ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. P A R T II. I.-INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. 92. Having in Part 1. given the mode of working in cop- per, we now pass on to other metals. First in importance come gold and silver. The earliest experiments in electro- gilding were those by Brugnatelli, who gilded silver medals by electricity, in 1805 ; he used a solution of nitro-muriate of gold mixed with a solution of ammonia. The next were those of De la Rive, 1841, who used a solution of chloride of gold. But these processes were interesting rather in a the- oretical than in a practical point of view; inasmuch as the elective chemical affinity of the elements (combined in these solutions with the gold) for the baser metals, which might be immersed in the solutions, is such, that a violent inter- change of elements takes place, and the gold is set free with- out even electric agency; and the solutions are so readily decomposed by the smallest adventitious aid, that it is a practical impossibility to. obtain a "reguline," deposit, how- ever much the voltaic power may be modified. The following are illustrations of the deposition of gold and silver by the mere elective affinity or ordinary chemical action. If an aqueous solution of chloride of gold is agitated with ether, the chloride leaves the water to combine with the ether, and the resulting compound, being lighter than water, floats on the surface.-If pieces of polished steel are dipped into this preparation, they acquire a coat of gold by ordinary chemical interchange.-If a design is traced with solution of chloride of gold upon a silk or linen fabric, and the fabric, while the traces are still moist, be exposed to a stream of hydrogen gas (which may readily be obtained by acting upon iron nails by diluted sulphuric acid.) the metal ELECTROTYPE MAN1PELATION. 2 is reduced, and a golden design is the result.-If a plaster cast is saturated with a solution of nitrate of silver, and placed under a hell-glass, and we admit to it the gas pro- duced by heating a few grains of phosphorus with alcohol and a small quantity of potash, the silver will be reduced upon the surface.-If the plaster-cast is made with sour whey instead of water, and is saturated with silver solution, the silver is reduced by mere exposure to sunlight, and forms, according to Elsren, a good conducting surface, in which we can deposit copper or silver according to the usual modes. The same observations apply to the ordinary salts of sil- ver, as, for example, the nitrate, &c. In fact, long before the theory of chemical deposits was understood, I made some experiments upon the electrolysis of this salt, and suc- ceeded in producing an electrotype medal with a silver sur- face, being I think instance of electro-plating, when the object of the experiment was electro-plating. But I was unsuccessful in my attempts to repeat the experiments; and simply because, in that instance, I chanced to have in action a power nicely balanced with the work to be per- formed, but in future instances ray power was not adjusted to the work. 93. The first practical process for working in these noble metals is undoubtedly due to the patentees, Messrs. Elking- ton. Others have laid claim to having been the first to use solutions similar to theirs; but whatever may have been done by these others in private, it does not appear that the public were in possession of their processes by any authentic publication ; and therefore there is no alternative but to give the patentees the claim of originality and priority. 94. The solutions they employ are the argento-cyanide and the auro-cyanide of potassium; upon which compounds it will be well if we make a few observations here at the out- set. They are what the chemists term double salts: as for instance, cyanide of potassium is a compound simply of po- tassium and cyanogen ; argento-cyanide of potassium is silver and cyanogen combined with potassium and cyanogen, or, which amounts to the same thing, cyanide of silver united with cyanide of potassium. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. 3 When viewing (§ 13) what happened during the decompo- sition of sulphate of copper, we had occasion to describe that body as oxide of copper, dissolved in, or combined with sul- phuric acid: now, oxide of copper is 1 part copper 4- 1 part oxygen, and sulphuric acid is 1 part sulphur 4- 3 parts oxy- gen, and a certain quantity of water; so that, altogether, the arrangement is somewhat complex. This is not so much the case with the bodies now in question. And first, in respect to the simple cyanide of potassium, before it is united with the gold or silver. It consists simply of one equivalent of the metal potassium, and one equivalent of cyanogen; and, when it is acted upon by a voltaic current in the usual way, it appears to be decomposed by direct ac- tion, and cyanogen is liberated at the one pole, and potas- sium is determined to the other, but not liberated. It will be remembered (§ 13) that, in the solution of sulphate of copper, water was decomposed by the direct action, and that the copper was liberated by a secondary action, namely by the hydrogen of the water returning back into solution in the place of the copper. Well; the cyanide of potassium is decomposed by direct action, and potassium is presented to the negative metal; but a secondary action now occurs : so great is the affinity of potassium for oxygen, that it cannot exist in a metallic form in presence of that element; as is well known from the common experiment of dropping a piece of potassium upon water, when it combines so vio- lently with the oxygen as to produce heat and light; and the resulting products are oxide of potassium, the com- mon caustic potash, accompanied with a liberation of hydro- gen. So, also, in the present case; the potassium does not itself appear, but, in its place we find hydrogen and potash; it takes oxygen from the water and forms potash, and sets the hydrogen free. It is true, we are in possession of a means of preventing its return into solution, and this is by employing a mass of mercury to receive it: in which case it unites with the mercury and forms the amalgam of potas- sium; and neither hydrogen nor potash is manifested; but it will remain thus only under favorable circumstances; for, if the connections with the battery are broken, so that the 4 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. mercury ceases to be negatively electrified, the potassium im- mediately leaves it. and decomposes the water as before. Thus much in reference to the simple cyanide of potassium. Of the double cyanides, the argento may be taken as an ex- ample. It consists of 1 part cyanide of potassium and 1 part cyanide of silver-the latter cyanide, like the former, consisting of 1 part metal -p 1 cyanogen. When a solution of this double cyanide is electrolyzed, silver appears at one pole, and cyanogen at the other. But, in order to the pro- duction of this result, it is absolutely essential that there be a considerable surplus quantity of the cyanide of potas- sium in solution ; indeed, it is pretty evident that the direct action is the decomposition of the surplus cyanide, and that the silver is reduced by secondary action ih the following- way. When the metal potassium is reduced from its cyanide, it returns into solution, and takes the place of the silver in the double salt, setting the latter metal free; so that, while on the one hand an equivalent of simple cyanide is consumed, on the other hand an equivalent is formed, and the equivalent previously engaged to form with the silver the double salt, is also free ; and thus far there is an increase in the quan- tity of simple cyanide of potassium. But, if the positive metal is silver, the cyanogen combines with it and forms cyanide of silver; for cyanogen is a gas, and like oxygen seems to combine with metals in this its nascent state; though, unlike oxygen, it is a compound body, consisting of 2 equivalents of carbon -p 1 of nitrogen, whence, it is also termed bicarburet of nitrogen. Well; cyanide of silver is insoluble in water, and hence would form an insulating crust on the silver plate were it not for the presence of cyanide of potassium in excess in solution; it readily dissolves in this, and so keeps up the strength of the solution; and the extra element of cyanide of' potassium, mentioned above, is thus neutralized. Having thus described the general character of the cyanide solution, it remains for us to give the processes by which the several elements are most favorably brought together. 95. Cyanide of Potassium.-To obtain this, we set out with the ferro-cyanuret of potassium, or yellow prussiate of potash of commerce; and as this prussiate is readily access- INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. 5 ible at all chemists', it is better in general to purchase than to make it; the mode by which it is obtained will be found in any treatise on chemistry. It consists of 1 equivalent of cyanide of iron + 2 equivalents of cyanide of potassium. It is of a bright yellow color, and is converted into the color- less simplecyanuret in the following manner: Take 4 oz. of the yellow prussiate, break it in small pieces, and dry it well on a plate of iron ; then reduce it in a mortar to exceedingly fine powder. Dry and pound in like manner oz. of carbo- nate of potash. Incorporate the two ingredients thoroughly. Place a Hessian crucible in the fire ; and when it attains a red heat, throw into it the prepared mixture, and closely cover the crucible. Keep up the heat, and the contents of the crucible will sodn fuse, and the fluid mass will become red- hot. After this, immerse in it, from time to time, a hot glass rod; the mass that adheres to the rod in the early stages of the process is brown on cooling ; as the heat is continued, it appears yellowish, and finally colorless and transparent. The operation is then complete; the crucible must be remo- ved ; and after its contents have been allowed to settle, the fused mass may be poured oft': the greater portion of which consists of the simple cyanuret of potassium* The impuri- ties contained in this product are not detrimental to its use, in a general way, for the purposes in view; however, in cases where it is required pure, it must be boiled in strong alcohol; and when the alcohol cools, the pure cyanide will be deposited in the form of small white crystals. This salt is very deli- quescent, and must therefore be retained in close bottles; it will readily be recognized by its powerful odor-similar to that produced by peach blossoms. The mere mention of prussic acid almost entering into its composition will be sufficient to induce my readers to exercise common caution in handling it. A solvent solution is prepared by adding- two ounces of this salt to a pint of rain or distilled water; when the salt is well dissolved, the liquid is ready for use. 96. Silver Solution.-Silver may be presented to the above solution in various forms ; as the oxide, the chloride, the corbonate, the nitrate, &c.; solution will in either case occur ; ♦This method was first described by Messrs. Rodgers, in the Philosc,pineal Magazine for Feb. 1834; and since by Prof. Liebig. 6 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. and the double cyanide of silver and potassium will be pro- duced. But since the silver, as we hinted before, must become a cyanide of silver before it can thus unite with the cyanide of potassium, it is obvious that one portion of the solution must give up its cyanogen to the silver, and take to itself the bodies previously in combination with that metal. So that, from the oxide of silver, potash would occur in the solution; from chloride, chloride of potassa; from corbonate, carbonate of potassa; and from nitrate, saltpetre. Of these the least likely to interfere with this general action is the potash; and hence oxide of silver has been frequently used. It is thus prepared :- 97. Oxide of Silver.-Place pieces of silver in a glass vessel, and pour on them about equal parts of water and strong nitric acid; the metal will soon dissolve, giving off fumes of nitric oxide. Should the solution have a green hue, which is invariably the case unless the metal has been obtained fine from the refiners, it indicates the presence of copper; in which case immerse some pieces of copper in the solution, and the nitric acid, by elective affinity, will com- bine with the copper ; and a precipitate of pure silver in the form of a grayish powder, will take place. Throw away the liquid, and wash the silver precipitate several times in sulphuric acid and water, and afterwards in water alone. Then redissolve it, as before, in nitric acid and water: and a of pure nitrate of silver will be obtained. Place this in an evaporating dish, or a saucer, and apply the heat of a spirit-lamp, or place the saucer by the fireside, till some portion of the liquid is driven off in vapor. Allow the res- idue to cool, and it will shoot out into long, colorless, trans- parent crystals which are nitrate of silver. They must be handled with care, as they possess the property of staining animal and vegetable substances with an almost indelible black; fused nitrate of silver being the lunar caustic of sur- gery, and the main ingredient also of marking ink.-Next prepare some lime-ivater, by stirring lime into water, and filtering the solution. As lime is very sparingly soluble in water, requiring at 60° Fahrenheit 750 times its weight, it is necessary to make an abundant supply. Place the lime- SOLUTIONS. 7 water in a glass or other vessel, and drop in it a few crystals of nitrate of silver : the colorless solution will instantly assume an unsightly brown hue ; and, after remaining qui- escent for a time, the oxide of silver will subside in the form of a dark brown precipitate. The liquid is then poured off, and the precipitate is washed with water. Before throwing away the liquid, fresh lime-water should be added to it; and if the dark hue recurs, the precipitate must be allowed to subside again: if no change takes place, it may be inferred that the silver is all extracted. The oxide of silver should not be dried, but be kept in bottles with water. A quarter of an ounce of oxide of silver, added to a pint of the solvent solution, forms a very useful plating solution. 98. Cyanide of Silver.-But, as the above solution is im- pure, in that it contains as much potash as is equivalent to the oxide of silver added, it may not be applicable to accurate experiments ; and as the potash is produced, in the formation of cyanide of silver, at the expense of a certain portion of the cyanide of potassium, it is a wise plan, for it is no more costly, to form the cyanide of silver in a separate vessel, and to wash away the impurities before adding it to the solvent. Take then a neutral solution of nitrate of silver; add care- fully a solution of cyanide of potassium, when a white pre- cipitate of cyanide of silver will fall; continue adding until precipitation ceases. The liquid, which is a solution of nitrate of potash or saltpetre, is to be poured off, and the precipitate well washed. It will be pure cyanide of silver, if the materials employed were pure; and it is now fit to be added to the solvent liquid, to form a plating solution free from impurities. 99. Preparation of the Gold Solution.-Warm a pint of pure rain or distilled water, and dissolve in it two ounces of cyanide of potassium as before; then add a quarter of an ounce of oxide of gold. The solution will at first be yel- lowish, but will soon subside to colorless transparency. Those not versed in chemical manipulation will be wiser to purchase than to prepare oxide of gold; but, for general information, I give the process. Dissolve pure gold in two measures of muriatic with one of nitric acid; evaporate to 8 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. dryness ; dissolve the residuum in twelve times its weight of water; add to this a solution of pure carbonate of potash, dissolved in twice its weight of water ; apply a moderate heat, about 170°, and a reddish-yellow precipitate occurs. This is the hydrated peroxide of gold. Wash it well; and, to render it anhydrous, boil it in water. It then assumes a brownish-black color, which is the oxide required. 100. I by no means give these as standard proportions of the several ingredients required. They are the proportions which I employed with success in gilding and plating the series of Metals (submitted to the Electrical Society at their meeting, Sept. 21, 1841,) by the battery process to be here- after described. When the same object is effected by the em- ployment of a single cell, it will be requisite to alter the degree of saturation according to circumstances ; to which, however, I shall have further to allude in the sequel. 101. Single Cell for Plating and Gilding.-The necessity of economizing solutions of such value as these has led to certain modifications in the apparatus contributing to that end. The porous cell (§ 17,) which in other arrangements contains the zinc and acid, and is surrounded by the copper or other negative element, in the present process contains the cyanide solution, and the negative element or object to receive the deposit, and is surrounded by the zinc, &c. 102. This arrangement will be readily understood by a glance at the annexed wood cut, which represents a porcelain cell con- taining a cylinder of zinc, and an inner po- rous tube filled with the solution of silver or gold. Connection is made between the zinc and medal or mould by a binding screw; or by a mere contact, as in the fig- ure. 103. 1 must again dwell upon the phil- osophy of the action of this arrangement, and return to first principles, in order to impress them more firmly on the minds of those who read these pages with the intent to repeat the experiments. Em- it is a matter of some importance, in employing the costly Fig. 11. SOLUTIONS ANI» APPARATUS. 9 salts of' the noble metals, to have the principles of the experiment traced out as distinctly as possible. 104. In the arrangement just described, the nature of the deposit will depend upon the principles elsewhere (§ 78) set forth ; and d fortiori, from the facility with which the salts of silver or gold are decomposed, there will be a much greater chance of releasing hydrogen, and spoiling the ex- periment; to prevent which, therefore, ample provision must be made. For instance, if the silver solution is weak in pro- portion to the energy of action between the zinc and acid water, the electricity developed will be more than sufficient to release pure metal, and hydrogen will be evolved, the result being a deposition of oxide. Or, if the balance between the strength of the solutions be duly adjusted, the relation between the size of the zinc and of the medal or mould may be such as to determine the same result. It is therefore requisite that the water which excites the zinc should con- tain very little acid-a few drops, more or less in proportion as the cyanide solution contains more or less of the oxide; and that the strength of the latter should be maintained by a fresh supply of oxide from time to time. 105. Another, and in some cases more convenient form for the single cell apparatus is given in the annexed wood cut;'in Kig. 12. principle it differs nothing from the former ; the porous cell to contain the cyanide solution being Hat, affords the means of immersing a larger medal, without an extravagent suppl y 10 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. of liquid. The zinc which envelops the porous cell is also flat. The connections are made as before. 106 Plating by means of a single Cell.-Having charged cither of these arrangements with the weak acid water and the solution of silver, let it remain for a few minutes, in order that the porous cell may be moistened through, and that action may commence as soon as the circuit is com- pleted. Then attach a thin/', pliable wire to the medal or mould, and place its other end in contact with the wire attached to the zinc: complete the circuit by immersing the metal in the silver solution, and a deposition will instantly take place. It will present a dead whitish appearance. At the meeting of the British Association in Birmingham, in 1849, Mr. Elkington stated, "that a few drops of the sulphuret of carbon, added to the cyanide of silver in the decomposing cell, had the property of precipitating the silver perfectly bright, instead of being granulated so dead as it is when thrown down from the solutions ordinarily employed." 107. Should the silver deposit present a whitish surface, streaked with perpendicular black lines, it may be regarded as an indication that the action is attended with a develop- ment of hydrogen : this must be prevented by some of the means so often mentioned (§ 78, &c.) By careful attention at the commencement of the process the right degree of action is readily obtained: and if the process is continued (with occasional watching) for about half an hour, the medal will be beautifully coated with dead silver. In that condition it may remain, after being washed, and dried in blotting paper. Or, if a burnish is desired, the leather and plate brush must be used; or it may be thrown down bright as above (§ 106.) Mr. Bain has patented an instrument which he styles a "Voltaic Governor." The plates of the voltaic arrangement are immersed to a depth sufficient to produce the electricity required. They are suspended in the liquid as weights to a clock-work arrangement. When the action diminishes, a keeper from an electro-magnet, through which the current * This principle, so often alluded to, of retarding or restraining the energy of the action, is regarded in the employment of iiiin wire ; it is a very valuable adjunct to the other means 78) of obtaining the same end ; and may often be adopted with advantage. SOLUTIONS AND APPARATUS. 11 passes, is moved, and the plates are said to sink until enough of electricity is generated to cause the electro-magnet again to attract the keeper.* If, instead of plating medals, the object is to deposit silver in a mould, as mentioned elsewhere, the same preparations are to be made; but the mould should be allowed to remain lor some minutes (more or less according to the thickness required) subject to the action of the current. It may then be removed, after being washed with water, and afterwards with water containing a few drops of nitric acid, may be placed with proper connections in a copper solution (§ 57,) to remain there till it is sufficiently backed up with this metal. 108. Gilding hj means of a single Cell.-The operation of gilding is conducted much in the same manner as that of plating-gilding, however, requiring a little longer time, and occasionally hot solutions. 109. The operations of gilding and plating seem at first to have been very generally effected by means of the single cell, in a manner more or less in accordance with the direc- tions I have just given, as the nature of the case permitted. In fact, plating by this process had been adopted on a scale of some magnitude in the great manufacturing town of England: the strength of the solution being maintained by fresh supplies of the oxide of either gold or silver. And if attention be paid to the instructions given, there is little fear of failing. 110. Before describing a method which appears far supe- rior to this, I would direct attention to the source whence the silver and gold in the single cell process are obtained, viz. from the oxides, for instance. For every ounce of these metals deposited, a quantity of the oxide must be furnished which shall contain in it an ounce of pure metal; and hence for every ounce of metal, much more than an ounce of oxide is consumed. The time and trouble required to effect the combination between these metals and oxygen are bv no means inconsiderable; and hence the expense of first producing the oxide of gold or silver, and then releasing either from the after-combination with cyanogen, far exceeds T7</e Meeh. Mag. 5th Aug. 1S43. 12 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. the actual cost of the metal employed: how far depends upon circumstances. The object, however, may be accom- plished with far more certainty, and at considerably less expense by means of an additional cell (§ 56,) and a plate or wire, &c. of gold or silver, to keep up the strength of the solution, as in the case of sulphate of copper. This method is now adopted generally by several patentees; for experi- ments with solutions of silver and gold in union with cya- nogen, have shown that cyanogen nascent at the positive plate in a decomposition cell will combine with silver and also with gold. This furnishes a means of gilding and plating, by the use of a generating cell to furnish the electricity, and a decomposition cell to contain the cyanide solution; the nature of the changes produced has already (§ 95) been described. 111. Battery Process for Plating and Gilding.-The gen- erating cell for acting upon solutions of silver need not be large. A pint Daniell, similar to that in the wood-cut, or a series of two, is sufficient for larger medals than can be placed in the decomposition cell attached. The latter is of porcelain or glass. Of course, the size varies according to the extent of the experiment. The zinc may be used una- malgaraated, and excited with salt and water; the copper cell of the Daniell's battery contains, as usual, a solution of the sulphate (§ 57.) Gilding may be better accomplished by using three cells of Daniell's battery. 112. Voltaic Condenser.-Prof. De la Rive has introduced an instrument, which he has named the Voltaic Condenser* and which may probably be of some service in electro-gild- ing and plating. Its property is to give to one cell of a bat- tery the intensity of two or three, being the power required for these processes; and it does this at the expense of only one equivalent of zinc. It is well known to electricians that at the moment contact is made with the battery, so as to send a voltaic current along a wire in one direction, a secon- dary current, vAnch endures but for an instant, is induced in the wire in the reverse direction ; and when contact is broken, so that the original current ceases, the secondary *Vide JrcA <U- IKlect. No. 8, p. 373, and Klect. Man. p. 38. SOLUTIONS AND APPARATUS. 13 current is induced to move in the direction contrary to its original motion: and therefore in the some direction as that Fig. 13- pursued by the primary current, when contact was first made. The intensity of this current greatly depends on the quantity, the character, and the form of the wire em- ployed ; and if the wire is coated with silk and wound round a bobbin, the intensity is greatly increased. M. De la Rive uses 100 convolutions of three stout copper wires, and places within the coil a bar of soft iron, the use of which will soon become evident. The object of the arrange- ment is to convey the battery current, and with it the secon- dary current through the solution to be decomposed. 113. For example, we will select the gold solution to illustrate the use of the condenser. Metallic connections are applied between the ends of the coil and the two termina- tions of a Daniell's or Sinee's battery. The connections are continued to a vessel containing the gold solution, the ar- rangement being somewhat like the figure co, where the generating cell is to the right, the coil in the centre, and the decomposition cell to the left. The current, on leaving the battery, has thus the choice of two paths, the one being through the coil, the other through the solution; but from the great comparative resistance of liquids, compared with metals, far the larger portion would pass through the coil. 14 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. while a comparatively small share would traverse the solu- tion of gold. In passing through the coil, however, it con- verts the soft iron core into a magnet; this magnet instantly attracts a piece of iron, which is so arranged that, on being raised, it removes a wire and thus breaks off communication between the coil and the generating cell, except by means of the cell containing the solution. The current, therefore, now passes through the gold solution. But when the coil ceased to be alone in the circuit, a secondary current was in- duced in the same direction as the original battery current: this, therefore, joins with the said generating current, and both pass together through the gold solution; by which means the actual power of the battery is very greatly exalted. Now, the iron core looses most of its magnetism, as soon as the liquid is included in the circuit; and hence the piece of iron, the raising of which broke contact, falls again, and the coil is again included, when the same phenomena recur : and thus, by a continual succession of breaking and making contact, the current of a moment, namely, the secondary cur- rent, is created, and employed with very great advantages. My readers must be content with this general description: and I must trust to their own ingenuity for making arrange- ments agreeable to these directions. 114. Application of Heat.-Considerable advantage accrues in all cases of the deposition of metals where adhesion is desired, by the use of heat. It expands the baser metal, and so far opens its pores that the subsequent contraction, consequent on the effect of common temperatures, is likely to operate favorably in binding the metals together. It has other advantages, especially in gilding. The mode of heating the solutions will depend entirely on the circum- stances under which the experiments are conducted. If a hot stove, or a sand-bath be at hand, the object is soon accomplished; but, in most cases, a simple plan is to use a lamp and a glass or other retort, and convey steam by a glass tube into the metallic solution, either of the single cell apparatus, or that contained in the decomposition cell. 115. With regard to the time requisite for plating and gilding, it is entirely dependent on the nature and uses of SOLUTIONS AND APPARATUS. 15 the article. The thickness of the deposit, of course, depends on the duration of the action. For medals, and such things as are not exposed to wear, a few minutes' immersion may be enough; for spoons, forks, plated goods, &c., subject to much wear, six or eight, or even more hours ; always taking care to watch the process at times, in order to prevent the occurrence of the black lines : whenever they appear, the action must be retarded. Large objects, or those which are subject to a long action, should be occasionally withdrawn, and their position should be altered : so that a uniformity of deposit may occur. Motion of the articles during the pro- cess has been recommended, and with some show of reason. The readiest method of producing it is to suspend the article in the solution from a common bottle jack, and connect the latter with the battery. Or, on the large scale, when it would not be convenient to have a roasting-jack for each group of articles, it might be convenient to have a constant flow of the solution. The surface obtained in the deposition of silver by electrolysis is technically termed "dead." Medals thus coated, if care be exercised during the operation, are very beautiful, and should be prepared for the cabinet by simply washing in water. If a bright surface is desired, they are polished with a leather and plate powder (§ 107.) Ordinary plated goods are finished off by polishing and burnishing. A steel or agate burnisher is used. In articles of jewelry some parts are left dead, and others are made bright. 116. Preparing Surfaces to unite with Gold and Silver.- But we are going on too fast: I must return to certain things preliminary to plating and gilding, which I had passed over, in order not to interrupt the progressive illustrations of the nature and preparation of the solutions. I allude to the preparation of the surfaces, previous to applying the metals: which is a point of such paramount importance that, unless duly regarded,- all subsequent operations will be futile; and it would be vain to hope for perfect adhesion between the metallic base and the deposit: the latter will rise up in blisters where the surface is not properly prepared, and can easily be rubbed off. 16 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. 117. There are two methods of preparing metals for the reception of other metals-the wet way and the dry way. The experiments of M. Becquerel and others are decidedly in favor of the latter; but, as it cannot be adopted, except in certain cases where the work of the article is plain, and the article itself is not delicate, it will be necessary to de- scribe both modes. The main intent of cleansing is that the contact between the two metals may be perfect; and it effects this by removing grease and all extraneous matter, especially the oxides, which are ever found on the surface of the less noble metals. 118. Cleansing by the Dry Method.--The advantage of the dry process over any in which moisture has been employed, is that, in the latter case, several seconds, at least, must always pass between the act of removing the article from its last liquid bath, and placing it in the solution of the metal to be deposited ; and during this short interval, the article, or some portion of it, very frequently undergoes an altera- tion, trivial, indeed, but still an alteration, by the action of the air, which produces a film of oxide, infinitely thin, it is true, yet quite enough to militate against the success of the experiment, as regards permanent adhesion. Therefore, wherever the dry process can be adopted, it is decidedly the better: although, from the very nature of the articles sub- jected to the process, the number of cases in which it is avail- able is very limited. The dry process is merely the opera- ration of scouring with sand, or glass, or emery-paper, as the case may be, or with very fine powder of pumice-stone : using clean brushes, utterly free from grease. Sometimes tine files may be used ; indeed, all depends on the value and character of the article operated upon. It must be remem- bered throughout that grease and oxide arc the great ene- mies to be expelled: and therefore, especial care must be taken to avoid contact with the moisture of the hand, which is of a nature to produce either. 119. Cleansing by the Wet Method.-The solutions em- ployed may be divided generally into two classes, the acid and the alkaline; the action of the former is directed more towards the removal of oxides, A'c.: that of the latter to the CLEANSING PROCESSES. 17 removal of grease. As a rule, 1 would always follow the use of an acid hath by an alkaline, having first washed away the acid in several waters; and this may be done, whether the operation commence with an alkaline bath or not. The following arc some of the modes in use; they are all effectual according to the circumstances which give pre- ference to one over the other : The method recommended by M. Boettiger, in his account of gilding, given in the Annalen der Chimie und der Pharmacie* may be adopted. He says: "It is very necessary to rub the metal according to circum- stances, t with extremely fine sand, moistened with hydro- chloric acid mixed with a little chalk, so that there shall remain no trace of oxide of copper." Another effectual methodis immersing the article in a mixture technically termed "pickle." This may be made of Sulphuric acid. ..... 64 parts. Water, . . . . » . . 64 " Nitric acid, . . . . . . 32 " Muriatic, ...... I part. The "pickle" is used by tying a wire round the article and immersing it for a second or two; the action is very ener- getic, and, of course, is not suited to the preparation of medals: for medals, the mixture should be very much diluted, and they should remain in it for a short time. A mere bath of dilute nitric acid is often used. Nitric acid mixed with sea-salt and soot, is often rubbed on the article. Concentrated sulphuric acid and sea-salt is another mode. Of the alkaline solutions are caustic soda, or solution of soda and ammonia, or caustic soda and sal ammoniac; or the articles may be boiled in a solution of common soda or potash, which is a very good method of cleansing them. 120. Whatever solution is used, whether acid or alkaline, or the detergent paste of soot, or chalk and acid, fresh water must not be spared for rinsing off all remaining traces; and the article must be dried for immediate use by pouring over it boiling distilled or rain water; or, if the process of deposition is not to be commenced immediately after „the *Vol. xxxv. p. 350. tZ. e. when it can be done without injury to the object of experiment; and tins, too, must be the guide in the application of the other modes. 18 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATIONS. rinsing, it may be buried in hot or cold boxwood sawdust, until required; it may often be dried for immediate use in hot saw dust. In addition to the detergent methods already given, an ancillary means, which has been found effectual, depends upon the fact that metallic and other surfaces, after exposure to the air for some hours, become coated with a film of air so intimately as to retain it, even (as in electro- type cases) between themselves and any metal deposited upon them. In fact, we have been advised, in copying large subjects by electrotype, to take advantage of this, and to allow the film to arrange itself, before the plate is submitted to the action of the battery. For it is found that the pres- ence of this natural film very materially operates in prevent- ing adhesion between the plates and the deposit: whereas, in the absence of the film, unless its place has been supplied by something else, other things being in order, the two will effectually become one. We are advised, too, after soldering a wire to a copper plate, to allow the latter to remain an entire day, to regain the film of air which had been driven off by the heat. Carrying out this principle, the boiling alkaline solution and the boiling water answer a double end; and hence are very effectual means of promoting perfect union between the metals. Heat operates still more favor- ably in causing the expansion of the metal, as I mentioned when recommending its adoption in the process itself of electric deposition. Iron may be prepared and cleaned by electrolytic action, as described elsewhere (§ 166.) In pre- paring steel for gilding it must be polished without oil, as the oily particles adhere so closely that it is scarcely attacked by strong muriatic acid. The last cleansing method I have seen, and it is a capital one, is to scour the surface with Calais sand, moistened by the silver or gold solution, and rubbed in with a scratch-brush. 121. Amalgamation to promote Adhesion.- Another method in this' preparatory stage of the proceedings, to which I shall allude, is that recommended by M. Becquerel;* and which promises to be of great avail in insuring a successful termination to the experiment. After the articles are thor- * Vide Les Comptes Rendus, July 3, 1843. CLEANSING PROCESSES. 19 oughly cleaned, according to the instructions now laid down, they arc dipped into a solution of proto-nitrate of mercury; when taken out they are washed in abundance of water: and are then rubbed with leather, in order to pro- mote the equal spread of the mercury. These operations are repeated until the whole surface is well coated with mercury. The ultimate character of the metallic deposit depends on the surface given to the mercury ; if the employ- ment of the leather is only such as is needed to etfect the more equal diffusion of the mercury, the surface is dull or dead, and so is the deposit; whereas, if brisk friction is ap- plied, and the mercury receives a good polish, such will be the character of the metal thrown down. And thus may burnished gold or dead gold be produced at pleasure. By adopting this method of giving a mercurial coat as the foundation for the plating or gilding (and it is especially valuable for the latter.) a double advantage accrues; the close adherence between the metals is insured-and a coat- ing of gold of any thickness may be thrown down. The mercury is subsequently driven off by heat ; either heat applied for the purpose, or the heat employed in some of the operations by which the work is finished. 122. German silver is prepared by allowing it to remain for three or four hours in a cold solution of carbonate of potash. It is then washed in cold water, and dipped into dilute nitric acid. After again washing and drying it, it is rubbed with leather; and immediately before placing it in the silver solution it is dipped into a solution of common salt, containing a little gum. 123. Cleaning Electro-plate.-Electro-plating, especially of dead silver, is very liable to turn yellow, after a few days' exposure to the light. M. Mourey found* that this was due to the decomposition of a cyanuret or a sub-cyanuret remain- ing on the silver surface on its emersion from the solution. He removes it in the following manner. The articles are covered with a thick layer of dissolved borax, and, being placed in a muffle, are submitted to a heat somewhat below cherry red, which is sufficient to calcine the borax. They *Viie Conipt ;s llsndus, Ap.'il 3,1843, p. 660. 20 ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION. are then thrown into water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and allowed to remain. After being withdrawn from this, they are washed in water and dried, first in hot sawdust and then on a stove or otherwise. The result is the pro- duction of that white color so essentially requisite to dead silver, especially in articles of jewelry. I may add to this a process for cleaning tarnished silver in general, which, though not much known here, is practiced constantly by the natives in India. A few tamarinds are placed in water contained in an earthen vessel, and the silver articles arc boiled in it for a time, and they emerge clean and very white. 124. Gilding-Wax.-The proper color is given to the sur- face of electro-gilding by covering it with gilding-wax, and heating it till the mass begins to smoke. Gilding-wax con- sists of the powders of saltpetre, sal-ammoniac, sulphate of iron, and verdigris, mixed with melted wax. This opera- tion removes the brassy appearance, which the surface often presents, and gives the rich gold color, on which the beauty of the work depends. GOLD. 21 G OLD. Preparation.- 1. From gold ore, which has been tolerably well freed by mechanical means from matrix or river-sand, the gold may be obtained by simple fusion with borax, or other substances adapted to bring the adhering earthy matters into the liquid state. 2. Poorer gold ores are either fused with lead, in a similar manner to silver ores, or directly treated with mercury, after which the lead or mercury is separated in the manner already described in the case ot silver. If by these various modes of preparation, fin alloy of gold and silver is obtained, the separation of these metals may be effected in the following ways: 1. Fusion with Sulphur. The granulated alloy is fused with 0.3 pt. sulphur, which combines with the silver, and forms a liquid sulphide, while the finely divided gold remains suspended in it; a small quantity of litharge is then added, which gives rise to the formation of sulphurous acid and sulphide of lead, and again separates a portion of the silver, which then combines with the gold, forming an alloy, richer in the latter metal. This alloy sinks to the bottom of the crucible, and, after cooling, is separated by the hammer from the superposed sulphide of silver and lead (the PlachmaV) This substance, when fused with the addition of a small quantity of litharge, yields silver, which, for the most part, still contains a little gold. When the Plachmal has thus been completely ex- hausted of gold, it is generally cupelled with lead to obtain the silver. This mode of separation is adopted with alloys which contain but very little gold. The resulting alloy is often treated repeatedly with sulphur in th© same manner, till the proportion of gold is raised to one-fourth, after which the treatment with nitric acid is usually adopted. 2. Fusion with Sulphide of Antimony. The alloy is mixed with twice its weight of sulphide of antimony, and fused, with constant stirring, in a crucible previously glazed with borax ; if the amount of silver in the alloy exceeds one-third, a proportional quantity of sulphur is added to the mixture. 22 GOLD. Sulphide of .silver is then formed, and the gold combines with the antimony, forming a lower stratum of alloy, which is afterwards freed from antimony by ignition in the air, or by fusion with nitre. As the sulphide of silver thus formed still contains gold, it is again twice fused with sulphide of antimony, whereby an additional quantity of antimonide of gold is obtained. The whole amount of antimonide of cold thus produced is again fused with twice its weight of sul- phide of antimony, then freed from antimony, cither by fusing it alone, while air is blown upon it, or by fusion with three times its weight of nitre, and sometimes finally melted into a mass by heating it with % pt. borax, nitre, and | glass. 3. Separation by Cementation. The granulated alloy is arranged in alternate layers, with a mixture of 2 parts of brick-dust and 1 part of common salt, in porous crucibles, which are exposed for a period varying from 24 to 36 hours, to a low red heat. Under these circumstances, the aqueous vapor from the wood fire penetrates the crucibles, and acts upon the mixture in such a manner as to separate hydro- chloric acid, which then forms chloride of silver, with evolu- tion of hydrogen; and the chloride of silver, together with the common salt, sinks into the brick-dust. The gold obtain- ed by this process is, after washing, from 21 to 22 carats fine : from the remaining mass, the silver is obtained by amalga- mation. This processus employed in America. (Boussin- gault.) A mixture of 4 pts. brick-dust, 1 pt. common salt, and 1 pt. calcined green vitriol, may also be used as a cement. 4. Separation by Sulphruric .Acid. The granulated alloy, in which the gold should not amount to quite one-half, but the silver may be in considerable excess, is heated in a pla- tinum or cast-iron vessel, with oil of vitriol, 1he quantity of which amounts to 3 parts for every 4 parts of silver to be dissolved, the heat being continued as long as sulphurous acid is evolved; and the resulting silver-sulphate is separated from the gold-powder by boiling water. To free the gold still further from silver, it is again heated for three hours in the platinum vessel, with a small quantity of oil of vitriol. After this treatment, the gold retains only !f per cent, of silver. The silver solution is warmed in leaden vessels, with GOLT). 23 metallic copper immersed in it, whereby the silver is sepa- rated, and blue vitriol obtained, (Sobolewsky, Ann. Pharin. 24, 94 ; J. C. Jordan, J. pr. Chein. 9, 49.)-This process lias Lately been made the subject of an elaborate investiga- tion by Pettenkofer (Dingl. pol. J. 104, 118; abstr. Jaliresber. Ij. <(• A. 1, 1027 ; further, Dingl. pol. -1. Ill, 357; Jaliresber. 2,635,) of which the following arc the principal results. The gold obtained by the first operation contains small quantities of lead-sulphate, basic ferric sulphate, and traces of sulphide of copper, which may be removed by digestion with carbon- ate of soda, washing, and subsequent treatment with nitric acid. The residue contains, on the average, 97 per cent, of gold, 2-8 of silver, and 0-2 of platinum. The silver is con- tained in it in the state of regulus, and cannot be dissolved out, cither by boiling sulphuric or by boiling nitric acid. After digesting in solution of sesquichloride of iron, not a trace of chloride of silver is dissolved out by ammonia. The gold thus purified may also be heated several times in con- tact with sulphur, till all the sulphur is volatilized, without giving rise to the formation of sulphide of silver. When it is treated with boiling sulphuric acid, to which pounded bichromate of potash is added, chromic oxide is formed, the gold is rapidly dissolved, while the silver and platinum remain unaltered. The only reagents capable of dissolving- out the residual portion of silver from-the refined gold, are the alkaline bisulphates, the soda-salt being the most eligible on account of its cheapness. The best mode of proceeding is to mix the gold with one-fourth of its weight of Glauber's salt in an iron vessel, pour in another equivalent of oil of vitriol (0.7 of the weight of the neutral sulphate,) and heat the mixture till the salt becomes liquid. Sulphate of silver- oxide is then formed, with evolution of sulphurous acid (and of hydrochloric acid, from the common salt contained in the Glaubers salt,) and the excess of sulphuric acid likewise escapes; the mass has a great tendency to cake together, which must be prevented by stirring. The greater part of the sulphate becomes reduced to the neutral state, and to dissolve out the rest of the silver, it is merely necessary to repeat the process once, heating the mixture, however, only 24 GOLT). till about half the sulphate has become neutral. To separate the gold from the resulting mass, it must be boiled with sul- phuric acid in the ordinary way, whereby the sulphates of soda and silver-oxide are dissolved; the residue is then washed, dried, and fused with nitre. The first fusion yields refined gold, containing 994 parts of pure gold in 1000 ; and the second, from 998 to 999 parts, or not more than 0'1 or 0'2 per cent, of silver. The facility and success of the oper- ation depends greatly upon the proportion of Glauber salt and upon the temperature, which should be kept a little below redness. The presence of platinum in refined gold explains the well known fact that this metal never exhibits a proper degree of fineness and softness, until it has been fused with nitre, platinum being easily oxidized by fusion with that substance. A portion of gold likewise passes into the slag together with the platinum ; for although gold is not oxidized, or but very slightly, when fused alone with nitre, it is nevertheless acted on with great facility when platinum is likewise present. A small portion of platinum, amounting to 1 or 2 parts in a thousand, escapes oxidation, and remains in the refined gold. The slag which remains after the fusion leaves, when treated with water, a soft grey powder, containing alumina, silica, and lime (from the crucibles)-potash-certain insoluble metallic compounds formed during the treatment with sulphuric acid, viz. lead- sulphate, basic ferric sulphate, and sulphide of copper-the oxides of gold, platinum, palladium, and osmium, formed by the action of the nitre-and finally a small quantity of metallic gold. Formerly this powder was merely levigated with water to separate the metallic gold, and the remainder was thrown away. But Pettenkofer has shown that this rejected matter contains 19 or 20 per cent, of gold, from 2-5 to 35 per cent, of platinum, and a small quantity of silver. The lightness of the residue had caused the pre- sence of these metals to be overlooked, and prevented their separation by the amalgamation process. Pettenkofer, however, has devised a method by which the gold and pla- tinum may be profitably separated. The slags collected from several operations are soaked in water, and left to stand GOLD. 25 for 8 or 12 days, till they are reduced to a fine soft paste, which is then mixed with 2 parts of litharge, 1 part of tartar, 4 of dry carbonate of soda, and 2 of pounded glass, these proportions being calculated for 8 parts of the dry slag. The mixture is thoroughly dried in a copper or iron vessel; then thrown, by small portions at a time, in a red-hot cru- cible; and exposed to a gradually increasing heat, till it is brought to a state of tranquil fusion. If the process has been allowed time enough, a sharply separated regulus of lead is found, after cooling, at the bottom of the greyish slag. This lead is then cupelled, and the resulting bottom of metal is granulated and dissolved in aqua-regia in a retort, to which a receiver is adapted, because the vapors carry small portions of gold and platinum along with them. The heat is continued till all the nitric acid is driven off, the remaining solution filtered from the insoluble residue (AgCl and PbCl,) put into a porcelain dish, and precipitated while still warm with green vitriol. The gold which falls down in lumps, is separated by decantation, washed and fused with of its weight of nitre, to remove a trace of palladium : the product is fine gold. The solution poured off from the gold is precipitated with metallic iron, the pre- cipitate (chiefly consisting of platinum) boiled with nitric acid, then dissolved in aqua-regia, and precipitated as chlo- roplatinate of ammonium. An attempt to disintegrate the slags with sulphuric acid, led to difficulties insuperable in 5. Separation by Nitric acid; Separation by Quartation.- The granulated alloy, which must contain at least 3 pts. of silver to 1 of gold, is first treated with cold weak nitric acid, and afterwards with strong acid at a boiling heat; the gold- powder is then separated from the silver-nitrate by washing with hot water, and afterwards fused with borax and nitre. The gold, after this treatment, retains but a mere trace of silver.1[ According to Pettenkofer (Jahresber. 1, 1030) the proportion of 3 parts of silver to 1 gold is not absolutely necessary in this process, the separation taking place quite sharply when the quantity of silver added does not exceed 1'75 pt. Moreover, gold refined by quartation retains a 26 GOLD. larger quantity of silver, the more the proportion of the Latter metal is increased beyond the limit above 6. Separation by Acqua-regia.-The granulated alloy, very rich in gold, is resolved by repeated treatment with nitric acid, into chloride of gold which dissolves, and chlo- ride of silver which remains undissolved, and must be washed. The gold solution is freed by evaporation from the nitric acid still present, then diluted with water, and mixed with green vitriol, whereby the gold is precipitated in the form of a brown powder, which must be fused with a small quantity of borax and nitre. Pure gold is also obtained on the small scale by solution in aqua-regia, precipitation with green vitriol digestion of the precipitate with hydro- chloric acid, washing, and fusion with borax. The Kremnitz ducats contain in 24 carats, 23 carats 9 grains of gold, and, therefore, only 3 grains of foreign metal; the Dutch ducats contain 23 carats 7 grains of gold. (1 carat =12 grains.) Gold is obtained in the pulverulent state by precipitating aqueous chloride of gold with green vitriol and other redu- cing agents ; and according to the nature of the precipitant, and the mode of conducting the process, the powder exhibits various degrees of fineness, and is consequently more or less adapted for gilding on porcelain, &c. The powder formed by pouring the gold-solution into the green vitriol is softer than when the contrary method is adopted, in which case it is more laminar and shining. (Otto, Ann. Pharm. 26, 86.) A peculiarly fine gold powder is obtained by pouring the gold- solution, at 100°, into a solution of mercurous nitrate; also by precipitating the gold-solution with hydrochlorate of terchloride of antimony. to C. T. Jackson {Sill J. [2,] 6,187,) gold is obtained in the form of a soft, yellow, spongy mass, by adding to a concentrated gold-solution, a small quantity of oxalic acid, then a sufficient quantity of carbonate of potash to dissolve nearly all the gold in the form ofaurate of potash, then a large quantity of crystallized oxalic acid, and finally heating the liquid rapidly to the boiling point. * PURPLE OF CASSIUS. 27 B. Stannate of Aurous Oxide.-Gold-purple, Purple of Cassius, Purpura mineralis Cassii. Formation. 1. By mixing a solution of chloride of gold with the solution of a stannous salt.-Pure protochloride of tin forms with chloride of gold, when tolerably concen- trated, a brown precipitate, consisting of an alloy of the two metals; it is only in case of very great dilution that the purple is produced. (Berzelius.)-A very dilute solution of protochloride of tin likewise forms with gold-solution, not the purple, but a black-brown opaque mixture, probably containing an alloy of tin and gold, but this mixture when kept in an open vessel, turns red from above downwards, and slowly deposites a very fine purple, which, however, is not always soluble in ammonia. (Fuchs.)-The brown powder is formed only with an excess c-f tin-solution ; when the gold solution is in excess, pure gold is precipitated. (Oberkampf.)-When both liquids are as neutral as pos- sible, or when the chloride of tin is in excess, metallic gold is precipitated, exhibiting a brown, blue, or green color; and on heating this precipitate with excess of gold-solution, it is slowly converted into purple of Cassius; if, however, nitric acid be present, the purple may be produced by its oxidizing action. (Buisson.) The color of the purple is bright red when a small quantity of tin-solution is used, and violet when the quantity of the latter is larger. (Oberkampf.) It is violet when an excess of bichloride of tin is present. (Bisson.) If the tin solution contains more protoxide than bioxide of tin, or if it is not suffi- ciently diluted, a dark-colored, nearly black precipitate is produced, which also dissolves in ammonia while yet moist, but forms a perfectly brown solution; after drying, it is black, gives off water when ignited, and leaves a brick-red mixture of gold and stannic oxide. (Berzelius.) ' If the solution of protochloride of tin contains a very large excess of acid, metallic gold is precipitated instead of the purple. Stannous sulphate likewise forms the purple with gold- solution (Proust,) but only after a considerable time.- (Sarzeau.) Stannous nitrate yields, under all circum- 28 GOLD. stances, even with concentrated solutions, a beautiful purple. (Fischer, Schiv. 56, 363.) Metallic tin, tin-foil, for example, likewise throws down purple of Cassius from an acid solution of chloride of gold. Bichloride of tin gives no precipitate with gold-solution. (Proust.) Potash added to the mixture, forms a brown precipitate, which retains its color when dry; when heated under the liquid, it is converted into a brick-red mixture of gold, tin, and stannic oxide, which exhibits a conchoidal fracture when dry.- (Berzelius.) The purple of Cassius is not formed by pouring a solution of bichloride of tin on protochloride of gold. (Schweigger-Seidel, Schw. 62, 265.) 2. By pouring a solution of chloride of gold on hydrated sesquioxide of tin. If the action be too long continued, the purple decomposes again, especially if the gold-solution is not dilute, part of the gold being reduced to the metallic state, and the rest dissolving in the form of auric oxide, together with stannic oxide, in the hydrochloric acid. (Fuchs, Kastn. Arch. 23, 368.) 3. By boiling protoxide of gold witli aqueous stannate of potash. (Figuier.) 4. By the action of oxidizing agents on metallic alloys containing gold and tin. When an alloy of 500 pts. silver, 1 gold, and 25 tin is dissolved in nitric acid, 32-5 pts. of a pale red gold-purple are formed, in consequence of the excess of stannic oxide. Formation of purple likewise takes place when auriferous silver is dissolved in gently heated nitric acid, and metallic tin is added during the solution : stannic oxide has no action. Alloys of gold with tin, or with tin and zinc together, yield the purple when dissolved in nitric acid, the color being particularly line in the case of the alloy of tin and zinc; on dissolving these alloys in hydrochloric acid, on the contary, metallic gold separates out. (Merca- dieu, Ann. Chim. Phys. 34, 147 ; also A7". Tr. 15, 2, 30.) An alloy of 1500 pts. silver, 200 gold, and 350'5 tin (fused together under borax to prevent all oxidation of the tin) yields, by solution in nitric acid, a quantity of gold-purple, which weighs 701 parts when dried at 100°, and at a red heat gives off 53 parts of water, with a trace of hyponitric PURPLE OF CASSIUS. 29 acid. Hence the composition calculated further on. The gold-purple thus obtained from alloys by nitric acid appears homogeneous, but is denser than the ordinary variety, its density being greater, the smaller the quantity of silver that was present in the alloy; it is likewise insoluble in ammonia. (Gay-Lussac, Ann. Chim. Phys. 34, 396.) 100 parts of tilings of an alloy to 1 part of gold and 99 of copper, intimately mixed with 3 5 parts of tin, yields no purple with nitric acid, and a very dingy product with boiling oil of vitriol. An intimate mixture of tin, gold, and a large quantity of silver, or of 2 pts. gold, 7 tin, and 900 sugar or phosphate of lime, yields no purple when treated with nitric acid. Neither is the purple produced by heating auriferous copper with a solution of tin in boiling oil of vitriol, whereby the copper is dissolved, and the gold separated in the metallic state. (Sarzeau.) Some very much corroded coins of the Roman empire dug out of the ground in France, yield cupric oxide to aqueous ammonia when triturated with that liquid; the undissolved portion consists of two powders of different densities, which may be separated by levigation. The lighter powder, which has a dingy red color, is a mixture of silver spangles and purple of Cassius (containing metallic gold and tin,) which assumes a purple-red color after the silver has been dissolved out by nitric acid; but the color is often dingy from admixture of sulphide of silver. When the filings of the better preserved coins are repeatedly moistened with acetic acid and exposed to the air, and the resulting- cupric acetate dissolved out of water, there likewise remains a mixture of silver-spangles and gold-purple, which, when freed by nitric acid from silver, and by hydrochloric acid from the iron of the file, exhibits a fine color. (Sarzeau, N. J. Pharm. 3, 373.) Preparation.-1. By mixing aqueous susquichloride of iron with aqueous protochloride of tin till the yellow color is converted into pale green, and precipitating the gold-so- lution with the mixture thus formed. (Fuchs, J. pr. Chem. 5,318.) This process yields the finest purple; the proto- chloride of iron contained in the liquid does not affect the product. (Fuchs.) One part of the Liquor ferri muriatici 30 GOLD. of the Phannac Bor. is mixed with 3 parts of water, and a solution of 1 pt. tin-salt in 6 pts. water added, till the mix- ture acquires a greenish tint, after which 6 pts. more of water are added. (If the water were added at first, the change of the brownish into the greenish tint could not be so well observed.) On the other hand, gold is dissolved in boiling hydrochloric acid, with gradual addition of nitric acid-care being taken, however, to avoid as much as pos- sible an excess of acid, especially of the nitric acid: the solution is diluted so far that 360 parts of the liquid contain 1 part of gold: and the tin-solution is then added, with con- stant stirring, as long as a precipitate is produced. By this process, 100 parts of gold yield 360 parts of dried purple, soluble in ammonia, and capable of imparting a strong color to glass. If the gold-solution contains only one part of gold in 450, instead of 360 parts of the liquid, a good purple is likewise obtained at temperatures between 30° and 35°; but at ordinary temperature, it is not deposited: and on heating the liquid to the boiling point, it falls down in red-brown Hakes, which are not soluble in ammonia, and impart but a slight color to glass. (Capaun J. pr. Chem. 22, 152.-2. Ten parts of pink-salt (V, 94) are heated with 1-07 tin-foil and 40 water, till the tin is dissolved, after which 140 parts of water are added : 3(NH4C1, SnCl2)+Sn-3NH4Cl+2Sn2Cl3. On the other hand, 1'34 pt. gold is dissolved in aqua-regia, the acid not being in excess, and a quantity of water is added, sufficient to bring the mixture up to 480 parts. Finally, the former solution is added to the latter slightly warmed, as long as a precipitate is produced. The purple, which is quickly deposited, weighs 4'92 parts after washing and dry- ing at 100°; the filtrate has a very pale red color. (Bolley, yffin. Pharm. 39, 244.)-3. a. A neutral solution is prepared of part of tin in hydrochloric acid ; b. a solution of 2 pts. tin in cold nitro-hydrochloric acid (1 pt. hydrochloric acid to 3 nitric,) the liquid being merely heated, if necessary, towards the end of the process, so that the solution may not contain any protoxide of tin, and therefore may not precipitate the gold-solution; c. 7 parts of gold are dissolved in nitro-hy- PtTRPLE OF CASSIUS. 31 drochloric acid (6 hydrochloric to 1 nitric,) and the solution, which is tolerably neutral, diluted with 3500 parts of water. To this solution c the solution b is first added, and then the solution a, drop by drop, till the right color is produced. If the quantity of a be too small, the precipitate is violet; if too large it is brown. It must be washed quickly, so that the liquid may not act too long upon it. If the precip- itate will not settle down, the mixture must be slowly poured into a glass of water, so that it may sink to the bottom, and the two liquids may mix but slowly. (Buisson, «/. Pharm. 16, 629.) The purple thus obtained weighs only 6'2 pts.; it dissolves in ammonia while fresh, but imparts a scarcely perceptible color to glass-fluxes; the filtrate is red; but deposits no more purple on the further addition of pro- tochloride of tin. (Capaun.) Lentin (/ScAer. J. 3, 30) drops fuming nitric acid into aqueous protochloride of tin, till a sample of the mixture forms a fine purple with the gold- solution, and then mixes the liquids. 4. To obtain a blue precipitate, a solution (a) as neutral as possible, of 3 grammes of tin in hydrochloric acid, is prepared out of contact of air, and (6) a solution as neutral as possible of 3 grammes of gold in aqua-regia; each of these solutions is diluted with a litre of water; 10 measures of solution a are heated to between 50° and 60° with 3 measures of nitric acid; 1 measure of b is then added, and immediately afterwards water, with agitation. The indigo-blue precipitate (or violet, if sufficient water has not been added,) must be quickly washed by decantation, as, jf left for any length of time under the liquid in an open vessel, it changes color first to violet and then to purple. (Golfier Besseyre, Ann. Chim. Phys. 54, 40; also J. pr. Chem. 20, 65. Properties.-In the moist state, dark, purple-red (dark brown according to Berzelius.) Brown after drying.- (Capaun, Bolley.) Proust. Berzelius. Buisson. Gay-Lussac. Oberkampf. violet. purple. Au . . 24 . 28*2 . 28'5 . . 28'53 . . 39-82 . . 79-42 SnO2 . . . . . 76 . . 64 0 . . C5-9 . . 63-56 . . 60-18 . . 20-58 HO .... . . 7*6 7-56 01 5*2 . NO5 trace. 100 . . 99'8 . . 99'6 . . 99-65 . . 100-00 . . 100-00 32 GOLD. The purple examined by Proust was obtained with gold- solution and aqueous protochloride of tin, and well dried ; that examined by Berzelius was obtained with very weak solutions of terchloride of gold and protochloride of tin. Buisson's purple was prepared by (3;) if the tin-solution contains too much nitric acid, basic nitrate of stannic oxide is precipitated, instead of the stannic oxychloride. Buisson does not appear to have looked for water, and his amount of chlorine is doubtful, since, according to Berzelius, the purple neither gives off hydrochloric acid nor chloride of tin when ignited. Gay-Lussac's purple is the product obtained from the alloy of gold and tin by the action of nitric acid, and dried at 100°. Oberkampf's violet purple was obtained by precipitating the gold-solution with excess of tin-solution; in the preparation of his purple product, the gold-solution was in excess. The analyses are partly incorrect, for this reason, that if an excess of stannic salt is present, an excess of stannic oxide is precipitated; and if the stannous salt is in excess, the brown alloy of gold and tin mixes with the precipitate. The following are the principal theories which have been put forward regarding the composition of gold-purple:- I. It contains metallic gold rvith hydrated stannic oxide, (or, according to Buisson, with stannic oxychloride.)-1. The two substances are mechanically mixed ; the very finely divided gold is the coloring principle, and the stannic oxide assists by its interposition the development of the color, in the same manner as alum in the colors called lakes. (Buisson, Sarzeau.) | In that case, an excess of stannic oxide would merely weaken the purple color, but could not change it into violet; moreover, in lakes, the alum is chem- ically combined with the coloring principle. | 2. The gold is chemically combined with the stannic oxide. (Proust.) Gay-Lussac likewise supposes a combination by affinity, or at least by intimate adhesion.-II. The purple of Cassius contains oxidized gold. This view is the more probable of the two.-2. It contains protoxide of gold. Purple of Cassius, freed by potash from excess of stannic oxide, lias the com- position: AuO,3SnO24~5Aq. (see Calculation a.) This is PURPLE OF CASSIUS. 33 exactly the composition of the gold-purple obtained by boiling protoxide of gold with stannate of potash, or by immersing tin-foil in the solution of chloride of gold ; and the gold-purple analyzed by Berzelius contains exactly the double quantity of stannic acid = AuO,6SnO2-|-7Aq. (Figuier.) | 6Aq. is nearer; vide Calculation b ; but Figuier's view is in opposition to the observation made by Berzelius, that the purple gives off no oxygen when ignited.] Schweig- ger-Seidel (Seine. 65, 265) regards the purple of Cassius as stannate of aurous oxide and stannous oxide = SnO,3Sn()2 4-AuO, 2SnO2-|-6Ax.-2. The purple of Cassius contains a purple oxide of gold=AuO2, intermediate between the protoxide and teroxide. (Berzelius, Fuchs, Desmarest.) Tt is composed of Au02,2Sn303 (perhaps also with 4 At. water? see Calculation c.] This formula agrees with Oberkampf's analyses of the violet gold-purple. (Berzelius.) [But this is not the true gold-purple.] Its formula is : 2(SnO,Sn O2-j-AuO2,2SnO24-6Aq. (Calculation dd) Fuchs (Poggd) 27, 634.) The formation of gold-purple from a mixture of hydrochlorate of auric oxide and hydrochlorate of sesqui- oxide of tin would accordingly take place as follows : AuO3,3HCl+3(Sn2O3,3HCl=r2(SnO,Sno2)-|-AuO2,'2SnO2]4-1*2HCl Calculations according to the preceding hypotheses. At. Figuier, a. A t. Figuier, b. At. Berzelius, c. At. Eucli is, d. Au 1...199. 42-51.. .. 1...199 27-99...1 ...199... . 37-20.. . 1.. .199... 28-31 Sn 3...177. 37-82.. . 6...354. 49-79...4...236... 44-11.. . 6.. .354... 50-35 0.. 7... 56. 11-97.. .13...104. 14-62...8... 64... 11-96.. .12.. . 96... 13-66 no 4... 36. 7-70.. . 6... 54 7-60...4.. 36... . 6-73.. . 6.. . 54... 7'68 468. 100-00.. . ...711. 100-00 535.. .100-00.. .703... 100-00 Decomposition.-Purple of Cassius retains its water when heated above 100Q, but gives it up at a red heat, without at the same time emitting any permanent gas, and acquires a brick-red color. (Berzelius.) Aqua-regia dissolves out the gold from the ignited residue, leaving white stannic oxide. (Proust, Berzelius.) Hydrochloric acid has no action upon it. (Berzelius.) Berzelius regards ignited gold-purple as a mixture of gold and stannic oxide, inasmuch as, at a red heat, the red oxide of gold gives up its oxygen to the ses- quioxide of tin, and forms bioxide of tin: for an intimate 34 GOLD. mixture of oxide of gold with a large quantity of sulphate of potash likewise forms, when ignited, a red powder, from which water extracts the salt, and leaves metallic gold. According to Fuchs, the ignited purple is only to he regarded as de-hydratcd, for mercury does not dissolve gold from it; the affinity of the stannic acid for the red oxide of gold prevents the decomposition. Gold-purple fused with nitre yields stannate of potash and a white globule of an alloy of gold and tin. (Berzelius.) It is but slightly altered by red-hot fusion with bisulphate of potash. It likewise remains unaltered when fused with carbonate of potash, and does not expel carbonic acid from that salt. (Berzelius.) [This fact is in favor of Fuchs's theory, that ignited gold purple still contains stannic acid in the combined state.) Gold-purple is blackened by protochloride of tin and other deoxidizing liquids. (Desmarest, J. Pharm. 17, 219.) Aqua- regia extracts from the unignited purple all the gold, together with a small quantity of tin. leaving the greater part of the stannic oxide undissolved. (Proust.) This liquid dissolves the purple easily, at first with a violet color. (Buisson.) Hydrochloric acid acts upon it slowly, dissolv- ing up all the tin, after long boiling, in the form of bioxide, free from protoxide, and leaving all the gold in the metallic state. (Proust, Fuchs.) [This action favors the views of Fuchs and Berzelius, and is against that of Figuier.] Boil- ing nitric acid brightens the color of recently prepared gold- purple, and dissolves out some of the stannic oxide, together with a small quantity of auric oxide. (Proust.) Boiling dilute sulphuric acid likewise heightens the color, and ex- tracts a small quantity of stannic oxide. (Proust.) The purple while moist is not decomposed by long boiling with water, merely falling more quickly to the bottom. (Robi- quet.) Boiling potash has likewise no action on the moist purple. (Berzelius.) It dissolves out the excess of stannic oxide. (Figuier.) Mercury docs not extract gold from re- cently prepared gold-purple (Proust;) not even with the aid of heat or sunshine; neither does it dissolve gold out of the ignited purple. (Fuchs.) At temperatures between 100° and 150°, it dissolves out all the gold from the dried and PURPLE OF CASSIUS. 35 pulverized purple, and leaves stannic oxide. (Buisson.) At this temperature, the mercury may exert a reducing action on the red oxide of gold. (Berzelius.) Gold-purple fused with 4 parts of lead-oxide and 1 part of borax, yields a violet glass on the addition of a large quantity of boracic acid, and a red glass on the addition of a large quantity of hydrate of potash. Gold-purple, while yet moist, dissolves in aqueous am- monia, forming a deep purple-red liquid, from which the purple separates both on evaporation and on the addition of acids, but not on dilution with water, unless the quantity dissolved is excessive. (Proust.) After drying, the purple is no longer soluble. (Berzelius.) The solubility of the moist purple is also destroyed by allowing it to freeze. (Fuchs.) The purple obtained by treating the hydrated sesquioxide of tin with solution of chloride of gold (Fuchs,) and that produced on dissolving an alloy of gold, silver, and tin in nitric acid (Gay-Lussac,) are not soluble in ammonia, even while moist, the insolubility probably arising from their greater density. The solution when not completely saturated, is quite clear: but a perfectly saturated solution, though it appears dear by transmitted light, nevertheless exhibits some degree of turbidity when viewed by reflected light. The solution, when left in the dark for some weeks, becomes decolorized from above downwards, while gelatinous gold-purple, mixed with metallic gold falls to the bottom; on agitation, a red liquid is again obtained-which, how- ever, quickly deposits the purple again-and after a while, metallic gold is precipitated, the quantity continually increasing. When the ammoniacal solution is kept in a stop- pered bottle at temperatures between 60° and 80°, the pur- ple is more quickly deposited, and is not re-dissolved on agitation. On evaporating the solution at a gentle heat, the purple separates in the form of a jelly, no longer soluble in ammonia, but otherwise unaltered. (Berzelius, Lehrbuch.') The ammoniacal solution of gold-purple turns violet when exposed to light, and gradually deposits the whole of the gold in the metallic state, the transparent and colorless liquid containing ammonia free from stannous oxide. (Fuchs.)