7th March, 1966 Dear Michael, We were delighted to hear you may be in Australia in October-November. This is quite a pleasant time of year and I am quite certain that there will be many people eager to hear you speak. In Melbourne we have tentative arrangements on foot for a joint meeting of biochemists, microbiologists and pathologists and Gus. Nossal will arrange an Institute lecture. I shall discuss possibilities with the Academy of arranging, if you are agreeable, to have your Australian visit "sponsored" by the Academy. I must be quite frank that academic funds are not available at American levels and "sponsorship" would not mean much more than making small amounts available to assist in paying honoraria for lectures to Universities etc., in the various centres. My guess is that in one way or another we should be able to find $500-1,000 toward your expenses in Australia. I am no musician but I have passed on your other suggestion to those that are in touch with the musical world. I felt it would be best to write to you at once in this rather indefinite fashion and let you know later what arrangements we can make with the Academy and the various Universities. I hope that you and Mrs. Heidelberger will arrange to leave one evening free in Melbourne to have dinner with us. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, F. M. Burnet