826-28 it was reprinted m8M Repertoire m6dical, ou nouveau journal analytique de mfidecine et de chirurgie pratique [etc.] 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1831. [Continued as REPERTOIRE MEDICALE ET BULLETIN de l\ Societe anatomique de Paris. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1832. J Repertoire de pharmacie. Recueil pratique publie par A. Lartigue. v. 1-11, July, 1844, to June, 1855. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere. [2d and subsequent v. by Bouehardat.J REPERTOIRE du progrtSs medical, ou rosum6 men- suel des principaux m6moires qui paraissent dans lea journaux de mfedecine, de chirurgie et pharmacie ranjaiges et Strangles : recueil pratique r6dig6 par FRANCE AND ALGERIA. 275 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. REPERTOIRE du progres medical—continued. . . . H. Quenot. . . et A. Wahn. 1st series, lst-3d year, 1842-44, 3 v.; 2d series, 1845-46, 3 v. In all, 6 v. 8°. Paris, 1842-46. [Commenced Feb., 1842. Sub-title changed in 1844 and 1845.] Revue chirurgicale : journal exclusivensent consacre' a la chirurgie. Publi6 par une soci6t6 de chirurgiens, sous la direction scientifique de M. Velpeau. 1st li- vraison, Sept 30, 1810. 8°. Paris. [Only 1st livraiaon issued, edited by Marechal de Calvi.] Revue cliuique francaise et6trangere ; journal des m6- decins praticiene, publifi sous les auspices et avec le concours des principaux m6decins et chirurgiens des hOpitaux, civils et militaires. Dec. 1, 1849-52. 3 v. 4°. Paris. [Semi-monthly.] Revue des cours publics de Paris, de la pro- vince, et de l'etranger. Nos. 8, 10-11, 26,30. Folio. Paris, 1855-56. Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de l'etranger. Ie-2eann6e. 2 v. 4°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1863-65. Revue des deux mondes. 2e periode, anu6es 40-43. v. 85-108, Jan., 1^70-73. 8°. Paris. [Current. Semi-monthly. 6 v. annually.] REVUE 6trangdre mSdico-chirurglcale, paraissant deux fois par mois. 4°. Paris. [No. lis 16th Oct., 1856.J Kevue des hOpitaux civils de Motz : Journal d'oculistique [etc.] Par le dr. Defer. 8°. Metz, 1852-57+ » Revue m&licale de Besancon et de la Franche-Comti. Publi6e par le docteur A. Mayor. 8°. Btsanqon, 1847. [Feb., 1847, to Feb , 1818. From Nov., 1847, " pub- li6e par la Soci6t6 de mfideciue de Besancon."] UtvuE mfidicale de Dijon. Oct., 1841, to Jan., 1848. , [13 Nob.] 8°. Dijon, Molland. [At first twice a year ; after 1845, quarterly. Edited by Drs. Salgnes and Brulet. Probably there are no title-pages. J Revue medicale francaise et etrangere: journal de clinique de l'hotel-Dieu, de la Charit6, et des grands hdpitaux de Paris ; et nouvelle bibliotheque medicale. Par MM. Cayol, Re- camier, Bayle, Martinet. 1831-41 ; 1 v. for ltG3, Jan. to June. 45 v. 87 Paris, Ga- bon [and 1834, etc.], D. Gavellin. . [Monthly. 4 v. annually, v. 3 for 1835 incomplete. Commenced in 1822. A continuation of REVUE MEDICALE HISTORIQUE ET PHILOsOPHIQUK. In 1831, MEMORIAL des hopitaux DU Mini merged in this journal. In 1834, Transactions mEdi- cales merged in this journal. In 1834, sub-title, "Journal des progrds de la mfidecine hippocra- tique."] Revue m6dicale historique et philosophique. Par MM. V. Bally, Bellauger, F. B6rard [etc.] (Ann6es 1820-21.) 6 i>M v. 6°. Paris. [Monthly. Continued as Revue mEdicalk Fran- C use et Et.-asgEre.] Revue medicale de Toulouse; publi6 par la Societe imperiale de medecine, chirurgie et Revue medicale de Toulouse—continued. pharmacie. v. 1-7 to date, Jan., 1867-73. 8°. Toulouse. [Current. Monthly.] Revue medico-chirurgicale de Paris : journal de m6decine et journal de chirurgie reunis sous la direction de M. Malgaigne. v. 1-18, 1847-55. 9 v. 8° Paris, P. Dupont. [Continued to Dec, 1856+?] Revue medico-photographique des bftpitaux de Paris. See Revue photographique, etc., -TEah.. 1873, etc. Revue militaire francaise. Recueil mensuel de technologie, d'art et d'histoire militaires. R6dig6 avec la collaboration d'officiers fran- cais. E. Noblet, dir.-prop. lOe annee, 1873, Jan. 1, to date. 87 Paris. [Current. Publication was suspended after Dec, 1870, Ull Jan., 1873.] Revue photographique des hdpitaux de Paris. Bulletin medical publie sous le patronage de l'administration de l'assistance publique, par les docteurs Montmeja, J. Rengate et Bourne- ville. le-5e annee. Photographic plates. 5v. 6°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1869-73. [Current. Monthly. -£«&;» 1873, title, Revue mEdico-photographio.ue, etc.] Revue des sciences medicales en France et k l'etranger. Recueil trimestrial analytique, critique ' et biliographique. Dirige par Georges Hayem. v. 1-2, Jan. to Oct., 1873. 8°. Paris, G. Masson. [Current. 8 ▼. annually.J Revue scientifique et administrative des mede- cins des arme^s. V. Rozier, directeur- gerant. Nos. 134 (v. 8), 138-146, Jan., 1867, to Dec, 1869; Nos. 150-154 (v. 9), June, 1871, to Aug., 1873. 8°. Paris. [Current. Bi-monthly.] Revue (La) scientifique de la France et de l'etranger. Revue des cours scientifiques (2e serie). 2e serie, v. 8-12 de la collection. July, 1871-73. 4°. Paris, G. Bailliere. [Current. Weekly. 2 v. annually. Want Nos. 1-7 of 1st half-year; July, etc., 1871; and v. 10 entire, July to Dec, 1872.] Revue scientifique et industrielle des faits les plus utiles, et les plus curieux observes dans la medecine, l'hygieue, la physique,, la chimie, la pharmacie, l'economie rurale et domestique, l'industrie national et etrangere. Sous la direction du dr. Quesneville. v. 1- 16, Jan., 1 = 40, to March, 1814. 6°. Paris, Quesneville. Revue des specialites et des innovations medi- cales et chirurgicales. Fond6e et dirigee par Vincent Duval, (Mensuelle.) v.l, Nov., 276 FRANCE AND ALGERIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Revue des specialites, etc.—continued. 1839, to Dec, 1841. (Nos. 1-14 want No. 8, June, 1840.) 692 pp. 6°. Paris, J.-B. Biitliere. 1840. [1st series, 1839-44, v. 1-5; 2d series, 1846, 1 v. ; 2d series, 1856—r ? Suspended from Sept., 1846, to Feb., 1856. No number published in June and July, 1646. J Rsvue de therapeutique medico-chirurgicale. Publiee par dr. A. Martin Lauzer. Journal dca connaissances medico-chirurgicales. 1st and 2d years, v. 1-2, Jan., 1853, to Dec, 1854. 8°. Paris. [Semi-monthly.J Revue therapeutique du midi: journal de mfedecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Par M. le dr. Fuster et M. le dr. Alquie. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1850— (beyond 1866). [Monthly. In 1852, " r6dig6 par Barbasteet Laurel;" in 1855, by Laurel, only, the sub-title becoming " Gazette m6dicale de Montpellier."] SantE (La): journal d'hygiene et de medecine a 1'usage des families. Public par M. Astoul. No. 1, April, 1845. 8°. Paris, Leriche. [No more published. See Guide (Le) de la santE.] SantE (La): journal d'hygiene publique et priv6e A. 1'usage des gens du raonde. Dirigee par G. Richelot. Jan. 5, 1845, to April, 1847. 2 v., 4° ; 1 v., 8°. Paris. [Weekly.] SantE (La) publique et privge ; journal utile 4 tous. le annge, 1849. Folio. Paris. [Editors, Dancel and Blin. 5 Nos. Issued, April 22 to May 20.] SantE (La) uuiverselle. Guide medical des families, [etc] 8°. Paris, 1851-56+. [Monthly] Science (La) pour tous : revue hebdomadaire illustree, paraissant le samedi. Annees 17- 18, 1872-73. 4°. Paris. [Current] Temple (Le) d'Esculape. See Nouvelles (Les) d6- couvertes, etc. Transactions m6dicales. Journal de m6decine pra- tique et de literature mfedicale R6dig6 par C. For- get. 14 v. 8°. Paris, 1821-33. [With a volume of index, 1833, in 8°. United with La revue mEoicale ] Tribune (La) medicale. M. Marchal (De Calvi), redacteur en chef. Nos. 10-182, Dec. 8, 1867, to Feb. 11, 1872. Royal 8°. Pa- ris, V. Goupy, 1867-72. [Weekly] Union (L') medicale.' Journal des intents scientifiques et pratiques, moraux et profes- sionals du corps medical. Fondateurs: MM. Richelot et Aubert • Roche. Redacteur en chef: M. Amedee Latour. v. 1-12, Jan. 2, 1847, to Dec. 30, 1858. New series, v. 1-32, Jan. 4,1859, to Dec. 29,1866. 3d series, v. 1-16, Jan. 1,1867-73. 60 y. Folio. Paris. [Current. Tri-weekly. 1859-67, 4 v. annually. 83 1868, etc., 2 v. annually.] Union (L') medicale de la Gironde. 8°. Bordeaux, 1856-66. Union (L') mgdicale de la Provence. 1864. [Subsequently called MARSEILLE mEdical.] Union medicale de la Seine-inferieure: jour- nal de la Societe de medecine de Rouen. 12e annee. Nos. 31-34, Jan. 15 to Oct. 15, 1873. 8°. Rouen. [Current. Quarterly.] UnitE (L') : journal de pathologie geu6rale et spe- ciale, tbfiorique et pratique. Redacteur en chef, doc- teur Colas. 8°. Paris, 1856. [Commenced Feb. 1, 1856.] Univers (L') medical. Journal de m6decine eclectl- que et du progrds medical. R6dacteur-proprletaire le docteur de Falberg. Dec. 30, 1855. 4°. Paris. [Probably only 1 No.] Zodiacus medico-gallicus, sive miscellaneo- rum medico-physicorum Gallicorum titulo recens in re medica exploratorum, unoquo- que mense Parisiis Latind prodeuntium annus primus, scilicet M.DC.LXXIX. Au- thore Nicolao De Blegny, R. G. C. O. Accessere ejusdam tractatus duo utilissimi; prior de herniis, posterior observationes cir- ca luem veneream continens. Also for years 1680-83. In2v. Small 4°. 770,632 pp., 14 pi. Geneva, L. Choer, 1680-85. [v. for 1680, title is changed by inserting after "re medica" the words "et naturali;" and after "Parisiis" by erasing " Latind" and inserting "Gallice." v. 4, for 1682, title becomes after "mis- cellaneorum" " curiosorum, medico-physicorum sylloge continens celeberrimonun virorum turn me- dieorum, et aliorum eruditorum in Gallia obser- vationes, turn opuscula medica et physica, Gallice emissa et Latinit-te donata." This was com- menced by Tbeophilus Bonetus as a translation of " Les nouvelles deeouvertes." When the journal of De Blegny ceased, in 1681, the Zodiacus continued, and when the journal of the Abbe de la Roque appeared, a part of it was translated for thb Zodiacus.] GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Aehrenlese (Medicinische). Eine Zeitschrift filr die wissenschaftlich-praktii-che Gesammtbeilkunde. Her- ausgereben von A. Droste. 10 v. 8°. Osnabruck, 1856-65. [Monthly.] Aerzte (Die). Eine medicinische Wochenschrift.' 4°. Hamburg, 1785. [52 Nos. Contiuued as DIE DEUTSCHE Gesund- HEITSZEITUNG.] Aesculap. Eine medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitschrfft von eiuer Gesellschaft reich-landischer practischer Aerzte. Herausgegeben von F. A.Weber und M. P. Ruhland. lster Theil. 248 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Wey gand, 1790. AESCULAP. Eine Zeitscbrift zur Geschichte und Kritik neuer Erfindungeu und Theorien i'n der Heilkunde [etc.] Von F. L. Augustin. 2 Stttcke in 1 Bande 8°. Berlin, 1803-4. Aesculap. Eine Zeitschrift der Vervollkommnung der Heilkunde gewidmet. 2 Hefte in 1 Bande 8° Halle, 1821-22. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. 277 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. *l a- <2!C Aesculap—continued. -----The same. Neue Folge. 2 Hefte in 1 Bande. 8°. Halle, 1832. AESCULAP. Medicinische Zeitung fiir das deutsche Volk. Redigirt von L. Lazari. Berlin, 1863. Aesculap. Organ fur praktische Heilkunde, Geburts- hilfe und Kinderpflege. Herausgeber, J. Franz und M. Lachs. Redakteur, J. Fronz. 2ter Jahrgang, 1872. Mit Beilage : Der osterreichisch-ungarische Militar- Arzt. Organ der subalternen Militar-, Landwehr- und Honved-Aerzte. 43. WUn [Grohnemeyer], Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogi- que, diplomatique et statistique, pour les an- nees 1-51-57, 6 v ; 1867-67 2 v ; 1871-74, 4 v. 12 v. 16°. Gotha, J. Perthes. Analecten (Medicinische). Wochenschrift fiir prak- tische Aerzte. . Herausgegeben von H. Rahu. 4°. Harzgerode, Gruppe, 1870. Analekten fur Frauenkrankheiten oder Sammlung der vorziiglichsten Abhandlun- gen, Monographien, Preisschriften, Disser- tationen und Notizen des In- und Auslandes tiber die Kraukheiten des Weibes und tiber die Zustande der Schwangerschaft und des Wochenbettes. Herausgegeben von einem Vereine praktischer Aerzte. Band 1-3, 1837- ;4£. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus/ [Want .Heft ?, Pun I fi iRuiuuie published.] Analekten tiber Kinderkrankheiten oder Sammlung auserwiihlter Abhandlungen tiber die Krankheiten des kiudlichen Alters, zu- aammengestellt zqm Gebrauche fiir prak- - tische Aerzte. [By Riecke.] He?t~T-& [Paged separately, bound in m v.] 8°. Stuttgart, F. Brodhag, 1H34-3Q? Anmerkungen (Monatliche neu eioffuete), iiber alle Theile der Artzney-Kuust zusam- men gebracht iui Jahr 1679, durch Nicolaus de Blegny, .... aus dem Frantzosischen ins Teutsche iibersetzet durch J. L. M. C. [Jan. to June, 1679.] 4 p. 1., 163 pp. Small 8°. Hamburg, G.Schultze, 1680. [A translation of Les nouvelles dEcouvertes, etc.; again translated as Zodiacus medico-gal- licus, which see under France.] Annalen (Allgemeine medicinische), alsFortsetzungder mediciuischen Nationalzeituug fiir Deutschland und als Einleitung zu den allgemeinen medicinUchen An- nalen des 19ten Jahrhunderts. 12 Monatshefte, Jan.- Doc. 1800. 1 v. 4°. Leipzig, Brock/iaus. Annalen (Allgemeine medicinische). Herausgegeben von Joh. Friedr. Pierer und Ludwig Choulant. Jahrgang 1-31. 4*. Altenburg und Leipzig, Brock- haus, 1800-30. [Continuation of Medicinische Nationalzeitung and continued as Allgemeine medicinische Zeitung.] Annalen (Americanische) der Arzneykunde, Naturgeschichte, Chemie und Physik. Yon Annalen (Americanische), etc.—continued. Dr. J. A. Albers. Heft 1, 1802, 1S4 pp.; 2, 1803, 120 pp ; 3, 1803,116 pp. In 1 v. Bremen, C. Seyffert, [Completed.] Annalen der Arzneimittellehre. Herausgegeben von Joh. Jac. Romer und foitgesetzt von Carl Gottl. Kuhn. Band 1; Band 2, Stuck 1, oder 4 Stiicke. 8°. Leipzig, Schafer, 1795-99. Annalen der auslandischen Medicin und Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von J. B. Friedreich. 3 Hefte in 1 Bande. 8°. Wurzburg, 1830. Annales (Baier'sche) fiir Abhandlungen, Erfindungen und Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Chirurgie Letc.J Band 1, Stuck 1. 8°. Sulzbach, 1824. Annalen der Entbindungs-Lehranstalt auf der Univer- sitat zu Gottingen vom Jahre 1800 ; nebst einer Anzeige und Beurtheilung neuer Sehriften fiir Ge- burtshelfer von Friedr. Benj. Osiander. 2 Bande a 2 Stiicke. 2 v. 8°. Gottingen, Rower, 1800-4. Annalen (Frankfurter medicinische) fur Aerzte, Wuud- arzte, Apotheker und denkende Leser aus alien Standen. Herausgegeben von J. V. Mliller und G. F. Hoffmann jun. Jahrgang 1789, Quartal 1-4. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., Jdger der Jungere, 1789. ANNALEN deV Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kin- derkrankheiten. Von Jo. Jac. Romer. 2 Stiicke. Small 8°. -muthur, Steiner, 1793. Annalen der Geburtshttlfe Uberhaupt und der Entbin dungsanstalt zu Marburg insbesondere. Von Geo. Wilh. Stein dem Jungeren. 6 Stiicke. Royal HJ. Leipzig und Mannheim, 1808-13. Annalen fiir die gesammte Heilkunde unter der Redaction derMitgliederdergrossherzog- lich-badischen Sanitats-Commission. Ister- 4ter Jahrgang. 7 Hefte in 2 Biiuden. 8°. Karlsruhe, C. F.Mailer, 1824-32, [Completed.] Annalkn der Gesaramtmediein des In- und Auslandes. Redigirt von S. Frankenberg. 1 Band, 6 Hefte. Royal 8°. Leipzig, Hartknoch, 1844. Anmalen der gesammten Medicin als Wissenschaff und als Kunst, zur Beurtheilung ihrer neuesten Erfindun- gen, Theorieen, Systeme und Heilmethoden. Von Aug. Friedr. Hecker. 2 Jahrgftnge in 4 Banden & 6 Stiicke. 4 v. 8°. Leipzig und Berlin, C. Salfeld, 1810-11. Annalen (Hannover'sche) fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Eine Zeitschrift. Herausgege- ben von G. Ph. Holscher. l'ster-5ter Baud , £t 4 Hefte. 5 v. 8°. Hannover, Helwing, 1836-40. -----The same. Neue Folge. 1 ster-7ter Jahrgang a 6 Hefte. 7 v. 8°. Hannover, 1841-47. [Completed. Editorial change: 1844, dropped in 1847.] A. M tthry added in Annalen (Heidelberger klinische). Eine Zeit- schrift, herausgegeben von den Vorstehern der medicinischen, chirurgischen, and ge- burtshiilnichen academischen Anstalten zu 278 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Annalen (Heidelberger klinische)—cont'd. Heidelberg, den Professoren F. A. B. Pu- chelt, M. J.Chelius und Fr.C. Nagele. Bande 1-10. [With supplement to v. 4."] JO v. K-. Heidelberg, Mohr, 1825-34. | v. 4-10 also with the title Neue .TAHRniJcHER der TEUTSCHEN MEDICIN UND CHIRURGIE [etc.] V. 4, C. F. Harlews added. Continued as MEDICINISCHE Annalen.] Annalen der homoopathischenKlinik. Eine Sammlung von Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen im Gebiete der homoopathischen Heilkunst. In Verbindung mit meh- reren anderen Gelehrteu herausgegeben von C. G. Chr. Hartlaub und C. Fr. Trinks. lster-4ter Band. 4 v. Royal 8°. Leipzig. F. Fleischer, 1830-33. Annalen (Jenaische) fiir Physiologie und Me- dicin. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehr- teu herausgegeben von O. Domrich, A. J. Th. Forster, E. Martin, F. Ried, M. J. Schlei-. den, E. Schmid, A. Siebert, Professoren au der Universitat Jena. lster-2ter Band. 2 v. 8°. Jena, F.Mauke, 1849-51. , [Completed.] dU*^ Annalen des klinisch-chirurgisehen Iustituts der Uni- versitat zu Breslau. Herausgegebeu vonT. W. G. Benedict, lster Band, lstes Heft. 8°. Breslau, W. G. Korn, 1815." ANNALEN des koniglich-kliuischen Instituts am Johan- nis-Spital in Leipzig. Herausgegeben vc n J. C. A. Clarus. 1 Band, 2 Abtheilungen. 8°. Leipzig, T. O. Weigel, 1810-12. ANNALEN (Kritische) der Staatsarzueikunde fur das!9te Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von Chr. Knape. Band 1, Theil 1-3. 1 v. 8°. Berlin, RealschuJbuch- handlung, 1804-5. ANNALEN der Kuhpockenimpt'uug. Herausgegeben von einer Gesellschaft. 2 Hefte. 1 v. 8°. IVieu, P. J. Schalbacher, 1802. Annalen der Kuhpocken-Impfung, zur Ver- bannung der Blattern. Herausgegeben von Philipp Hunold: lstes Heft. 96 pp. 8°. Furth, 1801. Annalen (Litterarische) der gesammten Heil-V kunde. Herausgegeben von J. Fr. C. Hec- ker. lster-8ter Jahrgang, lster-24ter Band, 1825-32. [Monthly. 3 v. a year. Continued as the following.] Annalen (Wissenschaftliche) der gesammten Heilkunde. 9ter-10ter Jahrgang. [Continued as the following.] Annalen (Neue wissenschaftliche), [etc.] lster-3ter Band [or 1 Iter Jahrgang]. 33 v. 8°. Berlin, Enstin, 1825-35. **•;« A' [Completed.] ^* Annalen (Medicinische): eine Zeitschrift her- ausgegeben von den Mitgliedern der gross- herzoglich - badischen Sanitats-Commission in Carlsruhe und den Vorstehern der medici- /*** Annalen (Medicinische)—continued nischen, chirurgischen und geburtshuln chen Anstalteu in Heidelberg, F. A. B. Pii chelt, M. J. Chelius und F. C. Niigele. 13 Bande. 8 . Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1835-5T> if 8\ [Continuation of Heidelberger klinische Anna. LEN. Completed.] ANNALEN (Medicinische) fiir Aerzte und Gesundheits- liebende. Herausgegeben von Joh. Gottlieb Fritze. Bandl. Vom Herbstmonat 1779-80. 8 >. Leipzig, Weygand, 1781. Annalen des medicinisch-chirurgiseh-kliuischen Insti- tuts zu Gottingen. 1 Stiick. 8°. Goettingen, Van- denhoeck und Ruprecht, 1801. ANNALEN (Medicinische) englischer Aerzte von 1796. Herausgegeben von Duncan und Sohn. Aus d / (jEnglUeheu. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, Richtcr, 1799 Annalen (Ncneste) der franzosischen Arz- neykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Heraus- gegeben von Christ. Wilh. Hufeland. Bande 1-3. 3 v. 87 Leipzig, A. F. BGhme, 1791- 1800. [Completed.] Annalen der neuesien brittischeu Arzneikuude uud Wundarzneikunst. Herausgegeben von Friedr. Gotth. Friese. 2 Stiicke. 8-. Breslau, J. F. Korn der Altere, 1801-2. ANNALEN der neuesten englischen und franzosischen Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. Herausgegeben von B. N. G. Schreger und J. Chr. Friedr. Harless. Band 1. 8°. Erlangen J. C. Schubart, 1799-1800. ANNALEN der Pharmacie. Herausgegeben von Rud. Brandes, Phil. Lor. Geiger und Justus Liebig. Jahr- gtinge 1-4. 16 v. HJ. Lemgo und Heidelberg, C. F. inula; 1832-35. Annalen der Physik uud Chemie. Heraus- gegeben von J. C. Poggendorff. 2te Reihe, Bande 11-30 [current series, v. 41-60, with supplementary volume after v. 51], 1837-43. v. 145-147, 1872. Leipzig, Barthe-. ANNALEN (Salzburgische medicinische). 4 Hefte. 1 v. 4°. Salzburg, F. X. Duyle, 1804-5. ANNALEN (Schwedische) der Medicin und der Natur- \ geschichte. Herausgegeben von C. A. Rudolphi. Band 1, Hefte 1-2. lv. 8°. Berlin und Stralsund, G. A. Lange. Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde. Herausge- geben von J. D. Metzger. lster Band in 3 Stiicken. 564 pp. 127 Znllichan, Froai- mann, 1790-91. / / ' ' * [Completed.^ fa, t^J/^~ Cf &&r> ^^^^ Annalen der Staatsarzueikunde. Herausgegeben von P. J. Schneider, J. H. Schurmayer und F. Hergt. Unter Mitwirkung der in- und auslandischen Mitglie- der des Vereins grossherzoglich-badischer Medizi- nal-Beamten zur Forderung der Staatsarzueikunde. lster-llter Jahrgang, 1836-46. 11 v. 8-\ Tubirlgen, Laupp, 1836-38 ; Freiburg, F. Wagner, 1839-46. >w ICTh (isiiAt. / i-^xAt "~9w rA..„//**.£.>, ; Aft << A 7} \~. I A^ *1 K v /o t ,A O'V ■0^; ^ 15U*^ '; 279 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. G Annalen furdasUniversalsystemderElemente. (Auch mit dem Umschlagtitel: Die neuesten Entdeckungen in der Physik, Heilkunde und Chemie, sowie in da- mit verwandten Wissenschaften.) Herausgegeben von Friedr. Sertiirner. 3 Bande a 3 Hefte. 3 v. 8". (ior.ningen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1826-30. Annalen (Wissenschaftliche) der gesammten Heilkunde. Sec Annalen (Litterarische), [etc.] Annales instituti medico-clinici Wirceburgen- sis redegit et observationibus illustravit J. N. Thomann. v. 1-2, 1799-1801. Small 8 . Wirceburgi, 1st v.apud A. M. Kbl, 1799; 2d v. apud viduam J. J. Stahel et filium, 1801. Anzeiger (Monatlicher) iiber Novitaten und Antiqua- ria aus dem Gebiete der Medicin und Naturwissen- sehaft. Jahrgiinge lxW-Tfe 8"'. Berlin., Hiisrh- maid. 7 ST ArOTHEKER (Der). Redakteur, Himmelmanu. ?r'. Marburg, 1861-70-fi Archiv fiir Aerzte und Seelsorger, wider die Pocken- noth. Herausgegeben von Joh. Chr. Wilh. Juncker. 7 Stiicke; 8°. Leipzig, Weygand, 1796-99. Archiv (Allgemeines) der Gesundheitspolizei. Her- ausgegeben von Joh. Chr. F. Scherf. 1 Band, 3 Stiicke. 1 v. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1805-6. Archiv fiir die allgemeine Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Aug. Friedr. Hecker. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1790-92. Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Her- ausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1826-32. [A continuation of Deutsches Archiv fur die Physiologie, 1815-23.] Archiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wis- senschaftliche Medicin* in Verbindung mit inehreren Gelehrten Jplerausgegeben von Jo. Miiller [Jahrgiinge 1834-58,25 Bande] und C. B. Reichert und Emil du Bois-Ray- mond [Jahrgtinge 1859-73, 16 Baude]. 41 Leipzig, Veit Sr Cb^lKi^fy^ [Current. Fortsetzung von Reil's, Reil und Auten- rieth's, uud J. F. Meckel's Archiv. | Archiv fur Anthropologic. Zeitschrift fiir Naturge- schichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen. Heraus- gegeben von A. Ecker und L. Lindenschmit. 5 v. 4°. Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1866-72. [v.5, also, "Archiv fiir Anthropologic. Zeitschrift [etc. J Organ der deutschen Gesellschalt fiir An- thropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Her- ausgegeben von C. E. v. Baer, E. Decor, A. Ecker, etc. Redakteure, A. Ecker, L. Lindenschmit."] Archiv (Antibombopathisches). Eine Zeit- schrift in zwauglosen Heften Jierausgege- ben von Friedr. Alex. Simon jun. 3 Biiude. *G Hamburg, Hoffmann Sf Campe, 1834-38. Archiv des Apothekervereins im nordlichen Deutsch- land fiir die Pharmacie. Unter Mitwirkung der Ver- einsmitglieder uud in Verbindung mit Dr. Dum^nil und Witting. Herausgegeben Von Dr. Rudolph Archiv des Apothekervereins, etc.—continued. Brandes. 38 v. 8J. Schmalkalden und Lemgo, 1822-31. [Neue Folge unter dem Titel Archiv tier Phar- macie des Apothekervereins im nordlichkn Deutschland. Jahrgang 1, Hefte 1-3. 8°. Lem- go, Meier, 1835. J Archiv fiir Arzneiwirkungslehre, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf specifisches Heilverfahren. In Ver- bindung mit Kurtz, Burkner, Reil und-Andere heraus- gegeben von Bernb. Hirschel. lster Band, Jahr 1853 ; 2ter Band, Jahr lf.">4 (also, Archiv fur rkine und angewandte Arzneimittellehre). 2 v. 8-\ Dessau, Gebr. Katz, 1854-50. Archiv fiir Balneologie. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Loschner herausgegeben von Dr. Spengler. Bande 1-4 (der ganzen Reihe 12ter-15ter Band). 8°. Nruiried. J. H. Hru J h H H \i C-""HA, ^ ^ \ Archiv fur die Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und neugeborner Xiuder-Krankheiten von J. C.Stark. 6 v. 8°. Jena, 1787-97. [Continued as NEUES ARCHIV FtJR DIE GEBUHTS" hulfe, Frauenzivimer- und Kinderkrankhki- TEN MIT HlNSICHT AUF DIE PHYSIOLOGIE, Dl'C tetik und Chirurgie.] Archiv fUr Gemilths- und Nervenkrankheiten. Her- ausgegeben von A Winkelmann. Band 1, Stuck 1. 1 v. 8°. Berlin, Oehmigke der Jiingere, 1805. Archiv der gerichtlichen Arzneiwissenschaft fiir Rechtsgelehrte und Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Friedr. Gottl. Heinr. Fielitz. Band 1, Stuck 1. 1 v 8°. Leipzig, Bruder, 1811. f- /^Archiv tGerichtlich-medizinisehe/77, vor den \ Assisen des Konigreichs Hannover verhan- "\ delter Falle. Herausgegeben von Dawosky / und Polack. 1 Band, 4 Hefte. 8°. Celle, {_ Schulze, 1851. Archiv fur die gesammte Medicin. Herausge- ---.... geben von Dr. Heinrich Haeser. 10 v. 8°. "" jfety-49. Jena, F. Mauke. A [Completed.] Archiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre. In Ver- bindung mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgege- ben vom Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. Bande 1-18, 18 v. 8°. Number*, J. L.Schrag, 1H24-29. [Continued as Archiv fur Chemie und Meteoro- LOGIE.J Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie des Men- schen und der Tliiere. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. K Pfiuger. Bande 1-7, 1868-73. 8-. Bonn, Cohen und Sohn. [Current.] Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneikunde in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Herausgegeben von Dr. Phil. Ludw. Witwer. Band l.Stiick 1. 1 v. 8^. 'Nurn- . berg, E. C. Grattenauer, 1790. ^[Archiv der Heilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von C. A. Wunderlich, Wilh. Roser, W. Grie- singer, und K. Vierordt, redigirt von E. Wag- ner. Jahrgiinge 1-12, 1860-71. 12 v. 8°. Leipzig, O. Wiegand. [Continuation of ARCHIV fur PHYSIOLOGISCHE Heilkunde.] Archiv fur die homoopathische Heilkunst. Herausgegeben von einem Vereine deutscher Aerzte. 11 v. 87 Leipzig, C. H. Reclum, T 1822-31. Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie. Herausgege- ben von Dr. B. Langenbeck. Redigirt von DD. Billroth und Guilt. Baude 1-15,1860- 73. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Current.] Archiv fur Kuh-oder Schufzpocken-lmpfuug. Her- ausgegeben von C. G. Miiller, Frz. Ferd. Hessert und Mart. Heinr. Fr. Pilger. Band 1, Stiicke 1-3. 1 v. 8C. Giessen, G. F. Heyer, 1801. Archiv fiir Magnetismus und Somnambulismus. Her- ausgegeben von F. L. Bockmann. 8 Stiicke. 8 v. 8° Strassburg, academische Buchhandlung, 1787-88. Archiv (Medicinisch-ehirurgisehprakfisches) von Baa- den in Niederosterreich. Fiir Aerzte und Wunrifcrz- te. [ Auch unter dem Titel: Merkwurdige KraN- kengeschichten und deren Heilung, far Aerz- te und Nichtarzte; herausgegeben von Schenk und A. Roller oder Rollet ?] Heft 1. 8°. Wien, J. Geis- tinger, 1805 [1804]. Archiv fttr medicinische Erfahrung. lster-2ter Band a 4 Stiicke. Royal 8°. Leipzig, Rein, 1801-2. -----The same. 3ter-14ter Band. Royal 83. Berlin, Riicker und Puchler, 1804-8. [7ter-9ter Band auch unter dem Titel, Neues Ar- chiv, etc., lster-3ter Band. 10ter-14ter Band, Neues Archiv, etc., 4ter-8ter Band, auch unter dem Titel, Archiv fur praktischb Medicin UND Klinik, lster-5terBand.] ----The same. Jahrgang 1809-10, oder, Archiv fur praktische Medicin und Klinik. 6ter-llter Band. Royal 8°. Berlin, Dummler. Jahrgiinge 1811-14. ---- The same. Neue Folge. Royal 8°. Berlin, Dummler. Archiv fur medizinische Erfahrung im Gebie- te der praktischen Medizin, Chirurgie, Ge- burtshulfe und Staatsarzneikunde. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. Horn in Berlin, Dr. Nasse in Halle, und Dr. Heuke in Erlangen. Jahrgange 1817-27. 21 v. 87 Berlin, G. Reimer. [Preceded by Archiv fur medicinische Erfah- / 7? K- RUNGEN; also, NEUES ARCHIV, etc. 1801-14 and ^L-^ - concluded 1836. Wanted to complete :/4S*S=a* , / , fi§! S8 J6-; »w. Ti^tfvminlrpci-itnr ,Fi, aud Universalregister from 1818-1830.] ARCHIV fur medicinische Landerkunde. Band 1, Stiicke 1-2. 1 v. 8°. Q,h,lrg und Leipzig, J. C. D. Sinner, 1800. Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und der gemeinniit- zigen Arzneikunde. Herausgegeben von J. Ch. F. Scherf. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, Wcygand, 1783-87. [Continued under the title, «""''■'■■■■ -tt j - ' JA/ij\. ARCHIV (Medicinisches) von Wien und Oesterreich un- der der Enns, von den Jithren 1798-1802. Herausge- geben von Pasc. Jos. Ferro. 5 v. 83. Wien 1799- 1803. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. Her- ausgegeben von Max Schultzc. Bande 1-9, 1865-73. Register-Heft fur Baude 1-8. 10 v. 80. Bonn, M. Cohen und Sohn. [Current.] Archiv (Neues) fttr die allgemeine Heilkunde. Her- ausgegeben von Aug. Friedr. Hecker. Band 1, Stuck 1. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, J. G. Fleischer, 179a Archiv (Neues) fiir die Geburtshillfe, Fi auenzimmer- und Kinderkrankheiten, mit Hinsicht auf die Physio- logie, Diatetik und Chirurgie. 2 Bande a 4 Stiicke, und 3ter Band 1 Stuck. 3 v. 8°. Jena, W Stahl 1798-1804. Archiv (Neues medicinisches) fur Leser aus alien Standen. Herausgegeben von Dr. Gerh. Wilh. von Eicken. 3 Stiicke. 1 v. 8°. Mannheim, Schwan A- GOlz, 1793-96. ARCHIV (Neues nordisches) fiir Naturkunde, Arznei- wissenschaft und Chirurgie. Verfasst von einer Ge- sellschaft nordischer Gelehrten, und herausgegeben (sAyr\/ • "tt. >h 281 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. ARCHIV (Neues nordisches)—continued. von p/aff, Scheel und Rudolphi. Band 1. 1 v. S3. Frankfurt a. O., academische Buchhandlung, 1807. [See Sweden, etc., for 1st series, Archiv (Nor- disches) etc. Copenhagen, 1799, etc.] Archiv (Neues) der praktischen Arzneikunst fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Apotheker, von verschiede- nen Verfassern. Herausgegeben von P. F. Theodor Meckel. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, Weygand, 1789-95. Archiv (Neues) fiir den thierischen Magnetismus und das Nachtleben iiberhaupt. In Verbindung mit mehreren Natu'forschern. Herausgegeben von D. G. Kieser. (Auch unter dem Titel: "Sphinx.") Band 1, Stiicke 1-2. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, F. L. Herbig. 1825-26. Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Herausgegeben von Prof. Troltsch, A. Politzer und Hv Schwartze. Bande 1-6, 1864-73. Neue Folge, Band 1, 1873. 8°. WUrzburg, Stahel. [Current. 1 Archiv fiir Ophthalmologic. Herausgegeben von F. Arlt, F. C. Donders und A.von Graefe. 19 Jahrgange von 1854-73. 19 v. 87 Berlin. LCurrent. Want pgffi> r. n , pui 1 3, V. 11 ; v. 13 ; ^pt"*-2-3rrr«i— Archiv fiir die Pathologie und Therapie. Her- ausgegeben von Gust. Zimmermann. 1 v. 380 pp. 8°. Hamrn, G. Grote, 1851-55. Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Phy- siologie, und fiir klinische Medicin. Her- ausgegeben von Rud. Virchow. 57 v. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1847-73. [Current.J Archiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des Apotheker-Vereins in Norddeutschland. Her- ausgegeben unter Mitwirkung der HH. Bley [und Anderer] von R. SL Brandes und H. Wackenroder, dann von II. Ludwig und E. Reichardt. 4ry. annually. 2te Reilte, Bnn^~17^1507T839^72. 3te Reihe, Bande ]G>i\l873. 69 v. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1839-67; Halle, Verlag des lrereins, 1868-73. Current. In 1851 sub-title : " Zeitschrift des allge- meinen deutschen Apotheker-Vereins, Abtheilung Norddeutschland.YQJ~^A'^~L'A' ^ V' a*l*^G Archiv fiir die Pharmacie und arztliche Naturkunde. Herausgegeben von Joh. Schanb und Geo. Heinr. Piepenbring. 2 Biinde a 4 Stiicke, und Band 3, Stiicke 1-2. 3 v. 8D. Cassel und Gotha, 1802-5. Archiv fiir die Physiologie. Von D. Joh. Christ. Reil, Professor in Halle, v. 1-12, 1791-1815. 8G Halle [Curfsche Buchhand- lung]. Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Her- ausgegeben von W. Roser und C. A. Wun- derlich. lster-14ter Jahrgang, 1342-55. The same for 1856. Neue Folge, Bande 1-3, 3G* Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde—cont'd. 1357-59. (1853-54 in 1 v.) 17 v. 8°. Stuttgart, Ebner und Seubert, 1842-59. [1847 Griesinger added ; 1850 Vierordt added. Neue Folge unter Mitwirkung von Roser, Griesinger und Vierordt. Herausgegeben von C. A. Wunderiich. See Archiv der Heilkunde for continuation. ] Archiv fiir physiologische und pathologische Chemie uud Mikroskopie in ihrer Anwen- dung auf die praktische Medicin. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten des In- und Auslandes, als Fortsetzung der v. Simon ge- griindeten Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben und redigirt von Joh. Flor. Heller. Jahrgange 1844-47; neue Folge, 1852-54. 6 v. 8\ Wien, F. E. v. Schmid. ARCHIV der practischen Arzneikunst fiir Aerzte, Wund- arzte und Apotheker, darin medicinische und chi- rurgische Beobachtungen, Leichenoffnungen, che- mische und pharmaceutische Abhandlungen, Topo- graphien, Hausmittel, neue Erfindungen und Ur- theile tiber neue Anschlage und Instrumente befind- lichsind. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, fV,eygand, 1785-87. Archiv der practischen Heilkunde fiir Schlesien und Siidpreussen. Herausgegeben von Aug. Theod. Za- dig (jetzt Zanth) und Friedr. Gotth. Friese. 3 Bande & 4 Stiicke, und Band 4, Stuck 1. 4 v. 8°. Bres- lau, Korn, 1799-1804. Archiv fiir den praktischen Arzt. 3 Stiicke. 8D. Marburg, Krieger, 1794-96. Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankhei - ten. Herausgegeben von DD. B. Gudden, E. Leyden [und Andere]. Band 1-4, 186-1- 73. Berlin, A. Hirschicald. [Current.] Archiv (Schlesisch-siidpreussisohes) der die Ausrot- tungspocken betreffenden Erfahrungen und Ver- handlungen fiir Aerzte und Nichtaerzte, von Friese und Novack. 3 v. 8°. Landshut, Neumann \ Jahn, 1801-2. Archiv der Staatsarzneikunde. Herausgegeben von F. L. Augustin. 8 Stiicke. 8J. Berlin, J. IV. Schmidt, 1803-4. Archiv fiir Syphilis und Hautkrankheiten, mit Einschluss der nicht-syphilitischen Ge- nitalaffektionen. Von Fr. J. Behrend. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1846. Archiv fiir die Theorie der Heilkunde. Herausgege ben von J. J. Domling und Ph. J. Horsch. Band 1. 1 v. 6°. Nurnberg, Grattenaner, 1803. Archiv fiir thierarztliche Erfahrungen. Herausgege- ben von L. v. d. Mosel und Seyfert von Tenneker. Band 1, Hefte 1-3. 1 v. 8\ Chemnitz, Mauke, 1805 Archiv fiir den thierischen Magnetismus. Herausge- geben von Ant. Wilh. Nordhoff. 2 Stiicke. 1 v, 8°. Jena, Gopferdt, 1804-8. Archiv fiir den thierischen Magnetismus. In Verbindung mit mehreren Naturforschern. Herausgegeben von C. A. von Eschenmayer, D. G. Kieser und Fr. Nasse. v. 1-9; parts 1-2, v. 10. 10 v. 8°. Altenhurg und Leip- zig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1817-22, GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. 28f2 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA: Archiv des Yereins fiir gemeiuschaftliche Ar- beiten zur Forderung der wisser.schaftlichen Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von J. Vogel, II. Nasse und F. W. Beneke. v. 1-6, 1854- 63. Supplement-Heft zu Band 7 des Ar- chivs. ■ Band 1 der neuen Folge: Morbilitiits- Nachrichten pro 1859. Neue Folge : Archiv des Vereins fiir wissenschaftliche Heilkunde. v. 1-2,1864-65. 8 v. 8°. G&ttingen, Van- denhoeck §• Ruprecht, 1854-65. Archiv der Verhandlung einer Gesellschaft von Aerz- ten zur Grundung einer durchaus zweckmiissigen Volksarzneikunde fiir Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Ad. Friedr. Nolde. Band 1, Stiick 1. 1 v. 8°. Neustrelitz, Michaelis, 1796. Archiv der Volksarzneikunde fiir gebildete Nicht- arzte. Herausgegeben von F. Alb. Siebert. Jahr- gang 1, Hefte/f-3. 1 v. 8°. Halberstadt, J. H. Gross, 1802-3. Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology. New York and Heidelberg. See United States. Argos (Medicinischer). Herausgegeben von Hacker und Hohl. Bande 1-6 k 3 Hefte. 3 v. &\ Leipzig, Q. Wigand, 1839-45. A w~^-Q\ • v 1/ -Vp ~\ [0iaalia3ifltlq^--*«frpTOM^Bdet=tHl^: Argos» Zeit- schrift fur Kritik und Anti-Kritik auf dem gesammtgebiete der medicin.] Arzneimittellehre (Homoeopathische) aller in den Jahren 1850-62 gepriiften Mittel. Von A. Possart. 3 v. 8°. [v. 3 by G. O. Klei- nert.] Nordhausen, A. Biichting, 1858-63. Arzneiwissenschaft (Aufklarungen der), aus de neuesten Entdeckungen in der Physik, Chemie und anderen Hiilfswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland und J. F. A. Gottling. 1 Band d 3 Stiicke. 8°. Weimar, Industriecomptoir, 1793-94. Arzneiwissenschaft (Geriehtliche). Aufsatze und Beobachtungen aus der gerichtlichen Arzneiwissen- schaft. Herausgegeben von Dr. Joh. Theod. Pyl. 8 v. 8°. Berlin, Mylius, 1784-93. ----i- The same. 2d ed. 1803-17. \ Arzt (Der). Eine medicinische Wochen- schrift, von J. A. Una^er. lster-12ter Theil in6Banden. 8°. Hamburg, 1764-68. -----The same. Neueste Ausgabe. 6 v. 8°. Altona, Hammerich, 1769. ARZT (Der). (Auch mit dem Titel: Compendiose Bibliothek der gemeinnutzigsten Kenntnisse fiir alle Stande.) 4 Hefte. 8°. Halle, Gebauer, 1794. ARZT (Der). Eine Monatsschrift zur belehrenden Un- terhaltung fiir Nichtarzte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Chr. Aug. Peschek. 2 Jahrgange a 12 Monatshefte. 2 v. 8°. Zittau, Schups, 1821-22. ARZT der Frauenzimmer, eine medicinische Wochen. gchnft. 3Theile. 8°. Leipzig, W. Nauck, 1771-73. ARZT (Dar philosophische). Von Melch. Ad. Weickard. St. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., Andreae, 1798-99. X Arzt (Der praktische). Eine Monatsschrift. Herausgegeben von Dr.* Adolf Herr. Jahr- giinge 1-14. 14 v. 8°. Wetzlar G. Rath- geber, 1860-70. Arzt (Der tyrolische), eine medicinische Wochenschrift fiir seine Landsleute. Herausgegeben von Claud. Mart. Scherer und Franz Niedermaier 2 v. 8°. Innsbruck, Von Trattnern, 1791-92. Arzt (Der unterhaltende) tiber Gesundheitspflege, Schonheit, Medicinalwesen, Religion und Sitten, von J.Clemens Tode. 4 v. 8°. Leipzig, Faber ffNitsch- ke, 1785-89. 'AZKAHniEION. Allgemeines medicinisch-chirur- gisches Wochenblatt fiir alle Theile der Heilkunde und ihrer Hiilfswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Karl Wolfart. 3 Jahrgange in. 8 Banden und 2 Hef- ten. 8 v. 8°. Berlin, 1811-13. Aufsatze (Arzneiwissenschaftliche) bohmischer Ge lehrten. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Jo. Di- on. John. 1 v. 315 pp. 8°. Dresden, 1798. Aufsatze (Medicinische) fiir Aerzte, auch zum Theil fttr Rechtsgelehrte. 2 v. 8°. Wittenberg, Zimmer- mann, 1791-93. Aufsatze (Medicinisch -chirurgische), Krankenge- schichten und Nachrichten. Eine Fortsetzung des Taschenbuchs fiir deutsche Wundarzte. Herausge- geben von Fr. Aug. Weiz (und Waitz). 3 v. 80, Altenhurg, Richter, 1791-95. Aufsatze (Vermischte chirurgische). 1 Heft. 8° Leipzig, Schwickert, 1794. Aufsatze ( Vermischte) iiber medicinische Gegen- stande. I v. 8°. Marburg (Cassel), Krieger, 1805. Beitrage zum Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und Volksarzneikunde. Herausgegeben von J. C. F. Scherf. 8 v. 8°. Leipzig, Weygand, 1789-99. Beitrage zur exacten Forschung auf dem Gebiete der/ Sanitats-Polizei. Herausgegeben von Louis Pap- , penheim. lstes-4tes Heft. 8°. Berlin, Springer, 1860-62. > Beitrage zur Geburtshttlfe und Gynakologie. Her- ausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fur Geburtshulfe in Berlin. 2ter Band, lstes-2tes Heft. 8°. Berlin^ Hirschwald, 1873.-------■ "7,7 Beitrage zur Geburtskunde. lste-2te Abtheilung 8°. Wurzburg, Stahtl, 1846-48. [Continued by Scanzoni with title : Beitrage ZUR Geburtskunde und Gynaekologie.] Beitrage zur Geburtskunde und Gynaekologie. Her- ausgegeben von F. W. Scanzoni. lster-4ter Band- 4 v. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1853-60. [Continuation of Beitrage zur Geburtskunde by Kiwisch.] Beitrage (Gelehrte) zu den braunschweigischen An- zeigen von 1761-83. 23 Jahrgange. 23 v. 4° Braunschweig, Schulbuchhandlung, 1761-83. Beitrage (Greifswalder medicinische). Herausgege- ben von Hugo Ziemssen. lster-3ter Band. 3 v. 8°. Danzig, Ziemssen, 1863-65. Beitrage (HoUandische) zh den anatomischen und rjhysiologischen Wissensch&ften. Herausgegeben v©n J. van Deen, F. C. Donderg und Jac. Moleschott. lster Band, 2tes-3tes Heft. 8°. Dusseldorf, But- ticker, 1847-48. [See, also, ARCHIV, e\c] ' n\ V X ^ *y *28; GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. M Beitrage mecklenburgischer Aerzte zur Medicin und Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von Dr. W. Hennemann lster Band, 2 Hefte, und 2ter Band,-1 Heft. 8° Rostock, Stiller, 1830-31. Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgege- ben von J. B. Friedreich und A. K. Hesselbach. 2 Bande. 2 v. Royal 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1825 lster Band); Niirnberg, Riegelu. Wiessner, 1826. Beitrage zur offentlichen und gerichtlichen Arznei- kunde. Herausgegeben von Theod. Geo. Aug. Roose. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig und Frankfurt a. M., 1798- 1802. Beitrage zur physiologischen und pathologi- schen Chemie uud Mikroskopie in ihrer An- wendung auf die praktische Mediziu, unter Mitwirkung der Mitglieder des Vereins fiir physiologische und pathologische Chemie und anderer Gelehrten. Herausgegeben von JZ—Ql Dr. Franz Simon. Band Y.l p. 1., iv pp.; 2 1., 620 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A, Hirsch- wald, f \-\ j Beobachtungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten praktischen Heil- kunde, von osterreichischen Aerzten. Her- ausgegeben von den Directoren und Profes- soren des Studiums der Heilkunde au der Uuiversitiit zu Wien. Bande 1-5, 1819-26. 5 v. 87 Wien, C. Ceroid, 1819-26 BEOBACHTUNGEN und Bemerkungen aus der Geburts- hulfe und der gerichtlichen Medicin ; nebst fortlau- fenden Nachrichten Uber die Ergebu-isse in der ko- niglichen Entbiudungsaustalt zu Gottingen. Eine Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen, etc.—continued. Zeitschrift, herausgegeben von L. Mende. 5 v. 8-' Goettingen, Vandenhoeck 4" Kuprecht, 1824-28. [v. 4-5 also .under the title: ZEITSCHRIFT fur die Geburtshulfe in ihrer Beziehung auf die gerichtliche Medicin, etc.] BlBLIOTHEK (Chirurgische) von Aug. Gottl. Richter. 15 Binde a 4 Stiicke, und 2 Bande Register. (Von C. F. Witting.) 17 v. 8\ Gottingen, J. C. Diete- rich, 1771-97. [Continuation appears-nnder the title : Bibliothek fur die Chirurgie. Herausgegben von C. J. M. Langenbeck.] BlBLIOTHEK fiir die Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von C. J. M. Langenbeck. 4 v. (a 4 Hefte). 8°. Gottin- gen, Dieterich, 1807-13. [Same under title : NEUE BlBLIOTHEK FUR DIE Chirurgie und Ophthalmologie. Herausge- geben von C. J. M. Langenbeck. 4 Bande d. 4 Stiic- ke. 4 v. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1815-28. Bibliothek (Medicinische). Herausgegeben (- von J. F. Blumenbach. 3 v. 12°. Gottin- gen, Dieterich, 1783-*fl$fc«. >7 , Bibliothek der practischen Heilkunde. Her- ausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland. 76 v. 8°. 1799-1836. Jena, academische Buchhandlung, 1799-1800; Berlin, Unger, 1800-1808; Ber- lin, G.Reimer, 1819-1836. [Want Nos. 2, 6, v. 30; No. 1, v. 32. Editorial changes: v. 21, K. Himly added; v. 33, Himly dropped and J. Ch. F. Harfess added; v.43, Harless dropped, and E. Osaun added in v. 44.] BLATTER (Fliegende) fiir Stadt und Land uber Homoo- pathie. Von Arthur Lutze. Ister-lOter Jahrgang. -- 10 v. 8°. Culhen, Verlag der Lutzc'schen Klinik, 1858-67. A Blatter ittr gerichtliche Anthropologie. Fttr Aerzte und Juristen. Von J. B. Friedreich. lster-13ter Jahrgang, 1850-62. (Mit Beilageheft fttr 1853.) 13 v. Royal 8°. v. 1-3, Erlangen, Enke, 1850-52 ; v. 4-5, Ansbach, Junge, 1853-54; v. 6-13, Niirnberg, Korn, 1655-62. [Continued as the following.] Blatter fttr gerichtliche Medicin ; fiir Aerzte und Ju- risten. Fortgesetzt von E. Buchner. I4ter-I8ter Jahrgang. 5 v. Royal 8°. Niirnberg, Korn, 1863-67. Blatter (Kritische) fiir die Geschichte der Epidemie- en und pestartigen Krankheiten, insbesondere des gelben Fiebers und der Anstalten dagegen. Eine Zeitschrift ittr praktische Aerzte und Gesundheitsbc- amte. 1 Stiick. 1 v. 8°. Rudolstadt, Kluger, 1805. Blatter (Kritische) fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Medicin. f Wochenschrift. ] Herausgegeben vott Dr. Alexander Goeschen. lster Band a 52 Nummern, 2ter Band u 26 Nummern. Jahrgange 1866-67. 4°. Leip- zig, F.Fleischer, 1866-67. BLATTER (Medicinisch-politische), oder Mittheilungeu ffir die Reformen im Medicinal-Wesen. 11 Lieferun- gen. 8°. Erlangtn, Enke, 1848-49. Blatter (Physiatrische). Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Na- turheilkunde und zur Mitarbeit bei den nothigen Re- formen auf den Gebieten der Krankheitslehre (Ae- tiologie und Path«logie), der Heilkunde (Thempie) und der Gesuudheitslehre (Hygiene). Hereusgege- 284 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Blatter (Physiatrische)—continued. ben von Wilh. Meinert. Jahrgang 1867. 4 Hefte. \ R3. Dresden, Weiske, 1867. Butter fttr Psychiatric. Herausgegeben von J. B. Friedreich und G. Blumroder. 1 Heft. 8?. Erlan- gen, Palm (f Fnke, 1837. BLATTER (Tiibinger) fttr Naturwissenschaft und Arz- . neikuude. Herausgegeben von J. H. F. von Auten- rieth und J. G. F. von Bohnenberger. 2 Bande a 2 Stiicke, und tfBiindf, 1 Stuck. 3 v. 8°. Tubingen, Osiander, 1815-17. Canstatt's Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medi- cin, etc. Centralarchiv fttr das gesammte gerichtliche und \ polizeiliche Medicinalwesen. Herausgegeben von 'J. B. Friedreich. <$ster-lj»ster Jahrgang (dere^StS schw** fiir die gesammte Staatsarzneikunde), 1848- 49, a 6 Hefte. 8°. Ansbach, Gummi, 1848-49. Central-Archiv fttr die gesammte Staatsarzneikunde, Herausgegeben von J. B. Friedreich. 8°. Regens- burg, 1814. CentraL-Archiv fiir practische Chirurgie uud Ge- burtshulfe. Herausgegeben von S. Landmann. 8°. Ansbach, 1815-46. Central-Blatt (Chemisches). See Central- Blatt (Pharmaceutisches), 1856, etc. Central-Blatt (Chemisch-pharmaceutisches). Sec Central - Blatt (Pharmaceutisches), 1850-55. Centralblatt (Medicinisch-chirurgioches). Organ der praktischen Aerzte. Redakteur, C. L. Praetorius und J. Dollmayr junior. 8 Jahrgange, 1866-73. 8 v. 4°. Wien, Czermak, 1866-73. Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissen- schaften. Redigirt von Dr. L. Hermann. [Weekly.] Jahrgange 1-11. 11 v. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1863-73. [Current. Want No. 46, v. 8, Oct. 22, 1870. Jahr- gang 7, etc., by J. Rosenthal. ] Central-Blatt (Pharmaceutisches). 44 v. 8 . Leipzig, L. Voss, 1830-73. [Current. In 1850 name changed to CHEMISCH- J'harmaceutisches Central - Blatt ; in 1856 became Chemisches Central-Blatt. J Central-Blatt (Psychiatrisches). Herausge- geben vom Vereine fiir Psychiatlie und fo- i ensische Psychologie in Wien. Redigirt von M. Leidesdorf und Th. Meinert. [Month- ly.] Jahrgange 1-2,1871-72. In 1 v. 348 pp. 87 Wien, W. Braumilller. Centralhalle (Pharmaceutische) fiir Deutschland. Zeitung fttr wissenschaftliche und geschaftliche Inte- ressen der Pharmacie. Herausgegeben von Dr. Herm. Hager. 14ter Jahrgang, 1873, 52 Nummern. 8°. Berlin, Springer, 1873. Central-Zeitung (Allgemeine medicinische). See Central-Zeitung (Berliner medicini- sche), 1842, etc. Central-Zeitung ( Berliner medicinische) ; vom Neuesten und Wissenswerthen aus der Central-Zeitung— continued. gesammten Heilkunde des In- und Auslan- des. Redigirt von Dr. J. J. Sachs, unter Mitwirkung vieler Aerzte im gesammten ' Deiitschlaud. [Weekly.] Jahrgange 1-42, 1832-73. 41 v. 4° and Folio. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1832-73. i [Current. In 1842 title became Allgemeine medi- cinische Central-Zeitung, and it became folio. In 1842 became semi-weekly. In 1846, W. Hoff- bauer added as editor; in 1851 by Sachs and L. Posner; in 1852 by Posner alone; in 1864 by H. Rosenthal and L. Waldenberg ; in 1868 by Rosen- thal alone.] Centralzeitung fur die gesammte Veteriuiir- / medicin und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, mit vergleichender Bezugnahme auf die Men- 6chenheilwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Johann Martin Kreutzer. Jahrgange 1-5, 1851-55. 2v. 4°. Erlangen,J.J.Palm und EYEnke, 1851-55. Chiron. Eine der theoretischen, praktischen, literari- schen und historischen Bearbeitung der Chirurgie ge- widmetefZeitschrift. Herausgegeben von J. B. von Siebold. lster-2ter Band a 3 Siiicke, und 3ter Band lstes-2te« Sittck. 8°. Sulzbach, v. Seidel 1805-13. CHIRON (Der neue). Eine Zeitschrift fiir Wundarzuei kunst und Geburtshulfe. In Verbindung mehrerer ausgezeichneter Wundarzte herausgegeben von Kaj. Textor. lster Band, 3 Stiicke, und 2ter Band Istes- 2tes Sittck. 8°. Sulzbach, v. Seidel, 1821-27. Cholera-Archiv, mit Beuutzung amtlicher Quellen. Herausgegeben von J. C. Albers, F. D. Barry, etc. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1832-33. [No more published.] Cholera-Blatt. Als Beilage zu den schlesischen Blattern, von Friedr. Mehwald. 1 Band a 30 Num- mern. Small 8°. Breslau, Aderholz, 1831. Cholera orientalis. Extrablatt zum allge- meinen Repertorium der gesammten deut- schen medicinisch - chirurgischen Journali- stik. Herausgegeben von Carl Ferdinand Kleinert. Nos. 1-80. 4 Hefte in 2 v. 4 p. 1., 1282 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann, ]831-31 [Completed. 1 Cholera-Zeitung. . Herausgegeben von Dr. Zitter- land. 2 Quartale a 26 Nummern. 2 v. 4°. Leip- zig und Aachen, J. A. Mayer, 1831. Cholera-Zeitung. Herausgegeben von den Aerzten Konigsbergs. 2te Aufl. 150 pp. 4°. KSnigsberg, C. Paschke, 1832. Cholera-Zeitung (Allgemeine). Mittheilun- gen des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten tiber die asiatische Cholera. In Verbindung mit mehreren in- und auslandischen Gelehr- ten herausgegeben von Justus Radius. 2 & GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. 285 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Cholera-Zeitung—continued. Bande in 1. iv, 192, 188 pp. 47 Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1831-32. fc_ [Want Nos. 65-66, 69, 71, 73, and all subsequent.] Cholera-Zeitung (Berliner). Materialien zur Geschichte und Behandluug der asiatischen Cholera, etc. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. L. Casper. Nos. 1 - 36, Sept. 24 to Dec. 27, 1831. 300 pp. 4°. Berlin, F. Dummler, 1831. [Completed.] Cholera-Zeitung (Schlesische). Herausge- geben von dem arztlichen Comite fiir Schle- sien. (Desinficirt.) Nos. 1-12, Oct. 8, 1831, to Feb. 18, 1832. Nebst Supplementbogen, Register und 2 Steinzeichnungen. '208 pp. 4'-. Breslau, 1831-32. [All published.] CllKONlK (Medicinische). Herausgegeben von Jo- seph Eyerel. 3 Bande a 3 Hefte, und 4ter Band I Btes- 2tes Heft. 4 v. 8"'. Wien, Meyer und Patzowsky, 1793-95. Chiionik (Statistische) der Alkoholvorgiftung, beson- ders in der preussischen Monarchie. Ein Beiblatt zu dem drztlichen Volksfreund. Herausgegeben von F. Willi. G. Kranichfeld. 6ter - 7ter Jahrgang. r°. 1816-47. Berlin, Wohlgemuth, 1846-47. Commentaries (Medicinische) von einer Gesellschaft von Aerzten zu Edinburgh. Aus dem Englischen (von A. F. A. Diel). 3 Decaden oder 21 Baude. 8°. Altenhurg, Richter, 1774-99. Commentaries derneuern Arzneikunde. Herausge- geben von Chr. Gottlob Hopf. 6 v. 8°. Tubingen, Ueerbrand, 1793-1800. Cornmercium literarium ad rei medicae et scientiae naturahs incrementum institutum quo quicquid novissime observatum agitatum scriptum vel peractum et succincte dilucide- que exponitur. Accedunt. . indices necessa- rii. 15 v. 47 [Weekly. Plates. ] No- rimbcrgac, suniptibus societatis, 1731-4."). [Completed.] Conversationsblatt (Medicinisches). Her- ausgegeben von Dr. Carl Hohnbaum und Dr. Ferdinand Jahn. Jahrgange 1-3 in 1 v. 4T Hildburghausen, Kesselring, 1830-32. | Completed.] Conversations-Blatt (Medicinisches). Eine Zeit schrift ittr den nichtarztlichen Stand. Herausgege- ben von F. S. Wolfsheim und F. J. E. Helmbrecht. lster Jahrgang, 1844. 4°. Leipzig, Thomas, 1844. Conversations- und Correspondenzblatt (Medici- nisches) fttr die Aerzte im Konigreich Hannover. Herausgeber: Schneemann. lster-5ter Jahrgang, April 1850 bis Marz 1855, a 24 Nummern. 4°. Han- nover, Helicing. Correspondenzblatt fttr die Aerzte und Apotheker des Grossherzogthums Oldenburg. Redakteure : Tappehorn, Miiller", C. Dugend. Mai 1860 bis April 1861, 12 Nummern, mit Beilagen. 8°. Oldenburg, Schmidt. Correspondenzblatt fttr die Aerzte im Grossherzog- thum Mecklenburg - Strelitz. Herausgegeben von dem grossherzoglichen Medicinal-Collegium. Redi- girt von W. Zehender. Jahrgang 186), 12 Nummern. 4°. Neustrelitz, Barncwitz. CORRESPOSDENZ-BLATT der arztlichen und pharma- ceutischen Kreis-Vereine im Konigreiche Sacbsen. Herausgegeben von den Kreis-Vereius-Vorstandea. 12ter-13ter Band a 12 Nummern. 4°. Leipzig, Grabner [n. d.] Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen Vereine der Rheinprovinz. See Transactions : Germany. Bonn. Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fttr Psychiatric und gerichtliche Psychologie. Heraus- gegeben von deren Vorstand : Bergmann, Maunsfeld, Eulenberg, Erlenmeyer. Redakteur: Erlenmeyer. lster Jahrgang, Juli bis Dec. 1851, 12 Nummern. 4°. Neuwied, Htuscr. ----- TLe same. 2ter Jahrgang, 1855, 24 Nummern. 4°. Berlin, T. Enslin. ----- The same. 3ter-13ter Jahrgang, 1856-66, u 24 Nummern. 4°. Neuwied, Heuscr. ----- The same. 14ter - 19ter Jahrgang. Heraus gegeben von Kelp, Eulenberg, Erlenmeyer, Otte. 83. Neuwied, Heuser, 1867-73. CortREsrONDKNZ Blatt der houuiopathischen Aerzte. Ausgegeben durch die N. A. Akademie der homoopa- thischen Heilkunst, in Allentown a. d. Lecha. lster Jahrgang, 1835, Oct. bis dahin 1836, p5 Nummern. 4°. Bremen, Kaiser, 1836. -----The same for 1837. 12 Nummern. 4°. Leip- zig, Kummer. Correspondenz-Blatt (Medicinisches) bay- erischer Aerzte. Unter Mitwirkung viekr Aerzte herausgegeben von Dr. Heiurich Eich- horn. [Weekly.] Jahrgange 1-11,1810-50. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke. [Completed.] Correspondenz-Blatt (Medicinisches) rheinischer und westfalischer Aerzte. Herausgegeben von F. Na«se_und J. F. II. Albers. 4 v. 4°. Bonn, 1842- 1 jjrrinril Ki'mifnli'Tg, lRlei Correspondenz - Blatt (Medicinisches) des wurtembergischen arztlichen Vereins. Ban- de 1-40, 1832-70. [With general index to v. 1-34.] 36 v. 47 Stuttgart, J. B. Melzlcr, 1832-70. Correspondenzblatt fiir die mittelrheinischen Aerz- te. Redigirt von II. Pfeiffer. 1866 f. 8°. Darm- stadt, Zemin. Correspondenzblatt des Vereins fiir ge- meinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Redigirt von F. W. Beneke. Nos. 1-65, Feb. 1,1853, to Nov. 5, 1863. 1078 pp. 8°. Hannover. -[Want-No. 35. pp. 535 512r-ia5a4 -..... Correspondenzblatt des Vereins nassau'- scher Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1856-59. Redi- girt von Peter Menges. 1 v. 428 pp. Roy- al 8°. Wcilburg, L. E. Lanz. a 286 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. I 4 A__v Denkwurdigkeiten (Medicinische) aus der Vergan- genheit und Gegenwart fiir practische Aerzte. Iu monatlicben Lieferungen herausgegeben von Dr, Alb. Sachs. 1834, Juli-Dec, oder 1 Band, 6 Stiicke- - : Berlin, Hirschwald, 1834. Ephemeriden der Heilkunde. Herausgege- ben von Adelb. Fr. Markus. 8 Bande a 3 Stiicke. 8 . Bamberg und Wiirzburg, J. A. Goebhardt, 1811-14. Ephemeriden ( Medicinische ) von Berlin. Herausgegeben von Dr. L. Formey. lster Band in 4 Heften. 12 7 Berlin, Nauck, 1700-1800. Fortschritte (Die) der Physik. See Trans- actions : Germany. Berlin. Geist und Kiitik der medicinischen und chirurgischen Zeitschriften Deutschlands, fiir Aerzte und Wund- iirzte. Herausgegeben von Jo. Jos. liausch. 9 Theilein 18 Banden. 8°. 1798-1806. [iste Reihe, Jahrgiiuge 1-6, Leipzig, F. G. Jacobaer, 1798-1803, 6 Theile in 12 Banden; 2te Reihe, Jahrgange 7-9, Breslau, G. Hambergcr, 1803-6,3 Theile in 6 Banden.] GEIST der neuesten medicinischen und chirurgischen Schriften Beutschlands. Eine Quartal-Schrift, bear- beitet von einer Gesellschaft gelehrter und prakti- scher Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Fr. von Stranky- GreiffunUwgr- 2 Jahrgange a 4 Bande. 8°. Auys- 12Ag2<^-furdiePharthacie (und seit Jahrgang 2, fttr die damit verbundenen Wissenschaf- ten). 37 v. Small 8°, Berlin, F. Oelimigkc der Aeltere, 1795-1835. ''* [Jahrgange 9-15 also under title: Neues berlini- SCHES, etc.; and 16-35: DEUTSCHES JAHRBUCH FUR DIE PHARMACIE.] Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. Heraus- gegeben vom Dr. J. S. C. Schweigger und Dr. F. R. W. Schweigger-Seidel. v. 16-24. 9 v. 8°. Halle, 1826-28. Jahrbuch der Geburtshillfe, oder kritische Uebersicht der Litteratur und des Standes der Geburtshttlfe vom Jahre 1802 bis Ostern 1806, von Joh. Anton Schmidt- mu'.ler. Band 1. [Auch : Der Stand der Geburts- httlfe der neuesten Zeit.J 1 v. 8°. Erlangen, Gre- dy Sf Breuning, 1807. Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Vervvaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. Franz von Holtzendorff. lster Jahrgang. vi,7ll pp. 87 Leipzig, Dunchcr Sf Ilumblot, \87\. Jahrbuch ittr Kinderheilkunde und pbysische Eizic hung. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von Proff. Binz, Bohn, Bokai [etc.], unter Redaction von Prof. Wiederhofer, Dr. Politzer, Dr. Schuller [etc.] 6ter Jahrgang, 1873, 4 Hefte. 8°. Leipzig, Heubner, 1*73. Jahrbuch (Kritisches) zur Verbreitung der neuesten Entdeckungen und Beforderung der Aufklarung in der Geburtshulfe ; nebst Anzeige der neuesten wichti- gen Schriften dieser Wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Fr. H. Martens. 1 Band, x, 383 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, Breithopf $ Hartel, 1802. Jahrbuch (Medicinisches) der Thermalquellen von Teplitz-Schonau in Bohmen. Begriindet und her- ausgegeben von Frz. Berthold und Joseph Seiche. Royal 8°. Prag, Rziwnatz, 1852-56. Jahrbuch fiir Militiir-Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Anton Loeff. 2 v. 12°. [4th and 5th years.] Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1868-69. Jahrbuch (Neues) fttr Pharmacie und verwandte Facher; Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Apo- theker-Vereins, Abtheilung Siiddeutschland. Her- ausgegeben unter Mitwirkung des Directoriums von Dr. F. Vorwerk. 37ster-38ster Band oder Jahrgang 1872, 12 Hefte. 8°. Speyer, Neidhard, 1872. Jahrbuch (Oesterreichisches) fur Paediatrik. Herausgegeben von G. Ritter von Ritters- hain und M. Herz. Neue Folge des " Jahr- buches fiir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters." Jahrgange 1870-71. 87 Wien, IV. Braumiiller, 1870-72. Jahrbuch der praktisch-polizeilichen und ge- richtlichen Thierheilkunde von und fiir Bai- ern. In Verbindung mit vielen Hrn. Ge- richts-, Militair- und Civil-Veterinairarzten herausgegeben von der Litteratur-Commis- sion des Industrie- und Cultur-Vereins zu Niirnberg. Dirigirtvon Dr. Jac. J. Weiden- keller. 3 Jahrgange. 8°. Niirnberg, Schnei- der c,- Weigel, 1830-33. Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikunde. Heraus- gegeben von Johann Heinrich Kopp. v. 1- 11, 1808-19. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, J. C. Hermann. Jahrbuch (Therapeutisches ). Herausgegeben von einem praktischen Arzte. 1 v. Berlin, C. Heymann 1853. Jahrbiicher fiir Anthropologie und zur Pa- thologie und Therapie des 'Trrsinns. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. F. Nasse. lster Band. 3 p. 1., 322 pp., 1 pi. 8-T Leipzig, C. Cnob loch, 1830. [All published. A continuation of ZEITSCHRIFT FUR Jahrbiicher des arztlichen Vereins zu Mun- chen. Jahrgiinge 1-4, 1835-42. 87 Miin- chen, A. Weber, 1835-42. [Completed] ..----^------—--------——" ,Tahiini';cHF.R■«/ cv}^ ^Y A ?± ^iA... ^ ""'■^/r/r, 288 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Jahrbiicher der in- und auslandischen ge- Jahrbiicher (Medicinische), etc.—continued sammten Medicin. Herausgegeben von Carl Christian Schmidt. Bande 1-160, 1334-73. PO v. Royal 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand. [Current. 4 v. annually. Editorial changes : v. 41, 1844, Alexander Goeschen editor, v. 65, 18r>0, H. Richter and Adolf Winter editors.] E. ft& Jahrbiicher der kaiserlich-koniglichen Cen- tral-Anstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagne- tismns, von Carl Jelinek und Carl Fritsch. Neue Folge. 7ter Band, Jahrgang 1870. [Der ganzen Reihe.15ter Band.] 4°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1873. jAHRni'CHER (Konigsberger medicinische). Herausge- geben von dem Verein fttr wissenschaftliche Heil- kunde zu Konigsberg. 4 Bande. [v. 4 by von Wit- tich.] 8°. Konigsberg, Grafe und Unzer, 1858-59, 1861 (1-3); Danzig, Ziemssen, 1864-65 (4). Jahrbucher (Kritische) der Staatsarzneikunde fttr das 19te Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von Chrph. Knape und Aug. Friedrich Hecker. 4 Theile in 2 Banden. 8°. Berlin, Maurer, 1806. [Continuation of Kritische Annalen, etc.J Jahrbiicher fiir den Lebeus-Magnetismus oder neues Asklapieion. Allgemeines Zeit- blatt fiir die gesammte Heilkunde nach den Grundsatzen des Mesmerismus. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. K. Ch. Wolfart. Biinde 1-5 (Hefte 1-10) in 5 v. 87 Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1818-23 [Completed.] JAHRBUCHER der MedicinAM'issenschaft. Verfasst von einer Gesellschaft von Gelehrten und herausgegeben durch A. F. Markus und Fr. Wilh. Jos. Schellingi 3 Biinde a 2 Hefte. Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1806-8. Jahrbiicher (Medicinische). Redigirt von Braun, Duchek, Schlager. Biinde 4Qa4i^ii] 4~v. 8°. Wien, 78B&. ^ } - Z^Q [With an appendix to each volume, "Berichte iiber die Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Heilkunde."] Jahrbiicher (Medizinische). Herausgegeben von der kaiserlich-koniglichen Gesellschaft der Arzte. Redigirt von S. Strieker. Jahr- giinge 1871-73. 3v. 8°. Wien, W. Brau- miiller. [Current. WauL Jahrbiicher (Medicinische) fiir das Herzog- thum Nassau. Auf Auftrag der Landes- Regierung. Herausgegeben von J. B. von Franquej W. Fritze und C. Vogler, P. The- walt. Hefte 1-21 in 9 v. A. Wiesbaden, A. Scholz, 1843-64. [1851-55 also under title : Mittheii.ungkn des Ver- eins VASSAUISCHER AERZTE AN SEINE MlTGLIE- DEK.J Jahrbiicher (Medicinische) des kaiserlich-ko- niglichen osterreichischen Staates. Heraus- gegeben von den Directoren und Professoren des Studiums der Heilkunde an der Universi- ty zu Wien. v. K6, 1811-21. Neue Folge, v. 1-3, 1822-26, etc. Neueste Folge, v. 1-57, 1829-48. 66 v. 8T Wien, C. F. Beck, 1811-48. [From 1841 to 1848, also. "Oesterreichische medici- nische Wochenschrift (als Erganzung der medici- nischen Jahrbiicher des kaiserlich-koniglichen oster- reichischen StaateB)." A-Uff. t Supt., and Oct., 1848, wonting.- Editorial changes: v. 11(1832), heraus- gegeben von Dr. A. J. Freyherrn von Stifft, und redigirt von Dr. Joh. Nep. Ed. von Raiman ; v. 21, 1837, Stifft dropped, v. 23, S. C. Fischer, A. Rosa*, and Joh. Wisgrill added; v. 60, 1847, Raiman dropped and Dr. Wil. Ed. v. Well added.] Jahrbiicher des nassauischen Vereins fiir Naturkunde. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. L. Kirschbaum. 6 v. 8G IViesbaden, J. Nicd- ner, 1860-72. Jahrbucher (Neue) der teutschen Medicin und Chirur- gie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenwiirdigsten aus der medicinisch-chirurgischen Litteratur des Aus- landes. Herausgegeben in Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten, von Chr. Friedr. Harless. 12 Bande- nebst 2 Supplement-Banden. 14 v. 8°. 1819-27. lster Band, Bonn, Marcus, 1819 ; 2ter-7ter Band und lster Supplement-Baud, Elberfeld, Buchler, 1820-23; 8ter-12ter und 2ter Supplement-Band, Hamm, Wun dermann, 1824-27. [Continuation of Jahrbucher der teutschen, etc. lster Band, also, under title, Rheinische Jahk- bOcherder Medicin und Chirurgie. 2ter-7ter Band, also, under title, Rheinische Jahrbucher, etc. 8ter-12ter Band, also, under title, Rheinisch- westphalische Jahrbucher, etc. For contin- uation see Heidelberger klinische Annalen.] Jahrbucher der philosophjsch-medicinischen Gesell- schaft zu Wurzburg. Herausgegeben von J. B. Friedreich. Band 1,3 Hefte. 83. 1828. Neue Jahr- biicher der koniglichen philosophisch-medicinisehen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg, Heft 1. 8°. 1830. Wurz- burg, C. Strecker, 1828-30. Jahrbiicher fiir praktische Heilkunde. Her ausgegeben von Fr. Oesterlen. 1 v., Jan.- Dec, 1845. 914 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laupp. | Completed. Bi-monthly.] . JahrbUcher des Sanitatswesens im Konigreiche Bai- ern. Herausgegeben von Simon Haberl und M Jacobi. Band 1, 3 Hefte. 8°. Landshut, P. Kr'u ^ 1810. ^Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik. 8 v. Qfc t V < i V. < lax J Herausgegeben von N. Pringsheim. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1858-63 ; Leipzig, W.Engelmann, 1865-71. Jahresbericht (Erster) der chemischen Contralstelle fur offentliche Gesundheitspftege in Dresden. Her- ausgegeben von Prof. Dr. H. Fleck. 1 v. 4°. Dres- den, von Zahn [n. d.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der che- mischen Technologic fiir Fabrikanten, Hut- ten- und Forstleute, Chemiker und Pharma- ceuten. Herausgegeben von Dr. Johannes Rudolph Wagner. Ister-15ter Jahrgang mit 289 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUST'EIA. Jahresbericht, etc. —continued. Generalregister iiber Biinde 1-10, bearbeitet von Dr. F. Gottscbalk. 16 v. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1855-69. J'ahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der gesammten in- und auslandischen Medizin. Herausgegeben von Alex. Goeschen. (lster Jahrgang, 1842, 4 Hefte ;) 2ter Jahrgang, 1813-41. 2 v. 8\ Leipzig, O. Wi- gand. [ 1 v., also, under title : Carl Chr. Schmidt's Enctclo- padie der gesammten Medicin, fortgesetzt von Alex. Goeschen, 2ter Supplement-Band.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der ge- sammten Medicin in alien Landern^ km Vereine mit mehreren Gelehrten ,Heraus- gegeben von C. Canstatt. Jahrgange 1-25, j 1841-65. 56 v. Royal 67 Erlangcn, F. Enke, 1842-65. ' [Jahrgang 1843 herausgegeben von C. Canstatt und J Eisenmann ; 1849-50, von Eisenmann ; und 1851-63 redigirt von Scherer, Virchow, und Eisenmann ; in 1856 also Friedreich. See Jahresbericht uber die Leistungen und Fortschritte der ge- sammten Medicin for continuation.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phur- macognosie, Pharmacie und Toxicologie, von Wiggers und A. Husemann. [Neue Folge des mit Ende 1865 abgeschlossenen Can- statt'schen pharmaceutischen Jahresberichts.,1 6ter Jahrgang, 1671, der ganzen Reihe 31ster Jahrgang^ 591 pp. 87 Gottingen, Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 1672. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der phy- sischen Wissenschaften von J. Berzelius. Aus dem Schwedischen iibcrsetzt von F. Wohler. 1830-37. 6 v. 6°. Tiibingcn, H. Laupp,1831-38. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Thier- chemie. Herausgegeben von Dr. Richard Maly. lster Band fiir das Jahr 1671. 1 v. 345pp. 8°. Wien, IV. Braumiiller, 1673. Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft fiirNatur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. Sec Transactions : Germany. Dresden. Jahresbericht Uber die Leistungen uud Fort- schritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologic ... Redigirt von Dr. Albrecht Nagel. lster-2tei Jahrgang fiir 1870-71. 67 Tiibingcn, II. Laupp,1872-73. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fort- schritte der gesammten Medicin (Fortsetzung von Caustatts Jahresbericht). Unter Mit- wirkung zalilreicher Gelehrten. Herausge- geben vou Rud. Virchow und Aug. Hirsch. Unter Special-Redaktion von E. Guilt uud Aug. Hirsch. Jahrgiinge 1-7. - . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, l>'66-73. [Current.] 37* Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen in der Kriegsheilkunde in den Jahren 1650-61 und 1865. Redigirt von Scherer, Virchow und Eisenmann. 3 v. 6G Wurzburg, Stahel, 1861-66. Jahresbericht 1 fiir das meteorologische Jahr 1869, enthaltend die Ergebnisse der meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen der badischen Sta- tiohen [et3.] Bearbeitet von F. Weber. pp. 259-371. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1671. Jahresbericht ueber die Verwaltung des Medicinalwesens die Krankenaastalten und die oeffentlichen Gesundheitsverhaeltnisse der freien Stadt Frankfurt betreffend. Her- ausgegeben von dem aerztlichen Verein. Jahrgange 7-8, 14-15, 1663-64, 1670-71. Royal 6°. Frankfurt a. M., J. D. Saucrlaen- der, 1867-72. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Ana- tomie und Physiologie. In Verbindung mit Prof. Braune [und 9 Andere] herausgege- ben von Fr. Hofmann uud G. Schwalbe. lster Band: Literatur 1672. 612 pp. 6°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1673. Jahresberichte der stadtischen Kranken-Anstalten zu Elberfeld. lster Band, Jahrgang 1864. Heraus* gegeben von Carl Pagenstecher. 8°. Elberfeld1, Friedcrcirh, 1865. Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vaterltiudische Naturkunde in Wurtemberg. Herausgege- ben von II. v. Mohl [and 4 others]. 6th year, 1850: 8th year, 1652; No. 3, 10th year, 1654; No. 3, 12th year, 1856; No. 1, 13th year, 1-57. rG Stuttgart, Ebner und S.u- bcrt. Janus. Zeitschrift fur Geschichte uud Lite- ratur der Medicin. In Veibindung mit A. Audita, B. de Balzac [etc.], herausgegeben von Dr. A. W. E. Th. Henschel. Biinde 1-3. 3 v. 6G Breslau, E. 'Vrewcndt, 1646- 1K. [All published.] Janus. Central-Magazin ittr Geschichte und Liteiar geschichte der Medicin, arztlichen Biographik, Epi- demiographik, medicinischen Geographic und Sta- tistik. Herausgegeben von H. Bretschneider, Hen- schel, Heusinger uud Thierfelder. lster Band, 2 Hefte; 2ter Band, 3 Hefte. • 8°. Gotha, 1851-52. Journal (Allgemeines) der Chemie. Heraus- gegeben von Alex. Nicolas Scherer. Bande 1-6. 6T Leipzig, lirci'.kopf und Hdrtel, 1798-1601. Journal (Neues allgemeines) der Chemie von Hermbstadt, Klaproth, J. B. Richter, A. N. Scherer, J. B. Trommsdorft*. Herausgegeben von A. F. Gehlen. Bande 1-6. 67 Berlin, II. Frolich, 1603-6. 290 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Journal fiir die Chemie und Physik von Buch- holz und Anderen. Herausgegeben von A. F. Gehlen. Biinde 1-9. 8°. Berlin, Realschul- buchhandlung, 1806-10. Journal (Allgemeines) fiir medicinische rind chirurgische Kenntnisse. Paris und Niirn- berg. See France. Journal fiir die Chemie und Physik. See Journal (Allgemeines) der Chemie, 1806, etc. Journal fiir die Chemie, Physik und Mine- ralogie. See Journal (Allgemeines) der Che- mie, 1807. Journal (Chemisches) fiir die Freuude der Naturlehre, Arzneigelahrtheit [etc.] Entworfen von D. Lor. Crell. 6 Theile. 8°. Lemgo, Meyer, 1778-81. Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzneikunde und Geburts- hulfe. lster Band a 3 Stiicke und 2ter Band & 2 Stucke (1800-3) und 4ten Bandes lstes-3tes Stack, oder, " Neues Journal" [etc.], lster Band, lstes-3tes Stiick, 1803, 1805, 1808. 83. Berlin, Curths, 1808-12. -----The same. 5ter Band, lstea-4tes Stiick ; oder, " Neuestes Journal" [etc.], lster Band, 4 Stiicke. 8°. Berlin, Riicker und Piichlcr, 1815-20. Journal der Chirurgie und Augen-Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von C. Graefe und Ph. von Walther. Baude 1-39,1820-50 [and 3 index v., 1-10, 1826; 1-20, 1834: 1-30, 1843]. 42 v. 87 Berlin. [Quarterly, v. 31 is v. 1, new series; edited by Wal- ther and F. A. v. Amnion. 1 Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshulfe und gerichtliche Arzneykunde. Herausgegeben von J. Chr. Loder. Biinde 1-4. s"'. Jena, 1797-1806. [Completed.] JOURNAL der Erfindungen; Theorlen uud Widerspiiichc in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Herausgege- ben von Freunden der Wahrheit und Freimiithigkeit. [Redigirt von Aug. Fr. Hecker.] 13 Bande oder 52 Stiicke. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1792-1813. [25stes-44stes Stuck also: NEUES JOURNAL |etc], l«ter-5ter Band oder 20 Stucke, 1798-1809. 45ste«- 52stes Stiick also: Neuestes [etc.], herausgege- ben von J. C. A. Heinroth, Chr. Gtfr. Jo'rg [und Andere], 1810-13. JOURNAL fiir GeburtsbttlfW 2 Stiicke. 8:. -Wutt&tfrrg^ Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1787-88. Journal fiir Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer-und Kinderkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von E. von Siebold. Bande 1-8, 1613-28. Bande 9-T$, von E. Casp. Jac. von Siebold, 1839-31. 10 v. 87 Frankfurt am Main, Varrcntrapp, 1813-31. 2 : Y.J v i' 1 it ,~, .' Journal fiir die gesammte praktische Heilkunde im Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie, Geburtshilfe und Staatsarzueikunde. Herausgegeben von E. Horn, Friedr. Nasse und Wilh. Wagner. 1 Jahrgang, Dop. pelhefte" 1-3. *" 8°. Berlin, Natorff & Co., 1837. Journal fiir homoopathische Arineimittellehre. • Her- ausgegeben von mehreren homoopathischen Aerzten. lster Band, lstes-2tes Heft. 8°. Leipzig, T. O. Wei- gtl, 1834-35. -----The same. 2ter Band a 2 Hefte. Herausg'pge- ben von Frz. Hartmann und Alph. Noack-. ' Leipzig, 1839. Journal fiir Kinderkrankheiten, unter Mitwir- kung der DD. Barthez, Berg, Hauner, etc. Herausgegeben von Fr. J. Behrend und A. Hildebrand. [ Monthly. 2 v. annually.] Bande l-fH.*3»v. 87 AF2rlangen, Palm Sr Enke, \8\$Al.^Ao^^A*^^ ■ [Current..( Commenced July, 1843.] Journal fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe, vor- ziiglich mit Riicksicht auf Aetiologie und Semiotik. Von einer Gesellschaft deutscher Aerzte. Herausge- geben von J. F. S. Posewitz. 4 Hefte in 2 Banden. 8°. Giessen, Heyer, 1799-1803. Journal (Medicinisches). Vonjg. G. Baldin ger. 36 Stiicke. 9 v. ^ . Gtittingen, J. C. Dieterich, 1784-96. [Continued as the following.] Journal (Neues medicinisches uud physi- sches). Vom Geheimen Rath Baldinger zu Marburg. 3 Band a 4 Stiicke. 3 v. SG Marburg, ncuc akademischr, Buchhandlung, 1797-1802. [No more published.] Journal fttrnaturgemasse Gesundheitspflege und Heil- kunde. Redakteur : Jul. Putzar und mehrere ande- re hydriatische Aerzte. 5 Jahrgange. 8°. 1853-57. ]8ter-2ter Jahrgang, Culhen, Schettler, 1853-54; 3ter Jahrgang, redigirt von Jul. Putzar und C. A. W. Richter, Berlin, Stubenrauch, 1855; 4ter Jahrgang, Journal etc., mit besonderer Beziehung zur Wasser- heilkunde, redigirt von C. W. A. Richter, 4°,. Berlin, Stubenrauch, 1856; 5ter Jahrgang, redigirt von Ludw. Friinkel, Berlin, Stubenrauch, 1857. JOURNAL der Naturwissenschaft und Medicin. Her- ausgegeben von F. J. Schelver. 2 Stiicke. 1 v. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., Andrea, 1810. Journal (Neues allgemeines) der Chemie. See Journal (Allgemeines) der Chemie, 1803-6. JOURNAL (Neues) der auslandischen medicinisch-chi- rurgischen Literatur. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hu- feland, B. N. G. Schreger und J. C. F. Harless. 4 Bande a 6 Stucke. Royal 8°. Berlin, 1802-3. ----- The same. 5ter-7ter Band. Herausgegeben von J. C. F. Harless und G. H. Ritter. Royal 8°. Erlangen, Expedition des Journals, 1806-7. -----The same. 9ter-10terBand. Herausgegeben von J. C. F. Harless. (Auch unter dem Titel: Anna- len der franzosischen, englischen, italienischen, spa- nischen und hollandischen Medicin und ChirurgieT Royal'S0. Niirnberg, Campe, 1809-11. -----The same, liter Band. Herausgegeben von Chr. G. Harless. (Auch unter dem Titel: Annalen etc.) Royal 6D. Niirnberg, Schrag, 1813. [See jAHRBt/CHKR DER TEUTSCHEN MEDICIN for continuation. ] '£. L •J o G ^,4 .*/> V A7^ 291 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Journal (Noues) der medkiniscli-i'.iimrgischen Litte- ratur. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland, B. N, • 1. Schreger und J. C. F. Ilaiiess. 11 Biihdtff' 8°. Berlin, 1804-13. [5ter-7ter Band herausgegeben von J. C. 1'. Harless und G. F. Hitter, Erlangen, 1806; 8ter Band her- ausgegeben Von Harless allein, Erlangen, 1807; 9ter-llter Band herausgegeben von Harless allein (auch unter dem Tifel: Annalen der franzosi- schen, ENGLISCHEN. italienischen, etc.), Xiirn- herg, Campe, 1809-13. | ... Journal (Neues medicinisches uud physi- sches). Sec Journal (Medicinisches). Journal fiir die neueste hollandische medicinische uud naturhistorische Literatur. (Auch: Sammlung me- dicinischer und naturhistorischer AuftStze.) Heraus- gegeben von Seb. Joh. LudwigDoering und Gottl. Salomon. 1 Band a 4 Sliicke. 8°. H.rrborn tfjfada- mar, 1802-4. Journal der Pharmacie fiir Aerzte und Apothe- ker (und Chemisten) von Johann Bartholo- n ;L Trommsdorff. Biinde 1-26. > . 1793- 1*17. Leipzig, S. L. Crusitts. ------The sariie. Neues Journal. Bande 1- 27. 8G 1817-31. Leipzig, F.C.W. Vogel. Journal fiir Pharmakodynamik, Toxikologie und Therapie in phj-siologisher, klinischei und forensischer Beziehung. Im Verein mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgegeben von W. Reil und J. Hoppe. 0%. 8°. lster Band, Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 185G-57 ; £ter-Brt»d, Journal der practischen, etc.—continued. Band. Von C. W. Hufeland und J. Ch. F. Harless. [Neues Journal, Bande 33-41. Al- so : Joiynal von Hufeland und Harless, Biin- de 1-8.] Berlin, G.Reimer, ISi:7.-18. Ftinf- te RGhe : Biinde 48-.T7, und 1 Supplementar- Ileft. Von C.W. Hufeland allein. [Neues Journal, Biinde 41-50.] Berlin, G. Reimer, 1819-23. Sechste Reihe : Biinde 58-81. nebst 7 Supplementar-Heften und 1 Register-Band. Von C. W. Hufeland und E. Osann. [Neues Journal, Biinde 51-74] Berlin, G.Reimer, 1824-35. [ Supplementar-Heft, Jahrgang 1822, also under the title " Ueber die iius- serliche Anvvendung des kalten Wassers in hitzigen Fiebern." Drei Preisschriften von Fiohlich, Reuss und Pitschaft. Herausge- geben von C. W. Hufeland.] 84ster-93ster Band, 1837-41 (a 12 Stiicke). [Also under title: C.W. Hufeland\s neues Journal, etc. Fortgesetzt von E. Osann. Bande 1-10.] Nebst Universal-Register vom 61sten bis zum Gjsten Bande. Herausgegeben von E. Osann. Berlin, G. Reimer. 94ster-lJ8tei Band. [Also : C. W. Hufeland'sand E. Osann's neues Jour- nal etc., Biinde 11-15.] Berlin, Oehmigke, 1842-44. Willich fiir Deutschland bearbeitet und mit Original- beitr&gen vermehrt von Carl Gottlob Kilhn. 3 Jahr- gange a 12 Hefte in 6 Banden. 8°. Leipzig, Som- mer, ieOO-2. [New title: REPERTORIU.M DER NEUESTEN ERl'AH- RUNGKN ENGLISCHER GELEHRTEN AUS DEM Fa- the der Medicin und dkr Chirurgie. Mit Zu>atzen und einer vnllstandigen Literatur, heraus- gegeben von C. G. Kiihn. 6 Bande. S°. Leipzig, Nauck, 1803-6. J Journal der practischen Arzneikunde und Wundarzneikunst (seit Band 14, der practi- schen Heilkunde). Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland. 81 v., nebst 3 Register-Biin- den und 8 Supplementar-Heften. Jena und Berlin, 1795-1835. Erste Reihe : Biinde 1- 7. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland. Jena, akademische Buchhandlung, 1795-99. Zweite Reihe : ^Biinde 8-27. [Also : Neues Journal etc. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hu- feland. Bande 1-20.] 20 Biinde nebst 1 Register-Band. Jena und Berlin, 1799-1808. Dritte Reihe: Bande 28-39. Von C. W. Hufeland und Carl Himly. [Neues Journal, Biinde 21-32. Also : Journal der practi- schen Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von [etc.] Biinde 1-12.] Berlin, G. Reimer, 1809-14. Vierte Reihe : Biinde 40-47, nebst Jtegister- berausgeg*Awn von J. Hoppe allein, Halle, '^| IThe last"6 No,, of the year 1842 did not appear.] Pf*fferA#b8; M - V ^) \rC('^A1\i A*> /YjolRNAl (Auszug ans C. W. Hufeland's) der practi- . „, . /t.i .. a- ■ ■ i \ "G u u G Ay Joi'RNAl.ISTIK, etc.*—continued. 'tin, 1830-/11. 2to Reihe : Fortge.-etzt von Fr. J. Behrend, Biinde 6 - 15. [Also: Allgemeines Re- pertorium der medicinisch-chirurgischen Journalistik des Auslandes, in vollstandigen etc., BUude 1-10.] Leipzig, C. E. A'o'")na;(?i;v1831-33. 3te Reihe : All- gemeines Repertoriura etc., Biinde 10-21 (NeueFolgo, Biiude 1-6). Berlin, A. Hlrsc.hicald, 1831-35. 4te Reihe : W<">chentliohes Repertorium etc. Herausge- geben von F. J. Behrend. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1836. Kaleiider(Illustiirter) fiir 1868-70. Jahrbuch der Ereiguisse, Bestrebungon und Fortschrit- te im Volkerleben. 3 v. 47 Leipzig. J. J. Weber, i868-70, Kalender fiir das Ki'i.iigreicli Sachscn auf die Jahre 1871-72. 8-'. Dresden, C. Heinrich. KALENDER (Medicinischer) fiir Aerzte und Nichtiirzte, auf die Jahre 1813-16. Mit besonderer Riicksieht auf die Herzogthiimer Schwediseh-Pommern und Mecklenburg. Herausgegeben von Geo. Heinr. Ma- sius. 4 Jahrgiinge. 8">. Berlin, Druck von Vnger, 1813-16. Kalender (Pharinaceutischer) liir das deut- sche Reich auf das Jahr 1>74. Mit Notizka- lender ziim liiglichen Gebraueh, nebst Hilfs- mitteln fiir die pharmaceutische Praxis. Mit einer Beilage : pharmaceutisches Jahrbuch. 3ter Jahrgang. [ 1 Iter Jahrgang des pharma- ceutischen Kalenders fiir Norddeutschland.] 16G Berlin, Springer, 1874. KALENDER (Pharmaceutischer) fiir 187:1. lOter Jahr- gang.. Reili»irt von Frz. Klinger. ]('<: Wien, Fromme, 1873. Kalender uud statistisches Jalubuch nebst alphabetischem OrtvoVzeichnisse fiir das Ko- nigreich Sachsen und Marktverzeichnissen I'iir Sachsen mm Thiiringcn auf das Jahr 1*73. 96, 68 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Drcsdin, C. Heinrich, [1873 ?] Klinik (Deutsche). Zeitung fiir Beobachtun- gen aus deutschen Kliniken und Krauken- hausern. Herausgegeben von Dr. Alex. Go- \ schen. Jahrgange 1-2?, 1819-7.1G 25 v. "N^ Folio. Berlin, G. Reimer. JG^„G * ^ schrift. 2 Theile. 8 , Mjlau, J. .1. Steffeny J SX 2 - hagen, 1773-74. Leucht- uud Brandkugeln (Homoopathische uud nlloo pathische). Herausgegeben von J. G. Eck. Band 1, Heft I. 4°. Leipzig, Magazin fur Industrie und Litteratur, 1830. LITERATUR. (Franzosische medicinische) oder Anzeigen und Ausziige aus den neuesten franzosischen Wer- ken iiber Physik, Medicin und Oeconomie. " Her. ausgegeben von Heinr. Tabor. Heidelberg, Pfalder, 1790. LITERATLR (Medicinische) fiir practische Aerzte. Her- ausgegeben von Joh. Christ. Traugott Schlegel. 17 v. 83. Iste Reihe, Theile 1-12. Leipzig, C. F. Schnei- der, 1781-87. 2te Reihe : Neue medicinische Littera- tur, etc. Ileraingegeben von J. C. T. Schlegel und J. Arnemann. 4 Bande a 4 Stiicke. Leipzig, C. F, Schneider. 3te Reihe : J. C. T. Schlegel's Uebersicht der neuesten medicinischen Litteratur. Band 1, Stucke 1-3. Chemnitz, C. G. Hofmann, 1795-97. LITERATUR ZEITUNG fiir die Medicin und Chirurgie iui ganzen Umfange nebst ihren Hiilfswissenschaften. Bearbeitet von einer Gesellschaft Gelehrten und her- ausgegeben von J. E.H.Sternberg. [Also: Medici- nisch-chirurgische Litteratur-Zeitung.] 2 Jahrgange in 4 v. 8°. Helmstadl vnd Leipzig, (1.) Fleckeisen ; (2.) Barth, 1804. Lucina. Eine Zeitschrift zur Vervollkomm- nung der Entbindungskunst. Herausgege- ben von D. Elias von Siebold. Biinde 1-5. 6 v. in 5. 87 Leipzig, /•'. G. Jacobiiei: 1SU2-11. C^AO) 2 l >sr. IA MAGAZIN fiir Ar/te. Horau'saegeben von E.Gottfried Baldinger. 12 Stiicke. 2 v. 8-\ Leipzig, F. G, Jacobaer und Sohn, 1775-78. ----— The same. Neues Magazin. [Same editor.] 20 v. 8 . Leipzig, F. G. Jacobaer und Sohn, 1779-90. -----The same. Dreifuehes Register iiber die btiden (vorstehenden) Magazinf. [Von Fr.Wilh. v. Halem.] 2 Stiicke. 8°. Leipzig, F. G. Jacobaer und Sohn,U90,<4~) Magazin fiir die Arzneimittellehre. Aus verschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt. Herausgegeben von C. Gottlob Kiihn. Band 1, Stiick 1. 280 pp. 8?. Chemnitz, Maucke, 1794. Magazinauserlesener medicinischer Abhandlungen von beriihmten franzosischen Aerzten. Gesammelt und iibersetzt von Dr. H. W. Lindemann. l v. Royal 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1797. Magazin der auslandischen Literatur, etc. See Magazin (Hamburgisches) der auslandi- schen, etc. Magazin (Berlinisches) oder gesammelte Nachrichten fiir Liebhaber der Arzneiwissenschaft, Naturge- schichte [etc.J 4 Bande & 6 Stucke. 83. Berlin, Sander, 1765-68. Magazin liir Geburtshelfer. Herausgegeben von C. L. Schweickhard. Band 1 a 2 Stucke. 8D. Frankfurt a. M. und Leipzig. G. L. Maklot, 1794. MAGAZirrfiir die Geburtshulfe. Herausgegeben von J. J. GuAprecht und J. H. Wiegand. 4 Stiicke in 2 Banflen. 2 v, 8\ Hamburg, 1807-11. \ 1 r ?2 c /^j-^^u^ hi +-pt J-f-s-rCi^j 293 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medi- cinische Polizei. Herausgegeben von K. F.Uden. 4 v. 8°. Stendal, D. C. Franzen und Grosse,Y18\-88. [Biinde 3 and 4 nlso : Neues, .etc. Herausgegeben ' von J. Th. Pyl.] Magazin fiir gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Heraus- gegeben von C. F. L. Wildberg. 2 Biinde u 4 stiicke. 8': Berlin, Natorff §■ Co., 1831-33. Magazin fiir die gesammte Heilkund;> mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Militair-Sani- tiits-Wesen im koniglich-preussischen Staatc. Herausgegeben von J. N. Rust. Ister- 24ter Band ii 3 Hefte. ST Berlin, G. Rei- mer, 1816-27. 25ster-4T)stfr Band, neue Folge. 1627-46. In all 61 v. 87 Berlin, G. Reimer, 1816-46. Magazin fiir die gesammte populaire Arziieikunde. be- Bonders fiir die sogenannten Hausmittel. 2 v. 8D. Frankcnhausen und Erfurt, Jl'i-ikler, 1785-86. Magazin fiir die gesammte Thierheilkunde von Dr. E. F. Gurlt und Dr. C. H. Hcrtvvig. 38ster-39ster Jahrgang, 1872-73. [With index to v. 31-38.] 2 v. 8-T Berlin, A. Hirschwald. d f -U-) tM [ttarrfttff.] ■ ■ 2< ■ : T ■ rV W A MAGAZIN (Hamburgisches) liir die ausliindische Lite- ratur der gesammten Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von J. J. Gumprecht und G. H. Gerson, in Verbindung mit mehreren Mitgliedern des iirztlichen Vereins in Hamburg. 3 Biinde . Hamburg, Herold, 1796. M.u;azin liir Pharmacie, Botanik uud Materia medica. Herausgegeben von J. H. Pfingsten. 3 v. 8D. Halle, J. C.Hendel, 1782-83. Magazin fiir phi'osophische, mediciuische und gericht- liche Seelenkunde. Herausgegeben von J. B. Fried- reich. 8tes-10tes Heft. [Also with title : "Neues Magazin," etc.], lstes-3tes Heft. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1829-33. Jahrgang 4 also: " Archiv fiir Psy- chologic fiir Aerzte und Juristen,'' herausgegeben von Friedreich, unter Mitwirkung von C. J. A. Mit- termaier, Fr. Gross, etc., lster Jahrgang,1834, 3 Hefte. 81. Heidelberg, F. C. Winter. Magazin fiir physiologische uud kliuische Arzneimit- tellehre und Toxicologic In Verbindung mit mehre- ren Gelehrten herausgegeben von J. Frank. iBter- 3ter Band a 4 Hefte, und 4ter Band 2 Hefte. Mit General-Register. 5 v. Royal a'\ Leipzig, Baum- gartner, 1841-55. Magazin (Physiologische!-). (Vom 3ten .Stiick an, psy- chologisches undanthropologisches.) Heruusgegeben von J. G. Heynig. 1 Band, 3 Stiicke. 8'J. Neisse, Hennings, 1796-97. Magazin fiir die psychische Heilkunde. Herausgege- ben von Reil und Kay ssler. 1 Band, 4 Stucke. 8. Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1805-6. Magazin fiir specielle Therapie und Klinik, nach den Grundsatzen der Erregungstheorie. Herausgegeben von Adalb. Friedr. Marcus. 5 Stucke in 2 Banden. 2 v. 8°. Jena, H. W. Chr. Seidler. 1802-8. [2ter Band, 2tes Stiick, also : Beitrage zur Kenntniss und Behandlung des gelben Fiebers. ] Magazin fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Heraus- gegeben von den Bezirks- und Gerichts-Aerz- ten des Konigreiches Sachsen. Redigirt durch Dr. Friedr. Julius Siebenhaar. Bande 1-5, 1842-46.,^Neue Folge unter dem Titel: " Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staats- > arzneikunde unter Mitwirkung der Mitglie- der der staatsarztlichen Vereine irti GroSsher- zogthume Baden undKonigreiche Sachsen." S a # 294 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA GERMANY AND AUSTRIA > Magazin fur die Staatsarzueikunde- cont'd. Herausgegeben von Schneider, Schiirmayer, Hergt, Siebenhaar, Martini. Biinde 1-10. 15 v. 8°. [Biinde 1-5.] Leipzig, W. Nauck, 1-12-46. [Neue Folge, Bande 1-10.] Freiburg i. Br , F. Wagner, 1847-51. [ Editorial changes: v. 3,1814, R. J. A. Martini added ; new series, v. 10, ls51, Hergt dropped.] Magazin fiir die technische Heilkunde, offentlkhe Arz- neiwissenschaftund medicinische Gesetzgebungu Her- ausgegeben von Gottlieb v. Ehrhart dem Jiingeren. 1 v. 462 pp , 2 pi. Royal 8~. Vim, Stettin, 1805. Magazin fiir theoretische und practische Thierheilkun. de. Herausgegeben von S. J. Teutfel. Band I, 3 Hefte. 8°. Carlsruhe, Macklot, 1811-13. Magazin fiir die Thierarzneikunde, oder Beobachtun- gen, Versucbe und Erfahrung iiber die innerlichen und ausserlichen Krankheiten der Pferde und des Hornviehs. Von J. N. Rohlwes. 4 Jahrgange. 4 v. 8D. Berlin, F. Maurer, 1799-1802. MAGAZIN fiir die Thiergeschichte, Thieranatomie und Thierarzneikunde. Herausgegeben von F. A. A. Meyer. 2 Stiicke in 1 v. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1790-94. MAGAZIN der verbesseiten theoretlschen und practi- schen Arzneikunst, fiir Freunde und Feinde der ueuen Lehre. Herausgegeben von Melch. A. Weic- kard. 1 Band a 4 Stiicke. 8"1. Heilhronna. N.,J. D. Class, 1796. Magazin zur A'ervollkommnung der theoreti- schen und praktischen Heilkunde. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. Andreas Roschlaub. Biinde l-J*^ --iflfer. Small 8°. Frankfurt am Main, Andreiii, 1799-1809. .^GTffianlAva-iOrr- MAGAZIN der Wundarzueiwissenschaft. Herausgege- ben von J. Arnemann. 3 v. 8°. Goettingcn, Van- denhoeck und Ruprecht, 1797-1803. Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Joh. Heinr. Gottlieb Schlegel. 12 Sammlungen. Royal 8°. Jena und Meiuingen, 1800-24, 1835. [Sammlungen 1-8, Jena, J. C. G. Gopferdt, 1800-9. Sammlung 9-12 [also: Neue Materialien etc.J, 1819, 1824, 1835, Meiningen, Keyssner.J MEDICINAL-HALLE (Wiener). Zjitschrift fiir prakti- sche Aerzte. Redakteur: Ph. Markbreiter. 4°. rPjcrt,1860-6i/ [Continued as "WIENER MEDICINISCHE PRESSE.] Medicinal-Kalender fiir den preussischen \ Staat auf das Jahr 1871. 12°. Berlin, A. \ Hirschwald, 1871. Medicinal-Zeitung (Preussiscbe). Heraus- gegeben vom dem Verein fiir Heilkunde in Preussen unter Benutzung amtlicher Mit- theilungeu des koniglichen Ministeriums der geistlichen, Unterrichts- und Medicinal-An- gelegenheiten und der koniglichen l'roviu- zial-Behorden. Redakteur: E. M-iiller. Neue Folge. 4ter-5ter Jahrgang, 1861-62. 2 v. 4°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin. [See Medicinische Zeitung. 1832-60, for preced- ing volumes.] Mediciner (Der). Berliner Monatsschriftiur iiutlicbc Unterhaltung. 1 Band, 12 Hefte. 8°. Berlin, 1844. Mediciner (Der\ Berliner Wechenblatt fiir itrztliohe Neuigkeiten. Herausgegeben von Kalisch. 3 v. Folio. . Berlin, 1846-48. MEMORABILIEN aus dor Praxis. Heransgegeben von F. Betz. Folio. 1856-57. -----The same. Organ fiir practische und wissen- schaftliche Mittheilungen rationeller Aerz'e. 40, 1858-61. ----- The same. Monatsbliitter liir practische etc. 1862-70. 4°. Heilbronn, \856-10. Militair - Wochenblatt. Herausgegeben von A. Borbstaedt. [Semi-weekly.] 57ster- 58sterJahrgang, 1872-73. 47 Berlin,Mitt- ler und Sohn. [Current.] Militaii-Zeitung (Allgemeine). Herausge- geben von einer Gesellschaft deutscher Offi- ztere und Militair-Beamten. [Weekly.] Herausgegeben von E. Zemin. v. 47-47 1872-73. Darmstadt, G. Otto. [Current] MINERVA medica. Jahrbiicher liir die gesammte Heil- kunde. Herausgegeben von J. H. B. Bauer. 2 Hef- te. 8 . Berlin, T. Enslin, 1829-31. Mittheilungen des Central-"Vereins deutscher Zahniirzte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Moriz | Heider. 2 p. 1., IDS pp. 8T Wien, C. Ge- | rotd's Sohn, 1860. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heil- kunde. Herausgegeben von einer medicinisch-chi- rurgischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. 2 v. Royal 8°. Hamburg, Hoffmann 6f Campe, 1830-33. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirur- gie und Pharmacie ; in Verbindung mit einem Ver- eine von Aerzten und Pharmaceuten der Herzogthtt- mer Schleswig und Holstein. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. H. Pfaff. lster-8ter Jahrgang, 1832-40. 9 v. Royal 8°. Kiel und Altona, 1832-40. [Jahrgange 3-8 also : " PRAKTISCHE UND kritische Mittheilungen etc.," fortgesetzt von w. F. G. Behu, G. B. Gilnther, et al. Redigirt von J. Sam- Bon. Neue Folge : lster-6ter Jahrgang.] Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Ge- meinschaftlich herausgegeben vom Gewerbe- Vereine, von der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft und dem bienenwirthschaftlichen Ver- eine zu Altenburg. lstes-2tes Heft, 18ter Band. [ Herausgegeben im Juni 1867.] 8°. Altenburg, Hofbuchdruckerei, 1867. Mittheilungen (Praktische) der correspoudirenden Gesellschaft homoopathischer Aerzte. Jahrgaoge 1826-28. 8°. Leipzig, Volckmar, 1829. Mittheilungen des wlirtembergischen arztlichen Ver- eins. Auf Auftrag desselben herausgegeben von J. F. Blumhardt, G. Clegs, G. Duvernoy, J. C. v. Frank und mehreren Anderen. 1 Band, 3 Hefte. 1 pi. 1 v. Royal 8°. Stuttgart, MetzUr, 1833-34. Monatsblatter (Klinische) fiir Angenheil- kunde. Herausgegeben von W. Zehender. 295 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Monatsblatter, etc7—continued. Jahrgange 1863-737 11 v. ' 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke. [Current. Commsnced in 18o3. v.3, 1865.] t- - r._ Want VtW \)M \ ^ y A: Monatshefte ( Medicinisch - chirurgische ). Kritisches Sammeljournal fiir praktische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Fr. Emil Friedrich und Alfred Vogel in Munchen. [2 v. annually.] 1857-63. 14 v. 8G Er- langen, F. Enke. [Editorial changes : in 1860 Vogel dropped and W. Brattler added ; in 1861 Brattler dropped ; in 1863 O. v. Franque and A. Geigel.] Monatsschrift (Allgemeine medicinisch - chirurgi- sche) ; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Wundarzte. Herausgegeben von mehreren Aerzten. 12 Hefte. Royal 8°. Munchen und Erlangen, F. Enke, 1840. Monatsschrift fiir exacteForschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitats-Polizer? Herausgegeben von Dr. Louis Pappenheim. Jahrgang 2, Jan. 1860-62. Berlin, J. Springer. Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frau- enkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von Busch, Crede, von Ritgen, v. Siebold. Biinde 1-34, 1853-69. 17 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Continued as Archiv fur Gynaekologie.] Monatsschrift fiir Medicin, Augenheilkunde und Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. A. v. Ammon. Biinde 1-3. 3 v. 8 . Leip- zig, Weidmann, 1838-40. _. ,■ [No more published.] MONATSSCHRIFT fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Herausgegeben Von Voltt.lini, Jos. Gruber, N. Rlidinger und Eug. Weber. 7ter Jahrgang, 1873, 12 Nummern. Folio. Berlin, Expedition der mediciiischcn Central-Zeitung, 1873. Monatsschrift (Prager) fiir theoretische und prakti- sche Homoopathie. Redakteur: Altschul. (lster) Jahrgang, 1853, 12 Nummern. 8 . Prag, Medait, 1853. The same. Mit Einschluss der physiatrischen Heilmethoden, der Hydropathic und Balneotherapie. Redakteur und Herausgeber ! Altschul. 2ter-13ter Jahrgang, 1854-65, a 12 Nummern. 8°. Prag, Be.ll- mann, 1854-65. Monatsschrift (Rheinische) fiir practische Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Nasse, Wutzer, Kilian, Ungar, Claessen. v. 1-5, 1847-51. 5 v. 8°. Koln, M. DuMont - Schaubcrg. 1847-51. [Editorial change : v. 3, Claessen dropped.] MONATSSCHRIFT (Wiener medicinische). Herausgege- ben von G. E. Kletten. 12 Hefte. 4 v. Royal 8=. Wien, Stahel, 1789. MUSEUM (Holliiridisches) fiir Deutschlaud's Aerzte und Wundftrzte, uud andere Liebhaber dieser Wissen- schaft.- [Von Chr. Fr. Niceus.] 1 v. Royal 87 Breslau, W. G. #orn,,1794. Nachrichten (Neue literarische) fiir Aerzte, Wund- arzte und-Naturforscher, fiir die Jahre 1785-89; 3 Bande a 4 Quartalsheften. 3 v. 83. Halle, Hendel, 1736-89. NATIONALZEITUNG (Medicinische) liir Deutschland und die mit selbigem zunachst verbundenen Staaten. 2 Jahrgange. 3 v. 4°. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1798-99 [See Annalen (Allgemeine medicinische) for continuation.] Naturarzt (Der). Correspondenzblatt fiir Freunde naturgemasser Heilmethoden. Herausgegeben von W. Meinert. 6 Jahrgange, 1863-67. 4°. [6ter Jahr- gang unter dem Titel: Naturarzt, Zeitschrift fiir na- turgemasse Heil-, Lebens- und Erziehungsweise. Redakteur: Th. Hahn.l (Jahrgang 1863,) Dresden, Zeh; (1864-67,) Berlin, Griehen. Naturarzt (Der) Oder die vernunftgemiisse Behand- lung und Heilung aller menschlichen Krankheiten durch die einfachsten Hausmittel etc. (Heransgege- ben von L. R. .....) 8"\ Berlin, C, A. E. Meyer, 1867. NEUIGKEITEN aus der Mediciu, Chirurgie Und Geburts- hulfe. Herausgegeben von Th. Auerbach. 4°. Ber- lin, 1860-64. Neuigkeiten (Medicinische). Ein Intelli- genzblatt fiir praktische Aerzte. Herausge ber: Dr» Kastner. Jahrgange 1-19. 23 v. Royal 87 Erlangen, J. J. Palm Sw Enke, 1851-73. [v. 3, etc., edited by A. Wintrich J Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkuude und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Darmstadt und des mittelrheinischen geologischen Ver- eins. Nebst Mittheilungen aus der gross- herzoglich-hessischen Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. Herausgegeben von L. Ewald. 3te Folge, Hefte 5-11, Nr. 49-132, Januar 1866 bis December 1-72. * \ Darmstadt, G. Jonghaus. . | p1 [Monthly.] Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde; gcsammelt und mitgetheilt von Ludwig Friedrich von Froriep. 66 v. 1822- L( Q tf& 4°. Weimar, Landes- Industrie-Comptoir. [In 1837 Neue Notizen, etc.] Notizen fiir praktische Aerzte iiber die neu- esten Beobaehtungen in der Medicin, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Krankheits- Behandlung zusammengestellt von F. Grae- veil. Baude 1-9, 1818-56. Neue Folge, Biinde 1-8,1857-65. 17 v. -7 Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1848-65. [Editorial changes : v. 7, S. Strassnianu added. Neue Folge, Band 1, by Dr. II. Helfft.J NOTIZENBLATT (Wieuer medicinisches), enthaltendMit- theilungen iiber das Verhalten bei Cholera-Epidemi- en und ihre Heilart. Herausgegeben von dem Doc- toren-Collegium der medicinischen Fakultat in Wien. Hauptredakteur: Jos. Joh. Kuolz. lste Abtheilung, 12 Nummern. 1 v. -i°. Wien, Lechner, 1854. n>' A- ft <* I 296 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Organ des Central vereins fiir Naturheilkundu in Sach- sen. Herausgegeben von Herm. Canitz. Jahrgang 1873, 12 Nummern. 8°, Dresden und Berlin, Grie- ben. Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde , Unter Mitwirkung siimmtlicher Medico-Chirurgen- Vereine des preussischen Staats Herausge- . geben vom rheinischen Vereine unter Redac- tion von L. Himmelreich, H. Aagenstein, C. F. J. Weyland und C. F. W. Konig. Jster- J44e*^Ja&rgsngE~ T-H-. 87 Berlin, J. Sprin- • ger, 1660 -6fl. [Jahrgange 7-11 unter Hauptredaction von L. Him- melreich, C. F. W. Konig, und mitredigirt von P. G. F. Dentler, J. W. L. Griinder, C. Strieker.] Organ der Taubstumraen- und Blinden-Ans'alten iu Deutschland und in den deutschredenden Nachbar- liindern. Redakteur : Matthias, lster-13ter Jahr- gang, 1855-67. 13 v. Royal 8°. Friedberg, Binder- nagel (f Schimpff, 1855-67. Paradoxien. Eine Zeitschrift fiir die Kritik vvichtiger Meinungen und Lehrsiitze aus al- ien Fachern der theoretischen und practischen Medicin. Herausgegeben von Franz Hein- rich Martens. Heft 2, Band 1, 1801. 180 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. G. Weigel. Presse (Iuternationale homoopathische). Ober-Redak- teur: Dr. Clotar Miiller. 2 Biinde, Jahrgange 1872- 73, a 12 Hefte. 8°. Leipzig, Schwahe, 1872-73. 1'resse (Ungarische medizinisch-chirnrgische ). Her ausgegeben und redigirt von Heinr. Mangold, lster- 3ter Jahrgang, 1865-67, a 12 Nummern. 3 v. Royal 8°. ' Pcsth, 1865-67. Presse (Wiener medicinische). Wochenschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Redigirt von Ph. Markbreiter und Joh. Schnitzler. Mit: all- gemeine militariirzfliche Zeitung. 9ter-l 4ter Jahrgang, 1868-73. 6 v. 4G Wien, IV. Braumiiller. ICurrent. See Medicinal-Halle (Wiener) for all prior to 1864.] Quarterly German Magazine, a series of popular essays on science, history and art. Nos. 1-4, 1872. 381pp. 87 Berlin, C.G. Liideritz'schc Veilagsbuchhandhmg C. Habcl. HEALBIBLIOTHEK der Heilkunst oder Darstellung der Fortschritte der praktischen Arznei- uud Wundarz- neikunst im 19ten Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von Leune und K. F. Burdach. lster Jahrgang, I Band, 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, Jacobaer, 1803. Reform (Die medicinische). Eine Wochen- schrift. Herausgegeben von Rud. Virchow und R. Leubuscher. . REEOIUJBLATT (Medicinisches) fttr Sachsen. Herausge- geben von G. B. Gttnther, Millies, Clotar Miiller, Hugo Sonnenkalb und [Adph.] Winter. 3 Jahr- gange, 1848-50. 3 v. 4°. Leipzig, O. Klemm, 1848-50. Repertorium C hirurgischerund medicinischerAb- , handlungen fttr praktische Aerzte und Wundarzte, \AZhA> 4 Biinde. [lster-3ter Band,von Ch. Fr. Michaelis ; 4ter Band, Neues, etc., fortgesetzt von J. C. F. Leune.] 4v. 8°. Leipzig, 1797-1802. RErERTORiUM (Allgemeines) der gesammten deutschen # medicinisch-chirurgischen Journalistik, mit Beriick- sichtigung des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der auslandischen medicinisch - chirurgischen Journal-Literatur. In Verbindung mit mehreren Aerzten herausgegeben von Carl Ferd. Kleinert. Jahrgange 1-20, und 7 Supplementar-Hefte, und 2 Register, 1827-46. Royal 83. Leipzig, Kollmann, 1827-46. [llter-18ter Jahrgang also: Neue Folge, lster-8ter Jahrgang, 1837-44. Jahrgang 3, etc., continued by H. W. Neumeister. 19ter-20nter Jahrgang ap- peared under title, NEUES, etc., herausgegeben von A. W. Neumeister, lster-2ter Jahrgang, 1845- 46. General-Register for Jahrgang 1-18, 1827-44. General-Register for Neue Folge, by Carl Christ. Anton.] Repertorium (Allgemeines) der medicinisch-chirurgi- schen Journalistik des Auslandes. In vollstandig kurzgefassten Ausdrttcken herausgegeben von Friedr. Jac. Behrend. 2ter Jahrgang, 1831 (July-Dec); 3ter- 4ter Jahrgang, 1832-33, a 12 Hefte. Royal 8°. Leip- zig, Kollmann. [See Journalistik des Auslandes for the previous volumes.] -----The same. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Ge- lehrten des Auslandes herausgegeben von Fr. Jac. Behrend. 5ter-6ter Jahrgang, 1834-35, a 12 Hefte. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Repertorium fiir die Amtspraxis des Personals der Iletl- und Thierarznei-Kunde, Chirurgie, Geburts- hulfe und Pharmacie im Konigreich Wttrtemberg. 1 Bandchen (2te ed.) und Fortsetzung. 1 v. 83. Tubingen, Fues, 1830-31. Repertorium fiir die gesammte Medicin. In Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten herausgegeben von Heinr. Haeser. 7 v. 8 . Jena, F. Mauke, 1841-43. Repertorium (Kritisches) der auf in- und ausliindi- schen hohern Lehranstalten vom Jahre 1781 bis 1800 herausgekommenen Probe- und Einladungsschrlften aus dem Gebiete der Arzneigelahrtheit und Natur- kunde. Herausgegeben von S. H. L. Doring. 1 v. 4D. Marburg, Krieger, 1803. ,. Repertorium (Kritisches) fiir die gesammte J^p A Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Dr. Johann "•■ -> ^d^ ■> Xcp.Rust. v. 1-32, 1823-33. 8G Berlin, G. Reimer. \ v. 6, Johann Ludw. Casper added as editdr ; v. 23, Rust dropped. J Repertorium (Kritisches) der honioapathischen Jour- ualistik. Herausgegeben vou einer Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte unter nachster Mitwirkung von L. Griesselich. 4 Hefte. Royal 8°. Leipzig, Roll- maun, 1835-36. REPERTORIUM (Neues) fiir Pharmacie. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. L. A. Buchner. 2lster Band, 12 Hefte. 8~>. Miinchen, Kaiser [n. d.) A 297 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Repertorium fiir die offentliche und gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von J. Th. Pyl, 3 Bande. Royal8°. Berlin, F. Vieweg, 1789-93. Repertorium fiir die offentliche und gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Fr. Ludw. Augustin. 3 Hefte. Royal 8°. Berlin, Schone, 1810-14. Repertorium (Systematisches) der gesammten medi- cinischen Literatur Deutschlands. In Verbindung mit C. Hess, F. Hess, C. C. Hiiter, G. Landgrebe, F. Robert und Fr. Rothamel herausgegeben von D. W. H. Busch. 4 Bande nebst Register-Band. 5 v. 8°. Marburg, Chr. Garlhe, 1828-29. Repertorium (Wochentliches) der neuesten medici- nisch-chirurgischen Literatur des Auslandes. Heraus- gegeben von Friedr. Jac. Behrend. lstcr-^Sr Jahr- gang, 1836-37. [Also: 7ter-8ter Jahrgang of "Allge- ' meines Repcrtoriumiunter Mitwirkung,"' etc.] 2 v. ,_ ; 8°. Berlin, A. HirsUiwald, 1836-37. Rundschau (Medicinisch-chirurgische). Mo- natsschrift fiir die gesammte praktische Heil- kunde des In- uud Auslandes. Herausgege- ben von Th. Markbreiter und Jo. .Schnitzler. 3ter-9ter Jahrgang, 1862-68. 7 v. Royal 8 -. Wien, W. Braumiiller. „ -~fcWant No. 1, v. 3 ; No. 12, v. 8 J Sachs' medicinischer Almanack fiir das Jahr 1871. Oder: Repertorisches Jahrbuch fiir die Leistungen der gesammten Heilkunde. 38ter Jahrgang. xiii, 546 pp. 12°. Berlin, Expedition der medicinischen Central-Zeitung, .—MJ71. Sarritats-Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir die im Reichsrathe vertretenen Lander and spe- ciell fiir Nieder-Oesterreich. Herausgegeben von L. R. von Karajan und Leopold Wittels- hofer. Neue Folge, lster Rand, Jahrgang 1870-71. 8°. Wien, 1872. Schmidt's Jahrbucher. See Jahrbucher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Medicin. Summarium des Neuesteu aus der gesammten Medicin. Eine systematisch geordnete Ue- bersicht aller literarischen Erscheiuungen in der arztlichen Wissenschaft und Kuust [etc.] . . . Herausgegeben von D. Busch, Unger und Klose. lster-4ter Jahrgang, 1828-31. 12 v. 8°. [Continued as] Sum- marium. . [etc.] . . der in- und auslandischen Medicin. Herausgegeben von Hacnel [etc.] Jahrgange 1832-34. 9 v. 8°. [Continued as] Summarium des Neuesten und Wisscn- wiirdigsten aus der gesammten Medicin. Herausgegeben von einem Verein praktischer Aerzte und Wundarzte [E. II. Kneschke] Jahrgange 1835-**, 2?' Leipzig, Voss, Steinac. Syphilidologie oder die neuesten Erfahrun gen, Beobachtungen und Fortschritte drs In TS* iziie \_i^. ii. iviieocuivej. •i?v. 87 In all 4* v.| cl&, 1828-12. \* I j:_ ______4„„ 'C_i'„i....._\ Syphilidologie, etc.—continued. landes and Auslandes iiber die Erkeuntuiss und Behandlung der venerischen Krankhei- ten. Eine Sammlung des Wissenwerthe- sten und Interessantesten aus den neuesten Werken, Zeitschriften, Dissertationen, Preis- schriften u. s. w. Herausgegeben von Dr. Friedrich J. Behrend. Biinde 1-7 a 4 Hefte, 1838-45. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann. [All published. See AUTHORS : WALLACE (William) for Erganzungsheft 1842, Darstellung des Verlaufs, etc.] Tagebuch iiber das Verhalten der bosartigen Cholera in Berlin'. Herausgegeben von Dr. Albert Sachs. Sept.-Dec. 1831, 94 Nummern. 4°. Berlin,Fincke, 1831. TASCHENKALENDER(Pharmaceutischer) fiir 1872. Her- ausgegeben von Frz. Klinger. 9ter Jahrgang, 1872. 16°. Wien, Fromme. Triumph der Heilkunst, oder durch Thatsachen erlau- terte praktische Anweisung zur Hiilfe in den verzwei- flungsvollsten Krankheitsfallen. Ein Repertorium fiir Aerzte und Wundarzte. Herausgegeben von Chr. Aug. Struve. [1 v. annuiWy.] 5 v. 8D. Bres- lau, J. F. Korn, 1800-4. Vereinsblatt (Aerztliches) fiir Deutschland. Central- organ fiir die aus wirklich approbirten Aerzten beste henden Aerzte-Vereine des deutschen Reiches. Re- dacteur: Herm. Eberh. Richter. lster Jahrgang, 1872, No. 1. Royal 8°. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1872. Vierteljahrsschrift (Deutsche) fiir offentliche Ge- sundheitspflege. Herausgegeben von Dr. Esse, Giit- tisheim, Hobrecht etc. Redigirt von Dr. Geo. v. Va- rentrapp. 4 Bande, Jahrgang 1872, 4 Hefte. Braun- schweig, Vieweg if Sohn, 1872. Vierteljahrsschrift (Deutsche) fiir Zahnheil- kunde. Organ des Central-Vereines deut- scher Zahnarzte. Unter Mitwirkung Ad. zur Nedden's Kedigirt von Moriz Heider. Jahrgange 1-8, 1861-68. 8 v. Royal 8°. Wien, Gcrold's Sohn, 1861-67 ; [and Jahr- gang 8,] Niirnberg, Stein, 1868. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und offentliches Sanitiitswesen. See Vier- teljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche uud offent- liche Medicin, new series, v. 16, etc., 1872, etc. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche und of- fentliche Medicin. Unter Mitwirkung der koniglich wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinahvesen im Ministerium der geistlichen, Untorrichts- und Medicinal-An- gelegeuheiten herausgegeben von Joh. Ludw. Casper. Biinde 1-25, 1852-April 1861. Neue Folge, Bande 1-19, Jtili 18 ">4-73. 87 Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Current. 2 v. annually. Editorial changes : Cas- per died Feb. 24, 1864 ; new series edited by Wil- helni Horn, till his death, Jan. 19, 1871 ; then, No. ' 2, v. 14, Hermann Eulenberg editor. After 1871, title, Vibrteljahrsschrift fur oerichtj.Ichk Medicin rvn ofkentliches sasitatswfsen. | *c/ 298 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA, G Vierteljahrsschrift). thoinoopathischci^ Cen- tral-Organ fiir die gesammte Honuiop'athie, mit besonderer Riicksicht aller medicinischen llilfswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Clotar Miiller und Veit Mover. HtcislSier T-'-g—g! ier-r- fil a 1 Hefte. 7 v. 8°. Leipzig, O. IViegand. Vierteljahrsschrift ( Ocstcrrcichische) fiir wissenschaftliche Veteriuiirkunde. See Vier- teljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Vcte- riniirkunde, 1864, etc. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir die praktische Heil- kunde. Herausgagebeh von der medicini- nischen Fakultat in Prag. Jahrgange 1-30, 1844-73. 64 v. 8 7 Prag. Borrosch Sf Andre. [Current.] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir I'.-yehiatrie in ihren Be/.ie- hungen zur Morphologie und Pathologie des Central- Nervensystems der pbysiologischen P^ychologie, Sta- tistik und gerichtlichen Medicin. Herausgegeben von Max Leidesdorf und Thdr. Meynert. (lster) Jahrgang, 1867, 4 Hefte. Royal 8?. Neuwied, Hen- ser, 1867. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Vc- terinarkundc. Herausgegeben von den Mit- . gliedern des Wiener kaiserlich-koniglichen Thicrarznei-Institutes. Redacteure : Frof. Dr. Miiller, Prof. Dr. Roll. [2 v. annually. ] Biinde 17-38,1862-72. 16 v. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller. [ Want No. 2 v. 18 ; v. 19-20 entire. In 1864, title is: Oestekrf.ichische Vierteljahrsschrift etc.] VOLKSARZT (Der allgemeine). Eine Monatsschrift auf das Jahr 1820. Herausgegeben von Carl Friedr. Lutheritz. 2 Abtheilungen. 8°. Leipzig, Magazin fiir Industrie, 1820-21. VOLKSARZT (Der aufrichtigc). Von D. Collcnbusch. 2 Theile. 8°. Eisenberg, 1796-97. VOLKSARZT (Der neue), zur medicinischen Aufkliirung. Ein Warnungsblatt fiir alle, die gesuud seyn und alt werden vvollen. Herausgegeben von C. Lutheritz. Auch : Die Kunst, gesund zu bleiben und alt zu wer- den, oder der neue Volks- und Haus-Arzt fiir alle Stiiude. Jahrgang 1, 4 Hefte. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1808. VOLKSARZT (Der populaire). Zeitschrift fiir Heil-, Na- tur- und Menschenkuude. (Herausgegeben von A. F- Dittmann.) lster Band, lster Jahrgang Juli 1857- 7,8, 12 Hefte. 1 v. 8°. Schleswig, 1858. VOLKSARZT (Der), oderwochentlichebelehrendeUnter- haltungen iiber gemeinniitzige Gegenstiinde der Arz- neiwissenschaft undNaturlehre. (Herausgegeben von J. H. Sternberg.) 2 Hefte. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. Hin- richs, 1802. Volksbote (Der iirztliche). Ein Archiv zur Fiirde- ning der Gesundheitspflege durch Verbreitung volksthiimlich-medizin- und -naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntuisse, mit Einschlussder Thierpflege und Thier- heilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von Aerzten und ge- deten Nichtiirzten herausgegeben von Th. Riedel. Band oder Jahrgang 1855. 1 v. 4°. Berlin, Sac- Nachfolger, 1855. VOLKSFltEUND (Der iirztliche); oder der Arzt in. liir. Eine Zeitschrift fiir die Gesundheitspflege. In Ver- bindung init mehreren Aerzten und Freuuden der Hygiocomie herausgegeben von Friedr. Wilh. G Kranichfeld. lster-6ter Jahrgang, 1840-46. 8". Berlin, Wohlgemuth. _. -• — ■ - - _ . — WOCHENBLATT^^djI: Zeitschrift der kaiserlich-konig. lichen Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Redakteur : Hebra. lster-2ter Jahrgang. 2 v. Royal 8°. Wien, « Gerold's Sohn, 1855-56. WOCHENBT.ATT des aufrichtigen Volksarztes. Heraus- gegeben von Daniel Collenbusch. 3 Jahrgiinge. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, Grieshammcr, 1796-98. WOCHENBLATT (Medicinisches) fiir Aerzte, Wundiiizte und Apotheker. Herausgegeben von J. J. Reichard (und seit Jahrgang 4 von J. Val. Miiller). 13 Jahr- giinge, 1780-93. 13 v. 8°. [Jahrgiinge 1-9, Frankfurt a. M., Brenner. 1780-88- Jahrgang 10 (also, Neues mkdktnisclies WOCHen' BLATT FUR etc. UND FREUNDE PER NATURWIS" senschaft), Giessen, Krieger der Jiingere, 1789. Jahrgange 11-13 (also, Medicinisches Wochkn- BLATT, ODER FORTGESF.TZTE MEDICINISCHE AN- Nalen fur etc.), herausgegeben von ,1. V. Miiller und G. T. Hoffiuann, Frankfurt a. M., Jiiger, 1790- 93.1 WOCHENBLATT (Medicinisclies) fiir Nichtiirzte. Her- ausgegeben von W. F. Klose uud M. II. Mendel. 3 Hefte. 8°. Breslau, 1804-5. Wochpnblatt fiir medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologic. Organ des deutschen Ver- eins fiir medizinische Statistik. Redigirt von ■\Y. Zuelcr. Nummern 2D-52, 2tcr Jahrgang, Juli 31*1869-Januar 8 1870; 3tcr Jahr- gang, Januar 15-Juli 17 1870. 1 v. 8 . Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin. Wochenschrift (Berliner klinischo). Organ fiir practische Aerzte. Redigirt von L. Pos- ner. Jahrgange 1-10,1864-73. 10 v. Fo- lio. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Current. In 1868 L. Waldenburg became editor. | Wochenschrift fur die gesammte Heilkunde. ] Unter Mitredaction von M. H. Romberg, A, W. von Stosch, E.Thaer. Herausgegeben vom Dr. J. L. Casper. Jahrgiinge 1835-4." 11 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. /&%£ . Wochenschrift (Prager medicinische). Organ des" Vereins praktischer Aerzte. Redakteur : Jos. Kau- lich. lster Jahrgang (einziger), 1864. 1 v. 4^. Prag, Credner, 1864. Wochenschrift (Wiener medicinische). Re- digirt von Dr. L. Wittelsbofer. Jahrgange 1-19, 22,23, April 5,1851-69,1872-73. 21 v. Folio. Wien, L. IV. Seidel. [Current, v. 1 contains 39 Nos. ; v. 2 commenced Jan. 3, 1852. | Wundarzt (Der). Erne Wissenseliaft zur Beforderung der Kenntuiss des menschlichen Korpers, seiner aus- serlichen Fehler und Krankheiten und ihrer Heilart. Zum Unterricht angehender Wundiirzte und zur I'n- terhaltung fiir Nichtwundiirzte. 2 v. 8°. (v. 2 al- so: Der Wundarzt. Ein Beitrag etc.) Gem, Berk- maun, 1788-89 (1) ; Leipzig, Schwickert, 1793 (2). X ^ % K (<, A Aca i €., u L ^ K/' c-<> A 29(J GERMANY A>'D AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Wundarzt (Der). Eine Wochenscbrift von Chr. Gtfrd. Rothe. Jahrgang 1788 in 2 Biinden. (1 Band, 2teed.,1789.) 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, Schwickcrt,\788-7-5S. 2 v. Royal 8°. Berlin, Nieolai. Zeitschrift fiir die Beurtheilung und Heilung der krankhaften Seelenszustaude. In Ver- bindung mit den Irrenanstalt-Directoren C. F. Flemming, P. YVT Jessen und E. A. Zeller herausgegeben von Max Jacobi und Fr. Nas- f-c. lster Band. 8 \ Berlin, G. Reimer, 1838. Zeitschrift fiir Biologic. Von Proff. L. Buhl, M. v. Pettenkofer, L. Radlkofer, C. Voit. 9 v. Royal 8". Munchen, II. Oldenbourg, 1865-73. I Current. |. Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgen, von Chirurgen. Redigirt von Friedrich lGnst Baumgarten. ^ X t Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgen, etc.—continued. . v. 1-3,1841-46. 87 und Goslar, A. Sorge. [Completed.] Zeitschrift (Deutsche) fiir Chirurgie. Her- ausgegeben von Proff. Bardeleben, Baum, Dr. Beck, etc. Redigirt von Proff. C. Hueter und A. Liicke. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. IV. Vogel, IH7-2. r^^J- " ZEITSCHRIFT (Deutsche; fiir die gesammte Thierheil- kunde. In Verbindung mit den vorzliglichsten Thier- iirztcn Deutschlands herausgegeben von J. D. Busch. 3 v. 8~J. Marburg, Krieger, 1829-32. Zeitschrift (Deutsche milittirarztliehe). Re- dakteur : Dr. R. Leutliold. lster Jahrgang. 8 . Berlin, Miiller S- Sohn, 1872. [Current.] Zeitschrift (Deutsche) fiir die Staatsarzuei- kunde, mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung derStrafiechtspflege in Deutschland und Oes- tcrreich. Herausgegeben von P. J. Schnei- der, J. A. Schiirmayer und J. J. Knolz, unter Redaction von Sigmund P. J. Schneider. Neue Folge, lster-26ter Band, 1853-67 16 v. 8 . Erlangen, F. Enke. [ Quarterly. 2 v. annually. In 1863 became half- yearly. A continuation of VERF.INTE DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE STAATSARZUEIKUNDE.] eitschrift von dem entomologischen Vereine in Berlin. Sec Tf{ \xs\(tioxs : Germany. Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir Erfahrungsheilkunst. Her- ausgegeben von A. Bernhardi und F. Loftier. lster-5ter Band, 1847-52. [Continued as " Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Thera- pie."] Band 1,1853. 6 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Editorial change: v. 4, Loftier dropped.] Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshulfe und praktische Medicin. Eiue Sammlung eigener und fremder Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. Von Wilh. Herrn. Niemeyer. lster Band, 1 Stiick. 1 v. Royal 8°. Halle, Buchhand. lung des Waisenhauscs, 1828. Zeitschrift (Gemeinsame deutsche) fiir Geburts- kunda. Von einem Vereine von Geburtshelfern her- ausgegeben durch D. W. H. Busch, L. Mende, F. A. Ritgen. 25 Hefte in 7 Banden. 8°. Weimar, Indus- trie- Comptoir, 1826-32. [Continued as the following.] ^ ----- Neue mar'-'......T" -'■■■■" ■"'■■•i Zeitschrift fiir Ge- ; burtskunde. Herausgegeben von D. W. H. Busch, V J. d'Outrepont und F. A. Ritgen. lster-23ter Band. 23 v. 8". Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1833-47. [Editorial changes : v. 7, E. C. J. von Siebold added ; v. 18, J. d'Outrepont dropped. J Zeitschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin, offentliche Ge- sundheitspflege und Medicinalgesetzgebung. Wo- chenschrift fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte, Apotheker und Beumte. Redaeleur: L. Glieb. Kraus. 4 Jahrgiiuge, 1865-68. 4 v. 4°. Wien, Braumiiller, 1865--68. "^ '**—*.« /tg£ yi 300 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Heilkunde und die Me dicinal-Angelegenheiten Kurhessens ; Vereinsblatt kurhessischer Aerzte uud Wundarzte. Herausgege- ben von Schoenemann, Schreiber, Siebrecht. lster- 2ter Band a 2 Hefte. 2 v. 8°. Cassel, Fischer 1842-47. [Editorial changes: lster Band, lstes-2tes Heft, herausgegeben von Rothamel, Schoenemann und Schreiber ; 2ter Band, 2tes Heft, Schreiber alone.] Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Medicin. Mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Hospitalpraxis und auslandische Literatur. Herausgegeben von J. F. Dieffenbach in Berlin, J. C. G. Fricke und F. W. Oppenheim in Hamburg. Biinde 1-34,36, 1836-47; 43-45, Jan.-Dec. 1850. [And index to v. 1-12,1842.] 39 v. 8°. Hamburg, Perthes, Besser und Mauke. [Monthly. 3 v. annually, v. 19, etc., Oppenheim sole editor. A continuation of Hamburgisches Ma- gazin DER AUSLANDISCHEN LITERATUR DEK GESAMMTEN HEILKUNDE, etc., 1821-35.] Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Medizinal- und Sanitats- Pflege d«s In- und Auslandes. Herausgegeben von Ad. Schnitzer. 1 Jahrgang, 1833. 8°. Berlin. [9 Hefte published.] Zkitschrift fiir homoopathische Klinik. Herausgege- ben von B. Hirschel. 5 Biinde. 4°, Dessau, Ka'tz, 1851-56. [Continued as the following.] -----Neue Zeitschrift fiir homoopathische Kliuik. lster Band, April-Dec. 1856, 18 Nummern ; 2ter-8terBand [oder Jahrgang], 1857-63. 4°. Dresden, Meinhold (rSiJhne. 9ter-22ter Band, oder Jahrgang, 1864-73. Leipzig, Pr. Fleischer. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, medicinische Sta- tistik und Sanifiitspolizei. Herausgegeben von Fr. Oesterlen. lster Band. 693 pp. 8°. Tubingen, Laupp, 1860. Zeitschrift (Jenaische) fiir Medicin und Na- turwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von der medicinish - natunvissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Jena. Biinde 1-7, 1861-73. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann. [Current. Each volume in 4 parts. Wu'll .1' lrt~a, Zeitschrift der kaiserlich-koniglichen . Ge- sellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Redacteur: Franz Zehetmayer. 20 v. 8°. Wien, Kaul- ' fuss Witwe, Prandel t>- Co., 1844-60. [Commenced in 1844.>4S4* not published. 1858-00 published weekly, 4°. Editorial changes: 1845, Dr. Karl Haller, Redacteur ; 1847, Dr. Ferdinand Hebra, Redacteur; 1858, unter der Redaction des Gesellschafts-Priisidiums. Rokitansky und Andere. Continued as Medicinische Jahrbucher, etc.] Zeitschrift (Klinische) fiir Chirurgie und Augenheil- kunde. Herausgegeben von Ernst Blasius. lster Band, 4 Hefte. 8?. Halle, Anton, 1836. Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin. Mit dem Yerein fiir physiologische Heilkunde in Breslau. Herausgegeben von Fair. Guns- burg. Ist-er-Dtcr Baud, 1850-57 Breslau, Trewendt. Zeitschrift des ktiniglich preussischen sta- tistischen Bureaus. Redigirt von dessen Director Dr. Ernst Engel. Jahrgang 12, 1872 (Hefte 1-4, Jan.-Dec.) 1 v. 4°. Ber- lin, konigliches statistisches Bureau, 1872. Zeitschrift des koniglich-stichsischen statisti- schen Bureaus. See Transactions : Ger- many. Dresden. Zeitschrift fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Ge- o burtshiilfe. See Zeitschrift des deutschen . Chirurgfitten-Yereins, etc. vr>-jL. Zeitschrift (Medicinische-chirurgische) fiirLandarzte und Chirurgen. Herausgegeben von F. A. Ott. 4 Biinde. 8°.' Munchen, 1834-37. [2 Hefte in Band 4. Band 1 is called ZEITSCHRIFT DER PRAKTISCHEN MEDICIN, etc.] ZEIJSCHRIFT (Medicinische) Russlands. Redigirt un mann. 5ter-17ter Jahrgang, 1848-60. Imperial 4°. V Leipzig, R. Hartmann, 1848-60. Zeitschrift fiir naturgemasse Gesundheits-Pflegeund Kranken-Behandlung. Mit besonderer Rucksicht der Wasserkuren. Von C. A. W. Richter. lster-3ter Band. 3 v. 8°. Dessau, Neubiirger, 1859-64. Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgege- ben von Brosche, Carus, Choulant [und AnderenJ. 5 Biinde a 3 Hefte und 1 Band a 2 Hefte. 6 v. 8°. Dresden und Leipzig, Arnold, 1819-30. [v. 6 also with title : NEUE [etc.], Band 1.] Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Ungarn. Mit gleicher Beriicksichtigung fiir Naturforscher, Sanitiitsbeamte, Aerzte, Wundarzte und Pharma- ceuten. Redacteur: Dav. Wachtel. lster-12ter Jahr- gang, 1852-61. 12 v. Imperial 4°. Pcsth und Erlau, Heckenast, 1852-61. Zeitschrift (Neue) fiir Geburtskunde. Her- ausgegeben von Dietr.W. H. Busch, J. d'Ou- trepont und F. Aug. von Ritgen. Biinde / M}, 1834-52. 33 v. 8°. Berlin. [Continuation of Gemeixsame Deutsche Zeit- schrift fur Geburtskunde. Continued as Mo- NATSCHRIFT FUR GEBURTSKUNDE.] Zeitschrift des norddeutschen Chirurgen-Ver- eins fiir Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburts- hillfe. Unter Mitwirkung der Vereinsmftglie- der herausgegeben von A. W.Varges. lster- 8terBand, 1817-55. [Continued as] Zeit- schrift fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburts- hillfe [yon Varges]. 9ter-15ter Band, 1855- 61. Neue Folge von Dr. Fried. Kiichenmei- ster. Biinde 1-4,1862-65. 16 v. 87 Mao- deburg, Bainsch, 1847-65. [4ter-7ter Band also: Zeitschrift des Deut- sche n, etc.] ZEITSCHRIFT (0*terreichigche) fiir Homoopathie. Her- ausgegeben von W. Fleischmann, Clem. Hampe [etc. 1 Redacteur : Watzke. 3ter-4ter Band u 3 Hefte. 8°. Wien, Seidel Sf Sohn, 1847-49. Zeitschrift (Oesterreichische) fiir Kinderheilkunde Redigirt und herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von ,*'*A« \ " **£- aX 7^ -33, 301 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. V *v L-u 0* Zeitschrift (Osterreichische)— continued. Mauthner v. Mautstein von B. Kraus. 2 Jahrgange, Oct. 1855-Sept. 1855 und Oct. 1856-Sept. 1857. 2 v. 8°. Wien, Seidel Sf Sohn, 1855-57. u, /Zeitschrift (Oesterreichische) fiir Pharmacie. ' Unter Mitwirkung und mit Beitiiigen von y\f\ ^ F. Abl, J. Binder [und Andere]. Herausge- V_,m4f' geben und redigirt von M. S. Ehrmann. Ister-16ter Jahrgang, 1847-62. 87 Wien, / TendlerS.- Co. \ [Wantv. 1-8, 14-15. Semi-monthly.] Zeitschrift (Oesterreichische) fiir praktische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben vom Doctoren- Collegium der medicinischen Facultat in Wien. Ister-llter, 17terJahrgang, 1855-65, 1871. 12 v. 4°. Wien, Selbstverlag. [Weekly. Nos. 1, 2, 5, v. 9,1863, wanting. Editorial changes : Jahrgang 6 by C. von Patruban and A. Drasche ; Jahrgang 11 by D. Winternitz and II. Beckl. Zeitschrift der osterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie. Redigirt von Dr. C. Je- linek und J. Hann. Bande 1-2, 6, 1866-67, 1871. 8°. Wien, Gerald's Sohn. ZEITSCHRIFT (Ocsterreich s) der Wundarzte. i Folio. Wien, 1866-70. ' G^^y* ^ A ZEITSCHRIFT fiirdie Ophthalmologic. In Verbindung mit vielen Aerzten herausgegeben von F. A. v. Am- nion. Biinde 1-5. 8D. Dresden, 1831-33 ; Heidelberg, 1834-361 ^. Zeitschrift fiir organimlie Physik. Herausgegeben 1 v. 8°. Halle, Y<**^ von Schelver. Band 1, 2 Hefte Renger, 1802-3. Zeitschrift fiir die organische Physik. Herausgege- ben von Carl Friedr. Heusinger. 3 v. 8r. Eise- nach, J. F. Barecke, 1827-28. Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde. Herausge- geben von E. Hallier und F. A. Ziirn. 4 v. 8°. Jena, Mauke {Hermann Dufft), 1869-73. [Current.] Zeitschrift fiir Phrenologie. Cuter Mitwirkung vieler Gelehrten herausgegeben von G. v. Struve ,:r,d E. Hirschfeld. 3 v. Royal 8°. Heidelberg, tlroos, 1843-45. Zeitschrift der physicalisch - medicinischen Gesell- schaft in Wurzburg. Herausgegeben von der Re- daktions-Commission der Gesellschaft. Neue Folge. _3ter Band, 4 Hefte. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1872. Zeitschrift fiir Physiologie. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgegeben von F. Tiedemann, G. R. Treviranus und L. Ch. Treviranus. Baude 1 - 5, 18-21 - 35. 4°J^*g Heidelberg, A. Osswald. | Completed.] Zeitschrift (Populare) fur llomoopathie. Herausge- geben von Dr. Willmar Schwabe. 4ter Jahrgang, 1873. 4°. Leipzig, Schwabe, 1873. eitschrift fiir praktische ITeilkundo und Medicinalvvesen, mit besonderem Bezug auf Hannover und die angrenzenden Lander. Herausgegeben von- Beruh. Schuchardt. Zeitschrift, etc.—continued. Jahrgiinge 1864-67 k 6 Hefte. 4 v. Royal 87 Hannover, Riimpler, 1864-67. [Bi-monthly, v. 3 and 4 with title, Zeitschrift fu« r-RAKTiscnE Heilkunde und Medicinalwe- SES..] Zeitschrift fiir psychische Aerzte. In Verbin- dung mit Haindorf, Hayuer etc., herausge- geben von Friedr. Nasse. Jahrgiinge 1-5, 1818-22. 5 v. 8°. Leipzig, Cnobloch. [Continued to 1826, also, with title, ZEITSCHRIFT fur die Anthropologie.] Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin. Heidelberg, 1844, etc. [Commenced in 1812 at Zurich. Sze Switzerland. 1 Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzueikunde. Her- ausgegeben vou Adf. Henke. Biinde 1-87. ' 1821-61. Also: 47 Ergiinzungshefte, 1823- 58 (with 4 indexes to matter prior to 1859). In all, 118 v. 87 Erlangen, Palm Sf Enke, 1821-64. Zeitschrift fiir Therapie und'Pharmakodynamik. Herausgegeben von Lad. A. Szerlecki. Oct.-Dec. 1844 3 Hefte und 1815 4tes-5tes Heft. 2 v. 8°. Freiburg, Emmerling, 1844-45. Zeitschrift deB Vereins der homoopathischen Aerzte Oesterreichs. Redigirt von J. O. Miiller. lster Jahr- gang, 1857, 12 Hefte. 8°. Wien, Gerold's Sohn, 1857. -----The same. Redigirt von M.Eidherr. lster-2ter Jahrgang, 1862-63,.a 3 Hefte. 8D. Wien, Braumiil- ler, 1862-63. Zeitschrift (Vereinte deutsche) fiir die Staats- arzueikunde. See Magazin fiir die Staats- arzneikunde, new series, 1847, etc. i^IT3CHiilfT-.(Ato*iiata 'i^t^W fiir Staats^pu«lkun* \de. UntirMitwirk\ingderMii|liederder^taiatsaiztli- i\* "ine im Grpssherzogthiim Baden un&Kouig- \\/ y' [sen, herausgi^gi-bon von Schneider, Schiir- jv; ,-' vCv a 2 ^hen Verkine Aeich Sfacaser Aayer, HA'-t, Sitli 53. NeueFo/ge, 3ter-l2t'erBank. JO v bItig i. Br\ Wagner, ^8/8-52. \J Jahrgang41848- PfiA \^A [Sfrf nFIITS"1""1, r/CTTJ^uPTi.-T f.-^pmitirilln.tinn J_ Zeitschrift (Wiener medicinische). See Zeit- schrift der kaiserlich-koniglichen Gesell- schaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Zeitschrift fiir Wundiirzte und Geburtshelfer. Im Auftrage des Vereins wiirtembergischer Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer herausgegeben von F. Hahn, C. Heller, C. Hubbauer und B. Rocker. Biinde 8-18, 1855-65. fcs^stf 8 . Stuttgart, Ebncr Sf Seubert. Zeitschrift (Wiirzburger medicinische) 1 ler- ausgegeben von der pbysikalisck-mediciui- sehen Gesellschaft. Redigirt von H. Bam- berger, A. Fcirster, V. Scanzoni. lster-7ter Band, Jahrgange ISoO—Gi>. 7 v. Royal fV Wurzburg, Stahel, 1860-66. [ IMitorial changes : v. 6 «a**, A. Kurslcr dropped, Continuation of Verhan'diunoen der physic a- LISCH-ME1>ICIN1S( HEN GESELLSCHAFT ZU Wi'l.'Z- l!URO.] d. 41 <2 ».. V.- ^G<<* \ ■7/rt.fc -(. > i A^ 302 \ > y vr 0 VJ GKRMANY AND AUSTRIA. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. k AaA Zeitung (Allgemeine balneologische). Mo-I Zeitung der homoopathischen Heilkunst, fiir Aerzte natsschrift fiir Balneologie, Hydrologie und I undNichtiirzte. Herausgegeben von G. A. B. Schwei Klimatologie. Redacteur: E. IT. Kisch. il-U VG OT7 * J-~t+ Chi e-' A^ Biinde 1-3, April 18(i7-M;irz 1870. 3 v. 8'-. *Xeuwicd und Leipzig, J. II. Heuser. 1 [Monthly. v. 3 published in Prague by II. Domi- nions.] Zfitung (Allgemeine) des Brunnen- und Badewesens. Redakteur : M. Kalisch. 1839, Juli-Juni 1840. Jiihr- lich 12 Bogen. 2te Saison (Juli-September), 181(1. 3 Nummern. 4°. Berlin, Klemann, 1840. Zeitung (Allgemeine) fiir Chirurgie, innere Heilkunde und ihro Hiilfswissenschaften. Redaktoren : F. A. < )tt und R. II. Rohatzsch. 3 Jahrgiinge. (Jahrgang 1, 26 Nummern, und Jahrgiinge 2-3 a 52 Nummern.) Imperial 4°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1841 (lster) ; Miin- ehcii.Leuiner, 1S42 (2ter); Augsburg, v. Jcnisch S, Stage (3ter). Zeitung (Allgemeine homoopathische). Herausgege- ben von G. YV. Gross, F. Hartmann und F. Rummel. 33 v. 4°. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1832-47. Zeitung (Allgemeine medicinische) mit Be- riicksichtigung des Neuesten und Interessan- testen der allgemeinen Naturkunde. Her- ausgeber : J. F. Pierer. Nos. 1-1, Jan. 1-12, 1831. 32 pp. 47 Atlniberg, Lilteratur- Comptoir. Zeitung (Allgemeine) liir MilUair-Arzte. Zur Forderung und Ausbildung des militair-iirzt- licheu Standes, zur Besprechung seiner Inte- ressen und zur gegenseitigen Mittheilung iius der dienstlichen Praxis. Redigirt von Ph. Fr. Herm. Kleucke. Jahrgange 1-6. 6 v. 4°. Braunschweig, J. H. Meyer, 1843-48. [Completed. Weekly.] Zeitung (Allgemeine wiener medicinische). Redigirt und herausgegeben von Dr. 13. Kraus und Wilh. Pichler. (Weekly.) 17 Jahrgiinge, 1856-72. Folio. Wien. [Want v. 1, 6, part 2cf v. 11, 12. v. 16 (1871) by Kraus ouly.] Zeitung (Balneologische). Correspondenz- blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Hydro- logie. Redacteur: L. Speugler. lster-15ter Band, 1855-65. 15 v. 8°. Wetzlar, G. Uath i: [v. 12 is v. 1, new series, title, Archiv fir Balne ologie, bei Drs. Eosehner uud Speugler; wied, J. H. Heuser ] Zeitung (Berliner medicinische). Herausgegeben von Dr. J. J. Sachs. 1 Jahrgang, 1832. 1 v. 4J. Berlin, . g j i A. Hirschwald, 1832. fc/JU}' [See Central-Zeitung for continuation.] Zeitung (Botanische). Herausgegeben von Hugo von Mohl und D. F. L. von Schlech- tendal. 21 v. IT Illustrated. Berlin, A. Flirstner, 1851-73. ^Current. Waut -v. for l&iaauul J.8GU4 e /c ZEITUNG liir das gesammte Medicinahvesi-n. Heraus- gegeben von Friedr. Aug. Klose. 3 Jahrgange. 3 v. 83. Leipzig, Volkmar, 1820-31. kert. [Also with the title : Zeitung der naturgesetz- lichen Heilkunst liir Freunde und Feinde der Homoo- pathik.J lstor-1 Iter Band, Jahrgiinge 1830-35. 11 v. 8 . Dresden uud Leipzig, Arnold, 1830-35. Zeitung (Illustrirte medicinische). Herausge- geben von Gustav Rubner. Biinde 1-3, Jan. 1852-53. Royal 8°. Miinchcn, E. Roller. Zeitung (Medicinische). Herausgegeben von dem Verein fiir Heilkunde in Preussen. (Weekly.) lster-26ster Jahrgang, Sept. 1832-Dcc. 1857. 25 v. FoHo. Berlin, T_ Enslin, 183.2-57. [Continued as the following] ----- The same. Redakteur: E. Miiller. (Weekly.) Neue Folge, lster - 3ter Jahr- gang, 18fG-60. 2 v. Folio. Berlin, T. Enslin, 1858-60. [Sec Ml'.DIClXAL-Zl etc., 1801, etc.] ITUNG (I'REUSSISCHE) for v.l, ,V- A 47. ZEITUNG (Medicinische) des Auslandes. Redigirt von Dr. Kalisch. 2 Jahrgiinge, 1833-34. 2 v. Folio. Berlin, Mittler, 1833-34., Zsitung (Mcdicinisch-chirurgische). Heraus- gegeben von J. J. Hartenkeil und F. X. Mez- ler. 151 v., 1790-91, 1803-32. ^ H •. Salz- burg, F. A7 Oberei: [Issued every 4 davs. 4 v. anuuallv. v. 3, for year 1790; v. 3, for 1701; v. for 1*03-32 ; also Er'giin- ziuigsbande v. 6-12, 14-35. 1801-Maroh 29, 1832. v. 1. 1803. Hartenkeil sole editor; v. 3, 1808, by J. N. Ehrhart; v. 1, 1821, etc., published at Iunspruck ] Zeitung ( Militiiriirztliche ). See Zeitung (Preussischc militiiriirztliche). Zeitung (Neue) fiir Medicin und Medicinal- Reform. Redakteure : Wessely und Bloedau. 2 Jahrgiinge, Jan. 1849-April 29,1850. 1 v. Folio. Nordhausen, Biichting. [Semi-weekly. Wessely died March, 1850.] Zeitung (Pharmaceutische). Central-Organ fiir Apo- theker, Aerzte, DroguUten etc. Organ des nord- deutschen Apotheker-Vereins und der Apotheker- Genossenschaft im Grossherzogthum Baden. Redac- teur : II. Miiller. 18ter Jahrgang, 1873. 104 Num- mern. Folio. Burtzlau, A. Appuit, \8TJ. Neuy Zeitung (Pharmaceutische) des Apothekervereins im nordlichen Deutschland. Herausgegeben voa Rud. Brandes. 11 Jahrgiinge. 8D. Lemgo, Meyer, 1827-37. Zeitung (Preussische militiirarztliche). Her- ausgegeben von F. Loftier und L. Abel. 3 Jahrgiinge, 1860-62. 3 v. 4°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Zeus. Ein Mouatsblatt der kiiuftigen ver- muthlichen Witterung. 1 lerausgegeben von Ph. Stieffel. Jahrgiinge 1811,1817-51), 18.V2. 8 . Carlsruhc, JValsch Sr ]rogcl. [Want v. 2. 3, 1845-46; July-Dec, 1840 ; July-Dec., 1850; 1851; and Sipt., etc., 1*52. | \A Q^UI-^^AJ tfo-*A, 2-''• [Quarterly. 3 Nos. in v. 1. Journal oe Anthropo- logical SOCIETY lias distinct pagination and title- pages. With No. 12 (Jan., 1S6G) commenced The <■: Popular Magazine of Anthropology, also ' __ _.. , with distinct title-page and pagination, ceasing at -^cAA 'V' the end of 1866. Wtml-Non.aO 20:- After which The Journal of Anthropology followed.] Arcana of Science and Art: or an annual register of useful inventions and improve- ments, discoveries and new facts in me- chanics, chemistry, natural history, and so- cial economy; abridged from the transactions of public societies, and from other scientific journals, British and foreign, of the past year. By John Timbs. For the years 1835-57, 1859-61,186^-72. 31 v. 12°. London,.! Limbird. _ .. [v. i«i 1839, etc.. title, Year-rook of Facts in Sci- ence and Art, etc.] Archives of Medicine : a record of practical observations and anatomical and chemical researches connected with tho investigation and treatment of disease. Edited by Lionel S. Bealc. v. 1-2; No. 1, v. 3, 1859, to Oct., 1861. 8T London, J. Churchi'l. Army (The) List. Containing the names of officers of the army, royal marines, the mili- tia, yeomanry and volunteers. For Dec, 1810; Jan., 1854; Jan., 1866; Jan., 1867: Oct., 1867; Jan., 1868; Jan., 1871 ; Jan., 1872; Jan., 1873. London, J. Murray. Association Medical Journal. Edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Associa- tion by J. R. Cormack. Being a new series of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Weekly. 2 v. annually. Jan. 7,1853- —> 56. 8 v. Royal 8 . London. ( v "Ck^A\ ) £ 5^ , fAt the annual meeting, Aug. 25, 185G, the Rociety A changed its name to " British Medioal Association," and the journal after that year was called The British Medical Journal. In 1855 edited by Cormack and A. Winter. See British (The) Medical Journal for continuation.] Asylum (The) Journal of Meutal Science. See Journal (The) of Mental Science, v. 1-6, 1855-60. Australian (The) Medical Gazette: a journal of medical science, literature, and news. Monthly. Nos. 37-45, Feb.-Oet., 1GT. 4°. Melbourne, Clarson, Mussina $,• Co. X D V -\ j \vU y &r ^w^. V 304 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN. 7 \A Australian (The) Medical Journal. Monthly. v. 17-18, Jan., 1872-73. 8 . Melbourne, Stillwell J/ Knight. [Current.] Biennial (A) Retrospect of Medicine, Surgery, and their Allied Sciences, for 1865-66, 1867- 68, 1869-70, 1871 -72. Edited by H. Power, F. E. Anstie [and others], for the New Syden- ham Society. 4 v. 87 London, 1867-73. Birmingham (The) Medical Review : a quar- terly journal of the medical sciences, v. 1-2, Jan., 1872-73. 87 Birmingham, Cornish Brothers. [Current.] Braithwaite's Retrospect. See Retrospect —p (The) of Medicine. British Annals of Medicine, Pharmacy, Vital Statistics and General Science, v. 1. 83. London, 1837. British (The) and Eoreign Medical Review ; or quarterly journal of practical medicine' and surgery. Edited by John Foibes and John Conoily. In 2 v. annually, v. 1-26, Jan., 1836, to Oct., 1847. 8°. London, Sher- wood, Gilbert cf Piper. [Editorial change : v. 8, Conoily dropped. In Jan., 1818, consolidated with THE Medico-Chirurgi- cal Review, etc., forming The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, etc.] British (The) and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, or quarterly journal of practical medicine and surgery. In 2 v. annually, v, 1-52, Jan., 1848, to Oc1., 1873. 8°. London, S. Highley. |Current. Formed by consolidation of the British and Foreign Medical Review with The Medi- co-Chirurgical Review.] British (The) Journal of Dental Science: a monthly chronicle of current intelligence re- lating to every department of dentistry and the collateral sciences, v. 17, Jan., 1874, to date. 8°. London, J. Sf A. Churchill. [Current.] British (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Ed- ited by J. J. Drysdale, J. R. Russell, and R. E. Dudgeon. Quarterly, v. 10-19, 1852-61. 8°. London, Aylott Sf Jones, 1852-53; Groom- bridge 4' Sons, 1854-61. [Want No. $ (No. 1, v. 17, Jan., 1859) ; No. 78 (No. 4, v. 19, Oct., 1861). Editorial changes : v. 16, Rus- sell dropped ; v. 17, G. Atkin added. ] British Journal of Photography, v. 12-20, 1865-73. 9 v. 47 London, H.Greenwood. [Current.] British (The) Medical Almanack for 1835, 1836, 1837, and 1838. Years 1837 and 1838 edited by William Farr. In 1 v. 12°. Lon- don, Sherwood, Gilbert Sf Piper, 1835-37; J. Churchill, 1838. [1835 w us the first year of publication.] British (Tho) Medical Journal: being the journal of the British Medical Association. Edited for the association by A. Winter. Weekly, fe v. annually, 1857-73. I Royal 8°. 1868, etc., 4°. London. [Current. A continuation of ASSOCIATION MEDICAL JOURNAL. In 1861, W. O. Markham became editor. In 1868, E. Hart became editor.] BRITISH (The) Medical Quarterly Review. 3 v. 8°. London, 1834-35. Broad (The) Arrow : a paper for the services. Weekly. 2 v. annually, v. 12, Jan. 3, 1874, to date. Folio. London. [Current.] Builder (The). An illustrated weekly maga- zine for the architect, engineer, etc. Con- ducted by George Godwin, v. 1-31, 1843-73. Folio. London. .^ [CurrentJ _____---— /Chemical (The) News and Journal of Phys- ical Science. (With which is incorporated the " Chemical Gazette.") A journal of practi- cal chemistry in all its applications to phar- macy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by William Crookes. Weekly. 2 v. annually. v. 9-28, Jan., 1864-73. 4°. London, H. Gillman. [Current.] Chemist (The); or reporter of chemical dis- coveries and improvements, and protector of the rights of the chemist and chemical manu- facturer. Edited by Charles Watt and John Watt, jr. Monthly. Nos. 1-2, v. 1; v. 2-3 ; Jan. and Feb., 1840 ; and Jan., 1841 to Dec, 1842. 8°. London, R. Hastings. -----The same. New series. A monthly journal of chemical and physical science, v. 1-5, 1854-58. 8°. London, S. Highley. Chemist (The) and Druggist; a monthly trade circular. No. 6, v. 1, Feb. 15, 1860; Nos. 17-19, v. 2, Jan. to March, 1861. 8°. Lou- don,J. Firth. Cholera (The) Gazotte, consisting of docu- ments communicated by the central board of health, with intelligence relative to the dis- ease, etc. Nos. 1-6, Jan. 14 to April 7, 1832. 280 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1832. -----The same. 2d ed. London, S. Highley [n.d.] Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal. See United (The) Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine, 1813-74. Colonial (The) Magazine and Commercial Maritime Journal. Edited by R. M. Martin. Monthly. 3 v. annually. v. 3-6, Sept., ^ / ^ a\ T /* ■0 / J GREAT BRITAIN. 305 GREAT BRITAIN. >, v. g. £ w ;, ^c-yHA-A, G Colonial (The) Magazine, etc.—continued. 1840, to Dec, 1841. 8°. London, Fisher, Son Sr Co. Continental (The) and British Medical Review, e3. London, 1837-38. Customs Gazette. Medical reports forwarded by the surgeons to the customs at the treaty ports in China. Published by order of the inspector general of customs. Nos. 1-5 of the series, being reports for the half years ended March 31, 1871, Sept. 30, 1871, March 31, 1872, Sept. 30,1872, and March 31, 1873. 4°. Shanghai. [The medical reports form part 6 of the Gazette.] Dietetic (The) Reformer, and VegetarianMes- senger. A quarterly record of moral and physical progress, v. 1-4, Jan., 1861, to Dec, 1871. New series, monthly, v. 1-2, Jan., 1872, to Dec, 1873. 8°. London, J. Caud- well. [Current. v.l, 1861-62; v.2, 1863-65; v.3, 1866- 68; v.4, 1869-71.] ' Doctor (The). lished weekly. 27, 1834. 4°. Doctor (The). A medical magazine, pub- v. 1-2, Aug. 1,1832, to Aug. London, C. Penny. A monthly review of British and foreign medical practice and literature. v. 1-3, Jan., 1871-73. 4°. London, Bail- liere, Tindall Sf Cox. [Current. | Dublin (The) Hospital Gazette ; a journal for the cultivation and improvement of practical medicine and surgery. Semi-monthly. New series, v. 2-5, Feb. 1, 1855, to Dec. 15, 1858. Royal 8°. Dublin, W. B. Kelly, 1855 ; J. Keeling, 1856; Browne Sf Nolan, 1857-58. Dublin (The) Journal of Medical and Chem- ical Science. Published by Hodges and Smith. Bi-monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1- 27, March 1, 1832-45. 87 Dublin. [v. 9, etc., title, The Dublin Journal of Medical Science. Continued as The Dublin Quar- terly Journal of Medical Science.] Dublin (The) Journal of Medical Science. See Jiiblin (The) Journal of Medical and Chem- ical science, v. 9, etc., 1836, etc Dublin (The) Journal of Medical Science. See Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, v. 53, etc., 1872, etc. Dublin Medical and Physical Essays. Conducted by H.FergUBon, F. Barker, S. B. Labatt, andC. H. Todd. 83. Dublin, 1808. Dublin (The) Medical Press, a weekly journal oi medicine and medical affairs, v. 29, Jan. to June, 1853. 4°. Dublin. [Commenced Jan. 9, 183^. iBt series ended Dec. 28, 1859, 42 v.; 2d series commenced Jan. 4, 1860. i«ti5, title. The Medical Press. 39* In Continued til] 1 Dublin (The) Medical Press—continued. Dec.27, 1865, 12 v., then united with THE Mfdi cal Circular, forming The Medical Press and Circular. Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. 2 v. annually, v. 1-56,1846-73. 8°. Dublin, Hodges Sf Smith. [Current. A continuation of The Dublin Jour- nal of Medical and Chemical Science. In 187-2 became monthly, with title, THE Dublin Journal of Medical Science.] Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science. 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1826-27. Edinburgh (The) Medical and Surgical Jour-~ nal: exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine, surgery and pharmacy. 82 v. 8°. Edin- burgh, A. Constable Sr Co., 1805-55. [v. 1 is 2d ed. v. 20,1824, is index to the first 19 v., and also to medical periodical literature of Edin - burgh, to wit, The Edinburgh Medical Essays, Essays Physical and Literary, Medical Commentaries, and Annals of Medicine ; with an appendix containing titles of theses of those who have graduated at the University of Edin- burgh from 1726 to 1823. In July, 1855, united with . The Monthly Journal of Medical Science, ,* forming THE EDINBURGH MEDICAL JOURNAL.] Edinburgh (The) Medical Journal; combin- ing the " Monthly Journal of Medicine " and the "Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal." v. 1-19, July, 1855-73. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Knox. [Current. 1 v. annually in 2 parts.] Edinburgh (The ) Philosophical Journal. Conducted by Dr. Brewster and Prof. Jame- son. Quarterly. v. 1-14, June, 1819, to April, 1826^. EdinburghjNew Philosophical Journal, con- ducted by Kobt. Jameson. Quarterly, v. 1- 48, April, 1826, to April, 1850. 8°. Edin burgh, A. Constable Sf Co. Edinburgh Veterinary Review and Annals ot Comparative Pathology, v. 1-6. 6 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859-64. Engineer (The). 2 v. annually, v. 28-36, July, 1869-73. Folio. London. [Current.] English (The) Mechanic and Mirror of Sci- ence: with which are incorporated "The Mechanic," "Scientific Opinion," and " The British and Foreign Mechanic ;" forming a record of engineering, building, inventions, manufactures, industrial progress, astrono- my, electricity, chemistry, photography, mining, biology, microscopy, etc. Illustrated with numerous practical engravings. Week- ly. 2 v. annually. v. 11-18, March 2", 1870-73. Folio. London. Current, v. 12, etc., title, The English Mechan- ic and World of Science. Qnr' u . > A vvw< ./ Mv X t\x. i .j\ IT- u J i 306 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN. V a English (The) Mechanic and World of Sci- ence. See English (The) Mechanic and Mir- ror of Science, v. 12, etc. Ethnological (The) Journal; a monthly magazine of ethnology, phrenology, and archaeology, considered as elements of the science of races: with the applications of this science to education, legislation, and so- cial progress. Edited by Luke Burke. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, June, 1843, to April, 1849. 534 pp. 6°. London. [Completed.] Pood (The) Journal: a review of social and sanitary economy, and monthly record of food and public health, v. 1-4, Feb. 5,1870- 74. 8°. London, J. M. Johnson Sr Sons. [Completed.] Food, Water, and Air in Relation to the Pub lie Health. Edited by Arthur Hill Hassall Monthly, v. 1-2, Nov., 1871-73. 4°. Lon don, Wyman Sr Sons. [Current. Want No. 1, v. 1.] Forceps (The). A journal of dental surgery and the collateral arts and sciences. ^ 1844., &. London, C. L. Bennett. J Foreign Medical Review, v. 1, part 1. 156 pp. 8° London, Murray, 1779. Glasgow (The) Medical Journal. Edited by W. Mac kenzie and others. Glasgow, 1828-33 -f-1 Glasgow (The) Medical Journal. Quarterly No. 1, v. 4, April, 1856. 8°. Glasgow, IV. Mackenzie. The same. New series. Edited by Nos. 21-24 Glas- ilk LcJ Pierce A. Simpson. Monthly (9-12, v. 2), Jan. to April, 1868. 8 gow, J. Maclehose. The same. New series. Edited by a c w.tfrr-rf,. / v/ committee of the Glasgow and West of Scot jand Association. Quarterly, v. 1-5, Nov., 1868-73. 8°. Glasgow, Dunn S- Wright. |Current, v. 6 commenced Jan., 1874.] Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sci- ences : being a practical and analytical digest of the contents of the principal British and rj''(__ continental medical works published in the ^AAy-ffty^Ar'^is preceding six months, etc. Edited by W. ^> H. Ranking, v. 1-58, Jan., 1845, to Dec, **1873. 8°. London, J. Churchill. [Completed. Editorial changes: v. 16,C. B. Radcliffe added t v. 41-49 no editors named ; v. 50, etc., by Wm. Domett Stone.] Hardwicke's Science-Gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for stu- dents and lovers of nature. Edited by M. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip—continued. C. Cooke. Monthly, v. 6-9, Jan., 1870-73. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke. [Current.] Homceopathic (The) World : a monthly ma- gazine of medical news, literature, cases from practice, social and sanatory science, and correspondence. Edited by Dr. Ruddock. v. 1-8, Jan., 1866-73. 8°. London, Jarrold Sf Sons. [Current.] India (The) Journal of Medical Science. Ed- ited by J. Grant and J. T. Pearson. Nos. 1- 24, or v. 1-2, Jan., 1834 to Dec, 1835. 2 v. 8°. Calcutta. [Edited by ^(Corbyn from June 1, 1835. Continued as the following.] India (The) Journal of Medical and Physi- cal Science. Edited by Frederick Corbyn. Monthly. New series, v. 1-4?. # v. 8°. Calcutta, v. p., 1836-4T2- [ Indian Annals of Medical Science. Nos. 23- 24, 1868. 2 v. 8°. Calcutta, Le Page 4' Co., and Barham, Hill Sf Co. Indian (The) Medical Gazette : a monthly record of medicine, surgery, obstetrics, juris- prudence, and the collateral sciences, and of general medical intelligence, Indian and Eu- ropean, v. 3, 1868. 4°. Calcutta, Wyman 4- Co. INSTITUTE (The). A journal of medical, surgical, and obstetrical science and practice. 2 v. 4°. London, 1850-51. Intellectual (The) Observer. Review of natu- ral history, microscopic research, and recrea- tive science. Illustrated, v. 1-12, Feb., 1862, to Jan., 1868. 8°. London, Groom- bridge Sf Sons. [See Student (The) and Intellectual Observ- er, etc., for continuation.] Irish Hospital Gazette : a journal for the cul- tivation and improvement of practical medi- cine and surgery. Publisbed on the 1st and 15th of each month, v. 1,1873. 384 pp. Royal 8°. Dublin, Fannin Sr Co. [Current. A continuation of THE DUBLIN HOSPITAL Gazette.] Journal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. Conducted by G. M. Humphrey and Wm. Turner. Half-yearly, v. 1-7, 1866-73. 8°. Cambridge and London, Macmillan Sf Co. [Current. J Journal of Anthropology. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, July, 1870, to Jan., 1871. 8°. [Completed. Contains also Journal of Anthro- pological Society of London, with separate pagination. Followed the Anthropological" Review, and was succeeded by The Journal of the Anthropological Institute.] ,Ar' J sJ T GREAT BRITAIN. 307 GREAT BRITAIN. r vuAt 7 Uw~' n, # y &l J Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Nos. 1-5, Jan., 1871, to Oct., 1872. v. 1-2. 8°. London, Trilbncr Sf Co. [Quarterly. Followed the Journal of Anthro- pology. The first No. has an appendix, with sep- arate pagination, headed: " Proceedings of the An- thropological and Ethnological Societies of London prior to the date of amalgamation."] Journal of the Anthropological Society of Lon- don, v. 1-8. 8°. [Btfund with Anthropological Review, J^wl- ----Nfli op AwTiinormi-ffiav, and journal of phk Anthropological Institute,, which see.] Journal (The) of the Chemical Society of Lon- don. Edited by Henry Watts. Monthly. v. 15,1862. New series, v. 1-11, 1863-73. 8°. London, H. Bailliere. [Current. See Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical Society of London for v. 14 and preceding.] Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Diseases of the Skin. A quarterly record of derma- tological science. Edited by Erasmus Wil- son, v. 1-4, April, 1867, to March, 1871. 8°. London, J Churchill Sf Sons. [Completed, v. 4 edited by H. S. Purdon ] Journal of Health. Edited by R. B. Grindrod. 2 v. 8°. London, 1852-53. Journal (The) of Mental Science. Published by authority of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. Edited by John Charles Bucknill. Quarterly. No. 41 (new series, No. 5; No. 1, v. 8), April, 1862; v. 13-19, April, 1867-74. 8°. London, J. Churchill. [Current. Commenced with title, The Asylum Journal of Mental Science. Editorial changes: v. 13, edited by C. L. Robertson aud Henry Mauds- ley. Published by authority of the Medico-Psy- chological Association, v. 18 by Maudsley and T. S. Clouston.] Journal of Morbid Anatomy, Ophthalmic Medi- cine, and Pharmaceutical Analysis ; with medico-botanical transactions, communicated by the Medico-Botanical Society of London. 128 pp., 3pi. 8°. London, Longman Sf Co., 1828. [No more published. PylMPH., v. 436.] Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. See Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Jour- nal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hos- pital. Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery, for the use of medical practitioners. By Lucas-Championniere, chief editor. English edition, translated under the direction of the chief editor by D. McCarthy and A. Spiers. Monthly, v. 1-7, being v. 29-35 of the jour- Jourual of Practical Medicine, etc.—cont'd. nal, second series; Jan., 1858, to Oct., 1861. 8°. Paris, C. Lahure. [Editorial changes: No. 7, v. 1, death of Lucas-Cham- pionnidre, and H. Chaillou became editor, v. 5, etc., translated by McCarthy only, and published in London by C. J. Harris.] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Wins- low, v. 1-13. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1848-60. [^^G* /'»u.!«rc^. ' '- Journal of Public Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Improvement. Published under the sanction of the " Metropolitan Health-of- Towns' Association." Edited by John Suth- erland. Edited in Liverpool, v. 1-2, Nov., 1847, to Oct., 1849. Royal 8°. London, H. Renshaw. [v. 2 edited by H. Gavin.] Journal (The) of Public Health and Sanitary Review. Edited by Benj. W. Richardson. Quarterly, v. 1-4, March, 1855, to Jan., 1859. 8°. London, T. Richards. ' [v. 3-4, title, Sanitary Review and Journal of Public Health. The Transactions of the Epi- demiological Society of London for the years 1855- 58 are published in this journal.] Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopi- cal Club. Quarterly, v. 1-3, 1863-7*, 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, [Current,] Journal (The) of the Royal Agricultural So- ciety of England. See TRANSACTIONS: Great Britain. Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hos- pital. See Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal, etc. Journal of the Royal United Service Institu- tion. See Journal of the United Service In- stitution, v. 4, May, 1860, etc. Journal (The) of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Published quarterly. 2 v. annually. Nos. 1-5, April, 1816, to April, 1817. 8°. Lon- don, J. Murray. Journal of the Statistical Society of London. Quarterly. v. 34-36, March, 1871-73. 87 London, E, Stanford. [Current.] Journal (The) of the United Service Institu- tion, Whitehall Yard. Published under the authority of the council, v. 1-17, July, 1857- 73. 8°. London, W. Mitchell Sr Son. [Current, v. 4, etc., title, JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL United Service, etc.] Laboratory (The):_ a weekly record of scien- tific research. Nos. 10-26, v. 1, June 8 to Sept. 28, 1867. 4G London, J. Firth. [No. 26, v. 1, last published.] .c*A_? A •v. * a"- ' ^y SA ^■2A^ t*-f,. A A % 4 / <■ As ■ 308 J nJ J GREAT BRITAIN. Lancet (The). A journal of British and for- eign medical and chemical science, criticism, literature and news. Edited by Thomas Wakley. Weekly. 2 v. annually. 1823- 73. 102 v. 87 London, Knight Sf Lacey. [Current.] Liverpool (The) Health of Towns' Advocate, published under the sanction of the com- mittee of the Liverpool Health of Towns' Association. Edited by John Sutherland. Monthly. Nos. 1-19, Sept. 1, 1845, to May 1,1847. 180 pp. 87 Liverpool, J. Walmsly. [N'os. 1-13 form part 1. See JOURNAL OF PUBLIC Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Improvement.] Liverpool (The) Medical Gazette, or monthly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. Edited by Dr. H. Lane. (Jan. and Feb., 1833 + ?) 8°. Liv- erpool. Liverpool (The) Medical Journal. Monthly. 8°. 1834. Liverpool (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal, a record of practical medicine and surgery. No. lAJan., 1857-/-T46 pp. 8°. Liverpool, Walmsly. «^__ r~~ [No more published? ] / ~*>* London (The), Edinburgh and Dublin Philo- sophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Conducted by D. Brewster, R. Taylor, R. Phillips and R. Kane. Monthly. 2 v. an- nually. 3d series, v. 36-37, 1850 ; 4th se- ries, v. 1-18, 1851-59, v. 29-46, Jan., 1865- 73. London, Taylor Sf Francis. [Current.] London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science ; edited by J. R. Cormack. v. 1 -4, 1841-44. 8°. London, H. Baillitre. [See Monthly Journal of Medical Science for v. 5, etc.] London Journal of Medicine. A monthly record of the medical sciences. Nos. 1-46, forming v. 1 - 4, bound in 8 v. Jan., 1849, to Oct., 1852. 8°. London, Taylor, Walton 4' Maberly. [All published. Incorporated with new weekly se- ries of Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal.] London Medical Examiner and Statistical Journal of Practical Medicine. Edited by Edwards Crisp, v. 1-2. 8°. London, 1851-52. London (The) Medical Gazette ; a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral sci- ences, v. 1 - 48, Dec 8, 1827, to Dec. 26, 1851. 87 London, Longman [andothers]. [In 1852, united with The Medical Times, forming The Medical Times and Gazette.] London (The) Medical Journal. By a society of physi- cians. 11 v. 8°. London, 1781-90. GREAT BRITAIN. V London (The) Medical and Physical Journal, \tmt IMf See Medical (The) and Phys- ical Journal. V*^^ »0' London (The) Medical Record. See Medi- cal (The) Record, v. 1, Nos. 7, etc London Medical Review. 4 v. 8°. London, 1808-11. London (The) Medical Review. Oct., Nov., 1861, Jan., 1862. 8°. r- l_ ^ cr / JATL le- xi J <° 12 v. 8°. T .£-$ £ A T A J A 7 London Medical Review and Magazine. London, 1799-1806. [Monthly. Ist-sem^ v. 1-7, No. 1-41; 2d series, v. 1-5, also, with-title, THK7MEDICAL and CHIRUR- gical Review.} London (The) Medical and Surgical Journal; exhibiting a view of the improvements and discoveries in the various branches of medi- cal science. Edited by John Davies, John Epps and Joseph Houlton. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-2 ; Nos. 1-3, v. 3, July, 1829, to Sept., 1829. London, T. Sr G. Underwood, . 1828-29. A rCL CAA20^ <$ Xe/j^} -h<-., d. i ^i V <*' ^J/ -----The same. New series. Edited by M. / / Ryan and an association of physicians and ' f surgeons. Weekly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-8, Feb. 5, 1832, to Jan. 23, 1836 ; also, v. 7,2d part, Jan. 31 to July 25,1835. 8°. London, Renshaw Sf Rush, 1832-36. London (The) Medical, Surgical and Pharma- ceutical Repository, Monthly Journal and Review. By George Man Burrows, William Royston, and Anthony Todd Thompson, v. 1-20, Jan., 1814, to Dec, 1823. New se- ries, v. 1-3, Jan., 1824, to June, 1825. New (3d) series, v. 1-6, July, 1825, to June, 1828, In all 29 v. 8°. London, Longman [and others']. [v. 2, title, London Medical Repository, Month- ly Journal and Review. Editorial changes: v. 4, Royston dropped ; v. 9, T> Nrmnit rrlitru ; v. 11, S. Palmer and S.F.Gray added; v. 17, Jas. Copland editor; v. 19, Robley Dunglison added; v. 2, new series, Dunglison dropped; v. 1, 3d series, J. Darwell and J. Connolly added; v. 4, 3d series, Copland dropped ; v. 5 and 6, editors' names not given. In .MflrjhjHtud lutli London Medical and Surgical Journal.] London Medical and Surgical Spectator. 2 v. 8°. London, 1808-9. London Physiological Journal. 8°. Madras (The) Journal of Literature and Sci- ence. Edited by the committee of the Mad- ras Literary Society, and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. 3 Nos., Dec, 1861 ; July, 1864 ; Oct., 1866. 8°. Madras, Graves, Cookson Sf Co. Madras (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. Edited by Howard B. Montgom- ery and Wm. R. Cornish, v. 1-11, July, 1860, to June, 1867. 2d series, v. 1, July A w-m j K <%J J 0 309 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN. Madras (The) Quarterly Journal, etc.—contd. 1868, to Oct., 1869. 8°. Madras, Gahtz Brothers. [Wantv.2; No. 1, v. 3.] Madras Quarterly Medical Journal. Edited by S. Rogers. 8°. 1839-40. Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal and Gazette. Weekly. v. 1-3, August 30, 1823, to April 2,1825. 8°. Lon- don, Knight Sf Lacey. Mechanic's (The) Weekly Journal, or arti- san's miscellany of inventions, projects and improvement in the useful arts : from Nov. 15, 1823, to May 8, 1824. 414 pp. 8°. London, Westley 4' Parish. Medical (The) Adviser, and Guide to Health and Long Life. Edited by Alex. Burnett. Weekly. v. 1-3, Dec 6, 1823, to June 4, 1825. 8°. London, Knight Sr Lacey. Medical (The) Adviser and Complete Guide to Health and Long Life, etc. By A. Burnett, Mr. Maginn and other medical gentlemen. 2 v. 8°. London, J. Williams, 1825. Medical (The) and Chirurgical Review, con- taining a copious account of the various publications in different languages on medi- cine and surgery. v. 1-12, May, 1794, to April, 1806. 8°. London. Medical (The) Chronicle, or weekly review of medical and surgical literature. No. 1, v. 1, June 10, 1848. [By James Milman Coley.] 30 pp. 8°. London, H. Renshaw. IThe only number published.] Medical (The) Circular and General Medical Advertiser; a register of the sayings and doings of the medical profession, v. 1-27, Jan. 14, 1852, to Dec. 27, 1865. 8° and 4°. London. [v.l, fortnightly; v.2, etc., Jan., 1853, etc., weekly, 2 v. annually, v. 5, July, 1854, became 4°. v. 14, title, The Medical Circular, a weekly journal and retrospect of medical progress, v. 20, title, The Medical Circular and Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery, v. 24, Jan., 1864, a new series commenced; title, THE Medical Circular, a journal of practical medi- cine, surgery and therapeutics. In Jan., 1866, consolidated with The Medical Press, forming The Medical Press and Circular.] Medical (The) Circular and Journal of Prac- tical Medicine and Surgery. See Medical (The) Circular and General Medical Adver- tiser, v. 20-23. Medical (The) Critic and Psychological Jour- nal. Edited by Forbes Winslow. Quarter- ly, v. 1-SLJan., 1861, to Oct., 186^ 8°. London, J. IV. Davies. Medical Essays and Observations. Published / by a society in Edinburgh. Part 1, v. 5. 4th ed. revised and enlarged, viii, 384 pp., 21., 2 pi. 16°. Edinburgh, 1752. Medical Facts and Observations. A sequel to the London Medical Journal. By Dr. ■ j Simmons. Published at irregular intervals. v. 1-8, bound in 4 v. 8°. London, J. John- son, 1791-1800. MEDICAL Intelligencer, or monthly compendium of l/ medical, chirurgical, and scientific knowledge. 4 v. 8°. London, 182U-23. [Monthly. 48 parts.] Medical (The) Mirror. A monthly magazine , of current medical literature and news. v. 1-7, Jan., 1864, to Dec, 1870. 8°. Lon- don, H. K. Lewis. [In March, 1869, became 4°.] Medical Museum, or repository of cases, experiments, and discoveries. 3 v. 8°. London, 1763 + ! -----The same. 3 v. London, 1781. Medical (The) Observer. No. 1. Ou adver- tised or empirical medicines, etc. 112 pp. o7 London, S. Highley, 1806. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. By a society of physicians in Edinburgh. v. 1-20, 1774-95. 8°. London, J. Murray. (2d ed. v. 7, etc., title, Medical Commentaries, ^exhibiting a concise view, etc., collected aud pub-' lished by Andrew Duncan.f-r O-riv' ^ /fc< •>' At Medical (The) and Physical Journal; con- taining the earliest information on subjects of medicine, surgery, pharmacy, chemistry and natural history, etc. Conducted by T. Brad- ley and A. F. M. Willich. v. 1-55, 1799, to June, 1826. New series, v. 1-14, July, 1826, to June, 1833. 8°. London, R. Phillips. [Editorial changes : v. 49, by R. Macleod and J. Ba- A cot; v. 1, new series, Bacot dropped ; v. 6, by J. ' North and J. Whalley. ] Medical (The) Press. See Dublin (The) Medical Press, 1865. Medical (The) Press and Circular ; being the incorporation of the journals hitherto known as "The Medical Press " and "The Medical Circular." A weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. 2 v. annually, v, 6- 16, July, 1868-73. 4°. London. [Current. Commenced Jan. 3, 1866.J MEDICAL (The) Quarterly Review. [Edited by J. North andG. F.Burnett.] 4 v. 8°. London, 1834-35. Medical (The) Record; a review of the prog- ress of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and the allied sciences. By Ernest Hart. Weekly. v. 1, 1873. 8°. London. [Current. No. 7, etc., title, The London Medical CW/i / , Ao a i <*A L <. j. / *t-t >«0 r- 7 >A- \A^V r'V.v A ■1 Record. Medical Register, 2 v. 8°. London, 1779-80 + J ifv% ■fV>Xv <* 310 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN. Medical (The) Register, or quarterly journal of medical and surgical science. Managing editor, James Johnson. No. 1, v. 1 (pros- pectus), June 1, 1818. 2 1. 8 . London. [Pamph., v. 664.] Medical Reports by the surgeons to the cus- toms at the treaty ports in China. See Cus- toms Gazette. Medical (The) Spectator. 2 v. 8°. London, 1792-93. Medical (The) Times: a journal of English , and foreign medi.cine and miscellany of med- ica] affairs. Weekly. v. 1-21, Sept. 28, 1839, to June 29, 1850. New series, v. 1-3, July 6, 1850-51. 4°. London, S. Smith, 1839-42 ; J. A. Carfrae, 1843-48 ; W. S. Orr 4- Co., 1848-49; J.Churchill, 1850-51. [Want-«»2=8. v. 19, etc., sub-title, " a journal of medical and chemical science, literature, criticism and news." Jan. 3, 1852, united with The Lon- don Medical Gazette, forming The Medical Times and Gazette.] Medical (The) Times and Gazette. A jour- nal of medical science, literature, criticism and news. Weekly. 2 v. annually. Jan. 8,1852-73. 44 v. 4°. London, J. Churchill. [Current. Formed by consolidation of The Med- ical Times with The London Medical Ga- zette.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal and Review. 5 v. 8°. London, 1816-* f y> fr \ " [Continued as the, following.] Medico-Chirurgical Journal, or London Medical and Surgical Review. 2 v. 8°. London, 1819-20. fj£ Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review. Ana- lytical series. No. 10, v. 3, Sept. 1, 1822; No. 27, v. 10 (No. 11, v. 6, new series), Jan. 1, 1827. Quarterly. 8°. London, S. Highley. -----The same. General index to the new series of the Medico - Chirurgical Review, v. 1-20 inclusive [from June 1, 1824, to June 1, 1834]. With an appendix, compris- ing an index to the series of four annual volumes, from June, 1820, to April, 1824. 110 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1834. Microscopic (The) Journal and Structural Record for 1841-42. Edited by Daniel Coop- er and George Busk. 570 pp. 8°. London, J. Van Voorst. Midland (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter and Topographical and Statistical Journal. Quarterly. v. 1-3, Aug., 1828, to May, 1832. 8°. Worcester, Tymbs 4' Deighton. Midland (The) Quarterly Journal of the Med- ical Sciences. Parti, v. 1, May, 1857. 192 . pp. 8°. Cornish Brothers, Birmingham. Monthly (The) Archives of the Medical Sciences. Edited by Dr. Hunter Lane. London, J. Churchill, or Liverpool, 1833, or both, 1834. Monthly (The) Gazette of Health, or general and periodical collection of all new discov- eries relative to the means of preserving health, curing diseases, promoting domestic economy, etc. Edited by Richard Reece. v. 1-3, Jan. 1, 1816, to Dec. 31, 1818 ; v. 7, 1822. 8°. London, Sherwood Sr Co. [v. 2, sub-title, "or popular medical, dietetic and general philosophical journal." v. 7, sub-title, "or medical, dietetic, anti-empirical and general philo- sophical journal."] Monthly Gazette of Practical Medicine. [By Richard Reece.] 8°. London, 1831. Monthly (The) Homoeopathic Review. Ed- ited by John Ozanne. v. 1-17, July, 1856- 73. 8°. London, IV. Headland, 1856-59 ; H. Turner Sf Co., 1860-73. | Current. Editorial changes : v. 2, by John Ryan ; v. 9, W. Bayes and A. C. Pope added; v. 11, H. R. Madden added; v. 14, Madden dropped ; v. 15, by Ryan and Pope.] Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Edited by J. R. Cormack. v. 5-20, 1845, to June, 1855. 16 v. in 17. 8°. London, J. Church- ill; Edinburgh, Sutherland Sf Knox. [See London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science for v. 1-4, 1841-44. In July, 1855, united with The Edinburgh Medi- cal and Surgical Journal, forming The Edin- burgh Medical Journal.] Monthly (A) Journal of Popular Medicine ; explaining the nature, causes and prevention of diseases, the immediate management of accidents, and the means of preserving health. Conducted by Charles Thomas Ha- den. v. 1 -2, March, 1821, to Feb., 1822. 8°. London, Simkin Sr Marshall. Monthly (The) Microscopical Journal/ Transactions of the Royal Microscopical So- ciety, and record of histological research at home and abroad. Edited by Henry Law- son, v. 1-Eg; Jan., 1869, to Dec, 1870. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke. . , f [SurreaL. 2 v. annually.] C^l*>.'h-' ~/f Monthly Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. Edited by George E. Day, A. Fleming and . W. T. Gairdner. v. 2, Jan. to Dec, 1849. 258 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Knox. Monthly (The) Review T>f Dental Surgery. No. 8, v. 1, Jan., 1873. 8°. London, Smith, Elder Sr Co. Natural (The) History Review : published quarterly : including the proceedings of tho Irish Natural History Societies for the ses- sions 1855-56. v. 3. 444 pp. 8°. London, Williams Sf Norgate, 1856. -----The same. A quarterly journal of bio- logical science. Edited by G. Busk, W. B. Carpenter [and 9 others"!. v. 1-2, Jan., 1861-62. 8°. London, Williams Sf Norgate. GREAT BRITAIN. 311 GREAT BRITAIN. Nature. A weekly illustrated journal of sci- ence, v. 1-9, Nov., 1869-73. 4°. London, Macmillan 4' Co. [Current.] New (The) London Medical Journal. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1792-93. NORTH (The) of England Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. 1 v. 8°. London and Manchester, 1830-31. Northern (The) Journal of Medicine. A monthly survey of the progress of medical knowledge at home and abroad. Edited by W. Seller and T. L. Kemp. v. 1-4, May, 1844, to June, 1846. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, H. Paton. [All published. A continuation of The Scottish and North of England Medical Gazette. Merged in The Monthly Journal of medical Science, v. 3, Kemp dropped.] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland, including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Edited by James H. Aveling and Alfred Wiltshire. Monthly. v. I, April, 1873, to date. 8°. London, J. Sf A. Churchill. [Current.] Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, v. 4-5,1863-65. Part 1, v. 6, Sept., 1867 ; part 2, v. 7, Nov., 1871. 8°. London, Churchill Sr Sons. [In 1867, etc., title, The Royal London Oph- thalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. Edited by J. C. Wordsworth, J. W. Hulke, and J. Hutchin- son.] Ophthalmic (The) Review : a quarterly jour- nal of ophthalmic surgery and science. Ed- ited by J. Z. Laurence and T. Windsor, v. 1-3, April, 1864, to Oct., 1867. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke. ~Y-^ m_.-> r • ■ <- • [Completed, v. 3 half-yearly. 11jjjl. im, TIFiirtm Hole editor.] ,- If. 7~ . Parisian Chirurgical Journal. By Monsieur Desault. Translated into English by Robert Gosling. 2 v. 8°. London, 1794. [Completed.] People's (The) Medical Journal and Family Physician. Edited by Thomas Harrison Yeo- man. Weekly, v. 1-3, Jan. 5,1850, to June 28,1851. 4°. London, G. Pickers. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Edited by Jacob Bell. Monthly, v. 1-18, July, 1841, to June, 1859. 2d series, v. 1-11, July, 1859, to June, 1870. 3d series, weekly, v. 1-4, July 2, 1870-73. 8°. [3d series, royal 8°.] London, J. Churchill Sf Sons. [Current. Dr. Bell died June 12,1859.] Philosophical (The) Magazine and Journal. By Alexander Tillock. Monthly. 2 v. an- Philosophical (The) Magazine, etc.—cont'd. nually. v. 57-63, Jan., 1821, to -fefcr,T824. 8°. London, R. Sf A. Taylor. \ A « Philosophical (The) Magazine > or annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural histoiy, and general science. Edited by Richard Taylor and Richard Phillips. New and united series of the "Philosophical Magazine" and "Annals of Philosophy." Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 1-11, Jan., 1827, to June, 1832. 87 London, R. Taylor. Photographic (The) News. A weekly record of the progress of photography. Edited by G. Wharton Simpson, v. 13-17, Jan. 1,1869- 73. 5v. 4°. London, Piper 4' Carter. [Current.] Popular (The) Magazine of Anthropology, v. 1, 1866. 8°. [Issued in same cover with The Anthropological Review.] Popular (The) Science Review. A quarterly miscellany of entertaining and instructive articles on scientific subjects. Edited by James Samuelson. v. 1-12, Oct., 1851-73. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke. [Current, y.4 contains 5 Nos., ending with Oct., 1865. v. 3, etc., edited by H. Lawson.] Practitioner (The). A monthly journal of therapeutics. Edited by F. E. Anstie and H. Lawson. 2 v. annually, v. 1-11, July, 1868, to Dec, 1873. 8°. London, Macmillan Sf Co. [Current, v. 3, Lawson dropped. J Provincial (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Edited by Drs. H. Green, Streeten, Wm. H. Rankin [and others]. Weekly. -1840-52. 4£-Vr 8°. London, J. IV. Rumsey, 1840-41 ; ' H. Renshaw, 1842-44 ; J. Churchill, 1844-52. [Jan. 7,1853, a new series commenced, with title, As- sociation Medical Journal.] Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical So- ciety of London. Edited for the society by Edmund Ronalds, v. 1-14, 1849^61. 87 London, H. Bailliere. [v. 3, H. Watts became editor. After v. 14, 1861, it be- came monthly, with title, The Journal of the Chemical Society of London, which see for v. 15, etc.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Foreign Medicine and Surgery, and of the sciences connected with them. v. 1-5, Nov., 1818, to Oct., 1823. 8°. London, F. C. 4" J- Rivington and J. An- derson. [See Anderson's Quarterly Journal, etc., for succeeding volumes.] Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological So- ciety. Edited by James Glaisher. New se- 'gta^- 'O -o<. *^ ^*£ G y g 312 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN. Quarterly Journal, etc.—continued. ries, Nos. 2-6, v. 1, April, 1872, to April 1873. London, Taylor Sr Francis. [Nos. 3, etc., edited by a committee of the council.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. Published under the im- mediate sanction and direction of the Meteoro- logical Society of Great Britain. Edited by J.W.G.Gutch. v.l, Jan., 1842, to Oct., 1843. 440 pp. 8°. London, E. Lumley. Quarterly -^Ekt^ Journal of Microscopical Science. Edited by Edwin Lankester and Geo. Busk. v. 1-8, 1853-60. New series, v. 1-13, 1861-73. 8°. London, J.Churchill. [Current. Wmitwi 1, lOtil. The Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London are bound with this journal until the end of v. 8, new series, v. 13, new series, edited by Lankester, J. F. Payne, and W. T. T. Dyer.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Science. Edited by James Samuelson and William Crookes. v. 1-7, Jan., 1864, to Dec, 1870. New se- ries, v. 1-3, Jan., 1871-73. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons. [Current. Editorial changes : v. 6, W. Pairbairn, R. Hunt, and H. Woodward added, v. 1, new series, W. Crookes editor. New series, v. 1, title, Quar- terly Journal of Science, and Annals of Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Indus- trial Arts, Manufactures, and Technolo- gy.] Quarterly (The) Medical Review. 8°. London, 1827. [Perhaps but one No. published. | QUARTERLY Medical and Surgical Journal for the Northwestern Provinces, v. 1. 8°. Delhi, 1844. Qtiekett Microscopical Club. See Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Ranking's Abstract. Sec Half-yearly Ab- stract, etc. Retrospect (Biennial) of Medicine, Surgery, etc. See Biennial Retrospect of Medicine, Surgery, and their Allied Sciences. Retrospect (The) of Medicine: being a half- yearly journal, containing a retrospective view of every discovery and practical im- provement in the medical sciences. Edited by W. Braithwaite. Nos. 1-5, Jan., 1840, to June, 1842; v. 18, 21, 41-44, 60 [various dates, from July, 1848, to Dec, 1869]. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall Sf Co. [v. 42, James Braithwaite added as editor.] Royal (Tho) London Ophthalmic Hospital Re- ports and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. See Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Sanitary (The) Review and Journal of Pub- lic Health. See Journal (The) of Public Health and Sanitary Review, v. 3-4. Scientific Opinion: a weekly record of scien- tific progress at home and abroad. With nu- merous illustrations, v. 2-3, June 2, 1869, to June 29, 1870. 4°. London. [July, 1870, incorporated with The English Me- chanic and Mirror of Science.] Scottish (The) and North of England Medi- cal Gazette. Edited by T. Lindley Kemp. Bi-weekly. Oct. 7, 1843, to March 30, 1844. 1 v. 8°. Edinburgh. [No more published. Continued as THE NORTHERN- JOURNAL of Medicine.] Stethoscope (The). A quarterly review of the modern practice in consumption and chest diseases. Nos. 1-2, Oct., 1862, and Jan., 1863. 146 pp. 8°. London, H. Bail- litre, 1862; J. W. Davies, 1863. Student (The) and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature, and Art. Illustrated. v. 1-5, Feb., 1868-71. ' 8°. London, Groom bridge 4" Sons. [A continuation of The Intellectual Observer In Feb., 1870, new series commenced with title, The Student and Intellectual Observer, a quarterly journal of science, literature, and art.] Students' (The) Journal and Hospital Ga- zette. A fortnightly review of medicine, sur- gery, science, art, literature, and the drama. v. 1, 1873. 4°. London. [Current.] Technical (The) Repository: containing prac- tical information on subjects connected with discoveries and improvements in the useful arts. Edited by Thomas Gill. Monthly. 2 v. annually, v. 5-11, Jan., 1824, to June, 1827. 8°. London, T.Cadell. [ Want No. 5, v. 10; No. 3, v. 11.] United (The) Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine. 1829-59, 1868,1874 to date. 94*v. 8°. London, H. Colburn. [Current. In 1829-30, 2 parts annually; 1831, etc., 3 parts annually. In 1842, title, United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal. In 2d part of 1813, etc., title, Colburn's United Service Magazine, etc., Hurst & Blackett pub- lishers.] United Service Magazine and Naval and Mili- tary Journal. See United (The) Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine, 1842-43. Vegetarian (The) Advocate : the recognized organ of the Vegetarian Society : devoted to the diffusion of information on the natural dietetic habits of man. Monthly. Aue. 15, 1848, to Aug. 1,1849. 158 pp. 8°. Doug- las and London, Wm. Horsell. Vegetarian (The) Messenger. Monthly, v, 1-6, 8-9, Sept., 1849-59. 8°. Manchester. [Want No.2, v.l, Oct., 1849.' GREAT BRITAIN. 313 ITALY, Veterinarian (The); or monthly journal of veterinary science. Edited by W. Dick, W. F. Karkeek, W. Percivall, W. Youatt, M. U. Leblanc, Profs. Morton, Simonds, Varnell, Tusonand Brown, v. 1-46, Jan., 1828-73. 8°. London, Longman [and others]. [Current. Want v. 43, 1870. v. 45, etc., Simonda sole editor.] Veterinary (The) Record, etc Edited by Professors Spooner, Simonds, and Morton. 6 v. 8°. London, published by Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1845-50. [See Transactions : Great Britain. London.] ^Year-book (The) of Facts in Science and Art: exhibiting the most important discov- eries and improvements of the past year in mechanics; natural philosophy; electricity; chemistry; zoology and botany; geology and mineralogy; astronomy ; meteorology ; and geography. Illustrated with engravings. By the editor of "The Arcana of Science." Jlee Arcana of Science and Art, 1839, etc. Year-book of Medicine, Surgery, and their Allied Sciences. 6 v. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1859-64. Year-book of Pharmacy: comprising ab- stracts of papers relating to pharmacy, mate- ria medica, etc. With the proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference. 630 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Son, 1870. Zoist (The): a journal of cerebral physiology and mesmerism, and their application to hu- man welfare. Quarterly, v. 1-10, March, 1843, to Jan., 1853. 8°. London, H. Bail- liere. tf,inmfiiigtf?nl HOLLAND. AESCULAAP. v. D. Vinne. 8°. Amsterdam, 1834-36. ANNALES de litterature medicale 6trang6re et nationale, par le prof. Kluijskens et le dr. Kesteloot. Royal 8°. La Haye, librairie Belgique, 1815. Archief voor Geneeskunde. Door J. P. Heye. Am- sterdam, 1841-46. Archief (Nieuw) van binnen- en buitenlandsche Ge- neeskunde. Door I. v. Deen. 1845-52. Archiv fiir die Hollandischen Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von F. C. Donders und W.Berlin. Biinde 1-2, 1858-60. 8°. Utrecht, Kemink Sf Zoon. Archives n6erlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Pubises par la Society hol- landaise des sciences k Harlem, et redig^es par E.H. von Baumhauer. 7 v. 8C. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1866-72. Bijdragen (Geneeskundige). Door C. Pruijs van de Hoeven, J. Logger, C. G. C. Reinwardt en G. Salo- mon. 8°. Delft, 1825-30. 40* Bijdragen tot de theoretische en practische Genees- ^ kunde. 8°. Amsterdam, 1810-MB 11. Collectanea Medico-Physica. Ost-Hollanda Jaar- Re- gister. [By E. Blankaart. Published at Amster- dam, 1680-88.1 Courant (Geneeskundige) voor het Koningrijk der Ne- derlanden. 1848-53. GEZONDHEIDSBLAD. 4°. Amsterdam, 1822-25. 'innOKPA7THZ. Magazijntoegewijd aan den geheelen Omvang van de Geneeskund. 8°. Rotterdam, 1814. Jaarboeken der Genees-, Heel-en Naturkunde. TJit- gegeven door het Genootschap. 8°. Amsterdam, 1812-18. Journal medical de la NSerlande. 8°. La Hays, 1844- ''aMAAA f Monthly. 1 KLINIEK: Tijdscrift voor wetenschappelijke Genees- kunde. 8°. Utrecht, 1844-49+? N Lancet (Nederlandsch). Tijdschrift aan de practische \ Chirurgie en Oogheelkunde, gewijd door A. G. van i Onsenoort. 8°. Utrecht, 1838-4fe.Jfc [Monthly.] 'V »~"' Lancet (Nederlandsch). Tijdschrift voor de genees- kundige "Wetenschappen. TJitgegeven door F. C. Donders, G. L. H. Ellerman, J. H. Jansen. 8°. Gra- venhage, 1845-56+? Maandschrift (Geneeskundig). Door Van Opdorp. 8°. Breda, 1830-31. Magazijn (Geneeskundig^). Door A. van Slipraan- Luiscius, C. G. Ontijd [etc. J 8°. Delft, Hang en Leyden, 1801-15. Ma Indipendente (L'). Pubblicazicme periodi- ca su la medicina e la chirurgia pratica, le scienze affini e gli interessi professional! del corpo medico (continuazione della Gazzetta medica di Torino). Redatta dai Dottori Er- nesto Bechis, G. Berrutti [and others]. Si pubblica il 5, 15 e 25 d'ogni mese. No. 1, anno 25, Jan. 5, 1874. 8°. Torino, A. F. Negro. [Current.] Medicina (La)-communale, o la civilta' igie- nica. Dott. L. Ripa, direttore responsabile. (Anno 13), Jan., 1874. 8°. Seregno, F. Ventura. [Current.] Medico (II) di casa, l'igea (anno 12). Gior- nale di igiene e medicina popolare; diretto dal Professore Paolo Mantegazza. No. 1, v. 2, Jan. 1,1874. 8°. Milano, Fratelli Re- chiedei. [Current.] Osservatore (L'). Gazzetta delle cliniche, giornale ufficiale della Societa di medicina e chirurgia di Torino. Redattore C. Giacomi- ni. Si pubblica ogni Martedi. v. 9,1873. 8°. Torino 1873. [Current.] RACCOGLIATORE (II) medico. Giornale di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affine. 8°. Napoli, 1841. [Monthly. ] Raccoglitore (II) medico. Giornale indiriz- zato al progresso della medicina e chirurgia pratica, e degli interessi morali e professio- nal! specialmente dei medici-chirurghi con- dotti, diretto dal Prof. Cav. Luigi Malagodi, redatto e compilato dal Dott. Cav. Luigi Casati. No. 1, v. 1, serie 4, anno 37, Jan. 10,1874. 8°. Forli. [Current.] Rivista di medicina, di chirurgia, e di terapeu- tica, pel Dottor G. B. Soresina. v. 1 -3,1839- V J/ J: 316 ITALY. RUSSIA AND POLAND. A Rivista di medicina, etc.—continued. 71 [also for 1872-73. 2 v. each year]. 7 v. 8-\ Milano. [Current.] Rivista omiopatica. Diretta dal dottore G. Pompili, con la collaborazione di varj me- dici omiopatici. No. 1-6, anno 19, July- Dec, 1873. 8°. Roma. [Current. Monthly.] Salute (La). Gazzetta magnetico-scientifica. Organo della Society magnetica d'ltalia re- sidente in Bologna. II direttore gerente Prof. P. D'Amico. No. 1,anno 10, Jan. 1, 1874. Folio. Bologna. [Current.] Spallanzani (Lo). Rivista tcorico-pratica di scienze mediche e naturali. Diretta e com- pilata dal Dott. Antonio Cairuccio. No. 1, anno 12, Jan., 1874. 8°. Modena. [Current.] Sperimentale (Lo). Giornale critico di me- dicina e chirurgia dirretto e compilato da Car- lo Ghinozzi, P. Burresi, P. Landi. Fascicu- lol. v. 27, anno 23, Gennaio, 1871. 112 pp. 87 Firenze. [Monthly.] NORWAY. See SWEDEN. POLAND. See RUSSIA. PORTUGAL. See SPAIN. RUSSIA AND POLAND. Annalen (Allgemeine nordische) der Chemie, fiir die Freunde der Naturkurtde und Arznei- wissenschaft, inbesondere der Pharmacie, Arzneimittellehre, Physiologie, Physik, Mi- neralogie und Technologie im russischen Reiche. Herausgegeben von Alex. Nicolaus Scherer. Biinde 1-8,1819-22. 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, Schnorr, 1819-22. Beitrage zur Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. Biinde 1-4. • 8°. Riga, E. Gbtschel, 1849-60. [Each v. in 3 parts.] Blatter (Medicinisch-pharmaceutische). Herausge- geben von Dav. Hieron. Grindel. 4 Jahrgange oder Bande & 4 Hefte. 8°. Riga, Harlmann, 1819-22. -----The same. Neue Folge. 1 Band, 1824. 8°. Bulletin de la Sociel6 imp6riale des natu- ralistes de Moscou. See Transactions: Russia. Moscow. Correspondenzblatt des Naturforscherver- eins zu Riga. See Transactions : Russia. Riga. Jahrbuch (Russisches) der Pharmacie. Herausgegeben von Dav. H. Grindel. 8 v. Small 8°. Riga, Hart- tnann, 1803-10. [Bande 7-8, also, under title, Russisches Jahrbuch fur die Chemie und Pharmacie. Herausgege- bei; von Ed. Giese und D. H. Grindel.] S Wb s Journal (Allgemeines) fiir Arzneiwissenschaft (in rus- sischer Sprache). Herausgegeben von der medici- nisch-chirurgischen Academic in St. Petersburg. 6 Jahrgange 4 6 Hefte. 8°. Petersburg, 1811-16. [Die erste Zeitschrift fttr Arzneiwissenschaft in rus- sischer Litteratur.]___.----—--- Journal (Kritisches) der Arzneikunst zum Behuf der Erregungstheorie. 2 Stiicke. 8°. Riga, Harlmann, 1805-6. Landarzt (Der). Eine medicinische Wochenschrift. 8°. Riga, 1769 (Leipzig, Hartknocli). Magazin fiir Heilkunde und Naturwisscn.scUaft in Pohlen. Herausgegeben von L. Leo. 12°. War- schau, 1828. Meditsinskii vestnik, eshtshenedelnaya ga- zeta, izdavaemaya N. A. Nikitinuim, pod re- daktsiyu Y. A. Chestovitch. Years 1861, 1863-69. 8v. 4°. St. Petersburg. [Commenced in 1861.] Moskovskaya meditsinskaya gazeta izda- vaemaya obshtshestvom russkich vratchei. 3v. 1866-68. 4°. Moscow. Przeglad lekarski wydawany staraniem odd- zialu nauk przyrodniczych i lekarskich c. k. towarzystwa naukowego krakowskiego pod redakcya Profesor6\v Janikowskiego, Madu- rowicza, Majera, Skobla [etc.] v. 1-10, 1862-71. 4°. Krakow. [Want Nos. 15, 47, v. 8/ April 10, Nov. 20, 1869 Weekly.] Voyenno-meditsinskii journal, isdavayem- , wi meditsinskim departamentom voyennavo \ ministerstva. For the 45th-47th years. 36 A^7, s? n if. n**. 8°. St. Petersburg. =^ V/^-j A V. [This publication, the official organ of Russian mili- tary medicine, has been issued since 1823. From its commencement until 1857 it was a quarterly. It became a monthly in 1858, and is issued in fasciculi of about twenty laavoo^large 8° (over 300 pp.) Each number contains six parts, separately paged, forming every six months six distinct volumes, treating of the following subjects : 1. The official portion, regulations, nominations, changes, etc.; 2. Practice of medicine ; 3. Forensic medicine, toxi- cology, and pharmacy; 4. Veterinary medicine; 5. Bibliography; 6. Miscellaneous matter.] Zeitschrift (Dorpster medicinische). Redigirt von A. Boettcher. Dorpat, 1870. Zeitschrift (Pharmaceutische) fttr Russland. Heraus- gegeben von der pharmaceutischen Gesellschaft in St. Petersburg. Redigirt von Dr. Arth. Casselmann, liter Jahrgang, 1872. 2 v. Royal 8°. St. Peters- burg, Ricker, 1872. Zeitschrift (St. Petersburger medicinische). Redacteur: Dr.Georg*Krich. Bande 1 9\ 1861-69. Neue Folge, Bande 1-3, 1870-72. Royal 8°. St. Petersburg, H. Schmitzdorff. [In 1862-69, 2 v. annually; other years, 1 v. annu- ally'J ~ . -U Zeitung fMMgiW^flfedicinische^ Redigirt und herausgegeben von den DDrr. MT. THeine, R. Krebel und H. Thielmann. 12th-17th 9 8Va6 I/O*"" 9 fcLjuSj /lie *xAij /-?.. "2? r >t *'•>. 317 RUSSIA AND POLAND,^7- ff j. Zeitung (Ruaslggdrr-mGdleiuis^lie^— cont'd SWEDEN. 0 v. 4°. St. Petersburg, years, 1855-60. R. Goliche. [Commenced in 1844.J SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Abeja (L') medica. Barcelona, 1847-52. , Correio (0) medico fl^-Lisboa. Publicacao quinzenal de medicina, cirugia e pharmacia. Prop, e red. C. dos Santos, J. Ferraz de Ma- cedo, J. J. da Silva Amado. v. 1-2, July 1, 1871-73. 4°. Lisboa. [Current.] CORRESPONDENCE literario medica, o peri6dico trimes- tre de medicina, cirugia, quimica y pharmacia, del Dr. D. Vicente Mitjavila y Fysonell. 8°. Barcelona, 1804. [March to May, 1834 + ?J DECADAS de medicina y de cirugia practicas. 4°. Ma- drid, 1824. [4 parts a month. Callisen says, "Decadas medico quirurgicas" is probably the same.] Escholiaste (O) medico. Publicado sob os auspicios da reparticao de sande do exercito. Redactores: A. G. do Valle, J. A. Marques, E. J. C. Mendes, pelos facul- tativos militares. Lisboa, imprensa Nacional. [Commenced in 1844 ; issued in fortnightly numbers of 16 pp., 4°.] GACETA medica: repertorio de los progresos do la me- dicina, cirugia, farmacia y cicncias auxiliares. Folio. Madrid, 18604sJ » ?M * ? Gaceta medica de Madrid. Madrid, 1634. [Weekly. Edited by Dr. Alfaro. No. 1 was June 7, 1834.J Gazeta medica de Lisboa. Redactor: D. Pedro Fr. da Costa Alvarenga. v. 1, 4th series [21st year], 1873. 8°. Lisboa, imprensa Nacional. [Current. Bi-monthly.] Jornal de pharmacia e sciencias accessorias de Lisboa. Redigido e publicado por Jos6 Te- deschi. Publica-se a 10 de cada mez. 26° anno de publicacao. Setima serie, tomo se- gundo. 238 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1873. [Current.] Jornal de sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. Publicado sob os auspicios da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. Nos. 13-15, July, 1872-73. 8°. Lisboa. [Current.J Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. Com. de redaccao: A. L. da Silva [and 4 others]. Anno 38, v. 37,1873. 8°. Lisboa. . [Current.] Repertorio medico. 4°. Barcelona, 1812. [Monthly.] Revista medica. Madrid, 1310-11. [Monthly.] Revista de sanidad militar espafiola y extran- jera. Se publica en los dias 10 y 25 de cada mes. Editor responsable, D.Juan Alvarez y Alvarez. Numero 47, 10 de diciembre de 1805. 8°. Madrid. Siglo (El) m6dico. (Boletin de medecina y gaceta me"diea.) Peri6dico de medicina, ciruj ia y farmacia. Consagrado k los intereses morales, cientificos. y profesionales de las clases medicas. Afiol9. Numero 986, Nov. 17,1872. 4°. Madrid, R. Labajos. [Published every Sunday.] SWEDEN, NORWAY, AND DENMARK. Annalen (Arzneikundige) von Joh. Clem. Tode. 13 Hefte. Copenhagen, J. G. Rothe, 1787-92. Archiv for loegevidenskabens Historie i Danmark. [ B y J. D. Herholdt. ] No. 1,1823. 8°. Copenhagen. [No more published.] Archiv (Nordisches) fiir Natur- und Arzney- vrissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Prof. Pfaff in Kiel und Dr. Scheel in Kopenhagen. Biinde 1-4 a 3 Stucke, 1799-1805. 8°. Ko- penhagen, F. Brummer. [Completed, v. 2, title, Nordisches Archiv fur Natur- und Arzneywissenschaft und Chi- rurgie ; and Prof. Rudolphi in Greifswalde added as editor. See Germany : Archiv (Neues nordi- sches) fur Naturkunde, etc., for 2d series, 1807.] Arkiv (Nordiskt mediciniskt) under Medver- kanaf Prof. Dr. P. L. Panum [and 14 others] redigeradt af Dr. Axel Key. Binden 1-5, 1869-73. 8°. Stockholm, Samson Sf Wallin. [Current.] BlBLIOTEK for Loeger. 8°. Copenhagen, 1809-47 + ! ^_, EYR. EtmedicinskTidsschrift. 8°. Christiania, 1826-37. [Quarterly.) Hospitals-Tidende. Optegnelser af prak- ,. tisk Laegekunst fra Ind- og Udlandet. Red. # ' C. Lange, V. Rasmussen, P. Plum. 15 Aar- gang, 1872. Folio. Kjbenhavn, J. Lund. [Weekly.] Hygaea (Nye). Udgivet af C. Otto og Th. Repp. Copenhagen, 1823-26. [Monthly. Continued as the following.] HYGAEA. Et laegevidenskabeligt Tidsskrift. Copen- hagen, 1827. JOURNAL (Medicinisches). Von J. Clemens Tode. 5 Bande a 4 Stucke. (3ter-5ter Band auch: " Medici- nisch-chirurgisches Journal.) 5 v. 8°. Copenha- gen und Leipzig, 1793-1804. Magazin (Norsk) for Laegevidenskaben. Ud- givet af Laegeforeningen i Christiania. Re- digeret af C. Boeck, A. Conradi, C. Heiberg, J. Hjort, F. Hoist. Andet Bind, 1841. 364 pp. 8°. Christiania, Guldberg Sr Dzwon- kowski. UGESKRIFT for Loeger. Redigeret af Ahrenson. Co- penhagen, 1839-ttr J . '-<-*.+X, s. -> /-0.4 ?3?^ C)A. 318 SWITZERLAND. SWITZERLAND. SWITZERLAND. Archiv gemeinniltziger physischer uud medicinischer Kenntnisse. Zum Besten des Zilrich'schen Semina- riums geschickter Landwundarzte herausgegeben von J. H. Rahn. 3 v. 8°. Zurich, 1787-91. Archiv der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. Her- auEgegeben von einer Gesellschaft schweizerischer Aerzte. 4 v. 8°. Aarau, H. R. Sauerlander, 1816-18. [Also with title: Sammlung von Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der Medicin und Chirurgie, etc.] Archiv der Thierheilkunde. Von einer Gesellschaft schweitzerischer Thierarzte. 6 v. 8°. Aarau, Zu- rich und Bern, 1816-32. Bulletin international des societes de secours aux militaires blesses. Publie par le comitd international. Nos. 1-17, Oct., 1369-73. 8°. Geneve, Soullier et Wirlh. [Current. Quarterly.] Bulletin de la Soci6t6 g6n6voise d'utilH6 pu- blique. See Transactions : Switzerland. Geneva. Bulletin de la Soci6te vaudoise des sciences naturelles. See Transactions : Switzer- land. Lausanne. Correspondenzblatt (Bernisches) fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. [Commenced in 1850. J Corresponded - Blatt fiir schweizerische Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Klebs. Jahrgang 1872. 24 Nummern. 4°. Bern, Dalp, 1872. Correspondenz-Blatt (Schweizerisches) fiir Militar-, Sanitiits- und Medicinal-Wesen. Or- gan der schweizerischen militararztlichen Gesellschaft. lster-4ter Jahrgang, Jan. 1855 bis Dec. 1858. 4 v. 8°. Sarmenstorf, Keller. [Monthly.] Echo (L') mddical. Journal Suisse et Stran- ger des sciences mddicales, pharmaceutiques et v<5t6rinaires. Organe des soci6te"s indi- cates de Geneve,' de Neuchatel et du canton de Yaud. Redige et publi6 par le dr. Cor- naz. v. 1-5. 5 v. 8°. Neuchatel (en Suisse), 1857-61. [Monthly. F. de Pury joined as editor in v. 3; H. Rossier added in v. 5. v. 5 semi-monthly.] GAZETTE de sant6 ; oder gemeinniitziges medicinisches Magazin. Fiir Leser aus alien Standen und zum Bes- ten einer Privatanstalt fiir arme Kranke.lterausge- geben von J. H. Rahn. 4 v. [with register]. 8°. Zurich, J. C. Fussli, 1782-86. Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltung des Medicinal- wesens, die offentlichen Krankenanstalten und den allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand des Kant»ns Zurich in den Jahren 1852-54, 1859-60, nebst Mittheilungen aus der Praxis der Aerzte und Thierarzte, erstattet von der Direction der_Medicinalangelegenheiten. 5 v. 8°. Zurich, Zurcher und Furrer, 1853-61. Magazin fiir gemeinniitzige Arzneikunde und medici- nizche Polizei. Herausgegeben von Joh. Heinr. Kahn. 2 Hefte. 8°. Zurich, Or ell, Fussli If Co., 1799-1801. Monatsschrift (Schweizerische) fiir prakti- sche Medizin. Herausgegeben unter Mit- wirkung bernischer Aerzte von Dr. Bellmont und Dr. A. Vogt. Jahrgange 1, 3-5,1856, 1858-60. 8°. Bern, J. A. Weihgart. [Want v. 2 ; No. 1, v. 4. v. 3, etc., Vogt sole editor.] Museum der Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von der hel- vetischen Gesellschaft correspondirender Aerzte und Wundarzte. 4 v. Royal 8°. Zurich, Orell, Fussli 6f Co., 1792-97. REPERTORIUM der medicinischen Literatur der Jahre 1789-94. Herausgegeben von Paul Usteri. 6 v. Royal 8°. Zurich, Orell, Fussli if Co., 1790-98. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Ge- sellschaft zu Zurich. See TRANSACTIONS : Switzerland. Zurich. WOCHEXBLATT ( Gemeinniitzliches) phy.sischer und medicinischer Kenntnisse. Zum Besten des Zurcher Seminariums geschickter Landwundarzte herausge- geben von J. H. Rahn. Jahrgang 1, 2 H&lfte, 1790-92. 8°. Zurich, Orell, 1790-92. Zeitschrift (Populare homoopathische) zur Aufkla- rung des Volkes iiber Wirksamkeit und Wesen der homoopatischen Heilmethode. Redigirt von Bolle. lster-13ter Jahrgang, 1855-67. 13 v. 4°. Paderborn, Schoningh (1855-65) ; Aachen, Jacobi Sf Co. (1866-67). Zeitschrift fttr praktische Veterinar-Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Feser, Leonhardt, Piitz, etc. Redigirt von Prof. Hermann Ptitz. lster Jahrgang, 1873, 9 Nummern. 8°. Bern, Dalp, 1873. Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medizin. Herausge- geben von J. Henle und C. Pfeufer. Ister- lOter Band, 1842-51. Neue Folge : Ister- 6ter Band, 1851-56 ; -3te Reihe : lster-36ster Band, 1857-69. In all 46 v. 8°. Zurich, Schulthess, 1842-43 ; Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1844-57 ; Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857-69. [WilliI v 0, "d im i'i.....i lfiliii fifi ] " -----The same. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie in den Jahren 1856-71. Als besondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin. Herausge- geben von J. Henle und G. Meissner. 15 v. 8°. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1857-72. [In 1861, W. Keferstein added ; in 1869. Keferstein dropped and H. Grenadier added ; in 1871, Grena- J cher dropped. 1 ^/ Zeitschrift (Schweizerische) fiir Heilkunde. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung schweize- rischer Aerzte und arztlicher Gesellschaften von A. Biermer, R. Demme, M. Schiff und A. Ziegler. Biinde 1-3,1862-64. 8°. Bern, J. Dalp. Zeitschrift ( Schweizerische ) fiir Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. Herausgege- ben von den medizinisch-chirurgischen Kan- tonal-Gesellschaften von Zurich und Bern. SWITZERLAND. 319 TURKEY. Zeitschrift (Schweizerische),etc.—continued. Jahrgange 1847-56. 8°. Zurich, F. Schult- hess. [Want 1852-54. v. for 1855-56 edited by B v. Tscharner.) Zeitschrift (Schweizerische) fiir Natur- und Heilkunde; in Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten dieser Fiicher herausgegeben von Chr. Friedr. v. Pommer. Biinde 1-3,1834- 33. Neue Folge, Bande 1-3, 1838-41. 8°. Zeitschrift (Schweizerische),etc—continued. Ziirich, Orell, Filssli Sf Co., 1834-35; Heil- bronn, 1336-38; Zurich, 1839-41. TURKEY. G-azette medicale d'orient. Publiee par la Soci6t6 imperiale de m6decine de Constanti- nople ; paraissant 12 fois par an, le lr de chaque mois. Annies 1-17, April, 1857- 73. 4°. Constantinople. [Current. Want No. 10, v. 3 ; No. 12, v. 12.] END OF. THE THIRD VOLUME. ^ V ■$* q $', ^.