JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK., CHAIRMAN SUBCOMMITTEE: HENRY M. JACKSON, WASH. KARL E, MUNDT, S. DAK. FRED R. HARRIS, OKLA., CHAIRMAN SAM J. ERVIN, JR.,N.C. * CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR. JOHN L, MCCLELLAN, ARK, KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. ERNEST GRUENING, ALASKA JACOB K. JAVITS, N.Y. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. MILWARD L. SIMPSON, WYO. EDMUND S. MUSKIE, MAINE MILWARD L. SIMPSON, WYO. JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, N. MEX. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. FRED R. HARRIS, OKLA, STEVEN EBBIN, STAFF DIRECTOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY, N.Y. “J eo eat (nited States Senat JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, N. MEX. tle Ales emate JAMES R. CALLOWAY COMMITTEE ON °F CLERK AND STAFF DIRECTOR GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT RESEARCH (PURSUANT To S. RES. 218, 89TH CONGRESS) January 30, 1967 Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz Maimonides Hospital of Brooklyn 4802 10th Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11219 Dear Dr. Kantrowitz: Thank you very much for accepting the invitation of the Subcommittee on Government Research to testify on questions of the adequacy of federal institutions for biomedical development. The hearings will be held on February 28, March 1, 2, 3 and 16 at 10 a.m. in Room 3302 New Senate Office Building. You are scheduled to appear on Thursday, March 16, 1967. In addition to yourself and other witnesses from the private sector, several agencies of the federal government concerned with the health and welfare of our nation will also testify on their activities in the field of biomedical development and applications. Specifically, the questions the Subcommittee has posed for consideration are as follows: 1) Is there a need for additional attention by federal agencies in the field of biomedical development? 2) An evaluation of existing federal procedures for the establishment of research priorities and long-range plans in the field of biomedicine. 3) Are existing techniques for implementing plans and priorities adequate? If not, what suggestions do you have for improving them? 4) An evaluation of existing means of communications between the scientific community (research scientists, engineers, medical practitioners, and hospitals) and federal agencies concerned with biomedical research. Dr. Kantrowitz January 30, 1967 Page 2 5) Are new, or additional, federal institutions needed to further development and applications of biomedical know- ledge? T would appreciate receiving from you 75 copies of your prepared statement by March 9 so that we might have sufficient opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the details of your testimony and distribute other copies to the members and staff of the Subcommittee and to the press. I would also appreciate receiving a copy of your curriculum vita which I might place in the Record just prior to your testimony. I look forward to seeing you at that time and getting your best thoughts and comments on these most important questions. Should you have additional questions, please call Dr. Steven Ebbin, Staff Director of the Subcommittee, 202-225-2125, or Dr. Joe Meyer at 202-225-2168. Warm personal regards. Sincerely, FRED R. HARRIS Chairman FRH:hsf