June 30, 1966 From: Kenneth P. Liroff To: Adrian Kantrowitz, M.D. Subject: Pacemaker Study Dr. Kantrowitz: After four weeks of reviewing charts of Pacemaker patients in preparation for the study which will soon be undertaken by Dr. Levowitz and yourself, I have come to appreciate the considerable merit and importance of such a study. To date there have been approximately 130 Pacemaker patients having implants in this hospital with more than 225 admissions for Pacemaker related procedures. With the continuing technical advances and increasing experience in the management of such patients there is great evidence that Pacemaker procedures will continue to grow in importance, frequency and success. In view of all this, it is evident that the present study need not be abandoned after the initial publication. If you are entertaining the idea of subsequent follow-up papers on the same subject I strongly suggest that provisions for subsequent study be implemented now. I suggest that a "Pacemaker Admission Data Sheet" such as I am working on now be included in the work-up for every prospective Pacemaker implant patient. This should be completed at the time of the procedure by a staff member. This would insure that the necessary data be included at a time when it is most readily available, and naturally, obviate the necessity for hiring someone to review accumulated charts periodically. Respectfully, Kenneth P. Liroff