ft ftf •'At. .. / ^1 1 •>.', • '}-it ~k- "iw ' ' ■' • * R R-{-B After the second stroke we get in the same manner the density D3 = _5_ D, = R X —— D = (—-Y D, and at the nth 2 R+B 1 K+B R+B VR+B/ ' / R \n stroke D„ — ( _----) D. Thus if the barrel have I the capacity of the receiver, we have R = 9, B = 1, and-----= J_, and the density or R+B 10 J 26 PNEUMATICS. 27 quantity remaining in the receiver at the 3d stroke, = (~\ D = T7D2090 of the original density or quantity. 36. The rarefaction at any time is, however, generally estimated by a barometer guage connected with the receiver, see mfig. 6 and g, fig. 9, the principle of which will be explained hereafter under pressure-guages. 37. Suction by the mouth depends on the same principle as exhaustion by an air-pump. The vessel is first connected by the lips with the mouth, and the air then expelled from the mouth by pressing its walls close to- gether. A vacuum is then produced in the mouth by withdrawing the tongue from the roof of the mouth without admitting any air, which con- stitutes the effort of sucking. The air then passes, by its expansibility, from the vessel into the mouth, as in the barrel of the air-pump. The communication between the vessel and the mouth is then closed by using the tongue as a valve, and the same again repeated. 38. Besides the above means of exhaustion by air-pumps, a partial vacuum may be produced by the increased expansibility of gases by heat. Thus, the suction of an ordinary plain cupping-glass is produced by ex- pelling a portion of the air by heat, by holding it with the mouth down- ward over a spirit lamp or a piece of burning paper, and then quickly placing it on the skin. Another means of removing atmospheric air from a vessel and thus producing a vacuum, is, by the introduction of a volatile liquid and the application of heat to it, by which it is converted into vapor, which will expel the atmospheric air. By then closing the vessel and allowing the vapors to condense, a vacuum is produced, which is entirely free from atmospheric air, but always contains more or less vapor. Thus, thermometer bulbs, and other vessels with very narrow mouths, are filled with mercury or any other liquid, by first expelling a portion of the atmospheric air by heating them over a spirit-lamp, and then inverting them with the mouth into the liquid. When the air then contracts, a partial vacuum is produced, by which a portion of the liquid is forced up into it by the atmospheric pressure (59). They are then again heated till the liquid inside boils, and its vapour has expelled all the re- maining atmospheric air, when they are again inverted with the mouth into the liquid, by which they become entirely filled with the liquid as soon as the vapors condense. The vacuum in the cylinder below the piston of the early or 'atmospheric' steam-engine of Newcomen, wTas pro- duced by the expulsion of the air by steam from a boiler, and its subse- quent condensation. 39. Compressibility and Elasticity ofigases. From the nature of gases it mi°-ht be inferred, that the atoms are not so close together as in liquids 27 28 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. and solids. Indeed, we find that the spaces between their atoms are capable of being considerably reduced by mechanical pressure and their volume in consequence diminished. This property is called Compressi- bility. The property of offering to the compression a constantly increasing resistance, and when the pressure ceases, of again resuming their former volume, is called Elasticity. Gases thus possess the properties of Com- pressibility and Elasticity to a much greater extent than either solids or liquids. 40. This is also the reason why we are capable of forcing a considerable quantity of gas into a comparatively small space. Contrivances for this purpose are called Forcing or Condensing Air-pumps. In its simplest form the Condensing air-pump is identical with the Exhausting Syringe, see figs. 1 and 2, consisting of a barrel with a solid piston, and furnished with a two-ways stop-cock, by which it is attached to the receiver, into which the air is to be condensed, only that in using it, the order of turn- ing the stop-cock is reversed. For if the piston be pushed in, while the barrel communicates with the receiver, it is easily seen that the air con- tained in the barrel must be forced into the receiver. If, now, the stop-cock be turned so as to shut off communication with the receiver, but to establish it between the barrel and the outer atmospheric air, the latter will enter and fill the barrel when the piston is again drawn out. By repeating the same process, a fresh portion of air is by every inward stroke introduced into the receiver, the limit being dependent on the strength of the apparatus and the size of the injurious space (29). For it will easily be seen, that as soon as the air admitted into the barrel may be condensed into the injurious space, without acquiring greater den- sity than the air in the receiver, no more can be forced into it. 41. Instead of the two-ways stop-cock we may, as in the exhausting air-pump, substitute two self-acting valves of oil-silk, see fig. 10, one v Fig. 10. at the bottom of the barrel in the passage leading to the receiver, and another vx in a passage through the piston, both, however, opening inward as represented in fig. 10. The valve in the piston may be dis- pensed with, and the latter remain solid, if the barrel be furnished with a 28 PNEUMATICS. 29 small perforation on its side, at a distance from the cover just sufficient to be cleared by the piston when drawn out, for the admission of atmospheric air. On pushing the solid piston in, the air thus admitted into the barrel is confined as soon as the piston has passed the orifice, and forced into the receiver, and so on. 42. Where larger objects are to be placed in the receiver, the latter must be furnished with a wide mouth, see fig. 12, the edge of which is Fig. n. ground true and fitted on a plate as for exhaustion, but generally with the interposition of a ring or washer of oiled leather. An additional contri- vance also becomes necessary, to keep the receiver against the plate, con- sisting of two uprights, I and I, and a cross-piece m, which can be screwed down on it, as otherwise the inner pressure of the air would force them apart. Such receivers should also be made as much as possible of a spherical form, and, if of glass, very thick, as much greater strength is 29 30 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. required to withstand a pressure from the inside than from the outside, and by bursting accidents are likely to occur. 43. Where considerable quantities of air are to be condensed, the pump may be made double-acting and its size increased; in which case it be- comes necessary to work it by machinery. When high degrees of con- densation are required, it also becomes necessary to substitute metallic valves instead of those of oil-silk. The pump fig. 7, described in 33, answers admirably for condensing, if furnished with two additional passages leading from the valves u and ulf as represented by fig. 11, which two passages unite into one, terminating in a knob n, so that, being of lead, and therefore flexible, it may be connected by a gallows-screw joint m with the receiver^. 12, into which the air is to be condensed. In this use of the pump the other forked tube t, fixed over the valves, opening in- ward, must of course be left open, so as to allow the atmospheric air free access through these valves into the barrel. When the piston is moved, atmospheric air is drawn in through the tube t on the one side of the piston, while the air on the other side of it is forced into the receiver through the tube n. Such pump will also answer for transferring and condensing any gas different from atmospheric air. For this purpose the receiver fig. 12, into which the gas is to be transferred or condensed, is first exhausted by being connected with the pump by the tube t. It is then to be connected with the pump by the tube n, after the tube t has been connected with the receiver containing the gas to be transferred, and one stroke been performed to expel the atmospheric air from the barrel. 44. It has been ascertained by accurate experiments, which will after- wards be detailed, that the volumes which a gas occupies under different pressures, but otherwise similar circumstances, are inversely proportional to the pressures, and the densities of the gas, therefore, directly propor- tional to them. This law is called, from its discoverer, Mariotte's law. 45. Liquefaction of gases. In regard to their conduct under increased pressures, gases differ materially. Some of them obey Mariotte's law under any pressure which has yet been applied to them, and are there- fore called permanent gases. Of these we have six; Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Bin-oxide of Nitrogen, Carbonic Oxide and Light Carburetted Hydrogen. Others conduct themselves in a similar manner, obeying Mariotte's law, only until the pressure has been increased to a certain point, when they suddenly yield and are converted into liquids. These are called liquefiable, sometimes compressible, or condensable gases, the latter, referring mainly to the fact, that this same effect is assisted by the simul- taneous exposure to cold, or may even in some cases be produced by it alone. Of the liquefiable gases a certain number are formed from sub- 30 PNEUMATICS. 31 stances existing, under ordinary circumstances, as liquids or solids, and when filling the space to their fullest extent, will stand no increase what- ever in pressure or cold, without becoming wholly or in part liquid. Such gases are called Vapors. As instances of liquefiable gases may be mentioned Sulphurous acid, liquefiable at a pressure of about 5 atmo- spheres (1 atm. = 151bs. to sq. in.), and by strong cold alone, and Car- bonic acid, requiring 38 atmospheres at 32°. Of vapors may be men- tioned vapor of water or Steam. 46. It is supposed that all gases by sufficient pressure would become liquid, but even should this not be the case, it is evident that no pressure, however great, could reduce their volume to nothing, which constitutes their property of Impenetrability. 47. To illustrate the compressibility and elasticity of the atmospheric air, fix a burning taper on a cork floating on water. Invert a large tumbler or jar over it, and depress this below the surface of the water. As the depth to which it is immersed increases, the compressibility of the air will allow the water to ascend to a greater height into the jar, but its elasticity will offer a constantly increasing resistance, so that much the greater portion of the jar will still remain filled with the air and allow the candle to continue to burn. 48. On this depends the action of the diving-bell, which consists of an open inverted box filled with air, generally made of cast-iron, and heavily loaded, so as to sink when let down into the water by a rope, and fur- nished with thick glass to admit light. The operator is supported on cross benches near the bottom. As the bell is lowered to a greater depth, the pressure of the water becomes greater, and the air in consequence more and more compressed, so that the water ascends higher into it. To prevent the diver becoming thereby partly immersed in water, and to replace the air, which becomes vitiated by the respiration and the burning of the light sometimes employed, it is furnished with a valve and hose, through which fresh air is forced in, from a boat above, by a forcing pump. By this means it soon becomes again entirely filled with air, while the vitiated air is allowed to escape. 49. As an application of the condensation of air by the condensing air- pump, may be mentioned the air-gun, of which the essential part is a strong metallic receiver, into which atmospheric air is compressed to a considerable degree by a condensing syringe, which may be attached to it. Between this receiver and the barrel containing the ball, is a valve, which by pulling the trigger is struck open, thereby letting out a portion of the confined air, which propels the ball. In the ordinary air-gun the stock forms the receiver, and in the cane air-gun the receiver is formed out 32 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. of the hollow space between the barrel and the outer tube forming the cane. 50. Besides the condensing air-pump, other means are sometimes re- sorted to for the compression of gases. Thus, vapors are often obtained in a compressed state by the introduction of a volatile liquid into a con- fined space, and its conversion into vapors by heat. The steam-boiler is an illustration of this. The high-pressure steam-engine may be considered as a single-barrelled, double-acting air pump attached to it, the barrel being called the cylinder, but the piston of which, instead of condensing the gas by its motion, is itself moved by the elasticity of the gas, the vapor of water, already in the compressed state and let in alternately above and be- low the piston. 51. Another way of obtaining gases in a highly compressed state, is by generating them by chemical action in large quantities in a small space. Fire-arms may be considered as an application of this, the mixture em- ployed in them for this purpose being the gunpowder. Many gases, such as carbonic acid, are most conveniently liquefied by the pressure produced by their own generation in an appropriate apparatus (see Chemistry under Carbonic acid). Properties depending on Adhesion. 52. The repulsive action between the atoms of the same gas, which causes the property of Expansibility, we do not find to exist between the atoms of different gases. On the contrary, the atoms of one gas will allow the atoms of other gases to push themselves between them, and seem even to assist this action by an attractive force toward them (Adhesion). Thus, if two vessels, h and c fig. 13, separated by a partition p, be filled, the upper h with a light gas as hydrogen, and the lower c by a heavy gas as carbonic acid, and the partition between them be withdrawn, the hydro- gen will not remain on top, but expand and spread down- ward through the carbonic acid; and in the same manner will the carbonic acid rise up, spreading through the hydro- gen, till they both are evenly diffused through the whole ^ space. This property is called Biffusibility. In virtue of this property one gas seems hardly to offer any resistance to the expansibility of another, and gases are therefore not capable of limiting each other, or of maintaining a distinct boundary between themselves (like oil and water among liquids). Fig. 13. 53. Diffusibility of gases suffers a peculiar modification, when they communicate with each other through extremely small openings, PNEUMATICS. 33 as through a crack in a glass, or through a porous partition, as when formed of plaster of Paris, unglazed earthenware, common wood, particu- larly when cut across the grain, and animal membrane, as bladder, skin, &c. In all such cases the lighter gas will be found to pass through such into the heavier, faster than the heavier passes in the opposite direction into the lighter. Thus, if in fig. 13, the upper vessel h be filled with hydro- gen, and the lower c with carbonic acid, and the partition p be a plate of plaster of Paris, it will be found that the hydrogen will pass faster into c, than the carbonic acid into h, and thus a partial vacuum is produced in the vessel h, occupied by the hydrogen, and a condensation in c. But after some time, when the gases become thoroughly diffused through each other, equilibrium is again restored on both sides of the partition. This may be illustrated by the diffusion tube b fig. 14, which is a glass tube open at the lower end and closed at the upper by a plug a, of perfectly dry plaster of Paris. If this be filled with hydrogen by displacement of the atmospheric air (see ), so as to avoid wetting the plaster of Paris, and then quickly placed with its open end in a shallow vessel d, containing water, diffu- sion will take place through the Paris plaster, between the hydro- gen in the tube and the atmo- spheric air outside, and the hydro- gen passing out quicker than the atmospheric air passes in, a partial vacuum will be formed, by which the water will be forced up in the tube to c by the atmospheric pressure (see 59), several inches above the level outside. But after some time it again falls to its former level. This kind of diffusion, particularly when taking place through animal or vege- table membranes, is often called by the name of Endosmosis and Exos- mosis. The velocities with which different gases diffuse themselves, have been found to be, under otherwise similar circumstances, inversely pro- portional to the square roots of their densities or specific gravities. 54. The adhesion of gases toward Solids is quite considerable, so that in many cases it causes them to be condensed in greater or less quantities on their surface. Thus, it is found that ordinary glass, even when per- fectly dry to the touch, always contains a thin film of vapor of water con- densed on its surface. This becomes more perceptible when its surface C 33 Fig. 14. 34 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. is increased by pulverizing it, when the quantity of vapor condensed by it may be so great as to amount to more than $ per cent, of its weight. The same is the case with most other pulverulent or porous bodies, such as clay, and particularly animal and vegetable substances, as paper, wood, hair, membranes. Such water is called hygroscopic moisture and is found to vary in quantity according to the state of humidity of the atmosphere ( 177 ), and interferes materially in many experiments with the accurate determination of their weight. Recently ignited charcoal will absorb many times its own volume of different gases, such as oxygen, and particularly sulphuretted hydrogen and other similar gases or vapors, which are the cause of offensive odors. On this depends its preserving and deodorizing properties. The most extraordinary instance of such condensa- tion of gases is presented by platinum towards hydrogen and oxygen, when in porous and finely divided states, in which it is called platinum sponge and platinum black, the latter of which has been found to absorb more than 250 times its own volume of oxygen. By this condensation a subsequent chemical action is often induced. Thus, oxygen when absorbed by ehar- coal combines after some time with it, forming carbonic acid in its pores; and hydrogen and oxygen when absorbed together by platinum sponge unite to form vapor of water, so that platinum sponge when held before a jet of hydrogen, where it mixes with the oxygen of the atmosphere, will become heated by the union of the two gases, and ignite the, jet of hydro- gen. On this depends the Platinum Igniter, (fig. 15), which is an apparatus for obtaining fire, consisting of a self-regulating generator of hydrogen (see ), which by turning up the box h, opens a stop-cock and causes the hydro- gen to issue from the jet e, on the platinum sponge h± and thereby to become ignited. 55. Towards Liquids also, a positive attrac- tion or adhesion is very manifest, by which the atoms of gases are drawn in between the atoms of liquids, which constitutes what is called ab- sorption or solution of gases in liquids. Thus Fiv-15> all the atmospheric gases dissolve in water in small quantities, and on the oxygen thus dissolved (about T J^ vol. in 1 vol. of the water), depend all gill-breathing animals for their respiration. Some gases dissolve in considerable quantities in water, as carbonic acid (1 vol;, and sulphurous acid (50 vols). It is. however, often difficult to draw the line between mere solution or absorption and chemical combina- tion. Thus, chlorohydric acid dissolves in water to the amount of 418 vols. PNEUMATICS. 35 and ammoniacal gas to the amount of 500 vols.; but in these cases a chemical combination with the water takes place at the same time. 5(5. When a gas is dissolved in a liquid, and the free surface of this solu- tion be exposed to, or brought in contact with another gas, or be separated by a porous partition from it or from a solution of it in a liquid, diffusion will, in all such cases, take place between them. It js by such diffusion that by respiration an exchange takes place, through the membrane of the lung, between the oxygen of the air and the carbonic acid dissolved in the blood : and that in gill-breathing animals an exchange is effected, through the membrane of the gill, between the oxygen dissolved in the water and the carbonic acid dissolved in the blood. This is also the cause why, when gases are separated by liquids in which they are more or less soluble, an exchange of them always takes place by diffusion through the liquid. This i;3 not only the case when a gas is confined by a very thin film of liquid, for instance, when enclosed in a soap-bubble; but even when gases are kept in jars, placed with their mouth in water, it is found, that in the course of time more or less of an exchange takes place through the water with the atmospheric air outside. Thus, if the gas be hydrogen, in the course of some weeks, some of it will have escaped through the water, while a perceptible quantity of atmospheric air will have found its way through the water into the hydrogen. As gases are utterly insoluble in mercury, this liquid is often employed for confining them more perfectly, and answers well when the surfaces of the glass and the mercury are perfectly clean. But if a film of dust cover the glass or be on top of the mercury, when immersing the mouth of the vessel into it, so as to prevent perfect contact between the glass and the mercury, diffusion will take place through this film. Properties depending on Gravity. 57. Gases are subject to the action of gravity, and they are, therefore, like all other ponderable matter, attracted by the earth towards its centre, which constitutes their loeight. To prove this, attach a spherical receiver furnished with a stop-cock, to an exhausting air-pump, and having removed the air, counterpoise it on a balance, see fig. 16, so as to produce equili- brium. Allow then the atmospheiic air to fill the receiver by opening the stop-cock. It will be found that the receiver now weighs more. This gain is due to the weight of the gases which now fill the receiver. By forcing more air into the receiver by the condensing air-pump, we shall find that its weight is still further increased. By accurate experiments it has been found, that 100 cubic inches of atmospheric air, freed from its 36 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. carbonic acid and vapor of water, at 30 inches barometric pressure and 60° Fahrenheit, weigh exactly 30.82926 grains, (or at 32° Fah. 32.58685 grs). ji,; 58. Different gases have different weights for the same volume. Thus, 100 cubic inches of oxygen weigh 34.19 grains, of hydrogen 2.14 grains, of carbonic acid 47.14 grains. By the density ox specific gravity of a gas we understand the number which expresses, how many times a gas is heavier Fig. 16. than the same volume of atmospheric air, which is, therefore, the standard of comparison and its specific gravity = 1. To obtain the specific gravity of a gas, we first fill a suitable spherical glass receiver, as above, with atmo- spheric air, freed from its carbonic acid and vapor of water by passing it through a tube filled with unslacked lime, and ascertain accurately the weight of the atmospheric air in it. We then again exhaust the atmo- spheric air and fill it with the gas (see ), at the same temperature and at the same pressure, and ascertain its weight. The weight of the gas divided by the weight of the atmospheric air will then give us its specific gravity. The following are the specific gravities of some of the different gases; Atmospheric air....... 1.0000 Nitrogen............... 0.97137 Oxygen................. 1.1056 Carbonic acid......... 1.529 Hydrogen............... 0.06926 Vapor of Water...... 0.622 To avoid fractions the specific gravity of atmospheric air is often called 1000 instead of 1, that of oxygen then becomes 1105, hydrogen 69, &c. / 59. As gases possess weight, it follows that the surface of the earth PNEUMATICS. 37 must sustain a considerable pressure from the weight of the surrounding atmosphere resting on it. To prove this, place an open glass tube with one of its extremities in water, see fig. 17, and remove the air which it con- tains by suction with the mouth, or by an air-pump attached to the other end a. We shall find that as the air is removed, the pressure of the atmo- sphere on the water outside the tube will force it up into it. On re- admitting the air into the tube the water will again fall to its former level. For the same purpose expel the air from a tube closed at one end, by filling it with water; invert it, keeping the finger on the open end to F prevent the water from escaping, and introduce this end into | a vessel with water. On removing the finger the water does | not run down, but the tube remains filled with the water to the top, caused by the pressure of the atmosphere on the | water outside of it. As soon as the air be again in any way if admitted into the tube, the water will fall as before. If we ^# 4n^ perform the same experiments with mercury instead of water, =^mHiS an<* use a tu^e l°nger tnan 30 inches, we shall find, that on fjjjlilll removing the air from the inside, the pressure of the atmo- sphere on the outside is not capable of forcing the mercury Fig'17' up to the top of the tube; or of retaining it there, if closed at one end and filled and inverted as before, but only at the perpendicular height Fig. 18. Fig. 19. 37 4 38 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. of about 30 inches above the level of the mercury outside, see a fig. 18, and at which level, therefore, the mercury will remain, whatever inclination we give the tube, as represented at a± a1± aiU fig. 18. That it still is the pressure of the atmospheric air outside, which sustains the mercury in the tube, may be further proved by placing the whole under an appropriate pneumatic receiver, see fig. 19, and exhausting the air, when the mercury in the tube will be found to fall as the air is withdrawn from outside of it; and if it were possible to remove the air perfectly, the level inside and out- side would be the same in this case, as when the atmosphere is both in- side and outside. As water is 13.6 times lighter than mercury, the atmo- spheric pressure is capable of forcing it up to a height 13.6 times greater than that of the mercury, or to about 34 feet. 60. The pressure of the atmosphere was discovered by the circumstance, that some Italian pump-makers had in vain endeavored to raise water by a suction-pump to a greater height than 34 feet, and applied to Galileo for the reason. Previously, the cause of water rising in a tube under such circumstances had been ascribed to what was called the abhorrence of nature to a vacuum, by which nature always endeavored to fill it up. Galileo referred the subject to his pupil Torricelli, who at once suspected the real cause to be the pressure of the atmosphere consequent to its weight, and to convince himself of the correctness of the above facts in regard to water, performed (about 1643 A. D.), the experiment of filling a tube longer than 30 inches with mercury and inverting it in a cup of mercury. Such apparatus is yet called after him a Torricellian tube. The real proof, however, of the mercury in the tube being supported by pressure from the atmosphere, was obtained by Pascal having it carried up a high mountain, by which the air underneath became incapable of pressing on the mercury, and this therefore gradually fell as the height became greater. 61. The Torricellian tube furnishes us with the means of estimating the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the earth, which for the greater part, though not entirely, depends on the weight of the atmo- sphere. For this purpose" it' is only necessary to measure accurately the perpendicular height of the mercurial column,—this being the only part of it which is sustained by the atmosphere, the rest, when inclined being supported by the sides of the tube. This height will be found, as before stated, to be about 30 inches. The pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the earth is therefore equal to a layer of mercury all over it 30 inches in height. We therefore only need calculate the weight of a column of this height and of a certain base, in order to obtain the pressure of the atmosphere on an area equal to this base. We thus find, that a column of mercury, which has the height of 30 inches and rests on a base 38 PNEUMATICS. 39 of one square inch, contains 30 cubic inches of mercury and will weigh 14| pounds, which is therefore the amount of the pressure of the atmo- sphere on every square inch of surface. The mercurial column in the Torricellian tube does not, however, always remain the same, but is found to vary in the same place at different times about 3 inches. The pressure of the atmosphere is, consequently, not uniform, but varies to the amount of ly pound on the square inch. In most calculations it is considered as being equal to 15 pounds to the square inch, and in the estimation of pressures this is considered as a unit under the name of one Atmosphere, so that for instance a pressure of 3 atmospheres means a pressure of 45 pounds to the square inch. 62. If the Torricellian tube be prepared with care so as to expel all the atmospheric air and moisture, which adhere to the tube, and which is done by boiling the mercury in it before inversion, it will easily be seen that the vacuum produced above the mercury by the subsequent inversion, must be entirely free from any of the gases of the atmosphere. Hence, this space is called the Torricellian vacuum, in contradistinction to the vacuum which may be produced by an air-pump. At the temperature between 60° and 80° Fah., it begins, however, to contain a perceptible trace of vapor of mercury. THE BAROMETER. 63. As the pressure of the atmosphere varies, it becomes important to estimate at any time its amount with accuracy. Instruments constructed for this purpose are called Barometers, from fiapos (baros) a Greek word signifying weight, and /xerpov (metron) measure, meaning literally mea- surer of the weight of the air (see 90 ). In the ordinary form it consists of a carefully prepared Torricellian tube (60), inverted in a very small cup or cistern containing mercury, and furnished with an accurate scale, by which we are able to read off at any time the height of the mercurial column above the level of the mercury in the cup.* This is called the cup or cistern barometer, see figs. 20 and 32. In order to fix the tube to * In the making of accurate barometers certain Vecautions are necessary in the filling of the tube. By keeping, more or less dust always finds its way into open tubes. Ba- rometer tubes should therefore, if practicable, be sealed at both extremities immediately after they have been drawn at the glasshouse, and be kept in this state till ready for use, when one end is cut off. Where this cannot be done, it may become necessary to wipe them clean inside by a thin copper wire, wrapped over with dry thread. Should it be found indispensable to clean them with water, this is best removed by rinsing with strong 39 40 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. the cup, the latter may be furnished with a cover of wood, cut across the grain, by which it is sufficiently porous to let the atmospheric pressure through it, without allowing the mercury to be spilled out of the cup, and through which cover the tube may then be fixed (fig. 32), or the whole cistern may be made of wood, as in fig. 20, the top being in one piece with it, and the bottom screwed on before inverting it. Instead of having a cup attached to the tube, the tube may be bent at the lower extremity so as to have the open end turned up- ward, see fig. 21, in which case this open end acts as the eup, and it is then called a plain syphon barometer, or if the open end be blown into a bulb or cup, as in fig. 22, it is called a syphon cup-barometer. The whole apparatus is then fast- ened to a board, figs. 21 and 22, or enclosed in a case of wood or brass, figs. 28 and 32, on which the scale is fixed. The whole scale is, however., rarely affixed to the barometer, but only so much of its upper portion, as is necessary for the intended use; on ordinary baro- alcohol, after which the tube is dried by heating it on the outside at a short distance from one of the open ends, and drawing dry air through it by suction from the other end. As it is almost impossible to remove any moisture in the tube after it has been sealed at one end, the greatest care should be taken to avoid introducing any by the breath, or by the flame of the blowpipe lamp. The sealing should therefore he done by drawing the tube out at such a distance from the end as to prevent this. Before filling, both the tube and the mercury should be strongly heated, and in some cases it may even be necessary to heat the mercury to boiling after its introduction into the tube. The mercury employed should be purified. This is generally done by forcing it through skin and by digesting it in a lukewarm place with muriatic or diluted sulphuric acid. For standard barometers it should be distilled. Distilled mercury is apt to become covered with a black film at the open end, but this is prevented by subsequent digestion with strong muriatic acid and thorough washing with water to remove the acid. Syphon barometers are filled with the mercury as high up as practicable before bending them, after which the filling is com- pleted through the open end by suitable manipulations. Barometer tubes contracted at any point to capillary dimensions must be filled in the same manner, as thermometer bulbs (38) 40 Fig. 20. Fig. 21. Fig. 22. PNEUMATICS. 41 meters seldom more than 4 or 5 inches. In all cases, whether cup or syphon barometer, the height of the mercurial column is measured by theper- pendicular distance from the level of the mercury in the open part to the top of the mercury in the closed end of the tube. 04. All barometers have the inconvenience, that when the mercury in the upper closed end of the tube rises or falls by a variation in the pres- sure of the atmosphere, a portion of the mercury is either abstracted from, or added to the mercury in the open part, by which the level of this latter, which forms the beginning of the scale, is altered. In the cup-barometer this error may be diminished sufficiently for ordinary purposes, by making the upper part of the cup, where the mercury rises and falls, see g fig. 20, of a considerably larger diameter than that of the tube at the upper level of the mercury. Thus, if the diameter of the cup be 10 times greater than that of the tube, their relative contents, which are proportional to the squares of their diameters, will be as 100 is to 1, and therefore a fall of one inch in the tube will only raise the level in the cup T -J-^ of an inch. Where, however, the utmost accuracy is required, it becomes necessary to avoid this error altogether, which is done, either by making the scale movable and adjusting its lower end to the level of the mercury in the cup, or by furnishing the cup with a movable bottom of skin, which may be raised by a screw, see h fig. 32, by which the mercury may always be ad- justed to the same level. This level is sometimes indicated by a float in the mercury, the stem of which passes through the cover, but more fre- quently, and with greater reliance, by a point of ivory projecting down from the cover of the cup, see fig. 32 at p, the cover being made of wood cut across the grain, so as to allow the air free ingress through its pores, and the sides of the cistern of glass, so that the point is visible through it. To adjust the level of the mercury in such cistern before making an observa- tion, the mercury in it is raised by the screw at the bottom, till the ivory point, by dipping into the mercury, forms a small cavity in its surface; it is then lowered till this cavity just disappears. 65. In the plain syphon barometer, fig. 23, the above inconvenience may be avoided by having the bore of the two limbs of the tube of exactly the same diameter or calibre. It will then be seen, that when the mercury in the closed end rises, for instance, $ inch, it must fall exactly the same amount, or \ inch, in the open end; and thus the difference between the two levels will be one inch. In the same manner all changes of the ba- rometer will always be double that indicated in the closed end, so that if the barometer be correct at 30 inches, it is only necessary to double the value of the other divisions of the scale, that is, half an inch above is marked 31 inches, and half an inch below, 29 inches, and so on. As, 41 42 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. however, it is extremely difficult to obtain the bore of the two limbs Fig. 23. Fig. 24. of exactly the same diameter, any uncertainty arising from a variation in their calibre, may be avoided by drawing an arbitrary horizontal line, see a fig. 24, between the upper and lower level s of the mercury, and furnishing each limb with a separate scale, which two scales, s and s, measure, the one the distance from this horizontal line to the level of the mercury above it in the closed limb, the other the distance from this same line to the level of the mercury below it in the open ■a limb, which two measures added together will give the true height of the whole column. 66. A great object in a good barometer is to be able to measure with accuracy small changes in the pressure of the atmosphere. But on account of the high specific gravity of the mer- cury, being nearly 11000 times heavier than atmospheric air, these changes are only indicated by extremely small changes in the mercurial column. To remedy this inconvenience, so as to increase the actual motion or show of the barome- ter, different means have been proposed. As the first of these, may be men- tioned the substitution of a specifically lighter liquid instead of the mercury, But in the same proportion as the specific gravity of the liquid becomes less, the barometer becomes longer and less portable. In the Royal Society of London, there is a barometer which was constructed by Daniell with Water, instead of mercury, the column of which was therefore 34 ft. hi»h, and varied by the changes in the atmosphere about 3 ft., so as to be almost constantly in a state of motion. But besides the above named in- convenience from its size, which would not be an objection for stationary observatories, all such liquids are liable, if volatile, as water, to evaporate from the open end, and for the same reason to form a vapor in the vacuum at the closed end, which varies with the temperature, and of which an account must be kept; or, if not volatile, as oil, to change by contact with the air or the sides of the tube. 67. The mercury being thus the only liquid, which can be employed with advantage in the construction of barometers, it has been attempted to pro- duce the same effect of increasing its show by attaching certain mechanical contrivances to the mercurial barometer. 42 PNEUMATICS. 43 68. Thus, in the Diagonal or Inclined Plane Barometer, the upper closed portion of the tube, in which the mercury rises and falls, instead of being perpendicular, is inclined so as to form a considerable angle with the per- pendicular. As the changes of the barometer are measured by the perpen- dicular height, it is evident, that the mercury in order to arrive at the same perpendicular height, must travel through a longer distance along the inclined part of the tube, and thus the motion of the barometer is increased in the proportion of the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle, to its perpendicular side, or as the diagonal of a rectangle, to the same. But as only the perpendicular part of the mercury on the inclined portion is supported by the atmospheric pressure, the rest being supported by the inclination of the tube, the friction of the mercury against the sides of the tube is much greater, and will prevent small changes in the pressure of the atmosphere from moving the mercury until they become larger, when they will appear in the above increased proportion. Thus the small changes, which are the most difficult to observe, are not indicated at all in this barometer. 69. Another barometer constructed with a view to the same advantage, is the Wheel Barometer (Hooke's), see fig. 25, which consists of a syphon Fig. 25. barometer, having in the mercury of its open limb, an iron or glass float, to which is attached a string, that passes over a small wheel or pulley and is kept extended by a small weight attached to the other end. The axis of the wheel is furnished with an index, which traverses a circular scale. It will easily be seen that when the level of the mercury changes in the open end, the float will follow it and by the string move the wheel, and its index will thus pass over the circular scale, the length of which must be in proportion to the length of the index. The graduations on the scale are made to indicate the corresponding rise and fall of the mercurial column in inches. Though as regards very small changes, this barometer is liable to the same objections as the for- mer, that these are not indicated on account of the friction of the weight and the pulley, and the rigidity of the cord; still for ordinary meteorological purposes it forms both a cheap and an handsome instrument, and is therefore often met with in parlors and studies, as a 'weather glass.' As regards accuracy they are, however, often made very indifferently, and in such cases are not reliable for barometrical observations. 43 44 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. V J 70. A third barometer of this kind is Huyghen's Double-Barometer, Fig. 26. fig. 26. It is a syphon-barometer, the two ends of which are widened where the mercury rises and falls. The open end terminates in a long open capillary tube. The mercury of the barometer fills half of the wide portion of the open end to a, but the other half of it and part of the capillary tube, are filled with colored spirits of wine. It is evident, that any change in the level of the mercury by the pressure of the atmos- phere, will cause a certain quantity of the spirits to be forced into, or withdrawn from, the capillary tube, and thus produce a change in the level of the spirits in the latter so much greater, as its relative capacity is less, which change may be magnified to any desired extent by diminishing the diameter of the capillary tube. It has, however, been found that the spirits is apt, by its greater adhesion to the glass, to work its way between the mercury and the tube into the vacuum at the closed end, and thus render it liable to get out of order. 71. All these contrivances for increasing the actual motion or show of the mercurial barometer have therefore been abandoned for very accurate scientific purposes, and, instead of them, increased power and accuracy of observing and measuring have been substituted. For this purpose the scale of the barometer is furnished with a sight, or horizontal line, which the observer may slide along the tube until, by looking over it, he may bring the top of the mercury on the same horizontal level with it, and thus trans- fer the level of the mercury to the exact point on the scale, which corres- ponds to it. On account of the difficulty to the eye to count small divi- sions, the scale is rarely divided into smaller parts than tenths of an inch, or at most, the tenths are again divided into halves, or T^ths. As on this account the point transferred will rarely coincide with a division of the scale, a vernier is attached to the sight, in order to measure the exact dis- tance of the point from the nearest division of the scale. 72. The Vernier see v vxfig. 27, is a short scale sliding on the main scale, the use of which therefore is, when a point does not coincide with a division of the main scale, to measure its distance from this division. To obtain this distance, one of the extremities of the vernier, either its zero or its highest number, is placed at the point in question, and the vernier then gives its distance from the last counted division on the main scale by a fraction which has for its numerator the number of that division of the vernier whieh coincides with a division on the main scale, and for its denominator the whole number of divisions of the vernier, multiplied by the denomina- 44 PNEUMATICS. 45 tor of the value of the smallest divisions of the main scale. The vernier is always fixed in such manner to the sight, that when the latter is brought on a level with the top of the mercury, the nearest extremity of the ver- nier (either its zero or its highest number) is made to indicate the exact point on the main scale, which corresponds to the top of the mercury. If this then coincide exactly with a division on the main scale, this division is counted and the vernier is not used. But if the extremity of the ver- nier do not coincide with a division on the main scale, we first count or read off the height to the nearest lower division on the main scale, and add to this the distance from it to the extremity of the vernier, which distance is obtained, as stated before, by looking along the vernier, to find the divi- sion on it, which coincides with a division on the main scale. Thus, let 11 fig. 27 represent a section of a portion of the tube of a mercurial baro- Fig- 27. meter, with its scale s s divided into inches and tenths of inches, a the top of the mercury in the closed limb, and v p the sight transferring its level to the scale s s at p, being also the zero-extremity of the ver- nier v vv It is evident that the nearest lower division on the main scale is 30.1 inch, and the height to the point p, therefore, 30.1 inch + the distance from 30.1 to p. This distance is then given by the vernier to be T^ of an inch, 7 being the number of the division on the vernier, which coincides with a division on the main scale, taking this number as the numerator, while the denominator 100 is obtained by taking the whole number of divisions of the vernier, 10, and multiplying it by 10, the number which is the de- nominator of the value of the small- est division of the main scale (JDth inch of an inch.) The distance from 30.1 inch top thus being y^ = 0.07 inch, the whole height of the mercurial column must of course be 30.1+0.07=30.17 inch; so that hav- 45 I w ----OUinch. 20 46 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. vOtncli. ing read off on the main scale the number of inches and tenths, we only have to add the number on the vernier at the coincidence as hundredths. 73. To understand this, it must be stated, that the vernier always subdivides the smallest divisions of the main scale in as many parts as it has itself divisions. This is effected by taking the number, into which it is to subdivide the smallest divisions of the main scale, + or — 1, as its length, and dividing this length into the former number of equal parts. Thus in fig. 21 the smallest divisions of the main scale are tenths of inches, which the ver- nier again subdivides into tenths and thereby gives hundredths of inches. It is therefore constructed by taking eleven (10+1) divisions of the main scale ({-Jths inch) as its own length, and dividing this into ten equal parts. We thus have that ten divisions of the vernier are equal to eleven of the scale, or 10 v = 11 s, therefore, 1 v = l7\s, or that each division of the vernier is TLth larger than the smallest division of the main scale, and as this is itself one-tenth inch, each division of the vernier must be one hundredth of an inch longer than the smallest division of the scale. If therefore (see fig. 27) the 7th division of the vernier coincides with 29.4 inch on the main scale, the 6th division of the vernier must be one hundredth of an inch above 29.5 (the next higher division on the main scale); the 5th be two hundredths above 29.6; the 4th be three hundredths above 29.7; the 3d be four hundredths above 29.8; the 2d be five hun- dredths above 29.9; the 1st be six hundredths above 30.0; and 0 or the zero point be seven hundredths of an inch (7 being the number at the coin- cidence) above 30.1 inch on the main scale. The distance from 30.1 inch to the pointy is thus indicated by the vernier to be 0.07 inch, as stated above, and the whole height of the mercurial column 30.17 inches. It is 46 I'll Hi J ?ig. 27 1 I s LI 1 'ir A \ 0 1 2 3 % 5 6 — HIBI HI i --- |fii|| 7 8 9 I 1 1 ! HI 10 HI V. *) ill s -20 inch PNEUMATICS. 47 also evident from the same fig. 27, that the vernier may equally well be fixed in such manner, that its lower extremity v± (or 10 of the vernier) transfers the top of the mercury to the scale, as the same number at the coincidence 7 will indicate the distance of its lower extremity from 29.0 inch on the main scale, and this point therefore be 29.07 inches; only that in this case in looking from the last counted division on the scale along the vernier, its numbers appear reversed in order, beginning with the highest. 74. When the vernier (so named after its inventor) is so constructed, that its ten divisions are equal to nine of the main scale, it is often called a Nonius, meaning the ninth. Each division of this vernier is J^th shorter than the smallest division of the main scale. The principle and the mode of reading it off are exactly the same as those of the last described vernier, (fig. 27), only that when both are fixed in the same manner, their numbers always run in the reversed order of each other. Two similar verniers constructed by making their 20 divisions equal to 19 of the main scale, are seen in fig. 33, which represents the upper portion of the Levelling Barometer, fig. 32, and will be further explained under it (81). 75. Effect of Capillarity. A source of inaccuracy in obtaining the true height of the mercurial column is caused by the capillary action of the tube on the mercury, by which the latter is prevented from rising to its proper height, and thus instead of a higher and level surface, presents one that is lower and convex. This error is, however, constant for the same baro- meter, and may be avoided altogether by fixing the scale, as is usual with all excepting standard barometers, not by the actual height of the mercu- rial column, but by comparison with a standard. Should this not have been done, this error may be estimated from the diamater of the bore of the tube, as given by the following table. Table of Corrections for Capillarity. Diameter of Tube. Correction for Capillarity. Diameter of Tube. Correction for Capillarity- Mercury boiled. Mercury not boiled. Mercury boiled. Mercury not boiled. i Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 0.60 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.014 0.020 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.014 0.020 0.029 0.044 0.070 0.028 0.040 0.060 0.088 0.142 This correction is always to be added to the observed height. The first column is to be used, where all the air and vapor adhering to the tube (54) 47 48 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. have been expelled by the boiling of the mercury (62 and 63); the second column where this is not the case, and is also applied to the level in the open part of syphon barometers. 76. Effect of Friction and Adhesion. Another source of error, more diffi- cult to guard against, is caused by the friction of the mercury against, and its adhesion to the tube, by which, instead of moving freely up and down by any change in the pressure of the atmosphere, it remains attached to the sides, so that when it is falling, it at first exhibits a less convex and after- wards even a concave surface, and may at last be prevented from falling any further by the mercury on the sides not following it; when, on the contrary, it is rising, it exhibits a more convex surface than it ought, and is also prevented by the adhesion of the mercury to the sides, from rising to its proper height. To avoid this error the mercury should always, before taking an observation, be put in motion by gently tapping with the finger on the outside of the tube; or, if the barometer be suspended so as to swing freely, a moderate motion may be imparted to the whole instrument. 77. Effects of Temperature. As mercury expands by heat and thus diminishes its density or specific gravity, it will require a proportionally greater height to counterbalance the same pressure, and it therefore becomes necessary to refer all observations to a standard temperature. This stand- ard temperature is generally assumed at 32° Fahrenheit, or 0° Centi- grade. The temperature of the mercury must, therefore, be ascertained, at the same time that its height is observed, by a separate thermome- ter, with which all accurate barometers are furnished, see I fig. 28 and g fig. 32; and if the mercury be not of this standard temperature, the observed height must be reduced to the true height, that is, the height it would have, if it had the standard temperature, by applying a correction to it. As mercury expands for every degree Fahrenheit 0.0001001 of its volume, we obtain this correction by multiplying this fraction, first, by the number of degrees above or below 32°, and then by the observed height, which correction is deducted if the temperature be above 32°, and added if the temperature be below 32°, or calling the observed temperature t, and the observed height ht the correction for tem- peratures above 32° will be = — 0.0001001 (t—32°) hv and for tempe- ratures below 32° = + 0.0001001 (32°—t) h±. But the scale also ex- pands by heat and contracts by cold and is therefore only correct at a cer- tain normal or standard temperature, which for English measures is 62°. Above this temperature we therefore measure the height by too long a scale and obtain the height too small, and we must therefore add to the observed height the expansion of the scale. Below this temperature we 48 PNEUMATICS. 49 measure it with too short a scale and obtain the height too large, and we must therefore deduct from the observed height this contraction. The expansion of brass being for every degree Fahrenheit 0.0000104, we obtain this correction for a scale entirely of brass, and extending the whole length from the lower to the upper level of the barometer, by multiplying this expansion, for one degree, first, by the number of degrees above or below 62°, and then by the observed height, which correction is to be added, if the temperature be above 62°, and deducted if below, being therefore for temperatures above 62° = +0.0000104 (t—62°)^, and for temperatures below 62° = — 0.0000104 (62°—*.)^. These two corrections for the ex- pansion of the mercury and the scale will be found to counteract each other at 29°, which is therefore the only temperature at which no correc- tion is necessary. If the barometer be French, and therefore have a scale of millimeters and a Centigrade thermometer, we have, that the expansion of the mercury for each degree Centigrade is 0.0001802, and for brass 0.0000188. But as the standard temperature for French measures is 0° Centigrade, the same as for the mercury, we may deduct the expansion of the brass from that of the mercury, leaving only one correction for both, being for each degree Centigrade 0.0001614, which fraction we multiply, first, by the number of Centigrade degrees, and then by the observed height, being for temperatures above 0° = — (0.0001614x0 ht and for temperatures below 0° = + (0.0001614X0 hv* Where many such corrections are to be made, they are most conveniently performed by the aid of a table, for which purpose see Table II, at the end of Pneumatics page . For a more complete table the reader is referred to Meteorological Tables prepared by Guyot and published by the Smith- sonian Institution. If the scale be engraved on the glass tube, and therefore of glass, the expansion of glass must be substituted in the above formulas for that of brass, being for 1° Fahrenheit 0.0000045 and for 1° Centigrade 0.0000081. Where the scale is a brass plate fastened on wood, no accurate correction * Tho above expansions ought properly to he referred to the true height (32°) instead of the observed height. The accurate and complete formula for this correction for tempera- ture is-----—.----;---rr— h, ; in which ht — the observed height; m = cubical expansion \-\-m (t—1) of the mercury for 1 degree, I = the linear expansion of the material of the scale for 1 de- gree; t = the observed temperature of the mercury; T = the standard temperature, to which the observed mercurial height is to be reduced; 5 the normal or standard tempera- ture, to which the scale must be reduced in order to be correct, and which for English mea- sures of brass is at 02°. D 49 5 50 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. 29. can be made for 4he temperature. As wood is also influenced by mois- ture, and its expansion by heat very small (about one-half that of glass), it is common to apply in such cases only the correction for the expansion of the mercury, which will be found in Table I, at the end of Pneuma- t'cs. By deducting from these corrections ^th of their amount for wood, and T/0th for glass, they will be sufficiently accurate for all purposes. We will now describe a few mercurial barometers as intended for special purposes* and point out their peculiarities. 78. On board vessels a barometer Fig. 28. is required of at least moderate accu- racy, but of simple construction, so as not to be liable to get out of order. It is also desirable to avoid metallic scales or cases, as they are liable to rust by the moist air and salt water. Fig. 29 represents the inner arrange- ment of such a Marine Barometer, )7» and fig. 28 shows it fixed in its case and suspended. The cistern is made of wood, in one piece with the cover, into which the tube is cemented. The bottom, being in part of skin, see c fig. 29, is screwed on before invert- ing it. The cistern at g, where the mercury rises and falls, is widened, to diminish the error arising from a change in its level (64.) The greater portion of the tube, as far as d, is contracted to a very small diameter to avoid violent oscillations. The tube with the cistern is introduced into the case by unscrewing the lower part of h fig. 28, which is of brass. The rest of the case b bx is of wood, widening at the top into a box with *" glass front and containing the scale. The latter is of ivory and is divided into tenths of inches, with a vernier v fig. 29, also of ivory and worked by a rack and pinion, the head of which p fig. 28, is on the outside. The inches and tenths of inches are read off on the main scale, and the number on the vernier at the coincidence added as hundredths, as explained in 72 by fig. 27. It is suspended from a 50 PNEUMATICS. 51 bracket i by a universal joint k, so as to remain perpendicular during the motions of the ship. 79. For accurate barometric observations through long and rough jour- neys over mountainous regions, particularly with a view to estimate the relative elevations of the country, GayLussac's Portable Syphon Barometer is generally employed. It consists of a plain syphon barometer, enclosed in a brass tube with longitudinal openings for viewing the mercury, on the edges of which the scales are engraved, each limb being furnished with a separate scale, see s and s fig. 30, to measure the distance from Fig. 30. Fig. 31. an arbitrary horizontal line a between them, which two measures added together, give the height of the mercurial column, as explained in 65. As this and other barometers are fre- quently imported from France, its scales are generally in French Millimeters.* Each scale has its separate sight, consisting of a ring moving on the outside of the brass tube, with a vernier attached giving tenths of millimetres. The glass tube, as represented in fig. 30, has the lower extremity of the long limb and the bend c contracted to a capillary diameter, so that any violent motion of the mercury is checked, and by inverting it, in which position trans- portable barometers are always carried, the mercury remains in the bend c as represented in fig. 31, and to prevent the mercury in the rest of the short limb from escaping from it, this is closed at its extremity, which receives the mercury, but a small capillary orifice n, with the edges turned inward, is left at a short distance from it to admit the air. Near the extremities of both limbs at I and I, the tube is contracted to prevent the mercury from stri- king forcibly against the ends by inversion or by violent jolting, by which barometers are liable to be broken. To prevent the same when carrying ordinary barometers which cannot be inverted, they * For the conversion of millimeters into English inches, and of English inches into milli- meters, a table will be found at the end of Pneumatics. 51 52 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. Fig. 32. should first be inclined gently till the mercury fills the whole empty space at the top of the closed limb, and then be carried in this position. 62 PNEUMATICS. 53 80. As by rough travelling, in spite of all precautions, a bubble of air will sometimes get into the tube, to prevent it in such cases from getting into the vacuum at the closed end and thereby spoiling the instrument, when its use may be important, and when it could not be replaced, the above and other similar barometers have sometimes the tube drawn out at some part into a capillary extremity, see d fig. 30, and this set and sealed into another tube, which thus forms the continuation of the former. Any small air-bubble, that should find its way into the tube, will then be intercepted at this place, between the capillary termination and the tube surrounding it, where it may remain, doing no harm, until it can be re- moved by inversion or other suitable or necessary treatment. It, however, increases the liability of the tube to break at this place. 81. Where portability is required in connection with the greatest scien- tific accuracy, as for very accurate levelling purposes, the form represented in fig. 32, is used. This Levelling Barometer is a cistern barometer. The sides of the cistern are formed of a short glass cylinder c, the edges of which are ground true, the upper being pressed firmly against a wooden (box-wood) top, through the centre of which the barometer-tube passes loosely, being secured to it by an annular piece of kid, the inner edge of which is tied around the tube, its outer edge round the projecting edge of the opening in the cover. The lower edge of the glass cistern is pressed tightly against a wooden ring furnished below with an external screw, on which may be screwed another wooden ring, around which a piece of kid is secured bag-fashion, forming the bottom of the cis- tern for containing the mercury. The above wooden top and bottom pieces are secured against the glass cistern by two annular brass pieces forced together by three bolts as seen at c. The lower brass piece is fur- nished with a screw, on which may be screwed the brass cylindrical case h, having through its bottom a screw, by which the mercury in the cistern may be raised or lowered to the beginning of the scale, indicated by its just touching an ivory point, seen inside the cistern near p, projecting down- wards from the top of the cistern as described in 64. To the upper brass piece of the cistern, the long upright brass tube k is fixed, enclosing the barometer tube, see t t fig. 33, containing the mercurial column. To observe this the brass tube, see k fig. 32, and k k fig. 33, is furnished from its middle upwards with two longitudinal openings on its opposite sides, along the edges of which the scale is engraved, which on the one side may be French Centimetres, on the other English Inches. The arrangement of the sight and vernier or nouius is seen of natural size in fig. 33. The sight consists of a ring, the two lower edges of which z and the cor- responding one on the other side, form the sight-line, which is to be 53 54 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. Fig. 33. brought on a level with the top of the mercurial column. For this pur- pose this ring is attached by the screw r to the piece m n, of which n slides on the outside of the brass tube k k, and is moved up and down by the hand, until the sight z is near the top of the mercury. We then turn the piece m, which is movable round the piece n, with which it is connected, and by the fine screw r works on the sight z, so that this latter is moved still further towards the top of the mercury, till at last the light seen between them through the tube just disappears in the middle, by their apparently touching each other, when the sight-line z is exactly on a level with the top of the mercury. The highest division, or 20, of both verniers v and v then indicates the point on their respective scales, which corresponds to the top of the mercury. To read this off on the right hand side, the numbers on the scale are French centimetres, divided into tenths. As the ver- nier has 20 divisions, it subdivides the tenths of centimetres again into twentieths and thus (10x20=200) gives two-hundredths of cen- timetres. We therefore obtain the height of the mercurial column by reading off on the main scale the centimetres and tenths to the nearest lower division, which is 77.4, and adding to this the distance from it to the extremity of the vernier, by taking the number of that division of the vernier, which coincides with a division on the scale, being 3 two-hun- dredths (^oo)? which by dividing by 2 are converted into one-hundredths = 1.5 hun- dredths=0.015, which added to the above 77.4 gives 77.415 centimetres, or 774.15 millimetres, as the whole height. To read off the left hand side, it will be seen that the scale is divided into inches, tenths, and half of tenths, that is twentieths (3^ = 0.05). As the vernier has 20 divisions, it subdivides the twentieths of inches into 20 parts and thus gives (20x20=400) four-hundredths of an inch. On the main scale we therefore read off the nearest lower division, which is 30.45, 64 \\ ■:■■ PNEUMATICS. 55 to which we add the distance to the extremity of the vernier, by taking the number of that division of the vernier, which coincides with a division of the scale, being 13 four-hundredths (= 4^), which divided by 4 to convert them into hundredths gives 3.25 hundredths = 0.0325, which added to 30.45 gives 30.4825 inches, as the whole height of the mercurial column. It would have been more convenient, if this vernier had contained 25 divisions, so as to subdivide the twentieths of the scale into 25 parts instead of 20, as then the divisions of the vernier would have indicated 500ths so that multiplied by 2 they would be converted into lOOOths of an inch. The enclosing brass tube of this barometer, k fig. 32, contains the bulb of a thermometer g, to ascertain the temperature of the mercury in the tube, and which should be read off immediately after adjusting the sight z, as the proximity of the observer is apt to increase the tem- perature, while reading off the vernier. This brass tube is also fur- nished with two small transverse axes, of which one is at its middle, by which it is suspended when in use by a universal motion in the top w of a three-legged mahogany stand, q q q. When required to be fixed for transportation the barometer is lowered, so as to be suspended in the stand at w by the other or upper axis a. The screw at h is then turned till the mercury is nearly up to the top of the cistern, the stay-wires i i i, are raised, and the legs of the stand which move on hinges are folded together, so as to form an enclosing case around the barometer. The whole is then cautiously turned upside down, and having secured the legs of the stand together by a brass ring, slipped into a leather case. 82. Standard barometers have a similar construction to the Levelling barometer, fig. 32, only as they remain permanently fixed in one place, they are generally made of a much larger diameter, so as to avoid altogether the capillary action of the tube on the mercury. Instead of the ordinary sight, they are sometimes furnished with a sliding telescope, moved by a rack and pinion. The vernier which is attached to it, is read off by the aid of a magnifier and is so constructed as to indicate thousandths of an inch. 83. For stationary observatories the mercurial barometer may be made self-registering, the mode and principle of which will be described ir another place (see Thermics under Thermometers). S4. Although the changes in the mercurial barometer are small, still with proper precautions, they are always given in the right proportion. The mercurial barometer with the previously described improved means of observing and measuring, constitutes therefore tne most accurate instru- ment which we have for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, the only objections to it being its weight and liability to break by transportation. 55 56 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. Fig. 34. Jldies' I* But even in this latter point it has the advantage, that it rarely deceives. To obviate, however, these objections, several substitutes have been in- vented, which we will now describe. Substitutes for the Mercurial Barometer. 85. In the mercurial barometer we measure the atmospheric pressure by the weight of the mercury, due to the action of Gravity. Instead of gravity may be substituted the Elasticity of bodies, such as that of perma- nent gases, of vapors, or of metals. 86. In Adie's Sympiesometer (from aoix-KieZw (sym- piezo), I compress, and perpov (metron) measure), the elas- ticity of a confined gas is used to estimate the pressure of the atmosphere. It is made of glass, see fig. 34, and has the general appearance of a syphon barometer, but is much shorter, and the closed end a considerably enlarged to contain the gas, which should be one that does not act on oil, such as Hydrogen or Nitrogen, generally the former. The bend e?with part of the open end c is filled with oil, which thus confines the gas by separating it from the atmosphere. It will thus be seen, that when the pressure of the atmosphere on the oil in the open end at c varies, the volume of the gas in a is diminished or increased according to Mariotte's law, and the level of the oil at b thereby altered. But the volume of the gas is also altered by the temperature. To correct it for this influence, without the aid of calculation, the scale e, which is to indicate from the volume of the gas the pressure of the atmosphere in inches, corresponding to the mercurial barometer, is made movable, its index % sliding over another but fixed scale s, which contains numbers corresponding to the different tem- peratures of the gas, as indicated by a delicate thermometer I, which is inverted in order to have its bulb near the gas. Before reading off the pressure, the temperature of the gas is observed with great accuracy by the thermometer I, and the index i of the pressure scale e is next placed on the exact number of the fixed scale s, which corresponds to the temperature, and the pressure is then read off, as indicated by the level of the oil at b, without any further correction. The Sympiesome- ter is said to indicate the changes in the pressure of the atmosphere much sooner than the mercurial barometer, and is therefore mainly used on board vesseis, for prognosticating the sudden and dangerous squalls experienced 56 PNEUMATICS. 57 VU-s in the tropical regions. To prevent the effect of the motion of the vessel, its diameter is often contracted near the bend at d. The Sympiesometer in its present form is due to Mr. Adie, of Glasgow, and only those made by him and bearing his name are considered as good and reliable. It has, however, the inconvenience, that the oil is apt to become thick by the action of the air at the open end, by which the working of it is impaired. To prevent the oil from spilling, by transportation, from the open end, this is generally furnished with a stopper, which can be drawn down on it by a wire, projecting from the lower edge of the instrument and furnished with a nut to tighten it. 87. Another substitute, is the Boiling Point Barometer, generally known urider the name of the Boiling Point or Hypsometric Thermometer, which acts on the principle of estimating the atmospheric pressure from the elas- ticity or tension of the vapor, generated from pure water, boiling in an open vessel, which tension is the same as the atmospheric pressure. Fig. 35 represents the most approved form, that of Regnault, F- 35 (Ann de Chimie, 3d ser. Vol. XIV., p. 202.) The in- ," strument is made of sheet brass, and consists of a small "|j cylindrical vessel I k i, into the lower closed end of which pure distilled water w is introduced. This part is fixed into the top of another cylindrical vessel g h m n, the bottom of which is formed of a small spirit lamp a b, which fits into it by a catch, and by which the water is made to boil. The necessary draft of air enters through the lower orifices o o, and passes out at the upper ones ot ov m n is a sliding ring extending down on one side, by which, in case of windy weather, the lower openings o o may be diminished or closed on the side towards the wind. The upper part r t s of the vessel Iki containing the water, is formed of short sections of tubes, sliding inside of each other, as those of a telescope. The upper- most has an opening ou large enough for the free escape of the steam, and its top is closed by a stopper v, through which the stem of the thermometer u u slides easily, but safely. The scale of this thermometer is marked on the glass, and includes only about 25° next below the ordinary boiling point, each degree being very large, and divided into tenths and even smaller fractions. Having introduced 2 or 3 cubic inches of distilled water, the alcohol lamp is lighted, so as to cause the water to boil, while the thermometer is constantly adjusted by moving the stem down through the stopper, so that the top of the mercu- 57 'lift 58 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. rial column is barely visible above it at v, while by sliding the tubes sir up and down, inside each other, the bulb is kept at the distance of about one inch above the water. When the mercury becomes stationary, while the water is all the time boiling, the exact temperature is read off to the smallest possible fraction of a degree. The elasticity or tension of the vapor corresponding to this temperature, is then ascertained from Table VII at the end of Pneumatics. A well-constructed instrument of this kind, will, with all due precaution, give results not varying from those of the Barometer more than from T-^ to y^ of an inch, the main source of inaccuracy being the difficulty of graduating a thermometer correctly into so small parts of a degree, and the liability of these to alter by the subse- quent irregular contraction of the glass of the bulb and even of the stem. This instrument, being only 14 inches in length when drawn out, is more portable and much easier packed without danger of derangement or break- age, and is therefore often used as a substitute for the barometer on rough travels, to estimate the height of the different elevations, see 94, &c.; but for accurate levellings of small heights it is not suitable. It will be seen from Table VII, that, at 30 inches, barometric pressure, a diminution of y1^ degree in the boiling point corresponds to a difference in the atmospheric pressure of about 0.059 inch, and will therefore, when the temperature of atmosphere is 32°, indicate a difference in height of 51.3 feet. 88. In the Aneroid Barometer (the name said to be formed by the inven- tor from a privative and peto (reo), I flow, intended to mean, without fluid) the atmospheric pressure is measured by the elasticity of a metallic spring. Its general form and size, see fig. 36, is that of an ordinary chronometer. Fig. 36. Fig. 37. Its interior is shown by fig. 37. The main part of it is a metallic vacuum 58 PNEUMATICS. 59 vessel b d, having the form of a very short cylindrical box of about two and a half inches diameter, from which the air has been almost, though not entirely, exhausted through the opening at/, which opening, after effecting the exhaustion, is soldered up. The two ends (top and bottom) of this box are made of thin corrugated sheet copper or brass, strengthened at their middle, one being fastened to the supporting plate of the instrument, while the other d, by the upright rod a, is connected at w with a one-armed lever m n v, resting by its two fulcra at n and n, on the ends of two uprights B B. It will thus be seen, that the atmospheric pressure on the two ends of the vacuum box d, will have a tendency to force them together, and thereby to depress the end v of the lever. To prevent this and to counteract the pressure of the atmosphere on the vacuum box, this end of the lever is supported by a spiral spring s, the other end of which is fastened to a small plate, which rests on the supporting plate of the instru- ment, but can be raised or lowered by the screw A. It must be evident, that as the pressure of the atmosphere on the vacuum-box increases, it will compress the spring s, and depress the end v; when, on the contrary, it decreases, the elasticity of the spring will again raise it. To show this motion the end v is connected by the rod v r with the arm r, which again is connected with the axis u by a curved spring and the screw z, by which screw the length of its leverage on the axis u may be altered. To the axis u is again attached the other arm x, the two arms r and x, together with the axis u, thus forming an angular lever. From the end of the arm x, a slender rod h terminating in a chain c passes to and round a cylinder, the axis of which at one end is connected with a flat spiral hair-spring y, and at the other end passes through the face of the instrument and carries its index or hand i, which, see fig. 36, traverses a graduated circle on the face, which circle is divided into parts marked as inches and cor- responding to the height of the mercurial column in an ordinary baro- meter. Disregarding the peculiar form a«d exact relative position of the different parts, they may be represented, and their mode of action better understood by a reference to fig. 38. Fi9- 38- When the atmospheric pressure on the vacuum box b increases, it forces the top d of the latter further in; by this the rod a depresses the lever n v, thereby compressing the spring s. The end v of the lever n v, then acts by the rod v r on the angular lever r u x, which again draws the rod h and the chain c, and thereby turns the cylinder, and the hand i, which latter thus moves 59 60 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. over the face from left to right, whereby at the same time the spring y is slightly coiled. When, on the contrary, the atmospheric pressure on the vacuum-box diminishes, the spiral spring s raises the lever n v, which, through the angular lever rux slackens the rod h and chain c, and thus allows the spiral spring y to turn the cylinder back again, whereby the index is moved in the opposite direction, from right to left. To set the hand to correspond with a standard mercurial barometer, it is moved by turning the small screw A, jiff. 37, the head of which will be found on the back of the instrument. If then the space, moved over by the changes of the atmospheric pressure (its rate of motion), does not cor- respond with the mercurial barometer, it is adjusted inside by the screw z, see fig. 37, which alters the length of the arm r. The face of this instru- ment is generally furnished with a thermometer, see fig. 36, the bulb of which is inside, and thus indicates the temperature of the instrument. The inventor of the construction of this barometer, Mr. Vidi of Paris, claims however to have rendered it independent of the influences of the temperature, by leaving a certain, very small, portion of gas in the vacuum- box. The preponderating effect of heat on this instrument, he asserts to be to weaken the elasticity of the vacuum-box and of the spring s, and thereby to increase the compressing effect of the atmosphere on the vacuum- box, and that this effect therefore may be counteracted by leaving in it a very small portion of air, just enough to counterbalance, by its increased elasticity by heat, the increased compression of the vacuum-box, in conse- quence of the diminished elasticity of the spring s. To test the instru- ment for the completeness of this compensation for temperature, it is only necessary, while the atmospheric pressure is found by a mercurial barome- ter to be stationary, to expose it to two different temperatures, and ascer- tain its variation, which variation, divided by the number of degrees pro- ducing this change, will give the correction for each degree. The use of the register-hand t is, as in the Wheel-barometer, merely to note the exact place of the hand * of the instrument at the last observa- tion, which is done by moving it by the small knob in the centre of the glass covering the face, till it is exactly over it. Inspection at any subse- quent time will then easily tell, how much the barometer has risen or fallen. The complicated construction of this instrument must always render it for very accurate scientific purposes, inferior to the mercurial barometer. Its extreme portability, being only of the size of an ordinary chronometer must however prove it to be a useful, and, for many purposes, even a highly valuable instrument. The great objection to it is its liability to get out of order without any previous warning to the observer. When used for 60 PNEUMATICS. 61 Fig. 39. important observations, it should therefore constantly be compared with a good mercurial barometer. 89. The " Metallic Barometer" (Bourdon's) acts on a similar principle. Fig. 39 represents its interior ar- rangement, the face having been removed and the hands replaced. It consists of a flat, hollow, metallic vacuum vessel v v, made of very thin sheet brass, of a doubly-arched or lenticular cross-section, as seen at the end e, and curved as part of a hoop, so that the two ends e and et are only a short distance from each other. The outer side of the vacuum-vessel having a greater ex- tent of surface than the inner, on account of the longer radivite of its curvature, the atmospheric pres- sure on it, which acts at every point in the direction of the radius of its curvature, so as to force it inward, will be greater than the pressure on its inner side, which also acts at every point in the direction of the radius of its curvature, but so as to force it outward. The atmospheric pressure has therefore a constant tendency to increase the curvature of the vacuum-vessel, so as to cause its two ends e and e± to approach each other, which effect is counteracted by the resistance offered by the elasticity of the vessel itself, so that when the atmospheric pressure increases, it will cause the ends to move still nearer to each other; when, on the contrary, the atmospheric pressure becomes less, the elasticity of the vessel will cause them again to recede from each other. To increase this motion, the ends e and e1 are made to act by the rods r and rx on the ends of the two- armed lever s s, to the axis of which another lever n n is attached, the end of which carries a section of a cog-wheel a a. This cog-wheel acts on a pinion i, the axis of which passes through the face of the instrument, and carries the hand y, which is thus made to pass over a graduated circle on the face, the parts of which indicate the corresponding changes in the mercurial barometer in inches. When the atmospheric pressure is increased, the hand y is thus made to move from left to right; but when it is 61 6 62 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. decreased, the elasticity of the vacuum-vessel will move it in the opposite direction, from right to left, to assist in which, the small weighty is attached to a short arm, which acts on the axis of the lever s s, thus assisting in forcing the ends e e, apart, p is the register-hand, which by being placed over the hand y, will indicate, what change has taken place since the last observation. Nature of the Barometer. 90. The Barometer measures the pressure of the atmosphere. This pres- sure depends mainly, though not altogether, on the weight of the atmosphere, because in many cases the atmosphere is not allowed to press with its whole weight on account of the lateral or upward currents, which take place in it and constitute what we call winds, while if these currents should meet each other or have a descending direction, it would increase the pressure beyond what is due to its weight. If, in a similar manner, the air near the earth should, from some cause, become suddenly heated, so as to have its elas- ticity increased, it would require some time to put the surrounding air in motion"; this would meanwhile increase the pressure beyond what is due to its weight alone. In this latter case it will also be seen, that the specific gravity or density of the air would not be increased. From these considera- tions, it will be evident, that the barometer cannot correctly be said to indicate the weight or the density of the atmosphere, but only its pressure. 91. The Manometer. To indicate the changes in the specific gravity or density of the atmosphere, a separate instrument was proposed by Otto Gue- ricke, called the Manometer, from pavoq (manos), rare, and perpov (metron), measure, meaning, measurer of the density of the air.* It consists of two balls of nearly the same weight, but of very different diameters, the one being hol- low, the other solid, both suspended to a balance-beam, so as to counter- poise each other in the air. As bodies suspended in a fluid lose as much of their weight, as the volume of the fluid which they displace weighs, it will be seen that the larger ball, displacing a larger volume of air, has, under the above circumstances, lost more of its absolute weight, than the smaller; and that any change in the density of the air will affect it more than the smaller, detracting more from its weight, when the density becomes greater, and restoring to it more of the weight, already lost, when the density becomes less. In either case, therefore, the equili- brium of the balance will be destroyed, the large ball rising when the * The word Manometer is sometimes, though incorrectly, applied to pressure-guages, see (105), for measuring the tension or elasticity of gases, this latter being considered pro- portional to their density: but in the confined state, the elasticity is altered by the tempe- rature, while the density is not affected, unless they be vapors in contact with a liquid. 62 PNEUMATICS. 63 density of the air is increased, and falling when it is diminished. For the same reason, very light and bulky substances, such as feathers, have a per- ceptibly greater weight than that ascertained in the ordinary way in air. Hence as a puzzle it may be said, that a pound of feathers is heavier than a pound of lead. Uses of the Barometer. 92. As a weather-glass. The most popular use made of the barometer is for prognosticating the weather. The weather is said to be bad when either windy, or rainy, or both. Winds are masses of air in motion. Their direction being mostly lateral and upward, their most frequent effect on the barometer is to prevent the air from pressing with its whole weight on it, and thus in most cases to cause the barometer to fall, but not necessarily so, since if the wind have a downward tendency, it will cause the barometer to rise. Bain is most frequently caused by a hot and moist current of air mixing with a cold current or passing over a cold country, or by the ascent of a heated column of air saturated with moisture, in which case the moisture con- denses by the cold produced by the expansion of the air, on account of the less pressure as it ascends. Bain thus depends more or less on currents of air, either near the surface of the earth or higher up, which, as we have just seen, will affect the barometer; and thus rain, like wind, generally causes the barometer to fall, but not necessarily so, as it may even have a contrary effect. The condensation of the vapor and its consequent withdrawal from the atmosphere, causes also a certain, but comparatively very small, depression of the barometer. As thus changes in the barometer nearly always accom- pany changes in the weather and frequently precede them by more or less time, this instrument serves as an excellent guide to account for present, and even to anticipate coming changes in the weather. The Wfceel and other cheap barometers constitute, therefore, the common and most popular Weather-Glass, and for this purpose instrument-makers have affixed to different parts of the scale certain inscriptions, indicative of the weather, viz. " Fair," at the average stand of 30 inches; " Change," at 29.5; "Bain," at 29; "Much Bain," at 28.5, and "Stormy," at 28; while above 30 inches we find " Set Fair," at 30.5, and " Very Dry," at 31 inches. These inscriptions are very fallacious, and have done much harm by bringing the barometer in disrepute and calling the attention away from the real scale of the instrument, which indicates the height of the mercu- rial column. For although the most severe gales are generally accom- panied by rain and cause the lowest stand of the barometer, much rain and bad weather may also occur at a high stand, where therefore the inscriptions indicate fair weather. Even for such one-sided use of th^ 63 64 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. barometer, it would be better, instead of having or looking at the inscrip- tions, to note whether the barometer is in the act of falling or rising, since even at a high stand a considerable fall is most likely to bring about a change in the weather, although the fall might not reach the ominous inscriptions on the " Weather-glass," while, on the other hand, immediately after a storm, fine weather often appears before announced by the glass. To find whether a rise or fall has taken place since the last observation, most " glasses" are furnished with a register-hand, which is placed by the observer over the hand of the instrument, but which register-hand, in many cases, is much larger and more conspicuous than the index-hand itself, so as to attract the sole notice of casual observers, and, by being mistaken for the hand of the instrument, gives them the idea of a stand still in the instru- ment, when they most expected a change. It is given as a rule, that a change in the weather, accompanied by a gradual and slow change in the barometer, is likely to last longer than those changes, which are indicated by a sudden change in the barometer. From the nature of the barometer, as explained in 90, an intelligent observer will, therefore, no more expect bad weather to follow invariably a fall or low stand of the barometer, or good weather to accompany invari- ably a rise or high stand, than he would expect one kind of weather to follow invariably a wind from the east, and the opposite kind, one from the west. He will know that changes may occur, which not at all or but slightly affect the barometer, and in such cases he will rely on other indications. On the other hand, while from a change in the barometer he will not expect invariably a change in the weather, still he will know, that in such cases causes are active, which may bring about such changes. He will consult the Hygrometer (164), to ascertain whether the amount of moisture is at the same time increasing or decreasing; the Thermometer, to observe any simultaneous change in the temperature; and, above all, by constant and attentive observation and by careful study of previous records, he will become familiar with the habits of different winds, at the different seasons of the year, and in the particular localities. Thus he may find that in the fall of the year, after a long and continued spell of dry and fine weather, a change is often anteceded by a rise in the barometer instead of a fall; that certain directions of winds are more apt than others to bring about a fall or rise without a corresponding change in the weather; that certain storms, which by careful attention he will be able to distinguish, are preceded by a fall, as many of the most violent and sudden tropical gales, others by a rise, and others again will at first cause a fall, but then a subsequent rise will indicate their increased violence, &c. &c. In fact, to unprejudiced minds, the barometer has the advantage over all other meteoro- 64 PNEUMATICS. 65 logical instruments, that it indicates changes in the equilibrium of the atmosphere, while they are often yet far distant from the place of the observer; and thus not only puts him on his guard against them, but also, more than any other instrument, guides him in finding and studying their causes and their progress. 93. As a general rule the barometer is much less variable in the Tropi- cal and Torrid zones than in the more northern latitudes. Thus, in Peru the range of its variations is only about i inch, while in London it is about 2£ inches, and in St. Petersburg over 3 inches. The average stand of the barometer at the level of the sea at 45° latitude is 30 inches (or more correctly 29.922 inches), which is considered as the standard pressure for measuring gases, and to which, therefore, their volume is always referred (100). It is somewhat higher near the Tropics, from which latitude, there- fore, the average stand of the barometer decreases both towards the equator and towards the poles. The average stand of the barometer at any particular place inland depends mainly on its elevation above the level of the sea, but is also influenced to some extent by the latitude, and by the particular conformation of the whole continent, or that part of it where it is situated. The average stand of the barometer at Philadelphia is 29.95 inches. The barometer is subject to monthly variations, the greatest monthly mean pressures being those for June and January; the lowest, those for Novem- ber and March. At moderate latitudes, the average difference between the means of June and November amounts to about 0.11 inch. The barometer also exhibits a regular diurnal variation, standing highest at nine o'clock A. M. and P. M., and lowest at three o'clock P. M. and A. M., being unaffected by it at noon. The hours of nine and three, or at twelve, are therefore recommended as most suitable for regular meteorological observations of the barometer. The average of this daily variation, which is ascribed to the heat of the sun, amounts in moderate latitudes to about 0.03 inch, but increases towards the equator to 0.1 inch; in higher lati- tudes it is lost in the irregular changes. 94. For Measuring Heights or Levelling (Hypsometry, from b• Calling the true height or difference in level of two places, h, the barometric pressures at those places corrected for temperature of the mercury and of the scale, B and b, the following formula will give all the different operations: -T+T± h = (Log. B — log. b) X 60158.5 ft. X 1 + 0.00222 (-4—1— 32° ) or — 0.00222 (32°— ^t^-1) 1+0.0028371 cos. 2 L 14_A+52252 "*" 20886861 68 PNEUMATICS. 69 96. To illustrate the above by an example, we may select the calcula- tion of the height attained by Gay Lussac in his famous balloon ascension from Paris in 1804, being the greatest height ever attained in this manner. Observed height of Barometer Temp, of Merc. Temp, of Air Lat. In Balloon = 12.945 inch = \ 14°.90 = t1 14°.90=r, AQORnr T At Paris =30.145inch = Bt 87°.44=t 87°.44=!T 48 50 =L Applying the corrections for temp, of the mercury and of the scale (77), we obtain the True height of Barometer In Ball. = 6, + 0.0001001 (32° —14°.90)6.1 100/!1 . . — 0.0000104 (62° —14».90) 6, j" = 12'%1 mch = b At Par. = BX — 0.0001001 (87°.44 — 32°)5, \ 9QQIM. . „ + 0.0000104(87°.44 — Q2°)Blf = zy-yb6 mcfl = B Log. B = Log. 29.983 = 1.4768747 Log. b = Log. 12.961 = 1.1126365 (Log. B—Log. b)= 0.3642382 = Difference of Logs. Difference of Logs, multiplied by 60158.5 = 0.3642382 X 60158.5 = 21912.03 feet = hu Average Temp, of Air = ■" \ = 51°.17 Cor. for Temp, of Air = + 0.00222 Ay+yi _ S2°\hu = + 0.00222 X 19°.17 X 21912.03 feet = + 932.52 « Height of Balloon, cor. for Temp, of Air = 22844.55 feet = A, Cor. for Lat. = 0.0028371 cos. 2 L. hl = _ 0.0028371 cos. 97°40' X 22844.55 feet. = — 0.0028371 X 0.1334097 X 22844.55/ee< = — 8.65 " Heightof Ball. cor. for Temp, of Air and for Lat.= 22835.90/eei = A0 Cor. for Altitude = + h° ~*~ 52252 h. J ^ 20886861 ° 22835.90+52252 = +---2088686T~~X 22835.90/«* = + 82.09 " Height of Balloon above Barometer at Paris = 22917.99 feet = h Add height of Barometer at Paris, above level of sea, 159.78 Height of Ball, above the level of the sea, = 23077.7 7 feet, or 4.37 miles. By the aid of Logarithms these calculations are considerably facilitated. 69 70 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. 97. To obtain the same differences in level in French metres, the constant number for multiplying the difference of the logs, of the two true barome- tric pressures (being in this case generally obtained in millimetres) is 18336. The expansion of the air by heat and by the addition of vapors, being for every degree Centigrade 0.004, the correction for temperature is 0.004 t_i_t 2 (T+T ") ~-^ htl= 10q0 hiv to be added for temperatures above, and de- ducted for temperatures below 0°, as indicated by the sign of (T + TJ , the correction for latitude is of course the same, and that for altitude A.+15926 , „ , . . is + ~~fiQfiflOf)n ^0) *ne whole formula being h = (log B — log b) X 18336 metres X 2 (T+TJ 1"+" 1000 1 + 0.0028371 cos. 2 L A+15926 1+ 6366200 To obtain these different heights in metres almost entirely by the aid of Tables, the reader is again referred to Meteorol. Tables by Guyot, published by Smithsonian Inst. To facilitate the conversion of French metres into English feet, and of English feet into French metres, Table VI will be found at the end of Pneumatics. 98. By calculating in the above manner the height corresponding to a barometric pressure of 15 inches, we obtain the height of about 18000 feet or 3.4 miles as that, at which the density of the atmosphere is only one- half of its density at the level of the sea; and as the densities increase in the same geometrical progression as the pressures, it follows that if we leave out of consideration the effect of the rapid diminution of the tempe- rature of the atmosphere as we ascend higher, both the pressure and the density of the atmosphere ought to become one-half less for every addi- tional 3.4 miles. 99. For the estimation of the difference in level of two places from the barometric pressures, only the most accurate instruments, such as the Levelling Barometer described in 81, figs. 32 and 33, should be used. As the barometric pressure of the atmosphere is constantly changing, it is neces- sary to observe the pressures at the same moment in both places, for which purpose, therefore, two instruments are required, the moments for observ- ing being indicated by signals or by chronometers. Where this cannot be done, and the two places are at no very great distance from each other, the observer may travel with his instrument from the one place to the other, and then immediately back again to the first station, and if any change has occurred, take for this station the average of the two observa- 70 PNEUMATICS. 71 tions. If the two places are very distant from each other, the average stand of the barometer, derived from observations for a length of time, also affords data from which the difference in their level is often estimated. As the ordinary variations of the barometer, leaving out the extremes, which occur only at considerable intervals, rarely exceed even in moderate latitudes 1£ inch, and become much less as we approach the equator (93), observations with the barometer, performed on a single journey over a mountainous country, where therefore the differences in the elevations and the consequent differences in the barometric pressures are very great, will afford data sufficiently accurate for an approximate estimation of these elevations; and the barometer is therefore the instrument commonly employed for this purpose, the form combining the greatest portability with sufficient accuracy being that of Gay-Lussac's, described in 79. The Boiling-Point Barometer described in 87, though less accurate, has been found to give available results. The Aneroid and Metallic Barome- ters, being the most portable of all, have not yet been sufficiently tested for such purposes. 100. For estimating the true volume of gases, and from it, their weight. Another use of the barometer, for which it is constantly required in a che- mical laboratory, is in estimating the weight of a gas from its volume. As the volume of a gas varies with the pressure on it, it becomes necessary, when its volume is observed for the purpose of estimating its quantity or weight, to note the pressure by which it is confined, and then to reduce the observed volume to what it would be at a standard pressure, which is assumed at 29.9218 inches of mercury (760 milimetres), this being the average stand of the barometer at the level of the sea at 45° latitude (93), and which number is used for all important estimations, serving as a basis for other calculations, such as the exact weight of 100 cub. inch, of air (57), but for most ordinary purposes 30 inches is taken as sufficiently accurate. Suppose, thus, that the volume of a gas, confined in a gradu- ated glass tube by mercury or water contained in a pneumatic cistern ( ), be found by the graduation of the tube to be 24 cubic inches, when the barometer stands at 29 inches, the level of the confining liquid being the same inside the tube as outside. We then have by Mariotte's law (44), that 1 1 24 cubic in. (vol. at 29 in.) : x (vol. at 30 in.):: ^q : inr 29 therefore: x = 24 cubic in. X on = 23. 2 cub. inches which is the volume the gas would occupy at the standard pressure of 30 inches. If the level of the confining liquid should not be the same inside the tube as outside, but for instance higher, this column, being supported 71 72 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. by the atmospheric pressure, must of course be deducted from its pressure on the gas. Thus, suppose the confining liquid to be water, the volume of the gas, as before, 24 cubic inches, and the barometer 29 inches, but the water inside the tube 2.9 inches higher than outside. By dividing the latter by 13.6 (the specific gravity of mercury), we find this column of water to be equivalent to 0.21 inch of mercury, which, deducted from the observed atmospheric pressure of 29 inches, leaves 28.79 inches of mer- cury, as the pressure o,n the gas; 24 cubic inches, at 28.79 inches' pres- sure, are then reduced to the standard pressure of 30 inches as above, by multiplying by the former (the observed pressure), and dividing by the 28.79 latter (the standard), = 24 cubic inches X ~Wn~ =23.032 cubic inches. In the latter case, however, where a gas is measured over water as confining liquid, the thus obtained volume includes the portion of vapor of water, which is always formed by evaporation and adds its volume, which depends on the temperature, to that of the gas. To avoid this error, it is only necessary, in reducing the observed volume to the standard pressure, to deduct from the atmospheric pressure also that portion of it, which is sus- tained by the tension of the vapor, and which is obtained by taking from Table IX, the maximum tension of vapor of water corresponding to the observed temperature of the gas. Thus, suppose in the above case, the temperature of the gas to be 79° Fah., we then find from Table IX that the maximum tension of vapor of water corresponding to this temperature, is 0.99 inch. From the whole pressure of the atmosphere, 29 inches, we then deduct, not only as before, the portion sustained by the column of water above the level outside, equivalent to 0.21 inch of mercury, but also that, sustained by the tension of the vapor, 0.99 inch, which thus leaves only 29 — 0.21 — 0.99 = 27.80 inches as the real pressure on the gas. The volume of this, without the vapor of water, at 30 inches, will there- 27.80 fore be = 24 cubic in. X m =22.24 cub. inches. This volume must then also be reduced to the standard temperature (see Thermics, under Expansion of Gases), which is assumed in England at 60°, but in most other countries at 32°. This is done by multiplying the volume of the gas by 1 + 0.002178 X Stand. Temp., and dividing it by 1 + 0.002178 X Obs. Temp* Thus, for the above 22.24 cub. in. of * If 32° Fah. be adopted as the standard Temp., the reduction to this from any higher degree t is more conveniently performed by dividing the volume by 1 + 0.00203611 (« — 32°); the coefficient of expansion for 1° Fah. referred to the volume at 32° as unit being 0.00203611. Thus, in this case: 1+0.002^11 (V^-32°) == 20-298 cub- inc^s, 72 PNEUMATICS. 73 mentioned case, when heated to a higher temperature without contact with the liquid, or when allowed to spread through a vacuum in a less quantity than to fill it to saturation at the existing temperature, such vapor may again, without becoming liquid, be subjected to so much pressure or cold, as will again reduce it to the state of saturation. But as soon as the pres- sure becomes greater than its maximum tension at the existing temperature, it will all be reconverted into liquid; and if the temperature becomes less than that, at which its tension is the maximum, a portion of it will condense. 142. Thus, as an illustration of this in regard to pressure, suppose that at the temperature of 79°.3 and 30 inches barometric stand, the Torricel- lian vacuum bac fig. 68 tube 1, contains vapor of only $ inch tension, Fig 68. that is only \ the maximum tension and quantity, which belong to that temperature. The level of the mercury will then of course be at 29 £ inches, or at b. The vapor being thus only £ the quantity that can exist in the space, it may be subjected to an addi- tional pressure of $ inch, or till its volume is compressed to i of its former volume, or into c a, without any conden- sation taking place. This in- crease in pressure is produced by inclining the tube, as tube 2 in the fig., which has the effect of diminishing the Tor- ricellian vacuum above the mercury, by which the vapor becomes more compressed, and its density and tension thereby greater, so that it depresses the mercury more, say to 29£ inch at b±. The compression of the vapor may thus be in- creased by still farther inclining the tube, without any condensation occur- ring, until the depression in the perpendicular height of the mercury is 1 inch, or the perpendicular height of the mercurial column 29 inches, see 9o 96 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. tube 3, when, in consequence, the atmospheric pressure on the vapor will be 30 — 29 inches, = 1 inch of mercury. At the same time the vapor will also be compressed to the volume ct av that is J its former volume, and its tension in consequence doubled or equal to 1 inch. The pressure on the vapor being thus equal to its maximum tension at that temperature, any farther inclination of the tube will not cause the mercury to become more depressed, but merely diminish the Torricellian space, by which as the space become diminished, the vapor in it will be compressed to liquid watery till at last, when the top of the tube reaches the level of 29 inches, see tube 4, no vapor will remain, all having been converted into liquid, which will appear as a drop at the very top of the tube. 143. In the same manner, as regards temperature, if the tube or any other vessel containing vapor, not filling it to saturation, be subjected to cold, the temperature may be lowered without any condensation taking place, until it reaches that degree at which the vapor forms a maximum, after which a portion of it will be reconverted into liquid, only leaving so much vapor, as will be the maximum at the temperature to which it is cooled. Thus, as in the above case, if the temperature be 79°.3, and the tube contain vapors of only \ inch tension, which is only \ the maximum tension and quantity corresponding to this temperature, it may be cooled without any condensation taking place, to the temperature of 59°, this being the temperature at which its tension will be the maximum. But if then the temperature be still farther lowered to 40°, so much of it will condense, that what remains has only a tension of \ inch, which is the maximum at that temperature. As the condensation of a portion of the vapor gives the appearance of a dew on the sides of the vessel, the tempe- rature at which this begins to take place, is called the Dew Point. The condensation of a portion of the vapor or its appearance as a dew, by the slightest increase in cold or pressure, is the surest proof that the space is filled with vapor to a maximum or to saturation. 144. The formation of vapors by boiling, will take place whenever the temperature of the liquid becomes so high, that the maximum tension, which corresponds to its temperature, is equal to, or greater than, the ten- sion or pressure of the vapor on its free surface. By this the liquid will be capable of forming vapors below the free surface, whieh vapors generally appear as small bubbles on the surface of the containing vessel, where the liquid is in contact with it, and which bubbles force their way through the liquid, and agitate it. In a close vessel, like that of jig. 67, the temperature of the water may, therefore, by a very gradual heating be raised, without producing boiling, to any degree, the maximum tension of which the vessel will bear without bursting, since 96 PNEUMATICS. 97 by such gradual heating the formation of vapor by evaporation from the free surface, will keep pace with the maximum tension, which corresponds to the temperature of the liquid. If, however, the vessel be heated very suddenly from below, so as to raise the temperature very rapidly, boiling- may be produced for a short time, till the tension of the vapor above becomes the maximum for the temperature of the liquid. Another much easier way of producing boiling on the same principle, is by suddenly diminishing the tension of the vapor on the free surface. This may be done, where the tension is greater than the atmospheric pressure, as in the apparatus fig. 67, by letting the vapors escape into the air by opening the stop-cock i, by which a violent ebullition will take place, until the temp. of the liquid is again lowered to 212°, which is the temperature which cor- responds to the diminished pressure of the vapor on its surface (1 Atm). 145. Another mode of diminishing the tension of the vapors, particularly if less than the atmospheric pressure, is by their condensation, absorption, or exhaustion. Thus, the production of boiling by condensation of the vapors, by applying cold to that portion of the vessel where they are con- Fig. 69. tained, may be illustrated by an experiment, known under the name of the Culinary Paradox (so called because it produces boiling by cold), which consists in boiling water in' a globular glass vessel with a long neck (bolt-head), till all the atmospheric air is expelled. It is then quickly closed up by a cork, while removing it from the fire, and inverted as in fig. 69. By apply- ing carefully, so as to prevent its breaking, a piece of ice or a sponge moistened with cold water to the top at c, where the vapors are contained, these are condensed, and the water will then begin to boil violently. __ 146. Strong vessels for heating liquids to a high temperature, furnished with a safety-valve to regulate the highest temperature of the liquid, and consequent pressure of the vapor, affording the latter an escape, if exceeding a certain Fig. 70. limit, are known under the name of Papin's Digestor, see fig. 70. Such have been applied to different purposes by the greater solvent power, acquired by liquids at tempera- tures higher than their boiling point in open air; for instance for the extraction of gelatine from bones by water, or the solution of resinous substances for varnishes by alco- hol or oil of turpentine. 147. From the table given in 138 it will be seen, that * 97 9 98 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. water continues to emit vapors many degrees below its freezing point, and that, therefore, even ice is volatile. The question therefore arises: do volatile substances continue to emit vapors at all temperatures, however low, although of course in a continually diminishing ratio, so that for those substances which are volatile to a perceptible degree only at higher tem- peratures, their evaporation becomes at last inappreciable, and, therefore, imperceptible at lower temperatures ? or do they exhibit at a certain tem- perature a theoretical or absolute stop to the further formation of vapors? According to the experiments of Faraday, mercury has been found to begin to emit a very small but perceptible quantity of vapor in summer between 60° and 80°; but in winter the formation of not even a trace could be detected by the most delicate tests. It seems therefore probable, that volatile substances cease all at once to emit vapors, and that this point will be arrived at, when their expansive or evaporative power becomes so small, that it is counteracted or overcome by the forces of cohesion and gravity (compare also 27). 148. The maximum quantities and corresponding maximum tensions of other volatile substances for the same temperatures, are different from those of water, being greater for the same temperature, the more volatile they are. An idea of their relative volatility may be obtained by referring to their boiling-point in air (see 154), which indicates the temperature at which their maximum tension is the same as that of water at 212°. The lower their boiling point, of course the greater is their volatility. But the ratio of the increase of the tension of their vapor, to the increase in the tempera- ture, is somewhat different for the different substances. Thus the boiling- point of mercury is 662°, and the tension of its vapor at that temperature, therefore, 30 inches, or 1 Atm. For lower temperatures Regnault obtained the following maximum tensions of its vapor in a vacuum : Temperature 212°.2 144°. 93 120°.47 77°.7 Tension 0.160 in. 0.0072 in. 0.0034 in. 0.0013 in. / 149. It will be evident from the foregoing, that the conversion of vola- tile substances into vapors in a vacuum is facilitated: 1st, by an increase in the temperature, and, 2d, by the removal of the vapor as fast as it is formed. The latter may be effected either by condensation, by the external application of cold to a different part of the vacuum at a distance from the liquid; by absorption, by placing in a different part of the vacuum a substance, that by its adhesion or chemical affinity will attract and thereby remove the vapors; or in. some cases by exhaustion of the vapor by an air-pump. 150. In the same manner as the removal of the atmospheric pressure 98 PNEUMATICS. 99 will cause the expansibility of gases to overcome their adhesion to solids (121) or liquids (120), so the placing of volatile liquids in a vacuum will have the same effect, causing their expansive or evaporative power to over- come their adhesion or even feeble chemical affinities. Hence in chemistry, desiccation or drying, evaporation and boiling, and the expulsion of che- mically combined water, are often effected or assisted by placing such sub- stances with suitable arrangements in a vacuum. Formation of vapors in a gas. 151. To illustrate the formation of vapors from liquids, when their limit is towards a gas, we may use several receivers, see d and h fig. 71, filled with different gases, such as atmospheric air and hydrogen, Fig- 71. and placed in a pneumatic cistern g, con- taining mercury, one side of which should be of glass, so to enable us to observe the mer- curial levels inside. The receivers having been adjusted so that the mercury has the same level outside and inside, the gases exer- cise themselves the same tension on the mer- cury, and are of course under the same pres- sure, as the air outside, that is, one Atmo- sphere. If we now introduce into those two receivers, as before into the Torricellian vacuum (136), a small quantity of water, we shall find that it in the same man- ner disappears as liquid, being converted into vapor, spreading through the gas as such, and indicating its presence there by its tension, which causes the mercury to be depressed lower inside than outside, and thus, like any other gas, adding its volume and tension to the gas to which it mixed. By introducing additional quantities of water, the same will be repeated until the depression of the mercury has reached a certain point, when it will increase no more, the water remaining liquid and no more vapor being formed, however much water be introduced, provided the temperature remain the same. If, however, this be raised, more vapor will be formed, and the depression increased, till it again becomes stationary. This proves that the formation of vapor in a gas from a liquid, has a limit as in a vacuum, beyond which no more can be taken up, so that for a certain temperature there may be less, but there cannot be more, than this maximum quantity with a corresponding maximum tension. As the vapor in every case adds its tension to that of the gas, its quantity must therefore always be, making allowance for differences in temperature, proportional to the additional 99 r^\ r\ I v\ 100 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. tension acquired by the gas. What, however, is very extraordinary is, that the maximum quantities for the same temperatures, which can exist in the different gases, are the same for them all, and exactly the same as in a vacuum. 152. Dr. Dalton of England, who first discovered this law, connecting it with the fact that gases are not capable of resisting each other's expansi- bility, or of limiting each other (52), expressed it in this manner, that gases are to each other as vacua. There is, however, this difference between the formation of vapor in a vacuum and in gases, that while in a vacuum it takes place very rapidly, and the maximum quantity is attained soon, it is much slower in gases, requiring much longer time to attain the maximum, and the times varying for different gases, being shorter for those the specific gravities of which are less. The relative times for obtaining the maximum quantity of vapor in different gases, have been found, under otherwise similar circumstances, to be inversely proportional to the square roots of their specific gravities, which is the same law as for diffusion. This seems to indicate that the formation of vapor in a gas depends on the same cause as the penetration of gases through each other by diffusion, and therefore depends not only on their own expansibility, but also on the attraction of the atoms of the gases toward each other, or adhesion. Begnault has also found that the tension of vapor of water in atmospheric air is two or three per cent, less than in a vacuum at the same temperature, and that its density also has a slight deviation, but it is uncertain whether this apparent deviation may not be ascribed to other causes. 153. Boiling depends here, as in a vacuum, on the same principle, and will occur whenever the maximum tension corresponding to the tempera- ture of the liquid is greater than that of the pressure of the gas and the vapor on its surface. It will thus be seen that the boiling of water in the atmosphere must occur at 212°, since at this temperature the maximum tension is equal to the pressure of the atmospheric air on its surface, and its vapors, therefore, are capable of sustaining themselves against this pressure, so that by forcing their way as bubbles through the water, they cause the agitation, which we call boiling in open air. The singing or hissing noise, generally called simmering, which is heard just before boiling, is caused by the water above not having yet acquired the full temperature of 212°, by which the vapors formed at this temperature below, in contact with the vessel, are again condensed by contact with the water. 154. The more volatile substances are, the greater is the tension or elastic force of their vapor at the same temperature, and the lower is there- fore their boiling-point in open air. The following table exhibits the boil- 100 PNEUMATICS. 101 mg-point in open air of different substances at the mean barometric pres- sure of the atmosphere of 29.918 inches : Boiling-Point. Chlorohydric or Muriatic Ether 52° Ether (a liquid, frequently called Sulphuric Ether) 96° Alcohol (Sp. Gr. 0.798)..... 173° Water ....... 212° Oil of Turpentine ..... 314° Oil of Vitriol (Sp. Gr. 1.845) .... 620° Mercury ....... 662° 155. If, however, the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the water or other volatile liquids be increased, it will require a higher temperature to produce boiling; and if it, on the contrary, be decreased, boiling will take place at a lower temperature. If, therefore, water of less tempera- ture than 212°, or even of ordinary high temperatures (70° to 80°) be placed under a receiver, and the air quickly exhausted, it will begin to boil, r__ 156. As water emits vapors of a certain tension at all temperatures, it V_^ might be supposed that by removing all pressure from its surface, it could be made to boil at any temperature. This is, however, not the case, as it cannot be made to boil, even in a perfect vacuum, below the temperature of 67°. The reason of this is, that although at this temperature it is yet capable of furnishing vapor of a tension of more than \ inch of mercury, this tension is not sufficient to overcome the pressure caused by the weight of the layer of liquid above it, or to break the cohesion of its particles. Other volatile liquids have a similar limit or lowest temperature, below which they cannot be made to boil in a vacuum, being approximately the same number, or 145° below their boiling-point in open air. 157. The principle, that the temperature at which pure water boils depends on, and varies with the atmospheric pressure, being always that at which the maximum tension of its vapor is equal to the atmospheric pressure on its surface, is used in the construction of the Boiling-Point Barometer, described in 87. >. 158. From the foregoing it will be evident, that the conversion of vola-^ tile liquids into vapors in a gas in a close vessel, or in the open atmo- spheric air, is facilitated: 1st, by heat, and, 2d, by the removal of the vapor as fast as it is formed. This latter may be effected by condensation, by applying externally cold to another part of the close vessel at a distance from the liquid (Distillation); by absorption, by placing in a different part of the close vessel substances, which, by their adhesion or chemical affinity, will attract and thus remove the vapor; or by displacement of the satu- 101 102 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER, rated air over the liquid by less saturated or perfectly dry, and, in some cases, even heated air. 159. These principles are often applied in chemistry for effecting or accelerating the drying of vessels or substances containing water. Thus, the drying of narrow-mouthed vessels, such as bottles, which even by heat- ing requires considerable time, is effected in a few moments by removing the saturated air by suction through a tube, the other end of which is intro- ducad to the bottom of the vessel. Vapor of Water in the Atmosphere. 160. The atmosphere always contains Vapors of Water (26), which are formed by evaporation from the sea and the moist earth. From various causes (92), these again condense to liquid water either on the surface of the earth as dew, or in the atmosphere itself as small hollow spheres or vesicles, filled with air, which constitute fogs and clouds. These vesicles may be observed by a lens of 1 inch focus against a dark ground. Saus- sure found those forming the mist on high mountains to have a diameter of js1^ to yVsiJ inch, but occasionally to be as large as a pea. A fog is a cloud resting on the earth. On the other hand, by ascending into the clouds, these appear as fogs. According to Howard the different varieties of clouds are named as follows: Cirrus, Curl- or Feather-Cloud, composed of delicate feathery streaks or filaments, more or less straight, curly, or confused. After a spell of fine weather they are generally the first to change the blue color of the sky, and they are often the last remaining, when the weather becomes fine. They are the highest of all clouds, and have, in some cases, been estimated to have an elevation of 20,000 feet. Cumulus, Accumulated or Heap-Cloud, forming large hemispherical masses, with a more or less horizontal base. They are often piled on each other, and when lighted by the sun, appear as mountains of snow. In hot weather they frequently appear as the heat of the day increases, and disappear again toward evening. Cirro-Cumulus, is the name given to those small, white, generally rounded clouds, arranged in rows, mostly with the blue sky visible between them. After rainy weather, the clouds often break into these, and they give to the sky a mottled appearance (Mackerel- back sky). Stratus, Layer-Cloud, forms a misty layer of clouds near the earth. It often forms at sunset, and again disappears after sunrise. It sometimes resolves itself into a heavy dew, at other times it rises as cumulus. Cirro-Stratus, forms streaks or bands, but heavier than the cirrus, which often passes into it. When in the horizon it causes the beautiful colors of the sunset; but when heavy gives it the dark-red appearance, which by many is considered as the precursor of rain. When high up, it often appears as attenuated clouds, covering the sky as with a veil, but at other times it assumes a darker and more threatening aspect. Cumulo-Stratus, consists of dense masses and layers. It is generally formed by the increase of the cumulus, extending irregularly at the top, and losing its straight base by the addition of irregular appendages hanging down from it. It is then apt to pass into the next. Nimbus, or real rain-cloud, characterized by its uniform grey or dark appearance, with 1Q2 PNEUMATICS. 103 fringed or indistinct edges, not allowing the different clouds of which it is composed to be well distinguished. The word Scud, is often applied to the loose and low masses of clouds, which during a storm are seen to move with great rapidity below the other clouds, and often in a different J direction from them. » AVhen the vesicles of the clouds break and unite into solid drops, they form rain. As, in the rule, the atmosphere near the earth must always become saturated with vapors, before rain can fall, the rain-drops increase in their descent by the condensation of addi- tional vapors on their surface, and their size therefore depends on the height of the clouds. This increase is very perceptible by measuring the quantity of rain falling at different heights in the same place. Thus, an increase in the annual amount of rain of over one-half, has been observed in a fall of 240 feet. The amount of rain which falls is estimated in inches, indicating the depth of the layer of water which it would form, if allowed to remain standing on the earth. The instrument used for this purpose is called the Bain- gauge or Ombrometer, and consists of a funnel, the mouth of which has a known area, and which discharges the water into a large bottle or other suitable vessel of sufficient capacity, in or from which it is measured in cubic inches. The number of cubic inches, divided by the number of square inches constituting the area of the mouth of the funnel, gives the height or depth of the water fallen. Thus, if the mouth of the gauge be circular and 7.98 inch, in diameter, each cubic inch of water will correspond to 0.02 inch of rain. Rain-gauges may also be made self-registering (Osier's). The annual amount of rain increases from higher latitudes toward the equator, varying from 13 to 126 inches. In Philadelphia (Penn. Hospital) it is U inches. But the number of rainy days, over which the fall of the rain is distributed, varies in the reverse order. • Hailstones are frozen rain-drops, their size increasing by a prolonged suspension in the atmosphere by powerful upward currents or by electricity. Snow is formed by the freezing of vapor or of the vesicles. Snow-flakes often exhibit the most beautiful starlike appear- ances, varying much in the form of their rays, but are always of the same form in the same snow-fall. Their form is produced by the different small crystals of which the flake is composed, arranging themselves in different manners, although always at the same angles. 161. The two most important forms in which water exists in the atmo- sphere, are, therefore, in the liquid state as vesicles, and in the gaseous state as vapor. Both states constitute what is commonly (see 162) under- stood by the dampness or moisture of the atmosphere. When, however, the atmosphere is perfectly transparent, the water may be considered as existing entirely in the state of vapor. But even in this state, when approaching the point of saturation, it imparts to the atmosphere a decided dampness; and by depressing the perspiration of the skin, which cannot pass off as vapor, when the air is saturated, it causes such air, if cold, to feel chilly and harsh or raw, and, when hot, sultry and oppressive. In the same de-ree also, as the air approaches the state of saturation, the tendency of the vtpor to precipitate in the liquid state, increases, and it therefore becomes important to estimate at any time the vapor in the atmosphere, and its approach to saturation. # # 162 By moisture or humidity, or absolute moisture or humidity in the' meteorological sense, is understood the quantity of water, which exists in the atmosphere in the state of vapor, while by relative mois- 103 104 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. Fig. 72. ture or humidity, is understood the fraction which this constitutes of the maximum quantity or of saturation for the existing temperature. Thus, a relative humidity of 0.31 means, that the atmosphere contains T30VUS °^ the quantity of vapor, which at the temperature in question, whatever this may be, would constitute saturation. Instead of referring the relative humidity to saturation as 1, it is often referred to it as 100, in which case the above relative humidity will be 31. It is therefore on the relative moisture, and not on the absolute quantity of vapor, that what is commonly called the dryness of the air depends, for if the quantity of vapor only forms a small portion of the quantity which constitutes saturation, the air will yet freely take up more vapor, and therefore appear dry. Thus the same air that in winter is called damp, will in summer, when the tempera- ture is higher, appear dry. 163. The most accurate way of esti- mating the quantity of vapor in the atmo- sphere is by the chemical method, see fig. 72, which consists in passing a known volume of air though a U-shaped tube e, filled with pieces of pumice-stone, pre> viously moistened with oil of vitriol, which absorbs all the vapor from it. The air is drawn very gradually through this tube by connecting it with the aspirator # filled with water, which latter is allowed to run out very slowly through the stop-cock s, and thereby draws the air through the tube e, to replace it. The tube c is also filled with pumice, moistened with oil of vitriol, but is permanently attached to the aspirator, to prevent any vapor passing from it into the tube e. The tube d is similarly filled, but serves only as a check to ascertain whether all the vapor has been absorbed by the tube e, and may be dispensed with. The tube e is weighed accurately before and after the experiment, and its increase in weight is the amount of vapor in the volume of air drawn through it by the aspirator #. This volume is estimated by measuring the quantity of water which it holds. A strict account must be kept of the temperature of the air during the experiment, by placing a thermometer at /, where it enters the tube. The aspirator is also furnished with a thermometer b u, and should its temperature at the end of the experiment differ from the average temperature of the air which entered, its volume 104 PNEUMATICS. 105 must be reduced to the same, making also a deduction for the quantity of vapor in it, and for any variation in the barometric pressure during the experiment (100). Should the state of moisture of the room in which the experiment is performed be different from that of the atmosphere, the air must be drawn in from the outside by a longer tube. Having thus obtained by weight the absolute quantity of vapor in a certain volume of the atmosphere, the relative humidity is easily obtained by dividing this obtained quantity by the maximum quantity for the same volume (168), corresponding to the observed temperature of the air; or the tension of the vapor may be calculated from the obtained weight (168) and divided by the maximum tension for the temperature of the air (164). This method allows us also to estimate the quantity of vesicular water existing in the atmosphere, since in such case the air must be saturated with vapor, and its quantity, therefore, equal to the difference between the quantity obtained by the experiment, and the maximum quantity for the tempera- ture. It has, however, the inconvenience, that it requires longer time, considerable skill in the operator, and expensive apparatus, particularly for weighing the tube with sufficient accuracy. Other methods and instru- ments have therefore been contrived, which will now be described. HYGROMETERS. 164. By hygrometers (from vypos (hugros) moist, and ptrpov (metron), measure), we understand instruments for estimating the moisture of the atmosphere. The best of these act on the principle of finding the Dew- Point, that is, the temperature at which the vapor existing in the atmo- sphere would be the maximum quantity or fill it to saturation. This is done by cooling a portion of it till the vapors condense as a dew (143), and then observing the exact temperature at which this begins to take place, which temperature constitutes the dew-point. As the vapor in the atmosphere is not confined, but free to contract or expand, the maximum tension corresponding to its dew-point must be the same as its tension in the atmosphere at the existing temperature, and will therefore bear the same ratio to the maximum tension corresponding to the temperature of the atmosphere, as its quantity bears to the maximum quantity for this same temperature. We therefore obtain the relative humidity of the atmosphere by dividing the maximum tension, corresponding to the temperature of the Dew-Point, by the maximum tension corresponding to the temperature of the atmosphere. For this purpose the maximum tension for every 0.2 degree Fah. from 104° to 0° will be found in Table IX, at the end of Pneum. Thus, suppose that the Dew-Point = 60° Temp, of Atm. = 85°; 105 106 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. we then have from Table IX, Max. Tension for 60° = 0.518 inch « " « 85° = 1.203 " therefore: Relative Humidity = = 0.431; that is, the atmosphere contains T4oV where the mois- ture begins to condense, and its tempera- ture then indicates the dew-point.' For stationary observatories, where ice is easily had, this hygrometer is very convenient, being easily observed. 171. Begnault's Hygrometer (hygro- metre condenseur) is a modification of Daniell's, but so contrived as to be easily managed and to give results of the utmost accuracy. Fig. 75 represents it iu sec- tion. It consists of a glass tube h of 0.8 inch, diameter, having on the side near the top a small horizontal tubulure t. Its lower end is closed by being inserted into an extremely thin and highly polished silver cup or thimble b of the same diame- ter, and about If inch, high, but with a round bottom. This and portion of the glass tube up to m is filled with ether, or, as a substitute, with alcohol. The id of the instrument is closed by a cork a, through which is 109 10 uppe 110 BOYE'S INANIMATE MATTER. inserted a narrow open glass tube g, reaching nearly to the bottom of the silver cup, and a very accurate thermometer p, the bulb of which is in the middle of the ether. The horizontal tube t is connected with an aspirator similar to g, fig. 72, but of smaller size, by which air may be drawn with any desired rapidity through the tube g, so as to bubble through the ether. By this contrivance, the evaporation of the ether is under perfect control. When the cooling which it causes reaches the dew-point, the vapors of the atmosphere appear on the outside of the silver cup, and the thermometer is observed. The aspiration is then stopped, and the dew allowed to disappear, and the temperature when this happens, again observed. The true dew-point will then be the mean between these two temperatures. Should it be desired to estimate it with more accuracy, the aspiration is immediately started again, but much slower, and the same experiments repeated. By this con- trivance the dew-point may be estimated to -J (skopeo), I observe), and as such they may be used with advan- tage to indicate a mere increase or decrease in the moisture of the atmo- sphere. Of such may be mentioned, strips or bars of whalebone or wood, cut across the grain. The former may be reduced to a thin thread or band, and may be made to act on a wheel with an index in a similar manner as the hair. All twisted strings made of vegetable fibres, as hempen cords, or of animal membranes, as cat-gut or violin strings, will swell by moisture and thus by the increase in their diameter untwist themselves, or, if pre- vented from this, become shorter by the increased twist. A piece of violin string, if properly prepared, may thus, by its untwisting, be made to turn back the hood or cowl from the head of a figure in dry weather and to replace it in damp weather; or to raise its arm and unfurl an umbrella; or to turn a lever so as to show alternately through a window or before the door of a toy-house, two different figures, representing rainy and fine weather. The beard of the husk around the seed of Sensitive Oats (Avena sensitiva), is naturally twisted or coiled as a double spiral, so that if one end be fastened in the centre of a graduated circle, and a light index of straw attached by sealing-wax to the other, the latter will traverse the circular scale by the coiling or uncoiling of the beard by the moisture in the air. The bladder of a rat or squirrel, may also be converted into a hygroscope, by tying its mouth over the end of an open glass-tube and filling the bladder and part of the tube with mercury. By the contraction or swelling of the bladder by the change in moisture, the mercury will rise or fall in the tube. Whalebone, reduced to the thinness of fine paper, goldbeater's s7cin, and thin sheets of gelatine or glue, will show such sensitiveness to moisture, that if cut into figures, as fishes, etc., and placed in the palm of the hand, the natural moisture of the latter will cause the side next to it to swell, and the figure to curl itself up. 116 ! 2 S "S « cm ° S? £ £ 2? i? 2£ r^"Ho0^."44 £: ? *? ?= ? rH 1—I rH 1—I 1— — -- CM CN xc3?"§ I'tonffl ©cn>ooo, NNMcc £ £ S 5 g S S 2 3 3 £ S £ £ £ 2 >« «> -h „ «» © © © © © rtrtS-TJ'Ij ^- cn ?3 °^ ^ co co co -* ^t< hh ^ f ' " • • .• • •....r:'-i'-!'—''—i 1—I 1—I IH r-l 1—I °^|g §ggg2 ESSSIS gSSgS -Si^SS • «*«*-© o^^.^c ■ -(Z-JlJlJ £h-2I_j ^* ^* '-O to to ^©«ffit- t- CO X © c: © © © © © ^ ^ ^ ^ SfegSg SS3S3 2SSSS fc°SSS 23i:ow «cs- co© ,0©-© © © © © © © rH i—ihh In rH 3 2 rH N CO CO CO CO ** -+ -* to to OH) o o o t- j.- cc © © SSSSS £ § g § g 3 2 £ S £ £ S £ £ £ 2222° co © © cn to © © ^ *, » ©©©am <-, .2 iS ZL Z5 "-"HHCS NNMOJCO M^'HI^a) lOuacioco 1^ r- -/-, wi .- © o o o © o Hi-IHHCq NNMOJCO CO ■<* "r* -rH to tO rHrHr-lrHrH HHriHH Hr-IHriri —I SctfeSS ScSSgg §3 3*5*2 ££££S££2!222 -hco0 m to 00 r-1 -H 1— © "f*J C O C N 1 ^o © © cn in 1- !■- J- 'Jj rS. \ a © CO © -+ 00 CO CM n © © © CM © H © © © CO CO CO o © © o o © o + 1 OS o © NKJCOHil r-H rH rH CN CN © © © © © 1 *~ © CN CO © © 1 CO CO © CO CO CO CN iO CO i—1 ^ 1 NO COCO 03 uO CO © CO © 1 CN tO CO rH -f t~ t~ t~ CO CC 1 a a 3 o O to © © ■># CO CN CO c: IN H H o © © © © © CO CO © Ci © © © o © o © o o + 1 (NiOCOHtK rH rH rH CN CN © © © © © 1 1~ © CN CO o © 1 CN tO 00 CO CO CO © © © -t -T © © 1 t- © CO -fOiO © © © to 1 © CN »o CO iC CO CO CO i—i —H i>- co co N N j- X CC 1 3 O © cm to CO CN Oi CO N(N tO CN CN i-f r-H O o © © © o + CO CO to © 1© © © © © © + 1 © o © CM to 1~ © co H H H M M © © © © © 1 CN CN CO CO © © © © 1 oo CO © rH -H CO -H -H -• © © © 1 © CN — to =: © to © 1 COHtHN iO O CO © © CM to CO rH I~ t- t- 1-- oc 1 © CO *~ IN M rt © ©> © + hH CO P-H © © © co © © © + CO o © © © © © © I—1 -H t>- © CO rH rH rH CM CN © © © © © 1 tOOlHH/ CM CM CO CO © © © © 1 t-© © CO © © 1 © 00 rH ^* -* >o © © © ■** i>. o CO © Lfl 0- ft, S ■s o ,; 3 ■^ V «,-2 H EH O 1^ T(l r. 00 O 00 h N[- (O O o o o o o o + o o . +' o_ o ©ooo© "ffl CM^I---f CO CO CI 01 0-1 ooooo i-h 00 "ffl CO o (M rH r- rH rH OOOOO + + + CO CO CO O t-- iffl I~ t~. l-~ I~. 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Feet. 200 0.502 5200 14.303 10200 30.492 15200 49.087 20200 69.876 400 1.008 5400 14.905 10400 31.196 15400 49.880 20400 70.959 600 1.518 5600 15.511 10600 31.897 15600 50.677 20600 71.851 800 2.032 5800 16.120 10800 32.602 15800 51.478 20800 72.748 1000 2.550 6000 16.734 11000 33.312 16000 52.282 21000 73.649 1200 3.071 6200 17.351 11200 34.024 16200 53.092 21200 74.553 1400 3.596 6400 17.972 11400 34.741 16400 53.904 21400 75.461 1600 4.125 6600 18.597 11600 35.462 16600 54.721 21600 76.374 1800 4.658 6800 19.225 11800 36.186 16800 55.541 21800 77.289 2000 5.195 7000 19.858 12000 36.914 17000 56.365 22000 78.209 2200 5.735 7200 20.494 12200 37.646 17200 57.193 22200 79.133 2400 6.280 7400 21.134 12400 38.382 17400 58.024 22400 80.060 2600 6.828 7600 21.778 12600 39.122 17600 58.860 22600 80.991 2800 7.380 7800 22.426 12800 39.866 17800 59.699 22800 81.926 3000 7.936 8000 23.733 13000 40.613 18000 60.542 23000 82.865 3200 8.496 8200 24.165 13200 41.364 18200 61.389 23200 83.808 3400 9.059 8400 24.392 13400 42.119 18400 62.240 23400 84.755 3600 9.627 8600 Iffl Ol 13600 42.878 18600 63.095 23600 85.705 3800 10.198 8800 25.722 13800 43.641 18800 63.953 23800 86.659 4000 10.773 9000 26.393 14000 44.407 19000 64.815 24000 87.617 4200 11.352 9200 27.068 14200 45.177 19200 65.681 24200 88.579 4400 11.934 9400 27.746 14400 45.952 19400 66.565 24400 89.545 4600 12.521 9600 28.428 14600 46.730 19600 67.425 24600 90.514 1 4800 13.111 9800 29.115 14800 47.512 19800 68.303 24800 91.488 | 5000 13.705 10000 29.804 15000 48.297 20000 69.184 25000 92.465 TABLE VI. For the conversion of French into English, and English into French measures. French Millime-tres. English Inches. English Inches. French Millimetres. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 720 730 740 750 760 0.03937079 0.07874158 0.11811237 0.15748316 0.19685895 0.23622474 0.27559553 0.31496632 0.35433711 28.84697 28.74068 29.13438 29.52809 29.92180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 28 29 30 31 25.39954 50.79908 76.19802 101.59816 126.99770 152.39724 177.79678 203.19632 228.59586 685.78758 711.18712 736.58666 761.98620 787.38574 French Metres. English Feet. English Feet. French Metres. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.2808992 6.5617984 9.8426976 13.1235968 16.4044960 19.6853952 22.9662944 26.2471936 29.5280928 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.30479449 0.60958898 0.91438347 1.21917796 1.52397245 1.82876694 2.13356143 2.43835592 2.74315041 1 French Gramme Weight — 15.133 Engl, grains. 1 Fr. Kilogramme = 2.2047 Engl, pounds Av.d.p. 1 Paris or old French Foot r= 1.065765 English Foot. 1 « " « Inch = 1.065765 " Inch. 1 " « " Line = 0.088S14 " " 1 French Litre = 61.0275 English cubic Inches. 1 Engl. Wine Gallon = 231.044 Engl, cubic Inches. 1 Engl, cubic Inch = 0.00432818 Engl. Wine Gal. 1 Eng. cub. In.=2o2.4."iS Eng. grains of Water of 62°. 1C00 Ens. gr's Water of 62° = 3.961054 Eng. cub. In. ri « OS > a, r- B 0 a « c 5. co* r0 10 K< „ OS u cs ~ a, e *- R« s- « o a, a a .§ 61 I s s ° E--3 t~ t~ t~ © © © © Iffl lffl Iffl -*l THrHCOCOCO COdClClrH rHrHrHO© ©©©©© 00 X 00 t~ t~ ©©©©© ©lffl lffl lffl xxxoooooo ooooxoooo 000000x00 x 00 00 00 00 ooooxxx t~i—i~t~t~ t~.i~-t~.t~t~ trtrtrtrL~ i_r U: t i-: oo©ooo ©©©©© o©©©© 00©©© ©©©©© 00©©© ooooo oooo© oooo oooooo ddddd ddddd ooooo' ddddd ooooo' ddddd ooooo dddd t~-©CO©©rH 00 d t~- d t~ CO © iffl d © CDMHCOt. ©ifflrHCOCO COrHlffl©t~ CO©drHt~. 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Giving the Maximum Tension or Elastic Force of Vapor of Water 'letup. .Max. Tens Fah. Inch. 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