February 28, 1966 Dear Sir Mac: As I wrote Derick Rowley some time ago and told Gus Nossal recently, my wife and I have for a long time thought of visiting Australia and New Zealand and now have begun to consider it seriously. Do you think a stay from about October 15 to November 15, 1966 would suffice for visits to most of the centers and sights of interest, and, more particularly, will you be in Melbourne at that time? I should be very grateful for your advice as to whether there might be sufficient interest in what I would have to say so that I could give occasional lectures or seminars. I could, for example, give an historical one on "the development of quantitative microchemical methods in immunology" and one or two, depending upon the audience, on "chemical constitution and immunological specificity," which should be of interest to organic chemists as well as biological scientists. My wife is a professional violinist and violist and I am an amateur clarinetist. We usually travel with our instruments and would be happy to play sonatas, trios, or quintets with able colleagues or resident musicians as we went along. Hoping, then, that next autumn might be a suitable time to visit you and my other colleagues in your region, and with cordial greetings, Sincerely,