£&&&*.)&■. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland ,/ / Tl^/U^'^^ M^JL<^ ^ <-<. ¥ m ~4T* «* ► ««^ I * •t \ •> • t • % A THEGBETICAL AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY. i t r > » % « € s. ee- -pxjuqey psujt 92. % PI I. CM 3 O C t THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY, INCLUDING THE via loo Cr 1874 DISEASES OF PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION. "\ BY P. CAZEAUX, Member of Vie Imperial Academy of Medicine; Adjunct P-ofessor in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris; Oievalitr of the Legion of Honor; Correspondent of the Society of Accoucheurs of Berlin; President of the Medical Society of the Department of the Seine, etc., etc. ADOPTED BY THE SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. AMD PLACED, BY MINISTERIAL DECISION. IN THE RANK OP THE CLASSICAL WORKS DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF MIDWIFE STUDENTS, IN THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL OF PARIS. REVISED AND ANNOTATED BY --^ •"''*'* S. TABNIBB, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris; Hospital Surgeon ; Former Clinical Chief of the Lying-in Hospital; Member of the Surgical Society, and of Ike Anatomical Society. i nxtlx %mt\\icmx Ji[om tint Jimntlt (Jfrwrit (Edition. BY WM. R. BULLOCK, M.D. TOfe (tint $jam&xe& awl £mtttjj-ftM ptotftattoiw. PHILADELPHIA. LINDSAY AND B L A K I S T 0 N. 1874. 00. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by LINDSAY AND BLAKISTON, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CAXTON PRESS OF SHEB.MAN 4 CO. NOTE BY THE TRANSLATOR. The translation of the seventh and last French edition of Cazeauxs Midwifery is now offered to the Profession. Since the death of Prof. Cazeaux the work has been revised and edited by Prof. Tarnier, in whose preface will be found ' indicated the many and important alterations and additions which it has undergone. The copious index accompanying the present Americai) edition will, it is hoped, be found of practical utility. W. R. BULLOCK Wilmington, Del., May 18, 1868. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION, THE sixth edition of this work was almost exhausted, when its author, in the full strength of years and talent, was suddenly struck down by the disease which very soon proved fatal. In departing, Cazeaux left a name beloved of physicians and students, and respected by all. The success of his work on obstetrics had greatly contributed to extend his reputation and scientific authority. Inasmuch, therefore, as the stoppage of its publication would deprive the medical public of a work which, for a long time, has justly been ranked first amongst classical books, both Cazeaux's family and his editor concurred in the opinion that a new edition ought to be published. A classical book soon grows old in these days, and it was found im- possible to bring out a new edition without subjecting it to the altera- tions demanded by the progress of science. I was charged with its pre- paration, and accepted the honor of the task with a full appreciation of its difficulties. I had never been Cazeaux's pupil, but his book was the first from which I had studied obstetrics, and I had been accustomed to see it in the hands of all my fellow-students, and, at a later period, of my pupils also. Independently, therefore, of my personal observa- tion, I was in a position to become acquainted with its character through others. Thus, together with merited praise, I sometimes also listened to criticisms of its details, and profited by all I heard. I was left at liberty to remodel the work according to my judgment, to make the alterations which seemed to be required, to suppress some passages and to introduce new ones. Out of respect to Cazeaux's memory, it was decided that the printing should be done in two kinds of type; the larger for the old text, and the smaller for what I had myself written. The reader will readily distinguish what belongs to Cazeaux and what to myself, but the work has been .resolved into a homogeneous body without contradictory annotations. This last result could not xi xi i PREFACE. possibly have been attained without retouching the old text, by which a new direction and meaning has been sometimes given to the original ideas. Should it be desired to know certainly what Cazeaux's opinions were, it will, therefore, be necessary to consult an old edition. Especially have I made it a duty not to change the spirit in which the work had been conceived; therefore I can say with Cazeaux, that, " After a work lias passed through several editions, a preface is hardly needed, for its object is then sufficiently well known. The present is more particularly intended for the use of students of medicine and mid- wife-students, although general practitioners may also, perhaps, gain something by its perusal, for I have endeavored to make it a condensed summary of the leading principles established by the masters of our art, and for that purpose have drawn from all the works published down to the present day. My position in the lying-in hospitals has enabled me to test the value of the doctrines put forth by former authors; and I have adopted as true all which my daily experience has confirmed, and have rejected unhesitatingly, from whatever source they came, all such as were disproved by the numerous cases brought under my observation, confining myself to quoting, without comment, those whose value I have been unable to determine. 11 Although this work resembles, in its general arrangement, most of those published on the same subject in France, it differs from them essentially in the main; for I have adopted almost wholly the views of Professors Nsegele, P. Dubois, and Stoltz, which are not found clearly expressed in any of our classical books. I have also extracted freely from the learned treatise of Professor Velpeau, whose vast erudition has greatly facilitated my bibliographical researches; from the course of my former teacher, Professor Moreau; from the excellent articles of Desormeaux, of Pages, and of Guillemot; from the classical works" of England and America, such as those of Burns, Campbell, Merriman Ramsbotham, Dewees, Meigs, and Rigby; and from the treatises of Peu Delamotte, Levret, Smellie, Baudelocque, Gardien, and Capuron. I have also consulted with advantage the manual recently published bv my friend, Dr. Jacquemier; also, the memoirs of Simpson, Tyler Smith Depaul, Devilliers, &c. I may be permitted also to express publiclv my thanks to M. Coste, for his great kindness in allowing me to study his beautiful collection in the College of France, and to borrow several figures from the magnificent work which he is now publishing Lastly it will be seen how highly I value the eminently practical writino-s of Madame Lachapelle. In a word, I have selected from all sources PREFACE. xiii whatever bears the impress jf truth. In the sciences of observation, a new work is necessarily enriched by the labors of all antecedent writers; and therefore, its greatest merit consists in collecting its scattered ma- terials, and forming out of them a body of doctrine, which it illustrates in the clearest and simplest manner possible. Such is the end I have endeavored to attain; and the medical public, and students especially, must judge whether I have succeeded in the attempt. " But few quotations have been made, though their number might have been greatly increased; but I wished to avoid the charge made by most students against one of our best classical works. However, I have felt bound to refer to living authors whenever I have introduced a new theory, or any particular procedure, which emanated from them; and besides, as the professorate may be deemed a mode of publicity, I have respected the right to the original ideas which I have heard emitted by Professor Dubois; and his name will be found scrupulously associated with all the opinions emanating from him. " Notwithstanding a spurious copy published in Belgium, and several translations into foreign languages, the large editions of the work first published were rapidly exhausted. So favorable a reception made it obligatory upon me to neglect nothing which could render this edition worthy of the reputation of its predecessors. I have, therefore, reviewed and corrected all parts of it with scrupulous care." The plan of the present edition has been so greatly modified that it may be regarded as altogether new, the order followed being that which I long since adopted for my course of lectures, as the most natural and the best. The chapters are grouped into eight principal parts. Part first is devoted to the female organs of generation. The pelvis is first studied by describing separately each of its component parts, afterwards considering them as a whole, and pointing out carefully whatever pecu- liarities it may present as to form, direction, and size ; then we pass immediately to the anatomical description of the external and internal organs of generation. It will be seen that I have here profited by M. Sappey's recent researches in regard to the structure of the ovary, and those of Dr. Helie (of Nantes) in regard to the structure of the uterus. The physiology of the genital organs is now so intimately connected , with their anatomical arrangement that it is impossible to describe them fully without speaking "at the same -time of their functions. The phenomena which they exhibit at certain periods are also very properly regarded as the preludes of generation, making their preliminary study jdv PREFACE. indispensable to all who would understand the changes which these organs undergo during the puerperal condition. The genital apparatus of the female having been studied in the non- pregnant condition, we examine, in the second part, those very numerous and important changes which they undergo during gestation, and shall often have occasion to quote the many works of Robin on the uterine mucous membrane, the decidua, and the placenta. AYe afterwards study the first cause of all of these changes, to wit, the foetus and its appendages, which are traced through the various stages of their devel- opment. From this examination we deduce the signs of pregnancy. Having acquired these preliminary notions, we are in a condition to enter upon the subject of labor in the third part of the work. In the process of parturition we distinguish two orders of phenomena: one purely physiological and expressive of the vital action called into play in order to expel the foetus; the others, purely mechanical, and consti- tuting the mechanism by which this expulsion takes place. We have given great latitude to the description, and especially to the explanation of the mechanism of natural labor, and think that we have succeeded in explaining certain facts which, hitherto, had only been pointed out. New views have also led us to describe six principal stages in the mechanism of all the presentations. After the labor, properly so called, comes the study of the delivery of the after-birth, and of the puerperal state; this part including afterward the subject of the attentions to be given to the woman during and after labor, as also an article devoted to apparent death of new-born children. I have also greatly extended the pathology of pregnancy, to which the entire fourth part is devoted. Chapters entirely new will be found in it on the diseases of pregnancy, the alterations to which the placenta is subject, and the death of the child during intra-uterine life. Thus I hope that I have supplied an omission that was to be regretted. In the fifth part, which is devoted to difficult labor, we treat in detail of deformities of the pelvis and all other causes of dystocia the way in which each operates, their situation in the mother, the child or its appendages, the signs whereby their presence may be detected the indications which they present, and the means of remedying them. In the study of the accidents which are liable to complicate labor, I have profited by all the works published of la'te years, and in the account of hemorrhage, puerperal convulsions, and the indications which they present, will be found some new considerations. To fill up properly Missing pages XV- XVI TABLE .OF CONTENTS. k PART I. OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. PAGE CHAPTER I. —Of the Pelvis,........33 Article I. — Of the Bones of the Pelvis,..... 34 g 1. The Sacrum,..........34 g 2. Coccyx,.......... 36 g 3. Coxal Bones, or Ossa Innominata,......37 Article II. — Articulations of the Pelvis,......39 g 1. Articulation of the Pubis,.......40 g 2. Sacro-Iliac Articulations,........41 g 3. Sacro-Coccygeal Articulation,......42 g 4. Sacro-Vertebral Symphysis,.......43 g 5. Sub-Pubic Membrane,........ 44 Article III. — Of the Pelvis in general,......44 g 1. External Surface,........44 g 2. Internal Surface,.........44 g 3. Superior Strait,.........47 g 4. Inferior Strait,.........49 g 5. Cavity of the Pelvis,........ 51 g 6. Base of the Pelvis,.........53 g 7. Differences of the Pelvis,....... 53 g 8. Uses of the Pelvis,.........54 Article IV. — Of the Pelvis covered by the Soft Parts, ... 54 CHAPTER II.—Of the External Organs of Generation, ... 57 Article I. — The Mons Veneris,....... 58 Article II. — The Vulva,....... .58 Labia Majora,......... 58 Labia Minora,..........59 9 xvii XV111 CONTENTS. PAGE Clitoris........ • 60 Vestibule...........61 Urethra,........... 61 Hymen,...........02 Carunculse Myrtiformes, ....••• 63 Fossa Naviculars,......... 63 Article III. — Secretory Apparatus of the External Genital Organs, . 64 Sudoriparous Glands,......... 64 Sebaceous Glands,.........64 Mucous Glands, ......... 64 Vulvo-Vaginal Gland,........65 Article IV. — The Perineum,........ 67 CHAPTER III. — Internal Organs of Generation, .... 68 .Article I. — The Vagina, ........ 68 Article II. — The Uterus, ......... 71 g 1. External Surface of the Uterus, ...... 73 Body of the Uterus,........73 Neck of the Uterus,........74 g 2. Internal Surface of the Uterus, ...... 76 Cavity of the Body,........ 76 Cavity of the Neck,........77 g 3. Structure of the Uterus,....... 78 Peculiar Tissue,......... 78 Peritoneal Membrane, ....... 78 Mucous Membrane, ........79 g 4. Ligaments of the Uterus......._ 82 Broad Ligaments, . . ..... 82 Bodies of Rosenmliller, ....... 82 Round Ligaments, ........ 84 Article III. — The Fallopian Tubes,.......85 Article IV. — The Ovaries..........86 g 1. Structure of the Ovaries,....... 88 g 2. Ovarian Vesicles,.........90 g 3. Human Ovule, ......... 90 CHAPTER IV. — Ovulation and Menstruation,.....93 Article I. — Modifications of the Ovarian Vesicles, .... 93 The Corpus Luteum,....... 9g Article II. — Menstruation,.......# 103 CHAPTER V. —The Breasts,........H5 CONTENTS. XIX PAET II. OF PREGNANCY. PAGB CHAPTER I. —Conception,.........119 CHAPTER II. — Changes in the Maternal Organism, .... 125 Article I. — Changes in the Uterus...... . . . 125 g 1. Changes in the Body of the Uterus, •.....125 g 2. Changes in the Neck,........130 g 3. Changes of Structure, . ......136 1. Serous Layer, ........ 136 2. Mucous Layer, . . . . . . . . 137 3. Middle LayeK, . .....137 a. Mad. Boivin's Structure, ...... 138 b. Deville's Structure,......139 c. M. Helie's Structure,......142 4. Vascular Apparatus, ....... 145 Article II. — Properties of the Uterus (Changes of), .... 148 Sensibility of the Uterus, ....... 148 Irritability,..........148 Contractility,.........149 Retractility, .......... 151 Article III. — Changes in the Parts adjacent to the Uterus, . . 152 Article IV. — Changes in the Breasts,......155 Article V. — Anatomical and Functional Changes in some Parts not concerned in Generation, ........ 156 g 1. Digestion,..........157 g 2. Circulation,..........157 g3. Urine,...........160 Kyesteine, . ........161 g 4. Osteophytes of the Cranial Bones,......166 \ 5. Pigmentary Deposits,........166 CHAPTER III. —Of the Decidua,........167 Old Theory,.........167 Present Theory,.........171 CHAPTER IV. — Of the Human Ovum after Fecundation, . . . 179 Afticle I. — Changes which the Ovule undergoes in the Fallopian Tube, 180 Disappearance of the Germinal Vesicle,.....180 XX CONTENTS. PAG* Condensation of the Vitellus,......180 Polar Globules, ....... .180 Vitelline Nucleus and Segmentation of the Vitellus, . . 181 Article II. — Changes undergone by the Ovule from the time of its Arrival in the Womb to the Formation of the Allantoid, . . 182 Article III. — Of the Foetal Appendages,.....187 g 1. The Allantoid Vesicle, .......187 g 2. Umbilical Vesicle,........188 g 3. The Amnion,..........190 g 4. Waters of the Amnion, (Liquor Amnii), .... 191 g 5. Chorion,...........192 Article IV. — Organs of Connection,.......194 g 1. Placenta,..........194 g 2. Umbilical Cord,.........207 CHAPTER V. —Of the Fostus, . . »......210 Article I. — The Foetus during Intra-Uterine Life, .... 211 Article II. — Head of the Foetus at Term,......217 Article III. — Position and Attitude of the Foetus, .... 222 Article IV. — Functions of the Foetus, ...... 225 g 1. Nutrition,.......... 225 g 2. Respiration,..........229 g 3. Circulation,..........231 g 4. Innervation, .......... 236 g 5. Secretions, .......... 236 CHAPTER VI. — Diagnosis of Pregnancy,......237 Article I.—Rational Signs,....... 237 Article II.—Sensible Signs, ...... 242 g 1. The Touch,.......... 242 Vaginal Touch,....... 243 Anal Touch, ••..... 245 Ballottement, •••... 245 g 2. Abdominal Palpation,...... r>^~ g 3. Active Motions of the Foetus,...... 250 g 4. Auscultation......... 050 1. Sounds of the Heart, ...... 253 2. Souffle of the Cord........257 3. Uterine Souffle. ....... 258 CHAPTER VII.—Twin Pregnancy,.......269 CONTENTS. XX] PAET III. OF LABOR. PAGE CHAPTER I.— Causes of Natural Labor,......276 g 1. Efficient Causes,.........276 g 2. Determining Causes, '........ 280 CHAPTER II. — Physiological Phenomena of Labor, . . . 284 g 1. Pain and Contraction,........288 g 2. Dilatation of the Neck',.......292 g 3. Glairy Discharges, . .......293 g 4. Bag of Waters,.........294 g 5. Duration of Labor,.........297 § 6- Effect of Labor upon the Mother and Child, ... 300 CHAPTER III. — Mechanical Phenomena of Labor, .... 304 Article I. — Presentations and Positions,...... 304 Article II. — Presentation of the Vertex, .."... 314 § 1. Causes,..........314 g 2. Diagnosis,..........315 g 3. Mechanism, .......... 317 g 4. Inclined or Irregular Presentation of the Vertex, . . . 331 g 5. Prognosis,..........331 Article III. — Face Presentation, ....... 335 g 1. Causes,..........335 g 2. Diagnosis,..........336 g 3. Mechanism, ......... 338 g 4. Inclined or Irregular Presentations, ..... 345 g 5. Prognosis...........345 Article IV.— Presentation of the Pelvic Extremity, .... 347 g 1. Causes,.........• . . 349 g 2. Diagnosis, .......... 349 g 3. Mechanism, .......... 351 g 4. Prognosis,..........357 Article V.— Presentation of the Trunk,......361 g 1. Causes,...........362 g 2. Diagnosis,..........363 g 3. Mechanism, ..... ..... 366 Spontaneous Version, ........ 366 Spontaneous Evolution, ....... 368 g 4. Prognosis,...........371 Xxil CONTENTS. PAGB Article VI. — Recapitulation of the Mechanism of Labor in general, . 371 CHAPTER IV —Twin Labor,.........375 CHAPTER V. — Premature and Retarded Labor,.....377 Article I. — Premature Labor, ........ 377 Article II. — Retarded Labor,........379 CHAPTER VI. — Natural Delivery of the Placenta, . . . 381 CHAPTER VII. — Attentions to the Woman and Child during Labor, 388 Article I. — Attentions to the Woman during Labor, .... 388 Article II —Attentions to the Child during Labor, .... 399 CHAPTER VIII. — Attentions to the Woman and Child immediately after Labor,........... 405 Article I. — Attentions to the Woman immediately after Labor, . . 405 Article II. — Attentions to the Child immediately after Birth, . . 406 g 1. When the Child is healthy.......406 g 2. When ,the Child is weak or diseased,.....409 CHAPTER IX. — Phenomena of the Lying-in State, .... 421 g 1. After-pains,..........429 g 2. Lochia,...........431 g 3. Secretion of Milk,.........435 CHAPTER X.—Attentions to the Woman during her Lying-in, . 439 PAET IV. PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. CHAPTER I. — Diseases which may exist during Pregnancy, . . 443 g 1. Epidemic Diseases, ........ 443 Grippe or Influenza,........ 44,"! Cholera,..........44^ g 2. Endemic Diseases,........445 Intermittent Fever,....... 44c g 3. Eruptive Fevers,.......% 44Q Variola............44g CONTENTS. XX111 PAGE Scarlatina,......... 447 Roseola,..........448 3 4. Various Sporadic Diseases, ....... 448 Typhoid Fever,.........448 Pneumonia, .......... 448 Various Inflammations, ....... 449 Icterus,..........449 Syphilis,..........451 Saturnine Intoxication, ....... 453 Phthisis,..........453 Hysteria, Epilepsy, Chlorosis,......455 g 5. Surgical Affections,........455 g 6. Hypertrophy of the Thyroid Gland,.....457 g 7. Ulceration of the Neck of the Uterus......457 CHAPTER II.— Diseases of Pregnancy,......46i Article I. — Lesions of Digestion, .......463 g 1. Anorexia,..........463 g 2. Pica, Pyrosis,..........464 g 3. Vomiting, ..........464 1. Simple Vomiting,........465 2. Intractable Vomiting,.......467 3. Treatment of Vomiting, .......470 a. Medical Treatment.......470 b. Surgical Treatment,......474 g 4. Constipation ; Diarrhoea,.......477 Article II. — Lesions of Respiration,.......478 Article III. — Lesions of Circulation,......479 g 1. Plethora; Hydraemia,........479 § 2. Hemorrhage,.........486 g 3. Varicose Veins; Hemorrhoids, . . . • • 487 Article IV. — Lesions of the Secretions and Excretions, . . . 488 g 1. Ptyalism,.......... 488 g 2. Excretion of Urine, .... ... 489 g 3. Albuminuria; Uraemia, ... ... 490 g 4. Dropsy of the Cellular Tissue........500 g 5. Ascites,..........502 Article V. — Lesions of Innervation,.......505 g 1. Eclampsia,..........505 g 2. Vertigo ; Syncope,.........505 g 3. Various Forms of Neuralgia; Odontalgia.....507 g 4. Paralysis,..........507 g 5. Intellectual Disorders. Mania,......510 XXIV CONTENTS. PAGE Article VI. — Diseases of the Skin, . .....512 g 1. Itching, ..........512 g 2. Pigmentary Spots.........513 Article VII. — Lesions of the Pelvic Articulations, . . . .514 g 1. Relaxation of the Symphysis,......514 g 2. Inflammation of the Symphysis, ...... 516 Article VIII. — Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina, .... 517 g 1. Pruritus of the Vulva,........517 g 2. Leucorrhcea,..........518 g 3. Vegetations,..........519 Article IX. — Abdominal and Uterine Pains,.....520 g 1. Abdominal, Lumbar, and Inguinal Pains.....520 g 2. Uterine Pains,..........522 g 3. Rheumatism of the Uterus,.......524 Article X. — Displacements of the Uterus,......528 g 1. Prolapsus,..........528 g 2. Retroversion,..........532 g 3. Anteversion...........539 g 4. Lateral Obliquity..........541 CHAPTER III. — Diseases of the Oyum,.......541 Article I. — Dropsy,..........541 g 1. Dropsy of the Amnion, ....... 541 g 2. Hydrorrhcea,..........545 g 3. Dropsy of the Villi.of the Chorion, (Hydatiform Mole,) . 547 Article II. — Lesions of the Placental Villi,.....549 Fibrous Obliteration,........550 Article III. — Effusions of Blood in the Placenta, .... 552 Placental Apoplexy, . . . . . . . . . 554 CHAPTER IV. — Diseases and Death of the Fcstus, .... 556 g 1. Diseases of the Foetus, . ......55g g 2. Death of the Foetus,........553 CHAPTER V. —Abortion,.........56C Article I. — Causes,........, 5gj g 1. Causes of Spontaneous Abortion, ...... 56] g 2. Causes of Accidental Abortion,......»ggg g 3. Causes of Induced Abortion,......gg-* Article II. — Symptoms of Abortion........gg^ Article III. — Diagnosis, .... . , 57! CONTENTS. XXV tage Article IV. — Delivery of the Placenta in Abortion, . . 575 Article V. — Prognosis,.........578 Article VI. — Treatment,........579 CHAPTER VI. —Extra-Uterine Pregnancy,......585 Pathological Anatomy,........591 Symptoms,..........594 Progress,...........596 Causes,..........598 Treatment,..........601 PAET "V". DYSTOCIA. CHAPTER 1 -Deficient or Excessive Expulsive Power, . . . 605 Article I. — Tedious Labor,........605 g 1. Feeble Contractions, ........ 607 g 2. Lessening of Contractions, ....... 609 g 3. Irregularity of Pains, ........ 611 g 4. Effect of the Contraction of the Walls of the Abdomen, . 612 Article II. — Too Rapid Labor, ........613 CHAPTER II. — Deformities of the Pelvis,......616 Pelvis too Large,.........617 Pelvis too Small,.........618 Article I.—Pathological Anatomy,.......619 g 1. Smallness without Deformity,......619 g 2. Smallness with Deformity,.......620 Article II. — Causes and Mode of Production, .... 625 g 1. Absolute Contraction,........626 g 2. Rachitis,..........626 g 3. Osteomalacia,..........629 g 4. Oblique Oval Pelvis,........630 g 5. Previous Deformity of another Part of the Skeleton, . . 634 a. Inflection of the Vertebral Column, .... 635 b. Congenital Luxations of the Femur, .... 635 c Non-Congenital Luxations,......640 r Lesions of the Lower Extremities,.....640 XXVI CONTENTS. Article III. — Effect of Deformity of the Pelvis upon Pregnancy and Labor,.........., 641 Article IV. — Diagnosis of Deformities,...... 649 g 1. Rational Signs,.........649 g 2. Sensible Signs,.........653 Article V. — Indications afforded by Deformities of the Pelvis, . 668 g 1. Indications in Pelves of 3| Inches at least, .... 669 g 2. Indications in Pelves of from 3| Inches to 2f Inches, . . 671 g 3. Indications in Pelves below 2£ Inches,.....673 CHAPTER III. —Bony Tumors, g 1. Exostoses, g 2. Enchondroma, g 3. Osteosteatoma, g 4. Osteo-sarcoma, . g 5. Irregular Callus, . 674 675 676 676 676 676 CHAPTER IV. — Extreme Resistance of the External Genital Parts, 677 g 1. Smallness and Rigidity of the Vulva, g 2. Rigidity of the Perineum, ...... Rupture of the Perineum, ..... CHAPTER V. — Deformities of the Vulya and Vagina, g 1. Adhesion of the Labia Majora and Minora, g 2. Persistence of.the Hymen, ...... g 3. Deformed Cicatrices, ...... g 4. Deformities of the Vagina,..... g 5. Inversion of the Vagina, ...... CHAPTER VI. — Tumors of the Vulva and Vagina, g 1. QMema of the Labia Majora,..... g2. Thrombus,'......... g 3. Various Tumors, ....... CHAPTER VII. — Difficulties due to the Neck of the Uterus, g 1.- Agglutination of the External Orifice, g 2. Complete Obliteration of the Cervix, g 3. Rigidity of the Cervix, .... g 4. Spasmodic Contraction of the Cervix, . g 5. Obliquity of the Orifice, .... g 6. Tumefaction of the Anterior Lip, g 7. Abscess of the Lips of the Cervix, . g 8. Thrombus of the Lips of the Cervix, . g 9. Fibrous Tumors and Polypi of the Cervix, 677 678 680 681 681 681 681 683 685 686 686 686 695 696 696 697 698 699 702 703 704 705 7oe CONTENTS. XXV11 g 10. Fungous Tumors of the Cervix, . g 11. Encysted Tumors of the Cervix, . g 12. Induration and Hypertrophy of the Cervix, g 13. Cancer of the Cervix, CHAPTER VIII. — Difficulties due to the Body of the Uterus, §1. §2. §3. Obliquity of the Uterus, . 1. Anterior Obliquity, 2. Posterior Obliquity, . 3. Lateral Obliquity, 4. Treatment of Obliquity, Hernia of the Womb, . Prolapsus of the Womb, g 4. Tumors of the Body of the Womb,..... CHAPTER IX. — Tumoks of the Parts adjacent to the Pelvic Canal and of the Cellular Tissue of the Cavity of the Pelvis, g 1. Tumors of the Ovary,....... g 2. Tumors of the Fallopian Tube, .... g 3. Tumors of the Rectum,..... g 4. Tumors of the Bladder,...... g 5. Hernial Tumors, ....... g 6. Tumors of the Cellular Tissue, .... CHAPTER X. — Rupture of the Uterus and Vagina, . Article I. — Rupture of the Uterus,..... g 1. Causes,......... g 2. Symptoms, ........ g 3. Prognosis and Termination, .... g 4. Pathological Anatomy, ...... g 5. Treatment,........ Article II. — Rupture of the Vagina, . . . . . PAGE 710 710 711 711 713 713 713 714 718 718 719 720 72] 723 723 725 725 72G 728 731 732 732 733 737 739 741 743 745 CHAPTER XI. — Puerperal Hemorrhage, Article I. — Causes of Puerperal Hemorrhage, g 1. Predisposing Causes, ... g 2. Determining Causes, g 3. Special Causes, . Abnormal Insertion of the Placenta, Rupture of the Vessels of the Cord, Rapid Retraction of the Uterus, . 747 748 748 753 754 754 758 762 Article II. — Symptoms of Puerperal Hemorrhage, . r63 xxviii CONTENTS. PAGB Article III.—Diagnosis,......... 765 a. External Discharge, ...... . 765 Hemorrhage from Abnormal Insertion of the Placenta, . . 766 Hemorrhage from Rupture of the Umbilical Vessels, . . 768 B. Internal Hemorrhage, ........ 769 Article IV. — Prognosis, ......... 770 Prognosis of External and Internal Hemorrhage, . . 770 Prognosis of Hemorrhage from Abnormal Insertion of the Placenta,..........773 Article V. — Treatment, ......... 775 g 1. General Therapeutic Measures, ...... 776 g 2. Special Therapeutic Measures, ...... 776 a. Slight Hemorrhage within the three last Months of Ges- tation, ....... ... 776 b. Serious Hemorrhage within the three last Months of Ges- tation, ..........777 c. Slight Hemorrhage during Labor, .... 783 d. Serious Hemorrhage during Labor, ..... 783 g 3. Treatment of Hemorrhage from Abnormal Insertion of the Placenta, .......... 785 g 4. Recapitulation of Treatment........ 786 CHAPTER XII.—Eclampsia,.........78s g 1. Causes,...........791 g 2. Symptoms, .........796 g 3. Termination, .......... 802 g 4. Diagnosis, .......... 804 g 5. Prognosis,..........805 g 6. Pathological Anatomy, ....... 808 g 7. Nature,...........810 g 8. Treatment, .......... 812 1. Preventive Treatment, ....... 812 2. Curative Treatment, ....... 814 CHAPTER XIII. — Diseases which may Complicate Labor, . . . 824 Hemoptysis ; Hematemesis, ....... 824 Aneurismal Tumors, ....... 825 Asthma, ......... # 825 Hernia,...........g25 Syncope........... . 82g Exhaustion, ......... g2g Emphysema, .........827 Fracture of the Sternum, ••••.. 828 CHAPTER XIV.—Dystocia due to the Fostal Appendages, . go^ CONTENTS. xxix Article I.—Prolapsus, or Falling of the Cord, Article II. — Shortness of the Cord, CHAPTER XV. — Difficulty due to the Fcetus, Article I. — Extreme Size, . Too Great General Size, . Too Great Size of the Head, Too Great Size of the Shoulders, PAGE 828 834 839 839 839 839 839 Article II. — Irregular or Complicated Presentations and Positions: Anomalies in the Mechanism of Labor,..... Inclined Positions of the Vertex: Irregularities of Mechanism, Inclined Positions of the Pelvis: Irregularities of Mechanism, Inclined Positions of the Face: Irregularities of Mechanism, Presentation of the Body,..... 21.. 2 2. 2 3. H- §5. Article 21- 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. Article Article 21. 2 2. Complicated Presentations...... III. — Diseases of the Foetus, .... Hydrocephalus,...... Hydrothorax ; Ascites ; Retention of Urine, . Emphysema of the Foetus, ...... Various Tumors,....... Anchylosis of Articulations of the Foetus: Gibbosities, IV. — Foetal Monstrosities,..... V. — Dystocia due to Multiple Foetuses, . Multiple and Detached Foetuses, . . . . . Multiple and Adherent Foetuses, .... CHAPTER XVI. — Artificial Delivery of the Placenta, Article I.—Difficulties in the Delivery of the Placenta, . g 1. Inertia of the Womb, . . g 2. Extreme Size of the Placenta..... g 3. Weakness of the Cord,...... g 4. Irregular or Spasmodic Contractions of the Womb, g 5. Abnormal Adhesions,...... g 6. Retention of a Part or of the Whole of the Placenta, Article II. — Accidents in the Delivery of the Placenta, g 1. Hemorrhage, ...... a.' Causes,....... B. Symptoms, ...... c. Diagnosis, ...... D. Prognosis, ...... e. Treatment,...... g 2. Secondary Hemorrhage, .... g 3. Hemorrhage from the Umbilical Cord, A.X.X CONTENTS. PAGE g 4. Inversion of the Womb,...... 902 g 5. Rupture of the Womb,........906 g 6. Eclampsia...........906 PAET VL THERAPEUTICS. CHAPTER I. —Ergot,..........907 CHAPTER II. — Of the Effect of Bleeding and a Debilitating Regi- men upon the Development of the Child,.....911 PAET VII. OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. CHAPTER I. — On the Use of Anaesthetics in Obstetric Practice, . 915 CHAPTER II. — The Tampon,........927 CHAPTER III. —Version,.........929 Article I. — Version by External Manipulation.....930 Article II. — Pelvic Version,........93g g 1. Precautions to be Observed, ....... 937 g 2. Needful Conditions,.........938 g 3. General Rules of the Operation,......939 g 4. Difficulties of Version,........945 g 5. Appreciation of Version,.......952 g 6. Version in the Various Presentations, ..... 953 CHAPTER IV. — The Forceps,.........959 Article I. — Preliminary Precautions, ...... 954 Article II. — General Rules,.......m ggg Article III. — Special Rules, .......# 971 g 1. When the Head is at the Inferior Strait, ... gyi g 2. When the Head is at the Superior Strait, .... 977 g 3. When the Head is above the Superior Strait, . . # 970 g 4. Application of the Forceps in Face Positions, . . # gog g 5. Application of the Forceps upon the Head after the Body is Delivered, ......... ggg g 6. General Considerations upon the Use of the Forceps, . 935 CONTENTS. XXXI CHAPTER V. — The Lever, or Vectis,..... 995 CHAPTER VI. — Premature Artificial Delivery, .... 1000 Article I. —Cases requiring Premature Delivery, .... 1002 Article II. —Modes of Operating, ....... 1007 a. External Stimulation of the Body of the Womb, . . . 1008 b. Stimulation of the Periphery of the Os Tincse, . . . 1009 c. Dilatation of the Cervix, .......101] D. Irritants introduced between the Walls of the Uterus and the 0vum............1015 e. Puncture of the Membranes,.......1019 Appreciation,..........1021 CHAPTER VII. — Production of Abortion,......1022. CHAPTER VIII. — Symphyseotomy,.......1025 CHAPTER IX. — Cesarean Operation,.......1030 g 1. Caesarean Operation on the Living Female, .... 1031 g 2. Caesarean Operation post-mortem.......1038 CHAPTER X. —Embryotomy,........1040 Article I. — Craniotomy,.........1040 Article II. — Cephalotripsy,........1045 Article III. — Section of the Neck and of the Body, .... 1058 PAET VIII. HYGIENE OF CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO THE PERIOD OF WEANING. CHAPTER I. —Lactation,.........1062 CHAPTER II. —Nursixg of Children.......1069 Article T. — Nursing by the Mother,.......1069 Article II.--Weaning, ......... 1080 Article III. — Regimen of Nursing Women, ..... 1082 Article IV. — Difficulties and Accidents of Maternal Nursing, . 1083 Article V. — Mixed Nursing.........1093 Article VI. — Nursing by a Nurse....... . 1095 Article VII. — Nursing by a Female Animal,.....1102 Article VIII. — Artificial Nursing, . .... 1103 CHAPTER III. —General Hygiene of Children,.....1104 \ A TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY, PAET I. OF THE FEMALE OKGANS OF GENERATION. THE female organs subservient to generation are: the ovaries, the prin- cipal function of which is the secretion of the ovule or female germ; the Fallopian tubes, designed to receive the ovule, and conduct it into the cavity of the uterus; the uterus, a kind of receptacle, whose office it is to contain the fecundated germ during its period of development, and to expel it immediately afterward; finally, the vagina, a membranous canal extending from the neck of the uterus to the external genital parts. Most of these organs are situated within a large cavity, the walls of which are composed of bones and soft parts; the cavity is termed the cavity of the pelvis, or pelvic cavity. On account of the importance of the pelvis as an organ both of protection and transmission, we shall, with it, begin the study of the organs of generation. CHAPTER I. Or THE PELVIS. , The basin, in Latin, pelvis, is a large, irregular, bony cavity, a sort of curved canal, which terminates the trunk inferiorly, and sustains it by its posterior part. It is placed directly upon the lower extremities, which afford it points of support, and to which, in the -erect posture, it transmits the weight of the upper portions of the body. Its position in an adult of ordinary stature is, in general, about the central part of the whole trunk. In the infant at term, and more especially during the intra-uterine life, it is much below this point; and at a certain period of foetal existence, when the lower extremities resemble as yet but little nipples, it even occupies the inferior portion of the body. Especially should the accoucheur study 8 33 34 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. the pelvis in its totality and in its relations with the great function which it subserves. Now as the best way of understanding a whole is to decom- pose it, and study separately its constituent parts, we shall proceed at once to consider individually the bones which enter into the composition of the pelvis. AKTICLE I. BONES OF THE PELVIS. The bones which together constitute the pelvis are: the sacrum, ami the coccyx, both placed behind and on the median line, and the ossa innominata or coxal bones. These last are in pairs, being situated at the sides and articulating with each other in front. § 1. Or the Sacrum. This is a symmetrical, triangular bone, which is curved forward at its lower part, and is placed at the posterior part of the pelvis, where it appears like a wedge, forced in between the two ossa innominata, immediately below the vertebral column, and directly above the coccyx. It is traversed longi- tudinally by the sacral canal (a continuation of the vertebral canal), and, relatively to the axis of the body, it is directed from above downwards, and from before backwards; hence the column represented by it forms an obtuse angle with the lumbar vertebrae, being salient in front, and receding behind. This point is called the promontory, or the sacro-vertebral angle. Besides this direction, the sacrum is curved upon itself from behind for- wards, so as to present an anterior concavity, 'the hollow of the sacrum: this curvature is generally much more marked in the female than in the male. Anatomists describe the bone as having two faces, two borders, a base, and an apex. 1. The spinal, or posterior face, is convex, rough, and very irregular, pre- senting on the median line three, four, or five prominences, the longest of which are above, and continuous with the ridge formed by the series of spinous processes of the vertebrae; lower down, the sacral canal is terminated as a triangular gutter, being bounded laterally by two tubercles, called the comua of the sacrum; upon each side of, and close to the median line a large furrow exists, at the bottom of which the four posterior sacral foramina are seen, communicating with the vertebral canal, and serving to transmit the nerves of the same name. Outside of these foramina Ave find a series of elevations, apparently analogous to the transverse processes of the vertebrae; and above them two irregular fossae, into which the pos- terior sacro-iliac ligaments are inserted. 2. The pelvic, or anterior face, is smooth and concave, and is traversed by four prominent transverse lines, the remnants of the sutures between the different pieces that composed the bone in early infancy, and which served to separate some superficial, transverse, and quadrilateral grooves found there, from each other. Sometimes the first of these prominent lines OF THE PELVIS. 35 is so well marked as to be mistaken, when practising the touch, for the Bacro-vertebral angle. The anterior sacral foramina, four in number, are found nearer the lateral margins; they communicate with the sacral canal, and transmit the anterior branches of the nerves of the same name. Beyond the foramina is an unequal surface for the attachment of the pyramidal muscles. 3. The borders of the sacrum may be divided into two portions. 1. The superior, being very thick, presents, on its anterior half, a semilunar articular facet for joining with the coxal bone, and on its posterior part an excavation, and some rough projections for the attachment of the sacro- iliac ligaments. The other, or inferior portion, is quite thin, and is occupied by the insertion of the sacro-sciatic ligaments. 4. The base is directed upwardly and a little in front, and has its greatest diameter transversely. An oval facet, more or less inclined backwards, surmounts it at the middle, whereby the bone is articulated with the last lumbar vertebra. Upon each side is seen a smooth surface, which is con- cave transversely, and convex from before backwards. These surfaces incline forwards and are continuous with the iliac foss?e, being covered, in the recent subject, by the anterior sacro-iliac ligaments. They are sepa- rated from the anterior face of the sacrum by a rounded border, which forms, as we shall hereafter learn, the posterior part of the superior strait. The two surfaces constitute the icings of the sacrum. Behind, are found the upper orifice of the sacral canal, and the two articular processes of the first piece of the sacrum. 5. The apex of the sacrum is directed downwards, and a little back- wards ; presenting an oval facet for the articulation of the coccyx. 6. The sacral canal, hollowed out in the thickness of the bone, is the termination of the vertebral canal; being triangular and broad superiorly, it becomes narrow and flattened at its inferior part, where it degenerates into a gutter, that is converted into a canal by the ligaments. This lodges the sacral nerves, and communicates both with the anterior and the pos- terior sacral foramina. Fig. 1. Fio. 2. B B /!#^# Anterior surface of tho sacrum. Posterior surface of the sacrum. Fio. 1. A. Ala or wings of the sacrum. B. Articular processes. C Anterior sacral foramina. E. Point! of attachment of the right pyramidal muscle. Fio 2. A. ltidge formed by the spinous processes. B. Posterior sacral foramina. D. Articular processor The sacrum, although quite thick, is a very light and spongy bone. Besides, it is pierced by a great number of foramina, and traversed by a central cavity, which serve to diminish its weight still more. 36 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. It is formed of five principal pieces (false sacral vertebrae), sometimes of six, and in one case, seven were observed (Pauw). In Scemmering'a cabinet are three specimens which present but four pieces. The development of the sacrum is analogous to that of the vertebrae, and takes place from thirty-four or thirty-five points of ossification, arranged in the following manner: 1. Five of them, placed one over the other, occupy the anterior and middle parts. 2. In each of the interspaces which separate these, two small osseous laminae are developed some time after birth, which seem to form their articular surfaces. 3. Ten are situated in front and upon each side of the latter, that is, one for each lateral portion of the four or five primitive bones. 4. And behind them six others are developed, between which: 5. There appear three or four that correspond Avith the spinous processes, or their laminae; and 6. Lastly, there is one upon each side above the iliac surface, for the articular facet. § 2. The Coccyx. This name is given to an assemblage of three or four, occasionally five little bones, united with each other on the median line of the body, and apparently suspended at the point of the saorum, of which, indeed, they appear to be only a movable appendage, continuing its line of curvature forwards. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. A. A Posterior surface of the coccyx. Anterior surface of the coccyx. Fig. 3. A. Cornua of the coccyx. B. Apex. Fig. 4. A. Cornua of the coccyx. B. Apex. M. Cruveilhier declares that he has known it, in some cases, to form a right angle or even an acute one with the sacrum. As a whole, the coccyx represents a triangular and symmetrical bone. 1. Its spinal, or posterior face, is convex and irregular, and is only separated from the skin by the posterior sacro-coccygeal ligament. 2. Its pelvic, or anterior face, is smooth and slightly concave, and lies in contact with the termination of the rectum, which rests upon it. Like the preceding bone, it is marked by certain transverse grooves, corresponding with the intervals which had, for a long period, separated its different pieces 3. Its two lateral borders are quite irregular, and are occupied by the attachments of the anterior sacro-sciatic ligaments, and the ischio-coccyp-e-il muscles. 4. Its slightly concave base presents, above, an oval surface which articulates with the apex of the sacrum, and behind, two little tubercles called the cornua of the coccyx. 5. The apex is rounded, irregular, and sometimes bifurcated, affording attachment to the levator ani muscle. The coccyx is developed from four or five centres of ossification that is one for each of its parts. OF THE PELVIS. 37 § 3. The Cox at. Bone, Haunch Bone, or Os Ixxomixatum. Tliis is a non-symmetrical, quadrilateral bone, curved upon itself, as if twisted in two different directions, contracted in its middle, and of a very irregular figure. The pair occupy the lateral and anterior parts of the pelvis. It presents an internal and external face, and four borders, for our consideration. 1. The external, or femoral surface, is turned outwards, backwards, and downwards, at its superior part, while inferiorly, it looks forward. At its superior and posterior portion is seen an unequal, narrow, and convex surface, affording origin to the gluteus maximus muscle, and ter- minated below by a slightly elevated circular ridge, called the superior curved line. Beneath this, there is a larger surface, which is concave behind, narrowed in front for the insertion of the gluteus medius muscle, and bounded by a slight ridge below, called the inferior curved line; still lower, there is a third extensive and convex surface, serving for the attach- ment of the gluteus minimus muscle. All that portion of the femoral face just described forms a large fossa, alternately concave and convex, bearing the name of the external iliac fossa. Towards the front, the external face presents the cotyloid cavity or the acetabulum, at its superior part; and a little more in advance and below, the sub-pubic, or obturator foramen. This opening is triangular, with rounded angles; its long diameter is inclined downwards and outwards, and its circumference is sharp and irregular, presenting above a groove, directed obliquely from behind forwards and from Avithout inwards, through which the obturator vessels and nerves pass out. A fibrous membrane that subtends the foramen is attached to its periphery, except in the immediate vicinity of the groove. Upon the upper side of the obturator foramen, between it and the median line, there is a concave or nearly plane surface for the origin of several muscles. Fig. 5. External surface of the os innominatum. A External iliac fossa. B. Crest of the ilium. C Anterior superior spine of the ilium. 1). A iterior in- r.Tior spine of tho ilium. E. Horizontal branch of the pubis. F. Posterior superior spine of the ilium, B. Posterior Inferior spine of the ilium. II. Cotyloid cavity. I. Ischium. K. Sub-pubic or obturator foramen. M. Ischio-pubic ramus. 0. Descending branch of the pubis. •1 38 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Fig. 6. 2. The abdominal, or internal face, is directed forwards at its upper part, and backwards at the lower. It may be divided into two portions, the superior of which is characterized by a large excavation, called the internal iliac fossa, by a semilunar articular surface found just behind this fossa, and called the auricular facet, and still more posteriorly, by some rugosities, analogous to those found on the articular faces of the sacrum. The superior portion is terminated below by a large, rounded, and con- cave line, which separates it from the other moiety. The latter, or inferior portion, presents behind a nearly triangular plane surface, which corre- sponds to the cotyloid cavity and to the body of the ischium; near its middle, we find the obturator foramen, and in front, the internal face of the pubis and of the ischio-pubic ramus. 3. Borders. These are four in number. The posterior one has a very irregular shape, being oblique from above down- wards, and from without inwards. The posterior superior spinous process is found at its junction with the superior border. This prominent, well-marked eminence is separated by a rough margin from another though less voluminous one, called the posterior inferior spinous process. Below this last apophysis, the student will observe a very deep notch, which con- tributes to the formation of the great sciatic foramen, and is terminated below by a triangular, pointed projection, bearing the title of the spine of the ischium. This pro- cess is more or less prominent in different individuals, and is sometimes directed in- wards. A groove is seen just beneath it, in which the tendon of the obturator in- ternus muscle plays; this groove is a part of the lesser sciatic notch; and lastly, this border terminates at the tuberosity of the ischium. The anterior border is concave, oblique above, and nearly horizontal in front. The anterior superior spinous process is formed by its union with the superior border. A considerable depression exists under this apophysis which separates it from another one, called the anterior inferior spinous process. Then we find a groove just under this elevation, for the gliding of the conjoint tendon of the psoas magnus and the iliacus internus muscles*- which groove is bounded, in front and below, by the ilio-pectineal eminence. And lastly, the border is terminated by a triangular horizontal surface' which is directed downwards and forwards, and is broader externally than internally, and by the spine and angle of the pubis. The superior border or crest of the ilium is thick, convex, and inclined outwards, excepting at its posterior part, where it looks slightly inwards__ Internal surface of the right os innominatum. A. Internal iliac fossa. B. Anterior superior spinous process of the ilium. C Crest of the ilium. D. Posterior superior spinous process of the ilium. K. Posterior inferior spinous process of the ilium. F. Articular surface. G. Spine of the ischium. II. Tuberosity of the ischium. I. Sub-pubic or obturator foramen. K. Ischio-pubic ramus. M. Ilio-Tpectineal eminence. N. Spine of the pubis. OF THE PELVIS. 39 being twisted, in its course, somewhat like an italic/. Anatomists have subdivided it into the external and internal lips, and the intervening space. The anterior superior spinous process bounds it in front, and the posterior superior one behind. The inferior border is shorter than either of the others; it presents, how- ever, three parts for study. There is an oval surface above, for articulating with its fellow of the opposite side, forming the symphysis; below, it is terminated by the tuberosity of the ischium, and in the middle, we find the ischio-pubic ramus; this is a sharp ridge, formed superiorly by the descend- ing branch of the pubis, and inferiorly by the ascending portion of the ischium. The coxal bone is developed from the principal centres of ossification, which appear at the same time in the iliac fossa, the tuberosity of the ischium, and in the pubis. Owing to this mode of growth, it has been customary to divide the os innominatum into three portions: the superior one, styled the ilium, forms, in a great measure, the contour and prominence of the hip; the pubis, beings interior, supports the genital organs; and the inferior one, which sustains the body when seated, is named the ischium. Several years after birth, an osseous lamina resting upon the superior border of the bone, is developed to form the iliac crest, whilst a similar layer embraces the tuberosity of the ischium, and extends to its ramus; at the same time, a third centre of ossification appears for the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, and a fourth forms the angle of the pubis. ARTICLE II. ARTICULATIONS OF THE PELVIS. [The four bones just described are united by four articulations peculiar to the pelvis; one in front for the two pubic bones, two behind for the iliac bones and the sacrum, and that of the coccyx with the sacrum. All these articulations are usually termed symphyses ; thus the articulation of the two pubic bones is styled the pubic symphysis, the junction of the iliac bone with the sacrum is called the sacro- iliac symphysis, and the connection of the sacrum and coccyx the sacro-coccygeal symphysis. It should be observed, however, that the symphyses or amphiarthroses are characterized by flat articular surfaces, united by a layer of fibrous tissue which allows a bending motion without any sliding of the bones upon each other. Now this sliding motion exists in the pelvic articulations of the female. It is, there- fore, a mistake to classify them amongst the amphiarthroses, and only by an abuse of language can they continue to be called symphyses. Lenoir's researches prove that some anatomists were near the truth in considering them as arthrodia. In twenty-two female subjects between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, Lenoir found that the four pelvic articulations are formed by the contact of sur- faces covered with cartilage and lined with synovial membranes ; they present, therefore, all the characteristics of arthrodia, and have a simple, sliding motion. To the four articulations proper, of the pelvis, it is well to add in this connection. the articulation of the sacrum with the spinal column. Here we have really one of the amphiarthroses or symphyses. The description of the sub-pubic ligament completes the history of the liga- mentous connections of the pelvis.J 40 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. § 1. Articulation of the Pubis. This articulation is formed by the approximation of the oval surfaces occupying the upper part of the lower border of the coxal bones. These surfaces are slightly convex and unequal, and are covered with a cartila- ginous lamina which fills up the inequalities. The convex shape and the direction of their faces are such, that they only come into contact for an inconsiderable extent at their internal or posterior part, and hence they leave above, in front, and below, an open space, which is the more con- siderable, in proportion to the distance from the centre of the joint. The articulating surface of the two cartilages is a little facet, about six or eight lines in its vertical diameter, by two or three in its transverse one. This facet is smooth, and furnished with a synovial membrane, which is the more lubricated with synovia as the female approaches the period of labor. A considerable thickness of the interpubic ligament fills up the interval which exists between the other points of these articular surfaces. This interpubic ligament is formed of a very dense fibrous substance. It has the form of a wedge, with the point forced down between the bones and the sides adhering to the rough surfaces fronting the articulation. Two planes of fibres are discoverable in it; the deeper ones, which pass from one iliac bone to the other, and are shorter in proportion to their depth, are crossed, and disposed in several layers. They constitute the interpubic liga- ment properly so called. The others, which are more superficial, are parallel, and pass obliquely from within outwards and from above down- wards. Beginning at the upper part of the articulation they spread in descending, until they are finally divided into two bundles, which become lost in front of the branches of the pubic arch by mingling with the peri- osteum of the bones and the tendons of the muscles inserted in the vicinity. These form the anterior pubic ligament. The uppermost portion of the anterior pubic ligament seems to take its origin in the fibrous cord which is inserted on the spine of the pubis, and which cushions, so to speak, the upper edge of that bone, in such a way as to efface its inequalities. It constitutes the superior pubic ligament. Lastly, at its lowest part,, the anterior pubic ligament assumes the form of a thick triangular bundle occupying the summit of the pubic arch and fixed by its lateral edges to the upper and internal part of the two branches thereof. This ligament, called the triangular, or sub-pubic ligament pre- Fio. 8. Hori rontal section through the articulation of thepubis. Posterior view of the articulation of the Fio. 7. A. Synovial membrane. B. Articular cartilages. C Inter-pubic ligament. D. Section of t Fia. 8. A. Posterior projecting pad. B. Sub-pubic ligament. C. Section of horizontal branch D. Section of ischio-pubic ramus. OF THE PELVIS. 41 Bents a rounded base, which completes the arch of the pubes by giving it a regular curve calculated to facilitate the exit of the foetus. Thus, we have three anterior pubic ligaments, a superior pubic and a Bub-pubic ligament, all of them representing a spreading out of the inter- osseous ligament. Behind the symphysis, the fibro-cartilaginous substance forms a sort of projecting pad, which occupies the middle part only, and disappears from above downwards. Finally, the ligamentous arrangement of the articulation is completed by the posterior pubic ligament, composed of fibres extending transversely from one pubis to the other, above the projection just noticed. This liga- ment, which is very thin, and of moderate strength, forms the posterior lining'of the synovial membrane. § 2. Sacro-iliac Articulations. This articulation is formed by the junction of the semilunar facets, which were pointed out in describing the border of the sacrum and the internal face of the ossa ilia. Both these facets are covered with a diarthrodial cartilage, which is closely adapted to the inequalities they present; that, however, which per- tains to the sacrum, being always much thicker than the layer which belongs to the iliac bones. The latter is so thin, that its existence has been denied. These cartilages are covered with a synovial membrane, which secretes quite abundantly a viscid and transparent synovia. But, when the female has passed the prime of life, this fluid often concretes, and becomes disposed in isolated flakes upon the articular surfaces, — a fact which has caused its true nature to be misunderstood. A very limited sliding motion is all of which this articulation is suscep- tible. The bones are held together by the following ligaments: 1. The posterior, or great sacro-sciatic ligament, is found at the posterior inferior part of the pelvis. It is triangular, thin, flattened, and narrower in the middle than at the extremities. It arises by a large base from the posterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, the sacro-spinous ligament, the last of the posterior tubercles of the sacrum, and from the inferior part of the margin of this bone and border of the coccyx, and running outwards, downwards, and a little forwards, is inserted into the tuberosity of the ischium. Its fibres are arranged in such a way, that the internal ones cross the external about their middle. 2. The lesser sacro-sciatic ligament is smaller than the preceding, though nearly of the same form, and situated more in front. Within, it is broad, beino- partially confounded with the other, but arising a little more ante- riorly upon the sides of the sacrum and coccyx; thence, it passes forwards and outwards to be inserted into the spine of the ischium. The sacro-sciatic ligaments convert the two sciatic notches into foramina. They not only serve to unite the sacrum to the ilium, but also contribute to the formation of the parietes of the pelvis. 3. The posterior sacro-iliac ligament is a collection of yellow, elastic, fibrous bundles, intermixed with fatty pellets, which fill up the rough • 42 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Pelvis with its ligaments; the anterior portion removed. A. Internal iliac fossa. B. Section if the bones. C Origin of the great sacro-sciatic J:gament. D. Great sacro-sciatic ligament. E. Lesser sacro-sciatic ligament. F. Great sacro-sciatic foramen. G. Last lumbar vertebra. II. Ilio-lumbar ligament. I. Sacro- vertebral ligament. Fig. 10. B S? B' Pelvis with its ligaments. Posterior view. A. Great sacro-sciatic foramen, through which is seen the horizontal branch of the pubis. B. Great sacro-sciatic ligament. C Tuberosity of the ischium. D. Posterior sacro-iliac ligament. E. Posterior superior spinous process of the ilium. F. Inferior Bacro-iliac ligament. excavation observed behind the cartilaginous surfaces; very short, numerous, and interlacing in every direc- tion, they become almost in- timately blended with Vui sacrum and coxal bones. On account of their strength, they greatly consolidate this articulation. 4. The anterior sacro-iliac ligament is a simple fibrous lamina, extended transverse- ly from the sacrum to the os innominatum. It is rather an expansion of the perios- teum of the pelvis than a true ligament. 5. The superior sacro-iliac ligament is a very thick fas- ciculus, passing transversely from the base of the sacrum to the coxal bone. 6. The inferior sacro-iliac ligament (vertical sacro-iliac of M. Cruveilhier) arises from the posterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and is inserted just below the third sacral foramen into the tubercle found at the termi- nation of the border of the sacrum; and behind, into the great sacro-sciatic liga- ment. § 3. Sacro-coccygeal Articulation. This articulation, which for a long time was supposed to resemble tho«e between the bodies of the vertebrae, differs from them materially in beino- a true arthrodia. It is formed by the opposition of the oval surface of the point of the sacrum to that of the base of the coccyx; the middle of the former is projecting, and corresponds to a depression in the centre of the latter. The long diameter of the articular face of the coccyx is directed transversely. The cartilages covering these surfaces are rather thinner at the centre than at the circumference. They are provided in the ad It female with a synovial membrane, which is supposed by M. Lenoir t ^ only developed by the movements of the coccyx upon the sacrum s°i ^ he.has failed to meet with it in subjects under eighteen years of use ' S1UC6 OF THE PELVIS. 43 1. The anterior sacro-coccygeal ligament consists of a few parallel fibres, which descend from the anterior part of the sacrum to the corresponding face of the coccyx. 2. The posterior sacro-coccygeal ligament is flat, triangular, broader above than below, and of a dark color. Arising from the margin of the inferior orifice of the sacral canal, it descends to, and is lost upon, the whole posterior surface of the coccyx. It also aids in completing the canal behind. In investigating upon the dead body the anatomical arrangement to which the motion of the coccyx on the sacrum is due, it was ascertained by M. Lenoir that the motion takes place almost as frequently in the sacro- coccygeal articulation, as in that of the second piece of the coccyx with the third. Sometimes it happens simultaneously in both, whilst in few cases only does it occur in the connection of the second piece with the third, or of the third with the fourth. These inter-coccygeal articulations are similarly constructed. In all. cases, in fact, in which the points of motion of the coccyx were changed, M. Lenoir discovered a more or less complete anchylosis of the articulation between the sacrum and coccyx, and of those between the bones of the coccyx itself, at points above and below the one which preserved its mobility. Then, also, wherever situated, the movable articulation was constructed as follows: 1. Of articular surfaces irregular in form but corresponding exactly, which were incrusted with diarthrodial cartilages and provided with a synovial membrane. 2. Of lax peripheral ligaments formed at the expense of the layers of fibrous substance covering the bones' of the coccyx. 3. Lastly, motion was possible in every direction. It is to be observed that ossification is more frequent and rapid in the joint between the sacrum and coccyx than in that between the first piece of the coccyx and the second; the third and fourth become fused very early. It is therefore easy to understand how the great mobility of the sacro-coccygeal articulations renders luxation possible in labor, whilst in cases of anchylosis, either fracture or a sudden separation of the united bonos might occur. During pregnancy, the ligaments of the pelvic articulations become so softened and swelled by imbibition of fluid, as to render the mobility of the articular surfaces very evident. This softening is very considerable in some cases, and may make walking, or even standing, impossible. (See Diseases of Pregnancy.) § 4. Sacro-vertebral Symphysis. This is produced by the junction of the sacrum with the fifth lumbar vertebra. It is a true amphiarthrosis, as are all the vertebral articulations. It takes place at three different points, viz., between the oval facet, seen at the middle of the base of the sacrum, and the inferior surface of the body of the last vertebra; and at the two articular surfaces found near the entrance of the sacral canal. The modes of connection are, a fibro-cartilage (which is much thicker in 44 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. front than behind), the termination of the two anterior and posterior verte- bral ligaments, the interspinous ligament, and lastly, the sacro-vertebral ligament, a short, very strong, fibrous bundle, which descends obliquely from the anterior inferior part of the transverse process of the last vertebra, downwards and outwards, towards the base of the sacrum, where it is inserted. Further, a synovial, membrane is found in the articulation between the oblique process of the sacrum and those of the vertebrae. To these must also bo added the ilio-lumbar ligament, which passes from the apex of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra to the thickest portion of the iliac crest; and the ilio-vertebral ligament formed of two fibrous bands, the superior of which arises from the middle and lateral part of the body of the last lumbar vertebra, and the inferior, from the inter-sacro-vertebral space; both are then spread out on the coxal bone. § 5. Obturator Membrane. The obturator membrane still claims a description, in order to finish the history of the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis. This, as has been remarked by M. Cruveilhier, like the sacro-sciatic ligaments already spoken of, is rather an aponeurosis serving to complete the pelvic walls, than a true ligament. These resisting membranes are probably intended to diminish, in the hour of labor, the compression of the mother's soft parts, included between the infant's head and the osseous parietes of the pelvis, as also to favor, by their elasticity, the passage of the head through the pelvic excavation. Obturator membrane.—This membrane subtends the foramen thyroideum, excepting at its superior part, where an opening exists, which converts the groove, intended for the passage of the obturator vessels and nerves, into a complete canal. Being inserted by its external semi-circumference into the corresponding part of the periphery of the obturator foramen, it is attached by its internal half to the posterior face of the ascending ramus of the ischium. Its surfaces afford origins for the two obturator muscles. This membrane is composed of aponeurotic fasciculi, which cross each other in every direction. (Cruveilhier.') ARTICLE III. OF THE PELVIS IN GENERAL. Studied in its general aspect, the pelvis represents a cone, slightly flat- tened from before backwards; the base of. which, being above is at the same time inclined forwards, whilst the apex is directed downwards and a little backwards. § 1. External Surface of the Pelvis. Anatomists have divided this surface into four regions: the anterior of which exhibits, on the median line, the front part of the symphysis pubis OF THE PELVIS. 45 which is directed from above downwards and from befc re backwards, at an angle with the perpendicular of some 15° to 20°; next (passing outwards) is a smooth surface, from which several muscles of the thigh arise, then the external obturator fossa, occupied in the recent subject by the muscle of the same name, and finally by the anterior half of the edge of the cotyloid cavity. The posterior, bounded by the hinder part of the iliac crest, presents, on the median line, the ridge of the sacral spinous processes, the inferior open- ing of the vertebral canal, the union of the sacrum with the coccyx, and the posterior face of this latter bone. The ten posterior sacral foramina, transmitting the nerves of the same name, are found in two deep gutters, on the sides. These grooves prolong the spinal gutters, and are occupied in the recent state by the commence- ment of the sacro-spinal muscles. The lateral regions may each be divided into two parts: one, the superior, is the external iliac fossa; the other, or inferior, offers, behind, the posterior aspect of the sacro-sciatic ligaments, and the plane of the notches or foramina bearing the same name; and, in front, the cotyloid cavity and the external face of the tuberosity of the ischium. § 2. Internal Surface. The internal surface or cavity of the pelvis has been aptly compared to the basin of the ancient barbers. ( Vcsalius.) In fact, like those vessels, it has a superior part which spreads out freely, and is called the great, the superior, or the abdominal pelvis; and an inferior one, more contracted, bearing the title of the little pelvis, or pelvic excavation. 1. The great pelvis has a very irregular figure, and forms a species of pavilion to the entrance of the pelvis. Its walls are three in number: the anterior one is deficient in the dried skeleton, but in the living state it is supplied by the anterior abdominal muscles; its posterior parietes exhibit a notch in its middle, that is ordinarily filled up by the projection of the last lumbar vertebra?, which are usually left in connection with the pelvis, although in reality not forming any part of it. Two gutters are found on the sides of this eminence, occupied by the psoas muscles; further outwards, the anterior part of the sacro-iliac symphyses appear, which constitute the boundaries between the posterior and lateral regions: these latter are con- stituted by the internal iliac fossae, covered by the iliacus internus muscles. 2. The lesser pelvis, or basin. This forms a curbed canal, larger in the middle than at its extremities, and slightly bent forward. If all the parts described as appertaining to the great pelvis be removed by the saw, as recommended by Chaussier, a species of ring will remain, whose circum- ference, being narrow in front and much broader behind, will furnish a correct idea of the shape of the pelvis. Four regions are found in this cavity also: The anterior one is concave transversely, and is inclined upwards, having the posterior part of the pubic articulation near its middle: this is generally prominent, assuming the form of a longitudinal pad, which may in some cases project to the extent of from two to three-eighths of an inch. Towards 46 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. the sides a smooth surface appears, and then the internal obturator, or sub' pubic fossa, having, at its upper external part, the inner orifice of the sub- pubic canal, through which the external obturator vessels and nerves pass out from the pelvis. It is not at all uncommon for females to complain during labor of severe cramps in the muscles of the upper internal part of one thigh. These pains result from the pressure made by the child's head upon those nerves, as it glides over this portion of the excavation. The posterior region — constituted by the front face of the sacrum and coccyx — is directed downwards, and is concave from above, downwards. It consequently exhibits those peculiarities already noticed when describing the sacrum. The lateral regions present two quite distinct portions: the anterior one is wholly osseous, corresponding to the back part of the cotyloid cavity, and to the body and tuberosity of the ischium. It is directed from above down- wards, from behind forwards, and from without inwards. The posterior one is formed by the internal face of the greater and lesser sacro-sciatic ligaments, and by the internal aspect of the great and small sciatic notches, converted by them into foramina; it has an opposite direc- tion to the former. One of these foramina is larger and situated higher up than the other, and is of an oval form. The other is triangular, smaller, and more inferior. The pyramidal muscle, the great sciatic nerve, gluteal artery, and the internal pudic vessels and nerves, escape from the pelvis through the great sciatic foramen. The small sciatic hole is filled up by the obturator internus muscle, and the internal pudic vessels and nerves, which re-enter the pelvis in order to supply the perineum. If two vertical sections be made, the one extending on the median line through the sacrum and the pubis, dividing the pelvis into two lateral halves, and the other at right angles to the first, dividing it into anterior and posterior halves, four equal parts or quarters of the pelvis will be thereby produced, which accoucheurs have designated as the anterior and posterior inclined planes. Desormeaux included only the lateral regions of the excavation, which he divided into two equal parts, in the composition of these, planes: according to him, the anterior inclined planes are con- tinuous with the anterior region; the posterior, with the front face of the sacrum; and the spine of the ischium is found at the point of union of these two. The direction of tft inclined planes is always the same, whatever be the manner in which they are formed. That is, the anterior are directed from without inwards, from above downwards, and from behind forwards • the posterior, from without inwards, from above downwards and from before backwards —in a word, in such a way as to resemble somewhat the four sides of a lozenge which is slightly curved in its leno-th. By mo^t authors, these inclined planes are supposed to play an important part in the mechanism of labor: for they imagine that their direction has an immediate influence upon the movements which the head of the foetus performs in the excavation. In anticipating that the description of the mechanism of labor hereaft OF THE PELVIS. 47 given will invalidate this assertion, we shall simply observe that the move- ments of rotation executed by the head, take place more frequently whilst the latter is strongly bulging out the perineum, and is so far below the inclined planes as scarcely to feel the influence of their direction, and further, that these motions often occur in an opposite direction. The great and the lesser pelvis are separated from each other by a kind of horizontal circle, which has been designated by accoucheurs as the abdom'- inal, or superior strait, the isthmus, or margin of the pelvis. Finally, the apex of the pelvis presents an opening that is limited by a circle, partly osseous, partly ligamentous, to which the name of the inferior strait has been applied. Consequently, these two straits are the extreme limits of the pelvic excavation. § 3. Of the Superior Strait. The superior strait is formed, behind, by the sacro-vertebral angle, and the anterior border of the wings of the sacrum: outwardly, by the rounded margin that bounds the internal iliac fossa below; and in front, by the ilio- pectineal eminence and the horizontal ramus of the pubis, terminating at the symphysis of this bone. The abdominal strait has been variously com- pared to an ellipse, an oval, and to the heart of a playing-card. AVe may assert, however, with Chaussier, that its shape is that of a curvilinear triangle, the angles of which have been rounded off, and having its base behind and the apex in front. It constitutes the entrance to the lesser pelvis, and is therefore the first part of the narrow canal which the foetus has to traverse. Hence, the pains taken by accoucheurs to study this osseous opening can readily be conceived. All the modern authors since the days of Deventer, have endeavored to fix precisely the degree of inclination of its plane and axis, to ascertain the direction the foetus should follow in engaging in the pelvic canal, and to determine carefully the dimensions of the latter, and their accordance with those of the body, which is to pass through it. The plane of the superior strait is inclined obliquely from above down- wards, and from behind forwards; but writers are far from being unanimous in regard to the degree of its inclination; that is, in determining the angle formed by the sacro-pubic line, at the point where it meets a horizontal one, drawn from the superior part of the symphysis pubis towards one of the points on the anterior face of the sacrum. Although originally placed at 45 J by J. J. Mtiller (174o), this angle lias successively been fixed at 35° by Levret; at 75° by Camper, and at bo° by Saxtorph; and still more recently, Professor Xsegele, after a great number of researches, has con- cluded to consider it as an angle of 60° (1819). It is now generally ad- mitted that the degree of inclination in the plane of the superior strait is from oo° to 00° in the erect position of the female. The direction of the plane being once understood, it is an easy matter to ascertain that of its axis; for the latter being a line which falls perpen- dicularlv upon the centre of this plane, it must evidently form with the vertical the same angle that the plane itself does with the horizontal line, 48 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Fig. 11. and consequently must have just the same degree of inclination. Being thus understood, the axis of the superior strait is a line (a b, Fig. 12) which, commencing near the umbilicus of the female, would pass directly through the centre of'this strait, and fall upon the point of union of the upper two- thirds of the coccyx, with its inferior third. Hence, it will be directed from above downwards, and from before backwards. Further, the inclina- tion of this plane varies according to the woman's position. Thus, it is al- most nothing when recumbent, and sometimes in this position the plane of the superior strait instead of being directed forwards and upwards, even looks upwards and backwards (Du- bois) ; when the trunk is bent strongly forwards, the inclination of the plane is diminished and becomes more nearly horizontal; towards the end of gesta- tion, on the contrary, the inclination increases, especially when, in order to restore equilibrium, the upper part of the body is carried much backwards. As the figure which represents the circumference of the superior strait is not a perfect circle, its dimensions, taken at different points, are, of course, unequal, and, accordingly, writers have admitted several diameters for it, thus: There are three principal ones (Fig. 2), namely, an antero-posterior or sacro-pubic diameter a a, which extends from the sacro-vertebral angle to c h. The plane of the superior strait prolonged beyond the pubis, c e. The plane of the inferior strait prolonged beyond the pubis, c d. Shows the departure of this plane' from the horizontal line. a b. The axis of the superior strait, gf. The axis of the inferior strait. the upper part of the symphysis pubis four and a half inches in length. 2. A a a. The antero-posterior, or sacro-pubic diameter, b b. The transverse diameter, c c. The two oblique diameters. % c. The sacro-cotyloid intorval. it is from four and a quarter to transverse one, b b, passing from the middle of the rounded border that terminates the iliac fossa of one side, to the same point on the opposite side; this is five and a quarter inches long. 3. An oblique diameter, c c, ex- tending from the anterior part of the sacro-iliac symphysis to the ilio-pectineal enfinence of the opposite side; this is found on both sides, and is four and three-quarters inches long. Lastly, M. Velpeau admits a fourth diameter, called by him the sacro - cotyloidean ; before described, however, by Burns under the more exact name of OF THE PELVIS. 49 the sacro-cotyloid interval a c, existing between the promontory and the posterior part of the cotyloid cavity. This interval, according to the examinations of the French surgeon, is from four to four and one-eighth inches in extent; but from the results of Noegele and Stoltz's researches it is much less, being scarcely three and a half inches (the mean obtained from ninety pelves). The circumference of this strait varies from thirteen to seventeen inches; Levret taught, that it equalled one-fourth of the female's height; but to establish such an approximation, the development of the pelvis should always be in direct proportion to the stature of the individual, which is certainly not the fact. § 4. Of the Inferior Strait. The inferior strait — the perineal strait — or apex of the pelvis (as it is variously called), is more irregular in shape than the superior one. Its outline presents, in fact, three tuberosities or osseous projections, separated by as many deep notches. If, however, the advice of Chaussier be followed, and a sheet of paper be placed over this opening, so as to trace its outline with a crayon, it will be found to have an oval figure, the smaller extremity of which is in front and the larger one, looking backwards, is broken in upon by the prominence of the coccyx. This point, disappearing at the moment of the head's pas- sage, offers no obstacle to the delivery; and, therefore, the strait may be considered as nearly an oval. The periphery of the pelvis at its apex is formed by the inferior part of the symphysis pubis, the descending branch of this bone, the ascending branch and tuberosity of the ischium, the inferior margin of the great sacro- sciatic ligament, and by the border and point of the coccyx. Hence, three triangular projections are found in it: the two ischia upon the sides, and the coccyx behind. The first two are immovable, but the last, on the con- trary, is effaced at the period of delivery, as just mentioned; for the mobility of the sacro-coccygeal articulation allows the coccyx to be pushed downwards and backwards by the foetal head, as it traverses the inferior strait. The two lateral prominences, made by the tuberosities of the ischia, are placed on a plane somewhat lower than the point of the coccyx; and consequently, in the sitting posture, the weight of the body rests solely on those tuberosities, and not at all upon the coccygeal extremity. This cir- cumstance furnishes us a reason why transverse contractions of the pelvis are far more frequent at the inferior strait than the antero-posterior ones. The three notches also require a passing notice; thus, the tw7o postero- lateral ones are very deep, but when the sciatic ligaments have been pre- served, they are comparatively superficial; the third is found anteriorly; its apex corresponds to the inferior part of the symphysis pubis, its base to a line drawn between the anterior parts of the tuberosities of the ischia, and its sides are formed by the ischio-pubal rami. The term arch of the pubis has been applied to this notch. The columns of the arch are distorted outwardly, as if a rounded body had been forcibly expelled from the pelvis, whilst the bones were soft, and had pushed them before it; and this arrange- 4 50 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ment, which is more marked in the female than the male, favors the descent of the head. The arch is three and a half to three and three-quarter inches broad at the base; but only one and a quarter to one and a half inches at its apex ; in height, it is about two-, to two and a half inches. Hence the area of the inferior strait will not present a uniform plane (should it be desirable to ascertain the irregularities it exhibits), because all parts of its margin are -not upon the same level. However, to obviate the difficulty met with, in determining the direction of this plane, Duges has divided the strait into two nearly equal portions, the one anterior, and the other pos- terior, meeting at the tuberosities of the ischium, and each presenting a distinct plane and axis; but as this method of proceeding uselessly com- plicates the question, we prefer considering the terminal plane of the pelvis, as represented by the coccy-pubal line, thus leaving out the lateral projec- tions altogether. The question is then reduced to these terms: What is the direction of the line that extends from the point of the coccyx to the inferior part of the symphysis pubis? Writers, likewise, variously describe this; for instance, according to the majority of the French accoucheurs, the plane of the inferior strait is slightly oblique, from below upwards, and from behind forwards, so that it would unite with that of the superior strait (if prolonged) in front of the symphysis pubis. On the other hand, M. Naegele concludes, from his numerous researches, that the inclination of the antero-posterior diameter of this strait is from 10° to 11° from the horizon, and that the point of the coccyx is found, as a mean, from a half to three-quarters of an inch higher than the summit of the pubic arch; and, therefore, the coccy-pubal line is a little oblique from above downwards, and from behind forwards. The lower extremity of the axis of this plane of the inferior strait would cut the coccy- pubic diameter at right angles, and terminate above at the sacro-vertebral angle. As a further result of his labors, he has found that, in five hundred well-formed persons, of different stat- FlG-13, ures, four hundred and fifty-four have the point of the coccyx more elevated than the inferior portion of the sym- physis; in twenty-six it was lower, and in twenty individuals both points were on the same level. M. Velpeau remarks, as we think with some reason, that, at the moment of delivery, — the only time, after all, when it is requisite to form an idea of the direction of this plane, —the point of the coccyx, being pushed downwards and back- wards by the passage of the head, is at least on a level with, if not lower than the inferior part of the symphysis. The assertion of M. Naegele, there- c d. The horizontal line, c e. The plane of the in ferior strait (during lab %r). a 6. The axis of the in fcrior strait OF THE PELVIS. 51 fore, although true as applied to the female* not in labor, fails during parturition; and it must be admitted that th«j plane of the inferior strait is then oblique from below upwards, and from behind forwards. The axis of this strait is represented by a line (a b, Fig. 13) directed from above downwards, and from behind forwards, which, starting from the first piece of the sacrum, falls at a right angle upon the middle of the bis- ischiatic space. The remarks made upon the variations hrthe direction of the plane, apply with equal force to its axis. The latter crosses the axis of the superior strait in the excavation, forming with it an obtuse angle, the sine of which is in front. It is also very important to know the dimensions of the perineal strait, and hence obstetricians describe three principal diameters at that point, namely — 1. The antero-posterior or coccy-pubal diameter (a a, Fig. 14), Fl°-14- running from the point of the coccyx , to the summit of the pubic arch ; it is usually four and a quarter inches long, but may increase to four and three-quarter inches during labor, by the retrocession of the coccyx. 2. The bis-ischiatic, or transverse diameter, b b, is four and a quarter inches in length, and goes from one tuberosity of the ischium to the other. 3. The oblique diameter, c c, commences at the middle of the great sacro-sciatic ligament, and crosses to the point of union of the ascending branch of the ischium, with the descending ramus of the pubis, and is four and a quarter inches long, but may become one- quarter of an inch more during labor, from the elasticity of these ligaments. All the diameters of the inferior strait are, therefore, in the dried pelvis, about four and a quarter inches in length, though their dimensions are susceptible of great variation during labor. § 5. Of the Excavation. The excavation is that space comprised between the superior and the inferior straits, and it is in this cavity that the foetal head executes its prin- cipal movements; and it is somewhat surprising, that, until quite recently, this canal was scarcely mentioned in the majority of the classic works, not- withstanding the importance of a knowledge of its dimensions, as a^o of the direction of its plane and axis. Its dimensions comprise both the height and width at the different points: thus the height in front, is one and a half inches; upon the sides, three and three-quarter inches; whilst it is four and a quarter inches behind, if a Btraight line be drawn from the sacro-vertebral angle to the point of the coccyx, and five inches and a quarter, following the curve of the sacrum. a a. The antero-posterior or coccy-pubal diameter. b b. The transverse or bis-ischiatic diameter, c c. Tha two oblique diameters. 52 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Three diameters are also described for this cavity (like the straits), so as to appreciate its extent in the different directions. All of them are taken at the centre of the excavation, and they consist of an antero-posterior one, of four and three-quarters to five and one-eighth inches in length, a trans- verse diameter four and three-quarter inches long, and an oblique one, of the same length; consequently, all the diameters of this cavity are very nearly four and three-quarter inches each. If the canal forming the excavation were a cylinder, it would only be necessary to divide it by a plane, perpendicular to its walls, in order to represent the opening of this cavity; but a simple division, thus made, would not give a just conception of the excavation, for two reasons. First, the canal is not cylindrical, because its sides are not parallel, and the anterior face of the sacrum presents a fig. 15. well-marked curvature; the pubic wall being nearly straight, and the lateral parietes very oblique from without inwards, and from above downwards. Consequently, to furnish an exact idea of the general arrangement of the pelvic excavation, it seems necessary to divide the canal (see Fig. 15) by a series of planes, all passing from the point c (the point of intersection of the planes of the superior and inferior straits) to any point whatever, p q r s t, on the anterior face of the sacrum. Each of these planes will show the opening of the pelvic cavity at the level where it is found. Now, to determine, with cer- tainty, the direction of the gen- eral axis of this excavation, it is requisite to raise a perpendicular line from the geometrical centre of each of these sections, and to draw a line g k through the base of each. This line g k (which, as the student will observe, is not straight) is called the general axis of the pelvis. It is now readily understood that this line is nearly parallel to the anterior face of the sacrum, and its extremities correspond with the axes of the superior and the inferior straits; hence, this curve exactly represents the whole axis of the pelvis, or, in other words, the line which the foetus must follow in traversing the pelvic excavation. It would be wrong to consider the line, representing the entire axis of the excavation, as a simple curve; for M. Naegele has well observed, that it cannot be composed of two straight lines, as often taught, nor is it a simple arc of a circle. In fact, the anterior face of the bodies of the first two bones a b. The plane of the superior strait, i d. The plane of the inferior strait, c. The point where these two planes would meet, if prolonged, in n. The horizontal line. tf. The axis of the superior strait, g lc. The axis of the excavation, p qr s t. Various points taken on the sacrum to show the plane of the excavation at each point. OF THE PELVIS. 53 of the sacrum forms a straight line; the sacral curve embracing only the last three bones. Consequently, the central line, which is evidently parallel to this, will consist of a straight and a curved portion — straight, for that part of the excavation corresponding to the two superior vertebrae, and curved in the space, which is bounded behind by the last three sacral vertebrae, and in front by the anterior pelvic walls. § 6. Base of the Pelvis. The base of the cone, represented by the pelvis, has its circumference directed upwards and in front; it exhibits, behind, a notch, into the bottom of which the base of the sacrum projects, and which is further filled up by the last lumbar vertebrae (generally left in situ to complete the posterior wall of the greater pelvis), by the ilio-lumbar ligaments, and by t,he qua- dratus lumborum muscles ; 2, outwardly, the anterior two-thirds of the iliac crest furnishing attachments to the external and the internal oblique and transversalis abdominis muscles; and 3, in front, the anterior superior and inferior spinous processes of the ilium, the groove for the passage of the con- joint muscles—the psoas magnus and iliacus internus, the ilio-pectineal eminence, the superior border of the horizontal branch of the pubis, the spine, and lastly, the upper margin of the symphysis of this bone. § 7. Differences of the Pelvis. 1. According to the sex. Considered as a whole, the pelvis in the male is smaller but deeper, the bones are thicker, and the muscular impressions more marked, than in the female. The superior strait being more retracted, resembles the figure of a heart on a playing-card. The excavation is not so wide, though it is deeper, especially in front, owing to the greater length of the symphysis pubis; the arch of the pubis is straight, nearly triangular in shape, and is not widened in front. The coccyx is early joined to the sacrum, and the articulations of the pelvis are much sooner anchvloscd than in the female. In the latter, we may add, that the iliac fossa? are larger and more warped outwardly (whence the prominence of the haunch bones), and the iliac crest less twisted in the form of an italic/; the interval separating the angle of the pubis from the cotyloid cavity is more consider- able, causing, in part, the projection of the great trochanters, and a wider separation of the femurs ; the superior strait is larger and more elliptical; the curve of the sacrum deeper and more regular; the tuberosities of the ischium are farther apart; the pubic symphysis shorter; the foramen thyroi- deum more triangular; the arch of the pubis broader, more rounded, and more curved, and the lateral borders, formed by the ischio-pubic ramus, more contorted outwardly. 2. According to the age. At birth, the pelvis is extremely narrow and elongated, and of such inconsiderable dimensions, that its cavity will not contain several of the organs afterwards found in it; from which circum- stance, the protuberance of the belly, observed in the foetus and in children at term, in great measure results; the excavation has the form of a cone, the abdominal strait being strongly inclined downwards; the sacrum is 54 female organs of generation. nearly flat, and so much elevated that a horizontal line diawn from the superior part of the pubis would pass beneath the coccyx; the coxal bones are narrow, elongated, and nearly straight at their superior part, and the cartilaginous iliac crests are not twisted. From this disposition it necessarily happens that the greatest diameter of the pelvis extends from the sacrum to the pubis. Burns declares that this form changes by degrees as the little girl advances in age: thus, the— Antero-posterior diameter measures . Transverse diameter measures, . . . At 9 years. At 10 years. At 13 years. At 14 years. At 18 yearej l 2% inches. 2% inches. 3J^ inches. 3 in. 5 lines. 3% inches. 3% inches. 3% inches. ■i inches. 3% inches. ±% inches. [3. According to Races. This subject, studied by Vrolick and Dubois, has been recently taken up by Joulin, who published an important memoir on it, in which he proves that there is nothing characteristic in the differences to be observed in the pelves of the three races, Aryan, Negro, and Mongol; in the two latter espe- cially, the resemblance is so strong that it is impossible to distinguish them. The same author states that, contrary to what has been said, in all human races the transverse diameter of the superior strait is greater than the antero-posterior; but that the oblique diameter of the superior strait of the pelvis of the Negress and Mongol female differs from the transverse by a few millimeters only, whilst in the Aryan female the difference amounts to a centimetre and a half. The pelves of the Negro and Mongol are, besides, less capacious than those of the white race; they have less depth, and the pubic arch is wider by several degrees.] § 8. Uses of the Pelvis. The pelvis constitutes the base of the trunk, and, according to Desor- meaux, it forms a complete ring, that may be reduced to two arches; the posterior and superior of which receives the wdiole weight of the trunk, whilst the anterior and inferior one serves as a buttress to it. The two lower extremities are attached to the lateral parts of this circle, and support, in the erect posture, all the weight of the superior part of the body. This use of the pelvis satisfactorily explains to the accoucheur the vicious forms the cavity often assumes when ossification is retarded, or when- ever any disease alters and softens the bones. Another function of the pelvis is to inclose and protect the bladder rectum, and seminal vesicles of the male; the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries in the female. During gestation, it sustains and gives a proper direction to the womb; and in labor, it affords a passage to the child. AETICLE IV. OF THE PELVIS, COVERED BY THE SOFT PARTS. It will not suffice to study the pelvis as found in the skeleton alone for the changes produced in its form and dimensions in the livino- female bv the arrangement of the soft parts, also require our special attention. OF THE PELVIS. 55 Being continuous above with the abdomen, the great pelvis incloses and supports the mass of the intestines, and atibrds points of attachment by its walls to two orders of muscles. The one destined to form the inclosure of the belly fills the large opening exhibited in front, and thus constitutes the anterior abdominal wall; the extensibility of which, in comparison with the resistance of the posterior plane, accounts readily for the tendency of the uterus to incline forward in the advanced stage of gestation. The others, two in number, are placed in the iliac fossae; they are the iliacus interims, and the psoas magnus muscles, which, from being situated on the late- ral parts of the abdominal strait, change both its form and di- mensions. The first of these has radiated fibres, and occu- pies the iliac fossae; the second descends from the sides of the lumbar vertebrae, and after hav- ing been joined to the preced- ing, is inserted into the lesser trochanter of the thigh bone. These two muscles, surrounded and confined by an aponeurosis {fascia iliaca), may be regarded as a sort of cushion, forming a convenient support to the de- veloped uterus, and destined to protect it by the elasticity of the soft parts against the shocks and concussions continually produced by locomotion. Notwithstanding the presence of these muscles, the strait still resembles a curvilinear triangle in shape, the base, however, of the triangle being in front instead of behind, as it was in the dried pelvis; the transverse diam- eter is diminished half an inch by their presence; the antero-posterior one is, perhaps, a little abridged by the thickness of the vesical walls, uterus and soft parts that line the posterior face of the symphysis and anterior sur- face of the sacrum, the oblique diameters alone remaining unchanged; the location of the rectum, however, on the left, shortens slightly the corre- sponding diameter. The modification of the transverse diameter, produced by the psoas mus- cles, is always much less when these are in a state of relaxation from the flexure of the thighs. Finally, as Baudelocque has remarked, the bis-iliac diameter is diminished in length, in proportion to the thickness of these muscles, and the antero-posterior one being more contracted, the strait be- comes more elliptic or rounded. Two muscles are also found on each side of the excavation, covering the obturator and ischiatic foramina; namely, the obturator intern us, and the pyramidales. Flamand attributes the move- Fio. 16. Pelvis, with the soft parts seen from above. A. A section of the aorta. B. The vena cava inferior. c. The internal iliac artery, arising together with D, the ex- ternal iliac, from the primitive iliac trunk. E. External iliac vein. r. The iliacus internus, and G, the psoas magnus mus- cles, n. The rectum, i. The uterus with its appendages. K. The bladder, the fundus of which is depressed so as to bring the womb into view. 56 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ments of rotation, executed by the head in the pelvis, to the action of these muscles; but the same reasons that caused us to reject the influence of the inclined planes on this process, equally deter us from entertaining the opinion of the Strasburg Professor. The pelvic cavity is still further diminished by the rectum, bladder, and cellular tissue; more especially when the latter is loaded with fat. Consequently, the foetal head descends with more difficulty in very corpulent women than in others. The perineal strait, although open in the dried skeleton, is here occupied by a sort of contractile concave partition, which sustains the viscera of the pelvic and abdominal cavities. This floor, so to speak, is composed of two muscular planes ; the interior of which, formed by the levator ani and coccy- geal muscles, is concave above; and the other, having its concavity below, is constituted by the sphincter ani, the transversus perinei, the ischio-cavern- ous, and the constrictor vaginae muscles. The internal pudic vessels and nerves, a large amount of cellular tissue, the skin, the pelvic aponeurosis, and an inter-muscular aponeurosis complete this floor, which, in the hour of labor, ought to become thin and distended, but which occasionally offers such an obstacle to the spontaneous delivery of the foetus as to require the intervention of art. The extent of the perineum, in its ordinary condition, is three inches, namely: from the point of the coccyx to the anus, there are one and three- quarter inches, and from the anus to the vulva, one and one-quarter inches; but at the instant of the passage of the head through the genital fissure it becomes so distended, that the interval separating the anterior commissure from the coccyx, is increased from four to four and three-quarter inches. It must now be evident that the terminal outlet of the pelvic canal, in the pelvis, covered with its soft parts, is not at the point of the coccyx, but rather at the anterior commissure of the perineum ; in fact, the latter is so greatly distended in the last moments of labor, that its anterior border goes beyond the inferior part of the symphysis pubis, thereby prolonging very considerably the posterior wall of the pelvic excavation, and, as a conse- quence, the canal to be traversed by the foetus. Wherefore, the direction in which the head is ultimately disengaged is not represented by the axis of the inferior strait, but by that of a plane which may be drawn from the lower part of the symphysis to the anterior commissure of the distended perineum. Hence, in order to form an exact idea of the line traversed by the foetus from its entrance into the superior strait until its final exit from the vulva it will be necessary to continue the operation already pursued upon the anterior face of the sacrum (see page 52) over the curve represented by the anterior face of the distended perineum: that is, to make a series of planes from the point c (Fig. 15) to the divers parts of the perineal curve; and from the centre of each, raise a perpendicular, so as to form by their union a complete axis, the upper extremity of which is the axis of the superior strait; the middle part, a curved line, having its concavity anterior and its convexity parallel to the front face of the sacrum and perineum and the inferior extremity directed from before backwards, and slightly from above downwards. EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 57 It must not, however, be forgotten, that the direction just described be- longs to the vertical posture, and that it becomes remarkably altered in the various attitudes assumed by the female. Thus, whilst lying upon the back, as is usual in France during labor, the plane of the superior strait instead of looking upward and forward will be turned upward and back- ward, and its axis directed from above downward and from behind forward. At the same time, the plane of the inferior strait, which before looked back- ward and downward, will be turned almost directly forward, its axis also passing directly from before backward. Finally, the terminal orifice formed by the contour of the vulva presents another plane, which at the moment of delivery (the horizontal position being still maintained) is directed up- ward and forward. In short, the central line followed by the foetus during Fig. 17. Position of the pelvis and the direction of its axis in the dorsal attitude assumed by the female during labor. a b. Total axis of the excavation, being a continuation of d b, the axis of the superior strait, c v. Peri- neum as distended at the moment of the passage of the head. r. Anal orifice, e v. Terminal plane of the pelvis. its expulsion is a strongly-marked curve, whose concavity is turned almost directly upwrard (Fig. 17). CHAPTER II. OF THE EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. The genital apparatus of the female is much more complicated than that of the male, and is composed of organs situated in the interior of the pelvis, and of parts attached to its exterior. The former are the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina, and the latter, the mons veneris, vulva, and perineum. We commence by describing the external organs of gen- eration. 58 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. AKTICLE I. MONS VENERIS. The mons veneris is a rounded eminence, a species of relief, more or les9 prominent according to the embonpoint of the individual, situated in front of the pubis, and surmounting the vulva; this eminence is partly produced by the bones, and partly by the subcutaneous adipose tissue; the skin covering it is very thick and elastic, but being little extensible, it cannot aid in the enlargement of the vulva, as asserted by M. Moreau, at the period of delivery. In the adult female, it is covered with hair, and con- tains a great number of sebaceous follicles. ARTICLE II. VULVA. Fig. 18. The vulva is a longitudinal opening or fissure, situated on the median line at the base of the trunk; being bounded in front by the mons veneris, behind by the perineum, and laterally by the external labia. We shall comprise in its description, as properly appertaining thereto, all the parts included between the labia majora. 1. The labia majora, or labia externa, are two cutaneous folds, flattened transversely, and thicker in front than behind, which bound tne opening of the vulva externally ; commencing at the mons veneris, they gradually recede from each other, as they pass backwards, nearly to their middle, where they again approach, so as to unite at the posterior extremity, and form there a bridle or commissure called the four- chette, which is generally lacerated during the first labor. The labia externa present an external or cutaneous surface, which is covered with hair after puberty ; and an internal one, moist, smooth, of a rose color, and formed by a mucous membrane that is provided with a considerable quantity of sebaceous glands and papillae. In young girls, the external lins are . D. Labia minora. E. Orifice of i ?• ? t_ . ^ XtJ urethra, f. Orifice of vagina, h. Poste- somewhat thicker above, and approach each rior commissure of the vulva. I. Perineum. otner closely ; but in females who have borne children they are separated, and have lost their regularity. External genital parts. A. Mons veneris. B. Labia majora. C Clitoris J. Anus. EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 59 They consist of a cutaneous and a mucous layer, between which is a fibrous partition, a continuation of the superficial fascia of the perineum. Between this aponeurosis and the internal surface of the integument, is found a very thick layer of cellulo-adipose tissue, filling up a peculiar pouch hitherto unknown to anatomists until discovered by M. Broca. [This pouch is constituted by a membranous sac situated between the skin and the superficial aponeurosis: its bottom is directed towards the fourchette, where it becomes blended with the fascia superficial of the parts on each side of the anus. It has a long and narrow neck, which is directed toward the external inguinal rin proceed directly from the spine of the pubis; the most external are attached to the rami of the pubes and ischia, whilst the most internal unite and become blended with the suspensory ligament of the clitoris. According to M. Broca, this sac is the analogue of the dartos of the male; M. ^appey, however, believes that it is comparable only to the suspensory ligament of the scrotum and penis. The microscope proves it to be composed of interlaced fibres of elastic tissue. ' The arteries of the labia majora are derived from the perineal artery, itself a branch of the internal pudic or of the external pudic or epigastric. The veins for the most part accompany the arteries, some, however, pass back- ward and form a plexus, which communicates with the bulb and vaginal veins. These veins, which-are very numerous, often become dilated during pregnancy. The nerves proceed from the genito-crural branch of the lumbar plexus, and from the perineal branch of the internal pudic nerve. The lymphatics all pass into the inguinal glands.] 2. The nymphce, or labia interna, are brought into view, by separating the external lips, under the form of two mucous folds, resembling the comb of a young cock. Contracted behind, where they are continuous with the internal face .of the labia externa, they spread out in front as they con- verge towards each other. These lips scarcely descend to the middle of the external ones, but they mount up in front as high as the clitoris, where thev bifurcate; the inferior branch of this bifurcation is lost in the clitoris; but the other surmounts it, joins its fellow of the opposite side, and forms above this body a little fold in the shape of a hood, called the prepuce of the clitoris. At birth, the nvmphae project beyond the external lips, but at puberty they are concealed by the latter. Again, they become visible in child-bearing women; rather, however, by the separation of the labia majora than by their own prominence. Further, their dimensions are very variable in different individuals, and in various climates ; thus, in certain countries of Africa, they are very long, and constitute the famous apron of the Hottentots. Besides, as Velpeau has remarked, these parts are so extensible that, under the influence of continual tractions, they may become very much elongated. I have met wi'.h a young female, in my own practice, who was afflicted with an ex- 60 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. cessive itching at the vulva at the commencement of her pregnancy. To relieve this, she was in the habit of scratching continually, and in her im- patience dragged on the right nympha, so that, in less than a fortnight, it had become twice as long as its fellow. [The internal labia are covered with tesselated epithelium, below which are papillae whose sensibility is especially exercised during copulation. The papillae of the internal surface have a greater development than those of the external surface, and their size is found to increase as they approach the orifice of the vagina. The blood-vessels of the internal labia are supplied by those of the labia majora A portion of the veins anastomose largely with those of the bulb and of the vagina. The nerves come from the perineal branch. The lymphatics proceed to the inguinal glands.] 3. The Clitoris.— Under this name, a little erectile tubercle, resembling the corpus cavernosum of the male (except in volume), is described. Its free extremity appears at the front part of the vulva, about half an inch behind the anterior commissure of the labia externa, and its body is attached by two crura to ischio-pubic rami; these roots ascend, converging and increas- ing in size, to the level of the symphysis, where they unite to form a single cavernous body, flattened on its sides, which after a course of two or three lines in front of the symphysis, becomes detached and curved forward so as to present a convexity above and in front, at the same time growing more and more slender towards the free extremity, which is called the glans clitoridis. During the first months of the intra-uterine life it is difficult to make out the distinction of the sexes, because the clitoris is as long as the penis; even in the earlier years of existence its dimensions are quite considerable, but after this period it ceases to grow, and, in some females, apparently diminishes. Again, in certain rare cases, it acquires a great length ; for instance, M. Cruveilhier has seen one whose free extremity measured two inches, and a case is on record where it reached from four and a quarter to five inches. Most of the pretended hermaphrodites may be referred to anomalies of this kind. Henle gives a representation of a case so singular and rare as to deserve mention. It is a congenital division of the clitoris occurring in a girl of seventeen years of age, in which the body of that organ was completely divided through the middle so as to form two nipples, each invested with a prepuce. The halves of the prepuce thus divided, are prolonged respec- tively toward the corresponding nympha, from which it is separated by a notch, and is lost, above, in the frenum clitoridis. The clitoris, like the penis, has a suspensory ligament, and an erector muscle; the canal of the urethra in the female passes between the two branches of the cavernous body, as it does in the male. [The structure of the clitoris is. in all respects, precisely that of the corpus cav« ernosum of the male, except in point of size. It presents the fibrous envelope the muscular trabecular, and the helicine arteries, all characteristic of the erectile EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 61 tissue. During coition, blood accumulates in it, dilates it, and thereby causes its erection. The arteries of the clitoris come from the perineal artery, and are distributed as in the male, presenting therefore the cavernous artery, which on each side enters the corresponding corpus cavernosum, and the dorsal artery, which is disti ibuted to the mucous membrane known as the prepuce of the clitoris. The veins form a plexus arranged in two planes, the most superficial of which furnishes the dorsal vein, whilst the deeper communicates with the veins of the bulb, of the vagina, and of the bladder. The nerves proceed from the perineal branch of the internal pudic; tht y send branches to the corpus cavernosum, and terminate in the prepuce, which is the principal seat of voluptuousness in the female.] 4. The vestibule is a small triangular space placed at the upper pxrt of the vulva. It is bounded above by the clitoris, below by the urethra, and laterally by the nymphae. 5. The Urethra. — The meatus urinarius is situated just below the ves-. tibule, about an inch from the clitoris, and immediately above the promi- nent enlargement of the anterior part of the vagina. The orifice is usually more contracted than the canal, but the tubercle, or enlargement just alluded to, enables us to sound females without uncovering them, for it is only necessary to recognize it by the finger in order to direct the instru- ment properly. In my estimation, the following is the most simple method of introducing the catheter without uncovering the patient; 1 first intro- duce my finger into the orifice of the vagina, and rest its palmar face against the anterior vaginal wall; I then slide the instrument along this palmar face until it is arrested by the fold already alluded to ; then I depress the extremity so as to elevate the point of the instrument one or two lines, and in the majority of cases, the canal is easily entered in this manner. [If the first attempt should fail, it may be tried again in another way. Tho point of the forefinger finds the clitoris, and passes from above downwards to tire middle of the vestibule; the first inequality met with is the orifice of the urethra, into which the instrument can then be inserted. I have often succeeded in this way, after having failed by the ordinary method. In some women, those especially who have borne children, the parts adjoining the meatus are so deformed, that it becomes absolutely necessary to expose the parts in order to introduce the catheter; even then it is by no means easily done, and I have seen the most skilful foiled in attempting it. It may be accomplished with certainty by separating carefully the greater and lesser labia, and then Bliding the extremity of the catheter from above downward along the median line of the vestibule below the clitoris, which is the chief rallying point. During this movement the instrument falls, so to speak, of its own accord into the orifice of the urethra ; but if slid either to the right or left, it will be sure to go astray. We shall learn hereafter (article Pregnancy) the cause of the difficulties met with in catheterizing pregnant women.] The urethra, a continuation of the meatus urinarius, just described, varies in the female from one to one and a half inches in length. It is large, conical, and slightly curved. Its inferior portion is confounded 62 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. with, or at least intimately united to, the anterior vaginal Avail, and its anterior parietes, separated in front from the pubis by some cellular tissue only, is located on a level with the symphysis, under the junction of the two crura of the clitoris. The canal of the urethra is muscular and erectile, having a thick lamina of muscular fibres, which seem to be a continuation of those of the blad- der ; another thick layer formed by a venous plexus, lies subjacent to the mucous membrane. Occasionally, this canal is enormously dilated. Flamand met with a case that permitted the introduction of the finger, and Meyer, with another, which eventually admitted of coition ! 6. The Hymen. — The irregular opening of the vagina is found beneath the meatus urinarius; it is of variable dimensions after coition, and in females who have had children ; but in virgins, it is provided with a mem- brane by which the orifice is diminished. This membrane is the hymen, a species of diaphragm, interposed between the internal organs and the external genital apparatus and the urinary passages. It resembles a crescent in shape (Fig. 19), the concavity being anterior; sometimes the horns of the crescent are prolonged enough to join each other, thus forming a com- plete circle, perforated in the centre (Fig. 20); its free margin is thin and concave; the convex one is continuous with the membrane of the vagina or vulva, and as fhis blocks up the posterior and lateral parts of the vagina, a notable difference will exist in the extent of the orifice, dependent upon the greater or less size of the hymen. Sometimes the hymen forms a complete imperforate membrane. Though often thin, transparent, and very fragile, it is occasionally found thick and resisting. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Fig. 19. Ilymen in the form of a crescent. a. Clitoris. B. Labia externa, c. Labia interna. D. Orifice of the urethra, e. IlymeD of the vagina. G. Posterior commissure of the vulva. Fig. 20. This figure exhibits the hymen in the form of a circle, e. The hymen, p. ' oreni-i? somewhat elongated. EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 63 The two forms just mentioned are not the only ones which the hymen may assume; other varieties have been described by M. Velpeau, as follows: 1. In the semicircular species, the hymen may form such a narrow and solid fold as to permit copulation without being ruptured. 2. In the cres- centic variety (Fig. 19) the concave border approaches more or less towards the urethra, in such a way as to contract the vagina behind, and hence it almost always gives way in coition. 3. In the circular variety, the free border is much thinner than the other (Fig. 20% often being fringed, as it were, and leaving an opening which is sometimes round, sometimes slightly elongated, though in general situated somewhat nearer to the anterior than the posterior wall of the vagina. 4. Again, Ave find a disk or complete diaphragm, that is ordinarily pierced by a number of small holes like those of a Avatering-pot, and at other times is Avithout the least aperture. 5. In Bome instances a species of bridle, or a small cord attached under the urethra, or on the concave border of the hymen, supplants both the valve and the circle. 6. Lastly, a second hymen occasionally exists above the first. [Full details of the anatomy of this membrane may be found in the thesis of M. Ledru, defended before the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, 1855. The hymen is formed by a fold of the vaginal mucous membrane, between the layers of which are cellular tissue fibres, some muscular fibres, vessels, and nerve filaments.] This membrane is regarded as the seal of virginity; and yet, as just shown, it is often found after a fecundation; and, on the other hand, numer- ous causes besides coition may destroy it. It is generally ruptured at the first sexual approaches, and of its debris are formed tAvo or three little tubercles, bearing the name of carunculce myrtiformes. The hymen is composed of a fold of mucous membrane, containing between its laminai a few vessels and some areolar tissue. 7. The carunculoz myrtiformes are some little tubercles, two to five in number, Avhich appear to be the debris of the ruptured hymen; the two most anterior ones, according to certain physiologists, appertain to the median columns of the vagina. In consequence of oft-repeated friction, these caruncles may inflame, degenerate, and even become the source of an abundant purulent discharge; they have been mistaken under such circumstances for syphilitic vegetations, and the patient subjected to anti-venereal treatment, which, at least, Avas useless. Personal cleanliness, and some of the vegeto-mineral lotions are usually sufficient to cause their disappearance. M. Yelpeau has resorted, however, in some cases, to excision. 8. Fossa Xuvicularis. — This is a little depression, of half an inch only in extent, bounded behind by the fourchette, and in front by the convex border of the hymen. It, like the fourchette, formed, as before stated, by the junction of the inferior extremities of the labia majora, mostly disappears after delivery. 64 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ARTICLE III. OF THE SECRETORY APPARATUS OF THE EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. [The secretory apparatus of the female genital organs has been the subject of numerous investigations, but of late a fresh interest in the subject has given rise to works by Robert, Iluguier, Sappey, Martin, and Leger, all of which are placed under contribution in the preparation of this article. Aside from the piliferous bulbs, the glands of the vulva may be arranged in three classes: 1. Sudoriparous glands; 2. Sebaceous glands; 3. Muciparous glands and follicles. First class. — The sudoriparous glands are found on the penil and the external surface of the labia majora ; they are mingled with the sebaceous glands and surround the bases of the hair bulbs. Presenting the same arrangement as in other parts of the body, they are noticeable here on account of their great number. Second class. — The sebaceous glands of the Arulva are extremely numerous. Those of the mons veneris and of the outer surface of the labia majora are remark- able for their size, having an average diameter of -rjj5 of an inch. They are generally composed of from four to six lobules, each containing eight or ten culs- de-sac. They always open upon a piliferous bulb. The internal surfaces of the labia majora are also provided with sebaceous glands to the extent of about forty to every f of an inch square. They are still more numerous upon both sides of the lesser labia, the inner surfaces of which present about one hundred and fifty to e\rery f of an inch square. Martin and Leger note the fact, that these glunds, which are very apparent in the adult female, become atrophied after the cessation of the menstrual function, and cannot be found at all in the foetus. The sebaceous glands are also found on the fourchette and the prepuce of the clitoris. No trace of them, hoAvever, is to be discovered either in the vestibule or around the orifice of the urethra. These glands secrete an oily matter, Avhich maintains the suppleness of the parts to which it is applied, prevents them from contracting abnormal adhesions, and preserves them from irritation by the urine. Third class. — The muciparous follicles as described by M. Iluguier, present two varieties: in the first, they are isolated or simply agminated, isolated or agminated follicles; in the second they are enclosed in one envelope, and discharge into the same excretory canal, vuloo-vaginal glands. A. Isolated or agminated muciparous follicles. These follicles exist, accordino- to Huguier, upon several points of the circumference of the Araginal orifice ; they are sometimes absent and always difficult to discover; their existence even has been denied by some anatomists (Sappey, Martin, Leger). Huguier describes three groups of them. 1. — Eight or ten of them are found in the vestibule below the clitoris where they open by separate orifices, Avhich are very small and partly covered by a root of valve easily raised by a probe; [Vestibular follicles of Iluguier) (fin. 21, A). These follicles are mere depressions in the mucous membrane without a diverticu- lum. So simple is their structure, that Martin and Leger refused to call them muciparous follicles.] 2. Others, termed urethral follicles on account of their situation, are stated by M. Huguier to be less readily discoverable than the preceding, on Avhich account they Avere supposed by M. Robert to be less numerous. They are EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 65 f(Mtf'ji of considerable size, and are situated at a depth of from three-eighths to four-eighths of an inch in the cellulo-vascular tissue of the urethra (Fig. 21, c). They are placed beneath the mucous membrane in a direction parallel to the canal, and discharge in close proximity to the orifice of the urethra upon the surface of the projection Avhich fig. 21. forms the inferior boundary of that opening in such a way as to form a semicircle, or some- times even an entire circle, around it. They are closer together than those which have been just described, and sometimes several of them open into the same excretory cavity, so as to produce the ramified arrangement Avhich Graaf has figured and described. 3. Laterally, and at some distance from the urethral orifice, are several small and shallow ones, Avith a common opening at the bottom of a remarkable conical depression. M. Huguier states that these are often absent, and he pro- poses calling them the lateral urethral follicles (Fig. 21, b). 4. Besides these, some two, three, or four large follicles are found in some females upon the lateral parts of the vaginal orifice, immediately beloAV the hymen or the upper carunculse myrtiformes (Fig. 21, d) ; they are the lateral follicles of the orifice of the vagina. Their openings ordinarily correspond neither in number, situation, nor arrangement, with those of the opposite side; some are slightly projecting whilst others are not so, and some are readily visible whilst others are hidden beneath the myrtiform caruncles. B. Vulvo-vaginal gland. — This gland had been completely lost sight of by modern anatomists, although described by Caspar Bartholin ; and attention has only recently been called to it by M. Huguier. It belongs to the class of conglomerate glands. There are tAvo vulvo-vaginal glands, one on each side, where thev form peculiar bodies whose position it is important to define Avith exactness. They are situated at the limits of the vulva and vagina, upon the lateral and posterior parts of the latter, about three-eighths of an inch above the upper surface of the hymen or of the myrtiform caruncles, ia the triangular space formed on each side by the juxtaposition of the lectum and vagina, upon the latter of Avhich they repose. They lie at a distance of from three-eighths to five-eighths of an inch from the internal surface of the ascending rami of the ischia, and from three-quarters of an iach to one and a quarter inches from the external labia. The vulvo-vaainal gland has someAvhat the shape of an apricot-kernel, resembling in this respect the lachrymal gland; like the latter, its two surfaces are flattened, and it is besides slightly lobular and mamelonated. According to M. Huguier, it is much flatter in women Avho have borne children, which he attributes to the species of separation which its granular elements must undergo from the enormo\is distention of the vulva during 66 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Fig. 22. labor. The gland of the right side does not ahvays resemble that of the left: it is indeed not uncommon to find one much more developed than the other. Its size varies much according to age, habits, and, adds M. Huguier, according to the development of the ovaries, Avhich appear to exercise a de- cided influence over it; for he has always found the largest gland upon the same side Avith the most voluminous ovary. It also appears larger in females Avho indulge immoderately in sexual plea sures. Its size is greatest, in general, between the ages of sixteen and thirty- five years. Its diameter at this period of life is, on an average, from four-eighths to five-eighths of an inch. It is very small at puberty, and becomes atrophied in old age. Excretory Duct. — Each of the gran- ules of Avhich the gland is composed, is furnished with a minute duct, which, by uniting with those of the neighboring granules, gives rise to three separate ducts. The latter soon join to form a single canal, Avhich proceeds from the internal surface and vulvar extremity of the gland (Fig. 22, D), and opens in virgins, or in females in whom the hymen has been only dilated, in the internal angle AArhich the great circumference of this membrane forms by its union Avith the contour of the vulvar opening, and, Avhen the hymen has been ruptured, at the base of the lateral and posterior myrtiform caruncles (Fig. 22, E). The orifice, Avhich is smaller than the duct Avhich it terminates, is in most women surrounded by a vascular area, which serves, by its lively red color, to distinguish it from the neighboring parts. If required, it will only be necessary to turn the caruncle imvard in order to render it conspicuous: it should however be distinguished from three or four minute openino-g found in the same furrow, and which belong to the lateral follicles of the orifice of the vagina. The direction of the opening of the duct is perpendicular, but its oblique orifice is directed upAvards and imvards. Its external semi-circumference is provided Avith a small falciform, valvular fold of mucous membrane, Avhich increases the difficulty of its detection. In the normal condition the diameter of the orifice hardly exceeds the one-one-hundreth of an inch. The diameter of the duct varies from the one-tAventy-fourth to the one- eighth of an inch, and its length, Avhich lessens as the gland is more volu- minous and approaches near the myrtiform caruncles, is, on an average about five-eighths of an inch. A'ulvo-vaginal Gland. A A. Sertion of the labia majora and of the nympha?. showing the excretory duct and its orifice. B. The gland. C. Excretory duct. C Stylet engaged in the orifice of the excretory dnct. D. Its glandular extremity. E. Its vulvar extremity and orifice. F. Bulb of the vagina. G. Ascending ramus of the ischium. EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 67 Organization. — The tissue proper, or glandular tissue, is of a ydlowish- vvhite color, and, Avhen examined by a magnifier, or even by the naked eye appears composed of lobules, themselves formed of granulations having a rounded and holloAv appearance. The entire mass is surrounded by a fibro- cellular envelope, the thickness and transparency of Avhich varies in different individuals. From the internal surface of the envelope are sent off a great number of fibrous prolongations Avhich serve both to connect and separate the granules of the organs. These glands are provided Avith arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. The arteries, two in number, are derived from the clitoric branch of the internal pudic; one of them is sometimes given off directly from the trunk of the latter. The veins, which form a sort of plexus upon the sur- face of the organ, empty partly into the pudic veins, and partly into the venous plexus of the vagina and the bulb. The lymphatic vessels proceed to the lymphatic ganglions found in the cellular triangle included betAveen the lateral parts of the vagina and the rectum and not into the inguinal glands. The nerves are demred from the deep branch of the perineo-vulvar branch of the internal pudic. When the glands are incised, they are found to contain a glutinous, thick, and unctuous fluid, Avhich is generally colorless, transparent, or slightly burbid. In some cases it is brownish or of a deep chestnut color, Avhich appearance is due to altered blood-corpuscles. Uses and Functions.—The vulvo-vaginal gland, like the entire generative apparatus of Avhich it forms a part, acquires its full development only at puberty. This concordance alone, independently of observation, Avould lead to the supposition that the fluid Avhich it secretes is destined to bear a part in the generative act. The amount of its secretion is, in fact, variable. It is especially increased during sexual intercourse, illicit contacts, and under the influence of lasciv- ious thoughts, desires, and dreams. "When, during coition, the muscles of the perineum and vulva are excited to involuntary and convulsive contrac- tions, it is expelled in an intermittent manner or by jets, as is the sperm in the ejaculation of the male. According to M. Huguier, the use of this abundant secretion is to lubricate the external parts, and thus render the first approaches less painful, to maintain the humidity of the organs during the act, and thereby preserve their extreme sensibility. ARTICLE IV. PERINEUM. 9. The perineum is a sort of bridge, scarcely an inch to an inch and a half long, Avhich separates the vulva from the anus; its inferior plane is composed of the skin. But, for a more full description of the parts enter- ing into its structure, I must refer to the treatises on anatomy. (See art. Pelvis. See also the first number of the Traite d'Accouchements of M. P, Dubois, and the At bis Complimentaire de tous les Traite* d' Accouchements, of Lenoir). 68 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. CHAPTER III. OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. The internal organs of generation are the vagina and the uterus, togethei with its appendages, the Fallopian tubes and ovaries. ARTICLE I. OF THE VAGINA. * The vagina, or vulvo-uterine canal, is a cylindrical membranous tube, extending from the vulva to the uterus; it is situated in the pelvic excava- tion betAveen the bladder and rectum; extending from the vulva to the superior strait, it has of course the same direction as the general axis of the pelvis: that is, it forms a curve, the concavity of which is anterior; the walls are soft and yielding, flattened from before backAvards, Avith their sur- faces in contact. Its length varies from four and a quarter to five and a quarter inches, though, according to Professor Velpeau (Legons Orales), it is much less than has been generally imagined, or than he himself has pointed out in his Avorks, being hardly tAVO and a quarter to two and three- quarter inches long. Although this remark may be true, if the length be measured in the dead subject, Avhere the soft flabby walls of the vagina easily yield under their own Aveight and that of the uterus, and in conse- quence, the vertical extent of this cavity does not exceed three or three and a half inches ; yet, the elasticity of these Avails will permit the introduction of a speculum five or six inches long, and Avhen the uterus is raised com- pletely above the superior strait, the estimate of the Professor of La Charite is certainly below the truth. The length of the vagina varies in different females ; thus, for instance, the negress has it longer and more spacious than the European, as a general rule. Professor Chomel informed me that he, had frequently remarked this fact, and I have since had occasion to verify its truth ; nor is the vagina uniform in its size, in all parts of its extent; for the inferior orifice is the most contracted, the superior extremity is the largest, whilst the middle part, especially in Avomen who have had many children, frequently exhibits a considerable extension. The Avails apparently retract in aged females, and greatly diminish the area of its cavity, returning very nearly to the same dimensions as are found in young girls. This canal is sometimes very short, reduced even to one and a half or two inches; but this congenital brevity must not be confounded with the apparent shortening produced by the descent of the uterus. M. Cruveilhier says these cases are daily confounded in practice, though n othing, however, is easier than to distinguish them from each other; for in the former one, the uterus cannot be raised, whereas, in the case of descent, it yields without resistance to the pressure of the finger, and resumes its natural position. Congenital shortening is a frequent cause of sterility, as well as of sharp INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 69 pains in coition, and is a fruitful source of the acute or chronic inflam- matory engorgements of the uterus. I have met with a case of considerable shortening of the vagina, in which the os tincae had been sufficiently dilated by the membrum virile, to admit the index finger. In some instances the repeated coition produces a sort of artificial vagina, behind the os uteri, at the expense of the posterior vaginal Avail, and if the finger be then carried under the neck of the Avomb, it will dip into a pocket, the anterior Avail of which is placed against the posterior one of the uterus. This artificial vagina, produced by forcing up the posterior cul-de-sac, is sometimes longer than the natural canal. The vagina is in relation by its external face: in front, Avith the bas-fond of the bladder, to Avhich it is united by some condensed areolar tissue, and also with the canal of the urethra, Avhich indeed appears to be channelled out in its substance; behind, it is connected Avith the rectum, superiorly by a double fold of peritoneum, and inferiorly by areolar tissue, which is less condensed than that existing in front. Hence, the rectum is seldom draAvn upon in the displacements of the uterus, Avhilst the bladder ahvays partici- pates more or less in these accidents. The lateral borders afford attach- ment, above to the broad ligaments, and beloAv to the pelvic areolar tissue and to some venous plexuses. The internal face of the vagina is covered by a mucous membrane, con- tinuous Avith that of the uterine cavity, excepting that its epithelium is not prolonged into the orifice of the latter, but terminates by a sort of denti- culated border, similar to the relation of the oesophageal epidermis Avith the stomach ; the internal surface also exhibits some wrinkles or rather some transverse elevations near the vulvar orifice. A raphe, or prominent ridge found on the median line, extends the Avhole length of the anterior Avail of the vagina, affording origin to all those rugae; but the raphe is not so Avell marked on the posterior parietes as on the anterior; the term columns of the vagina has been applied to these tAvo ridges. The transverse rugae are much better developed in young virgins and aged females; but, on the contrary, during pregnancy, and for a short time after delivery, they are nearly effaced. These transverse rugae have by some physiologists been regarded as organs of special sensation, and as designed to increase friction by the irregularities which they present. [The upper extremity of the vagina embraces the neck of the uterus, to which it is attached, at the junction of the lower Avith the middle third. The neck is thus divided into two portions, an intra-vaginal and a supra-vaginal portion. At the point of insertion there is a true continuity of tissue between the vagina and uterus, inasmuc/ as on the one hand the vaginal mucous membrane is simply reflected so as to form the mucous membrane of the os tincae, whilst on the other, the muscular fibres of the vagina are directly continuous Avith those of the uterus.] In thus folding upon itself in order to embrace the neck, the mucous membrane of the vagina forms a circular groove or cul-de-sac, described as the anterior and posterior cul-de-sac. The posterior one is, generally, deeper than the anterior, owing probably to the insertion of the vagina behind, upon a more elevated point of the neck. 70 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The inferior extremity, or vulvar orifice, presents, in front, a transverse rugous prominence, that seems to diminish the entrance. Structure of the Vagina. — [The walls of the vagina average in thickness from one-eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch. It ia composed of three layers: one, external or cellulo-fibrous; a middle or muscular one; and the internal or mucous. The external layer is composed of fibres of both elastic and connective tissue; it blends externally Avith the organs surrounding the vagina, and internally with the middle layer. The middle layer is composed of muscular fibres which are inserted in front upon the branches of the ischium and pubis, and are continued upward to become blended with the middle layer of fibres of the uterus. Some again disappear upon the utero- sacral ligaments, whilst others cross each other in all directions, leaving interspaces occupied by projecting veins. The internal or mucous layer is of a pale-red color, Avhich becomes violet during menstruation and especially during pregnancy. Its external surface is con- founded with the preceding layer, whilst its internal is covered with tessellated epithelium and abounds in folds analogous to papillae. For a long "time this mem- brane was supposed to be rich in mucous follicles, but anatomists now agree in the opinion that the vagina is destitute of mucous glands. In great part, the Avails of the Aragina are composed of a tissue possessing all the characters of spongy erectile tissue; that such is the case has been proved beyond cavil by the researches of M. Kobelt and Ch. Rouget.] According to Kobelt, this erectile tissue is composed of several superposed layers of venous network which proceed from the bulb, the finest ramifica- tions extending into the mucous membrane. This true spongy body extends continuously through the entire limits of the vestibule and of the vagina, and seems connected Avith the veins of the parenchyma of the uterus. The great vascularity of the walls of the vagina explains, to a certain extent, the dangers consequent upon their rupture. Surrounding the loAver extremity of the vagina are a feAv muscular fibres, that constitute what is erroneously called (see below) the constrictor vaginae muscle. In some females, this is quite strong and Avell developed. Finally, under the name of bulb of the vagina, a SAvelling or cavernous body is described, that separates the orifice of this canal from the roots of the clitoris: moderately thick in the centre, Avhere it is placed betAveen the meatus urinarius and the junction of the crurae clitoridis, it gradually SAvells out, as it recedes from this point, and terminates beloAv in an enlarged extremity on the sides of the vagina, being deficient, however on the posterior wall of this canal. The length of the bulb, when injected, is about one inch and three-eighths of an inch; its greatest width, from one-half to three-quarters of an inch, and its thickness from about three-eighths of an inch to one-quarter of an inch. (Kobelt.) The bulb of the vagina is com- posed of an erectile tissue analogous to that of the bulb of the urethra in the male, and communicates freely, as shoAvn by M. Deville, Avith the cavernous tissue of the clitoris, by means of several veins of considerable size The bulb of the vagina is surrounded, as it Avere, by a layer of muscular fibres (constrictor cunni), in regard to the arrangement of Avhich authors differ. According to Kobelt, there are two constrictor muscles. It takes its origin by a large and flattened base from the aponeurosis of the perineum almost directly at the middle of the space Avhich separates the anus fron/ INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 71 the tuberosity jf the ischium; thence it rises, becoming at the same time narrower towards the clitoris, and covers or rather embraces in the shape of a half cylinder the-entire length and width of the bulb of the vagina. A closer examination, says Kobelt, shows that this muscle is composed of tevo flattened layers, the deeper of which glides in between the upper border of the bulb and the root of the clitoris, and so appears above the urethra to unite Avith the muscle of the opposite side; the upper layer, on the contrary, which is also flat, rises upon the back of the clitoris, and is connected with its fellow by a flat and narrow tendon. This muscle, Avhich is, in fact, at a considerable distance from the vaginal orifice, has been erroneously regarded as a sphincter of the vagina. Xoav its poAver to diminish the orifice of the vagina is but momentary, and only by compressing the bulb when greatly distended at the moment of coition. Its proper office is, in fact, that of a compressor of the bulb, Avhilst its upper extremity tends, at the same time, to depress the gfexnd of the clitoris toAvards the vestibule. Vessels. — The vaginal arteries come from the hypogastric; the veins are very numerous and plexiform, and discharge into the hypogastrics; the lymphatics empty into the ganglions of the pelvis, and the*nerves arise from the hypogastric plexus. The vagina serves in the female both as the organ of copulation and as the canal for the passage of the menstrual fluid, and for that of the product of conception. ARTICLE II. OF THE UTERUS. The uterus is the organ of gestation, in Avhich the ovum is destined to remain, from the period of its escape from the Fallopian tube, until the moment of final delivery. In form, it resembles a small gourd, or a pear flattened from before backwards, having its base turned upAvards and the apex doAvmvards. The organ is divided into tAvo parts, the superior of which, called the body, is the largest, and com- prises more than half the total length ; the other, or inferior por- tion, styled the neck, is smaller; a slight circular constriction serves to indicate externally the point of union of the body with the neck. The axis runs from above doAvn- wards, and from before backwards, corresponding nearly with that of the superior strait. It is situated in the excavation, The Internal Genital Organs. a. The uterus, seen on its anterior lace. B. The intra- vaginal portion of the neck of the uterus, c C. The Fallopian tubes. D. The pavilion, or fimbriated os treniit;. of the tube, e e. The ovaries, f. The ligain,m» of the ovary, o G. The round ligaments, n. The vagina, laid open. On the right, fhe fimbriated extremity of the tube ii seen applied to the ovary. 72 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. usually on the median line, betAveen the bladder and rectum, being retainer! in position by the round and the broad ligaments on the sides, and below by the vagina, upon Avhich it rests. [The situation of the uterus is affected by the fulness or emptiness of the bladder. When the latter is empty, the uterus is near the pubis and the neck directed hack- ward. When the bladder is full, the uterus is pushed back, and its axis corresponds nearly with that of the vagina.] As we have said before, the neck of the uterus is embraced about its middle by the mucous membrane of the vagina, being thereby divided into two portions, of Avhich the one situated above the insertion of the vagina is called the superior vaginal; and the other, Avhich projects into the upper part of that canal, is termed the inferior vaginal portion of the neck. The connections of thekuterus are very loose and extensible; it therefore exhibits a great degree of mobility, and may easily be moved in every direction. Its volume varies with age, being quite small prior to the fifteenth year, but augmenting rapidly at this era; the womb never resumes completely its primitive dimensions in Avomen Avho have borne children, and finally, in advanced age, it often appears to waste aAvay, and to dAvindle doAvn to the size it had prior to the fifteenth year. Its dimensions after puberty are as folloAvs, viz.: The vertical diameter varies from tAvo and five-eighths to two and three-quarter inches; the transverse one, at the fundus, one and three- eighths to one and a half inches. Certain physiological conditions produce a great augmentation in its volume. For instance, I have frequently observed at the approach of the monthly courses, that it presented twice the ordinary size at least, and in some Avomen the increase in volume is so marked at this period as to be mistaken for the commencement of a preg- nancy. (See Diagnosis of Pregnancy.) The uterus likewise varies in situation at different epochs; thus it sur- mounts the superior strait in the foetus, and rests in the abdominal cavitv, so that the Fallopian tubes and ovaries occupy the iliac fossae, the fundus uteri corresponding to the fifth lumbar vertebra. After birth, in conse- quence of the development of the pelvis, it appears to sink gradually into the excavation, and, at ten years, the fundus is on a level Avith the superior strait. but subsequently gets beloAV this point. The womb is generally inclined to the right or left in aged females, or is turned backAvards on the rectum. The axis of the uterus approaches that of the inferior strait in manv women, especially in those having a short vagina. It must further be observed, that the direction described by us as normal, is far from being • constant in all women ; thus, in some cases, the fundus may be throAvn so far forwards as to render the anterior wall the most inferior part, thereby constituting what pathologists have described as an anteversion; in others the superior border is thrown towards the most inferior portion of the Bacrum, the neck being carried behind the posterior face of the pubis, thus producing a retroversion; again, it is often turned towards one side of the excavation, the neck being directed to the opposite side: this is lateral version. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 73 Another singular anomaly in the relative direction of the axis of the body and that of the neck of the uterus remains to be described. In the normal condition, the axis of the neck seems to be identical Avith that of the body, and to be simply a continuation of it. Now, in some subjects, the body of the uterus is found to form with the neck an angle which approaches more or less to a right angle, as though one of these parts had been strongly bent upon the other, like the body of a retort upon its beak. This inflexion may take place anteriorly, posteriorly, or laterally, and has been styled accordingly, anteflexion, retroflexion, and lateroflexion. This alteration in the relation of the axis of the body Avith that of the neck of the womb may occur accidentally, and Ave have several times observed it as a consequence of anteversion or retroversion, but certainly it is often congenital, and then, should it remain after puberty, and especially should it increase in extent, it might become a cause of sterility. [It is by no means uncommon to find a uterus presenting a curvature with con- cavity directed in front, the curve being most marked at the junction of the body Avith the neck. This flexion, which in the adult is exceptional, is the normal con- dition in the foetus at term. The researches of Boulard, Verneuil, and Follin, have proved this to be a fact which may be verified at any time. The question then arises, Is this inflection inherent to the uterus itself, or is it due to the form of the neighboring organs? The discussions upon this point have been resumed by M. Sappey, who thinks that the curvature varies according as the bladder is full or empty, the uterus merely moulding itself upon it as it were. When the bladder is empty, the abdominal viscera press upon the fundus of the Avomb and bend it forward. Should death supervene under these circumstances — the uterus is over- taken, so to speak, by the cadaveric rigidity whilst in its deviated condition, and at the autopsy presents an inflexion apparently permanent and inherent in the organ itself, but which disappears if the bladder be filled by injection, having first taken care to place the body for some time in Avarm water so as to restore suppleness to the tissues.] The Aveight of the womb, in girls at puberty, is from six to ten drachms; but in Avomen avIio have had children, it ranges from an ounce and a half to tAVO ounces; and from one to two drachms in very aged females. The uterus exhibits an external and an internal surface. § 1. External Surface. In the study of the external surface Ave should recognize the division into the body and the neck. Of the Body of the Lterus.—The external surface presents for our study tAvo faces, two borders, a base, and an apex. The anterior face of the body is slightly convex, is covered by the peri- toneum on its superior three-fourths, and lies in a mediate relation Avith the posterior face of the bladder, from Avhich it is frequently separated by some folds of the small intestine; whilst, at the inferior fourth, it is in contact with the bas-fond of the bladder, to which it is united by some loose cellular tissue. This latter connection explains the frequent participation of the bladder in the uterine displacements, hoAvever inconsiderable they may be, as also how in certain cases vesico-uterine fistulas may be produced after difficult labors. 74 FEMALE ORGAN'S OF GENERATION. The posterior face is much more convex than the preceding, being covered throughout its Avhole extent by the peritoneum ; it is in a mediate relation Avith the anterior surface of the rectum, the intestinal convolutions, hoAvever, often separating them; it may be readily examined through the rectum. The lateral borders are slightly concave, affording an attachment to the broad and the round ligaments ; but, as M. Cruveilhier remarks these ligaments are attached to the anterior edge of the borders, and hence all the thickness of these margins is found behind the broad ligaments, and consequently the latter are on the same plane as the anterior face of the womb. The base, fundus, or superior border of theAvomb is convex, looking upAvards and fonvards, and covered by the convolutions of the small intestine. It never attains the level of the superior strait in the unimpregnated state, and* there- fore it is only possible to feel it through the inferior abdominal Avail, by using great pressure. At the junction of this base Avith the lateral borders of the body the tAvo angles are formed, from Avhich the Fallopian tubes and ligaments of the ovary arise. The apex or inferior angle is continuous with the neck, which next claims our attention. Of the Neck of the Uterus.—Very remarkable differences are found between the neck of the uterus in a woman who has borne children, and that in one who has never been a mother; we shall, therefore, consider it successively in each, because the modifications it undergoes during pregnancy can only be appreciated after, a careful study of the ordinary condition. 1st. In the woman who has never been a mother, the neck of the uterus is from an inch to an inch and three-eighths in length, and is separated from the body by a narrow, constricted portion, which can easily be distinguished, even on the exterior of the organ. At the central part, Avhere it is a little enlarged and fusiform, it is about three-quarters of an inch in the transverse diameter, and half an inch in the antero-posterior one. Near the junction of the superior third Avith the inferior two-thirds, it is embraced by the upper end of the vagina, which descends a little loAver on the anterior than on the posterior face, Avhence the subvaginal portion of the neck is some- what longer behind; but the contrary is true for that part above the vagina. The cervix is terminated by an extremity that is less voluminous than the other portions of its extent, so as to present a conical form to the finger. This extremity bears the name of the os tincce, or tench's mouth. The os tincae presents two lips, separated by a small transverse fissure, someAvhat swollen in the middle, called the external orifice of the neck. The orifice is sometimes difficult to find in a young marriageable girl. But, accordinc to Dubois, if the index encounters it, we may recognize the part by compar- ing the sensation then experienced with that produced by applying the pulp of the finger upon the extremity of the nose, and feeling the depression be- tween the alae nasi. The anterior lip is the thicker, though both are very nearly of the same length, the anterior one, perhaps, descending a little lower than the other. Most authors teach that the anterior lip of the neck INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 75 descends loAver than the posterior. In detaching the uterus from a dead body, no great difference, however, is observed in this respect, but, on the contrarv, if we touch a female, the distinction is much better marked. I believe this results solely from the fact of the neck being directed a little posteriorly, so that the surface of the os tincae is not horizontal, but inclined backAvards; and, therefore, the anterior lip is necessarily somewhat loAver than the posterior. Besides, the finger in passing from beloAV upAvards, and from before backwards, must first encounter the anterior lip, and is then obliged to go higher and further behind to reach the posterior one. These lips are smooth and polished throughout, neither presenting any inequali- ties nor any depressions ; in fact, the Avhole external surface of the neck is equally smooth, and Avithout elevations. The cervix, as already stated, is slightly directed baekwards, so that, if prolonged, it Avould terminate near the coccyx, or the most inferior part of the sacrum. It is situated in the upper half of the excavation, yet the finger can easily reach and pass over its Avhole exterior surface. 2d. In the female who has had several children, the neck has not the same aspect, and the length is so variable that it is not possible to announce it in advance; though we may say, in general terms, that it is shorter in propor- tion to the larger number of children the Avoman has borne, a portion of it seeming, as it Avere, to have been destroyed at every labor. Two females, one of Avhom had seventeen, the other nineteen children. have been under my care; the neck in each of them was completely de- stroyed, in its intra-vaginal portion. No prominence Avas found at the superior part of this canal, and the finger only encountered tAvo little tuber- cles, as large as a lentil, separated by an open orifice, by Avhich latter alone the neck could be recognized. This diminished length of the intra-vaginal portion of the neck in women who have borne many children, is due to the strong traction upon the upper extremity of the vagina in the preceding pregnancies, produced by the ele- vation of the uterus; in consequence of this traction, and the laxity of its adhesions with the middle part of the neck, the vagina becomes detached from it at that point, and adheres to it only at its inferior extremity. When this has occurred, it is plain that the portion Avhich projects into the vagina must be much less considerable than before. Although it still preserves a certain length, the regular form that it previously had is Avanting, for it is no longer a fusiform body, Avith an exterior surface polished and smooth everyAvhere, but a kind of irregular teat, covered on its external face by more or less numerous elevations. Sometimes it is more SAVollen at the inferior portion, Avhilst the upper part appears to be holloAved out in its whole circumference by a deep exca- vation. The orifice of the os tincae is sufficiently patulous to admit the extremity of the finger, or even one-half of its ungual portion may occasionally be introduced. The lips are unequal, presenting a variable number of notches Beiin-- rarely found on the middle part of the lips, these depressions are con- tinually met Avith about the level of the commissures, and more frequently 76 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. on the left side than the right. They result from the lacerations that have occurred in former labors, at the moment when the head cleared the os uteri; and the lochial discharges have prevented the lips of these little wounds from uniting, and they have cicatrized separately. The depressions are sometimes so numerous as to subdivide the lips into six or eight small tubercles, separated by as many fissures of variable depth. In case the Avoman has not had children for several years, and more espe- cially if she has had but one or two of them, these characters are much less determined, the orifice is nearly obliterated, and the neck has gradually resumed its primitive form ; nevertheless, the fissure of the orifice is ahvays sufficiently marked, as well as the inequalities on the lips, to indicate ante- cedent labors. These marks may become more and more faint, but they never disappear altogether. The frequency of these depressions on the left side may be, I think, readily explained. When the head passes through the neck, it is evident that, if a laceration be produced, it will be at the point which sustains the greatest strain. Now, the left occipito-iliac positions being much the more frequent, the occiput, Avhich constitutes the largest extremity of the head, will consequently correspond to the left commissure of the neck. Further, the uterus is habitually inclined to the right, so that the line of its con- tractions is directed from right to left, and, therefore, acts more energetically on the left side of the cervix. Hence the greatest strains occur at this point. § 2. Internal Surface. [The uterus has an internal surface Avhich defines its cavity. This cavity has, in the virgin condition, a longitudinal extent of about two and a quarter inches, and of two and a half inches after several labors. We may distinguish the cavity of the body and the cavity of the neck. The length of the former is, in virgins, rather less than that of the neck, whilst in multipara the two dimensions are nearly equal; — that of the body being, perhaps, rather greater than that of the neck. a. The cavity of the body is triangular in shape, having two faces, three edo-es, and three angles. The two faces are plane, and separated only by a thin layer of mucus, so that they may be said to be in contact. Fig. 24. Cavity of the Uterus and the Fallopian Tubes. A. Superior border or fundus of the womb. b. Cavity of the womb. o. Cavity of the neck of the uterus. D. The canal of the Fallopian tube cut open. e. The fimbriated extremity or pavilion, likewise laid open. r F. The ovaries, one-half of which has been removed so as to bring into view several of the Graafian resides. G. Tho cavity of the vagina, h h. The ligaments of the ovaries, q g. The round ligament. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 77 Of the three edges, the upper extends from the orifice of one Falkpian tube to the other, and the two lateral ones, from the orifice of each tube to the upper or internal orifice of the neck. In virgins, the three edges are curvilinear, with con- vexity directed imvard ; in multiparae, they are either rectilinear, or present a slight curvature with concavity directed internally. The three angles are described as the superior or lateral, and the inferior. The two superior angles are at the extremities of the upper edge where it joins the lateral edges, and where are situated the very minute orifices of the Fallopian tubes. The inferior angle, formed by the convergence of the two lateral edges, also presents an opening in the internal orifice of the neck, by which the cavity of the body communicates with that of the neck.] In the state of vacuity, no cavity, to speak correctly, exists in the womb for the uterine walls are in contact throughout their extent; the cavity like that of the pleura for example, has a real exist- ence only when the walls become separated by a fig. 25. liquid effusion. Fig. 25 will afford an idea of the dimensions of the uterine cavity when empty. The congenital deficiency of a cavity in the body is very rare, but yet no trace of it existed in a uterus presented to M. Cruveilhier by M. Rostan, although that of the neck remained. In aged women, hoAvever, it is not very rare to find the cavity partly effaced by more or less extensive adhesions. B. The cavity of the neck is fusiform, (see Figs. 24 and 25,) flattened from before backwards, and presents an assemblage of rugae on its anterior and posterior Avails, Avhich constitute a median vertical column upon each Avail, occupying the Avhole length of the neck, and from Avhich a number of smaller columns pass off at various angles, representing a fern in relief. The term arbor vitce has been applied 0f the cavity of the body to these rugosities. After delivery they frequently of the neck of the womb in ' ° . ... . state of vacuity. disappear, but Sometimes they Still persist. A. Mucous membrane. B. Tissue proper. c. Cavity ol [M. Guyon observes very correctly, that the vertical the body. d. Cavity of the column situated upon each of the walls is not exactly neck' upon the median line; that on the posterior wall being a little to the left, and that on the anterior wall a little to the right. From this arrangement results a complete fitting or adjustment of the two walls to each other, Avhich is especially observable at the internal orifice. Both columns dis- appear at the superior orifice of the cavity of the neck. The superior or internal orifice of the neck is not a narroAV ring, but is about three-eighths of an inch in extent, and might with great propriety be termed the intermediate portion. It forms, in fact, a sort of strait between the cavities of the body and neck. M. Guyon, who has given a good description of this arrange- ment, also states that after the menopause, the internal orifice often grows narrower, and is sometimes entirely obliterated.] The uterine cavity likewise exhibits a variable number of transparent vesicles, mistaken by Naboth for eggs, hence they have been called the This profile view gives an exact idea of the dimensions ant. 78 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ovula Nabothi. These vesicles are nothing more than simple muciparous follicles, and they are particularly abundant in the neighborhood of the neck. They secrete a gelatinous mucus, Avhich may accumulate in the cavity of the neck, and so obstruct it as to render fecundation impossible. The internal surface of the uterus is much more vascular in the body than in the neck. This difference is particularly well marked in women Avho have died during the menstrual period. The cavity of the body is of a rose color, and that of the neck of a pearly gray hue, which is probably due to the slight vascularity of this part in comparison Avith that of the lining membrane of the body. § 3. Structure of the Uterus. In the ordinary condition of the Avomb, this structure is difficult to make out, but it becomes much more evident during the period of gestation. The constituent parts of the organ are: a middle or tissue proper, an external peritoneal membrane, and an internal mucous one, together Avith numerous vessels and nerves. A. Tissue Proper. — This tissue is of a grayish color, and is very dense in structure, creaking like cartilage under the scalpel. In general, the neck appears less firm in consistence than the body, resulting, as M. Cru- veilhier supposes, from the former being the more frequent seat of san- guineous fluxions. It sometimes happens, as after a suppression of the menses, or just before or after menstruation, that the uterus has a more decided red color and its tissue is more supple. (See Menstruation.') The proper tissue of the womb is composed of fibres disposed lengthAvise. The nature of these fibres has led to numerous discussions, but at the present day they are proven by the microscope to be muscular, and since this muscular nature becomes clearly evident toAvards the end of gestation (see Pregnancy), Ave must acknowledge that, notAvithstanding the fibrous appearance of its tissue in the unimpregnated condition, the fibres composing it are not the less muscular in their structure. This organization is con- cealed by the state of condensation; of atrophy, maintained either by inertia or Avant of action ; but which becomes distinct, in consequence of the very considerable determination to the uterus, of its distention, and of the development of its fibres during pregnancy. According to most anatomists, the direction of these fibres in the state of vacuity is very irregular, and their inter-crossing is nearly inextricable as every one must confess, in this particular condition, says M. Cruveilhier. But as the structure of the uterus, except in gestation, is not of any conse- quence (practically speaking) to the. accoucheur, we refer to the article Pregnancy for the more particular study thereof. b. The External or Peritoneal Membrane.—The peritoneum having covered the posterior face of the bladder, is reflected upon the anterior one of the uterus, covering only its superior three-fourths ; and having reached the fundus uteri, and gained the posterior wall, it covers this entire!v ia prolonged on the vagina for a short distance, and is then reflected upon the INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 79 rectum. The broad ligaments are produced by the transverse elongations of this membrane; and its falciform folds, seen in the interval that separates the bladder from the uterus, are called the vesico-uterine, or the anterior ligaments; and those formed by it, betAveen the rectum and uterus, are called the posterior, or the recto-uterine ligaments. The adherence of the peritoneum is quite loose on the borders of the uterus, but it becomes more intimate towards the median line. v. The Internal or Mucous Membrane.—The existence of this membrane was for a long time contested, and there can be no doubt, that if a mem- brane resembling the majority of those Avhich line all the mucous cavities be sought for in the uterus, it will be sought in vain. Still its existence is rendered very probable by the functions of the organ, for, as Cruveilhier has remarked: 1st. Every organic cavity communicating Avith the exterior is lined by a mucous membrane. 2d. Anatomy demonstrates that the vaginal mucous membrane is continued into the cavity of the neck, and then into that of the uterus. 3d. When examined by a lens, the internal surface of the uterus exhibits a papillary disposition, but the papillae are imperfectly developed. 4th. This internal surface has follicles or crypts scattered over it, from which mucus can be squeezed out, and Avhich, if their orifices be obstructed or obliterated, become distended by the liquid, and form little vesicles. 5th. It is continually lubricated by mucus. 6th, and lastly ; the internal surface of the uterus, like all other mucous membranes, is subject to spontaneous hemorrhages, to catarrhal secretions, and to the mucous, fibrous, and vesicular vegetations called polypi; and it is generally admitted that, Avherever there is an identity of action, there is also an iden- tity of nature. These physiological probabilities are at present fully confirmed by ana- tomical research, the numerous preparations in the possession of M-. Coste leaving no doubt Avhatever as to the existence of the mucous membrane. I shall therefore borroAV from this able physiologist the principal facts which pertain to its description. The thickness of the uterine mucous membrane varies in different parts of its extent. Towards the middle of the body, it forms one-fourth of the thickness of the Avails of the uterus; that is to say, its usual depth at this point is from one-eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch, amounting to about the one-fourth of the thickness of the uterine parietes. It thins off rapidly towards the point of union of the body with the neck, as also toAvards the apertures of the Fallopian tubes. Its greatest thickness in the neck does not exceed the one twenty-fourth part of an inch. The thickness of the mucous membrane is clearly exhibited by the assist- ance of a perpendicular section of the uterus. It is then found to be in- jected, and varying in color from a deep or bright red to a semi-transparent reddish or pearly gray: the muscular tissue, on the contrary, is almost always of a reddish-gray color, and is besides easily distinguished by the numerous vascular openings upon the surface of the section, and from which blood may be caused to exude by pressure. In addition, there is always a 80 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Avhitish line of demarcation betAveen the tAvo tissues, Avhich becomes most distinct when the injection of the mucous membrane is greatest. Its consistence is less than that of the tissue proper of the uterus, being very friable, and easily crushed. It adheres very strongly to the FlG-26 substance of the uterus, and is separated from it Avith great diffi- culty : it is also incapable of any gliding motion upon the parts Avhich it covers, on account of the entire absence of a sub-mucous cel- lular tissue. Its internal surface presents a multitude of small orifices, rather regularly arranged, Avhich, though barely perceptible to the naked eye, become very evident- with the as- sistance of a lens. About forty- five of them are contained in a space equivalent to the square of one- eighth of an inch. They are the orifices of glands. M. Robin has given an excellent description of the elements Avhich enter into the composition of the mucous membrane ; they are : 1. Embryo-plastic nuclei; 2. Ele- ments of laminated tissue ; 3. Spe- cial cells, in very small amount except during pregnancy; 4. Amor- phous connective matter; 5. Glands; 6. Capillary vessels; 7. Epithelium at first prismatic but becoming pavimentous during pregnancy. A feAV words in regard to the uterine glands. Tavo species of glands exist in this mucous membrane, one beino- found only A\ithin the body of the uterus, Avhilst the other is confined to the neck. 1. According to M. Coste, Avho Avas the first to describe them, the glands of the body are especially visible Avhen death has occurred durino- menstrua- tion ; they then appear as minute canals of about the one two-hundred-and- fiftieth part of an inch in diameter, placed vertically beside each other. They are, hoAvever, disposed so compactly, that the mucous membrane as seen by a lens appears to be formed of them almost exclusively. Their adherent extremities terminate in culs-de-sac and repose upon the muscular tissue. The bodies of the glands are rendered someAvhat flexuous by the mucous membrane being too thin, as it Avere, in the state of vacuity, for the length of the tubes. They contain a Avhitish, viscid fluid, Avhich may be squeezed from them, especially at the menstrual period. This figure represents the arrangement of the mucous ti embrane and of the tissue proper of the uterus, as also their relative dimensions. ,\. Cavity of the neck and arbor vitse. B. Cavity of the body. c. Mucous membrane. D. Intervening' mem- brane. E. Represents the marked thinning off of the mucous membrane towards the neck. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 81 2. The glands of the neck (glands, or ovula of Naboth) are found in all the interval betAveen the line separating the cavity of the neck from that of the body, and the neighborhood of the borders of the os tincae. Their orifices are readily seen upon, and especially between, the folds of the arbor vitae. These glands have the form of a minute cylinder, terminating in a rounded cul-de-sac, which is inflated into the form of a lentil or,vial, and inclosed in the tissue of the mucous membrane, even descending a little betAveen the fibres of the muscular structure. The excretory orifice is ahvays smaller than the glandular tube. Pres- sure causes the escape from it of a transparent, viscid, tenacious, and com- pletely homogeneous fluid. We shall treat hereafter of the modifications Avhich these glands undergo during gestation. [The epithelium of the uterine mucous membrane is cylindric, with vibratile cilia moving from without inward. It is therefore impossible that the ciliary motion should carry the spermatic fluid toward the openings of the tubes, as has been erroneously supposed. The entire cavity of the body and of the neck, to a point near the external ori- fice of the latter, is covered with vibratile epithelium. Below this point the mucous membrane of the neck is furnished Avith the pavimentous variety. d. Vessels.—The arteries of the uterus proceed from the hypogastric and ovarian arteries. Both present many flexuosities in their course through the tissue of the organ, and are remarkable for their corkscrew form, recalling the arrangement of the helicine arteries. The neck is less vascular than the body. The veins are highly developed, anastomosing freely, and forming cavities, as it were, in the muscular tissue. They are called uterine sinuses, and communicate largely Avith the Aenous plexuses Avithin the folds of the broad ligaments. From the latter proceed the uterine and ovarian veins which empty into the correspond- ing trunks. From the arrangement of the uterine arteries and veins, surrounded as they are everywhere by muscular partitions, it results, that the uterus is a true erectile organ, as has been placed beyond doubt by an excellent memoir published by Professor Rouget. This skilful anatomist has, in fact, shown that by injecting the veins of the uterus the organ is put in a state of true erection, whereby it rises, swells, and moves up toward the abdomen. Under these circumstances its volume is greater by one-half than in the empty condition, and the walls of the cavity separate from each other. These phenomena doubtless take place during coition, and probably facilitate the ascent of the spermatic fluid. The lymphatic vessels are very abundant, and pass into the pelvic and lumbar ganglia. E. Nerres.—The nen^es are derived from the great sympathetic, some of them pro- ceeding from the renal and others from the hypogastric plexuses; to the latter are united some fibres from the sacral plexus.] It is an important practical remark of M. Jobert, that the entire intra- vaginal portion of the neck is destitute of a supply of nervous fibres, whilst the portion above the insertion of the vagina receives a great number of them, which form species of plexuses, furnishing ascending or uterine 6 82 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. branches and descending or vaginal ones. The latter are extremely numer- ous, and ramify to infinity in the substance of the vagina. This distribution, which would explain a number of physiological and pathological facts, needs confirmation from neAv researches, for recent prepa- rations deposited by M. Boulard in the museum of the School of Medicine, give it a formal denial. Development. — Aacording to some authors, the. uterus is bifid in the em- bryo as late as the end of the third month, but M. Cruveilhier says he has never observed this bifurcation. During the intra-uterine life, the volume of the neck surpasses that of the body, and at this period its largest por- tion corresponds to the vaginal extremity. After birth it remains nearly stationary until puberty, and then it acquires in a very short time the dimensions observed in the adult Avoman. The organ often becomes atro- phied in old age. § 4. Ligaments of the Uterus. We have already spoken of the anterior and posterior ligaments. The broad and round ones still remain to be described. The Broad Ligaments.—As elsewhere stated, the double lamina of the peritoneum, which covers the anterior and posterior faces of the uterus, is prolonged transversely, the two folds resting against each other, and form- ing by their union a transverse partition, extending from each side of the uterus, which divides the pelvis into tAvo cavities; the anterior of Avhich lodges the bladder, and the posterior the rectum. Outwardly, and beloAV, these ligaments are continuous with the peritoneum that lines the excava- tion ; their superior border is free, and is extended from the angles of the uterus to the iliac fossae—presenting three folds, called the wings. The anterior wing is not admitted by some anatomists ; it is but slightly devel- oped, and is occupied by the round ligament. The middle one incloses the Fallopian tube, and the posterior contains the ovary and its ligament. [Between the tAvo layers of serous membrane, whose apposition forms the broad ligament, are found two muscular layers, discovered and described by M. Rouget, who represents them as formed of muscular fibres making by their interla6ement a network in a transverse direction. The anterior of these two layers is continuous with the superficial muscular fibres of the anterior surface of the uterus, and is directed outAvard so as to form a part of the round ligament. The posterior mus- cular layer is continuous with the superficial fibres of the posterior surface of the uterus, and is so directed outwardly as to become attached for the most part to the sacro-iliac symphysis.] The two serous folds that constitute the broad ligament, are separated by a loose and very extensible lamellated cellular tissue, continuous with the fascia propria of the pelvis. The broad ligaments disappear during gesta- tion, their two laminae assisting to cover the anterior and posterior faces of the developed womb. Bodies of Rosenmilller. — By the inspection of pieces prepared by M. Follin, we have become assured of the existence of an organ between the two laminae of the broad ligament, which has not been even noticed by INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 83 Bodice of Rosenmtlller. A. Ovary. B. Fallopian tube. C Fimbriated extremity of Fallopian tube. D. Culs-de-sac of the tubes. E. Canaliculi proceeding to the ovary. V. Point to which the tubes converge. G. A'esii'lo appended to the Fallopian tube. French anatomists, but which certain German anatomists figure under the name of the organ of IiofenmuUer, who was the first to discover it. Its general arrangement is not yet well understood,.its development is involved in obscurity, and the details of its histology had not hitherto been described. The researches undertaken by M. Follin in reference to this subject show, that the organ is composed of seven or eight tubes folded Fw. 27. upon themselves, terminating in blind extremities, and all converging towards the tube which serves as a point of en- trance for the vessels of the ovary. The tubes are gener- ally closely approximated to each other, so that their in- flexions frequently correspond. .When examined by trans- mitted light, the assemblage of canals is distinctly seen in the broad ligament near the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube. Sometimes these tubes are not very appar- ent, and their number is much less, yet some are always to be found. They exist at all ages, but are much more readily distinguished in the broad liga- ments of the foetus, or of children, for then the slight development of the blood-vessels does not obscure them, nor are they hidden from observation by the fat, which infiltrates the laminae of the broad ligaments in adults. The size of the tubes is variable: and they often present dilatations, and sometimes true cysts filled with a citrine fluid. M. Follin has not been able to discover an excretory orifice to these tubes, either in young girls or adult women. Their structure resembles that of the glandular tubes of many simple glands. They are provided with a central cavity, which presents the dila- tations so often observed in tubes of this class. Externally, the tube is formed of cellular-tissue-nicmbrane Avith longitudinal fibres. The internal surface of the tube is covered with pavement epithelium. Some observations are calculated to produce the impression, Avithout how- ever confirming it, that this assemblage of tubes has, in its origin, some relation Avith the corpora Wolffiana. Attached to the free edge of the broad ligaments, it is not uncommon to find five, six, or even more small cysts. They are generally connected Avith the ligament by a very slender pedicle, of variable length, but Avhich is sometimes so short, that the cyst appears to be sessile, and directly adherent to the ligament. < See Fig. 28.) It is difficult to understand the mode of the development of these cysts. Thcv mav, perhaps, havB some relation with the tubes of Avhich the bodies 84 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. of Rosenmuller are composed. It has however seemed to us Avorth while to call attention to them particularly, as they are stated by M. Broca to be present in the great majority of cases. The round ligaments, or supra-pubic cords, are evidently continuous Avith the tissue of the uterus, to Avhich their proper substance is precisely similar; arising from the lateral border of this organ, below and a little in advance of the Fallopian tube, it runs upwards and outAvards. According to M. Deville, this fringe, or ligament, is bent dowmvard in the anterior fold of the broad ligament, and reaches the internal orifice of the inguinal canal, iato Fig. 28. The figure exhibits the small cysts appended to the free edge of the broad ligaments. One of the Fallopian tubes is represented with a double fimbriated extremity, as in the case described by G. Richard. a. Uterus, b. Fallopian tubes, c. The additional fimbriated extremity, d, e. The normal fimbriated Bxtremities. F, G, H. The cysts described above. Avhich it enters, accompanied by a prolongation of the peritoneum, bearing the name of the Canal of Nuck. It then divides into a number of fibrous fasciculi, wdiich are lost in the cellular tissue of the mons veneris and that Avhich fills the dartoid sac, described as existing in the labia externa. Ac- cording to Madame Boivin, the round ligament on the right side is the shorter and larger of the tAvo. They contain a great number of veins, which are liable to become varicose. These ligaments serve to retain the uterus in position, and to prevent its displacements; and it is probably to them that the pains in the groins, experienced by some women during chronic affections or displacements of the Avomb, may be referred. They are, in a great measure, composed of cellular tissue and vessels, but containing also some muscular fasciculi, the superior of which are prolonged from the uterus, and the inferior come from the transversalis muscle. The superior muscular fibres are much more evident during pregnancy. Finally, the vesico-uterine and utero-sacral ligaments, formed, as we have stated, of folds of the peritoneum, which, after having covered the uterus, are reflected upon the posterior surface of the bladder and the anterior sur- face of the rectum; these ligaments are, so to speak, reinforced, by collec- tions of fibres which appear to be prolongations from the tissue proper of the womb, and Avhich are attached anteriorly to the posterior surface of the bladder, and posteriorly to the anterior surface of the rectum. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 85 ARTICLE III. OF THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. The uterine or Fallopian tubes are tAvo canals, varying from four and a quarter to five inches in length, and placed in the thickness of the superior border of the broad ligament. They extend transversely from the lateral angles of the Avomb nearly to the iliac fossa on the corresponding side. Their volume is made more evident by inflating them. (G. Richard.) It may then be ascertained that beyond the uterine parietes, the tube has a diameter of about three-sixteenths of an inch ; tOAvards the middle of its course it increases to about one-quarter of an inch, and just before the ostium abdominale, to five-sixteenths of an inch. Their calibre is verv variable at different points. The elasticity of the Avails is hoAvever so great as to allow of their increase to an enormous extent, as is proved by the cysts which are frequently found in them. The internal orifice of the tube (ostium uterinum) is stated by M. Richard to be the one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter ; from thence, the calibre of the canal increases gradually to its external orifice. Near the free extremity it spreads out and becomes fringed. This termination constitutes the pavil- ion, or fimbriated extremity (the morsus diaboli). It is generally taught that one of these fringes, Avhich is longer than the others, attaches itself to the extremity of the ovary. On the contrary, M. Cruveilhier believes that this adherence takes place through the interven- tion of a groove, the concavity of Avhich looks doAvmvards and backAvards, and facilitates the communication betAveen the ovary and the cavity of the tube. All the fringed folds are attached to a small circle Avhich is more contracted than the part of the tubeAvhich it terminates. This small circle is called the external orifice of the tube. The internal or uterine orifice is the name given to the one by Avhich it opens in the uterine cavity. [The Fallopian tubes are composed of three layers: an external or serous, a middle or muscular, and an internal or mucous layer. The external layer is a part of the peritoneum which lines the entire length of the oviduct, and is extended to the free edge of the fimbriated extremity, where it ends abruptly. The middle layer is composed of two planes of muscular fibres — the external being longitudinal, and the internal circular. The tubes have often been described as prolongations of the uterus, whereas M. Robin regards them as entirely dis- tinct. A thin, cellular septum is, in fact, interposed between the tissues of the r.Avo organs, allowing of their separation by the scalpel. The mucous layer is continuous internally with the uterine mucous membrane, and terminates externally upon the free edge of the fimbriated extremity where it is connected Avith the peritoneal layer. Thus affording the only example of a mucous membrane in continuity with a serous one. The mucous membrane of the oviduct is devoid of papilli and glands, but presents longitudinal folds so adjusted to each other as to transform the canal into numerous capillary tubes, Avell adapted to convey readily the spermatic fluid to the ovary.. The mucous membrane is also covered Avith a vibratile epithelium, the motion of whose cilia being directed toward the uterus are, doubtless, intended to impel the ovuls toward the uterine orifice of the tube.] 86 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. A special artery, derived from the numerous branches Avith Avhich the uterus is supplied, and two veins, Avhich join the ovarian veins, constitute the vascular apparatus of the tube. It is provided Avith nerves from the spermatic and hypogastric plexuses. The Fallopian tube serves the double purpose of a canal for transmitting the fecundating principle of the male, and for carrying the germ furnished by the female from the ovary to the uterus. The use of the fimbriated extremity is to embrace the ovary at the moment of fecundation, and probably also at each menstrual period, and to apply itself over the point from Avhence the germ is detached. At this time, the vessels of the Fallopian tubes are engorged — the mucous mem- brane assumes a well-marked red color—the walls are thickened, and the canal is enlarged. The tubes are at the same time affected with peristaltic contractions, which are probably intended to propel the ovule into the uterine cavity. The anomaly presented by the existence of supernumerary pavilions, or fimbriated extremities, upon the same tube, as described by M. Gustave Richard, is here deserving of notice. In the bodies of twenty Avomen, selected at random, he observed it five times. One or several of them were found attached to the tube either immediately behind the normal fimbriated extremity, or at distances varying from three-quarters of an inch to an inch and a quarter beyond it; all of them were formed like the one Avhich terminated the oviduct by the fringe-like division of the mucous membrane. By floating the fringes under water, an opening was discovered conducting into the tube, through Avhich a stylet might be introduced and brought out through either the internal or external orifice of the tube. According to Dr. Hamilton, of Edinburgh, the Fallopian tube undergoes some modification during gestation, to Avhich he attaches great importance. as a characteristic sign of pregnancy. This change consists in the forma- tion of a little pocket, or sac, about an inch from the fringed extremity. This partial dilatation of the tube, previously described by Roederer under the name of antrum tuboz, is certainly an exceptional fact. I have never observed it; and M. Montgomery has encountered it but once in fourteen uteri, examined in the state of gestation; so that it cannot have all the im- portance that certain authors wish to ascribe to it. ARTICLE IV. OF THE OVARIES. The ovaries (testes muliebres) are the analogues, in the female, to the testi- cles of the male: that is, both of them secrete a product indispensable to reproduction. Two in number, they are situated on the sides of the uterus in that portion of the broad ligament called the posterior Aving, just behind the Fallopian tube. They are maintained in position by those ligaments, as also by a special one, denominated the ligament of the ovary. The. ovaries vary in situation, according to the age of the individual, and ' the state of the uterus. In the foetus, they are placed, like the fundus uteri in the lumbar region; but, during gestation, they rise into the abdomen along Avith the body of the uterus, upon the sides of which they lie. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 87 Immediately after delivery the ovaries occupy the iliac fossa?, where they Bometimes continue throughout life; again, it is not at all uncommon to find them turned backAvards, and adherent to the posterior face of the womb. The ovaries vary in size, both from age, from the plenitude or vacuity of the uterus, and from health or disease. Being proportionably larger in the foetus than in adult age, they diminish after birth, augment in volume at puberty, especially at the monthly periods, and dwindle away in old age. During pregnancy and after delivery, they acquire in some cases quite a considerable volume. FlO. 29. Ovary of the Young Female after Puberty. A. Body of the ovary. B. Utero-ovarian ligament, c. Tubo-ovarian ligament. B. Fallopian tube. E. Fimbriated extremity of the tube. Before the age of puberty, the external surface of the ovaries is of a light rose color, and is smooth and free from inequalities. In women who have menstruated for several years the surface is rough, fissured, covered Avith small blackish cicatrices, and sometimes Avith ccchymotic spots. Some of these cicatrices are linear, others are triangular or radiated; they are of a red color when recent, but become broAvn in the course of a few months. Sometimes a complete union fails to take place between their edges, leaving a small opening, Avhich communicates Avith the ruptured cavity. After the period of life at which the menses disappear, the external surface presents numerous Avrinkles, Avhich are not, as has been supposed, the result of old cicatrices, but are due simply to the atrophy of the ovaries, and the plica- tion of the external envelope Avhich is the consequence. The ovaries are ovoidal in shape, a little flattened from before backwards, and of a Avhitish color. The external extremity of the ovary is adherent, as Ave have said, to one of the fringes of the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube; the internal extremity is attached to the uterus by the ligament of the ovary, which is inserted at the corresponding angle of that organ. The ligament of the ovary, Avhich Ave have already considered, Avas for a long time regarded as a canal, designed like the Fallopian tube to convey the fecundated ovule into the cavity of the uterus; modern anatomy, hoAV- ever, proves it to be solid. From the researches of Gartner, of Copenhagen, and of M. de Blainville, it appears that in some quadrupeds, and especially the soav, a canal is almost always to be found extending from its external orifice by the side 88 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. of the meatus urinarius (corresponding with a similar orifice on the othei side of the meatus), through the substance of the muscular fibres of the vagina to the neck of the uterus; here the canal becomes narroAver, but continues on, following the body of the uterus and imbedded in its fibrous structure, and finally leaves it to pass in a direction parallel to the corre- sponding angle into the substance of the broad ligament. M. Follin found, whilst injecting the duct of Gartner in the soav, that he injected at the same time a long tortuous tube, situated in the substance of the ligament, at the point occupied in the human female, by the collection of glandular tubes which I have described. I have been able to determine the fact that in the soav this duct does not open by a large orifice at the lower part of the vagina, as has been represented, but in reality by a very narroAV one. It is not terminated at its entrance into the broad ligament by a few brush-like divisions, as stated by M. de Blainville, but is continuous with a very fine tortuous tube which extends to the external extremity of that ligament. The duct of Gartner is furnished internally Avith a pavement epithelium, and communicates throughout its course Avith many glandular tubes finer than itself. (Follin.) We have sought for this duct of Gartner in the human female, but found nothing Avhich could be reconciled with the description given by him of it; however, we cannot avoid remarking that since these researches N. C. Baudelocque has observed in a woman a canal which seemed to be pro- duced by a bifurcation of the Fallopian tube, and which, after passing through the entire uterine walls, opened into the upper part of the vagina near the neck of the Avomb. Madame Boivin and some others havre met Avith a similar canal, and Mauriceau and Dulaurens considered it of quite frequent occurrence. The arteries Avhich supply the ovary are the spermatics, and proceed directly from the aorta. The numerous small venous branches found in the ovary unite below the organ so as to form a plexus which gives origin to the ovarian veins; the latter emptying into the vena cava inferior, and into the renal vein. The numerous lymphatic vessels with which it is provided contribute to the formation of the spermatic plexus, which itself empties into the lumbar plexus, and thence passes to the thoracic duct. The nerves are derived from the great sympathetic. § 1. Structure of the Ovaries. [The ovary consists of a special parenchyma inclosed by two envelopes, one ot which is serous, the other fibrous. The serous envelope is formed by the peritoneum and is closely attached to the subjacent one. It covers the entire gland except at its lower edge, Avhere the two layers of peritoneum separate to allow passage for the vessels and nerves distributed to the ovary. The fibrous envelope corresponds with the peritoneum by its external surface whilst its internal surface is blended with the glandular parenchyma. It is much thinner than the tunica albuginea of the testicle with which it has been compared M. Sappey even denies its existence, and regards the peritoneum as the onlv envelope of the organ; his opinion, hoAvever, is not yet adopted by most anatomists. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 89 Within the envelopes mentioned, is a special tissue of a grayish-white color, termed the stroma, which is formed in great part by the interlacement of muscular fibres, some of which are peculiar to the ovary, whilst others are but a prolongation of the same kind of fibres as constitute the ligament of the organ. Other fibres take their origin from the Fallopian tube. The existence of all these fibres was Bhown by M. Rouget in 1858. With the muscular fibres are mingled others of connective tissue. Tlic arteries are situated between the muscular fibres, are flexuous, and have a spiral form. The A'eins, contorted in like manner, form a rich network which empties into a venous plexus immediately below the ovary. The arteries and veins, surrounded as they are by muscular fibres, form a true erectile organ, and the ovary is regar led as such by M. Rouget. Within the fibrous, structure of the stroma exist small cavities, called ovisacs or Graafian vesicles, of a size varying ordinarily from that of a millet-seed to that of a hemp-seed. Some of the more developed vesicles project from the surface of the ovary, wherjb they acquire, as Ave shall see hereafter, a comparatively large size. About fifteen or twenty vesicles may be readily distinguished in the adult female, but with the microscope many more are observable, all of Avhich will be developed when the first shall have disappeared. The ovisacs have hitherto been described as distributed through the substance of the ovary at different depths, and as approaching the surface as they increased in size. Kolliker had, indeed, observed that the Graafian vesicles occupied chiefly the peripheral portions of the gland, but M. Sappey deserves the credit of having determined clearly their true position. Having examined his preparations illustra- tive of the structure of the ovary, kindly shown me by this skilful anatomist, no doubt on the subject is left in my own mind, and I can vouch for the correctness of the following description. According to M. Sappey, a complete Bection of the ovary made perpendicular to the surface, Avill show the stroma to be composed of two distinct parts. 1. Of a central portion, of a reddish color and spongy texture, manifestly composed of the stroma as j ust described. The bulk of this portion is considerable, forming almost the entire mass of the ovary, and containing no Graafian r ^ .• *, 4 This figure represents a longitudinal section of the . . . ovary, showing the arrangement and different degrees 2. Of a superficial portion, of a white of development 0f the Graafian vesicles. color, firm consistence, and homogeneous appearance, spread over the central portion. In this peripheral layer are situated exclusively the ovisacs and ovules; it may, therefore, be termed the ovigenic layer. It is about the one tAventy-fifth of an inch in thickness. The ovigenic layer is composed of the fibres of the stroma, amongst Avhich are found Graafian vesicles in abundance. M. Sappey's microscopical examinations have shown that in one healthy ovary of a Avoman of from eighteen to tAventy years of age, the number of ovisacs and ovules is more than 300.00, making near 700,000 for the individual. He therefore calculates, that if all the ova existing in the surface of the ovaries of a young woman Avere to be fecundated and uudergo all their phases of development, it would require but one Avoman to populate four such cities as Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux, and Rouen, and but two, to furnish inhabitants for a capital like Paris, containing 1,600,000 souls. There are as mauy ovisacs in the foetus as there Avill be at puberty, but as the 90 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION, gland is then small, the vesicles conglomerated, but separate as the ovary develops. After puberty, the number of ovisacs lessens ; in old women they disappear. § 2. Of the Ovarian Vesicles. From birth to puberty the Graafian vesicles undergo no change. They have a founded form and a diameter of jo^o" °f an inch. At puberty some of them have become developed, and, as stated, have attained the size of a millet-seed, of a hemp- seed, or even of a pea. Each vesicle adheres firmly to the substance of the stroma in Avhich it is lodged, and which forms for it a sort of retractile tegument. The special structure of each ovisac consists: 1, in a capsule or envelope; 2, of a contained body or nucleus. 1. The capsule or envelope is formed of a special, transparent, extremely thin, but resisting, non-contractile membrane. It is vascular and forms the vesicle con- taining the nucleus.] 2. The Nucleus.—The parts entering into the composition of the nucleus are: 1st, a granular membrane which incloses the humor of the Graafian vesicle; and 2d, a liquid produced by the aggregation of three humors of a different aspect, viz., a limpid mucosity, clear, though a little oily, a number of small rounded granulations, transparent in their central cavity, and slightly opaque at their periphery, and some oil globules. 3d, and lastly, an ovule floating in the midst of this liquid. The Granular Membrane (see Fig. 31, g'). — A delicate membrane is found applied on the internal face of the Graafian vesicle, formed of granules, or rather of cellules, and bearing the name of the granular membrane. It tears Avith great facility, from its extreme tenuity; and hence many authors have denied its existence. Upon one part of the mem- brane (that corresponding to the free side of the vesicle) the granulations, or cells producing it, are more numerous or more compact, and in the centre of this com- Ovuie in the Graafian vesicle. Pact mass> which has been called the pro- A. Ovule. B. Cumulus granulosus, c. Gran- UgerOUS disk, the OVUle is found. ular membrane, d. Cavity of the Graafian rpi -i ,• . . vesicle. E. Membrane proper of the ovisac. ine grailUlatlOllS, Constituting the prO- F. Stroma of the ovary. G Fibrous envelope HgerOUS disk (see G, Fig. 31), are SO closely Df the ovary, h. Peritoneal laver of the ovary. -jii.i •,, , , , ., , united both with each other and with the latter, that upon opening the Graafian vesicle, even where the granular membrane is destroyed, this portion remains adherent to the ovule, formino- round it, as it were, a granular bed. This membrane is entirely destitute of vessels. § 3. The Ovule. Since the labors of Graaf, the majority of authors agree Avith him that the ovule is constituted by the vesicle just described; but the honor of having first discovered the ovule, as a distinct organ in this vesicle belongs to Charles Ernest Baer. The ovule is completely formed in the ovary during the earlier years of life. It is imbedded from the period of its maturity, as stated above, in the midst of a mass of granulations which are more compact than those which fill the remainder of the vesicle. INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. 91 It therefore occupies a fixed position in the vesicle, and is almost con Btantly met with at a point opposite to that Avhence the large vascular trunks spread out upon the ovarian capsule, that is to say, at the point which projects from the surface of the ovary. When examined with a lens, it appears as an opaque rounded body, at least more opaque than the liquid inclosed in the same vesicle; it is extremely minute, although the diameter of the little sphere it represents is subject to variations. "The largest human ovules I have seen and manipulated," says Bischoff, "did not exceed the tenth of a line, being barely perceptible to the naked eye." When placed under a microscope, it is seen to consist of an exterior envelope, called the vitelline membrane (Coste), transparent zone, cortical membrane, or chorion (Baer), of a substance aptly compared to the yolk of an egg, and designated as the vitellus, and of another vesicle (placed within the latter) Fia-32- called the germinal vesicle. A. Vitelline Membrane. — If the ovule be examined by a magnifying glass of sufficient poAver, an obscure sphere will be brought into vieAV, surrounded by a large clear ring, the nature of Avhich it is difficult to make out. M. Coste has given the name of the vitelline mem- brane to this ring. It is evidently a thick membrane, the external and internal outlines of Avhich assume the appearance of two circular lines inclosing a transparent ring. Many per- sons have merely considered it as a layer of albumen surrounding the yolk, but any one may easily convince himself that it is at least a resisting membrane, by cutting the ovule, or by compressing it by means of an instrument called the compressor; " for after proceeding in this manner," says Bischoff, "there cannot be a doubt that the transparent zone is an elastic, thick, hyaline, and transparent membrane, Avithout a determinate texture." Though entirely destitute of cells and vessels, it is nevertheless a living envelope; because, as soon as the ovum in the mammalia arrives in the cavity of the uterus, it becomes the seat of an active vegetation, and pro- duces villosities which are more or less ramified. The latter, as they become developed, insinuate themselves into the tissue of the uterine mucous membrane, and thus attach the ovum to the place Avhich it is to occupy for the future. B. Yolk or Vitellus. — The cavity of the vitelline membrane is occupied, in great measure, by a granular liquid, that does not adhere to the ex- terior envelope, and even escapes from it readily Avhen the latter is broken. According to Bischoff, the yolk of a human ovum is formed of a coher- ent, indistinctly granular, transparent, and viscous mass, Avhich does not run out Avhen the egg is cut or crushed; each portion of the zone reserving its particular segment or yolk, or the latter escaping altogether. "Tn certain cases," says he, "the vitelline granulations are not united in A Non-fecundated Human Ovule. A. The vitelline membrane, or trans- parent zone. B. The vitellus, or yolk. 0. The vesicle of I'urUinje, or the ger- minal vesicle. D. The germinal spot. 92 female organs of generation. a single mass. I have seen the yolk divided in two, and, on one occasion, into five parts of different volume." The vitellus usually fills the interior of the zone completely, and has the same form, but sometimes the vitelline sphere is smaller than that destined to receive it. Some authors likewise believe that a very delicate membrane exists, which incloses and unites the yolk in a single mass: but Messrs. Coste and Bischoff agree in rejecting the existence of this, and contend that the granulations of the vitellus are placed in juxtaposition Avith the transparent zone, Avhich forms its sole and only envelope. c. Germinal Vesicle.—In the midst of the vitellus, in very young girls, or on one of the neighboring points of the peripheral envelope in the matured ovules, a small, perfectly transparent, and colorless vesicle is seen like a clear spot, surrounded by a mass of a deeper yelloAV. Purkinje had described it in the eggs of birds, and gave his own name to it; but M. Coste is entitled to the honor of having first demonstrated its existence in the ovum of mammiferse, and of thus having established the perfect identity between the latter and the eggs of birds. This is the vesicle of Purkinje, or the germinal vesicle. It is slightly oval, and consists of a very delicate, transparent, and colorless membrane, which incloses a liquid that is frequently as limpid and transparent as itself, though it sometimes contains a feAv granules. Notwith- standing its extreme tenuity, this vesicle still offers a certain consistence, since it has been seen intact, after leaving the ovule, and being completely separated from the granular liquid in which it was placed. It is always very small, and scarcely measures the sixtieth of a line in diameter. d. The Germinal Spot. — If the germinal vesicle be attentively observed, an obscure rounded spot will be seen on some part of its periphery; this Avas first discovered by Wagner, who gave it the name of the germinal spot. It seems to be formed by the aggregation of fine small granules, or little globules, the obscure hue of which is brought out by the clear contents of the vesicle. Wagner has sometimes met Avith two, or even more, germinal spots in the mammiferse. Before fecundation, therefore, the ovule is composed: 1st, of an exterior envelope, the vitelline membrane, or transparent zone ; 2d, of a vitellus, or yolk, contained in this vesicle; 3d, of a little vesicle inclosed in the first and SAvimming in the vitelline fluid — the germinal vesicle ; 4th, and lastly, of the germinal spot. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. antero-posterior section of the female pelvis, of the genital organs, and of the defecatory apparatus. (Taken from M. Richel's Treatise on Surgical Anatomy) The soft parts of the lesser pelvis and the contained organs have been previously fixed by two very sharp metallic rods, one of which is passed above and the other below the symphysis pubis and made fast in the vertebrae. An examination of the drawing will show that the section is slightly oblique from the median line in front, toward the right side behind. In other words, it has been so made that the instrument after having divided the pubic symphysis in front, falls outside- of the right sacro-iliac symphysis. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 93 1. Symphysis pubis. 2. Articular surface of the sacrum with the ilium. 3. 3. Sec- .ion of the skin and of the subcutaneous cellulo-fatty layer. 4. Labia majora of left Bide. 5. Labia minora of same side. 6. Orifice of the vulva. 7. ''. Root of the clitoris.—Clitoris. 8. Bulb of vagina injected by the veins. 9. Section of constric- tor vaginae muscle. 10. Section of transversus muscle. 11. Yulvo-vaginal gland. 12. Anus. 13. Sphincter ani muscle. 14. Orifices of veins of prevesical plexus. 15. Prevesical cellular tissue. 16. Vesical orifice of urethra. 17. Vesical cavity, show- ing orifice of left ureter. 18. Vagina. 19. Neck of uterus. 20. Body of uterus. 21. Section of right Fallopian tube. 22. Section of broad ligament. Venous plexus contained within its fold. 23. Fallopian tube and broad ligameut of the left side. 24. Rectum and its ovoid cul-de-sac; the longitudinal fibres of the bowels are shown. 25. The same covered in its upper part by the peritoneum. 2G. Vesico-uterine cul-de- sac of the peritoneum. 27. Recto-vaginal cul-de-sac of the peritoneum. 28. Section of Levator ani muscle. 29. Point of the coccyx. 30. Pyramidalis muscle. 31. Retro- rectal cellular tissue contained within the upper pelvi-rectal space. 32. Section of the great sacro-sciatic ligament. 33. Hypogastric artery. 34. Hypogastric vein. 35. Sacral plexus. 36. Sacro-lumbar mass of muscular tissue, &c. CHAPTER IV. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. Another physiological phenomenon, namely, menstruation, is both ex- cited by and dependent upon the evolution of the Graafian vesicles or ovu- lation. Ovulation and menstruation are, therefore, intimately connected and should be studied consecutively. ARTICLE I. OF THE MODIFICATIONS UNDERGONE BY THE OVARIAN VESICLES. Until the age of puberty the Graafian vesicles are of small size; but at this period, some fifteen to twenty of them, Avhich appear more advanced than the others, increase in size, and project from the external surface of the ovary. At the time Avhen the young girl becomes nubile, one of the latter vesicles seems to have received a great increase of vitality; it under- goes a remarkable hypertrophy, and forms a projection upon the surface of the ovary ; this projection becomes greater and greater until after some days it forms a tumor of the size of a cherry, or even of a small nut, upon the ovarian surface. This considerable augmentation of size is due to the distention of the walls of the vesicle by an increased secretion of the fluid Avhich it contains. In proportion as the development proceeds, the Avails of the vesicle become thin; the vessels Avhich supply them being compressed by the dilatation, lose their volume and become obliterated and atrophied, especially upon the point of culmination, Avhere the resistance is least. When at last it has arrived at its full development, the ovarian capsule appears to remain stationary, until an over-excitement, produced either by the maturity of the ovule, or by sexual intercourse, occasions its rupture. (Coste.) Then, the walls of the vesicle, although more and more distended, begin to lose their trans- 94 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. parency, on account of the hemorrhage which ensues. This is sometimes limited to the production of small extravasations upon the as yet entire Avails of the vesicle, though most frequently a true effusion takes place within the cavity. The effused blood and the superabundant secretion increase still more the distention of the Avails, Avhich is finally carried so far that rupture becomes imminent, and it is possible to distinguish at the most pro- jecting part of the tumor, the point Avhere it is about to ensue. This point is generally indicated by a small reddish spot, of about a line in extent, produced by a strong injection, or even by a slight effusion of blood in the Fia. 33. Fig. 34. Fig. 33. Showing the ovary, and a Graafian vesicle at its highest degree of development, and just before its rupture. ' a. The hypertrophied vesicle (drawn from nature, and of its real size), b, c, c. Radiated cicatrices, left by previously ruptured vesicles. Fig. 34. The ovary, with the ruptured vesicle and the large clot that fills its cavity. (Drawn from nature.) texture of the Avails of the vesicle. (Raciborsky.) The thinned Avails finally give Avay and tear gradually ; the membranes of the vesicle itself being the first to yield, and after them the peritoneal layer. As a consequence of this rupture, the ovule is expelled, and carries along with it a part of the granular contents of the A^esicle; it enters the Fallopian tube, the fimbriated extremity of Avhich is prepared to receive it, and after traversing its canal arrives at a later period in the cavity of the uterus. , The walls of the follicle collapse after the rupture, and its cavity becomes filled Avith a small quantity of blood, which is found fluid or coagulated according to the time at Avhich the examination is made. The Avails of the torn vesicle contract gradually, and the clot, which some- times at first is the size of a small cherry, is sloAvly absorbed ; the originally spacious cavity diminishes, the margins of the rupture approximate, so as even to become united occasionally by cicatrization, and order is finally restored. The evolution just described, which is terminated by the rupture of a vehicle and the spontaneous expulsion of an ovule, is not an isolated face; on the contrary, it excites numerous sympathies in the remainder of the gen- 1 This figure, borrowed from M. Raciborsky, is the exact copy of a preparation which he had the kindness to show me. But since that time (1843) I have never met with so enormously developed a vesicle, and I am disposed to believe that this great size ia rather pathological than normal. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 95 crative apparatus and throughout the organism of the female. We shall first study the generative organs and the modifications Avhich they undergo before, during, and after this evolution. The ovary, which produces the hypertrophied vesicle, is notably enlarged. It is of a deep red color, and its vascular apparatus is remarkably con- gested. The Fallopian tube itself shares in the congestion, being often of a violet- red color, especially at its fimbriated extremity, Avhich has a sort of velvety appearance. It is also endoAved at this time with a special erethism, in virtue of which it applies its floating extremity upon the ovary, in such a manner as to receive the ovule and conduct it into its cavity. The uterus undergoes such important changes that, before the discovery of spontaneous ovulation, it Avas erroneously supposed to play the principal part in the phenomena Avhich Ave are about to study. I shall continue to draAV from the beautiful works of M. Coste, from which I have already bor- rowed so freely in the preparation of this chapter, the principal features of the ensuing description. Whilst the ovarian vesicle is undergoing the rapid evolution Avhich we have just described, the vascular apparatus of the womb becomes developed and injected in an unusual manner; immediately beneath the delicate layer of epithelium which covers the surface of the mucous membrane, it forms in particular elegant reticulations, Avith irregular, lozenge-shaped intervals, surrounding the orifice of each of the numerous glandular tubes of Avhich this membrane is almost entirely composed. This network is so fine as to give a violet hue of greater or less intensity to the internal surface of the womb, and is formed of very delicate venous ramuscules. The utricular glands increase perceptibly in size, and the muscular structure of the uterus, in consequence of the congestion which it undergoes, acquires greater exten- sion, is of a more lively red color, and becomes more spongy and supple. The entire volume of the organ is increased, the neck is tumefied and its orifice narroAver ; the lips of the os tincae are warmer and their color deeper. The mucous membrane, in consequence of this development of its vessels, and especially of the glandules of Avhich it is composed, has its thickness so much increased in proportion to the size of the uterine cavity, as to be thrown, in a great many subjects, into soft, projecting folds or circumvolu- tions, which are so pressed together as to leave no vacant space in the cavity of the organ. M. Coste has several Avombs in his possession, Avhose mucous membranes measure at certain points, from two to three-eighths of an inch in thickness ; still, to Avhatever degree the hypertrophy may be carried, it never presents the floating villi Avhich Baer and Weber thought they had observed; neither, except in some pathological cases, does it ever exhibit the pseudo-membranous exudation Avhich is acknowledged by almost all physiologists. (See Deciduous Membrane.) This great vascularity of the mucous membrane, and the high vascular congestion which the entire organ undergoes, is at first accompanied with the exudation of a few drops of blood, Avhich by admixture beloAV Avith the vaginal mucus, Avhich is itself at this period increased both in quantity and fluidity, communicates to it at first a rosy, and then a light reddish hue. 96 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. After two or three days, a Aoav of blood, derived principally from the super- ficial network of the mucous membrane, escapes through the neck and mingles with the vaginal secretions. Henceforth, the effusion presents all the characters of a true hemorrhage. . There can be no doubt that the chief source of this hemorrhage is the superficial vascular netAVork of the mucous membrane; and in Avomen who have died at this period the blood may be seen to transude through micro- scopic fissures. The flow preserves the same characters during the two or three, be they more or less, days of its duration ; then, as the quantity of blood diminishes, it resumes gradually the mucous and serous characters peculiar to the vagi- nal secretion. It is impossible, in the present state of our knoAvledge of the subject, to determine precisely at Avhat mo- FlG-35- ment during the Aoav of blood the rupture of the Graafian vesicle takes place. The result of numer- ous autopsies admits of the sup- position that this moment is vari- able, and the curious experiments of M. Coste leave no doubt Avhat- ever as to the influence which veneral excitement is capable of exerting upon it; this influence is so great, that it may determine the rupture of an hypertrophied vesicle, Avhich, without sexual in- tercourse, Avould have remained intact for several days longer. HoAvever, it may be admitted, as a general rule, that the rupture occurs during the last days of the Aoav: The series of phenomena of which the ovary is the seat, is not terminated by the rupture of the vesicle, and it remains for us to state what becomes of its Avails after the expulsion of the ovule. Of the Corpora Lutea.—Immediately after the rupture of the Graafian vesicle and the consequent expulsion of the ovule, an effusion of blood, according to some, and of plastic lymph, according to others, takes place into the emptied cavity; moreover, the walls, which were greatly distended, retract strongly upon the effused matter, and form with it a more or less compact mass, which after a time assumes an orange-yelloAv color. From this latter circumstance, the tumor has acquired the name of the yellow body, or corpus luteum. Although for a long time considered by nearly every author as an ir- refragable proof of a previous conception, it is at present well knoAvn that Uterus laid open, so as to exhibit the Hypertrophy of the Mucous Membrane at the Menstrual Period. A. Mucous membrane of the neck. B. Mucous mem- brane of the body, much swollen, c. Thickness of the section of the mucous membrane. r>. Tissue proper of the uterus. E, F. Diminution in the thickness of the mu- cous membrane at the neck and at the orifices of the Fal- lopian tubes. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 97 this body may exist in a virgin girl, provided she has previously men- struated. Very different opinions have been promulgated as to the mode of forma- tion of the yelloAv body, as also in regard to the precise period at which it commences. According to Robert Lee, the mass of this body is formed exteriorly, around the empty capsule of the vesicle, and consequently it has intimate connections Avith the ovarian stroma; but this opinion is inad- missible. From the observations of Baer and Valentin, the yelloAv body results from the hypertrophy, or a kind of puffing up, of the membrane of the vesicle, which throws out a species of vascular processes that serve to fill up the Avhole cavity of the follicle, excepting at the part occupied by the ovule. In the latter view, as Avell as in that entertained by Montgomery, the development of the corpus luteum will aid in rupturing the vesicle, by the distention it produces, and will soon after determine the expulsion of the ovule, by pressing it gradually towards the thinnest part. Both suppose that the corpus luteum is completely developed Avhen the vesicular rupture and the discharge "of the ovule take place, Avhich, how- ever, appears altogether inadmissible to me. I am convinced to the con- trary, from the specimens which M. Raciborsky has had the kindness to show me. In a female, who died during menstruation, I Avas enabled to prove the recent rupture of a vesicle that Avas very much hypertrophied; its cavity, hoAvever, did not contain a yelloAv body. This does not, there- fore, precede the rupture of the vesicle. In my opinion, M. Raciborsky has perfectly described the phenomena, consecutive to this rupture, in the interes- ting treatise published by him {Dela Ponte Periodique chez les Femmes et les Mammijcres, 1844). It may prove useful to publish his views in this Avork. " If the ovaries be examined eight, ten, or twelve days after the cessation of the menstrual discharge, a small, rounded tumefaction, surmounted by a red spot like an ecchymosis, and presenting in its centre a slight linear fissure, will be found on the surface of one of these organs. The margins of the fissure are agglutinated, even this early, in the majority of cases, but it is still easy to separate them by using lateral tractions. If the ovary be then opened at the ecchymosed spot, the interior will exhibit a pouch, already smaller than the fio.36. cavitv of the vesicle before the rupture, but entirely filled by a clot of blood, Avhich, Avhen placed in alcohol, has the consistence of a solid body, though someAvhat spongy in its nature. The clot is usually about the size of a medium cherry (see Fig. 34), and may be raised from its cavity Avithout difficulty. The pari- etes of the vesicle exhibit, at this period, a yelloAvish hue, that disappears in spirits of Avine. The surface of the membrane is at once slightly plaited and doAvny. In the meanAvhile, the most soluble molecules of the clot are absorbed, ^^XZ^ST^i and then a further retraction of the tunic takes certain stage t appear- ance, Avhich is ahvays determined by the ovarian evolution of Avhich it is one of the epiphenomena, reveals the aptitude of the female for fecundation, and constitutes one of the earliest signs of puberty or nubility; I say one of the earliest signs, for it very rarely occurs suddenly, and Avithout having been preceded by precursory phenomena. These phenomena are both local and general. The first, which are purely physical, occur more especially in the generative organs. Thus, the pubic region becomes covered Avith hair; the pelvis, Avhich hitherto differed but slightly from that of the male, increases in size in every direction, and gradually assumes the shape Avhich we have indicated as peculiar to the Avell-formed Avoman; the breasts are rapidly developed, and the nipple is more projecting, turgescent, and sensitive; the skin Avhich surrounds the latter is also of a darker color than before. The outlines of the body at the same time become rounded, in consequence of the greater abundance and more harmonious distribution of the cellulo-fatty tissue. These physical changes are rarely found unconnected Avith an alteration in the moral state of the young girl. Her voice assumes a softer tone, her looks are more timid, and often embarrassed in the presence of persons with whom but a few months previously she had sported as a child. She experiences desires, Avhich are the vague expressions of the development of the senses, which she cannot yet understand. A melancholy sadness, and a taste for solitary places congenial to reverie, replace the boisterous pleasures of childhood. The congestion which precedes the hemorrhage is indicated by new symptoms. The young girl complains of lassitude, of a sensation of SAvell- ing and tension in the loAver part of the abdomen, of lumbar and sacral pains, of Avcight in the loins, of heat in the hypogastrium and peritoneum, of a slight itching and tumefaction in the genital parts, and a painful swell- ing of the breasts. In many cases, the excitement of the genital organs is so great as to produce a violent general reaction; and, according to i5oer- haave, the first appearance of the menses is accompanied Avith fever. Strange nervous disturbances not unfrequently occur, and I have sometimes observed attacks of genuine hysteria. These symptoms may last from one to ciiiht days, and are folloAved by a more or less abundant Aoav of mucus; in the course of a feAV days, this becomes mixed with a little blood, and soon gives place to a Aoav of almost pure blood. The hemorrhage continues for several davs ; then, as the amount of blood mingled Avith the vaginal mucosites diminishes, the flow becomes less colored, and after resuming the characters of the vaginal secretions, ceases entirely. Quite fretiuently, the first menstruation takes place Avithout having been preceded by anv of these discomforts. Sometimes the eruption of blood occurs whilst playing or dancing, and sometimes during sleep.. In most young girls the eruption returns after the lapse of a mouth, and 104 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. follows subsequently its regular periodical course; frequently, however, it is not until after three or four periods, and sometimes even later, that the courses become regular. In other cases, again, a long interval elapses between the two first menstruations: thus, M. Raciborsky, having noticed the time between the two first menstrual periods in eighty-seven females, found that in all but fifty-eight, more than a month elapsed betAveen them. In two women, the second menstruation occurred six weeks after the first; in four, two months; in five, three months; in four, four months; in one, five months; in one, eight months; in three, a year; finally, in one, two years. These irregularities in the return of the second period may, doubtless, be due to a morbid condition requiring treatment, but they may also depend upon an atony of the genital organs, which does not alloAV the physiological development of the Graafian vesicles to continue. This temporary atony does not interfere Avith the general health of the female, nor prevent the future performance of the function ; it often disappears under the excite- ment produced by a change of life, or by the first conjugal approaches. (Raciborsky.) In some young girls, the functional troubles and abdominal pains, which Ave have regarded as so many precursory phenomena of the first appearance of the menses, may not be followed by the Aoav of blood, and, after having lasted for several days, they diminish and cease entirely; they may recur thus every month, for a certain time, with no other result than a momentary disturbance of the general health, and it is only, so to speak, after several fruitless attempts, that the courses become established in a complete and regular manner. The symptoms which heralded the first menstrual Aoav do not usually recur at the subsequent periods, or, at least, they continue to diminish Avith each monthly return. In some females, however, they always appear with their original intensity, and I have often remarked, in reference to these cases, that the acute pains and colics which prelude the Aoav of blood, disappear, or even cease entirely, immediately after the first conjugal approaches, and especially after the first labor. In a still greater number, the return of the menstrual period is throughout life indicated by some slight pains, a little uneasiness, or merely by a more or less marked dis- turbance of the general condition; the temper is less even, the Avoman becomes more excitable, more irascible, in a word, less amiable. The time at Avhich the first appearance of the menses occurs varies exceed- ingly from the influence of climate, habits of life, and constitution. The following table, extracted from the Avork of Miiller, Avith notes by Jourdan, gives an idea of these variations in different countries. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 105 W c &< m '^ AOB 4i a _ p o P i 3 s 3 8 a £< B •^ o aS 2 n » 2 Ch 3 Ph 3 ^g f- 5 5 o 2 o Pi c PJ ^ 5 years, . . 1 .x 7 ' 1 8 « 2 9 ' 11 1 10 ' 29 5 7 11 ' 96 14 6 10 4 18 12 ' 129 26 10 19 3 10 34 4 13 ' 138 47 13 53 8 20 40 4 14 ' 212 50 9 85 21 29 55 13 1 15 < 204 76 16 97 32 38 77 14 15 16 ' 140 79 8 76 24 41 81 20 27 17 ' 133 58 4 57 11 20 72 13 35 18 ' 95 38 2 26 18 20 35 13 13 19 « 43 21 23 10 12 26 6 6 20 ' 33 9 4 8 24 8 2 21 ' 8 5 1 4 14 3 1 22 ' 8 1 2 23 « 4 1 24 < 5 2 1 25 ' 1 1 Total, . . 1285 342 68 450 137 200 487 100 100 According to this table, the greater number of first menstruations occur, at Paris, betAveen the ages of fourteen and fifteen years; but it may be remarked, that the most common variations fall betAveen the ages of eleven or twelve, and seventeen or eighteen years. Warm climates, a residence in cities and the habits Avhich are contracted there, together Avith robust constitutions, seem to favor the precocious development of puberty; a Ioav temperature, residence in the country, a feeble and delicate constitution, appear, on the other hand, to retard the appearance of the menses. Numerous exceptions to the averages above indicated are mentioned by authors. Thus, as examples of tardy and precocious menstruation, Ave see by the table that five Avomen menstruated for the first time at the age of twenty-three years, six at twenty-four, and tAvo at tAventy-five. In some very rare instances, the first appearance has been delayed for a much longer time; thus, M. Kleeman mentions the case of a Avoman avIio was married at the age of twenty-seven years, and Avho did not menstruate until tAvo months after her eighth confinement; she then continued regular until the age of fifty-four years. Pecklin speaks of a strong and healthy married woman, who had never menstruated, although she Avas forty years of age; her courses made their appearance upon one of the first nights succeeding her second marriage, and recurred regularly for tAvo years, at the expiration of which time she became pregnant. If Ave compare these cases of tardy menstruation Avith the numerous instances of Avomen Avho become mothers Avithout ever having menstruated, and of nurses in whom the suppression of the menses did not prevent con« L06 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ception, Ave shall find a full confirmation of Avhat was stated in the preceding chapter, in relation to the secondary importance of the menstrual discharge. Regarded as a phenomenon attendant upon the changes going on in the ovary, it may be absent even though the Graafian vesicle should undergo all its phases of development; nor can its absence be now considered as indicative of the impossibility of fecundation. We cannot accept all the observations of very precocious menstruation ; but, laying aside the numerous cases in Avhich the nature of the discharge has not been so well determined as to allow of their reception Avithout ques- tioning, there are some Avhose genuineness is undoubted, inasmuch as the appearance of the discharge Avas attended Avith all the attributes of puberty. Thus, Dr. Susewind kneAv of a child of seventeen months, Avhich had men- struated since she. was a year old ; the hemorrhage returned regularly every month, and the breasts and mons veneris were those of a girl of fourteen or fifteen years of age. The child observed by Lenhossek menstruated Avhen nine months old, and at tAvo years she presented all the external signs of puberty. The girl mentioned by D'Outrepont, Avho had four teeth Avhen tAvo weeks old, was regular from the age of nine months; she had at that time long black hair and prominent breasts. A woman observed by Carus, menstruated when two years old, became pregnant at eight, and died at an advanced age. In a memoir by M. Dezeimeris, many other similar facts, derived from Schoefer, Louis Robert, Le Beau, Descuret, Comarmond, Clarke, Lobstein, &c, &c, are recorded. These premature menstruations are certainly due to the same causes which determine their appearance in most women about the age of fifteen years. Being always accompanied by the development of the breasts and the other marks of puberty, they are the evidence, that under the influence of an anomalous vitality of the ovaries, the Graafian vesicles haA^e under- gone a very precocious development. When once Avell established, the menses assume their regular periodicity, Avhich is generally preserved up to the time of their cessation, Avithout other interruption than that Avhich is occasioned by nursing or pregnancy. They return about every month, as their name indicates; yet the interval between them is far from being the same for every female. The average of the catamenial period is stated by Roser and Wunderlich at tAventy-eight days ; in a large number, according to Brierre de Boismont, it is thirty days; and in some instances the intermenstrual period is longer than thirty days, extending to five or six Aveeks, and sometimes even to tAvo months. In some women the returns occur upon the same day of each month ; in a much greater number, the end of the solar month is anticipated by tAvo, three, four, or five days. Sometimes the period is much shorter, the returns occur- ring at an interval of tAventy-four, twenty-two, tAventy, and even fifteen days. These frequent variations in the duration and return of the catamenial period are a refutation in advance of the opinion of those authors Avho think that all women menstruate generally at the same periods, and that there are times in each month when no one is unwell; it is evident that the retardations or the anticipations of Avhich Ave have spoken, must have the OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 107 effect of bringing the return of some female upon every day of the year. The flow also commences almost indifferently, during the day or right. The periodicity of the catamenia generally continues until the age of from forty to fifty years, at Avhich time they usually cease. We shall here- after treat of the peculiarities Avhich often attend their cessation. The duration of the flow varies between one and eight days; according to Brierre, it most commonly lasts for eight days; and next in order of frequency, we have three, four, two, five, one, six, ten, and seven days. Many observers ha\x noted three or four days, as expressing the most usual duration. In some very exceptional cases, it lasts for a fiVw hours only; in others quite as rare, apart from pathological conditions, it is pro- longed through tAvelve or fifteen days. The quantity of blood lost is variable for the same Avoman, and especially so when observed in different individuals; Ave may here add, that it is very difficult in any case to estimate it exactly. If the two cotylcs of Hippo- crates be eighteen ounces (550 grammes), as translated by Galen, his esti- mate (provided Galen's rendering is correct) is evidently exaggerated, at least for our time and climate. If Ave appreciate the amount of blood lost by the quantity of stained linen, I think the estimate of Haen, Avho set it doAvn as averaging from three to five ounces, will be found to come- nearest the truth. The quantity of the discharge appears to be greatly influenced by the diet, habits of life, and climate; it is greater Avith rich and indolent females who use a succulent diet, than with those Avho are placed in an opposite condition. According to most authors, very Avarm climates exert a marked influence upon it, and, for my OAvn part, I am acquainted Avith several ladies Avho menstruate much more abundantly in summer than in Avinter. It is said that Avomen from the country, avIio become domestics in Paris, soon find their courses to diminish, and sometimes e\ren cease entirely. Such may be the case Avith many of them, but it is due chiefly to the in- fluence upon their constitutions of the Avant of fresh air, exposure to the sun, and of the exercise to Avhich they had been accustomed from child- hood, rather than to any change in their diet; for, in general, the nourish- ment Avhich they receive from their employers is much better than that with which they Avere obliged to content themselves in their oavii families. The amount of the discharge is not the same throughout the duration of the menstrual period ; ordinarily, it Aoavs moderately on the first and second days, increases on the third and fourth, and then gradually declines. Neither is the discharge always continuous; it sometimes diminishes and even stops entirely for several hours, sometimes for one or tAvo days, and afterAvards reappears either spontaneously or under the influence of a Avalk or a ride. Moral emotions, sometimes the process of digestion, and, above all, the action of cold, may determine its momentary or final diminution or suppression. The seat of the hemorrhage and the nature and qualities of the menstrua] blood, have been the subject of very different opinions. AVhat Ave have already said, Avhilst describing the changes in the uterine mucous mem- brane, during the ovarian evolution, leaves no doubt as to the source of the 108 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. menstrual fluid. It exudes, manifestly, through microscopic fissures on the internal surface of the mucous membrane of the uterus. This fact, which is placed beyond a doubt by numerous autopsies of women who died during menstruation, had been already proved by the accumulation of blood in the cavity of the Avomb, where the neck was imperforate, and by the touch, and the speculum, whereby it has been both felt, and seen to Aoav from the orifice of the uterus. Certain facts have been adduced in order to prove that, in some caseu, the menstrual blood proceeds frOm the vagina. I think that the greater number of these observations have been either badly made, or wrongly interpreted. I do not deny the possibility of exhalations of blood from the Avails of the vagina; but if they present the periodicity of the menses, they can be regarded in no other light than as a misplacement of the latter. The fact related in the note beloAv appears to me to possess great interest in reference to this subject.1 1 I have recently (November, 1849) seen, in connection with my excellent confrere, Dr. Thirial, a young girl, twenty-one years of age, who had menstruated only twice and for three days at a time; and in whose case the hemorrhage must of necessity have had its origin in the mucous membrane of the vagina. This young girl, who had been for a long time violently in love with an officer, finally yielded herself completely to his wishes. After several attempts, renewed with much ardor, but which each time proved fruitless, the young man finally dis- covered, and acquainted her with the fact, that she was not formed like other women, and advised her to consult a physician. She applied first to M. Thirial, who solicited my opinion. A very careful examination enabled me to ascertain as follows: The countenance, stature, and development of the limbs and breasts, differed in no respect from what is usual in young girls at her age. Her general health had always been good. In the month of May last, her courses appeared for the first time, and continued three days; she had, however, for several years before, experienced symp- toms of uterine congestion. In the month of July, they showed themselves again for the last time. The attempts of her lover were twice followed by a considerable flow of blood, which lasted two days, but she attributed it much rather to the amorous violence to which she had been subjected than to a periodic return of the menses. The mons veneris is completely destitute of the hair with which it is usually covered. Upon the lateral and inferior regions, immediately above the external orifice of the inguinal canal, a tumor is observed on each side which elevates the integuments. The tumor has the size, form, and consistence of an ovary or testicle ; it is but slightly painful; under a very moderate pressure it retreats through the inguinal canal, and disappears in the abd«omen, but as soon as the pressure is removed from the internal orifice of the canal, it reappears, sometimes spontaneously, some- times on the slightest movements, or the least effort of coughing or respiration. On no occasion was I able to perceive the signs which ordinarily accompany the reduc- tion of an intestinal or epiploic hernia. The vulvar opening was bounded by the greater and the lesser labia, but both were much less developed than usual. The finger, which could be introduced only with difficulty into the vulvar orifice, was arrested at a depih of three-quarters of an inch so that it was only by forcing up the extremity of the vagina, that the first phalanx could be made to enter that canal. Upon introducing the extremity of a speculum, it was impossible to discover anj opening, or any point which would afford passage to the end of a stylet. I was able lo ascertain, at the same time, that the membrane pressed upon by the extremity of the speculum, possessed all the ruga?, and other characters of the vaginal mucous membrane. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. ioy As we have already said, the menstrual blood, which is at first small in quantity, becomes mixed with the mucosities which are secreted abundantly by the vagina for a day or tAvo preceding the appearance of the catamenia. The amount of blood soon increases, and the flow becomes almost exclu- sively sanguineous. It is very difficult to say whether the blood is furnished by the arteries or veins, or by both together. In all probability, the blood exudes through the Avails of the very delicate ramuscules which form the vascular network of the innermost layer of the uterine mucous membrane. The AA7alls of the capillaries are ruptured, and through this solution of continuity the blood escapes. It is not, therefore, a true exhalation. Now, when gestation has progressed to some extent, these ramuscules become so greatly developed that many of them acquire the calibre of a quill. At this time their true nature may be ascertained, and the fact settled, that they belong to the venous system; so that the menstrual hemorrhage which they supply must evidently have its source, in great part at least, in the reservoir of dark blood. The physical characters of the menstrual blood vary according to the time at Avhich it is examined, since it is mixed at the beginning, at the middle, and at the end of the Aoav, Avith different amounts of vaginal mucus. The portion Avhich escapes during the second period, not only resembles completely in external characters that which is obtained directly from a Arein or an artery, but is shoAvn to be identical by chemical analysis. Its slight coagulability has been regarded as an evidence of a want of fibrine; but, though it coagulates rarely, as a general fact, yet there are occasions in which clots exist in the vagina, and in the cavity of the uterus itself.1 The presence of fibrine has been chemically demonstrated, so that though the coagulation of the menstrual blood be of rare occurrence, the fact is certainly due to its being uniformly mixed Avith a considerable amount of vaginal mucus. On examination by the rectum, I found: 1. That the rectal pouch, or dilatation, was much larger than in the normal condition; 2. That above the extremity of the vagina, when pressed upward by my thumb, the index introduced at '.«he same time by the anus and carried as high as possible, could discover neither fibrous cord nor tumor ; nothing, in fact, which could lead to a belief of the existence of the upper part of the vagina and of a uterus; 3. Having introduced a sound into the bladder, the finger in the rectum perceived with the. greatest ease that nothing intervened between its palmar surface and the vesical sound, except the normal thickness of the two walls of the rectum and bladder. The sensation was identical with that expe- rienced when the index is introduced into the vagina in order to direct a sound in the urethra. From this examination I thought myself justified in concluding: 1, that the tumors found in the inguinal regions were the two ovaries ; 2, that the lowest extremity only of the vagina was present; 3, that the upper four^fifths of that canal were completely wanting; 4, that, most probably, there was no uterus; 5, that the hypogastric and lumbar pains which were experienced quite regularly, and almost monthly, were the expression of periodical ovarian operations ; 6, that the blood of the menses which had appeared twice in this young woman, had its origin in the mucous membrane of the vagina. 1 It is, however, right to observe, that the presence of clots in the menstrual dis- charge is frequently due to an alteration of the structure of the uterus, or, at th< least, to a functional derangement. 110 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The eruption of the menses is generally attended with a peculiar odor proceeding at that time from the secretions of the vulva; it increases in intensity during the flow, and has been compared by some persons to the smell of the marigold. Can it be that the strange fears Avith Avhich men- struating Avomen are regarded in some countries, are attributable to this odor, which in uncleanly individuals is very strong? Although this is probable, I should think it futile to discuss the incredible stories upon Avhich are based the popular notions of the noxious properties of the men- strual emanations. Certain females discharge by the vulva, at the menstrual period, a kind of membranous bag, which Avould seem by its form to have been moulded upon the uterine cavity, and Avhich bears a strong resemblance to the mem- branous pouch (deciduous membrane) which is expelled with the ovum in some cases of abortion. The nature of the pouch is, in fact, the same in both cases, being formed of cellular tissue, Avhich is both vascular and glandular; its internal surface is ahvays smooth, provided Avith ejiithelium, and often abundantly perforated with glandular orifices. The external surface, by Avhich it adhered to the organ from which it Avas separated, is shaggy and torn. It is evidently an exfoliated portion of the mucous membrane. This exfoliation usually occurs in such Avomen only as are afflicted Avith difficult or very profuse menstruation, accompanied Avith violent pain (mem- branous dysmenorrhcea), or in such as experience a delay in the appearance of their courses. According to M. Coste, this phenomenon is the result of an excessive congestion, a sort of apoplexy of the mucous membrane; for, says he, coagula are almost ahvays found infiltrated in the substance of the expelled membrane. I Avould add as probable, that, in some cases at least, this exaggerated congestion may have been the consequence of an abortive conception, or perhaps of solitary venereal excitements. Those physiologists Avere mistaken who supposed that at every menstrual period a free secretion took place upon the internal surface of the uterus, and gave rise to a false membrane. Nothing of the kind has ever been proved by anatomical investigation ; for the internal surface of the uterus, at Avhatever moment examined during the catamenial period, ahvays retains the characters peculiar to the mucous membrane, remaining smooth and covered Avith epithelium. Sometimes, hoAvever, the latter exfoliates, and bears away with- it a portion of the substance of the mucous membrane in which case, the torn glandular tubes rendered free and fioatino- by the separation, form, as it Avere, a forest of white filaments, and give accidentally to the internal surface of the uterus the villous and shaggy appearance which some authors have erroneously considered as normal. This circum- stance is, hoAvever, altogether exceptional, and results from the membranous exfoliation of which Ave have just spoken. Cause of Menstruation. — FeAV questions have given rise to more lively discussions than the cause of menstruation; I think it useless, however to mention here the numerous and more or less Avhimsical hypotheses which have successively appeared in reference to it. The fact is, that after having read all that has been written on this subject, the mind rests entirely OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. Ill satisfied in its ability to refer this singular phenomenon to one unchange- able and easily verified fact, namely, the successive evolution of the Graafian vesicles. We OAve this satisfactory explanation to the admirable labors of Negrier, Coste, Pouchet, Raciborsky, Robert Lee, and Bischoff; so that the credit of so beautiful a discovery belongs almost exclusively to France. That the cause of the menstrual discharge is the evolution of a Graafian vesicle, would be an indisputable proposition, provided Ave are able to sIioav: 1, that the examination of Avomen Avho died during or shortly after the men- strual period, has uniformly revealed the above-named changes in the ovary; 2, that the absence of ovaries involved of necessity the absence of menstrua- tion ; 3, and lastly, that there is a complete analogy between the anatomical and physiological phenomena of the heat of animals, and those Avhich accompany menstruation in the human female. 1. Since attention has been directed to this subject, no one has succeeded in instancing the case of a single Avoman, Avho died at the menstrual period, Avhose ovary did not present a vesicle in a greater or less degree of develop- ment, or else one which had been already ruptured. The facts related by Coste, Negrier, Pouchet, Raciborsky, and others, are now so numerous, that it would be impossible to reproduce them in a work like the present. I might myself add, if it were necessary, a considerable number of cases to the others. This universal coincidence affords from the outset a very strong probability of the relation of causality Avhich Ave Avish to establish; but it would become an absolute certainty, Avere it possible to prove that the absence of the ovaries involved of necessity the absence of the menses. 2. In the case of animals, on Avhich the experiment can be repeated at pleasure, not a doubt is permitted, that the extirpation of the ovaries causes the disappearance, forever, of all symptoms of heat. Analogy alone Avould lead us, in the absence of positive facts, to suppose that menstruation, also, Avould cease after castration. But although Avell-observed instances of the performance of this operation on women are happily very rare, there is yet one w»liich derives a great value in the present discussion from the name of the author. The folloAving is an abridgment of it. A woman, says Percival Pott, had tAvo small tumors, one in each groin, Avhich Avere so painful as to render Avorking impossible. It Avas decided to extirpate them. After hav- ing divided the skin and the subcutaneous tissues, a membranous sac Avas exposed, Avhich contained a body resembling an ovary ; a ligature Avas throAvn around it, and it Avas removed. The same operation Avas performed on the opposite side. The woman recovered; but the menstruation, which before had occurred witli the greatest regularity, never afterwards appeared; the breasts, which had been voluminous, subsided ; she also became thinner, and assumed a more masculine appearance. From the statement of M. Roberts it Avould appear that in Central Asia. vest i-res are still to be rnet Avith of the cruelty of the ancient kings of Lydia, who castrated Avomen, either that they might put them in charge of their seraglios, or in order to gratify their unbridled passions. After arriving at Serai, he obtained a nocturnal rendezvous Avith three persons known as Pad/eras. The necks of these individuals Avere not developed, nor had they any nipple ; the orifice of the vagina Avhich Avas entirely obliterated, presented 112 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. no trace of a cicatrix; their hips were narrow, the pubis entirely destitute of hair, the nates were fiattened, &c.; they had no hemorrhoidal flux., no epistaxis nor menstrual discharge, neither had they any sexual desires. They were very muscular, and there was something masculine both in their external appearance and in the character of the voice. M. Roberts was unable to ascertain precisely the nature of the operation to which they had been subjected in their childhood, for they had no remem- brance of it; but if we may judge by the results, Avhich are altogether simi- lar to those produced by castration in animals, it becomes more than prob- able that the same alterations are due to the same cause. 3. Admitting, finally, the incontestable analogy betAveen the symptoms of heat and menstruation, it will be sufficient to prove, in order to deduce therefrom a favorable argument, that the former is ahvays connected in ani- mals Avith the ovarian evolution. Noav certain experiments do not allow of hesitation. By these it is in fact proved (Coste), that the females never enter into heat except Avhen the preparation for the spontaneous ovulation is going on in the ovaries, that the venereal erethism continues throughout the entire duration of the process of evolution, and that it ceases Avhen the rupture of the capsule has taken place. Finally, it is universally knoAvn that castration prevents the females from entering into heat, whilst those which have been deprived of the Avomb, but not of the ovaries, lose nothing of the ardor with which they receive the male. Menstruation is, therefore, intimately connected with the evolution of the ovarian vesicles, and cannot occur without it; and every time that it appears, we may feel entirely satisfied as to the existence of the vesicular develop- ment. But, as an additional phenomenon, the uterine hemorrhage may be wanting Avithout hindering, in any degree, the regular march of the process going on in the ovary. In a Avord, the spontaneous ovulation which ordi- narily gives rise to an exhalation of blood from the internal surface of the womb, may have its influence restricted to the ovary alone; and to assume the non-appearance of the menses as a ground for denying aptitude for con- ception, Avould be incurring the risk of frequent deceptions. Thus it hap- pened that science possesses numerous examples of young girls who became pregnant before they had ever menstruated, as also of Avomen Avho con- ceived, notAvithstanding a suppression Avhich had lasted for several months. On the other hand, the regularity of the menstrual function does not necessarily imply the entire fulfilment of the vesicular evolution. In cer- tain cases, the latter process has been seen to remain incomplete, and the vesicle after having attained a certain degree of hypertrophy, to be suddenly arrested in its development, to remain stationary for some time, and then abort without rupture. I have chanced to meet, says M. Coste, cases in which the menstrual Aoav had passed over entirely, Avithout the ovarian fol- licle, whose evolution had commenced and even progressed to its final period, having ruptured, or accomplished the result toAvard Avhich it tended. The cause of menstruation being ascertained, hoAV shall Ave account for its monthly periodicity ? In other words, Avhy is it that ovulation in the human species recurs about every month? To this question science is unable to reply, for it is probably one of the impenetrable mysteries of nature. OVULATION AND MENSTRUATION. 113 But Avhy should our ignorance upon the subject be a cause of wonder? Do we know Avhy certain trees produce new fiWers every month ? Avhy this animal is prepared for fecundation every two or three months, whilst that one is so but once a year ? The processes which Ave have studied are inti- mately connected Avith fecundation, and are, so to speak, its preludes. Why, Avhen the Avhole book is unintelligible to us, should Ave expect to compre- hend the preface ? Cessation of the Menses.—As we have before said, the menses continue in the majority of women until about the age of 45 years. According to a table of Brierre de Boismont, 40 years is the age at Avhich the greater num- ber of women cease to be regular. In 60 Avomen observed by M. Petrequin, it Avas betAveen 35 and 40 years in $, betAveen 40 and 45 in i, betAveen 45 and 50 in £, and between 50 and 55 in i. In 110 Avomen mentioned by M. Raciborsky, the average age of cessation Avas 46 years. The latter author cites from Dr. Lebrun of Varsovia, and Faye of Skeen, results Avhich go to prove that in Poland the average term is 47 years, and in the neighborhood of Christiana 48 ; all Avhich tends to shoAV that in cold climates menstrua- tion terminates later in life. It may be admitted, therefore, that the aver- age duration of the menstrual function is from 25 to 30 years. But like their commencement, the period at Avhich the menses cease is subject to great variation. Desmoreaux mentions a lady Avith Avhom they stopped at 23 years of age; nor is it rare to find them suppressed between 35 and 40. On the other hand, they are often prolonged much beyond the ordinary period, and Avith them, the Avomen retain the poAver of conception up to 60, 6o, and even, as some authors relate, to 70 years. I leave to the lovers of the marvellous those instances in which menstruation continued until 80, 90, and even 106 years. It is infinitely probable that, in the cases of this nature, the pretended menstrual returns Avere really due, as Haller remarks, to uterine disease. I Avould add, that Ave should place in the same category those examples of Avomen avIio, after having ceased to menstruate about the age of 45 or 50 years, have had their courses to reappear several years after, and continue with regularity. According to most authors, those women avIio menstruate very early also cease to do so sooner than others. This remark appears, both to M. Raci- borsky and myself, to be inexact, Avhen not applied to individuals living under different climates. With the former author, Ave think that preco- cious menstruation is due to an excess of vital power in the individual, and ■ that, exceptional circumstances excluded, the influence of this vital activity is felt later in life, and prolongs the aptitude for procreation in the Avoman. So that, in general, it ceases as much later as it begins at "an earlier age. The cessation of the menses, and of the vesicular evolution of which they are an epiphenomenon, produces in the generative apparatus and entire organism of the Avoman, effects the opposite of those Avhich their first appear- ance had determined. The ovaries become atrophied, and diminish in size in every direction, and their external envelope becomes folded and Avrinkled, so as to present an appearance Avhich, says M. Raciborsky, Ave can compare to nothing better than the surface of a peach-stone. 8 114 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The Graafian vesicles appear as pouches of a grayish or opaque white color, Avith Avrinkled Avails; the fluid Avhich they contained is absorbed; sometimes their cavities are effaced, their thickened Avails are in contact, and look like a sort of tubercle, in the centre of Avhich barely a trace of the former cavity is visible. Sometimes no part of the vesicles can be discovered, and the ovary, Avhich has become transformed into a fibro- cellular substance, is so flattened as to be hardly distinguishable at the extremity of its ligament. We have already spoken of the deep folds and wrinkles of its external membrane. Finally, the womb and the breasts, whose vitality became suddenly so active towards the age of puberty, seem struck Avith the same blow which destroyed the ovarian orgasm; they waste gradually away, and become, so to speak, foreign to the general life of the body. This cessation of the ovarian functions rarely takes place suddenly, but is almost always announced several years in advance by more or less marked irregularities or intermissions. Frequently, the returns of the menses suffer postponements, Avhich may be prolonged for several Aveeks or months, and then, after reneAval, be deferred for a still longer period. Sometimes the epochs are marked by a very small discharge, and last for a very short time; again, on the contrary, the quantity of blood lost may be so considerable as to give rise to apprehension. With certain women the Aoav is so excessively prolonged that the menstrual periods are only indicated by its increase; a mucous flux of a yelloAvish-Avhite color, Avhich is quite abundant, and either continuous or periodic, replaces the flow of blood in the interval of the epochs, and sometimes remains for a long time after they have ceased. Finally, a general and indefinite feeling of uneasi- ness, lumbar and pel vie pains, colics, itching at the genital parts, flashes of heat in the face, and sudden and spontaneous alterations of chilliness Avith profuse perspirations, are added to the local phenomena above indicated. In the majority of cases, all these troubles are quite slight and disappeai promptly; but, in some instances, diseases before latent then declare them- selves. It is this fact Avhich, though much rarer than is commonly supposed, has obtained for this time of life the name of the critical period. Its dangers have been Avonderfully exaggerated, and modern researches prove, in opposition to the opinion of physicians Avho have preceded us, that the organic affections of the breasts, of the uterus, and of the ovaries, begin much more frequently before than after the cessation of the menses. Finally, it is shoAvn by statistics, that the mortality in Avomen between the ages of 40 and 50 years is not greater than at any other period of life. OF THE BREASTS. 115 CHAPTER V. OF THE BREASTS. [The breasts, two in number, are large glands, annexes, so to speak, of the organs uf generation. They are symmetrically placed on the upper and anterior part of the thorax on each side of the sternum, generally occupying the space included between the third and fifth ribs. Rudimentary in man and in the young girl, they become developed in the latter at the period of puberty. They present great individual difference in size, but in the women of certain races they are generally very large, some African nations, for example, having them extremely long. The left breast is often larger than the right one. Curious anomalies, also, some- times come under observation. Thus, women are reported having four breasts, and I have myself met with an instance of this kind in a woman Avho died at the Maternity Hospital. Two breasts of the usual size occupied their normal position, whilst two others, as fully developed, were situated on the upper and lateral parts of the abdomen on the same vertical line Avith the thoracic ones. At the autopsy, I found abundance of glandular tissue in all four of the breasts, which also con- tained milk. A supplementary nipple at a short distance from the principal one, is a more frequent anomaly, of which I have already seen several examples. A wax model from a cast of one of these is now in the collection of the hospital of the " Clinique." In the instances which have come under my observation, the supplementary nipple was well formed, but smaller than the normal one, and milk flowed from it when the gland was pressed. One of the women assured me that the peculiarity was hereditary in her family. The natural form of the breast is hemispherical, or rather represents a flattened cone with the base upon the chest. The skin covering it presents in its centre a projection known as the nipple. Around the nipple is a colored circle, from an inch and a quarter to rather more than an inch and a half in diameter, called the areola, and is easily distinguished by its contrasted hue. Some further remarks will be necessary to the proper study of all these parts. The skin covering the breasts is fine and soft, and is provided with piliferous follicles to which are connected large sebaceous glands. The hairs are extremely fine and readily seen otdy when magnified. Beneath the skin, and betAveen it and the gland proper, is a layer of cellulo-adipose tissue, Avhich increases in thickness in approaching the circumference of the organ. To this fatty layer the breasts owe their regularly rounded form, their softness, and very often the greater part of their Bize. The areola is rose-colored in young women, and brown in those who haAre borne children. The skin covering it is rugous, abundantly furnished with seba- ceous glands, and exhibits here and there tuberculous elevations of variable size. These projections, numbering from tAvelve to twenty, have a somewhat circular arrangement, and are composed of collections of highly developed sebaceous glands which secrete a yelloAvish-A\diite fluid. The character of the secretion was doubtless the cause of their having been so long regarded as rudimentary nipples giving issue to drops of milk. This erroneous vieAV can no longer be maintained since they are proved to be sebaceous glands. The areola does not rest upon a fatty cushion like the remainder of the skin of the breast, but is in direct relation with the gland; its lower surface, however, ia provided with a layer of smooth muscular fibres disposed around the nipple in close concentric circles, which become more widely separated toward the edge of the 116 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. areola where they finally disappear. The skin-muscle thus formed compresses the nipple when it contracts. Under its action also, the skin of the areola contracts and Avrinkles if the nipple be excited by tickling. The nipple, situated in the centre of the areola, presents a slightly conical pro- jection, from three to five eighths of an inch in height and from five-sixteenths to three-eighths of an inch in diameter at the base. These dimensions, hoAvever, as well as the shape of the nipple, vary greatly. In some women it is Arery slightly developed and barely projects at all; in others, it is actually below the surface of the areola, presenting a sort of umbilical depression. On the other hand it may be very large or even club-shaped. The skin coA^ering it presents numerous papillae, separated by creases in the bottom of which are the orifices of great numbers of sebaceous glands. Beneath the skin are connective tissue, elastic tissue, and bundles of muscular fibres. This structure explains sufficiently why touching the nipple should, by exciting contraction of the fibres which it contains, render it for the moment harder and more projecting. Still, it must not be confounded with the truly erectile organs, inasmuch as its arteries are small and not contorted and the veins also of small The nipple is traversed from base to summit by lactiferous ducts fifteen or twenty in number, which open by as many minute orifices near the free extremity of the organ at the bottom of the folds between the papillae. The mammary gland proper, is situated beneath the parts just described, in a fold of the fascia superficialis. It presents a hard, Fig. 38. flattened mass Avhich is thicker at the centre than at the circumference. The glandular structure is disposed in fifteen or twenty lobes, separated by a fibrous envelope surrounded by fatty tissue. Each lobe is formed by the aggregation of a cer- tain number of lobules, themselves composed of glandular culs-de-sac or acini dilated into terminal vesicles. From each vesicle departs a minute duct which joins those of neighboring acini. The ducts from the lobules unite in their turn to form in each lobe a principal canal AA'hich has received the name of lactiferous duct. As each lobe has its principal or lactiferous duct, the whole number of these vessels is the same, e. g. fifteen or twenty, as that of the lobes. The lactiferous ducts all proceed toward the nipple, but in passing under the areola they ex hibit dilatations which haA'e received the name of sinuses. Then entering the nipple, they diminish in size and terminate by separate and very minute openings. It is most probable that the lactiferous ducts are independent of each other throughout their extent. Prof. Dubois, indeed, expressed the opinion that they often anastomose; but M. Sappey, who has investigated the subject more recently, failed to discover any connection between them. The fact that the walls of these ducts are provided with muscular fibres is suffi- cient to explain the spirting out of the milk when they contract. The arteries of the breast come from the external and internal mammary and the intercostal arteries. The A'eins follow the same course with the arteries, and empty, some into the internal mammary, and others into the axillary vein. Lobules of a mammary gland. A. Acini. B. Canaliculi. C. Duct formed by several canaliculi. OF THE BREASTS. 117 The lymphatic vessels, which are very abundant, pass into the axillary ganglia. The nerves come from the intercostal and thoracic branches of the brachial plexus ] Fig. 39. A Lobe of the mammary gland. A. Lob-vlee. B. Canaliculi proceeding from the lobules. C. One of the lactiferous daca. D. Areola. E. Nipple. F. Sebaceous tubercles of the areola. PART II. OF PREGNANCY. GENERATION is effected in the human species through the medium of two sexes distinguished by the possession of different organs. The sexual characters being therefore peculiar to distinct individuals, the male and the female, these evidently must first approach each other before generation can take place. This first act constitutes copulation. The con- sequence of the approach is an application of the fecundating principle of the male to the germ furnished by the female, in other words, conception or fecundation. The ovum having been fecundated, remains, and is developed in the organs of the mother during the whole term of gestation. Lastly, at the expiration of a nearly uniform period, the new being is expelled, to maintain thenceforth a separate existence; this final act is termed the accouchement or labor. Pregnancy is, therefore, the condition of a woman Avho has conceived, and bears Avithin her womb the product of conception. This state commences at the instant of fecundation, and terminates Avith the expulsion of the body which results from that function. It continues for two hundred and seventy days, or nine solar months. This term, hoAV- ever, is not invariable, as it is by no means rare for the rregnancy to terminate sooner, and in some very feAV instances Ave find it of longer duration, though some persons have denied this latter fact, and everybody recalls the sharp discussions carried on in France about the middle of the last century, and still more recently in England, on the question of retarded births. We. have already stated that the fecundated ovule traverses the tube, so as to reach the uterus, where it is developed and continues to grow durino- the whole term of gestation. When the succession takes place in this manner, the pregnancy is said to be a good, normal, or uterine one; but, on the contrary, if the ovule be arrested at some point of its passage, and is developed elseAvhere than in the Avomb, the pregnancy is denominated bad, extraordinary, or extra-uterine. The first, or uterine pregnancy, has been dr. ^ded into,—the simple, Avhere only a single foetus exists; the compound, or double, triple, &c, Avhere there are tAvo or three children; and the com- plicated pregnancy, or that in Avhich the positive existence of a foetus is coincident Avith that of a pathological tumor of the abdomen. Again, the term false pregnancy has been improperly applied to certain diseases simulat- ing pregnancy, where this state does not really exist. We shall first treat of simple pregnancy, leaving the subject of tAviu pregnancies for a special chapter. Extra-uterine pregnancy will be studied with the other diseases of the pregnant female. 118 OF CONCEPTION. 119 The pregnant condition presents tAvo classes of phenomena,, one of which pertains to the Avoman, and the other to the product of conception: they are to be studied separately. We have already described the genital organs of the female, and it is not our province to notice those of the male. AVe shall be equally silent upon all that relates to sexual intercourse, though it is our purpose to treat briefly of conception, and in detail of gestation. CHAPTER I. OF CONCEPTION. Conception takes place during sexual congress; but to understand how it occurs, requires that Ave should knoAV first Avhat materials are furnished by each individual, Iioav and where these are brought into contact, and lastly, what is not yet, and probably never Avill be explained, Iioav from this contact a neAV individual is produced. 1. The spermatic fluid, a glutinous, consistent, and Avhitish liquid secreted by the testicle, is the fecundating principle furnished by the male. It is heavier than Avater, and, Avhen shaken with it, forms an emulsion. Its odor is peculiar, and has been justly compared to that emitted by bone filings, or the floAver of the chestnut-tree; AVagner states that the odor is due rather to the secretions Avith Avhich it is mixed than to the sperm itself, the latter, Avhen pure, not appearing to possess any particular smell. By chemical analysis it is shoAvn to contain albumen, salts of phosphoric and chloro- hydric acids, and a peculiar animal substance called spermatine. When examined under the microscope, Avith a magnifying power of three or four hundred diameters, the spermatic fluid exhibits: 1. A great number of little bodies, lying quite close to each other, and Avhich are still moving Avith more or less activity if the fluid has been taken from a recently-killed animal; these minute bodies have, been designated as the spermatic animal- cules, or the spermatozoa. 2. Epithelial cells and minute granules of a fatty nature. 3. These tAvo principal elements of the sperm SAvim in a small quantity of clear, transparent, and perfectly homogeneous liquid,—the spermatic liquid. At the time of the ejaculation, this liquid is mixed Avith a variable quantity of the fluids secreted by the prostate gland and the glands of CoAvper, Avhich latter evidently serve merely to lubricate the parts, to render the sperm more fluid, and, consequently, its expulsion more easy. The spermatic animalcules attract particular attention by their varied form, their vital properties, and their development. They are met Avith in all animals capable of reproduction. In man they are very small, scarcely surpassing the eightieth or the hundredth of a line in diameter. The body is small, oval, somewhat flattened like an almond, and transparent, having a diameter equal to the three or four hundredth part of a millimetre ("001 of an inch). The tail is filiform, thicker at its origin than at any other part, and is large enough to present clearly its double outline; towards the extremity it becomes so fine 120 PREGNANCY. that it cannot be traced, even by means of the highest magnifying poAver whence it may be possible that its delicate extremity is still furthei elongated, and that the spermatozoa may be much longer than they appear. It is impossible, says AVagner (from whose able works I extract this paragraph), to decide whether the spermatic animalcules have an animal organization, that is, whether they are true animals Avith an independent life, or not; and all that is either knoAvn, or plausibly supposed on this point, may be reduced to a few obscure indications, that are wholly insuffi- cient to establish any positive opinion. The movements Avhich they exhibit prove nothing, because it is exceed- ingly difficult to ascertain whether they are voluntary or not. Again, the duration of the movements also varies in the different classes of animals; in the mammalia, they have been observed for twenty-four hours after death. The spermatozoa do not appear in the human species before puberty; at this period, the testicles receive a large supply of blood, and increase in Bize; the parietes of the semeniferous tubes become thickened, their capacity increases, and they are filled with granules; then cells containing globules begin to form, and finally the spermatozoa appear in these cells. They are ahvays found in the testicles of men of sixty to seventy years of age, though they are then frequently absent from the vas deferens; the vesiculse semi- nales, hoAvever, generally contain them even at this time of life. The germ furnished by the female is evidently existent in the ovary at the marriageable period, and this germ is the ovule. (See p. 90 for its description.) 2. It is unnecessary in our day to prove that an absolute contact of the semen of the male Avith the ovule of the female is indispensable to fecun- dation, for innumerable experiments upon living animals, and numerous facts observed in the human species, have long since demonstrated that, whenever any obstacle prevents the approach of these two elements, a con- ception cannot take place. But at what point does this contact occur? Already had the pre-existence of the ovule in the ovary, the occasional occurrence of ovarian and abdominal pregnancies, and the experiments of Nuck and Haighton, Avhich had rendered fecundation impossible by ligating the Fallopian tubes, tended towards the conclusion that it occurred in the ovary; still this fact Avas not actually demonstrated, and it needed the definitive proof of finding the spermatozoa on the ovary itself. At present, there cannot be a further doubt on this point, for Bischoff has been fortunate enough to see them there. "I had often seen," says he, "living and moving spermatozoa in the vagina, the Avomb, and the Fal- lopian tubes of bitches; but, on the 22d of June, 1838, I had the good fortune to perceive one on the ovary itself of a young bitch in heat for the first time; she Avas covered on the 21st, at seven o'clock in the evening, and again the folloAving day, at two o'clock p. m., and at the expiration of half an hour, that is, tAventy hours after the first copulation, I killed her, and found some living spermatozoa, endowed Avith very active movements, not only in the vagina, the entire Avomb and tubes, but even betAveen the fringes of the latter in the peritoneal pouch that surrounds the ovary, and on the surface of this organ itself." Since that period, AVagner and Barry have raat'e the same observations. OF CONCEPTION. 121 Noav such results evidently prove that fecundation sometimes takes place in the ovary; but are Ave hence to conclude, that it is possible in that organ alone? If spontaneous ovulation be now an incontestable fact, may it not be supposed that the ovule, after having left the ovary, can encounter the spermatic fluid and become fecundated, Avhether it be in the Fallopian tube, or even in the uterine cavity ? [M. Coste's observations seem, however, to prove that fecundation is almost ahvays effected either upon the ovary or in the part of the tube nearest the fim- briated extremity; inasmuch as he maintains that the ovule spoils very quickly when it enters the tube Avithout previous fecundation.] But the question arises, how does the fluid ejaculated by the male get as far as the ovary? We answer that, in the great majority of cases, it is evident that the sperm having first reached the uterus, upon the neck of which it was thrown by the membrum virile, travels through the tube until it arrives there. This course is certainly due, 1st, to the movements proper of the Avomb and the tubes; for in the latter, a rapid contraction is ob- served, folloAving the direction from the vagina toAvards the ovary, Avhich, of course, is calculated to assist the progression of the sperm ; and 2d, to the movements proper of the spermatozoa, Avhich thus of themselves facil- itate their OAvn advancement. 3. This first point being once established, the question naturally arises, Avhat Avas the influence exercised by the sperm upon the ovule of the female during the contact ? Noav, numerous experiments clearly prove that the sperm OAves its fecundating properties to the presence of the spermatic animalcules, and that, Avhenever it is deprived of these, it immediately becomes unsuited to its proper function. But, unfortunately, it is far more difficult to ascertain the part acted by the spermatozoa, though there have been three hypotheses started in regard to that subject deserving our consideration. Again, according to certain authors, the fecundating poAver does not belong to the spermatozoa, but to the seminal liquid interposed betAveen them. In this hypothesis, the animalcules are the transporters of this fluid, and the object of their movements is to conduct it to the ovule. In the opinion of Bory-Saint-A^incent, Valentin, and Bischoff, the sper- matozoa are solely destined to maintain the chemical composition of the sperm by their active motions. They suppose that the spermatic fluid is a substance endowed Avith a chemical sensibility of such a character that, like the blood, it can only preserve the fecundating poAver while it remains in motion ; Avhence these active elements are inclosed in it whose presence is indispensable — elements, the movements of Avhich are never more active than just at the moment Avhen the semen leaves the place of its secretion, and Avhich appear to exercise the most favorable influence for the main- tenance of its composition. [The oldest view is, that during fecundation the spermatozoids penetrate directly into the ovum. Barry even asserted that there existed in the ova of rabbits an opening for this purpose, and he had once the good fortune to see a spermatozooB enter by means of the fissure. 122 PREGNANCY. For a long time this view was thoroughly contested, but has now c* me into favor again. In 1854, Meissner saw in the ova of a rabbit suermatozoa within the transparent zone and in immediate contact with the yolk. The observation was verified by AVagner, Heale, and several others; and M. Coste, whilst examining the ova of salmon and trout, discovered in the vitelline membrane a well-defined microscopic opening provided with an internal valve. In other ova, M. Robin saw spermatozoa inside of the vitelline membrane .without being able to discover the opening through which they had passed. Similar observations have become so numerous, that the passage of more or less spermatozoa into the ovum itself is regarded as an established fact. Once Avithin the ovum, they undergo a retrograde metamorphosis, and are resolved into granula- tions which mingle with the elements of the vitellus or yolk.] This is a summary of the most recent opinions. Whichever one may be adopted, the mind remains unsatisfied; for it must be acknoAvledged there is still a mystery that all the most ingenious hypotheses have failed to solve, and which will probably escape all our researches. When fecundation takes place, the Fallopian tubes, which participate in the stage of turgescence of all the other genital organs, retain their free extremities in contact with the ovary, and the ovule, having escaped from the vesicle, immediately engages in their canal; being pressed omvards by the peristaltic contractions of the tube, it advances step by step through this duct, and finally arrives in the uterine cavity, Avhere its development unceasingly progresses until the regular term of pregnancy. (See the chapter on Ovology.) Nearly the same phenomena take place, when the contact of the fecun- ' dating fluid with the ovule is deferred until after the latter has passed into the tube. It is extremely difficult, not to say impossible, to ascertain the exact period at which the fecundated ovule reaches the cavity of the womb. In animals, Ave may note without difficulty the time of fecundation; but this, of course, is generally impossible in the human species, and this obstacle renders nearly all our observations uncertain and incomplete. Further, very numerous researches have clearly proved that the ovule in mammalia does not always arrive at the same moment in the womb, and it is exceedingly probable that the same variations exist in the human female. In the present records of our science, there is no one conclusive fact that proves the ovule to have ever been seen in the Avomb of a woman prior to the tenth or twelfth day after her conception. Bacr examined a Avoman, Avho committed suicide eight days after con- ception ; the deciduous membrane had commenced forming, but he could not detect any trace of the ovule in the uterus. (British and Foreign New Review, January, 1836, p. 328). The same occurred in the cases cited by Weber (Disquisitio anatomica uteri et ovariorum puellce, sejrtimo a conceptione die defunctce instituta). Dr. Pockels speaks, it is true, of an ovum of eight days, found in the uterus, and in which the foetus could easily be distinguished; but the description furnished by him evidently applies to an older product. (Allen Thompson, in the Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, vol. lii. p. 122.) Ovules of eleven days were the youngest observed by M. Velpeau. OF CONCEPTION. 123 After the exit of the ovule, the Graafian vesicle soon retracts upon itself, and thus contributes to the formation of the corpus luteum before spoken of (p. 96). AVe shall hereafter describe the modifications which the ovule undergoes during its passage through the tube, and after its arrival in the uterus. Conception is an act that takes place unconsciously, and altogether involuntarily ; although some females, more especially those who have had children, imagine that they can distinguish a prolific connection from others. They say a much more voluptuous sensation is then experienced, a spasm much better marked ; and I have met with too many females who acknoAvledged having made this observation, not to believe there is some truth in the assertion. The same ignorance that prevails as to the causes of fecundation, like- Avise exists with regard to those opposing its accomplishment. For, though vices of conformation or faulty position of the uterus, as also obliterations of the neck or tubes, may explain the sterility of some individuals, it is Avholly impossible to understand why some women are barren, although Avell formed — why, in a considerable number of cases, married females have not had children during their first marriage, Avhereas they subsequently became pregnant, Avhen even it has been observed that the first husband had chil- dren by a former bed. The period at Avhich fecundation is most likely to take place, appears to be that immediately following the Aoav of the menses; thus M. Raciborsky has ascertained that the conception took place a little before or after their appearance, in fifteen females, Avho could designate precisely the time of the sexual approach. It is indeed evident, that everything seems admirably prepared at this period for the reproduction of the species; but I am far from concluding, as M. Raciborsky has done, that the aptitude for fecunda- tion in the human race is limited to a feAV days, either preceding or folloAving the menstrual terms. Experience has convinced me that sexual inter- course may be fruitful, even Avhen it takes place in the middle of the interval between the two menstrual epochs. In this case it is probable that the excitation produced by coition may be communicated to the ovarian vesicles, and cause modifications in them altogether similar to those experienced in the menstrual evolution; the fact itself appears to me to be settled beyond a doubt.1 1 M. Coste, Avho also admits the possibility of conception without regard to the" period at which copulation takes place, is prepared, he says, to demonstrate by undeni- able proofs, that the ovum detached from the ovary during, or towards the close of menstruation, loses all capacity for fecundation within a very few days after being set free. Conception is, therefore, only possible at other times than near or during the menstrual epochs, when other circumstances happen to produce in the ovary an opera- tion similar to that which takes place at the period of heat. Now is this possible? Comparative physiology replies in the affirmative, by demonstrating it to be so aa regards certain animals, thus rendering it at least very probable for the human species also. In animals living in the savage state, says the learned professor of the College of France, the ovaries accomplish their functions only at rare intervals ; but when domesticated, the maturation of the eggs may become so frequent in certain species, 121 PREGNANCY. I shall not undertake to refute the opinion of those who believe that either sex can be created at will; yet I think it not improbaole that the physical constitution of the husband or of the Avife may have some influence in determining the sex of the child. The admirable observations of M. Girou seem to me to have proved that Avith the inferior animals, at least, the stronger the male is in comparison Avith the female, the greater is the chance of producing a male, and vice versa. The observations I have been able to make on the human family since reading the statistical results of M. Girou, have generally confirmed their conclusions. Here terminates what I had proposed to say in reference to fecundation. It will be seen that I have limited it to a very brief exposition of the most generally received views of this point of physiology. The size, and espe- cially the object of the work, seem necessarily to exclude more ample details. that the ovulation occurs almost daily. Thus the wild pigeon, which deposits her eggs but once or twice a year, sets seven or eight times, when she takes up her abode in our dove-cotes. Under the influence of an appropriate nourishment, our domestic fowls lay almost every day for eight months in the year. The rabbit of the fields brings forth but once or twice yearly, whilst living at large; but in the domestic condition, Bhe will reproduce as often as seven times, if care be taken to Avean the young at the proper moment. There are therefore conditions of shelter, of temperature, and of alimentation, which, by acting on the organism of animals, may cause their ovaries to exercise their func- tions more frequently in a given space of time. To this it may be added, that in mammalia, the cohabitation of the males is one of the most active accelerating causes of the dehiscence of the vesicles. Thus, for example, a female rabbit when placed alone in a cage where she is completely protected from the attempts of the male, enters ordinarily into heat about every two months, and when the time of this periodic excitement is past, she refuses obstinately to submit to coition; but if, instead of sepa- rating her from the male, whom she then repels with violence, he be allowed to remain with her for a few days only, it may be regarded as certain that she will not resist long, because the solicitations to Avhich she will be incessantly subjected will provoke the return of a condition which, in the absence of this excitement, would have been much longer in appearing. There are, therefore, natural and entirely spontaneous periods for the maturation and discharge of ova, and there are also others which may be styled artificial, because it is possible to produce them through the means of external agents. Now, is it possible to suppose that the human female, Avho commands all these con- ditions at her will, is, by an inexplicable exception, inclosed within the impassable boundaries of her menstrual periods ? And if, in spite of her first vigorous resistance • to the attempts of the male, the rabbit finally yields to the influence of his companion- ship, why in woman, who of all the females of the mammalia is endued with the most constant readiness for coition, should not the sexual allurements have the same result? This accidental evolution of a vesicle is not followed by the menstrual flow Avhich ordinarily accompanies it; all which is very comprehensible, for Ave must not forget that the same cause which provokes the discharge of the ovule, is also that which fecundates it, and that in doing so, it arrests the tendency to hemorrhage before it has time t;> appear. (Coste, Hisioire generate et particuliere du developpement des corps organises.) The same thing, in fact, happens when fecundation occurs a few days 01 hours only before the appearance of the menses. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 125 CHAPTER II. CHANGES IN THE MATERNAL ORGANISM DURING PREGNANCY. A deep impression is produced upon the maternal organism by the preg- nant condition, giving rise to important anatomical and functional alterations. ARTICLE I. ANATOMICAL CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. The uterus undergoes remarkable changes, and Ave shall commence our description Avith them. These modifications may either be in the volume, form, situation, direc- tion, and relations of the Avomb; hence, on account of their great impor- tance, we shall successively study them in the body and in the neck; then we will point out the changes which the structure of the organ undergoes. § 1. Changes in the Body of the Uterus. a. Volume.— We have already learned that under the influence of the hemorrhagic congestion Avhich the uterus undergoes at each menstrual period, the bulk of the organ is increased. If conception takes place within a few days preceding or folloAving the flow of the blood, the excitement produced by the fruitful coition maintains, and soon increases the hypertrophy of its Avails. Thus, we shall find further on (see Decidua), that the mucous mem- brane especially becomes almost doubled in thickness, so that when the fecundated ovule arrives in the cavity of the Avomb, it finds it entirely filled with the membrane, Avhich is swollen to such an extent as to be throAvn into folds from want of room to develop itself. (See page 95.) The same thing precisely occurs in those exceptional cases in which fecun- dation takes place some time from the menstrual period. Here the hyper- trophy also begins under the influence of the evolution of a Graafian vesicle; only the evolution, instead of being spontaneous, is the result of a more or less prolonged venereal excitement. As soon as the ovule arrives in the AAromb, the latter begins to develop, and its volume continues to increase until the end of pregnancy; but this progression is not uniform, for, according to the observations of Desormeaux, it is much slower in the early months, and more rapid in the latter. An accurate idea of this increase may be formed from the following table, which represents the usual dimensions of the uterus at the principal periods of pregnancy. Vertical Diameter. Transverse. Antero- Posterior. Third month, . . Fourth " ... Sixth " ... Ninth «' ... 2| inches. 3| 12Jtol4J " 2| inches. H '• 6J " 01 (( 2^ incaes. 3* " 6* » 8| to 9} « J 126 PREGNANCY. The development of the uterine walls is not purely mechanical, as has been supposed, nor is their distention the result of the development of the ovum, which, by pressing upon the different points of the internal surface, would tend to separate them more and more. If Ave consider the small volume of the ovule in the first Aveeks of preg« nancy, as compared Avith the thickness of the Avails of the uterus at the same period, Ave shall not fail to be convinced that the expansive force of the ovum Avould be unable to overcome their resistance. The development of the ovum and that of the uterus are simultaneous, but effected by forces which are inherent in each ; in a word, the groAvth of the ovum acts as a physiological cause, but not as a mechanical agent in the development of the Avails of the uterus. B. Shape.—The shape of the uterus changes simultaneously with the alteration in its volume. Being flattened, at first, on its tAvo faces, the womb groAVS rounder and soon becomes pyriform, then spheroidal, and toAArards the end of pregnancy it has the form of an ovoid, which is slightly flattened from before backwards. The anterior face, hoAvever, is much the more convex, and the posterior one is depressed, so as to accommodate itself to the prominence of the lumbar vertebrae. At the end of pregnancy, the superior extremity of the uterine ovoid is quite regularly rounded; that side of the fundus, hoAvever, Avhich is occupied by one of the extremities of the foetal ovoid, being often more elevated than the other, Avhich is filled with fluid only. Noav, as in the most usual pres- entations, the trunk of the foetus is generally inclined towards the right, the right side of the fundus of the uterus is commonly the most elevated. (Hergott.) Sometimes both sides are alike in this respect, and there is a depression upon the middle and upper part of the organ. Such is the shape of the uterus in the majority of cases ; but the situation and number of the foetuses, and the structure and primitive form of the organ, may produce important'changes in the shape which it assumes during gestation; and which will claim our attention hereafter. c Situation.—It is evident that the uterus cannot thus change in shape and size, Avithout undergoing a simultaneous alteration in its position ; for example, during the first three months of gestation, the Avomb remains sunken in the excavation, but as the volume increases in all directions, the fundus of the organ rises tOAvards the superior strait, Avhilst its inferior part and neck subside still more tOAvards the floor of the pelvis. This depression of the organ is produced by its yielding to the laws of gravitation from its OAvn increased weight, as also by the augmented pressure of the intestinal mass upon the larger surface, created by the change in the fundus. Hence, both its increase of volume and its weight, augmented by the pressure of the intestinal mass, Avhich now has an extensive point d'appui on the fundus, contribute to produce the first change in position. At the same time, the uterus remains in the sacral cavity from the greater space found there, and, the fundus being turned a little backAvards, causes the neck to advance slightly. Besides, the presence of the rectum on the left most generally obliges the organ to deviate tOAvards the right, and the neck, in a corresponding manner, to the left; consequently, during the first ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 127 three months, the cervix is directed downwards, forwards, and a little to the left. About the third month and a half, or the fourth month, the uterus, no longer finding sufficient room in the excavation for its continued develop- ment, rises above the superior strait, then to the level of the umbilicus, and reaches the epigastric region tOAvards the end of pregnancy. In tracing out the gradual elevation of the fundus uteri, it will be found, at the fourth month, to rise two or three fingers' breadth above the pubis; at five months, it is within one finger's breadth of the umbilicus; and from the fifth to the sixth month, it approaches and passes the umbilical depres- sion, so that at six months it is. half an inch above this ring; three fingers' breadth at seven months; and four to five at eight months ; it still continues ascending in the commencement of the ninth, but in the last fortnight of gestation, the womb seems to sink doAvn, being, in fact, on a lower level than before. This last is a remarkable occurrence, though it has been said in explanation that the uterus, as if overburdened Avith the Aveight of the foetus during the latter period, collapses to some extent, and enlarges in the transverse and the antero-posterior diameters. This may be true as regards some females avIio have previously had children, for not unfrequently they say to us at this time, " It has all gone to the sides;" but I believe a more general explanation of the fact may be given; for, in the great majority of cases, if females be " touched " near the end of pregnancy, a voluminous tumor, covered by the inferior and more especially by the anterior part of the uterine body, will be readily felt occupying the excavation. This is the head of the foetus, Avhich has descended in consequence of its own Aveight, carrying the wall of the uterus before it, and become engaged in the excava- tion, sometimes even as low down as the floor of the pelvis. Noav, does not this circumstance, Avhich may be remarked Avhenever the head presents regularly, and Avhen there is no malformation of the pelvis, furnish us a sufficient reason for the depression of the entire uterus ? How, in fact, could the superior do other than folloAV the inferior part of the organ ? D. Direction. — In passing up into the abdominal cavity, the uterus is obliged to follow the direction of the axis of the superior strait, and being thrown off by the lumbar column, and finding much less resistance from the anterior abdominal Avail, it necessarily inclines fonvard; but, owing to the lumbar projection, it cannot possibly remain on the median line, and hence it leans towards one side of the abdomen, the right one, remarkable as it may seem, at least eight times in ten. Most authors, since the days of Levret, have endeavored to explain this great frequency of the right lateral obliquity. Levret himself taught, that the uterus ahvays inclines towards the side Avhere the placenta is inserted; for this point, he said, being the thickest and most vascular part of the whole organ, is also the heaviest, and this increased weight augmented by that of the placenta, must necessarily draAV the organ to that side; but experience has sIioavii that the placenta, is far from being ahvays inserted on the one side towards which the uterus is inclined. Again, according to Desormeaux, the presence of the iliac portion of the colon, which is usually filled Avith fecal matter, prevents the womb from leaning to the left, when 128 PREGNANCY. it commences ascending out of the excavation, and thrusts into the right iliac fossa, whilst the mass of the small intestines is pushed to the left side by the ascent of the womb (Avhere the direction of the mesentery would naturally draAV them), and this assists both to maintain and to increase the inclination of the uterus to the right. But, as M. Paul Dubois has justly remarked, any influence which the colon, placed on the left, may have, is fully compensated by the presence of the ccecum on the right; and, from the observation of M. Velpeau, the mesentery is directed from left to right, and not from right to left as Desormeaux has it, doubtless by mistake. The habit of using the right arm, and of lying upon the right side, has also been brought forward in explanation of this right lateral obliquity, but subsequent observation has not sustained the assertion; thus, for instance, in seventy-six females, all of Avhom had the uterus inclined to the right, thirty-eight rested on the right side, twenty on the left, fourteen alternately on both sides, and four on the back. And Ave may further remark that, down to the present time, it has not been observed that the uterus is placed upon the left side of the abdomen more frequently in those women who habitually use the left arm than in others. Madame Boivin has given an entirely different explanation of this fact; she asserts that the round ligament of the right side is shorter, stronger, and contains more muscular fibres than that of the left, and she attributes the right inclination of the organ to the more powerful action of this ligament. Professor Cruveilhier thinks that the shortness of the round ligament on the right, is the effect and not the cause of the uterine obliquity; "for I have frequently had occasion," he remarks, " to observe that the shortening which occurred on the left, in left lateral obliquity, Avas constantly accom- panied by a remarkable increase of volume." I must confess that I do not comprehend upon what M. Cruveilhier founds this opinion. [In order to test Madame Boivin's explanation, M. Pajot, in connection with Dr. Rambaud, former prosector to the hospitals, undertook new measurements of the length of the two round ligaments. From their investigations it would appear, that even in women who haAre been delivered, the left round ligament is not so often the longer as has been supposed, and more especially is this greater length far less common than the right lateral inclination of the womb during pregnancy. All the explanations of the fact being then so unsatisfactory, M. Pajot comes to the conclusion that the inclination of the pregnant uterus is due to the mode of evolution of the organ itself. Beside this lateral inclination, the entire womb undergoes a rotation upon its axis, which carries its anterior surface a little to the right, whilst the posterioi surface looks backward and to the left. From this it results, that, if during an autopsy the abdominal parietes be removed without disturbing the womb, the annexes of the uterus and the ovary of the left side are found in front, whilst the same parts belonging to the right sida are concealed behind near the right sacro-iliac symphysis.] e. Relations.—At term, the uterus is in relation — 1. In front, Avith the vagina, the posterior face of the neck and body of the bladder and superiorly, with the anterior abdominal wall. This last is not always ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 129 immediate, for occasionally a portion of the intestinal mass slips between the uterus and the ventral parietes, as occurred in the Avoman upon Avhom M. Dubois practised the Csesarean operation in 1839; and, as the professor has remarked, the operator should be very prudent in making his incisions, from the possibility of encountering this anomaly. 2. Behind, Avith the rectum, sacro-vertebral angle, and vertebral column below, and Avith the mesentery and intestinal mass above. 3. On the right, with the correspond- ing side of the pelvis, the iliac vessels, psoas muscles, coecum, and right abdominal Avail. 4. On the left, with that part of the pelvis, the iliac vessels and aorta, the sigmoid flexure, the psoas muscles, and the Avhole body of intestines which separate it from the abdominal Avail. F. Thickness of the Parietes.—The earlier authors on this subject enter- tained very different views concerning it: some, judging the thickness of the body by that of the neck during labor, concluded that the uterus could not be distended Avithout a great diminution in the depth of its Avails; others, having had better opportunities of examining the Avombs of females Avho died soon after the accouchement, observed the very considerable thickness exhibited by the uterine parietes at that time, and therefore adopted the opinion that the latter become much thicker during gestation. Both sides Avere in error, for numerous autopsies, made since that period, of Avomen Avho died during gestation, have established the truth of the folloAving propositions, namely: 1. In the three first months, the uterine Avails augment a little in thick- ness, doubtless in consequence of the development of their vascular and muscular apparatus. 2. Towards the fifth month, they are about the same as in the normal state. 3. At term, the parietes are thicker than in the natural condition, at the point corresponding to the insertion of the placenta, thinner at the neck, and they present but very little difference throughout the remainder of their extent. We may here notice some further exceptions: thus, M. Moreau, having measured the thickness of the Avails in a Avoman deceased at term, found it one-sixth of an inch at the fundus, one-fourth of an inch at the insertion of the placenta, and one-third of an inch at the neck. This singular anomaly may be explained, says M. Moreau, 1st, as regards the thinness of the fundus, by the enormous distention the uterus had undergone (being a twin preg- nancy). And 2d, the greater thickness of the neck resulted from the con- siderable retraction this part had sustained from the escape of the amniotic liquid before death. In one instance, Saviard found it one-third of an inch at the placental attachment, and only a line in other parts. My friend, Dr. Ripault, in performing the Csesarean operation, found the uterine wall only one.or two lines thick. [At an autopsy made near the end of pregnancy, I found the walls of the uterus remarkably thin, from TV to ^ of an inch, throughout the greater part of their extent; M. Nelaton, Avho Avas present, confirming the observation. This thinning is, therefore, not very unusual, and I am even inclined to think is the most frequent condition. In many pregnant women, the parts of the child may be felt very easily; in some 9 130 PREGNANCY. cases the hand appearing to be separated from them by a layer of but a few lines in thickness. NotAvithstanding all this, it is nevertheless true that the entire bulk of the uterine walls undergoes considerable increase during gestation in consequence of the great extension in surface. To prove this, it is only necessary to weigh the uterus of a woman dead at the end of her pregnancy, when it will be found that the weight of the organ, after separation from the neighboring parts and removal of its contents, will A'ary from three to almost four pounds. In the case of M. Moreau, above cited, it was nearly four pounds. The uterus, therefore, increases at least tAventy times in Aveight during preg' nancy, a fact surely sufficient to prove the occurrence of hypertrophy under these conditions.] Again, the thinness may be partial; thus Hunter describes a uterus, the posterior Avails of which exhibited this phenomenon in a remarkable degree. G. Density of the Walls. — The uterine parietes, in the non-gravid state, are very hard and resisting, and have nearly the consistence of fibrous tissue, but during pregnancy this density diminishes and the walls become soft and flabby. The ramollissement begins to sIioav itself as early as the first month, and constitutes at that period one of the best signs for proving a commencing pregnancy (see article on Diagnosis), because, instead of presenting the fibrous density of the ordinary state, the Avails have a clammy softness closely resembling that of caoutchouc softened by ebul- lition, or that of an oedematous limb. This decrease in the consistence of the uterine Avails constantly advances, so that, at a later period, a light pressure made on the anterior abdominal' parietes will easily depress or deform them; consequently, the extremities and other .inequalities of the foetus may be detected, and its movements may even cause an elevation of some part or other; the child, therefore, is not placed in a cavity having immovable Avails. . The diameters of this cavity will vary with the position taken by the foetus, which can, in some cases, continue to change them until the end of gestation, the flexibility of the Avails permitting its long diameter to pass through the small ones of the organ ; and Ave can readily comprehend Iioav this flexibility, this suppleness of the fibres of the womb, will aid in pre- venting the disastrous consequences Avhich othenvise might result to the child from any violent blows on the abdomen, or from the shocks expe- rienced by the mother. § 2. Modifications in the Neck of the Uterus. The modifications Avhich the neck undergoes during pregnancy, are referable: 1, to the consistence of its tissue; 2, its volume; 3, its form; 4, its situation and direction. 1. As the softening of the tissue of the neck of the uterus seems to be an all-important fact, Ave therefore give it the first place. Noav, everybody knoAvs, that, in the non-gravid state, the uterine tissue resembles the fibrous in its consistence; but immediately after conception, and from the sole fact of the active congestion Avhich the genital organs then experience, this consistence begins to diminish, although, from bein» coincident with the hypertrophy of the uterine Avails, it is scarcely sensible ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 131 during the first few days, Avhatever may be the extent of the neck exam- ined. But tOAvards the end of the first month Ave may ascertain that, inde- pendently of this original general modification, the most inferior, or rather, the most superficial part of the lips of the os tincse, begins to soften. It resembles more a swelling of the mucous membrane than a true "raniol- lissement" of the proper tissue of the lips; so that by pressing slightly on tlii* thickened membrane the finger first detects a fungous softness, but soon reaches the proper tissue of the neck, which still maintains its normal consistence. The sensation then experienced by the finger greatly resem- bles that communicated Avhen it is pressed on a table coArered by a soft and thick cloth, or, better still, a sheet of India-rubber; and it is only tOAvards the end of the third, or beginning of the fourth month, that the lips of the os tincse are softened throughout their Avhole thickness to the extent of a line or a line and a half. At the commencement of the fifth, the softening increases from below upAvards, and at the sixth embraces the moiety of the sub-vaginal portion. During the last three months it invades the superior part by degrees, and last of all the ring of the internal orifice, so that, at the end of gestation, the neck is so soft in certain females, that I have frequently seen students have great difficulty in distinguishing it from the Avails of the vagina. This modification of the neck, Avhich authors have scarcely spoken of, is one of the most important signs ; because, after a little experience, it affords us one of the best means for ascertaining the different stages of pregnancy; being constant, and found in all females, unless the neck should be the seat of some pathological alteration. It is Avorthy of notice, hoAvever, that the softening is not so Avell marked, and is much slower in its progress in primipano, than in Avomen Avho have previously had children; but in all, it steadily proceeds from beloAV upAvards. As before remarked, A\re may judge very nearly of the probable period of pregnancy by the extent of softening, as it progresses from the inferior to the superior part of the neck; though there is one important remark to be made on this subject, namely, that Avhenever females have had a great number of children, the sub-vaginal portion of the neck loses the greater part of its length; the extremity then projecting into the vagina, and capable of exploration by the finger, being much shorter. Now, as the softening of the supra-vaginal portion of the neck is of much more difficult detection, it may be thought to be much less extensive than it is in reality, whence Ave may expect to find a great difference in the extent of the soft- ened part, if a comparsioii be made betAveen the necks in two females, both advanced to the sixth month, one of Avhom is pregnant for the second time, and the other had previously borne ten children. Wherefore it is necessary, in making this appreciation, to bear in mind the number of former preg- nancies, as also the real length of the sub-vaginal portion of the cervix. 2. )rolume. — Some singular ideas on this subject have been promulgated by many authors, but the following appears to be the most constant rule: the neck doubtless participates in the hypertrophy of the uterine wails during the earlier months, though its development is far less considerable. The neck becomes thicker and groAvs more voluminous, especially at the 132 PREGNANCY. superior part, but I have never observed its elongation to the extent of tAvo inches, as Madame Boivin apparently believes, or to tAvo and three-quartera and three inches, as M. Filugelli has more recently advanced; for, as elseAvhere observed, these opinions result, in my estimation, from an error. The neck, in the commencement, being much lower, and directed more in front than in the ordinary condition, the finger can easily explore a larger extent of it, and thus an impression is created of an increase in its length which really does not exist; for frequent post-mortem examinations of females who died in the early months of pregnancy, have convinced me that, even if the neck is increased in thickness, its length does not undergo any appreciable augmentation. At the commencement of the fifth month, according to most writers, the cervix begins to diminish. In the sixth month (they say) it begins to spread out at the superior part, so as to aid in the enlargement of the body of the womb, and this spreading at the upper part continues to advance in pro- portion as the term of gestation approaches, and consequently the length of the neck decreases from above doAvnwards, so as merely to present at last, at the close of the ninth month, a ring of variable thickness. In fact, the diagnosis of the different periods Avas based on this gradual shortening, and, agreeably to the majority of the French accoucheurs Avho have adopted the opinions of Desormeaux, the neck has lost at the fifth* month about one-third of its length, one-half at the sixth, tAvo-thirds or three-quarters in the seventh, three-fourths or four-fifths in the eighth, and the remainder is effaced during the course of the ninth month ; and yet, I do not hesitate to pronounce all this an entire error, which Avas first pointed out by M. Stoltz, in 1826, and to Avhich I also have constantly asked attention since the year 1839. No ; the neck does not shorten in the way Avhich has so long been described; it preserves its Avhole length until the last fortnight of preg- nancy ; and it is an easy matter, especially in women Avho have previously borne children, to verify this remark, as we shall presently demonstrate. But during the last feAV weeks, its length, Avhich until that time Avas intact, diminishes very rapidly, and even disappears by a total effacement; and we shall in due season explain the simple mechanism of this phenomenon. But to return ; I have frequently been enabled to prove, in primiparse, the truth of M. Stoltz's assertions; for in these Avomen the neck does diminish a little in length, during the last three months, although by a process entirely different from that described by Desormeaux. Thus, tOAvards the seventh month, the ramollissement has invaded the Avhole intra- vaginal portion; the parietes of the neck, having lost theii consistence, are easily separated by the liquids secreted a sectioning the «Pon their internal face, and the upper part of this por- neck of u.e uterus; the tion being turned outwards, enlarges in such a mannei anterior and posterior lips as to cause the Avhole neck to resemble a «l)indlp in iu are seen in situ, being . . 1 "^"^ "* *ia separated from each other shape; the superior extremity of which is formed by the by the fusiform cavity of internal orifice (still closed), and the inferior is con- stituted by the external one, Avhich is scarcely opened in primiparse, even at the end of gestation, as Ave shall hereafter show. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 133 Now, it is easily understood hoAv this bulging of the middle part of the neck can only take place just in proportion as the tAvo extremities of the latter ap- proach each other ; thus, of course, detracting so much from its total length. I do not believe, hoAvever, with M. Stoltz, that the approximation of the two orifices can be so great as to cause a material shortening of the neck, though this certainly does exist to some extent. The shortening of the neck is therefore real, though slight, in primiparae; being accomplished, hoAvever, by a different mechanism from that taught by most authors. Its upper part does not spread out so as to contribute to the enlargement of the cavity of the body, but suffers a sort of collapse, which brings the tAvo orifices nearer together, at the same time increasing its central cavity, and extending its transverse diameters at the expense of the vertical. What has been said concerning the rapid effacement of the neck during the last feAv days in multiparas, equally applies to primiparce ; the process taking place by the same mechanism. 3. Form.—The principal modifications in the shape of the neck have already been presented, but they ought to be studied in a more special man- ner, according to Avhether they are found in prirniparse, or in Avomen avIio have previously been mothers. A. At the commencement, in primiparse, the cervix appears more con- tracted and more pointed, resulting, perhaps, from the augmentation of its superior part in volume ; the orifice of the os tincte, Avhich, before conception, presented a simple linear and transverse fissure, now assumes a circular form, constituting, as it Avere, a small lenticular fossa. A little later, as mentioned above, the middle part of the cavity of the neck enlarges, so as to give to the Avhole cervix the form of a somewhat elongated spindle, rather than that of a cone, Avhich it previously had. It continues smooth and polished on the exterior surface, and the periphery of its orifice is rounded, without any irregularities or fissures; sometimes presenting a soft circum- ference, at others a thin and sharp border: the latter rarely happens, hoiv- ever, before a very advanced stage. At this time, it is very easy to ascertain what changes the neck has undergone, for although the external orifice is constricted, it is very much softened, and sometimes alloAvs the finger to pass Avith a very slight effort and enter the cavity of the neck. The base of the last phalanx is then felt to be grasped quite tightly by the external orifice, Avhilst the extremity of the finger is at full liberty in the fusiform cavity of the neck. It may also be readily observed that the two orifices are still Avidely separated, for the entire length of the first phalanx and some- times more, are capable of being contained in the cavity. Fig. 40. FIG. 41. Fig. 42. These three figures give un idea of the gradual dilatation which the cavity of the neck undergoes at various periods of pregnancy. f 134 PREGNANCY. B. The form of the neck is altogether different in women avIio have had children ; thus the inequalities and protuberances exhibited by the inferioi part Avill scarcely permit us to ascertain whether it becomes more pointed or not, and it is equally difficult to determine whether the external orifice has become more rounded ; because, having been someAvhat patulous before pregnancy, this orifice, in consequence of the numerous cicatrices found on it, presents a very irregular opening. The only point capable of demonstra- tion in the early periods is, that the partially opened orifice will dilate still further, so as to admit readily the extremity of the fore-finger. This spreading out of the os tincae, and the inferior part of the neck, con- stantly increases from beloAV upAvardsj as the gestation progresses ; it reaches the middle part of the cervix about the seventh month, and nearly gains the internal orifice by the ninth. The enlargement of the cavity of the neck advances simultaneously Avith the softening of its Avails ; and we can easily prove by experiment that the finger will each month penetrate deeper into it. The shape of this cavity resembles in some women that of a thimble, in others, of a funnel, Avith the base beloAV and the apex abo\Te, the difference being due simply to the depth and number of the ruptures AA7hich had existed on the external orifice before pregnancy. The part of the neck not yet softened and dilated constitutes the summit of the cone: that is, every portion of its length contributes in succession; so that the first, and often even the half of the second phalanx of the finger can penetrate into its cavity towards the ninth month, the extremity of the finger being only arrested by the internal orifice, Avhich is still closed and puckered like the knot of a purse. The. ring at this orifice finally softens, becomes dilated, and permits the finger, which has passed through a canal an inch to an inch and a half in length, formed by the cervix, to come into direct contact with the naked membranes. If the length of the external surface of the neck be compared at this period Avith the canal in Avhich the finger is introduced, the neck will be found much longer internally than exteriorly, for it is self-evident that the finger is arrested on the outside by the vaginal insertion, Avhilst within it traverses the whole space betAveen the two orifices. The internal orifice sometimes opens too soon; thus Desormeaux declares that he touched the membranes at the end of seven months, over a space of an inch and one-third in extent. I also have verified the same fact, but only in women who were subject to floodings, or in those who submit to " the touch," in our public lessons, for, in these latter, the frequently repeated and careless introduction of a great number of fingers, has appeared to me to greatly accelerate the softening and dilatation of the neck. On the whole, therefore, the neck is fusiform in priraiparse, the external orifice is rounded, and so little dilated as to prevent the introduction of the finger without some considerable effort. In females avIio have had children the external orifice is Avidely open, and the cavity in the* neck is funnel- shaped, the base being below, and continues to increase until its ape ; reaches the internal orifice. This latter remains closed in both in a vast majority of cases, until the beginning of at least the last month of pregnancy % ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 135 These differences in the form of the neck in primiparas and of multiparas, are readily accounted for Avhen we take into consideration the condition of the external orifice before pregnancy in both cases. The os tineas of Avomen who have already had children, has the continuity of its circumference interrupted by a greater or less number of ruptures, so that as soon as a small part of the neck has become softened, each of the divisions of the circumference being fixed only by its upper part, is turned outward, so as to give to the orifice the form of the large extremity of a trumpet. In the primiparous woman, on the contrary, the integrity of the ring is complete, < and the os tineas may become softened Avithout its orifice being much enlarged in consequence. We have stated that the whole length of the neck disappears at the last, ■ by being confounded Avith the cavity of the body. The mechanism of this fusion is very simple; the ring at the internal orifice having at length lost all power of resistance from its ramollissement, opens so as easily to admit the extremity of the finger (see Fig. 42), and this dilatation gradually augments under the influence of those feeble contractions by which the uterus, in the last fortnight of gestation, seems to prelude the labor of child- birth, and as soon as this is sufficiently advanced to permit the inferior part of the ovum to engage in the cavity of the neck, Ave can understand that the latter is promptly trespassed upon. Again, there is no projection found at the upper part of the vagina, unless, perhaps in those avIio have had children, a collar of variable thickness and softness, circumscribing an opening large enough to permit the finger to reach the membranes; whilst in primiparas, only a sharp, thin ring, in the centre of which is a much more contracted orifice, will be encountered. 4. We have but little to remark concerning the situation and direction of the uterine neck during pregnancy, and our opinions do not differ from those held by the majority of writers on this subject; hence Ave shall merely state, in a feAV Avords, that during the first three months the neck is loAver, is directed more in front, and a little to the left; and that this position is the necessary consequence of the inverse movement of the body of the organ, by Avhich its fundus is carried backwards into the sacral cavity, and pushed to the right by the tumor, Avhich the rectum, habitually distended with fecal matters, forms behind and at the left part of the excavation. In the last six months, the cervix, necessarily folloAving the ascent of the body, mounts upAvard, and, at the same time, most generally looks back- ward and to the left, whilst the fundus is nearly always carried forAvards and to the right. I cannot pass over, hoAvever, a disposition of the neck occasionally met with at the end of gestation, that sometimes embarrasses persons not familiar with this kind of exploration : namely, in the last month, the head (if that is the presenting part) frequently presses before it, in engaging in the excavation, the anterior inferior portion of the uterus, and in case the female has a large pelvis, this descends even perhaps doAvn to the inferior floor.. The neck will therefore necessarily be carried behind the tumor which then fills the pelvis, and the plane of its orifice will look tOAvards the anterior face of the sacrum, and, of course, in order to penetrate its cavity, the fingei. « L36 PREGNANCY. must be bent like a hook and be introduced from behind directly forAvards. This posterior obliquity of the cervix, which differs essentially from that produced by an anteversion of the Avomb, sometimes renders it very difficult of access, even when the labor is someAvhat advanced. The difficulty i.s still further increased, in some cases, by the softening of the neck through- out, in consequence of Avhich it becomes flattened and applied to this tumor, forming a kind of fold or doubling on its posterior part. Summary.—From what has been stated, Ave may noAV draw the folloAving conclusions: 1st. That the tissue of the neck begins to soften at the very commence- ment of pregnancy, and the softening, although not very apparent in the earlier months, and limited to the most inferior part, gradually ascends, so as to invade successively the Avhole neck from beloAV upAvards, though it is sometimes less marked and less rapid in its progress in primiparas than in other females. 2d. The cavity of the neck dilates simultaneously Avith the softening of its walls; and further, this enlargement causes it to be spindle-shaped in primiparas; and, in females Avho have already borne children, to resemble a thimble, the finger of a glove, or a funnel with its base beloAV. 3d. The external orifice remains either closed, or else very slightly open, in primiparas, up to the very term of pregnancy, whilst in others it is Avidely open, and constitutes the base of the funnel. 4th. The Avhole length of the neck disappears in the last fortnight, being lost in the cavity of the body. The effacement beginning by the internal orifice and gradually involving the neck from above downAvard as far as to the external orifice. 5th. Contrary to the opinions generally adopted before the time of M. Stoltz's publication, the neck preserves its Avhole length until the last fort- night ; it does not shorten from above doAvmvard during the last four months, but the fusion of the neck Avith the body takes place only Avithin the last few Aveeks of gestation. § 3. Modifications in the Texture of the Uterus. Among the many changes Avhich the Avomb undergoes during pregnancy, the most curious of all are those exhibited in its texture; and Ave shall study these by successively examining the different parts of its constituent elements. 1. Serous Coat.—The peritoneum, forming the external membrane of the uterus, spreads out in all directions. The various folds formed by it in the neighborhood of the Avomb, a species of mesentery, as M. Dubois calls them, suich as the broad ligaments and the anterior and posterior ligaments, are double. Many anatomists believe this doubling is even sufficient to accommodate the enlargement of the organ. But, to refute this opinion, it is only necessary to examine that'portion of it comprised betAveen the com- mencement of the tAvo tubes, which cover the fundus ; for this will afford a convincing proof that it cannot be furnished by the accession of neighboring parts of the peritoneum, because, as Desormeaux remarks, the insertion of the tube and ligament of the ovary upon each side presents an obstacle that ft ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 137 will prevent the gliding of the adjacent membrane. The peritoneal tissue, hoAvever, undergoes a considerable extension, and a more active nutrition must necessarily take place to prevent its attenuation, since that Avhich covers the uterus during gestation quite equals in its thickness the serous membrane of the unimpregnated state. This extension of the peritoneum, Avithout a decrease in thickness, is not a new fact in pathology, and it may be seen in every hernia of considerable size. The tissue uniting this membrane to the muscular substance appears to have diminished in density ; for the peritoneal coat is movable on the muscular Avails, according to M. Dubois, Avho has met with difficulty from this cause every time he has performed the Cassarean operation. 2. Mucous Coat. — Although the existence of this coat in the non-gravid state has been denied by many anatomists, it becomes very apparent during pregnancy. It then groAvs redder and more vascular, and its folds dis- appear ; but this unfolding Avill not alone account for the extension Avhich it undergoes, and it must, AA'hatever be said to the contrary, recei\re, like the peritoneum, a more active nutrition. All the elements Avhich Ave have mentioned (page 80) as entering into its composition undergo, in reality, a considerable development. The nature of this Avork does not alloAV us to enter into all the details Avhich the subject demands, and Ave prefer referring the reader to the excellent Avork published bv M. Robin, in the Archives, for the year 1848, Vol. XXV. of the Memoires de VAcademic de Medecine, and in the Bulletin de iAcademie de Me.deei.ne, 1861. The glands of the body of the Avomb share in the general hypertrophy, and Ave shall be obliged to recur to this subject when Ave come to treat of the decidua, Avhich is nothing else, as must be finally acknoAvledged, than the mucous membrane of the uterus modified by the progress of gestation. (See Decidua.) It is easy to convince ourselves, after the accouchement, that the mucous membrane of the neck itself is also hypertrophied, though much less so than that of the body. Its glands, also, have undergone an enlargement, their secretion is much increased, and to it is due the gelatinous plug, that is to say, the elastic, dense, semi-transparent, and almost insoluble mass of mucus, Avhich closes and fills the cavity of the neck during pregnancy. That such is the case may be demonstrated by examination of the bodies of Avomen avIio die during pregnancy, Avhen, if the mass be detached, pro- longations will be found passing from it, and entering the orifice of the glands. (Robin.) 3. Middle Coat.— [The middle coat of the uterus is formed of muscular fibres of organic life, as stated whilst describing the normal anatomy of the organ. In the unimpregnated condition these fibres are hardly recognizable, but during pregnancy thev become verv evident. Numerous microscopic researches have shed still more Ii "-lit on the sul jeet, revealing the most intimate changes which the muscular tis.sue undergoes. According to M. Ch. Robin, Avhose opinion is stated by M. Pajot, the muscular or cell fibres of the uterus are, in the empty uterus, remarkable for their small size and grayish color, making it difficult to distinguish them by the naked eve from the cellular texture Avhich surrounds them. During pregnancy they enlarge in everv way, particularly in length, and new fibres are formed beside the old ones, especially in the innermost layers of the middle coat. 138 PREGNANCY. We quote the text in which Kolliker treats'of the subject, viz.: "The muscular coat undergoes an increase in bulk, to which the enlargement of the uterus ia principally due, an increase resulting from the concurrence of two phenomena: the increase in size of the pre-existing muscular elements, and the formation of new ones. The first of these is so marked that the contractile fibre-cells, instead of being from .05 to .07 of a millimetre1 in length, and .005 in breadth, which is their usual size, measure in the fifth month .14 to .27 m. m. in length, and .0055 to .01-1 and even .02 m. nt. in Avidth ; in the second half of the sixth month .2 to .52 m. m. in length, .009 to .014 m.m. in width, and .005 to .006 m. m. in thickness; so that they are about from seven to eleven times longer, and from two to seven time;] wider than at first. " '1 he formation of new muscular fibres is especially noticed during the first half of pregnancy, and in the internal layer of the muscular coat. In this situation are found a multitude of young cells of from .02 to .04 m. m. in diameter, presenting all the transition forms of cell fibres of from .05 to .07 m.m. in length; nothing similar to this being observable in the external layers. " This generation of muscular fibres appears to cease at the sixth month ; at least I have been able to discoArer in the uterus during the twenty-sixth week of preg- nancy only enormous fibre cells with no traces of preceding forms. " To this increase of muscular fibres corresponds that of the connective tissue which unites them ; tOAvard the end of pregnancy the latter exhibits in some places a distinct fibrillation." (Human Histology.) In short, the increase in size of already existing muscular elements, and the forma- fion of new fibres, concur in the production of the uterine hypertrophy. We have next to exhibit the arrangement and direction of the muscular fibres, and in so doing shall state suecessiATely the result of the dissections of Madame Boivin and of MM. Deville and Helie.] A. According to Madame Boivin, there are tAvo planes of fibres in the body of the uterus—the one exterior, the other interior; the external plane is composed of fibres Avhich run from the middle line outAvards and doAvnwards to the inferior third of the organ, Avhere they terminate upon and aid in forming the round ligaments situated there, Avhile the most superior ones are distributed to the Fallopian tubes and the ligaments of the ovary. An exact idea of the radiated disposition of the external fibrous planes, at the superior and lateral parts of this organ, may be formed by im- agining the long hair of the human head to be parted along the Avhole middle line of the cranium, and then combed smooth on each side in front, and tied very tight opposite each ear. Another muscular plane is found internally, having an entirely different arrangement; these fibres are circular and situated at the superior angles of the Avomb. They surround the internal orifice of the tubes (a a, Fig. 43), describing concentric circles, at first very Fig. 43. Muscular fibres of the uterus, a a. The internal orifices of the Fallopian tubes. 1 A millimetre is .0.039 of an inch. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 139 iinall and close, but gradually separating as the distance from the angle? increases, so that the last and largest border upon the median line, and spread out in the direction of its length. BetAveen these tAvo planes, the external one composed of longitudinal, and the infernal one of horizontal fibres, some other muscular fibres are found, the course of Avhich it is impossible to trace. Only a single order of fibres, which are semicircular, exists at the inferior part. They commence at the median line of this region, and reunite on the sides near the round ligaments. I "will remark, in terminating this short account of the uterine structure, its great resemblance to that of all the IioIIoav organs, in having, for instance, its longitudinal fibres on the exterior, Avhilst the circular and horizontal ones are internal. The fundus uteri is the part particularly concerned in the expulsion of the foetus, and it is there also that the muscular appa- ratus is the most developed; its disposition is such, that all parts of the uterine surface tend tOAvards the centre during contraction. Lastly, at the inferior part, where the resistance should be least, there are only the hori- zontal fibres, constituting a sort of sphincter muscle, Avhich may be com- pared, on more than one account, to the sphincter of the rectum or of the bladder. B. Quite recently, M. Deville, prosector to the hospitals, has studied the muscular arrangement of the uterus in a great number of cases of females Avho died a feAV days after labor, and the results at Avhich he has arrived differ much from those previously acknowledged. This subject, in my estimation, requires further examination ; but whilst aAvaiting an oppor- tunity of dissecting for myself, the preparations of M. Deville appear so satisfactory, that I have obtained a draAving of them, and introduce here the description furnished by that skilful anatomist. Examined on its external surface, after the removal of the peritoneum and the compact resisting layer that separates this serous coat from the muscular fibres, the uterus seems to he composed of tAvo orders of fibres, Avhich are essentially muscular, one being transverse and the other longitudinal. The transArerse fibres arise (this Avord to be received in a purely descrip- tive sense) from three sources : the found ligament, Fallopian tube, and the ligament of the ovary; also from the Avings of the corresponding broad ligament. The mere removal of the delicate peritoneal envelope of these organs suffices to bring the transverse fibres into vieAV, and at the same time to reArcal their muscular character. The transverse fibres, together with certain vessels and nerves, constitute the intimate structure of the round and ovarian ligaments, as also the middle layer of the Fallopian tube, Avhich is therefore essentially muscular, like the internal membrane, improperly called dartoid, of all the excretory canals. The presence of a great number of transverse uterine fibres lying in the thickness of the folds of the broad ligament, and extending to its base, is an important fact to be borne in mind; and the question arises, Avhere do they terminate ? I confess that I have not been able to determine this in a satisfactory manner. 140 PREGNANCY. Howevei the truth may be, the transverse fibres coming from these divers origins spread out in a radiated manner over the Avhole exterior surface of the uterus, the anterior and posterior ones transversely, or a little doAvn- Avards in an oblique direction, and the superior, obliquely upwards, so as to cover the organ completely. Near the median line these fibres are crossed perpendicularly to their course by a longitudinal fasciculus, more or less sinuous in character, and three-eighths to three-fourths of an inch Avide, Avhich arises near the point of union of the body with the neck, ascends upon the fundus of the organ, and descends on the posterior face, to be lost at its inferior part opposite to or a little beloAV the point of beginning, that is, near the union of the body Avith the neck. A positive continuity Avill be observed between the transverse fibres of each side and the middle longitu- dinal fasciculus, if the line of contact be carefully examined. As the transverse fibres arri\re near the median line, some curve doAvn- Avards, others upwards, so as to become longitudinal, and thus constitute the median layer. This is particularly evident at its termination, both in front and behind, for the whole fasciculus divides there into two portions, one of which curves to the right, the other to the left, and becomes con- tinuous with the most inferior transverse fibres of the body. This continual exchange of the tAvo series of uterine fibres takes place Avith such great uniformity, that the longitudinal fasciculus has nearly the same thickness everyAvhere; but if this lamina be more patiently examined, it Avill be found to be composed of very Fm-u- short longitudinal fibres, forming the cen- tral part of a letter X, Avhich the uterine fibres describe, as I have verified on many of my preparations, in the folloAving manner. • Let us take a layer of transverse fibres on the right side of the uterus, at the an- terior inferior part 'see Fig. 44); this fasciculus nearly approaches the median line, then curves upward and becomes confounded with the longitudinal lamina; then, after a vertical course, varying from one-third of an inch to tAvo inches, it again curves to the left, to reassume a transverse direction, thus representing a Z, or still more exactly, a branch of the letter X. Thus, the longitudinal median layer is produced by the union of the central and vertical branches of the X, described by the uterine fibres. It sometimes happens, hoAvever, that the transverse fibres pass directly from right to left Avithout forming the vertical branch, which fact should be borne in mind lest this arrangement existing on the surface might give rise to a belief of the absence of a median longitudinal fasciculus • Avhereas if the latter is not evident, it will only be necessary to raise carefully this layer of median transverse fibres, to bring it into vieAv. The uterus exhibits The disposition of the muscular fibres on the anterior face of the womb. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 141 Fig. 45. The disposition of the muscular fibres on the posterior face of the womb. the same disposition of muscular fibres on the internal face, which will readily account for the erro* of Madame Boivin, who described them as circular. Notable differences, however, exist be- tween the fibres on the two surfaces of the n-gan. The most remarkable on the ex- terior is the extreme breadth of the longi- tudinal fasciculus, Avhich covers the whole fundus, extending from the orifice of the Fallopian tube on one side to the same point on the other. When this fasciculus reaches the anterior and posterior faces, it is intersected at right angles by the transverse fibres occupying the lateral portions just below the orifice of the tubes, Avhich act there as on the exterior surface : that is, some of the fibres curve upwards, others downwards, becoming con- founded with the longitudinal layer. Lower down, near the junction of the body with the neck, the longitudinal fasciculus is very irregular. Sometimes it exists; sometimes, though more rarely, it does not. At this point, in fact, the continuation, or inter-crossing of the transverse fibres from one side to the other, occurs in an irregular manner, either forming the vertical branches of an X, or taking an oblique direction, or again going directly across, the fibres preserving a transverse course. A third layer exists between the two just described, but I am not Sufficiently acquainted with the disposi- tion of its fibres to give an exact account of them. All these particular details do not interfere Avith the general law of inter-erossing, or passage of uterine fibres from one side to the other, and in this respect, the uterus may justly be ranged in the same class with all the other holloAV muscular organs whose structure is also regulated by the fundamental law of muscular inter-crossing. Hence, it would not be difficult to de- monstrate that the human uterus, as just described, approaches in its structure quite as well, perhaps better, to that of the same organ in other mammiferas, than the arrangement pointed out by Madame Boivin. But such a discussion would be out of place here. In conclusion, I will observe, that the same dispositions in the muscular arrangement are found in the neck and inferior part of the body. Inter- crossings occur there also, the fibres passing directly from one side to the other, or becoming more or less oblique at the moment of crossing, and still oftener forming the branches of an x with the median vertical parts. This ' last disposition gives rise to the peculiar formation, which has improperly been called the arbor vitce. Fig. 46. Shows the inter-crossing of the uterine fibres. 142 PREGNANCY. [c. Lastly, M. Hebe, Professor in the Medical School at Nantes, has, in a remarkable memoir written after long and skilful dissections, discussed anew the subject of the muscular structure of the uterus. As M. Helie seems to represent the true state of the case, and gives a better and more complete exhibition of the arrangement of the muscular fibres than has hitherto been done, we shall follow his description whilst pointing out the principal results at which he has arrived. The fibres of the uterus, like those of the heart, are disposed in layers, which cover and envelop each other successively. Fibres pass frequently from one layer to the other; their arrangement is intricate, and their dissection very difficult. These superposed layers form the muscular structure of the uterus, and Ave shall describe successively the external, the internal, and the middle layer. The external layer is composed of several alternate planes of longitudinal and transverse fibres. The most superficial plane is longitudinal, and is formed of a median fasciculus whose middle part is curved like a loop upon the fundus of the uterus, whilst its two extremities descend, one upon the posterior and the other upon the anterior surface of the organ. This loop-like fasciculus (Figs. 44 and 45) always descends further behind than in front. Behind, it begins where the neck joins the body, and is composed of fibres Avhich, from being at first transverse, by a sudden change of direction become vertical, as shown by M. Deville. As it ascends, the fasciculus is reinforced by other fibres bent in like manner. As it approaches the fundus, the lateral fibres curve outward toward the Fallopian tubes and broad ligaments upon Avhich they disappear. The middle fibres of the fasciculus are, therefore, the only ones which bend over the fundus of the organ, and descending upon the anterior surface curve successively outAvard to reach the broad and round ligaments. A portion of the fibres Avhich thus emerge from the loop-like fasciculus, reach the lateral parts of the organ only after having traversed its median line and passed from one side to the other. From the right side, they proceed to the left angle or to the left side of the anterior surface ; those, Avhich at their origin belong to the left side, go to the right angle, or to the right side of the anterior surface of the organ. ' These crossed fibres follow, therefore, precisely the Z-like direction described by M. Deville. M. Helie, however, regards the crossings as far from constant, besides being limited to very few fibres; the greater number of the looped ones beginning and ending upon the same side without crossing the median line. The loop-like fasciculus is almost never limited to one plane only. It is always thick upon the posterior surface of the uterus, sometimes, though rarely, forming a single plane. At other times, and most commonly, its fibres are divided into two planes separated by a layer of transverse fibres, the superficial layer being then thin, and the deeper one much thicker. Let us study next those transverse fibres Avhich, with the preceding fasciculus, form the surface of the body of the uterus. They constitute the greater part of the external muscular layer, and contribute to the formation of the loop-like fasciculus as already stated; the greater part, however, being foreign to its formation remain upon the median line, passing below it and between its two layers, sometimes even upon its superficial posterior layer. They go from one side to the other, extend outwardly into the broad ligaments, and especially into the ligament of the ovary, the.round ligaments, and upon the Fallupian tubes. If Ave follow them in the opposite direction, they may he said to proceed from all these points, and after reaching the sides of the uterus to divide into two layers, one of which passes upon the anterior, and the other upon the posterior surfkce of the organ, the uppermost covering the fundus and making arch-like curves upon the angles. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 143 Fia. 47 Some of the fibres leave the external layer and pass into the middle one. It shouhf be observed that the anatomists Avho have studied the muscular structure of the uterus have failed to treat of the sides of the organ, mentioning only those fibres Avhich extend to its annexes; an omission which M. Helie has supplied. If the two layers of the broad ligament with the muscular fibres distributed to it be separated, trans- verse muscular fibres going from one surface to the other, are per- ceived throughout the entire ver- tical extent of the sides of the uterus. At the sides of the uterus, these fibres are so cuiwed as to reach the surface opposite to the one from Avhich they took their departure. Such at least is their general arrangement, though their course is a very complex one. They separate to afford passage to the vessels, and do not keep to their primitive plane throughout their course. Thus in front they are superficial, but are more deeply situated behind, and vice versa. Above, and on a level with the Fallopian tubes, the fibres of the sides of the organ are arranged still differently. The transverse ones Avhich describe large curves upon the fundus from one angle to the other, descend and curve again upon the sides of the organ. A portion of these go to the Fallo- pian tube, and to the round and ovarian ligaments, the major portion, however, descend upon the sides of the uterus. In their descent they meet the vessels Avhich interrupt their regularity, then they pass more deeply and curve forward or backward to become transverse upon one surface or other of the organ. In the neck, the arrangement of the fibres is more simple, for no trace of the loop-like fasciculus is found. Almost all the fibres pass someAvhat obliquely down- ward from the sides of the uterus terward the median line, Avhere they interlace with similar fibres from the opposite side. They pass upon the sides of the neck and curA'e round from one surface to the other in the same Avay as on the body, the most superficial passing outAvard Avith the A'esico-uterine and recto-uterine folds, as also with some fibres of the bladder, and still loAver with the -muscular fibres of the vagina. Internal Layer. — When the uterus of a woman deceased just after delivery is opened, the muscular fibres of the body are found deprived of the mucous membrane which had covered them, and which had been transformed into the decidua. As the mucous membrane had not undergone this change in the neck, it there still covers the muscular fibres, and is closely united to them. When the uterus is opened by incision, the middle of the posterior wall is found to present uniformly a slightly projecting triangular fasciculus, the base of Avhich extends from one Fallopian tube to the other, whilst the apex reaches to the internal orifice of the neck. Second plane of the anterior muscular layer. A. Superficial layer divided and folded over upon the sides of the uterus. B. Deep layer of the loop-like fasciculus. C. Transverse fibres emerging from the loop-like plexus. D. Fibres of the neck. 0. Ovary. R. Rectum. X. Fallopian tube. X. Bladder. 144 PREGNANCY. This triangular fasciculus is formed as the loop-like one: of horizontal fibre? which curve suddenly upward, and what is singular, the new fibres Avhic4i reinforce it are always added to its left side, whilst from its right side fibres successively emerge which become transverse by passing to the right side of the womb. These fibres have precisely the form of the letter Z. In approaching the Fallopian tubes, the triangular fasciculus divides into twro small thin ones, of which one on each side has its acute point inserted into the corresponding Fallopian tube. where it suddenly comes to an end. Finally, transverse fibres extended di- rectly from the orifice of one tube to the other, complete the triangular fasciculus by forming its base. (D. Fig. 48.) A precisely similar triangular fasci- culus exists upon the anterior Avail, with the single difference that the transverse fibres Avhilst curving to a vertical direc- tion enter its right side, whilst from its left side fibres emerge Avhich assume a horizontal direction in order to reach the left side of the womb. Upon the sides of these triangular fasciculi, throughout the wdiole vertical extent of the body of the uterus, the muscular fibres of the internal layer have a transverse direction, and pass from one surface to the other. As they approach the middle of the anterior and posterior walls, some undergo an in- flexion to form the triangular fasciculus, whilst others in much greater number pass beneath it, and continue their trans- verse direction. At the internal orifice of the neck the transverse fibres form a projecting fasciculus, which defines sharply the cavity of the body and that of the neck. At the fundus of the uterus, that is to say, above the orifices of the Fallopian tubes, the muscular fibres form arches directed from before backAvard, which con- stitute the vault of the cavity. Descending thus upon the anterior and posterior sa faces, they pass beneath the transverse band of the triangular fasciculus which covers them, and finally curve and become blended with the horizontal fibres. At the orifices of the Fallopian tubes, the fibres of the internal layer are dis- posed in concentric rings : the smaller being in contact Avith the orifice, whilst the larger, often imperfect, are continuous with the arches of the vault, touching back to back those of the opposite side as described by Madame Boivin. At the neck, it is necessary to remove the mucous membrane in order to see dis- tinctly the muscular fibres. It is then evident that the projection of the arbor vitse is formed by muscular fasciculi whose fibres separate on each side to form superposed arches. Near the external orifice the fibres of the neck are almost all annular and interlaced. Middle Layer. — When the progress of the dissection has removed successiA'ely the loop-like fasciculus and the different planes of transverse fibres which compose the external layer, the middle layer, presenting an entirely different arrangement, is reached. Fig. 48. Internal muscular layer. (Anterior wall.) A. Section of the uterine walls. B. Triangular fasciculi. C. Fibres passing to the Fallopian tubes. D. Openings of the Fallopian tubes. E. Transverse fibres. V. Vagina. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREG^' LNCY. 145 Between these two layers, however, there is no precise line of demarcation, the deep fibres of the external layer assuming gradually the arrangement peculiar to the middle layer. Therefore, only after the removal of these intermediate laminae, can the middle layer with all its peculiarities be clearly distinguished. The same observation applies to its exhibition by the entire removal of the deep layer. The middle layer, first indicated by the great number of vessels which it con- tains, is always thicker in the part corresponding to the insertion of the placenta. It is composed of bands of variable width, crossing each other in all directions, some being transverse, others oblique, and some again longitudinal. Large orifices traversed by the veins or sinuses separate these bands from each other or even the fibres of the same band. The muscular fasciculi are curved in loops around the uterine veins, each loop being crossed by another forming with it a complete ring wrhich surrounds the vein ; a succession of rings forming a canal for the vein. Large rings produced in the same way inclose several veins, each of which has its special rings Avithin the principal one. Most frequently, the loop-like fasciculus forms but the half or two-thirds of a circle, another fasciculus completing it by crossing its extremities, at the same time becoming closely attached to them. Each vein is therefore surrounded by annular contractile fibres, and traverses a true contractile canal in its course through the middle layer. The arteries, like the veins, are surrounded by muscular rings, with this difference, however, that the arteries are free within the rings, whilst the A'eins, reduced to their internal membrane, adhere to the muscular fibres. According to M. Helie, the middle layer is found only in the body of the uterus and is absent in the neck. The latter, therefore, is formed simply by the super- position of the external and internal layers.] 4. Vascular Apparatus. — ToAvards the end of pregnancy, the uterus ex- hibits an astonishing development of its vascular system. My friend, Dr. Jacquemier, has for fifteen years paid much attention to this subject; the results of his labor as found in his Avork are important, and from them I draw largely. "In studying the development of the vascular system in its Avhole extent, Ave shall find," he says, "that the augmentation in the size of the arteries only becomes considerable as they approach the uterus. Whilst advancing betAveen the peritoneum and the external face of the organ, and before giving off their first divisions, they dilate and SAvell up, and then they furnish branches to the anterior and lateral parts, which ramify ad infinitum; they are not situated immediately beloAV the peri- toneum, but are separated from it by a delicate layer of muscular tissue. All these ramifications anastomose freely and penetrate through to the internal surface, Avhere they generally terminate; but a large number of those, corresponding to the placental insertion, traverse the mucous mem- brane and enter the placenta. The ramifications of the arteries are con- tinuous Avith the capillaries, Avhich in their turm give origin to the veins. That the capillary vessels become enlarged during pregnancy has been proved by Virchow; and Jacquemier found that they were more readily injected than capillaries are under ordinary circumstances. This fact ex- plains the activity of the uterine circulation, as also the rapid and profuse discharge of blood from the arteries into the sinuses. If the venous trunks be examined, from the point of quitting the uterus to their terminations in the hypogastric vein and in the vena cava inferior, a great increase in capacity will be noticed for the ovarian veins are 10 146 PREGNANCY. almost as large as the external iliacs, and the uterine are but little less, In the substance of the womb, the venous system presents itself as a series of canals, situated in the centre of the muscular tissue, at nearly an equal distance from the internal and the external faces: at this point, the uterus ia traversed by a great number of canals coming from all directions, which anastomose, and form large sinuses at their junction ; the Avhole constituting a grand plexus, several divisions of which are large enough to receive the extremity of the little finger. These canals are much larger opposite the insertion of the placenta than elseAvhere, and they diminish in size as they recede from it. There is a certain portion of the uterine Avails, determined by the placental insertion, where the venous canals of the uterus traverse the mucous membrane in order to be distributed to the placenta. (See Decidua and Placenta.) There, in the thickness of the inter-utero placental decidua itself these vessels form, through an enormous dilatation of all their branches, the large sinuses which exist at the adherent surface of the placenta. These sinuses communicate so freely with each other as to form, so to speak, a pool of blood, divided up by numerous partitions. A proportionably small num- ber of orifices exist at intervals, through which this reservoir of blood communicates with the sinuses of the muscular walls. When the after- birth is detached, the whole placental surface of the uterus is found to be riddled with holes, Avhich look as though they had been made with a punch. These orifices, Avhich are oblique, like the section of a quill in making a pen, close of themselves through the depression of one of the membranous lips of the opening against the other. (See Placenta.) When Ave come to treat hereafter of the decidua, we shall find that the arrangement of the vessels of the mucous membrane properly so called, undergoes changes during the course of gestation ; the vascular netAVOrk of the internal surface, Avhich is highly developed in the early stages, show- ing signs of a commencing atrophy at the end of the second month, and diminishing to vessels of very small calibre by the end of the pregnancy. A very delicate yet distinct web of areolar tissue envelops the uterine arteries. The veins, on the contrary, have only their internal coat, which adheres intimately to the muscular substance, and no valves are found in their interior. So great an enlargement of the arteries and veins must be due to some- thing more than a mere unfolding, since they preserve their flexuosities which are increased rather than diminished. They must, therefore, undergo a change analogous to that Avhich takes place in the fleshy tissue of the organ. From what has been stated, it is evident that the blood Aoavs to the uterus in very large quantities, and consequently its nutrition is augmented, for such an amount of blood must certainly contribute to the groAvth of its walls. But the question then arises, is the circulation much more active as many authors have thought? In reply, it would appear from the late researches of M. Jacquemier, that the venous circulation especially must exhibit an unusual slowness, but I confess the reading of this last part of his memoir has not convinced me on that point. (See art. Hemorrhage.) ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 147 The lymphatic vessels also acuuire a very considerable calibre and form several planes in the uterine substance, the superficial of Avhich are the most developed ; they divide into two groups, those of the neck, which run to the pelvic ganglia, and those of the body, going to the lumbar ganglia. The hypogastric absorbent trunks, according to Cruikshank, Avho has described and figured them, are as large as a goose-quill, and the vessels themselves so numerous, that, Avhen injected with mercury, the uterus appears to be a mass of lymphatic vessels. A common dissection, made a few days after delivery, will afford convincing proofs of their volume and number. 5. The nerves of the womb have, of latter time, been the subject of numerous researches, among others, by Drs. Robert Lee, Jobert, Rendu, and Boulard. Agreeably to the latter anatomists, Avhose conclusions closely correspond with those of the English accoucheur, the nerves are derived from three sources: 1st. From the ovarian plexus — feAV in number, and distributed to the angles and fundus uteri. 2d. From the hypogastric plexus — these are specially destined to the neck; and 3d. Some filaments of the great sympathetic, Avhich accompany the uterine arteries, and are apparently lost upon the neck and lateral parts of the womb. Among the filaments constituting the ovarian plexus, there are a feAV which seem to follow the course of the blood-vessels passing near the ovary, and reaching the border of the uterus at its superior part. The filaments then penetrate into its substance along Avith the vessels, apparently for distribution to the muscular Avails. The hypogastric plexus furnishes some nervous filaments as the urethra crosses its anterior part; these nerves are few in number, and ascend along the lateral portions of the neck (but not folloAving the vessels), giving off branches here and there Avhich enter the uterine Avails, but M. Rendu has not been able to trace them beyond the neck. These nerves differ essen- tially from the preceding, both in origin and distribution, for they come from a plexus whose branches are not distributed with the vessels, and Avhich has frequent anastomoses Avith the sacral nerves or nerves of animal life. The Avhole body of the uterus, therefore, receives the nerves of organic life exclusively, Avhilst the nervous apparatus of the neck alone has com- munications Avith the spinal nerves. Like the lymphatic and sanguineous vessels, the nerves, according to some authors, undergo a considerable development during gestation. In the preparations exhibited by Robert Lee to the inspection of the Royal Society, and also in the two figures given by him, large nervous bands are seen below the serous tunic, and these bands are so voluminous that many anatomists have doubted their true structure, and regarded them as furnished by a gelatinous or cellular mem- brane, placed betAveen the peritoneum and the muscular coat. Consequently, in accordance with this view, the uterine nerves do not form an exception, as Avas for a long time supposed, to the hypertrophy seen in all other parts of the organ during pregnancy — for they likeAvise are developed in every way, and return after the delivery to their normal size. (See, for further details, the memoir of Dr. Robert Lee, " On the Ganglia and the other Nervous Structures of the Uterus.") It is generally admitted, hoAvever, that the neurilema is the part chiefly affected by the hypertrophy. 148 PREGNANCY. The preparations deposited by M. Boulard in the Museum of the Faculty, and the works of Robert Lee, Ludovic Hirschfeld, and Richet, have con- vinced us, that exceedingly fine filaments are prolonged even to the lowest parts of the os tine*, and, consequently, that no portion of the organ is entirely destitute of them. ARTICLE II. CHANGES IN THE PROPERTIES OF THE UTERUS. [Sensibility. — The sensibility of the uterus undergoes little alteration. It is well known that in the unimpregnated state the neck may be touched almost with- out the woman being aware of it, and it may even be cauterized without giving rise to definite pain. The same obsenration is almost applicable to the organ in the pregnant condition, so that it were wrong to suppose that its sensitiveness is much increased during gestation. The sensibility varies, however, with the cause which excites it; a forced distention, for example, seeming to us to give rise to considerable pain. To avoid exaggeration, it may be said that sensibility exists in the neck, but is obscure during as well as before pregnancy.] The body of the uterus appears to be even less sensitive than the neck. I am aware that most women feel the motions of the child, but are these movements perceived by the walls of the abdomen, or by the uterine parietes? The fact that in Avomen affected with ascites, the active motions are much more obscure than in other females, tempts us to accept the former hypothesis. I have, besides, frequently known women to pass through the whole course of gestation Avithout feeling the motions; for instance, I saw a patient at La Charite, in August, 1839, who, although advanced to seven months, doubted her pregnancy because she had not felt the child stir. I saw her frequently afterward betAveen this time and near the last of October, Avhen her labor occurred, yet, although the child was quite strong and healthy, she had never observed its motions. [The body of the womb must not, however, be regarded as entirely insensible, for the contractions of labor or the introduction of the hand give rise to quite severe pain. We shall recur to this subject when studying the subject of the pains of labor. (See Phenomena of Labor.) Irritability. — Having treated of its sensibility, we have a few words to say of the irritability or organic sensibility of the womb, meaning thereby the vital activity peculiar to the nervous system of the uterus, and other parts supplied from the same source.] This irritability is notably increased during gestation: to it is due the kind of sympathetic relation Avhich is established betAveen the fibres of the neck and those of the body of the uterus, and in consequence of which, any rather active and prolonged excitement of the neck of the organ reacts upon the fibres of the fundus. Even the premature expulsion of the foetus is often a consequence of con- tractions produced by excitations of the cervix, and it is owing to this cause, according to Delamotte, that repeated coition has frequently caused abortion, and that females Avho are used in our amphitheatres for practising " the touch," are so often delivered before term. This irritability of the cervix, and its influence upon the contractility of ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 149 the body is in some cases turned to profit in the practice of our art; thus it is well known, that one of the surest and most generally employed methods of inducing premature labor, consists in the introduction and retention of a foreign body in the neck of the Avomb. [Contractility. — By this is meant the power with which the fibres of the womb are endowed of closing upon the body which it contains for the purpose of expelling it from its cavity. It is a true contraction, precisely similar to the muscular con- traction of all hollow organs, such as the bladder, rectum, or stomach. The power of contraction exists even in the unimpregnated condition, especially at the menstrual periods ; at which time, in exceptional cases, it gives rise to the severe pain experienced by those who suffer from dysmenorrhoea. During preg- , nancy, the uterine contractility becomes more evident though still feeble and pain- less ; during labor only does it acquire its full energy, and is then productive of intense suffering.] The pain which, during labor, accompanies the uterine contraction, is usually very great in the human species, but does not exist at all in wild animals, and is only observed to a very feeble degree in our domesticated ones. As a general rule, the uterine contraction is not painful in the differ- ent species of animals, unless an accident or some disease renders a greater energy of action necessary on the part of the organ, and the pains then experienced by the female are altogether similar to those of women. If, therefore, the contraction is only painful accidentally, as it were, in animals and merely in consequence of a particular morbid condition of the uterine fibre, are we not justified in referring the pain in the human species to the same cause ? Now can this predisposition be the result of the refine- ments of civilization ? It would of course be impossible to prove this,, but there are strong grounds, at least, for believing that such is the fact, when Ave reflect that our domestic animals, Avhich, like ourselves, have been trans- lated from their primitive normal condition, often suffer much more during parturition than those in a savage state. This contractility resides in all the muscular fibres of the womb, both body and neck, though the great development of the muscular layers of the body causes the contraction to be most poAverful in that portion. Its inten- sity is exceedingly variable in different females, being very strong in some, and scarcely existing in others; but its energy bears no relation to that of the external muscular system, for some strong muscular women have extremely Aveak contractions during labor, and oftentimes the contrary is observed. The exercise of this function takes place independently of the will, at least in a great majority of cases, which indeed we can readily understand must be the fact, from the origin and nature of the nerves distributed to the body of the uterus, since Ave have just learned that its fundus receives filaments from the great sympathetic alone. I am Avell aware the books furnish some cases of Avomen Avho had the poAver of-suspending the contraction at will; out if the facts have even been Avell observed, they have failed perhaps to receive the most rational interpretation. In the cases related by Baude- locque and Velpeau, in Avhich the labor ceased Avhen the students Avere sum- moned to Avitness it and began again Avhen these numerous observers retired, i 150 PREGNANCY. the will had probably less to do than the imagination and modesty, with ll.e alternations of retardation and acceleration ; for though the influence of the will may be reasonably doubted, it cannot be denied that moral disturbances appear to affect the contractility of the uterus; thus, a violent emotion has often sufficed to arouse it long before the ordinary term of gestation, and it is not at all uncommon for the contraction to diminish or disappear for several hours, or even days, under the operation of such causes. DeAvees kneAV the pains to be suspended in this manner for tAvo Aveeks in a woman who Avas greatly affected by his sudden and unexpected arrival. Betschler cites a case in Avhich the pains Avere suddenly suspended by a violent tempest, so that the neck, though Avidely dilated, closed again, nor did the labor recommence until nineteen days had elapsed. Every day, indeed, Ave witness a suspension of the pains for half an hour, and sometimes even for several hours, upon visiting Avomen whose modesty is shocked by our presence. The exercise of this function is seldom of long duration, lasting for a feAV seconds only—rarely beyond one or two minutes, and then the organ which Avas so strongly contracted and hardened, gradually regains its primitive state, and remains in repose, until, under the influence of the same stimulus, it is again thrown into action. The organic contractility, like all mus- cular power, is expended by a prolonged exercise, and hence we can under- stand why the pains so often become at once more sIoav and feeble or even cease altogether after a prolonged labor. Lastly, opiates have a marked influence over them; for by employing these preparations, Ave may suspend the uterine contraction nearly at will, for several hours during labor at term, and indefinitely, in a case of premature delivery or abortion. This contractility may be excited by natural, accidental, or artificial stimuli: thus, all the causes of labor constitute the first; the second are those of abortion and premature labor; and the third comprise all irrita- tion Avhatever of the neck or body of the womb; as electricity, ergot, and, in a word, all the means employed when it is desirable to deplete the organ. On the contrary, it may be Aveakened by an over-distention of the uterus, by prolonged contractions, or vivid moral impressions. An observation of M. Brachet's might lead to the supposition that the contractility of the uterus would be weakened, or even totally destroyed, by lesions of the spinal marroAV. Experiments upon animals have, besides, shoAvn that complete destruction of the cerebro-spinal axis abolishes the senso- motor functions of the great sympathetic nerve. The uterus Avould, there- fore, be paralyzed in an experiment of this kind. It is, hoAvever, proved by numerous cases of paraplegia in females, as well as by experiments on ani- mals, that labor is in no respect impeded by alterations of the cord, that the uterus continues to contract, and that the Avant of action of the voluntary muscles is largely compensated for by the paralysis of those of the perineum, the slight resistance of which renders the last stage of the foetal expulsion both more easy and rapid. This result might indeed have been anticipated from the known absence of all nerves of animal life from the body of the uterus. The contractility of the uterus, like that of all the viscera of organic life, ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 151 is retained for some time after death, and thus serves to explain toe occa Bional expulsion of a foetus several hours subsequent to the decease of a mother, as also the posthumous contraction of the uterus in Csesarean opera- tions performed immediately after the mother has expired. [Retractility. — The term retractility seems both to myself and M. Pajot much preferable to that of contractility of tissue, by which it has often been designated. Retractility is a property in virtue of which the uterus, when relieved partly or entirely of its contents, subsides upon itself. It is a sort of elasticity, differing from contractility in being permanent and keeping the walls of the organ closely applied to the ovum, whilst the latter is intermittent and temporary. A principal office of this retractility is that of closing the open orifices of the utero-placental vessels after labor, which without it would give rise to mortal hemorrhage.] The retractility exists chiefly in the fibres of the body. DeAvees supposed it to be seated more especially in the circular ones that constitute the internal plane of the uterine muscular layer, and it is scarcely observable at the inferior parts and in the neck. It Avas certainly a Avise provision on the part of nature to place it in a region where the habitual attachment of the placenta causes a more considerable development of the vascular apparatus. This holds so true, that it is easy to detect the retracted fundus in the hypogastric region after delivery, as a hard, irregular tumor, whilst to the vaginal touch, the neck appears soft, flexible, and not the least con- tracted. Therefore, Avhenever the placenta is inserted on the neck, a hemor- rhage is not only to be dreaded during labor, but also at the time of, and for a short period subsequent to, the delivery of the after-birth. In most females, the retractility accompanies the contractility, and these tAvo properties are successively in action at the period of labor, and during the gradual deple- tion of the uterus. In fact, if after the contraction Avhich has caused the expulsion of a certain part of the body inclosed in the uterine cavity, the walls of this organ did not retract promptly to fill up the void, it would constitute inertia of the womb. The retractility acts slowly and continuously, and is prolonged throughout the period of the getting-up. AVhen it takes place in a regular manner, it is unaccompanied by pain, as Ave see in the cases of many primiparous Avomen, in Avhom the retraction is accomplished without their being aware of it. The retractility is not, hoAvever, always equal to this effect, at least during the first days after labor. Its insufficiency may perhaps be due to over- distention, or to a protracted or too rapid labor, in Avhich cases the uterine fibre loses its elastic property, as Leroux expresses it, or else it may be that the presence of a foreign body, Avhether solid or fluid, requires the interven- tion of a more active force. Here, then, the contractility is called into exer- cise, and the retraction of the uterus is effected by a true intermittent and painful contraction. This diminution of the retractility is generally, however, of short duration, for after four or six days at the furthest, the contractility is no longer required, unless a neAV clot should happen to form in the uterus. The elasticity of the uterine fibres, assisted by the process of absorption, which goes on unceasingly, and also by the lochial discharge, are thenceforth sufficient to restore the organ to its normal condition. 152 PREGNANCY. The retractility is far from being equally powerful in all women, nor ia it always easy to give a good reason for the difference. For example, it is much less active in multiparas than after a first labor, and this explains why after-pains are much more common Avith the former than in the latter case, for the pains are a consequence of the exercise of the contractility, and the uterus returns more sloAvly to its habitual volume. Great over-distention of the Avomb, and a too rapid or too prolonged expulsion, also seem to diminish its action. If it be indisputable that there are circumstances which diminish the elasticity of the uterine fibres, it is also fully proved that we possess certain agents capable of exciting its action. Thus, external or internal irritations acting on the neck and body (such as cold or frictions), and the adminis- tration of ergot, often have this happy effect. ARTICLE III. CHANGES IN THE NEIGHBORING PARTS. We can readily imagine that the modifications just studied do not take place in the uterus Avithout affecting the neighboring parts, and the changes in these will next engage our attention. 1. As the uterus gradually rises in the abdomen, its surrounding peri- toneum is carried along Avith it; the folds, called the broad ligaments, then disappear, and consequently the Fallopian tubes and ovaries are drawn nearer to the body of the uterus, where they lie very nearly in a vertical direction; the fundus becomes rounded, its angles diminish and finally disappear. The Fallopian tubes, Avhich in the unimpregnated state are inserted at the apex of the angles, and on the same horizontal line with the fundus, are no longer implanted upon the highest part, but correspond to the upper fourth, or even to the middle of the total length of the organ. The round ligaments are then composed of short linear fibres, among which a great number of muscular ones, prolongations of those of the uterus, and having the same contractility, may be distinguished. M. Velpeau asserts that he discovered and watched their contraction in three different females, during the efforts of the uterus to expel the after-birth. The greater devel- opment of the anterior than of the posterior wall of the uterus, removes the insertion of the round ligaments from the lateral position which they occupy in the unimpregnated organ, to a point so much farther in front, that they are implanted at about the union of the anterior fifth with the posterior four-fifths of the antero-posterior diameter. 2. As the womb and upper part of the vagina are intimately associated, the latter is necessarily shortened as the former enlarges in the early periods of pregnancy, whilst the vagina becomes longer when the Avomb rises above the superior strait. The venous system in the vaginal walls is considerably developed, OAving to the greater activity of their circulation. This dilata- tion of the veins is, doubtless, the consequence of a greater vitality in the genital organs, but it is also due in part to the stasis of the blood, which is impeded in its course by the uterine development. The varicose state, and the nodosities frequently encountered by the finger on the vulva and vagina towards the end of pregnancy (described ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 153 by M. Deneux under the name of thrombus), which certainly predispose females to hemorrhagic accidents, may probably be attributed to the same cause; and this congestion even affects the capillaries; for othenvise it would be difficult for me to explain the livid spots or discolorations, resem- bling wine-lees, presented by the vaginal mucous membrane, and to Avhich attention has again been recently called as affording a sign of pregnancy.1 But unfortunately this sign can only be serviceable in a medico-legal case, because in private practice very few females would permit such explorations. In practising the "touch," the finger frequently detects some arterial pulsations at the upper part of the vagina, though they are more frequently found on some point of the supra-vaginal portion of the uterus, and are evidently due to the great hypertrophy of the vaginal and uterine arteries. Doctor Osiander, of Gdttingen, attaches great importance to this as a diag- nostic sign, and has called it the vaginal pulse.2 It is not uncommon to find the mucous membrane of the vagina covered, about the seventh or eighth month, throughout its Avhole extent, Avith myriads of little pimples as large as a pin's head. These small granula- tions, Avhich I have frequently met Avith, always coincide with a marked increase of the vaginal secretion, and have given rise to the term granular vaginitis of pregnant Avomen. The vaginal mucosities are ahvays secreted abundantly during preg- nancy, but the time of their appearance is very uncertain. Usually, 1ioaat- ever, they are more copious in the advanced stages, and the Avomen then say, "they are losing the milk;" an opinion umvorthy of refutation. In some, this Aoav appears in the early months, then ceases, and again reappears several times; though perhaps not at all, or else only at a very late period. 3. The bladder is gradually pushed above the superior strait, the meatus urinarius is draAvn out and elongated, and its orifice, from being so high up, is concealed behind the border of the symphysis pubis, thereby rendering the introduction of an instrument very difficult. The urethral canal is more curved than usual, and the curvature is sometimes so great that the male catheter can more readily be used; because the bladder being strongly pushed fonvards, and above the pubis, by the developed uterus, draAvs this canal upwards, and causes it to be applied against the posterior face of the pubic symphysis, thus producing a curvature of the urethra having its con- cavity in front. Lastly, as the upper part of this canal is compressed by the enlarged womb, the circulation in its inferior parts is impeded, and the whole tube becomes greatly tumefied. It is placed behind the osseous pro- jection produced by the posterior part of the articular surfaces of the pubis, and these two superposed eminences form a considerable tumor in the 1 This discoloration is evidently owing to the greater activity of the circulation iu the genital organs, and consequently it ought, to be met with in all cases predisposing to a vascular congestion of the genito-urinary apparatus. Mr. Montgomery has de- tected it in a female at the menstrual period, and it is a well-known fact, that cattle- breeders ascertain whether an animal is in heat or not, by examining the orifice and internal surface of the vagina, which is almost as black as ink under siuch circumstances. 2 The hypertrophy of the vessels of the vagina and of the vulva sometimes renders wounds of these parts very dangerous. Profuse hemorrhage has been known to occur in consequence of it. 154 PREGNANCY. interior of the pelvis. I have frequently knoAvn students who Avere prao tising the touch, to be unable to explain the remarkable tumefaction encountered by the finger behind the symphysis. An annoying vesical tenesmus is often produced by the pressure exercised on the body and neck of the bladder, tormenting the female with frequent ineffectual desires to urinate; these demands are ahvays very urgent, and are satisfied by the discharge of a few drops of urine, but are again reproduced Avith equal intensity some minutes after. Some persons, judging from this frequent micturition, have thought the urinary secretion Avas augmented. In certain cases, the sAvelling of the urethral Avails, and possibly also the compression they sustain, produces its complete obliteration and renders catheterism necessary. M. A'elpeau avers, that he has frequently known the bladder, from the fact of its being more compressed above the fundus than below it during the last fortnight of pregnancy, to project into the upper part of the vagina so as to form a true vaginal cystocele. I think, however, that it is of rare occur- rence during pregnancy, since I have met Avith but two instances of it. 4. The pressure of the uterus upon the vascular trunks, Avhich go to or return from the inferior extremities, genital organs, and loAver part of the rectum, interrupts the venous and lymphatic circulation in those parts; whence it frequently happens that a considerable oedema of the limbs and sexual organs is produced, as Avell as the development of some hemorrhoidal tumors. 5. Pregnant Avomen are habitually costive ; hence a voluminous tumor is formed at the lateral posterior part of the excavation by the rectum dis- tended Avith fecal matters. The pressure of the uterus upon the entire mass of the intestines, frequently gives rise to colic and disorders of digestion. 6. The base of the thorax is enlarged and projects in front; the diaphragm Is pressed upward by the uterus and intestinal mass, having its concavity increased in consequence; so much so, indeed, as to obstruct respiration, and the circulation in the heart and great vessels. 7. The skin of the abdomen is very much distended, and is marked, espe- cially tOAvards its inferior part, by some streaks of a broAvn or bluish color, which form parallel curved lines Avith the convexity tOAvards the pubis and groins. These are very numerous in some Avomen, but in others they scarcely exist; they become paler, but do not disappear altogether after the delivery; sometimes they are continued even to the upper and internal part of the thighs, and not unfrequently involve the skin of the lumbar and gluteal regions. The muscles and aponeuroses of the abdominal Avails become thinner, the recti muscles are removed from each other, and the aponeurotic space Avhich separates them, instead of being a narrow band, as usual, is at least four and a quarter inches Avide, on a level with the navel. The umbilical depres- sion, Avhich in the tAvo first months seems deeper, disappears gradually as gestation progresses; the ring becomes distended, and most generally the skin exhibits a protuberance instead of a pit in its place. The eminence is particularly Avell marked Avhen the female exerts herself, oAvino- to the engagement of a small piece of epiploon in it, constituting a temporary hernia. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 155 Isot unfrequently an oblong tumor appears on the median line aftei de- livery, produced by a projection of the boAvels in consequence of the great separation of the aponeurotic fibres. The tumor is especially evident dur- ing any exertion; and increases in size Avith each succeeding pregnancy, until it finally becomes an infirmity, Avhich obliges the Avoman to have recourse to a bandage. 8. The relaxation of the pelvic symphyses is a frequent occurrence; when existing to a great extent, it constitutes a disease that will be more fully detailed in the pathological history of pregnancy. ARTICLE IV. CHANGES IN THE BREASTS. The mammas, which must also be considered as an appendage to the geni- tal organs, undergo, during gestation, some modifications preparatory to the accomplishment of the great function to Avhich they are destined after the accouchement; thus, in the very commencement, most women find their breasts to become tender and larger, and Avith some, this is so constant a sign that they do not hesitate to consider themselves pregnant as soon as it is perceptible. The enlargement is frequently attended by certain pricking sensations or positive pains, sometimes even by engorgements of the axillarj ganglia. It is by no means uncommon for the SAvelling to diminish tOAvards the fourth or fifth month, but it reappears again near the end of pregnancy, and is then considerably larger than before. In some Avomen it may even be carried to the extent of producing an inflammatory engorgement of its substance, folloAved by an abscess. More rarely, the breast, Avhich Avas at first slightly enlarged, subsides, and remains flaccid and soft until after de- livery. In general, this is an unfortunate circumstance, because, from the obsen'ations of my friend, Dr. Donne, such Avomen prove very poor nurses on account both of the bad quality and the small quantity of their milk. [When the swelling of the breasts is very decided, it occasions so great a disten- tion of the skin as to give rise to markings which resemble precisely those described upon the skin of the abdomen.] About the end of the second month, according to Mr. Montgomery, but in my opinion a little later, the nipple SAvells, and becomes more erectile, sensitive, and projecting; its color also is deeper. The surrounding skin becomes the seat of a larger afflux of liquid, and assumes an almost emphy- sematous appearance. This skin is also discolored, exhibiting at first a light yellowish tint, but in the course of the tAvo succeeding months the areola is completed, and the skin of the mamma then presents the folloAving charac- ters : A circle around the nipple, the color of Avhich varies in depth of shade according to the individual, being generally darker in persons who have black hair and eyes, and in brunettes, than in blondes, or in feeble and delicate women. The circle is from three-quarters of an inch to one inch and- a quarter in extent, but, like the intensity of the discoloration, it in- creases Avith the advancement of gestation. In the negress, the areola like- wise becomes darker. 156 PREGNANCY. Fra. 49. [A Ni.jple. B. Sebaceous tubercles scattered over the surface of the true areola. C. Spots of the d itted areola. D. Markings due to distention of the skin.] | Here and there on the surface of the areola we find small elevations of about one-sixteenth to three-sixteenths of an inch, due to an hypertrophied condition of the twelve or tAventy sebaceous glands already described. When they are pressed, a whitish fluid escapes which has been mistaken for milk. Toward the fifth month, another areola, knoAvn as the secondary, spotted or dap- pled areola, is formed around the first one. It extends much farther than the first one, often covering a large portion of the skin of the breasts. When this spotted areola is examined closely, we observe that the pigmentary coloration does not cease suddenly at the circumference of the true areola, but that the coloring matter is so deposited in the adjacent skin as to form a vanishing layer of greater or less extent in different women. This secondary areola is sprinkled Avith a considerable num- ber of small white spots which give it a peculiar appearance. The spots, which have a rounded form, are merely so many points devoid of pigment, each one exhib- iting in its centre a small black spot which marks the orifice of a sebaceous gland and the position of a minute hair discoverable by the assistance of a magnifier.] These changes usually persist during lactation, though when the woman • does not suckle her infant they diminish after delivery, but do not wholly disappear. Consequently, they are more conclusive in primiparce than in others ; and although we must not ahvays anticipate their existence in preg- nancy, yet, Avhenever they are found, they constitute an almost certain sign of that condition. (See Diagnosis of Pregnancy.) ARTICLE V. [ANATOMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF PARTS NOT IMMEDIATELY CONNECTED WITH THE GENERATIVE FUNCTION. The entire organism is deeply affected by the pregnant condition. Of the changes observable some are purely physiological and compatible with excellent health, whilst others are pathological. Although indispositions and diseases so often fall to the lot of the pregnant female, it were an exaggeration to say that pregnancy is a disease of nine months duration. Some women are never better than when p *egnant, in which case it is eminently a physiological condition. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 157 Although it is difficult to draAV the line between these two orders of phenomena we have nevertheless endeavored to indicate it as clearly as possible, and in this intent shall study at present only such anatomical and functional changes as are observed in healthy pregnant females, leaving all that is pathological for discussion in another part of the work. \ 1. Digestion. Nutrition. The digestive organs are almost always affected by pregnancy; but to those functional changes which are familiar to all, Ave shall add a description of some anatomical alterations of more recent observation. Disturbances of Digestion.— Sometimes immediately after impregnation has taken place, the digestive function indicates by unmistakable signs the impression pro- duced upon it thereby. We may adopt Professor Pajot's very natural classification of these changes, namely, stimulation, depression, disorder, and perversion. Stimulation of the digestive function, says this author, is the least frequent of these classes, though it sometimes occurs. The appetite is then greater, digestion easier, the circulation quicker, the face of a fresher color, and the mucous mem branes redder. Depression of the function is much more common, and is indicated by some emaciation, pallor, and alteration of the features. These are often followed by disorder and perversion of digestion, vomiting being the most noticeable phenomenon of all. Although the latter classes are so commonly attendant upon the pregnant condition as sometimes to have a real diagnostic value, they ought nevertheless to be regarded as diseases, and studied as a part of the pathology of gestation. Fatty Condition of the Liver.— The liver is found to be increased in size in almost all women who die during or shortly after labor. It was this fact which first drew my attention to this organ, and led me to the discovery of the fatty condition described in my inaugural thesis. The following is a brief statement of the facts concerning it. The color of the hepatic tissue is not uniform, its substance being sprinkled with minute yelloAv spots so numerous as to give it the appearance of granite. The spots also seem to form so many projecting points, of a size varying from that of a pin's head to that of a millet-seed. Sometimes they are disseminated, at others aggregated, forming in the latter case little insular patches, though sometimes the agglomeration is such as to give rise to a yellow spot of an inch or more in diameter. This appearance is not limited to the surface of the liver, but will be found in any section made through the substance of the orgau. A microscopic examination of this tissue, made in connection with Dr. Yulpian, exhibited hepatic cells in good condition mingled with an abundance of fat globules. A fatty condition of the liver in pregnant Avonien is therefore well determined, although its causes and significance are, as yet, but little understood. ji 2. Circulation. Throughout the period of pregnancy, but especially during the latter half, the Sieneral circulation becomes more active; an activity Avhich modern research has shown to be connected with important changes in the composition of the blood and with hypertrophy of the heart. Changes in the Blood. — The conditions knoAvn as the plethora and hydremia of pregnant Avomen have been successively admitted by the profession, but as they inA'olve a question to be studied in connection Avith the diseases of pregnancy, Ave here confine ourselves to the statement, that both opinions, though perhaps excep- tionally true, are equally false in the majority of cases. Though the blood be altered during pregnancy, we see no reason for regarding the alteration as any- thing more than a physiological phenomenon. To MM. Andral and Gavarret is due the honor of having discovered the changes 158 PREGNANCY. which the blood undergoes during pregnancy, and their investigations have been folloAved up by Becquerel, Rodier, and Regnauld. As the experiments of all these observers coincide, we have but to give the results at which they arrived.] Now, if we admit Avith MM. Andral and Gavarret, that the mean norma] proportion of corpuscles is 127, or with MM. Becquerel and Rodier, that it is 141 for men and 125 for Avomen, it will be seen that all the analyses made up to the present time give a much lower mean for a woman at an advanced stage of her pregnancy. Thus, of 34 bleedings examined by Andral and Gavarret, but one specimen exhibited, at the end of the second month, a proportion of corpuscles greater than the physiological mean, namely, 145. In one only, pregnant betAveen one and two months, did the corpuscles reach the physiological standard of 128. In all the remaining 32 cases the corpuscles were beloAV this point, ranging in 6 cases from 125 to 120, and in the other 26, from 120 to 95. The 34 bleedings gave different results as regards the fibrin, the mean physiological proportion of Avhich is 3, according to the period of pregnancy at which the blood was drawn. Thus, from the first month to the end of the sixth, the amount of fibrin was always below the average; the mean being 2*5, the minimum L9, and the maximum only 2*9. During the last three months, on the contrary, the proportion of fibrin exceeded the physio- logical average; it Avas about 4, the maximum reaching 4*8. Toward the end of the last month, the average is 4*3. MM. Becquerel and Rodier analyzed the blood of nine pregnant women, two of whom Avere 20 years of age, two 22, one 25, one 27, one 29, one 34, and one 41. Five of these were of robust constitution, two Avere about the average in this respect, whilst the other two were weak and apparently lymphatic. Six enjoyed excellent health, tAvo were not so well, and one Avas in the hospital on account of indefinite pains in the abdomen, and a cough of rather long standing, though not serious in character. One was 4 months pregnant, four 5, one 5 J, one 6, and two 7. The folloAving represents the average composition of the blood, at least as regards its principal elements: — Average. Maximum. Minimum. Corpuscles, . . . 111-8 127-1 87-7 Fibrin, .... 3-5 4- 2-5 Albumen, . . . 66-1 68-8 62-4 (The average in non-pregnant women is 705.) Water.....801-6 (The average in non-pregnant women is 791-1.) My colleague and friend, M. Regnauld, has the folloAving table in his thesis, and I think it so important that I give it entire: — ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 159 Table showing the Composition of 1000 Parts of Blood from 25 Women at various Stages of Pregnancy. The table shows, evidently, that, conformably with the results already men- tioned : — 1. Corpuscles. — From the beginning of pregnancy, the proportion of cor- puscles is sensibly diminished; but that, though the diminution is small for the first five or six months, since it yields an average of 121-04, it is some- times considerable in the second half, and especially at the end of gestation, at Avhich period the average is 104-49. 2. Fibrin.—The proportion of fibrin is not increased in the blood of pregnant Avomen until about the sixth month, but from that time it increases until delivery. 3. Albumen. — Like MM. Becquerel and Rodier, M. Regnauld found a decrease of albumen, which is loAvered from 70'5, the physiological standard in the non-impregnated condition, to 68-6 in the first seven months, and to 66-4 in the tAvo last. 4. Water. — The proportion of water in the blood increases sensibly tOAvards the end of the ninth month ; thus, the average of the first thirteen analyses, corresponding with the first seven months, is expressed by 816-01. and that of tAvelve bleedings performed during the tAvo last, by 817-70. 160 PREGNANCY. We would also add with M. Regnauld, that not only is the serum more abundant relatively to the fibrin and corpuscles, but that it contains less solid matter, which of course helps to increase the total amount of water contained in the blood. [If the blood of a pregnant female be examined by the usual mode of bleeding, a contracted and buffy clot is sometimes obtained, all readily explained by the increase of the fibrin. Still, this appearance is less frequent than has been asserted, and than one might be led to suppose would be the case. Out of nearly two hundred bleedings practised at an advanced period of gestation, M. Jacquemier discovered the buffy coat but once in six, and even then its thickness was very slight. The same author also observed that most of the women whose blood was buffed had fever, and that but few were free from any apparent disease. The increase of fibrin in pregnant women continues for a certain time after de- livery. None of these facts should be forgotten whilst studying puerperal diseases, for without them one would be liable to explain the excess of fibrin by the inflam- matory nature of the disease, whilst it is only the expression of a transient physio- logical condition. The causes of all of the changes in the blood which Ave have just studied elude our research. It does not seem to us, however, unreasonable to suppose that the increase of fibrin, by rendering the blood more coagulable, may have a tendency to lessen the hemorrhage which always accompanies delivery. We shall, however, have occasion to revert to this subject.] Hypertrophy of the Heart. — M. Larcher, long ago (1828), called atten- tion to hypertrophy of the heart as a result of pregnancy; and quite recently, in a paper read at the Academy of Sciences, produced new observations in support of his opinion. According to him, the walls of the left ventricle become at the least one-quarter, and at the most one-third, thicker during the latter months of pregnancy or shortly after delivery ; the right ventricle and the auricles preserving their normal thickness. He considers this the cause of the precordial murmur so common during gestation, and the con- sequence of the obstruction to the Aoav of blood tOAvards the loAver extremi- ties, occasioned by the development of the Avomb. [Numerous observations by M. Blot, confirm those of M. Larcher which have just been mentioned. He proved their correctness both by measurement, which is always very difficult, and by Aveight determined Avith the greatest care. The results, which he has obligingly put in my possession, are as folloAvs: The total average weight of the heart in 20 cases of puerperal women was about 9 oz. 38 gr. tr.. whilst in the usual state the heart of a young Avoman weighs but from 7 oz. to 7 oz. 2 dr. tr. It would thus appear that the organ gains more than one-fifth upon its total weight during pregnancy. This hypertrophy affects the left ventricle almost exclusively, and is remarkable for being temporary like the hypertrophy of the uterus. (H. Blot.) \ 3. Changes in the Urine. The urine undergoes great alteration during pregnancy —so that, beside glyco- suria, which will be studied in connection with the phenomena observed after delivery, and albuminuria, which properly belongs to the diseases of pregnancy, we have now to treat of kyesteine whose presence in the urine appears to be a result of the pregnant condition.] ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 161 Kyesteine. — For several years past the attention of a number of physicians has been directed to the peculiar phenomena exhibited by the urine of pregnant Avomen. Thus, M. Nauche, and after him, Messrs. Eguisier and Tanchou, in France, Dr. Letheby (london Med. Gazette, December, 1841), and Mr. Stark (The Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, January, 1842), in Great Britain, and Dr. Elisha Kane, in America (Am. Journal of the Medical Sciences, July, 1842), have submitted the result of their observa- tions to the public, after arriving at the conclusion that pregnancy may be detected by the inspection of the urine alone. This question, hoAvever, is not of such recent origin as many seem to believe, for several of the ancient authors, Avicenna in particular, had previously described the characteristics of this fluid in gestation, and their Avritings frequently exhibit a special attention to the subject. But Ave may add, that their observations Avere far less precise, and, in fact, had become altogether forgotten, Avhen M. Nauche undertook his researches. "We shall now present the principal results which have been recently obtained. If the urine of a pregnant Avoman be received in a Avineglass, and then be permitted to settle in a light, airy place, the folloAving peculiarities will be observed: When first excreted, the urine is acid, whitish, somewhat clouded, and of a nauseous odor; frequently little white corpuscles, readily distinguishable by a glass, are held in suspension, but, in a feAV moments, these subside in the form of cloudy flakes, either on the bottom or sides of the glass, the urine meanAvhile becoming more limpid and transparent. Agreeably to the observations of Dr. Kane, this primary deposit does not ahvays occur, nor is it peculiar to the pregnant state, for it cannot be dis- tinguished from the mucous deposits so often seen in the ordinary urine. No change is visible on the surface during this period, but, in the course of eighteen or tAventy-four hours, a number of small, brilliant, crystalline granules, irregularly isolated, appear there, in numerous cases; and in some instances, these granulations unite so as to constitute a thin, trans- parent, and iridescent layer, which is only visible in certain positions. The urine remains in that state for several days, though it soon begins to manifest the peculiar signs of gestation ; thus, upon the second day, or during the course of the third, according to M. Eguisier, sometimes sooner, but rarely later, its transparency diminishes, the original clouded appear- ance returns Avith increased intensity, the odor becomes stronger, and a pellicle may be discerned forming, at first like a nebulous streak, but soon acquiring larger dimensions. All of these characters are more evident on the third and fourth days, and some small debris fall from the pellicle to the bottom of the glass. By the fifth or sixth day the pellicle is almost entirely destroyed; its debris precipitate and form a Avhite crust upon the sediment. It is, hoAvever, replaced successively by new pellicles less white than the former, and studded Avith minute brilliant points having a crystal- line lustre; a greenish tint also supplants the milky appearance. In the succeeding days, as the evaporation of the urine progresses, its turbidity and green color increase; putrefaction commences, and the second pellicle is destroyed to give Avay in its turn to a third, which resembles more or less that Avhich putrefaction engenders upon ordinary urine. 11 162 PREGNANCY. Dr. Kane, Avho has observed these changes almost hourly, furnisnes the folloAving account of their progress: The pellicle appears at a variable period ; I have seen it sometimes at the end of thirty-six hours — at others, as late as the eighth day; it is scarcely perceptible at first, but soon a light cloud of a milky or bluish-Avhite appearance is seen at the centre or sides of the glass; at the beginning, in some cases, it is uniformly deposited on the surface, constituting there a transparent layer, which becomes more and more distinct; at other times, it is not so well characterized in the early stages, presenting only a feAV striated, irregular circular lines, resembling a web, but these striae become condensed, and about the fifth day are resolved into a true pellicle. It noAV presents a creamy, opaline layer, of a light- yellow color, which groAArs thicker and thicker; its external surface is rendered unequal and ragged by the presence of small granulations, Avhich are Avhiter in color and crystalline. The pellicle then resembles the layer of fat that floats on the surface of cold broth, and it retains these characters for a long time. On the subsequent days, the sides of the glass are covered with small whitish streaks, varying from a line to a fourth of an inch in extent, Avhich attest the descent of the pellicle during the evaporation. The pellicle, especially Avhen thick, gives off a strong cheesy odor, accord- ing to Dr. Bird, and thus facilitates the diagnosis; but Dr. Kane has verified this observation in only seven cases out of tAventy-five, and he has not remarked that any relation exists between the thickness of the pellicle and the intensity of the odor. After standing for several days, the pellicle seems first to give way at the centre, and fissures extend, someAA'hat later, from this point tOAvard the cir- cumference. Gradually, small particles separate from the debris and fall to the bottom of the glass; the pellicle thus diminishes in thickness, but it seldom disappears altogether before the putrefaction of the liquid takes place; and the primary deposit at the bottom is thus increased by all the detached portions of pellicle, Avhich gradually settle doAvn. The substance forming the pellicle has been denominated kyesteine (from xvvjaii, fco$, gestation), by M. Nauche. The globules, held in suspension Avhen the urine is excreted, gradually aggregate, mount to the surface, and con- stitute the pellicle above described. This pellicle rarely fails to develop itself in the urine of pregnant women; thus, for instance, in eighty-five cases examined by Dr. Kane, it appeared in sixty-eight with all its characteristics, in eleven it was not well marked, and in six only it failed to appear. One of the last six had a mammary abscess, and Avas con- valescent from typhoid fever; another was very much enfeebled by pre- vious hemorrhages, and only four could be regarded as true exceptions to the rule. Without denying the existence of the modification which we are studying, 1 cannot accept the opinion of the American accoucheur in regard to the frequency of its occurrence. With the vieAV of determining this point, I have examined the urine of a great number of pregnant females, and I can certify, that, although it did present the characters indicated in a certain number of cases, yet very frequently, and especially in the later months, nothing of the kind Avas discoverable. ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 163 I confess, also, that were I to depend upon the result of my latest inves- tigations, I should be inclined to regard the existence of'this pellicle as altogether exceptional in the last six weeks of gestation; for I have exam- ined (September and October, 1849) the urine of fifteen AAromen Avithout observing it. I do not, hoAvever, forget that I have, in former years, proved the correctness of the observations of my predecessors, and I am unable to explain this difference in the result of experiments performed in absolutely the same manner. Can it be due, as M. Regnauld supposes, to the preser- vation of its acidity much longer than usual, instead of becoming alkaline within tAvo, three, or four days, as is customary ? I acknoAvledge that my attention was not directed to this point. The urine of healthy women who are not pregnant, exhibits nothing similar to this, and if at any time it furnishes a pellicle, it has not the dis- tinctive characters of kyesteine. Some years ago, it was my custom to ex- amine comparatively the urine of non-pregnant females, which I placed in the same kind of vessels, and under the same conditions of temperature and atmospheric exposure; and every time that I met Avith kyesteine in the urine of pregnancy, that of the other Avoman presented nothing similar. In certain pathological conditions, the urine is sometimes covered Avith a pellicle which might prove a source of error, though some authors haAre pretended to be able to distinguish it from that Avhich is due to pregnancy. For instance, the pellicle which occasionally forms on the urine of persons laboring under phthisis, articular diseases, vesical catarrh, or a metastatic abscess, does not appear before the fifth or sixth day, that is, at about the period Avhen putrefaction begins, and having once commenced, its develop- ment is completed in the course of a feAV hours; Avhereas, the true kyesteine appears on the second day, is then developed but very slowly, and apparently quite independent of putrefaction. Again, this latter has a greater specific gravity than that produced by any pathological state Avhatever. According to the vieAVS of M. Regnauld, which Ave shall give shortly, it will be seen, that, inasmuch as it is due to the same cause, the pathological pellicle ought to present the same characters, and that Avriters have been deceived as to the value of the different signs just mentioned. The chemical characters of kyesteine will serve to distinguish it from all the mucous or albuminous matters found in the urine. These properties, agreeably to M. Eguisier, are nearly all negative; thus, it is neutral, in- soluble in alcohol, ether, water, and ammonia, and, unlike albumen, it is not soluble in alkaline fluids, nor, like mucus, in a mixture of soap and ammonia, neither in boiling alcohol and ether like fat. Further, the urine containing it will not coagulate by boiling, as albuminous urine does, but deposits a copious Avhite powder on cooling; nor will it coagulate by the addition of nitric acid. Kyesteine has, hoAvever, many of the properties of these substances; fir, being evidently of an organic nature, it is precipitated by the deutc-chlorid'e of mercury, by most strong acids, and the astringent solutions. Finally, in the present state of our knoAvledge, it must be regarded as a neAv sub- stance, which is considered by MM. Bonastre and Nauche as gelatino- albuminous. (Eguisier.) We shall find further on, "that the researches >.i M. Regnauld tend to establish the contrary. 164 PREGNANCY. Although writers on the subject agree very nearly as to the physical and chemical properties of kyesteine, they differ widely in regard to its micro- scopical characters. Thus, MM. Eguisier, Golding Bird, Kane, and Donne* 'disagree as to the size, form, and number of the globules. M. Simon, Avho has very frequently subjected the pellicle to microscopic examination, gives the folloAving as the result of his researches. It is found to contain the following elements: 1, an amorphous matter, formed of small opaque points; 2, numerous vibriones in active motion; 3, crystals of ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate; 4, if the examination be made at a still later period, it will con- tain an abundance of monads. The most difficult point of the subject to determine is the following: To what is the presence of kyesteine in the urine of pregnant females to bo attributed ? After having endeavored to prove that it could not result from a par- ticular action in the kidney, from the functional derangement of the respi- ratory apparatus, from any modification Avhatever in the digestive action, or from the new functions of the mammary glands, M. Eguisier concluded that it must be OAving to the passage of the amniotic liquor, or a part of its ele- ments, into the urine, and he thought that the two following propositions (which are more fully detailed in his memoir) proved the correctness of his conclusions in a satisfactory manner, namely: A. There is a continual exhalation and absorption going on upon the external face of the amnios, the products of which are removed from the organism through the urinary passages. B. The admixture of a certain quantity of the liquor amnii with the urine of a healthy person, not pregnant, confers upon it many of the properties of kyesteinic urine. The truth of this proposition being admitted, it readily explains, he says, 1, why the urine only begins to be charged with it at a period when the amniotic liquor is abundant enough for us to suppose that its passage into the urine Avould be appreciable; 2, why the kyesteinic characters are not so evident at the end of gestation, a period when the liquor amnii is less abundant, or less charged Avith animal matters; and 3, why they suddenly disappear after the evacuation of the waters. But Dr. Kane does not admit this explanation, plausible as it seems; for he believes that the kyesteine is intimately associatecb^with the lacteal secre- tion, and appears to attribute it to an admixture, of milk Avith the urine. " In fact," he continues, " I have frequently proved the presence of kyesteine in the urine, at different periods of lactation, notAvithstanding the formal proposition of M. Eguisier; for in forty-four nursing women, out of ninety- four, the perfect kyesteinic pellicle Avas developed, with all the characters it exhibits during gestation; and it was nearly always in those cases where the flow of milk is limited, or rendered difficult by some particular circum- stance, and in which the breasts were consequently more or less engorged, that kyesteine appeared in the urine; but it was found much more rarely whenever the mother nursed her infant, and her breasts were properly draAvn. In a word," says Dr. Kane, "the existence of kyesteine during pregnancy, and even after the accouchement, up to the establ ishment of ORGANIC CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY. 165 the mammary secretion ; its rare existence during lactation, and its reappear- ance, when the latter is suspended or impeded, at the time of weaning; for instance, establish an intimate relation between the functions of the mammas and the kyesteinic urine." Golding Bird, Simon, and Lehman entertain nearly similar views. An attentive study of the facts pertaining to this subject has led my colleague and friend, M. Regnauld, to the following opinion: Normal urine holds in solution a certain amount of azotized matter, originating, probably, in an incomplete combustion of albuminous sub- stances, Avhich in the blood are transformed into uric acid, or, by a higher degree of oxygenation, into urea. Noav we may readily assure ourselves, that during pregnancy there is a hyper-secretion by the kidney of an analogous, if not of an identical matter; and it is to the action of the air upon this azotized matter in its abnormal proportions, that the several phenomena before described appear to be due. The first cloudiness of the fluid is due to the separation of carbonate of lime, formed by the reciprocal reaction of the carbonate of ammonia, re- sulting from the decomposition of the urea, and of the phosphate of lime which already existed in the urine. In proportion as the decomposition giving rise to ammonia progresses, the fluid loses its acidity, until the bril- liant crystals of ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate, which are so readily recognized by microscopic examination, begin to appear upon its surface. It is singular, that whilst these reactions are going on, such a multitude of microscopic animalcules (vibriones) should be developed in the urine as to cause the Avhitish layer, Avhen examined with a proper magnifying poAver, to seem composed entirely of them, in connection with crystals of ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate. In order to prove that the formation of the pellicle of which we are speaking is really due to the action of the oxygen of the air upon one of the elements of the urine, it Avill only be necessary to observe Avhat takes place in two equal quantities of the same urine, one of which is exposed to the air, whilst the other is removed from its influence by being placed in an atmosphere of hydrogen, of carbonic oxide, &c. The first will present the characters described, Avhilst the other will exhibit no such phenomena. M. Regnauld does not regard these properties of the urine as due to a special matter contained in it, but as a consequence of the presence of an over-proportion of an element Avhich is common to all urine; whence it 6eems reasonable to suppose, that this excess of azotized matter might exist under other circumstances, and then give rise to the same phenomena. The period at Avhich the kyesteine appears in the urine of pregnant Avomen, is stated by Avriters to be exceedingly variable. M. Eguisier says that the characters Avhich Ave have described usually begin to sIioav them- selves in the course of the second month, and acquire their greatest devel- opment from the third to the sixth month ; after the seventh, they generally decline until the end of gestation, so that in the course of the ninth, and sometimes e\en of the eighth month, they are hardly more marked than in the second. M. Tanchou has observed them in women Avho had missed 166 PREGNANCY. their courses but once. Dr. Kane saw them on one occasion before the fourth Aveek, once before the fifth week, and often before the end of the third month. (Dr. Elisha Kane, American Journal of the Med. Sciences, July, 1842.) I think that the facts which I have observed, and the details Avhich I have given, justify the folloAving conclusions : 1. That the pellicle described by Nauche is not composed of a matter of neAV formation. 2. That it is due to an over-secretion of azotized matter which exists in Bmall quantity in normal urine, and to the action of the atmospheric oxygen upon it. 3. That it is far from being always present at any period of the preg- nancy, and that it is very rare in the latter months. 4. That it may appear in certain pathological conditions, and then differs in no respect from that which is observed during pregnancy. [§ 4. Osteophytes of the Cranial Bones. There is formed during pregnancy, and may be found after delivery, between the internal table of the bones of the skull and the external surface of the dura mater, a newly-formed product which is at first fluid, but grows gradually denser and finally ossifies, thus adding to the thickness of the cranial walls. At first it forms plates of a spongy tissue inclosed between tAAro compact layers. At a later period the plates are no longer separate but unite so as to form a supernumerary bony arch covering the entire dura mater, but growing thinner as it approaches the occipital foramen to which it finally extends. M. Ducrest describes it as follows. I examined the surface of the cranium of 231 women who died in the puerperal state, and of these 90, or more than one- third, presented the osteophyte. The researches of M. Alexis Moreau, Interne of the Maternity Hospital, give a still larger proportion. Out of 40 crania, he found that 27 presented it to a greater or less degree. On the other hand, not one of 71 cases, 35 being male and 36 female, Avhose death had no connection with pregnancy, examined either by M. Cossy, hospital Interne, or by myself, afforded a single instance of the affection. To Avhich then, of these three conditions (pregnancy, the puerperal state, or puerperal disease) can the production of the osteophyte be referred? Sixteen of the women Avho had it died between three and seventy-two hours after delivery, and in several of these the plates extended throughout the whole extent of the cranium, and resisted the edge of the scalpel almost as much as the original bone. It were difficult to suppose that such extensive formations could have originated and acquired an almost bony hardness in so short a time as two or three days. As this objection applies equally to the puerperal condition and to the diseases of which the women died, pregnancy would appear to be the only cause of its development. (Ducrest. Theses de Paris, 1844, No. 12.) An anatomical alteration such as this, appearing under the influence of preg- nancy and afterward disappearing, is certainly very curious. Though we may fail to determine its causes and importance, its existence is sufficiently proved. It had been, indeed, already described by Professor Rokitansky of Vienna, who also regarded it as peculiar to gestation and not as a pathological condition. § 5. Pigmentary Deposits We have already stated that the breasts acquire during pregnancy a much lacker brown color. Other regions then also receive a deposit of coloring matter. Thus OF THE DECIDUA. 167 many women will have on the median line of the abdomen a brown streak as dark as the areola, from the T'F to the J of an inch in width, extending from the mons veneris to the umbilicus, and sometimes even to the xyphoid appendage. This line, drawn as with a brush, as M. Pajot expresses it, is especially marked in brunettes, in whom, indeed, it is not uncommon to find the entire skin of the abdomen and of the upper part of the thighs of a deep bistre-like hue, and sprinkled with little white spots precisely resembling those of the dotted areola. The perineum also, and the labia majora almost always haATe a darker brown color during pregnancy. In connection with these normal colorations, we might mention other spots which appear more especially upon the face; but as they appear to us rather of a patho- logical character, we defer their description to a later period.] CHAPTER III. OF THE DECIDUA. [The study of the decidua intervenes naturally between the history of the changes undergone by the maternal organs and that of the development of the ovum. It is now admitted that the decidua is formed of the uterine mucous membrane which undergoes changes, and becoming detached from the A\romb adheres so closely to the surface of the ovum as to be expelled with it during labor. Although at the outset it belongs to the mother, it is at the last a mere appendage of. the ovum. Before giving the most recent description of the decidua, it will be necessary to state the old and generally accepted theory concerning it, at the same time endeavoring to indicate the cause of the erroneous views entertained by almost all who have investigated its history.] The Old Theory.—If an ovum Avhich has been expelled intact in con- sequence of an abortion Avithin the first tAvo months be examined, it will be found surrounded by a sort of pouch Avith Avhich it lies in contact by nearly four-fifths of its external surface, whilst the other fifth is free, and provided with the floating villi developed upon the vitelline membrane, knoAvn as the villi of the chorion. This pouch, Avhich is pyriform in shape, like the uterine cavity upon Avhich it seems to be moulded, generally presents but a single opening, situated at the apex of the cone, which it represents, and evidently corre- sponding to the orifice of the neck of the uterus; sometimes, hoAvever, I have found it perforated on at least one side at the point corresponding to the opening of the Fallopian tubes. The Avails of this pouch are formed by a membrane knoAvn to embryolo- gists as the decidua. It has two surfaces, one external and the other internal. The internal surface is smooth, covered Avith epithelium, and when examined Avith a lens, presents small elevations, in form not unlike the circumvolutions of the cerebrum, and each furnished Avith several oval openings. The cavity limited by this surface sometimes contains a muco- albuminous fluid, and in certain pathological cases, fluid or coagulated blood, though ordinarily they do not exist in it. The external surface of the decidua may be divided into tAvo portions, 168 PREGNANCY. the smaller of which is in contact with the ovum, and surrounds the greatei part of its external surface; the other, and by far the larger portion, ia entirely free, and must, when the ovum was still Avithin the uterus, have been applied to the internal surface of the womb. This external surface is very irregular, and thickly studded with small and tender filaments. The portion of this membrane in contact Avith the ovum, was at first termed the ovular decidua, and aftenvards, as suggestive of the way in Avhich it was supposed to be formed, the decidua reflexa; the fig. 50. other was called the uterine or parietal decidua, on account of its relation with the wall of the uterus. Noav, what is the nature of this membrane? What is the mode of its formation? At what period is it developed? To furnish replies to these questions the following theory Avas imagined, which theoretically furnishes quite a good solution of all the difficulties of the case. a section of the womb As previously stated, the uterus, like all the other exhibiting the decidua in enital organs becomes the seat of a more" active situ, before the arrival of o o » _ ... the ovum (old theory), vitality immediately after a fruitful coition; in con- i?$££££Z£ sequence of which the blood Aoavs there in increased pian tubes, c. The de- quantity, occasioning a congestion and turgescence of cidua. D. The cavity of tigg t far remove(i from inflammation. This ab- the deciduous membrane. normal excitement is always accompanied by the secre- tion of coagulable lymph, a sero-albuminous fluid, which soon fills up the uterine cavity. In the course of a feAV days the fluid thickens, and its exterior particles, by becoming more consistent, form a soft pulpy mem- brane, Avhich lines the Avhole internal surface of the womb; thereby con- stituting a true sac, that is in contact externally with the mucous mem- brane throughout, and is filled by the uncoagulated portion of the fluid. From its position, this pouch must evidently assume the shape of the uterine cavity upon which indeed it seems to be moulded (Fig. 50). The fecundated ovule does not reach the cavity of the Avomb until after the lapse of eight, ten, or even twelve days, from the time of fecundation, but the membrane just spoken of begins to form much earlier. The con- sequence is, that after the ovule has traversed the tube, it finds the internal orifice closed by the decidua, and evidently can only pass betAveen it and the uterus by pushing the membrane before it. From this time, the decidua presents two distinct layers, the most extensive of which lines the internal surface of the uterus, except at the point occupied by the ovum; it is called the external or uterine decidua. The other, which is pressed imvard by the Dvule, and is therefore in contact with a greater or less extent of its external surface, is termed the internal or refiexed decidua, the ovular decidua, and the epichorion of Chaussier. These tAvo layers are at first widely separated from each other; but as the ovum increases in size, the extent of the reflected decidua is necessarily augmented and the cavity diminished, so that by the fourth month the latter has disappeared, and the parietal and ovular layers come in contact. The ovum is in immediate contact with the uterine mucous inenibrana OF THE DECIDUA. 169 Fig. 51. The decidua after the arrival of the ovum (old theory), c. Th« external, or uterine decidua. E B. The internal or refiexed layer. d. The cavity of the decidua. f. The chorion, g. The amnion. The other references the same as in the preceding figure. by a small part of its surface; all the rest of its external surface being separated from it by the refiexed layer, the cavity, and the parietal layer of the decidua. All the villi of the ovum Avhich are covered by the decidua, after a time become atrophied and dis- appear; but those which are in immediate contact with the uterus become greatly developed, and con- tract more or less intimate connections Avith the innermost layer of the Avomb, at the point where subsequently the placenta will be developed. We see that thus far this hypothesis coincides very ingeniously Avith the appearances presented by ova Avhich have been expelled uninjured by abortion. It enables us to understand perfectly hoAV that, notAvithstanding the complete integrity of the decidua, the ovum is yet covered by it in but a part of its extent. Subsequently, hoAvever, at the autopsies of women avIio died in the third or fourth months of gestation, a membrane Avas discovered upon the external surface of the placenta, resembling precisely the parietal decidua, and continuous Avith it, Avithout there being any discoverable line of demarca- tion betAveen it and this inter-utero-placental membrane; so that this uterine decidua, Avhich in aborted ova was in contact Avith but a portion of the surface of the ovum, Avas found to surround it completely, as the shell indoles the egg of a bird, Avhen opportunity offered for examining it in situ in the uterus.1 This apparent contradiction with the theory Avas accounted for by the folloAving hypothesis. The arrival of the OATule does not at once suspend the former secretion in the uterus; and it continues to go on, more particularly from the surface that is directly in relation with the ovum, in consequence of the greater vitality Avhich the latter maintains; and the secreted matter, being precisely similar to that Avhich formed the primitive decidua, thickens in turn, thereby constituting a layer of plastic material, precisely like the first, betAveen the ovum and the Avomb, Avhich bathes both the chorial and the uterine villosi- ties; and Avhen this deposit finally coagulates, it contributes to the forma- tion of the placental mass, the external surface of which is in this manner necessarily covered by an albuminous layer. This lamina has been called the secondary, or the inter-utero-placental decidua (decidua serotina). Al- though limited at first to the external surface of the placenta, it soon unites so intimately with the uterine layer of the primitive decidua, that their separation becomes quite difficult at a more advanced period. 1 In 1851, I exhibited to the Academy of Medicine, and afterwards presented to M. Coste, who has had it engraved in his great Atlas, an aborted ovum, presenting a per- fect decidua, surrounding the ovum as the shell surrounds the egg of a bird. The examination of this ovum revealed an arrangement entirely similar to what will be desoribed hereafter from specimens observed in the uterus. This is, I believe, the first perfect aborte. ovum which has ever been studied. L70 PREGNANCY. According to this vieAv, the decidua serotina and the primitive de idua have a common origin and texture, and only differ as regards the time of their formation. In adding, finally, that the decidua was by some supposed to be destitute of vessels (anhistous membrane of Velpeau), whilst others considered it to be perforated and traversed by arteries and veins in considerable number, Ave shall have briefly reviewed the most generally received opinions upon this subject. With the exception of some disagreement in regard to unimportant details, all authors Avere unanimous as respects this capital fact, namely, that the decidua is a newly-formed membrane superadded to the uterine mucous mem- brane, from which, hoAvever, it is entirely distinct. So evident, indeed, did this fact appear, that no one, notwithstanding the old assertions of Sabatier, Mayer, Seiler, and Weber, could bring himself to admit that the decidua was only a development of the lining membrane of the uterus. And even at the present time, notwithstanding the numerous preparations of M. Coste (1842), who was the first to sustain the truth of this proposition in France, many honest minds still hold to the theory of Hunter, which I mylelf supported so long. In the second edition of this work, after having stated the opinions which have been successively advanced, respecting the origin, nature, and mode of development of the decidua, I said: "I have examined, Avith M. Coste, several of the preparations on which he relies for the support of his view, that the decidua is nothing else than the uterine mucous membrane itself, Avhich is hypertrophied by the progress of gestation ; unfortunately the ovum in all of them had advanced to the third month at least, and it seems to me that the question can only be determined when an opportunity shall be afforded of examining an ovum of not more than five or six weeks. I am, therefore, far from having a settled conviction, though I am willing to con- fess that the last uterus examined by us together, has singularly shaken my belief on this point of ovology ; and this, conjoined Avith the descriptions given by Weber and Sharpey, restrains me from speaking with the same degree of confidence as formerly. I therefore think it a question requiring further examination." (Page 176, trans, of 2d edition.) My desires expressed in 1844 have been realized ; and, thanks to the kind- ness of M. Coste, I have had the opportunity of examining an admirable collection of specimens of all ages, which, I take the opportunity of acknowl- edging, have not left the remotest doubt in my mind, at least as regards the principal fact. I therefore reject the more or less ingenious hypotheses pro- posed hitherto, — hypotheses Avhich, it is true, Avere rendered very probable by the examination of a large number of ova expelled by abortion, — and Avith the sincerest conviction of its truth adopt the opinion, that the decidua is nothing else than the hypertrophied mucous membrane. The evidence of anatomical demonstration is not, hoAvever, to be resisted, and I doubt not that all Avho, like myself, shall have studied the beautiful preparations at the College of France, will be convinced of the error of their vieAvs. For the benefit of those who may not have the good fortune to see these prepara- OF THE DECIDUA. 171 tions, I think it proper to give further on the description and the figure borroAved from the magnificent atlas which he is publishing. Present Theory of the Decidua. — The history of the decidua is, at the present time, merely a continuation of the account of those modifications of the uterine mucous membrane, the study of Avhich Avas begun Avhilst treating of menstruation. They are, in fact, so intimately connected, that, in order to understand what remains to be said on the subject, it is necessary to recall the condition of the mucous membrane of the uterus at the menstrual period. Whilst the evolution of the ovarian vesicle is going on in the ovary, the vas- cularity of the uterine mucous membrane is, as Ave have stated (p. 95), greatly increased, and the highly congested vessels are discoverable beneath the epithelium. The utricular glands also become visibly enlarged. By this development of its principal elements, the mucous membrane is so thickened, that in consequence of its restriction to the small cavity of the uterus, it is throAvn into folds and circumvolutions of variable depth, Avhich are espe- cially well marked at the angles, and give forth secondary ramifications from the sides', so as to occasion some uniformity of appearance. This state of turgescence, and the violet hue which often accompanies it, is main- tained, in a greater or less degree, until the ovule is discharged ; it dimin- ishes during the last days of the menstrual period, and disappears almost entirely some time after the catamenia have ceased. But if the ovule, before leaving the ovarian vesicle, or during its passage through the tube tOAvards the cavity of the Avomb, receive the vivifying influence of the spermatic fluid, the fecundation will maintain and increase the abnormal excitement of the genital organs, produced by the simple de- velopment of the Graafian vesicle. Then, instead of subsiding, the uterine mucous membrane becomes still more turgescent, and of a deeper violet color, and the folds and Avrinkles increase so as to more than fill the cavity of the organ. Its vessels are engorged and distended to such a degree as to cause small effusions, which are perceptible beneath the epithelium, and also to produce ecchymosis, AA'hich give to the internal surface of the uterus a striking marbled appearance. Notwithstanding this great turgescence, the internal surface of the mucous membrane is smooth and polished, and never presents the villous projections described by Baer, neither is there any fluid secreted, nor any trace of a neAvly-formed false membrane. The orifices of the glandular tubes, Avhich are much more visible than in the unimpregnated condition, are alone seen upon the surface. For a short time after it has entered the womb, the ovule is free from all adhesions, but soon becomes permanently fixed at the point Avhere it Avas arrested at the outset. Before studying the means by which at a later period it becomes adherent to a circumscribed portion of the uterine parietes, let us examine the facts, and see Avhat can be learned respecting the youngest ovules Avhich it has been possible to observe up to the present moment. In the beautiful Atlas of M. Coste, is figured and described the uterus of a young primiparous woman, who committed suicide about the tAventieth or twenty-first day of her pregnancy, and whose body was opened at the Morgue 172 PREGNANCY. of Paris. The size of the organ was nearly double that of the normal con- dition. A longitudinal incision was made through its posterior Avail, after which it was opened and spread out, so as to exhibit the whole extent of the cavity. The latter Avas free as in the unimpregnated condition, and con- tained no fluid. The mucous membrane Avas, hoAvever, much thickened and tumefied, presented numerous irregular folds, and Avas furnished throughout Avith a rich netAvork of vessels. NotAvithstanding the general hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, a sort of soft tumor was discoverable, situated on the anterior surface of the uterus betAveen the two Fallopian tubes, as though the membrane Avere thicker there than elsewhere. (See Plate III, Fig. 1.) Upon incising this elevated portion, the ovum was recognized by the villi of its chorion. The internal orifices of the tubes and of the neck were free and permeable as usual. Another woman Avas examined at the Morgue, who had committed suicide about the fortieth day of her pregnancy. The uterus, which was much larger than in the preceding case, was incised longitudinally on its anterior surface, and so disposed as to exhibit the greatest possible extent of the internal surface. As in the foregoing specimen, the mucous membrane, which was very vas- cular throughout and greatly hypertrophied, Avas in some points still more puffed up, and furroAved with folds and wrinkles. The upper two-thirds of the cavity Avere occupied by a soft, fluctuating tumor, situated upon the posterior surface between the tAvo Fallopian tubes. Externally, this tumor presented altogether the appearance and organiza- tion of the mucous membrane lining the remainder of the Avomb. The lower third of the cavity was free, so that the cavity of the neck could be entered Avithout any obstacle presenting. The openings of the tubes were also permeable. An incision upon the most prominent part of the tumor revealed a cavity inclosing an ovum. The most superficial examination of these two pieces convinced us: 1. That the internal surface of the uterus is lined by a thick, soft membrane, which presents numerous Avrinkles and folds at several points. 2. That the ovum Avas situated in the upper part of the womb, and apparently lodged in a cavity perfectly distinct from that of the remainder of the oro-an. Noav, in order to solve the problem which Ave are investigating, Ave shall have to ascertain, first, the nature of the membrane v\7hich lines the cavity of the uterus, as also of those forming the walls of the pouch Avhich in- closes the ovule. • The decidua Avith its three parts, (parietal, ovular, and intermediate ) is simply the mucous membrane in a state of hypertrophy. 1. WThen a preg- nant uterus is compared Avith the description given (page 95) of the changes which the organ undergoes at the menstrual period, it will be readily per- ceived that the internal layers of the uterus present in both cases the same physical properties, the former being, hoAvever, more tumefied, vascular and folded. It will also be seen, especially after the uterus has been im- mersed in spirits and water, that the numerous small openino-s are merely the glandular apertures enlarged, Avhich are observable upon the mucous membrane in the unimpregnated condition (page 80). Finally, the demon- OF THE DECIDUA 173 Btration is completed by the researches of M. Robin, shoAving that this membrane, like that of the unimpregnated uterus, is composed of the same anatomical elements, that is to say: 1, of embryo-plastic elements; 2, of laminated fibres, both in the embryonic state or that of fibro-plastic bodies, and in that of fully developed filaments; 3, of special cells; 4, of an amorphous matter; 5, of glands; 6, of vessels; 7, that it is covered with cylinder-epithelium becoming tessellated during gestation. All these elements are, to be sure, in a hypertrophied and changed condition, but inasmuch as M. Robin has folloAved their changes step by step, there can be no doubt as to their identity. 2. The ovum is inclosed in a distinct cavity, separated from that of the uterus by a membranous partition, Avhich has to be incised in order to ex- pose it. This is the membrane hitherto described as the decidua reflexa; noAV Avhat is it? It presents, throughout, the characters of the uterine mucous membrane; it has the same physiognomy, the same arrangement, the same vascularity, and the same glandular orifices; only there is upon its most prominent portion a small circular space, around which the vessels disappear. This space, which is Avhiter, or of a lighter rose color than the remainder, is the largest in the most advanced ovum. The membrane is distinctly continuous Avith the uterine mucous membrane at its base, and the vessels traversing it are absolutely the same Avith those Avhich ramify in the latter. Finally, microscopic investigations leave no doubt that the structure of the tAvo membranes is identical. With the same physical qualities, continuity of tissue, and identity of structure, the membrane surrounding the ovum, the decidua reflexa of authors, can be nothing else than a portion of the mucous membrane of the uterus. 3. If the ovum be removed from the cavity Avhich inclosed it, the bottom of the latter is found to be lined by a membrane which is thickly sown with anfractuosities or irregular lacunae of various sizes, in Avhich those villi of the chorion Avere engaged which subsequently form the placenta. It is the portion of the mucous membrane to Avhich the fecundated ovule adhered at the outset, and is consequently continuous with that covering the parietes, and identical in regard to structure. Therefore, the ovule, Avhich upon entering the Avomb lies free in the cavity, becomes, after the lapse of a period as yet unascertained, enveloped by and lodged in a sort of fold of the mucous membrane. The manner in Avhich this inclusion of the ovule is effected is a subject of hypothesis; for, although the ovule has been observed Avhen free, at the outset, as also when completely enveloped after the third week of gesta- tion, observations are Avanting for the intermediate period. Therefore, in the absence of direct information, we give the explanation proposed by M. Coste, and, indeed, it is difficult to conceive how the phenomenon could take place otherAvise. After traversing the Fallopian tube, the ovum escapes from its internal orifice, and falls into the cavity of the uterus. On account of the SAvelling of the mucous membrane, this cavity is almost obliterated, and the ovule is consequently supported betAveen two opposite points of the hypertrophied and softened membrane. Therefore, it rarely progresses very far, and 174 PREGNANCY. usually becomes fixed upon the fundus near the middle of the interval between the orifices of the tAvo tubes. Noav, notAvithstanding its minuteness, it is impossible that the ovum should not depress the softened tissue Avith which it is in contact, and it soon excavates, so to speak, a cell in their substance. As the ovule increases in size, the swelling of the mucous membrane also progresses, especially at the point where the former is arrested. As a con- sequence of this simultaneous development, the depression produced by the ovule in the substance of the mucous membrane becomes deeper, and it is gradually buried, first one-quarter of it, then one-half, until at last it is almost completely hidden and inclosed. (Richard, Extract from the Les- sons of M. Coste.) In proportion as it becomes more deeply buried, the edges of the cavity excavated by it seem to groAv up around it, at first to the level of the most projecting portion, and' then approach each other, so as gradually to contract the opening by which a communication is main- tained with the remainder of the uterine cavity. The borders of the opening draAV still nearer, and finally circumscribe a minute orifice, the trace of Avhich remains for a short time only in the form of a central de- pression or umbilicus. The umbilicus itself at last disappears, and from this time the ovum is completely imprisoned in a sort of cyst, whose walls are composed exclusively of the mucous membrane. Whatever may be thought of this theory, Ave find in the uterus, five or six weeks after conception, an entirely free space, the ovum occupying but a portion of the cavity, and a greatly hypertrophied mucous membrane, which at the point where the ovum is fixed, seems to fold upon itself in order to embrace the latter. We have now to ascertain what becomes of the uterine mucous membrane during gestation, as also of the tAvo layers produced by its folding. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Fig. 1. Uterus at the twentieth or twenty-fifth day of gestation. Half the natural size. c, c. Mucous membrane of the uterus, with its rich vascularization. c/. The portion of mucous membrane which covers the ovum. z. The small circular space around which the vessels disappear, and whose centre presents the appearance of a recently closed umbilicus. u, u Muscular structure of the uterus, exhibiting, upon the cut surface, a multitude of venous sinuses in various degrees of development. m, m. Muscular portion of the neck, distinguished from that of the body by the absence of venous sinuses. I. Vaginal portion of the neck. V. A gland of Naboth, greatly distended. q, q. The ovaries. On the one to the right is a highly developed corpus luteum, g; its surface is very vascular, and on its apex is perceived, g', the cicatrix of the opening through which the ovule escaped. t, t. Fallopian tubes. p, p. Fimbriated extremities of the tubes. Fio. 2. Is the same specimen as the preceding, except that a circular incision has been made in the porticn of mucous membrane upon which the ovum is situated and the flap turned back, so as to exhibit its deep or ovular surface. PI. HI. M6.1 ^ig2 Jig IE "Sf-SS»»t''*? ' ^.f ■ OF THE DECIDUA. 175 h. Section of the mucous membrane covering the ovum, exhibiting its thickness relatively to that which lines the remaining portion of the womb. c//. Internal surface of the flap of the uterine mucous membrane (decidua reflexa) which covered the ovum. or. The ovum, with its surface thickly set with short but considerably branched villi, which come into direct contact with the maternal blood. Fig. 3. The uterine mucous membrane of the specimen represented by Fig. 1, divided on a level with the neck, and seen separately. The blood which distended its vessels having escaped, in consequence of its immersion in spirits and water, the vascular network which it exhibited has disappeared, and permits us tp see that its entire surface is perforated with minute openings, which are the glandular apparatus, observable upon the mucous membrane of the uterus in the unimpregnated condition. The portion of mucous membrane beneath which the ovum was situated, is incised as in the preceding figure, but the ovum is here removed, so as to exhibit completely the walls of the cavity which contained it. /. The cell or cavity Avhich contained the ovum, strewn with anfractuosities and irregular lacunae, in which the villi of the chorion were inserted. c"'. Internal surface of the flap of mucous membrane which covered the ovum. The same lacunae are observable in it as on the opposite surface,/, but they are smaller, less numerous, and less pronounced. a. Sections of the venous sinuses of the mucous membrane of the uterus. t'', t''. Internal orifice of the Fallopian tubes, rendered visible in the preparation by the greater unfolding of the mucous membrane. There is no indication of their ever having been obliterated. Description of the Three Portions of the Decidua. — From the foregoing account, it appears that the different portions of the decidua are the result of the successive phases of development of the uterine mucous membrane, and in order to folloAv Avith greater ease the metamorphosis of the latter, Ave shall describe consecutively the three portions of the decidua. A. The Intermediate or Utero-epichorial Membrane. — If, after the removal of the ovum, the cavity Avhich it occupied be examined during the first month, or the first half of the second, a multitude of irregular grooves or lacunae, of variable size and depth, in Avhich the villi of the chorion Avere engaged (see PI. III., Fig. 3), will be perceived upon the mucous membrane which forms its bottom. These lacunae, into Avhich smaller ones enter, and which are so numerous as to give to this portion of the membrane the appearance of an areolar, erectile tissue, are supposed by M. Coste to be produced by the Avearing aAvay, or corrosion of the vessels, Avhich are more hypertrophied at this point than elseAvhere, by the invading groAvth of the chorion; so that the lacunae, by communicating directly in this Avay Avith the subjacent uterine sinuses, permit the maternal blood to flow into the cavity occupied by the ovum, and come into direct contact Avith the villi of the chorion. The presence of the ovum determines at this point a considerable hyper- trophy of all the elements of the mucous membrane. The corresponding villi of the chorion also become greatly developed, and all together con- stitute at a rather later period the mass of the placenta. (See Placenta.) B. The ovular decidua or epichorial membrane presents very different appearances according to the period at Avhich it is examined. Sliortly after its formation is completed, that is to say, after the umbilicus is obliterated, it differs in no respect from the parietal mucous membrane: its 176 PREGNANCY. uterine surface has the same color, the same thickness, the same profuse supply of vessels, and is perforated in like manner Avith numerous glandulai orifices. Its ovular surface presents at the same period irregular cavities or lacunae of variable depth, resembling precisely those described as belong- ing to the inter-utero-placental layer, and which are penetrated in like manner by the villi of the portion of the chorion covering the ovum. (See PI. III., Figs. 2 and 3.) But as the ovum enlarges, it elevates and extends it, until about the end of the first month, when commencing atrophy is observed at its centre, in consequence of which its vessels and glands dis- appear, and the whole of this portion of the membrane gradually loses its thickness. (See PI. III., Fig. 1.) The result is, that, either in consequence of the distention Avhich it undergoes, or of the pressure exerted upon its most prominent portion through the growth of the ovum, a small but gradually enlarging circular space, deprived of vessels, appears in its centre, whilst the remainder of the surface presents the same vascularity as the parietal mucous membrane. This central portion becomes very thin, even at periods Avhen the circumference of the membrane preserves a considerable thickness. The obliteration of the vessels and the atrophy of the glandules progress from the centre tOAvards the circumference, so that by the third month the epichorial membrane differs so materially from the parietal mucous mem- brane that, except at the parts adjacent to the points where the tAvo become continuous, the glandular orifices and vessels are no longer discoverable. The lacunae described as existing upon the ovular surface, are still further effaced by the atrophy, and as the villi of the chorion, Avhich Avere inserted into them, can no longer derive thence the means of nutrition, they become useless and atrophied in like manner. As the de\relopment of the ovum progresses, it tends naturally to encroach upon the caA-ity of the womb, and consequently to bring the epichorion and the uterine mucous membrane nearer together, until, at the end of the third month, the tAvo are in contact. At a rather later period, they become so adherent as to be separated Avith difficulty. It is hardly necessary to state, that Avhen thus deprived of its vascular elements, the ovular portion of the membrane can no longer accommodate itself to the distention produced by the ovum, othenvise than by a progres- sive thinning of the membrane, and that its extreme delicacy in advanced ovums, or at maturity, is to be thus accounted for. It is found, hoAvever, even after labor, adhering either to the chorion or to the parietal mucous membrane. C. The uterine or parietal decidua retains the characters already described until tOAvards the end of the second month; but from this time it begins to groAV thinner, and its numerous and deep folds are gradually effaced. This first period of degeneration progresses, hoAvever, very slowly, for at the third month, the state of the membrane is very nearly the same as at the men- strual periods. (Richard. Thesis.) [Together with this atrophy begins also a transformation of the epithelium, which gradually passes from the cylindric to the tessellated form. There is no proof, however, that the prismatic cells assume directly the pavimentous form; OF THE DECIDUA. 177 indeed Robin says that, on the contrary, some time after fecundation takes place, the epithelium of the cavity of the body of the uterus exfoliates, as it were, cell by cell, or at the most by little shreds, and is replaced by the pavimentous form. This metamorphosis of the epithelium is true for both the uterine and ovular decidua, and when the two come in contact, we have, as a result of their adher- ence, a layer of epithelial cells in the very substance of the membrane. So inti- mate, indeed, is the adhesion between the so-called uterine and reflected portions uf the decidua, that at the time of delivery they seem to form but a single layer.] From the fourth month, the uterine decidua begins to lose the marks of energetic vitality Avhich had characterized it hitherto, and its external appearance (perforation and vascularity) is altered; it becomes atrophied to such an extent as to be reduced by the seventh month to the one-tAventy- fifth of an inch in thickness, and is still thinner at the termination of preg- nancy. Though inseparable at the outset from the subjacent tissue, it is noAV, in a measure, an independent membrane, and may be isolated and de- tached in strips of considerable size. This ready separation is due, accord- ing to M. Robin, to the commencing development, near the end of the fourth month, betAveen it and the muscular tissue of a neAV membrane, which is at first soft, doAvny, and homogeneous, the first trace, in fact, of the mucous membrane Avhich is to replace the decidua that falls after labor. It thickens gradually during the latter half of gestation, and lines the internal surface of the uterus, Avhose muscular fibres are not therefore left exposed by the complete decollation and expulsion of the uterine decidua, Avhich takes place after labor. [Of the Decidua at the end of Gestation.—At the end of gestation the decidua is thin, and of a grayish or rose-colored appearance ; it has an areolar texture, and an irregular surface. The outermost of its two surfaces is throughout in relation with the internal walls of the uterus, now covered by the first elements of the newly forming mucous membrane. Its internal surface adheres closely to the chorion, and at the point of insertion of the placenta becomes involved in the struc- ture of the uterine surface of that organ. (See Placenta.) When the after-birth is delivered, a rupture takes place between the mucous mem- brane of the body of the uterus and that of the neck. The latter remains, whilst that of the body, now the decidua, is expelled Avith the ovum, of Avhich it forms the exterior envelope. It is soft and easily torn ; and although the vessels which traversed it whilst it adhered to the uterus, are for the most part obliterated and atrophied, some of them may yet be found full of blood. By scraping with the nail, it may be removed in little shreds. Its softness and opacity serve to distinguish it from the other envel- opes of the ovum, which are stronger and transparent. The inter-utero-placental mucous membrane is duplicated, so to speak, by being separated into tAvo layers: the thinner is removed with the placenta, into the forma- tion of which it enters (maternal placenta, see Placenta) ; the thicker remains adherent to the uterus, and is soon blended with the newly formed mucpus mem- brane of the adjacent parts. The inter-utero-placental mucous membrane does not, therefore, entirely fall away; no newly formed mucous membrane is to be found beneath it, so that it cannot be properly called a decidua. If, therefore, we consider the Avhole uterine mucous membrane at the time of delivery, we find that the portion lining the neck is not detached, and that the greater part of the inter-utero-placental portion remains adherent and assists in the formation of the new membrane. (See Phenomena appertaining to the lying-in 12 178 PREGNANCY. Hate.) The parietal and ovular mucous membrane constitutes the only portion which is Avholly expelled and which really deserves the name of Decidua.] From the details into which we have entered, it is evident: 1. That, excepting the membranes proper of the ovum, the amnion and chorion, the uterus contains none other than its OAvn mucous membrane. 2. That at the moment when the ovule enters the cavity of the uterus, this membrane has throughout a thickness equal to, if not greater than, that Avhich it possesses at the menstrual period. 3. That this abnormal thickness is Avholly due to the hypertrophy of its constituent elements, and especially of peculiar cells, as proved by M. Robin. 4. That immediately after the arrival of the ovule, the vitality of the uterus seems to be concentrated, in a great measure, at that point of the mucous membrane where the ovule is arrested. 5. That, as a consequence of this concentration of the vital forces, the point mentioned of the mucous membrane becomes thickened, grows up around the ovule, investing it Avith a circular ring, which soon incloses it completely. 6. That from this moment the ovule is separated from the uterine tissue by the intermediate mucous membrane, and from the remainder of the uterine cavity by the ovular mucous membrane. 7. That, after the first month, the ovular mucous membrane becomes atrophied from the centre towrards the circumference, loses its vascularity and glandular openings. 8. That this atrophy involves that of the corresponding villi of the chorion, whilst those Avhich are in relation "with the intermediate mucous membrane become, like the latter, considerably developed, and subsequently form the placenta. 9. That, from the fourth month, the parietal mucous membrane begins to degenerate, groAving gradually thinner, in consequence of the diminution of its tissue, and of the obliteration by atrophy of its vessels and glands. 10. Finally, that a new mucous membrane is formed by Avhich the old one is removed farther and farther from the muscular tissue to which it adhered so closely at the outset, and that after labor it is completely detached and expelled Avith the ovum. This exfoliation of the mucous membrane of the uterus after parturition is explained, to a certain extent, by the formation of a new mucous mem- brane ; but it is much more difficult to understand how it should occur in abortions during the early months, when the adhesion betAveen the mucous and muscular tissues is so very firm. It is true, that the exfoliated decidua is much thinner than that which may be observed still adhering to the uterus at the same period, and that we may suppose a part only of the pari- etal membrane to have been detached. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 179 CHAPTEE IV. OF THE HUMAN OVUM AFTER FECUNDATION. The human ovule, prior to fecundation and at its full maturity, is com- posed, as previously stated (page 90): 1st. Of the vitelline membrane, or the envelope. 2d. Of a granular liquid contained in this membrane, and called the vitellus (yolk). 3d. Of a little vesicle inclosed in the first, and situated in the midst of the granular liquid. This is the germinal vesicle, originally discovered by Purkinje, in the eggs of birds, and subsequently proved by M. Coste to exist in those of mammalia. 4th, and lastly. Of the germinal or proligerous spot (macula germinativa), which is detached from the clear contents of the germinal vesicle, and is held in suspension in the fluid which the latter contains. If the ovule be examined several weeks after the fecundation has taken place, it will be found to have undergone some very remarkable transfor- mations; for it is then composed of such different parts, that if comparative anatomy had not furnished us opportunities of observing, step by step, and hour by hour, the divers modifications it passes through before the organi- zation is fully completed, Ave Avould not believe it to be one and the same product. Thus, at the end of the second or third Aveek after fecundation, it exhibits some very different elements to the observer: for example, Ave encounter, in passing from without inAvards : 1st. The chorion, a thick exterior membrane, studded Avith numerous villosities. 2d. A much thinner mem- brane, situated more internally, and designated as the amnios. 3d. A more or less considerable space betAveen these tAvo envelopes, that is filled by an albuminous liquid, in the midst of Avhich a little vesicle (the umbilical vesicle) is situated. And 4th. A liquid fills the cavity of the amnios, the quautity varying Avith the period of pregnancy, and in this fluid is the embryo. Finally, let us add that the ovule is enveloped nearly throughout by a double membrane, Avhich at first is entirely foreign to, but subsequently contracts intimate relations Avith it; this is the deciduous membrane. But before studying the constituent parts of the ovum at an advanced period of its development, let us sec what is their proper commencement, and hoAV they can arise out of the simple elements that form the ovule prior to conception. When the ovule has attained its full maturity, the vesicle in which it is inclosed becomes the seat of an excitation Avhich determines there a con- siderable afflux of fluid, and causes its progressive distention. This hyper- trophy may, as Ave have seen, be either spontaneous, or produced by coition or other venereal excitement. As a consequence of the distention, the vessels on that portion of the vesicle Avhich projects the farthest from the surface of the ovary become atrophied, its Avails groAV thinner, and soon give Avay, thereby permitting the ovule to escape, Avhich, in passing out, draAvs along Avith it a part of its granular cumulus. The ovum then en- gages in the tube, whose enlarged extremity had been applied to the ovary. It must not be supposed that the period for the ovule's arrival in the tube is invariable in the same species of animals, and it probably varies in the human rare also, though nothing positive is knoAvnonthat point. Pending 180 PREGNANCY. its stay in the ovary, the ovum underAvent no appreciable modification, but as soon as it enters the oviduct, the beginning of those changes it must necessarily pass through, in order to give birth to a new being, is observed, and hence, to study these modifications in due course, Ave must first examine those manifested in the tube, and then such as do not appear until after its arrival in the uterine cavity. ARTICLE I. CHANGES OF THE OVUM IN THE TUBE. It has heretofore been ahvays impossible to study these changes in the human ovum, and the description we are about to give is the result of observations made on the ova of mammalia, especially of the dog and rabbit; but analogy favors the belief that similar phenomena take place in the human species; indeed, the strongest resemblance exists between the ovum of the latter, and the unfecundated ovum of a bitch; besides, the youngest ova that have been studied in the female, exactly resemble those which have arrived at a certain degree of development in animals. It is, therefore, extremely probable that if they are endowed with the same organization before conception, and still exhibit a perfect resemblance after the fecundation, they must have passed through similar successive transforma- tions. From analogy as well as observation, it is supposed that in the human female ten or twelve days are occupied in the passage of the ovum through the tube. [Disappearance of the Germinal Vesicle. — By the time the ovum has reached the oviduct, it has become impossible to find in it either vesicle or germinal spot; and this disappearance of the vesicle and of the collection of granules at its centre, con- stitutes the first change perceptible in the ovum subsequent to its departure from the ova it. The disappearance shows that the ovum is mature, but occurs independently of fecundation. Condensation of the Vitellus. — During the early part of its passage through the tube, the vitellus becomes more dense (Bischoff) and compact, in consequence of which it no longer fills the vitelline membrane, but leaves an intervening space occupied by a clear and transparent fluid. So great is this condensation, that if its envelope be opened, the vitellus is found to be a solid body, capable of division by means of a very fine needle into twro, four, and six portions. (See BischofTs Atlas.) Appearance of Polar Globules. — Succeeding the disappearance of the germinal vesicle and during the condensation of the vitellus, there is formed on the surface of the latter a transparent globule, ^ of an inch in diameter, to which the name polar globule has been given. From the point of its formation and during the time of its appearance, there is a retrocession of the granules of the vitellus and conse- quent separation from the hyaline and transparent substance which united them. It Avould thus seem that the polar globule is produced by a sort of exudation or accumulation of the hyaline substance of the vitellus, and the point at which it ia formed indicates Avhere Avill take place the first furrow of segmentation, and where at a later period the cephalic extremity of the embryo wdll make its appearance. Within a few minutes after it is first perceived, the polar globule constitutes a hemispherical projection on the surface of the vitellus, and finally separates from and remains simply contiguous to it. In some species of animals, two, three, or four polar globules are thus suc< cessively produced, all taking their origin from the same point. When the last of them is formed, all unite to form a single one, which soon exhibits distinctly an inA'esting membrane and a cavity. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 181 The polar globule thus produced remains beneath the vitelline membrane and unconnected Avith the phenomena which are to take place in its vicinity. It becomes useless, in fact, as soon as formed, being intended only to prepare the way for the segmentation of the vitellus, which we are soon to study. Whether fecundation has occurred or not, the germinal vesicle disappears, the vitellus condenses, and the polar globules form ; but the changes which we are next to study take place only in fecundated ova. (Memoirs of Prof. Ch. Bobin.) Formation of the Vitelline Nucleus and Segmentation of the Vitellus. — Both the layer of albumen which ^urrounds the fecundated ovum, and the vitelline mem- brane become thicker during the passage through the second half and internal third of the Fallopian tube ; but the most remarkable changes take place in the vitellus (Barry, Bischoff, Bobin). Whilst the vitellus is undergoing its condensation, a clear spot appears in its centre and increases so rapidly in size by crowding aside the vitelline globules, that in about one hour it has attained a diameter of from ^. of an inch to the 5-fg of an inch (Bobin). The spot is called the vitelline nuclei/*, and has nothing in common with either the germinal vesicle or the polar globule. It is composed of a thick fluid without a cavity or distinct walls. The vitelline nucleus has barely attained the above-mentioned diameters before it is seen to become elongated and constricted near the middle, and finally separates into two halves. This separation is the signal for the segmentation of the vitellus which itself divides into two halves, in the centres of.Avhich are found the corre- sponding halves of the vitelline nucleus. Fia. 52. Fio. 53. 182 PREGNANCY. found in the tubes as late as the tenth, twelfth, or even fifteenth day; and we have formerly stated that, in the human species, no one case.has ever proved its existence in the Avomb prior to the twelfth day. However, it ia well to remark, that, as a general rule, the passage is very rapid through the external half of the tube, whilst its progress through the second half and especially through the last third is exceedingly sIoav, in consequence perhaps of the extreme narrowness of this portion of it. Finally, the ovum augments someAvhat in volume during its course, being probably nourished at first at the expense of the granulations which accom- pany it, and subsequently by absorbing the albuminous liquid secreted in the oviduct itself.1 ARTICLE II. MODIFICATIONS OF^THE OVULE FROM ITS FIRST ARRIVAL IN THE W0M3 UNTIL AFTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALLANTOIS. [Formation of the Blastodermic Membrane. — At the time of its entrance into the cavity of the uterus, the ovum is, therefore, composed of the muriform body, the thickened vitelline membrane, and a thin layer of albumen surrounding the latter. Each little sphere of the muriform body nowr undergoes an internal change by which its outer portion is transformed into a membrane, so that each segmentary sphere represents a cell with a homogeneous envelope and granular tissue. Shortly after this, fluid collects in the centre of the muriform body and presses to the cir- cumference the spheres or cells of which the body had been composed. In con- sequence of this pressure the cells become flattened and applied to the vitelline membrane so as to form a sort of lining thereto, and by their mutual adherence form a second membrane enclosed within the primary one.] This second membrane is not easily recognized; but if the example of M. Coste be folloAved, and the ovule be placed in water, it 'will become quite apparent. In fact, a very curious endosmotic phenomenon then takes place; the Avater passing through the vitelline membrane FlG-55- detaches the second vesicle in such a manner that the latter, being completely isolated, as also puckered and corrugated in every direction, floats or hangs suspended in the new liquid which distends the vitelline membrane; and to this M. Coste has given the title of the blasto- dermic membrane. But while this blastodermic vesicle, or membrane, is being developed, the layer of albumen which surrounds the ovum on its first arrival in the uterus, disappears and con- sequently the vitelline vesicle loses much of its thickness. Hitherto, the ovum still remained free and Avithout any adhesion to the uterine walls; but The ovule shortly after its arrival in the womb. A. The diminished albuminous layer, v. The vitelline membrane, b. The blastodermic membrane. 1 This layer of albumen which surrounds the ovum of the rabbit and of the roebuck, whilst it remains in the tube, does not exist around the ovum of the bitch and of the sow. On account of these differences, it will remain uncertain whether it envelopa the human ovum until observations which, as yet, it has been impossible to make, BhaU settle the question. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 183 it commences about this period to contract more intimate relations with the latter, and hence can no longer be displaced by blowing upon it. At the same period a rounded, Avhitish spot begins to appear on some pc int of the blastodermic vesicle, Avhich seems to be detached, or to stand in relief; this has been called the tache embryonnaire (the embryonic spot) by M. Coste, and it, like the blastodermic vesicle, is composed of cellular granulations, excepting that these latter are more contracted, and are aggregated in a larger quantity at this point. (Figs. 56 and 57.) At the same time, a Fio. 56. Fig. 57. Fig. 56. The blastoderm, with the embryonic epot seen in front. V. The vitelline membrane, e. The external layer of the blastoderm. F. The embryonic spot. Fig. 57. The same figure in profile, to show the two layers of the blastoderm, v. The vitelline membrane. E. The external; and I, the internal or intestinal layer of the blastoderm. minute examination is all that is necessary to convince us that the vesicle, as also the embryonic spot, is composed of tAvo laminae, lying in contact with each other, but Avhich may be separated by a couple of fine needles. To render this doubling of the blastoderm more evident, Ave present two theoretical figures, exhibiting it at the same stage of development. In the first (Fig. 5(5), which is a front vieAV of the ovum, the blastoderm with the rounded embryonic spot is seen. The same figure, in profile (Fig. 57), shoAvs the tAvo blastodermic lamina?, both presenting a SAvelling near the embryonic spot. One has been called the external, serous, or animal layer, and the other is denominated the internal, mucous, or the vegetative one. Shortly after this period, the embryonic spot enlarges by the further addi- tion of granules, but more in one of its diameters than in the others, so as to exchange its rounded for an elongated form. A considerable projection above the external face of the blastoderm may be simultaneously noticed, Avhich exhibits a convexity tOAvards the vitelline membrane and a concavity looking to the central part of the ovum (Fig. 58); and thenceforth the cavity of the blastodermic vesicle is divided into tAvo distinct portions, the one embryonic, -the other, Avhich is the larger, forming the umbilical vesicle. A line of greater obscurity may soon be recognized at the centre of this spot, being the first trace of the embryo. The margins of this spot fold inwards, as do also the extremities, thereby giving rise to an elongated body curved like a boat Avith the ends swollen, in consequence of their doubling up, and a cavity of some depth at its centre. The body of the embryo is then readily distinguished. The extremity that is most swollen is called the cephalic, and the other, or less voluminous one, the caudal extremity; about that time the serous 184 PREGNANCY. Fig. 58. A section of a more devel- oped ovum, in which the two portions, the embryonic and the umbilical vesicle, begin to appear, o. The umbilical ves- icle, i. The internal layer of the blastoderm, e. The exter- nal layer, v. The vitelline membrane. Fig. 59. laminse of the blastoderm can be traced as continuous Avith the most ex- ternal layers of the embryonic body, whilst the mucous one forms its internal plane. In proportion as the embryonic spot loses its distinctive characters, numerous little eleva- tions, irregularly scattered over the external surface of the ovum, are seen to develop themselves, being, in fact, the commencement of those villosities Avhich subsequently stud the exterior surface of the chorion. During the progress of these phenomena, the ex- ternal, or serous layer of the blastoderm (Fig. 59) forms a fold around the part Avhich has been trans- formed into the embryo, and curved as already stated ; the fold of the serous layer being especially so at the caudal and cephalic extremities. The fold grad- ually enlarges above, beloAV, and on the sides, in such a manner as to form a true hood over the head and caudal termination; hence named from this resem- blance the cephalic and caudal hoods. These folds elongate rapidly (Fig. 60), passing along the dorsal ■ regions of the embryo, and ultimately coming into contact on the median line, unite so as to form a pouch surrounding the embryo, and continuous with it along the Avhole circumference of its large ventral opening. Although at first almost in direct contact Avith the embryo, it is soon after separated from it by a certain quantity of liquid, becoming its immediate envelope, and receiving the name of the amnion, and the in- terposed fluid, that of the amniotic liquor. As to the external layer of the fold, it is manifestly continuous with the serous lamina of the blastoderm, and although primarily ap- plied to the preceding, it is speedily separated therefrom by the interposition of a liquid Avhich removes them farther and farther from each other, until at last its exterior face is brought into contact with the vitelline vesicle. Accord ing to some authors, these tAvo become con- founded, and by uniting form the outer mem- brane of the ovum; but others teach that the vitelline vesicle will be gradually absorbed (as we have endeavored to represent in the plates Figs. 61, 62, and 63), while the external lamina of the blastoderm is being developed, and the latter alone will then constitute the enveloping membrane. At the point of junction, the cephalic and caudal hoods constitute, by their union, a kind of membranous bridge, which there joins the amnios to the chorion. This bridge is gradually absorbed, and the tAvo membranes become completely isolated. (See Figs. 61 and 62.) Such is the vieAV most generally received on the mode of formation of A section showing the origin and first traces of the amnios, o. The nnbilical vesicle^ I. The intestinal; ain I E, the external layer of the blas- toderm, v. The vitelline membrane. c c. Origin of the cephalic and cau- dal amniotic hoods. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 185 Fig. 60. the amnios. "We must mention, however, one other, Avhich, Avithout being neAV, has latterly acquired considerable importance by the discussions which it has created at the Academy of Science-. We have just seen that the amnios is directly continuous at the umbilicus Avith the abdom- inal Avails of the embryo, Avhich is in fact so manifest, that no just ground of belief is afforded that the latter Avas ever independent of the amnios, as some have recently supposed. Messrs. Oken, Pockels, Serres, and Broschet have endeavored, notAvithstanding, to prove that the amnios once existed as an independent vesicle, distended by a fluid; and that after- Avards the foetus, by coming into contact Avith it, caused its depression, and became envel- oped by it, like a double night-cap, but having no other relation Avith it than that of simple apposition ; or, in other Avords, that the amnios had the same connection with the embryo as the serous membranes with the viscera they cover. Messrs. Coste, Velpeau, and Bischoff have combated this vieAV success- fully, in my estimation, by contending for the existence, at all periods, of the continuity Ave have just described, and they cannot possibly admit an opinion Avhich is founded solely on pathological alterations. For my own part, after examining the preparations of M. Coste, I can have no doubt as to the little value of such asser- tions. Immediately after the amnios is formed, the margins of the embryonic spot, and especially its true extremities, become more and more turned imvards, thereby aug- menting the concavity Avhich it previously exhibited ; and at the bottom of the groove thus constituted, the mucous lamina of the blastoderm is observed to concur in forming the intestinal canal, Avhich is represented at this early period by an elongated gutter, communicating freely Avith the interior cavity of the blastoderm. But, in propor- tion as this constantly increasing inversion of the lateral Avails, and of the extremities of the embrvo, progresses, this communication becomes more and more contracted, so that in a short time the intestinal cavity only connects with the blastodermic vesicle by a contracted pedicle; and thenceforth, this latter receives the name of the umbilical vesicle, and the vessels Avhich arc The amniotic hoods more developed. o. The umbilical vesicle. I. The internal or intestinal; and E, the external layer of the blastoderm, e'. A portion of the ex- ternal layer converted into the amnios. e". The embryo, c. The limit of the am- niotic hoods, v. The vitelline membrane. Fig. ,61. This figure shows the amnios almost com- pleted, and likewise the origin of the allan- tcis. o. The umbilical vesicle. I. The in- testines, e. The amnios, e'. The externa layer of the blastoderm, or the non-vascular chorion, v. The vitelline membrane. C. Tli8 amniotic hoods ready to close up. A. The allantois. 186 PREGNANCZ. distributed to its vascular layer, consisting of two veins that enter, and aa artery that emerges from the embryo, are called the omphalo-mesenteric ves- sels. (Fig. 61.) As the contraction of the ventral opening in the embryo, and the circum- scription of the umbilical vesicle go on, we may observe at the inferior part of the intestinal canal, just in the region where the bladder and rectum, during the earlier days of embryonic life, are confounded under the name of cloaca; we observe, I repeat, the intestinal parietes to form there a slight elevation. Noav, this little tumor (Fig. FlG-62- 61) gradually elongates, so as to con- stitute a minute vesicle, which commu- nicates by its narrow pedicle with the intestinal cavity; this is the allantoic, which has been known for a long time to exist in mammalia, but which M. Coste was one of the first to detect in the human ovum. The allantois is scarcely formed before it is provided both with venous and arterial vessels, consisting of the two umbilical arteries, and one umbilical vein; the former arising from the primitive iliacs, the latter going to the liver, as may be seen someAvhat later. This little vesicle passes through the umbilicus at first alongside of the pedi- cle belonging to the umbilical vesicle, and soon undergoes a rapid develop- ment. The groAvth of the allantois and its vessels is so rapid that it soon comes into contact with the external membrane of the ovum. In some animals, the allantois comes into juxtaposition by its base with only one point of the chorion, and becomes attached there; and then the terminal extremities of the umbilical vessels not only reach this membrane, but even extend for the most part to the villosities devel- Dped on its external surface, and acquire there a considerable growth. In others (see Figs. 62 and 63), the allantois spreads out like an umbrella around the embryo and umbilical vesicle, and supplies itself to the whole external face of the amnios, as well as to the internal one of the chorion, then the two laminae are fused into'each other in such a way as to loave no trace of the allantois. (Figs. 62 and 63.) The development of the allantois completes the essential part of the ovum, although by reference to Fig. 55, Plate IV., it will now be found to consist: 1, of the embryo; 2, of a variable quantity of liquid in which it swims; 3, of the amnios, already considerably distended, and forming a Bheath to the parts that pass through the ventral aperture; 4, of the umbil- ical reside situated betAveen the amnios and chorion, Avhose delicate pedicle This figure shows the rapid progress of the allantois, and how it spreads over the foetus, the umbilical vesicle, and the amnios. This latter begins to ensheathe the pedicle of the umbilical vesicle and that of the allantois in such a way as to form a commencement of the cord. The vitelline membrane disappears more and more. 0. The umbilical vesicle, e'. The amnios, e". The external layer of the blastoderm, c. The point where the two hoods come into contact. v. The vitelline membrane almost entirely atro- phied, a. The allantois. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 185 with the omphalo-mesenteric vessels appertaining to it, hoAvever, still com- municate Avith the intestinal cavity; 5, the pedicle of the allantois vesicle still charged Avith the umbilical ves- sels ; 6, the space betAveen the amnios and chorion, partly occupied by the umbilical vesicle, but principally filled with a liquid called by M. Vel- peau the reticulated or the vitriform body, according to the degree of its consistence; and 7, of the outer en- velope, or the chorion. The phenomena yet to be studied have special reference to the enlarge- ment of the ovum, and the develop- ment of the embryo. ARTICLE III. OF THE FCETAL APPENDAGES. These comprise the allantois, the umbilical vesicle, the amnion, and the chorion. § 1. Of the Allantoid Vesicle. By the time the amnion has become a completely closed sac, a little pyriform vesicle, Avhich Ave have denominated the allantois, is observed, about the tenth day, to spring from the inferior part of the intestinal canal, and taking on a rapid growth soon becomes applied by its base to the in- ternal surface of the chorion. The terminal branches of the two umbilical arteries and vein, as previously stated, ramify on the Avails of this vesicle; and hence the urachus, Avhich is nothing else than the pedicle of the allan- tois, is accompanied in its course by three blood-vessels (see Fig. 3, Plate IV.), tAvo of Avhich (ii) are arterial, coming from the iliacs, and called the umbilical arteries. They run to the chorion, Avhere they ramify, and ulti- mately reach the villi that form the foetal placenta. The third trunk is venous, and is known as the umbilical vein. The umbilical vein j leaves the right auricle of the heart at the point /, and soon after receives the contents of the vena cava inferior &; it then traverses the under surface of the liver m, to Avhich it sends a copious vas- cular supply, and, before passing this organ, receives the omphalo-mesenteric vein at the point o; then, after leaving the liver, it gains the left side of the abdomen betAveen the Avails of this cavity and the intestinal fold E; Fig. C3. In this figure, the allantois has spread over tl? whole internal surface of the ovum, and but ver/ slight traces are left of the continuity between tl.e amnios and that part of the external layer of the blastoderm which formed the non-vascular chorion ; the amnios incloses the umbilical cord more and more. o. The umbilical vesicle, e'. The amnios C. The point where the two hoods are fused into each other, and form but a single membrane, t". The external layer of the blastoderm. a. The allantois. v. The vitelline membrane. 188 PREGNANCY. next, by turning abruptly towards the umbilical cord, it gets to the left side of the urachus, and accompanies the latter to the chorion, where it folloAvs the umbilical arteries into the villosities. After the earliest periods of development are over, there is but a single umbilical vein left, although during the first part of the embryonic exist- ence tAvo are met with, one upon each side of the urachus (and consequently one for each umbilical artery). That on the right side becomes efface 1, but its traces may still be found at the thirtieth or even the fortieth day; indeed, some such existed and were perceptible on the embryo I am noAv describing. When the umbilical vein has actually passed the liver, it gives off no branches whatever, in its course along the urachus, nor does it divide and subdivide until it reaches the chorion. But, in the earlier periods of ges- tation, Avhen the two exist, they are observed to spread over the Avails of the chest and abdomen in the form of a large vascular plexus, extending as far as the vertebral column; hoAvever, this new apparatus soon vanishes and leaves no vestige of its former existence. The body of the allantoid vesicle disappears very rapidly, and scarcely a trace of it can possibly be found after the lapse of a few days from its first appearance. In fact, nothing more is seen than a cord of variable length, extending from the embryo to the chorion, and having the umbilical vessels inclosed Avithin it. This likeAvise becomes gradually atrophied in such a Avay as to disappear altogether in the substance of the umbilical cord; nevertheless, a portion of it still persists in the abdominal cavity of the embryo, forming there the cord subsequently known as the urachus; and just as this latter terminates in the rectum, it exhibits a small swelling Avhich is afterAvards converted into the urinary bladder. We may remark, in anticipation, that this rudimentary bladder communicates with the rectum, and constitutes there that transitory cloaca, Avhose existence in the human species may be positively verified by direct observation. It is this early disappearance of the allantois Avhich has induced some ovologists to doubt its existence in the human race. It is exclusively destined to bring the embryonic vessels into contact with the external membrane of the ovum, Avhence they are soon placed in their proper relation with the internal surface of the womb. § 2. Of the Umbilical Vesicle. This vesicle is formed exclusively by the internal or mucous layer of the blastoderm ; at first, it is very voluminous, occupying nearly the Avhole cavity of the ovum, and communicating so freely Avith the intestinal cavity as to form Avith it apparently but a single vesicle. But the gradual con- traction of the ventral opening serves to separate the tAvo, as Ave have already demonstrated, leaving only a pedicle of variable thickness, according to the size of this aperture. The umbilical vesicle contains a yelloAvish-Avhite liquid often of a vitel- line yelloAvness, in which numerous granules and fat globules are seen floating. It seems to be formed of tAvo laminae, betAveen Avhich the vessels are distributed (see Robin, Journal de Physiologie, 1861). As the amnion DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 189 becomes developed, the vesicle is croAvded by this membrane, and is then found placed between the external face of the latter and the internal sur- face of the chorion. In consequence of the development of the allantois, the umbilical vesicle loses much of its importance in the human species, as it so soon becomes an organ of little value either to the groAvth of the ovum or the embryo: and furthermore, it dAvindles away speedily ; thus, during the first three Aveeks, it is as large as an ordinary pea, but after the fourth, it begins to collapse and diminish in size, and at six weeks subsequent to the concep- tion, it does not exceed a coriander-seed in bulk ; then it remains stationary for a time, not disappearing altogether until tOAvards the fourth month. I have observed it several times of later years on ova of three to three and a half months, in Avhich it generally still retained the volume and shape of a small lentil, being of a yelloAvish color, and having its surface wrinkled. HoAvever, I may remark, that its size appeared very variable in several ova of the same age. In proportion as the umbilical vesicle becomes atrophied, it is removed farther and farther from the trunk of the embryo, in consequence of the development of the amnion, and its pedicle is also elongated in a marked manner; thus, the latter is from two to six lines in length, being continuous at one end Avith the intestine, and at the other Avith the vesicle by a kind of an infundibuliform expansion. The pedicle is apparently separated into two portions by the amnios, before the abdominal Avails are completely closed up; one part lying betAveen the spine, or rather the intestine, and the spot afterwards occupied by the umbilicus, Avhile the other remains exterior to the abdomen. This pedicle is traversed by a small canal for the first five or six weeks of its existence, and through it the fluid in the vesicle may be pressed back into the intestine, but it is obliterated after that period. About the same time, also, it becomes more and more delicate, and offer ruptures from its great elongation ; and its umbilical portion being lost in the cord, can no longer be traced into the abdomen. When broken, the vesicle may be found more or less removed from the root of the cord, and lying betAveen the chorion and amnion. The umbilical vesicle has a rich vascular apparatus, the blood of Avhich is carried to and from the embryo by the intervention of tAvo trunks, one venous, the other arterial; both, hoAvever, accompany the pedicle, and form a constituent part of it. The first, n (see Fig. 3, PI. IV.), called the omphalo- mesenteric vein, enters the abdomen, Avinds around the duodenum, and then opens into the umbilical vein at the point o, just as the latter is emerging from the liver. As it passes the duodenum, branches are given off to the stomach and intestines, and Avhen it discharges into the umbilical vein, it sends a voluminous trunk to the liver. That portion which furnishes the branches just described, persists in the adult under the name of the ventral or hepatic-portal vein, Avhilst all the rest will disappear Avith the umbilical vesicle and its pedicle. The arterial trunk p, accompanying the pedicle, has been designated as the omphalo-mesenteric artery. Arising from the aorta, it gains the summit ot the intestinal-convolution, and gives off branches to the mesentery and 190 PREGNANCY. to the intestine itself; then it reaches the pedicle, and folloAvs the latter to the umbilical vesicle, upon Avhich it ultimately ramifies. The part that supplies the mesentery is converted in the adult into a mesenteric artery. all the rest being effaced. From all which, it appears that the vascular system of the umbilical vesicle represents the primitive circulation in the embryo, corresponding in it to the sanguiferous apparatus of the yolk of foAvls. Of course, these vessels will become atrophied Avith the organ to which they belong. The umbilical vesicle seems to be intended to serve as a reservoir for the fluid designed to nourish the foetus during the first weeks of intra-uterine existence. § 3. Of the Amnion. The most internal membrane of the ovum, or the amnion, is formed by the inner lamina of the fold,, or the cephalic and caudal hoods Avhich con- stituted the external serous layer of the blastoderm surrounding the embryo. Being continuous, as Ave have shown, with the margins of the ventral open- ing, it seems at first to be attached by its middle part to the skin on the dorsal region. The internal amniotic surface subsequently exhales a liquid into its cavity, in Avhich the embryo SAvims freely; hence the amnios constitutes a little sac around the foetus, having smooth and transparent Avails. Its inner surface is bathed by the liquid inclosed in the cavity, whilst its external one is separated from the chorion by a space of variable size, Avhich is likeAvise filled Avith a fluid and the expansion of the allantoid vesicle. Originally, this membrane was not concentric Avith the chorion; but in proportion as the development advances it presses back the exterior liquid and the allantoid vesicle more and more, thereby condensing it, and finally comes in contact Avith the external envelope of the ovum. ■ Noav, since it adheres to the periphery of the umbilical opening, it must furnish, by such an extension, a sort of membranous sheath to the pedicles of the allantoid and the umbilical vesicles, as Avell as to their accompanying vessels, sur- rounding them throughout their course from the umbilicus to the chorion; and all the parts thus inclosed constitute Avhat is called the umbilical cord; Avhence it folloAvs that the abdominal cavity itself must be in connection with the canal represented by this cord, and consequently that the foetal appendages may communicate Avith it through the route thus opened to them. It is thus that the pedicle of the umbilical vesicle becomes united to the ileo-coecal fold of intestine, Avhilst the allantois connects Avith the rectum by the intervention of the urachus. As Ave have just stated, the amnios is separated from the chorion during the earlier Aveeks by a filled space, Avhich space is larger in proportion as the wum is the more recent. This extra-amniotic liquid forms a gelatinous or albuminous mass, of a Aveblike arrangement, and having the umbilical vesicle in its midst. The mass becomes more and more compact by pressure of the amnion, which has a constant tendency to approach the chorion, thus acquiring the aspect of a membrane (the membrana media of Bischoff), which is situated betAveen the chorion and the amnion, where, says this DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 191 author, it may be readily distinguished tOAvards the end of pregnancy, as a gelatinous, though continuous membrane. M. Velpeau gave it the name of the vitriform or reticulated body, but Robin has shoAvn its structure to be identical with that of the allantoid vesicle. Velpeau was, therefore, correct in regarding the reticulated body as the analogue of the allantoid, of Avhich it is really but the remains. The amnion undergoes no important change during the ulterior deA^elop- ment of the ovum, nor does its texture. Of course, it Avould be more firm and consistent, acquiring by time a greater resemblance to the serous mem- branes, although it neither incloses nor possesses vessels at any period. Nevertheless, says Duges, it probably has some openings, AArhich permit the Avaters, exhaled by the uterine capillaries, and received by the A-essels of the decidua and the villi of the chorion, to be diffused around the foetus; but this perspiration of the liquids secreted by the internal uterine surface, may very possibly be a simple phenomenon of endosmosis. § 4. Waters of the Amnion. The amniotic cavity is filled Avith a liquid, in Avhich the foetus is im- mersed. At the commencement of pregnancy, this fluid is of slight density, and more or less transparent and limpid, but tOAvards term it becomes viscid, unctuous, and more consistent than pure Avater: sometimes it is as clear as serum ; at others, it is of a light yelloAv or greenish color. It frequently be- comes lactescent, turbid, and interspersed with yelloAvish-gray, or even black albuminous flakes ; again, in certain cases, it is strongly tinged with yelloAv, when the membranes are ruptured, from the admixture of a quantity of meconium ;. it exhales a disagreeable odor, analogous to that of the sper- matic fluid, and its taste is slightly saline. The quantity of the amniotic fluid varies greatly; thus, in the early months it is, relatively to the foetus, more abundant, in proportion as the embryo is younger. Riolan found four ounces in an ovum containing a foetus of the size of an ant. The Aveight of the foetus and that of the fluid at the middle of gestation, are very nearly equal. Again, dating from this period, the difference is generally in favor of the foetus, and the Aveight of the latter at term is four or five times greater than the Avaters, which seldom exceed a pound or a pound and a quarter; consequently, if the assertion is true, that the Avaters augment in their absolute quantity until term, it is equally so to say they increase relatively to the foetus in the first, and diminish in the second half of pregnancy. In fact, the variations in this respect are infinite, even at the time of the accouchement. According to the analysis of Vauquelin, 100 parts of amniotic liquor consist: of Avater 98-8 ; of albumen, hvdrochlorate of soda, phosphate of lime, and lime, 12. The interesting question iioav arises: What is the source of the amniotic fluid ? Some assert that it comes from the mother ; others, that it is produced by the foetus. Chaussier, Meckel, and Beclard, adopting an intermediate opinion, suppose that its secretion takes place simultaneously from the female and her product. Everything proves, says M. Velpeau, that the liquor amnii is the result of a transudation or of a simple exhalation, like the serum of the pleura, 192 PREGNANCY. pericardium, etc., and that this process requires no particular canals for ita accomplishment, being a phenomenon of pure vital imbibition. According to Burdach, the amniotic waters cannot be secreted by the foetus, because they exist prior to its formation,1 and therefore they must be exclusively furnished by the internal uterine surface, and reach the cavity of the amnios by traversing its walls. We also believe, that the. greater part of this liquid comes from the mother's organs; yet we must add that it also contains certain products, secreted by the foetus: for instance, it is frequently colored by some meconium, and besides, it is almost certain that the urine may be discharged into the amniotic cavity during the latter months of pregnancy. A feAV incontestable facts prove that such an evacua- tion is necessary to the maintenance of foetal life: thus, Billard and T. W. King record having seen cases of ruptured bladder, resulting from imper- foration of the urethra; and further, Desormeaux and P. Dubois have obsen^ed an obliteration of this canal in t\vo stillborn children, Avhich had given rise to an enormous distention of the bladder, ureters, and both kid- neys ; indeed, the latter Avere found transformed into two multilocular cyst?. Similar facts have been presented before the Academy of Medicine by MM Depaul and Moreau. According to some authors, the principal use of these waters is to contri- bute to the nutrition of the foetus, during at least a great part of gestation. (See Nutrition of the Foetus.) Howe\Ter this, may be, the waters of the am- nios serve during pregnancy to maintain the insulation of the external foetal parts before the skin becomes covered with the sebaceous coat hereafter to be described ; to promote the active movements of the foetus and its develop- ment, both of Avhich would have been greatly incommoded Avithout this intervention, by the pressure of the uterine Avails; to protect the foetus from all external violence, and to afford it the means of conforming to the laws of gravity. They likeAvise favor a uniform expansion of the Avomb, and remove all pressure from the umbilical cord, thus assuring the integrity of the foeto-placental circulation both during pregnancy and labor. In the latter, they seem destined to guard the child from the violence of the uterine contractions, which, without them, Avould certainly compromise its existence; to aid in forming the amniotic bag, the engagement of Avhich renders the dilatation of the neck more uniform and easy ; to lubricate the pelvic canal, and thus facilitate the descent of the foetus ; and lastly, they render manipu- lations of every kind less difficult than they otherwise Avould be. § 5. Of the Chorion. The chorion is the most external envelope of the ovum. Writers are by no means unanimous in their vieAvs as to the elements of which it is com- posed. Thus, some of them, as Ave have had occasion to state, suppose that it is formed by the vitelline membrane, the external lamina of the blasto- derm, and the allantoid vesicle, uniting to constitute a single layer. Accord- ing to others, on the contrary, the vitelline membrane will disappear soon 1 It is only necessary to recall our remarks on the development of the amnios to refute this opinion. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 193 after the doubling of the blastodermic vesicle, and the external lamina of the latter, conjoined with the allantois, will then form the chorion. [M. Robin's view of the subject is as follows: According to M. Coste, three kinds of chorion appear successively, one of which, however, disappears in conse quence of the development of its successor which is substituted for it. The first horion, which lasts for a few days only, is formed by the vegetations which cover the vitelline membrane at the time of the entrance of the ovule into the uterus. No vessels have yet appeared, but they carry nutritive matter from the uterus to the vitellus by endosmotic action. The second chorion is formed by the external layer of the blastoderm, which is composed of cells resulting from the segmentation of the A'itellus. This layer, by gradual pres- sure against the vitelline membrane, at first lines it, and then causing its ab- sorption becomes itself the external envelope of the ovum or the second cho- rion. The third chorion is formed by the allantoid, which is applied to the inter- nal surface of the preceding chorion, and causing its atrophy by pressure, becomes the external membrane of the ovum which remains until the end of gestation. This membrane is at first covered entirely by vascular villi which, at a later period, remain only at the place where the placenta is developed. We thus find that these three parts are developed in the order mentioned; but the second chorion is not absorbed; it remains, on the contrary, until the foetal evo- lution is completed, lined on its internal surface by the allantoid. the vascular loops of which enter the villi of the second chorion. Consequently the allantoid never becomes a chorion, meaning thereby the exter- nal layer of the ovum, nor is there any other chorion properly so called than the second one formed by the external layer of the blastoderm ; inasmuch as the vitel- line membrane does not deserve the name, although after the example of Baer and Coste, it has been applied to it by some authors. The vitelline membrane exists, indeed, only before the formation of the embryo, and disappears as soon as the lat- ter and its amniotic membrane become perceptible, leaving exposed the imperforate layer of the blastoderm, Avhich takes the name of chorion. (Robin. Journal de rhysiologie, 1861.] But be that as it may, the chorion certainly does not exhibit the same aspect at the advanced stages of pregnancy: for during early embryonic existence the external membrane of the ovum is thin, transparent, and per- fectly smooth on its outer surface, whilst about the second Aveek this surface presents some minute granular elevations, Avhich increase in length very rapidly, and the chorion soon becomes studded Avith numerous villi. But at that time neither the chorion nor the villi haA-e a proper vascular apparatus, since it is not until after the allantois, together Avith the umbilical vessels, has become applied to the chorion, that vessels can be detected going from this membrane to penetrate the villi. The chorion is enveloped in a great measure by the refiexed or epichorial decidua, which separates it from the parietal decidua; and is in contact,by a restricted surface, with a portion of the mucous membrane which con- stitutes the utero-epichorial or inter-utero-placental decidua. There is at theoutset a considerable space between its external surface and the internal one of the pouch containing it, Avhich space is occupied by its villi, and may become, as Ave shall see, the seat of a considerable effusion of blood. Those villi which are in contact Avith the reflected decidua, penetrate at first, as they increase in size, into the substance of that membrane; they 13 191 PREGNANCY. Boon, hoAvever, become atrophied, and dwindle aAvay almost completely, the interval disappears, and the tAvo membranes come into immediate contact. As regards the villi of the chorion, not covered by the reflected decidua, so far from being atrophied, they speedily undergo a considerable develop- rrent, Avhen they are in contact with the thickened and softened uterine mucous membrane (utero-placental decidua), and, intercrossing with the numerous vessels developed in its substance, contribute to the formation of that essentially vascular mass Ave are about to describe under the name of placenta. The chorion is in apposition by its internal face with the amnios at an advanced period of pregnancy ; but, as previously noticed, these tAvo mem- branes are not concentric in the earlier months, being then separated by a considerable space that is occupied by the umbilical vesicle and an albumi- nous liquid, which is the more abundant and limpid as the gestation is less advanced. After the development of the placenta, the chorion is a thin, transparent, colorless membrane, united outAvardly to the decidua by some short, delicate filaments, the remnants of the atrophied villi, and imvardly to the amnios by an albuminous layer (tunica media, reticulated body). The part corre- sponding to the placenta is no longer in immediate contact with the decidua; it is thicker, and adherent to the foetal surface of that vascular body, and the attachment is more intimate near the root of the cord. After what has already been stated, it were idle to discuss the vascularity of the chorion, for it evidently has no vessels until after the allantois has been developed; but from that period it consists of two laminae, the external or primitive of which, also called the exochorion, is wholly destitute of vessels, whilst the internal or allantoid is essentially vascular, and has been denominated the endochorion. ARTICLE IV. OF THE ORGANS OF CONNECTION. § 1. The Placenta. (After-birth, Secundines.) The placenta is a soft, spongy mass, constituting the principal connection betAVeen the ovum and uterus, being destined to the hematosis, and perhaps also to the nourishment of the foetus. It is a flattened body, about three-quarters of an inch in thickness at the centre; but tapering off towards the circumference, Avhich does not often exceed tAvo or three lines; in some cases it is very thin, but then it is very large, and further, its figure and dimensions are exceedingly variable ; thus, the ordinary diameter of the placenta varies from six to eight and a half inches, at times one diameter is longer than the others, and the shape, there- fore, is circular, oval, &c, according to circumstances. The term battle- door-placenta has been applied to that variety in which the cord is inserted on the border. As a general rule', only one placenta exists in simple preg- nancies. However, a very curious exception Avas observed quite recently at the Clinique of the Berlin Hospital, namely, a double placenta for a single child. Dr. Ebert furnishes the following description of this anomaly DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 195 When displayed on a table, it Avas found to be divided into tAvo exactly equal rounded parts, which were entirely distinct, having no connection whatever Avith each other, excepting through the intervention of the cord and membranes; an interval of about three inches separated the tAvo por- tions. The cord Avas tAventy-one inches long, containing, as in the normal state, the three vessels spirally arranged, but this spiral form ceased nearly tAvo inches from the bifurcation of the umbilical vein, at this point the tAvo arteries were placed, one on each side of the vein, and only communicated by a trifling anastomosis. The vein bifurcated about four inches from the placenta; the tAvo result- ing branches Avere of unequal length, and the longest sent a branch to the opposite placenta. The arteries had a similar arrangement, one being sent to each after-birth. The one corresponding Avith the longest vein likewise sent a branch to the other placenta, but the interior subdivisions of the vessels offered no further anomaly. The membranes formed a single cavity for the foetus and amniotic Avaters; they invested the two portions of the cord, the foetal face of both placentas, and passed from one organ to the other, thus establishing a kind of fio. 64. membranous bridge betAveen them, c regularly formed placenta. cotyledons. A much more singular case has been obligingly communicated to me by Dr. Blot. In this instance, the placental mass presented nearly the usual appearance, but around it Avere distributed several entirely distinct cotyle- dons, which Avere connected Avith it only by the vessels proceeding from them to join the ramifications of the cord. (Fig. 04.) The after-birth presents a fcetal, or internal, and an external, or uterine surface; also a circumference, or border. The internal surface is covered both by the chorion and amnion, and exhibits numerous ramifications of the umbilical arteries and vein, which generally converge about the centre of this body to form the umbilical cord. The uterine surface is much less smooth, polished, and uniform than the preceding, and is slightly convex, wh'xht the former is a little concave. It is subdivided into a variable num- 196 PREGNANCY. ber of lobes, or irregularly rounded cotyledons, held together by a laniel lated, apparently albuminous tissue, which is so easily lacerated, that a rup- ture may occur during the separation of the placenta, so that after its Fig. 65. Fig. 66. Fig. 65. The internal, or foetal surface of the placenta. Fig. C6. The external, or uterine surface of the placenta. expulsion, the cotyledons appear to be separated from each other by deep furrows or fissures. This surface is covered by a thin layer of adhesive matter through Avhich the reddish and sanguinolent appearance of the coty- ledons is perceptible. The placental circumference is thin and irregular, and its extent, although very variable, is generally about twenty-five inches. The margin, accord- ing to M. Velpeau, is continuous, without a Avell-marked line of demarcation, with the double lamina formed by the folding of the deciduous membrane. But in the opinion of other anatomists, the periphery of this vascular mass is continuous Avith the chorion, and only contiguous to the double fold of the decidua, which is there thicker and more dense, and presents a kind of triangular sinus for the reception of the placental border. Our future remarks upon the structure of the placenta will serve to show that its circumference is continuous with both the chorion and the decidua; with the chorion by its fcetal portion, which, after all, is formed by the hypertrophied villi of the chorion; and with the decidua or parietal mucous membrane by its maternal portion, Avhich is but a thickened part of this same uterine mucous membrane. [Structure. — That we may not be misled whilst studying the structure of the placenta, I think it best to state briefly the manner in which it is formed. The history of its development shows that it formed of the villi of the chorion, the growth and ramification of which give rise to innumerable filaments which ingraft themselves upon the intermediate mucous membrane to which they soon adhere closely. The maternal vessels undergoing an inverse development form vast numbers of loops, which descend between the villi of the chorion and extend to the foetal surface of the placenta. An amorphous matter is soon deposited between the villi of the chorion uniting them together, and the placenta thus formed is at the same time a maternal and foetal organ. The separation of the placenta after delivery takes place at the most superficial portion of the intermediate mucous membrane. (See Inter-utero-placental Decidua.) DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 197 The foetal placenta comes entirely away, bringing with it the epithelial layer of the inter-utero-placental decidua and the placental distribution of the maternal vessels. The thickest part of the intermediate mucous membrane remains, on the contrary, attached to the uterus. (See Decidua, and Lying-in state.) Such, in short, are the principal phenomena which occur during the development and seianiti'in of the placenta, and they will serve to guide us amidst the different opinions which have been advanced respecting the structure of the organ.] The structure of the after-birth has been a theme of numerous discussions among embryologists; but the researches of MM. Blandin, Jacquemier, Flourens, and Bonami, in our OAvn times, and even yet more recently those of Reid, Weber, Coste, Eschricht, and Robin, have throAvn much light on this subject. We have sought laboriously for the truth amongst these different opinions; and in believing that Ave have found it in the facts established by M. Robin, we are no less convinced that the task has been greatly facilitated by the researches of his predecessors. In order to render justice to all, Ave consider it our duty to give an analysis of the principal investigations Avhich haA'e been made in reference to this interesting point of ovology. If, while the placenta is still adherent to the uterine wall, a careful effort be made to detach it, Ave can easilysee that this detachment takes place at the expense of a particular tissue, which at once separates and holds the two surfaces in contact. Noav, this utero-placental substance is of an albu- minous or membranous nature, and is composed, according to Robin, of the epithelium o the intermediate decidua. This membranous layer (that has also been accurately described by M. Jacquemier) is moulded, as it were, on the irregular surface of the placenta, to Avhich the adhesion is more per- fect than to the corresponding part of the Avomb; it dips into the fissures that separate the cotyledons, unless these should happen to be very deep, in which case it merely passes from one lobe to another, thereby forming a species of membranous bridge; but a partition of the same nature much thicker than the preceding penetrates deeply betAveen the lobes. The lamina clothing the external surface of the placenta is continuous with the decidua, Avithout exhibiting any other difference, says the same author, than a considerable augmentation of thickness; a disposition that is apparently mechanical, being due to the relief made by the projecting circumference of the after-birth, and which thus determines around that organ a greater accumulation of plastic material. According to that able anatomist, this membrane offers all the physical characters of the decidua; and he seems quite disposed to consider them both as being one and the same. This inter-utero-placental tissue is traversed by a great number of venous and arterial vessels, Avhich pass from the internal surface of the uterus to the placenta (utero-placental vessels); but it does not appear to be the ultimate termination of a single blood-vessel. No trace of the injection remained, in this tissue, in the preparations just alluded to, made by M. Bonami. Let us proceed, hoivever, to the vascular structure of the placenta, pro- perly so called ; and, as 1 have Avitnessed the injections of M. Bonami, I cannot do better than transcribe here the following parts of his thesis: 198 PREGNANCY. "An injection, composed of spirit-varnish, colored Avith red-had, Avas firsi thrown into the venous system of the uterus through the primitive iliac and one of the ovarian veins. A second, consisting of spirits of turpentine and indigo, was then made of the uterine arteries through the inferior extremity of the aorta, ligatures being previously placed on all the vessels capable of transmitting the injected fluids to the inferior extremities. " The uterine cavity having been opened at some distance from the placental insertion, and the foetus stripped of its membranes, a blackish liquid, Avhich Avas nothing but the blood, Avas next squeezed from the vessels of the cord; then injections, having linseed-oil colored with white-lead and yellow ochre as their base, were throAvn into the umbilical vein, and into one of the arteries." These injections were made Avith the greatest possible precaution, and the following results were aftenvards obtained from a careful dissection: " At first, the red liquid injected into the uterine veins could be distinctly per- ceived on the foetal surface of the placenta. But, by Avhat canals could the injection have penetrated so far as this? Here was a new subject of research; but, by carefully turning the placenta aside, a considerable number of small vessels could easily be recognized, leaving the internal surface of the womb, traversing the inter-utero-placental tissue just described, and plunging into the substance of the placenta. These consisted of arteries and veins, readily cognizable as such by the different colored injections." 1st. Arteries.—The number of these is large, and they are more abundant near the centre of insertion than anyAvhere else; still, a few very delicate ones are found about an inch from the placental circumference. Generally, they are quite small, varying from a fourth of a line to a line in diameter. They assume very sensibly a spiral arrangement, and their course is oblique, almost always creeping along for a third of an inch, sometimes more, before their terminal extremities are directed towards the anfractuosities of the placenta; and they evidently penetrate the proper substance of the latter, though towards the uterus they are clearly continuous Avith the uterine arteries. Lastly, they have but few ramifications, and these rarely anasto- mose Avith each other. 2d. The veins pass from the uterus, through the inter-utero-placental membrane, towards the placenta, but they have not the same disposition as the arteries. The calibre of these veins, says M. Bonami, is nearly equal to that of the arteries, sometimes even a little larger, some of them being from two to three lines in diameter. The characters by Avhich we could distinguish these from the arteries, Avere conclusive in the piece under examination. Thus, these veins Avere penetrated by liquids thrown into the uterine venous system ; they were rectilinear, and their exceedingly numerous ramifications anastomosed freely with each other, thereby forming vast plexuses on the cell-walls, which penetrated the uterine surface of the placenta at all points; and, on the other hand, by further dissection, could be seen with the naked eye terminating in the large uterine veins. Besides these, according to Meckel and Jacquemier, there exists a vein Avhich encircles the periphery of the placenta; but this coronary, vein is rarely complete, as it nearly DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 199 always exhibits one or more interruptions of an inch or tAvo in extent, although its continuity is sustained by a series of veins anastomosing Avith one another, and its course exhibits numerous varicose-like dilatations. It communicates, at short distances, with the uterine veins, and receives con- tributions both internally and externally; some of these spread over the uterine surface of the placenta, and anastomose Avith the veins that penetrate this body at its centre; the others, Avhich are less numerous, ramify in the substance of the decidua, two or three inches from the circumference of the placenta. M. Robin says that it resembles a uterine sinus, and is more properly one of the latter excavated in the mucous membrane than a true vein. The presence of this coronary vein is not constant, for neither Vel- peau nor Bonami have ever met with it. There are, therefore, certain arteries and veins that penetrate the placenta, belonging to the maternal vascular system ; but before studying their dis- tribution, let us examine that of the umbilical vessels. These, consisting of the umbilical arteries and vein, having arrived at the foetal surface of the placenta, divide into several large branches that are found betAveen the amnion and chorion. The first of these membranes may be detached with great facility; but the second intimately adheres to the vessels, Avhich it completely envelops, thus forming a sheath in Avhich one artery and one vein are always found, the vein being much the larger; sliortly after, each trunk divides into two branches, each of these into two others, and thus they go on subdividing dichotomously almost ad infinitum. The two umbilical arteries communicate freely with each other in the substance of the same cotyledon, and this anastomosis may even be seen Avithout the aid of an injection. Again, if a coarse injection be thrown into one of the arteries, it will shortly return by the other; though, if the pressure be con- tinued, it Avill pass from the arteries into the umbilical vein; but if Ave commence by filling the vein, the injection reaches the arteries Avith more difficulty. If a very penetrating mixture be used, the Avhole uterine surface of the placenta will be converted into a very delicate plexus, which never affords an outlet to the injected liquid; patulous orifices do not exist, there- fore, at the extremities of the vessels. When a placenta has been thus injected, and is then macerated, it soon appears to resolve itself into a substance resembling Avoolly flakes covered by numerous particles of a soft pulpy tissue, that is detached from them Avith much difficulty. These flakes present under the microscope a large number of granulations, composed of small, convoluted, tAvisted vessels, like those in the chorial villi of the coav or the sheep. These small granules have been described as acini, or little grains. The vessels become longer as the maceration is continued, and finally lose flexuosity almost entirely. On the Avhole, therefore, the placenta is formed by vessels belonging to tlie mother as well as by those appertaining to the child, and each of its cotyledons is constituted in the folloAving manner: the maternal, or utero- placental vessels penetrate at all points of its uterine surface, forming in its hubstance a net-Avork of exceedingly delicate meshes, Avhile the umbilical vessels that penetrate on the foetal surface present those infinite ramifica- tions just described, and these twist around and embrace the contracted 200 PREGNANCY. meshes of the maternal plexus in all directions. Further, the connection existing between these two orders of vessels appears to result from the mem- branous sheath that envelops them both, even into the substance of the placenta. This sheath is furnished to one set by the chorion, to the other by the extremely delicate prolongations of the maternal vessels. In other Avords, being compressed and united with each other through the intervention of a common substance, these divisions and subdivisions form a cotyledon of the placenta. Again, all the minute vascular ramuscles are so intimately connected that it is impossible to separate the vessels belonging to the mother from those peculiar to the foetus, and they can only be distinguished from each other by the different colored injections. But, although the two series thus interlace, the maternal branches never communicate by their terminal extremities Avith those of the foetus ; since the finest injections, Avhen most carefully made, have never established a direct communication between these two orders of vessels, — unless by rupture of the walls. The description of Eschricht is very analogous to that of M. Bonami; thus, the former concludes that tAvo orders of capillary plexuses are in con- tact in the human placenta, and that the uterine arteries are continuous with the veins of the same name through a capillary plexus, equally deli- cate with the one existing between the umbilical arteries and veins. But the researches of Weber have led to different conclusions as to the mode in which the uterine arteries run into the veins of a similar name in the placenta, and these curious results deserve some notice, inasmuch as they seem to form a natural transition to the arrangement which we shall describe hereafter. He states that the uterine arteries enter the after-birth without giving off any arborescent ramifications ; and, on the other hand, that the veins do not arise by delicate ramuscles, but present, at their very origin, large trunks, which by anastomosing with each other very frequently and at all points, seem to form in this manner a system of cells, whence the blood then passes by some venous trunks into the uterine veins. These latter are continuous with the arterial tubes from their origin ; their walls are excessively thin in the placenta, being there reduced to the internal coat, and collapse, so as to be nearly invisible when they contain but little blood. The terminal rami- fications of the umbilical vessels project into these venous sinuses; more- over, the thin tunic of the vein is pushed into the interior of the vessel by the fcetal villus resting against its outer surface, and it thus furnishes a sheath to the latter, Avhich seems to penetrate to the interior even of the maternal vascular tube, though in reality it does not. Read, in August, 1840, easily verified, he says, the existence of the utero- placental vessels, when examining the uterus of a pregnant woman, who died at the seventh month. After having detached a portion of the placenta under Avater, my atten- tion was drawn to a number of rounded bands passing between the uterus and the externa] surface of the placenta. When the least traction Avas miade, their walls lecame thinner as their length increased, and had a eel- DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 201 lular appearance, though they were easily lacerated; whilst sometimes, though more rarely, they seem to separate like the tufts of the uterine sin- uses. By cutting into one of the sinuses, these tufts could be traced, and seen to ramify in its interior; some seemed to penetrate the patulous open- ing of the sinus only, while others sank in for about an inch, and appeared to penetrate even the surrounding sinuses. I could easily satisfy myself by injection and microscopical inspection, that these tufts were the ultimate ramifications of the umbilical vessels. It is scarcely necessary to add, that these tufts only penetrate the open- ings of the sinuses situated near the internal surface of the uterus, and not those more deeply seated. Their volume varies very much, some appearing to fill the opening of the sinus entirely, whilst others only occupy it in part. Again, although the tufts appeared loose, and floating in the interior of the maternal vascular tube, yet they Avere evidently surrounded by the internal tunic of the latter, Avhich was reflected on their external surface. I have assured myself that some of the utero-placental veins contained no prolongation of the foetal vessels, but in many others the villous tufts (the terminations of the umbilical vessels) could be recognized and folloAved into the uterine sinuses. In tracing these utero-placental veins that contain no foetal vessels through the decidua to the surface of the placenta, the internal membrane of such veins is found prolonged on the neighboring placental tufts; and further, by following a large utero-placental artery through the decidua, Ave may see that as soon as it arrives on the face of the placenta, its internal tunic is prolonged on certain tufts that are found plunged in its orifice. The numerous branches of the fcetal tufts Avhich stop at the placental sur- face of the decidua, and neither penetrate into the uterine sinuses, nor yet into the orifices of the utero-placental vessels, are fixed by their extremities to the placental surface of this membrane. Consequently, the placenta is formed interiorly by numerous trunks and branches (each containing an artery and a vein), and each of these branches, both venous and arterial, is surrounded by a prolongation of the internal tunic belonging to the maternal vascular system, or at least by a membrane continuous Avith that tunic. Hence, in adopting such ideas of the placental structure, it becomes evident that the internal tunic of the mother's vessels is prolonged on each placental tuft, in such a manner that the maternal blood, arriving by the utero-placental arteries, passes into a large sac formed from the internal lamina of these vessels, and the blood is thus divided into a thousand dif- ferent directions by the placental villi, Avhich project like fringes into these vessels, pressing in their thin, soft parietes before them, and forming sheaths therefrom which completely envelop each trunk and each branch. The blood returns from this sac by the utero-placental veins without any extra- vasation or abandonment of the vascular system to which it properly belongs. Therefore, the foetal blood, and that of the mother, can have no action upon each other, excepting through the spongy parietes of the fcetal vessels and the thin sac that surrounds them. It will be seen, that but a single step has noAv to be taken in order to reach the dei cription giA'en by M. Coste. 202 PREGNANCY It is really impossible to obtain a correct idea of the structure and devel- opment of the placenta, Avithout being acquainted with the nature and structure of the villi of the chorion, as also with the changes undergone by that portion of the uterine mucous membrane (utero-epichorial decidua; upon AAdiich the ovule is ingrafted. A. Villi of the Chorion. — We have already stated that before the allantoid is developed, each villus of the chorion contains a canal, which is open at its base, but terminates in a cul-de-sac at its free extremity ; after the allan- toid is developed, the terminal ramifications of the umbilical vessels, both arteries and veins, penetrate into this canal as into the finger of a glove. The villi, after having been thus rendered vascular, become atrophied, and Fig. 67. This figure represents the manner in which the villi of the chorion ramify. — o C. Trunk of the villus. e. Terminal ramification intact. G. A terminal branch broken off. v. A lateral branch. finally disappear from all that part of the chorion which is covered by the reflected or epichorial decidua. Those, on the contrary, Avhich are in imme- diate contact Avith the utero-epichorial mucous membrane (inter-utero- placental decidua of authors), undergo a considerable development, and ramify ad infinitum. When vieAved collectively at this period, they have the appearance of a soft, hairy mass, very tufted and flaky, and of a semi- transparent gray rose-color. If the villi which compose this hair-like mass of the chorion be separated from each other and examined, the folloAving characters will be found applicable to all: a common pedicle, forming the base or trunk of the villus, about one-sixteenth of an inch long, and one-half as Avide, for an ovum of six weeks, the dimensions varying, however, Avith the size of the ovum. From this pedicle are put forth numerous branches, forming a bulky tuft. The largest of these branches, after dividing tAvo or three times, are again subdivided into innumerable minute branchlets. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 208 Again, some of the smaller branches stand alone upon the surface of the chorion, in the interspaces of the tufted pedicles just mentioned. The extremities of the subdivisions of the third and fourth orders are here and there found to present a sort of cylindric or flattened SAvelling. One of the principal subdivisionsgof the umbilical arteries and veins is distributed to each of these pedicles, and extends into all of its branches, ramifying as it goes. Inasmuch as the branches of any one pedicle have no communication with those of a neighboring one, it folloAvs that each tuft of the chorion has a circulation of its OAvn. Although the terminal villi become longer, their thickness is not sensibly increased, for their diameter is nearly the same after, as before the develop- ment of the placenta. B. Utero-epichorial Mucous Membrane.—These hypertrophied villi come in contact with a very thick and much softened portion of the uterine mucous membrane. As they grow longer, they penetrate into the tissue of the mucous membrane itself, excavating therein a species of cells or lacunae, which can be seen Avithout difficulty upon the bottom of the receptacle represented in Plate III., Fig. 53. Since the arteries, but more especially the veins, are so developed at this point that the frequent dilatations of the latter form large cavities or sinuses, from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch in diameter, the vascular villi of the chorion necessarily come in contact Avith the Avails of the uterine vessels. According to M. Coste, the fatter are even Avorn through by the villi of the chorion, which having thus gamed entrance into their cavities, are sus- pended freely in the blood which fills them. Soon these infinitely numerous and elongated villi become united to each other by means of an amorphous substance, which is deposited in small quantity amongst them, so as to give to each tuft of the same pedicle the compactness Avhich each placental cotyledon presents at a more advanced period of pregnancy. The villi taken from the placenta immediately after labor, differ from those described only in the greater number of their ramifications, and the larger size of the pedicles and of the principal branches Avhich they put forth. The foetal portion of the placental tissue is formed, in short, of interlaced filaments, which are simply the chief branches of the villi of the chorion, whose ramifications can be folloAved to their termination only by the use of a lens, so inextricably entangled are they, and agglutinated by the amor- phous matter of Avhich Ave have spoken. They thus form, by their agglom- eration, a tissue of a reddish-gray color, soft, elastic, giving way to pressure of the finger, and yielding a filamentous fragment by tearing. The structure of all the villi is not, however, identical at the termination of pregnancy. Although the greater number preserve until the end the double vascular canal Avhich they presented at the beginning, the vessels of a feAV become atrophied, and like the non-placental villi, finally constitute a very slender filament devoid of a canal. Fig. 68, for which I am indebted to the kindness of M. Robin, exhibits these diflferences, besides showing 204 PREGNANCY. very clearly the admirable disposition of the foetal vessel within the villus itself.1 Thus H and T represent a terminal prolongation of the branches of a placental villus, ovoid- in shape, with a contracted pedicle and obliterated cavity; at B is another terminal prolongation of the same villus, having the structure Avhich almost all of them retain in the placenta. It is composed of an external envelope B, or wall of the villus, of a structure identical with that of the chorion. Its thickness, and consequently that of the substance separating the blood of the foetus from that of the mother, may be estimated approximatively. It is about "0004 of an inch. This villus presents internally a partition, a, dividing its cavity into two vascular tubes. The tubes are situated beside each other, like the barrels of a double-barrelled gun ; they bend toward each other at a", so as to form a single canal at the extremity of the villus, which is arterial at D e, but venous at g' g. This partition A has only half the thickness of the external wall B. It has a spur-like termination at a", and adheres by its base at a' to the wall of the villus. When this disposition of the terminal ramifications is once understood, all discussion, as M. Robin remarks, respecting a direct communication between the maternal and foetal vascular systems, is ended. Each of the capillary vessels of this double canal empties into a corre- sponding one of larger size, at the point of junction or of separation of a ramification with a larger branch; for example (Fig. 68), the arterial tube Fig. 68. The figure represents a fragment of the villi of the chorion obtained from the placenta. It exhibits prolongations of various appearance. Magnified 360 diameters. D e empties at a' into the trunk of the same nature of the principal branch D v, and the venous tube g' g discharges at the point c. 1 The minute details into which I am about to enter, are the analysis of the researches uf my learned colleague and friend, M. Robin. They are for the most part recorded in in excellent nemoir publish&l by him, and also in the thesis of M. Cayla, one of his pupils. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN O TUM. 205 The placenta is therefore composed of two parts, which are very distinct, in a physiological point of vieAV, although they are confounded in a single mass at the end of gestation. One of these is the foetal portion, and is more especially adherent to the chorion, from which it takes its origin; the other, the maternal portion, is a greatly thickened part of the uterine mucous membrane. It is very difficult to say Avhat is the real mode of connection between these two elements of the placenta, since such different results have followed the dissections of the most skilful anatomists. Their continuity, or direct communication, is at present, however, out of the question, for all are united in regarding their relation as one of simple contact, a greater or less extent of adhesion. [The foregoing represents Avhat AAras known until Avithin a few years past, of the structure of the placenta. More recently, Professor Robin, who at first accepted the ideas of M. Coste, has changed his opinion on the subject, and we have now to Btate his present views. (Various memoirs and oral communications.) A close examination of the external surface of the placenta, will soon show that the entire surface of the cotyledons is covered by a grayish, semi-transparent, and soft membrane, from the tfs to the ^ of an inch in thickness in different specimens. This membrane, whose existence we have already asserted, is sometimes smooth, sometimes rough, quite elastic and adhesive, and of a peculiar appearance. It passes Avithout interruption from one cotyledon to another, being only rather thicker in the interstices. It is formed by the epithelium of the inter-utero-placental mucous membrane in its thickened and hypertrophied condition. A few other elements, derived from the most superficial portion of the same mucous membrane, are also found in it, such as laminated fibres, amorphous matter, and molecular granules of various kinds. This layer represents the maternal placenta, and is traversed by a profusion of maternal capillary vessels Avhich pass into the body of the placenta. If these vessels be folloAved into the soft, grayish, and glutinous layer, just described, we find that they become gradually flatter and more irregular; they are distributed over the conA^ex surface of the cotyledons and in their interstices, and at all these points enter deeply in an oblique direction toward the foetal surface of the placenta. In pursuing this course, their walls become so extremely thin that they are often discerned Avith great difficulty. (Robin. Communications orales.) Having entered the placental tissue, they dilate and communicate so largely as to form throughout the entire mass of the placenta a pool of blood, Avhich bathes the entire placental surface of the chorion at the point of attachment of the pedicle of each villus. This expanse of blood penetrates the fine sponge-like interstices between the reticulated ramifications of the villi, but nowhere is there any direct communication between the maternal and foetal blood. Beneath the preceding layer is found the foetal placenta, which constitutes the greater bulk of the organ and is formed by the expansion of the villi of the chorion agglutinated by amorphous matter. Amongst these villi are distributed the numerous maternal vessels. The glutinous layer, formed by the epithelium of the serotina at the surface of the placenta, is always present, unless accidentally removed: thus proving the very important fact that the placental villi are not plunged freely by means of floating extremities in the sinuses of the serotina. The cotyledons, it is true, project toward the utero-placental mucous membrane Avhich, in its turn, penetrates somewhat into the furrows which separate the cotyledons: still, their convex surfaces are merely 206 PREGNANCY. applied against the sinuses of the serotina, which glide between the villi in ordei to open into the aboA'e-mentioned pool of blood resulting from the enormous dilata- tion and the destruction here and there of the walls of the capillaries of the super- ficial net-Avork of this part of the mucous membrane. The adhesion betAveen the cotyledons and the mucous membrane is molecular and so intimate, that, instead of merely separating from the latter, it brings away with it the superficial layer of the serotina. Notwithstanding this, it is true that, in an anatomical point of view, the cotyle- dons, in fact the placenta, are merely applied by the surface, against the inter- mediate mucous membrane. The foetal villi are not plunged in the form of arborescent or radical branches in the tissue of the serotina, as all the descriptions would seem to indicate, but it were more correct to regard the maternal blood as seeking them at a certain depth in the mass of the cotyledons.] The placenta appears to be destitute of nerves and lymphatic vessels. All the cotyledons composing the placental mass are, as Ave have said, united by the interlobular membrane. Occasionally, hoAvever, one or several of these lobes are separated from the others, and seem to form another placenta by their isolation; in this way" it has happened that several placentas have been attributed to a single foetus, and, perhaps, the- facts mentioned at the beginning of this article are to be accounted for in the same way. The placenta may be inserted upon any part of the uterine cavity, and even upon its orifice, though most usually it is fixed near the fundus of the organ. It has been customary to account for these varieties of insertion, by saying that the latter is determined by the most vascular portion of the organ; overlooking the fact, that, although the point of attachment be indeed more vascular than any other part of the uterine parietes, it is simply because of the insertion, thus confounding the cause Avith the effect. According to some authors, the weight of the ovule determines the point of insertion of the placenta, which, if true, should most frequently take place upon the neck. Observation, however, refutes this opinion. Finally, accord- ing to MM. Moreau and Velpeau, when the ovule enters the Avomb, it is obliged to separate the decidua from the Avail of the uterus, and therefore naturally tends towards the points of least resistance. The details Avhich Ave have given respecting the mode of formation of the decidua, shoAV that the latter opinion is Avithout foundation. The folloAving seems to us to be the most probable explanation: Generally, by the time the ovule enters the uterine cavity, the latter is filled to repletion by the folded and SAVollen mucous membrane. This state of things renders it almost impossible that- it should progress very far, and the consequence is, that in the vast majority of cases it lodges in one of the numerous folds near the fundus, and becomes attached in the vicinity of the orifice of the tube by Avhich it entered. The placenta is, in fact, generallv found in this neighborhood. Why, in some cases, it should be situated in the inferior segment of the womb, is of more difficult explanation, except upon the sup- position that fecundation was effected after the arrival of the ovule in the uterine cavity; in"which case, in consequence of the less swollen condition of the mucous membrane, it may have been able to obey the laAvs of gravity immediately upon entering the cavity, and thus descend tOAvards the lowest ooints. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 207 Sometimes the insertion of the placenta upon the lower segment of the uterus occurs in several successive pregnancies. Ingleby relates one case in which it happened three times, and says he knew the same thing to occur ten times in another. M. Dunal, from whom I quote the above, gives an observation of M. Menard, in Avhich the Avoman had this unfavorable inser- tion twice consecutively. Whether this sort of habit can depend upon a peculiar disposition of the Fallopian tube or of the uterus, is a question which anatomical research only is competent to decide. § 2. The Umbilical Cord. The umbilical cord is the flexible trunk, Avhich unites the abdomen of the child to the placenta; it does not exist during the#early weeks of preg- nancy, and its formation only commences Avhen the embryo is completely separated from the blastodermic vesicle, Avhich thereby becomes the umbili- cal vesicle; Avhen the allantois, by being confounded Avith the external lamina of the blastoderm, no longer constitutes a distinct vesicle, but is merely a simple cord upon which the two umbilical arteries and the vein ramify ; and when all these parts have received an enveloping sheath from the amnios. Now it scarcely appears thus formed until towards the end of the first month, being composed at this period, in all normal embryos of the age of the one Avhich we shall describe (page 210), of three distinct parts: 1, of an enveloping canal, Avhose walls are formed by a reflection of the amnios, and Avhich is continuous at the umbilicus with the skin of the embryo; 2, of tAvo pedicles proceeding from the foetal appendages, around which this amniotic canal forms a sheath, and Avhich communicate, the one under the name of the pedicle of the umbilical vesicle, with the ileo-ccecal fold of intestine, and the other, under the name of urachus, or the pedicle of the allantois, with the bladder. But soon after, as the development progresses, and the pedicle of the umbilical vesicle is absorbed, the cord becomes simplified, and is reduced to the amniotic sheath and the urachus, accompanied by the umbilical ves- sels, with which this sheath is confounded by the obliteration of the canal that constitutes it. The effacement of this canal, along which only the urachus and its accompanying Aressels pass, progresses from the chorial extremity of the cord tOAvards the umbilicus, or abdomen of the embryo; and, as the progressive obliteration approaches the latter, it encounters the intestine Avhich advances beyond the umbilicus, and forms arhernia in the cord itself; but this rupture is naturally reduced, in consequence of the pressure exercised on the boAvel by the progress of effacement, Avhich ulti- mately reaches the navel, and presses back into the abdomen everything met Avith outside of its cavity. HoAvever, in some instances this process is not completed in so efficacious a manner, and the intestine in such cases remaining beyond the umbilicus, produces the malformation knoAvn as con- genital hernia; a hernia that is nothing more than the persistence of an inatomical disposition, Avhich always exists temporarily at a certain period of the embryonic life. The cord, at the end of the first month, is still thin, cylindrical, and verv uniall; but from the fourth to the eighth, and even the ninth Aveek, it 208 PREGNANCY. acquires a considerable proportional volume; and it exhibits either som« enlargements, vesicles, or swellings, two, three, or four in number, which are separated from each other by a corresponding, number of bands, or con- tractions. During the third month it diminishes in size, in consequence of a retrac- tion of these tuberosities; but again, commencing from this latter period, it continues to groAV proportionally to the other parts of the foetus until the end of gestation. The cord varies greatly in length at term : generally, it is from tAventy- one to twenty-three inches; some have been observed, however, from six inches to five feet (one metre fifty-three centimetres) ; others, still more rare, have reached five feet nine inches in length (one metre seventy-five centimetres). I delivered a Avoman with the forceps, June 23, 1841, in whom the head had been retained above the superior strait, and where the cord Avas only nine inches long. These extremes are very rare; neverthe- less, they are not the utmost varieties the cord may offer in its extreme limits, for it has been knoAvn not to exceed five inches, and has even been as short as two inches. In a case reported by Mende, it was so short that the placenta absolutely seemed fixed to the child's abdomen. Its size likewise varies in different subjects, being generally about that of the little finger, sometimes much smaller, and at others very large; but in all these cases its volume depends much less on that of the vessels than on the quantity of fluids accumulated in the surrounding tissue. The nerves and lymphatic vessels, which certain authors have described as belonging to the cord, are still a subject of research; admitted by some and denied by others, their existence is at least problematical. The arteries are tAvo in number, and, following the course of the blood, they, arise from the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta in the foetus, and reach the umbilicus, Avhence they traverse the entire length of the cord, describing numerous flexuosities as far as the placenta, in the tissue of which we have already followed their ramifications. The vein, still following the route of the blood, arises from the numerous ramuscules studied in the placenta; the venous radicles of each lobe unite to form branches, Avhich in their turn aggregate on the fcetal surface of the after-birth, to form there the trunk of the umbilical vein ; and the latter, having arrived at the umbilical ring, abandons the two arteries, and runs tOAvards the fiver. (See Circulation of the fcehls.) The vein is nearly equal in size to the two arteries united; but it is much less flexuous, and conse- quently its course is shorter. These vessels are Avound upon each other in a Avay nearly similar to the twigs of osier forming the handle of a basket; they give off no branches in the cord, and it has been remarked that the twisting of the vessels which only begins after the second month, takes place, nine times in ten, from left to right. The vein usually occupies the axis of the cord, and the arteries wind uniformly around it. Of course, this enrolling must depend somewhat on the torsions of the embryo itself, and then the entire cord, together with its sheath, is involved, as not unfrequently happens; but Avhen the cord ia DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN OVUM. 209 etraight, and the arteries are tAvisted at least more than it is, these contortions seem to result from a more rapid groAvth of the vessels Avithin the sheath, than of the sheath itself (Haller). Now, the embryo and placenta being immovable, the turns starting from these tAvo points will necessarily meet each other, and this indeed frequently takes place. Two, and even three umbilical veins have been met Avith in some cases ; in others, instead of two arteries there is but one. Osiander once found three of the latter. It is worthy of remark, that neither the arteries nor the veins have valves at any part of their course. These vessels are surrounded by a gelatinous substance called Wharton's gelatine, Avhich is variable in its quantity, thereby giving rise to the division made by accoucheurs into the thin and fat cords. This substance is con- tinuous on one part with the sub-peritoneal cellular tissue of the foetus, and; on the other, accompanies the vessels into the placenta. Being spongy in character, it is constituted by a clear, tenacious liquid, contained in the cellular areola?, that communicate so freely Avith each other. The cord frequently has one or more knots when it is very long, some of Avhich are formed during pregnancy, and often even at an early stage; but others are only produced at the period of labor: they never become so tightened (in gestation) as to compromise the life of the child, to whose movements they are certainly due; but we can understand that the cord may become tightly draAvn during labor, from being shortened by circular turns around the trunk or neck ; the knots, in such cases, may be so hardened as to intercept the circulation completely, and the death of the foetus will necessarily result if the labor be prolonged. In one case, figured in the Avork of M. Baude- locque, the cord was knotted three times at the same place, and Avas inter- laced like a mat.1 M. Soete, an accoucheur at GheluAve, has described a very singular case of double pregnancy, in Avhich the tAvo foetuses Avere inclosed in the same bag, and the tAvo cords formed a perfect knot with each other. Besides these knots, true nodosities likeAvise exist at times in the cord, pro- duced either by the duplicature or the varicose state of one of its vessels. We have already stated that the cord is attached by one extremity to the umbilicus of the child, and by the other to some point of the foetal surface of the placenta; but this, however, is not ahvays the case, for the facts are too numerous which go to prove that the cord may indeed be inserted on the head, neck, shoulders, and other parts of the i The ancients thought they could determine the fecundity of the female by these knots: thus, according to Avicenna. the more knots the more will be the future con- ceptions; and if they occur at some distance apart, the pregnancies will also be more distant from each other. — (Israelis Spachii gynseceorum libri.) 14 Fig. 69. 210 PREGNANCY. fcetal trunk, not to admit some of them, at least; such, for example, as the one observed by M. Jules Cloquet, at Brussels. The placental extremity of the cord also presents some anomalies; it is usually fixed very near the centre, but sometimes is found attached to a part of the periphery, bearing then the title of the battledoor-plaeenta. Nor is it always attached to a point of the foetal surface of the placenta. For instance, Benckiser has collected in his thesis numerous cases in which the cord was inserted at some point on the periphery of the membranes; and having arrived there, the vessels of the cord then divide into five or six large trunks, the branches of which, by ramifying between the membranes, reach the placental circumference, and plunge into the parenchyma of this body. (See Fig. 69.) ^ All such modifications, however, merely depend on the way in which the allantois contracts its adhesions with the point of the ovum in contact with the womb. In fact, the placenta is always developed there, and if the allantois happens to strike" the chorion at a point someAvhat removed from that which is in apposition with the internal uterine surface, the umbilical vessels must evidently have a tendency towards the latter, just as the roots of a plant always stretch towards the spot which will afford them the most nourishment. CHAPTER Y. OF THE FOETUS. We shall not attempt to study the foetus by describing the different organs, and the various tissues successively, that enter into its structure at the moment of birth, nor by tracing each of them through the modifications it undergoes at the divers periods of the intra-uterine life; for such a course would evidently compel us to overstep the limits imposed by the nature and character of this work. Therefore, laying aside all embryological researches, we shall content ourselves with mentioning a few interesting particulars of organogeny; and while considering the foetus in a general manner, we shall point out succinctly the successive development of its form and its external parts. But before entering upon this subject, we believe it will prove profitable to present, in a figure, the various details already furnished, as such an exposition will complete the description previously made, and facilitate a knowledge of the facts we have yet to speak of. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES IN PLATE IV. Fig. 1. The human ovum, of its natural size, at about, the thirtieth or thirty-sixth day. Fig. 2. The same ovum (of its natural size) laid open to show its constituent parts a a. The chorion. b. The amnion. c. The foetus. n. The umbilical vessel. Fig. 3. The same ovum highly magnified, and opened in such a way as to exhibit the principal relations existing between the embryo and its appendages. The walls PI. IV. "Kg.l ■ & A K 3 '\^ K^. 3 4 K 6 M 5 ' SyTu>l{*si+- 'Lvtri OF THE F(ETUS. 211 of the abdomen and chest have been cut away so as to bring the viscera into view, and the umbilical cord has also been split up, for the purpose of showing how the appen- dages of the foetus are brought into relation with this latter. a a. The chorion, consisting of two layers, placed back to back, and confounded with each other, but which have been dissected apart for a limited extent at a' k''. b b. The amnion, laid open, so as to show how it is continuous with the umbilical cord, along which it is reflected, thereby forming a sheath, which, under the form of the canal b' b/, is directly continuous with the umbilicus or the abdominal walls c 0 of the embryo. ». The umbilical vesicle, and d' its pedicle. D//. The point where this pedicle communicates with the intestine e. e. The loop of intestine prolonged into the cord. r. The urachus, continuous by one extremity, g, with the chorion, and by the other with the rectum at the point h. i i. The umbilical arteries. /. The umbilical vein. j'. The part of the right auricle from which the umbilical vein comes off. K. The vena cava inferior. m. The inferior surface of the liver. n. The omphalo-mesenteric vein. o. The point where this vein empties into the umbilical vein. p. Tlie omphalo-mesenteric artery. 1. The heart. 2. The arch of the aorta. 3. The pulmonary artery. 4. The lung of the right side. 6. The Wolffian body. 6. The branchial fissure, which is converted into the external ear. 7. The lower jaw. 8. The upper jaw. 9. The nostril of the right side. 10. The nasal canal still forming a kind of fissure, which extends from the eye to ■he nostril. 11. The caudal extremity, or coccyx, projecting like a tail. 12. The upper extremity. 13. The lower extremity. ARTICLE I. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT OF THE FOETUS AT THE DIFFERENT PERIODS OF INTRA-UTERINE LIFE. At the time Avhen the embryo first begins to be distinct, that is, about the third week, it is oblong, sAVollen in the middle, obtuse at one extremity, though draAvn to a blunt point at the other, and straight, or nearly so, being somewhat curved fonvards. It is therefore vermiform in shape, of a grayish- Avhite color, semi-opaque, almost Avithout consistence, and gelatinous, vary- ing from two to four lines in length, and weighing one or two grains. At this period, the only trace of the head is a small tubercle separated from the rest of the body by a notch, but no rudiments of the extremities are observed, nor is there a cord at first. The embryo is clearly surrounded by the amnion, Avhich lies quite near it, in the form of a delicate membrane, leaving it, hoAvever, ahvays free. The abdominal cavity is opened for a very considerable extent in front. The embryi becomes more consistent tOAvards the fifth week: its head then 212 PREGNANCY. increases greatly, in proportion to the remainder of the body, and tho rudimentary eyes are indicated by tAvo black spots turned tOAvards the sides; the development of the thoracic extremities is announced by two small, obtuse nipples, situated on the sides of the trunk; it is nearly two-thirds of an inch long, and weighs about fifteen grains; the cord exists in a rudi- mentary condition, and the abdominal members are likeAvise present, in the form of two rounded pimples. The vertebral divisions are quite apparent, all along the back, although the caudal vertebrae closely approach the front part of the head, in consequence of the anterior curvature of the embryo. Already does the heart exhibit, in its external form, a tolerably close resemblance to that in the adult; for we may even noAV observe the fissure that will afterwards separate the auricles, as also one corresponding to the inter-ventricular partition; but there is, in reality, only one ventricle, from which both the aorta and the pulmonary artery arise. And, further, there is but one auricle; or, rather, the two communicate so freely that the inter- mediary contraction*Avhich should divide them is still very imperfect; for the partition is formed by the progressive contraction of the orifice of com- munication, and this incomplete opening, Avhich sometimes persists in the septum until birth, is known under the name of the foramen of Botal. But, after birth, the opening becomes obliterated, and the two auricles are thence- forth isolated by a complete partition. The single ventricle will be converted into two cavities, by the interven- tion of a septum, which will be gradually developed from the summit tOAvards the base, being placed between the two arteries (the pulmonary and aorta), and so disposed that one of them shall open into the right and the other into the left cavity. The lungs at this period are constituted of five or six lobules, in which we can readily distinguish the bronchial extremities, terminating in slightly swollen cul-de-sacs. Moreover, two large glandular structures lie along the vertebral column at this period, extending longitudinally on each side, from the lung to the bottom of the pelvis. These are the Wolffian bodies. They are constituted by an excretory canal, which runs throughout their whole length, being placed on their external margin, and terminating below in the transitory cloaca. The canal puts forth, on one of its sides only, a series of more or less elongated cceca, which roll or curl up, so as to form a considerable mass by their agglomeration. These coeca secrete a liquid, Avhich is subsequently emptied into the cloaca by means of the canal. The Wolffian bodies anticipate the function of the kidneys until the latter are developed, and hence they have been denominated the false kidneys; but they disappear as soon as the true organs can replace them, leaving no trace of their past existence. Just alongside of the excretory canal, in the Wolffian body, a second one is seen to accompany it through- out, and even in like manner to empty into the cloaca. But this second canal is perfectly distinct from the other, and will become, in the adult, either the oviduct or the vas deferens, according as the new being shall be of the male or female sex. In the early stages of embryonic life, there likewise exists on each side of the neck in the human foetus, as also in the mammalia, four transverse OF THE F03TUS. 213 fissures Avhich open into the pharynx. These are separated from one another by certain bands, or fleshy partitions, that correspond Avith the branchial arcs of fishes; for the vascular apparatus distributed there affects, to a cer- tain extent, the same form temporarily, that it has permanently in the inferior vertebratse. We, therefore, see that the bulb of the aorta, instead of curv- ing immediately in a single arch, divides, on the contrary, into three or four branches, on each side of the neck; and after these branches have each accompanied a branchial arch, they reunite, at a common point, to form the descending aorta; however, they are soon effaced, along with the corre- sponding fissures, and but two remain on the left side, one of which is con- verted into the arcus aorta?, Avhile the other, after having existed as an arterial canal, will form the common trunk of the pulmonary arteries. The branchial fissures just under consideration also disappear, with the exception of a single one (the first on each side), which is converted into the external ear, as may be seen in the figure. (See Plate IV.) At this period, the upper jaw is still composed of two- papula? one for each side. These pimples, or isolated mandibles, gradually approach the median line, and there unite in a single body, which forms the jaAV such as we find it in the adult. The nostrils are separated by the incisive papulae, Avhich keep them apart for some time; then, as the latter diminish in size, they approach each other and assume their definitive form ; but, in the meamvhile, they are separately split doAvn to the mouth, and it is the permanence of this transitory state that constitutes the double hare-lip. All of the branchial fissures have disappeared by the sixth Aveek, leaving only a slight cicatrix behind. The first centres of ossification appear during the seventh Aveek, first on the clavicle and then on the lower jaAV. The intestine still extends for a considerable distance along the interior of the umbilical cord, but the omphalo-mesenteric canal is nearly obliterated, although it may yet be traced as far as the umbilical vesicle, Avhere it is reduced to a very delicate thread. The anus remains closed ; and the bodies of Wolff alone exist near the vertebral column. It is only then that the kidneys and capsular renales begin to appear, and soon after them the sexual organs. The urinary bladder is first manifested under the form of a tumor that is continuous with the urachus. At this time, the embryo is nearly an inch in length. At two months, the tubercles of the extremities become more prominent. The fore-arm and hand can be distinguished, but not the arm; the hand is larger than the forearm, but it is not supplied Avith fingers. The cord has not as yet assumed a spiral arrangement, but it is infundibuliform in shape, the base corresponding to the abdomen, being continuous with it, and con- taining a large quantity of intestine; it is four to five lines in length, and is inserted near the loAvest point of the abdomen. A small tubercle, fur- nished with one or more very contracted openings, may be distinguished between it and the termination of the spine, Avhich are the rudimentary external organs of generation ; but the extreme length of the clitoris renders the distinction of the sexes difficult at this period. The embryo is from one and a half to tAvo inches long, and weighs fiom three to five drachms, the head forming more than one-third of the whole. 214 PREGNANCY. The eyes are prominent, but the lids, from being itill rudimentary, do not sover the eyeball; the nose forms an obtuse eminence; the nostrils are rounded and separated; the mouth is gaping, and the epidermis can ha distinguished from the true skin. At ten weeks, the embryo is from one and a half to tAvo and a half inches in length, and weighs an ounce or an ounce and a half. The palpebrse, having become more apparent, descend in front of the eye, and the puncta lachrymalia are now visible; the buccal fissure, which has increased in size, begins to be obliterated by the commencing development of the lips. The thoracic parietes are apparent; hence the heart's movements cease to be visible. The fingers are distinct, and the toes look like little tubercles held together by a soft substance. The cord is longer than the embryo, and begins to assume the spiral arrangement; it is less infundibuliform than previously, and is not inserted so Ioav doAvn on the abdomen, but its base always contains a portion of intestine. At the end of the third month, the embryo weighs three to four ounces, and measures from five to six inches; the eyeball is seen through the lids; the membrana pupillaris is more manifest; the forehead and nose are clearly traceable, and the lips Avell marked and not turned outAvards. The neck now establishes a visible separation between the head and thorax; the latter cavity is closed at all points, but is still very slightly developed relatively to the other cavities. The cord contains no intestine, and its spiral turns are more numerous and evident. The nails begin to appear as thin mem- branous plates; the sex is distinct, and the integuments, which heretofore were only a soft, viscous covering, acquire more consistence, but are still very thin, transparent, of a roseate hue, and without an apparent fibrous texture. At the fourth month, the embryo takes the name of foetus; its groAvth is not so rapid in the commencement as at the end of this month. The body is six to eight inches in length, and weighs from seven to eight ounces. The fontanelles are very large, as are also the sutures; and some short, Avhitish, silvery hairs may be observed on the head. The face still remains but little developed, although more elongated than it has previously been. The eyes, nostrils, and mouth are closed, and Avhen the occlusion of the lids happens to be incomplete, it is generally at the internal part. The tongue may be distinguished behind the buccal fissure, and the projection of the chin is observable. The cord is inserted higher up on the abdomen, Avhence the centre of the body is an inch or tAvo above the umbilicus. The skin has a rosy color, and begins to be covered by down; and some fat, tinged Avith red, is deposited in the areola? of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and the muscles noAV produce a sensible motion. A foetus born at this period might live for several hours. Whilst I Avas Interne at the Hotel Dieu, I received one that had scarcely reached the fourth month. It lived, hoAvever, from half-past seven to half-past eleven o'clock. At five vxonihs, the length of the body is eight to ten inches, and it weighs from eight to eleven ounces. The skin is more consistent, and many patches of sebaceous matter may already be seen, but the pupils cannot be dis- tinguished. OF THE FOSTUS. 215 At six months, the length is eleven to twelve and a half inches, and the weight about one pound (avoir.). The hair is both longer and thicker, the eyes closed, the eyelids someAvhat thicker, and their margins, as well as the eyebrows, are studded with very delicate hairs. Agreeably to most authors, the membrana pupillaris always exists; on the contrary, the pupil at this period has seemed very large, both to M. Velpeau and myself. The skin is better organized, for the dermis and the epidermis may be distinguished, though its surface is wrinkled and puckered, OAving to the small quantity of subcutaneous fat. The nails are solid already. The scrotum is very small, quite red, and empty. At seven months, the foetus acquires a length of tAvelve and a half to fourteen inches ; all its parts have become firmer and more voluminous, and their respective dimensions better proportioned. The bones belonging to the vault of the cranium exhibit near their centres a considerable promi- nence at the point where the first rudiments of ossification occur, Avhence it folloAvs they are less uniformly arched than at the succeeding periods, and more curved than in the former months, Avhen they Avere in reality nearly flat. The pupillary membrane disappears completely; indeed, according to M. Velpeau, this membrane does not exist at any period of the intra- uterine life. The iris commences as a simple ring, Avhich then groAvs in a concentric manner, leaving at last only the opening called the pupil. The eyelids are partly open, and the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum. At eight months, the foetus seems to groAV, as Desormeaux remarks, rather in thickness than in length; it is only sixteen to eighteen inches long, and yet Aveighs from four to five pounds. The skin is very red, and covered with long doAvn, and a considerable quantity of sebaceous matter.1 The lower jaAV, which Avas at first very short, is noAV as long as the upper one. The scrotum usually contains one testicle, generally that on the left side. Finally at term, the foetus is about nineteen to twenty-three inches long, and Aveighs from six to seven pounds. Although, in consequence of the development at the inferior part of the trunk, the umbilical ring is now considerably removed from the hypogastric region, yet the insertion of the cord does not correspond, as has been stated, Avith the centre of the body. Thus, in a foetus Avhose total length is twenty inches, we shall generally find ten and a half to eleven inches from the crown to the umbilicus. Indeed, from the researches of M. Moreau, communicated to the Academy of Medicine, it appears that in ninety-four children born at nine months, four only had the umbilical insertion in the middle of the body, Avhile in 1 About the middle term of the intra-uterine life, the skin is covered by a constantly increasing mass of a fat, slippery, viscous substance, yellowish-white in color, called the sebaceous coat. This substance is more abundant on some embryos than on others, and is in greater quantity on certain places, as, for example, the head, axilla, and groins; it is insoluble in Avater, alcohol, and oil, and only partially soluble in potash. It is not a precipitate furnished by the amniotic liquors, as some persons have imagined, for there is none of it on the external surface of the amnios, nor on the umbilical cord; it is a secretion of the foetal skin, and, so far as we can judge by its com position, is a mixture of effete epidermis and matters furnished by the sebaceous glands, which assist perhaps in the hour of labor by facilitating the expulsion of the. chill. 216 PREGNANCY. ninety others it was below this. The mean of the variations Avas nearly an inch. M. Ollivier, of Angers, has also observed the same thing in thirty children, examined by him. The Aveight and length of children at birth have been Avonderfully exag- gerated in many cases; thus, some are recorded of a yard or more in length, and others that weighed eighteen, tAventy, tAventy-four, and even thirty pounds. These statements must certainly be great exaggerations; for the most voluminous of three thousand children, born under my charge, either in the Hotel Dieu or at La Clinique, Aveighed ten pounds, and it Avas an enormous one. Of four thousand children delivered at La Maternite, one only weighed twelve pounds. (Lachapelle.) Baudelocque asserts, that he superintended the delivery of one of tAvelve pounds and three-quarters; and M. Merriman, one weighing fourteen pounds; Richard Crofts, another of fifteen pounds; lastly, Mr. J. D. Owens, a surgeon at Haymoor, near LudloAV, has seen a still-born infant that weighed seventeen pounds twelve ounces, and had the folloAving dimensions: Occipito-frontal diameter, . . . . 1\ inches. Occipito-mental, " ..... 8J " Bi-parietal " ..... 6 " Total length, . . . . . . 24 In the month of May, 1849, I was called in consultation by Dr. Riem- bault in a case of shoulder presentation. Several attempts at version had been made by himself and another physician, and it was Avith the greatest difficulty'that I succeeded in accomplishing it. The child, which was born dead, appeared to me a very large one, and I estimated its weight at from ten to tw-elve pounds. After my departure, M. Riembault, who, like myself, had been struck Avith its size, Aveighed it carefully, once Avith a steelyard, and tAvice in different balances, and ascertained its weight, by the three trials, to be eighteen pounds. Its extreme length Avas two feet one and a half inches, the bi-acromial diameter nine inches, the greater circumference of the head sixteen and one-eighth inches, and the lesser circumference nine inches. M. Riembault has assured me repeatedly, that he could guarantee the accuracy of these statements, since being himself astonished at the results of the measurements, he had taken the precaution to repeat them several times. The mother stated that her last menstrual period occurred July 12,1848, and that she expected to be confined about the 12th of April, 1849. The size of the abdomen had been so great since March, as to lead her to suppose that she was pregnant with twins. The first pains Avere experienced on the evening of the 6th of May, that is to say, nearly a month later than she had anticipated. Whether the pregnancy had really run over its usual term, and Avhether the extraordinary size of the child was attributable thereto, are questions which it is impossible to decide. On the Avhole, therefore, Ave may conclude that the foetal growth is rapid for the first three months, then slackens off about the middle of pregnancy, ind again becomes greatly accelerated during the last three months. Chaussier has given the folloAving as the proportions exhibited by the OF THE FGETUS. 217 different parts of the foetus at birth (taken from a child nineteen and a half inches long), namely: From the top of the head to the pubis,. ..... 12£ inches. ' the pubis to the feet, ........ 7} " " the clavicle to the bottom of the sternum, . . . .2 " " the latter to the pubis,.......6£ " With regard to the transverse measurement, he found as follows: — From the top of one shoulder to the other (bis-acromial or trans- verse diameter of the thorax), ....... 4| inches. From the sternum to the spine (antero-posterior diameter), . 3f " " ilium to ilium (transverse diameter of the pelvis), . . .3 " " one femoral tuberosity to the other, . . . . . 3£ " We shall examine hereafter the dimensions of the head. Fortunately, these diameters are reducible; thus, the bis-acromial in' par- ticular, which presents four and three-quarter inches, may be reduced to three and three-quarter inches, by compression. ARTICLE II. HEAD OF THE FCETUS AT TERM. The head of the foetus merits the particular attention of the accoucheur, as being really the most voluminous and least compressible part of the child. It is, therefore, highly important to ascertain Avhether its several diameters are proportional to those we have heretofore studied in the pelvis. The head is likewise, in the majority of cases, the part Avhich presents dur- ing labor; consequently, it is very necessary that Ave should be fully acquainted Avith all its characters, in order to recognize them at this period. The fcetal head, considered as a Avhole, is ovoidal in form, the larger extremity being posterior, and the smaller anterior; as, in the adult, it is composed of the cranium and face; but as the latter does not claim a par- ticular notice, avc refer, for a knoAvledge of its different parts, to the works on anatomy. Several bones enter into the formation of the cranium; they are — The frontal.—A symmetrical bone, forming the forehead, as w7ell as the superior-anterior part of the face. It is divided in the foetus into two por- tions. The two parietal.—One upon the right, the other on the left side, meet- ing at the median line; they are situated upon the superior lateral parts of the head, and concur to form the vault of the cranium. The occipital. — A symmetrical bone, constituting the posterior part of the skull, as also a portion of its base. The temporal. — Two bones placed, one on the right, and the other on the left side, beloAV and beneath the parietal, completing the lateral portions of the cranium, and contributing to the formation of its base; lastly, the sphenoid and the ethmoid, which belong exclusively to the base. These bones are not united to each other at birth by serrated articulations, as they are in the adult {immovable synarthrosis), but are separated, those of the vault especially, by membranous intervals, of greater or less extent, accord- 218 PREGNANCY. ing to the degree of ossification. The intervals have received the name of sutures, or fontanelles. This arrangement of the vault of the cranium have several advantages. It facilitates the development of the brain, and Avhat is hardly less impor- tant in the vieAv of the accoucheur, it allows of a certain reduction of the diameters of the head. When the latter is compressed forcibly, the mar- gins of the bones approach each other and may even overlap. The extent of this overlapping is liable to be thought greater than it really is, for, as M. Malgaigne remarks, if Ave examine the matter closely, Ave shall find that the membrane interposed betAveen the parietal bones is too firm to be drawn out, and too narrow to permit a notable overriding; and further, that it usually maintains these two bones so close together, that the superior margin of one laps over the other, leaving even on the dried skull a true normal crossing. Some of those sutures, or fontanelles, are highly important in an obstetrical sense, and we shall next proceed to their consideration. The Sagittal Suture. — This great or antero-posterior suture extends from the root of the nose to the superior angle of the occipital bone; being formed in front by the ^interval that divides the frontal bone into tAvo halves, and in the middle, and posteriorly, by that between the parietals. At the superior and internal angle, formed by the two portions of the frontal bone, this suture is joined at the sides by the tAvo fronto-parietal or trans- verse (coronal) sutures, which are formed by the space existing betwixt the superior border of the frontal and the anterior margin of the parietal bones, and crossing the former suture nearly at right angles. Having arrived at the superior angle of the os occipitis, it seems to bifur- cate, and give rise to tAvo oblique lateral sutures formed by the posterior borders of the parietal bones, and the superior one of the occipital. These latter are called the lambdoidal sutures, probably from their resemblance to the Greek capital A (lambda). Just at the points where the fronto-parietal and the lambdoid sutures join the sagittal one, two membranous spaces, much larger than those just described, are found to exist, which have received the name of the fontanelles. The great or anterior fontanelle is the one formed by the junction of the two transverse sutures with the sagittal. It is also called, from the fact of its corresponding with the bregma, the bregmatic fontanelle; in general, it presents an extensive surface, bounded by four bony angles, produced by the lateral sutures leaving it nearly at right angles. It is lozenge-shaped, and is usually much more prolonged into the frontal than betAveen the parietal bones. Sometimes even, according to M. Gerdy, Juri., it scarcely ceases short of the nose, the margins of the coronal suture being parted through- out their Avhole extent by an interval which gradually diminishes from above downwards, being only about one or two lines wide toAvard the root of the nose. It is not at all uncommon to find at the loAver part of this suture a rounded or oval membranous space, varying from three to seven lines in its diameter. The posterior or occipital fontanelle is formed by the union of the two lambdoid suture' with the termination of the sagittal suture; it is smaller OF THE FffiTUS. 219 than the preceding, and of a triangular form, being bounded by three bony angles. The lateral sutures leave it at an acute angle. The bony angles are generally found in contact, no membranous interval being left betAveen them. Sometimes the two portions of the os occipitis are not fused into each other at birth, and in such cases a median suture exists, AA'hich sepa- rates them, and terminates in the posterior fontanelle. The latter has then a lozenge shape, and is subtended by four osseous angles, and can only be distinguished from the anterior by the obliquity of the lambdoidal sutures. The opposite condition is observed at times, the triangular space knoAvn as the posterior fontanelle not existing at all, because the projecting angle of the occiput then fits in and fills up the entering one formed by the parietal bones ; still the convergence of the three sutures, and the prominence of the bony margins Avhich overlap each other, will aid the diagnosis (Mal- gaigne) ; for Avhen the head is engaged in the excavation, and has become strongly compressed, the superior angle of the occipital bones is completely concealed by the internal or supero-posterior angles of the parietals; and if the touch is resorted to under such circumstances, the finger can only recognize the position by detecting the little holloAV formed by the depressed occipital angle. Of course, particular attention must be given in this case to the oblique direction of the lambdoidal sutures. The not unfrequent existence of spaces upon the cranium, Avhere the ossification is less advanced than usual, is another source of error. For this defective ossification is substituted a membranous expansion, which might be mistaken for a fontanelle. Such an error might the more readily have occurred in the four cases of this kind which I have had an opportunity of observing, from the fact of the accidental fontanelle being situated just in the course of the sagittal suture, about equidistant from the anterior and the posterior ones; and as this point is precisely Avhere the finger first falls, in practising the touch, Ave might mistake it for a fontanelle. But, by a little attention, it Avill always be easy to avoid this error, by ascertaining that no lateral sutures pass off from this membranous interval. There yet remain some other sutures, and some other fontanelles on the inferior lateral parts of the cranium; but as they are devoid of interest Ave shall not describe them. Diameters of the Head.—The term diameter has been applied to certain fictitious lines, Avhich traverse the head in a determinate direction. To avoid over-loading the memories of students, Ave shall not multiply their number as some have done ; but, folloAving the example of M. Velpeau, shall describe only seven at first, as it will be very easy to supply the deficiency hereafter in treating of the mechanism of labor. Seven diameters, then, may be distinguished for the foetal head, which we divide, in order to facilitate their study, into the antero-posterior, the trans- verse, and the vertical. 1st. The antero-posterior diameters are: the occipito-mental, a b (Fig. 70), extending from the posterior fontanelle to the chin ; this is the longest of all, being five and a quarter inches. The occipito-frontal, d e, Avhich extends from the occipital protuberance to the frontal boss (also called the antero- 220 PREGNANCY. posterior diameter) : it measures four and a quarter to four and a half inches. The sub-occipito-bregmatic, cf, extends from the middle of the' space betAveen the foramen magnum and the occipital protuberance (to the anterior fontanelle—Transl.), and is three and three-quarter inches. 2d. The transverse diameters are two in number: one,the bi-parietal, ab (Fig. 71), goes from one parietal protuberance to the other; it is from three and a half to three and three-quarter inches long. The other, the bi-tero- Fig. 70. Fig. 71. poral, c d, passes from the root of the zygomatic process on one side to the same point opposite. It is two and three-quarters to three inches long. 3d. Lastly, there are tAvo vertical diameters: first, the vertical diameter, properly so called, or the trachelo-bregmatic, i g, traverses the head perpen- dicularly, passing from the most elevated point of the vertex to the anterior part of the occipital foramen. It is three and three-quarter inches long. Professor Moreau points out another diameter, which he calls the cervico- bregmatic, c h (Fig. 70) ; this leaves the preceding someAvhat obliquely, and runs from the anterior part of the occipital foramen to the anterior fonta- nelle; it is three and three-quarter inches in length ; the second, the fronto- mental, or the facial, da, extends from the frontal boss to the point of the chin. This is three inches. Circumferences. — A circumference has been assigned to each of the above- mentioned diameters, since it is very easy to describe from the middle of every one of them, as a centre, a circle whose radius is equal to one-half of the diameter, and whose circumference shall pass through the two extremi- ties of the latter. As a matter of course, the greatest circumference of the head corresponds Avith the occipito-mental diameter, and passing at the same time obliquely over the sides of the face and through the extremities of the diameter, has a nearly horizontal direction. Most authors describe it as dividing the head into two equal lateral halves, — a mode of regarding it, Avhich, as M. Jacquemier judiciously remarks, is devoid of meaning as applied to obstetrical practice. The occipito-frontal periphery, agreeing Avith the diameter of the same name, runs,, horizontally, a little beloAV the extremities of the transverse diameter, and separates the vault from the base. The sub-occipito-breg- matic circumference passes through the extremities of both the occipito- bregmatic and the bi-parietal diameters, being thus common to both. The two latter are the most important of all, because they successively come into relation Avith the parietes of the pelvis in the progress of natural labor. OF THE FOETUS. 221 The circumferences belonging to the other diameters scarcely offer any interest, and Ave shall therefore merely mention them in passing; in number they equal the diameters. The fronto-mental circumference, however, should be noticed as passing over the forehead, cheeks, and chin: being also called, on that account, the facial circumference. The diameters just described, although but slightly reducible in their dimensions, are not absolutely invariable. Thus it is only necessary to witness a feAV difficult labors to become satisfied, that in such cases the head is most frequently elongated in the direction of the occipito-mental diameter, and flattened in its transverse one. And Ave further learn, from the experiments of Baudelocque, that the bi-parietal diameter (see art. Forceps) may be reduced one-fourth, or one-third of an inch, by the aid of instruments; indeed, we have even known this diameter to be diminished much more than that under the efforts of the womb alone, without any accident occurring to the child. Independently of those variations in length of the diameters of the head in individual cases, Avhich it is impossible to foresee, there is one Avhich is almost uniform for each sex, and of importance to be acquainted Avith. The head of the male foetus is generally larger than that of the female; the difference, according to Clark, being about the one-tAventy-eighth or the one- thirtieth. This difference exerts a notable influence upon the duration of labor even in Avell-formed Avomen, and may consequently have an injurious effect upon the health of the mother, and upon both the life and health of the foetus. Thus it is shoAvn by the researches of Dr. Simpson : 1. That the majority of the children which die during labor are males: the proportion of still- born boys to still-born girls being as 151 : 100. 2. That of children born living, there are more boys than girls presenting some morbid condition, or some lesion produced during labor, and consequently more likely to suc- cumb Avithin the first weeks of their existence. 3. That of the mothers who die during labor, or in consequence of it, the majority have given birth to boys. It Avill be readily understood that the sex of the child "will have a still greater influence upon the result of the labor where the pelvis is slightly contracted ; and that Avith the same diameters, the life of a male foetus would be often compromised Avhen a girl might pass with little difficulty and no danger. We present, in the folloAving table, the diameters of the foetal head, as also those of the pelvis, before described; hoping that, Avhen thus collected, their study Avill be rendered more easy: — Diameters of the pelvis. (In inches.) Antero-Posterior. Transverse. Oblique. Sacro-cotyloid. Superior strait, . . . Inferior strait, . Excavation, .... 4* 4£ to 4f 4| to 5£ 5* 4| 4a 4$ to 4£ 4J 4 to4| (( »< (« ii 222 PREGNANCY. FCETAL HEAD. (Occipito-mental, . 5J inches. Occipito-frontal, . 4} " Sub-occipito-bregmatic, 3£ " Bi-parietal, . . 3£ to 3J " temporal, . . 3 " Transverse Vertical rBi- \Bi- r If Trachelo-bregmatic, . 3£ to 3£ ronto-mental, . . 3 The fundamental principles of midAvifery are deduced from the corre- spondence betAveen the fcetal dimensions and those of the pelvis. It hap- pens, in fact, that the child at term can only clear the pelvic canal by presenting one end of its long diameter ; that, Avhichever extremity this may be, the delivery will still remain impossible if the head should present in such a manner as to have its occipito-mental diameter parallel to those at the inferior strait; that, consequently, the occiput must ahvays engage before the chin, or vice versa; and, lastly, that the most favorable position of the head requires the latter to be strongly flexed upon the trunk, so that its smallest diameter (the sub-occipito-bregmatic) shall be parallel to the plane of the strait; and that to be in its most favorable relation Avith the pelvis, the occiput must correspond Avith one of the extremities of an oblique diameter. The articulation of the head with the vertebral column, and the move- ments it permits, should also be carefully studied: thus, the occiput is con- nected to the atlas by a close union, which only admits the motions of flexion and extension, which in the foetus are far more extensive than in the adult; the atloido-axoid articulation, on the contrary, being ginglymoid, only permits a rotation, Avhich is limited to the fourth of a circle. Whence the conclusion is manifest, that whenever the head is caused to rotate—the body being fixed—great care must be exercised not to pass the limits indi- cated; for generally the foetus Avould thereby suffer a mortal lesion. We say generally, not always, because two cases cited by Prof. Paul Dubois evidently prove that children may not only survive this accident, but even seem to experience no bad effects Avhatever from it. The great laxity of the articular ligaments in the infant can alone explain the little danger attending an occurrence Avhich Avould prove so disastrous in the adult. Finally, the natural situation of the head is such in the neAv- born child, that the chin descends much loAver than the occiput, and the axis of the trunk traverses the cranium obliquely from base to summit, and from before backAvards, passing a little in front of the posterior fontanelle. ARTICLE III. POSITION AND ATTITUDE OF THE FOETUS. The foetus lies curved on its anterior plane within the bag formed by the membranes; usually, the head is someAvhat flexed, the chin resting on the anterior superior part of the breast; the neck is so short that a slight degree £>F THE FOETUS. 223 of flexion will, says M. Dubois, produce this effect; the feet are bent up in front of the legs—the latter strongly flexed on the thighs, and these again are applied fig. 72. to the anterior surface of the abdomen; the knees are separated from each other, but the heels lie close together on the back part of the thighs ; the arms are placed on the sides of the thorax; the fore-arms are flexed and throAvn across the sternum, so as to receive, as it Avere, the chin betAveen the hands. The foetus, thus folded on itself, constitutes a nearly ovoidal mass; the longest diameter of Avhich is about eleven inches, having its larger extremity represented 'by the breech, Avhich is turned tOAvards the fundus uteri, while the smaller, formed by the head, is directed doAvmvards. Noav, it is evident that this constrained position could not have been produced by the mere pressure of the uterine Avails on the child, since the latter is in a cavity much larger than its Avhole volume; The "sual p°sition of the chiid in the womb. hence, it must be referred to the individual itself. The pendent position of the head at term is so common, that we are naturally led to inquire Avhy such should be the case? Formerly, it Avas supposed that, after having reached the uterus, the head occupied the fundus for the first seven months of gestation, and the pelvic extremity its inferior part; but that towards the expiration of this period, the foetus reversed its position ; the head approaching the orifice, and the breech going above. This Avas the received doctrine until the arguments of Delamotte, Smellie, and more especially of Baudelocque, completely subverted it; and since then, it has been generally admitted that the foetus, suspended, so to speak, in the amniotic fluid, by the umbilical cord, Avould naturally observe the laAV of gravity: that is, the head being the heaviest part Avould descend. This explanation Avas almost universally adopted, Avhen M. Dubois, after re-examining the question, proposed another theory. He urged the follow- ing objections (Avhose value Ave fully acknoAvledge) against the influence of specific gravity, to Avhich the great frequency of vertex presentations had been so uniformly attributed, viz.: 1. If a child be plunged into a con- siderable quantity of any liquid, contained in a bathing-tub, for instance, so that its descent Avill be very sIoav, in order to afford the head sufficient time to exert its superiority in Aveight, Ave shall find all parts of the foetus to descend Avith an equal rapidity, and, consequently, either the back or one shoulder will first reach the bottom of the tub. This result, Avhich is con- trary to tlie general belief, is more in accordance Avith what is learned from an attentive examination of the foetal structure ; indeed, Avhen a comparison is made, between the volume of the cephalic and the pelvic halves of the foetus, it Avould naturally appear that their weight must be nearly balanced ; 224 PREGNANCY. the cranial cavity, it is true, contains a well-developed brain, but the abdo- men incloses the liver, which is no less so, as also the intestines and bladder, together with the meconium and the urine accumulated therein during pregnancy; 2. It is really impossible to believe that the foetus is suspended by the cord alone, except during the early stages, for even at the third month the cord is longer than the greatest diameter of the uterine cavity, and therefore its insertion near the pelvic extremity can in no wise con- tribute to the more frequent presentation of the head; 3. Besides, those women who maintain the horizontal position during gestation on account of ill health, are not the less liable to exhibit the same phenomenon ; 4. If the laws of gravity alone determined the position, the head being more voluminous relatively to the trunk, during the early months, the foetus should present, in cases of abortion, by the cephalic extremity still more frequently than at term; but observation establishes the contrary; 5. Lastly, in animals the lowest part of the organ does not correspond with the neck, but rather to the fundus, of the Avomb; nevertheless, the foetus is much oftener delivered by the head than the pelvic extremity. After having tried to combat the generally received opinion by the objec- tions just given, M. Dubois endeavors to prove that the vertex presentation is a consequence of the instinctive will of the foetus itself......The child, in its mother's womb, has the faculties of perception and motion; for the regular and nearly constant succession of the perception of impressions, and the movements which folloAV, sufficiently indicate the same connection in the foetus, betAveen these tAvo functions, that should exist after birth. Now, the object of these foetal movements are partly certain, partly pre- sumptive ; consequently, they may be regarded as really instinctive deter- minations ; again, it is in consequence of such a determination that the head in the mammalia is usually found at that part of the uterus nearest to the pelvic outlet. We frankly confess that M. Dubois seems to us more skilful in destroying than in building up; and though the reasons by which he combats the doctrine hitherto received appear very strong, yet those whereon he founds his opinion are not fully convincing. He is entitled to credit, however, for having sought, in a higher order of ideas, the explanation of a singular fact, which does not seem, in the present state of our science, capable of elucida- tion by the material reasons heretofore given. If we might be permitted to hazard an opinion, after so many others, Ave should unhesitatingly say they have erred by seeking only in the foetus, its form and structure, for the cause of the various positions which it assumes in the uterine cavity. Already have several authors endeavored to account for the rarity of trunk presentations, by the vertical, or the nearly vertical direction of the long diameter of the uterus, which Avould naturally force the greatest foetal diameter in the same line: for instance, the cause of trunk presentations, says Wigand, must be referred less to the foetus itself than to a change in the ordinary elliptic form of the uterus. Now, by advancing a step further in the path they have marked out, may we not find a satisfactory explana- tion of the great frequency of vertex presentations in the form of the uterus, OF THE FOETUS. 225 and especially in its mode of development at the different periods of preg- nancy? For, Avhen Ave reflect that the uterus, being developed during the first six months at the expense of its fundus, is spread out superiorly, but, on the contrary, is much contracted below, does it not become evident that the pelvic extremity, which, from the folded condition of the loAver limbs, is much more voluminous than the head, must naturally lie in the largest cavity, that is, towards the fundus; and, consequently, that the cranium will descend to the cervix? There can be no doubt that the inferior part spreads out in the last three months nearly as much as the fundus; but. then, the foetal vertical diameter is too long to permit it to traverse the transverse diameter of the uterus; and hence, with some few exceptions, the child is forcibly retained in the position it first assumed. Finally, can we not explain by this circumstance the position of tAvins, in cases of double pregnancy, where it frequently happens that one foetus pre- sents by the pelvic extremity, and one by the head? In a word, the child. shut up in its close sac, and constantly subjected to movement, must assume. not instinctively but mechanically, such a position as will bring its largest parts into correspondence with the most spacious portions of the organ. ARTICLE IV. FUNCTIONS OF THE FCETUS. The functions of the child, while it remains in the uterine cavity, that require our particular attention, are its nutrition, respiration, and circulation. § 1. Of Nutrition. Few questions in physiology have given rise to more discussion than this of foetal nutrition. However, it is universally admitted that the nuiitive materials are furnished by the mother's body; but authors are not as unanimous in regard to the mode of their introduction into the in'.vior of the product of conception. For instance, some think that the liq uius sr.tveted by the internal uterine surface transude through the membranes, s-„ as to reach the amniotic cavity, to be there taken up by the foetus. Others regard the maternal placenta as designed to supply the child Avith nutritive matter, and find in the umbilical cord the only means of conveying it. It is necessary to admit at the outset, that there can be no discussion of the question until after the placenta is developed, or at least, until after connection is established betAveen the mother and child by means of the allantois. Noav, as nothing of the kind exists in the early periods of preg- nancy, it must be acknoAvledged that during this time, at least, the maternal fluids must reach the foetus by endosmosis through the membranes of the ovum. The nutritive matters cannot all be derived from the same source at the various periods of gestation. Thus, Avhen the ovule quits the ovarian vesicle, it carries Avith it a portion of the granules Avhich formed the proligerous- disk; and it is probable that these may subserve its nutrition during its progress through the first half of the Fallopian tube. In its passage through the other half, an albuminous matter secreted by the walls of the tube 15 226 PREGNANCY. envelops the ovule, and probably also penetrates through the vitelline membrane. Arrived in the uterine cavity, the ovule comes in contact, at all points, with the mucous membrane of the uterus. The villi of the chorion undergo a considerable development, and until the placenta is formed, are all capable of imbibing the fluids secreted by the internal surface of the organ. As the canal Avith which each is provided opens into the cavity of the chorion, the;, are Avonderfully adapted to this purpose; and notAvithstanding the closure of their extremities, the uterine secretions pass by endosmosis through their thin walls; like the roots of a tree, they serve to convey the nutritive fluids into the space separating the chorion from the amnion. From thence, the nutritive juices transude through the Avails of the amnion into its cavity. A certain portion of them is conveyed into the body of the foetus through the canal of the umbilical vesicle. But as soon as the vascular connections, which, as we have learned, are established betAveen the maternal and foetal placentas, begin to be formed, the non-placental villi of the chorion tend gradually to waste aAvay; the development of the amnios obliterates the cavity which separated it from the 3horion, and along with it also disappear the vitriform body and the umbilical vesicle. It now becomes a question, whether the nutritive matters supplied by the mother can penetrate into the amniotic cavity through the two membranes of the ovum, Avithout collecting to an appreciable amount during the passage? Or, on the other hand, are they absorbed by the vascular radicles of the fcetal placenta, and introduced into the body of the embryo by means of the umbilical cord ? The partisans of the former opinion have endeavored to prove: 1, that the amniotic fluid is derived from the mother; 2, that it contains nutritive matter; 3, that it may enter the embryo in several ways. A. It is almost certain that the fluid is supplied by the mother, for it is the more abundant as the child is less developed, and its quantity diminishes relatively to the foetus, in proportion to the advancement of gestation. Noav, the contrary should be true, were it a product of the foetus itself. Besides, foreign matters introduced into the stomach of the mother, or injected into her veins, have been discovered in the amniotic cavity. It is also true, that they have nearly always been found at the same time in the blood of the embryo and in the placenta. So that, strictly speaking, it is difficult to say into Avhat part they Avere first distributed. Verv dissimilar observations having reference to this subject are on record. Thus, for example, in the case of an embryo of five months, the mother of which had been poisoned by sulphuric acid, Otto found that Avherever the skin had come in contact with the amniotic fluid, it Avas of a reddish-brown color, and as hard as parchment. On the other hand, in the case of a Avoman four months pregnant, Avho had been poisoned by arsenic, MM. Mareska and Lados found, by analysis, traces of the poison in the body of the foetus, ' in the uterus, and in the placenta, whilst it could not be detected in the waters of the amnion. Mayer, however, injected cyanide of potassium into the trachea of a rabbit, and afterwards discovered it in the amniotic fluid, 1hc placenta, and the-organs of the foetus. OF THE FOETUS. 227 B. The amniotic fluid must be nutritive, for it contains albumen, osmazome, and some salts; in fact, young calves have been sustained two weeks on fresh amniotic liquor. Finally, the quantity of this fluid, and more especially that of the animal and nutritive substances found in it, is much diminished towards the end of pregnancy. c. Supposing it to be furnished by the mother, and to possess nutritive properties, it remains to be shoAvn hoAV it is enabled to enter the body of the foetus. There are numerous hypotheses in reference to this point. The liquor amnii may reach the body of the foetus in various ways. 1st. By cutaneous absorption. When the umbilical vesicle ceases to fur- nish nourishment to the embryo, the skin becomes developed, and, very probably, absorbs the surrounding amniotic liquid ; it is even possible that the lymphatic vessels, Avhich are highly developed in the foetus, are formed as a consequence of this absorption, just as blood-vessels are called into existence by the circulation. Brugmans proved this absorption by an experiment: thus, after having extracted several living embryos of animals from the Avaters of the amnios, he noticed that the cutaneous lymphatics Avere filled, and that those of the intestines Avere not so; then plunging the limbs, previously tied, into this liquid, he found, after the lapse of some time, the lymphatics below the ligature Avere filled Avith lymph. The epidermis is so excessively thin, that it can offer no obstacle to the imbibition, and the liquor amnii itself contains a large proportion of water. Again, the sebaceous matter Avhich covers the foetus at birth, only becomes manifest at an advanced stage of pregnancy; and, lastly, this absorption has been directly proved in animals both by experiments and dissection. 2d. By the intestinal canal. Though the cutaneous absorption may suffice for the nutrition of the embryo, as is sufficiently proved by the birth of monsters and anencephalous foetuses Avith closed mouths, neA'ertheless, it is highly probable that the child makes some efforts at deglutition, at least towards the termination of pregnancy, thereby determining the introduction of fluids into the intestinal canal. Thus, embryos may occasionally be observed executing motions of respiration Avith their jaws, during Avhich the waters Avould necessarily be SAvalloAved; indeed, in ova, that have been frozen after their extraction from the coav, an uninterrupted band of ice has been found extending from the mouth to the stomach. And when the me- conium is mixed with the amniotic liquid, it is sometimes detected in the throat, pharynx, and stomach. Lastly, hair is occasionally found there, which could only happen as a result of deglutition. Besides these two modes of absorption, by the skin and the intestinal mucous membrane, some physiologists have supposed this fluid might be taken up in other avuvs : thus, according to some, the mammary glands are provided Avith conduits that act the part of lymphatics, absorbing the Avaters, and carrying them to the thymus gland, to be there elaborated. Others suppose that the liquor amnii may enter the trachea and bronchia, and there undergo some modification Avhich may render it suitable for nutri- tion. Lastly, Lobstein seems to think it might possibly enter through the genital organs. But all these opinions are merely hypothetical. 228 PREGNANCY. With all deference to their ingenuity, these hypotheses are still far from being satisfactory. The introduction of the liquor amnii into the intestinal canal as a regular and normal occurrence, is by no means proved by the facts cited in its support. It is, indeed, more than probable, that the move- ments of deglution which the child has been seen to make, were really respi- ratory efforts determined by the suspension of the placental respiration; also that the icicles, the hairs, and the meconium, found in the stomach, had entered it but a short time before the death of the child; in short, where the antecedent death of the mother, the compression of the cord, or the separation of the placenta had begun to produce asphyxia. Supposing the cutaneous absorption of the liquor amnii to be proved by the experiment of Brugmans, it would still seem unequal to the develop- ment of the foetus, which must have some additional source of nutrition. Looking beyond the membranes, there evidently can be no other source of supply than the maternal placenta, and, in fact, many modern authors regard the placental circulation as the principal agent in the nutrition of the foetus. It is unnecessary to suppose a direct communication between the maternal and fcetal vessels, in order to understand how that, by means of the extensive contact existing betAveen the vascular apparatus of the two placentas, a transudation may take place of the more fluid parts of the maternal blood, which are absorbed and mingled Avith the foetal blood; also that this transuded fluid being charged with oxygen is subservient to the hsematosis of the foetal blood, at the same time that it supplies it with nutri- tive material. (Van Huevel.) It may, perhaps, be allowed, that all of the villi of the chorion, in the midst of which the placenta is developed, may not be applied to the formation of the radicles of the umbilical vessels, but that some of them may continue to exercise their primitive functions, and still absorb the fluids secreted by the utricular glands of the utero-epi- chorial mucous membrane. What we have already said regarding the structure of the chorial villi of the placenta lends countenance to this supposition; for we have seen (Fig. 68), that beside the vascular villi, some are found to be solid, and destitute of any ramification of the umbilical vessels, although still adher- ing by their pedicle, and communicating with a larger branch of the villus. This fact seems, indeed, to have been anticipated by some authors: thus, although Eschricht regarded the placenta proper as being in reality the respiratory organ of the foetus, he supposed that the utricular glands of the womb secrete a fluid designed for the nourishment of the embryo, which fluid is taken up by other branches of the umbilical vessels than those by which the placental respiration is effected; MM. Prevost and Morin also regard the placenta as the organ in which the absorption of the plastic mat- ters supplied by the mother is accomplished by the vessels of the foetus. According to them, this fluid, which is deposited upon the internal surface of the Avomb, is taken up by the vessels of the cotyledons. Thus, in the ruminantia, if the ovum Avith its cotyledons be extracted from the Avomb tOAvards the end of gestation, by which, consequently, the fcetal and mater- nal placentas are separated from each other, the separation being easily effected without laceration, a whitish fluid is discovered in the uterine OF THE FOETUS. 229 caruncles, and a similar one can be expressed from the vascular brushes of the cotyledons. HoAvever this may be, it is very probable that the nutritive fluids reach the foetus through the umbilical vessels properly so called. When mixed Avith the fcetal blood, the nutritive elements supplied by the mother, are, like the chyle in the adult, devoted to the development of the organs. Lee supposes, however, that they undergo certain changes, first in the liver, and aftenvard in the intestine. When thus brought by the umbi- lical vein into the large liver of the foetus, these elements experience changes which result in the formation of a new albuminous and nutritive compound which is poured along with the bile into the duodenum; there the mixture is separated into a recrementitial part, Avhich is taken up by the absorbents, as in the adult, and an excrementitial part, charged with carbon, which forms the meconium. In fine, until the placenta is formed, the nutritive elements reach the interior of the ovum by means of endosmosis ; at a later period the groAvth of the foetus is maintained by an absorption through the skin of some of the nutritive matters contained in the liquor amnii, and by the assimilation of those which the radicles of the umbilical vessels take up in the placenta. [It should be added, in reference to this subject, that in the foetus, as well as in the adult, glucogenesis is one of the essential conditions of nutrition. After a fruitless search for glucogenous matter in the fcetal liver, M. Bernard found it in the placentas of the mammalia, being especially present in the epithelial layer of the inter-utero-placental mucous membrane. To the already determined functions of the placenta Ave haAe, therefore, to add this of glucogenesis, which would seem to replace the hepatic function in this respect during the earlier periods of embry- onic life. In the ruminantia, the glucogenic matter having become separated from the pla- centa, is found spread over the free surface of the amnion and chorion in the form of epithelium-like scales, which are easily seen, but which have not hitherto been understood. (CI. Bernard. Lecoiis de Physiologie, 1855.— Memoires de la Societe de Biologie, I860.)] § 2. Respiration. Does the foetus respire in the amniotic cavity? If something analogous to respiration in the adult be sought for in the functions of the foetus, this question will doubtless be answered negatively; because the atmospheric air having no access to it whatever, the fcetal blood could not possibly obtain any elements from it. But does it, therefore, folloAV that the sanguineous fluid will experience no similar modification at any part of the circuit ? Most physiologists think otherwise, and I share their opinion. According to some, the liquor amnii is the modifying agent for the blood, and Beclard supposes that the lungs are the seat of such changes, the amniotic liquid reaching them through the air-passages. Agreeably to M. (Jeoffroy St. Hilaire, the Avhole surface of the child's body absorbs air, or a vivifying gas, like insects, by a species of air-tubes, or by minute fissures which exist on the lateral parts of the neck in young embryos. The resem- blance betAveen those fissures and the branchial apparatus in the fish has given rise to the belief of an analogous function; hence, \hey are called the branchial fissures. 230 PREGNANCY. But, says Bischoff, in the mammalia and man, these arcs never have an organization justifying in the least the supposition of tneir being intended for respiration ; they never have internal nor external branches; nor do we ever see, as in the branchia, vessels distributed either on their surface or in their interior. Latterly, M. Serres has attempted anew to explain how respiration may take place in the embryo before the placenta is fully formed. He says the breathing apparatus of the human ovule consists of the chorion, the tAvo layers of the decidua, the liquid contained betAveen the latter, and of a particular class of villi, called by him the branchial, Avhich, after having traversed the reflected decidua, come into contact with this liquid. On the one hand, the reflected decidua is perforated by multitudes of foramina, which may be aptly compared to those on the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone; and on the other, the chorial villosities, the branchial villi, entering the substance of this membrane, lodge in those openings, and thus are brought into immediate apposition Avith the liquid. M. Serres believes that this arrangement presents all the conditions of a branchial respiratory apparatus; but this mode of respiration only lasts during the first fifteen or tAventy days of the intra-uterine life; because, as the embryo is developed and grows, one part of the villi of the chorion is transformed into the placenta, and the foetal respiration in the uterus then commences the second time, as the placental respiration. Then "the branchial function decreases, the apparatus atrophies and disappears: at first, the branchial villi of the chorion wither aAvay; the cavity of the decidua is contracted; the liquid diminishes; and, finally, the tAvo laminae of the decidua being brought into apposition, unite and become confounded with each other. This hypothesis, though ingenious, is evidently based upon badly observed facts, and cannot be sustained after the description of the decidua which we have given. After the allantois is developed, the villi of the chorion, Avhich have then become vascular, are in immediate contact Avith the hypertrophied vessels of the mucous membrane, and from this moment the foetal blood derives therefrom the elements necessary to haematosis. In proportion as the con- tact becomes more intimate and extensive, the organization of the placenta progresses, and soon forms a compact mass, which is the seat of the placental respiration. In fact, this body is formed throughout in such a manner as to establish the greatest possible approximation betAveen the maternal blood and that of the embryo; and this mediate union, in Avhich the tAvo liquids are separated by fixed membranes, establishes between the foetal and the maternal blood the same relation that is known to exist in the lungs of the adult, betwixt the venous blood and the atmospheric air: thus, in the pul- monary organs, the blood is brought Avithin the influence of the inspired air; true, there is none of the latter in the after-birth, but the maternal vessels are found there in great abundance, whose exceedingly delicate walls remain for a long time in contact with the umbilical radicles, the parietes of which are also thin and transparent. Therefore, if nothing but thin, transparent membranes divide the foetal 3F the foetus. 231 olood from that of its mother, is it not possible for the first to communicate some of its elements to the second? for, does not the air act thrjugh the walls of the pulmonary vessels of the blood contained therein? And further, is not such a modification of the foetal blood in the placenta suffi- ciently proved: 1st. By the early death of the child, Avhen the umbilical cord becomes flattened from compression, and its circulation thereby arrested. 2d. By the pathological phenomena of asphyxia, which are always revealed by the autopsy in such cases. 3d. By the antagonism knoAvn to exist betAveen the after-birth and the lungs; in fact, the new-born infant may dispense Avith the pulmonary respiration, so long as its connection Avith the placenta remains uninterrupted, and this communication may be broken without danger as soon as it respires through the lungs ; if it breathe freely, the blood no longer passes along the cord, and, should respiration cease, it shortly flows anew. And 4th. By the difference in the blood circulating in the umbilical vein, and that in the arteries, — a distinction not very manifest upon simple inspection, but which has been detected by physical and chemical experiments. Now, in the adult pulmonary respiration, the blood not only absorbs a certain portion of oxygen from the air, but it also gives off some carbonic acid. Thus far, Ave have only learned that the fcetal blood derives from the placenta a vivifying principle; but we have not observed the separation of those materials from it, Avhich may be unsuited to the nutrition of the child. We may state, hoAvever, that most physiolo- gists believe the liver is destined to the performance of this last elaboration, i and to the removal of its superabundant carbon and hydrogen, which latter are employed in the formation of the bile, and contribute to the complete development of the organ. We know, in fact, that the growth of the liver folloAvs that of the placenta, that both have a perfect organization at the same periods, that the bile is a highly carbonized fluid, and that the liver has a similar chemical composition. § 3. Circulation. a. The foetal vascular apparatus exhibits certain anatomical peculiarities that do not exist in the adult, and Avhich must be noticed, in order to render the account of the circulation comprehensible. Noav, these characteristics evidently depend on the absence of the pulmonary respiration, for they dis- appear as soon as it is established ; thus : — 1. It is Avell known that the heart in the adult is composed of four cavi- ties : namely, a right and left auricle, and a right and left ventricle, each auricle communicating freely with the corresponding ventricle, but not Avith its fellow, being separated from it by a complete partition. In the foetus this dividing Avail exhibits an opening, called the foramen of Botal, Avhich becomes smaller as the pregnancy advances, and is avholly obliterated after birth, in consequence of a vah'e being developed on its inferior margin Avhich gradually diminishes the freedom of the passage, and is large enough at term to obliterate the orifice entirely. 2. In the adult, the pulmonary artery divides into tAvo large branches, one for each lung: these ramify throughout its ultimate tissue, distributing therein the venous blood derived from the right ventricle; the blood is next 232 PREGNANCY. taken up by the radicles of the pulmonary veins and carried back by them to the left auricle. This vascular circle is interrupted in the foetus, in Avhich the two pulmonary arteries are very small, although their common trunk gives origin to a voluminous canal which opens directly into the arcus aortre, and is called the arterial canal or the ductus arteriosus. 3. The abdominal aorta bifurcates, so as to form the primitive iliac arteries, and each of these again divides into tAvo branches, the hypogastric and the external iliac. In the foetus, the hypogastric seems to be continuous Avith a large vascular trunk called the umbilical artery, but this is nearly obliterated in after-life. The two umbilical arteries run forwards and inwards along the lateral and superior parts of the bladder, and soon curve forwards so as to reach the inner surface of the anterior abdominal Avail, along which they ascend to the umbilicus, then pass along the cord, and ultimately ramify in the placenta. 4. Lastly, the foetus further differs from the adult in having an umbilical vein, which, commencing by numerous ramifications in the placental tissue, traverses the whole length of the cord, and reaches the abdomen by passing through the umbilical ring; then, running upAvards and to the right in the substance of the suspensory ligament of the liver immediately behind the peritoneum, it gains the horizontal or umbilical fissure of this organ at its an- terior part, where it gives off a few branches that ramify in the right and left lobes. Just at the point where the two fissures of this viscus intersect each other, the umbilical vein becomes enlarged, and then divides into tAvo branches: the posterior of which, called the venous canal, or ductus venosus, is a continuation of the primitive trunk, and goes sometimes to the vena cava inferior above the diaphragm, though at others it joins one of the hepatic veins, and the common trunk thus formed empties into the vena cava; the other branch is much larger, and runs to the right; it leaves the principal trunk lower doAvn and more in front than the venous canal; then it unites with the vena portse, producing a canal whose diameter is double its own. This is called the canal of reunion, or the confluence of the portal and umbilical veins. After a short course, this vessel subdivides and rami- fies in the substance of the liver, anastomosing Avith the hepatic veins, Avhich (as in the adult) finally reach the vena cava a little above the ductus venosus. Plate V., together with the accompanyfng explanation, illustrates the whole vascular apparatus of the foetus, and to it the reader is referred. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. WHICH EXHIBITS THE WHOLE VASCULAR APPARATUS OF THE FOETUS. a. The heart, b b. The lungs, c. The spleen, d. The liver, n. The lobulus spigelii. e e. The kidneys, f. The thymus gland, g. The upper extremity of tbo rectum, i. The* bladder. K. The ureters, h. The womb. o. The umbilical cord. 1. The aorta. 2 The brachio-cephalic trunk. 3. The left primitive carotid artery. 4. The left subclavian artery. 5. The pulmonary artery. 6. The ductus arteriosus 7. The vena cava superior. 8. The right internal jugular and the right subclavian veins. 9. The left subclavian vein. 10. The abdominal aorta. 11. The primitive iliac arteries. 12. The umbilical arteries, coming off from the bifurcation of the primi- tive iliac. 13. The external iliac artery. 14. The umbilical vein. 15. The ductus venosus. lfi Vena cava inferior. 17. The vena portarum. 18. The renal arterj and veins. 1). The splenic artery. 20 The ovarian vessels. PI. V. T Sv~.-ia-.Tf a pregnant woman, Ave may hear both the pulsations of the foetal heart and the bruit de souffle. The first is a certain sign of pregnancy; but the second, being also produced by other causes, only becomes of importance when Ave have previously ascertained that the female has no other disease. The sound of the heart may aid in ascertaining the position of the foetus; the souffle can communicate no information as to the place of insertion of DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY. 265 Lne placenta, and indicates nothing as regards the child's position; while any feebleness, and more especially any irregularity or intermittence of the heart's pulsations, furnish strong presumptive reasons for believing that the foetus is suffering, and that its life is compromised. When desirable to auscult a female who is supposed to be pregnant, Ave must request her to lie doAvn on her back; at the commencement of gesta- tion this precaution is indispensable; but towards the last it becomes less so, and she may then be examined standing. In fact, whatever be her position in the latter months, this exploration is quite easy, on account of the dimensions of the uterus and the volume of the foetus, but at first it is nearly always necessary to flex the thighs upon the belly, so as to com- pletely relax the abdominal muscles, and of course this could only be done in the horizontal position. The dorsal or lateral decubitus is requisite to explore thoroughly the fundus or sides of the Avomb, and also to cause the foetus to fall from either side; the thighs should also be flexed, or extended, according to the region examined. The unaided ear Avill ansAver, but the stethoscope should generally be employed; for, by using it, the sounds detected can be more readily limited, and the abdominal parietes more easily depressed so as to approach nearer to the foetus; besides, many females object to the accoucheur thus applying his head flat on the abdomen. Experience has likewise convinced me that, when the unassisted ear is used, the clearness of the sensations is singularly diminished by the frictions which the respiratory movements of the abdomen make against the ear. When used, the enlarged extremity of the instrument should be deprived of its mouth-piece, and its Avhole circumference be exactly placed over the region to be ausculted. It is also advisable that the Avoman lie on a bed of sufficient height, other- Avise the accoucheur is obliged to stoop too much, and this inconvenient position is attended by such a degree of congestion as to render it impos- sible to hear anything. And further, to avoid all unnecessary searching, it is best to place the stethoscope at first directly over the part where the pulsations of the heart are most commonly heard, that is, in front, below, and a little to the left side. It is equally desirable to ascertain from the female Avhere she generally perceh'es the foetal movements, for most frequently the pulsations of the heart will be found on the opposite side, because the superior and inferior extremities being always folded on the abdominal plane, the back, in other words, the part of the foetus which most easily transmits the sounds, will evidently be turned towards the left, if the right side is the habitual seat of the active motions. Before the fifth month, the pulsations are usually perceived in the lower part of the abdomen on the median line, about half-Avay betAveen the pubis and umbilicus; consequently the instrument should be first applied there. The instrument proposed by Nauche, under the name of metroscope, the extremity of Avhich is intended to be introduced into the vagina and applied to the neck or inferior part of the Avomb, ought not to be used. 266 PREGNANCY. A Table exhibiting the Signs of Pregnancy at various 1 'eriods. KATIONAL SIGNS. SENSIBLE SIGNS. First and Second 3Ionths. 1. Suppression of the menses (numerous 1. Augmentation in the exceptions). 2. Nausea — vomiting. 3. Slight flatness of the hypogastric region. 4. Depression of the umbilical ring. 4. S>. Tumefaction of the breasts, accom- panied with sensations of pricking and tenderness. Third and 1. Suppression of the menses (a few excep tions). 2. Frequently, the appearance or the con tinuance of the vomitings. 3. A small protuberance in the hypogas trie region. 4. Less depression of the umbilical cica trix. 6. A ugmented swelling of the breasts, pro- minence of the nipple, and slight dis coloration in the areola. 6. Kyesteine in the urine. size and weigh! of the uterus. 2. Descent of the organ. 3. The womb is less movable. Its walls have the consistence of caout- chouc. The neck is directed downwards, for- wards, and to the left. 6. The orifice of the os tincae is rounded in priniiparse, but more patulous in others who have had children. 7. A slight softening of the mucous mem- brane covering the lips, and this mem- brane appears oedematous. Fourth Months. - 1. The fundus uteri rises to the level of the superior strait towards the end of the third month, and is perceived at the close of the fourth about the middle of the space between the umbilicus and pubis. - 2. A perceptible flatness on percussion in the hypogastric region. - 3. A rounded tumor, as large as a child's head of a year old, may be detected by the abdominal palpation. - 4. By resorting to this process and the vaginal touch jointly, the displacement en masse, and the volume of the uterus may easily be ascertained. - 5. The neck has the same situation and direction during the third month as in the preceding ones ; at the fourth it is elevated and directed backwards and to the left side. G. The softening of the periphery of the orifice is much better marked. The lat- ter is more open in multiparse, even ad- mitting the extremity of the finger; but is closed and always rounded in primiparae. Fifth and Sixth Months. 1. Suppression of the menses (some rare exceptions). 2. The disturbances in the digestive organs generally disappear. 3. Considerable development of the whole s\ib-umbilical region. The fundus uteri is one finger's breadth below the umbilicus at the end of the fifih month; and the same distance above it at the expiration of the sixth. Foetal irregularities, and active move- ments, which are very perceptible. The sound of the heart and abdominal souffle are now perceptible. DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY. 267 RATIONAL SIGNS 4. A convex, fluctuating, rounded abdomi- nal tumor, salient, particularly on the middle line, and sometimes exhibiting the lictal inequalities. 5. The umbilical depression is almost com- pletely effaced. 6. The discoloration in the areola is deeper ; glandiform tubercles; areola spotted. 7. Kyesteine in the urine. SENSIBLE SIGNS. 4. Ballottement. 5. A tumor is felt at the anterior superior part of the vagina, which is sometimea soft and fluctuating, at others rounded, hard, and resisting. 6. The inferior half of the intra-vaginal portion of the cervix uteri is softened. 7. The whole ungual part of the first pha- langeal bone can penetrate the cavity of the neck in multiparas. The latter is softened to the same extent in primi- paras, but the orifice is closed. 1. Suppression of the menses (the excep- tions are very rare). 2. Disorders of the stomach (rather rare) 3. The abdominal tumor has the same characters, except that it is more volu- minous. 4. A complete effacement of the umbilical depression, the dilatation of the ring, and sometimes a pouting of the navel. 5. Numerous discolorations on the skin of the abdomen. G. Sometimes a varicose and cedematous condition of the vulva and inferior ex- tremities. 7; Deeper discoloration of the central areola, and an extension of the spotted areola. Sometimes there are numerous stains on the breasts ; flow of milk; com- plete development of the glandiform tubercles. 8. Persistence of kyesteine in the urine. Seventh and Eighth Months. 1. Increased size of the abdomen. 2. The fundus uteri is four fingers'breadth above the umbilicus at the seventh month, and five or six at the eighth. 3. The organ is nearly always inclined tc the right. 4. More violent active movements of the foetus. 5. Sounds of the heart and abdominal souffle. 6. Ballottement is very evident during the seventh month, but more obscure in the eighth. 7. The softening extends along the neck, above the vaginal insertion. In primi- parae, the cervix is ovoid, and seems to have diminished in length; in others it is conoidal, the base being below, and sufficiently patulous to admit all the first phalanx. The neck at its superior fourth is still hard and shut up. First Fortnight of the Ninth Month. 1. The vomitings frequently reappear. The abdominal tumor has increased; the skin is much stretched, and very tense. Difficulty of respiration. All the othei symptoms persist, and are increased in intensity. 1. The fundus uteri reaches the epigastric region and gains the border of the false ribs on the right, side. 2. Active movements. Sounds of the heart and abdominal souffle. 3. Often there is no proper ballottement, but merely a kind of rising of the tumor formed by the head. 4. The neck is softened throughout its whole length, excepting the circumfer- ence of the internal orifice, which still 268 PREGNANCY. RATIONAL SIGNS. SENSIBLE SIGNS. remains closed and resisting. In women who have previously borne children, the finger may be introduced into the cervix to the extent of a phalanx and a half, and in fact is only arrested by the internal orifice, which is closed and wrinkled, though, in some cases, already beginning to open. In primiparae, the softening is equally extensive, and the neck is swollen in the middle in an ovoidal form; but the external orifice, although partially opened, does not per- mit the introduction of a finger. Last Fortnight of the Ninth Month. 1. The vomitings often cease. 2. The abdomen is fallen. 3. The respiration less oppressed. 4. More difficulty in walking. 5. Frequent and ineffectual desires to uri- nate. 6 Hemorrhoids; augmentation of the oedema and varicose state of the lower extremities. 7 Pains in the loins, and colics. 1. The fundus uteri has sunk lower than in the first fortnight. 2. Active movements; sounds of the heart and bellows murmur. 3. Ballottement often imperceptible. 4. The head more or less engaged in the excavation. 5. In multiparse, the internal orifice softens and dilates; the finger can then pene- trate through a cylinder, as it were, an inch and a half in length, and come into contact with the naked membranes. In primiparse, the internal orifice experi- ences the same modification, but the external remains closed. During the last week, in consequence of the spread- ing out at the internal orifice, the whole cavity of the neck becomes confounded with that of the body, and the finger, in reaching the membranes, only traverses a thin orifice in primiparae, but a round- ed collar in the others of a variable thickness. OF TWIN PREGNANCY. 269 CHAPTER VII. OF TWIN PREGNANCY. The term compound or multiple pregnancy has been applied to that in which two or more foetuses are inclosed in the uterine cavity. Certain females seem to be greatly disposed to these anomalies ; thus, cases are recorded where six, seven, and even eleven children have been born at three successive confinements. Double pregnancies are quite frequent: that is, one case is met Avith in about seventy or eighty labors. Triplets, on the contrary, are very rare, since there Avere but five in the records of 37,441 accouchements that occurred at La Maternite in Paris. Further, we cannot call in question those instances in which there were said to be four at a birth; for such men as Viardel, Mauriceau, Hamilton, and many others, furnish examples of it.1 Both Peu and Lauverjat declare that they have witnessed cases of five at a birth.2 And lastly, must we consider those cases of six, seven, eight, and 1 The following statistical account is extracted from Churchill's work. In 161,042 pregnancies, there were 2477 cases of twins, or 1 in 69, and 36 triplets do., or 1 in 4473 (English accoucheurs). In 36.570 pregnancies, there were 582 cases of twins, or 1 in 110, and 6 triplets, or 1 in 6095 (French accoucheurs). In 251,386 pregnancies, there were 2967 cases of twins, or 1 in 84, and 35 triplets, or 1 in 7185 (German accoucheurs). Total, in 448,998 cases, there were 5776 instances of twins, being 1 in 77|, and 77 triplets, or 1 in 5831. The same author furnishes the accompanying information as to the sex of the twins: Dr. Joseph Clarke states, that in 184 twin cases, both children were boys 47 times, girls 08 times, and one boy and one girl 71 times. Dr. Collins reports 240 cases, in which there were two males 73 times, two females 67 times, and male and female 97 times; and Dr. Lever 33 cases, two males 11, two females 11, and male and female 11. 2 M. Pigne" informed me that he saw a single placenta at Strasbourg, from which five separate cords arose, although only a single sac existed, which was composed of three membranes, decidua, chorion, and amnion, in which the five embryos were in- closed. Dr. Kennedy (London Med. Gazette) presented to the Royal Society the history of a woman who aborted at three months of five embryos. There were three ovums, one being double, and each ovum had a placenta and its own proper membrane. M. Bourdois (Gaz. Mid., p. 569, 1850) describes a quadruple pregnancy, in which the delivery occurred at the seventh month. The second child was born twelve hours after the first, and the other two a few minutes subsequently. The second accouche- ment was attended by a new discharge of waters; there were two placentas, one of which had three cords and was adherent, and some portions of it remained behind in the uterus. Dr. Hull, of Manchester, deposited five little twin foetuses in the Museum of the Loudon College of Surgeons, that he had obtained from a woman who aborted at the fifth month of gestation. Chambon records an instance of quintuple pregnancy, where the children survived their baptism. A woman of Naples was delivered of five infants at seven months. (British and Foreign Med. Review, 1839.) Dr. Kennedy (Every) states (in the Dublin Med. Journal, Jan. 1840), that a woman 270 PREGNANCY. nine children, or even more, at once, so many examples of which are found in the authors, as true statements or as fabulous tales ? It is a very difficult matter to point out the causes of this anomaly in the present state of our science ; true, numerous explanations have been offered, but all are nothing more than pure hypotheses: for example, it is said that a single fecundation may affect both ovaries, or tAvo of the Graafian vesi- cles in the same ovary; and again, that several impregnations may occui successively in a short period, that is, before the first fecundated ovule has arrived in the uterus. Both take it for granted that two ovules are de- tached, either at the same time or successively, from the ovary, and, conse- quently, that two corpora lutea are developed. Several well-attested facts prove, however, that a different state of things may take place; thus, for instance, two ovules have sometimes been found in the same Graafian vesicle, and it is evident that the rupture of this vesicle alone, in such a case, might produce a double fecundation; at other times, two yolks have been seen in the same ovule, and in such a condition a tAvin pregnancy might certainly occur, although but one ovule be fecundated. Hereafter we shall see, that these peculiarities serve to explain the varied disposition exhibited by the membranes* be compound gestations. It is frequently possible to recognize the presence of twins during preg- nancy ; indeed, the abdomen is ordinarily more voluminous then than at other times, and the belly is generally flattened on the median line, instead of presenting there a well-marked protuberance; the middle is depressed, in consequence of the two children lying one upon each side; nevertheless, this sign may fail Avhen one child happens to be placed before the other. The form of the uterus varies also with the position of the foetuses, their number, and the amount of amniotic fluid. Thus, Avhen the head of one is above, and that of the other below, there may result therefrom tAvo corre- sponding depressions and projections, as M. Fia-73, Hergott has represented. Should both pre- sent by the head, the fundus of the Avomb will be very much dilated, and the contrary is the case Avhen they present by the pelvis. In a case Avhich occurred at the Clinic of Strasbourg, the shape of the Avomb was irregular and oblique; the tAvo heads occu- pied the angles of the uterus, and formed tAvo tumors separated by a depression ; the one at the right being much the higher. The tAvins were born by the feet. The slight bloAvs perceived by the mother are sometimes felt at one and the same time in two distant parts of the abdomen; and the importance of auscultation as an ele- ment in this diagnosis has already been pointed out. (See p. 256.) aborted of five embryos between the second and third months of gestation; and finally, Dr. Francis Ramsbotham has collected three cases of quintuple pregnancy from the public journals. OF TWIN PREGNANCY. 271 The belloAvs murmur can, I think, rarely furnish useful information. Still, it is asserted by Hohl, that in sixteen tAvin pregnancies, the murmur was heard seven times on both the right and left sides simultaneously, and nine times on one side only; and he affirms, that Avhen the latter Avas the case, there Avas a common placenta, Avhilst in the other instances there Avere tAvo. He is also of the opinion, that a double souffle is diagnostic of a double pregnancy, even though the sound of the heart be heard at a single point only. We cannot admit the last conclusion, since we have already denied the very relation Avhich Hohl Avould establish betAveen the seat of the murmur and the insertion of the placenta; besides Avhich Ave have often heard a souffle on both the right and left sides in single pregnancies. Again, as the tAvo foetuses mutually interfere Avith each other, neither of, them presents itself to the vaginal touch; and of course the ballottement is then exceedingly difficult, if not wholly impossible; for, even if the finger should easily reach the presenting part, the presence of another child Avould interfere Avith the ascending moArement of the first. Desor- meaux, hoAvever, cites a case Avhere the ballottement Avas manifest in a twin gestation, but even here a large quantity of Avater Avas present at the same time. Whilst in charge of the Clinic of the Faculty, in 1845, I observed on tAvo occasions the same fact noticed by Desormeaux; for the existence of dropsy of the amnion rendered the ballottement very perceptible, although tAvo children were present. The course of twin pregnancies is sometimes accompanied by peculiar- ities Avhich it is important to be acquainted Avith. Thus, the tAvo foetuses do not ahvays attain to the development which Ave have indicated. One of them may die, and yet the other continue to groAV. In such cases, Avhich, hoAvever, are rare, the dead body may remain in the Avomb, Avhere it hardens, withers, and is expelled during labor. In my course of 1853, I exhibited a placenta obtained from a woman who Avas delivered at term of a living and Avell-developed child. It was provided with tAvo amniotic bags, one of Avhich belonged to the living child, and presented no' unusual appearance. The other, which was much smaller, contained barely a trace of fluid, but inclosed a small mummy- like foetus, about the size of one of four months' development. On the other hand, the dead foetus may irritate the uterus, bring on contractions, and be expelled, Avhilst the other remains and is developed as usual. Lastly, the twin that perished during pregnancy may still remain in the womb, in consequence of the adherences Avhich its placenta has contracted with that organ, for a long period after the expulsion of its living brother, that occurs at the ordinary term of gestation. Guillemot furnishes one of the most curious observations of this kind (Heureux Ace, livre ii. p. 225) on record, in Avhich the artificial extraction of the dead body did not take place until tAvo years after the accouche- ment. But Avhat is the cause which thus determines the death of one foetus ? Mauriceau and Pen thought it might be attributed to the fact that one child, by receiving all the nourishment, becomes strong and vigorous at the expense of the other, thereby rendering it feeble and languishing, and causing its early death. 272 PREGNANCY. M. Guillemot believes that one child, in its growth, gradually compresses the second against the uterine Avail, and the latter, not having sufficient space for its development, soon after dies. Lastly, M. Cruveilhier explains the atrophy of the foetus by a gradual separation of the placenta, founding his opinion on a single case, in which the hemorrhage was great enough to account for the early death of one of the twins; but in the greater number of cases that have been recorded, no mention whatever is made of any hemorrhage during the pregnancy; whence, of course, the opinion of M. Cruveilhier Avould not be applicable to them. For my own part, I believe these cases, in which the death and atrophy of one foetus takes place, should rather be attributed to some disease of the infant or placenta, or of some parts of its envelopes. It may be urged, indeed, that these alterations are not observed at the time of accouchement, which is not to be wondered at, considering the state of degeneration exhibited by all parts of the ovum; and, although no positive fact sustains this opinion, it seems to me more admissible and more rational than the others. It not unfrequently happens that tAvin pregnancies terminate before full term, OAving, doubtless, to the great distention of the uterus, which is often as large at seven or eight months as in a simple pregnancy at nine months. The same labor generally suffices for the expulsion of both, though such is not always the case; for, after the first child is born, the uterus may re- tract upon the remaining tAvin, and leave it unexpelled for eighteen or twenty-four hours. A still longer interval, several months even, may separate the tAvo parturitions; and it is upon such facts as these that some persons have improperly admitted the doctrine of superfcetation. A refer- ence to the latter is, however, unnecessary to explain these observations, for the cause of premature delivery is dependent solely on the enormous dis- tention of the uterus, because as soon as one infant is expelled the Avomb retracts, the cause of irritation no longer exists, and Ave can readily con- ceive that the gestation may continue on until term. A child born at seven months may live equally well Avith one delivered at the end of preg- nancy. The peculiarities just studied in tAvin pregnancies may also present themselves in cases of triplets, &c. Thus, in a case cited by Port?1., after the delivery of the first child and its placenta, Avhich were healthy, he Avas obliged to extract two others that had apparently been dead for a long time, and were thoroughly dried. Again, the membranes are not ahvays disposed in the same manner in these pregnancies ; and on this head Ave may admit, Avith M. Guillemot, Avho has particularly studied the subject, four distinct varieties: thus, in the first, two ovules are fecundated, and each embryo becomes developed, and is surrounded by its OAvn proper membranes; in the second, the ovule con- tains two germs, though each foetus has but a single envelope, the chorion being a common membrane; in the third, both embryos are inclosed in a single cavity, Avhich appears never to have been divided by any membranous diaphragm; and, finally, the last variety is met Avith Avhen the ovule con- \ tains a second germ, and both become developed together, Avhich gives rise to what are called monstrosities by inclusion. Adopting this classification OF TWIN PREGNANCY. 2f3 as the basis, let us noAV proceed to the different modes uf termination presented by these pregnancies, according to the species to Avhich they belong. 1. In the first variety, both ovules are developed, retaining their proper membranes, the chorion and amnion ; at first, each ovum has its own re- flexed decidua, but generally that portion of the latter which forms the partition is very thin, and becomes absorbed as the gestation advances, and a single decidua then appears to envelop both. The tAvo chorions repose against each other, being only separated by some very fine areolar tissue, so that the children are divided by one very thick partition composed of four layers. The placentas are sometimes separate, though usually confounded Avith each other, or else are united by a kind of membranous bridge; but, notwithstanding the continuity of tissue, there rarely exists any vascular communication betAveen them, and this fact is so uniform that the exceptions to the laAv are very rare indeed. From all which it must therefore be evident that two distinct ovules have been fecundated, whether they are deposited separately, or are contained in the same vesicle. The first variety is the most frequent. 2. In the second variety of compound pregnancy, the chorion is common to both tAvins, and each foetus has but a single envelope formed of the am- nion—the tAvo laminae of Avhich, resting against each other, constitute the median partition. MM. Dance and Mancel have furnished an example of this variety in which there Avere but tAvo children. Brendelius reports that a woman Avas delivered of tAvo girls after three days' travail, but she died before the extraction of the third infant, which was found dead on opening her body; the placenta was single and very large, and the chorion had been common to all three, although each foetus had a distinct amnion. There is therefore only a single placenta, and a communication nearly ahvays exists betAveen the ramuscules of the tAvo cords, as I have verified myself, on a placenta, which Avas presented by one of my former pupils, an Interne of the Ursuline Hospital, Avhere he obtained it. In this, as in the preceding variety, one foetus may die, the other continuing to live; but it is easily foreseen that an expulsion of the tAvo children cannot take place separately. 3. Further, it may happen that the foetuses are not separated by any partition, and are all shut up in the same amniotic cavity; and to the ex- amples of this kind, already cited, I may add a case observed by my friend and colleague, Dr. Fournier. The two cords arise, most frequently at least, from a distinct point of the placenta; but sometimes they are observed to come from a common trunk, Avhich bifurcates at a variable distance from the placental surface. In this variety, the expulsion of one foetus must evidently be folloAved by that of the other; but I do not knoAv to Avhat ex- tent Ave can justly say that the death of one necessarily endangers the other's life, if not speedily delivered by nature. (Baudelocque.) This inclusion of tAvo foetuses in the same amniotic cavity is often met Avith in those cases where one of them is destitute of an important part of its body: thus, the monstrosity that I presented to the Royal Academy of Medicine Avas in- closed in the same sac with its tAvin brother. 18 274 PREGNANCY. But it is nearly or Avholly impossible, in the present state of ovological knoAvledge, to explain this strange anomaly, the existence of Avhich, hoAV- ever, has several times been clearly verified. In accordance Avith Avhat Ave have said respecting the formation of the amnion (see Art. Ovology), this membrane emanates from the embryo itself, and consequently the amniotic membranes should equal the foetuses in num- ber ; but, Avithout admitting the theory of Pockels and Serres on the devel- opment of the amnion, a theory which, notwithstanding its want of proba- bility, derives, from the facts alluded to, a certain degree of support, we cannot explain them but by supposing that tAvo amniotic membranes existed primitively, and that the partition produced by their contact has been some- how destroyed. Most generally, there are numerous communications exist- ing between the umbilical ramifications, as we have stated, when the cho- rion, and especially the amnion, are common to both, which is not ahvays • the case. Thus, Dodd reports a case of triplets, where the placentas were consolidated into one, tAvo of the children being inclosed in a common cho- rion, Avhilst the third had a special one; the umbilical vessels did not com- municate with each other. In another instance, recorded by Davis, the three foetuses had a common decidua; two of them were surrounded by the same chorion and amnion, but the third had its chorion and amnion distinct from the others; the placenta formed a single mass, but the vessels had no communication with each other. (London Med. Gazette, 1841.) 4. Finally, the fourth variety of compound pregnancy that we have admitted, along with M. Guillemot, constitutes what has been called a mon- strosity by inclusion. It consists of the complete inclusion of the elements, whether more or less numerous, of one foetus in the body of another foetus, which is otherwise well formed. M. Ollivier (d'Angers), who has published a very interesting article on this monstrosity, admits that the inclusion may take place in two different ways : for instance, the contained foetus is sometimes shut up in the abdomi- nal cavity of the other child, thereby constituting the profound, ox abdominal inclusion. At others, it is merely enveloped by the integuments of the lat- ter, which form an external tumor, without any communication whatever with the visceral cavities of the foetus that carries it; this is the cutaneous, or exterior inclusion. This latter has again been subdivided into two varieties, according as the tumor occupies the scrotum or the perineum; but as the character of this work evidently prohibits me from entering into a discussion of the various opinions put forth as to the nature and the mode of formation of this kind of monstrosity, I can only allude to them here; and I refer for more complete details to the memoir of M. Ollivier (Archives, 1827), as Avell as to that of M. Lesauvage de Caen, and still more especially lo the admirable Traite de Teratologic, by M. Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire PAET III. OF LABOR. LABOR is that function Avhich consists in the spontaneous or artificial expulsion of a viable foetus through the natural parts of generation. The term labor is used more especially to designate the expulsion of the child; the expulsion of the placenta being treated of under the head of Delivery, of that organ. This definition of labor, differing as it does someAAdiat from those given by most modern writers, has the advantage of furnishing me a basis Avhereon to found a practical division ; for Avhen the expulsion of the foetus takes place from the efforts of nature alone, it is called a spontaneous, or a natural labor; but Avhen nature is inadequate to the accomplishment of this effect, and art is obliged to intervene, the delivery is said to be artificial, laborious, and also (though improperly) unnatural. This function has also received different denominations, according to the period of pregnancy at which it is manifested : thus, it has been named legitimate, timely, or at term, when occurring Avithin a Aveek before or after the expiration of the ninth month. On the contrarv, it is called premature or precocious, if it takes place during the seventh, the eighth, or the begin- ning of the ninth month. Again, the latter may be spontaneous or artifi- cial, according to Avhether it is simply the Avork of nature or has been brought on by the intervention of art. This last case should be carefully distinguished from Avhat the ancients called forced labor, in Avhich they not only provoked the manifestation of the uterine contractions by a more or less direct irritation, but effected the delivery at once. Lastly, it is called tardy, or retarded, when the delivery is not accom- plished before nine months and.a half or ten months. At Avhatever period delivery may occur, it is ahvays effected under the influence of the same forces; though there is an important distinction to be established in the phenomena, constituting Avhat practitioners are agreed to call the labor. Whenever Ave examine carefully the Avhole of those phe- nomena, Ave can readily make out two very distinct orders of facts. The one is nothing more than an expression of the vital action brought into play for the expulsion of the foetus, Avhile the other is constituted of the suc- cessive movements Avhich the child itself executes during such expulsion; the first is purely physiological, the second embraces the mechanical phe- nomena of the labor. Though often confounded in practice, these tAvo orders should be carefully distinguished in theory. We shall therefore have to examine, in as many separate chapters, Ihe causes and physiological.phenomena, as also the mechanical phenomena both of labor properly so called, and of the delivery of the placenta. 275 276 LABOR. Again, although in the vast majority of cases the woman is really able tc deliver herself, yet there are many precautions which the accoucheur should ^bear in mind, and a series of little attentions he must give to the patient in the course of the parturition; besides, the child will likewise require his intelligent aid, either during the travail or immediately after its birth, and therefore Ave shall devote a chapter to the exposition of those attentions and precautions. We shall, in the first place, enter upon the study of natural labor at term, spontaneous premature delivery, retarded labor, and natural delivery of the after-birth ; leaving the subjects of difficult labor and preternatural delivery of the placenta, to be treated of hereafter under the head of Dystocia. Premature artificial delivery will be described in connection with the other obstetrical operations. CHAPTER I. OF THE CAUSES OF NATURAL LABOR AT TERM. ' These have been divided into the efficient and the determining causes. § 1. Efficient Causes. For a long time the foetus was regarded as the principal agent of its own delivery, and as the chick breaks the shell of the egg, so it was supposed to effect the rupture of the membranes which contained it. The advocates of this opinion, Avhich is no longer admitted, except by some persons out of the profession, relied chiefly on the fact of dead children being expelled more sloAvly from the Avomb, and with more difficulty than others; and further also because, in certain instances, the child has been known to escape from the uterus some time after the mother's death. But, in reality, these two facts have no value whatever in the question before us; for the death of the foetus, Avhen recent, does not materially retard the parturition, and writers Avere altogether in error as to the influence attributable thereto. The living infant is expelled more rapidly, not in consequence of being the agent of its own discharge, but because its movements irritate the uterus and solicit its more frequent contractions; after its death the organ is, on the contrary, deprived of that natural irritant. Besides, whenever the foetus has been defunct for a long time, another cause of retardation is added to the former; for where the product of conception has undergone a partial decomposition, the contractility of the uterine Avails is unfavorably influ- enced thereby. In fact, the vitality of the organ seems to be in relation, to a certain extent, with that of the inclosed body; the blood being no longer attracted thither by the ordinary stimulus, does not reach there in such large quantities as before, and consequently the greater vital activity usually manifested in gestation is lost; hence arise atony of its walls, an excessive feebleness of its contraction, and slowness of the labor. Again, the foetal trunk, being softened by the changes before described, collapses, as it Avere, and ceases to offer that resistance to the uterine Avail Avhich is neeessarv to the CAUSES OF NATURAL LABOR AT TERM. 277 energy and the maintenance of its contraction. Therefore, if it be true that the death of the infant renders its delivery more difficult, it is solely from the unfavorable influence that this occurrence may have over the exercise of the organic contractility. Instances of children having been delivered spontaneously after the mother's death are quite numerous, and this is the strongest argument adduced by those who believe that the foetus is the principal agent in the expulsion. But numerous observations, among others those related by Dr. Planque (in La Bibliotheque de Medecine Choisie), prove that those infants were dead even before the mother. Now these facts, extraordinary as they appear, can be very naturally explained as folloAvs: Supposing the delivery took place shortly after the parent's death, the motor faculty of the uterus is not so dependent on the nervous system as to be entirely lost immediately upon the cessation of vitality in the latter, and is evidently retained for some time after the mother has succumbed. Thus, Leroux has observed the uterus contract a quarter of an hour after the last breath; and Osiander, after having performed the Csesarean section on a corpse, found the uterus as much contracted the next day as it usually is in a Avoman just after her confinement. It is, therefore, very natural to suppose that such deliveries are owing to the contractile action of the Avomb, Avhich, says Desormeaux. it, like other hollow muscles, still preserves for some time after death ;x and finally, let us add, that the real death in many cases may have been preceded by an apparent one, and possibly that the former may not have occurred until just at the instant of, or immediately after the delivery took place. But Avhen the expulsion of the foetus did not occur before the lapse of two or three days, Ave must suppose, Avith M. Velpeau, that the labor Avas Avell advanced at the time of the mother's death, and gas being rapidly produced in large quantities in the intestinal canal, the uterus was thereby mechani- cally compressed on its exterior, and the ovum consequently forced out entire. Perhaps the subjoined case, reported by Hermann, might be ex- plained in that Avav. (Edin. Med. and Sure/. Journal, NeAV Series, N~> vi p. 431.) A young Avoman died in her tenth month, and the third day after, the 1 Dr. Tyler Smith states that the reflex action may continue for some time after the complete cessation of the respiratory movements, and in some cases be powerful enough to effect the delivery when the patient has died during labor; but that, in most instances, the post-mortem expulsion of the foetus is due to a peristaltic contraction of the uterine fibres. We find it difficult to admit the existence of a vermicular contraction powerful enough to produce such a result. M. Brown-Se"quard has recently advanced what he regards as an explanation of thia posthumous contractility. According to this learned physiologist, the contact of venous blood with the muscular fibre is sufficient to stimulate it to contraction. I have observed, he says, movements in the uteri of recently killed animals, whose spinal marrow had been destroyed throughout its length. I have seen these same movements in the uterus extracted from a living animal. These, which could not be attributed to reflex action, since there was no opportunity for the exercise of nervous influence, were due simply to the contact of non-oxygenated blood, to prove which he relates the following experiment. The spinal marrow in two Guinea-pigs, which had reached the end of gestation, wa« destroyed from the sixth rib to the sacrum, yet labor began and ended shortly after a ligature was drawn tightly around the trachea. 278 LABOR. attendants noticed a strange noise about the corpse. A physician waa hastily summoned, who found that twins, s-till inclosed by the intact mem- branes, had been just delivered. The children presented no traces of putre- faction, the placenta alone sliOAving a commencing alteration. But, besides these, numerous other objections still remain against this theory: 1. The delivery exhibits nearly the same phenomena, at Avhatever period of gestation it takes place; noAV, can any one suppose that the foetus, which scarcely rhoves at all in the early months, can at once acquire a sufficient degree of strength to overcome the great resistance made at that time by the uterine neck ? 2. It is Avell knoAvn, that, if the child present by any other part than the head in labor at term, the presenting part is so high up, before the rupture of the amniotic pouch, that it can in no wise contribute to the dilatation of the os uteri. 3. Again, the fcetal efforts cer- tainly ought to affect the bag of A\Taters first, and therefore a rupture of the enveloping sac should always be among the earliest phenomena of the labor; hoAvever, such a rupture often does not occur until the very last moments; sometimes even the ovum escapes entire. 4. Would it be possible for the most healthy and vigorous infant to make any exertions strong enough to surmount the resistance opposed to its delhTery in some of the instances of tedious labor? &c, &c. From all Avhich Ave may conclude that the foetus has no influence over its OAvn expulsion, and that the efficient cause of the delivery evidently belongs to the contraction of the uterine Avails, aided by that of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles. Furthermore, to be convinced that the womb acts the principal part in this process, it is only necessary to examine a woman during labor, and, more especially, to introduce the hand into the uterus in a case of difficult version. It is its contractions alone Avhich generally produce the dilatation of the os uteri, thus preparing a w7ay for the child's passage; and they also perform the most important part in the later periods of the labor. They are even capable of effecting the delivery themselves. Thus, for instance, the parturition does not the less take place in animals, Avhere the belly is laid open, and the abdominal Avails thereby rendered incapable of any further action. It also takes place in Avomen affected Avith procidentia uteri,1 as also in those Avho suffer from a paralysis of the abdominal muscles, in conse- quence of an affection of the spinal marrow, or some one of the nervous centres. Finally, the use of anaesthetics within certain limits, destroys the contractility of the voluntary muscles, together Avith the sensibility ; yet the uterine contractility remains, and the delivery is accomplished. Ordinarily, however, in the second or expulsive stage of the labor, the uterine contrac- tion is assisted by the simultaneous action of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. At the moment when the head clears the neck of the uterus, especially when by pressing strongly upon the floor of the pelvis it distends the perineum, compresses greatly the lower part of the rectum and neck of the 1 According to the report of Burdach, Wimmer has actually known the labor to take place regularly in a woman whose womb formed a tumor between her thighs, eleven inches long and seven and a half inches broad; the opening in which was directed iownwards. CAUSES OF NATURAL LABOR AT TERM. 279 bladder, and opens and dilates the vulva, the pressure upon these parts is bo violent that instinctively, not to say involuntarily, the Avoman exerte herself poAverfully, in order to relieve herself as soon as possible from the insupportable sensation. Thus, fixing her feet firmly against the foot-board of her bed, and clinging to anything around that may offer a solid resist- ance, the patient takes a full inspiration, dilates her chest, and then, retain- ing the inhaled air in her lungs, she strongly contracts all the muscles forming the abdominal inclosure. This auxiliary contraction is so evident that nobody can doubt it, and authors only differ as to the kind of aid it brings to the uterine forces. Haller and others considered the uterine con- tractions as being merely secondary, and attributed to the abdominal muscles the principal part in the expulsion of the child; thus they suppose that the contraction of the organ simply serves to support the foetal trunk, to embrace it properly like a cylinder, and to prevent the great pressure of the diaphragm from crushing it in, Avhile at the same time the act of inspira- tion and the contraction of the abdominal Avails force it outAvards. But, from the facts before stated, we may judge of the value of this hypothesis. True, in certain cases of excessive feebleness of the uterus, and of a com- plete inertia of its Avails, the abdominal muscles have proved sufficient to terminate the delivery; yet hoAV much oftener has it happened that the Avoman, exhausted by antecedent disease, and left Avithout energy or strength, has been unable to assist the Avomb by any voluntary contraction Avhatever! Again, some Avomen have been delivered during hysterical or epileptic fits, in a state of total loss both of feeling and movement, Avhere evidently the uterine contraction alone could accomplish it. This harmony of action is therefore useful but not indispensable, since the labor Avill often terminate under the sole influence of the merino forces; but it will be nearly ah\rays impossible in cases of total inertia of the organ, hoAvever poAverful the con- tractipns of the abdominal muscles may be. The researches of Cloquet and Bourdon on the physiology of the process do not Avarrant the supposition of any active pressure by the diaphragm on the upper part of the uterus. They ha\re proved, in fact, that the principal phenomena consist in a change of the acts of respiration, and that the object of such change is to furnish a solid point of insertion to the muscles passing from the chest both to the trunk and upper extremities. When the air has penetrated into this cavity, the glottis closes spasmodically; the abdominal muscles begin to contract; they press back the viscera, in the caATity of the peritoneum against the diaphragm; the latter contracts in turn; and, being sustained above by the resistance from the air contained in the lungs, gives to the base of the chest a degree of immobility and solidity, Avhich affords a fixed point for the muscles inserted there; so that, in the effort of expul- sion, the diaphragm, by its contraction, only exhibits a poAver of resistance sufficient to sustain the thoracic parietes, but not an active force, Avhich is to operate, like the abdominal muscles, directly on the uterus. On the Avhole, then, the efficient cause of labor is inherent in the Avomb itself. Its contraction alone is brought into play during all the first half of the labor; but it is aided in the second period by the abdominal muscles, which become more and more active as the labor draAvs tOAvards its tormina- 280 LABOR. tion. Most generally the uterine contractions would be sufficient, but the abdominal contraction alone could scarcely ever complete the delivery. § 2. Determining Causes. This name is applied to everything that can determine the action of the efficient causes; and, as before stated, this class consists both of unnatural and natural causes. The second only claim our attention here. The regular and almost fixed period at which the gestation terminates in the majority of Avomen, lias, in all ages, claimed the attention of physiologists. By some, the determining cause of labor has been attributed to the child, and by others to the womb. 1. According to the partisans of the first opinion, the foetus, having arrived at a certain stage of development, will have acquired such a degree of muscular poAver that the resulting movements of its limbs will produce such bloAvs and shocks upon the uterine walls, as will irritate the organ and determine its contraction. 2. The Aveight of the infant might also lead to the same effect. 3. Being confined in the uterine cavity, whose dimensions have not augmented in proportion to those of the foetus, the latter will be incommoded. 4. Suffering from the prolonged accumulation of meconium in the intestinal canal, of urine in the bladder, and from its contact Avith the amniotic fluids, which ultimately acquire acrid and irritating properties, and no longer finding in the materials furnished by the mother the elements necessary to its nutrition and respiration, the infant will experience a neces- sity of changing its residence, of seeking a medium more suited to its ulterior development; Avhich necessity Avill prove an instinctive desire of escaping from the surrounding inconveniences, that will cause it to give itself, so to speak, the signal of departure. Surely, it is only necessary to present such reasons as these in a summary manner, to obviate the necessity of refuting them. In short, the foetus is as foreign to the determining as to the efficient cause of labor. The opinion favorable to the cause residing in the uterus rallies around it a greater number of partisans, but all of these do not explain the mode of action in the same Avay. Thus, according to some, the Avomb only possesses the faculty of distention to a certain degree, and, Avhen carried beyond that limit, the walls react and contract; others believe that the term of nine months is assigned by nature for the fulfil- ment of the new organization of the Avomb; and having acquired at that period all the qualities necessary to the accomplishment of the great func- tion to Avhich it is destined, it immediately enters into action. But most of the modern accoucheurs consider the folloAving explanation as the more reasonable. Observation proves, say they, that the fundus and body of the uterus are the parts first distended, for the purpose of forming the oavity which incloses the product of conception ; and the cavity of the neck subsequently par- ticipates in the dilatation, Avhich begins at its upper part, then gradually descends, so that the ring formed of the external orifice has alone undergone but little alteration at the approach of labor. Again, the Avails of the neck whose tissue is denser and more resistant than that of the body, undergo certain changes, which follow the same progression in dilating as the cavity CAUSES OF NATURAL LABOR AT TERM. 281 does; cheir tissue is saturated Avith juices; they soften and become supple; their fibres unfold, as it Avere, are elongated and developed; and, conse- quently, the resistance of the neck to the escape of the ovum progressively diminishes as the term of gestation draws near. According to this vieAV, the fibres of the neck are considered antagonistic to those in the body, the contraction of which latter is therefore reduced to a simple tonic action, so long as the resistance of the neck is superior to their-poAver; but Avhen this opposition is diminished by the progressive dilatation of the cervix, the orifice alone remaining, the fibres of the body then begin to act more evidently, and their contractions become more and more energetic. (Diet, de Med., en 25 v.) According to Ant. Petit, the body only will dilate prior to the sixth month; but at that period it commences borroAving from the cervical fibres the elements of its ulterior distention, to which it can no longer contribute itself; and such contributions will continue to be drawn during the last three months, and then, Avhen all the fibres held in reserve by the neck shall have yielded, the distention being carried to the utmost, the accouche- ment will take place. M. Velpeau adopts nearly the same opinion. On the other hand, M. P. Dubois, who originally advocated the opinions avowed by Desormeaux in the first edition of the Dictionnaire, has since taught, in his course of 1837-8, the folloAving theory proposed by Jones PoAver, in 1*19. The uterine tissue at term may be justly compared to that of the other holloAV muscular organs: the bladder or rectum, for example; and, like these organs, it is formed of tAvo muscular layers, the. external of which has longitudinal fibres, and the internal has circular ones; it also presents a superior cavity, a dilatable and contractile reservoir, to Avhich the struc- ture just indicated principally belongs; as also a closed orifice below, formed solely by the circular fibres arranged as a sphincter muscle. It likeAvise resembles the bladder and rectum in having tAvo orders of nerves — the sympathetic and the spinal; those coming from the ganglionic system are distributed to the body, Avhile the others, derived from the nervous centres of animal life, go to the neck, Avhich is a true sphincter for the uterus; the similitude is further maintained by the presence of a mem- brane lining its interior, and by being covered externally, though at the superior part only, by the peritoneum. The agreements in structure are not the only ones claiming our atten- tion ; for the Avell-marked sympathies existing in the rectum or bladder, between the reservoir and its sphincter, are found quite as distinctly marked betAveen the body of the uterus and its neck; for as an irritation of the neck of the bladder or the sphincter ani is capable of producing an urgent desire to urinate, or to go to stool, so irritations affecting the cervix uteri also solicit the contractions of that organ; moreover, it is Avell known that an extreme fulness or distention of the first-named organs acts me- chanically in tAvo Avays: 1. By irritating their Avails by the direct contact of the contained substances; 2. By dragging or pressing on the fibres forming the sphincter, and these latter reacting on those of the body. Xo\v, A\ha does not recognize in this resemblance, says Dubois, an easy 282 LABOR. explanation of the determining causes of labor? For, so long as ihe cervix uteri retains a certain length, its most inferior fibres, those especially sup plied by the nerves of animal life, and therefore enjoying a high degree of sensibility, are not exposed to any kind of excitation; but, tOAvards the end of the gestation, and in consequence of the successive expansion at the superior part of the neck, its Avhole length has disappeared by contributing to the gradual development of the organ ; a circular collar alone remaining, formed of the horizontal and the circular fibres, which appertain to the external orifice. The groAvth of the uterus cannot continue Avithout producing a severe tension on the fibres of this collar ; and further, being brought immediately into contact with the amniotic sac, and consequently with the presenting part of the foetus, they must necessarily suffer, must be irritated and excited by this constant and unusual contact. As this double cause of irritation is constantly acting, it must inevitably happen with the fibres belonging to the body of the uterus, as it does with the rectal and vesical Avails Avhen their sphincter is irritated, i. e. they must immediately enter into contraction.1 Dr. Tyler Smith, of London, has lately endeavored to prove, in accord- ance Avith the observations of Carus, Mende, and Merriman, that the deter- mining cause of labor must be sought for in the ovary; that natural labor ahvays corresponds Avith the tenth menstrual period, and that the congestion of the'ovaries produced, by reflex action, first a simple irritation, and ultimately true contractions of the uterine parietes. Admitting as proved that the menstrual ovulation goes on during preg- nancy, it would still remain to be shoAvn why it should be rather at the tenth than at the eighth or eleventh period that this influence of the reflex action of the ovary should be strong enough to excite the contractions of natural labor in the uterus. At one of the late sittings of the Biological Society (September, 1855), M. BroAvn-Sequard suggested a theory Avhich doubtless is subject to objec- tions, but which certainly is one of the most ingenious of all that have yet been proposed in reference to the determining cause of labor. Like all the muscles, those especially of organic life, the muscles of the uterus are very sensitive to the contact of venous blood, and the carbonic 1 Mr. Power cites the following case, communicated by his brother in support of hia opinion, and which we bring forward as being interesting in many respects. A lady, the mother of several children, supposed herself near the term of a fresh pregnancy, and she felt two or three slight pains ; but they soon passed off again, and three months more elapsed without her experiencing any other pain. Becoming uneasy about her condition, she consulted several physicians, who, after having made the usual examination, declared she was not pregnant. The author's brother having been called in, participated at first in the same opinion ; nevertheless, he found the abdomen greatly enlarged, and much inclined forwards, so that it descended in front of the thighs, almost down to the knees, when the patient was standing. A distin- guished physician, a friend of the lady, who was present, then mounted on a chair above her, and by passing a towel underneath the belly raised il up ; the vaginal touch being once more resorted to, the child's head was distinctly felt. A suitable bandage retained the tumor in that position, and four or five days afterwards the pains came on, and the woman was happily delivered of a very large living infant. CAUSES OF NATURAL LABOR AT TERM. 283 acid gas, Avhich the latter contains in large amount, is capable of producing their contraction. Of the experiments tending to prove this, one certainly seems very conclusive. M. Sequard applied a ligature to the trachea of a pregnant rabbit. Six or eight minutes after the commencement of asphyxia, uterine contractions became manifest; the ligature Avas removed, the con- tractions ceased; it was again applied, and they reappeared. Noav, according to M. BroAvn-Sequard, at the end of gestation, the irri- tability of the uterine fibre is very great, and the development of the venous apparatus of the organ such, that a considerable amount of venous blood is contained Avithin its walls. These tAvo conditions together constitute, he thinks, the determining cause of the first contraction, since the excitability must necessarily be aAvakened by the prolonged contact of carbonic acid. The effect of the first contraction would be to expel the blood from the veins, and the contractions Avould cease promptly with the exciting cause, did not the pain which it occasions stimulate the reflex action of the spinal marrow; the latter, therefore, sustains it for some moments. But, as Ave shall state hereafter, the contractile poAver of a muscle of organic life is rapidly ex- hausted, its fibre relaxes, and repose soon succeeds to activity. This relaxation of the uterine fibre allows the venous blood to Aoav back into the uterine sinuses, so that after a time the series of phenomena just men- tioned recommences. I have contented myself with simply presenting the principal vieAvs that have been entertained as to the determining cause of labor, although it would be an easy matter to start numerous objections against all of them, Avhich perhaps could not be set aside. Thus, the uterus is as much dis- tended, in some cases, at eight months as it is in many others at nine, with- out the term of pregnancy being anticipated. The muscular organization of the uterus is as perfect several Aveeks before the tAvo hundred and seven- tieth day as it is at a later period. The sort of antagonism fancied by some authors to exist betAveen the fundus and the neck of the uterus, is a pure hypothesis unsupported by evidence ; besides, this opinion, like that of Antoine Petit, rests upon a false observation, namely, that of the pro- gressive shortening of the neck after the sixth month. [It is universally admitted that delivery is effected by the contraction of the uterus, but the question has been raised, Why does this contraction take place at the end of gestation ? On this point, Power's theory seems to have gained the assent of the majority of accoucheurs. It does seem to us, however, that the ques- tion has been badly put, for how can we believe that the muscular fibres of the uterus do remain inactive for nine months, and enter into contraction only at the termination of pregnancy? We feel justified in asserting that the uterus contracts throughout the entire period of gestation, feebly at first, and rarely, it may be, but more decidedly as the time progresses, so that it may not infrequently be detected by palpation of the abdomen at various periods. The contractions are, doubtless, very slight at first, though real, and every one knoAvs that they accomplish the effacement of the cervix at the end of gestation. Should an accidental cause increase their energy prematurely, the result is either abortion or premature delivery. We Avould therefore reverse the question and ask Avhy, if the contractions take place throughout the entire period of gestation, do they expel the ovum only at 284 LABOR. term ? The first reason to be adduced is, that the contractions, though feeble and insufficient at the outset, grow stronger as the development of the middle layer of the uterus progresses, but not until the end of the ninth month have the muscular fibres acquired sufficient contractility to effect the expulsion of the child. In the second place we would add, that the contractions which occur during the course of gestation, make a fruitless effort to dilate the firm and resisting tissue of the uterine orifice. It is, therefore, by a wise precaution of nature that the softening of the cervix, which takes place from below upwards, reaches the internal orifice only after the expiration of the eighth month. The internal orifice then yields to the contractions which produce the gradual effacement of the neck from above downward. The term of gestation has now arrived, and the contractions increase greatly in strength. At this point only, would I have recourse to Power's theory, which seems to afford a true explanation of the recrudescence of the contractile forces of the womb and the prompt establishment of labor.] CHAPTER II. OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. For the purpose of facilitating the study of the phenomena of labor, most writers have divided them into several distinct groups, which they have denominated the stages of labor; and each one has built up his own classification, so that Ave may now enumerate some twenty or thirty. Of all these, the division of Desormeaux appears to us the most simple, and we shall therefore adopt it. His first stage extends from the beginning of the labor to the complete dilatation of the cervix uteri; the second includes all the interval from this time until the child is expelled; and the third embraces the delivery of the placenta. Precursory Signs. — The term of gestation is most usually announced by a collection of symptoms, to Avhich the majority of authors have applied the name of the " precursory signs of labor." Thus, during the last fortnight of pregnancy, sometimes a little sooner, at others, only five or six days before the delivery takes place, the uterus, which previously extended up to the epigastric region, sensibly sinks loAver, and seems to spread out laterally; and the mechanical obstruction to the respiration being thus removed, the latter becomes more free; the stomach is no longer compressed, and digestion, if hitherto impaired, becomes more easy; the patient, no longer troubled Avith nausea and vomiting, and respiring more freely, becomes, it is said, gayer, more cheerful, and disposed to movement. Hoav- ever true this last proposition may be with regard to some Avomen, it cer- tainly does not apply to all; but, on the contrary, it has seemed to me that ;n proportion as the term approaches, their position becomes more and more distressing; and this, I think, may be easily explained; because if the respiration becomes more free, and the fundus uteri descends, the inferior part of the organ must also sink down in the same ratio. The head, Avhen presenting, engages in the excavation, carrying the lower portion of the PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 285 uterus before it; it sometimes even reaches the pelvic floor, and consequently gives rise to an annoying sensation of weight about the fundament, to great pressure on the neck of the bladder and rectum, strainings at stool, ineffectual desires to urinate, vesical tenesmus, dysury, and sometimes even to strangury; the oedema and varices of the inferior extremities and genital parts then augment considerably; the hemorrhoidal vessels SAvell up, and the tumors of the same name, if they existed before, become more voluminous and very painful; at the same time copious glairy discharges escape from the vulva. About the same period the pelvic ligaments become softened, and the gliding of the articular surfaces being rendered easier, the joints are more movable, and consequently Avalking is uncertain, painful, and sometimes even impossible. Lastly, to all these inconveniences and pains, another is often added, which singularly aids in making the woman's condition still more distressing; it is this: the uterus, in the last periods of gestation, seems, by contractions, Avhich are short and distant at first, but soon increas- ing both in length and frequency, to prepare, as it were, for the more violent contractions of parturition. Indeed, she often experiences the true pains from time to time, and should the accoucheur then examine the abdo- men, he, like her, will feel it hardening, and the uterus manifestly contract- ing. At times, these contractions are scarcely painful, are not attended with bearing down, and can only be detected by placing the hand upon the $ abdomen. We knoAV that the uterine globe is contracting, from its greater hardness; then, after a short time, relaxation occurs, and the Avails regain their habitual suppleness.1 In women avIio have previously had children, we ascertain by the vaginal touch, that the membranes bulge out during contraction, and engage slightly in the upper part of the cervix uteri. These precursory phenomena are manifested much sooner in primipane than in others. According to certain Avriters, the pains are felt first, and with more severity than at any other time, about four Aveeks before term; so that some women, avIio have been pregnant before, do not hesitate then to affirm that their labor will take place in the course of a month. (Burdach.) Further, these pains are not Avholly useless, for they tend to diminish the thickness of the neck, and generally bring on its dilatation; thus, I have remarked that, when no cause of dystocia existed, the labor was usually much more rapid in those females Avho had been thus tormented by frequent pains during the last fortnight of their pregnancy. On the Avhole, therefore, contrary to the proposition reiterated in all the 1 These contractions, which are the precursory symptoms of labor, I regard as due to the changes which the upper part of the neck undergoes in the latter weeks of ges- tation. We have already stated that, in the last fortnight, the internal orifice softens ami yields to distention, then expands from above, so that the upper half of the neck gradually becomes confounded with the cavity of the body; the lower part of the ovum will evidently engage in the dilated portion, and soon come in contact with the parts in the neighborhood of the external orifice. This contact occasions a progres- sive irritation of the irritable fibres of the lower half of the cervix, which, by react- ing upon the body, excites its contractions, until finally, the entire neck being effaced, the irritation reaches its maximum, and labor commences. 286 LABOR. classical Avorks, that women are more gay, cheerful, and disposed to action, I have observed that they are in general more sad, and are greater sufferers, than at other times; and although they appear to endure their pains better, it is simply because they are encouraged by the hope of a speedy delivery, the announcement of which is recognized in the very sufferings they endure. First Stage.—The term of gestation finally arrives, and the labor begins. In primiparae, this is made known by the opening of the neck, which until that time had remained closed; and in other women, by the total effacement of the rounded collar presented by the os tincse. The pains just mentioned as occurring in the last fortnight of pregnancy, suddenly become more acute and frequent, and while they last the abdomen retracts, and the uterus hardens, as may easily be verified by examination. If the fundus was here- tofore inclined tOAvards the right or the left, it will noAV return to the median line; the inequalities of the foetus can no longer be perceived through the abdominal Avail; the cervix uteri, which is already someAvhat dilated, closes partially during the pain, and its margins are tense and resistant, though groAving thinner; the membranes are distended, press at first on the neck, then engage in it as soon as the dilatation is sufficiently advanced, under the form of a segment of a sphere, Avhose dimensions progressively increase with the dilatation. The organs of generation are more humid; the glairy discharges are streaked Avith blood ; the pains continue to increase in force and frequency, • each one being ushered in by a slight shivering, or horripilation; Avhile it lasts, the pulse is hard, frequent, and full; the countenance is flushed, the surface and tongue dry, and the patient very thirsty; nausea and vomiting often come on ; she weeps, desponds, and becomes quite irritable, and, being unconscious of the progress of her labor, because no advance is perceived, she cries out repeatedly, that she will never get over it. After the contrac- tion, she is less agitated; still, hoAvever, the cessation of the pain does not seem to be perfect, the calm is not yet complete, and the poor sufferer, still under the influence of the last pain, dreads incessantly the arrival of its successor. During the interval, the margins of the os uteri again become mpple, thick, and rounded; the membranes that Avere smooth and tense, while the pain lasted, are noAV flaccid, and hang in folds, and the foetal head, which Avas temporarily removed from the orifice, seems to return, and is much more accessible to the finger. In proportion as the contractions are repeated, the os uteri gradually dilates more and more, until at last it is completely opened; the cavity of the uterus and the vagina thenceforth forming but a single uninterrupted canal. Some females are able to conceal these early pains, but most of them find it impossible to do so for any length of time ; for, if conversing, they will at once leave the phrase incomplete, and remain silent until the pain has diminished or stopped altogether ; or, if they happen to be walking up and doAvn the chamber, they stop short and lean on a chair, or the first article that comes to hand, until it passes over. The occurrence of violent shivering, and sometimes of general tremors, al the termination of this stage, is by no means unusual, and that, too, with- out any sensation of cold being perceived. The patient herself frequently PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 287 expresses surprise at her trembling. It is doubtless caused by one of the singular impressions produced upon the nervous system by the act of par- turition. Second Stage.—At length, under the influence of these first pains, the duration of Avhich is very variable, the orifice is enlarged until it forms a sufficient opening; and from that moment all the uterine forces are directed to the expulsion of the foreign body contained Avithin the organ. Up to this time, the uterus alone Avas concerned in dilating the neck, but it noAV seems to call in aid the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and consequently both the pain and the bearing doAvn are carried to a much higher degree. The heat of the surface is much more considerable, the agitation extreme, and in some instances there is even a marked disorder in the intellectual functions. The pains are stronger, and the intervals shorter; nevertheless, the Avoman bears them Avith more patience, nay, she even assists them by voluntarily contracting all the muscles of the trunk; and each pain is fol- lowed by a calm more perfect than that in the first stage. Indeed, when the interval is rather long, some females, exhausted by the previous fatigue, sleep profoundly, and thus get a refreshing repose that should be respected, but Avhich is soon interrupted by a neAv pain. The inferior segment of the membranes gradually engages in the orifice ; the successive and repeated contractions cause the liquor amnii to flow tOAvards this point; the amniotic pouch becomes tense and bulging at its lower part, and, being entirely unsupported by the parietes of the neck, it gives Avay, and the contained waters escape Avith more or less rapidity and abundance, according to cir- cumstances. Immediately, the foetus, urged on by the same contraction, applies itself to the os uteri, and the head, if that is the presenting part, engages like a stopple in the orifice, thereby preventing a further discharge of the Avaters. The head is then said to be at the crowning. The rapid discharge of a con- siderable quantity of the Avaters, Avhich then takes place, suspends the uterine contractions for several moments, and, as the head no longer presses on the circumference of the neck, a small amount of fluid is again discharged. But a more energetic pain shortly comes on, by Avhich the child's head advances and clears the circle of the uterine orifice, and just at this moment the patient very frequently gives a loud cry, an expression of the great pain caused by its passage. Next, the head descends into the vagina, the trans- verse folds of Avhich become effaced, the canal enlarging and elongating for its reception. When a rupture of the membranes takes place before the os uteri is completely dilated, the head often descends to the pelvic floor, though still retained in the Avomb, and does not clear the uterine orifice until it engages in the inferior strait; though, Avhichever happens, the pains go on increasing in violence. Each one is announced by a general shivering; the patient clings to anything around her, supports her feet against the mattress, throAvs the head backwards, takes a deep inspiration, and violently contracts all the muscles of her body. The foetal head, being thus forcibly urged on, presses against the floor of the pelvis, and causes it to protrude at every pain ; and the consequent pressure on the rectum gives rise to illusory desires of going to st?ol. 288 LABOR. After a greater or less resistance, the perineum at last yields, becomes distended and bulging in front; the vulva partially opens, and the nymphse are effaced, the skin in the neighborhood contributing to the enlargement; the head then appears in the dilated vulva, and the fiseces as well as the urine are passed involuntarily; then the pain again ceases; the head, just apparent, now seems to re-enter the excavation ; the overdistended perineum retracts from its OAvn inherent elasticity ; the labia externa approach each other, and the vulva again closes up; at each pain, the latter opens more and more, then retracts, until, at last, all these parts, from the force of the repeated con- tractions, become incapable of any further resistance;] finally, a horrible pain comes on, forcing loud cries from the Avoman, Avhich is made up of two others of unequal violence, for which nature seems to have reserved all her powers ; this first brings the parietal protuberances to a level with the tuber- osities of the ischium, and then expels the head altogether from the parts. In some instances, the delivery of the body immediately folloAvs that of the head ; but in the larger number, some seconds elapse; then the pain is reneAved, the uterus again contracts, and drives out the fcetal trunk, together with the rest of the amniotic liquid. The rapid sketch of these phenomena, just given, has not afforded us an opportunity of dilating upon any of them ; nevertheless, some ought to be studied more carefully. For instance, the pain, the dilatation of the uterine orifice, the glairy discharges, and the rupture of the membranes, demand a more particular attention. We shall, howeA^er, be brief in the physiological considerations appertaining to each. § 1. The Pain, or Contraction. In most females, the pain is so inseparable from the contraction, that, in common language, the cause is readily confounded with the effect, and the two expressions are used, indifferently, to express the uterine contraction, its returns, duration, weakness, and intensity. We must remark, however, that although the intensity of pain is generally in relation to the contrac- tion, yet it is not ahvays so, for the perception of pain thereby produced necessarily varies with the susceptibilities of the patient herself. Some experience trifling pains very acutely, and express themselves freely; others, on the contrary, Avhose sensibility seems more obtuse, scarcely complain at all of the strongest contractions. Again, there are certain females Avho have the happy privilege of being delivered almost without any or at least with but very inconsiderable pains. For instance, I had an opportunity of observing a young primipara at the Clinique, Avho was aroused by the pains at four o'clock in the morning, and Avas delivered at six ; she suffered so little during these tAvo hours, that she did not consider it necessary to alarm any one, and the midwife Avas only summoned Avhen the pain became a 1 Certain authojs attribute the retreat of the head after each pain to a winding oi the cord around the child's neck, and therefore propose various measures for facili- tating its delivery. But this simply results, says Baudelocque, from the elasticity of the perineum and the reaction of the muscles contained in its substance, as also from the elasticity of the cranial bones. Consequently, we have nothing to do but to await the spontaneous expulsion. PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 289 little more severe; she soon arrived, and found the head delivered. This case was still more remarkable, from the fact of a partition existing in the vagina, which divided its cavity into tAvo parts ; indeed it had been proposed to incise this septum Avhen the hour of labor should arrhre. It is highly probable that the dilatation of the neck goes on quietly in such cases, under the influence of contractions Avhich are not perceptible to the patient from being unattended Avith pain. The pains have received different names according to the period of their occurrence: thus, the trifling ones appertaining to the precursory phenomena of labor are named mouches, from a comparison Avith the sensation caused by the pricking of a fly; those of the first stage, in Avhich the neck is dilated, are termed preparative; those of the second are designated as the expulsive; and finally, in the last moments of labor, Avhen the head forcibly distends the perineum and partially opens the vulva, the pains are so violent in character as to have been denominated the conquassantes? The pains are felt in the lower part of the abdomen ; and in the early stages, generally folloAV a line draAvn from the umbilicus to the second bone of the sacrum, but when the head presses against the pelvic floor, they run more tOAvards the coccyx. Sometimes they are felt in the lumbar and sacral regions only; the Avomen then call them the pains in the back ; and the patient has good cause for dreading them, for they do not much advance the delivery, and ahvays leave behind them a feeling of discomfort and prostration. These lumbar pains often come on early in the labor, at other times a little later, but they rarely continue till its close; sometimes they coincide Avith a great obliquity of the uterus. According to Madame Lachapelle, they may generally be referred to too great a rigidity of the external orifice, either because this experiences a kind of cramp, or that owing to its unyielding condition it receives the full force of the uterine efforts, and consequently suffers more than Avhen softened. These lumbar pains doubtless depend on the sensibility of the orifice, and this can readily be explained by the origin of the nerves distributed to the neck, for the hypogastric and lumbar plexuses furnish them; Avhilst the ovarian plexus of the splanchnic nerve alone sends its branches to the fundus uteri. Various plans have been tried to assuage these pains: thus, venesection, emollient injections, and the opiates, have often succeeded; but there is one Avhich, of itself, may suffice in many cases to relieve the patient, that is, to raise her up by passing a tOAvel under the loins. The pains haAre been divided by Avriters into true and false, according to Avhether they are produced by a regular labor, or by some disorder in the uterine functions; but as we shall endeavor to establish the diagnosis carefully further on, Ave w ill only remark noAV, that a true contraction ahvays com- mences in the fibres of the neck, and only reaches the fundus some seconds aftenvards; and therefore every contraction beginning at this latter part is irregular and abnormal. (See chapter on Attentions to the Woman during Labor.) 1 I give these terms (mouches and conquassantrs) as found in the original, because, in our American practice, they have no synonyms ; perhaps the words pricking and tearing would express their sense. — Translator. 19 290 LABOR. The question now arises, what is the cause of the labor pain ? Some sup- pose that it is produced by the tension of the fibres of the neck; others, by the pressure on the nerves distributed to the internal surface of the organ, Avhich are necessarily compressed by the foetal walls during the contrac- tion ; and lastly, certain accoucheurs have thought that it was OAving to the compression of the parts contained Avithin the pelvis: the nervous plexuses, for example. But these opinions err in being too exclusive, since all of these causes evidently contribute to the production of pain; indeed, there can be no doubt that the dilatation of the neck is painful during the first stage of labor, more especially when the head is clearing it, this being, according to Madame Boivin, almost the only source of suffering; though, on the other hand, Avhen the child is so placed that it neither rests against the uterine orifice, nor yet on the superior strait, the contraction is still painful; and the pain must then be owing to the pressure on the nerves of the body of the Avomb. Again, in the last moments of parturition, Avhen the head is passing the inferior strait, the perineum, and vulva, the enormous distention of those parts, and the pressure on each of them, must singularly add to the pain produced by the contraction, as well as contribute towards giving it that particular character known under the name of the conquas- sante, or tearing pain. Without denying that these various conditions may be the first cause of the pain, M. Beau observes, that the suffering which they produce is not seated in the uterus, but in the lumbo-abdominal nerves. He regards the pains of child-birth as being, for the most part, a lumbo-abdominal neu- ralgia, precisely as though the case were one of pathological disease of the uterus. If, says he, a woman in labor be examined Avith the object of determining the existence of the five painful points which characterize the lumbo-abdominal neuralgia, there will then be found, as in disease of the Avomb, points Avhich are painful on pressure in the lumbar, iliac, hypogas- tric, inguinal, and vulvar regions. In some cases, it is the lumbar point; • in others, the inguinal or iliac, &c. Pressure on the same points is much less painful during the interval of the pains; in some cases, indeed, all tenderness then seems to disappear. Though the localization of the pain in the lumbo-abdominal nerves may not explain its intimate nature and first point of departure, it at least enables us to understand the numerous varieties Avhich it assumes; just as certain grave lesions, and some extensive displacements of the organ, are in some Avomen attended with no pain, Avhilst with others a trifling disorder, or a slight displacement, gives rise to extreme suffering. Thus, some Avomen suffer very little from powerful contractions, whilst others complain bitterly of the slightest expulsive effort. (Here, as in the pathological case, it is impossible to fix a constant relation betAveen the intensity of the abdominal neuralgia and the contractile action of the uterus. The degree of pain, as M. Beau remarks, is owing here, as in all other neuralgias, to the nervous susceptibility of the female. We Avere, there- fore, right in saying that the pain is not intimately connected Avith the contraction. PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 291 [The pain which accompanies the uterine contractions is not a unique fact in the organism, inasmuch as all rather severe involuntary contractions, in whatever organ they may take place, are attended with pain. I Avould mention in illustration, cramps in the muscles of the animal life, colic pains in the bowels, spasmodic contractions of the bladder, and palpitations of the heart. Under ordinary circum- stances, it is true that the muscles of the limbs, of the intestinal canal, of the bladder, and of the heart, are constantly contracting without pain, but the moment they become affected Avith severe involuntary contraction, pain is experienced. This would seem to be a law of pathological physiology which is as applicable to the uterus as to any of the other organs. We believe, therefore, that the pains of labor have their seat in the uterine Avails precisely as colic pains are situated in the walls of the intestines. The painlessness of the contractions which take place during pregnancy, is explained by their feebleness, and are comparable to the peristaltic motions of the bowels of Avhich we are unconscious.] Still another question has been agitated by physiologists, that is, Avhy is the contraction intermittent? and here far-fetched reasons have been' adduced to explain a very simple phenomenon ; just as if any single muscle of the economy could contract permanently; as if it Avere not the nature of all muscular contraction to be interrupted by the fatigue of a too prolonged exercise, and as if it must not have an interval of repose, in order to pre- serve its activity. Besides, if the uterine contractions are dependent upon the nerves of organic life, why should they not be subject to the periodicity which marks the muscular apparatus supplied by branches from the great sympathetic? We are doubtless ignorant of the cause of the rhythmic intermissions in the contraction of the heart, as Avell as of the stomach and intestines; Avhat cause is there, therefore, for greater astonishment at the intermittence of the uterine action, subject as it is to the same nervous influence? It is certainly very curious to study the influence of the contraction over the mother's circulation, Avhich exhibits, according to Holl, the folloAving peculiarities during a pain. In general, the pulse is accelerated as soon as the contraction begins, increasing in frequency as it goes on, then diminish- ing, and gradually resuming the normal type. Noav there exists so intimate a relation betAveen these tAvo phenomena, that, Avhere the pulse is gradual in its acceleration, where it arrives little by little to the maximum of its rapidity, is there sustained for a certain length of time, and finally recedes by degrees, the pain also folloAvs an equally regular .course; it gradually attains its maximum intensity, remains a Avhile stationary, and then decreases with the same regularity; but, on the contrary, if the pulse accelerates by jerks, the contraction will be short and precipitate, and therefore Avithout effect. Holl ascertained this regularity in the phenomena, by counting the pulsations by quarters of a minute during the Avhole time a pain lasted. For instance, he noted the following variations in a con- tradion Avhich lasted tAvo minutes: f First and second quarters, each, . 18 pulsations First minute, } Third quarter, . 20 !< (Last quarter, . 22 11 r First and second quarters, . . 24 l< Second minute, J Third quarter, . 22 (< ( Last quarter, . . 18 " 292 LABOR. Iii proportion as the labor advances, the pulse accelerates the more ; so that, a little Avhile before delivery, it has the same frequency in the intervals as it had at first during the strongest contractions. We have already pointed out the modifications in the bellows murmur, noticed by the same observer during the pain, and shall not repeat them noAV, merely remarking, how- ever, that they are sufficiently well marked to indicate the uterine contrac- tion, even when the woman herself may be desirous of concealing it. § 2. Dilatation of the Os Uteri. The foetus evidently has no part in the dilatation of the os uteri until the bag of Avaters is ruptured. It is not until after this event takes place, that the vertex, by engaging like a Avedge in the uterine neck, can hasten the dilatation mechanically; and it is equally evident that, in any other than a vertex position, the presenting part being more voluminous and irregular than the head, cannot perform the same office, and therefore, cozteris paribus, the orifice Avill open more slowly. Hence, it is not the foetus, at least during the first part of the labor, Avhich is the efficient cause, but here also tne phenomenon is referable to the contraction of the uterine fibres. Now, in order to understand how this occurs, Ave must remember, says Desormeaux, that the walls of the womb are applied to an ovoid body; that the longitudinal fibres are the most numerous, and that the circular fibres of the cervix, although capable of stoutly resisting their power, yet are gradually constrained to yield to the action of the longitudinal ones. If we now imagine these latter fibres to enter into contraction, we shall readily comprehend that, being unable to diminish the distended uterine cavity, all their power must be exerted in drawing upon those points of the circle which form the orifice, Avhere each one is inserted, and thus remove them from the centre of the opening. Wherefore, every portion of the orifice being equally operated upon, it will present a circular form ; but if the foetus is placed transversely, and the womb dilated in that direction, the fibres being re- tracted more in the same diameter, the orifice Avill be elliptical. The rapidity of the dilatation bears a direct ratio to the force and fre- quency of the contractions. In general, it is very slow in the commencement of labor, but much more rapid towards its close: for instance, if the opening dilated to the extent of one inch in four hours, it would only require two, or at most three hours for its complete enlargement; this progresses more slowly, however, in primiparae than in other Avomen. Again, the softness, or the rigidity and tension, of the neck during the intervals of pain, has a great influence over the rapidity of its dilatation ; and the same may be said of the obliquity of the orifice; for Avhen this latter is carried in front tOAvards the pubis, or, what is still more frequent, is strongly directed back- wards towards the sacrum — in either case, the neck is no longer placed in the axis of the contractions, and the head is forcibly pressed towards some part, of the uterine Avail, against Avhich all the expulsive force is lost. It is likeAvise important to bear in mind, that the posterior obliquity of the neck may be owing to an anterior inclination of the womb, and may also exist Avithout the latter being at all changed from its normal position; this results from the head having been engaged a long time in the excava- PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 293 tion, and having pushed the anterior inferior uterine wall before it; the os uteri being at the same time carried upwards and backwards. [When the orifice is directed very far backward, it is sometimes difficult to reach, and some practitioners make the mistake of supposing that the dilatation is com- pleted even when the head is entirely covered by the anterior segment of the womb.1 This error is most liable to occur in first labors, for then the edges of thp orifice are extremely thin, and when the head distends and presses down the lower segment of the uterus without interposition of the amniotic fluid, the sutures and fontanelles may be felt so easily as to lead to the supposition that the head is uncovered. A mistake of this nature may haATe serious consequences. I haAre myself seen attempts made to apply the forceps under these circumstances. To avoid misconception, the hips of the patient should be raised, the fingers passed very far back and moved over the contour of the head. If the orifice is really dilated, the finger will penetrate very deeply and pass alongside of the head Avith- out meeting any obstacle. If, however, dilatation has not been accomplished, the finger is soon arrested by the neck of the vaginal sac—especially in front.] The orifice, which is generally very thin in primiparae at the beginning of labor, becomes thicker tOAvards the last half of the first stage; then it gets thinner, and finally forms a thick, rounded collar, which the head pushes before it as far as the inferior strait. The reason of these various changes, says M. Guillemot, is very simple; for the pressure upon the neck acts more forcibly on the periphery of the orifice than on any other part, and the consequent thinning will disappear as soon as the uterine circle yields, and is carried back towards the parts that have not suffered an equal pressure, but have maintained their original thickness; though soon after, in consequence of fresh pains, the tension on this neAV circle Avill destroy its bulk and reduce it to the condition stated. Finally, a period arrives when the neck maintains its thickness, notAvith- standing the dilatation it undergoes, because the uterine fibres, being exces- sively shortened, give more density to this part. I will add that the thick- ness of the anterior lip is often greatly augmented, Avhen the engagement is far advanced, by oedema of the part, due to its compression between the head and the symphysis pubis; and further, that it is not at all uncommon to find the posterior lip quite thin, Avhilst the anterior one still remains con- siderably thickened. § 3. Of the Glairy Discharges. We have already learned that an abundant secretion takes place in the vagina during the latter periods of gestation ; but when the labor sets in, this secretion augments very considerably, and discharges of viscid mucus, resembling the Avhite of an egg, designated as the glairy discharges, Aoav from the Avomb and vagina, In some women they become sanguinolent at the approach of the travail; but in others they are only so during labor. When blood is thus mixed Avith the other fluids, it is said to be an evidence that the dilatation of the orifice is advanced; this, hoAvever, is not ahvays true, since, in some instances, several days elapse before the commencement of parturition. In some cases, indeed, they are Avholly absent, and the labor 1 Sometimes the orifice is so thin that the finger slips over it without perceiving it. 294 LABOR. is then said to be a, dry one; the genital parts experiencing a degree of heat and dryness almost akin to inflammation. With regard to their origin, these discharges are not, as Ant. Petit and Baudelocque supposed, the product of a transudation of the amniotic waters through the pores in the membranes; but they simply result from the more abundant secretion of the mucous cryptse in the neck and vagina; a secre- tion which is augmented by the greater irritation in those parts, caused by the labor. As to the blood that colors them, Avhether before or during the labor, it may come either from some slight laceration in the borders of the orifice, from a rupture of some of the minute vessels which run from the internal uterine surface to be distributed upon the membranes, or from the detachment of a small portion of the placenta ; or, according to Desor- meaux, it may escape from the extremities of the capillaries Avithout any discoverable rupture. These mucosities, commencing as we have before seen in the latter Aveeks of gestation, serve to lubricate the genital passages, and while relieving the vaginal Avails and the parietes of the neck from their engorgement, they have the further advantage of moistening those parts, of softening the perineum and the vulvar orifice, and thus rendering the extreme distention which all of them must shortly undergo more easy. Their abundance is ahvays to be considered a good sign, presaging a prompt dilatation and an easy expulsion. § 4. Of the Bag of Waters. As the neck progressively dilates, the foetal membranes present and become engaged therein, forming a tumor of variable size in the vagina, which is tense at the moment of contraction; and this is what is understood by the formation of the bag of Avaters. The sac varies in its shape Avith the figure represented by the uterine orifice; it is generally rounded and hemi- spherical, though ovoid Avhen the cervix uteri dilates more in one diameter than another; when the membranes are formed of a loose, uncontracted tissue, and especially Avhen they contain but a small quantity of liquid, they may form an elongated tumor in the vagina, without being a necessary sign of a presentation of either the hand or the foot, as some have incorrectly supposed. We must acknoAvledge, however, that the bag of waters is usually less voluminous in vertex presentations than in others; and, consequently, that a very great protrusion of it nearly always announces an unfavorable posi- tion. This occasioned the remark of Madame Lachapelle: " I do not fear the flat sacs." As soon as the pain ceases the tumor disappears, the fluid that formed it re-enters the uterine cavity, and the flaccid, relaxed mem- branes hang in folds. [The bag of waters, says Prof. Depaul, sometimes assumes another form which [ have called the double bag, and is indicative of a twin pregnancy. 1 first met with it whilst Interne at the Maternity Hospital in 1839, and waa much puzzled by it, inasmuch as I had never met with any account of it and became aware of its significance only after the birth of the twins. Some years after I met with the same thing at the lying-in hospital of th« PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 295 The form of the bag of waters when the os uteri is fully dilated. Faculty, and remembering my former observation at the Maternity, did not hesitate to assert that there were two children, — which, in fact, were soon born. These are, howovor, the only cases which I have met with, nor ought their rarity to be a matter of surprise when we consider all the conditions required in order that two ovums, which are liable to assume such various positions in the cavity of the uterus, should be equally forced upon the mouth of the womb by the contractions. Still, it is well to record the fact in order that it may be made available upon occasion.] The formation of the sac is easily understood. fig. ,4. The uterine cavity is gradually diminished, and the amniotic liquid, pressed on all sides, natu- rally floAvs tOAvards the point that offers the least resistance, and such point is evidently the opening in the neck Avhere no Avails are found. The reason Avhy so much difficulty existed in comprehending hoAV the membranes could pro- ject into the vagina under the influence of this pressure of the liquid, was because the amniotic cavity Avas supposed to be distended to the utmost by the Avaters, and consequently that there must either exist a very great extensibility of the membranes, or else a trans- udation of the fluid through the Avails of the ovum; but both hypotheses are false. For it is only necessary to press upon the abdomen of a pregnant Avoman to become satisfied that in most females a very slight pressure will be sufficient to flatten the ovum, Avhether in its vertical, transverse, or antero-posterior diameters. This is Avhat takes place in labor, excepting that the ovum can only elongate below, on account of the uterine pressure upon all other parts, and thus produces the amniotic tumor. When the dilatation is completed and the contraction energetic, the inferior part of the membranes, being no longer supported, soon yields to the impulse, and becomes ruptured, thereby permitting a variable quantity of liquid to escape. Where the pouch is voluminous, and gives Avay just at the moment of a strong pain, the rupture takes place Avith such a loud noise, that women in their first labor are often much alarmed, and then also the waters gush out in large quantity. But Avhere the pouch is flat, and only a small quantity of fluid is interposed between the head and the membranes, the latter are lacerated Avithout any noise, and but a little liquid oozes out after their rupture; because, the head by engaging at once in the os uteri obliterates it completely and blocks up the waters. [When the membranes are ruptured, the folloAving peculiarities may be observed in the discharge of tlie amniotic fluid. At the beginning of each contraction, it is forced toward the loAver segment of the uterus and a small quantity is discharged from the vulva. At the height of the contraction the flow is arrested, because the direct application of the head against the orifice stops it completely. Finally, when the contraction subsides, the head will close the orifice imperfectly and allow a fresh quantity to escape externally.] In the vast majority of cases, the membranes are lacerated on that portion 296 LABOR. of the bag corresponding to the uterine orifice. But sometimes the rupture occurs much higher up; and this fact, Avhich is almost inexplicable in the present state of our knowledge, should nevertheless be knoAvn, because it accounts for the circumstance of the inferior segment of the ovum being then found intact after the discharge of a certain quantity of Avater, and of our having to puncture the membranes subsequently in this part. Some- times they are ruptured in the beginning of the labor, Avhich is thereby usuallv rendered longer and more difficult for the mother, as also more dangerous for the child, especially when a considerable quantity of Avater escapes at the same time. Besides these varieties, I have several times noticed a remarkable peculiarity that seems to have escaped the attention of practi- tioners generally; I allude to the occurrence of a rupture before any con- traction of the uterus Avhatever. This constitutes in a feAV females the first phenomenon of the labor; but the pains do not come on for some time afterwards, occasionally not for several days. Now, this premature lacera- tion has seemed to me to be coincident with a presentation of the vertex that is deeply engaged in the excavation; for although the patient felt no previous pain, and even in certain cases was sleeping profoundly Avhen the waters escaped, it is highly probable that the uterus had already been con- tracting for some time, and the occurrence may be referred to those non- painful contractions hitherto described; unless, perhaps,, it may possibly depend on an excessive distention of the amniotic pouch. Sometimes the membranes are very hard, thick, and resistant, the rupture only taking place at an advanced stage of the labor, when the head clears the vulva, for instance; or it may occur in a circular manner, and the head escape covered by a kind of hood. The child is then said to be born with a caul, and the vulgar, from that circumstance, prophesy a happy fxdure. The infant may also be born hooded, Avhen a rupture of the membranes first occurs at an elevated point, one not corresponding at all Avith the uterine neck; and should the head then push before it a portion of the amniotic pouch, serious accidents might result in consequence: for instance, this late rupture might delay the labor, or the tension experienced by the membranes, extending to the placenta, may cause its premature detachment, especially Avhen it is inserted on the sides of the organ, and thus produce a uterine hemorrhage. In ordinary cases, the rupture takes place at the commencement of the second stage. The subjoined is a statistical summary made by Churchill, at the Western Lying-in Hospital, during the years 1841 and 1842, Avhich will enable the reader to judge of the varieties that may be met with. The period elapsing between the commencement of the labor and the rupture of the membranes has been noted in 984 cases. Thus: In 167 females, this time was 2 hours. « 335 » 165 » 113 " 71 «- 33 u 48 u «< •om 2 i o 6 " " 6 < ' 10 " « 10 ' ' 14 " " 14 ' ' 18 " " 18 ' < 22 " " 22 < ' 26 " PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 297 In 23 females this time was from 26 " 30 hours. » 8 !< " 30 " 38 « 9 (( '« 38 " 40 « 4 l< about 50 u 2 H " 60 .< 4 (< " 70 " 3 " I( 80 '' 1 female << 105 984 The same observer noted the time from the rupture of the membranes until the child's birth in 812 cases. In 396 women, this time was 1 hour. " 142 £< a 2 hours " 120 ii " 4 k " 50 ii li 6 <« " 34 ii " 8 a " 17 11 (I 10 k " 26 a cc 15 u " 11 a a 20 n " 3 a i( 28 a " 4 " (< 35 (( " 1 woman (< 40 a " 1 i i (< 50 i< " 1 a (1 150 a 812 § 5. Of the Duration of Labor. The duration of labor is exceedingly variable, even when no obstacle opposes its natural course. Some Avomen are delivered in an hour or two, whilst others are not for several days; and between these tAvo extremes, there is every intermediate grade. The published statistics are hardly reliable, for most of them have been collected in hospitals ; and it is a fact, that the majority of women, dread- ing to be taken into the apartment devoted to the patients in labor, conceal their first pains, and give up only Avhen they can restrain themselves no longer. Therefore, Avhen interrogated after delivery, their statements are not found to coincide with their record, and make their labor appear much longer than the latter Avould indicate. This correction seems to me of importance, for most physicians of limited experience, having learned that the duration of labor is from five to six hours, are apt to become alarmed unnecessarily Avhen they find it continuing even longer than from ten to twelve hours. In general, it is longer in primiparae than in others; and this difference is chiefly OAving to the resistance of the perineal muscles, which is much greater in the former, though it is also influenced by the dilatation of the neck, which is effected in them very sloAvly. The Avhole length of their labor is usually from ten to twelve hours, but it should be knoAvn that, in at least one case in five, it may not terminate under fifteen, eighteen, or even twenty hours, and this Avithout any injury 298 LABOR. whatever resulting either to the mother or the child. Women who have had children are delivered much sooner, only suffering, in ordinary cases, about six or eight hours. According to Alph. Leroy and Velpeau, the pains are apt to observe periods of six hours: that is, the labor lasts either six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four, or thirty hours. I think, if their obser- vation be correct, it Avill be found subject to very numerous exceptions. But, supposing the labor has really commenced, can Ave predict the hour of its termination with any degree of certainty? This question, Avhich is nearly ahvays addressed to the accoucheur, is oftentimes a very difficult one to answer, for habit alone can enable us to judge by the dilatation, or the suppleness of the neck; by its tension, its hardness, and resistance; by the frequency and intensity of the pains; by the time it has already existed, and by the greater or less resistance of the vulva and perineum, of the probable length of the labor. It must also be remembered, in regard to the duration, that the first stage of labor is to the second, as two, or even three, to one; and, further, this difference is still more marked in Avomen who have had children, than in primiparae; and that the first half of the dilatation of the neck is much sloAver than the second. But how many exceptions are there to this laAv! For instance, the dilatation is sometimes regular, and sufficiently rapid, everything seeming to promise an easy and prompt termination ; yet all at once the pains become feeble and languishing, and our art is often obliged to interpose in aid of the uterine contractions; while, on the contrary, it not unfrequently happens that the neck is expanded Avith an excessive degree of slowness, after which, a few moments will suffice to effect the delivery. The form of the vagina, according to Wigand, should also be taken into consideration, in making a prognosis as to the probable duration of the labor: thus, if this canal is large throughout, the Avhole time will be short; and, on the other hand, the dilatation of the cervix, and ^he expulsion of the child will be very slow, should the vaginal cavity be regularly con- tracted throughout its extent; again, if the vulvo-uterine canal is large and spacious superiorly, but contracted and unyielding near the external orifice, the first part of the labor will be prompt, but the last slow and difficult; and, finally (though more rarely), if its upper extremity is very narroAv, the inferior being at the same time largely dilated, we may conclude that the parturition will progress slowly at first, but will then terminate speedily. It is a very singular fact, that an hereditary influence is sometimes nv1'- fested in the process, it being not at all uncommon to find the same pecu liarities transmitted through three or four successive generations; the mother, the daughter, and the granddaughters being remarkable either for the sloAvness or rapidity of their labors. In general, it is impossible to predict with any degree of certainty the hour of its termination ; yet most people seem to imagine that the physician is bound to give the most particular information on this point. He must, however, always be very guarded in his replies, for should the labor over- run the fixed time by some hours, it would give rise to the most anxious solicitude, and it is therefore prudent not to be too precise. When such PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 299 questions are addressed to me, I am in the habit of saying, that, if the contractions are regular, and no accident occurs, if, in a Avord, all things go on right, the delivery Avill take place at the hour I name. In fact, it is absolutely impossible to foresee all that may happen; be- cause, in certain cases, the dilatation of the os uteri, Avhich, perhaps, only amounted to one inch, after five or six hours of labor, is suddenly com- pleted; and, at other times, this process being very little advanced, the margin of the orifice is lacerated under the influence of a strong pain, and the delivery effected, perhaps, just as the physician has announced that the labor will still last for several hours. In examining a young woman, preg- nant for the first time, I found the orifice dilated to the size of a quarter of a dollar, and, supposing that the labor Avould last for some time, I Avith- drew, but scarcely had I reached the foot of the staircase, when a messenger came running after me in great haste ; I immediately returned, and found the head on the point of clearing the vulva, Avhich Avas already considerably opened. After the labor was over, I ascertained that the Avhole left side of the vaginal portion of the neck had been lacerated. A young primiparous female experienced the first pains at four o'clock in the morning. Throughout the day the contractions Avere very feeble, with intervals varying from a quarter of an hour to an hour. The dilatation Avas so slow, that at four o'clock in the afternoon the orifice had barely attained the size of a dime. After five o'clock, the pains Avere rather stronger and quicker; at nine p. m., the neck Avas very thin, and presented an opening of three-quarters of an inch in diameter. Being obliged to leave the patient for an hour, I thought I might do so Avith safety, but imme- diately after my departure the contractions became powerful, and at a quarter before ten, she gave birth to a very small child, Avhich barely weighed five pounds. The small size of the foetus accounts for the rapidity of the labor; and yet this lady had enjoyed good health during her preg- nancy, besides having reached her full term. The Avoman's age has not the unfavorable influence upon the duration of labor, even in primiparae, Avhich is accorded to it by some authors. " There has ahvays." says Madame Lachapelle, "been an opinion prevalent on this point Avhich I can by no means adopt; it is, that the dilatation of the pas- sages is more difficult in Avomen advanced in years than in others, and there is not an accoucheur avIio does not dread the first labor in a female of thirty or thirty-five years of age ; nor is there a Avoman in that condition who does not anticipate Avith terror the .hour of her delivery. My expe- rience has, hoAvever, so often proved the fallacv of such prejudices that I cannot adopt them. " No doubt, the labor is often sIoav and painful in middle-aged Avomen who have had no children, yet the same is the case with the youngest. I dare affirm, indeed, that there is no more difficulty in the one case than in the other, and that if four young primiparous females out of ten have easy labors, four out of ten of the oldest will also be delivered Avith promptitude and facility." 300 LABOR. § 6. Of the Effect of Labor upon the Mother and Child. a. Effect of the Labor upon the Mother.— Independently of the numerous accidents which are liable to occur, and which will be studied hereafter under the head of Causes of Dystocia, the parturient process has a decided effect upon the physical and moral condition of the female, which, unfor- tunately, almost uniformly escapes attention. This effect may be exhibited in both the first and second stages, and even continue for a feAV hours or days after delivery. The commencement of labor is preceded in many females by a state of anxiety and prostration, and often by feelings of fear and disquietude. This usually ceases after the first pains are experienced, all the poAvers of the organism seeming then to be devoted to the accomplishment of the great function about to be performed. All others are modified or suspended, the appetite is lost, and if the patients have eaten shortly before, they not un- frequently reject all that has been taken by vomiting. If much time be occupied by the process of dilatation, they weep, and become irritable and despairing. This excitability diminishes as soon as the second stage commences, and the patient begins to feel that her labor has really begun. From that time her attention seems concentrated on a single object, and she is indifferent to everything else. During the expulsive pains, her condition approaches that which characterizes inflammation or fever; thus, the circulation is quickened in a degree which seems connected with the force of the contrac- tions ; the heat and moisture are sensibly augmented, and the red and even livid features sometimes covered with profuse perspiration; again, in some cases the skin may be dry and hot. The intensity of the pains occasionally throAvs the patient into a state of extreme agitation, and so disorders her faculties that she commits acts of violence upon her attendants. This agitation, which is very moderate when the labor progresses regu- larly, becomes extreme Avhen the latter is retarded or prolonged inordi- nately. The beginning of each pain is then marked by an almost convul- sive trembling of the extremities. The face is burning, and the entire body bathed in perspiration, the eye is fixed and haggard, and the features changed; the unfortunate sufferer screams, laments, desires to die, and begs to be either killed or relieved of her agony. The well-marked disorder of the intellectual faculties is sometimes carried to complete delirium, during Avhich the patients utter the most extravagant expressions. Two such cases have come under my own observation. The delirium is almost ahvays pre- ceded and accompanied by great loquacity, and the pains are hardly felt. I kneAv a young lady, after a rather lengthy labor attended Avith extreme suffering, suddenly to cease complaining, assume a smiling expression, and after a few incoherent phrases, to sing in full voice the grand air of Lucia di Lammermoor. I cannot express the terrifying effect produced by this song upon myself and the attendants. (A bleeding, followed by the imme- diate application of the forceps, had the effect of calming the patient, and there was no recurrence of delirium.) Montgomery also states, that he nas known women to be completely delirious for a few moments, just as the head was escaping ,*rom the mouth of the womb. PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 301 These great disturbances of the economy are not confined to cases of very tedious labor, for the same symptoms have been Avitnessed in very short onea with poAverful and very rapid pains. The cerebral excitement which their violence produces, may be carried even to the point of insanity; so that medico-legal jurists have accounted for infanticides by this momentary dis- order of the intellect, which would othenvise have been inexplicable. The disorder is sometimes confined to the affective faculties. I have seen a mother, says Ed. Rigby, after a very short and painful labor, exhibit an unconquerable aversion to her child, and express herself in reference to it in terms Avhich contrasted strangely with the tender and affectionate remarks which she had uttered but a few moments previously. These disorders of the intellectual and affective faculties generally last but a short time, and are not significant of great danger; sometimes, how- ever, the shock to the system is so great, that death takes place suddenly, either during the course of the labor, or shortly after delivery. A poor woman, in the Charity Hospital, says Davis, had been in labor for five hours; the membranes ruptured, and a large amount of water escaped; the discharge Avas immediately followed by'a feeling of great weakness ; having a desire to go to stool, she sat down upon a chamber, made a few efforts, and fell fainting. She was placed in the horizontal position as soon as pos- sible, but had hardly been replaced in bed before she had ceased to live. The autopsy revealed nothing which Avould account for the death. Denman also mentions several cases of sudden death during labor, which it was impossible to explain. In some of these instances, however, the sudden discharge of a large amount of Avater might, to a certain extent, lead us to attribute the mortal syncope to the same cause Avhich is thought to produce it so often after de- livery : namely, the sudden afflux of a great quantity of blood to the abdominal vessels, Avhich had been suddenly relieved from the pressure to Avhich they were subjected during pregnancy. An undue importance has, I think, been attributed to this too rapid depletion of the organ as explanatory of sudden death after labor. In some instances, it may have all the influence accorded to it, though it is certainly incapable of accounting for all knoAvn facts. The violent efforts made by the Avoman in the second stage of labor may also occasion a rupture of some part of the respiratory organs. This ex- plains the cases of emphysema of the face, neck, and upper part of the breast, mentioned by several authors (Martin, of Lyons). In a serious case related by M. Depaul, death resulted apparently from double pulmonary emphysema occurring suddenly during the violent expulsive efforts of a long and painful labor. The fatal effect of the process of parturition upon the nervous system of the mother, after as Avell as during labor, cannot be mistaken ; and I believe Avith Churchill that it consists in a shock ol greater or less intensity to the cerebro-spinal system. This shock, which is an effect of the extraordinary agitation produced by parturition, is altogether similar to that occasioned by extensive Avounds, and which sometimes destroys unfortunate workmen who have had a member crushed by a machine, or to that produced by an 302 LABOR. extensive burn. The sudden death, which neither the circumstances of the accident, nor the lesions discovered at the autopsy are capable of explain- ing, is attributed by surgeons to nervous shock. Not only, says the author just cited, may such a nervous shock take place in certain labors, especially difficult ones, and have a disastrous result, but it exists to a greater or less extent in almost every case. Moderate atten- tion will make this manifest. Thus, after an ordinary labor, the general sensibility is almost ahvays extreme: although the senses are more acute than usual, the eyes have lost their lustre, and are Aveak and languishing; the least light hurts them, as the slightest sound offends the ear ; and if this extreme delicacy be not respected, serious accidents may ensue. Under ordinary circumstances, patients recover from this slight collapse after a feAV hours' rest; but Avhen the labor has been protracted, or an opera- tion, such as turning, has been demanded, the symptoms are much more severe. The patient is much Aveaker, and the expression of features is fixed and dull; she lies motionless in bed, Avith closed eyes, or opens them from time to time, Avithout, hoAvever, fixing them upon any object in particular; she pays no regard either to her child or to herself; the limbs are in a state of complete relaxation ; the pulse is sometimes sIoav, at others frequent and irregular, though always Aveaker than usual, and the breathing slow and difficult, or quick and panting. The patient may remain in this condition for a long time, and recovers from it sloAvly and gradually. If the shock has been too great, she may grow Aveaker and Aveaker, until the prostration ends in death. The autopsy, under these circumstances, fails to throw any light upon the cause of death. This singular state of affairs is not ahvays manifested immediately upon delivery ; for sometimes considerable time elapses, during Avhich the patient expresses herself as feeling very Avell, then suddenly complains of unusual Aveakness, exclaims that she is about to faint, and yet is unable to account for the cause of her condition. There are no particular abdominal symp- toms, no evidence of hemorrhage, and the uterus is Avell contracted; still the disorder increases, the pulse groAvs Aveaker, the face becomes pale and assumes a cadaverous expression, and the patient is so prostrated as to be able to express her feelings only by a groan. Suddenly she experiences a sensation of violent constriction of the chest, and expires before anything can be done for her relief. Opium, says Churchill, has seemed to me the most effectual remedy in these cases. Five drops of laudanum may be given every half hour, then every hour, and finally at longer intervals. It appears to calm the general disturbance, diminish the cerebral shock, and give to the whole system suf- ficient time to recover its exhausted forces. Small quanties of wine and brandy may, at the same time, be given at intervals, in doses sufficient to assist in re-establishing the strength, but not in such quantity as to produce a general reaction. The induction of sleep will be assisted by entire quiet- ness of both body and mind, and when so fortunate a result is obtained, the strength is recruited, and the pulse and respiration become calm ; if, on the contrary, the prostration continues, the case is one of the most danger- ous character, and demands the increased use of external and internal stim* MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 303 ulants. Ramsbotham recommends that pressure should also be made upon the abdomen, doubtless Avith the object of preventing the afflux of fluids tOAvards the abdominal vessels. If the agitation, spasm, and delirium, of Avhich we have spoken, appear during labor, blood should be taken immediately from the arm, provided the general condition of the patient admit of it, and the delivery be accom- plished as soon as possible. The same course is also indicated by the sudden occurrence of a marked disorder of one of the organs of the special senses, — amaurosis, for example. b. Tlie effect which labor may have upon the foetus depends upon a multitude of circumstances, most of Avhich will be studied hereafter. Thus, having described the mechanism of labor in each presentation, Ave shall treat of the effect which each is liable to have upon the health and life of the child. The various causes of dystocia are quite as unfavorable to the latter as to its mother. We have but these observations to make in this place; namely, that all things else being equal, the mortality of male infants is much greater than that of females, Avhich is due, as we have said before, to the greater size of the former, and the proportionally longer duration of the labor in conse- quence ; the extreme sloAvness of this process, Avhich so often proves fatal to the foetus, has this unfortunate effect only Avhe'n it affects the second or ex- pulsive stage. Until the membranes are ruptured, and even until the dilatation is completed, the labor may be prolonged indefinitely without injury to the foetus, provided a certain amount of fluid remains in the uterus. It Avere hardly necessary to observe that any cause of dystocia is liable to affect the mother's health injuriously, and she is more liable to consecutive inflammations and other unfavorable complications of labor Avhen delivered of a boy than of a girl. 304 LABOR. CHAPTER III. OF THE MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. ARTICLE I. OF THE PRESENTATIONS AND POSITIONS. When speaking of the child's attitude in the uterine cavity, we stated that it was generally so situated that the cephalic extremity formed the most dependent part. But it may also happen, under the influence of causes hereafter to be studied, that some other point of the great axis shall correspond to the uterine neck: that is to say, the upper or cephalic extre- mity, the inferior or the pelvic extremity, or even some part of the middle portion or trunk, may first present itself at the superior strait. Noav, it is very evident that such different circumstances of presentation must neces- sarily influence the mechanism of the labor, as also the facility and the promptness of the delivery, and it is therefore highly important to understand well all those diverse situations before commencing the study of the me- chanism proper. This study comprises the presentations and positions, as they are called; and in using these terms we Avish to designate by the Avord presentation the part that first offers at the superior strait; and by that of position, the relations of this presenting part Avith the different points of the same strait. * The older accoucheurs only endeavored to recognize the presenting part, without investigating its relations with the various points of the circumfer- ence of the strait; but since the days of Solayres, and more especially since those of his pupil Baudelocque, everybody has. had a classification of his OAvn; and the number of presentations and positions, considered as so many separate and distinct ones, varied Avith each author who Avrote on the obstetrical art. We give, in the following tables, the classification of Baudelocque, and the principal ones of those who have succeeded him. GENERAL TABLE OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS. WAKES OF AUTHORS. PRESENTATION. ' Vertex or Summit, BAUDELOCQUE, Face, - Feet, Knees, Breech, RELATIONS OF THE F03TAL PARTS WITH VARIOUS POINTS OF THE PELVIS. Occiput at the left acetabulum, .... Occiput at the right ncetabulum, . . Occiput at the symphysis pubis, j Occiput at the right sacro-iliac symphysis, Occiput at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, [Occiput at the sacro-vertebral angle, (Chin at the symphysis pubis, Chin at the sacro-vertebral angle Chin directly to the right, Chin directly to the left, . f Heels at the left acetabulum, 1 Heels at the right acetabulum, Heels at the symphysis pubis, Heels at the sacro-vertebral angle, (Front of the tibias at the left acetabulum, . " " at the right acetabulum, " " at the symphysis pubis, . " at the sacro-vertebral angle (The sacrum at the left cotyloid cavity, . . The sacrum at the right cotyloid cavity, . . The sacrum at the symphysis pubis, . The sacrum at the sacro-vertebral angl NAMES OF THE POSITIONS. 1st. Left, occipito-cotyloid. 2d. Right " " 3d. Occipito-pubic. 4th. Right occipito-sacro-iliac. 5th. Left occipito-sacro-iliac, 6th. Occipito-sacral. 1st. Mento-pubic. 2d. Mento-sacral. 3d. Right mento-iliac. 4th. Left mento-iliac. 1st. Left calcaneo-cotyloid. 2d. Right calcaneo-cotyloid. 3d. Calcaneo-pubic. 4th. Calc.ineo-sacral. 1st. Left tibio-cotyloid. 2d. Bight tibio-cotyloid. 3d. Tibio-pubic. 4th. Tibio-sacral. 1st. Left sacro-cotyloid. 2d. Right sacro-cotyloid. 3d. Sacro-pubic. 4th. Saoro, or lumbo-sacral. NAMES OF AUTHORS. BAUDELOCQUE, GARDIEN, PRESENTATION. Trunk, Vertex, Face, . Feet, . Knees, Breech, Trunk, CAPURON, Vertex, Face, RELATIONS OP THE FCETAL PARTS WITH VARIOUS POINTS OF THE PELVIS. Occiput, Neck, . Back, . Loins, . Face, . Front of neck, Breast, Abdomen, Front of pelvis, " of thighs, Side of the head " of neck, Shoulder, Side of thorax, Flank, . . . [Hip, . . . . Four positions for each of these pre- sentations, viz.: Head above the pubis,..... " Head above the sacro-vertebral angle, Head to the left,....... Head to the right,...... NAMES OF THE POSITIONS. o 05 1st. Cephalo-pubic. 2d. Cephalo-sacral. 3d. Left cephalo-iliac. 4th. Right cephalo-iliac. Six positions,, the same as Baudelocque,.....Same denomination as Baudelocque. Four positions, the same as Baudelocque..... Four positions, the same as Baudelocque, Four positions for each of these, viz.: Right side, . . ["Head to the left,..... Left side, . . J Head to the right, .... Anterior plane, 1 Head in front, /..... Posterior plane, [_ Head behind,...... 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Left cephalo-iliac. Right cephalo-iliac. Ceph'alo-pubic. Cephalo-sacral. f Occiput at the left acetabulum, . . . J Occiput at the right acetabulum, . . 1 Occiput at the right sacro-iliac symphysis, {_ Occiput at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, (Chin at the left acetabulum, .... Chin at the right acetabulum, . . - Chin at the right sacro-iliac symphysis, Chin at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, . 1st. Left occipito-cotyloid. 2d. Right occipito-cotyloid. 3d. Right occipito-sacro-iliac. 4th. Left occipito-sacro-iliac. 1st. Left mento-cotyloid. 2d. Right mento-cotyloid. 3d. Right mento-sacro-iliac. 4th. Left mento-sacro-iliac. CAPURON.....- Knees, .... Trunk, . . . LACHAPELLE, . . - Vertex, . . . Face, .... Pelvic Extremit ^Trunk, .... VELPEAU....., Vertex, . . Face, .... Feet..... Knkes, Bin; ec ii, . f Four positions for each of these three presentations, ac- cording as the heels, the anterior tibial surfaces, or the posterior face of the.sacrum correspond to the— Left acetabulum,............. Right acetabulum,............. Right sacro-iliac symphysis, .......... Left sacro-iliac symphysis,.......... ' In each of these four the head may Right side, ... be found above the— Left side, . . . Left acetabulum....... Anterior plane, . 1 Right acetabulum...... Posterior plane, . | Bight sacro-iliac symphysis, . [ Left sacro-iliac symphysis, First position. Second " Third " Fourth " 1st. Left cephalo-cotyloid. 2d. Right cephalo-cotyloid 3d. Right cephalo-sacro-iliac. 4th. Left cephalo-sacro-iliac Occiput at the left acetabulum, .... Occiput at the right acetabulum, . . . Occiput at the right sacro-iliac symphysis, Occiput at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, Occiput directly to the left,..... Occiput directly to the right, .... Chin directly to the right, . . . . '. Chin directly to the left, ....... Loins to the left,........ Loins to the right,........ Loins in front,......... Loins behind,......... f Head left, .... J Head right, .... 1 Head left, ..... [ Head right, .... Right side, Left side, 1st. Left occipito-cotyloid. 2d. Right occipito-cotyloid. 3d. Right occipito-sacro-iliac. 4th. Left, occipito-sacro-iliac. 5th. Left occipito-transverse. Gth. Right occipito-transverse. 1st. Right mento-iliac. Left, mento-iliac. Left lumbo-iliac. 2d Right lumbo-iliac. 3d. Lumbo-pubic. 4th. Luinbo-sacral. 1st. Left cephalo-iliac. 2d. Right cephalo-iliac. 1st. Left cephalo-iliac. 2d. Right cephalo-iliac. 2d. 1st Like Baudelocque,............. Like Lachapelle,............. As many positions for each of these three presentations us for the vertex. Right side, Left side. Posterior plane, I. Head to th Anterior plane, [ Two positions for each of these, viz.: -! Head to the left,....... e right, Same as liaudelocque. Same as Lachapelle. The same corresponding denomi- nations for each of the six positions. 1st. Left cephalo-iliac. 2d. Right cephalo-iliac. 308 LABOR. CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSOR MOREAU. / NATURAL LABORS. 1 ARTIFICIAL LABORS. FIRST CLASS.—Natural Labors. TWO CLASSES. FIRST ORDER. Presentation of the -| cephalic extremity. 1st genus. Vertex presentation. 2d genus. Face presentation. 3d genus. Presentation of the sides of the head. 2 subdivisions. Right side. Left side. SECOND ORDER. Presentation of the < pelvic extremity. THIRD ORDER. FIRST ORDER. Accidental artificial labor. SECOND ORDER. Essentially artificial labor. THIRD ORDER. Labors which are the result of malforma- tion. 1st position.- pito-ilium. , , -, T c, ■ fanterior, 1st nnsitinn --Left 0CC1- I ■I transverse, ^posterior. t,. ,. ( anterior, - 2d position.— Right oc- „ r . ... a J transverse, cipito-ihum. ] . . r (posterior. 3d position.<—Occipito-pubic. _ 4th position. — Occipito-sacral. C anterior, 1st position.—Right mento-ilium. 2d position.— Left mento-ilium. 4 transverse, ( posterior. anterior, transverse, posterior. 1st genus. Breech presentation. 2d genus. Foot presentation. 1st position. — Lobulo-pubic. 2d position.— Left lobulo-ilium. 3d position—Right lobulo-ilium. 1st position.—Lobulo-pubic. 2d position.—Left lobulo-ilium. 3d position.—Right lobulo-ilium. , , T „, f anterior, 1st position. cro-ilium. Left 3d genus. Presentation of knees. the 2d position. — Right sacro-ilium. Accidental natural labor. SECOND CLASS. 1st genus. Accidents on the mo- ther's part. 2d genus. Accidents on the part of the foetus. single genus. Presentation of the trunk. 2 subdivisions. 1 transverse, ( posterior. {anterior, transverse, posterior. 3d position.— Sacro-pubic. 4th position.— Sacro-sacral. 1st position.— Left calcaneo-ilium. 2d position.— Right calcaneo-ilium. 3d position.— Calcaneo-pubic. 4th position.— Calcaneo-sacral. 1st position.— Left tibio-ilium. 2d position. — Right tibio-ilium. 3d position.— Tibio-pubic. 4th position.— Tibio-sacral. Single genus.— Presentation of the trunk. (See below.) Artificial Labors. 1st. Right side. . L 2d. Left side. . 1st genus. On the part of the child, 2d genus. On the part of the f 1st position.— Left cephalo-ilium. \ 2d position.— Right cephalo-ilium. ("1st position.— Left cephalo-ilium. X" 2d position.— Right cephalo-ilium mother. APPENDIX, OR THIRD CL.< SS.— Anomalies. Anomalies either in the seat, c< urse, or products of gestation, or lesions of the womb. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. ii09 The reader will see, by the foregoing table, that Baudelocque primarily divides the foetus into two extremities: the one represented by the apex of the head, the other by the feet, knees, or breech; and further, that the remainder of the child's surface is divided off into four regions, which are again subdivided into several others. After having determined the foetal regions, the presence of which, at the superior strait, constituted a presenta- tion, it was equally necessary to understand the positions. For that pur- pose certain points of departure were selected, both on the pelvis and on the presenting part of the child. Of course, these points varied according to the presentation: thus, in a vertex one, Baudelocque took the occiput and forehead as the points on the foetal head; he then divided the pelvis into an anterior and a posterior half; on the first of which the right and the left cotyloid cavities and the symphysis pubis, and on the second the right and left sacro-iliac symphyses, and the sacro-vertebral angle, were selected as the points of departure; he next established six positions of the vertex, in each of which the occiput corresponded to one of those points on the pelvis just indicated. In the presentations of the breech, knees, and feet, he retained the same three points on the anterior half of the pelvis, but on the posterior half he only adopted one: the sacro-vertebral angle. On the foetus, the heels were the points of correspondence in foot presentations, the sacrum for the breech, and the front surface of the legs for those of the knee. Consequently, but four positions were admitted for either the breech, feet, or knees. Lastly, for the presentations of the numerous regions indicated by the table on the anterior, posterior, and lateral planes of the foetus, he selected on the mother's pelvis the two extremities of the antero-posterior diameter (the symphysis pubis and the sacro-vertebral angle), and the two ends of the transverse diameter, as the points of departure, so that he pointed out four possible relations, that is to say, four positions for each one of these presentations. Thus, Baudelocque admitted altogether one hundred and two distinct positions. But it was soon ascertained that so great a number was wholly useless in practice: and besides, it had the serious disadvantage of disgusting pupils with the study of midwifery. The classification of Baudelocque was therefore modified to some extent, and we have succes- sively traced, in our table, the principal of those modifications; still, even after adopting the latter, the obstetrical art was yet greatly cenfused, and it remained for M. Naegele to simplify this branch of medical science, much more than it had ever been done before his day. To him, therefore, we must attribute this honor, as also to Dubois, and Stoltz, of Strasbourg, who first endeavored to disseminate throughout France the views of the Heidel- berg professor! It must be acknowledged, however, that the labors of -Madame Lachapelle, and the teachings of Ant. Dubois, have not been altogether foreign to this improvement. We should also observe that the classification of M. Moreau is far more simple than all those of Baudelocque and his followers; indeed, this pro- fessor has adopted (as seen by the table) most of the ideas upon which the arrangement of Naegele is founded, and we only regret that he has con- sidered the presentations of the sides of the head and certain of the positions 310 LABOR. as distinct, which we hope to demonstrate hereafter d( not deserve to be so regarded. In fact, there is no region of the child which may not present at the superior strait during the labor, and therefore, if 'we are to consider all the points of its surface that may be accessible to the finger as so many distinct presentations, their number would be very considerable; but if, on the con- trary, the expression is only applied to the presence of a region large enough to occupy the whole superior strait, more especially to one requiring a notable difference either in the mechanism of its spontaneous expulsion, or in the manoeuvres to be resorted to, this number would then be much more limited. Upon such opinions, advocated long since by Madame Lachapelle and Ant. Dubois, M. Naegele has founded the following classification, which is now admitted and taught by Dubois and Stoltz in France, namely, three principal regions are distinguished in the foetus: 1. The head, or cephalic extremity; 2. The pelvis, or pelvic extremity; and 3. The trunk; either of which parts may offer first at the superior strait. When the cephalic extremity presents, it is ordinarily flexed on the chest, and the vertex then advances first; but it may also be extended or thro.vn backwards on the posterior plane of the foetus, in- which case the face engages first. We have therefore to distinguish between a vertex presenta- tion and one of the face, for the mechanism of labor is very different in the two. When the pelvic extremity presents, the legs are usually flexed on the thighs, and the latter on the abdomen; but it may happen, from a variety of causes that we shall hereafter designate, that these divers parts, which are usually folded up in this manner, are separated from each other: ihus, they sometimes engage altogether in the excavation ; at others, either during the course of the labor itself, or some time before, the inferior mem- bers stretch out and lay along the front of the body, and the nates then descend alone. Again, the legs may be swept down either by the gush of the waters, or by some other cause, and engage first; hence, in this latter instance, if the deflexion of the lowrer members is complete, the feet are the first to clear the vulva ; but if, on the contrary, the thighs be extended, and the legs remain flexed on them, the knees will be the first to show them- selves at the external orifice. Now it must be evident, on the least reflection, that these latter circum- stances can effect no modification in the mechanism of the labor itself, and accoucheurs are certainly in error in considering them as so many distinct presentations ; consequently, we shall describe them under the single title of the presentation of the pelvic extremity; merely remarking that, when this extremity presents, all its constituent elements may happen to engage together at the same time, or they may be separated, and then the breech, or the knees, or feet, will offer first at the vulva. But before proceeding any further, we will follow the example of M. Dubois (from whom this article is borrowed almost verbatim), by laying down precisely the limits of the fcetal regions embraced in the double expression of the cephalic and the pelvic extreini y: thus, when the head or the pelvis presents at the superior strait, it usually does so nearly "plumb:" MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 311 that is to say, the long diameter of the foetus is almost parallel t< the axis of this strait; so that the sagittal suture in the vertex presentations, the facial median line in those of the face, and the fissure between the nates in those of the pelvic extremity, occupy very nearly the centre of the abdo- minal strait. But very numerous exceptions to this rule occur, because the mobility of the foetus in the uterine cavity, and the frequency of the uterine obli7 quities, may cause the child's long diameter to be inclined forwards, back- wards, or towards the sides. Hence, it is evident that the presenting part, participating in this inclination, will not be so regularly placed as usual; thus, if it were a vertex presentation, and the inclination were anterior, the summit would no doubt descend, though it wTould be accompanied by the forehead in consequence of this defective position; or, if the inclination were on the posterior plane, instead of the forehead, we should have the occiput or occasionally even the neck. Again, if it is lateral, that is, if the foetus is bent towards one side, the vertex and one side of the head may be recognized at the same time; and the sagittal suture, instead of corresponding to the axis of the superior strait, will then be found either behind or in front, according to the direction of the inclination; but such inclinations do not deprive the vertex presentation of its character, they only convert it into a defective or irregular presentation. The observations just made iri regard to vertex presentations equally apply to those of the face and breech, and we may therefore have regular and irregular ones of these parts just in the same way. To resume, we shall include in the class of vertex presentations, all those designated by Baude- locque under the names of presentations of the occiput, nape, and lateral parts of the head; in face presentations, those of the forehead, chin, cheeks, front and sides of the neck ; and in the breech, those of the sacrum, genital parts, front of the thighs, &c.; whence all the surface comprised between the sinciput and the shoulders belongs to the cephalic presentations, and that between the summit of the nates and the haunches is referred to the pelvic ones. If we now take off all the foetal parts included in the cephalic and pelvic extremities, there will only remain the trunk proper: that is, the portion extending from the shoulders to the hips, and this part may also present the first. Now with regard to this, Madame Lachapelle has long since remarked that, when the trunk offers at the superior strait, it always does so by one of its sides: that is to say, the anterior or the posterior median line of the bodv never corresponds to the axis of the superior strait. There- fore, she divided the trunk into two lateral halves, either of Avhich may come down first; hence there are two trunk presentations, one of the right lateral plane, the other of the left lateral plane; the whole anterior and posterior right moieties being included in the first, and the same parts on the left being embraced in the second; and as the shoulder, which is then the most prominent part, is nearly always found at the centre of the superior strait, when the lateral planes offer first, that skilful midwife designated them as presentations of the shoulder. M. Dubois, however, still retains the name of the presentations of the lateral regions; and these, like the others, 312 LABOR. may either be regular or irregular. They are regular when Jae lateral line is directly at the centre of the abdominal strait, but irregular where the anterior or the posterior region of the trunk occupies this strait in a greal measure, owing to the child being more or less inclined forward or back- ward ; and it is to such irregularities that we must refer all those presenta- tions of the back, loins, front of the chest and abdomen, described by the older authors. On the whole then we admit five presentations, viz., one of the vertex, one of the face, one for the pelvic extremity, one for the right lateral plane, and one for the left lateral plane. Besides the presentations, Baudelocque, and all those who followed him, described a great number of positions; in each of which, according to their account, the mechanism of the labor was different. But M. Naegele, in consequence of a better conducted study of this mechanism, has succeeded in changing entirely this branch of the science, and has further proposed a reform in the positions, at least as important as what he has already made in the classification of the presenta- tions. Thus, he simply divides the pelvis into two lateral halves, the right and the left, and these form the only points of departure at the superior strait; on the foetus, the points admitted by Baudelocque are retained. For instance, in a vertex presentation, the occiput may offer at any one point whatever of the left lateral half of the superior strait, thereby constituting the first position of the vertex; or it may correspond in a similar way with the right lateral half, thus producing the second position ; further, as the mechanism is just the same, whether the occiput be at first at the front, in the middle, or behind, Ave shall only consider these circumstances as so many yarieties of the same position; which shades or varieties, in the great majority of cases, do not. change the mechanism of the natural labor in any Arise, and therefore do not deserve to be received as important elements in a classification, but of AA'hich, hoAvever, more account should be taken than appears to have been done by M. Naegele, for they may be usefully recalled in explanation of certain anomalies, as also for successful interven- tion in some cases of difficult labor. What has just been stated concerning the vertex equally applies to the positions of the face and breech; since in the former the chin may be directed towards some point, either on the right or the left lateral half of the pelvis; and in the latter the sacrum may have a similar relation Avith some point of its right or left half; therefore Ave adopt a first, or the right mento-iliac, and a second, or the left mento-iliac position for the face; and likeAvise for the breech Ave have a first, or the left sacro-lateral, and a second, or the right sacro-lateral position. Lastly, the tAvo presentations of the trunk have each tAvo positions: for example, the right side of the foetus pre- senting, the head may happen to be placed either above some point on the left lateral moiety, or over a similar part on the right one. Hence, there are two positions: first, the left cephalo-iliac, and second, the right cephalo- iliac; or, if the child's left side presents in the same Avay, the head may be either to the left or the right, thus giving rise to two new positions, the left and the right cephalo-iliac position. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 313 [Perhaps it would be better to adopt M. Jacquemier's expression and say, that ,fvlien a shoulder presents, the acromion is directed sometimes toward the left and sometimes toward the right side of the pelvis. Hence we have two positions, left acromio-iliac and right acromio-iliac. The same idea is, therefore, expressed, whether we say that the right shoulder presents in a left cephalo-iliac or in a left acromio-iliac position, but the assumption of the acromion as the point of reference makes the nomenclature clearer and more uniform.] There is scarcely a necessity for adding that the anterior, transverse, and posterior varieties, admitted for vertex positions, are also retained for the tAvo fundamental ones of the face, the breech, and the right and left sides. SUMMARY. 'Left occipito-iliac, . . 3 varieties, 1. Vertex presentation, . 2. Presentation of the face, 3. Presentation of the breech, {anterior, transverse, posterior. {anterior, transverse, posterior. {anterior, transverse, posterior. {anterior, transverse, posterior. i anterior, transverse, posterior. ( anterior, ( transverse, [ posterior. Left mento-iliac, . . 3 varieties, Left sacro-iliac, Right sacro-iliac, 3 varieties, 4. Presentation of the right f Left cephalo or acromio-iliac, . , ] lateral plane, . [ Right cephalo or acromio-iliac, . . j 5. Presentation of the left ( Left cephalo or acromio-iliac, . . | lateral plane, . . . . j Right cephalo or acromio-iliac, . . 1 anterior, transverse, posterior. We would observe, hoAvever, that in shoulder presentations the varieties of position are far less important than in the other presentations, and that it matters very little Avhether the acromion and the head be more or less in front or behind. But all the presentations and positions just indicated have not the same frequency, nor are they all equally favorable to the spontaneous expulsion of the child. There are some even, such as the positions of the trunk, in Avhich this is most generally impossible, but there is no one, however, in Avhich it absolutely cannot take place; therefore, Ave shall have to examine the mechanism of natural labor in each of these presentations successively, reserving to ourselves the privilege of reverting in the fourth part of this work to those which usually offer an insurmountable difficulty; and as the vertex presentations are the most frequent and favorable of all, we shall com mence with, a description of them. 314 LABOR. ARTICLE II. OF THE VERTEX PRESENTATION. This presentation is far more frequent than all the others put together: thus, in 20,517 births reported by Madame Boivin, 19,810 children were born by the vertex; and in 2020 cases reported by M. Dubois, there Avere 1913 of this variety. Again, Avhen the vertex presents, the occiput is much oftener directed towards the-left than the right side: for instance, in the 1913 cases just cited, M. Dubois noticed 1367 left occipito-iliac, and only 546 right occipito-iliac positions. Nor are the three varieties pointed out for each position equally frequent: thus, in the 1367 cases Avhere the occi- put was directed to the leftside, it Avas inclined forward, that is, towards the left cotyloid cavity, 1355 times, and only 12 t'mes backAvards, in the direc- tion of the left sacro-iliac symphysis, or nearly so. But in the 546 instances of right occipito-lateral positions an opposite result Avas observed; for the occiput was only found 55 times at the right acetabulum, but 491 times at the right sacro-iliac symphysis ; so that, contrary to the generally received opinion, the posterior right occipito-iliac position is much more frequent than the anterior one. We have given these results as ascertained by M. Dubois himself, because they are entirely consonant with our own observa- tions, and with those of M. Stoltz, of Strasbourg. In one hundred cases of vertex presentations, it has been found on an aver- age, says M. Naegele, that in seventy the occiput is directed in front and to the left, and behind and to the right in thirty ; he considers the other varie- ties as being very rare and altogether exceptional. In these results, no question seems to be made of the varieties Ave have designated as the transverse ones, and it is highly probable that they have been approximately added to one of the four preceding groups, for these positions are not very unusual; indeed, I have often met with them myself at the Clinique. " These positions," says Madame Lachapelle, " are more frequent than those Avhere the occiput corresponds to the left sacro-iliac symphysis;" and, I will add, than those where it is at the right acetabulum; also, that the left transverse occipito-iliac position is more common than the opposite one. § 1. Causes. As Ave have already spoken of the cause of the vertex presentations, Avhen treating of the child's attitude in the uterine cavity, Ave shall not now go over the same ground, but will only remark, that most accoucheurs attri- bute the frequency of the dependent position of the head to its OAvn specific weight; Avhilst M. Dubois, after having endeavored to refute the general opinion, has considered this position as the consequence of an instinctive determination of the foetus itself. (See art. Fodus.) HoAvever, it is not at all difficult to explain why the left anterior, and the right posterior occipito- iliac varieties are the most frequent of any, since it is evidently owing to the presence of the rectum on the left side. The habitual distention of this bowel by fecal matters obliges the forehead or occiput to turn towards the front whenever either of these parts is directed backwards and to the left. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 315 It is far more difficult to say why the occiput is so much more frequently found in front than behind, although this very probably depends on the same causes as those Avhich determine the vertex presentation. Thus, the posterior half of the head weighs far more than the anterior, and the same is true of the trunk; further, Avhen the Avoman is standi no- sitting, or on her knees, or even lying on the side, the anterior wall of the abdomen is the most dependent portion, towards Avhich the child's heaviest parts, that is to say, its posterior plane, must necessarily tend. § -J. Diagnosis. [The presentation of the vertex and its positions may be determined by three different kinds of examination, riz., palpation of the abdomen, auscultation, and the vaginal touch. Palpation of the Abdomen.— If the hands be placed upon the abdomen and the walls of the uterus depressed, parts of the foetus may be felt and with a little prac- tice distinguished quite readily. To obtain the best results from this method, the Avoman should lie upon her back with the walls of the abdomen as much relaxed as possible, and by gentle pressure be accustomed to the contact of the hands. At the outset it is not uncommon for the examination to be interrupted by a contraction of the womb, which, of course, should be allowed to subside. After some trials, however, the abdominal musclos and the walls of the uterus yield to the pressure, so that the hand which explores the hypogastric region is enabled to distinguish with some precision a voluminous, hard and rounded mass which recalls exactly the size and form of the head of a child. Above it may often also be recognized the entire dorsal region of the foetus, bo that it only becomes a question between a presentation of the vertex and one of the face. A circumstance which may embarrass physicians, avIio have but little experiqpice in this kind of research, arises from the fact, that near the end of pregnancy, and especially in primiparous cases, it often happens that the entire head has descended into the cavity of the pelvis and necessarily escapes detection by the hand which ioufines itself to a superficial examination of the hypogastric region. In this case, if the ends of the fingers be placed above the body of the pubis and pressed down- ward as though to push the Avails of the abdomen into the lesser pelvis, the head of the child Avill soon be felt filling the entire cavity. I have in hundreds of in- stances succeeded in this way in diagnosing the vertex presentation, and that with- out causing either pain or a.ccident. The presentation being determined, if the accoucheur can feel to which side the back of the child is turned, the palpation has enabled him to diagnose both presen- tation and position. In the occipito-posterior positions, the greatest width of the womb is still at the upper part, as stated in the account of the normal condition ; but the fundus is not so evenly rounded unless the quantity of fluid be very great: most commonly, says .M. Stoltz, an arched projection may be detected at the fundus, and beneath it a sensible depression. The anterior plane of the foetus being directed forward, the inequalities formed by its extremities, which are discovered with difficulty in occi- pitoanterior positions, are detected more readily. A certain degree of importance ought, therefore, to be accorded to this kind of exploration, though Ave should be careful not to over-estimate its value. In the most simple cases we are sometimes liable to be deceived, and a mistake becomes easy when the walls of the abdomen are thick or the quantity of Avaters great. Finally, it should be understood that in some Avomen the uterus is so readily excited to con- traction, that it becomes impossible to depress its Avails sufficiently to arrive at any result. Still another consideration which lessens the A'alue of palpation is, that, 316 LABOR. though it may be easy before labor comes on, it becomes difficult or even impolitic ai that time; all which is readily explained by the severe pains Avhich it provokes and the facility with Avhich it excites the contraction of the uterus. Auscultation. — The diagnosis of the presentations and positions of the vertex may also be determined by auscultation. As Prof. Depaul has treated this subject thoroughly in his Traite d'Auscultation Obstftricale, I will merely state here, that in the presentation of the cephalic extremity, the maximum intensity of the pulsations of the heart are heard above a horizontal line passing through the umbilicus. Tc this law there are very few exceptions in a normal condition of the pelvis, and whatever relates to deformities need not detain us here. Auscultation is not less important in order to determine the position. As in the foetus the lungs are flattened against the vertebral column, the sound of the heart is transmitted to the ear through the dorsal region whose curvature is applied against the walls of the uterus; therefore, as the greatest intensity of the sounds of the heart is perceived over the spinal column, and as both it and the posterior fontanelle are directed toward the same side, we learn where the occiput is situated. In the left anterior occipito-iliac position the heart beats in front and to the left, whilst in the right posterior occipito-iliac position it is heard behind and to the right. The same reasoning indicates certainly the point at which the head ought to be heard for each particular position. To avoid being deceived by the data which auscultation supplies, Ave ought ahvays to determine and fix precisely, not the point where the heart is heard merely, but the point where the sound is loudest. Without this precaution auscultation would be as deceptive as useful in the endeavor to determine the position.] Vaginal Touch. — Before labor, and even during the last few months of gestation, the vertex can often be recognized as presenting; while in every other presentation the part that offers first, from being irregular, voluminous, an^ badly adapted to the form of the inferior uterine segmt^t, and of the superior strait, is always so high up, and separated from the uterine Avail by so large a quantity of waters, as to be scarcely accessible to the finger. The vertex, on the contrary, presenting a rounded spheroidal surface, reposes, almost without the intervention of any liquid, on the uterine walls, nay, even presses them before it, and engages in the excavation, descending in some cases as low down as the floor of the pelvis. Hence, Avhenever the vertex presents, it is easily detected through the inferior portion of the uterine Avail, unless, indeed, it should be retained at the superior strait by a considerable inclination of the Avomb, or by a malformation of the pelvis. In a word (and this reflection appears to me essentially practical), Avhen- ever the accoucheur does not easily reach the presenting part in the last few days of the gestation, and more particularly during the first periods of labor, he should examine the woman very carefully; for it is then exceed- ingly probable that the head is not at the superior strait; or, even where the cephalic extremity does present flexed, there is reason to fear a Avrong direction, or perhaps a faulty organization of the head or pelvis; all which circumstances may subsequently require the intervention of our art. We would, hoAvever, remark, that in women who have borne children the head often continues very high up until the end of gestation, and does not get beloAV the superior strait until labor sets in.1 1 A variety of circumstances may occur towards the end of gestation, or at the begin- ning of the labor, dependent on causes wholly foreign to any faulty positions, whereby it might happen that no part could be detected by the touch: thus, 1. It is sometimes observed in women who have had several children, and in whom the fundus uteri is MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 317 Supposing the labor has begun, if the finger be introduced through the cervix uteri, it will immediately encounter a rounded, smooth, and resistant surface, Avhich is the anterior side of the head ; and then, by directing the index a little further upAvards and backAvards, in the direction of the sacro- vertebral angle, it will come into contact with a membranous interval, that is, Avith the sagittal suture. A vertex presentation is now ascertained; and the next step is to make out the position. For that purpose we first assure ourselves of the direction of the suture, and if it prove to be oblique, running from before backAvards, and from the left tOAvards the right, the position must either be the left anterior, or the right posterior occipito-iliac one; but, on the contrary, if it be oblique in the other diameter, the position Avill either be the right anterior or the left posterior occipito-iliac, &c. The direction being once determined, Ave have then only to find out where the occiput lies, to complete the diagnosis; therefore, the finger, by raising up the margin of the os uteri, follows the sagittal suture until it reaches a fontanelle, Avhich is to be distinguished by the characters hitherto described. (See Head of the Foetus at Term.) § 3. Mechanism. The mechanism by which the expulsion of the child is accomplished in positions of the vertex is very nearly the same in all cases where the occiput corresponds Avith one of the points of the left lateral half of the pelvis; but it differs in some respects from that observed in the positions designated as the right occipito-iliac ones. We must, therefore, examine it in both of these positions; and as, among the admitted varieties, there are tAvo, the anterior in the left occipito-iliac, and the posterior in the right occipito-iliac, Avhich are almost constantly met Avith, Ave shall take them up successively as the types of our description. 1. Mechanism of Natural Labor in the left Anterior Occipito-iliac Position. (The first, or the left occipito-cotyloid position of authors.) — In.this position, the occiput cor- responds to the left ilio-pectineal eminence, the forehead to the right sacro-iliac symphysis, and the sagittal suture lies in the direction of the left oblique diameter of the pelvis. (In order to avoid unnecessary repetitions 'and delays, Ave premise, once for all, that Ave shall designate that oblique diameter Avhich runs from the left towards the right side, and from before back- wards, as the left oblique, and the one passing from the right tOAvards the left, and from in front posteriorly, as the right oblique diameter.) The posterior fontanelle is found to the left and in front, the anterior one is behind and to the right. The dorsal plane of the foetus looks strongly inclined forwards; 2. In cases of twins; 3. In breech presentations; 4. Where there is a large amount of water: 5. Where the uterus is not oval at its inferior part; 6. Where the head is hydrocephalus; and lastly, where the pelvis is narrow. (Nsegele translated by Pigni.) Fig. 75. Representing the head in the left an- terior occipito-iliac position. 318 LABOR. forwards and towards the left side; Avhile its anterior plane i9 diiected backwards and to the right; the right shoulder is in front and to the right side; the left one is behind and towards the mother's left. Before the bag of Avaters is ruptured, the child's head is slightly flexed on the front of the chest, and the following are the relations of its diameter with those of the superior strait: the occipito-frontal corresponds to the left oblique of the strait, and the bi-parietal to the right oblique;1 and, of course. the occipito-frontal circumference of the head is parallel Avith the periphery of the abdominal strait, and the axis of this strait corresponds Avith the trachelo-bregmatic diameter2 of the head. When the membranes are ruptured, a variable quantity of liquid escapes; then the uterus contracts and applies itself more directly to the fcetal trunk; nevertheless, as but little fluid passes away in vertex positions at this time, there usually remains a sufficient quantity of it to render the pressure of the uterine Avails on the child far from being immediate. After the rupture, the object of the contractions is to expel it from the womb; the foetus becomes more curved anteriorly, and its superior and inferior extremities more closely folded up ; and from that moment, properly speaking, the mechanical phenomena of labor begin. [The various movements communicated to the foetus during labor tend to facili- tate its expulsion, as will appear from the description of them about to be given under the usual term of the stages of labor. 1 We may remark, however, with M. Dubois, that this last relation is not absolutory exact. For instance, if the head of the foetus at term be found at the superior strait, so that the occipito-frontal diameter is parallel with the left oblique, the shape of the head will prevent the bi-parietal one from corresponding with the right oblique diameter. In fact, in this position the posterior extremity of the bi-parietal diameter is at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, but the anterior extremity, instead of terminating opposite the ilio.-pectineal eminence, is found very near the middle of the horizontal branch of the pubis. 2 M. Nosgele and Professor Dubois (who adopts, at least in part, the views of the Heidelberg Professor) do not believe that the head presents at the superior strait, in the majority of cases, so regularly in all its relations as we have just described, for they say the head does not offer perpendicularly to the plane of the strait, but on the contrary, in an oblique direction; whence the right parietal protuberance, which is also the anterior one, would be lower, relatively to the plane, than the left; and the bi-parietal suture, instead of being found in the direction of the axis of the head, would be a little behind it, according to M. Dubois, and would even look towards the second bone of the sacrum, agreeably to M. Naegele. But, notwithstanding these imposing authorities, we believe the occipito-frontal cir- cumference is closely parallel to the plane of the strait in most cases, although the parietal boss is certainly one of the most dependent parts of the head, and the finger first strikes upon it in practising the vaginal examination. But those facts by Avhich M. Naegele sustains his views prove just the contrary; because the plane of the abdominal strait, being directed very obliquely downwards and forwards, the portion of the head in contact with the anterior arch of the pelvis should be its most dependent part; and further, the finger first encounters the anterior parietal protuberance, because the introduction takes place under the symphysis pubis, that is to say, almost perpen- dicularly to the superior strait, and therefore the index can only reach, in a very oblique direction, the anterior portion of the head, whose greatest circumference ia parallel to the plane of the superior strait. MECHANICAL phenomena of labor. 319 Five principal stages have hitherto been reckoned in vertex presentations; they are, following the order in which they occur: 1st. flexion; 2d. descent; 3d. rota- tion; 4th. extension or disengagement; 5th. restitution. To these five stages we think it proper to add a sixth for the expulsion of the body. At the end of this chapter (see Recapitulation of the Mechanism of Labor), we shall state more fully the reasons which induce us to alter the number of stages as usually described, remarking only for the present, that we think it gives the advantage of a classifica- tion which is both more rational and applicable to every presentation. In the Recount of the mechanism of expulsion for each presentation we shall, therefore, describe six stages. It will be seen that this innovation does not call for a change in the generally received opinions, inasmuch as we have only to reunite the fifth and sixth stages to restore the old classification.] These phenomena, or stages of the mechanism, are five in number, as folloAvs: in the first, the head is more strongly flexed on the chest; in the second it traverses all the space betAveen the superior and inferior straits, and reaches the floor of the pelvis; there it experiences a movement of rotation which carries the occiput behind the symphysis pubis, thus con- stituting the third period; in the fourth, the head undergoes the process of extension, by Avhich all the superior and anterior parts of the vertex and face become completely disengaged at the anterior commissure of the perineum; and then, after its perfect expulsion, the child's cephalic extre- mity performs a fifth and last movement, designated by Baudelocque as the period of restitution, but Avhich M. Gerdy has proposed to name the exterior rotation. A. First Stage, or Stage of Flexion. — After the rupture of the membranes, the foetal trunk, being compressed on all sides, transmits to the head, through the spine, the impulse derived from the uterine contractions. The head, being forcibly pressed on, has a tendency to clear the uterine orifice, and to engage in the excavation. But it then encounters resistances, either from the os uteri, Avhich is not yet suffi- ciently dilated, or from the superior strait, or the Avails of the excavation; and being thus placed between a power and a resistance, the head must naturally become still more flexed on the chest; in fact, the force of expulsion transmitted by the vertebral column, falling upon the occipital foramen, that is, on a point much nearer to the occiput than the chin, must necessarily (the resistance being equal at the two extremities of the occipito-mental diameter) act more powerfully on the occiput than on the The head in the 8ame P°siti01». thoush 1 more flexed. chin; in other Avords, must press down the occiput into the excavation. But, by depressing this part, the chin is forced to ascend, thus producing the flexion of the'head.1 1 In order to prove that the movement of flexion results from the position of the occipital foramen, relatively to the chin and occiput, which represents the two extre- mities of the lever whereon the spine is articulated, let us suppose, for a moment, that 320 LABOR. The head being in this way forcibly flexed, its relations are changed that is, the occipito-bregmatic diameter has taken the place of the occipito- frontal, and has become parallel to the left oblique of the strait; but the bi-parietal remains unaltered : the occipito-bregmatic circumference is now on a level with the periphery of the strait, and the axis of the pelvis, Avhich before corresponded with the trachelo-bregmatic diameter, now traverses the head very nearly in the direction of the occipito-mental diameter. This movement of flexion, therefore, evidently places the child's head in the most favorable position for its passage, by constraining it to offer its smallest diameters to those of the pelvis. B. Second Stage, or Stage of Descent.—The head, pressed on by the con- tractions, enters the excavation and reaches the floor of the pelvis. In making this descent, the occiput presses in front against the internal and anterior face of the body of the ischium, the obturator internus muscle, and the external obturator vessels and nerves, Avhich pass out through the upper part of the obturator foramen; while the forehead or bregma presses behind on the internal border of the psoas and pyramidal muscles, the sciatic plexus of nerves, together with the gluteal and the internal pudic vessels and nerves. The left side of the head likewise comes into mediate relation with the same parts, and also glides over the anterior surface of the rectum. But the descent of the head is not completed until the occipito-bregmatic circumference is nearly parallel to the plane of the inferior strait: that is, when the two parietal protuberances have attained this level. Noav, it is evident that, to reach this point, the left parietal boss (which is found behind) must traverse the Avhole anterior face of the sacrum, whilst the anterior one has only to clear a much shorter space; the first must there- fore describe the arc of a much larger circle than the second. Perhaps a more exact idea of the actual movement of the head will be formed by imagining the anterior extremity of the bi-parietal diameter to remain nearly stationary in front and to the right, Avhile its posterior extremity descends rapidly and traverses the whole posterior plane of the excavation. the vertebral column is attached to the occiput alone, when it is evident that the latter only will descend; on the other hand, let it be made to the chin, which will then descend the first, and lastly let it be done at the centre of the interval between these two extremes, and an equilibrium will be produced, the same as results from equal weights or resistances placed in the dishes of a balance having equal arms. But where the articulation takes place nearer one extremity than the other, the descent will occur at this extremity, just as it would happen in the above-cited balance, if, without altering anything else, the arms were rendered unequal in their length. To conclude, lest the foregoing should not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon, I propose the following rationale: the head, urged on by the uterine contraction, com- municated to it by the spine, meets with resistance from the os uteri, which is not yet sufficiently dilated. Let us change, for an instant, the order of forces, making the vertebral articulation a fulcrum, and the opposition on the part of the neck the power; uow, this power is evidently equal in all points of the periphery of the neck; but let us observe that, as the interval between the chin and the occipital foramen is greater than that betwixt the latter and the occiput, the resistance against the chin operates on a longer lever than that against the occiput, and consequently the first must be the more powerful of the two, and therefore it forces the chin to ascend. But raising the latter has the same effect as depressing the occiput: that is, still producing a flexion »f the head. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LaBOR. 321 C. Third Stage, or Stage of Potation.—The head, being arrested by the floor of the pelvis, executes a movement of rotation, during Avhich the occi- put passes from left to right behind the symphysis pubis, or rather behind the left ischio-pubic ramus, and the bregma rotates into the concavity of the sacrum, though remaining a little towards the right. The posterior superior part of the right parietal bone then appears plainly under the pubic arch; the posterior fontanelle is behind the ischio-pubic ramus; and the sagittal suture crosses the coccy-pubal diameter very obliquely. Being forced on by the energetic contractions of the womb, the vertex then depresses the soft parts of the perineum, and by gradually dis- tending them, succeeds in converting the pelvic floor into a part of a canal which prolongs the posterior Avail of the pelvis doAvmvards and backwards. It is during this time that the rotation is accomplished: that is, the sagittal suture becomes parallel with the antero-posterior diameter of the inferior strait. The occiput engages in the arch of the pubis, and projects beyond the lower part of the symphysis, until the back part of the neck comes into contact Avith it, when the anterior progression of the occiput is arrested. D. Fourth Stage, or Stage of Extension.—Just at the moment Avhen the occiput engages in this manner in the pubic arch, the shoulders and upper part of the body enter the excavation, and in engaging there, the fcetal trunk, which is flexible, accommodates itself to the direction of the canal, and consequently bends over a little on its posterior plane. [The head then presses upon the perineum, distending it and transforming it into a groove or gutter which conducts the occiput to the vulvar opening, so that if the patient be uncovered the accomplishment of the fourth stage may be witnessed by the observer. At each contraction the head descends and the perineum is elongated; then, as the pain subsides the perineum contracts, at the same time pressing the head a little upward. Finally, during a fresh effort the vulva opens and the occiput shows itself beneath the arch of the pubis. At this moment the head is still flexed, but soon the nucha seems to fix itself behind the pubis, and the head, by executing a movement of extension, escapes completely from the vulvar orifice, bringing suc- cessively into view after the occiput, the vertex, forehead, nose, mouth, and chin; the latter, which is the last to emerge, remains applied against the posterior com- missure of the vulva and directed toward the anal region. This movement has received Avhat seems to us a curious explanation, for, accord- ing to the commonly accepted view, the pressure transmitted by the spinal column to the head is divided at the occipital foramen into two forces, one of which is applied to the occiput, and the other to the chin. Therefore, Avhen the occiput is engaged beneath the pubic arch, the portion of force Avhich is transmitted to it ia lost upon the point of contact between the vertebral column and the posterior part of the pubis, whilst the force directed upon the chin continuing to act depresses it, causing it to depart from the breast and thus producing the movement of extension. Now, this explanation seems to us fallacious; for is it not evident that whilst the occiput is beneath the pubic arch, all the soft parts which make up the perineum press the anterior part of the head against which they are applied upAvard and backward, so that the movement of flexion is, at this juncture, at its utmost limit? Our OAvn vicAv of the disengagement of the head is as follows: The body descends into the cavity of the- pelvis, whilst the head is depressing and distending the perineum, and the chin remains applied to the breast not merely until the moment when the occiput takes its place behind the pubic arch, but even until the bregma makes its appearance at the posterior commissure of the vulva. Then it is that the 21 322 LABOR. perineum acts like an elastic splint which, on the one hand, presses the head up ward beneath the pubic arch, whilst on the other it slips rapidly over the face which it leaves uncovered, and retracts toward the coccygeal region where it is attached- The disengagement of the occiput and vertex begins only when the head jb pressed downward sufficiently by the body; but at this moment the perineum, which until then was but passively distended, resumes its action and retracts as just stated, imparting to the whole head, whilst slipping over the face, a movement of extension which has the arch of the pubis for its centre. Therefore, it is only in this second period of the process of disengagement of the vertex, that the movement of exten- sion is truly evident. If the perineum were entirely absent, the head would disengage at the outlet of the inferior strait, Avithout exhibiting its movement of extension. In the normal condition, however, and especially in primiparae, the perineum, converted into an elongated gutter, arrests the downward progress of the head and directs it forward as upon an inclined plane. Do Ave not also know that in breech cases, especially in primiparae, the pelvic extremity in emerging from the vulva is directed just as obliquely upward and forward as the lateral flexion of the body will allow? This flexion, which no one will deny to be produced by the soft parts of the perineum, is, in our opinion, suffi- cient to prove that the movement of extension in delivery by the vertex e contrary, it is directed posteriorly. Hence, to recognize a second position of the left shoulder, it Avill only be necessary to ascertain that the child's head is turned tOAvards the mother's right side, a*nd that its back looks anteriorly. In a word, to satisfy ourselves Avhich is the present- ing shoulder, and Avhat is its position, Ave only have to find out Avhere the^ head lies, and the position of the posterior plane of the child. The shoulder presenting and being recognized, it is evident that if the axillary space looks toAvards the mother's right, the head will be to her left, and vice versa; consequently, the situation of the head is readily knoAvn by the direction of this space, and, as regards the child's dorsal plane, the omoplate Avill clearly indicate its position. 2. When the elboAv alone is accessible to the finger, it may be recognized by the three osseous projections (the olecranon and the tAvo condyles), Avhich it presents by the transverse concavity in the bend of the elbow, and by the vicinity of the chest and intercostal spaces. The elboAv having been dis- tinguished, it Avill be necessary to make out the position to ascertain where the foetal head and its dorsal plane lie, but this is noAV comparatively easy, since the elboAv is ahvays directed toAvards the side opposite to that Avhere the head is found, and the forearm is ahvays placed on the anterior plane. Again, as above stated, it happens at times that the forearm is not doubled up, but that, on the contrary, the hand hangs doAvn in the vagina, or even appears at the vulva. Noav, to determine which is the presenting hand in those cases, it is necessary to turn it in such a Avay as to place its palmai 366 LABOR. surface in front and above, for, in this position, if the thumb be directed to the mother's right thigh, it is the right hand, but if to the left thigh, it is the left hand ; and then, to find out where the head is, the accoucheur must slip his finger up to the axillary space. [The advice just given would enable us to recognize with certainty the projecting hand; the misfortune is that it is so easily forgotten. Therefore we think it better that the operator should simply observe which of his oavh hands would fulfil pre- cisely the conditions of that of the foetus as to position, for then the diagnosis would be just as certain, inasmuch as, Avith the exception of the size, the right hand of an adult is formed precisely like the right hand of the child, and so Avith the left hands of both, whilst marked differences exist in the reciprocal arrangement of the parts composing a right hand and a left one.] When the hand comes out at the Vulva, a careful inspection of it will most generally be sufficient to establish the diagnosis. Thus, if its dorsal surface is turned tOAvards the patient's right thigh, the head is at the right, and if to the left thigh, the head is at the left. The little finger, directed towards the coccyx, indicates that the child's dorsal plane corresponds to the mother's loins, and the same finger pointing to the pubis, is an evidence of this plane being in front. We have been thus particular in the diagnosis, because it is all-important in trunk presentations to understand clearly Avhich side presents at the strait, since the accoucheur must ahvays endeavor to turn; and if the details just given prove difficult of comprehension from a single reading, we hope they Avill become clearer by practising on a mannikin. § 3. Mechanism. When the trunk presents at the superior strait, the labor nearly ahvays requires the intervention of art; though, in some rare cases, Avhich may be considered as altogether exceptional, nature alone is adequate to accom- plish the delivery, which may then take place in one or two Avavs; for either the presenting shoulder is driven from the superior strait under the influence of the uterine contractions alone, to make room for one of the child's extremities, thereby producing a change in position, and giving rise to what is designated as spontaneous version, or else the presenting shoulder descends into the excavation and engages at the inferior strait; notAvith- standing Avhich, the breech SAveeps along the Avhole anterior surface of the sacrum and of the perineum, and is delivered the first at the posterior vulvar commissure; this latter mechanism is called spontaneous evolution. 1. Spontaneous Version.—-Where the membranes are not ruptured, though the labor has actually commenced, the foetus sometimes enjoys a great lati- tude of motion in the amniotic cavity, in consequence of Avhich it might, in such cases, readily change its position before the discharge of the Avaters took place; and it has been knoAvn to present, in this Avay, different points of its surface during the first period of the labor. Sometimes the head ascends in the Avomb Avhile the breech descends; at others, on the contrary, the nates mount up towards the fundus uteri, and the head becomes located at the superior strait. Consequently, two varieties of spontaneous version have been admitted, i. e., the cephalic and the pelvic. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 367 This phenomenon usually occurs either just before or else soon after the membranes are ruptured; in some instances, however, it takes place a long time after the waters are discharged. The following case, reported by M. Velpeau, Avill give a very correct idea of Avhat occurs under such circum- stances : ;'A young woman, pregnant for the second time, came into the hospital at ten o'clock in the morning. The os uteri Avas very little dilated; nevertheless, I could recognize a second position of the left shoulder. The waters did not escape until three in the afternoon, and I did not wish to go after the feet, as the pains were neither very strong nor very7 frequent, and I had some confidence in the assertions of Denman on this subject. At eight o'clock in the evening, the shoulder had sensibly moved toAvards the left iliac fossa, and I could then readily detect the ear at the right. At eleven, the temple had almost gained the centre of the orifice; the contrac- tions were augmented in energy ; and the cervix Avas entirely effaced. At midnight, the vertex had become lower; the head engaged; and, in the course of an hour, the vertex Avas delivered in the right occipito-cotyloid position."1 This case, in Avhich the progress of the labor has been followed and described, step by step, is Avell suited for explaining the mechanism of spon- taneous cephalic version. The reader Avill easily comprehend that the same phenomena Avould take place, if the breech, instead of the head, descended towards the superior strait; and, in the above instance, for example, the shoulder, instead of being driven toAvards the left iliac fossa, Avould be forced to the mother's right, and then the side of the chest, the loins, the left hip and thigh, Avould successively appear at the upper strait, and the breech finally engage in the excavation. In a shoulder presentation, the arm and hand may hang doAvn in the vagina, or even protrude beyond the vulva; but this last circumstance does not preclude the possibility of a spontaneous version, only it is Avell to bear in mind that the arm may then ascend again into the uterine cavity, and this will almost certainly happen if the pelvic extremity descends into the excavation, but it may also lodge on one side of the pelvis, and thus permit the head to descend alongside of it; the presentation of the cephalic extremity being then complicated by a procidentia of the arm and hand. In the present state of our science, it Avould be a very difficult matter indeed to point out the various causes, under the influence of Avhich it is sometimes the head, and sometimes the breech, Avhich thus, in cases of spon- taneous \rersion, take the place previously occupied by the shoulder, at the superior strait. Nevertheless,! am inclined to believe that irregularity of the uterine contractions is not Avholly foreign to such an effect. In fact, Avhen Ave shall speak hereafter of what the German accoucheurs have 1 With regard to the case in the text, I may say briefly, that the course of M. Velpeau was legitimized by the desire he had of "testing the opinions at that time (182o) in dis- pute ; but young practitioners should be very cautions how they make such experi- ments : for although, in the hands of a man like Velpeau, the version, at an advanced period of labor, would have been comparatively easy, yet it must never be forgotten that, in trunk presentations, the soonest possible period after the rupture of the membranes is the most favoraMi- for the artificial version. 368 LABOR. described under the name of Partial Contraction of the Womb, it Avill be seen that, in some cases, the organ appears to contract in but a limited part of its extent, the remainder contracting with much less force, or even per- haps remaining entirely inert. Now, Avithout being able to cite a single instance in support of my opinion, I am strongly inclined to belieAre, that it is in such a condition of the uterine walls that spontaneous version would be the most likely to take place. Let us suppose, for example, that when the child is placed in a left cephalo-iliac position of the right shoul- der, the left side of the uterus alone contracts, the right remaining passive; it is manifest that the whole expulsory effort, being then exercised on the head, would necessarily depress it towards the centre of the superior strait; and this movement of the cephalic extremity will be easy, in proportion as the inertia of the fight lateral Avail of the womb shall oppose no obstacle to the elevation of the pelvic extremity. But if, on the contrary, (in the same position of the child), the right side of the Avomb only contracted, it is evident the breech alone would receive the impulse from the uterine efforts, and then a spontaneous podalic version would be observed to take place.1 2. Spontaneous Evolution.—The mechanism of spontaneous evolution is much better understood, and Ave shall find embraced in its descriptions all the divisions of the mechanism of natural labor in the vertex and face pre- sentations. Here, also, M. Velpeau has admitted two varieties, that is, a spontaneous cephalic, and a spontaneous pelvic evolution. But Ave cannot conceive hoAv a spontaneous cephalic one can take place, unless it be in cases of abortion, or in those Avhere the child is completely putrefied ; hence we shall treat of the pelvic variety alone, taking, as an example, the first or left cephalo-iliac position of the right shoulder, in Avhich the child's head is placed in the left iliac fossa, the breech in the right iliac fossa ; the dorsal plane being in front, and the sternal one behind, and the long axis situated very nearly in the direction of the transverse diameter of the upper strait. Under such circumstances nearly all the Avaters escape immediately after the membranes are ruptured; then the uterus contracts forcibly, and by compressing the foetal trunk on all sides, has a tendency to make the pre- senting part engage in the excavation. A. First Stage. Doubling up of the Child.—Under the influence of the uterine contractions, the child is strongly bent in the direction of its long axis tOAvards the side opposite to the presenting one; for instance, in the case before us, the head is bent to the left side, and the breech toAvards the hip of the same side. b. Second Stage. Engagement. — A second stage, the period of descent, then sets in; that is to say, in proportion as the contractions are renewed, the shoulder approaches more and more toAvards the inferior strait, and the fcetal trunk, being bent double, engages deeply in the excavation. But the same difficulty is here met Avith as in the face presentations (see Posi- tions of the Face); that is, the body being thus placed transversely, it is impossible for the shoulder to reach the lower strait unless the head engages simultaneously with it in the excavation ; or, indeed, unless the neck should 1 It is proper for me to acknowledge that Wigand had already given a similar oxpla- aation. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 369 be long enough to subtend the height of the lateral Avail of the latter, which we have already seen is impossible (see Mechanism of Face Positions). The descent of the shoulder is therefore limited to the length of the neck. c Third Stage. Rotation. — A movement of rotation next occurs, by Fio- 88. Fig. 89. First position of the right shoulder with The same position (luring the descent. the arm hanging down. which the long axis of the child, that was originally placed transversely, is brought very nearly into an antero-posterior direction, so that its cephalic extremity is placed above the horizontal branch of the pubis close to the spine of that bone, and the breech above, or rather in front of the sacro- iliac symphysis. This process of rotation being once effected, the descent may noAV be completed, since the side of the neck is placed behind the symphysis pubis, whose Avhole length it can subtend; consequently, the forearm and arm are found to appear at the vulva, and the shoulder to get under the arch of the pubis. D. Fourth Stage. Disengagement of the Trunk. — The trunk, being now bent double, is forced en masse into the excavation, under the influence of the poAverful uterine contractions, but the shoulder can descend no further, because it is arrested by the shortness of the neck; hence, the expulsive force acts on the pelvic extremity, Avhich is pressed more and more towards the floor of the pelvis, and traverses the whole anterior face of the sacrum. It then rests against, depresses, and forcibly distends the perineum; the vulva soon dilates, and the acromion remaining always fixed under the sym- physis, the following parts are observed to appear successively at the ante- rior perineal commissure: first, the superior lateral parts of the chest; next, its inferior part, the loins, the hip, the thighs ; and lastly7, the whole length of the inferior extremities ; and there remain only the head and the left shoulder in the excavation. This last movement may be considered as the fourth stage of the labor, and it is therefore named the period of deflexion or disengagement. It takes place around the shoulder, situated under the symphysis as a centre, and therefore, if lines be draAvn from this centre, ter- minating at the various points on the child's side, Ave shall have all the radii, or the foetal diameters, which clear the antero-posterior one of tho inferior strait. 24 370 LABOR. [e. Fifth Stage. Rotation of the Head. — When by spontaneous evolution the body has been disengaged, the conditions have become the same as in breech presen- tations In the fifth stage, therefore, the head rotates so as to bring the occiput behind the symphysis pubis. f. Sixth Stage. Expulsion of the Head.— In the last stage the head is deli\'erej process of disengagement begins. Fio. 91. The same position with the delivery more advanced. in a first position of the right or a second of the left shoulder, for there is no difference in this last, excepting that the movement of rotation must take place in the opposite direction, that is, the head must pass from right to left and from behind fonvard, and the breech from left to right and from before backAvards. But when the sternal plane of the foetus is primitively directed toAvards the mother's front, as in the first position of the left, and the second one of the right shoulder, the process takes place somewhat dif- ferently. M. P. Dubois, who had an opportunity of seeing two cases of this nature, informed me that, at the moment Avhen the breech disengaged at the anterior perineal commissure, the child's Avhole trunk undenvent a movement of torsion that again brought its dorsal plane forwards and up- wards, Avhich plane, without this process of torsion, Avould still have been directed tOAvards the anus; Avhence Ave find, even here, remarkable as it may seem, the influence of that general laAV which Avas observed to regulate; ail natural labors, namely, that, whatever may have been the original rela- tions of the child's posterior plane, it ultimately comes into correspondence with the anterior parts of the pelvis. As observed in the commencement of this article, the mechanism of spon- taneous evolution may be subjected Avithout impropriety to the same divi- sions as the deliveiy by the face. In fact, we have a first period of flexion cf the child's trunk toAvards the side opposite to the presenting one; a second, of descent, irterrupted by the third movement, or period of rotation; a Fig. 90. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA OF LABOR. 371 fourth, of deflexion, or disengagement, and a fifth and sixth, during which the head rotates, and is finally expelled. § 4. Pkur[form, or purulent lochia. As the uterus retracts, its Avails gradually disgorge the fluids they had imbibed, 432 LABOR. and these naturally run toAvards its central cavity. So long as the large venous canals in its substance are not empty, the discharge consists of pure blood; someAvhat later, it is composed of serum, together with the detritus of the ovum and the mucosities of the organ; and still later, a true suppu- rative irritation is established, the products of Avhich, analogous in some respects to the non-contagious discharges of the urethra, constitute, in a great measure, the Avhite or the purulent issue. The lochia have a peculiar odor, called gravis odor puerperii, Avhich varies in strength according to the individual and her habits of cleanliness; and to this is also added the scent from the perspiration and the milk, Avhich latter, distilling from the breast, is imbibed by her garments and turns sour. Sometimes the lochia become fetid, and Avhere this circumstance is not OAving to slovenliness, it is always an unfavorable sign, since it most generally announces that coagula or some other foreign substances are putrefying in the uterus; and where the lochial fluid has the color of coffee-grounds, and a cadaverous smell, it is almost uniformly an evidence of the existence of an inflammation of the Avomb or vagina, which has terminated in gangrene. Again, whenever the patient is afflicted Avith carcinoma uteri, the discharges resemble the Avashings of flesh, and have a very nauseous smell. In all such cases aromatic injections, infusions of elder or chamomile AoAvers, Avhich are rendered more useful by adding some disinfecting fluid, should be made several times a day. The lochia are also very variable in quantity and duration, though we may state, as a general rule, that the patient soils ten or tAvelve napkins in the course of the first tAventy-four hours, eight on the second day, six on the third, four on the fifth, and tAvo on the following days. After the milk fever is over, the Aoav diminishes more and more, its amount being usually proportionate to that of the menstrual evacuation. It is more copious in Avomen Avho have borne many children, or Avho make use of an overnour- ishing or a heated regimen, and in those who do not nurse. The sanguineous discharges vary much in amount during the first days, according to the force of retraction Avith which the Uterine Avails were endoAved immediately after or during the delivery of the after-birth; thus, at times, they are very copious, frequently coinciding Avith a considerable development of the organ; and in such cases I have knoAvn the womb to continue as high up as the umbilicus for several days after the delivery. This condition, which Leroux calls humoral engorgement, depends, in his estimation, on the fact that the vessels and pores of the Avomb, from being distended with blood, do not become empty as soon as usual, because the contractility of tissue is not then active enough to expel it; for the Avails of the uterus constitute a true sponge, whose meshes are composed of muscular fibres, and which must retract forcibly so as to express all the liquids con- tained in tne vessels and vacuities which they form ; hence, if this contraction is not strong enough, the parietes remain engorged, and preserve an abnor- mal thickness, Avhich singularly augments the Avhole volume of the uterus, although its cavity may be entirely effaced. Soon, hoAvever, the contractile action of the tissue is aroused, and the muscular fibres forcibly compress and flatten the vessels that ramify betAveen them, and thus force the liquids PHENOMENA APPERTAINING TO THE LYING-IN STATE. 433 which had hitherto remained there to discharge into the cavity of the organ, whence they Aoav toAvards the exterior in considerable quantities. This dis- charge might very readily be mistaken for a Aooding, occasioned by a reten- tion of some part of the after-birth, or of voluminous coagula, the more especially as it is accompanied at times by sharp after-pains; but if one finger can then be introduced into the uterus, the accoucheur will ascertain that it contains no foreign substance, and by placing the oilier hand at the same time on the hypogastric region, he Avill easily satisfy himself that the unusual size of the organ depends only on the engorgement of its walls. In these cases, there is nothing to be done, as the sanguineous discharge is itself the best remedy; for it sloAvly empties the uterine texture, diminishes the after- pains, and the Avomb gradually returns to its normal size. This sloAvness of the retraction also prolongs the Aoav of the sanguineous lochia, and the same result is obseiwed Avhenever one of the layers of the uterus or its enveloping cellular tissue is affected Avith inflammation. Indeed, we can readily understand that from this sluggishness of the uterine fibres, this defect of reaction, as Leroux called it, to a more or less perfect inertia of the Avomb, there is but a single step, and that a secondary hemorrhage might result from the absence of contractility, if it Avere carried to the extent of relaxation. [The time at which the lochia assume a purulent form is also liable to remark- able A'ariations. In thirty-seven cases observed by M. Behier, in which eArerything was favorable, it occurred on the third day nine times, on the fourth day four times, on the fifth day ten times, on the sixth day six times, and from the seventh to the tenth day seven times. Finally, in one case, in the most auspicious condition, the lochia became decidedly purulent only on the sixteenth day. (Behier, Clinique Me'dicale.)] Lactation lessens the duration and amount of the lochia. Some women have them for a feAV hours only (Van-SAvieten), and others have none at all (Millot). • An instance of the latter kind came under my notice quite recently (1855), in the case of the young Avife of a medical friend. After an easy and happy labor, the lochia Avere almost completely suppressed. She hardly lost a feAV spoonfuls of blood Avithin the first tAventy-four hours; after the second day there Avas no discharge Avhatever, and the husband, Avho ex- amined the linen daily with the greatest care, assured me that he Avas unable to detect the slightest evidence of lochial discharge. Everything Avent on well during the lying-in, Avith the exception of a very fetid odor from the genital parts during the first seven or eight days. After satisfying ourselves that there Avas no foreign substance in the uterus, Ave recommended the use of injections, frequently repeated, and all passed off Avell. This young lady had been delivered once before, on which occasion she had a perfectly regular loehial discharge. In a case observed by Bruckmann, and quoted by Velpeau, the lochia Avere substituted by haematemesis. In some instances, the sanguineous lochia are prolonged far beyond the usual term ; Avhile in others they reappear at various intervals, but this latter circumstance, in tr e absence of inflammation of the uterus or of its appendages, is ordinarily vwing to some error in regimen, more especially to 28 434 LABOR. getting up too soon ; and, therefore, the best plan is to persuade the patient to remain in bed. In the course of a short time the lochia cease their con- tinual floAV, and intervals of several hours of duration are observed at first, then of a day, and sometimes of two days. When, in spite of this precaution, the bloody discharge continues for two or three weeks after labor, its cause should be sought for in a local alteration of the uterus and of the neighboring parts, or else in the general condition of the patient. Thus, it is not unusual for it to be kept up by a circum- scribed peritoneal inflammation, an inflammation of the uterine mucous membrane, a chronic or acute engorgement of one or both ovaries, or a phlegmon of the broad ligaments, of the iliac fossa, or of the cellular tissue surrounding the uterus. It is important to diagnose these various affections from the outset, as it is they which should be attacked, in order to stop the discharge, which is here but a symptom of the disease. The continuance of red discharges is connected, perhaps, more frequently with ulcerations of the neck of the uterus, having their origin in many cases in the lacerations which occur during labor, and the cicatrization of which is prevented by circumstances which elude our detection. When, therefore, it is certain that no symptom of engorgement or inflammation in the pelvic or hypogastric region is present, the patient should be examined Avith the speculum, taking care to separate the lips of the neck with the valves of the instrument, when very often a fungous and bleeding ulceration will be dis- covered either within the cavity of the neck or upon the os tincae. The only means of arresting the discharge consist in cauterizations with nitrate of silver or acid nitrate of mercury, and even, if the fungosities are very pro- jecting, with the actual cautery. In some cases, it is necessary to repeat the cauteri7ation several times. Amongst the causes of these anomalous lochial discharges, should be reckoned a local irritation sustained by obstinate constipation. • Here the use of purgatives is demanded. Sometimes no lesion can be discovered, but the discharge seems evidently to be connected with an over-excited condition of the entire organism. This condition is indicated by heat of the skin, fulness of pulse, some febrile movement towards evening, and disturbed sleep. Notwithstanding the ap- parent weakness of the patient, great care should be taken in reference to the use of tonics, Avhich, unfortunately, are too often employed; a moderate antiphlogistic treatment, on the contrary, is the one indicated. A small bleeding from the arm, mild laxatives, and a restricted vegetable diet, might be directed Avith advantage. Stimulating or even tonic drinks should be proscribed, and only after the general irritation shall have been quieted, is it proper to endeavor to increase the strength of the patient by the appro- priate means. In some rare cases, hoAvever, the abundance and persistence of the bloody discharge seem to be sustained by the general debility. The absence of the general symptoms, just now mentioned, allow of recourse being had imme- diately to a tonic treatment; then it is that infusions of cinchona and sul- phate of iron are capable of rendering effectual services. (See in Part Fifth the article devoted to Secondary Hemorrhage.) PHENOMENA APPERTAINING TO THE LYING-IN STATE. 435 The white or purulent lochial discharges sometimes become very profuse, and have at the same time an exceedingly disagreeable odor. The discharge is no longer covered Avith blood, but appears as a reddish Avater floAving in large quantity, and sometimes even escaping in gushes. They are occasion- ally so acrid as to inflame the parts over Avhich they flow. The patients are almost ahvays much Aveakened by the evacuation, and their general health evidently demands the use of tonics. The irritated parts should be washed frequently with Avarm Avater, and injections of infusion of chamomile AoAvers, afterAvards made rather more astringent, should be throAvn into the vagina five or six times a day. A feAV spoonfuls of chloride of soda might be added with advantage. My friend, Dr. Casaubon. informs me that he has met with several cases of this kind. These purulent lochia, also, sometimes continue long after the usual period of their cessation. This circumstance is sometimes connected Avith some one of the causes mentioned as productive of the anomalous persistence of the bloody discharge, though it has oftener seemed to me to be the result of a catarrhal metritis or peri-uterine phlegmon. Both these affections may hinder the gradual retraction of the uterus, Avhich may remain of consider- able size for a month or six Aveeks after delivery. Large flying blisters upon the abdomen, frequent alkaline baths, and bleeding from the arm, when there is fever and the strength permits it, have appeared to me to be the most effectual under these circumstances. The suppression of the lochia long before the time at Avhich they usually disappear is an unfortunate symptom only when it seems to be connected with the development of a serious inflammatory affection, or when it is re- placed by a supplemental hemorrhage. It then merits the closest attention of the physician; but Avhen the contrary is the case, there is no occasion for uneasiness, since it is the evidence of a rapid and forcible contraction of the uterus, which is a favorable circumstance. § 3. Of the Milk Fever. One of the most important phenomena appertaining to the lying-in state, is that usually designated under the name of the milk fever. It has already been seen, when studying the modifications impressed on the whole organism by gestation, that the breasts in most Avomen, even in the very commence- ment of their pregnancy, are apt to become tumefied, that the SAvelling per- sists, and that sometimes they become the seat of an abundant secretion long before delivery. After the delivery, they yield on suction a liquid of a yelloAvish color, and somewhat more consistent than the preceding, which in some women escapes during the latter months of gestation. This fluid has a sweetish taste, and is called the colostrum. It retains these qualities for twenty-four hours; but becomes Avhiter after that period. In the course of forty to sixty hours, the breasts enlarge greatly; the subcutaneous veins, seen through the skin, are more SAVollen than during the pregnant state, and the former become manifestly harder. The secretion of milk in healthy women is not usually attended Avith fever, the diminution of the pulse hardly being prcArented by it (see page 422.) Still, if the SAvelftng of the breasts be considerable, headache may occur, as also, at times, though more rarely, 436 LAbOR, slight shiverings, or heat and dryness of the skin, Avhich is succeeded in a *eAV hours by a copious perspiration; there are thirst and loss of appetite; the tongue is slightly furred; the pulse, at first small and contracted, soon becomes full, soft, and accelerated ; and the face is flushed and animated. M. Pajot maintains that the pulse rarely rises above 100, which is generally true, though there are exceptions due to individual susceptibility. M, Behier has noted the pulse at 130 in a case in AA'hich everything went on very favorablyr. During this febrile movement, Avhich is generally slight, the enlargement of the mammae continually increases, extends as far as the armpits, and involves the surrounding cellular tissue, Avhence the patient can no longer bring the arms down alongside of her body, and therefore has to hold them off. The skin is sometimes so stretched as to become painful and incommode the inspiratory movements of the chest; and lastly, as else- where stated, the discharge of the lochia either disappears altogether, or else is greatly diminished. This fever lasts for tAvelve, tAventy-four, thirty-six, or possibly forty-eight hours, and then is folloAved by a calm ; at times, hoAvever, it is continued for three or four days; but in such cases it is often due to a deep-seated inflammation, or else soon exhibits a well-marked in- termittence, and may degenerate into a true intermittent fever, which yields readily to sulphate of quinine. The pulse is ordinarily not very rapid, and whenever it exceeds 100 per minute, the cause should be sought else»vhere than in the lacteal secretion. Authors have stated that the milk fever is less intense Avith primiparae than Avith others. The same is the case with those who begin to suckle their children very soon after delivery; indeed, it is not at all uncommon for the latter to escape it entirely. Finally, certain females, even of those who do not nurse at all, have no milk fever Avhatever, and this notAvith- standing that the breasts are considerably SAVollen and the secretion of milk is abundant. This is a much more common occurrence than is generally supposed, and I have frequently had occasion to point it out to students. Still, I am far from supposing, as some do, that it forms the rule, and from regarding every febrile movement occurring in a lying-in Avoman, even Avhen the lacteal secretion is commencing, as indicative of an apparent or concealed inflammation. Nothing, indeed, could be more reasonable than to regard the SAvelling and painfulness of the mammary glands as the cause of the general reaction Avhich usually accompanies them, and Avhich dimin- ishes or ceases, as soon as the breasts become soft, or the system habituated to the neAV condition of things. In some Avomen the breasts remain inactive, and no milk it secreted; it really Avould seem, as Prof. P. Dubois has remarked, that nature has left her Avork unfinished in them; that, being capable of becoming mothers, and able during the whole term of gestation to furnish the necessary materials for the child's nutrition, yet their organization is absolutely inadequate to supply its Avants after birth. I have at this moment under observation a young primiparous woman, convalescing, it is true, from an attack of vario- loid Avhich came on immediately after delivery, Avho has not had a single drop of milk. The milk frver generally manifests itself about forty-eight hours subse PHENOMENA APPERTAINING TO THE LYING-IN STATE. 437 quent to the delivery; at times a little sooner, at others someAvhat later; thus, I have seen tAvo patients at the Clinique (and all "observers record similar facts), Avho had this fever, the one on the fifth and the other on the sixth day; and since that time I have often had occasion to make the same remark. [For the sake of greater precision, we think it best to quote M. Behier's ob- servations on the subject. "I investigated," says this professor, "the cases of 974 women, in order to determine the precise period at which the flow of milk takes place. In 22 it occurred within the first day after delivery; in 170 on the second day : in 347 on the third day ; in 266 on the fourth day ; in 100 on the fifth day ; in 22 on the sixth day ; in 5 on the seventh day; in 4 on the eighth day ; and in 1 not until the eleventh day."] Where the child's death takes place at an advanced stage of gestation, and the dead body is not expelled for several days aftenvards, it is by no means uncommon to find all the phenomena of milk fever manifesting themselves. In ordinary cases, by the time the fever is over, the breasts have acquired their highest degree of distention, and the secretion of milk is very abundant. If the child draAvs well, they are emptied and the patient relieved; but should the mother not suckle her infant, the engorgement continues for a longer period, though it Avears aAyay the more promptly as it was less considerable in the first place, or as the milk flows more easily from the nipple, and as the perspiration and lochia are the more abundant. The question as to the cause of milk fever has been discussed again and again; but Avithout entering into all the arguments which this point of doc- trine has given rise to, avc Avill merely remark, that the febrile movement (Avhich, howeA'cr, is not ahvays constant) most probably is a consequence of the greater activity the mammae then assume, and that it is nothing more than what takes place Avhenever any organ undergoes a very considerable and rapid development. To AAromen Avho do not nurse, the lacteal secretion may be the cause of accidents Avhich are to be prevented or opposed. Everything that could tend to increase the secretion of milk, such as succulent food, and the prac- tice of drinking freely, should be strictly avoided. Warm and soft toAvels should be applied to the breasts, and renewed as soon as they become moist. A still better application is cotton Avadding. By these means perspiration is excited, and the heat of the parts maintained. Should the secretion diminish gradually, everything may be left to nature, but should the breasts become too much SAVollen, the discharge from the nipple should be facilitated by the use of emollient cataplasms, or efforts be made to empty them by suction. In case of these measures proving ineffectual, recourse must be had to lotions containing laudanum for the purpose of relieving pain, and to sudorifics and purgatives as revulsives. As amongst the most commonly employed diaphoretics, Ave may mention Aveak tea, and the infusions of Parie- taria and Borage. The purgatives are those Avhich have been already mentioned. Of all the preparations which have been extolled as lactifuge, the petit-lait of Weiss' is, according to Desormeaux, the only one which is 1 The petit-liit (whey) of Weiss is prepared by infusing in boiling whey a species of galium, flowers of elder, hypericum, and of the linden-tree, together w'vh sfntu, nm) sulphate of sooa. It acts as a purgative. — Translator. 438 LABOR. still employed. The same author states that he knew a lady to apply an ammoniacal liniment with success. Neuter asserts, as proved by experiment, that the application of cups to the back diminishes the Aoav of milk ; and Van-SAvieten kneAV a galactorrhoea to yield to a strong infusion of sage, taken in doses of from one to two ounces every three hours. [M. Blot was the first to discover the presence of sugar in the urine of lying-in women as a phenomenon connected with lactation. It would seem from his re- searches that sugar, whose presence in urine had been regarded as pathognomonic of diabetes, exists not only in the urine of all lying-in women but in all nurses, and in a certain proportion of pregnant females. The term Physiological glycosuria has been used to express this fact. "In all puerperal women (45 in 50)," says M. Blot, "the sugar begins to appear in the urine in determinate quantity coincident with the beginning of the flow of milk ; and in many cases it does not exist until then. In a feAv cases it may be found previously, but generally in very small amount. If the secretion of milk continues, sugar continues to be passed in the urine with diurnal variations as yet unexplained. When the flow of milk is profuse, the proportion of sugar is usually large ; if the former be moderate, the latter is small. In this way an examination of the urine may enable us to judge up to a certain point of the value of a nurse. If the flow of milk be lessened or arrested from any cause, and especially by the development of a more or less serious morbid condition, the sugar diminishes in quantity or disappears entirely. If health be restored and the secretion re-estab- lished, the sugar reappears. Finally, the urine contains sugar as long as milk continues to be secreted: I have found it in considerable proportion (8 gramme's to 1000 of urine) in one case in which the woman had been nursing for twenty-two months. In fact, the urine is generally rich in sugar in proportion as the health improA'es and approaches most nearly to the normal or physiological condition. " When lactation ceases, the sugar disappears, and that at periods varying in different individuals; earlier in those who do not nurse, and later in those who, having nursed, begin to wean the child. " Sugar Avas found in one-half the observed cases of pregnancy. I think, with- out being able to affirm it positively, that this peculiarity is most likely to be observed when the breasts sympathize most with the pregnant condition; that on the contrary, it is absent when the breasts remain indifferent, as it were, to what is going on in the uterus." (Blot.) This physiological glycosuria is also present in the different species of mammalia. As a test of the presence of sugar in the urine, M. Blot used successively Fehling's fhxd, caustic potash, fermentation, and the polarimeter. Physiological glycosuria seemed then to be an established fact, when M. Leconte appeared with an absolute denial of the presence of sugar in the urine of nursing women, and asserting that the whole was a mistake due to the presence of uric acid, which gives reactions similar to those produced by sugar. In this scientific dispute M. Bruecke espoused the cause of M. Blot, and, I would add, that a personal repetition of the experiments convinces me of the existence of physiological glycosuria. Further observations are, however, required in order to clear the subject of all doubt.] ATTENTIONS TO THE LYING-IN WOMAN. 439 CHAPTER X. OF THE NECESSARY ATTENTIONS TO THE LYING-IN WOMAN. The patient should be placed in a large, well-aired chamber, Avhich is moderately warm, and free from all strong odors. In s immer, the doors and AvindoAvs are to be opened every day; though, while the air of the apart- ment is being changed, she ought to be carefully covered, and have the cur- tains draAvn, so as to protect her from any draft; but, at other times, the curtains need not be closed. The room ought to be kept scrupulously neat, and the urine, excrements, and soiled linen should be removed at once. The genital parts must be often bathed with lukeAvarm Avater, or some emol- lient decoction. These frequent ablutions have the further advantage of calming any inflammation in the parts that have been contused during the labor; they should be made morning and evening, and Avithout uncovering the patient. [As the newly delivered female is liable to various accidents, and diseases which make rapid progress, she ought to be visited every day. In the first place, the physician should inquire into the general condition and determine the acceleration or lessened frequency of the pulse, which will rarely deceive as regards the prognosis. (See page 422.) He will also ascertain carefully the condition of the uterus as to size (see page 423) and sensibility, the character of the lochia, and the severity of the after-pains. The turgescence of the breasts and their secretion will also demand his attention ; and, finally, he will inquire into the state of the bladder and rectum.] The secretion and excretion of urine generally present nothing abnormal, though there is sometimes difficulty in the emission, due to SAvelling of the •meatus. Occasionally, also, the bladder suffers temporary paralysis from severe pressure in tedious labors. In such cases the catheter should be used. The physician ought ahvays, during the first two or three days, to inquire Avhether the water passes freely and with ease, because its collection in a half-paralyzed and benumbed bladder may often explain a state of uneasi- ness or suffering not otherwise to be accounted for. [Retention of urine sometimes occurs with lying-in women immediately after delivery, and sometimes not until after several days. In the former case, it would seem due to paralysis of the bladder or contusion of its neck; in the latter, it is probably caused by consecutive inflammation. At other times the patients do not empty the bladder, and it remains considerably distended Avithout their knowing it. Therefore, after questioning the patient on this subject, the accoucheur ought himself to ascertain whether the bladder is emptied. It is very important not to overlook a distended bladder, though it is often done, for then the physician neces- sarily falls into an error of diagnosis in regard to the cause of the suffering in the lower part of the abdomen. The symptoms of retention of urine in lying-in Avomen have some peculiarities-. The bladder, being pressed forward by the uterus, which forms a resisting plane behind it, almost alwavs projects sufficiently above the pubis to form a tumor there which is appreciable to the eye. The tumor is rounded, soft and supple to the touch, fluctuating, and dull on percussion. All these characters haA'e but a sec- ondary value, so that AAhenever" retention of urine is suspected, the uterus should 440 LABOR. first be sought for, and will be known by its size and especially by its hardness: if the uterus cannot be felt, it is because it is concealed by the distended bladder. Repletion of the bladder has, also, upon the position of the womb an effect which should be well understood: when the distended organ rises into the loAver part of the abdomen, it carries with it the uterus, whose fundus is then found as high as, and often even above, the umbilicus, and when the catheter is used, it descends as the Avater flows. Whenever, therefore, the fundus of the uterus is found too high up, the sub-pubic region should be examined carefully to ascertain w"hether the bladder projects there. If the latter be empty, the fingers will, without difficulty, feel the anterior surface of the womb throughout. Retention of urine sometimes continues in these cases for several days, and even for several weeks. So long as it lasts, the catheter should be used at least tAvice a day according to the rules already pointed out (see page 61). The bladder almost always recovers its power after a certain time, so that there is no occasion for alarm should the retention last for several days.] The constipation that is so common during the last stages of gestation, oftentimes still persists after the delivery for four, six, or even eight days; and this prolonged retention of the fecal matters may give rise to anxiety, headache,- loss of sleep, and sometimes even to a feeling of Aveight, or actual pain in one of the iliac fossae; all which symptoms disappear like magic upon the administration of some mild laxative. Where the costiveness continues, a state of suffering very frequently results, Avhich may occasion a blight febrile movement; and the frequency of pulse, thus produced, coin- ciding with the pain caused by an unusual retention of the fecal matters, which pain is most commonly located in some part of the hypogastric region, and is augmented by pressure, may give rise to suspicions of a peri- toneal inflammation that really does not exist; and I have knoAvn this error to be committed where the pain and fever that had resisted the application of leeches, rapidly disappeared after the exhibition of a purgative. 'Xhe retention of the faeces may also result from a paralysis of the rectum, Avhich paralysis itself is a consequence of the pressure made upon it by the head during its prolonged sojourn in the excavation. I have known, says M. Martin, of Lyons, the faeces to be retained more than tAventy days after a laborious delivery, and to accumulate in such large quantities, and acquire such a firm consistence as to equal the size of a child's head at term; and as all the usual laxatives failed, I Avas obliged to introduce a scoop, and bring the hardened matters away piecemeal; but even then the gut did not at once regain its functions, though a fresh accumulation was prevented by the use of irritant injections, and the contractility of the intestine Avas not perfectly re-established until twenty-nine days aftenvards, at Avhich period the patient left the hospital. ( Comptes Rendus, p. 32.) A temporary constipation, prior to the invasion of the milk fever, is a matter of no consequence ; but should it persist for several days aftenvards, injections may be administered, either simple, or else rendered slightly lax- ative by the addition of an ounce or an ounce and a half of the miel mercu- riile, or a decoction of senna leaves ; and Avhere these measures do not answer, a mild purgath e, such as the folloAving, is exhibited by the mouth, viz., from half an ounce to an ounce of castor oil, rubbed up Avith an ounce of almond emusion and a little lemon syrup; or the sal de duobus (sulphate ATTENTIONS TO THE LYING-IN WOMAN. 44] of potash) might be employed, in the dose of fifteen or thirty grains, dis- solved in her usual drinks. The castor-oil can be SAvalloAved Avithout much difficulty Avhen it is diffused in a cup of rich broth, made as hot as the patient can bear it. I have observed that it is much oftener retained Avhen mixed Avith broth than Avhen mixed with almond emulsion. The Avoman should make no exertion during the first feAV days, and if the labor has been long and painful, or attended Avith any serious accident, it is best that she should be protected from violent and rude motions, and that the bed be not made up until after the milk fever has subsided. When, however, the patients are but slightly fatigued, the bed may be made on the evening of the day preceding that on Avhich the milk fever supervenes, after Avhich it should be left until the next day but one; thereafter it may be made eA^ery day. The woman should, on these occasions, be transferred to another couch. It is very important that the patient should not rise before the ninth day, which is a favorite time for getting up with the working classes, and Avhere she is in easy circumstances, and can, without detriment to her interests, abstain for a longer period from her household duties, she should be required to remain in bed for at least two weeks. It were better not to adopt arbitrarily any particular day, but to regulate the conduct to be followed by the degree of atrophy of the uterus. When the latter has lost the greater part of its bulk, and its fundus descends and disappears in the lesser pelvis, the patient may get up. One Avoman may do so without danger on the eighth day, whilst another ought to remain in bed after the fifteenth day. At this period she may be carried to an easy-chair, Avhere she will remain seated for an hour or tAvo, and again, on the following day, for tAvo or three hours. On the third, she might try her strength by taking a feAV turns around the chamber, and then through the apartments ; but it Avould be imprudent to venture out of doors, especially in the winter season, before the fifteenth or tAventieth day, and only then in fine Aveather and about the middle of the day. Most Avomen, actuated by a religious feeling, go to church on the occasion of their first going out; and as these buildings are always cold and damp, they often return with the germs of an inflammatory disease, Avhich sooner or later develops itself; and hence the physician should advise the deferring of this religious ceremony, called the churching, to a more distant period. As regards her diet, the articles ought to be of the mildest character, and of easy digestion ; thus, as a general rule, she Avill only need, during the first day or tAvo, a little porridge two or three times in the course of the day, and some broth during the night; and she should observe an absolute diet pend- ing the duration of the milk fever, for fear of adding to its intensity; though even here, if the general reaction is moderate, she might be alloAved some broth. After the fever is over, the quantity of nourishment is gradually augmented; so that, by the tAvelfth or the fifteenth day, the Avoman has resumed her ordinary habits. In those who do not niirse, the regimen must be more restricted, especially Avhen the breasts still remain engorged or painful. [The regimen of lying-in Avomen, as just indicated, was rigorously observed until within a few years; but, Ave ought to add, there is noAV a strong disposition to act 442 LABOR. differently. Legroux, physician at the Hotel Dieu, introduced the innovation b] showing that not only was there no danger, but often a real advantage in giving nourishment freely to newly delivered patients. Accordingly, he allows soups to the Avomen in his wards on the first day, and solid food on the second day after delivery. I have followed his example for several years, and have had no reason to be other than pleased with it. Immediately after delivery, therefore, I allow soup, taken in small quantities, but freely. On the next day solid food is per- mitted; an egg or mutton chop, for example, with bread and claret and water. After the secretion of milk has begun, the patients can resume their usual diet. This plan has but the single inconvenience of eliciting, the disapproval of those whc have grown up in other ways of doing; but inasmuch as it is better for the patients, we shall have to disregard these objections.] Throughout the whole lying-in period, the patient should use some diluted ptisan, moderately SAveetened and rendered aromatic, as an ordinary drink; such as a solution of gum, or an infusion of malloAvs, of violets or linden, the orange or chamomile AoAvers, &c, &c.; but acidulated drinks must never be alloAved to those Avho nurse. About the seventh or eighth day, most patients ask their medical attendant for something to drive away the milk, which, of course, is generally a useless precaution; but, perhaps, it Avould be better to yield to a very popular prejudice, so as to escape all subsequent reproach. The Canne de Provence, and the infusion of periwinkle, &c, enjoy a high reputation for this purpose; and as the root of the former is nearly inert, it will, on that account, be preferably employed. Most Avomen think it necessary to be purged tOAvards the end of their lying-in ; and though, Avhen the physician discovers any positive counter- indication to the administration of even a mild purgative, he doubtless should not yield to their desires; yet, under ordinary circumstances, he ought to purge them slightly, both on account of his own reputation and to avoid subsequent unjust reproaches; indeed, this will become necessary, if the tongue is broad, furred, and yellowish or greenish, the mouth bitter and clammy, and there is a loss of appetite. The Seidlitz Avaters and castor-pil are perhaps preferable, from their mildness and certainty of operation. The excitability of the nervous system is such, in lying-in women, that the greatest care should be exercised in keeping aAvay everything that might excite them, and in avoiding all acute moral emotions. PAET IV. PATHOLOGY OF PKEGNANCY. rpHE pathology of pregnancy comprises all functional derangements 1 occurring in pregnant Avomen, as well as all spontaneous or accidental lesions of the ovum Avhich may compromise the health or life of the foetus. As the latter class usually either escape detection, or are not discovered until it is too late to remedy them, they Avill be considered briefly; all, in fact, that can be said of them is limited to certain questions of pathological anatomy, foreign to the main object of this Avork. [Some of the numerous diseases observed during pregnancy are the result of this condition ; others occur, as it were, by chance, and often happen under other cir- cumstances. On this account, they are treated of in separate chapters ; a division, hoAvever, which is far from perfect, as the distinction between the two classes can- not ahvays be defined. The first chapter is devoted to the diseases which may occur during pregnancy, and the second to those which are the result of it. After- ward are described extra-uterine pregnancies, lesions of the ovum and of the pla- centa, and diseases of the foetus and its death. The last chapter treats of abortion.] CHAPTER I. OF THE DISEASES AVHICH MAY EXIST DURING PREGNANCY, AND OF THE RECIPROCAL INFLUENCE WHICH THEY MAY HAVE UPON THEIR PROGRESS AND TERMINATION. Though, says Antoine Petit, pregnancy exposes Avomen to various disorders, it also protects them from many very dangerous diseases, arrests the pro- gress of others, and sometimes even cures those Avith Avhich they Avere pre- viously affected. This proposition, though asserted almost as a maxim by the author quoted, is, unfortunately, far from being strictly true. Antoine Petit was indeed strangely deceived in his appreciation of the influence of pregnancy upon acute diseases existing before it or occurring during its progress; still, as many physicians partake of his error, Ave have thought it right to notice it at the outset. § 1. Epidemic Diseases. 1. Influenza.—Though some epidemics have appeared to spare pregnant women, many have affected them as severely, at least, as other individuals exDosed to the same influences. Thus I found, as did also M. Jacquemier, 443 444 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. at the Maternity Hospital, that the epidemic of influenza attacked a great many pregnant Avomen ; but, contrary to his observation, I Avitnessed numer- ous abortions as a consequence either of the disease itself, or of the violent spells of coughing Avhich tormented the patients. 2. Cholera.—The severe epidemics of cholera Avhich, in 1832 and 1849, were so fatal in the capital, did not spare pregnant women; and Ave had the pain of Avitnessing the death of quite a number. Dr. Bouchut has endeavored, in a quite recent work, to appreciate the effect of pregnancy upon cholera, and vice versa. Relying upon 52 obser- vations, he commences by sliOAving that pregnancy has no influence upon the invasion of cholera, that it protects from it no more than it predisposes to it, and that Avhen the disease appears, it does so Avithout any modification, in all its forms and severity. Cholera has, hoAvever, an incontestable influence upon the course of gesta- tion, often shortening its duration. Thus, 25 women out of 52 aborted in consequence of the disease, and the same Avould probably have been the case Avith others, had not the patients been removed by an early death. Except in some rare instances, abortion took place only in cases in Avhich the disease lasted over twenty-four hours. Of the 25 women who aborted, 16 recovered ; 12 had the disease with moderate severity, though lasting for a considerable time; the attack in 4 was dangerous and rapid, and 9 died. The observations of M. Bouchut have elicited the remarkable fact that abortion is very common in cholera patients after the fifth month of preg- nancy, but very rare at its commencement, Thus, of the 16 women Avho aborted and recovered, only 1 Avas three months pregnant, 1 four, 6 five, and 1 six; and the least advanced of the 9 Avho died after abortion, had reached four months and a half. Of the 27 Avomen who did hot miscarry, only six recovered and had their pregnancies to continue. The attacks Avhich they suffered Avere of medium severity, and of several days' duration : 21 died Avith the disease in a dan- gerous and rapid form. Altogether there were 30 deaths out of 52 cases. We see, therefore, that the prognosis of cholera is not rendered more favorable by the state of pregnancy. We have said that 6 of the patients recovered, and had their pregnancies to pursue their regular course. Others, who had reached a more advanced stage, Avere delivered prematurely of living children. From this, it plainly results that cholera is not always communicated to the foetus, and that though the latter usually succumbs either before its expulsion, or before the mother, in those cases Avhere her early decease did not allow the abortion to take place, its death cannot be attributed to a transmission of the disease. Besides, the autopsy of the children revealed nothing Avhich could be regarded as pertaining to cholera. What, then, is the cause of the death of the foetus, preceding, as it almost ahvays does, its OAvn expulsion, or the death of the mother ? M. Bouchut thinks that it is a consequence either of a mechanical com- pression of the uterus producol by the cramps and convulsions of the ab- DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 445 dominal muscles, or to the severe diet to Avhich the patients are subjected again, he supposes that it may be occasioned by the profuse discharges from the boAvels, Avhich, by depriA'ing the blood of its serum, dry up, as it were, the sources of nutrition. For my OAvn part, I regard asphyxia as the only, or at least the usual, cause of the death of the foetus. The coagulation of the blood, and its stagnation in the vessels, are evidently calculated to sus- pend the utero-placental circulation; and the interruption of the latter, depriving the foetus as it does of the means of respiration, must necessarily lead to its rapid death. M. Devilliers, Jr., read before the Academy of Medicine an observation tending to prove that abortion has a favorable effect upon the termination of cholera, and causing him to feel justified in recommending the provoca- tion of premature labor, as a means of diminishing the danger of the dis- ease. In examining under this point of view the results furnished by M. Bouchut, a result favorable to the opinion of M. Devilliers is at once dis- coverable ; since of the 27 patients who did not miscarry, 21 died, Avhilst 9 deaths only occurred after 25 abortions. Still, it should be observed, that of the Avomen Avho recoA^ered after aborting, 4 only had the disease in a rapid and dangerous form; Avhilst of the 21 Avho died undelh'ered, the disease Avas very severe, and barely lasted a few days. This early fatal termination was, very probably, the only cause which prevented abortion. The vieAV of M. Devilliers cannot, therefore, be received Avithout neAV con- firmatory observations. In short, though pregnancy does not affect sensibly the progress and dan- ger of cholera, the latter leads, in the great majority^ of cases, to the death or premature expulsion of the foetus. § 2. Endemic Diseases. Intermittent Fever. — There can be no doubt that, as M. Ebrard has en- deavored to prove, the grave disorders and deep perturbations produced throughout the economy by the febrile paroxysms, the obstinate vomitings which attended many of them, and the cough, diarrhoea, and colics, may disturb greatly the functions of the Avomb; also that the fluxion and con- gestion so often produced by this fever, may cause the premature expulsion of the product of conception. The possibility of the occurrence being incontestable, the indication to remove the morbid condition folloAvs as a matter of course. I mention this influence of intermittent fever upon the pregnant condition only as affording an opportunity of discarding completely the advice of some persons who recommend the rejection of sulphate of quinine, as likely to produce abor- tion or premature labor. The miscarriages laid to the charge of the sul- phate of quinine should certainly be attributed to the disease itself, and not to the remedy. For my OAvn part, I have had occasion to use it six times at various periods of pregnancy, in doses of ten, tAvelve, and even fifteen grains in the tAventy-four hours, Avithout having had to repent of it. Many practitioners, who, like MM. Thezet, Delmaz, Alamo, and Ebrard, have long practised in localities Avhere this fever is endemic, have never been obligod to complain of the action of sulphate of quinine Avhen administered 446 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY during pregnancy. Not only is it an innocent remedy, but the surest pre- ventive means Avhen abortion is imminent in consequence of the fever. [Some facts go to prove that pregnant Avomen attacked with intermittent fever may communicate the disease to the foetus. Dr. Stokes, of Dublin, states, that he saw a case of tertian ague during pregnancy in which the foetus was affected with convulsive movements remarkable for their correspondence with the apyretic days of the mother. ♦ M. Pitre-Aubanais relates two cases of intermittent fever communicated to the foetus by the mother. Both of these children were born with hypertrophied spleens, and their attacks of fever coincided both as to day and hour with those of the mother. (Bourgeois de Turcoing.) M. Jacquemier also says, that it would seem that intermittent fever may attack both mother and foetus at the same time, and the facts upon which he bases his assertion, though few, appear conclusive. Schurig relates that a woman had a rebellious quartan ague in the second month of her third pregnancy, and that in the last month either before or after the paroxysms she felt the child to be excited, shiver, and roll perceptibly from one side to the other. At last, after a seA'ere paroxysm, she was delivered of a girl which had a violent attack of fever at the same hour with the mother, and Avhich continued to return during seven weeks. Similar cases were observed by Hoffman and Russell. (Jacquemier, TraiU d'Ob- stetrique.)] § 3. Eruptive Fevers. 1. Variola. — The eruptive fevers seem, generally, to be much more dan- gerous to pregnant women than to other individuals. Variola, especially, of all these diseases, has the most disastrous influence upon the pregnant oondition ; some authors, indeed, state that it is almost uniformly fatal, par- ticularly when it produces abortion. It is important, as regards the prognosis, to distinguish betAveen the con- fluent and discrete forms of small-pox. (Chaigneau.) The former, Avhich is so fatal, independent of pregnancy, as to destroy a third of Avhom it at- tacks, is still more to be dreaded during gestation, sparing, as it does, almost none of its victims; the latter, on the contrary, is far from always occasion- ing abortion or premature labor, and even where the pregnancy is ended before term, the mother often recovers. Dr. Gariel thinks that the lumbar pains, which are so severe in the first stage of variola, have a great tendency to produce abortion. I have seen in two cases of the discrete form, slight contractions coinciding Avith these lum- bar pains; but I Avas able to arrest them by the use of opiate injections. In several other instances, I Avitnessed nothing of the kind, and I think with M. Chaigneau (Thesis, 1847), that abortion is specially liable to occur when the pustules are in full suppuration, and the secondary fever appears, in connection Avith the grave symptoms which usually accompany it. To recapitulate: confluent small-pox nearly ahvays occasions abortion, and this is almost uniformly folloAved by the death of the mother: out of 23 abortions observed by M. Serres under these circumstances, there Avere 22 deaths. Discrete small-pox, on the contrary, generally allows the pregnancy to continue its course, and even Avhen it interrupts its progress, the mother usually recovers, and in the latter months the child is expelled alive. AVhen the foetus is not expelled, it may continue to grow, and often it does DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 447 not appear at birth to have suffered much from the disease which had endan- gered its mother's life so greatly; in other cases, however, either because it receives the germ of the disease which affects the mother, or because the deep-seated disorders which the variola produces in the maternal system also exert an unfavorable influence upon the foetal life, it soon perishes. In the former case, variolous pustules, in every respect similar to those on the mother, may be detected on the body of the child. [We have just stated that the unborn child of a mother affected with variola may contract the same disease, a fact attested by various authors. In this case, the mother communicates a contagious disease with Avhich she is herself suffering; but it would be wrong to suppose that eA'ery pregnant woman having variola must necessarily transmit it to her child. M. Serres knew of twenty-tAVO non-variolous children born of women who had the*disease during pregnancy. Mead even holds that if the woman does no.t abort, her child is exempt from variola for the rest of its life, provided it be not born before the maturity of the eruption. The fact is carious, but denied by Contugno, whose opinion may find support in the following facts : Two pregnant women were inoculated ; the eruption was' discrete, and gesta- tion progressed. At the usual period they were delivered of healthy children, which, at three years of age, were inoculated and had the regular disease. On the other hand, it seems that the foetus only may have variola before birth, even though the mother may never have had it. Though the fact may appear ex- traordinary, it cannot be questioned in opposition to the testimony of such credible authors as Ebel, Kesler, Watron, Jenner, Deneux, Royer, Bouchut, and Chaigneau, all of Avhom have seen children born with variola, the mothers being free from the disease. In several of these cases, the mothers having been vaccinated were insus- ceptible to the epidemic influence, yet were able to communicate the virus to the foetus. Congenital variola appears at all stages of pregnancy. Before the third month it is rare; and generally it is discrete, so that there may not be at the utmost more than a hundred pustules on the entire body, and often many less. It is observed that the pustules do not follow the same course of evolution as they do in the open air, but being always bathed in the amniotic fluid present the same phenomena as those which affect the mucous membranes. They are Avhitish and flattened, but larger than such as are found in the cavity of the mouth. A few become resolved, but others ulcerate quickly wdien the slight pseudo-membranous disk covering them falls off. The wound suppurates little, never furnishes crusts on account of the moist state of the parts, and cicatrizes without leaving any mark. Occasionally, however, the characteristic scar is seen, but even then is very superficial. When mother and foetus have variola at the same time, the pustules appear at the same time in both. M. Chaigneau has, however, seen a few cases in which it was later in the children, not occurring until long after it had disappeared from the mother. The unborn child affected with variola is almost sure to die. (Bour- geois de Tourcoing.] 2. Scarlatina, when of some severity, acts in nearly the same Avay as variola; the danger, hoAvever, is usually far less both to mother and child. It sometimes gives rise to abortion, and then the patients very often succumb. My opinion coincides with that of M. Serres, Avho thinks that Avomen are much more likely to" contract the disease Avhen recently delivered than they are during pregnancy, for I have never seen scarlatina during gestation, though I have had the misfortu le to lose tAvo neAvly-delivered females from the disease. 448 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. 3. Measles, according to Levret, is quite as grave as the preceding. In four cases, hoAvever, observed by M. Grisolle, the regular course of gestation was undisturbed, and tAvo similar instances have come under my own notice. ' [Unfortunately, however, this is not always the case, for M. Bourgeois de Tour- coing, from whose excellent memoir Ave have made several extracts whilst prepar- ing this chapter, has himself met with fifteen cases of rubeola in pregnant women, eight of whom either aborted or were delivered prematurely. In the remainder the pregnancy Avas not interfered with. In the former the disease was most severe in the most advanced cases, and the first symptoms of abortion or delivery appeared toward the end of the disease. Very rarely have children been born affected with rubeola; Rosen and Yogel relate some cases ; Guersant met with one, and Bourgeois mentions another, in which the child lived but three days. § 4. Various Sporadic Diseases. 1. Typhoid Fever. — Typhoid fever may occur at any stage of pregnancy. It often causes abortion, Avhich may take place in the first or second Aveek of the disease. According to Bourgeois, of twenty-two cases attacked early in pregnancy, six who had the disease lightly did not abort, Avhilst out of sixteen grave cases tweh'e aborted. Of fifteen cases of fever occurring during and after the seventh month, the same observer notes nine cases of premature delivery. Of these, five occurred during the first week of the disease; five of the children were still-born, one lived two days, and one survived. The remaining women were delivered during the second week of the fever; two of the children died during labor ; one lived two days and a half, and one only was raised, being an eight-month's child. The two surviA'ing children presented nothing peculiar.] Though I have rarely had occasion to observe typhoid fever during preg- nancy, I have frequently seen it occur during the lying-in. Its commence- ment is usually insidious, the first symptoms having ahvays been those of a puerperal inflammation, and presenting all the characters of the typhoid disease only after the lapse of the first feAV days, and the disappearance of the abdominal symptoms. What is very singular, if I may judge by the cases Avhich I have observed, the typhoid fever, so far from being influenced un- favorably by the puerperal state, is even less grave than in the ordinary conditions of life. ]STot one case of 17, of typhoid fever supervening a feAV days after delivery, proved fatal. The same remark is made by M. Fauvel, who did not Avitness a single death in the cases of the lying-in Avomen Avho had the disease. Although the cases are too few to Avarrant a definite con- clusion from them, they seemed to me of sufficient interest to be recorded. 2. Pneumonia is, without doubt, of all the acute inflammations of the envelopes or of the parenchyma of the organs, one of the most likely to pro- duce abortion or premature labor. M. Grisolle has himself observed 4 cases of pneumonia in pregnancy, and collected the details of 11 others. Of these 15 Avomen, 10 had not reached the sixth month, and 4 aborted the fourth, fifth, sixth, and ninth days from the commencement of the attack. In 3 cases, the abortion was folloAved by disease of the lungs of the severest char- acter, all proving fatal three or four days after; only one, whose pneumonia was limited, recovered Avithout serious symptoms. The 6 Avho did not mis- carry, died without exception during the progress of the disease. DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGN VNCY. 449 Of the 5 Avomen who had reached an advanced stage, 2 Avere seven m uiths pregnant Avhen attacked Avith pneumonia; one Avas delivered prematurely on the tAvelfth, and the other on the fifteenth day, both dying tAvo days after. The 3 others Avere in their ninth month: 2 Avere delivered of living children on the seventh and eighth day of the disease; the other died undelivered on the fifth day. From the preceding data it may be concluded, that abortion usually fol- Ioavs an attack of pneumonia during pregnancy. I think, says M. Grisolle, that its disastrous influence is explained by the importance of the organ affected, by the gravity of the disease, the intensity of the general reaction, and the numerous sympathetic disorders Avhich it produces in all the func- tions, much rather than by the paroxysms of coughing. That the pregnant condition exerts a most dangerous influence upon the disease is shoAvn by the fact, that of 15 women 11 died, though the general state of health was apparently very favorable in most of them. The prog- nosis seems to be more discouraging before than after the seventh month. Finally, if it be allowable to conclude from so limited a number of facts, abortion, contrary to Avhat we have seen in regard to variola, Avould appear to be rather favorable than otherwise, since of the 4 cases of miscarriage one recovered, Avhilst the 6 Avho did not abort, all died. This Avould seem to confirm the following proposition of Desormeaux, namely: Abortion, which occurs but too often in acute diseases, frequently leads to a favorable termi- nation in inflammatory affections. 3. Various Inflammatory Diseases. — We have but very imperfect data by which to judge of the reciprocal influence of pregnancy^ and of other acute inflammations. The statements of authors in regard to it are limited to a feAV isolated and often contradictocy facts, Avhose very restricted number alloAvs no useful conclusion to be draAvn from them. Whatever be the acute affection from Avhich the pregnant female suffers, the treatment does not differ materially from that Avhich is proper under ordinary circumstances. So long as there remains a reasonable hope of saving the mother by the use of mild and innocent remedies, none other should be resorted to; but if the disease be dangerous, and demands more active but more efficient means, it should be treated as though the woman were not pregnant. Bleeding and purgation Avhich have been reproached with a tendency to produce abortion, may doubtless have that effect; but it must not be forgotten that they are used here to combat an affection Avhich is, of itself, a much more active cause of abortion, besides endangering the mother's life so seriously. 4. Icterus.—Though icterus appears to affect the pregnant Condition un- favorably, it is not exactly true to say that it ahvays arrests its progress and produces abortion, either as regards the severest or the lightest cases of the affection. I have seen several cases of simple jaundice Avhich constituted but a slight indisposition, and in no degree affected the gestation. The con- trary has, hoAvever, been the case in some instances, and the two folloAving, quoted by M. Ozanam, seem to me to be evidently exceptional: A young primiparous woman, five months gone, had been sick for five days AA'ith a very simple jaundice, when she entered the hospital; three lays 29 450 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. after, she miscarried. Another, seven months and a half pregnant, also aborted five days after the commencement of a simple icterus. Neither of the children presented a yelloAv hue. Both mothers recovered. The life of the child is greatly endangered by its premature expulsion, though it is rarely affected Avith the mother's disease. In none of the casc-i which have come under my notice did the foetus present an icteric hue, although the amniotic fluid Avas more or less colored. J. P. Frank, hoAv- ever, relates the case of an icteric female who Avas delivered of a jaundiced child. It is rarely that what is described as the grave form of essential icterus does not determine abortion, and it is also rare for the latter not to be fol- lowed by the death of the mother. Thus, out of the five cases reported by Dr. Kerksig, in the account of the epidemic Avhich occurred in 1794, there were four deaths. M. Ozanam relates the case of a Avoman six months pregnant who died before miscarrying; and my friend, Dr. Founder, has quite recently had a case of abortion folloAved by death. [Churchill quotes the following account by Dr. Saint-Vel of an epidemic of jaun- dice in the island of Martinique in 1858. "This icterus, Avhich presented all the characters of an essential disease, sur- prised the medical men by its epidemic character, and its gravity in pregnant women, and in them only. It began at Saint-Pierre about the middle of-April, reached its height in June and July, and having gone through the colony, ended with some isolated cases toward the close of the year. "Attacking the various races of which the population consists, the white as well as the negro and the Indian coolie, the European as well as the Creole, it seemed to prefer adults, and was unattended with affection of the liver. AVhen pregnancy did not exist, its termination was almost invariably favorable. The only victims were Avomen, amongst whom were three young females not pregnant, and a woman of sixty-three years of age. In these it was always of a grave character, always the same, always mortal, and always accompanied by coma. " Of thirty pregnant women attacked at Saint-Pierre, only ten reached term with no other symptoms than those of essential icterus. The remaining twenty died comatose after abortion or premature delivery. " In the gravest cases in pregnant women the disease always pursued the same course. It always had the essential form, and was often light, until the occurrence of abortion or premature delivery, Avhich never took place before the jaundice ap- peared. They were generally brought about by the latter after it had existed for two, or, less frequently, three weeks. Until coma appeared, the symptoms had no apparent gravity, nor presented anything peculiar. The coma preceded or followed the abortion or labor by a feAV hours, in two cases only coming on three days after. " The women who died had reached the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth months of gestation. The coma Avas, in rare cases, preceded by a slight delirium, it never for a moment disappeared, but greAV more and more profound until death occurred. It lasted but for a few hours, though in two cases it continued for twenty- four and thirty-six hours. Until it came on there was nothing special to be observed in regard to the general sensibility, respiration, or circulation. The pulse was not quickened, nor had it that slowness which is sometimes observed in cases of jaun- dice. None of the other features of grave attacks of icterus, not even uterine hem- orrhage, were observed. With perhaps one exception, the women who died had no hemorrhage after delivery, and when death occurred three or four days Mibse- qjuently, the lochia were of a normal character. DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 451 "Almost all the children were still-born, a few only living for a few hours, whilst but one survived and is still living. None of them were jaundiced, nor had any of the ten other children born at term of jaundiced mothers any sign of the disease." (Saint-Vel, Gazette des Hopitaux, Nov. 20th, 1862.) On the other hand, Dr. Bardinet read in 1863 an account of a grave epidemic of icterus which prevailed in Limoges from the month of October, 1859, to March, 1860. In 13 women observed by him the pregnancy followed its regular course in five castas which Avere delivered safely at the ninth month. In 5 others the disease was followed either by abortion or premature labor. In the remaining 3 the icterus assumed a grave form with ataxic symptoms followed by coma, and both mothers and children soon perished. Both multipara? and primiparae were attacked by the disease, but all had passed the fifth month of gestation.1 Dr. Bardinet recapitulates as follows: 1. Icterus may appear as an epidemic amongst pregnant women. 2. It then assumes three different forms, viz.: a. In the first it is simple or benign in character, and allows the pregnancy to progress favorably to term. b. In the second it assumes the first degree of malignity, forming what might be called abortive jaundice, and occasioning either abortion or premature delivery without other unfavorable consequences. c. In the third it assumes all the characters of the grave form of icterus, producing ataxic symptoms and coma, which soon terminate the lives of both mother and child. II. Blot, in the excellent report from which I have quoted the preceding facts, relates a severe case of icterus observed by him at the Hospital of the Clinique. The patient died, and at the autopsy ecchymoses were found beneath the skin, and on the surface of the brain, of the heart, of the lungs, and of the intestinal canal. The liver was small, and of a deep-brown color, without yellowish spots. Micro- scopic examination shoAved that the tissue of the latter organ was destitute of a single trace of an hepatic cell. All the preparations showed merely fat globules in abundance mixed with biliary matter. The cause of grave icterus during pregnancy remains unknown. I am disposed, however, to believe with M. Blot that it is due to changes in the liver, which I described long ago as occurring in pregnant women. (See p. 157.) In regard to treatment, we are obliged to admit the inefficiency of all measures employed up to the present time. Premature labor or abortion would probably be more injurious than useful. As to prophylaxis, Ave should not hesitate rn case of the occurrence of epidemic jaundice, to advise pregnant women to change theii place of residence.] 5. Syphilis.—Syphilis may have the most disastrous effect upon the course of gestation, being a very frequent cause of abortion, and especially of pre- mature labor. Its mode of action is various: sometimes, for example, the mother is in such a cachectic condition as to be unable to provide the foetus with the material required for its development, her enfeebled constitution leaving the Avork incomplete; most generally, hoAvever, the health of the mother is not sensibly altered, and the action of the poison seems to be directed upon the foetus only. In most cases, indeed, the disease does not disturb the natural course of gestation, but attacks gravely the health of the foetus. Nothing is mo 'e common than for the latter to perish at more or less advanced periods, and be expelled prematurely'. In these instances, numerous Adsceral lesions are discovered at the autopsy: sometimes it is an 1 H. Blot, Bulletin de VAcademie de Medecine, October, 1864. 452 PATHOLOGY OF PREGN A-NCY. abscess of the thymus gland (P. Dubois); sometimes purulent collections ii; the lungs (Depaul); sometimes, again, is found that singular alteration sf the liver so Avell described of late by M. Gubler, or those traces of peritoneal inflammation and sero-purulent effusions pointed out by Dr. Simpson as due ;o the same cause. Neither is it rare to find numerous bullae of pemphigus upon various parts of the body of the child, especially upon the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. For further details, see Diseases of the Fatus. Cases such as Ave have just mentioned are, unfortunately, but too common; it is not, however, to be understood that every child born of infected parents must necessarily suffer all the consequences. We even insist that such is not the most frequent result, for considering the large number of parents who are diseased, or who have been, the syphilitic lesions of new-born chil- dren would be much more frequent than is really the case. M. Legendre, in discussing the question of the latent condition of syphilis in the parents, and of its influence upon the health of the child, arrives at a denial of this influence in the majority of cases. Of the 63 patients Avho. came under my observation, he says, there were 14, Avho had altogether 68 children, during the period intervening between the disappearance of the primary symptoms and the development of the venereal eruption. Of this number, 35 died without- ever having had an eruption upon the body. The mean of the ages of these children at death was 7 years; the extremes being 6 months and 22 years. All the 33 surviving children enjoyed good health, the mean of their ages being 17 years; the extremes 1 year and 38 years. [Inasmuch as it is said that syphilis may be transmitted by either parent, it is far more probable that it should be Avhen both are diseased. We will examine successively the first two conditions. a. Transmission by the father. — The father only being syphilitic, can he commu- nicate his disease to the child? The question is, at present, much disputed, for although the affirmative is maintained by Trousseau, Diday, Depaul, and Bourgeois, a directly opposite opinion is arrived at by Cullerier, who bases his view upon the observation of healthy children whose fathers were syphilitic, but whose mothers were not. He believes that inherited syphilis is always derived from the mother, the father having nothing to do Avith it. The same doctrine is taught in the memoirs of Notta and Charrier, and our colleague M. Follin (Traite de Pathologie Exteme) has observed six cases favorable thereto. It is not easy, therefore, to decide the question. For our own part, we think that although the transmission of syphilis from the father to the child can hardly be denied in some cases at least, it is certainly less common than has been supposed. b. Transmission by the mother. — This cannot be doubted. Two cases, however, present themselves: the mother may be syphilitic from the period of conception, or she may not haAre contracted the disease until after she became pregnant. In the first case there is no dispute as regards the fact of infection, but the unanimity ceases in the second case, when the question arises at what period of gestation the mother must be infected in order that it should be possible for her to transmit the disease to the foetus. Cullerier thinks that it may occur at any time during preg- nancy, whilst Ricord would restrict the possibility to the end of the sixth month, and Abernethy the seventh. The opinion which would attribute to the use of mercury the effect due to the DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 458 action of syphilis, is both false and dangerous. The observations of M. Dunal have BhoAvn that syphilitic women who had never been treated, or if so, in an imperfect manner, either aborted or were delivered prematurely of still-born or infected children which died: with those, however, who had the constitutional disease and were treated by mercury, the success was complete in many instances in respect both to mother and child. 6. Saturnine intoxication.—Women exposed to lead poisoning are very liable to abort. A former hospital interne, Dr. Constantine Paul (Archives Generates de Metlcr.iue, May, 1860), made a study of the effects of this action during gestation. He observed, in 1859, the case of a woman who had been three times safely de- livered before being exposed to the influence of lead, and who afterward, out of ten pregnancies, had eight miscarriages, one child still-born, and but one delivered at term, but which died five months afterward. Struck by the observation, M. Paul thought that this great mortality might be due to the action of lead. The woman also informed him that almost all her companions in the establishment in which she worked either miscarried or were unable to raise their children. Then it was that he began his investigations. M. Paul found 81 cases of women in whom saturnine intoxication occasioned either the death of the foetus or the premature death of the child after birth ; also miscarriages at from 3 to 6 months, and premature labors in which the children were born either dead or in a dying condition. Out of a first series of observations, 4 Avomen afforded a total of 15 pregnancies, in which there were 10 abortions, 2 premature labors, 1 still-born child, 1 which died within twenty-four hours, and 1 only Avhich survived. A second set of cases comprises the history of women who had been safely de- livered before exposure to the influence of lead, but whose children afterward suf- fered from its effects. Another set shows the alteration of results according as the woman gave up or resumed her occupation on several different occasions. A final series proves that the foetus may die of lead poisoning, even though the mother may have had no symptom of the intoxication. To recapitulate. Out of 123 pregnancies there were 64 abortions, 4 premature labors, 5 still-born children, 20 Avhich died within the first year, 8 in the second, 7 in the third, and 1 death at a later period, 14 living children, of Avhom 10 only were more than three years old.] 7. Phthisis.—Most authors, in writing upon this disease, have given cur- rency to the idea, that its progress is arrested by the occurrence of preg- nancy, but that immediately after delivery, the pulmonary affection ad- vanced rapidly to a fatal termination. In a Avork read lately before the Academy of Medicine, M. Grisolle has endeavored to determine the reciprocal influence of these tAvo conditions, and in so doing has arrived at someAvhat different conclusions from those which had been received as a general expression of the truth. We think it right to give a brief analysis of this memoir. Of seventeen cases collected by M. Grisolle, and ten others furnished him by M. Louis, tAventy-four Avere those of women attacked with the disease during pregnancy, at periods not far removed from its commencement; the three others had reference to individuals Avho presented the rational signs of tuberculosis at the time of conception, but in Avhom the disease became well-marked only at a later period. In none of these cases Avas the pulmonary affection arrested, nor did it 454 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. fail to progress quite rapidly. The symptoms peculiar to tuberculosis, whether local or general, Avere developed Avith the same order, the same regularity, and the same constancy as in the ordinary conditions of life. But, on the other hand, contrary to Avhat might have been expected, the pregnant condition neither aggravated, nor rendered more frequent, the accidents of the disease; bronchial hemorrhage was noticed as being even rather less frequent £han usual. The entire duration of the phthisis in 13 Avomen Avho Avere followed to the end Avas rather shortened than otherwise. Thus, in all of them it lasted on an average nine-months and a half, Avhich is a figure more than a third less than that Avhich expresses its duration for women of the same age, but not pregnant. Pregnancy has not, therefore, the poAver of suspending phthisis, Avhich has been supposed. But is it true, as is generally believed, that labor, and the puerperal condition, give to the process of tuberculization such an unusual impulse as to make it prove fatal in a very short time ? The facts appealed to by M. Grisolle invalidate this opinion also. Thus, 12 Avomen, in Avhom the disease had reached the second, and in most of them the third degree, at the time of delivery, resisted-its inroads for four months on an average; and in all, the symptoms folloAved the progression that is usually observed. In 10 others, in Avhom the affection Avas in the first degree, or at the begin- ning of the second, at the period of delivery, the pulmonary lesion Avas found in 3 to advance slowly; in tAvo only did it exhibit a notable aggra- vation ; Avhilst in 5, or one-half the number, there was a considerable amelioration both of the general health and local symptoms, without, hoAV- ever, encouraging the hope of a cure, or of a long suspension of the disease. Does phthisis exert an unfavorable influence upon the progress of gesta- tion ? In this point of view, it may at least be regarded as much less serious than pneumonia. Thus, of 22 women, only 3 aborted in the fourth and sixth months, 3 Avere delivered prematurely about the eighth month, whilst all the others reached their full time; hoAvever, in nearly tAvo-thirds* of the latter, the pulmonary disease commenced in the early months of gestation, passed through all its phases, and produced a deep-seated cachexia. With one exception, delivery was accomplished after four or five hours of suffering, Avhich is explained rather by the relaxation and want of resist- ance of the soft parts, than by the small size of the children. Although the latter were generally feeble and emaciated, yet in more than a quarter of the number the tissues were firm, the form rounded, and of an embon- point contrasting remarkably Avith the reduced condition of the mother. In all the patients, except those who Avere in the last stages of consump- tion, and who died a feAV days or weeks after delivery, milk was secreted, and in the majority of cases so abundantly, that it Avas impossible to pre- vent them from nursing the children. The Aoav of milk, however, lessened, or even ceased, Avithin a period vary- ing from one to four weeks; and even this short-lived lactation Avas ahvays accompanied by a sensible aggravation of the disease, and had the most disastrous effects upon the children; for they died shortly after of softening of the intestinal mucous membrane. DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 455 From a very interesting memoir upon the same subject, by M. Dubrueilh, ■ of Bordeaux, it appears that the result of his observations has been nearly the same. In short, neither pregnancy nor delivery affect the progress of phthisis; nor does the latter disturb sensibly the course of the former. 8. Hysteria; Epilepsy; Chlorosis.— Some physicians have imagined that the occurrence of pregnancy might exert a favorable influence upon hysteria or epilepsy, either by suspending the attacks during the continuance of gestation, or even by ridding the patients of these affections entirely. Unfortunately these hopes have not been realized by experience; for although the convulsive attacks have seemed in some cases to be less fre- quent, or have even ceased entirely, in others, they have occurred much oftener than before. M. Malgaigne mentions a remarkable case in which the first epileptic attack came on during pregnancy in an unfortunate female Avho had never before been affected with it, and Avho retained it.throughout her future life. Marriage, and the consequent pregnancy, have often been recommended as the best means of curing chlorosis. When this disease appears to have been produced by disappointed love, the cause may, indeed, be thus removed, and the remedies directed against it rendered more efficacious. Pregnancy may, in this Avay, regulate the uterine functions for the future, cure the dys- menorrhoea, and consequently have a favorable effect Avhen the irregular or difficult menstruation Avas the cause of the chlorosis. Under all other cir- cumstances, hoAvever, pregnancy has seemed to me to aggravate the chlorotic symptoms. I, therefore, think it most prudent to defer marriage until after the general health of the patient is improved. § 5. Surgical Diseases. 1. The pregnant condition often has a favorable effect upon scrofulous ulcers. Under the influence Avhich it exerts upon the entire organism, glandular engorgements sometimes disappear, diseases of the bones are modified favorably, ulcers become clean and covered Avith bright, firm granu- lations, and cicatrization folloAvs. In many cases, it has appeared to arrest the consolidation of fractures. A curious instance of the kind is mentioned by Alanson. A Avoman broke her tibia Avhen in the second month of her pregnancy, and during the seven succeeding months, the solidification made no progress. Nine Aveeks after delivery, the callus Avas strong enough to admit of walking. As proving that no constitutional depravation could be adduced in explanation of the retarded cure, he adds, that three months before impregnation, she had recovered rapidly from a fractured thigh.' My friend, Dr. Fournier, cites three analogous cases from Dupuytren's Clinic. In all three, there Avas no consolidation before deliveiy, though it took place rapidly afterward. Though other similar instances are on record, it must be acknoAA'ledged that there is also a considerable number in Avhich recovery did not seem to be delayed by the pregnant condition. 2. Serious operations haA'e seAreral times been performed during gestation without producing abortion, "whilst in other cases they have had this resulL 456 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. From these opposite facts, I think it fair to conclude that none but urgent operations should be performed, and that all others, such as fistula in ano, for example, which do not endanger the life of either mother or child, should be deferred to another time. 3. Tumors in the Abdomen and Pelvis.—Most authors think that tumo'rs in the abdomen and pelvis during pregnancy, have no other effect than to impede mechanically the development of the uterus, or to present an obstacle to the delivery. (See Dystocia.) Sometimes, however, they assert, they may give rise to abortion or premature delivery, though, generally, they are not otherwise dangerous. That this complication is of no danger, independent of the risk of abor- tion which it may occasion, cannot be admitted in an absolute sense. Dr. Ashwell has remarked, in his excellent work, that the uterus, Avhen de- veloped until term, exerts a strong compressing force upon the pathological tumor; that this compression may give rise to an inflammation ending sometimes in suppuration at the centre of the diseased mass, at others, in a rapid increase of the tumor immediately after delivery. I have several times had the opportunity of verifying the accuracy of these statements. Death may occur in a short time, as the consequence of this inflammation or rapid enlargement, and the autopsy has several times exhibited the uterus in a perfectly healthy state, together Avith the more or less extensive altera- tion of the pathological tumor. ' Deeply impressed by the cases of this kind which he had occasion to observe, Dr. AshAvell asks, Avhether the development of the uterus, and the pressure which it exerts upon the neighboring tumor, are not the causes of the pathological changes of the latter, and consequently Avhether the induc- tion of premature labor Avould not be the surest means of guarding against the dangers to which the female is so often exposed in these cases, even after having overcome all the difficulties of labor. When treating hereafter of premature labor, we shall have occasion to criticise the affirmative decision which he has come to; but Ave have thought it right to direct attention to a peculiarity but little knoAvn in the history of the tumors Avhich complicate pregnancy. 4. Intra-parietal fibrous tumors, or those developed in the substance of the walls of the uterus, may exert an injurious influence upon the course of gestation, and become a cause of abortion Avhen they are of large size; though, generally, they have no effect Avhatever when small. In the latter case, the physiological evolution of pregnancy may accelerate Avonderfully the increase of the pathological tumor. The usually sIoav growth of these intra-parietal tumors is Avell known ; now I have knoAvn them in several in- stances to acquire a size in the first three or four months, Avhich they would not have done in several years in the non-pregnant condition. Developed as they are in the midst of the uterine fibres, they participate in the in- creased vitality with Avhich the latter are endoAved during gestation; and, like them, they undergo a considerable hypertrophy. In some cases I have seen this hypertrophy of the morbid tumor continue, and even increase after delivery ; but in others, the latter event Avas followed by a notable diminution of the size of the tumor, Avhich gradually grow hss DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 457 as the womb resumed its normal condition, finally attaining the size which it had before conception. In one case, observed in 1852, this process of absorption Avent on, and the tumor disappeared. ,[g 6. Hypertrophy of the Thyroid Gland. It is by no means rare for the thyroid gland to undergo hypertrophy during ges- tation apart from any endemic influence. The enlargement is generally slight and gives no trouble, though some women complain that their necks become large and unsightly. The swelling diminishes somewhat after delivery, though it rarely dis- appears entirely. I kneAV one case in which the hypertrophied gland inflamed and suppurated, giving rise to an abscess which discharged for a long time; nor was the cure com- plete until after the lapse of several months. Although this hypertrophy of the thyroid gland in pregnant women is not usually dangerous, it may in some very rare cases imperil the life of the patient. Two instances of this kind are related by M. N. Guillot. The first was that of a lady who was surprised during her first pregnancy to find that the front of her neck was gradually enlarging. When again pregnant, the swelling increased and became uncomfortable ; still, the delivery was favorable, and she nursed the child for fourteen months. The gland, however, continued to enlarge, respiration became painful, and finally the symptoms Avere so threatening that tracheotomy was performed. The patient died. In the second case, the hypertrophy also appeared during the first pregnancy and increased during the succeeding one, so that nineteen months after the second delivery it formed a tumor of about eight inches in circumference. The breathing was obstructed, slow, and whistling, during both expiration and inspiration, and the voice was broken and painful. Paroxysms of suffocation came on, during one of which the patient died. At the autopsy the trachea was found to be flattened and the pneumogastric nerves compressed. I witnessed for myself a similar case at the hospital of the Clinique in 1861. A woman, who for a long time had a goitre, found the tumor to increase rapidly in size during her first pregnancy. At the sixth month, respiration had become very difficult, and attacks of suffocation brought her to the hospital. By the end of the eighth month the symptoms were so severe that premature labor had to be induced, but the patient died in an attack of suffocation a few hours after delivery. My friend Dr. Tillaux, then prosector of the Faculty, dissected the tumor and found the trachea compressed by the enlarged gland.] § 7. Ulcerations of the Neck of the Uterus. It is rarely that cancerous affections of the neck of the womb seem to disturb the course of gestation, and the impediments Avhich they but too often present during labor prove sufficiently that they are rarely a cause of miscarriage. On the other hand, I have never observed that the increase or degeneration of these tumors Avas sensibly hastened during gestation. Therefore, I shall treat no further here of this subject, reserving its discussion for the article on tedious labor; but propose to speak briefly of ulcerations of the neck during pregnancv. It has been but a short time since surgeons have used the speculum in the cases of pregnant Avomen. A just fear of the mischievous effect Avhich might folloAV its repeated introduction prevented them from obtaining a correct idea of the condition of the neck at the various stages of pregnancy. These fearc 458 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. were, however, someAvhat exaggerated, for, if introduced carefully, the speculum never causes serious accidents. In all cases, the instrument with two or four valves is, in my opinion, the best. In default of great experience, there is considerable difficulty, no matter Avhat instrument be used, in engaging the cervix in the extremity of the speculum, unless the situation of the neck is first ascertained by the touch. This difficulty is known to result from the fact of the direction of the cervix toAvard the anterior surface of the sacrum. The engagement once effected, it is only necessary to separate the vah es of the instrument slightly in order to bring the os tincae into vieAv. As the touch should have led to anticipate, the changes Avhich the eye detects in the intra-vaginal portion of the neck, are very different in the primiparous female from Avhat they are in one "who has had cbiMren; Ave would also add, that the appearance is far from identical at the beginning and termination of pregnancy. As seen in the latter third of gestation, the neck is generally of a deep violet-red color; and, if it be a first pregnancy, is usually quite smooth throughout its extent; the external orifice is ordinarily more or less rounded, and though larger than in the unimpregnated condition, it barely permits the sight to penetrate its cavity, even though the valves of the instrument be separated considerably. The circumference of the external orifice and the free portion of the neck rarely exhibit signs of ulceration, though it is quite common to observe a series of granulations of a cherry-red color, of sizes varying from that of ^ a large pea to that of a pin's head. These species of vegetations bleed upon the slightest touch with the cotton used for wiping them. In the female who has had several children, the neck.is usually much less voluminous, and it is somewhat difficult to include it entirely in the speculum. The lips of the os tincae seem divided in several portions, a sort of segmenta- tion caused by the ruptures Avhich occurred in the preceding labors, and Avhich give to the orifice considerable irregularity. In consequence of these numer- ous solutions of continuity, the opening is much larger, and is dilated with great facility, provided the valves be separated, thus allowing the eye t< explore the cavity with readiness. The Avails of this cavity are very unequal, frequently presenting an unin- terrupted series of fungous projections, separated by depressions of variable depth. Some of these projections are transparent, being formed probably by hypertrophied follicles ; others resemble soft vegetations. The latter are generally covered by an intact epithelium, so that they may be touched without being made to bleed; again, Avhat is by no means rare, they seem destitute of this external covering, and bleed upon the slightest touch. It is more especially in the furroAvs Avhich separate these, that linear ulcera- tions of variable depth are discoverable. These ulcerations sometimes extend over a considerable surface, and are then readily perceived, though they are usually concealed in the depth of the anfractuosities, and, in order to see them, it is necessary, after a thorough cleansing, to unfold the neck, as it were, by expanding the speculum considerably. According to MM. Gosselin, Danyau, and Costilhes, these linear ulcera- DISEASES OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. 459 lions are much less frequent than I had supposed, and are met Avith in barely more than half the cases, whilst I had observed them in seven-eighths. However, as I stated very plainly, I intended to be understood as speaking only of multiparse who had reached the latter months, whilst M. Gosselin includes in his statement all stages of pregnancy, and M. Danyau does not appear to have distinguished primiparae from multiparae. Must Ave admit that, as M. Huguier supposes, Ave have been deceived ? According to-this gentleman, a muco-pus of variable consistence is frequently- deposited in and adheres closely to the bottom of the furroAvs observed on the internal surface of the neck. This matter bears a complete resemblance to the bottom of an ulcer; but efface the folds and Avipe them well, and the supposed ulcerations disappear.....It is difficult for us to believe that Ave have been so decehed; still, the assertion of M. Huguier merits serious attention, and shall receive it hereafter. Unless my observations have been for a long time subject to a series of singular coincidences, it is probable that Avhat we have just described is the normal condition, and should not be regarded as pathological, but simply as a consequence of the progress of gestation. As the violet-red color, the swelling, the softening, and the almost fungous condition of the Avails of the neck, are peculiar to pregnancy, and in no Avise interfere Avith its progress, so I regard the ulcerations as a ■ consequence of a physiological process, extreme in degree, and of no greater importance'than the other physiological changes. Especially am I convinced of their non-injurious character, and therefore regard all treatment employed against these ulcerations, even -when fungoid, as much more hurtful than useful. I say, even fungoid; for, contrary to the opinion of M. Coffin, avIio attributes a great prognostic value to this character of the ulceration, I think that they are fungoid, not because they have a natural tendency to become so, but because the tissue Avhich they affect always presents at a certain period the color and consistence of fungous tissue. If, therefore, I am not deceived, and if the peculiarities just described really form a part of the pregnant condition, and are merely an exaggeration of the changes Avhich the structure and vascularity of the Avails of the uterus undergo at this period, the condition should disappear Avith the cause Avhich produced it.. Like the vomitings, varices, hemorrhoids, and other sympa- thetic disorders' of pregnancy, it should disappear Avith it. Noav this is exactly Avhat happens, and it may be regarded as a principle, that no traces of it remain tAvo months after deliveiy. The non-specific ulcerations some- times met Avith in recently delivered Avomen are of different appearance, and have their origin, in my opinion, in the non-cicatrization of the ruptures which took place during labor. In short therefore, the fungous condition of the neck, and the ulcerations of greater or lesser depth Avhich complicate this state of the parts near the termination of pregnancy, seem to me to be the consequence of the active or passive congestion with which the organ is affected. I think that, except in a feAV rare instances marked by specificity of character, or strong tendency to spread,— a tendency, by the Avay, Avhicli I have never observed,--all local treatment should be refrained from. 460 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. Is the case the same at a less advanced period, and are the ulcerat ions which may affect the neck in the early months of an equally innoxious character ? MM. Boys de Loury, Costilhes, Coffin, and Bennett, Avho have directed their attention more particularly to the ulcerations occurring in the first half of gestation, have been so forcibly struck Avith their tendency to produce abortion and puerperal diseases, that they class them Avith the most common causes of miscarriage. Mr. Bennett goes so far as to call them the keystone of all diseases of the pregnant female, and the most frequent cause of difficult labors, obstinate vomiting, (see page 465,) moles, abortion, and hemorrhage. Notwithstanding the smallness of their number, the observations Avhich I have been able to make differ so completely from the results obtained by these gentlemen, that I Avas tempted to accuse them of some exaggeration. Hovever, after having heard MM. Huguier, Gosselin, Danyau, Cloquet, etc., proclaim the innocence of these ulcerations, I have no hesitation in saying that they have misconstrued the facts "observed by them. Finally, we Avould add, that after having read their observations, there seemed reason for inquiring Avhether, in many cases, syphilis may not have been the principal cause of the accidents, and in others, Avhether the frequent introduction of the speculum and the numerous cauterizations which had been practised, may not have played the most important part in the production of the abortions. I ought, perhaps, to except the peculiar species of ulceration described by my friend M. Richet. All the varieties of ulceration, says this learned surgeon, Avhich are observed in non-pregnant women, may occur during pregnancy; but it has seemed to me that they had a tendency in some cases to assume a fungous character, to excavate the lips of the cervix, to bleed readily, and give rise to serious accidents: abortion, for example. In all my patients, these ulcerations with well-defined edges, and red and bleeding bottoms, Avere covered Avith reddish fungosities, Avhich projected betAveen the partly opened lips of the cervix. Of six patients, four miscarried, and two left the hospital apparently cured; of the four Avho aborted, one only had been cauterized, the three others not having undergone any/ treatment. Whoever, like myself, has examined women at the end of gestation, Avill find the ulcerations observed by M. Richet in the early months, and Avhich he has had the kindness to shoAV me, to bear a close resemblance to those sometimes met Avith in the latter stages. I see no difference except in the rather greater extent of the ulceration. Their size leads me to suppose that their origin dates back long before impregnation, and their sharp, well- defined edges excite a suspicion of their being specific in character (five of these six women had syphilis at the time, or had previously been affected with it). Noav Ave may readily conceive that under such circumstances the soft- ening, congestion, and fungous condition Avhich pregnancy usually produces at an advanced period, may here take place prematurely, and give to the ulcerated tissues the livid hue and fungous aspect described by M. Richet. Thus, Ave may understand Iioav such an affection of the cervix, connected most frequently Avith a general disorder, under Avhose influence it has a con- DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 461 ?tant tendency to increase, may ultimately give rise to abortion. It also seems to me important to distinguish the ulcerations Avhich existed before pregnancy, and continued, and even increased after conception, from those which Avere developed after the formation of the germ : the former, in con- sequence of the irritation Avhich they may suffer as a consequence of fatigue, and especially of too frequent coition, might readily excite the contractility of the uterus and occasion miscarriage; the latter, on the contrary, should, it seems to me, rarely exert such an influence. I agree, therefore, Avith the opinion of M. Richet, that Avhen an ulceration presents in the first half of gestation, possessing the characters which he describes, and which, in my opinion, are an evidence of its chronicity, mis- carriage should be anticipated, and means be taken to prevent it. Noav, aside from a specific treatment in those cases Avhich indicate it, I may be allowed to ask of those who would have these ulcerations treated as a matter of necessity, Avhat are the best local means to be used ? Which caustic is preferable ? Is not the solid nitrate of silver accused of producing abortion by the partisans of the caustic of Filhos, of the acid nitrate of mercury, or of the actual cautery; and has not each of these latter means also been reproached Avith giving rise to miscarriage ? The thesis of M. Coffin affords some curious details on this subject, and evidently proves, that though cauter- ization by any agent Avhatever may claim some doubtful successes, the latter are generally compromised by the abortions which have folloAved it. From the statements of Bennett and Boys de Loury, the same inference follows. M. Coffin himself, though attributing such great importance to these ulcer- ations, arrives at this discouraging therapeutic conclusion, viz., thus far, nc treatment has succeeded, and the question remains open. This, which Avao true in 1851, is so still; for quite recently Ave heard M. Chassaignac speak emphatically of the inefficiency of all methods, and M. Richet declares himself undecided as to the best course to pursue. The insufficiency of local treatment, and the mischievous effect which it may have upon the progress of gestation, should, it seems to me, in the present condition of science, lead us to dispense with it Avhenever the ulcer- ation has no marked tendency to invade a large extent of the cervix. CHAPTER II. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. Those Avho have studied the various affections of the Avomb are Avell aAvare that its diseases excite numerous sympathetic disorders. The commence- ment of the physiological acts which devolve upon it, and their periodical fulfilment, exert upon the functions of the alimentary canal, and upon those of the nervous system, an influence which "has for a long time attracted the attention of practitioners. It were useless to mention all the morbid phe- nomena Avhich so often precede, accompany, and folloAV the first menstruation. These are more striking when the latter is postponed or difficult. In some 462 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. individuals they appear at each menstrual period for a long time, thus seem- ing to show an impossibility on the part of the organ to perform its functions, without occasioning extensive disturbances of the economy; and it is only, so to speak, Avhen the sensibility of the Avomb has been blunted by habit, that the return of the menses ceases to produce the general disorders which accompanied it previously. If the diseases of the organ, and even the simple monthly congestion, are capable of giving rise to such troubles, it is easy to foresee that pregnanev, which changes simultaneously the form, size, and even the structure of the uterus, can hardly pass through its various periods Avithout deeply affecting all the functions. The effects produced by the pregnant condition vary greatly, as regards both the degree and the nature of the symptoms; all of them being influ- enced by the constitution of the female. Occasionally, it results in a salu- tary change in the entire system, better health being then enjoyed than at any other period. In the majority of cases, hoAvever, tiresome, or at least very disagreeable symptoms are experienced, Avhich are the expression of the unpleasant influence exerted by the uterus upon important functions. These troubles, which are so slight in some individuals as to amount merely to discomforts, are, in other cases, so great as to injure their health, and even to excite fears for their existence. These accidents may appear at almost any time; for though some persons begin to suffer at the very outset, and are relieved by the third, fourth, or fifth month, others are attacked only in the latter half of gestation. The pregnant condition operates differently at the different periods of gestation, in the production of the accompanying discomforts or diseases; this fact, Avhich is important in a therapeutical point of view, was felt vaguely to be so by Burns, but clearly expressed by M. Beau, Avho, I think,, has throAvn much light upon the pathology of pregnancy. Most of the functional disturbances may occur in the early, as Avell as in the latter months. At first they were regarded as the result of the numerous sympathies existing betAveen the uterus and the digesth'e apparatus, and, at a later period, the purely mechanical difficulties produced in the neighbor- ing organs by the pressure of the uterine tumor Avere thought to assist in their production. Noav, the pressure of the Avomb is of quite secondary importance, if, indeed, it be of any Avhatever; for, according to M. Beau, Ihe folloAving is Avhat usually occurs: The Avomb, as modified by pregnancy, affects the digestive functions through sympathy, giving rise to the dyspeptic symptoms described hereafter. The disturbance of these results necessarily, if prolonged, in deficient nutrition, Avhich, in a woman Avho is obliged to furnish the material for the development of the child, must soon occasion a greater or less diminution of the blood corpuscles, and a considerable increase of the serum; in short, to all the anatomical characteristics of chlorosis or polyaemia. Noav, this impoverishment of the blood soon occasions neAV morbid symp- toms in the pregnant Avoman, as Avell as in the young chlorotic female, and so serves to explain the reappearance of the disorders of digestion, verti- goes, headaches, congestions of the face, palpitations, and difficult respira- DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 463 tion, so frequently observed at an advanced period of pregnancy. We thus see that the functional disorders, which at the outset are purely sympa- thetic, become afterward intimately connected Avith the chlorosis Avhich they themselves helped to produce. (See Disorders of the Circulation.) Though Ave shall have occasion to treat hereafter of this latter etiological peculiarity, we cannot help calling attention, at present, to the importance of taking it into consideration in the choice of remedial measures. For, though it be proper at the commencement to reduce the over-excitement of the uterus, and the sympathetic irritation produced by it in other organs, by soothing reme- dies, as baths, mild laxatives, antispasmodics, and sometimes even by moderate blood-letting, an entirely different course should be pursued toAvard the end of gestation. All the restorative agents, as iron, animal food, and tonic wines, are here the surest means of opposing the plethora and removing the disorders Avhich it occasions. Still, it is right to observe, that beside the chlorosis, Avhich plays the principal part in the production of the disorders of the latter months, the uterus still retains its sympathetic influence, and is subject at all times to congestions, Avhich increase its irritability, and cause it to react upon other organs; of all Avhich account should be taken in the treatment. The subject Avill claim attention hereafter. Finally, the connection Avhich Ave have endeavored to demonstrate as existing betAveen the sympathetic troubles of the beginning of pregnancy and the chlorosis of the latter months, cannot ahvays be readily discovered. The sympathetic influence of the uterus upon the digestive functions is not ahvays manifested by vomitings, nausea, and strange and depraved appetites. All these symptoms may be Avanting, and yet the stomach fail to perform its functions with its normal regularity. Nutrition may be disordered, giving rise to a dyspepsia, Avhich M. Beau proposes to distinguish as latent; a dyspepsia which cannot fail to occasion eventually a general deterioration of the blood. Exactly the same thing occurs in young girls Avhose menstrua- tion is either difficult, irregular, or imperfect. Confirmed chlorosis is ahvays preceded in them by sympathetic disorders of digestion; though sometimes the deranged function is evinced by very marked symptoms, at others it is hardly a cause of discomfort. Desormeaux, in his excellent article on this subject, ranges all the diseases of pregnancy under the following heads, viz.: lesions of digestion, of circu- lation, of respiration, of the secretions and excretions, of locomotion, and of the sensorial and intellectual functions. And we propose partly to adopt the same order in our description. ARTICLE I. lesions of digestion. § 1. Anorexia. The Avant of appetite, or the disgust for aliments, Avhich pregnant Avomen are so often affected Avith toAvards the end of gestation, and still more fre- quently at its commencement, may be referred to various causes, and con- sequently will present different indications for treatment. When it seems to result merely from the sympathetic relations existing between the uterus' 464 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. and the organs of digestion, there is little or nothing to be done, for it Avould be in vain to attempt removing the disgust Avhich some patients have to certain articles of food. In general, they dislike all meats, and this is an indication, or rather an obligation, to permit the use of vegetables in such cases. Again, if at an advanced stage, the anorexia be accompanied or preceded by the phenomena of general plethora, venesection, proportioned to the general condition of the female and the stage of pregnancy, may relieve it. Care, however, should be observed not to mistake the symptoms pro- duced by anaemia for the indications of plethora; the former being far more effectually treated by ferruginous preparations. (See Disorders of the Circulation.) In those cases Avhich exhibit evident signs of an overloaded condition of the alimentary canal, some purgative, such as rhubarb, or even the neutral salts, may be administered. Indeed, certain authors have recommended an emetic, Avhen there is any gastric distress; but I think practitioners ought to be very reserved in the employment of this last measure, since the shock of vomiting has often produced abortion. § 2. Pica, or Malacia ; Pyrosis. Pica, or malacia, frequently accompanies the affection just described. Pregnant Avomen, like chlorotic girls, often have irregular and depraved longings for the most absurd or disgusting articles. For instance, I have knoAvn a young female to eat pepper-grains almost continually. Another, at the Clinique, scraped the walls to appease her cravings for chalk ; and M. Dubois often relates in his lectures the history of a young pregnant woman whose greatest pleasure consisted in eating small bits of well-charred Avood. Again, they have been observed eating greedily substances that are still more disgusting. Unfortunately, all our persuasions are useless Avith such monomaniacs in the majority of instances, and consequently Ave must, as a general rule, grant them an indulgence, and avoid too strong an oppo- sition, unless the coveted articles Avould evidently be injurious to their health. I have but little to say of the acidity of stomach, of the spasmodic pains of that organ, and of the pyrosis and other symptoms of gastralgia, Avhich are also quite frequent during pregnancy. The treatment of the symptom is here the same as under ordinary circumstances. Thus, for sour eructations and acidity of the primae viae, magnesia and the absorbents, bicarbonate of soda, the water and pastilles of Vichy, may be administered. Pyrosis and cramps of the stomach are usually treated successfully by powdered columbo, and most of the antispasmodics, in connection Avith small doses of opiates. The latter may also be used after the endermic method. If, hoAvever, it be desired to attack the first cause of these gastralgic symptoms, it is important to remember that this is different for the first and second half of gestation, and that the measures employed should vary accordingly. § 3. Vomiting. The vomiting of pregnancy presents tAvo different forms. In the first it occasions discomfort and fatigue, without endangering life. In the second, DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 465 it is sometimes so severe as to prove fatal. The first we shall term simple vomiting; the second, grave or irrepressible vomiting. 1. Simple Vomiting. — This symptom is so common that most females are affected Avith it; in fact, vomiting frequently commences in the very earliest stages: whence many women, taught by their former pregnancies, recognize it as an almost certain sign of a neAV gestation. At other times it does not appear until toward the third or fourth month, though seldom later than that; but it is not at all uncommon to see it reappear near the end of preg- nancy in some who had been previously tormented in this way at its beginning. As an ordinary rule, the vomiting only lasts six weeks or tAvo months ; some- times, however, it extends over four or five months, rarely persisting through- out the whole term. Some females have the unenviable privilege of vomiting every time they are pregnant; others, more fortunate, pass through several gestations without feeling any digestive disorders Avhatever. It is a very remarkable fact, if we may rely on the testimony of numerous mothers, that the sex of the child is not wholly irrelevant to the production of this Bymptom; and however ridiculous this may appear at first sight, I have heard it repeated by so many Avomen that I cannot refrain from believing that it, like most other popular prejudices, has some foundation. But what is the cause of such vomiting? When it occurs near term, Ave may justly attribute it to the pressure, to the mechanical constraint Avhich the uterus, whose fundus reaches the epigastric region, exercises upon the stomach; but in the early stages it is much more difficult to explain it unless Ave content ourselves by referring it to the numerous sympathies existing between the uterus and the stomach: sympathies so intimate that they are manifested in certain Avomen at every menstrual period, and even in nearly all those afflicted Avith a disease of the Avomb. Although the intimate nature of these sympathies is very obscure, Ave can admit them more readily in the etiology of vomiting than the influence of most of the anatomical causes adduced by some authors. In endeavoring to trace a relation of causality between the vomiting and an inflammation of the uterus, placenta, and membranes, like Dance; softening of the stomach , and fatty degeneration of the liver, like Chomel; or, finally, to the existence of organic lesions of parts in the neighborhood of the uterus, observers have merely noticed simple coincidences, Avithout. throAving the least light upon the question of etiology. Hoav often, indeed, is nothing of the kind dis- coverable ! I am persuaded, says Dr. Bennett, that those gastric disorders and obsti- nate vomitings, AA'hich so often bring Avomen to the portals of the tomb, are almost ahvays caused by inflammatory ulcerations of the neck of the womb. For my oavii part, he adds, since my attention has been directed to this subject, I have almost invariably found ulceration of the neck in cases of this kind. I cannot receive this opinion of the English accoucheur, at least as relat- ing to the majority of cases, for I have frequently examined with the specu- lum each of four primiparous Avomen affected Avith incorrigible vomiting, and in whom I ascertained the cervix to be perfectly healthy. It has been said that primiparous women are more subject to vomiting m PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. than others, on account of the uterus yielding less readily to distention in first pregnancies. Although this opinion is quite conformable to the theoretical vieAvs al- ready gh'en, the fact is, that it is liable to very frequent exceptions. Some multiparse, who suffered very slight disorders of the stomach in their first pregnancies, have vomited almost constantly in later ones. The rigidity of the uterus is not, therefore, the only cause which is capable of sustaining an irritability of the organ Avhich reacts sympathetically upon the stomach. I do not think that an epidemic influence can be admitted as a cause of these vomitings. The vomiting varies much as regards its frequency, intensity, and the greater or less ease with Avhich it is accomplished. Thus, some Avomen vomit only upon aAvaking or rising in the morning. They then throAV up some viscid or glairy matters, which are generally colored Avith a little bile, especially if the retchings have been very severe. Others vomit only after eating; occasionally after only one of the daily meals, but sometimes after all of them. Again, in some unfortunate cases it continues even in the intervals of the repasts ; everything taken into the stomach, whether liquid or solid, being immediately rejected. There are cases, finally, in which the mere thought of food, or the sight or smell of it, * is sufficient to provoke it. The vomiting is sometimes easy, and causes little pain ; it is indeed not uncommon to find ladies suddenly interrupted at their meals, who can return in a feAV minutes, and sit down and eat Avith a good appetite and pleasure. In other cases, however, the ingestion of food is productive of pain in the stomach or inexpressible uneasiness of variable duration, and it is only after five or six hours of suffering, that the food is vomited and then found to be almost unchanged, notwithstanding its long retention in the stomach. In such cases the vomiting is preceded by such prolonged and violent retchings as to reduce the patient to a state of extreme suffering and agitation. It is occasionally folloAved by considerable epigastric pain, which is in- creased by pressure, and might for a moment be taken as a sign of inflam- mation of the stomach ; it gradually diminishes, however, and disappears entirely after a time. The shocks and violent efforts sometimes extend their influence to the hypogastrium, and give rise to abdominal pains and even uterine contractions, Avhich may be active enough to produce abortion. But it must not be supposed that vomiting, even Avhen prolonged and oft repeated, is necessarily disastrous. No doubt many women waste away, but I haATe often satisfied myself that the emaciation is not apt to be excessive, by examining females who, according to their OAvn expression, could retain nothing at all; and hence it is-exceedingly probable that all the food taken by them is not rejected. Burns states that he has never knoAvn vomiting depend on pregnancy alone to have a fatal termination. I might cite, says Desormeaux, examples of emesis accompanied by cruel pains and violent general spasms, yet the gestation has happily gone on to full term. At this time, I have myself under care a lady Avho has been vomiting throughout the Avhole period of gestation, and who has just been delivered of a daughter weighing seven pounds and three-quarters. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 467 Finally, it must not be forgotten that in some cases Avhich even appear serious, the vomiting may cease abruptly, either spontaneously, or because the sympathetic irritation of the uterus has been translated to some other organ, or again, as a consequence of a violent mental emotion. A remark- able instance of the latter has quite recently come under my notice. A young lady, tAvo months and a half advanced in her pregnancy, had been tormented for three Aveeks Avith such obstinate vomiting, that, according to her own statement, the smallest mouthful of fluid excited it, and that she was unable to retain anything whatever in her stomach. All the remedies employed against it had proved useless. At this juncture, her husband fell suddenly and dangerously ill Avith symptoms of strangulation of the bowels, and from this time her vomiting ceased, nor did she suffer the least disturb- ance of her digestive functions aftenvards. I have been induced thus to hold forth from the outset a favorable prog- nosis, which indeed is true for the vast majority of cases, in order to relieve young practitioners from the anxiety Avhich some recently published articles on the gravity of this affection are calculated to produce. 2. Grave or Irrepressible Vomiting. — The vomiting is not, generally, serious, but only painful and fatiguing to the mother; it must, hoAvever, be acknoAvledged that in some very rare cases, it is so violent and constant as to exhaust the strength of the patient in a feAV Aveeks, and after producing extreme emaciation terminate in death. The display of symptoms given by M. Chomel in one of his clinical les- sons, applies to these exceptional cases only. The disease, he says, is char- acterized by frequent bilious vomiting, an acid, fetid breath, and fever; then the brain becomes involved, and Ave have delirium, coma, and death. The vieAVS of M. Dubois correspond closely Avith those of M. Chomel, and, like him, he describes three stages. [a. First Stage. — The irrepressible form of vomiting rarely begins suddenly, but almost always follows insensibly the simple form. The time at which it commences is very variable. Generally appearing during the early months, it may not cjme on until after the middle of gestation. In 43 cases collected in the excellent thesis of M. Gueniot, hospital surgeon, and former chief of the lying-in hospital, and from which we shall borrow largely, vomiting occurred 9 times during the first weeks of pregnancy, 15 times toAvard the end of the hist month, 9 times between the first and second months, 5 times between the second and third months, I time between the third and fourth months, 2 times betAveen the fourth and fifth months, and 2 times betAveen the sixth and seventh months. The first of the cases enumerated are of the early and benignant form, and it is impossible to distinguish accurately the period of transition from the simple to the graver form. The irrepressible cases present in themselves nothing very characteristic. The vomiting, hoAvever, is very frequent, and occasions the rejection of all or nearly all the food and drink which the patient takes. The smallest quantity of fluid is often sufficient to excite it. The dejections in these cases are composed of mucous or glairy matter, bile or food, according as the boAvel happens to be full or empty. Generally they are very acid, and sometimes streaked with blood. To these symptoms may be added a disgust for or aversion to food, so grea't as to he often insurmountable. Soon appear the grave signs of insufficient nutrition: emaciation, debility, and 468 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. altered features. Certain accessory phenomena may also complicate the situavf>n such as the almost constant ptyalism indicated by Stoltz and Yigla, and confirmed by an observation of my own. The first stage is devoid of fever, unless it be a little febrile action in the even- ing and slight perspiration during the night. We invite attention to this fact, inasmuch as fever is the dominant symptom in the second stage. b. Second Stage. — In this period the symptoms of the first stage grow more severe ; the attacks of vomiting are more frequent and violent; the emaciation increases; finally, fever sets in Avith a pulse of from 100 to 140 per minute. The mouth becomes dry, the thirst is intense, the breath acid and fetid. The acidity and fetidity of the breath are such, says M. Chomel, as to strike one on entering the room of the patient. Still, should we consult our personal experience, we should say the odor is uncommon, inasmuch as we have never observed it in the many cases of irrepressible vomiting which we have seen. c. Third Stage. — In this stage the symptoms undergo a change, the attacks of vomiting ceasing or becoming less severe; but it is a deceitful calm which the experienced physician knows to be the prelude to death. There will, however, be no risk of deception if we but observe that the fever persists with a pusle of from 120 to 140 pulsations per minute. Attacks of syncope and cerebral symptoms soon come on. These are: intolerable neuralgic pains, disordered sight and hearing, hallucinations, delirium, and, finally, coma, which ends shortly in death. D. Progress, Duration, and Termination. — The paroxysms of the graver form of vomiting often remit more or less completely ; the remissions being sometimes, as it were, spontaneous, or in consequence of almost insignificant circumstances. Thus an emotion, travel, some change in the mode of life, a new article of food, and numerous similar eventualities seem occasionally to produce a transient amelio- ration, or even a momentary cessation of the symptoms. The hope thus excited is, unfortunately, but too soon destroyed by a more or less rapid recurrence of the disease. (Gueniot, These de Concours.) At other times these remissions may be attributed to the use of a remedy whose action is exhausted, or the momentary cessation may follow and be due to prema- ture labor or abortion. Then the A'omiting returns with increased severity. The progress of this terrible affection is usually slow, as the patients do not gen- erally succumb until after the second or third month of the disease. e. Etiology and Pathological Anatomy. — We know nothing of the causes of irre- pressible vomiting. Some have attributed it to albuminuria, an opinion which nothing goes to confirm, and which would hardly be adopted were it remembered that Aomiting is most frequent at the beginning or middle of pregnancy, whilst albuminuria is rarely observed except during the latter months. Of the silence of pathological anatomy in regard to this disease, I have lately had an additional proof. A woman with irrepressible vomiting entered my ward, at La Pitie, where I was temporarily on duty. She was delivered spontaneously during the eighth month, but, after a remission, the symptoms reappeared, and she died a feAV days subse- quently. The autopsy, conducted with the greatest care, discovered no lesion in any organ ; the genital organs, the abdominal and thoracic viscera, and the en- cephalon, being perfectly healthy.] F. Diagnosis. — In moderate cases the diagnosis is easy. Here, the absence of acute symptoms, such as redness of the tongue and pain upon pressure on the epigastrium, Avould settle the question, even Avere pregnancy doubtful. But if, in the cases just spoken of, the nature of the epigastric pain be misunderstood, the practitioner would be more liable to error; therefore he should be very careful in his proceedings. For example, I V DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 469 have knoAvn a case of vomiting, which the autopsy proved to have been dependent upon tubercular peritonitis attributed to a pregnancy which did not exist. In the case of another female, Avho had actually been pregnant for tAvo months and a half, the examination after death discovered a serious disease of the stomach, amply sufficient to account for the vomiting. In the latter case, it is true, that an admixture of blood Avith the matters vomited, had, during life, excited suspicion of organic disease. This very case has, hoAvever, been quoted to me by some persons as one of incurable vomiting occasioned by pregnancy. Mistakes of this kind ought not to be made, and the same may be said in regard to epigastric and other hernias. [g. Prognosis. — The prognosis in the grave form of this affection is serious. In 118 cases collected by M. Gueniot, there were 72 recoveries and 46 deaths, repre- sented as follows: Recoveries. Without abortion in very severe cases and after a very diversified treatment... 31 Following spontaneous abortion, also in very severe cases............................ 20 After abortion or induced labor in cases more or less desperate..................... 21 Deaths. Without abortion................................................................................... 28 After abortion or spontaneous premature labor.......................................... 7 After procured abortion.......................................................................... 11 It is but just to say, that in this table of mortality, M. Gueniot included all the cases he Avas able to collect, and that amongst them are some in which death was evidently due to some other disease than the vomiting itself. Cases of irrepressible vomiting are serious from the outset, inasmuch as, notwith- standing all the modes of treatment employed, abortion included, it is impossible to know whether they will be certainly arrested. The prognosis becomes still more unfavorable in the second stage of the disorder, for when the patients are much debilitated and the fever constant, some will suc- cumb without having either the fetid breath or cerebral disorders. Of such cases, two have come under my notice. In the last stage, death is almost inevitable, and we ought not to be deceiA'ed by the remission of vomiting Avhich then occurs. It should also be borne in mind that the cerebral symptoms which accompany this phase of the disease are various. In two cases, I observed only a little hebetude and slight strabismus without other nervous disturbance: so that, before reaching the correct diagnosis, typhoid fever, or a cerebral tumor might be suspected.] Generally speaking, even Avhen the A'omiting is not so great as to com- promise the life and health of the mother, it has but an indirect influence upon the life of the child, nor do I knoAV of a single Avell-attested case of death of the foetus from inanition through defective nutrition of the mother. Still, Ave may understand Iioav the violent efforts of the mother may some- times communicate such shocks to the uterus as to bring on premature con- tractions and even abortion. We can also comprehend how the same efforts may produce vascular congestion of the Avomb, giving rise to rupture of some of the utero-placental vessels and detachment of the placenta; such accidents are, hoAveA'er, rare. In grave cases, results of the kind are rather to be desired than deprecated, for vomiting generally ceases upon the death of the fit tus, and the mother escapes the threatened danger. 470 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. 3. Treatment of the Vomiting of Pregnancy. — There are but feAV medi- cines that have not been proposed, at one time or another, for this affection of pregnant Avomen ; and at other times recourse has been had to surgical procedures. We will, therefore, examine successively the medical and sur- gical treatment. A. Medical Treatment. — When the emesis is slight, and only occurring in the morning, we may recommend an aromatic infusion of the lime-tree, orange-floAver, common tea, &c, &c. Where it comes on after a meal during the day, it is advisable to change the order of the repasts: for example, if it be generally more distressing after supper, the patient should sup sparingly and eat more breakfast. Cold aliments are sometimes retained when others are rejected. Iced drinks, mineral Avaters, and sAvalloAving small pieces of ice, have arrested some cases of obstinate vomiting, which set at defiance the whole series of antispasmodics. The subnitrate of bismuth, in doses of from four to eight grains, before each meal, has appeared to me of late to be of some service. I have also directed two or three spoonfuls of kirsch to be taken after meals, and 1 think Avith some success. Should it persist, notwithstanding these measures, a resort may be had to a remedy, which has often succeeded perfectly in my hands, — I allude to the narcotics. About an hour before the meal, let her take one-third or one-half a grain of the aqueous extract of opium made into a pill; but Avhen she is consti- pated, it will be necessary to administer some mild purgative to counteract any action the opium may have on the large intestine. Whenever the emesis is attended with pain and stricture at the epigas- trium, leeches have been recommended over this part, though I have rarely seen their application folloAved by any benefit. I should prefer laudanum lotions, or the application of a cataplasm Avell tinctured with this fluid. Sometimes I have successfully applied a small blister to the epigastrium, and subsequently sprinkled the sixth or the third of a grain of the muriate or acetate of morphia over it. M. Dezon mentions three cases of obstinate vomiting, which yielded to the continued application to the epigastrium of a towel Avet Avith cold Avater and reneAved every five minutes. If the vomiting occasions pains in the loins or hypogastrium, in a AA'ord, if it threatens an abortion, or if the patient be plethoric, and this condition is manifested by local or general phenomena, venesection in the arm should be resorted to, as this is one of the best measures I am acquainted Avith, especially during the last half of gestation. Enemata containing laudanum are also very7 useful for the prevention of abortion, as well as for alleviating the vomiting, and calming the irritability of the uterus. General bathing may be added to these measures with advantage. Dance reports tAvo cases, from Avhich he feels authorized to conclude that these vomitings are often an evidence of a morbid activity in the uterine system, of an inflammation of the membranes ; and consequently he advises direct antiphlogistic measures, especially in the neighborhood of the womb; but as his opinion is founded on tAvo cases only, Avhich, after all, arc not conclusive, it seems to me that it cannot be admitted as a rule of practice. Still, leeching the neck of the uterus yielded unlooked-for results in cases of Oh. Clay and M. Clertan (of Dijon)'. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 471 With regard to the regimen, doubtless a mild liquid diet, composed of aliments that are easily digested, seems at first to possess decided advan- tages over all others; but hoAv many exceptions! hoAv many Avomen reject the mildest articles — even liquids, and yet readily digest less suitable sub- stances ! How often, indeed, have I not seen Avomen eat ham, liver, pie, &c, avIio could not digest a piece of sole, or the Avhite meat of foAvl! Of course, we must respect these peculiarities of the stomach. Among the various measures recommended, but which I have rarely had occasion to resort to, may be mentioned the application of cups to the pit of the stomach (Mauriceau) ; of a plaster of theriaca (Sydenham) ; a few spoonfuls of sherry-wine, or even some brandy, ether, peppermint-Avater, the potion of Riviere, and the Colombo root. In those cases in Avhich there Avas some degree of regularity in the return of the pains, and febrile action, Desormeaux gave tAvo or three grains of the dry extract of cinchona with success. Lastly, Walter and Blundell have highly extolled the use of hydrocyanic acid in the dose of one or two drops, in some mucilaginous drink, several times a day. With the same idea, I have successfully7 given kirsch after meals, either undiluted or on a lump of sugar. The latter plan has seemed especially useful Avhen the vomiting Avas preceded by uncomfortable sensations in the stomach or long- continued nausea—a state of things resembling sea-sickness. To overcome the acidity of the primae viae, M. Chomel recommends the use of alkalies, as the Avater from the springs of Vichy and Bussang; also dilute solutions of potash and soda, magnesia Avith milk, but never milk alone, and an avoidance of acids. Alcoholic liquors, given to the extent of intoxication, have met Avith real success. M. Bayer tells me that he has used them Avith great advantage, and champagne Avine, recommended by M. Moreau in a case so obstinate as to cause great frequency of pulse and delirium, put an end at once to the symptoms. M. Jacquemin, Avho related the case to me, considered the pa- tient as lost, and had only called the professor in consultation, in order to obtain his opinion in regard to the propriety of producing abortion. M. Brctonneau, being induced to try belladonna, in the idea that possibly the vomiting might be occasioned by rigidity of the uterus, succeeded in quieting it, even in very grave cases, by rubbing the abdomen Avith a concentrated solution of that medicament. In one very serious case, in Avhich the vomiting had resisted every effort, even Bretonneau's measure, and in which the poor patient seemed doomed to a speedy death, I conceived the idea of applying the belladonna to the neck of the uterus; this Avas done by means of the speculum. A brush, laden Avith the soft extract, Avas introduced, and the neck, together Avith the inferior segment of the uterus and the Avails of the vagina, Avere be- smeared Avith it. From this moment, a marked change for the better Avas manifest, and after the same unctions had been repeated on four successive days, I had the satisfaction of finding my patient cured. It is my duty to add, that in another case the same means failed completely, though I think the failure due to the mode of application. When, as in this case, a brush is used, it is difficult to apply the ointment, and too little of it is sometime* 472 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. left behind. I have, therefore, for a long time preferred covering a tampon of charpie or cotton with the extract of belladonna, and, after placing it in contact Avith the cervix by means of a speculum, leaving it there. This may be done morning and evening. The first symptoms of intoxication, such as dilatation of the eyelids, a sense of heat in the throat and slight hallucinations, need occasion no alarm, inasmuch as the effects of the medi- cament are not felt until then. The patient ought, hoAvever, to be Avatched, and the tampon removed if the symptoms become more serious. This method has been thrice successful in my hands. M. Stackler overcame the vomiting in tAvo cases by the black oxide of mercury, in the dose of one grain daily. The prolonged use of the remedy was unaccompanied by salivation. [Iodine in various forms has been recommended. Eulenberg (of Coblenz), fol- lowing the example of Schmidt, has used the tincture successfully, whilst Ricord and Bacarisse derived equal advantage from iodide of potassium given to the amount of from ten to fifteen grains daily. , "Simpson," says M. Gueniot, "found the salts of cerium A'ery efficacious, espe- cially the oxalate, in 45 * grain doses three or four times a day. I Avould add that the latter salt failed entirely in a case related by M. Panyau, in which it was used by him and M. Dubois, nothing short of a partial detachment of the ovum sufficing to relieve the patient from the danger which menaced her."] The obstinate constipation which the patients suffer is very remarkable, iind has not received the attention it deserves. The boAvels sometimes re- main unmoved for eight, ten, or even fifteen days. Strongly impressed with this fact, and supposing that the constipation might have some effect upon the continuance of the vomiting, I endeavored to overcome it; but, fearing the effect of emetics or drastic purgatives upon a weakened and pregnant female, my first efforts Avere too cautious to be successful. Encouraged since then by the experience of other practitioners, especially by M. Forgue, of Etampes, I have had every reason to be satisfied Avith a bolder course. The above-named physician addressed to the Academy of Medicine a memoir, in Avhich he lauded the effect of emetics and purgath'es, but in- sisted much upon Avhat he called a preparatory treatment, consisting in the administration to the patient for tAvo or three days, a ptisan of barley-Avater, weakened Avith honey, to each quart of which he adds a drachm and a half of sulphate of potash; giving also, morning and evening, an enema of a strong decoction of mercurialis annua. When some stools have been thus obtained, he orders a bottle of Seidlitz Avater containing a grain and a half of tartar emetic, after Avhich he continues the purgative for several days longer. M. Forgue claims to have treated five cases successfully by his method. In endeavoring to try this plan, I have ahvays found it impossible to overcome the dislike of the patient to drinking enough of M. Forgue's ptisan (about tAvo quarts in twenty-four hours). I am, therefore, in the habit of 1 The translator ventures to suggest that the dose of oxalate of cerium here de- scribed ("3 grammes") may be an oversight on the part of the author or printer, it being his impression that it greatly exceeds the dose recommended by Dr. Simpson It miglit stand "3 grains." » DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 473 giving the emeticvat once, when the saburral condition of the tongue seems to indicate it: which is not often the case. Generally, I order at once ten grains of scammony Avith fifteen grains of jalap. As the first dose is often rejected by vomiting, I order it to be followed immediately by another, and sometimes even by a third, should the vomiting continue. The second or third dose is generally retained, and the purgative effect folloAved by a marked relief. In the case of a patient tAvo months and a half advanced in pregnancy, to whom I was called in consultation by Dr. Briau, Professor Moreau dis- covered by the touch that the uterus was not only completely retro verted, but wedged, as it were, in the depths of the pelvic cavity. Suspecting that this displacement might have some effect to maintain the vomiting, he cor- rected it by lifting the uterus above the superior strait and bringing it into correspondence with its axis. Immediate relief folloAved, and the vomiting, Avhich had proved intractable to a host of remedies, ceased on the same day, nor did it again return. M. Moreau said, that he had seen several similar cases. I had indeed myself, before this, observed the same accident, but not having acted upon the indication, our Honorable master conferred a real service in making knoAvn the fortunate result Avhich he had thus obtained. In future, therefore, the state of the uterus should be ascertained in all cases of incorrigible vomiting. Experience has, hoAvever, taught me, that although displacement of the uterus often coincides with gastric disorder, M. Moreau's good fortune is not ahvays to be expected. Three times since M. Briau's case have I observed the coincidence indicated by my colleague. In three patients suffering from obstinate vomiting, I found the uterus not retrovcrted, as in M. Moreau's case, but so far anteA'erted that the anterior surface of the Avomb projected considerably at the upper part of the cavity, its upper border resting against the posterior face of the pubis. The reduc- tion, though easily accomplished, could not be maintained, and the organ very soon resumed its primitive position. Several attempts at reduction were equally unsuccessful. Why, then, Avas I less fortunate than M. Moreau ? I am inclined to think it Avas because of the different stages of pregnancy in our patients respec- tively. That of M. Moreau had reached three months or three months and a half; tAvo of mine Avere only tAvo months gone. Noav, if at three months and a half the size of the uterus is sufficient to keep it above the superior strait after reduction, and that it can only, in some exceptional instances, fall back into the cavity, the case is very different at an earlier period. At two months, in fact, the uterus is so much smaller, and therefore so much more movable, that it yields readily to every cause of displacement brought to bear upon it, and, as though by the force of a bad habit, readily resumes its faulty position Avhen the restoring effort is no longer made. We ought, therefore, in reference to M. Moreau's plan, to have great regard to the duration of the pregnancy; very efficient after the third month, it will generally be useless at six weeks or tAvo months. Unfor- tunately it happens that incorrigible vomiting is more apt to occur at the latter period. 474 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. All my efforts to remedy the difficulty by means devised for keeping tne uterus in situ after reduction, have been fruitless. I had made an elongated compress, Avhich, Avhen placed above the pubis, depressed strongly the Avail of the hypogastrium, and at first seemed to keep theAvomb in place. Soon, hoAvever, it slipped beneath the pad, fell back into the pelvic cavity, and as the bandage thenceforth did more harm than good, I Avas obliged to give it up. It Avas natural to think of Gariel's pessary, but I dared not keep so large a body in the vagina of a pregnant Avoman, lest it should have the effect on the uterus of a tampon which so often causes abortion or brings on prema- ture labor. In short, M. Moreau's success in the cas.e related by M. Briau, is an en- couragement to make similar attempts, as, after all, they do no harm Avhen prudently conducted; yet, they are not to be relied on Avhen the patient has not advanced beyond the first tAvo months of pregnancy. I have thus enumerated all these remedies, because they may be succes- sively employed in this affection. In fact, the same medicine may act on one female and have no effect on another. And it must be confessed that sometimes all "will fail, and we can scarcely succeed in moderating the patient's sufferings. The change of medicine is, hoAvever, useful, either by really calming her distress in a measure, or by sustaining her spirits, not seeming to abandon her, but holding out the idea that each neAV remedy may effect some amelioration. In this way she gradually approaches toAvards term, or at least to a period of gestation when the symptoms often disappear of themselves. B. Surgical Treatment.—But where the vomitings continue, notwithstand- ing all the rational measures resorted to, the Avoman absolutely throAving up everything she takes, and the privation from food has reduced her to such a state of emaciation as to endanger life, and the symptoms Avhich Ave have described as belonging to the second and third stages appear, some accoucheurs have advised (if her term is still remote) the production of premature labor. This operation has already been practised, in similar cases, by several English and German accoucheurs, Avith full success, both for the mother and child. It seems to me that it cannot be improper to resort to this measure after the seventh month of gestation, for it then appears to be fully justified both by the dangers to Avhich the mother is exposed, and by the possibility of the child living after its expulsion. But is the case the same before the sixth month, Avhen the sudden termina- tion of pregnancy must necessarily lead to the death of the foetus. This is one of the gravest questions Avhich can come up in practice. Although fully disposed to sacrifice the child whenever that sacrifice will surely save the life of the mother, as in cases of extreme narroAving of the pelvis, I make no hesitation in declaring myself against the production of abortion under the circumstances in question. I shall proceed to justify this proscription : — 1. When a Avoman having a contracted pelvis presents herself to a physi- cian, he knows very well that if the pregnancy be alloAved to go on until DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 475 rerm, he will have to choose betAveen embryotomy and the Caesarean opera- tion ; also, that in some cases the latter operation will be the only resource. If, after mature consideration of the inevitable consequences of the one and the probable consequences of the other, he decides upon the mutilation of the child, it will doubtless appear to him reasonable not to wait until the increased size of the foetus at term shall add to the difficulties and clangers of embryotomy; therefore, the production of abortion within the first four months of gestation will seem to be fully justifiable. But the conditions are different when the life of the mother is compro- mised by vomiting, hoAvever severe it may be. In the first case, the danger is inevitable ; and, unless abortion occurs spontaneously, the Caesarean operation is the only resource, and Ave are aAvare of the usual consequence of the latter. But hoAvever intense the vomitings may be, and liotAvithstanding the state of exhaustion to Avhich they reduce the female, still they are not inevitably fatal. Patients, Avhose condition justly excited the greatest solicitude, have been knoAvn to resist until the latter months and even until the term of their pregnancy, and then give birth to strong and healthy children. Others, Avhom the vomiting had reduced to a hopeless condition, have been suddenly restored to the most complete health. A case of this kind has fallen under my own notice, and the following Avas related to me (June, 1849) by M. P. Dubois. A young German lady, two months and a half pregnant, had been troubled with the most obstinate vomiting from the first tAvo Aveeks after conception. For the last six Aveeks especially she vomited almost Avithout intermission; the smallest spoonful of fluid exciting violent contractions of the stomach. She Avas extremely emaciated and feeble, and her breath Avas disgustingly fetid ; in short, her symptoms Avere so serious that M. Dubois, who avus called in consultation, requested the additional advice of M. Chomel. Both these gentlemen came to a most unfavorable prognosis, and left the patient, under the impression that she had but a feAV days to live. Some cold appli- cations Avere the only remedies advised ; but the attending physician, being alarmed at her extreme Aveakness, limited them to slight aspersions. On the second day after the consultation the patient Avas attacked with violent purging, and from that time the vomiting ceased and never returned. The poor sufferer Avas at once able to take and retain some nourishment, Avhich, being gradually increased in amount, soon restored her strength. Noaa', this Avoman, who had been so greatly reduced that tAvo eminent men regarded her fate as sealed, is in the enjoyment of perfect health, and has almost reached the middle of her pregnancy Avith every prospect of a happy ter- mination. In two other cases, Avhich the professor related Avith commendable frank- ness, he had deemed it his duty to propose the induction of premature labor. The Avomen declined submitting to the operation, and reached the end of their pregnancies in good health. 2. When abortion is produced in cases of extreme contraction of the pelvis, there is a certainty that, Avhen once accomplished, all the dangeis which threatened the termination of the pregnancy are at an end, and that enly the usual consequences of miscarriages can folloAV from the operation. 476 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. Even supposing that the artificial means should add to the ordinary risks of spontaneous abortions, the object is nevertheless certainly attained in ter- minating a pregnancy Avhose progress so greatly endangered the mother's life. The conditions are very different in cases of spontaneous vomiting, for if all the instances on record be referred to, it will be found that the operation is far from removing the danger. I am well aware that four or five for- tunate cases have been cited from the practice of English accoucheurs, but we are not told how often it has been followed by death. Are the circumstances the same in cases of obstinate vomiting ? If un- successful, the operation was performed too late, say they, Avhen the pro- longed defective nutrition of the mother had exhausted the vital poAvers; and had the uterus been emptied sooner, the chances of success had cer- tainly been greater. I believe this fully; but here it is that the most difficult question arises. When is the operation proper ? If you act too soon, may it not be said, whilst instancing the cases of spontaneous cessation of the vomiting, as in those which have been quoted, that you have destroyed the foetus Avithout advantage ? If you act too late, may you not be equally reproached, in view of the failure of all knoAvn operations, Avith an attempt Avhich may have hastened the fatal termination ? Where Avill the prudent practitioner place the limit of expectancy ? If it be remembered that the ancient accoucheurs declared, as do Mauriceau and Delamotte, that the vomitings may possibly produce abortion, yet are not dangerous for the mother; also that many moderns assert, Avith Burns and Desormeaux, that they have never known them to terminate fatally, • there Avould certainly be.small temptation to operate before all hope has been dissipated by the gravity of the symptoms. Our hopes, indeed! But does not nature sometimes mock at our expectations? Did not the patient of MM. Dubois and Chomel seem doomed to certain death ? I knoAV it may be ansAvered that it must be left to the tact and skill of th.e practitioner to think deeply, and choose conscientiously betAveen the dangers of expectation and the chances of an operation ; that the difficulties which I raise, present in a host of surgical cases; that there is barely an amputation Avhich may not be authorized by affirming, dogmatically, that a spontaneous cure is impossible ; that the exceptional preservation of a limb proves nothing against the propriety of amputation in a majority'of similar cases. All this is doubtless true; but let us not decide too quickly, for the com- parison is far from being strictly just. When the surgeon has to deal Avith a serious traumatic lesion, he regards nothing but the interest of his patient; and after explaining to him the grounds of his conclusion, may, in cases of difficulty, consult his wishes, and then leave his life at his OAvn disposal. The accoucheur has the serious interest of tAvo beings to care for; and though the instinct of self-preser- vation may silence in the female the voice of maternal feeling, it is never- theless his duty to protect the foetus, with Avhose welfare he is equally intrusted. In a given traumatic lesion, all experience shows that spontaneous recovery DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 477 is a rare exception. On the other hand, the experience of all accoucheurs goes to prove that the spontaneous cessation of vomiting is of almost uni- versal occurrence. We thus see that the surgeon "and the accoucheur stand on a different footing, and that the difficulty which I have suggested is not removed by the comparison which has been made between them Avith that object. [We shall proceed no further Avith this discussion, but first of all examine the tacts. Experience having shown that abortion and spontaneous labor were, in cases of obstinate Aomiting, often followed by recovery, it was naturally asked by physicians whether the process adopted by nature might not properly be effected by art. Some trials having been made here and there, M. Denieux succeeded in collecting 32 of them, which he quotes in his thesis, giving as a result 21 recoveries and 11 deaths. Of the 21 successful cases, 15 were abortions, and 6 premature labors. To, these we would add a case of our own, in which the vomiting being severe, and death imminent, it Avas decided, in consultation with Drs. Millard and Charrier, that abortion should be produced. The operation was successful. It Avas a twin pregnancy of two months duration. Our conclusion is, that procured abortion, as well as premature delivery, is a valuable resource in intractable vomiting. It is nevertheless true that it has the great disadvantage of certainly sacrificing the life of the child ; therefore, before undertaking the operation, the conviction derived from mature consideration that no other course remains by which the mother's life can be saved, should be sus- tained by the concurrence of several medical friends in consultation. It is, in fact, more difficult under these circumstances than in a case of extreme contraction of the pelvis to determine the propriety of producing abortion, and that, too, without having the same certainty of saving the patient. We shall not revert to the comparison of such cases, already made on page 474. Another difficult question remains to be settled: At what time ought abortion to be effected? In reply, we can do no better than quote the opinion of P. Dubois. " The production of abortion in the third stage of the disease is liable to the gravo objection of not saving the patients, but of hastening their end and compromising our art. If done in the first stage, there would be the not less serious error of sacrificing a pregnancy which might, perhaps, have progressed happily to its term. Therefore, we conclude that the operation is applicable to the period intermediate to those mentioned." AVe Avould here call to mind that this second period is characterized: 1, by almost incessant vomiting, produced by all kinds of food, and sometimes, also, by the least quantity of pure water; 2, by debility so great as to keep the patient at rest, and occasionally by syncope ; 3, continued fever; 4, in certain cases by a fetid and even putrid breath. When to these symptoms is added the failure of all the medication which has been tried, it is right to advise abortion, leaving Avith the family the responsibility of deciding upon it as a last resort. Different operative procedures may be employed, the comparative value of which will come under discussion hereafter. (See Operations.)] § 4. Constipation. Diarrhcea. Constipation is a very common affection in pregnant women, and it is usually attributed to the pressure of the developed uterus on the upper part of the rectum, by Avhich not only the calibre is diminished, but its action is also paralyzed. Would it not be more reasonable to attribute it in many cases to a commencing chlorosis ? We knoAV, indeed, that constipation is sc common in the latter disease that Hamilton regarded it as one of its causes. 478 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. Some authors attribute it to diminished secretion of bile. When carried too far it often produces anorexia, and disordered digestion, and becomes a cause of agitation and loss of sleep. Whatever be its cause, the strainings necessary to expel the hardened faeces that have accumulated in the intes- tine, may give rise to hemorrhage and abortion. The best measures for preventing and remedying this state are nearly- identical Avith those used at other periods of life. The same remarks apply to the diarrhoea Avith Avhich Avomen are often tormented. [Constipation, as just said, is very common during pregnancy. Diarrhoea some- times occurs, and that more frequently than seems to be generally suspected. The diarrhoea of pregnancy varies in character, and is due to different causes. Sometimes it alternates with the constipation which gives rise to it, and which is relieved thereby. At other times it coincides so nearly with conception as to be its first symptom ; again, it may appear only during the last days of gestation, and indicate the imminence of labor. In none of these forms does it present any gravity, and is amenable to the treatment usually employed in such cases. Exceptionally, however, severe diarrhoea may supervene during pregnancy, with- out any assignable cause. The passages are profuse and frequent, and accompanied with tenesmus ; emaciation takes place Avith exhaustion of strength, the mouth becomes dry, and fever sets in. Some of these cases resist all kinds of treatment, and may lead to abortion or premature labor. This form, to which the term intractable might well be applied, may prove fatal to the mother either before or after delivery. One case of the kind has come under our own observation.] ARTICLE II. LESIONS OF RESPIRATION. Cough and dyspnoea are about the only affections claiming our examina- tion under this title. The dyspnoea that supervenes towards the end of pregnancy is evidently produced by the croAA'ding of the lungs from the excessive uterine develop- ment, and the delivery alone can cure it; but sometimes it is sooner mani- fested in consequence of a pulmonary congestion, Avhich must be remedied by general blood-letting, a light regimen, repose in a suitable position, and loose clothing. The same may be said of such palpitations as are not due to organic dis- ease Avhich existed before the pregnancy; but it must not be forgotten that, though bleeding is useful Avhen the dyspnoea or palpitations are very severe, by diminishing the local congestion for the time, the latter is much more frequently due to hydraemia than to a true plethora, and that the best means for preventing its return is to follow the bleeding by tonic remedies. (See the folloAving article.) As to the cough, it is only dangerous as regards the pregnancy, by the violent jars sometimes given, Avhich may produce an abortion. Indeed, all observers Avho have Avritten on influenza ha\re carefully noted the frequency of this accident in Avomen who Avere affected with it. When th cough is the effect of pregnancy, it may sometimes be attributed DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 479 to local plethora, and then we should bleed. But at other times it has a spasmodic character resembling whooping-cough, Avith the exception of the alteration of the voice. In such cases, I have derived much advantage from baths, repeated for several days in succession. When it is the symptom of a chronic malady, existing prior to gestation, the treatment Avill vary Avith the disease that produced the cough. What- ever may be its origin, the accoucheur should ahvays resort to such demul- cents and pectorals as are calculated to diminish its intensity. ARTICLE III. lesions of the circulation. § 1. Alterations of the Blood. Plethora and Hydremia. The general circulation is more active in pregnant Avomen than in others (see page h>7), and this increased activity manifests itself by a greater fre- quency of pulse, Avhich is often harder and fuller than in the non-gravid state. Though all this may be regarded as normal, it sometimes becomes exaggerated and gives rise to a slightly morbid condition. Thus, some Avomen experience, at the same time, vertigo, dimness of vision, ringing of the ears, sudden flushings of the face, spontaneous heats over the body, but more especially of the head. If bleeding be practised under these circum- stances, the blood Avill sometimes afford a large and consistent clot Avith but little serum; though much more frequently there is much serum, and a small clot, covered with a distinct Avhitish coat, resembling that observed in inflammatory diseases. (See page 160.) The differences in the appearance of the blood draAvn by venesection ought to have excited the suspicion that, notAvithstanding their identity, these functional disturbances might be produced by different causes ; and although some scattering therapeutic measures induce the supposition that the idea had suggested itself to some good minds, it is also evident that it Avas almost immediately stifled; for the majority of authors, even the most recent, do not hesitate to refer them to plethora, and making the treatment correspond with the etiology, recommend blood-letting as the best means of overcom- ing it. The little advantage which I had derived from this practice had, for several years, excited doubts in my mind as to the value of the theory; which doubts Avere especially increased by reading the admirable investi- gations by M. Andral on the blood. Therefore, in treating, in 1844, in the second edition of this Avork, of the plethora of pregnant females, I Avrote as folloAA's: "After having read the curious statements just given (analysis of the blood by M Andral), the reader will perhaps find them to disagree with the title of this paragraph, and possibly also with the therapeutic measures hereafter recommended; for hoAv, indeed, can Ave reconcile this denomination of plethora, applied to the totality of the phenomena observed in most gravid females, Avith the evidences of anaemia furnished by the analysis of the blood? Is it not probable that the profession has heretofore been in error, in attributing to this cause Avhat in fact is only due to an impoverishment of 480 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. the blood? Because, if to these results we add the beating of the carotids, the caprices of the stomach, the digestive disorders, and the varied nervous phenomena that occur during pregnancy, and Avhich closely resemble those so often observed in chlorotic patients, are we not irresistibly brought to the conclusion, that the chlorosis Avhich produces them in the one case also does in the other? and, consequently, that the bleeding generally recommended is more likely to augment than to diminish such disorders? A sufficient number of facts are still wanting to decide the question satisfactorily; but, while presenting in this work the vieAVS most generally received, we cannot conceal the effects produced on our mind by the experiments of Andral and Gavarret." From that time we have endeavored to test by facts the inferences which we had draAvn from the documents furnished by the experiments of these two learned professors; and Ave have to say, that the theory is confirmed by practice. Therefore we now assert boldly, Avhat Ave before expressed timidly in a simple note: That hydrozmia is the most frequent cause of those func- tional disorders of pregnant women which have hitherto been attribxded to plethora. HoAvever strange this proposition may at first appear, it seems to us to be proved by the results of the chemical analysis of the blood, by the symptoms presented by the patients, and by the happy effects of a tonic treatment. It is iioav Avell proved that the essential character of plethora is based upon a great increase in the proportion of the blood corpuscles, as their diminution is the distinctive fact in anaemia. And it is Avell knoAvn that diminution of the corpuscles and increased proportion of Avater are the essential characteristics of anaemia and chlorosis. Now we have shoAvn (pp. 157 and 159) whilst describing the changes in the blood during preg- nancy, that the amount of corpuscles diminishes, Avhilst that of Avater increases. In this respect, therefore, pregnant Avomen may be strictly com- pared Avith those affected with chlorosis. The increase of fibrin and dimi- nution of albumen also observed during gestation (see pages 157 to 159), are of more difficult explanation. The deficient nutrition of the mother, Avho is obliged, Avhatever may happen, to supply the foetus Avith the food required for its development, may also explain the excess of fibrin, and in addition, the decrease of the corpuscles; for the experiments of M. Andral have shoAvn that the blood of dogs, subjected to certain degrees of abstinence, presented the characters of chloro-ari!emia, and coincided Avith a marked increase of the fibrin. Again, if Ave admit, Avith some modern chemists, that the fibrin is formed at the expense of the albumen of the blood, may Ave not find in the con- siderable diminution of the latter the cause of the increase of the former? Finally, Ave Avould add that MM. Becquerel and Rodier, the only ob- servers Avhose analyses give the proportion of iron in the blood of pregnant Avomen, have shoAvn that it is beloAV the physiological average. Thus, in 1000 grammes of the calcined blood of a healthy and non-pregnant woman, the average proportion of iron is 0'541; in that of the pregnant female it is 0"449; and in well-marked chlorosis it is 0-366. The proportion of iron DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 481 folloAvs, therefore, that of the corpuscles, and the expression of its amount during pregnancy Avill serve to indicate the transition from the healthy condition to confirmed chlorosis. From all that has been said, Ave think it may be concluded that the prin- cipal elements of the blood undergo alterations during pregnancy analogous to those of chlorosis. These changes are doubtless in many cases purely physiological, as Ave have already stated (see page 159), but may so increase as to become pathological by the establishment of hydraemia and chloro- amemia. The view Avhich Ave take will become still clearer Avhen we shall have proved the folloAving proposition. The Functioned. Disorders of Pregnancy hitherto attributed to Plethora are those of Chlorosis. Most of the authors Avho have Avritten upon the func- tional disorders of pregnancy have attributed them to plethora, on account of the peculiar physiognomy which they present. Thus, because in many pregnant females they observed fulness and hardness of the pulse, a feeling of heaviness in- the head Avith somnolence, vertigo, ringing in the ears, flashes of heat, sudden flushings of the face, &c, they regarded them un- hesitatingly as the expression of encephalic congestions, themselves the con- sequence of general plethora. Noav it is really only necessary to read the list of symptoms belonging to chlorosis, in order to be convinced that they are identical for the two affections. This is easily explained, says M. Andral, by observing that if the mere passage of too great an amount of corpuscles through the vessels of the brain appears to account sufficiently for the cerebral disorders Avitnessed in ple- thora, it folloAvs that too small an amount of corpuscles traversing the same vessels Avill produce similar disorders; so that too great or too small an amount of corpuscles deranges certain actions of the brain in the same manner. Therefore, the true cause of the symptoms is not to be judged of by their external characters, but only by the changes in the blood. Now, the analysis of the blood of a large number of females, Avho complained of these supposed plethoric phenomena, has shoAvn a marked diminution of corpuscles and an increase of serum. Besides, if Ave remember Avhat has already been said concerning the pathology of pregnancy, it will be found that there is hardly one of the functional disorders yet studied, which is not also observed in chlorotic women. What is more common than to find in chloro-anaemic patients the want of appetite, disgust for food, Avhimsical and depraved tastes, cramps and pains in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, — in short, all those symp- toms of gastralgia Avhich render many pregnancies so suffering? Are not also the headaches, toothaches, faintings, and the facial, frontal, orbital, or temporal neuralgias, common, so to speak, to the tAvo conditions? As re- gards the circulation, do Ave not observe the same modifications in the strength of the impulse, the rhythm, and the clearness of the pulsations of the heart, and is not a belloAvs murmur also heard in the principal vascular trunks? Some of these various disorders, such as the nervous phenomena, are moie 31 482 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY particularly observed in the first half of pregnancy; others, such as the pretended symptoms of plethora, trouble more especially those females who have reached a more adAranced period. It must, hoAA'ever, be confessed, that sometimes all of them appear at the beginning, and sometimes at the end of gestation, which fact some persons have thought to militate against my theory. Why, said M. Jacquemier, should the same symptoms, which are regarded as disorders due to sympathy with the uterus, if they appear during the first half of pregnancy, be considered as caused by chlorosis, if they appear during the second half? Is there not something arbitrary and artificial in this,—something Avhich seems to have been devised expressly for the support of a theory? In the first place, I Avould observe that I have only spoken of the un comfortable sensations Avhich women experience in the latter months; but in supposing the similarity of the symptoms, there is nothing irrational in attributing to them a different origin. I may be allowed to recall what takes place in the case of a young girl becoming chlorotic: it will be seen that the succession of phenomena is absolutely the same as what I have supposed for the chlorosis of pregnant women. A healthy young girl reaches the age of puberty, when, under the influence of causes which we often cannot appreciate, the menstruation fails to betome established, or takes place only in an imperfect or irregular manner. The uterus, being disturbed in the exercise of its monthly functions, soon reacts upon all the other organs. The appetite diminishes, the stomach becomes capricious, the tastes whimsical, the digestion painful; and from the persistence of this difficult digestion results incomplete assimilation, and soon deficient nutri- tion. After the lapse of a few weeks or months, the defective nutrition produces an alteration in the composition of the blood, which, Avhen carried to a certain degree, produces all the symptoms of chlorosis,—symptoms bearing a strong resemblance to those Avhich preceded and caused the general disease of Avhich they are the expression. No one, certainly, will deny the truth of the picture just drawn. Now, is not the same succession of phenomena witnessed in pregnancy? In both cases, is it not the irritation of the uterus produced by'the neAV functions, Avhich first reacts upon the other functions of the economy, disturbing their regular fulfilment, Avhich afterAvard interferes with the assimilation of nutri- tive matters, and Avhich finally produces chlorosis? Is not .the latter con- dition indicated in the pregnant woman, as in the young girl, by the same symptoms? Where then is the difference? And if it be alloAved that the primary functional disorders of the young girl are purely sympathetic, whilst those which occur later are attributable to chlorosis, Avhy should Ave refuse to acknowledge the same as occurring during pregnancy? After thus recalling the fact, that all the functional disorders of chlorosis are sometimes observed during pregnancy, it truly becomes a matter of astonishment that the resemblance betAveen the two should not have been noted earlier, and that it should have been left for recent analyses to excite the suspicion that the same symptoms might be due to the same cause. The pathological anatomy and symptomatology being then in accordance with each other, it remains to be seen Avhether the treatment will afford another evidence of the nature of the disorder. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 483 Plethora Avas formerly considered so common, and so exclusively the cause of the diseases of pregnancy, that blood-letting had become a general practice. So strongly impressed were many Avomen Avith the idea of the necessity of bleeding, that they thought themselves under an obligation to have recourse to it by the time they had reached the fifth month of gestation, and even demanded it before consulting their physician. Most practitioners declined performing these so-called preventive bleedings, though all re- garded venesection as the best means of overcoming plethora, that is to say, the assemblage of phenomena attributed thereto. If the latter proposition Avere true, it Avould constitute an unanswerable objection to the theory Ave are endeavoring to establish. Fortunately, however, such is not the case. I certainly do not Avish to deny the amelioration produced by bleeding in certain cases ; but it proves nothing against the poverty of the blood, and the chloro-anaemia. The lessened proportion of the corpuscles does not necessarily involve a diminution of the entire mass of the blood, as the word amemia applied to this alteration Avould seem to indicate. Generally, on the contrary, the amount of this fluid remains the same, and sometimes even is considerably increased; thus corresponding with Avhat M. Beau states to be habitually the case in chlorosis. A true plethora, Avhich might be styled serous, then exists, in which case, especially to the usual signs of anaemia, are superadded headache, vertigo, ringing in the ears, etc.; and under these circumstances, bleeding may afford relief by diminishing the amount of blood. The same result is obtained in ordinary chlorosis, Avhen bleeding is practised for the removal of local congestions. But, in preg- nancy as in chlorosis, this alleviation is but temporary, and if the propor- tion of corpuscles be not brought up to the healthy standard by proper hygienic and therapeutic measures, the same symptoms will soon reappear, and Avith greater intensity. The abstraction of blood is, therefore, in any case, but a palliatory measure, only to be employed in extreme cases, Avhen the general symptoms are very severe, but Avhich might have been avoided by administering tonics and ferruginous preparations at an earlier period. An animal diet, and preparations of iron, have, for six years back, always appeared to me to be quite as useful against the functional disorders of pregnancy as against those of chlorosis. Unless they be very serious, I no longer bleed for palpitations, pains in the lead, or suffocations, nor have I knoAvn them, in a single instance, to resist the use of the prepara- tions of iron longer than a couple of Aveeks. Even when the gravity of the accidents has obliged me to bleed to the extent of six or eight ounces at the utmost, I begin immediately with the use of ircm, and it is very rarely that I am obliged as formerly to recur to venesection. Hemorrhage from the boAvels might, in some cases, remove the necessity for phlebotomy, Mid M. Blot was certainly right in advising gentle purgatives under these circumstances. There is still another condition, in Avhich I have associated iron and bleeding with advantage; with Avhat propriety we shall next see. The excess of impoverished blood in pregnancy may, as in chlorosis, give rise to local congestion, Avhich congestion, Avhen carried beyond certain limits, explains the occurrence of epistaxis, and the less frequent haemop- 484 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. tysis and haematemesis, all Avhich seem to be the result of an effort on the part of nature to diminish the vascular fulness. These accidents are unusual during pregnancy, or, at least, rarely occur to an alarming extent. The reason seems to be, that from the moment of conception until delivery, all the vital powers appear to be concentrated upon a single organ, VA'hich forms a centre of fluxion, towards which all the troubles of the organism converge; this organ is the uterus. The congestion, which in the chlorotic patient occurs in the head or the chest, here takes place in the womb; and the extraordinary development of the vessels of the uterus, and their more or less intimate connection with those of the foetus, sufficiently explain the danger of an over-determination of fluid. At a very early period, the congestion may occasion the rupture of one of the numerous capillary vessels distributed upon the internal surface of the mucous membrane [parietal or epichorial decidua) ; rather later, the congestion may be great enough to rupture one of the utero-placental vessels, and in both cases give rise to an effusion, Avhich, by destroying wholly or in part the utero-placental relations, proves fatal to the child. These uterine congestions, which are properly considered, in some cases, as the consequence of general plethora, I have witnessed much oftener in feeble and anaemic women. They almost ahvays appear at the menstrual periods, as though the monthly periodicity excited at those times a more active vitality in the uterus. The woman complains of tension, of swelling of the abdomen, of a feeling of weight in the pelvis, the groins, and upper part of the thighs; she also soon suffers pain in the region of the kidneys and in the loins. If the proper measures are not employed, the vascular congestion, and the pressure upon the uterine Avails resulting from it, irri- tate the organ; slight contractions occur, sometimes even a little blood floAA's from the vulva, and announces a threatened abortion. These symp- toms are almost always accompanied with marked vesical tenesmus. Can the latter be due to pressure on the neck of the bladder, produced by an increase in the size and Aveight of the uterus caused by the congestion ? It is evident that Avhen these symptoms of uterine congestion appear, prudence dictates a recourse to all the means likely to effect a revulsion. Thus, sinapisms to the upper and posterior part of the back, seven or eight dry cups to the upper part of the chest, and finally, if these measures are insufficient, bleeding, to the extent of six or eight ounces, as a poAverful revulsive, is very useful. But, even here, the bleeding may have only a momentary effect by destroying the local plethora, and by no means enables us to dispense Avith medicines capable of modifying the state of the blood. We shall return to this* subject under the head of Preventive Treatment of Abortion. It is proper, hoAvever, that I should say in this place, that many of my patients who had suffered frequent miscarriages, have been enabled to attain their full period by the use of iron administered from the begin- ning of pregnancy. We see, therefore, and I call the attention of practitioners to this point, that if the medicament which cures a disease sometimes also proves it* nature, then the disorders Avhich Ave have described are oftenest due to chloro-anaemia. ani not to plethora. The latter proposition, confirmed as diseases of pregnancy. 485 it is by pathological anatomy and symptomatology, I hold to be incon- testable. I say oftenest, for I Avould not have my assertion regarded as absolute. Though true plethora, that Avhich is distinguished from serous plethora bv an increase in the amount of the corpuscles, be rare, it nevertheless is some- times met Avith, especially at a very early stage of gestation. Females of a really plethoric constitution, Avhose menstrual discharge is habitually abun- dant and high-colored, may retain this constitutional peculiarity during pregnancy, and sometimes even have it increased. The sixty odd analyses Avhich Ave have quoted, show that, in several instances, the proportion of corpuscles undenvent no diminution in the earlier months, and that in the case of one woman Avho had reached the end of the second month, M. Andral found them increased to one hundred and forty-five. It is even probable that, Avhen analyses shall be more numerous, the same peculiarity will be remarked in some cases of advanced pregnancy. For my OAvn part, I have certainly met with females Avhose antecedents, symptomatic expres- sion, and the physical properties of whose blood afforded every indication of plethora. The fact of our having observed but feAV instances of the latter class, is explained by our practising in the metropolis, Avhere all debilitating influ- ences are collected. The hygienic conditions in Avhich women live in the country, dispose them less to chlorosis, and it is exceedingly probable that their blood is not so much altered during pregnancy as in the cases we have noticed. To this, I think, is certainly due their exemption from the func- tional disorders, nervous or othenvise, Avhich so commonly affect the females of large cities. This is an additional argument in favor of my theorv. Though such Avomen are exposed to the general consequences of plethora, they present more frequently the signs of local or uterine plethora, espe- cially during the first, half of pregnancy, at the periodic returns of the menstrual periods. The local phenomena, as tension, swelling of the abdo- men, feeling of weight in the pelvis, are very strongly marked in their cases. The circulation of the.foetus also, sometimes, appears to share in the troubles of the maternal circulation, for these signs of congestion are frequently observed to be folloAved by the Aveakening, diminished frequency, and even complete cessation of its active motions; and if the motions have not yet been perceived, the plethoric condition may greatly retard their appearance. HoAvever difficult the explanation of these peculiarities may appear, they are too common to be doubted.' The best proof that can be given of the effect of this local congestion upon the motions of the child, is their prompt reappearance after a venesection made at the proper time; and it very frequently happens that a Avoman Avho is five months, or five months and a half, gone, Avithout having felt them, perceives them suddenly after bleeding. It is unnecessary to state that here blood-letting constitutes the proper treatment, and that the quantity/ abstracted may be regulated by the cir- cumstances of the individual cases. It is, hoAvever, better to practise several small bleedings at short intervals, than to depend upon a single copious one. The production of syncope should be studiously avoided. 486 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. We shall have occasion, Avhen treating of abortion, to finish the study of the therapeutical indications. (See Abortion.) To recapitulate, the functional disorders of pregnancy, as cephalalgia, giddiness, vertigo, ringing in the ears, dyspnoea, palpitations, tx"c, are rarely due to true plethora, but most generally to chloro-anaemia. We might indeed distinguish for pregnant Avoinen a very rare sanguineous plethora, and a very common serous plethora. Independently of this marked diminution of globules and albumen, the blood is sometimes considerably altered byr admixture Avith the elements of the urine. This alteration, Avhich has been described of late by the Ger- mans under the title of urozmia, and of Avhich Ave shall soon have occasion to speak, is a capital fact in the etiology of several diseases Avhich are liable to appear in the puerperal condition. We merely state the fact for the present, leaving further notice of it until we come to treat of the lesions of the urinary secretion. § 2. Hemorrhage. [Hemorrhage from the genital organs is, unfortunately, but too common during pregnancy, and is an accident much to be apprehended. The hemorrhage may assume very different features according to the cause Avhich produces it and the time of its appearance. On this account it would be so difficult to treat of it in a single chapter, that its history must necessarily be divided into several articles, which we think it best thus to indicate at the outset. Sometimes the effusion of blood is confined to the placenta, and has already been described as placental apo- plexy with the other diseases of the placenta (see Diseases of the Ovum). Uterine hemorrhage occurring during the first six months of gestation should, if it be some- what profuse, excite fears of abortion, which it often gives rise to or accompanies. Under these circumstances it is impossible to separate the study of the hemorrhage from that of the abortion. (See Abortion). Hemorrhage occurring during the three last months of gestation presents, on the other hand, the same symptoms, and requires the same treatment as though it occurred during labor. One description, therefore, suffices for both, and Avill be given in connection with the history of other accidents which are liable to occur during labor. (See Dystocia, article Hemorrhage.) Again, rupture of varicose veins of the vulva and vagina gives rise to effusion of blood in these organs. Such an effusion is knoAvn as a thrombus. As it rarely occurs except during labor, we refer the account of it also to the article on Dystocia. (See Dystocia, article Thrombus.) We shall merely refer in this place to a rather rare and curious form of uterine hemorrhage. Some women have a discharge of blood from the vulva a few days after conception. It is small in armount and is sometimes intermittent and some- times continuous; it is rarely attended Avith clots, but resembles a moderate men- strual flow. It sometimes lasts for three or four months without interruption, yet neither gives rise to serious symptoms nor interferes with the course of gestation; finally it ceases without assignable cause. In our opinion, the discharge has its source in the neck of the uterus, which, in these cases, has appeared to us both large and softened. The explanation would at least seem probable, when we remember how readily blood exudes from the os tincae Avhen a pregnant woman is examined by means of a speculum. An ulceration of the cervix viould facilitate the discharge of blood. It requires no treatment, the greatest dar ger being that it might lead to the belief of the non-existence of pregnancy.] DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 487 § 3. Varices. .Hemorrhoids. A varicose condition of the veins in the loAver extremities, the vagina, and inferior parts of the rectum, is quite a common occurrence toAvards the latter part of gestation, though, as regards treatment, the varicose veins in the limbs only require the usual precautions to prevent their rupture. For this, methodical compression is the best remedy, and every attempt at a radical cure should be discountenanced. [Varicose veins of the limbs sometimes burst during pregnancy, and the result- ing hemorrhage is almost always serious in consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the iliac veins. Though some cases are said to have proved fatal, any hemorrhage of this kind is generally easily arrested by well-regulated pressure applied to the seat of the injury. The veins of the vulva, ahvays dilated during pregnancy, sometimes become varicose, giving the sensation of well-defined cords. No annoyance usually results, though some women complain of a very uncomfortable feeling of weight whilst standing. Moderate pressure by means of a T bandage almost always affords relief. Rupture of one of these varieo.se veins may give rise to severe hemorrhage or even death, as in the following case Avhich came under our notice at the hospital of the Clinique. A pregnant woman, in other respects in good health, Avas affected with varicose veins of the vulva. One evening, whilst about retiring, she attempted, whilst sporting with some of the other women in the dormitory, to leap from her bed. Falling backward, she found herself seated upon a chair, the edge of Avhich had struck against the vulva. A hemorrhage so severe as to prove fatal in a short time, Avas the immediate result. At the autopsy, the only lesion that I could dis- cover was a contused wound about, half an inch in length upon the external surface of the left internal labium. Water injected into the primitive iliac vein escaped rapidly from the little wound just mentioned. Had the cause of the hemorrhage been discovered as soon as the accident occurred, the effusion could have been cer- tainly stopped by pressure directly applied. As the rupture of the veins of the vagina and vulva occurs most frequentlv dur- ing labor, we refer for further particulars to the subject of Thrombus. (See Dys- tocia.)] Hemorrhoids, like varices, are an ordinary consequence of the uterine pressure on the hypogastric vessels; but they may likeAvise be frequently produced by constipation, and the attendant accumulation of hard matters in the rectum. The bleeding piles are generally less disastrous ; but the others are more grave and very painful. In fact, it often happens that Avomen affected Avith them can neither stand nor Avalk, and they are even troubled Avhen seated. The first indication is to combat the costiveness, and then to assuage the pain by tepid bathing, cataplasms, and emollient and narcotic lotions, or the poplar ointment may be applied to the tumors; and Avhere they are in- ternal, a suppository of cocoa-butter might be introduced into the rectum. Liniments containing opium and belladonna -will frequently^ relieve the patients; but this is all that Ave could prudently do under the circum- stances. When the inflammation and turgescence are very great, bleeding in the arm is advisable, as this is much preferable to the application of lerches in the immediate neighborhood of the tumor; true, the latter calms the pains 488 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. temporarily, but then, in certain females, they might bring on an abortion. I have never known, says Desormeaux, the application of leeches on the tumors, or the incision of the latter, to procure any durable relief. Where the irritation from the piles seems to react on the Avomb, and threatens a uterine hemorrhage, M. Gendrin has derived signal advantage. from cold applications around the pelvis. In those cases, says he, if the hemorrhage, is imminent, we augment the activity of the topical remedies placed directly over the parts affected, by using cold baths to the breech at the same time, the temperature of the Avater never having been loAver than 12° or 15° (Centigrade, equivalent to 54° or 59° Fahr.). I have several times employed cold injections successfully. The plan is to take every evening a large cold enema, which after being discharged is folloAved by a small one, which ought to be retained. We shall speak more fully of the varicose condition of the vaginal veins under the article Thrombus of the Vulva. ARTICLE IV. lesions of the secretions and excretions. § 1. Ptyalism. Ptyalism, or a hypersecretion of saliva, sometimes occurs during preg- nancy. It generally lasts but a short time, rarely more than two months. One case, however, is mentioned by M. Brachet, in which the salivation commenced in the second month, and lasted for a month after delivery; and I have quite recently observed a similar instance in the case of the wife of one of my professional brethren. It frequently returns in several successive pregnancies. I have seen it continue between six and seven weeks in the two'first pregnancies of a lady Avho has since had another child Avithout a recurrence of the affection ; and M. Danyau, Jr., mentions a patient Avho Avas profusely salivated for five months in her first pregnancy, and still longer and more profusely in tAvo succeeding gestations. HoAvever considerable the salivation may be, it is rather a disagreeable inconvenience than a serious complication. Though it has in no case mate- rially affected the health, some Avomen have been so annoyed with the con- tinual spitting, and the Aoav of saliva which sometimes deluges the pilloAv at night, as to insist upon being relieved of it. Happily, in a large proportion of cases, the ptyalism ceases spontaneously, for no great confidence can be reposed in the measures generally resorted to for its removal. Some ad- Arantage, however, may be derived from the use of aromatic infusions and slightly astringent gargles. Like Desormeaux, I have .found it useful to recommend the patients constantlv to keep a little piece of sugar-candy in the mouth. Others, again, advise lumps of gum arabic, and pieces of ice. It is useful to be acquainted Avith these various measures, if only to keep up the patience of the sufferer, by varying them from time to time until the disorder ceases of its own accord. Some authors seem to have dreaded the effect of the sudden suppression of a profuse salivation. Two cases are mentioned, in one of which apoplexy, DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 489 and in the other symptoms of suffocation, appeared to result from it. I do not think that the relation of cause and effect has been satisfactorily sIioavu in these cases, and am tempted to believe that here, as in many other in- stances, it has been erroneously concluded, post hoc, ergo propter hoc. § 2. Excretion of the Urine. The renal secretion is rarely increased during pregnancy; those Avriters who have stated the contrary, having been deceived by the frequent incli- nations to urinate which females experience at certain periods of pregnancy. These repeated desires are due to a true vesical tenesmus, produced by the compression exerted upon the body and neck of the bladder by the uterine tumor. They occur every hour, sometimes oftener, and are relieved by the discharge of a feAV drops of urine. The pressure of the uterus upon the neck of the bladder is sometimes so great as to obstruct the emission of urine, and render it painful or even impossible. This difficulty in urinating may occur in the commencement of pregnancy, either Avhen the pelvis is too large, and permits the uterus to remain a long time in the excavation, or on the occurrence of a prolapsus uteri, or those other displacements of this organ known as anteversion and retroversion. Most frequently, however, it appears towards the end of gestation, either because the uterus, from being pushed down by the presenting part of the foetal head, early engages in the excavation, or because the Avomb is forcibly carried fonvards; in the latter case the body of the bladder is pressed up- wards and in front by the uterus, and its neck forced against the superior margin of the symphysis pubis. When the anteversion is Avell marked, the body of the bladder forms an angle of the neck ; in some cases it is even loAver, whence tbje introduction of a catheter is then exceedingly troublesome. After all, the difficulty of urinating still persists until term, whatever Ave may do; for Ave can only alleviate it by tepid bathing, the horizontal position, and more particularly by the use of a bandage to sustain the abdomen. Where the retention is complete, the bladder, by becoming distended, may increase so much in size as to reach the umbilicus, and its excessh'e distention might produce an inflammation or even a rupture, especially during the throes of labor; but where the neck is not altogether obliterated by the pressure, an incontinence of urine may ensue, the fluid dribbling away drop by drop; though, unfortunately, that is not ahvays the case, and the catheter must then be resorted to. I have already said this operation is attended by difficulties under such circumstances, and when it is quite impossible to perform it, the distress may be relieved, in a measure, by pressing back the uterus from the sym- physis pubis with the tAvo fingers introduced into the vagina, and the Avoman should be taught to aid herself in this Avay. In some instances, the female suffers at the latter stages a considerable smarting or pain in urinating, as sharp as if there Avas a stone in the blad- der ; these symptoms arise from a true catarrh of the body, or at least of the Lock of this organ; the urine, in fact, often contains Avhitish flakes of purulent matter. Such symptoms require the general antiphlogistic treat- 490 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. ment, local bathing, emollients, and mucilaginous drinks. As a general rule, women only suffer from an incontinence of urine during the last three months, and then the delivery is the only remedy; however, it shows itself in the earlyT stages of gestation in certain females, being evidently produced by the pressure which the uterus, that is still within the pelvis, makes on the neck of the bladder, and it lasts until the Avomb rises above the superior strait. If the incontinence remains after the fifth month, the symptoms may be relieved by injections of warm water, and by the internal use of tonics. Though the amount of urine is not changed, its composition sometimea undergoes alterations Avhich it is important to be acquainted Avith. I shall not return to the consideration of the peculiar pellicle called kyesteine by M. Nauche, and Avhose diagnostic value we have already deter- mined ; but I shall proceed to notice a very remarkable fact, Avhich we shall often have occasion to refer to; I speak of the presence of albumen, which is found in greater or less amount in the urine of some women at an advanced stage of pregnancy. (See Albuminuria.) § 3. Albuminuria. Uraemia. The credit of having called the attention of physicians to the presence of albumen in the urine of pregnant Avomen belongs to M. Rayer, whose admirable and laborious investigations of the disease of the kidneys have throAvn so much light upon the pathology of those organs. He was the first to endeavor, in his splendid Avork, to determine the effect of this altera- tion of the urinary secretion upon the health of the mother, and the regular development of the foetus. Aftenvard, folloAved the observations of Dr. Lever and of Dr. Cahen, Avho, by the advice of his master, M. Bayer, pub- lished a good thesis upon the subject. Next came the interesting memoir of AIM. Devilliers and Regnauld, and another thesis by M. Blot. More recently, tAvo manuscript memoirs by MM. Imbert Goubeyre, and Bach, and the researches of Frerich, Schott, and Wieger, have shed some light upon this still obscure point of puerperal pathology. It is knoAvn that albuminuria is generally the symptom of an organic dis- ease of the kidneys, Avhich almost always proves fatal; hence, it may be readily understood, that when this change in the urine is observed during pregnancy, it becomes at once desirable to ascertain Avhether it be neces- sarily due to the same cause, or Avhether it be merely one of the numerous modifications produced in the economy by gestation. In the first case, it is a very serious affection, calculated to aAvaken all the solicitude of the physician ; in the second, it is but a temporary func- tional disorder, Avhich Avill most probably disappear with the cause that pro- duced it. Unfortunately, in the present state of our knoAvledge, it is very difficult to decide the question. For, on the one hand, 1. The normal diminution of the albumen in the blood of pregnant Avomen, Avhich diminu- tion is much greater in patients affected with albuminuria, since MM. Devilliers and Regnauld have observed it to descend to 56'39, would lead to the supposition that the cases under consideration were but exaggerations of what ordinarily occurs, and that the elimination of a larger amount of albumen than usual from the blood, be the cause Avhat it may, accounts for DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 491 its evacuation by the urine. 2. The albuminuria of pregnancy is net gener- ally accompanied by the functional disorders and the symptoms to Avhich it gives rise Avhen connected Avith disease of the kidneys; and the dropsy7 it- self, Avhich is almost constantly observed in the latter case, is sometimes Avanting in pregnant Avomen affected Avith albuminuria, as Avas twice ob- served by MM. Regnauld and Devilliers, as I have myself Avitnessed, and as M. Blot found to be the case tAventy-three times out of forty-one. 3. Lastly, in the majority of instances, it disappears immediately upon the termination of the pregnancy which caused it; and Avhen Ave consider the obstinacy of albuminous nephritis, it is difficult to account for this sudden disappearance of a disease, Avhich, under other circumstances than the puerperal condition, so frequently has a fatal termination. On the other hand, however, observation shoAvs that in almost all the cases in Avhich women die of the convulsions Avhich too frequently complicate albuminuria, the kidneys present the anatomical characteristics of albuminous nephritis, the more or less advanced degrees of alteration appearing to correspond with the duration of the disease and the amount of albumen discharged. Many times have I had occasion to observe this fact, and fearing lest I should interpret the alterations erroneously, have almost uniformly pre- sented the kidneys to the examination of M. Rayer, avIio generally recog- nized in them the second, sometimes the third, and only once the fourth degree of alteration. The learned physician of La Charite considers the more frequent occur- rence of the, anatomo-pathological characters of the second degree of the disease to be due solely to the recency of the latter, and by no means to a difference of nature. It is no less the consequence of a renal hyperaemia, which he supposes may be caused in many cases by compression of the emulgent veins by the enlarged uterus, and the consequent obstruction to the return of the venous blood. That, in simple cases, it generally dis- appears promptly after delivery, is probably due to the consequent cessation of the congestion of the kidney Avhich Avas maintained by the pregnancy. We see, therefore, that the question is far from being settled ; Avhilst M. Blot, for example, regards puerperal albuminuria as generally unconnected Avith Bright's disease, M. Bach, of Strasbourg (Memoir, croAvned by the Academy), thinks that it is only sometimes due to albuminous nephritis, and M. Imbert Goubcyre (Memoir, croAvned by the Academy i endeavors to prove that it is always a sign of Bright's disease. jSToav, is it impossible to throw a little light upon this question, which is still so obscure? Healthy urine contains no albumen, and the same is true for the healthy woman in the puerperal condition. Albuminuria, therefore, ahvays indi- cates a pathological condition of Avhich it is the symptom; for every func- tional disorder, Avhether temporary or persistent, supposes a momentary or prolonged alteration of the organs Avhose office it is to accomplish the func- tion. Therefore, the investigation of the causes of albuminuria implies that of the general or local affections Avhich are capable of producing it. But lest Ave should go astray in these researches, it is very important to ascertain a jsriori, Avhat are the organs upon Avhich the accomplishment of the urinary secretion devolves. The kidney is supposed to be exclusively 492 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. intrusted Avith this office, and thus it happens that the material explanation of all the disorders of the secretion is sought for in lesions of that organ. Now, as M. Pidoux has very judiciously observed, the secretion of urine is not confined to the kidney, since it takes place previous to the formation of the latter. (Uric acid and the other elements of the urine have been dis- covered in the fluid contained within the allantoid.) The process of assimi- lation, which is so active in the foetus, can only be understood by supposing a contemporaneous process of decomposition. The blood Avhich Aoavs to the organ is already charged Avith the elements of urine. Avhich are to be separated from it in the passage. The function begins in all parts of the economy by this admixture of heterogeneous elements with the blood, and is completed in the kidney by their elimination from the circulating fluid, Avhich is returned in a purified condition. M. Pidoux Avas therefore right in saying, that the secretion of urine is at once a local and general function: general, because it commences everywhere, and local, because it ends in the kidney. To study the latter organ exclusively, when Ave wish to obtain a physiological idea of the function, is to neglect an important element; so, also, in pathology, always to expect to find the cause of the disorders of the urinary secretion in alterations of the kidney, is to overlook a multitude of other causes Avhich may have a corresponding influence. The elements of the blood conveyed by the renal artery exist, in health, in a fixed proportion, and certain of them are destined to be eliminated by the kidneys. Noav it is easy to understand that if an alteration in the structure of these organs is capable of modifying both the quantity and quality of the matters elimi- nated, an alteration of the fluid, such, for example, as the diminution or in- crease of its solid or fluid parts, may also have the same effect. Clinical observation and post-mortem examination give constant support to this idea; for though we sometimes find a material lesion of the kidney to Avhich we attribute the albuminuria, Ave are very frequently obliged to recognize the fact that it is very often absent. [In the present state of knowledge in respect to albuminuria it cannot be regarded as the symptom of any one single lesion, the passage of albumen being due to many different causes upon the nature of wliich great light has been thrown by physiological experiment. The most striking experiment is that of Claude Bernard, who, having injected a solution of the white of an egg into the veins of an animal, found that albumen soon made its appearance in the urine. The same result fol- lowed the injection of serum of blood. Albuminuria may also be produced arti- ficially by feeding animals Avith albuminous matters exclusively. All these experiments prove that an excess of albumen in the blood is always followed by albuminuria. A somewhat similar excess is found in the blood of pregnant women, for, w*e have here to consider not the relative proportions of the water and organic matters, but rather the comparative relations of the tAvo. Now Mr. Gubler states that such a comparison shoAVS, as a general rule, a marked predominance of albumen as compared Avith the corpuscles (see page lo8). He therefore regards the pro portionate superalbuminosis of the blood as the common determining cause'of albu- minuria. During pregnancy, continues this author, the mother's blool has tedique), Avhose work we refer to without being able to enter at present into greater detail.] The urine, in Bright's disease, presents other alterations besides its admix- ture with a certain proportion of albumen. Thus, Avhen submitted to micro- scopic examination at a certain period of the disease, it is found to contain mucous corpuscles, scales of epithelium derived from the bladder, ureters, and pelvis of the kidney, besides elongated cylindrical bodies formed of amorphous fibrin, in the substance of Avhich blood-corpuscles may be ob- served, either singly or in groups. These have been termed fibrinous cylin- ders, and are regarded by Frerich as pathognomonic of Bright's disease. According to some authors, all these peculiarities are observable in the urine of pregnant Avomen affected Avith albuminuria; according to others, on the contrary, the fibrinous cydinders are very rare in the latter case, and M. Blot has quite recently examined the urine of three eclamptic patients without discovering them. I am not prepared to decide upon this point, though it seems to me very probable that this difference of results is simply due to the fact that, in the first case, the kidneys Avere diseased, Avhilst in the second the recent albumi- nuria was connected only Avith a general alteration of the fluids. After the indications afforded by examination of the urine, the next most frequent symptom of albuminuria is general infiltration or anasarca, Avhich must not be confounded Avith bedema of the loAver extremities. (See Dropsy of the Cellular Tissue.) The latter is occasioned simply by the mechanical obstruction of the venous circulation produced by the pressure of the gravid uterus. 496 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. General infiltration is not so uniform an accompaniment of albuminuria as I thought formerly. In order to determine its relative frequency, it is necessary not only to examine the urine of infiltrated females, as Avas ray practice, but to investigate carefully the urine of all .pregnant Avomen, as was done by M. Blot. It will then be discovered that many patients Avith albuminuria present not a trace of oedema. M. Blot found it, Ave have said, in 23 cases out of 41. It is proper to observe, that this absence of infiltration is also often noticed in the ordinary Bright's disease. By a collection of observations Avith autopsies, derived from various authors, Frerich found that, of 220 cases of Bright's disease, 175 Avere accompanied Avith oedema, and 45 Avere free from it. Nervous disorders are sometimes attendant upon the anasarca. In the last edition of this work Ave stated that puerperal albuminuria did not usually give rise to the symptoms Avhich accompany Bright's disease. This is true for the light cases, Avhich, happily, are the most frequent; but science has progressed, and modern researches have proved that certain of the affections of the pregnant female, whose cause and nature were entirely unknown, coincide Avith albuminuria, and very probably are, like it, the consequence of extensive elimination of albumen from the blood. Thus, in several cases of amaurosis occurring during pregnancy, MM. Simpson, Im- bert Goubeyre, and others, have detected albumen in the urine. ' The same is true of certain cases of obstinate headache, of lumbar pains and pleuro- dynia, of paralysis (hemiplegia or paraplegia), (Robert Johns, Simpson, Im- bert Goubeyre), and of contractions, hemorrhages (Blot), &c. (See Urozmia, and Paralysis.) Noav, M. Imbert Goubeyre's remark is very important, namely, that all these phenomena are found in the symptomatology of Bright s disease, Avhich confirms the comparison that we have made. To the symptoms just mentioned Ave might add eclamptic convulsions, which are, happily, quite rare, and hardly ever appear, except at an ad- vanced stage of the disease. We shall treat of them at length hereafter. (See Urozmia,, and Eclampsia.) It is very difficult, not to say impossible, to determine Avith certainty Avhen the albuminuria commences; to do this, it would be necessary to examine daily the urine of a large number of women during the entire period of pregnancy. Hitherto, it has generally been observed only during the latter months. M. Bach, of Strasbourg, hoAvever, says that he has seen it at six Aveeks in a very nervous person. I once detected it at four months in a greatly infiltrated primiparous female, who Avas delivered at six months of a still-born child, and Avhose urine Avas slightly albuminous eighteen months aftenvards, although the infiltration had disappeared since six months. M. Cahen mentions in his thesis three cases, recorded in the fifth and sixth months, and M. Bach two others. Perhaps, now that attention is directed to this point, such facts Avill multiply ; but those observed hitherto have almost ahvays been noticed in the latter stages. Sometimes it appears only at the moment of delivery, under the influence of the parturient efforts, which are Avell calculated to produce congestion of the kidneys. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 497 When once begun, the progress of albuminuria is liable to great varia- tion ; sometimes it continues uninterruptedly until the commencement of labor, and increases during its continuance; at others, it varies greatly in intensity, and may even cease completely for several days, then reappear, and again stop at very indefinite intervals. When it begins during labor or shortly before, it often disappears a feAV hours or days after delivery; but it follows from the facts collected by M. Imbert Goubeyre, that so prompt a cessation is not as common as I had thought, and as M. Blot had stated. Though there are cases, says M. Im- bert Goubeyre (memoir quoted), in Avhich the albumen disappears Avith rapidity, in others it continues, and passes into chronic and confirmed Bright's disease. From a statement by this author, it appears that, of 65 cases of puerperal albuminuria unaccompanied Avith eclampsia, 21 proved fatal during pregnancy and the lying-in; and 6 from the third to the four- teenth month after delivery; 5 cases became chronic, and Avere found to be still existent, tAvo, eight, ten, and fourteen months, and seven years after the labor. I but just noAV mentioned a case in which albumen was detected in the urine eighteen months after delivery. These differences appear to me to be due to the greater or less intensity of the disease. When the alteration of the fluids is but slight, especially when it has existed for but a short time, and occurs towards the end of ges- tation, or only during the labor; Avhen, finally, the active or passive con- gestion of the kidneys, produced by obstruction of the venous circulation, has had its influence in causing the albuminuria, Ave can understand how the removal of one of the causes, by delivery, may leave the other inca- pable of sustaining the functional disorder. But Avhen the alteration is slight, especially Avhen it dates back to the middle or first half of the preg- nancy, it may then continue for a long time after delivery. In these latter cases, granular nephritis is often present; but I am much inclined to believe that sometimes the kidney is unchanged, or A'ery slightly altered, notAvith- standing the persistence of the albuminuria. In respect to the prognosis, the coexistence of an alteration of the kidney is of the highest importance; unfortunately, hoAvever, the diagnosis during life of this organic lesion is extremely difficult, inasmuch as none of its symptoms are pathognomonic. It Avould appear, hoAvever, from the re- searches of M. Pickard (thesis, Strasbourg, 1856), that great light may be throAvn upon the question by analysis of the blood, since, Avhen the kidneys are diseased, the blood contains an amount of urea much greater than in any other cases of albuminuria; moreover, the quantity of urea is propor- tionate to the greater or less advanced degree of renal alteration, a A'ery small proportion of urea in the blood generally coinciding Avith simple con- gestion of the kidneys. Has the albuminuria any effect upon the progress of the pregnancy, and upon the life and development of the foetus? M. Blot thinks that it has not, Avhilst MM. Cahen, Rayer, and some others, hold the contrary opinion. I still regard the vieAV of M. Blot as entirely correct for the slight cases, which are, I repeat, the most common; but it does not appear to me well 32 498 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. founded as regards those complicated Avith anasarca, or Avhich begin before the latter half of gestation. I am very much inclined to consider it aa being then a frequent cause of abortion, of premature labor, and of death to the foetus. We have noticed the views of Simpson and others respecting the frequent occurrence of albuminuria in numerous puerperal disorders. M. Blot con- siders it a cause of hemorrhage. It is, therefore, as relates to the prognosis, a sign Avhich is ahvays calculated to excite solicitude. As a diagnostic sign it is certainly destined to reveal the nature and etiology of a multitude of affections hitherto of very difficult explanation; therefore, it is noAV indis- pensable, in obscure cases, to examine carefully the urine of pregnant Avomen, even Avhen unattended Avith dropsy. It may possibly be shoAvn in the future that albuminuria is a central point toAvards Avhich converge a multitude of diseases of various characters, and these researches may throAV light upon their treatment, which is still so obscure. If we have succeeded in shoAving that an altered state of the blood is the principal cause of puerperal albuminuria, and that this alteration consists chiefly in a diminution of its solid constituents, we shall have no occasion to insist strongly upon the advantages of a reparatory treatment. Unless very evident symptoms of general plethora or renal congestion be present, bleeding Avould be rather hurtful than useful, in a disease attended Avith so great impoverishment of the system; therefore a tonic medication should be resorted to from the outset. A good animal diet, assisted by the use of Avhatever feiruginous preparation will be most readily supported by the patient, ought evidently to form the basis of the treatment. The prepara- tions of Peruvian bark, and other bitters, may be added with advantage. [Uraemia. — We have just said that albuminuria is often accompanied by various nervous disorders (amaurosis, paralysis, eclampsia), the production of which it is very difficult to explain satisfactorily. It will not, however, be forgotten that albuminous urine contains but little urea (see page 494), which being no longer eliminated by the kidneys, must necessarily accumulate in the blood. This fact is supposed to account for the nervous disorders in question, by giving rise to a peculiar poisoning to which the name uraemia is applied. We propose now to state the principal points and successive phases of the doctrine of uraemia, premising, however, that it is liable to numerous objections. Wilson first, and afterwards Rayer, attributed the nervous complications of albuminuria to the presence of urea in the blood. At first accepted without limi- tation, this opinion was soon attacked in its very foundation. Cases were cited in which urea Avas present in large amount in human blood Avithout being attended by any of the so-called uraemic symptoms. Finally, CI. Bernard, from experiments made by injecting urea into the blood of animals, came to the conclusion that urea is incapable of producing the nervous accidents of albuminuria. Thus Wilson's theory Avas ruined. Frerichs came, for a while, to the rescue of the doctrine of uraemia by explaining the facts differently. According to him, urea is, of itself, innocuous, the danger arising from the fact that it is easily decomposed in the blood, giving rise to car- bonate of ammonia, which really is poisonous. Frerichs' experiments appeared tn be decisive. He injected carbonate of ammonia into the veins of dogs in good health, and after a very short time the expired air contained carbonate of ammonia, and the animals were soon taken Avith convulsions and coma. The symptoms thus DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 499 artificially produced bore a strong resemblance to eclampsia, and Frerichs' position Beemed for a time to be thoroughly established, ft was thus presented in a favor- able light in former editions of this work, but since then it has lost ground and its partisans become daily less numerous. The fact is, that the theory is not free from objections ; and out of a great number of experiments which go to contravene tho-e of Frerichs, I again cite the opinion of Bernard, which is far from being favorable. This celebrated physiologist asserts that carbonate of ammonia is almost always present in human blood, whether in health or in disease, and the experi- ments which he undertook satisfied him, moreover, that it is far from being pro- ductive of the terrible nervous symptoms which have been attributed to it. " If," says the learned professor, "carbonate of ammonia be injected in small quantity, it produces no effect. When thrown in larger amount into the blood of a dog, the animal cried and was extremely agitated for a considerable time: nevertheless it recovered." From these experiments Bernard concludes that eclampsia cannot be explained by carbonate of ammonia. The same opinion is given in the excellent thesis for the Concours, of my colleague Dr. Fournier ; and, for my own part, I would say Avith him that Frerichs' doctrine, ingenious and learned though it be, will not bear severe scrutiny. (Fournier, These de Concours pour VAgrogation, 1803.) At present, the position can no longer be sustained that uraemic symptoms are due to the presence in the blood of any single principle, whether urea or carbonate of ammonia. Scliottin assumes that substances imperfectly known as yet. and vaguely styled extractive matters, may accompany the urea, remain in the blood, and give rise to a poisoning which Gubler proposed to call urimvmia. This last mode of interpreting the facts is an approximation, perhaps, to the truth, though it is far from proven that it represents it precisely. "If the doctrine of uraemia or of urinosniia be accepted as true, how shall the nervous troubles which it produces be explained? Here come in what have been termed the nervous theories of uraemia. Certain authors, as Traube and See, re- gard the nervous phenomena of uraemia as somewhat analogous, as respects the intrinsic mode of production, with the pathogenic process which Kusmans, Tenner, and others assign to epilepsy. Through some change in the blood an excitement is produced of the vaso-motor nerves and the cerebral arteries. These arteries contract, and there result either oligosmia of the medulla oblongata giving rise to convulsions, or the same condition of the encephalon giving rise to coma." (Four- nier, The\se de Concours.) In short, the clinical facts are real, and all physicians have occasion to see how frequently nervous troubles arise in the course of an attack of albuminuria. How shall they lie explained? Though the question seem at present to be unanswerable, I have deemed it my duty to exhibit the present state of knowledge on the subject. Should the doctrine of uraemia be false and that of urinaemia doubtful, plausible hypotheses Avould still remain whereby to explain the nervous disorders compli- cating albuminuria. Other changes in the blood, altered nutrition of the nervous tissue (Gubler), hyperaemia or anaemia of the encephalon, serous effusions upon the surface of or in the cavities of the brain (Rilliet, Nat-alis Guillot), and oedema of the cerebral substance, are all circumstances capable of explaining the convul- sive phenomena and concomitant symptoms observed in certain forms of albu- minuria. (Gubler.) One other difficulty remains to be mentioned. What are the nervous disorders observed in cases of albuminuria? In the first place AAre would mention cephalalgia, troubled vision and hearing, vomiting, coma and eclampsia. Up to this point there is no disagreement. But are cases of paralysis like hemiplegia or paraplegia over witnessed? Here is a case of controversy : Churchill and Imbert Goubeyre on the one hand, admit that puerperal paralyses are not uncommon, whilst on the other 500 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. almost all pathologists, Addison, See, Lasegue, Fournier, and Grisolle, remarfc that paralysis has no place amongst the nervous disorders of albuminuria. When here> after we come to study puerperal paralysis and include uraemia in their etiology. we shall not lose sight of the difference of opinion upon this subject. In short, various nervous affections occur in women affected Avith albuminuria, to explain which the doctrine of uraemia and urinaemia has been invoked, although confidence in it has become A'ery much shaken. All our knowledge on the subject is hypothetical, and further investigation is indispensable to reduce it to any cer- tainty ; therefore, whenever Ave shall mention uraemia in explanation of any patho- logical condition, our reservation on the matter will be brought to recollection.] § 4. Dropsy of the Cellular Tissue. Another affection of quite frequent occurrence, and one which is often connected with what accoucheurs call plethora, of which, according to Chaussier, it is a variety (serous plethora), is serous infiltration of the cellular tissue. This infiltration begins in the feet, then extends to the legs, thighs, genital parts, and sometimes rising above the lower extremities, invades the trunk, face, upper extremities, and is sometimes even accompanied by effu- sion into the great serous cavities. These dropsies, upon Avhich MM. Devilliers and Regnauld have published an interesting memoir, are by them divided into: 1, simple oedemas; 2, oedemas connected Avith affection of the central organs of respiration and circulation; 3, oedemas with albuminuria. The oedema connected with lesions of the organs of circulation generally increases during pregnancy, but this increase is especially due to the un- fortunate influence which gestation has upon all organic lesions, and Ave have no occasion to speak of it further. As regards the two other species, we think it proper, in order to avoid repetition, to include them in the same description; for though they have some special characters upon which we shall have to insist, they resemble each other in a great many particulars. The causes of the serous infiltrations which occur during pregnancy, may be divided into general and local. As first in importance of the general causes, Ave must rank the decrease in the proportion of albumen; a decrease Avhich has been discovered by all observers in the blood of pregnant Avomen. According to M. Andral, this special alteration of the blood is the only one which necessarily produces dropsy. The amount of effusion is dependent upon the extent of the alteration, Avhich, if considerable, is often attended Avith albuminuria. ITydraemia, or serous plethora, which also produces oedema in certain chlorotic patients, may also give rise to the same symptom during preg- nancy, and assist in the production of serous infiltrations. When these general alterations of the economy are but slight, they usually would be unequal to the production of oedema, did not the development of the Avomb add its local action to their own. The pressure of the Avomb upon the surrounding parts from early preg- nancy, and the obstruction Avhich it occasions to the performance of the functions of the central organs of respiration and circulation at an advanced stage, Avhen by rising into the epigastric region it forces up the diaphragm and thus diminishes the thoracic cavity, explain Avhy the oedema commences DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 501 in the loAver extremities, and Avhy it generally does not extend until a much later period to the trunk and upper extremities. Progress and Symptoms.—Generally speaking, the oedema makes its appearance within the last three months of pregnancy, especially when it appears to be due simply to a mechanical obstruction of the circulation. But when it results from one of the general causes before mentioned, it may commence with the pregnancy, or in the third or fourth month. HoAvever, as hydraemia, the diminution of the albumen of the blood, and the albu- minuria, are most generally observed in the latter half of gestation, we may understand that the dropsy to which they give rise should also be more eommon towards the seventh, eighth, or ninth month. The progress of the oedema of pregnancy is generally slow and chronic ; sometimes, hoAvever, it advances rapidly in a feAV Aveeks. Whatever may be the case in this respect, it generally begins by the lower extremities; some- times affecting one of them, at others both. At first it is limited to the feet and neighborhood of the ankles; sometimes even it never gets farther than the loAver part of the legs, though quite frequently it reaches the knees, the thighs, and external genital parts. Occasionally it invades the integuments of the loAver part of the trunk, and in some rare cases, generally attended with albuminuria, it affects even the face and hands. In the early stages, Avhile limited to the loAver part of the legs, it dis- appears at night, in consequence of the horizontal position, and is only well marked towards the close of the day. But when the disease has advanced farther it continues, whatever position the patient assumes; and although the horizontal posture seems to diminish the SAvelling of the legs, it it only because the infiltrated fluid is displaced to the lower part of the trunk. The amount of fluid extravasated varies betAveen a slight puffiness and the extreme swelling which makes standing and Avalking impossible. In the latter case, the parts affected are generally the seat of pain, of sensations of pricking, and sometimes of burning and extreme tension. The oedema rarely disappears before delivery; on the contrary, it gen- erally increases until near the end of pregnancy. Sometimes, hoAvever, as MM. Devilliers and Regnauld have indicated, it undergoes remarkable variations. Thus, it may disappear entirely and finally, or it may return shortly after; sometimes it is observed to leave one member and fix upon the other, Avhich had been but partially affected. These changes are doubt- less OAving to mechanical causes, the action of Avhich varies or ceases Avith alterations in the situation of the uterus (Devilliers and Regnauld); but they certainly may also be occasioned by fluctuations in the albuminuria, which may be suspended for a short time and then reappear, as I have wit- nessed in one case after labor. Terminations. — The dropsy' of pregnant Avomen, hoAvever caused, generally disappears quickly after labor; and in cases of albuminuria, the secretion of albumen often ceases "with equal rapidity. Prognosis. — If the dropsy be viewed as a simple fact, independent of the complications A\hich so often attend and folloAv it, it assumes the position of a merely troublesome affection ; but to appreciate the prognosis rightly, it is important to remember that some authors regard the oedema as favoring 502 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. abortion and premature labor. They also suppose it to be almost unit jrmly connected Avith the etiology of eclampsia, and often Avith the development of puerperal fevers; and finally., that sometimes the disappearance of the effusion after delivery has been folloAved by a frequently fatal serous conges- tion of the nervous centres or respiratory organs. The facts related by M. Lasserre leave no doubt in my mind of the truth of the latter proposition. It is especially important to bear in mind, that although these dangerous complications are possible as a consequence of simple oedema, they have been chiefly observed in cases of albuminuria with infiltration, and consequently that the presence of albumen in the urine adds greatly to the gravity of the prognosis. Hence the interest which then attaches to the examination of the urine. The treatment of the dropsy of pregnant females should be conducted "with the double purpose of overcoming the organic cause Avhich so frequently produces the oedema, and to stimulate the absorption of the effused fluids. The preparations of iron and a tonic regimen appear to me to be especially called for in a disease which is so frequently connected Avith hydraemia. The presence of albumen in considerable quantity, even supposing it due to a nephritis, does not contraindicate this treatment. The antiphlogistics recom- mended by some authors seem to me likely to be more hurtful than useful; and unless the patient suffers very severe lumbar pains, or to the general infiltration are superadded dyspnoea, palpitations, extreme giddiness, and especially evident indications of uterine congestion, threatening abortion, I should think it right to prescribe bleeding. Even under the latter circum- stances, I would employ it less as an antiphlogistic than as a revulsive, nor would I discontinue the use of the iron. To assist the absorption of the effused fluids, mild laxatives, diuretics, and dry frictions may be used. To these may be added vapor-baths, provided the patient is able to bear them Avithout danger of cerebral congestion. If the distention and size of the loAver extremities is so great as to make walking impossible and cause great suffering, and if the genital parts are greatly SAVollen, their disengorgement may be facilitated by practising small incisions, or, at least, a number of punctures, Avith the lancet or a needle. In several cases I have derived benefit from keeping compresses, saturated with cold Avater, applied to the limbs for several day^s. Levret advises blisters betAveen the thighs and external labia, aided by slight punctures on the feet; but inasmuch as the application of blisters upon a highly oedematous limb is sometimes attended Avith serious consequences, I think it prudent to ab stain from them. § 5. Ascites. We have already stated, that dropsy during pregnancy Avas so far from being limited to the subcutaneous cellular tissue, that collections of fluid of variable amount might take place in the great cavities of the body. The effusion Avithin the abdomen may occupy different locations: thus, it may accumulate within the amnion, and constitute dropsy of the amnion; or betAveen the membranes of the ovum and the internal surface of the Avomb, in which case it furnishes the fluid that gives rise to hydrorrhoea ; finally, by collecting Avithin the cavity of the peritoneum, it forms a true ascites. •• DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 503 Either of these varieties of dropsy may occur separately, or tAvo of them may coexist in the same female, as is often the case%^th ascites and hydram- nion. We shall treat first of ascites. This affection sometimes makes its appearance in the first half of the preg- nancy, though usually tOAvards the fifth or sixth month, rarely later. When the accumulation begins very early, it sometimes progresses so rapidly that the abdomen is larger at the fifth month than at the usual term of ges- tation, and as the infiltration of the lower extremities generally keeps pace with the effusion in the abdomen, the patients find it impossible either to Avalk or pursue their occupations. The progress of the ascites increases rapidly; the face is puffed and livid; the abdominal Avails, much thickened by infiltration, add to the size of the belly; the skin covering them, although distended and shining, sometimes has a tuberculous appearance, as in elephantiasis. The umbilicus usually forms a smooth, rounded, translucent tumor, of the shape and size of a hen's egg, at the base of AA'hich the umbilical ring may be felt, though it is too much distended to produce any circular constriction. The greater labia share in the general infiltration, are enormously SAvollen, and affected with a painful irritation, produced by their constant friction against each other, and contact Avith the urine. The skin of the loAver extremities is so distended as to seem readA' to burst at several points, and is exceedingly painful. The progressive accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the peritoneum soon obstructs the regular performance of the thoracic functions; the dyspnoea becomes extreme, the respiration very short, Avheezing, and painful; the patient is obliged to remain seated night and day; yet, notwithstanding this position, the haematosis is so imperfect that she seems threatened with suffo- cation at every instant, and has frequent attacks of faintness. The suffering condition is aggravated by almost constant insomnia, intense headache, ex- treme thirst, and disgust for food. Percussion of the abdomen detects readily the presence of a large amount of fluid in its cavity, though the fluctuation is not equal in all parts of it. As Searpa remarks, it is slight or absent in the hypogastrium and tOAvards the flanks, is manifest near the hypochondriac regions, and very well marked in the left hypochondrium, near the edges of the cartilages of the false ribs. The enormous distention of the parietes of the abdomen frequently pre- vents the uterus from being felt, and its elevation determined Avith precision. Ihe motions of the child, though generally obscure, are, hoAvever, still per- ceh'ed by the mother. Ihe prognosis of ascites complicating pregnancy is grave in proportion as it dates farther from the term of gestation. When it appears only in the latter nunths, there is every reason to hope that, notAvithstanding its rapid progress, it will be arrested by delivery, before producing such disorders as seriously to compromise the life of the mother, and that, as in the observa- tion of M. Prestat, the recency of the effusion will render its absorption easy after delivery. But Avhen the ascites begins Avithin the first half of the preg- nancy, there is great cause for fear, should it progress rapidly, lest paracen- tesis should be demanded long before the ninth month. It Avere useless to t* 504 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. add, that the prognosia^vill be far graver, if, as unfortunately very ofteD happens, the ascites sjiimld coexist Avith dropsy of the amnion. If, says Scarpa, there should fortunately be no uterine dropsy, the paracentesis may alloAV the pregnancy to progress favorably through its usual stages; but, under the opposite circumstances, it almost always happens that the Avomb, being excited by sympathy, contracts, and delivery follows. Treatment.—The general bleeding, purgatives, and diuretics, employed with the design of retarding the advancement of the disease, have not seemed to influence its later progress, and it is conceivable that a too long-continued use of them might be prejudicial to the pregnancy. They should, therefore, be resorted to with the greatest reserve, and relinquished as soon as found to be unsuccessful. When the disease has increased to such an extent as \o threaten the life of the patient, it is evident that the only resource consists in the evacuation of the fluid. But where should the puncture be made? The development of the uterus makes it impossible to insert the trocar at the place of selection in ordinary ascites. From the circumstance of the fluctuation being particularly well marked in the left hypochondrium, the prominence of which was greatest near the edge of the .false ribs, Scarpa introduced his instrument between the uppermost part of the external border of the rectus muscle and the edge of the false ribs in the left hypo- chondrium. The patient aborted tAvo days after, and recovered. George Langstaff made an incision two inches above the umbilicus, ex- posed the peritoneum, and punctured it with a medium-sized trocar, being careful to introduce it but a short distance so as not to wound the uterus. He had thus given issue to about ten pints of fluid, AA'hen the Avomb came in contact with the end of the canula, interrupting the Aoav, and occasioning so much pain as to oblige him to withdraAV the instrument. As the patient was unable to endure any pressure, he introduced a medium-sized gum- elastic catheter by the opening, directing it betAveen the peritoneum and the anterior surface of the uterus. Peritonitis followed eight hours after the ope- ration; three days subsequently to the operation she aborted, and three Aveeks later she was well. Finally, in a case in which a considerable tumor existed at the umbilicus, Ollivier, of Angers, was decided by the tension and thinness of the skin at the part to make use of the lancet simply. This instrument was introduced in the same manner and to the same depth, as for bleeding, at the middle and front part of the tumor, at the distance of half an inch from the circum- ference of tbf ring. The water floAved immediately to the amount of six- » teen pounds. For twelve days, the serum continued to Aoav by the little wound, Avhich was closed hermetically on the thirteenth. The patient, who had been re- lieved at once, experienced a return of the accidents with the fresh accu- mulation of fluid. Twenty-eight days after the first puncture, it became necessary to repeat it; eight pounds of fluid Avere discharged, and the same alleviation followed. TAvelve days after this, the Avoman Avas delivered of a living, though feeble child, and in fifteen days Avas discharged cured. This simple process, consisting of a small puncture with the lancet, seema DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 505 to me preferable to Scarpa's operation in the hypogastrium. The latter might, in some cases, endanger important organs, and could only be pre- ferred on account of the existence of an old umbilical hernia with adhesions of the intestines to the sac. The presence of this complication can be readily discovered by holding a candle behind the thin and transparent Avails of the umbilical tumor, as for the diagnosis of hydrocele, when the opacity of the exomphalos will be at once detected. There is no advantage in placing a foreign body in the small opening, since the Aoav of serum keeps the sides separated, and the density and ex- treme thinness of the Avails of the tumor prevent infiltration of the abdomi- nal parietes. The observation of Langstaff, aboA'e cited, as also another fact related by M. Danyau, prove that the introduction of a foreign body exposes to peritonitis. When the pregnancy has made but slight progress, the only resource evi- dently consists in the puncture; but Avhen the ascites endangers the mother's life only at the eighth or ninth month, is it allowable to think of premature artificial delivery? If the uterine dropsy, of which Ave are about to speak in detail, compli- cates the ascites, and Ave are able to ascertain that the sufferings of the patient are in good measure due to the extreme size of the uterus, I think the tapping Avould be insufficient, and that the artificial induction of labor may be attempted Avith advantage; still, though common, the hydramnion is not a necessary complication, and it seems to me that ascites can very rarely require premature delivery. In the eighth, and especially the ninth month, the evacuation of the peri- toneal fluid will afford sufficiently lasting relief to enable the Avoman to reach the regular term of pregnancy ; or, at least, it will rarely be necessary to repeat the operation more than once. Such was the case Avith the patient of Ollivier. The only fault to be found Avith the puncture is that of being merely palliatory, Avhilst it exhausts the strength if frequently repeated. But should the relief afforded be such that one or tAvo punctures enable the patient to reach the end of the ninth month Avith moderate suffering, I see no reason for not preferring it to premature delivery, Avhich ahvays places the child in unfavorable conditions. ARTICLE V. LESIONS OF INNERVATION. [I 1. Eclampsia. On account of its danger and the nature of the convulsions which characterize it, eclampsia takes the foremost rank in the diseases of women. It is liable to appear suddenly either during pregnancy, at the moment of delivery, or subsequent to the removal of the placenta; it occurs, however, more frequently during labor, and will, therefore, be studied in connection with the accidents of dystocia. (See Dystocia. 12. Vertigo. Giddiness. Lipothvmia. Syncope. These affections are due to various causes. Usually they seem to depend upon greet nervous susceptibility, occasioned by pregnancy and heightened by chlorosis; 506 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. less frequently they result from plethora, in which case blood-letting becomes, ex- ceptionally, the best method of treating them. Sometimes, also, vertigo and giddi- ness accompany albuminuria, and precede eclampsia. (See Albuminuria, and Eclampsia.) In the majority of cases, neither plethora, albuminuria, nor eclampsia are observed in connection, so that the above-named affections seem to be due simply to a perverted action of the nervous system ; an unsatisfactory explanation, but really the only one Avhich can possibly be given.] Thus some delicate, nervous women are subject to faintings, from the most trifling cause, when they are pregnant; any strong moral impulses, such as joy, or anger, and sometimes even an odor that is a little too pene- trating, or the sight of an unpleasant object or person, may give rise to this condition. Gardien relates an instance, where the simple movements of a child produced swoonings; and I have attended a lady who fainted three or four times a week, during the second, third, and fourth months of her gesta- tion, Avithout any satisfactory cause being discovered for it. Ordinarily, the syncope attacks the woman Avhen standing, and she at once experiences a ringing in her ears, vertigo, dimness of vision, Aveakness in the knees, and she has scarcely time to sit down, before she faints aAvay. Some females, however, are Avarned of the attack by the occurrence of yawning, and a sensation of heat in the precordial region; soon after, the extremities become cold, the face grows pallid, and is covered with a cold sweat; the senses and intellectual faculties are almost lost, the pulse and respiration have nearly ceased, though a total loss of the intelligence and sensibility is very rare. For my own part, I have never seen any Avoman in this latter state, since nearly all those whom I have carefully questioned on the subject have stated that they had a confused idea of what Avas passing around them; and therefore, if there really be any instances of a complete abolition of the faculties, they certainly are not so frequent as the authors would have us helieve. While the syncope lasts, we should employ the ordinary means, such aa ammonia, vinegar, cold water, &c, &c. The tonics combined with anti- spasmodics have been recommended for its prevention: for instance, Van Swieten highly extols the use of orange-peel Avith canella, or lemon-rind and canella; in the proportion of two or three drachms to three pounds of sherry-Avine, of Avhich three or four tablespoonfuls are to be taken daily. Chambon has employed an infusion of peach-blossoms with success. All these nervous disorders are more alarming than serious. We have never known them to endanger the life of the mother, or to disturb the regular course of gestation. The attacks of fainting, though generally short, are sometimes quite pro- longed. In the latter case, they are frequently accompanied or folloAved by some hysterical symptoms, as sense of oppression, hypogastric pain, constric- tion of the fauces, and sometimes true hysterical convulsions. In the case of a young lady, a patient of M. Rayer's, these symptoms occurred almost every evening after dinner, during the last three months of her pregnancy. They had no serious consequence, unless a threatening of premature labor toAvards the end of the eighth month be so regarded, which, hoAvever, yielded to a small bleeding and opiate injections. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 507 [g 3. Various Forms of Neuralgia. Odontalgia. Various forms of cephalalgia and obstinate hemicrania are often observed during pregnancy. Other neuralgias may also occur with their usual syirptoms in various situations. The sensibility of the skin sometimes becomes sc acute that the slightest touch gives pain ; again there may be the sensation of intense heat in the feet and hands, or else an impression of cold Avhich nothing will remove. (Jacque- mier.) The Avails of the abdomen are often affected with neuralgic pains, Avhich will be studied hereafter in an article devoted to the subject. (See Abdominal Pains.) Odontalgia is the most common of all the neuralgias of pregnant Avoinen. The lower jaw is the one usually affected, the pain sometimes invading one side, some- times both sides together. It usually occurs during the first half of gestation, not unfrequently commencing shortly after conception, of which it is sometimes the first sign. It commonly ceases from the fourth to the sixth month. It Avere not exactly correct to say that every case of odontalgia is a true neuralgia, inasmuch as it is often occasioned by a carious tooth. It therefore becomes necessary, in view of treatment, to make a correct diagnosis, and in order to do so, to give the mouth a very careful examination. (Churchill.) Mauriceau considered bleeding the best remedy for the toothache of pregnant women, yet it is a measure by no means certain, and in some cases entirely inad- missible. It is recommended to guard against constipation by the use of mild purgatives taken at short intervals, and as local applications, the use of gargles containing opium, and plasters of opium and hyoscyamus. Internally, some of the preparations recommended for facial neuralgias may be tried ; such as pills of cvnoglossus or Merlin's pills. Should the paroxysms and remissions be well marked, and more especially should there be an actual intermission, the best effects might be anticipated from the use of quinine. No active^measures should be resorted to unless the pain be very great, depriving the patient of sleep and render- ing mastication almost impossible, for the contact of foreign bodies with the teeth is sometimes insupportable. (Jacquemier.) Capuron says that toothaches which had resisted all kinds of remedies have been known to subside spontaneously about the third or fourth month of gestation. Should the gums be inflamed, one or more leeches might be applied. If the trouble is occasioned by a carious tooth, efforts should be made to relieve it by the measures commonly employed, the best being cauterization of the offending tooth. As most authors think that extraction might cause abortion, it would be well to advise patients not to undergo the operation. § 4. Paralvsis. Pregnant Avomen are not exempt from the causes Avhich produce paralysis under ordinary circumstances, but are even more liable thereto than other females of their age. That such is the fact the recent researches of FleetAA'Ood Churchill and Imbert-Gourbeyre have established bey-ond a doubt. Churchill reports 34 cases of paralysis derived from various authors or observed bv himself. In 22 of them, the attack occurred during pregnancy, and in the remaining 12, either during or after labor. The location of the paralysis is noted as follows: 17 cases of complete hemiplegia and 1 in Avhich it Avas partial; 4 of paraplegia, in 2 of Avhich but one leg was paralyzed; 6 of facial paralysis, 3 of amaurosis, and 3 of deafness ; in some of the latter cases, however, the local affec- tion was connected with hemiplegia. Of these 34 cases, 4 were fatal. Of the 22 cases occurring during pregnancy there were 12 of hemiplegia, 1 of paraplegia, 4 of facial paralysis, 2 of amaurosis, and 3 of^deafness. Analysis of these cases shoAvs no regularity in regard to the period of gestation at which the attack occurred, though it seems that the patients were more liable to the affection 508 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. during the latter months. Most of them recovered before or after delivery, though some continued to be affected for a considerable time. But one case was fatal, anq in this it was evident that the result was due to a disease of the brain antecedent to the pregnancy rather than to the paralysis which had increased during the latter; so that this single case by no means invalidates the conclusion as to the relatively trivial character of these attacks during pregnancy. It is often very difficult to determine precisely the influence which pregnancy may have in the production of the paralysis. In our brief exposition of the state of knowledge on the subject, we shall have in view only such cases as occur during pregnancy, and' thus endeavor to avoid being led off into the general subject of internal pathology. The causes of puerperal paralysis are various ; in the first place we would men- tion cerebral apoplexy, which is not very uncommon in pregnant women. Meniere reports in his excellent treatise several cases of the kind, and, at a later date, M. P. Dubois, whilst discussing the subject in a clinical lecture, came to the con- .clusion that the frequency of its occurrence proves the existence of some connection between it and the pregnant condition. How then shall the connection be ex- plained? By plethora or hypertrophy of the heart? Botli these views could doubtless be well defended, but M. Imbert-Gourbeyre believes thaA the apoplexy is due to albuminuria, which is well known to be common during gestation. He cites in support of his A'iew several cases of Bright's disease Avhich terminated in cere- bral hemorrhage, and calls to mind that it is by no means a rare attendant upon eclampsia. More well observed cases are necessary to enable us to determine con- clusively the value of this opinion, According to Churchill and Imbert-Gourbeyre, uraemia is almost the only cause of puerperal paralyses, such as amaurosis, deafness, and hemiplegia. As regards amaurosis and deafness, we freely accept their opinion,- but have some doubt as regards hemiplegia. Most authors, in fact, think that uraemia never occasions either hemiplegia or paraplegia (see Uraemia), but however this may be, the so- called uraemic paralyses sometimes accompany an attack of eclampsia or else are preceded by it. After cerebral hemorrhage and uraemia, anaemia deserves to be mentioned, as also hysteria, a reflex action whose point of departure is located in the uterus, but whose influence extends to the spinal marrow; — rheumatism, etc., may also be noted as causes. We have thus endeavored to show that the causes of puerperal paralyses are both numerous and variable, so that it Avill be evident that the prognosis and treatment will have to be modified in the different cases. The ordinary rules of pathology must serve as a guide in the course of medication to be folloAved. 1. Amaurosis, — which is of common occurrence in cases of albuminuria. It varies in degree from the slightest amblyopia to perfect blindness. It usually affects both eyes, though Imbert-Gourbeyre says that he has known but one eye to be involved. Though generally of short duration, it may sometimes become permanent and incurable. It may also be the first symptom to call the attention of the physician to the possible existence of albuminuria, and is therefore of the greatest A'alue as a premonitory symptom in the diagnosis of eclampsia (see Eclampsia). It may make its appearance before, during, and after labor, and recur in several successive pregnancies. If the eyes be examined with the ophthal- moscope, the retina will sometimes appear to be healthy, whilst at others a fatty alteration will be observed or an effusion of blood; regard will be had to the latter in the formation of a prognosis. 2. Deafness. — Puerperal deafness is less frequent than amaurosis, and like it is connected with albuminuria and caused by unemia. The deafness is generally imperfect and almost always preceded by roaring in the ears. Like amauroris, it DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 509 may be intermittent, permanent, periodical, single or bilateral; may cnange into exaltation of the sense of hearing, be connected with other symptoms of albuminuria, or exist alone, although it accompanies amaurosis as it were by preference. We shall learn hereafter (see Eclampsia), that buzzing in the ears and deafness often precede and announce an attack of eclampsia (Imbert-Gourbeyre.) 3. Facial Paralysis. — In connection with amaurosis and deafness may be olaced paralysis of the third and seventh pairs of nerves — although it is much less frequent. 4. Hemiplegia. — Hemiplegia during pregnancy is of common occurrence, and M. Imbert-Gourbeyre has reported a large number of cases in his memoir. Sometimes it is caused by cerebral apoplexy; at others, no lesion of the nervous centres is dis- coverable at the autopsy, whilst the numerous examples of rapid and permanent recovery seem to prove that there could have been no grave lesion of the brain or Bpinal marrow. Albuminuria alone and often eclampsia have been observed with hemiplegia, so that Imbert-Gourbeyre feels no hesitation in saying that uraemia is the usual cause of this form of paralysis. As has been said, Ave do not partake wholly of this view (see Urcemia). Hemiplegia may sometimes also be caused by anaemia, as shown by the following case: A young lady had, during the early months of her pregnancy, an imperfect hemiplegia characterized only by weakness and numbness. The symptoms were of short duration and recovery rapid and complete. In the absence of any other appreciable cause, the affection seemed to be due to a well-marked chlorotic condition. Paralyses are not rare in hysterical women. There is nothing to prove that pregnant females enjoy any immunity in this respect, so that should any of the' symptoms peculiar to hysteria exhibit themselves, it would be reasonable to attri- bute the paralysis to the pre-existing neurosis. In some patients even, the hysteria may appear for the first time during pregnancy and be attended by various paralyses. It ought, however, to be noted that hemiplegia is rarely dependent upon hysteria. Finally, Avhen no cause can be discovered, we si\ in order to conceal our igno- rance, that the paralysis is essential. 5. Paraplegia. — Beside the usual causes of paraphgia, and independently of all those above noted, this paralysis may be occasioned by pressure of the fcetal head upon the nerves of the pelvic cavity or by reflex action. Paraplegia from pressure upon the nerves by the head ought to be rare during pregnancy ; it has been more commonly Avitnessed during labor and after delivery, especially Avhen the labor has been severe or attended Avith hemorrhage ; we have nothing further to say in regard to this cause. It is acknowledged, as stated, that paraplegia may be caused by reflex action; but how, in these cases, can its production be explained? How can a partial ex- citement of the uterus so react upon the spinal marrow as to suspend its functions? Without pausing before the various theories proposed by modern physiologists, we would say that, according to M. Jaccoud who wrote a remarkable work upon the subject, parahsis is occasioned by exhaustion of the nervous system, anro-peritonitis, also enables us to understand certain facts which would be inexplicable without it. Suppose a newly delivered female to be attacked by metritis; the uterus is examined by depressing the walls of the«abdomen by the hand, and several examinations carefully conducted assure us that pain is produced about the fundus of the organ. The usual treatment in such a case consists in the application of leeches directly over the seat of pain, and, we must say, almost ahvays affords relief. Is it not surprising that such a result should be produced? How could we suppose that an abstraction of blood from the skin of the abdomen near the umbilicus would act directly upon the fundus of the uterus when all vascular communication between the two parts is prevented by the interposition of the peritoneum ? We bow before the facts, yet believe that the bites of the leeches, when they afford relief, do so by acting directly upon the cutaneous neuralgia which is symptomatic of the metritis, and have no effect upon the vascular engorgement of the uterus. The same result would follow the applica- tion of a blister dressed with a' salt of morphia. As soon as time shall permit, we intend publishing several cases which go to prove what we have just said respecting the part played by lumbo-abdominal neuralgia during pregnancy and in the diseases of lying-in women.] The pains in the internal parts of the thighs, the numbness and cramps of both legs, though more commonly of one only, are usually attributed to pressure of the head on the lumbar and sacral nerves. But, as Tyler Smith remarks, since they mostly occur at night, Avhen the women are in the hori- zontal posture, or whilst they are sitting, in both which positions the pressure should be much less than whilst standing, it seems very probable that com- pression of the nerves is not the cause. Perhaps we may accept the idea of the English accoucheur, that, like the corresponding affections in cholera, they are connected with some irritation or difficulty of the large intestine, or with a morbid condition of the uterus. It Avould not be the only instance of visceral irritation producing spasmodic contraction of the muscles of animal life by reflex action. According to this hypothesis, the best means of preventing the recurrence of the cramp is to keep the boAvels free, and allay the irritability of the Avomb as much as possible by baths, opiates, &c. The surest means of counteract- ing it is to contract voluntarily, the very moment it appears, the antagonistic muscle of the affected one; thus the thigh should be strongly extended when the flexor muscles are contracted, and the foot should be flexed on the leg when the cramp affects the muscles of the calf. § 2. Uterine Pains. 1. Beside the uterine pains which sometimes accompany the outset of a disordered pregnancy, also beside those which seem to herald the approach DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 523 of labor in the latter Aveeks of gestation, females experience, at variable periods and intervals, pains AA'hich are sometimes very acute, an l evidently seated in the Avails of the uterus itself. It is impossible to determine the cause and nature of these pains; for though they may be attributed, in some rare instances, to partial spasm of the muscles of the uterus, or to a more or less extensive inflammation, most frequently nothing* of the kind is to be discovered. Sometimes they are limited to a single circumscribed point, whilst at others they affect the entire Avomb. In the first case they are con- tinuous ; in the second, they are irregularly intermittent, and their recur- rence, or rather their paroxysm, appears to coincide Avith a motion of the female, pressure upon the abdomen, an attack of coughing, or sudden move- ments of the child. At the same time the uterine tumor may almost ahvays be felt to become denser and harder: in short, a true contraction takes place, which continues as long as the paroxysm lasts. If, struck Avith this condition of the body of the Avomb, an examination be made per vaginam, the cervix will be found unchanged, having undergone no alteration which could excite solicitude on account of the long-continued previous contrac- tions. Usually, there is very slight general reaction, and little or no fever. When the pain is both circumscribed and moderate, emollient and nar- cotic applications may be found sufficient; but when more severe, it Avill be necessary to prescribe the most absolute repose, injections Avith camphor and laudanum, baths, maniluvia, and even bleeding from the arm. It generally yields to these measures Avhen properly employed, though, unfortunately, it returns Avith some individuals very frequently. I have, at this moment, a young lady under care, Avho is at the eighth month of her pregnancy, and Avho has had five attacks within three months, two of them lasting for twenty-four hours. The first time she Avas bled; but as her general condi- tion seemed to contraindicate a repetition of this measure, and she Avas very averse to bathing, I Avas obliged to content myself with prescribing rest and opiate injections. Noav, there is every prospect of her reaching her full term. 2. The sensibility of the uterus is sometimes singularly increased by con- stant and violent motions of the foetus. Some children, indeed, seem en- do Aved Avith such activity that they are hardly ever quiet, and their con- tinual movement becomes a cause of irritation to the Avomb, Avhich, by re- acting upon the Avhole economy, may produce insomnia, general excitement, i and nervous and sometimes even convulsh'e movements. I have seen two instances of these disordered motions of the child; especially Avas it marked in the case of the Avife of one of my professional brethren. This poor lady avus delivered at term, notAvithstanding she had been almost entirely deprived of sleep during the eighth and ninth months. Burns says, that patients under these circumstances are delivered rather before the ninth month. The bleeding and opiates Avhich he recommends may indeed lessen the irritability of the uterus, but evidently can have no poAver to diminish the activity of the motions of the child, which is the first cause of the uterine pains.1 1 Dr. Tyler Smith endeavors to show, in a very interesting memoir, that the active motions of the child amount to almost nothing, and that the sensations perceived by 524 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. 3. Some authors state that metritis, or metro-peritonitis, are possible during pregnancy, but they are so rare that it has never fallen to my lot to see them. Besides, they seem to me to belong to the same category as all the acute affections which may arise during pregnancy; and though the usual gravity of the prognosis be heightened by the condition of the female, the treatment would be the same as after delivery. § 3. Rheumatism of the Uterus. Rheumatism of the uterus, although studied for a long time in Germany, was scarcely knoAvn in France, until M. Dezeimeris published in his journal (PExperience) a series of facts that Avere previously known to, and put forth by, the German authors. About the same time, M. Stoltz, who Avas ac- quainted Avith the works of our neighbors ®n the subject, devoted particular attention to this affection at the Clinical Hospital of Strasbourg, and com- municated the result of his observations to his pupils. One of them, Dr. Salathe, has quite recently defended a thesis on this subject; and from his work, as also from the bibliographical researches of M. Dezeimeris, I extract the following account of this disease, Avhich is unknoAvn to French nosologists. According to Radamel, rheumatism may attack the uterus in the non- gravid state; but we have only to study it here as occurring in pregnant females, in whom it may appear at all stages of the puerperal condition. Therefore, after some general remarks on the disease itself, it will be neces- sary to point out the influence that it may have over the gestation, the par- turition, and the lying-in. Causes. — Every circumstance calculated to favor the development of the rheumatic affections in general, may likewise prove a source of rheumatism of the uterus: thus, a momentary or a prolonged exposure to cold and moisture, inadequate clothing, or sudden changes from a very high to a very low temperature, and all those other atmospheric constitutions Avhich have been enumerated by medical authors, either as predisposing or as determin- ing causes of rheumatism, may likewise produce that of the womb. But, besides these general causes, there is one peculiar to the disease under con- sideration ; that is, the susceptibility of this organ to the impression of cold under the attenuated integuments of the abdomen during the latter months of gestation ; for the belly is only covered at that particular point by very light clothing, which is far from fitting closely, and the lumbo-sacral region is often but imperfectly protected by the short jackets worn by the patient. Symptoms.—Rheumatism of the uterus very often occurs in persons who are constitutionally predisposed to the rheumatic affections; and it may co- exist with a general disorder of the same nature, though in the majority of cases the womb, together with its appendages and the adjacent parts, ia alone affected. Again, it has oftentimes resulted from a sudden cessation the mother and accoucheur, hitherto attributed to the muscular contractions of the child, result simply from partial contraction of the muscular fibres of the uterus. Not« withstanding the seductive character of the reasons adduced by Dr. Smith, we hold to the generally received opinions, though entirely disposed to think that the views of the English accoucheur may be applicable to the ex "eptional cases of which we ara speaking DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 525 of a rheumatic pain at some other point, which is speedily transferred to the uterus. But, whatever may have been the mode of its attack, this disease exhibits some Avell-marked peculiarities, by which it can easily be recognized. The principal symptom is pain, or a distressing sensation, Avhich involves the whole, or a part of the womb, Avithout any violence having been exerted on the organ; its intensity varies from a simple feeling of heaviness to the most painful dragging sensation ; and it may occupy either the entire Avomb, or only one of its parts, such as the body, the fundus, or the inferior segment. When the rheumatism is fixed in the fundus uteri, the pain is particularly apt to be felt in the sub-umbilical region ; it is augmented by pressure, by the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and sometimes even by the simple weight of the bedclothes ; and in many cases the patient is unable to bear any movement whatever. If seated somewhat lower, she suffers from acute dragging sensations, that run from the loins toward the pelvis, the thighs, the external genital organs, and the sacral region, along the uterine liga- ments. Finally, when the inferior segment participates in the affection, the seat of it can be detected by the vaginal exploration, which gives rise to the most acute sufferings. But, of all the causes that may exasperate these pains, there are none more distressing than the incessant movements of the child. Like all. rheumatic pains, those of the uterus are metastatic, and they occasionally pass rapidly from one point of the organ to another; often, indeed, they disappear at once, and pass off to some other organ. This is particularly apt to occur when the pain Avas originally located at some other point, and measures have been employed to recall the affection to the part primitively attacked. They present frequent and variable exacerbations in their duration and intensity, according to the stage of the disease; sometimes they are followed by remissions, during which the patient experiences only a vague sensation of weight in the part. The uterine pains are usually accompanied by a recto-vesical tenesmus, which is the more distressing as the former are the more energetic, and are seated near the inferior segment. The patient is then tormented by a continual desire to empty her bladder; the emission of urine is attended by a smarting sensation, and sometimes by acute sufferings, while at others it is even Avholly impossible; and in many cases the attempts to move the bowels prove equally ineffectual. Most of the German authors attribute this double recto-vesical tenesmus to a rheumatic affection that is not ahvays exclusively limited to the womb, but which also invades the neighboring organs. But M. Stoltz appears disposed to believe that it is rather the result of the close sympathy existing between these adjacent parts; for, if these neAV pains Avere occasioned by a rheumatism of the rectum or bladder, those of the uterus ought to disappear altogether, or at least should be diminished. (Salathe's Thesis.) Analogy Avould lead us to suppose that an unusual heat and tumefaction must exist in the affected parts; but the difficulties in detecting these char- acters are self-evident, although their existence is quite probable. Such acute pains, seated in so important an organ, would naturally pro- duce considerable general reaction ; and it is found that this disease, like 526 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. the greater number of the inflammatory affections, most usually commences by a slight chill, Avhich lasts for a quarter of an hour or tAventy minutes; the fever that follows it diminishes, and sometimes disappears altogether, during the interval between the paroxysms; but, pending their duration, it is usually quite intense, the pulse is frequent and hard, the face excited and flushed, and the tongue is red and dry; the patient complains of thirst, the skin is hot, and she often suffers from an extreme agitation and restlessness. Towards the end of the paroxysm, a profuse perspiration generally breaks out, which seems to be the prelude of a notable amelioration. Then these general phenomena become moderated, together Avith the uterine pain, but they reappear with the latter, after a variable period, ranging from a few hours to several days. 1. Influence of Rheumatism over the Progress of Gestation.—The parox- ysms are apt to be folloAved by uterine contractions in those cases in which they have persisted for some time, or have been very severe; and in this manner they may serve to bring on a premature delivery. The patient experiences some acute and tensive pains, but this feeling of tension is not uniform; for it attains, in turn, a high degree, and then becomes Aveaker in the same proportion, progressing in this Avay Avith shorter and shorter inter- vals. At first the uterus is indurated to a partial extent, but aftenvards throughout; the os uteri dilates, though its dilatation is at first slow and difficult, and its ulterior progress does not seem to correspond Avith the. intensity of the pains. An abortion is then imminent, but it is far from being so frequent as might be supposed; and when it does occur, it is more frequently observed in the febrile than in the apyretic form of rheumatism. The orifice has been known to dilate to the extent of an inch in diameter, and then the bag of Avaters, that had previously engaged in this opening, insensibly retreated, the os uteri again closed up, and the delivery did not take place. Consequently, so long as the dilatation of the os uteri does not amount to tAvo inches, Ave may reasonably hope to make the labor retrograde. These uterine rheumatic pains may simulate those of parturition, and thus lead the accoucheur to suspect that labor has regularly commenced, Avhen in fact such is not the case. The characters of the rheumatic pain, furnished in the folloAving paragraph, will aid in preventing such an error. It is probably to some mistakes of this kind that Ave must refer those pretended instances of prolonged gestation, as Avell as those cases in Avhich genuine labor Avas developed, and afterwards suspended during several weeks, and even months. 2. Influence of Rheumatism over the Labor. — As a general rule, a rheu- matic affection of the Avomb retards the progress of the labor, and sometimes even renders the spontaneous expulsion of the child Avholly impossible. Besides the general phenomena already pointed out, the disease here gives rise to the folloAving peculiarities : 1st. It is Avell knoAvn that the normal uterine contraction only begins to be painful Avhen it has accomplished the greater part of its course, and Avhen it is at the point of distending and dilating the uterine orifice; in other Avords, the true labor-pain only commences at the instant when the power of the body of the womb overcomes the resistance of the neck. In rheuma- DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 527 tism, on the con trary, the uterine contraction is painful from the very first, and prior to any action upon the cervix; hence the cause of the pain is not in the violent distention of this orifice, but rather in the uterine contraction itself, in the other morbid conditions, and in the altered relations of the nerves and contractile fibres of the uterus. 2d. In a normal labor, the contractions begin at the fundus, and termi- nate at the inferior segment of the Avomb ; in rheumatism, instead of starting at the fundus, they begin in the painful point, and are not regularly propa- gated toAvards the cervix. Again, the rheumatic pains exist prior to the contraction of the Avomb, and then speedily acquire a high degree of inten- sity under the influence of this latter. At times their violence promptly arrests the contractions, even before they have traversed their ordinary cycle. They are then rapid, short, and become more and more distant. 3d. Towards the end of labor, at the time Avhen the uterine action ought to be aided by the voluntary contraction of the abdominal muscles, the woman refrains from exerting these under the fear of augmenting the pains., whereby an excessive sloAvness in the labor results. The patient is found in a state of extreme anxiety, and the frequency of her pulse, the heat of the skin, the thirst, and vesical tenesmus, are all greatly augmented. Where these sufferings are much prolonged, she falls into a state of swooning, Avhich often proves serviceable, as the pains are suspended while it lasts; a pro- fuse perspiration has then been observed to take place, Avhich had the most salutary influence over the ulterior progress of the parturition. But at other times the uterus becomes more and more painful, and it is rather in a state of permanent contraction, or of fibrillar vibration, than of normal contraction; the pulse is accelerated, and the Avoman is affected with a me- tritis Avhich renders the labor extremely painful. ^ Influence of Rheumatism over the Puerperal Functions. — The reader Avill anticipate from the foregoing, that rheumatism of the Avomb may prove a source of difficulty in the delivery of the after-birth, by determining irregular or partial contractions of the organ immediately after the expul- sion of the child; but that subject does not claim our attention at the present time, and it will be reverted to hereafter. In the healthy state, the uterus retracts after the delivery, and thereby prevents the development of hemorrhage. But in rheumatism, this retraction of the organ is very im- perfect, and it remains much larger than usual; the after-pains are then very distressing, and are prolonged for some time; the uterine vessels are less compressed than usual, and profuse floodings may thence result. On the other hand, the suffering state of the organ diminishes both the lochial discharge and the lacteal secretion; and this, together Avith the persistence of the abdominal pains, and a manifestation of the phenomena of general reaction, may be mistaken for a peritonitis which does not really exist. Prognosis. — Rheumatism of the Avomb is not a disease capable of deter- mining the loss of the mother's life; nevertheless, from the pain that it occasions, and the errors it may give rise to in practice, it does not the less merit a careful study ; because, during pregnancy, it may prove to be a source of abortion, and though it is not often manifested until after the sixth month, yet it is always an unfavorable circumstance to the child to be born 528 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. before term. We have already spoken of the unfortunate influence it may have over the course and character of the labor-pains; in fact, it has often rendered an artificial delivery imperative. It may also complicate the de- livery of the after-birth, and disturb the order of the phenomena that con- stitute the lying-in. At that period it has often been mistaken for true inflammatory symptoms, and, consequently, has been combated by measures that Avere more dangerous than useful. As regards the period of manifestation, it is generally more unfavorable when it occurs at an early stage of the gestation; both because it then has a greater influence over the pregnancy, which has not become firmly estab- lished, and because it has a tendency to return several times before term. Besides which, most women, who have been affected during the gravid state, likewise find it to reappear again in the course of parturition, which is thereby rendered laborious. Treatment. — 1st. The measures that have most frequently been attended with success Avhen administered for this disease during the gestation are: general venesection; the intestinal revu Isives, such as castor-oil and ipecacu- anha ; bathing, narcotized lotions over the abdomen, opiated mixtures, and sudorific drinks; and in those cases in which the uterine affection had suc- ceeded the sudden disappearance of a rheumatic pain in some other organ, the application of revulsives over the part primarily affected. 2d. During the labor, the same means are employed ; but if they fail, and the degree of dilatation of the os uteri be such as to permit an artificial intervention, either the forceps or version should be resorted to, according to circumstances. 3d. After the delivery, sudorific drinks, opiated unctions over the belly, and baths; and when the lochial discharge has failed, leeches to the vulva, and ipecacuanha combined Avith opium. ARTICLE X. of displacements of the uterus considered in reference to the accidents they may cause during pregnancy. § 1. Prolapsus of the Uterus. We have already seen, in studying the situation of the uterus at the dif- ferent periods of gestation, that at first this organ sinks loAver in the exca- vation, and that its orifice approaches the vulva. Now this first degree of depression may be considered as physiological, but it cannot pass beyond that without giving rise to some accident or other. Hence, laying aside all causes foreign to pregnancy, the uterus descends the more in the earlier months of gestation in proportion to the larger size of the pelvis, and the greater relaxation of the ligaments. In some women it rests on the floor of the pelvis, Avhilst in others, the neck, or even the body, may protrude through the vulva and become visible externally. We see, therefore, that either a simple descent or an incomplete or com- plete prolapsus may occur during pregnancy, as Avell as in the non-pregnant condition. The complete prolapsus, that in Avhich the entire body of the iterus is external to the genital parts and hangs betAveen the thighs, is ex- tremely rare. It were Avrong, hoAvever, to deny its possibility, since this is proved by a case reported by Vimmer. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 529 Tnese displacements may occur either slowly or suddenly, th mgh the female may have had nothing of the kind previously; sometimes, hoAvever, thcv are but the continuation or exaggeration of a pre-existing prolapsus. Although the progressive development of the uterus generally removes the incomplete prolapsus about the fourth or fifth month, by causing the organ to rise above the superior strait, the die-placement, in some cases Avhere the pelvis is spacious, may continue, and even increase, notwithstanding the progress of gestation. I have, quite recently, had under care at lihe Clin- ique, a very remarkable case of incomplete prolapsus, in which the entire neck of the uterus projected beyond the external parts, the whole excava- tion being occupied by the lower part of the body distended by the fcetal head. The displacement continued until delivery Avithout any serious acci- dent supervening.1 It had existed for several years. 1 The following are some of the details of this interesting case: Marie ----, aged twenty-seven years, entered the hospital October 18th, 1849. She was then at the beginning of the ninth month of her pregnancy. Four years previously, she became pregnant for the first time, and when near delivery, she both felt and saw a small red tumor, of about the size of a walnut, escape through the vulva. It projected but slightly, incommoded the patient but little, and did not interfere with the labor at all, since the latter was accomplished quite rapidly. After her confinement, she continued to feel the same tumor, less prominent, indeed, than during pregnancy, projecting and disappearing according as she was quiet or took long, fatiguing walks. Under the latter circumstances she suffered much from sensations of dragging in the groins and upper part of the thighs. She was habitually and obstinately constipated, and some- times had great difficulty in urinating. Two years ago, the same person became pregnant the second time, and during the first three months the tumor became gradually more projecting, and hung very low,—■ bo low, she says, that a midwife, after having returned the parts, applied a pessary, which produced discomfort, and was retained but two days. Eight days after the introduction of the pessary, she miscarried, at about three months and a half to four months. The midwife who attended her could not extract the placenta, and, two days afterwards, a physician endeavored to deliver it, first with the hand, and afterwards with forceps, but could obtain only some fragments. She recovered entirely; the tumor remaining within whilst quiet in her chamber, but appearing externally after much walking. Becoming pregnant for the third time, the tumor did not incommode her much more than usual during the first three months, but after the fourth, it projected much more from the vulva, and towards the last three months it was impossible to restore it for several days, even after observing the most absolute repose in bed. At present, the patient being eight months and a half gone, the following may be observed: A cylindrical tumor, two inches in length, projects from the vulva; it is five inches in circumference, and rather larger and harder at. its lower than at its upper extrem- ity. Its external surface is marked at the union of the two upper thirds with the lower one by a whitish circle, dividing two surfaces of different color and appearance. The superior is of a rosj' hue and smooth, being only the internal surface of the vagina inverted from above downwards, which thus forms the external surface of the tumor. The inferior portion is of a deeper red color, and presents wrinkles or folds, directed from above downwards, and from within outwards, and separated,on the median line by apparently longitudinal fibres. These folds are merely the arbor vitee of the neck inverted from below upwards, so that the internal surface of the cavity of the neck " has become a part of the external surface of the tumor to the extent o;' five-eighths of an inch. The somewhat swollen lower extremity of this tumor p -ese ats an opening, with rrinkled edges, resembling the drawn mouth of a purse, ind into which the 34 530 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. In some cases the displacement increases considerably, and either as an effect of its own Aveight, or in consequence of exertion or violent exercise, the lower part of the body of the uterus projects beyond the vulva, the upper part of the organ being still Avithin the pelvis. finger enters with ease. This is the cavity of the neck, forming a canal two inches and three-quarters in length, through which the membranes and a hard body, recog- nized as the head of the foetus, may be felt. The internal orifice is quite largely di- lated, that is, nearly to the size of a one-franc piece. The entire head is discovered to be in the excavation, and altogether behind the symphysis pubis, by which it seems to be arrested. If it be attempted to enter the vagina, at the same time traversing the circumference of the upper part of the tumor, a cul-de-sac is reached at a depth of from two inches and three-quarters to three inches and a quarter on the sides, from two and a half inches to three inches and a quarter behind, and from only two to two and a half in front, when the examination is stopped by the walls of the urethra, which are thickened and curved, as it were, posteriorly. This cul-de-sac is formed by the vagina turned inside out from above downwards; and any effort to push it upwards is soon arrested by the foetal head, which is plunged into the excavation, and rests upon the floor of the pelvis. The patient suffers from obstinate constipation, and sometimes only from difficulty in passing urine, which escapes by jets. To recapitulate, we find: ]. A descent of the womb, which seems to be retained in the pelvis only by the floor of the latter, and the pubic arch and symphysis, against which it rests; the rectum and urethra are also compressed. 2. Prolapsus of the neck of the uterus outside of the vulva, carrying with it the vagina, which covers its upper part like the inverted finger of a glove, and which is itself inverted from below upward to the extent of five-eighths of an inch, so that its internal surface forms the external surface of its lower extremity; this extremity of the neck forms the expanded and wrinkled portion of the tumor. 3. Constipation and difficulty in urination caused by pressure. The tumor increased about three-quarters of an inch in size, from the 20th of Octo- ber to the 3d of November; but its volume was much greater in consequence of the oedematous condition of the prolapsed parts. After some fruitless efforts to reduce the prolapsus, I concluded that it would" be best not to try any further, but to limit treatment to evacuation of the bowels by mild laxatives,—the patient being unable to receive enemata,—a bath every two or three days, and frequent lotions and injections. Assisted by the horizontal posture, these measures completely relieved the patient of her sufferings. At noon on the 3d of November, the waters came away without pain, after efforts at defecation. The internal orifice of the cervix was of the size of a one-franc piece; the neck Avas rather longer than before the 3d, and rather softer. During the last ten days the patient felt her abdomen become harder from time to time, but without ex- periencing the least pain. From noon until 10 p. m. the pains were very weak and distant. From 10 o'clock to 3 a. m. (of the 4th), they became greater, more powerful and frequent. Finally, the labor terminated at 3 a m. the 4th of November, after a labor of fifteen hours, if the time be reckoned from the rupture of the membranes and discharge of the waters, and only of five hours, if counted from 10 p. m., at which time there was no change in either the length or dilatation of the neck, though then it was that the pains becamo well marked and regular. The following are the principal phenomena which accompanied the expulsion of the foetus: At the commencement of labor, the neck remained external precisely as before, and when the head came to be expelled, it dilated visibly, and was the last obstacle vrhich this part had to overcome. No resistance was offered by the vulva, which' "■ as traversed before the external orifice of the neck of the uterus. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 531 The disorders resulting from this displacement vary in intensity according to its extent and the stage of pregnancy al^Avhich it occurs. When the pelvis is too spacious, the excess of size affecting chiefly the excavation, whilst the straits preserve their normal dimensions, the uterus may remain much longer in the lesser pelvis than is usual in Avell-formed women. It then incommodes the neighboring parts, pressing upon and irritating the rectum and the blad- der; the patient suffers from a feeling of weight at the anus, and painful tractions in the groins, lumbar regions, and umbilicus. A more or less abundant and fetid discharge also comes on; the woman can neither stand nor Avalk Avithout suffering, and she falls gradually into a state of marasmus. When the gestation is more advanced, and the Avomb increased in size, or even if less voluminous, but more depressed, the symptoms, such as com- plete retention of the urine, very obstinate constipation, &c, are still worse; finally, the pressure of the uterus on other organs may react on itself, and the consequent irritation thus prove a cause of abortion. When the retention of the urine is complete, either the catheter should be at once resorted to, or the womb be pressed up by one or tAvo fingers pre- viously introduced into the vagina; but even this assistance will not be necessary, if the Avoman lies doAvn and elevates her hips considerably Avhen- ever she Avants to urinate. All these symptoms, however, disappear about the fifth month, Avhen the uterus, on account of its great development, can no longer remain in the excavation, and therefore rises above the superior strait. In cases of simple and incomplete prolapsus, some authors recommend the introduction of a pessary, in order to sustain the uterus, and prevent its prolapsing completely. I regard the pessary as ahvays useless and often dangerous. Rest in bed, and proper cleanliness, seem to me capable of pre- venting the precipitation of the organ, and of alleviating the painful irrita- tions Avhich the displacement produces. Certain instances of success seem to authorize attempts at reduction in cases of incomplete and complete prolapsus occurring at an advanced stage of pregnancy. In both circumstances, I think that these attempts should be moderate, since they appear to me likely to compromise the gestation. When the prolapsus is complete, the danger to which the woman is exposed The child, Avhich was a male, was born alive. Its weight and dimensions were as fc lows: Weight, . . . . . . . 5£ lbs. (Troy). Total length, . . . . . . 1 ft. 6 inches. From the crown to the umbilicus, . * . . 9 " From the umbilicus to the heel, ... 9 " Occipto-frontal diameter, . . . . 4 " Occipito-mental " . . . . 5 " Bi-parietal " . . . . . 3f " Sub-occipito-bregmatic diameter, ... 3J " The day following the labor, the cervix projected to the same extent outside the vulva, and the parts were rather more flaccid; the engorgement being dissipated, the neck was returned within the vagina; the patient continued in the horizont il position, »nd a month after left the Clinique without the neck having appeared at the vulvar opering. 532 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. by the nature of the displacement itself would certainly authorizt rather greatei perseverance; but it is easy to see that in the latter months it will rarely be possible to return the uterus within the pelvis. When the reduction is impossible, the uterine tumor should be supported. by a proper bandage, and the female confined to the horizontal position. In Avomen who have had a falling of the Avomb before impregnation, there is reason to fear that it may persist and augment during the first three oi four months of gestation, in consequence of the great laxity of the ligaments; and it is therefore prudent to advise such persons to keep the horizontal position during all this time, and not to permit them to get up until after the fifth month. After the delivery, they should again remain in bed six weeks or two months at least; for by such precautions, not only may the patient escape the dangers attendant on a prolapsus uteri during the earlier periods, but sometimes even a radical cure of the disease she had before the gestation took place may be effected. § 2. Retroversion. The mobility of the uterus in the pelvis, which is still observable in the early stages of pregnancy, notAvithstanding its augmentation in volume, exposes it to another variety of displacement, that is not so common as the preceding, but more disastrous in its consequences. Thus, in some instances, the Avomb seems to execute a see-saAV movement, by which its long vertical axis is brought into a nearly horizontal line in the excavation, in such a Avay that the fundus remains either a little more elevated, or else somewhat more depressed than the neck. This displacement is called retroversion, Avhen the fundus uteri is carried backwards into the hollow of the sacrum, and ante- version, when it is directed towards the symphysis pubis. These tAvo varieties may occur in different degrees; but the displacement will be much more considerable in retroversion than in anteversion, on account of the anterior concavity of the sacrum ; the former is also more frequent and serious than the latter. Finally, in the latter part of gestation, the uterus may incline more or less to the right or the left, so as to constitute what have been termed lateral obliquities. [If we may credit M. Salmon (of Chartres), who has published an excellent thesis for the "Concours" on the subject, retroversion of the uterus during preg- nancy is not a very uncommon occurrence. Having already met three cases in our own practice, we are the more ready to accept his opinion as probably correct. It usually happens between the third and fourth months, and is rare before the third and after the fifth months. The observed cases occurred much more frequently in those who had already borne children, than in those who were pregnant for the first time. As the displacement may be gradual or sudden, we may describe it according to its character in these respects. The causes of gradual retroversion are: the normal inclination of the fundus uf the womb toward the hollow of the sacrum in early pregnancy; the more rapid development of its posterior surface at the same period; a spacious pelvis, aa insisted on by M. Chailly; the constant pressure upon the fundus by the abdominal viscera; and above all, a collection of fasces in the sigmoid flexure, of the colon, and retention >f urine. Numerous discussions have taken place in regard to the effect DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 533 of retention of urine in the production of this displacement, some thinking that the retention is an effect and not the cause, whilst others believe that distention of the bladder, so far from producing, would actually prevent the occurrence of retro- version. We agree with those who regard retention of urine as the principal cause of the gradual displacement, basing our opinion upon the fact that, by frequent emptying of the bladder by the catheter, the displacement will be spontaneously removed. As other causes of this occurrence during pregnancy, we have noted a previous retroversion, the growth of abdominal tumors and adhesions resulting from an old peritonitis, &c] When the retroversion occurs suddenly, it is produced by the same mech- anism, only a more vigorous and energetic impulsion is then requisite ; and such an impulsion is usually given by a rapid, violent contraction of the muscles: thus, after a severe retching, or vomiting, or after the strainings at stool, in Avomen Avho are habitually constipated, or in urinating, in cases of retention, the Avomb is often found displaced. M. Moreau relates an instance of a Avoman Avho lifted a weight of fifty pounds, for the purpose of placing it on the balance, Avhen she Avas imme- diately attacked by pains in the hypogastrium, vomiting, syncope, &c. On his arrival, he found the uterus completely turned backAvards; but all these symptoms disappeared immediately after the reduction was effected. A fall backAvards, or bloAvs, or a strong pressure below the navel, have very fre- quently caused the same result. (Naegele.) In one of Hunter's cases, the retroA'ersion appeared soon after a severe fright. "A Avoman," says M. Martin, of Lyons, " Avas taken in her third month, after a violent straining effort, Avith pains, accompanied by loss of blood; at first, the os tineas Avas found in the centre of the vagina; but the patient renewed her efforts, and then the uterus became completely retroverted, that is, the neck avus placed behind the pubis and a little to the right, and the fundus of the organ rested against the sacrum. In this instance the retro- version evidently resulted from the conjoint influence of the uterine con- tractions and the expulsory efforts of the abdominal muscles." (Martin, Memoires, p. 142.) Where the displacement is effected sloAvly, the Avoman is but little incom- moded at first; and the necessity for reduction is only apparent after it has become considerable. Originally, there are only some painful dragging sensations in the groins and lumbar region; a feeling of Aveight and pressure on the neck of the bladder; some vesical tenesmus, and a little difficulty in the emission of urine. But when the uterus attains a certain degree of development, all these phenomena increase, and Ave are then obliged to interpose the resources of our art; for Avhen matters reach this state, the Avomb becomes Avedgcd, as it were, in the middle of the pelvis, and even more firmly so afterwards, because its volume augments rapidly; for Qot only does the foetus continue its growth, but also the uterine walls become engorged, tumefied, and inflamed, and the symptoms caused by this inflammation are added to those previously existing; and, further, as the space then occupied and filled up by the uterus is larger than the superior strait, the reduction becon es very difficult, .or even impossible. Htinter relates a case in Avhich the eduction could not be made, and the Avoman 534 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. died in consequence; and at the autopsical examination it was fo ind neces- sary to cut through the symphysis, in order to disengage the womb from the excavation. When the displacement takes place suddenly, all these symptoms are speedily manifested, and should it happen at an early stage, they are shortly carried to the highest degree, or even may soon prove fatal, for their per- sistence may give rise to so great a distention of the bladder, as to produce its rupture.1 Again, the accumulation of fecal matters in the intestine occasions so imperious a feeling of tenesmus, that the female gives Avay to the most immoderate strainings ; and the pain caused by the displaced and inflamed uterus may create a convulsive agitation of the abdominal muscles and the vaginal Avails, so great as to cause a rupture of the vagina, and an escape of the fundus of the uterus from the vulva; as happened in the case communicated to M. Dubois, by M. Mayor. [" Palpation of the abdomen," says M. Salmon, " is usually the first thing resorted to by physicians when called to a case of retroversion. The patients generally both know and say that they are pregnant, so that when the abdomen is examined in order to ascertain the cause of suffering, a large tumor reaching from the pubis to the umbilicus is almost always detected. This tumor is superficial, fluctuating, and dull upon percussion. It may bear no inconsiderable resemblance to the uterine globe, especially should it harden at intervals, as in one case which came under our notice. That the tumor is formed by a greatly distended bladder, is proved by the use of the catheter: it is important, however, not to be deceived by the statements of patients, who often believe that the bladder is empty because they are able to discharge a small quantity of water. " Palpation of the abdomen is also useful in those rare cases unaccompanied by a distended bladder; for here the displacement of the uterus is indicated by the impossibility of deteoting the fundus of the organ on a level with or below the superior strait of the pelvis." (Salmon.)] The vaginal examination, in such cases, will enable us to detect the par- ticular variety of displacement Avhich causes the symptoms, for the finger encounters a tumor just Avithin the vagina that fills the Avhole excavation, which is the posterior surface of the womb. In passing over this surface, which is of greater or less extent according to the stage of pregnancy, the finger reaches the fundus of the uterus, which it finds directed toward the anterior surface of the sacrum, and in more serious cases toward the point of the coccyx. Pursuing the examination anteriorly, the neck is discov- ered to be turned directly fonvard, toward the middle of the posterior sur- face of the pubis, and sometimes even raised above the upper edge of the symphysis. The displacement may indeed be so great that the axis of the organ is almost completely overturned and the finger cannot reach the 1 The greatly distended bladder may then doubtless form a very considerable tumor, capable of increasing the retroversion mechanically, and of opposing the reduction. But the very intimate adhesions, by which the anterior and posterior surfaces of the aterus are connected with the posterior and inferior walls of the bladder, tend espe- cially to augment the difficulties. The abnormal size of the latter organ keeps it very high in the pelvis, and the neck of the uterus evidently can only be brought down- wards and backwards, after the relieved bladder has itself descended into the exca- vation DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 535 external orifice. Sometimes, hoAvever, the neck is very accessible to the touch, although the retroversion is carried to the greatest extent. This is owing to the fact of the cervix being bent round on the body, like the beak of a retort. In this case, the uterus Avas retroflexed before being overset backward. In retroversion, a rounded tumor, varying in size Avith the volume of the displaced organ, is found in the vagina. This tumor spreads out more behind than in front, whereby the posterior vaginal Avail is depressed, Avhilst the anterior is distended and elevated. Sometimes the perineum is promi- nent, and the vulva SAVollen, the rectum is pressed doAvn and almost oblit- erated by the tumefied organ, and the anus often dilated and bulged outwards. [Unpleasant to the patient as is examination by the rectum, it must be had re- course to when the indications derived from the above described measures lead one not merely to suspect, but to feel certain that the retroversion exists. It is the only method by which the uterine tumor can be explored over a considerable extent of surface, as there is nothing to prevent the finger from passing deeply behind it. Another advantage is, that whilst the vaginal touch enables us to appreciate better the position of the cervix at the bottom of the long cul-de-sac, behind the pubis, examination by the rectum affords precise knowledge of the character of the tumor formed by the fundus of the womb. (Salmon.)] A particular variety of retroversion has been described by M. Martin, of Lyons, in which the os tineas protrudes from the vulva, and the fundus uteri is pushed to the side of the sacrum ; the uterine neck, being curved like the spout of a eAver, is situated beloAV and a little in front of the pubis; the body of the organ is retained in the sacral excavation, and lies close to the perineum. But, after carefully reading his description, I do not think it can be justly considered as a neAV example of retroversion. I believe it was merely a falling of the womb, which had existed prior to pregnancy, and had been aggravated by this latter condition; there was at the same time an anteflexion of the neck, Avhich explains how the curve in the latter, described by M. Martin, might be formed below and in front of the pubis, from the depressed body forcing it beyond the vulva. A retroversion could scarcely be confounded Avith simple prolapsus; for, in the former, the vaginal Avail is ahvays situated betAveen the finger and the tumor, and the neck is high up behind the. pubis, Avhilst, in a prolapsus, the cervix is always the most dependent part, and the tumor can be perfectly isolated from the vagina; in the latter case, the reduction is generally easy, but it is usually quite difficult, sometimes even impossible, in the former. Further, the symptoms of retroversion are ordinarily much more severe than those of prolapsus. [Without going into any detail on the subject, we would point out the possibility of mistaking a retroverted pregnant uterus for an intra-uterine fibrous tumor, abdominal tumors, or tumors of the cavity of the pelvis. The differential diagnosis between the unimpregnated uterus when retroverted and the same organ when similarly displaced during pregnancy may also prove somewhat difficult; still, the fact of the case may be generally arrived at by judging carefully of the size »f the womb, and interrogating the patients in regard to the time of the last- 536 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. menst;ual flow. It would be easier to make a mistake in cases of extra-uterine pregnancy developed in the utero-rectal cul-de-sac, or of retro-uterine hematocele ; in this case, however, the entire uterus is crowded out of position without being tilted, and it is often easy to feel its contour above the margin of the pubis.] As a general rule, the prognosis in these displacements is very grave; it varies, however, with the period of pregnancy, the volume of the uterus, the alteration in the neighboring parts, and the violence of the attendant symptoms. Cozteris paribus, a retroversion is usually more unfavorable than an ante- version ; because, in retroversion, the constipation and retention of urine, which thus far have been considered as comparatively unimportant, soon become aggravating circumstances of the disease. In fact, the bladder can only enlarge and ascend into the abdominal cavity, by pushing the uterine neck upwards and towards the front; and hence, its body acting on the uterus by its size and weight, necessarily increases the displacement. The stercoraceous matters accumulated in the rectum, above the part in contact with the fundus uteri, act in a similar manner; and, again, all the woman's expulsory efforts have a constant tendency to further depress the fundus, after the displacement has once commenced. In anteversion, on the con- trary, all the causes just enumerated operate in a favorable manner. Thus, the distended bladder constantly has a tendency to press back the body of the womb, which is then carried forwards, and the accumulated matters of the large intestine, pressing from above downwards on the posterior part of the neck, contribute to the same end. [Sudden retroversion is more threatening in appearance than the gradual form. Both cases are serious in proportion as the pregnancy is in a more advanced stage, because the accidents which are liable to occur and the difficulty of reduction, increase with the size of the uterus. Independently of the accidental or gradual cause which produced it, and of the period of gestation at which it occurred, the danger, says M. Salmon, is in proportion to the importance acquired by one of the principal phenomena of the affection, viz., retention of urine. If the latter be complete, the symptoms become urgent in seven or eight hours, but if incomplete, the displacement may continue for fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five days without causing any serious results. Retroversion generally terminates in recovery, though it may give rise to abortion. In some cases death may ensue from peritonitis, beside which rupture or gangrene of the bladder, or rupture of the uterus or its partial destruction by gangrene, may be apprehended. Treatment. — In the first place the bladder must be emptied, as in its distended condition it would interfere with the attempts at reduction. It sometimes happens, indeed, that after the urine is withdrawn, reduction occurs spontaneously. Many practitioners have very justly insisted upon the advantage of catheterism repeated several times daily through the course of several days, as the only method of treat- ment; it has very often proved successful, insomuch that Burns felt authorized to say that retroversion would rarely last over a week, if the bladder were emptied three or four times a day. It is a course, therefore, which may be followed whenever the symptoms are not urgent.] Treatment. — After having emptied the bladder and rectum, and combated the inflammatory symptoms by the appropriate means, the accoucheur should proceed at once to reduce the uterus to its natural position, and secure it DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 537 there. The best position for the female to assume is one in which all the muscles are throAvn into a state of relaxation ; tAvo fingers are then to be ntroduced into the vagina, Avith which the body is first to be pushed up, ifter Avhich the index should be hooked over the neck so as to depress it. The reduction may sometimes be effected on a single trial, but usually we are compelled to repeat the attempt after an interval of a few minutes : and just at the instant of the resumption of its ordinary position by the Avomb, a noise is heard, in some instances, like the click of a spring. It must not be supposed, hoAvever, that this operation is ahvays an easy one. For the difficulty in using the catheter, so often experienced, the impossibility of emptying the rectum, and especially the voluminous tumor formed behind the uterus by the faeces collecting in the sigmoid flexure of the colon, the violent strainings made by the patient under such circumstances, and the size of the tumor, and its adhesions to surrounding parts, are so many em barrassing circumstances to the practitioner. Although it is very seldom that we cannot succeed in introducing the catheter, by time and patience, yet in some cases this has been found altogether impossible; indeed, much prudence is requisite in the measures then adopted, and if they all prove useless, a moderate pressure made over the hypogastrium may, perhaps, slowly compress the bladder, and thus make the Avoman urinate, so to speak, by disengorgement. The retroverted fundus sometimes compresses the rectum to such a degree that an injection cannot be made to enter the large intestine. Such cases demand some precaution in the administration of the enemata. There may be a collection of indurated matters above the fundus of the retroverted uterus, in Avhich case it is evident, that, as the latter compresses the upper part of the rectum, an injection given in the usual manner cannot reach high enough to bring away the faeces accumulated in the descending colon. It then becomes necessary to use a long gum-elastic tube, Avhich may be inserted to the extent of seven or eight inches. This simple expedient has often disencumbered the intestine of matters which an ordinary injection could not have reached, Avith the effect of producing spontaneous reduction. Even Avith the use of the tube just recommended, the injections are some- times ineffectual. In such cases, if the palpation and the abdominal percus- sion lead us to suspect a considerable accumulation of fecal matters in the descending colon, Ave should exhibit purgatives by the mouth. Again, the necessary introduction of the hand into the vagina, to effect the reduction, is at times so painful to the female, that," notwithstanding all persuasions to the contrarv, she gives Avay to the most violent bearing-doAvn efforts, Avhich neutralize those of the operator. If baths, or emollient and narcotic injec- tions, should not assuage this acute sensibility, the advice of Dewees might be taken, and bleeding practised to the extent of producing syncope; still better, in my opinion, Avould be the administration of chloroform before the operation. The abnormal adhesions that are occasionally established betAveen the uterus an I adjacent parts, will certainly add another to the serious difficulties just mentioned; but even this should not give rise to despair. Amussat reports a case Avhere he distinctly felt some bridles in the bottom of the 538 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. vagina, and to the left of the tumor, into which he could ho k the forefinger, but after a careful examination he acquired the conviction that the uterus was free on the right side. He then renewed his attempts, by acting in such a way as to turn the uterus from the opposite side towards that Avhere the adhesions existed; that is, from right to left, and he thereby succeeded in replacing the organ in its natural position. But if, after having adopted all suitable precautions, the simple procedure just described should not succeed, one of the following plans should then be resorted to, namely, to act simul- taneously by the vagina and rectum, as some have advised; but the most simple plan, however, is that of M. Evrat, quoted by M. Moreau, as follows: The woman must lie upon her side, and the accoucheur then takes a rod eight or ten inches long, covered at one end by a tampon of linen smeared over Avith some fatty matter, Avhich he introduces into the rectum so as to press, through the recto-vaginal septum, the fundus uteri from beloAV upAvards, whilst the two fingers passed into the vagina hook the neck, and simultane- ously draw it downwards and backAvards. The force necessary for this reduction is very variable, though in effecting it we need not be restrained by the fear of producing an abortion; for, even if this Avere to result from such efforts, the dangers to the mother Avould be far less than from the con- tinuance of the retroversion. In a case of this kind, M. Halpin, after having emptied the bladder, and endeavored unsuccessfully to reduce the uterus, came to the conclusion that the only mode of curing the patient Avas by the employment of an instrument that Avould bear equally on all parts of the displaced Avomb; and he imagined that the pelvis could be filled up Avith a bladder, and thus all the contained organs be pressed up together into the abdomen. With this vieAv, he placed an empty one betAveen the fundus uteri and the rectum, and then by cautiously distending it, he actually suc- ceeded in pushing the fundus upAvards. Attributing, as they did, the difficulty of reduction to the pressure of the viscera upon the anterior surface of the uterus, Hunter, Boyer, and others, have recommended that the patient should be placed in such a position that the Aveight of the intestines may be supported by the upper part of the abdomen. Acting upon this suggestion, M. Godefroy adopts the folloAving position : the patient rests her head and hands upon the floor, whilst the anterior part of the thighs and legs repose upon the edge of the bed, Avhere they are supported by assistants. The surgeon then acts either through the vagina or the rectum upon the fundus of the uterus in such a Avay as to effect the reduction. In three very grave" cases, success was complete. (Joum. des Conn. Med. Chir., August, 1846.) This position is very fatiguing, painful, and disagreeable to the patient. I Avould, therefore, much prefer, in these difficult cases, simply to place the female on her knees in bed, Avith the upper part of the body supported on the elboAA'S. I have thus been able, in two cases, to reduce retroflexions A'hich had resisted every other means. In an obstinate case, Ave might resort to a procedure recently employed by Amussat, Avith a prospect of success: that is, to place the female in the position for operating for stone, and then introduce one or two fingers into the rectum, and gently press up the uterine tumor, by following the con- DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 539 cavity of the sacrum, at first directly upAvards, and then alternating from right to left and left to right, so as to raise the Avhole surface of the uterus; but if the finger or fingers placed in the rectum cannot reach so high, the thumb should be put into the vagina so as to elevate the perineum, in order that the former may penetrate still further; and, lastly, to get higher yet, an assistant might press against the elbow, or the accoucheur himself could sustain it Avith his OAvn thigh or body. M. Amussat declares that he has tAvice succeeded in this manner in making a reduction that had previously been ineffectually tried by several other practitioners. Finally, Avhat is to be done Avhere the reduction is impossible ? Abandon the patient to the resources of nature, says Mcrriman; but Avould not that devote her to a certain death, in case the inflammatory phenomena did not determine an abortion ? And since a miscarriage is inevitable under the most fortunate circumstances, Avould it not be advisable to bring it on, rather than to leave the patient exposed for a long time to the dangers which threaten her? Indeed, most physicians are of this opinion, and I should not hesitate, therefore, to rupture the membranes by a sound passed through the neck of the Avomb. But, sometimes, the neck is so high up that it is Avholly inaccessible; and then a puncture of the uterus itself must be resorted to. This latter operation has been performed both by the va- gina and by the rectum, but I should think the first preferable. It is, without doubt, the last resource, but ahvays ought to be chosen rather than the symphysiotomy recommended by Gardien and some other accoucheurs. After the reduction (Avhen that has been possible), the patient must re- main in the horizontal position until towards the sixth month of pregnancy, and must carefully avoid all straining, Avhether in urinating or at stool. These simple precautions are all-sufficient, and generally render the intro- duction of a pessary useless; Avhich latter, however, Baudelocque considers indispensable in most cases. Occasionally, the incontinence of urine, brought on by the pressure Avhich the neck of the bladder has suffered from the neck or fundus uteri, may still continue some time after the reduction ; and then, if the ordinary simple means do not cause its disappearance, Ave may resort to the Avarm mineral waters of Cauterets, Bareges, or Balaruc; to frictions with the tincture of cantharides, and blisters on the hypogastrium, together with tonics and astringents administered internally. § 3. Anteversion. Anteversion is very rare in the early stages of gestation, and, probably on this account, has been passed over by most authors who have studied the disorders of pregnancy. The manner in Avhich the uterus is developed, the peculiar form of the anterior and posterior boundaries of the pelvis, and the normal direction of the organ, are so many circumstances which, just in proportion as they facilitate retroversion, render the occurrence of antever- sion difficult. Besides, the influence Avhich a distended rectum and bladder have in the production and increase of the posterior displacement, AA-ould tend to restore the Avomb to its natural position, should any circumstance effect a commencement of anteversion. KotAvithstanding these favorable conditions, anteversion has been observed 540 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. by Chopart at two months, by Madame Boivin at three months, and finally by Ashwell. The case of the latter being unknown in France, we shall give an analysis of it. I have myself tAvice detected hat tAvo months in cases of Avomen affected Avith incorrigible vomiting. Mrs. M----, thirty-three years of age, and habitually very constipated, fell, during the first month of her pregnancy, whilst descending a pair of stairs. Though there was no hemorrhage, she had a spell of faintness Avhich lasted nearly an hour. For five or six Aveeks there was a feeling of Aveight at the pubis, micturition was frequent and painful, but there was no ob- struction to defecation. I examined her for the first time at the end of the second month. The cervix was in its normal position, but the strongly- inclined fundus formed a round solid tumor between the bladder and the anterior part of the vagina. Pressure Avith the finger upon the angle of inflexion caused pain. The neck was elongated, and larger and harder than usual. I endeavored, ineffectually, to effect reduction by pressing upon the fundus of the Avomb with the finger, AvhiJst the neck Avas draAvn doAvnward and forward by the index of the right hand. At the sixth month, the husband found that the anteflexion had almost entirely disap- peared, and although the lady still suffered some pain in the latter months, she was delivered without difficulty. Although the author describes this as a case of anteflexion, it is evident that there was also anteversion, as is proved by the normal position of the neck, and especially by the spontaneous.disappearance of the displacement at the fourth month. I see, indeed, no reason why an anteflexion should disappear suddenly at this stage of pregnancy. Anteversion is, therefore, possible in the early months, though it occurs more frequently in the second half, and especially tOAvards the end of the pregnancy. At that time, the fundus of the womb, Avhich is naturally in- clined fonvards, is supported by the abdominal muscles only ; now if these resist slightly, as often happens Avhen Avomen have had several children, the physiological inclination has a constant tendency to increase. The axis of the uterus may thus become nearly horizontal, or even be depressed still loAver, until the fundus falls upon the thighs and knees. The neck, which is carried very far upAvards and backAvards, sometimes gets above the sacro- vertebral angle, and is reached by the finger with the greatest difficulty; the impossibility of attaining it has occasionally given rise to a belief of the existence of imperforation. Beside the signs furnished by the touch and examination of the abdomen, some functional disorders may be produced by anteversion at different stages of pregnancy, whose cause should not be mistaken when called upon to treat them. In the early months, the sensation as of a heavy weight at the pubis, frequent and sometimes painful micturition and defecation, are almost the only rational signs. In the latter months, the Aveight of the uterine tumor, Avhich is carried strongly fonvards, occasions pains and draggings in the thighs and groins ; the extreme distention of the skin of the abdomen, also, produces acute pain, and the pressure to Avhich the bladder is subjected is the cause of vesical tenesmus, Avith dysuria or strangury. Finally, in the worst cases, Avalking is rendered difficult and often impossible. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. 541 The prognosis is not generally serious; for, Avhen the a. teversion occurs m the early months, the development of the uterus may restore it; Avhen it occurs in the second half of gestation, it may produce premature labor, though it usually occasions merely the inconveniences just spoken of, and never gives rise to accidents in any degree serious, except during labor. (See Dystocia.) Reduction may be attempted in the early months, but has hitherto ahvays failed ; too great perseverance would be at the risk of abortion. The most prudent course, therefore, provided resistance is encountered, is to intrust the reduction to the subsequent progress of the pregnancy. If the discom- fort and Aveight are too fatiguing, they may be relieved by the horizontal decubitus. At a more advanced stage, a body bandage, or a sort of corset or belt for ' the abdomen, Avell adapted to the size and form of the belly, will afford much relief. When the abdomen is pendent, the abdominal belt may be kept up by suspenders. - § 4. Lateral Obliquities. In describing the physiological phenomena of pregnancy, Ave spoke of obliquities of the uterus, and pointed out their probable causes. They are rarely carried to any great extent, and are never the occasion of serious accidents. Only by tending to produce an unfavorable presentation of the child, and by retarding the dilatation of the neck, can they have any un- pleasant effect upon the labor. Therefore, the present is not the proper time to speak of them further. CHAPTER III. DISEASES OF THE OVUM. ARTICLE I. dropsies. § 1. Dropsy of the Amnion. The amniotic liquid may sometimes augment to a very considerable quantity; but, as the normal amount is very variable, it is difficult to say above Avhat limits it should be considered as a disease; hoAvever, Avhen it exceeds three or four pounds, the accumulation may be justly attributed to some morbid condition. In the present state of our science, it would be absolutely impossible to designate the cause of this singular affection, although some facts seem to militate in favor of its being produced by an inflammation of the amnion; but this opinion requires further confirmation to be received without hesita- tion, for, notAvithstanding Dr. Mercier claims to have seen the internal sur- face of the amnion covered several times by false membranes, and the membrane itself highly injected, yet other observers have not detected any- thing of the kind. (Journ. Gen. de Med., torn, xiv.) Again, from the cases cited by Drs. Merriman and Lee, it would appear 542 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. that a dropsy of the amnion is often associated with a morbid condition or a bad conformation of the foetus, or Avith a state of general infiltration on the part of the mother; indeed, some facts would lead to the supposition that constitutional syphilis predisposes to this disease. In a feAV instances, it has seemed referable to sanguineous plethora; but as it occurs in women of every variety of condition, constitution, and age, this cannot be considered as a fixed rule on this point. It is much more frequent in twin pregnancies, and rarely supervenes prior to the fifth month. In some cases, the dropsy is preceded by all the signs of an active in- flammation ; but most commonly a dull pain in the uterus, a feeling of Aveight about the pelvis, and a rapid growth of the organ, are the only evi- dences of its existence. The womb speedily acquires a considerable volume, and is more distended at the fifth or sixth month than it usually is at term. Further, the development is proportionate to the quantity of liquid: thus,' the latter often amounts to five or six pints; and Baudelocque reports a case in Avhich thirteen pints escaped from the uterus, and another one of thirty-two pints. Certain authors have even knoAvn forty or fifty pints to exist in the amniotic cavity. The fluid is similar in all respects to the liquor amnii. The uterus rarely becomes much enlarged without disturbing the func- tions of the thoracic organs in the manner heretofore described, and facts are not wanting to prove that it may even produce asphyxia. In a case reported by Duclos, the distention of the Avomb was so great, although the gestation had only advanced to the seventh month, that it en- larged the abdomen beyond measure, pushed up the diaphragm, and inter- fered so much Avith the respiration and circulation that the woman's life seemed to be seriously compromised. The physicians, called in consultation, decided in favor of bringing on the uterine contractions as soon as the neck shoAved any evidence of dilata- tion; but, suffocation being imminent, M. Duclos ruptured the membranes, at first permitting a certain quantity of fluid to escape, then, by keeping his fingers in the neck, he prevented its complete evacuation; and thus, for four times, after intervals of fifteen minutes each, he alloAved a further flow, while slight pressure was made over the abdomen. In this manner, fourteen pounds were collected, without counting Avhat was lost. The symptoms dis- appeared immediately, but as the uterus did riot appear capable of any effort, and the neck offering no resistance, it was easily dilated, and a living infant brought away by the forceps. The child was feeble and diminutive, and its limbs were very small. The mother recovered. M. Evrat, Sen., of Lyons, has published several cases of almost complete asphyxia (lividity of features, cessation of pulse and respiration), in which the Avomen were rapidly restored by the puncture of the membranes and discharge of a large amount of Avater. A premature distention of the uterus by amniotic dropsy, to the size which it usually has at the end of gestation, is capable of producing dan- gerous symptoms. It is astonishing, as Scarpa remarks, that in cases of dropsy complicating pregnancy, the Avomb should occasion symptoms of suffocatiou at hich it never determines at the end of the ninth month, though DISEASES OF THE OVUM. 543 Its size be the same. It is explained by the sudden and rapid development in the first case; whilst in the latter the distention takes place almost im- perceptibly, the Avails of the abdomen yield gradually, thus alloAving the uterus to project more in front, so as to diminish its elevation slightly, AA'hilst it crowds much less upon the diaphragm. As before said, ascites often coexists Avith the amniotic dropsy; but as the two diseases may occur separately, it becomes important to establish their differential diagnosis. In ascites complicating pregnancy, the urine is small in quantity, whitish, and turbid, the thirst great and constant, and the lower extremities and genital parts mostly much infiltrated. It is difficult and sometimes even impossible to distinguish the shape and fundus of the uterus, on account of the irregular form of the belly, and the enormous distention of the Iwpo- chondriac regions. Percussion produces an undulation, or sort of fluctua- tion, Avhich is much more perceptible at the upper than at the lower part of the abdomen. In dropsy of the amnion, the size of the belly approaches much more nearly that of a uterus at term, although the pregnancy may not have ex- isted more than five or six months. The uterus is so rounded as to be almost spherical. Fluctuation is more obscure, thirst slight or absent, urine natural, and in some cases little or no infiltration of the lower extremities. The umbilical tumor is rarely present, and, AA'hen it exists, has not the trans- parency observed in ascites. The great enlargement of the womb often provokes premature contractions and abortion. Sometimes the child is born living, but so little developed that it cannot survive; more frequently, it dies in the mother's womb, and is not expelled until some time after. Dropsy of the amnios, Avhich is so grave as regards the infant, rarely com- promises the mother's life, or even her health. Some unfortunate cases have, hoAvever, proved fatal, though generally she is merely incommoded by the excessive volume of the Avomb, and the consequent interference Avith other organs. The expulsion of the liquid is generally spontaneous; the foetus, membranes, and placenta passing aAvay Avith the Avaters; whence, the cause no longer existing, the disease is completely cured. According to some authors, the rupture of the membranes and consequent expulsion of the fluid is not ahvays folloAved by the birth of the child. In this case, the breach in the membranes takes place at a point considerably above the neck, the uterus is relieved sIoavIv of the superabundant fluid, and the pregnancy proceeds Avith no other accident than a more or less frequent discharge of Avater. I think that, in most of these cases, an accumulation of fluid betAveen the membranes and the uterus, as in the hydrorrhoea to be spoken of hereafter, has been mistaken for amniotic dropsy. I confess, how- ever, that the folloAving case, carefully observed by Ingleby, leaves hardly a doubt as to the possibility of the fact: A lady, six months gone in her third pregnancy, lost suddenly a large quantity of Avater during the night. From this moment, until the termination of pregnancy, there escaped every tAvo or three days a pint and a quarter of fluid. The Avoman was delivered of a large boy. The after-birth Avas expelled spontaneously. I received it in 544 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. my hand, says the author, so as to avoid laceration of the membranes. I examined it with the greatest care, and discovered, besides the opening made by the head in the centre of the membranes, a second opening, of circular form, near the edge of the placenta. It was doubtless through the latter that the fluid escaped from time to time. It is proved, by many observations, that amniotic dropsy frequently recurs in the subsequent pregnancies of the same female. A remarkable circumstance, pointed out by MM. Bunsen and Kill, and one instance of which has come under my own notice, is a dropsical condition of the foetus, it being sometimes affected with hydrocephalus, and at others with ascites. The same authors also mention having observed that in these cases the placenta Avas often remarkably large. Thus, in a case reported by M. Kill, in which the extreme distention of the uterus produced abortion at the sixth month, the circumference of the placenta was a third larger, and its thick- ness double that of ordinary placentas. It was pale, and its tissue spongy, and, Avhen divided, the vessels traversing its substance were found to have almost the size of the arteries and umbilical vein. The abdomen of the foetus contained a large amount of fluid. The liver was voluminous, occupying almost the Avhole abdominal cavity. Its structure was normal, without any indication of SAvelling, but its vessels Avere highly developed. This great size of the liver is supposed by the authors quoted to be con- nected Avith the extreme development of the placenta, Avhose enlarged vessels Avould of course supply a great quantity of blood to the umbilical vein. (Churchill, page 50.) When the malady is once established, it is exceeding difficult to find the proper remedies, — I will not say to cure, but even to impede its course; — for instance, diuretics have usually proved of little value. Some authors, indeed, seem to have observed good effects from dry diet; and Burns specially recommends cold bathing. But, in spite of all Ave can do, the affection ordinarily goes on increasing until the commencement of labor; and in the greater number of cases there is nothing to be done except to aAvait this event. However, if the uterine tumor be of excessive size, more especially should the dropsy of the amnion be complicated Avith ascites and a general infiltration, and the patient's life be endangered by the obstructions to the hsematosis, an evacuation of the waters' should be determined upon by rupturing the membranes. The puncture is usually effected by the use of a male or female catheter, or a stylet, Avhich is introduced through the neck, and the membranes per- forated with its extremity. When the cervix is sufficiently dilated, the rupture may be performed Avith the finger. When not obliged to act quickly, contractions may be previously solicited by introducing and leaving a piece of prepared sponge in the cavity of the cervix, or by practising some douches upon the inferior segment of the uterus. (See Premature Artificial Delivery.) But should the gravity of the symptoms demand immediate intervention, there would, I think, be some advantage in folloAving the advice of M. Guillemot, and to glide the catheter betAveen the ovum and the uterus, so as DISEASES OF THE OVUM. 545 to pierce the membrane far above the neck ; this process wot id permit the discharge of the fluid to be controlled, and only the superabundance, so to speak, to be AvithdraAvn. The pregnancy may afterward be left to itself. In case of complete obliteration of the neck, paracentesis by the vagina and in the vicinity of the uterine orifice must be performed. Scarpa and Camper recommend puncturing betAveen the umbilicus and pubis. In one of the observations of Evrat, Sen., the operation was practised in the place, so called, of election, for paracentesis. The patient was delivered eight days aftenvard of tAvo living children, and recovered perfectly. The details given by the author do not inform us Avhether the case was one of ascites, or really of amniotic dropsy, as he thought. The vaginal puncture seems to me likely to subject both mother and child to the feAvest risks, whenever the neck is inaccessible. § 2. Hydrorrhcea. The Germans have given this name to those discharges of Avater that occur in the course of the gestation, but which, in general, are neither preceded nor folloAA'ed by any uterine contractions; their nature is such as to interfere but slightly with the pregnancy, the latter advancing as usual to term, and at the accouchement the bag of Avaters is regularly formed. This affection is quite common in the latter months, but very rare at the beginning of gestation. I observed it once betAveen the third and fourth month, and it reappeared but once during the remainder of the pregnancy, Avhich terminated happily. (See Abortion, article Diagnosis.) The frequency of such discharges, and the quantity of Avater lost each time, are exceedingly variable in different cases. Sometimes the liquid comes aAvay in gushes, at others drop by drop; but the amount may increase in an incredible manner, and the loss may occur but once, or be reneAved frequently. Further, the intervals of its appearance are very irregular, and lasting a long timeAA'hen it does come on, during AA'hich any mental emotions or bodily excitement singularly influence the profuscness of the discharge. On the other hand, it augments in quantity during the most perfect quietude, as, for instance, at night during sleep; its cause can rarely be ascertained. Most generally, the female enjoys her usual health before the discharge comes on, Avhen she unexpectedly finds herself Avet, the fluid escaping drop after drop, or else she hears the peculiar sound caused by the sudden irrup- tion of a considerable quantity of the Avaters. In most cases, she suffers no pain either pending or after this discharge; though it may happen that a too rapid depletion of the uterus, and the consequent parietal retraction, may bring on some slight uterine contractions; but if the patient then "keeps perfectlv still, they soon disappear, and everything resumes its natural order. In color, the discharged Avater is usually a little yellowish, A'ery limpid, and at times tinged with blood, leaving stains upon the linen, and having a well- marked spermatic odor. Should the hydrorrhoea be attended Avith the uterine pains, it Avould be an evidence of an approaching abortion; and some accoucheurs, supposing the membranes had been ruptured, have been knoAvn, under such circum- stances, to use every effort to accelerate and to terminate a labor \vhich 35 546 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. really had not commenced, and which, without their interference, would not have occurred before the ordinary period. [We saAv a case of hydrorrhcea during the sixth month of gestation, in which uterine contractions had come on and almost completely effaced the neck of the womb which was opened to the size of about a franc-piece. Rest in bed and opiate injections quieted the threatenings of abortion, and the patient was delivered at term.] This error may be avoided by attending to the fact, that, notwithstanding so considerable a Aoav of liquid, the size of the uterus, its consistency and elasticity, are such as it generally presents at that period. These remarks -will at least be sufficient to excite a doubt as to the true source of the waters; and from the moment that there is a doubt, every effort should be made to prevent and not to hasten abortion. These fluids, although having no relation in their seat to the liquor amnii, have, however, been called the false waters, so as to distinguish them from those which escape after the membranes are ruptured in labor. Various opinions have been advanced as to the nature and seat of these false Avaters; thus, certain accoucheurs have supposed that they Avere con- tained betAveen the chorion and the amnion, and that their escape is due to a laceration of the chorion; others, that they are OAving to the rupture of an hydatid, lodged either in the cavity or the neck of the uterus (Bcehmer, Roederer). Again, Baudelocque Avas of the opinion that it resulted from the transudation of the liquor amnii through the membranes. Some others explain it by invoking an cedematous condition and an infiltration of the uterine cellular tissue. It is an easy matter to refute all these opinions by recalling the fact of the frequency and abundance of the discharges, Avhich often come away in large quantities. Mauriceau, Camper, and Capuron supposed that these Avaters proceed from the interior of the amnion; for, in certain cases, they say, the membranes may yield at a point quite distant from the neck, and the superabundance of this fluid will then gradually drain aAvay, though still an abortion may not occur. This explanation is not applicable to the greater number of cases of hydrorrhcea, for observation does not shoAV that Avhen water came away several times during pregnancy the amount lost during labor Avas less than usual: beside which, careful examinations of the membranes after delivery have very rarely detected traces of old rupture. Some Avell observed cases, hoAvever, prove that Mauriceau's opinion •may be exceptionally true. (See page 543.) It is much more probable that the fluid which thus escapes in the course of gestation, sometimes a feAV days only before term, had accumulated be- tAveen the internal uterine surface and some portion of the membranes (variable in extent) that Avere detached. This is the view adArocated by Naegele, and it has been lately reproduced by one of his pupils in a thesis sustained at Heidelberg, from Avhich I have derived most of these details. That is to say, the fluid secreted by the internal surface of the organ gradu- ally detaches the membranes, thereby forming a pouch for itself until its constantly-increasing quantity succeeds in separating them as far as the Df the predisposing cause. HoAvever, there are some accidental causes whose influence is indisputable. For instance, falls, excessive fatigue, too frequent coition, and severe contusions, have, in some instances, produced immediately a loss of blood, folloAved by abortion. Falls and contusions may act in tAvo Avays : either by bruising or violently irritating the mother's organs, or by Avounding the foetus, and determining its death. The latter has been denied by some persons : but to the instances noAV knoAvn to science, I will add the folloAving from my own observation: A young woman, six months pregnant, struck her abdomen violently against a table while walking in the dark in her chamber ; during the night, the motions of'the child were for a time quite tumultuous, then they diminished, and on the folloAving morning could not be perceived at all. Two days aftenvards she was delivered of a dead child, which presented an ecchymosis on its back as large as the palm of my hand. Burdach speaks of a woman who received a bloAv upon the loAver part of the abdomen, when in the sixth month of her pregnancy, and Avho Avaa delivered of a child, the bones of one of Avhose legs and of a forearm had been fractured, and united at an acute angle. The jarring attendant upon travelling by rail, or too great use of a sewing-machine, are also capable of giving rise to abortion. I shall not enumerate here the various circumstances that have been considered as occasional causes; but, by way of shoAving hoAv their importance has been overrated, I will merely remark that, although certain women, who are constitutionally predisposed to miscarriages, may abort in consequence of a trifling fright, or the odor of a badly snuffed candle, yet ihere are others, on the contrary, who will suffer the most acute moral im- OF ABORTION. 567 pressions, and the most violent physical shocks, without any accident Avhat- ever resulting therefrom; and nothing would be more easy than to bring fonvard numbers of cases in support of this proposition ; the folloAving, however, may be sufficient: I had an opportunity of observing, at the Hotel Dieu, Avhen acting as an " interne " in the obstetrical Avards, a young girl in the fifth month of pregnancy, who, being rendered desperate by the desertion of her lover, cast herself into the Seine, from the Pont Neuf, yet, notwithstanding so violent a shock, the gestation pursued its regular course. Again, M. Gondrin speaks of a young lady Avho was thrown from a chaise over the horse's head by the animal falling in his career. This lady avas then five months pregnant, but the accident did not prevent her from reach- ing her full term. I met with a case precisely similar in the wife of a notary living near Paris. I Avas consulted, in Sept., 1845, by a young lady, avIio was evidently six or seven months advanced. Her physician had suspected an inflammatory engorgement of the womb, and during the third or the fourth month this gentleman had applied fifteen leeches on the neck of the uterus itself; and, strange to say, not only Avas this application unattended by any accident, but the patient seemed relieved of the distress and pain in the hypogas- trium. And, lastly, is it necessary to refer here to all the manipulations, and all the violent remedies, that some distracted women make use of in vain to procure an abortion ? § 3. Causes on Account of avhich Abortion is artificially produced. The third order of cases still remaining for our examination are the means of producing abortion. These must be distinguished according to the pro- posed object: that is, Avhether, in producing an abortion, the indication be to relieve theAvoman as Avell as the infant, if the latter is well developed, from the dangers that threaten them (and Ave shall treat of the means to be em- ployed in such cases when Ave speak of the indications presented by the mother's vices of conformation), or Avhether, contrary to all the laws of morality, the design is to destroy the foetus in the body of its mother, for the sole purpose of concealing the traces of an illegitimate pregnancy. But we have nothing Avhatever to say concerning the measures resorted to by criminal hands in such cases, for, unfortunately, they are too well known. ARTICLE II. SYMPTOMS OF ABORTION. The signs of abortion vary with the period of its occurrence, and also with its determining cause. Thus, Avhen it happens in the early days of gestation, it is attended by but very feAV remarkable phenomena; and, in general, the pain is so trifling that the patient scarcely suffers more than from a difficult menstruation. The first uterine contractions are sufficient to produce the complete separation of the ovum, the adhesions of Avhich are still very feeble ; and it escapes either in mass or in shreds, usually sur- rounded by fluid or half-coagulated blood, and, being mistaken for a clot, it often passes aAvay unnoticed, most Avomen then supposing that they have 568 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. only had a slight postponement of their menses, folloAA-ed by a more difficult and abundant flow than usual. At a more advanced stage, the symptoms are much better marked, but still vary with the cause of the abortion. For instance, when this accident has been produced under the influence of bad health in the mother, or of chronic diseases, or those causes that operate sloAvly, by altering the genital organs, or the ovum and its membranes, the following symptoms are ordi- narily observed, namely: shiverings succeeded by heat, anorexia, nausea, thirst, spontaneous lassitude, palpitations, cold extremities, pallor, sadness, depression of spirits, tumefaction and lividity of the eyelids, Avant of bril- liancy in the eyes, a sense of sinking at the epigastrium, of cold about the pubis, of weight near the anus and vulva, pain in the loins, vesical tenesmus, frequent ineffectual desires to urinate, and a Aveakness and flaccidity of the breasts, from which a serous fluid sometimes exudes. These phenomena may be considered as the precursors of an abortion ; for, Avhen they have lasted for some time, the pains in the loins become more and more acute, extend round to the hypogastrium, and are reneAved at short intervals, finally assuming all the characteristics of the regular uterine contractions. During these pains, if the uterus is sufficiently high up to be easily dis- tinguished above the pubis, it will be felt to harden sensibly, whilst at the same time a sanious discharge takes place from the vagina, aftenvards becoming sanguinolent, and eventually replaced by liquid or grumous blood. If the Avoman be then examined per vaginam, the neck will be found partly dilated, the dilatation advancing progressively Avith the fre- quency of the pains; the membranes begin to protrude, then engage, and ultimately rupture; the waters escape, and the foetus and placenta are suc- cessively expelled. Usually in those cases in which the cause has operated sloAvly, whether dependent on diseases of the mother or affections of the ovum, the foetus dies before the labor, or at least during the first pains. When the abortion is a consequence of the occasional violent causes, it usually has quite another course. Thus, in some instances, the expulsion of the ovum closely folloAvs the accident; a Avoman slips in descending a staircase, and falls violently on her seat; Avhen she rises, her clothes are flooded Avith blood, for an ovum of six Aveeks has been driven out, together with a large quantity of fluid blood. This, hoAA'ever, is more apt to occur in the beginning of pregnancy; for, at a more advanced period, some inter- val ahvays elapses between the accident and the consequent abortion. The phenomena then observed vary, according to Avhether the cause has affected the mother's organs, or has directly influenced the foetus itself. In the former case, the mother experiences, at the time of the accident, a sharp pain, either about the loins, or else in some part of the abdomen; after the lapse of a feAV days, during Avhich the pain has diminished, or even entirely ceased, it is violently renewed, and followed almost immediately by uterine pains and contractions, a slight dilatation of the neck, some dis- charges of serosity from the vagina, at first reddish, then sanguinolent, and lastly pure blood. Finally, if the travail conti tue, the foetus is expelled as usual, and often living. jF ABORTION. 569 The expulsion is almost always effected very sIoavIv, and the pi ogress of the labor is far from being as regular as at term. The resistance occasioned by the length and hardness of the cervix at this period sufficiently explain the extreme sloAvness of its dilatation ; and even Avhen the latter is sufficient, the contractile poAvers of the uterus are yet so feeble that the ovum may remain engaged in the orifice for several days, and even project into the upper part of the vagina, before being expelled completely. When the cause has acted directly upon the foetus, either mechanically, as by a violent bloAv or concussion, or physiologically, by destroying to a greater or less extent its vascular connections Avith the uterus, the subse- quent course of affairs is different; for here the phenomena Avhich announce the death of the product of conception are the first to be manifested. After the feAV hours necessary to dissipate the agitation and fears caused by the commotion she has experienced, the AA'oman feels no pain nor inconvenience ; everything is calm, and seems to resume its natural order; but, after the lapse of a few days, sometimes only eight or ten, the movements of the foetus, Avhich had up to this time maintained their usual force and frequency, become Aveaker, are separated by longer intervals, and finally become imperceptible. From this moment, the uncomfortable sensations and diges- tive disorders, which had annoyed the patient from the outset of pregnancy, disappear as though by magic; the SAvelling of the breasts and prickling sensations which had affected them, also diminish or cease entirely. A miscarriage is then inevitable, for the ovum is a foreign body in the uterine cavity, and soon irritates the Avails of the organ by its presence; the latter contracts, and the expulsion is generally effected about eight to nine days after the accident. In this case, the process advances in a more regular manner, because the Avomb has had time to prepare itself for the act. HoAvever, this term is not uniform, it being not at all uncommon for the dead foetus to remain much longer in the Avomb : tAvo or three Aveeks, or a month, for example. I saAv a Avoman at the Clinique, in Avhom the child's death Avas clearly ascertained, though she did not abort until six Aveeks aftenvards. Cases are also recorded of the embryo remaining in the Avomb until the ninth month. The development of the contractions is solicited by the derangement Avhich this condition of death gradually produces in the placental circu- lation; indeed, the quantity of blood arriving in the placenta often dimin- ishes by degrees, and ultimately becomes almost nul; but this is not ahvays the case, since, in some instances, the circulation continues, and the placenta enlarges,—attains even to double the volume of that at term, and after its expulsion exhibits the same degree of integrity. Lastly, in other cases, says M. Guillemot, the placenta retains its vitality and groAvs; but, at the same time, assumes unusual forms, and a singular structure, exhibiting a cavity in Avhich remains of the fcetus are hardly to be found. Where a long time thus ensues betAveen the period of the child's death and that of its expulsion, there is, in general, less danger from hemorrhage than if the premature labor had taken place immediately. In these abor- tions, less blood is usually lost than in the labors Avhich come on naturally, after tin most favorable gestations; which is probably OAving to the fact 570 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. that the child's death diminishes the activity of the uterine circulation, especially that of the utero-placental vessels, Avhich must then become obliterated in a great measure, and consequently can furnish but little blood at the time Avhen the placenta is separated. We have seen (page 558) that the general phenomena experienced by the mother after the death of the foetus are very singular in these cases, but abortion does not ahvays folloAv immediately, a variable interval, sometimes a long one, intervening before labor begins. The child born under these circumstances has a peculiar, macerated appearance, but no evidence of putrefaction. But it happens otherwise Avhen, the foetus being dead, the membranes are ruptured, and the expulsion is delayed; for then a rapid putrefaction sets in, as a consequence of the contact of the child Avith the external air. A high fever, characterized by the symptoms of a veritable infection, develops itself; a dark fetid liquid oozes from the genital parts, mixed Avith shreds, in a state of putrefaction; and if the uterine contractions do not speedily relieA^e the organism from this source of infection, the patient may rapidly succumb under its deleterious influence. Finally, Avhen the abortion is brought on by the existence of tAvo children, the tAvins are nearly ahvays expelled simultaneously; although Ave have occasionally knoAvn the women to abort of one child in a multiple pregnancy, Avhilst the other continued to groAV. Hemorrhage is one of the most common symptoms. It may precede, accompany, or folloAv the expulsion of the foetus, and is of sucb frequent occurrence that most authors make it the principal disordei In some cases it is certainly the cause of the abortion, though often merely a con- sequence. Sometimes, indeed, the miscarriage is accompanied Avith but slight hemorrhage. The latter circumstance is, howeA^er, rare, especially in the false labors that take place before the end of the fourth month; because a more or less abundant discharge of blood nearly ahvays shows itself during the first expulsive pains, and persists until the uterus is completely emptied; but, as Ave all knoAv, nothing of this kind is observed in labor at term. M. Jacquemier has happily explained the difference betAveen the two in the folloAving manner: He states that, toAvards the end of gestation, the placenta spreads out from the centre towards the circumference, in order to conform itself to the uterine enlargement at its greater extent; and this is accom- plished in such a Avay that its different lobes, by separating from one another, have a considerable space left betAveen them.1* From this it follows, that, Avithin certain limits, the uterine contractions have no tendency to detach it; for the placenta accommodates itself wonderfully to the retraction of the organ until it reaches its OAvn proper limits; and even then its great flexibility permits a further reduction, so as to folloAv the uterus as it becomes less, before the detachment commences, and this latter phenomenon only takes place "\lien the entire foetus is nearly expelled. But, prior to the fourth 1 To convince one's self of the truth of this fact, it is only necessary to see the pla- centa still adherent to a uterus which has been developed but is not yet retracted, or even the uterine surface this mass occupied; for the latter is nearly one-third larger than the surface of the placenta which covered it. (Jacquemier.) OF ABORTION. 571 month, the after-birth is far from offering the same conditi ins; since the thickness of the utero-placental decidua and the large amount of plastic matter interposed betAveen the lobes at that time, confer upon it a much greater density; and therefore it can only yield within very narroAV limits, either in the way of extension or retraction tOAvards its centre. Hence, the facility of its separation during the early contractions, the rupture of a certain number of vessels, and the incessant hemorrhage throughout the whole duration of the labor. ARTICLE III. DIAGNOSIS. Judging from the numerous signs just given, the diagnosis of an abortion ought to be very easy; but, unfortunately, these signs are not very clearly marked until the accident is inevitable, and consequently, Avhen it is a matter of indifference to the patient whether, the physician makes out a clear diagnosis or not. It is, therefore, in the beginning of such symptoms, especially, that we should endeavor to recognize their true nature, because then only can our art succeed in arresting their progress; but this is exceedingly difficult. The diagnosis of abortion involves the solution of several questions. Ia the Avoman pregnant ? And, supposing the pregnancy to be determined, are the symptoms those of a simple uterine congestion, or of a commencing abortion? Lastly, is the abortion inevitable? 1. Is the Woman Pregnant f — This first question is quite readily resolved after the fourth month of gestation, though before that period it is almost ahvays unansAverable. xVll practitioners of obstetrical experience are aAvare of the difficulties Avhich often involve it. Thus, a Avoman in good health has her courses suddenly suppressed for several months Avithout any appre- ciable cause, the breasts swell, and the body increases in size: in a Avord, she experiences several of the phenomena properly regarded as rational signs of pregnancy ; then, all at once, at the return of the third or fourth menstrual period, some symptoms of congestion of the uterus appear, last for several days, and are soon folloAved by a slight Aoav of blood. Hoav, then, shall Ave determine avIiether the pains felt by the patient, and the dis- charge of blood from the vulva, are OAving to a return of the interrupted menses, or to an approaching abortion ? The pains attendant on difficult menstruation, especially after a suspension of seA'eral months, resemble greatly, both in situation and intermittence, those of abortion. According to Madame Lachapelle, in abortion the uterine orifice is open, the hemor- rhage precedes the pains, and the latter persist notAvithstanding the abun- dance of the discharge ; whilst in difficult menstruation the orifice is closed, the pains are felt before the hemorrhage appears, and they diminish or even cease entirely Avhen the discharge is well established. The contrary, how eA-er, not unfrequently occurs. Doubtless a strict investigation of the circumstances which accompanied and folloAved the suppression of the menses, and an examination of the uterus, might lead to an opinion as to the probable state of the case; but 572 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. what experienced physician does not know how deceptive are all thes« rational signs, Avhen Ave take into consideration the tendency to exaggerations of the females, Avho so readily believe AA'hat they wish or Avhat they fear, a> also Iioav nearly the congestion, which precedes and accompanies the sus- pended menstruation, places the uterus in the same physical conditions as in a commencing pregnancy? Does the blood escape from the genital parts as a clot ? It has been hoped that the shape of the latter might furnish a reliable sign. It has been stated that the clot driven from the unimpregnated Avomb exhibits a triangular form, corresponding to that of the cavity Avhere the blood coagulated, which never happens when a product of conception is present; but this may fail, as the clot is mostly changed in its shape by tra\rersing the neck; and, on the other hand, in abortion, the blood may collect and coagulate in the vagina, and the coagulum exhibit the indi- cated character. But, if the coagulum be still in the cervix uteri, and supposing the finger is able to reach this point, how can Ave distinguish whether the foreign body felt there is a clot or ovum ? For this purpose, Holl has laid doAvn the fol- lowing signs: If the finger introduced into the orifice perceives the mass to become tense during the contraction, to augment in volume and advance tOAvards the vulva, it is an ovum engaged in the os uteri; and if it Avere a clot, it might be recognized by its fibrinous structure; besides, during the pain, its exterior surface Avould not be more tense, nor more smooth, and it would not appear forced doAvn, but rather compressed; finally, as the ovum resembles a soft bladder, its inferior extremity is rather rounded than pointed, while the coagulated mass is more resistant and solid, is less com- pressible, and has, in general, the form of a cone, the enlarged extremity of which is above and the apex beloAV. Finally, if we should then attempt to move the uterus in its totality by pressing on this mass, it might be easily effected if there Avere a clot con- cerned, Avhilst the parietes of the ovum Avould yield, and Avould not transmit the motion to the organ Avhich envelops it, and Avith Avhich it is then but feebly adherent. The question is therefore by no means simple, yet it is important to knoAV Avhether pregnancy really exists; for as the appearance of the menses is then of very rare occurrence, especially Avhen they are absent in the early months, a Aoav of blood should be treated as a serious accident, Avhich, on the contrary, would be promoted, if attributable to a return of the courses. NotAvithstanding these uncertainties, there may be a union of circumstances such as to allow of at least a probable diagnosis. Thus, if a AS'oman, Avho has been habitually regular, finds her catamenia to stop suddenly and unac- countably ; if this suppression is folloAved by other rational signs of preg- nancy ; if the pains continue notAvithstanding the discharge of blood; if they appear as an effect of any violence Avhatsoever, or if they present any thing unusual as respects either intensity or duration, it may be concluded that abortion is imminent. The diagnosis becomes more certain if the blood floAvs more profusely than in ordinary menstruation, if it is accompanied with sharper pains in the hype^astrium than is usual, if coagula are OF ABORTION. 573 expelled, and if the orifice is sufficiently dilated to admit the extremity of the finger. '2. Pregnancy existing, may the symptoms be attributed to simple con- gestion of the uterus, or should they be regarded as the first tokens of a threatened abortion ? Though it is very difficult to decide this question within the first three or four months, and at the beginning of the accident, its >olution is happily of little importance as regards the treatment, the measures indicated by simple congestion being equally applicable to the preArention of miscarriage. When symptoms, Avhich in all appearance Avere due to simple congestion, have yielded to proper treatment, the physician is often required to ansAver a question AA'hose rigorous solution is ahvays impossible: namely, the abdom- inal and lumbar pains being allayed, and all the other alarming symptoms removed, is the patient therefore out of danger of miscarriage? In the majority of cases Ave can tell nothing about it, for it is impossible to knoAV Avhether the congestion has been arrested in time to prevent a rupture of blood-vessels, and an effusion between the placenta and uterus, or Avhether the separation of the placenta is extensive enough to have destroyed the fietus immediately ; e\ren supposing the child to be still living, Ave cannot ascertain the degree of separation of the placenta, nor foresee the effect which a partial destruction of its maternal attachments may have upon the fetus. Very frequently, indeed, the latter, by being cut off from a con- siderable part of its means of respiration, is placed in the condition of an adult Avhose lungs are in great measure destroyed, and whose respiration and nutrition being insufficient, gradually Avastes aAvay, so the child often does not perish until after the lapse of eight days, tAA'O weeks, and frequently even not until the next menstrual period; this, too, Avithout the appearance of any new symptoms to explain its unlooked-for death. The physician cannot therefore be too reserved in his diagnosis, as regards the possible consequences of such accidents. 3. Finally, supposing the abortion begun, can we hope to arrest the symptoms? The intensity of the pains, their constant direction from the umbilicus towards the coccyx, the previous duration of the discharge, and the amount of blood already lost, softening and dilatation of almost the entire neck, and even of the internal orifice, and projection of the mem- branes during the contraction, doubtless indicate a very unfavorable prog- nosis, though they should not destroy all hope. All these symptoms con- jointly have in fact been knoAvn to yield to appropriate treatment, every- thing to resume the natural state, and the pregnancy to go on as usual. Some authors even state that the rupture of the membranes and discharge of the amniotic fluid does not render abortion ineA'itable. This last asser- tion, however, seems to me to be at least very contestable, for it is infinitely probable, not to say certain, that in the cases alluded to there has been a mistake in reference to the true origin of the waters lost by the patient. It appears to me that a rupture of the ovum must inevitably give rise to abortion; and Desormeaux has certainly confounded cases of hydrorrhcea with the true discharge of the amniotic fluid. A young lady, Avho had already been so unfortunate as to miscarry in her 574 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. rirst pregnancy, to be delivered of a dead child in the second, and final!), to have lost a little girl of six months, had advanced three months and a half in a fourth pregnancy. After returning from mass, in a church very near her dwelling, there was a sudden discharge of fluid from the genital organs, to an amount estimated by the patient at about a tumblerful. Oti first seeing her, I thought abortion inevitable. Then, upon a careful exami- nation of the uterus, it seemed to me, that, notAvithstanding the loss which had occurred, the organ presented its usual size, a certain elasticity, a pecu- liar suppleness shoAving that some fluid must still remain AA'ithin the amni- otic cavity; there Avas nothing peculiar in the state of the cervix; no flow of blood; neither was there pain before, during, or after the discharge of water. In acquainting the patient Avith the fears Avhich I entertained, 1 also assured her that all hope Avas not lost, and that the circumstances just mentioned presented collectively features which do not usually appertain to ruptures of the ovum itself. Absolute quiet, a small bleeding from the arm, opiate enemata, and hand-baths, to be repeated morning and evening, were directed. No neAV symptoms supervened, and the development of the uterus continued. For the first tAvo days, there was still a very small dis- charge of water. At four months and a half, and also Avithout appreciable cause, there Avas a sudden escape of five or six spoonfuls of a fluid similar to the preceding. After this, nothing of the kind occurred until the end of her pregnancy, AA'hich terminated very happily. (See Hydrorrhcea.) Abortion is really inevitable only Avhen the foetus has ceased to live, or when the separation of the placenta and the rupture of the utero-placental vessels are so extensive that the remaining utero-placental attachments are unequal to the support of the foetal respiration. In order to estimate the probable degree of disturbance of the utero- placental relations which has taken place, much more regard must be had to the amount of the discharge than to its duration. A simple exudation, or a moderate flow of blood, may continue for several days or Aveeks, since it may originate in the rupture of very feAV vessels ; I have knoAvn it to last for six Aveeks and tAvo months, Avithout compromising the pregnancy; but that the patient should lose a considerable amount of fluid or coagulated blood in a short time, the placenta must be separated to a considerable extent, and abortion almost necessarily ensues. There is still another peculiarity not mentioned by authors, which appears to me of importance, inasmuch as it cuts off almost all hope of arresting the progress of the symptoms: I allude to a particular form of the neck. When the patient has been for a short time only pregnant, we knoAV that it is ahvays easy to distinguish the neck of the uterus from its body; in the great majority of cases, Ave may even feel the angle Avhich separates them. Noav, Avhen the contractions have lasted for a certain time, they have grad- ually dilated the internal orifice; the cavity of the neck has become con- founded Avith that of the body, and when the finger in the A'agina is passed over the entire loAver segment of the uterus, the neck can no longer be dis- tinguished from it; a well-defined limit betAveen them is no more to be detected, and all that belongs to the neck of the womb has the shape of a pear, the larger part being continuous Avith the body of the organ, and the OF ABORTION. 575 loAver extremity corresponding with the external orifice. Whenever I have met Avith this condition of things, abortion has taken place. " The vagina itself," Dr. ( offin remarks, " is so far afi'ected, that its upper extremity becomes rounded, the rugas are effaced, and the finger meets everyAvhere a smooth and regular surface like that of a polished vase." It is impossible to ascertain certainly in the earlv months, Avhether the foetus be living or dead. I must, hoAvever, mention a peculiarity Avhich in my estimation is of great value in reference to this question : namely, the sudden cessation of the vomitings, salivation, or any other sympathetic functional disorder of pregnancy. When, after an accident, vomiting and salivation cease, there is cause to fear that the child is dead, the persistence of these discomforts being on the contrary a favorable sign. Happily, though the uncertainty upon this point makes an exact prognosis impossible, it in no Avise affects the treatment. Whenever, indeed, a collective examination of the general and local symptoms leads to the supposition that the child is living, and that Ave may hope to arrest the progress of the accident, Ave ihould act as though Ave Avere certain. We see, therefore, that in the first third of gestation the diagnosis, at the best, can be only probable. At a more advanced stage of gestation, the diagnosis is much more cer- tain. First, because Ave can then generally ascertain the development of the uterus Avithout difficulty ; then, again, pains are more energetic : the blood floAArs in greater abundance, and the dilatation of the os uteri is more easily detected; but it becomes still more certain Avhen the death of the fetus can be verified in a positive manner. (See Signs of the Death of the Foztus, page 558.) ARTICLE IV. DELIVERY OF THE AFTER-BIRTH. The spontaneous expulsion or the extraction of the placenta presents very different phenomena according to the period Avhen the abortion takes place; and, in this respect, it is highly important to distinguish the accident in the first tAvo months from that of the third and fourth, as also from that of the fifth and sixth; for the ovum is usually expelled entire in the first and second months, but in the tAvo latter the expulsion of the placenta is accomplished nearly in the same Avay as at term. But in the third and fourth months it is altogether different, because the placenta, Avhich is already A'oluminous, has contracted at this period numerous and very inti- mate adhesions Avith the Avomb, Avhich has not as yet acquired all the con- tractility of tissue that it possesses at term ; consequently the premature contractions, although sufficiently energetic to rupture the ovum, are not adequate to the destruction of the utero-placental adhesions. Hence, under the influence of such contractions, the amniotic sac, being pressed on all sides, yields near the neck, the Avaters escape, the little foetus is expelled, and the very delicate umbilical cord breaks easily; at the same time a cer- tain quantity of liquid or coagulated blood is poured out, and very often the small foetus is lost in the midst of the coagula that accompany its discharge Then the uterus, being partially evacuated, retracts, the neck closes up 676 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. and the symptoms disappear; nevertheless, the placenta and membranes are still undelivered, and may remain in the womb for eight, ten, or tAvefve days, or even longer. Dr. Advena, of Labischin, reports an instance Avhere the after-birth was not expelled till three months subsequent to the abortion, this latter having occurred at the fifth month of pregnancy. (Journal de Chirurgie, Aug. 1843.) The complete closure of the neck evidently makes the introduction of the finger impossible, so that every attempt made for this purpose Avould prove fruitless. Ergot may, indeed, be administered with the object of exciting contractions, though I have never seen it haA'e any good effects Avhen given under these circumstances. To wait, at the same time watching carefully, is all that can be done. The symptoms which may then result from retention of the placenta are very variable, and should be carefully studied. ■ 1. Very frequently, nothing at all unusual is observed for a few days fol- lowing the miscarriage. The general health is good ; the patient, believing herself entirely cured, gradually resumes her ordinary occupations, Avhen ah at once, and Avithout any knoAvn cause, some intermittent pains are felt in the hypogastrium, and a little blood escapes from the vulva. The Avoman often neglects these primary symptoms, but they persist and augment in intensity, thereby constraining her attention to them; for the placenta has become a foreign body in the womb, and, irritating the uterine Avails by its presence, excites their contractions; these break up the utero-placental adhesions, and the after-birth is almost free in the uterine cavity. This separation is always accompanied by hemorrhage, which is at times very abundant, because the os uteri dilates with so much difficulty, to permit the foreign body to escape, that the latter, by remaining in the womb, encourages a hemorrhage by irritating the organ and preventing the complete contrac- tion of its walls ; insomuch that, if art does not seasonably interpose, life itself may be endangered by the great amount of the discharge. What is still Avorse, if the physician did not happen to be present at the time of the miscarriage, if he had not carefully examined all the clots himself, the attendants Avill not fail to tell him that the after-birth and the child Avere expelled together, and, should he pay any regard to their statements, he may possibly overlook the cause of the accident altogether. I have been summoned several times to such cases, and have invariably been told by the persons questioned that the placenta Avas delivered. Consequently, the accoucheur should rely exclusively on his OAA'n personal examination in such cases. He must absolutely touch the female, Avhen he will usually find the os uteri to be partially dilated, and a portion of the placenta hanging in its orifice. It then is only necessary to seize this portion Avith the two fingers, for its extraction is, in general, quite easy. In case of necessity, Levret's abortion-forceps, Duges' placenta-crotchet, or Pajot's curette, might be used for this purpose.1 1 This is a blunt hook, formed of a loop of iron or silver wire, of a line or more in diameter. The loop is narrow in proportion to the thickness which it is desired the hook should have, never, however, exceeding an inch and a half in width. It is curved near its extremity, so as to form a hook of the size required. The remainder of the OF ABORTION. 577 Sometimes the adhesions of the placenta are so numerous that it is im- possible to destroy them, and extract the latter, even with Levret's forceps. It is then possible, by strong pressure upon the hypogastrium, to depress the womb, so that the forefinger of the other hand can be passed into its cavity, and glided betAveen the placenta and the uterine walls. Lastly, if this does not succeed, the tampon must be resorted to, and the ergot administered at once ; for the conjoint use of these measures rarely fails to arrest the hemor- rhage, and bring on a sufficient degree of contraction to expel the secundines. Such are the measures which should be resorted to, Avhenever the hemor- rhage becomes dangerous either by its duration or abundance. When, how- eA'er, it is arrested, especially Avhen the placenta is partially engaged beneath the orifice, and seems to prevent, by its presence there, further discharge, Ave should Avait, and be very careful how Ave attempt to extract it immediately. The engagement of the placenta in the cavity of the neck maintains in the latter a degree of dilatation likely to facilitate its complete expulsion, and besides exciting, as a foreign body, the sensibility of that part, also excites, or at least keeps up, the contractions of the fundus of the Avomb. Tractions upon the engaged portions might tear the placental mass at the point of constriction by the retracted internal orifice. Now, immediately after this partial extraction, the neck would resume its former condition, the internal orifice Avould close more or less completely, and render impossible the removal of the portion of placenta remaining in the cavity of the body of the uterus. 2. But matters do not ahvays pass off so happily, and a retention of the placenta may give rise to the most serious accidents. In fact, it sometimes remains in the uterine cavity after haA'ing been separated wholly, or in part, and soon undergoes decomposition, just as though it Avere exposed to the air; the lochia become fetid; the uterine walls, being in contact Avith the sub- stances in course of putrefaction, absorb a portion thereof, and, as a conse- quence, fever is developed, together with all the symptoms of a putrid infec- tion. In these distressing cases, Ave should evidently relieve the Avomb from those foul materials that infect the Avhole economy ; but, unfortunately, the neck of the uterus is completely closed, and an introduction of the finger thereby rendered impossible. Often, indeed, it is exceedingly difficult to make the extremity of a canula enter for the purpose of throwing detergent injections into the uterine cavity, and Ave are then compelled to aAvait the complete expulsion of the excessively fetid sanious matters resulting from the decomposition of the placenta. In s.uch cases, M. Velpeau speaks favor- ably of the use of ergot. This, indeed, is a remedy that might be used, but from which, nevertheless, Ave should not expect too much. A lady, thirty-five years of age, whom I suspected to be pregnant, although she Avould not believe it, felt a discharge from the parts after a suspension of the menses for tAvo months and a half, Avhich she at first mistook for a return of her courses, but which, after riding out in a carriage, Avas suddenly loop, which serves as a handle, receives the curvature necessary to facilitate the in- troduction and use of the instrument. It is directed into the womb by a few fingers, when it receives the soft mass in its concavity, and is then slowly drawn out. (Diet Med et Chir., en li) volumes.) 37 578 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. converted into a profuse fiooding. Having been summoned immediately. I found the os uteri slightly dilated, and I forthwith employed various mea- sures adapted to the arrest of the discharge, and among others the ergot. The hemorrhage gradually diminished, and at ten o'clock p. m. (six hours subsequent to the invasion of the symptoms) it had entirely ceased. During the first five days the patient did very well, but on the sixth I thought I detected a slight odor in the lochia, and at three o'clock in the afternoon a violent chill came on, Avhich lasted an hour. From this moment all the phenomena of absorption were manifested. I immediately administered forty grains of the ergot, but Avithout effect, for nothing came aAvay; and notAvithstanding the enlightened efforts of Messrs. Chomel and Moreau, who were several times called in consultation, this unfortunate lady died on the tenth day following the appearance of the first symptoms. At the post- mortem examination we found -the uterine tissue softened, and its cavity filled by the putrefied and still adherent placenta, which we could not separate without tearing. 3. It may further happen that the placenta, maintaining its vascular adhesion with the internal surface of the organ, continues to be developed after the child's death, the cord and foetus become atrophied, and then com- pletely destroyed ; or, indeed, the ovum may rupture, and the little product escape, leaving the membranes behind. These envelopes may undergo various modifications, but the most common is the morbid product known as a fleshy mole. It has been generally conceded, since the researches of M. Velpeau on the subject, that moles which are expelled from the uterine cavity are merely the remains of an altered product of conception. 4. Lastly, there is yet another mode of termination, admitted by Naegele, Osiander, &c. I allude to the absorption of the placenta retained in the cavity of the womb; for although such an absorption has been observed even after delivery at term, yet most of the reported cases refer especially to miscarriages. (See Delivery of the After-birth.) ARTICLE V. PROGNOSIS. The prognosis of abortion is necessarily variable, according to the time of its occurrence and the cause which has produced it. As regards the foetus, it is ahvays mortal, since the expulsion takes place before the pro- duct of conception is fitted for an extra-uterine life, though I am Avell aware that cases are reported of children, born prior to the period of viability fixed by law, Avhich have lived ; but these examples, even were they authen- tic, are too rare to invalidate the general proposition just laid doAvn. As regards the mother, the prognosis is said to be more grave than that of labor at term ; but this proposition, Avhich has been advocated since the days of Hippocrates, requires explanation, and should not be received Avith- out some restriction; for the prognosis, considered in relation to immediate consequences, is certainly less serious in a case of abortion tha n in a natural labor; but the remote effects are undoubtedly more disastrous in the former case. Thus, the acute diseases which attack lying-in Avomen are more ftp- OF ABORTION. 579 quent after labor, whilst the chronic disorders of the genital organs Avhich appear in advanced age are more common Avith females who have often aborted than Avith those Avho have always been delivered at term.1 Again, it is highly important to notice the unfavorable influence that one abortion seems to have over subsequent pregnancies; for Avhenever a woman has had a miscarriage, she is more predisposed than others to a similar accident, and hence great precautions should always be taken to prevent it. The period at Avhich an abortion occurs also influences the prognosis, although Ave cannot exactly say, Avith Desormeaux, that it is more serious for the patient in the advanced stages of gestation. Doubtless, as before stated, it scarcely constitutes an indisposition in the first or even the second month; but in the third or fourth, the expulsion of the foetus de- mands a certain dilatation of the os uteri, and tolerably energetic contrac- tions ; for the neck and body of the uterus have not as yet undergone the modifications necessary to such an effort, and the delivery of the after-birth often presents difficulties less frequently met with at a more advanced stage of gestation ; Avhence I conclude, that an abortion is then more grave and painful to the patient, as also more dangerous, than in the fifth or the sixth month. Lastly, the prognosis varies with the cause of the accident. Thus, the most serious of all is an abortion brought on either by medicines adminis- tered internally or by manipulations; while a miscarriage determined by slow and gradual influences is usually attended with less danger than one caused by external violence or some powerful moral commotion. In this latter case, the hemorrhage which precedes, accompanies, or follows the abortion, is nearly ahvays much more serious. Lastly, Avhen it occurs in the course of an acute inflammation of an important organ, or during the existence of an acute disease of the skin, it is exceedingly dangerous. ARTICLE VI. TREATMENT OF ABORTION. The treatment of abortion consists in preventing it, in favoring the expul- sion of the ovum when this is inevitable, and in remedying the various acci- dents that may complicate it. 1. Preventive Measures.— When the miscarriage is dependent on the Avoman's bad constitution, or on a lesion of the genital organs, Ave must en- deavor to combat and destroy this pernicious predisposition, more especially in the intervals betAveen the gestations. I shall say nothing at this time of the means of modifying the general vices of the constitution, since, they necessarily vary Avith the nature of the affection. It is particularly impor- tant, hoAvever, to bear in mind the disastrous influence of syphilis, Avhether the father or the mother be infected Avith it, over the life of the foetus; and we should persuade them to submit to a mercurial course. 1 Would it be unreasonable to suppose that, inasmuch as women who have hud fre- quent miscarriages are particularly liable to chronic diseases, the tendency may be • due to tlie fact that they have long borne the germ which occasioned their previous abortions! Which was the causes and which the effect? (Blot.) 580 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. When it happens that several abortions have resulted in consequence of some displacement of the uterus, the latter should be remedied by the appropriate measures: for instance, in the commencement of pregnancy, the wpman should avoid all fatigue and every violent effort; and it is eA'en advisable for her to. remain in the recumbent position until the uterus rises above the superior strait. We aAvard the proper value to the influence attributed by Desormeaux to the supposed rigidity and excess of sensibility or contractility in the uterine fibre, as well as to the excessive weakness or relaxation in the fibres of the neck. But, whilst interpreting the action of those causes in a differ- ent manner, we believe, Avith him, that bathing, general bleedings opiate injections, and a regulated course of living, are the means best suited to moderate this great irritability of the organ ; and that a tonic and strength- ening regimen, aided b,y the ferruginous preparations, cold baths, and the chalybeate mineral waters, will be the most usefully employed in those cases where the general debility of the patient may have seemed to exercise some influence over her former abortions. Plethoric Avomen, who usually have profuse menstrual discharges, and who may have previously suffered from abortion at the periods of menstrua- tion, all of Avhich had been preceded by the symptoms of general or local plethora, and all followed by more or less copious discharges, should be subjected before fecundation to a restricted regimen ; and during gestation, they should avoid all moral and physical excitements, and should remain in bed eight, ten, or even twelve days at every monthly term ; besides, they ought to be bled several times during the earlier periods of pregnancy, more especially just before the time for the menses to appear.1 These, more than other pregnant Avomen, should renounce the use of cor- sets, AA'hich, independently of the restraint they make on the development of the breasts, oppose the free return of blood, by interfering more or less with the abdominal and thoracic circulation, and thereby favor congestion of the inferior organs. Feeble, cachectic females, who are impaired by former diseases, and those whose tissues are soft, and their circulation languid, or who, from being habitually irregular, are affected with chronic leucorrhcea, are often attacked by hemorrhages during pregnancy AA'hich ultimately lead to an abortion. In such patients the face is pale, the pulse soft, small, and irritable, the tongue white, digestion painful, the intestines torpid, and the extremities cold. The least exercise fatigues them, sometimes even exhausts their strength. The fatigue is often accompanied by a sensation of weight, of painful drag- gings in the groins and lumbar regions, and, should they remain standing for any length of time, the uterus seems to require some support, as it ap pears just on the point of escaping by the vagina or rectum. Even in the 1 The physician often meets Avith much opposition from persons out of the profession when he proposes a preventive bleeding in the early stages of gestation. Particularly, should any accident happen shortly afterwards, they would not fail to reproach him with it. This, however, is no just reason for not acting according to his convictions, or for yielding in cases where he believes it really useful; now experience has fullj proved that, in such instances as those we have,described, it is one of the best pre ventive measures. OF ABORTION. 581 earliest si ages, they feel something like a weight in the lesser pelvis, always pressing on the most dependent part. Noav, the best mode of preventing such a condition, is to prescribe a tonic regimen, together Avith the ferruginous and bitter preparations. Canella, iD poAvder, has been recommended; and Sauter highly extols the use of pow- dered savine; he asserts, that he has succeeded in correcting this pernicious predisposition in pregnant women, who had previously had several mis- carriages, by administering fifteen grains of the poAvder three times a day, continuing it for three or four months ; by this remedy he has arrested flood- ing and prevented abortion, and many patients can attribute the fact of having children born at full term to the employment of this precious drug. White, of Manchester, has particularly reconrmended cold bathing, espe- cially sea-bathing, to be often repeated, both before and during pregnancy. The accoucheur must therefore search in the history of former miscarriages for the indications to guide him in the use of preventive measures; and it is likeAvise very important that he should make himself acquainted Avith all the accompanying circumstances. Pregnant women are very often constipated, and this constipation fre- quently becomes the cause of periodic abortions, by the irritation it pro- duces ; hence, it should be prevented by the use of some simple injections, with the addition of one or two tablespoonfuls of linseed-oik regularly, every other day, for tAvo Aveeks before the period when the abortion occurred last time, and they ought to be continued for tAvo Aveeks after it. But Avhatever may have been the predisposing cause whose influence was exerted in the previous pregnancies, there is one very important precaution, the neglect of which might render all others useless. In all cases where abortion has occurred several times, it is indispensable that the organ should remain undisturbed, and the husband be recommended to allow from six to eight months, or even a year to elapse, Avithout the wife being exposed to become pregnant. When this accident has already occurred a number of times in former pregnancies, it is ahvays indispensable for the Avoman to abstain altogether from intercourse Avith her husband, for all sources of irritation must evi- dently be AvithdraAvn from the Avomb. Again, if the foetus was expelled dead in the preceding gestations, and this death had been caused by some lesion of the ovum, it is almost impossible to recognize, and consequently to prevent, a similar alteration. The case is rather different Avhen the previous abortions have been attri- buted to utero-placental or intra-placental effusions, for these are almost always the result of a congestion of the uterus, of sufficient intensity to pro- duce a rupture of vessels. In another pregnancy, it might be possible to avoid such accidents. We would, however, call attention to the fact, that these local congestions may occur in chlorotic as Avell as in plethoric women, and consequently, that, although revulsives applied to the upper part of the body, or to the superior extremities, are useful in all, bleedings from the arm at the menstrual periods are very advantageous Avith the latter, whilst the former are benefited by the preventive use of ferruginous pre- parations, administered from the commencement of gestation. 582 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. Under some unfortunate circumstances, nature seems to deride all the attempts of art, and abortion reoccurs. Still, we must not despair Avhen the woman becomes again pregnant, for experience fully proves that, not- withstanding numerous former abortions, a fresh pregnancy has sometimes succeeded in reaching full term. Dr. Young (Rigby, 91) relates, in his lectures, the history of an unfortunate lady, Avho, after having had thirteen successive abortions, became pregnant for the fourteenth time, and Avas hap- pily delivered of a living infant at term. But, notwithstanding all these precautions, it sometimes happens that an abortion is threatened. The patients are affected with shiverings from the most trifling causes, pains in the hypogastrium, loins, &c.; uterine con- tractions appear, the sexual parts become moist, and occasionally even the os uteri dilates; but even here Ave must not lose all hopes of arresting the accident, notwithstanding those symptoms. If the patient is robust, the pulse full and frequent, more especially if the development of the symptoms had been preceded by indications of plethora, bleeding in the arm should be at once resorted to, the Avoman be laid as horizontally as possible, and opiates immediately administered. The laudanum of Sydenham may be given in the dose of twenty, forty, or even sixty drops, diffused in a small quantity of some mucilaginous liquid as an injection, and repeated at intervals of an hour, until the contractions dis- appear. This remedy, of which we have before spoken, is one of the most efficacious in cases of this kind, and sometimes it alone has enabled us to arrest a labor whose termination seemed to be inevitable, and thus has per- mitted the gestation to pursue its regular course. I cannot refrain from citing the folloAving instance in illustration. A woman, advanced to three months and a half, was taken with pains in the abdomen and loins, after a violent altercation with her husband; on the folloAving day the pains augmented, and a little bloody fluid escaped from the genital organs; the pains still continuing, and the discharge having somewhat increased, on the third day the patient came on foot to the Clinique. I found on her arrival that the uterine contraction Avas very dis- tinct, the pains sharp, and renewed every eight or ten minutes; pure blood was discharging from the vulva, and the orifice was sufficiently dilated to permit the finger to pass readily as far up as the naked membranes. I ad- ministered sixty drops of laudanum, divided into three doses, which AA'ere given at intervals of three quarters of an hour, and by the end of this time the pains disappeared, everything resumed its natural order, and the gesta- tion went on till full term. I might multiply such citations almost ad infinitum, but the above is suf- ficient to shoAV that, hoAvever inevitable the abortion may at first appear, Ave should never abandon all hopes of preventing it. I may add, that the administration of opium in the doses just indicated, or even carried to a hundred drops in the tAventy-four hours, has never been folloAved by serious consequences. Sometimes, perhaps, a little somnolency or heaviness about the head, or a general torpor may result, but Avhich a feAV glasses of lemonade will soon dissipate. For, after all, Avhen even death of the foetus must have been either the cause or the effect of the primary symptoms, Avhat do we OF ABORTION. 583 risk in calming or arresting the uterine contractions ? because, as Ave have already seen, the dead child may remain long within the intact membranes without any unfavorable consequences resulting to the mother. And besides, as it is almost impossible to ascertain its death Avith any degree of certainty prior to the fifth month of gestation, we must act in such doubtful cases just as if it Avere living; although there can be no question that, if the foetus Avere really dead, it would be better to permit the contractions to go on, and its expulsion to be effected. But, even supposing these are wholly suspended, the expulsion is somewhat retarded, and that is all; for after the lapse of a certain time the foetus, acting like a foreign body in the uterine cavity, will irritate its walls, and a new labor sooner or later take place in consequence. To these remedies (the venesection and opiate treatment) we must add strict confinement to bed, absolute rest of mind and body, the use of demul- cent beverages, cold lemonade, veal-broth, chicken-Avater, and the applica- tion of cold compresses, frequently reneAved, over the abdomen; which com- presses are to be saturated Avith some fluid Avhose temperature is progressively loAvered. " Local bleedings," says M. Gendrin, " are too much neglected, especially in the treatment of the utero-placental hemorrhages; indeed, we have so often had occasion to congratulate ourselves for having advised them in those cases, that we now prescribe them with great confidence Avhen- ever the general condition does not directly indicate a depletory venesection. We direct them: 1. When there are any sharp pains in the neighborhood of the uterus or groins, and we apply them to the latter, the anus, or even the vulva; 2. In cases of a considerable turgescence of the hemorrhoidal tumors (if any such exist) ; and 3. In the phlegmasia of the adjacent organs, such as the large intestine, &c." In these two latter cases we fully coincide in the opinion of M. Gendrin; but, in the first, Ave should much prefer having recourse to a general bleeding in the arm, or, as he himself advises, further on, to the application of leeches at a distance from the uterus : for instance, near the breasts, armpits, &c, etc. Finally, to the means already enumerated, Ave must further add the use of irritant revulsives, placed upon the upper part of the trunk and the thoracic extremities, and must also recommend in a more special manner the application of dry cups, the decidedly beneficial effects of Avhich Ave have often Avitnessed in cases Avhere uterine plethora seemed to be the cause of the symptoms, but Avhere the general condition required some pre- caution in the use of blood-letting. 2. It has been already stated that a copious hemorrhage, intensity of the pain and of all the other phenomena, and more particularly a rupture of the membranes, render abortion thenceforth inevitable; and hence, the only course in such cases is to facilitate the expulsion of the product of conception. But still, if the hemorrhage is not of such a character during the first three months of gestation as to compromise the Avoman's life, the physician should remain a simple spectator of the efforts of nature, and confine himself to superintending the progress; for the expulsion of the ovum ought to be left entirely to the uterine forces. Sometimes it comes ftAvay Avhole, Avhich is a very favorable circumstance. Moreover, according 584 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. to the recommendation of Baudelocque, he should be very careful not to rupture the membraae3, for that would only retard the delivery of the placenta, and render it still more dangerous. In fact, Avhen the foetus escapes alone, this latter might be attended with the difficulties pointed out in one of the preceding articles. We should here remember how slowly the expulsion of the ovum is effected in certain cases, even when the orifice is sufficiently dilated to oppose no obstruction to its exit. This great slowness is sufficiently ex- plained by the slight contractile power of the uterus. When no accident complicates the abortion, the physician has nothing to do but Avatch the progress of the labor, and expect the complete delivery to be effected by the uterine efforts.' At a more advanced period, that is, towards the fifth Dr the sixth'month, the course of the physician is very nearly the same as it would be at term. The size of the foetus, Avhich has now become quite large, requires a greater dilatation of tire os uteri; and this, in consequence of the greater softening of the cervix, is accomplished with somewhat greater rapidity. Generally, it is necessary that the child should present one or the other extremity of its long diameter to the os uteri; however, it some- times happens that some portion of its trunk presents there, and its delivery is neither much more difficult nor much slower than usual. It is in such cases especially that the mechanism of spontaneous evolution may be fre- quently observed. The delivery of the after-birth does not, as a general rule, exhibit those difficulties which it presented in the earlier months; in truth, it closely resembles the same process in the labor at term. 3. Hemorrhage is not only one of the most common symptoms, but it may fol- low the expulsion of the foetus, and become the most serious feature of the case. Whenever, notwithstanding the use of general measures, such as the horizontal position, cold drinks, the application of refrigerants to the hypo- gastrium or thighs, and the administration of opiates, the discharge of blood continues so great as to endanger the mother's life, an abortion thence- forth becomes inevitable, and the primary object of the accoucheur should be to bring on the contractions and the evacuation of the organ. He should also administer general stimulants to sustain the yvoman's strength, and, at the same time, those medicines having an immediate action on the womb itself, such as the tincture of canella, &c, but above all the ergot. However, when the miscarriage comes on at an early stage of the gestation, these measures are often ineffectual, for it is then exceedingly diffi- cult to excite the contractions of a viscus whose muscular organization is still so imperfect; or at least, if they are aroused, they are frequently inadequate to dilate the neck sufficiently. The tampon is then the only resource; this, yvhen well applied, acts in tAvo ways: 1st, by opposing the escape of the blood externally, thus forcing it to coagulate, and conse- quently to obliterate the bleeding vessels; 2d, by irritating the Avomb by mere contact, thereby determining its retraction, and the expulsion of the product of conception. This circumstance, indeed, is one of the best- founded objections to the use of the tampon in the early months of gesta- tion. But, in truth, is it not rather an advantage than otherwise? because the cessation of the flooding is ahvays a necessary consequence of the OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 585 uterine contractions ; and is the mother's life bought too dear, when it is Baved by the expulsion of a foetus which, in most cases, is dead even before the application of the tampon ? Besides, this measure is not ahvays necessarily followed by abortion. Again, iaere is no reason to fear the conversion of an open into a concealed hemorrhage by the employment of the tampon, before the sixth month; for, notwithstanding the observation of Chevallier, the accumulation of a large quantity of blood in the Avomb would seem to be impossible at this early period, without supposing an ab- normal relaxation of its walls. Where, hoAvever, the pregnancy is advanced to the fifth month, the accoucheur should carefully Avatch the body of the uterus after the tampon is applied, and assure himself, every moment, that its volume is not increasing. We shall describe hereafter (see Operations) the mode of applying the tampon, but it should be remembered that its use is almost always folloAved by abortion, and that it should be had recourse to only Avhen the latter Beems to be inevitable. When the ovum remains intact, and the labor lasts too long, the contin- uation of the hemorrhage being at the same time such as to cause serious anxiety, some practitioners prefer rupturing the membranes to applying the tampon. This measure, to which I shall again allude in speaking of hem- orrhage during the last three months, does not seem to me applicable before the sixth month, except in a few occasional instances, and I should, in general, decidedly prefer the tampon to it. In fact, a rupture of the membranes is necessarily folloAved by miscar- riage ; but the tampon, when early applied, leaves some hope that the ges- tation may continue till term ; again, the tampon always arrests the bleed- ing, whereas, after rupturing the membranes, it may happen that the uterus, Avhose muscular fibres have not acquired the contractile poAver which they Avould have at a later period, might not retract, nor the hemorrhage cease, so that it might still be necessary to have recourse to the tampon. Finally, let us add that, in the first three months, the rupture is followed almost immediately by a discharge of the waters and the escape of the foetus; but the expulsion of the placenta and membranes is thereby rendered much more difficult. After the complete expulsion of the ovum, the patient must observe the Bame precautious as are required after ordinary labor. CHAPTER VI. OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. The fecundation, as elseAvhere stated, most frequently takes place in the ovary, and the impregnated ovule is then received by the fimbriated extrem- ity of the tube, Avhich applies itself on this organ, doubtless by a kind of spasmodic contraction. Having bee 1 once deposited in the tubal canal, the ovule traverses its Avhoh length, and falls into the uterine cavity, Avhere its 586 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. development continues until term. Such is the course observed in normal or uterine pregnancy; but it may happen that the ovule is arrested, or diverted, in the route it thus travels, and ingrafting itself, so to speak, upon the point of stoppage, is there developed; in the latter case, the pregnancy is called an abnormal, or an extra-uterine one. This species of gestation has been subdivided into several varieties, which have received different names, according to the part of the passage Avhere the ovule becomes fixed. Dezeimeris admitted the following divisions, namely: 1. Ovarian pregnancy. 2. Sub-peritoneo-pelvic pregnancy. 3. Tubo-ovarian pregnancy. 4. Tubo-abdominal pregnancy. 5. Tubal pregnancy. 6. Tubo-uterine interstitial pregnancy. 7. Utero-interstitial pregnancy. 8. Utero-tubal pregnancy. 9. Utero-tubo-abdominal pregnancy. 10. Abdominal pregnancy. Such Avas the classification Avhich, in an anatomo-pathological view, was adopted in the six first editions of this work. We now think it would be better to make a more simple arrangement, and shall, accordingly, describe but five varieties of extra-uterine pregnancy: 1. Abdominal pregnancy. 2. Tubo-abdominal pregnancy. 3. Tubal pregnancy. 4. Interstitial tubo-uterine pregnancy. 5. Utero-tubal pregnancy. 1. Abdominal Pregnancy. —To render fecundation possible, it is necessary that there should be direct contact betAveen the sperm and the ovule, and, consequently, that the Graafian vesicle should burst into the abdominal cavity of Avhich it, for the moment, forms a portion. But, should the fecun- dated ovule, instead of engaging in the tube, remain in the just ruptured ovisac and be retained at the surface of the ovary, or fall into the peritoneal cavity, its development gives rise to an extra-uterine pregnancy Avhich Ave shall designate under the general name of abdominal pregnancy. Three varieties of this class will be recognized: in the first, the fecundated ovule is still contained in the just ruptured ovisac, and is developed upon the spot: the pregnancy is then styled internal ovarian. In the second variety, the fecundated ovule, having escaped from the Graafian vesicle, adheres to the surface of the ovary, Avhere it undergoes development: this is called external ovarian pregnancy. Finally, should the ovule, after leaving the ovary, attach itself to some part of the peritonei; m, it receives the name of peritoneal pregnancy. In internal ovarian pregnancy, the ovum is developed within the ovary itself. This variety has given rise to numerous scientific discussions, inas- much as it Avas for a long time admitted that the ovule could be fecundated OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNASCV. 587 without previous rupture of the Graafian vesicle. Amongst the observa- tions pleaded in favor of this hypothesis, one related by Bcehmer ought to be mentioned. He describes Avith much care both the membrane proper of the ovary itself and its peritoneal envelope. M. Velpeau, hoAvever, very justly observes that it is often extremely difficult to determine precisely the point of departure of the tumor; therefore aac admit Avith him that, in this species of pregnancy, the ovisac is ahvays ruptured. If the minute wound resulting from it be not evident Avhen the dissection is made, it is because it has been obliterated by the process of cicatrization and the production of a newly-formed membrane. External ovarian pregnancy cannot be doubted. It is, relatively speak- ing, quite common, and the fecundated ovule retains its intimate connections with the ovary upon which it is applied whilst undergoing development in the abdominal cavity. Peritoneal pregnancy was for a long time contested, but is now supported by so great an array of facts, observed both in women and animals, that it is impossible to deny its occurrence. It has, doubtless, often been con- founded Avith the ovarian and other forms, but in several published cases there can be no question that the oVum had no connection with the internal generative organs. M. Dezeimeris makes tAvo varieties of this form of pregnancy, viz.: primitive and secondary. In the former, the product of conception has never been located elseAvhere than in the peritoneal cavity, into which it fell on quitting the ovarian vesicle; in the latter, on the con- trary, the first development of the ovule took place in the ovary, the tube, or the Avails of the uterus, but at a later period extreme distention or pathological alteration of the Avails of the tumor caused their rupture, and the ovum being partly or Avholly expelled from the containing cyst, became lodged in the cavity of the abdomen, where it Avas at last found. The sec- ondary abdominal pregnancy of M. Dezeimeris is, therefore, merely a tubal or interstitial pregnancy, ending in rupture of the primitive cyst. Whether, therefore, this rupture occurs at a very early period or at the regular term of gestation, it deserves to be regarded merely as an epiphenomenon, and can, in no case, constitute a distinct variety. We apply, therefore, the name peritoneal pregnancy to that form in Avhich, from the very outset, the ovule has become adherent to some part entirely distinct from the interna] generative organs. The points at Avhich it may thus attach itself are ex- tremely numerous, so that the placenta has sometimes been found inserted upon the peritoneum, covering the right or left iliac fossa, sometimes to the mesentery, or to a part of the small and large intestine, and sometimes, finally, to the anterior wall of the abdomen. Most of the cases described by Dezeimeris as sub-peritoneo-pelvic preg- nancies belong, Ave think, to the peritoneal variety. The author applies the former name to cases in which the ovule was unable, after leaving the ovary, to engage in the external opening of the tube, but slipped betAveen the tAvo layers of the broad ligaments and was developed there. According to his vieAv, the ovum here is outside of the peritoneum, and remains principally in the pelvic cavity. Cases of the kind, he thinks, are not rare, and, on account of the situation of the ovum, are to be reckoned amongst the least 588 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. dangerous. The position is, indeed, remarkably favorable to the sponta- neous expulsion of the debris of the foetus, or makes them easily accessible in case it should be thought necessary to abstract them. Whilst accepting this prognosis, we think that Dezeimeris is in error as regards the slipping of the ovule between the two layers of the broad ligament; it seems to me impossible that it should folloAv this route. The observers Avere, in these cases, deceived by the fact that upon opening the abdomen the peritoneum of the lesser pelvis seemed to be raised by a subjacent tumor. The appear- ance, hoAvever, misled them, for the tumor is not, really, covered by the peritoneum, but by a newly-formed false membrane, Avhich soon acquires the shining and polished appearance of a serous membrane, and which blends, Avithout a well-marked line of demarcation, Avith the surrounding peritoneum. If this pseudo-membrane be incised, a careful dissection Avill reveal the true peritoneum below the foetal cyst. The tumor, therefore, is not extra-peritoneal, but intra-peritoneal. In short, the same phenomenon occurs here which for a long time sustained the idea that retro-uterine hematocele was seated outside of the peritoneum. 2. Tubo-abdominal Pregnancy. — It is evident that, if the tube be obliter- ated near the enlarged extremity, the ovule which has scarcely entered its canal will be arrested ; and if the development occurs at this point, the tubal walls Avill necessarily be dilated, and one portion of the surface of the ovum be free in the abdominal cavity; to this variety the name of tubo-abdominal is applied. The placenta is attached in the interior of the tube, and the foetus developed in the abdominal cavity, and both are surrounded by a cyst, the Avails of which are partly made up by the parietes of the tube. We include in the tubo-abdominal pregnancies those cases which have been described under the name of tubo-ovarian. In this the cyst, which surrounds the foetus, is formed partly by the ovary, and partly by the open- ing of the dilated tube, \Vhose extremities have contracted some adhesions with the ovarian tunic. The following case of Dr. Jackson's is justly quoted by M. Dezeimeris as serving for a type. A woman, aged thirty-two years, was seized, in conse- quence of a violent blow on the epigastrium, with some inflammatory symp- toms, to which she speedily succumbed ; at the autopsy, a large quantity of blood was found diffused in the abdomen, and a foetus of about ten Aveeks Avas found enveloped in an enormous clot; the fundus uteri rested against the pubis, and its cervix near the middle of the sacrum. This change from its natural position had been produced by a tumor situated on the left side of the Avomb, which tumor Avas formed by the ovary, the Fallopian tube, and the broad ligament, that had become considerably thickened and modi- fied in their structure ; the fringed extremity of the tube adhered intimately to the ovarian envelope, and a cyst was formed by these tAvo organs, Avhose distention by the body contained therein had produced the rupture. In another case, related by Bussieres, Avhich seems to me equally conclu- sive, the tube on the right side was extremely dilated at the extremity; and this dilatation, Avhich Avas an inch in its largest diameter, extended for rather more than an inch and a half in length, gradually diminishing as it approached the womb. The portion of the tube thus dilated Avas curvea OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 589 m itself, and embraced nearly the whole ovary, to the men brane of Avhich it AAas so adherent that it could not be separated A\ithout rupturing the attachments. An unctuous, limpid fluid escaped as soon as it Avas opened, and then the ovum appeared, which was about the size of a hazlenut, and was surrounded by the liquid; three-fourths of it had already escaped from the hole made in the ovary, so that it no longer seemed to rest there; yet, on attempting its removal, it was found attached by a hard pedicle covered with blood-vessels. 3. Tubal Pregnancy. — This is the most frequent of all the varieties of extra-uterine pregnancy; which fact is readily accounted for by the length and narrowness of the canal, and by the adhesions and morbid obliterations presented by its walls. Under such circumstances, the ovule is arrested and developed at some point between its abdominal extremity and the spot Avhere it enters the uterine parietes; and by its continual growth distends enor- mously the fibres of the tube which constitute the envelope of the foetal cyst. To the numerous cases of this kind reported by Velpeau and Dezei- meris, I might add another, already published by me in the Bulletin de la Societe Anatomique, but so many examples are everywhere met Avith that it seems useless to reiterate their details. Dr. Lesouef's thesis may be advan- tageously consulted on this point. 4. Interstitial Tubo-uterine Pregnancy. — In this case the ovum is arrested in that part of the tube which traverses the thickness of the uterine walls; and although this is its principal characteristic, tAvo varieties have been made of it, of which Ave shall say a few words. In the first variety the Avails of the tube, yielding to the distention occa- sioned by the development of the ovum, press back the surrounding tissue proper of the uterus, but always form the most internal layer of the cyst in Avhich the product of conception is enclosed. In the second variety the ovule reaches that paft of the tube which tra- verses the uterine Avails; but having arrived there, it opens a Avay through the tubal parietes, penetrates into the midst of the fibres of the Avomb, and thenceforth has no further relation with the tube; hence, the surrounding cyst is formed by the muscular fibres of the womb alone. After having been once located among the uterine fibres, the ovum may either take an imvard or an outAvard direction, and consequently may become seated near the mucous layer, or else to the peritoneal coat. In a prepara- tion belonging to M. Pinel Grandchamp, the volume of the uterus Avas about the same as at six Aveeks or tAvo months of pregnancy; at its left angle, a small tumor, slightly ruptured behind, constituted the cyst containing the product of conception. The tube, which passed behind it, communicated Avith it by an almost microscopic orifice, and presented nowhere any increase of calibre. The cyst was about large enough to contain an almond. 5. Utero-tubal Pregnancy. — NotAvithstanding the free communication existing betAveen the tube and uterine cavity, there is no absurdity in the supposition that the ovule may become deposited in a little depression of the mucous membrane, and there stop and ingraft itself, just at the internal orifice of the canal. In this case, phenomena similar to those of the tube- abdominal gestations will arise: that is, the ovule, which may have con- 590 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. tracted some intimate adhesions with this extremity, may, by rts deAelop. ment, encroach upon the uterine cavity itself; and I do not hesitate, there- fore, to consider this variety of gestation as possible. It is probable that certain singular cases described by Dezeimeris under the name of utero-tubo-abdominal pregnancies belong properly to tubo- uterine pregnancies. In this variety, examples of Avhich have been furnished by Patuna, Hunter, and Hoffmeister, the foetus is found in the abdominal cavity ; the cord leaving the umbilicus enters the Fallopian tube, traverses its whole length, and is inserted in the placenta, Avhich itself is attached to the internal surface of the uterus. HoAvever extraordinary these facts may appear, I think that no one can doubt them after reading the subjoined case, taken from the memoir of M. Dezeimeris.1 1 Helen Zopp, aged 35 years, had been married for twelve years, and had given birth to eight children, two being twins. As she was preparing for church on Sunday, July 10th, 1763, she was suddenly attacked, after a violent fit of anger, with a profuse flooding and the pains of child- birth (being then at term); however, she did not pass the waters, but what proved to be pure blood; and she felt the motions of her child up to the last moment. The mid- wife, summoned on the occasion, declared at once that the accouchement was at hand; but after the lapse of several hours, as the loss of blood continued without any positive signs of an approaching delivery, a physician and a surgeon were simultaneously sent for, the former of whom soon arrived, and recognizing at once the imminence of the danger, he ordered the administration of the sacraments, at the same time prescribing divers remedies for the discharge. The venesection of the cephalic vein was followed by a profound syncope, without causing the least abatement of the metrorrhagia; and the sacraments had scarcely been administered, when the patient died, at 11 a.m. on the same day. Patuna and his father (the public surgeon to the city) arrived just as she was expir- ing. After assuring himself of her death, he immediately made a Caesarean section upon the right side, where the abdomen offered the most resistance, and, as soon as the ventral walls were divided, an enormous foetus, resembling a child nine months old, presented itself; the position was such that its back corresponded with the abdominal parietes of the mother; the head was somewhat inclined, was directed towards the vertebrae, and rested immediately under the diaphragm; the knees flexed towards the head, the right hand upon the thighs, and the left near the navel: the umbilical cord was of considerable length; it ascended to the right, wound around the neck, and then entered the Fallopian tube on the right side. A case of extra-uterine pregnancy being new to Patuna, although acquainted with most of the published examples, his researches were made in the most careful manner. Having enlarged the opening made in the abdomen, so as to examine its cavity to bet- ter advantage, he sought for the fcetal envelopes with all possible attention, but in vain; for he neither found the amniotic liquid, nor fluids of any other kind in this cavity. By tracing the umbilical cord with his hand, he found that it penetrated into the right tube at the distance of a finger's breadth from the uterus; the uterine portion of the tube was more voluminous than that part which ran to the ovary, whence he judged that the cord passed through the former into the womb. This organ was larger than the fist, and had the natural pyriform shape, but not the keast vestige of any rupture; not the smallest cicatrix could be seen, and it hardly rose above the pelvis. These observations being concluded, Patuna incised the tube from the entrance of the cord towards the uterus: this presented nothing peculiar, excepting the adherence to the cord where the latter perforated it. The uterus was then opened, and exhibited no trace in the interior of any previous laceration whatever; the walls were an inch »nd a half in thickness, and their substance was nearly bloodless; the placenta wa« OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 591 Wo explain them by supposing the existence of a tubo-uterine pregnancy endinir in rupture of the tube Avith passage of the foetus into the peritoneum, whilst the placenta remains in the uterus. The cord traverses the tube in its passage from the foetus to its placenta. We have not been able, from the restricted limits of this chapter, to bring forward a larger number of cases, but sufficient has been said to furnish an idea of the importance that ought to be attached to the different varieties of extra-uterine pregnancy admitted by us. The reader may consult with benefit the article of Professor Velpeau, in the fourteenth volume of the Dietionnaire de Medecine, the learned memoir published by M. Dezeimeris, in the fourth year of the Journal des Connais- sances Medico-Chirurgicales, and the able articles of Messrs. Breschet, Me- niere, and Guillemot. The physiological and pathological history of these different pregnancies is yet to be given, and we shall therefore commence Avith their pathological anatomy. § 1. Pathological Changes. The anatomo-pathological examination of extra-uterine gestations evi- dently comprises the peculiarities offered both by the product of conception and the parts of the mother. A. Product of Conception. — In these pregnancies the ovule has its proper membranes, the chorion and the amnion. I may state that I Avas utterly astonished to hear several honorable members contend, in a recent discus- sion before the Academy of Medicine, that the envelope of the ovule, in ab- dominal gestations, Avas only composed of the amnios, and that no chorion existed; for although, in certain very old pregnancies, the most exterior fcetal membrane is confounded Avith the Avails of the cyst, it is not fair to conclude from thence that it did not exist at the commencement. Indeed, it is only necessary to recall our remarks on the mode of develop- ment of the ovum, to comprehend that the absence of the chorion supposes that of the allantois, and without the latter no circulatory relations can be established between the embryo and its mother. The structure of the walls of the cyst varies according to the species of extra-uterine pregnancy. In the tubal variety, they are formed by the Avails of the tube itself, and in the internal ovarian, by the integuments of the ovary. found within adhering to a narrow space at the fundus, a little to the right; it ex- tended more towards the left, but was there detached. It was about two fingers' breadth in thickness, and four inches in diameter, and it commenced very near the uterine opening of the right tube, and adhered more strongly there than at any other place. The extremities of some vessels were evident both on its convex surface and at the fundus uteri upon which it was ingrafted; its concave face, from the middle of which the cord arose, was covered by two membranes: one, the interior, being thicker and vascular, while the exterior was very thin and translucent; but these joined when they approached the border of the placenta, forming there a more solid substance, and having some very delicate vessels ramifying through it. The internal uterine orifice would hardly admit the little finger. Everything else remained in a natural state, excepting the change in the situation of the intestines. (Barthelemy Patuna.) 592 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. In the so-called sub-peritoneo-pelvic gestation, or whenever the ovule, that was originally located in the ovary, tube, or even the uterus, is trans- ferred, after the rupture of the cyst which inclosed it, to some part of the abdominal cavity, there is besides a pseudo-membranous cyst, representing the uterine decidua, produced by the inflammation which the presence of the ovule determines around it. But this enveloping membrane, the cyst, does not exist in primitive peritoneal pregnancies. M. Dezeimeris thus explains the latter circumstance: When a fecundated ovule gets into the abdominal cavity immediately after quitting the ovary, we can readily be- lieve that a corpuscle so minute, soft, and fragile could only produce a very slight irritation at the point of arrestation, and that the extent of this excita- tion Avill not pass beyond the limits of contact Avith the little foreign body; in a Avord, it cannot produce an acute inflammation, or extensive adhesions, nor an exudation of plastic lymph sufficient to form an enveloping cyst. Now, if it has not primarily caused all these derangements, the neighboring organs will not be injured by its ulterior development, because they become gradually habituated thereto; and the ovule, having obtained a right of possession, lives, grows, and presents to the smooth, polished surfaces Avhich touch it, a surface equally smooth, polished, and moistened at their expense: and not having occasion for any other protecting envelope, no cyst is formed. But Avhen a voluminous product of conception suddenly bursts, and its con- tents, placed at first like it in the tube or'ovary, are transported to the peri- toneal cavity, the ovule becomes there a foreign body, Avounding and irri- tating the abdominal organs which are unaccustomed to its vicinity, and determining an acute inflammation around it, which results in the exudation of plastic lymph; this, by coagulating, forms a cyst, and completely isolates the foreign body. If, under these circumstances, the displacement of the foetus is such that it completely escapes from the amniotic cavity, and sud- denly locates itself Avith its surrounding licpuid in the midst of the intestinal mass, an inflammation occurs, and the cyst we have just described forms around it; the neAV cyst then completely environs the foetus. But in some cases the displacement is not so complete — the largest part of the trunk may still remain in the amniotic cavity after the rupture, a portion only being displaced, and the latter alone first determines an inflammation around it, and then the exudation, Avhich is transformed into a false mem- brane ; this, by uniting Avith the lacerated margins, forms only a part of the foetal cyst, the remainder being constituted by the old fcetal envelope, the walls of the Fallopian tube, for instance, in the case of a tubal pregnancy. The same relations may be established Avith the membranes of the ovule when the chorion and amnion are ruptured at an advanced period in a case of primitive abdominal pregnancy. For instance, in a case cited by M. Dubois, the cyst that inclosed the foetus was formed of a membrane Avhich was not altogether uniform in its structure and appearance: thus, for the greater part of its extent, the internal surface was of a light-broAvn color, owing perhaps to the imbibition of the adjacent liquids, and simulating, both to the touch and sight, the aspect of the mucous membrane of the small intestines, or, still better, the accidental membranes that occasionally line fistulous canals; while at other points, those for instance Avhich Avere OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 593 near the circumference of the placenta, and on the largest part of this sur- face, the cyst was more smooth and polished; presenting, in fact, the ordi- nary appearance of the amnion. The cyst was simple, and about a fourth of a line in thickness at the part where it exhibited the broAvn and villous character above alluded to; but on the contrary, Avhere the surface Avas smooth and polished, it evidently consisted of two membranes (the chorion and the amnion.) In all cases, numerous and large vessels form in the walls of the cyst whose rupture it is evident must give rise to hemorrhage, which very often proves fatal to the mother. When an extra-uterine pregnancy is somewhat prolonged, these envelopes are sometimes destroyed, being perforated with fistulous canals, communi- cating directly with the intestinal canal, vagina, bladder, uterus, or an ex- ternal abscess. At times, the destruction of the cyst is partial, at others complete; so much so, indeed, as to leave in certain cases no vestiges of its former existence; on the other hand, the envelopes sometimes undergo osseous or cretaceous transformations, which may convert them into solid shells. As a general rule, the foetus exhibits nothing peculiar in its devel- opment : for example, in several cases studied anatomically a long time after the term of pregnancy, the osseous system appeared to have a better devel- opment than in the ordinary child of nine months. The existence of several teeth has frequently been noticed, or else traces of the eruption of these little bones, which would seem to afford an indication that the fcetu's continued to live and grow beyond the ordinary term of gestation. The most common of the numerous alterations which it may undergo, is the putrescent dissolution of its soft parts, from macerating in a compound of amniotic liquor, blood, and pus ; the separation of the various pieces of its skeleton, and their discharge through the divers routes just mentioned. At other times, it seems to have undergone a kind of mummification, a com- plete drying-up. Again, in other cases, all the tissues appear to be trans- formed into an osseous or cretaceous substance, or into one resembling adipocire,—and here, it is doubtless unnecessary to add, it is no longer possible to discover any trace of the fcetal membranes. B. Tissues of the Mother. — Some very large vascular canals are seen to develop themselves in those parts Avhere the ovum is attached, hoAvever devoid of blood-vessels they might have been previously ; and sey^eral great veins are found to ramify under the peritoneum tOAvards the circumference of the placental attachment; and Avhere the ovary or the tube happens to be the seat of pregnancy, it presents a soft tissue, apparently fungous in char- acter, and impregnated Avith blood. The Avomb does not continue so indifferent to the advancement of the ■ extra-uterine pregnancy as might be supposed; for its volume increases in a remarkable degree, the tissues become softer, and the mucous membrane hypertrophied and more vascular, so as to form from the outset a true decidua. M. Velpeau, hoAvever, disputes this last assertion; but I have endeavored to refute his opinion in the Bulletin de la Societe Anatomique (Sept. 1*36), to which the reader is referred. This hypertrophy of the uterine mucous membrane is of short duration. 38 594 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. For, as the ovum does not enter the uterus, it has nu iffice to perform, and, therefore, like every other useless organ, becomes atrophied, loses its vascularity, and in a feAV months has returned to its usual condition. A gelatinous substance, a kind of thick, ropy mucus, is also frequently found in the neck of the uterus; but Avhen the pregnancy has advanced beyond term, theAVomb gradually regains its natural condition. Finally, in certain cases, the calibre of the Fallopian tube has been found obliterated at some part of its length. § 2. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Extra-Uterine Pregnancy. During the early months it is exceedingly difficult to recognize the exist- ence of an extra-uterine pregnancy ; for the modifications which then occur in the size, form, and consistence of the body and neck of the uterus, Avill certainly lead to error, and give rise to the belief of a true gestation. With regard to the menstruation and the lacteal secretion, no constant rule is observed. Sometimes the menses continue to appear ; at others, they do not. In some instances this function is not re-established, even after the period when the accouchement should have taken place; and similar variations are met Avith in the secretion of milk. Again, menstruation has been known never to appear during an extra-uterine pregnancy Avhich lasted more than thirty years, Avhile the lacteal flow continued throughout the whole of that time. There are, likewise, some abdominal pains, at a period not very distant from the date of conception, more or less analogous to the uterine pains, and at times a constant, fixed, circumscribed one in the pelvis, groin, or umbilical region. (The woman Avhose preparation I presented to the Anatomical Society, had on this account been treated for a partial peritonitis.) Not un- frequently there is an inability to lie upon one side. When the tumor, Avhilst still small, falls into the lesser pelvis, it pushes the uterus fbnvard, the neck being directed in front and quite high behind the pubis. This displacement of the neck of the Avomb, together Avith the presence of a large tumor occupying the excavation posteriorly, and the dysuria occasioned by the pressure made upon the neck of the bladder, has been mistaken for retroversion. Several examples of this error are mentioned by Burns. At a later period the tumor rises above the superior strait. The motions of the child are felt at the usual time, but they appear to be more super- ficial, and are generally felt on one side only. The labor-pains come on at the natural term, or at the seventh month, or even sooner, generally lasting for three or four days, but occasionally much longer; and, should the pregnancy be unusually prolonged, they are apt to return at varied intervals, and again pass off. Schmidt reports a case Avhere the gestation lasted three years, Avithin which period the labor-pains Avere reneAved eight times, and on each occasion continued for several weeks. In another gestation, of ten years' duration, the pains returned annually at the period corresponding to the term of pregnancy. These pains are not produced by contraction of the Avails of the cyst, as many have stated; because, excepting the cases of tubal and interstitial OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 595 pregnancy, they never contain any muscular fibres, and hence Ave must search for the cause in the uterus itself; for the great development exhibited by this organ, and the mucous and albuminous matters inclosed in its cavity, the expulsion of Avhich requires some contractions, sufficiently account for the pains experienced by the patients. But it is exceedingly difficult to explain in a satisfactory manner their frequent coincidence with the usual term of gestation. The physical signs Avhich require our notice are, the changes in the uter- ine body and neck, just indicated, the more or less irregular development of the belly, and the possibility, in some cases, of distinguishing tAvo tumors, one being the uterus, Avhile the other is formed by the abnormal cyst. In the sub-peritoneo-pelvic variety, the product of conception, by occupy- ing the pelvic exca\ration, displaces and compresses the organs there situated, the vagina and rectum, for instance, and pushes them to one side. The vagina and rectum are found to be obstructed by a tumor situated betAveen them, and frequently the different parts of the foetus may be detected by the vaginal touch. The foetus seems to be much nearer the surface in the abdominal preg- nancy than in either of the other \rarieties, hence its motions are more easily perceived, and are more distressing to the mother, and the forms of the different parts more clearly distinguishable. Besides, the rounded and regularly circumscribed tumor formed by the uterus in a normal gestation is not present. In the tubal and ovarian varieties, says Baudelocque, the foetal movements should be less vague, and its limbs more retracted. The body of the uterus is associated Avith the tumor formed by the fcetal cyst, and can neither be separated nor readily distinguished from it. I have thus brought fonvard the various signs by Avhich authors endeavor to detect the different species of extra-uterine gestation, although they have, in my estimation, but little practical importance; nor do I see that auscul- tation itself could render us much service in determining the diagnosis. I ought to observe that the possibility of a fresh fecundatiou is a feature common to all the varieties of extra-uterine pregnancy. Perhaps it may be serviceable to note that the vacuity of the uterus might be detected by the touch. Very frequently its habitual position will be changed by the pressure of the tumor, more especially Avhen the latter occu- pies the excavation, and urges it against some part of the pelvic Avails. Finally, Avhen by the usual signs Ave have become assured of the existence of pregnancy, and Ave suspect that it is extra-uterine, the diagnosis Avill be reduced to a certainty if Ave can determine the capital point, which is, that the uterus is empty. Now Ave havajust seen that this knoAvledge can be arrived at by means of palpation and the touch. Professor Stoltz was the first to use the uterine sound for the same purpose; but it will be readily understood Avhy great prudence should be exercised in deciding to employ it. In case of a normal pregnancy, the sound Avould, in fact, be almost sure to produce abortion, and then the mistake would be irreparable. The use of the uterine sound is more rational and truly useful Avhen the question to be decided is, Avhether there be an extra-uterine pregnancy or a fibrous tumor of the uterus. 596 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. § 3. Progress and Termination. It is but rarely that an extra-uterine pregnancy is prolonged beyond the fourth or fifth month; for generally the Avails of the cyst give Avay, in con- sequence of their distention, before it has had time to become very large. Sometimes, however, the foetal envelopes resist the pressure to which they are subjected, and if the foetus itself do not perish through Avant of nourish- ment, or by some accidental disease, its development may progress until term, and it may even live for some time after the expiration of the ninth month. Such is reported by Dr. Grossi to have been the case Avith a lady. who, in all probability, carried an extra-uterine foetus, Avhose motions Avere perceived clearly by himself and several consulting physicians, through a space of fourteen months. Usually, the child.perishes either before or shortly after the term of pregnancy ; and Ave shall noAV proceed to point out the possible consequences of its retention. A. Rupture of the Cyst.— When left to itself, an extra-uterine pregnancy will generally terminate in a rupture of the cyst; but the time and conse- quences thereof are very variable. Were Ave to class these pregnancies according to the frequency of the rupture, and the early period of its occur- rence, they would stand as follows: the tubo-interstitial, tubal, and ab- dominal. It is very rare for the period of the rupture to extend beyond the middle term of pregnancy, except in the last variety. Dr. Lesouef very properly dAvells on the tendency of tubal pregnancies to rupture at a very early stage of gestation. According to the same author, and to M. Bernutz, his master, if the rupture of the tube occurs at one of the points Avhere it is covered by the peritoneum, the consequent effusion takes place into the peritoneal cavity; this, however, is not necessarily so, because the tube might give Avay at its adherent edge, and alloAV the ovule to slip betAveea the two layers of the broad ligaments. In this case, the result Avould be a true consecutive sub-peri ton eo-pelvic pregnancy. The rupture, which is usually spontaneous, always gives rise to exceed- ingly grave phenomena, Avhich may be described as the primitive and secondary consequences. Thus, the patient at once suffers from violent pains for several hours; then, after a pain Avhich is much stronger than all the others, a perfect calm comes on. The abdomen sinks, or becomes flat- tened, and the former tumor disappears; a gentle and equal heat spreads over the abdominal cavity, and if the pregnancy is Avell advanced, the patient feels as though a voluminous body had been suddenly displaced; the skin loses its natural hue, faintings come on, the pulse is small and con- tracted, a cold sweat covers the whole body, and death frequently folloAvs, because the rupture of the cyst is often the immediate cause of a hemorrhage that speedily proves fatal. Should any circumstance Avhatever arrest, the hemorrhage, the first symptoms that follow the displacement of the product of conception, and the transference of the waters, blood, or even the foetus itself, to parts not accustomed to such contact, are those of a vei y violent peritonitis. The patient generally dies, though sometimes she is able to resist the violence of the first inflammatory symptoms, in which case the course of the dil ease differs from that time, according to Avhether the debris OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 597 of the pregnancy are to be inclosed in a cyst of new formation for the re- mainder of the patient's life, or Avhether they are to be eliminated in various ways. In the first case, the foetus may undergo all the transformations described under the head of the pathological anatomy; and in the second, the symptoms vary with the manner in which the elimination is effected. B. Prolonged Retention of the Cyst.— As we have already stated, the peculiarities of extra-uterine pregnancy, Avhen the integrity of the cyst allows the development of the foetus to proceed until term, and even some- what beyond it, Ave shall not reconsider it. We Avould, hoAvever, add, that in some cases the disorders of the general health, produced by the develop- ment of these abnormal pregnancies, have been so great as to prove fatal, without there being any >discoverable lesion to account therefor. Thus, says M. Jacquemier, the autopsy reveals neither rupture of the cyst, nor a trace of hemorrhage, peritonitis, nor process of elimination going on in the cyst: the unfortunate sufferers appearing to have succumbed under a kind of exhaustion of vital poAver. The development of the cyst ceases with the life of the foetus, the circula- tion in its Avails becomes feebler, the vessels Avhich maintain the connections necessary to the support of the fcetal life, gradually become atrophied, and even in great part obliterated; so that the foetus and its envelopes are thenceforth a foreign body Avithin the. organism of the mother. Occasion- ally, the latter becomes accustomed to their presence ; for some Avomen carry a fcetal cyst for many years Avithout their health appearing to be much injured thereby: Ave have mentioned what transformations the foetus and its envelopes are liable to undergo in such cases. Sometimes, hoAvever, the weight of the tumor, and the pressure which it exerts upon the neighboring parts, disturb the general functions so seriously as to make the female de- mand earnestly to be relieved of the cause of her suffering by an operation. Whether the tumor be the cause of acute pain to the woman or not, it is likely, after the lapse of an indeterminate period, to become the seat of an inflammation, Avhich extends rapidly to- the neighboring parts. Inconse- quence of this inflammation, which may progress Avith greater or less rapidity, adhesions are contracted betAveen the Avails of the cyst and the parts adja- cent ; ulceration begins at the points of adhesion, perforation folloAvs Avith the formation of communications betAveen the cavity of the cyst and that of one of the neighboring organs, or with the exterior, in case the abdominal walls be invaded by the ulceration. The foetal debris find their Avay to the exterior, at times by the bladder, rectum, vagina, and even the stomach, at others by means of an abscess opening into the perineum, or through the anterior abdominal parietes. Furthermore, since these latter communications are common to all kinds of extra-uterine pregnancies, Ave can understand that the situation of the foetus in the sub-peritoneo-pelvic variety, Avhich, as before stated, is the most deeply engaged in the excavation, will render its expulsion by the vagina or rectum more frequent than in the others. Most generally some one of the above-mentioned organs serves as an ex- cretory canal, but in certain cases several of them are simultaneously attacked bj the adhesive inflammation; of course, ulceration and perforation soon 598 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. folloAv ; and the wreck of the foetus escapes at once by the anus, the vagina, and through a fistulous opening in the abdominal Avails. This expulsion greatly endangers the mother's life — for very often the inflammation and suppuration of the cyst, by spreading to neighboring parts, exhausts the patient, and sooner or later she succumbs. In the more fortunate cases, the sac is gradually emptied, cleansed, and contracted, the suppuration ceases, and the Avound cicatrizes, or at least becomes a simple fistulous ulcer. The long-continued suppuration, and consequent exhaustion of the patient's strength, will always render a complete expulsion of the foreign bodies highly desirable, for nothing else will put an end to the suppuration and alloAV the fistulas to close. Unfortunately, the hair, teeth, and pieces of bony substance adhere very strongly to the walls of the cyst, in Avhich they seem to be im- bedded, and are detached Avith difficulty ; yet it is very necessary to be care- ful not to use too much force for their extraction,, lest the walls of the cyst should be torn, and an opening made betAveen it and the cavity of the peri- toneum, rendering liable the occurrence of a quickly fatal peritonitis. The interference of the surgeon should be restricted to the dilatation of all the openings and fistulous passages by means of compressed sponge, to cleansing injections within the cyst, and to the withdrawal, by means of forceps, of the completely detached portions of bony matter which present themselves at the openings. In no case, I repeat, should any effort be made to detach the strongly adherent portions. § 4. Causes. Nothing can oe more obscure than the causes of extra-uterine pregnancy, although numerous facts Avould seem to prove that the action of terror, coin- ciding with the time of fecundation, may produce such an effect as to prevent the impregnated ovule from being ulteriorly transported into the uterus; but notAvithstanding the high authority of those Avho have adopted this doc- trine, it does not appear to be admissible, since the ovule does not abandon the ovary at the moment of conception, but several days after or even several days before this event. M. Dezeimeris brings forward one case that seems to prove that a bloAV on the hypogastrium a short time after a fruitful coition may be the cause of this anomaly, though I should rather refer it to a particular disposition of the mother's organs. When, indeed, we consider the narroAvness of the tubal canal, we can readily conceive that any deviations, even slight ones, of the Fallopian tube, any paralysis or spasm, an excess or defect of length, an engorgement, the swelling and ulceration of the mucous membrane, or hard- ening of its pavilion, or any retraction at the internal orifice; in one word, all the anomalies and alterations described by authors may take place there, and give rise to it. I myself have had an opportunity of observing two cases (reported in the Bulletin de la Societe Anatomique) in Avhich the tube was obliterated betAveen the point where the ovule Avas developed and the internal orifice of this canal.1 1 The obliteration of the tube in the case referred to is so remarkable an occurrence, that I endeavored to learn, by referring to various authors, whether similar cases had OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 599 Finally, if we take into consideration the singular anomaly described by M. G. Kichard (see page 86), we may suppose that the fecundated ovule been reported. Most of them have not observed the state of permeability or imper- meability of the tube; others, on the contrary, have given their attention to this point. Thus, Smellie (vol. ii. p. 77) quotes an observation of Dr. Fern, in which an oblitera- tion, or rather an excessive retraction of the tube was described. In the memoir of M. Breschet, on interstitial pregnancy, I found several instances where the oblitera- tion of the uterine orifice was also noted. M. Mayer communicated a case to M. Breschet, where the foetus was developed in that part of the tube which traversed the substance of the uterine walls; M. Mayer further remarks, that the right tube was dilated at its fringed extremity, contracted in the uterine portion, and was completely obliterated at about three lines from the uterus; the left one, in which the ovule was developed, was permeable as/ar as the morbid mass, but from this point to the uterus the canal ceased. He adds: It is very probable that an induration of the uterine substance formerly existed at the insertion of the left tube, which caused the occlusion of its orifice, and furnished an obstacle to the passage of the ovule. M. Schmidt reports that in an example of interstitial pregnancy, of six weeks, the internal orifice of the right tube was completely closed. (The ovule was developed on the right side of the womb.) M. Meniere (Archives, June, 1826) furnishes a case of interstitial pregnancy located in the left cornua, and he says the left tube was impermeable at its internal part. M. Gaide, in a similar instance (Journal Ilebdomadaire, t. i.), ascertained that the right tube had no uterine orifice. Another case is reported in the Archives.of a mortal hemorrhage produced by tubal pregnancy. The author adds: " The left tube (the ruptured one) formed a consistent membranous sac, and its free extremity embraced the whole ovary; below the dilata- tion and in the uterine portion, the canal was completely obliterated in such a manner that it was wholly impossible to reach the uterus through it." I might cite a greater number of examples, but I think these will suffice to prove that an obliteration of the tube is sometimes met with in extra-uterine pregnancies; for whenever we find the canal effaced between the ovule and uterus in a tubal gesta- tion, it seems natural to suppose that, if the product of conception has been arrested in the course it has to travel in order to reach the uterus, some mechanical obstacle has opposed its passage, and that the effacement is the cause of such hinderance in the progress of the ovule; consequently, the cause of this variety of gestation, at least, seems to me clearly indicated. But how long has the effacement existed? Was it prior or subsequent to the conception'.' In reply, it may be said that, according to the ideas generally admitted by physiologists, an obliteration of the tubes is an infal- lible ground of sterility, and when met with in a pregnant woman it would be absurd t'> suppose that such an obstacle was in existence before impregnation. In this case, the seminal fluid could not reach the ovule, for its only way is closed up and the fecundation cannot occur. Let us examine, however, whether this is the only admissible opinion: it is well known that the obliteration of a canal, lined internally by a mucous membrane, can only result either from the coagulation of a secreted liquid, the chronic engorgement of its walls, or from their adherence to each other; and in either of these cases it is necessary to suppose the existence of a previous inflammation; but in neither of the instances mentioned have 1 noticed that the females exhibited any peculiar phenomena during the early periods, those immediately following the fruitful coition. Again, even supposing the inflammation is .latent, and too feeble to produce any sensible effects, we must admit that its progress has then been very slow, and that it could not determine an obliteration of the walls (whatever be the mode of its action) until after the lapse of a considerable time; now the ovule, at the earliest, arrives in the womb about the tenth day, and therefore the inflammation and the subsequent effacement must take place within that short pericid; but, even admitting this hypothesis to be true, some cause for this phlegmasia in the tube must be assigned, and the partisan? 600 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. might, in its progress along the tube toyvards the uterus, escape through one of those accidental openings, and so fall into the abdominal cavity. of that opinion have not hesitated to assert that it is either produced by the irritation, and the sanguineous congestion, experienced by all the genital apparatus at this period, or by a spasmodic condition of the tubal walls, or, further, by the presence of the ovule itself. I shall reply to this perfectly hypothetical explanation, by simply presenting a single fact. It is this. In some of the cases related in the memoir of M. Breschet, and ui several others from different writers, not only was the tube that served as the seat of gestation obliterated, but also the one on the opposite side; and consequently, in these instances at least, we cannot admit that a spasm of the walls, or any irritation from the ovule's passage, was the cause of effacement, and therefore we have to believe that it existed previously. From all which it follows, as a natural consequence, that, contrary to the opinion generally received, it is not necessary for the sperm to pass successively through the uterus and the Fallopian tube, so as to approach and fecundate the ovule; and, further, this conclusion permits the adoption of certain facts which have been rejected as im- probable; for we can explain by it how, in some females, there may happen to be a complete occlusion of the os tincae at the period of labor; how, in others, the fecun- dation has taken place without a proper introduction of the membrum virile, the phys- ical proofs of virginity even remaining at the time of labor. But how, then, can conception be explained ? Without adopting the theory of the aura seminalis, Chaussier, Mad. Boivin, and M. Duges thought it was only necessary for the spermatic fluid to be deposited at the entrance of the vagina, so that, by absorp- tion, it might be taken into the circulation, and then be brought back through the blood-vessels to the ovary, where the fecundation occurred. This hypothesis would, indeed, explain all the anomalies; but it is not founded on a single anatomical fact, nor yet upon any direct experiment, and further, it is at variance with the researches of modern ovologists; so of course I shall not dwell further upon it. Perhaps comparative anatomy might throw some light on the question before us: thus, in certain mammalia, such as the hog, cow, &c, the Fallopian tube is not the only canal that affords a passage to the sperm; for M. Gartner, of Copenhagen, has announced the existence of a particular duct in these animals, which extends from the external parts through the substance of the broad ligaments. In 1826 lie came to Paris, and, conjointly with M. de Blainville, made some new researches on this point, the results of which the French naturalist has communicated to the public in the Bul- letin de la Sociite Philomatique, t. 9, p. 109, 1826. The latter says, that if the vagina of a young sow be carefully examined, a particular canal will be discovered, having its external orifices on each side of the meatus urinarius, and running through the mus- cular fibres of the vagina; it becomes contracted near the neck of the uterus, but does not the less continue in the uterine tissue. This canal at first follows the body of the womb, then abandons it, and runs in the substance of the broad ligament parallel to the corresponding cornua and close to the origin of the Fallopian tube, where it is lost by seeming to spread out, or to subdivide into two or three filaments, which can scarcely be distinguished from the vessels, and more especially from the proper tissue of the broad ligament. M. de Blainville says he has searched in vain for similar canals in women, but he has not met with anything of the kind. Analogy, however, renders their existence probable in the human species; and this probability becomes still stronger from the account of a case communicated by M. Baudelocque to the Academie de Medecine (Arch, de Med. 1826), as a unique anomaly in the science; although it is a very sin- gular fact that Dulaurens, according to the report of Mauriceau (Traite des Maladies des Femmcs Grosses, p. 12, t. 1), had several times observed that the tube, after arriving ax the angle of the uterus, separated into two distinct canals, the larger and shorter of which was inserted in the fundus uteri, while the other, being narrower and longer, terminated at the neck, near its internal orifice. OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. go: ;;• 5. Treatment. It is evident that no operation could be attempted in the earlier months of pregnancy, even if we should be fortunate enough to ascertain with cer- tainty that the ovule was not developed in the uterus. It is my opinion, however, that frequent copious bleedings should be re- sorted to in such cases, for the double purpose of causing the death of the foetus, and of preventing (possibly) a congestion, or rather too great a deter- mination of blood toAvards the point at Avhich the ovum is being developed. Indeed, it seems clear to me, that not only does the constantly increasing weakness of the Avails of the cyst, but also the local congestions so common during pregnancy, contribute to render rupture of the cyst more frequent. Venesection, practised within the limits authorized by the general health of the patient, will be the more indicated here, as its unfavorable influence on the child's life is not to be dreaded, since its death is the most fortunate event that could occur. Might this latter result be obtained by passing electric shocks through the cyst? Still, if no obstacle can be opposed to the constant development of the foetus, every operation must be proscribed at this period for extracting the foetus from its mother's body, because an opera- tion Avould be as dangerous as the anticipated accident. Even when the Dc Graaf (Opera Omnia, p. 212) thought he had found canals in women, similar to those described by M. Gartner as existing in certain mammalia. Lastly, Mad. Boivin declares she has met with cases analogous to the bifurcated canal of M. Baudelocque. Hence, in these examples at least, there is good ground for supposing that a conception may occur, even when the internal orifice of the tube is wholly obliterated. Now if, as Mauriceau and Dulaurens say (whose researches the modern authors seem to have entirely overlooked), such anomalies were found at a period when dissec- tions were much more rare than at the present time, we may conclude that, if the writers of our own day have not realized that disposition, it is because their efforts are not directed to the same end. I shall close these remarks by bringing forward a case, reported by M. Reynauld, in the second volume of the Journal Hebdomadaire, An. 1829, as follows : A young woman, aged 21 years, died at La Charite" in consequence of a vertebral caries. At the autopsy, the uterus was found as large as the pregnant organ at six weeks, and its enlarged cavity was occupied by a false membrane having just the same shape, but in which no -ening was discovered. The adhesions to the walls were easily broken up, and three or four ounces of a yellowish liquid were found inclosed within. No trace of the internal orifice of the tubes existed, and they Avere equally obliterated at the free extremity. The long diameter of the ovaries exceeded an inch in length, and their surfaces exhibited evident traces of numerous cicatrices. Both of them contained in their interior a rounded body of a brownish-red color (a true corpus luteum), and small fibrous pouches were detected in several places, with wrinkled and retracted walls. Numerous little ovoidal bodies, about the size of hemp-seed, resembling the ovules, existed along the course of the tubes and in the thickness of the broad liga- ment. It was very remarkable in this case that, notwithstanding a complete obliteration of the tubes, the organs of generation we're found in a condition similar to what is observed at the commencement of the geiuiative action. However, I shall deduct no direct, conclusion therefrom; but I would ask your attention to the confirmation it affords of the ideas promulgated in this report (Report of M. Cazeaux, extracted from the Bulletin de la Societe' Anatomique.) 602 PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. spontaneous rupture of the cyst, during the early stages, occasions a just fear of mortal hemorrhage, we can only employ those general means Avhich are the best calculated to prevent profuse discharges, such as rest, refrig. erants, etc. Again, supposing that a well-marked case of extra-uterine pregnancy has advanced almost to term, or that the labor has actually commenced, Ave may still justly dread the laceration of the cyst as a conse- quence of the expulsive efforts; and the question then arises whether gas- trotomy, which has been successfully practised in similar cases, ought to be resorted to. If the child's safety be alone considered, this question is easily resolved. But is not the life of the mother almost necessarily compromised by such an operation ? How shall we persuade the patient, Avhen the proper period for operating has arrived, if she herself does not suspect the danger she encounters by refusing ? Or hoAv, indeed, can we ourselves decide, Avhen the possible con- sequences are foreseen, the Avhole difficulties of a delivery appreciated, and the necessity staring us in the face of leaving open in the abdomen a vast cyst, the inflammationand suppuration of which are so difficult to dry up, and are of themselves sufficient to endanger the sufferer's life ? In such cases, who can doubt, says M. Dezeimeris, that if there was any measure at all that could suspend the commencing labor, the ties of human- ity alone would render its employment a duty ? And I fully embrace the same opinion. Now among the means calculated to restrain the ordinary uterine con- tractions, I knoAV of nothing more serviceable than opium, when exhibited in large doses per anum, and I certainly should not hesitate to employ it under these circumstances ; ■ but if the labor continues, notAvithstanding its use, gastrotomy may then be authorized. The cyst is generally opened through the abdominal parietes, the place of selection being the same as in the common Csesarean operation, though, in case the head be felt through the vagina during the expulsive efforts, less danger Avould certainly accompany an incision through the Avails of the latter. The child may be extracted by turning, or by the forceps, if neces- sary. In tAvo cases, one of Avhich is attributed to Lauverjat, both mother and child Avere saved by an operation of the kind. In three other cases, collected by Burns, the child was extracted alive, but the mother perished. Finally, it is evident that if a prolonged labor has produced a rupture of the cyst, it is very doubtful whether gastrotomy could be successful. The first efforts should be directed toAvards moderating the hemorrhage, and Avhen the first dangers have been removed, every means of preventing and opposing consecutive inflammation should be energetically employed. But the primitive phenomena once calmed, Avhether there be a rupture or not, our art may evidently interpose to prevent the consecutive accidents that have been enumerated, and Avhich compromise to so great an extent the health and even the life of the patient. When the inflammatory symp- toms have ceased, it is proper to wait; and especially after the cyst is ruptured, hasty action becomes unnecessary. In fact, a considerable period is requisite in such cases for the develop- ment of "a new cyst around the displaced parts, and a certain length of time OF EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY. 603 is necessary for the adhesions to form betAveen them and the adjacent parts, and it would be exceedingly rash to interfere with this salutary action by any inopportune operation on our part. In old abnormal pregnancies, the resources of art vary Avith the particular case. Sometimes, indeed, an elimi- natory effort has already commenced by an inflammation of the integuments placed just in front of the tumor, whereby an abscess is formed; and the only question then is, whether to open it, or by suitable incisions to enlarge the spontaneous solutions of continuity ; in either case Ave encounter a vast abscess, which must be emptied and cleansed by the usual methods. When some portions of the foetus get into the bladder, and we are assured of that fact by the use of the catheter, the operation for stone may be prac- tised either through the vagina or by the hypogastrium. Again, a Avoman may present herself with an extra-uterine foetus of one or several years' standing. Can the resources of art afford her any relief? We reply, that if the gestation is a source of severe suffering, and it renders her incapable of discharging her duties; and if, besides, the tumor may be reached through the vagina without difficulty, the vaginal incision should doubtless be per- formed. But if she is otherwise in good health, Avould it be prudent to interfere for the mere purpose of anticipating the accidents to Avhich she will probably be aftenvards exposed? Or is there any ground for hoping to extract the foetus en masse, by a prudent and methodical operation? This last question is far more difficult to solve. In a case of this kind, where the head of the foetus, from being Avedged at the superior strait, could readily be felt through the posterior superior part of the vaginal parietes, I kneAV Professor P. Dubois (notAvithstanding sharp opposition from several of his brethren in consultation) to resolve upon incising freely the vaginal wall, as well as the cystic envelopes, intending to apply the forceps on the head, and thus, extract the foetus bodily; but the Avails of the cyst and vagina having been cut through, an intimate adhesion was discovered betAveen the former and the foetal head, Avhich caused the operation to be abandoned. It was not Avithout benefit, hoAvever, for in the course of a feAV days it Avas folloAved by the discharge of a putrid mass, comprising all the soft parts of the foetus ; the detached bones of the skeleton Avere gradually extracted by the aid of long pincers, and frequently repeated injections ; the cystic Avails contracted sloAvly; and Avhen, at length, nothing remained, and the parietes Avere cleansed, the opening gradually closed up, and by the end of tAvo months the patient Avas completely cured. At the time of operating she had been pregnant tAventy-tAvo months. This plan, I think, ought to be folloAved up in similar cases, more espe- cially if the female's health is visibly affected. Incision by the rectum has been practised in some few instances Avhere the vulva Avas obliterated. Finally, gastrotomy alone Avould be practicable when the foetus, from its high situation in the abdomen, is inaccessible by the vagina or rectum; but this operation must be regarded as the last resource, and only to be resorted to where the patient's life is seriously endangered. s PAET V. OF DYSTOCIA, OE PEETEENATUEAL AND PAINFUL LABOES, ALTHOUGH labor is a natural function, and the resources of the organ- ism are usually sufficient for its accomplishment, yet there are a num- ber of circumstances which may interfere Avith the work of nature, and render the process difficult, dangerous, or even Avholly impossible. It is to the exposition of those difficulties and dangers, and more particularly to the indication of the appropriate measures for preventing or for remedying them, that the fifth part of this work is devoted. In it will be pointed out the difficulties and accidents which may complicate labor and demand the intervention of art. The causes that render a labor either difficult, impossible, or dangerous, and which therefore require the more or less active interposition of the accoucheur, are numerous, varied, and far from ahvays having the same mode of action; some, indeed, operate only by enfeebling or reducing the forces necessary for the expulsion of the child, while others constitute an obstacle to its delivery by occasioning a disproportion betAveen the dimen- sions, of the pelvic canal and those of the body that must traverse it, thus rendering the most poAverful contractions of the womb entirely nugatory. On the other hand, Avhen all the conditions are apparently most favorable to a natural labor, Ave may find a number of accidents suddenly manifesting ;hemselves, of a character dangerous to the lives of both mother and child. Consequently, as regards the causes that may thus interfere Avith the regular process of nature, Ave may distinguish three different groups of difficult labors, namely: 1. Those rendered difficult, impossible, or danger- ous, by a deficient or excessive action of the expulsive forces. 2. Those rendered difficult, impossible, or dangerous, by obstacles to the expulsion of the foetus. 3. Those complicated by accidents liable to endanger the life or health of the mother and child. The term accident is more especially applied to any morbid phenomenon occurring during labor, liable to be rapidly fatal to either mother or child. These accidents, in the above restricted sense, are, fortunately, but few. They are on the part of the mother: 1. Eclampsia. 2. Eupture of the uterus. 3. Hemorrhage in its various forms. On the part of the foetus, the only accident to be apprehended is prolapsus of the cord or its com pression. 604 EXTREME SLOWNESS OF LABOR 605 CHAPTER I. OF LABORS RENDERED DIFFICULT, IMPOSSIBLE, OR DANGEROUS, BY DEFICIENCY OR EXCESS OF ACTION IN THE EXPULSIVE FORCES. In practice, we meet with numerous cases in which the position is favor- able, the organs of the mother and child Avell formed, and in Avhich none of those grave complications, hereafter spoken of, that have given rise to the title preternatural labor, are met with;. but in Avhich, notwithstanding, the different stages of the labor are not accomplished Avith the customary ease or regularity. Noav, everything seems so admirably arranged in the works of nature, that the least deviation is sufficient to interfere with their accomplishment; and whether this deviation be dependent on an unusual sloAvness or an excessive rapidity in the course of the phenomena of parturi- tion, it may prove detrimental, in either case, to the mother or her child, and require the intervention of art just as imperiously as would a hemor- rhage or a contraction of the pelvis. We therefore believe it Avill prove ser- viceable to treat, Avith a little more detail than has hitherto been done, of the causes and proper measures for preventing the disastrous consequences of extreme sloAvness or a too rapid progress of the labor. ARTICLE I. OF EXTREME SLOWNESS OF THE LABOR. Whilst stating (page 297) the usual duration of labor, Ave Avere careful to remark that it Avas often prolonged beyond the fixed period, and that a duration of eighteen or tAventy hours, in primipara? especially, could not be regarded as an alarming circumstance; but that, in all cases, Avhere more than tAventy-four hours have elapsed from the time of its commencement, serious accidents might result therefrom, either to the mother or the child, which should ahvays be prevented by removing immediately the cause of this excessive sloAvness. In natural labor, the phenomena occur with such a marked degree of regularity that, as regards the duration, the period of dilatation of the cer- vix is to that of the expulsion as two or three to one; though it is proper to state that the delay may be manifested during either the first or the second stage, and then, of course, this proportion no longer exists. This distinction, Avhich might serve to establish a classification of the causes that retard the labor, if, indeed, they do not make their influences felt in all stages, merits a particular attention with regard to the prognosis; for, although the first stage may be prolonged without danger, the second, on the contrary, cannot pass beyond certain limits Avithout greatly endangering the health of the patient, and oftentimes the life of her child. It is found that the latter is lost at least one time in four, Avhen the head remains in the excavation longer than seven jor eight hours after the complete dilatation of the os uteri, and the rupture of the bag of waters, whilst it nearly always survives when the 606 DYSTOCIA. first period is prolonged even to forty, fifty, or sixty hours and more.1 Be sides, in the latter case, there are scarcely any symptoms worth mentioning presented by the mother, for the great fatigue caused particularly by the loss of sleep, and in nervous women, a considerable irritation, depression of spirits, and alarm, are about the only inconveniences that result from it; since the contraction, although feeble, returns at regular intervals, and the labor makes some progress, notAvithstanding it is sIoav. But Avhen the period of expulsion is extended beyond ten or tAvelve holirs, the pain, as a general rule, is found to become irregular, both in its returns and intensity; and, although it be sometimes more severe and frequent, it is in reality less efficacious, to such an extent, indeed, that the foetus really seems to be retrograding instead of advancing; in a Avord, there are uterine pains, but no expulsive contraction. The local disorder is accompanied, or at least is soon folloAved, by a vio- lent trembling; the patient has an inclination to vomit, and even throws up bilious matters; she is uneasy, excited, and changes her position every moment; the skin is hot and dry; the pulse runs up to a hundred or a hundred and fifty per minute; the tongue is dry, and both it and the teeth are covered Avith a dark coating. The vagina and cervix are hot, and sensi- tive to the touch, and a yelloAvish liquid escapes from them, Avhich occa- sionally has a fetid odor; the pressure of the child's head on the neck of the bladder prevents the emission of urine; and the parts that line the superior strait and the pelvic excavation, being compressed for a long time by the head, may become inflamed or even gangrenous; which complica- tions may subsequently prove a source of the most serious accidents. If the woman still remains undelivered, these symptoms augment in intensity in a frightful manner; the vomitings become more frequent, and the abdomen more distended; the excitability of the patient knoAVS no bounds ; the pulse is more and more feeble and frequent, and she falls into a half stupid or a semi-delirious condition, Avhich is soon terminated by death. It is scarcely necessary to remark that, in the latter case, the life of the child is also most seriously compromised. We have felt bound to point out these differences in the danger of the symptoms, in order to prove the necessity of the distinction Ave have made; and Ave may now proceed to study the divers causes Avhich, at times, retard the course of labor, and also to indicate the means calculated to remedy them, Avithout the necessity of repeating in each, that the dangers to which they expose the mother and child are much more grave in the second than the first stage of the labor; and that, although in the latter Ave may trust longer to the resources of the organism, in the former, the intervention of art is demanded at an earlier period. The causes that may retard the delivery depend either on the patient's 1 The following summary, which I take from Churchill, is calculated to confirm the above: in one hundred and thirty-t.hree cases, Avhere the first stage was prolonged from twenty-four to sixty hours, only eight children were lost; in eight that lasted from sixty to a hundred hours, but one died; and in three cases ranging from a hundred to a hundred and seventy-seven hours, not a single death occurred.— Churchill, 192. EXTREME SLOWNESS OF THE LABOR. 607 general condition, or on a special modification of the genital organs; and, in both cases, their influence may be exerted at the commencement, or only at a subsequent period of the labor ; consequently, Ave have to consider the three folloAving conditions: 1, where the pains or contractions are slow or feeble in the commencement; 2, Avhere, after having set in with consider- able energy, they aftenvards relax, diminish, or even cease altogether; and 3, where they exhibit great irregularity in their duration, intensity, and returns ; an irregularity that almost wholly destroys their expulsive action. The English writers have applied the term tedious labor to all these vari- eties, and this appellation merits our adoption, for it is perfectly adapted to the cases Ave are about to describe. § 1. Of Slowness or Feebleness of the Contractions. A slowness or feebleness of the contractions may occur at the A'ery com- mencement of the labor, and persist throughout its Avhole duration; the pains are quite feeble, the dilatation of the os uteri is effected very sloAvly, and at a rather later period they seem unable to effect the expulsion of the head. This sloAvness of labor may be dependent either on the Avoman's general condition, or on a local disposition of the Avomb. In the former case, it occurs in women endoAved Avith a delicate or debilitated constitution, or in those accidentally enfeebled by chronic diseases. It should, hoAvever, be borne in mind that, as Avas stated, page 150, gen- eral debility of the muscular system has but little influence upon the con- tractile power of the uterus, the latter being often very strong, as in con- sumptive patients for example. The labor sometimes progresses even more rapidly than usual in such individuals, for ay hen the uterine fibre preserves its contractile powers, the slight resistance at the floor of the pelvis seems to expedite the delivery. Generally speaking, there is nothing to be done but to encourage the woman to have" patience, and to make use of some slight stimulus, such as broth, claret, or a feAV spoonfuls of sherry-Avine; in a Avord, to sustain her strength as much as possible, resorting to the ergot, or preferably to the forceps, as soon as the cervix is sufficiently dilated, if the uterine contraction is too feeble to effect the engagement and subsequent expulsion of the head. But Avhere the sloAvness of the labor is to be Avholly attributed to a local condition of the Avomb, the determining causes ought to be carefully sought after, as they are variable, and require the employment of different means; and hence we learn the importance of a correct diagnosis. A. An excessive distention of the uterine Avails, Avhether dependent on dropsy of the amnios or on the presence of several children in the womb, should be placed in the first rank of these causes. In fact, this overdisten- tion renders the uterine walls much thinner than usual, benumbs them in some measure, and diminishes their force of contraction. Independently of a considerable enlargement of the belly, and the unusual elevation of the head tOAvards the end of gestation or beginning of labor, which is worthy of attention, there is something then altogether peculiar in the character of the pains. The contractions, though feeble and only returning at distant and irregular intervals, reduce the patient to a state of anxiety 608 DYSTOCIA. and continual suffering; and, if we may judge from her expression, seem to implicate the fundus alone, without extending loAver doAvn, for the amniotic pouch, if still unruptured, scarcely bulges out during their con- tinuance. Under such circumstances, Ave should carefully avoid resorting to stimulants, which Avould have no other effect than to augment her suffer- ings, without rendering the contractions any more energetic. The rupture of the membranes is here the only remedy, because, by facilitating the discharge of the waters, we relieve the excessive distention of the organ, as Avell as the continual distress thereby occasioned, and then the genuine pains become more frequent and more effectual. B. The slowness and feebleness of the contractions may likeAvise depend on a sanguineous engorgement, or plethora, of the uterine tissue. This condition, Avhen it exists, can be recognized by the folloAving signs : the pains are at first quite energetic, but soon diminish, both in frequency and intensity; the cervix uteri is soft, supple, and non-resistant, but the pre- senting part does not engage during the pain, Avhich latter is equally diffused over the whole abdomen ; the phenomena of general plethora nearly ahvays manifest themselves at the same time; thus, the respiration is laborious, the pulse hard and full, and the pains very irregular, both in force and frequency. Bleeding in the arm, proportioned to the general condition of the patient, is then the best remedy. c. Or it may be OAving to a debility, or an imperfect organization of the uterus itself, though the patient may otherwise be perfectly healthy, that is, the muscular apparatus of the womb may be deficient in contractile force, while the other muscles of the organism are endoAved Avith their usual energy. The dilatation of the os uteri is effected sloAvly, for notAvithstand- ing the cervix no longer offers any resistance, the organ appears incapable of determining the expulsion of the foreign body it encloses. In such cases, the ergoted rye is the only article capable of stimulating the enfeebled contractions. The most certain procedure Avould be to apply the forceps, provided the dilatation be sufficient to permit it. Dr. Franck, of Wolfenbutten, has recently recommended the employment of electro-magnetism in cases marked by Aveakness or absence of the con- tractions, giving four observations, in Avhich, he states, it Avas used with advantage. The perusal of these cases fails to convince me of its utility. Besides, the difficulty of obtaining a proper apparatus Avhen Avanted, will render its employment a thing of rare occurrence.1 D. According to Baudelocque, the death of the child Avould have the un- favorable effect of diminishing and enfeebling the utering contractions: but M. P. Dubois remarks, and very justly, in our opinion, that, if the Avoman is otherwise healthy, this event has no influence over the progress of her labor; and that, if it sometimes happens that the delivery is more painfully 1 The author's apparatus is composed of a concave metallic plate, moistened with salt water, applied upon the lumbar region, and connected with the positive- pole of a rotating electro-magnetic machine. The negative conductor is attached to a hollow cylinder filled with salt water, and passed into the vagina to the neck of the womb. The electro-magnetic current is applied for five or six minutes between the contrac- tions, and suspended during their continuance. EXTREME SLOWNESS OF THE LABOR. 609 accomplished where the infant has been dead for some time, it is only because the disease of the mother has been the occasion of its death, and that her forces are Aveakencd by the antecedent malady. E. Finally, a premature rupture of the membranes may have the same effect, in relaxing' and weakening the pains, as their more retarded rupture; and the folloAving phenomena may then take place: if the head happens to be very large, and is low doAvn when this occurs, it becomes applied directly to the orifice, and retains a great part of the Avaters behind it, and if the os uteri is sufficiently dilated to permit the head to engage freely, no water escapes, even during the contraction ; but if the dilatation is still imperfect, the Avaters leak aAvay drop by drop, it is said, at the commencement and termination of each pain, AA'hich latter is Avholly employed in thus gradually expelling the amniotic liquid, without contributing in any wise to the enlargement of the cervix. The same phenomenon is observed when the membranes yield at a higher point of the pouch, one not corresponding at all to the neck of the uterus, for in such cases but little water escapes at the moment of the rupture, and each pain is likewise accompanied or folloAved by a greater discharge without accelerating the dilatation in the least. However, this circumstance, according to M. P. Dubois, does not merit all the importance usually ascribed to it, since, properly speaking, the expul- sive process has not commenced, and the foetus, protected by the surround- ing liquid, cannot suffer in any Avise from the slowness of the labor, and therefore, in most cases of this kind, there is nothing to be done. If, how- ever, the labor lingers too long, Ave might folloAv the plan generally advised. and introduce two fingers into the cervix uteri, and push up the child's head, for the purpose of promoting a more ready escape of the waters, or, indeed, of lacerating the inferior segment of the membranes, if the original rupture had occurred at a much higher point. Nevertheless, this manoeuvre is only to be resorted to Avhen the dilatation is already Avell advanced, for it is evident that, if all the Avaters should escape a long time before the enlargement of the neck, the infant might suffer from the prolonged and direct compression of its body. § 2. Relaxation or Suspension of the Pains. It is not at all unusual to find a labor Avhich has heretofore been progress- ing favorably to become at once arrested, and the pains, which up to that time were strong and frequent, to relax or even disappear altogether. Of course, the indications Avhich these phenomena present will necessarily vary with the causes that have given rise to them, and therefore the physician ought to search them out with the greatest possible care. Among those which may thus diminish or suspend the pains, the following are usually enumerated, namely: A. Any vivid moral impressions operating during the labor, any unex- pected neAvs or sharp discussions, the announcement of a child of an un- wished-for sex, and the arrival or presence of persons disagreeable to the lying-in Avoman, may determine a cessation of the pains; and in these cases the removal of the cause is the only remedy. But, unfortunately, it is not ahvays an easy matter to ascertain what that cause may be, and it is left to 39 610 DYSTOCIA. the prudence and sagacity of the medical attendant to penetrate the mj atery and relieve the trouble. B. A pain caused by the coincidence of some malady, either existing an- tecedent to, or appearing during the labor, such as distressing and repeated vomitings, sharp pains in the muscles of the back and abdomen, gripings in the intestines, &c, &c. In all such instances, the Avoman, experiencing an intense pain, which is further heightened by the uterine contraction, en- deavors to suspend the latter as much as possible, and hence the accoucheur should try to remove the cause which thus interferes Avith the labor. For instance, where the emesis obstinately persists, he ought, if the patient bears opiates Avell, to administer a feAV drops of laudanum, and if not, some aromatic drinks or antispasmodics, accompanied by narcotic lotions over the epigastrium. In case of acute muscular pains, embrocations Avith an opiated liniment might be practised over the affected part, or a change of position is sometimes all that is requisite to calm them. If, hoAvever, as often hap- pens, this pain, Avhich is wholly foreign to the uterine contraction, cannot be relieved, then the poAvers of nature must be assisted by an artificial ter- mination of the labor. Those violent cramps, which are occasionally produced by the pressure of the child's head on the sacral nerves, should certainly be classed among the circumstances that may relax or even suspend the uterine contraction altogether; as occurred in three cases of the kind observed by Prof. Meigs, of Philadelphia, where the pain was so violent that it caused the patient the most inexpressible anguish. The Avomen describe this pain as similar to Avhat would be produced by the pinching or twisting of a large nervous trunk; they incessantly demand a prompt deliverance, and the physician is often obliged to yield to their entreaties; besides, his intervention may be further necessitated by the more or less perfect suspension of the contrac- tions of the Avomb; for the organ seems paralyzed by the violence of these nervous pains, and Ave are often constrained to apply the forceps for the double purpose of relieving the patient from the frightful sufferings that torment her, and of supplying the want of power in the uterine efforts. The use of chloroform might, in all these cases, have a happy effect by paralyzing the animal sensibility and thus alloAving the uterus to resume its functions. The English accoucheurs have often used it successfully in this way. c. We have already alluded (page 393) to the unfavorable influence that a distended bladder might have over the progress of parturition ; and there- fore, if the suspension of the pains could be justly attributed to this circum- stance, the catheter should evidently be resorted to at once; but if this operation is rendered impossible by the engagement of the head in the excavation, recourse should be had to the application of the forceps; for the administration of ergot here Avould appear to be very imprudent, to say the least. D. If caused by general plethora, Avhich is characterized and is easily recognizable by redness of the face, headache, throbbings in the head, vertigo, dimness of vision, tinnitus aurium, agitation, unusual force and fulness of the pulse, and by weariness of the limbs, it must be relieved by general venesection. EXTREME SLOWNESS OF THE LABOR. 611 E. Debility of the uterus itself is also mentioned as a cau.c, since there are some women in Avhom the contractile force of this organ is so easily exhausted that the contractions, after having proved quite sufficient for the earlier steps of the labor, diminish, or disappear all at once, Avithout any other appreciable cause than this feebleness of the organ. In such cases, the patient should be advised to rise up and walk about the chamber for some time, and it is also necessary to rub her abdomen, to titillate the cervix uteri, and to make pressure on the perineum; and then, if all these means fail, to administer the ergot or uterine douches, and finally apply the forceps if necessary. § 3. Irregularity of the Pains. The contractions may be irregular in their, progress, or they may be par- tial in their operation : that is, only one portion of the uterine walls contracts, the rest of the organ remaining in a state of inaction; which irregularity is sufficiently explained by the muscular structure of the womb. In the first variety, the pains are recognized by the folloAving signs : there is not a complete and perfect interval between them, they are _ continuous, and only interrupted by the paroxysms, during Avhich the intensity of suffering is horrible. In the second variety, the pain returns, it is true, at intervals, but sometimes it is only the fundus, again one of the angles, and at others, some part of the body, Avhich contracts spasmodically, Avhilst the remainder scarcely does so at all. The pains are, hoAvever, no less acute than if the whole organ Avere involved; often, indeed, they are more so, though even then they are easily recognized by the fact of occurring almost Avithout effect, or at least Avithout having a decided influence upon the progress of the labor. For during the pain, and even at the very moment Avhen the woman suffers the most, Ave may ascertain, by applying the hand on the hypogastrium, in the case of partial contraction, that the uterine ovoid does not present its normal regularity, and that it exhibits instead various bosses and inequalities; besides, Ave can readily assure ourselves, in all cases, that no impulsion is given to the foetus, and that the presenting part does not advance; as, also, that Avhere the membranes are still unruptured they do not bulge out, nor indeed scarcely become tense during the pain. At the height of the latter, just at the moment of the paroxysm, the presenting part seems, at times, to advance a little; but this progression does not correspond, on the one hand, Avith the A'iolence of the pains, and, on the other, it is not kept up, though the pains continue. The patient is then suffering from an extreme agitation, she weeps and becomes despondent, and very often her pulse is frequent, developed, and febrile; the face red and flushed ; the skin hot; the mind confused, and the limbs convulsively contracted. These irre- gular contractions, which have been designated under the title of uterine tetanus, sometimes disappear of their oavh accord, though they may be pro- longed for an indefinite length of time. It is then highly important to remedy them as soon as possible, Avhich is best done by a general bleeding where the Avoman is plethoric, the pulse full and Avell developed, and the face red and flushed; but as this is not practicable in nervous and very irritable Avomen, avc should then resort to tepid baths, emollient injections, 612 DYSTOCIA. and opiated lotions over the abdomen, and more especially to laudanum, given once or twice as an injection, in the dose of tAventy to forty drops, diffused in three or four ounces of some mild vehicle. Under the influence of these measures, the last particularly, the pains almost entirely disappear in the course of half an hour or an hour; during which period the patient generally slumbers, and then the good pains, that is the natural and regular ones, come on, and the labor terminates happily. The action of opiates is occasionally much more prompt, being felt in the course of ten minutes or a quarter of an hour after their administration. I witnessed this fact in a young primiparous lady, Avhose labor commenced at ten o'clock in the morning, and the pains progressed slowly but regularly until four the next morning, Avhen they assumed the peculiar character under consideration; and from that moment, notwithstanding the almost continuous suffering and permanent contraction of the womb, the head did not descend. At six, I administered opiates; and in the course of ten minutes, the excessive agitation Avas calmed, the pains disappeared entirely, then returned again a few minutes after, at first slow and feeble, but soon regular and energetic enough to effect the delivery in a short time. When the cervix participates in this state of spasm, the employment of the oint- ment and extract of belladonna, as we shall have occasion hereafter to point out, will be found decidedly useful; though Ave ought to mention that the employment of belladonna has been objected to on the ground that it sus- pends the pains, and paralyzes the exercise of the contractility of tissue after the labor is over ; but this is an error, for its action is ahvays limited to the neck, and the latter, at most, may be paralyzed for some time. In the case before us, M. Velpeau says he has used the folloAving potion with advantage: R.—Lettuce, or wild poppy Avater, fsiv; orange-flower, or mint water, fgj; syrup of Avhite poppies, f|j ; extract of opium, gr. j. It appears to me that inhalation of anaesthetic agents might be used with advantage in all these cases of partial or irregular contractions. They would seem adapted to calm the over-excitement of the uterus Avith which the pains are generally associated. In several cases they acted like opium, by suspending the contractions for the moment, and then enabling them to resume their normal regularity and efficiency. § 4. Effect of Contraction of the Abdominal Muscles. The second stage of labor is sometimes exceedingly slow in very fat women ; in whom the contractions do not cease altogether, but appear to be ineffectual, and do not force the child's head to advance ; this impotence of the uterine efforts has appeared to me to be much less dependent on resist- ances from the loAver part of the pelvic canal, than on a default of action in the abdominal muscles; because the thick layer of fat, Avhich lines the anterior walls of the belly, must paralyze, to a certain extent, the synergic action of those muscles, and thus deprive the uterus of the aid Avhich they habitually render. The abdominal compression, Avhich is so much extolled as a remedy, would then appear peculiarly applicable; for a circular band- age, applied around the body, Avould effectually replace the point d'appui, which the contracted muscles usually furnish to the womb; besides, as Vel- OF TOO RAPID LABORS. 613 peau observes, this is too innocent a remedy not to be employed before having recourse to ergot, or to an artificial termination of the labor. [Admitting that contraction of the uterus is the principal efficient cause of de- livery, a fact proved by vivisections practised upon animals and pathological cases occurring in women, it is nevertheless true that the contraction of the abdominal muscles and the exertions of the female assist powerfully in the expulsion of the foetus. Some cases would even seem to show that paralysis of the abdominal muscles, making a strong voluntary effort impossible, has sometimes delayed de- livery very considerably. A paraplegic woman attended by M. Depaul had to be delivered by the forceps on account of the slow progress of the labor. In her case, the uterus contracted regularly, and there Avas no obstacle to the expulsion of the foetus. M. Depaul Avas sure that the extreme slowness was due to the paraplegia. I have myself met with a, similar case in a multipara whose labors before becoming paraplegic had always been easy. Notwithstanding the paralysis, she became pregnant; but this time, although the uterine contractions Avere rapid and powerful, it was necessary to deliver her by the forceps. The unfortunate effect of an impossibility of making sustained efforts from other causes is shown by a case of a different character witnessed by M. Depaul. A young lady whose thigh had been amputated became pregnant, and during labor was, consequently, able to take the usual fixed support with but a single foot. The consequence was, that the necessarily badly directed exertions which she made seemed to weaken the uterine contractions. The pelvis was well formed, and there was nothing to obstruct the passage of the foetus, yet it became necessary to apply the forceps and deliver her. To the cases just related, some of a directly opposite character may be produced; and I have myself seen delivery accomplished in a paraplegic woman with the groatest facility. The difference is due to the fact that cases are subject to infinite variety; pathological phenomena, instead of appearing separately, are associated in a thousand different ways; so that in one woman the uterine contractions alone are sufficient to expel the foetus, whilst in another they require to be assisted by the contraction of the abdominal muscles.] ARTICLE II. OF TOO RAPID LABORS. Although these are much more rare than the preceding class, yet the accidents that may result in consequence of too prompt a delivery, are quite as serious as those produced by excessive sloAvness ; and, therefore, we must endeavor to supply an important omission made by most authors, and our- selves likewise in the first edition of this Avork, by devoting a feAV lines to the consideration of the attendant circumstances. Some Avomen have the unfortunate privilege, if it can be called such, of being delivered with only a feAV pains; and this extreme rapidity is apt to characterize every subsequent labor. What is still more singular, this pecu- liarity even seems to be hereditary in certain families, in which it is per- petuated for three or four generations. In such cases, the rapid termination is ahvays to be attributed either to an excess of energy and frequency in the uterine contractions, or to a Avant of resistance in the Avails of the canal which the foetus has to traverse. 614 DYSTOCIA. Certain Avriters have attempted to establish a relation betAveen tl e phe- nomena that precede or accompany the menstrual discharge in the non-gravid state, and the activity or sloAvness of the contractions of the womb during the labor; for they say, should the periodical Aoav be difficult, laborious, and painful, and the patient be tormented every month Avith violent colicky pains, either before or during her terms, the irritability of the uterus, and the energy of the contractions, will almost invariably be excessive in the hour of childbirth; but, on the contrary, there is reason to anticipate the occur- rence of sIoav and feeble pains, Avhere the woman is advised of the return of her menses only by the appearance of blood, and Avhen they pass off Avithout suffering. We do not knoAV exactly to Avhat extent this approximation is true; yet Ave believe that it is far from being Avithout exceptions. But, hoAvever this may be, it is generally found that these very poAverful contrac- tions are most likely to be observed in nervous and excitable persons; appearing to depend, says Wigand, upon a high grade of irritability, the source of Avhich, especially in hysterical patients, seems to be centred in the uterus. The moral affections are often found to have a great influence over the progress of labor; and everybody knows that where an application of the forceps has been seriously proposed to the Avoman, this of itself has often proved quite sufficient to bring on strong and powerful contractions of the Avomb, by the fears which the instrument gives rise to, even though they had been languishing before. In certain eruptive fevers, scarlatina especially, the pains very frequently exhibit this character, and the child is then expelled with an unusual rapidity; but it is difficult to decide Avhether this circumstance is not rather OAving to a Avant of resistance from the soft parts, Avhich, like all the muscular apparatus, have been enfeebled by the disease. The same thing also occurs in certain strong, robust, and plethoric Avomen; here, however, the contractions are very strong from the commencement of labor; they are very painful, last for a long time, and are separated by short intervals. While the pain lasts, the patient cannot resist the urgent desire to bear down, and forcibly contract all the muscles of her body; she is much more irritable than usual, and there is something peculiar in her attitude; the head is hot; the face red and puffed up; and the pulse full and accelerated. In some instances, the intervals are scarcely perceptible, for one pain has hardly terminated before another begins; sometimes, indeed, the Avomb seems in a state of permanent contraction, Avhich only passes off after the expulsion of the foetus. The belly is then very hard; the Avhole body rigid and contracted ; the Avoman holds her breath, seizes hold of some neighboring object, and, making a loud cry, or grinding her teeth, bears doAvn with incredible force, and suddenly expels the child, together with the contents of the bladder and rectum. But, after all, however forcible Ave may suppose the uterine contractions to be, they will hardly explain the rapidity of the delivery, unless Ave admit that a Avant of resistance in the walls of the pelvic canal exists at the same time; but may not a very large pelvis, a premature child, or a marked diminution of the normal resistance of the soft parts, so often met Avith in OF TOO RAPID LABORS. 615 persons worn out by lingering diseases,1 — may they not, we repeat, be con- sidered as singularly favoring a too early expulsion of the child ? Where the phenomena of parturition take place Avith due regularity, the infant rarely comes into the Avorld under seven or eight hours after the first pain, and this beneficent delay enables the parts Avhich the child has to traverse to become prepared for the dilatation they must shortly undergo ; the uterine orifice gradually enlarges; the soft parts, that line the excava- tion and the pelvic floor, being lubricated for a long time by the liquids exhaled from the Avomb, or secreted by the upper part of the vagina, become more soft and supple and better prepared for the distention they Avill be subjected to at the moment when the head is born ; besides, their dilatation being effected under the influence of intermittent contractions, alternated by an interval of rest, is sIoav and gradual, and takes place without causing the patient any very acute suffering and without compromising the life of the child; but it is far different in the case before us, Avhere the overhasty expulsion of the infant exposes it as well as the mother to grave accidents. Thus, not to speak of inertia of the organ, Avhich will be treated of hereafter as one of the circumstances that may complicate the delivery, we must note as of possible occurrence the laceration of the perineum, vagina, and vaginal portion of the cervix, so often produced by the rapid passage of the foetus through the pelvic canal; the prolapsus of the Avomb, which, not being yet sufficiently dilated to alloAV the child to clear its orifice, is forced doAvn beyond the vulvar ring; the serious and sometimes fatal syncopes to Avhich the too rapid depletion of the Avomb exposes the patient; * and, lastly, death itself, produced solely from the violence of the nervous shock caused b) juch pains. The child is likewise exposed to real danger; for if the membranes are ruptured and the Avaters entirely discharged early in the labor, it must be apparent that, Avhen the pains become permanent, the umbilical cord might be compressed between the fcetal surface and the uterine Avail, or that the infant itself might suffer from the direct pressure it then undergoes. On the other hand, if the woman, supposing herself only at the commencement of her labor, should happen to be still standing or Avalking Avhen surprised by these violent pains, the child may be forcibly expelled, and, striking against the floor, be killed, perhaps, by the severity of the fall; besides 1 This want of resistance from the soft parts may be met with in women who are otherwise healthy, as occurred in a case reported by Dr. Rigby, Avhere a patient, in the enjoyment of good health, was delivered by two pains; the first of which aroused her from a sound sleep, and the second expelled the child into the bed. 2 There is no difficulty in explaining the production of syncope in this case, for the womb, being distended by the product of conception, necessarily exercises a greater or less degree of compression on the large abdominal vessels; and when the foetus is slowly delivered, as in a natural labor, this compression diminishes in the same pro- portion, and the blood returns in a very gradual manner into the great trunks, in which its course was before impeded; but in the case before us the depletion of the uterus is sudden, and the vessels are relieved all at once from the strong pressure they previously experienced, the blood flows into them in abundance, and goes in but small quantities (o the brain: Avhence the latter, deprived of its natural stimulus, no longer lots on the heart, &c, &c. 616 DYSTOCIA. which, the umbilical cord is stretched from its placental insertion to the navel, and, if its rupture does not result in consequence, the traction made upon the still adherent after-birth may be sufficiently great to depress, or even to invert the womb completely; though this latter circumstance is an exceedingly rare one. A rupture of the cord has been observed much oftener; but this is seldom attended Avith much danger, so far a« the child is concerned, because the laceration usually occurs at tAvo or three inches from the navel, and because, by tearing the umbilical vessels, it is likely to prevent a mortal hemorrhage, even should the pulmonary respiration not be established immediately. Treatment. — Where there is reason to believe that the child is very small, as it would be in a case of premature labor, or if previous deliveries had led us to suppose that the pelvis is larger than usual, the Avoman ought to lie down on the occurrence of the very first pain, and she should avoid bearing down or contracting the muscles subjected to the influence of her will, as much as possible, during the pain; the same object Avould be mate- rially aided by applying a moderately drawn bandage around the abdomen (Rigby). Finally, every precaution is to be taken to retard the rupture of the membranes as long as possible. If, notwithstanding these precautions, it is found that the inferior part of the uterus is strongly pressed dowmvard towards the floor of the pelvis, or even through the vulvar orifice, it must be carefully sustained until the cervix is sufficiently dilated to permit the free passage of the head. We might, like M. Naegele, apply a large T bandage in front of the vulva, ex- tending up over the prominent part of the womb, and having an opening at its centre corresponding to the orifice of the vagina. If the patient had been delivered too rapidly in her previous pregnancies, opiates might be administered, either by the mouth, or by injection, for the purpose of calming the excessive irritability of the uterus. Wigand recom- mended venesection, which, perhaps, might be employed with advantage in strong and plethoric women, but experience has not yet determined the efficacy of the measure as a general remedy. CHAPTER II. OF DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. The material obstacles Avhich too often render spontaneous labor difficult or impossible, are exceedingly numerous, and depend either on the mother or child. The diseases and deformities, or faulty direction of the canal Avhich the foetus has to traverse, are naturally included among the first; and to the second we must refer the diseases and malformations of the infant itself, as also the unfavorable positions in which it may present at the superior opening of the pelvis. We shall commence our description with the obstacles appertaining to the mother's organs, and will first treat of deformitM 3 of the pelvis. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 617 Whenever the pelvis departs from the dimensions heretofore described as the normal ones, it is said to be deformed ; Avhich, as the reader will readily understand, may imply either an enlargement or a diminution of the average size; and this explains the division, admitted by accoucheurs, into pelves deformed by excess of amplitude, and those deformed by excess of retrac- tion. I say by excess of amplitude or of retraction, for it must not be sup- posed that a pelvis is reputed to be malformed, whenever it does not exactly present the dimensions before given as the ordinary standard; because its development is subjected to the influence of the same laws that regulate the whole organism, and Ave all knoAV Avhat great varieties those laAvs exhibit in their accomplishment. Therefore, as a feAV lines, more or less, do not con- stitute a deformity, we shall only include under the title of malformed pelves those Avhich, from their excessive size or narroAvness, are capable of producing notable difficulties in the exercise of the puerperal functions. § 1. Of the Pelvis Deformed by Excess of Amplitude. A large pelvis is not ahvays a favorable circumstance, as might at first sight be supposed; because, if the amplitude is too great, it exposes the Avoman to serious accident, both in the non-gravid, the pregnant, and the parturient state. Thus, in the unimpregnated condition, the uterus, not deriving an adequate support from the Avails of the excavation, and being free and movable in an overspacious cavity, is much more liable to the various displacements knoAvn as descent, anteversion, and retroversion of the Avomb ; which accidents are. then the more unfortunate, as they are the more difficult to remedy. During gestation, the womb, finding more space than usual in the pelvic cavity, remains there until a much more advanced period of pregnancy, and the volume of the organ, by compressing the rectum and the bladder, often occasions an excessive tenesmus in these parts, Avhich proves very distressing to the patient; sometimes, even the discharge of the urine and fecal matters is impeded, besides which, varices, hemorrhoidal tumors, or a considerable infiltration of the loAver parts, are found to be developed, in consequence of the mechanical obstacle to the circulation in the inferior extremities. If this excess of amplitude is restricted to the excavation, Avhile the straits vary but little, if any, from their normal dimensions, the fundus of the Avomb is often turned back into the holbPAV of the sacrum ; and, someAvhat later, when its volume is too great to permit a longer sojourn in the lesser pelvis, it meets with difficulties at the superior strait which it cannot surmount; and the impediment then offered, in either case, to the ulterior development of the organ, frequently brings on an abortion. At the end of gestation, the head engaging early at the superior strait, gets Ioav doAvn into the excava- tion, and presses on the neighboring parts ; Avhence all the unpleasant symp- toms that had accompanied the outset of pregnancy are found to be reneAved in its latter months. During labor, the excess of amplitude of the pelvis exposes the Avoman to all the dangers that may result from a too rapid delivery: for, if she brings into play the voluntary muscles, long before the proper dilatation of the o i u+eri, or bears doAvn too strongly during the pain, the organ, being 618 DYSTOCIA imperfectly sustained by the osseous walls of the canal, may be forced down as far as the vulva; and, indeed, be driven completely beyond the parts of generation; or, possibly, the circumference of the cervix uteri may yield, and thus give rise to a laceration. Supposing the dilatation is already per- fected, then the child, being urged along by the energetic and repeated con- tractions of the Avomb, and not encountering a due degree of resistance on the part of the straits, speedily reaches the perineum, and tears its Avay through, because the latter has not yet had time to become distended. The expulsion of the foetus may thus take place at a moment Avhen the patient and her attendants believed it still distant; and hence, the absence of the ordinary precautions, and the erect position in which she may happen to be, Avill expose the child to a fall on the floor, or produce a premature separa- tion of the placenta, a rupture of the umbilical cord, or an inversion of the womb; and, last of all, the womb, from being suddenly emptied, is some- times affected Avith inertia, and becomes the source of a profuse flooding. After delivery, a very large pelvis permits the uterus, notAvithstanding its volume, to sink doAvn into the excavation, and the compression thereby produced on the adjacent organs may become the cause of an inflammation that is always to be dreaded. It is further evident that an excess of ampli- tude must favor the displacement of the organ; and it is highly probable that the cases of retroversion reported by Martin, of Lyons, and Verman- dois, as having occurred in the first few days immediately folloAving the delivery, Avere owing to this circumstance. (Martin, 158.) The indications for treatment, Avhich malformation of the pelvis, from excess of amplitude, present, are exceedingly simple; for all that Ave have to do is to keep the patient recumbent throughout the labor, and recommend her not to aid the pains in any wise, and particularly not>to bear doAvn until the os uteri is fully dilated. Where this process is not yet completed, and the cervix, pressed doAvn by the head, appears at the vulva, Ave must en- deavor to push it back during the interval, and then, by supporting it with the hand, oppose its escape during the contraction. For the indications to be fulfilled during the progress of gestation, Ave refer to the pages in Avhich are studied the rational signs of deformities of the pelvis, and the indications presented by displacements of the uterus during labor. § 2. Of the Pelvis Deformed by Excess of Retraction. Among the various conditions necessary to a spontaneous labor, there is one whose importance cannot be contested, namely, that a just proportion exist betAveen the dimensions of the canal, and those of the body that must traverse it; for whenever this relation does not appear, Avhether OAving to a retraction of the pelvis or to an abnormal size of the child, the delivery is no longer possible; and whenever this disproportion is carried to an extreme, we have only to choose betAveen tAvo resources that are equally disastrous in their consequences, that is, to diminish the volume of the infant, or to enlarge the Avay it has to pass through. The retractions of the pelvis, therefore, are the most terrible accidents that can occur in the practice of our art, and their importance, in every point of view, sufficiently Avarrants the detail into which we are about to enter. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 619 The various degrees of retraction, the differences in their seat, and the varieties of form the pelvis then assumes, are so numerous, that it is indis- pensably necessary to adopt some general arrangement; to collect them into classes, to form groups, and then to attach these to certain principal types that are easily recognized ; the number of Avhich, however, to aid their acqui- sition by students, should not be too great. After having thus classified the different varieties of deformities from retraction, Ave must study their princi- pal characters, and endeavor to point out their causes, their mode of develop- ment, the means of recognizing them, and, lastly, the indications for treatment that each of them presents. ARTICLE I. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. As regards their form and external configuration, the retracted pelves may be divided into two very distinct groups ; for either the pelvis, although greatly retracted in all its dimensions, is properly formed, and presents no irregularity in its exterior aspect, or else the retraction affects only one or more of its diameters (the others maintaining very nearly their normal length), and this partial alteration completely changes its form. § 1. Of the Simple Contracted Pelvis, without Curvature or Malformation of the Bones. (Absolute Contraction.— Velpeau.) Before the researches of Professor Nregele, Avhose principal Avorks on the pelvis Avill soon be disseminated throughout France, by means of the trans- lation just published by M. Danyau, there Avas scarcely any mention made of this variety of contraction in the leading classic works ; for most of the French and English authors merely stated that narroAvness is rarely met with in all parts of the pelvis at one and the same time, and that it is still more rarely carried to a point demanding the intervention of art. It was reserved for M. Naegele to point out the importance of this par- ticular variety. In his collection, he numbers four pelves that are contracted throughout, and all their diameters are one inch less than the normal dimensions; these all required either the Cesarean operation or the mutila- tion of the foetus. Three of them Avere obtained from Avomen of ordinary stature, the fourth belonged to a dAvarf thirty-one years of age, and only forty-six inches in height, though otherAvise Avell formed. As regards the respective lengths of their different diameters, and the form of the pubic arch, each one of these presents the characters of a regularly-formed pelvis, Avhose dimensions may be supposed to have been reduced ; and, as to the condition of the bones, that is to say, their color, strength, and texture. there is no departure from the healthy standard. In one of them there is even a tendency to a greater density of the osseous tissue. Further, these pelves have nothing in common Avith those deformed in consequence of rachitis, asjlie consistence, density, thickness, and size of the bones, and the regular shape of the pubic arch, sufficiently prove; besides, the individuals from Avhom they Avere procured, presented no traces of that affection during life; and the examination of other parts of the skeleton fully confirmed this distinction, which Ave hope to prove in a still more decisive manner here- 620 DYSTOCIA. after, Avhen the ca ises and particular development of this species of contrac tion shall be studied. M. Naegele admits two distinct varieties in the malformed pelvis under consideration. In one, he says, the pelvis, Avith respect to its thickness, strength, texture, and indeed all the physical characters of the bones, size excepted, does not differ from a normal one; and it is met with in persons of either a small, an ordinary, or a high stature, who may be otherwise avcII formed and thin, and'whose external appearance Avould not cause the least suspicion of such a formation; whence it can only be recognized by a local exploration. In the other, the pelvis is Avholly different; for, as regards their volume, substance, and strength, the bones exhibit the characteristics of childhood; and the same remark is applicable to their mode of union with each other. This variety is only observed in very small individuals, such as dwarfs; and the relations of the diameters with one another, and the form of the pubic arch, are such as are found in the girl, Avhen the sexual system has just completed its development. Thus, for example, in the dAvarf before cited, whose height was but forty-six inches, the pelvis had the following dimensions, viz.: From the promontory of the sacrum to the point of the coccyx, . 3} inches. The antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait, . . . 3^ " Transverse diameter " " . . . . 3£ " Antero-posterior diameter of the excavation, . . . . . 3} " Transverse diameter " " ..... 3J " Transverse diameter of the inferior strait, . . . . . 3^- " Depth of the spmphysis pubis, ... . nearly 1 inch. § 2. Of the Pelvis Contracted by the Curvature and Malfor- mation of the Bones. (Relative Contraction.— Velpeau.) In those cases where the pelvis is contracted by the curvature and mal- formation of its constituent bones, the deformity may be referred to one of the three principal types described by M. Dubois: that is, either to a flatten- ing from before backwards, to a compression on the sides, or to the depres- sion of the anterior and lateral parts ; the first variety, or flattening, shortens the antero-posterior diameters, the lateral compression diminishes the trans- verse ones, and the depression of the antero-lateral Avails contracts the oblique diameters. Again, each of these varieties may affect either the superior strait, the inferior strait, or the excavation, though frequently both straits are contracted at the same time. A. The flattening from before backwards, or shortening of the antero-pos- terior diameter, results from a more or less marked approximation of the anterior and posterior pelvic Avails ; and this species of malformation exhibits several varieties, as regards the extent of contraction, whether in height or width. For instance, the superior strait alone may be contracted, Avhile the excavation retains its normal capacity; this phenomenon is caused by the unusual curvature of the sacrum, Avhich is sometimes so bent anteriorly as almost to represent an obtuse angle at its middle part, Avhereby the base of the bone is thrown fonvard in such a Avay as to singularly aug- ment the prominence of the sacro-vertebral angle. But the contrary may also occur, and the sacrum, instead of presenting an anterior concavity, be deformities of the pelvis. 621 quite plana, or, occasionally, even convex in front; and then the excavation is contracted simultaneously with the superior strait, in its antero-posterior diameter, and it really seems as if the sacrum, having lost its natural curva- ture, had been pushed forward in totality. The shortening of the antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait sometimes accompanies an enlargement of the corresponding one at the inferior strait. This, indeed, is the most frequent arrangement, and is Avhat generally takes place Avhen the sacrum, yielding under the Aveight of the trunk transmitted to it through the spinal column, becomes tilted, that is, the base is projected fonvard, Avhile its coccygeal extremity is forcibly pushed backAvard. Lastly, the coccy-pubic and the sacro-pubic diameters may be shortened, at the same time, if it should happen that the sacrum, instead of performing the tilting movement just alluded to, yields in such a Avay that its FlQ'93, two extremities are throAvn for- ward ; the anterior curvature is then greatly augmented, and con- sequently the corresponding diam- eter of the excavation enlarged. In the approximation of the antero-posterior walls, the sacrum is nearly ahvays the displaced bone; but although much more rare, a flattening of the anterior Avail is also met Avith; and then the sym- physis pubis, instead of presenting a convexity in front, is perfectly flat, or even (as in one instance represented by Madame Boivin) presents a depression, Avhich seems to protrude imvardly tOAvards the promi- nence of the sacrum. This double inclination of the pubis and sacrum toAvards each other, gives to the superior strait the form of the figure eight; that is, its plane is divided into tAvo rounded portions on the sides, corre- sponding to the iliac fossae, and is separated in the middle by a restricted part, of variable width. If the depression is considerable, the antero-pos- terior diameters of both straits, and of the excavation, must evidently be affected by it. But there is yet another way in Avhich FlQ-94, the symphysis pubis may contribute to the narroAvness of the pelvis; for in- stance, its vertical extent is sometimes much greater than usual, and this ex- traordinary length gives rise to Avhat is termed the bar pelvis ; or the same effect may be produced by an excessive inclination backAvards at its loAver end. , ^ ..... The shape of the superior strait in the figure Again, the coccy-pubic diameter may eight pelvis. A pelvis, in which the contraction of the sacro-pubw diameter is produced by the unusual prominence of the sacro-vertebral an»le. 622 DYSTOCIA. be shortened, it is said, by an elongation, or rather an almost horizontal direction of the coccyx, and more particularly by an immobility of the sacro-coccygeal articulation. This latter circumstance has been invoked in explanation of the sloAvness and difficulty of first labors in middle-aged Avomen; but, as M. A. Dubois has remarked, the delay in the delivery of the head in such persons does not usually depend on an immobility of the coccyx, but upon the rigidity of the soft parts, Avhich then offer great resist- ance. B. The compression of the lateral walls, by AA'hich the transverse diameter is shortened, is the rarest of all the deformities, at least so far as concerns the superior strait and upper part of the excavation ; for the inferior strait, on the contrary, the approximation of the two ischial tuberosities, which constitutes this species of deformity, is quite as frequent as the shortening of the coccy-pubic diameter; the malformation resulting from the approach of those tuberosities, as well as that of the branches of the pubic arch; this latter then assumes the triangular form peculiar to the male sex. Besides which, the 'loAver part of the excavation may be notably diminished in the transA^erse direction, by the imvard projection of the spines of the ischia. The transverse contraction is seldom as Avell marked as the flattening from before backAvards, especially at the superior strait, where it is, in general, limited to diminishing the bis-iliac diameter from a feAV lines to an inch in its length, by elongating the antero-posterior one to the same extent; for the coxal bones are then less curved, and the sacrum is thrust back- Avards, Avhile the pubes are more prolonged in front. Of course, the upper strait will be more or less altered in form according to the degree of com- pression, for Avhere this is inconsiderable, its periphery is nearly circular; but Avhen greater, it represents an ovoid, the larger extremity of Avhich is posterior. Another variety of transverse contraction is OAving to the fact of the pelvis being less developed in one of its halves than in the other, and con- sequently to its exhibiting a less degree of curvature in that part than upon the opposite side. In this case, the articulation of the spine "with the sacrum no longer corresponds to the middle of the pelvis, and the vertebral column is found nearer to the hip of the contracted side; the transverse diameter is likeAvise diminished at the inferior strait by reason of the obli- quity of the entering part of the coxal bone. The antagonism before alluded to, as existing between the antero-posterior diameters of the superior and the inferior straits, Avhereby the elongation of one most frequently coincides with a shortening of the other, rarely exists in the transverse direction; the deformity produced by a congenital displacement of the femurs is probably the only condition in Avhich the transverse diameter of the inferior strait augments at the same time that the bis-iliac one diminishes; the enlargement in the loAver part of the pelvis, in this instance, being marked by an unusual Avidth in the pubic arch, great obliquity of the ischio-pubic rami, separation of the ischial tuberosities, &c. (See art. Causes.) C. The depression of the antero-lateral-walls, Avhich diminishes the oblique diameters, is much more frequent than the preceding variety, though it is more rare than the flattening from before backwards, and it may exist on one or both sides at the same time. This deformity consists, essentially, in DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 623 the flattening, or inward projection of the coxal bone, at the part corre- sponding to the cotyloid cavity, and to the junction of its three constituent pieces; Avhence there results at this point a greater or less diminution of the curve Avhich the pelvic circumference usually describes ; and when existing in a high degree, the curvature is even reversed, its convexity being turned toAvards the sacrum, Avhile, at the same time, the pubis departs from its normal transverse direction and runs almost directly fonvards ; so that the deformity is produced by the coxal bones having then assumed the form of an old italic S, instead of presenting a regular arch. Where this takes place to the same extent on both sides, the pelvis main- tains a degree of symmetry, and the superior strait is shaped like the trefoil leaf; that is, it presents three lobes, one anteriorly, which corresponds to the more acute angle of the pubis, and two posteriorly and laterally, formed by the union of the iliac bones with the sacrum. But it far oftener happens that the deformity is more marked in the coxal bone of one side than upon the other, and then the shape of the pelvis is the more irregular as the deformity of the ossa innominata is greater. Where this double disfiguration of the hip-bones exists in a high decree, more especially Avhen it affects the anterior pelvic Avail, it viti- fio. 95. ates both the oblique and antero- posterior diameters at the same time. In fact, these bones are then approximated in a parallel manner, being only separated from each other by a slight dis- tance, for the extent of an inch or tAvo, Avhile the rest of the pelvis is comparatively regular; and hence, although the sym- physis pubis may be at the normal distance from the sacro- vertebral angle, yet it is not the less true that the antero-poste- rior diameter of the superior strait Avill be virtually shortened in all its forward part comprised in the fissure left betAveen the two deformed antero- lateral Avails, because this contracted portion cannot contribute in any yvise to the passage of the foetal head. Again, Ave may remark, Avith M. P. Dubois, that as the anterior arch of the pelvis has but very little depth at the point corresponding to the de- pression of its lateral Avails, and as the surface compressed by the head of the femur occupies the largest portion of it, the Avhole of that region must almost necessarily be pressed in ; and, consequently, that the shortening must affect all the diameters at once, those of the excavation and of the abdominal and perineal straits; though the retraction is in general less marked at the inferior strait than elsewhere, because the loAver part of the ischium is not carried so far backwards as the cotyloid region. As to the variety of deformity recently described by M. Naegele, the celebrated professor of Heidelberg, under the title of oblique contraction, A pelvis in which the sinking-in of the antero-lateral w»"« exists on both sides. 621 DYSTOCIA. we may evidently refer it also to a shortening of one of the oblique diame- ters, and shall describe it hereafter. (See Causes). This remark naturally leads us to the important observation, that hitherto Ave have considered each of the species of deformity that may alter the various pelvic diameters, as being separate and distinct, since there are some Avhich may exist alone, and only change the corresponding diameters; but, besides the fact that different points of the pelvic circle may be simul- taneously deformed, and thus contract the pelvis in several directions at once, the form and extent of the pelvis are such that it is difficult for a flattening, a lateral compression, or a depression of the antero-lateral parts to take place, even separately, Avithout its being thereby contracted in several of its diameters. Let us suppose, for instance, that one of the oblique diameters has been diminished by the depression of the bottom of the acetabulum; and it must be evident that, should the depression be considerable, the body of the ischium cannot be thus thrust inwards and backAvards, Avithout draAving along Avith it at the same time, some consider- able portion of the anterior part of the pelvis, and of the arch formed by its lateral half, and consequently Avithout contracting, more or less, certain of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters. Again, where the sacro- vertebral angle, from being projected forward, diminishes the length of the antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait, Ave have supposed that it folloAved the sacro-pubic line, in its movement of progression; but, as readily foreseen, it Avould most often prove otherAvise, for the very frequent obliquity in the direction of the forces transmitted through the vertebral column, must compel it to lean toAvards the right or the left, as Avell as to the front; whence, the shortening of the antero-posterior diameter necessarily entails that of the sacro-cotyloid interval, and, as a consequence, narrows the Avhole corresponding half of the pelvis. Again, the three principal types may be found united in the same pelvis, whereby the latter is greatly deformed in all its diameters. This occurs more particularly in the deformities produced by malacosteon, but it is also sometimes met with, even in a high degree, in cases dependent on rachitis, ■a6 fully proved by the facts observed by M. Naegele. From all this, Ave learn Avhat great diversities of shape may be presented by deformed pelves. Madame Lachapelle has gone so far as to designate these varieties by the titles of the reniform, the triangular, the bi-lobed, the rounded, the oval, the cordiform, the trapezoid, the pyramidal, and the three- lob ed straits; but she has greatly multiplied the species Avithout any prac- tical utility, and she further admits that there are numerous undescribed varieties for each of these orders. The Degree of Contraction. — The tAvo extremes of contraction of the straits are from three and three-quai ters to four inches for the highest, and from tAvo to three lines for the least, and betAveen these tAvo the pelvis may exhibit all the intermediate degrees of narroAvness. The causes which pro- duced the deformity greatly influence the degree of contraction, and in this point of vieAV they may be arranged in the folloAving order, viz., malacos- teon, rickets, congenital luxations of the femur, deformities of the spinal column, &c.; we shall take occasion hereafter to revert to the mode in >/hich each of these acts. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 625 Qf the Variations in the Depth of the Pelvis.—The vices of conformation, just spoken of, rarely exist Avithout modifying the depth of the pelvis, in a greater or less degree; which circumstance has been particularly dwelt upon by M. Bouvier, in the able Avork presented by him to the Institute. For instance, the depth may either be augmented or diminished by the vari- able inclination of the expanded portion of the iliac bones, or of the branches of the pubic arch, as also by the diversities in the length of the sacrum. Sometimes this latter bone is very short, its contraction being produced either by an excess of the anterior curvature, Avhich brings the two extrem- ities nearer to each other, or by an arrest of development. Occasionally, the iliac fossae are elevated, as if they had been forcibly pressed from Avithout imvards, thus giving it the appearance of a male pelvis ; and this elevation may be further augmented by exterior and lateral pressure, whereby the bones are rendered quite vertical, and the normal depth of the pelvis is greatly increased. The contrary may occur where the iliac crests, from being strongly depressed and thrust outwards, enlarge the margin of the pelvis, but evidently diminish its height. It would be difficult to misinterpret the influence of the Aveight of the viscera in such cases when there is no congenital deformity in question. (Bouvier, op. cit.) In conclusion, a widening of the pubic arch must clearly diminish its height to a corresponding extent; Avhile the latter, as well as the whole depth of the pelvis, must be increased, where the ischio-pubic rami are very close together. ARTICLE II. OF THE CAUSES AND MODE OF PRODUCTION OF THE PELVIC DEFORMITIES. For a long time the vices of conformation of the pelvis, as also most of the deformities occurring in the skeleton at large, Avere attributed to the operation of a single cause, rachitis ; but the more careful researches of modern surgeons enable us, at the present day, to ascertain more precisely the effects of rickets on the osseous system, and to appreciate the influence that other general or local diseases may have over the perfect or the defec- tive conformation of the pelvis. And here I must again extract largely from the valuable Avorks of Naegele, Bouvier, Guertn, Sedillot, and others. An examination of facts clearly proves that the pelvis may be deformed under circumstances Avhere there has been no rachitis properly so called; and Avhere causes that are purely mechanical in their operation have altered the configuration of its constituent parts at a period Avhen their power of resistance Avas inconsiderable, not in consequence of any pathological soft- ening, but solely from the tender age of the patient, or the feebleness of its constitution. And hence, as regards the causes that produce the changes in their form, Ave might classify all the irregular pelves under five principal types, namely: — 1. Deformity from absolute contraction. 2. Deformity from rachitis. 3. Deformity from osteomalacia. 4. Oblique oval pelvis. 5. Deformity consecutive to a previous deformity of some other part of the skeleton. 40 626 DYSTOCIA. § 1. Pelves Deformed by Absolute Narrowness. To complete our remarks on the causes of pelvic deformities, Ave hav j yet to sum up the various opinions that have been given forth concerning those vitiated by absolute narroAvness. According to most authors, the absolute contraction of the pelvis results from an arrest of development, whereby this part still retains, after puberty, the principal characters that it had during childhood, and approaches in its form more or less closely to that of the male. But, as M. Naegele remarks, if this Avere really the case, the relation of the diameters Avith each other, and the character of the pubic arch, should be such as are observed in the young girl and the male. But all the known pelves of this variety exhibit quite the contrary. Nor are they more in consonance Avith that of a rickety person; and, besides, the rest of the skeleton has none of the characters appertaining to this disease. Wherefore, it is certainly the wisest plan to say, Avith the illustrious Heidelberg Professor, that we have no positive data concerning the causes that give rise to the general narroAving of the pelvis; and that such pelves, as well as unusually large ones, should rather be considered as a freak of nature, belonging to the same category as a Avant of proportion in the head, which is not unfrequently found too large, or too small, relatively to the rest of the body. § 2. Of the Pelvis Deformed by Rachitis. We are not about to enter here into a detailed consideration of the causes that preside over the development of rachitis; for the general phenomena produced by them, and, more especially, the greater softening, fragility, and flexibility of the osseous tissue, are so well known to pathologists that we need only mention them; but our present duty is to study their influence in the production of the deformities of the pelvis. But this softening, or want of resistance on the part of the bones, is not of itself sufficient to explain the various deformities exhibited by the pelvis; because, except in certain very rare cases, in which the osseous tissue is almost gelatinous in its consistence, it must be evident that the bones can only give Avay and become distorted by the action of an exterior force, with- out which their conformation would remain intact. For where rachitis affects them, it has no other immediate consequence than to diminish their solidity, and of itself contributes in no Avise to the alteration of their shape; we must seek in the influence of some external force, Avhich is wholly inde- pendent of the principal disease, for the cause of the deformity. Now, this exterior force sometimes resides in the muscular action, though still more frequently (so far as regards the pelvis) in the weight of the parts it has to support; for, being placed, as we have elseAvhere described, below the trunk and directly upon the lower extremities, to Avhich, in the erect position, it transmits the whole weight of the upper parts of the body, the pelvis is found in the most favorable conditions for the production of deformity. The weight of the trunk, which, in the erect posture, is transmitted from the lumbar vertebrae to the heads of the femurs in the direction of two oblique lines that intersect the sides of the superior strait, manifestly tends to aug- ment ihe cuivati re of the posterior part of the ilium, and to depress the DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 627 osseous circle which the pelvic cavity represents; and this weight, acting at first more especially on the base of the sacrum, has a tendency to push the latror insensibly forwards. The pubic bones Avould be equally pressed to- wards the sacrum, though in such a manner that their posterior extremity (the one nearest to the acetabulum, AA'hich supports the weight) gets some- what nearer to the sacro-vertebral angle than does their anterior or sym- physeal extremity ; Avhence we may learn Avhy the contractions of the pelvis oftener affect the superior strait than other parts; and why, at this strait, the antero-posterior and oblique diameters, and the sacro-cotyloid interval, are far more frequently contracted than the transverse ones. And it will be equally evident why, Avhen the weight acts more particu- larly on one side of the pelvis, the collapse is more marked in that direction, if Ave bear in mind the change that then takes place in the centre of gravity from the inclination of the spine, the curvature of Avhich so often precedes the deformity of the pelvis, as also the very unequal pressure of the weight of the body on the tAvo sides of the pelvis, where a difference of length in the lower extremities depresses one of the coxal bones more than the other; whereby the acetabulum of one side is throAvn almost directly under the sacrum, and at the same time receives the Aveight very obliquely. (Bouvier.) It is further evident that the customary attitude of the individual, and the nature of her exercises, must likewise add to the irregularity in the figure of the pelvis. If the child is in the habit of sitting much, the weight transmitted by the lumbar vertebrae may likeAvise press the sacro-vertebral angle fonvard; but the sacrum also often yields, and its base is carried forward simultaneously with the point of the coccyx, and the antero-posterior diameters of both the superior and the inferior straits are affected. The lateral compression, operating from one side to the other, Avhich is far less common than the preceding, or the shortening of one or more of the transverse diameters, supposes an action diametrically opposite, and it gen- erally results from a lateral force acting from without inwards; Avhich force may be referred either to the Aveight of the body, Avhere the child uniformly reposes on its side, or to the unequal pressure of some improperly adjusted bandage, or the arms of an awkAvard nurse. But if, on the contrary, the infant habitually leans more toAvards one side than the other Avhen seated, one of the ischial tuberosities, having to support a more considerable weight than its fellow, may be distorted inwardly; sometimes even the pressure Avill he applied successively to each, Avith the effect of bringing them very near to each other. Kachitis affects first the bones of the loAver extremities, and ascends gradu- ally to the upper parts; in a Avord, it has an upAvard tendency. From this results a most important practical consequence, namely, that a deformity of any part of the skeleton from rachitis implies, almost necessarily, de- formity of the bones situated below it. Rachitis is a disease peculiar to infancy, and this peculiarity of only ex- erting its action during the early years of life, satisfactorily explains how the affection may have tAvo different modes of acting on the pelvis; one of which consists of a s rftening of the bones, and their consequent yielding, 628 DYSTOCIA. and the other, of a sort of arrest in their development. " Thus," M. Guerin says, "it would appear from my researches that most of the bones of a rachitic skeleton, when compared with those of a normal one, exhibit an arrested development as regards their different dimensions; Avhich reduc- tion, independently of what results from the deformity of the bones, may amount to one-half of their ordinary size; and further, that this reduction is generally greater in the lower parts of the skeleton, and gradually dimin- ishes from below upAvards, from the bones of the legs to the femurs, from these latter to the pelvis, and from the pelvis to the upper extremities and spine, &c." It is, therefore, on the lower extremities particularly, and on the coxal bones, which are appendages of them, that this arrested develop- ment exerts its action. " Whence," says M. Dubois, " it necessarily results that the ossa innominata are generally much less developed in rachitic pelves than in others; and this disposition must powerfully contribute, together Avith the deformity that usually accompanies it, to contract the limits of the cavity, which these bones, in a great measure, circumscribe; and I am the more convinced of the importance of this fact, since, in several instances of deformity occurring in individuals known to be rachitic during infancy, it has appeared to me that the yielding of the bones to the degree in which it existed would have been wholly insufficient to create such in- surmountable difficulties, if the bones themselves had been as fully developed as they ought to have been." (These de Concours.) And we may mention, as another fact bearing on the same point, that the pelvis of the patient on whom M. Moreau performed the Caesarean operation, had experienced the double influence of rachitis j-ust mentioned ; for, though but little deformed, its antero-posterior diameter was only tAvo and three-eighths of an inch in length. This influence over the development of the pelvic bones is dependent solely on the tender age at which the affection appears, since it occurs in childhood, as stated, that is, at a period when the pelvis is far from having acquired its perfect organization ; whereas malacosteon does not appear until after puberty, in other Avords, at an age when the ossa innominata have reached their normal development; and, therefore, although it may soften the bones, it cannot oppose their groAvth. Lastly, this action is not set aside by the cure of the disease, but it con- tinues to be felt during the whole period of development, so that, says M. Guerin, the sum of reduction exhibited by the bones of rickety adults, is made up of two successive results, namely, of the reduction dependent on an absolute arrest, or a mere diminution of groAvth during the disease, and of that caused by a retarded growth subsequent to the malady. This is an important practical remark, showing how far the influence of rachitis over the osseous system may extend. To recapitulate,— rachitis produces deformity of the pelvis in two ways: A. By altering the shape of the bones. b. By arresting development. The most striking characters of a rachitic pelvis are as follows: — 1. The antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait is always shortened, and the same is generally true for the oblique diameter. The transversa DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 629 Pelvis deformed by rachitis. diameter is less frequently shortened; sometimes it is normal oi even lengthened. FlG 96 2. The sacrum is less curved. 3. The diameters of the in- ferior strait are usually normal, and the transverse diameter, in a certain proportion of cases, is lengthened. 4. The angle formed by the pubic arch is increased. § 3. Deformity from Osteo- malacia. Osteomalacia, like rachitis, by producing softening of the bones, diminishes their power of resistance. Instead of appearing during infancy, it occurs only in adults, often attacking women who have previously had one or several children. The softening produced by osteomalacia is generally much greater than the loss of resist- ance occasioned by rachitis, whence it follows that, aside from some excep- tional cases, such as the one mentioned by Naegele, the greatest contractions of the pelvis are due to osteomalacia, which sometimes deforms the skeleton to an incredible degree. This disease may attack any of the bones of the skeleton, though it usually begins with the pelvis. When their softening has occurred, the bones forming the cavity of the pelvis have their shape changed as in rachitis, under the influence of two causes, namely, the weight of the parts which they are obliged to support, and the contraction of the muscles attached to them. In this case, hoAvever, as the weight of the body is greater, and the muscular action stronger, the deformities are greater also. We Avould add that the development of the bony system is not arrested by osteomalacia, and that the conditions arising from the various habits and motions of the patient are liable to produce peculiar deformities Avhich have been successfully studied by Stein and Kilian. It may be stated, in a general Avay, FlQ-97- that a pelvis deformed by osteomalacia is characterized by compression of its lateral parts Avith projection of the pubic symphysis Avhich is pressed for- ward by the approximation of the tAvo horizontal branches of the pubis. The iliac fossae are croAvdod inward, and the curvature of the sacrum is always greater than in the normal condition. The inferior strait is more deformed than the superior one ; all its diameters are altered, but there occurs more especially a considerable approxima- tion of the tuberosities of the ischia and of the ischio-pubic rami. Pelvis deformed by osteomalacia. 680 DYSTOCIA. To recount the peculiar characteristics of the iielvis deformed by oste> malacia, we should say: — 1. All the diameters of the superior strait may be shortened, though the deformity is least in the antero-posterior direction. 2. The concavity of the sacrum is increased, and the coccyx projects greatly toAvard the axis of the inferior strait. 3. All the diameters of the inferior strait are contracted: the approxi- mation of the tuberosities of the sacrum is, hoAvever, the-principal feature. 4. The angle formed by the pubic arch is far less open than in the normal condition, and may even be almost effaced. § 4. Oblique Oval Pelvis. The variety of deformity recently described by M. Naegele, the celebrated Heidelberg professor, under the title of oblique contraction, may evidently be referred to a shortening of one of the oblique diameters. His book on the subject has recently been translated Avith the greatest care by M. Danyau, who has enhanced the value of this admirable Avork by the addition of learned notes ; but as we had induced Dr. Steege, before the publication of Danyau's translation, to prepare for us the chapter in Avhich M. Naegele describes the principal characters of his oblique pelvis, Ave submit the fol- loAving translation of it, which we owe to the courtesy of our professional brother. " The principal characteristics of these deformed pelves are the folloAving, namely: — " 1. A complete anchylosis of one of the sacro-iliac articulations, or a per- fect fusion of the sacrum and one of the iliac bones together.1 " 2. An arrest of development, or an imperfect development of the lateral half of the sacrum, and deficient size or contracted opening of the anterior sacral foramina on the anchylosed side. " 3. On the same side, a reduced *ia-98- size of the os ilium, and, conse- quently, a diminished extent of the ischiatic notches of this latter; that is to say, the distance betAveen its anterior superior and its pos- terior superior spinous process, as Avell as an imaginary line, draAvn at the entrance of the pelvis, com- mencing at the spot Avhere the sacro-iliac symphysis Avould be (if it existed), and running along the linea innominata and the linea ilio-pectinea as far as the pubic symphysis, is shorter here than on A figure taken from M. Naegele's work which exhibit. the oppOSite S1de. Further, the the characters ot the oblique-oval pelvis in a high degree. rl part corresponding to the articular 1 We retain the expression anchylosis on account of brevity, and because it is the one generally used to designate the condition under consideration ; hut we formally protest DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 631 surface, on the ancnylosed bone, Avhich is here continued intu the sacrum without any transition, extends neither so high up, nor descends sc Ioav, as upon the opposite side, or as it Avould in a well-formed ilium; or, to explain myself more clearly, if Ave suppose the ilium and sacrum of the anchylosed Bide to be temporarily separated, and then reunited through the interven- tion of a fibro-cartilaginous disk, as occurs in the natural state, the articular surface or the junction of these two bones Avould be found shorter, and, of course, Avould not descend so low as on the opposite side, which is exempt from fusion, or as it does in a well-formed pelvis. " 4. The sacrum seems to be distorted toAvard the fused side, and it also has its anterior surface turned more or less tOAvards this side, whilst the symphysis pubis is pressed over to the opposite one; in consequence of which arrangement the symphysis is no longer found directly in front of the pro- montory, as it ought to be, but is caused to assume an oblique position. "5. The internal surface of the ilium, on the anchylosed half, is more flattened in that part which contributes to the formation of the pelvic cavity, and sometimes even (in cases of great deformity) is almost entirely plane ; so that, for example, a line drawn from the middle, or even the posterior extremity of the linea innominata, and running along the body and hori- zontal branch of the pubis as far as the symphysis, will be nearly a straight line; but Ave have never seen an inclination imvards at this part, nor have we particularly observed that imvard projection of the horizontal branch of the pubis that is found in pelves deformed in consequence of mollifies ossium in the adult. " 6. The other lateral half of the pelvis, or the one where the sacro-iliac articulation still exists, likeAvise departs from the normal condition; although, where the obliquity is inconsiderable, Ave may easily deceive ourselves at first sight, and be induced to suppose that there is a natural conformation of the non-anchylosed half; such, however, is not the fact, as can be proved by supposing two pelves to be similarly deformed, Avith this difference only, that in one the fusion of the sacro-iliac articulation takes place on the left side, while in the other it is on the right; and then making a section of each through the symphysis pubis and the middle line of the sacrum ; Avhen, by attempting to fit the right half of the first of these pelves to the left half of the second, by bringing the cut surfaces of the tAvo sacrums against each other, we shall find that the pubic bones are separated by an interval of from three to four inches. " Consequently, the lateral half of the pelvis, exempt from fusion, not only participates in the abnormal situation and direction of the bones, but also in their irregular form ; and this to such an extent that, if a line should be drawn on the non-fused side from the middle of the promontory, along the linea innominata and linea ilio-pectinea as far as the symphysis pubis, it would be more curved in its posterior, and less so in its anterior half, than in a normal pelvis." against the imputation of having admitted that these bones had originally been well formed, and had only contracted this continuity of structure in consequence of some disease'. Perhaps the term synostosis or synezizis would better designate the perfect fusion here alluded to. 632 DYSTOCIA. Thence it follows: 7. A. That the pelvis is contracted obliquely, that is to say, in the direc- tion of one of the ordinary oblique diameters, while in the other (Avhich runs from the point of anchylosis to the opposite cotyloid cavity) it is not at all diminished, but may even be larger than usual, when the obliquity of the pelvis is greater. "Wherefore, the superior strait, or, in other words, the surface limited by a line traced along the spines of the two pubes, and thence along the lines innominatae and prolonged on the sacrum, as well as the imaginary plane at the centre of the pelvic excavation (in the place where Ave usually admit the middle opening of the pelvis, apertura pelvis media,) Avill resemble, strictly speaking, an oblique oval when viewed in front; the transArerse or small diameter of which will be represented by the contracted oblique diameter, and its great, or longitudinal one, by the opposite oblique diameter.1 There- fore, as regards their form, the pelves in question might very properly be designated by the title of the oblique-oval pelvis (pelvis oblique-ovata.) " b. That the distance from the promontory of the sacrum to the point corresponding to either cotyloid cavity (the sacro-cotyloid interval),2 as well as that from the apex of this bone to the spines of the ischia, would be less on the side where the anchylosis exists. " c. That the distance from the tuber ischii on the anchylosed half to the posterior superior spinous process of the opposite ilium, as also that between the spinous process of the last lumbar vertebra and the anterior superior spine of the ilium on the anchylosed portion, are smaller than the corre- sponding dimensions of the opposite side. " d. That the distance from the inferior border of the symphysis pubis to the posterior superior spinous process of the ilium is greater on the anchy- losed bone than on the opposite side. " E. That the Avails of the pelvic excavation converge someAvhat obliquely from above dowmvards, Avhereby the pubic arch is more or less narroAved, and therefore made to approach in a measure to the form of the male pelvis, as a natural consequence of the improper direction of its ramus Avhich is turned towards the flattened pelvic Avail. Of course, these tAvo dispositions, as also the narrowing of the ischiatic notch, the diminution of the distance betAveen the two ischiatic spines and the one-sided and defective develop- ment of the sacrum, will be in direct relation with the degree of obliquity. " F. And finally, that on the flattened side the acetabulum is inclined much more anteriorly than in the normal state, whilst on the opposite side it is turned almost directly outwards ; and hence, when examining the pelvi? from in front we can look directly into the first cotyloid cavity, but the view will only graze the second, or possibly may embrace a small part of 1 From this it is evident that the lines connecting those points, between which we are accustomed to imagine the antero-posterior and transverse diameters as passing, do not cross at right angles in the oblique-oval pelvis, and that the latter cannot be regarded as possessing oblique diameters such as are attributed to symmetrical pelves. 2 For sake of brevity, we use this expression here in order to indicate the distance referred to, it being one which J. Burns thought it necessary to measure and establish, for te.e purpose of assisting in an exact representation of the form of the pelvic opening DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 633 rts excavation. Further, to give as clear an idea of the deformity as possible 10 those Avho have never seen a pelvis of the kind, we will observe that at first sight the pelvis looks as if it had been pressed in by some external force acting in an oblique direction from below upAvards and from without inwards, and making its influence felt on the anterior pelvic Avail at the cotyloid region, whilst the other half of the lateral Avail has been simulta- neously pressed from Avithout inwards, at its posterior part. "Another peculiarity of these pelves is, that they only differ from each other by the degree of obliquity, and on that side only Avhere the anchylosis takes place; Avhereas, in all other points, that is, in the principal character- istics of their malformation, they are as similar as tAvo eggs. This remark is so true, that an experienced person, who Avas unaAvare of the circumstance, would be disposed to take two different specimens, if presented to him sepa- rately, for one and the same, and it would even be difficult to persuade him of his error ; an instance of which we shall presently give. "As to the other conditions of the bones in the oblique-oval pelvis (laying aside the deviations just enumerated), that is, as regards their strength, size, texture, color, etc., they do not differ in any Avise from healthy bones, such as those met with in young persons exempt from all deformity. Thus, for example, none of those signs are observed in them, neither as to their form nor in other respects, which are so often found after rachitis or malacosteon; for if the existing deformities were disposed to disappear, all the pelves Ave have yet had an opportunity of examining Avould bear a general resemblance to well-formed ones; most of them were of the medium size, and the others were either above or below it, but in no one of the cases that we have par- ticularly traced out has there been rachitic diathesis, and in no one did the phenomena, symptoms, or morbid modifications exist, which would have either preceded or followed the English malady, or mollifies ossium, after puberty ; and further, in no instance could the action of external prejudicial influences, such as falls or bloAvs, etc., be detected, and there were never any antecedent pains or lameness ; although, in one instance, Ave suspected a slight limping, from seeing the patient walk, but other skilful persons, Avho Avere present at the examination, did not detect it, and the relatives and all the family of the woman in question positively declared they had never remarked anything of the kind. " In tAvo of the specimens of this variety in our collection Avhich have the loAver vertebrae attached, the spinal column is straight in the lumbar region; but in the others it is inclined on the side exempt from anchylosis. In all that are provided Avith the lumbar vertebrae, the anterior face of the bodies of these bones is more or less directed towards the anchylosed side." One circumstance yet remains to be explained, that is, the complete fusion of the sacrum and ilium together, and the consequent disappearance of the sacro-iliac articulation on the contracted side. Now, is this anchy- losis congenital? Is it the result of some inflammation occurring after infancy? or is it to be attributed to the curvature of the vertebral column? We confess that sufficient materials are yet Avanting to decide the question;, although M. Naegele seems t.> think that this fusion, as Avell as the defonr 631 DYSTOCIA. ity of Avhich, in his estimation, it is the essential character, rest ItJ from an anomaly of original development; " but," he adds, in conclusion, " I am not prepared to decide positively." (For further details, see M. Danyau's translation.) Whether congenital, or the consequence of an accidental disease, Pro- fessors Gavarret and Paul Dubois regard this anchylosis as the cause of the flattening of the ilium upon the same side. When, says M. Dubois, one of the sacro-iliac symphyses is affected Avith anchylosis, the corresponding coxal bone becomes flattened, and the same alteration is produced on both sides Avhen the two symphyses are ossified. For my OAvn part, I cannot admit this relation of cause and effect, for there is nothing to prove that in M. Noegele's oblique oval pelves, the deformity of the ilium had been pre- ceded by anchylosis. On the contrary, Ave have shoAvn that, as M. Naegele himself acknoAvledges, there are pelves Avhich present all the characters of the oblique oval ones, excepting the anchylosis of the sacro-iliac symphysis. Hoav, then, can the anchylosis be regarded as causing the deformity ? Dr. Falri thinks that this deformity is occasioned by compression of the pelvis during intra-uterine life, during labor, or during early childhood. The reader Avill see, by the translation just given, that M. Naegele attaches a very great degree of importance to the anchylosis of the sacro-iliac articu- lation, Avhich he makes a pathognomonic character of the deformed pelvis, described by him under the name of the oblique oval; but, if I might hazard an opinion after such high authority, I should unhesitatingly reject this proposition, because there are numerous pelves which present all the charac- ters of these oblique ones, described in the monograph of the Heidelberg professor, and yet in which there is no fusion of either sacro-iliac articulation to be found. M. Naegele himself, with that candor characteristic of the truly learned man, speaks in his admirable \vork of pelves that Avere similar to those previously described by him, and which only differed from them by the absence of anchylosis. He alludes to several others, and states that he knoAvs of the existence of many more, the exact description of which has been promised him. I shall have occasion hereafter to revert to this sub- ject, but I cannot refrain from saying noAV, that if the anchylosis is no longer to be considered as a constant phenomenon, as a pathognomonic character of the pelvis in question, if it is nothing more than a pathological coinci- dence, happening in most cases, then I can only see in the oblique-oval pelvis the association of tAvo of the three types, to Avhich Ave have referred all the varieties of pelvic malformation; for, in considering it in a practical point of vieAV, and laying aside its extraordinary anatomical peculiarities, it Avill exhibit, simultaneously, the compression of one of the antero-lateral walls, and the oblique prominence of the sacro-vertebral angle. § 5. Malformations dependent upon a Previous Deformity i>' another Part of the Skeleton. We have already alluded, in advance, to the influence that a malforma- tion of the spinal column, or of the loAver extremities, might have over the shape of the pelvis, and we noAV proceed to illustrate the mode of action in both cases. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 635 A. Deviation of the Vertebral Column.— For a very long period ah the leviations of the spinal column Avere attributed to the baneful influences of rachitis; but OAving to the able researches of Bouvier, of Guerin, and many others, this opinion is no longer tenable, since it is noAV Avell ascertained that seA-eral other diseases may produce abnormal curvatures in this column; and this distinction is quite as important to the accoucheur as it is to the orthopedists, for it establishes at once a line of division between those devia- tions which nearly always coincide Avith an imperfect conformation of the pelvis, and those which often exist, even Avhere the latter is well formed. The former are of a rachitic nature; but the latter are developed under the influence of some other affection. For instance, in sixty-nine cases of deformity in the vertebral column, described by M. Bouvier, the pelvis was in a normal condition, and the extremities Avere nearly all exempt from alteration in fifty-seven, and bute twelve Avere accompanied by a malforma- tion of this cavity, and by an incurvation of the limbs. It must not be supposed, however, that the deviations of the spine which are not dependent on rickets, have no influence whatever over the direction and shape of the pelvis. It is only in subjects of advanced age, as a general rule, that curvatures of this column, happening after infancy, will ultimately determine changes in the form and direction of the pelvis; and, therefore. they have but little interest for the accoucheur. As regards the curvatures produced by rickets, though they be not the essential cause of pelvic deformities, yet they do not the less exercise an unfavorable influence over the degree of contraction, and the irregularity in the shape of the pelvis ; for the same action which gives rise to these deformi- ties in old persons, also produces them, in a great measure, in rickety children. In either case, the pelvis yields under the influence of the spinal deviation; Avith this difference only, that Avhat takes place slowly in the aged, is rapidly effected in the child, because in the latter the softening of the bones favors the action of the cause. The principal alteration consists of an increase of the angle formed by the junction of the lumbar column with the base of the sacrum, which gives the pelvis a figure more or less similar to that described by Professor Naegele, under the title of the oblique-oval. b. Congenital Luxations of the Femur. —M. Sedillot, in a very interesting memoir on the congenital luxations of the femur, first called attention to the influence Avhich these displacements might exercise on the conformation of the pelvis. The effects of this accident are manifested both in the greater and lesser pelvis, as may be seen from the folloAving distances Avhich he obtained in a case of double dislocation upwards and outAvards, into the external iliac fossae, by measuring the principal dimensions of the pelvis : — 1. From one anterior superior spinous process to the other, . . 8 inches. 2. From the middle of one iliac crest to the same point on the opposite side, . . . . . • • • • • °f " 3. From the middle of the iliac crest to the margin of the abdomi- nal strait,..........3J " 4. From the middle of the iliac crest to the tuber-ischii, . . 6£ " 636 DYSTOCIA. Superior or Abdominal Strait. 5. Antero-posterior diameter,....... 4J inches 6. The same diameter taken from the pubis to the articulation of the first piece of the sacrum with the second,1 . . . 4J- " 7. Bis-iliac or transverse diameter, . . . . . . 4J- " 8. Oblique diameter,..... . . . 4| " Perineal Strait. 9. Coccy-pubic diameter,...... 10. Transverse diameter, ...... 11. Oblique diameter, ...... 12. Summit of the pubic arch, ..... 13. Base of the arch (taken on a level with the inferior of the oval foramen), ..... Pelvic Excavation. 14. Depth of the posterior wall, ...... 5 " 15. Depth of-the anterior wall, ......1J " 16. Thickness of the pubic symphysis,.....\ inch. 17. Depth of the sacral concavity, . . . . . . 1\ inches. 18. From the summit of one ischiatic tuberosity to the same point on the opposite side, . . . . . . . 5£ " From these measurements it appears : 1st. That the transverse dimensions of the greater pelvis are considerably lessened by the vertical elevation of the iliac fossae, Avhich approximate each other to such an extent as only to leave an interval of eight and a half inches, Avhereas the normal distance is ten and a half inches. 2d. That the relations Avhich exists, in the normal state, between the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the superior strait is changed; since the transverse diameter is somewhat shorter here 1 The antero-posterior diameter is generally measured from the upper and internal part of the symphysis pubis to the superior border of the sacrum: but M Sedillot very justly remarks, that in many of the pelves which are the seats of a double con- genital luxation, the upper margin of the sacrum, in consequence of the great promi- nence of the sacro-vertebral angle, is found far above the pubis, and the articulation between the first two pieces of the sacrum is then on a level with the superior surface of this bone. Now, in such a case, the true antero-posterior diameter of the abdomi- nal strait would extend from the upper border of the pubis to the part of the sacrum found on the same level, and this interval, therefore, is the only important measure- ment. But this observation is not new, as it had previously been made by Bland, and repeated by Merriman, in the following note: " Although the sacrum be carried so far forward that it seems to reduce the antero-posterior diameter at the entrance of the excavation to two or three inches, it is necessary in determining the degree of contraction to observe the difference in elevation between the sacro-vertebral angle and the upper part of the symphysis. The pubes being placed something lower than the greatest projection of the sacrum, and opposed to a part of that bone that is di- rected strongly backward, the real distance between them may be much more consid- erable than it may seem to be to the touch. Whence it happens that in cases where the projection of the sacrum has occasioned exceeding great difficulty in the begin- ning of the labor, opposing an almost insuperable bar to the entrance of the head of the child into the pelvis, by directing it too far forward over the pubes, yet when that direction has been altered by the use of instruments, or by any other means, and the head brought into the line of the centre of the pelvis, the conclusion of the labor has been frequently effected with very little exertion or force." — Bland's Observations. . . H " . . b\ « . 4| « . . n «« border . 4£ « DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 637 than the antero-posterior one; Avhereas, in the ordinary state, it is nearly an inch longer. 3d. That an inverse change takes place at the inferior strait, the bis-ischiatic diameter being five and a quarter inches, Avhile the coccy-pubic one is but three and a half inches. These last modifications, says M. Sedillot, are easily explained, being the consequence of the natural position of the femurs in the external iliac fossie; for individuals afflicted Avith a double luxation of this kind, Avalk with the legs wide apart, so as to bear and rest the heads of the thigh-bones against the sides of the ilia; though the effect Avould still be the same, even if their progression Avere not performed in this manner, because the external, lateral and superior surfaces of these bones, which usually incline outAvards, will ahvays be pressed upon to a certain extent, by the heads of the femurs, Avhich have a tendency to straighten and carry them inwards. Whence the pelvis, from being thus compressed laterally, is elongated from behind fonvards, and forms, in this latter direction, a more or less acute angle. The iliac fossae, experiencing the pressure more directly, have yielded in a marked degree, though more at their middle than in front, because the head of the thigh-bone is thrown far back, and compresses the middle more than the anterior part of these fossae. The ilium is often rendered more straight and nearly vertical, instead of being inclined outAvards; and, should this phenomenon exist on both sides, it might interfere with the regular development of the Avomb; but if on one side only, it might occasion an obliquity of this organ in the opposite direction. The anterior margin of the ilium also presents a singular disposition; for the conjoint tendon of the psoas magnus and iliacus internus muscles, which is inserted in the lesser trochanter, is then changed from its usual direction, and is carried upAvard by the ascent of the thigh-bone, and, as a consequence, this tendon deepens and changes the direction of its groove; Avhereby the anterior inferior spinous process is turned aside in a more or less sensible degree. The shortening of the transverse diameter of the upper strait is evidently due to the lateral pressure made by the heads of the femurs almost perpen- dicular to this strait; and, as a flattening in the transverse direction is necessarily accompanied by an elongation antero-posteriorly, the sacra-pubic diameter is found augmented in a corresponding degree. The examination of the inferior strait also exhibits a very curious phe- nomenon, just the reverse of what Ave have met with at the abdominal one; that is, there is a considerable increase in the extent of its transverse diam- eter, with a notable diminution in that of its coccy-pubic one. Here, also, the situation of the femurs must be referred to in explanation of the cir- cumstance; for these latter are carried far upAvards, outAvards, and back- wards, since their superior articular extremities have escaped up into the external iliac fossa); and they keep the surrounding muscles constantly tense (more particularly the quadrati, the gemelli, and the internal obturator muscles, Avhich run from the ischiatic tuberosities to the extremity of the thigh-bones), and thus drag the ischium outAvards; the lower fibres of the obturator externus and the adductor muscles, and the internal part of the articular capsule, act in the same manner on the columns of the pubic arch, 638 DYSTOCIA. thereby producing a wide separation of the tAvo ischia. The latter, in turn drayv on the greater and lesser sacro-sciatic ligaments, thereby creating a greater curvature in the inferior bones of the sacrum and coccyx, and con- sequently the diminution of the coccy-pubic diameter, as also a greater depth in the concavity of the sacrum. The Avant of depth in the pelvic excavation depends on the same cause; for, Avhen the ischium is draAvn toAvards the external iliac fossa, the lower part of the pubic arch is neces- sarily bent out, and, as a consequence, the depth of the pelvis anteriorly is diminished. (Sedillot.) The Aveight of the body Avhen erect, is the principal agent of this deformity; which essentially results, as just stated, from the tension exerted from Avithin outAvards on both sides by the capsular ligaments of the two deformed articulations, which hold the trunk suspended, as it Avere, betAveen the thigh- bones ; and the force exerted by these ligaments on the pelvis is equal in power to the tendency of the Aveight of the body to elongate them. Lastly, the contraction of the cotyloid cavity has some little influence over the change in extent, which the pelvis undergoes, though it explains but a very small part of the deformity. (Bouvier.) [Dr. Lefeuvre (Paris, Thesis, 1862) very properly insists upon the changes pro- duced in the inclination of the pelvis. Tlie most constant effect, says this physician, of congenital luxations of the femur, is a deviation of the normal inclination of the pelvis. The position which the femurs occupy in the external iliac fossae so alters the conditions upon which the stability of the body depends, that the pelvis, pressed from above by the weight of the parts above it and supported only from behind, becomes tilted forward. To this inclination of the pelvis is due the lumbar depres- sion, which is increased still more by the posterior projection of the shoulders required for the maintenance of equilibrium. The normal inclination of the supe- rior strait, which Avas estimated by Osiander at 30 degrees, and by Levret at 23 degrees, was studied very carefully by Naegele, who brought it to 59 degrees. In congenital luxations the inclination, may amount to 80 or 85 degrees, as is shown by the specimens, Nos. 739, 744, 763 C in Dupuytren's museum. It may even be still greater, become vertical, or even go beyond the perpendicular. The inclination of the inferior strait is increased at the same time, though not always in the same proportions, on account of the variable depth of the cavity of the pelvis. This forward inclination of the pelvis causes the anterior face of the sacrum to become inferior, and it may happen that the vertebral extremity shall be found lower than the coccygeal. The symphysis of the pubis becomes at the same time horizontal instead of vertical. When the luxation is double, the inclination is nearly uniform on both sides, and the vertebral column presents an antero-posterior curvature. When the luxation is single, at the same time that the pelvis is inclined forward, a lateral inclination also takes place, due to the lowering of the luxated side on account of the want of support from the head of the femur. In this case the vertebral column will exhibit an antero-posterior curvature, with deviations toward the side of the luxation. (Lefeuvre.)] The deformity is often irregular, or non-symmetrical, because the changes effected in the pelvis are more marked on one side than on the other; though, generally speaking, they are found to bear a relation to the degree DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 639 of organization in the new joint; and if any accidental articular cavity exists, they are more developed on that side. A pelvis, Avhich has been referred to by M. Gerdy in his learned report, read before the Academy, on congenital luxations, and which presents some very singular modifications, may be seen at the Musee Dupuytren; it only has one femur attached, Avhich is fused outside of the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium on the left side. The anterior superior spine of the opposite coxal bone is tAvo inches higher than the left one, and both bones are fixed Avith an equal degree of solidity in these relative situations; the sacrum, though very short, is quite broad, and the superior strait exhibits u modification similar to Avhat has just been described; as to the inferior strait, it is very large in every direction, because the sacrum is exceedingly short, and the anterior pelvic Avail is bent, as it Avere, forward and down- Avard, on the same transverse and vertical plane, instead of being curved or bent doAvn wards and backAvards as in the normal state. (See No. 252, Musee Dupuytren.) We have extracted from the memoir of M. Sedillot only those peculiarities that seemed important to be known, though we trust that enough has been given to prove that Dupuytren was greatly mistaken Avhen he asserted that ihe phenomena of primitive luxations had no influence Avhatever over the development of the pelvis, and that the latter offered no greater obstacles to delivery than it does in well-formed persons; the incorrectness of Avhich assertion is doubtless sufficiently proved by the details into Avhich Ave have entered. HoAvever, it must be acknoAvledged that in such cases the delivery is seldom impossible, although it may be attended Avith some difficulties ; at least, no instance has yet been recorded in Avhich the expulsion of the foetus could not take place without having recourse to a bloody operation on the mother or child, which is most certainly OAving to the fact that, in congenital luxations, the contraction takes place in the longest diameters, both of the superior and inferior straits. In a recent publication, M. Lenoir expresses an opinion so far contrary to that of M. Sedillot, as to suppose that double congenital luxations produce no notable alteration of the shape of the pelvis; and he mentions, in sup- port of his vieAV, the pelvis of a young Avoman, the dimensions of Avhich he gives. These dimensions hardly differ from those of the normal pelvis, except as regards the inferior strait, where they present an increase in extent of rather less than half an inch. The observations of M. Lenoir prove merely that >the remarks of M. Si'dillot are not applicable to all cases ; still, the facts observed by the latter surgeon are of great value, shoAving as they do that congenital luxations may in some cases produce a marked change in the form and dimensions of the various parts of the pelvis. M. Lenoir insists much more strongly than M. Sedillot upon the effect of simple congenital luxation. The latter is, he states, accompanied by an arrest in the development of all that side of the pelvis corresponding to the luxation, Avhich atrophy produces so great a deformity of both straits and the excavation, that Ave may be certain, that although delivery is not ahvays rendered impossible thereby, the labor will at least be longer and more difficult. 640 DYSTOCIA. The latter proposition is, I think, by far too absolute, and facts are want- ing to prove it. The deformity which follows simple luxation is much less than that resulting from a double displacement, and the specimen of M. Pacoud, described by M. Lenoir, seems to me in no wise to justify his assertions. Is M. Lenoir more fortunate in his endeavor to trace a resemblance betAveen a pelvis deformed in consequence of a simple luxation than the oblique oval pelvis of M. Naegele ? The points of difference between these two pelves are so numerous, that he has seemed to me to force whatever analogies may exist, by placing them in the same category. The anatomical characters do not justify it, and the prognosis especially is much less seri ous; finally, the indications to be fulfilled jn both cases are essentiallj different. C. Non-congenital Luxations.—The atrophy of the iliac bone corre- sponding to the dislocated femur may also be met with in luxations occur- ring after birth, whether the luxation be the result of an accident, or con- secutive to an organic alteration of the articular surfaces, as in coxalgia. To produce this effect, all that is necessary is, that the luxation should remain unreduced, and that it should have occurred Avithin the first years of existence. Noav, as this atrophy Avas the cause of the deformities of the pelvis studied in the preceding paragraph, it may have the same consequences in the case under consideration. It is also plain that the pelvic deformity will be great in proportion as the luxation shall have occurred at a very early age. [As M. Depaul observes (Bulletin de la Societe de Chirurgie, annee, 1865), the cause of these luxations ought also to be taken into serious consideration. AVhen traumatic, it is much less likely to occasion deformity of the pelvis than when consecutive to disease of the bones. In the same paper are found two cases men- tioned by M. Blot of unilateral luxation, caused by coxalgia in early childhood, giving rise to difficult labor. Omphalotripsy Avas necessary in the first case: the antero-posterior diameter measured three and a quarter inches; the right oblique diameter corresponding to the shortened member had its length notably diminished. In the second case, the antero-posterior diameter measured three inches, but as the patient was deliA^ered prematurely, the foetus was extracted with the forceps.] D. Lesions of the Inferior Extremities.—The curvatures, so often met with in the lower limbs, do not ahvays diminish their length in an equal degree; and this unequal shortening determines a variation in the pressure they make on the bottom of the cotyloid cavities; and, consequently, may affect the pelvis on the side Avhere it is the greater. It is so true that the imperfect conformation of the pelvis is then dependent on a difference in the length of the lower extremities, that the latter may often be curved (provided they maintain the same length), Avithout the pelvis being neces- sarily vitiated; and also, that where any inequality does exist betAveen them, there is quite a constant relation betAveen the deformed iliac bone and the longest limb. When a Avoman Avith deformed pelvis limps, she always does so on the sound and not on the diseased side, as one Avould be led to suppose at first thought. It is further possible, that a shortening of one of the legs, whether result- DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 641 ing from a fracture, a luxation, or an atrophy of the limb, may produce the same result; more especially if these accidents take place in early child- hood, when the pelvis is still far from having acquired its full development. Persons affected with chronic diseases of one of these limbs, and therefore under the necessity of walking Avith crutches, and of bearing the whole weight of the body on the sound leg, incur the same danger. Nevertheless, this latter circumstance has not ahvays such an unfortunate influence; for Dr. Campbell mentions that he had an opportunity of examining the body of a Avoman who had made use of a crutch since the fourth year of her age, in consequence of a disease in her right lower extremity; this person, who died some time after delivery, had a perfectly formed pelvis. ( Campbell, page 249.) _ Amputation of the thigh, in a young girl, particularly in early childhood, is likewise capable of deforming the pelvis: thus, for example, Madame Lachapelle found the superior strait, in a female aged eighteen years, reduced to a moiety of its extent on the right side only, and pushed in totally tOAvards the left thigh, Avhich had been amputated four years pre- viously. Indeed, we can readily imagine that, as the artificial limb only derives its point of support from the ischium, the acetabulum of the sound side will alone continue to be compressed by the Aveight of the body.1 ARTICLE III. INFLUENCE OF DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS UPON PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION. The deformities may certainly have an unfavorable influence over the progress of gestation; for, as we have already stated in the article on abortion, Avhere the contraction of the straits accompanies an enlargement of the excavation, the womb, finding a more considerable space than usual in the cavity of the lesser pelvis, may become developed, and remain there beyond the ordinary period ; and we have considered this circumstance as one of the causes of abortion, from the impossibility of its getting subse- quently above the superior strait; and, when treating of retroversion, Ave remarked that this displacement was singularly favored by an increased depth in the concavity of the sacrum. Even in cases of slight contraction of the superior strait, the sort of im- paction Avhich the uterus undergoes from the early stages of pregnancy, 1 According to Campbell, the deformity of the pelvis may also be produced by con- tusions received on the dorsal region during childhood. I have, he says, met with several examples of the kind. A few years ago, I saw a patient who, when three years old, received a violent blow upon the lumbar region ; the pelvis was in her case bo deformed, that I thought, it right to induce labor at the end of the seventh month. Although the pains were powerful, the head remained for seven hours in the excava- tion, but the child was nevertheless expelled. It lived eight days, and died in con- vulsions. Several fractures of the cranium were discovered at the autopsy, and several subcutaneous ecchymoses, caused evidently by the pressure to which the foetus had been subjected during labor. (Campbell, Introduction to the Study of Midwifery, p. 248.) This observation is too incomplete to justify the opinion of the author. Was the pelvis really contracted? Was not the woman rachitic? &c, &c. 41 642 DYSTOCIA. may produce a violent compression of the organs situated in the excavation. Van Doeveren mentions a very curious case, in which the patient expe- rienced such acute pain in the hypogastric region from the third month of gestation as at first to excite fears of abortion. The symptoms continued, notwithstanding the use of the most rational means. By careful examina- tion, he detected an oval tumor, painful to the touch, and extending above the umbilicus. The patient urinated frequently, though in but small quan- tity at a time. He suspected a dropsy of the uterus. The suffering con- tinued in spite of all that could be done, and the patient greAv Avorse and worse, until one morning when he found her much better and relieved of her excruciating pains. She no longer had fever nor difficult respiration, and the tumor had disappeared; the abdomen was flatter, softer, and pre- sented an obscure fluctuation. He thought that the uterus had been rup- tured, and, notwithstanding the contentment of the patient, gave the most unfavorable prognosis. She died, indeed, two days afterward. At the autopsy it Avas discovered that the greatly distended bladder had given Avay at its upper part. The uterus filled the lesser pelvis so completely as to leave no space between it and the walls of the pelvis. It compressed the vessels, the pelvic nerves, and the rectum, as also the urethra, against the pubis. The sacro-pubic diameter was but three inches and eight lines in extent. When the transverse diameter of the greater pelvis is contracted by the straightening out of the iliac crest, as occurs in double congenital luxations of the femur, the development of the uterus is considerably impeded during the latter months of pregnancy; and this difficulty, according to Ant. Du- bois, may prove a cause of premature labor. Where the straitening exists on one side only, the inconvenience is less; but still it may possibly con- tribute to the production of considerable uterine obliquity on the opposite side. In general, hoAvever, with the exception of certain inconveniences, which evidently depend more on the extraordinary obliquity of the planes of the pelvis than on a diminution of its cavity, and to Avhich we shall take occa- sion hereafter to revert, such contracted pelves rarely interrupt the course of gestation; but they have a far different influence upon the labor, to which we now ask the reader's attention more particularly. The impediments to the delivery Avill usually be greater as the deformity of the pelvis is the more considerable; however, this proposition, although true in the majority of cases, is not absolutely so, since the degree of nar- rowing is not the only point thac demands the accoucheur's attention; for the child's position, the size of its head, the flexibility of the cranial bones, the power of the uterine contractions, and the variable degree of relaxation of the pelvic articulations, are so many important circumstances which claim his consideration. One woman, perhaps, is happily delivered at term, whilst another, Avhose pelvis offers the same dimensions, will require the intervention of art for her relief. The same woman may be spontaneously delivered of her first child, and yet present such difficulties at the second labor that the mutilation of the foetus may be deemed to be the only remedy for sparing her a bloody operation, without our thereby concluding that her pelvis had become contracted between these tyvo pregnancies ; for these dif- DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 613 ferencts might depend solely on the greater volume, or a less degree of reducibilitv of the head, or the bad position of her second child, &c. Most accoucheurs have observed facts of this nature, but we only present the fol- loAving: A patient presented herself at the Clinique, in 1838, whose pelvis was only tAvo and three-quarter inches in its sacro-pubic diameters ; she Avas delivered in eighteen hours of a living infant, at term, the dimensions of which Avere nearly normal, and Avhose head was scarcely deformed. Baude- locque relates having seen, at the amphitheatre of Solayres, the head of a fetus Avhich was elongated to such' an extent that its greatest diameter measured nearly eight and a half inches, whilst the bi-parietal one was re- duced to two and three-eighths, or tAvo and three-quarter inches; and he speaks of another very similar instance; but in neither of these cases was the child's life compromised for a single instant. M. Martin, of Lyons, has knoAvn a rachitic Avoman to be delivered of a healthy infant at term, by the efforts of nature alone; where the autopsical examination showed that the antero-posterior diameter Avas only tAvo and a half inches in extent (page 270.) AVhat rendered this case still more extraordinary Avas the existence of scirrhous tumors in the substance of the uterine Avails. The reductibility of the head, therefore, is sometimes excessive, but unfortunately it is almost impossible to appreciate this in a positive manner beforehand. To this source of uncertainty, says Madame Lachapelle, let us add that, in certain Avomen, the degree of mobility of the symphyses does not permit a general separation of the bones (which, even if it existed, would scarcely enlarge the area of the strait or of its diameters) ; but rather a mutual glid- ing of the articular surfaces upon each other, an overriding of the pubes, so that one of the innominata advances to a range with the sacro-vertebral angle, Avhilst the other recedes to a greater or less extent. It folloAvs from this mechanism that one of the oblique diameters at the superior strait, the one corresponding to the long diameter of the head, is notably increased; and the sacro-pubic one is also found augmented by the advancement of one of the coxal bones. Finally, continues this skilful midwife, it may be possible for both hip-bones to glide forward simultaneously, thereby enlarg- ing still more the antero-posterior diameter. In most cases of deformity, the child's position is far from being an indif- ferent matter; for Avhen the sacrum, in being carried forward, is at the same time turned to one side, Avhereby one of the lateral portions of the pelvis is more contracted than the other, avIio does not foresee, that the labor may then be accomplished spontaneously, if the head presents in such a way as to offer its great occipital extremity to the Avell-formed side; and that, on the contrary, it Avould become impossible, if the occiput should correspond to the contracted one ? Where the contraction is so limited that it might possibly permit a spon- taneous delivery, any unfavorable position of the foetus Avould greatly add to the existing difficulties caused by the malformation of the pelvis; if, for example, instead of presenting by the vertex, the child should offer its pelvic extremity, there Avould be reason to fear an arrest of the head above the superior strait, after the escape of the trunk ; the sloAvness of its passage through this strait Avould not often Avarrant the abandonment of the delivery 644 DYSTOCIA. to the resources of nature, both from the dangers the infant /ncurs from a compression of the umbilical cord, and from the feebleness of the contrac- tions of the womb, Avhich, being almost entirely emptied and retracted, no longer retains its contractile properties. (See Presentation by the Breech.) We need scarcely add, in conclusion, that a proper degree of energy in the uterine contractions bears so prominent a part in the accomplishment of labor that it cannot be overlooked. In certain cases, for instance, Avhere the pelvis is so little contracted that the child's delivery is still possible by the application of the forceps, it is evident that frequent and strong contrac- tions of the womb Avould render this instrument useless ; again, the labor will terminate alone, in a case Avhere the physician Avould have been obliged to interfere, if the pains had been too feeble or too slow. We may conclude, therefore, that, in the question before us, there are a number of elements which may influence the result; and that, if the degree of narrowing of the pelvis is the most important point to be Avell ascertained, it is not the only circumstance upon Avhich the obstetrician ought to base his determinations. For although the means of arriving at an exact knowl- edge of the extent of contraction are almost sure, yet, unfortunately, the same does not hold good with regard to the volume and the reducibility of the fcetal head, or the mobility and possible separation of the pelvic sym- physes ; and it is impossible to calculate in advance all the resources of the organism, or to know how far the uterine efforts will go. From our igno- rance, on most of these points, arise the uncertainties and hesitations which so often prove fatal either to the mother or the child; uncertainties and hesitations that never influence persons that are not versed in all the difficul- ties of our art, but which are Avell understood by learned and experienced practitioners, AA'ho have frequently been under the paiiiful necessity of making a decision and of determining a question whose solution might cost the lives of tAvo individuals whom our mission is to save. The foregoing reflections will, I hope, be sufficient to show that Avhat Ave are about to say concerning the influence of the pelvic deformities upon the labor is not positive and absolute, but is only applicable to the majority of cases. Under the head of the difficulties and indications presented by these deformities, Ave shall admit, with M. P. Dubois, three principal divisions. The first is composed of pelves in Avhich the contraction, in whatever part it may exist, still leaves at that part an opening of at least three and three quarter inches in all its diameters; the second comprises those in which the contraction leaves, at the point of the canal it occupies, a passage, one or more of Avhose diameters Avill be three and three-quarter inches as a maxi- mum, and two and a half inches as the minimum; and, lastly, we shall in- clude in the third all the cases where the narroAving is such, that the dimen- sions of the resulting space Avill be under tAvo and a half inches. A. Of the Pelvis having at least three and three-quarter inches in its Con- tracted Part.—Here the labor, although in general longer, more difficult, and therefore more dangerous, both for the mother and child, than in ordi- nary cases, may, ho\vever, be accomplished spontaneously; and, indeed, we might hope for such an expulsion in most cases. The sloAvness of the labor is observable in the dilatation of the os uteri, as Avell as in the expulsive DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 645 stage : for, during the first stage, the uterine contractions, though energetic and ci'ten regular, have but little action on the dilatation of the cervix; the head is high up, and has no tendency to engage in the excavation, and it remains above the symphysis pubis, against yvhich it is strongly applied, being throAvn forwards by the prominence of the sacro-vertebral angle. Indeed, it is highly probable that the extreme slowness of the dilatation is attributable to this latter circumstance ; for the lower front part of the Avomb is so compressed betAveen the child's head and the pubic symphysis, that the longitudinal fibres of the body can scarcely act at all on the circular ones }f the cervix, notAvithstanding the energy of their contractions; for we often find, after the size of the head has been diminished by a perforation of the cranium, whereby this compression is relieved, at least in a great measure, that the dilatation that Avas hitherto stationary now progresses very rapidly. As to the modifications that take place in the period of expulsion, they vary according to the seat of the contraction ; for instance, Avhen the supe- rior strait is the place of the deformity, the engagement of the head might be so much retarded that it could only succeed in clearing this obstacle under the influence of the most powerful contractions; though, should these he sustained, the labor would terminate happily. But if, as is sometimes observed, the corresponding diameter of the inferior strait is simultaneously enlarged, the child's head, after having surmounted the difficulties offered at the upper one, will not find a sufficient degree of resistance at the perineal strait to moderate the rapidity of its descent; and, consequently, it might strike violently against, and lacerate the perineum ; the disastrous conse- quences of which are Avell known. Where the superior strait retains its normal dimensions, the inferior one alone being contracted, the head descends rapidly enough into the excava- tion, but it can only clear the last parts of the canal Avith the greatest diffi- culty ; for, as the dimensions of the loAver strait are in general someAvhat smaller than those of the upper, it folloAvs that the same degree of contrac- tion here is much more unfavorable to the delivery, and oftener requires the application of the forceps. Finally, Avhere the tAvo straits are contracted in the same degree, all the causes of difficulty just mentioned are found conjoined. Most frequently, the head succeeds in passing the superior strait; but, having reached the excavation, and being unable to advance any further, it there remains Avedged in until the exhausted or enfeebled forces are sufficiently renovated to effect its delivery. During all this time, the head, which had been for- cibly compressed in order to clear the upper strait, and had its dimensions reduced by the overlapping of the parietal bones, gradually regains its natural size, iioav that it has entered a larger space, departing also from the conical shape it had acquired in the first stage, as its delay there is the more prolonged, and, consequently, meeting Avith neAV obstructions at the inferior 6trait, which are so much the more difficult to overcome as the uterine forces are already the more exhausted^ These differences in the seat of the contraction ought to be knoAvn, foi they will enaole the accoucheur to avoid an error in diagnosis which other- 646 DYSTOCIA. wise he might very readily commit; for example, in the cases where th- superior strait alone is contracted, the head gets into the excavation only after very long-continued pains, but then it clears the inferior one almost immediately afterwards; Avhereas the contrary happens when this latter is the only one contracted, and the attending physician, judging of the future by the past duration of the labor, announces that it AviU terminate sooner or later, according as the head has descended more or less rapidly into the excavation; but he will almost always deceive himself; because in the former instance, the termination will be very rapid, though he believed it still distant; and, in the.latter, it will be delayed far beyond the time that he had fixed. B. Where the Pelvis has at least two and a half inches in its Contracted Part.—A spontaneous expulsion of the foetus is still barely possible, Avhere there are from three and one-eighth to three and three-quarter inches in the contracted part; though, in reflecting on the length of the head's smallest diameter, which at term is at least three and one-half inches, it must be evident that, in order to render the delivery practicable under such circum- stances, the diameters of the cranial vault should present a great reducibility, and the contractions of the Avomb be strong and prolonged. But in an immense majority of the cases under three and one-eighth inches, the resources of art become indispensable, unless the child's parts should be softened by putrefaction, or the infant itself not have acquired the develop- ment it usually exhibits at the ordinary term of gestation. C. Where the Contracted Diameter is less than two and a half inches.— This degree of contraction renders a natural labor at term physically impos- sible ; because too great a disproportion exists between the dimensions of the canal and those of the body Avhich has to traverse it; and no other alternative remains for the accoucheur than to augment the former by sym- physeotomy, or to diminish the latter by embryotomy; unless, indeed, he should rather prefer to open for it a new and more easy route by practising the Caesarean operation. M. Depaul, it is true, mentions in his lectures two cases, in Avhich delivery was safely accomplished although the pelvis had only two and a quarter inches in its antero-posterior diameter. They are, hoAvever, such rare ex- ceptions that they might be forgotten, so to speak, in ordinary practice. Safe delivery ought not to be counted on with a diameter less than twb and five-eighths inches. As regards the prognosis, it is very important to distinguish a pelvis deformed by rachitis from one whose contraction is dependent on mollities ossium ; for although, in the former case, the gravity of the prognosis is only in proportion to the degree of contraction, yet it is not exactly or ahvays so in the latter. Here, indeed, arises the important consideration that the first effect of malacosteon is to produce an excessive softening of the osseous tissue, the deformity of the skeleton being consecutive thereto: but this softening only reaches its summum of intensity by degrees, and the disease may be arrested in its progress, may be ameliorated, or even entirely cured, under the influence of a proper treatment. Whence it is evident that, during the period of increase and that of its amelioration, Avhich may extend DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 647 over several years, the softening passes successively through different degrees, and where it happens to exist at the time of labor, furnishes the practitioner a very valuable resource, AA'hatever may be the degree of contraction. In fact, it would appear, from the cases reported in the dissertation of M. Bpengel, that the bones often retain, at the time of labor, a sufficient degree of suppleness to enable them to dilate spontaneously, and to alloAV the ex- pulsion of the foetus, or, at least, its artificial extraction. Thus, in a case furnished by Homberger, the sacro-pubic diameter Avas scarcely tAvo inches in length ; nevertheless, after having ascertained the flexibility of the bones caused by the malacosteon, he declared that the delivery might be effected by the poAvers of nature. He ruptured the membrane^ at the end of tAventy- four hours ; then, after Avaiting as much longer ; the engagement Avas suffi- ciently advanced to enable him to apply the forceps; when, by the aid of poAverful tractions, he succeeded in bringing aAvay a girl Avho lived four weeks. In another woman, whose sacro-pubic diameter was tAvo and a quarter inches (French measurement) at the most, Hasslocher, a physician of Landau, was enabled, by the aid of external pressure, to make the child's head engage in the cavity of the pelvis; he then applied the forceps, and found that only a moderate effort Avas required to deliver a dead child Aveighing six pounds and a half. Lilian mentions other-cases of safe delivery during pregnancy, and Dr. (Jollineau Avitnessed another, an account of Avhich will be found in his excellent thesis. Facts of this nature are certainly consolatory, and they well merit atten- tion ; but, unfortunately, it is a very difficult matter to recognize that precise degree of flexibility in the bones, under Avhich there is no reason to hope for a spontaneous dilatation ; for, betAveen the first stages of softening in them and that advanced period when they scarcely have the consistence of a gelatinous pulp, there are numerous intermediate degrees; and the great difficulty consists in determining the cases in Avhich Ave can trust to the efforts of nature, and those in Avhich nothing can be hoped from this source. A misplaced confidence might be attended Avith the most seriou^ conse- quences ; for, on the one hand, a prolonged delay may compromise the child's life, that might have otherwise been saved, by resortb to the Caesarean operation at the most favorable moment; and on the other, the tentatives uselessly made Avith the forceps expose the mother to the greatest dangers ; for bones affected by this disease are, it is true, most generally soft- ened, but sometimes it happens that the affection has only rendered them more friable, and, of course, any tractions made by the instrument, in such cases, might give rise to dangerous fractures. It Avould, therefore, be highly desirable to have a rule of procedure, but in the present state of our science it is impossible to lay doAvn any positive one; and the accoucheur must found his opinion on the Avhole of the phenomena exhibited in the particular case. " Without supposing," says M. Spengel, "that it will be possible to ascertain, positively, to Avhat extent the softening of the pelvic bones has advanced, wc believe that, by paying attention to the symptoms which pre- ceded and those that accompany the labor, it may be determined in quite a probable manner. We have collected forty cases of general mollifies ossium 648 DYSTOCIA. that occurred in females; in nineteen of AA'hich the time when the pains first began is not noted, and no conclusions therefore can be draAvn from them ; but, in twelve cases, the first pains appeared during the lying-in, in tAvo others, shortly after the accouchement, and in the remaining seven, during the course of gestation; and, whenever the period has been carefully noted when the pains, after having been once calmed, were aggravated aneAv, it has been found that this exacerbation came on during a neAV pregnancy. Whence we may suppose that the softening of the bones is more considerable toAvards the end of gestation than it Avas before its commencement. There- fore, Avhen the alteration progressively increases until term, and the difficulty in the patient's movements or the pains exhibit no diminution, we believe the degree of softening may be regarded as bearing a relation to the violence and duration of these symptoms. Further, by resorting to the manual exploration, we are enabled to detect in some cases a softening to such an extent that the bones yield to the pressure of the fingers. Under such cir- cumstances the accoucheur may doubtless rely on a spontaneous delivery, or at least on the success of a prudent application of the forceps; Avhich latter should then be made rather than resort to the Caesarean operation, which is so grave at all times, but is still more so when practised on Avomen affected with malacosteon." Independently of the difficulties which the contractions of the pelvis give rise to in the accomplishment of the mechanical phenomena of labor, they often become the source of serious accidents to the mother, and subject the foetus to the greatest dangers. For, by forming an invincible obstacle to the passage of the head, they expose the woman to a rupture of the Avomb or bladder, to a violent contusion, and the consecutive inflammation of those organs and of the peritoneum, and, lastly, to a febrile or adynamic state, Avhich is serious enough of itself to cause her death before the delivery is effected; since this condition is the most frequent source of mortality in those patients who are not relieved. Again, even Avhere the delivery has taken place either spontaneously or artificially through the natural passages, the duration of the preceding travail and the pressure of the child's head upon all the soft parts lining the straits and excavation, expose these latter to prolonged contusions, Avhich are most frequently folloAved by gangrene; whence we have following in their train utero-vesical, or vesico-vaginal fistulas, etc., etc., according to the point that has been more particularly compressed. The forced engagement of the head in a contracted pelvis often determines the separation of the symphysis, from which inflammations and suppurations, that are often very tedious in their cure, result as the immediate consequences, and a great mobility of the pelvic articulations, limping, and sometimes even an inability to Avalk or stand, as the ren ote lines. (Lachapelle.) As regards the child, the slowness of the labor may evidently occasion its death; for, in the case before us, the head being retained above the superior Btrait does not prevent the discharge of the amniotic liquid by plugging up the os uteri, and this nearly all escapes ; consequently, the foetus is subjected 6con after the membranes give way to the direct pressure of the contracted uterine Avails during all the time necessary to the termination of the labor. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 649 The cord also is very frequently compressed, either in the uterine cavity, between its parietes and the body of the child, or subsequently in the excava- tion into which it may have slipped; the descent of the cord is here singu- larly favored by the elevation of the head. This latter itself, having to support all the pressure from the resistance offered by the pelvis, is exposed to very unequal compressions, Avhich may fracture the cranial bones or Avound the cerebral matter. Lastly, when the foetus presents by the pelvic extremity, the violent tractions sometimes made on the trunk, for the pur- pose of disengaging the head, may produce luxation or fracture of the cervical vertebrae or stretching of the spinal marroAV, both of Avhich speedily prove fatal. ARTICLE IV. DIAGNOSIS OF PELVIC DEFORMITIES. The circumstances Avhereby the existence of a deformity of the pelvis may be recognized, have been divided into the rational and the sensible signs. The first include all those that may be learned from the previous history, and a general examination of the individual—her constitution, height, and physical strength; and the second, on the contrary, are deduced from an external and an internal examination of the pelvis. § 1. Rational Signs. The accoucheur Avho may be called upon to decide on the good or imper- fect conformation of a female, should, before proceeding to an exploration of the pelvis, inform himself minutely of all the antecedent circumstances which might throAV any light on his diagnosis, or direct his subsequent re- searches. He ought to ascertain from the near relatives, all the accidents Avhich the young girl submitted to bis care may have met Avith in infancy: at Avhat age she began to Avalk; Avhether standing in the erect position Avas easy, or even possible, in the early years of life ; or Avhether, after having Avalked Avithout any marked difficulty, she Avas subsequently afflicted Avith a Aveakness in her loAver extremities; and, should there be an existing curva- ture of the spine or limbs, the period at Avhich such incurvations appeared is to be carefully ascertained ; as, also, Avhether those in the loAver extremi- ties preceded or followed that of the spine. Where any limping is observed, he will endeavor to verify the information derived from the family, by examining Avhether this depends on a difference in the deformity of the two limbs; on the atrophy of one of them ; on the flattening of the antero-lateral pelvic Avails ; on an old or a recent affection of the femoro-coxal articulation; on a spontaneous or a congenital luxation, folloAved by the permanent dis- placement of the head of the femur; or Avhether upon an old and imperfectly consolidated fracture ;—because the answer to all these questions AviU render the examination, which is aftenvards to be resorted to, much easier. [A first general glance will, in the majority of cases, render it possible to estab- lish a differential diagnosis in respect to the two most frequent causes of deformity of the skeleton, in rachitis and flexures of the vertebral column by scoliosis, cypho- sis, or lordosis. In a rachitic skeleton, the diminished stature of the individual is due, on the one 650 DYSTOCIA. hand, to arrested development of the bones, and on the other, to their curvature which is more especially observed in the lower extremities. Hence it results that the skeleton of a rachitic woman has special characteristics. Owing to the curva- ture of the lower extremities, the pelvis descends with them, and occupies a lower level than it would in the normal condition, and is contracted besides. ■ The ver- tebral column, though less deformed, appears long in comparison with the inferior extremities. The arms are short, though less on account of their curvature than in consequence of arrested development. We shall see hereafter that the deformi- ties in cases of spinal distentions are of an entirely different character. Fig. 99. Fio. 100. Fiu. 99. Skeleton deformed by rachitis. The low stature is due to curvature of the inferior extremities. The pelvis is deformed. Drawn from nature. Fig. 100. Skeleton deformed in consequence of flexure of the vertebral column. The low stature ia due to curvature of the spine. The lower extremities'are normal; they look very long. The pelvis is well formed. Drawn from nature. When deformity of the skeleton is due to curvature of the vertebral column, occurring at the age of puberty, the stature of the individual may be greatly lessened, but then the result is due almost entirely to the affection of the spine, the DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 651 lower limbs preserving their usual length and direction. The well-formed pelvis is at the same elevation as in a normal skeleton. The vertebral column, on the contrary, is folded, as it Avere, upon itself. The upper extremities are well formed, but lowered Avith the upper part of the body, often causing the hands to reach to the lower part of the thighs, or even to the knees. ft is very important not to confound rachitic deformity Avith distortion of the Bpinal column by scoliosis, cyphosis, or lordosis. Delivery, in the first case, is often difficult or impossible; in the second, on the contrary, it is almost always easy. (See figures 99 and 100.) ] The history of the earlier years of life is particularly important, as it will not only enable us to divine the perfect or defective conformation of the pelvis with a tolerable degree of certainty, but will even serve to enlighten us as to the nature of the general affection that has produced the deformity. In fact, it Avould appear from the researches of modern pathologists that rachitis, properly so called, is a disease of childhood, though it is seldom observed in the infant at term; it generally begins about the eighteenth or twentieth month, and is rarely found after the age of puberty. Thus, in three hundred and forty-six cases, examined in this respect by M. Jules Guerin, its invasion took place as follows : in three cases, before birth ; in ninety-eight, during the course of the first year ; in one hundred and seventy- six, during the second ; in thirty-five, in the third ; in nineteen, in the fourth; in fifty, in the fifth ; and in five children from the sixth to the twelfth year of life. From these and numerous other cases reported by Bouvier, Ruff, etc., it is apparent that deformities occurring in infancy are nearly ahvays of a rickety nature; Avhilst all the varieties of softening that take place in adult bones, as also all the disfigurations occurring exclusively in young girls about the period of puberty, are not caused by this disease. (Guerin.) A rachitic origin of the deformity can, therefore, be almost constantly relied on where the disease that determined the latter existed during the early years of life; and this suspicion will be confirmed, if it should appear, conformably to the laAV laid doAvn by the orthopedists, and stated formally by M. Guerin, that the malformation proceeded from beloAV upAvards, and that the tibias, the femurs, and the spinal column were successively affected. On the other hand, should the first ten years of life pass aAvay Avithout accident, and the deformity of the skeleton occur only at puberty, it would be Avrong to attribute it to rachitis, and the pelvis will probably be unaf- fected. If, however, the deformity occurs during adult age, especially if the pa- tient has been safely delivered before, and has since that time had all the symptoms of acute softening, the entire difficulty should be attributed to osteomalacia. Alter attending to all these points, the accoucheur might proceed to a more careful inspection of the individual; and the vertebral column and loAver extremities should particularly claim his attention. He ought to bear in mind that rachitic deviations of the spine (and, when dating from early infancy, they Avill be nearly ahvays rachitic) are almost constantly accompanied by deformity of the pelvis; and that, on the contrary, the other varieties, more especially when they first occurred about the age of 652 DYSTOCIA. puberty, do not affect the normal regularity of the pelvis. It is also to be remembered that rickets may possibly give rise to curvature of the loAver extremities without altering the pelvis, though these tAvo parts of the skele- ton are most generally affected at the same time. In a feAV rare cases, rachitis affects but one lower extremity, the other retaining its normal proportions, and yet the pelvis may be deformed. An attempt has been made to establish a certain relation between the direction of the curvature of the spine or loAver extremities, and the par- ticular species of malformation the pelvis may exhibit. For instance, the sacrum, being an assemblage of vertebrae, Avhich are naturally consolidated together, is occasionally modified by incurvations that are continuous Avith those of the spine, and these are further kept up by the coccyx. Sometimes the lateral inflexion of these tAvo bones is continuous Avith the lumbar curve; though, more frequently, they describe an inverse curvature Avith one or tAvo of the last lumbar vertebrae, and the point of the coccyx is then turned aside. According to M. Hohl, the lateral inflexion of the lumbar column often determines a greater contraction of the pelvis on the side toAvards which these vertebrae lean. Agreeably to the same author, the curvature of the femurs occasions a transverse contraction of the pelvis, and a consequent elongation antero- posteriorly, when these bones are curved fonvard; whilst their outward curvature is followed by a transverse enlargement; but if one bends outAvard and the other forAvard, a corresponding shortening will thence result in the latter direction. However, all these approximations must be substantiated by a more extended experience to render them deserving of confidence, although it would be improper in practice to neglect them altogether. The relations that M. Weber has endeavored to establish between the dimensions of the cranium and those of the pelvis are not constant enough to merit any consideration whatever in an examination which requires so much precision. Quite recently, M. Guerin, after having ascertained that rachitis proceeds from below upwards, and that the reduction in the dimensions of the bones follows the same progression, attempts to prove further that the dimensions of a rickety bone being known, the size of other parts of the skeleton may be approximately determined; and that the reduction, in the three diameters of the pelvis in rachitic Avomen folloAvs the diminution in the size of its component parts ; also that the degree of this reduction is intermediate to what takes place in the femur and in the humerus. These results, so valuable in themselves, had they been deduced from a large number of cases, are, unfortunately, based upon a very limited obser- vation ; and, consequently, have not all the Aveight that I hope they will hereafter acquire; for the great importance of being able to determine, Avith certainty, from the degree of shortening of the femur and humerus, not only that the pelvis is deformed, but even the extent of the malformation must be self-evident. In conclusion, it is apparent that the rational signs just spoken of can only give us probabilities or approximations. Noav, the indications pre- eented by the deformities of the pelvis demand an exact and a rigorous DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 65b" solution of all the questions of diagnosis appertaining thereto ; because it is not on a mere probability that an accoucheur can venture to prohibit a young girl from marriage, or decide on the performance of an operation that mutilates the child, or exposes the mother to the most serious dangers. Such a decision can only be made after a thorough and minute examination of the external form, and the internal dimensions of the pelvis; and this examination alone can enable him to detect those sensible signs Avhich afford a positive certainty. § 2. Sensible Signs. The accoucheur should not content himself, therefore, Avith the foregoing characters, but he ought to seek, in the mensuration of the pelvis, for the elements necessary to his diagnosis. This process is performed both on the exterior and interior of the pelvis; in the former case it constitutes what obstetricians have termed external, and in the latter, internal pelvimetry. When Ave described the pelvis, in the early part of the Avork, Ave only pointed out the dimensions that Avere absolutely necessary to the full com- prehension of the mechanism of natural labor; but Ave must noAV supply that voluntary omission; for, in addition to the distances then given, there are several others which are indispensable to the practice of pelvic men- suration ; and Ave give the folloAving as the average of a Avell-formed pelvis, viz.: 1. From the anterior inferior spinous process of one ilium to the same point on the opposite side, ...... 8J inches. -. From the anterior superior spinous process of one side to the same point on the other, . . ..... 9J " 3. From the middle of the iliac crest of one side to the same point opposite, .......... 10£ " 4. From the middle of the iliac crest to the tuber ischii, . . 7j " The superior strait divides thie distance into two equal parts, whence the lateral portions of the greater or lesser pelvis are each.....* . . • • . . 3| » 5. From the anterior superior part of the symphysis pubis to the apex of the first spinous process of the sacrum, . . 7£ " From which 2\ inches are to be deducted for the thickness of the base of the sacrum, and £ an inch for that of the symphy- sis; therefore leaving for the sacro-pubic interval . . . 4 J " 6. From the tuber ischii of one side to the posterior superior spi- nous process of the opposite ilium, the mean extent," in an ordi- nary pelvis, is . . . . . . . . . . 7 " 7. From the anterior superior spine on one side to the posterior superior spine of the other, the mean is . . . . . 8J " 8. From the spinous process of the last lumbar vertebra to the anterior superior iliac side of either spine, the mean is . .7 " 9. From the trochanter major of one side to the posterior superior spinous process of the opposite one, . . • • . 9 " 10.1 From the middle of the lower border of the symphysis pubis to the posterior superior spinous process on either side, . . 6| '« 1 The last five measurements are taken from the Memoirs of M. Naegele, translated Dy M. Danvau. We shall hereafter revert to their importance, in connection with the diagnosis of the oblique-oval pelvis. 654 DYSTOCIA. Fia. 101. Baudelocque's callipers applied to the mea- surement of the antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait. For the purpose of ascertaining the dimensions just given, in tie living female, as Avell as the principal modifications they may have undergone, accoucheurs have invented a great num- ber of instruments, to Avhich the title of pelvimeters has been applied; but I can only allude here to those in most com- mon use. The pelvimeter, or callipers, described by Baudelocque (Fig. 101), consists of tAvo metallic blades bent in a semicircular form, so as to embrace the largest part of the pelvis in their concavity. The ex- tremity of each one is terminated by a lenticular button, Avhich is intended to be applied at the end of the line to be measured ; a small rule, marked by a graduated scale, traverses the branches just at the point AA'here the curved blade joins the straight handle, and sIioavs the degree of separation at the points exactly. This rule shuts up in a deep groove along the handle of the callipers. The instrument is applied externally, and may prove very useful in estimating the measurements above given. In skilful hands, the pelvimeter of Baudelocque may furnish very satis- factory results; but it must be acknoAvledged that it is far from affording the degree of certainty Avhich its inventor anticipated, even in the determi- nation of the antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait, the one, of all the pelvic diameters, which seems the best adapted to this mode of explo- ration ; for, although one of the buttons can readily be applied at the upper front part of the pubic symphysis, after haA'ing carefully pushed aside the soft parts, yet it is far othenvise with regard to placing the other one just over the point corresponding to the spinous process of the first piece of the sacrum.1 The difficulty of determining this latter point exactly, and the thickness of the soft parts, render this mode of mensuration very uncertain in its results. But, even supposing the instrument could be properly ad- justed, the results thereby obtained would be scarcely more conclusive. When the pelvis is Avell formed, there should be, it is said, seven and a half inches betAveen those two points; from Avhich tAvo and a half inches for the thickness of the sacrum at its base, and half an inch for that of the sym- physis pubis, are to be deducted. But, the question at onccarises, are the pelvic bones ahvays uniform in thickness? or must Ave still deduct three inches for the substance of the bones, in cases of rachitis, Avhere the skeleton 1 I have repeatedly made such attempts, and have so rarely succeeded in adjusting the point, of the callipers over the spot behind where it is directed to be applied, that ] have rather attributed those cases to chance, in which the touch did not set aside my first diagnosis; and I will add, further, that I have often known M. P. Dubois to abandon *>his mode of exploration after frequent ineffectual trials, and to rely wholly upon th€ vaginal examination. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 655 exhibits a more or less marked arrest in its development? Hoav are Ave to know to Avhat extent this influence of rachitis over the groAvth of the osseous Bystem is carried ? And may not the thickness of the sacrum at its base, instead of exhibiting the normal average of three inches, be reduced to tAvo, one and a half, or even one inch?1 If such sources of uncertainty exist in respect to the measurement of the sacro-pubic diameter, Avhat must it be Avith regard to determining the trans- verse or oblique ones by the pelvimeter ? For, is the interval betAveen the anterior iliac spines always the same ? In the normal state, that extending from the middle of the iliac crest on one side to the same point opposite is ten and a half inches, just double the length of the transverse diameter of the superior strait; but it is Avell knoAvn the iliac fossae may vary in their concavity, and that the crests may approach more or less closely tOAvards a vertical or a horizontal direction, Avithout altering the form of the abdominal strait. Therefore, the supposed relations betAveen these two distances exhibit such frequent anomalies that we cannot place any confidence in the conclu- sions endeavored to be established therefrom. Again, where one point of the callipers is placed on the external surface of the trochanter major, and the other on the salient part of the opposite sacro-iliac articulation, Avith a view of determining the oblique diameters, no account is made of the numerous variations in the length and inclination of the cervix femoris, in the depth of the cotyloid cavity, or in the thickness of the soft parts behind. Consequently, the employment of Baudelocque's pelvimeter can only give approximate results; but it is not the less a useful instrument in those cases where it Avould be impossible to introduce a foreign body into the vaginal cavity; for instance, the internal exploration is not permissible in young girls, and then Ave must resort to the use of the callipers. Fortunately, at such times, the diagnosis need not be very precise, and a few lines more or N less cannot affect the decision of the physician. 1 We have had opportunities of measuring a great number of pelves that were de- formed in various ways and in different degrees, says Madame Boivin, in which the thickness of the walls in question departed from the three inches assigned to them by Baudelocque, to the extent of a third of an inch to an inch each, either larger or smaller. This difference in thickness was sometimes observed in the pubis, at others in the base of the sacrum, and again in both of these bones at the same time. Besides, in more than a hundred well-formed pelves, covered by all their tissues, which had not been altered by disease in any way, we have noticed considerable variations both in the volume and the thickness of the parts forming the antero-posterior diameter at the superior strait. Madame Lachapelle has found the sacrum alone nearly three inches thick, in many well-formed pelves, whilst in some deformed ones it scarcely measured two inches. "I consider the results," adds this skilful midwife, "that are obtained in measuring the transverse and oblique diameters of the strait, by taking certain portions of the iliac crests, the great trochanters, the ischial tuberosities, &c, for the points of de- parture, as very fallacious: Because. 1. In the best-formed Avomen, the iliac crests are sometimes inclined towards each other, and at others are turned outwards, so that both an everted and a cylindroid variety may exist in natural pelves; 2. The great tro- chanters are more or less separated, according to the variable direction and length of the neck of the femur, kc." 656 DYSTOCIA. But the case is far different Avhen the Avoman is pregnant or in labor, fot then it is necessary to learn the dimensions of the pelvic cavity Avith the greatest exactitude. For this purpose, accoucheurs have devised various instruments, which they have designated by the title of internal pelvimeters. The most ancient of all is the one invented by Coutouly, which closely resembles, in its general appearance, the instrument used by shoemakers, some years since, for taking the measure of the foot; it is composed of tAvo iron rules, Avhich slide on each other, and each having a short plate fixed at a right angle on one of its extremities. AVhen it is introduced into the vagina, the tAvo rules are slipped along each other, so as to get one of the plates against the sacro-vertebral angle, and the other just behind the pos- terior face of the symphysis pubis. One of these rules is marked by a scale, which indicates the degree of separation of the two plates, and, con- sequently, the length of the sacro-pubic diameter. The use of this instrument is attended with such numerous incon- veniences as to have banished it almost entirely from practice. Its appli- cation is difficult; it distends the vaginal mucous membrane greatly, and this distention is often very distressing to the patient. The extremity of the plate that is intended to be applied on the sacro-vertebral angle, is liable to slip and to become displaced; beside which, the organs situated in the excavation oppose its free use. Madame Boivin endeaA^ored to obviate most of the objections against Coutouly's instrument, by substituting a neAV one, which she called an intro- pelvimeter; which, although bearing a general resemblance to the former, differs essentially, in having its two constituent branches simply articulated, so that they may be unfastened and introduced separately; the one into the rectum, the plate of Avhich is to be applied against the sacro-vertebral angle, and the other into the vagina, so as to place its vertical part behind the symphysis pubis. This instrument is perhaps less painful to the patient, and not so liable to be displaced as the other, but it will not furnish us any more accurate results. Besides, the introduction of a foreign body into the rectum is so disagreeable to most Avomen that very few are willing to submit to it; for where, indeed, is the young girl (and Madame Boivin recom- mends it particularly for virgins) Avho Avould ever consent to its employ- ment? But it is unnecessary to allude here to all the other pelvimeters that have been proposed, and I shall only bring fonvard the one invented by Stein, which I should adopt rather than the preceding, because it is more simple and more easily applied. It is merely a metallic stem, of the length and size of the female catheter, provided Avith a slide, and having the metrical divisions marked on one of its surfaces. It is employed by passing its extremity along the forefinger, previously introduced into the vagina, until it reaches the sacro-vertebral angle; the external part is next pressed up- wards, so as to bring the graduated face in contact Avith the loAver portion of the symphysis pubis, and then, by means of the slide, the point on the stem corresponding to the symphysis is marked. The instrument is subse- quently withdraAvn, and all that part of it beyond the slide shows the length of the sacro-pubic diameter, or rather the interval existing betAveen the sacro-vertebral angle and the inferior part of the pubis. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 657 HoAvever, Stein's pelvimeter may be replaced by any straight rod what- ever, upon which the finger will take the place of the slide. Many very ingenious instruments have been proposed during the last few years, for the purpose of obviating the various objections we have urged against those just mentioned ; such are Wellenbergh's, a description of which is given by M. P. Dubois in the tAventy-third volume of the new edition of the Dietionnaire; and, more particularly, the one announced quite recently by M. Van Huevel, a professor at Brussels. This latter, in my estimation, has incontestable advantages over all the others; and I feel Avarranted in recommending its more general use. It is composed of tAvo round rods; an internal or vaginal one (Fig. 102, A a), flattened like a spatula at each extremity, and having, about the mid- FlG-102, die of its upper face, a small blunt hook, or catch, the concavity of which looks toAvards the outer extremity; the other, or external one, B B, is traversed at the upper end, and per- pendicularly to its direction, by a long scrcAv, c, which is draAvn back by unscrewing. These rods are held together by means of a nut, or artic- ular box, thereby forming a kind of The mensuration of the sacro-pubic diameter with COmpaSS, the legs of which Can be M. Van Huevel's pelvimeter. lengthened out or shortened at pleasure, and can likeAvise be moved in every direction. A turn of the central screw in the nut presses them against each other, and retains them firmly in any desired position. When this instrument is to be applied, the woman lies on her back, having the legs, as Avell as the thighs, flexed and separated. We then begin by ascertaining, both exteriorly and interiorly, the exact situation of the upper border of the pubis, marking the skin with ink at the point corresponding to the middle thereof. The ilio-pectineal eminence on each side, just beyond the course of the crural artery, is next sought out and marked in the same Avay; so that the anterior extremities of the sacro-pubic and the two oblique diameters of the superior strait are indicated by the three ink-spots on the skin, Avhich are afterwards easily found. This being done, one or two fingers of the left hand are introduced into the vagina, and placed on the angle of the sacrum ; and then, Avith the other, the curved extremity of the vaginal rod is conducted along and under these fingers, which support it against the promontory, Avhile the thumb of the same hand, pressed into the blunt hook, firmly retains it on the exterior. The right hand, which hitherto held the instrument, noAV turns the long screw, c, in the external branch, the button of Avhich rests on the ink-spot made upon the mons veneris. While the operator thus holds the tAvo branches in their respective positions, an assist- ant tightens the screw in the articular nut; when the instrument, being thus fastened, is carefully withdraAvn (Fig. 102), and the distance between the two points, that is to say, the interval which separates the promontory from tlie anterior face of the pubis, is ascertained by a scale. This distance 42 658 DYSTOCIA. being knoAvn, the branches are rendered movable by unfastening the artic ular screw; and the operator again carries the left forefinger into the vagina behind the symphysis pubis, to which point he conducts the extremity of the vaginal branch (its concavity being in front), by slipping it along the palmar surface of this finger, and he sustains it there by one hand, whilst with the other he replaces the screw of the external branch upon the ink-spot on the mons veneris ; taking The mensuration of the symphysis pubis by the same instrument. Care to avoid pressing more firmly than in the first op- eration ; for it is only requisite to graze the skin without depressing it. The assistant again tightens the screw in the nut, and the operation is completed. (Fig. 103.) 1 In order to withdraw the instrument, which now comprises the thickness of the pubic region, the screAV c of the external branch is unfastened, and again exactly replaced in the same position after it is withdraAvn. This distance is also measured, Avhich, deducted from the first, gives a remainder that extends from the sacro-vertebral angle to the posterior face of the pubis, or, more properly speaking, the sacro-pubic diameter. The oblique diameters can be obtained precisely in the same Avay. The index and middle fingers are carried into the vagina, and their extremities placed on one of the sacro-iliac articulations, or even, if this cannot be reached, on the promontory of the sacrum; the end of the vaginal branch is slipped up there in turn, and then the button of the screAV c is fixed on the ink-spot corresponding to the right or the left ilio-pectineal eminence, The branches having been fastened in this position, are gently Avithdrawn from the Avoman's parts, and the distance betAveen their points is taken by a graduated scale. In a second operation, the thickness of the cotyloid Avail is ascertained by conducting the vaginal branch along the fingers behind this cavity, as far as the brim of the pelvis, and by replacing the button of the external branch over the ink-spot corresponding to the ilio-pectineal eminence. Is it necessary to repeat, that the soft parts in the groin are not to be depressed, and that the direction must correspond with the plane of the abdominal strait? The branches are subsequently fixed, and extracted by turning back the screAV c, as described above; when, by deducting this second thickness from the first, the remainder will shoAV the extent either of the oblique diameter, or that of the sacro-cotyloid interval, according as the vaginal branch had originally been placed on the sacro-iliac symphysis or upon the promontory of the sacrum. We may observe here that the opening between the promontory and the 1 If the hook should impede the sliding of the branch b b, it might be removed. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 659 cotyloid wall is the most essential to be knoAvn in cases of oblique deformity ; for the sacro-iliac articulation is never deformed (saving where an exostosis or some other tumor is developed on its surface); but it is rather the base of the sacrum, or the cotyloid cavities which project into the holloAv of the excavation. In fact, the pelvis sustains the vertebral column behind, Avhile in front and laterally it rests on the thigh bones; and, therefore, it lies betAveen two forces, which, in the erect position and in Avalking, have a continual tendency to depress this osseous ring at the three points indicated. Whence it follows that, if there is any softening, there will be a forward projection of the sacral angle, or a pressing backAvard of the acetabula; that is to say, a contraction of the antero-posterior diameter, and of the right and left sacro-cotyloid intervals, Avhich, in the normal state, are only from three to three and three-quarter inches in extent. As regards the external measurement, we can convert the pelvimeter into a common compass for the inferior strait, by taking the handle part of the two branches, and properly adjusting the nut; these being placed on the tuberosities of the ischia, or one at the point of the coccyx, and the other under the pubic arch, we are enabled to take the transverse and the antero- posterior diameters of this strait directly. Lastly, by adding a piece to the apex of the vaginal branch (Fig. 104, D d), we form a species of cal- lipers similar to the mecometer of Chaussier. This piece is first flat- « tened out like a spatula, and then curved ; and its concavity is placed along the anterior surface of the pubis; the branch that supports it passes backwards betAveen the avo- man's thighs ; and the button of the SCreAV C, traversing the Other branch, The same instrument converted into a pair of is pressed on the spinous process of callipers. the last lumbar vertebra.1 The operator holds the extremities of the instrument in his two hands, Avhilst an assistant tightens the screAV in the articular nut. It is disengaged by turn- ing the screAV c backwards, Avhen necessary, which is returned to its place before measuring the interval betAveen the points Avith the scale. (Extract from the Memoir of M. Van Huevel.) 1 If, says M. Van Huevel, the tubercle of the spinous process of the last lumbar ver- tebra cannot be detected, the following process may be had recourse to : Stretch across this region a string which shall rest upon the upper and middle part of the crests of both iliac bones; then at the distance of an inch and a half below this line, upon the middle of the sacrum, make a mark, from which the string is to be conducted obliquely forward and downwards toward the upper part of the cotyloid parietes and of the mons veneris. The position of the string, which should follow the inclined direction of the plane of the superior strait, may be rectified, if necessary, by the fingers. Then with an uncut quill dipped in ink, the points to be preserved are marked out along the line of the cord. These points should be made lower at the pectineal emi- nences and at the pubis, by from one and a half to two and a half inches, than the describe"! limit, in order to correspond better with the contraction of this strait. 660 DYSTOCIA. In February, 1855, the ingenious accoucheur of Brussels improved hii first pelvimeters, besidts suggesting another, which appears to me quite as simple, and of more general applicability than the preceding. I therefore think it right to give a detailed description of it. It is simply a pair of callipers (Fig. 105) composed of two branches, one Fig. 105. Fig. 107. ...^ i 2i i 3l i 4! i 5 l \ of Avhich is fixed, and the other movable. The first, a b, is eleven inches in length, slightly curved, and flattened at its extremity; it is inserted into tiia vagina for the internal measurement, and bears a hooked ring near its ulddle, beyond which is a non-graduated arc of a circle. It articulates DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 661 below, like an ordinary pair of compasses, with the prolongation of a sheath, in Avhich is inserted the lower extremity of the other branch. The curva- ture, length, and hooked ring, are the same as in the small geometric pel- vimeter. The second or external branch, c B, may be lengthened or shortened at pleasure. It carries at its upper extremity a long horizontal screw, like the preceding pelvimeter, for the purpose of facilitating the disengagement of the compass after its internal application : from thence it curves outwardly, and, finally, in descending becomes straight and quadrangular, and enters the above-mentioned sheath. The latter, which is open at both ends, is furnished Avith a groove externally, for the purpose of receiving a projectior of the branch, which prevents its escaping from the sheath. Its inner side is provided with a spring bearing a point, which passes through the side, and lodges in a small hole in the branch, so as to prevent the latter from slipping up and down, and to keep the two extremities of the branches on the same level. When the spring is raised, the point escapes from the hole in the stem, Avhich then becomes movable; when released, and pressing upon its surface, it keeps it at any height desired. The arc of a circle attached to the vaginal branch is applied against the right side of the external branch. A slide (Fig. 106) is traversed by the latter at right angles, and also by the arc. On the opposite side is fixed a vice, moved by a lever, Avhich presses these two pieces together, and prevents all motion. Lastly, a .graduated scale (Fig. 107) serves to measure the distance betAveen the extremities in any given position. Let us noAV examine the mode of application of the new pelvimeter. The compressing vice of the slide is relaxed, and the point of the spring engaged in the small hole of the external branch keeps the extremities of the instrument on the same level, so as to form a pair of callipers. The extremities are applied either to the anterior superior spinous processes of the iliac bones, to the crest of the ilium and the tuberosity of the ischium of the same side, or the bottom of the horizontal screAV is placed upon the spinous process of the last lumbar vertebra, and the extremity of the vaginal branch against the mons veneris by passing betAveen the thighs of the patient; again, one may be applied to the upper, and the other to the loAver edge of the pubis, to the tuberosity of each ischium, or, finally, upon the coccyx, and under the pubic arch. Thus are obtained the extent of the transverse diameter of the greater pelvis, the depth of the entire cavity, the distance from the loins to the pubis, the length of the symphysis pubis, and the transverse and antero- posterior diameters of the inferior strait, the value of each of which is determined by the scale. To measure the interior of the pelvis, the Avoman is placed on her back on the bed, Avith the breech brought to the edge of the mattress. The extremi- ties of the diameters of the superior strait are marked in the manner already described, Avith the aid of a cord and a quill. Then, one or tAvo fingers of the left hand are introduced into the vagina as far as the promontory oi" the sacrum. The right hand holds the callipers unfastened and opened to its full extent, and with the external branch depressed in its sheath, The 662 DYSTOCIA. extremity of the vaginal branch is next passed into the genital organs along the previously introduced fingers, which press it against the sacro-vertebral angle, Avhilst the base of the thumb engages itself in the hook. The instru- ment is held motionless in its position by a single hand. Then, the thumb, fore, and middle fingers of the right hand grasp the external branch above the arc of a circle, and raise or loAver it in its sheath until the button of the horizontal screAV corresponds to the mark made upon the mons veneris. As soon as this is effected by merely grazing the skin, the ring-finger presses the lever of the vice forwards, to fix the instrument in its place. It is then withdrawn from the Avoman's parts, and the distance between the tAvo extremities ascertained by means of the scale. The first stage of the operation being accomplished, the vice is relaxed, and the extremities of the callipers again made to correspond. The index finger of the left hand is again introduced into the vagina, and applied this time behind the pubis. The extremity of the vaginal branch is conducted thither, with its concavity in front, by the right hand. As soon as it has reached the upper edge of the symphysis, the branch is seized with the entire hand, and the little finger passed into the ring of the hook. The externa] branch is afterward seized above the arc by the three first fingers of the right hand, and the ring-finger pushes the lever of the vice fonvard, as soon as the button of the horizontal screAV corresponds to the spot on the mons veneris. This second application should be made as gently as the first, merely grazing the skin. Should any difficulty be experienced in the with- draAval of the pelvimeter, the horizontal screAV may be screAved back, provided it be restored to its position after the extraction. The distance between the extremities should be again measured by the scale, and sub- tracted from the first result, to obtain the extent of the sacro-pubic diameter. The only error possible in this process results from the unequal pressure upon the skin in the tAvo applications, or else upon the irregular position of the branch behind the pubis, which may be either higher or lower than the sacro-pubic line itself. A little attention only is necessary in order to avoid these slight causes of error. The proceeding is exactly the same for obtaining the oblique diameters. The pelvimeter is first loosened, opened Avidely, and the external branch loAvered in its sheath. If the left sacro-pubic space is to be measured, the instrument should again be taken in the right hand; the fore and middle fingers of the other hand are introduced into the genital organs, and placed to the left of the pre-vertebral projection; then the extremity of the vaginal branch is passed up to the point indicated, and retained there by the fingers of the right hand, the button of the external branch is placed upon the mark over the left ilio-pectineal eminence, and the vice is tightened by the ring-finger. The instrument, in its diagonal position, is withdrawn from the parts, and the distance betAveen the tAvo extremities ascertained by the scale. Having noted the latter, the vice is unfastened, and the tAvo extremities of the callipers brought together. Then the fore and middle fingers of the left hand are again introduced into the vagina behind the left ilio-pectineal eminence, as also the extremity of the vaginal branch with its concavity DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 663 forward; the branch is next grasped Avith the left hand, and the little finger introduced at the same time into the ring of the hook. The thumb, fore, and middle fingers of the right hand replace the button of the external branch upon the mark over the left ilio-pectineal eminence, whilst the ring- finger presses upon the lever of the vice. The same precaution should be taken, as in the first instance, of turning the horizontal scre-AV, if necessary, in order to AvithdraAV the instrument, and to return it to its place, for the purpose of measuring the neAV distance betAveen the extremities. The sub- traction 01 this quantity from the other gives the' dimensions required. The right sacro-pectineal distance is ascertained in the same Avay, except that the fingers of the right hand are then introduced into the vagina, the instrument being held in the left hand. Finally, the measurement of the transverse diameter of the superior strait is accomplished in nearly the same manner. The callipers being prepared as usual and held in the right hand, two fingers of the left hand in a state of forced supination, the thumb being directed doAvmvards, are carried to the right side of the pelvis. The convexity of the vaginal branch is directed toAvard that point, and held there by the pressure of the introduced fingers, and by the left thumb, which is engaged in the hook. The free hand con- ducts the external branch beneath the left thigh, Avhich is raised for the purpose, and places it upon the mark made upon the corresponding hip. The ring-finger of the right hand fixes the instrument in its transverse posi- tion by pressing upon the lever of the vice, and the distance betAA'een the extremities is measured by the scale after the extraction. To make the second application, the vice is relaxed, and the external branch elongated beyond the extremity of the vaginal one; then, the fore and middle fingers of the left hand are placed in the genital organs on the left side of the pelvis. The extremity of the vaginal branch is conducted thither by the right hand, and kept there by the left hand, the little finger of which is inserted in the ring of the hook. The external branch is finally directed by the free hand beneath the left thigh upon the hip of the same side, and fixed as usual. The horizontal screAV is next turned for the pur- pose of Avithdrawing the pelvimeter. When restored to its place, the dis- tance between the extremities is again taken, and this, subtracted from the first measurement, gives the length of the transverse diameter. The diameters of the excavation may be measured in the same manner; it being only necessary to take the precaution to mark spots around the pelvis betAveen the limits of the superior and inferior straits. But, after all, the hand of an accoucheur, accustomed to practise the touch, is certainly the best and most satisfactory of all pelvimeters; for, with the exception of a feAV rare cases, in Avhich I would give the preference to the instrument last described, it is always possible to ascertain exactly by it the external form of the pelvis, and also, by its introduction into the vagina, the perfect or defective conformation of the cavity. By the exterior palpation, Ave are enabled to learn the external characters of the pelvis, to find out Avhat interval exists betAveen the tAvo iliac crests, and to measure the depth of the anterior, the posterior, and the lateral Avails of the pelvis; and this might possibly be all-sufficient; although, in our 664 DYSTOCIA. opinion, it is better to resort to the callipers of Baudelocque for the external mensuration. It is more particularly in the appreciation of the dimensions of the cavity, the straits, and the excavation, that the hand introduced into the parts serves as a sure and faithful guide. It is not even necessary to pass the whole hand into the vagina, for the introduction of one or two fingers is usually quite sufficient; in fact, we ought to be satisfied with this, when the Avoman is not in labor, since the entrance of the entire hand Avould often prove very painful.1 The folloAving is the proper mode of using the finger : the index having been passed into the vagina, is directed upwards and backwards towards the sacro-vertebral angle, which is easly recognized by its promi- nence, and by the transverse depression formed at the lum- bosacral articulation. When the extremity of the finger is well applied against this part, the wrist is carried upAvard and forward, until the radial border of the finger comes into con- tact with the loAver margin of the symphysis pubis (see Fig 108), when the index of the other hand (the precaution having previously been taken to separate the labia externa and the nymphae) is applied with its back against the vestibule upon Avhich it is slid until the end of the nail touches the finger in the vagina. The two 1 It is a great mistake, says M. Guillemot, to suppose that it is possible to measure the length of the sacro-pubic diameter, by the introduction of a single finger into the vagina. This result has never been effected when the diameter has exceeded two and a half or three inches in length ; and the dimensions of the strait can only be correctly obtained by using the whole hand. Like M. Guillemot, we believe that the hand should be introduced, whenever it can be done without causing too much suffering to the patient; but we have elsewhere stated that it was often very painful, even at the moment of labor ; and we will add, that at any other period it would appear useless, since the finger alone, by depressing the perineum, might measure as far as three and a half inches, unless there was an unusual resistance at this part, and beyond this a natural delivery is possible ; or, at least, if the intervention of art should become necessary, it could always be termi- nated favorably to the lives both of the mother and child ; and, therefore, nothing need be done until the time of pi^rturition. During labor, says M. Velpeau, we can, if necessary, introduce the entire hand into the vagina ; the thumb and index finger are then separated, so as to place the one on the sacro-vertebral angle, and the other behind the pubis; the hand is withdrawn while in this position, and, by the aid of a measure, the dimensions of the sacro-pubic diameter are determined with one or two lines. I have sometimes used the index and middle fingers, carried high up into the vagina, with advantage ; and then, after having separated them as much as possible, and placed their extremities on the diam- eter that is to be measured, two fingers of the other hand are inserted between their DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 665 fingers should come together precisely at the lower edge of the symphysis pubis. Pressure Avith the nail will make a sufficient mark upon the finger of the right hand. The latter finger is then to be withdraAvn and applied to a rule. In this way the distance between the sacro-vertebral angle upon which the end of the finger rested and the loAver edge of the symphysis pubis is very readily determined. But this oblique line is longer than the antero- posterior diameter of the upper strait, Avhich terminates in front, on the posterior superior part of the symphysis; consequently the excess must be deducted ; and, by subtracting four or five lines for a large pelvis, and three to four for a small one, we shall have very nearly the extent of the sacro- pubic interval. With regard to the exact number of lines to be deducted, the attention should further be directed to the thickness, the length, and the more or less marked obliquity of the symphysis; which circumstances can easily be determined by the touch. Of all the methods, measurement by the finger gives the best results; but it should be done carefully, and precisely in the manner described above. If the separation of the greater and lesser labia be neglected, or if the nail be not applied accurately against the loAver part of the symphysis, the measurement obtained will necessarily be inaccurate. The finger introduced into the parts will also be able to appreciate the extent of the antero-posterior diameter of the excavation; for it can very readily pass over the whole front surface of the sacrum ; and, consequently, can judge whether its anterior concavity is augmented or diminished. Lastly, its extremity being applied against the point of the coccyx, the accoucheur should again elevate his wrist until the radial border of the hand is arrested by the lower part of the symphysis; then, marking this point with the other forefinger, he should withdraw the hand and apply it to a graduated scale, and he can thus ascertain very correctly the extent of the coccy-pubic diameter; further, by pressing gently on the point of this bone, he can judge very readily of the degree of mobility in the sacro- coccygeal articulation. In cases of deformity caused by the excessive length or unusual obliquity of the pubic symphysis, the direction of the vulvar opening will be so much changed as to attract attention; it being then situated much more posteriorly than in well-formed women. Although the results furnished by the touch are perfectly satisfactory as regards the antero-posterior diameters, it is far otherwise Avith the transverse and oblique ones, particularly at the superior strait; for the extent of these bases, to prevent them from changing their relations while being withdrawn from the woman's parts. But these directions, given by M. Velpeau, appear to us impracticable at the superior strait, and equally so as regards the bis-ischiatic interval. Uamsbotham's process resembles nearly Velpeau's. He introduces the fore and middle fingers into the excavation ; the bent extremity of the forefinger is applied closely against the symphysis pubis and the end of the strongly-extended middle finger endeavors to reach the sacro-vertebral angle; then withdrawing the fingers in ihe same position, the space between their extremities is, he says, to be measured by a rule or a pair of compasses. He states that this process has the advantage of giving the exact dimensions, even when the head is engaged in the excavation, since one finger can be passed behind it and the other before it. (Obstetric Med. and Surg., p. 18.) We consider this procedure quite as unavailable as that recommended by M. Velpeau 666 DYSTOCIA. can only be judged of approximately, and we can do n )thing more chan test with the finger the dimensions obtained by the external n ensuration. The finger, when entered, is to be carried in the direction of those diameters, and the accuracy of the result thereby obtained will depend on the experi- ence and tact of the accoucheur. HoAvever, Ave shall soon have occasion to be more explicit on this point, by extracting from the works >f MM. Naegele and Danyau the results of their researches. As to the transverse diameters of the inferior strait, their dimensions can evidently be ascertained by the aid of the fingers. Again, the educated finger will give a very just idea of the length of the symphysis pubis, the spreading and height of the pubic arch, the depth and normal configuration or deviation in the lateral Avails of the excavation, and of the inward prominence of the ischiatic spine. The existence of the various tumors that may obstruct the pelvic cavity, or greatly diminish the canal intended for the passage of the child, can be recognized by the finger alone; for it can detect their nature, their softness, or resistance, and their mobility, or adhesion to the osseous parietes, or to the soft parts Avhich line the latter, far better than any other instrument. But during parturition, the touch, Avhich is so often useful at other times, may not prove adequate to this measurement; for, if the contraction is not very extensive, the head, after being arrested for a long time, may finally engage at the upper part of the excavation, and form a considerable rounded tumor just below the superior strait, large enough to prevent the finger from passing up to the sacro-vertebral angle; and if the sacrum should then happen to be strongly pressed backwards, as is most commonly the case, so that the antero-posterior diameters of the excavation and of the inferior strait are increased, the cause of the head's arrest might be misunderstood, if the accoucheur does not bear in mind that, before engaging, it remained for some time above the symphysis pubis. The attention, however, will he awakened, if the finger, in traversing the anterior surface of the sacrum from above downward, detects the absence of its normal curvature. The sacro-vertebral angle may, however, be reached quite frequently by passing the finger around the head; but the tumor formed by the cedematous scalp sometimes projects so far into the cavity of the pelvis, as to render it im- possible to measure a straight line from the promontory to the lower part of the pubis. We repeat, that the accoucheur's finger is the most perfect of all instru- ments, though its importance must not be overrated. In fact, many prac- titioners have erred in declaring, with Madame Lachapelle, that the best proof of a good conformation of the pelvis is the impossibility of reaching the sacro-vertebral angle with the finger. Certain others, while admitting the imperfection of the other methods of exploration, equally err in suppos- ing that an estimate, correct enough to guide us safely in practice, will be obtained by employing them simultaneously ; because, there are some cases where the best knoAvn methods of exploration are inadequate, Avhere the finger cannot reach the promontory of the sacrum, and yet Avhere a mutila^ tion of the foetus, and sometimes even the Caesarean operation, have been necessary. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 667 The oblique oval pelvis belongs to this class; and M. Naegele, who de- scribed it Avith so much care, after having experienced the inefficiency of the means of diagnosis usually employed, has made some researches, with the vieAV of overcoming this difficulty; for Avhich purpose he has taken points on the pelvis different from those described by most authors, which are easily accessible and recognizable; and he has carefully measured the distances betAveen them in the normal state, as already pointed out (page 653, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10). " In forty-tAVO pelves of well-formed females, avc have found," says he, " in a large majority of cases, but little or no differ- ence betAveen the tAvo sides of the same pelvis, as respects the above-men- tioned distances." M. Danjrau, responding to the wish expressed by M. Naegele, has repeated those researches in a great number of living and well- formed Avomen, and the following are the conclusions at which he has arrived, namely, that in eighty females it appeared: — 1. That the distance from the tuber ischii of one side to the posterior superior spinous process of the opposite ilium, Avas the same on both sides in tAventy-one persons; in fifty-one, the difference between the two sides was from one to three lines; and in eight only it amounted to four, five, and six lines; whilst, in the oblique-oval pelves, the smallest difference Avas found to be one ineh, and the greatest tAvo inches. 2. That the distance from the anterior superior spinous process of one side to the posterior superior iliac spine of the other, was the same in both halves of the pelvis in tAventy-two females; in fifty-one there was a difference of one to six lines betAveen the tAvo; and in seven women only Avas this difference from seven to eleven lines. In the oblique-oval pelves, the smallest difference between these sides Avas three-quarters of an inch, and the greatest two inches. 3. That the distance from the spinous process of the last lumbar vertebra to the anterior superior iliac spine, was the same on both sides, in tAventy- nine instances ; in fifty-one, there Avas a difference of one to seven lines be- tAveen the tAvo. But in the oblique-oval pelves, the least difference Avas eight lines, and the greatest an inch and a third. 4. That the distance from the trochanter major of one side to the poste- rior superior iliac spine of the opposite one, was the same in eighteen cases; Avhen measured comparatively on the two sides of the pelvis, a difference'of one to six lines in this distance Avas found in fifty-seven; and in five only it ranged from seven to nine lines; whilst, in the oblique-oval, the smallest difference Avas half an inch, the greatest an inch and a half. 5. That the distance from the loAver border of the symphysis pubis to the posterior superior iliac spine, Avas the same on both sides in thirty-two Avomen; in forty-six, the difference betAveen the two halves of the pelvis, in this respect, Avas from one to six lines; and in tAvo, from eight to nine lines; but, in the oblique-oval pelves, the least difference in this distance, taken on both sides, Avas seven lines, the greatest one inch. it will, therefore, appear that, by a proper degree of care, and the aid of the measurements just given, Ave would be able to recognize the deformity in question, by measuring the aforesaid distances on each side, and then comparing the results obtained from both. 668 DYSTOCIA. But there is yet another method for detecting the oblique-oval pelvis, says M. Naegele; that is, if a woman, having a well-formed pelvis, be placed with her back against any vertical plane, as a Avail, for instance, so that the shoulders and upper part of the buttocks be in contact with this plane, and then two plumb-lines be dropped, the one from the point corresponding to the spinous process of the first sacral or the last lumbar vertebra, and the other from the lower border of the symphysis pubis, it will be found that the latter nearly or quite covers the first; that is to say, that a line perpen- dicular to the wall would intersect both of these plumbs at a right angle; but this is not the case in the oblique-oval pelvis. In fact, one of its essen- tial characters is, that the symphysis pubis is deviated towards one side, and the sacrum toAvards the other, whence the middle of the pubic symphy- sis is opposite to the anterior sacral foramina, or even to the sacro-iliac articulation on the non-anchylosed side. Consequently, when a woman, whose pelvis is thus deformed, assumes the position just indicated, and the plumb-lines are dropped at the designated points, the operator Avill find, by bringing his view perpendicular to the wall, that the line placed in front does not cover the posterior one; for the latter will deviate to the right or the left, according to the anchylosed side, and this deviation will be the more considerable, as the pelvis is the more deformed. (M. Danyau's.Translation.) AETICLE V. INDICATIONS PRESENTED BY THE DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. It is not our intention to-treat, in this place, of the measures that it would, perhaps, be advisable to employ for the purpose of remedying deformities of the pelvis when they exist, for this subject belongs exclusively to the surgery of the osseous system; besides which,- the various mechanical and gymnastic means hitherto used for correcting the deformities of the skeleton have had no efficacy in changing the form of the pelvis. But, if nothing can be done by the physician to cure, he is, at least, not wholly destitute of resources where there is still a possibility of preventing such deformities. Thus, during the earlier periods of life, especially, he ought to watch over all the circumstances that might influence the regular development of the skeleton, with the most tender solicitude; he should relieve rachitic children from constriction or pressure of every kind, which might, in their variable attitudes, modify the pelvic circumference; they ought to be left in the recumbent position as much as possible; the nurse must not always have the child in her arms, as she is very apt to have, if not cautioned ; and great care is requisite not to permit them to walk too soon, not, indeed, until their bones have acquired a proper degree of solidity; and even then it should be by degrees, and only in proportion as their strength increases. We must not yield, says M. Bouvier, to the chimerical fears of augmenting the debility by depriving children of a necessary exercise; for repose, on the contrary, is much better suited to that state of languor which they generally exhibit; and, besides, we may obtain, by passive motion, by exposure to sunlight, and by general movements in the horizontal position, a sufficient compensation for the state of inaction in which they are kept luring a part of the day. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 669 The indications presented by the deformities in the pelvis, considered mly with regard to the unfavorable influence they may have upon the puerperal functions, will evidently vary Avith the degree of deformity. When studying this influence, we classified all the malformed pelves in three categories, namely: all those having three and three-quarter inches, at the least, in their smallest diameter, were placed in the first; in the second, we have included those presenting two and a half inches, at least; and in the third, those whose smallest dimensions are under two and a half inches; and, following the example of Professor Dubois, we shall still preserve this division in the study of the indications offered by the deformities.1 § 1. What is to be done when the Contraction is such, that the Pelvis measures at least three and three-quarter Inches in its smallest Diameter? In such a case, the child may evidently present either by the vertex, the pelvic extremity, the face, or the trunk. A. Where the Child Presents by the Vertex. — We have elsewhere stated that a spontaneous delivery is possible under such circumstances; and, con- sequently, that the wisest course is to wait and trust to the efforts of nature. But where the uterine contractions are exerted in vain for a long time after the membranes are ruptured, and the amniotic waters are partially discharged without the head making any progress, an application of the forceps is the only remedy to Avhich we can resort.8 But the exact moment for the employment of this measure is to be determined Avith greater pre- cision. As a general rule, we may wait six, seven, or even eight hours after the membranes give Avay, and after the os uteri is fully dilated; and then, if energetic contractions have been uselessly exerted during all this time to overcome the obstacle, it Avill be necessary to interfere, and to apply the forceps; though it will be advisable to act a little more promptly where the head, after having been engaged for some time in the excavation, is arrested by a contraction of the inferior strait; and the same would be true if this strait Avere regularly formed, and the arrest of the head Avere dependent on a feebleness of the uterine contractions occasioned by the pre- vious efforts on the part of the organ to force it through the contracted superior strait. It is unnecessary to add, that if any accident whatever, grave enough to endanger the health of the mother or the life of the child, should occur during the labor, it Avould demand a more prompt intervention 1 I am happy to state that most of the following considerations and practical views are deduced from the excellent thesis which M. P. Dubois sustained with so much credit in the concours, at the close of which he was nominated. I congratulate myself on being the first to give publicity to a work that is, unfortunately, but too little known. ' It is highly important not to confound in practice the constantly increasing tume- faction of the hairy scalp with an actual descent of the head. For, when the labor is retarded, the sero-sanguineous tumor, formed by the soft parts, continually aug- ments in volume, and its summit gets nearer and nearer to the vulva; and, therefore, unless the precaution is taken to get an osseous portion of this region as a point of departure, the accoucheur might suppose that the head was traversing the excavation and approaching the inferior strait, when, in reality, it did not move. 670 DYSTOCIA. of art. Most generally, the frequently repeated auscultation of the pulsa tions of the heart would be satisfactory as to the child's condition, though even here only a certain degree of confidence can be reposed in this sign. B. Where the Child Presents by the Pelvic Extremity.— When describing the mechanism of natural labor, we expressly recommended that no trac- tion should be made on the pelvic extremity in breech presentations, with the view of avoiding the straightening out of the arms and an extension of the head; and we still insist on the same precept here. Nevertheless, in the case before us, if the largest part of the trunk is delivered, and the expulsion of the head is unusually delayed, it would be proper to hasten the termination of the labor by a moderate traction on the body; for such attempts, if well conceived and well directed in the line of the pelvic axis, would prove sufficient in most cases to accomplish the delivery. If, Iioav- ever, they are ineffectual, it will then be necessary to apply the forceps. (See Version.) c. Where the Child Presents by the Face. — Although face presentations may terminate naturally in the majority of cases Avhere the pelvis is Avell formed, it is not the less true, as elseAvhere demonstrated (p. 345) that the labor is somewhat more painful to the mother, and is, besides, more danger- ous for the child than in others. If, therefore, these difficulties, resulting from the position itself, are superadded to those which exist as a necessary consequence of the contraction, there can be no doubt that a delivery, left entirely to nature, Avould be attended with a very considerable risk to the foetus. Under such circumstances, M. P. Dubois recommends the conversion of the face position into one of the vertex, by flexing the head, and then the application of the forceps, if the uterine efforts remain fruitless after the change. It appears to us that this cephalic version would be quite as difficult as the pelvic, if attempted long after the membranes are ruptured, and we should give preference to the latter, Avhich, generally, would enable us to dispense with the use of the forceps. (See Forceps.) D. Where the Child Presents by the Trunk. — If the contraction is dis- covered before the membranes are ruptured, or very shortly after, and the foetus is very movable, we should endeavor to convert the presentation of the shoulder into one of the vertex, and then leave the expulsion to the efforts of the womb; but after the Avaters are discharged, the contraction of the organ renders the introduction of the hand and the cephalic version so diffi- cult, that I consider turning by the feet much easier and less dangerous. The pelvic version, in the case before us, is attended Avith some peculiari- ties that ought to be mentioned. For instance, where an undue development of the sacro-vertebral angle is the cause of the narrowing, it often happens, as before shoAvn, that the base of the sacrum is turned a little to the one or the other side at the same time that it is projected fonvard, thereby con- stricting one half of the pelvis much more than the other; and hence, in performing the evolution of the foetus, and drawing on its pelvic extremity, under such circumstances, it would e\ddently be requisite to turn its posterior plane towards the larger half of the pelvis, so that, when the head presented at the superior strait, its large occipital extremity yvould correspond to the non-retracted side. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 671 It was stated above that when the foetus presented by its flexed cephalic extremity, it Avould be necessary to apply the forceps, if the uterine efforts were incapable of terminating the labor; but the particular variety of mal- formation that we are noAV treating of may modify the rule laid down, Avhich Avas perhaps a little too absolute; for, in this case, the position of the head must greatly influence the accoucheur's determination. Let us take, for example, a pelvis Avhose sacro-vertebral angle while projecting forward is turned to the right, so as to diminish the sacro-cotyloid interval very con- siderably on this side; noAV, the intervention of art being judged necessary, if the head is placed in the left occipito-iliac position, an application of the forceps Avill be the only practicable measure; Avhereas, on the contrary, if the occiput is directed to the mother's right, Ave should preferably resort to the pelvic version. This last operation, by converting a second vertex posi- ion into the first of the feet, Avould have the advantage of bringing the great occipital extremity of the head to the largest side of the pelvis, and Avould thus place the foetus in a much more favorable position. The delivery has frequently been rendered comparatively easy by the pelvic version Avhen resorted to under such conditions; and M. Velpeau relates a case which he terminated successfully by this manoeuvre, though other practitioners had deemed craniotomy to be indispensable in a former labor of the same woman. The recommendations just made have the double object of sparing the mother from useless suffering, and more particularly of relieving the foetus from the danger it would incur from a prolonged labor. Whence, it is evident, that the accoucheur's course will be someAvhat different in those cases Avhere there is a certainty that the child is not living; for, having nothing to fear on its account, he might accord a much longer time to the uterine contractions, especially as the head, Avhich is then softened and reducible, contributes far more to an easy expulsion than under other cir- cumstances. Consequently, he ought not to interfere in such cases, until he has ascertained positively, by a proper delay, the absolute inefficiency of the natural forces. The child's death may also modify the precept above given in the trunk presentations, since the cephalic version was only recommended because it is more advantageous for the infant; therefore, after its death, the pelvic version Avould be preferred as being less painful to the mother. § 2. What is to be done avhen the Degree of Contraction is such that the Pelvis measures three and three-quarter Inches at the most, and tavo and a half inches at the least, in its smallest di- AMETER ? If the foetus dies before or during the labor, and the uterine contractions are ineffectually prolonged, Ave should, doubtless, prevent the dangers the mother might undergo from the delay, by resorting to embryotomy, and the application of the ordinary forceps, or even of the embryotomy forceps. Again, if when the accoucheur is summoned to the patient, the membranes have been ruptured for some time, and the waters are partially or Avholly evacuated ; if the uterine contractions are exerted on the child's body alone, 672 DYSTOCIA. or repeated attempts at extraction have been made without success; if, in a word, the child's life has been compromised, either by the length of the labor or the useless intervention of art,—in all such cases it may be regarded, though still living, as non-viable, and embryotomy is considered by most modern accoucheurs to be the only proposable measure. We ourselves held this opinion for a long time, but being rather less fearful of the probable consequences of pelvic version in contractions of the pelvis, Ave noAV think, that so long as any chance remains in favor of the child, the latter opera- tion should first be attempted. Craniotomy can always be had recourse to, if, after the disengagement of the trunk, it should be found impossible to extract the head. But where the degree of contraction alluded to is detected at the com- mencement of the labor, before the membranes are ruptured, and conse- quently at a time when there is no reason for supposing that the viability of the foetus has been compromised, what ought to be done ? Following the example of M. P. Dubois, we shall here admit a further subdivision into two classes, namely: one, where the pelvis has an extent of three and three-quarter inches at the most, and three inches at the least; and the other, where it has but three inches at the most, and tAvo and a half inches at the least, in its smallest diameter. In the former case, after having waited for all that can reasonably be expected from the uterine contractions, the forceps are to be applied Avhen the vertex presents favorably. Should the attempt prove fruitless, the contrac- tions may be alloAved to continue for an hour or two longer, Avhen, if inef- fectual, the instrument is again to be had recourse to. If moderate tractions are found to be insufficient, the instrument should be withdraAvn, and pelvic version attempted, in the hope of extracting a living child. (See Art. Forceps, Appreciation.) If no favorable result follows this second applica- tion of the forceps, Ave are in the conditions above mentioned, and the life of the child being certainly compromised, Ave are authorized in preferring craniotomy to an operation which might prove disastrous to the mother; I allude to the symphyseotomy or the Caesarean operation. But should the child present by the face, trunk, or breech, turning is to be preferred. (See Appreciation of the Forceps.) When the pelvic diameters afford but from two and three-quarters to three and a quarter inches, the indications to be fulfilled remain the same; but the difficulty experienced in executing the manoeuvres leaves no alter- native but a bloody operation. (See Symphyseotomy, and Embryotomy.) The various degrees of contraction, when ascertained long before the ter- mination of pregnancy, present new indications to the practitioner; these, in fact, are the cases in which the induction of premature labor is to be resorted to. The recommendation to subject pregnant women with con- tracted pelves to a restricted diet and repeated blood-letting during gesta- tion, applies also to the degree of narrowing under consideration, and more especially to those' cases in which the smallest diameter amounts to at least three and a quarter inches. The value of these two methods will be dis- cussed hereafter. DEFORMITIES OF THE PELVIS. 673 § 3. What is to be done when the Dimensions of the Pelvis are un dei. tavo and a half inches ? If the child is living, Ave have, evidently, only to choose between the Cesarean operation and the mutilation of the foetus, for apart from some exceptional cases (see page 646), its spontaneous or artificial expulsion is here physically impossible. (Sec Cozsarean Operation.) But if it is dead, or if, in consequence of the duration of the labor, and the repeated attempts at extraction which have been made, there is reason to believe that its via- bility is so compromised that it might be considered as incapable of surviv- ing after its birth, the indications Avill vary according to the degree of con- traction. Where, under these latter circumstances, the pelvis offers enough space in its smallest diameter to enable us to hope that, by reducing the size of the parts by craniotomy, the delivery can be accomplished without subject- ing the mother to any very serious dangers, the mutilation of the foetus should be resolved on, and its extraction effected by aid of the embryotomy forceps. But when the diameter is barely over an inch, we can no longer think of extracting the child by the natural passages; and the Cesarean operation is then alone admissible. It is very important to knoAV that Avith less than tAvo inches, cephalotripsy becomes very difficult, because then the extraction of the base of the cranium, after the perforation of its vault, and the evacuation of its cavity, requires such numberless gropings and violent efforts, such repeated and grievous pressures and distentions, that the chances for the mother's safety after these painful attempts, Avhich are sometimes made without any benefit, are not more favorable than those Avhich follow the Caesarean operation. Under these circumstances, M. Pajot proposes crushing simply, without traction. (See Cephalotripsy.) In our remarks, thus far, Ave have supposed that the child always pre- sented bv its cephalic extremity; but, in order to fill up the outline Ave have traced, it is noAV necessary to point out what must be done Avhen the pelvic extremity presents, the pelvis affording two and a half inches at the most. Under such circumstances, the head still adhering to the trunk after the escape of the latter, or entirely separated from it by decapitation, may be- come arrested above the superior strait. If, then, the least diameter of the pelvis amounts to tAvo inches, craniotomy, and the application of the embry- otomy forceps, will evidently be indicated. But if the contraction be still greater, it Avould be necessary, after having diminished the volume of the parts, and attempted in vain every effort at extraction compatible Avith the mother's safety,— it would be necessary, I repeat, to separate the head from the trunk, by dividing the neck, and to abandoi. its expulsion entirely to nature; for, notAvithstanding all the dangers to Avhich the woman would then be exposed, this Avould be better than the Caesarean operation, per- formed after the almost total contraction of the womb. If nothing has hitherto been said concerning a faulty direction of the axis of the pelvis, it Avas only because, like Professor Naegele, Ave do not attach to this particular variety of defective conformation all the importance that Lohstein a~id many other accoucheurs have attributed to it. The degree of inclination of the superior and inferior straits may depart widely from 43 674 DYSTOCIA. the figi re before given as expressing the average normal condition. Thu.-, the plane of the abdominal strait may be so inclined dowmvards as to be sometimes quite vertical, as in a Avoman described by M. Naegele; while, at others, there is no inclination at all, being then almost horizontal; finally, the upper part of the symphysis pubis may be more elevated than the sacro- vertebral angle, the plane being inclined from above doAvmvards, and from before backwards, as in the case reported by M. Bello. (Transactions Medicales, t. xiii. p. 285.) The plane of the inferior strait may present the same irregularities of inclination; indeed, the direction of both straits is most frequently changed at the same time. But excepting some inconveniences Avhich the Avoman suffers during ges- tation, that are more particularly dependent on the wrong direction of the uterus, whose displacement is often a consequence of the faulty direction of the axis of the superior strait, the puerperal functions are scarcely troubled by the anomaly mentioned; for although this abnormal direction of the pelvis has appeared in some feAV cases to present a serious obstacle to the delivery, it Avas only because it happened to coincide yvith a deformity of the bones and a contraction of the cavity. The facts reported by Moreau and Bello, yvhen carefully examined, fully confirm the second part of this proposition, while the first is proved by the curious observations of M. Naegele. CHAPTER III. OF BONY TUMORS OF THE PELVIS. The tumors that may obstruct the excavation take their origin in the bones or in the soft parts, and are extremely numerous and varied ; and, Avhere they have acquired a considerable volume, they constitute one of the most serious difficulties in the practice of midwifery. It will not be in our poAver, in this work, to enter into all the details which the importance of the subject demands ; besides, all that relates to the etiology, the pathological anatomy, and the symptomatology of these.tumors, rather belongs to surgery than to the obstetrical art; and Ave must confine ourselves more particularly to pointing out to the practitioner those signs by means of Avhich their diag- nosis is established, as also to bringing into view the different indications they present for treatment. It is proper to state at the'outset, that, in compiling this article, we have freely extracted from the learned dissertation of M. Puchelt on the subject, whose classification we retain. The tumors, whose influence over parturition is about to claim our atten- tion, may have their origin either in the Avails of the canal which the foetus has to traverse, and therefore appertain to the soft parts or to the osseous parietes, or they may be a dependency of the neighboring organs. Tumors of the soft parts will be studied hereafter. At present we shall treat of those bony tumors which occasion, in many respects, a resemblance to contractions of the pelvis. BONY TUMORS OF THE PELVIS. 675 ^ 1. Exostosis. If Ave lay aside, says M. Danyau, all those cases in which an unusual prominence of the sacro-vertebral angle has been mistaken for a true ossific tumor, as Avell as those where there is an uncertainty Avith regard to their character, from the insufficiency of the details in the Avritten account, there positively remain but tAvo examples of exostosis, the authenticity of Avhich is incontestable, namely, those reported by Leydig and Mackibbin. Though some doubts may still exist as to the value of many assertions that have not been subsequently confirmed by the autopsy, yet I do not believe that we can thus strike out, by a dash of the pen, most of the observations re- corded in our science. For example, it Avould really be difficult not to admit the authenticity of the one reported by Gardien, since Duret pre- served the pelvis of the female who Avas the subject of it for a long time in his cabinet. The facts reported by M. Puchelt prove that most pelvic exostoses arise from the anterior face of the sacrum. Nevertheless, several other points of the pelvis have likewise been their seat; thus they have been knoAvn to spring from the sacro-vertebral articulation, from the last lumbar vertebra, or the first bone of the sacrum, and from the posterior face of the pubis, either from its middle part, or on one of the sides, as also from the internal face of one of the ischia. What has been stated respecting the uncertainty of the published obser- vations, foreAvarns us of the difficulty that is at times experienced in diag- nosticating the pelvic exostoses, and in distinguishing them from the various prominences caused by deformities of the pelvis. The hardness of the tumor, and its original adhesion to the osseous parietes, are given as char- acteristic signs; its unevenness and immobility are also important to be ascertained. Being ahvays covered by the vaginal Avail, it projects into the interior of this canal, by pressing aside the organs situated before it. When arising from the anterior face of the sacrum, it impinges on the posterior wall particularly; and, if the rectum be then explored, the latter Avill be found slightly pressed fonvard by the tumor, which is itself located behind. This last sign is very important, for nearly all the other tumors are situated in front of the boAvel. The prognosis is necessarily dependent on the size and situation of the tumor, and on the earlier or later period of gestation, at Avhich the labor takes place. It is evidently more serious Avhen the abnormal groAvth is very voluminous ; Avhen it is so placed as to diminish one of the small diam- eters of the straits, and Avhen the child's head is very large. The indications for treatment, which Avere so fully described in studying the deformities of the pelvis, present themselves aneAV, and demand the employment of the same means, namely: to abandon the labor to nature when the tumor is small and so situated as to shorten the long diameters only; or to apply the forceps, resort to symphyseotomy, to the Cesarean operation, or to embry )tomy, according to the degree of contraction. (See page 668 et seq.) 676 DYSTOCIA. [g 2. Enchondroma. Enchondromatous, or cartilaginous tumors of the pelvis, are quite rare. The) were made the subject of an excellent paper published by our colleague and friend Dr. Dolbeau, (Journal le Progres, I860,) which contains ten cases of enchondroma coincident with pregnancy, the one borrowed from d'Outrepont being given in tlie fullest detail. In this case, the tumor occupied the entire left half of the pelvis, was hard and globular, yet became so much softened during labor as to permit extraction of the child, which presented by the breech. In connection with Pro- fessor Depaul, I witnessed a case precisely similar to the one just mentioned; but as the patient recovered without ablation of the tumor, some doubts remain as to its real character. These enchondromatous tumors seem to adhere to the bone or periosteum, either by a large surface or a slender pedicle ; occasionally they are formed in the soft parts in the neighborhood only of the bony surfaces. They sometimes become quite large. (See Le Traite' Complementaire des Accouchements de Lenoir, See, et Tarnier. Paris, 1864.) The indications to be fulfilled in such cases are the same as has been already laid down in respect to exostoses; (see above ;) but the possible mobility of the cartilaginous tumors, and especially their softening, ought to modify favorably the prognosis in regard to the probable result of the labor. In extreme cases only is a bloody operation to be thought of. g 3. Osteosteatoma. The term osteosteatomatous was applied by Lenoir to imperfectly defined tumors, composed of fibro-fatty and calcareous substances. He is, however, liable to the charge of having confused tumors of this character with enchondroma properly so called. Osteosteatomatous tumors always take their origin in the cellular tissue, and sometimes continue entirely free from any adherence witfi the bones of the pelvis, though most frequently they become attached to them. It is very difficult to establish a positive diagnosis between these tumors on the one hand and exos- toses or enchondromatous tumors on the other. It is fortunate, therefore, that the conduct of the surgeon will be the same in either case.] § 4. OSTEO-SARCOMA. Osteo-sarcoma of the pelvis is a very rare disease; two instances, however, are recorded, in which the contraction produced by it was extensive enough to require the Caesarean operation. The tumor can scarcely be distinguished from that of exostosis, unless, perhaps, by the inequalities it presents, and more particularly by the de- pressibility, the semi-cartilaginous softness, and the crepitation that it may offer at certain portions of its surface. It is evident that this depressibility of the tumor will render the prognosis less serious than in cases of exostosis; since we may indulge a hope that the head-being urged on by the uterine contractions, will flatten it down, and make it disappear in part. Consequently, it is here permissible to wait a longer time; but as soon as the inefficiency of the efforts of nature becomes apparent, we must resort at once to the same measures as in cases of pelvic contraction. § 5. Bony Tumors caused by Fractures. Ossific p *otuberances in the pelvis may likewise depend on the irregular RESISTANCE OF THE EXTERNAL GENITAL PARTS. 677 consolidation of an old fracture in this part; or may be formed by the head of the femur, Avhich, in consequence of coxalgia, has traversed the bottom of the carious and perforated acetabulum, and projects into the pelvic cavity. I recollect having read in a medical journal (Avhich I cannot noAV find) an account of the Caesarean operation having been performed in a case Avhere the sole obstacle to delivery Avas thus formed by the head of the thigh-bone. A representation of a fracture is given in the atlas of Professor Moreau, taken from the Musee Depuytren, in which the bottom of the right cotyloid cavity has been driven in, the internal Avail forming a rounded tumor that projects nearly an inch and a half inwards ; the ilium was at the same time divided beyond the right sacro-iliac symphysis; but, in consolidating, the exterior part of the iliac fossa has been carried imvards in such a manner as to approach towards the sacrum, Avhereby the tumor formed by the cotyloid wall is brought near to the sacro-vertebral angle. The Journal des Progres, t. xv. 1828, contains another curious instance of a fracture of the pelvis, with a consecutive deformity in the excavation fol- loAved by mortal symptoms ; this Avoman had previously had five fortunate deliveries. The Caesarean operation has frequently been performed for obstacles of this nature; thus Burns, Lever, and Barlow have each reported a case of the kind. A very full account of this subject will be found in L'Atlas et le Traitt d'Accouchement, de Lenoir. Paris, 1864. In conclusion, it is evident that, from Avhatever point the osseous tumors of the pelvis may arise, this cause of dystocia will still present the same indications for treatment. CHAPTER IV. EXCESSIVE RESISTANCE OF THE EXTERNAL GENITAL PARTS. Even Avhen the external genital parts appear to be perfectly well formed and the most thorough examination fails to detect a tumor or obstruction of any kind, cases sometimes occur in Avhich they resist the passage of the child. These cases we propose studying in the present chapter. § 1. Smallness and Rigidity of the Vulva. The rigidity of the external parts of generation, which is frequently ob- served in Avomen A\dio do not become pregnant until an advanced period of life, as also in very young, muscular girls, who are somewhat fat and of a plethoric habit, often causes a considerable delay in the progress of the head during the first labor. Most commonly, hoAvever, this narroAvness and natu- ral rigidity give Avay, and the parts become distended ; but this distention is not always so complete as the volume of the head demands; and then the latter, being urged on by the violence of the uterine contractions, breaks down the resistance before it. and a laceration of the posterior vulvar com- missure and of* a more or less considerable portion of the perineum results. In certain cases, as elsewhere described, the contraction is vainly exerted for a long time against the resistance of the soft parts, and it becomes en- 678 DYSTOCIA. feebled or ceases altogether; the intervention of artificial measures is then indicated, at first to restore the contraction if possible, and aftcrAvards to replace it by moderate tractions with the forceps. In cases of this nature, where the labor had been abandoned for too long a time to the resources of the organism, the fourchette, being too firm to yield, has been known to remain intact; Avhile the perineum, distended be- yond measure, and thereby rendered thinner, Avas perforated at its centre, and the child expelled through an accidental opening, bounded in front by the posterior commissure of the vulva, and behind by the sphincter ani muscle. At the present day, this fact is well determined. But it may happen that the perineum is perforated at its middle, and yet, notAvith- standing this accident, the foetus pass out through the natural passage: this is particularly apt to occur Avhen the accoucheur's hand, being forcibly ap- plied on these parts, endeavors to press back the head in its normal direc- tion, and thus replace the accustomed resistance of the pelvic floor. There- fore, it does not follow that the child has escaped through the central lacer- ation of the perineum, simply because such an opening is met Avith after the delivery. Even when every precaution is taken, there are, as Ave see, cases in Avhich extreme smallness of the vulva, and rigidity of the soft parts, make it im- possible for the head to be expelled Avithout greater or less rupture of the perineum. In order to prevent it, Michaelis advised, in 1810, incision of the posterior commissure. The example of Eichelbery might, hoAvever, be folloAved, and the incision be made on one or both sides of the vulvar ori- fice. This operation should be performed only Avhen the head is at the vulya, and rupture of the perineum seems imminent. The blade of Pott's bistoury is to be glided on its side betAveen the head of the child and the margin of the vulva, and an effort made to limit the incision to the extent just necessary to alloAV the head to pass. Eichelbery mentions a rapid and safe cicatrization of the wound,- in recommendation of this incision of the thickest part of the vulva. [We therefore prefer lateral incisions : a single one may prove sufficient, but it is sometimes better to make them on both sides. The simplest way of doing it is by means of strong, blunt, pointed scissors, one of the blades of which is to be intro- duced flat between the head of the child and the vulva, to the distance of about three-eighths of an inch, and turned up when the incision is made. The integuments are so distended when it becomes necessary to operate that very little pain is occasioned. The small wounds thus made are considerably shortened by the retraction of the vulva after delivery, and heal quickly. Incision of the edge of the vulva is, therefore, a very good operation, but slightly painful and devoid of danger, yet it ought not to be had recourse to unless really necessary.] § 2. Resistance of the Perineum. It is not at all unusual, particularly in strong and muscular primiparae, and in those possessing considerable embonpoint, to find the labor progress- ing very regular at first, the head clearing the cervix and descending into the excavation as far as the pelvic floor, and then its further progress to be entirely arrested; the uterus struggles energetically for a time against this obstad le, but, notwithstanding the force of its efforts, the head may remain RESISTANCE OF THE EXTERNAL GENITAL PARTS. 679 there for several hours without advancing a single line. This resistance on the part of the perineum is evidently OAving either to an excessive contrac- tion of the muscular fibres that enter into its composition, or else to the presence of so great a quantity of adipose tissue, as to render this portion of the pelvic Avail too inextensible to permit the escape of the head. But whatever may be the cause of the resistance, it affects the ulterioi course of the labor in two widely different Avays, Avhich it is highly impor- tant to distinguish in practice, for they require the employment of opposite means. For instance, it may happen that the uterine contraction, Avhich was originally strong and energetic, is sustained in the same degree during several hours, but then, being overcome by the resistance which it cannot surmount, it grows weaker, is exhausted, and finally disappears altogether. The indications here are obvious; to endeavor to arouse the pains again, by making the patient Avalk about her chamber, by rubbing the abdomen or titillating the cervix uteri, and by administering the ergot: and, if all these prove ineffectual, to apply the forceps. But a very different case is occasion- ally met Avith, in Avhich the contractions, so far from being exhausted, are kept up as strong and vigorous as at the commencement of the labor; and yet, notAvithstanding their energy, they are incapable of effecting the dilata- tion of the soft parts in the perineum ; this proving an insurmountable resistance against Avhich the most poAverful efforts are spent in vain. Here the accoucheur should evidently avoid the use of means calculated to arouse the contractions, — the ergot in particular would be exceedingly dangerous,— since the tetanic and irregular contractions that result from its use, and which have so often been followed by the death of the child, and even by a rupture of the Avomb that has almost uniformly proved fatal to the mother, are then particularly apt to occur. The uterus is certainly doing all that it can, and the physician should not attempt to arouse any more energetic con- tractions, but should rather aid its expulsive efforts by tractions carefully performed on the child ; and an application of the forceps is clearly the only resource. Our vieAV of its particular mode of action in the case before us will be studied hereafter in the article on Forceps. Noav, in order to illustrate this distinction, Avhich we believe very impor- tant in practice, Ave "will suppose tAvo Avomen in labor, in both of whom the child's head is properly situated, and has rested on the pelvic floor for six or seven hours; but in one of them, the contractions, that Avere at first strong and frequent, have gradually become more feeble and rare, or even have almost entirely disappeared; while in the other, on the contrary, they still maintain all their original poAver. In the latter case, we Avould apply the forceps immediately; Avhilst in the former, Ave should first have'recourse to the various measures calculated to restore the pains, and we would only resort to the forceps Avhen these excitations had proved ineffectual, or the pains caused by the ergot still appeared to be insufficient. It is also important to remember that the life of the foetu 3 may be greatly endangered by the ergotic contractions. These, therefore, should not be alloAved to continue too long. If the head is not expelled after the lapse of half or three quarters of an hour from the commencement of the ergotic contractions, I should think it prudent to terminate the labor by the forceps. 680 DYSTOCIA. This inefficiency of the pains brought on by the ergot is not very unusual in the case before us; but, even then, the administration of this article Avill have been useful, though an application of the forceps be aftenvards deemed necessary; because the instrument will then be applied under much more' favorable conditions; for the contractions produced by the secale cornutum will aid the artificial tractions ; and, moreover, will prevent the consecutive inertia of the Avomb, to Avhich the Avoman would have been exposed, if the instrument had been applied without previously exciting its contractility of tissue. § 3. Laceration or Rupture of the Perineum. [Smallness of the vulva and resistance of the perineum are not unfrequently the cause of laceration of the fourchette and of the perineum itself, to a greater or less extent. These lacerations may be either incomplete, central, or complete. They are incomplete when, beginning from the vulva they do not involve the sphincter of the anus; central, AA'hen the rupture occurs between the vulva and anus, Avithout involving either of these openings; complete, when the vulva, perineum, and sphincter ani are torn, together with the recto-vaginal partition, to a greater or less height. Incomplete lacerations do not require any particular treatment, as they heal spontaneously. The lower limbs ought, however, to be kept together by means of a napkin tied around the knees. Cicatrization sometimes takes place by first inten- tion, and sometimes after suppuration. In either case, the perineum will almost always be sufficiently large after recovery. In cases of incomplete rupture extend- ing to the sphincter of the anus, a few points of suture or " serre-fines " have often been used; but, for our own part, we gave them both up long ago, because they are painful and liable to give rise to small points of gangrene. In all cases of incomplete laceration, I think it best to abstain from operations of every kind. A few touches with nitrate of silver will be all that is necessary. What has just been said of incomplete lacerations applies equally to the treat- ment of the central ruptures. Complete lacerations are far more serious than the preceding, being often followed by inability to retain the faeces, which is a deplorable infirmity." It is well, how- ever, to know that a certain number of these cases of complete rupture recover spontaneously. This occurred in one case under my own observation ; and as M. Huguier has seen fifteen or twenty which terminated in the same way, the natural cure cannot be a very rare occurrence. Nevertheless, spontaneous recoveries are far from being the general rule, and then surgical interference becomes a matter of necessity. When perineoraphy is to be performed, the question arises as to the best time for doing the operation. Dieffenbach advises the suture immediately after delivery, for as at that time the lacerated edges are still bleeding, it is unnecessary to freshen them, and the whole is resolved rather into a simple dressing than a bloody operation. Still, this course has its inconveniences, for the patients are deprived of the chance of a spontaneous cure, the lochial discharges impede cicatrization, and the diseases to which the puerperal state is so liable, often prevent a successful issue. I think it much better, as advised by Roux and Velpeau, to wait until the patient has entirely recovered, and defer operating until after the first menstrual return. M. Nelaton advised that it should be done seven or eight days after delivery, and without freshening the edges, merely to bring together the edges of the wonnd, at this time covered with granulations. This method has had both its successes and failures. At seven or eight days after delivery the genital parts are often still MALFORMATIONS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 681 Bwollen, so that the sutures then traverse inflamed tissues, which cut through readily. Lochial discharges and intercurrent puerperal diseases are, besides, liable to interfere with the recovery. We therefore give preference to the later operation.] CHAPTER V. OF MALFORMATIONS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. ihe malformations of the genital parts may be either congenital or acci- lental: but, as both offer very similar indications for treatment, I shall mclude them in the same description. § 1. Adhesion of the Greater and the Lesser Labia. This may exist at birth, or it may result from some Avound or ulceration, the healing up of Avhich has not been properly attended to. Denman has remarked that this abnormal union is quite frequent in little girls, though it is rarely observed at the age of puberty, as the free and constant use made of their limbs, Avhen they begin to walk, most probably causes a spontaneous separation. This union, when congenital, may be more or less complete, intimate, or resistant. When resulting from an accident, it is never perfect, because the frequent passage of the urine prevents adhesion from taking place at the point corresponding to the meatus urinarius; and the discharge of the menstrual fluid, Avhen the courses come on before the cicatrization is completed, likewise prevents the adhesion of the labia for a considerable extent. § 2. Persistence of the Hymen. The hymen may occasionally persist even after copulation, and thus con- stitute an obstacle to the expulsion of the child. The varieties of form it may exhibit under such circumstances Avere pointed out in the anatomical description of this membrane. A persistence of the hymen does not ahvays prevent conception, since most authors relate instances in Avhich they were obliged to divide it at the time of labor in order to make a free passage for the child. They have even detailed examples of pregnant Avomen, in Avhom a second hymen was found some distance above the first. Again, this mem- brane has persisted after the delivery, as proved in a case observed by Meckel, Sen., and reported by Tolberg. A Avoman, after having expelled a foetus of five months, surrounded by all its membranes, still preserved her hymen intact, circular, and tense. § 3. Obstruction from Cicatrices. The smallness and rigidity of the external parts may be occasioned either by abnormal bands or unyielding and inextensible cicatrices resulting from wounds, or more ctmmonlv from the lacerations Avhich are liable to occur in tedious or difficult labors. Case* of this kin I are not uncommon. De la Motte mentions one which 682 DYSTOCIA. is quit^ remarkable. Auguste Berard relates in the Dictionary in 30 volumes a case in Avhich after the operation of perineoraphy the vulva Avas so com tracted as to render sexual intercourse impossible. In Vol. V. of the Gazette Medicale (April, 1837, p. 13) is reported a case of difficult labor due to an operation of episioraphy. All cases of this kind resemble each other, and the course of the accoucheur, under the circumstances, is very simple: a feAV incisions, and, if necessary, the use of the forceps, accomplish the delivery.' It must not be supposed that all Avomen, in Avhom the fourchette had been destroyed in a former labor, and in whom the band resulting from the cica- trix had constituted the obstacle to delivery, are as fortunate as she Avhose history I have just given; for sometimes a fresh laceration has occurred, and at others the resisting band has not yielded, and the child has. been expelled through a central rupture of the perineum. 1 To the numerous examples recorded in the books, I may add the following from my own experience: In the beginning of January, 1838, while I performed the duties of Chef de Clinique at the hospital of the Faculty, a woman of about thirty years of age was brought there, who -was pregnant for the second time, and had reached her full term. She had been in labor since the previous Friday evening, and it was then Sunday morning. The patient informed us that the membranes were ruptured on Saturday at eight a. m., and that the head appeared to descend rapidly in the excava- tion, but was arrested in the passage. The accoucheur in attendance called one of his brethren in consultation, and they attempted an application of the forceps at two o'clock in the afternoon, without any benefit. At eight in the evening, everything being in the same condition, they renewed the use of the instrument, which still proved ineffectual. They then waited until Sunday morning, and had the patient transported to the hospital. As Professor P. Dubois was absent on her arrival, I examined the woman, and found that the head had entered the excavation and was resting on the floor of the pelvis, the inferior strait of which appeared to be slightly contracted. A transverse band, about the thickness of a large goose-quill, and composed of a very hard and apparently cartilaginous tissue, existed at the posterior commissure of the vulva. (The woman then told us that her former labor could not be terminated without resort- ing to the forceps, and that a considerable laceration of the perineum had resulted in consequence of its use.) At every contraction, which, however, was feeble and infre- quent, the child's head pressed strongly against this bridle, but the latter did not yield in the least; and for two hours, during which we watched the progress of the labor before taking any part, the head did not advance a single line ; besides, the vulva did not dilate, and the band remained as hard, resistant, and inelastic as ever. I was about to make an incision on the anterior commissure of the perineum; but a new examination of the parts having satisfied me that the lower strait was somewhat con- tracted, that the pains were very feeble, and consequently that the head's arrest might be dependent on'these two circumstances, as well as upon the resistance of the band, I resolved to attempt a new application of the forceps. The head was then in an occipito-pubic position, or nearly so, though the occiput was still a little to the left; the blades were applied and locked without difficulty, but the first tractive efforts proved to be wholly abortive ; after trying for a quarter of an hour, I succeeded in fairly engaging the head in the osseous strait; the posterior part of the perineum began to bulge out, though the commissure still resisted, and the pressure thus made on the soft parts seemed to arouse the uterine contractions, for the woman, from that moment, aided my efforts with all her powers. Under the conjoint influence of these two forces, the head constrained the vulva to dilate, the band gradually yielded, it became thinner and more distended, and finally, after three-quarters of an hour of constant tractions and almost continual pains, the head succeeded in clearing the vulva. The perineum was well sustained by an assistant, and did not exhibit the smallest trace of a laceration. MALFORMATIONS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 683 § 4. Malformations of the Vagina. The entire vagina, or only its upper part, may be wanting, as in the case mentioned (page 108), in Avhich only the lower fourth of the canal was present. This kind of deformity is often coincident with absence of the uterus, in which case it is plain that the accoucheur has nothing to do. It may be entirely or partially obliterated at some one point, either by partial or complete adhesion of its Avails, or by partitions. The adhesion may be congenital, and the vagina reduced to a dense, solid, impervious cord, composed of mere cellular tissue; or it may be accidental, resulting most usually from lacerations or lesions during former labors, or else from wounds or injuries. Thus, in the case of a woman, reported by M. Lombart, of Geneva, who used a pint of sulphuric acid as an injection, with the cul- pable design of procuring an abortion, the bladder Avas found to be fused immediately into the rectum, the vagina having been destroyed at the cor- responding part; and M. Cruveilhier has knoAvn the vulvo-uterine canal to terminate in a cul-de-sac, about an inch from the meatus urinarius, in con- sequence of vaginal injections made Avith a solution of corrosive sublimate. The partitions spoken of as existing in the vagina may be transverse or longitudinal; and most of the cases of double or triple hymen mentioned by authors can probably be referred to the former. These may be complete, that is, they may divide this canal into tAvo distinct cavities, though more frequently they exhibit a small opening through Avhich the liquids ooze;1 or incomplete, only obliterating it in part; consequently their form is very variable in different cases. [A very singular case of dystocia, caused by a sort of bridle in the vagina, was reported to me by my friend Dr. Pignant, of Creuzot. When the child Avas about to be expelled, the head passed above a sort of bridle or bridge, whilst the body was disengagecLbeloAV it, so that the neck of the child remained applied against the vulva, retained there by the bridle. The midwife in attendance Avould not venture 1 In the course of the year 1837, a young woman, who was advanced to the last month of gestation, presented herself at the clinic of the Faculte. When the vaginal touch was resorted to, the finger was arrested, at the depth of one inch and a half or two inches, by a perfectly smooth septum, in which it could detect no sensible opening. T>\ a resort to the speculum, it became evident that the obstacle to the entrance of the finger consisted of a membrane, which adhered to the walls of the vagina, and com- pletely blocked up its cavity at,this point. Its surface appeared to be nearly an inch in diameter; and, by pushing and distending it Avith the extremity of the instrument, a small opening was detected towards the upper third and right portion of this par- tition, through which a few drops of sero-purulent liquid were oozing. The extremity of a blunt probe could scarcely be made to penetrate the little orifice, which was directed obliquely from below upwards, and from before backwards; the instrument then entered a kind of posterior chamber, formed by the upper wall of the vagina. Thus far, no accident had impeded the course of the gestation, but some difficulty was thenceforth anticipated at the time of labor. This patient was taken during the night with pains, but they were so feeble that a commencement of the labor was not suspected; though about five o'clock in the morning very strong and frequent ones came on, which effected the expulsion of the foetus. The lying-in was very favorable, and two weeks afterwards I found that the septum had been split into three distinct pieces; one inferior and two superior. I have examined this Avoman several times since, and am satisfied that the flaps still remain isolated. 684 DYSTOCIA. to cut the constricting part, which was rounded in form, muscular in appearance, and as thick as the little finger. The child perished in consequence. Upon exam- ination, the bridle was found to have a longitudinal direction, with its tvA'o end? inserted upon the vagina.] Where the septa are longitudinal, at times they only divide the vagina in a part of its extent; but at others, they separate it throughout. In the latter case, the continuity of the partition may be interrupted at some part, and then the two canals which it forms will communicate through this opening. The septum, Avhen complete, is occasionally prolonged into the uterus, Avhich it likewise divides into tAvo cavities, although this does not always happen. The vagina may have been originally very small, or it may have under- gone a remarkable diminution or contraction. This, in some cases, has been carried so far as scarcely to permit the introduction of the female catheter. M. Moreau observed a young Avoman in the fourth or fifth month of her pregnancy, in whom this canal was so contracted that it barely admitted the barrel of an ordinary Avriting-quill. Such a disposition, Avhich gives rise to much uneasiness, nearly always yields to the natural progress of the gestation.1 Again, the vulvo-uterine canal may be deviated from its usual course, and present no natural openings at the parts of generation. The points at which it then terminates are very various; thus it has been known to open below the navel by two small orifices, separated from each other by a strong membrane, one of Avhich gave passage to the urine, and the other to the menstrual fluids; frequently, it discharges into the rectum. Portal states that a young girl, in whose vulva there was only a small opening for the passage of the urine, and Avhose menses were always discharged by the anus, became pregnant; yet the small opening enlarged sufficiently during the latter stages of gestation, and more particularly during the travail, to permit a spontaneous termination of the labor. M. Rossi reports that, having been called to a Avoman in labor, he discovered a total absence of the external genital organs. At first, he supposed there Avas a retention of the menses, and, under this impression, made an incision about tAvo inches long in the direction of the vagina; Avhen, instead of the menstrual blood, he encountered a male child, which escaped through this opening, and lived but seven hours after its birth. Whilst searching where the fecundation could have taken place, he discovered, after having interrogated the hus- band, a small orifice, near the sphincter ani and at the internal part, Avhich would scarcely admit a fine probe. 1 Plenck states that, being summoned to a woman in labor, he found the vagina so contracted that the little finger could not be introduced at all. Nevertheless, this canal was sufficiently dilated by the end of eighteen hours, and the child's expulsion took place Avithout producing any laceration of it or of the external genital parts. (Elementa artis Obstetricise, p. 113.) Merriman states that the labor terminated spontaneously in thirty-six hours, in a case where the introduction of the finger was barely possible; but the patient died on the third day, and a small laceration of the vagina was found at the post-mortem examination. (Synopsis p. f>9.) malformations of the vulva and VAG1NTA. 685 The various obstacles just studied are most frequently surmounted by the efforts of nature alone; and, therefore, as a general rule, there is no necessity for an early resort to cutting instruments. If, however, it be deemed advisable to have recourse to an operation before the labor, for separating the agglutinated parts, incising the hymen, or for destroying an abnormal septum or vaginal adhesion, it Avould be better to Avait until the first four or five months of the gestation have passed over; because, after this period, there would be less reason to fear the unfavorable influence which the shock caused by the operation might have over its progress. As the hymen and the vaginal septum are nearly ahvays perforated by an opening, a director might be introduced into it, along Avhich a bistoury should be passed, so as to incise the parts; Avhere it is necessary to divide the adherent labia, Ave might use the scissors, as their agglutination is ahvays incomplete; but, in all cases, the incision must be carried as low doAvn as possible, so as to open a free passage for the lochia. When it is desirable to destroy the hymen or a septum, it is usually recommended to make a crucial incision, and even to excise the flaps to prevent them from afterwards reuniting. A similar plan Avould be resorted to, at the time of parturition, excepting that the same importance does not attach to the excision of the flaps, as the discharges of the lochia Avould prevent their reunion. As to the bands and partial contractions found at some part or other of the canal, Ave should delay our operation, for they most generally become softened and ultimately permit the delivery to take place; in the contrary case, they must evidently be incised. Finally, an accidental and complete obliteration of the vulva, occurring during the course of gestation, Avould require the creation of a neAV passage for the head, as soon as the latter distends the perineum; and it is advis- able to make the incision in the place usually occupied by the vulvar orifice. § 5. Inversion of the Vagina. Inversion of the vagina occasionally takes place during parturition; that is, the mucous membrane of this canal being pressed doAvn by the child's head, and consequently being more or less inverted, forms a livid and fun- gous cushion of considerable size betAveen the labia, or beyond the vulva, Avhich opposes the passage of the head. The pressure made by this part on the inverted membrane, often gives rise to gangrene ; and, therefore, Avith a view of preventing this unfortunate result, the forceps ought to be applied at once. The causes that predispose the patient to an inversion of the vagina are: a long and difficult labor, a large head, and a marked relax- ation of the mucous membrane. If this affection is detected before the head is engaged, the accident might be prevented by pushing up the mem- brane at the commencement of the labor, and maintaining it there until ita close. 686 DYSTOCIA. CHAPTER VI. TUMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. The vulva and vagina are liable to be affected Avith a variety of tumors, of Avhich Ave shall have to notice, oedema of the labia externa, thrombus of the vulva and vagina, cysts, abscesses, fibrous tumors pediculated or other- wise, cancerous degenerations, and all the vegetations § 1. CEdema of the Labia Externa. The ozdema of the greater labia, already alluded to, Avhen treating of the complications of pregnancy, is sometimes so considerable at the time of labor as to obliterate the entrance of the vagina almost completely; and, by oppos- ing the necessary distention of the vulva, it may render the parturition very difficult, as well as exceedingly painful. The child's head may produce a gangrene in the parts thus tumefied, by the pressure on them during its passage, or, at least, it may cause an extensive rupture. These accidents are to be prevented by making punctures with the lancet in all the sAvollen tissues; the number of the punctures will necessarily vary with the extent of the SAvollen parts, and the degree of their engorgement. [CEdema of the entire soft parts of the cavity of the pelvis, especially in women Avho have naturally much embonpoint, occasions a sort of constriction of the genital passages which obstructs natural delivery, and embarrasses much the operator when he finds it necessary to interfere. Although this is quite a rare cause of dystocia, it nevertheless happens; indeed, quite recently, at the Hospital St. Antoine, it rendered delivery very difficult in the case of a woman attacked with convulsions, although she was very well formed. § 2. Sanguineous Tumors, or Thrombus. Thrombus of the vulva and vagina consists in an effusion of blood in the soft parts >f the lesser pelvis or of the vulva. It sometimes extends above the superior strait, .ind even quite high into the abdomen. Thrombus, therefore, is a true hemorrhage, and on this account there might be some advantage in describing it in connection with the other losses of blood which are liable to complicate labor, were it not that the causes which produce it, the tumor which it commonly forms in the vagina, and the treatment which it requires, distinguish it so clearly from uterine hemor- rhage that it has seemed more proper To classify it with the tumors of the vulva and vagina. The very name of the affection also justifies the position which we assign to it.] The tissue that constitutes the lips of the vulva, and lines the entrance of the vagina, is composed of venules, arterioles, cellular filaments, and fatty masses, so interlaced and held together, that an effusion of blood there is almost ahvays abundant; besides Avhich, the stagnation of the fluids in the external genital parts, and the varicose state of the vaginal veins, so frequent in pregnant Avomen, predispose all these organs to Avhat is denominated thrombus. In fact, during gestation, and more particularly in the course of its latter months, these large veins are apt to give Avay, either spontaneously, or in consequence of some external violence, and the blood is extravasated into the cellular tissue, whereby a considerable tumor is developed ; and, in TUMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 687 the course of a variable period, gangrene attacks the distended parts, and hemorrhage, Avhich is occasionally vary profuse and sometimes even fatal, takes place.1 Thrombus of the vulva does not appertain to pregnant Avomen exclusively, since it may also appear in the non-gravid condition; indeed, according to Velpeau, it is even more frequent then than during gestation. However, it must be acknoAvledged that the obstruction to the circulation in the loAver extremities caused by the development of the Avomb, must necessarily favor the production of this tumor; and, consequently, that, in the non-pregnant state, a thrombus of the vulva is far less dangerous than in the opposite condition. This tumefaction most generally affects the great labia, though it has also been observed in the lesser ; in most cases a single lip only is involved, though at times there is a double tumor, caused by a simultaneous effusion into both of the labia externa. Wherefore, Boer was Avrong in supposing that the right one was its exclusive seat, for it may appear indifferently on either side. It is rarely present in the earlier months of gestation, but is more frequent in the latter periods, and particularly so during the labor, or after the de- liA'ery. The most common cause of thrombus during pregnancy, are blows, falls, violent concussions, etc., etc. In some cases it can be traced to no external violence, and then the spontaneous rupture must evidently be re- ferred to an excessive distention of one of the vaginal veins. When occur- ring during labor, this affection is nearly ahvays manifested just as the head or breech endeavors to clear the vulva, after having reached the inferior strait. The rupture of the veins is then certainly caused by the distention, which they, like all other parts, are subjected to, (a distention to Avhich they yield Avith more difficulty,) and by the great accumulation of blood produced hy the obstruction to the circulation from the presence of the child's head. Therefore, an excesshre size of the latter, or its unusual delay at the inferior strait, a narrowing of the pelvis, and the consequent immoderate efforts on the part of the patient to overcome the resistance, are its most common causes. Certain authors have likewise supposed that the obliquities of the Avomb, and the frequent rough examinations of the parts of generation, might produce them; but it is evident that such circumstances cannot have the attributed effect, unless a varicose predisposition exists at the same time. Ordinarily, these tumors only appear after the delivery, Avhen, indeed, they are the more dangerous; first, because they may the more readily escape unperceived, and then, because the relaxation of the parts permits them to acquire a very considerable volume. The remark of M. iK-neux should be borne in mind, that most of the cases of thrombus Avhich are not detected until after delivery, really commence during the labor, or, at least, that the rupture of the vessels, if not the effu- sion, takes place during the first expulsive pains. Often, indeed, when a 1 This accident was described quite accurately, in 1647, by Veslingius. "I have twice," says he, "witnessed an effusion of blood betweer. the vaginal tunics, in cases of difficult labor. The labia presented a considerable tumor, which, when opened discharged quite a large amoust of blood." 888 DYSTOCIA. vein is ruptured, it is so compressed by the head in the excavation as tc prevent any effusion, a free escape of blood taking place only after the labor is terminated. It being rarely necessary to introduce the hand into the vagina after the delivery of the placenta, the tumor will not be discovered until it has become so large as to incommode the patient, or the physician is alarmed by the general symptoms of hemorrhage. Therefore, considerable time may elapse betAveen the commencement of the accident and its detec- tion. Still another condition may postpone the appearance of the thrombus, namely, the stoppage of the small opening in the vein by a coagulum. Finally, it may happen, as supposed by M. Dubois, that the badly con- tused, and perhaps even mortified walls of the vessels, do not give Avay until when, at a later period, the part which has suffered the pressure be- comes detached. The mucous membrane, being more extensible than the walls of the veins, recedes, so to speak, before the violence Avhich affects the distended vessel, and is not, therefore, so much injured by it. Thus is ex- plained the late effusion of the blood into the submucous cellular tissue, and the consequent formation of a tumor. [M. Perret (Paris Thesis, 1864) maintains, moreover, that the head of the child may occasion a sort of sliding of the walls of the vagina upon the surrounding tissues, and terminate in the detachment of the Avails for a greater or less extent, with rupture of the cellular partitions. Thus is formed a cavity of variable size, which may become filled Avith blood from the ruptured capillary vessels. In sup- port of his opinion, M. Perret refers to an autopsy, in which he saw the water of an injection, thrown into the femoral vein, make its appearance over the entire surface of the cavity ; from which he concluded that no important vein had been injured.] It is highly probable that the thrombus Avhich forms during labor is occa- sioned by the rupture of one or more veins, and the same is true for that which makes its appearance after delivery; only, in this case, the effusion does not occur until after the child is born. We can imagine, hoAvever, that the phenomena may take place differently; for, as the Avails of the veins are often very much Aveakened, either by extreme distention or the stretching to Avhich they are subjected during the labor, it is possible that a sudden move- ment, a violent inspiratory effort, or a fit of coughing, might suddenly cause such an afflux of fluid into them, as to produce their spontaneous rupture even after the lapse of several hours from delivery. The development of a sanguineous tumor is generally announced by a severe pain in the affected part, caused, doubtless, by the rupture of some of its vessels; then one, or sometimes both of the greater labia, or, perhaps, mly the nymphae, soon SAvells up, becomes rapidly distended, and forms a more or less voluminous tumor. This tumor may acquire a considerable size, and the quantity of effused blood be great enough to debilitate the patient, and, possibly, to produce syncope. In some instances, it acquires its full volume at once, while in others it goes on augmenting for tAventy- four hours; it may be limited to the external parts, or it may extend deeply into the pelvis, and, possibly, as far as the iliac fossae. In a paper published in 1860 on the seat of thrombus, M. Laborie based T'JMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 689 his classification upon an account of the aponeuroses of the perineum, and makes the folloAving varieties : 1. Superficial thrombus, which may spread to a great distance beneath the skin, extending back near to the anus, upward in front to the abdominal parietes, and laterally to the gluteal region. 2. Thrombus situated between the superficial and middle aponeuroses, and limited to the confines in which it occurred. 3. Thrombus situated between the middle and superior aponeuroses; it is always very small. 4. Thrombus between the superior perineal and the pelvic aponeuroses. In this variety, the blood may make its way to a great distance, reaching, laterally, into the iliac fossae, and backward to the sacrum, and even to the lumbar region. 5. Thrombus above the pelvic aponeurosis. Here the effusion takes place into the sub-peritoneal cellular tissue, and may invade the entire pelvis, the broad ligaments, and ascend in the substance of the mesentery as far as to the diaphragm. 6. Finally, he describes, as a sixth variety, an effusion of blood in the tissue of the vaginal wall itself, Avithout rupture of the fibrous tunic. In this case, the effusion dissects the vagina, and presses it inward. All these divisions are rather anatomical than clinical, but Ave reproduce them, in order to shoAV clearly hoAv very variable the seat of thrombus may be. In 1846, I had occasion to Avitness a case in which the effusion had spread very widely. The autopsy revealed a layer of coagulated blood betAveen the muscles and peritoneum, spread over the whole loAver half of the ante- rior Avails of the abdomen on the right side. The layer Avas nearly a quar- ter of an inch thick, and extended from below upAvard to about tAvo fingers' breadth below the umbilicus, besides occupying transversely the entire space between the linea alba and the crest of the ilium. At the latter point, the layer of blood was continuous with a clot about three-eighths of an inch thick, also situated beneath the peritoneum, and lining the entire iliac fossa. Below and inward, it turned over the edge of the superior strait, and was lost in a large collection of coagulated blood, Avhich formed the tumor that during life had especially attracted our atten- tion. The clot in this place Avas at least five-eighths of an inch thick at the centre, but it grew thinner as it spread out over the entire right side of the excavation: the remaining cellular tissue of the pelvis was highly colored by infiltrated blood. The disaster was not, hoAvever, limited to what we have described, for in ascending, and separating the peritoneum upon the posterior and right lateral side of the abdomen, the coagulated blood was found to extend as far as the right hypochondrium, and to imbue the entire cellular tissue sur- rounding the kidney; it also passed between the folds of the peritoneum forming the origin of the mesentery, and finally extended to the attachments of the diaphragm to the false ribs of the right side, Avhich connections seemed to have been the only barrier to its further progress. The thickness of this large coagulated layer varied from one to tAVO-eighths of an inch. The 44 690 DYSTOCIA. total amoi nt of effused blood was estimated at two pounds by those who witnessed ihe autopsy.1 Again : it not unfrequently happens that the effusion commences within the pelvis, and subsequently approaches the exterior. The tumor shortly as- sumes a violet or livid hue; and when the thrombus is seated high up, this discoloration of the skin rarely permits it to be mistaken ; when lower, and in the substance of the greater labia, on the contrary, it may neither bo accompanied by ecchymosis, pulsation, nor throbbing. Where the blood infiltrates into the meshes of the cellular tissue only, the tumor is hard; but it becomes soft and fluctuating Avhen this texture is torn, and there is an abnormal cavity formed. Again, it is not unusual for the skin, or mucous membrane covering it, to give way in consequence of being gradually ren- dered thinner; thereby giving vent to a considerable discharge of blood, with an instantaneous cessation of the pain; and this hemorrhage may be so profuse as to speedily terminate in death, especially if the tumor be volumi- nous, and the rupture occurs during the efforts of parturition. Cases have been knoAvn in which the rupture Avas followed by a projection of a jet of blood Avith such force and abundance, as to fall at a distance of several feet from the patient, and to be mistaken by the attendants for a rupture of the membranes, and discharge of a large amount of water. Whenever the nature of the accident was mistaken and the proper measures were not em- ployed, the patient succumbed in a few minutes. A copious bleeding has occasionally taken place during the formation of a thrombus. In fact, this circumstance may occur Avhenever the mucous membrane and one or more of the veins are lacerated at the same time. Should the two openings not correspond with each other, one part of the blood Avill escape into the vagina, and the other be infiltrated into the cel- lular tissue. Where the thrombus has acquired a considerable size, it may evidently impede the passage of the head, and after the delivery, that of the placenta and lochia. Madame Lachapelle relates a very curious instance, in which a thrombus, that had first commenced during the labor, underwent a rapid development after the child's expulsion. The tumor obstructed the vagina so much, that it prevented the escape of the lochia, whence the latter accumulated in the womb, and became, somewhat later, the source of a profuse hemorrhage. Fortunately, she continues, in the attempts to introduce my hand into the uterus, for the purpose of extracting the clotted blood, I ruptured the tumor involuntarily, near the entrance of the vagina, Avhen a large quantity of coagulated blood immediately escaped, its size diminished, and all the at- tendant symptoms disappeared without any particular treatment. Finally, the pressure of the tumor on the neck of the bladder may cause retention of the urine and fecal matters. When the thrombus appears early in pregnancy and has been emptied by incision and the patient cured, it may reappear some time after and at the same place. A relapse of the kind is reported by Montgomery. The tu- mor, AAhich shoA^ed itself in the left labium in the seventh month of gesta- 1 For ie details of this case, see the Gazette Medico-Chirurgicale (February 28,1846). TUMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 691 [ion, caused so much pain as to induce the author to puncture and empty it on the ISth of June. He Avas sent for again on the 13th of July, and discovered a much larger tumor than the preceding, and Avas again obliged to puncture it in order to relieve the patient. It did not return until the 24th of August, at Avhich time the young woman Avas delivered. The diagnosis of these tumors is, in general, quite easy; for their sudden appearance, their rapid development, their hardness when the blood is simply infiltrated, and fluctuation av hen it is collected in an abscess; the violent pains they give rise to, and the bluish discoloration of the skin, are ahvays sufficient to detect them. Nevertheless, they have sometimes been confounded Avith certain other tumefactions, such as the simple varicose ones, an inversion of the vagina, the descent or inversion of the Avomb, and with the vaginal herriiae formed either by the intestine, the omentum, or the bladder; but as Ave shall have occasion hereafter to treat of each of these tumors, and their peculiar signs, it seems useless to enter here into their dif- ferential diagnosis. The prognosis is usually unfavorable; thus, " in sixty-two cases brought to my knoAvledge," says M. Deneux, " the mother died in tAventy-tAvo of them, either during the gestation, or else during or after delivery; and with the exception of a single instance, all the children of these tAventy-tAvo females Avere likeAvisc lost." The profuse hemorrhage is the most frequent cause of the patient's death, though the latter may also be occasioned by the gangrene and suppuration which often follow the primary symptoms. [The gravity of the prognosis, as asserted by Deneux, is confirmed by M. Blot in his thesis for the Concours (Paris, 1853). In making out a statement of 19 cases published since 1830, the latter author finds that five of them were fatal. All the children of the mothers who died were still-born.] These tumors may terminate either by resolution, suppuration, rupture, or gangrene; but as the progress of the disease exhibits nothing peculiar in any of those cases, Ave shall merely mention them in passing. The treatment of thrombus necessarily varies according to its size, and the sufferings thereby occasioned to the female, as also to the period at which it is manifested. If the patient be in labor when the tumor is devel- oped, and the latter be large enough to seriously impede the passage of the head, the effused liquid should evidently be evacuated by a free incision, made on the most dependent part of the SAvelling, the extent of which must be proportioned to its volume. If this operation is performed some time before the head engages in the excavation, it Avould be advisable, after hav- ing emptied the sac, to make use of the tampon in order to prevent hemor- rhage ; but if, on the contrary, the tumor is only opened when the head is fully engaged, the application of the tampon may be dispensed Avith, for the child's head Avill sufficiently compress the divided vessels to prevent a fur- ther discharge of blood. In the latter case, it Avould be requisite to attend to the precautions described beloAV, after the delivery. The question is not, hoAvever, so easily decided Avhen the thrombus ap- pears during pregnancy or after delivery, and authors are far from being unanimous as respects the course to be pursued. To give greater precision to out th rapeutic recommendation, Ave shall distinguish the cases in Avhich 692 DYSTOCIA. it is necessary, 1, to incise immediately; 2, to incise at a lat jr period; and, 3, to omit incision altogether. 1. When it is necessary to Incise immediately. — The tumor is sometimes so large as to fill a great part of the excavation, and seems capable of ob- structing the discharge of the lochia. Careful examination then shows the skin or the mucous membrane covering its internal surface, to be so greatlv thinned by distention and to present so deep a violet hue that gangrene or spontaneous rupture seems likely to occur at any moment. On the other hand, the quantity of fluid effused, and the disorder which it necessarily produces in the cellular tissue in which it has formed a large cavity, renders its absorption very improbable ; the evident fluctuation discoverable over the greater part of the tumor induces the reasonable belief that it does not contain a large clot, and that there is nothing, therefore, to prevent a con- tinuance of the internal discharge. The patient experiences acute pain, and, lastly, her increasing weakness, the feebleness of pulse, pallor of the skin, &c, lead to the opinion that the disorder is not limited to the tumor of the excavation, but that in all probability the blood is making its way to the upper part of the abdomen. Under these circumstances, it would cer- tainly be nothing short of folly to depend upon the efforts of nature alone, and immediate incision appears to us indispensable. 2. Postponement of Incision.—If, however, the tumor is small, being no larger, for example, than an egg; if the walls are of considerable thickness and of a natural color; if it is but slightly painful, and does not appear to increase in size; if, from the coagulation of the effused fluid, fluctuation becomes more and more obscure; if, in a word, there is every reason to hope that the internal hemorrhage is not only arrested, but its recurrence rendered impossible through the compression of the ruptured vessels by the coagulum, I have no hesitation in believing that everything should be done to assist resolution, and, consequently, that the instrument should not be used, unless rendered necessary by certain accidents, which may occur under the circum- stances. This method, I am aware, has both its advantages and disadvantages; still I regard the former as of greater importance than the latter. As advantages, I would mention: 1, the possibility of absorption, which we certainly have occasion frequently to observe as taking place Avith much larger effusion ; 2, the rarity of consecutive hemorrhages. This latter point Ave shall discuss hereafter. The partisans of immediate incision reproach expectation with exposing the tumor to suppuration and gangrene, besides thinking that a late inci- sion does not ahvays protect against hemorrhage. Let us examine the worth of these objections. The attempt to bring about resolution does not dispense with the necessity of a careful oversight of the case : now, before becoming affected Avith gan- grene, the walls of the tumor present to the attentive eye of the surgeon certain changes Avhich forewarn him of the danger. On the other hand, when the blood, which, extravasated in the tissues, acts as a foreign body, and excites around it first an irritation and then an intense inflammation, suppuration does not take place without having been preceded by heat, TUMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 693 redness, greater or less tension of the tumor, and more or less pain to the patient: now avc can hardly expect the physician to be so negligent as to allow all the phenomena of a suppurative inflammation to pass undiscoA'ered. Therefore, as soon as the tumor, so far from progressing toward . complete resolution, presents some of these preliminary symptoms, it Avill be time enough to have recourse to the operation. But would it not have been better to have practised it at once ? Certainly not; for independently of the chances of obtaining resolution, you have now the advantage of perform- ing incision under circumstances the best calculated to prevent consecutive hemorrhage. Indeed, it seems to me undeniable, that, Avhen the hemorrhage has ceased for several days, and the greater part of the blood is converted into a solid clot, which, either by direct compression, or by extending into the opening of the ruptured vessel, shall have obliterated the latter, the cavity may be incised Avithout probability of hemorrhage. I am acquainted with the observations relied on by M. Deneux and others, as shoAving that secondary hemorrhage is not an impossible occurrence; but, in my opinion, they are far from being conclusive against the opinion which I hold. If hemorrhage is ever to be feared as a consequence of opening san- guineous tumors of the vulva and vagina, I certainly maintain that it is especially so when practised immediately; for, as the rupture of the varicose veins is then recent, there is nothing to prevent the blood from flowing externally: the determination of blood to the parts, which may have con- tributed to the production of the rupture, still exists, and during pregnancy, the obstruction to the return of the circulating fluid by the large venous trunks, in consequence of the pressure of the uterus, highly developed as it is, and situated above the superior strait, is remarkably well calculated to produce venous hemorrhage. I am well aware that the tampon may be applied, as also that the partisans of immediate incision rely chiefly upon it; but whoever has used the tampon, knoAvs Avhat suffering it occasions when it has to be left in its place for several days, and hoAv difficult it is, notwith- standing all the means proposed for the purpose, to maintain a free discharge of the lochia. It appears to me that M. Velpeau, Avho treats the fears of some authors on the subject of hemorrhage as chimerical, has had reference rather to cases of thrombus frequently Avitnessed by him in non-pregnant Avomen, than to those which appear in the puerperal state; for, according to him, there is no vessel in, this region large enough to become a source of anxiety. This last proposition I esteem erroneous, if it be intended to apply to pregnant females; it is well known that the arteries and veins of the vagina share in the development of the entire generative apparatus, and all practitioners have felt the varicose veins projecting beneath the vaginal mucous mem- brane during pregnancy, and also the pulsations of large arteries. The latter sensation is so evident as to have been styled, by Osiander, the vaginal pulse. Finally, it may be said that, by deferring the incision of the tumor, we inmr the risk of an extension of the effusion, and a separation of the peri- toneum over a large surface, all of Avhich would have been avoided by pro 694 DYSTOCIA. viding a free exit externally. This, doubtless, is possible; but when avo come to reflect upon the conditions by which we Avould limit the expectant method, and the attempts to obtain resolution, it will be seen that Ave are protected from any such danger. Besides, if it is necessary to apply the tampon after immediate incision, may not this have the same effect by obstructing the discharge of blood outAvardly? Unfortunately, this is no hypothesis, for it is supported by one of M. Deneux's OAvn observations. At Avhatever period the incision is practised, it is best not to insist upon the removal of all the clots; but, at the first dressing, to respect all that seem to adhere to the surrounding parts ; for Avhile their immediate detach- ment Avould risk a return of the hemorrhage, they Avould come aAvay gradu- ally at the subsequent dressings. If necessary, their separation might be assisted by daily injections. Another question has reference to the part of the tumor to be operated upon. Most authors agree to make the incision external, that is, through the integuments ; for they find that the dressing is thereby rendered easier, that it does not require the introduction into the vagina of foreign bodies, which might obstruct the discharge of the lochia, and that the wound is not subject to irritation from the uterine fluids. I would add that the cicatrix would be less dragged upon in future labors, and, therefore, less exposed to rupture when the external parts are greatly distended by the fcetal head, I therefore adopt the external incision but upon one condition, namely, that it shall be possible, which is not ahvays the case ; for when the tumor is situated in the greater or lesser labia, it presents two surfaces, one mucous and the other cutaneous, and unless there exists a very thin and altered point,1 which of itself deprives the surgeon of the poAver of choosing, it may be incised either outAvards or imvards. But the thrombus is not always situated so low down; in such cases, and I would recall the one the details of which I have already related, the tumor being altogether within the excavation, and limited outAvardly by the bony Avails of the pelvis, presents none other than a mucous surface to the instrument. Therefore, should incision be deemed necessary, it can then only be practised upon the wall of the vagina. I make this remark, because it forms, in my opinion, an additional reason for recommending late incisions. A large wound in the walls of the vagina is not, under ordinary circumstances, a serious affair; but in the case of a neAvly delivered female it would be attended with great inconvenience; for, not to speak of the serious consequences Avhich might result from the introduction of the uterine fluids into the cavity, it is evident that a dressing which should be at once sufficiently protective and suitable, and at the same time permit the free discharge of the lochia, would be of very difficult performance. When incision is decided upon, it should be practised freely; for a simple puncture would allow only the fluid blood to discharge, Avhilst clots of con- siderable size would certainly be left in the cavity. A too small incision 1 It. were useless to state that if the integuments upon any point of the tumor are exceedingly thin, or affected with gangrene, the incision should be through the affected parts. TUMORS OF THE VULVA AND VAGINA. 695 would have the same inconvenience, in part; therefore, the opening should be large, and made upon the part most favorable to the discharge of the fluids. Though the incision be very extensive at the moment it is practised, on account of the great distention of the integuments, it diminishes much by the retraction of the walls of the tumor after its contents are discharged. It Avill, besides, have the very great advantage of facilitating the extraction of the clots. After the incision and the partial evacuation of the clots, it is very com- mon for inflammation to be set up in the cellular tissue in which the effusion had taken place. This inflammation is to be opposed by the appropriate means; but, like M. Deneux, we should place in the first rank attentions to cleanliness, frequent Avashings, and injections, at first emollient, and afterwards containing a small amount of chlorine, to be throAvn gently within the cavity. 3. The Omission of Incision altogether.—It is evident that whenever the means employed to assist nature in effecting resolution seem to affect favor- ably the size of the tumor, and its consistency, by which we mean its be- coming more compact and solid, their employment should be continued, and cutting instruments abstained from. § 3. Various other Tumors. The other tumors met Avith on the external parts of generation, are can- cers, phlegmons, cysts in the thickness of the labia externa, together with various excrescences and syphilitic vegetations. But Avhatever may be the nature of these tumors, the course of the practitioner is ahvays the same; that is, to do nothing, so long as, by their size and character, they do not oppose the dilatation of the vulva; but, in the contrary case, to puncture the cysts, to open the abscesses, and to extirpate the vegetations of degen- erated parts. As to the modus operandi in these cases, it is too simple to require a particular description. The possible occurrence of serious hem- orrhage ought not however, to be lost sight of. (See Avhat is said on the subject, p. 519.) Prompt action is not requisite in cases of polypus, for, unless it be very large, it will seldom offer an insurmountable obstacle to the expulsory efforts of the Avomb ; because, when adherent to the vagina, these abnormal growths are often pressed beyond the vulva. But if their size should be deemed too great to permit delivery, the tumor might be removed. In a case where M. Gensoul Avas obliged to apply the forceps, he seized the head and the fibrous body, Avhose pedicle adhered to the upper part of the vagina, at the same time, and brought them away together. The polv pus weighed tAventy-tAvo ounces after it Avas extracted. 696 DYSTOCIA. CHAPTER VII. OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. The difficulties which may be encountered at the neck of the uterus are due to the following causes, viz.: adhesion of the lips, complete obliteration of the cervix, rigidity of the orifice, spasmodic contraction of the orifice, various tumors, and scirrhous or other degeneration of tissue. § 1. Agglutination of the External Uterine Orifice. This is a very rare complication, and but few examples of it are reported in the books ; though perhaps, as M. Naegele remarks, from Avhom I extract the following details, this rarity is OAving to the fact, that the various degrees of agglutination have escaped the notice of the physician; the powers of nature alone triumphing over the accident in most cases. Its existence may be suspected when the inferior uterine segment descends low down in the excavation at the commencement of the labor, and presents no trace of an orifice; or when the latter presents as a fold or a holloAv, which is slightly depressed at its centre, and very often not corresponding to the pelvic axis. The middle of this little depression is usually occupied by a filamentous web, some fleshy tissue, and a cellular network, in the centre of which a small narroAV opening is found; sometimes the lips are held together by a consistent mucus. As the contractions become more energetic, the lower segment of the womb is forced into the excavation, and becomes so thin that, at the first exploration, the finger appears to be sepa- rated from the head by the membranes alone; but, notwithstanding the strength of the pains, the uterine orifice is not only tightly closed, but even seems to ascend somewhat, and to be carried towards one side. The orifice may open spontaneously under the pressure of the energetic contractions; but if it resists, and the accoucheur does not early recognize the source of the difficulty, a rupture of the Avomb, or a paralysis of it, Avhich is not less dangerous, might result in consequence. The question arises, what is the nature of this agglutination ? It has probably followed an inflammation of the cervix uteri, and the upper part of the vagina.; since the pseudo-membranous or fibrous tissue that composes it, is similar, says Naegele, to that substance which serves as the bond of union between the placenta and womb, or that uniting the pleura pul- monalis to the pleura costalis, or the intestines with each other and Avith the abdominal wall, Avhen an inflammation of these parts terminates by adhesion. In a case Avhere a woman died during labor, the adhesion of the neck Avas found, at the post-mortem examination, to be so resistant that it could neither be lacerated nor broken by any moderate force, and the membrane that blocked it up Avas of an aponeurotic character. The precise period at Avhich its formation commences cannot be deter- mined. In a Avoman Avho presented this peculiarity during labor, the orifice was patulous six Aveeks before her delivery. The agglutination of the orifice has been remedied in most cases Avithout xnuclj difficulty, the membrane having beer easily ruptured either by the OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 697 finger or some blunt instrument, and the operation has generally been fol- lowed by the loss of only a feAV drops of blood. The index-finger should be preferred to everything else, for if this is not sufficient to break down the obstacle, we can expect but little aid from an instrument. It is really difficult to understand how this agglutination, which almost always yields to the pressure of the finger, can resist the impetus of the strong contrac- tions of the womb. [I haA'e met with two cases of adhesion of the external orifice. In the first one, which occurred at the Hospital of the Clinic, I detected the condition of things whilst practising the touch during pregnancy. I was, therefore, prepared when labor came on. At first, there was considerable resistance, but when the pains became very powerful, the adhesions yielded spontaneously, and delivery was accomplished naturally. . The second case was one of a first labor, to which I was called in consultation by a physician in the city. The patient had been in pain for three days without any progress being made. I became satisfied, after several very careful examinations, that there was no opening upon the lower segment of the Avomb, though 1 thought I could detect the place of the external orifice by the existence of a very slight depression there. "When a pain came on, I endeavored to destroy the adhesions by strong pressure with rapid rotation of my finger. After a few fruit- less attempts, I succeeded; the opening dilated rapidly, and delivery took place in a regular manner.] § 2. Complete Obliteration of the Cervix Uteri. At the present day it is an ascertained fact that the neck of the womb may be entirely obliterated at the time of labor, and by adhesions too strong to be broken doAvn by the finger. But it is an exceedingly rare occurrence, and the accoucheur must not permit himself to be deceived by a great obliquity of the cervix, rendering the orifice of difficult access, nor by an agglutination of the lips of the os tincae, since it is possible for an overlapping of the two latter to be mistaken for an absolute obliteration of the orifice. " Several times," says Duges, " we have found the anterior lip covered and embraced by the posterior one, which thus masked the opening, so that the finger could only penetrate it in a very oblique direction ; though, when effected, this introduction afforded a means of rectifying the error promptly, and of reducing the parts to a more favorable state." [There can be no doubt that real obliteration of the cervix does sometimes occur. It differs from simple agglutination of the external orifice only in the greater strength of the adhesion, which requires an operation to overcome it. As regards the nature of the affection, therefore, the distinction is of slight importance. The best work Ave have on obliteration of the neck of the uterus was published bv M. Depaul in 18G0. In it are reported three cases of his own, in addition to those which had already been made public. The external orifice is the one usually obliterated, though the internal one is pnmetimes affected in the same way. The diseased action producing it sometimes begins after fecundation, though it seems probable that it oftener existed before it, having already considerably contracted the opening: under these circum- stances, the intervention of pregnancy gave rise to conditions favorable to the completion of the closure. An attentive study of cases leads M. Depaul to the conclusion that these complete obliterations may have their origin in violence done to the neck of the uterus in the first labor, especially when it was long, painful. 698 DYSTOCIA. and required the use of instruments. All inflammations and other alterations of the cervix may be followed by obliteration; therefore it is that primiparae are not exempted, though less exposed to it than those who have borne children. When the neck is obliterated, labor begins regularly, and the pains continue for several hours or days, becoming at last less frequent or ceasing entirely. The vagina is often hot and dry, and the lower segment of the uterus, rendered thin bj pressure, descends very low into the pelvis, but it is impossible to discover an open- ing upon it. To be sure of this, however, requires great skill in touching; the vagina should be explored throughout its whole extent, even to its insertion upon the uterus, for without this, a mere obliquity of the orifice might be mistaken for an obliteration. This error has often been committed, and cannot be too carefully guarded against. Vaginal hysterotomy is the only available treatment. "Whenever it is possible to do so, the incision should be made upon the point of obliteration, which may often be recognized by a small depression corresponding to the thinned cicatricial tissue. The mode of operating is very simple. " In one case," says M. Depaul, " I used successfully a pair of long scissors. I prefer, hoAvever, a common bistoury, lung enough for the purpose, and either rounded or pointed, and protected by wrapping in linen to Avithin half an inch of its extremity. The blade should be conducted along the fingers of the left hand, previously introduced and applied to the part upon which the opening is to be effected. The cut should be made transversely, and about half an inch only in length, the tissues being divided layer by layer'' (Depaul.) Another method is to seize the parts to be divided with a pair of toothed forceps. Then the fold which is caused to project by drawing upon the forceps may be readily cut with straight scissors, without the least fear of wounding the child. The first stage of the operation is ended when the ovum is reached. The second stage consists in making several other incisions with a blunt-pointed bistoury and curved scissors ; after Avhich the labor is allowed to proceed as usual. § 3. Rigidity of the Cervix. Rigidity of the cervix, also termed anatomical or mechanical rigidity, is far less common than spasm of the neck of the uterus, often described as spasmodic rigidity. In anatomical rigidity, which we are now discussing, the fibres of the cervix seem endowed Avith an extraordinary power of resistance, which cannot be explained by any alteration of tissue. It is a sort of passive resistance which the neck opposes to the process of dilatation. Its tissue seems dense and like a piece of leather soaked in grease. The labor continues without dilatation of the orifice, which retains a certain thickness, against which the contractions strive in vain until the woman is exhausted with her fruitless efforts. This anatomical condition of the orifice must not be confounded with a neck which continues thick, simply because the contractions are insufficient, badly directed, or lost against a mechanical obstacle which prevents the engagement of the foetus.] Under certain circumstances, the fibres of the uterine neck seem to possess an extraordinary degree of resistance ; and although they have none of the characters Ave are about to indicate as appertaining to an inflammatory or spasmodic contraction, yet their dilatation is not effected. According to DeAvees, this resistance of the cervix uteri is particularly apt to be met with in very young girls, or in middle-aged Avomen in their first labors, and also in those cases in which parturition takes place prematurely. There is one symptom that would lead us to suspect rigidity of the os OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 699 .iter:, even before an examination ; we allude to AAThat is ordinarily termed the pains in the loins. These have ahvays appeared tc Madame Lachapelle to be a consequence of the rigidity of the external 01 fice, either from its experiencing a kind of cramp, or that, because of its having to sustain the whole force of the uterine contraction in consequence of its firmness, it suffers more than when soft and yielding. Prolonged baths, employed from the beginning of the labor, and bleeding from the arm, if not contraindicated by the general condition of the patient, are the only measures Avhich need be used under the circumstances. However, as this extreme sIoaviicss appears from the beginning of the labor, that is to say, at a period in which the membranes are still intact, the life of the foetus is by no means endangered thereby, and its only effect is to fatigue the mother greatly. Therefore, unless some dangerous complication should supervene, there is nothing to do but recommend patience. Still, if the labor should be extremely prolonged, and by its duration seem likely to endanger the life of the mother, it Avould be right to make a feAV incisions upon the lateral parts of the cervix. § 4. Spasmodic Contractions of the Neck. Again, it may happen, that after having attained a considerable degree of dilatation, the cervix becomes affected Avith spasmodic contraction, whereby its subsequent expansion is retarded, or suspended altogether for several hours. The orifice then presents a thin, cutting edge, and is Avarmer, drier, and more sensitive to pressure of the finger; in short, is much more irritable than usual. This condition, which has been designated as spasmodic contraction of the external orifice, may be confounded Avith the simple rigidity just spoken of, and with the natural retraction of the neck, when the presenting part of the child does not engage in its opening immediately after the rupture of the membranes. In the latter case, hoAvever, the thick, soft, and easily dilatable edges of the orifice Avill ahvays enable us to avoid error. In the former case, the diagnosis is often more difficult if all the phenomena of the labor have not been Avatched, and the extreme sensibility of the neck, Avhich is not generally met Avith in rigidity, will be the only evidence that Ave have a case of spasmodic contraction to deal Avith.1 This state of spasm does not generally last for a great Avhile; but so long as it exists, the dilatation is extremely sIoav, and sometimes hardly takes place at all. Usually, however, the efforts of the body of the womb over- come the resistance at last, and the head of the foetus clears the orifice; but in some cases it happens that, being no longer supported, the neck re- tracts immediately, and grasps the neck of the foetus more or less forcibly, so that a neAV dilatation is required to alloAV the shoulders to pass; nor is this second dilatation as easy as might be expected. This spasm of the external orifice may be met Avith in strong and plethoric 1 Rigidity is a passive force, by which the fibres of the orifice resist the dilatation they have to undergo. Spasmodic contraction is an active force, by which the fibres contract and diminish the size of the opening previously exhibited by the mouth of the womb. 700 DYSTOCIA. women, but also in lymphatic, nervous, and very irritable individuals, of a pale and relaxed fibre. In the former case, general bleeding is one of the first measures to be had recourse to, but in the latter it might prove hurtful. Under both circumstances, however, recourse may be had with advantage to emollient injections, fumigations, baths, and the administration of lauda- num by clysters, or, preferably, the application of belladonna to the uterine neck itself. Chaussier, who has particularly recommended the use of this latter remedy, was in the habit of using an ointment prepared by mixing and triturating one drachm of the extract or juice of belladonna with an ounce of lard. But as the application of this ointment is quite difficult, Professor P. Dubois prefers the ordinary dry extract. He places a little pellet of it, about the size of a pea, on the nail of the index-finger, which latter is then carried up to the cervix, where, in the course of a few minutes, the heat and moisture of the parts soften the extract, which is then readily smeared over the external and internal surfaces of the neck. The belladonna, so highly lauded by some accoucheurs, is by others thought to be useless. It seems to me that this difference of opinion has arisen from confounding simple rigidity with spasmodic contraction. Though without action in the former case, I think it very useful in the latter. If all these measures prove unsuccessful, or if an accident, which endan- gers the life of the mother or child, should demand a prompt termination of the labor, the accoucheur will have to choose between a forcible introduc- tion of the hand and multiple incisions upon the neck. (See Difficulties of Pelvic Version.) [Incision of the neck, or vaginal hysterotomy, is certainly the preferable opera- tion. To perform it, a blunt-pointed bistoury is laid upon the forefinger and con- ducted to the orifice, which it cuts by a conjoined sawing motion and pressure. The larger part of the blade is previously wound with a piece of linen bandage in order to protect the vagina. The multiple incisions in this case yield all their advantages, and render consecutive laceration far less probable than would a-single incision. Very rarely will it be necessary to make them more than half an inch long, whilst they may be often less than this ; for it is the almost universal practice to be content with cuts of from three to four-sixteenths of an inch in depth only, around the circumference of the orifice. The lateral parts of the neck should bo chosen for the incisions; though, if necessary, they may be made upon the anterior lip, and lastly, upon the posterior one. In the vast majority of cases the operation is a very simple one, though some difficulty may be encountered in the use of an ordinary blunt-pointed bistoury. In this case, a curved blunt-pointed bistoury, Avith a concave edge, is preferably em- ployed. For my own part, I choose almost always a pair of angular scissors, with blades shaped like a raven's bill. It is directed upon the finger, opened when the orifice is reached, and after one blade is inserted between the ovum and the orifice the incision is made.] But it is not the external orifice alone which may retard the delivery of the foetus by retracting on its neck, for very often the internal one, or rather that portion of the uterine walls which corresponded to it in the non-gravid state, letracts forcibly on the neck of the child, even before the head has cleared the external orifice; so that the latter, being retained in the portion OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 701 of tne organ that appertains to the neck after delivery, can advance no further. This internal contraction only takes place Avhere the waters have escaped for some time, and it evidently results, as Dewees has remarked, from the double tendency of the Avomb to regain its primitive form, and to accommodate itself to the shape of the parts contained Avithin its cavity. There is every reason to suspect that the delay in the progress of the head is dependent on this cause, when, notwithstanding the energy of the pains and the absence of all other sources of dystocia, it is found to make no ad- vance at all, or, even if it approaches the vulvar orifice during the contrac- tion, it returns to its primitive position immediately afterwards. Besides which, if the finger is slipped above the head, the latter will be found free in the excavation; but one of the orifices (the internal one, most usually,) will be strongly retracted around the neck. Bleeding, general bathing, and laudanum injections may be employed usefully under these circumstances also, though it sometimes happens that the contraction of the internal orifice persists notAvithstanding. Under these circumstances, should version be judged necessary, the most serious difficulty may be anticipated in passing the hand through the retracted part; and if the application of the forceps be deemed requisite, as it Avould be if the head were already engaged, but delayed by the retraction of the internal orifice, this latter circumstance, by arresting the shoulders, Avould render the deliv- ery impossible. It is then Ave must have recourse to the measures so much vaunted, and so often employed by DeAvees with success, namely: to bleed- ing in the arm, pushed ad deliquium animi. But, in order to avoid drawing too great a quantity of blood, the patient should be directed to stand up, if possible, and, as soon as fainting occurs, she is to be replaced on the bed; when, according to the American accoucheur, the relaxation in the retracted orifice, produced by the syncope, will be such that the pelvic version, or the extraction of the head by the forceps, can ahvays be performed. Finally, in those cases Avhere the Avoman's general condition does not permit a resort to blood-letting, Ave may employ the opiates in a full dose, either by the mouth or by injection, Avith great advantage. The inhalation of chloroform may also prove very useful. The reader Avill also understand that, in a natural labor by the pelvis, the retraction of one of these orifices may likewise arrest the head. Under such circumstances, if the source of difficulty is confined to the external one, numerous incisions might be made in the ring of the os uteri; but if it is at the internal orifice, Devvees' plan should certainly be followed. It is likeAvise important to ascertain at once whether the child is still living; for though it be difficult to admit that a strangulation of the foetus can occur from direct pressure, yet it is not the less true that the umbilical cord, from being nearly ahvays compressed in these unfortunate cases, exposes the child to a speedy death; and if the infant is already lost, Ave may employ, beneficially, either belladonna, or the opiates internally, according to the orifice retracted. In cases of this kind, the use of anaesthetics might prove serviceable, by producing relaxation of the partial spasm of the uterine fibres. M. Dubois has administered them with advantage, as is shoAvn by an example given in 702 DYSTOCIA. the excellent thesis published by Dr. Tissier on the subject. (Paris Theses, 1860.) In all cases, chloroform should be tried before having recourse to bleeding to syncope. § 5. Obliquity of the Orifice. In consequence of the usual direction of the uterus, the neck is slightly turned dowmvard and backAvard. The posterior obliquity may, in some cases, be much greater, whilst in others the orifice may be directed stronglj forAvard, or toAvard one of the sides of the pelvis. When treating hereafter of malpositions of the body of the Avomb, Ave shall have occasion to speak of the effect of retroversions and lateral obliquities upon the direction of the neck. We would treat at present of the posterior obliquity of the orifice, which is by far the most frequent. The posterior obliquity of the neck may be due to an extreme antever- sion of the body of the organ, though it may also be very Avell marked, even Avhen the fundus of the womb projects no farther forward than usual. This deviation of the orifice may also take place during labor; but it may also exist in the latter stages of pregnancy. In the former case, the obliquity is due to the fact that the dilatation of the orifice is effected more at the expense of the posterior than of the anterior lip, and, consequently, the plane of this opening Avould naturally be found, in most cases, behind the long axis of the organ. Wherefore, this irregular dilatation may, independently of any deviation in the fundus, produce such an obliquity of the neck, that the plane of its orifice, instead of being horizontal, has very nearly a vertical direction; that is, the open- ing looks directly tOAvards the anterior face of the sacrum, its anterior margin has become inferior, and its posterior one is noAV the superior. When existing before the commencement of labor, its mode of production is altogether different. We knoAV that in vertex presentations the head of the foetus engages in the excavation in the latter months, pressing the lower part of the uterus before it. Now, in the normal direction of this organ, it is evident that the head must press more especially upon the por- tion anterior to the orifice, Avhich anterior portion it must carry before it. Hence, it is plain the external orifice of the neck must necessarily be situ- ated altogether posterior to the projection formed by the head in the lesser pelvis. But Avhatever may be the manner and time of its production, its effect upon the progress of the labor is ahvays the same. Consequently, Avhen the child's head is urged oh by the uterine contractions, it presses the ante- rior inferior wall of the uterus before it, and thereby evidently retards the delivery. In fact, the dilatation of the neck must necessarily be very slow and imperfect; besides, the expulsive efforts are spent against the anterior part of the cervix, Avhich part, corresponding to the void in the pelvis, and being distended by the head, is sometimes forced doAvn nearly to the vulva, and threatened Avith a rupture. Most generally, there is time for rectifying this unfavorable situation of the cervix; nevertheless, the patient must remain in bed as much as possible; for it is very apparent that, in the erect position, the body of the womb constantly augments this posterior obliquity OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 703 in the neck by being carried fonvards. The termination of the labor may also be facilitated by placing the orifice in its natural position with the finger; this is done, during the interval, by hooking the anterior lip, and carefully bringing it to the centre of the vagina, and then sustaining it in this position until a neAV contraction comes on; when the head is forcibly pressed doAvn and engages in the opening, and no longer permits the lip to regain its abnormal position. The labor is sometimes speedily terminated after this little manoeuvre. It occasionally happens that the cervix uteri is well dilated, though not as yet sufficiently so to permit the parietal protuberances to traverse it; and this condition of things lasts for a considerable period, notAvithstanding the long and acute sufferings of the patient. In such cases, the engage- ment of the head may be singularly facilitated by making a slight pressure on all the periphery of the orifice with the extremity of the index-finger, carried rapidly around it. Again, the dilatation may often be completed and the head be down in the excavation, but notwithstanding the expulsory efforts of the Avomb, it is retained there by the anterior lip of the neck, Avhich is pressed before it; the head cannot overcome the resistance thus made by the band formed by the anterior lip, and several hours may elapse Avithout any advance in the progress of the labor. When this happens, the folloAving course should be adopted in order to promote a prompt engagement at the inferior strait: taking advantage of an interval, the accoucheur hooks the anterior lip with his finger, and dniAvs it tOAvards the symphysis pubis, Avhere it is retained until the pain comes on; then the extremity of the finger, placed under this portion of the neck, pushes it above the descending part of the head, until it gets beyond the occipital boss ; Avhen the occiput is found to engage almost immediately in the pubic arch, and the labor terminates tAvo or three hours sooner than it Avould have done Avithout this little manipulation. It is occasionally necessary to repeat these attempts several times; but as they are attended Avith no inconvenience Avhen properly performed, they may be renewed without fear. We will add, that the most favorable period for this purpose is that when the head, after having reached the pelvic floor, is on the point of clearing the inferior strait, provided the pains are energetic, and the cervix sufficiently dilated to permit the passage, if the axis of its orifice were parallel to the axis of the head. § 6. Saviclling and Elongation of the Anterior Lip. It is not at all unusual to find the head descending in the excavation long before the complete dilatation of the os uteri, whereby the anterior lip is necessarily compressed betAveen the former and the symphysis pubis. As a general rule, this compression, and the consequent pain, disappear on the irompt termination of the labor; but if the latter be prolonged, and espe- cially if the pelvis scarcely reaches its normal dimensions, the compression is very severe, a considerable tumefaction will result in that part of the an- terior lip found below the constricted point. Duclos, of Toulouse, has met with three instances of this kind, tAvo of Avhich Avere in the same woman; M. Nicgcle has published another, Dr. Lever tAvo more, and M. Danyau one, 704 DYSTOCIA. making seven in all. M. Blot mentions a case in which the tumor formed by the anterior lip Avas an inch and a quarter thick, and forced doAvn to the vulva. The labor had to be terminated by the forceps. The following case is one of those reported by Duclos: A woman, thirty- four years of age, who was in labor with her fifth child, Avas suddenly at- tacked, after twenty-four hours of moderate pains, by acute sufferings, which called forth loud cries ; an elongated body appeared betAveen the lips of the vulva, and its apparition was accompanied by a slight hemorrhage, pallor and feebleness. On his arrival, he found a cylindrical tumor projecting four fingers' breadth beyond the parts; it was tAvo inches broad near the vulva, and was irregular, resistant, and of a Avine-like color. After a careful examination, he ascertained that it was formed by the elongated and tume- fied anterior lip of the cervix. He first thought of applying the forceps on the child's head, but afterwards concluded to aid its delivery by draAving on the occiput, and operating on the forehead by means of the index-fingei previously introduced into the rectum. In the cases observed by Naegele and Danyau, as also in one of the women reported by Lever, the labor ter- minated spontaneously. There is, therefore, nothing to be done in most instances; though if the tumor be of large size, very tense and black, and apparently threatened with gangrene, the example of the English surgeon just named might be folloAved; that is, to make a number of punctures, for the purpose of evacuating the infiltrated liquids and diminishing its volume. On the whole, then, I may remark, with M. Danyau, that this species of tumefaction can scarcely be considered as a mechanical obstacle to the de- livery ; and that the unusual length of the labor must rather be attributed to the extreme pain it occasions, and to the disorder and irregularity of the uterine contraction caused thereby. The cases recently mentioned by M. Montgomery under the name of thrombus of the lips of the cervix, and which will soon be described (see page 705), are evidently instances of this affection. The observations of the Irish accoucheur appear to us similar to those just mentioned. As re- gards the prognosis, however, it is important to distinguish simple infiltra- tion from a true effusion. M. Montgomery thinks that this condition of things might be mistaken for a case of insertion of the placenta upon the neck, the tissue of the infil- trated lip bearing considerable resemblance to the placental tissue. Still, as he observes, it may ahvays be readily ascertained that the tumor is not only applied to the internal surface of the womb,-but that it is also situated in the substance of the latter. The finger can never be made to penetrate betAveen the tumor and the internal surface of the uterus. § 7. Abscesses in the Lips of the Cervix Uteri. Genuine abscesses are occasionally developed in the substance of the lips of the os tincae, Avhich, independently of the unfavorable influence they may have over the gestation, must necessarily disturb the regular progress of the labor; because, Avhere they invade a considerable portion of the neck, its dilatation is thereby rendered very sIoav and very painful; besides Avhich, their size may be so great as to retard the passage of the head. The reader OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 705 will find in Bonet (Sepulchretum, vol. ii., lib. iii., sec. 38, Obs. 2) the history of a Avoman avIio died without having been delivered, after five or six days of suffering, in whom a large abscess, filled with putrid pus, and occupying the neck of the womb, Avas found at the post-mortem examination. If the presence of fluctuation should establish the diagnosis, the proper course would evidently be to incise the tumor. § 8. Sanguineous Tumors or Thrombus of the Lips of the Neck of the Uterus. We have already seen that the anterior lip of the cervix sometimes be- comes considerably swollen during labor, and that the swelling may some- times be occasioned by an infiltration of blood. This infiltration, which may become a mechanical obstacle to the expulsion of the head, is certainly the first degree of a much more serious accident; for the blood, Avhich is merely infiltrated at the outset, may, by separating the meshes of the tissues of the neck, collect in a cavity, which, by opening afterward in the same way as the thrombus of the vulva, may give rise to mortal hemorrhage. A case of this kind Avas communicated to the Obstetrical Society of Dublin by Dr. Johnson, and its charaoier Avas so remarkable as to justify our giving a short analysis of it. A woman, who had already given birth to six children, Avas delivered for the seventh time, after four hours of easy labor. The child presented by the breech. The after-birth came aAvay Avithout difficulty, and the patient was perfectly Avell for the first three days; about the fifth day, hoAvever, she was seized suddenly, and Avithout any apparent cause, Avith profuse flooding. The uterus was thoroughly contracted, and yet, notwithstanding the em- ployment of the most appropriate means, she died in about an hour and a half. All the abdominal and thoracic organs were found, at the autopsy, to be perfectly healthy. The uterus Avas Avell contracted, but upon the left side of its neck, at about an inch from its orifice, there Avas discovered a rupture, with irregular and blackened edges. This opening, Avhich was large enough to permit the easy introduction of tAvo fingers, conducted into a cavity formed in the substance of the neck, large enough to contain a small orange. Five or six open vessels, of a size sufficient to admit the introduction of a small bougie, Avere observed upon the internal surface of the cavity, and were proved by insufflation to communicate Avith the uterine sinuses. " A careful examination of the specimen," says Mr. Montgomery, "convinced me that it Avas a case of thrombus, Avhose external envelope formed a thin layer of the uterine tissue, became gradually thinner, and finally ruptured. The fluid and coagulated blood escaped through the rup- ture, and the hemorrhage continued." (Dublin Quarterly Journal, 1851). The thrombus is, in all probability, developed during labor, under the folloAving circumstances. When the neck is half dilated and the Avaters discharged, the anterior lip is found to SAvell, thicken, project, and descend beneath the presenting part, usually the head, to the disengagement of Avhich it sometimes presents an insurmountable obstacle. An infiltration of blood, which may become converted into a sanguineous collection, is soon formed in the substance of the lip. The cavity increases in size, until its walls rup- 45 706 DYSTOCIA. fcure and give rise to hemorrhage. The discharge may then take place dur- ing the labor itself, though far more frequently it does not appear until some time after delivery. In the latter case, it is more likely to prove dangerous, as the complete retraction of the uterus makes it difficult for the accoucheur to divine the true cause. The introduction of a tampon into the vagina is certainly the most useful measure that can be employed. § 9. Fibrous Tumors and Polypi of the Cervix. Besides the indurations, the cedematous swellings, and the cancerous de- generations affecting the cervix uteri, which will be described in the following paragraphs, there are certain tumors, which, though filling up the excava- tion, really have their origin or seat in the proper tissue of the neck; others, that arise from the body of the womb, to which they still adhere by a long pedicle, are found hanging doAvn into and obstructing the cervix. A. Fibrous Tumors of the Cervix Uteri. — These tumors may be developed in the neck as well as in the tissue of the uterine walls. In a case described by Madame Lachapelle, the pelvic excavation was almost entirely occupied by a tumor that seemed inclosed in the lateral and posterior portions of the neck; it Avas as large, she states, as the head of a foetus at term, and would have been the more likely to deceive an inattentive person, from the fact of its presenting a depression similar to a fontanelle. The child was very small, and had been dead for a long time; so that, notwithstanding the size of the swelling, it was enabled to flatten it doyvn and pass through the narroAV passage that still remained free. Madame Boivin and M. Duges found, when making a post-mortem examination of a woman who died of peritonitis, after a very painful though natural labor, a fibrous body about the size of the fist in the substance of the neck ; the child had a fractured cranium, and Avas still-born. In another case of the kind, Ramsbotham Avas obliged to resort to embryotomy ; but the Avoman recovered. M. Danyau reported to the Academy (1851) a case in which he was much more fortunate, for he succeeded in enucleating a tumor of considerable size Avhich had been developed in the posterior lip of the cervix. Encouraged by the idea that, although he might not be able to remove it altogether, he might, at least, extirpate a portion large enough to give passage to the foetus, he determined to operate, and was successful in bringing it away completely. The appearance of the tumor was precisely that of a fibrous tumor of the uterus; it weighed about twenty ounces, and its greatest diameter was six inches. When enucleated completely, the tumor was dravvn down, but could not be extracted until after it Avas divided into two parts. I Avas called, in February, 1853, to take charge of a young Avoman at term in her third pregnancy, and whose waters had been discharged four days previously. Upon practising the touch, I was astonished to find the excavation filled by a tumor apparently of the size of a full-grown foetal head. At first I was unable to discover the orifice of the womb, and it was only by carrying the finger very high up in front and to the left, that I succeeded in intro- ducing the ind< x into something like the finger of a glove, Avhich appeared OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 707 to me to be the cervix retaining its full length. Penetrating still deeper, I at last reached the internal orifice, above which I distinguished the fcetal head. What, noAV, was the nature of the great tumor Avhich had thus turned the neck aside, and prevented the effacement that it should have undergone during the last feAV Aveeks of gestation ? Where, also, Avas it situated ? My first hope was, that it Avould prove to be merely an exaggerated ante- rior obliquity of the neck, and I asked myself, Avhether what sometimes happens to the anterior lip, had not occurred in the present instance to the posterior one, and whether the latter, forcibly depressed by the foetal head, did not alone form the tumor Avhich filled the excavation. But the tumor had a peculiar consistence and apparent fluctuation, by no means resembling the hardness of the head, besides' Avhich, the hypothesis did not explain the persistence of, and the increased length of the neck. A fresh examination induced me to conclude that a solid tumor had become developed in the substance of the neck. The Avaters had continued to discharge for the past four days Avithout any pain, and I resolved to Avait. The next day, the condition of things remain- ing the same, I requested M. Dubois to examine the patient. A long investigation induced M. Dubois to suppose that a cyst containing fluid had formed in one of the lips of the orifice, and therefore he recom- mended Avaiting, and finally puncture, if the tumor should appear to present an insurmountable obstacle, after labor had continued for a certain time. At first I did not coincide with this diagnosis, but it also seemed to me Avisest to Avait for the pains. The latter appeared decidedly on the evening of the next day, five days after the membranes Avere ruptured ; they con- tinued all night Avithout effecting any change either in the tumor, or in the situation or length of the neck. To clear up the diagnosis, I introduced the entire hand into the excavation, and grasping the Avhole tumor, I declared joyfully to my friend, M. Parchappe, that I had been deceived, that M. Dubois Avas right, and that, most happily, Ave had to deal with a cyst. With a long trocar, of at least an eighth of an inch in diameter, I made a puncture, but to my great surprise nothing escaped. I endeavored to re- move obstructions from the tube, if there were any, but in vain ; nothing appeared. My sensations Avere so decided, and so convinced Avas I that I had to deal with a cyst, that I had no hesitation in puncturing anew; but the same result folloAA-ed, and I Avas obliged to relinquish the idea. M. Dubois being absent, I requested my professional brother and friend, M. Danyau, to assist me with his advice. I related to him all that had passed, and insisted especially upon the result of my two punctures, but notwithstanding all this, M. Danyau, after examining the patient, Avas con- vinced of the existence of a cyst. He made tAvo successive punctures, but not a drop of fluid escaped. There Avas no avoiding the conclusion ; it Avas not a cyst. What, then, was to be done? We could no longer hear the pulsations of the fcetal heart. After proving our incapacity of making an exact diagnosis of the nature of the tumor, we thought that its soft and apparently fungous 708 DYSTOCIA. character would enable us to incise it throughout its extent, and thus ci eate a passage to the foetus, which we then might extract. The tumor Avas there- fore divided into tyvo lateral parts, and Ave were able to reach the head. The forceps were at first applied Avith much difficulty, but notAvithstanding the diminution that the tumor had undergone, it obstructed the entire exca- vation, and rendered the extraction of the head impossible. Craniotomy and the application of the cephalotribe forceps were equally unsuccessful. Blood floAved freely from the incised tumor, the patient Avas pale and prostrated, and the uterine contractions became weaker and Aveaker. But a single feeble hope remained, namely, pelvic version. It Avas performed immediately, and the trunk of the foetus, bringing with it the entire tumor externally, enabled us at last to extract the child. The operation had lasted two hours, and the unfortunate lady Avas ex- hausted. Before extracting the placenta, ergot was administered, the uterus rubbed, and the after-birth Avas expelled almost spontaneously. Notwith- standing all our precautions, and the use of all kinds of tonics and stimu- lants,'some blood still escaped from the womb, which in a patient already exhausted by the hemorrhage from the operation, was sufficient to cause a fatal termination. She died about half an hour after her delivery. The autopsy showed that the tumor, which Avas larger than the head of a child at term, had formed in the anterior lip of the cervix. By its Aveight, which Avas considerable, it had during life so twisted the neck around, as to bring the posterior lip in front, which explains the situation of the orifice, as the seat of the tumor accounts for the persistence of the length of the neck, notAvithstanding the progress of gestation. The tumor was constituted of a soft and spongy tissue, resembling rarefied placental tissue, the meshes of which circumscribed numerous cavities, in which no fluid was to be found. No abnormal element could be discovered by the most careful examination, no newly-formed pathological product; it was simply an enormous hypertrophy of the tissue of the neck. Such Avas the opinion of several professors who examined the specimen at the School of Medicine. There is every reason to believe that this tumor was developed during the last pregnancy, for, eighteen months before this last delivery, I attended her on account of a miscarriage, and did not at that time detect any anomaly either of structure or form affecting the neck. [The preceding example shows how difficult the diagnosis may be in such cases. To aA'oid error, it ought to be borne in mind that fibrous tumors of the uterus often become softened during pregnancy to such a degree as wonderfully to resemble those containing liquid. I have already met with several examples of this kind. The softening should be seriously considered as regards the prognosis, as it facili- tates the flattening of the tumor. Thanks to it, the foetus has sometimes been known to engage in the pelvis by the side of a tumor which at first seemed as though it would render delivery impossible. I witnessed one of these unlooked-for terminations in connection with Dr. Franquet, a patient of whom had a tumor of the neck and lower segment of the uterus descending into the cavity of the pelvis and occupying one half of its area. In the case of this Avoman, it might very well have become a question whether the Caesarean operation should be performed. She was, nevertheless, delivered at term of a living child which presented by th« breech.] OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 709 These examples show Avhat may be feared or hoped for in such cases. Thus, we should Avait when the tumor is very small and so situated as to correspond with one of the large diameters of the pelvis, or extirpate it, if the bistoury can reach it Avithout danger, which seldom happens; on the other hand, where its size no longer permits us to attempt the extraction of a living infant, to resort to embryotomy; and, if the excavation is com- pletely obstructed, to open a passage for the child by the Caesarean operation. b. Polypi, or fibrous pediculated tumors, Avhether attached to the neck or body of the Avomb, obstruct delivery only at the cervix. On this account both are treated of in connection. They are not so serious as the preceding tumors, inasmuch as they can generally be extirpated, although their size would seem to render them an insurmountable obstacle to delivery. As a general rule their diagnosis is readily made out, though several sin- gularerrors on this head are recorded by authors; for example, Dr. Merri- man relates a case in Avhich an experienced physician mistook a polypus for the head of a child; and Smellie furnishes tAvo similar instances; conse- quently, avc must not trust to a superficial examination. The influence of uterine polypi over the progress of labor will be modified by a number of circumstances; thus, when the tumor is small, it may be compressed against one of the walls of the excavation by the child's head, and the latter then passes before it; or, where the pedicle is very long, the fibrous mass is pushed by the head entirely out of the vulva, and therefore only retards the fcetal expulsion in a slight degree. This occurred in a case reported by Dr. F. H. Ramsbotham; who says, " I Avas summoned to a woman in labor, and found a tumor of the size of a goose's egg hanging in the vagina. (Fig. 109.) " I had no difficulty in determining it to be a polypus, whose pedicle was attached to the internal wall of the organ above the neck. Dilatation took place rapidly, and the membranes ruptured ; then, in less than an hour, the head, urged on by powerful contractions, forced the body of the polypus outside of the vulva and became disengaged." ( Obstetric. Med. and Surg., p. 237.) After having consulted Avith his father, Avhether it Fl°-109- was advisable to remove the polypus at once, the question Avas determined in the negative. In many cases, therefore, we may trust to the re- sources of the organism, remembering at the same time, that too great a delay is not without danger both to the mother and child ; and, where the ineffi- ciency of the uterine contractions has been fully uscertained, a division of the pedicle appears to us to be the only resource. If the subsequent extrac- tion of the tumor is rendered very difficult by its volume, it might be cut up into several pieces, as I have seen done on two occasions, or be firmly grasped with a small serrated forceps. Pelvic version, which This figure, taken from is recommended by some authors, could be performed j^JtaSn8J°£polyp™ in those cases only in whicl the length of the described by him. 710 DYSTOCIA. pedicle gives great mobility to the tumor, and allows it to be pushed above the superior strait. It is unnecessary to add that, if the existence of this turaoi in the canal be ascertained during the latter months of gestation, it should be excised immediately, if it be of sufficient size to render the parturition difficult or tedious. § 10. Fungous, or Cauliflower Tumors, &c These tumors, which resemble a caulifloAver in their appearance, may arise from either lip of the womb; and then by acquiring a considerable size, they mask the orifice and render it nearly inaccessible. As they often give rise to hemorrhage, and as the spongy tissue that constitutes them has some analogy with the placental structure, they have occasionally been mistaken for a placenta praevia. Both Madame Lachapelle and Denman relate errors of this character ; and I witnessed the following still more singular case. The in- ternes of the Lourcine Hospital sent for M. Nelaton, Avho Avas surgeon to the establishment, to turn in a supposed case of hand presentation. M. Nelaton desired me to accompany him; and, on our arrival, Ave ascertained that these young gentlemen had mistaken an enormous caulifloAver excres- cence, that sprung from the anterior lip of the cervix uteri, for the hand; its pedicle was at least an inch and a half long, and its base presented five or six little vegetations that had been mistaken for the fingers. It frequently happens that these tumors are small enough to admit of the child's spontaneous delivery; indeed, such Avas the fact in the case just mentioned; but there are many others where the accoucheur is less fortu- nate. Take, for instance, the seven cases reported by Puchelt; in one of which it was necessary to make incisions upon another part of the hard and scirrhous neck, so as to secure the introduction of the hand, and in a second, to remove the tumor, that Avas attached to the anterior lip and occupied all the vagina, by the scissors; gastrotomy was resorted to in a third, on account of a rupture of the Avomb, and not even the child was saved; in another, the extraction of the child Avas impossible, notwithstand- ing the perforation of the cranium, and the Avoman died before delivery. Only a single mother survived. § 11. Encysted Tumors. Adhering to the cervix uteri, or to the vaginal walls, they may also exist in the excavation. As a general rule, they are rounded, well defined, movable, elastic, yielding a little under a moderate pressure, and sometimes fluctu- ating ; the mucous membrane covering them remains unaltered. A small puncture, in the Avay of exploration, will always dissipate any doubts con- cerning their true nature, especially if containing a liquid ; and where they inclose a solid, cheesy, or fatty matter, some portions of it will adhere to the canula. An attempt should be made to push the tumor above the superior strait, before the head becomes engaged; and the membranes must be ruptured early, so as to determine the engagement of the foetus. In the opposite case, it will be requisite to evacuate the liquid by a simple puncture, or even to make an incision large enough to allow the contents to be Dressed out OBSTACLES AT THE NECK OF THE UTERUS. 711 § 12. Induration, with Hypertrophy of the Cervix Uteri. This affection is more frequently observed in the anterior than the poste- rior lip, though it may affect both ; but in no case has the volume of the indu- rated part been great enough to impede, mechanically, the expulsion of the child; but the alteration very often retards the dilatation, and sometimes even renders it impossible. Venesection and tepid bathing may be resorted to Avith advantage. Certain English practitioners highly extol the use of tartar emetic, given in nauseating doses, but I have not had an opportunity of testing its efficacy. If these means prove ineffectual, or if some more grave complication requires the prompt termination of the labor, Ave might have recourse to repeated incisions made on the neck of the womb. § 13. Of the Cancerous Neck. Like all the organs of the economy, the cervix uteri may be affected with scirrhus, or may form an encephaloid tumor; and Avhen this does take place the prognosis is very unfavorable, both for the mother and child. For example, of twenty-seven females reported by Puchelt, five died during the labor, nine shortly after delivery, and but ten recovered ; the fate of the other three is not stated. However, if the disease is still in its first stage; if the patient's general condition is not seriously altered ; and es- pecially if the malady has made but little progress, or the tumor is small, the danger is not so imminent, and the expulsion of the child may then take place regularly. But even Avhere the delivery is effected sponta- neously, its influence over the subsequent progress of the tumor is not the less disastrous ; for the pressure to Avhich the diseased part is exposed seems, in most cases, to hasten its development; and, Avhether the labor be termi- nated naturally or by the resources of art, its progress aftenvards is much more rapid. The child, likewise, is very often lost in the cases under con- sideration ; thus, of the tAventy-seven Avomen above cited, fifteen were de- livered of a still-born child, and ten only of a living infant; nothing is said 6f the fate of the other tAvo. The indications for treatment, when the cervix uteri is affected with cancer, will necessarily vary, according to the seat and size of the tumor; for, if it is not very voluminous, or if it is located on the posterior lip, or the pelvis be of large dimensions, there is every reason for hoping that the efforts of nature Avill prove adequate to the dilatation, and the expulsion of the foetus. I have seen the former process effected at the expense of the sound ante- rior lip, where the other Avas invaded by a cancer throughout, Avhich also extended to the posterior vaginal Avail.1 Wherefore, there is no occasion 1 This case appears to me too remarkable not to be reported, at least in a conder.sed form. A female aged forty-five years, who had previously had several children, came to the "Clinique" about the commencement of the last month of her gestation; when, by resorting to the touch, it was ascertained that the posterior vaginal wall was occu- pied throughout by an elongated tumor, which was curved in a serpentine form, and extended from the posterior lip of the cervix, to within a finger's breadth of the vulva. The lip was nearly an inch thick in all its transverse extent (which latter ivas 712 DYSTOCIA. for immediate action; although it must not be forgotten that, if the degen- eration of these parts is more extensive, the powers of nature alone are nearly always inadequate to the accomplishment of the delivery. Some authors have recommended copious bleedings; but sanguineous emissions, though advantageous in cases of rigidity, or of simple induration of the neck, would here only enfeeble the patient Avithout producing any change in the condition of the orifice; and the only available resource of our art is still in the repeated incisions on the periphery of the cancerous mass; because turning, and the application of the forceps, Avhich have been advised by certain accoucheurs, are evidently only practicable where the bistoury may have previously facilitated the entrance into the womb. Without this precaution, one or more fissures dividing the lobes of the scirrhus would naturally result from the introduction of the hand or instru- ment, which, at the moment of the head's passage, would extend still fur- ther, and encroach perhaps on the body of the womb. Or, if the fissures should not form, the neck, by not dilating, would create an obstacle to the delivery, and the patient Avould be exposed to a rupture of the organ, to convulsions, and to all the consequences that attend labors rendered difficult by mechanical impediments; unless, indeed, there happened to be a rupture of the subvaginal portion of the Avomb itself, and the child's passage was effected through this accidental orifice. Lastly, in those cases where the application of the forceps is still impos- sible, even after the incisions have been made, a grave question is offered for our solution. Supposing the child is still living, we have only to choose between its mutilation and the Caesarean operation. Though this last operation be serious under all circumstances, it nevertheless seems prefer- able here to the first, because it affords a considerable chance of saving the child ; and the mother's life is already so greatly compromised by the dis- ease with which she is affected, that we should not, in my estimation, hesi- tate to sacrifice all to the safety of her infant. more considerable than usual), and it had contracted adhesions with the vagina by its posterior face. The tumor presented nearly the same thickness in all parts; its ante- rior surface was irregular and nodulated, as was also the posterior lip of the cervix uteri: but its hinder surface adhered to, or rather was confounded with, the recto- vaginal septum. When this woman arrived at full term, the labor began, and the dilatation was effected very slowly, though completely, at the expense of the anterior lip. The tumor whose volume seemed to offer an insurmountable obstacle to the de- livery, only rendered the second stage of the travail a little more tedious than usual; for, being pressed back by the child's head, it became nearly transverse in the exca- vation, and formed on the perineum a pad, or a kind of crescent, the convexity of which looked downward, but its concavity was directed upwards, and arrested the head; finally, under the influence of the powerful contractions, the head pished the tumor still more backwards, by forcibly depressing the perineum, and then passed in front of it, and soon cleared the external parts. OBSTACLES PRESENTED BY THE UTERUS. 713 CHAPTER VIII. obstacles dependent on the body of the womb. § 1. Of Uterine Obliquity. When studying the phenomena of gestation, Ave enumerated the various causes that forced the uterus to depart more or less from the direction of the pelvic axis; and we demonstrated that, under the influence of those causes, the Avomb very often inclines forwards and to the right during the latter months of pregnancy. It is not, therefore, of this right antero-lateral incli- nation Ave are about to speak, in treating here of uterine obliquity as a case of dystocia,; because, where it is slight, and Avhere it may be considered as a normal result of the development of the womb, it affords no obstacle to the parturition; but when the obliquity is more extensive, it may impede the spontaneous expulsion of the child, and will, therefore, claim our attention. Deventer, and most of the writers on this subject since his day, have de- scribed four varieties of it, namely, the anterior, the posterior, the right lateral, and the left lateral obliquity. But the modern accoucheurs, such as Baudelocque, Gardien, Desormeaux, and P. Dubois, believe that a pos- terior obliquity cannot take place ; for the prominence of the sacrum and of the lumbar vertebrae, they say, prevents the uterus from being carried backwards ; however, from the facts reported by Deventer, Levret, Merriman, Duges, and Velpeau, Ave feel Avarrauted in still retaining these four varieties. 1. Of the Anterior Obliquity.— As a natural result of the resistance pre- sented by the posterior abdominal plane, the Avomb inclines forward, Avhere it only encounters the abdominal muscles, Avhich form a soft and an exten- sible wall. When this obliquity is inconsiderable, the physician has only to remain a simple spectator of the efforts of nature; but when it exists in a higher degree, it becomes a source of annoyance and pain during the latter months of gestation that demands attention ; and it also gives rise to difficul- ties in the course of the labor that should either be prevented or corrected. An unusual inclination of the plane of the superior strait, or a well- marked laxity of the abdominal Avails, favors the obliquity; and where this laxity is carried to an extreme, the ventral muscles gradually relax and yield, theAvomb inclines more and more fonvards and doAvnwards, its fundus gets above the pubis, and then falls anteriorly, like an inverted sack, on the thighs. This displacement has been designated as the ventre en besace, and by the Latin authors it is described under the name of the venter propendulus. This displacement gives rise to acute pains in the groins, in the fore part of the thighs and loins, Avhen the abdomen is not supported by a proper band- age during pregnancy; and, at the time of labor, the cervix uteri is carried so far back against the anterior face of the sacrum, that it dilates with the greatest difficulty; and if the membranes be prematurely ruptured, or if the pelvis is unusually large, it nearly always happens that the child's head presses the anterior inferior part of the uterine Avail before it; which part appears at the vulva Avhile its orifice is directed considerably upAvards and backAvards. But if the pelvis be small, this engagement of the head does uot take place, and the anterior uterine Avail is then forcibly compressed 714 DYSTOCIA. between it and some portion of the superior strait. The enormous distention in the former case, and the pressure on the lower part of the uterus in the latter, expose this portion of the organ to laceration or gangrene. Under such circumstances, the abdominal exploration and the vaginal touch can alone explain the cause of the difficulties and pains which the patient ex- periences. The obliquity in the body is readily recognized by the external examination ; and if the head be engaged in the excavation, the finger intro- duced into the vagina Avill find a voluminous, smooth, and rounded tumor, filling up the whole cavity of the lesser pelvis, and upon which no opening similar to that of the cervix uteri can be detected ; but Avhen carried further upAvard and backAvard towards the sacro-vertebral angle, it wall reach (though at times with great difficulty) the anterior border of the cervix ; but, most generally, it will be impossible to recognize the po'steiiior lip. This circumstance has several times been mistaken for imperforation of the womb, or a complete obliteration of the neck, and, as a consequence, the vaginal Caesarean operation has occasionally been performed, where nothing more than an obliquity of the uterus was to be remedied. If the head has not yet engaged, the tumor will not occupy the excavation, but the same difficulty will still be experienced in finding the cervix. Both of these modes of exploration should be employed; for Ave have already learned (p. 702) that the cervix may be oblique, while the body retains its natural position ; and it is evident that, under such circumstances, a resort to the touch alone might lead us to suspect an obliquity that did not really exist; and, on the other hand, the internal exploration Avould guard against the errors that the deformed appearance of the woman's abdomen might possibly make us commit; for it alone can enable us to distinguish the obliquity from that deformity already alluded to, under the name of anteflexion, in which the Avomb is shaped like a retort. In the former case, the cervix will be detected high up towards the posterior plane of the pelvis; in the latter, on the contrary, it will correspond to the centre of the excavation, notwithstanding the great fomvard inclination of the body of the Avomb. 2. Of the Posterior Obliquity.—This variety of obliquity (which is denied, as above stated, by most modern authors) must be attributed to an excessive resistance on the part of the abdominal walls, Avhich prevents the uterus from following the direction of the axis of the superior strait, when it rises out of the pelvis; that is, from inclining forwards, and therefore it is almost exclusively met with in women bearing their first child. The direction of the uterine axis is not to be judged of in reference to the axis of the body, but to that of the superior strait. Noav, it is undeniable that the womb, in some cases, instead of being directed from above doAvn- ward and from before backward, has its long axis directed from behind forward, and sometimes even in a direction parallel to the plane of the supe- rior strait, so that, Avhile its fundus reposes on the posterior inferior plane of the abdomen, its neck is situated above the pubis. [Deviation of the orifice toward the pubis undoubtedly takes place in a certain number of cases. We admit willingly, however, that instead of regarding it aa due to obliquity of the uterus, it were better explained as produced by an irregulai development of the organ, whose posterior half was extremely depressed, the ante- rior portion having resisted.] OBSTACLES PRESENTED B\ THE UTERUS. 715 I cannot better describe the signs appertaining to this particular obliquity than by relating a few examples of it; and these citations will have the further advantage of verifying the fact, and of establishing its possibility. I have tAvice had, says Merriman, from whom I extract the following case, an opportunity of observing this singular and unusual position of the uterus, in which the os uteri is carried so far above the symphysis pubis that it is inaccessible to the finger, and the posterior part of the pelvis so com- pletely filled by the body of the womb that it is impossible to touch the sacrum. A case of the kind has been published by Dr. S. H. Jackson ; but it occurred in a woman who had not reached full term. In the first of my cases, the woman Avas at term, and the labor continued for several days; but the uterus regained its ordinary position after severe efforts, and the labor terminated spontaneously: the child Avas still-born, but the mother re- covered. The other was published a long time ago, in a dissertation on retroversion of the Avomb, which has been sharply criticised by Dr. DeAvees. The following is an abstract: " Mrs. F----was taken Avith symptoms of labor, on Monday, June 16, 1806, at which time a discharge of the liquor amnii Avas perceived, and severe and apparently strong pains recurred at distant intervals. In the course of the day, the patient Avas examined per vaginam, when there appeared to be a singular condition of the part. The whole of the back part of the pelvis Avas filled up by a globular tumor, Avhich prevented the finger from passing in the direction of the coccyx and sacrum, but it Avas obliged, in tracing the tumor, to take a direction towards the ossa pubis, above the crest of Avhich it could be passed ; but neither here nor anywhere else could the os uteri be felt. " By introducing the finger into the rectum, it appeared that the tumor was uterine, and that some bulky part of the foetus was contained Avithin it; but Avhether the nates or the head, could not be clearly distinguished. " On Tuesday, the 17th, the discharge of liquor amnii continued ; the pains were frequent and excruciating, and the tumor was pressed doAvn closer upon the perineum. A rigor, terminating in convulsions, and folloAved by fever and delirium, took place this day; but a prompt bleeding and evacuating the boAvels relieved these symptoms. "Wednesday, 18th, and Thursday, 19th, no material alteration Avas ob- served. The pains continued regular and distinctly marked through these days, but Avere much less severe and distressing than at first. " Friday, 20th, another very careful examination of the parts Avas made. The uterine tumor presented the same shape and bulk, quite obstructing the passage towards the sacrum, for even the coccyx could not be felt, except the finger was introduced into the rectum ; Avhen the finger in the vagina was carried fonvard, in the only direction in Avhich it could pass, namely, anteriorly, it reached above the pubes, but still the os uteri could not be felt; yet, on withdraAving the finger from above the symphysis pubis, there was now, for the first time, perceived upon it the true appearance of a shoAV, which furnished a convincing proof tha.t the os uteri Avas situated in that direction, and encouraged us to hope that an alteration in the state of the uterus Avas at hand. "Our hopes Avere not vain; for, on the next day, Saturday, 21st, a con- T16 DYSTOCIA. siderable alteration was discovered in the pains, and in the situation Df the globular tumor, which occupied the pelvis. The pains' were more powerful and effective, and the tumor, Avhich had been contiguous to and pressing upon the perineum, was found to have a little receded, while a flattened mass (Avhich proved to be the head of the child in a state of complete putre- faction, with the bones separated, and the brain almost dissolved) was forced down from above the pelvis, between the ossa pubis and the uterine tumor. "After a few hours of active pains, the tumor ascended above the brim of the pelvis, and was no longer to be felt; but noAV the os uteri was easily dis- tinguishable, though still very high. "It was judged right to make an opening into the head, and about a pint of grumous blood and brains was evacuated; this alloAved an opportunity of grasping the scalp, and by means of this so much assistance Avas afforded in extracting the child, that the labor Avas terminated in a fe\v more pains. " The patient perfectly recovered, and lived many years afterwards in good health, but. never had another child." (Synopsis.) " In a Avoman," says M. Velpeau, " who came to be confined at my amphi- theatre, in the month of May, 1828, the fundus of the uterus was rather inclined backAvards than forwards. The head of the foetus formed above the strait a considerable projection, which descended in front of the symphy- sis pubis nearly to the vulva. Besides, the walls of the abdomen were so thin that the head, fontanelles, and sutures could readily be detected through them: the occiput Ayas to the right, and the face to the left. The right parietal bone rested against the anterior face of the symphysis pubis, and the left remained in front. The os uteri, Avhich Avas on a level with the superior strait, seemed to be scooped out of the substance of the posterior wall of the Avomb, which made it much longer behind than before. In order to reach the orifice, and penetrate towards the head of the child, I was obliged to bend my finger, so as to make it pass almost horizontally above the pubis. After seven days of' pain and pretty strong contractions, the os uteri, although very soft and very dilatable, Avas scarcely opened at all. M. Desormeaux agreed with me, that by means of position, and the assistance of the hand properly combined, I ought to try to carry the head to the centre of the superior strait, by making it slide from below upAvards, and from before backwards over the pubis. I began to execute this manoeuvre at half-past eight o'clock, and continued it, alternating with several of the students, until nine o'clock. From this time there Avas no longer a tumor in front of the symphysis, and the labor progressed so rapidly that in less than an hour the child Avas born, and the placenta itself expelled." (Meigs's Translation, p. 404.) Dr. Billi, Professor at Milan, reports a case (Ann. de Chir., 1845, p. 113; in Avhich the retroversion Avas so complete, that the orifice was situated five fingers' breadth above the pubis, Avhilst the posterior part of the excavation Avas occupied by the head of the foetus. The fundus of the uterus, in the shape of a hard and rounded tumor, was situated betAveen the vagina and the rectum, Avhich it compressed violently. 1 might also add similar examples from Duges ; but these tAvo are prob- ably quite sufficient to render Avhat is meant by the posterior obliquity of the womb fully understood. OBSTACLES PRESENTED BY THE UTERUS. 717 By summing up the symptoms so Avell described by Merriman, we shall have: 1, a very considerable elevation of the os uteri, AA'hich is carried high upAvard and fonvard above the symphysis pubis; 2, a tardy dilatation of the cervix ; 3, the tumor, constituted by some part of the foetus (the shoulder, probably) pressing before it the posterior inferior portion of the Avomb that envelops it, is strongly engaged in the excavation, and occupies all the cavity of the lesser pelvis;1 and, 4, the head situated above the symphysis pubis. By collecting in the same way the principal characters of M. Vel peau's case, Ave shall find a remarkable elevation of the presenting part; a very unusual elevation of the cervix uteri, the orifice of which, being turned directly forward, is placed above-the symphysis, and is scarcely accessible to the finger; and, lastly, a considerable tumor formed by the child's head, just in front of the anterior face of the symphysis. And we may add, that such a tumor had previously been described by Duges, in several of his obser- vations.1' The posterior obliquity of the womb is rarely so disastrous in its conse- quences as Merriman's case proved to be; for most generally the strong contractions of the organ, the energetic efforts of the patient herself, and a sufficient amplitude of the pelvis, succeed in overcoming its unfavorable influence, Avithout extraneous aid ; and, besides, it often happens that, at the time the membranes are ruptured, the head descends into the excavation along Avith the discharged waters. But on the other hand, as in the instance of the author just quoted, the deviation of the foetus, and of its presenting part, goes on increasing, and then it may require version. [We haA'e stated that all difficulty in accounting for the way in which posterior obliquity takes place is removed by regarding it as a result of irregular develop- ment of the uterus, the excessive dilatation of whose posterior segment pushes the i-ervix forward. That Prof. Depaul accepts this view is shown by the following e;ise. A lady from the country, who had already borne children, was at the period of lier confinement; pains had been experienced for several days, but the labor had made no progress. When M. Depaul was called he found no appreciable incli- nation of the uterus. On making an examination, the finger encountered quite a large tumor occupying a part of the cavity of the pelvis, more especially the pos- terior portion. The neck was thrust forward and lodged behind the symphysis pubis. It had the form of a transverse fissure, with two projecting lips, and its cavity was not blended Avith that of the body of the uterus. On passing the finger 1 It is highly probable that the engagement of the shoulder in the excavation is owing to the putrefaction of the foetus. Merriman has not noted the prominence formed above the symphysis pubis by the head ; the absence of this projection, which was so remark- able in M. Velpeau's case, was certainly due to an engagement of the shoulder, and the head was probably throAvn back on the opposite one, so that a spontaneous cephalic version took place. 2 It has been remarked, in many cases, that the child's head presented, after birth, a red longitudinal mark between one of the parietal protuberances and the sagittal suture. This long, narrow track seems to be owing to the contusion made on the scalp by the upper border of the pubis. In a case of this kind, reported by Paisley, the midwife could not detect the child's head until after the discharge of the waters. The head would not descend, and the woman died of exhaustion; and, at. the autopsy, the frontal and parietal bones of the right side were found applied against the pubis, which bad made a depression there of one or two inches in extent. 718 DYSTOCIA. between these lips it was found that the internal surface of the anterior ore pre sented a concavity looking backAvard. The posterior one was swollen at its uppei extremity, and had, on a level with the internal orifice, a transverse, rounded pro- jection, a little convex in front. The swelling seemed to be about the size of a finger, extremely hard and tense, like a contracted tendon. M. Depaul succeeded in hooking his finger around this part, and thus became satisfied that it was formed by the posterior half of the internal orifice, whose fibres had become hypertrophied and contracted. He also found that the uterine caA'ity, in consequence of an abnor- mal development posteriorly, formed a sort of bag, which hung far below the neck, and in Avhich a part of the breech was engaged. Incisions of only three or four sixteenths of an inch in depth were made to the right and left on the internal orifice, when the neck immediately opened, allowing the operator's hand to pass readily into the uterus and seize the pelvic extremity. A very large foetus, in process of decompo- sition, was easily extracted, and the patient recovered rapidly. What was the difficulty in this singular case ? Both MM. Devilliers and Depaul regard it as an extreme development of the posterior portion of the inferior segment of the uterus, in connection Avith another peculiarity not always met with, viz., hypertrophy and tension of a portion of the circular fibres situated at the internal orifice. (Bulletin de VAcad6mie de Medecine, 1865.)] 3. Lateral Obliquities.—For the reasons formerly given (page 702), the right lateral obliquity is far more frequent than the left; indeed, but very few examples of the latter are ever met with. These variations in the direc- tion of the uterus are rarely of such a nature as to constitute a serious obstacle to parturition; they act more particularly in modifying, and some- times even in altogether changing, the presenting part of the foetus. Let us suppose, for instance, says Duges, that the womb be oblique enough to carry the child's head toAvards the border of one of the iliac fossae, as I have seen in two cases; but it can hardly remain at this point, for it will either be pressed back into the excavation, or else it will slip further forward and outAvard, and the child, by thus becoming more and more oblique, will ulti- mately present one or the other shoulder at the superior strait. 4. Treatment of Uterine Obliquity. — In a large majority of cases the obliquity of the Avomb, whatever may be its variety, presents no special indi- cations for treatment; it constitutes a source of delay in the progress of the parturition, but it scarcely ever becomes a serious cause of dystocia. Con- sequently in these, as in all other slow labors, the first duty of the practitioner is to wait. In some very rare instances, Avhere it happens that an excessive degree of obliquity is not rectified under the influence of the poAvers of nature, the intervention of art becomes necessary; and the indications then presented are, — to restore the Avomb to its normal position, to sustain it there, and to remedy any accidents that may happen. The measures Avhereby the first two indications may be fulfilled, are per- fect rest on the back, when the obliquity is anterior, or on the side opposite to the one occupied by the fundus uteri, when it is lateral, and the employ- ment of the hands to support and maintain the deviated organ, or of a large bandage properly applied, to produce the same effect. The patient should be advised not to bear down until after the displacement is remedied. If these means are not sufficient, it will be necessary, while thus operating externally on the body, to act at the same time on the neck; for that purpose intro- HERNIA OF THE WOMB. 719 ducing tAvo fingers into the uterine orifice, and taking advantage of an interval betAveen the pains to draw it gently towards the centre of the pelvis, Avhilst the other hand is employed in pressing the fundus of the organ in the oppo- site direction. These measures generally succeed, and their use should be continued as long as the double interest of the mother and child will permit; but if they prove unsuccessful, and the reduction of the obliquity and the delivery becomes impossible, our only resource is to open an artificial passage, by making an incision into that portion of the uterine wall which projects into the vagina (the vaginal Caesarean operation). Still this ought to be con- sidered an ultimate resource, and one not to be resorted to until after the impossibility of introducing the hand into the uterus to effect the pelvic version has been fully ascertained. In the posterior obliquity, the Avoman ought to remain seated or standing, or, if possible, even reclining a little forward. If the head forms a projec- tion above and in front of the pubis, as in the case of Velpeau, and those reported by Duges, the hand should support the hypogastrium, and, by perseverance, it will succeed in pressing back the head to the centre of the excavation. This manoeuvre will be rendered more easy by the vertical position, by Avalking, or, if necessary, by the yvoman's resting on her hands and knees, so that the fundus of the womb will hang forward, as it were. A kind of see-saAv movement then takes place, Avhich, by depressing the part of the child that occupies the fundus, elevates that near the neck. Finally, should all these plans fail, the pelvic version must be resorted to. § 2. Of Hernia of the Womb. Most of the cases of hernia of the Avomb may be referred to what we have described under the name of anterior obliquities of this organ. These are true eventrations;1 and it is exceedingly rare for the uterus, by escaping through one of the natural openings of the abdomen, such as the inguinal or the crural rings, to constitute a hernia, properly so called. Some Avell- established examples of it, hoAvever, are found in the books; for instance, Simon, in his Memoir on the Caesarean operation, and Sabatier, in his work on the displacements of the Avomb and vagina, both of AA'hich are found in the valuable collection of the Academie de Chirurgie, have related several very curious instances of the kind. In most cases, the displacement of the Avomb had existed prior to the fecundation, and the organ thus situated Avithout the abdominal inclosure, continued to be developed until full term. In some others, Avhich are more difficult to admit, this organ having attained a certain degree of develop- ment, gradually dilated one of the crural or inguinal rings, and constituted an external hernia. These latter have been admitted by Desormeaux, but they are rejected by M. Moreau, avIio considers them as genuine eventra- tions, and AA-e are disposed to adopt the latter view, at least so far as regards the case reported by Ruysch. Sometimes, hoAvever, the existence of an old 1 A term applied to the hernias following any accidental opening in the abdominal walls; as also the falling of the belly, resulting from an extreme relaxation of the anterior ventral walls.—Translator. 720 DYSTOCIA. hernia has occasionally seemed to favor the development of a hernia of the uterus.1 The characters of this latter, during the gestation and labor, are too well marked to require a detailed account of the signs of recognition. But, at the time of the parturition, the inefficiency of the efforts of nature should be fully tested by a prolonged delay, before resorting to the Caesarean operation, which is' the only resource recommended by very many accou- cheurs ; for, in some cases, the labor has been knoAvn to terminate sponta- neously. In a case related by Ruysch, a midwife, by raising the tumor, succeeded in returning the foetus into the abdomen, and the delivery was effected as usual. § 3. Of Prolapsus Uteri. It is possible for a prolapsus of the womb to exist in a non-pregnant woman, and yet the latter may conceive, as is fully proved by the folloAving observa- tion of Marrigues, reported by Chopart. " A female, who Avas affected with a prolapsus, had been impregnated by the direct and immediate introduc- tion of the fecundating principle into the uterus, through its gradually dilated orifice." The conception having once taken place, the uterus may go on developing until term, and at the time of labor may present an enormous tumor hanging between the thighs ; or this falling may only occur during the gestation; and again it may suddenly come on in the course of the parturition, Avhere the patient is abandoned to herself, or is attended by inexperienced persons, who allow her to remain standing or Avalking for a long time, or who permit her to make strong bearing-down efforts, with a view of hastening her delivery before the os uteri is sufficiently dilated.2 1 One Ramus, aged twenty-four years, and having borne six children, had a right inguinal enterocele, which appeared some time before her marriage. At the third month of a seventh pregnancy she was attacked by an annoying, dragging sensation oh the left side of the hypogastrium. The tumor hitherto observed in the latter region disappeared, and she discharged blood by the vagina. By placing her hand over the inguinal hernia, she discovered there a hard and strange body, that was painful on pressure, and which she several times attempted to push back again, without success. Several weeks afterwards she felt some movements at that point, and sent for a physi- cian, who detected at the lower and right portion of the abdomen a tumor, that descended on the thigh of this side, covering the pubis, and even extending across as far as the left thigh; this tumor was twenty-six inches in circumference at the middle, and twenty-four inches at its junction with the abdomen. Several attempts at reduction were made without effect. The pains came on at the eighth month, and hysterotomy was then performed, but the reduction was still impossible after the delivery, and the uterus was left on the exterior. Both the mother and child were saved. (Ledisma de Salamanca; Gaz. de Med., 715, 1840.) 2 According to M. Moreau, the patients are particularly exposed to this kind of dis- placement in the five or six weeks following the delivery. The uterus, which had been distended by the product of conception, still infiltrated by fluids, hypertrophied in a measure, has a much larger size and a far more considerable weight than usual, the ligaments that were stretched have regained as yet neither their consistence nor habitual strength. Now if, on the one hand, there is more weight in the organ to be sustained, and, on the other, greater weakness of the ligaments which should sustain it, it is very apparent that a cause which, in the ordinary conditions of life, would be insufficient to bring about a displacement, will produce it under the circumstances i TUMORS OF THE BODY OF THE UTERUS 721 The prolapsus may prove a source of serious difficulty in the progress of the parturition, for experience has shown that this accident may not only be productive of long delays, but likewise of real danger; perhaps, it may even render the spontaneous expulsion of the foetus altogether impossible, either (as has long since been remarked) because the Avomb, which has descended to the lowest part of the abdomen, and possibly even beyond the abdominal inclosure, is removed, as it were, from the influence of the con- tractions of the abdominal muscles ; or because, being Avedged in between the surface of the child's body and the Avails of the pelvis, it has lost a great part of its energy in consequence of the long-continued pressure. The difficulties to be overcome will also vary according to whether the prolapsus be recent or of long standing ; for, in the latter case, the prolonged contact of the organ Avith the internal face of the thighs, and Avith the dress, may have produced a state of induration of the cervix Avhich opposes its steady dilatation; indeed this has often been impossible, and the physician has been obliged to incise it to overcome the resistance offered by the in- durated parts. On the contrary, Avhere the accident has recently occurred, or, still better, if it is only manifested during the labor, the dilatation of the os uteri is sometimes effected spontaneously ; and the duty of the accoucheur is then limited to facilitating it by the use of the appropriate means. The special indications presented by a falling of the Avomb, when it occurs during pregnancy, have already been treated of. (Page 528.) All attempts at reduction Avould be dangerous during the labor; and, consequently, the accoucheur must then be satisfied Avith hastening the dilatation of the os uteri as much as possible, and Avith preventing the lacerations it Avould suffer, by suitable incisions, in cases of induration. The delivery of the placenta likeAvise demands much circumspection, since it is evident that Ave cannot trust its expulsion to nature, and still less can we draAV on the cord in the usual manner; hence, the after-birth must be artificially separated. Immediately after its delivery the uterus retracts, and then its reduction is often quite easy. [# 4. Tumors of the Body or the Uterus. Puchelt mentions ten cases of cancerous degeneration of the body of the uterus, the neck being healthy. In one case, the entire body of the organ was diseased. As these tumors rarely present any mechanical obstruction to the expulsion of the child, we will merely observe that they interfere with the contractions of the uterus and predispose to its rupture. Fibrous tumors are by far the most common. They are distinguished according to their situation as sub-mucous, interstitial, and sub-peritoneal. All these may interfere with delivery by disturbing the regularity of the contractions of the uterus, but chiefly by obstructing mechanically the expulsion of the foetus. The fibrous masses, whether pediculated or not, which grow upon the segment of the uterus, may be assimilated to the same kind of tumors and polypi of the neck. We have, therefore, nothing to add to what has been already said in regard to them. (See Fibrous Tumors of the Keek, page 706.) Fibrous tumors of the upper segment are grave in proportion to the length of just indicated. For these reasons, therefore, we cannot too strongly urge the patients to keep in the horizontal position during the early part of their lying-in, and to avoid all kinds of violent exertions for the first six weeks following their delivery. 4G 722 DYSTOCIA. their pedicles. When non-pediculated and situated in the fundus, they have no tendency to engage in the cavity of the pelvis below the head of the foetus; whilst those with long pedicles attached at the fundus, may form serious obstacles should their lower extremity become engaged below the head. In the latter case, the only thinjr to be done is to divide the pedicle and remove the tumor. All sub-mucous fibrous tumors are liable to cause hemorrhage during the delivery of the after-birth, because their size interferes with the contraction of the uterus. An unusually severe hemorrhage may also result from a direct insertion of the placenta upon the portion of mucous membrane covering the tumor. It will be readily seen how this unfortunate disposition of the parts might facilitate the loss of blood from the open orifices of the utero-placental vessels, which remain unclosed because the tumor obstructs the contraction of the muscular fibres. The peculiar changes which occur at the internal surface of the uterus after delivery, often have a singular effect upon the continuance of sub-mucous fibrous tumors. There are cases which prove that the uterine mucous membrane may un- dergo ulceration, and the tumor thus exposed become enucleated, so to speak, and expelled into the vagina. I have myself seen two cases of this sort of spontaneous cure. Sub-peritoneal fibrous tumors are generally less grave than the sub-mucous variety, yet they may prove a very serious obstacle should they happen to occupy a part of the cavity of the pelvis. I reported in my thesis for the Concours1 a case furnished me by M. H. Blot, and of which the following is a summary. A woman Fig. 110. Fig. 110. Section of the fibrous tumor. S. Synphysis pubis. V. Bladder, t. Small fibrous tumor. ('. Another small fibrous tumor. T. Principal tuu'.or. c. Central cavity of the tumor, r. Rectum. /. Utero-rectal cul-de-sac. p. Pedicle of the tumor where it is attached to the posterior surface of the uterus. from Argenteuil was brought to the hospital of the Clinique after fruitless attempts had been made to deliver her. It was a shoulder presentation and the left hand and a loop of the cord hung from the vulva. The turning Avas very difficult and the head was momentarily arrested at the superior strait which it cleared suddenly. The patient died of metro-peritonitis, and the autopsy revealed the presence of three fibrous tumors. One of them was attached to the middle of the posterior 1 Tarnier, Cases in ivhich it is necessary io extract the Foetus. Paris, 18'jO. TUMORS OF THE OVARY. \ 723 (surface of the uterus by a pedicle of over two inches in length, which soon enlaro-ed to a volume greater than that of the head of a foetus at term. It filled the utero- rectal cul-de-sac, projected above the superior strait and reached the fundus of the uterus. At numerous points it was adherent to the recto-uterine cul-de-sac. An antero-posterior section having been made, it was found that the centre of the tumor was broken down into a pulpy mass of a grayish color. (See Fig. 110.)] CHAPTER IX. W TUMORS APPERTAINING TO THE ADJACENT PARTS AND CELLULAR TISSUE OF THE CAVITY OF THE PELVIS. Tjiksi; tumors are various in character and may appertain either to the ovary, Fallopian tube, bladder, intestine, or cellular tissue of the pelvis. § 1. Tumors of the Ovary. This organ may be affected Avith a number of diseases, nearly all of Avhich have the effect of singularly augmenting its volume; thus cysts, distended with solid or liquid matters, are frequently observed there, and abscesses have also been met with; or this body itself may become hypertrophied, or be affected with scirrhous or encephaloid cancer. But Ave shall not treat of these latter affections, further than to examine the influence they may have over the puerperal, functions. In this respect, it is highly important to ascertain the exact seat of the tumor; for sometimes the diseased ovary remains in the abdominal cavity above the superior strait; and, again, it is very often displaced, and falls into the pelvic excavation. In the former case it may, doubtless, obstruct the development of the uterus by its bulk, and thus bring on a premature labor; or it may produce an obliquity of the womb by pressing the latter to the opposite side, and thus prove a source of dystocia; but it particularly claims the attention of the accoucheur when situated in the lesser pelvis; for it may then so obstruct the passages, that a natural delivery of the child becomes Avholly impossible. The tumors, constituted by the displaced ovary, nearly ahvays fall doAvn into the cul-de-sac, formed by the peritoneum, it being reflected from the posterior surface of the uterus to the anterior one of the rectum. In a single case only, reported by Jackson, has it been found behind the rectum, Avhich latter was then pressed forward. This singular anomaly merits attention. The ovarian tumors vary greatly, both in their volume and form —from the size of a small orange up to that of a child's head ; sometimes they only occupy a part of the excavation, Avhile at others, they fill it up so completely that the finger can scarcely be introduced betAveen them and the pelvic walls. It is important in practice to ascertain these differences of sizo ami location, and equally so to detect the nature of the tumor, and the kind of material that forms it. In some cases of ovarian dropsy, the fluctuation hs bo evident that no possible doubt can exist concerning its character, but in others, this sensation is not so clearly recognized; though here the smooth and p dished surface of the tumor, and its rounded form, compared Avith the 724 DYSTOCIA. irregularities, and the nodules exhibited by cancerous degenerations of thia organ, will facilitate the diagnosis. The density of the fluid tumor, its elastic resistance and fluctuation, are singularly modified during the con- traction ; because, being then strongly compressed by the child's head, the sac, that was at first soft and yielding, becomes hard, tense, and resistant; consequently, it is advisable to examine both during and after the pain, for the differences then presented will likewise aid in making out the diagnosis. The exploration should be made both by the vagina and rectum, since this is the best method of distinguishing the enlargements of the ovary from those belonging to the uterus or the vagina. This double exploration only admits of their being confounded with the tumors existing in the recto- vaginal septum ; but this error would be of little consequence, since the tAvo cases present the same indications for treatment. The presence of such tumors is always a very unfavorable complication of the labor; but the prognosis will necessarily vary with their volume, seat, nature, and mobility, as also according to the period at which the physician is summoned. Thus, in thirty-one cases recorded by Puchelt, fifteen Avere fatal to the mother and twenty-three to the child. Twenty-one children and one woman died during the labor. As regards the treatment, the same course is not always to be pursued in the cases under consideration. There is evidently nothing to be done where the size and locality of the tumor afford a Avell-grounded hope of a spontaneous delivery; but when it is movable, and the head has not yet engaged, it is recommended to attempt to press up the former above the abdoVninal strait; and, should the tumor still have a tendency to fall back, after having been carried up, it ought to be supported, while the feet are sought after, or an application of the forceps is resorted to. But in some grave cases, the engagement of the head, or the adhesions of the tumor, render a return of the latter impossible; here it is particularly important to be certain of its nature; and if the signs above indicated have not proved sufficient to settle the diagnosis, a puncture should be made in it, AAdiich would determine the question of its fluidity or solidity. If it proves to be an ovarian dropsy, it is to be evacuated by a trocar somewhat larger than the one used for the exploratory puncture; but if the cyst be multilocular, or if it contain a cheesy matter that cannot escape through the canula of the trocar, a free incision will evidently be requisite. By allowing the fluid to escape, the incision would have the double advantage of facilitating the labor when the tumor is very large, and of preA-enting consecutive inflammation of the cyst, when the latter, though too small absolutely to prevent the expulsion of the foetus, is yet large enough to delay it greatly. Under the latter circumstances, indeed, the compression it undergoes during labor may excite in it a violent inflamma- tion, and, in some cases, even produce a rupture. As a consequence of this rupture, the fluid may be discharged externally through a perforation of the vagina, or be effused into the cavity of the peritoneum. The incision or the puncture is usually made by the vagina, as the evacu- ation of its contents is more easily effected through this canal. Some per- sons, ho wever, fearing lest an incision made through the vaginal wall might TUMORS OF THE RECTUM. 725 . become enlarged at the moment of the passage of the head, have recom- mended the introduction of the instrument through the rectum; and although this mode of operating ought, in general, to be rejected, it should certainly be followed in those cases in which the tumor is located betAveen the posterior part of the rectum and the anterior surface of the sacrum. Again, the tumor is solid, it cannot be pushed up, and the size is so great as to render an extraction of the foetus altogether impossible. The case is then most serious, and we have only to choose betAveen an extirpation of the tumor, or a resort to embryotomy, or to the Caesarean operation. Under such circumstances, if it Avere possible to ascertain that the abnormal groAvth had not contracted intimate adhesions to the neighboring parts, I would willingly adopt the vieAvs of Merriman, who recommends its extirpation ; but if this latter be deemed impracticable, a mutilation of the child might be resorted to, Avhen there is room enough betAveen the tumor and the pelvic wall to afford a passage to the foetus grasped by the embryotomy forceps; otherwise, the Csesarean operation seems to be the only resource. The folloAving summary, which will serve to illustrate the danger of the operations just recommended, is extracted from M. Puchelt's statistics: In five cases, Avhere the delivery was abandoned to the resources of the organ- ism, four of the mothers died, and but two children were born living. The simple pushing up of the tumor was only followed by the safety of both individuals in a single instance, Avhile in another case the infant was still- born. Version Avas performed twice, after having previously pushed up the tumor, but this double operation was only once successful for the Avoman; the child, though born living, died immediately afterwards; but in the other, both mother and child perished. A simple puncture of the tumor was attended Avith success in one case, though in tAvo others it did not obvi- ate the necessity for embryotomy, and both women died. The incision of the mass, which Avas practised in three instances, was favorable to both individuals in a single case only, while in the other tAvo the children per- ished ; in the fourth, version was effected after the incision, but both mother and child were lost; the same result attended the application of the forceps in one case; a perforation of the cranium was found necessary in six, and only three of the women recovered; and, finally, both parties survived in those instances Avhere the blunt hook could be employed. § 2. Tumors appertaining to the Fallopian Tube. As the tumors of the tube are much more rare than those of the ovary, they seldom constitute a mechanical obstacle to the delivery. In fact, only one case of the kind is on record, that related by Chambry of Boulaye, in the old Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, et Pharmacie. It appeared as a round, hard, irregular, and partly osseous tumor, the true seat of which Avas subsequently ascertained by the post-mortem examination. If a similar case should De met with, it Avould offer the same indications for treatment as the ovarian tumors. § 3. Tumors of the Rectum. a. Fecal matters may accumulate and harden in the rectum, and give rise to unpleasant symptoms, which sometimes simulate a regular disease 726 DYSTOCIA. »f the intestine; and if such an accumulation takes place toAvards the end of pregnancy, it may render delivery difficult, or even impossible, by obstructing the passages the foetus has to traverse. In several of the reported cases, injections could not be made, and laxatives given by the mouth proved ineffectual. For instance, Guillemot says, " We are con strained, before delivering her, to extract all the excrements Avhich dis- tended the said large bowel;" and Lauverjat likeAvise remarks, " I intro- duced my finger into the vagina, and pressed on the matters, Avith the view of diminishing their solidity ; I then gave two injections, Avhich soon emptied the intestine ; the pains, which had been completely suspended for six hours, reappeared, and the labor Avas terminated in less than fifteen minutes." Under like circumstances, I knoAV of nothing better than to folloAv the example of these practitioners. A curious case, in many respects, is reported by Fournier, who says: " I was sent for by three surgical students, Avho had been ineffectually attempt- ing to deliver a woman for five days. Having ascertained, on my arrival, that she was costive, and had not had a passage for a week, I immediately directed an injection. The student charged Avith this duty endeavored in vain to find the anus; and, on going to his aid, I discovered that it Avas imperforate, and that no vestige whatever of an orifice remained ; but, instead, a line similar to the raphe extended from the coccyx to the vulva. I introduced my finger into the vagina, where I found the rectum floating, and as it was filled with excrement, compressing the womb, the canula was introduced there, and the injection penetrated into the intestine, from Avhence a prodigious quantity of cherry-stones, mixed up with fecal matters, came away at once; and after this evacuation, I terminated the labor." (Diet. Sci. Med., torn. iv. p. 155. Cas. rares.) B. Scirrhus. — Dr. Lever relates having met with a case Avhere the labor was rendered difficult by the presence of a cancerous tumor situated three inches above the anus. But such tumors rarely acquire a large size, and the application of the forceps would nearly always prove sufficient to over- come the obstacle. § 4. Tumors of the Bladder. The tumors in the pelvic cavity, dependent on the bladder, may be caused either by a procidentia vesicae, a cancer of this organ, or a urinary calculus. In addition to which, we have elseAvhere spoken of the unfavorable influence that an excessive distention of the bladder might have over the puerperal functions. A. Procidentia Vesicoz (Falling of the Bladder).—Under this title, certain authors have described an inconsiderable displacement of the bladder, but which does not the less constitute a true hernia of the organ; and we shall, therefore, refer our remarks on this subject to the article in which hernial tumors are treated of in detail. B. Cancer of the Bladder. — Puchelt extracts one case of this disease from Oberteufer, and Dr. Lever reports another; both of Avhich would seem to prove that the vesical walls, Avhen attacked by cancer, may form a tumor in the excavation large enough to obstruct the course of parturition. As to TUMORS OF THE BLADDER. 727 its treatment, this tumor evidently presents the same indications as all the ether solid ones before described. c Urinary Calculi. — Instances of a stone in the bladder descending into' the excavation, and thereby obstructing the free passage of the head, are not very unusual. The numerous cases of this kind on record prove that they are always situated below the head, or else are placed betAveen it and the symphysis pubis. In a single instance only, reported by Lauverjat, the calculus was above the pelvis, though, as M. Velpeau remarks, it is difficult to understand how it could then arrest the expulsion of the foetus. Calculi vary very much in their size, and the same is true of their shape, which fact modifies the prognosis. The diagnosis is not ahvays an easy matter, though if the tumor felt behind the symphysis pubis is hard, cir- cumscribed, and gives rise to pain when pressed upon by the finger or the child's head, if it is situated Avithout the vagina, and if it is firmly fixed during the contraction, but is movable during the relaxation of the womb there is every reason to suspect the existence of a calculus ; Avhich suspicions Avould naturally lead us to the use of the catheter, whereby the foreign body can nearly always be detected. Treatment. — An attempt should be made to press up the stone above the superior strait, before or even during the labor, and prior to the engagement of the head ; or, if the latter is still movable — although it may be engaged — it should be raised up from the strait, and the calculus be pushed above it. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this, either because the head has descended too far to be pressed back (the stone being below it), or because this latter is forcibly Avedged in between it and the symphy- sis. In such cases, an extraction of the calculus seems to be the only resource; however, this need not be attempted at once, for some of the reported facts would seem to prove that its spontaneous expulsion may take place, even Avhere its great size might preclude all hope of such an event, as occurred in the folloAving case reported by Smellie. The Avife of a coal- porter, who had long been suffering from the presence of a stone in the bladder, became pregnant. The midAvife, summoned at the time of labor, was surprised to find a hard resistant body lying before the head ; but as the means of the patient did not admit of her sending for a physician in consultation, the midAvife could only keep up the spirits of her patient dur- ing the long and painful parturition. At last, she felt something coming aAvay, which proved to be a stone about the size and shape of a goose's giz- zard, and Avhich Aveighed from five to six ounces. Immediately after its escape, the child Avas expelled, and the woman recovered in due time, but she aftenvards suffered from incontinence of urine. Some surgeons have been encouraged, probably by facts of this kind, to attempt an extraction of the calculus through the previously dilated urethra; but this operation requires too much time to admit of being performed during the progress of parturition. If there should be no hope of succeeding by the forceps or pelvic version, on account of its large size, it would be necessary to resort to the operation of vaginal lithotomy, and incise the urethra directly on the itone through the anterior vaginal Avail. 728 DYSTOCIA. § 5. Of Hernial Tumors. A considerable portion of the intestine, omentum, or bladder, may become engaged in one of the culs-de-sac formed by the peritoneum, in being re- flected from the bladder to the womb, and from the latter to the rectum, and thus constitute a true vaginal hernia. But Avhen the parts that are dis- placed and engaged between the rectum and the vagina descend still more, and cause a prominence in the perineum, the term perineal hernia is applied. Under the title of vaginolabial hernia, a tumor has been described which is situated in the substance of the labia, or in the lowest and most projecting part of the fold which it forms with the skin. A. Intestinal or Omental Hernia.—The seat of a vaginal enterocele, or epiplocele, is sometimes between the vagina and bladder, but oftener betAveen the rectum and posterior wall of the vulvo-uterine canal, and always on one side of it, in consequence of the vaginal adhesions both behind and in front. The misplaced organ forms a tumor there which is very variable in its size, and which either presents the clammy softness of epiplocele, or the elasticity or rumbling of an enterocele. Though easily recognized, these tumors have, in some instances, given rise to serious mistakes, which might have proved disastrous to the patient. I was summoned, says Levret, to a case of this kind, where the question was actually discussed, Avhether a large portion of the tumor should be removed or not; but I demonstrated, in a satisfactory manner, that some part of the intestine had slipped down into the substance of the septum, through the bottom of the cul-de-sac that is found between the neck of the womb .and the upper part of the rectum. (Levret, Abus des regies.) The prognosis is unfavorable, not only from the obstacle thereby created to the expulsion of the child, but also from the pressure of the head on the hernial sac ; because an inflammation, that is always serious, and which might sometimes even terminate in gangrene, may result in consequence. All authors have, therefore, recommended the reduction of the hernia as soon as possible. To accomplish this, it is better to place the woman on her knees and elbows, so as to facilitate the return of the intestine and the engagement of the head ; this position Avas followed by the happiest results in the case above reported. In another instance, Stubbs, by compressing the hernial tumor, succeeded in reducing it, and the head then engaged. In my esti- mation, the taxis should be preferred to Levret's method, taking care to sustain the head at the same time with the other hand, if the hernia be voluminous. Where the reduction is impossible, it is necessary to terminate the labor as soon as possible by the aid of the forceps, or by turning. B. Vulvar or Perineal Hernia. — We may be allowed to speak in this place of vulvar or perineal hernias, which, although they do not present a mechanical obstacle to parturition, may give rise to special indications during pregnancy and labor. These tumors, which are situated in the lowest and most posterior part of the greater labia, may be formed by the escape of a loop of intestine, and sometimes a portion of the bladder. They have been oftener observed during pregnancy than at any other period, and may ultimately acquire a very considerable size. Papus men- HERNIAL TUMORS. 729 tiors hiving dissected one which had the form of a large bottle, hanging to the right of the anus, and descending as far as the leg. In one of the cases observed by Smellie, the tumor, Avhich toAvard the end of gestation was as large as the fist, became strangulated and gangrenous. The seat of the tumor, Avhich is ahvays situated in the lower part of the greater labia, betAveen the edge of the anus and the tuberosity of the ischium, the ease Avith which it is reduced in the horizontal position, and its sudden reappearance when the patient rises or makes the least exertion, serve to indicate its nature. Enterocele may be distinguished from cystocele by the gurgling Avhich accompanies the reduction of the former. The latter often diminishes in size after urinating or using the catheter, and desires to uri- nate are produced by pressing upon the tumor. It is evident that the exertions of labor have a tendency to increase the size of the hernia greatly, and even to produce strangulation. It should be kept reduced by pressure properly applied. c. Vesical Hernia, or Cystocele.—It sometimes happens during labor that the fundus of the bladder descends beloAV the head, and constitutes a tumor of variable size at the anterior superior part of the vagina; the descent being probably caused by the pressure made by the child's head or the inferior part of the Avomb, fiq.ih. on the fundus of this organ. The patient has a feeling of weight or fulness in the pelvis, and a dragging sensation about the umbilicus; she has a constant desire to urinate, without the poAver of emptying her bladder, though, sometimes, each uterine contraction is followed by the emission of a small quantity of urine; besides Avhich, a more or less oval tumor, that is smooth, soft, and fluc- tuating betAveen the pains, but hard and tense while the}'' last, is detected by the touch at the upper front part of the vagina; and above this the head can often be distinguished ; indeed, the ^s1™1 cystoceie, taken from n -i ■•• i i • i i ii Bamsbotham. ringer may easily slip behind the tumor, and reach the cervix uteri; but it cannot pass betAveen the former and the pubic symphysis. The tumor formed by a cystocele is occasionally quite large. Madame Lachapelle says : " The first thing that attracted our attention Avas a pedicu- lated tumor, about the size of an egg, which projected a little from the vulva, and seemed to be attached to the right anterior wall of the vagina near its middle. The pedicle Avas about an inch and a half in thickness, and the tumor contained a liquid, all of Avhich could be pressed back through the pedicle; an opening Avith a thick margin was then detected, which appeared to communicate with the bladder. In fact, according to the Avoman's account, the tumor augmented in size in the erect position, though it often disappeared after the emission of urine, and ahvays Avhen using the cold bath. The uterine pains increased the size of the hernia, and the head in descending compressed, and rendered it very tense; after having emptied the bladder, I reduced it, and recommended the students 730 DYSTOCIA. to support it Avith tAvo fingers during each contiaction of the ,vomb. The head soon cleared the passage, sustaining the hernia itself, and the labor terminated favorably." The tumor is nearly always seated at the anterior part of the vagina; bur in a case reported by Sandiford, it was located between this canal and the rectum. There is one variety of tumor, formed in the pelvic cavity, which is the more Avorthy of attention, as its true nature might be misunderstood from its singular situation. It depends on a lateral displacement of the bladder, and M. Christian assigns to it the folloAving characters, namely, a remarkable fulness on one side of the pelvis, more especially during the uterine contractions, Avhich give to the tumor an evident elasticity and ten- sion ; it is generally circumscribed, though its base is someAvhat spread out, and extends along the side of the pelvis as far as the sacrum ; its volume varies, of course, with the quantity of fluid contained in the sac, occasion- ally equalling one-third of the transverse diameter of the pelvis. The tumefaction completely disappears after the use of the catheter; and, by directing the concavity of the instrument doAvmvards, its point can be felt through the Avails, and can readily be moved from before backwards in a horizontal direction. As the tumor is covered by the vagina, and its base is diffuse, there is no danger of mistaking it for the bag of waters, since it does not prevent the finger from reaching the uterine orifice. Cys- tocele may sometimes be removed by pressure, and almost always by the catheter; its size will vary Avith the extent of displacement, and Avith the quantity of urine contained in it. Cases of this kind merit serious attention, for they may be confounded with other tumors; and such an error of diagnosis might lead to the performance of a useless and perhaps dangerous operation. Dr. Merriman (Synopsis, page 202) speaks of a surgeon, Avho, supposing he had to treat a case of hydrocephalic head, thrust a sharp instrument into the bladder: and a similar mistake, according to Hamilton, was committed by another practitioner, Avho imagined he Avas opening the bag of waters. In all these obscure cases, a resort to the catheter is the best possible means of diagnosis; nevertheless, it must be observed, that, for this meas- ure to be conclusive, it should be done in such a manner as to plunge the beak of the instrument into the liquid contained in the cavity of the tumor; that is, after the instrument has once entered, it should be turned over, so as to make its concavity look doAvnwards and backwards. As a remedy, this is the only one requisite, and the instrument ought to be left in the bladder until after the head is engaged. Unfortunately, its introduction is not always an easy matter, particularly where the head has been wedged in the pelvis for a long time; under such circumstances, an attempt should be made to press up the former during the intervals; but if this. is impracticable, and there is reason to fear a rupture of the bladder from its overdistention, I know of no other resource than to pur-oture the organ with a very delicate trocar. TUMORS OF THE PELVIS. 731 § 6. Of Tumors developed in the Cellular Tissue of the Pelvis. We have yet to treat of the fatty, the fibrous, and the cancerous masses, and of the abscesses, or encysted tumors, that may be developed in the cel- lular tissue of the lesser pelvis, nearly all of Avhich are situated in the sub- stance of the recto-vaginal septum, though they are occasionally found on the sides of the vagina. In one instance, reported by Ed. Meier, the deliv- ery Avas rendered impossible by the existence of a cyst, about the size of a child's head, between the uterus and the bladder. The steatomatous and cancerous tumors are usually found in contact Avith the osseous or ligamen- tous Avails of the pelvis, to Avhich they seem to appertain. (See page 076.) It must be apparent that there is an identity of nature and seat between the tumors of the cellular tissue and those of the ovary; the reducibility of the one, Avhen non-adherent, and the irreducibility of the others, constitute the only marked difference betAveen the two. Consequently, the diagnosis is not easily made out after the engagement'of the head, or when the ovarian tumor is retained in place by old adhesions ; but, fortunately, that would be an error of little importance, since both present the same indications for treatment. It is more easy to distinguish the tumors of the cellular tissue from those appertaining to the organs before spoken of, and Ave refer to the signs already given, as characteristic of each of them. The reader will understand that the prognosis varies according to the size, nature, density, and seat of the tumors. When small, compressible, and situated in the direction of one of the long pelvic diameters, it will most frequently permit a spontaneous termination of the labor; and this may also take place, if, notwithstanding its hardness and size, it still retains a certain degree of mobility. Even in those cases where it is impossible to push it above the superior strait, we may still hope that, being forcibly compressed by the child's head, it will permit the latter to pass. During my sojourn at the Clinique, I saAv a woman, in Avhom the child's head Avas arrested at the superior strait for a long time, by a tumor, which Avas probably fibrous in its character, and was situated in front of and on a level with the sacroiliac symphysis. An application of the forceps had been seriously thought of, but the tumor, located in the recto-vaginal septum, was gradually forced doAvn by the head, under the influence of strong contractions, as far as the floor of the pelvis, Avhere it Avas pressed backAvard, at the same time dis- tending the perineum, and the labor terminated by the birth of a living child. In many cases, the volume and permanence of these tumors do not permit us to anticipate so happy a result, and it will then be necessary to interpose. The indications to be fulfilled will vary according to the particular case: that is, Avhere an abscess or an encysted tumor is detected, it is to be punc- tured, so as to evacuate the liquid, or it is to be incised Avhen the contents cannot be removed by a simple puncture ; but where the tumor is solid, is easily accessible, and has contracted no intimate adhesions with the vagina or rectum, it ought to be extirpated. Tavo modes of operating have been recommended for this purpose ; in the one, the vaginal Avail only is incised, while in the other the tumor is reached by making an opening in the peri- neum. The success obtained by Drew and Burns pleads in favor of the 732 DYSTOCIA. latter procedure. In the worst cases, where the situation of the tumor, oi the numerous and firm adhesions which it has formed, render its extirpation impracticable, our only resources are in the obstetrical manipulations, pro- perly so called; namely, the application of the forceps, or tractions on the feet, if the tumor is not very large, and the Caesarean operation, or embry- otomy, if the excavation be so obstructed that the extraction of a living child is impossible. CHAPTER X. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. ARTICLE I. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS. Rupture of the womb is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen to a female in the puerperal state. Exceedingly rare during the early months of gestation, it is somewhat more frequent in the latter half of pregnancy; but it is during the second stage of the labor, especially, that it most frequently takes place. Rupture of the uterus has seldom been observed in women bearing their first child. Thus, in seventy-five cases, reported by Churchill, nine occurred in primiparae, fourteen in women in their second pregnancy, thirteen in their third, and thirty-seven in their fourth or succeeding ones. The woman's age does not seem to have any marked influence over the production of this accident. Nevertheless, the organic alterations which constitute a predisposition are more unusual in early life than in advanced age. As the male child is ordinarily somewhat larger than the female, this, according to Dr. Clarke, would be a predisposing circumstance; thus, in tAventy cases of rupture, mentioned by Dr. M. Keever, fifteen were male children; and of thirty-four cases by Collins, twenty-three of the children were boys. The rupture may be seated either in the body or neck of the organ. When it affects the cervix, it is highly important to ascertain Avhether it only involves the sub-vaginal portion, or whether it invades that part situated above the insertion of the vagina; because the former is attended with very little danger, and occurs very frequently; indeed, it takes place at nearly every labor, just at the instant when the head is clearing the orifice, and it is scarcely ever followed by any unpleasant symptoms. The last, on the contrary, presents the same dangers, and has similar consequences with the ruptures of the body. Therefore, we need only mention here the lacerations that are limited to the orifice, and which do not extend beyond the vaginal insertion; and all that Ave are about to say concerning the uterine ruptures refers exclusively to those in the body of the Avomb and in the supra-vaginal portions of the neck. These latter are the more frequent, and they are located somewhat oftener on the posterior than on the anterior face. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAG1NTA. 733 § 1. Causes. Rupture of the uterus always supposes a distention of the organ, and this distention is most frequently dependent on pregnancy. The uterine walls become softened, in consequence of the modifications they undergo; their thickness is a little diminished at certain points, and they become more supple, more elastic, and therefore better calculated to support a slow and gradual pressure; for OAving to this suppleness, they can yield without rup- turing, though their distention renders them less fitted to sustain a sudden and forcible shock. By this distention, and the increase in volume to Avhich it gives rise, the uterus is forced to ascend above the superior strait; and thenceforth it is no longer protected by the osseous Avails of the pelvis, and, consequently, is more exposed to external violence, from Avhich it was shielded during the non-gravid state. Coming, from its situation, in imme- diate contact with the abdominal parietes without the intervention of any other body, it is subjected to the unequal pressure AA'hich the rapid and irregular contraction of the abdominal muscles during any violent efforts may make upon it. Pregnancy, and the modifications thereby impressed on the uterus, are therefore the essential predispositions to rupture of the uterus; but, inde- pendently of these conditions, Avhich exist in all gravid Avomen, there is a number of other circumstances Avhich have a more immediate influence over the production of this accident; and Avhich authors have designated under the titles of the predisposing and the determining causes. 1. Predisposing Causes. — Under this head Ave must include everything that can augment the distention or diminish the resistance of the uterine Avails, as, for instance : A. A great abundance of the amniotic liquid; the presence of several children, cv.c. B. The extreme thinness of the uterine Avails, which is met with in certain women, and Avhich cannot be accounted for. [Thinning of the walls of the uterus is most common in Avomen who have had many children, and consequently predisposes them to spontaneous rupture. Turn- ing, in such women, is more dangerous than in primiparae, because the thin walls of the womb are more readily lacerated.] C. An enfeeblcment of the uterine parietes, dependent on causes Avhich have operated at a more or less remote period, such as falls, bloAvs, &c.; the con- tused Avails inflame, become softened, and ulcerate; sometimes the rupture comes on during the same pregnancy, at others, several gestations may suc- ceed it Avithout any accident, and yet a rupture take place at a subsequent one. The enfeeblement may likewise result from di\rers softenings; such as those designated by M. Dezeimeris as the atrophied, the apoplectiform, the inflammatory, and the gangrenous ramollissements, and those produced by organic alterations. We must add another circumstance, Avhich is, in truth, very unusual, but Avhose influence has been fully demonstrated by several well-attested instances, namely, those Avomen Avho have undergone the Cesarean operation, and who have had the rare fortune to escape the grave 734 DYSTOCIA. dangers that attend it, seem more disposed than others to uterine rupture in the folloAving pregnancy: thus, Dr. Kayser has brought forward six case* in his excellent thesis, in which the patients, Avho had before been operated upon safely, have been compelled to submit to gastrotomy, in consequence of a rupture of the Avomb ; three of these Avomen died. D. All the organic alterations, and all the degenerations of tissue of which the uterus may be the seat, such as the scirrhous, fibrous, or encephaloid tumors. The softening and ulceration of these morbid masses may render that portion of the walls they occupy thinner and Aveaker; oftener, on the contrary, they augment the thickness and even the consistence of the uterine tissue, but still act as predisposing causes of ruptures, at least during partu- rition, in the following Avay : the point thus affected not contracting, whilst all the others are in action, the resistance made by it Avould be wholly pas- sive; and hence, whatever be its strength, it cannot hold out against the contractions of all the rest of the organ, the action of Avhich, being aided by that of the abdominal walls, weighs with all its force, as it were, on that portion which does not participate in the general action; and if we suppose that any obstacle Avhatever prevents the ready engagement of the foetus, the uterine effort, Avhich is incapable of overcoming the resistance it encounters in clearing the superior strait, is felt at the point Avhich does not contract, and consequently this latter becomes ruptured. And it is by a similar mechanism that the irregular or partial contractions may produce a rupture, by leaving some one point of the uterine Avails in a state of inertia, whilst all the others are contracting. During the labor, Ave must add everything that may render the parturition difficult, or require unusual and long-repeated contractions on the part of the organ. In this respect, all narrowing of the pelvis, every tumor that obstructs the excavation, all resistances offered by the cervix uteri, Avhether dependent on an agglutination of the lips, a degeneration of its tissue, or a state of spasm, or a considerable obliquity of the body, and the malpositions, as well as the malformations of the foetus, may become causes of rupture of the uterus. The ruptures of the uterus Avhich take place during labor almost ahvays occur after the rupture of the membranes. Still, James Hamilton reports a case in which the membranes were found entire at the autopsy. 2. Determining Causes.—A number of causes may serve to produce a rupture under the influence of some one of these predispositions; all of which, however, can be classified under tAvo principal heads, namely, the external or traumatic, and the internal causes. 3. External or Traumatic Causes. — It is not Avithout some hesitation that I venture to say a few words here about the traumatic lesions to which the womb is exposed as a cause of rupture; for it is well knoAvn that, at every period of life, this organ is liable to be injured by a projectile thrown by gunpowder, by any murderous instrument, or by the horn of an infuriated animal. But it must be remembered that the increased size of the organ, during gestation, exposes it then more than ever to this variety of lesions; though the consequences and the indications for treatment are, in other re- spects, nearly the same. Again Ave must add that perforations and lacera- tions of the uterus often result from ill-directed obstetrical manipulations. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. 735 The Avomb is also greatly exposed to compression or violent contusion of its walls, Avhen it is developed by the product of conception. This compres- sion may be mediate, that is to say, dependent on exterior causes, such as falls or blows on the abdomen, the pressure of this region by the backing up of a coach against a wall, or the passage of its wheels over the belly ; or it may be immediate, that is, due to the violent contraction of the abdominal muscles. The effects of mediate compression are generally of little conse- quence, owing to the mobility of the uterus, the suppleness of its Avails, and the point d'appui Avhich the latter find in the surrounding parts. Never- theless, they sometimes are folloAved by diastrous consequences: thus it is stated, in the old Journal de Medecine, that a Avoman had a rupture of the womb at the seventh month of her gestation, in consequence of having been pressed betAveen a Avail and- a carriage. As before stated, the contusion of the ventral parietes seldom produces an immediate rupture; but the bruise and consecutive inflammation of the uterine structure may determine an ulceration, and then a perforation at some future period. The ruptures by immediate compression, or those which result from the violent contraction of the abdominal muscles, seldom occur Avithout the pre- existence of some one of the alterations of the uterine Avails, considered above as predisposing causes. They generally folloAv a fit of coughing, sneezing, or vomiting, or take place during a paroxysm of anger; but they may like- wise be occasioned by the patient's attempts to raise some burden, and by the forcible bending of the body backward, which latter cannot occur Avith- out the recti muscles of the abdomen becoming closely approximated to the vertebral column during the forward curvature of the trunk; in all these movements the Avomb is forcibly compressed betAveen the abdominal muscles, which contract vigorously, and the posterior plane of the abdominal cavity. A rupture has been knoAvn to occur at all stages of gestation, from the ear- liest months up to full term, under the influence of some one of these causes. 4. Internal Causes. — Authors have incorrectly considered the enormous distention of the uterus during pregnancy as being capable of producing a rupture; for, although this distention is a predisposing cause, yet however great it may be, it cannot of itself give rise to such an accident Avithout the previous existence of an organic alteration. The same is true of the violent and convulsive movements of the foetus, Avhose impetus is too inconsiderable to occasion a rupture; and besides, the Avomb is fully protected' against its influence by the amniotic liquid and the suppleness of the Avails. During labor, the uterine contraction is the most frequent determining cause; and though the Avails of the organ Avere altogether passive in the course of gestation, they here play the principal part in the production of the rupture. After the membranes are ruptured and the Avaters entirely discharged, the Avails of the uterus are applied directly upon the fcetal ovoid. Now, in the doubled-up condition of the various parts of the child, numerous projections and irregularities are presented, which make the resistance at its different points very unequal. Consequently, some parts of the uterus are more or less stretched over the projecting parts, and, to use Madame Lachapelle's expres- sion, some of the muscular fasciculi act in a Avrong direction, whilst others, finding a firm support, contract Avith greater energy. 736 DYSTOCIA. The equilibrium of the forces is then, says M. Taurin, broken at several points of the Avomb, and the organ contracts irregularly. The non-compressed, healthy, and thicker parts contract with greater poAver, and draw upon the parts in the vicinity; the latter, already distended by the foetal projections, become still thinner, their resistance yields more and more, and at last, in- capable of longer resistance, they give way under the more powerful con- tractions of the neighboring parts. Such would be the course of affairs, more especially in an unfavorable position of the foetus, — one of the shoulder, for example. We would add further, that when the labor is prolonged greatly, the pres- sure of the foetal projections upon the walls of the uterus may cause their inflammation, ulceration, or even gangrene, all of them circumstances likely to facilitate rupture. Deformities of the pelvis, by presenting a mechanical obstacle to the pass- age of the foetus, also constitute a predisposition to rupture; but even here, the contraction is the determining cause. In some other cases, the hard and unequal projections presented by the irregularly contracted circumfer- ence of the pelvis may produce a direct rupture of the lower segment of the uterus, or of the walls of the cervix. Thus, we may readily conceive that a too great anterior projection of the sacro-vertebral angle, as also the pro- minent ridge sometimes presented by the superior and posterior face of the symphysis pubis, might bruise, or even tear, the part of the uterus which is strongly compressed between it and the head of the foetus. M. Taurin men- tions a case in his thesis in Avhich M. P. Dubois attributed to this compres- sion a rupture comprising a part of the vagina, the Avhole anterior surface of the neck, and which extended up the left side of the body of the uterus. The child's active movements are as foreign to the laceration that takes place in parturition as to those that occur during pregnancy. For, accord- ing to the observations of M. Duparcque, if this movement is effected during the relaxation of the Avails, their suppleness and extensibility enable them to yield to this force; but if, on the contrary, it takes place while the contrac- tion lasts, the resistance which they then present would require a far greater impetus to overcome it than any that can result from even a convulsive movement of the foetus. The contraction is therefore the sole determining cause; but, for it to produce a rupture, its action must be favored by one of the predisposing circumstances before indicated, the influence of yvhich is easily understood. These spontaneous ruptures hardly ever take place except in labors at term, and appear impossible in abortions at four or five months. A case which removes the smallest doubt as to the possibility of such an accident within the first six months of gestation, has, hoAvever, been communicated to M. Danyau by M. Castelneau. A Avoman died almost suddenly in conse- quence of a profuse hemorrhage, and it Avas found that the neck of the uterus and the vagina Avere ruptured, the former through its entire length and the latter at its upper part. The accident occurred, in all probability, during contractions Avhich expelled the ovum very rapidly ; for although no portion of it remained in the uterus, the organ presented every appearance of one which had attained the usual development at five months of gestation. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND [)F THE VAGINA. 737 However, h must not be forgotten that rupture jf the Avomb has often occurred during parturition, from the imprudent manipulations made with a vieAV of terminating the labor. For hoAv often has an application of the forceps, a resort to version, or a difficult extraction of the placenta performed by inexperienced hands,—hoAv often have all of them been followed by the early death of the patient, and a laceration of the organ been detected at the autopsical examination! In fact, cases of this kind are mentioned by nearly all authors; and Madame Legrand, the midwife-in-chief of La Maternite, informed me that several women are brought to the hospital every year to lie, the victims of such attempts made in the city. I have seen a uterus, the loAver two-thirds of whose body on the right side had been torn away by the embryotomy forceps; and, in another case, I found at the post-mortem examination a perforation in the right superior part of the body of the Avomb. produced by the attempts which a practitioner had made to separate a firmly adherent placenta. Facts of this nature cannot be repeated too often, for they are calculated to render young physicians, who intend to practise mid- wifery, more cautious; and to convince• them that, to have attended two or three Avomen in labor is not all that is needed to render them capable of performing the most difficult operations of our art. [I repeat, therefore, that spontaneous rupture of the uterus is an event of rare occurrence, whilst lacerations produced by the manipulations required in turning, or the introduction of an instrument, are comparatively common. I have met with but a single case of spontaneous rupture, but, unfortunately, have seen quite a number of traumatic lacerations resulting from badly performed operations. The most skilful operator, Avithout any fault of his own, may be the involuntary cause of rupture and cannot be justly censured ; yet it is nevertheless true, that almost all such occurrences are the immediate consequence of want of skill or the use of too great force in the introduction of the hand or an instrument.] § 2. Symptoms. The signs of rupture of the uterus are easily made out; for most frequently the laceration takes place suddenly after some violent effort that has neces- sitated a forcible contraction of the abdominal muscles. It is manifested by an exceedingly sharp pain just at the point Avhere the accident occurred, which makes the patient scream out from the intensity of suffering. This" acute, or, as Desormeaux describes it, agonizing and cramp-like1 pain, is accompanied by a-sound of tearing or cracking, loud enough, in some cases. to be heard by the surrounding persons. This pain soon changes to a sensa- tion of numbness, and is followed almost immediately by SAVOoning; the patient becomes pale, her pulse sinks, and she falls into a state of syncope. These primary phenomena are the only ones that are manifested Avhen the ' According to Dr. Roberton, when a rupture takes place in consequence of a con- traction of the pelvis, it is preceded by crampy pains and a sensibility to pressure at a circumscribed point of the hypogastrium. This crampy pain is caused by a compres- sion of the uterus between the child's head and the promontory of the sacrum, or some other prominent osseous part. A pain of this nature existed in a high degree in a woman, in whom the anterior lip of the cervix uteri was considerably tumefied, and was also situated much lower than the head; Dr. Roberton succeeded in relieving it, by pushing up the tumefied lip during the interval between the contractions. 47 738 DYSTOCIA. pregnancy is not far advanced, and when the uterus has not ascended high enough to be easily accessible; or, else, when the ovum, having engaged in the lips of the wound, plugs it up in such a way as to prevent any effusion into the abdominal cavity. A deceitful calm may thus succeed the storm, and the symptoms be only reneAved after several hours, or even days, Avhen the uterus, by contracting, shall expel the parts it incloses into the abdomi- nal cavity. In the opposite cases, and more especially in the advanced stages of gestation, we can readily detect the softening and depression of the hypogastric Avails by an examination of the patient; for, instead of feeling the hard, globular tumor formed by the womb in this region, we simply find the yielding, depressible walls of the abdomen, and still loAver the more or less reduced and distorted neck of the uterus. The patient who, at the instant of rupture, or shortly after, experienced a gentle heat diffusing itself through the abdomen, now feels some strange movements, or an unusual weight at a point where she never had them before; and the accoucheur himself detects the presence of the child in a spot where it should not be, and he can noAV distinguish its movements and the prominences it offers much more clearly than usual. But these active motions of the foetus soon cease to be apparent, though their final disappearance is ordinarily preceded by an unusual and almost convulsive agitation ; most generally, a little blood escapes from the vulva, in consequence of the detachment of the placenta, but this phenomenon may be wanting, especially in first pregnancies. Where the accident occurs during labor, the pains, that were hitherto strong and energetic, disappear at once. The most conclusive signs are furnished by the touch; thus, during gesta- tion, the finger can detect a change in the position of the womb, and the want of the volume which it generally has at the stage of pregnancy the woman supposes herself to have arrived at. Sometimes it can even feel a part of the foetus situated externally to the Avomb, and depressing the upper part of the vagina. During the labor it finds the bag of waters to become suddenly collapsed, or no longer projecting through the os uteri, and yet without the escape of any liquid by the vagina. The presenting part of the child, which, a few moments before, was accessible to the finger, has now gone up, and perhaps disappeared altogether; the cervix uteri has shrunk up, and the orifice is much less dilated than it was previously If an attempt be then made to pass the hand into the uterine cavity, per- haps it will find this cavity Avholly obliterated by the retraction of the Avails; or possibly it may encounter the intestines there, or else only a part of the foetus, the rest having escaped into the belly. The seat and extent of the laceration can thus be determined, and, in some instances, the hand may even be made to penetrate through into the abdomen. When all these phenomena are met with, there can be no doubt in regard to the nature of the accident, but it is not ahvays possible to recognize them so clearly; for if the child, instead of being displaced, remains in the cavity of the womb after the rupture, it may happen that the signs furnished by the vaginal touch, and the abdominal palpation, will be altogether Avanting. In this case, the diagnosis is very difficult, and the cause of death is disclosed •inly by the sutoosy. ! RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. 739 [Experience, or, if the expression be preferred, personal acquaintance with the incident, may enable one to suspect the occurrence of laceration in many of the cases. Suppose an accoucheur to be called to a case in which turning, or an appli- cation of the forceps or cephalotribe, has been attemped ; his first thought Avill be tn ascertain the fact that no rupt ire has been produced by the manipulations. He will, therefore, learn the number and nature of the manoeuvres employed before his arrival, and then proceed to examine the patient. When rupture has occurred, he woman is almost always in a state of great prostration, pale and Avith altered Features. The breathing is accelerated and the pulse very quick. Pressure on the abdomen produces severe pain on one of the sides of the uterus, being that AA'hich corresponds to the rupture. Touching causes the discharge of a little blood, the appearance of which has, in our view, a certain importance; for we have thought that, in such cases, it was brownish or syrupy in appearance. When rupture takes place, the presenting part of the foetus often ascends and becomes movable: eleva- tion and mobility of the presenting part ought, therefore, to be well considered, especially Avhen they occur at an advanced stage of the labor. This explains Avhy turning, so difficult in some cases on account of contraction of the uterus, becomes suddenly very easy after a rupture. AVhilst practising the touch, if the finger be carried very high, the laceration may sometimes be reached and the intestines felt through it. This remoA'es all doubt in the matter; but it is often impossible to reach the seat of the rupture, and then the accoucheur must be guided by the signs mentioned above in forming his diagnosis, which he will verify after delivery by introducing his hand into the uterus.] § 3. Prognosis and Termination. The prognosis of uterine ruptures is exceedingly unfavorable; for they nearly ahvays prove fatal to the child, and expose the mother to an almost certain death. Nevertheless, its gravity varies according to the extent and the seat of the lesion, and the consecutive phenomena to Avhich this gives rise. Some cases have been reported in which the great disorder, in the organ- ism produced by the rupture, and the escape of the blood, Avaters, and foetus into the abdominal cavity, caused instantaneous death. But, most generally, some particular phenomena, or symptoms, occasioned by the accidents con- secutive to the primary lesion, precede the fatal termination; Avhich latter may result either from hemorrhage, from the inflammations and suppura- tions created by the prolonged sojourn of a foreign body in the peritoneal cavity, or from the operations necessary for its extraction. a. Hemorrhage.— Flooding is the most frequent, and at the same time the most speedily fatal, of all these accidents. Its source is evidently in the torn vessels of the Avomb, especially Avhen the rupture takes place at the point of the insertion of the placenta; but Avhen this point remains intact, it principally comes from the utero-placental vessels Avhich have been torn by the detachment of the after-birth ; since the margins of the rupture, Avhen this occurs at some distance from the placenta, usually furnish but little blood. As a general rule, only a small quantity of it reaches the exterior; while, on the contrary, it is effused abundantly into the belly along with the amniotic Avaters and the body of the child (Avhich has passed in a great measure into the peritoneal cavity), and the Avhole distends the abdomen enormously. Again, this effusion is equally profuse in those cases in Avhich the waters hpve escaped, and the infant lies in the Avomb in such a way as 740 DYSTOCIA. to prevent its issue. The ruptured margins being hindered from coming together, the lacerated vessels continue to pour out their blood, until the hypogastric walls oppose a resistance to the effusion, Avhich is always too late to prevent death ; and the latter may thus take place Avithout being preceded by any sign that would lead us to suspect the rupture. Again, it may happen, even when the delivery is effected immediately, that the con- traction is not sufficiently energetic to obliterate the calibre of the vessels entirely, and the hemorrhage continues long enough to destroy the patient. The effusion ordinarily takes place into the sac of the peritoneum ; but when this serous tunic is not implicated in the solution of continuity, the blood infiltrates between it and the uterus, gains the duplicature of the broad ligaments, and may thus get into the cellular tissue of the pelvis aud loins. In such cases, a layer of black blood is found interposed between the peri- toneum and the womb, where, by becoming exactly modelled on the external surface of the organ, it assumes its form, and may thus by its livid color be mistaken for a gangrenous state of this viscus. (Duparcque.) Nevertheless, the uterus may be ruptured, without being necessarily fol- loAved by a profuse hemorrhage; as Avhere the laceration takes place at a point which is moderately provided with vessels, in the vicinity of the neck, for example. On the other hand, it may happen that, the ovum remaining intact after the accident, the fissure becomes filled up in a measure, either by a portion of the membranes or placenta, or a part of the child; or the body of the infant may be partly driven into the abdomen, whilst the borders of the laceration become so retracted around it that the salutary compression thereby produced prevents a continuation of the hemorrhage. Again, Avhen the entire ovum passes rapidly through the fissure into the peritoneal cavity, the uterus prevents or at least diminishes the bleeding by contracting at once, Avhereby a powerful obstacle to the further discharge of blood is created. B. Inflammation.— When the patient does not die from the loss of blood that immediately follows the rupture, a momentary calm succeeds, but the presence of foreign bodies in the cavity of the peritoneum gives rise to an inflammation of this membrane, which is the more serious as they are the larger; and even where the accoucheur has succeeded, by any mode what- ever, in removing the foetus and after-birth, inflammation, though less to be dreaded, may still result from the operation or measures necessary for this extraction, and may speedily terminate in death. c Escape of an Intestine through, and its Strangulation in, the Fissure.— A considerable portion of intestine has been knoAvn to pass through the laceration in the uterus, and to become strangulated by the retraction of the organ. This accident, which would not be suspected, if the foetus Avere still inclosed in the Avomb, or if the latter had completely retracted, might, hoAV- ever, be detected immediately after the delivery ; but should it escape detec- tion, it would infallibly terminate in death, as occurred in the case reported by Percy, and reproduced by M. Deneux. Consequently, whenever there is reason to suspect a rupture of the Avomb, it is necessary to carry the hand lip into the interior of the organ as soon as the delivery is effected, and (following the plan of Rungius) to press back the intestines into the abdomen, and then keep the hand in the uterine cavity until the organ is sufficiently retracted, and the fissure diminished, to prevent a return of the hernia. RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. 741 D. Recovery.— Some women have recovered from all these dangers ; a few have even undergone gastrotomy, and survived the consecutive accidents; Avhile in others, the foetus and its appendages have escaped bodily into the peritoneal cavity, and have there given rise to inflammatory symptoms which gradually passed off. Salutary adhesions Avere formed, as a conse- quence of the inflammation, Avhereby the foetus and its appendages were in- closed in a pseudo-membranous cyst that isolated them from the surround- ing parts; the latter became habituated to this neAV vicinage, which has continued for a variable period, and sometimes even throughout life. But this cyst, like those which surround other extra-uterine products, may become the seat of a fresh inflammatory action; its Avails contract neAV adhesions with neighboring organs, and \Are sometimes find ulcerations and perforations occurring, after the lapse of many years, by which the cavity of the cyst is made to communicate with that of the intestine or bladder, and the last pieces of the skeleton are finally expelled through the urethra, the rectum, or the vagina.1 Where the child remains in the uterine cavity, notwithstanding the rup- ture, and the contractions do not immediately expel it by the natural pas- sages, the same phenomena may be subsequently manifested; that is, the inflamed and ulcerated uterine tissue contracts adhesions either with the abdominal parietes or Avith those of some adjacent organ, and the foetal debris then escape through the ulcerated and perforated Avail, or else by the natural openings of the excretory organs. (Duparcque.) § 4. Pathological Anatomy. Every portion of the uterus may become the seat of rupture, though there are some parts which are more liable to be affected than others; such are the inferior regions, the fundus, and the lateral portions of the body, and the superior or supra-vaginal parts of the neck. Moreover, the seat of laceration varies according to the cause that has given rise to it, as also to the period at which it takes place; thus, during gestation, the body is ahvays ruptured, but during labor, on the contrary, these solutions of con- tinuity are met with about the neck or inferior portion of the body, which is, in general, thinner, and not so Avell supported as the rest of the organ. Where the accident has resulted from some external compression, the walls usually become lacerated toAvards the lateral parts; when it has resulted in consequence of a contusion, the bruised point is ordinarily the one that aftenvards gives Avay : and if the rupture has been preceded by any organic 1 For instances of recovery, see: Peu, Pratique des Accouchements, 341; Hamilton's Outlines of Midwifery; James Hamilton, Select Cases in Midwifery, 138; Jos. Clarke, Tram, of Association, vol. i. ; Douglas, Essays on Ruptures of the Uterus, p. 7: Labatt, Dublin Med. Essays, p. 343 ; Frizell, Trans, of Association, vol. ii. p. 15 ; Roos, Annals of Med., vol. iii. p. 377; Kite, Mem. of Med. Society, vol. iv. p. 253; Powel, Med, Chir. Transact., vol. xii. p. 537; Birch, Ibid., xiii. p. 537; Smith, Ibid., p. 373; Maclntyre et Brook, Med. Gazette, vol. vii. et Janvier, 1829 ; Hendrie, Amer. Jour, of Med. Science, vol. vi. p. 351; Davis, Obst. Med., vol. ii. p. 1070. MM. Keevar and Collins have each reported two cases; M. Duparcque quotes four from French authors. Isiander states that he has met with several cases of the kind. and M. Velpeau ment'oi 3 several others. 742 DYSTOCIA. alteration, the laceration takes place at the diseased point. It may happen, says M. Dubois, that the part of the uterus affected Avith chronic disease, instead of being weaker, is really stronger and more resisting than the healthy parts alongside, Avhich are the ones to give Avay. (Taurin, These.) The front and back Avails, being protected by the anterior and posterior planes of the abdomen, would seem to be perfectly sheltered from such acci- dents ; this, however, is not always the case, for instances have been reported which prove the possibility of ruptures of this kind. According to Dr. Roberton, Avhen the laceration is caused by a narroAvness of the pelvis, it may occupy any portion of the womb, though more frequently, perhaps, it involves its posterior inferior part; AA'hich is explained, in his opinion, by the pressure that the sacro-lumbar prominence makes on this region. Some- times, also, it takes place in the anterior inferior part, and is then due to the osseous projections located on the internal face of the pubic symphysis. The anterior superior Avail is oftener injured by foreign bodies; indeed, it is the almost exclusive seat of ruptures produced by wounds. Nothing can be more uncertain than the extent, form, and direction of the uterine ruptures; since they vary in size, from a little hole that is scarcely capable of admitting the end of the finger, up to a large fissure extending over tAvo-thirds of the fundus, or periphery of the neck, or, in- deed, occupying nearly the Avhole organ. It may have a longitudinal, a transverse, or an oblique direction, or it may affect a circular form, as often happens about the neck; or it may run in a straight line, or in a zigzag course. The divided margins are rarely observed to present a clear and regular section; but, instead, they are most usually found unequal, hag- gled as it were, contused, and ecchymosed to a more or less considerable extent. If the rupture has resulted from some organic alteration, the ana- tomical traces of the previous disease are found at the affected point. Lastly, if the patient has not died till several days after the accident, the autopsical examination will verify the presence of the matters effused into the peritoneum, and the unequivocal marks of a violent inflammation of this serous membrane; besides which, the borders of the uterine fissure will sometimes be red, livid, and inflamed, and occasionally even gangrenous. The lacerations of the womb do not ahvays implicate the whole thickness of the organ, for the tunics, that enter into the composition of its Avails, do not all possess the same degree of elasticity ; and hence it is possible for them to be ruptured separately. Madame Lachapelle says, a fissure of the orifice propagated to the neck, and even to the body of the organ, has very often divided the Avhole muscular layer, leaA'ing the serous membrane intact. I have particularly observed, she continues, fissures of this kind on the sides of the Avomb Avhich were covered by the duplicature of the broad ligament, whereby the wound was prevented from extending into the abdomen. M. Duparcque furnishes a very similar case; and Dr. Collins reports nine others in which the peritoneum was not injured, though the muscular layer of the neck Avas lacerated to a considerable extent. I have likeAvise had an opportunity of observing an identical instance in the practice of Professor Velpeau, in Avhich I Avas enabled to verify the truth of the remark made by M. Cruveilhier; namely, that the laxity in the adhesicn of the perito- RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. 743 neum to the cervix, and to the sides of the uterus, fully explains wh^ this membrane is so rarely involved in those cases in Avhich a considerable rent has occurred in the neck, and Avhy the effusion of blood then takes place betAveen the uterine tissue and the peritoneal serous membrane. Cases have occurred in which the blood collected in very large amount, and even the foetus itself, completely expelled from the uterine cavity, has been found in the species of sac formed by the detached serous membrane. In some more rare cases, the muscular structure resists, and the peritoneal layer alone gives Avay. Where this occurs, the disease can scarcely be recognized during life, for the phenomena that precede death are either those of a hemorrhage, or of a violent peritonitis; but a large quantity of blood is ordinarily detected at the post-mortem examination, and, by searching for its source, one or more fissures of a variable extent are found in the uterine serous membrane. To the case of this kind reported by Ramsbotham, we can now add several others that have recently been published ; one of the most curious of Avhich is that furnished by H. Partridge (Arch, de Med., t. 19), Avhere a great number of lacerations running transversely, Avere found at the post-mortem examination; these Avere more or less curved, and Avere variable in depth, and they extended from half an inch to tAvo inches in length. A shred of peritoneum had been completely detached and hung Avithin the abdomen, thus laying bare the naked fleshy tissue from Avhich it had been torn. § 5. Treatment. The measures that have been proposed for the treatment of ruptures of the Avomb, may be designated as the prophylactic and the curative. The object of the former is to avert the influence of the causes that have been described as predisposing to this accident; and we refer for an account of those Avhose existence it is possible to foresee, such as the divers obstacles to delivery, to the chapters on Dystocia ; and Avith regard to the others, as it is usually impossible even to suspect their presence, Ave shall pass them over altogether. A rupture of the uterus is only serious from the disastrous consequences which follow it; therefore, the prophylactic measures must be directed, not against the rupture itself, but rather against the consecutive accidents to which it gh'es rise. The best mode of preventing them is to facilitate the retraction of the organ by immediately extracting the foetus and its appen- dages ; for it has been shown that it is the hemorrhage, and the inflam- matory symptoms which follow the child's displacement and subsequent sojourn in the cavity of the abdomen, that are to be particularly dreaded. Perhaps the indications for treatment presented under such circumstances will be best illustrated by supposing the rupture to take place at three different periods of the puerperal state, namely . during the parturition „ during the latter months of gestation; and during the early stages of pregnancy. 1. During the Labor. — In this case the infant may either remain Avithin the womb, or it may have been driven out of the uterine cavity. a. If the child remains in situ, its extraction, either by the pelvic version 744 DYSTOCIA. or by the forceps, is of course the only admissible operation. When the forceps are used, it is very important, as M. Dubois remarks, that the child should be fixed in its position by the hand of an assistant applied to the walls of the abdomen, in order to prevent its ascending into the peritoneal cavity through the fissure. The introduction of the blades also demands especial care when the neck is ruptured transversely, in order to avoid passing them into the abdomen through the rupture. But where any ob- stacle appertaining to the pelvis or the soft parts opposes its delivery by the natural passages, gastrotomy ought certainly to be performed if the infant is living and viable, and craniotomy when it is dead, or when it has suffered severely from the slowness of.the labor. b. If one part of the child has passed into the abdominal cavity through the fissure, Avhile the other portion of it is still inclosed Avithin the uterus, we must endeavor to deliver it through the natural passages, by acting on the portion retained in the Avomb, or Avhich has already engaged in the os uteri or vagina. But if the presenting part is high up, and the hand or instruments cannot get a sufficient hold upon it, it will be necessary to search through the fissure after the feet, and bring them doAvn into the vagina. But here another difficulty arises, for the escape of the Avaters and a part of the foetus may have determined a contraction of the womb, and the lacerated margins, participating in this retraction, may be found so closely applied to the child's body as to render a passage of the hand im- possible ; under such circumstances, we might follow the example of certain accoucheurs, and open a passage by enlarging the Avound in the uterus with a cutting instrument, which would be far preferable to the performance of the Caesarean operation. c. Supposing the child has passed into the abdominal cavity, and that the organ has not as yet retracted, that the os uteri is sufficiently dilated or dilatable, and the uterine fissure is still large enough to permit the hand and foetus to pass through, Avhich conditions are scarcely ever met Avith when the rupture occurs at the cervix, we ought, as in the preceding case, to go after the feet even into the cavity of the abdomen, and bring them back through the lips of the wound, the neck of the uterus, and the vagina, and thus extract the faetus by the natural passages. After this delivery, the hand should again be introduced into the uterine cavity, with the three- fold object of extracting the after-birth, of determining the contraction of the organ, and of preventing the strangulation of a loop of intestine, if any portion of the boAvel had engaged in the fissure. Should the placenta have happened to fall into the peritoneal cavity, an effort should be made to extract it without delay, by a fresh introduction of the hand through the rupture. An attempt should be made at the same time to remove the clots Avhich had formed in the abdomen. When such a manoeuvre is impossible, the only resource is in the Caesa- rean operation; unless, being fearful of the disastrous consequences of this operation, the accoucheur should conclude to abandon the foetus in the peritoneal cavity, and alloAV the mother to run all the dangers to which this determination must nec-ssarily expose her. If the child's death were positively ascertained, the arrest of the hemorrhage might perhaps authorize RUPTURE OF THE UT-ERUS AND OF THE VAGINA. 74C this latter procedure, more especially if he should not see the patient until several hours after the accident; but it would never be excusable if the infant Avere living, and if he were not satisfied that the uterus, by being completely retracted, had obliterated the vessels Avhich furnished the blood; for otherwise, gastrotomy should be resorted to at once. 2. During the Latter Months of Gestation. — Here, likeAvise, the extraction of the ovum is the Avisest course to pursue; indeed, it is imperiously indi- cated Avhen the child is living, and the pregnancy has advanced beyond the seventh month; and it may be accomplished by resorting either to gastrot- omy, to a forced dilatation of the os uteri, or to incisions made directly on the neck of the Avomb. The Caesarean operation will be preferred Avhenever the foetus is displaced (see Casarean Operation); but if it is still resident in the uterine cavity, Ave must endeavor to dilate the os uteri artificially, which Avill generally be feasible when the patient is near term, more especially if she has previously borne several children ; and the introduction of the hand might likeAvise be facilitated by incising the periphery of the cervix. But these attempts ought to be made with the greatest care, and should they offer any serious difficulties, and require too much time, we must renounce them at once, and open a passage through the abdominal Avail. 3. During the Early Months of Gestation. — Most of our leading teachers advise us to abandon the patient in these cases to the resources of nature, to abstain from all operations, and to be content Avith combating the consecu- tive symptoms as they arise. Three new indications are now presented, says M. Duparcque, namely: 1. To prevent or arrest the disorders of innerva- tion, by raising the morale of the Avoman, yvho is instinctively struck with fears and inquietudes, and by administering the diffusible antispasmodics by the mouth, the skin, or the respiratory passages; 2. To combat or pre- vent the hemorrhage by abdominal compression, by refrigerants, compression of the aorta, etc. ; and, 3. To prevent or combat the inflammation Avhich ordinarily follows the displacements of the ovum, by the employment of local and general antiph logistics. ARTICLE II. RUPTURE OF THE VAGINA. The Avails of the vagina may also be lacerated during the labor. But, OAving to the differences that exist, according to the portion of the canal these ruptures may occupy, it has been customary to study separately the lacerations at its upper and lower extremities, and at its middle part. In general, the tAvo latter are of little consequence, or, at least, the dangers and indications they present belong rather to the province of the surgeon than to that of the accoucheur; for, with the exception of thrombus of the vulva, which may, as has been stated, require the intervention of art during labor, all the other lacerations are only unfavorable to the Avoinan, inasmuch as they expose her to vesical or recto-vaginal fistulas, which do not claim our attention here. On the contrary, the lacerations that occupy the superior extremity of the vulvo-nterine canal require a cursory notice, because they, like the ruptures of the loAver part of the uterus, may become causes of 746 DYSTOC^l. dystocia. The lacerations of the upper part of the vagina ma) /esi It either from traction or from direct pressure. The former may be OAving to the uterine contraction, to the artificial pressing back of the uterus or present- ing part of the child, and to every act of the abdominal Avails, and every movement of the trunk, calculated to elevate the Avomb. According to M. Duparcque, the uterine contraction alone may produce a transverse lacera- tion of the vagina in the folloAving manner: the child's head being Avedged in at the superior strait, or more or less engaged in the excavation, and unable to advance any further in consequence of the resistance it encounters, and the womb still continuing to contract, the latter withdraAvs itself, as it were, from the child. The margins of the orifice are gradually drawn up toAvards the fundus of the organ, whereby they get clear of the head in a great measure, and sometimes altogether. Whence it happens that the vagina becomes subjected to an active traction, proportioned to the energy of the uterine pains; and consequently, as it offers only a passive resistance to the distention and compression it undergoes, it is gradually enfeebled, and ultimately gives way. The mode in which the efforts sometimes made during version for the purpose of pressing up the presenting part, or for penetrating through the os uteri by main force, so as to carry the hand towards the fundus of the organ, act in the production of these lacerations, is easily understood. And this transverse rupture, having once commenced, may extend far enough to separate the uterus almost entirely from the vagina. Those fissures and vaginal perforations which result from direct pressure, are ordinarily pro- duced by an improper application of the forceps, or by the prolonged sojourn of the head at the superior part of the excavation. The signs of this rupture, and the accidents to which it gives rise, are very similar to those of rupture of the uterus, excepting that they are less intense and not so dangerous. The pain is less acute at the time of its occurrence, being sometimes even confounded with the labor-pain ; and the existence of a laceration is only suspected, some time after, when searching for the cause of the arrest of the labor. Here, likeAvise, the child may either preserve the place it occupied, or may pass partially or wholly into the abdomen. Most generally there is no displacement Avhen the head had previously en- gaged in the excavation, and the rupture has taken place either at the junction of the vagina with the cervix or else at some point above the head. Nevertheless, should the laceration be very extensive, the head may remain fixed in the excavation, while the trunk is carried back into the abdominal cavity by the subsequent retreat of the Avomb, the orifice of Avhich, being no longer retained by the vaginal connections, mounts up and retracts towards the fundus of the organ, thus abandoning the foetus which it cannot expel. It seldom happens that the whole child escapes into the abdomen, and, when this does occur,, it always results from pushing up the head during the ill- directed efforts to effect the delivery. But, whether this passage is partial or complete, it ordinarily takes place in such a Avay that the pelvic extremity engages first in the lacerated orifice. A considerable portion of intestine has sometimes been knoAvn to escape through a rupture of the vagina; it is evident that in such cases ieduction PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 7-17 should be effected as soon as possible. Although it would seem that this operation ought not to be attended Avith difficulty, it has occasionally proved impossible. Burns quotes from Dr. Kerver a case of rupture of the vagina complicated Avith the escape of a portion of intestine an ell long. It Avas impossible to reduce it, and gangrene ensued. The faeces passed by the vagina; but, after some time, were discharged by the anus, and the patient recovered. The prognosis is much less unfavorable than that of uterine ruptures ; be- cause there is far less danger from the hemorrhage and consecutive inflam- mations, and, besides, it is always possible to extract the foetus by the natural passages. This extraction through the vagina is, therefore, the only indication Avhich presents itself. If the head is not displaced, apply the forceps; but if some other part presents, the feet should be sought after through the rupture in the vagina, Avhich it may be necessary to enlarge if too small or too resist- ing. The Cesarean operation must not be performed, even should the foetus have passed completely into the abdominal cavity, unless a contracted pelvis should render it impossible to extract it through the natural passages. CHAPTER XI. OF PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. Hemorrhage is certainly one of the most frequent and at the same time most dangerous accidents that can occur to puerperal Avomen, whether be- fore, during, or after parturition; for it is most generally fatal to the child when it occurs at an early period of the pregnancy, and always subjects the mother to the greatest dangers, at whatever period it may come on. Under the double aspect, therefore, of the mother's safety, and the child's life, it constitutes a pathological phenomenon, which should interest every one in the highest degree; not only every physician who devotes himself more especially to the practice of midAvifery, but likeAvise all who are engaged in the practice of medicine; for any one may be summoned in a time of pressing danger, and all may, by ill-directed or proper attentions, compromise or save the lives of two beings equally dear. The importance of the subject, there- fore, Avill justify the detail into which Ave propose entering. Wc designate as puerperal hemorrhage (or the hemorrhage that occurs in the puerperal state) every hemorrhagic accident that pregnant Avomen may be affected Avith, either during gestation or in the course of the labor and lying- in ; thus comprising, under this denomination, not only the losses of blood that have their source and seat in the genital organs, or in the foetus and its appendages, but also all the effusions that may take place into the tissue of the principal viscera as a consequence of an exaggeration of the modifications impressed on the general circulation by pregnancy. We have already treated of hemorrhage occasioned by the rupture of a varicose vein, (see page 487,) also of that Avhich accompanies abortion, (see Abortion.) We 748 DYSTOCIA. have also devoted a long article to hemorrhages of the vulva and vagina, (see Thrombus of the Vulva and Vagina, page 686.) Hemorrhage attendant upon delivery of the placenta, will be studied in connection Avith the other difficulties which complicate its expulsion. (See the last chapter on Dystocia.) Here we shall devote more particular attention to the discharges which occur during the last three months of pregnancy, or during labor, and Avhich have their source in the vessels of the uterus, or foetus, or its appendages. As to the other hemorrhages, Avhatever be their origin, or the seat of effusion, they present the same indications for treatment in the puerperal state as at any other period of life, and consequently do not claim our attention here. For, during the labor, whether the hemorrhage takes place in the lungs, the stomach, or the brain, the only thing to be done is to combat it by the usual means, if the dilatation of the os uteri is not sufficiently advanced to admit of an artificial termination of the labor. But in the contrary case, the accoucheur should apply the forceps at once, or resort to version, and thus relieve the patient as promptly as possible from the danger that threat- ens her. ARTICLE I. OF THE CAUSES OF UTERINE HEMORRHAGE. The causes of uterine hemorrhage have been divided into the predisposing, the determining, and the special causes. § 1. Of the Predisposing Causes. We must place in the front rank of the predisposing causes, all the disor- ders in the general circulation that are induced and kept up by pregnancy, and which are manifested by palpitations of the heart, by obstructed respi- ration, varicose SAvellings of the veins of the lower extremities, and by the fulness and greater activity of the pulse; but, above all, it is important, in order to understand the mode of action of the causes described beloAV, to bear in mind the changes that have occurred in the structure of the Avomb itself; which changes have been studied in detail, when describing the ana- tomical phenomena of gestation, but which we again bring fonvard 'n a summary Avay, for the better illustration of the subject under consideration. The mere fact of conception produces a state of orgasm in all the genital organs, the uterus particularly, Avhich determines a considerable afflux to- wards these parts. In some women, of a sanguineous temperament, this state of irritation is not confined to the hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, but the development of its vascular apparatus is attended or followed by an exhalation of blood, and, in the course of a few days, a uterine hemorrhage takes place that seems to be only a menstrual return, but Avhich, in reality, interrupts a commencing pregnancy. In certain cases, this fluxion is not limited to the uterine vessels; for, when very considerable, it causes an aneurismatic or a varicose swelling in the neighboring parts, such as the ves- sels of the broad ligaments, which run to the tube or ovary. These trunks occasionally give way, and produce a mortal hemorrhage, as Ah Leroy says he found to be the case in two Avomen Avho died a few days after marriage. During the first month of its intra-uterine life the ovum occupies only a PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 749 very small portion of the uterine caA'ity, all the rest being filled Avith the pouch formed by the epichorial decidua and parietal mucous membrane; and hence, being free and floating, and having as yet contracted but feeble adhesions with the Avails of the organ, the product of conception can only be developed by imbibing the juices secreted on the internal surface of the womb ; (see Nutrition of the Foztus;) which secretion requires a much greater activity in the circulation of the uterus, and may become a cause of flood- ing, under the influence of the least disorder. SomeAvhat later, the placenta begins to be developed, and with it those numerous vessels Avhich, coming from the internal surface of the uterus, and the external one of the chorion, appear, so to speak, to run to meet each other; then they interlace without inosculating, and ultimately become united, forming a mass that is held together by a species of flaky lymph, a product of the uterine secretion. Now, avIio does not see in this process of vascular organization, in this copious secretion that is constantly going on, and requiring so much activity in the circulation of the organ, a continual predisposition to hemorrhage? For, if any vivid moral impression, or any violent physical commotion, dis- turbs the harmony that presides over this neAV creation for a single instant, by causing a derangement in the circulation, the just relations established between the ovum and the Avomb are at once destroyed ; and the blood, being forced too rapidly into these recently formed vessels, overcomes the resist- ance of their feeble Avails, and a flooding results in consequence. At a still more advanced period of the gestation, when the placenta is organized, the production of hemorrhagic accidents is singularly favored by tlu; doubic circulation of Avhich it is the seat, by the great development of the uterine vascular apparatus, and by the peculiar structure of the utero- placental vessels. Quite recently, M. Jacquemier has carefully studied the influence of each of these circumstances, and the following summary will serve to illustrate the results of his inquiries. When Ave examine the uterus of a pregnant woman in the latter periods of gestation, after having undergone its usual transformations, Ave are struck with the development of its vascular system ; for the trunks of the four arteries that nourish the organ have increased in size, and their divisions or ramifications in the texture of the womb are wonderfully multiplied. The vessels that existed before the impregnation have more than doubled their calibre, and a great number of others that did not exist, or rather were not visible, have successively formed, become enlarged, and attained a con- siderable size. We have hitherto mentioned (see art. Pregnancy) the ex- traordinary development of the uterine veins; and it is only necessary to recall here the feebleness of their Avails, which are composed of a single coat, their adhesion to the uterine tissue, and the numerous divisions sent by them into the cavity of the organ, which penetrate directly or indirectly into the substance of the placenta itself. It results from this arrangement that, in the arterial system of the womb, the blood passes from trunks of a moderate size into cavities very numerous and spacious in proportion to the volume of the trunks ; which cavities are formed by the numerous ramifications given off from the latter in the substance of the uterus; while, in the venous apparatus, a much greater disproportion exists between the trunks 750 DYSTOCIA. of the uterine and ovarian A^eins and their branches, so that the blood passes from very large cavities into narrower tubes. This arrangement has been considered by M. Jacquemier as a cause of the retardation in the uterine circulation, and as being calculated to pro- duce a venous stasis, followed by an engorgement of this system, and, as a consequence, the rupture of the vessels and hemorrhage; Avhich venous rupture is further favored by the want of resistance on the part of the utero-placental veins. According to his vieAV, all the causes under whose influence fioodings are found to result, merely act by producing this engorge- ment of the uterine venous apparatus; and hence the immediate cause of hemorrhage is the rupture of one of the vessels appertaining thereto. But we cannot fully embrace this theory, so far, at least, as regards the hemorrhages that occur during gestation, for we do not believe that the retardation in the circulation is so extensive as M. Jacquemier has described. Although the blood arriving by the uterine arteries passes into the larger cavities constituted originally by the arterial and afterwards by the venous ramifications (the uterine sinuses), yet it seems to us that this cause of delay would be compensated by the rapidity with Avhich the blood contained in these venous capillaries must pass into the trunks where they empty; and even by virtue of that very laAV of hydraulics quoted by M. Jacquemier in favor of his theory, namely, " When a liquid flows in full stream through a tube, the quantity of this liquid Avhich, at a given moment, traverses the different .sections of the tube must everywhere be the same. Consequently, as the tube becom.es larger, the rapidity diminishes; but increases as the tube becomes smaller." If, therefore, the course of the blood is slackened in the arteries by its passage from the main trunks into the ramifications, it must be accelerated in the veins by its passage from the ramifications into the trunks; and hence there must be a compensation in its rapidity. But an infinity of circumstances may destroy this harmony; and Avhich series of vessels will then be the seat of the congestion, and afterwards of the rupture ? M. Jacquemier supposes that some point of the venous system Avill ahvays yield to the first; for he says, " Every part of the uterine vas- cular circle is not equally exposed to this species of rupture ; and the arteries would even be wholly exempt, unless they were the seat of some morbid lesion. The utero-placental arteries themselves Avould rarely be a primitive seat of rupture from the mere impetus of the blood, although the surrounding delicate tissue in Avhich they ramify supports them in a much less perfect manner than the elastic tissue of the womb, and besides is easily torn; but the utero-placental veins, from their situation and organization, can afford but a very moderate resistance, which Avill frequently be overcome." No doubt, the venous parietes are less resistant than the arterial ones; but which of the two has the greater stress to bear ? Do not all the causes, under whose influence the uterine congestions and subsequent hemorrhages are produced, act first on the arterial, before being perceptible in the venous system ? And is not the plethoric condition first manifested by a fulness of the pulse. M. Jacquemier supposes that, as the circulation is impeded in the vena cava inferior, it must determine a reflux of the blood contained in these vessels; which reflux would be primarily felt in the uterine veins. PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 751 and then in their ramifications ; and that this would likewise be favored by the particular structure of the uterine veins themselves, which are destitute of valves. This absence of valves must certainly favor the reflux of the venous blood ; and it is possible that, under the influence of some of the causes enumerated by this writer, a congestion and then a venous rupture might be the primitive phenomena; but Ave cannot admit that this is generally the case in the hemorrhages that occur during gestation. And Avhilst acknoAvledging that our friend has rendered an important service to the pro- fession, by calling attention to a particular variety of mechanism in the production of uterine hemorrhages, Ave must persist in considering his theory as being only applicable to a small number of cases. (See Archives Generates de Medecine, 1839.) I must yet bring forward another anatomical peculiarity, which, perhaps, will serve to reconcile tA\ro conflicting opinions. It has been said by some persons that all uterine hemorrhages proceed from a separation of the pla- centa; Avhile others contend that many of them result simply from an ex- halation of blood from that portion of the internal surface of the womb not occupied by the placental insertion. Doubtless, the floodings that occur during pregnancy are most frequently caused by a rupture of one or more of the utero-placental vessels; but it is not to be supposed that this rupture is the only source of hemorrhage, for Ave have already seen that, in the early months of gestation, the ovum only occupied the uterus in part, all the rest of its cavity being filled with the tumefied and very vascular mucous membrane, and that, in consequence of the greater activity of the circulation, an exhalation of blood might take place from the internal sur- face of the womb. (See page 552.) This fact is unquestionable; but even after the placenta is completely formed, and the ovum occupies the whole cavity of the womb, there are still, as described elseAvhere, some arterial and more particularly some venous radicles foun'd existing externally to the placental mass, that might give rise to a hemorrhage, in Avhich the proper utero-placental relations Avould be in no Avise concerned. From the foregoing, it would appear that a hemorrhage may take place during gestation: 1st, by sanguineous exhalation from torn capillary vessels, especially during the early stages ; 2d, from a rupture of the veins, and oftener, of the utero-placental arteries, properly so called; 3d, from a rupture of the veins and arterioles that ramify in the substance of the decidua beyond the placenta. Among the anatomical modifications impressed on the uterus by gestation, the development of its muscular structure has recently been pointed out by M. Gendrin as a predisposing cause of hemorrhage. At the close of preg- nancy, the womb is formed of three evident layers; and it is the relation of these three muscular laminae Avith the vascular one that explains, according to his vieAV, the influence that it has over the production of flooding. This triple muscular layer may, under the influence of various external or internal irritants, become affected Avith spasms, Avhtcb produce irregular contractions in some part of the organ. He states that such spasmodic con- tractions are very frequent after the third month, and that they are often 752 DYSTOCIA. noticed after external, moral, or physical impressions, or the tumultuous movements of the foetus, or, indeed, when the vitality of the latter has ceased. The patient first becomes conscious of it by some peculiar sensations and movements in the uterine globe; and when the gestation is somewhat more advanced, the hand, applied on the abdomen, enables us to ascertain that the sense of movement felt by the woman is dependent on a real contraction of the uterine walls; which give rise to certain irregular elevations, that slip about and become displaced under the hand by something like a peri- staltic movement, of which the patient has always a very distinct percep- tion. These contractions frequently accompany the hemorrhage, sometimes they precede it, and seem to be the earliest phenomena that succeed the action of the pathological cause. Although they may be considered as resulting in the first place from the discharge of blood, and, possibly, from the formation of coagula, whose presence incommodes and irritates the womb; yet, in the second place, they must be regarded as an active cause in the production of the flooding. In fact, it is impossible for any contraction to take place in the external muscular layer, without modifying the circulation in the subjacent vascular one; hence, when the vascular plexus of this intra-uterine lamina is irregu- larly compressed by the muscular contractions of the organ, the t)lood must flow back into some part of the placental disk, thereby determining a partial congestion, which may cause the rupture of one of these feeble venous rami- fications, and, as a consequence, a sanguineous extravasation. But the influence of the spasmodic action is not limited to this; for, by effecting a retraction that is confined exclusively to segments of the uterine globe, they necessarily draw upon the placental adhesions, and may perhaps rupture them. Besides these local modifications, whose power to produce hemorrhage it is impossible to,deny, there are still numerous other circumstances that we might point out, which have the same effect. But, let it suffice to recall the physiological and pathological changes that gestation impresses on all the functions, Avhich have already been studied under the titles of the Physiology and Pathology of Pregnancy. Let us remember the almost constant presence of serous plethora, the habitual fulness of the pulse, flushing of the face, and increased activity of nutrition and circulation which are manifested in most plethoric women during the early months; also, that susceptibility which the least emotion excites and irritates; that delicacy of sensation natural to most nervous females, but carried to the highest degree in pregnant ones; and, finally, let us recall the fact that, during the gravid state, the uterus is, as it were, the common centre, upon which all the general disorder caused by any moral or physical excitement is directed. Then we will understand the reason Avhy most authors have considered a plethoric constitution, a pro- fuse normal menstruation, and the lymphatic temperament, which so often accompanies great nervous irritability, as predisposing causes of puerperal hemorrhage ; why plethoric females are so often affected with flooding at the return of the monthly periods, since their habit determines at these times a greater activity and a more intense congestion in the womb ; Avhy venereal excesses have often been followed by a profuse flooding, by causing a long- PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 753 continued and over-excitation in all the genital organs; and, lastly, why every circumstance calculated to determine or to keep up an unusual activity in the general circulation, and particularly a more considerable afflux of fluids tOAvards the gestatory organ, has been at all times considered as predisposing the Avoman to hemorrhage ; such, for instance, as fatigue, the frequentation of balls, of plays, and crowded assemblies, where the air is impure and at a high temperature; prolonged Avatching; overheating diet, and the use of alcoholic drinks; as well as all local irritants, such as the abuse of drastic purgatives, Avhich, by producing excessive irritation of the intestines, may react on the uterus; hip-baths, the frequent application of leeches to the vulva, the existence of any organic alteration, or an acute inflammation in the neighboring organs, or in the womb itself; because all these circumstances are calculated to maintain an habitual state of conges- tion toAvard the womb. § 2. Determining Causes. The prolonged action of the predisposing causes just enumerated may eventually produce a hemorrhage; and thus, after having acted for a long time as the predisposing, finally become determining causes. But in addi- tion to these, some other circumstances have been enumerated by authors, which might be designated as accidental determining causes. These are so numerous and varied that, to exhibit them, it would be necessary to bring fonvard nearly all of the cases that have ever been published. Besides, all these causes may be referred either to acute moral emotions, or to physical disturbances ; for example, to a violent passion ; the-sudden arrival of some unexpected person or intelligence; a fit of anger; sharp bickerings, &c.; to the jolting of a rough carriage; to riding on horseback ; a fall on the feet or nates; blows on the abdomen ; efforts to carry or lift some burden ; to cough, vomiting, etc., &c, &c. (See art. Abortion.) But these causes, the list of Avhich I might have lengthened greatly, do not all have the same mode of action; for some of them, such as most of the moral ones, act primarily on the whole organism, and only react on the womb secondarily ; Avhile others, like the generality of the physical causes, are addressed, as it were, directly to the gestatory organ, and, by the shock they communicate, have a tendency to disturb the relations existing between it and the product of conception. It is generally conceded that the former determine a more considerable afflux of blood towards the uterus, than an engorgement of the utero-placental vessels, and finally the rupture of those vessels; or, if the pregnancy is but little advanced, the afflux of blood is followed by a sanguineous exhalation from the internal surface of the organ. But hoAv, it may be asked, is the hemorrhage produced after a fall, bloAv, or any physical commotion whatever, especially in the latter stages of the gestation ? And is the separation of the placenta, Avhich is then a very common occurrence, the primitive phenomenon, and has it caused a vascular rupture ? Or, indeed, has this rupture taken the precedence, and has the elf ision of blood betAveen the after-birth and the uterus resulting therefrom produced the separation of the placenta? The latter opinion appears tc me the more probable; for, although there can be no doubt thai 48 754 DYSTOCIA. (he feeble bonds of union which attach the placenta to the uterus ma;, be luptured at once, as a consequence of some very violent shock or fall from an elevated place, since, under like circumstances, the very substance of the solid organs, the liver in particular, has been lacerated, yet this certainly does not happen in a large majority of cases; because the ovum forms a full sac, which is in immediate contact with the walls of the cavity that incloses it, and the placenta is sustained by the waters and the foetus within and bv the uterine wall without. The organ and its contents constitute a whole, that cannot be separated by any general concussions unless they are very severe. Wherefore, so long as the membranes remain unruptured, it is difficult to conceive that the separation could be effected othenvise than by the effort of the blood to escape into the cavity of the womb. In conclusion, although these physical and moral disturbances are enu- merated by authors as being capable of producing a hemorrhage, it must not be supposed that they constantly have this unfortunate result; indeed, their influence is far from being always in proportion to their violence and inten- sity. In general, they only act and are followed by flooding, because a predisposition exists in the patient which the determining cause excites and brings into play. I might mention individuals in whom the least excite- ment has been followed by a hemorrhage that proved fatal to the foetus, whilst others have borne the most severe moral disturbances Avithout acci- dent ; and several cases were cited in the article on Abortion, which prove that the most violent physical shocks oftentimes give rise to no disorder whatever. We must, therefore, admit the intervention of a predisposing cause in the majority of cases; a cause which often, indeed, plays the most important part in the production of the accident. § 3. Special Causes. Independently of the general causes just studied, there are some which might be termed special causes, because they depend on certain peculiarities in the position and structure of the ovum ; and the influence of which is particularly apt to be felt at an advanced stage of gestation. We allude to an abnormal insertion of the placenta, to a rupture of the umbilical cord, and to some other peculiarities about to be mentioned. 1. Insertion of the Placenta upon the Lower Segment of the Uterus.—Nearly all the older authors detail cases in which the placenta was found inserted over the neck of the womb at the time of labor. But some of them alto- gether misunderstood the cause of this disposition, and supposed that the placenta had been detached in totality from the point Avhere it was originally inserted, and had fallen from mere gravity on the neck of the womb; Avhile others, who had observed it to be still adherent by one margin to some point of the periphery of the cervix, concluded that this adhesion Avas only accidental and merely occasioned by the clotted blood ; which, says Deventer, sometimes glues the placenta so closely to the orifice that it might be taken for an excres- cence of the part. There were others, again, who had noted the fact with much care, without attempting to give any explanation of it; Levret Avas amang the first to direct attention to this important point, for he demon- strated its Vequency and danger, and studied the causes and proper method) PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 755 )f detecting it. HoAvever, this abnormal insertion had oeen pointed out long before the time of Levret: for Giffart, in narrating a case of hemorrhage, wrote, in 1730: " 1 cannot receive as absolutely true the opinion of those authors Avho say that the placenta is always attached to the fundus uteri, for in this case, as in many others, I have every reason to believe that it adhered on the internal orifice, or very near to it; and that, in dilating, the latter occa- sioned the separation of the after-birth, and as a consequence the hemor- rhage." (Observ., 115 et 116.) Heister (Institutiones Chirurgicales, chap. cliv. part i.) likeAvise says: " Some moderns think that the adhesion of the placenta over the neck is a cause of hemorrhage; and, therefore, that the more the os uteri dilates the more abundant is the flooding." Finally, we find in Portal's work, Avhich appeared in 1685, observations Avhich show conclusively that he is entitled to the honor of having first described this faulty insertion. In six of his cases, the placenta presented, was in entire contact with the orifice of the womb, and was adherent throughout. The author even endeavors to show how the hemorrhage occurs in these cases, giving the explanation which Avas afterwards accepted by Levret and many others. As we detailed the various circumstances, when studying .the anatomy of the placenta, which, according to most authors, determine the point of attach- ment of this vascular mass, it will be unnecessary to revert to them here. We would merely observe that the placenta has various relations Avith the orifice, giving rise to several grades or varieties of faulty insertion. Thus, the placenta may be inserted near the orifice or on the orifice, covering it entirely or in part. These various insertions have received different names, as, marginal, Avhen the placenta extends very near the circumference of the orifice; incomplete or partial, Avhen it covers it only in part; complete or cen- tral, Avhen it covers it entirely; and, finally, Ave have the term intra-cervical insertion Avhen, as seems to be proved by some cases of Madame Lacha- pelle's, the ovum has happened to insert.itself in the cavity of the neck itself. Further observations are, however, required to establish the latter as a true variety. [According to Dr. Sirelius, the placenta undergoes important changes in form whenever it happens to be attached over the mouth of the womb. Sometimes, though rarely, it is spread out in a membraniform layer over almost the entire surface of the chorion (membranous placenta); at other times there are two sepa- rate placentas, one large and the other small ; but most commonly it is imperfectly divided by a fissure extending from the free edge to its middle, giving it a horse- shoe form. In the two latter cases the fissure, which either completely divides the placenta or leaves it in the form of a crescent, is occasioned by obliteration of the villi of the chorion, and ahvays corresponds to the internal orifice of the uterus. » This remark in reference to the pathological anatomy of the case may have a prac- tical application in regard to the treatment.] The insertion of the placenta over the os uteri has been considered, since the days of Levret, as an inevitable cause of hemorrhage during the last three months of gestation, and in the course of the parturition. The flood- ing, then, says Gardieu, is an immediate result of the gestation, and particu* larly of the labe" \ Most modern writers, supposing that the modifications 756 DYSTOCIA. occasioned by pregnancy in the disposition of the neck towards tl e latter months are the sole cause of the hemorrhages that then occur, have adopted the same opinion ; and the folloAving, in their vieAv, is the mechanism Avhereby the discharge is produced. Up to the fifth month, the body of the womb undergoes numerous changes, but after that period, the neck is also involved and participates therein. (See Pregnancy.) The diminution in its length is accompanied by a more considerable enlargement of its base on a level with the internal orifice. The placenta, being fixed and immovable on the spot where it is implanted, cannot folloAV.this spreading out of the upper part of the neck, and hence the bonds of union which it has contracted Avith the womb necessarily become ruptured, as do also the utero-placental vessels; and this rupture produces a more or less considerable discharge. But it is only necessary to recall what Avas stated in the article on Preg- nancy, to be convinced that this explanation, which is founded on a false, though hitherto admitted fact, ought to be rejected; since it is at the lower part of the neck, at least in Avomen who have previously borne children, that the eversion of its cavity commences; and, in all, the internal orifice often remains closed until the last few weeks of gestation. The neck, there- fore, does not spread out at its superior part, and, consequently, we are not to search there for the cause that produces the hemorrhage, when the pla- centa is inserted over the cervix. The folloAving explanation, by M. Jacque- mier, appears to me more plausible: During the first six months of gestation the uterus is developed more especially at the expense of the fibres of the superior part of the body or fundus of the organ; while in the last three months, the fibres appertaining to the loAver third of the womb are developed in a rapid manner, and the cavity of the organ is enlarged in consequence of the distention and growth of this loAver part; a proof of Avhich is, that the body of the uterus, which was pyriform in the earlier months, is perfectly ovoidal in shape toAvards the close of pregnancy ; and I will further remark, that the development of the placenta is far more rapid in the first six than in the last three months. Noav, this double circumstance seems to me quite sufficient to account for the production of hemorrhage; for Avhen the placenta is attached to the fundus, its growth is simultaneous with the enlargement of that portion of the uterine walls on which it is im- planted, and it is evident that no hemorrhage need occur; but Avhen the after-birth is inserted over the cervix uteri, or on some adjacent point, the contrary must necessarily ensue, because the groAvth of the placenta is nearly completed, Avhilst a more considerable extension of the lower third of the womb has yet to take place. Of course, the placenta can no longer partici- pate in this rapid development, by conforming to the increase of the uterus, and by following the extension of the wall on which it is inserted; and hence it spreads out from the centre toAvards its circumference, the fissures between the cotyledons become larger, and its different lobes are thus widely sepa- rated ; but the growth of the inferior Avail of the uterus is so rapid in the latter months, that this mechanical enlargement of the placenta, on which M. Jacquemier has particularly insisted, is no longer sufficient to prevent the tension of the utero-placental vessels, or of the cellular tissue in which they ramify; and this tension being ultimately carried to an extreme, all PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 757 >)f these cellulo-vascular adhesions give way and become ruptured, and thus give rise to the production of hemorrhage. If this be the true explanation, there is no necessity for invoking a diminution in the length, and a spread- ing out of the upper part of the neck, which really does not take place. By it we can also comprehend the possibility of a circumstance that is inexpli- cable under the theory generally received,— I allude to the hemorrhages that occur Avhen the placenta k attached to the lower part of the Avomb, or some point adjacent to the internal orifice; for it is not because the after- birth is implanted over the cervix that a flooding takes place during the latter months of pregnancy, but because it is in relation with the inferior third of the uterus. The explanation usually given is true only Avith regard to those san- guineous discharges that come on in the latter weeks of gestation or during the parturition ; for then, the spreading out of the cervix uteri, and its com- plete effacement, must necessarily have a great influence over the production and profuseness of the flooding, in those cases where some point of the cir- cumference of the placenta is in immediate relation Avith the neck; but still more especially in those Avhere the insertion takes place, as it is said, centre for centre. The hemorrhages of Avhich we are speaking occur, besides, most frequently in the latter weeks or during the labor. Although a hemorrhage is usually considered to be inevitable under such circumstances, yet it may not appear even during the labor; and the dilata- tion of the os uteri may be effected without the loss of a drop of blood. This absence of discharge is doubtless a rare circumstance; but its authenticity at the present day is Avell established by numerous cases; authors only differ- ing as to the explanation given of it. Thus Walter supposes that in cases of this kind there is probably a larger and more easy communication be- tAveen the venous and arterial radicles of the uterus than usual, whereby the blood may pass from the arteries into the veins Avithout escaping exter- nally ; and M. Mercier imagines that the exhalant vessels of the Avomb are then in a state of constriction, of perversion of their sensibility, which is sufficient to retard the course of the blood ; but these two explanations appear to me inadmissible. M. Moreau remarks that, in the reported cases, the children were dead, and perhaps had been so for several days; now, says he, as soon as the infant dies in the Avomb, the cessation of the foetal circula- tion occasions changes in that organ ; the blood being arrested in the vessels, coagulates there; the latter retract, or even become obliterated, and no more blood reaches the womb than what is necessary to its nutrition, since the stimulus that heretofore determined a greater quantity to it, no longer exists; and hence the dilatation of the orifice may be effected Avithout hem- orrhage, notwithstanding the vessels are torn that united its borders to the placenta. It seems to me that, in spite of objections raised against it, this view is correct, at least as regards some cases. In others, it may be as M. Jacquemier remarks, that the accomplishment of the delivery Avithout acci- dent is due either to the entire separation of the placenta, or to its detach- ment on one side only to a point just beyond the uterine orifice; so that the dilatation can progress Avithout increasing the detachment; the vessels pre- 758 DYSTOCIA. viously. torn having been stopped by coagulated blood. Thus Ave may account for cases in which hemorrhage had occurred several times during pregnancy, Avithout reappearing at the time of labor. Lastly, if the rupture of the membranes should occur at the commence- ment of labor, it is possible that the uterine retraction Avhich would natu- rally follow a discharge of the waters, and the compression that Avould be made by the head on the part left uncovered by the separation of the pla- centa, might entirely obliterate the lacerated \-essels, and thus put an end to the hemorrhage; and yet the foetus be living. 2. Rupture of the Cord, or one of its Vessels. — It is noAV an incontrover- tible fact that a rupture of the umbilical vessels, or of the omphalo-pla- cental trunk itself, may take place; and, inexplicable as it may seem, it can no longer be called in question, since it has been successively observed by such men as Delamotte, Levret, Baudelocque, Naegele, &c. This rup- ture, and the hemorrhage to which it inevitably gives rise, may be occa- sioned either by some disease of the vascular tunics, by a particular arrangement of the vessels of the cord, or by a brevity of the latter, whether this be natural or dependent on numerous turns made around different parts of the foetus. A. " The umbilical vessels," says M. Velpeau, " are sometimes ruptured: I am in possession of several examples of the kind; but it is because they were previously in a diseased state." In a case reported by M. Deneaux, the blood escaped through the umbilical vein, Avhich was varicose at several points. The subjoined curious instance, which I reported in my Inaugural Thesis, might probably be attributed to a state of disease in the ramifica- tions of the vessels of the cord; in this case, the hemorrhage occurred between the chorion and the foetal surface of the placenta, in consequence of a rupture of all the ramifications of the umbilical vessels. This case, which I believe is unique, and hitherto but little knoAvn, has generally been misinterpreted by those aaIio have referred to it, and I therefore feel justified in republishing it here.J I must confess, that it is not without some hesi- 1 Rocques-Marie-Joseph Herce, aged twenty-nine years, pregnant for the fifth time, and advanced to the seventh month of gestation, was brought to the Hotel-Dieu on the fifth of May, at midnight. The midwife that accompanied her informed us that she had had sharp pains since five o'clock in the evening. The patient appeared much enfeebled ; her face was pale and slightly jaundiced ; and this debility had been caused, the midwife further told us, by a hemorrhage that had lasted since the fourth month of pregnancy. The flooding had considerably increased from the moment the pains began; and it was owing, added the attendant, to an implantation of the pla- centa over the os uteri. The patient was placed in the ward of Saint-Benjamin, where we made a vaginal examination, the result of which was as follows: The os uteri was dilated to the size of a five-franc*piece, and the cervix was soft, wholly effaced, and did not contract at all. The finger, having been introduced into the uterine orifice, detected a hard, resistant, ovoid body, which we recognized as the foetal head in the first position. No soft body whatever was interposed between our finger and the cranial teguments, and we concluded that, if the placenta were inserted over the neck, it was not at least by its centre. By carrying the semi-flexed finger around the in- ternal periphery of the neck, we endeavored to ascertain whether the^ after-birth Avaa not attached to one of the lips of the orifice; but as we found nothing of the kind, th« error of the midwife was manifest, and though unable to determine the cause of the hem- PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 759 ration that I attribute the flooding, in this instance, to a previous disease and rupture of the umbilical vessels. For, might not such a rupture be orrhage. we did not hesitate to reject her opinion. The finger being still in the orifice, we felt the womb contracting moderately, in consequence, probably, of the irritation produced by the touch. The hemorrhage was arrested, the head engaged at the supe- rior strait, and the patient, though feeble, still retained a sufficient degree of strength to second the efforts of nature. We thought there was nothing further to be done than to encourage the woman about her condition, and to persuade her to aid the uterine contractions that began to be developed quite strongly, as much as possible. In fact, the labor advanced very well, without a return of the hemorrhage, and at four o'clock in the morning she was delivered of a dead child of seven months, which was pale and colorless, but exhibited no signs of putrefaction. Its delivery was fol- lowed by the expulsion of three large clots of blood, each of which was as big as the fist; but the flooding was not again renewed. The cord was about the usual length, and there was no circulation in it; but we were not a little surprised, after having cut it, to find that it was no longer attached to the mother ; but that it exhibited, on what should have been the placental extremity, a kind of membrane, in the centre of which it seemed to be implanted. The membrane was nearly as large as an ordinary pla- centa, and was evidently continuous with the debris of the bag of waters ; and we at first supposed it to be one of those membranous placentas spoken of by authors. This view appeared the more probable, as some vessels, evidently arising from the termi- nation of the cord, ramified in its substance. We then thought the opinion of the midwife might possibly be correct, as the want of thickness in the placenta might have prevented us from recognizing it. AVhen we returned to the patient, at eight o'clock in the morning, we found her doing very well: but what was our astonishment, when the nurse brought forward a placenta, which the woman had expelled after our departure! Thenceforth all our suppositions were groundless, and it was necessary to resort to an examination of the pieces for a better explanation of the phenomena offered by this patient. The following was the result, as all the members of the Anatomical Society have since been enabled to verify : The uterine face of the placenta was smooth and normal, but its foetal surface was entirely deprived of the portion of chorion that ought to cover it, and was irregular, nodulated, and clearly exhibited the anfractuosities that separate the cotyledons. It was covered over by thick clots, and the debris of the torn and separated vessels that ordinarily ramify on its surface could readily be detected; the loose extremity of some of these vessels was an inch long. By a further careful examination of that portion of the pouch hanging to the cord, which we had taken for a membranous placenta, we were enabled to detect on the surface that covered the after-birth, some vascular debris, which had been contin- uous with those observed on the foetal surface of the placental mass. The cavity of these vessels was patulous, and some were obstructed by fibrous coagula of recent formation. The principal divisions were intact and permeable to the blood. From that examination, we felt authorized to conclude: 1. That the placenta was not inserted over the neck; 2. That the hemorrhage was not produced by a detach- ment of the uterine surface of the after-birth ; but that it resulted from a separation of that portion of the bag of waters that was attached to the after-birth ; that this separation was effected at first on some point of the foetal surface of the placenta, then over a greater extent, and finally separating this mass altogether from the foetal envelopes; 3. That, becoming more and more considerable, this separation had pro- duced a gradual increase of the hemorrhage ; and it was only when the detachment had been completed, and the bleeding had become excessive, and all communication being interrupted between the mother and child, that the pains were manifested, and the abortion .took place. This examination likewise enabled us to account for the cessation of hemorrhage from the time of the patient's arrival at the hospital, as also for Ihe quantity of coagulated blood that escaped after the delivery of the child. In fact, as soon as we touched the woman at the time of her entrance, the head began to 760 DYSTOCIA. consecutive to an effusion of blood proceeding from one of the utero-pla- cental vessels, the ramifications of Avhich, as elseAvhere demonstrated, get beneath the membranes that cover the placenta ? This effusion would have produced a separation of the chorion, and then a rupture of the umbilical vessels. The profuseness, and the return of the hemorrhage, and the con- tinuance of the child's life up to the commencement of the labor, Avould certainly be more easily explained by this latter hypothesis than by the former. An attempt has been made to misconstrue this case since its first publication; and it has been said that numerous loops of the cord probably existed, or else that some artificial tractions had been made upon it; but I can affirm that nothing of the kind took place, and that the circumstance occurred just as I have described it. B. The abnormal distribution of the umbilical vessels, Avhich was pointed out in the description of the cord, may also produce a hemorrhage fatal to the foetus, during the parturition. The subjoined case, described by M. Benckiser as occurring at the clinique of M. Naegele, can leave no doubt on this point.1 engage in the pelvic excavation, thus acting the part of a tampon and preventing an external discharge; but the blood did not the less continue to escape and to accumu- late internally, thus giving rise to the formation of coagula, and their discharge after the delivery. 1 A countrywoman, ab»ut twenty-six years of age, was admitted into the hospital in November, 1830. Her labor commenced on the seventh of December at noon; by three o'clock the os uteri was dilated to the extent of an inch, and the tumor formed by the bag of waters could readily be felt. While exploring with the finger, an ab- normal cord, about the size of a writing-quill, was detected in the substance of the membranes, running from behind forwards, and exhibiting no pulsation. After the rupture of the bag, the waters escaped, and were followed by a few drops of blood. The head was found in the excavation in the first position, and it then appeared that a fold of the cord had become placed between it and the right sacro-iliac symphysis; but a very feeble pulsation could be distinguished in it, and attempts to push it up were made to no purpose. As the labor was progressing actively, Professor Naegele terminated the labor by the forceps. When the right blade was applied, a large quan- tity of water mixed with blood came away; indeed, this latter fluid had not ceased to flow during the four hours that elapsed between the rupture of the sac and the ter- mination of the labor, and the patient must have lost six or eight ounces of it; the delivery of the placenta took place half an hour afterwards. The child, though pale and colorless, still presented some evidences of life, but it died in the course, of a few minutes; it weighed six pounds and a quarter. At the autopsy, the foetus exhibited signs of amemia, and everything evinced that its death had b ;en caused by hemor- rhage. An examination of the after-birth discovered the source of the bleeding; the placenta had its usual form and texture, but the membranes were somewhat thicker and more dense, and their laceration was just sufficient to permit the child's escape; the umbilical cord was attached to the membranes at a.bout two inches from the pla- cental border ; and, starting from this point, the vessels of the cord were no longer held together, but they separated and ramified in different directions on the mem- branes ; and then, after these divers ramifications of the arteries and vein had run over their internal surfaces for a more or less considerable extent (though variable for each, from two inches up to ten), they entered the placenta, some at its centre, but the greater number by its margin. The author of the thesis alluded to, carefully describes the course and disposition of these various branches ; but, as the limits of this work do not permit me to give his description in da ,ail, I will only quote the principal points. The first branch aria PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 76! c. The shortness of the cord may prove a cause of its laceration, not only after the rupture of the membranes, but even before the commencement of the labor and the discharge of the waters ; and thus produce that variety of hemorrhage Avhich has been designated as the intra-amniotic. I repeat again, that I am umvilling to reject any fact, hoAvever extraordinary it may be, Avhen it is advanced by experienced and conscientious observers, who ing from the division of the umbilical vein at the point of its insertion in the mem- branes, ran towards the right, traversed a considerable portion of their internal sur- face, and was ultimately prolonged to the opposite border of the placenta; the rupture of the membranes took place just in this route at its most distant point from the pla- centa, and this had necessarily produced a rupture of the venous trunk just described; and to it, without any doubt, must be referred the flooding that occasioned the child's death, as proved by the autopsy. The mere descent of the cord could have no influ- ence on its death; for, in cases dependent on that cause, the opening of the dead body exhibits the symptoms of congestion. Dr. Panis, Professor of Midwifery in the Medical School of Reims, has kindly fur- nished me with a similar case: "Madame H----. of Reims, thirty-six years of age, has had four children ; her labors were fortunate, and the children were large and living. I was called to her in her fifth labor about six o'clock on the morning of the 17th of January last. I learned, on my arrival, that the waters were discharged at five o'clock, and that they Avere accompanied with blood. The motions of the child were felt the day before until even- ing. Mad. H----had slept all night, and was only awakened by the rupture of the membranes. On examination I found the vertex in the left posterior occipito-iliac position, and the os uteri dilated to the extent, of an inch and a quarter. At first, the labor advanced regularly though rather slowly; blood continued to flow, though in small quantity, and at ten a. m., Mad. H----was delivered of a dead child, which was disengaged in an anterior position. "Being surprised at the death of the child, whose face was but slightly colored and its development perfect, and whose motions had ceased to be felt only at tlie time the mother fell asleep, I sought for the cause of the accident, and found it in the umbilical cord as soon as I had extracted the placenta. The cord was, in fact, inserted upon the membranes, at the distance of about three inches from the placenta. The vessels composing it were separated, and, after traversing the membranes, entered the cir- cumference of the placenta. One of these vessels belonging to the umbilical vein, was ruptured at the distance of about an inch and a quarter from its insertion in the pla- centa, precisely at the spot where the membranes themselves had been torn. I im- mediately concluded that death had been caused by the hemorrhage following the rupture of the vein. It also explained why the discharge of blood had occurred ai the instant the membrane gave way. I have preserved the specimen, which will be placed in the Museum of the Medical School of Reims." Although cases of this kind are very rare, they may nevertheless occur again, since this disposition of the vessels in the cord has already been reported quite a number of times; but it can only endanger the child when the rupture of the sac takes place in the course of one of the venous or arterial ramifications. Where the vascular trunk exists on the portion of the membranes engaged in the os uteri, as in the case under consideration, we might anticipate the consequences ; but what measures should then be employed to prevent the flooding ? It would appear to us advisable to retard the rupture of the membranes as much as possible, if they be still whole, and to termi- nate the labor immediately after their rupture. In the former case, the os uteri should be permitted to dilate sufficiently; but in the latter, an attempt ought to be made to terminate the labor before the discharge has been profuse enough to cause the infant's death. These measures would evidently be more urgent if, instead of a venous trunk without pulsation, it should be an arterial one, recognizable by its throbbing, which, from its position on the membranes, was threatened with laceration. 762 DYSTOCIA. declare they have taken every precaution to avoid all sources of eiroi , con- sequently, I admit that this rupture may take place, Madame Lachapelle and Boivin, and M. Velpeau, to the contrary notAvithstanding. In such cases, the rupture has doubtless been favored by an abnormal weakness in the vascular walls, and by the diminished resistance of the sheath that sur- rounds the vessels; but it may be more particularly attributed to the ten- sions on the cord itself, that are probably produced before the membranes give way, by the immoderate movements of the foetus; which movements are probably excited by the annoyance that the turns of the cord occasion it. After the discharge of the Avaters, and during the expulsion of the child, the shortened cord becomes stretched, and its tension augments as the head approaches the vulva ; Avhen, as a general rule, its rupture alone can permit the expulsion to be effected.1 According to most accoucheurs, this unusual shortness of the cord may give rise to flooding by determining a premature detachment of the placenta. But it appears to me that such a separation can scarcely occur from a mere dragging on the cord, because, during the uterine contraction, the placenta is strongly pressed by the womb externally, and by the amniotic liquid internally, or, still more, after the escape of the waters, by the body of the child. Noav, these parts must evidently react on the foetal surface of the after-birth Avith all the force of impulsion communicated by the contraction; of course, the foetus can only advance, and, consequently, the tension of the cord can only take place under the influence of this contraction; and I repeat that, Avhile it lasts, the placenta is moulded on and forcibly pressed against the parts contained within the sac, and, of necessity, cannot be separated from the Avomb. I believe, therefore, that a separation of the placenta from a tension of the cord is almost impossible during the con- tinuance of the contraction ; but it may take place before or during the labor, and prior to the escape of the waters, if the cord be very short and the movements of the foetus are very active. As to those cases, in Avhich it is commonly said the child is born Avith a caul, that is, where the head pushes the membranes before it, it may happen that the dragging to Avhich these latter are subjected, being communicated to the placenta, may occa- sion its premature separation and give rise to uterine hemorrhage; more particularly where this body is not attached directly to the fundus of the organ. § 3. Rapid Contraction of the Uterus. Sudden and rapid contraction of the Avomb may likeAvise produce a ■ disastrous -hemorrhage, by destroying the cellulo-vascular attachments of the placenta; for this contraction, which, when restricted to proper limits, is a physiological condition of labor, becomes a cause of premature sep- aration of the placenta, when it takes place too rapidly or at too early a 1 For further details relative to the rupture of the cord, see the observations jf Portal, Pratique des Accouchements. p. 257 ; Lamotte, Traite des Accouchements, p. 362; Levret, Accouchements Laborieux, p. 199; Baudelocque, Recueil Per.odigue de la Sociitidt Medecine de Paris, t. iii., p. 1; Nsegele, Annates Cliniques d'Heidelberg, 1826; and of Busch, Siebold's Journal, ann. 1828. PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 763 period of the travail. This is apt to occur in cases of dropsy of the amnios, where a large quantity of the waters escapes at once; for the uterus then passes from an enormous bulk to a much more circumscribed volume than Avhat comports Avith the dimensions of the foetus on which it is applied. It likeAvise happens after the expulsion of the first child in twin pregnancies; for the contraction that folloAvs this process may, by separating the placenta appertaining to the other twin, cause a flooding that might prove fatal to both mother and child, if a long interval should elapse betAveen the two deliveries. The hemorrhages that so often complicate a rupture of the buly or neck of the womb, and those which constitute the thrombus of the vulva and vagina, have already been considered in separate articles, and Ave shall not again revert to them here. ARTICLE II. SYMPTOMS of uterine hemorrhage. The symptoms of uterine hemorrhage may be divided into general and local. 1. General Symptoms. — In some cases, the flooding commences in so sudden and rapid a manner that the discharge of blood is the first symptom manifested ; this is more apt to occur in those instances where the hemor- rhage folloAvs the violent action of some external cause. Most generally, the woman experiences, during the feAV days preceding the accident, some uneasiness in her limbs, a general and unusual malaise, a sensation of Aveight and of numbness in the pelvis, and a dull and obscure pain in the loins, in the upper part of the thighs and groins, which is augmented by the erect position, by strainings at stool, and by the act of urinating; and, in many cases, there is a constant desire to pass the urine. These phenomena, which are characteristic of a local uterine congestion, are accompanied by the symptoms of general plethora ; that is to say, by pains in the head, vertigo, dimness of vision, flushing of the face, and by frequency and fulness of the pulse. After these general disorders have lasted some days, it is not unusual for the active movements of the foetus to die aAvay, and to become very feeble, or, perhaps, not at all perceptible to the patient. After the lapse of some time, varying from a feAV hours to several days, these precursory phenomena give Avay to the general symptoms of hemorrhage, which are the same as accompany every loss of blood: namely, pallor of the skin, feebleness of the pulse, and coldness of the extremities; the intensity of which, it is needless to add, varies according to the abundance and rapidity of the flooding, the strength of the woman, &c, eVe. 2. local Symptoms.—With regard to the local symptoms that characterize its existence, uterine hemorrhage has been divided into the external and the internal. The flooding is called external, Avhen the blood flows to the exterior, ami internal, when it is effused into the cavity of the organ; but we shall hereafter see that it may be both external and internal at the same time. A. External Flooding.—A discharge of blood externally is of itself a sufficient sign of hemorrhage during pregna*ncy or pari urition; but there 761 DYSTOCIA. are certain peculiarities dependent on the various causes indicated above that demand attention, and which will be pointed out in detail in the fol- lowing article. (See Diagnosis.) B. Internal Flooding.—An internal discharge may take place, during the earlier months of pregnancy, and yet may escape detection ; if, however, the amount of blood should be considerable, the clot formed by its coagulation constitutes a foreign body, Avhose presence excites colicky gripings and pains in the loins, and a feeling of weight about the fundament; and these symptoms obstinately persist until a miscarriage takes place. Besides which, as M. Baudelocque remarks, there are some instances where the symptoms of occult hemorrhage are either preceded, accompanied, or fob loAved by an external discharge of blood. In the former case, the blood, finding a free issue outwardly, continues to escape until its further passage is prevented by the formation of a coagulum, Avhich forces it to accumulate internally; in the latter, the effusion of blood into the cavity constantly goes on, until it reaches the orifice of the womb by gradually separating the membranes; while, in the third case, an external discharge will accompany the occult hemorrhage Avhenever one part of the blood has a free issue, but the other collects in the cavity of the organ. At an advanced stage of the gestation, Avhen the hemorrhage is more pro- fuse, we must add to the precursory signs before mentioned a considerable and rapid development of the belly, and a greater resistance, tension, and hardness of the uterus than usual; sometimes even it presents a very irregular form, seeming to be divided into two parts, one of which is occupied by the ovum, and the other by the effused blood; and most generally the active movements of the foetus disappear. In some feAV cases, a well-marked fluctuation has been detected. Finally, when the flooding is first manifested in the course of the labor, the interval of each pain is characterized by the escape of clots of blood in greater or less profusion. This discharge of coagula can be explained by the fact that, during the interval, the child's head does not seal up the neck hermetically, and thus its orifice is left comparatively free, and the blood is permitted to escape. Seat of the Effusion. — The point at Avhich the accumulation of blood takes place in those internal hemorrhages that come on at an advanced period of gestation must necessarily vary, according to the part of the utero-foetal vas- cular apparatus Avhich has been the source of the flooding. For instance: — 1. The blood may be primarily effused between the uterine face of the placenta and the corresponding uterine wall; as the discharge progresses, it ordinarily dissects off the placenta towards some one point of its circumfer- ence, and is then effused all round the ovum, by displacing the membranes. But it may also happen that the whole placental circumference remains adherent to the Avomb, Avhilst its central portion is entirely detached, the effusion being limited by the margins of this mass ; and the hemorrhage may be copious enough in such instances to kill the patient promptly, as the case of Laforterie (whatever may be said of it) fully proves. The reader will likeAvise find, in the New Medical and Physical Journal, (1813 No. 38, p. 535,) the following case, which, though less known in PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE 765 France than the one of Laforterie, is not the less extraordinaiy: "A lady, of a weakly constitution and delicate habit, Avas attacked in the latter months of pregnancy with a slight discharge of blood from the vagina, not amounting altogether to half an ounce, accompanied Avith alarming symp- toms of exhaustion and debility. The os uteri was scarcely dilated to the size of a sixpence, and Avas in such a state of rigidity as precluded the possi- bility of affording any manual assistance. The lady in consequence died ; and, on examination after death, it was found that a separation of the centre of the placenta from the parietes of the uterus had taken place, Avhilst its edges Avere completely adherent, forming a kind of cul-de-sac into Avhich blood had been poured to the amount of a pint and a half, Avhich had be- come coagulated Avithin the cavity thus formed." 2. The blood may be effused into the proper tissue of the placenta, and thereby constitute those sanguineous collections which have been designated of latter time as placental apoplexy. The woman's life is never compromised by a discharge of this nature, but the death of the foetus and, as a conse- quence, its premature expulsion, most generally results therefrom. 3. The blood may be effused on the foetal surface of the placenta, as in the case referred to above; but the flooding here evidently must have been internal before it Avas external. Indeed, several observers have reported that they found coagula lying between the chorion and a portion of this foetal aspect of the placenta. 4. The numerous obserArations detailed in the memoir of M. C. Baude- locque, prove that blood may be effused between the various membranous laminae that constitute the amniotic sac, at all stages of pregnancy. 5. Lastly, notwithstanding the strictures Avhich the cases narrated by Delamotte, Levret, Naegele, Baudelocque, and others have been subjected to, they constrain us to believe that both a partial and complete rupture of the umbilical cord may take place; in consequence of Avhich an effusion of blood is made into the cavity of the amnion. ARTICLE III. DIAGNOSIS. A. External Discharge.—The difficulties hitherto described, (see Diagnosis of Abortion,) as complicating the diagnosis of hemorrhage during the first six months of pregnancy, are scarcely ever met with at a more advanced period. In fact, it is so rare to find Avomen regular as late as the last three months, that every discharge of blood from the vulva at that period may be considered as a symptom requiring immediate attention; for, at the most, we could only confound a very slight hemorrhage with a return of the men- strual discharge, and, in both cases, the precautions to be taken Avould be the same; or, at least, if indifferent in the one, they might prove very ser- viceable in the other. When a hemorrhage does come on in the course of the last three months of gestation, or during labor, the question arises, Avhat is the cause? But this question, though very important both as regards the prognosis and the treatment, is sometimes exceedingly difficult to ansAver. It has been shoAvn that often, perhaps even, according to certain authors, the most frequently, 766 DYSTOCIA. it is owing to an insertion of the placenta either over the os uteri, oi on some adjacent point; and most of them go further, and endeavor to point out the signs whereby this abnormal situation of the after-birth may be recognized. The absence of any signs is a sufficient reason for supposing the hemor- rhage to be due either to a simple detachment of the placenta or to rupture of some of the utero-placental vessels. To enable us to make out this diag- nosis by the method of exclusion, Ave have next to give an account of the signs of abnormal insertion of the placenta. HEMORRHAGE FROM ABNORMAL INSERTION OF THE PLACENTA. The signs that announce the existence of this anomaly may be divided into the rational and the sensible. The first are derived from the mode of development of the accident, and its attendant circumstances; while the second are furnished by the touch. When the flooding comes on at an advanced stage of the gestation, more particularly in a Avoman Avho has previously borne children, it is most gen- erally possible to detect the presence of the placenta over the internal orifice by the touch. In this case, says Levret, there is sometimes difficulty in find- ing the neck, notAvithstanding it be in a measure Avithin reach of the finger; for a great quantity of coagula, a part of which is adherent, is ordinarily found in the A'agina, and their detachment augments the hemorrhage; be- yond all these, a soft, fleshy, and, as it Avere, a pulpy tumor is detected.1 When the accoucheur examines this tumor with the extremity of his finger, it feels as if he Ave re touching the head of a small caulifloAver, and he recog- nizes there the anfractuosities peculiar to the external surface of the placenta; then, by searching out the circumference of the tumor, the uterine orifice, which surrounds it toAvards its superior part, is made out; but all attempts to pass the finger between the tumor and the orifice will prove unsuccessful Avithout a resort to violence, and a detachment of the tumor at the point where the index is passed up ; or if some one place should happen to be free, the same Avould not be true for the Avhole periphery of the cervix. A someAvhat voluminous coagulum, situated in the os uteri, might be mistaken for the after-birth; but, by a little attention, it Avill generally be found that the clot is much less resistant, more friable and movable than the placental mass, Avhich latter can scarcely be changed in position, and whose parts are separated with much more difficulty. Sometimes, quite a thick layer of coagulated blood covers the external surface of the after-birth, and prevents the finger from reaching its proper tissue, though the clot can always be detached by a slight effort, and the intervals between the cotyle- dons be made out. Fungous or cancerous tumors of the cervix, syphilitic 1 In general, this examination has to be made with the greatest, possible care, because the separation of the clots often causes a return of the hemorrhage. Where the os uteri is not sufficiently dilated to permit the introduction of the finger without diffi- culty, it would be proper to wait until the discharge had continued long enough to produce its relaxation. Indeed, unless the flooding be profuse enough to render a premature labor inevitable, and unless there be an actual commencement of the labor, , when the latter is inconsiderable, the gestation continues its regular course. The loss of blood has even been carried to an extent calculated to inspire just fears for the mother's life, and yet Avithout being folloAved by abortion. But although the foetus may have resisted the violence of the first acci- dents, it must not be supposed that it experiences no injurious effects there- from. Though but a small portion of the placenta may have been sepa- rated, the foetus is nevertheless deprived thereby of a portion of its means .of respiration and of nutrition, and this deprivation, though partial, may eventually prevent its complete development, and even destroy it before the termination of pregnancy. Therefore, when born alive, it is often emaciated, and Aveaker than under ordinary circumstances; and this congenital debil- ity, which is generally regarded by authors as a consequence of the anemic condition of the mother, should, in my opinion, be attributed to the partial separation of the placenta. When the mother has Jiad the good fortune to escape the danger that menaced her, and the pregnancy continues, 1ioav then is the hemorrhage arrested ? The mode of termination varies somewhat, according to the cause that has determined the accident. Thus, Avhen the flooding has been preceded by general plethora, or by uterine congestion, it may happen that the escape of blood removes this condition, and thus remedies the symptoms itself; and this must nearly always be the case Avhere the discharge resulted from a sanguineous exhalation. But where there is a rupture of one of the utero-placental vessels, it is possible that the flow of blood, by relieving their distention, will permit these vessels to become flattened down and de- pressed, from the double pressure of the ovum and womb, and then the hemorrhage is arrested. Again, where the placenta has been detached from the Avomb to a moderate extent, the bleeding can only be checked by the formation of a coagulum, Avhich creates an obstacle to the ulterior issue of the blood, by being placed betAveen the uterus and the placenta ; for, "while the blood is endeavoring to glide towards the os uteri," says M.iVelpeau, " a more or less extensive portion of the placental mass becomes fully satu- rated with it: first one clot forms, then a second, then a third, and these several layers, of various thickness, soon become sufficiently numerous, pro- vided the energy of the hemorrhagic affluxion becomes diminished, to exert such a degree of pressure as to retain the blood Avithin its own vessels." All the vascular tubes corresponding to the point Avhere this coagulum is formed, are thenceforth rendered useless to the utero-placental circulation, Avhich can only be kept up through those that have not been lacerated. The authors of the Dietionnaire de Medecine (art. Hemorragie Uterine) seem to admit, from a case reported by Noortwyk, that the detached portion of placenta may contract new adhesions with the uterine wall; but from what has just been said respecting the formation of the coagulum, which, by its presence, puts an end to the symptoms, it is impossible to admit that this re-attachment can take place Avithout the intervention of a fibrinous clot, which evidently precludes the re-establishment of the circulatory relations. Besides, this matter is satisfactorily proved at the time of labor; for, by examining the uterine surface of the placenta, Ave can then detect one or PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 773 ,uore fibrinous laminae of a variable size, and differing from each other in the degree oI degeneration, according to the period at which the separation was effected; in addition to AA'hich, the portion of placenta that had been de- tached is often atrophied and deprived of juices; in a Avord, the correspond- ing placental cotyledons have Avithered aAvay completely. PROGNOSIS OF HEMORRHAGE CAUSED BY ABNORMAL INSERTION OF THE PLACENTA. As regards the cause producing the hemorrhage, that variety Avhich is .lependent on an implantation of the placenta over the inferior segment is the gravest of all: to the mother, because it is reneAved several times during the latter months of her gestation in a constantly increasing amount, and because, being always present during the labor, it usually requires the inter- vention of art; to the child, because such an intervention is not Avithout danger to it, and the interruption of the utero-placental circulation, resulting from the detachment of the placenta, produces an asphyxia that oftentimes proves speedily fatal.1 The following statistics, by Dr. Simpson, prove the danger of this complication, namely: of 399 women in Avhom this misplaced insertion of the placenta Avas observed, 134 perished. When the placenta is inserted over the neck, centre for centre, the hemor- rhage would evidently be much more profuse than in the cases in which it is in contact with the orifice by one part of its circumference only. We would add the remark of M. Duval, that as the ovum can then yield only with great difficulty, because of the strength of that part of the chorion which bears the umbilical vessels, the labor is greatly prolonged, the fruit- less contractions weaken at last, and the hemorrhage is increased by inertia of the Avomb. A singular circumstance sometimes takes place in cases of central inser- tion. The gradual dilatation of the cervix may effect the complete detach- ment of the placenta, which may, perhaps, be entirely expelled through the vulva several hours before the expulsion of the child. This accident, Avhich, at first vieAV, Avould seem likely to have the most disastrous consequences, is 1 The foetus then dies by asphyxia, and not by hemorrhage, as has been asserted, and again repeated in the recent work of M. Gendrin. For the foetus can only lose its blood when the source of the hemorrhage is in a lesion of the umbilical vessels; while, in a case of simple detachment of the uterine surface of the placenta, the child dies only because the circulation is interrupted in the utero-placental vessels, and its respiration can no longer take place. (See Functions of the Foetus.) The blood, being shut up in the umbilical vessels, cannot come any more into the usual mediate contact with the maternal blood, and the infant is then in the same condition as an adult deprived of respirable air, and like him must, die asphyxiated. Besides, the autopsical examination in such cases exhibits the anatomo-pathological characters of asphyxia. There are some rare cases reported, in which the child's head, being forcibly urged on by the powerful contractions of the womb, has perforated the placenta near the middle, and thus opened for itself a passage through the central opening. This oc- curred in Portal's twenty-ninth observation; and W. White reports that, in a case where the placenta appeared to be inserted over the os uteri, centre for centre, the patient suffered two or three very intense pains, during which the head perforated th* nfter-birth and was delivered. The child was still-born, but the woman recovered. 774 DYSTOCIA. nevertheless proved by experience rarely to compromise the mother's life, though it is generally fatal to the child.1 In some rare cases it has happened that the head, under the influence of poAverful contractions, perforated the centre of the placenta, and was expelled through the passage thus formed. Portal's twenty-ninth observation relates to a case of this kind; and W. White informs us that in an instance of ap- parently central insertion upon the neck, the woman had tAvo or three very . strong pains, during which the head perforated the placenta, and Avas ex- pelled. The child was still-born, but the mother recovered. In an autopsy made by Dr. Ingleby of a woman Avho died of hemorrhage just as the child 1 Chapman relates an instance in which the after-birth was thus expelled four hours in advance of the child; and Perfect furnishes a very similar case. (Cases, vol. ii. page 288.) "I was once consulted," says Merriman, "by a very careful and judicious practi- tioner, respecting a woman, who, when I first saw her, was rapidly sinking under puerperal fever. In this case, the placenta was expelled many hours before the child was born, and no extraordinary means were used to expedite the delivery of the child; a physician-accoucheur, who was consulted on the occasion, having deemed it more prudent to leave the case to nature. The fatal event, however, would lead one to doubt whether it was wise, under such circumstances, to decline the interference of art." (Synopsis, page 126.) Smellie has reported three cases of the same kind; Lamotte, three (Obs,, 321, 322, 323); Lee, three (Med. Gaz., 1839); Ramsbotham, Sen., five (Practical Obs., Case 153); Baudelocque and Barlow, each one; and Dr. Collins (Practical Treatise, page 91) nar- rates an instance in which the placenta was expelled about eighteen hours before the foetus; the membranes were ruptured, and the waters escaped two weeks before the entrance of the patient into the hospital; from that time until the eve of her admission, the flooding had continued with more or less abundance. We satisfied ourselves, says he, that the placenta had been extracted the evening before by the midwife who attended her. This woman recovered perfectly, and left the hospital on the thirteenth day. Cases of this kind are much more common than might be supposed; thus, Dr. Simp- son has collected 141 authentic observations, and, in order the better to appreciate the effect of this premature separation, he has divided them into four categories. In the first, 47 in number, there were 41 still-born children, and 10 of whose condition nothing could be learned, but all the women except three recovered. In all, the hemorrhage diminished greatly, oi- ceased altogether, immediately after the expulsion of the pla- centa, although an interval of ten hours at the most, and of ten minutes at the least, had elapsed between the expulsion of the after-birth and the birth of the child. In the second are placed 24 cases. In all of these rather less than ten minutes inter- vened between the expulsion of the placenta and that of the foetus; 9 of the children were still-born, 2 were putrefied, and 11 were alive; no information respecting the two others; all the mothers but three recovered. The third contains 29 observations, in which the expulsion of the child followed that of the after-birth immediately; 14 still- born, and 11 living children; no information respecting the others; all the mothers recovered, except one. Finally, in 10 cases, the time between the birth of the child and the delivery of the placenta was not noted. Only 3 mothers died, and 9 children Burvived. Thus, according to these facts, the premature separation of the placenta, which does not appear to have had a very serious effect upon the mothers, is extremely dangerous to the child, since all the children of the first series died; half only of the second, and eleven of the third category, survived. We shall refer to these figures hereafter, in order to appreciate the practical conse- quences which Dr. Simpson thinks himself able to deduce from them. PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 775 was about being born, he found the head in the vagina, having passed through a central perforation of the placenta. When the placenta is situated only in the vicinity of the neck, the hemor- rhage may not appear during the labor, although it may have occurred several times in the latter stages of'pregnancy; for, should the membranes rupture prematurely, and the head be presenting, it is possible that its engagement might compress the torn vessels sufficiently to prevent the dis- charge of blood 1 ARTICLE V. TREATMENT. The management of uterine hemorrhage may be subdivided into the preventive and curative treatment. The prophylactic measures are a3 numerous as the predisposing causes, and they consist in preventing the action of those causes ; hence, to furnish a detailed account of them, it Avould be necessary to enter into a series of repetitions. Besides, they are included in the hygienic and general therapeutic management of pregnancy, and, therefore, Ave need not dAvell further upon them here. But if, notAvithstand- ing all the preventive means employed, or if, from the influence of any unforeseen causes, a hemorrhage is developed, what course shall we adopt to subdue it? The frequency of this accident, and its great danger in many cases, have at all times claimed the attention of practitioners; and Avith a vieAV of facilitating the study of the numerous measures that have been recommended, we shall divide them into the general and the special ones. The first being applicable in all cases, are nearly ahvays the same; but the second vary according to whether the flooding takes place in the course of the gestation or during parturition, and according to the abundance or the trifling character of the discharge. [The measures taken to arrest hemorrhage ought not to be used indiscriminately, because each has a special mode of action which should be well understood before having recourse to it. Thus, bleeding and general remedies such as acidulated drinks, absolute rest and reduction of temperature, are intended to lessen the activity of the general circulation and, as sedatives, are useful in uterine as well as other forms of hemorrhage. Cold applications to the hypogastrium and thighs, cold injections and raising the breech by a cushion are, on the contrary, addressed directly to the uterine circulation which they are capable of reducing. Ergot, which has an excellent effect, may be used with a double purpose: some authors believing that it acts as a true specific, in virtue of a power of altering the char- acter of the blood or of exciting the contractility of the vessels, Avhilst others think that it arrests hemorrhage only by producing contraction of the uterus, the effect of which we know is to lessen the circulation in the organ. Rupture of the mem- branes, by giving issue to the amniotic fluid, causes the walls of the Avomb to con- tract, and in so doing constrict and lessen the calibre of the vessels which they contain, thus becomes a very valuable means of checking hemorrhage. We have 1 When, says Plenck, the orifice is half covered by the adherent placenta, the case should be left to nature: for the head of the child pushes the presenting part of the placenta aside, compresses the blood-vessels, and thus prevents hemorrhage. This precept, though too absolute, at least proves that Plenck had made the same observa- tion that we have just mentioned. 776 DYSTOCIA. already stated in regard to the treatment of abortion (see Abortion), that injections of laudanum are capable of arresting the contraction of the womb, and may there- fore be very serviceable whenever the loss of blood is due to irregular contractions. Lastly, the tampon is a plug which arrests the discharge of the blood and allows the progressive formation of a clot which finally obliterates the torn vessels. Each of the above-mentioned measures has its special application according to the object in view, and ought not, therefore, to be used without judgment. What has been said will, I think, be sufficient to indicate the course to be pursued, and Bimplify the account of the details of treatment which we are anxious to present in the fullest manner.] § 1. General Therapeutic Measures. Whenever an accoucheur is summoned to a pregnant Avoman Avho is affected Avith flooding, he should immediately attend to certain precautions that we are about to point out, namely: The woman ought to be kept in a horizontal position, care being taken to have the pelvis elevated someAvhat higher than the rest of the body. All feather beds must be proscribed, and, Avhenever possible, she should lie on a hair mattress that is rather hard. The bed is to be placed in a large, well- ventilated chamber, so as to be easily accessible on all sides ; in the summer season, the room might even be sprinkled; and the Avoman is to be lightly covered. It is desirable to have the chamber somewhat darkened, and the attendants should be advised to discharge their respective duties without making any unnecessary noise. He should endeavor to satisfy the patient as to her condition, and to remove all sources of vexation and opposition;. for calmness of mind is not less essential than rest of the body; especially, when the discharge has been occasioned by violent passions or acute moral affections. Cold drinks, slightly acidulated with vinegar, gooseberry, or lemon syrup, or even Avith lime or orange juice, are the most suitable. We should endeavor to obviate the strainings the patient might make on the close stool, because they might possibly increase the flooding; for this purpose, the boAvels are to be kept free by injections, or, if these are not sufficient to remedy the constipation, by mild laxatives; and, lastly, if the woman has the least difficulty in urinating, it Avould likeAvise be necessary to empty the bladder by the catheter. § 2. Special Therapeutic Measures. • These vary, as stated, according to the abundance or trifling character of the discharge, and according to Avhether the latter is manifested in the course of the gestation, or during the labor. We shall first examine them during pregnancy. A. Moderate Hemorrhage, occurring in the last three months. — If the flood- ing has been preceded by the general phenomena of plethora, and if at the time Avhen the Avoman is examined the pulse be found full, strong, and devel- oped, the face flushed, &c, in a word, if the hemorrhage appears to be owing to, or kept up by, the plentitude or morbid action of the vessels, it is neces-' 3ary to hav* recourse to general venesection, which Avill act both as a revul- sive and as an antiphlogistic; but this measure is recommended in those PUERPERAL hemorrhage. 7,77 cases only in Avhich labor has not yet commenced, and where the discharge is inconsiderable, and has lasted but a short time. Blood-letting must be pro- scribed under the opposite circumstances, as also in those instances Avhere the flooding is not associated with plethora. When the hemorrhage is not very abundant, and, as a consequence, when there is some reason to hope that the pregnancy Avill continue on its regular course, opiates may be administered; they might be given by the mouth, but it is much better, in general, to exhibit them by injection, in the dose of twenty drops of Sydenham's laudanum, diffused in a small quantity of some mucilaginous vehicle; and this may be repeated three or four times, at intervals of an hour or more, Avhere the first have not been sufficient to arrest the symptoms. A long experience, says Burns, enables me to recommend this measure in all cases Avhere blood-letting is not practicable. For the first tAventy-four hours, the patient must be subjected to a strict regimen. Such are the measures to be employed in cases of moderate hemorrhage occurring in the last three months of gestation; and they should be con- tinued until it has entirely disappeared. After the symptoms are Avholly subdued, the Avoman ought to take the greatest precautions to avoid a relapse, by keeping in bed for a week at least, eating but little, and that of non-succulent articles, especially if the discharge had been attributed to plethora, etc., etc. B. Profuse Hemorrhage occurring in the last three months.—Where the flooding is more abundant, the remedies to be employed are also more active, and, to the measures already enumerated, except venesection, Avhich, as before stated, must be rejected Avhen the discharge is very profuse, Ave may iioav add : 1. The application of compresses, steeped in some very cold liquid, to the upper part of the thighs, hypogastrium, or loins (in one instance, M. Gen- drin successfully administered an opiate injection at the temperature of melting ice) ; and, Avhere the heat is very great, cold sponging over the legs, arms, and even the body. But the action of cold is not to be resorted to Avithout discrimination ; nor, as a general rule, should it be kept up for a long time; because, although its application may be useful at the com- mencement of the attack, when the phenomena of local congestion are manifest, it Avould certainly prove injurious if a very copious and persistent flooding had already enfeebled the patient, and if there Avas reason to fear the poAvers of life Avere giving Avay, and that the woman Avas likely to sink into a state of complete prostration. When the skin is cold and the pulse small and feeble, the refrigerants are not indicated, and they should be suspended at once, if already in use. 2. In this latter case, if the flooding continued and the prostration aug- mented, it Avould be necessary to haA'e recourse to revulsives applied to the superior parts. I have seen, says M. Baudelocque, a profuse hemorrhage suspended almost instantaneously by placing the hands in very hot Avater. Under the title of revulsives it has been recommended, since the days of Hippocrates, to apply cups either above or just under the breasts, and be- tween the shoulders. M. Velpeau advises the employment of a sinapism at the upper part of 778 DYSTOCIA. the back; for he has found this remedy beneficial in a great number of in- stances, and at all stages of gestation; " nevertheless," he says himself, "there would be little Avisdom in relying upon it to completely suppress a hemor- rhage that had already become serious and alarming." It is, hoAvever, an auxiliary measure that should never be neglected, for it can have no dis- astrous tendency; but, in my opinion, the same cannot be said of revulsives applied to the breasts, since it is by no means certain that they may not prove injurious. Indeed, many authors, relying on the sympathy existing between the uterus and the mammae, have supposed that every stimulant applied to the latter must excite the action of the former, and, consequently, tend to reneAv, or to keep up, the hemorrhage. 3. If the measures hitherto enumerated be not sufficient to arrest the flooding, the ergot might be exhibited in the dose of half a drachm divided into three parts, one of Avhich is to be taken every ten minutes. This medi- cine, which is recommended by M. P. Dubois under such circumstances, appears to him to have nothing more than a hemostatic action; "for, if it be objected," says he, " that this remedy might excite uterine contractions, and thus provoke a premature labor, Ave answer that, up to the present time, not a single well-founded observation proves that the spurred rye has the property of provoking the uterine contractions; though, where these exist already, it increases them, or restores them Avhen suspended; but it does not cause them to appear if the uterus is in a state of perfect rest. On the other hand, even supposing that it had this virtue, that Avould not be a just ground of exclusion, for it must not be forgotten that the question is before us of arresting a serious accident, one which cannot continue without prejudice to both mother and child; and that the only other resource is the use of the tampon, Avhich even more than the ergot would expose her to the hazard of a delivery before term." (Journ. de Med. et de Chir. Pratique, 1836.) 4. But it sometimes happens that, notwithstanding the employment of refrigerants and ergot, the flooding continues, the woman becomes pale and colorless, the pulse small and thread-like, and she has vertigo, &c.; and the violence of the symptoms endangers the lives of both mother and child. Under these grave conditions, the accoucheur has only to choose between an application of the tampon and a provocation of the labor by rupturing the membranes. A. Use of the Tampon.—When speaking of the natural termination of those hemorrhages that come on during pregnancy, we stated that the dis- charge Avas arrested in consequence of the formation of coagula, Avhich, by becoming applied over the orifices of the vessels, perhaps even by being continued into these orifices, prevented a subsequent discharge of blood; and that it is on the formation of these salutary coagula that Ave must found our hope, so long as there is a chance of preserving the infant. It Avas Avith this vieAV that the older physicians resorted to the use of astringent injec- tions, and more especially to pessaries made of some old linen saturated Avith such liquids. But they did not depend upon the coagulating and astringent properties of these substances alone; but also relied on their me- chanical effect in retaining the blood. For this purpose, therefore, Leroux, of Dijon, proposed his tampon in 1776. This remedy, says he, is exceed- PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 779 ingly simple; it consists in the creation of an obstacle to the escape of the blood by filling up the vagina Avith balls of linen or tOAv, saturated Avith pure vinegar. Desormeaux thought it was better to first double a large piece of fine linen, and then carry up the fold to the fundus of the vagina; and afterwards to fill the pocket thus formed by the linen AA'ith bits of char- pie, or toAV, or any other soft substance that may be at hand. M. Moreau condemns this procedure, because, he remarks, it is difficult and painful, and it would be almost impossible not to leave some space betAveen the tampon and the cervix uteri. He recommends the mode of application to be altered to suit the particular case : for instance, if the os uteri is a little dilated, he advises the use of a roller, Avound tightly in the form of a cone, and Avell fastened; then the conical extremity of this plug is introduced into the uterine orifice itself, and is retained there by the "finger. When the dilatation is someAvhat more advanced, he makes use of a lemon, having the rind pared off at one extremity, and he introduces this into the neck of the Avomb, Avhere its bulk obliterates the orifice, and its juice irritates the organ; and lastly, Avhen the os uteri is freely dilated, he recommends the vagina to be crammed Avith lint steeped in vinegar, and the whole to be secured Avith a T bandage. Leroux Avas also in the habit of saturating the tampon with vinegar. The astringents were considered useless by Desor- meaux ; for, he says, it is only on the mechanical action of the tampon that we can rely, and not upon the irritation which its contact, and that of the acids Avith Avhich some persons saturate it, may have on the uterine Avail. It would be very fortunate, indeed, if the only effect of the tampon was to prevent the issue of the blood, and to determine its coagulation; for then, by arresting the. hemorrhage, Ave might preserve the life of the foetus much oftener than is now done. But, unhappily, it has yet another effect; that is, it frequently irritates the organ by mere presence, and by forcing the blood to coagulate in the uterine cavity, Avhereby a more or less voluminous coagulum is formed there, which further adds to the irritation produced by the tampon itself; contractions are excited, and, in most cases, the Avomb soon drives out the tampon, coagulated blood, and foetus altogether. This, we may observe in passing, is the most serious objection that can be urged against the use of the tampon, a reproach that it often merits, especially when it is saturated with vinegar. But, after all, notAvithstanding these disadvantages, the tampon is a remedy that cannot be dispensed with in practice; and Ave do not knoAV how to better describe the cases in Avhich it may be resorted to Avith advantage, than by furnishing the folloAving extract from the memoir published by tiardien, in the ninth volume of Leroux, Boyer, and Corvisart's Journal. The tampon may be applied: 1. To arrest any hemorrhage that might arise from the rupture of a varix on the uterine neck, or in the vagina. 2. In a case of laceration, occurring at the orifice of the Avomb during labor, and Avhen there is any inertia, by a direct application to the torn surface. 3. In casts Avhere the placenta is inserted over the os uteri centre for centre; the blood being retained by the tampon, forms a coagulum which is com- pressed between it and the after-birth, Avhereby the serous part is expressed, and a concretion takes place which contracts adhesions with the adjacent 780 DYSTOCIA. parts, and suspends the discharge until the rupture of some othei Aessel reneAvs the hemorrhage. Nothing is to be feared in these cases from an in- ternal bleeding; for, although Ave have quoted some examples of the kind, these are so rare that they cannot counterbalance all the advantages of the tampon; besides, the mere fact of its employment does not dispense with the necessity of carefully watching the patient. 4. It is likeAvise serviceable in the floodings attending the abortions which take place in the course of the first three months, whether before or after the delivery of the after-birth : before, because Puzos' method might render this delivery impossible, or at least very difficult; and after, because there would be no cause to fear an internal hemorrhage, for the reasons before given. 5. It might answer in those instances where there is no dilatation of the os uteri, or when this is impossible, and consequently where it Avould be impracticable to pierce the membranes. 6. And lastly, where the flooding continues after the mem- branes have been punctured, and it is'impossible to effect a forced delivery; as in the cases reported by Lamotte and Smellie. Nevertheless, its employ- ment then should always be Avatched over Avith the greatest possible atten- tion ; for the uterus, in Avhich a void is created after the discharge of the waters, is susceptible of becoming distended, and an internal hemorrhage might take place. Under such circumstances, artificial delivery must be resorted to. But the tampon should be rejected: 1. Whenever Ave might reasonably hope to prevent an abortion; for even Leroux himself made use of the ordinary means before resorting to this measure; because, by retaining within the womb the blood that Avould otherwise escape, it distends this organ by forming a coagulum, Avhich may increase the detachment of the membranes and placenta, and may likewise irritate the womb by its presence, and thus bring on the contractions; and 2. Whenever (as hitherto stated) the placenta is inserted over the os uteri, and the labor is sufficiently advanced for turning or the forceps to be resorted to. B. Rupture of the Membranes.—When the hemorrhage is profuse, and has made its appearance during the latter months of gestation, more especially if the labor has already begun, a rupture of the membranes should generally be preferred to the use of the tampon. The child's life is then almost as precious as the mother's, and we must endeavor to remove it from the threatened danger. It was with this view that our predecessors resorted to an artificial labor under such circumstances. But Puzos has proposed a measure which conjoins the advantages of the natural with those of a forced delivery. It is necessary for this purpose, he says, to introduce one or more fingers into the uterine orifice, by Avhich an attempt is made to dilate it with a degree of force proportioned to its resistance; this gradual dilatation, Avhich is interrupted by intervals of rest from time to time, excites the pains: the womb contracts, and during its contraction the membranes become tense, and engage a little at the upper part of the cervix, and these latter are ruptured as soon as possible, in order to effect a discharge of the Avaters. The presenting part, particularly if this happens to be the head, should be carefully pressed up by the finger for some moments, so as to per- mit the liquid to escape. The objects to be accomplished are obviously to PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 781 encourage a discharge of the Avaters, to arouse the contractility of the uterine tissue by their evacuation, and to solicit its retraction ; AvherJby the vessels situated in the thickness of its Avails Avould undergo certain modifica- tions favorable to an arrest of the hemorrhage. Further, when the womb is well contracted on the body of the child, and some portions of the latter arc forcibly applied against the patulous vessels that furnish the blood, the compression thereby produced must evidently arrest the*flooding. This method, which has been adopted by Dr. Rigby, of England, has been severely criticised by his countryman, Duncan SteAvard, Avho endeavors to support his own opinion by the folloAving observations: by rupturing the membranes before the uterus is dilated, Ave retard rather than accelerate the expulsion of the child; and, besides, it is by no means certain, as experience has demonstrated, that this measure Avill arrest the hemorrhage; Avhile it often diminishes the chance of saving the life of the mother and child, by rendering the version much more difficult, if this operation should subse- quently become necessary. Notwithstanding these objections, Avhich, after all, have no great force, the rupture of the membranes is advocated by most of the teachers of the present day, in cases of profuse flooding, occurring at an advanced stage of gestation. Nearly all teach, hoAvever, that a regular commencement of labor, manifested by evident uterine contractions, should precede its per- formance ; but, as M. P. Dubois remarks, it is important to bear in mind that, when a considerable hemorrhage takes place, the contractions of the womb are often feeble, and that the labor may actually be progressing, though the pains have not clearly marked its onset; Avhile, on the other hand, the discharge of a large quantity of blood and the escape of volu- minous coagula, both relax and dilate the uterine orifice; and these circum- stances, Avhich are doubtless joined to some non-painful contractions, may dilate the os uteri, without the knowledge of the patient or the suspicion of the accoucheur. This phenomenon is not at all unusual, especially in women AA'ho have previously borne children; and, therefore, whatever be the condition of the body of the uterus, and whether there be any apparent contractions or not, he should carefully ascertain the state of the os uteri. In cases of profuse flooding, this will most frequently be found sufficiently dilated to permit the introduction of a finger, at least; and the membranes will then be felt tense and protruding at intervals; which protrusion is a certain proof that the Avomb begins to contract, and the rupture of the membranes will then be effected to the greatest advantage. Besides, this operation does not exclude the employment of the various stimulants cal- culated to excite the contractions; thus abdominal frictions might be resorted to, and the finger, Avhen introduced into the neck, should first titil- late and irritate this part before making the rupture; and it would even be prudent to administer tAvo or three doses of ergot to the patient, provided the neck is softened, and it seems to offer no marked resistance to the dilatation. Most accoucheurs advise the application of the tampon, when the discharge is produced by an insertion of the placenta over the cervix ; but M. P. Dubois teaches that the course to be pursued in such cases Avill vary accord- 782 DYSTOCIA. ing to the degree of this insertion. For instance, Avhere it takes place centre for centre, or in other words, Avhen the placenta covers all the superior part of the internal orifice, and the membranes are inaccessible, or can only be reached by detaching some portion of the circumference of the still adherent placenta, Ave should have recourse to the tampon: but Avhere the placenta 1 corresponds to the orifice by only one of its borders, and particularly Avhere it is inserted at some point adjacent to this orifice, he likewise recommends an artificial rupture of the membranes ; being satisfied that, after the waters have escaped, the child's head, by becoming applied on the detached portion of the placenta, will, by compressing it, put an end to the flow of blood. Quite recently, M. Gendrin has entertained the idea of adopting Puzos' method, even in those cases in which the after-birth corresponds to the os uteri centre for centre. Under almost identical circumstances, Rigby had deemed it advisable to push his finger through the centre of the placenta, and thus pass directly into the amniotic cavity. The following are the ob- servations of M. Gendrin on this subject: Authors, he says, have advised that labor should be induced by direct manipulations, which consist in forcing the dilatation of the os uteri and passing into the womb through the placenta, or by detaching this organ from one portion of the neck; but these manoeuvres occupy much time, and besides are very difficult, and if the blood continues to flow, the enfeebled patient may become prostrated. We propose instead the following process, Avhich has the great advantage of keeping up the relation between the after-birth and the uterus, as long as possible. It consists in evacuating the waters, by making a puncture Avith a female catheter, Avhich is directed along the finger previously introduced into the os uteri, and is passed into the membranes through that portion of the placenta lying over the neck. In the two cases in which he adopted this plan, the hemorrhage disappeared immediately; and this measure may, therefore, be employed, when the amount of the discharge indicates a resort to the method of Puzos, and Avhen the presence of the placenta is the only obstacle. We think, however, that if the dilatation is but slight, the tampon had better be applied. Internal Hemorrhage.— We can only expect to overcome those internal discharges that are serious enough to compromise the mother's life, by emptying the womb and terminating the labor. Tavo different conditions may then be met with, viz., one, in Avhich the labor has not yet commenced, the neck is still undilated, and its margins hard and thick; in the other, on the contrary, there are some labor-pains, the cervix is softened, and is more or less dilated. In the latter case, the indications for treatment are obvious; that is, to rupture the membranes and employ all the various measures which are calculated to hasten the contractions (such as abdominal frictions, titilla- tions of the orifice, and ergot), and to Avatch the state of the Avomb after this rupture attentively. Such is the course to be pursued when the dilatation is inconsiderable; but, on the other hand, when the os uteri is either dilated or dilatable, the delivery should be effected at once by turning, or by an application of the forceps, according to circumstances. (See Version, and art. Forceps.) But Avhere the symptoms occur a short time before the full PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 783 term of gestation, particularly in a Avoman Avith her first child, the complete obliteration of the cervix may constitute an insurmountable obstacle to the introduction of the smallest instrument. In these grave cases, after having employed the usual means to moderate the effusion of blood without benefit, such as irritations made on the neck and over the fundus of the Avomb, with a view of bringing on its contractions, it will be absolutely necessary to per- forate the membranes, and if the hemorrhage continues, and the Avoman becomes Aveaker and Aveaker, and is threatened Avith death, to have recourse to a forced introduction of the hand. Generally speaking, the slightest efforts Avill be sufficient to overcome the resistance; since it is scarcely pos- sible for a considerable effusion of blood to take place in the cavity of the uterus, Avithout causing a development of some pains, or at least a marked diminution in the resistance of the cervix. But if it should unfortunately happen that this resistance cannot be surmounted, I think that multiple incisions ought to be made on the neck itself. If the symptoms were not very urgent, it would be better perhaps to have recourse to compression of the abdomen, Avhich would prevent the Avomb from becoming inordinately tlistended. This procedure has so often appeared successful, that its employ- ment under like circumstances Avould be justifiable. C. Moderate Hemorrhage during Labor.—When the flooding occurs during labor, the indications it presents likeAvise vary according to the intensity of the symptoms and the degree of dilatation of the os uteri. When the blood escapes in small quantities, and the accoucheur is satisfied that it does not accumulate within the organ, he Avill employ here the same means as Avere recommended for the slight hemorrhages occurring in the latter stages of gestation; except the blood-letting, Avhich'should only be practised Avhen evident phenomena of plethora exist, and also excepting the opium, which would here be attended Avith the serious inconvenience of suspending the uterine contractions. These general measures Avill usually prove sufficient Avhen the neck is but little dilated, and the discharge is inconsiderable. But should the cervix be freely opened, or be so softened as to offer no resistance, Ave should rupture the membranes, if they are yet intact; and if the flooding still continued after this rupture, the labor lingered, and the pains though at first energetic, became gradually feeble, and the intervals between them longer, they should be aroused by the administration of ergot. D. Profuse Hemorrhage during Labor. — Whether the hemorrhage be internal or external at the time of labor, it ahvays offers the same indica- tions for treatment; and these latter are also based on the variable degree of dilatation of the neck of the uterus. For, if this is but little advanced, that is, if the cervix be neither dilated nor dilatable, the remedies Ave have advised for the profuse hemorrhages occurring in the latter months of pregnancy should again be brought into sei'A'ice; that is, the refrigerants, the ergot, and a rupture of the membranes, if still intact. Should the flood- ing continue after the rupture, and the retraction of the os uteri render an introduction of the hand absolutely impossible, the tampon should be applied at once ; and the precaution be taken to make compression over the anterior surface of the abdomen, particularly if there is any inertia of the womb, so as to prevent an accumulation of blood Avithin the organ. And Avhere the I 784 DYSTOCIA. flooding persists, notwithstanding these measures, so as to endanger seriously the mother's life, and if at the same time the non-dilated and undilatable neck should make it impossible to introduce the hand, ought Ave, according to the example of certain authors, effect delivery at all hazards, and intro- duce the hand by force ? Upon contemplating the published cases of this kind, we are forcibly struck Avith the results of this style of proceeding. Almost all the patients died (21 out of 25 according to statistics by Simp- son), and authors universally regard the operation as of the gravest char- acter. We therefore think it prudent not to risk the injuries of the neck, Avhich result so often from a forcible introduction of the hand, but if, after a few moderate efforts, the rigidity is not overcome, Ave Avould much prefer, if the case were urgent, to resort to Simpson's method, and first detach and then extract the placenta. Whilst the author of this process has certainly advised it too generally, it seems to us that it could be usefully employed in these circumstances, although, for our oavu part, Ave Avould prefer the use of the tampon. Professor Simpson has, in consequence of these facts, proposed to separate completely, and bring aAvay the placenta, whenever its insertion upon the neck has given rise to a hemorrhage Avhich threatens the life of the mother. Although rather too absolute at the outset, Mr. Simpson has finally yielded to the numerous and valid objections made to his precept, so far as to con- fine its application to the following conditions: 1. When the flooding has resisted the principal measures, and especially the evacuation of the waters; 2. When the slight dilatation or development of the cervix, or contraction of the pelvis, render turning or any mode of artificial delivery dangerous or impossible; 3. When the death or immaturity of the foetus restricts the duty of the accoucheur to caring for the safety of the mother. It is, therefore, especially with primiparous females, in cases of premature labor, or rigidity of the cervix and of its spasmodic contraction, of organic narrowing of the pelvis or of the genital passages, of the death or non-viability of the foetus, and, finally, of extreme exhaustion of the mother, that the artificial separa- tion may be practised. It is to be understood, he adds, that in cases of separation or of extraction of the placenta, the foetus should be withdrawn immediately, unless the hemorrhage should cease, Avhich it does in the great majority of cases. Even Avith this reservation, we cannot approve of the advice of Mr. Simpson; for Ave think that Avhen the flooding continues after the evacuation of the waters, and when the neck does not allow the hand to be introduced, there is some chance left of saving both mother and child by applying the tampon, being careful at the same time to compress the abdomen, in order to prevent the occurrence of internal hemorrhage. We also think, that Avhen an obstacle dependent on the neck, the soft parts, or the pelvis, prevents the termination of the labor, the tampon may be applied with advantage until the dilatation of the neck alloAvs of the intervention of art; for I cannot see in Avhat Avay, under these circumstances, the extraction of the placenta could facilitate that of the foetus, Avhich Mr. Simpson recommends to be practised immediately aftenvard. The obstacles which prevented earlier action exist none the less afterward. It is, there- PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE. 785 fore, only when caring very little for the life of the child, in case of the death or non-viability of the latter, that one could undertake to separate and extract the placenta, if the hemorrhage were dangerous, in order to spare the mother the pain of applying the tampon. Finally, it is hardly necessary to add, that if the neck is sufficiently dilated, the delivery should be effected as soon as possible, either by turning or by the forceps. When describing these two operations, Ave shall point out carefully the cases in which one or the other should be preferred. A host of other remedies have been successively extolled, but I have not spoken of them, because I have never had an opportunity of employing nor of seeing them employed ; besides, their mode of action appears, on theoretical grounds, to be of little value; and hence, in my opinion, their enumeration would uselessly burden the memory of students. [§ 3. Treatment of Hemorrhage caused by Abnormal Insertion of the Pla- centa. Having described in the foregoing paragraph the treatment adapted to hemor- rhage caused by insertion of the placenta upon the orifice of the womb, the reader is referred to the account therein contained of the various hemostatic procedures applicable to such cases, as we have nothing to add to Avhat will be found there Btated. (See page 775, et seq.) Still, the importance of the subject and the danger involved in this form of hemorrhage, makes it proper to recapitulate briefly the best conduct to be observed. Hemorrhage caused by abnormal insertion of the placenta is generally moderate at the outset; with each return, however, it becomes more profuse, the patient grows weaker, and consequently in a more unfavorable condition for supporting the inevitable loss of blood which Avill accompany delivery. Therefore we do not advise a very long-continued expectant treatment, and have no hesitation in recom- mending the tampon in order to arrest the recurrent hemorrhages, Avithout waiting for the commencement of labor. What, indeed, are the grounds of complaint against the tampon ? Is it that it is likely to induce labor? But when the pla- centa is inserted upon the mouth of the womb, the tampon is still the best means of arresting the hemorrhage under the circumstances. It ought, therefore, to be applied early, even should it be uncomfortable. At proper intervals, though as rarely as possible, it ought to be removed in order to allow the patient to urinate and permit the accoucheur to watch the progress of the labor, which usually com- mences before long. Then it should be reapplied until the dilatation is sufficient to allow delivery to be accomplished by turning. If labor does not come on soon, and the tampon give great annoyance, its application might be postponed until a fresh hemorrhage appears. Under the last supposition, plugging the vagina Avould be useless, though not injurious; therefore it should be had recourse to at the first recurrence of the discharge. Next to the tampon, rupture of the membranes seems to be the most useful. But in order to do it with safety, there should be decided contraction of the uterus, the head should present, and the insertion of the placenta ought not to be central. If, notwithstanding tlie conjunction of all these favorable circumstances, the flow Bhould continue after the membranes are ruptured, the operation would have the inconvenience of rendering internal hemorrhage possible through an effusion of blood into the cavity of the ovum. When the placenta is merely situated in the vicinity of the cervix and labor be clearly begun, rupture of the membranes is almost always productive of excellent results ; still, should the state of affairs be Berious, we would prefer to use the tampon. 50 786 DYSTOCIA. We regard the application of the tampon as the heroic measure against hemor- rhage from insertion of the placenta upon the mouth of the womb or near it, and rupture of the membranes as coming the next in order. The other procedures, detachment of the placenta included, we have less confidence in, and refer to what we have said of them in the preceding pages. (See Treatment of Hemorrhage, page 775, et seq.)] § 4. Kecapitulation of Treatment. I do not know better how to conclude my remarks concerning the hemor- rhages that may affect females, in the course of the latter months of preg- nancy, and during labor, than by placing before the reader a short summary of their treatment Avhich M. P. Dubois caused to be distributed among the students that attended his clinique; for, as the Professor states, this table may be considered as a kind of vade-mecum. Besides, the reader Avill see by it how far I have conformed to his ideas, in the treatment of hemor- rhages just given. [After a very profuse hemorrhage has been arrested, the patient will be so weakened that she cannot be regarded as out of danger. Women sometimes suc- cumb several hours after the discharge of blood has ceased, with symptoms which will be described hereafter in connection with the account of hemorrhage attendant upon delivery of the placenta, as also the treatment proper in such cases. (See Accidents attending Delivery of the Placenta.] A SYNOPTICAL TABLE Showing the Treatment of External Hemorrhages before and during Labor. BEFORE LABOR. Moderate Hemorrhage. B. Profuse Hemorrhage. f Moderate Hemorrhage. DURING LABOR. Profuse Hemorrhage. f Horizontal position. Absolute rest. Fresh air. Cool acidulated drinks. Restricted diet. Venesection, if there are any symptoms of plethora. Empty the bladder and rectum. 'Same measures as in A, excepting venesection. At first cold applications — then, Ergot (^ss divided into three doses, at intervals often minutes. And, if these are insufficient, to apply the tampon, or perforate the membranes Orifice not dilated J Membranes entire. and undilatable. 1 ,, , , ^ Membranes ruptured f Membranes entire. Same measures as in A, excepting venesection, which is im- proper, unless the plethoric condition be well marked. Orifice dilated. [ Membranes ruptured. f f Membranes entire Orifice not. dilated J and undilatable. 1 I Membranes ruptured, -j Idem Id. Id. Id. Same measures as in A, then wait, or rupture the membranes. Id Id., then wait; if the pains arc slow and feeble, administer ergot. Id. Id., except venesection, then refrigerants; and in case of inefficiency, and the pains are weak, ergot, then rupture the membranes; lastly, if the orifice should not per- mit version, apply the tampon. f Same me-asures as in A, then refrigerants; then ergot, if the pains are slow and feeble ; in case of inefficiency, compression of the uterus, tampon, forced delivery Orifice dilated or f Membranes entire. dilatable. -j ( Membranes ruptured. Rupture tlie membranes; if this is not sufficient, make version, \ or apply the forceps. f Version, if the head is above the orifice; forceps, if it is in the \ excavation ; simple extraction, if the pelvic extremity present. 788 DYSTOCIA. CHAPTER XII. OF ECLAMPSIA. Among the various convulsive diseases that may appear during preg- nancy, parturition, or the lying-in, there is one which has such well-marked characteristics, and whose physiognomy is so peculiar, that I can scarcely comprehend the want of accuracy that still exists in most of our classic works on this subject. This confusion evidently arises from the fact that the authors who have Avritten on puerperal convulsions have included under this title all the affections Avhose striking character is a convulsion; forget- ting that the epithet puerperal should be applied, not to every disease Avhich is developed before, during, or after labor, for then we might admit a puer- peral pneumonia or pleurisy, but simply to one that is intimately associated with that state, and which is only produced during its continuance. This confusion is further caused, in my opinion, by designating as convulsions some affections that do not merit the name. These two propositions will be easily sustained by an expose of the dis- tinctions admitted by some authors. According to them, the convulsions that occur during gestation may be either partial or general. Under the name of partial convulsions, they have described those affections whose principal character is a rapid, abnormal, and involuntary contraction of one or more muscular organs, and Avhich, consequently, are convulsive; but Avhich are otherwise so different from what has usually been comprised under the denomination of the convulsions of pregnant Avomen, that it is with some hesitation, and only to avoid the reproach of having omitted any important facts, that I allude to them here. Thus, to give an example, those violent contractions of the stomach, observed in certain women who are affected with severe and obstinate vomitings during gestation, as also the palpita- tions of the heart experienced by some others, have been classed among the puerperal convulsions. M. P. Dubois relates having seen the walls of the belly contract with such force, in a Avoman in the fifth or sixth month of her pregnancy, that the uterus was completely pressed back into the excavation ; and the organ was afterward observed to return briskly to its place, and to rebound like an elastic ballAvhen throAvn on the ground. Some other tumefactions appeared in the flanks, in the epigastrium, and umbilical region, which seemed to depend as much on the spasmodic contraction of the viscera as on that of the Avails of the abdomen.. Nevertheless, this woman recovered Avithout aborting. M. Velpeau states, in his excellent thesis, from Avhich I extract the fore- going case, that a countrywoman, aged twenty-two years, was much alarmed on the tenth day after her delivery by movements that took place in her belly ; something like a globe was observed through the integuments and muscles, which would travel sometimes towards the excavation, at others towards the flanks, and again in the direction of the umbilicus. This species cff ball would transform itself at times into several lumps, which traversed the abdomen Avith a rumbling noise; but the Avails of this cavity ahvays ECLAMPSIA. 789 The rigtit posterior occipito-iliac posi- excavation, we must carefully avoid rup- tioD) ^^ by a falli/g of the cord turing the membranes during a pain, for the gush of liquid, which then escapes with considerable force, nearly always carries along a loop of the cord, which thus precedes the presenting part. I Martin, of Lyons, Comptes Rendus, page 13.) To these causes, let us further add the descent of a hand or a foot, which seems to act as a guide, as it were, for the cord, and to open the way for it. B. The signs Avhereby this accident can be recognized, vary according to whether the membranes are ruptured or are still intact. In the latter case. 830 DYSTOCIA. the diagnosis is quite difficult; nevertheless, Ave can often detect something like a soft, small cord, through the portion of the membranes covering the os uteri, and slipping aAvay before the least pressure, but the true nature of which can only be determined by the rapid pulsations in it. The rapidity of these, Avhich Madame Lachapelle aptly compares to the ticking of a watch, can alone enable us to distinguish them from some other pulsations produced by certain arteries that occasionally ramify in the substance of the neck, and Avhich are synchronous with the mother's pulse. This error would be more difficult to avoid, should the finger, when applied on the membranes, encounter one of the arterial ramifications of the cord, Avhich, as in the cases described by Benckiser (see Umbilical Cord), may spread out on the membranes before entering into the proper tissue of the placenta. The size and the mobility of the prolapsed cord would also aid in making out the diagnosis. On the other hand, the thickness and the spongy con- dition of the membranes, the inequalities they occasionally present, and the folds of the child's scalp, might perhaps lead us to suspect a falling of the cord, if the clearly ascertained absence of pulsation did not promptly rectify the mistake. But after the rupture of the membranes all the difficulty dis- appears, for then the cord hangs down in the vagina, and often escapes beyond the vulva, and therefore may ahvays be readily explored. The tAvo portions of the prolapsed fold are not uniform in their relations with each other; most generally, they touch, or are simply approximated together; and sometimes they are separated by the Avhole thickness of the presenting part. Nor is the fold more regular in its length ; at times it only embraces the head, holding it like a sling; while at others it appears ex- ternally betAveen the Avoman's thighs, though most usually it is lodged in the vagina, or at least only reaches the exterior in the latter stages of the labor. It has, in some very rare instances, been knoAvn to go up again, and thus become reduced spontaneously. (Guillemot.) As a general rule, it is situated just in front of one of the sacro-iliac symphyses, or behind the ilio- pectineal eminence. A prolapsus, therefore, can always be detected; but it is much more diffi- cult, though at the same time it is highly important to determine, after the exploration, Avhether the child is living or not. A momentary disappear- ance of the pulsations is not a sufficient sign ; for it not unfrequently hap- pens that the throbbing ceases in it during the pain, because the cord is then strongly compressed, but it reappears again as soon as the pain is over. This Avant of circulation in the vessels of the cord may continue for five or ten minutes, and it has even been knoAvn to last for a quarter of an hour, Avithout necessarily terminating in death. It is therefore during the interval alone that any researches of this nature should be made, and the child's death can only be determined Avith certainty Avhen this exploration, repeated several times under like conditions, shall have ahvays furnished a negative result. A cold, soft, Avithered, and greenish cord doubtless belongs, in most cases, to a dead child, but this is not ahvays true; and, on the other hand, as death may result very promptly from compression of the cord, the latter may still be Avarm and fresh, though the foetus be dead. [Per contra, one might fancy that he detected pulsations in the cord, even though the foetus had been long dead. This is due to the fact that the finger in contact DYSTOCIA OCCASIONED BY THE FCETAL APPENDAGES. 831 with the cord sometimes perceives very clearly an undulation of the blood within it which distends its vessels and raises the finger. It will, however, soon be ob- served that the phenomenon is coincident with the beginning of a pain, and is caused by the reflux of blood then expelled from the placenta. There is, conse- quently, no occasion for mistaking this undulatory motion for the true foetal pulsa- tion.] c Prognosis.— The falling of the cord is only serious as regards the foetus; but to it the danger is imminent, since death itself may result in conse- quence in the course of a feAV minutes. Thus, in three hundred and fifty- five cases collected by Churchill, two hundred and twenty children, or nearly two-thirds, died; though it is worthy of remark that in many of these cases, the mothers were not transported to the hospital until some time after the descent of the cord, and when its pulsations had entirely ceased. The compression of the cord, and the consequent interruption of the foeto- placental circulation, is the principal if not the only cause of death ; though certain authors, among whom I can enumerate Velpeau and Guillemot, suppose that, when the cord protrudes beyond the vulva, the blood may lose its fluidity in consequence of being chilled by the external temperature, perhaps may even coagulate, and that the delay in the circulation thereby produced, combining its influence Avith that of a slight pressure, completely interrupts the current which, up to that moment, had only been retarded; Delamotte, Baudelocque, and Madame Lachapelle, do not admit this effect of the cold. " For I have seen," says this illustrious midwife, " the cord hang out of the vulva for several hours together Avithout the foetus suffering therefrom in any wise, because there was no compression ; and this, in some of the cases, notwithstanding the patients had come a greater or less dis- tance, either on foot or in some vehicle, from their residences to our hospital." But Avhatever vieAV may be adopted, it is still to a compression of the cord that Ave must attribute the greatest share in the production of the child's death; and under this aspect, its position, Avhen prolapsed, Avill greatly modify the prognosis. The points Avhere it is least exposed to compression are just in front of the sacro-iliac symphyses; and, as M. Naegele has justly re- marked, the frequency of the vertex positions in which the occipito-frontal diameter corresponds to the left oblique one of the pelvis, renders the danger in general much less if the fold of the cord happens to be placed behind and to the left. The influence of this compression has been variously interpreted. Accord- ing to some, the child Avill die from apoplexy in consequence of an excess of blood, Avhich continues to arrive by the vein, but can no longer return to the placenta through the umbilical arteries; agreeably to others, the circu- lation Avill be free in the arteries, the vein alone being obliterated, and then the foetus will die from anaemia or syncope. But it is only necessary to ex- amine the intertAvining exhibited by the vessels of the cord, to become con- vinced that this partial compression cannot exist except as an accidental circumstance, and that, as a general rule, the current must be interrupted in all three vessels at the same time. The most plausible opinion, and we believe the only one admissible, is that asphyxia is the sole cause of death : 832 DYSTOCIA. for, as we have elseAvhere stated, the placenta is the only organ of hematosi? for the child up to the moment Avhen the pulmonary respiration is estab- lished; and, therefore, if the circulation in the cord is interrupted by any compression before birth, the blood of the foetus can no longer derive the elements necessary for its renovation by its mediate contact with that of the mother in the placenta; and from that moment the child finds itself placed in the same conditions as an adult deprived of respirable air, and, like him, dies asphyxiated. In most cases, it is not until after the membranes are ruptured that the descent of the cord exposes it to a sufficient degree of compression to com- promise the infant's life. Indeed, if we might judge from some observations of Madame Lachapelle, the pressure which it undergoes is never great enough to obliterate the umbilical vessels, so long as the head is not engaged in the superior strait. For our own part, Ave are inclined to believe that the simple pressure of the head on the cord may be so considerable as to inter- rupt the foeto-placental circulation, even before the discharge of the amniotic waters. D'Outrepont relates two cases Avhich confirm this view; and the numerous instances in AA'hich Ave find the meconium mixed in large quanti- ties with the liquor amnii at the time of the rupture of the membranes, can only be explained, in our estimation, by a momentary compression of the umbilical cord. d. Treatment.—As regards the treatment, the delivery might be left to the powers of nature: 1, Avhenever there is a certainty that the child is dead ; 2, Avhen, though the infant be living, the membranes are only rup- tured as the head becomes firmly engaged in the excavation, and when, from the fact of the contractions being energetic, there is every reason to hope that they alone will be sufficient to terminate the labor promptly; which, in fact, usually occurs in women who have a non-resistant perineum, from having previously borne children; and, 3, Avhere the head is small, the pel- vis large, and the cord situated in front of one of the sacro-iliac symphyses; for then it is only necessary to return the cord into the vagina to protect it from contact Avith the air. But, notwithstanding these favorable condi- tions, it Avill still be necessary to watch the state of the cord attentively, and to apply the forceps as soon as the pulsations are found to grow weaker or to become intermittent. Under all other circumstances, the intervention of art will be indispen- sable. Thus, where the presentation is such as to render a natural delivery impossible, or, even if possible, Avhere the expulsion of the foetus Avould re- quire a long and painful labor, the forceps should be applied or the pelvic version be resorted to without delay. The former operation will be the only one practicable in a vertex or face presentation, supposing both to be firmly engaged in the excavation, and that the previous attempts at reduction had proved ineffectual. It is generally thought that turning by the feet should be preferred Avhenever the part is not too strongly engaged. In a presentation of the breech, the operator ought to search for the feet, if the presenting part be still above the superior strait, or bring down the groins with the blunt hook, if it has descended into the excavation. In a presentation of the vertex or face, where these parts have not as yet DYSTOCIA OCCASIONED BY THE FCETAL APPENDAGES. 833 engaged in the excavation, Ave should first endeavor to reduce the cord. Several plans have been recommended for this reduction; but the manual method, the oldest of all, is still entitled to the preference, notwithstanding the great number of instruments that have been proposed for the purpose. The operator can ahvays proceed Avith greater facility behind, and on the sides of the pelvis, close to the sacro-iliac symphysis; the right hand will be used Avhen the cord is to the left, and the left one if it is at the mother's right. AVhere the loop is small, it will only be necessary to push it up by the middle; but in the contrary case, it is to be gathered up and pressed back little by little, just as the taxis is usually performed in the reduction of hernia. But merely pushing the cord back into the uterus will not be sufficient to protect it, and it must be carried up above the superior strait, and the band retained in the vagina during several contractions to prevent it from falling doAvn. Some accoucheurs, fearing that it could not be kept in position, notwithstanding this plan, have directed the introduction of the whole hand into the womb, with a vieAv of placing the cord on one of the child's limbs; though this precaution is useless in most cases, it Avould cer- tainly be preferable to the pelvic version, says M. Guillemot, where there is a slight contraction of the pelvis. [It is very certain that the cord has a great tendency to fall back again, unless it be passed in very deeply ; so that we should not hesitate to carry the hand up to the fundus of the womb for the purpose of leaving the prolapsed portion in that part of the organ. At any rate, this practice has proved very successful at the hospital of the Clinique. It would, hoAvever, be useless to endeavor to pass the cord around one of the limbs of the child; all that is necessary being to keep it in position for a short time, until the hand is expelled, so to speak, by a contraction which compresses the parts and retains the cord in its new situation.] But the instrumental method must be attempted, where the smallness of the external parts, or an undilated os uteri, &c, render the introduction of the hand very difficult or impracticable. Some of the various instruments proposed for this purpose might then be used; perhaps M. Dudan's, recom- mended by M. Guillemot, is one of the simplest and best: He takes a gum- elastic (male) catheter, of the size No. 9, armed with its stylet, and having a piece of narrow ribbon introduced into the last eye of the catheter, Avhich is retained there by the extremity of the stylet; the ribbon is next attached to the umbilical cord, Avithout draAving it too tight. If the loop of the latter is short, it is applied near the middle, but if long, the cord is to be first doubled up; being thus secured, the extremity of the instrument carrying the cord is then directed along the hand that had previously been introduced into the vagina, and placed within the uterine cavity. The hand in the vagina assists the return of the cord by preventing it from slipping from the noose of the ribbon. When the reduction is completed, we must Avait until the head becomes engaged, before Avithdrawing the instrument; then the stylet is first removed and aftenvards the catheter. [In a case of this kind I used another manoeuvre, which proved A'ery successful. The patient was a young woman in her first labor, which had made little progress. dilatation being incomplete, when the waters were discharged, carrying with them 63 834 DYSTOCIA. a fold of the cord. The head presented, and the dilatation was too imperfect to think of carrying the cord with the hand to the fundus of the uterus. I made several attempts to return the prolapsed loop in the same way that one tries to reduce a hernia, and to get it above the head ; but it ahvays slipped down again. To prevent it from being compressed, I passed my entire hand into the vagina, slipped two fingersinto the orifice between the head and the margin of the superior strait, and thus kept them alongside of the cord Avhich they protected, and of whose pulsations they were cognizant. 3fy fingers, therefore, had to bear the pressure at each pain ; fortunately, the labor progressed rapidly, and dilatation was completed in about an hour. I then withdrew the hand, applied the forceps quickly, and de- livered a living child.] Where the reduction proves to be impossible, the pelvic version, if the head is high up, and the forceps, if it is already engaged, are the only resources left us. But Avhenever version is resorted to, it is necessary to carry up the cord into the uterus, Avhilst searching after the feet (Boer), lest it be compressed either by the arm of the accoucheur, or somewhat later by the hips and the trunk of the child. ARTICLE II. OF SHORTNESS OF THE CORD. The cord may be very short naturally; and, as elseAvhere stated, it has been knoAvn not to exceed four or five inches in length ; but such cases are very rare; most generally its brevity is accidental, that is, results from the numerous turns made around the body, limbs, or neck of the child. The formation of these circular loops is favored by an unusual length of the cord. The latter, in a case reported by Baudelocque, measured fifty-nine inches, and made seven folds around the infant's neck; and Schneider saw a cord that measured three and a quarter yards (three metres), and made six turns on the neck. Nothing is more common than to* find children whose bodies and necks are encircled by two or three of these folds. An accidental shortening of the cord may render the labor difficult, either by retarding its progress, or by making it absolutely impossible, or by caus- ing the death of the foetus. This latter circumstance may result from the constriction undergone by the vessels of the neck, Avhen the cord is tightly wound around this part; or it may be owing to an interruption of the cir- culation in the umbilical vessels, produced solely from the stricture of the cord itself, where it closely encircles a limb;1 again, these tAvo causes may act simultaneously, and determine the child's death much more speedily. 1 This constriction is sometimes exceedingly great, and authors have certainly erred in denying that it could ever be such as to strangle the faetus. Besides, it is not only at the time of labor, and as a consequence of the tractions produced by the expulsory efforts of the womb, that an effect of this kind is observed, but these turns may alsc form during the pregnancy, and their constriction may then be extensive enough to occasion death. Thus, M. Monod met with a foetus upon whose limbs they had left very deep marks, not merely in the soft parts, but even on the bones themselves. The infa t's neck often exhibits undoubted traces of them, and in one case examined by M. Tnxil, there were three circular folds around the neck, which was so diminished in size that its diameter did not exceed two or three lines (four millimetres). It is to such circular turns that M. Montgomery refers those spontaneous amputatior s, which M. Richer and some others have supposed were dependent on a gangrene of the part. DYSTOCIA OCCASIONED BY THE FCETAL APPENDAGES. 83£ These turns of the cord around some part of the body are of quite common Dccurrence. Mayer states, in his inaugural thesis, that out of 3,587 deliveries which took place between 1828 and 1841, they were present in 685 cases. Five hundred and sixty-four of the children were born alive, seventy-two were in a state of asphyxia, but recovered under proper treatment, and forty-nine were dead. In 18 of the latter cases, hoAvever, the death could not be regarded as due to the Avrapping of the cord. [Mr. C. Devilliers, Avho wrote a very complete paper upon shortness of the um- bilical cord, thinks that a short cord may be known to exist at the commencement of labor by the following signs: " Continuance of the fundus of the womb high up in the epigastric region until the orifice is widely dilated, even though the pelvis be well formed, the child normal as regards position and size, the waters in medium quantity, and the lower segment of the uterus altered as is usual during gestation. "Agitation of the foetus followed almost immediately by permanent diminution of its motions at a period not very remote from the term of gestation, when the shortening is accidental; slight motion during a part of gestation, especially near its close, when the shortness is natural and simple; a diminution and difficulty in the movements which coincides with the preceding symptoms." (Devilliers, Paris, 1862.)] Generally, the delay in the labor, caused by the shortness of the cord, is not usually manifested until the stage of expulsion, properly so called, begins; and then, as M. Guillemot justly remarks, the attendant phenomena Avill vary according to the point of attachment of the placenta. AVIien inserted at the fundus, it, like the wall to Avhich it is attached, seems to descend at each contraction, and approach the os uteri, but after the pain it retreats with the fundus to its original elevation. In ordinary cases, the hand can detect this fact by being merely placed over the uterine tumor; but Avhen a very short cord is forcibly stretched betAveen the placenta and some part of the child's body, a particular phenomenon can be recognized by the touch ; thai is, the finger, Avhen applied on the head, finds it advancing during the pain, and retreating as soon as it is over, because at this moment the fundus of the Avomb, Avhich had been depressed by the contraction, regains its primi- tive position, and draAA's after it the placenta, cord, and foetus. But this sign will evidently be wanting where the after-birth is attached to the lateral parts of the uterus. We have met with a case in AA'hich the unusual shortness of the cord, which Avas only nine inches in length, certainly detained the head above the superior strait for fifteen hours after the rupture of the ovum and the entire dilatation of the os uteri; and Ave can affirm that, notAvithstanding the closest attention, Ave Avere unable to discover any of the signs given by former authors ; though it is true that the rapidity in the delivery of the after-birth, after the child's expulsion, did not permit us to ascertain at what point the placenta Avas inserted. Before the membranes are ruptured, this phenomenon might be confounded with the successive elevation and descent of the head that takes place in nearly every case of labor. But to avoid such an error, it Avill suffice to remark, that the ascent of the head then takes place during the contraction, pad it only falls back after the pain is over; being just the contrary of Avhat 836 DYSTOCIA. occurs when the cord is dragged upon. Finally, in ordinary cases, av hen the head engages at the perineal strait, it is found to project during the contrac- tion, and to retreat immediately after it from the reaction of the perineum, Avhich, after having been forcibly distended during the pain, retracts strongly, and thereby presses it back into the vagina. But, as Delamotte and Guille- mot have remarked, Avhenever these movements of progression and repul- sion merely depend on the elasticity of the perineum, " they are only present: 1. When the head engages at the inferior strait, and then they are the less evident as the pains are more rapid and more energetic; Avhile, on the con- trary, they commence much sooner Avhen dependent on a short cord, and become more sensible as the head approaches the vulva, because the tension on the cord is then increased; besides Avhich, they are persistent, Avhatever may be the strength of the contractions, and are the more marked as the latter become stronger. " 2. On the other hand, when the placenta is attached to the lateral Avails of the Avomb, these movements are very obscure, and the diagnosis is quite difficult. In both cases, the shortness of the cord is accompanied by pain, which is felt at the point of attachment of the placenta, particularly in the latter moments of the parturition; this pain is a sensation of dragging, or tearing, Avhich commonly coincides with the movements of progression and repulsion; and Avhich might be compared to those felt by the patient when an attempt is made to remove the after-birth, before its complete separation." (Guillemot.) Sometimes, says M. Devilliers, there is a sudden repression or suspension of the contraction of the womb just Avhen it ought to be strongest. According to M. Naegele, Sen., these circular turns may be discovered by auscultation during pregnancy or labor, by the existence of a belloAvs mur- mur accompanying the foetal pulsations. I agree Avith M. Danyau in the opinion, that further research is required to establish the absolute value of this neAV means of diagnosis. (See Bellows Murmur.) The reader will iioav understand that a shortening of the cord may retard the progress of the head, Avhether it be still at the superior strait, or whether it has cleared the excavation and is on the point of engaging at the inferior strait. AYe ought to add that even the shoulders may be arrested, and the delivery of the trunk be prevented after the complete disengagement of the head, by the circular turns Avhich are occasionally made around the child's neck by too short a cord. AVe Avere Avitnesses to a case of this kind, that occurred at the Clinique, in 1838, AA-here a division of the cord, Avhich was not made until two hours after the escape of the head, could alone effect a termination of the labor : the foetus was born dead. Delamotte (page 305) furnishes an instance precisely similar to this. The intervention of art is therefore sometimes necessary, although it often happens that the trunk is delivered spontaneously. HoAvever, the mechan- ism is not the same in cases of natural and of accidental shortening; for, in those of normal brevity, the head may remain applied against the vulva after its disengagement, Avithout much inconvenience, and the extra-uterine respiration may be established and kept up. In a short time, the Avomb gradually contracts on the parts of the child that it still contains, and, being itself ft reed along by the bearing-doAvn efforts of the patient, it sinks intc DYSTOCIA OCCASIONED BY THE FCETAL APPENDAGES. 831 the vagina, and, by thus approaching the vulvar orifice, may easily force the trunk to the exterior. Occasionally, this descent of the womb does not occur at all, or else is not sufficient to permit the escape of the child; and then a rupture of the cord, or a detachment of the placenta, can alone en- able the uterine efforts to complete the delivery. Thus, in a case of the kind reported by Malgouyre, the discharge of the Avaters, the delivery of the child, and the expulsion of the after-birth, all occurred simultaneously : and the folloAving instance is related by Dr. Rigby. After two or three hours of severe pains, the foetus was suddenly expelled, and the cord Avas broken at about tAvo inches from the umbilicus, so that, Avhen the midwife attempted to deliver the after-birth, she could not find the other end of the cord; but, having introduced her hand into the womb, she felt and extracted the pla- centa ; and it Avas then discovered that the cord had been lacerated at its point of insertion. In labors complicated by an accidental shortening of the cord, the child's head passes beyond the vagina, and retains its position there until a reneAval of the pain; and Avhen the latter comes on, the head is observed to pass to the sides of the vulva, whilst the shoulders, back, and breech successively disengage. This expulsion is sometimes effected so rapidly that it is difficult to follow it; but, if it be delayed in the least, a prompt intervention is re- quisite, for, as elseAvhere stated, the compression made by the folds around the neck may speedily prove fatal to the child. In breecn presentations, the labor usually terminates in the following manner, Avhen abandoned to itself; the nates, after having been forced down to the vulva by the uterine contractions, turn up toAvard the side Avhere the cord is situated, and then the trunk descends, becoming flexed on itself in the passage; so that, by the time the head reaches the excavation, the body of the child forms a curve, Avhose concavity corresponds very nearly to the symphysis pubis. Independently of the delay that it may cause in the progress of parturi- tion, and the consequent danger to the foetus, a shortening of the cord may produce other and serious accidents to the mother. It is to this circum- stance particularly, that Ave must in most cases attribute the rupture of the cord, and the premature separation of the placenta, points to Avhich Ave shall return Avhen treating of uterine hemorrhage. The danger of these accidents will vary greatly with the period of their occurrence; thus, at the commence- ment of labor, the bleeding thereby occasioned might seriously compromise the lives of both mother and child, if the resources of our art Avere not promptly interposed. But if they do not occur until the moment Avhen the head is ready to clear the vulvar orifice, they may rather be considered in a favorable light, for, as Ave have just seen, this is one of the means that nature employs for terminating the delivery. Again, if the cord and the adhesions of the placenta should obstinately resist, it is possible that an inversion, or at least a depression of the uterus, might be the immediate consequence of the child's expulsion. The inversion occurs toAvards the end of the labor, Avhen the distention of the parts obliges the Woman to bear doAvn; and as she still continues to strain, after the cessation of all uterine contractions, the relaxed womb yield5' the 838 DYSTOCIA. more readily to the action of the abdominal muscles, which tend to depress its fundus, because the short umbilical cord drags the uterine wall, where the placenta is attached, in the same direction. Treatment.—The disastrous consequences that may result from a shorten- ing of the cord present different indications for treatment, according to the stage of the labor at Avhich its existence is detected. AVhen the membranes are still unbroken, if the os uteri be freely dilated, the contractions energetic, and there, is every reason to suppose, from the signs before given, that a dragging on the cord is the cause of the delay, they should be ruptured at once; for, after the waters have escaped, the uterus Avill contract, its fundus will approach the cervix, and the cord, being no longer dragged upon, will permit the head to descend into the excavation. If the head be at the in- ferior strait, at the time Avhen the alternate movements of elevation and descent begin to manifest themselves during and after the contraction, the forceps should be applied. But where the head has only the resistance of the soft parts to overcome, Ave must be content Avith preventing it from re- mounting in the excavation after each pain, as much as possible; for that purpose Ave must apply the hand strongly on the perineum, and Avhile sup- porting it, favor the escape of the head by pressing it up in such a Avay as to aid its process of extension or disengagement. It would also be advisable to have the hypogastrium compressed at the same time by an assistant, in order to prevent the uterus from ascending during the interval betAveen the pains. Lastly, after the head is delivered, the accoucheur should imme- diately loosen the turns of the cord around the neck, and slip them over it; and Avhere these folds are so tight as to resist the tractions made Avith that object, they should be divided, but it is not requisite to apply the ligature to the umbilical extremity of the cord at once. In most cases, indeed, it is necessary to allow this to bleed a little after the birth, in order to relieve the apoplectic state of the foetus; for, by applying the ligature too soon, Ave1 would be deprived of this resource. Nevertheless, where the expulsion is unusually delayed, the foetal end of the cord, knoAvn by the jets of blood which issue from it, will have to be slightly pinched betAveen the two fingers to prevent hemorrhage. Dragging of the cord entAvined around the trunk or limbs is not at all unfrequent in natural labors by the breech, and when pelvic version has been effected. It is to be remedied by making moderate tractions on its placental extremity, and if these are not sufficient, it should be divided, and the labor terminated as speedily as possible. The same precepts are appli- cable in all cases Avhere the brevity of the cord is natural; and if the accoucheur is obliged to carry his hand up into the womb to ascertain the nature of the obstacle, he should take advantage of the occasion to effect pelvic version, and to draw down the child until the base of its chest appears at the vulva; then the cord is to be cut and tied, or else compressed Avith the fingers, and the extraction of the foetus completed at once. It is advisable to introduce the hand again into the uterus after the pla- centa is delivered, to ascertain that the fundus of the o' gan is neither de- pressed nor inverted. DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 839 [CHAPTER XV. OF DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. In order that delivery should be effected spontaneously and without danger, it is Dot only necessary that the mother should be well formed and the labor uncompli- cated by any of the accidents Avhich have been already studied, but the size of the foetus and the conformation of the different parts should have a proper relation with the canal to be traversed. It ought also to present by one of the extremities of its long axis, which should be properly situated in regard to the pelvis. The foetus at full term may also be diseased, or so deformed as to have its size sensibly increased. In the present chapter, therefore, we have to consider the indications arising from unusual size, Avrong presentations and positions, diseases and monstrosities of the foetus. ARTICLE I. UNUSUAL SIZE OF THE FCETUS. Whether the pelvis be contracted or the size of the foetus greater than usual, the relative proportions required for an easy delivery nc longer exist, and the labor is difficult. Very rarely does the size of the foetus exceed a certain limit and render delivery impossible. The first chapter, hoAvever, of Duges' paper is devoted to cases of this kind, though he has met with very few in his own practice. One instance of the kind has been already mentioned in the present work. (See p. 216.) There can be no doubt that labor may be rendered longer and more painful by unusual size of the child; still, if all the other conditions are favorable, deli\'ery will most probably be effected by the unaided efforts of nature. " It is more par ticularly Avhen it becomes necessary to turn a very large child that the greatest difficulties are liable to be encountered, and that especial care should be taken to avoid the crossing of the arms back of the neck, to turn the face first toward one of the sides of the pelvis and then toward the sacrum, and also to depress the chin so as to bring the sub-occipito-bregmatic and bi-parietal diameters parallel to those of the pelvic canal and of the external genital organs." (Duges.) The unusual size may not be general, but confined to some one part of the foetus ; therefore, to complete what has been already said, Ave shall treat briefly of unusual Bize of the head and shoulders. Unusual Size of the Head. — To this cause of dystocia, our colleague and friend, Dr. Joulin, Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, at Paris, devoted a long chapter of his thesis for the Concours. According to him, the Germans admit that trouble may be due to the size of the head alone, besides which they also call attention to a peculiarity of the ossification, little known in France, which adds to the difficulty of the situation ; viz., the development of ossa Avormiana in the fonta- nelles, causing their solidification. It is very hard to determine Avhat ought to be done in cases of this kind ; it is almost impossible to become aware of the size of the child whilst it is still within tin- womb, so that the practitioner who finds the progress of the case arrested in an apparently Avell-formed pelvis, will very probably decide upon active interference before the true cause of the delay is detected, and apply the forceps or cephalotribe,, lu-cordin"- to the amount of difficulty Avhich the size of the head shall present to its extraction. (Joulin.) Unumal Size of the Shoulders. — Labor may also be rendered difficult by too. 840 DYSTOCIA. great length of the bi-acromial diameter. This cause of dystocia, which had beei suspected for a long time, was made by Levret, under the title of impaction of tht shoulders, the subject of very remarkable researches which, of themselves, ought to have prevented its falling into oblivion. In our own time it has been again asserted and placed beyond doubt by M. Jacquemier, who wrote an excellent paper upon it. It Avere hardly necessary to say that we have to do loss with the size of the shoulders proper than with that of the chest; still, on account of their situation and projection, the shoulders are included in the impeding part. The shoulders and upper part of the chest, says M. Jacquemier, being retained at the entrance of the pelvis after having obstructed the passage of the head through the external genital parts, again hinder the passage of the trunk after they haA'e got to the bot- tom of the pelvic cavity. But it may also happen that Avhen the hindrance to the exit of the head occasioned by the presence of the shoulders at the entrance of the pelvis has been at last overcome, the remainder of the body shall pass Avithout trouble. Still, the opposite may occur, and the difficulty occasioned by the shoul- ders only declare itself after the head has been born. I might add three cases of my own to those mentioned by M. Jacquemier, having been called upon to terminate the delivery under the following circumstances: in all the head had been born, but although traction was used, it was found impossible to extract the trunk. My OAvn efforts were more successful, though I must acknowl- edge that I had to employ considerable force. It is important to recognize this cause of dystocia and overcome it quickly, inas- much as it leads rapidly to the death of the child. When the shoulders, continues ' M. Jacquemier, are arrested at the superior strait and thus keep the head at the bottom of the cavity of the pelvis, or when they are more or less engaged in the nferior strait, as the difficulty is due to the size'of the chest rather than to the sosition of the shoulders, there is no indication for endeaA'oring to alter the position af the latter, but the forceps should be applied. If this instrument prove ineffectual, what is next to be done? As soon as the foetus has ceased to live, or its chances of life are rendered highly improbable, the mother's life ought not to be endangered by too long expectation. Craniotomy should be performed, followed by cephalo- tripsy ; in short, the size of the head ought to be so lessened as to enable the ac- coucheur to pass his hand deeply, seize the arms of the child and bring them down, after which, by draAving upon them, the trunk can be delivered. When the great size of the shoulders arrests delivery only sifter the head has been born, what ought to be done ? At first it would seem reasonable to draw somewhat upon the head, and although it might answer in simple cases, it would be useless provided the difficulty were considerable. Indeed, there is risk of tear- ing off the head, for it has often been done. Therefore it were much better to Avork two fingers into one of the axillae and draw the shoulders down; but if necessary, there should be no hesitation in seizing the root of the arm with the entire hand, for thus only can it exert its full power. Tractions upon the axillae are a step in the process which consists in the succes- sive disengagement of the arms, followed by tractions upon them in order to deliver the trunk. This latter method is preferred by M. Jacquemier as being the most efficacious, because it has the advantage not onhy of affording a solid bearing, but of removing from the chest the thickness of the arms and the abrupt projections formed by the stumps of the shoulders. (Jacquemier.)] DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 841 ARTICLE II. [RREGULAR OR COMPLICATED PRESENTATIONS AND POSITIONS : ANOMALIES IN THE MECHANISM OF LABOR. The ancients applied the term malposition to all those cases in Avhich the top of the head did not correspond to the os uteri. But, as we have already demonstrated, the labor nearly ahvays terminates favorably, both for the mother and child, in the presentations of the face and breech, though it is a little more difficult than usual; and experience has even proved that it is barely possible in those of the trunk. Nevertheless the first three presenta- tions offer certain anomalies and irregularities, that may at times render the labor difficult, and require the intervention of art; for, although the presen- tations of the vertex, face, and breech are usually free and regular, yet they may be irregular or inclined. But these last so rarely constitute an obstacle to the spontaneous termination of the labor, that Ave have not hesitated to include them in the. description, heretofore given, of the mechanism of natural labor. In fact, the only modification they determine in this mech- anism is that the head, in clearing the superior strait or traversing the excavation, undergoes a movement of correction, Avhereby the occipito-frontal or the sub-occipito-bregmatic circumference becomes parallel to the plane of the strait. But this movement is necessary ; for, if the head exhibits its normal size, the delivery is only possible under that condition,1 and, Avhen it does not take place, the resources of art are indispensable. Certain anoma- lies, capable of interfering with the expulsion, may also take place in the movements of the head. AVe must noAV ascertain Avhat are the indications for treatment presented in these particular cases. § 1. Inclined Positions of the Vertex : Anomalies in the Mech- anism of Labor. Under this title Ave include all those posi- Fia-113, tions that have been described by Baude- locque as the positions of the sides of the head, of the ears, the temples, and the occiput; the former of Avhich is recognized by the presence of an ear, the angle of the jaw, or by the parietal protuberance; Avhile a presentation of the occiput is detected by the triangular form of the posterior fonta- nelle, by the lambdoid sutures, and the vicinity of the neck. In general, Avhen an inclination of this kind is detected at the onset of labor, or shortly after the membranes are ruptured, there is nothing to be done; for it is Avell known that, in far the greater number of The left occipito-iiiao position, strongly in- . P , clined on its posterior parietal region. cases, the conversion is effected sponta- 1 However, we have known this conversion of an inclined vertex position into a free )ne to occur at the inferior strait in a woman with her first child; the head was placed 842 DYSTOCIA. neously; but, if the head still retains its primitive posit on for fi e, six seven, or eight hours after the discharge of the waters, and its descent is thereby impeded, we must attempt an artificial correction. It is possible to accomplish this with the hand alone, Avhich is ahvays to be tried before resorting to an introduction of the lever or forceps; and it is unnecessary to add that any obliquity of the uterus, should it exist, must first be remedied. As a general rule, that hand should be used whose palmar face Avould grasp the vertex the most readily; and, Avhen introduced into the womb (see Ver- sion), it grasps the occiput so as to draw upon it, after having first removed it from the iliac fossa; Avhilst considerable pressure is made with the other hand over the hypogastric region, in order to force the head to descend. When the correction cannot be effected by the hand alone, most accoucheurs recommend the employment of the lever; but Ave should decidedly prefer having recourse to the forceps, the blades of Avhich would act at first as a lever in rectifying the head, and then, by their traction, the labor could be terminated almost immediately. Because, where seven or eight hours have been spent (according to our precept) in the vain hope that the poAvers of nature Avould be adequate to rectify the inclination; and where the operator has unsuccessfully attempted to produce the correction by his hand alone, it must be evident that an early termination of the labor is indicated in the double interest of the mother and child ; and that, consequently, the forceps should be preferred in such cases to the lever. The attempt to seize the head properly with the forceps and bring it doAvn into the excavation, does not always succeed, in which case the difficulty may be overcome by turning; at least, I found it to answer in two cases of failure by the forceps. I think, also, that I should be disposed to have recourse to it immediately, when the uterus Avas but slightly contracted, and still contained a considerabla amount of water. The occipito-posterior positions which are not converted naturally into anterior or pubic ones, may also allow of the spontaneous disengagement of the head, though, as we have already stated, they sometimes present insur- mountable obstacles to the termination of the labor. AVe repeat that we have but little confidence in efforts made with the fingers to produce this movement of rotation, and that the application of the forceps seems to us the most useful means that can be employed. (See Forceps.) It is important to observe that the continuance of the occiput posteriorly sometimes prevents the engagement of the head, which remains, long after the membranes are ruptured, above the superior strait, and that, notwith- standing the contractions are poAVerful. In such cases, the posterior fonta- nelle is hidden by the swelling of the scalp, and in order to diagnose the position, it is necessary to carry the finger upward and in front, Avhen the anterior fontanelle will be discovered. At each contraction, the vertex in the left anterior occipito-iliac position, and was at the same time inclined on the right parietal region. In descending into the pelvis, it retained this position, so that, when it had reached the floor of the excavation, we detected the ear; but it became rectified, after several strong pains, and cleared the inferior strait immediately after having undergone the movement of correction. The head was small, although the foetus was at full term DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. .843 Btrikes the horizontal branch of the pubis, and the presentation then tends to become converted into one of the nucha, so called by the old accoucheurs. I have noticed this anomaly more especially in the left occipito-posterior positions, and have ahvays been obliged to use the forceps; quite poAverful efforts are usually required to extract the head. The vertex positions, even when not inclined, sometimes present anomalies in their mechanism. Thus the movement of rotation, Avhich in the trans- verse positions is calculated to bring the occiput under the pubic arch, is occasionally delayed for a long time, and thereby greatly retards the labor. When this delay is dependent on the feebleness of the uterine contractions, an application of the forceps is the best remedy. But, according to many authors, it may also be owing to Avhat Levret called the wedging-in of the shoulders; that is, the latter then present their long bis-acromial diameter to the smallest one of the superior strait, and thus become firmly engaged or wedged there, in such a Avay that they cannot descend any further, and therefore arrest the progress of the head. This wedging of the shoulders, which can scarcely occur without a slight contraction of the abdominal strait, has been detected by Levret, by Delamotte, by Ruysch, et als., and its occasional occurrence is admitted by Desormeaux and Duges; conse- quently it should be regarded as being possible. (See p. 840.) This cause of dystocia Avould scarcely ever be suspected during the labor, unless atten- tion Avere drawn to it by the mobility of the head in the excavation (Fried) ; this is the only sign that Avould be likely to arouse attention, Avhere a normal conformation of the inferior strait has been ascertained, and where the con- tractions are strong and sustained. Under such circumstances, Levret advises (and Desormeaux seems to approve the counsel) the patient to be placed on her elboAvs and knees, Avith her head declining, Avith a vieAv of removing the Aveight of the child's shoulders from the mother's parts; and then the accoucheur should slip his hand along betAveen the head and the pelvic Avails, seize the shoulder that is locked at the sacro-vertebral angle, draw it to one side and change its position. Although the performance of this manoeuvre is attended Avith difficulty, yet it is the only one practicable if the foetus be living; but Avhere it is dead, he ought to diminish the head by craniotomy, so as to open a more ready passage up to the shoulders. Supposing this diagnosis to be Avell made out, it Avould seem proper to folloAv the recommendation of Desormeaux; but the fact is, it is so very difficult that, as M. Jacquemier judiciously remarks, the use of the forceps, though in reality irrational, is perhaps the only remaining resource. The rotation of the head, in virtue of Avhich the occiput gets under the symphysis pubis, may likewise be rendered difficult, or even Avholly impos- sible, by the size of the sero-sanguinolent tumor of the scalp, that is ahvays formed when the head remains in the excavation for sometime; for, by engaging itself in the void of the pubic arch, this tumor may render the movement of rotation absolutely impossible. (Tarnier.) Of course, the forceps must then be applied. Direct occipito-pubic or occipito-sacral positions are very rare, though certainly it is a mistake to deny their existence. AAre have already stated that the occiput may be in relation with any point of the superior strait. 844 DYSTOCIA In the immense majority of cases these direct positions are con/erted, after the labor begins, into the diagonal ones; for the convexity of the forehead in the occipito-pubic positions, and that of the occiput in the occipito-sacrai ones, having to glide over the sacro-vertebral angle, are almost ahvays turned either to the left or to the right. In some cases, hoAvever, the primitive positions continue, and the labor terminates in nearly the usual manner. It occasionally happens that if the head is large, and the pelvis but moderately developed, though Avell formed, the former is arrested at the superior strait, and impacted, as it Avere, by the two extremities of its occipito-frontal diameter. In such cases, the applica- tion of the forceps is the only resource. § 2. Inclined Positions of the Pelvis : Anomalies in the Mech- anism of Labor. Sometimes one hip, at others the lumbar region, or the loAver part of the / abdomen, according to the direction of the inclination, may engage first at the upper strait; particularly Avhere the uterine obliquity is well marked. A\re must, therefore, correct this obliquity, which is the original cause of the anomaly; then, if that is not sufficient to replace the breech in a' horizontal position, the feet are to be sought after and brought doAvn, or else one of the groins be acted on by hooking a forefinger into it. (See Mechanism of Labor in Breech Presentations.) § 3. Inclined Positions of the Face : Anomalies in the Mech- anism of Labor. The face positions may likewise be irregular; that is, it may happen either that only one cheek engages, in consequence of a lateral inclination, or else that the head, being but little extended, the forehead is found at the centre of the superior strait; or, on the other hand, this extension being carried to an extreme, that the chin and the front of the neck are alone accessible to the finger; but in all these, as in the preceding cases, nature herself is gen- erally able to accomplish the delivery. The instances in which the forehead is first placed at the centre of the upper strait are quite frequent; but the extension being completed at the moment Avhen it engages the excavation, the face then becomes completely horizontal. (See Mechanism of Labor by the Face.) The same is true of the malar positions, the correction of which, like that of the parietal positions of the vertex, is effected during the period of descent. In those rare cases Avhere the inclination resists the poAver of the uterine contractions, the correction Avith the hand at first, then, in case of failure, the application of the forceps, if the head is engaged and im- movable, or the pelvic version, if it be high up and can easily be displaced, appear to us the proper measures. The spontaneous reduction, just alluded to, as the most ordinary termina- tion of the frontal or malar positions, is much more difficult in the cases where the chin, in consequence of the excessive extension of the head, has a tendency to engage first, and approach the centre of the excavation. For then according to the observation of Madame Lachapelle, the head not only presents unfavorable diameters, but the body likeAvise shoAvs a disposition tc- DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 845 descend along with the face; though at the same time it presses the latter back from the passage, and thus creates an obstacle to its escape, Avhile the contraction transmitted by the spine rather tends to augment than to correct the inclination. Under such circumstances, Ave can trust less to the poAvers of nature, and therefore must endeavor to change the position by a resort to pelvic version. These lateral inclinations are usually primitive, and, as Ave have already stated, are reduced spontaneously into correct positions. But it may also happen that a position Avhich is entirely regular at the beginning of labor, may become converted into an inclined one, AA'hich nothing can restore. Thus, Dr. Birnhaum, of Bonn, mentions a case of right tranverse mento- iliac position, of the most regular kind, Avhich became converted into a left anterior occipito-iliac one, strongly inclined upon the right parietal bone. The labor had to be terminated by the forceps. It is well knoAvn that a spontaneous delivery in face positions requires that they should be converted into mento-pubic ones; but this process of rotation, which is easily effected in the mento-anterior varieties, that is to say, in the cases Avhere the chin Avas primitively in relation Avith some part of the anterior half of the pelvis, is much more difficult in the mento-pos- terior positions, and sometimes even it does not take place at all. And it must be acknoAvledged that an unreduced engagement of the face, and its want of tendency to reduction, constitute one of the most serious difficulties met Avith in the obstetrical art. Noav, Avith a vieAV of more clearly specifying the A'arious indications for treatment that may present under such circumstances, Ave AviU suppose four different cases of face positions, namely: 1st. A woman has been in labor for a considerable time, the membranes are ruptured, and five or six hours, or even more, have elapsed since the waters escaped, during all which period the uterine contractions have been very strong; a good conformation of the pelvis, and a complete dilatation of, and no resistance from, the os uteri are recognized by the touch, and yet the presenting part still remains high up and does not engage in the excava- tion ; but, in searching for the causes that retain this part at the superior strait, under so many favorable circumstances, it is found that the face pre- sents in a mento-posterior position. Here there would be reason to conclude, in my estimation, that the delay in the labor is dependent on the non- reduction of the mento-posterior position into an anterior one; and, there- fore, I think that an attempt should be made to convert the face position into one of the vertex. This could be done by introducing that hand Avhose palmar face embraces the vertex most readily; Avhich Avould be the right one Avhen the chin is directed backAvards and to the right side, and the left in the opposite case; then, after having grasped the head Avith the Avhole hand, endeavor to push it up above the superior strait, and, if successful, surround the vertex Avith the palmar face of the four fingers, and flex the head on the chest, Avhen, the position of the face being converted into one of the vertex, the uterine contractions will accomplish the rest. I am now convinced that this manoeuvre Avill rarely prove successful, therefore it should be attempted very carefully, and pelvic version substi- tuted for it Avithout much delay. 346 DVSTOCIA. 2d. If, to the mento-posterior position just described, Avhether the face be engaged or be still above the abdominal strait, any accident whatever be joined that demands a prompt termination of the labor, it is evident that the pelvic version is the only operation that could be resorted to Avith a prospect of advantage. 3d. If the mento-posterior position is coincident AA'ith a moderate contrac- tion of the pelvis, most authors advise the conversion of the facial position into one of the vertex, and then the application of the forceps upon the flexed cephalic extremity. It seems to us, that this previous cephalic ver- sion Avould prove very difficult, if attempted long after the membranes are ruptured, and Ave should give preference to turning by the feet. AA7e shall have occasion hereafter to settle this question when we come to discuss the rise of the forceps in cases of contracted pelvis. (See Forceps.) The application of the forceps on the face in the mento-posterior positions, seems to us an extreme measure, Avhich should only be employed Avhen nothing else can be done, as in the next variety. 4th. Lastly, there are some unfortunate cases Avhere it is impossible to push up the presenting part, either because the head has cleared the cervix uteri, or because the strong contraction of the Avomb renders every attempt abortive; and, therefore, both the pelvic and the cephalic versions are alto- gether out of the question. The accoucheur must then necessarily have recourse to instruments. The lever, the common forceps, the crotchet, and the embryotomy forceps have all been proposed in turn ; but before resort- ing to the latter, the first should always be tried. In certain cases, the lever has proved very useful, and, where applied on the A'ertex or occiput, has occasionally depressed this part, and thus con- verted a face presentation into one of the vertex. It is oftentimes more easily managed than the forceps Avhen the head is high up, OAving to the difficulty of getting the second blade of the latter to the proper height and position ; and I may mention that it proved very serviceable in a case to Avhich I was called by Dr. Fournier, Avhere the head had engaged in the excavation, in the right mento-posterior position, and could neither be pushed up nor advantageously grasped by the forceps. I believe that, in common Avith many practitioners, I have erred in pro- scribing this instrument almost altogether from practice; for the lever, in my opinion, may render very important aid in those posterior positions that approach a transverse character; and in Avhich, from being still high up, an application of the forceps is exceedingly difficult. (See Lever.) As -to the forceps, though proscribed by Madame Lachapelle, in the cases under consideration, it may be tried as a last resource, being far better than embryotomy Avhen the child is living; but to be successful, it is necessary that the operator should be Avell versed in the movements that are to be given to the head by the instrument. Thus, supposing the blades are properly applied on the sides of the head (and the difficulty of this is well knoAvn), should we attempt to bring the chin round in front (Smellie) ? or Avould it be better, leaving the chin posteriorly, to endeavor to depress the forehead and occiput, and then to disengage these parts first 'jnder the pubis ? Relying on the cases published by former authors, I do DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 847 not hesitate to decide in fiu'or of the last manoeuvre ; for every practitioner must acknoAvledge that the rotation of the chin fonvards exposes the child to very great dangers from the extent of the movement in the atloido-axoid articulation, and the tAvo favorable cases reported by M. P. Dubois, which he himself considers as exceptions, cannot make us overlook all those in which this excessive rotation has cost the child's life.1 I am Avilling noAV to be less exclusive, for M. Blot's facts, besides some others, haA'e convinced me that artificial rotation of the chin in front may sometimes be accomplished Avithout necessarily compromising the life of the child. AVe may be content, indeed, to bring the chin up to the ischio-pubic ramus, in which case, if it Avere a sacro-iliac position, the rotation Avould hardly exceed a quarter of a circle; and if it Avere at first a mento-sacral position, Ave might hope that the uterine contractions AA'ould cause the body to folloAv the rotation given to the head by the forceps, and tAvisting of the neck be thus avoided. AVe shall see hereafter hoAv far the modifications of the process to be employed, recommended by MM. Champion, Baumers, and Danyau, are capable of facilitating this rotary movement. If it be found impossible to rotate the head, what should be done next ? Grounding myself on the observations of Smellie (t. xi. p. 570), of Meza (Acta Regia: Societatis Med. Hauniensis, t. xi. p. 379), and of Siebold (Sie- bold's Journal, ann. 1830, p. 209), I think that one might, after having ap- plied the blades as accurately as possible on the sides of the head, draAV directly dowmvards and backwards, Avith a vieAV of depressing the vertex. I am Avell aAvare of the objections to this mode of procedure, and that it may be said that, during the movement of flexion, which you impress on the head, the long occipito-mental diameter must necessarily pass one of the diameters of the excavation, thereby often creating an insurmountable ob- stacle to the delivery. I do not deny the force of this objection, and am Avilling to confess that in theory it is not altogether satisfactory; still, of 1 I have had occasion to prove very evidently the danger attendant on this extreme rotary movement. In July, 1845, I had charge of a case of right mento-sacro-iliac position in a primi- parous female, and the continuance of which rendered delivery impossible, and re- quired the intervention of art. After fruitlessly endeavoring tc press up the head, we were obliged to use the forceps, the child being still alive. Having applied the blades upon the sides of the head, we endeavored to bring down the Vertex, but it was impossible. Neither was one of the branches of the forceps applied as a lever upon the vertex more successful. We thought it right, before having recourse to embry- otomy, to endeavor to turn the chin in front; therefore, replacing both blades of the forceps, we turned the head so as to make the chin correspond with the right, extrem- ity of the transverse diameter, and next, after a slight rearrangement of the blades, behind the right acetabulum. The face was then in the lower third of the excavation, and the vulva being partially opened by the instrument, we saw distinctly motions of the lips and tongue of the foetus. The rotation was then completed, and when once the chin came in front, the head was disengaged by the usual flexion. Though the heart of the foetus still beat feeoly, it could not be restored to life by long-continued and well-directed efforts. I am convinced that the'death of the foetus was in this case simply due to the ex- treme t .voting of the neck. 848 DYSTOCIA. what consequence is the theoretical impossibility, Avhere positive facts bear- ing on this point can be adduced, and some of Avhich I have just quoted? But the someAvhat material authority of facts is not the only one I might invoke; for does not our reason tell us that, Avhen any of those cases (for- tunately very rare) are presented in practice, Avhich seem beyond the pale of all theoretical notions, and in Avhich the practitioner is constrained to do Avhat he can, not Avhat he Avould, the Avisest course is to follow as closely as possible the route traced out by nature ? Noav, has it not often happened that the labor terminated alone, in the mento-posterior positions of the face, and yet the chin has remained behind throughout? And Avhat has been the mechanism under such circumstances ? By consulting the published cases, Ave shall find that the uterine contraction Avas incapable of depressing the chin, and has seemed to transfer its action to the occiput; and then the forehead, the vertex, and the occipital extremity, by slipping behind the symphysis pubis, have successively appeared at the centre of the pubic arch. It is not, therefore, logical to recommend an attempt to impress the same movement of flexion on the head, in the hope that the tractions by the in- strument, coming to the aid of the expulsory efforts of the Avomb, would succeed in accomplishing Avhat these latter alone could never effect. AVhat Ave have stated respecting the impossibility of spontaneous conver- sion in direct mento-sacral positions, and of its natural explanation in the diagonal mento-posterior positions, finds here its practical application. The consequence is, that if the chin Avere turned directly toward the anterior face of the sacrum, AA7e should, before flexing the head Avith the forceps, im- press upon it a slight rotary movement, Avhich would bring the chin to one of the sacro-iliac symphyses, preferably toward the right, in order to avoid compressing the rectum, Avhich is situated to the left, My own experience, as well as that of others, has so much changed my view in regard to this point of practice, that I willingly admit having been hitherto too exclusive. I believe, therefore, that both methods may succeed in some cases, and it being impossible to determine a priori in Avhich one or the other will be more successful, it Avere prudent to try them successively. It should, therefore, be well understood that accoucheurs of the present day, draAving encouragement from the successful issue in certain cases of a recent date, are of opinion that the first effort should be to bring the chin under the symphysis pubis. Again, there are some unfortunate cases in Avhich, after having vainly attempted all the different manoeuvres just referred to, craniotomy becomes our only resource.1 1 I have quite recently witnessed a case of this nature with Dr. Letannelet, who requested my attendance on a young lady in her first labor. I saw her at eight o'clock in the evening, and detected, as my- learned associate had previously done, a right mento-posterior position (the frontal variety): the head had been firmly engaged since three o'clock in the aftern.oon, and from that hour had not advanced a single line. At eleven, as no change had taken place either in its position or elevation, we attempted unsuccessfully to push it up Both M. Letannelet and myself tried the lever and the forceps in vain; but before resorting to craniotomy, which was then deemed indispen- sable, we requested M. Dubois to see the patient. He arrived at one o'clock in the morning, and reneAV id the attempts that we had before made, without any better sue- DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 849 Do not the supposititious cases just given (which could easily be sustained from the facts reported by authors), by rendering us acquainted with the various difficulties that may be encountered in these cases, lead us to adopt. for the mento-posterior position, the rules heretofore laid down by Baude- locque, Gardieu, and others, for all face positions? And though, in the present state of our science, the mento-anterior positions should be aban- doned to nature, yet does the same rule hold good Avith regard to the mento-posterior ones? In a Avord, if this last position be clearly recognized before or shortly after the membranes are ruptured, should Ave not, prior to the engagement of the face, and Avhile the head is still movable, endeavor to convert it into a vertex position, and thus prevent the difficulties that might subsequently arise ? If I had to decide under such circumstances, I would certainly resolve the question in the affirmative. § 4. Presentation of the Trunk. A natural delivery in trunk presentations is a very unusual occurrence, and one upon Avhich the accoucheur should never rely. It is therefore an absolute rule in practice to attempt to bring one extremity of the foetus to the superior strait as soon as possible, by resorting either to the pelvic or the cephalic version. (For the divisions, causes, and diagnosis of this mechanism, see Natural Labor, page 368, et seq.; and for the indications, the chapter devoted to Version.) § 5. Complicated Presentations. Under the title' of " fallings" (procidentias), Madame Lachapelle has described the untimely descent of any part whatever of the child, which cannot of itself constitute a particular position on account of its smallness or mobility, but Avhich, hoAvever, might complicate the presentation of a more extended region. Thus, the umbilical cord, the feet, or the hands, may individually or collectively come doAvn at the same time as the head or breech. This complication will be very readily detected by the touch, and therefore it is unnecessary to enumerate the peculiar signs that distinguish each of these parts. AVe have already spoken of a falling of the cord, and of the means of remedying it. Again, in those cases Avhere one hand has slipped under the head or breech, the labor may terminate alone if the pelvis is Avell formed and the contractions are strong and continued ; and hence we should delay all operations. Even the presence of both hands on the lateral parts of the head has not ahvays proved an insurmountable obstacle to the spontaneous termination of the labor, for all these parts have occasionally been expelled together; but if the passage be someAvhat contracted and the soft parts resistant, it would be advisable to terminate the delivery artificially by the application of the forceps or by version, according to whether the head has or cess, and craniotomy was then decided upon; but as the woman had great need of rest, and the necessary instruments were not at hand, the operation was deferred until eight o'clock a. m., when it was accomplished with much difficulty; for, notwithstand- ing his dexterity, M. Dubois had the greatest trouble in extracting the head with th« embryotomy forceps. 5-i 850 DYSTOCIA. has not cleared the superior strait; and to bring down the feet ii. the breech presentations. This latter plan should also be followed if one f\©t instead of the hand, or if both a foot and a hand accompany the head. Neverthe- less, before resorting to an artificial delivery, the accoucheur should ahvays endeavor to push back the hand or foot into the uterus and get it above the head. Most frequently, it Avill only be necessary to sustain it there during the pain, Avhich urges on the head, to find the latter descending alone and arriving at the inferior strait, and then the labor may be abandoned to nature. AVe must remark, hoAvever, that a foot is far more difficult to return than the hand, and that in consequence of its volume it often consti- tutes an obstacle which cannot be surmounted by the ordinary resources; wherefore, craniotomy is sometimes indispensable, as several recorded obser- vations fully prove. A descent of the foot has hitherto only been observed, I believe, in the presentations of the flexed cephalic extremity; but I have had an opportu- nity of meeting Avith it in a, face presentation ; and the rarity of the circum- stance, together Avith the difficulties that attend the delivery, induces me to narrate it here in detail: I Avas suddenly aroused on the 4th of November, 1842, at five o'clock in the morning, by M. X----, a pork butcher in the Rue du Cadran, Avho came to request my attendance on his wife, Avho had been in labor for two days previously, under the care of Dr. Lome, her physician and accoucheur Having arrived at the bedside of the patient, I learned the state of the case from my worthy associate, after Avhich I proceeded to an examination per vaginam. Bt.it before stating its result, I must here transcribe a short account of the case, sent me by M. Lome himself, Avho gives the detail, much better than I could (from simple recollection), of Avhat he learned of this Avoman's previous history, as also an account of Avhat occurred during the labor. He says: " I was summoned to the Rue du Cadran, No. 7, on the 2d of November, 1842, at six o'clock in the evening, to attend Madame X----in her con- finement. I ascertained from the patient that she had had seven children, and from her account the former labors had terminated in the following manner, namely: " 1. First child: a long and painful labor of three days' duration ; presen- tation of the cephalic extremity; the labor Avas natural, but the infant died a feAV days after its birth. " 2. Second and third child: presentation of the pelvic extremity; delivery spontaneous, or by the aid of simple tractions; both children dead. " 3. Fourth child: the uterine contractions disappeared for tAventy-four hours after the rupture of the bag of Avaters; expulsion of the child during the accoucheur's absence. " 4. Fifth and sixth child: presentation of the cephalic extremity ; labor long and painful; delivery natural. One of these infants lived a feAV months. " 5. Seventh child: shoulder presentation and a descent of the arm. M. P. Dubois, having been called in consultation, ascertained the child's death, and performed embryotomy. After the parturition there was an inflamma tion of one or more of the abdominal organs. DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 851 " Madame X----is thirty-two years of age, is of mediun height and Banguineous temperament, and exhibits all the evidences of tood health. Notiiing in her external organization Avould lead us to suspect the existence of any deformity of the pelvis, and the normal pregnancy seemed to be at its regular term. The preceding night she experienced some pains, which passed off in the morning, but again reappeared at six o'clock in the evening. I examined her, soon after my arrival, and found the os uteri dilated to the size of a five-franc piece; I readily distinguished the bag of Avaters, Aviiich was relaxed in the intervals, but Avas tense, and protruded through the uterine orifice during the pain ; but I could recognize no part Avhatever of the foetus. At midnight the amniotic sac projected into the vagina like a stuffed pudding, and descended nearly to the vulva, Avhen it soon ruptured spontaneously and permitted the escape of more than two pounds of the waters. But still I could touch no part of the child, even after the dis- charge of the Avaters, at any height within the reach of my finger. Now, however, the scene suddenly changed; for the pains, that Avere hitherto strong, died aAvay; and as the patient assured me that the uterine contrac- tions had been thus suspended for tAventy-four hours in a former labor (the fourth^, and aftenvards regained a sufficient degree of force to effect the delivery, I had her replaced in bed. " I found the Avoman in the same condition at eight o'clock in the morn- ing of the next day, the 3d of November ; some pains were perceptible in the left groin and flank, but the parts of the foetus Avere still inaccessible. .... No notable change occurred in the course of the day. Nine p.m. — I recog- nized the left leg and foot lying across the os uteri at the superior s'.rait; the pains Avere very strong, though they had not the characters of the expul- sive ones. " Nov. 4th, the pains Avere stronger, but the labor did not advance. As the os uteri Avas sufficiently dilated, I concluded to search after the secmd foot, but it proved to be rigid, and Avould scarcely permit the hand to enter. I found a hard and rounded -tumor just above the foot first detected, Avhich I suspected to be the head. But after making some vain attempts to push it up, and to find the right foot, I sent for M. Cazeaux." Having received this history of the case, I proceeded to an examination of the state of the parts. I found a foot at the upper portion of the vagina, Avhich proved to be the left one, Avith its heel directed backwards, and a little to the right; then, by passing my finger behind the symphysis pubis, I detected a A'oluminous tumor, Avhich was pressed so forcibly again.-.t the anterior arch of the pelvis, that I could not insinuate the finger between it and the pubic symphysis; at first, I thought it Avas formed by the right buttock, and I diagnosticated a right posterior position of the breech, with the left limb doubled up on the anterior part of the belly, and the other, on the contrary, stretched out along the abdominal and thoracic plane of the child. The contractions again became strong and energetic, but, notAvith- standing the complete dilatation of the cervix, the presenting part did not engage. AVhile searching for the cause of this delay, I carefully examined the pelvis, and detected a considerable prominence of the sacro-vertebral angle, whereby the antero-posterior diameter Avas reduced to three inches 852 DYSTOCIA. and one-eighth at the most. I then resolved to draAv on the foot, but, -to n y great surprise, these tractive efforts proved Avhollv ineffectual. By again placing my hand on the tumor, that I had originally taken for the anterior buttock, I found it to be harder and much more voluminous than I had at first supposed, and I recognized it as the head,_ surmounted by a large and soft tumor, or caput succedaneum. I tried in vain to find the sutures and fontanelles; but, by gently slipping the fingers betAveen this tumor and the leg belonging to the presenting foot, I felt a very irregular surface, and soon after recognized distinctly the eyes and eyelids, and then the other signs of a face presenta- tion. ItAvas, in fact, an irregular presen- tation of the face, in Avhich the chin Avas directed backAA^ards and to the left, and someAvhat engaged at the superior strait (a left mento-iliac position, and the head not completely extended: or, in other words, Baudelocque's fourth position of the fore- head). To sum up, I Avas in attendance on a woman whose sacro-pubic diameter was but three inches and one-eighth at the outside, The left posterior mento-iliac position com- an(J whose foetus wag presenting in an irreff- plicated by a descent of the left foot. r ° b ular or frontal variety of the left posterior mento-iliac position, and this complicated by a descent of the left foot; besides Avhich, the Avaters had been entirely evacuated for thirty-two hours, and the uterus was strongly retracted. I Avas not discouraged, hoAvever, by all these difficulties; my first thought Avas to push up the foot that had become engaged under .the head, but all such efforts proved abortive; I then applied (though not Avithout some trouble) a fillet on the foot, and endeavored to press back the head, Avhile drawing at the same time on the fillet; but this was equally unsuccessful, for the head Avas firmly sustained by the poAverful contractions of the Avomb, and did not move. As the child was still alive, I next decided on the application of the forceps. The intro- duction of the blades and their articulation were effected both Avithout diffi- culty and Avithout much suffering to the patient, and they were placed on the sides of tlie pelvis ; but, notAvithstanding the most poAverful tractions, Avhich were kept up for half an hour, I could not make the head advance in the least degree. After resting for a feAV moments, I AvithdreAV the instru- ment in order to reapply it, and this time I Avas fortunate enough to place the blades directly on the sides of the head ; I then communicated to the handles a slight rotary movement, so as to get the face in a transverse posi- tion. But all proved ineffectual, for I drew Avith all my force, and M. Lome succeeded me; both of us exhausted our strength to no purpose, and I then withdreAv the forceps, and permitted the Avoman to rest for an hour. Having decided on a resort to craniotomy, if a third application should be equally unsuccessful, I reqilested my associate to go during this interval after Smellie's scissors, and the embryotomy forceps. An hour afterwards the comrro* forceps Avere again introduced and easily applied, and tractions on DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 858 the foetus were or.ee more made by M. Lome and myself for half an hour Avithout any better success. Being then fully convinced of the impossibility of a natural delivery, and of the impotence of our efforts; as also that, notAvithstanding the existence of the heart's pulsations, the unusual delay in the labor (thirty-two hours after the amniotic sac Avas ruptured), and the compressions made by the instrument, must have necessarily compromised or even destroyed* the viability of the foetus, and having only to choose betAveen a bloody opera- tion on the mother or a mutilation of the child, I resolved on the perform- ance of embryotomy. Smellie's scissors, covered at their points by a little pellet of Avax, Avere guided along the palmar surface of my left hand, and directed perpendicularly on the head, Avhere they had to penetrate through the soft parts to the depth of nearly an inch before meeting with anv resist- ance from the bony vault; I then rotated them, and they entered into the substance of the brain Avithout difficulty; I next opened the blades in two different directions, so as to make a crucial incision, the radii of Avhich Avere about half an inch in length ; then penetrating still deeper into the cerebral substance, I Avorked the scissors in various directions so as to break up the brain. The male and then the female blade of the embryotomy forceps Avere next introduced, and locked Avithout any trouble, as also without pain to the patient. The articular part touched the vulva. By aid of the vice, I next closed the instrument, leaving only a space of about one inch betAveen the ends of the handles, and tractions Avere then made; but I soon found the blades slipping. It Avas necessary to begin the operation aneAv, and the same accident occurred again. The third time the slipping commenced, and I only succeeded in arresting it by suspending the tractions, and closing the forceps more firmly, Avhen the head was finally extracted ; but the chest was arrested at the superior strait, and considerable efforts Avere still neces- sary for the extraction of the rest of the trunk. The delivery of the after- birth, being immediately effected, presented no particular difficulty. In'u case of twin labor, the particulars of Avhich were communicated to me by Dr. Leflem, of Pontrieux, the second child presented in a mento-pubic position, complicated Avith procidentia of the right foot and right hand, the heel of the foot being turned toAvard the oubis. It is true, that since an attempt to turn had been made by a midwife, it is impossible to know Avhether these situations of the hand and foot Avere spontaneous, or the result of aAvkward manipulations. HoAvever this may be, M. Leflem found it impossible either to push up the head or to use the forceps with advan- tage. Not having the proper instruments for performing embryotomy at hand, he Avas obliged to leave the patient for a few hours, and on his return he found that she had expired. It is possible that, if, after having discovered the impossibility of turning occasioned by the contraction of the uterus, bleeding to syncope had been practised, or if the state of the patient did not alloAV of this, large doses of opiates or anaesthetics had been administered, the patient might have been delivered. The unfolding of the Ioaaw limbs in the positions of the pelvic extremity, and the. stretching out of the arms in that of the shoulder, are merely con- 854 DYSTOCIA. comitauts of the principal presentation, and should not be looked up^ n as an unfavorable complication. The extension of the arm, or the presentation of the hand or arm of certain authors, has been considered by them as one of the gravest complications of labor; but it has already been shoAvn, in the article on Spontaneous Evolution, that a descent of the arm rather favored this latter process than otherwise; and Ave shall hereafter see that it is only from circumstances foreign to the presence of the arm itself, that the version is at times rendered more difficult. (See Pelvic Version.) ARTICLE III. DISEASES OF THE FCETUS. The diseases of the child, to be mentioned in this connection, are those which, by sensibly augmenting the size of one of its parts, create an obstacle to its passage through the pelvic canal. AVe have, therefore, to treat of hydrocephalus, hydrothorax, ascites, and the accidental tumors that may have been developed on various portions of its body, during the intra-uterine life. § 1. Hydrocephalus. Under this term are included all the dropsies of the head, and all the effusions or infiltrations of serum within or exterior to the cranium. Hydrocephalus has been described by authors as external or internal, according to the seat of the effusion ; placing under the former variety all the serous or sero-sanguinolent infiltrations that are found beneath the scalp or pericranium. This latter affection has never hitherto been considerable enough to constitute an insurmountable obstacle to parturition. In fact, it is usually associated Avith a state of general oedema that destroys the foetus at an earlier period of gestation; and, consequently, its expulsion is effected Avithout difficulty, whatever may be the thickness of the scalp. I saw a seven months1 child, at La Clinique, in 1838, in Avhom this part was a finger's breadth in thickness, and the mother also Avas quite cedema'tous; the labor terminated Avithout difficulty. Desormeaux speaks of two very similar cases. I do not know that the records of science furnish a single case of external hydrocephalus formed by a true collection of fluid, yet I have seen tAvo cases of this kind of effusion. The subject Avill be referred to, presently, in greater detail. Hydrocephalus internus, the only variety requiring a particular descrip- tion, is such a rare disease, that Madame Lachapelle observed but fifteen cases of it in forty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-five labors. In the estimation of pathologists, this is always a grave affection, on ac- count of the danger to Avhich it exposes the ebild after birth ; but more particularly so, in the eyes of the accoucheur, from the difficulties thereby entailed on the labor itself. Moreover, these difficulties and dangers vary with the quantity of liquid effused into the cranium ; because, where this is inconsiderable, the delivery is still possible, OAving to the flexibility and the softness of the head, the Avails of Avhich are nearly all membranous; so that, Dy gradually moulding itself to the passage, the head becomes lengthened DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 855 out, and the labor is either terminated by the poAvers of nature alone, or else is effected Avithout much difficulty by the application of the forceps, or by the pelvic version; but Avhere the Avater exists in great abundance, the dimensions of the head exceed those of the diameters of the pelvis1 so much that the delivery is absolutely impossible, unless the fluids be evacuated by an artificial puncture, or by a spontaneous rupture of the sutures, or fonta- nelles. The folloAving, according to Duges, are the signs AA'hereby a dropsy of the head may be recognized during the parturition : the finger falls upon a large and slightly convex surface, Avhich covers every part of the superior strait without engaging, and has a variable consistence at different points; for, although hard and resistant while the pain lasts, it is, on the contrary, soft and fluctuating in some places during the interval between the contractions. Then, by passing the index regularly over it, the accoucheur can recognize pieces of bone separated by membranous interspaces, or soft commissures, as broad as the finger; and, at times, the fontanelles, equal in extent to the holloAv of the hand. If the child has presented by some other part than the vertex, and the head is only accessible to the touch by its base, the separa- tion of the bones detected by the finger will be much less, though it is often. easily appreciable. Finally, if the dropsy be inconsiderable, the same characters will be observed, though they are less evident; and besides, the head being then more convex, and not so soft, Avill engage better in the pelvic excavation. The diagnosis is sometimes rendered difficult by the elevation of the head; but when the la.tter is ascertained to be presenting, and the pelvis found to be Avell formed, the presence of the pulsations of the foetal heart on a level Avith, or even above the umbilicus, may excite a suspicion of hydrocephalus. (Blot.) According to Duges, the signs furnished by the touch are not ahvays to be met Avith, and I have seen tAvo cases in which they Avere entirely wanting. These tAvo cases, which, if my investigations are to be relied on, are unique, present instances of hydrocephalus with double effusion, viz., intra-cranian and extra-cranian. A well-formed woman Avho had once been safely delivered was again in labor under the care of Dr. Bassereau. Thirty-six hours had elapsed when the Doctor called me in consultation. By this time the neck was completely dilated and the membranes ruptured, but the pains which were for a long time powerful had gradually lessened, so that the labor Avas almost sus- pended. I discovered at the superior strait a large and soft tumor, offering none of the characters of the head, but suggesting rather a presentation of the breech. During the contractions it became tense and elastic, but Avas devoid 1 In a case reported by Wrisberg, the child's head was ten and a half inches long, and thirty-two inches in circumference. Meckel has the skull of a hydrocephalic infant whose transverse diameter is sixteen and a half inches, and its height taken from the occipital foramen to the vertex, measures sixteen inches ; and Burns gives a case of hydrocephalus, where the circumference of the head amounted to twenty-three' inches. 856 DYSTOCIA. of bony resistance. Upon introducing the entire hand Avithin the vagina and grasping the tumor, I was able, by making unequal pressure upon various points of its surface, to perceive here and there a sense of fluctua- tion, and I knew that I had to deal Avith the head covered by a sac con- taining fluid. I then remembered having ten years before met Avith a similar state of things, and confidently diagnosed external hydrocephalus coincident, doubtless, Avith effusion Avithin the cranium. Nothing yvas revealed by auscultation. The child had ceased to live. An incision, one-eighth of an inch in length, Avas then made upon the top of the tumor, and about a glassful of liquid escaped. The soft and fluctuating tumor disappeared and the scalp alone remained betAveen my fingers and the bones of the head. The forceps Avere applied, but without effect, and three-quarters of an hour afterwards I decided to make another puncture; this time a quart of liquid escaped, and shortly after the head engaged, and delivery Avas spon- taneously accomplished. Ten years before, I was called by Dr. Saint Ange to a woman who had been in labor thirty-six hours, and in Avhose case various stimulants, amongst them, ergot, had been vainly employed. At the commencement of the labor my confrere had detected a vertex presentation, but feeling a large and soft tumor, I at first thought of a presentation of the breech. During an interval between the pains I pressed suddenly upon the tumor, and clearly dis- tinguished the resisting surface of the bones of the head. The forceps were twice applied in vain, Avhen a puncture Avas made, giving issue to two glassfuls of liquid. The forceps Avere applied once more, and a dead child easily brought away. The sutures Avere large, and Avithin the cranium there Avas a collection of fluid Avhich escaped upon an incision being made through a suture. There was, therefore, in this case, both internal and external hydrocephalus. It Avere unnecessary to say hoAv greatly this anomaly must modify the diagnostic signs pointed out by authors. Nothing but a sudden pressure upon the tumor, dispersing the extra-cranian fluid, will enable us to feel the bones of the head. Hoav, next, are the two collections of fluid to be explained? 1. It may be supposed that both are formed separately, one by pressing aAvay the sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, and the other taking place in the intra-cranian cavities. This, hoAvever, is hardly probable; but, 2. It is possible that be- fore labor the internal hydrocephalus alone was present, and that under the influence of the various kinds of pressure undergone by the head, necessarily unequal and partial as they must be from the very form and dimensions of the pelvis, it is possible, that under these circumstances a fissure might occur somewhere in a suture or fontanelle, alloAving the liquid to pass from Avithin outAvardly and to form a tumor upon the external surface of the cranium. The latter theory receives confirmation from the fact that, in the second case, M. Martin Saint Ange had no difficulty in detecting the head early in the labor, Avhilst at a later period I discovered it Avith difficulty, masked as it was by a soft and fluctuating tumor. But, supposing a communication between the tAvo collections, hoAv explain Avhy the evacuation of the first wa« DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 857 not folloAved by the emptying of the latter? Iioav account for the necessity of a double puncture in the first case and the persistence of the internal hydrocephalus in the second, even Avhen the head was subjected to strong compression by the forceps ? The faqt merits further examination ; but hoAvever the mode of its formation be explained, it is not less curious as respects both diagnosis and operative indications. The indications for treatment presented by this affection vary with its extent, and according to Avhether the child is living or dead. Besides Avhich, as Duges justly remarks, the physician must not only base his determination on the size of the head, but also on its flexibility and its inclination to engage in the excavation. AVhen the cranium is of moderate size, is soft, reducible, and, from the influence of the strong, energetic contractions of the Avomb, gradually ap- proaches the inferior strait, Ave should temporize, and be satisfied with favor- ing a spontaneous termination of the labor by the employment of the proper means. But if the delivery is delayed, and the pains are Aveakened or use- lessly spent against insurmountable obstacles, the forceps should be at once applied. Nevertheless, the pressure and tractions on the head ought to be sIoav and gradual, with the vieAv of preventing rupture, which can ahvays be avoided by proceeding Avith gentleness, and remembering that the instru- ment is liable to slip. Breech and trunk presentations are much more common when the foetus is hydrocephalic, as shoAvn by statistics furnished by Scanzoni; of 152 cases, 30 presenting some other part than the head, or 1 in 5. Noav, under these circumstances, it is evident that the difficulties will not be felt until after the spontaneous exit or the artificial extraction of a great part or even the totality of the trunk, for then it is that the occipito-frontal circumference considerably enlarged engages in the superior strait. The pelvic version would doubtless be resorted to in presentations of the trunk; but if the operator has been fortunate enough to detect the large size of the head before searching after the feet, he should, in my opinion, endeavor to bring the cephalic extremity to the superior strait. When the size of the head is such that a spontaneous delivery is Avholly impossible, and the application of the forceps or the pelvic version is not practicable, there is no other resource for saving the 'mother than to punc- ture the cranial vault, which alone can afford an outlet to the serum accu- mulated in its cavity. This operation may be performed Avith the trocar, the bistouiy, or Avith any pointed knife Avhatever, after having taken the precaution to envelop its blade Avith tape, so as to leave only the point un- covered. This simple puncture of the membranous intervals is always preferable to the mutilation of the child. For, although the sudden collapse of the brain, Avhich usually follows the evacuation of the liquid, nearly ahvays occasions the death of the foetus, still the latter may possibly survive such an operation ; since a puncture of this kind made after birth has occa- sionally been folloAved by a complete cure. Smellie's and Stein's scissors should, therefore, be proscribed in these cases, and we ought to decide on plunging them into an intact brain only, Avhen the opening made Avith a 6iualler instrument has not been free enough to permit the escape of the 858 DYSTOCIA. liquid. It may happen, in cases of double hydrocephalus, that when tlie external fluid has been evacuated through a puncture, the labor may tei rui- nate either spontaneously or by the use of the forceps. Should it be other- Avise, another puncture through the sutures or fontanelles will evidently be called for. In no case is a bloody operation on the female permissible, because the life of the infant is then too seriously compromised, by the mere fact of hydrocephalus, to think of sparing it at the expense of that of the mother. AVhere the child is dead, cephalotomy Avould appear to us preferable, un- less some serious difficulties in its performance Avere likely to be met Avith. If cephalotomy be decided upon in cases of pelvic presentation, some difficulty may be experienced in perforating the cranium. Though it is often possible to pass the instrument through the arch of the palate, I Avould prefer repeating Avhat I have already done in a case to Avhich I had been called in consultation by M. Ducros, namely, to introduce the blunt hook into the orbit, and enter the cranium through the optic foramen. This pro- cess had been before recommended by M. Dujardin in a note addressed to the Academy of Medicine in 1851, but it is evidently practicable only when the child is dead. [Hydrocephalus becomes a more serious matter when the breech presents, inas- .much as the true nature of the case is liable to escape detection. Again, supposing the diagnosis made out, perforation of the cranium is performed Avith difficulty, on account of its being accessible only by its base. In a case of this kind another course mi<>;h.t be pursued, viz., to open the spinal canal by an incision betAveen the Bpinous processes of the vertebrae, and through the passage thus made introduce a gum-elastic catheter provided with its wire. This is to be pushed into the cranium until it meets the water, which may then be discharged. The head will collapse immediately, and no further difficulty be found in its extraction. In my thesis for the Concours, I reported several cases in which this operation was successful. (Tarnier, These de Concours, 1860.) J § 2. Hydrothorax and Ascites ; Retention of Urine. Ascites is even more rare than hydrocephalus, though it is met with some- Avhat oftener than hydrothorax. The signs indicative of dropsy of the chest are, a considerable enlargement of the thorax, a widening of the intercostal spaces, and an evident fluctuation in these enlarged intervals. On the con- trary, the extraordinary size of the belly, the distention of its walls, and the fluctuation detected there, characterize ascites. The foetus, being retained by the amplitude of one or the other of these cavities, is arrested in its pro- gress through the pelvis, and the accoucheur finds the excavation filled up by a large, soft, and fluctuating tumor. In some cases of extreme distention of the abdomen, the walls of this cavity have been found to yield, so that a great part of the tumor remained above the superior strait, Avhilst the rest of the trunk gradually descended into the excavation; and Avhen one por- tion of the abdomen had reached the exterior, the liquid gravitated tOAvards this point, Avhere the resistance Avas less, the portion remaining internally progressively diminished in volume, and the labor terminated naturally. Frank speaks of a dropsical child that presented by the breech, in Avhoni a quantity of the sei^m had escaped from the abdomen into the scrotum ; and DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 859 an evacuation of all the liquid Avas secured by making an incision into this part, Avhich course should be repeated, if a similar case were to occur. But when the aqueous tumor of the chest or abdomen is large enough to be arrested by one of the straits, we should have recourse to puncture with the trocar. A peculiarity which might readily be mistaken for ascites, consists in the accumulation of a large amount of urine in the bladder of the foetus. AVhen treating of the secretions of the foetus, it Avas stated (see p. 237) that a certain amount of urine Avas doubtless secreted during its intra-uterine existence, and we mentioned in support of the opinion, some instances in which obliteration of the urethra had given rise to enormous distention, and even rupture of the bladder. In a case communicated to the Academy of Medicine by M. Depaul, the bladder Avas so distended as to prove an insur- mountable obstacle to the extraction of the foetus. [This case, conjoined with two similar ones, supplied M. Depaul with the material for an excellent paper, published in the Gazette Hebdomadaire of I860. The Pro- fessor thinks that retention of urine has often been mistaken for ascites, which, according to him, is very rare. For further particulars the reader is referred to the paper above mentioned.] AVhether aAvare of the true cause of the difficulty, or hesitating between ascites or extreme distention of the bladder, it is evident that if properly directed tractions are ineffectual, an evacuation of the fluid is the only resource in either case. We would merely add, in accordance Avith M. Depaul, that since the permeability of the urethra may sometimes be re- established after birth, it is strictly indicated to perform the puncture as carefully as it Avould be done in the adult. The insertion of the cord would be a sure guide in choosing the most favorable point. In a case observed by M. Moreau, ascites and considerable distention of the bladder existed simultaneously. The first puncture, though it discharged ■d large amount of peritoneal fluid, did not enable the extraction to be made, and a second one was necessary to eyracuate the urine contained in the blad- der. The delivery of the child was effected Avithout difficulty immediately afterward. § 3. Emphysematous Condition of the Foetus. Merriman has remarked that, when the foetus had been dead for some time, a large quantity of gas may be created in consequence of the putre- faction it has undergone ; thereby greatly augmenting the volume and the distention of the belly, and consequently retarding the expulsion. " I have known," says he, "two instances of rupture of the vagina, arising from the rashness of midAvives, Avho forcibly dragged the children, enormously swelled with putrid air, into the world. In one case, the vagina Avas torn com- pletely through. Both the Avomen died in a few hours. Had the bellies of the children been punctured, to give vent to the air, these fatal occurrences would have been avoided." (Synopsis.) M. Depaul has recently published a case, in which not only was a large quantity of gas developed in the abdominal and thoracic cavities, but the limlis of the child Avere so greatly infiltrated as to present nearly7 double 800 DYSTOCIA. their natural size. After extracting the head by the forceps, it was deemed necessary to apply the cephalotribe forceps, and~close them Avith such force as to reduce the size of the trunk considerably, and at the same time obtain a firm hold for traction. AVhilst proceeding thus, a large amount of exceed- ingly fetid gas escaped Avith a report, and very strong tractions were required to disengage the chest and deliver the child. The uterus in contracting ex- pelled a similar kind of gas. Supposing the diagnosis to be Avell established, Ave agree with Merriman in the opinion that a previous puncture of the abdomen and chest Avould certainly have facilitated the use of the cephalotribe, or perhaps have even rendered its employment unnecessary. § 4. Tumors of Various Kinds. The tumors, of divers sorts, with Avhich the foetus may be affected at the time of birth, and the size of Avhich is occasionally so great as to impede its spontaneous expulsion, are not susceptible of being included under any general head, and the measures to be employed vary for each. AA^here they are pediculated, it not unfrequently happens that the pedicle is broken, either by the influence of the expulsory efforts of the womb, or the tractions made by the accoucheur. AVhen their induration is not very great, Ihey temporarily disappear, at times, from being compressed between the foetal surface and the uterine parietes, or the osseous Avails of the pelvis. The proper course is to remove them, AA'hen accessible, or to discharge their con- tents by means of a puncture where they contain a liquid. But, unfortu- nately, we can seldom even suspect their existence until the labor is already so far advanced that it is hardly possible to act. If their volume be exces- sive, the child's death will nearly ahvays result from the delay and difficulty in the parturition, and then the conduct to be folloAved is clearly evident. Certain tumors are also sometimes present in the great cavities, especially that of the abdomen, Avhich may render spontaneous delivery difficult, and occasionally even impossible. A very curious case is mentioned by MM. Guilleton and Oilier, in Avhich the obstacle to delivery Avas occasioned by an abnormal enlargement of both kidneys, due to an hydatiform hyper- trophy of the glandular element of the Malpighian bodies. Tractions so strong as to tear aAvay the loAver extremities of the child failed to deliver it; but fortunately the pains returned, and the labor terminated sponta- neously in a feAV hours. In another case, quoted by Siebold, the child had presented by the pelvis, though the head Avas the first to appear, and was expelled Avithout much trouble. The delivery of the body, however, required strong and long-con- tinued tractions. The size of the abdomen Avas enormous; it,measured seventeen inches in circumference, and eight inches from the xyphoid car- tilage to the pubis. At the autopsy, the kidneys appeared as tAvo large tumors, weighing two pounds; each one Avas six inches long, four inches Avide, and three inches thick. (See, in the Journal Hebdomadaire, 1855, the bibliographical reference to several similar cases; see also Tarnier, These de Concours.) Still another case of dystocia, due to the enormous bulk of a cancerous DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 861 liver, is reported by M. Noeggeralt. Though the forceps wt te applied, the extraction of the head required the entire strength of the operator; and even then the pains, though very poAverful, failed to deliver the shoulders; so that, having dragged fruitlessly upon the head, it Avas necessary to hook the fingers in the axillae, and draAV upon them forcibly. The principal bulk of the foetus Avas due to the abdomen, which had four times its normal size. An immense tumor, the liver, filled its cavity; it weighed tA\o and a quarter pounds, measured eight and three-quarter inches in width, six inches from below upAvard, and three inches in thick- ness. The tissue proper of the liver was met Avith here and there, but the greater part of it Avas replaced by a heteromorphous mass resembling the gray substance of the brain. [Various other tumors have been met with on the head, neck, and lumbar and sacral regions. Tumors of variable size are sometimes developed upon the head, the most com- mon being encephaloceles and meningoceles. The latter variety occur more fre- quently than the former, and sometimes acquire a volume equal to or greater than that of the head itself. In a case of the kind which I saw at the hospital of the Clinique, the child presented by the shoulder. Whilst turning, I felt a round and resisting tumor by the side of the head which I took for the head of another child. The operation was continued and the feet brought down. At first, the extraction was easy, but when the body had been delivered I encountered an unusual difficulty in the extraction of the head. It came doAvn, hoAvever, suddenly, whilst drawing upon it, and with it a large tumor attached to the occipital region. A plaster cast which I had made of it is now deposited in M. Depaul's anatomical collection in the hospital of the Clinique. Dissection proved the tumor to be a meningocele. Large tumors may also be attached to Fl<}-115 the neck, as in a case of dystocia pub- lished in the Archives by 31. Monod where the tumor, as large as the head of a child at term, was attached to the neck by a pedicle which allowed it to turn to either side. The vertex presented, and after twenty-four hours of labor it became necessary to apply the forceps. The child, though born alive, lived but five hours. In this case, the tumor ap- peared to be cancerous. At other times, the neck is affected with a tumor formed by an hypertrophied thyroid gland. In n case of the kind which I saw quite re- cently, the tumor avus of the size of the fist. The scrotal, sacral, and lumbar re- gions are quite frequently occupied by large tumors, such as hydroceles, spina bifida with hydrorachis, cancer and foetal inclusion, all Avhich may cause irii'atci- or less difficulty in the extraction of the child. 31. Depaul relates, in a Dote, that he saw two children at the Clinique in whose birth there had been soma 862 DYSTOCIA. difficulty, and which had between the thighs an oval-shaped tumor almost ad large as their respective heads. It was entirely distinct from the genital parts, arising from and seeming to lose itself in the deep-seated cellular tissue of the perineum. Careful dissection proved it to be composed of encephaloid matter. Spina bifida with hydrorachis may affect the entire length of the spinal column, though it is only when it affects the lumbar region that it is liable to form a tumor large enough to interfere with delivery. I reported two cases in my thesis for the Concours, one of which was furnished me by M. Guibout. For a drawing of it, see Fig. 115. A tumor in the scrotal or sacral region, large enough to require active interven- tion, may be due to foetal inclusion. Several cases of the kind may be found in a paper published by Dr. Constantine Paul; and my colleague 31. Joulin also devoted a long chapter to it in his thesis for the Concours, (Paris, 1863).] In cases like these, the difficulty cannot be foreseen, nor even suspected, until it begins to exert its influence upon the labor. Tractions upon the head, arms, or axillae, when the head presents, and upon the lower extremi- ties under other circumstances, should be made at first moderately, and aftenvards strongly; but, should they fail and the child be dead, it were better to perform embryotomy than to continue them so long as to risk laceration of the maternal organs. Evidently, if the tumor contain a fluid, the first thing to be done Avould be to evacuate it by one or more punctures. § 5. Anchylosis of the Fcetal Articulations. Gibbosity. Dr. Busch has recently had an opportunity of observing a very singular case of dystocia, dependent on anchylosis of the articulations of the child's limbs, in Avhich the forceps Avere applied, but after the extraction of the head, the trunk could not be delivered. Being unable to discover the cause of the difficulty, repeated tractions were made, at first moderate, but aftenvards more poAverful, when a cracking noise Avas heard, and the upper part of the trunk cleared the external orifice; but the loAver portion of it likeAvise became arrested, and, as the child was dead, it was dragged out Avithout hesitation, and the same cracking sound Avas again heard. At the autopsical examination, it appeared that the articulations of the limbs had been anchylosed in the ordinary^ flexed position exhibited by the foetus in the Avomb, and that the bones of the arms and thighs Avere fractured. (British and Foreign Med. Review, p. 579, April, 1838.) Our colleague Dr. Joulin mentions several other similar cases. Still more rarely is delivery made difficult by deformity (gibbosity) of the vertebral column. ARTICLE IV. FCETAL MONSTROSITIES. As the cyclops, the anopses, the acephalous and anencephalous foetuses are delivered as easily as those having a normal conformation, we have no occasion to treat of them here. [We would merely remark that in these cases, the diagnosis of the presentation is rendered difficult by the deformity of the parts with Avhich the finger endeavors to come in contact. Anencephalous cases, however, afford certain peculiar indica- tions which it is of interest to know. Whenever the finger touches the presenting DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 863 part, the foetus is affected with convulsive and irregular movements which soon attract attention; the motions being probably due to direct irritation of the stump which is generally surmounted by the hairy scalp in cases of this kind. By this Bign I was enabted to diagnose an anencephalous foetus before the membranes were ruptured, to the great astonishment of the students at the hospital of the clinic where the labor occurred.] ARTICLE V. . dystocia occasioned by multiple fcetuses. § 1. Of Multiple and Independent Foetuses. We pointed out the signs, in the article on gestation (see page 270) by Avhich the presence of tAvo or more children in the uterine cavity might be recognized during pregnancy, and described normal twin labor in another chapter (see page 375). It is now our duty to indicate the difficulties pecu- liar to this form of labor. Usually, as Avas stated, the birth of the second soon folloAvs that of the first, but if delayed, friction over the body and upon the neck of the womb are sufficient to stimulate contractions which soon complete the delivery. Generally, therefore, the action of the womb must be Avaited for patiently. (See page 377.) But is the labor to be abandoned wholly to nature, or should Ave attempt to deliver at once? In some instances, there can be no hesitation as to the proper course; thus, when the birth of the first child has been tedious and difficult, and has required the intervention of art, and the forces of the patient seem to be exhausted by the former effort; when any accident Avhatever that threatens the life of the mother or of the second twin, has occurred during or after the delivery of the first; and Avhenever the second one presents in such an unfavorable position1 at the superior strait as to demand the pelvic version, this ought to be performed imme- diately. But in all these cases the expulsion should by no means be rapid, and the accoucheur will draAwery slowly on the pelvic extremity, so as not to empty the uterus too soon, and thus avoid the inertia and attendant hemorrhage which might result in consequence of a rapid depletion. It would even be prudent, Avhen the defective position shall have been con- verted, by the evolution, into a presentation of the pelvis, to trust the rest of the delivery to the expulsory efforts of the womb. The application of the forceps AviU rarely be necessary, because, if the head is so far engaged as to render pelvic version impossible, the labor will probably terminate without assistance. Nevertheless, should the incapacity of the uterus be complicated with any accident serious enough to compromise the life of the mother or child, it would be proper to have recourse to this instrument if the head had arrived at the inferior strait; but in all other cases the pelvic Aversion ought to be preferred, because the introduction of the hand and the evolution of the foetus will not fail, by the irritation they produce, to deter- mine the retraction of the uterine walls, and thus prevent subsequent inertia. AVhen one of the twins, though dead, has remained in the uterus for sev- 1 It is not very unusual to find the second child presenting by the shoulder; which ts probably owing to the vacuum in the womb after the expulsion of the first one, a roid that singularly facilitates the displacement of the second. 864 DYSTOCIA. eral months, whilst the development of the other was constantly progress- ing, the little abortion is ordinarily expelled simultaneously with, or shortly after, the first child ; but unless the accoucheur is very careful, and the size of the womb after the delivery should not excite his attention, its sojourn there may be considerably prolonged. No doubt, in these cases, the hand ought to be carried up into the Avomb, for the purpose of delivering the aborted foetus, but this Avill not always prove an easy matter. In a case of the kind, communicated to me by Dr. Casaubon, the internal uterine orifice became strongly contracted immediately after the extraction of the placenta, and it was not without great difficulty that he eventually succeeded in over- coming its resistance, and reaching the uterine cavity. The little product was then removed, and proved to.be an abortion of four months. The other infant had arrived at the end of the eighth month. In certain cases, the presence of tAvo children may render the delivery difficult, and require some special precautions; thus, it may happen : 1. That ■ both present simultaneously at the strait, and retard each other's expulsion ; here the most movable head should be carefully pushed up, so as to permit the other to engage first. The difficulty will be greatly enhanced if the tvA'o heads be engaged in the excavation at the same time, and neither of them can be pressed back; under such circumstances, the application of the for- ceps upon the one that appears the most engaged, and, if this does not suc- ceed, the perforation of one of them, seem to me the only practicable opera- tions. HoAvever, even here, very prompt action is unnecessary, for it might happen, if both heads were small, that a natural expulsion could be effected; an example of Avhich is reported by Allen, in vol. xii. of the Medico-Chirur- gical Transactions. The same plan is to be pursued Avhen, instead of the heads, the breech or the feet of the two infants present together. 2. The first child may present by the shoulder; here, the pelvic version is evidently indicated, but in performing it the operator must be very care- ful to seize the feet of the right child before commencing the evolution, for if both the bags of waters were ruptured, nothing Avould be more easy than to get hold of two feet belonging to different children. ItAA'ere much better to turn by draAving on one foot only. (See Version.) 3. Where the first presents by the feet, Avhether spontaneously or as a consequence of the pelvic version, the greater part of the trunk is extracted without difficulty, but the head may be arrested in the excavation or above the superior strait. Thus, in the twentieth observation of the fourth Memoir of Madame Lachapelle, the head of the first-born had draAvn under it that of its brother, Avhich had a tendency to present by the vertex, so that the latter one blocked up the passage of the former, AAdiile the first prevented the second from getting above the superior strait; but, fortunately, the chil- dren Avere small, and the head of the second twin escaped spontaneously, alongside of the neck of the first, and then the head of the first followed the neck of the second. A very similar case, given by Dr. Envin, is related by Dr. Dewees. (Just such a case is represented in Fig. 116.) Had these two foetuses been of the ordinary size, it is clearly evident that their expulsion could not have been effected until one or possibly both heads had been re- duced by craniotomy. The mutilation of one child seems to me the only DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 865 recourse Ave have in these difficult cases; thus, it has properly been recom- mended to amputate the neck of the first twin, which would render the spontaneous expulsion of the second one possible, or at least Avould per- FlG- H6. mit its extraction by the forceps; after Avhich, the head of the muti- lated infant should be sought after and brought down. HoAvever, be- fore resorting to this cruel operation, an application of the forceps ought to be attempted on the head that descended first, as appears to have been done successfully by a surgeon of Dijon. In fact, from the small- ness of the children, it is possible that, in many cases, the second head Avill afford but a feeble ob- stacle to the passage of the trunk of the child Ave are endeavoring to extract by the instrument. 4. M. Jacquemier relates a curi- ous case Avitnessed by him at the Maternity Hospital. A Avoman, Avho had been in her labor nine days, was brought to the hospital in a dying condition; the waters were discharged three days before, and the forceps had been applied Avithout success. At the autopsy, two children Avere found in the Avomb. One head had de- scended into the excavation in the left occipito-cotyloid position, and had passed the uterine orifice. The other child was in the second position of" the left shoulder; its head rested in the right iliac fossa, and the front of its neck, which Avas situated beloAV the anterior shoulder of the first foetus, em- braced the neck of the latter, in a semicircle, so as to prevent a further de- scent of the trunk; thus explaining the fruitlessness of the tractions made by the forceps. Both children Avere large. f). Again, tAvo feet occasionally present at the orifice; Avhen, if the accou- cheur deem it advisable to aid the expulsory efforts of the womb by trac- tions, he might, by supposing they belonged to one child, draw on both, and thus engage parts of both tAvins at the same time, Avhich could not pass out together; therefore, if there is the least doubt of the character of the preg- nancy, he should ascertain, before making any tractive efforts Avhatever, that the two limlis really belong to the same individual, which is done by passing the hand up into the Avomb as far as the hips; though it must be confessed that this diagnosis is frequently attewded AA'ith great difficulty- Here, again, it is better to draAV upon one foot only. Pleissinan states that, on one occasion, he found the orifice plugged up by the parts tlmt had become engaged, and which at first sight appeared to him to be a quantity of hands and feet. A more careful examination enabled him to distinguish four inferior extremities, Avhich were delivered as far as 55 866 DYSTOCIA. the ham, and one arm. "At first," he says, " I was in great perplexity, because I could find no Avay of introducing my hand into the womb, for the purpose of distinguishing and seizing the tAvo feet belonging to each child, and because all my efforts to make even one of these extremities go back again proved abortive; besides Avhich, in drawing on any two of them, I might confound and bring doAvn the feet of two different foetuses at the same time; and, lastly, even if I succeeded in seizing the tAvo feet belonging to the same child, I might, by draAving on them, engage the other parts, and thus augment the difficulties. Being greatly embarrassed as to the proper course, and yet obliged to act, the employment of a measure recommended by Hippocrates, under different circumstances, happily suggested itself; it Avas, to suspend the patient by her feet, hoping that the heads and the bodies of the children would, by their Aveight, draw one or more of the ex- tremities towards the fundus of the Avomb, winch Avas still distended by the waters. The husband and brother-in-law of the woman passed their arms under her hams, and thus held her suspended, so that only the head and shoulders rested on the bolster. I intended, as soon as I mounted pn the bed, to press back one or more of the free extremities into the womb, but two had already returned from the mere position of the mother, and the other three soon followed by the aid of my fingers. Immediately aftenvards, I Avas enabled to introduce my hand into the uterus, and to withdraw suc- cessively therefrom three children by the feet." In bringing fonvard this case, I only desire to illustrate what has been said concerning the difficulty of diagnosis. I ought also to call attention to the impossibility of the reduction, and the singular procedure resorted to with a success that seems to Avarrant its employment again under similar circumstances. § 2. Of Multiple and Adherent Fcetuses. The signs by which we are able to detect the presence of twins can in no wise aid in ascertaining the adherence, or the more or less intimate fusion, of tAvo living beings into each other. The diagnosis is likeAvise very difficult at the period of labor; for, even after the twin pregnancy has been recog- nized, it is only by negative evidence that we can suspect the adhesion of the tAvo children. If two bags of waters are detected by the finger, if it is necessary to rup- ture the membranes twice, if the Avaters are discharged at tAvo separate and distinct periods, the presence of independent tAvins in the Avomb may be regarded as certain ; for there are never two envelopes for a double monster, and tAvo perfect twins are very seldom inclosed in the same amniotic pouch. Again, if two feet or even a single one descend Avith the head, more particu- larly if the feet yield to the tractions made on them, and appear at the vulva without the head having a tendency to reascend, Ave may affirm there are j two infants; because a monster is never composed of two individuals so united that the head of the one is alongside of the feet of the other; but if several limbs present simultaneously, Ave can only ascertain Avhether the children to Avhich they respectively belong are joined together or are inde- pendent, by carrying the hand up into the womb. (Duges, Mem. de VA ca- demie.) DYSTOCIA DUE TO THE FCETUS. 867 Is it proper to interfere in all cases, Avhether the monstrosity be recognized jr not, or should the delivery be abandoned to nature for a certain length of time? The recorded instances, Avhich prove that a spontaneous delivery may take place, are too numerous at the present day to Avarrant an active intervention until after a sufficient length of time has been accorded to the uterine contractions to effect the expulsion. The mechanism by Avhich the delivery is finally accomplished will also vary according to the particular kind of monstrosity. When the tAvo foetuses are united by the breech or head, their expulsion takes place without any marked difficulty, and they generally escape one after the other, more particularly Avhen they happen to be joined at the breech. But if connected at the occiput, the point of union is seldom flexible enough to permit the two heads to descend simultaneously; and if the patient is at her full term, the intervention of art will become necessary. Where there are two heads for a single trunk, the mechanism varies ac- cording to Avhether the monstrosity presents by the vertex or by the breech; but the delivery is still possible, if the tAvins are slightly adherent and so movable as not to be invariably parallel, for then the two heads may engage successively and not simultaneously. In the vertex presentations, the ante- rior head, Avhich is the most inferior on account of the obliquity of the body of the child situated in the line of the axis of the superior strait, engages first; and then the other, Avhich had been primitively arrested by the sacro- • vertebral angle, follows it. On the contrary, Avhere the infant is delivered by the breech, the posterior head Avill engage the first, in consequence of the inclination impressed on the trunk by the axis of the pelvic canal; and the anterior one, Avhich Avas hitherto delayed by the symphysis pubis, will engage immediately afterAvard. When each head has its OAvn body, but the two trunks are united by their lateral, anterior, or posterior faces, whether throughout their Avhole extent, or only in a partial degree, a spontaneous delivery is more difficult than in the former cases; but when it does occur, it takes place just in the same way. If there is only one head for tAvo bodies, the latter are expelled simultane- ously, and the only difficulties Avhich can then present, depend on the unusual size of the head, Avhich is sometimes very large. The process does not always advance as favorably as Ave have just stated, since it is not at all unusual for one of the heads (where the double condition involves the whole body, or is limited to the head) to be arrested above either the sacro-vertebral angle or the symphysis pubis, and thus delay the subsequent descent of the one that is already engaged, or on the point of engaging. What has just been stated concerning the mechanism by Avhich the ex- pulsion of the bicephalous foetuses is effected, Avould naturally lead us to suppose, that, Avhenever one of the heads shall have been arrested above the superior strait, the pelvic version should be resorted to, if the monstrosity presents by its cephalic extremity or trunk; and if the breech descends first, to draw on the loAver extremities. But, in either case, when the greater portion of the body is delivered, it would be necessary to carry it up in front of the symphysis pubis, so as to favor the engagement of the posterior head, 868 DYSTOCIA. prior to the anterior one. Again, if the head that presents first shall havt been engaged too long in the pelvic excavation to admit of being pressed back, and of the feet being brought down, it Avould be proper to make an application of the forceps, if the foetus were still living; but, under such circumstances, this latter measure will often prove ineffectual, for the trac- tions made by the instrument Avill not overcome the resistance offered by the second head. We have, therefore, in this case only to choose betAveen a bloody operation on the mother, and a division of the child's neck, which would permit the head that offered first to be removed, and thus render the pelvic version practicable. And here, notAvithstanding the high authorities to the contrary, I do not hesitate to advocate the mutilation of the foetus; for, in cases of this nature, I would have no scruple in sacrificing the infant's life to the safety of the mother. CHAPTER XYI. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. Natural delivery of the placenta Avas described on page 381. We have now to study the difficulties and accidents Avhich may attend the process, and for this purpose shall devote to them two different articles. ARTICLE I. DIFFICULT DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. The difficulties that may require an artificial delivery of the after-birth are caused either by inertia of the Avomb, excessive volume of the placenta, weakness of the umbilical cord, irregular contraction of the uterus, or by intimate adhesions of the placenta itself. AATienever repeated attempts to effect its delivery, made according to the rules stated (p. 381), prove ineffectual, the attendant ought to search for the cause of the delay, both by abdominal palpations and by a vaginal explo- ration. One of two things will then occur: either the placenta will be found lying over the internal orifice, or it will be so high up that the finger cannot reach it. Supposing the previous tractions had been made in the proper direction, an obstacle to the delivery in the former case could only depend on the unusual size of the after-birth, on the fragility of the umbilical cord, or on a contraction of the uterine orifice; in the latter, the placenta must evidently be retained at the fundus, either by abnormal adhesions, or by the irregular contraction of some part of the uterine Avails. This first diagnosis being once established, the operator only has to decide upon Avhich of those circumstances the delay is dependent. § 1. Inertia of the AVomb. We have hitherto stated that the contracted uterus forms a large, hard, and resistant tumor in the sub-umbilical region after the child is born. Now, it may happen, either from the general debility of the patient, or frnni ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 869 the feebleness or atony of the Avomb itself, that its organic contractility is not aroused and the organ still remains after the birth of the child in a state of partial or complete inertia. Th!? inertia of the Avomb (which will claim our special attention Avhen treating of the hemorrhage that so frequently accompanies it after the de- ' livery) may be simple or complicated Avith flooding; but Ave have only to speak of the first variety at the present time. This condition is indicated by the large, soft, and insensible tumor, Avhich is detected by applying the hand upon the abdomen. If the inertia of the Avomb is not attended with flooding, it is probable that the placenta still remains undetached; and therefore no imprudent tractions should be made on the cord, lest a separation occur before the inertia is remedied. This Avould inevitably produce a frightful hemorrhage, which might cost the patient her life in a feAV minutes; or, should the pla- cental adhesions resist the tractive efforts, the womb Avould be drawn doAvn along with the after-birth, thus producing a partial or complete inversion of the organ. It is, therefore, a truly fortunate circumstance Avhen the inertia is manifested before the separation of the after-birth is commenced. A further source of hemorrhage is found in the umbilical vessels; but this accident is exceedingly rare, and besides it can easily be remedied by apply- ing a ligature on the cord. The best course to be pursued in cases of simple inertia, is to Avail until the uterus regains its poAvers; the return of the contractions might be ac- celerated, hoAvever, by moderate frictions over the lower part of the belly, or by titillating the os uteri Avith one or tAvo fingers in the vagina, and by the application of cold compresses over the hypogastric region, and on the upper part of the thighs. In cases of partial inertia, some English prac- titioners, Dr. Murphy in particular (London Med. Gaz.), have recommended a tight bandage around the abdomen; or, preferably, a resort to immediate pressure over the uterus, by applying both hands on the sides of the organ. M. Guillemot asserts that he has often succeeded in arousing and keeping up the contractions by plunging the end of the cord in a glass of cold Avater; but we can scarcely comprehend hoAv this singular result can occur. The patient's strength is to be kept up at the same time by some broth, or, pos- sibly, by a little good Avine, or brandy and water. § 2. Excessive Volume of the Placenta. This may be either real, or due to the collection of large coagula in the pouch of the membranes, created by the inversion of the placenta in falling upon the os uteri, after its detachment. This source of difficulty is easily recognized by observing the unusual volume of the uterus above the pubis, and by detecting the detached mass at the os uteri by the finger. In most instances, the natural contractions of the womb, assisted by a moderate traction upon the cord, are all-sufficient for the delivery of the after-birth ; though it is occasionally necessary to pass the hand into the vagina and to carry one or tAvo fingers up into the uterine cavity for the purpose of hooking it doAvn. AAThen the increased size is owing to the accu- mulation of coagula in the pouch, the membranes, if within reach of the 370 DYSTOCIA. finger, or the placenta itself, should be perforated so as to afford an outlet to the fluid part of the blood, Avhereby the total mass is diminished, and its subsequent expulsion or extraction facilitated. The simplest method is, to seize the placenta Avith the entire hand, and, after squeezing it, in order to expel the clots, AvithdraAV it at once. § 3. AVeakness of the Cord. This Aveakness, Avhether OAving to deficient development of the cord itself, as happens in cases of premature labor, or to the particular mode of distri- bution of the umbilical vessels, so Avell described by Benckiser in his inau- gural thesis (see Umbilical Cord), may facilitate its rupture; and hence the operator ought to be very careful in pulling on this part. Again, a rupture of the cord during the delivery may be dependent on its oblique attachment to the placenta. Therefore, as a general rule, Avhenever the hand feels it giving way during the traction (for it produces a peculiar yielding sensa- tion), the attempt should be discontinued ; and, unless there are some special reasons to the contrary, the further delivery must be left to the powers of nature, or else the placenta itself should be laid hold of, if it be deemed proper to extract it immediately. In conclusion, if, notAvithstanding all proper precautions, the cord does become ruptured, the accoucheur has only to introduce the hand into the vagina, and pass up two or three fingers into the uterine cavity, so as to seize and extract the placenta. It is then sometimes difficult to distinguish the placenta from the wall of the uterus itself, thus exposing the operator to make dangerous tractions upon the latter. The following signs may enable us to avoid committing an error of this kind: 1. The fingers applied to the foetal surface of the placenta can distinguish the projections formed by the vessels Avhich are distributed upon it. 2. Pressure upon the placenta would hardly be per- ceived by the patient, whilst it Avould be painful if applied to the wall of the uterus. 3. Lastly, the other hand applied upon the hypogastric region, is sensible of a greater thickness of parts intervening betAveen it and the hand Avithin the organ than could be due simply to the united thickness of the walls of the abdomen and of the uterus. § 4. Irregular or Spasmodic Contraction of the Uterus. The causes of uterine spasm are very obscure ; though, according to Stoltz, the predisposition exists in the organ itself. If any exterior causes can con- tribute to its production, they certainly must be those which have a special action on the Avomb: such as, improper frictions or manipulations, pulling on the cord, and the abuse of stimulating remedies, the ergot particularly. Again, the irregular contractions of the uterus are more frequently remarked after a twin labor than others. The modern authors, Avho have made this a subject of special study, do not fully agree Avith each other, in regard to the sequelae of these irregular contractions. The different forms exhibited by the uterus in such cases have been reduced, by M. Guillemot, to tAVC principal varieties: the one depending on the conformation of the womb, and the other developed as a consequence of the presence of some foreign ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 871 body in the viscus. The former is designated by him as the hour-glass, or spasmodic contraction of the neck at its internal orifice; the latter by the term encystment, or the irregular contraction of the body of the Avomb. Wc shall folloAv the example of M. Stoltz, by admitting four distinct varieties of uterine spasm, namely: 1st, a spasmodic contraction of the external orifice of the neck ; 2d, that of its internal orifice; 3d, that of one or more portions of the body of the uterus; and, 4th, a spasmodic contrac- tion of the Avhole Avornb. 1. Spasmodic Contraction of the External Orifice. — A person avIio has had many opportunities of observing the softness and flaccidity of the cervix uteri at its lower part after the child is- born, can scarcely comprehend the possibility of spasm at its outer orifice; and hence many authors have alto- gether denied its existence. Besides, it must be evident that, even if such a condition were to occur, it Avould constitute but a momentary obstacle to the delivery of the after-birth; and therefore Ave Avould only have to Avait until the spasm of the orifice had yielded to the force of the contractions. Or, if any accident should occur requiring prompt delivery, the resistance might be surmounted Avithout difficulty. 2. Spasmodic Contraction of the Internal Orifice. — This is what M. Guille- mot understands by the term hour-glass contraction of the wouib; and Ave quote a considerable part of his excellent description of it. AVhen the hand is introduced, the cervix is found projecting into the vagina, and so dis- figured that it resembles a section of the large intestines; but about five or six inches above this, the finger is arrested by a kind of stricture, Avhich is the wrinkled and contracted internal orifice. According to Madame Boivin, the uterine neck sometimes measures five or six inches in length and four to five in diameter, in this state of flaccidity; the cavity of the Avomb contain- ing the placenta is found above the retracted part. In some instances the uterine walls are firmly contracted around this mass, Avhilst at others they are in a state of partial or complete inertia. The cavity of the Avomb is thus divided into tAvo portions. AVhen the upper one is contracted on the placenta, as most generally happens, its volume does not exceed the moiety of the Avhole organ ; and hence the retraction, although seated at the internal orifice, seems to exist very near the middle of the uterus; which circum- stance has induced many practitioners to suppose that they had encountered an irregular contraction of the body of the womb. In most cases the after-birth is retained entirely within the superior cavity; but this is not ahvays the case, for, in some instances, the vascular mass has been found strangulated, to a certain extent, by the stricture of the neck, one part being retained in the upper portion and one in the lower. AVhence it may happen : 1st, that a very small portion of the placenta projects into the vagina ; or, 2d, that it is strangulated near its central part; or, 3d, that more than one-half of the placenta hangs doAvn below the strictured orifice; Avhich different circumstances, as Ave shall have occasion to sIioav, modify the treatment. The hour-glass contraction is recognizable by the shape of the uterus, and bv the resistance presented at the internal orifice, both to the placenta and L.o the accoucheur's finger. The organ is found hard and contracted, AYhen 872 DYSTOCIA. felt through the abdominal Avails, and all tractions on the cord prove inef- fectual; besides, the operator, by resorting to the touch, will find the placenta above the internal orifice, which is contracted, whilst the walls of the neck beloAV are soft, flabby, and pendent in the vagina; and, Jastly, there is no discharge of coagula, and sometimes even no blood of any consequent escapes. When the stricture is not accompanied by any pressing symptoms, Ave should wait, for the spasm generally gives way in the course of a feAV hours; the uterus then regains its normal form, and the after-birth is expelled. Should it persist longer than four or five hours, the opiate preparations might first be resorted to, folloAved by venesection, if indicated by the gen- eral phenomena of plethora; bathing might, likewise, prove very useful. But the difficulty of watching the state of the uterus during its administra- tion must restrict its use greatly. But if, notwithstanding the employment of all these measures, the spasm does not yield, or if it is complicated by an alarming hemorrhage, Ave must forthwith attempt the dilatation of the strictured part. This is effected by first introducing one finger, then tAvo, and then three, with a vieAv of enlarging the orifice by degrees until it will admit the whole hand. The advice of M. Stoltz, to smear the fingers with belladonna ointment, might prove serviceable. Should a portion of the placenta be engaged in the retracted part, our course would evidently vary under the different circumstances alluded to above. For instance, if a very small portion only of the after-birth is engaged, the operator ought to push it up, and then penetrate into the uterine cavity, in the way just described; but if strangulated near its central part, the fingers are to be slipped up be- tween it and the neck, and then the part that is still above the stricture is to be gradually drawn down. Again, if most of the placental mass is already clear, we must get hold of this free portion, and by compressing it forcibly in the hand, endeavor to reduce the size of the strangulated part, and thereby effect the delivery of the Avhole. 3. Irregular Contractions of the Body of the Womb.— The Avomb in con- tracting becomes accurately applied on the body contained within its cavity; and, of course, where the placenta still remains undelivered, the Avomb re- tracts upon it. As the contractions operate at all parts, the Avails of this organ, being opposed to the circumference of the placenta, and, consequently, meeting with little or no resistance, gradually approach each other, and shut it up within their cavity; this constitutes the inclusion of the placenta; and it may assume tAvo very distinct forms, to Avhich different names have been applied, i. e., the encystment and the encasement. Encystment is that variety in which the placenta is so surrounded on all sides, excepting at the opening of the cell for the entrance of the umbilical cord, that it is absolutely imprisoned. Encasement is that in Avhich the uterine walls in contracting upon the circumference of the placenta, consti- tute around its margin a kind of collar, or frame, Avhich encases it, just as the turgid conjunctiva surrounds the cornea in chemosis. These two species may either be partial or complete: the encystment is said to be complete, when the placenta is altogether shut up in the cell or cyst formed by the retracted uterine Avails; and incomplete, where tome ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 873 Fig. 117. portion of it breaks out of the door of the cell. In the latter case, the cell is perfect, being lined throughout by the centre of the placenta, whilst the other parts of the latter, that have escaped from the cyst, are attached to the neighboring portions of the uterine Avails. The encasement is complete, Avhen the collar formed by the retracted uterine fibres surrounds or encases the Avhole circumference of the placenta; and incomplete, yvhere it only exists on a part of the periphery of this vas- cular mass. In some instances, the womb is not moulded on the circumference alone of the placenta. " For if," says M. Velpeau, " the after-birth were solid and even, like the head, the womb in contracting Avould necessarily retain the form of a pouch; but the coty- ledons, in the process of the detachment, may separate from each other, and the placenta Avould then offer more resistance in some parts than in others; so that the uterus soon divides into several compartments, or divi- sions, more or less distinct from each other, and each of Avhich embraces some portion of the after-birth." In these cases, the hand, in effecting the artificial delivery, Avould necessarily have to penetrate through four, five, or occasionally even six circular strictures, after having dilated them. The encystment may be complicated by a retraction of the internal orifice (see Fig. 117); but, in most of the recorded cases of this kind, the resistance has easily been surmounted. It may take place at any portion of the Avomb Avhat- ever, though more rarely at the fundus than elseAvhere; Avhich is probably owing to the circumstance of the fibres in this region being more active, so that the detachment of the placenta, when it is inserted at the fundus, is accomplished much sooner. The encystment may be recognized Avithout much difficulty; for, by pal- pating the loAver part of the belly, tAvo tumors are detected just above the pubis, formed by the body of the uterus ; the larger of which contains the after-birth, and FlG-118- the other, placed beloAV or towards one side, and joined to the first by a kind of neck, constitutes the remainder of the uterine globe. And, by following the cord Avith the index finger up into the cavity, Ave find its loAver portion but little retracted ; though further up the ringer detects a small rounded open- ing, the orifice of the cell through Avhich the cord passes ; and beyond it are the irre- gular Avails of the cyst, inclosing the placenta. Here, also, the accoucheur ought to Avait, if the encystment is not complicated by any accident; endeavoring, hoAvever, in the mean- while, to favor the return of the Avomb to its The hour-glass contrac tion of the womb. Mode of dilating the strictured part. normal form, by a resort to 374 DYSTOCIA. the measures before advised. AVhen any danger threatens the n.other's life, he ought to dilate the orifice of the cyst Avith the ends of the fingers, and thus penetrate carefully into its cavity. (See Fig. 118.) AVhile these attempts are being made internally, the other hand, placed on the hypogastrium, must grasp the fundus, and keep it in position. Douglass, who devoted particular attention to this subject, avers that the placenta is generally still adherent; but Ramsbotham, Dewees, and several others assert, on the contrary, that it is usually detached. In the former case, the operator Avould have to attempt its separation; always taking the precautions mentioned below. It is to be delivered by taking hold of one border, Avith a vieAV of making it clear the mouth of the cyst more readily; and if it is but partially encysted, the index finger is entered and passed around that portion of the placenta held by the periphery of the opening; in this way both relieving the stricture and disengaging the encysted part. Instead of attempting to dilate the mouth of the cell, Avhich is often very difficult, M. Dubroca, of Bordeaux, has suggested a new plan, Avhich is styled by him the method of erosion; it consists of the introduction of a finger into the opening of the cell, and then, with it, tearing up and reducing the placenta to fragments, Avhich are afterwards expelled. He says this mode proved successful in some instances in Avhich he could not succeed in pass- ing two or three fingers into the cyst in the usual Avay. 4. Spasmodic Contraction of the whole Organ.—M. Stoltz relates an in- stance in Avhich he was called to a Avoman Avho had been delivered an hour previously^ by a midwife, after the administration of tAvo scruples of ergot; the midwife, being unable to extract the after-birth, thought proper, before sending for him, to exhibit a sixth dose of eight grains. On his arrh'al, he found the Avoman's general condition favorable; the fundus of the uterus extended nearly up to the umbilicus, and the entire organ Avas developed as much as at the fifth month; but its Avails were contracted to such a degree that it was quite firm and hard. FolloAving up the cord, the index finger reached the external orifice, Avhich was greatly retracted, and scarcely per- mitted the introduction of the first phalanx ; every part of the Avomb Avithin reach Avas firm and contracted, just like the fundus and body. Of course, the delivery of the after-birth Avas out of the question ; besides, no complica- tion indicated its necessity. It Avas then about half-past tAvo o'clock in the morning; a draught, consisting of half a drachm of Hoffmann's anodyne liquor, and tAventy minims of the common tincture of opium, was adminis- tered. The fundus of the womb did not seem to be any less contracted at nine o'clock in the morning; but, by operating Avith care, M. Stoltz succeeded in dilating the orifice, and in passing three fingers up to the root of the cord ; but being unable to get any further, he withdreAv his hand, and directed injections of a decoction of belladonna and hyoscyamus. These Avere re- peated every half hour, and at the fifth injection the midAvife found a por- tion of the placenta engaged in the vagina; she forth Avith dreAv upon it, and succeeded in extracting it, twelve hours after the child's birth. Should a similar case again occur, the prudent course of the Strasbourg professor ought certainly to be folloAved. In addition to Avhich, venesection, tepid bathing, &c, might be resorted to, if indicated by a plethoric condition of the patient. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 875 [Although spasmodic contraction of the entire uterus, the external orifice in jluded, is rare, tetanic spasm of the internal orifice and of the body, the external orifice remaining very dilatable, is not an uncommon event. Whatever hinders the expulsion of the placenta, all obstructions causing it to be retained too long in the uterus, predispose to spasmodic contraction of the organ. What, however, oc- casions it oftener than anything else is the untimely administration of ergot. In all cases of the kind which I have witnessed, it appeared to me that the fundus of the womb Avas very high up, as though the body of the organ had become elongated by a moulding process upon the strongly compressed placenta within it. There- fni-c, Avhen one is so fortunate as to succeed in dilating the internal orifice with one or tAvo fingers, it is necessary to pass them very far up in order to reach the highe-tt part of the placenta, which they are then to be hooked around in order to its withdrawal. Such is the process to which Ave give the preference.] On the Avhole, then, it would appear that the irregular contraction is gen- erally partial, though it may be seated at any or every part of the organ; and further, that all these cases are to be treated in the same Avay. That is: 1st, to Avait patiently; 2d, in the course of a feAV hours to resort to fric- tions over the fundus, to titillations of the os uteri, and opiate preparations by inunctions or injections, belladonna to the cervix, either in the form of extract or decoction, venesection, and general or local bathing. Burns re- commends the sudden application of cold compresses. In most instances, the administration of antispasmodics by the mouth, such as sulphuric ether, hyoscyamus, belladonna, or opium, is of unquestionable service; and 3d, when there is any complication that endangers the patient, the forced, though sIoav, gradual, and careful introduction of the hand, and extraction of the placenta. § o. Abnormal Adhesions. In the present state of our science, it is very difficult to point out a satis- factory cause for these abnormal adhesions of the placenta. According to most authors, they are owing to a fibrous transformation of the cellular fila- ments Avhich hold the placenta and uterus together, Avhereby they acquire a degree of solidity sufficient to withstand the uterine forces. These adhe- sions ' have also been referred to the degenerations of the placental tissue itself, as Avell as to various osseous and calcareous concretions. In a case detailed by M. Stoltz, the bond of union Avas evidently formed by a layer of coagulated blood, which had served to arrest a hemorrhage at the fourth month of gestation. M. Dubois appears to accept this vieAV (Oral Lessons), and attributes these adhesions to patches of a Avhitish matter of a greater or less degree of hardness, evidently of a fibrinous nature, and increasing in density with the age of the sanguineous effusion of Avhich they are the only remains. According to M. Gendrin, the adhesion is made by the circle which the reflected decidua forms around the placenta. Sometimes it is 1 Dr. Dubois furnishes an instance of an abnormal adhesion of the placenta, in which the latter was covered by an osseous or cretaceous substance; but Gooch, who reports the case, further remarks, that he found the placenta partly ossified three times in the same woman, and that he never had any difficulty in delivering the after-birth. Monro and Merriman also mention several cases where they noticed patches of ossi- fication on the uterine surface of the placenta; in which the latter, they go on to say, adhered, perhaps, a little more than usual. 876 DYSTOCIA. only produced at a few points of the uterine surface of the placenta, by the conversion of some part of the organ into a non-vascular, cellulo-fibrous tissue, by the accidental atrophy of one or more of the placental cotyledons; which atrophy not unfrequently occurs. The generally received opinion is, that these abnormal adhesions result in consequence of an inflammation of the placenta, or of the uterine Avail during gestation, which is terminated by the exudation of plastic and coagulable lymph between the contiguous surfaces. Our own belief is, that these adhesions are caused by the fibro- fatty degeneration and atroplw of the villi of the chorion and of the cotyle- dons Avhich they form. (See Fibrous Lesions of the Placenta.—Diseases of the Placenta.) But Avhatever may be the cause that produces such adhe- sions, there are certain persons Avho appear to have an unfortunate predis- position to them, since they suffer from this accident at every confinement. The adhesion may be more or less extensive ; sometimes existing over the whole placental surface, but at others restricted to certain parts; for instance, it may exist at the margin or circumference of the after-birth, the centre being detached ; * or it may be restricted to one or more points of its surface. It likeAvise offers various degrees of resistance; occasionally being feeble enough to yield readily, even to moderate tractions; though it is sometimes so strong that either the placental or the uterine tissue yields rather than the bond of union. In some instances, the adhesions are so firm that they cannot be broken up without the greatest difficulty, even after death. For example, Morgagni found a portion of the detached placenta hanging in the uterine orifice of a woman, yvho died thirteen days after her confine- ment ; but the other part of it Avas so adherent that he could scarcely sepa- rate it Avith a scalpel. The adherent portion Avas indurated, and some traces of inflammation were found on the corresponding part of the womb. AVhenever a considerable period of time has elapsed after the labor, with out the delivery of the after-birth being effected, and yet the globular form of the uterus,2 its hardness and manifest contraction, clearly shoAV that it is striving to detach and to expel the secundines, and where the finger, passed through the cervix uteri, does not detect the placenta, we have every reason to suppose that there is an unnatural adhesion of this mass. The following signs will then confirm our suspicions: after drawing on the placenta by means of the cord, the latter will be found to mount up as soon as it is relaxed; during the contraction, the uterine globe becomes harder and diminishes in volume, but after the pain is over, it returns to its former condition much sooner and more perfectly than in other cases; and, lastly, 1 It frequently happens, says Leroux (Traite des Pertes de Sang, page 306), that the placenta is thus detached at the middle, but remains adherent by its margins. The same thing was observed by Albinus, in a woman whose womb he has sketched. "The female," he says, "whose uterus is represented in several of the plates, had a detached placenta, and there was a considerable quantity of clotted blood between it and the organ; it was adherent, however, around the whole border, Whereby flooding was prevented." (Louis1 Translation of Van Swieten, t. vii. p. 145, and Heister, t. ii chap. civ. p. 459.) 'l I think, says John Ramsbotham, that I have observed a slight alteration in the shape of the uterus. It presents a less regularly spherical form, and its fundus also exhibits a certain degree of conicity. (Obs. on Midwifery.) ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 877 the existence of this complication is rendered unequivocal by carrying the hand up into the uterus. The abnormal adhesions of the placenta may exist alone, or they may be complicated Avith some accident; its partial adherence is nearly ahvays accompanied by a more or less profuse hemorrhage. In cases of simple adhesion, the accoucheur should ahvays Avait, for a delay of a feAV hours is often sufficient to effect the separation ; then, after Avaiting for a couple of hours, the uterus is stimulated to contraction by the various means before indicated; but if these prove insufficient, an injection of cold Avater is to be throAvn into the umbilical vein. After having cut the end of the cord, and squeezed the vein so as to free it entirely of any blood it may contain, the cold liquid is injected into this vessel with a sufficient degree of force to diffuse it throughout the placental mass. This ought to be repeated, taking care to retain the fluid in the after-birth for several minutes by securing the cord. This injection evidently has a twofold operation, affect- ing both the placenta and the Avomb; that is, it distends the former by the introduction of a new liquid into its vessels, thereby augmenting its size and Aveight; and the impression of cold on the internal surface of the latter brings on its contraction. This measure, therefore, ought not to be over- looked. AArhere it fails, tractions on the umbilical cord are to be resorted to; though ahvays, as advised by Levret, perpendicularly to the surface of the placenta. If tAvo sheets of moistened paper are stuck together, continues this author, for the purpose of illustrating the importance of his precept, and you endeavor to separate them by sliding one over the other, that is to say, by drawing them parallel to their planes, you tear rather than detach them ; whilst, by pulling perpendicularly to those planes, you will separate them Avithout the least effort, as also Avithout any laceration. In order to obtain a similar result in practice, the umbilical cord is carried toAvards the side not occupied by the placenta, by the intervention of tAvo fingers passed into the vagina beyond the uterine orifice. But it is impossible to carry out this rule, as Velpeau and Guillemot justly remark, because both the fcetal and the uterine surfaces of the after-birth are in contact with the Avails of the organ; besides, the fingers can only sustain the cord beloAV the cervix, and hence, as a natural consequence, the cord Avill ahvays be parallel Avith, not perpendicular to, the long axis of the womb, in Avhatever manner it be held. The same effect is produced equally well, in their opinion, by draAving on it without this artificial pulley. Though Avhichever plan be resorted to, the operator must never exert force enough in making the tractive efforts to rupture the cord, and he should desist as soon as he finds it yielding. But, supposing all the local and general irritants, the injections into the umbilical vein, and the tractions upon the cord just recommended, have proved ineffectual, Avhat is to be done ? AVhen the adhesions are complicated by any hemorrhagic or convulsive affection, all accoucheurs are harmonious on one point, namely, to persist in the attempts to effect the extraction. But the same unanimity does not exist with regard to cases of simple adhesion; for some, dreading the disastrous phenomena that may result from the reten- tion and subsequent putrefaction of the placenta, and the absorption of 878 DYSTOCIA. putrid matters, are in favor of terminating the delivery at every hazard; while others, on the contrary, fearing still more the consequences of the manipulations Avhich are necessary for effecting the detachment of the placenta, advise us to abandon the Avhole to nature; at the same time recommending the ulterior symptoms to be met and combated as they arise by the appropriate measures. Our own opinion is, that the course of Levret, of Baudelocque, of Desor- meaux, and M. P. Dubois, is the best adapted to cases of this kind ; that is, after having employed the various means Ave have spoken of,-to introduce the hand into the uterine cavity, following the cord, Avhich is then the best guide up to the placenta. Should this have been torn aAvay, the latter could be recognized by the vascular ramifications which characterize its fcetal sur- face, by its elevation above the inner face of the uterus, by its consistence, and by the dull sensation felt by the patient yvhen the fingers bear upon it. The point of attachment being discovered, the next step is to ascertain whether the adhesion is complete or partial; in the latter case, it is recom- mended to insinuate the open hand betAveen the external surface of the placenta and the uterine wall, and then slit up the adhesion with the finger, just as you would cut the leaves of a book with a paper-knife; (Fig. 119.) It is cer- tain, hoAvever, that it is a piece of advice Avhich it will be found impossible to follow. M. P. Dubois thinks it is better to seize the detached part Avith the Avhole hand, and pull upon it, Avith a view of completing the separation of the rest; but if this proves unsuccessful, he next tears and brings aAvay all the lose portion. These abnormal adhe- sions are most readily overcome by a short scratching motion Avith the ends of the fingers. All attempts of this kind ought, Mode of breaking up the adhesions of however, to be made Avith great caution: the placenta. . . . leaving the ulterior expulsion of those parts that still remain adherent, to nature, Avithout resorting to any further attempts. We could bring fonvard numerous cases in proof of the sound- ness of this precept. For example, Ave have knoAvn a rash operator to per- forate the uterus completely Avhilst striving to separate an adherent placenta; and Leroux, of Dijon, notAvithstanding all his dexterity, had the misfortune to detach quite a considerable part of the internal muscular plane, in a case of partial adhesion, by pulling too strongly on the detached upper portion of the after-birth, in order to separate its still adherent loAver part. Death soon followed in the case Ave allude to; and the surgeon of Dijon had a pro- fuse hemorrhage to encounter in his, but he fortunately succeeded in arrest- ing it by the application of the tampon. AVI; en the placenta becomes separated at its central part, the margins being still adherent, a cavity is usually created at that point, in Avhich the blood accumulates. Under such circumstances, the centre of the mass may be perforated, and the fingers be passed up through the opening, to complete ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 879 the detachment; at least, such was the course adopted by Heister and Leroux. Furthermore, where the placenta is adherent throughout, the accoucheur operates on its external face, by slipping up the hand behind the membranes; and Avhen it reaches the circumference of the after-birth, he first endeavors to detach one part, and, where successful, he pursues the same course as if it had originally been a case of partial adherence. Finally, let us add, that it is not proper to persist too long, Avhen a part, or even the whole, of the placenta holds out against the properly conducted manipulations just advised; for its expulsion Avill probably take place sooner or later, either all at once, or in fragments. [The membranes, as well as the placenta, sometimes become abnormally adherent at some points of their surface, and the difficulty thus occasioned may be recog nized in the following manner. At first, all the phenomena of the delivery of the placenta take place as usual, and the detached placenta is forced down upon the internal orifice or into the upper part of the vagina; but from thence it is with difficulty brought to the vulva. It is found to resist the tractive effort, to be held back, as it were ; and if a finger be passed behind the symphysis pubis, the mem- branes are found to be in a state of tension. Any sudden application of force would inevitably extract the placenta, but at the same time would leave a portion of the membranes in the cavity of the uterus. In order to avoid so unfortunate a result, it is important to temporize, to draw very gently but continuously upon the mem- branes, and also rotate the placenta so as to twist them and give them greater poAver of resistance. Finally, if necessary, the hand may be passed into the vagina, and by following up the membranes the point of adherence may be reached and detach- ment accomplished. Although retention of a shred of membrane is a less serious occurrence than retention of a cotyledon of the placenta, it may, nevertheless, give rise to secondary hemorrhage. (See Secondary Hemorrhage.)] § 6. Of Partial and Complete Retention of the Placenta. By conforming to the rules just mentioned, Ave shall rarely fail in extract- ing the placenta completely; but we have seen that there are nevertheless some cases in Avhich a larger or smaller portion of the after-birth is neces- sarily left behind, and its expulsion confided to the resources of the economy. Whether this abandonment be obligatory, or the result of ill-directed trac- tions on the cord, or of improper attempts to effect the separation of the adherent placenta, it may lead to various consequences, some of Avhich are very serious. It is, therefore, very important to determine the fact, Avhich may almost always be done by a careful examination of the placenta. The only difficulty Avhich could arise, Avould be occasioned by its separation into fragments in consequence of its very close adhesion. a. Hemorrhage is almost ahvays the immediate consequence of the reten- tion of any considerable part of the placenta, and its -amount is generally proportionate to the size of the abandoned portion. Sometimes, hoAvever, no flooding occurs ; either because the uterus contracted properly after the sepa- ration of the placenta, or because the fragments left behind remain attached to the walls of the organ. In the former case, the contraction of the womb diminishes the discharge after the lapse of some hours; and during the feAV succeeding days, excepting the violent colicky pains occasioned by the efforts of the uterus to expel the foreign body, the patient suffers little more than the discomforts attendant upon a moderate hemorrhage. 880 DYSTOCIA. It is not long, hoAvever, before these frequent after-pains seem to give rise to an unusual tenderness of the uterine tumor; and, finally, even slight pressure becomes painful. The lochia, which hitherto were composed entirely of blood, present a different character. They are mixed Avith a very fetid, sanious fluid, and become very irritating to the genital parts. If the tem- perature should chance to be high, and especially if the most scrupulous regard is not paid to cleanliness, they diffuse such a disgusting odor as to render the chamber untenable ; and, as M. Jacquemier observes, the assist- ants are liable to suffer severely from it. This change in the lochia is due to the putrefaction of some portions of the placenta. As parts of the adherent mass become gradually detached, they fall into the cavity of the uterus, where they are liable to remain for some time. The contact of air which readily reaches the uterus soon gives rise to putrefaction, and the decomposed fragments communicate to the lochia the odor Avhich characterizes them. B. Putrid Absorption of the Placenta.— These local phenomena rarely appear Avithout being accompanied by a sensible alteration of the general health of the patient. After a longer or shorter time, a violent chill comes on, attended Avith extreme restlessness and anxiety, the pulse becomes rapid, and the skin dry and burning; the face is alternately pale and flushed, though mostly pale; the respiration is anxious and frequent; the tongue, Avhich is ahvays dry, is sometimes white and sometimes red; the patient complains of pain in the head, attended occasionally Avith throbbing, and soon delirium, at first intermittent and finally constant, is added to the other symptoms. The latter become more and more serious ; the abdomen is dis- tended and very tender; inclinations to vomit, sometimes even profuse vomiting, and, occasionally, frequent and involuntary alvine discharges, shoAV that the alimentary canal shares in the general affection. Finally, the pulse becomes more and more rapid, thread-like, and undulating; the debility and restlessness are extreme, there is no cessation of delirium, and death closes this terrible scene five, ten, or fifteen days after the invasion of the first symptoms. Peritonitis, Avhich is in some cases indicated by the tenderness and dis- tention of the abdomen, does not ahvays occur, and death may result simply from the species of poisoning occasioned by the absorption of the putrefied fragments of the placenta. The symptoms presented by the patient are then simply those of the fevers commonly called adynamic and ataxic. The result is not necessarily fatal, and especially Avhen the disease is uncomplicated Avith peritonitis, the patient may escape from the danger which threatened her. After a certain length of time, the retained portion of the placenta may become suddenly detached, and be expelled bodily; upon Avhich, the grave symptoms to which its decomposition had given rise, cease almost imme- diately. Sometimes, and under the use of frequent injections, the discharge seems to lose its fetidity and irritating qualities, and becomes more decidedly purulent. Some detached portions of the placenta are found diffused in it, and parts are also brought aAvay by every injection; rather larger portions ART.FICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 881 occasionally present at the cervix and may be extracted with the finger. Whilst the Avomb is thus ridding itself of the putrid matter which it con- tains, the general symptoms improve, or, at least, are not aggravated. The economy seems to resist the deleterious influence to which it is subjected. The patient may remain in this condition for several Aveeks Avith an almost constant febrile movement, accompanied noAV and then with exacerbations preceded by slight chilliness, and moderate disorder of the digestive appa- ratus, until, finally, Avhen the remainder of the placenta is expelled, the fever ceases, the strength returns, and the patient is restored to health. These serious accidents, which are ahvays to be feared Avhen a consider- able portion of the placenta is retained Avithin the Avomb, do not, hoAvever, always result from this retention. It may remain there for a long time after the delivery Avithout seriously affecting the woman's health, and be disposed of in tAvo different but equally strange ways. I allude to the late expulsion and absorption of the placenta. c. Late Expulsion of the Placenta.—The retention of a portion of the pla- centa is almost always attended by a profuse hemorrhage. This, however, does not invariably occur when the entire after-birth remains in the cavity of the uterus, Avhich rarely happens except after abortions. If, in short, the adhesions are noAvhere destroyed, and the utero-placental vessels are unrup- tured, the reason of the absence of hemorrhage, and often even of the lochial discharge observed under these circumstances, is evident. The flood- ing then comes on only Avhen the uterus at last contracts in order to expel the foreign body. This expulsion may be accomplished at once, and the completely separated placenta be discharged whole. The hemorrhage, Avhich had lasted four, five, or even ten days, being the time sometimes necessary for its separa- tion, ceases immediately after, as by enchantment. This hemorrhage is ahvays far less profuse Avhen the detachment of the placenta takes place at a remote period from the expulsion of the child. The constant contraction of the uterus, which tends unceasingly to resume the dimensions of the un- impregnated condition, necessarily lessens the calibre of the vessels and alnrost obliterates them, so that their rupture at that time is an affair of little moment. On examining the placenta, it is found to have undergone no alteration, it exhales no unpleasant odor, and although it may have remained several days, Aveeks, or even months, in the cavity of the uterus after the expulsion of the child, it is as fresh as though the latter Avere just born. Its vitality had been preserved by the integrity of its vascular con- nections, and its prolonged retention been thus rendered innoxious. I have just had occasion to notice a case of the kind, afforded by a young Avoman three months and a half gone, who miscarried tAventy-four days ago. The placenta had remained since then Avithin the cavity of the uterus, and a profuse hemorrhage having occurred in consequence of its detachment, I was obliged to extract it artificially. It Avas already engaged in the cervix, and its AvithdraAval presented no serious difficulty; the extreme Aveakness of the patient forbade temporizing. It had no appearance of decom- position. 56 882 DYSTOCIA. [I met with two similar cases in women who were delivered at term. A portion of the placenta having been left in the womb, both of them were taken with severe hemorrhage; one on the ninth and the other on the seventeenth day. In both cases, I found the os uteri partially open, enabling me to extract a cotyledon of the placenta which presented not the slightest evidence of putrefaction.] Unfortunately, the slowness Avith which the detachment of the placenta sometimes takes place, may so prolong the discharge as to give rise to tin- other accident. AMien, in fact, a cotyledon is thus separated, it no longer shares in the circulation of the adhering parts, and remains suspended Avithin the cavity of the womb. After a time, it becomes detached from the rest of the placenta, and if its size or the contraction of the orifice prevents; its being discharged immediately, it decomposes, and may give rise to some of the accidents already mentioned. Generally, however, its expulsion is not long deferred, or else the practitioner deems it proper to extract it; still, it is impossible to avoid the hemorrhages, the repetition of which on the occasion of each partial separation at last weaken the patient greatly, and may even endanger her existence. D. The complete absorption of the placenta is. so extraordinary a phenom- enon, that the first observations published were received very doubtfully. Nothing short of the great authority of such names as that of Naegele, together with the strict detail Avith Avhich the cases are related, were required to obtain for them a place in obstetric science. Yet it is so easy to be deceived in such cases, that even after the observations of Naegele, Salomon, and Velpeau, doubts will occasionally suggest themselves. Is it not possible, indeed, that, notAvithstanding the strictest surveillance, the placenta might have been expelled unconsciously ? Is it not possible that the species of sanious detritus, to Avhich its decomposition gives rise, may have formed a part of the putrescent lochia discharged in such cases ? Finally, may it not have been that its prolonged retention and late expulsion were regarded as instances of absorption ? In fact, that after a woman had thus retained her placenta for several months without her health having suffered materially, it may have become detached without a great deal of hemorrhage, and small and shrivelled as it was, have been discharged during strainings at stool without the patient herself being aware of it. Most of the published cases are, doubtless, liable to one or the other of these explanations; yet it must be confessed that there are others, in Avhich there Avould seem to be no doubt that the placenta had really been absorbed. After all, analogous phenomena are not Avanting. In extra-uterine preg- nancies, has not the foetus often been found reduced to its bony portions, in consequence of the absorption of the other fluid or solid parts ? Has not the same thing been known to take place Avithin the uterus when a dead foetus had been retained for a long time? The absorption of a placenta is cer- tainly not more wonderful, especially in cases of abortion, Avhen the pla- centas are small and imperfectly formed, as in most of the instances men- tioned. The possibility of the occurrence cannot, therefore, as yet.be abso- lutely denied, though it should be received Avith a certain degree of reserve. Indications.—AVe have dwelt sufficiently upon the proper means of pre- venting the entire or pari;al retention of the placenta, and have but a Avord ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACEN: A. 883 to add respecting the prudence which should govern all attempts at extrac- tion. Although the dangerous accidents to which the woman is exposed, require that we should attempt all that is humanly possible, in order to effect its extraction, it should be remembered that too long-continued efforts, Avhether to introduce the hand through a contracted orifice, or to rupture the too strong adhesions, are liable to produce equally serious consequences; in fact, that post-puerperal inflammations and even ruptures of the uterus have frequently resulted from these forcible detachments; and, finally, that a placenta retained wholly or in part within the uterus, may not be expelled until after the lapse of several months, or may be absorbed Avithout sen- sibly affecting the health of the mother. Although these latter occurrences are rare, they are yet sufficient to justify, and even require the relinquish- ment of all violent and dangerous efforts. It Avere impossible to furnish here an absolute rule of action, and it must be left to the intelligence and prudence of the practitioner, to determine, hoAv far he shall proceed in such cases. The indications to be fulfilled, when a portion of the placenta has been left behind, either voluntarily, or through aAvkAvardness, vary according to the period at which our services are demanded. A'ery often a quite profuse hemorrhage is the first accident to appear, and efforts should be made to restrain it by means of cold applications to the hypogastrium, groins, and thighs, by frictions upon the body and neck of the uterus, and, Avith the object of obtaining a more thorough contrac- tion of the organ, ergot should be administered. These measures will very rarely be found insufficient, provided the uterus is properly contracted; but should the accident be complicated by inertia, the measures to be indicated- hereafter should be resorted to. Care should be taken as regards relieving the violent after-pains Avhich torment the patient, by the use of opiates, since the contractions of Avhich they are the result, tend to separate and expel the adherent mass. The ulterior conduct of the practitioner must be governed by circum- stances. If the neck of the uterus appears to be strongly contracted, if the lochia are moderate in amount, and especially if their composition is unaltered and their color and smell unchanged, he should be satisfied with watching the patient closely without interfering with the tendencies of nature by an untimely intervention. As soon as the lochia become sanious and fetid, he should resort to the best means of averting their dangerous influence opon the economy. Intra- vaginal and intra-uterine injections practised frequently, and continued until the returning fluid is no longer imbued Avith the odor of decomposi- tion, are very useful. M. Ahillyamos recommends the use of large quanti- ties of water ; he throAVS up an injection consisting of the Avarm infusion of niarslimalluws, by means of a large syringe, every five minutes; he prefers cold water, however, in cases of flooding. This operation is effected by the use of a long gum-elastic tube, one end of Avhich is fixed in the uterine orifice, and the other extends beyond the vulva, or even the foot of the bed, so as to obviate the necessity of uncovering her; the returning fluid is collected in a basin placed under the patient. I think it would be more mudent to make use of a double tube. 884 DYSTOCIA. The patient should also be examined frequently, in order to ascertain whether any portion of the placenta presents at the cervix, and if so, it should be extracted immediately, either Avith the fingers, Avith Levret's abortion forceps, or Avith Prof. Pajot's curette. The injections, indeed, are not ahvays sufficient, being incapable of bringing aAvay moderate-sized fragments. Extreme fetidity of the lochia might possibly authorize the use of slightly chlorinated injections. The patient should also have the advantage of the best hygienic meas- ures. The chamber should be thoroughly ventilated and purified by every appropriate means, and the linen changed as often as_ possible. If, notAvithstanding these precautions, upon Avhich too much stress cannot be laid, symptoms of general infection should appear, complicated with peritonitis, purgatives, baths, calomel, and mercurial inunction, should be used at the outset; but the first adynamic or ataxic phenomena must be met Avith the tonic and stimulant treatment used in the latter stages of low fevers. Water containing wine, preparations of cinchona and acetate of ammonia, may all prove very useful. ARTICLE II. OF ACCIDENTS THAT MAY COMPLICATE DELIVERY OF THE AFTER-BIRTH. The principal of these are hemorrhage, inversion and rupture of the womb, and convulsions. § 1. Hemorrhage. Of all the accidents that may precede, accompany, or follow the delivery of the placenta, flooding is certainly one of the most frequent, and at the same time, most terrible in its consequences. It may occur conjointly Avith either of the difficulties just described in the preceding article; and Avhen this does take place, the indications then laid down ought to be folloAved up more promptly. But, in addition to those circumstances, hemorrhage may likewise take place after the child is born; and this claims our special attention, since it is nearly ahvays accompanied by complete or partial inertia of the womb. AVe have therefore to examine successively the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of this inertia, considered with particular reference to the accident in question. AVe shall thus com- plete the history of puerperal hemorrhage, which was hitherto only de- scribed in part; namely, during the first six months, in the article on Abor- tion; and during the last three months, as also pending the labor proper, in that on Accidental Dystocia. A. Causes.—After the delivery of the child, and even during the pro- gress of its expulsion, the uterine tissue becomes gradually retracted by the exercise of its contractility of tissue, whereby the cavity of the organ is considerably diminished; thus contracting the vessels that ramify in the substance of its walls and reducing their calibre in a greater or less degree, thereby interrupting the circulation, and of course preventing the utero- ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 885 placental vessels, which are torn by the detachment of the placenta, from becoming the source of a profuse hemorrhage. Noav, under certain circum- stances, this contractility of tissue is very feeble, and in others it is alto- gether Avanting; in the former case the inertia of the Avomb is partial, in the latter it is complete; again, it may be total or partial, according as it affects the whole or a part of the uterine Avails. All which various degrees of the affection may be developed under the influence of the same causes. The causes of hemorrhage from inertia are either predisposing or deter- mining ; under the former head, av liters have enumerated: 1st, a plethoric and sanguine habit, a precocious and usually copious menstruation; more particularly when venesection has not been resorted to in anticipation, during the latter months of pregnancy; 2d, a lymphatic temperament; for those women avIio have a soft and lax fibre, or possess but little muscular poAver, and Avho are nervous and irritable, are more liable than others to this affection; 3d, the occurrence of profuse flooding after former labors. We might bring fonvard numerous cases, all tending to prove the unfavor- able influence of previous floodings; and, therefore, from the mere fact of their occurrence at one or more antecedent labors, the accoucheur ought to take suitable measures to prevent their reappearance. Under the head of the so-called determining causes, we may classify: 1st, the exhaustion incident to a protracted and painful labor; or, in other Avords, all the obstacles that may oppose the natural delivery of the foetus; 2d, a very short labor, and its rapid termination from the stupor of the walls, caused by the rude and hasty depletion of the organ; hence a very large pelvis, a laceration of the cervix, and a want of resistance at the peri- neum, all Avhich facilitate the rapid expulsion of the child, may, from that fact alone, become sources of inertia ; 3d, an excessive distention of the Avomb, whether dependent on a dropsy of the amnios or a twin pregnancy, may paralyze, as it Avere, the contractility of the uterine tissue; 4th, according to Madame Lachapelle, Ave must further add a dragging of the uterus, in con- sequence of an adhesion contracted Avith the omentum during gestation; Avhereby the perfect retraction of the organ after labor is impeded. There can be no doubt that the various circumstances just alluded to may of themselves give rise to inertia; but, as a general rule, their influence will be of short duration and easily set aside, if it is not favored by the existence of some predisposing cause. It is to the latter, especially, as M. Guillemot observes, that Ave must refer the chief part in the production of those hemor- rhages that occur after the child is born. In fact, Avhere they exist conjointly in the same woman, there is every reason to fear the occurrence of that accident; whilst, if absent, the supposed determining causes usually have but little or no effect. The influence of those causes is ordinarily manifested in the course of a few minutes after the child is bora; though sometimes the inertia is second- ary, as it Avere, not coming on for several hours, or even not until several days afterAvards. The Avomb having contracted properly immediately after the delivery of the child or after-birth, then becomes relaxed by degrees, and ultimately gives rise to a frightful hemorrhage. B. Symptoms.— Where the uterus contracts properly as soon as the labor 686 DYSTOCIA. is over, a hard, globular, rounded tumor is found in the hypogastric region, occupying nearly all the space between the umbilicus and pubis. This tumor is the seat of intermittent pains of variable intensity, and is ahvays harder while they last. An absence of these characters indicates inertia of the organ; that is, by palpating the loAver part of the abdomen, Ave find nothing but softness and flaccidity throughout; for the abdominal and uterine walls are so easily depressed, that they can be pushed back against the posterior ventral parietes; and, indeed, Avhere the inertia is complete, it is even impossible to make out Avhich are the uterine and Avhich the abdom- inal Avails. Again, by carrying the hand up into the Avomb, it readily passes through the relaxed cervix, and finds the uterine parietes everyAvhere flabby and wrinkled like a bit of old rag. Should the inertia be partial, the uterine structures seem to be thicker, and to have a more marked con- sistence; but they are still readily distended, and are far from offering their characteristic resistance. This condition may exist without hemorrhage, if the placental adhesion still remains intact at every part of its uterine surface; but whenever a separation has occurred, flooding is clearly inevitable. Of course, the latter Avill be the more copious as the detachment is nearly or Avholly completed at the time the inertia is manifested. The signs by which the existence of hemorrhage is recognized are easily made out; but the discharge is sometimes so sudden and profuse, that, it is not detected until the Avoman's life is already seriously endangered. The patient generally complains of a feeling of weight about the stomach ; and, soon after, pallor of the face, dimness of vision, smallness of the pulse, weak- ness, syncope, and all the most alarming general symptoms are manifested. To these are added some phenomena peculiar to the uterine discharge; such aa, pains in the loins, a spasmodic chill, and a dragging sensation at the epigastrium, sometimes resembling that caused by hunger; and, in the latter moments, there not unfrequently comes on a hysterical attack, or even some convulsive movements. As regards the local signs, they are variable ; and hence, in this respect, the flooding has been characterized as the external and the internal. AVhen it is external, the blood, Avhich inundates the pa- tient's bed, soaks through the mattress, and trickles down on the floor, cannot possibly permit any mistake as to the cause of the general phenomena just indicated. But Avhen it accumulates in the uterine cavity, the nature of the accident may escape detection, or at least may only be recognized when it is too late to remedy it. Every circumstance whatever that constitutes an obstacle to the ready discharge of the blood through the uterine orifice, may give rise to an in- ternal hemorrhage; thus, a very considerable obliquity of the womb, in which the neck is carried high upwards and backAvards; occlusion of the os uteri, by a part or the whole of the placental mass, or by large coagula; a badly applied tampon, or the closure of the vulva by cloths ; a spasmodic contraction of the os uteri, (although, in cases of inertia, this contraction is seldom considerable enough of itself to obliterate the outlet,) must neces- sarily favor the formation of a clot that might easily block up the already diminished cervix. Let us add further, that the elevated position in Avhich ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 887 the pelvis is designedly placed for the purpose of arresting an ex ternal dis- charge, may prove a cause of internal hemorrhage. Whenever any obstacle prevents the escape of the blood, the latter accu- mulates Avithin the uterine cavity, the Avails of which readily yield to dis- tention. If the hand be then placed on the belly, the womb Avill be found much enlarged, occasionally even attaining the height it had during the latter months of gestation ; the ball, formed by the retracted organ, is no longer felt at the usual place, its A'olume has increased, but its hardness has decreased; the finger in the vagina finds the uterine orifice, which is carried far backwards or is spasmodically retracted, obstructed by the placenta, or by a clot; and when passed up into the Avomb, it detects there a large quantity of coagulated and fluid blood. (C. Baudelocque.) c. Diagnosis. — It is scarcely possible to mistake the nature of the acci- dent, Avhen the hemorrhage is external; but this is far from being the case Avhen the blood accumulates in the uterine cavity; for, although we have enumerated the general debility, syncope, &c, and the enlargement of the abdomen, as pathognomonic signs of flooding, yet these circumstances may all be met with and still there may be no hemorrhage. The increased size of the belly may be OAving to the fact that the intes- tines, after having been so long compressed by the developed organs, be- come expanded by the gas they contain; and thus cause the abdominal walls, which are still soft and flabby, to SAvell up nearly to their previous size. But any errors from this source will be corrected by the resonance of the abdomen on percussion, by the vaginal examination, and by palpating the uterine globe. " Sometimes," says Madame Lachapelle, " owing to the extensibility of the vagina, the Avomb is carried up by the distended bladder filled with urine, thereby singularly augmenting the size of the belly. In one instance that came under my notice, the pupils had become much alarmed by this circumstance ; but I relieved their anxiety in a moment by the introduction of the catheter. For the prominence of the bladder, which is so easily recognized by an experienced person, satisfied me at once as to the nature of the case; and, besides, it Avas not accompanied by any of the general symptoms of flooding." The accoucheur ought also to bear in mind that a syncope, occurring after childbirth, does not ahvays depend on the loss of blood. It is not unfre- quently obsenred shortly after very rapid labors; for then the Avomb being emptied at once, the compression to which the hypogastric vessels had been subjected during the latter months of gestation is suddenly remoA^ed; the circulation in them becomes free and unobstructed, and the rapid determi- nation of the blood from the head and upper extremities, towards the vessels of the loAver parts, often gives rise to fainting. AA^hen it occurs, the horizontal position and the application of a moderately draAvn bandage around the belly, are usually sufficient to relieve the affection. An hysterical attack, coining on immediately after the labor, might be mistaken for those nervous phenomena that so often signalize the unfavor- able termination of grave hemorrhage. But in all such cases, by resorting to the vaginal touch, and the palpation 888 DYSTOCIA. of the hypogastric region, the accoucheur will clearly ascertain the retrac- tion of the organ; and, therefore, will not be likely to confound them with the symptoms dependent on inertia of the womb. D. Prognosis.—Flooding after labor is an exceedingly dangerous acci dent; for a feAV minutes may decide the woman's fate. Of course, the dis- charge Avill be the more profuse as the inertia is more complete and the separation of the placenta more advanced. Other things being equal, an internal hemorrhage is more dangerous, as a general rule, than an external one: simply because it is more apt to escape detection. Of the symptoms that are common to both \-arieties of flooding, there are some which more particularly indicate the imminency of the danger, and even a speedy death; such, for instance, as severe chills or convulsions, increasing dyspnoea, prolonged syncope, sharp and continued pains in the loins, together Avith vertigo and loss of vision. " It should also be remarked that the pupil is usually dilated, that it is at times agitated by oscillatory movements, and that the dilatation is par- ticularly evident Avhen the syncope is most profound." (Lachapelle.) e. Treatment.—The treatment of uterine hemorrhage from inertia is either preventive or curative. The preventive treatment consists in breaking up the predispositions just alluded to, and in preventing the action of those causes which might deter- mine inertia of the womb after labor. In women of a full habit, Avhose menstrual discharges have usually been copious, and in Avhom plethoric phenomena become manifested during pregnancy, it Avould be proper to resort to repeated blood-lettings in the course of the latter months; and, even during the labor, if the fulness of the pulse, headache, and flushing of the face, seem to require. In those of a feeble and delicate constitution, who have suffered from flooding in their former labors, measures calculated to arouse the contractility of the uterine tissue ought to be employed in the latter stages of parturition; that is, to stimulate the action of the uterus by external frictions and pressure, by the application of compresses soaked in some cold fluid acidulated Avith vinegar, over the belly, and more espe- cially, by the exhibition of fifteen to thirty grains of ergot, divided into three doses, about twenty minutes or half an hour before the child is born. Dr. Robert Lee (London Med. Gaz., 1839, p. 713) recommends the fol- lowing course, namely: to rupture the membranes at the commencement of the labor, in those women whose previous history Avould cause us to fear a profuse hemorrhage after the delivery; without Avaiting for the dilatation of the os uteri, or at least for the development of strong pains; he then applies a bandage around the abdomen, and gradually tightens it as the labor advances. The subsequent progress is abandoned to nature ; taking care to keep the apartment cool, and forbidding the employment of stimu- lants of any kind. I have, he says, several times adopted this plan Avith success. There are still some other prophylactic measures of great value, Avhen there is reason to fear inertia of th* Avomb. For instance, the best Avay of modifying the action of the determining causes, is to retard the termination of a rapid labor as much as possible, particularly in Avomen of a lax fibre ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 889 and lymphatic temperament; but, on the other hand, to accelerate a long and painful one by aiding the inefficient poAvers of nature before the patient is wholly exhausted, and before the womb falls into a state of atony. Doctor Clarke very properly advises the hand to be placed over the fundus during the expulsion of the child, Avith a vieAV of affording it support, both during and after the contraction. Burns adds, that moderate pressure ou the abdomen after the delivery of the placenta proves beneficial in keeping up and stimulating the action of the organ. " But," says Madame Lachapelle, " if, notAvithstanding all your exertions, and notAvithstanding the most perfect rest, and the express charge to the patient not to bear doAvn, you find the accouchement progressing Avith a fearful rapidity, you still have one resource left, that is, to leave the placenta in the womb until fresh pains are excited. For, in most instances, this body is not entirely detached, and it resists the flooding so long as the stupor of the Avoinb, caused by its too sudden evacuation, persists. In the opposite case, that is, Avhen the labor has been too long, the placenta is ordinarily separated from the uterine wall, at least in a great measure; and hence it can no longer oppose the discharge of the blood. From that time its pres- ence Avill only serve to keep up the feebleness of the uterus, and by irritating its Avails, exhaust it Avithout any benefit; you should therefore proceed at once to the delivery of the after-birth, free the Avomb from it entirely, and take advantage of the little energy remaining to the latter to procure its proper retraction." (Pratique des Accouchements, t. ii.) The English accoucheurs have taken advantage of the sympathy which appears to exist betAveen the mammae and the uterus, in order to overcome the tendency of the womb to inertia in certain Avomen. Belying upon the well-knoAvn fact that putting the child to the breast often excites after-pains within the feAV days immediately succeeding the delivery, they recommend this to be done as soon as possible after the child is born. So great is their confidence in this measure, that, according to Marshall Hall, no practitioner Avould be justified in leaving a Avoman Avho is predisposed to inertia of the uterus, Avithout directing a proceeding Avhich is at once so simple, and so sure to be effectual. Besides the sympathetic excitement of the womb thus produced, the suction Avould have the additional advantage of diverting the blood from the uterus by directing it toAvard the breasts.1 I cannot too strongly insist upon the administration of from 15 to 30 grains of ergot Avhenever there appears to be a tendency to inertia after delivery. It is ahvays an innocent remedy, and one Avhich, I am sure, has prevented many a flooding. Curative Treatment.—There is one special indication presented after the child is born, namely, that of arousing the uterine contractions, which alone can put an end to the hemorrhage, as soon as possible. The means suggested 1 Rigby advises, that whenever there is reason to fear hemorrhage from ii ertia after delivery, the child be put to the breast as soon as the mother is changed and put to bed. He assures us, that in several grave cases, in which all other means had failed, the uteri* contracted t-trongly and permanently as soon as the child had seized the nipple. In one case only did the usual effect fail to take place, and this, Rigby thinks, was due -o the fact of the child of another woman having been made use of. 890 DYSTOCIA. for this purpose are exceedingly various, but Ave shall endeavoi to estimate their respective values. Of all the various measures recommended for the flooding dependent upon inertia of the Avomb, the easiest and most certain is a direct irritation made simultaneously over the body, and on the neck of this organ, by placing the hand on the lower front part of the abdomen so as to rub, press, and squeeze the uterine Avail, whilst at the same time two fingers are passed into the vagina to irritate and titillate the os uteri. If these do not effect the object, the Avhole hand is to be carried up into the cavity of the organ. Even supposing that the placenta has been expelled, the accumulation of coagula in the cavity of the uterus prevents the retraction of its muscular tissue, and the first thing to be done is to turn them out with the hand, which should be fearlessly introduced into the parts as often as may be required; then irritate and stimulate its internal surface with the fingers, the other hand keeping up the frictions on the hypogastrium in the meanAvhile. The operator is sometimes obliged to compress and knead the organ, as it Avere, by bearing strongly on the abdominal surface, while the hand in the cavity serves as a point of support. This measure is preferable to all others, because it can always be resorted to without alarming the patient, and is not likely to bring on an inflamma- tion of the organ, as is the case with most of the astringent and stimulant articles advised by some Avriters. The injection of rectified alcohol, oil of turpentine, spirit of vitriol, &c, into the uterine cavity, recommended by Pasta to be used in such cases as a caustic, ought to be banished from prac- tice. Even the employment of strong vinegar requires the exercise of much discretion. Should the irritation made by the hands prove insufficient to arouse the contractility of the uterine tissue, we must resort to an application of cold, which acts both as a sedative to the circulatory system, and as an astringent on the muscular fibres. Compresses dipped in iced water are to be applied over the lower part of the abdomen, the genital organs, and the upper por- tion of the thighs ; and a quantity of cold water might be injected into the vagina at the same time, taking care to pass the extremity of the canula into the uterine cavity. In a serious case, the example of M. Evrat might be advantageously folloAved; this gentleman carried a peeled lemon up into the womb, and then expressed its juice with his hand, so that the citric acid, by coming into contact Avith all parts of the internal surface, would stimulate the organic contractility. Or that of M. Desgranges, by introducing a sponge dipped in vinegar, then squeezing out the fluid, and abandoning it in the uterine cavity; having previously taken the precaution of passing a silk cord through it, by which it can easily be withdrawn when deemed advisable. Again, some persons have suggested that a piece of ice be passed up and left for a few moments in contact with the uterine surface. But the em- ployment of this measure, as well as the external application of cold, must not be persisted in too long; because, as Madame Lachapelle has judiciously remarked, the prolonged application of snow, ice, cold irrigations, douches, and sponging with very cold water, that has been so much vaunted by some ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 891 authors, is not unattended by danger to the patient; and, therefore, the use of cold ought to be restricted within moderate linits. Most generally it becomes ineffectual in the course of five or six minutes; often, indeed, it proves positively injurious, either by reducing the woman to a state of mortal torpor, or by exposing her to a violent inflammatory reaction. There are some cases of obstinate hemorrhage, in Avhich all the measures yet spoken of prove ineffectual. For such cases other remedies have been recommended, Avhich now claim our attention. These are the tampon, the introduction of a bladder into the Avomb, the approximation of the uterine walls by immediate pressure, compression of the aorta, the use of ergot, of opium, and transfusion. 1. The Tampon. — Leroux reports quite a number of cases of inertia of the Avomb, in which the tampon arrested the flooding where it seemed to be inevitably fatal. But, as Desormeaux remarks, it often happens that men, even those Avho are otherAvise Avorthy of credence, are often more successful with remedies of their own invention than any one else. In fact, the only effect of the tampon in many cases is to convert an external into an internal discharge. In order to obviate this disadvantage, it has been suggested to combine its employment with compression of the uterine Avails, by means of the hands. M. Chevreul, who is favorable to its use after the delivery, adds that it is necessary to irritate the organ externally as much as possible. But in the cases mentioned, both by him and Leroux, where the tampon was apparently successful, it was not, as M. Baudelocque avers, so much in pre- venting the discharge of blood, and determining its coagulation, as by irri- tating the internal surface of the Avomb, and thereby producing a retraction of its vessels, that the plug could have had a salutary effect. The tampon itself, or rather the irritating substances M. Chevreul saturates it with, con- joined Avith external stimulation, may indeed bring on the contraction in many cases; but the mere plugging up of the vagina, as directed by Leroux, is useless, to say the least; and therefore the introduction of some old linen, steeped in vinegar, into the uterine cavity, is in reality the only efficacious part of the plan ; but even this will prove still more beneficial Avhen accom- panied by compression of the hypogastrium, and by frictions and stimula- tions of the organ above the pubis. 2. The introduction into the womb of a hog's bladder, which has been softened by holding it a short time in Avarm Avater, is even a Avorse measure than the preceding ; and it is really astonishing that Gardien seems to be in favor of its employment. The presence of a bladder Avould evidently be a continual obstacle to the retraction of the Avomb. Great stress has been laid upon the compression, Avhich it might make on the vascular orifices, but to no purpose: for, even were this a constant result, which however is far from being the case, since Ave are never sure of filling the uterine cavity precisely, the difficulty Avould only be delayed, as the hemorrhage might reappear as soon as the bladder is Avithdrawn ; and then, after all, we should have to fall back on the contraction of the organ. 3. M. Deneux conceived the happy idea of pressing the uterine walls together, in a desperate case, by means of a folded napkin, which he ap- plied over the hypogastrium, and retained in position by a tight body- 892 DYSTOCIA. bandage; this arrested the discharge of the blood completely. Notwith- standing M. Baudelocque has accorded the original suggestion of this plan to M. Deneux, it Avas long since recommended, particularly by the English Avriters. This procedure has been unjustly censured by certain practitioners, since it certainly may prove very useful in an extreme case. In saying that, from the disposition of the posterior plane of the trunk, the uterine walls can only be brought into contact with each other at the point corre- sponding to the sacro-vertebral angle, Madame Boivin has evidently con- founded the bare skeleton with the one still covered by its soft parts. 4. Quite recently, M. D'Ornellas defended a thesis on the compression of the aorta as a remedy in uterine discharges, and he brings fonvard numerous cases in support of his theory. M. Baudelocque has assured me that he has several times succeeded in arresting a flooding in this Avay, which threatened an early fatal termination. This gentleman, who dis- putes Avith Dr. Trehan the honor of its revival, appears to have great con- fidence in the efficacy of the measure; and Ave may add, that a very great number of facts noAV militate in favor of his opinion. He recommends the compression to be made in the following manner: first, flex the patient's superior and inferior parts on the pelvis; then depress the abdominal Avail immediately above the fundus of the Avomb with the four fingers of one hand, when the pulsations of the aorta will be more distinctly felt than the beating of the radial artery. The compression may be kept up for a con- siderable time Avithout causing any particular inconvenience to the Avoman; M. Baudelocque states that he has persisted in it for more than four hours. This compression, hoAvever, is only considered, even by its author himself, as a mode of gaining time; for he administers ergot almost immediately, by the action of which the uterine contraction is soon established. Com- pression of the aorta, though long since recommended, had been gener- ally proscribed because the modes of effecting it Avere very imperfect. Thus, some directed the pressure to be made through the ventral surface and the double uterine Avail; Avhile others introduced the hand into the cavity of the uterus, and then subjected the vessel to pressure through the posterior Avail of this organ. But both of these modes ought to be rejected, because they impede the retraction of the Avomb. NotAvithstanding the numerous successes Avhich have been attributed to this operation, several authors, amongst A\'hom M. Jacquemier is conspicu- ous, contest its utility, and even go so far as to consider it injurious. " In the profuse floodings following delivery, the blood AA'hich escapes," says M. Jacquemier, " proceeds in great part from the veins, and compression of the aorta could only favor the reflux of venous blood into the vena cava and the branches which empty into it." It is not to be supposed that the utero-placental arteries could furnish the enormous amount of blood that sometimes escapes in a few moments from a recently delivered Avoman, and there can be no doubt that a great part of it is discharged from the large, gaping venous orifices left upon the internal surface of the uterus by the detachment of the placenta. Though agreeing with M. Jacquemier as regards this point, I cannot unite with the conclusion Avhich he draws from it Sucl , in fact, are the relations between the aorta and vena cava, that ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 893 it is almost impossible, unless it be done expressly, to compress one without compressing the other. I am very Avilling to admit that a mistake may have been made in respect to the nature of the service thus rendered, and that all the credit hitherto accorded to compression of the aorta should be transferred to the flattening of the vena cava; but of Avhat importance is this as regards the practical result, since the arrest of the hemorrhage is no less the consequence ? M. Jacquemier has done a real service in pointing out a theoretical error, but I Avould almost blame him for it, should he thereby deprive the practitioner of an invaluable resource. I therefore accept his theory, but shall nevertheless continue to compress the aorta, although convinced that I shall compress the vena cava at the same time. Still another objection has been made to the proceeding. Although com- pression of the aorta, it is said, may prevent the blood from arriving by the uterine arteries, it must necessarily increase the amount that passes through the ovarian arteries, inasmuch as it is generally performed beloAV the origin of the latter. . . . The objection loses much of its value from the fact that the hemorrhage is chiefly venous. But of four arteries supplying blood, two only are permeable after compression of the aorta; so far, therefore, it is a marked advantage. M. Jacquemier also regards the administration of ergot during the com- pression as useless and irrational. " How shall Ave admit," says he, " that this agent, Avhose effects are so prompt though evanescent, can stimulate the uterus, since the arterial blood is cut off from it?" It is by first acting upon the nervous centres and stimulating the excito-motor properties of the uterine nerves, that the drug exerts its special action on the uterus; there- fore, to suppose that after having been absorbed by the stomach the medica- ment can only act by being carried by the circulation into contact with the uterine fibre, involves, I think, a physiological error. Hitherto, compression of the aorta has been recommended only for the purpose of suspending the discharge of blood, and giving the measures for restoring the uterine contractility time to act. I think that it is capable of rendering great service even after the discharge is suspended and the Avomb contracted. The fact is, that Avhen flooding has been profuse, all danger is not at an end from the moment that Ave have succeeded in arresting the hemorrhage and bringing about the contraction of the uterus; for although not a single drop of blood should be discharged afterward, the amount of this fluid remaining in the body is no longer sufficient to supply all the organs, and the brain at the same time, with the stimulus necessary to the maintenance of the integrity of their functions; so that Avomen sometimes expire'"Wo or three hours after the arrest of the hemorrhage. Death then takes place, because the remaining blood, being equally diffused throughout the entire extent of the circulatory apparatus, the brain, and especially the spinal marroAV, receive too small a proportion of it, and consequently are not sufficiently stimulated to enable them to support the respiration and the movements of the heart. This being admitted, it is easy to understand that if, by compressing the abdominal aorta, Ave can prevent the blood discharged by the left ventricle from descending into the loAver parts of the body and inferior extremities, it will necessarily be obliged to flow back toAvard the 891 DYSTOCIA. brain in greater quantity, and thus secure for this org*, n the degree of stimulus which it requires to enable it to react in its turn upon the functions of the heart and lungs. The compression of the aorta may be assisted powerfully by placing ine woman on an inclined plane, so that the head shall be the loAvest part of the body. I think, therefore, that compression of the aorta and vena cava is useful Avhilst the flooding continues to be profuse; but also, that Avhen the patient has lost a great amount of blood, it should be continued for several hours after the arrest of the hemorrhage and thorough contraction of the walls of the uterus. In the latter case, however, it is important to separate the aorta from the vena cava, so that the compression may act on the former vessel exclusively.1 5. Ergot has been recommended, as stated above, as a means of pre- venting the occurrence of hemorrhage in Avomen who, by their constitu- tion and previous history, seem to be highly predisposed to it. This remedy may also be resorted to in the curative treatment; unfortunately, however, the time necessary for procuring it, and for the development of its action, is ahvays too long to secure a sufficiently prompt effect;2 and hence, in an alarming hemorrhage, one dependent on a complete inertia of the Avomb, for example, the patient would certainly die before any benefit could be hoped for from its employment. Under such circumstances, it would prove highly useful to compress the aorta in the meanwhile. But with the exception of these frightful cases, where a feAV minutes decide the woman's fate, the secale cornutum ought to be employed ; and its use Avould be nearly ahvays folloAved by success. (See Therapeutics, article Ergot.) In some females, the uterine hemorrhages haA'e a marked tendency to relapse. Consequently, a feAV grains of this substance ought to be adminis- tered as soon as it has occurred, Avhether it seems to be finally arrested or not. For, in the former case, it can do no harm, and, in the latter, it will prevent a return of even a partial inertia ; which is not an indifferent matter to a Avoman who is already exhausted from the previous loss, and who is liable to succumb under a fresh discharge, however inconsiderable it may be. 6. The English authors (Burns and others) recommend the use of opium in full doses, both as a preventive and a curative remedy in cases of flooding from inertia. They bring forward some cases in support of their opinion; but I do not deem them conclusive; because, in every instance, they com- bine the exhibition of opium Avith the employment of those general measures 1 Compression of the aorta was once resorted to by M. Roux in the case of a wounded patient, who was exhausted by frequent hemorrhages. I think, however, that I was, myself, the first to suggest and perform it, in the floodings of newly-delivered females. In the month of March, 1845, after stating the physiological principles upon which ] based my conclusions, I proposed the operation in a formal manner, in a communica- tion to the Medical Society of the department of the Seine. I am the more particular in stating this fact, as the same suggestion has been made in other quarters without p ?knowledging my priority. 2 Accoucheurs, especially those who reside in the country, should always be carefuJ to hnve with them a little ergot in the grain. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 895 just indicated as proper for arresting hemorrhage. Besides, I cannot under- stand how opium, when administered alone, can have any influence Avhatever over the contraction of the uterus, Avhich is here the only hope of safety. 7. Transfusion, Avhich has been so highly praised by certain English writers, in Avhose hands it seems to have succeeded quite a number of times, has not been folloAved by the same success in France. It is one of those extreme measures Avhich might be employed in desperate cases, though it cannot be relied upon ; because the extent of the flooding, the extreme debility of the patient, and the sloAvness of its operation, generally render it ineffectual; without referring to the nervous and inflammatory symptoms, and the phlebitis, Avhich very frequently succeed the operation. Besides, it evidently could only be practised Avith any chance of success after the flood- ing had ceased, and the uterus was thoroughly contracted, and then I think that compression of the aorta would have almost all its advantages Avithout any of its numerous dangers. I once saAv it performed at the Hotel-Dieu without any benefit Avhatever. In some of the reported cases, a notable improvement Avas effected by a moderate quantity of blood (three or four ounces); in others, it Avas necessary to inject as much as ten, and even as high as thirteen, ounces. In M. Nelaton's case, he injected first six, and five minutes aftenvards« eight, ounces of blood. The operation was conducted as folloAvs: The median basilic vein Avas uncovered by an incision three-quarters of an.inch in length, then isolated, and raised by a loop of thread so as to flatten it and stop the circulation in order to prevent any loss of blood. The anterior wall of the Arein Avas next seized Avith a pair of forceps, and half divided obliquely from beloAV upAvard, so as to form a V-shaped flap, which might be raised or restored at pleasure. The blood draAvn from one of the resident surgeons Avas received in a dish Avarmed to the temperature of 77° F., and poured immediately into a syringe heated to the same degree. Everything being thus prepared, Avhatever air remained in the syringe was expelled, the little V-shaped flap was raised Avith the forceps, the tube of the instrument introduced into the vein beneath it, and the injection per- formed sloAvly. The second injection was made five minutes aftenvard, and the Avound in the arm closed by means of collodion. 8. AVe have hitherto supposed the hemorrhage to come on after the removal of the placenta; but inertia of the Avomb, and the consequent hemorrhage, often occurs before this, so that retention of the placenta, under these circumstances, is attended Avith some special indications Avhich it is important to specify. A\Thenever a hemorrhage takes place, a more or less considerable portion of the placenta must evidently be detached; some- times, even, it is wholly separated from the uterine Avail, being left free and movable in the cavity of the organ. The directions given by authors in this case are very variable: thus, some advise us to extract the secundines at once, together Avith any coagula the uterine cavity may contain; others, on the contrary, to try first to remedy the inertia, Avhich is the sole cause of the accident. We do not hesitate to recommend the latter advice Avhen the hemorrhage is slight, because, if the placenta is partially removed, Ave Avould certainly augment its souj ces by completing the separation. Hence Ave look 896 DYSTOCIA. upon it as good practice not to attempt the extraction, and more particularly the detachment of the placenta, until the accoucheur, by stimulating and irritating the organ with his hand, has secured its diminution and contrac- tion to such an extent that it drives, as it were, the coagula and after-birth beyond his hand. Should the adhesions of the placenta be unusually firm, the injections into the umbilical vein, spoken of in the last chapter, might be resorted to. But when the hemorrhage is profuse, and the placenta is completely de- tached, or adheres to the uterus by only a very small portion of its surface, it should be extracted together Avith the clots Avhich may have collected within the cavity of the uterus. Their presence there prevents an energetic action upon the Avails of the womb, and may impede their contraction. Therefore, the best means of arresting the flow of blood is to empty the uterus of its contents as quickly as possible. When the physician has been fortunate enough to overcome the hemor rhage by a resort to the various measures just alluded to, he should still continue with his patient for several hours, carefully Avatching the character and amount of the discharge from the vulva, and occasionally placing a hand over the hypogastrium, so as to detect any increase of volume in the uterine globe. Should the uterus become relaxed and groAV larger, Ave may be certain that it is again filled with coagula, and the hand should be again introduced Avithout hesitation, notAvithstanding the patient's entreaties, and the contents turned out; at the same time stimulating the organ by friction upon its internal surface. The operation should be repeated until the dis- charge is finally arrested. He ought also to take the precaution of applying cloths steeped in vinegar or alcohol, or even in cold Avater, over the belly, and to retain them there by a moderately drawn body-bandage. Abso- lute quiet is to be insisted on. As nourishment, the patient might have some light cordial, broth, SAveetened Avine, &c, &c. Usually, the patient is put to bed an hour after her delivery; but after severe floodings, she should be carefully protected from any sudden motion and it is often necessary to let her remain in the same position for eight, ten, or twelve hours. The least movement might cause a mortal syncope. After a profuse hemorrhage, the patient is naturally inclined to sleep; some persons think it better to prevent her from slumbering, lest the dis- charge be reneAved without her knoAvledge. But as this repose repairs the exhausted forces, it ought not to be hindered; but she must never be left; for the pulse, the uterus, and the vaginal discharge require a constant over- sight. The patients are frequently tormented, after considerable floodings, by vomiting, or at least by sick stomach, nausea, and retchings. Independently of the pain they occasion, these gastric symptoms are not Avholly devoid of danger ; for the vomiting, from the fatigue caused by the strainings to Avhich the Avoman gives A\'ay, may produce a syncope, during Avhich the hemorrhagic discharge may be reneAved profusely. If there are only the nausea and inclination to vomit, the Avomen are often so tormented thereby as to Avear out the little strength they have left; and this exhaustion of musculai poAver, at a time Avhen the uterine contraction is so necessary, is a very ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 897 melancholy condition. "Nothing tranquillizes the stomach under these circumstances," says Dewees, " so far as I have observed, like opium, in the solid form. A neAvly prepared pill of tAvo grains of opium, with a very small portion of soap, to facilitate its solution in the stomach, should be given every hour or tAvo, until the vomiting ceases, or the stomach becomes reconciled. I have found a sinapism over the region of the stomach of great service, and it should be resorted to if necessary." The opiates, in a fluid form, might also be used Avith advantage. AVhen ' after a profuse flooding the patients are excited, uneasy, or tormented by a feeling of extreme discomfort, a feAV dessertspoonfuls of the syrup of diaco- dion AviU generally serve to calm their anxiety, and procure the refreshing sleep which they so greatly need. • [The danger is not over with the cessation of a profuse hemorrhage, for alarming attacks of syncope are of frequent occurrence. Under these circumstances the English practice ought to be folloAved, which consists in the use of alcoholic drinks, such as brandy, rum, Madeira wine, &c. They may be either diluted or given pure, and a large amount can be taken without producing the least symptom of intoxication. A woman may thus drink from three to sixteen ounces of brandy in less than two hours, without the slightest inconvenience. Brandy and water, with a little lemon-juice, is often a very good preparation, because the pleasant taste renders it agreeable to the stomach. Nothing restores more rapidly the exhausted strength of a woman enfeebled by sudden hemorrhage, than alcoholic drinks and cold broths ; unfortunately, however, the stomach often rejects whatever is taken into it. To quiet this vomiting, frag- ments of ice, ahvays taken Avith avidity, may be administered. Should the vomit- ing prove intractable, absorption by the large intestine, through the use of enemata, may be attempted, and an injection given of broth and wine, Avith the addition of from 15 to 20 drops of laudanum. Dr. Charrier, former clinical chief at the hospital of the Faculte, published several cases which seem to prove the utility of these injections, and I can myself bear witness to their efficacy. Therefore, in serious cases, they should not be overlooked.] As the patient begins to recover from the extreme Aveakness Avhich imme- diately folloAArs a profuse loss of blood, symptoms of febrile reaction begin to appear: the pulse is small and rapid, sometimes hard, and sometimes compressible; the heat and dryness of skin are increased, the tongue is dry, and the features contracted : the patient is very thirsty, and feels disgust for solid food: she is startled by the least sound, or by a bright light: she complains of violent headache, and sometimes of palpitations and dyspnea. She is unable to sleep, or, if she dozes, is liable to be aAvakened by violent startings. This condition evidently results from the excitement of the nervous system occasioned by the loss of blood, an excitement which Ave should endeavor to calm from the outset. Evidently, the first indication is to repair the losses of the organism by food Avhich shall be easily digested, and frequently administered in small quantities at a time. Broths or light soups are eminently suitable. The best means of calming the excitability of the nervous system are perfect rest, cold aspersions upon the hands and face, but especially opiates. given frequently and in small doses. 57 898 DYSTOCIA. § 2. Secondary Hemorrhage. In order to complete the history of puerperal hemorrhages, we have yet to speak of some accidents Avhich occur at a variable period after delivery, and Avhich o 1 that account have been styled secondary hemorrhages. These floodings, Avhich are so profuse as seriously to endanger the health and sometimes even the life of the patient, have been treated-of very imper- fectly in the most recent treatises, and Ave ourselves committed the ■'mistake * of passing it over with a very slight notice in the earlier editions of this Avork. Dr. Clintock has recently performed a valuable service in calling attention to the various circumstances Avhich may give rise to them. Some- times these causes begin to act very shortly after the delivery of the placenta, and the thorough contraction of the uterus, sometimes not until after tAvo or three days, and occasionally even after three, five, or six Aveeks. But at whatever time their influence is manifested, their mode of action is nearly ahvays the same as at the other periods of the puerperal state; and the hemorrhage may then be accounted for either by secondary inertia, by a too active congestion, a real molimen hcemorrhagicum, or, finally, by an altera- tion of the blood, consisting in a great increase of its fluidity. The hemorrhage, or rather the inertia which produced it, is not confined to the period of delivery, or to that Avhich immediately succeeds it; so that as regards the time of its appearance, Ave may distinguish a primitive inertia, Avhich is that just described, and a secondary, to which attention has been especially called'by Ramsbotham, and of Avhich Ave have ourselves observed several examples. A. Secondary Inertia.—Some moments, hours, and sometimes even several days after delivery,1 the uterus, Avhich had contracted properly and had remained so during all that time, may suddenly become relaxed. Its walls become softer, and it increases in size. At the same time the patient grows weak and pale, the pulse loses its strength and quickens, and if the genital parts be carefully examined, it is found that very little blood is discharged, and that the clothes are but slightly soiled. But if the uterine tumor be compressed slightly, or the organ be incited to contraction by friction upon the hypogastrium, a considerable amount of coagulated blood is suddenly discharged by the vagina. After this evacuation the size of the uterus is diminished, it is harder, and remains so, so long as the hand continues to press upon it; but if the pressure be removed, the softened Avails are soon found to become distended afresh, and then contract again, driving out an- other quantity of clots, provided the accoucheur renews the pressure and frictions calculated to excite their contractility. This series of occurrences may take place several times, if the accoucheur relinquishes too soon the 1 Mr. Fergusson reports (New York Medical Journal, Sept., 1850) a case of grave hemorrhage occurring thirteen days after delivery. The cause was secondary inertia. The author examined statistics in reference to this subject, with the following result: out of 16,651 labors observed by Collins in the Dublin Hospital, there were 43 cases of hemorrhage immediately after delivery, and 40 twelve hours afterward. The flooding, in one case, occurred only on the fourth, in another on the sixth, and in still another on the tenth day. Drs. -Clintock and ti ardy observed one on the seventh day, and Dr. Stimever another on the tenth. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PI VCENTA. 899 use of the proper means for making the uterus contract permanently; and if the cause of the hemorrhage should not be discovered, it might cost the woman her life. Noav several circumstances are liable to lead into error. In the first place, the physician had previously ascertained the condition of the Avomb, and it does not immediately strike him that it may have become relaxed in a secondary manner, after having remained so long properly contracted. Again, it frequently happens that the patient, exhausted by the fatigues of the labor, falls asleep, and does not herself perceive her extreme Aveakness, until her condition has become irremediable. Nothing but an examination of the uterus is capable of clearing up the diagnosis. This organ is then found to be much larger than it Avas after the labor, and the finger carried up to the internal orifice, finds it blocked up by a clot of considerable size. The accoucheur should use every effort to procure the contraction of the Avails of the uterus, and especially to render it permanent. The best Avay of accomplishing this is, to continue the pressure himself Avhich Avas made at the outset by the hand on the fundus of the womb, and aftenvards substi- tute for it permanent compression. For this purpose, several napkins folded on each other are placed on the fundus of the Avomb, and by means of a body-bandage tightly applied, the organ is held strongly pressed against the opening of the superior strait. I am in the habit of administering imme- diately fifteen grains of ergot, and of repeating it every half hour or hour, according to the degree of tendency to relaxation, in closes of from six to eight grains. B. Congestions of the Uterus.— Under this title, Madame Lachapelle has described a flooding, Avhich comes on some time subsequent to the parturi- tion ; and Avhich is produced, as she supposes, under the influence of a peculiar molimen hozmorrhagicum. This variety is occasionally developed even Avithout any inertia of the Avomb. " AVe have knoAvn," she continues, " a Avoman to perish seven or eight days after her confinement, from a pro- fuse discharge of serous blood, Avhich transuded from all parts of the utero- vaginal surface, and saturated, by imbibition, the most solid tampon; the womb Avas soft, but not distended Avith the blood." I have tAvice known hemorrhage to take place after the delivery of the after-birth, says M. Vel- peau, although the Avomb had been contracted in the one case for four and in the other for seven hours. He further states that this accident is occa- sionally manifested subsequent to the first tAventy-four hours. These congestions, which in certain rare cases are inexplicable, may usually be attributed to certain easily detected, general, or local causes. We have already spoken (page 877) of the liability of the retention of a portion of the placenta to give rise to these hemorrhages, and Ave Avould now simply add that the presence of a large clot within the Avomb might have the same effect. Both Collins and Madame Lachapelle report cases of flooding coming on eight and ten days after delivery, and Avhich ceased only upon the artificial extraction of the coagula. The determination of blood may also be occasioned by the retention of a portion of the membranes, as in the folloAving case. 900 DYSTOCIA. I was sent for by a physician to see a lady living in hue Gros-Caillou On arriving there, I found M. P. Dubois, Avho Avas called at the same time, but who preceded me, engaged in extracting a considerable portion of the membranes, Avhich had been imprudently left behind whilst delivering the placenta. The child was born at nine p. m., and half an hour aftenvards hemorrhage came on, which could not be arrested until half-past one in the morning, at which time the foreign body was extracted. The uterus had remained perfectly contracted throughout. (See also page 879.) The extraction of the foreign body, in the latter case, generally dissipates the symptoms; in the former, a resort to revulsives to the upper part of the body, to cold applications, and even to venesection, is evidently indicated. These Avill be materially aided by a regulated diet, and absolute rest in the horizontal position. Intra-uterine polypi have several times given rise to mortal hemorrhage tAvo or three weeks after delivery. It has been thought that these bodies occasion the flooding only by preventing the contraction of the uterus. AVe are disposed to reject this opinion, because, as Oldham observes, in these cases the strongly contracted uterus can readily be felt above the pubis. Besides, the cessation of the flooding after ligation of the polypus without excision, justifies the belief that the latter does not act simply as a foreign body; for Avere it so, the discharge Avould continue after the ligature was applied. Irritation of the neighboring organs may give rise to hemorrhagic conges- tion of the uterus. M. Moreau mentions a case of hemorrhage which oc- curred on the eighth day after delivery, and which he very properly attrib- uted to a collection of hardened faeces in the large intestine. Injections Avere used Avithout advantage, and he was obliged to empty the rectum by using a sort of scoop. As soon as this was accomplished, the discharge ceased. For a long time after delivery the uterus continues to be a centre of fluxion, toAvard which the general disorders of the economy seem to con- verge. There appears to be no other way of explaining such floodings as are apparently due to violent moral emotions, the abuse of stimulants, &c. c Alteration of the Blood. — M. Blot also mentions, in his excellent thesis, the case of a woman yvhose uterus was firmly contracted, and Avho died in consequence of a sero-sanguineous discharge succeeding flooding after de- livery. This hemorrhage, Avhich nothing Avas capable of arresting, is attrib- uted by M. Blot to albuminuria and the consequent impoverishment of the blood. I have already had occasion to remark, that new observations are necessary to prove the correctness of this assertion. I cannot, hoAvever, agree with Madame Lachapelle, who thinks that these floodings are produced by an accidental congestion, a sort of molimem hozmor- rhagicum. I think, on the contrary, that they are the result of a serous condition of the blood, preventing the formation of obliterating coagula, and allowing the fluid to exude from the internal surface of the uterus. This sometimes takes place from the surface of wounds in certain patients affected with anaemia, scurvy, &c. But to admit Avith M. Blot that it is caused by albwmi luria, would be going rather too far. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 901 The use of the tampon, assisted by compression of the uterus by means of a bandage draAvn tightly around the abdomen, would be proper under these circumstances. Ergot has often been used, without any advantage Avhatever, in these dangerous cases. Some English physicians approve highly of styptics taken internally. In a case of flooding occurring nine days after delivery, Mr. Clintock used the tincture of Cannabis Indica Avith success. Oxide of silver is also recommended, in the dose of from half a grain to a grain, three or four times a day, in connection with a small quan- tity of opium. A large blister over the sacrum has also been applied suc- cessfully. § 3. Hemorrhage from the Umbilical Cord. In tAvin pregnancies, hemorrhage may take place from the cut placental extremity of the cord, after the first child is born. For although no vascu- lar communication habitually exists betAveen the tAvo placentas, yet the con- trary has been too often observed to leave any doubt with regard to the fact at the present day ; and hence it is admitted by most practitioners. Besides, we find cases recorded by Mery, Baudelocque, and Solayres, Avhich fully prove that, even in single pregnancies, a hemorrhage profuse enough to endanger the mother's life may occur after the division of the cord, as also that the umbilical vein is the sole source of this discharge. " As regards the bleeding from the placental end of the cord, other than in cases of tAvins, I can aver," says M. Chevreul, " having observed it three times in Avomen whom I had delivered Avith the forceps; having cut the cord in a hurry Avithout applying any ligature, the blood continued to Aoav abundantly from that portion connected with the placenta, whilst I Avas devoting the necessary attentions to the child. I resorted to all the modes of irritation advised in such cases, for the purpose of rousing the contractions; but the discharge Avas only arrested by tying the cord. The delivery of the after- birth shortly occurred, and Avas folio wed by no untoAvard accident." Quite recently, M. Guillemot has met with a very similar case. Dr. Albert, of Wiesentheid, saw the blood spring from the extremity of the cord, in a stream as thick as a straAV. The hemorrhage, which was considerable, could not be arrested except by pressure upon the umbilical vessels; and a liga- ture had to be applied. By reflecting on the mode of vascular connection heretofore studied in the placenta, it really seems impossible to understand) hoAv the mother's blood, in a natural condition of things, can pass into the ramifications of the umbilical vein, and thence escape in such profusion. But are we on that account to reject such facts, advanced by experienced men of high standing? I think not; besides, the explanation Avould be rendered very intelligible by supposing some vascular anomaly in these exceptional cases. I therefore consider hemorrhage from the placental extremity of the cord as possible, for I cannot question the testimony of the imposing authorities just quoted. Under such circumstances, ligature of the cord is evidently the onlj resourt e. • 902 DYSTOCIA. § 4. Inversion of the AVomb. This is an affection in which the fundus of the organ, being indented ot depressed, is more or less inverted into its cavity, or even passed doAvn through the os uteri into the vagina, or out at the vulva. Inversion of the womb exhibits many different degrees; from a simple depression of the fundus to complete inversion, in Avhich case the organ is turned inside out, the internal or mucous surface becoming the external one, and vice versa. For the purposes of description, Ave shall admit three principal degrees : in the first of which the fundus is simply depressed, ap- proaching to, but not engaging in, the os uteri; the second is a partial in- version, in which the fundus actually engages in the orifice, and protrudes into the vagina; and the third is a complete inversion, in which the uterus is turned inside out, appearing at the vulva, or even protruding beyond it. 1. AVhen the depression commences at the fundus, a concavity is pro- duced in the tumor above the pubis, having its highest borders nearer to the latter than to the sacrum ; or it may commence at the sides; and Avhen it is the front one that is indented, the posterior border is higher than the anterior, but when the reverse happens, the posterior is the lower: again, when it is depressed laterally, the concavity in the top of the womb is in- clined toAvards one of the iliac fossae. If the placenta is still undetached, the indentation is augmented by pulling on the umbilical cord. Finally, when the finger is passed into the cavity of the womb, it finds the fundus within half an inch, more or less, of the orifice. 2. When the inversion is partial, Ave can detect a hemispherical tumor by vaginal examination, varying in its size, according to whether the pla- centa is detached or still adherent; the neck of the womb encircles this tumor at its upper part like a collar. The ball usually formed in the hypogastric region by thf> uterine globe, is no longer felt on palpation; a considerable depression being found in its place. 3. Where it is complete, the tumor may either fill up the vagina without passing beyond the vulva, or may hang down betAveen the woman's thighs. In the former case, the whole vaginal cavity is occupied by a voluminous tumor, the upper part of which can scarcely be reached; in the latter, Avhich is the most serious of all, the pelvic cavity is altogether empty, and nothing can be felt there by the hand; but a large tumor is found between the patient's thighs, having the placenta attached, wholly or in part. The top of this tumor is either simply concealed betAveen the labia, or extends up into the vagina. In some instances, the latter has also been implicated in the displacement, and has been inverted in a great measure, thereby giving a considerable length to the tumor. " AVe cannot, however, say that the inversion is strictly complete," says Burns, " for, in most cases, the lips of the os uteri hang down, and the inversion terminates at the lower part of the cervix." Some writers assert, notwithstanding, that the lips may be completely inverted. This accident is ahvays accompanied by general phenomena, which are the more serious as it is the more considerable. The patient not only suffers from pain, but she is harassed by a constant desire to urinate, and by strainings at the close-stool, Avhich are often sufficient to render an inversion artificial delivery of the placenta. 903 complete, that would ofhenvise have only been partial. The pain becomes excruciating, and the frightened sufferer falls into a state of syncope; the pulse is feeble, and sometimes is nearly or quite imperceptible. The inten- sity of these general phenomena varies with the state of retraction or relaxation of the cervix, and Avith the degree of inversion. For instance, it is much less in a simple depression, than Avhere the inversion is more com- plete. Furthermore, the pains and dangers are much greater in the latter case, if the cervix uteri is firmly contracted, than when it is dilatable. Again, should the placenta be partially detached at the time of the accident, there Avill be a profuse hemorrhage; but, on the contrary, Avhen it is firmly adherent throughout, no discharge occurs, since the latter only begins Avith the separation of the after-birth, and increases as this progresses. Lastly, when the inversion is complicated by inertia, Avhich unfortunately is usually the case, the flooding is frightful, and can only be moderated by the con- traction of the womb. Inversion is sometimes produced by attempting to effect the delivery of the after-birth before it is entirely separated, by pulling imprudently on the cord. It may also result from a very rapid labor, more particularly if the Avoman happens to be standing at the time Avhen the child is born; for if the umbilical cord is unusually short, or is wound around some part of the child, the fundus may be pulled down by the strain on the cord, and thus become inverted. Inversion from this latter cause is far more unusual than one would suppose; because the cord is generally broken under such circumstances, incomprehensible as the fact may seem, when Ave reflect on the amount of force required to rupture it. The rarity of the inversion, however, is more readily explained by the poAverful contraction at the instant the foetus is expelled, and by the difference in the line of axis of the two straits; the axis of the superior strait forming nearly a right angle Avith that of the inferior one, or rather Avith that of the vulva. In other Avords, the cord passes around the posterior part of the symphysis pubis, as over a pulley; and, therefore, the greater amount of the tractive force is spent on the symphysis before reaching the fundus. It may happen, from the uterus being in a momentary state of inertia after delivery', that the pressure made by the intestinal mass indents its fundus like the bottom of a bottle. Again, in cases of complete inertia, should the placenta be attached directly to the fundus of the organ, its Aveight alone might pull it doAvn. Such accidents are usually corrected by the force of the contractions; though, should the operator pull on the cord before noticing the depression, he might increase the difficulty by converting it into a. partial inversion.1 1 Although I am only treating of uterine inversion here, as a complication of the delivery, I cannot refrain from mentioning a very curious case, narrated by An6, at the Societe de Medecine, of a woman who had a complete inversion of the womb twelve days after the confinement, and which resulted in consequence of severe strainings at stool. This case, which was confirmed by Baudelocque, who was called in consulta- tion, can leave no doubt as to the possibility of such an accident, however extraor- dinary it may appear. A still more wonderful case is related by Mr. Ebenezer Skae, as occurring in a woman who suffered complete inversion of the womb tAvo days after 904 dystocia. Dr. Tydei Smith supposes that inversion of the uterus is ahvays occa- sioned by irregular contractions of the organ; even in the cases generally attributed to premature tractions on the cord, he considers, that the pulling does not act mechanically, but only by producing an excitement of the fundus of the uterus, where the placenta is inserted, which occasions an irregular contraction, and consequently a simple depression. This first degree of inversion, according to him, is immediately folloAved by a sudden contraction of the fibres above the depressed point, which tend by their action to expel the latter through the cervix, in absolutely the same manner as they would act upon a foreign body. Dr. Smith's explanation of the mechanism of inversion may be true for some cases; but when the Avails of the uterus are in a state of complete relaxation, it is difficult to allow that violent pulling upon the cord of an adherent placenta should be incapable of producing inversion. When a simple depression occurs immediately after labor, it will scarcely attract attention, unless the placenta happens to be detached, and a hemor- rhage is thereby developed. It ought to be reduced, as soon as detected, by placing the patient on her back, and having the abdomen and breech raised higher than the chest; the legs and thighs are flexed and held apart, and the head inclined forwards on the breast; then the operator carries his. hand into the uterine cavity, and gently pushes out the fundus with his fingers. M. Chevreul sums up so well the indications presented by the partial and complete inversions of the Avomb, with reference to the delivery of the after- birth, that I cannot do better than transcribe here his remarks on this sub- ject. He says: " A partial inversion is easily reduced when detected shortly after its occurrence. Of course, the placenta may either be separated Avholly or in part, or it may be still adherent throughout to the womb, at the time of the accident. If wholly detached, the hemorrhage is very profuse, and requires immediate attention. The accident is remedied by placing the woman in a suitable position, and then, introducing the whole hand into the vagina, the fingers take hold of the inverted portion of the Avomb and endeavor to return it, by first pushing up the part that came down last. Should the placenta be partially detached, and the remaining adhesions be feeble, its separation ought to be entirely completed, by passing the fingers between it and the uterine wall; after which, the reduction is to be effected aborting in the fourth month of gestation. (The Northern Journal of Medicine.) I will further add, that the observations of Sabatier would seem to prove that such an inversion may not only take place when the fundus of the womb is depressed by a polypus, but also in a state of perfect vacuity. The responsibility of the assertion must rest with the author. M. Roussel communicated a case to M. Martin, in which the inversion did not tnke place until nine hours after delivery. The patient had a frightful flooding at the time of the extraction of the placenta, which M. Roussel arrested by the ordinary meas- ures ; after which, he remained with her until fully satisfied of the contraction of the womb. It was then about eight o'clock in the evening. At five the next morning, he was summoned in great haste; when it appeared that the patient had got up to evacuate her bowels, and the womb immediately fell down to the vulva. On his arrival B'he was senseless, and the pulse imperceptible; the finger, passed into the vagina, found there a large tumor, formed by the inverted fundus, around which the os uteri had firmly contracted, and doubtless had thus contributed to the diminution of the tiemorrhage. ARTIFICIAL DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. 905 as in the former case. But if it is still adherent throughout, the Avhole is to be returned together; and then Ave may either Avait for the spontaneous delivery of the after-birth, or Ave may attempt to separate it by the hand, according to circumstances." Where the inversion has existed for several hours, it occasionally happens that the protruding portion of the Avomb is strangulated, as it Avere, by the os uteri, Avhich constitutes a serious obstacle to its reduction. Under such circumstances, it is not advisable to use forcible attempts to surmount the difficulty, lest some serious accident might result; but rather to have re- course to venesection, to tepid bathing, to fomentations, to the use of the ointment or the extract of belladonna, and opiates; in a word, to all the means likely to'relieve the constriction of the os uteri, and to moderate the force of the inflammatory symptoms. The inhalation of chloroform, which has been used Avith such fortunate results in analogous cases by MM. Barrier, \ralentin, Charles AVest, and G. Gonney, might here also be of very great service. But if still unsuccessful, the patient will have to endure this disgusting infirmity for the remainder of her days.1 AVhere the inversion is complete, and the placenta is detached, Ave must first apply a soft and dry napkin upon the tumor, and then, having brought the fingers together in the form of a cone, depress its central part with their points, so as to make the fundus and body of this viscus gradually pass up through its orifice, and thus regain its primitive position. Should the conjoined fingers prove too bulky, the stick proposed by M. Depaul might be substituted for them Avith advantage. AArhen the Avomb is once reduced, the napkin should be AvithdraAvn. Should the placenta be partially detached, its separation is first completed, and then the operation is terminated in the same way. Again, if the adhesions are very extensive, or if they exist throughout, Ave ought to attempt the reduction of all together, by proceeding as in the first case, excepting the use of the napkin; but if the orifice is not dilated enough to permit the Avomb to pass through Avith the placenta, it Avould be necessary to separate the latter, and then reduce the former as promptly as possible. AVhatever be the degree of inversion, the hand is always to be kept in the Avomb for some time after the reduction, for the purpose of preventing a return of the accident, and for soliciting the contraction of the organ. The inertia, if present, must be remedied by the appropriate measures. It is found by experience that whenever inversion has occurred in a former labor, it has a tendency to be renewed at the subsequent ones. Con- sequently, no tractions on the umbilical cord, with a vieAV of extracting the 1 However, two cases are reported, the one by M. Delabarre (Ace. de Chir.), and the other by Baudelocque, which fully prove that spontaneous reduction of the womb may take place, even after it has been completely inverted for a long time. M. Daillies endeavors to explain this natural reduction, in his excellent thesis, by the tonicity of the Fallopian tubes, and of the round and bi;oad ligaments: which, after having been drawn down at the moment of the accident, will necessarily return to their proper position in the course of time; and thus, by acting on the organ that involved '.hem in its descent, will gradually elevate and return it to its original position. 906 DYSTOCIA. placenta, should ever be resorted to in Avomen who have previously suffered from this accident. In cases of this kind, many practitioners prefer the in- troduction of the hand into the uterine cavity, so as to act directly on the placenta itself. Such patients ought also to be advised to remain in bed for a long time after their confinement; and, by the use of mild laxatives, to obviate the necessity of strainings at stool. § 5. Rupture of the AA^omb. Rupture of the uterus is one of the most terrible accidents that can occur in the course of pregnancy or parturition. But as it only claims our attention here, Avith reference to the difficulties it may create in the delivery of the after- birth, we shall not revert to the minute detail already given in the Fifth Part of this work. (See p. 732.) Several different conditions may here be met with; as, for instance, the child, having partially or Avholly escaped into the peritoneal cavity, has permitted the organ to retract; and this retraction of its Avails may have driven the placenta into the vagina, and then beyond the vulva ;* or the placenta may remain adherent to the internal surface of the womb, the child having passed into the peritoneal cavity; or again, it as well as the foetus may have passed entirely into the cavity of the abdomen. In the former case, there is evidently nothing to be done. In the second, if gastrotomy is resorted to, and it is found impossible to withdraw the pla- centa through the double wound in the abdomen and womb, OAving to the closure of the lips of the uterine rupture, it would be advisable to cut the cord as soon as the child is extracted; and then, by means of some long, solid, and flexible instrument, to bring doAvn the cord through the rupture, the cervix, and the vagina, and out at the vulva; after Avhich the delivery of the placenta is to be effected in the usual way. In the third case, when the after-birth has passed into the peritoneal cavity along with the foetus, it ought to be extracted immediately after the latter, either by the natural passages, if the child is removed in that way, or through the abdominal in- cision, if a resort to gastrotomy be deemed necessary. § 6. Eclampsia. For an account of convulsions occurring during the delivery of the after- birth, see the article on Eclampsia (p. 788). 1 This spontaneous expulsion may take place either immediately after the accident, or not for several days ; as occurred in the case reported by Saucerotte. (Melangis di Chirurgie, t. ii. p. 295.) PAET VI. THEKAPEUTIOS. J E have been careful, in the various chapters of the present Avork, to call attention to the medicines best adapted to each particular case, and thus have often had occasion to recommend the use of laudanum. AVe haA'e nothing now to add to what has already been said, but devote a special article to ergot, so often advised by us for the purpose of exciting the Aveak- ened or suspended contractions of the womb, and especially as an heroic remedy against hemorrhage. Various substitutes, it is true, have been pro- posed for it; but as none can compare Avith it in efficiency, nothing Avould be gained by their enumeration. The first chapter will be devoted to the natural and therapeutic history of ergot, and the second to the effect of a debilitating medication and regi- men upon the development of the foetus. CHAPTER I. ERGOT. AVe shall first study the nature and physical properties of ergot, and finally its therapeutic action. § 1. Natural History of Ergot. The ergot of rye, now so much used in medicine, has ahvays been con- sidered as an alteration of that grain, the writers on the subject only differ- ing in opinion Avith respect to the causes which produce it. Some think it depends on atmospherical or local influences, such as long-continued rains, fogs, and noxious de\Ars, or on too poor or too humid a soil; Avhile others have regarded it as being produced by the puncture of certain insects ; this latter opinion has even yet a great number of advocates, although at the present day it is most generally considered as a fungus. Paulet has classi- fied it among the clavaria, and De Candolle among the parasitic fungi, under the name of sclerotium clavus, from its form; and this Avas the gen- erally received opinion until Dr. Leveille, in a memoir published in 1826, in the Annals of the Linncean Society of Paris, announced that the ergot was in reality an alteration of the grain; and that it Avas produced by the pres- ence of a parasitic fungus, which he named the sphacelia segetum, intending to satisfy by this title both the color of the diseased grain and the sad con- sequences which result from its use Avhen mixed with bread. The extended 907 W 908 THERAPEUTICS. observations of the author have satisfied him that this fungus appears chiefly in the summer season, after heavy rains, and that it is developed in the grain itself betAveen the integuments and the perisperm. At first it is imis- ible, but soon increases in size, and breaks through the envelopes of the grain, Avhile the perisperm, Avhich Avas very small and Avhite, assumes a vio- let hue, then elongates, or grows, and becomes hard and brittle, escaping from betAveen the palese (the husk or chaff), and pushing before it the fun- gus (sphacelia) found at its free extremity. This fungus is soft and vcIIoav of a disagreeable odor and a SAveetish taste; being formed of several lobes joined at their centre, its surface exhibits some small undulations, similar to the convolutions of the brain. If a particle of it be placed in Avater, under the microscope, it is found to become partially liquefied, and the Avater holds in suspension an immense number of little grains, or spores, Avhich are oval, transparent, and exceedingly minute in size. These facts, which my learned friend, Dr. Leveille, has kindly made me Avitness, leaves no doubt on my mind as to the nature of this affection; and I am satisfied that it is a true fungus, and a perfectly distinct part of the sclerotium claims. This fungus is rarely met with on the spurred rye found in the shops, as it has probably been detached either by the threshing or by the friction of the heads against each other. As this product is soft and diffluent, it spreads over the teguments and the spur, Avhere it becomes dried and cracked, and forms a thin layer of a dirty Avhite or yelloAvish color, Avhich dissolves Avhen throAvn into Avater. Now, does the ergot OA\e its properties to this fungoid portion, or to its own proper substance ? Experience has not yet settled the doubts of M. Leveille on this subject; but as, by the aid of this theory, we can readily explain why the ergoted rye so often proves Avorthless Avhen administered, we believe the choice of this substance is not an indifferent matter; therefore, such grains as have a smooth and brilliant surface, as well as those that exhibit numerous deep fissures, should be rejected, for the one has been deprived of the sphacelated portion by friction, and the other altered by successive rains and heats. The preference should be given to those Avhich still have the fungus on their summits, and the surfaces of which are entire, of a violet color and dirty aspect, and covered, as it were, with a powder. § 2. Therapeutical Action. The action of this medicine is too well ascertained at the present time to permit it to be any longer called in question ; though Ave have only to speak of it here in its obstetrical relations. Ergot is noAV recommended by accoucheurs for arousing or accelerating the uterine contractions during labor, and for preventing or remedying inertia of the womb and the hemorrhage Avhich so often accompanies it, after delivery. This action is prompt, and is recognizable by the fol- lowing signs: the uterine contractions are observed to become more active in the course of ten to fifteen minutes after its administration, more frequent and energetic if they were previously sIoav or feeble, and reappearing if be- fore suspended. Noav, we cannot believe, like the authors Avho proscribed this medicine as useless, that this is merely a simple coincidence, and that ERGOT. 909 the labor would have been restored without its use, foi the thousands of instances in Avhich its administration has ahvays been fohoAved by the same uniform result, will not permit us to consider the latter as the mere effect of chance; and, besides, all those who make use of this article knoAV full Avell that the contractions which attend the exhibition of ergot have a pecu- liar character that cannot be mistaken; for as soon as its action is felt they become permanent instead of intermittent; the uterine globe remains hard and contracted, and the pains are continual, though they are marked, it is true, by exacerbations, or paroxysms, and there are moments, as in ordinary labor, AA'hen the patient does not appear to suffer at all, and others where she makes loud cries or bearing-doAvn efforts. The periods of repose are, hoAvever, only apparent, for the womb is constantly contracted on the pro- duct of conception, and the hand, if applied over the belly, always finds this organ in a remarkable state of hardness; there is not that regular suc- cession of repose and contraction Avhich is constantly observed Avhen the labor is spontaneous; and we may further add, that the patients themselves detect a great difference betAveen the pains excited by the medicine and those previously felt in the same or former labors, and they bear them, as a general rule, more impatiently than the latter, complaining particularly of the Avant of respite. In an hour or an hour and a half after the exhibition of the ergot, ife action Avears aAvay and soon disappears, so that, if there is any necessity, it must be again reneAved, or recourse be had to artificial means for terminating the labor. The permanent character of the contractions produced by ergot makes them very dangerous to the child when they are long continued. The vio- lent retraction of the muscular fibres then renders the circulation difficult, and sometimes even impossible, in those A'essels Avhich are distributed be- tween their various layers, and Ave may readily understand that the foeto- placental functions must be remarkably obstructed. Therefore, it can be prudently administered only Avhen a prompt termination of the labor can be predicted. This remedy is only to be given during parturition, Avhen the pelvis is well formed, the infant presenting by its cephalic or pelvic extremity, and of course Avhen the position is well ascertained; Avhere no serious obstacle exists at the uterine orifice, in the A'agina, or at the external parts; that is to say, Avhen the cervix uteri is sufficiently dilated, or at least soft, supple, and patulous enough to admit of dilatation, or Avhere the membranes are ruptured. On the other hand, its administration ought to be avoided as much as possible in primiparae, and, if it should become necessary in them, the perineum must be supported Avith the greatest care, lest it be exposed to a considerable rupture should the delivery prove rapid ; in very irritable women, Avho may have had convulsions either during gestation, or in their previous labors, because the ergot often produces a state of nervous excite- ment in such persons, Avhich occasionally amounts almost to mania; in ple- thoric patients, suffering from congestion about the head, Avhich is charac- terized by flushing and turgescence of the face, by injection of the eyes, headache, Ac, etc.: in a Avord, in all those cases Avhere venesection is obvi- ously indicated; and lastly, in all those Avomen, where the womb, from being 910 THERAPEUTICS. endoAved Avith an acute degree of sensibility, is in a state of irritation, and is habitually the seat of pains, or who, in a former labor, might have been affected Avith an inflammation of this organ. The spurred rye has likewise been employed successfully in the profuse hemorrhages that follow abortion, which are caused by the retention or tardy separation of the placenta; as also for the floodings that take place after the expulsion of the foetus, Avhether before, during, or subsequent to the delivery of the after-birth. AAre have had occasion, in the article on Hemorrhage, to refer to and insist on its use under such circumstances. The question noAv arises, can the ergot, Avhich possesses in so high a degree the property of stimulating the enfeebled contractions, and of arousing them Avhen suspended, — can it develop them Avhere they have not yet existed? If Ave might judge from certain experiments made for this purpose, by Professor Dubois, in our presence, at the Clinique, in 1837, we should ansAver this question in the negative;1 but it must be confessed that those trials were not sufficiently numerous to enable us to decide it positively ; and although this article has seemed to possess the abortive property in some instances, yet in many others it has proved Avholly inefficacious. Again, it has not been observed that abortions are of more frequent occurrence in those countries where the bread of the inhabitants contains a certain quantity of ergot; but habit, perhaps, might explain its want of action here. This medicine is employed under divers forms; and the powder, the infu- sion, the decoction, the aqueous extract, or alcoholic extract, ethereal tinc- ture, or the syrup, may be used, almost indifferently; although in France scarcely any other preparation than the poAvder, the infusion, or decoction, is ever employed. Thus, it is customary to administer two or three doses of the poAvder, consisting of eight or ten grains each, diffused, at the time it is given, in tAvo ounces of pure or sugared water, or a little Avine and water, or some slightly aromatic infusion; and these doses are repeated at intervals of ten minutes. If the contraction is manifested after the second close, as most usually happens, the third need not be given. Some accou- cheurs administer it in a small quantity of Avhite Avine or tincture of canella, and other excitants; and it has been advised to add a small quantity of opium to prevent the medicine from being rejected, though, Avhere the patient either vomits or seems disposed to vomit during the labor, it is better to administer it, as M. Dubois recommends, by injection, and the dose might then be increased a little. The infusion is prepared by diffusing tAvo scruples of the poAvdered ergot in a glass of water for ten minutes; or, if the article is merely bruised, without being poAvdered, three or four scruples may be infused in the same 1 Such also was the opinion, at the time, of the honorable professor alluded to ; but, since then, new experiments have somewhat modified his views; for we have heard him affirm, at the Academy of Medicine (in M;irch, 1840), that, in certain cases, the ergoted rye might bring on the regular pains; and, in consequence, he classified thia nudicine among the measures calculated to produce a premature artificial delivery. But this opinion does not appear to us to be based on a sufficient number of facts to warrant its general adoption. EFFECTS OF BLEEDING. 911 quantity of menstruum. In conclusion, Ave shall not again repeat Avhat Avas said in the commencement of this article concerning the physical characters that distinguish good and genuine ergot, but Ave will only add that the apothecaries ought to be cautioned to ha\7e the drug freshly pulverized; and as, notAvithstanding our earnest recommendations, they will not all take the proper precautions, the accoucheur Avould do Avell to ahvays carry a few grains Avith him, so as to have it at hand in case of necessity. CHAPTER II. OF THE EFFECT OF BLEEDTNG AND A DEBILITATING REGIMEN UPON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD. As the foetus, during its intra-uterine existence, necessarily derives from its mother the means of nutrition, it was natural to suppose that her emacia- tion, brought about by restricted diet and frequent evacuations by blood- letting or purgation, might have the effect to retard the development of the child. This supposition has not, however, ahvays been confirmed hy expe- rience ; for Avomen, exhausted by disease, or the severest diet, have been knoAvn to have very large and robust children, whilst others Avho had become stout and strong during pregnancy, and who had gained thirty pounds in Aveight, gave birth to very medium-sized children (Baudelocque). This observation of Baudelocque's, the truth of Avhich has been many times proved, has dispelled the idea of using purgation, bleeding, and diet, as an obstetric means in cases of contracted pelvis. AArith the exception of M. Aloreau, no one in France thought of having recourse to this method, when M. Depaul published, quite recently, two very interesting observations tending to prove its efficiency. Fortunate results had indeed been men- tioned by others. Thus DeAvees, who states that he had often seen mothers in consumption give birth to very robust children, and avIio was not, there- fore, a priori, favorably inclined towards the method, nevertheless quotes a letter addressed to him by Dr. Holcomb, in which five cases are reported. Four of these five Avomen had never been able to have living children, and one of the four had lost eleA^en. These five Avere very early subjected to the daily use of purgatives, and Avere all delivered of living children. Dr. Ritter relates the case of a Avoman Avith a contracted pelvis, avIio Avas several times delivered of dead children, Avith great difficulty. From the fourth month of her fourth and fifth pregnancies, she Avas subjected to repeated bleedings, to the use of a slightly purgative mineral Avater, and severe diet, composed chiefly of a small quantity of vegetables, milk, bread, and fruits, Avithout meat, eggs, or dried vegetables. The children, which were much smaller than usual, Avere extracted quite easily, but were still-born. One, Avhich presented by the feet, died Avhilst the head was retained by the contraction, and Avas expelled spontaneously. The other presented the arm, and had to be turned; it Avas necessary to extract the head by the forceps. These cases, though certainly encouraging, are not sufficiently numerous to establish the value of this method. 912 THERAPEUTICS. Admitting, for an instant, that a severe regimen, assisted by bleeding and repeated purgation, Avould ahvays have the effect upon the development of the child, Avhich it appears to have had in the preceding observations, should this method be preferred to the induction of premature labor? The latter operation, though almost always innocent as regards the mother, is frequently fatal to the child: thus, of 225 cases mentioned by M. Lacour, 37 of the children perished. According to M. Stoltz, but half of the children are saved; and judging by my OAvn cases, and those which I have witnessed, the mortality of the children is even greater. Unfortunately, we have not yet enough cases in Avhich the regimen has been employed, to establish a comparison. HoAvever, out of the ten cases mentioned, Ave have only tAvo dead children, and this may be partly accounted for by the mode of presentation. Therefore, this method appears to afford greater chances to the children. It is greatly to be feared that the same cannot be said as respects the mothers. It is, indeed, very difficult to suppose that a pregnant woman, who often has much greater appetite during than before her pregnancy, can be deprived for five or six months of three-fourths of her usual alloAvance, with impunity, besides being subjected to more or less frequent bleeding or purgation. Is it not to be feared lest debility, and the alteration of the solids and fluids resulting from such a course, so long continued, should predispose strongly to post-puerperal disorders, and even have an unfavor- able effect upon her future health ? I am well aware that nothing of the kind is mentioned in the cases referred to; but these are yet very feAV, and on that account no rule for the future. In giving preference to any method, we should also take into account the suffering to Avhich it subjects the patient. That occasioned by the induc- tion of premature labor is almost nothing, and lasts but a short time. That such is not the case as regards the prolonged diet, even its partisans admit. In speaking of his first patient, M. Depaul says, we may conceive what she had to suffer, especially at the outset. For the first two months, he says, alluding to the second, she suffered much from epigastric pains, and a feel- ing of extreme hunger ; her strength gave Avay, so as to make her unable to walk any considerable distance, or use any violent exercise. All these sufferings would be readily endured, and, as M. Depaul remarks, the woman would derive, from the ardent desire of maternity Avhich controls her, strength sufficient to brave everything, could we only assure her as to the result. But as most authors have regarded this method as very uncer- tain, as a large number of Avell-observed facts, though under other circum- stances, tend to excite doubts as to its efficiency, and especially as, besides it, there is an operation which in no degree endangers the life and health of the mother, and saves the life of the children in nearly half of the cases, I acknoAvledge that, had I to decide for my Avife or sister, I Avould prefer the latter. Again, to Avhat cases of contracted pelvis is this method particularly adapted ? I have no doubt, says M. Depaul, that it Avould be entirely suc- cessful Avhenever the diameters Avere shortened to the extent of an inch and a quarter; but I would not venture to affirm it, if the antero-posterior EFFECTS OF BLEEDING. 913 diameter was only from tAvo and three-quarters to three and a marter inches in length. It is, therefore, to such pelves as present diameters of at least from three and a quarter to three and a half inches in length, that M. Depaul restricts the use of the debilitating regimen. But, Avhen placed on this ground, the question changes its aspect, and the results of the method are no longer comparable to those of premature delivery; for the latter operation is never practised but for contractions of a far more aggravated character. Accoucheurs are unanimous in considering the spontaneous delivery or extraction of a child as possible Avhen the sacro-pubic diameter is at least three and a half inches in length. We have even seen that beloAV this limit the expulsion of a living child is often possible; premature artificial delivery ought, therefore, to be preferred. But if, alarmed by the recollection of antecedent deliveries of the same Avoman, you fear lest the child should have a large head like its predeces- sors, and conclude to interpose, do not subject a poor mother to the martyr- dom of the prolonged regimen. Should the pelvis present three and a half, four, or four and a quarter inches, you might defer much longer the period at which premature delivery is effected; and instead of bringing on pains at seven months, or seven months and a half of gestation, you might Avait for eight months, or even eight months and one or tAvo weeks. The operation would then very probably afford a living child ; for it is likely to support an independent existence in proportion as its intra-uterine life has been pro- longed. The mortality of the children, Avhich has been justly objected to the induc- tion of premature labor, diminishes greatly as Ave approach the term of gestation. By this operation, you spare the mother the long sufferings of the regimen, and probably afford equal security to the child. BeloAV from two and three-quarters to three and a quarter inches, there is nothing Avhich shoAvs any advantage in the plan of dieting, &c, over the induction of premature labor. But Avould the latter operation afford more favorable results if the mother Avere subjected to a severe regimen for a long time before practising it ? It is enough to remember that the extreme weakness of children born before term is the usual cause of their death, in order to set aside a method the effect of Avhich is to weaken them still further. I think, therefore, that in the present state of our science, neAV facts are required before adopting the dietetic regimen and bleedings. HoAvever, in order to enable the practitioner to judge this question for himself, I think it proper briefly to state the rules laid doAvn by M. Depaul for carrying out the plan. 1. The greater the obstacle the more necessary is it to diminish the amount of food, and to bleed more frequently. Thus, Avhen the pelvis is contracted by from three-quarters of an inch to an inch and a quarter, the method should be put in full force. (M. Depaul's first patient had her food regulated as folloAvs : Soups formed its basis ; vegetables once a day ; meat once a week, and in very small quantity; half a pound of bread daily, including that in the soups. The first bleeding at three months, a second at six, a third at eigh'., and the last one at etg\t and a half months. Fourteen ounces of 58 911 THERAPEUTICS. blood to be taken at each time.) 2. It should be commenced tOAva d the third or fourth month. 3. It Avould be Avell to diminish the amount of food progressively. 4. She should abstain from dark and very nutritious meats. 5. The bleeding must be regulated by the constitution and state of the cir- culation ; it Avill be more useful in proportion as practised in the latter months. , It is hardly necessary to add, that if the obstacle were less considerable, it Avould be proper to act Avith less vigor, to begin the treatment later, and to increase the amount of food in proportion to the object to be attained. For the same purpose, M. Delfraysse, of Cahors, recommends the admin- istration of iodine during the last tAvo months of gestation. Besides experi- ments made upon animals, the results of Avhich seem favorable to his proposi- tion, he mentions the cases of tAvo Avomen. One of them, Avhose pelvis Avas rather less than three and a quarter inches in extent, had been delivered three times, and very painfully, of dead children. In the two subsequent pregnancies, and during the last tAvo months, she took, every morning, six, and aftenvards eight drops, of the following mixture:— Iodine, pure, . . . . . .15 grs. Iodide of potassium, . . # . . 30 grs. Distilled water, ...... f^j. She was delivered spontaneously of living children, one of them weighing twenty-two ounces and the other twenty-three less than their predecessors. Experience can only decide the merits of this new method, which does not appear to have been injurious to the mothers. PART VII. OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. THE indications arising from the various causes of dystocia just studied have been carefully pointed out, and each one, as seen, requires a differ- ent operation. This seventh part of the work is devoted to the operative procedures. The first chapter treats of the use of chloroform, which is an invaluable adjuvant in most obstetrical operations. In the second chapter is described the mode of applying the tampon, Avhich, on the ground of utility, may be regarded as an important operation. Finally, Ave have to treat in the remaining chapters of the manipulations and operations, properly so called. CHAPTER I. ON THE USE OF ANESTHETICS IN OBSTETRICAL PRACTICE. In vieAV of the wonderful results obtained by the use of ether in surgical practice, it Avas altogether natural to inquire whether so efficient a means of avoiding the pain of operations, might not be employed Avith advantage against the physiological pain Avhich accompanies labor in the human species. But before speculating upon the probable advantages to be derived from its use in this Avay, prudence suggested the endeavor to foresee the disadvan- tages also. Might not the torpid condition of the voluntary muscles pro- duced by etherization, extend to the muscles of organic life, and might not that action of the Avomb which is indispensable to a prosperous termination of labor, be paralyzed thereby? Supposing, even, that the uterus should preserve its contractile poAvers in the midst of the general paralysis, Avould not the want of that assistance which it receives from the voluntary con- tractions of the abdominal muscles, and of that synergic action Avhich is so useful in the termination of labor, render the expulsion of the foetus very difficult, or even impossible? Might not the health and even the life of the child be endangered by the vapor inhaled ? And might not the latter, which has occasioned some serious accidents in surgical practice, prove an addition to the dangers Avhich threaten the female during labor and the lying-in ? The previous solution of all these questions is of the highest im- portance, and Ave may readily understand the effect they must have had in inspiring Avith prudence those Avho were the first to employ anaesthetics against the pains of childbirth. Some of these questions are capable of elucidation byr the application of certain pathological facts; others could bo solved only by experiment, and this experiment had yet to be performed. 915 916 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS Professor Simpson, of the University of Edinburgh, was the first to ven- ture upon the administration of ether in labor. The opportunity presented on the 19th of January, 1847. The Avoman had a deformed pelvis, and having decided to turn, he thought the occasion a favorable one for deter- mining the influence of inhalation of ether upon the contractions of the uterus; for, supposing the contractility of the organ to be paralyzed by the anaesthesia, the introduction of the hand and evolution of the foetus Avould only be facilitated thereby. The result Avas so satisfactory as to convince Dr. Simpson that, notAvithstanding the complete abolition of sensibility, the action of the Avomb might continue intact. Encouraged by the first trial, he repeated the experiment in several cases of natural and of difficult labor, and on the 10th of February communicated the results to the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh. . Almost immediately after becoming acquainted Avith his observations, several English accoucheurs, Murphy (of London), Protheroe Smith, and LandsdoAvn, administered ether Avith a like success. Fournier Deschamps was the first to use it in France, and that only eight days subsequent to the publication of Dr. Simpson's first observation. In the month of February, in the same year, Professor P. Dubois laid before the Academy of Medicine the result of its administration in six cases of labor under his OAvn notice. In March, it was used by Stoltz, at Strasbourg, and by Delmas, at Mont- pellier. In August, I made, in connection Avith Mr. Smith, some experi- ments at the Clinique d'Accouchements, then under my charge, but the first trials did not seem to me encouraging. Still later, MM. Chailly, Colrat, Villeneuve, Roux, Male, and several others, published their observations. In Germany, Professor Martin (of Jena), and afterwards, Professors Siebold and Grenser (of Leipzig), used ether in several cases of natural and of diffi- cult labor. Lastly, in America, Drs. Channing, Clark, Putnam, and others. were the first to make knoAvn the results of their experiments. In November, 1847, the substitution of chloroform for ether, as proposed by Dr. Simpson, gave a fresh impulse to the use of anaesthetics in obstetrics. The rapid action of the new preparation and its easy administration, Avere, perhaps, the occasion of a too ready forgetfulness of the dangers to Avhich it might give rise, and Avere certainly the cause of its enthusiastic reception by at least a large number of English accoucheurs. At present, notwithstand- ing some opposition, chloroform is employed almost exclusively in obstetrical as well as in surgical practice. Amongst the questions Avhich would naturally present themselves to the mind of whoever first entertained the idea of using anaesthetics in labor, there are some, Avhich, as Ave have said, receive a degree of light from known physiological and pathological facts. Of such are those having reference to the probable continuance of the uterine contractions, notAvithstanding the complete torpor of the voluntary muscles, and to the more or less important assistance received from the abdominal muscles in labor. Numerous facts at present authorize the belief that the momentary paralysis of sensation and voluntary motion does not sensibly interfere Avith the action of the Avomb. Dr Simpson was acquainted with those cases of complete paraplegia, in USE OF ANAESTHETICS. 917 which delivery had been effected Avith its normal regularity and aim ^t Avith- out pain; nor Avas he ignorant of the many instances in which won en have given birth to children during the deep stupor of drunkenness ; he had often seen labor terminated in patients affected Avith eclampsia, during the period of coma attending or following the convulsive paroxysms, Avithout their being in the slightest degree conscious of Avhat had occurred, as also the astonishment at their delivery manifested on the return of their senses. Nor are examples rare of the delivery of women, during a lethargy so profound as to be mistaken for death. It is distinctly proved by all these facts, that, notwithstanding the momentary or permanent extinction of volition, sensa- tion, and voluntary motion, the organic ^contractility may not only continue, but be equal to the expulsion of the foetus. Hence it was quite probable that the condition produced by the inhalation, resembling as it does in many respects the sleep of drunkenness or the coma of eclampsia, might, like the latter, have its influence restricted to sensation and to the muscles of animal life. It Avas to be feared lest the anterior muscles of the abdomen should be paralyzed like those of the extremities, and that their inaction might some- what retard the expulsive stage. But the happy delivery of paraplegic women, and of such as, notAvithstanding a complete prolapsus, of the uterus, have, unaided, been delivered of the product of conception, naturally pre- senting themselves to the mind, alloAved of no hesitation on the score of even a probable paralysis of the abdominal muscles. Besides, in the case in Avhich Dr. Simpson employed anaesthetics for the first time, version Avas to be per- formed, and he Avould be able to supply by tractions any deficiency of the expulsive poAvers. More fortunate than Dr. Simpson, Avho at the time of his first experiments had only the rational inductions afforded by physiology and pathological anatomy to support him, AA'e are iioav able to appeal to experience. Let us, then, Avith the assistance of the numerous facts now on record, endeavor to elucidate the various questions connected Avith the use of anaesthetics in obstetric practice. 1. Of the Effects of Anozsthetics on the Uterine Contractions.—On this point, as on many others, accoucheurs entertain various opinions. Some regard neither chloroform nor ether as possessing any power to suspend the uterine action ; others think that the contractions are ahvays retarded, and quite frequently even stopped entirely. Amidst these contradictory asser- tions and facts, it is, hoAA'ever, possible to discover the truth. A careful reading of all the observations will sIioav that, with the exception of Paul Dubois, almost all authors are unanimous in the recognition of important changes imjiressed by the inhalation upon the contractions. These modifi- cations are, besides, very A'arious: thus, whilst M. Stoltz believed that he had observed an increase in frequency and intensity, and Mr. Murphy, Avhilst turning, declared that he had never before found the operation so difficult, although the patient avus under the full influence of the agent, AA'e find MM. Bovier, Siebold, Montgomery, &c, asserting that it retards and sometimes {■veil completely suspends the labor. Dr. Denham also affirms, that in six cases in which chloroform had been administered before turning, the Dpera- 913 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. tion Avas rendered easier, and that its happy effect was especially evident in one case, where the introduction of the hand having been fruitlessly attempted before inhalation, it was effected very easily after it. AAre shall endeavor to account for this dissidence hereafter. Whatever the exact truth may be, in an unprejudiced mind no doubt can exist of its being proved by numerous facts, that Avhen chloroform is taken so moderately as to blunt and almost extinguish sensibility without entirely depriving the patient of the poAver of motion or of self-consciousness, it has, ordinarily, no influence over the contractile power of the uterus; but that Avhen carried to complete anaesthesia, the contractions may be diminished both in frequency and intensity to the point of complete extinction. The latter fact is acknowledged by Dr. Simpson himself, and he regards it as of possible occurrence in some .cases of moderate anaesthesia. The degree of the latter, he remarks, Avhich some patients are able to bear without the womb being affected, is exceedingly variable. Some are throAvn into a pro- found slumber without interference Avith the uterine action. Others, on the contrary, experience interruption of the contractions by a much slighter degree of anaesthesia. These individual predispositions explain Mr. Mont- gomery's observations of the manifest diminution of the uterine contrac- tions under the sedative influence of chloroform Avithout the Avoman being insensible to pain. Besides, according to the majority of English practi- tioners, the retardation or the suspension of labor is the indication for the particidar case, that the dose of the agent Avhich the patient might have supported Avithout inconvenience has been exceeded, and the best means, according to Dr. Simpson, of restoring energy to the uterus, is to cease the inhalations for some moments and then resume them in more moderate pro- portions, as soon as the patient shall evince sensibility. It is stated by the Edinburgh accoucheur, that'the return of the contractions on withholding the chloroform is delayed but a feAV minutes only ; such, also, is the vieAV of Den ham, Murphy, and others. Mr. Montgomery, hoAvever, has less confidence in this prompt return of the contractions. In a very recent case he Avitnessed an interruption of the labor by so feeble a dose of the chloroform, that the patient Avas all the while expressing with volubility the delicious sensations she experienced; and notAvithstanding the suspension of inhalation, the uterus remained inert for some hours before resuming its original activity. I have seen, says the Dublin professor, several similar cases. 1. To recapitulate: In the majority of instances, the contractions are un- affected by the inhalation of chloroform. 2. AVhen the. anaesthesia is pushed too far, the labor is often suspended. 3. In-certain individuals, the same result may be produced by moderate doses of the agent, and that before the loss of sensibility and consciousness. This difference in the results, setting aside certain altogether exceptional and as yet inexplicable idiosyncrasies, is manifestly due to the extent and duration of the etherization. The various facts, says M. Bouisson, Avhich have served as a basis to so many different opinions, are but the simple expres- sion of greater or less degrees of anaesthesia, and the phenomena presented by the uterus in regard to sensibility and contractility, are themselves in- cluded in the general laws of anesthesia. We are, in fat t, perfectly Avell USE OF ANAESTHETICS. 919 iiAvare, that the participation of the organic movements In the depression which the inhalations produce in all the powers of the economy, is to be reckoned amongst the ultimate phenomena of etherization. 2. Influence of Anozsthetics upon the Contraction of the Abdominal Musclet. It is well knoAvn that in the last stage of labor the Avomb seems to call to its aid the action of the voluntary muscles, and that the efforts of the female assist in overcoming the obstacles to the passage of the foetus. It Avould appear as though, being dependent upon the animal life, the action of those muscles Avhich accomplish the effort Avould be destroyed by the ether or chloroform, as is that of the muscles of the extremities. Noav, according to the majority of accoucheurs, such is not usually the case, but that unless the anaesthesia be carried farther than prudence would dictate, the auxiliary poAver of the abdominal muscles is not Avanting to the uterine contraction. My friend M. Longet thus attempts to explain this singular phenomena. He first calls attention to the fact, that in the midst of the complete collapse, the respiratory movements are still accomplished. Noav the effort in gen- eral, and that yvhich accompanies labor in particular, are but a modification, a transitory change in the respiratory act; it is a state requiring an ener- getic contraction of the muscles of the chest, diaphragm, and abdominal parietes. Since in etherization the respiration is maintained in all its integrity, volition being absent, and the medulla oblongata continues to excite all the muscles that concur in its accomplishment, the effort Avhich is the result of the action of these muscles, those of the abdomen included, should also continue to be produced. I Avould also willingly add, Avith M. Bouisson, that since it is at the present day demonstrated that the reflex or excito-motor poAver of the spinal marroAV, Avhich produces movements Avithout the participation of the Avill, is not abolished by etherization except Avhen carried to an extreme degree, the part Avhich is played by the abdominal muscles in parturition may properly be regarded as reflex in its nature. Their manifest relation with the viscera of the loAver part of the abdomen leads, naturally, to the supposition that the excitement emanating from the uterus during the act, is directly reflected by the spinal marrow upon the muscular planes of the abdomen. A\That tends to prove it is the fact that the abdominal muscles may refuse the contingent of force Avhich they contribute to this act, provided the etherization be carried so far as to abolish the reflex power, Avhilst they continue to act, though more feebly, it is true, as muscles of respiration (Bouisson). I Avas, on one occasion, enabled to verify the correctness of this observation of the Montpellier professor. 3. Influence of Anozsthetics on the Resistance of the Perineum. — One of the advantages usually attributed to the use of ether or chloroform is such h a diminished resistance of the perineum as to facilitate the expulsion of the foetus, and to prevent almost certainly the ruptures Avhich it so often suffers in labor. AVere I to rely only upon my personal experience, I should find it difficult to arrive at a definite conclusion, particularly as I have Avitnessed very different results. Thus, like Messrs. Dubois, Chailly, and others, I liave sometimes knoAvn the perineum yield and distend Avith great facility. though more commonly, even Avhen the anaesthesia Avas complete, it remained as resistant as ever, and even, as in the case reported by M. Villeneuve 920 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. (of Marseilles), in three instances, to be ruptured very badly.1 On a still more recent occasion, M. Danyau and myself Avere obliged to incise each side of the vulvar orifice very deeply, the patient being completely under the influence of chloroform. I am unable to say why these differences should exist, because the anaesthesia was perfect in all the cases just men- tioned ; so that different degrees of this condition cannot be alleged in ex- planation. Perhaps it Avill be Avell to remember how very variable is the resistance offered by the perineum in different individuals, and hoAv very difficult it is to foresee Avhat Avill occur in any particular case. Every day's practice sIioavs how liable our predictions are to be falsified by the event. Again, supposing that under the influence of the pressure Avhich these muscles have to sustain, the reflex action of the spinal marrow is unable to produce their contraction in the efforts, involuntary though they be; sup- posing, we repeat, that they are paralyzed in the etherized female, it is not to be credited that the entire resistance of the perineum is on that account ever suspended. The fact is, that the resistance is ordinarily due quite as much to the aponeurotic planes of the pelvic floor, and to the sometimes very large amount of fatty tissue situated between the different layers, as to the muscular fibres themselves. In those Avho have borne children, and in Avhom the perineum presents but slight resistance, the muscles of this region are at least quite as fully developed and as strong as in primiparous females. To what, then, can be due the facility Avith Avhich the foetus is expelled, if not to the greater elasticity of the aponeurotic planes, which, having suf- fered distention in previous labors, have their suppleness increased thereby? Since the chloroform can have no effect upon them, it is no cause for aston- ishment that after its administration the resistance of the perineum should continue. Hence we may conclude that: 1. AVhen properly administered and in moderate doses, anaesthetic agents do not interfere Avith the regular course of the uterine contractions; and that whenever their administration is fol- lowed by the cessation or Aveakening of the efforts, the effect ought not to be attributed to the agent, but to the abuse which has been made of it.- 2. That it is not yet sufficiently shown that during the anaesthetic slumber, the abdominal muscles continue to aid, by their contraction, the expulsive efforts of the womb. 3. That fresh observations are necessary to settle definitely the influence of chloroform upon the resistance of the perineum. Before determining what cases indicate or confraindicate the use of chlo- roform, it remains for us to state Avhat is proved by experience regarding the influence of chloroform upon the health of both mother and child. 1. Effect upon the mother's health. — Accoucheurs who have often used chloroform, are almost unanimous in the declaration that it has never had the least mischievous effect upon the mother's health, Avhilst in all cases it 1 Rupture of the perineum does not prove, however, that the resistance may not have been lessened by the use of chloroform. In two cases, indeed, it seemed to me that the great rapidity with which the distention and thinning took .place facilitated the rupture. This stretching, resembling precisely what a piece of India rubber would undei go, was effected so quickly by the very strong pains, that there occurred, first, a sort f fraying, followed by extensive rapture of the perineum. ||Mfe USE OF ANAESTHETICS. 921 has spared them the sufferings of the last expulsive pains. None of my patients, srys Dr. Simpson, have been conscious of them; and several, through their confidence in etherization, have been spared the fears which they usually suffered toward the end of their preceding pregnancies, in anticipation of the coming labor. By exempting Avomen from the terminal sufferings, the anaesthesia husbands their strength, and avoids the nervous exhaustion Avhich folloAvs a painful labor. Some, Avho Avere already mothers, declared in grateful terms their condition to be incomparably better than after their previous labors. Their recovery, continues the same author, is more rapid, and consecutive inflammations are much rarer or less serious than usual. I am not yet convinced, so far at least as regards natural labor, that this last proposition is fairly demonstrated ; and nothing in the facts yet knoAvn, those even of Dr. Simpson included, appear to me of a cjjaracty to prove its exactness. In natural labor the fatigue is moderate, ancTme remem- brance of it soon abolished by the happiness of maternity. The lying-in demands always the same precautions, Avhether chloroform be used or not, and the time of getting up is nearly ahvays the same. Finally, in an epidemic of puerperal fever at Edinburgh, the Avomen who had used inhala- tions Avere not more exempt from the disease than those who had not. I Avould even add, that in tedious labors the gravity of cohsecutive acci- dents has not been sensibly diminished by the use of chloroform. Its only incontestable effect is to abolish pain, and prevent the considerable nervous disturbance sometimes consequent thereto. This result is, doubtless, of importance, but, except in some very exceptional cases, the pain is not fatal of itself, and the nervous shock is generally avoided. Metritis, deep-seated suppurations, inflammations, and gangrenous eschars of the soft parts of the pelvis, are consequences of the violent uterine efforts. Noav, as Mont- gomery has shoAvn, the only effect of chloroform is to remove the pain> leaving intact all the other consequences of difficult labors. Another incontestable . advantage of chloroform is that of facilitating certain obstetrical operations. The uncontrollable and disordered move- ments of the agonized female hinder the operator greatly; but the sleep which she enjoys during the inhalation, and the complete insensibility of till the organs, enable her quietly to bear the most painful operations. The annihilation of pain in all cases, the prevention of the nervous shock which is sometimes the consequence of too painful or too prolonged a labor, and the facilitation of obstetrical manoeuvres, are, therefore, the only indis- putable advantages to be derived from the use of chloroform. Are not these advantages counterbalanced by serious inconveniences? Such is the opinion of some accoucheurs, though they have, in my opinion, exaggerated both their frequency and gravity. AVe are noAV able to esti- mate its power of suppressing the pains of labor: prudently administered, it in no respect alters the regularity and poAver of the contractions; but is it altogether the same as regards the contractility of the tissue, and may not the retraction of the Avomb after labor be in some degree modified by the previous use of anaesthetics? I confess the Avant of an entire assurance upon this point and am inclined to believe that they have not, in some 922 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. cases at least, been altogether without influence in the production of sub- sequent inertia and hemorrhage. Tavo cases of slight hemorrhage are quoted by Duncan, one of which, it is true, occurring in a twin labor Avith extreme distention of the uterus, is thereby sufficiently accounted for; but the other took place six hours after delivery, without any appreciable cause. Dr. Channing has met with 4 cases of hemorrhage in 78 of anaesthesia. In one case it was internal, and happened one hour after delivery; in an- other, the Avoman half fainted immediately upon the termination of labor and he found the uterus much enlarged and filled with clots, upon the re- moval of Avhich, the organ contracted, and there Avas no further loss. In a third case, a serious hemorrhage occurred immediately after delivery. The fourth observation is less conclusive, on account of the patient having ex- perienced losses after previous labors, and because the delivery of the pla- centa Avasjmade difficult by adhesion. Dr. Montgomery declares, as his personal experience, that when the influence of the chloroform is kept up until the labor is ended, the patient is more or less exposed to hemorrhage from inertia and to retention of the placenta. The experience of several 9f my brother practitioners, he adds, has been similar to my own. I am Avell aware that in all these instances the hemorrhage may have been due to various circumstances, and there is nothing to show that chloroform Avas necessarily the cause; still, it is well to be aware of them, were it only to excite prudence in the use of the agent; for, since by too large a dose the exercise of the organic contractility has sometimes been suspended, Avhy may not the same dose diminish the contractility of the tissue ? In practice, these facts ought not to be lost sight of, and I think that, immediately after delivery, it Avould be prudent to administer some ergot. In certain surgical operations, death has resulted immediately from the administration of chloroform. Is not the supposition both probable and reasonable, says Dr. Montgomery^, that a similar misfortune might happen to a Avoman in labor? Doubtless it is possible; but happily, although a great number of Avomen have used inhalation, not a case can be mentioned in Avhich sudden death can be reasonably attributed thereto; for I cannot accept as such the following related by Gream. A young woman had just been delivered of one child, and chloroform was administered before the expulsion of the second; death ensued in half an hour. No further detail •is given. In two other cases mentioned by the same author, death occurred at a still later period after delivery. The patients whom the surgeons have had the misfortune to lose, did not die in this manner; for, in.their cases, it was during the administration of the agent that life became extinct; it is, therefore, because in the observations of Gream a longer or shorter time had elapsed between the cessation of inhalation and death, that I cannot regard the chloroform as chargeable Avith the fatal result. AVith still less reason has it been reproached Avith the production of eclampsia, by increasing the cerebral congestion, Avhich the exertions of labor have of themselves a tendency to produce. For, although AVood has quoted a case of convulsions occurring in an etherized woman in the last stage of labor we are noAV in possession of enough facts to prove that the USE OF ANAESTHETICS. 923 administration of chloroform during convulsive attacks, lessens their fre- quency, and sometimes puts an end to them altogether. Inhalation has also been accused of the production of insanity; of Avhich, says Channing, there is not a single Avell-established case. In reference to this point, he cites the folloAving observation by one of his countrymen. An insane woman had in a preceding labor suffered from extreme agitation, Avhich Avas the occasion of serious difficulty. In her last labor, ether Avas administered, thanks to Avhich, the patient was perfectly quiet, and all passed over admirably. 2. Effect of Chloroform upon the Life and Health of the Fcetus.— AVhatever difference of opinion may still remain respecting the influence of chloroform upon the health of the mother, no one doubts its entire innocence as regards the fcetus. In the immense majority of cases, the new-born child presents its usual appearance ; its cries are neither Aveaker, nor heard less promptly, nor does its viability appear to be in any Avay injured. Thus have the gloomy previsions of certain physiologists been falsified by experience. The conclusions Avhich M. Amussat thought himself entitled to draw from his experiments Avere contradicted by the ulterior researches of M. Renault. Indications.— In Avhat cases is the accoucheur justified in the employment of chloroform? This question is variously ansAvered in different countries. Dr. Simpson, and Avith him quite a large number of his countrymen, recom- mend it unhesitatingly in all labors, Avhether natural or difficult. In France, on the contrary, it is confined almost exclusively to cases of difficult partu- rition. AVe adopt unhesitatingly the latter position, and a few words will suffice to explain the motives of our preference. AVhilst regarding the use of chloroform as devoid of danger in the ma- jority of cases, Ave cannot entirely forget the misfortunes of certain surgeons, who had, nevertheless, taken the best precautions to avoid them. Noav, though it be alloAvable to subject a patient to some danger, in order to spare him the intense suffering of an amputation or any other bloody operation, are we sufficiently authorized to do so Avhen the regular accomplishment of a function is concerned ? And, after all, is the suffering of child-birth, in simple cases, so grave and terrible? Do Ave not see Avomen delivered almost Avithout pain ? To speak only of Avhat is most common, do they not often preserve their calmness and gayety to the end of the labor ? Do they not often complain of the repose afforded by the intervals between the pains, and ardently desire their return, in the conviction that each is a step toward delivery? Why, therefore, Avith the simple object of sparing them some suffering, Avhich, after all, they endure courageously, deprive them of the caresses of the husband, the condolence of their relatives, and deaden the imagination, already teeming Avith the joys of maternity ? AVhy, especially, should thev be deprived of the ineffable happiness of hearing the first cry of the neAV-born child ? Instead of the pleasant chatting in which Avomen so often indulge, instead of those maternal aspirations and dreams of the future Avhich soothe the young mother, Avhat do we observe after the anaes- thetic inhalations? A deep sleep, resembling more or less the coma of inebriation, or concussion of the brain, a complete annihilation of the sen- sorial and intellectual faculties, is the lot of the mother; an always increasing 924 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. solicitude that of her attendants. Finally, we may add, that, supposing the physician to be devoid of all fear, he is obliged to remain constantly by the side of his patient to administer the agent personally, and to Avatch atten- tively the state of the pulse, of the breathing, and of the heart. As a justification of the use of anaesthetics in ordinary labors, it has been said that they favor the dilatation of the mouth of the womb, and by lessen- ing the resistance of the perineum also shorten the period of expulsion. We have already seen that the diminution of the resistance of the perineum is not sufficiently proved; and the same may be said, I believe, of the rapidity Avith Avhich the dilatation of the orifice is effected. HoAvever it may be, upon consulting the published observations, it is not discoverable that, in the cases in Avhich chloroform has been employed, the duration of the labors, as compared Avith preceding ones, has been sensibly shortened. Besides, the duration of a labor becomes dangerous for either mother or child only as it exceeds the natural limits, and of the latter case only are we Bpeaking at present. The case is different when some unfortunate complication disturbs or in- terferes Avith the course of nature. It will have been seen, on reading this work, that we very often have spoken in favor of the use of chloroform, and we shall noAV proceed to recapitulate the different cases in which we feel justi- fied in recommending it. It may be especially useful: 1. In calming the extreme agitation and mental excitement which labor often produces in very nervous women. 2. In those cases in which labor appears to be suspended or much retarded by the pain occasioned by previous disease, or such as may supervene during labor (vomiting, cramps, colic, compression of the sciatic nerve). Dr. Montgomery, Avho certainly is no enthusiast, states that he had witnessed a case, in Avhich he certainly Avould have used chloroform had he been acquainted Avith it at the time: the sphincter ani muscle was affected with so violent a spasmodic pain as almost to deprive the patient of reason. 3. It seems to us particularly indicated by those irregular or partial con- tractions, Avhich, notAvithstanding the intense and almost constant pain Avhich they occasion, have no effect to advance the labor. AAre might even think, Avith M. Bele, that chloroform, Avhich must be exhibited in very large doses to suspend the normal and rhythmical contractions of the uterus, would act much more promptly in stopping the irregular contractions. 4. Spasmodic contraction and rigidity of the cervix uteri have sometimes been favorably affected by inhalation. As this part of the uterus receives some spinal nerves, it becomes, to a certain extent, a portion of the muscular apparatus of animal life. Facts are, hoAvever, as yet too few to enable us to determine the question. AVhen the last edition of this Avork was published, I Avas not sufficiently informed in respect to the usefulness of anaesthetics in their treatment of eclampsia. Besides, having had no personal experience, the cases I had read of, those quoted so abundantly by Channing included, still left me in doubt as to their utility. This being the case, I came to no definite con- clusion, leaving the question for decision in the future. Since then, the publication of further observations, as Avell as my OAvn experience, lead me USE OF ANAESTHETICS 925 to advise the use of chloroform. It has seemed to me especially useful Avhen the convulsions begin during pregnancy, or at an early period of labor, Avhen blood-letting, purgation, revulsives to the skin, &c, have all been tried and the attacks continue as severe as ever. The same remark applies to their occurrence only after delivery, or Avhen, having begun during labor, they persist after the child is born. Under the latter circumstances, how- ever, I think it important not to stop the inhalations too soon after the attacks have ceased. At any rate, it Avere prudent to stand prepared to recommence them should the convulsions be reneAved. Obstetrical Operations. — Not only does chloroform abolish the great pain produced by various obstetrical operations and relieve the patient from the dread Avhich they inspire, but by rendering her motionless, greatly facilitate the manoeuvre. It is, therefore, no despicable auxiliary, provided the nature of the services required of it be well understood. Turning, for example, would certainly be facilitated by the immobility and insensibility of the patient, but not at all by any fancied suspension of the physiological con- tractions ; only the sensibility and irritability of the organ being destroyed, it is not irritated by the presence of the hand, and the usual spasmodic con- traction does not occur. To expect other assistance from the chloroform, to propose, for example, overcoming by its aid the difficulties sometimes presented by a long and strongly contracted uterus, would be asking of it more than it can yield. If ever symphyseotomy or the Caesarean operation be decided upon, I should think the administration of chloroform as likely to be useful as in any other great surgical operation. Finally, the difficulties attendant upon the delivery of the placenta from its abnormal adhesions, and from irregular contraction of the uterus, sometimes require proceedings Avhich are very painful to the female. Anaesthetics may here render the same services as in version. It is, hoAvever, necessary not to administer them too freely, for, independently of the dangers of Avhich Ave have spoken, it might be feared lest by paralyzing the contractile poAvers of the womb, they should expose the patient to inertia and consecutive hemorrhage. Before finishing the study of the indications for the use of chloroform, we add a feAV remarks on its administration to pregnant Avomen and nurses. During Pregnancy. — Is the someAvhat free use of anaesthetics during pregnancy capable of exciting premature contraction of the Avomb, or of exerting any deleterious influence upon the health or life of the child ? In reference to this question, M. Blot mentions in his thesis three cases, two of Avhich came" from M. Chassaignac : In the first case the woman had, three days after the inhalation, uterine and lumbar pains Avhich yielded readily to opiates; the pregnancy, hoAvever, pursuing its regular course. Another patient, five months advanced, presented nothing unusual. The third ob- servation, borrowed from Robinson, had reference to a young woman Avho, in the fifth month of her third pregnancy, breathed chloroform for the relief of toothache, remaining in a state of demi-stupor for half an hour. Shortly after, abdominal pains cam on, Avhich increased, and in a few days ended in abortion. This last case is the only one to which I attribute some im- 926 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. portance, and if it should recur in other instances, would show the impor- tance of great caution in the use of inhalations during pregnancy. Whilst Nursing. — M. Blot also mentions in his thesis tAvo facts tending to prove that the chloroform inhaled may pass into the secretions, and that occurring in a nurse, for example, might have a bad effect upon the child if sufficient time Avere not alloAved to elapse between the period of inhalation and that of suckling. A mother put her child to the breast three hours after breathing chloroform, and in a feAV moments it fell into a profound sleep, which lasted for eight hours. After the sleep, came on a state of excitement which continued for tAvo days (Scanzoni). An analogous case is reported by M. Chassaignac. It would seem prudent, therefore, to delay nursing in such cases for seven, eight, or ten hours. Mode of Administration. — The plan described by Dr. Simpson is the one usually followed. It consists, as is well knoAvn, in placing near the nostrils and mouth a concave sponge, or a handkerchief folded into a cone, after having poured into the concavity a drachm or two of chloroform. The handkerchief ought to be held rather above the opening of the nostrils, for the weight of the chloroform being rather greater than that of the air, it would otherwise fall, and not enter the mouth or the nostrils. The sponge should be held at some distance from the face, so as to alloAV a free passage to air, and prevent contact of the fluid Avith the skin and mucous mem- brane. If this precaution be not taken, little vesicles, and even small super- ficial eschars, will be formed. During the interval of the inhalations, the evaporation of the chloroform is prevented by closing the hollow of the handkerchief by the corners or with the hand. Dr. Simpson recommends beginning Avith a strong inhalation, and at the outset, to cause enough to be breathed to produce complete somnolence. He attributes the loquacity, delirium, spasms, and extreme agitation ob- served in certain subjects, to beginning with too small a dose. This advice, which is very proper if ether be employed, is not of equal value if chloro- form be used. The latter generally produces much less excitement, and throws the patient at once into a tranquil sleep. The cough and pulmonary irritation which they sometimes occasion depend either upon the bad quality of the agent or the holding of the sponge too near the nostrils at the outset, thus causing too much of the vapor to be respired at a time. AVhen an operation to last but a few minutes is to be performed, it is proper, as in surgical practice, to induce profound slumber, and to continue inhalation whilst the operation is going on. But if it be intended merely to moderate the general excitability of the female, to abolish a pain Avhich is foreign to the labor, or to modify partial, irregular, or tetanic contractions, it is necessary, after quietness is obtained, to remove the sponge in order to alloAV of free respiration, and to be content Avith a few slight inhalations at the beginning of every contraction. Three or four pains may sometimes be alloAved to pass without applying the sponge, having recourse to it only when the patient complains of suffering. These repeated inhalations are sufficient to keep the patient in a state in which self-consciousness is lost, and which may thus be prolonged for several hours without inconvenience. What we have to avoid, adds Dr. Simpson, is either too much or too little THE TAMPON. 927 By too large a dose, the contractions may be suspended; by too small a one, much excitement is produced. To calm the latter, increase the dose; to remedy the suspension of the pains, withhold the chloroform for some time. It is a singular fact, that large inhalations are less likely to suspend the contractions in the second than in the first stage of labor, and, consequently, there is then less inconvenience in administering them to a smaller extent. Let it not be imagined, however, that in order to produce complete anaesthesia, it is necessary to carry the inhalations so far as to produce noisy respiration, as in surgical practice. It is rarely needful to go so far. The amounts required to produce sleep and immobility also vary greatly in different individuals. The patients are calm during the intervals between the pains ; at the return of the contractions they indicate to the accoucheur by more or less motion, and by slight groaning, that sensation is not completely abolished, and that it is proper to repeat the inhalation. So long as the etherization is continued, the greatest silence should be maintained about the bed of the patient, for the general excitement and loquacity produced by the first doses are sometimes augmented by noise. CHAPTER II. THE TAMPON. [The tampon is a sort of plug inserted in the vagina for the purpose of arresting a flow of blood. From its simplicity, it might be regarded as a sort of dressing, whilst its importance justifies its being classed with the operations proper, and may be compared with the plugging of the nasal fossae. In several passages of the present work, especially on pages 584, 778, 785, and 907, we have described at length the cases in which it should be resorted to, and it now remains to describe the way of applying it. i Leroux (of Dijon), has the credit of introducing the tampon into practice (1776). His plan was, to fill the vagina with linen or tow, previously saturated with vinegar, which liquid, he thought, would cause the blood to coagulate more quickly and perfectly. The application is now generally made as folloAvs: enough charpie to fill a common wash-basin is provided, the quantity, although apparently large, being really hardly sufficient, on account of the loss of bulk by compression and the great. distensibility of the vagina. The charpie is formed into pellets moderately com- pressed, and each tied to the end of a strong thread for the purpose of withdrawing it readily when it is thought proper to remove it. When charpie is not at hand, tow or cotton may be substituted. As time is always consumed in the preparation of a tampon, everything should be made ready before- hand as soon as there is reason to suppose that a serious hemorrhage is likely to occur. To apply it, the patient is placed across the bed with the seat at the edge of the mattress and the limbs held apart by assistants. The pellets are then to be intro- duced successively into the vagina. The first ones being applied directly to the neck of the womb, where they are held whilst the cufs-de-sac are filled compactly with others. The vagina is thus to be filled throughout its whole extent, taking 928 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. care that no space is left unoccupied, for the plugging will not be well done unless the canal be filled to distention with the compressed material. Thick wads of the substance used, are then to be applied to the vulva in order to support and retain the pellet, and the whole to be kept in situ by compresses and a T-bandage drawn tightly. I dwell purposely on these details, because a well-applied tampon is an heroic measure in the treatment of certain hemorrhages; but if badly or imperfectly managed, it does not prevent the effusion of blood and occasions the loss of time. The pellets may be introduced into the vagina in two different ways : sometimes by means of a speculum, to the bottom of which the charpie is carried, whilst at others, and, as we think, preferably, two fingers are introduced and the pellets slipped in upon them. The advice of Leroux, to saturate the charpie with vinegar, is now generally dis- regarded, the pellets being lightly greased with cerate which facilitates their intro- duction and makes them less permeable to blood. In case of insertion of the pla- centa upon the neck of the womb it might be of advantage to saturate the first pellets in a solution of perehloride of iron. The use of the latter preparation is not unobjectionable and will rarely be necessary when the tampon is carefully applied. The effect of the tampon is to arrest the blood, which then coagulates progres- sively up to the orifices of the ruptured utero-placental vessels and thus soon checks the hemorrhage. It has also another effect: it irritates the neck of the womb and causes the organ to contract, which may, on the one hand, assist in arresting the blood, and on the other, conduce to the expulsion of the ovum. This would be an advantage toward the end of pregnancy, but a serious inconvenience in the earlier months. On this account, the tampon is more especially indicated when the foetus is viable, and ought not to be used before then unless depletion of the womb seems necessary to save the life of the woman. The presence of the tampon occasions more or less discomfort. Some women can bear it for several days, whilst to others it becomes intolerable after a few hours. These individual differences must be taken into account when it becomes a question as to the time for its removal. Still another effect of its application, may be reten- tion of urine caused by pressure upon the urethra. This must be relieved twice or thrice in the twenty-four hours by the use of the catheter, which requires, how- ever, that the pellets nearest the vulva should first be removed, though they must be replaced when the operation is completed. As a general rule, the tampon may be alloAved to remain for twenty-four hours at least. Then it ought to be removed for the purpose of ascertaining the effect' produced upon the neck of the uterus; and the opportunity may be taken to wash out the vagina by means of an injection. Another tampon, prepared beforehand, should replace the first one if deemed necessary. When labor has begun, the removal should be made rather oftener in order to watch its progress. It sometimes happens that the plug is forced out by the descending head of the child, in spite of the retaining bandage. It is evident that when the expulsive stage begins, the presence of the tampon will be more injurious than useful. In most cases, it were better to allow the tampon to remain too long, than to withdraw it prematurely. Its removal is effected by drawing successively upon the threads attached to the pellets, beginning with the last inserted. It is very readily done, the only difficulty arising from the commingling of the threads, which often makes several trials necessary. To remedy this slight inconvenience, it was proposed to make the tampon like the tail of a kite, attaching all the pellets to the same thread at intervals. When so constructed, it would certainly be more readily withdrawn, but as it cannot be applied with the same facility, we prefer the common method. In conclusion, I repeat that a well-applied tampon rarely fails to accomplish its VERSION. 929 object, but very often the operation is badly performed. To do it properly often requires considerable time, and the necessary material is not always at hand, in which case something, else must be substituted. Chailly used for the purpose a gum-elastic bladder which he passed into the vagina and then inflated so as to fill and distend the canal. The bladder, however, on account of its rounded form, adapts itself less perfectly to the inequalities of the os tincae and of the two culs-de- sac of the vagina; its polished surface, also, is less favorable to the stoppage and coagulation of the blood than are the masses of charpie. To meet this defect, the English encase the bladder with a covering made of sponge, — which, however useful, is not absolutely necessary. The advantage of the apparatus consists in its ready application, whilst its management is so simple that it can be explained and put in charge of an attendant at the bedside of a patient threatened with hemor- rhage. On these accounts, we are unwilling to reject it, but recommend that in making a selection, preference be given to a globe with very supple walls, which should be made distensible by rubbing in the hands and successive inflations in order to enable it to conform better to the shape of the vagina. Finally, we prefer the injection of water to inflation, because the air is too susceptible of compression. Notwithstanding all these precautions, it should be understood that we still prefer plugging by means of charpie, though recognizing the great advantage of the gum- elastic globe as a temporary tampon.] CHAPTER III. OF VERSION. Version is an operation by which one of the tAvo extremities of the child is brought to the superior strait: it therefore exhibits tAvo varieties, in one of which the operator proposes to bring down the feet, and hence this is called pelvic or podalic version ; Avhile in the other he attempts to deliver bv the head, Avhich is on that account denominated cephalic version. Cephalic version Avas almost exclusively practised from the time of Hippo- crates until that of Ambrose Pare, that is to say, down to the latter half of the sixteenth century. Celsus advised that Avhen the child is dead, and the head cannot be reached without too great difficulty, the feet should be sought after. iEtius and Paulus iEgineta Avere the first among the ancients to recommend pelvic version Avhen the child is living. But since the days of Pare, or rather since those of Guillemeau, his pupil, the pelvic version has been recommended as applicable to all cases; and the cephalic reduction was almost entirely forgotten, until toward the end of the last century, Avhen Flamand, and, somewhat later, Osiander, exaggerating, doubtless, the in- conveniences, difficulties, and disastrous consequences resulting from the pelvic version, proposed a return to the precepts of Hippocrates ; and sug- gested the cephalic one in almost all cases Avhere the hand alone is sufficient to terminate the labor. The doctrine of the Strasbourg professor Avas favor- ably received in Germany, but Avas too severely criticised by the school of Paris. Indeed, Baudelocque scarcely speaks of it, and Gardieu restricts its application to a very limited number of cases, Avhile Madame Lachapelle formally rejects it. But we shall see hereafter, when studying the respec- 59 980 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. tive value of these tAvo operations, that at the present day it avouIc". be improper to embrace either opinion exclusively; for some cases are better suited to the cephalic version, while there are others, on the contrary, Avhere the pelvic one is alone practicable; consequently, both operations should be retained in practice, leaving to the judgment of the accoucheur to determine the cases in which the one or the other ought to be preferred. Both operations may be performed shortly before labor, during labor before the membranes are ruptured, or during labor but not until after the membranes are ruptured. In the latter case they almost always require the hand to be passed into the Avomb, Avhilst in the former this is very rarely necessary, inasmuch as the presentation can be changed by placing the woman in a suitable position, and applying pressure through the abdominal walls. This constitutes version by external manipulation. ARTICLE I. VERSION BY EXTERNAL MANIPULATION. Version by external manipulation was vaguely referred to by Hippocrates, and more distinctly advised by Jacob Rueff and Mercurius Scipio, yet it passed into oblivion until the commencement of the present century (1812), when AVigand addressed to the Academies of Berlin and Paris, a memoir comprising a complete history of the operation. AVigand's paper was prob- ably lost in France, since it is mentioned in none of our classical works, and we remained ignorant of the wise counsels of the German accoucheur. I ought, hoAvever, to add, that, in opposition to the vieAvs of Baudelocque, Madame Lachapelle, Capuron, and others, M. Velpeau had indicated (1835) the propriety of performing cephalic version in some cases by means of external manipulation. M. Lecorche-Colombe, also (1836), both advised, and several times executed this operation at the Clinique, and I myself, in previous editions of this Avork, discussed more clearly than my countrymen, the cases in which it seemed to me that it might be performed Avith ad- vantage.1 It should, however, be said that no one amongst us had treated the ques- tion as fully as M. Mattei, Avho, although exaggerating the advantages of the operation, and needlessly multiplying the indications for it, had at least the merit of again calling attention to a too much neglected subject. In- deed, Ave probably owe to the exaggerations of our countrymen, the ability to read in French, the excellent translation made by MM. Belin and Hergot of AArigand's paper. Two pupils of the Paris school, Drs. Ducellier and Nivert, have, since then, made this subject their study in their inaugural thesis; so that, in consequence of all these labors and of the clinical instruc- tions of Professor Stoltz, the teachings of the Hamburg professor are noAV well knoAvn. Thanks to this translation, as well as to the clinical teaching 1 I am, therefore, astonished to read in M. Belin's translation, that M. Cazeaux, in his edition of 1853, leaves us ignorant of both when and how the operation ought to be performed, and that I had been content with saying, in reference to cephalic version, that external manipulation, wisely conducted, had quite frequently been successful in changing the position-of the trunk,— this, too, when no less than five pages of my book are devoted to discussing the indications of the operation. VERSION. 931 of Professor Stoltz, the doctrines of the Hamburg professt r will soon be popular in France. External manipulation, performed with the object of bringing to the superior strait one of the foetal extremities originally more or less remote from it, has been advised : 1. Before labor ; 2. During labor and before rupture of the membranes; 3. During labor and after rupture of the membranes. A. Before Labor.—Some accoucheurs have advised that external manipu- lation be resorted to in the last fortnight of pregnancy, and Ave have ourselves done so after the example of M. Lecorche-Colombe. M. Mattei, hoAvever, advises, of late years, that the version be performed from the sixth or seventh month. AAre think this can readily be done in most cases, at least Avhere the presentations are transverse or oblique, though Ave believe that generally the operation will prove useless. When, in fact, the longitudinal axis of the foetus is replaced in the axis of the superior strait, the form of the uterus, which, as shoAvn by M. Hergott, is very probably the cause of the faulty position of the child, remains unchanged, so that the latter will gradually resume its primitive position; after a feAV days the extremity, which has been brought to the superior strait, no 'longer being found there. I have seen this happen several times. Therefore, as the bandages devised for compressing the sides of the abdomen with the view of lessening its trans- verse diameter and retaining the fcetus in the position given it, would be insupportable for two months, I agree with AVigand, that it is better to aAvait the commencement of labor. Still, I Avould not say that it Avere useless to examine carefully all Avomen during the latter months of gestation, in order to determine the form and obliquities of the womb, the position of the foetus, the greater or less amount of fluid, and Avhatever other circumstances might affect the presentation of the child at the commencement of labor. AVhen carefully performed, this examination Avill rarely lead to an immediate operation, but will often have the effect to aAvaken the attention of the accoucheur to difficulties Avhich, at a later period, he may be able to correct in time. Especially ought such an examination to be made when a faulty pre- sentation had been discovered in preceding pregnancies, for were this found to be again the case, the Avoman would be advised to avoid all shocks or great fatigue, Avhich might lead to premature rupture of the membranes. She ought to be strongly advised to observe the utmost quiet from the ap- pearance of the first pain, and to call her physician as soon as possible. In case of considerable anteversion, the uterus should be kept raised during the day by a broad belt around the abdomen supported by sus- penders, Avhilst, at night, she ought to lie upon the back. When there is lateral obliquity, the decubitus should be upon the opposite side. AVe have nothing further to say in regard to version before labor. B. During Labor and before Rujdure of the Membranes.— Under these circumstances is it, that version, by external manipulation, has been espe- cially lauded by AAlgand and German Avriters, and then only is it that it stems +.o us to possess incontrovertible advantages. AVe may readily con- 932 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. 3eive, that the mobility of the foetus at that time, immersed as it is in the amniotic fluid, ought strikingly to facilitate the movements sought to be executed; whilst, on the other hand, the possibility of rupturing the mem- branes as soon as the operation has succeeded, affords a sure means of avoiding a relapse. AVith the exception of some special cases, of which we shall have to speak hereafter, it seems to us indispensable, as a general thing, that the mem- branes should remain entire. A second condition regarded by AAlgand as very important, is the persistence and regularity of the uterine contractions. If too feeble, spasmodic, or irregular, they ought, before anything else is done, be stimulated in the first case, and made regular by opium or chloro- form in the second. "I recollect several cases," he says, "in which the head, after having been forced doAvn by the very violent contractions, rose again above the superior strait, until the very irregular contractions were made regular by the use of opium." - Contraindications.— Besides the irregularity of the contractions, Avhich it is always easy to remedy, version by external manipulation is necessarily excluded by all circumstances requiring a prompt termination of the labor. Thus, hemorrhage, convulsions, syncope, rupture of the uterus, prolapsus of the cord, foetal monstrosities, Ac, are so many contraindications to the operation. The case is the same Avith twin pregnancies, Avhich makes it very difficult to diagnose the presentation of both children, and in Avhich it is not always easy to knoAV whether the pressure is exerted upon both ex- tremities of the same foetus. Positions of the Child, in which Version by External Manipulation ought to be performed.— As was stated on page 841 et seq., the presentations of the vertex and pelvis are liable to certain irregularities or inclinations, which, in the great majority of cases, are corrected spontaneously Avhen the membranes are ruptured, but Avhich not unfrequently continue or facilitate the production of presentations more unfavorable still. In this case, the presenting part, head or pelvis, has no disposition to engage in the superior strait, but strikes against one of its borders. The longitudinal axis of the foetus is not in the direction of the axis of the pelvis, but is more or less in- clined to it. At other times, Avhat is still more serious, it lies transversely, so as to form a trunk presentation ; noAV, it is especially in these oblique or transverse positions of the foetal axis, that version by external manipulation may be performed Avith advantage, and Ave shall borroAv from AVigand the course to be pursued. 1. Preliminary Measures.— The first precaution is to make as sure as pos- sible of the position of the child and the exact situation of the head and pelvis. AVithout entering into the details already given whilst treating of each presentation, Ave recall briefly that the accoucheur ought to make use successively of abdominal palpation, whereby he recognizes the fcetal in- equalities, of the touch, performed Avhilst the patient is standing and whilst lying on the back, and finally, of auscultation. He will take especial note of the form of the uterine tumor, of the greater or less protrusion of the bag of waters, and of the impossibility of reaching any part of the child by the finger in the vagina. • VERSION. 938 The position the Avoman should take varies according to circumstances. Generally, sh ought to lie upon the side in which is situated the part of the child Avhich it is desired to bring to the opening. Thus, if this part be the head, and it rests upon the left ilium, the patient should lie on the left side. The lateral decubitus ought not to be carried too far, but just so as to direct the umbilicus slightly to the left. To give the abdomen a solid support, a thick and hard cushion, or a cloth several times folded, should be placed beneath, and against Avhich the Avoman must be careful to press strongly, at the same time assisting herself Avith her hands. The change of position should be made betAveen the pains, lest the displacement of the child in connection with the uterine contraction should occasion rupture of the mem- branes. If the diagnosis has not been clearly made out, the patient will lie upon the left side, this being the position appropriate to the greater number of cases. Decided anteversion, Avith the head resting upon the crest of the pubis, demands the dorsal decubitus, the pelvis being at the same time slightly raised, and the abdomen supported by a broad bandage in the hands of assistants. The position of the accoucheur will be various and sufficiently indicated * by the operation he is about to undertake. Both the bladder and rectum ought, of course, to be emptied. Mode of Operation.— In some cases of simple obliquity of the child, the mere position, aided by the cushion placed beneath the side of the abdomen, has proved sufficient to accomplish the reduction, though most frequently, especially in transverse presentations, external manipulation becomes necessary. The accoucheur ought ahvays to endeavor to cause that extremity of the child to descend into the strait which is nearest the opening of the pelvis. Breech presentations are not so unfavorable but that Ave may, in some cases, give up the attempt to bring the head doAvn first, in order to avoid too long- continued and perhaps hurtful efforts. Suppose, then, the child to be in the left cephalo-iliac position of the right shoulder. The operator, being to the right of the bed and Avishing to depress the head, places his right hand upon it, and Avhilst endeavoring to make it descend, he, at the same time, endeavors to raise the pelvis by pressing it upAvard with his left. Acting thus in opposite directions with his hands, and endeavoring to preserve accordance in his motions, he makes light frictions on the tAvo extremities of the child; if these be not success- ful, he will press more strongly, ahvays acting at the same time on both extremities. As soon as the cephalic extremity is brought to the superior strait, a feAV moments should be alloAved to pass, in order to be certain that it is Avell fixed there; then the membranes ought to be ruptured, so that the contrac« tion of the womb may keep the child in its neAV position. When the head happens to be in the neighborhood of the uterine orifice, as in oblique or inclined positions of the vertex, it will suffice to press with a single hand upon the part of -e abdomen corresponding with the breech. 934: OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. whilst tAvo fingers of the other hand, passed into the cervix, slide the head over the edge of the strait and rupture the membranes at the proper moment. It is easy to understand the modifications required by the operation, when it is decided to bring the breech, instead of the head, to the superior strait. The change once made, the delivery is left to nature, though, if difficulties should occur, the usual means Avill be employed for their removal. External manipulation may be practised Avith any amount of dilatation of the cervix, though it Avere best, in general, not to rupture the membranes until the dilatation is pretty far adA^anced. AAlien, at the commencement of labor, the accoucheur detects an oblique position of the head or breech, or a presentation of the trunk, he ought first merely to put the woman in a proper position, and by means of a folded cloth or hard cushion placed under the side of the abdomen, make pressure upon the part of the child Avhich he Avishes should engage. At the same time, he insists upon absolute immobility, especially during the pain, and if, after Avaiting five or six hours, these measures have not sufficed to change the presentation, he will have recourse to external pressure as already described. AVhen the conver- sion is effected, the membranes ought to be ruptured at once, provided the dilatation of the cervix is advanced, but if otherwise, the woman should be merely kept upon her side and proper pressure maintained upon the abdo- men. Sometimes, notwithstanding these measures, the child resumes its faulty position, and then the whole operation has to be repeated, and the membranes broken immediately after. c. During Labor and after Rupture of the Membranes.—Under these circumstances, version by external manipulation is advisable only in oblique positions, Avhen the head or breech are very near the cervix, the membranes broken only a short time before Avith a certain amount of Avater remaining in - the uterus, and the child possessing considerable mobility. Even then, it Avere proper to be very careful and not continue too long attempts, whose least inconvenience Avould be the loss of precious time. For my own part, I Avould prefer, if the dilatation of the neck allowed it, to take advantage of the favorable conditions and perform the pelvic version. For a stronger reason, would I be disposed to advise the same thing to be done in trans- verse presentations of the trunk. Flamand did not restrict the rule to bring doAvn the head in trunk posi- tions to the cases just indicated ; but he was also in favor of the performance of the cephalic version, even after the rupture of the membranes and the discharge of the amniotic liquid. He has even gone so far as to point out the particular manoeuvre for each one of the distinct presentations admitted by him', for the child's anterior, posterior, and lateral planes. (Journ. Complement, des Sciences Medicates) ; but Ave deem it useless to enter into his long details, more especially since they may all be comprised in this: to grasp the presenting part, push it up above the strait, and then carry it as far as possible towards the side opposite to Avhere the head is found; and aftenvards get hold of the head, and bring it down, if the efforts made by the other hand through the abdominal Avails have not proved sufficient to make it descend into the excavation. VERSION. 935 Flamand himself acknowledges that this operation seldom succeeds, ex- cepting Avhen some region of the neck or upper part of the thorax presents at the strait. For our own part, we believe it would be difficult, even under such circumstances; hoAvever, it is barely possible, especially if there is still some Avater in the uterus, and the contractions are not very ener- getic; still, under the circumstances, Ave should think it right to endeavor to effect the object. But where a long time has elapsed after the rupture of the membranes and the total discharge of the amniotic liquid, and the Avomb is strongly contracted, Ave do not hesitate to recommend the pelvic version in preference; and particularly so, in those cases in which some region of the loAver half of the trunk presents at the centre of the strait. In common Avith many of our contemporaries, Ave had hitherto advised cephalic version in oases of contracted pelvis, from a fear of the difficulties to Avhich an arrest of the head above the superior strait would give rise. An interesting memoir, by Dr. Simpson, having again directed our attention to the advantages and disadvantages of pelvic version, we subjected the knoAvn facts to a careful examination, and uoav confess that the reading of the memoir has greatly changed our opinion. AVe are, at present, convinced that the dangers of pelvic version, in cases of contracted pelvis, have been much exaggerated, and do not hesitate to recommend this operation in pref- erence to cephalic version, which would prove very difficult after a complete evacuation of the Avaters, and, after all, would require the forceps to be applied. Still more strongly Avould Ave prefer pelvic version, if the pelvis Avere one of the kind in Avhich the narroAving affects one side much more than the other; that is to say, one in Avhich the sacro-vertebral angle, though pro- jecting strongly fonvard, is, at the same time, turned to one side, as in the oblique-oval pelvis of M. Naegele, for it Avould enable us the more easily to direct the back, and the large occipital extremity of the head toward the most roomy side of the pelvis. AVhen a trunk presentation is complicated by the descent of an arm, the cephalic version, recommended by Ruffius (humeri repellendi ut cadet caput), Rhodion, and others, should, in my estimation, be wholly rejected; since the necessity of a previous return of the arm would then render the version by the head exceedingly difficult, if indeed, as before stated, the premature rupture of the membranes did not constrain us to abandon it altogether. Consequently, the pelvic version would appear to be far preferable in cases of this kind. Presentations of the Pelvic Extremity. — " Partisans, as we are, of the version by the head," says Flamand, "we are not prepared to propose it in these cases indiscriminately, notwithstanding we are that way inclined. But after a consideration of the following suppositions, we do not doubt that every unprejudiced accoucheur will follow our advice, and attempt this operation. " Supposing that a monstrosity Avere to present Avithout any loAver extremi- ties whatever, or one having only a couple of little stumps near the buttock, too small to furnish a sufficient hold for the accoucheur's hand to draw down the breech, and at the same time the mobility of the fcetus indicates, 936 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. the possibility of bringing down the head, avIio would hesitate to attempt the operation?" For ourselves, Ave should not hesitate to leave the deliv- ery entirely to the poAvers of nature; for Avhat would be gained by drawing on the pelvic extremity? Have not the precepts of Madame Lachapelle, of Desormeaux, of Dubois, and others, taught us, that all tractions on this extremity are more hurtful than beneficial ? And would not some of those disadvantages that Flamand and his followers refer to the delivery by the breech, and on Avhich they rely for advising the cephalic version,—would not they result in consequence of such imprudent tractions ? " Supposing a woman has but three inches and three lines in her sacro- pubic diameter, and that in former labors she has lost several children that were delivered by the breech ; and besides, that the foetus appears sufficiently movable at the time when, or shortly after Ave are obliged to rupture the membranes—an attempt to effect the version by the head is warrantable." AAre likeAvise believe that, in such a case, the accoucheur would be justi- fied in making this attempt before the membranes are ruptured ; but after the discharge of the waters, it appears to us that this operation must be impracticable in a large majority of cases ; and we should then prefer Avell- conducted tractions on the trunk of the child, using every exertion to keep up the flexion of the head at the moment when the latter reaches the supe- rior strait. The observations of Madame Lachapelle, and those published more recently by Dr. Simpson, afford a satisfactory reason for our preference, even in those cases Avhere the pelvic contraction results from the direct for\A'ard projection of-the sacro-vertebral angle; and this precept Avould be still more applicable, if one of those pelves described by M. Naegele, under the name of oblique-oval, Avere to be met Avith. For the tractions then made on the breech would have the effect of turning the child's back, and, as a consequence, the large occipital extremity of the head, toAvards the Avidest part of the pelvis. To recapitulate: Version by external manipulation ought to be attempted, in oblique or transverse positions of the body of the child, only during labor, and, if possible, before the membranes are ruptured. Should, hoAvever, but a few moments have elapsed since the rupture took place and a certain amount of Avater remain in the Avomb ; if, in short, the child is still movable, and the part to be brought doAvn very near the cervix, some attempt may yet be made with this object; but, should difficulty be met Avith, pelvic ver- sion must be employed instead. If the faulty position of the child has been discovered before labor, the preventive measures already mentioned should be had recourse to, and ex- ternal manipulation left imtil labor has begun. ARTICLE II. OF PELVIC VERSION. This is an operation whereby the pelvic extremity is brought to the supe- rior strait, from which it had been more or less removed. As stated in the preceding article, this result may be obtained by external manipulation perfoi ned before tlie membranes are ruptured. We gave a version. 937 formal statement, hoAvever, of contraindications for this method, even though the membranes be intact. It frequently happens that the accoucheur is not called to the patient until long after the Avaters have been discharged, and then first discovers the faulty position of the child. As in all such cases, pelvic version by internal manipulation is indispensable, we shall have to study the subject Avith the greatest care. In the first place will be given the general rules applicable to all cases of this operation, and afterward the peculiarities presented by each of the presentations of the vertex, face, and trunk. Before operating, it is well, hoAvever, to observe certain precautions Avhich may facilitate the process at a later period, and especially is it necessary to bear in mind the conditions necessary for the performance of the operation. § 1. Precautions to be observed. Before studying the general rules for the performance of pelvic version, we Avill point out briefly certain precautions to be observed by the operator, and Avhich apply to all cases. 1. In the first place, the accoucheur ought to apprise the patient of the operation he is about to perform, to make her understand as clearly as pos- sible the necessity for resorting to it, and to calm her anxiety, and to remove any fears as to the unfavorable consequences it may have either upon her- self or the child. 2. As soon as the Avoman shall have consented to the operation, she is to be placed in a suitable position, Avhich position varies very much in different countries, and even according to individual accoucheurs. The folloAving is the one generally preferred in France : the Avoman places herself across the bed, one side of Avhich rests against a Avail or some tall piece of furniture; several pilloAvs are then piled up under her back, so as to keep the upper part of the body moderately elevated ; and that the sacrum, by resting on the free side of the bed, may leave the vulva and perineum entirely exposed. The loAver extremities are moderately flexed, the feet resting on two chairs, and supported by two assistants standing on the outside of the limbs. AVhen the patient is very intractable, or fears that she cannot control her move- ments, another assistant holds the pelvis in a fixed position by grasping the iliac crests. In England, women are usually delivered on the side; and they are placed in the same position Avhenever it becomes necessary to resort to any opera- tion ; the precaution being taken, however, to bring the breech to the side of the bed, and to place a cushion between the knees, for the purpose of keeping them apart. It were Avell worth Avhile, in some cases at least, to adopt this position. AVhen, for instance, the dorsal region of the foetus is directed backAvard, the lateral decubitus sometimes allows the hand to reach the feet with greater facility; in the dorso-anterior position, on the contrary, turning is re easily effected whilst, the patient lies upon the back. 3. As the little bed on which women are delivered is often too Ioav, and therefore incommodious for the operator, some practitioners direct a mattress to be placed on a bureau or any other article of furniture of a proper height. 938 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. to which the patient is to be transferred. In most cases, the accouchtur will, no doubt, be obliged to go doAvn on his knees, or sit on a Ioav chair. which position is often inconvenient, and obstructs the operation. AVhen the bed is too Ioav, it should be raised by means of a folded mattress, or else the woman may be placed upon some higher piece of furniture. Generally it is only necessary to turn the bed in such a way that one of its sides will be supported against the Avail, and to place the woman crosswise on it, tak- ing the precaution, if necessary, to elevate her breech by slipping a pillow under the first mattress; this is such a simple affair that she Avill scarcely per- ceive it, and it will not disturb her in any Avay. 4. The accoucheur ought to throAv off his coat, as the forearm has to be introduced into the parts as far up as the elboAv. He will also have a proper number of napkins prepared and placed at the foot of the bed to wipe his hands, and to envelop the body of the child as it shall be extracted. 5. Before operating, he should again ascertain the child's position. We need only refer here to the diagnostic signs in each presentation, that have been pointed out in describing natural labor. 6. The position being clearly recognized, it will be necessary to decide on the choice of the hand by which the version is to be performed. In the presentations of the vertex, face, and breech, we introduce that hand Avhich, being held michvay betAveen pronation and supination, has its palmar surface turned towards the child's anterior plane; while, in those of the trunk we introduce the hand having the same name as the presenting side of the foetus (the right hand for the right side, and the left hand for the left one), whenever Ave intend to perform the pelvic version. As to the cephalic ver- sion, it is difficult to lay doAvn any general rule for the particular hand to be used, since this varies according to the particular case. The hand and forearm chosen are then covered by some fatty substance, with a vieAV of facilitating their introduction, and, at the same time, of pro- tecting them against the contagion of any diseases the woman might be affected Avith. Care should be taken to grease only the dorsal surface of the hand, which alone conies into contact with the mother's parts, the palmar face having to apply itself to those of the fcetus which are too slippery already. 7. In those cases in which the version is rendered indispensable by some accident that threatens the life of the mother or child, and, consequently, where it is not possible to choose our own time, Ave evidently have to operate as soon as the gravity of the case renders it advisable ; but in those in Avhich a malposition of the infant constitutes the whole difficulty, as in the trunk presentations, for example, the operator (if attendant on the patient from the commencement, of her labor) should bear in mind that, Avhen the bag of waters is still intact, or else so recently ruptured that a considerable quantity of water still remains in the uterine cavity, the introduction of the hand and the evolution of the fcetus are much easier than at any other time; and, consequently, he ought to select that moment for operating, provided always the os uteri is sufficiently dilated. § 2. Necessary Conditions. In order to perform the pelvic version, it is requisite that the os uteri be dilated or dilatable; that the presenting part be not engaged too deeply in VERSION. 939 the excavation, and more particularly that it has not cleared the neck of the uterus; finally, except in trunk presentations, most authors require that no disproportion exist betAveen the size of the head and the dimensions of the pelvis. 1. It is necessary, Ave say, that the os uteri be sufficiently dilated or dilatable to permit the ready introduction of the hand, and the free passage of the child. The neck may be considered as being properly dilated, when its orifice offers nearly two inches in diameter; but it may be much less open, and yet the version be still possible, because it is then often sufficiently dilatable. In the latter case, the cervix is thick, soft, supple, and easily distended; it is neither tense nor contracted, and the finger, on being passed over the divers points of its circumference, finds that it does not re.-ist in the least, and that it admits of being readily enlarged. This dilatability of the uterine orifice is particularly apt to be met with, Avhen the presenting part cannot engage in the os uteri after the membranes are ruptured, on account of its volume or bad position; because, being no longer sustained, the mar- gins then relapse tOAvards its centre, and thus diminish its size. 2. The second condition is, that the presenting part be not too deeply engaged in the excavation, and more especially that it has not cleared the cervix. It will presently be seen that, before endeavoring to enter the uterus, the hand of the accoucheur ought to push the part, Avhich is already more or less engaged in thq excavation, above the superior strait. Now, it is evident that if this part had cleared the os uteri, it could not be returned without the Avomb being pressed back at the same time, and consequently Avithout exposing the utero-vaginal attachments to laceration. 3. AVhen the pelvis is contracted, most French accoucheurs proscribe pelvic version. Although Ave also at one time adopted this view, we now think that it should be-reserved for those cases only in which the narroAving affects all the diameters of the pelvis, or in Avhich the sacro-pubic diameter is excessively shortened. An attentive examination of this question has convinced me that Madame Lachapelle, Dr. Simpson, of Edinburgh, and Mr. Radfort, of Manchester, Avere right in preferring pelvic version to the application of the forceps in some cases. AA'e shall discuss this important practical point in the folloAving chapter, but Ave feel justified in saying at present that version maybe practised Avith advantage: 1, in the oblique- oval contractions of M. Naegele; 2, in those antero-posterior contractions of the inferior strait complicated Avith a considerable narrowing of the sub- pubic arch. (See Forceps.) Below two inches, the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvis is so short as to render it impossible to introduce the hand. A contraction so great as this, makes it unnecessary to insist much upon attempts at version. § 3. General Rules of the Operation. The operation, in the performance of podalic version, is composed of three principal stages, namely, the introduction of the hand, the evolution of the child, and the extraction of the latter. 1. Introduction of the Hand.—-The patient having been properly placed, the operator sits down or rests on one knee before her, then presents his hand 940 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. at the entrance of the vulva, and endeavors to introduce it by pressing gently from before backAvards, and slightly from above dowmvards. If the vulva is very large, the fingers are held together and introduced, flat first, taking care to depress the anterior-perineal commissure Avith the cubital border of the hand; but if the vulva is very narrow, the fingers are intro- duced one after another, and then brought together in such a way as to form a kind of gutter, in AA'hich the thumb can slip along their palmar concavity, and thus enter imperceptibly. The hand thus forms a cone, the base of which is still at the exterior, while its apex endeavors to penetrate up into the vaginal cavity. The wrist is then slightly depressed, in order to accom- modate the direction of the hand to the line of axis of the inferior strait; and, as the fingers penetrate deeper, it is depressed more and more, so as to make the hand describe a curve Avith its concavity anterior, corresponding to the pelvic axis. The introduction is facilitated by gently and moderately rotating the hand on its OAvn axis, Avith a vieAV of effacing the folds of the vagina. AArhenever possible, the introduction into the vulva must be made during the interval between the pains. Ant. Dubois gave a different precept, and taught that it was preferable to make the introduction Avhile the pain lasted ; for, said he, the woman, being engrossed Avith the uterine pain, will not per- ceive that caused by the entrance of the hand. But every one who has attended a female in labor, and has made the vaginal examination during the contraction, must be convinced of the error of this celebrated accoucheur. The fingers, having reached the upper part of the vagina, may find the os uteri either freely dilated or sufficiently dilatable. In the former case they can be made to penetrate into the organ Avithout any difficulty, by placing them betAveen the internal surface of the uterus and the presenting part of the child; but, in the latter,'they are to be introduced one after the other, in such a manner as to form a cone, the extremity of Avhich is entered in the orifice. Then the hand is ptished along, imparting to it at the same time some gentle rotatory movements, and separating the fingers a little from each other, so as to make a moderate and uniform' pressure on the various points of the periphery of the cervix. AVhen the services of an assistant can be obtained, he should be directed to place both hands over the fundus of the uterus, in order to prevent it from being pressed up by the efforts made to introduce the hand ; if there is no assistant, the other hand of the accoucheur is placed over the fundus to perform the same office. AVithout this precau- tion, there Avould be danger of lacerating the vagina at its point of attach- ment with the uterus. The os uteri ought to be entered during the interval of the pains. As soon as the hand has reached the cervix, it is necessary to ascertain that we have not been mistaken about the position ; and in case an error has been committed and the Avrong hand has been introduced, it should be withdraAvn at once, and replaced by the other, if there is reason to anticipate much difficulty in the version ; that is to say, if the membranes have been ruptured a long time, the pains are strong, and the Avaters are Avholly discharged; for we ought not to add to the difficulties that already exist by the choice of the wrong hand. But, under opposite circumstances we might use the hand VERSION. 94] first introduced, so as to spare the patient the pain and repugnance which the introduction of a second one ahvays occasions her. AVhen the hand arrives at the os uteri, the membranes may either le still intact, or they may have been ruptured for a long time. Supposing the former to be the case, the question arises, are they to be ruptured before passing any further? It is far better to insinuate the hand between the external surface of the membranes and the internal one of the womb, and thus get it up to the point where, from the child's position, we know the feet ought to be found; and only rupture the membranes at the moment when the loAver extremities are seized, or at least not until after the Avhole hand has penetrated into the uterine cavity. Both processes have their advan- tages : the first is the most expeditious and does not, whatever may be said to the contrary, permit a too rapid discharge of the Avaters, for the simple reason that the presence of the forearm in the mouth of the Avomb stops it almost completely. In the second, by leaving the membranes unbroken until the feet are grasped, Ave have the great advantage of reaching the fundus uteri much more easily, of turning the feet more promptly, and of practising the second stage or evolution of the fcetus more readily, the latter being yet mo\rable in the surrounding Avaters. If the hand finds the pla- centa attached to one side of the organ, as it advances between the internal surface of the Avomb and the external one of the membranes, it is very neces- sary to avoid its detachment, Avhich might be done by passing around its margin; and where this is impracticable, to rupture the membrane at the inferior border of the placenta.1 The introduction of the hand is far more difficult when the membranes are broken, for the presence of another foreign body stimulates the contractions still more, and it were folly to endeavor to overcome them. It is therefore advisable to suspend all attempts, and only renew them Avhen the pains are a little calmed. The first step in the process is to get hold of the presenting part, and push it up a little above the superior strait; then it is to be carried toward one of the iliac fossae, where it is sustained, first by the palm of the hand, and afterwards by the anterior surface of the forearm. This pressing back, which is easy Avhen the foetus is still someAvhat mov- able, becomes impossible when the Avaters are entirely discharged; in this case our efforts should be limited to gliding the hand betAveen the neck and the presenting part. The mode of reaching the feet varies i This plan is recommended by Peu, Smellie, Deluerye, Hamilton, Boer, N^gele, and Madame Lachapelle. The latter has even been careful to suggest another precaution; namely, to rupture the membranes during the relaxation of the uterus, lest its contrac- tion drive out a large portion of the waters. In this figure the head has been pnehed up into the left iliac fossa, and one hand gets hold of the feet while the other sup- ports the organ externally. 942 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. according to the particular position. Some accoucheurs have laid it down as a general rule to pass the hand around the side of the child that ia directed towards the mother's loins, and then slip it along its back and breech, and doAvn along the posterior surface of the loAver extremities to the feet. For, by folloAving an opposite course, and laying it flat on the anterior surface of the foetus, and thus guiding it directly to the feet, nothing would be easier than to mistake the hand for a foot, or an elboAv for the knee, in the folded-up condition of the superior and inferior extremities. There are some cases in which this direction may be folloAved, but in many others it is useless or impossible to take this precaution: useless, Avhen a considerable quantity of water still remains in the cavity of the uterus; and impossible, where the membranes have been ruptured for a long time, and the uterine Avails are forcibly retracted on the child's trunk ; for then we must be con- tent Avith slipping the hand flat along the anterior plane of the fcetus, being careful not to confound a foot with a hand. 2. Evolution of the Fcetus.—Having succeeded in finding the feet, the hand grasps them in such a Avay, that the index finger is placed betAveen the two internal malleoli, the thumb on the external surface of one leg, and the three fingers on the external side of the other. Such at least is the direction given by many medical authors, but in practice Ave cannot ahvays do Avhat we Avould, and it is only necessary to be certain that Ave have a firm hold of them. (See Fig. 120.) It is sometimes difficult to seize both feet at the same time; and Ave must then be satisfied with a single one, provided the search after the second is attended Avith considerable difficulty. The feet are then draAvn upon in such a Avay FlG-121- as to double up the foetus on its anterior plane. During the performance of this evolution, which is ahvays to be done during the interval betAveen the pains, the other hand should be placed over the part of the abdomen Avhere the head is found, and by pressing up, the latter should endeavor to make it ascend towards the fundus of the Avomb. It sometimes happens, as just stated, that only one foot can be brought doAvn into the vagina, and if this is the anterior or sub-pubic one, the operation might be terminated without going in search of the other; but if, on the contrary, it is the posterior foot, we should, after hav- The same position, in-which the version is com- jn~ seCured it with a fillet,1 introduce mencod by drawing down the feet. ° ir>n , • the hand aneAV, and follow the internal 1 The fillet usually consists of a piece of tape, one or two fingers' breadth wide and a yard long, made into a loose slip-knot, which is applied above the ankle; when the foot is still in the vagina, the knot is placed on the dorsal surface of the hand, and then, by grasping the foot, it is slipped over it above the malleoli, and afterwards tigktenee1 by drawing on the two extremities of the tape that hang down at the vulva VERSION. 943 border of the limb already extracted, up to the root of the opposite leg; Avhence by tracing out the latter, Ave finally get to the other foot, which is to be brought down in a line of abduction. It is to be understood, how- ever, that it is possible and often easy to turn Avhen the posterior foot only can be got hold of; in Avhich case, the course to be pursued will be pointed out hereafter. In some cases, it is much easier to seize the knees Avhich present to the hand of the accoucheur, and they might then be drawn upon Avithout incon- venience for the purpose of effecting evolution, but relinquished Avhen brought doAvn far enough to allow him to get hold of the feet. 3. The extraction is the only stage of version performed during the uter- ine contraction. In fact, as the latter facilitates the tractions made on the pelvic extremity, and likewise serves to keep the head flexed on the chest, the accoucheur Avould be justified in terminating the labor, Avithout waiting the return of the pain, only Avhen there was a complete inertia of the Avomb conjoined Avith some accident requiring a prompt delivery. At first, we must draAV on the sub-pubic limb as much as possible, because Ave thereby encourage the rotation of the anterior plane of the child toAvards the mother's loins, and we are better enabled to press the parts backAvards ; that is, to get them in the direction of the axis of the superior strait, Avhich they have to traverse. If the posterior foot is the one brought down, the version may be completed successfully with it alone. In order to accom- plish it, the limb should be rotated to the right or left Avhilst being draAvn upon; the breech, generally following the movement thus communicated, will descend Avith its greatest diameter corresponding to the transverse diameter of the pelvis. Continued traction in the same direction finally brings under the pubis the foot which at first Avas behind, and the operation is completed as under ordinary circumstances. As the loAver extremities are delivered, the whole extent of the disengaged parts are grasped by the two hands, taking care to place the thumbs on the posterior part of the limbs, the index and medius on their external surface, and the ring and the little fingers on their anterior surface. AVhen the breech appears at the vulva, it is necessary to ascertain the state of the cord; for that purpose, a finger is to be slipped up to its umbilical insertion, when, if it be found tense, the thumb is joined to the finger, and by making a gentle traction on its placental extremity, by both, the loop it forms will be enlarged (Fig. 123). If the cord has slipped over one leg, and got into the fissure between the thighs, it will likewise be necessary, after having drawn slightly on it, to disengage the child's posterior limb, and place the cord in contact Avith the perineum. In case the version has been demanded by an unfavorable position, and When the foot is high up in the vagina, it is oftQn very difficult to apply the fillet: in this case, M. Van Huevel proposes -substituting for it a long forceps, the upper ex tremity of whose branches terminate in a half ring placed at right angles upon the stem. When the forceps are closed, we have a complete ring, by means of which the leg is seized above the malleoli. But why should instruments be so multiplied without absolute necessity ? 944 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. the child has been restored to a natural one by the pelvic evolution, the rest of the travail is left to nature; provided ahvays the force and frequency of FlQ. 122. Fio. 123. The version is here completed, and the occi- put, which was placed in the left iliac fossa, at Management of the cord. the commencement of the operation, will now come down behind the right acetabulum. the pains are such as to give us reason to anticipate a speedy delivery. But if the uterine contractions are feeble or sIoav, or if the severity of the symp- toms endanger the life of either the mother or the child, the tractions must be kept up, and the patient be encouraged to aid them with all her remain- ing strength. The hips, loins, and lower part of the chest soon come down ; and as this delivery progresses, the accoucheur's hands ought to embrace as many parts as possible, constantly seizing those that are nearest to the vuhra, and taking care always to act on the bones, not on the soft parts. The arms are apt to become stretched out along the sides of the head, and thus descend with it into the excavation ; when their disengagement must be effect,1;] in the following manner: Ave commence with the posterior one, Avhich has only the resistance of the soft parts of the perineum to overcome, and therefore will offer less difficulty than the sub-pubic arm. The same hand is again used by placing its index and middle fingers on the posterior and external side of the arm, just beyond the humero-cubital articulation, while the thumb rests on the anterior internal plane of the humerus, Avhere it acts like a splint; the axillary space is thus found lying in the interval that separates the thumb from the tAvo fingers (Fig. 124). The trunk hav- ing been enveloped in a napkin is next carried up in front of the pubic symphysis, either by the.other hand, or by an assistant. Then the fore and middle lingers, acting over the whole extent of the arm and a part of the forearm, bend the latter down over the side of the head and face towards version. 945 Fig. 124. the chest, on the side of Avhich it is ultimately placed after its complete dis- engagement. The sub-pubic arm is next delivered by supporting the child's trunk upon the other forearm, and depressing it towards the anus, Avhile the hand, not the one en- gaged in the previous operation, is introduced in a state of forced pronation; that is, turned over on its radial border in such a Avay that the thumb can be still applied on the internal, and the index and middle fingers on the posterior surface of the arm ; and then this is brought down over the side of the head, face, and front of the chest, as Avas the posterior arm. In ordinary cases, the head descends flexed into the excavation, the occiput being turned towards some point adjacent to the symphysis pubis, and the disengagement is effected spontaneously if the pains are tolerably strong and frequent; and if necessary to facilitate it, we have only to carry the trunk up in front of the symphysis. But should it happen that the expulsion of the head is SOmeAvhat delayed, we must aid it by introduc- Delivery of the posterior arm. ing tAvo fingers on the sides of the nose, and tAvo others on the occiput, and then, by means of the latter, the operator pushes up the occiput, while he draAVS down, on the contrary, Avith those implanted on each side of the nose, and thus determines a movement of flexion Avhich secures the delivery of the head. The difficulty Avould be much greater if the face Avas turned forward, and the occiput backAvard; though even here, if the head is not very voluminous, and the pelvis is large, Ave might effect its delivery by depressing the trunk on the perineum, and by draAving doAvn the face in the pubic arch, with the fingers planted on the sides of the nose, so as to flex the head; or, on the other hand, by carrying the trunk up in front of the pubis, we might, in some exceptional cases, succeed in delivering the occiput first at the anterior perineal commissure. (See Mechanism of Labor in Breech Presentations.) § 4. Of the Difficulties that may be met with in performing the Pelvic Version. In common simple cases, the manoeuvre is accomplished in the Avay Ave have just described; but it frequently happens that the operator encounters difficulties in its performance, dependent either on the mother or on the child, which next claim our attention. Those which the mother's organs may present are, a very small vulva, obstinate resistance of the uterine orifice, spasmodic contraction, and mobility of the body of the Avomb, and insertion of the placenta over the os uteri. Those appertaining to the foetus are, shortness of the umbilical cord, unusual size of the shoulders, crossing of the arms behind the neck, and extension of the head. a. Smallness of the Vulva.— Unless the1 smallness of the vulva results from the persistence of old adhesions, it is seldom so great, even in first GO 946 obstetrical operations. pregnancies, as to constitute a serious obstacle to the introduction of the hand. The only precaution to be taken is to pass in the fingers o.ie after the other, and to make the hand enter gently and carefully. B. Resistance of the Uterine Orifice.— The causes and principal indica- tions of the resistances which the uterine orifice may offer to the sponta- neous expulsion of the child, have already been studied (page 698, et seq.); and it is possible that these same difficulties may be met with in the per- formance of the version. Here, also, the retraction may be seated at the external or internal orifice of the neck. Two conditions may be met Avith when the external is the only one affected ; that is, the pelvic evolution may be necessitated, either by a trunk presentation, or else by some accident Avhich, by compromising the life of the mother or child, renders a prompt termination of the labor imperative. In the former case, Avhatever be the cause of the contraction, or of the non-dilatation of the orifice, all the means calculated to facilitate the dilatation will be brought into use ; such as vene- section if the patient is plethoric, tepid bathings, fumigations, and unctions with the extract of belladonna on the periphery of the cervix; and, Avhere these remedies have been employed Avithout success, we should act as in the folloAving case. In the latter case, the necessity of terminating the labor promptly does not permit us to rely on the employment of the means just enumerated, because their action is not developed for some time; and our only resources are in a forced introduction of the hand, or multiple incisions on the neck. AVe have hitherto stated that, as a general rule, the repeated incisions of the cervix appear decidedly preferable to a forcible introduction of the hand, Avhich latter is ahvays a slow, difficult, and very painful opera- tion, Avhilst the instrument is not even felt by the patient; besides, it is not dangerous, and its results can be more certainly relied on. It is, hoAvever, very necessary to take in consideration the nature of the accident Avhich, in this state of the cervix, demands the intervention of art; for, in this respect, hemorrhage or eclampsia may present very different indications. In the former, it is very probable that the contraction of the orifice is slight, and capable of being overcome Avithout much difficulty; besides, should it fail, the attempts at forcible introduction would have the effect to irritate the organ and excite the contraction of the fibres of the fundus, whose inertia had probably caused the flooding Avhich demands the termination of the labor. But, during an attack of eclampsia, there is every reason for supposing that the contraction of the orifice is due to the convulsions, with Avhich every muscle of the body is affected. Hence, it is not of a character to yield readily to attempts at introduction, and, in case of insuccess, it may be feared lest, by irritating the very sensitive fibres of the neck, they might have the effect to increase the general convulsions which we wish to remedy. Therefore, we should, in this case, give preference to incisions. AA nen the spasmodic contraction is confined exclusively to that portion of the uterine Avails which constitutes the internal orifice in the non-gravid state, the hand, after having penetrated the external one Avithout difficulty, is suddenly arrested by an obstacle that it cannot surmount. This retraction is apt to take place, in the presentations of the cephalic extremity, around the child's neck after the head is free, but it is oftener observed in trunk version. 947 presentations. The measures that we shall presently point out for combat- ing the spasmodic contraction of the body of the Avomb, are et ually appli- cable in cases of this kind. c. Insertion of the Placenta on the Neck of the Uterus. — As is Avell knoAvn, this circumstance is an habitual cause of hemorrhage, and often requires the pelvic version. AVhen the placenta is only attached by one margin to some point of the uterine neck, the hand is introduced at the part Avhich is not covered, and the version presents nothing peculiar. But a different course has been advised relatively to the introduction of the hand, Avhere the inser- tion takes place, centre for centre, and no portion of the circumference of the placenta is detached. Thus, it has been recommended to perforate the centre of the after-birth, and introduce the hand through this opening; but this appears to us a difficult and dangerous process, because: 1st, a great number of umbilical ramifications are then necessarily torn, and a hemor- rhage produced Avhich may speedily prove fatal to the child; 2d, the force necessary to effect this perforation is sometimes sufficient to drag upon, and then detach, the periphery of the still adherent placenta; and, 3d, the central opening made in the after-birth will seldom be spacious enough to permit the child's trunk and head to pass freely; Avhence it may happen that the frictions made by the movable parts of the foetus against the margins of this opening, will facilitate a displacement of the arms and an extension of the head. Consequently, unless the patient's strength be already exhausted by the flooding, or the placental adhesions be very strong, we would rather detach some point of the circumference of the placenta, and thus get the hand betAveen its external face and the internal Avail of the uterus. True, by operating in this manner, Ave should lacerate a certain number of utero- placental vessels, and thereby add to the sources of hemorrhage, but Ave would succeed in saving the child's blood; besides Avhich, the hand and forearm, at first, and then a little later the trunk of the foetus, by becoming applied over the mouths of these vessels, Avould compress them like a tam- pon, and thus put an end to the hemorrhage. D. Violent Contraction of the Body of the Womb. — This is a condition that ahvays makes the version very painful and very difficult, and, in certain cases, may even render it impossible; it is, therefore, a sufficient reason for preferring an application of the forceps Avhen the cephalic extremity pre- sents. But, in a case of trunk presentation, version would be the only practicable measure; and even that might be rendered Avholly impossible by the retraction of the uterus. I have succeeded very well in such cases by introducing the hands one after the other several times, and using gentle efforts to pass them deeply into the uterus. The muscular fibre of the organ being thus fatigued, sometimes relaxes, and uIIoavs the feet to be reached. Here, likewise, venesection and tepid bathing prove very useful; and the employment of opiates is particularly indicated, for the aqueous extract of opium, when administered in injections, or by the stomach, in the dose of three-quarters of a grain to tAvo grains, or an equivalent quantity of lauda- num, is usually found sufficient to overcome the resistance of the body of the Avomb. Under such circumstances, Dewees highly extols a resort to general bleeding, carried to sy ucope; and he makes the patient stand up 948 obstetrical operations. during che operation, whenever possible, so as to produce this effect m >re speedily. I had an opportunity of putting the advice of the American accoucheur into practice, for the first time, on a lady in the Rue du Four-Saint-Germain, to Avhom I was called in consultation by Dr. Treves. The child presented by the left shoulder ; notwithstanding which, ergot had been administered, in consequence of an error of diagnosis, and the uterus was so contracted on the trunk of the child that an introduction of the hand Avas altogether im- possible. I made the patient get up, and had her supported by tAvo assist- ants ; the vein Avas opened, and I permitted the blood to run until the Avoman fainted; when she was immediately replaced on her bed, and the version Avas effected without difficulty. If these measures fail, and the child be still living, there is evidently no other resource than to wait and hope for a spontaneous evolution from the expulsory efforts of the uterus. If it be dead, the section of its neck, a ccord- ing to the plan of Celsus, and a separate extraction of the trunk, and after- wards of the head, ought to be immediately practised, with a vieAV of sparing the patient the disastrous consequences of a prolonged and usually a use- lessly prolonged labor. (See Embryotomy.) Again, the contraction of the uterus very frequently renders the efforts made during the version to turn the anterior plane of the foetus backwards ineffectual; and Avhere this is the case, it is not advisable to operate on the trunk, by pushing it back and draAving it down alternately, endeavoring to impress a slight rotation on it each time, as certain accoucheurs have recom- mended ; for that Avould very often be impossible, and, besides, by being carried too far, it Avould Avring the child's neck; for the head, being held by the contraction of the fundus uteri, might not participate in the rotation im- pressed on the trunk. It is much better, therefore, to renounce it altogether and permit the face to come above. Inhalations of chloroform have been recommended by some persons as possessing the immense advantage of quieting these spasmodic contractions of the uterus, and of rendering versions easy, which Avere previously impos- sible. I have no personal experience in this matter, but upon interrogating that of others, I find that they have obtained very different results. Thus, whilst M. Stoltz thought that he had remarked an increase in the frequency and force of the contractions, and Mr. Murphy states that he had never before met Avith so much difficulty in a case of turning, although the patient was completely under the influence of the chloroform, Ave find Dr. Denham affirming that in ten cases in Avhich chloroform had been administered pre- vious to the version, its use had facilitated the operation, and that its happy influence was especially remarked in the case of a Avoman in Avhom the introduction of the hand, though attempted,fruitlessly before the inhalation, was effected Avith the greatest ease immediately afterward. The facts as yet known are too contradictory to enable us to judge of the efficacy of cl iloroform in these cases. For even in those in Avhich its use was folloAved by a relaxatiqn of the uterus, is it certain that this occurrence; AA'hich often takes place spontaneously and suddenly, was anything mor6 VERSION. 949 man a simple coincidence? There seems some reason for thinking so, when Ave recollect the cases in Avhich it produced no effect, It is, therefore, an undecided question. However, I should hasten to add, that Mr. Simpson, and other most conscientious men, admit that the inhalation of chloroform must be pushed to its fullest extent, and be continued for a long time, before it affects the muscles of organic life. Mr. Simpson attributes the suspension of normal labor to the abuse and excess of inhalation. If such be the case, is it not reasonable to suppose that it would be necessary to carry the use of chloroform beyond the limits of prudence, in order to terminate the ab- normal and almost tetanic contractions, and then is there not cause to fear the occurrence of one of those terrible misfortunes Avhich some surgeons have had to deplore ? e. Mobility of the Body of the Uterus.— According to M. P. Dubois, suffi- cient stress has not been laid upon this difficulty; because, if unattended to, it may absolutely prevent the introduction of the hand as far as the fundus uteri. That is, the hand, being wedged in between the uterine and foetal surfaces, attempts in vain to get at the feet, since the womb, the hand, and the trunk of the child then form a whole which turns on itself, but the hand does not progress into the interior of the uterine, cavity. To remedy this obstacle, it is only necessary to have the fundus of the organ kept steady, by directing an assistant to place both hands over its superior and lateral parts. f. Shortness of the Cord.— AVhatever be the cause, the cord Avhen very short may become stretched, during the tractions on the pelvic extremity, and even to such an extent as to occasion its rupture. This accident is to be prevented by cutting the cord, when the tractions made on its placental portion are not sufficient to relax it. G. Large Shoulders.—As the loins become free at the vulva, the shoulders engage at the superior strait; when it happens, in certain cases, that the tractions, Avhich up to that time had been efficacious, cease to be so any longer, and some resistance is experienced in completing the delivery. This resistance is dependent solely on the fact that the bis-acromial diameter of the shoulders corresponds to the diameter of the superior strait; and conse- quently, from its Avidth, encounters some difficulty in clearing the latter. But this is easily relieved by imparting some oblique movements to the portions of the child already disengaged, Avhich carry the breech successively to\;ards the groin of one side, and the sacro-sciatic ligament of the opposite side ; whereby the bis-acromial diameter is inclined, and its two extremities are made to engage in the excavation one after the other. H. Crossing of the Arms behind the Neck.— It sometimes happens that one of the arms (ordinarily the sub-pubic one) is found crossed behind the neck, when about to be delivered. We have advised that an attempt be made to bring the child's posterior plane around in front; but in order to accom- ■ plish this, it is necessary to make the trunk undergo a considerable revolu- tion, during Avhich the arms, that are not involved in the movement, might be displaced by rubbing against the Avomb, and thus become crossed between the neck and the poster or face of the symphysis pubis. It is highly iin- 950 OBSTETRICAL operations. portant to bear in mind that, according to the observation of Duges, this crossing of the arms may take place in two ways: namely, they may be crossed behind the neck, after having been first raised up on the sides iff the head, and then the overlapping is effected from above dowmvards and from before backwards, relatively to the foetus; or it may occur from below up- Avards, the arms then mounting up along the child's posterior plane, and becoming placed under the occiput. This latter circumstance may be pro- duced in the folloAving way: as the arms are usually located on the sides of the thorax, they may not participate in the movement of rotation impressed on the trunk, in making an attempt to bring the anterior plane of the fcetus tOAvards the mother's loins; and, consequently, one or both of them may thenceforth be found placed on the child's dorsal plane. Then, supposing the tractions on the breech are continued, the arm will become arrested against the symphysis pubis, Avhile the trunk descends or is extracted, in such a way as to be still there when the back of the neck reaches that point. These tAvo cases can be distinguished from each other by remarking that, when the crossing of the arms has ta*ken place from above doAvmvards, and from before backwards, the inferior angle of the scapula is removed to a considerable distance from the median line of the spine; while, on the con- trary, it Avill be quite close to it when the crossing has occurred from below upward along the back of the foetus. The diagnosis is important, since the disengagement of the crossed arms evidently cannot be effected in the same manner in both cases; because, as a general rule, the arm has to be brought down in an opposite direction to the course it folloAved in becoming dis- placed. Thus, in the latter case, it must be made to descend along the back, by hooking the elboAv Avith one or tAvo fingers ; in the former, it Avill be first brought over the occiput, and then down along the side of the head, face, and sternum. This latter disengagement is sometimes exceedingly difficult, for the occiput, being strongly pressed against the symphysis, seldom leaves free space enough between it and the os pubis for the opera- tion. AVhen this occurs, it has been recommended to press up the chest forcibly, Avith a vieAV of making the occiput go upwards, and thereby releas- ing the arm. It would certainly be better, after having disengaged the posterior arm, to impress a movement of rotation on the whole trunk and head of the foetus, on its longitudinal axis, which would carry the occiput and the arm to be disengaged into the hollow of the sacrum. I. Arrest of the Head.— Both contraction of the pelvis and extension of the head may render difficult the delivery of the cephalic extremity. But as we have already pointed out Avhat is proper to be done in the former case, we need not revert thereto again. AVhen the expulsion of the foetus is left to the powers of nature, the head descends, moderately flexed, into the excavation, and most generally its dis- engagement presents no marked difficulty. But Avhen it becomes extended in consequence of improper tractions on the breech, its long diameters are brought into correspondence Avith the diameters of the pelvis, and its further delivery is thereby rendered impossible. Of course, in this state of extern don, the occiput may either be found in front, (though this seldom happens,) VERSION. 951 or it may be found behind, the face being above, Avhich is by far the most common.1 When the occiput is in front, the flexion of the head is effected Avithout trouble ; for it is generally sufficient to place two fingers on the sides of the nose, or else on the lower jaw inside of the mouth, and then depress the chin by a moderate traction on this part; Avhilst tAvo fingers of the other hand Fig. 125. Fig. 126. At ilc of flexing the head by drawing down tlie chin and pushing up the occiput. Mode of rotating the face into the hollow of the sacrum. ' are passed in under the symphysis and implanted on the occiput, so as to press up the latter above the superior strait. (Fig. 125.) AVhen this ma- noeuvre does not prove successful, it has been recommended, before having recourse to the forceps, to introduce the hand into the hollow of the sacrum and grasp the face Avith its palmar concavity, in order to bring down the head into its normal position by effecting a forced flexion. When the occiput is behind, and its delivery is not possible, either by flexion or extension, (see Fig. 126,) it is advisable, says Madame Lacha- pelle, to change the position of the head and carry the face back into the hollow of the sacrum ; and, for that purpose, to introduce that hand into the sacral concavity whose palm Avould embrace the occiput more easily; (the right, when the face is a little to the right, at the same time that it is in i The extension of tlie head, during version, is far more common in those cases where the occiput is turned towards the sacrum. The reason of which will be readily under- stood by giving attention to the following circumstances, namely : ihe tractions are naturally made downwards and forwards, while the os uteri, which has a constant tendency to retract, is directed somewhat downwards and backwards; whence it results that the anterior lip of the womb presses strongly on that portion of the child which is turned towards the pubis. Consequently, when the occiput is in front, the resist- ance offered by this lip has a tendency to flex the head still more: but, on the contrary, when it is behind, the chin is almost inevitably caught by the anterior lip, and the head is thereby extended. 952 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. front; the left, when it is someAA'hat to the left; though, if the face were entirely above the pubic symphysis, the choice of the hand would be a mat- ter of indifference;) then the fingers, after having passed behind the head, are slipped over one side of it, and pushed forward as far as the mouth, by gliding along the nearest cheek (Fig. 126). The hand is then forcibly in- clined on its cubital border, having the palmar surface in front; next, it draAVS the parts on which the extremity of the fingers is applied, that is to say, the face, dowmvards and backAvards towards the coccyx, when nothing further remains than to flex the head and extract it as in ordinary cases. § 5. Appreciation of Version. Version, Avhen performed under favorable circumstances, that is to say, when the membranes are intact, or have been ruptured Avithin a short time, and the child, surrounded by a considerable amount of fluid, still possesses a certain mobility, is, in general, an easy operation, and but slightly hazard- ous either to the mother or the foetus. Unhappily, it must be confessed that these fortunate conditions are rarely met with in cases wherein we are obliged to perform the operation. AVith the exception of shoulder presentations, none of the malpositions of the child require the intervention of art, until, after waiting for a longer or shorter time subsequent to the rupture of the membranes and the complete dilatation of the cervix, it is ascertained that the natural efforts are insuffi- cient. Shoulder presentations themselves are rarely detected certainly before or very shortly after the rupture of the membranes, so that unless an experi- enced accoucheur should have attended the Avoman from the commencement of the labor, he is not called in consultation until after the Avaters have been discharged for a long time. It is, therefore, mostly necessary to act under unfavorable circumstances. Noav, it should'not be forgotten that the requi- site manoeuvres, Avhich are serious as regards the maternal organs, are especially fatal to the child. AVhilst pelvic version proves fatal to one Avoman out of 10'4 according to Kiecke, and to one out of 11*4 according to Hiiter, the mortality of the children is very much greater. Thus, the statistics of Madame Lachapelle represent the loss of one child out of 3"96, and those of Carus, Osiander, Michaelis, and Khvisch more than one-half; whilst Hiiter states the mortality at tAvo-thirds. This mortality of the chil- dren is truly frightful, and yet, considering the accidents which, in certain of the cases, necessitated the version, and Avhich of themselves destroyed the foetus, I think that these results are correct, so far as the influence of the mere operation is concerned. I have often heard the venerable Capuron say, that in difficult cases, two-thirds, and perhaps even three-fourths of the children perished ; and the results of my OAvn practice correspond fully Avhh his observation. Churchill, avIio states 542 cases of version, gives a mortality tff 1 in 3 for the children, and 1 in 15 for the mothers. It is true, that he makes no distinction between difficult cases and others. The above-mentioned difficulties, Avhich, unfortunately, are very common, explain sufficiently this result. AVith experience, and especially with great care, it is always possible to overcome them, and, at the same time, spare VERSION. 953 the mother the grave lesions of the vagina and of the body and neck of the uterus which an unpractised and brutal hand often occasions ; but Ave cannot ahvays prevent the violently contracted organ from being exceedingly irri- tated by the forcible introduction of the hand, nor the irritation from becom- ing the starting-point of puerperal inflammations, nor the physical and moral shock to the patient from being so great as to terminate her existence. It is only necessary to have folloAved the manoeuvre in difficult cases to understand the dangers to Avhich the fcetus is exposed. Throughout the operation, the umbilical cord is liable to be compressed more or less severely, and the efforts required to disengage the upper and loAver extremities, expose them greatly to fracture. Finally, the tractions exerted upon the pelvic extremity, Avhenever an obstacle prevents a ready engagement of the head, may very easily give rise to lesions of the upper part of the neck and the medulla oblongata incompatible with the regular establishment of extra- uterine respiration. It is very difficult, from an examination of the published statistics, to form an exact idea of the frequency of the cases in which version may be required. These cases, in fact, are not the same in all countries, nor for every accoucheur in the same country. Besides, as the statistics Avere for the most part collected in hospitals, it is evident that we would have a very incorrect proportion by deciding upon a mean from the figure of the ver- sions performed in any one institution, because this figure represents not only the versions required by the patients already admitted into the estab- lishment, but also the difficult cases brought there at the last moment from the city. The following resume, to which, hoAvever, I attach but a very secondary importance, will at least serve to show the differences in the statistics ac- cording to localities. Thus, whilst in England but 145 cases of version are mentioned for 39,539 deliveries, or 1 in 269, the French practice gives 400 versions for 37,479, or 1 in 934, and the Germans have performed it 337 times in 21,516, that is to say, in one case in 63f. § 6. Of Version in Vertex, Face, Breech, and Trunk Presen- tations. After the minute detail into which we have just entered in describing the general precepts that are applicable to all cases of version, it will only be necessary to point out the peculiarities attending this operation in each of the ten positions admitted by us. Presentation of the Vertex.—AArhenever the vertex presents, the child will be placed in such a way that its occiput is directed either toAvards one of the points on the right lateral half, or towards one on the left lateral half of the pelvis; that is, either in the left or the right occipito-iliac position. 1. Left Occipito-iliac Position.— In conformity Avith the precepts above given, we would here introduce the left hand; yvhich, after having reached the os uteri, is to grasp the head in such a manner that the palmar face of the four fingers shall be applied on its posterior (left) side, and the thumb on its anterior one, the sinciput being lodged in the palmar concavity. Then, during the interval betAveen the pains, the head must be pressed up 954 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. towards fate left iliac fossa; after which, the thumb is brought alongside of the index, and the hand is passed successively along the left side of the head and neck, and behind the shoulder and elboAv; in a Avord, it is made to traverse the whole left lateral plane of the fcetus down to the breech. AVhile this movement is being effected, it is advisable to keep the head in the iliac fossa Avhere it was originally placed, by constantly pushing it up, first with the thenar eminence of the hand, and afterwards Avith the front surface of the forearm. Having gained the nates, the hand, which up to that time had been kept in a state bordering on supination, is changed into one of pronation, in order to pass around the breech; when it descends on the posterior aspect of the loAver extremities, extends the legs, and reaches the feet, which it seizes as firmly as possible. Or, as stated above, Ave might guide the hand along the anterior plane of the foetus, and thus get directly at the feet. (Fig. 120.) In drawing down the feet, we must be careful to curve the child's trunk in the line of its natural flexure; Avhilst the other hand, placed over the left iliac fossa, pushes the head toAvards the fundus uteri, and thus facili- tate* the evolution of the fcetus. This evolution being once effected, the left occipito-iliac position is found to be converted into a right lumbo- iliac one. The subsequent progress of the delivery offers no special indi- cation. 2. Right Occipito-Piac Position. — In this case, the right hand Avould be chosen in preference, by which the head is to be grasped, as in the preced- ing case, and then to be pushed up towards the right iliac fossa; the hand traverses the right lateral or posterior plane of the foetus, and after having seized the feet converts the second position of the vertex into a first of the breech, or, in other Avords, into a left lumbo-iliac one. The rapidity with which the extraction is to be effected must depend upon the gravity of the accident which has rendered it necessary. Presentations of the Face. — In the face presentations, Ave use the left hand in the right mento-iliac, and the right one in the left mento-iliac positions. The four fingers are to be applied on the posterior cheek, the thumb on the anterior one, and the face Avill be lodged in the palmar concavity; the head, after having been pushed above the superior strait, will be carried if pos- sible toAvards the left iliac fossa in the right mento-iliac, and towards the right iliac fossa in the left mento-iliac positions; and then the evolution will convert the former of these positions into a right lumbo-iliac, and the latter into a left lumbo-iliac position. Presentations of the Pelvic Extremity.—When the pelvic extremity pre- sents, and any circumstance whatever demands a prompt termination of the labor, it is not, properly speaking, a version that the accoucheur has to practise, but rather a feAV simple tractions on the presenting part. If the feet or the knees offer at the uterine orifice, or hang in the vagina, the accoucheur merely seizes and draAvs on them, conforming to the rules above given; but where the loAver extremities are stretched out along the child's anterior plane, and the breech alone presents, the course to be pur- sued varies a little, according as this part is more or less engaged in the exe?V0tion. Thus, when the nates are still above the superior strait, or at VERSION. 955 Fig. 127. least are so little engaged that it is easy to press them up, we mu»t act in the following manner: taking care to introduce the left hand in the left lumbo-iliac positions, and the right hand in the opposite ones, the buttocks are first seized by the whole hand, and gently pushed up into that iliac fossa tOAvards Avhich the child's back is turned ; then the feet are sought out, by folloAving the posterior aspect of the lower extremities, and they are brought down so as to draAV upon them and terminate the third stage of the version. AATien the nates have reached the pelvic floor, the index finger of one hand is placed in the posterior groin, and the same finger of the other hand in the anterior one, and then, having both fingers curved like a hook, Ave draAV on the buttocks until the feet are entirely clear. Lastly, if the breech is so far engaged as to be no longer capable of being pressed above the superior strait, and, nevertheless, has not yet descended low enough to be caught by the fingers, a blunt hook is employed, Avhich is to be applied from Avithout inwards on the anterior groin, if it is possible to make it slip up betAveen the anterior hip and the symphysis pubis (Fig. 127); in the contrary case, it is passed between the tAvo thighs, and made to penetrate from Avithin outAvards on the internal part of the limb ; but in this latter case it is necessary to protect the genital parts, the scrotum in par- ticular, by one or more fingers previously in- troduced, lest they become embraced by the concavity of the instrument. (See also For- ceps.) Presentations of the Trunk. — AVe have fre- quently repeated that the trunk presentations, of themselves, require the intervention of art; and that it is requisite to change the position of the child as soon as the conditions necessary to this evolution are met Avith. In the pre- ceding article we endeavored to point out those conditions under which we think an attempt to effect the cephalic version ought to be re- commended ; notAvithstanding Avhich, the pelvic version is very often practised, either because such attempts have proved ineffectual or be- cause it is deemed advisable not to resort to them. » Nevertheless, before laying doAvn the rules of the operation, Ave must remark that the accoucheur only resorts to pelvic version in these eases in order to remedy the defective presentation ; and consequently that, as soon as he shall have converted this latter into one of the breech, he should abandon the rest of the labor to the expulsory efforts of the uterus, unless some accident, serious enough to threaten the life of either the mother or the child, should require a more rapid delivery. As before stated, the trunk presentations are two in number, and each side iff the foetus may pre- sent at the superior strait in two different positions: in the first of each, Mode of using the blunt hook in breech positions. 956 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. the head is m the left iliac fossa, and in the second it is in the right iliac fossa. The rule heretofore followed in the choice of tne hand is not applicable to the trunk presentations; for here we would introduce the right hand in the positions of the right lateral plane, and the left in the positions of the left lateral plane; after which the operation is conducted in the following manner: A. First Position of the Right Shoulder (left cephalo-iliac). — The right hand is to be introduced into the parts in a s'tate of supination, Avhen, after having endeavored to push the shoulder above the superior strait, and a little toAvards the left iliac fossa, it is directed towards the right sacro-iliac symphysis, above which the child's feet are found ; the latter will then be seized and brought down into the vagina. In doing this, it is not necessary to bend the fcetus in the line of its natural flexure, as in the vertex and face positions, but we may draw immediately on the feet and bring them into the excavation; for this lateral evolution, or bending on the side, is much more speedily accomplished, and is not attended Avith any inconven- ience. The feet being once in the vagina, the operation is terminated as in all other cases. B. Second Position of the Right Shoulder (right cephalo-iliac). — Here, likeAvise, the right hand is introduced in a state of supination. The shoul- der is seized and pushed up toAvards the right iliac fossa, and then the hand traverses the posterior plane of the foetus, by passing backwards and to the left; when it reaches the nates, it gets around them by being changed into a " Fig. 128 Fig. 129. The introduction of the hand in the second Mode of seizing the feet in the same position of the right shoulder. position. state of pronation, and then comes fonvard and to the left to grasp the feet, Avhich are next brought down into the A'agina. (Fig. 129). c. First Position of the Left Shoulder (left cephalo-iliac).—The left hand is introduced in a state of supination, and then, after pressing the shoulder upwards and a little to the left, it is directed along the child's back toAvards the right posterior part of the pelvis, where it is passed around the breech VERSION 957 Fio. 130. Mode of seizing the feet in the second position of the left shoulder. by turning to a state of pronation, and is next brought forward and to the right, so as to seize the feet. D. Second Position of the Left Shoulder (right cephalo-iliac.) — The left hand, in- troduced in a state of supination, pushes the shoulder above the superior strait and somewhat to the right; and then, passing toAvards the left side and posterior part of the uterus, it goes in search of the feet, which are found there.1 Trunk Presentations with a Descent of the Arm. (Presentations of the arm or hand, of authors.) — AVe have heretofore stated that the descent of the hand in the shoulder presentations is nothing more than an attendant circumstance of these latter. Consequently, Avhether the hand has been carried along by the gush of waters which escaped Avhen the membranes were rup- tured, or whether it has been drawn doAvn by the accoucheur himself, in order to make out the diagnosis, it constitutes an obstacle of minor importance, and even one which may render the pelvic version more easy; hence, so far from attempting to push back the arm into the uterus, we ought to apply a fillet on- the wrist, not for the purpose of drawing upon the latter, but to prevent it from returning whilst searching after the feet in the ordinary Avay. 1 As the reader will see, this operation is very simple; though it must be acknowl- edged, however, that, in those cases in which the dorsal plane of the foetus is directed forwards, it renders this plane liable to be turned backwards after the evolution of the child. Consequently, when we cannot succeed in turning the belly posteriorly during the traction, it gives rise to all the inconveniences hitherto pointed out as occurring in those instances in which the face looks toward the pubis. In order to remedy these difficulties and their attendant dangers, M. Velpeau recommends that the positions in which the back is in front (the first of the right shoulder, and the second of the left) be converted into the dorso-posterior positions before attempting the evolution. Thus, he would endeavor to convert a second posi- tion of the left shoulder into a first of the left, by making the head pass above the pubis or above the promontory of the sacrum, according to whether it was originally placed nearer to the anterior arch of the pelvis, or to the right sacro-iliac symphysis ; lie would then terminate it, as if it had primitively been a first position of the left shoulder. " Should the membranes have been long ruptured," adds M. Velpeau, " the womb strongly contracted, and the child not to be moved but with very great difficulty, there is a third manoeuvre that ought then to be preferred ; it consists in pushing the shoulder up with the right hand from behind forwards, as if to make the spine turn upon its own axis; then trying to reach the right side by passing along the front of the chest, while the womb is forcibly pushed backwards with the left hand; lastly, in taking hold of the feet, the right one first, so as to bring them down in the first position."-—Mi'igs1 Translation, p. 447. We have alluded to this manoeuvre, only because the author's name might give it some importance in the eyes of young practitioners. But in our estimation it ought to be rejected altogether. In fact, one of two ihings must then happen; for either < 958 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. " Our object in applying this fillet," says Madame Lachapelle, " is to keep the hand at the exterior, lest the arm should take a Avrong direction; as also lest, being stretched out as it is, it will not folloAv the rotation that turns the sternum of the foetus posteriorly, Avhen, by being arrested by the pubis, and by ascending along the child's back, it might become crossed behind the neck." Finally, let us add, that the hand, or rather the arm, materially aids in accomplishing the rotation of the trunk, since it offers an additional hold for the tractions made on the body, and obviates the neces- sity of delivering one shoulder, Avhich is very often painful. After Avhat has just been said, the reader will doubtless be astonished in looking over the older Avriters, to observe the alarm occasioned by the so- called presentation of the hand or arm, and he Avill be still more surprised at the barbarous procedures employed by them for its management. They Avere evidently mistaken with regard to the cause of the difficulties that are often met Avith in the performance of version under such circumstances. However, it must be acknowledged that, although a presentation of the hand is nothing more than a variety of the shoulder presentation, yet the descent of the forearm, and more especially of the arm, beyond the vulva, consti- tutes an exceedingly unfavorable complication. Because, Avhere this hangs down at the exterior, or nearly so, it must necessarily happen that the pre- senting shoulder is already forcibly engaged in the excavation; an engage- ment that can only take place when the Avhole of the Avaters have been discharged for some time, when the uterine contractions have been exerted for a long Avhile on the body of the child, and Avhen the walls of the womb have become firmly retracted on the surface of the foetus. Moreover, the prolonged contact of the foetal inequalities is then very apt to bring on spasmodic or .tetanic contractions of the body and the neck of the uterus, Avhich are justly considered as constituting one of the most serious com- plications ; for they equally prevent the return of the presenting part, the introduction of the hand, and the evolution of the foetus. Consequently, Ave' are not to operate on the part that may present in these difficult cases; for a return of the arm into the uterine cavity is then impossible, and of little service; to draAV on it strongly, under a hope of engaging the doubled-up trunk in the excavation, and of making it perform a kind of artificial evolution, is to commence a manoeuvre that cannot be carried through, and which must greatly augment the existing difficulties; to go in search of the other arm, so as to subsequently pull upon it Avith a vieAV of making the descended shoulder return, presupposes an introduction the uterus is forcibly retracted (when this conversion, if persisted in, appears to uh impracticable and dangerous), or else the womb is inert, and it would therefore be useless. As we have already stated, the reason for dreading a persistence of the ehild's anterior plane in front, is not because it cannot be turned backwards during the traction, but because there is reason to fear lest the head, by being arrested by the contraction at the fundus of the uterus, may not follow the movement of rota- tion impressed on the thorax, whereby a torsion of the neck might result. Again, if the organ is inert enough to admit of the preliminary conversion advised by Velpeau, it. would doubtle93 be sufficiently so to enable the accoucheur to direct his tractions in such a way as to bring the occiput in front, and the face into the hollow of the sacrum, without hazard. THE FORCEPS. 959 of the hand, which would be almost as difficult as searching after the feet; and, lastly, to scarify the arm or amputate it, is a barbarous measure Avhen the child is living, and generally useless when it is dead. AVe repeat, it is not there that the genuine obstacles to the delivery are to be found; but it is rather against the violent contraction of the body and occasionally of the neck of the womb, that Ave are to act, by employing the measures recommended above. Should these fail, the course to be pur- sued will necessarily vary, according to Avhether the foetus be living or dead. If still living, and the mother's condition does not absolutely demand a prompt delivery, we should hope, and wait for a spontaneous evolution. (See Natural Labor.) But if her life is seriously compromised, though the child be yet alive, its viability may be considered as destroyed, and embryotomy be resorted to. (See Embryotomy.) The reasons for this course will be still more urgent Avhen there is a certainty of its death. CHAPTER IV. Or THE FORCEPS. The forceps is a kind of pincers composed of tAvo blades, very similar to each other, and Avhich are specially intended to be applied on the head of the fcetus. The honor of inventing this instrument has been attributed to several persons; but, at the present day, it is clearly established that the forceps was invented by a member of the family of the Chamberlens, avIio, during the first half of the seventeenth century, pursued the censurable course-of holding it as a secret, by the aid of Avhich they promised to terminate the most difficult labors. It Avould appear, ho av ever, that it soon became knoAvn to some of the English practitioners; for DrinkAvater, Avho practised the art of midAvifery from 1668 to 1728, made use of instruments Avhich, if Ave may judge from the description given of them by Johnson, closely resembled those employed by the Chamberlens. In 1670, one of the Chamberlens came to Paris for the purpose of selling his secret; since, according to the account of Mauriceau, he had proposed to the king's chiefphysician to make known his instrument for a remunera- tion of ten thousand croAvns. As Chamberlen believed his process was applicable to all cases, he unfortunately promised to effect delivery in a Avoman Avhose pelvis Avas deformed to an extreme degree, and on whom Mauriceau had deemed the Caesarean operation to be necessary. Conse- quently, as the French accoucheur had foreseen, all the attempts of Cham- berlen to accomplish the delivery proved ineffectual, and he returned to England, abandoning all the glittering hopes of fortune that he had ex- pected to realize on arriving at Paris. It Avould seem that he aftenvards made a journey to Holland, about the year 169o, and communicated, or rather sold, some of his instiuments to certain accoucheurs there, among whom Pioonhuysen, Puysch, and Bockelman are particularly mentioned. 960 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. In fact, it is almost certain that the famous lever of the former of these physicians had no other origin, and was only a slight and defective modifica- tion of the instrument he obtained from Chamberlen. However this may be, the forceps Avas likewise held as a secret for a long time in Holland, and it was not until sixty years aftenvards, that is, about the year 1753, that Visscher and Van de Poll brought Roonhuysen's lever into general notice. Palfyn, an accoucheur of Ghent, has also been incorrectly considered as the real inventor of the forceps. He made several trips to London and Germany, Avith a vieAV of finding out this wonderful secret; which, accord- ing to Mauriceau, had furnished Chamberlen an income of more than thirty thousand livres per annum (an enormous sum for that period); and it is probable that it Avas in consequence of the information obtained in these tAvo countries, that he designed the instrument for draAving upon the head (tire-tete), subsequently presented by him to the Academy of Sciences at Paris.2 Chamberlen's forceps underwent a number of modifications after it became public property, that Avere generally unimportant; and fortunate indeed was it Avhen the so-called improvements did not render it more awkward and dangerous than before. But the middle of the eighteenth century opened a neAV era in the history of this instrument; for, about this period, tAvo illustrious obstetricians, Levret in France, and Smellie in England, Avere struck Avith the necessity of accommodating the shape of the forceps to the direction and form of the pelvic axis ; and, as a consequence, they thus enlarged the field of its application. Chamberlen's forceps Avas straight, and therefore only applicable when the head was low down in the excava- tion, and close to the perineum ; but both of these gentlemen endeavored to render it capable of being applied to the head Avhen still above the superior strait; and for that purpose they gave it a curve in the direction of its long 1 We may remark that the instrument described by these last-named authors, under the title of Roonhuysen's lever, was not the one which the latter had bought of Chamberlen, for it is oomposed of a single curved iron blade. In 1747, Rathlauw published a description of an instrument that he had received from Vander Swam, a pupil of Roonhuysen, which was composed of two blades, having fenestroe in them, and joined at their extremity by means of a pin. 2 This presentation, made at a time when Chamberlen's forceps were scarcely known in France, unjustly obtained for Palfyn the reputation of being its inventor. But, in our day, the question can no longer be considered doubtful, for,, independently of the numberless proofs that establish the claims of the Chamberlens, they have recently been confirmed, says Dr. Edward Rigby, by a discovery made in the county of Essex. It appears that Dr. Peter Chamberlen purchased, towards the end of the seventeenth century, the estate of Woodham, Mortimer Hall, near Maldon, in Essex, which con- tinued in the family till about 1715, and was then sold to Mr. Wm. Alexander, who bequeathed* it to the Wine Coopers' Company. About the year 1815, the tenant in occupation discovered, in the floor in the uppermost of a series of closets, which are built over the entrance-porch, a trap-door. In the space between the flooring of this closet and the ceiling below were found, among a number of empty boxes, a cabinet containing a collection of old coins, divers trinkets, many letters from Dr. Chamberlen to different members of his family, ami some obstetric instruments. These instru- ments, which were given to Mr. Carwardine by the lad}' of the mansion, and described by Rigby, exhibit the successive attempts mad** by the Chamberlens, before they suc- ceeded in perfecting their forceps. THE FORCE r'S. 961 Fio. 131. Fig. 102. axis, so that the anterior border presented a concavity and'the posterior one a convexity. It is impossible to ascertain Avhich of the tAvo had the priority in originat- ing this important modification of the forceps; for, though it is certain that Levret had such a curved instrument in 1747, and that Smellie did not .innounce his until 1751, yet the latter expressly declares that he had in- dented it several years previously; hoAvever, as his invention had not been made public, the merit of priority7 belongs to Levret. Hundreds of modifications have been proposed since the days of Levret and Smellie, nearly all of Avhich have fallen into oblivion; some of them Avere quite ingenious, but they imperfectly attained the end their authors had in vieAV ; and others were really destitute of value or utility. Consequently, Ave shall restrict Avhat Ave had intended to say concerning its history to these feAV lines, and shall only describe the forceps noAV generally used throughout France, which is none other than that of Levret, very slightly modified. The forceps is composed of two branches, each of which may be divided into three parts, namely: the blade, the handle, and the point of junction, or the lock. The blade is intended to be introduced into the mother's parts, so as to embrace the head of the foetus; presenting, therefore: 1. A curvature on its flattened aspect, the internal concavity of which is destined to be applied to the side of the foetal head, Avhile its external con- vexity slips along the concave Avails of the pelvis. 2. A curve on its edge, having the concavity anteriorly, Avhich is made for the purpose of accommodating the form of the instrument to the direction of the pelvic axis; and to render an application of the forceps practicable even when the head is retained above the superior strait. The blade is usually provided Avith a fenestra, Avhich serves to dimin- ish the size and weight of the instrument, arid has the further advantage of permitting the parietal protuberances to engage in the AToid thereby produced, Avhich engagement compen- sates, to a certain extent, for the thickness of the branches. The old forceps Avere provided with a kind of bead around the periphery, and \-S, the internal face of the blades, Avhich Avas made isi. The male branch. 132. The female ., j j . 1 -j. x„ +i „ branch. 133. The forceps locked. quite prominent, Avas intended to obvitute the slipping of the head. But the contusions of the scalp, produced by this raised border, have led to its removal, and those now in use have the inner surfaro of the blades polished down with a file. Both handles of the instru- ment are usually bent to a slight degree at their extremity, in the form of a hook. One of them is much more curved than its fellow, and has, near its end, a hollow button, which- unscrews and serves for the lodgment of a sharp hook, while the curve of the other scarcely reaches a right angle, so that we find the forceps, a blunt and a sharp hook, included in the same instrunien . The handles and blades are just alike on both branches, which 61 962 OBSTETRICAL OPERATION'S. differ from each other only at their middle or articular part, Avhere one of them is provided with a pivot and the other with a mortise, made either in the middle or on the side of the instrument, by means of Avhich they can be firmly locked after their application. The branch bearing the pivot has received the name of the male (Fig. 131), and the other, having the mortise, that of the female branch, or blade (Fig. 132). The delicacy of certain accoucheurs has been shocked by these denominations, and they have endeavored to substitute for them the titles of the left and the right blades; but I cannot understand why the old names of the pivot blade and the mor- tise blade should not be retained ; though I Avould willingly accept those of the left and the right ones if it were clearly understood which ought to be called the left and Avhich the right. But unfortunately such is not the fact, for M. Velpeau designates that blade as the right one which Madame Lacha- pelle has called the left, and vice versa. This discrepancy of terms creates great confusion in the mind of the reader, Avhich we shall endeavor to avoid by retaining the names of the male and the female blades. [Of all the parts of the forceps, the articulation has, perhaps^ been the most fre- quently altered. In Levret's" instrument the mortise is placed lengthwise in the centre of the female blade. In the articulation, the female blade has to be raised, in order to allow the pivot to pass through the mortise, Avhen a turn of the pivot makes all secure. If the fingers are unable to turn it, a key made for the purpose may be used. (See Fig. 132.) In Siebold's forceps, the place for the pivot is a notch in the side of the female blade, and the articulation is effected by simply bringing the two blades together anc1 screwing down the pivot after it has entered the notch. This kind of articula- tion is the one now generally used. The articulation of Brunninghausen's forceps resembles the preceding, with the exception that the pivot is a simple pin, which enters the lateral notch and holds the blades with sufficient firmness Avhen the attempt is made to bring them together. The articulation of Smellie's instrument is effected by a sort of interlocking, the left blade having a notch which receives the articular part of the right one. The branches of the forceps just described cross each other, and can only be articulated Avhen the male blade is below the female one, so as to allow the pivot to enter the notch. To avoid this inconvenience, Avhich, after all, is not so great as has been represented, a forceps, described by Thenance in 1801, was invented, the blades of which are parallel and articulate at their ends by means of a hinge fast- ened with a pin ; besides which, they are pierced at their centres with an oval opening intended to receive a band which secures the articulation by tying the blades firmly together. The latter instrument is still much used in the middle of France, where it is knoAvn as the Lyonese forceps. Taking it as a model, my colleague, M. U. Trelat, had a forceps made of the same form, but of reduced size, and remarkable for the flexibility and elasticity of its blades. The wish to avoid the uncrossing of the branches when the male blade happens to be placed above the female one, led Dr. Tarsitani to devise his instrument, the I ranches Of which are crossed like Levret's forceps, whilst the pivot projects on either side of the male blade. It will be seen that this arrangement makes it a matter of indifference whether the female blade be above or below, and the articu- lation is as easy in one case as in the other. As, however, the branches were no longer parallel, it was necessary to break one of the branches and supply it Avith a hinge joint, which allows that handle to be depressed at will, in order to restore the parallelism. THE FORCEPS. 963 The forceps, besides grasping the head of the child, subjects it to compression, and if the operator uses too much force, or presses the handles too strongly U gether, the compression may be dangerous. To avoid this risk, Petit had a stop put between the handles of his forceps, which limited the extent to Avhich they could be closed, and measured, as it were, the degrees of pressure to which the head was subjected. Lauverjat, and other accoucheurs, devised similar arrangements, which from time to time have been resuscitated, and deserve, perhaps, to be added to our modern instruments. Doubtless, with the same idea, M. Mattei within a feAV years past invented an instrument to Avhich he gave the name of leniceps. The blades resemble those of Levret's forceps, but the usual handles are cut off at the point of articulation, and their place supplied by a transverse one, which is furnished Avith notches at intervals, so arranged as to allow the blades to be separated or brought together. The chief advantage of this instrument is its transverse handle, which fits Avell the operator's hand, and prevents too great compression of the head. Its disadvantages are, that it affords a less secure hold than Levret's forceps ; and as the degree of separation of the blades is predetermined by the notches of the handle, it is impossible to regulate exactly the application of the blades to the sides of the head. In this respect, those forceps are preferable which are provided with a movable stop or a screAA', which allows the degree of approximation to be regulated at will. In cases of contracted pelvis, the necessary application of the forceps to the sides of the cavity causes the head to be compressed laterally, and consequently lengthens it in the direction of the antero-posterior diameter. In order to avoid this incon- venience, Baumers (of Lyons) invented a forceps curved in such a way that one of the blades could be applied directly in front, behind the pubis, and the other directly back. It was with the same idea, doubtless, that Leake devised an addi- tional branch to the common forceps, which Avas capable of being applied directly in front. Within a few years past, Dr. Chassagny (of Lyons), and our colleague M. Joulin, Adjunct Professor to the Medical Faculty of Paris, conceived the idea that there might be an advantage in cases of difficult labor, in the substitution of an apparatus for producing steady traction, for the muscular effort of the accoucheur. M. Chassagny's plan was, after applying his forceps, to attach one end of a cord to two hooks placed at the junction of the handles Avith the blades, the other end being fastened to the middle of a metallic bar placed in front of the woman's knees which gave it a fixed support. The cord being then draAvn upon by means of a screAV, brought aAvay the forceps and child together. Chassagny's apparatus has the merit of priority, but has also the inconvenience of requiring a special addition to the forceps. The principle of M. Joulin's instrument, which he calls an aid-forceps, is the same as that of M, Chassagny. It consists of a padded metallic bar. Avhich is placed, not upon the knees, but against the woman's ischia, the thighs being mod- erately flexed. The common forceps are then applied, and a band being passed through the fenestras, is attached to a drawing-screAv with which the bar is pro- vided. The traction made upon the band by turning the screw Avithdraws the forceps and head of the child. As the band passes through the fenestrae of tlie forceps, they have a direct tendency to approximate the blades with a force propor- tionate to the resistance, and thus increase the firmness of their hold. By means of a small dynamometer the force used is indicated in kilogrammes (a kilogramme, about tAvo pounds), so that there is no occasion for exceeding the limits of a prudent intervention. Chassagny's and Joulin's instruments both act by effecting mechan- ical traction steadily and progressively applied, a form of power which had not before been utilized in obstetrical practice. The question now arises, Is this kind of force likely to be useful or injurious? It can only be replied at present, that, not- withstanding the laudable experiments of some accoucheurs at Lyons, nothing has 964 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. yet. appeared to demonstrate the utility of machines of the kind described, and thai our colleague and friend, M. Bailly, Avho has learnedly compared their ad rantages and disadvantages, condemns them. (Bailly, Thesis for the Concours, 18GG.) In concluding the description of the forceps, Ave would add, that all instrument- makers noAvadays construct them so as to allow the branches to be taken apart about their middle. It is a true step in advance in the cutler's art, making the forceps much more portable, at the same time taking nothing from its strength and solidity.] Some time since, Dr. Simpson proposed a new forceps, which deserves mention, if only on the score of its originality. Every one has seen those circular pieces of leather Avith Avhich children lift bricks, by first wetting them and then pressing them strongly upon the brick. Now, the ingenious Edinburgh professor conceived the idea of applying a nearly similar piece of leather to the convexity of the child's head projecting into the excavation, and producing its adhesion to the scalp by exhausting the air from between them by means of a pump, the body of the pump also serving as a means of traction and draAving the head outside of the genital parts. This instrument is very ingenious, but I doubt much whether it will ever come into general use. When the head is in the cavity of the pelvis, I think that the common forceps Avould be applied much more easily ; Avhen it is high up, the application of Dr. Simpson's instrument Avould be very difficult, besides which, its form Avould give an improper direction to the first tractions. I Avould also add, that if violent tractions were necessary, it might cause a separation of the scalp and a dangerous effusion of blood. We shall divide our remarks on the subject of the forceps into three dis- tinct articles: in the first of which Avill be found the precautions that ought ahvays to be taken before proceeding to an application of this instrument; in the second, we shall point out the general rules applicable to all cases; in the third, the directions peculiar to each position; and shall close the Avhole by some general considerations on its employment and mode of action. ARTICLE I. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS. The Avoman is to be placed in the position before recommended for the performance of version ; the loAver extremities being supported by tAvo assist- ants standing on the outside of the limbs, and having the pelvis firmly held, so as to prevent her from giving Avay to any involuntary movements that might annoy the operator; of course, the breech ought to be brought to the edge of the bed. The patient should be placed in this position whenever nothing particular prevents, and more particularly Avhen the head is high up, though it is not so necessary Avhen the latter is at the inferior strait. In fact, if she found it impossible to change her posture, Ave might permit her to remain horizontally on the bed; but it Avould then be requisite to employ the old straight forceps, or else resort to Smellie's, wdiich is very short, and the blades slightly curved. The English practitioners place the patient on her left side, the position in Avhich the women of their country are usually delivered, taking care, however, to bring the pelvis nearer to the edge of the bed th*,n usual. An assistant, standing on the opposite side of the latter; THE FORCEPS. 965 a olds the patient steady, Avhile another raises up and supports the right knee and thigh. But whatever be the position, one attendant is particularly charged Avith the duty of preparing and handing the blades to the accoucheur, as he may Avant them. In order to spare the female the disagreeable sensation produced by an impression of cold, it is customary to Avarm the instrument by dipping it into hot Avater. Some care is requisite not to leave it there too long, and, before using, it should be passed through the closed hand so as to be certain there is no danger of its burning the soft parts; the external surface of the blades should then be smeared Avith butter, cerate, or oil, Avith a vieAV of rendering the introduction more easy. Baudelocque has laid down a pre- cept that has been followed by most succeeding authorities, and to which it is advisable to conform ; namely, to exhibit the forceps to the patient, con- cisely explain to her its use, its object, and its mechanism, and to make her understand its harmlessness. " It has not been my fortune," says Madame Lachapelle, " to meet with any one wlio was not tranquillized by such an explanation, and I have often knoAvn persons in their second labor to solicit their application from having experienced the relief they afforded in the first." Everything being prepared for the operation, Ave must next ascertain the position of the head Avith the greatest possible care; for even though it had been recognized at the commencement of the labor, the former diagnosis ought to be confirmed by a fresh examination, lest the head may have changed its position since then. By this exploration, the size of the head, its reducibility, and its softness, the perfect or defective conformation of the pelvis, the degree of contraction, if any exists, &c, will be made out as far as possible ; and as the dilatation or the dilatability of the os uteri is even more indispensable here than in the case of version, we must be certain that this condition exists. After which we are to proceed to the introduction of the blades. "We shall pursue the course followed in studying pelvic version, first stating the general rules of the operation, and treating in another article of the peculiarities presented by each particular case. ARTICLE II. GENERAL RULES. 1. The instrument ought only to be applied on the head of the fcetus, Avhether the latter be flexed or extended, that is to say, in the vertex and face pre- sentations ; or Avhether it alone remains behind, presenting by its base after the delivery of the trunk. Certain obstetricians have recommended the instrument to be applied on the pelvis in the presentations of the pelvic extremity, Avhere from any cause it may be desirable to terminate the labor promptly. But the bones of the pelvis are too deficient in solidity, and their articulations offer too feeble a resistance to be able to support the pressure made by the forceps Avithout hazard. Besides, it would be difficult to get the breech in the hollow of the blades, Avithout carrying their points above the iliac crests against the soft Avails of the abdomen, thereby pro- ducing a more r less serious contusion of the abdominal organs. As a 966 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. general rule, the breech presentations do not appear to me to Avarrant the use of the forceps. I am aAvare, hoAvever, that M. Stoltz recommends its employment under such circumstances, and I am induced to believe that M. P. Dubois Avould not hesitate in resorting thereto, in some cases Avhere direct tractions on the pelvic extremity might be difficult. 2. The blades should be applied as nearly as possible on the sides of the head, in such a way that the concavity of their margins shall be directed towards that part of the head which is to be brought under the symphysis pubis.— This rule is not always feasible, for it Avill be seen hereafter that it is impossible to carry it out in some cases of transverse positions, in AAhich Ave are obliged to seize the head over the forehead and occiput; but these exceptions are rare, and the operator should endeavor to follow the rule in all cases. When the forceps is thus applied, each blade bears on the lateral parts of the cranium; the parietal protuberances are found in the opening of the fenestrae, at the point where the blades are the most Avidely separated from each other; and the occipito-mental diameter corresponds very nearby to a line draAvn from the extremity of the blades tOAvards the pivot. 3. As a general rule, the posterior blade ought to be introduced first.—As the head is placed in a transverse or diagonal position in a vast majority of cases, one of its sides will look forwards and the other backAvards, and, therefore, one of the blades Avill be at the fore and the other at the hinder part of the pelvis, since Ave have just seen that it is requisite to apply them on the sides of the head. Now it is the one that goes to the back part of the pelvis that we recommend to be generally introduced first. In theory, this is even admitted as the absolute rule, since it is considered to be the most generally applicable; for everybody acknoAvledges that the positions in which the occipito-frontal diameter corresponds to the left oblique one of the pelvis are the most frequent of all. But it must be borne in mind, that in practice there is no invariable law, and the one Ave lay doAvn is subject to very numerous exceptions. If desirable, however, to establish a universal principle for the operation, Ave might say, that the blade, the application of which presents the greatest difficulty, ought to be introduced first. After all, it must be left to the skill and tact of the accoucheur to decide at the bedside of the patient Avhich branch must be introduced first, for it is out of the question to anticipate, in a book, or even to imitate on the manikin, all the peculiarities that may there influence his decision. For instance, when the head is high up in the excavation, it would sometimes be better to re- verse the rule, and introduce the anterior blade first. 4. The male blade is always to be held in the left hand,'and is to be applied at the left side of the pelvis; the female blade is to be held in the right hand, and is always to be applied at the right side of the pelvis. M. Hatin has lately suggested a method which bears considerable resem- blance to that employed by Flamand in some exceptional cases. It consists in the introduction of both branches by the same hand. The left hand preferably, is carried to the fundus of the uterus, or at least to the parts to which the forceps are to be applied. The first branch having been intro- duced along the hand which serves as a guide, the latter, Avithout quitting the head of the fcetus, passes around it, and places itself on the opposite side, to receive and guide the second branch of the instrument. THE FORCEPS. 967 This process, represented by M. Hatin to be the easiest, and especially the least dangerous for both mother and child, does not appear to me to possess all the advantages claimed for it by Flamand and M. Hatin. As M. Stoltz judiciously remarks, it can have no advantage except Avhen the head is movable, or previously rendered so, above the superior strait, in which case Ave have already seen that pelvic version is preferable, even though the pelvis be slightly contracted. When the head is wedged in the superior strait, or more or less en- gaged in the excavation, it seems to me that the ordinary process is incontestably superior. 5. The free hand, or the one not engaged in holding the blade, should always be introduced first, so as to direct the latter. — When the head is at the inferior Strait, it is usually sufficient to insert two or three fingers betAveen the side of the head and the pelvis (see Fig. 135) ; but whenever it is high up, the en- tire hand must be introduced into the vagina, taking the precaution to place the ends of the fingers be- tAveen the head and the os uteri so as to be certain that the blade, by slipping along the palmar sur- face of the hand will get into the uterine cavity, and not pass exter- introduction of the first branch. nally to the cervix, perforate the cul-de-sac of the vagina, and penetrate into the peritoneum. The convex surface of the blades glides along the palmar surface, and the convex margin along the cubital border of the hand; in a Avord, this previous introduction of the latter is intended to protect the vaginal Avail from the contact of the instrument. 6. At what part of the pelvis should the blade be first introducedf — This question has been variously answered: thus, Baudelocque directs it, in nearly all cases, immediately on the point where it is to remain after the locking. Levret (and M. Velpeau adopts nearly the same vieAv) recom- mends that the tAvo blades be introduced at the posterior quarter of the pelvis; that, in the diagonal positions, one of them be left in front of the sacroiliac symphysis, but that the other be brought forward opposite to the cotyloid cavity which corresponds Avith the anterior side of the head, by making it traverse the Avhole lateral half of the pelvis from behind forwards. Lastly, Madame Lachapelle has proposed a mixed method, composed, in part, of both of the preceding: namely,, both branches are first introduced in front of the sacro-sciatic ligament, and then the one which should remain posteriorly is pushed directly up to the sacro-iliac articulation ; but the other 968 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. is brought forward at once opposite to the cotyloid cavity in the following manner: "I insinuate the extremity of the blade just in front of the sacro- sciatic ligament; then, as it passes in, I gradually depress the handle betAveen the thighs, until it is inclined much below the level of the anus; by this manoeuvre, the point of the blade is made to describe a spiral movement, which is directed and completed by the fingers introduced into the vagina. By this movement, the blade is carried upAvards and fonvards at the same time, so that it is made to pass around the head in an oblique direction, Avhich would be represented by a line extending along the interior of the pelvis from the sacro-sciatic ligament to the horizontal branch of the pubis." This mode of procedure is also adopted by M. P. Dubois, and is the one which appears to us the easiest of all. It should be understood, hoAvever, that it is only applicable Avhen the head is already engaged in the excava- tion. The reader will see, hereafter, that above the superior strait the branches are applied on the sides of the pelvis without any particular refer- ence to the position of the head. Finally, some of the German accoucheurs recommend the blades to be placed on the sides of the pe'vis in all cases, without regard to the position of the head. This precept is folloAved as a matter of necessity when the head is high up. But Avhen engaged in the excavation, it will be found better in the majority of cases to folloAv the rule Avhich Ave have given. 7. The second blade is always introduced above and in front of the first; so that, in some instances, the male branch is found over the female one, as in Fig. 136; i.e. between it and the symphysis pubis. It will then be necessary, in locking the blades, to cross the han- dles, by making the female one pass above the male. Attempts have been made of latter time to avoid this crossing, and a particular kind of forceps has been devised by Tureaux, Tarsitani, and some others for the purpose, which can be made to lock whatever may be the relative position of the handles. This is doubtless an advantage, but its impor- tance has certainly been exag- gerated. 8. No force should ever be used in pushing the blades uj>. — The obstacles met with during their introduction are nearly ahvays created by folds of the scalp or vagina, in which the point of the blade becomes entangled; or else the difficulty is OAving to Introduction of the second branch. THE FORCEPS. 969 the circumstance that the blade, being improperly directed, is not pushed up in the line of the pelvic axis, and consequently strikes against the vaginal Avails. These are easily obviated by varying the direction of the instrument a little, or by carrying its handle tOAvards one or the other thigh, and by depressing or elevating it in a slight degree. Force is ahvays useless and may be injurious. Thus, if the point of the male blade Avas arrested by a fold of the scalp, the instrument should be partially withdraAvn, and its handle be carried toAvard the right thigh, Avhereby the extremity of the blade Avould be someAvhat removed from the head, and could thus pass beyond the obstacle; but if, on the contrary, it were arrested by one of the transverse folds of the vagina, the handle should be carried toAvard the left thigh, so as to make the point rest against and slip over the head. The introduction of the second brasch is generally the most difficult, and the difficulty is generally greatest when it is necessary to introduce it the first. When attempts, prudently made, prove fruitless, there should be no hesitation in AvithdraAving both branches, and beginning again with the one which before Avas introduced last. It Avere much better to reneAv the opera- tion tAvo or three times, than to strive pertinaciously against difficulties which could never be surmounted without endangering to a greater or less extent the life of the fcetus, or the integrity of the maternal organs. In Avithdrawing the branches, they should be made to describe a curve the opposite of that Avhich they folloAved during their introduction; the handle of the male branch, for example, should be gradually raised above the pubis, and reclined obliquely upon the left groin. 9. Mode of locking. — In general, the locking is easily effected by bring- ing the tAvo branches together after their introduction and adjusting the pivot in the mortise (Fig. 137), Avhen an assistant turns the former; but this part of the operation demands a perfect parallelism betAveen the tAvo portions of the forceps Avhich, unfortunately, does not ahvays occur. For it frequently hap- pens that the pivot does not fit into the mortise exactly, either because one or both blades are turned outAvards, or because one has penetrated deeper than the other. In the former case, we should endeavor to correct the deviation gently, by grasp- ing the handles with the whole The forceps applied and locked. hand, and in the latter by with- drawing or pushing up one of them. But in none of these attempts should much force ever be used ; for when considerable difficulty is met with, it is probably OAving to an improper adjustment of the instrument, and it is far better to extract one or even both blades than to force their locking. 970 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. 10. We must be satisfied that the head is properly secured, ai d that it alone is included in the clams of the instrument.—To be convinced that no part of the mother's organs is pinched between the head and the forceps, it is only requisite to make a moderate pressure on the handles, after the locking, when, if the patient does not complain of pain, the operation may be con- tinued Avithout danger; if the contrary is the case, the forceps ought to be unfastened, and the included part be removed by the finger. A feAV gentle tractions made by the forceps, without compressing the head too much, will serve to shoAV whether the latter is properly secured, and that the instrument does not slip. 11. The tractions ought to be made in the direction of the pelvic axis. — If the head is at the superior strait, Ave must first drayv doAvnwards and back- Avards as much as possible; then, as it descends into the excavation, the handles are gradually elevated, so that, by the time it reaches the inferior strait, they are found directed fonvards and someAvhat dowmvards; and the tractions Avill then be made in this latter direction. But Avhilst the head is undergoing its movement of extension, the instrument must be carried up in front of the symphysis pubis, and afterwards of the abdomen, so that, after the complete delivery of the head, the forceps shall be lying almost horizon- tally over the woman's belly. In performing the tractions, the right hand is placed near the clams and above the instrument, the left hand in front of the articulation and beneath. But as soon as the disengagement is to be effected by raising the instrument above the pubis, the position of the hands must be changed, and the left one ahvays be placed in front of the pivot, but above, and the right one beloAV the extremity of the branches. The tractions are to be made during a pain Avhenever possible, and the patient should be encouraged to bring the abdominal muscles into play, in aid of the uterine contractions and the efforts of the accoucheur. As soon as the head has cleared the inferior strait, and when it only has the resist- ance from the soft parts to overcome, the vulva being at the same time freely dilated, all tractive force should, as a general rule, be abandoned, and the rest be left to the powers of nature; for the mere presence of the head at the external parts, by the tenesmus it gives rise to, will most certainly bring on a sufficient degree of contraction to effect the delivery. Be satisfied, then, Avith facilitating the process of extension, by carrying the handles up in front of the pubis during the mother's bearing-down efforts; the dilatation of the vulva, being thus sIoav and gradual, will be accomplished without any danger of rupture, especially if you are careful to sustain the perineum, or, still better, to have it supported by an assistant; for, had you continued the tractions, such a rupture could scarcely have been avoided. Madame Lachapelle even advises the instrument to be with- drawn altogether; but I think it is better to leave it in situ, for the double interest of the patient and the accoucheur: of the patient, because, in some cases, a few tractions may yet be necessary; and of the physician, because, if he remove the forceps from prudential motives, and with a view of saving the parts, before the final delivery of the head, he might be regarded by the woman and her attendants as a bungler, who had failed in his operation. THE FORCEPS. 971 He should, therefore, leave it applied, and allow the patient to expel it and the head together. In cases attended Avith difficulty, Ave might doubtless draw on the handles Avith a certain amount of force; but the example of some practitioners who, taking a point of support by placing a foot against some solid body, hang, as it Avere, on the handles of the forceps, and then pull aAvay with all their strength, should never be followed. It is only necessary to use the arms, and the operator should take such a position that his body would ahvays arrest any sudden slipping of the blades. In fact, it is this precaution which sometimes renders an application of the forceps so excessively fatiguing to him. 12. //; the oblique or transverse positions, such a movement of rotation is to be imparted to the head as shall bring the concave margin of the blades directly in front.—This rotation ought to be performed during the tractions. just as the head is approaching or clearing the inferior strait. But there is no occasion for any violent exertions, for most generally the head turns in its descent, carrying the instrument along with it in the rotation. Some- times, also, an application of one or both blades is all that is necessary to effect this change. ARTICLE III. SPECIAL RULES. We have already stated that the forceps may be applied in the vertex and face presentations, and on the head Avhen left behind after the delivery of the trunk. Its application is, therefore, to be studied in these three varieties ; and as the greater or less elevation of the head greatly influences both the course to be pursued and the degree of facility Avith Avhich the oper- ation is accomplished, Ave shall examine those cases successively in Avhich it has reached the inferior strait, in Avhich it is still engaged at the superior strait, and in Avhich it is entirely above the latter. § 1. Application of the Forceps in Vertex Positions, avhen the Head has reached the Inferior Strait. The vertex, having descended to the inferior strait, may be found in cor- respondence with the various points of its circumference; and, therefore, to meet every possible case, Ave shall have to admit eight principal positions of it: thus, the occiput may be in relation Avith both extremities of the coccy- pubal diameter (the occipito-anterior and the occipito-posterior positions); with both extremities of each oblique diameter (the left anterior and the right posterior occipito-iliac, and the right anterior and the left posterior occipito-iliac positions) ; and with both extremities of the transverse diam- eter (the left and right transverse occipito-iliac positions). A. Occipito-anterior Position. — In this position, the occiput is placed behind or under the loAver part of the symphysis pubis ; the sides of the head corresponding to those of the pelvis. The male blade will here be intro- duced first, because it will be found underneath in the locking. Tavo or three fingers of the right hand having been passed into the vagina, this branch is seized by the left hand, either with the fingers, like a Avriting-pen, or, still better, with the Avhole hand (though in both cases close to the pivot), 972 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. and it is held inclined obliquely over the right groin; the point of the blade is then entered at the vulva in the direction of its axis, and is slipped up along the palmar surface of the fingers; as the blade is passed into the vagina, the handle is gradually depressed betAveen the woman's thighs (of course, ahvays approaching towards the median line) in such a Avay as to direct the point of the blade in the direction of the axis of the excavation. The blade is thus directed at once upon the side of the head, and along that of the pelvis, Avhere it is ultimately to be placed. While this manoeuvre is being effected, the convex border of the blade ought to rest upon and glide along the ring-finger of the right hand, Avhich is in the vagina, Avhilst at the same time its concave surface should bear exactly on the convexity of the head, and folloAv its outline. The female blade is then introduced in the same manner precisely. Tavo or three fingers FiQ-138- of the left hand are first passed in on the right side of the pelvis; the branch being held ob- liquely by the right hand in front of the left groin, with its point resting on the palmar sur- face of the left hand, is presented at the vulvar orifice; and as its extremity is made to enter, the handle is depressed, and brought tOAvards the median line by degrees, the blade being thus passed up on the right side of the pelvis, with the same precautions as in the former case. When both blades have penetrated to the same depth; they ought to be parallel with each other, the pivot corresponding to the mortise exactly; and the locking is then com- pleted Avithout difficulty. As the head is at the inferior strait, the first tractions Avill have to be made in the direction of the axis of this strait, that is to say, a little doAvnwards and forwards; then, as soon as the occiput.has passed under the sub-pubic ligament, and the head has com- menced its movement of extension, the instrument is to be gradually carried upAvards in front of the symphysis and abdomen.. b. Occipito-posterior Position. — The blades are applied and locked as in the preceding case. But here, notAvithstanding the head is at the inferior strait, Ave are not to draw in the line of axis of this strait; because, in these occipito-posterior positions, the occiput has to be delivered first at the ante- rior perineal commissure. (See Natural Labor.) To effect this object, it is necessary to carry the handles a little upwards at the very outset of the tractions, so as to flex the head on the chest more completely ; being careful to operate in such a Avay that the artificial aid may bear particularly on the larger extremity of the head. When the occiput has gained the perineal commissure, the traction is discontinued, or rather, if there is any further occasion for it, Ave may dra\v moderately, at the same time depressing the handles of the instrument towards the anus. The forceps applied on the child's head in the occipito-anterior position, lit the inferior strait. THE FORCEPS. 973 [The head should be extracted very slowly, because the highly distended peri- neum, which bulges greatly before the occiput, would inevitably give w.iy under an attempt at too rapid delivery. The operation is far more troublesome than in a case of occipito-anterior position, and as it requires the use of greater force, demands also the exerciser of great care and prudence to avoid a laceration.] c Left Anterior Occipito-iliac Position. — In this positron, one side of the head looks forward and to the right, the other backAvard and to the left; and the blades are to be applied in a corresponding manner on the sides of the head. The posterior blade, 'which should be entered first, will at the same time be on the left, and, therefore, the one that is ahvays passed on the left side of the pelvis, that is to say, the male blade, Avill be introduced first. This is held in the left hand just in front of the right groin ; and its point, placed in front of the left sacro-sciatic ligament, is to be pushed directly backAvards as far as the sacro-iliac articulation, whilst the operator depresses the handle and draws it towards the median line. In carrying the handles doAvn between the mother's thighs, it is highly important to keep the blade slightly everted. Being once introduced^ the handle is given to an assistant, Avho holds it near the internal surface of the left thigh. The female blade is to be placed behind the right cotyloid cavity, where the side of the head is found, by making it describe the spiral movement alluded to when speaking of the general rules of the operation. The oper- ator accomplishes this by taking it in the right hand, in the usual way, and entering the point of the blade just in advance of the right sacro-sciatic ligament; then, pushing it in this direction for about an inch, he suddenly changes the position of his hand so as to get hold of the instrument from above, Avhen, by strongly depressing its handle along the internal surface of the left thigh, he makes the blade execute a see-saAv movement, by Avhich it is at once carried from the right sacro-sciatic liga- ment up opposite to the cotyloid cavity of the same side; and then the locking is effected. (Fig. 139.) During the early tractions he should endeavor to rotate the head so as to bring the occiput behind, and then under the symphysis pubis. The rest of the operation is completed as in the first variety (a). - D. Right Posterior Occipito-iliac Position. The forceps are applied here exactly in the same Avay as they Avere in the preced- ing case ; the blades being entered, the one behind and to the left, the other in front and to the right (see Fig. 139) ; their con- cave margins looking toAvards the forehead. As this latter part must be brought in front, the object of the rotation will be to get it behind the symphysis pubis, and the occiput into the hollow of the sacrum ; and the labor is then terminated just as in an original occipito-posterior position (b). Application ot the forceps in the righl posterior occipito-iliac position. 974 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. [The effort required is sometimes so great, that some operators haA'e thiughtit woufd be better in very difficult cases, to rotate the forceps upon its axis, in order to turn the head in the cavity of the pelvis, as it sometimes turns spontaneously, rolling the occiput, in fact, from behind forward, bringing it first to the side of the pelvis and finally behind the pubis. The plan has numerous opponents, who say- that it turns the head through more than a quarter of a circle, whilst the body is held fast bv the contracted uterus and thus exposes to the occurrence of fatal lesio.is in the cervical region of the spinal column. These objections are more theoretical than real, and we have endeavored to refute them in another work (Accouchements, par Lenoir, See, et Tarnier). At any rate, clinical facts have proved that the occiput may be brought to the front and a living child born in an occipito-posterior position.1 1 A young woman, pregnant with her first child, having reached her full term with- out accident, was taken with her first pain on the 29th of October, at nine p. m. The pains, though feeble, were yet so frequent as to prevent her sleeping. At six o'clock on the morning of the 30th, I found the neck completely effaced, and the thinned edges circumscribing an orifice of about the size of a dime. The pains occurred every ten minutes. I found the vertex presenting, but could not make out the position. The pains continued all day, the 30th, but quite as feeble and distant. At four o'clock in the evening they became stronger and more frequent, and sit eight o'clock the diameter of the orifice was rather less than that of half a dollar. The membranes being flattened and applied closely to the head, enabled me to discover the biparietal (coronal) suture running directly from before backwards, and on several different occasions I distinctly felt the anterior fontanelle presenting directly forward and corresponding nearly with the upper third of the posterior surface of the pubis. I had to deal with what had never before occurred to me, a direct occipito-sacral position, engaged in the upper third of the excavation. I hoped in vain for its spontaneous conversion into a posterior diagonal position, for, notwithstanding very frequent and powerful contractions, things were still in statu quo the next day, the 31st, at six o'clock. The orifice was at this time dilated to the size of a dollar. At noon, the dilatation was almost complete, and finally, at two o'clock, the head assumed a diagonal position. I detected very positively the anterior fontanelle in front and to the left, and hoped that the movement of rotation would continue. I was doomed to be disappointed. I then ruptured the membranes, but this was followed by the escape of but a few spoonfuls of fluid. At four o'clock, the anterior fontanelle had approached, I thought, somewhat nearer the left extremity of the transverse diameter, and I encouraged the poor patient to believe that her labor would soon be terminated ; but, unfortunately, instead of continuing to pass backward, the anterior fontanelle underwent a movement in the opposite direction, and, notwith- standing all my efforts to push it back, it again came forward, and fixed itself opposite the horizontal ramus of the pubis, from which it did not stir afterward. At ten o'clock in the evening, things being in the same condition, I determined to apply the forceps, as much in the interest of the mother whose strength was exhausted, and who begged me to deliver her, as in that of the child. The head was then very near the inferior strait, and the forceps were applied with- out difficulty upon its sides. I made traction, with the object of disengaging the occiput in front of the perineum, but the contractions were feeble, and the woman being exhausted with fatigue, was unable to assist the efforts of the uterus, and being thus reduced to the mere tractions with the instrument, I could not make the head advance. In spite of all my efforts, I was unable to overcome the great resistance of the perineum which was very thick and unyielding, so that my attempts were altogether fruitless. If I abandoned the operation, I had nothing to rely upon but the resources of nature, which here Avere unfortunately, powerless, or else the performance of craniotomy I had waited long enough to test the powers of the organism, besides which, a more prolonged expectation would not be devoid of danger to both the mothe.v and child. Therefore, before deciding on craniotomy, I determined to try whether r THE FORCEPS. 975 Whoa, in a posterior occipito-iliac position, it is found very difficult to depress the occiput, it is allowable to bring it to the front. To effect it, the forceps are to be rotated so as to bring the occiput first to the side of the pelvis in a transverse occipito-iliac position. When this happens, one of the blades is directly in front and the other directly behind, provided, the head was seized from one ear to the other. The instrument is then to be disarticulated, in order to reapply it as in a primitive transverse occipito-iliac position. In a future paragraph it Avill be told how to proceed to this application. (See Application of the Forceps in Transverse Positions.) Some operators, however, do not fear to complete the rotation without unlocking the instrument, which has then an abnormal direction, the smaller curvature being behind and the large convex one in front, the male branch to the right and the female to the left, and all without any j»reat inconvenience, provided the operator be adroit. Nevertheless, the direction described is one to which Levret's forceps is not adapted.] E. Right Anterior Occipito-iliac Position.—In this case, the female blade is entered just in advance of the right sacro-iliac articulation. Then the male blade is introduced in front of the left sacro-sciatic ligament, and is made to describe the spiral movement before indicated, by Avhich it becomes placed opposite to the left cotyloid cavity. The movement of rotation will be effected from right to.left, and the occiput be brought under the pubic arch. F. Left Posterior Occipito-iliac Position.— The blades are introduced in a similar order, and in the same Avay, as in the preceding case. The move- ment of rotation is also effected in the same direction, but here it will bring the forehead instead of the occiput behind the symphysis. The handles of the instrument are next carried up a little in front of the pubis, Avith a vieAV of freeing the occiput first at the anterior perineal commissure. After this is accomplished, the handle is to be depressed tOAvards the anus, so as to assist the head in its movement of extension. [In case it should be found difficult to disengage the occiput posteriorly, the head may be turned so as to bring the occiput behind the pubis ; in short, to folloAv the same course as indicated for the right posterior occipito-iliac position (d). It -will be understood that in this case, the head is to be turned from behind forward, and from left to right, in accordance Avith the same route which it usually follows in natural delivery.] G. Left Transverse Occipito-iliac Position.—In this variety, the occiput corresponds to the left extremity of the transverse diameter of the pelvis ; would not be possible to bring the occiput in front. I left off the tractions, and rotated the forceps on its axis, and carrying the head along in this movement, I had soon directed the concavity of the edges of the instrument toward the internal surface of the left thigh. I then wilhdrew the instrument and found that the longitudinal suture was directly transverse. Introducing the female branch behind and to the left side, I used it as a lever, and succeeded with it in bringing the occiput almost directly behind the right acetabulum. The male branch was then placed behind the left acetabulum, and the forceps being locked after uncrossing the branches, I brought the occiput first behind, then beneath the symphysis pubis, and finished the extraction of the head by the usual movement of extension The child was born in an evident state of congestion. I allowed the cord to bleed before tying it, and it was soon restored. Two weeks afterward it was strong and well. The lying-in was unattended with accidents and the mother recovered quickly. The whole duration of the labor was fifty hours. 976 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. Fig. 140. The forceps applied anJ locv tu in the left transverse occipito-iliac position. one side of the head looks directly forward, and the other backAvard. Here also the posterior blade is to be introduced first: noAV to distinguish Avhich will be the posterior one under such circumstances, we must ascertain to what part of the pelvis the present poste- rior side of the head will correspond after the rotation shall have been completed. As this process of rotation, in the transverse positions, must always bring the occiput in front, the left, or posterior side of the head, -will then look towards the mother's left ilium, and consequently the left or male blade is entered first. This blade is, there- fore, pushed towards the left sacro-iliac articulation, and Avhen it has penetrated to the proper depth, it is pressed into the hol- low of the sacrum by bearing on its con- cave margin with the fingers already in the vagina. The female blade is next to be passed up by means of a spiral movement, behind the right acetabulum ; and then the hand in the parts must endeavor to work it toAvards the median line, by pressing on its convex margin, so as to get it just be- hind the symphysis pubis. From the ex- tent of the rotation to be effected, of course the accoucheur must be very careful to operate sloAvly and gently. When the head is in a transverse position, it is occasionally still high up in the excavation, even though it has, in a great measure, cleared the supe- rior strait; and when this occurs, it is often exceedingly difficult to apply one of the blades in front and the other behind; in some cases even Ave are obliged to enter them on the sides of the pelvis, that is, to seize the head by the forehead and occiput. This is always an unfavorable circumstance; although it may possibly happen that the mere application of the instru- ment Avill be sufficient to give the head an oblique or even a direct antero- posterior direction ; and Avhen this movement does not take place at the time the blades are entered, it is often effected aftenvards by their locking, or during the first tractions. Again, when the forceps is thus applied, the head may occasionally clear the inferior strait in a transverse position ; but, having reached the vulvar orifice, it then turns betAveen the blades, or, as I have several times observed, carries the instrument along Avith it in the movement of rotation, in such a Avay that, Avhen the occiput is turned for- wards, the concave border of the blades looks tOAvards one side. In this latter case, some practitioners recommend the instrument to be AvithdraAvn as soon as the head has nothing but the resistance of the soft parts to over- come, and, if necessary, to reapply them to the sides of the head. I think it Avould be better to remove the fonvard or sub-pubic blade only, for its pres- ence might retard the process of extension, but to leave the perineal one THE FORCEPS. 977 applied, because, in case of necessity, it may act as a lever in facilitating the extension. The difficulty experienced in applying the forceps on the parietal pro- tuberances in the transverse positions engaged in the excavation, often becomes ' see hereafter; an impossibility, Avhen the head is arrested at the superior strait or above it. To render the biparietal application possible, M. Baumcrs, of Lyons, has constructed a neAV forceps, Avhich I have had occasion to try, and Avhich appears to me to overcome the difficulty men- tioned. I am convinced that the biparietal application of the blades, AA'hich is impossible with the ordinary forceps, is sometimes easy Avith that of M. Bauiners, and I think it right to recommend their application in the trans- verse positions. They differ from Levret's forceps in being curved on the side instead of the edge, so that the general curvature of one of the branches is concave, and that of the other convex. For further details respecting this instrument and the mode of applying it, see the Gazette Medicate des 14 et 21 juillet, 1849.) This modification of M. Baumers is altogether similar to that suggested by Uytterhoeven. This Belgian surgeon, it is stated by M. Van Huevel, constructed, forty years ago, a forceps with the blades curved fonvards on their sides, as the others are on the edges. (See the Atlas accompanying the Belgian edition of this Avork, Fig. 11)4.) H. Right Transverse Occipito-iliac Position.— In this position, the ap- plication of the forceps scarcely differs from the one just described, except- ing that the female branch is introduced first, and the movement of rotation is to be made from right to left, and from behind fonvards. When the occiput gets behind the symphysis pubis, the labor is to be terminated as in the preceding case. § 2. Application of the Forceps in the Vertex Positions, where the Head is merely engaged at the Superior Strait. Whenever the head is engaged or locked in the superior strait, and the vertex occupies the whole upper part of the excavation, the rules for guid- ing us in the application of the forceps are the same as those already laid doAvn for its use at the inferior strait. We must remark, hoAvever, that its elevated position renders an introduction of the Avhole hand into the vagina more necessary than ever; that the points of the fingers ought to be care- fully placed betAveen the head and the cervix uteri, so as to direct the blade, Avhich is slipped along the palmar surface of the hand, directly into the uterine cavity; that, as it is higher up than usual, the blades are to be pushed further in, in order to grasp it freely; and lastly, that, as the head is not vet clear of the superior strait, the first tractions must be made in the direction of the axis of that strait, or in other words, as far backAvards and doAvnAvards as possible. But, although the theoretical precepts remain unchanged, it must not be supposed that the difficulties are no greater here than in the former case; for the elevation of the part renders the application of the forceps more difficult and less certain, as it is not an easy matter to apply the blades on the sides of the head, in the oblique and more especially in the transverse 62 978 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. positions. In a word, the higher up it is, the more likely ire Ave to en- counter those difficulties and dangers about to be described ii applying the instrument on a movable head above the brim of the pelvis. § 3. Application of the Forceps in the Vertex Positions, when the Head is movable above the Superior Strait. There are many circumstances that may require the intervention of art, even Avhile the head is still above the superior strait; and as the nature of ■fiese causes of dystocia may have a bearing on the operative procedure for cerminating the labor, Ave must here take them into consideration. The intervention of our art may be rendered necessary by an accident that endangers the life of the mother or child, such as hemorrhage, con- vulsions, or a descent of the cord, &c, as also by a contracted pelvis or an excessive volume of the head. In the latter case, a resort to the forceps is proper, provided the disproportion between the pelvic dimensions and the size of the head be not very great; since it has elseAvhere been shoAvn [see Deformities of the Pelvis) that, whenever the smallest diameter of the pelvis amounts to three inches, there is reason to expect that delivery can be effected by means of the forceps. The question arises, Avhether version or an application of the forceps is to be resorted to in those cases in Avhich the pelvis is properly formed, but some accident has taken place that requires a speedy termination of the labor? Under such circumstances, Ave do not hesitate to recommend pelvic version; but as this is not the universally received opinion, we extract from Madame Lachapelle the folloAving reasons on which Ave ground our pre- ference : " An application of the instrument upon a head Avhich is still above the superior strait is both a difficult and a dangerous operation. Difficult, 1st, because its elevation renders the diagnosis of the position obscure, and often leaves us operating in the dark; 2d, from its mobility it escapes from the forceps, and not unfrequently it is merely held by the points or margin of the blades; so that, as soon as any resistance is met Avith from the first tractive efforts, it slips out just like a cherry-stone when squeezed betAveen the fingers; and, 3d, because at this height it is impossible to apply the blades on the sides of the head, since the latter is usually found either in an oblique or in a transverse position. Noav, to conform to the rule gen- erally laid doAvn, Ave should apply one blade in front and the other behind, but this is obviously impracticable, for the curvature of the pelvic axis prevents the forceps from passing far enough in, unless the blades are intro- duced along the sides of the pelvis.1 Dangerous, because the hold on the 1 When an attempt is made to apply them over the parietal regions, the perineum presses the instrument forward, and gives it such a degree of obliquity with regard to the superior strait, that there is not room enough between the fenestrae for the recep- tion of the smallest-sized head. The latter, being placed above the abdominal strait, has its long diameter situated very nearly in the line of the axis of that strait; but as the long axis of the head ought to correspond with that of the blades, it therefore follows that the forceps must be introduced in the direction of the axis of the upper strait; and, consequently, that the articular part of the instrument is to be depressed beyond the point f the coccyx But the perineal resistance will evidently preven/ THE 'FORCEPS. 979 head, being very imperfect, in consequence of the difficulties just enu- merated, the instrument may slip; and, should such slipping take place Avhiie we are making strong tractions on the handles, the edges of the for- ceps, acting like a cutting instrument, might seriously Avound the cervix." We. therefore, prefer version in the case under consideration. HoAvever, there is one instance Avhich might demand the use of the forceps; that Is, Avhere the uterus is so contracted on the child's body after the discharge of the waters, as to render an introduction of the hand or an evolution of the fcetus absolutely impossible ; but fortunately, in such a case, the head would be so firmly held at the strait, during the strong contractions of the organ, as to be nearly immovable. On the Avhole, then, the application of the forceps above the superior strait should be limited to those cases of pelvic deformity in Avhich the shortest diameter of the pelvis does not exceed three to three and a quarter inches, and to those in Avhich the uterus is firmly contracted. Mode of Application. — Unless the position is directly antero-posterior, which is extremely rare, no attempt should be made to apply the blades upon the parietal protuberances, but they should be passed along the sides of the pelvis. It is, however, very unusual for this precept to be followed in practice, and for the blades to be really placed upon the two extremities of the transverse diameter; Avhen the head is diagonal, the blades are natu- rally directed toAvard the two extremities of one of the oblique diameters. Now in the directly transverse positions, this is Avhat generally happens, even Avhen the surgeon Avishes to place them at the sides of the pelvis; for at this elevation, and especially in the sacro-pubic contractions, which are, the most common, the head is almost always in a transverse position; noAV, according to the remark of Ramsbotham and of Simpson, and notAvith- standing the formal precept ahvays to apply the blades to the sides of the pelvis, it is found after delivery that the head has not been seized from the forehead to the occiput. The marks of the blades are almost always to be discovered upon one of the occipital protuberances and the parietal pro- jection opposite. It is natural, in fact, if the head is transverse, for its long diameter to correspond with the transverse diameter of the pelvis. Noav, as the latter is narroAved from before backward, the blades can be applied readily, only bv directing one of them behind the acetabulum, and the other in front of the sacro-iliac symphysis, which are the only points not occupied bv the head. This, therefore, is the direction Avhich should be given them in all cases. As soon as the forceps are applied, it Avould in most cases be advisable to tie the handles together before draAving upon them. At first, the tractions should be made as far back as possible, and the instrument ought to be gradually brought forward as the head descends into the excavation. The head, seized by one coronal boss and the opposite occipital protuberance, this, where one blade is entered behind the pubis and the other in front of the sacrum. Therefore, we are obliged to introduce the blades along the sides of the pelvis; that is. to seize the head by the forehead and occiput in the transverse positions, and by the coronal and occipital protuberances in the oblique positions. M. Baumers1 instru- ment might in some cases overcome, these difficulties. 980 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. will soon reach the inferior strait. In thus traversing the Avh >le excava- tion, the head may possibly turn within the blades and become converted into an antero-posterior position ; but it may also happen that this sponta- neous version does not take place at all. If, therefore, the obstacle exists at the superior strait alone, and the uterine forces appear adequate to the prompt termination of the labor, we may AvithdraAV the instrument and trust the rest to nature. But in other cases I think it Avould be proper to endeavor to transfer the blades to the sides of the head, or even to reapply them in accordance Avith the precepts before given for their application at the inferior strait. It is evident that, Avith the assistance of Baumers' forceps, the latter inconvenience would be avoided. § 4. Application of the Forceps in the Face Positions. When the face presents, an application of the forceps may become neces- sary, either Avhen the head has descended to the inferior strait, when it is engaged at the superior one, or Avhen it is still movable above the brim of the pelvis. 1. When the Head is at the Inferior Strait.— If both the head and the pelvis retain their usual size, the face can only reach the perineal floor by descending Avith the chin directly fonvards, or nearly so. (See Mechanism of Face Positions.) As the application of the forceps in these three different cases does not differ in the least from that described in the corresponding vertex positions, we deem it useless to pass over the same ground. But the face, without having reached the perineal strait, may, neverthe- less, be low down in the excavation; and the process of rotation, whereby the chin should be brought under the pubic arch in all cases, may not have commenced at all, or it may either be partially accomplished or fully com- pleted. We might, therefore, have to apply the forceps in a mento-anterior or pubic, in a left or a right anterior mento-iliac, or in a left or a right transverse mento-iliac position. Since it is absolutely necessary, in the face positions, for the chin to come under the pubic arch, the instrument is ahvays to be applied Avith its con- cave edges looking tOAvards the chin, taking care to introduce the posterior blade first. By Avay of example, let us suppose that the face is situated in a left ante- rior mento-iliac position, and is Ioav clown in the excavation. Here, in conformity Avith the directions before given, the male blade will be placed posteriorly and to the left, near the left sacro-iliac articulation, and the female blade just behind the right anterior arch of the pelvis; Avhen locked, the concave edges of the blades will look forwards and to the left. The rotation is then effected from behind fonvards, and from left to right, so as to bring the chin behind the symphysis; and when this is accomplished, we draAV directly forwards, and a little downwards, in order to free this part from the pubic arch; and then, after having secured its delivery, the han- dles are gradually carried up, at the same time draAving moderately, with a view of promoting the flexion and disengagement of the head. 2. When the Head is at the Superior Strait.— The face may be found iD every possible relation with the different parts of this strait. Should the THE FORCEPS. 981 chin correspond to any portion of its anterior half, the forceps .nay be applied without any particular difficulty ; but if the face is in a mento-posterior Flo. 141. Eio. 142. Application of the forceps in the left anterior Application of the forceps in the mento mento-iliac position. posterior position. position, 'the pelvic or cephalic version, Avhenever possible, ought to be chosen in preference. For Avhen the forceps is once applied, the object would evidently be to bring the chin behind the symphysis pubis; but as the body is probably held motionless by the contraction of the Avomb, it Avill not participate in the rotation of the head produced by the instrument, and hence luxation Avould occur at the joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae, Avhich does not admit of movement beyond a quarter of a circle. When the face is situated in a mento-posterior position, and has descended so far into the excavation that it is altogether impossible to return it above the superior strait with a vieAV of performing the cephalic or the pelvic version, the use of the forceps becomes a matter of necessity. Under such circumstances, we should therefore apply them for the purpose of relieving the mother from her threatened danger; not, as Ave observed in the preceding editions, to bring the chin in front, but merely Avith the intention of flexing the head, and converting the face position into one of the vertex. To accom- plish this, the blades are to be placed on the sides of the head, and in oper- ating, the handles should be depressed as far backwards as possible, so as to act chiefly on the vertex, until the occiput is brought down under the pubic arch ; if the chin Avere directly posterior, such a movement of rotation might be given to the head, prior to any tractive effort, as Avould carry the former into the great sciatic notch on one side or the other. This appeared to me the most feasible operation some years ago. I observed, however. that, according to M Mascarel, (Thesis, page 84,) M. P. Dubois has pro 982 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. posed another; or rather he inquires Avhether it Avould not be possible tc convert a mento-posterior into a mento-anterior position. It may be objected, he continues, that, if the head is forced to undergo too great a rotation, and the body does not turn simultaneously, the child's neck Avould be tAvisted; but as the only thing to be done, if this will not ansAver, is to perforate the cranium, and consequently to sacrifice the infant, be considers the former measure preferable; more especially as the chin might escape under the ischio-pubic ramus, Avithout the necessity of getting it exactly beneath the ' pubic arch. I know that this method has sometimes succeeded, and M. Blot informed me quite recently, that he had delivered three times, by bringing the chin in front. It may be that the shape of the instrument is, in this case, one of the principal causes of the difficulty met with, and that the use of a straight forceps would render the manoeuvre much easier. This advice, given I be- lieve by M. P. Dubois, deserves to be taken into consideration. In 1850, M. Danyau read a paper before the Academy, in AA'hich he gave preference to this operation; he recommended, hoAvever, that, unless the straight forceps are used, the curvature of the edges should be turned toAvard the chin, as Avas practised by Campion. He claims to have succeeded sev- eral times, and even to have delivered children alive. Still more recently, M. Danyau and myself succeeded in bringing the chin in front by the use of the forceps, the child remaining alive. In this case, it is true that the face had begun to rotate, so that when the instru- ment Avas applied it Avas quite near the right extremity of the transverse diameter. Facts of this nature have so accumulated, of late years espe- cially, that they can no longer be regarded as exceptional; and if the chin corresponds exactly with the sacro-iliac symphysis, especially if it has al- ready undergone a slight movement fonvard, there is reasonable ground to hope that the spontaneous rotation thus begun will second that impressed by the forceps upon the chin, and the extraction be accomplished Avith the chin to the pubis, the body, in consequence of the contractions of the Avomb, having partaken of the motion communicated by the instrument to the head. It must, hoAvever, be remembered that, in direct mento-posterior positions, this excessive rotation is likely to kill the child; and such a case I have already quoted. Besides this, it must especially be borne in mind that, hoAvever skilful the operator, it has often proved impossible. Messrs. Du- bois, Danyau, Cazeaux, and many others have failed; and Smellie himself, who long since advised bringing the chin fonvard, was often unable to suc- ceed. On consulting the voluminous record of observations published by Smellie, I have found but four cases in Avhich the face was deeply engaged in the pelvic cavity in a mento-posterior position. In all these cases, he first tried to push up the head, failing in which he applied the forceps. Noav in these four cases, he only once succeeded in bringing the chin for- ward ; in one other, he was only able to flex the head Avith the instrument and disengage the vertex and occiput, the first beneath the pubis; in the remaining two cases, he was obliged to use the crotchet. The latter course was also pursued in a case furnished him bv one of bis old mini Is. Thiw THE FORCEPS. 983 of five cases, did but one permit of rotation forward; it being impossible in all the others. Are we prepared to say that after rotation fonvard has failed, craniotomy alone remains? I think not, but believe it right first to endeavor to flex the head by means of the forceps. By so doing I extracted a living child. Smellie also succeeded, after vainly trying to bring the chin forward ; and similar cases are to be found in the medical journals. It ought, therefore, to be attempted before having recourse to craniotomy. In estimating the value of the A'arious modes of procedure Avhich have been mentioned for effecting delivery in these difficult cases, Ave must not be too exclusive ; for experience shows that the plan Avhich succeeds in one case fails in another, without our being able fully to account for the differ- ence ; often, indeed, after having tried them all fruitlessly, it is necessary to have recourse to craniotomy. Especially do I think it necessary to a proper estimate of the utility of each, that great regard should be had, at the time of operating, to the exact relation of the chin Avith the posterior plane, to the energy of the contrac- tions, and to the tendency Avhich the head may exhibit to perform its rota- tory movement. An almost direct mento-posterior position, immobility of the head, and continuance in that position after a long labor, as also the Aveakening of the pains so often consequent upon great prolongation of labor, are conditions evidently opposed to artificial rotation. In short, apply the forceps and attempt the rotation, making the efforts coincide with the contractions of the womb ; if unsuccessful, try to flex the head; should this fail, perform craniotomy. 3. When the face is still above the superior strait, an application of the forceps is only to be attempted Avhen the pelvic version is altogether impos- sible. In fact, it is Avell known that the face is then usually found in a transverse position. Besides, as previously stated, when the head is so high up, the blades are necessarily applied along the sides of the pelvis; conse- quently, one of them would come into contact with the vertex, the other with the neck, and the pressure made on this latter part Avould most assur- edly compromise the life of the child. We were, therefore, right in saying that the forceps ought only to be used as an extreme measure, and that before using it, unless Baumers' forceps are tried, an attempt should be made to convert the face position into one of the vertex by the cephalic version, and then apply the forceps on the head in this rectified position. • § 5. When the Head remains behind after the Body is ex- pelled. When the head is retained in the mother's parts, after a natural delivery by the breech, or after the pelvic version, an application of the forceps is rarely indispensable, for the hand alone is usually sufficient to effect the delivery; more particularly in those cases where an extension of the head is the sole cause of difficulty. But when the manual operation has failed, or the base of the cranium is arrested by a contraction of the pelvis, the forceps may certainly be very useful, Madame Lachapelle to the eontiarv notwithstanding. 981 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. Whenever an application of the instrument is decided upon, the rules for operating are nearly the same as in the vertex positions; here, also, the blades are placed as nearly as possible on the sides of the head, having their concave edges always directed toAvards the part that is to come under the pubic arch, &c. We may further add, that it should be entered along the- sternal plane of the child, as also, that the body is to be supported and car- ried towards that side Avhere the occiput is situated, i. e. directly forward and upward in the occipito-pubic positions, forward and to the left in the left anterior occipito-iliac positions, &c, &c. The blades having been introduced in the usual manner, Ave are next, as a general rule, to attempt the disengagement of the head by a move- ment of flexion, having the nape of the neck as its centre; which is situ- ated at times under the symphysis pubis, and at others at the perineal commissure. In one case only Avould the accoucheur be Avarranted in entering the for- ceps along the dorsal plane of the child, and freeing the head by a process of rotation. We mean, where the face is above, the occiput being behind; but this manoeuvre, Avhich was recommended by Madame Lachapelle, does not always suc- ceed ; for other practitioners are not so for- tunate as that skilful midwife in turning the face into the hollow of the sacrum. We rather believe, Avith M. Velpeau, that, relying on the result of the cases reported by Eckard and Michaelis, it might be pos- sible, by means of Avell-directed tractions, to free the occiput at the anterior perineal commissure, after which the delivery of the head Avould be completed by its extension. But a much more difficult case may be met with in consequence of an arrest of the head above the superior strait; whether arising from an unusual extension, incapa- ble of being remedied by Madame Lacha- AppHcation of the forceps where the head is pelle's manoeuvre, or from a contraction of retained after the delivery of the body. ,, n . . -tit ,. . the pelvis, too inconsiderable of itself to require the use of the forceps. Both Smellie and Baudelocque, who were as skilful as fortunate, have succeeded in its application under such circum- stances; but, notwithstanding the great authority of their names, cases of this kind may well be dreaded when such a man as Dewees ahvays failed in the operation! In fact, what a series of difficulties are here met Avith! Thus, not speak of the obstacle to the operation caused by the trunk fill- ing up the vulvar orifice, Ave must remark: 1. That, when the head is lodged transversely with regard to the pelvis, as frequently happens, the forward inclination of the upper strait makes it impossible to apply the blades on the sides of the head ; 2. That the vertical diameter of the head •will necessarily be placed in the direction of the axis of the blades, and that THE FORCEPS. 985 >.he latter will consequently be applied upon the tAvo extremities of a long diameter, — a circumstance tending strongly to defeat the operation; 3. That on account of the elevation and position of the head, it is often imper- fectly grasped by the instrument, which is liable, upon the first tractions, to slip and Avound the parts of the mother. It is, hoAvever, the extreme resource, and must be attempted Avhenever tractions, as strong as are compatible with the life of the child, have proved unavailing. The rules for its accomplishment are very simple; namely, to carry the trunk tOAvards the part corresponding with the occiput; to depress the chin as much as possible, Avith a vieAV of diminishing the extension of the head; to enter the blades on the side of the pelvis; and, lastly, to operate, as far as practicable, in the direction of the pelvic axes. Should the base of the cranium present after the accidental or designed separation of the head from the body, it would be proper, provided the pelvis Avere well formed, to apply the forceps, after having taken the precaution of placing the head in a proper position ; that is, with the smallest diameters corresponding Avith the plane of the pelvis, and the occipito-mental diameter Avith the direction of its axis. Should the deformity be too great, the em- bryotomy forceps Avill be the only resource. (See Craniotomy.) § 6. General Considerations of the Employment of the Forceps. Although an exceedingly useful instrument Avhen employed by skilful hands in proper cases, the forceps, by being badly directed or improperly applied in those in Avhich it is not indicated, may give rise to the most serious disorders. It is particularly important, therefore, in closing this article, to point out the cases in Avhich it may be advantageously employed. Besides, this short revieAV will serve to illustrate the precepts just given, and render its mode of action more intelligible. The forceps has been recommended : 1st. In cases of irregular or inclined vertex and face positions, which are neither corrected spontaneously nor can be by the unaided hand. 2d. Where a disproportion exists betAveen the pelvic dimensions and the size of the head, Avhether dependent on an excessive volume of the latter or a contraction of the former. 3d. Where any acci- dent, serious enough to compromise the life of the mother or child, occurs during the labor, Avhich is not remediable by version. 4th. Lastly, Avhere the head has descended to the pelvic floor, and is there arrested either by the resistance of the soft parts or by the shortness of the cord. 1. Inclined Vertex or Face Positions. — As heretofore stated, we consider an application of the forceps preferable to the use of the vectis (or lever) in these cases, after the inefficiency of the natural poAvers has been fully deter- mined by a delay of seven or eight hours. The retraction of the uterus would render version too difficult. In fact, Ave believe that a prompt delivery is equally demanded for the benefit of the mother and the child, and that the forceps alone can accomplish this result. Moreover, as the inclined lateral or parietal positions are nearly ahvays transverse, it is unnecessary to add, after what has been elseyvhere said, that the blades are to be entered on the sides of the pelvis ; and that, as the head descends into the excavation, it will probably undergo rotation, Avhereby it Avill be con- 986 OBSTETRICAL operations. \Terted into an antero-posterior position.1 By proceeding in thi.- manner, we will avoid, according to Duges, the difficulties of a direct anttro-posteriol introduction as regards the pelvis, and the dangers to the foetus from a biparietal application; for it must be obvious that, if the inclination Avere considerable, one of the blades Avould bruise the upper part of the neck. 2. Contractions of the Pelvis. — The ultimate limit to Avhich Ave restricted the use of the forceps, was three inches; because any reduction,we could hope to obtain in the diameters of the head beyond that, Avould not, as a general thing, be great enough to permit it to pass through the contracted diameter of the pelvis. In truth, the enlarged experience of Baudelocque has proved that, Avhen the forceps is applied in the direction of the biparietal diameter, the greatest reduction attainable, Avithout compromising the child's life, is not more than half an inch. Noav, this diameter, on a Avell-formed head, averages from three and a half to three and three-quarter inches, and even supposing that Ave can reduce it half an inch, there will still be left three inches at the least. Certain practitioners, having observed that the head became gradually moulded to the shape and dimensions of the pelvic cavity, by the efforts of the Avomb alone, in some cases in Avhich the pelvis Avas contracted to less than three inches, have therefore imagined that the resources of art could accomplish Avhat nature alone sometimes effects; that by the forceps a similar reduction in the diameters of the head might be obtained ; and con- sequently, that the instrument could be usefully applied Avhen the contracted diameters are even less than three inches. But they have instituted a com- parison betAveen tAvo forces that are wholly dissimilar. Indeed there can be no dcyabt that the expulsory efforts of the womb have succeeded in forc- ing the head through the pelvis where the smallest diameter did not exceed two and three-quarter inches ; but this result Avas only effected after a tedious labor of thirty, or forty, or even sixty hours; and where the sIoav and gradual compression, to Avhich the head was then subjected, enabled the brain to accommodate itself thereto by degrees. On the contrary, the reduc- tion obtained by the forceps is produced by a force that does not extend beyond half an hour or an hour at the most. Noav, everybody knows that a tumor, Avhose development extends over a period of several years, may exist Avithin the cranial cavity Avithout giving rise to any serious disturbance, Avhilst a little drop of blood, suddenly effused, brings on paralysis at once. Consequently, the pressure made by the forceps may kill the child by its 1 This phenomenon'occurred in a lady, in Rue St. Paul, to whom I was called by Dr. Ducros, about seven o'clock in the evening. The membranes had been ruptured since eight a. m. : the head was situated in a transverse occipito-iliac position, and was in- clined on its anterior parietal region ; it had not made the least progress since morn- ing, and was so inconsiderably engaged at the superior strait, that I was forced to introduce nearly the whole hand rbr the purpose of ascertaining the position: the waters had escaped, and I attempted in vain to effect a reduction; but an application of the forceps, made in the manner above indicated, was attended by the happiest results. Tlie head descended, and rotated within the blades, and in less that, five minutes the child was born living. Toe Lying-in exhibited nothing unu*uai. THE FORCEPS. 987 mdden action, notAvithstanding the reduction is absolutely le&j than Avhat nature herself sometimes produces after several hours of suffering. But when the pelvic diameters exceed three inches, the forceps may prove very useful; though I am induced to believe that the character of its action has been misunderstood, by supposing that it is to serve both as an instru- ment of traction and as one calculated to reduce the dimensions of the head by its pressure. Let it be understood that the forceps merely acts here as an instrument of traction. In fact, the contraction usually exists at the superior strait, Avhere it is particularly apt to affect the sacro-pubic diameter; and as the head ahvays has a tendency to present its long diameters to those of the pelvis, Avhen retained above, it is generally found in a transverse or an oblique position (more frequently the former). Its biparietal diameter will, therefore, cor- respond to the sihallest one of the strait, and of course the blades of the forceps should be applied in the direction of this diameter; but Ave have shoAvn that such an application is not possible in any case, and this impos- sibility is still more evident Avhen contraction exists. For, as Dr. Collins observes, if the sacro-pubic diameter amounts to but three inches, it would be impossible to apply an instrument, the interval betAveen whose blades, when closed, is from three and a half to three and three-quarter inches. The forceps Avill therefore have to be applied laterally; but it is evident that the pressure exerted by it will bear upon the occipito-frontal diameter. Noav, although the experiments of Baudelocque may have proved that the head, Avhen flattened in one direction, is not very sensibly enlarged in another, it cannot be supposed that a reduction effected in the occipito-frontal diam- eter would at the same time diminish the biparietal one, Avhich is perpen- dicular to it. How, then, does the forceps act? Simply by its tractive poAver, Avhich, conjoined with the uterine contractions, induces the head to engage in the excavation; Avhen, of course, as the parietal protuberances correspond with the anterior posterior diameter, the biparietal one becomes compressed between the pubis and sacrum ; the pelvis itself acting here as the compressory agent, and not the forceps, which latter merely facilitates the process by its tractions. The pressure exerted by the instrument would certainly be more hurtful than useful, by preventing Avhatever elongation the occipito-frontal diameter is capable of receiving during the forcible reduction of the biparietal one. This vieAV of the action of the forceps has at least the advantage of demonstrating the uselessness, if not the danger, of the poAverful efforts sometimes resorted to by certain accoucheurs for the purpose of compressing the head, and reducing its.size; for Avhen the head is Avell grasped by the instrument, all that is requisite is to tighten the latter enough to prevent it from slipping during the operation. If the forceps can ever be used as a means of reduction, it is only Avhen the head is arrested by a shortening of the bis-ischiatic diameter. The limits just assigned to the application of the forceps, are the conse- quence of experiments upon the dead body, and of the most frequently observed cases; but we shall have occasion to prove hereafter that they cannot be regarded as absolute. When the smallest diameter of the con- tracted pelvis is less than three inche&. we are still almost obliged tc try the 988 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. forceps before having recourse to craniotomy or symphyseotomy (sets Sym- physeotomy), and it has several times been the means of extracting a living child through a diameter of but two and three-quarter inches, for example. But are the forceps the only resource left before having recourse to a bloody operation in cases of contracted pelvis ? We long thought that it was, and, notAvithstanding the impression made upon our mind by the perusal of the observations of Madame Lachapelle, we shared on this important practical point the opinion of the majority of French accoucheurs, and pro- scribed pelvic version in cases of contracted pelvis, except in the obliaue oval variety, in which it was admitted by all to have undoubted advantages. The recent publication of Drs. Simpson and Radfort led us to a fresh ex- amination of the question. " On reading cases of contraction of the pelvis," says Dr. Simpson, " I Avas struck Avith the fact, that the labor in certain malformed females Avas much easier and more fortunate Avhen the child had presented by the feet than Avhen the head Avas the first to offer. In several cases even, which Avould have required craniotomy, the presentation of the feet or pelvic version en- abled me to effect the delivery in a succeeding pregnancy. Five observa- tions of this kind are recorded by Smellie." " According to my tables," says Madame Lachapelle, "• of fifteen children delivered by the forceps, on account of contracted pelvis, seven lived, and eight perished ; Avhilst of twenty-five delivered by the feet, fifteen survived." The proportion of success is, therefore, three-fifths for version, and rather less than one-half for the forceps. " These fortunate results of version," adds the illustrious midwife, " are doubtless due to the greater facility Avith which Ave are able, Avhilst draAving upon the pelvic extremity, so to direct the head of the foetus as to place its transverse diameter in correspondence Avith the shortened antero-posterior one. When, on the contrary, the head presents first, it is, in fact, generally situated transversely; but it may pos- sibly occupy much more unfavorable positions, and those, too, of a kind Avhich the forceps is incapable of altering." Supposing the head to be situated transversely above the shortened sacro- pubic diameter, would it traverse the passage Avith any more ease if present- ing the top of the head, than Avhen, after the extraction or spontaneous ex- pulsion of the body, the base of the cranium is presented to the shortened diameter ? Here, theory seems to be quite in accordance Avith the above- mentioned facts. The head, regarded as a Avhole, represents a cone, Avhose base is the biparietal diameter, amounting to from three and a half to three and three quarter inches, and the top of the head by the bimastoid diameter, amounting to but from three to three and a quarter inches. This latter diameter is irreducible, Avhilst the former is susceptible, under the influence of pressure applied for a longer or shorter time, of being shortened to the extent of three-eighths, or even five-eighths of an inch. Noav, vvhen the top of the head presents first, the base of the cone Avhich it represents is brought in relation Avith a shorter diameter than its own, and all the efforts of the womb, as Avell as the tractions of the forceps, can have but the single result of flattening the vault of the cranium against the opening of the pelvis, and consequently of increasing, instead of diminishing, the biparietal THE FORCEPS. 989 diameter. If, on the contrary, Ave suppose the cone repiesented by the head to engage by its point, that is to say, by its bimastoid diameter, the tractions upon the body of the child might have the following effects : namely, if the shortened pelvic diameter presents at least from tAvo and three quarters to three and a quarter inches, it will present no serious obstacle to the engage- ment of the bimastoid diameter, and from that time, the compression upon the sides of the parietal protuberances, produced by the resisting symphysis pubis and sacro-vertebral angle, tends to force them nearer together, that is to say, to shorten the biparietal diameter, and the head draAvn doAvn by the accoucheur will engage in the contracted part of the pelvis like a Avedge, the base of Avhich is compressible. In short, the resistance of the bones of the pelvis in the presentation of the top of the head, tends to lessen the oc- cipito-frontal or occipito-mental diameter, whilst in foot presentations, it tends to diminish the transverse diameter, that is to say, the only one Avhich it is important should be reduced. (Simpson.) A greatly prolonged labor ought, doubtless, be regarded as one of the - most dangerous circumstances affecting the Avelfare of both mother and child, for the lives of both are hazarded in proportion to the lengthening out of the expulsive stage; noAV, according to Dr. Simpson, version affords the immense advantage of enabling us to terminate the labor more quickly. What, indeed, is the course generally pursued Avhen it is proposed to apply the forceps in these cases of contraction? It is evidently, to Avait before acting, in order to determine the incapacity of the uterine efforts, and it is not until after five, six, or eight hours of expectation, that the instrument is used. In the meanAvhile, the head is compressed poAverfully, and the maternal organs are so seriously contused as to expose them to gan- grene, or, at least, to those inflammations of the uterus or of the cellular tissue of the pelvis, so dangerous during the lying-in. On the contrary, Avhen turning is intended, the most favorable moment can be chosen in many cases, which is immediately after the membranes are ruptured and the neck completely dilated. The term of expectation would be still longer in pres- ence of a pelvis so contracted as to require embryotomy ; for, unless the foetus is found to be dead, the operation is deferred until it shall have perished, or at least until the labor shall have lasted so long as to render its viability exceedingly doubtful. If regard be had only to the interests of the mother, version, as affording opportunity to act immediately after the membranes are ruptured, should therefore be preferred ; but is the case the same as respects the fcetus ? If we compare the results of podalic version Avith those of embryotomy, the reply is ready, for the facts mentioned by Madame Lachapelle, and some authors, afford us at least the hope of sometimes saving the child by turn- ing, whilst its death is the inevitable consequence of any other operation. But do not the forceps, within the rational limits Avhich Ave have fixed for their employment, afford greater chances to the fcetus than the extraction by the feet? Madame Lachapelle and Drs. Radfort and Simpson do not hesitate to declare for the turning. NotAvithstanding the facts collected by the illustrious midwife, and whilst admitting with the English accoucheurs, that the compression is less dangerous to the foetus when exerted on the 990 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. sides of the head than when its tendency is to shorten the occipito-frontal diameter, Ave confess that we cannot share their preference Avhen the top of the head presents in a favorable position. The arrest of the base of the cranium above the contraction, the possible extension of the head, the stretching of the cervical region to Avhich the tractions made on the body necessarily expose it, the possible compression of the umbilical cord during the time occupied in the extraction of the child, are, indeed, very unfavor- able circumstances for the latter, and, unfortunately, greatly to be feared during version. But yvhen, with a shortened diameter of three and a quarter inches, there coincides an unfavorable presentation, as those of the face or of the trunk, and Avhen, before the application of the forceps, it is first necessary to perform the cephalic version; or Avhen, the top of the head presenting, it is so situated that its longitudinal diameter corresponds to the contracted one, we are of their opinion, and prefer version to the use of the instrument. When the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvis amounts to but from two and three-quarters to three and a quarter inches, and the child, being still alive, is placed in the conditions just mentioned, we also think that version should be preferred. If, after several fruitless attempts made Avith the forceps upon a favorably situated head, the heart is heard to beat distinctly and regularly, we should, if the pelvis has at least two and three-quarter inches, attempt the pelvic version before resorting to craniotomy. We Avould add, Avith Madame Lachapelle, that version is also preferable to the use of the instrument, Avhen the inferior strait is contracted trans- versely, and the pubic arch is narroAV and angular. When, in fact, the head is the first to be delivered, the occiput appears first beneath the pubis, and its disengagement under these circumstances is very difficult, and some- times even impossible. When, on the contrary, the extraction takes place by the feet, the occiput places itself behind the pubis, the forehead is the first to appear in front of the perineum, and only the back of the neck en- gages in the arch of the pubis. [Our colleague, M. Joulin, expresses a much more positive opinion. He insists that turning ought to be rejected and the forceps preferred Avhenever they can be applied, except in cases of obliquely deformed pelvis. In his paper ( On tlie Forceps and Version in Contractions of the Pelvis) are recorded experiments of undoubted value, made upon the dead body ; yet it Avas a great mistake that, in an account in other respects very well prepared, M. Joulin should have supposed the previous editions of this work (Cazeaux, 1858) to contain inconsistencies in reference to the subject under consideration. To know that the charge is unfounded, it will only be necessary to consult the full text in order to ascertain its true meaning. To it we refer the reader who would judge for himself. The apparent contradiction is really but an expression of reserve in the judgment given.] To recapitulate: Avhen the pelvis has at least tAvo and three-quarter inches in its sacro-pubic diameter, the forceps should be used if the top of the head presents in a transverse position. The pelvic version should be preferred: 1, in direct antero-posterior positions ; 2, in inclined or irregular positions of the top of the head ; 3, in face and trunk presentations; 4, in contraction? THE FORCEPS. 991 of the inferior strait attended with narroAving of the sub-pubic arch. It Avere useless to recall the important distinction Avhich we have established for the oblique oval pelves, in Avhich version is the rule. 3. Accidents.— It is only necessary to recall the conditions in which version is practicable, to show the part the forceps may play in those acci- dents that require a speedy termination of the labor. We need not mention the dilatation or dilatability of the os uteri, for this is indispensable to both operations. Should a completion of the delivery be deemed imperative, when the head has cleared the cervix, or is Ioav down in the excavation, Ave would apply the forceps; but, on the contrary, if it be but little or not at all engaged at the superior strait, version would *be preferable, unless the pelvis Avas very narroAV, or the Avomb Avas so firmly contracted as to render an introduction of the hand unusually painful, or even impossible. 4. The Resistance of the Perineal Muscles is one of the most common reasons for resorting to the instrument; for nine out of every ten applications of the forceps are made for the purpose of extracting the head, Avhich has been detained at the pelvic floor for four, five, six, or seven hours; indeed, if the measures recommended on page 078 have proved ineffectual, this is our only resource. But, even here, it is possible that obstetricians have been in error Avith regard to its modus operandi, since every one, avIio, like myself, has frequently had occasion to apply it, must have been struck Avith the fact of Iioav little effort is required, under such circumstances, to effect the delivery of the head. For, Avhere this part has been retained at the same point for seven or eight hours, notwithstanding the most energetic con- tractions of the organ, and all the uterine forces have been expended on an apparently insurmountable obstacle, the accoucheur, in resorting to his instrument, may anticipate the necessity of using some considerable force; and yet, as soon as a feAV slight tractions are made, this great resistance seems to give Avay at once, the uterine contractions that Avere so long inef- fectual are henceforth adequate, and the patient soon expels the head and forceps together. Far different Avould be the result, if the arrest of the head were altogether dependent on an over-resistant perineum ; for the exertion requisite in those cases, where this part has been rendered less extensible by abnormal bands or cicatrices, is Avell knoAvn. Doubtless, this resistance from the pelvic floor is the first source, but it is far from being the Avhole cause of the difficulty. In my opinion, the folloAving is the true state of the case: Avhen the head, urged on by the uterine contractions, reaches the floor of the pelvis, it is already in a state of flexion, Avhich must certainly increase as the pains be- come stronger, and the perineum more resistant; for, being placed betAveen two opposite forces, it will necessarily be flexed on the chest to the greatest possible extent. Noav, it is this excessive flexion that constitutes the most serious difficulty, for, in this position, the spinal column abuts directly on the occiput, and every expulsive effort transmitted by it has a tendency to depress the latter, and to flex the head; but here its extensiou can alone effect a delivery. The question recurs, hoAv then does the forceps operate? I answer, in a very simple manner: by the first tractions it extends the head, changing this part to a more favorable position relatively to the spine, and 992 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. thus restores the efficacy of the uterine contractions, which latter are quite sufficient for the subsequent completion of the delivery. Hence, the reader will understand that, although the perineal resistance is, Avithout any doubt, the original cause of the arrest of the head, yet, in a vast majority of cases, it merely acts by producing an exaggerated flexion; and that, as soon as this is created, if alone constitutes the whole difficulty; a proof of which is satisfactorily afforded by the ease and rapidity of the termination of the labor, after the first moderate tractions made by the instrument have effected a partial extension. 5. Lastly, it has been shoAvn hoAv a shortening of the cord may become a cause of dystocia. Where this happens, the forceps is a hazardous resource, that ought to be avoided ; but the real source of the delay is generally un- knoAvn, and, even if it Avere not, I knoAV of nothing better to be done, if the head is low down in the excavation. The period of labor for applying the forceps varies Avith the cause that demands its use. When any accident Avhatever renders it advisable to pro- duce a speedy delivery, and the forceps be deemed appropriate, the time for operating will be judged of by the danger of the accident itself; for Ave are evidently to interfere as soon as there is reason to fear that the life of either the mother or child is involved. When the head is arrested above the supe- rior strait by a contracted pelvis, we might Avait in ordinary cases, as else- where stated, for six, seven, or even eight hours after the membranes are ruptured and the os uteri is fully dilated; but a longer delay would expose both mother and child to the most serious hazard. Again, Avhen the arrest of the head is dependent on the resistance of the soft parts, the pressure thereby created on the vaginal walls and sometimes even upon the parietes of the womb, might eventually determine a gangrene of those parts, and render the patient liable to the vesical and recto-vaginal fistulas, which often result in consequence. Besides Avhich, the foetus, being subjected for a long time to compression, may suffer from it, and from the disorder thereby created in the omphalo-placental circulation; and the uterus, having ex- hausted its energy against resistances which it cannot overcome, falls into a state of inertia that continues after the delivery, and becomes then a source of hemorrhage; and, lastly, the inflammation of the Avomb or vaginal walls that occasionally takes place, may extend to the peritoneum after, or even during the labor, and speedily prove fatal. All these dangers are easily obviated by the proper application of the forceps; and though, on the one hand, the abuse of the instrument, by employing it too early, as some prac- titioners are in the habit of doing, is to be avoided, yet, on the other, Ave must not virtually interdict its use by trusting too long to the poAvers of nature. We must again allude to Avhat avus previously stated in regard to the importance of observing the stage of the labor at Avhich the delay occurs: thus the time that has elapsed prior to the rupture of the membranes, can have but little influence on the mother's condition, and none on that of the child, so that, even Avhere the labor has lasted from thirty to thirty-six hours, there is often nothing to be done; though if the head Avere Ioav doAvn in the excavation, and it had made no progress for seven or eight hours, the forceps ought to be applied. But this rule, which is applicable to most cases, admits THE FORCEPS. 998 ,»f some exceptions; and it would seem useless to add that the itate of the patient's health, the strength or feebleness of the uterine contractions, the slowness and intermission, or the regularity of the foetal pulsations, &c, must influence the time of its application. The accoucheur would be justly liable to censure for not acting soon enough, and equally so for recurring too early to the use of instruments. Statistics, and General View of the Operation. — We find the same diffi- culty in forming an exact idea of the frequency of the cases requiring the application of the forceps, as Ave did of the cases demanding version, for they vary much in different countries, and even in the practice of accou- cheurs of the same locality. Thus, on consulting the statistics collected by Churchill, we find for England, 120 forceps cases in 42,196 labors, or about 1 in 351; whilst in France, the instrument has been used 277 times in 44,776 labors, or about 1 in 162 ; and in Germany, 1702 times in 261,224 labors, or about 1 in 153. It is still more difficult, correctly to estimate the danger of the operation to the mother and child, for the statistics generally represent only the num- ber of mothers and children who perished, without stating the cause re- quiring the intervention of art, and, consequently, leaving us uninformed as to the probable danger of the operation in any given case. Thus, the risks to which the mother and child are subjected when the use of the for- ceps is demanded only by the resistance of the soft parts, is not comparable to that which threatens them Avhen the head is arrested by a contraction of the pelvis. The length of time which elapses between the discharge of the Avaters and the intervention of art, necessarily influences greatly the result of the operation: now, with the exception of Dr. Collins, whose statistics, though unfortunately too limited, prove that the mortality is greater in proportion to the lateness of the operation, very feAV authors have noted this particular point.1 There can be no doubt that the use of the forceps increases the dangers of the delivery.2 Besides its being ahvays prejudicial to interfere Avith the operations of nature Avhen they are going on regularly, the application of the forceps, though apparently of the simplest character, may prove dan- gerous to the mother, and especially to the foetus. The too rapid depletion of the uterus exposes the woman to hemorrhage from inertia. The dilata- tion of the soft parts takes place with far less regularity Avhen the head is extracted by the forceps, and the perineum is, therefore, much more liable to laceration, hoAvever carefully the tractions are performed. Finally, I shall not speak of the lesions of the cervix and of the perforation of the vagina, since it is ahvays possible to avoid them by conforming to the precepts already given. 1 -Dr. Collins gives the following as regards the mothers. When the labor was ter- minated in 24 hours, but one wmnan died out of 13; between the 28d and 30th hour, there was one death for 6 cases; between the 37th and 48th, one death in 4; and be- yond 48, one death in 2 cases. 8 In natural labors, the mortality was, for the mothers, 1 in 346, and for the chil- dren, 1 in 31; in deliveries by the forceps, it was, for the mothers, 1 in 22, and for the ch ldrei. 1 in 43. 63 994 OBSTETRICAL OPERATION'S. Therefore, the instrument should be had recourse to c ply av ien the in- sufficiency of the powers of nature shall have been well ascertained, and we are convinced that a longer expectation Avould be injurious to the mother or to the child. The posterior position of the head, when the vertex presents, also adds to the difficulties and danger of the operation. Especially when the occiput is directly behind, or behind and to the left, is the operation more laborious. I have mentioned a case of direct posterior position in which I was obliged to bring the occiput forward (page 974, note). In two other cases of left posterior diagonal position, the head was delivered only by the strongest exertions. The occiput in these cases pressed so strongly upon the sciatic plexus, that both the patients suffered, for a long time after, great pain in the course of the sciatic nerve, and one was unable to walk for more than a year. On the other hand, the compression of the child's head by the instrument may be prejudicial to its health or even to its life, and Ave have to point out as possible occurrences, cerebral effusions, fractures, and depressions of the bones of the skull, exophthalmia, contusion, laceration, and separation of the scalp, compression of the umbilical cord betAveen the head and the blade of the forceps, and, lastly, paralysis of the facial nerve, on which we shall make some remarks. Quite recently, M. Landousy has called attention to the facial paralysis of new-born children, that often follows an application of the forceps ; and M. P. Dubois has also alluded to the same fact in his lectures. This palsy, which affects only one side of the face, is caused by the pressure of the blade on the seventh pair of nerves. OAving to the nearly total absence of the mastoid process, and the defective development of the auditory canal, ?uch a compression of the facial nerve just as it escapes from the stylo-mas- toid foramen may occur very easily. The affection is easily recognized imme- diately after birth, by the folloAving circumstances : the commissure of the lips is drawn out of place ; the nostril is neither so dilated nor so movable as its fellow of the opposite side ; the eyelids are open, Avhile those on the sound side are closed; the Avhole side of the face is distorted, and this de- formity, heightened by the infant's cries, gives it a very peculiar expression. As soon as the crying is over, the deformity is so slight as scarcely to be noticed, if the eye on the sound side happens to be open ; but when the child cries again, the want of symmetry in the features is once more ob- servable. This difference in the phenomena of the disease, dependent on the condition of repose or agitation of the face, is much better marked than it is in the facial hemiplegia of adults. The difference is particularly striking just before it cries, for its face then exhibits alternations of rest and excrement such as those just described. In the course of a week or ten days these symptoms nearly all disappear, and the equilibrium between the two sides is gradually restored. When the compression of the nerve has been moderate, the hemiplegia does not last so long, and occasionally dis- appears in a few hours ; but in other instances it may persist for a month or two. Hitherto, this affection has never terminated in death, having always passed o^ even where no active medication has been employed. THE VECTIS. 995 The only precautions necessary in such cases, are k prote t the eye from the light; and, when sucking is interfered with by the paralysis, as it occa- sionally is, to find a nurse having a well-formed nipple. CHAPTER, Y. OF THE VECTIS. The vectis (oj lever), Avhich Burns proposed calling the tractor, Avas formerly much used, though, at the present day, it is scarcely ever resorted to, since, in nearly all the cases in which it has been recommended, the forceps may be advantageously substituted. It was employed to effect the correction of the head in cases of inclined vertex presentations, to depress the occiput in face positions, to force the head to descend, and to free it from the genital organs. It Avas probably devised at about the same time as the forceps, and if Roonhuysen Avas not really the inventor, he was, at any rate, one of the first to use it, and through his example it soon acquired a great reputation. But the vectis h*as undergone numerous modifications since it became public. The one now in use resembles a branch of the forceps; the blade is provided with a fenestra, and is curved on one side so as to adapt itself to the convexity of the child's head; being terminated below by a long flat stem, which becomes narroAver and rounded, so as to fit in a wooden handle, which latter is either continued out in the same line, or else is slightly bent in the opposite direction from the blade. We agree with Dr. Coppee, that if the lever is to be used at the superior strait, it ought to have a very slight curvature, for if it were otherwise con- structed, the difficulties Avhich Avould be met Avith in its application might be charged to the method when, in fact, they were due to the form of the instrument. [The lever is to be introduced in the same way nearly as a blade of the forceps. The bladder ought first to be emptied, a precaution even more necessary than when the forceps is used. The woman ought to lie across the bed, and very horizon- tally, the latter position being regarded by the advocates of the vectis as highly important. The instrument being warmed and greased, the hand or a few fingers are to be passed into the vagina, in order to guide the blade to the head of the child. The operator takes the handle of the instrument in the other hand and passes the blade into the vulva. The blade may be placed at once in front, just where it is intended to apply it, though we think that it would be better to observe the same plan as with a blade of the forceps, that is, first to direct it backward until it reaches the sacro-sciatic ligament, and then give to it a spiral motion Avhich brings it more or less toward the front according to circumstances. AVhen properly applied, the vectis will always be found at last behind the most anterior segment of the pelvis and in relation with the body of the pubis, for it ought always to act upon the head from before backward. It is of the first importance to be sure of the presentation and position, inasmuch as the instrument ought never to be applied except to the bony parts of the head, as the occiput, temple, or mastoid apophysis, the occiput or mastoid region being the parts vhich offer the greatest advantage. 996 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. The choice of the side of the pelvis upon which the vectis shall be appl ed AviU depend more especially upon the position of the occiput and the movements which the accoucheur wishes to impress upon the head, in accordance with the mechanism of natural labor. In anterior and transverse occipito-iliac positions, for example, the blade ought always to be passed to that side of the pelvis where the occiput is situated, so that it may be applied to it, draw it down, and turn it to the side of the pubis. We shall have occasion to revert to this subject hereafter. The vectis ought not to be passed in too far, as it might come in contact with the face or sides of the neck and occasion serious mischief. About three inches would be far enough to bring it to the part upon which it is to act. When the instrument is properly placed, the handle is to be raised, and the arch of the pubis serving as a fulcrum, it acts as a lever of the first kind. The head is then depressed by the power at the handle, and by drawing donvnward at the same time that this action of leverage is performed, is finally delivered. To prevent injury to the urethra, the lever should be wrapped with a piece of linen or gum- elastic and placed a little to one side of the me- Mode of using the lever to pull down the dian line . but when applied in the way we have occiput, or to flex the head. -,i ■-, i -, i- •,' i • just described, it slips very easily, producing more or less contusion of the parts overlying the ischio-pubic ramus. To prevent all these inconveniences, the instrument ought to be held firmly at its middle by the left hand, so as to prevent slipping, at the same time that it is pressed strongly backward to strengthen, as it were, the fulcrum and lessen the pressure against the arch of the pubis. The use of the vectis has been alternately depreciated and immoderately praised. It was strongly condemned by Baudelocque, and is at this moment so little known in France that our present classic authors devote barely a few lines to an account of it. This indifference to an instrument which has numerous partisans in Bel- gium and Holland seems to me unreasonable ; and Ave also find that some French authors think better of it : Desormeaux, for example, who tells us that he used it successfully in two cases in which it would have been difficult to apply the for- ceps. The subject is an important one, and I propose, in treating.of it, to avail myself of the theoretical views and clinical facts which abound in Boddaert's excellent paper. I myself witnessed a case-which convinced me that the vectis may some- times be used with the greatest advantage, and sometimes even successfully when the forceps has failed. In 1863, Professor Fabri (of Bologne), who wrote an important paper upon the vectis, being at Paris, I made some experiments with him upon the dead body. A. contraction of the pelvis having been imitated by fixing a plate of sheet-iron upon the promontory of the sacrum, and a fcetus placed as though it presented by the vertex, I applied the forceps, but was unable, with all my strength, to bring it into the cavity of the pelvis. Dr. Fabri then used his lever, and immediately brought it into the excavation. The exp^'iment was npeated. I applied the forceps again, but with no better Fia. 144. THE VECTIS. 997 success ; taking then the lever, I have to assert that I accomplished my object with wonderful ease. It will be admitted that a result of this kind merits attention. If comparison be made between the lever and the forceps, it will be found that they act differently. The forceps is an instrument for traction, and, in this point of view, is far superior to the vectis. That the head may be extracted by the latter cannot be doubted, for the facts are there to prove it; still, its power in this respect I regard as far inferior to that of the forceps. The lever acts, on the contrary, by compressing the head from before backward, and when compression in this direc- tion is desirable, it would seem to have the advantage of the forceps. Is not the exclusive use of one or the other calculated to deprive us of a pmverful instrument? The vectis is not intended to supplant the forceps, but may be used in certain cases which it is important to determine, inasmuch as the surest Avay of exciting doubt of its utility would be to employ it without discretion. We shall, therefore, study the action of the vectis in, I, presentation of the vertex; 2, in pre- sentation of the face; 3, in presentation of the breech, when, the body having been expelled, the head remains in the genital parts. Of the Vectis in Vertex Presentations. — We shall consider its use successively at the inferior strait, in the cavity of the pelvis, and at the superior strait, because the results to be obtained by it vary with each of these three conditions. When the head, being at the inferior strait, is arrested by inadequacy of the expulsive efforts, or by too strong resistance of the perineum, the forceps has the very great advantage of acting as a powerful extractive agent in consequence of its enabling the operator to folloAv with it the central axis of the genital passage. In this respect the forceps is free from all reproach, and is far preferable to the lever which would have the bad effect of crowding the head toward the coccyx and re- moving it from the centre of the vulva. Besides this, it is liable to occasion lacera- tion of the perineum, which is stated by all operators to be of frequent occurrence under these circumstances. There is nothing, then, to recommend the use of the lever at the inferior strait. We have but one reservation to make in favor of those rare cases of transverse contraction of this strait in consequence of the approxima- tion of the ischio-pubic rami or of the tuberosities of the ischia, the use of the for- ceps being rendered difficult under these circumstances by the narrowness of the pubic arch, whilst the tractions direct the head too far forward. The lever, on the contrary, has the advantage of being easily applied in consequence of its small size, and at the same time by pressing the head backward, directs it towards the part of the pelvis Avhich has not undergone contraction. Herbiniaux and Boddaert mention cases which seem to prove that, though under these circumstances the lever may be useful, it is the only case in which it has the advantage of the forceps at the inferior strait. When the head is in the cavity of the pelvis, the forceps will still be almost always preferable for the same reasons. Nothing, in fact, can be more rational or easy than with it to turn the head to the proper direction, and then extract it in the direction of the pelvic axis. We have no doubt that the lever would be less efficient, and, especially in occipito-posterior positions, even hurtful, because when passed behind the pubis it might come in contact with the face and particularly with the eyes, and cause great mischief. Boddaert, however, used the vectis suc- cessfully in the pelvic cavity, but recommends it chiefly when the head is extended and the anterior fontanelle is near the centre of the pelvis. According to him, the forceps applied upon a head in this position would hold it so and cause it to engage with its unfaAwable diameters, whilst the lever applied upon the occiput brings it doAvn and causes the chin to approach the breast. In exceptional cases this pro- cedure may be useful, but Ave think that in by far the greater number the forceps ihould be preferred when the head is in the cavity of the pelvis. At the superior strait, on the other hand, the vectis Avould seem to have an un 998 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. doubted advantage oyer the forceps. That we may judge of this with a full knowl edge of the reason why, it would be well, in the first place, to remember how the head presents at the superior strait, and how the lever and forceps are capable of acting upon it. The head presents at the superior strait: 1, in an oblique or transverse direction ; 2, it is imperfectly flexed as yet, and the occipito-frontal diameter coincides with the. opening of the abdominal strait; 3, the direction which it has to follow, in order to descend into the pelvic cavity, is parallel to the axis of the strait, and consequently oblique from above downward, and from before backward. We would add, that all these conditions are exaggerated in contractions of the pelvis, which are one of the most common causes of dystocia, and, consequently, of surgical inter- vention. If the forceps be applied under these circumstances, it is impossible to act other- wise than in direct contravention to all the indications. Thus: 1, the blades have to be applied to the sides of the pelvis, inasmuch as at that elevation it is difficult to place them obliquely; consequently the head is seized from the forehead to the occiput, in the direction of its longest diameter, which would make the extraction difficult; 2, the pressure of the branches together, in order to secure a firm hold, fixes the head and hinders the movement of flexion ; 3, it is impossible to draw in the proper direction, and the head, instead of being brought down according to the axis of the strait, is always directed too much in front. We would add, that all these disadvantages are increased when the pelvis is contracted, and that it is often difficult or impossible to apply the second branch; besides this, the lateral compres- sion of the head lengthens it from before backwards, which is precisely the direc- tion of the antero-posterior diameter, the most contracted part of the pelvis. The lever has the advantage over the forceps of being smaller, consisting, as it does, of but one blade. Besides this, its mode of action is entirely different; it presses only upon the occiput, which it tends to bring down, and, consequently, to increase the flexion. When applied behind the pubis, it also compresses the head from before backward, which is the direction of the obstruction to be passed, Avhilst it elongates it in the direction of the transverse diameter, which is not shortened. These views seem to us both important and true. They are also confirmed by clinicaf observations, of which Boddaert's paper alone contains enough to be con- vincing, showing as they do, that labors rendered difficult from contracted pelvis have been successfully terminated by the vectis after the forceps had failed. "It is, therefore, only through a blind obstinacy that almost all the partisans of the forceps continue to use that instrument and reject the lever, which might be used so much more effectually. An accoucheur might be excused for this exclusive preference of the forceps if the affair were one of no consequence; but as it often happens that wh0 out of every 100 die in Faris within the year. M. Yillrrme's researches are confirmed by those of M Benoiston, of Chateauneuf 1034 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. tion not only in a pelvis of two inches, but even in one of one and one eighth inches, (see Embryotomy.) Only below the last-named dimensions would this professor decide to perform hysterotomy.] This rigorous exclusion seems to us Avarranted by the facts Ave have wit- nessed and the record of results of operations performed in large cities, and especially in great hospitals. It is thus shown that the immense majority of patients have perished; Ave have, however, to repeat, that for some years past quite a number of cases have been published by honorable physicians practising in the country or small towns, and that their aggregate results would make the operation much less serious than when performed in large cities. This fact ought evidently to be taken into consideration, and render less warrantable the preference we accord to embryotomy in the case of women out of the great centres of population. If indeed, it be true, and we think it is so because our confreres affirm it, that in the country three- fourths and even four-fifths of the women who suffered the Caesarean opera- tion recovered, Ave have no hesitation in giving it the preference in country practice, Avhilst maintaining our first conclusion in reference to its perform- ance in large cities. The almost constant failure of the operation in large cities, such as London and Paris, as compared Avith the successes obtained in smaller localities, has suggested to some individuals the propriety of erecting a hospital in the country, or at least of sending out of toAvn such patients as it is supposed will require the Caesarean operation. This precaution is especially insisted upon by M. Guisard, who has just published three neAV cases of success. The idea could not be carried into execution very easily, yet I think it deserves to be considered, and suggested to the proper authorities. What Ave have just stated in regard to the difference in the results of operations performed in town and in the country, is calculated to make a strong im- pression, even upon minds Avhich are strongly opposed to M. Guisard's proposition. All Avho have had long experience of the diseases of lying-in women, are convinced that most of them originate in the assemblage of a large number of newly-delivered patients in the same place; and this is especially true as regards those whose labors were difficult, and required a bloody operation. To increase the number of lying-in institutions, and to separate the patients as much as possible, I regard as the surest means of obtaining an early convalescence. It must not, hoAvever, be supposed that by sending to some leagues' dis- tance from Paris such deformed yvomen as will require our care at term, they will be placed in as favorable conditions as women who have ahvays lived in the country. The gravity of the operation is certainly influenced by the locality in Avhich it is performed, but so it is also by the health of the patient; now we know that in this respect there is great difference be- tween the Avomen of cities and those Avho have always resided in the country. To afford them the best chance, therefore, these unfortunate persons ought to be placed in the best hygienic conditions for several months before the end of gestation. Supposing the necessity for operation has been fully determined, numerous important questions arise for consideration, namely, what is the most favor- CESAREAN OPERATION. 1035 able stage of the labor for its performance? Has the previous duration of the labor any positive influence over the result ? Aud is it better to operate before or after the membranes are ruptured ? An ansAver to all these ques- tions will be found in the careful examination of the published cases. A. Duration of Labor. — The Avhole duration of the labor has been noted in one hundred and sixty-four cases; in sixty-two of Avhich the Avoman recovered, and in one hundred and two she was lost. With a vieAV of shoAving the influence of duration as regards the mother, Ave divide these cases into three classes, namely : AVhere the operation was performed after the labor had lasted twenty-four hours, there were ..... 20 successful and 40 unsuccessful cases. From 25 to 72 hours, there Avere . 34 " 21 " " More than 72 " " . . 8 " 21 " " 62 102 From this table, which is taken from Keyser's excellent Avork, Ave may conclude that the duration of the labor Avould appear to have an unfavor- able influence only when it has continued beyond seventy-two hours. But the same remark does not apply to the child; for, taking the same one hundred and sixty-four cases, in a hundred and fifty-eight of Avhich the infant's condition is reported, Ave find that fifty-seven Avere still-born, and a hundred and one survived; and, adopting the same division, we have: After a duration of 24 hours, . 42 successful and 16 unsuccessful cases. From 25 to 72 '• . . 48 " 24 More than 72 " . . 11 " 17 101 57 Whence it follows that the chances are less for a living child as the labor is the more prolonged. B. Rupture of the Membranes. — The time that elapsed after the mem- branes Avere ruptured has been stated in one hundred and twelve cases. We shall likewise classify these under three heads, according to Avhether the operation was performed: As regards the Mother. Cases. 1st. Before or within 6 hours after the membranes were ruptured, . . . . . . = 39 2d. From 7 to 24 hours after the rupture, . . = 35 3d. More than 24 hours after the rupture, . . = 38 112 47 65 From Avhich it appears that the operation is so much the more unfavor- able for the mother as a greater time has elapsed after the rupture of the membranes. The fate of the child is known in only one hundred and six cases; still asing the same classification, we have: 1st. Before or within 6 hours after the rupture, 2d. From 7 to 24 hours after the rupture, . 3d. More than 24 hours after the rupture, Successful. Unsuccessful. 20 19 14 21 13 25 Cases. Successful. Still-born = 37 34 3 = 32 25 7 = 37 19 18 106 78 28 1036 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. C. It is unne eessary to add that, with regard to the fcetus, the prognosis is much more unfavorable Avhen an artificial extraction has been attempted before resorting to the Caesarean section. Indeed, it must be evident, from the foregoing facts, that the most favorable time for operating is either before or immediately after the rupture of the membranes. Whenever we have an opportunity of attending the patient during the last few days of her pregnancy, it is advisable to prepare her for the opera- tion by a suitable regimen, such as tepid bathing, moderate blood-letting, &c. But Avhen the labor has actually commenced, the operation is to be proceeded Avith as soon as the os uteri is sufficiently dilated to permit the subsequent discharge of the lochia. It has been recommended to puncture the membranes, lest the waters be effused into the peritoneal cavity; but as this accident can very easily be prevented, and as the distention of the Avomb is favorable to the retraction of the organ after the operation, this ought not to be done. Just before commencing, the bladder and rectum are to be emptied. Two bistouries, the one convex, the other having a straight probe- pointed blade, forceps, ligatures, cold and tepid Avater, a little vinegar, sponges, needles armed Avith thread, quill-barrels, strips of adhesive plaster, some charpie, and compresses, and a bandage for the body, constitute the necessary apparatus. The patient is then laid on a bed of the proper height, and is held quiet by the attendants; an intelligent assistant is charged Avith the duty of keep- ing the womb on the median line by placing his hands over it; and another presses one hand over the fundus uteri, Avith a view of keeping up the intes- tines, which are apt to become insinuated between the uterine and the ab- dominal walls. The surgeon then makes an incision along the median line, through the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, extending from a little below the umbilicus, doAvmvards to Avithin an inch and a half or tAvo inches of the pubis ; this incision ought to be at least five or six inches long, and provided this extent is not obtained within the indicated points, in consequence of the Avoman's low stature, it should be prolonged a little upAvards and to the left of the umbilicus. The operator next divides the aponeurotic fibres of the linea alba, layer by layer, and thus gets to the peritoneum, into Avhich he then makes a small opening; having inserted the index finger of the left hand into this, he directs the probe-pointed bistoury along its palmar face and enlarges the incision. The tissue of the uterus is now carefully incised, layer by layer, until the surface of the membranes or the placenta is brought into vieAV ; the bag of waters is then opened by a simple puncture, and the probe-pointed bistoury is entered at this orifice, and the incision en- larged to the extent of five or six inches, directing it rather toAvard the superior than the inferior angle of the external Avound. The assistant, who is charged with the duty of keeping the lips of the Avound apart, must be very careful to hold the abdominal and uterine Avails in contact with each other at the time Avhen the membranes are ruptured. The extraction of the foetus is aftenvards accomplished by seizing hold of the first extremity that presents. The uterus retracts immediately and effects the detachment of the placenta, Avhich is pished tOAvards the AA7ound ; it is then extracted to gether with the membranes, Avhich have been carefully twisted into a cord CESAREAN OPERATION. 1037 Lf any blood has escaped into the uterine cavityr, it is removed, as Avell as any other foreign body that may obstruct the cervix. The Avound in the uterus requires no other attention than that of being well cleansed. The lips of the one made through the abdominal Avails are brought together at two or three points by the tAvisted suture, taking care to leave a free space towards its inferior part for the discharge of the fluids that escape from the abdomen; strips of adhesive plaster are used between the points of the suture, over Avhich the uniting bandage is then applied; some modern surgeons use no sutures, relying Avholly upon uniting bandages for keeping the edges of the wound in apposition. Thus M. Lebleu (of Dunkirk) first places beneath the patient, and opposite the last dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, two narroAv body bandages Avith digitated extremities. Upon these, so as to come next to-the skin, are laid tAvo strips of adhesive plaster, each four inches wide, but long enough to cross each other in front of the incision. Each strip is cut into three from its extremities for three- fourths of its length. After the operation, the ends of the adhesive strips are applied first to the skin, and then, as they come near the wound, upon tAvo thick graduated compresses placed on each side. They are made to cross each other opposite the incision, leaving only a small open space beloAV. Charpie, compresses, and the two body bandages complete the dress- ing. This arrangement seems to me Avell adapted to the case. The Avound is next covered Avith charpie smeared Avith cerate, and common compresses, and the whole retained in situ by a moderately drawn body bandage. The subsequent treatment is restricted to combating the inflammatory and other symptoms as they may arise. As one of the means best adapted to prevent undue inflammation, Dr. Met/, (of Aix-la-Chapelle) insists strongly upon the use of cold. As soon as the patient is placed in bed, compresses saturated in cold water are ap- plied to the abdomen, and folloAved in a feAV hours by ice inclosed in blad- ders. Injections of cold Avater are also administered, and the patient caused to SAvalloAV small fragments of ice. She is herself conscious, says M. Metz, of a degree of comfort, resulting from the action of the cold, Avhich is a sure guide to indicate the point to Avhich it is best to carry it. The final effect of the cold is the production of discomfort, and should the use of it be continued, an unfavorable reaction might result. Should the cold injections or SAvallowing of ice bring on diar- rhoea, thev must be stopped and replaced by enemata of starch and lauda- num. If, on the contrary, the injections do not soon produce stools, calomel or castor-oil ought to be administered. The use of cold has never seemed to interfere Avith the regular accom- plishment of the puerperal functions. M. Metz relates eight cases of his own, shoAving but one death. Five others, tAvo being furnished by Dr. Vossen, one by Dr. Kesselkaul, and two by Drs. Kilian and Gentz, also exhibit a favorable result. We have there- fore tAvelve cases of success out of thirteen operations. For our oavii part, Ave are quite in favor of adopting the plan of M. Metz, inasmuch as we have tAvice seen neAvly delivered ladies apply in spite of us, and without the least inconvenience, cold compresses upon the abdomen and 1038 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. breasts. We are not, therefore, alarmed for the consequences which, a priori, we should have feared from the continued action of cold, yet we are unable to think the results obtained by M. Metz as encouraging as he be- lieves them to be. Very probably the future will undeceive him sadly. Still, Ave have been impressed by the memoir of the Aix-la-Chapelle physi- cian, and do not hesitate to recommend a method Avhich gave him such results, convinced as we are that no serious objection applies to it. Several modifications of the operation have been proposed, all of which we think it useless to mention, inasmuch as the success attributed to them Avas, I believe, owing much more to the special conditions under which they were performed than to the more or less ingenious plans suggested by their authors. There is one, hoAvever, Avhich deserves mention, if only on account of the hopes which it at first awakened; it consists in performing the operation Avithout wounding the peritoneum, and is done by making an incision a little above Poupart's ligament and pushing up the peritoneum as for the ligation of the external iliac artery. Through the Avound thus made, the vagina is to be opened. If the incision of the peritoneum could be avoided, effusions of blood or of sanious or purulent matter in its cavity would not take place, and the patient be protected from the most efficient cause of death. This advantage is, unfortunately, so fully balanced by the difficul- ties of the operation, by the number of vessels wounded, and by the inflam- mations liable to folloAV the extensive separation of the peritoneum, that the method is noAV entirely abandoned. Vaginal Cozsarean Operation. — This name is applied to the incisions Avhich are sometimes made on the neck or other portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina. Having described the operation on page 698, Ave shall not repeat it here. § 2. Post-mortem Cesarean Operation. Whenever a physician is summoned to a pregnant Avoman soon after her death, he ought to perform it, after having carefully ascertained that the death is real; because the child's decease does not always precede that of the mother, and numerous instances are recorded Avhere living children have been extracted ten or fifteen minutes, and even half an hour, after the Avoman died. [M. Villeneuve (of Marseilles), in a paper published in 1862, reports a number of cases in which it was certain that the children had really survived. Thus four of them owed their lives to the performance of the operation immediately after the mothers had expired. Five others were extracted alive after remaining in the uterus from ten minutes to half an hour subsequent to the mother's death. After half an hour, the cases of success became very rare; but there Avere two after two hours had elapsed, one after two hours and a half, one after three hours, and one after four hours and a half. Although the operation is generally useless at a latei moment, it ought nevertheless to be performed; because some cases, whose authen ticity I cannot A-ouch for, would seem to prove that the child's life may remain intact for ten, fifteen, or even twenty-four hours. As it is the object of the Caesarean operation to save the child's life, it were use- less to undertake it before it becomes viable, that is to say, before the end of the CESAREAN OPERATION". 1039 sixth month. The only effect of an operation performed before this time would be the satisfaction of some religious sentiment. It ought to be done as soon as pos- sible, because a few minutes are generally sufficient to terminate the child's life. Very often, indeed, it succumbs before its mother, or at the same time with her; and the operator, after all his mental excitement, almost always finds his hopes fruitless. On this account, M. Depaul thinks that auscultation of the fcetal heart should precede a decision to perform the operation. If it still pulsates, proceed as rapidly as possible ; but if auscultation gives negative results, the operation Avould be useless, says the Professor, and ought to be abstained from. It is true, that by following this advice the post-mortem Caesarean operation Avould only be performed under very favorable circumstances ; but then precious time is lost in the necessary investigations, and the child may, in fact, be living although the pulsations of its heart are not perceived ; so that there is a danger of abstaining without being posi- tively certain that the child is dead. It were much better, therefore, to decide more quickly than to incur the risk of extracting only a dead body from the cavity of the womb. I would, however, except those cases in which the physician reaches the AAroman as she is about expiring, and discovers, first, the normal action of the foetal heart, and its cessation a few minutes later. Here, the stethoscope has really been witness to the death of the child, and I think the operation ought then to be withheld. Before operating, the physician should, by every possible means, assure himself that the woman is really dead; inasmuch as some cases haA'e shown that this may be only apparent. It is always, therefore, a duty to make the incision of the abdom- inal and uterine walls Avith the same care as during life, and to empty the bladder beforehand. An assistant ought also to apply his hands upon the walls of the abdo- men in order to press back the intestines and prevent their exit; without this pre- caution the operation would almost certainly be impeded by the annoyance they would give to the surgeon.] Forcible Delivery post mortem. — Should the female die during parturition, he ought to examine the condition of the genital organs immediately; for notAvithstanding the fact that the labor may have but recently commenced, these parts, from their diminished resistance after death, have occasionally permitted the delivery of the fcetus to be effected by the version or the for- ceps. In fact, this latter operation would be positively indicated if the child's head were Ioav doAvn in the excavation; because, in' such cases, its extraction by the Caesarean section would be rendered extremely difficult, if not impossible; for numerous recorded instances have fully tested the inefficiency of tractions made on the foetal trunk through the abdominal incision. [Some cases, within a few years past, have even shown that in the case of a pregnant Avoman deceased before labor commences, the cervix may be forcibly dilated, the hand passed into the womb, and the child turned and delivered. The fact is, that after death the muscular fibres relax, and what would have been im- possible Avith a living Avoman becomes practicable on the dead body; still, this method can be expected to succeed in exceptional cases only, and even then through the use of much force and the loss of time. Notwithstanding the undoubted advantage, says M. Perrin, which this mode of delivery possesses as respects the woman, and although exempt from the inconven iences inseparatle from the Oaesaroan operation, the two modes of effecting deliA'ery admit of no comparison as regards the great object in view, the rescue of the child, whose life is compromised and about passing away in its mother's womb. The Oiesarean operation enjoys, doubtless, considerable preeminence by the facility and 1040 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. promptness of its execution, and because it spares the child, which does not incul from it the slightest risk; whilst in forcible delivery, the manipulation required U prepare the genital passages involves a loss of precious time, and the force applied to the child either by version or by the compression and traction of the forceps, may either actually kill it or extinguish the spark of life which remains. (Perrin. Report published in 1864.) ] CHAPTER X. OF EMBRYOTOMY. This name is applied to the operation by which the parts of the child are divided so as to admit of their successive extraction, Avhen it is impossible to terminate the delivery in any other Avay. In some cases it consists of simple punctures or incisions made on the head, chest, or abdomen, with a vieAV of diminishing its size, Avhile in others the body of the child is divided into several parts. It Avas elsewhere stated that, whenever a considerable quantity of Avater had accumulated in the head, chest, or belly, the fluid could easily be evacu- ated by a simple puncture Avith a straight bistoury, or still better by a trocar; and, therefore, Ave need not recur to the subject. (See Hydroce- phalus.) Embryotomy is indicated Avhenever there is any insurmountable obstacle to the spontaneous expulsion of the child, and where an application of the forceps proves insufficient to effect the delivery ; always supposing that the foetus is dead, or there are good reasons for believing that its viability is destroyed by the length of the labor. This operation is resorted to in England much oftener than in France; for most of the accoucheurs of that country proscribe the Caesarean section and symphyseotomy, except in cases of absolute necessity, but they do not hesitate to mutilate the infant, even Avhen it is still living; and the reader will have seen, from the foregoing chapters, that we fully embrace the same opinion. [Embryotomy is not of recent addition to the obstetric art, for several passages exist in Hippocrates relating to it; but the process is undergoing constant improve- ment, and gradually assuming the character of a well-defined surgical operation. Embryotomy is performed in several ways, according to circumstances ; sometimes being limited to simple perforation of the cranium, to which operation the name craniotomy is specially applied ; sometimes the head is crushed by means of the cephalotribe, and the process is called cephalotripsy; finally, division of the neck, or of some portion of the trunk, may have to be performed. We shall, therefore, give an account, in three successive articles, of: 1st, Craniotomy; 2d, Cephalo- tripsy ; 3d, Embryotomy by section of the neck or of the trunk of the child. ARTICLE I. CRANIOTOMY. Under the name of craniotomy have often been classed all operations of embry- otomy which are performed upon the head of the child; we prefer, hoAvever, to reserve this name for the simple perforation of the cranium, and shall, therefore. use it in this limited sense. EMBRYOTOMY. 1041 Numerous instruments have been invented for the perforation of the cranium, but we shall describe only those which are best adapted to the purpose, and which are the most generally employed. In the first place, however, we would mention Fio. 149. Fig. 150. FW. 151. Mode of introducing and using Smellie's scissors. the simple bistoury, which is in every surgeon's hands, at the same time remarking that it can rarely be used except when the head is very low down and the fonta- nelles and sutures are easily accessible. Its point Avould be almost sure to break upon the first attempt to penetrate the bone with it, and it would be very difficult to manage at the superior strait. A common knife may, indeed, be substituted for the bistoury, but it would still be a very imperfect instrument, and every one knows how acrimoniously Sacombe accused Baudelocque of having used it. The sharp point concealed in the end of one of the handles of the forceps1 would ansAver the purpose better, and in the absence of a special instrument may even be found very serviceable. Mauriceau sometimes used a hooked knife, with which he incised the head for the purpose of allowing the cerebral matter to escape, and sometimes an instrument shaped like a pike head, which was the original model of our best modern perfo- rators. Dunes' terebellum is a sort of conical screw, with a deep thread sharpened at the edge, excepting the largest turn, which is left b^unt, in order to protect the mother's parts. The inventor claims for it the double office of a perforator and a traction instrument by which the head may be draAvn down.] The instrument generally used is that known as Smellie's scissors, Avhich is veryr strong, and has its cutting edges externally; and, being terminated by a sharp point, is admirably calculated for penetrating through the osseous vault; Avhen, by opening the handles, the original orifice is easily enlarged. M. Hippolyte Blot has latterly had a perforator constructed by M. Char- riere, Avhich, I think, is destined to supersede Smellie's scissors, generally made use of hitherto. It possesses all the advantages of the latter Avithout its inconveniences 1 Some of the French forceps are so constructed. (S^e article Forceps.'—Translator. 66 1042 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. This craniotome is composed of two blades, which cover each other, so that Avhen the instrument is closed, the blunt edge of one extends slightly beyond the cutting edge of the other, and reciprocally. (Fig. 152.) Each free surface bears at its extremity A, a projection, which gives to the point of the instrument a quadrangular form (these projections are bor- rowed from the perforator of M. Marchand, of Charenton); a screAV fixed on the internal surface of the movable branch d, enters a notch in the oppo- site branch, and limits its motion in one direction, whilst the spring c, limits it in the opposite one. The tAvo branches are articulated in a manner peculiar to M Charriere (& tenon), and they are to be opened when the cranium has been penetrated. Figs. 152 and 153. Fio. 154. Fig. 152. Cephalotome closed. Fig. 154. Cephalotorue incising the cranium. Fig. 153. Cephalotome opened. Before withdrawing the craniotome, it is allowed to close itself, after which its extraction from the genital parts is unattended Avith danger either to the vaginal'mucous membrane, or to the fingers of the operator. The principal advantages of this instrument may be summed up as follows: 1. Great solidity and simplicity. 2. Introductioi and withdrawal entirely safe, rendering it capable of being used by the least sxperiencer1 operators. EMBRYOTOMY. 1043 3. Capability of acting by pressure, and that with a single hand, the other remaining at liberty to guide the instrument, keep it in its place, and know what becomes of it during the operation. 4. PoAver of perforating the bones with the least effort, and, consequently, with the least chance of slipping. 5. It is easily dismounted and cleaned. 6. Finally, simplicity of structure, rendering it a cheaper instrument than Smellie's scissors, provided Avith their sheath. [The instrument commonly used in Germany for perforating the head, resembles a trephine whose croAvn is concealed in a tube which serves as a sheath. Kilian's perforator is a good specimen of this kind of trephine. The instrument is applied to the head of the child and held there firmly, whilst the revolution of the trepan carries it through the scalp and skull, a circular piece of which is removed. The resulting Avound has the advantage of being regular, circular, free from spiculao which might wound the vagina, and so open as to allow the cerebral matter to escape freely. The construction of the instrument is, however, complicated and its application difficult. We prefer Blot's perforator to all others, and shall have it chiefly in view whilst describing the operation for piercing the cranium. After the woman is put in a convenient position, the operator introduces the fore and middle fingers of the left hand into the vagina, and passes them far through the uterine orifice, until they reach the head of the child, Avhere he holds them as firmly as possible. The right hand then grasps the instrument by its handle, and slips the point along the fingers of the left hand, which serves as a guide, to the head of the child (Fig. 154). It is advised that a suture be sought for, or, preferably, a fontanelle, Avhich would be more easily traversed than a bony plate ; but, in most cases, it is not easy to follow the recommendation. On the other hand, the greatest care should be taken to apply the instrument directly to the child's head, and not to perforate the. circumference of the mouth of the womb. The scalp offers very little resistance, though it should be borne in mind that it is often quite thick when an oedematous swelling happens to be hit upon. As soon as the point of the perforator comes in contact with the bones of the skull, it is to be rotated on its axis, at the same time making strong pressure through the handle, Avhen, shortly, the sensation of resistance overcome, informs the operator that the instrument has passed through the bone. Craniotomy is sometimes difficult on account of the mobility of the head, which recedes before the instrument. When this is the case, an assistant ought to make strong pressure Avith his hands on the hypogastric region, in order to fix the head upon the superior strait. It is important also to be aware that an inadvertent moA'ement may cause the instrument to slip and wound the mother's parts. To aA-oid this slipping, the perforator ought to be guided as far as possible in the direc- tion of the axis of the superior strait, perpendicularly to the part of the head to be opened, and, preferably, too far forward to too far behind. The handle is to be held firmly by the right hand, whilst the point, carefully supported by the tAvo fingers of the left hand, is prevented from swerving in any direction, and from sliding betAA'een the scalp and the bones of the head. It could only be through singular and culpable negligence that the sacro-vertebral angle should be mistaken for the head, and the perforator be implanted upon it. Without anticipating an error of this kind, it would be well to effect the perforation at a point rather near to the pubis, inasmuch as, when the instrument is passed too far back, the point reaches the bones in an oblique direction, and slips more readily. When th? point of tlie perforator is within the cranium, the entire point of the lance is pushed in boldly ; then the movable handle is to be depressed in order to 1044 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. separate the blades, which are next to be moved in every direct /on, so as to treak up the brain throughout. This act facilitates the issue of the cerebral matter, and by destroying the fcetus instantaneously, spares the accoucheur the harrowing spectacle of a mutilated child still breathing at its birth. In order to withdraw the instrument, the two blades are allowed to come together, and the lance-shaped head soon re-enters the opening which it made. If it be thought desirable to enlarge this opening, the movable handle is now again to be depressed, when the edge will cut widely through both the bone and the scalp. We ought to say, however, that it is rarely necessary to do this, and that almost always the instrument is withdraAvn without enlarging the original puncture. The abstraction of the instrument is immediately followed by a discharge of blood and cerebral matter. It is more difficult to perforate the cranium when the face presents, but the same rules are to be followed as in the preceding case ; being careful, however, not to engage the perforator in the bones of the face, where it might get involved Avithout reaching the cavity of the skull. When possible, the instrument should be passed through the forehead or directed into the orbit, which serves as a sure guide. If the lower part of the face only were accessible, and the mouth open, the palatine arch might be traversed and the cranium entered behind the nasal fossae, as I once saw done by Professor Dubois. Lastly, in breech presentations, when the trunk is disengaged and the head retained by a contracted pelvis, perforation may be indi- cated ; to accomplish which, it is usual to apply the instrument to the occiput or to one of the parietal bones. Craniotomy has the advantage over almost all the other operations, of being practicable when the mouth of the womb is not fully dilated, for it may be under- taken when opened just sufficiently to allow the instrument to pass. Under these circumstances it would be impossible to apply the forceps or the cephalotribe. The advantage is here invaluable ; for it is well known that, in cases of deformed pelvis, the orifice often dilates very slowly indeed. As a single operation, craniotomy has much to recommend it. It allows the discharge of cerebral matter; the cranium, being emptied under the uterine con- traction, is lessened in size and flattened, so that it sometimes passes the contracted part without requiring any further intervention. To facilitate the accomplishment of this result, after the perforation is made, water may be injected into the cavity of the skull, bringing aAvay in its reflux the greater part of the cerebral sub- stance. Although this injection was very customary formerly, it is now rarely done, because we have at hand powerful mechanical means of crushing the head, should that be deemed necessary. Craniotomy is an extremely useful operation ; of itself, it fulfils all the indications in a certain number of cases, provided we are willing to Avait patiently until the head is emptied and moulded to the form of the contracted part. Often, however, it is, alone, insufficient, because the reduction of size of the cephalic extremity affects, for the most part, the vault of the cranium only; leaving its base, which is more thoroughly ossified and thicker, with its normal dimensions. AVe would also add, that the expulsion of the fcetus can be accomplished only Avhen the con- tractions are powerful, and then after a long time. Under these circumstances, therefore, it often becomes necessary to extract the head, for which purpose the whole array of crotchets, tractors, and bone forceps have been devised. Of all these latter instruments, the most dangerous was the crotchet, and its use has been very properly abandoned. It was sometimes fixed upon the external parts of the cranium, and sometimes carried within it through the opening made by the perforator. Its point was then directed to the part upon which it was desired to fix it, getting as near as possible to the base of the skull; the occipital bone, mas- toid processes, the sphenoid and petrous portion of the temporal, giving it a suff.- EMBRYOTOMY. 1045 ciently scare hold. Being satisfied that it was firmly attached, tractions were made in the direction of the pelvic axis ; but notwithstanding every precaution, and the skill of the operator, the instrument would often slip and Avound severely the maternal organs. It ought now, therefore, to be entirely laid aside. Tractors and bone forceps are advantageously substituted by the cephalotribe, so that when craniotomy has been performed, cephalotripsy is had recourse to in the majority of cases, provided the mouth of the womb is sufficiently dilated to allow the operation to be performed. ARTICLE II. CEPHALOTRIPSY. Cephalotripsy, also called cephalothalsia, is an operation having for its object the crushing of the head of the foetus, in order to render it possible to extract it. Not- withstanding some scattered passages which show that the idea of crushing the fcetal head had been entertained long since, the operation is of recent date. The conception could indeed hardly have been realized until after the forceps had been invented, because by making the blades of this instrument stronger and closing ita handles with power, the head may be reduced in size and even partly crushed; in fact, the forceps of Coutouly, Assalini, Delepech, and Lauverjat acted in this way. Nevertheless the forceps, even Avhen its handles were approximated by means of a screw, could be nothing more than a very imperfect crushing instrument. It was necessary, therefore, to contrive a special apparatus for the purpose, and this was done by A. Baudelocque, nephew of the celebrated accoucheur of the same name. He gave the first account of his instrument in 1829 and used it Bhortly afterwards successfully in the case of a woman whose pelvis Avas contracted to three inches in its antero-posterior diameter.] The honor of its invention, notwithstanding several rival claims, is due to M. A. Baudelocque. It is composed of tAvo long branches, the blades of Fio. 155. Fia. 156. The ombryi tomy or cephalotribe forceps. comparison of these two figures will furnish an idea of the amount of separation obtained at the boat of the blades (Fig. 156), by means of the regulating screw. 1046 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. which are devoid of fenestra, and, besides, are far less curved than those of the ordinary forceps, so that, when closed, they can pass through a diameter not exceeding two inches. The two branches articulate with each other near the middle, and Avhen they are joined, the blades can be tightened at pleasure, by means of a screw passing through the ends of the handles, and worked by a powerful lever. Even as it is now constructed, Baudelocque's embryotomy forceps is certainly a very useful instrument; but as I have elseAvhere proved (Revue Medicate, May, 1843), it presents some disadvantages Avhich render its ap- plication difficult and often even dangerous. For instance: 1. It is too straight to accommodate itself to the curvature of the pelvis, and it is therefore applied Avith difficulty to the sides of the head. 2. As the clams are nearly plane, they open like a pair of scissors, and do not incase the head, as the concave blades of the ordinary forceps do; consequently, they are liable to slip, and thus give rise to serious accidents. 3. Tractions made by it are very often ineffectual, even when Avell applied to the head; because it ne- cessarily draws in a direction different from the axis of the superior strait, OAving to the absence of curvatures in the edges of its blades. As the difficulties and dangers attending its use are not imaginary, I have endeavored to prevent them, by suggesting a modification in the em- bryotomy forceps generally employed, although Avell convinced that the failure of an operation is very frequently more dependent on the operator himself than on his instrument. With this vieAV, I had an instrument made by M. Charriere, which differs in two important particulars from those hitherto constructed, and which seems to obviate the various disadvantages I have just enumerated. We stated above that the absence of curvature in the edges interfered very seriously with the seizure of the head, which is found more anteriorly than in well-formed pelves, both in consequence of the pelvic contracti u Fig. 157. The embryotomy forceps applied and locked. and its own elevation; hence, Ave have given a curvature to our forceps slightly exceeding that of Levret's. This, however/did not require a great effort of the imagination, for we have only impressed the same modification EMBRYOTOMY. 1017 of the embryotomy forceps that Smellie and Levret long since gave to the one invented by the Chamberlens. This curvature is intended to fulfil the indication of accommodating the shape of the instrument to that of the curved canal it has to traverse. The slipping of the head during the tractions is principally OAving to the fact, as averred above, that the blades, from being nearly plane on their internal surface, do not properly embrace this part, and that, opening like a pair of scissors, their yvidest separation is found at the points. Here the difficulty yvas considerably greater, because the internal surface of the clams could not be hollowed out without greatly increasing the interval at their middle part, and, consequently, Avithout rendering the instrument in- applicable to a host of cases where Baudelocque's might be successfully used. After mature reflection, we propose the folloAving as its second and most important modification: namely, to make a much Avider entablature at the joint; while, in other respects, the length and Avidth of our forceps correspond Avith Baudelocque's. This increased Avidth at the articular part permits the base of the blades to be removed from each other laterally by means of a regulating screAV, that can be turned at will; the point of which, by Avorking on the pivot, will permit a greater separation at the base than at the points of the blades. Hence, it is evident that Avhen the head is once embraced by the instrument, it cannot slip from the extremity of the clams during the tractions, because the interval is much less here than at the base or even than at their middle part. In a word, the embryotomy forceps hitherto employed resembles a cone Avhen half opened, the base of Avhich is at the points of the blades, and the apex at the articulation; but ours, on the contrary, may, under the same conditions, be compared to a cone having its base at the articular part, and its summit at the extremity of the blades. [The handle at the end of Baudelocque's cephalotribe was powerful but awkward, besides requiring considerable time for the screwing up and unscrewing ; some- times, also, it struck against the limbs of the patient, so that on all these accounts it became desirable to substitute some better arrangement for it. In M. Chailly's instrument, the handle was replaced by a strap which wound around a metallic axle. Beside this improvement, its edges were sufficiently curved to correspond to the axis of the pelvis. In order to preA'ent slipping, the ends of the blades were bent in such a way that one overlapped the other, the included part being thus grasped in a manner which makes escape impossible. Prof. Depaul's cephalotribe has at the ends of the blades two hooks, projecting slightly from the internal surface, which implant themselves in the head Avhen the instrument is closed, and thus render slipping difficult. Instead of the crank for closing the blades, there is a Vaucanson chain stretched transversely from one handle to the other, which is put in motion by a key and pinion. The branches are kept together by means of a ratchet. The manner of Avorking it is very simple: the instrument being applied, the chain is passed through the opening in the end of each handle ; then the key is applied and turned until the blades are sufficiently approximated, after Avhich the extraction is proceeded Avith. To detach the instru- ment, it is only necessary to raise the ratchet, when the chain instantly becomes free, and is removed very quickly. M. 11. Blot invented an instrument whose branches are brought together by means of a removable screw which may be attached at will on the end of the left 1048 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. handle, and then pushed through a bifurcation of the right handle. Tht handles are then approximated by a nut which traverses the screw. In Locarelli's cephalotribe the handles are brought together by a screw which passes freely through an opening at the end of the right handle, and then enters a nut made in halves and hinged, placed at the end of the left handle. When it is wished to disconnect the instrument, the hinged nut is opened and the i?crew is immediately free. This instrument allows the two branches to be brought together and separated more rapidly than any other. The right branch of Locarelli's cephalotribe is, besides, very slightly curved, to allow of its application behind the pubis, the other branch being applied behind. The head of the child is thus com- pressed from before backward in the direction of the antero-posterior diameter, which is almost always contracted. The cephalotribes most used in Germany are those of Hiiter, Scanzoni, and Braun, whose chief peculiarity consists in the effecting of the compression by means of an endless screw between the branches of the instrument and parallel to it. The handles are embraced by a metallic ring, as may be seen on certain pin- cers used by mechanics, and the screw, by moving the ring up or down, separates or closes the handles as desired. It is not our intention to treat here of every case to which cephalotripsy is appli- cable, whether the necessity for it depends upon the mother or upon the child; but we shall undertake to examine the consequences of the application of the cephalo- tribe upon the head of the fcetus. As a compressing and crushing instrument, the cephalotribe possesses considerable power ; and there can be no doubt that the head is broken up by it with great ease, regardless of the direction in wrhich it is seized; but whilst it is flattened in the direction of one of its diameters, the others are sen- sibly lengthened, which is a fact Avorthy of attention. The experiments of Ilersent, who wrote a very interesting paper on this subject, show that all the diameters except the one included between the blades of the forceps are lengthened, on an average, about seven sixteenths of an inch, Avhen the cephalotribe is applied, with- out the previous performance of craniotomy. In a second set of experiments the cephalotribe Avas used after opening the cranium, Avhen the same increase of all the other diameters than the one seized was again observed ; but in the latter case, the increase, instead of being seA'en sixteenths of an inch, did not average more than from one sixteenth to three sixteenths of an inch. These experiments will not be lost sight of when we come to consider whether it will be worth while or not first to perform craniotomy Avhen the use of the cephalotribe is decided upon. The crushing of the vault of the cranium only would not be sufficient in many cases of extremely contracted pelvis, and amongst the various objections made to cephalotripsy it has been questioned whether the base of the skull was ever really broken up by that operation. It is evident that the effects will vary according to the manner in which the head is seized, but Ave are able to assert that the base of the skull is often really broken up. There can be no doubt that this was the case with two heads upon Avhich we ourselves performed the operation, and which are now in the obstetrical museum founded by Prof. Depaul at the hospital of the Clinique. We would add, that on more than one occasion we crushed not only the base of the skull, but even several of the first cervical vertebrae. The compression and crushing of the head, although considerable, still haA'e limits which it is well to be acquainted with before undertaking the operation. It is well known that deformities of the pelvis, in consequence of the absolute impedi- ment which they present to the expulsion of the foetus, afford the most positive as well as the most frequent indication for the performance of cephalotripsy; but it ou°"ht to be equally well known that beyond a certain point the contraction of the pelvis' itself makes the operation difficult, or may even render it impossible. The foregoing considerations are the Tore opportune as the advantages and innoeency EMBRYOTOMY. 1049 of the cephalotribe f »rceps have been generally overrated in the acceptaLce of the inventor's claim that it might always be efficiently and easily applied, provided the sacro-pubic diameter would measure more than one inch and eleA'en-sixteenths of an inch in length. Hersent, on the other hand, as the result of his experiments on the dead body, fixed the extreme limit at two and a half inches, and Avhen the con- traction was greater than this, did not believe that cephalotripsy could be per- formed successfully unless the child was very imperfectly developed. Experience has proved this idea to be erroneous, and most accoucheurs unite in the belief that unless the child be very large, success may be looked for in a pelvis which mea- sures no more than two inches in its antero posterior diameter. Still it should be well understood that a contraction so great as this renders the manipulation of the instrument very troublesome, whilst the operation is long and difficult and the risk to the patient very great. Ought it therefore to be decided that under two inches cephalotripsy is so serious an undertaking that the Csesarean operation should be preferred to it? Prof. Pajot protested against this opinion, and, undeterred by the difficulties, declares in a paper published in the Archives Generates de Medecine, that he considers cephalotripsy as proper not only in a pelvis of two inches, but even in one of one inch and one-eighth of an inch, and admits of no limit save that which renders impossible the introduction of the instrument. But we ought to add that a favorable result under these circumstances would be impossible Avere it expected to extract the head betAveen the blades of the forceps; M. Pajot, therefore, after crushing the skull, unlocks the instrument and withdraws the branches separately without making any traction, leaving it to the uterus to mould the head upon the contracted part and effect its expulsion. M. Jacquemier had already examined this side of the question when he Avrote as follows : " The agency of the cephalotribe forceps is rather one of compression than of extraction. In many cases, it is capable of crushing the head when it Avill be incapable of dragging it through the contraction. Still, under the latter circum- stances it may prove of great service, and either attain or powerfully concur to the attainment of the end proposed. For when the instrument is withdraAvn, the head is really supple, plastic, entirely reducible in every direction^ which is a condition completely at variance with that which it has when still retained within the jaAvs of the closed instrument, a fact to Avhich sufficient attention has not been paid. If left to the expulsive efforts of the Avomb, it may still be able to pass the obstacle after becoming moulded to the form of the pelvis ; extended where the latter is larger, and flattened where it affords the least space." The cephalotribe maybe applied at once upon the head without previous perfora- tion. The head is then crushed, and the cerebral matter is forced from the cavity of the cranium under the scalp, when the latter remains intact, or escapes altogether when it happens to tear. At other times the brain finds exit through the orbits, the nostrils, or the mouth. Baudelocque thought this kind of evacuation was all that Avas necessary, and even regarded the preservation of the integrity of the scalp as one of the advantages of his method. What we have said of Hersent's experi- ments shows that the reduction of the size of the head is greater Avhen the cranium is perforated before the crushing; therefore craniotomy is noAV almost always per formed before using the cephalotribe; and as it is certainly the preferable course, we do not hesitate to advise it. It is true that it has been charged with favor- ing the formation and projection of splinters of bone, Avhose points are liable to lacerate the maternal tissues ; but are not these splinters as liable to be formed when the head is crushed without previous perforation? We have already wit- nessed a great number of cephalotripsies, and observed how very rarely this incon- venience occiirre 1. The matter has made an undue impression, and the argument draAvn from the .production of spiculas seems to us far more availing in theory than itf practice, The fact is, that the wound made by the perforator is almost 1050 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIOl "S. always included between the blades of the instrument, which shield the vagina whose walls they keep apart; so that if projecting points of bone were detected, nothing Avould be more easy than to remove them, either with the hand or strong pincers, before making any attempt at extraction. Therefore, except under peculiar circumstances, the cranium should be perforated, after which cephalotripsy should be performed under the same conditions and with the same preparations as required by an application of the common forceps at the superior strait. The rules which should guide the surgeon in the introduction of the cephalotribe are precisely those prescribed for the forceps; therefore, the in- strument should be warmed, greased, and each branch held and introduced like a branch of the forceps, in order to be placed on the sides of the superior strait with- out regard to the direction in which the head will be seized. In this application, however, difficulties must be expected to be met with, due to the faulty conforma- tion of the pelvis ; the blades are liable to be turned aside and are sometimes twisted around so as to bring the concave surface outside. Very often, long con- tinued trials are required before they can be placed regularly in position. No force ought ever to be used, for, as the instrument is heavy and its end quite narrow, though rounded, the uterus might easily be torn by any sudden movement. The first branch is generally pretty easily applied; there is more trouble in finding a passage for the second, and it is sometimes necessary to Avithdraw the first branch, and invert the order of introduction. When the head is firmly pressed down upon the superior strait, a free space should be sought for through which to slip the end of the instrument. Generally, however, the head is movable and recedes before the blades, which fail to grasp it unless care be taken to hold the head motionless by an assistant, who does so by making strong pressure with his hands on the hypo- gastric region. At other times, the permanent contraction of the uterus upon the head occasions another kind of difficulty. To overcome them all, the best plan is to introduce as far as possible the hand which serves to guide the blade, and then, in order to avoid unnecessary suffering to the woman, the second blade can be slid along the same hand. This was Hatin's plan and is recommended by Chailly; we think it a good one in some cases, although we would not make it an ordinary rule. The very first thing to be done is to grasp the head firmly and to crush its base if possible ; but to effect this the instrument must be made to enter very deeply, lest a. portion only of the head be seized and the crushing be imperfect. Almost all authors recommend, besides, that the handles of the cephalotribe be pressed very far back against the perineum, in order that the blades shall have a forward direction, because, as is well known, in deformed pelves the sacro-vertebral angle projects and presses the head toward and against the pubis. This counsel ought not, in my opinion, to be too strongly urged, for I think I have observed that Avhen too closely followed, the vault only of the cranium has been crushed. I explain this failure by supposing that in most strongly marked cases of contracted pelvis the fcetus is often doubled up in such a way that the craniai vault corresponds with the anterior abdominal wall, whilst the base and neck look backward toAvard the sacro-vertebral angle. ' Therefore, in practising cephalotripsy, after having passed the blades in very deeply, I have no objection to their remaining near the promontory ; in so doing I have often succeeded in crushing the base of the skull and first cervical vertebrae at the very first attempt. Still, it were not -easonable to lay down posi- tive rul3« in regard to this point, because the foetus is ot always similarly situated in reference to the circumference of the pelvis. The cephalotribe is locked in the same way as the Creeps, and the same difficul- ties in doing it are liable to be met Avith. The crushing is next proceeded with by turning the handle, chain, strap, or screw, by which the arms of the instrument are brought together. This stage of the operation ought to be executed slowly and gradually, in order to force out +he cerebral matter, without lacerating the scalp, EMBRYOTOMY. 1051 and causing the projection of spiculae of bone through the points of ruptaie. The operator knows that the head has been well seized and emptied of its contents as far as possible, by observing the free discharge of brain externally. The degree of approximation of the handles also indicates the amount, of flattening of the skull, and he often hears, or Avhat is still more significant, feels, the crepitation Avhich declares the crushing of the bones. Difficulty is liable to occur from the mobility of the head, which evades the instrument by rising above it or escaping before or behind the blades. The head, unfortunately, slips easily from the grasp of the instrument on account of the narroAvness of its blades and their being so slightly curved upon the flat; on this account, M. Chailly recommends that after perfora- tion the excerebration be performed by a forceps which fits better the rounded form of the head than the cephalotribe; the latter instrument being only used upon an already flattened head. The plan, however, is objectionable on account.of the greater number of manipulations required. When the head is grasped at last, the cephalotribe is to be closed as far as possible before proceeding to extraction; slipping is indicated by the great facility with Avhich the handles can be brought together or the instrument withdrawn ; in AA'hich case there is nothing to be done but to make a new attempt after changing the direction of the blades. When the head is crushed, which will be knoAvn by the degree of closure of the handles, which ought to be almost in contact, the state of the parts ought to be carefully ascertained, and if any spiculoe project remove them. A few tractions will next show whether the head is securely held, and if so, the delivery will be proceeded with by drawing gently. Here it must be remembered, that although the head is flattened between the two blades, its other diameters are lengthened; and as the cephalotribe is almost always applied to the two extremities of the transverse diameter, the elongation 'takes place from before backAvard, that is, from the pubis to the sacro-vertebral angle, making it almost impossible to bring the head down into the pelvis without changing its position. To do this, the in- strument is gently turned round far enough to bring the lengthened diameter of the head into correspondence with the oblique diameter of the pelvis ; but it would be better still to turn it further until it has gone one-fourth around upon its axis, since in this position the flattened part of the head corresponds Avith the sacro-pubic diameter, which is almost always short, and the lengthened diameter to the trans- verse one of the pelvis, which is generally wide enough to allow it to pass without difficulty. In the majority of cases, moderate tractions only are required to bring the head into the excavation. It ought then to be again turned, so as to bring its long diameter in an antero-posterior direction, and the two blades are drawn out in correspondence Avith the tAvo ischio-pubic rami. Should difficulty be encountered, a feAV trials will soon indicate the best direction to be given them. If the head is very firmly grasped, its size lessens during the tractions, and it moulds itself, so to speak, upon the shape of the contracted part; but, unfortu- nately, the instrument is not ahvays well applied, or the stricture is considerable, so that in spite of the utmost care the cephalotribe loses its hold and slips upon the head. The tractions ought then to cease at once ; otherwise there would be danger of tearing the scalp, and the instrument should be unlocked and withdrawn. Under these circumstances the expulsion of the child might, it is true, be left to the efforts of nature, but we think it preferable to proceed at once to a second or even third application in order to crush the head completely. Therefore, the in- strument ought to be reintroduced Avith all the precautions which we have given. Still greater care, indeed, should be used ; the hand must be introduced very deeply in order to guide the blades, whose ends often come in contact Avith the inequalities of the head or foldings of the scalp produced by the first operation. It should be 1052 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. attempted, also, to seize the head in a new position in order to crush it, so to sptak, in every direction. The unfortunate tendency of the instrument to get into the groove which it made the first time, is one of the greatest difficulties to be contended with. These successive crushings followed by tractions, constitute the usual method of performing cephalotripsy as we have almost always seen it done by Prof. Dubois, and is the out preferred by M. Chailly and described by him in his book. It does not appear to us that moderate tractions, even though they may be kept up, are likely to be injurious; contusion of the parts being no more liable to occur than when the head is impelled by powerful contractions of the uterus. Spiculoa are not often formed, and if they should be, care will be taken to remove them. The plan of successive applications and tractions is, Ave think, a good one, and that which we prefer. But what is to be done when several applications of the instrument have failed. to remove the head? We think that it would be imprudent to repeat the attempts more than three or four times, and if unsuccessful, the woman should be allowed to rest for several hours. The operation, in fact, ought to be resumed as often as required, without being continued-too long at a time. Whilst the patient is rest- ing, the uterus contracts, the head adapts itself to the opening of the pelvis, and a subsequent attempt is often more successful than it would have been a few hours previously. This mode of proceeding was characteristic of M. Dubois' practice, and was, so to speak, the secret of his great success. Herein cephalotripsy is com- parable to lithotrity, successive operations being less dangerous than long-con- tinued efforts. Cephalotripsy, as just described, has become an every-day practice. M. Pajot asserts that it is a good one, and of undoubted service in cases of moderate con- traction ; but, says he, in extreme cases, such as range from two and five-eighths inches to an inch and one-eighth, the operation is unanimously conceded to be extremely dangerous; so much so that it may be said, with considerable justice, to be quite as hazardous to the mother as the Caesarean operation, and that without the compensation offered by the latter, of the possible and sometimes probable pre- serA'ation of the life of the child. Below two and five-eighths inches, M. Pajot thinks it dangerous to make traction, and would have the operation repeated Avith- out it. As in cases of extreme contraction it is impossible to deliver the fcetus without mutilating it, perforation will be performed as soon as possible, in order to favor the dilatation of the orifice, and the cephalotribe will be applied as soon as the dilatation is sufficient to allow it to be introduced. M. Pajot describes his method of performing the operation as follows:— " The first crushing having been executed with the necessary care, and the head being firmly held, I attempt, Avith great caution, to rotate the instrument so as to make the reduced dimensions of the head correspond Avith the contracted diameters of the pelvis. I try then very gently to turn it either to the right or left, as may be most easy, and if considerably resisted on either side, I abstain from any fur- ther effort. Formerly, I was more persevering, but experience has taught me that the Avomb almost universally succeeds, and often very shortly, in moulding the new form given to the head by crushing, to the shape of the canal, at the same time imparting to it the movement of rotation performed Avith such difficulty by tho instrument, the effect of the contraction of the womb upon the entire bulk of the fcetus being to turn it more certainly and Avith less danger than the cephalotrioe would do. When the head is crushed as much as it can be, I unscrew the instru- ment, unlock it, withdraw it gently, without having exercised the least traction, and immediately proceed to a second, and, if the case requires it, a third crushing without any traction. The woman is then put to bed, and a light broth prescribed for her. According to the state of the patient's pulse, the general appearance, her quiet or excitement, as also the weakness or strength of the contractions of th« EMBRYOTOMY. 1053 womb, I would repeat the crushing operation every two, three, or four hou -s. allow- ing two or three introductions of the instrument for each time. When called early, I have not yet had occasion to exceed four of the stages, whilst one or two have sometimes been sufficient. The head having been thus repeatedly crushed, the body generally presents difficulties which one or two crushings usually suffice to overcome. Such is the method which I have termed ' Repeated Cephalotripsy with- out Traction.'" Whatever plan be pursued, when the head has cleared the vulva, slight tractions are usually sufficient to effect the delivery of the trunk : the latter, however, some- times resists, and the crushed head affords a very insecure hold, so that it is often found useful to tie a fillet around the neck, and endeavor to bring doAvn the arms, as much for the purpose of lessening the size of the shoulders as with the object of using them for purposes of traction. When all these manipulations have failed, the cephalotribe is again inserted, in order to crush the chest, and it rarely hap- pens that one or two applications do not effect the desired result. The difficulty caused by the trunk, therefore, is rarely so great that it cannot be overcome; but in spite of all that can be done, it is sometimes impossible to ex- tract the head; and then the AA'omen either die undelivered, or are delivered by a resort to turning. These last facts are certainly worthy of meditation, and haA'e recently been commented on by my friend, Dr. Bertin, in his inaugural thesis, of which I have some knowledge. Dr. Bertin thinks that moderate tractions only ought to be made with the cephalotribe, and should the head not come down, he proposes to go after the feet and effect delivery by pelvic version. Under these circumstances, the latter operation has undoubted advantages, which are recapitu- lated as follows in the thesis Avhich I have mentioned: " When the head is once crushed, as it is possible to do by one or two applications, provided the blades of the instrument are properly placed, and especially passed high enough, all those dangers will be avoided Avhich result from the too frequent introduction of an iron instrument into organs which are congested and often in a state bordering on in- flammation. There is no cause for apprehending those disorders Avhich are liable to be caused by the contusion of soft parts pressed between the subjacent bony canal, and the debris of the skull, notAvithstanding the integuments which coA'er them. To extract the child, it is necessary to get a firm hold of the lower limbs, which may enable us to guide it more readily through the contracted pelvis, and bring its longer diameters into correspondence with the longer diameters of the maternal passage. Very poAverful tractions also may be made without risk, inas' much as the mother's parts are compressed only by the soft parts of the fcetus. The head, being no longer clasped by the blades of the instrument, is at liberty, through the imbrication of the bony fragments, to mould itself freely upon the canal to be traversed, and should the arms be raised, they will be situated alongside of a head which has been flattened and converted into a soft and movable pouch." I agree with Dr. Bertin, that pelvic version, resorted to after cephalotripsy, is destined to be of very great service; but, unfortunately, it can only be indicated in exceptional cases. Thus, it would be impracticable to perform it through a pelvis contracted to less than two inches (see Version), and even when the pelvis will allow the hand to pass readily, it is liable to be arrested by spasmodic 3on- traction of the Avomb. Ail that has been said concerning cephalotripsy in vertex presentations applies to presentations of the face, and we Avould only obser\-e that if it should seem diffi- cult to perform craniotomy with certainty, the cephalotribe should be applied with- out resorting to perforation. As regards cephalotripsy after the trunk has been delivered, Ave have already seen that presentation of the base of the skull does not preclude perforation, a^id it were hardly necessary to insist upon the rule to pass the blades beneath the trunk, as when the forceps are applied, for the simple rea- 1054 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. son that no one could possibly think of introducing them in front, unless the occi- put should be behind, and the chin in relation with the symphysis pubis. Cases of retained head after detachment of the body will be treated of in the following article (see page 1058), and we have nothing special to add in this place to what is there said on the subject. The ordinary rules of cephalotripsy will be sufficient to guide the operator, but it will be more necessary than ever to fix the head by depressing the walls of the abdomen. Numerous objections have been raised to the operation of cephalotripsy; thus, independently of the difficulties which attend it, and which we have pointed out, it is said that the length of time which it often demands, and the frequent manipu- lations, exhaust the women and render them liable to very severe inflammations, besides inflicting sometimes fatal traumatic lesions. It may be added, that some of the patients have recovered Avith A'esico-A'aginal fistulas. Can any better reply be made to these charges than that nobody denies the gravity of the operation, and to ask what better can be done ? Such as it is, cephalotripsy is often and unde- niably successful ; Hemming, one of its latest detractors, himself publishes sta- tistics which prove better than any argument, the. services which it is capable of rendering, viz.: that out'of 200 cases, there were 161 recoveries and 39 deaths. Dr. William Jones gives, in his excellent thesis, the following results collected by him in the hospital of the Clinique at Paris, during the years 1857, 1858, and 1859. In contractions of the pelvis above 3f inches, out of three cases' of cephalotripsy, one was fatal. From 3£ inches to Z\ inches, out of seven operations one fatal case. From 3£ inches to 2$- inches, six cases, all recovered. Below 2$- inches, eight cases, only three saved, and five deaths. We thus have a total of 24 operations, giving 7 fatal cases and 17 recoveries. It is impossible to overlook the gravity of cephalotripsy in contractions below 2| inches, inasmuch as for eight operations there were five deaths; whilst above 2$ inches, for sixteen operations, there were fourteen successful. Cranioclasm. — Notwithstanding the advantages of cephalotripsy, the operation has, thus far, met with little favor in England, without any apparent good reason for so decided a repugnance in a country where craniotomy is so generally recognized. Besides the real objections already mentioned, the cephalotribe Fig. 158. has been condemned on account of its considerable size, and its introduction into the genital parts made a subject of ridicule. This, however, being a poor argument, we hope that the preju- dice will soon disappear; in fact, we think that we find an evidence of concession in the instrument devised and described by Simpson, under the name of the Cranioclast. (Fig. 158.) The cranioclast, although much smaller than the cephalotribe, is, like it, intended to crush the bones of the head. It has two branches, which cross each other at the point of articulation; but the blades, instead of being curved, are almost straight; one of them, which we shall term the male blade, is solid and very thick, whilst the other, or female blade, is provided Avith an elongated fenestra which receives the male blade when the instrument is closed. A firm grasp is insured by the form of the wooden handles attached to it. Although a more complete instrument, the cranioclast re- sembles such bone forceps as those of Mesnard, Stein, Boer, and Davis. It is used as follows. Craniotomy having been performed, the female blade is passed between the head and the pelvis, and the male blade pushed into the.cranium through the perforation which was previously EMBRYOTOMY. 1055 made. After locking the instrument, enough force is applied to the handles to crush the part seized, and to disjoint the bones by a twisting motion. Repeated applications to different parts of the circumference of the cranium are almost always requisite. To effect extraction, direct traction is sometimes all that is required, whilst at others it is necessary to turn the cranioclast. several times upon its axis in order to roll the walls of the head, made soft and flexible by crushing, around the blades. Simpson claims for his instrument the following advantages : The cranial bones to which the blades are applied are made soft and flexible, so that the contractions of the womb are often sufficient to expel the head. No bony fragment capable of wounding the genital parts projects beyond the scalp, which remains uninjured and completely protects the mother's organs. The size of the head is so far les- sened as to become less difficult to extract than the trunk and shoulders. The crushing of the bones of the head always leaves sufficient hold for the instrument to preArent its slipping during extraction. Unfortunately, experiments upon the dead body, and operations attempted upon the living by others than Simpson, have not proved so satisfactory. In the first place, it is not easy to apply the instrument, because of the absence of a curvature corresponding to the axis of the pelvis, and it is so short that the locking has to be effected in the vagina if the head is rather high up ; now, under these circum- stances, it is far from easy to effect the locking. The crushing is, besides, very imperfectly performed ; although the bones are broken, they are rarely disconnected from their fellows, and still form with them a resisting structure; s'piculae of bone have also been known to perforate and project through the scalp. AVe shall extend our criticism; no farther, havingfcaid enough to show that the cephalotribe has the advantage as a crushing instrument, leaving the cranioclast far behind in the com- parison. We ought, however, to state that the latter instrument has really appeared to us to take a very firm hold of the bones of the head, a quality not to be despised when it is required to deliver a recently crushed head. In a certain operation rendered difficult by an extremely contracted pelvis, after having crushed the head in every direction, we Avere brought to a stand by the difficulty of extracting it, the cephalotribe having several times lost its hold. It became a question whether the expulsion should be left to the powers of nature, but before deciding to do so, the cranioclast was applied and the head delivered at the first attempt. The Saw Forceps. — After making trial of the cephalotribe, Van Huevel found fault with it because it lengthened all the diameters except the one situated between the blades. He therefore concluded that it Avould be very difficult for the head to engage if it were above the superior strait, and if locked in the pelvis, the elongation of the diameters could hardly fail to bruise the soft parts of the lesser pelvis. He denied the possibility of being always able to rotate the instrument so as to bring the lengthened diameter to correspond with the normal diameter of the pelvis, observing, also, that the head can never be crushed from before backward; that is to say, in the direction of the usually contracted diameter. We have already dis- posed of these objections, which, nevertheless, induced M. Van Huevel to invent his saAv forceps, which may be compared Avith the cephalotribe, although differing from it in its mode of action. AVith this new instrument he divides the head be- tween the blades of a forceps, so as to enable him to Avithdraw the pieces separately without violence. The least traction detaches them, and they neither bruise nor wound the genital parts. The saAv forceps is composed: 1. Of an ordinary forceps, each blade of which bears internally two tubes flattened in opposite directions, and soldered together, the side of one against the surface of the other, so that their horizontal sec- tion represents an overturned >-2. They are bent from without inward, like the forceps itself, but are set in a straight line from below upwards. The internal of 1056 OBSTETRICAL OJERATIONS. the tubes, placed lengthwise of the blades, incloses a strip of steel which conducts the saw; the external, which is directed across the instrument, lodges the prolonga- tion of the chain. They communicate by a large slit, Avhich divides the internal and external walls of the former throughout its length, and the internal side only of the latter. The forceps articulates by entablature, with a movable pivot; upon the base of the latter turns a. support perforated with a hole, in which is inserted a grooved key. 2. Of a clock chain, toothed as a saw in the middle of its length for the space ot eight and a half inches, and provided with transverse handles, one of which can hi unhooked. This chain passes through the upper opening of two steel strips, which are flexible above, and thicker and toothed below, and Avhich, by entering the inter- nal tubes, conduct the saw between the blades of the forceps. 3. Of a long key, with grooves and collar, like that of Heurteloup's instrument for crushing calculi, entering into the hole of the support upon the base of the articular pivot, and fitting into the teeth of the conducting strips. The extremity of the handle is split, and serves to turn the pivot of the forceps, as also for draw- ing out separately, with one of the two points, the strips from their sheaths. Setting aside technical details, Van Iluevel's instrument may be described as a forceps, each branch of which has on its inner face a gutter running from one end to the other, and of two strips of steel, both having an eye at one end through which a chain-saw passes (just like a thread Avith a needle at each end). After the forceps are applied, the two slips to Avhich the chain-saw is attached are pushed into their respective grooves. The saw is thus brought into contact with the head, and embraces it to a greater or less extent, according to the distance to which the steel slips are pushed in. Motion is given to thesf slips by means of a grooved key, which fits into the teeth with which the slips are provided. The mode of operating is described by Van Huevel as follows. The instrument should only be applied when the woman cannot be delivered either naturally, or with the assistance of the vectis, forceps, or by turning; the neck of the womb should also be dilated, and the membranes ruptured. Before operating, a bed should be prepared Avith a straw mattress, and a mattress folded double ; bolsters, pilloAVS, napkins, and bedclothes, make up'this part of the provision. The woman lies upon her back, Avith the hips brought down to the edge of the mattress ; the legs and thighs are flexed, and held apart by two aids, one on either side. The forceps are warmed slightly, and greased externally. Suppose the head presents, no matter in what position. The operator takes his place before the woman, and inserts first on the left side of the pelvis, the male branch, introducing it as far as possible into the uterus, and one of the assistants holds it, whilst the other is passed in on the right side. When the forceps is articulated, a few tractions are made, in order to be certain that the head is well seized. The surgeon gives the handles of the instrument to the assistant on his right, whilst he surrounds it Avith a ligature. Then immersing the ends of the con- ducting blades, armed with the saw, in oil, he introduces both of them into their respective sheaths until they touch the head of the foetus. He next passes the key beneath the left thigh of the patient, and engages the grooved end in the opening of the support; the assistant takes its handle in his right hand, and turns the key- slowly on its axis, whilst the operator puts the saw in motion. Care should he taken to prevent the chain from twisting, and, as far as possible, to make the trac- tions in the direction of the guiding tubes. Unless the key is turned very slowly, the saw will be arrested by pressing too strongly upon the bones of the head. Should this occur, the assistant must reverse the motion of the key slightly, and afterward continue the manoeuvre until the operation is completed. When the section is finished, the key is taken out, and the handle of the chain unhooked, that it may be withdrawn ; the conducting blades are also removed, and, Dually, the branches of the instrument itself, after their disarticulation. EMBRYOTOMY. 1057 At this stage of the operation, if the woman is not exhausted, and expulsive pains make their appearance, the rest is left to nature, being careful to ascertain the dis- position of the segments by the touch. A part of the brain escapes, the sawn edges override each other, the two portions of the cranium, especially the posterior one, become flattened, in consequence of their being traversed by flexible sutures, and the foetus is eventually expelled. AVhen, on the contrary, the woman's strength is exhausted, the detached portion of the head is seized Avith the abortion forceps or a pair of pincers, and therewith extracted. Should it happen that, in consequence of the blades of the forceps not having been introduced far enough into the pelvis, the division was not thoroughly effected, the adhesions should be broken up by means of tAvisting and other motions communicated by the pincers ; as soon as the segment is detached, both it and the remaining parts will pass without difficulty. However, should any trouble be experienced in extracting the fragments, there is no reason why another section, different from the first, should not be made, by giving another direction to the forceps. The already divided cranium can be depressed Avithout difficulty, and therefore cannot prevent the diagonal application of the branches. This second operation leaves the skull divided into four unequal portions capable of being compressed in any direction, and extracted without difficulty. It is not, however, always necessary to unlock the instrument in order to with- draAV it, for after the head is saAvn through, it is sometimes only necessary to make a few tractions Avith the instrument to cause a completely detached segment of the head to be delivered ; occasionally, also, the entire head is withdrawn. If the resist- ance be greater, the instrument must be unlocked as mentioned. The saw-forceps, though very often used in Belgium, has been rarely tried in France, and even then has failed in skilful hands. Dr. Verrier, however, defends it in his inaugural thesis, in which, after mentioning twenty-nine of Van Iluevel'a cases, twenty-three of which were successful, he reports fifteen cases derived from Drs. Simon, Marinus, and AVasseige. Eleven of the fifteen were entirely successful, two died in consequence of lesions existing previous to the entrance of the patients into the hospital, and two from peritonitis occasioned by the long duration of the labor. It is plain that these facts prove the saAAr-forceps to be a good instrument and comparable with the cephalotribe, though they do not prove it to be superior. To extend the comparison between the two instruments, it may be added, that the saw-forceps, like the cephalotribe, requires a certain field for action ; its blades in their widest part measure one inch and five-eighths, and those operators who have used it most frequently do not venture to advise it in contractions below an inch and three-quarters. A great objection to the saw-forceps is its great cost, its complexity and the minutias which have to be attended to during the operation. The movement of the chain-saw is not accomplished very easily, and it is liable to be jammed or broken. Another serious objection is, that it requires an experienced assistant: as the motion of the conducting blades should accord perfectly with that of the chain, it is neces- sarv that both operators should act in unison. Finally, the greatest defect of all in the saw-forceps is its inefficiency as an extracting instrument and the frequent necessity for using bone forceps, in spite of all the objections to their employment. Nevertheless, there is cause for regret that the practical use of the instrument is not better known in France, as Avant of experience prevents our estimating its advantages or disadvantages at their just value. (Extracted from the Traite* d'Ac- couchement of Lei oir, See, and Tarnier.) | 67 1058 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. ARTICLE III. SECTION OF THE NECK AND BODY. We shall not describe decapitation performed after the body has been delivered, because, Avhen it becomes necessary to perform it voluntarily, the process is as simple as possible, Avhether a scalpel or scissors be used for the purpose. But this is not the only case in which the separated head is left behind in the uterus, for it will presently appear that a similar course is adopted in certain trunk presentations; or, the same thing may happen from igno- rance or stupidity. In all cases the head has to be delivered, and its extrac- tion is exceedingly painful Avhen the pelvis is much deformed; for it then presents by its base, the'reby rendering perforation more difficult. Under such circumstances, it has been recommended to attempt to turn the head, so as to bring some portion of the cranial vault to the superior strait, Avhich of course should be done Avhenever possible. The excessive mobility of the head singularly favors the slipping of the perforator, and exposes the mother's parts to laceration. The best Avay of preventing this accident, is to direct an assistant to place both hands over the hypogastric region, and fix the head there by making considerable pressure at that point. But the difficulty is not brought to an end by the perforation of the cranium, for even then the embryotomy forceps will often become necessary if the contraction is excessive; and, OAving to the mobility of the part, its applica- tion is very imperfect, and it is likely to slip at the first tractive effort. The trouble in getting hold of the head is not merely dependent on its mobility, because, when the inclination of the superior strait is very great, it is situated above the pubis, and therefore cannot be reached by the instrument, Avhich is necessarily directed posteriorly, in consequence of its moderate curvature. It was to this that I attributed the failure of the attempts made on one occasion by M. Paul Dubois, at the Maternite. The Professor, being Avorn out by several hours of fruitless manipulations, had the kindness to permit my assistance. I introduced the right hand, and got hold of the loAver jaw, which I attempted to draAV doAvn, but Avithout any better success, as the base of the cranium Avas arrested by the symphysis. I found that the failure of my tractions Avas owing to the fact of their being directed too far down- wards and forwards. I then substituted a blunt hook for the finger, and fixed it on the lower jaw, Avhen, by depressing the handle of the instrument posteriorly, so as to make it operate doAvnwards and backwards, I Avas soon fortunate enough to get the head into the excavation, from Avhich it was readily delivered aftenvards. Most of the difficulties met Avith in this case might certainly have been prevented, by using the instrument just described, invented by myself Division of the neck or body is generally performed Avithin the genital passages, the operation being sometimes the only means by Avhich the operator can prepare the way for delivery in body presentations. Version, in fact, is not always practicable in trunk presentations; for instance, where the membranes have been ruptured, and the Avaters dis- \ EMBRYOTOMY. 1059 charged for some time, and the shoulder is Ioav doAvn in the excavation, the forcible contraction- of the uterus may render introduction of the hand and version }f the fcetus absolutely impossible. In such a case, Ave have nothing to do but to wait for spontaneous evolution, if the child is living; but as soon as it is dead, Ave must promptly relieve the mother from the dangerous consequences of a prolonged labor. To amputate the arm under such circumstances is altogether useless, because its presence cannot incommode the operator; and, besides, it may afterwards prove very serviceable by favoring the tractions ; it is on the body Ave have to act, and of the various plans suggested for the purpose, those described by Celsus and Dr. Lee are the only ones that appear practicable. In cases of this kind, Celsus had recourse to decapitation; and I have knoAvn this plan to be employed by M. Dubois on several different occasions. He acts in the'folloAving manner: Having ascertained the exact situation of the child's neck, he introduces the whole hand into the uterus (the left one when the head is at the right side, and the right one when it is at the left), and, hooking the index finger over the cervical region, he endeavors to draAV it doAviiAvards, so as to make this part more accessible; should the finger not prove sufficient, the blunt hook is advan- tageously substituted for the same purpose Fia-159- (see Fig. 159). A pair of long scissors, having thick and Arery sharp blades, and moderately curved on the side, so as to correspond Avith the axis of the pelvis, is then guided up to the infant's neck along the palmar surface of the hand previously introduced ; then the blades are opened a little, and a small portion of the neck is cut, then a second, and thus, by repeated small incisions, its Avhole extent is grad- ually divided. When the decapitation is completed, he draAvs on the arm which is usually found in the vagina, in this A\av extracting the trunk Avithout much difficulty; and afterwards he delivers the head in the manner above stated. The decapitation is not ahvays feasible, at least Ave could not succeed in effecting the section in a case to Avhich Ave Avere called by Dr. Lcvuille. The head and neck Avere so high, and the uterus so strongly contracted, that it Avas not possible to get the hand and scissors far enough up to embrace the neck properly; after several fruitless attempts, Ave determined to perform the operation recommended by Doctor Lee, but, before doing so, concluded to try the pelvic version. The right hand Avas passed in as far as the breech, but it could not reach the feet; the forefinger, curved like a hook, grasped the buttocks, and whilst this hand Avas pulling ou the breech, the side of the foetus, which had already engaged in the Mode of using the blunt hook in the trunk pre- sentations, to bring down the neck. 1060 OBSTETRICAL OPERATIONS. excavation, was pushed upwards and to the right by the fingers of the other hand. By operating in this manner for five or six minutes we Avere fortunate enough to bring down the pelvic extremity, and thus terminate the labor favorably as regards the mother. The lying-in presented nothing unusual. , [Decapitation only, is capable of fulfilling all the indications when, in a case of presentation of the body, it is impossible to turn. It has been objected to on account of the difficulty of performing it, and various instruments have been devised with the view of making it easier. A small knife shaped like a pruning-hook, fixed in a long and strong handle, may be used ; or else a special instrument recommended by M. A. Baudelocque. Ramsbotham, Sen., also invented a sort of blunt hook with a concealed blade in its concavity, which, after the instrument is applied to the neck, becomes detached and severs it like a guillotine. Van der Ecken proposed cutting through the neck with a chain-saw. For my own part, I had made by Charriere a blunt hook, in imitation of Belloc's sound. After the hook is applied, the spring passes through it behind the neck and comes out at the vulva. A cord is then attached to it which will include the neck when the hook and spring are withdraAvn. My idea was to use the thread for the pur- pose of drawing through the chain of a linear ecraseur, by which to effect the divi- sion of the neck. The only difficulty Avould be found in the passing of the spring around the neck, but I am so well satisfied that it would often be impracticable, that I believe the plan could be adopted in a few special cases only. Prof. Pajot devised a blunt hook containing a groove and tipped with a leaden ball, to which is attached a piece of Avhipcord lying in the groove. The hook being introduced, the cord is loosened and the leaden ball is supposed to drag it by its weight into the A'agina, after having passed behind the child. To effect the division, M. Pajot proposes using the cord as a saw by grasping the ends and drawing alternately upon one end and the other with a rapid motion. The thread is passed through a Avooden speculum in order to protect the vagina. It must be confessed that it is a rather curious way of effecting an operation of the kind, yet the possibility of doing it cannot be denied, inasmuch as it has been repeatedly accomplished by M. Pajot on the dead body in the presence of his pupils. The difficulty, however, does not lie here, but in the passage of the ball, which, I think, wx>uld be found no easier than in the case of the spring just now spoken of. Of all the instruments contrived for the purpose, that of M. Jacquemier is, in my opinion, the best adapted to the object in view, and the most readily applied. It consists of a blunt hook with a Avooden handle. The hook is included for its whole extent in a sheath. Hook and handle are constructed with a groove, in which slide a series of connected blades which are put in motion by raising and depressing alternately the little handle to which they are attached through the medium of a rod running the entire length of the hook. M. Jacquemier operates as follows: The hook inserted Avith its sheath being passed around the neck, he introduces the blades into the grooves and pushes them on by means of the handle until they project from the concavity of the hook. A to-and-fro motion then being communicated by the little handle, soon divides the soft parts down to the spina] column. The operator now withdraws the blades and substitutes for them a saw of the same size. AVith it, the bones are cut through without trouble, and it is with- drawn in order to complete the section of the soft parts with the cutting blades, which are again placed in the instrument for the purpose. Both the instrument Sind its manipulation are, as is seen, somewhat complicated, but it performs well on the dead body, and doubtless would be serviceable in practice. (See the draw- ing of this ' istrument in Atlas by Lenoir, See, and Tarnier.) J EMBRYOTOMY. 1061 Dr. L^e's method consists in separating the arm from the body, as also in perforating tin thorax and abdomen; then, by fixing the bli nt hook on the pelvis or lower part of the spine, he makes use of sufficient force to bring the child down double, and thus effects its delivery by a mechanism very similar to the spontaneous evolution. Perhaps it would be better to folloAV Davis's plan, and divide the trunk in tAvo, and afterAvards extract the parts sepa- rately.1 This method should never be resorted to except when the section of the neck is impossible. In a case in Avhich version could not be effected, M. Parmat resorted to a process someAvhat resembling that of Dr. Lee's, except that he did not first amputate the arm, this very properly seeming to him an altogether useless preliminary. Making use of the blunt hook which terminates the handle of the forceps, he passed it beyond the false ribs, and then turning it forcibly, so as to bring its extremity in contact with the integuments of the fcetus, he perforated with it the walls of the abdomen, if unable to reach the ribs, so that in Avithdrawing it, it hooked into the loAver border of the thoracic parietes. Then, by means of tractions with the branch of the forceps, he succeeded in communicating to the trunk a motion similar to that which it performs in spontaneous evolution. The head and shoulder ascended gradually, whilst the pelvis approached the vulva and was finally delivered. This quite simple method is certainly preferable to Dr. Lee's, and in many cases might be substituted for the decapitation of the fcetus. 1 M. Payan, of Aix, resorted to Davis's operation in one instance, where the trunk was low down in the excavation: but the plan certainly did not originate with him. [Oez. Med., p. 521, 1840.) PAET VIII. OF THE HYGIENE OF CHILDREN FKOM BIRTH TO THE PERIOD OF WEANING. HAVING carefully detailed the services to be rendered by the accoucheur to the child immediately after its birth, we have noAV, in order to com- plete the study of subjects which must subsequently claim his attention, to treat of the physical education of children. As the full details into Avhich we have entered have already brought the Avork up to a considerable size, we are obliged to curtail greatly Avhat Ave had proposed saying in regard to the hygiene of early childhood. The old and classic division of Halle might be advantageously applied in this place, so that, if space allowed, we Avould treat successively of the ingesta, applicata, percepta, etc., &c. But, inasmuch as we are obliged to limit ourselves to a someAvhat detailed a'ceount of ali- mentation, we shall treat of the other parts of infantile hygiene in a general Avay only. Although the existence of the neAV-born child is generally styled indepen- dent, its physiological connection Avith the mother is not entirely severed by the delivery. It does not immediately cease to derive nourishment from the maternal organism; for although no longer connected Avith the uterus, nature has prepared another organ for the elaboration of the fluid designed for its future support. This fluid is the milk. The function by Avhich it is secreted is called lactation, and the mode in which it is taken by the new- born child is termed suckling. CHAPTER I. LACTATION. As stated Avhilst treating of the phenomena of pregnancy, the breasts begin to enlarge from the first month of gestation. Their active vitality, under these circumstances, soon gives rise to the secretion of a sero-lactes- cent fluid, Avhich becomes more abundant as the term of gestation draws near. To this fluid, Avhich is viscid and yellowish, the name of colostrum is applied. Under the microscope, it presents the appearance of globules, much smaller than the ordinary milk globules, united together by a viscid matter. Some irregular milk globules are scattered amongst them. Pecu- liar bodies (granular corpuscles), more or less globular in form, yelloAvish/ and varying from "003 to '019 inches in diameter, are also observed. M. Donne asserts, that there is an almost constant relation between the composition of this fluid secreted during pregnancy, and that which Avill be 1002 LACTATION". ^063 exhibited by the milk after delivery; in other Avords, the examination of the colostrum and its principal characters will enable us to judge of the probable abundance and quality of the milk. In reference to this, M. Donne divides Avomen into three classes: 1. If the amount of colostrum secreted is so small that barely a drop can be obtained by the best directed pressure, if it contains but very feAV minute, imperfectly formed milk globules, and a very limited number of granular corpuscles, the milk Avill almost) cer- tainly be scanty, poor, and insufficient for the nourishment of the child. 2. If the Avoman secrete an abundant, but fluid, Avatery, and easy-flowing colostrum, resembling a thin solution of gum-arabic, — if it no longer pre- sents striae of a thick, yelloAv, and viscid matter, and if it be poor in milk globules and granular corpuscles, she may have a greater or less amount of milk, but it Avill be poor, Avatery, and unsubstantial. 3. Lastly, when the colostrum is obtained readily and in abundance, Avhen it contains a more or less thick yelloAv matter, and resembles someAvhat the rest of the fluid as regards consistency and color; when the microscope shows it to be rich in milk globules, Avell formed, and of good size, and containing granular cor- puscles in greater or less amount, Ave may be almost certain that the woman's milk Avill be both rich and abundant. This examination may be made with especial prospect of advantage about the eighth month......It is Avell, however, to be aAvare that certain acci- dental causes, such as cold, or moral affections, may occasion a momentary discordance Avith the results of experience (Donne). For the first days folloAving the delivery, and until after the milk-fever, the fluid secreted by the mammas retains the properties of colostrum, but is more abundant than during pregnancy. AVhen the milk-fever comes on, the milk globules begin to present a more definitely rounded contour, and are more regular. Some histologists assert that the granular corpuscles dis- appear about the ninth day; but M. Godez states, that he has often met Avith them after the fifteenth day, and even after the tAventieth, though only in the milk of moderately good nurses. They generally become more rare as a longer time elapses from the period of the milk-feA'er, and they dis- appear the more quickly, or, in other words, the milk is sooner formed when its quality is good and the woman in a satisfactory condition. The fact of their remaining after the first fortnight is an indication of an indifferent nurse. After the milk-fever is OA'er, the mammary secretion generally tends more and more to assume the characters of true milk. The latter is a white, opaque fluid, of a SAveet, sugary, and very pleasant taste. Of all the fluids of the economy, it approaches the nearest to the blood in composition, and like it, separates into two parts upon standing. One of these parts is solid and the other fluid. The solid part, which is held in suspension, is formed of globules of fat or butter; the other holds in solution a special, azotized, and coagulable animal matter (caseine), sugar of milk, salts, and a little yellow matter. These several parts, says M. Donne, Avhen mingled together, are not dis- tinguishable by the naked eye ; but if a drop of milk be spread out upon a plate of glass, and examined through a microscope magnifying two hundred 1064 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. diameters, a multitude of rounded, transparent granules, brilliant as little pearls, will be discovered svAumming in a limpid fluid. These small granules, Avhich are rather less than "0003 inches in diameter, are the milk globules, and are formed of a fatty matter or butter. In pure and unmixed milk, nothing besides these small globules is visible, and this purity of the milk is a certain indication of its good quality. The amount of globules is liable to variation, their greater or less abun- dance representing with considerable precision the richness or poverty of the milk; that is to say, the more of these globules the milk contains, the richer and more substantial is it, the caseine and sugar being themselves in proportion to the amount of milk globules Avhich represent the fatty matter or butter. Not only does the milk vary in richness in different individuals, but it varies greatly in the same woman according to the time Avhen drawn, her state of health or of disease, and the hygienic conditions in which she is situated. We shall hereafter have to study these variations when endeav- oring to judge of the characters by which to determine whether a Avoman is or is not a good nurse. The lacteal secretion is, as Ave have said, intimately connected Avith the function of generation; still it must not be supposed that it can only take place in pregnant or recently delivered females. It has several times been knoAvn to occur in consequence of frequent excitation of the nipple. Thus Belloc relates, that a domestic who Avas obliged to sleep in the same chamber with a recently Aveaned child, being annoyed by its cries, took it into her head to put it to her OAvn breast. In a very short time she had milk enough to satisfy its appetite. Mrs. B----, says George Semple, mother of nine children, the youngest of Avhom Avas thirteen years old, lost her daughter-in- law a year before, she having died four days after her delivery. After her death she took charge of the infant, which was thin and puny, besides being so complaining and hard to pacify that after passing several sleepless nights, she allowed it to take her breast. Not more than from thirty to thirty-six hours had elapsed, before Mrs. B. was astonished to find her breast become painful and enlarged, and immediately afterward the secretion of milk Avas established as freely as had been customary after her confinements. For an entire year, the child nursed at the same breast which had given suck to its father twenty-four years before. Baudelocque mentions a little girl eight years of age Avho presented the same peculiarity; and the following case is related by M. Audebert: Angeline Chauffaille, sixty-two years of age, and Avho had not had chil- dren for tAventy-seven years, undertook to nurse her granddaughter artifi- cially. From time to time, in order to amuse it, she presented it Avith her nipple ; but Avhat Avas her surprise Avhen she suddenly found both her breasts full of an apparently good, healthy, and nutritive milk! She continued to nurse it for a year, and the secretion had not entirely ceased after the child had been Aveaned tAvo months. At this juncture, her daughter again became a mother; her milk dried up, and the grandmother was able to nurse the second child. (Audebert, Gaz. Med., p. 250, 1841.) The duration of lactation varies greatly even in Avomen Avho do not suckle, LACTATION 1065 In some, it lasts several months in spite of all that can be done to put an end to it. I have just delivered, for the third time, a young lady who had an abundance of milk, after her first two confinements, for the space of three months, and this although her courses returned in six weeks. The secretion of milk in nurses sometimes lasts long enough to enable them to suckle two and three children successively. A lady in every way worthy to be believed, says Desormeaux, assured me that she had knoAvn a woman to suckle five children consecutively, which must have involved a lactation of at least six years' continuance. I find among my notes the following case, the origin of Avhich I am, unfortunately, unable to discover: A woman had so abun- dant a secretion of milk for the forty-seven years succeeding the birth of her first child, that she was not only able to nurse six of her own children, but seven others also. She ahvays menstruated regularly during the lacta- tion, and at eighty-one years of age her breasts still yielded a small quantity of milk. On the other hand, the lacteal secretion often begins abundantly, then declines, and ceases Avithout our being able to discover the cause. Many gradations are observable betAveen these extremes, but the average duration of lactation in women is from twelve to eighteen months. The quantity of milk varies still more than the duration of the secretion, even Avhen no account is taken of the hygienic and moral influences, which have an undoubted influence over it. One woman, in other respects healthy, may barely be able to supply the amount required for the nourishment of a single child, whilst another may be able to suckle several at a time. Haller says that women have been known to furnish in a single day a pound and a half, or even two, three, or four pints of milk; in one case, the woman gave three pounds more than was required for her child. Unfortunately, it is difficult to knoAV beforehand what the quantity of milk will be. The results obtained by M. Donne may, indeed, enable us to form a probable diagnosis, but are far from being certain. Even when the flow of milk is well established, as in the case of a nurse for example, it is very difficult to say what will be its amount. The nurse's age, and the size and form of the breasts, are doubtless matters of importance, but still insufficient. Gen- erally, Avhen nurses are too young, as under eighteen or twenty years of age, or too old, as over forty years, they give a less amount of milk. Finally, it Avould seem that in certain women the amount of milk increases with the birth of every child, inasmuch as they have it in much greater quantity after the second or third confinement than after the first. Women of a lymphatic temperament, also, have less milk than others. Is the quantity of milk affected by the kind and amount of food ? Although such is not proved to be the case in the human species, the fact is too well established as regards the females of the superior animals, not to lead to the same conclusion as respects Avomen. For my own part, I kneAV a nurse Avhose flow of milk yvas sensibly increased after several times partaking of ground lentils. The quality of the milk may be sensibly affected by numerous circum- stances which have next to claim attention. A. The health of the nurse is a matter of the highest importance. Chemical analysis shows that in diseases of any kind the proportion of solid constitu- 1066 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. ents increases at the same time that the proportion of water decreases. Ac- cording to the analyses of MM. Becquerel and Yernois, this fact is more observable in chronic diseases than in acute febrile affections. Noav, as M. Bouchut judiciously observes, this increase in the proportion of the solid principles of the milk is an unfortunate alteration, causing the child to be frequently affected with indigestion and consecutive enteritis. The milk of Avomen suffering from chronic diseases, phthisis for example, exhibits great alteration of the milk globules. Every one knows that Avhen an acute affec- tion appears in a recently delivered female, the breasts are scarcely SAvollen Avhilst the disease lasts, and even after recovery the lacteal secretion is sometimes but imperfectly established. A slight and evanescent affection during lactation appears to have but little influence, Avhich is far from being the case Avhen it is more severe and prolonged. The secretion sometimes ceases, and even Avhen it continues without presenting any appreciable alter- ation to our means of investigation, the state of the child, which is observed to become rapidly emaciated, and to digest badly, indicates an alteration of the milk as certainly as the best chemical reagent. An inflammation, an acute irritation of an important organ, or a considerable discharge of some kind, lessens it, or even stops it altogether. The diseases of the breast, the inflammatory engorgements, phlegmons, and glandular abscesses, merit especial attention, not only because they diminish the secretion of the dis- eased organ considerably, but because they communicate dangerous proper- ties to the milk. Nothing more than a simple engorgement is needed to produce a reformation of the granular corpuscles and a viscid condition of the milk; and should an abscess be formed, the microscope shoAvs its pres- ence even before the exploration of the breast distinguishes the collection of pus, by exhibiting the characteristic globules of that fluid Avith their granular appearance, their opacity, and the property of being completely dissolved in alkalies and of resisting the action of ether. B. Moral affections, such as fright, anger, disappointment, &c, undoubtedly have a very great influence upon the quantity and quality of the milk. Often have I been astonished, after choosing nurses with abundance of milk, to find the secretion cease a few days after having given up their OAvn child for a strange nursling; and several, Avhom I had discharged simply because they had no more milk, returned a feAV days after in excellent condition. SorroAV, at being removed from their country and separated from all that are dear to them, especially the relinquishing of their children, may often account for this momentary suppression. A violent emotion is often found to occasion an engorgement of the breasts, or else their sudden subsiding. Children are often rendered sleepless, and affected Avith colic and diarrhoea, sometimes even yvith convulsions, in con- sequence of violent anger of the mother. A nurse in the Hospital Cochin Avas very irascible, and indulged in high discussions Avith her neighbor. On one occasion she was more angry than usual, and her child had violent convulsions on the morroAV. She left the hospital, but returned again some months after. Similar scenes were again enacted, and folloAved by the same effects as regarded the nursling. This Avoman had already lost her first tAvo children by convulsions LACTATION. 1067 C. Influence of the Genital Functions. —1. Menstruation. Most women cease to be regular whilst they are nursing. Others have their courses to appear after four, five, or six months, and some again menstruate as regu- larly and freely as usual. Various opinions are held respecting the influ- ence of menstruation upon the lacteal secretion, and the diversity is certainly due to the fact that this influence varies greatly in different individuals. There can be no doubt that, Avhilst it is slight in some cases, it is very de- cided in others. In endeavoring to judge of it, much greater regard must be had to the state of the health of the child, than to the microscopic or chemical examination of the milk. Some authors have manifestly been led into error by asserting that the appearance of the courses Avas a matter of indifference, for there are certain alterations of the milk Avhich escape the closest examination, but Avhich are nevertheless indicated by the effect Avhich they produce upon the health of the child. The milk of animals is very different in the rutting season from what it is at other periods; and this fact should have led to an anticipation of Avhat takes place in women, whose menstrual epochs have the strongest analogy Avith the period of heat. The folloAving points are proved by experience in relation to nurses Avho have their courses : Some, in consequence of the uter- ine discharge in connection with that from the breasts, fall into a state of debility and marasmus; some have their milk to diminish in quantity, and to become more serous ; the child too emaciates, although their general health does not appear to be sensibly affected. Under either of these circum- stances, the rarest of all, it is true, the mother ought to relinquish nursing. The milk of some Avomen does not appear to be altered, nor the nutrition of the child to suffer, except during the Aoav of the menses ; in which case, the mother's deficiency may be temporarily supplied by the use of coav's milk diluted. Finally, in many cases, the children's health is in no Avise disordered, either during or after the menstrual period. There are certain substances whose excess in the blood is necessary to the nutrition of the child, phosphate of lime for example, Avhich are in great part eliminated by the menses; nor Avere it, perhaps, unreasonable to trace some relation of causality between the rachitis of children and the regular occurrence of the menses during the greater part of lactation. A fact mentioned by Godey Avould seem to prove that, contrary to Avhat is generally observed, the mammary secretion may be excited by menstrua- tion. A Avoman, thirty-two years of age, entered the Lourcine Hospital to be treated for uterine hemorrhage. At tAventy-five years of age she was suckling her OAvn child, but took another one to nurse at the same time. Her business soon obliged her to give up this double nursing, and the secre- tion of milk ceased Avithout any functional disturbance; a month after, her courses reappeared, and Avith them a slight SAvelling of the breasts, Avhich discharged a small quantity of milk. At each succeeding period, the lacteal secretion appeared in greater abundance, and ajfter some months became so great that the painful distention of the mammae obliged her to have them draAvn by another Avoman, as also to use pumps to assist in their disengorge- ment. Each menstrual return since then has ahvays been accompanied by a secretion of milk, though in much smaller quantity, which c< incided re- 1068 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. markably Avith the uterine hemorrhages for Avhich she had been treated eighteen months previously, and for Avhich she of late entered the hospital. 2. The supervention of pregnancy during lactation is almost always an unfortunate circumstance. It is very rare for the quantity of milk not to be considerably diminished, or at least to, lose a great part of its nutritive qualities. The child almost ahvays wastes aAvay in consequence, nor, for my own part, have I ever knoAvn a single woman Avhose child did not suffer from it.' I have se\reral times been consulted by young mothers, whoso children, put out to nurse at several leagues distance from Paris, were sen- sibly emaciated; and I have ahvays been able to determine, or at least elicit an acknoAvledgment, that the subsidence of the breasts were occasioned by pregnancy. I, therefore, do not hesitate to regard pregnancy as incom- patible Avith proper nursing. It is true that cases are recorded of Avomen who did not leave off nursing throughout the entire duration of a neAV preg- nancy, and Avho even, like the one mentioned by Van Swieten, gave the breast to a child of a year old during the early pains of labor ; still, these cases are so exceptional as not to invalidate the general rule which we have laid doAvn; and besides, it is not stated whether the Avoman who acted thus and had fine children, suckled them exclusively, Avithout frequently admin- istering in addition cow's milk and often soups or broths. 3. Sexual intercourse, of itself, I should regard as of little danger, unless it should be repeated too frequently, or with too much ardor; in which case it might act like any strong moral affection. It might doubtless result in pregnancy, Avhich should be avoided, and on that account is interdicted to mercenary nurses. The case is much more difficult for women who nurse their own children. For, on the one hand, there are certain constitutions which might suffer from a complete abstinence, and, on the other, there are certain conjugal exigencies which it is impossible not to satisfy. Only great prudence and reserve should, therefore, be recommended. d. Effect of certain Alimentary or Medicinal Substdnces. — A multitude of daily observations shoAV that the smell, taste, and even the color of certain substances may be communicated to the milk: this is the case Avith garlic, beets, turnips, the bitter taste of Avormwood, and the peculiar coloring-mat- ter of madder and saffron. This peculiarity of certain substances by Avhich they communicate a portion of their properties to the milk has long been taken advantage of in therapeutics. Thus, Haller cured certain colics in children by causing the nurses to eat the fruit of the Anisum pimpinella. Certain purgatives, as rhubarb and gratiola, purge the child Avhen adminis- tered to the mother. Iodide of potassium and the proto-iodide of mercury, when taken by the latter, cure the former simultaneously of congenital or acquired syphilis. A neAA'-born child, says M. Godey, refused to take the breast for three days, and the pump had to be used three times in consequence. Finally, it concluded to suck, and immediately aftenvard vomited the greater part of the milk ingested. The same thing occurred for several days in succes- sion. During the night, it took the breast of another nurse Avho had been delivered for a month, and no longer vomited. The mother's milk Avas ibundant, but very serous ; under the microscope it presented numerous NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1069 granular corpuscles and very small milk globules. Nitric a;id produced in it, after a feAV minutes, a lilac rose color, Avhich Avas retained under the microscope by the masses of coagulated caseine. This woman had inhaled ether during her labor, and it is a question whether that penetrating fluid may not have affected the mammary secretion, so as to produce the disgust and regurgitation remarked in the child. It can only be determined by further observation. CHAPTER II. NURSING OF CHILDREN. It must be evident from what we have stated, that everything is Avonder- fully prepared at the time of delivery for enabling the mother to suckle her child; but inasmuch as all are not equally fitted for fulfilling the latter duty, several kinds of nursing have been distinguished, each based upon the source of the milk designed for the neAV-born child, as also upon the mode of its administration. Generally, the mother supplies her infant Avith its first nourishment, and her lacteal secretion is entirely sufficient to satisfy all its demands. The mother may possibly be unable in some cases to furnish of herself all the milk that her offspring requires, and be obliged to supply her insufficiency by food from other sources. Sometimes she is altogether incapable of suckling her child, Avhich is then confided to another nurse. Finally, there are cases in Avhich, notwithstanding the impossibility of nursing on the part of the mother, she is unable to secure either a Avet-nurse or an animal, and is compelled to have recourse to artificial nourishment. The order Avhich we shall follow in describing the various modes of nursing is based upon the varieties just indicated, and we shall treat succes- sively : 1, of nursing by the mother ; 2, of mixed nursing; 3, of wet-nursing; 4, of suckling by animals; and 5, of artificial nourishment. ARTICLE I. NURSING BY THE MOTHER. The mother's milk, being designed by nature for the nourishment of the enild, is certainly the best adapted to its requirements. Therefore, Avhen- ever the female is in good health, Avhen her strength is not prostrated by any serious disease, Avhen the antecedents of the family are such as to remove all doubts on the score of hereditary influence, there is every reason Avhy she should yield to the promptings of nature. There is no necessity for being so strict toAvards the mother, as regards vigor of constitution, quality of the milk, and development of the breasts, as it is proper to be in choosing a nurse. Were Ave, in fact, to regard those Avomen only as capable of nursing, who have the robustness and strength Avhich we require in mercenary nurses, Ave should be almost obliged to relinquish the idea of seeing the majority of females in the upper classes suckle their own children. We often find per- sons of this description, Avho have but little milk, and that of medium quality, Avho yet raise very fine children ; and what is singular, if these very same Avomen should nurse another child, it is found to become emaciated for waut of sufficient nourishment. 1070 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. Without admitting that suckling protects neAvly-delivered Avomen from many diseases to Avhich they are liable Avhen they do not nurse, and whilst acknt wledging that it exposes them in a special manner to fissures of the nipple, and to engorgement and abscess of the breast, I regard it as so im- portant to the child that I make it a point to recommend it in the absence of any formal contraindication, such as, a very lymphatic constitution, the presence of skin-disease, or of predisposition, hereditary or otherwise, to phthisis pulmonalis. When a pregnant woman proposes suckling her child, the physician is often consulted in regard to her fitness for the task, and the future qualities of her milk. This question is usually very difficult to answer. Still, by taking in consideration the state of the constitution, the changes which the breasts undergo, and the quantity and quality of the sero-lactescent fluid which they furnish, (see Lactation,) we may be able, in the majority of cases, to form a tolerably correct opinion. Sometimes the anticipations of the physician seem to be at fault during the first weeks subsequent to delivery. There are some individuals, Avho, having commenced nursing in opposition to the advice of their accoucheur, and finding their milk abundant at the outset, think themselves excellent nurses and make light of our fears ; but, as M. Donne observes, this abun- dance at the first is not ahvays a surety for the future: the least promising women often have considerable milk at the commencement, and the first milk is always rich enough for a new-born child. Everything seems to go on well, and it is not until after the lapse of six Aveeks or two months, that the diminution of the milk, the emaciation of the child, or the disordered health of the mother, begin to be perceived. § 1. Precautions to be observed in relation to Women who pro- pose Nursing. Most of the preliminary precautions have reference to the conformation of the nipple. The varieties which it presents may call for the employment of some preparatory measures, and even, in some cases, constitute a formal contraindication to the nursing. Thus, certain women have a very short* nipple, so that it barely reaches the level of the breast, whilst in others, its place is occupied by a depression rather than a projection; lastly, in some, the nipple is extremely sensitive even before pregnancy, and during the cold season becomes chapped and fissured. When the nipple does not pro- ject at all, and especially when its place is occupied by a depression, suck- ling Avould prove so difficult for the child and so painful to the mother, that I advise its relinquishment altogether. Although the means employed hitherto for drawing out, and, as it Avere, moulding the nipple, are some- times effectual Avhen it is only too short, they rarely succeed in making it project Avhen it does not exist at all, and often give rise to serious accidents. Thus it has been recommended : 1. To titillate the nipple frequently during the tAvo last months of gesta- tion ; but this is irritating, often becomes painful, and has finally to be given up. 2. To use nipple shie Is. These are little concave plates of turned wood; NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1071 having a small excavation in the centre for the reception of the nipple. The patient applies this plate when she is dressed, and draAvs the gusset of her corset so as to press strongly upon it. The compression being applied on all parts except the nipple, causes it to project strongly, so that after Avearing it for tAvo or three months, the nipple is lengthened to the extent of three-eighths of an inch. When the mere application of the shield is not found to ansAver, a pump is adapted to its extremity, each strode of the piston of which draAvs upon the nipple and occasions it to project. But as the skin of the nipple is subjected to incessant rubbing against the sides of the shield, it is liable to become inflamed in consequence. The same remark applies to the species of A7ials, furnished Avith a narroAv opening, which is applied upon the nipple, and provided Avith a long curved tube, Avhich ena- bles the Avoman to produce tractions by exhausting the air with her mouth. 3. Direct and repeated suction is, doubtless, the best means that can be employed. This may be performed by the husband or an intelligent servant- maid. In the Avant of a sufficiently accommodating individual, a large puppy may be used, first taking care to wrap up its paws. The reason why suction is the best means that can be used is, that the gutter formed by the tongue keeps the nipple extended, and prevents the oscillating movements communicated by the pump. Besides, when the nipple is moistened by the saliva, it becomes more supple and extensible. After this suction, says Li-ardien, the nipple is to be Avashed with warm Avine, in order to give firm- ness to the cuticle. The Avashing completed, they should be covered with tubes of white wax or gum-elastic, to keep them elongated and protect them from rubbing. To make the nipple-covers of wax, a piece of this substance is put for some time in warm Avater, in order to soften it, and its centre is next depressed Avith the finger or a thimble to a sufficient extent to receive the nipple. The extreme sensibility of this part in some Avomen who have never had children, also calls for the use of some means of hardening, of tanning a little, the skin Avhich covers it. This is easily effected by the use of lotions. consisting of alcohol and Avater or astringent solutions, continued for several * months. These precautions, judiciously employed, often render nursing possible ami even easy, Avhich Avithout them Avould have been impossible, or at least very painful at the outset. § 2. Rules op Nursing. Everything being' properly prepared, the mother is about to suckle her child. Now, in order to present in a regular manner the practical precepts •vhich should govern the nursing, it will be useful to divide the time of its continuance into several principal periods, Avhich, being characterized by peculiar phenomena on the part of both mother and child, give rise to special judications. We shall divide the nursing into three periods : the first ending ivith the milk-fever, the second extending beyond the term of six months, and the third until Aveaning. First Period.—The first period is of very short duration, constituting, so co speak, the transition stage betAveen the intra-uterine nutrition, Avhereby 1072 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. the child derived the nutritive elements ready elaborated from the maternal economy, and the suckling, properly so called, by which it still receives, indeed, a special nutriment from the mother, but one Avhich has to undergo elaboration in its own intestinal canal before being assimilated. The phe- nomena which mark this period are, in fact, preparatory on both sides: on the part of the mother, Avhose milk gradually loses the characters of colos- trum, to assume those of a more nutritive fluid ; and on the part of the child, Avho gradually becomes accustomed to, and skilled in the performance of the neAV function, and who also finds in the fluid provided by the mother, purgative qualities, Avhich clear out the intestinal canal, and thus prepare it for the digestion of more substantial food. As we have already stated, the colostrum secreted by the mammae at the time of delivery, or shortly after, is sufficient in quantity to satisfy the re- quirements of the child. It may, therefore, strictly speaking, be put at once to the breast, and the doing so Avould in many cases be attended Avith no inconvenience Avhatever. The efforts Avhich it makes to suck are gen- erally sufficient to excite or increase the secretion of milk in primiparse. Still, as the mother's strength is often exhausted by the pains of labor, and she needs a season of rest and quiet after several sleepless nights, it would be cruel to oblige her to nurse her child immediately, there being really no occasion therefor. On this account, it is customary to defer it for seven or eight hours, after Avhich time she is presented with her child. But as the latter Avould be inconvenienced by remaining so long Avithout food, it is well to give it a few dessertspoonfuls of Avarm sugar and water, about an hour after its birth. This should be repeated every two hours at the soonest, or every three hours at the latest, until it is convenient to the mother to put it to the breast. This mode of procedure has the advantage of clearing the mouth and fauces of the mucus Avhich so often obstructs them. Should the mother from any cause be unable to give it suck for several days, a substi- tute should be prepared, by adding about one-quarter of the amount of cow's milk to the sugar and water. Some persons have imagined that the putting of the child to the breast might be deferred Avith advantage for twenty-four, thirty-six, or even forty- eight hours ; and some authors Avould even have us Avait until the milk-fever is over. This plan is liable to several serious objections. Thus, the child is deprived during all this time of a fluid Avhose nutritive qualities are per- fectly suited to the condition of the intestinal canal,»and Avhose laxative properties enable us to dispense Avith the purgatives so often required to expel the meconium in children Avhich are brought up artificially. On the other hand, the sucking of the child facilitates the Aoav of the milk, prevents the inordinate SAvelling of the breasts and the pain Avhich so often results therefrom; it gives form to the nipple, Avhich is seized Avith much greater difficulty when the breasts are SAvollen and tense, and obviates the milk-fever almost entirely. Therefore, "in the interest of both mother and child, we think it right not to nurse immediately after delivery, but also not to post- pone it longer than from six to twelve hours. Before putting the child to the breast for the first time, it is important to wash the nipple with warm Avater, in order to remove the concretions of NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1073 sebaceous matter which may have collected in the bottom of the groores in which the lactiferous ducts discharge. The Avashing has the additional effect to moisten it, make it more supple, and render it less unpleasant to the child. It is necessary at the outset to put the nipple in the child's mouth; for as it is guided only by a blind instinct, it takes anything presented to it, and might seek for a long time without success. Most children perform very well at the first attempts; but this is not always the case, for, independently of the difficulties due to the shape and size of the breast and nipple, which difficulties we shall speak of hereafter, there are others depending upon the manner in which the breast is presented to it: thus, the face of the child being applied against the breast, if care be not taken, its nose will be stopped at the same time that its mouth is filled by the nipple, and, being unable to breathe, it AvithdraAvs from the breast. Therefore, it should ahvays be seen to that the nostrils are kept free. At other times, the nipple, in- stead of being grasped by the upper surface of the tongue, into the concavity of which it should be received, is placed beneath the point of that organ upon the floor of the buccal cavity, Avhence suction is impossible. Levret mentions a remarkable disposition of the tongue, Avhich is curved into a gutter, and adheres to the palate; in this case, it should be detached Avith a spatula. The motions of the tongue are sometimes hindered by shortness of the fraenum, Avhich also prevents it from being projected fonvards. In this case, the framum should be cut.1 As other circumstances AA'hich may render nursing difficult or impossible. should be noted certain sublingual tumors, hare-lip Avith division of the hard 1 The frsenum linguae is sometimes, but more rarely than those accoucheurs seem to think who cut it in most new-born children, too long from before backward, at the same time that it is too short from below upward. The point, being then arrested against the lower parietes of the mouth, remains behind the. alveolar ridge, and can hardly be put forth between the lips. When the child cries strongly, the tongue is seen to be held downward and forward by a transparent partition, which prevents it from being raised and carried forward. The operation to be performed is of the simplest character. The head of the child being held slightly backward, an assistant pinches the nose to oblige it to open its mouth. The fraenum is engaged in the slit of the plate attached to the grooved director, and then raising the tongue forcibly, the surgeon, holding a pair of blunt scissors in his right hand, divides the fraenum at a single stroke, taking care to direct the point of the scissors downward ami the farthest possible from the tongue. The accidents to which the operation is liable are: 1, the falling backward of the tongue into the pharynx, witnessed three times by J. L. Petit, and which would have suffocated the child had not the organ been promptly restored to its position by the finger ; 2, hemorrhage from wounding the ranine veins. It is the more important to iletect and suppress the hemorrhage, as it. would be kept up by the constant move- ments of suction or deglutition. It is remedied either by touching the bottom of the wound with a fluid caustic or by cauterizing the injured vessel by means of a stylet heated to whiteness ; or, lastly, by Petit's bandage, fhis consists of a fork of wood, an inch and a quarter in length, covered with linen, one end of which rests against the symphysis of the lower jaw, whilst the other embraces the apex of the wound It is held in place by a small bandage placed across the mouth, assisted by another turn, then crossed below the jaw, and carried up above the ears, to be fastened to tho child's cap. 68 1074 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. and soft palate, and the facial hemiplegia which so often folloAvs the use of the forceps. As the latter accident is generally evanescent, the artificial nursing need be but temporary. The sublingual tumors should be incised or extirpated as soon as possible. The division of the hard and soft palate renders suckling almost always impossible. Some children, either from congenital debility, or from sloth, or Avant of activity, seem as though they would not take the trouble to suck. After putting the nipple far back in the mouth, the mother should be directed t( move it about, in order to tickle the tongue and solicit its action. With the same object, the nipple might be pressed a little, so as to project a feAV drops, or Avhat is better, since this is difficult in primiparae, a piece of linen dipped in SAveetened Avater should be squeezed upon the base of the nipple, which would conduct the fluid between the lips applied to its extremity. NotAvithstanding all these efforts, certain children seem unwilling to make any attempt to suck, neither do they indicate any Avant by their cries, but sleep almost constantly. The mothers are gratified by this repose of the child, Avhich affords them opportunity of enjoying the quiet Avhich they %o much need, and are careful not to disturb it by putting it to the breast. But Avhen it awakens after a longer or shorter time, or Avhen, becoming anxious on account of its prolonged sleep, the parent takes it up, it is found to have lost all its energy, cries very feebly, and is unable to suck. No time should then be lost in endeavoring to stimulate it in every manner possible. It should be undressed, placed before a warm fire, and rubbed actively with flannels either dry or moistened with camphorated spirits. It should be obliged to take the nipple if possible, and not succeeding in this, it should be put to a nurse, whose milk Aoavs freely, and Avho can gradually express a feAV spoonfuls into its mouth. These poor children can generally be restored in this manner; but we are often obliged to let them remain for a fe\v days Avith a Avet-nurse, Avhose milk flows so freely as scarcely to re- quire any effort at suction, before returning them to their mothers. The condition just mentioned is far from being uncommon; and, for my own part, I have several times had charge of children who, in this way, have inspired me with the greatest anxiety. Therefore, Ave should ahvays advise the mother never to alloAV more than tAvo or three hours to pass without giving drink or suck to her child, and, at any rate, ahvays to waken it. The first attempt at sucking soon fatigues it, which is explained both by its weakness, and the effort Avhich it is obliged to make. Thus, during the first tAvo days, it can hardly perform more than four, six, or eight regular and continuous suctions, before it is obliged to stop and begin again after a feAV moments. The interval between each attempt is generally longer as the child becomes Aveaker, either on account of its increased debility, or because it has nursed so recently. Sometimes it even falls asleep upon the bosom after some efforts, and has to be aAvakened by striking it lightly upon the cheeks, buttocks, or feet. The acts of sucking are occasionally so distant, that the child may remain in this Avay at the breast for half an hour, or even longer. Now, this sIoav nursing may become very painful to the mother. In France, Avomen generally sit up in bed for the purpose, and when obliged NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1075 to remain bng in that position they find it very fatiguing. It is j recisely to avoid this that I would desire to popularize the practice that I have seen adopted Avith the greatest success by American Avomen, namely, to lie on the side corresponding to the one on Avhich they intend to nurse, and placing the child lengthwise with the breast, alloAV the nipple to fall into its mouth. They may retain this position for a long time Avithout experiencing any fatigue. During the first days, it is very important to watch the child very closely whilst at the breast, so as to be sure that it really sucks and swalloAvs the milk. Either because the milk comes Avith too great difficulty, or because the child Avill not, or cannot, make the necessary effort, it is seen, indeed, to make certain motions of the cheeks resembling suction, and yet does not SAvalloAv. If a finger be placed upon the larynx, Ave shall be able to tell by its movements during deglutition whether the latter is accomplished. Be- sides, a sort of rustling sound is often heard produced by the passage of fluid from the mouth into the oesophagus. When the child has been put to the breast from the first day, the milk- fever Avill rarely be considerable. The frequent emptying of the breasts by the child also prevents them from becoming distended and painful. Some women, hoAvever, have so much milk at this time, that the mamma? are exceedingly SAvollen and the nursing becomes, temporarily, more annoying to the mother and difficult for the child. It is more troublesome to the mother, because the sucking gryes pain, and the swelling of the gland extend- ing even to the axilla, causes suffering Avhen the arm is brought doAvn to the chest, \vhich has to be done in order to hold the child properly; it is more difficult for the child, because this extreme distention renders it less able to seize the nipple. The SAvelling of the mamma; effaces or depresses the latter, until it can no longer be grasped by the lips of the child. When this occurs, it is often necessary to empty the breast by means of a pump. The Avith- draAval of a certain amount of milk relieves the pain caused by the SAvelling, and restores the nipple to its usual length. As the child obtains but very little milk at a time for the first few days, it should be put to the breast at very short intervals. Still, it is Avell to accustom it to a certain regularity in the time of taking its repast. Children ahvays suffer from irregularity in their meals, sometimes leaving too long an interval betAA'een them, and sometimes introducing a fresh portion of milk into the stomach before giving them time to digest what' they had recently taken. Without pretending to mathematical precision, Ave would state that the new-born child ought to nurse at intervals of about two hours at the shortest, an(J. of three hours at the longest. When it is feeble, or born prematurely, and therefore able to take but very small quantities at a time, the intervals might be shortened. We must, I think, allow it to judge for itself of the amount that it shall take at each time, except under pecu- liar circumstances. What Avould be plenty for one, Avould be insufficient for another, besides, as children are capable of rejecting the surplus from their stomachs, there is no great harm in allowing them to tf.ke rather more than they really need. Second Period. — When the milk-fever is over, the breasts are in full 1076 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. activity, and from that time commences the nursing properly so called Although it is unusual to have to contend any longer Avith the difficulties mentioned as pertaining to the preceding period, there are yet some precepts which may be usefully applied. The first care to be taken before giving the child suck, is to be sure that it really needs it, for it ought never to be put to the breast for the sole pur- pose of stilling its cries, as, unfortunately, most young mothers are nearly certain to do. The fact is, the cry is not ahvays to be taken as an expres- sion of suffering or of real Avant. The child cries as Ave speak; very often, it is simply an act whereby it indicates its individual existence, and is so habitual during its earliest days, that it sometimes seems to indulge in it as a matter of enjoyment. Some children cry without any appreciable reason, and yet, notAvithstanding their continual agitation, and often long sleepless- ness, do not seem to be any the worse for it. Such children the nurses com- monly call bad, and the epithet is tolerably Avell deserved. To judge Avhether the cries of a child are indicative of a desire to nurse, we should take into consideration the other signs which accompany them, as also the time of its last repast. The cry of hunger is generally attended with active movements of the upper extremities. The child turns its head from right to left, and opens its mouth as though seeking for the breast; it seizes eagerly the end of the finger, or any soft and round body that may be placed between its lips, and sucks at it repeatedly. When the proper moment arrives, before presenting the breast, the nipple should ahvays be moistened either Avith a little milk or saliva. Then, the mother holding the child jn her arms and resting its head upon one of them, puts the nipple in its mouth, taking care to press lightly upon the areola so as to project a little milk, and intimate, as it Avere, to the child, that it can suck Avith advantage. These precautions are hardly necessary except during the earliest weeks, for after this it throAvs itself upon the breast and seizes it so powerfully as to make it a painful operation. In some cases even, so far from exciting it, it is necessary to restrain its avidity by withdraAving the nipple from time to time, as when, not having nursed for several hours, it SAvalloAVS in a rapid and gluttonous manner. The mother should put it to both breasts at the same meal; they are thus kept disengorgecl, and by dividing the service, the nipples have time to rest from the effort of suction Avhich often irritates and inflames them. The child is also thus early accustomed to nursing from both sides. If, as often happens, it appears to prefer one side in particular, and refuses to nurse from the other, that breast should be first presented which it seems to prefer the least. Hunger Avill soon overcome its repugnance, so that after some hesitation it will conclude to take the breast Avhich it Avould have refused if presented the last. It is well to watch the child attentively Avhilst nursing, at least during the first weeks. It will then be ascertained Avhether the sucking is apparent or real by observing the motions of the larynx during deglutition, as also by hearing the sort of rustling of Avhich Ave have spoken. The amount of milk which it takes can be judged of more certainly by noting the length of time which it rests though still retaining the nipple in its mouth. It often sleeps NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1077 after nursing; the Avarmth which it receives from the mothei whilst lying in her arms, and the sort of enjoyment which it finds in keeping hold of the nipple, also, Avhen it has sucked quite recently, the repletion of its stomach, all tend to in /ite slumber. As soon as the child is discovered to be sleeping, it should be aAvakened at once and caused to suck agajn, if there is reason for thinking that it has not had enough; but when the contrary is the case, it should be taken away immediately and laid in its cradle. The infant soon contracts the habit of falling asleep and sleeping with the nipple in the mouth, and ere long it becomes impossible to put it to rest otherwise. It is plain that the practice must be fatiguing to the mother, especially at night. It is very difficult to determine the quantity of milk that it should be allowed to take at each repast, and hoAv long it ought to be permitted to suck. The latter will evidently vary Avith the abundance of the milk, the ease Avith which it Aoavs, and the length of time that the child rests. As Ave have said, there is no objection to alloAving it to become satisfied in the ab- sence of special indications suggested by disease. The child should be nursed less frequently as it grows older. After the first tAvo or three Aveeks, it Avill be sufficient to give it the breast every three hours, and if the milk is of good quality, the intervals between the repasts may be still further lengthened towards the third or fourth month; this dis- tribution must, hoAvever, be someAvhat modified in the day or the night. The intervals of nursing at night must be greater from the beginning, so that it shall suck but three times from ten o'clock in the evening to five or six o'clock in the morning. After a month, even the intermediate repast may be relinquished. If the child sucks but little at a time on account of debility, and therefore seems to require the breast oftener, a little diluted cow's milk may be given once or twice in its stead. There can be nothing absolute as regards this determination of the hours for nursing; for although Ave have recommended that the child's sleep be interrupted in order to give it food, this should not be done at a more ad- vanced age. A child of from tAvo or three months old will ahvays aAvaken spontaneously when it feels the Avant, artd the dangers that we have spoken of are no longer to be feared. Therefore it may be alloAved to sleep on. Still, these precepts should be conformed to, for by leaving a proper interval be- tween the repasts, the child receives sufficient food, it has time to digest Avhat it has taken, and the acid regurgitations, and the passage of curdled but otherAvise unaltered milk, the sure indications of a bad digestion, are avoided ; besides this, it has the advantage of preventing the enormous embonpoint, the puffy cheeks, and dead hue of the skin Avhich sometimes •'ndicate a Aveak constitution. This plan is attended with the happiest results, especially for Avomen of the upper classes, for whom sleep, and that undisturbed, deep, and suffi- ciently long, is even more necessary than food to the reparation of their forces. Most of the nervous Avomen of large cities should have at least six or seven hours of good uninterrupted sleep, under the penalty of being obliged to Avean their children very early; then, after having nursed the child y bout five o'clock in the morning, they may take another nap of tAvc 1078 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. or three hours, if they require it. It Avould be a great mistake, says M. Donne, to suppose that the children suffer from this system. When observed from the beginning, they sometimes become accustomed to it, Avithout having any trouble in sleeping as long as their mother, and they never suffer from the coav's milk that is given to them. They are thus trained to take the bottle, so that should anything aftenvard oblige the mother to suspend nursing tem- porarily, there Avould be much less difficulty in engaging them to accept the artificial nourishment, for Avhich children who ha\'e never knoAvn anything but the breast sometimes manifest an invincible repugnance. Sleep is so necessary to nursing women, that not only should they never give suck, but, Avhenever possible, the child should be kept from its mother at night. Having obtained an intelligent and faithful nurse, she should be intrusted Avith the care of Avatching over the child, giving it drink at night, and taking it to the mother only at stated times. Third Period.—As the object of the first period Avas to prepare the child for receiving a special elementary nourishment, it is proposed in the latter gradually to remove it from the mother, and so accustom it to all kinds of food ; in a word, to render its existence entirely independent. Therefore, the office of the physician is limited to determining the period at Avhich other food may be added to the mother's milk, as also the time Avhen it may be proper to wean the child entirely. Practitioners are far from being unanimous in relation to the period at which other food than the mother's milk should be given to the child. " Nurses from the country," says Desormeaux, " are usually in the habit of giving to their children a §ort of pap made of fine wheat flour and coav's milk, after the first week; they are impressed Avith the idea that this food relieves the colic, to Avhich neAV-born children are very subject. Whether.it really has this effect, or Avhether the digestion, by being made still more difficult, throws the child into a kind of torpid condition, it is often observed to be more quiet after taking it; at the same time it produces a favorable change in the color and consistence of the excrements. On the other hand, Avhen the children are confined to the mother's milk, provided it is sufficiently rich and abundant, they are not more subject to flatulent colic than others. From all this I am disposed to infer that the first method, when prudently folloAved, is without inconvenience in the majority of cases, whilst in certain others it may be advantageous. Nevertheless, I am persuaded that the latter is the best and surest, especially for weakly children." Desormeaux's conclusion seems to me to lack precision, and I only quote it here for the purpose of opposing the tendency it might have to encourage certain pre- judices which, unfortunately, are but too widely prevalent. The paps, soups, &c, which are given to children in certain countries almost as soon as they are born, are at least useless and often dangerous. There are, doubt- less, strong and robust children who may s Aval Ioav them Avithout inconven- ience. But Avould they have thriven less had they been confined to their mother's milk? This is Avhat I deny, and have at the same time no hesita- tion In asserting that such a regimen Avould prove dangerous to the greater number. When the mother is a good nurse, that is to say, when the performance NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1079 ,)f her duties does not fatigue her, and the milk remains unchanged in qual- ity and amount, the child should be restricted to it as far as possible for the first six months, with the exception of the additions mentioned for the night. We shall see hereafter, when treating of the mixed method, ay hat the reasons are which may lead to a modification of this rule, and to which I shall submit unreservedly Avhenever a hired nurse is concerned. Desormeaux thinks that the air of large cities is generally less pure and stimulating than that of the country; and therefore, that the child should be supplied sooner with a species of nourishment capable of supplying, to some extent, the deficien- cies of the air. He adds that the same is true as regards children brought up in low and moist places, as also for those of a lymphatic temperament, or whose parents are feeble. Neither can I agree on this point Avith the celebrated accoucheur. Doubtless, Avhen the bad constitution of the chil- dren is due to the mother's weakness or the defective quality of her milk, coav's milk, and not broth or pap, should be substituted for it; but I cannot think that a residence in cities, or in low and moist places, is a sufficient reason for an earlier administration of food, which is unnatural to the child. Infants living under bad hygienic conditions suffer from a susceptibility on the part of the intestinal canal, to Avhich the robust children of the country, whose digestive poAvers are far more developed, are not liable. To give a feeble and delicate child food of difficult digestion is to task the alimentary canal beyond its powers, and could only result in incomplete elaboration and imperfect assimilation; fortunate indeed Avould it be, should it not give rise to chronic enteritis, with its attendant diarrhoea and emaciation. Kinds of Food.— Farinaceous substances ouglrt to be prepared, such as wheat, and rice flour, potato starch, and arrow-root, in connection Avith milk, so as to form a well-cooked pap of variable consistency ; Avheat flour slightly dried in the oven, taking care to avoid roasting or browning it, Avhich would injure a portion of its nutritive elements, is generally chosen. This flour, Avhich contains a.large proportion of gluten, is very nutritious. The articles mentioned may, hoAvever, be varied to suit the taste and condition of the child. Thus, rice cream would be preferred if the child were somewhat de- bilitated, potato starch as a refreshing diet, and arroAv-root as a light food. Panada, made of Avell-baked Avheaten bread, dried in the oven and then reduced to a coarse poAvder, forms an excellent diet. It is boiled for several hours Avith a sufficient amount of Avater, and aftenvard passed through a silk or hair sieve. About five or six dessert-spoonfuls of these preparations may be given at first every morning. Before long, they may be administered twice a day, besides having added to them sliortly, semoule or vermicelli, Avell cooked. When the child is seven or eight months old, it may take chicken-broth or light soups. A little later, it can have the yolk of a boiled egg, carefully rejecting the white, and finally, it may be allowed to suck a piece of fowl, or, preferably, a bone of foAvl, also a crust of bread Avhich it can chew and swalloAV only after having moistened it sufficiently with saliva. The Avater reddened with claret and sAveeteued slightly, Avhich M. Donne" recommends giving after the age of six months, should, I think, be Avithhelq rather longer, and even then ought to be administered very carefully. 1080 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. As the child becomes accustomed to other food, it seeks the breast with less avidity, although still retaining a marked predilection for it. The mother can then suckle it less frequently without disadvantage. ToAvard the seventh or eighth month, she need nurse it but four or five times a day and still later, two or three times, in the meanwhile ceasing to give it the breast at night altogether. This progressive diminution habituates the child to doing without the breast, develops its taste for other food, and also decreases the Aoav of milk: so that Aveaning becomes easier for the child and less troublesome to tne mother. ARTICLE II. WEANING. At what age ought the child to be weaned f The natural period is that at which the first dentition is accomplished; for not until then is the child pro- vided with the organs necessary to the mastication and insalivation of the food. But it often happens that the first dentition is not completed for a year or a year and a half, and it is very unusual to defer taking the child from the breast so long as this. The delay would be attended Avith serious disadvantage to both mother, and child; the mother would become ex- hausted by her long nursing, and her milk finally lose its good qualities; besides this, the children themselves, after' a certain age, seem to require more substantial food; some, in fact, retain a pallor and puffiness of the features, as Avell as general debility so long as they continue to nurse, and assume a rosy hue, a lively and happy expression, and firmness of flesh, as soon as they become accustomed to a more nutritious food. When care has been taken to habituate the child to something else than milk from the time it is six or seven months old, but little difficulty will be experienced in weaning it completely; and nursing may be given up Avithout disadvantage, as soon as dentition has made considerable pro- gress. Still, I think it very important to take into account the greater or less rapidity and facility with Avhich the evolution of the teeth is accom- plished. As a general rule, weaning is not to be thought of before the child has from eight to ten teeth, Avhich would be about the age of twelve or six- teen months. But if the dentition is delayed, painful, or accompanied by some of the affections to Avhich the child is liable in its second year, there is an advantage, Avhilst giving the child other food, to keep it at the breast, allowing it to suck at least tAvo or three times a day. It is, indeed, an invaluable resource dining the sufferings of painful den- tition. The child then refuses other kinds of food, and will take nothing but the breast, so that it Avould be very difficult to nourish it if weaned prematurely. Therefore, a system Avhich at once provides it with food and alleviates its sufferings, must be very desirable. In cases of retarded and painful dentition it Avould be prudent to continue the nursing till the child is eighteen or twenty months old. To fix upon any particular period for weaning, says M. Trousseau, is simply absurd, and for this reason: Weaning should ahvays be suborduiate to dentition. The fact is, the period of the first dentition, from the appear- ance of the first incisors to that of the last molars, is fraught with peril to NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1081 the child. It is subject to a multitude of disorders affecting the abdomen, the chest, and the head, especially the former. Now, as the so-called dis- orders of digestion are the most frequently observed, it is important to be provided Avith a diet Avhich the child shall not refuse, and which can neither aggravate its condition, nor give rise to any other disease. But dentition lasts for three years: must the suckling be continued all that time ? No, not absolutely ; Ave should be guided by the following rules ; they are very easily remembered. The teeth are evolved in groups. How do they appear ? There are several 6eries, as folloAvs : in the first, appear the two loAver median incisors; in the second, the four upper incisors ; in the third, the four first molars and usually after them the tAvo lower lateral incisors; in the fourth, the four canines; and finally, in the fifth, the four last molars. These are the deciduous teeth. Let us next see how the groups make their appearance: 1. The first incisors come through at an interval of from one to fifteen days, though generally on the same day; and when these tAvo first do not appear Avithin tAvo or three days of each other, the dentition is irregular. When this is over, the child rests; a fact of immense importance as regards therapeutical measures. It rests from three to six months. The tAvo first teeth usually appear betAveen the seventh and eighth month, and the child has aftenvard at least six Aveeks of quiet. 2. The four upper incisors are a month in coming through. First the middle, and then the lateral ones appear, and that betAveen the tenth and twelfth month. 3. From the tAvelfth to the fifteenth month, those of the third series come through: then the child rests for four or five months, during all which time the evolution of teeth is suspended. 4. BetAveen the eighteenth and tAventy-second month, the four canines make their appearance, and are three months in coming through, after Avhich there is a very long repose. 5. Lastly, the child gets its four last molars. It is Avell to knoAV that the teeth appear in groups, inasmuch as the child is sick during the period of a dental evolution. It coughs and has fever, but after the teeth are through, recovers Avith astonishing rapidity. Thus it is throughout the entire period of dentition. Now, what is the right time for Aveaning ? Evidently it should be in the interval betAveen one evolution and another, and about seven or eight days after the teeth are through, and Avhile the organs are in a state of rest. We have thus an advantage of several months, Avherein the child can be accustomed to a neAV diet. After Avhich of these evolutions is it best to Avean the child? After that o,f the canines, ns being the most dangerous: the latter appear singly, and are the only ones Avhich are croAvded. The others meet Avith no impediments, and none but the canines are embraced by the neighboring teeth, Avhich they are obliged to press asunder. Therefore it is that the cutting of these teeth is accompanied Avith more severe symptoms. When it is decided to Avean a child which has been for some time accus- tomed to eating, it is generally better to do it at once than to leave off nurs- ing gradually ; for by continuing to alloAV it to suck only once or twice iu 1082 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. the twenty-four hours the milk becomes altered, and might prove injuri us. It is, however, advisable to begin at night, and, without considering it a matter of great importance, I Avould prefer the spring or summer to winter for commencing. The mother ought, as far as possible, to give up her child to another per- son, Avho should supply it Avith drink, and render it all necessary attention. Some children, so long as they knoAV that their mother is near them, refuse to take any other food, and it is hard for a parent to resist the tears and entreaties of her infant. Should it be impossible for the mother to put away her child, she ought to try to disgust it by covering the nipple Avith some substance of disagreeable taste and odor, such, for instance, as aloes or mus- tard. I have rarely failed to succeed with the latter, for most children reject the breast with disgust after having once tasted or even smelled it. ARTICLE III. REGIMEN OP NURSING WOMEN. We have but few remarks to make in relation to the precautions which should be observed by a young Avoman Avho proposes nursing her child. A good diet is indispensable for Avomen who have to support the fatigues of nursing. Rich and succulent food, beef-broth, Avhite and dark meats, Avhether roast or broiled, should, doubtless, form in great - measure the prin- cipal elements of the meals; still, they ought not to be debarred from vege- tables, milk, chocolate, and broiled preparations of the various farinaceous substances. They should avoid highly seasoned ragouts, and an excess of salt, pepper, vinegar, and other strong and indigestible condiments. The usual drink should be claret and water; the use of pure Avine, alcoholic liquors, and coffee, require great discretion, and it Avere far better to abstain. from them altogether. The number of meals should generally be governed by the habits of the individual. It is well, hoAvever, that they should not be too far apart, nor so copious as to give rise to indigestion. We have already insisted on the propriety of the mother's obtaining a sufficient amount of sleep, and revert to it only for the purpose of fixing attention upon its importance; for Avithout it, most of the females in large cities Avould find it impossible to nurse. A nursing mother ought to breathe a pure air, avoid dampness and cold, and take a sufficient amount of exercise. The warm bathing Avhich some persons prescribe, I approve of Avhen not too long continued, and only for the preservation of cleanliness. A residence in the country certainly is one of the best hygienic conditions both for herself and child, which often finds in frequent insolation and pure* air a substitute for deficiencies in the quality of the milk. The breasts should be carefully protected from the air, especially at the outset, and the child should not be suckled in a cold and damp garden. I have knoAvn several ladies to be attacked Avith inflammatory engorgement of the breasts from a neglect of this precaution. The chest ought to be kept constantly covered with a piece of soft linen folded in several thicknesses, and changed as soon as it becomes moist, NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1083 When the breasts are Arery large, they should be supported by c.arsets with ample gusgets ; for the mere weight of the glands is sometimes sufficient to render them painful and give rise to engorgement. Some Avomen have so much milk, that Avhen the child sucks on one si le, it escapes freely from the other. To prevent the linen from becoming too much moistened in this Avay, the nipple is sometimes introduced into the neck of a sort of very flat bottle, Avhich receives the milk as it escapes. Finally, nursing Avomen cannot be too strongly recommended to avoid sadness and violent moral emotions; Ave have already explained at length the effect Avhich they might produce. " It may be said, in a general Avay," M. Donne remarks, " that calmness and equanimity are what young Avomen most frequently lack." So essential a condition is this, that I take into deep consideration the nervous condition of the mother Avhen judging of the propriety of her nursing, and if she is too excitable, I prefer intrusting the child to a Avet-nurse. A mother Avham the least cry of her child fills Avith anxiety, and who cannot see it fretful or in pain Avithout being overcome, Avill hardly fail to make a bad nurse. A child is rarely brought up Avithout suffering some derangement or other of its health, and sometimes even serious disease. It is precisely on such occasions most important to have the milk perfectly pure, Avhich it never can be from the breast of a mother who AviU not, or cannot control her emotions. ARTICLE IV. OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES AVHICH MAY RENDER NURSING BY THE MOTHER DIFFICULT, AND OF THE ACCIDENTS THAT ARE LIABLE TO INTERFERE AVITH IT. § 1. Impediments to Nursing. We have already treated of such malformations of the nipple as may sometimes be remedied by timely interference. There are some, however, such as the absence of this part, and its entire imperforation, Avhich render nursing impossible; but even those of the kind first mentioned, such as shortness of the nipple, may make it equally impracticable, Avhen uot dis- covered until after the birth of the child, and Avhen about' to put it to the breast. The shortness of the nipple may be only relative, that is to say, though long enough for a strong child accustomed to sucking, it is too short for the new-born infant, who cannot take it, or is unwilling to do so. In such cases, it is Avell before putting the child to the breast to render the nipple rather more projecting by titillating it with the fingers, drawing it out by a pump, or haviijg it sucked by a puppy, an adult person, or, still better, by a child from six Aveeks to tAvo months old. The latter is preferable Avhen it is reasonable to suppose that the difficulties resulting from the shortness of the nipple are increased by the Aveakness or the uiiAvillingness of the child. A strong and vigorous infant, furnished by another nurse, Avould be able to take the breast of the recently delivered female, and give shape to the nip- ples, whilst, on the other hand, the neAV-born child, deriving its nourishment with ease and in abundance from the breasts of the nurse, grows rapidly Btreuger, becomes accustomed to sucking, and after a feAV days may be re- 1084 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. turned to the mother, who is then able to present it Avith properly formed breasts. Care should be taken not to select too old a child; for, knoAving its nurse, it Avould be unwilling to take the breast of another Avoman. Finally, as a last resort, the artificial nipples, in their most modern and improved form, may be tried. Those made by M. Charriere of softened ivory, I think preferable to any others. § 2. Erosions, Excoriations, Chaps, Fissures, and Cracks op the Nipple. These various affections, implicating the nipple or its base, bear the strongest resemblance to each other, and hardly differ except in extent, and more especially in their situation. Excoriation, of which erosion is but the first degree, is a small, superficial wound of the skin, in which the derm is laid bare by the removal of the epidermis. When it has become so large and deep as to destroy the surface of the derm, it constitutes an ulceration. It has no special seat, but may affect the entire surface, or only one or a feAV points of the nipple. Its surface is often of a bright red color, granu- lated, and frequently SAvollen ; sometimes it is ahvays moist, at others covered with thin scabs. Occasionally, sucking is followed by a slight effusion of blood. The chap resultsi from the drying up, and imperfect removal of the epi- dermis, the dried cells of which resemble small scales. The fissure is an elongated ulceration, generally deeper than the simple excoriation. It forms at the bottom of the furrows, and takes their direc- tion ; usually, and then too it is the most painful, it occupies the groove separating the base of the nipple from the rest of the skin. Cracks are an exaggeration of the fissures, from Avhich they almost ahvays originate. They differ from the latter by the cracked, swollen, and extremely sensitive condition of the surrounding skin. Inflammation of the skin of the nipple is the usual cause of the erosions, excoriations, and ulcerations which succeed them; though in some cases, according to M. Deluze, (Inaugural Thesis,) they are formed in the follow- ing manner: When the child seizes the nipple, it is placed in a gutter between the tongue and the palate, so that all the efforts at suction are brought to bear upon the extremity of the nipple towards Avhich the fluids tend ; as this part is supported by nothing, it gives way, and a small, bloody streak can be detected upon it after nursing. In some cases, the only effect of the suction is to raise the epidermis, and form a sort of pouch or red spot, beneath which a slight ecchymosis is discoverable ; finally, either in conse- quence of another act of nursing, or spontaneously, the raised portion of epidermis dries and falls off, and excoriation folloAvs. The extension of the latter into the grooves of the nipple gives rise to the fissures. Simple excoriation is far more common than fissures produced at once or by rupture. Thus, of 17 cases observed at the Clinique by M. Deluze, there were but 4 cases of a spontaneous character. NURSING of children. 1085 I regard exposure of the nipple to cold, when yet Avarm and moist after sucking, as the most frequent cause of chapping. Fissures and cracks may, no doubt, also take their origin in inflammation or the impression of cold, inasmuch as they so often follow ulcerations and chaps; but besides this, they may often be produced mechanically, by the violent tractions upon the nipple during the act of sucking. They occasionally appear after the child has taken the breast tAvo or three times. The sucking first produces acute pain, folloAved by violent smarting. A superficial examination of the breast discovers nothing; but if the nipple be draAvn upon gently, so as to Aviden the furroAvs Avhich traverse it, a slight redness with serous effusion Avill be found at the bottom of one or several of them. The fissure is not yet formed, but soon makes its appearance after a few more nursings; as each application of the child to the breast tends to increase it, a true crack is shortly formed, which becomes covered Avith a scab or crust, beneath Avhich it is common ■ to find a small amount of ex- travasated blood. However produced, these accidents generally occur in the early days of lactation. The normal sensitiveness of the nipple is not as yet blunted, nor has the skin covering it had time to become accustomed to the pressure and tractions Avhich it is destined to undergo. HoAvever, although these ulcers or cracks rarely occur after the tenth day, I have known them to be formed at a much later period, in Avhich case they seemed to me to have been occa- sioned by the biting of the child, and sometimes by an aphthous inflamma- tion affecting the latter. These slight accidents are generally suffered by Avomen Avho nurse for the first time: such as have a fine and irritable skin, Avhose breasts were very sensitive even before pregnancy, those Avhose nipples are badly formed, or who wait for several days for the milk to come before putting the child to the breast, thus obliging it to grasp the nipple more strongly with its lips, and to make greater effort to extract the milk, are peculiarly exposed to them. Slight excoriations and ulcerations are generally supported Avithout much trouble; which is far from being the case Avith the fissures and cracks, Avhich are commonly exceedingly painful. Those situated at the base of the nipple, I have thought, occasion the most suffering. When we remember the painful sensations resulting from the cracks that are liable to form on the median line of the loAver lip in Avinter, we may easily imagine the effect of those on the nipple. The evident tendency of each act of suction is to separate the margins of the little ulcer. Notwithstanding her desire to nurse the child, the mother dreads the approach of the stated times, and instinctively recoils Avhen the babe is brought for the purpose. At the moment of seizing the nipple, she is often compelled to cry out, and continues to groan for several minutes. Generally, the sensation is less acute after the first few moments, but is reneAved Avith dreadful intensity Avhenever the child recommences sucking after having stopped, and especially when it seizes the nipple again greedily; after having relinquished it altogether. The suffering is sometimes so intolerable, that these unfortunates are observed to bite their clothes or coverings, to avoid crying out, Avhilst others writhe or are even affected with convulsive movements. 1086 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. If the crack is deep and the suction strong, some blood flows frorn the edga of the AA'ound. This becomes mixed with the milk and is swalloAved. Should the child vomit, it is found in Avhat is throAvn up, but if not, it is expelled in the stools, and leaves its mark on the diaper. The physician should remember this fact, for he is often •consulted by parents Avho inquire in great alarm the meaning of these bloody passages. The explanation is almost always to be found in fissures of the nipple, of which the Avoman had not, perhaps, complained hitherto; but should he neglect making the examina- tion, he might suspect hemorrhage of the boAvels, and thus help to continue fears Avhich are really Avithout foundation. The irritation affecting the fissures is very often propagated to the skin of the nipple, thence to the areola or the cellular tissue which lines it, and next, more deeply to the gland itself or to the interlobular tissue, thus giving rise to abscesses of the areola, or to those of a phlegmonous or glan- dular character. On the other hand, the suffering is sometimes so severe that the mother avoids nursing from the affected breast as much as possible, thus helping to produce its engorgement and the abscess to which it gives rise. We Avould add, finally, that in consequence of the long detention of the milk in the ducts, it becomes deteriorated, and assumes the characters of colostrum. The sufferings occasioned by these ulcerations of the nipple, and the serious accidents which often result from them, shoAV, evidently, that they ought to be prevented, and when they exist, to be cured as soon as possible. The difficulties in nursing due to the shortness and malformation of the nipple being generally the cause, the best prophylactic means are those already mentioned. The delicacy of the skin, and the extreme sensitiveness of the nipple, Avill be advantageously treated by astringent lotions, frequently applied during the latter months of gestation. Without having any great confidence in the value of ointments for producing this result, M. Dubois made some experiments for the purpose of testing them. He caused fric- tions Avith the folloAving compositions, to be made for a month before delivery, viz., tannin, one drachm ; lard, one ounce ; or Avith a mixture of equal parts of cocoa butter, oil of SAveet almonds, and tannin. For my oavh part, I prefer the astringent lotions ; they have not, like most fats, the inconvenience of soiling the linen, becoming rancid, and sometimes of irritating very deli- cate skins. Like M. Trousseau, I am convinced that when the woman begins nursing, the best prophylactic measure is simply to wash the nipple Avith a fine sponge as soon as the child quits the breast. Its saliva is acid, and should a little caseine remain behind, nothing more is required to produce excoriation. It is Avell to make these lotions Avith a slightly astringent solution. They should, hoAvever, be done quickly, so as to expose the breast to the air for the shortest time possible, and the nipple ought to be covered at once with a little hood of lead with a hole through its extremity, in order to protect it from the contact of cold air and the friction of the clothing. The use of prophylactic measures cannot be insisted on too strongly, for, unfortunately, the curative means hitherto employed leave much to be desired. They are, however, numerous, and I knoAV of no disease against NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1087 which so many ointments, solutions, &c, have been recommended ; but here, as is ahvays the case in therapeutics, abundance means dearth; there is much less seeking when an infallible remedy is at hand. In order to account for the popularity which some of these preparations have enjoyed, it is only necessary to be aAvare that happily, in a great number of instances, these fissures or excoriations get Avell of themselves. The poor mother gradually becomes accustomed to the pain; she continues to nurse, and Avhen the cracks are not very deep, and especially Avhen not situated at the base of the nipple, they undergo spontaneous cicatrization. The cessation of nursing is the best remedy of all; but it must be con- fessed that this is too discouraging to certain mothers Avho attach great im- portance to suckling the child. We shall therefore mention some of the chief topical applications Avhich have been used Avith a certain amount of success. M. Trousseau recommends, that when excoriations or fissures appear around the nipple, that lotions with warm water should first be practised, and folloAved by a weak solution of nitrate of silver. If these are not suffi- cient, a solution of sulphate of copper or of zinc may be employed; and, finally, Avhen the affection persists, he Avould have recourse to the Avhite pre- cipitate ointment, viz.: White precipitate,1 .... 4 grains. Lard, . . . . . . 2 to 4 drachms. I have used this ointment Avith some success at the Clinique. It is neces- sary to clean the breast well before putting the child to it, and to reneAV the ointment immediately afterward. Although I have observed nothing which could be attributed to absorption of the ointment, there is reason to fear lest the health of the child might suffer if the breast is not carefully Avipedf M. Dubois appears to have tried, Avithout advantage, the oil of cocoa, nitrate of silver, collodion, and creasote. The first acts like any other fatty matter, by protecting the Avound from contact Avith the air. Collodion, which promised much in the Avay of shielding the diseased surface from the action of the infant's mouth, and of preventing the dragging of the lips of the wound, whilst permitting the nursing to continue, has failed. The saliva gradually detaches the solidified lamina of this substance, and not unfrequently it is loosened by the cutaneous perspiration. The application of creasote is very painful to the mother, and its smell is so repulsive that the child refuses to take the breast. Cauterization Avith the nitrate of silver sometimes succeeds Avhen the pen- cil is finely pointed and carried to the deepest part of the ulcer; but almost alwavs upon condition that the nursing shall be suspended immediately aftenvard. This, hoAvever, is not practicable when both breasts are affected ; it exposes greatly to engorgement when it can be done; and facts which have come under my observation, incline me strongly to believe that the 1 The white precipitate (precipite blanc) here alluded to, is the same as the pre- cipitated calomel of the Dublin Pharmacopoeia: not the white precipitate (hydrargyrum aniinoiiiutum) of the United States Pharmacopoeia.—Translator, 1088 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. cauterization itself may give rise to phlegmonous inflammation of the breast. Finally, I would add, that if nursing is resumed too soon after the ulcer is cicatrized, it Avould open again upon the first suctions. It is, there- fore, upon the Avhole, useless Avhen the nursing is continued, and uncertain, and often dangerous, when the latter is interrupted. Mr. Startin, a London physician, has recently extolled the use of gly- cerine, or the SAveet principle of oils. It is a substance produced abun- dantly during the saponification of fats, and especially in the manufacture of stearine candles. Glycerine does not evaporate at ordinary temperatures ; on the contrary, it absorbs moisture from the air; it is soluble to any extent in water, so that it may be easily removed from the part to which it is applied. The following are Mr. Startin's formula? against excoriations and fissures: R.—Gum Tragacanth (pure)...... 2 to 4 drachms. Lime Water,........4 ounces. Distilled Rose Water, ...... 3 " Purified Glycerine,.......1 ounce. M. A soft jelly, to be used as an ointment or embrocation. Against fissures of the nipple : R.—Biborate of Soda,.....half a drachm to a drachm. Purified Glycerine, .... half an ounce. Distilled Rose Water, 1\ ounces. M. S. For lotions to the affected parts. All these measures may be greatly assisted by the use of artificial nip- ples, which should be had recourse to Avhenever the child will submit to them. To overcome the repugnance which some evince for their employ- ment, it is Avell to fill it Avith Avarm milk before applying it, so that the milk Avill Aoav readily into the mouth with the first suctions. The child soon becomes accustomed to it, for whilst emptying the artificial nipple, it'forms a vacuum, and draws out the mother's milk gently. If the child can be prevailed on to accept it, the artificial nipple Avill almost ahvays be suffi- cient of itself when the fissures and cavities are situated upon the free por- tion of the nipple, especially Avhen the former are parallel Avith its length. Unfortunately, the case is very different Avhen the fissures have a transverse direction, and especially Avhen situated at the base. The artificial nipple, it js true, protects the natural one against the direct contact Avith the lips and tongue of the child, but is incapable, in the latter case, of preventing the separation of the edges of the Avound. If, notAvithstanding all these precautions, nursing is so painful that tne mother defers suckling too long, and there is danger of engorgement, pumps for extracting the milk artificially will have to be made use of. I should give preference to the one invented by M. Tier, and called teterelle, for its action is but slightly painful to the mother, and the loAver chamber receives the milk, Avhich may subsequently be given to the child. A new instru- ment, for the same purpose, was presented to the Academy of Sciences by Dr. Lamperiere, of Versailles, but not having seen it operate, I am un- qualified to judge of the many advantages claimed for it by the inventor. Besides these altogether local lesions, there are some other accidents Avhicb NURSING OF CHILDREN 1089 may require nursing to be given up, either because they injure the milk or deteriorate the general health of the mother. § 3. Circumstances which may interfere avith Nursing. Whenever the mother suffers an attack of acute disease shortly after delivery, the secretion of milk is generally so far suspended as no longer to be sufficient for the Avants of the child. The same is the case with some others, Avho, although apparently in good health, have no milk before the fifth or sixth day, Avithout our being able to account for the delay. Lastly, the strength of some Avomen is so exhausted by a tedious labor. that it is indispensable to allow them two or three days of perfect rest. Under all these circumstances, the place of the colostrum must be supplied by a little sugar and Avater mixed Avith one-fourth the quantity of milk; and should the mother's recovery be postponed longer than three or four days, the child ought to be given temporarily to a Avet-nurse, Avhich were far preferable to artificial feeding. Even Avhen lactation has commenced regularly and properly, accidents are still liable to happen, all tending to lessen the quantity and injure the quality of the milk. A. Alterations in quantity. — The quantity of milk may be altered in two Avays, there may be too little of it or none at all, or there may be far more of it than the child requires. The former condition has received the name of agalactia, and the latter that of galactorrhoza. Agalactia. — Nature seems to have left her Avork unfinished in some women, Avho, although capable of becoming mothers, are often unable to nurse their child on account of their having little or no milk. The agalactia may be either complete or partial: complete, when the secretion is absolutely wanting; and partial, Avhen merely insufficient for the nourishment of the child. - In both cases, it may be either original or accidental: original, when the breasts are the seat of no fluxion Avhatever after delivery, or Avhen Avhat secretion may take place is insufficient for the requirements of the child; secondary, Avhen the milk, though abundant at the outset, lessens considerably in amount or even ceases to be secreted altogether. It is very difficult to determine the causes of primitive agalactia. Imper- fect development of the mammary gland, its atrophy, and the various diseases to Avhich it is liable, may certainly occasion it in some instances. There are others, hoAvever, in Avhich, unless we attribute it like M. Trous- seau to deficient vital energy, due probably to imperfect* development of the vessel j supplying the gland, it is almost impossible to explain it. AVe have already studied the causes Avhich may give rise to accidental agalactia, in the chapter on Lactation. It is generally quite easy to ascertain the existence of complete agalactia; but when the nurse has any interest to practise deception, it is necessary to be very careful, if Ave Avould detect it Avhen only partial. The first and best sign is the emaciation of the child, or, at least, its arrested development. On examination, the mother's breasts are found to be soft and flaccid, even Avhen the child has not sucked for a long while. The latter is always hun mentioned. NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1093 ARTICLE V. OF MIXED NURSING. It has been shown in the preceding pages that a great many women are incapable of affording a full supply of nourishment to their children. The con- stitution, health, and conformation of the breasts of some are all that could be desired; still their lactation is defective, either in quality, the milk being sufficiently abundant but too unsubstantial, or, what is more common, defi- cient in quantity, though of excellent quality. Others, on the contrary, have very good milk, but their feeble and delicate constitution excite fears lest a too free secretion and prolonged nursing should injure their future health. Lastly, there are some Avho, in the midst of conditions apparently the most favorable, find their milk fail, and even disappear very rapidly. To supply this deficiency, it becomes necessary to give the child other nour- ishment than Avhat it is able to obtain from its mother's breast. This mix- ture constitutes precisely what is termed mixed nursing. It should be un- derstood that I do not include in this appellation that system of nursing in Avhich the child is kept from the mother at night, giving it diluted milk to drink, once or tAvice, for the purpose of enabling her to take what sleep her condition requires. The indications presented by insufficiency of the mother's milk, vary according to the causes Avhich produce it; they are also subject to the in- fluence of a multitude of circumstances, foreign, it is true, to the question in its purely medical aspect, but Avhich it is impossible not to take account of in practice. There are women Avho, having no great desire to nurse, and alarmed at the sacrifices which the fulfilment of this duty involves, as also by the fatigues inseparable from it, consent to nurse their child only on account of the solicitation of their husbands or their family, and sometimes even by a sort of respect to humanity, but Avho Avould like nothing better than a good excuse for avoiding it altogether. With a little tact and experience, the physician is soon able to know just Avhat to depend upon, and under these circumstances he ought not to hesitate, but, provided the position of the family is such as to permit of the employment of a wet-nurse, he should encourage the woman to give up the idea of suckling. On the other hand, there are women who possess the maternal instinct even to jealousy, and Avho cannot become reconciled to the idea of alloAving their children to be nursed by another. They are fully determined to run all risks before intrusting them Avith a hireling. A sentiment of this kind is certainly too laudable for the physician to pass over it lightly. Besides, the advantages Avhich the little one derives from the attentive and affec- tionate cares lavished upon it by its mother, compensate for the imperfection of her milk. Nor do I see why in the majority of these cases there should be any impropriety in trying the mixed method, on the condition, however, of Avatching carefully OA-er the child's health, and having recourse to another nurse as soon as it shall appear to suffer from it. The samr* remark applies to young mothers whose condition in life does not permit them to take in a Avet-nurse. Children removed from the pa- 1094 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. rental abode incur too many unfavorable risks, and it is so rare to me./t with women who, Avhen free from all oversight, perform the immense duty which they accept, conscientiously, that I make no hesitation in preferring the oaixed method to the removal of the child. There are still some other circumstances which may render necessary the latter method of nursing. Thus, Avhen a woman has been delivered of tAvins, it is very rarely that she will not be obliged to supply the deficiency of her lacteal secretion by artificial nursing. The same is the case when the mother is able to suckle from one side only ; for, although it is strictly pos- sible for a single breast to suffice, the co-operation of both is commonly necessary. During the first days subsequent to birth, the child needs so little food that it will ahvays find a sufficiency in its mother's breasts; and, except in cases where some circumstance or other prevents nursing, it were useless to give it anything else. Besides, this first milk possesses very useful proper- ties, Avhich might be interfered Avith by paps, or the milk of an animal. HoAA'ever, Avhen the mixed method is decided upon, it should be commenced as soon as possible, for othenvise the child, having become accustomed to the breast, Avould be prevailed upon Avith great difficulty to take any other food. In the majority of cases, also, although there is a sufficiency of milk during the first week, there would soon be too little should the nursing be deferred. Coav's or goat's milk, given subject to the rules to be mentioned hereafter whea treating of artificial nursing, are certainly the kinds of"food best suited to the child, and the only ones that Ave recommend to be used for the first three or four months. If the child is in a satisfactory condition, the paps, panadas, &c, men- tioned in connection Avith weaning, may be given rather sooner than in the maternal nursing proper. The child, having been long accustomed to a rather more substantial nourishment than it derives from the mother's breast exclusively, may commence taking some farinaceous paps about the fourth or fifth month. It will be thus prepared for the weaning; which will probably have to be effected about the tenth or eleventh month. The mixed method, thus understood, and continued for ten months or a year, is certainly preferable to a purely artificial nursing. I confess even, that when the mothers are obliged to send their children away, if committed at all to a wet-nurse, the absence of the parent's oversight is attended with so many inconveniences, that I. prefer the mixed method to putting out to nurse. Could the mother only give it suck two or three times in the twenty- four hours, I Avould advise her to keep her child. What has just been said applies also to Avomen whose secretion of milk, although small in amount, is yet kept up regularly for nearly a year. But there are some who secrete abundantly during the early months, and then Buddenly lose it altogether; in others the milk continues to be formed, but their health suffers so greatly from the fatigues of nursing, as to oblige them absolutely to give it up. In both cases, the choice lies between an early weaning and the continua- tion of nursing by a Avet-nurse — the mixed method being here out of the question. I begin by declaring that Avhenever the general health or the NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1095 antecedents of the woman are such as to cause me to feai lest she should not be able to continue nursing longer than two or three months, I Avould advise her not to undertake a task beyond her poAvers. She Avould thus be spared one of the severest disappointments that a Avoman can suffer, namely, that of giving up her child to another, after nursing it for several months. But, whether because our advice is not follpAved, or that nursing by the toother has to be relinquished suddenly on account of some accident, ought the child to be raised by the bottle, or should it be supplied with a nurse? I am of Desormeaux's opinion, that artificial nursing is attended with far greater chance of success in the case of a child Avhich has sucked for several months, than with one neAvly born; but experience has so often proved to me the great difficulties and inconveniences of artificial nursing in large cities, that I much prefer a nurse, even for a child four or five months old. I do all in my poAver to overcome the repugnance of the mother in reference thereto, and unless both herself and the child can go into the country to reside, I persist in my opinion. Should the child, however, be strong and vigorous, if it is born of robust parents, if nothing but an accident has obliged the mother to suspend nursing, and if our views meet Avith great opposition, an attempt may be made to bring it up Avith the bottle, but still, on the condition of observing attentively its digestive functions, and having recourse to a nurse as soon as the necessity shall be manifest. Before finishing what we have to say of the mixed method, we ought to insist upon the necessity of supplying the deficiency in the mother's milk by a species of food approaching the nearest to it in quality. We repeat, there- fore, cow's milk, pure or diluted, according to the age of the child, and goat's milk, seem to us far preferable during the first four months. Paps and panadas, Avhen given prematurely, may be successful under certain excep- tional circumstances; but this success, Avhich is constantly throAvn up to us, cannot make us forget the disastrous effect which it has on some Aveak con- stitutions, and on many children in large cities. We repeat, therefore, that children born in the country of robust parents, and Avho are constantly ex- posed to the vivifying influence of the sun and fresh air, derive from the good hygienic conditions in Avhich they live, a power of digestion Avhich enables them to assimilate with advantage a food Avhich Avould be indiges- tible for others. ARTICLE VI. SUCKLING BY NURSES. Some Avomen cannot, and others will not, nurse their children. Noav, the latter should be subjected as little as possible to the bad effects of this inca- pacity or unAvillingness; and the best substitute for the mother's milk is, certainly, that of a nurse. § 1. Of Choosing a Nurse. The physician generally is, and ahvays ought to be, charged Avith the selection of a nurse. Noav, this choice is one of the most delicate and com- promising acts of medical practice, for its conscientious performance neces- 1096 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. sitates precautions and investigations, which, to speak frankly, it is impos- sible to make in the majority of cases. To choose a nurse properly, is tc guarantee the family a full supply of milk of good quality, and to assure them as to the excellence of her constitution, and especially that she is not nor ever has been, affected with any disease capable of being transmitted to the nursling. Now, it must be acknoAvledged, that if an examination of the milk pro- perly performed is capable of affording us a tolerably correct idea of its composition; if an investigation of the principal organs of the chest and abdomen, and the exploration of the mouth, teeth, and cervical, and even inguinal glands, are competent to assure us as to her good health ; if the development of the muscles of the body and limbs, and the color of the skin, can enable us to appreciate the strength and vigor of the constitution, it is about all that we can expect to accomplish. To require a nurse to submit to a thorough examination of the genital parts and the use of the speculum, which is indispensable to a strict diagnosis, would be to receive an almost certain refusal. Perhaps some shameless Avomen, or unfortunates, Avhom hunger allows to object to nothing, Avould not decline; but I am con- vinced that we should fail Avith those good and chaste country nurses, Avhose simple habits are foreign to the debasedness of cities. Such examination could be made obligatory only by public authority, and then by confining it to a single physician, Avho should be charged Avith the examination of all. These poor Avomen would then have to submit to a single visit only. But it must not be forgotten that in Paris especially, before a Avoman is received by any one physician, she has often been presented to ten differ- ent families. She would, therefore, have been obliged to submit to the examination ten times. It is plain that this could not be done, or if it were, I would find it difficult to confide in one who had alloAved it; for though I might feel satisfied as to her physical condition, I should certainly have strong doubts as to her moral qualities. Besides, would this examination ahvays be so conclusive as to justify an absolute assurance to the families? Doubtless, Ave might be able, in the majority of cases, to certify that there does not exist, at the time, any symptom of syphilis; but is the present any security for the past? The local symptoms disappear, but does not the general infection remain, which may socmer or later become manifest ? We see, therefore, that Avere the examination always possible, the evidences of a recent attack of syphilis might be overlooked, and could give us little or no information in respect to the antecedents. I coincide, therefore, with M. Donne, in the belief that the examination Avould be useful, and Avould even be disposed to direct the attention of the authorities to the propriety of causing a medical inspection of nurses ; but in the present condition of things, I believe it impossible that each one should require this thorough examination. After examining the chest, and ascertaining the absence of scrofulous cicatrices, the healthy condition of the cervical glands, and, if possible, of the inguinal glands, and after inspecting the development of the muscular system iu order to appreciate the vigor of constitution, the physician should next give his attej tion to the milk, and the organs Avhich secrete it. I con- NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1097 fess regarding the color of the hair and soundness of the teeth as of minor importance; for blondes make as good nurses as brunettes, and, in some countries, the teeth are subject to early decay Avithout the health of the inhabitants being any the less robust. Neither is it important that the nurse should be of the same age, stature, and temperament as the mother Avhose child is to be submitted to her charge. Without paying too much regard to attractiveness and beauty of external configuration, it is proper that there should be nothing unpleasant about the woman, and especially that she should be physically agreeable to the young mother. The latter is obliged to live for a year or eighteen months almost constantly in the pres- ence of her child's nurse, and it is far from immaterial Avhether she is to be in continual relation Avith a repulsive countenance. Much consideration should be had for whatever information is attainable in respect to her intelligence, character, and general disposition. A nurse avIio is gentle, good-natured, and who knows Iioav to amuse a child, ought, other things being equal, to be preferred. It Avere useless to remark, that no woman should be introduced into a family of whose probity and morality there can be the least doubt: unfortunately, hoAvever, Ave are too commonly obliged to trust to chance in regard to the latter point.1 The nurse's age is not a matter of indifference. I think it better to choose one betAveen the ages of twenty and thirty years ; and Avould advise declining all avIio are over thirty-five. As a general rule, women who have already had several children, and Avho are consequently familiar with all the offices which they require, are received more willingly than primiparas. It is far better that an inexperienced mother should have an experienced nurse, Avho is accustomed to handle and take charge of children. Besides, by inquiring of families where they have already nursed, we may have more certain information as regards their disposition, their honesty, and the amount and quality of their milk in a previous nursing, Avhich may serve, to a certain extent, as a guarantee for the future. Finally, they are much less affected by putting away their own child than primiparas, and, therefore, are far less likely to lose their milk suddenly. The former have, therefore, undoubted advantages over the latter, but they are also liable to some objections : thus, they have acquired habits Avhich they relinquish Avith difficulty; it is much harder to subject them to the regimen which you Avish them to follow; lastly, provided they do not find in their neAV position the pecuniary advantages, the indulgences and attentions of Avhich some parents are lavish, they make unfavorable comparisons, and become discontented and exacting. 1 It were better, as a general rule, not to engage nurses too long in advance. I think it prudent to reserve the right of examination at the time when they shall be'needed ; for there are cases in abundance, in which, notwithstanding the most favorable appear- ances, the lactation is defective. For a still stronger reason would it be wrong in parents to retain a pregnant woman without consulting their physician, because she had already nursed for one of their acquaintances, who had recommended her highly. So many circumstances are liable to interfere with lactation, and so many accidents may happen after delivery capable of seriously injuring a health which had been per- fectly good up to that time, that I advise .-ill my patients never to treat with their nurses otherwise than provisionally, and to promise only conditionally, and always subject to the fnal recommendation of their physician. Disregard to this limitation has given rise t) many unpleasant occurrences in families. 1098 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. The woman Avho offers herself as a nurse may be still pregnant, or have been delivered for some time. If she is still pregnant, it is important to be sure, in the ;5rst place, that her labor will be over at least tAvo months before that of the mother of the child. The organs have hardly returned to their normal condition, and the woman is barely recovered before tAvo months after delivery, and not before then ought she to be intrusted with a neAV nursling. Earlier than this, the neAV-born child Avould have a milk better adapted to its digestive poAvers; but a Avoman is liable to so many accidents during the first six Aveeks after delivery, that it is impossible to ansAver for the future. It is much more difficult to judge of the future qualities of a nurse during pregnancy, and Avhatever may be the result of a first examination, it is necessary to be very cautious as to what one says in regard to it. We have already noticed the points of useful information to be ascertained by an examination of the colostrum secreted during the latter months of gestation, and we shall not recur to the subject; it is almost the only element of importance in the question under consideration. The form and size of the breasts are of but secondary value. Voluminous breasts are by no means a certain indication of a full supply of milk in the future; for generally the entire mass is in great part made up of fat. This remark does not ahvays apply to the size of the gland itself, which can often be distinguished from the thick layers surrounding it. It is important, in fact, that it should not be too small. But, provided it is of about the normal size, the flow of milk may be sufficient or even abundant if the veins of the breast are largely developed. Dealers in coavs, says M. Trousseau, know very Avell that their milking qualities cannot be judged of by the size of the udder. Thus, a cow whose udder has a cubic capacity of four quarts may give ten quarts of milk, being six quarts more than the apparent size, which proves that milk is secreted during the act of sucking or of milking. The same is the case in the human species; the size of the breast is not an absolute indication of good nursing qualities. M. Trousseau thinks that very important information may be derived from the phenomena observed in the breasts of certain women at each menstrual period. When, says he, there is a strong determination to the breasts at each period, Avhen the latter groAV hard and painful, and the globules of the gland become more distinct and form projections, the Avoman is likely to be a good nurse. ... I have never had an opportunity of testing the value of this conclusion. When the Avoman has been delivered and nursed for some time, the phy- sician ought to direct his attention especially to the amount and quality of the milk I shall not revert to the means for determining the richness or poverty of the milk, its purity, or its alteration by heterogeneous elements. I Avould, hoAvever, remark, that to have ascertained, by placing a feAV drops of milk in a spoon, that it is opaque, homogeneous, of medium consistency, and Avithout any peculiar taste or odor, does not obviate the necessity of having recourse to the microscope whenever possible. By it alone can be estimated the number, regularity, and size of the globules, and, consequently, NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1099 the amount of cream or buttery part which they constitute. Unfortunately, but feAV physicians have this instrument at their disposal or know hoAv to use it; and still less are they accustomed to chemical analysis. In ordinary cases, and in the absence of a better process, the richness of the milk may be estimated by measuring the thickness of the layer of cream ; for this purpose, M. Donne's little graduated test-tubes may be used, or, still better, the lacto- scope of the same author, Avhose application requires but a few minutes. It is important to bear in mind the variations in the milk pointed out by M. Peligot according to the time it has remained in the breasts (see page 1091). If a woman presents herself Avith breasts much distended, it is necessary that she should allow her child to suck for some time, before Ave shall be able to form a correct idea of the density of the milk; for the first milk is much thinner and more watery than that Avhich is secreted a short time before its extraction. Lastly, the best means of judging of the quantity of milk, is to examine the physical condition of the nurse's child; to be certain, as far as possible, that it takes no other food; to Avitness it suck several times, and determine Avhether its appetite seems satisfied, although the breasts still retain a con- siderable degree of firmness. Again, like M. Natalis Guillot, Ave may cause the child to be weighed before and after putting to the breast; the quantity of milk SAvallowed being indicated by the difference in Aveight. From 21 to 5 or 6 ounces should be Avithdrawn at each suckling; but less than 2\ ounces is insufficient for the purposes of nutrition. The complete absence of glandular engorgement should lead us to suppose that the milk is uncontaminated Avith a single globule of pus; but if the condition of the breast is such as to leave any doubt in the mind, nothing but microscopic examination is capable of settling the question. This in- strument is still more necessary for ascertaining the presence of the elements of colostrum at a period Avhen they ought to have disappeared altogether. Lastly, the age of the milk should be taken into serious consideration: As Ave are obliged to alloAV the nurse at least tAvo months for the purpose of recovering from the fatigues of labor, the accoucheur cannot supply the child Avith a very young milk, such, for instance, as its mother might fur- nish it; but it is at least better not to give it milk from a nurse avIio has been delivered longer than from eight to ten months. At this time, it is no longer adapted to the requirements of the child, and as most Avomen are barely able to nurse longer than from eighteen to twenty months, there would be some risk of finding the secretion cease altogether, before the natural period of Aveaning. A milk of from tAvo to six months should therefore be preferred. Women who have nursed for a year or fifteen months, and desire to take charge of another child, say that a young infant restores the milk, but the responsibility of the assertion must be left Avith the good women themselves. Most of the precepts Avhich Ave have laid down for natural nursing are entirely applicable to Avet-nursing; there are, hoAvever, some peculiarities which it is proper to indicate. 1100 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. § 2. Of the Regulation of Wet-nursing. At what time ought the nurse to give the breast to a nt v-born child f — A nurse Avho has been delivered for three or four months, is, at the outset, in- capable of providing the young infant with as suitable a nourishment as it would have derived from the mother's breast. The colostrum secreted by the mammae of a recently delivered female, is not merely a food, but pos- sesses laxative properties eminently adapted to the expulsion of the meco- nium. Though slightly charged with nutritive matters at first, this colos- trum is perfectly suited to the digestive poAvers of the neAV-born child; for to load its stomach with anything more substantial, Avould expose it to im- perfect elaboration and all its unfortunate consequences. Struck Avith these inconveniences, some practitioners advise the mother to begin suckling for the first few days, and not to give the child to the nurse until it is better able to digest her milk. Besides, say they, it is not only for the interest of the child, but of the mother also, for the secretion of milk is a natural emunctory, Avell adapted by the sort of derivation it occasions to lessen the tendency to the various inflammations to which lying-in women are so fre- quently exposed. I cannot accept this vieAV. If we regard only the interests of the child, there can be no doubt that the lactescent serosity furnished by the breasts at the outset, is the kind of nourishment best adapted to its condition, and that in this respect, the milk of a nurse of three or four months would be less suitable; but Ave shall see hoAv easily the too great density of the latter kind of milk may be remedied by a sort of mixed nursing, and daily ob- servation proves, that Avith such precaution the health of the child is in no Avise endangered. Noav, a nursing once begun, and suddenly interrupted after four or five days, is far from being devoid of danger and incon- venience to the mother. The fact is, that Avomen suffer the most from nursing at the outset. Then it is that fissures and cracks of the nipple, lacteal engorgements, and inflammation and abscesses of the breast, make their appearance. That a female Avho is determined to nurse should brave all these dangers may be easily understood, for she is sufficiently compen- sated by the fulfilment of a grateful duty; but that one Avho cannot nurse should expose herself to them unnecessarily, is incomprehensible, unless we suppose her Avilling to add to the painful sacrifice which the giving up of her child to a wet-nurse imposes upon her. Besides, Ave must not believe, as some physicians do, that nursing protects women from puerperal diseases. We have but too often occasion to know from experience in our hospitals, that puerperal fever, for example, attacks Avith equal violence those who nurse and those who do not. In civil practice, Avhere the minutest attentions are bestoAved upon the child, I can discover but feAV advantages fon it, and many inconveniences for the mother, in beginning to nurse, Avhen she has no expectation of con- tinuing to do so. The case is different in our large lying-in hospitals. HoAvever carefully conducted, it has never yet been possible to provide a supply of nurses 3qual to the demands of all the children. In the clinic of the Faculty, f r example, there are but five or six nurses for tAventy children, and the number of ordinary or Avard nurses being too small to NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1101 give the little unfortunates the most necessary attentions, a great number perish, Ave are bound to acknoAvledge, of cold and hunger. Under these circumstances, the physician is perfectly right in requiring the mother to suckle her child until it can be provided Avith a nurse. For the first tAventy-four hours after birth, the child will take nothing but a little sweetened Avater as a substitute for the colostrum ; and if it should seem difficult to expel the meconium, a feAV spoonfuls of compound syrup of chicory may be administered. By this time, the boAvels will be sufficiently emptied, and it may be put to the breast. But for the first five or six days, or rather longer if the child is feeble, it will not depend exclu- sively upon the nurse's milk, but the latter is to be alternated Avith SAveetened water during the first three or four days; after the fifth or sixth, it will be alloAved to suck for a short time, and the nursing be immediately folloAved by the administration of a feAV dessert-spoonfuls of sugar and Avater; lastly, about the tenth day, it Avill be confined to the breast altogether. The neAV-born child is rarely able to take enough milk to empty the nurse's breasts ; therefore, it is well to keep her own child near her for some days, in order to avoid extreme distention of the mamma?. She ought then to be advised to give the first milk to the nursling. If separated from her child, she should endeavor to decrease the flow of milk by a very moderate diet and diluent drinks; and if, notAvithstanding these precautions, the breasts become painful, they must be emptied by a breast-pump. The precautions Avhich it is necessary for the mother to observe, are not required in the case of a robust nurse Avho is accustomed to fatigue, and she is expected to give the child suck during the night. Upon the Avhole, the precepts in regard to the regulation of the repasts, are as applicable here as to nursing by the mother. Some nurses-are in the habit of taking the child to bed with them. This ought to be positively prohibited, as terrible accidents might result from it. Several times it has been the lot of nurses to find only a dead body upon Avaking, from having suffocated the child Avhilst asleep. The best means of being certain that the child shall be laid in its cradle after nursing, is to give the nurse so narroAv a bed as to make it almost impossible for her to sleep with the child beside her § 3: Regimen of Nurses. The diet of nurses should be moderate but substantial. The latter quality ought not, hoAvever, to be so far insisted upon as to give them a food Avhich is too succulent and too rich in azotized matters. They should certainly partake of a certain amount of meat, but it Avould be improper to confine them exclusively to it. Being accustomed from childhood to indulge freely in vegetables, they Avould not long support a merely animal diet Avithout disadvantage. Nurses brought up in the country often suffer from confinement to the house in cities, and their condition is still further aggravated by the indo- lence Avhich takes the place of their previous active habits. Therefore, after the first few days, they ought, if possible, to be employed in some light household duties, and, even Avhen the child is unable to accompany them, they should be made to take exercise out of doors. 1102 hygiene of children. The nurse may at any time lose her milk, be attacked by an acute dis- ease, or be affected by some occurrence Avhich lessens or alters the secretion. It is a painful thing to most families to have to change their nurse, and it is important to console them Avith the assurance, that the change is not so serious a matter as is generally represented. Provided the child receives a milk of good quality and enough of it,, it will suffer nothing in this respect. Therefore, all that we have to do, is to choose a milk equal to, if not better, than what it has been deprived of. Under these circumstances, the change is a matter of such indifference, that when the nurse's disposition is too dis- agreeable, or if she does not take proper care of the child, I do not hesitate, whatever the qualities of her milk may be, to advise a change. The only precaution to be observed is, that when once decided upon, she should not be informed of the project until another one is engaged to replace her. The only difficulty is to get the child to take the breast of a neAV nurse. If it has attained the age of from six to eight months, it often manifests a great repugnance thereto. It should then be left for some time without nursing, and advantage be taken of the night or a dark place, to put it to the breast for the first time. ARTICLE VII. NURSING by an animal. Nursing by a female animal constitutes the transition, so to speak, between wet-nursing and artificial nursing. Though much in vogue in some coun- tries, it is rarely had recourse to in Paris or most of the departments. We hardly ever recommend it, except when a child Avho has been weaned for a long time becomes suddenly ill and requires a diet composed exclusively of milk, and in certain special circumstances making it necessary to adminis- ter to the child a milk Avhich has been rendered medicinal. By causing animals to SAvallow various remedies, such as mercury, iodine, and iron, their milk becomes imbued with most of the properties of these substances. It would be unjustifiable to subject a healthy nurse to a treatment of this kind for the benefit of the child, as it might readily prove injurious to her. The animals made use of are goats, sheep, she-asses, and coavs ; but most frequently the she-goat. The shape and size of the teats, which are easily seized by the child, the abundance and quality of its milk, the docility of the animal, the ease Avith Avhich it is trained to give suck to the child, and the attachment Avhich it is capable of forming for it, are sufficient reasons for the preference. That species should be preferred Avhich is destitute of horns and Avhich have long, thick, and white hair, because they possess the hircine odor in a slighter degree. A young goat Avhich has nursed several times, and given birth recently to her kid, ought to be preferred. This mode of nursing, says Desormeaux, requires at the outset much care and attention as respects the presentation of the mamma to the child. The petulance and impatience of the animal expose it to frequent accidents, but after a time the goat comes of its OAvn accord to give it suck. The infant should be laid in a Ioav cradle placed upon the floor. When it is desired to communicate medicinal properties to the milk, they NURSING OF CHILDREN. 1103 are made to take internally or to absorb by the skin the active principles of these medicines. Thus, mercurial ointment is rubbed into the skin of goats in order to communicate antisyphilitic properties to the milk. ARTICLE VIII. ARTIFICIAL NURSING. I have but little to say of artificial nursing ; for it is admitted by all to be the worst of the various methods proposed for nourishing a child. In large cities, Avhere it is a difficult matter to procure good milk, and Avhere the bad health of the coavs renders useless all the precautions taken Avith this object, most of the unfortunate children subjected to this regimen die Avithin the year. In the country, however, the chances are far more in favor of artificial nursing; for there it is possible to be almost certain as to the health of the animal, the food it takes, and the good qualities of its milk. Besides, the excellent atmospheric conditions in which the child is placed, compensate, to a certain extent, for the imperfection of the mode of alimentation. Although a Avoman's milk is ahvays preferable to any other, the artificial nursing, Avhich I proscribe unconditionally for large cities, may be tolerated in the country, with the understanding, hoAvever, that it shall be pursued Avith intelligence. Coav's milk is generally employed, but its administration demands some precautions. Being too rich for a new-born child, it requires to be diluted Avith pure Avater, barley Avater, a decoction of crumbs of bread, of rice slightly SAveetened, or gruel. Pure Avater should, I think, be preferred in most cases, and the proportions of the mixture must necessarily vary Avith the age and digestive poAvers of the child. During the first Aveek, three parts of water should be added to one part of coav's milk, and during the early months the latter should be diluted one-half; after which, unless the digestion is feeble, but one-fourth of Avater may be added until the sixth month, Avhen the milk may be given pure. Desormeaux advises, when the children are feeble, that the milk be diluted Avith chicken-Avater, or a fluid containing animal matter. I have seen some, says he, Avhose stomachs were better suited by weak decoctions of meat than by milk, and I am convinced by a multitude of practical observations that the matters ingested irritate less in consequence of their being azotized, than because they are digested Avith difficulty. I think this regimen proper after the sixth month, but Avould not advise it in the earlier months, Avhen, if used at all, it should be with great caution. It is Avell to SAveeten slightly the children's drink. Although sugar has not the heating qualities Avhich the Avomen attribute to it, it must be used moderately, for it is not ahvays digested easily. I have seen, says Desor- meaux, feeble children throAV up unchanged the SAveetened Avater and solu- tions of gum and starch which had been given them as drink. The drinks ought to be rather more than lukeAvarm. When pure milk is used, it should be brought by the Avater-bath to the temperature it Avould have had if just draAvn from the coav ; if, on the contrary, it is to be diluted. only the fluid to be mixed Avith it should be heated. In no case ought the milk to be boiled; for ebullition deprives it of a part of its aroma, and of the air Avhich renders it more digestible. 1104 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. The mixture of milk with one of the above-mentioned substances soon fer- ments and spoils, especially in summer, or in Avarm rooms in Avinter. It ought, therefore, to be prepared only Avhen about to be. administered. We have before stated that a child, whose alimentary canal has been habituated by mixed nursing to more substantial nourishment than the mother's milk, is able to take paps and solid food rather sooner than it other- Avise Avould. The same is true after artificial nursing. There is no occa- sion to revert to the precautions laid down in the article on Weaning. The instruments used for giving children drink are numerous. The spoon and drinking-cups, by whose assistance the milk is poured into the mouth, are subject to some inconveniences; so that, unless they are unable to suck at all, I prefer the nursing-bottle as most nearly affording the conditions of natural nursing. It can be readily procured everywhere, and Avere it on that account alone, it deserves to be mentioned. It is either an ordinary four-ounce medicine vial or one of those small flattened bottles used by yvine merchants for exhibiting their specimens; into the neck is introduced a sponge cut for the purpose, and Avhich projects about an inch and a half beyond it; the Avhole is covered with a piece of muslin, and fastened by a thread. The thread ought also to be drawn with a moderate degree of tightness around the sponge at its exit from the bottle, so as to compress it, and prevent the milk from floAving too rapidly. Care should be taken to keep the sponge, muslin, and thread, ahvays in fresh clean water, and before using, pass a little milk through it and squeeze, so as to drive out the cold Avater, and replace it by warm milk. With all these precautions, this bottle has still more imperfections, which many instrument-makers have sought to avoid. The nursing-bottle manu- factured by M. Charriere, I think merits special recommendation. In terminating this chapter, I cannot recommend too highly to physicians a little work by Dr. Donne, which, under the modest title of Advice to Mothers, will furnish them Avith an abundance of useful hints in relation to the education of children. / CHAPTER III. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON CERTAIN POINTS RELATING TO INFANTILE HYGIENE. 1. Of Clothing.—The clothes of the neAV-born child should be so loose as not to obstruct its motions. The SAvaddling-clothes, which are still in gen- eral use, and Avhich were formerly draAvn much too tight, may be retained, but only on the condition of leaving sufficient freedom of motion to the limbs of the child. I confess that, for the first Aveeks, they seem to me to have some advantages over Avhat is called the Englisii style, by protecting the children better from the cold, especially when they are Avet with urine, and also by affording greater facilities to those Avho have to take them up and carry them about. I therefore approve of SAvaddling, but would have the clothes so loose as to alloAV the extremities, the loAver ones especially, sufficient freedom of motion. INFANTILE HYGIENE. 1105 After the umbilical cord has fallen off, a folded compress, as large as a silver dollar, should be applied upon the navel, and kept in place by a mod- erately drawn circular bandage. It serves to prevent the rubbing, and con- sequent irritation of the umbilical cicatrix, and perhaps, also, the formation of a hernia. Pins should be used as little as possible in dressing the child. They may become loose, and, by sticking it, give rise to serious accidents, such as con- vulsions and death. It is important, also, that the little cap string or ribbon, Avhich passes under the jaw, should be sufficiently loose, for the cap is liable to be dis- placed, and the neck might be subjected to constriction. To avoid this, the string should be attached to one end of a band, the other end of Avhich is fastened in front of the chest. After the second or third month, the SAvaddling-clothes should be re- placed by long dresses; from this time the style of garment is subject to the fancy of the parents, and, provided the child is protected from the cold and sufficiently at its ease, the physician need concern himself no further about it. 2. Of Washing, Bathing, and Cleanliness. — Perfect cleanliness is indis- pensable to the health of children, and nurses cannot be watched too closely for the purpose of preventing their alloAving them to remain in their urine or fecal matters; they should be changed as soon as they become soiled. They ought to be washed with warm Avater, and not merely Aviped, as is done by some nurses. It is difficult to do otherwise Avhen out walking; but the omission should be supplied immediately on reaching home. In some countries, cold water is used in these Avashings; I think, hoAvever, that it is rather hazardous within the first year, and I do not recommend it before the child is eighteen months or two years of age. I am in the habit of directing the children to be bathed every other day ; but Avhen they seem to be rather more fatigued and enervated on the day of the bath, I advise it to be performed but tAvice a Aveek, and am content Avith a simple immersion, or Avashing all over, every morning. The tem- perature of the water should be from 77° to 86° F. The bathing ought to be short in proportion to the fatigue of the child, but, as a general rule, it ought not to be longer than five minutes in the first month, and rarely ten minutes in the subsequent ones. When the children are restless at night, and sleep little or badly, it is a good plan to bathe them in the evening before going to bed. When the restlessness and insomnia are very great, I have used with advantage a bath prepared with a decoction of lettuce-leaves. In Avinter, or Avhen -the Aveather is cold and damp, it is important not to alloAV the child to go out for several hours after bathing. Some persons are afraid to Avash the child's head, yet it should be done, in order to remove the scurf Avhich forms there? and to prevent the forma- tion of the crusts which some persons are glad to see appear. AVhen they are already formed, they ought not to be respected, but after rubbing the head gently with a warm cloth, the}' may be removed by a soft brush. If this is not sufficient, the head may be greased, and the next morning thev will be found to come oft' readily. 70 1106 HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. 3. Taking the air, walking. — The child should be placed, immediately after its birth, in a large, airy chamber, kept for the first Aveek at a rather elevated temperature. If the child is Aveak or born prematurely, it is im- portant, in Avinter, to surround it with bottles of warm Avater: one at its feet, and one at each side. The head of the cradle should be turned toAvards the AvindoAvs, in order to protect the child's eyes from the too bright light. The omission of this precaution has seemed to me to favor the development of purulent ophthalmia. In Avinter, especially, the children should not be taken out before the fif- teenth day. During the intense heats of summer, this rule need not be adhered to so strictly, provided they are strong and Avell. But after the first going out, they should be promenaded every day for several hours, and at three months, they ought to remain for the greater part of the day ex- posed to the air; in Avinter, autumn, and spring, they Avill be kept out for at least three or four hours. The air and sun are almost as necessary as good nourishment, and it is perfectly useless to consult barometer and thermom- eter to know whether it is proper for a child to go out. Even in the Avorst days, a favorable hour can ahvays be found and made available; only Avhen it is cold and freezing, the walk will be shortened. There is no occasion to fear disturbing their sleep whilst promenading, for they never sleep more soundly than then. Of latter time, some philanthropic physicians, at the head of Avhom I am pleased to name my colleague and friend, M. Loir, have insisted strongly that the recording of births should be done at home, and that there should be no obligation to carry the poor children at every season to the mayoralty Avithin the first three days. This laAv has fallen into neglect in most of the provinces; but in Paris it is still observed quite rigorously, unless that the accoucheur certifies that the child is in poor health, and that it is impossible to transport it thither. I am happy to unite my feeble voice with those of my colleagues, to solicit from the authorities a modification of the existing laws. The same motives of humanity induce me to express the desire that Catholic families should cause their children to be baptized at home, unless the ceremony be put off to a somewhat remote period from birth. Undoubted advantages would result from it as respects both mother and child. 4. Of Sleep. — For the first days subsequent to birth, children do nothing but suck and sleep. Whilst asleep, they should be laid upon the side — sometimes upon one and sometimes upon the other, in order to avoid bad habits. At first, they almost ahvays fall asleep Avhilst suckling, so that it is nearly impossible to lay them aAvake in the cradle; but rather later, care should be taken not to allow them to go to sleep in the arms or on the lap. Having once acquired this habit, it becomes a necessity ; and on awakening at night, they will not go to sleeep again except in their nurse's arms. They ought to be put in the cradl§ whilst awake, and alloAved-to go to sleep there; for when once alloAved to acquire bad habits in this respect, it is very difficult to break them. It requires great firmness to hear them cry for a long time; but with courage and perseverance, and by a temporary removal of the nurses, of wnose weakness they are aAvare, a complete reform is finally obtained. The Bame remarks apply to the habit Avhich some nurses have of rocking children. INFANTILE HYGIENE. 1107 Most children at the breast sleep during the day until they are twenty months or tAvo years old. This sleep, which is almost constant at the outset, becomes shorter and less frequent as they advance in age; but it is very rare for them not to take three or four hours of sleep daily during this early period of life. This repose is, therefore, a necessity, but there is no occasion to avoid the least sound for fear of wakening them, as they very readily become accus- tomed to sleeping in the midst of motion and noise; some children sleep but lightly, because they have always been accustomed to solitude and silence. Though it is Avell not to be too scrupulous in this matter, they ought not to be awakened too suddenly for fear of alarming them. 5. Exercise. — The only exercise of new-born children consists in slight motions of their arms and legs, which, as Ave have said, ought not to be confined too closely. Rather later, they may be moA'ed about in the arms ; toAvard the fifth or sixth month, they may be exercised in standing on a carpet or coverlet, and left to themselves in order to try their strength ; they begin first to drag themselves, then to creep on all fours, and soon get up by taking hold of furniture; after Avhich they make a feAV steps. As a general rule, I do not think it advisable to encourage children to Avalk too soon by supporting them Avith belts of listing, wagons, &c.; we ought ahvays tc await the first promptings of nature. INDEX. A. Ablomen, siin of, altered by pregnancy, 154. enlargement of, as sign of preg- nancy, 240. palpation of, 247. smallness of cavity of, induction of premature labor for, 1006. Abdominal pains during pregnancy, 520. muscles, effect of contraction of, during labor, 612. effect of paralysis of, during labor, 613. Abortion 560. spontaneous, 561. causes of, 561. due to the father, 562. mother,562. due to diseases of the womb and ' its ap- pendages, 563. due to diseases of the ovum, 564. due to disease and death of foetus, 565. accidental, causes of, 566 symptoms of, 567. diagnosis, 571. delivery of after-birth, 575. prognosis, 578. treatment, 579. retention of placenta in cases of, 577. causes on account of which it is artificially produced, 567. production of, 1022. reasons for, 1023 mode of operating, 1024. by detachment of mem- branes, 1024. by puncture of the ovum, 1025. Abscesses in the lips of the cervix uteri, 704. Acute diseases, induction of premature labor for, 1007. After-birth, natural delivery of the, 381. artificial delivery of the, 868. After-birth, delivery of, in cases of abor- tion, 575. accidents that may complicate its delivery, 884. After-pains, 429. Agalactia, 1089. Agglutination of the external uterine ori- fice, 696. Albuminuria during pregnancy, 490. frequency of oedema from, 496. time of commencement, 496. nervous disorders from, 496, 499. progress of, 497. prognosis of, 497. a cause of abortion, 498. various obscure dis- orders, 498. treatment of, 498. as a cause of eclampsia, 792. Albuminous urine, mode of testing, 494. Allantoid, the, 186. vesicle, 187. Amaurosis during pregnancy, 508. Amnion, the, 184, 190. waters of the, 184, 191. dropsy of the, 541. prognosis, 543. treatment, 544. Amniotic fluid, 184. fcetor of the, 400. Amputation of limbs of the foetus, 557, the thigh, effect of, upon labor, 613. Anaesthetics use of, in obstetrical practice, 915. effect of. an the uterine con- traction, 917. abdominal mu- cles, 919. resistance of the perineum, 919. mother's health, 920. life and health of the foetus, 923. use of, m eclampsia, M4, 817. indications for the use of, 923. 1108 INDEX. 11(W Anaesthetics, use of, in obstetrical opera- tions, 925. during pregnancy, 925. for convulsions during pregnancy, 925. whilst nursing, 926. mode of administering, 926. in pelvic version, 948. Anchylosis of the foetal articulations, 862. Aneurism during labor, 825. Anhistous membrane, 170. Anorexia during pregnancy, 463. Anteversion of the uterus during preg- nancy, 539. Aorta, compression of, for uterine hemor- rhage, 892. Apoplexy and asphyxia of new-born chil- dren, 409. of the placenta, 554, 765. placental, 7G5. puerperal, 790. Areola the, 115. changes in, from pregnancy, 155. changes of, as a sign of pregnancy, 241. Artery, omphalo-mesenteric, 189. Articulation, sacro-coccygeal, 42. Ascites during pregnancy, 502. prognosis, 503. treatment. 504. of foetus, 858. Asthma during labor, 825. Attentions to the woman during labor, 388. child during labor, 399. woman immediately after delivery, 405. child immediately after delivery, 406. lying-in woman, 439. Auscultation, as applied to pregnancy, 252. in vertex presentations, 316. face presentations, 336. breech presentations, 349. B. Bag of Avaters, the, 294. double, 29 t. Ballottement, 245. Battledoor-placenta, 210. Bellows murmur as a sign of pregnancy, 253. Bile, secretion of, in the foetus, 237. Bladder, displacements of, during preg- nancy, 153. rupture of, during labor, 393. symptoms, 393. paralysis of, after labor, 439. distention of, during labor, 393. tumors of, 726. procidentia of, 726. cancer of, 726. lateral displacement of, 730. distention of, as a cause of con- vulsions, 795. Blastodermic membrane, formation of, 182. Blood, changes in, from pregnancy, 157. alterations of, during pregnancy, 479. as a cause of convulsions,794 secondary hem- orrhage, 900. Blood-letting and debilitating regimen, effect of, on the development of the child, 911. Blot's perforator, 1041. Bodies of Rosenmiiller, 82. Botal, foramen of, 212, 231. Branchial fissures, 213, 229. Breasts, the, 115. anomalies of, 115. changes in,during pregnancy, 155. Breech presentation, 347. Broad ligaments, 82. cysts of, 83. c. Caesarean operation, 1030. history of, 1030. on the living female, 1031. post-mortem, 1039. mortality of, 1031. indications for, 1032 compared with em bryotomy, 1032. propriety of, as influ enced by the dura P tion of the labor 1035. propriety of, as influ enced by the rup ture of the mem branes, 1035. preparatory mea- sures, 1036. mode of performance, 1036. dressing of the wound, 1037. vaginal, 1038. Calculi, urinary, 727. Callipers, Baudelocque's, 654. Canal of Nuck, 84. Cancer of the neck of the uterus, 711. rectum, 726. bladder, 726. Caput succedaneum, 334, 852. Carunculae myrtiformes, 63. Catheter, mode of introducing, 61. Caul, the, 296. Cauliflower tumors of the cervix uteri, 710, Cephalalgia during pregnancy, 507. from uterine hemorrhage, 771 Cephalic version, 929. Cephalotripsy, 1045. repeated, without traction, 1053. pelvic version after, 1053. 1110 INDEX. Cephalotripsy, after delivery of the trunk, 105:;. objections to, 1054. statistics of, 1054. Cephalotribe forceps, 1045. Cazeaux's modifica- tion, 1046. Chailly's do., 1047. Depaul's do., 1047. Blot's do., 1047. Locarelli's do., 1048. Hiiter's, Scanzoni's, and Braun's do., 1048. effect of, on the di- ameters of the head, 1048. crushing power of, 1048. limits of applicabil- ity, 1048. mode of using, 1050. difficulties in the use of, 1050. Child, healthy, management of, 406. diseased or feeble, management, of, 409. attentions to, immediately after birth, 406. debility of, 409. apparent death of, 409. treatment, 416. lesions of respiration of, 412. circulation of, 414. nervous centres of, 414. Child, effect of bleeding and deBilitating regimen on its development, 911. Children, hygiene of, from birth until weaning, 1062. clothing of, 1104. washing, bathing, and cleanli- ness of, 1105. out-door exercise of, 1106. sleep of, 1106. exercise of, 1107. Chlorosis during pregnancy, 455. Chloasma, 513. Chloroform, use of, in eclampsia, 814, 817. Chorion, composition and formation of, 193. villi of, 202. dropsy of the villi of, 547. Circulation, changes in, from pregnancy, 157. of foetus, 231. changes in, after birth, 233. lesions of, during pregnancy, 479. Clitoris, the, 60. Coagulum in uterus, as cause of secondary hemorrhage, 899. Coccyx, the, 36. Colostrum, 435, 1062. characters of, 1062. time of continuance of, 1063. contamination of milk by, 1092. Colpeurynter, 1010. Conception, 119. Congenital hernia, 207. Constipation after delivery, 440. during pregnancy, 477. Convulsions, puerperal, 788. Cord, umbilical, prolapsus of, 828. great length of, 834. shortness of, 834. constriction of neck of child by, 83-1 encircling of body of child by, 835. short, diagnosis of, 835. treatment of, 838. Corpora lutea, 96. cause of color of, 98. as a sign of pregnancy, 99. Coxal bone, 37. Cranioclasm. 1054. Cranioclast, Simpson's, 1054. description of, 1054, mode of using, 1054. advantages of, 1055. Craniotome, 1042. Craniotomy, 1041. mode of perforating the cra- nium, 1043. advantages of, 1044. in mento-posterior positions of the face, 848. Crotchet, the, 1044. Cystocele, 729, D. Deafness during pregnancy, 508. Decapitation of the foetus, 1059. Decidua, 167. old theory of the, 167. reflexa, 168. uterine, 168. inter-utero placental, 167, serotina, 169. present theory of the, 171. structure of the, 172. description of the three portions of, 175. at the end of gestation, 177. Deformities of the pelvis, 616. Delivery, forcible, post-mortem, 1039. Dentition, history of, 1081. Diameters of the head at term, 219. Diarrhoea during pregnancy, 477. Diet of lying-in women, 441. Digestion, disturbances of from pregnancy, 157. Dilatation of the os uteri, 292. Diseases of the ovum, 541. of the foetus, 854. that may occur during pregnancy, 443. that may complicate labor, 824. Disengagement, irregularities in vertex presentations, 324. Dropsy of the cellular tissue during preg nancy, 500. causes of, 500. progress and symptoms of, 501 terminations of, 501. INDEX. 1111 Dropsy of the cellular tissue, treatment of, 502. of the amnion, 541. of the villi of the chorion, 547. of the foetus, 557. Duct of Gartner, 87. Ductus arteriosus, 232. venosus, 232 Dysmenorrhoea, membranous, 110. Dystocia, 604. occasioned by the foetal appen- dages, 828. due to the foetus, 839. from multiple and independent foetuses, 863. adherent foetuses, 866. E. Eclampsia, 788. during pregnancy, 505. frequency of, 790. time of occurrence, 791. causes, predisposing, 792. determining, 793. symptoms, 796. precursory phenomena, 796. phenomena of the attack, 797. stages of the attack, 798. effect of, upon the alimentary canal, 798. respiration. 799. larynx, 799. pharynx, 799. heart, 799. secretion of urine, 799. pulse, 799. sensorial and intellec- tual functions, 799. contractility of the uterus, 800. phenomena of the cessation of the attack, 800. duration of the attack, 800. number of the paroxysms, 801. interval of the paroxysms, 801. comatose state of, 801. termination of, 802. effect on the memory and intel- lectual faculties, 802. vision and hearing, 802, mode of producing death, 802. diagnosis of, 804. from hysteria, 804. epilepsy, 804. tetanus, 805. apoplexy, 805. concussion of the brain, 805. intoxication, 805. prognosis, 805. in nervous subjects, 806. in cases of alteration of the blood, 806. Eclampsia, prognosis, incases of irritation of organs, 806. in different stages of labor, 807. after delivery, 807. as regards the child, 807. pathological anatomy of, 808. nature of, 810. connection of, with albuminu- ria, 810. treatment, preventive, 812. venesection, 812. diuretics, 813. tartar emetic, 813. induction of pre- mature labor, 813. chloroform, 814. curative, 814. blood-letting, 814. emetics, 816, purgatives, 816. catheterism, 817. revulsives. 817. Junod'scups, 817. aspersions, 817. antispasmodics, 818, opiates, 819. premature labor, 820. mode of protecting the tongue, 819. during gestation, « 820. during labor, 821. after delivery, 824. Electricity, use of, for induction of prema- ture labor, 1008. Embryonic spot, the, 183. Embryotomy, 1040. forceps, Baudelocque's, 1045. Simpson's, 1054. Emphysema, pulmonary and subcutaneous, v during labor, 827. of the foetus, 859. Enchondroma of the pelvis, 676. Epichorion of Chaussier, 168. Epilepsy during pregnancy, 455. Ergot, natural history of, 907. therapeutical action of, 908. Evolution, spontaneous, 368. Exhaustion during labor, 826. Exostosis of the pelvis, 675. External genital parts, excessive resistance of, 677. obstruction of, du ring labor from ci catrices, 681. F. Face presentations, 335. frequency of, 335 causes of, 335. L112 INDEX. Face presentations, diagnosis, 336. mechanism, 338. in mento-posterior positions, 343. inclined or irregular, 345, 844. mento-posterior posi- tions, treatment, 846. Facial nerve, paralysis of, from use of for- ceps, 994. Fallopian tubes, 85. structure of, 85. anomalies of, 86 obliteration of, as a cause of extra uterine preg- nancy, 598. tumors of the, 725. False kidneys, 212. labor, 39. waters, 546. Fecundation, where effected, 120. causes of, 123. period of occurrence, 123. Fevers, eruptive, during pregnancy, 446. of the foetus, 556. Fcetal appendages, 187. monstrosities, 862. Foetus, the, 210. dimensions and weight of, at dif- ferent periods of intra-uterine life, 211. position and attitude of, 222. functions of, 225. nutrition of, 229. respiration of, 229 circulation of, 231. changes in the circulation of, after birth, 233. innervation of, 236. secretions of, 236. active movements of, as a sign of pregnancy, 251. inflammation of the organs of, 556. fevers of, 556. icterus of, 556. syphilis of, 556. dropsies of, 556. spontaneous fractures of, 556. amputation of the limbs of, 556. death of, 558. effect of eclampsia upon, 807. unusual size of, 839. diseases of, 556, 854. hydrocephalus of, 854. hydrothorax of, 858. retention of urine of, 858. emphysema of, 859. tumors, various, of, 860. anchylosis of articulations of, 862. spontaneous fractures of, 557. death of, in preceding pregnancies, an indication for induction of premature labor, 1007. section of the neck and body of, 1058 cases requiring, 1058. operation, 1059. Foetus, decapitation of, instruments for 1060 Baudelocque's, 1060. Ramsbotham's, 1060. Van der Ecken's, 1060. Tarnier's, 1060. Pajot's, 1060. Jacquemier's, 1060. delivery of, by amputation of arm and perforation of the abdomen, 1061. delivery of, by section of the bodv of, 1061. Foetuses, multiple and independent,dystocia from, 863. adherent, dystocia from, 866. Fontanelles and sutures, 218. ossa Wormiana in, 839 Foramen of Botal, 212, 231. Forceps, the, 959. history of, 959. Chamberlen's, 960. Levret's, 960. Smellie's, 960. Tarsitani's, 960. leniceps, 963. Lyonese, 962. Baumer's, 963. Leake's, 963. Thenance's, 962. Simpson's, 964. various modes of articulating, 962. apparatus for steady traction of, Chassagny's, 963. Joulin's, 963. use of, preliminary precautions, 964. general rules of application, 966. application on pelvic extremity, 965. method of applying, Hatin's, 966. Baudelocque's, 967. Velpeau's, 967. Mad. Lachapelle's, 967. German accou- cheurs, 968. mode of locking, 969. making traction, 970. special rules of application, 971. application in vertex presenta- tions, with the head at the in- ferior strait, 971. application in occipito-anterior positions, 971. occipito-posterior posi- tions, 972, 994. left anterior occipito- iliac position, 973. right posterior occipito- iliac position, 973. rotation of th« head in, 974 INDEX. 1113 Forceps, application in right anterior oc- cipito-iliac position, 975. left posterior occipito- iliac position, 975. left transverse occipito- iliac position, 975. vertex presentations, with the head merely engaged at the supe- rior strait, 977. vertex positions, with the head movable above the superior strait, 978. ace positions, 980. above the supe- rior strait, 983. mento-posterior posi- tions, 846, 981. when the head remains after the body is ex- pelled, 983. general considerations on the use of, 985. use of, in inclined vertex or face positions, 985. contracted pelves, 986. comparison with version in con- tracted pelves, 988. when applicable in case of acci- dent during labor, 991. use of, for resistance of perineal muscles, 991. a short cord, 992. at what period of labor applica- ble, 992. statistics and general view of the operation, 993. effect of pressure of, on the child's head, 994. in producing facial paralysis, 994. embryotomy,Baudelocque's, 1045. Simpson's, 1054. saw, Van Huevel's, 1055. Forcible delivery, post-mortem, 1039. Fossa navicularis, 63. Fourchette, the, 58. Fraenum linguae, section of, 1073. Fractures, spontaneous, of the fcetus, 557. Fracture of the sternum during labor, 828. G Gartner, duct of, 87. Galactorrhoea, 1090. Generation, external organs of, 57. internal organs of, 68. Germinal vesicle, 92. spot, 92. disappearance of, 180. Giddiness during pregnancy, 505. Glairy discharges, 293. Gland, vulvo-vaginal, 6J Glands of the ■» alva, 64. Glycosuria, physiological. 438. Graafian vesicles, 89. H. Head of foetus at term, 217. diameters of, 219. circumference of, 220. child, unusual size of, during la- bor, 839. Heart, hypertrophy of, from pregnancy, 160. foetal, sound of, as a sign of preg- nancy, 253. chronic diseases of, during labor, 825. Hematemesis during labor, 824. Hemicrania during pregnancy, 507. Hemiplegia during pregnancy, 509. Hemorrhage during pregnancy, 486. puerperal, 747 unavoidable, 755. uterine, from shortness of the cord, 762. sudden contrac- tion of the uterus, 762. general symptoms of 763. local symptoms of, 763. external, 763. internal, 764. diagnosis, 765. from abnormal inser- tion of the placen- ta, signs of, 766, 767. from rupture of the umbilical cord, 768. external ani inter- nal ; prognosis,770, blindness, deafness, and cephalalgia from, 771. effect of, upon the fcetus, 772. from abnormal inser- tion of the placen- ta, prognosis, 773, treatment, 775. general, 776. special, 776. moderate, occurring in the last three months, 776. profuse, in the hast three months, 777. internal, 782. moderate, during la- bor, 7b3. profuse, duriug la- bor, 783. 1114 INDEX. Hemorrhage, uterine, from abnormal inser- tion of the placen- ta, treatment, 785. synoptical table of treatment, 787. attendant upon de- livery of the placenta, 884. causes, 884. symptoms, 885. diagnosis, 887. prognosis, 888. treatment, pre- ventive, 888. treatment, cu- rative, 889. tampon for, 891. compression of the aorta for, 802. ergot for, 894. opium for, 894. transfusion for, 895. secondary, 898. from the umbilical cord. 901. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, 487. Hemoptysis during labor, 824. Hepatic portal vein, 189. Hernia, congenital, 207. of the womb, 719. intestinal or omental, 728. vulvar or perineal, 728. vesical or cystocele, 729. during labor, 825. Hour-glass contraction of the womb, 871. Hydatiform mole, 547. Hydraemia during pregnancy, 479. Hydrocephalus, 854. diagnosis of, 855. treatment of, 857. Hydrorrhoea, 545. Hydrothorax of foetus, 858. Hygiene of children from birth until wean- ing, 1062. Hymen, 62. persistence of the, 681. Hysterotomy, vaginal, for spasm of the cervix uteri, 700. I. icterus during pregnancy, 449. as a cause of abortion, 449. of the fcetus, 556. Ilium, 39. Induration, with hypertrophy of the neck of the uterus, 711. Inertia, secondary, of the Avomb, 898. of the uterus, 868. Infantile hygiene, 1062. Inguinal pains during pregnancy, 520. Innominatum, 37. Insanity during pregnancy, 510. Insanity, puerperal, 512. Intestinal irritation as a cause of eclamp- sia, 795. Intra-uterine dilator, 1016. Inversion of the uterus, 902 Iodine, effect of the administration of, on the development of the child, 914. Ischium, 39. Itching of the skin during pregnancy, 512 J. Jaundice as a cause of abortion, 449. during pregnancy, 449. of the foetus, 556. Junod's apparatus, 8.17. use of,in eclampsia,817. K. Kidneys, false, 212. Kyesteine, 161. Labia majora, 58. minora, 59. adhesions of the, 681. externa, oedema of, 686. Labor, 275. causes of, at term, 276. efficient, 276. determining, 280. physiological phenomena of, 284. precursory signs of, 284 first stage of, 286. second stage of, 287. pain or contraction, 288. cause of, 290. state of the pulse during, 291. duration of, 297. prognosis of, 298. effect of, on the mother and child, 300. mechanical phenomena of, 304. in general. Review of the mechan- ism of, 371. table of the six stages of, in all the presentations, 373. twin, 375. premature, 377. retarded, 379. attentions to the woman during, 388. retrocession of, 390. false, 390. regimen of Avomen during, 398. signs of the life or death of the * child during, 399. preternatural and painful, 604. extreme slowness of, 605. tedious, 607. pains, slowness or feebleness of, 607. relaxation or susp^.,sion of. 607. INDEX. 1115 Labor pains, irregularity of, 611. too rapid, 613. treatment of, 616. effect of, upon the mother, 615. child, 615. with pelvis contracted to 3| inches in its smallest diame- ter, 669. measuring 3f inches at the most and 2 J inches at the least in its small- est diameter, 671. with the dimensions of the pelvis under 2J inches, 673. hemoptysis during. 824. hematemesis during, 824. aneurism during, 825. diseases of the heart during, 825. asthma during, 825. hernia during, 825. syncope during, 826. exhaustion during, 826. emphysema during, 827. hemorrhage during, 783. fracture of the sternum during, 828. irregular or complicated presenta- tions and positions during, 841. anomalies in the mechanism of, 841. unusual size of the head during, 839. of the shoulders during, 839. premature, induction of, 1000. Lactation, 1062. duration of, 1064. glycosuria during, 438. Lead-poisoning as a cause of abortion, 453. Leucorrhcea during pregnancy, 518. Ligament, pubic, 40. sacro-sciatic, 41. sacro-iliac, 41. sacro-coccygeal, 43. sacro-vertebral, 44. ilio-lumbar, 44. Lipothvmia during pregnancy, 505. Liver, fatty condition of, during pregnancy, 157. enlarged, of foetus, with dropsy of the amnion, -544. Lochia, 431. characters of, 431. duration of, 431. absence of, 431. effect of lactation upon, 433. profuse or purulent, 435. substituted by hematemesis, 433. long continued, 433. suppression of, 435. Lying-in, phenomena of the, 421. M. Malformations of the vulva and vagina, 681. Mammary gland, 116. Mammae, changes in, as a sign of preg- n 75 100 =/% . o i f Jan. to June. ) 00 « "2vols.Ha? "J""-) .«..... |_ July to Dec. / Also, AN INTERLEAVED EDITION, $1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 for the use of Country Physicians and others who compound their own Prescriptions, or furnish Medicines to their patients. The additional pages can also be used for Special Memoranda, recording important cases, &c, &c. 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[n ordering the work from other booksellers, order Liudsay & Blakiston's Physician's Visiting List, And in all cases, whether ordering from the Publishers or otherwise, specify the size, style, &c, wanted. It is, beyond all doubt, the most complete and yet the simplest Visiting List which is published. In our opinion, it is invaluable to the practitioner in busy practice, and, besides saving him a great deal of trouble, will prevent his losing a considerable sum of money during the year, by neglecting, through forgetfulness, to enter visits made. Those whd have made use of this Visiting List would not be without it for thrice its price. We therefore know we are doing our readers a good turn when we strongly recommend t to their attention.— Canada Medical Journal, December, 1871. Waring's Practical Therapeutics. THIRD AMERICAN EDITION NOW READY. Considered chiefly with reference to Articles of the Materia Medica. By Edward John Waring, F. Ii. C. S., F. L. S., &c, &c. Third Ameri- can, from the last London Edition. Price in cloth, $5.00; Leather, $6.00 There are many features in Dr Waring's Therapeutics which render it especially valuable to the Practitioner and Student of Medicine, much important and reliable information being found in it not contained in similar works; it also differs from them in its completeness, the convenience of its arrangement, and the greater promi- nence given to the medicinal application of the various articles of the Materia Medica in the treatment of morbid conditions of the Human Body, &c. It is divided into two parts, the alphabetical arrangement being adopted throughout; there is also added an excellent Index of Diseases, with a list of the medicines applicable as remedies, and a full Index of the medicines and preparations noticed in the work. " This new edition of Waring's Practical Therapeutics has been altered and improved with great judgment. A satisfactory account of new agents—chloral, apomorphia, nitrous oxide, carbolic acid, &c, is introduced without adding to its bulk. The additions are made with remarkabje skill in con- densation. It is one of the best manuals of therapeutics yet in existence."—Brit. Med. Journal. "There has been no scarcity, latterly, of works of this class, several of them we regard as having great professional value ; but, it must be allowed, we think, that this holds no inferior place among them. Stille's is a national book, but much more voluminous; and, therefore, while it is high author- ity, it is less convenient for office use. Furthermore, we prefer the literary arrangement and execu- tion of Waring. It can be used with more readiness and always relied on for tlie correctness of its facts. In the daily treatment of diseases, it seems to supply everything that can be desired. The articles are arranged alphabetically, and a paragraph is devoted to their physical description and scientific character. Their therapeutic uses, however, constitute the bulk of the volume; and in this respect the labor has been very thorough."—Druggists' Circular. "The plan of this work is admirable, and well calculated to meet the wants of the busy practi- tioner. There is a remarkable amount of information, accompanied with judicious comments, im- parted in a concise yet agreeable style. The indications for the application of remedies are Bufflciently comprehensive, and their mode of action generally accounted for on rational grounds. The publishers have well performed their part, and we trust that their enterprise in introducing the work to the profession in America may meet with that encouragement which the inherent merits of the treatise itself are entitled to command."—Medical Record. " Our admiration, not only for the immense industry of the author, but also of the great practical value of the volume, increases with every reading or consultation of it. We wish a copy could be put in the hands of every student or practitioner in the country. In our estimation it is the best ivxik of the kind ever written."—N. Y. Medical Journal. On the Action of Medicines in the System. By F. W. Headland, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c., <(v. From the Fourth London Revised and Enlarged Edition. One volume octavo. Price ........ $3.00 Dr. Headland's work gives the onlv scientific and satisfactory view of the action of medi- cine ; and this is not in the war of idle speculation, but by demonstration and experiments, and inferences almost as indisputable as demonstrations. It is truly a great scientific work in a small compass, and deserves to be the hand-book of every lover of the Profession. It has received the most unqualified approbation of the Medical Press, both in this country and in Europe, and is pronounced by them to be the most original and practically useful work that has been published for many years. Cazeaux's Great Work on Obstetrics. THE MOST COMPLETE TEXT-BOOK NOW PUBLISHED. GREATLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. CONTAINING lib ILLUSTRATIONS. A Thooretical and Practical Treatise on Midwifery, including the Disease of Pregnancy and Parturition, by P. Cazeaux, Member of the Imperial Academy of Medicine; Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, etc., etc. Revised and Annotated by S. Tarnier, Adjunct Pro- fessor in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris ; Former Clinical Chief of the. Lying-in-Hospital, etc., etc. Fifth American from the Seventh French Edv tion. Translated by Wm. II. Bullock, M. D. In one volume Royal Oc tavo, of over 1100 pages, with numerous Lithographic and other Illustra- tions on Wood. Price, bound in Cloth, bevelled boards, . . . $6.50 Leather, . .....7.50 M. Cazeaux's Great Work on Obstetrics has become classical in its character, and almost an Encyclopaedia in its fulness. Written expressly for the use of students of medicine, and those of midwifery especially, its teachings are plain and explicit, present- ing a condensed summary of the leading principles established by the masters of the obstetric art, and such clear, practical directions for the management of the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states, as have been sanctioned by the most authoritative practitioners, and confirmed by the author's own experience. Collecting his materials from the writings of the entire body of antecedent writers, carefully testing their correct- ness and value by his own daily experience, and rejecting all such as were falsified by the numerous cases brought under his own immediate observation, he has formed out of them a body of doctrine, and a system of practical rules, which he illustrates and enforces in the clearest and most simple manner possible. OPINIONS OF TIIE PRESS. " It is unquestionably a work of the highest excellence, rich in information, and perhaps fuller in details than any text-book with which we are acquainted. The author has not merely treated of every ques- tion which relates to tho business of parturition, but he has done so with judgment and ability." British and Foreign Medico-Chiruryical Iteview. "The translation of Dr. Bullock is remarkably well done. We can recommend this work to those especially interested in the subjects treated, and can especially recommend tho American edition." Medical Times and Gazette. "The edition before us is one of unquestionable excellence. Every portion of it has undergone a thorough revision, and no little modification ; while copious and important additions have been made to neaMy every part of it. It is well and beautifully illustrated by numerous wood and lithographic engravings, and, in typographical execution, will bear a favorable comparison with other works cf the Baine class."—American Medical Journal. " In the multitudinous collection of works devoted to tho propagation of human beings, and to tht JttailH of parturition, none, in our estimation, bears any comparison to the work of Cazeaux, in >i> entire perfectness; and if we were called upon to rely alone on one work on accouehinents, our choic» woulJ fall upon the book before us without any kind of hesitation."—West. Jour, of Med. a-.d Surgery " We do not hesitate to say, that it is now the most complete and best treatise on tho subject in th» English language."—Buffalo Medical Journal. "We know of no work on this all-important branch of our profession that we can recommond to tht Btudent or practitioner as a safe guide before this."—Chicago Medical Journal. "Among the many valuable treatises on the science and art of obstetrics, the work of Cazeaux stana; pre-eminent."— St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journat. " M. Cazeaux's book is the most complete we have ever seen upon the subject. It is well translates *nd roflwta great credit upon D-. Bullock's intelligence and industry."— N. A. Medi.cc-Chirurg. Renin* It is eminently a book which will teach the Student.—Practitioner. It forms one of the most convenient, practical, and concise books yet published on the subject. —London Lancet. MEADOWS' MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS. THE SECOND REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. INCLUDING THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY, Obstetric Operations, Diseases of the Puerperal State, &c, &c. By Alfred Meadows, M. D., Physician to the Hospital for Women, to the General Lying-in Hospital, &c, &c. First American from the Second London Edition. With numerous Illustrations. Price $3.00 In this new edition,.. .not merely is the practical treatment of Labor, and also of the Dis- eases and Accidents of Pregnancy, well and clearly taught, but the anatomical machinery of parturition is more effectively explained than in any other treatise that we remember; besides this, the book is honorably distinguished among manuals of Midwifery by the ful- ness with which it goes into the subject of tlie structure and development of the ovum. On all questions of treatment, whether by medicines, by hygienic regimen, or by mechanical or operative appliances, this treatise is as satisfactory as a work of manual size could be; students and practitioners can hardly do better than adopt it as their vade-mecum.— The Practitioner. Upwards of ninety new engravings have been inserted in this edition, and, with a view to facilitate reference, the author has furnished it with a very full and complete table of contents and index. We can cordially recommend this manual as accurate and practical, and as con- taining in a small compass a large amount of the kind of information suitable alike to the student and practitioner.—London Lancet. It is concise, well arranged, and remarkably complete, as a guide to the student during his lecture term; and as a ready reference to the Physician, no work of similar character equals it in value.—Buffalo Medical Journal. The systematic arrangement of subjects, and the concise, practical style in which it is written, make the work especially valuable as a student's manual, while a very full table of contents and index renders it easily accessible as a work of reference.—Chicago Medical Examiner. There can be no doubt that this manual will be generally accepted as a brief, convenient, and compendious guide to the study and practice of the Obstetric Art—Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal. We cannot but feel that every teacher of obstetrics has good cause to congratulate himself on being able to put in the hands of the student a book which contains so much valuable and reliable information in so condensed a form.—Philadelphia Medical Times. It is concisely and clearly written, and the information is on the whole on a level with the most recent knowledge of the day.--British and Foreign 3Iedical Review. A work which embodies a larger amount of practical information than any other book on the subject.— Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal. It is with great gratification that we are enabled to class Dr. Meadows' Manual as a rare exception, and to pronounce it an accurate, practical, and creditable work, and to unhesi- tatingly recommend it to both student and practitioner.—American Journal of Obstetrics. It is a book of decided merit: every page teems with sound, practical common sense, advice and suggestions.—Kansas City Medical Journal. SOELBERG WELLS ON THE EYE. THE AUTHOR'S THIRD REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION, PRINTED IN LONDON UNDER HIS IMMEDIATE SUPERINTENDENCE. AND PUBLISHED IN THIS COUNTRY BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH HIM. A TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE, illustrated by Ophthalmoscopic Plates done in Chromo-Lithography, and nu- merous Engravings on wood. By J. Soelberg Wells, Professor of Ophthalmology in King's College, London ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to King's College Hospital, and Assistant Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, &c, &c. The Author's long experience in the treatment of Diseases of the Eye, together with the unusual facilities possessed by him, as Professor of Ophthalmology, and as Surgeon to King's College, and the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, has enabled him to make a most com- plete and comprehensive work. It embodies all the most recent views in Ophthalmology, as well as the newest operations upon the eye, fully illustrated. The Ophthalmoscope and ITS Use in the internal diseases of the eye receives, also, the fullest consideration, and is illustrated by beautifully* colored plates. The rapid sale of the first and second editions, and its translation into the French and German languages, has given the work a world-wide reputation as the best on the subject in tlie English language. Royal Octavo, Price, bound in cloth . . . . . #5.00 " " " leather.....6.00 "Of all works in the English language on the subject, it is the best adapted to the wants of the general practitioner. It is thoroughly up to date, well illustrated, readable, and handy." — Edinburgh Medical Journal. " We welcome the speedy appearance of a new edition of this comprehensive volume, and congratulate the profession upon the opportunity it affords them of obtaining an encyclopedic knowledge of eye disease in a single volume." —London Lancet. " Of the work we may assuredly say that for English students and practitioners it is cer- tainly the standard book on the subject. It is very complete, and the descriptions are clearly and interestingly written." — British Medical Journal. " The book contains an admirable, and, on the whole, succinct account of diseases of the eye. The additions have been most judiciously made. In every respect it is most reliable authority." — Medical Times and Gazette. " It must now fill the place formerly occupied by the classic works of Lawrence and Mackenzie." — American Journal of Medical Sciences. BY SAME AUTHOR. ON LONG, SHORT, AND WEAK SIGHT, and their Treatment by the Scientific Use of Spectacles. Third Edition, Revised, with Additions and Numerous Illustrations. Octavo. Price . . $3.00 A COMPLETE TEXT-BOOK ON DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON HAVE NOW READY, The Diseases and Injuries of the Eye, their Medical and Surgical Treatment, wm mustratwns. By George Lawson, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, and Assistant Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. In one volume, royal 12mo. Price, 82.50 This Manual comprises a brief account of all the Medical and Surgical Affections of the Eye, with the Treatment essential for their relief, each subject being discussed in a separate section under its own peculiar head- ing. The very favorable notices appended below attest its great value to the student. " We have been fully supplied in the last two or three years with systematic treatises on diseases of the eye. But there seems still to be room for a clear, brief, and concise yet practically full manual on modern ophthalmic medicine and surgery, such as might serve for a text-book for students and a companion for the busy practitioner. This Mr. Lawson has supplied, and supplied admirably well. Of his qualifications for the task of producing such a work it would be superfluous to speak. He iu a ' Past Master' on the subject, and while any work of his is sure of a favorable reception, he has taught the profession to judge him by a high standard of excellency, and so judged the book we now notice will certainly not disappoint its readers. Necessarily brief and concise as to details, it is admirably clear and eminently practical. The reader feels that he is in the hands of a teacher who has a right to speak with author- ity, and who, if he may be said to be positive, is so from the fulness of knowledge and experience, and who, while well acquainted with the writings and labors of other authorities on the matters he treats of, has himself practically worked out what he teaches."—London Medical Times and Gazette, Aug. 14, 1869. "We congratulate Mr. Lawson on the production of such an excellent work on ophthalmic diseases as this. Without depreciating the large and valuable treatises on this subject that have recently appeared, we have long felt that a manual was wanted which would serve as a text-book for students, and also should form a trustworthy guide for practitioners in dealing with diseases of the eye. Well has Mr. Lawson supplied this want. He has described the various affections of the eye, briefly but yet clearly, and from the large experience he has acquired as surgeon to the Royal London Oph- thalmic Hospital, Moorfields, he has made his work thoroughly practical. The profession will find this manual just the sort of work they want on eye diseases, vhile to tho Btudent it will be invaluable as a text-book."—British Medical Journal, July 24, 18'iP " This handy and beautifully printed volume is as good in the quality of its contents as it is attractive to the eye. Mr. Lawson has long been known as an oph- thalmic surgeon, he has enjoyed a long experience, and he has the faculty of telling his story clearly. He has here given us a manual of moderate size, in which the practitioner will find short and clear descriptions and directions for the treatment of every kind of eye disease. The work is sure to become very popular, and to enjoy a large circulation."—Practitioner, Aug., 1869. Hewitt's Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of the Diseases of Women. THE THIRD EDITION NOW READY. Revised, Enlarged, Rearranged, and Mostly Rewritten; with Many New Illustrations. Price in Cloth $5.00. In Leather $6.00. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON THE THIKD EDITION. The changes and additions which have been made, as well as the general rearrange- ment of the whole subject matter, render this new edition an essentially new work.— Chicago Med. Examiner. It forms a volume of 740 pages, numerously illustrated, and though called a new edition, it is really a new work. The style is attractive and practical, the mechanical execution of the work creditable, and as a reliable guide in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women it has no superior. — Canada Lancet. It now forms a complete and systematic treatise, admirable in arrangement, beautiful in appearance, and rich in the wisdom that comes from ample experience, mature thought and active industry. —Leavenworth Herald. He has really rewritten the former edition, embodying his extensive clinical experi- ence, making this edition a most complete and thorough work on all that pertains to the pathology and treatment of diseases peculiar to women.—Cincinnati Medical News. For those who desire full instruction and careful illustration in this department nothing can equal the work before us; the philosophy of mechanics, and the modes of applica- tion are fully presented. —Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. It is unquestionably one of the most valuable guides to a correct diagnosis to be found in the English language. —Richmond and Louisville Journal. The latest, best, and most authoritative exponent of a well-defined bias that powerfully afiects a zealous class of gynecologists . . . We hail Dr. Graily Hewitt's work as the lineal successor to Simpson's.—Brit. Med. Jour. The style is clear and very readable, and it gives evidence throughout of honest hard work ; not that of the office book-worm, but of the careful clinical observer. — Canada Med. and Surg. Jour. RECENTLY PUBLISHED, Dillnherger's Handy-Book of the Treatment of Women and Children's Diseases, according to the Vienna Medical School. Part I. The Diseases of Women. Part. II. The Diseases of Children. Translated from the Second German Edition, by P. Nicol, M. D. One volume i2mo. Price ........ #1.75 We noticed favorably the orisrinal of this hand-book some months ago, and suggested that an English translation of it, with notes showing the main points wherein the practice of our medical schools differs from that at Vienna, might be well received. Mr. Kicol has now carried out this idea, and we imagine that many practitioners will be glad to possess this little manual, which gives a large mass of practical hints respecting the treatment of diseases which probably make up the larger half of every-day practice. The translation is well and correctly performed, and the necessary explanations of reference to German medicinal preparations are given with proper fulness.— The Practitioner. New Book on Diseases of Women. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. Atthill's Clinical Lectures on Diseases Pecul- iar tO Women. By Lombe Atthill, M.D, Fellow and Examiner in Midwiferg, King and Queeris College of Physicians: Obstetric Physician to the Adelaide Hospital, and formerly Assistant Physician to the Rotundo Lying-in Hospital. Demy Octavo, with Illustrations. Now Ready. Price, $2.25 " This excellent little book has three great merits. It treats of very common diseases which are generally very badly taught in our Schools. Secondly, it treats of them in a thoroughly clinical and practical way; and finally, without being too short, is a compact book, calculated to be very useful to the practitioner. Dr. Atthill's practice, if not original, is thoroughly independent, and he illustrates it with a copious quota- tion of good cases. We commend the whole book to the careful attention of advanced students and general practitioners." —Lancet,March 23, 1872. " The lectures before us have the merit of calling attention to this important subject with the voice of personal experience. Those on Menorrhagia, endo-Metritis, and endo-Cervicitis, we would specially point out as worthy of note; and, without endors- ing the author's therapeutic treatment of those affections, we cannot but admire the clearness of style and practical character of their literary treatment." — Glasgow Medical Journal, May, 1872. «' These lectures form an admirable text-book for students. Dr. Atthill, as Examiner in the Queen's University and College of Physicians of Ireland, discovered the utter ignorance of the majority of students on the important subject of Diseases Peculiar to Women. The publication of this little volume supplies a want that has long been felt by students preparing for examination. In these lectures is to be found a clear and concise summary of the clinical practice of the diseases peculiar to women. The work is the result of large and accurate clinical observation, recorded in an admirably terse and perspicuous style, and is remarkable for the best qualities of a practical guide to the student and practitioner." — British Medical Journal, May 11, 1872. " A most excellent though brief hand-book on the Diseases Peculiar to Women ; one that cannot fail to be of great use to students, and that, will guide them to a right understanding of the cases brought before them in their hospital practice. Nor is this all; to the busy practitioner this book will be of use in many an emergency, not only assisting him in the recognition of the various forms of disease most frequently met with, but also forming a safe and reliable guide to their treatment on sound and scientific principles. We think Dr. Atthill has done good service in publishing his lectures, and we strongly recommend them to the careful and attentive perusal of all who wish to study the diseases of women." — Dublin Journal of Medical Science, Novem- ber, 1871. Acton on the Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs. In Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life, considered in their Physiological, Social, and Moral Relations. By William Acton, M. R. C S., etc. Third American, from the Fifth London Edition. Carefully revised by the author, with additions. Just ready. Octavo. Price...........$3.00 To such of our readers as are not familiar with Acton's book, we may say that his plan em- braces the consideration of topics of great interest: such as are peculiar to childhood, embracing its vices ; those peculiar to precocity and included in masturbation ; similar inquiries pertaining to youth and adult age, and so on through the stages of life with its inquiries. Indeed, we may say that all those delicate matters pertaining to the male sexual conditions are treated in this volume with singular care and intelligence — Lancet and Observer, October, 1871. Byford on the Uterus, second edition. On the Chronic Inflammation and Displacement of the Unimpregnutea Uterus. A New, Enlarged, and Thoroughly Revised Edition, with Numerous Illustrations. Now Ready. One volume. Octavo. $3.00 Prom Fordyce Barker, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Some weeks ago I received a copy of your work on the Uterus. I have delayed acknowledging the favor until I could give the book a careful perusal. I have jusl finished a thorough reading of it. I feel personally indebted to you, not merely for the cepj —which, of course, I should have bought — but for writing the book; and I think you have laid the Profession in this country under a load of obligation by giving them such a clear, concise, and practical treatise on a class of affections *hat even now is very little understood by the greater majority. From R. A. F. Penrose, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in the University of Pennsylvania. Accept my thanks for the copy of your new work which you so kindly sent me. ] have, as yet, not had time to give it the careful study it merits; hut from the super- ficial inspection I have made, I find much that is most valuable. Erom S. G. Hubbard, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in Yale College, New Haven. I was gratified by the receipt of your new work on the Uterus, and I thank you sin- cerely for it. I have spent all my leisure in its examination, and have derived both pleasure and profit from its perusal. It is commendable for its clearness and definite- ness as well as for the great practical common sense which pervades it. I am sure that it will prove a very useful treatise, not only to junior practitioners, but to those also among us who, from not having devoted themselves to the treatment of uterine disease, as a specialty, have neither time nor opportunity to make original investigations in thia department, and are not, therefore, perfectly at home in its practice. From James P. White, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the University of Buffalo- I have had time, as yet, to run over but few of the chapters of your work on the Uterus; I am most happy, however, in being able to say that, so far as I have read, it does credit to American authorship. It is concise and brief, and eminently practical. The work was certainly a desideratum, and will be especially useful to practitioners who can illy afford to purchase all or most of the works referred to in your preface. I shall examine it with much interest, and, no doubt, often consult it with profit. From G. S. Bedford, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the University of Neiv York. On my return to the city I found on my table ;' Byford on the Uterus." The next day I commenced perusing it, and have read it from cover to cover. I need not say that, in my judgment, the book enhances your deserved reputation. You have, if my opin- ion be worth anything, given the Profession an excellent work, and one that is sensible and practical. Go on, my dear Doctor, and give us more of your experience. It is what the Profession most needs — the experience of good and ripe minds. RECENTLY PUBLISHED, THE SECOND EDITION OF Byford's Practice of Medicine and Surgery. Applied to the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Women. By W. H. Byford, A.M., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the Chicago Medical College, &c, &c. The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Additional Illustrations. One volume. Octavo..........$5.00 The rapid sale of the first edition of this book, which was exhausted in a little more than a year, has enabled the author to carefully revise the whole work, add many im- provements, and to make a large addition of new matter, without, however, materially increasing the size of the volume. This work treats well-nigh all the diseases incident to women, diseases and accidents of the vulva and perineum, stone in the bladder, inflammation of the vagina, menstrua- tion and its disorders, the uterus and its ailments, ovarian tumors, diseases of the mam- mas, puerperal convulsions, phlegmasia alba dolens, puerperal fever, &c. Its scope is thus of the most extended character, yet the observations are concise but convey much practical information. — London Lancet. MEIGS AND PEPPER ON CHILDREN. "The most thorough and Practical Work on the subject now before the Profession." THE PIFTH REVISED AND IMPEOVED EDITION NOW EEADT. A PRACTICAL TREATISE on the DISEASES of CHILDREN. By J. Forsyth Meigs, M. D., one of the Physicians to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Consulting Physician to the Children's Hospital, &c, and William Pepper, M. D., Physician to the Philadelphia Hospital, Fellow of the College of Physicians, &c, &c. The Fifth Revised and Impro\ed Edition. In one volume of over 900 royal octavo pages. The fourth edition of this work was almost entirely rearranged. Several of the articles, as those on Eclampsia, Chorea, and Parasitic Skin Diseases, were much enlarged ; others, on the Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines, and that on Eczematous Affections, entirely rewritten. In addition, articles were added upon the following important subjects: Diseases of the Heart. Facial Paralysis. Cyanosis. Rheumatism. Diseases of the Caecum and Appendix. Diphtheria. Intussusception. Mumps. Chronic Hydrocephalus. Rickets. Tetanus Nascentium. Tuberculosis. Atrophic Infantile Paralysis. Infantile Syphilis. Progressive Paralysis, with apparent Hy- Typhoid Fever. pertrophy of the Muscles. Sclerema. The rapid sale of this edition has again made it necessary for the authors to thoroughly revise the work, and make such additions that it will continue to represent fully, in its most advanced state, the present condition of medicine as applied to Children's Diseases, and retain that eminently practical character which the authors' long experience in this specialty has given to it. Price, handsomely bound in cloth, ..... $6.00 " " " leather, .... 7.00 The London Lancet, sjtealiing of it, says: It is not necessary to say much, in the way of criticism, of a work so well known as " Meigs on Diseases of Children," especially when it has reached a fourth edition. It contains more than 900 good American pages, and is more encyclopsedial than clinical. But it is clinical, and withal most effectually brought up to the light, pathological and therapeutical, of the present day. Like so many other good American medical books, it marvellously combines a resumf of all the best European literature and. practice, with evidence throughout of good personal judgment, knowledge, and experience. The book also abounds in exposition of American experience and observation in all that relates to the diseases of children. We are glad to add this work to our library. There are few diseases of children which it does not treat of fully and wisely in the light of the latest physiological, pathological, and therapeu- tical science. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. TANNER'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. Third American Edition, Re- vised and Enlarged. Price.......$3-5° HILLIER'S CLINICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Price........$3-°o "The leading feature of this book is its essentially practical characier.'>>— London Lancet. Tanner's Practice of Medicine. FIFTH AMERICAN, FROM THE SIXTH LONDON EDITION EN LA It GED A ND THOB O UGIIL Y HE VISED. JUST HEADY. THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, by Thomas IIawkes Tanner, M.D., Fellow of the Rogal College of Phgsicians, Author of Tanner1* practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children, &c, &c. Fifth Ame- rican Edition, with a verg large Collection of Formulae. One Volume, Rogal Octavo, containing over 1100 pages. Price, handsomely bound in Cloth, . . $6 00 " " Leather, . . 1 00 OOHTE1TTS. Part 1. General Diseases. Part 10. Diseases of the Abdominal Walls. « 2. Fevers. " 11. Diseases of the Urinary Organs. " 3. Venereal Diseases. » 12. Diseases of the Uterine Organs. " 4. Diseases of the Nervous System. " 13. Diseases of the Skin. « 5. Diseases of the Organs of Respi- " 14. Diseases of Cutaneous Append- ration and Circulation. ages. " 6. Diseases of the Thoracic Walls. " 15. Diseases of the Bloodvessels. « 7. Diseases of the Alimentary Canal. « 16. Diseases of the Absorbent System. " 8. Diseases of the Liver. Appendix of Formulas « 9. Diseases of the Pancreas and General Index. "The rapidity with which edition after edition of this work has appeared and dis- appeared is, on the whole, a true test of its merits. The fifth edition was, we believe, a very large one, yet the book was for some time out of print before the present one could be prepared. Dr. Tanner has chosen his title well; his work is essentially one on the practice of medicine in its widest sense, and it is in what relates to pure prac- tice, as contradistinguished from the theory of medicine, that the book is strongest; for it has been the author's aim to collect everything he could think of which would aid the practitioner in the discharge of his duties. But it is not to men engaged in the active discharge of the duties.of their profession alone to whom the book is wel- come. With the student, preparing himself to enter upon these duties, the book has long been a favorite, chiefly, we believe, from the lucidity of its style and the character of its substance. Other books there are, more eloquent and more recondite, but none excel Dr. Tanner's work in these important features. All that is necessary to know is here, disposed in such a manner as to admit of the readiest reference, and of being most easily retained in the memory. Our limits will not admit of an extended review, which would be out of place with regard to a book practically established as a standard. It carries its own recommendation, and is its own best passport to general use. It has been the result of very great labor — labor well spent; and it appears in a form which is creditable to its publishers as it is pleasing to those who have to use the book. -- British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, April, 1870. "Dr. Tanner's works are all essentially and thoroughly practical,—he never for on« moment allows this utilitarian end to escape his mental view. He aims at teaching how to recognize and how to cure disease, and in this he is thoroughly successful. It in indeed a wonderful mine of knowledge." — Medical Times and Gazette, July, 1869. SANDERSON AND FOSTER'S PHYSIOLOGICAL HAND-BOOK. Elegantly Illustrated. A HAND-BOOK FOR THE PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Being Practical Exercises for Students in Physiology and Histology, by E. Klein, M. D., Assistant Professor in the Pathological Laboratory of the Brown Institution, London; J. Burdon-Sanderson, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Practical Physiology in University College, Lon- don ; Michael Foster, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of and Prselector of Phy- siology in Trinity College, Cambridge; and T. Lauder Brunton, M.D., D.Sc, Lecturer on Materia Medica in the Medical College of St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital. Edited by J. Burdon-Sanderson. This book is intended for beginners in physiological work. It is a book of methods, not a compendium of the science of physiology, and consequently claims a place rather in the laboratory than in the study. But although designed for workers, it will be found not the less useful to those who desire to inform themselves by reading as to the extent to which the science is based on experiment, and as to the nature of the experiments which chiefly deserve to be regarded as fundamental. The illustrations to the book, which consist of One Hundred and Twenty-Three Oc- tavo pages, and include over Three Hundred and Fifty Figures, each having appro- priate letter-press explanations attached with references to the Text, when necessary, are bound in a separate volume for more convenient reference. Price of the two volumes ....... $8.00 " The publication of this work marks an era in the history of Physiology in this country and throughout the world, for there is indeed no other such work in any language. It teaches the study of nature as nearly as possible under natural conditions. " The four authors have each selected a definite division. Dr. Klein is solely responsible for the Histological portion. This is characterized by a fulness of practical knowledge which is very rare, and can only be attained by many years of study and inquiry. Dr. Sanderson for that relating to Heat, Circulation, and Respiration. This is most excellent; he deals with a difficult subject, and has done so in a masterly way. Dr. Foster's subject is the Muscles and Nerves, a subject not less interesting, but having, in many respects, a less practical bearing. Dr. Brunton's is Digestion and Secretion, which is exceedingly good and thoroughly practical. It is, upon the whole, a book of very great value. Its aim is essen- tially practical. As a laboratory guide it has no equal."—London Medical Times and Gazette. " The profession must feel deeply indebted to Dr. Sanderson and his coadjutors for the ability with which this whole work is prepared, for the clearness of the descriptions, their excellent arrangement, and judicious selection. The book is perfectly unique, and will prove of equal value to both student and teacher." — London Lancet. " No more useful aids to medical instruction have been supplied us in modern times than these volumes furnish. Thev are the first fruits of the new education, the object of which is to teach men to observe, think, and deduce, as well as to remember. We are told that the book is intended for beginners in physiological work, but we believe there are no teachers of physiology and histology in this country who would not teach with new enthusiasm by making it their guide. We believe, moreover, that there'is no other book, in any language, so useful to teacher or student in the departments which it covers. For, in addition to the fact that there is no single work in the German which covers so extended a field, there is, even in those extant, a want of preciseness in the directions given which makes them un- satisfactory to beginners."—Philadelphia Medical Times. " We feel that we cannot recommend this work too highly. To those who are engaged in physiological work as students or teachers, it will be almost indispensable ; and to those who ai e not, a perusal of it will bv no means be unprofitable. The execution of the plates leaves nothing to be desired. They are mostly original; their arrangement in a separate volume has great and obvious advantages." — Dublin Journal of Medical Sciences. " The authors of these volumes are masters of the subjects upon which they wrote. They have devoted themselves to the laborious investigation of each physiological detail involving manipulations, vivisections, chemical analysis, researches by the aid of the microscope, &c, &<• and they have presented us with a collection of the most erudite and valuable practical treatises upon their respective subjects which can be found in the English language. It is filled with practical detail and minute instruction."— Charleston Medical Journal and Review. TROUSSEAU'S CLINICAL MEDICINE. COMPLETE. In Two Large Royal Octavo Volumes, EMBKACTNG ALL THE LECTURES CONTAINED IN THE FIVE VOLUME EDITION AS ISSUED BY THE SYDENHAM SOCIETY. Price, handsomely bound in cloth ...... $10.00 leather.....12.00 Lectures on Clinical Medicine. Delivered at the Hotel Dieu, Paris, by A. Trousseau, Professor of Clin- ical Medicine to the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, &c, &c. Translated from the Third Revised and Enlarged Edition by P. Victor Bazire, M. D., London and Paris; and John Rose Cormack, M. D., Edinburgh, F. R. S., &c. With a full Index, Table of Contents, &c. Trousseau's Lectures have attained a reputation both in England and in this country far greater than any work of a similar character heretofore written, and, notwithstanding but few medical men could afford to purchase the expensive edition issued by the Sydenham Soci- ety, it has had an extensive sale. In order, however, to bring the work within the reach of all the profession, the publishers now issue this edition, containing all the lectures as contained in the five volume edition, at one-half the price. The London Lancet, in speaking of the work,says: " It treats of diseases of daily occurrence and of the most vital interest to the practitioner. And we should think any medical library absurdly incomplete now which did not have alongside of Watson, Graves, and Tanner, the ' Clinical Medicine' of Trousseau." Some opinion of the great value of the work can be formed from the titles of the Lectures as given below. A very full Table of Contents is furnished in each volume. CONTENTS OF VOLUME ONE. Lecture 1. Small-pox. 2. Variolous Inoculation. 3. Cow-pox. 4. Chicken-pox. 5. Scarlatina. 6. Measles, and in particular its unfavorable Symptoms and Complications. 7. Rubeola. 8. Erythema Nodosum. 9. Erythema Papulatum. 10. Erysipelas, and in par- ticular Erysipelas of the Face. 11. Mumps. 12. Urticaria. 13. Zona, or Herpes Zoster. 14. Sudoral Exanthemata. 15. Dothinenteria, or Typhoid Fever. 16. Typhus. 17. Mem- branous Sore Throat, and in particular Herpes of the Pharynx. 18. Gangrenous Sore Throat. 19. Inflammatory Sore Throat. 20. Diphtheria. 21. Thrush. 22. Specific Ele- ment in Disease. 23. Contagion. 24. Ozsena. 25. Stridulous Laryngitis, or False Croup. 26. OZdema of the Larynx. 27. Aphonia: Cauterization of the Larynx. 28. Dilatation of the Bronchi, and Bronchorrhcea. 29. Haemoptysis. 30. Pulmonary Phthisis. 31. Gangrene of the Lung. 32. Pleurisy: Paracentesis of the Chest. 33. Traumatic Effusion of Blood into the Pleura: Paracentesis of the Chest. 34. Hydatids of the Lung. 35. Pulmonary Abscesses and Peripneumonic Vomicae. 36. Treatment of Pneumonia. 37. Paracentesis of the Peri- cardium. 38. Organic Affections of the Heart. 39. On Venesection in Cerebral Hemor- rhage and Apoplexy. 40. On Apoplectiform Cerebral Congestion, and its Relations to Epi- lepsy and Eclampsia. 41. On Epilepsy. 42. On Epileptiform Neuralgia. 43. Infantile Convulsions. 44. Eclampsia of Pregnant and Parturient Women. 45. On Tetany. 46. On Chorea. 47. Senile Trembling and Paralysis Agitans. 48. Cerebral Fever. 49. Cross- paralysis, or Alternate Hemiplegia. 50. Facial Paralysis, or Bell's Paralysis. 51. Ou Glosso-laryngeal Paralysis. CONTENTS OF VOLUME TWO. Lecture 52. Alcoholism. 53. On Neuralgia. 54. Hydrophobia. 55. Asthma. 56 Hooping-Cough. 57. Angina Pectoris. 58. Exophthalmic Goitre, or Graves' Disease. 59. Progressive Locomotor Ataxy. 60. Progressive Muscular Atrophy. 61. On Aphasia. 62. Spermatorrhoea. 63. Nocturnal Incontinence of Urine. 64. Glucosuria: Saccharine Dia- betes. 65. Polydipsia. 66. Cerebral Rheumatism. 67. Vertigo a Stomacho Loaso. 6S. Dys- pepsia. 69. Chronic Gastritis. 70. Simple Chronic Ulcer of the Stomach. 71. Diarrhoea - Chronic Diarrhoea. 72. Infantile Cholera — Diarrhoea of Children. 73. Lactation, First Dentition, and the Weaning of Infants. 74. Dysentery. 75. Constipation. 76. Fissure of the Anus. 77. Intestinal Occlusions. 78. Hepatic Colic: Biliary Calculus. 79. Hydatid Cysts of the Liver. 80. Malignant Jaundice. 81. Syphilis in Infants. 82. Gout. 83. Nodu- lar Rheumatism, erroneously called Rheumatic Gout. 84. Acute Articular Rheumatism and Ulcerating Endocarditis. 85. Marsh Fevers: Intermittent Fevers. 86. Rickets. 87. True and False Chlorosis. 88. Cirrhosis. 89. Addison's Disease. 90. Leucocythaemia. 91. Adenia. 92. Amenorrhcea and Menorrhagic Fever. 93. Pelvic Hematocele. 94. Puer- peral Purulent Infection. 95. Phlegmasia Alba Dolens. 96. Perinephric Abscess. 97. Perihysteric Abscess. 98. New Species of Anasarca the Sequel of Retention of Urine. 99. Movable Kidney. 100. Loosening of the Pelvic Symphyses. 101. Percussion. Index. " The Clinical Lectures of Prof. Trousseau, in attractiveness of manner and richness of thoroughly practical matter, worthily takes its place beside the classical lectures of Watson and Graves. Very rarely it occurs that a book on medicine is met with so pleasant to read, and so abundant in sound practical instruction. In reading Trousseau's book we feel as though the learned, eloquent, accomplished teacher; the observant, suggestive, and accom- plished physician, were speaking, viva voce. The remarkably graphic narrative of the cases present true and impressive pictures of disease, and retain for the book that interest which is generally limited to the living voice of the clinical teacher. The reader sees Trousseau's patients with him, listens to his remarks on their diseases, and applies to them individually the precepts inculcated and the pathological opinions set forth." — British Jfedical Journal. " The work is full of the results of the richest natural observation, and is the production of one who was enlightened enough to combine with new methods of investigation the vigor- ous and independent ideas of the old physicians whom he so eloquently magnifies. It is an extremely rich and valuable addition to the library of physicians and practitioners generally." — London Lancet. " This book furnishes an example of the best kind of clinical teaching. It deserves to be popularized. We scarcely know of any work better fitted for presentation to a young man when entering upon the practical work of his life. The delineation of the recorded cases is graphic, and their narration devoid of that prolixity which, desirable as it is for purposes of extended analysis, is highly undesirable when the object is to point to a practical lesson."— London Medical Times and Gazette. " The publication of Trousseau's Lectures furnishes medical men with one of the best practical treatises on disease as seen at the bedside. The conversational style adopted by the author lends animation to the work, and the translator deserves credit for having so well preserved the easy and ready style of the original." — British and Foreign Medico-Chirur- gical Review. " The great reputation of Prof. Trousseau as a practitioner and teacher of Medicine in all its b-anches, renders the present appearance of his Clinical Lectures particularly welcome." — Medical Press and Circidar. " A cVver translation of Prof. Trousseau's admirable and exhaustive work, the best book of reference upon the Practice of Medicine." —Indian Medical Gazette. The Sgrftiiham Society's Edition of Trousseau can still be furnished in sets, or in separate vol times, as folloivs: Volumes I., IL, and III., $5.00 each. Volumes IV. and V., $4.00 each. NEW BOOKS, JUST READY. PROF. AGNEW ON THE LACERATIONS OF THE FEMALE PERINEUM, AND VESICO-VAGINAL FISTULA, their History and Treatment, with numerous illustrations engraved on wood. By D. Hayes Agnew, M.D., Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn- sylvania, &c, &c. In one volume octavo. Price . . #2.00 PARKES' MANUAL OF PRACTICAL HYGIENE, the fourth revised and enlarged edition, for Medical Officers of the Army, Civil Medical Officers, Boards of Health, &c, &c. By Edward A. Parkes, M.D., Professor of Military Hygiene in the Army Medical School, &c, &c. With many Illustrations. One volume octavo. Price ........... $6.00 " This work, previously unrivalled as a text-book for medical officers of the army, is now equally unrivalled as a text-book for civil medical officers. The first book treats in succes- sive chapters of water, air, ventilation, examination of air, food, quality, choice, and cooking of food, beverages, and condiments; soil, habitations, removal of excreta, warming of houses, exercise, clothing, climate, meteorology, individual hygienic management, disposal of the dead, the prevention of some common diseases, disinfection, and statistics. The second book is devoted to the service of the soldier, but is hardly less instructive to the civil officer of health. It is, in short, a comprehensive and trustworthy text-book of hygiene for the scientific or general reader." — London Lancet, July, 1873. SIR HENRY THOMPSON ON THE PREVENTITIVE TREAT- MENT OF CALCULOUS DISEASE, and the Use of Solvent Reme- dies. By Sir Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S., &c. i6mo. Price $1.00 COLES' MANUAL OF DENTAL MECHANICS, with an account of the Material and Appliances used in Mechanical Dentistry. By A. Oakley Coles, D.D.S. With 140 Illustrations. Price . . $2.50 This work has been prepared mainly as a Text-Book, for the student, but its practical character must certainly make it useful to every practitioner of Dentistry. CLARKE'S TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE TONGUE. By W. Farlie Clarke, M.D., Assistant Surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital, &c. With Lithographic and Woodcut Illustrations. Octavo. Price...........$5.00 It contains The Anatomy and Physiology of the Tongue, Importance of its Minute Exam- ination, Its Congenital Defects, Atrophy,"Hypertrophy, Parasitic Diseases, Inflammation, Syphilis and its effects, Various Tumors to which it is subject, Accidents, Injuries, &c., &c. BUCKNILL AND TUKE'S MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, containing the History, Nosology, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity, with an Appendix :>f Cases. By J. C. Bucknill, M.D., F.R.S., and Daniel H. Tuke, M.;D. The Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. One volume octavo. COOPER'S DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL SURGERY, and Encyclopedia of Surgical Science. A New Enlarged and Revised Lon- don Edition, in 2 vols, of over 1000 pages each. Price . #15.00 Recent Publications BY LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. AITKEN (william), M. D., Professor of Pathology in the Army Medical School, &c. THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. THIRD American, from the Sixth London Edition. Thoroughly Revised, Remodelled, many portions Rewritten, with Additions almost equal to a Third Volume, and numerous additional Illustrations, without any increase in bulk or price. Containing a Colored Map showing the Geographical Distribution of Disease over the Globe, a Lithographic Plate, and nearly 200 Illustrations on Wood. Two volumes, royal octavo, bound in cloth, price, . . #12.00 " " " " leather, . . 14.00 For eighteen months Dr. Aitken has been engaged in again carefully revising this Great Work, and adding to it many valuable additions and improvements, amounting in the ag- gregate almost to a volume of new matter, included in which will be found the adoption and incorporation in the text of the " New Nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians of London;" to which are added the Definitions and the Foreign Equivalents for their English names; the New Classification of Disease as adopted by the Royal College of Physicians, &c. The American editor, Meredith Clymer, M. D., has also added to it many valuable articles, with special reference to the wants of the American Prac- titioner. The work is now, by almost universal consent, both in England and the United States, acknowledged to be in advance of all other works on The Science and Practi-ce of Medicine. It is a most thorough and complete Text-book for students of medicine, following such a systematic arrangement as will give them a consistent view of the main facts, doctrines, and practice of medicine, in accordance with accurate physiological and pathological principles and the present state of science. For the practitioner it will be found equally acceptable as a work of reference. ALLINGHAM (william), F. R. C. S., Surgeon to St. Mark's Hospital for Fistula, &c, FISTULA, HEMORRHOIDS, PAINFUL ULCER, STRICT- URE, PROLAPSUS, and other Diseases of the Rectum, their Diagnosis and Treatment. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author. Price.........$2.00 This book has been well received by the Profession; the first edition sold rap- idly ; the present one has been revised by the author, and some additions made, chiefly as to the mode of treatment. The Medical Press and Circular, speaking of it, says: "No book on this special subject tan at all approach Mr. Allingham's in precision, clearness, and practical good sense." The London Lancet: " As a practical guide to the treatment of affections of the lower bowel, this book is worthy of all commendation." The Edinburgh Monthly: " "We cordially recommend it as well deserving the careful study of Physicians and Surgeons." 1 ATTHILL (lombe), M. D., Fellow and Examiner in Midwifery, King and Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin. CLINICAL LECTURES ON DISEASES PECULIAR TO WO- MEN. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Six Lithographic Plates and other Illustrations on Wood. Price . . . $2.25 The value and popularity of this book is proved by the rapid sale of the first edition, which was exhausted in less than a year from the time of its publication. It appears to possess three great merits : First, It treats of the diseases very common to females. Second, It treats of them in a thoroughly clinical and practical manner. Third, It is concise, orig- inal, and illustrated by numerous cases from the author's own experience. His style is clear and the volume is the result of the author's large and accurate clinical observation recorded in a remarkable, perspicuous, and terse manner, and is conspicuous for the best qualities of a practical guide to the student and practitioner. — British Medical Journal. ALTHAUS (julius), M. D., Physician to the Infirmary for Epilepsy and Paralysis. THIRD ENLARGED EDITION, 146 ILLUSTRATIONS. A TREATISE ON MEDICAL ELECTRICITY, Theoretical and Practical, and its Use in the Treatment of Paralysis, Neuralgia, and other Diseases. Third Edition, Enlarged and Revised, with One Hundred and Forty-six Illustrations. In one volume octavo. Price . $6.00 ADAMS (william), F. R. C. S., Surgeon to the Royal Orthopedic and Great Northern Hospitals. CLUB-FOOT: ITS CAUSES, PATHOLOGY, AND TREAT- MENT. Being the Jacksonian Prize Essay of the Royal College of Surgeons. A New Revised and Enlarged Edition, with 106 Illustrations engraved on Wood, and Six Lithographic Plates. A large Octavo Volume. Price ......... $6.00 ADAMS (robert), M. D., Regius Professor of Surgery in the University of Dublin, &.c, &c. RHEUMATIC GOUT, or CHRONIC RHEUMATIC ARTHRI- TIS OF ALL THE JOINTS. The Second Edition. Illustrated by numerous Woodcuts, and a quarto Atlas of Plates. 2 Volumes. Price...........#8.50 BASH AM (w. r.), M. D., F. R. C. P., Senior Physician to the Westminster Hospital, &c. AIDS TO THE DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES OF THE KID- NEYS. With Ten large Plates. Sixty Illustrations. Price . $2.00 Dr. Basham has been accustomed to make accurate notes and drawings of every case of renal disease coming under his notice. This volume contains a selection of the most important of these cases, with microscopical illustrations and letter-press descriptions, showing an amount of clinical experience that must prove of great value to those of the profession who have not had similar opportunities. 2 BLACK (D. CAMPBELL), M. D., L. R, C. S. Edinburgh, Member of the General Council of the University.of Glasgow, &c, &c. THE FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE RENAL, URINARY, and Reproductive Organs, with a General View of Urinary Pathology. Price . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 CONTENTS. Chap. 1. On the Conditions that affect the Secretion of the Urine, with special reference to Suppression. " 2. Retention of Urine; its Varieties, Causes, and Treatment. " 3. Irritable Bladder, Strangury. Chap. 4. On the Pathology and Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis, and Spermatic Incontinence. " 5. Sterility in the Male. " 6. Male Impotence. " 7. Anomalous Urethral Discharges. The style of the author is clear, easy, and agreeable, . . . his work is a valuable contri- bution to medical science, and being penned in that disposition of unprejudiced philosophical inquiry which should always guide a true physician, admirably embodies the spirit of its opening quotation from Professor Huxley. — Philada. Med. Times. BEASLEY (henry). THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Containing over 3000 Prescriptions, collected from the Practice of the most Eminent Physi- cians and Surgeons — English, French, and American; comprising also a Compendious History of the Materia Medica, Lists of the Doses of all Officinal and Established Preparations, and an Index of Diseases and their Remedies. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price, $2.50 This new edition of Dr. Beasley's Prescription Book, although presented in a much more compact form and at a greatly reduced price, has been thoroughly revised, and an account of all the new medicines lately introduced, with the formulas of the new Pharmacopoeias added. Carefully selecting from the mass of materials at his disposal, the author has aimed to compile a volume sufficiently comprehensive, in which both physician and druggist, preseriber and compounder, may find under the head of each remedy the manner in which that remedy may be most effectively administered, or combined with other medicines in the treatment of disease. The alphabetical arrangement of the book renders this easy. A short description of each medicine is also given, and a list of the doses in which its several pre- parations may be prescribed. BY SAME AUTHOR. THE POCKET FORMULARY: A Synopsis of the British and Foreign Pharmacopoeias. Ninth Revised Edition. Price . $2.50 THE DRUGGIST'S GENERAL RECEIPT BOOK and VETERI- NARY FORMULARY. Seventh Edition. Price. . . $3.50 BEALE (Lionels.), M. D. DISEASE GERMS: AND ON THE TREATMENT OF DIS- EASES CAUSED BY THEM. Part I. — SUPPOSED NATURE OF DISEASE GERMS. Part IL —REAL NATURE OF DISEASE GERMS. Part III. — THE DESTRUCTION OF DISEASE GERMS. Second Edition, much enlarged, with Twenty-eight full-page Plates, containing 117 Illustrations, many of them colored. Demy Octavo. Price...........$5-°° This new edition, besides including the contents revised and enlarged of the two former volumes published by Dr. Beale on Disease Germs, has an entirely new part added on " The Destruction of Disease Germs." BEALE (lionel s.j, M. D., F. R. S. BIOPLASM. A Contribution to the Physiology of Life, or an Intro- duction to the Study of Physiology and Medicine, for Students. With Numerous Illustrations. Price ....-• $3-°° This volume is intended as a Text-Book for Students of Physiology, explaining the nature of some of the most important changes which are characteristic of and peculiar to living beings. BY SAME AUTHOR. PROTOPLASM, OR MATTER AND LIFE. Third Edition, very much Enlarged. Nearly 350 pages. 16 Colored Plates. One volume. Price . .......#5-°° Part I. DISSENTIENT. Part II. DEMONSTRATIVE. Part III. SUGGESTIVE. This work contains : 1. Critical remarks on the life-theories advocated by Odling, Bence Jones, Grove, Owen, Huxley, Bennett, Bastian, Tyndall, Bain, Herbert Spencer, Darwin, and others. 2. A full account of the author's own conclusions on the nature of life, and a state- ment of the facts and observations upon which they are based. 3. Many arguments against the scientific materialism of the day, and concludes with 4. A criticism on the theory of life advocated by Strauss in " The Old Faith and the New." BIDDLE (john b.), M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, &c. MATERIA MEDICA, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS. With Illustrations. Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price $4.00 This new and thoroughly revised edition of Professor Biddle's work has incorporated in it all the improvements as adopted by the New United States Pharmacopoeia just issued. It is designed to present the leading facts and principles usually comprised under this head as set forth by the standard authorities, and to fill a vacuum which seems to exist in the want of an elementary work on the subject. The larger works usually recommended as text-books in our Medical schools are too voluminous for convenient use. This will be found to contain, in a condensed form, all that is most valuable, and will supply students with a reliable guide to the course of lectures on Materia Medica as delivered at the various Medical schools in the United States. BLOXAM (c l.), Professor of Chemistry in King's College, London. CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC. With Experi- ments and a Comparison of Equivalent and Molecular Formulae. With 276 Engravings on Wood. Second Edition, carefully revised. Octavo. Price .......... $4.50 The author has endeavored in this new edition of his work to supply a book sufficiently comprehensive for those studying the science as a branch of general education. He has also devoted special attention to Metallurgy and some other branches of applied Chemistry, in order to adapt it to the wants of practical men. His pages are crowded with facts and experi- ments, well chosen, and many of them quite new even to scientific men. CHAVASSE (p. henry), F. R.C.S., Author of Advice to a Wife, Advice to a Mother, &c. APHORISMS ON THE MENTAL CULTURE AND TRAIN- ING OF A CHILD, and on various other subjects relating to Health and Happiness. Addressed to Parents. Price . . . ^I-5° Dr. Chavasse's works have been very favorably received and had a large circulation, the value of his advice to WIVES and MOTHERS having thus been very generally recognized. This book is a sequel or companion to them, and it will be found both valuable and important to all who have the care of families, and who want to bring up their children to become useful men and women. It is full of fresh thoughts and graceful illustrations. 4 CLARK (f. le gros), F. R. S., Senior Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital. OUTLINES OF SURGERY AND SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, including the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obscure and Urgent Cases, and the Surgical Anatomy of some Important Structures and Regions. Assisted by W. W. Wagstaffe, F. R. C. S., Resident Assistant-Surgeon of, and Joint Lecturer on Anatomy at, St. Thomas's Hospital. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price .... $3.00 This edition brings the work up to the highest level of our present knowledge, incorporat- ing all that is sound and recent in Physiology so far as it relates to subjects requiring its aid. It is not alone an admirable exposition of the principles of Surgerv, but a trusty guide to the emergencies of Practice. We cannot too highly estimate the ability to condense and the results of a ripened experience furnished to us here in a readable and practical form. — Med. Times and Gazette. COOLEY (a. j.). CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS. Containing Pro- cesses and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Profes- sions, and Trades, including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Domestic Economy; designed as a General Book of Reference for the Manufac- turer, Tradesman, Amateur, and Heads of Families. The Fifth Edi- tion, Revised and partly Rewritten by Richard V. Tuson, F.C.S., &c. Over 1000 royal-octavo pages, double columns. With Illustrations. Price...........$10.00 Every part of this edition has been subjected to a thorough and complete revision by the editor, assisted by other scientific gentlemen. In the chemical portion of the book, every subject of practical importance has been retained, corrected, and added to; to the name of every substance of established composition a formula has been attached; while to the Phar- maceutist its value has been greatly increased by the additions which have been made from the British, Indian, and United States Pharmacopoeias. CAZEAUX (p.). M. D., Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, etc, A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MIDWIFERY, including the Diseases of Pregnancy and Parturition. Translated from the Seventh French Edition, Revised, Greatly Enlarged, and Improved, by S. Tarnier, Clinical Chief of the Lying-in Hospital, Paris, etc., with numerous Lithographic and other Illustrations. Price, in Cloth, $6.50; in Leather, $7.50. M. 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With a modest aim, this work, the latest issued by the English press on Aural Surgery, is happy in concep- tion and pleasantly written; further, it shows that its author is thoroughly au fait in his specialty. The subject of which the volume treats is handled in a terse style, and this, if we mistake not, will make it acceptable to the student and practitioner who have a just horror of unnecessary details. In conclusion, we hope that we have succeeded in interesting our readers in the volume. We cordially recommend it as a trustworthy guide in the treat- ment of the affections of the ear. The book is moderate in price, beautifully illustrated by wood-cuts, and got up in the best style. — Glasgow Medical Journal. ELLIS (EDWARD), M. D. Physician to the Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, &c. A PRACTICAL MANUAL OF THE DISEASES OF CHIL- DREN, with a Formulary. Second Edition, Revised and Improved. 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It may unquestionably be considered the most valuable guide to correct Diagnosis to be found in the English language. 7 HEWSON (addinell,) M. D. Attending Surgeon Pennsylvania Hospital, &c. EARTH AS A TOPICAL APPLICATION IN SURGERY. Being a full Exposition of its use in all the Cases requiring Topical Applications admitted in the Surgical Wards of the Pennsylvania Hospi- tal during a period of Six Months. With Four full-page Illustrations. CONTENTS. Preface; Introduction; Histories of Cases; Comments as to the Effects of the Contact of the Earth; Its Effects on Pain; Its Power as a Deodorizer; Its Influence over Inflammation; Its Influence over Putrefaction; Its Influence over the Healing Processes; Modus Operandi of the Earth; As a Deodorizer and other Putrefaction; In its Effects on Living Parts. Price, ........... $2.50 It presents the results of researches by the author into "the action of Earth as a surgical dressing, and embraces the histories of over ninety cases which occurred in the wards of the Pennsylvania Hospital some three years since, but whose publication has been delayed, for the double purpose of weighing them by subsequent experience, and of interpreting their meaning by a careful study of the various subjects which they involve. HODGE (hugh l.), M. D. Emeritus Professor in the University of Pennsylvania. HODGE ON FOETICIDE, OR CRIMINAL ABORTION. Fourth Edition. Price, in paper covers, .... $0.30 " flexible cloth, .... 0.50 This little book is intended to place in the hands of professional men and others the means of answering satisfactorily and intelligently any inquiries that may be made of them in con- nection with this important subject. HOLDEN (edgar), A. M., M. D., Of Newark, New Jersey, CONTAINING THREE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. THE SPHYGMOGRAPH. 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