7 April 1964 Dear Doctor Bunts: We are pleased to forward to you free of charge under separate cover the Avco Physiologic Stimulator. As you know, Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz of Maimonides Hospital has implanted an Avco Stimulator in several of his patients and we would like to suggest that you talk with Dr. Kantrowitz prior to your use of the Avco Stimulator. Dr. Kantrowitz will be happy to discuss his experiences with you as regards the choice of patient, data gathering and the installation of a small segment of polyethylene film used as an insulator. Enclosed with this letter is a paper entitled, "Technique for Implantation of the Avco Bladder Stimulator", authored by Adrian Kantrowitz which we hope will be of value to you. Also enclosed you will find three copies of a form release for execution by the patient, and/or the parent or guardian if the patient is a minor. We would prefere that someone other than the attending physician sign as the witness. This release is for the mutual protection of the hospital, the doctor, and Avco Corporation. Please return one executed copy of the release to my attention. Both we at the Avco Everett Research Laboratory and Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz will look forward to hearing of your results and will keep you informed of any new developments. If we can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to let us know. Sincerely, James P. Kennedy